#i need more evidence that the girl
stbot · 1 year
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til death do us part: think pink!
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hersweetrevenge · 5 months
corey commentary: the official making of h40 🎃🔪
honestly i feel like this book really helped me refocus my thoughts on corey and brought me back to basics for the first time in a while.
i've split this post into a few specific topics based on my own thoughts and the book details that i found most interesting. a lot of this i've talked about before but i'm bringing it back with evidence babyyy.
WARNING for suicide and suicidal ideation, murder, manipulation, mental health issues and crises, and passing mentions of child abuse.
corey's costume was developed in reverse (pg. 176), starting with his final look, the leather jacketed bad boy, and working backwards to the opening scene look, the good boy on his way to the sock hop.
i love that this was the process, i think that's so interesting from both a design and character perspective. taking him from what he became to what he was? it feels sort of like they were centring nostalgia in a way, starting with who corey became and then looking back to who he was (and who he will never be again). it kind of makes his downfall even more heart-breaking to me.
rohan mention's wearing coreys clothes in his real life and how no one even looked at him (pg. 184). in the commentary he also mentioned wearing corey's glasses a lot to get into the character mindset.
very interesting that we have tried and tested proof that corey can literally fade into the background and go unnoticed. it must be a combination of trying to be visually more plain but also a very quiet demeanour. but then you have the angle of corey being forced to reduce himself to as small and quiet and invisible impossible. i like the way corey both wants to be invisible (to avoid confrontation) but also desperately wants to be seen and heard and believed and understood by someone.
frame of mind/suicidal ideation
rohan mentions that there's an element of corey having not been able to kill himself before, because it was too hard to do, but looking into michael's eyes he realises he can just "call it quits" and let michael do it. then, after he is spared by michael, it gives him "permission" (pg. 198)
i think it makes a lot of sense though that michael letting him go is what tips corey over the edge, maybe reinforcing his own buried guilt (if michael let him go, he must be evil, right?) and making it feel a lot easier to make horrific choices (murder) while also making his emergency exit plan (suicide) feel easier too, if he wanted to.
corey being "tainted" by the shape because he's so close to being that anyway (pg. 172).
i don't personally believe in evil as an actual supernatural force in these movies, but corey is definitlel portrayed as more susceptible to michael's influence, even if michael does actuall demand anything of him.
i think @/slutforstabbings was the one who mentioned this to me. but when corey meets michael he is mentally and physically more susceptible to reacting irrationally in a very real-world sense. he has a history of abuse, experienced a major trauma (the accident), been under intense stress (the party), and had a recent head injury (the fall from the bridge and smacking his head in the sewer). these factors all contribute to a mental health crisis and drastic change in personality.
i feel like this confirms that corey was likely headed for (possibly another) breakdown in the future, but the events of the party/meeting michael just triggers it sooner.
emotional control
rohan mentions corey purposely doesn't feel anything since the accident (pg. 188).
this might have been my favourite detail that gets mentioned. i've always thought that corey's way of surviving post-accident was to just shutdown completely and switch off all his emotions. it's interesting to know that rohan was playing him that way.
and also a lot of the time when corey does feel strong emotions, they are turned in on himself to try and keep them private, like his anger at terry results in him hurting himself (accidently) with the milk bottle, or him regularly climbing over the bannister at the allen house but not being able to let go while during the day he thinks about some outward expression of rage through the blowtorch at the garage.
the mirror scene symbolises the first time corey feels in control (pg. 198).
i've written about this a lot before, but i very much agree that the mirror scene is a moment of processing both "what the fuck just happened?" but also "this is what control feels like". corey's whole breakdown, starting from killing nelson, is about regaining control over his own life, even if it means un-restraining himself and doing horrific things.
ryan turek (exec.) and paul logan (writer) specifically state how ends is essentially a revenge movie, with corey's kills start as revenge killings, but if he survived the kills would get more random (pg. 167).
i feel like this highlights the way that corey's connection with the shape is cut short, unlike michael who had it for decades. the shape (or the idea of it) lets corey get his revenge, but after that he could keep going, he'd pick up momentum and he wouldn't be slowing down.
this seems like this is pointing towards killing being corey's method of control rather than some more direct desire to kill.
he becomes "addicted" to violence and he knows it (pg. 191).
"addicted" is a super interesting word choice and i feel like it fits perfectly. corey starts with revenge, he has his reasons, but as time goes on he could find a reason for anyone if he wanted to.
if corey survived ends and got away, he'd be living his own life for the first time ever. i think there are a lot of things he'd over indulge in, and killing being an addiction plays heavily into that -- there would be nothing to tell him to stop.
high priest!corey
rohan specifically describes corey leading doug to the sewer as him bring michael a "sacrifice" (pg. 206).
vindication !! @/slutforstabbings once said to me, while we were talking about the ritualistic nature of corey and michael's relationship and killings, that corey replaces nelson as michael's high priest, as the person who brings the sacrifices and channels michael to the outside world.
rohan says that corey "plays" at being the shaking little boy again when he jump scares laurie while waiting outside for allyson (pg. 204).
i love this, because i fully believe corey thrives on manipulation. i think corey is fundamentally a good person anyway, but in dealing with joan he knows how to make himself inoffensive and agreeable, and i think he knows that that "character" is a safe bet to keep people happy.
and the novelisation confirms that this almost works !! laurie thinks he's just awkward and still upset from the night before. the thing that makes laurie doubt how genuine he is, is that she can see how he changes -- she can see the way he switches from one demeanour to another. proof right that he can play at being who he needs to be in the moment.
but then, by the time laurie shoots him, corey really is just a scared little boy who is in way over his head and unequipped for the situation he finds himself in (pg. 226).
corey is unprepared and unpractised -- he doesn't have the experience that michael has in bouncing back. he isn't michael. he's fucked up big time, his plan has fallen through, and he's backed himself into a corner. all the terrible things he's done, everything he's been through, the taste of control -- it's all for nothing is laurie can get the upper hand on him like this.
he's scared and out of his depth but he's dangerous, but corey ends the film the same way he starts it, in a situation he has no control over and with only himself to blame. only this time he's having the last word, he's going to do what he could before and he's going to take laurie down with him.
rohan said ronald is "the loveliest thing" in corey's life, and that the gesture of giving the motorbike is "beautiful [but] manly and detached" (pg. 182), which is a way more sympathetic view than i have.
this is a wayyy more sympathetic view of their relationship than i have. i do like this angle though, the idea that corey and ronald did have some sort of relationship but that neither of them can express it very well, that they're taking the stereotypically masculine route of small gestures and not a lot of words. which seems at odds with what corey really needed from the only male role model in his life, but it's kinda sweet that corey must like ronald enough for him to be a good part of his life, rather than just neutral.
maybe the takes about ronald being a good stepdad aren't wrong 👀
corey falls for allyson most deeply when he sees how she is on the edge just as much as he is (pg. 215).
this made me wonder if allyson and corey could have ever been together without the events of the movies? if they still met by chance, would they get along? would the attraction still be there?
their relationship is based on parasocial affection and shared similar traumas, there's a certain emotional intensity there that translates to them making rash decisions and commitments that i don't think they would otherwise.
joan's last words (in an even more extended death scene) are begging "michael" not to hurt corey (pg. 222).
joanne baron has talked about joan's motivations and perspective in some interviews, so this scenes lines up very well with what she's said previously. joan has never treated corey like a person, he's an object for her to control, but her two moments of concern for him (when he comes home the morning after the party and her death scene) come from a seemingly natural and genuine place.
also, the biggest factor that made me loose my mind over this: she doesn't know it's corey killing her. she begs this masked murderer not to kill her son, not know that it is her son beneath the mask 💀
she's begging someone not to hurt corey after years of being the one who has hurt corey. it's too late to turn back, it was always going to end like this, but can you imagine what went through corey's mind in that moment? that his momma wanted him to be safe but never made him feel safe when she had the chance.
me whenever there is a direct quote from rohan in this book:
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spheroz · 25 days
I LIVE for country boys getting goth girlfriend/boyfriend! You don’t underSTAND. NICO AND WILL. Will is a country as muderfocker!!! And Nico is his goth girlfriend!! JON KENT! Country bumpkin!!! Damian is his goth boyfriend!!!!!(I will take no criticism btw. I know Damian isn’t really ‘goth’ (Nico isn’t entirely either he’s just emo) but it’s the premise!!!!) LIKE THEY ATENT GOTH, BUT THEY COULD BE!!! AND THEN MR YEE HAW OVER THERE IS ALL LIKE “…Save a horse 🤨, Ride a cowboy 😏” and LIKE YEHA :3! I KNOW THERE ARE OTHER EXAMPLES!!! BUT RAHHH
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problemswithbooks · 1 year
The main reason I hate Toga's character more than the other LoV is mainly because Hori tried to late and to shallowly to make her sympathetic. It's gotten to the point that the things that we are told make her sympathetic are vague at best and how she reacts is to brainless to make sense.
The main thing I see people say about Toga and her character is that she just wants to be accepted for who she is. She's freaking out now because she didn't want to destroy the world she just wanted an easier life. Yet if she wants to live she has to pick a side and only the villains would accept her.
The problem is that we never actually see Toga rejected due to her Quirk except by her parents, who seem less upset by her Quirk and more for her exceptionally high drive to obtain blood. They don't say her Quirk is gross, instead they tell her to stop killing birds and smiling about about it. It's less about her having a blood Quirk and more about her actions.
The same can be said for everyone else. Hori doesn't tell us one way of another if the kids at school knew about Toga's Quirk or not, but given Quirks are registered, kids like to brag, and being Quirkless is just as ostracizing it seems likely they did. But even if they didn't, they didn't turn on Toga because of her Quirk, they were instead rightfully freaked out that she attacked another kid out of nowhere, jammed a straw in his neck and blushed like she was getting off to it before fleeing.
Ochako, Izuku, and Tsyu don't comment on her Quirk being gross. The Heroes don't either (to my memory). Instead they react to Toga's actions, the things she herself does of her own volition. Ochako doesn't reject Toga because she's just to brainwashed to understand Toga might be sad but instead because Toga lures her away from saving civilians that are in-part in danger and dying because of Toga's choices, by killing a old woman. Than instead of telling Ochako about Jin's death or even acting any different than she always does, she tackles her with a knife, trying to kill her with a smile.
Ochako never says she hates Toga because of her Quirk, or that she was always going to be a villains because of it. Instead Ochako just tells her that if the way Toga wants to live is to threaten people than she has to be willing to accept the consequences of those actions.
The thing is, if Toga's goal was always to live an easier life, what does that even mean? Considering how badly she takes reasonable rejection, it really feels like her ideal world would be one where she could suck the blood of anyone she saw as cute and they'd have no right to tell her no.
When Shigaraki said he wouldn't destroy what was precious to her did she think that he'd gift her Izuku and Ochako to keep as forced blood bags for her to use whenever she wanted? Or did she just think that if Shigaraki beat the Heroes her crushes would fall at her feet and beg her to suck their blood?
Why is Toga freaking out now? Because she doesn't like AfO? Did she not understand when Shigaraki leveled the first city, that he meant what he said about destroying everything? Did she truly not think the Heroes would fight against them, meaning they'd all have to die for them to get an 'easy' life?
Again, she was never rejected for zero reason. She legitimately hunted people like they were animals and because of Hori coding her desire for blood as sexual she comes across as kind of an incel, who thinks people should just be forced to give her what she wants. Her freaking out now feels less "she didn't really want to hurt anyone" and more "she definitely wants to hurt people, but not this many people" or even "local girl to stupid to realize that 'kill all humans party' actually wanted to kill all humans".
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llycaons · 6 days
'jiang cheng would like a strong woman' have you considered she would probably not like him
#if a woman who demands to be treated by respect/maturity/communication meets jc it would be over before it begins#if she has a low tolerance for being yelled at mocked etc. etc. well you can see how short it'll be. even personalized gifts he failed at#he has so much to work on. the only exception is if she likes hot messes I guess and she doesn't mind being yelled at#OR if she wanted to study him like a bug. if she truly sweeps in take control of LP and starts issuing orders#AND likes jc for whatever reason. maybe THAT could work. but it HAS to be a good reason it cannot be 🥺🥺🥺 he had a sad life#or thinks his inability to communicate is sexy or whatever. man idk. I feel like any woman with the independence to choose#would see the red flags immediately and gtfo. as a sect leader he has so much authority. his wife wld possibly bein a rly dangerous positio#actually we have canonical evidence. hi wq. in a lifetime of being legendary your refusal to marry this guy#even tho it meant you'd die a starving enemy of the state is up there as one of the best <3 rest in peace#and yes living a short happy life with wn and granny and a-yuan and wwx and her family#WAS more gratifying and better for her than a long and probably miserable life being jc's obligation wife while he awkwardly does his best#to be a good husband. and fails. because I mean. he needs help and a wife is not gonna fix him. also her family and wwx are dead :/#however our girl made her choice and was spared that fate love and light rest in peace#not that she made it for herself like we know she did it for her family. but I imagine she was like WHEW dodged a bullet there#cql txp
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300iqprower · 10 months
I wonder how Seijin Takenoko (Suzuka Gozen's writer) and Hiroshi Hiroyama (Chloe's writer) feel when Nasu write their Servants? Takeneko is definitely isn't happy about this at all
Oh you mean you're saying the guy who wrote Suzuka to be this insanely tragic story of love and sacrifice doesn't like that FGO has slowly been flanderizing her more and more until going from a fairly well written if unmeaningful role in Seraph allllllll the way to the point of becoming nothing more than high schooler fetishbait like we only ever see now? The original writer of Foxtail doesn't like that?
I'm shocked, really.
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akkivee · 11 months
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hitoya likes people who are bad at thinking and i assume that’s because it’s easier to steamroll over them to get his desired result and i wish we got to see that side of him more often lol
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meyhew · 8 months
listening to israeli spokespeople is so fucking mind numbing they’re all out there regurgitating the same lies a thousand times a day looking foolish as fuck and the kicker is. the real gag is the number of people falling for the lies just because someone who looks white is saying them
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lousyboris · 2 years
out of curiosity, is there an instance of Mike explicitly stating that another girl (besides El) is cute/pretty/whatever in the entire show? Lucas, Dustin, Steve, and even Robin are all shown to have interest in girls/women and are all shown talking about “hot girls” that aren’t their respective love interests at some point or other. But for the life of me I can’t remember a single scene where Mike refers to a girl as “hot” or beautiful, or anything, outside of El.
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microsuedemouse · 10 months
teenage girls who giggle when they’re self-conscious are some of the absolute most charming human beings on the entire fucking planet
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flummoxisafunnyword · 9 months
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cliffburton · 1 year
i need to play bass live NOW
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strawberrybabydog · 2 years
every1... i have moved onto learning pronouns in ukrainian. she and he exist, and so does they, which is вони (vony) and it sounds very cool to me. she is вона (vona) and he is він (vin.) unsure if вони can be used as singular but I Not Care ♡
also theyve now introduced feminine and masculine possessive (моя/мїи) and i dont like ukrainian anymore. please please i hated learning french for this exact reason... why is chair a girl.... WHY.
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primordyalsoul · 2 years
brb going nuts trying figure out what soul is in Rei’s eva
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scranbatteries · 25 days
my favourite thing is remembering you have to do a thing like less than a day before you have to get it done by and to be honest you cant be bothered but you have to anyway
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sttoru · 2 months
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⠀ 𝝑𝑒 ⠀⠀ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. your bestfriend, satoru, sends your cheating boyfriend a rather explicit video of the two of you as revenge.
tags. best friend!gojo satoru x female reader. smut, pwp. dōggy style. dirty talk. crēampie. reader gets called ‘pretty, angel, baby’. cheating. consensual fīlming. anon req.
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“mmshiit, should’ve fucked you long time ago,” satoru hisses, his hips stuttering against the plump flesh of your ass. he’s unable to stop himself now that he’s got his pretty best friend underneath him—in a sinful position he has only had wet dreams of.
one moment you’re crying because of your cheating boyfriend and the next you’re getting your guts rearranged by your bestfriend who comforted you through it all.
your mascara stains satoru’s pillow, your drool doing the exact same. you’re acting like a total slut for his cock, mewling for him to give you more, to give it to you faster and harder. all of which is caught on tape.
“yeah? want more, baby?” satoru coos as he holds up your phone with one hand. his other one is gripping the side of your hip—keeping your ass perked up so he can continue hitting that right spot inside of your greedy cunt. the white-haired man snickers behind the camera, “c’mon—tell your boyfriend just how much y’ need your best friend’s cock.”
you know satoru’s filming himself hitting it from the back. it’s nasty, but it only serves to excite you. you know your ‘boyfriend’ will be enraged once he receives the erotic video from you. he’s never liked satoru neither, always preventing you two from meeting each other. which was a red flag by itself.
you’ll show that hypocritical bastard.
“need more, ‘toru, please—” you babble, your voice muffled by the pillow. your body jerks with each hard thrust. every move is made with precision, with the intention of pleasuring you until your insides remember the shape of his dick only, “fuckk, ‘tis too big.”
satoru grins smugly. you’re basically admitting that he’s way bigger than that excuse of a man you’re dating. his ego gets a huge boost and it shows when he drives his throbbing cock deeper into your tight cunt.
“awwh, i know, but i bet my sweet girl can take it,” your best friend encourages you through a raspy voice. the fact that he called you his ‘sweet girl’ drives you insane. your pussy squeezes around his cock in response.
satoru’s eyes nearly roll back from the way you’re gripping him. he moves his other hand around your hips until his fingertips find your clitoris. he over stimulates you until you’re crying of pleasure.
you end up clenching around his fat dick even more. it feels like you’re trying to snap his cock in half with how much you’re sucking him in. there’s not a chance of it slipping out of you.
satoru moans loudly without any shame, letting both you and your boyfriend - who’d watch the video later - know how much he enjoys pounding your cunt like it’s actually his; “y’re so fucking tight. you sure your boyfriend’s been fucking you?”
you feel embarrassed by how much you’re enjoying his dirty talk. satoru’s drilling his cock into you so well to the point that you’ve forgotten all about the intimacy you shared with your cheating boyfriend. it was nothing compared to how satoru is treating you right this moment.
the white-haired man continues, still not believing that he’s finally living out his dreams. your body is heaven to him. satoru can’t help but whimper at the feeling your pussy sucking him in so desperately, “feels like your pussy hasn’t had any dick in a good while.”
the way you’re basically screaming into the pillow is enough evidence to confirm that your boyfriend has never fucked you properly at all. that delicious arch of your back, that ass of yours bouncing back on his pelvis in circles. . . satoru just knows it.
you hiccup and try to speak. you know your boyfriend is going to see the video and that only drives you to be more vocal than you already are. you’re going to get revenge and you’re going to make it as painful as possible.
“y-yeah,” you agree with satoru’s words. your words are basically slurred—too cockdrunk to properly talk. you lift your head up for a second to breathe and continue your whiny babbling between moans, “he’s n-never fucked me as well as you—ngh!”
your voice is perfect. everything about you is. satoru isn’t sure if he’ll even last long like this. he wants to claim you as his girl already. he wants to thrust his cum as deep as he can inside of you so you’ll only think of him.
“poor, poor baby,” satoru pouts and rubs your ass gently as he watches it bounce back at him with every thrust. the view is hypnotising. he cannot grasp the fact that your boyfriend fumbled such an amazing girl like you, “it’s okay. i’ll make it up to ya, mhm? i’ll treat you like a real man would.”
you nod and whimper in agreement, which gives satoru the green light. you’re going to be his at the end of this session. he’s going to claim you as his—finally—after all those years.
you feel yourself start to tremble. you feel tingly all over and your moans are getting louder. the curve in satoru’s dick is making your mind go blank. it makes his tip hit the deepest spots inside you, the right spots. you’re desperately searching for that sweet release.
“aht, aht, angel,” satoru clicks his tongue whilst deepening the arch of your back. his fingers trace the shape of your spine, feeling you shiver from the touch as he pounds you silly. “hold it in, yeah? need you to cum for me when i do. wanna fill this cunt to the brim.”
you try to hold on the best you can. after a couple more thrusts, satoru’s breath turns shaky and his noises turn into whimpers—a sign that he’s on the edge, “fuck fuck fuck fuck! baby- ‘m gnna cum!”
you gasp and your body spasms and squirms as you reach your climax at the exact same time. you feel your cunt being flood with spurts of semen. it’s so much—as if satoru’s been storing all of it just for you.
“there there. such a good girl,” satoru sighs and pulls out of you after making sure that you’ve settled down. he takes his dick out as slowly as possible, pointing the camera right at the lewd sight. his entire length is coated with a mixture of your slick and his white cum.
you shiver at the feeling of being left empty. satoru soothes you by pushing his cum back into your pussy with two long fingers. he films the entire process, focusing on your stuffed hole for a few seconds before putting the phone up.
satoru points the back camera at the both of you, getting the entire view of the messy bed. he grins and puts a peace sign up—ending the video with a mocking yet cold smile that’s directed to the man who’s going to be watching this video soon, “should’ve treated her better.”
oh, your boyfriend is going to be fuming. deserved..
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