#i need the goddamm control
tardis--dreams · 1 year
"No queuing is allowed in front of the entrance nor in the streets around the venue"- trinity college's concert rules are my new villain origin story
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friglounge · 7 months
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mawika · 5 months
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Sometimes my old hiperfocus fanartist comes back and takes control of my body....its rare but it happens.... (I swear its been like years since I've even a small fanart I only draw comms and ocs now)
BTW ITS NOT MY FAULT DEMETRIUS IS LEGIT SO ME DURING THE SAME PERIOD IN SCHOOL + he has like the hairstyle that is MY GODDAMM WEAKNESS (Its my mom fault we are watching spy x family together and I read the manga again....)
Anyway 15min sketch I need more content of him and the desmonds they are the best (and damianya of course)
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zalrb · 2 months
Anon-Requested Love Island USA Review - Episode 2 (out of, like, 7 million)
"WHY DID SHE PICK ME?" because you're on a reality show and they need a villain, Rob, or the snake who controls you, use your head.
"I'm with Coye. He's 6'8." LMAO why does she say that like it's his profession?
Coye: Oh, I am NOT worried about these two dudes. All the other men: well you wouldn't be, would you?
"They can bring HERCULES in this motherfucker", Coye, Hercules probably has a personality outside of his height, shut up.
Seeing him humbled would be fun ngl.
Rob is just sitting there having a full out existential crisis
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and it's HILARIOUS.
When did rizz become synonymous with obnoxiousness?
LMAO all of you - except Rob, I guess- were about to risk it all for Liv, you can't get pissy when your ladies will do the same for the other AI-generated looking men.
Connor's eyes freak me out.
"So tell me now, if it's a no." "Well, it's not a no." Really, Rob because you look like you hate her.
"I really wouldn't choose someone if I didn't think something was there" you would for the plot. It's literally the point of you.
Rob: If I take three deep breaths then I will forget all about Leah.
Btw, I think Kendall looks like an Aaron and I have to remind myself that his name is Kendall, which means, inevitably, there will be a time where I say Aaron and I mean Kendall.
"I thought it was a little mean." I'm sorry that the person who came into the show to stir shit up stirred shit up.
"Yo bro, did you get that [shirt] extra small??" Aaron (actually Aaron) you were READY for Liv to pick you, shut UP.
"Sir, you're 5'5 sit the fuck down." I love how tall men really have no personalities outside of their height. It is amazing.
Why are they acting as if going to the gym is a novelty amongst this group of people? "No way, you're a gym rat too?" OBVIOUSLY???
Kaylor's voice is just ... a lot.
"I didn't expect us to have so much in common." The gym and sushi?
Hakeem gets on my goddamm NERVES. Him and Kendall. Trying way too hard to seem like they're not trying too hard.
"Oh you work out everyday?" "Yeah, I, like, love working out." Another unique connection.
Kaylor: Connor is husband material. I have decided this after one conversation.
"You look like you've never had a carb in your life." "I have carbs ALL the time. I just had *a* cookie." Alright.
The two endangered species blondes are bonding!
Hakeem: Are you naked? *pulls covers to see more clearly* I mean, do you want him to be?
I just feel like one season of Love Island has to have a pair of the ladies or a pair of the guys pairing off and fucking up the whole thing.
"What kind of women do you usually go for?" Hakeem: NON-BLACK WOMEN.
Rob: "I'm going to make avocado toast for both of my girlfriends. This is a good idea, right?" Kendall: .... .... ... ... .... .... .... ............ ...... it's a GOOD idea. L M A O. He wants the drama.
Rob: It's just .... nice, though... Kendall: Oh yeah, sure. Sure.
"I want to be completely honest with both of you going forward."
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But will you be?
Rob: I like animals Liv: Boring. I sometimes like to be the centre of attention. Rob: Ew. You like Ed Sheeran?? Basic. Liv: Who even is this artist you listen to? Lmao.
I swear to god, every time Hakeem speaks I'm forwarding.
Can you bench me? NO YOU CAN'T. Lmao, nice. I've done that. "Oh, you can't pick me up, please" *acts surprised when I am indeed picked up*
STUPID, BLOODY MR. MUSCLES OVER HERE DOING PRESS-UPS WITH MY FUTURE WIFE. a) this is hilarious b) She wasn't your future wife when you thought you had a chance with Liv.
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Obviously, I haven't kissed her ... outside of the challenge. Kordell looks like he needs a juice box and a packed lunch and should be sent off to daycare. Why are you here with these grown people?
"Should I step in?" "STEP IN." "Uh...." "It's not gonna kill you to go step in." "Is that a dick thing to do." "GET YOUR ASS UP." Lmao the men are always the instigators. Messy ass bitches.
I don't know how anyone can trust Connor with those eyes.
It took Rob way too long to talk to Leah.
"We have absolutely nothing in common. It was flirty but it wasn't, like, spark-y" sure, did you have that conversation with Liv, though? Mr. Honesty?
When I give you the signal, meet me at the dock. L M A O. OK, Mr. Honesty.
"It's, like, a little mini date?" You went to the other side of the villa and sat on a bench, please.
I trust Rob. BRAVE.
OK it's done.
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star-critter · 1 year
Take away the context of this video, and so many of these words become incorrect Mimic quotes.
Here, I'll show you :
Mimic : If men find out that we can rearrange the bones of our faces, we're finished. We MiGhT aS wElL pAcK oUr BaGs AnD gO tO tHe NeThErLy BECAUSE THERE WILL BE NOTHING LEFT FOR US HERE!
Mimic : I must warn you, the transition from beginning to end might be startling.
Mimic : If the men find out, we can shapeshift they're going to tell the church.
Mimic : You want to look like a pterodactyl. Men love pterodactyls. *(Screeches)*
Mimic : Who needs air when I have another man's money?
Mimic : Look at me, I'm turning into a completely diffrent person.
Mimic : Who wants to give me their money?
Mimic : Ready to take some fucking souls AND RUIN SOME GODDAMM LIVES!
Mimic : I look like a completely diffrent person.
Mimic : I have shapeshifted!
Mimic : Men will die tonight.
Mimic : What a fucking disguise this is!
I apologize for how cursed or out of character this is. Mimic is just a chaotic gay shapeshifter with little to no impulse control.
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Like seriously my mom's pissing me off because I was pacing aka a stim because I wanted to and she's like omg your so nosy go to sleep NO one wants to hear you talk about your weird fucking girl crush while dating some other man No ONE WANTA IN THEIR FUCKING LIVES WHY CAN YOU GET THAT??? THEN SHES LIKE OMG PEOPLE WANT TO RUN MY LIFE LIKE NO YOUR RUINING MINE MINE WHAT YOU DO AFFECTS ME IT AFFECTS ME why can't people just stay how why do you struggle to not smoke weed with your friends talking about hot boys like your 10 I'm more mature then you and I have 20 less years if not less of experience in this God forsaken world and I'm still more mature then you I'm so tired so fucking tired o everything she leaves gonna come back 0egnant but no one can understand MY fears because they don't get what I'm put through every day but I can't talk about this with her because she's like erm well its my body and you don't control my life your life affects mine you don't know how this makes me feel I have never in my life had anyone there for me then your out here trying to have kids with a new man no one likes we even said we where uncomfortable with him and then get mad when I'm apposed to this idea because it fucking disgusts me how you want to restart your life after tellijngyoir kids you want to kill yourself and you didn't want kids but when its w8th a man we hate its ok this doesn't make sense its a rant its going to stay a rant I can't take this shit makes me want to die I'm all for woman have rights to their own body believe me but please think before you do something think about ME (not yall keep doing your thing talking about my mom) before you do stupid sit because I'm stuck with ever lasting trauma I forced not to talk about like aways and its ruining my goddamm life every day it hurts to right this it huts to think about it but I can't say anything or she's going to yell at me for even brinig it up and I can't talk to a therapist because I can't have one anymore because supposedly it doesn't help you and you just need to work out like no I'm depressed and I don't want to be here anymore because of you
Also rant over have a cat
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thrandilf · 8 months
I'm still getting the hang of shopping for Literally just me because I'm used to having family or even having room mates who share some food but me and my room mates now don't share anything which I think is for the best. However. I do not control the rate at which produce expires
Was left with no good lettuce and a stray still good tomato so I could probably have made a sandwich with the tomato but I was just like. I just need to eat this goddamm tomato before it is lost to time as well so I stood there and ate the whole thing like it was an apple swearing to eat it With other things and commit to it the very day I go shopping next time and that's where I'm at in life
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fanimesenseiwrites · 4 years
Things the MC would bring back to their demon bois from the mortal realm:
MC goes to second hand stores and vintage shops always on the look out for vinyl records that they think Lucifer would like.
Most of the time they try and bring back stuff he'd actually like, such as Tchaikovsky or Vivaldi
Once, they brought back Stravinsky's Firebird Suite and Lucifer wouldn't stop kissing them (once they were in the privacy of his room of course)
Sometimes the MC will bring back more modern music just because it makes them think of him
"I dunno, I just listen to Hozier and think of you"
Lucifer doesn't like all the modern music they bring back but he appreciates the sentiment just the same
Then there's the gag gifts...
Any kind of music that has a reference to the devil or Satan or hell is fair game
These gifts usually elicit an eye roll from the eldest brother but he keeps them all the same
This is why Lucifer owns a copy of "The Devil Went Down To Georgia"
So when MC brings back a copy of Giuseppe Tartini's Violin Sonata in G minor, they're a little surprised at Lucifer's delighted reaction
"You know, I was the one who visited Tartini in his dreams."
MC's mind = blown.
"Also, this copy is cursed. I know you know how much I enjoy cursed vinyls."
"I- wait... What?!"
MC is very upset that they had a cursed vinyl in their possession this whole time
This boy loves stuff, and he loves MC, so he's gonna love any gift really
But MC knows he loves treasure and jewels and as much as they'd love to just bring him back nice watches and jewelery...
So MC settles for semi-precious stones instead
They always find fun and beautiful stones at museums and those metaphysical stores and they always pick out one that reminds them of Mammon
They're really nervous when they give him his first gift
"Hey, I got this for you and I know it's not fancy or expensive but I saw it and thought of you and I just wanted you to have it."
Mammon will love them until they die. He is really just so touched that MC thought of him. He'll try and play it cool though
He totally fails. MC won't tell him that though
MC brings him Lapis Lazuli and tells him it reminded them of his eyes and Mammon is now a puddle of lovesick goo on the floor
Mammon puts more shelves in his room dedicated to all the gifts MC gives him
One time MC brings him back some fool's gold in a teeny little jar on a chain, so that he can wear it
"Fool's gold? Why cuz I'm a fool?" Mammon asks with a roll of his eyes.
"What? No, cuz I'm a fool for you."
Mammon only love MC until they die? WRONG.
He's gonna love them forever now
He was gonna do that anyways
C'mon, this boy is easy. Anime/manga stuff and TSL. Need I say more?
At first he'll be suspicious of MC wanting to give him gifts, but once they've convinced him that they're doing it out of the kindness of their heart he's really touched
The first thing the MC brings him is a pen with a little Ruri-Chan on the end of it
"I know it's not much, but I just happened to see it and I knew you'd like it"
Like it??????
He's never seen anything like this in the Devildom and he doesn't think about the small stuff usually because he's too busy trying to get the big collectors edition items. So he actually really loves this.
MC continues to bring him cute small stuff like buttons and keychains and Levi loves them all.
His favorite item(s) that MC brought him is a pair of Lord of Shadows and Henry BFF enamel pins
He definitely tackle hugged MC when he got them
He gives the Lord of Shadows pin back to MC so they can each have one and show off their BFF status with them
MC loves going to second-hand bookstores to shop for Satan.
Satan also appreciates new books, but there's something special about how his face lights up when he finds something old or rare. Anything with a little bit of history to it.
Of course, finding rare books for not a lot of money is a rare event in itself
So a safe bet is to bring Satan non-fiction, the boy loves to learn
But he really loves it when MC puts thought into finding fiction books that he would like
"I just really feel like you'd like Dean Koontz so I brought you one of my favorites by him."
Satan loves those gifts the most because he can talk to MC about the books afterwards
Satan's absolute favourite gift is a leather bound copy of Arabian Nights though
"I was thinking we could read this one together"
"Like you read it to me and pretend to be Scheherazade?" Satan suggests.
MC is flustered at the connotation of the suggestion but agrees anyways
The time they spend together reading that story will forever be one of Satan's favorite memories
He's a little harder to shop for than the MC had originally imagined
They tried bringing him make-up and skin care, which Asmo always graciously accepted, but he never seemed super excited about the gifts
But what else is to be expected from the guy who already uses only the best products?
MC suddenly gets an idea when they send Asmo a selfie of them at the park
- OMG! You're so cute! And the background is pretty too!-
MC starts dressing up and going to nice and beautiful places just with the intention of taking pictures
Botanical Gardens, museums, downtown skylines, anything that would make for a good picture
MC goes full on aesthetic art hoe just for Asmo
Only the best pictures get sent to Asmo
Asmo is LIVING for the looks their MC is serving up
- You are absolutely STUNNING! I'm in awe at these AMAZING pictures-
MC makes a scrapbook of the best pictures to give to Asmo the next time they see him
Asmo loves it and keeps it on display in his room always
Also, Asmo definitely makes MC their personal photographer after seeing the wonderful shots they took
Obviously, the boy loves food. He's always down to try new snacks from the mortal realm.
But MC wonders if there's something better that they could bring him
One day MC is at GNC for supplements for themself when they notice the workout supplements and get an idea
They grab some fun flavored protein powder and some BCAAs and a really nice shaker bottle just for Beel
Beel is actually really excited to get these gifts!
The Devildom doesn't have fun flavors of protein powder and the shaker bottle is such a great idea!
MC always brings new flavors of protein back for Beel, doing their best to find the weirdest flavors for him to try
Beel's favorite is definitely Birthday Cake.
MC starts bringing him new stuff to try too, protein bars, recovery supplements, collagen, and superfoods shakes
Beel tries everything and tells MC what their favorites are
"I love the BCAAs, I just wish the Devildom had them..." *sad Beel noises*
MC may or may not talk to Diavolo about researching BCAAs and getting them produced and sold in the Devildom
The supplements MC brings actually help Beel with his workouts and to control his hunger (a little)
Beel actually gets hotter??? Who knew that was possible???
MC definitely takes advantage of Beel's new 8-pack 😏😏😏
What do you get the boy who only wants to sleep?
MC has gotten him stuffed animals and blankets and even a couple of nice pillows, but nothing seems to excite him
... but maybe that's just his personality??
It's not until MC accidentally leaves a sweater in the Devildom, that they figure it out
- You left your sweater down here- Belphie texts MC.
- Oh no, I'll just get when I come to visit y'all again-
- That's fine. I like having something that smells like you-
And the light bulb went off in MC's head.
Every time MC goes to visit they leave a shirt or sweater behind for Belphie, so that he can have something that smells like them.
Belphie loves how MC smells, its like a sweet dream all the time. It helps him sleep better when they're gone.
Belphie starts to complain when MC is gone longer than the item they left smells like them
(Which is every time)
So MC will start leaving Belphie more than one item, packing them in airtight bags so he can use them one after another until they return
Belphie can and will fight anyone who tries to take MC's clothing
"Mammon, you have two seconds to put that sweater back or I will kill you."
And Lucifer probably won't stop him
He's honestly the easiest to please.
He's so fascinated with any thing that humans do that he'll enjoy any gift from the human world.
MC's first gift to him is a rubber duck.
"The duck is wearing a crown so it made me think of you and I just thought it was cute."
"I love it! What's its purpose?"
"Uh... to float around in the bathtub with you and look cute?"
"Isn't that what you're for?"
Diavolo loves the rubber duck so much it gets his own silk pillow to rest on when it's not taking a bath with Diavolo.
MC brings him cute pens, and keychains sometimes bottles of wine if the bottle is cute.
"The bottle is shaped like a cat! Isn't that delightful?!"
MC's proudest moment was when they found a full and intact tea set at the thrift store
Diavolo immediately fell in love with it.
He insists on only using that set when having tea with MC
But his favorite gift will always be the rubber duck.
He'll insist that he doesn't need any gifts but that won't stop the MC.
MC is with him in the kitchen in the Demon Lord's Palace when they get an idea.
Barbatos works so hard, he deserves some things to make his life easier and liven up the bland kitchen
MC's first gift is a vegetable spiralizer.
"You use it to turn zucchini and squash and the like into noodles so that you can do fun stuff with vegetables!"
Barbatos accepts it graciously, but he'll probably never use it.
MC brings him spices from the mortal realm and Barbatos actually really loves those.
When MC brings him a food processor, he offers to cook for them right then and there
Despite all the weird gadgets MC ends up bringing him, and there are plenty out there, Barbatos's favorite is a ladle that looks like a stegosaurus.
It's far more whimsical than anything he would've ever picked out, and he'll never use it, but only because he's afraid of ruining it, not because he doesn't love it.
At some point, Barbatos does ask MC to stop bringing him kitchen gadgets
"Why? Do you not like them?" MC asks with a pout.
"I appreciate all of them, but I have everything I need when you're in the kitchen with me."
If MC wasn't already in love with him they are now
Smooth bastard just doesn't want anymore shit in his kitchen
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maanae · 3 years
SAO x Miraculous x DC
Triple crossover, help
(aka Kirito and Asuna need hugs and I threw in Damian and Marinette to help them. They're the babysitters yeah. And moral support. (lmao Damian a moral support, he grown up so much)
Vocabulary I can think of now:
IRL is In Real Life
PK in Player Killer
Beta is a first limited release of the game and later is the nickname of the players who were in it.
Green player: a regular player
Orange player: a player who killed another one
Clearers: the players who are on the front line and battle with the Boss(es?) of each floor, it's thanks to them that they can keep going up the floors
Solo: someone who isn't in a guild
Guild: a official team of players
The context:
⇒ In 2022, a virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game (VRMMORPG) called Sword Art Online (SAO) is released. With the NerveGear, a helmet that stimulates the user's five senses via their brain, players can experience and control their in-game characters with their minds. Both the game and the NerveGear were created by Akihiko Kayaba. On November 6, 10,000 players log into SAO's mainframe cyberspace for the first time, only to discover that they are unable to log out. Kayaba appears and tells the players that they must beat all 100 floors of Aincrad, a steel castle which is the setting of SAO if they wish to be free. He also states that those who suffer in-game deaths or forcibly remove the NerveGear out-of-game will suffer real-life deaths. {thanks wikipedia summary}
⇒ Marinette, 20 ans, go to Japan with Adrien and they get a NerveGear. T'was not a good idea. (Adrien wanted to test it after her. Well, not anymore.)
⇒ Damien, 19 ans, is one of the 800 beta of the game because Wayne Entreprise is a sponsor of Kayaba Akihiko (they sponsor searches for a therapeutic use too), and of course he is one of the 10 000 players when the game is officially launch (because they'll make goddamm sure to monitor the thing!)
⇒ Canon compliant for the SAO characters.
The Story :
Marinette is Mao (cat in Chinese) because it's cute and a nod to Adrien. Quickly she becomes one of the best (because hey, she's a born gamer). And Mominette. The average is in the 20s but there are younger players, and Marinette is 20. So she takes care of the younger and protects when needed and she's building a nice reputation.
Damian is Taniyn (dragon in Arab) because fierce and all (and it's cool). And he becomes one of the best because he is The Heir and also because he already knows how to wield way too many weapons IRL and there's this thing with knowing weapons IRL who just gives an edge to the player. And he was one of the Beta because WaYnE and rObIn (listen, this technology is a first and extremely interesting for more reasons than one, of course Batman would have an eye on it). (Now, Tim would probably have killed to participate but he just doesn't have the time. He's co-CEO and vigilante and already sleep-deprived. Not. The. Time. Vigilantism aside, Damian is 'just' a student.)
They meet officially months after the Opening Event (aka the You All Are Trapped In The Game Mwahaha) on the 10th or 11th floor. Taniyn is already part of the clearers since the first floor (bc where else would he be than in the group with the best players) but Mao took her sweet time to build the best gear possible and taking care of the young players. Mominette we said. But! They meet at last!
And well, at first it's not a great "wow she's pretty/smart/idk" or "wow he's handsome/smart/idk" it's more "oh a newbie, i'll keep an eye on her" and "ah shit, he seems like an ass". But they're both great players and have a good head on their shoulders so they quickly have an "alliance" which pretty much is : we cooperate during hard times and ignoring each other otherwise. And fuss over Kirito and Asuna. Look, I know what you want to say "Damian doesn't fuss blablabla" but Kirito and Asuna are among the leaders of the clearing group and they're young. Less young that Tanyin and Mao when they had their responsibilities sure but Damian knows what it feels like to be view as an enemy and forced to defend himself because everyone wants your head and Marinette knows what it feels like to have too much responsabilities and prying eyes on you. So Mao makes sure they take naps and they have a safe place when they need a break and Taniyn makes sure they learn how to wield weapons without Sword Skills. It's a thing in SAO : when you know how to use a weapon IRL it's easier in the game. You can pull off things you can't with a Sword Skill and there's no cooldown. It gives you an edge. And Kirito needs all the edges he can have with him soloing the front lines and Asuna is young and a girl within a leader group, she wants all the advantages she can have too. (And there's the death game thing too. Nobody say no to new ways to survive.) So, they learn. And from time to time, Mao and Taniyn can be found in a screaming match of "they need REST" "no, they need to STAY ALIVE" and well... it's bonding time I guess?
On another hand, more and mode floors are cleared and soon enough the clearers reach the 25th floor. It's a massacre. They lose way too many players and, like a backlash, the hate toward the Betas increases. You know the whole "i need a scapegoat and here is an entire group of people I can hunt for no reason", yeah that. (we all hate it and it's somewhat not well thought because flemme but it serves the plot well.) Kirito took it upon him the last time, but here there isn't anything to do but hide.
Mominette is back! Well, no, just Mao in fact. She has a great deal of friends because she's badass and warm and gives favors like petits pains. So she calls to the friends she knows she can trust in her network and organises the Protection and Rescue Squad of the Betas (the known ones at least). Kirito disappears like he can do so well and Klein and Asuna curse him because "stupid solo, gonna tie him up!" and "ARG let us help!". Taniyn ignores all of it with his aloof arrogance and Mao took upon her to watch him, wary. Well, guess who is attacked by an orange guild because they were payed!? She knew it! They fight together and manage to escape and Mao all but imprisons him at home. Hers. Home, I mean. Oh look, they're roomates.
Eventually the need to make progress exceeds the crisis and the betas can come out of hiding. Kirito reappears and gets an earfull from a good deal of his friends (not that he imagines they think of themselves as his friends this sacrifiying little gremlin) and Taniyn returns in his home with great relief. Or so he thinks. (It's too dark and too silent and too lonely and wow he regrets a little Mao's sun now.) Hah.
Anyway, they live (truly live for the first time for way too many players) and they make progress etc, etc. On the 70th floor, the PK are pests who don't seems to want to disappear and they have officially killed more than Kayaba. All the players had lose at least one friend by the hands of the PK. And more likely by Laughing Coffin, the main PK guild. Then the location of their headquarters is leaked (or, well, the questers/scouts have done their jobs) and the clearers form a subjugation team in haste to put them down one and for all.
A majority is imprisonned. Some are killed, in both factions. Kirito, Asuna, Taniyn and Mao all killed. Taniyn and Asuna are orange-player now, and would be for a few days. Kirito and Mao didn't strike the first blow so they're still green players but it doesn't erase the deed. Kirito disappears but Asuna go with him this time, Heathcliff being gracious enough to allow her to take her time (and she would have tell him to go f himself if not). Taniyn and Mao both retreat in her home after having dealt with the aftermath - Klein and Agil all but chasing them off when the sun rose up.
They end up in the living room, silent and brooding. Damian has striked the first blow and killed, he can't be Robin anymore. Marinette has killed and they can't be revived, she killed for real this time. But it's the justice of SAO. They aren't vigilantes or heroes here. They are among the leaders and have made a decision for the sake of their people. They were indeed juge, jury and executioner. It was their duty, to strike before they could. They killed people nonetheless.
Mao and Taniyn stay in her home for a week. It's a tough week. But they come around and when they get out Taniyn is once again a green player and they're affectionate like they never really been before. Sure they're friends since a while now but it's different. They talk, they eat together, Mao makes him gloves and ornaments (at least one for his katana for Strength) and have a project for a cloak. Taniyn draws her and gift her drawings of their friends, of animals meet in mission, of monsters and landscape (never from the IRL, they're in Aincrad and they don't talk of the IRL). Somehow he's more at her place than his and suddenly the guest room is his and they're truly roomates and maybe a little more. Mao smiles more and Taniyn is serene in an extraordinary way for him. She gushes at the wedding of Kirito and Asuna and he rolls his eyes at her antics but congratulates them all the same, both happy for their friends.
Then it's the 75th floor. It's the 75th floor and suddenly it's hell. Way too many die before the Floor Boss explodes in pixels. Heathcliff is Kayaba. Heathcliff, the Head of the Knights of Blood Oath, one of the leaders of the Clearers, the mentor of Asuna, is Kayaba. Asuna the Lightning Flash and Kirito the Black Swordman fight him and they... die. The temporary effect which paralysed them vanish and suddenly they can move and it's hell again and Mao searches players around her for Taniyn and Klein and Agil and all her friends but can't see them and suddenly-
A coutdown.
They're free.
The Game is beaten.
How ?
Darkness engulfs all.
They didn't expect it. They were only on the 75th floor, a quarter before the supposed end of the game! But Kirito and Asuna are cheatcodes all by themselves. (good for them anyway, with the carnage of the 75th? Reaching the 100th Floor would have been impossible.)
Now begins the aftermath (I'm a sucker for aftermath AU sorrynotsorry).
Marinette wakes up with a hand in hers and for a wild moment she thought it's Taniyn. But she has like the worst headache ever, she's thirsty, hungry and frankly weak. She feels a little like she's dying and her limbs are way to heavy. Only the IRL can make you feel like dying in such a sweet way (that's sarcastic). So she's back. Hooray? She doesn't really know how to feel to be honest. Adrien cries when he sees her without the NerveGear. She cries with him.
Damian wakes up alone and experiment the worst headrush ever by trying to move. (why do you do this to yourself seriously?) He's stubborn so he somehow gets up and leave the room. (His room in the Japanese house of his father, he recognises it vaguely from two years ago. Or well, what could be his room or a hospital room with very very expensive furniture. Either can work.) It's in fact his room because he ends up in the living room, shocking the hell out of Raven and Garfield (they're the babysitters of the week).
Needless to say, Tom and Sabine and Bruce come back to Japan very quickly. (listen, one is Batman so he can't be absent a long time from Gotham whatever the reason (death is another thing), and Tom and Sabine have a business they need to tend to.)
Each of them has to relearn how to live in a physical world, a very breakable world in fact. Crazy how things seems fragile when you haven't got any "immortal object" thing going on. It's a hurtful learning for Marinette and a very frustrating one for Damian. (Look, one is notoriously clumsy and has the permanent power of somewhat gods on her side and the other is way too prone to anger for the good of his environment.) Plus the whole "two years in a coma-like situation" and they need to rebuild their muscles in addition to their mental state. So. They struggle. Enjoy.
But! They don't do just that (struggling with the physical world I mean). They search for each other and their friends too. Damian finds Marinette one month after their return and Marinette is already in contact with Argo to reconnect the survivors.
Their reunion is Marinette who hugs him and Damian who held her close and the shock of their mutual entourage. (and a very sweet moment that I won't write because english and the flow of the story, but maybe in a bonus one day.) There was then a long explana- pff, who I'm kidding? Adrien (honorary Dupain-Cheng's son) might be able of supplying some kind of explanation (because in one month Marinette would absolutely tell him all about SAO and her friends and the maybe-more with Taniyn) but the two don't give a care about what their entourage think. And after the sweet moment and introductions, they would absolutely scheme. They have friends to find okay?
Here comes the absolute trio of Argo - Mao - Taniyn.
Between the network of Argo and Mao and the hacking skills of Argo and Taniyn, they're a sight to behold. The Deep Web becomes the headquarter for the players with high levels or interesting things to say and the civilians can meet and post testimonies on an official site monitored by the government. The former know what's happening before it goes mainstream.
Three hundred players are still imprisonned.
And Kirito and Asuna are way too quiet for their liking.
Kirito calls during dinner. Marinette has all but move in the Wayne's appartment (the heroes thing was an interesting conversation) and she seeks Damian's hand when she hears the weak voice in the phone. He's not crying but it's a near thing and Mominette is instantly summoned. When he says that Asuna is among the three hundred players, she bites back her tears and says all she could to comfort him without lying. They defeated one game, they can beat another. They just need to find her. She gives the phone to Damian when he asks for it and instantly contacts Argo.
When Damian hangs up, he has an adress and she has a lead.
Long story short, they found her three weeks later. The thing with IRL prisoners in a game is that they're not discreet. The servers have been opened with the fall of Aincrad. And the Kayaba-wannabe couldn't hold a candle to the man. So Argo pursues the hunt of the bastard who took hold of their friends with the help of Red Robin - sent by Batman because the Justice League keeps a close eye on the situation - and Damian and Kirito dive in ALO to save Asuna from the inside. Marinette can't, because she has magical responsabilities she can't risk and because she has to take over if they're trapped. To say all of them are relieved when they log out is an understatement.
They save Asuna and the other players just before Red Robin and Argo send an email with all the evidence to the SAO Rescue Force. They're safe.
Asuna calls Marinette and they cry but it's okay (and it's okay too if she and Damian jump in the car to go to the hospital in the second). There's a lot of tears of joy and of anguish and a lot healing to do but they're gonna be okay. (And Damian congratulates Kirito for his job in the parking. He learned well.)
(Tanyin didn't get to be here at the final duel in the game, it was just Sugou, Asuna and Kirito. But when all is dealt with, Kirito bows to Tanyin with bleak eyes and Damian sighs before pulling Kazuto in a hug. The influence of Marinette, he swears. But also because there was torture in there and Asuna refuses to be touched by anyone for way too long and he's not the only one wishing he could kill Sugou. Just a little.)
They're really free of their nightmare now.
Damian asks Marinette to be his girlfriend the day after and she accepts as red as ever (Adrien and Argo are snickering in the background because they very much look like middle school sweethearts). It doesn't change much to their dynamic but Damian can at least shut his brothers up so it's good. And they go to dates. That's a change. It's good too.
Then they need to go back to their respective countries and sure they'll have the AmuSphere (who is a really good thing for long-distance relationships) but it's just not the same. When they part, they have their next encounter wholly planned. (Marinette's going to Gotham since she's the first one to have holidays then it'll be him in Paris.)
The End I guess ?
(maybe one day I'll do one or two scenes) (maybe) (but go ahead if you want)
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trashcanfanfics · 3 years
since we know that in the 'Val's favourite actor' series, Vox has pretty harsh feelings towards the reader. (and at least in my mind they still work at the studio) what if, one day val was busy and so he let Vox control what happens at the studio. Reader originally was supposed to have the day off or something but Vox made them work in a pretty intense scene. Val comes back only to find reader brusied from the scene and obviously asks what happened and they explain, val gets angry at Vox, you decide what happens next (sorry this was so goddamm long)
I love it when people give me details!! We can make this a precursor for the confession because shortly after that, Val made Babycakes (the nickname I'm using specifically for the fav actor series) the Studios' co-owner.
Valentino had to meet up with a potential employee so he had left Vox in charge of the studio. Normally, he'd let them govern themselves for the day, but last time he left them to do that, his favorite was almost beaten. So, now Vox is the next choice. He had told the television to watch out for any suspicious activity and gave Y/n the day off, just in case.
The meeting went as planned and a contract signed. Val was in high spirits and eager to visit his favorite at their house before going to the studio to check on things. He wondered what they did on their day off. How they spend their free time, and what hobbies they have. If he knew their hobbies, he could get them better gifts. Sure the clothes and such are fine, but maybe something a little more personal to let them know he listens? He'd have to ask them.
Knocking on the little cottage like home's door, he couldn't help the butterflies that erupted in his stomach. They only worsened as he heard their footsteps. However, they were crushed by the drop of his heart when Y/n opened the door. They were covered in bruises and red marks. What?
"Babycakes! What happened? Who did this?" His upper hands went to gently cup their face while the lower ones gently took their shoulders. They flinched at the contact. His anger bubbled higher at the sight. Who dared to hurt them? He'll kill them!
"I was just in an intense scene today, that's all." They stepped back, making Val's hands fall. He followed them inside and shut the door behind him. Val noticed the slight limp to their walk and grew even more furious.
"You were supposed to have the day off." The venom in his voice didn't go unnoticed as they flinched again. He took a deep breath to try and calm himself. "Why were you working today?" They went to sit on the couch and hissed as they leaned back, lifting their right foot to rest on the coffee table to place an ice pack on their knee. It was swollen.
"Vox called me and said I needed to come in and shoot a scene because someone chickened out or whatever. So I went." They closed their eyes and rested their head against the back of the couch as Val went to sit in the armchair. He was fuming.
"So this is Vox's fault." He grit his teeth. That piece of shit. "Interesting." Their eyes opened and looked down to his hands, making his realize he was gripping the armrests with both sets of hands. He quickly released them and put all four fists into his lap.
"I mean, I guess, but isn't this the hazard of the job?" They gestured to themselves. "Besides, you two were just getting back into the swing of things, boss. You don't want to ruin what you've got, do you?"
"Y/n, believe me when I say that this is not okay. You weren't supposed to work and he made you do an intense scene, which, by the way, doesn't look like he let you prepare for at all. That's not the type of partner I want at all." He stood up and headed for the door. "You have the next two days to heal up and rest. When you get back, you're stuck doing vanilla shit until you're fully healed. Hazard pay will be added on top of your over time for this." Val left the house and went straight to the studio.
VOX! YOU STUPID FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! WHERE ARE YOU!" Val was pissed as he stomped down the hallway. He slammed open his office door to see the asshole in question sitting at his desk. The television looked back at him, question on his digital face.
"Easy, lovebug, what's got you hot under the collar?" He stood from the chair and went around the desk to meet face the moth fully. Val growled, stalked forward to grab Vox by the lapels and slammed the obsolete tech against the wall. "Ow! What the fuck?!"
"You asshole! You utter jackass!" Val snarled into the digital face of his off and on again lover. "You made them work! They are injured and covered in marks!" Those comments made a sinister smile creep onto Vox's screen.
"Oh, I understand now." He chuckled. This fucking shithead had the audacity to laugh at Y/n's expense! That set Val off more. "You're in love with that little whore, huh?" The comment made Val pause. What? In love with Y/n?
"What are you talking about, motherfucker?"
"You're in love with Y/n, you obviously have a soft spot for them and show favoritism in the studio. It's hilarious, really. I had to make sure, though, so I had them work with the harshest scene to see what you'd do." Vox rolled his eyes. "Like they could love you back, anyways."
"Excuse me?" Val's anger was a fire, but there was an extinguisher in the shape of hurt that was trying to douse the flames. Vox took hold of this weakness.
"I mean, you're their boss, they don't have a choice but to be nice to you and accept your gifts. You think their smiles are real? That they aren't just being nice to you out of greed? You really are stupid, Val." The moth's hands loosened and dropped Vox, who stood and brushed himself off. He made his way around the pimp and towards the door. "Oh, and by the way, we're through. For good this time." The tech left, leaving Valentino to endure the storm of his emotions in the empty room. He needed a drink.
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queenitn · 4 years
So...I just found something that I'd written one night at like 4am a month into lockdown.
It's pretty much a very unnecessarily angry rant.
I can probably contradict half the stuff I say in it myself. It's just...kinda rude in places and when I'm thinking straight there's some parts I don't really agree with myself. It's not aimed at anybody and I'm definitely a hypocrite but I'm gonna post it anyways so go wild I guess.
So I recently took a stroll through Stucky fanfiction on ao3. For a while there I'd been avoiding it, and I'd nearly convinced myself that my mind was exaggerating the whole bottom!Bucky/top!Steve thing but yeah, I'm not.
Normally, I'd say who tops or bottoms doesn't matter. It's pretty irrelevant. But... since the majority of the fanfictions clearly prefer to write bottom!Bucky, obviously, there is some significance. Wouldn't the proportion be more equal if it truly was irrelevant?
Besides being annoying as fuck, it's also pretty interesting I guess. I have nothing else to do so I'm going to be ranting about a lot of stuff.
So, I mostly try to look for bottom!Steve, right? Because that's what I like. I read a bottom!Steve fic, then I say, "Hmm, this author seems to like bottom!Steve, maybe they've written more?" I go check, and I find...mostly bottom!Bucky, with maybe one or two more bottom!Steve.
It's fine the first few times, but after a while it's honestly weird. Clearly, a lot of very good authors have no problem writing bottom!Steve. They just happen to write more bottom!Bucky. As far as I can tell, that's pretty much the common trend. But why? What exactly does one think while starting a new fic, going all, "Hmm...I think...this time.... we're gonna have bottom!Bucky again." Again and again and again until it's most times.
Why is bottom!Steve so fetishized? I don't mean the fics that actually have a dom/sub element. I mean just pure bottom!Steve itself. Why does it have to be some sort of rarity?
As far as I know, there's...really nothing in canon indicating who would likely top or bottom. (I mean yeah, I do believe that canon Bucky is more likely to want to dom than canon Steve, but that's different.)
So, what is it?
Sure, Steve is taller, has a deeper voice, more muscle, a beard....but those are just physical things. They don't actually have anything to do with taking or giving.
Besides, he used to be small before. Is that what this is about? Previously tiny man likes to be in control? Likes to...what? Prove he's a manlier man? Bullshit. Besides the fact that it's bullshit, it also doesn't seem to fit with canon Steve.
The "Sometimes I think you like getting punched" and the "And you've got nothing to prove" make me think that his proving himself had less to do with showing his dominance and more to do with showing his endurance. I'd say bottoming is exactly what he'd want to do.
Besides, wasn't that exactly what made his relationship with Bucky special? The fact that he didn't have to "prove himself" in any way? Bucky already knew his worth.
Is it because Steve likes to give orders? Some sort of "Oh, this guy was always meant to be the leader"? Well, there's a huge difference between being a leader, giving orders in a battlefield...and giving orders in the bedroom. And I'm pretty sure top/bottom preferences would be completely unrelated to who's the boss at work.
But nevermind that, as far as I can tell, sure Steve gives orders, but he also looks to the people he trusts for guidance. The best example is Nat. The thing that makes their friendship so goddamm precious is partly in the way he always glances at her for confirmation before making a decision. Isn't Bucky sort of like an Ultimate Nat with sex benefits?
Nevermind that too. Steve bossing people around is great, but that's not the point, is it? The point is does he enjoy it? I think, the only movie where he did look like he relished his power was TFA. I'm pretty confident that's because of the novelty of his new strength partially, and partially also because of the rush caused by his back to back successes. Why? Because he never seems to take that kind of enjoyment again. As opposed to...maybe Sam? The guy who gets his literal wings back after (presumably) years and lets out a whoop after being chased by the missile thingies. Sam's joy doesn't wear off. Steve's does.
Is it just me, or has this skew towards bottom!Bucky actually increased over the years? Why? I can say a few things on this.
First, maybe people need to remember a bit more that Sebastian Stan is not Bucky Barnes. Chris Evans is not Steve Rogers. And Steve Rogers is not Captain America.
No matter what you think about the actors, the characters they play are separate. Please.
Second, there is a very interesting theory that exists which says that the reason why Bucky is so popular in the fandom is because his character arc is relatable to women and the queer community in the fact that it's about him regaining his stolen agency. Which is true.
Does this have anything to do with him bottoming though? I mean, I don't know. Fanfictions are important because they allow us to explore ourselves, whether it's our sexuality or our trauma that we're trying to figure out. In that way, it makes sense that maybe we will tend to write Bucky as a bottom more often. Except no.
Partly because, having had bad experiences at a young age myself, and being queer myself, I do not relate to Bucky. And hypothetically speaking, I would totally bottom for Peggy or Bucky, but I would rail the absolute shit out of Steve. I canNOT be the only one.
Partly also because yeah, a lot of fanfiction is projection, which is good for the soul, both yours and mine, but not to the point where we create a fanon version of the character completely different from the canon one. Yeah, you could say that canon doesn't really give us much of a character, but clearly they give us something and we have to build up on that right? It's true for both Bucky and Steve. Bucky barely has lines, but his actions speak enough. There's an absolutely breathtaking character waiting for you in canon if you really want to look. As for Steve, let me just say, sass and the tiniest little hints of PTSD do not make a whole character. Marvel fucked it up, but this goes for the fandom too (this is keeping in mind that Steve technically has three movies dedicated to him and Bucky doesn't)
Stop treating Steve like your personal punching bag, Stucky fandom.
It does happen, if we project our bad experiences on Bucky, Steve often naturally fills the role of the clueless/mildly asshole-ish love interest. Not too much of an asshole though, clearly you love him.
That's fine. Fanfiction is about self expression, but should we lose sight of the canon characters that we loved so much in the first place? And isn't fanfiction just as much about exploring those characters, as objectively as we possibly can?
Another thing related to that...why do we only have to identify with one character? I don't know how to put this, but there's a thing called halo effect and I think that's kind of what happens (I'm not a psychologist).
You see something in Bucky. And then you start to attribute more and more things to him that may or may not actually exist. Like yeah, he's fullfilling the traditional love interest role in Steve's movies, but that doesn't automatically mean he's a bottom. The two things are... actually entirely unrelated. They're only related in your mind. And similar to that, when we see one thing in a character that we identify with, we kind of want to see even more things in them we identify with, but it doesn't have to be like that. That's not how any person works, and it's not how any fully developed character works. You can relate to both the characters in different ways, no need to dump it all in one.
Ok, another thing, that I don't like to think about but it's occured to me and I don't like it. So, Steve is generally coded as a bisexual, right? And Bucky is coded as gay. Look yourself in the eye in the mirror and think about whether you're unconsciously assuming that the bi guy isn't going to want to bottom. I'm a bisexual woman, I will top Steve. I kind of resent this.
Going off on another tangent, I have also delved into Stony on my quest for bottom!Steve. Pretty sure there's even less of that there. Why??? That's crazy.
Normally, I'm pretty sure Tony would be coded as the top. He's much older, richer. He clearly has control issues. That's one of his defining features. Control. (I don't mean that in a bad way.) So....what exactly do Bucky and Tony have in common besides dark hair and short hight? The only thing I could come up with was thotiness. They're both shown as Thots. Is that it? The Thot Bottoms? Ok.
Is it the whole energy thing? "Bucky has bottom energy"? Does he? Can you argue with me if I say that TFA Steve has bratty bottom energy? That TFA Bucky goes from service top energy to mean top energy? Pretty sure that's subjective. But what exactly are we seeing differently here? I'm honestly asking.
Bucky's character is ridiculously strong, stronger than Steve in some ways (besides probably physically). Specifically, it's because of his ability to not only survive, but heal. Can we acknowledge how crazy that is? He's just fucking buying plums, but that's still more than we've ever seen Steve do. You can say his trauma is greater, but it looks like his coping ability is greater too. So is that what this is? Steve doesn't cope. Instead he focuses on external things like being Cap, Hydra, Bucky. I wouldn't call that a healthy way of living...but it's romantic, right? Neglecting to take care of yourself? No, actually avoiding taking care of yourself by focusing entirely on another person? Is that it? We're romanticizing unhealthy behaviour?
Is it because you feel more for Bucky, wearing his hurt on his sleave, versus Steve who wears it hidden under his skin?
Am I allowed to believe that Steve's ultimate shield isn't the vibranium one, but Captain America himself?
That's just me getting off track and mildly pissy but the point stands. We like seeing Steve in control. He wears it well. He's good at it. But that's just not that relevant. You don't just boss poeple around in the bedroom because you're good at it, you have to want it too. Would he want it? Is a commanding voice really an indicator of a person's desire to command? Can we really say because he's usually the one giving orders (because that's his actual job), that he likes it too? Does he look like he especially likes it? No.
I've been around fandoms long enough to know that all fandoms always have a preference regarding who ultimately tops or bottoms. This isn't the first time it's bugged me, but it feels more this time because I just don't see it. And it makes me angry because it contradicts what I feel, are the best parts of the characters. No, Bucky bottoming isn't the contradiction..but all this that I wrote, the connotations of this kind of coding, the underlying thoughts.... some of it is just not nice, but some of it opposes the little things that humanize these characters. It wouldn't matter, except that it wouldn't have happened at all if it didn't matter.
It's not just what happens to them in canon that matters so much. It's also what they choose to do for themselves when they have the chance. It feels like they made their choices and half the fandom ignored it. "Nah man, you'll look better at the bottom. Look at that hair."
Because ultimately, that's what it feels like to me. A mixture of not thinking too much about it (though I know this post probably counts as overthinking), some wierd internalised heteronormativity, and I don't know what just kind of fucks with all of us. All I know is that I hate it. I hate it.
It's not the bottom!Bucky I hate, it's the underlying, unthinking assumptions. The way it's a foregone conclusion. It's not. I really just want to be able to read the goddamn fanfictions again without wanting to tear my skin off.
( You can help by giving reccs)
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strayficks · 5 years
Can I request a Mark Lee smut? It can be anything so long as there’s lots of cum play. Spit play too if that’s possible. Thank you in advance
SHAWTY GIMME WHIP- WHIPLASH, please tell me what you think cus it took me 4 days to finish :0, also! I didnt include spit play, i tried writing it but it didnt come out the way i wanted it to.. sorry 🥴
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"Mark.. come on, pay attention to me!" You huffed in frustration as you rested your chin on top of his knee. His gaze was focused on the tv screen, fingers vigourously tapping on his controller as he bit his lip, looking down at you for a split second before bringing his eyes back to where it was.
"One more round. One more round and i'm all yours, baby." He said, getting more and more engrossed in his game. A pout ghosted your lips as you whined. An idea came to mind as you danced your fingers on his thigh, crawling up to his groin as you palmed him. A satisfied smile came upon your lips as he squirmed on his seat, his cock only separated by a thin layer of sweatpants. You kneaded his cock with slow strokes, Mark still hasnt budged aside from the occasional stirring in his seat.
"Feels good doesn't it, mark?" You asked him, a hint of taunt as you looked up to him from behind your lashes. He quickly gets rid of your hand and rested it on the armchair. You huffed. Time for a plan B.
You lifted up your- well, Mark's shirt over your head. Revealing your flimsy champagne colored lace bra. You felt a breeze as the air hits your skin, creeping onto your bare legs only clad in your comfy shorts. Who can blame you? This was supposed to be a day off where you both can spend time with eachother, instead, mark chose his precious game console over you. You quickly took off your shorts, leaving you in only your matching lace set. Mark quickly noticed and gave you a stern look.
"Be patient baby. Dont tempt me." You had nothing better to do that twiddle your thumbs, so why not twiddle something else instead? You would technically still be using your fingers if you thought about it. You looked up at mark, still focused more than ever. His loss right? Not even a second later, you were practically whimpering in frustration. It wasn't working again. You pumped your fingers in and out of yourself,
"Mark.. please." You tried to lean back on the floor, propping one hand behind you for stability as you imagine... imagine that it wasn't your own fingers, but somebody else's. A certain some else's.
Mark looked down at you, his eyes widened a little as he saw you, legs spread and touching yourself while calling his name. He moved so quickly, you didn't even get a chance to register what he actually did. He had you pinned against the floor in a flash, one leg pushed between yours, chest pressed against your breasts. Your breath shot out as his hand locked around your throat, but not in a hard way, more in a dominant way that told you not to even fucking dare defy him right now.
"Youre so fucking desperate, aren't you?"
He hissed into your face, his eyes like thunderbolts "You are sopping wet, but you're too damn proud to admit it."
"I am proud," you barked back, but you couldn't focus, not with his thundering eyes and his body pressed up against yours like that. His thumb was stroking my jawline, jerking my head up to meet his
"The hell you are," He said, stepping closer. "You are so wet, your pussy is soaking my pants, not even hiding the fact that you want me to fuck you docile."
Mark mashed his lips roughly against yours in the manner of which you had fantasied about. The pure act of that fantasy coming true had you letting out a docile moan as he molded himself against you. Gripping onto his strong shoulders, you begun tugging back at his shirt, yanking at it as you felt him lift you up, clinging onto him as you both reached the bedroom. In the meantime your lower half was shamelessly rubbing itself against his lower stomach, craving that friction you had needed since he last fucked you. But to your displeasure, Mark harshly pulled back and grasped your hands so you couldn't touch him.
Letting out a sound of frustration, you met his chilly eyes. "What?!" His jaw squared and you saw a note of ice flash through his eyes.
"I want you to beg me for it, Unless you beg me, I'm not fucking you." You let out an exasperated sigh as you sat in the foot of the bed. Mark just casually standing over you, waiting with his arms crossed.
"Please, i want you. Fuck me right this goddamm second or i'll kick your ass back to Canada."
His lips twitched into a smirk, the cheeky, cocky one you remembered.
"There's the good girl I know."
"Oh, go to-Jesus!" You nearly screamed when he pounded you up against the bed, setting You on the edge. His hands found your sopping wet pussy.
"Oh God, Mark!" He pushed two long fingers inside you and had almost crossing your eyes from the instant pain and the pleasure all at once. You moaned at the tightening sensation, that sweet, blissful feeling of pleasure ripping through your body.
You gripped on to his shoulders as he pumped his fingers in and out of your weeping pussy, all the while his lips found your throat and started leaving hot trails up and down your jugular. Your fingernails dug into his shirt, and he pumped faster; teased your pussy and stretched it until You were shaking and barely breathing.
You were on the edge of exploding when he then pulled his fingers out and left you on the edge again. Precisely like you had predicted. But not seconds later, he had removed his shirt and unbuckled his pants and gripped his rigid cock, aligning it with your throbbing entrance. You didn't get a chance to prepare yourself before he slammed into you in one thrust and drew a scream from your lips. He filled you up completely and hit you so deep as he had reminded you that he bruised your cervix.
"Oh, fuck!" Your legs were numb but they couldn't stop shaking.
"Hang on to me," Mark told you as he grabbed the back of your knees and then pushed them up to your chest, throwing your calves over his shoulders. Next moment, he was gripping your ass again, just as you curled your hands behind his neck in collision with his second thrust
"Ah, Mark!" You cried as he plowed inside you again, your pussy taking him to the hilt. You clenched around him with your inner walls as mindblowing pleasure roared through you. "Oooh, Mark, God..."
He was rough. It was your style. He took you with brutal force and you liked it. No, you loved it.
"Ah!" You cried and threw your head back when Mark rammed inside you, releasing a groan. His fingers were digging into your ass which he pushed to meet his violent thrusts, each time so that he empaled you and made you see double from the pleasure. "Oh, fuck me, Mark...!"
"Look at this," He suddenly said and dropped the tempo until it came to a complete halt. You had been on the border of another orgasm, so with swimming eyes, you followed where he was looking.
That place turned out to be where the shining head of his dick was pressed just against your dripping wet pussylips. A low moan ripped from you as he then slowly pushed his head inside you, both of you watching as your pussy expanded to accommodate his girth and then swallowed him inch by inch as he pushed deeper
"See that?" He said and squeezed your ass even more. "Do you like it?"
"Yes.." you moaned, shaking out again, nudged your clit with his crown. He pushed back inside.
"It's good... fuck, it's so good..."
"Say it louder," He growled in your ear. "Say it so I can hear it. Say it so our neighbor can hear it."
"Fuck, it's good!" You cried as he shoved himself brutally into you again, now bringing back the force and the heat. "Fuck, it's good, it's good!
"Aaah, Mark!" He repeatedly slammed inside you, going balls deep so he entered your womb. Clamping down around him with your inner muscles, you felt myself begin to convulse with the orgasm that was combusting deep within you.
"Scream, baby" He huskily whispered in your ear, and that did it for you.
You screamed and threw your head back,squeezing your eyelids shut as your orgasm roared through you like a starved lioness going for the slay. Your nails clawed down his back and nearly ripping through his skin as he pounded into you, fucking you through your ogasm until you had no more left to give. Your juices coated his thick length, and he leisurely sank into you, drew back, then rammed into You again. You were completely liquified in his arms, almost slipping off the bed if it hadn't been for his arms holding you up.
"On your knees, look at me." Came his order. You did as he told, legs still weak from your orgasm, but you managed to settle yourself in front of him, looking at him trough your lashes as you put both your hands on top of your thighs, sitting like an obedient school girl.
"Open your pretty mouth for me." You opened your mouth as you watched him pump his cock, his tip right in front of your mouth as it splurts hot cum, landing on your tounge as Mark's rythym slowed. He took you by your chin, admiring his masterpiece as his cum decorated your face.
Your mouth was still open, giving him the full view of his seeds dripping down your chin and landing on your chest, you spread it around as you brought your fingers to your mouth, licking it clean as you swallowed the warm liquid. Mark watched the way your throat moves as you swallowed, a smile etched on his face as he swiped a finger across your chin.
"So pretty."
Author's note: dont hate me for that Canada joke, i was in the moment. Also, confess or request whenever u like! 💥✌✊
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afterspark-podcast · 5 years
Transformers (2007)
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Welcome to hell, boys.  Welcome to hell.
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“Attention all personnel. Due to circumstances beyond our control, lunch will be served today.“
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Why does Bee have all this in his interior???
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Ah, yes, sh*tting on G1, one Volkswagen Beetle at a time.
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Everyone’s favorite carry-on!
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He just wants to know what today’s top news is.
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LadiesMan217, everybody!
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Miles clearly has better things to do right now than deal with Sam.
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Cars + Sidewalks = Perfection
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...is this like a Decepticon tramp stamp?
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Well, those words came out of Barricade’s mouth.
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Bee reveals himself, at last.
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Subtle, Bee.  Subtle.
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*sigh* Just...how...why...he didn’t need to lose his pants.
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Never underestimate a woman with power tools, kids.
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Autobots, ho!
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...destroying Earth shit.
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Welcome, to Autobot role call.
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Just because it’s true doesn’t mean you should say it, man.
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The only valid reaction.
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Help me Obi Wan Kanobi, you’re my only ho.
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Here’s some doughnuts, enjoy your break from this movie.  And now back to-
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NO.  NO.
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Bumblebee pees on a man.  Circa 2007.
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He can’t be bothered to not f*ck up yards, but he can see these tiny glasses just tine.
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She just wants to freaking sleep.  She barely even knows this guy, and yet HERE SHE IS.
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Thanks, I hate it.
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We give life-
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-and we taketh life!  But it’s okay, we’re the good guys.
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(The detail’s nice on this.)
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Oh hai Furby truck.
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Go on without me Sam...
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Optimus Prime arrives fashionably late.
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Oh sh*t!  This isn’t an XBOX!
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I know soda’s bad for you, but this is getting ridiculous.
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Why aren’t these two better friends again!?!
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Megs, I think we all know the answer to that one.
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Be careful what you wish for.
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Well that’s...really awkward.
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YUP, still awkward.
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Oh hey!  Bee can talk now, won’t it be interesting to examine his and Sam’s changed dynamic in the se--
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Can we stop making out on the sentient alien robot please?
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Oh, thank goodness, we’re done!  We’ve made it through the mov--
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astoria00 · 6 years
RWBY's true enemy isn't Salem
In direct response to Rwby's last episode I came across a lot of opinions on how Adam's death was handled. Some people were sad about wasted potential, some didn't care, some were sad, but a lot of them were going around saying “finally“ or “he deserved it“, going as far as proclaiming “Yang and Blake had a right to kill him“. Now, I don't want to force my opinion on anybody, that has never been my goal here, but this readieness, this wish for the hated characters to die, to be killed by the heroes threw me for a loop. And it sparked my desire to show you a theory I had since vol 6 episode 3, about who I truly believe to be the real enemy of RWBY.
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Yes, Remnant itself. But of course I don't mean the planet here, but rather it's system. Now for all the people claiming that Salem was already established to be the ultimate enemy Rwby and co. have to defeat, let's think back for a moment. What exactly did Salem do? Did she terrorize humanity every waking moment? Has she been sitting in her castle sending grimm out to every village and city she could think of? No. The grimm don't need her for this. They are drawn to negative emotions. They find these towns and cities themselves. And Salem doesnt strike me as someone who controlls ALL the grimm at every moment in time. Grimm are somewhat intelligent beings as shown in vol 2. And they did their thing way before Salem came along.
But even if I'm wrong and Salem is terrorizing and plotting every goddamm grimmattack, let's look at the people she enlisted to her cause.
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Exactly. Watts, Tyrian, Cinder and Hazel, our team WTCH. And that is not even counting Emerald and Mercury, or Neo, Torchwick and Adam. All of them have one thing in common. They were beaten down at some point in their lives, maybe in Tyrian's case even born into this. But Salem, as far as we know has had nothing to do with their plight, Remnant did. Humanity did. She just enlisted the most broken and most useful of the bunch. Now think about Ozpin, about his task to unite humanity. It's basically a fool's errand. How should he alone be able to do that? Especially now, as he has so clearly to battle his own trust issues regarding mankind. He takes responsibility, sure, but he also somehow got it into his mind that Salem is behind everything wrong in this world. And of course that is totally understandable. Salem is responsible for a lot of horrible things, but in the retrospect of his task? Ozpin can't unite humanity. He achieved an era of peace and even this is not enough. Emeralds exists, Mercurys and Torchwicks exist, Cinders and Adams exist and someday they might get strong enough to pose a problem, to threaten this peace Oz has achieved over time. Because Remnant's system does not work. There is a cycle of violence, revenge and death running through mankind. In a world where real soulless monsters, the grimm, exist you can figure out just what mindset most of the humans and faunus have if they think of each other as monsters.
We had a short dialogue between Cinder and Raven in vol 5, where Raven states: “You turned yourself into a monster just for power.“ She is obviously referring to Cinder's grimm arm, but what Cinder says next is actually pretty interesting: “Look who's talking.“ That's how Cinder views Raven, a bandit, a human. She sees them as the monsters. The same with Adam, he wants to pretend to be the real monster, because humanity thinks they are. And he in turn views humans as the monsters. There is no harmony here.
So even if Salem was vanquished, even if Cinder dies, Adam and every other of the characters you dislike, there will be another Cinder, another Adam, another Salem, because ultimately, the cycle never got broken and nothing got fixed.
RWBY will not end with killing the villains. Adam's death especially will have consequences for both Yang and Blake, but it will further their understanding. The horror of having ended a life of a living being. There is no righteous killing someone. Murder is never just. No one deserves the right to decide over someones life like this, not even if they have done unspeakable things and are horrible on all account. They are still human. Their death won't bring anything but further the cycle of violence.
Rwby's true enemy has always been Remnant and the system. They need to create a balance. They can't fix these problems overnight. But for that to happen, they have to do what Ruby already almost grasped. They have to work together. And who would be able to help understand the struggles and horror of abuse and pain more than our villains? Don't forgive them. But don't stand in the way of atonement either. Every person is capable of change. The relic of choice is literally a thing here. So, jail them, put them on a trial, let them work for the good of humanity for a change, get them help, but don't just kill them.
If they do, they have already lost.
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Supernatural 14.20 (Season Finale)
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After watching this episode, and if I’m being honest for the last couple of episodes, I can fully understand why j2 decided to end this show and while it’s still painful and I’m still not ready to let Sam and Dean go, sometimes letting go of the things we love is for the best and I think this is one of those cases. The love and thought and quality is not there anymore from the EPs/writers, so I’m thankful j2 decided to end Supernatural. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy decision because I have no doubt in my my mind that they love this show but it was the right thing to do. It’s time to say goodbye to this show, I’m just sorry we have to say goodbye to it with Dabb at the helm. 
I don’t know where to begin and I have a lot to say so this isn’t going to be very linear, in fact, it’s going to be the opposite and I apologize in advance for that but hopefully, I will be able to express what I feel and my points in a way that is understandable. 
I’m going to start this opinion post off talking about Chuck being turned into a villain and what I feel is a very unpopular opinion cause I didn’t like that, I know for a lot of y’all Chuck has always been the villain of this story that’s fine and dandy, I’ve never subscribed to that, and I can understand why some would be excited or find it interesting that God is the last big bad, go big or go home and all that, but I take issue with it cause to me this character has never been a villain and making him one is changing who he is, now I’ve never hidden that I like this character just as I’ve never hidden the fact that my views of this character are slightly influenced by my own personal beliefs nonetheless I am going to try my best to explain why I’d never seen him as a villain without getting into those beliefs. 
There are two ways I see this character: as a character and as a representation of Kripke/the showrunner. In neither of these views have I ever seen Chuck as anything other than flawed but loving his creation. 
Looking at him as a character only, I completely understand the argument some might make that Chuck has played Sam and Dean like puppets, but I’ve never seen it that way, to me he’s never been this master puppeteer who has controlled every aspect of Sam and Dean. I’ve always viewed him as a flawed but complex character that regardless of whether or not he put things in the boys path or how many those things were, which is not an argument I’m going to get into in this post, he’s rooted for them, he wants them to make the right choices and win - cause he’s always given them free will, even in this episode when they don’t play along and do what he wants he still didn’t take away their free will even though he easily could have, and in Swan Song the whole point of it the beautiful aspect about it is that the boys chose each other, that Sam and Dean’s life was theirs, that they playing or not playing along with heaven and hell’s plan was up to them and they chose not to play along-, and in a way he loves them like to put it in the most basic of terms before this episode where he’s turned into a villain I would have said Sam and Dean were his favorite creation. 
So, I’m not just not ok with the implication that this whole time Chuck has been controlling everything, that everything that has happened has been because Chuck wanted it that way, or that Sam and Dean never actually had free will, I’m just not ok with any of those things. I don’t like it.
If I look at him as the representation of Kripke and stop looking at him as a character, I can understand even more why he is the way he is and be more...forgiving I guess; he was an accurate representation cause Kripke did write Sam and Dean to be in those situations but at the same time he loved his creation. 
I feel like I made no sense so to put in hopefully more understandable terms: 
As a character: I have put you in or let you to some of these situations but I have given you the free will to choose how you handle them and I’m rooting for you to make the right ones and win.
As the representation of a writer talking to their creation: I have put you in these situations but I did it because I love you and I needed you to grow and take a life of your own. 
Not sure that’s any more understandable, my thoughts on this character are very difficult to explain but the gist of it is, I’ve never seen Chuck as the bad guy. 
[And, as to the argument of why hasn’t he stepped up more to help the boys, if he did there’d be no show. He’s an all knowing all powerful character if he appeared to help every time the boys had a problem there would be no show cause he could solve the problem with a snap of his fingers so I can understand and forgive the writers for not...using him?]
Anyways, to me, his personality in this episode doesn’t make any sense and Dabb changed him to make him into a villain [Note: I do not believe for even one second that he was always intended to be a villain, Chuck was introduced by Kripke back in s4, Kripke had no plans for this show to go past s5 and nobody expected it to reach s14 so saying him being a villain was always the plan makes no goddamm sense to me so save your breath]. I will say however it’s fitting that Dabb would turn Chuck, a representation of the show creator/showrunner, from flawed but loving, into a villain who throws a temper tantrum and undoes all of Sam and Dean’s hard work, I didn’t know Dabb was so self-aware!  
I don’t know, maybe if this character had never been introduced, or if he had been written differently or if I didn’t see him as a representation of the show creator/showrunner, maybe then I could get behind the idea of him being a villain but as it is I got issues with it. 
From a story POV I’m also not the biggest fan of God being the last big bad, I actually don’t find it that creative. I think it would have been a lot more interesting and creative if they had actually killed him and they either had to deal with the repercussions of that or even more fun if Sam had been the one to kill him and turned into God. Which I actually thought was going to happen for like 3mins after Sam shot Chuck (I watched this epi live and there was a commercial break in between I can be given some leeway for this), well to be honest, I thought he was either going to become God or King of Hell or return of his powers, either way, any one of those three would have been 100% more fun than what we actually got, but I guess I should have known better than to expect Dabb to ever give Sam a storyline, it was probably torture for him to write Sam doing something as badass as shooting God in the first place. 
Now, to be fair, we might still get Sam with powers or King of Hell!Sam, the shows not over yet but I’m not going to hold my breath for it. And maybe something cool will be done and I’ll warm up to the idea of Chuck being the villain but as of right now that’s not the case and I don’t see my view changing anytime soon. 
That being said, it was great to see Rob Benedict again! He’s looking good! 
Moving on from all that, this episode could have been so much more. It should have been so much more, this is the last season finale ffs! But this didn’t even feel like a season finale, the only time it did was at the very end during the last, I’d say, 5mins. the rest felt more fitting for a pre-season finale; take the last couple of minutes away and this would have been more fitting as 14.19. Or even as a standalone episode it would have been better, cause there’s a concept used at the beginning of this episode, that imo would have been good for a standalone, and it’s that Jack made it so people can’t lie, I think that could’ve made for a fun standalone and it’s a pity that instead it was thrown in here cause it didn’t contribute to the plot if anything it actually played a large part in making this feel like less of a season finale. 
I’m not gonna lie to you guys the ending with all the monsters and the zombies appearing did make my jaw-drop and for a minute I felt something akin to excitement for s15, but as the scene continued that excitement started dying down and something about it started bugging me. It wasn’t until the episode finished and I started thinking about it and what that ending could possibly mean that I realized why that was and it’s because that little spark of excitement I felt when the woman in white appeared was because of nostalgia. 
It’s because I saw her and the creepy af clown and bloody Mary and I didn’t imagine current Sam and Dean fighting them, my mind saw them and immediately went to s1 and s2, that little spark was because I was reminded of the show I love so much, the show that is now coming to an official end and never coming back, and again I won’t lie, for that minute my mind considered the possibility that s15 would be a throwback an homage to the beginning but as the scene continued on I realized that while s15 does have that potential to be something beautiful that pays tribute to the early seasons there’s a way bigger opportunity for it to be a destruction of the legacy j2 have built. And now that the opportunity is there, there’s a big chance that s15 will be a revolving door of secondary characters instead of being about Sam and Dean. 
I’m worried that instead of Dabb doing something beautiful that pays tribute to the early seasons it’s just going to be a lazy retelling full of retconning. And it frustrates me that he undid everything Sam and Dean have done, that instead of original new stories we’re bound to get a retelling of the ones that we know and love and are already perfect. 
Also, I fucking hate that feathers is gonna be around for the last season especially if the last season is meant to be an homage to s1-s2 cause that useless prick wasn’t introduced till s4...maybe they can start with s4, work their way backward and kill him off. 
I won’t deny that there were good moments cause there were! When Dean was about to shoot Jack that was legitimately tense, Sam shooting Chuck was badass, I loved Sam standing up to Dean and telling him that he couldn’t lose him and Jack, I liked the conversation between Sam and Chuck in the Bunker, I loved Dean making weapons for him and Sam at the end, so there were legitimate good moments scattered throughout but for me in the overall scheme of things those moments, as much as I enjoyed/loved them, are not enough for me to consider this a good episode and sure as hell, not enough for me to consider this a good season finale. Especially considering this is the last season finale and even more, if I compare it some past season finales like my beloved AHBL. 
If you liked this episode, that’s wonderful I’m happy for you, but...I don’t like the way it left me feeling. It left me feeling hollow, and frustrated, and angry and conflicted and worried about s15. 
I wish j2 the best of luck in making s15 a good one, they have an uphill battle ahead of them. 
As for me, I’m happy this season is finally fucking over and I’m looking forward to the break before the last season begins. 
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anasfattie · 5 years
i see all these posts on how to "healthy" restrict and work out and i know that would make me lose weight faster but !! i wanna fast !! i wanna excersize until my muscles burn!! i wanna learn how to not binge !!! ive got 20 days until school and i need to learn goddamm self control!!
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