#i need a minute or a thousand
incandescentflower · 2 years
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The look of a man who has finally been told he is wanted.
I think this show is seriously trying to take me out.
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t4t-dazai · 9 months
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i think im hilarious
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SECOND major Bird App news of the day!!!
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Alba and Kristina tied for first place in SpoilerTV’s Performer of the Year poll, and Kristina just posted this tagging Alba ✨💗✨
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fooltofancy · 21 days
needing to listen to new music that you haven't heard before is awful, who sanctioned this.
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bisexuallsokka · 2 years
do you have a list of all fundamental zukka fics?
oh god this is so hard because i think everything my mutuals have ever written is a fundamental zukka fic. however.
these are the ones i blog about the most/see a lot of posts about to the point that it would likely be confusing to be one of my followers and not at least know about them. like 96% of the time when i post about these people already know exactly what im talking about.
do you take this jerk to be (your one and only) by @jatersade
feels like we only go backwards by @oldpotatoe
and i'll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) by @goldrushzukka
Blue by @hollypunkers
breakable heaven by @farmeryushi
Real Enough to Get Me Through by @marriedzukka
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rideroftheoctocorn · 1 year
Maybe this is my “I’m from New York so I didn’t choose to live here I was just already here” kicking in but can we actually learn to respect people’s privacy and acknowledge the fact that not everyone who lives in a major city is doing so because they want to be famous or the main character or an influencer or whatnot. I’m so sick of seeing tiktoks go viral that are just plainly stalking or doxxing random people who didn’t ask for attention or fame and are just living their lives. Especially given how many people in NYC are living with a wide variety of mental states, abilities, divergencies, and diversities treating them as a spectacle for your entertainment is deeply dehumanizing. Particularly in the past few years seeing so many content creators move here and gain their fame here it is becoming increasingly frustrating to feel like just existing in my home is not coherent with the burgeoning voyeurism culture that’s growing online. I, nor anyone who lives in a large city, should have to leave their homes every day worrying about the potential of being recorded and ridiculed online for just being a person.
People should be able to live their lives with the right to privacy. This isn’t to say that certain instances of internet activism shouldn’t have happened; for instance the Central Park bird watching incident (google it if you aren’t familiar but a woman was being racist towards a black man bird watching in central Park and his recording on the incident vindicated him). But instances like those are the exception and not the rule and many cases of publishing interpersonal conflicts/interactions is not from good faith activism or even from an activist point at all. Honestly what sparked this for me was that dumb tiktok that blew up of that girl looking for the person who kept writing “monke” on the whiteboard at her gym and the series of videos she made amassed more than 25 million views as she made a very public game out of trying to find the identity of this person. Some of her tactics included staking out at the gym waiting for this person or even asking the employees at the front desk who the person was. Maybe this person didn’t want to be a viral tiktok sensation and just wanted to write something goofy on the whiteboard at their local gym. Instead, this person has millions of strangers online seeking them out using unethical/invasive methods. All over someone who just wanted to write “monke.” Can we not just be a little silly in public without being at risk of it being the next internet sensation? If you live in a busy metropolitan area is it now your responsibility to make yourself as invisible as you can every time you step outside your front door? I genuinely leave for work each day wondering if I’ve maybe picked the wrong outfit, makeup, or maybe there’s an embarrassing stain or issue with my appearance that someone is going to see, record, and share online. I’ve even now seen TikTok’s of people recording through peoples windows commenting on how they’re living in their private lives now as well (the video in question is of a young woman recording a couple dancing through their apartment window). Even the guy who goes around “turning average people into models” initiates these videos by first taking non-consented photos of strangers on the street. Invasion is not flattery as much as people on the internet might like to think it is.
It is deeply unfair to ask human beings to live their lives in an unending panopticon. We should be able to go outside, make a joke, leave a silly note, have a bad day, an embarrassing moment, an emotional outburst, leave the curtains open with the knowledge that these moments belong to ourselves and are not suddenly (and without our consent) just become something for the masses to consume. Small spats that should remain small spats become global debates, a conventionally attractive or unattractive person becomes the internet’s object of desire or disgust. Let people exist. Let them have their dignity.
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theinfinitedivides · 6 months
today on our monthly episode of my uterus is trying to f*cking kill me: it nearly succeeded
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kxllerblond · 4 months
"you helped him. why can't you help me? what makes me so different?" from az lmao
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Clark had come a long way with his hatred for demons. He still LOATHED them, but he'd matured enough to be able to discern that the crawling, agitating feeling he felt inch up his spine whenever Az spoke was very much an Az-specific thing and NOT necessarily a demon-specific ick.
The cambion doesn't bother to hide his disdain or his annoyance because he both knew it to be pointless and also because he simply couldn't be bothered to put in that much effort. His thumb traces the curved rim of his mug and he exhales-—long and tired as if he's already saddled with the fatigue from the conversation that had only just started.
❝ Because you don't need it. You are a reality-warping, mind-fucking, who knows what else practical-deity-—just in case you forgot. And, more importantly, I don't want to give it because I don't like you. ❞
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toothlespoggers · 7 months
So I was feeling kinda depressed since my blog kinda dies when I’m focusing on my health and irl life, and character development, writing and art takes a lot of time to create something impressive and coherent.
so since I need notes for my blog to stay alive while I work on stuff i thought I’d make a cool sans au to show everyone on tumblr so I get thousands of notes and really cool fanart and get featured in tiktoks and stuff with my character.
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Since this is all it takes to become famous in the undertale fandom I thought I’d just throw away all the research I’m doing and just go with what works yanno?
😳 maybe I’ll draw horny art of him next, that’ll reel in the notes.
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unopenablebox · 11 months
restless and bored :/
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vulpinesaint · 1 year
"how do you handle conflict with people you love" well that's very simple. i just very specifically pick people that i know i will never have any conflicts with ever and then if i do i either avoid it as if it didn't exist or end the relationship in my head entirely. no conflict to handle. very simple
#yes this is healthy. i prommy [ actively destroying relationships as we speak ]#is it really toxic if you just let a relationship fester in your mind while putting no emotional weight into it so it peters out 🙄#not even ghosting just like. i no longer initiate conversation. i no longer say i love you a thousand times.#i no longer put that emotional labor into our interactions.#if you had enough of an issue with losing that relationship with me you would try to fix it. and nobody has so far#^^^^^ hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate#anyway all of my dear beloved close people are people that i do not argue with because we're just good for each other. case closed#in my heart i believe i will never ever have something to argue over with miffy we're just too perfect for each other 👍#realistically we would resolve issues before they even started i can't see us arguing#realistically or emotionally. that shit would break my heart.#need more bitches with an anxious preoccupied attachment style in my life those mfers are the only ones that get me ‼️#(other people who are also scared to death of losing people and dislike conflict)#realistically i could work out any problems annelise and i have. but anytime we have an actual Issue to resolve#which is always SUPER minute honestly not even worth mentioning#it fucks me up for Days. and lives with me after.#not uh. not healthy but. dgjkfh that's what we're rocking wit#is anybody out there is anybody listening is anybody perceiving me#valentine notes#relationship posting
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true-bluesargent · 1 month
have i mentioned that i HATE GROUP PROJECTS what do you mean you don't know how to make a powerpoint. I KNOW THAT YOU DO
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ittybittybeastiebuddy · 6 months
Note to self, give friends permission to bully me into buying shit for myself After Christmas season has passed
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thelastattempt · 6 months
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Spotify wrapped has the unique ability to make me question my existence, whilst also validating my existence.
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cinna-bunnie · 2 months
didnt catch ur anon sesh but i can just tell u this normally, i love u and ur awesome and it makes me happy to see u on my dash or in my notes!!! 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 and ALSO as someone on the ace spectrum whos generally open to intimacy w friends, its always delightful to see my homies havin very similar views on such relationships <3
thank u angel i love you too ♡⁠ i also get happy to see u on my dash or notes. also obsessed over ur fursona 😶‍🌫️💕 your art style and choice of expression are really cute and Good
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ereh-emanresu-tresni · 2 months
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