#i need this book adapted pronto
spectres-fulcrum · 4 months
Lams dancing in an abandoned room during the Independence Day ball all alone, but pretending it’s formal and grand and it’s all that matters because they’re so in love and protecting each other. I nearly started sobbing.
Duty and Inclination is the best
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onebedtorulethemall · 2 months
Okay, as you know I just finished Bad Omens, and it was probably the funniest fic I've ever read. THANK YOU for writing this masterpiece.
I adore your sense of humour. Can I ask what inspires, feeds, or fuels it? Because if there is a movie, book, or show you can recommend with more of these vibes, I'm RUNNING to it. I need more of this humour in my life. pronto.
Wishing you well <3
Oh no. You've asked about my favorite topic, I fear. (For anyone else who wants a rambling response from me, feel free to drop the words "Bad Omens" in my ask box.)
Unfunnily, I came by my sense of humor the old-fashioned way—by being fairly ignored as a child. I had a whole comedic routine I'd launch into any time I thought an adult might be about to pay attention. This behavior generally results in either wildly famous adults or extremely annoying ones. I am lucky I have writing to channel it into because I lack basically all the skills to become any sort of performer.
Ok. Obviously, the humor in this fic was mainly inspired by Good Omens. I dissected the book before and during writing to try to get as close as possible to the feel of the original (limited, of course, by the fact that I'm not Neil or Terry). I looked at sentence structure, joke setup and payoff, how and when those narrative asides were used... I remember being amazed by how much of the humor relied on clever adverb usage. Mainly, though, it's the dramatic irony doing the heavy lifting. You swap a muggle for a witch (or the Antichrist for Baby B) and tell the reader you did it, and they're already doing half the work for you. They're ready to laugh. They're bought in. They're spinning up hilarious scenarios in their mind before I've even told the joke (I know this because my comments are full of them).
That's a very long way of saying: I love anything that says "we've set up this absurd scenario, now let's watch it unfold." (Although I don't like when it gets too stressful. That's why the Bad Omens narrator was there to hold your hand through it.)
What We Do in the Shadows is the absolute best for this. Plus classics like In Bruges and Hot Fuzz, both of which I've been casually trying to find a way to adapt into a Dramione for a year now. It's not really the same humor, but I have cried laughing at Veep.
Darker comedies: Fargo and my favorite, Barry. There's an episode in season 2 (ronny/lily) that veers straight off the cliff into surrealism. It's FANTASTIC, and I was absolutely thinking about it when writing the Bad Omens war date. I looooove that feeling of "what the actual fuck am I reading/watching right now?"
And on that note: The Locked Tomb series. Just, please go read it. Join the cult. It's kept me in a book hangover for about two years and I think the only way out is to pass it on to someone else, The Ring-style.
I'll cut myself off here. Thank you for the ask, and for reading and loving my silly little fic. I am first and foremost its #1 fan, and it's just fun to get to talk about it.
(stealth edit because omgggg I can't believe I forgot O Brother, Where Art Thou? Comedic PERFECTION. Couldn't be a Dramione. Snakes buddy comedy, maybe?)
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fastlikealambo · 1 year
i swear to god i need some black ya/adult fiction to movie/tv adaptions to happen soon.
i need to see black folk falling in love, doing magic, picking up swords AS PROTAGONISTS NOT SIDE FUCKING CHARACTERS on my screen or I am gonna lose it
there are so many good books that need adaptions, i need to see black folks doing shit edited to phoebe bridgers PRONTO
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openingnightposts · 4 months
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idratherdreamofjune · 7 years
Can I just say that it is high time for a new Jane Austen adaptation to be released?!
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clouds-of-wings · 3 years
Drinking spiced cherry wine from the discounter and actually reading the lyrics of Beloved Antichrist for once - Part 1
I’ve known BA since 2018. I understood some of the story from listening and know in broad strokes what the opera is about, but with the vocals being as operatic as they are, I didn’t understand THAT much. I tried to read the lyrics on a lyrics site once but found them incomprehensible. Now I have the limited edition release which comes with a little book that explains the plot, introduces the characters and gives little summaries to each of the tracks.
The story NATURALLY begins in Berlin, the navel of the world!
Seth, the Antichrist, is a bona fide anime protagonist. Highly intelligent outsider, lost both his parents early in life. Hair colour isn’t described. His second name is, I shit you not, Thanos. If BA ever becomes famous, beware the memes!
Johanna, his antagonist, is ALSO highly gifted and lives in Vatican State where she leads a radical Catholic sisterhood. I’m only on page one and already convinced that Christofer missed his true calling with this - this doesn’t need a stage production, this needs an anime adaptation, pronto! Now who’s gonna pitch this to him, I feel like he’d at least consider it.
Okay I did know about Helena living with her and Johanna’s mother, but I did not know that Sophia is an occultist.
Why do they make someone called Apollonius evil. Although it’s probably a compliment? Still. He is indeed a famous figure from antiquity. Though if I remember correctly, he was seen as an “alternate Jesus” back in the day (gonna look this up later), so maybe it fits that he’d join with the Antichrist.
Johanna has two nun sidekicks, I love this. I never really tried to tell the voices apart when listening to BA. It’s kinda cool how many female characters there are here, considering that the book the opera is based on apparently has zero.
They can’t tell LIE and LAY apart, MINUS 1000 POINTS. LEARN ENGLISH. I say that to Therion a lot, in my head. LEARN ENGLISH, PLEASE!
They explain the scientific background of the solar storm that brings down civilization, that’s nice. And comment that much of the “third world” just went back to their traditional ways of living, while the rich countries are in the biggest trouble, which I think is accurate. Vandana Shiva said so as well. If the global economy collapsed, she said, the rural poor in India would immediately be better off.
Oooh this is all only a setup so they can have a steampunk aesthetic in the future. Naturally. But I have so many questions. How much easily accessible coal and oil is still available to be mined in Europe after 2046? Rebuilding industrialism would be a lot harder the second time without easy access to this. Also why would Christianity be revived? I feel like an event like a civilization ending solar storm and mass death would create a massive spiritual crisis, like the Black Death and the earthquake in Lisbon back in the day. But maybe it would be a crisis of secular thinking, which might strengthen Christianity again. And what role does European Islam play by 2046? Ugh I’m overthinking this. It’s all for the steampunk aesthetic after all.
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Characters: Ninth Doctor; Rose Tyler; Jack Harkness
Pairing: Nine x Rose
Tags: Limes; Fluff; Humour; Drama; Jack being Jack; language; one-shot
Summary: Panic ensues when Rose doesn't recognize the colour chartreuse, but in the end, the repercussions of her misjudgment are nothing like what she expected.
Notes: Written for a “Guess the Author” prompt in the Doctor x Rose Discord: “Oh, shit! Oh, fuck! That was the wrong button.” It was supposed to be a maximum of 500 words, so I failed at that spectacularly, but my muse was insistent.
My undying thanks to @aintfraidanoghosts, @rose--nebula, and mrsbertucci for helping me brainstorm ideas for this fic and coming up with some killer Jack-lines that I was able to adapt to fit! You are all geniuses and I love you! @rose--nebula and mrsbertucci, your betaing was, as always, stellar. Where would I be without you? <3<3<3
All mistakes are well and truly mine. Read also at: AO3; FF; Tsp (when approved)
“Seriously,” Rose leaned back against the TARDIS console and gazed up at the infinite ceiling above her, “the Doctor’s jus’ my friend. That’s all!”
Jack’s head and shoulders slid out from under the console. He scoffed and fixed Rose with an expression that could only be described as incredulous. “Yeah, right. You keep tellin’ yourself that, Rosie.”
“Well, it’s true, innit?” Rose countered, unable to prevent the flush that burned over her cheeks.
“I’m just sayin’, play your cards right, and your status could be upgraded to friends-with-benefits.” He gave her a lascivious wink and disappeared again. The clatter of his tinkering resumed. 
“I wish…” Rose huffed, folding her arms heavily across her chest.
“Hand me that hyperspanner, will you?” His hand shot out to accept the tool and Rose smacked it into his hand a bit harder than was strictly necessary.
A few seconds later, Jack’s voice sounded from under the console again: “Hey, I need you to do something for me…”
Rose grinned. “As long as it doesn’t involve me takin’ off my clothes!”
“Clothing is always optional, in my books, but I’m sorry to say, nudity isn't strictly necessary, so you’re off the hook... this time!”
The cheek of him! “Dream on!” 
“Hey, cut me a little slack, dreams are all I got these days. Can’t get any action around here when you and the Doc only have eyes–” 
“Right,” Rose quickly cut him off, refocusing his attention on the task at hand, “w’at d’ya need me to do?”
“Okay, okay I’ll back off. Promise! Do you see that little panel of buttons, just to your right?”
Rose turned around and scanned the console, quickly locating the multicoloured panel. “Got it.”
“Need you to do this quick, okay? I’m just unhooking everything right now and this flow regulator is no lightweight.”
“Yeah, ‘course.”
“Do ya see the chartreuse one?”
“Chartreuse? Seriously? Pull the other one! I mean, mauve was bad enough but–”
“C’mon, Rose! Get the hell out of the 21st Century and just find the damn button! My arms are falling off, here!”
“All right, all right! Don’t get your knickers in a twist.” Rose concentrated on the buttons in front of her. Chartreuse was sorta greenish, yeah?  “The one at the middle left?”
Jack groaned. “Urrrghh, no! That’s the jade one. Top row!”
Rose rolled her eyes and redirected her attention. A deep, bright greenish one glinted at her cheerfully. “Oooh, I got it!”
“Okay, now, on my mark, I need you to press and hold it for about a minute. That should be enough time for me to reattach the regulator. Ready?”
“Jus’ say the word!”
Rose stabbed at the button depressing it with a satisfying clunk. “Done!” Keeping her finger firmly on it, she leaned back and contemplated the ceiling again. “It’s jus’…” she addressed Jack again, pausing as her voice seemed to echo through the console room (a bit weird, that…) “It’s jus’, the Doctor says he’s danced, yeah, but what does that even mean? Does he even ‘ave all the necessary bits?”
Jack’s howls of laughter hurtled around the console room the way her voice had. “Are you kidding me? Have you seen how he looks at you?”
“He does not!”
“Yeah, he does! In fact, ogles would be a better word to use. Add in a bit of drool and doe-eyes and you get the picture. Believe me, Rosie, only someone with all the necessary bits looks at another person like that. I’m tellin’ ya, forget dancing; give him a little encouragement and you and the Time Lord’ll be doing the Horizontal Tango in no time.”
A few seconds passed in silence before Jack’s impatient bark startled her. “Hey! You’re supposed to hold down the button and keep holding it!” His face poked out, frowning up at her.
“What the ‘ell do you think I’ve been doin’?”
His face distorted in panic. “Wait! Why can I hear our voices?” He clambered up to stand beside her.
“I know, right? Thought that was bit–”
“It’s like they’re being… Oh God!” Jack’s voice reverberated especially loudly around the room, and his eyes snapped to where Rose’s finger was firmly depressing the button. “Oh fuck!” He swatted her hand away from the console.
“Oi!” Rose snapped, but she noticed her voice had stopped echoing.
“That was not the right button! Tell me,” he faced her, hands on his hips, “how is that chartreuse?”
“Seemed chartreusish to me. And it was in the top row like you said.” She shrugged, guilt warring with irritation. How was she supposed to know exactly what shade of green chartreuse was?
“That’s emerald, sweetheart!” Then he stabbed with his finger toward a button two to the right of the apparently-emerald one. “This is chartreuse, right here!”
Rose’s stomach sank as she peered at the greenish yellow button Jack had indicated. “So, the one I was holdin’ down? That’s why our voices sounded–”
“Oh, it’s way worse than that. Pressing that button initiated a ship-wide broadcast–”
“Yes, it did.”
Rose wheeled around at the smug sound of the Doctor’s voice. He stood, leaning against a coral strut, leather-clad arms folded across his chest, icy-blue eyes boring into her. Gulping around the lump in her throat, she replayed in her mind all the words she and Jack had spoken while she’d been holding down that bloody button. Oh God! She’d been talking about his bits, for fuck’s sake! And there was something Jack had said about doing the Horizontal Tango… She’d never wanted to vanish into thin air so badly in her entire, miserable life. Forget dancing; she’d be lucky if the Doctor didn’t drop her at home, pronto, after this escapade.
He unfolded himself and strode toward her. Rose jutted her chin out, ready to accept his censure with some level of dignity.
Jack threw his hands up in surrender as the Doctor brushed aggressively past him. “To be fair, Doc, I defended your bits!” he declared, practically throwing Rose under the proverbial bus.
She groaned.
“And what would you know about my bits, Harkness?” the Doctor snarled.
“Not nearly enough,” Jack leered at him with a filthy smirk, “but you’re always welcome to–”
“Shut up, Harkness. And while you’re at it, scram! I’ll deal with you later.”
“Promises, promises…” Jack beamed as he backed out of the room, shooting Rose a cheeky wink and a double thumbs-up from behind the Doctor’s shoulder. Rose just gaped at him. How could he possibly think this situation was positive in any way whatsoever?
His eyes never leaving Rose’s, the Doctor waited until the sound of Jack’s footsteps receded into the depths of the TARDIS. Then, he stepped toward her, effectively trapping her against the console. He glared down at her; ice blazing with hot, blue flame: that was the only way she could describe his eyes. She ducked her head, feeling small under his scrutiny.
“Rose Tyler.” Her name rolled out of his mouth, low and gravelly.
She forced herself to meet his gaze again. “A-about w’at you may ‘ave ‘eard…,” she stammered, rubbing her forehead with shaking fingers, “…well, you know how conversations with Jack go? Completely off the rails, yeah?”
He was silent, only the slightest narrowing of his eyes and subtle twitch of his brow indicating he had heard her words. He took another step, impossibly closer, forcing her to lean back against the console to maintain eye contact. Then, he placed his hands on either side of her and leaned in, so their foreheads were nearly touching.
“Seems to me,” he growled under his breath, “you were the one questioning my virility.”
Rose could feel his breath, cool against her cheek, his lips so close to hers. Her own lips parted in anticipation, a yearning ache forming deep in her core. Coupled with his proximity, it stirred in her a reckless bravado and she tilted her head ever-so-slightly, encouraging him. “Well, it seems to me,” she purred, “you ‘ave somethin’ to prove, then, yeah?”
Something rumbled deep in his chest and he moved ever closer. (Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Just a little further…) He was so close, a hair’s-breadth was all that was left between them. Rose’s heart throbbed out the long, tense moments, but she didn’t dare move. She had thrown down the gauntlet. It was his to pick up.
Then suddenly his lips were on hers, possessive and demanding, yet wonderfully soft and welcoming. She opened to him, unstintingly, and he deepened the kiss, his tongue teasing the edge of her lips, sending a jolt of desire tingling from the base of her spine, all the way to the tips of her fingers and toes. Instinctively, her hips bucked in response, thrusting against him, and meeting the undeniable evidence of his arousal.
She gasped, and he broke the kiss, offering her a cocky, lop-sided smirk. “I hate to admit it, but this time Harkness was right.” He chuckled softly. “I do have all the necessary bits.”
“Yeah, ya sure do,” Rose choked out, hardly able to believe what was happening.
Chuckling again, the Doctor helped her to stand upright, then cupped her face reverently with both hands and bestowed her with another passionate kiss. Rose’s knees turned to jelly when, next, he whispered in her ear. “May I have this dance, Rose Tyler?”
“You… you mean dance-dance, yeah?”
“Yeah, if you’re willin’… And I promise you, love,” he added with a roll of his eyes, “it will not be anything so gauche as a ‘Horizontal Tango.’ Bloody Harkness.”
She nodded, giggling, unable to form words.
“And speaking of whom,” he wrapped an arm around her, guiding her away from the console, “I think we’d best take this somewhere more private.”
Many fantastic hours later, Rose lay panting and sated on the rich, burgundy sheets of the Doctor’s bed. He had proven, time and again, without a doubt, that he had all the necessary bits and knew how to use them spectacularly well.
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poisonandpages · 4 years
Just finished Doom Patrol. Thoughts:
This show fully leans into the nutsy “this is a world where both magic and extreme, implausible science are everyday” concept and more often than not it works. Some adaptations of comic book works try so hard to convince the audience of things being semi-realistic at least to begin with but this show said “fuck it we’ll establish the justice league already exists and that should be enough background for the audience to work from”. There’s a magic talking horse-head prophet and I was like “aye alright”. It’s never fully explained why Ezekiel the cockroach can talk (or why he’s a religious fanatic) and tbh you don’t care, you just wanna see what zaniness happens next.
Absolutely nothing about the chief makes me care for him, even That Twist where his motivations are revealed. If he weren’t played by Timothy Dalton I’d probs be dozing through his scenes.
On that note Mr Nobody would not work half so well if he weren’t played by Alan Tudyk. No one else could have made the character so lively and engaging.
The grey morality of the team’s leading douchebags felt so genuine. Not like “This is an almost perfect hero who made a mistake ONE TIME” or “This is an almost complete asshole who did a majorly good thing ONE TIME” but believable characters who go back and forth on what they want and why they want it. Everyone was compelling even when you wanted to hate them. 
Diane Guerrero’s performance as someone with super-powered D.I.D was fascinating - we’ve seen this before as a lazy trope for villain making, but heroes/anti-heroes? I genuinely don’t think I’ve seen something like this before. If any people who actually do live with this condition want to talk about it I’ll happily listen and learn.
That Episode about confronting Larry’s past broke me. Not Bury Your Gays in a horrible tropey way but Lay Your Gays To Rest after they’re allowed to live a full happy life and get to old age? That was worth tears.
(And I loved that when Larry got his redo option his choice was both believable for the story but also a wonderful fuck you to Endg*me)
The fucked up found-family connections were beautiful and I need more of this pronto.
All in all a really good show, even if it is Grade-A batshit, which I think was part of the point.
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paragonrobits · 4 years
*deeeeep breath* 1, 2, 10, 12, 21, 22, 24 (I know you have but it'd be nice to see you talk about 'em here!), 25, 29, 43, 46, 49!
1. Books or Movies? To be honest, while i adore a lot of the visual aesthetics and inspirations of the films (taking Rohirrim’s Land Vikings to the logical extreme, Gondor’s Byzantium vibes), I have to say the books. It’s the original source material, its the books that defined the modern fantasy genre, and there is so much subtext and atmosphere that can’t be captured any adaptation so far!
2. Which character do you connect with the most? tbh I kind of really dig Gandalf’s vibe, from the little we know of him on a personal level. And while the hobbits are the most relatable characters, and I really GET frodo’s whole slow descent, i have to say it’s a toss up between Gimli and Treebeard. Gimli because he’s very relatable to me in a way i can’t quite articulate, and Treebeard’s sad note about his people’s inevitable decline and his benevolence in spite of how the world has largely forgotten him is very emotional to me.
10. Who is your OTP? Hard to say! I’m fond of Arwen/Aragorn for obvious reasons, but honestly, if there’s a ship, i probably dig it! pretty fond of a lot of brotps; among them, Eowyn and Merry, and Boromir and the collective hobbit people.
12. What unpopular opinons do you have about the movies? Honestly, Gimli gets played TOO much for laughs in the movies; he’s a fairly poetic warrior straight out of the norse Poetic Eddas and he consistently speaks in the most lyrical ways, so him being a comic relief bumbler feels a little like a disservice to him. (Granted, I still love movie Gimli, but where’s his loving speeches about the careful cultivations of a mine, eh???)
21. What is your favorite line from the movies? I have to say... Gandalf’s speech to Frodo when they discuss Bilbo’s choice to spare him. “Pity? It was pity that stopped his head. There are many, I daresay, that deserve life, and many living that deserve death. Can you give it to them? Then do not be so hasty to give judgement. For even Gollum, I think, has a part to play in all this.” (Sorry for paraphrasing!)
22. What is your favorite line from the books? While it got adapted into the movies, in a fashion, I’m very fond of Sam’s musing upon a fallen Haradrim warrior: “He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would rather have stayed there in peace.”
24. I have, certainly! I’m unsure how the earlier animated Hobbit movie factors into this (though i have a fairly clear memory of it as a kid, and the visual designs of the hobbits influenced me for a long time since), but then there’s the animated Lord of the Rings movie, by Ralph Bakshi. Hoo BOY you definitely know all about that one! Pros, the animation is genuinely experimental and intriguingly weird at times, the regular character animation is fantastic and i really love Aragorn’s grimy, ‘Kay from Sword in The Stone but brunette’ look. Cons: The animation is also experimental. Sometimes, it looks really weird. I MEAN THE BALROG. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT, I TELL YOU, aND WHATS GOING ON WITH THE ORCS. And poor Sam gets hit HARD With the comic bumbler button; that said, i think i would have liked to see how they handled the 3rd movie, and this movie DOES cover some things that didn’t make it into the Jackson films, such as Sauruman’s coat of many colors.
25. How has LOTR changed your life? It remains one of the most influential stories in my life, though I didn’t read it until the mvies came out; as a younger child, i found the tone of the book too difficult to readily grasp, and it wasn’t until later that I was able to do it, but it was a good thing i did; to this day, Tolkien’s writings remain a touchstone in my life, especially in terms of how people try to imitate him without considering the context of his writing, and his sub-text about the corrupting influence of power and the value in struggling against evil, even if it is hopeless, remains a big aspect of my ideas of heroic fantasy.
29. Most attractive character? Gandalf, obviously, that beard was crafted by the Valar themselves! Okay but I think Galadriel is probably my fav, both in terms of personal headcanons (i imagine her as being tall and perfectly capable of ripping foes in half), and canon implications that she is the fairest of all, sort of like an inverse fairy tale queen; she has the evil sorceress queen vibe, but is pure good.
43. “EXCUSE ME, WHO STOLE YOUR TASTE.” And then i prepare a lecture, with bullet points of interest, on the relevance lord of the rings has to the fiction genre as a whole, the symbolic elements of his work, the fact that the man made up several languages and did this story specifically to use them somewhere, the events of his life that likely influenced him and the course of story elements like Eowyn’s disgust at winning glory at the expense of her family’s lives... if they’re not bored to sleep, they will be part of the fandom. I SHALL SEE TO IT.
46. Have you seen the musical, or listened to it’s soundtrack? THERE’S A MUSICAL?! I NEED TO FIND THIS SOUNDTRACK PRONTO
49. Should more of Tolkien’s songs have been included in the movies? ABsolutely! You may assume that the songs/poems are too clunky or long-winded to be produced as good music, but from what I understand, Tolkien created them to be meant to be recited to music, in the style of the poetic tradition he was drawing from: there is a very good youtube channel called Clamavi De Profundis that does EXCELLT covers of Tolkien’s songs, that are often hauntingly beautiful to hear, and I highly recommend them. Here’s one of my personal favorites:
(the Song of Durin, if you’re not inclined to click the link without knowing which one!)
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pierrotdameron · 5 years
Make no mistake: James McAvoy is a straight-up ‘His Dark Materials’ stan.
‘I fucking love it!’ enthuses the Scottish actor, who plays Lord Asriel in the BBC’s blockbuster adaptation of Philip Pullman’s fantasy novels. ‘I’ve read the trilogy three times, I’ve watched the film, I’ve listened to Philip read the audiobook twice and I’ve listened to the BBC radio adaptation three times.’
The two of us are sat in a slightly ramshackle south-east London rehearsal room to talk about his return to the stage in a radical new production of ‘Cyrano de Bergerac’. But with ‘His Dark Materials’ still the must-see show of the season, the loquacious, sweary, extremely *nice* Hollywood star is happy to talk through his first major TV role since ‘Shameless’.
‘A sort of posh, English, Indiana Jones type is what we were going for,’ he explains of Asriel, enigmatic aristocrat and secret father to heroine Lyra, who pursues him to the frozen north as he becomes dangerously obsessed with the magical substance dust. ‘He comes from a rigid aristocratic society. He’s been fucked by it so hard that he’s now outside of it, but he can’t just suddenly get rid of his manner.’
When McAvoy heard that Pullman’s books were being adapted for the telly, he contemplated both Asriel and American airman Lee Scoresby but assumed people wouldn’t see him as either. ‘I thought: What character can I play? There’s fucking nobody!’ Then he was hanging out with his friend, ‘His Dark Materials’ casting director Kahleen Crawford. She told him that a couple of actors had let them down and they needed to fill the role of Asriel, pronto. McAvoy enthusiastically shared some thoughts on the character. A few days later, he received a phone call: ‘She said: “Do you want to play Lord Asriel on Monday?” This was Friday. And I said yes.’
Thus was launched not only the definitive take on Pullman’s brooding lord, but also numerous think pieces extolling McAvoy’s new silver fox look and, above all, Asriel’s knitwear. I raise this half-jokingly but actually it turns out that McAvoy really does dig his woollies.
‘Recently I got very into tucked-in knitted jumpers with a shirt and tie and [‘His Dark Materials’ director] Tom Hooper thought Asriel should be somebody who always wears a shirt and tie. I was like: I’m up for that.’
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bookbbs-blog · 5 years
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currently rereading illuminae and let me tell you, i think these books need to be adapted into a movie or tv series. pronto.
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mstornadox · 5 years
Yuletide Letter 2019
Thank you!
I am so happy that we matched. I look forward to reading your fic.
I will read anything from the fluffiest fluff to angstiest angst. Relationships can be Gen, Het, or Slash. M/M, F/F, F/M, Multi. Any rating. 
I love world-building, inside jokes, literary easter eggs, and puns. 
I love AUs and crossovers as long as the adaptation is true to the spirit of the original. I am a sucker for crossovers where characters played by the same actor interact. I don’t mind if the story fits into any mini-challenge, such as Misses Claus or Chromatic or Two for One.
More things I love:
AUs where a character wakes up in alternate reality; i don’t even need to know the canon, i will watch that one episode of any tv series
Character has amnesia
Character is put in a world where they no longer exist (e.g. It’s a Wonderful Life)
Character has temporary amnesia 
Fake dating/marriage
Improbable undercover situations
Competence kink
Things i do not want:
Scat, felching, watersports
Character bashing, especially for female or canon love interests
Baby kink, Daddy kink, Littles and Bigs, and anything where an adult pretends to be a child, regardless of whether sex is involved
For Yuletide, i am not that interested in ABO or Dom/Sub universes.
And on to the fandoms and prompts. (Please note that some of these have been recycled & updated since last year.)
Fandom: Untitled Goose Game (Video Game)
Character(s): Goose (Untitled Goose Game)
Prompt 1: The Goose is a Soulmate Goose of Enforcement. Its current quest is to get these two idiots to kiss, even if it has to destroy the village to get it done.
You can decide which characters are the oblivious soulmates. They could be people from the game or from my other prompts or from your prompts. Or another Yuletide nominee, specifically books or comics or movies or tv shows. (I’m not as well versed with most video games or bandoms.)
Prompt 2: Any story set within the game from the point of view of the Goose.
Fandom: Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow (2004)
Character(s): Dex Dearborn
Anything focusing on Dex. Can be set pre- or post-canon, or even AU. Or a crossover where Dex gets to bond with other mechanics/engineers (such as The Flash, Stargate, Farscape, or Deep Space Nine.)
I'm fine with any or no pairing, but i would love Franky/Dex.
Fandom: The Little Mermaid (1989)
Character(s): Ariel (Disney), Ursula (Disney)
Prompt 1: Femslash between Ariel and Ursula. Sex can be consensual or dubcon; mind control and/or magic could be involved.
Prompt 1: Ariel and Ursula seduce Eric together.
Fandom: Radio Free Roscoe
Character(s): Lily Randall
I loved this show. I loved the interplay between the main characters. I think i shipped the 4 characters as platonic, or perhaps Lily/Pronto. Or was it Lily/Travis? Any combo (or none) works for me.
Story could take place during the series, or in the future. Perhaps at a 10th high school reunion or a save the store event. Perhaps at least one of them (or even Kim) now has a podcast. Just bring me back to that world, please.
Fandom: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
Character(s): Nora Holleran
This was such a fun book. Even though all of the characters are wonderful, please focus on data nerd, Nora Holleran. I see her as greysexual. I’m not sure if she has a competency kink, but she definitely would hit someone else’s competency kink real hard. I just want someone to love and appreciate Nora.
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nuttersincorporated · 7 years
Thoughts on American Gods season finale
Thoughts under the keep reading.
Spoiler warning. Slight book spoiler but only in how the TV show changes things. If you haven’t read the book yet, please go read it. If you can’t afford it, get it from the library.
Yay! We’ve got an episode where Shadow is the main character again. Don’t get me wrong, I love Mad Sweeney and I love to hate Laura Moon but two out of the eight episodes this season haven’t focused on Shadow at all.
It’s nice to see him finally coming to terms with what is going on. In the book, Shadow didn’t need Jesus to tell him that he couldn’t disbelieve his senses. He came to that realisation by himself. However, this is an adaption and we can’t hear Shadow’s inner thoughts so this chance doesn’t bother me much.
Shadow remains the character who is the greatest departure from his book counterpart. The others are expanded upon and Laura has had her bad characteristics turned up to 11 but Shadow from the show and Shadow from the book are barely alike.
Shadow in the book is much quitter, he keeps things inside and is much harder to make angry. He learnt in prison to, “Do your own time,” which means keep your head down, don’t get into trouble, do the job in front of you, don’t take on other people’s anger, don’t upset those in charge and don’t start fights. Shadow didn’t lash out at Sweeney in the bar and instated he fought defensively, he was hit by the Technical Boy’s people and told Wednesday about it calmly and he might not always have understood what was happening but he accepted it.
I like Shadow from the book and I like Shadow from the show, though not as much. I think it would have been hard to bring book Shadow to the small screen but not impossible and I’m mostly okay with the change.
So, the Technical Boy is the one who helped out Bilquis. Poor woman. Now this is another departure from the book. In the book, Bilquis was a prostitute and the Technical Boy killed her. I’m not saying the won’t kill herhere too but he’d never have bothered to help her. He though she was beneath him but he regretted killing her when he started going mad. I don’t mind this change. The compromise she made and acknowledgment of what she’s lost make her a more interesting character.
I can’t state this enough; I LOVE Mr Nancy. “Anger gets shit done.” Yes, yes it does. Good things as well as bad. Things don’t chance unless people get angry and make enough noise. Also, Anansi is a storyteller and I love stories.
I might not be great at spelling but I love etymology (the origin of words) and I’m a logophile (a lover of words). Ēostre called the Jesuses a ‘gaggle’ but I don’t think that quite works as a collective name from a group of Jesuses. ‘Pantheon’ doesn’t work either because he is a group of different interpretations of the same God rather than a group of different Gods. Is it awful that the only world that I think fits for a group of Jesuses is; a crucifix of Jesuses?
Ēostre is super powerful. I wasn’t expecting her to take spring away. What happens after this? They’ve made Shadow so much more emotional on the surface rather than just in his head in the show but he seems fine with her taking away spring. Lots of people will die unless she brings it back pronto, they will starve. Shadow should be upset by this.
Now this is interesting. In the book, Laura never learned that Wednesday was responsible for her death. Will she and Sweeney be able to tell Shadow the truth or will Wednesday stop them? Shadow is so happy to see her, it’s sweet.
I want Laura and Mad Sweeney to become thorns in Wednesday’s side. Please, please, please don’t just kill them off or in Laura’s case, double kill her. They are too much fun to watch. If possible, I’d like them to tell Shadow as much of the truth as they know and for Shadow to join them. This seems unlikely but they’ve change plenty from the book already so who knows?
I was right. Mad Sweeney doesn’t know all of Wednesday’s plan. He still doesn’t know why Wednesday choose Shadow.
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noblegambit · 7 years
Pocket Sized - Chapter 3
I wanna try and make Wednesday/Thursday weekly updates a thing, but if you know me... well, I guess we’ll see how much we can keep it up before it inevitably falls apart.
Also, if you haven’t seen it already, I gave Nalciel a sneak peak and she drew fanart for it!!! Check it out if you haven’t already!
Feedback appreciated, please enjoy!
Ao3, Chapter 1, 2, 3
Keith is watching Lance nibble on a piece of crust, grinning and savoring it like it’s the first time he has ever tasted pizza. He’s sitting cross-legged on his desk, back reclined a little against a small stack of books, and at first glance Lance could almost be mistaken as an action figure, except for the tiny sounds of pleasure that slip through his lips as he chews, and when he sometimes wiggles to readjust himself.
“Oh my god I thought I’d never eat pizza again,” he sings.
Keith takes a bite of his own slice and goes back to his homework. “It’s not that good.”
“You know those videos where someone cooks like, the world’s smallest burger?” Lance asks through another mouthful. “I could totally eat that burger. Cause I’m the world’s smallest human!”
“You’re really taking this shrinking thing well, aren’t you.”
“Hey man, I gotta adapt. I’m sure shrinking has its benefits. Like, what if you need someone to crawl through a really small space?”
“Would you even do something like that if I asked?”
“Got me there.”
Keith glances at Lance again. “You’re sure you don’t want to tell anyone else?”
Lance glares; the answer to that question should be quite obvious to someone like Keith. “I’m totally sure. There’s no way that this guy is becoming a lab experiment.”
Keith sits back in his chair and pulls his phone from his pocket. He pulls up the keypad and places the device flat on the desk next to Lance’s knee. “Call them.”
Lance lowers his crust. “No.”
“I’ll even set it to anonymous.”
Keith does so. Lance turns his face away like a stubborn child; if he can’t see it, it’s not there.
Lance wants to call his parents, he really does. He wants nothing more than to run into their arms and apologize profusely for running out on them. But he can’t exactly do that anymore. Not in his current state, anyway. He slowly turns back and looks at the phone, extends a hand as if to dial and then decides against it.
What was he supposed to tell them? Hey mom, hey dad, sorry I didn’t come home last night, I got shrunk to two inches tall and I’m living with ex-best friend Keith so don’t worry about me!
“Well you gotta tell your folks something at least,” Keith argues, as if reading Lance’s mind. “Do you really want to be put on the side of a milk carton?”
Lance lowers his head. “No….”
“I imagine you don’t.”
Lance examines his tiny hands, eyebrows turned upward in a nervous frown. “What am I going to do, Keith?”
Keith doesn’t have an answer for that.
Lance bends his fingers, makes the Vulcan gesture, curls his hands into fists and back again, all the time watching his tendons at work beneath his skin. No, he definitely can’t show himself to his parents like this. But Keith has a point; he can’t just vanish on them like this, that’s not fair. Lance wants more than anything to go home, but… he just can’t. He can’t make them suffer.
But he also can’t make them worry.
Lance gathers his resolve. “Don’t leave,” he murmurs.
Keith glances over. “What was that?”
“I’m going to call my parents,” Lance says. “But just… sit right there. I don’t wanna do it by myself.”
Keith seems to understand Lance’s hesitation to be alone. He was a social creature by habit, and when his older siblings started going away to college, getting married, and not doting on him constantly, Lance had to seek out other forms of attention and company. For a while that had been Keith, but after their… falling out, Lance had turned to soccer and relied heavily on Pidge and Hunk for their company.
Keith pulls out his phone again and sets it to anonymous. Lance leans over the screen and taps his fist against the keypad to dial. The big white numbers that glare up at him when he finishes, his home phone number (his father is old-fashioned) make Lance hesitate. One hand hovers over the green call button, and Lance instinctively turns to look up at Keith for support. His… landlord (“friend” still seems a bit too heavy of a word between them) just nods encouragingly.
Lance swallows and delicately presses the button, turning it on speakerphone for good measure. The phone dials. Lance can feel his heart crawling in his throat; he hasn’t planned this out; what is he going to say???
“Hello?” A voice answers. Chloe’s. “I’m sorry, but we are a little busy so if you can call back later…”
“It’s me,” Lance eeks out.
There’s the sound of scrambling on the other end, and Lance can imagine his parents shooting up from their chairs to crowd the phone.
“Lance? Lance, is that you!?”
“Lance honey are you okay where are you come home right now…”
His parents talk over themselves, and Lance smiles to himself. “I’m fine,” he manages over the hubbub. “I’m just…”
“Lance, where are you!?” his mother demands, and Lance feels a stab in his chest at the hurt and relief in her voice. Keith was right; Lance should have called earlier.
“I’m okay,” Lance says. “I’m just… um…”
He glances to Keith for ideas, but the other boy just shrugs. God, if I could hit him in the face with a soccer ball.
The tryouts!
“I’m in the city!” Lance improvises.
“The city!?” his father shouts. “What the hell are you doing there?”
“The Voltron Lions tryouts,” Lance says, and he’s getting the hang of this. “I went to the tryouts. I just really wanted to do it and I hopped a bus…”
“Lance Alejandro Sanchez!” his father shouts, and Lance flinches at his full name, almost falling backwards from the volume.
“Just trust me,” Lance continues once his father takes a moment to breathe. “I’ll get on the team and prove that I can do this!”
Lance hopes his lie is convincing; there’s no way he could get on a pro soccer team when he’s smaller than the ball itself.
His father is still raging, but Lance isn’t sure how much more of this conversation he can carry out before the questions start getting too specific. He doesn’t have a hotel number or anything, and his lie would be revealed quicker than he needed it to. But with luck, there would be no need for the lie to be revealed at all.
“Anyway I just wanted you guys to know I’m okay and not to worry about me! I’ll be home soon! Bye!”
“Lance! At least give us the phone number of the ho-!”
It takes a couple slaps on the phone screen and a well-placed stomp of the foot before the touch screen registers the pressure and hangs up. Lance sits back on his knees, hands curled into fists in his lap and head hanging low.
Lance is exhausted after only a short conversation, but he feels a weight lifted off his chest. He hadn’t realized how much of a burden it was on his chest, to have that phone call hanging over his head. Now that it was over, Lance feels less stressed; but only a little.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Keith is saying as he takes his phone back.
“That was terrible,” Lance says instead. “But thanks for making me do it.”
Keith smiles. “I know your parents appreciate it, Lance Alejandro –”
Lance glares, and Keith smirks back.
They drift into silence. At some point, Keith gets up and starts getting ready for bed. Lance observes silently, trying and failing miserably to look away. But what Keith doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Keith is reaching for the towel slung lazily over a chair when it occurs to Lance: “Um, Keith?”
“Where am I supposed to shower? Also, where am I going to sleep?”
Keith blinks, like he hasn’t thought of that either. “I dunno.”
Lance crosses his arms. “I spent the night in a giant storm and I’m covered in dirt. I need a shower, pronto. And I don’t care where I sleep but I am not cuddling on your bed.”
Keith gets a stricken look. “I wasn’t going to suggest it!”
“I’d probably get suffocated under your mullet.”
Keith reaches for his hair instinctively, his expression defensive. “I said I wasn’t going to suggest it.”
“Then what do you suggest?”
Keith thinks for a minute and then lowers his hand for Lance to step into. Lance obliges, and slips rather uncomfortably into the deep pockets of Keith’s pajama pants. The smell of fabric softener is masked by an overwhelming stench of Keith and Lance has to plug his nose to keep from suffocating. His vision is colored red from the light filtering through the maroon fabric.
He grips onto the pocket for support as Keith starts walking; he can feel every brush of his leg as he moves, and Lance is going to make sure he is never in a pants pocket again. Keith has apparently gone downstairs and into the kitchen, collecting something that sounds like a bowl? He says a few words to Shiro that are too muffled for Lance to hear, and then there’s a snap of a closing door, click of a lock.
Lance knows he’s never going to get over the sight of a giant hand reaching down towards him from above. No, Lance does not like it at all. Keith seems to give him some room though, and thankfully doesn’t grip Lance around the middle. Rather, he stops and waits for Lance to grab one of his fingers before lifting him out of the pocket and onto what Lance sees is the bathroom sink counter.
“You don’t even have lotion in here?”
Keith eyes him strangely as he prepares a small bowl and a kitchen rag. “Lotion?”
“Yes, lotion! It takes work to get my skin this smooth! I’m going to need at least a bottle.”
“One thing at a time, please,” Keith groans. “Anyway, this will have to do for now.” He turns the shower on and waits until the water is warm before sliding the bowl beneath the spray. “Can’t exactly have you falling down the drain.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Keith.”
Keith glares. “I can pour this out right now…”
Lance takes it back quickly.
Keith occupies himself with slicing a small corner off the bar of soap while Lance slides out of his pants and clambers into the makeshift bathtub. Lance lets out a sigh as the warm water engulfs him to the neck, and dunks his head into the water. He can feel the dirt and sweat flaking from his body, and he had never been happier to get clean. He comes up for air and smoothes his hair back so it’s out of his eyes. Lance accepts the soap offered to him and applies it delicately to his skin. “This is perfect,” he sighs happily.
“This is insane,” Keith mutters to himself.
“No more insane than taking a bath in a cereal bowl, but I’ll give you one,” Lance says. “You’re the one who has to act like it’s completely normal.”
“This is totally not normal.”
“Taking a shower isn’t normal? No wonder you smell weird. When was the last time you washed those pants?”
“Oh my god –”
“Keith? Who are you talking to?”
Keith chokes as Shiro’s voice comes sliding under the door. Lance freezes, and exchanges a quick look with Keith.
“N-no one,” Keith manages. “Just… talking to myself.”
“Okaaay…” Shiro says, somewhat disbelievingly, but what else could he believe? As far as he knew, he and Keith were the only people living in the house. Keith and Lance wait until Shiro’s shadow moves away before letting out respective breaths.
“My turn,” Keith says, and reaches behind his back to tug his t-shirt off.
Lance swallows and pretends to be occupied with bathing, the heat of the bath making his cheeks warm. Although, Lance isn’t sure why he’d be so self-conscious around shirtless Keith. He himself still had yet to procure a shirt his size and had been shirtless all day; apparently all of Keith’s dolls (“Action figures,” Keith insisted) had irremovable shirts. Lance knew he had a good-looking body, and wasn’t self-conscious about it. Keith wasn’t distracted by Lance state of half-undress, so why should Lance be about Keith?
I guess all that kendo pays off… Lance guiltily thinks, before snapping himself out of it. People aren’t allowed to ogle their ex-best-friend-turned-landlord.
Thankfully, the boys’ showers are quick, and they are both clean and refreshed, back in Keith’s room with Shiro none the wiser. Their next problem comes in the form of Lance’s sleeping arrangements. Keith makes do by cutting to top off of a tissue box, then stuffing it with a small dishrag wrapped in tissue. Lance watches Keith work with a small grin, dangling his legs off the edge of the desk and reclining on the palm of his hands.
Once Keith supplies a pillow and blanket made of folded handkerchief, Lance shouts in glee and throws himself onto his new bed. “Oh my gooood this is ah-mazing!” he croons, and lays flat on his stomach, arms and legs stretched as far as they can go. Lance is a tall kid (tall by magically-shrunken-people standards) and pleased to find that the tissue box bed is a perfect fit.
Lance picks his head up enough so he can thank Keith. The other boy looks slightly pleased with himself, until he remembers that he’s supposed to be annoyed at this arrangement. It makes for an interesting picture, and Lance lets out a snort.
“What?” Keith grunts.
“Your face.”
Keith rolls his eyes and sits on his bed, pulling his laptop into his lap. Lance arranges himself comfortably in his new bed, watching Keith closely. He’s engrossed in whatever he has on his screen, and isn’t paying Lance any attention. Lance can feel the exhaustion from the day’s events creeping into his bones, and he starts to drift off.
“Hey, Keith…”
“What now?”
“This is our first sleepover…”
Keith drops his eyes a little. “Yeah.”
“I think this is the first time I’ve even been in your room. We were always playing at my house.”
Keith shrugs like it’s no big deal. “You’re the only person besides Shiro who’s been in here.”
“I feel special,” Lance smiles into his pillow.
Keith grunts in acknowledgement and continues what he is doing.
Lance is two seconds from falling asleep. “Keith.”
“Go to sleep, Lance.”
It catches Keith off guard, and Lance manages to hear a small “You’re welcome,” before he’s drifting off.
Lance must have fallen asleep for a bit, because when he wakes up, Keith is asleep, slouched down against his pillows with his laptop still resting on his lap, the screen dark. The light in the room is still on, and Lance can’t see a clock from his bed, but he can see Keith’s face.
It looks better when he’s asleep. More relaxed, not so much of the tension that sometimes is present between his eyebrows. Lance adjusts himself a little and continues to just watch Keith sleep. "He has long eyelashes," Lance sleepily observes. Lance remembers a time when Keith was a short, kind of pudgy kid, and now he had grown into sharp features and a strong jaw, and was no longer the kid that got beat up protecting Lance from bullies in elementary school.
After their fall out, Lance had grown to accept that he and Keith would eventually go their separate ways, probably never talk to each other until they were both married at their ten-year high school reunion. Never in his wildest imaginations – and Lance had quite a wild imagination – had he seen himself sleeping in a tissue-box bed in Keith’s room. Funny, how life turns out that way.
Lance closes his eyes again, and sleeps soundly through the rest of the night, torn between wanting to become normal again or stay just as he is, so he can hold onto this connection with Keith, if only for a little while longer.
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fajrihanny · 7 years
Year End and New Year!
I like this tradition of jotting down some of notes and next achievements (pppf) for the upcoming year - perhaps this is something that I will do quite often just to check how far I have come at some points of the year. 
Without further ado, here is for 2016 - the year of uncertainty and turbulence. 
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Two weeks of holiday in Jakarta
...and learn how inefficient Indonesia’s system once again. Ok, to be fair, it wasn’t all that bad. The system has improved a lot although it’s still far away from what I imagined Indonesia would have after a decade. I am not sure whom I should give credit to.. Foke? Ahok? Jokowi?
I ate A LOT during my two weeks in Jakarta and gained about 3 kgs (gasp!) lol. I think M gained most of his birth weigh from all of those fattening food. 
Sadly, we only had one meet up when we were there :( And it only happened for about 10 minutes! I was so sad but I knew that we had too many things going on. 
Anyway, seems like we’re not going to have such holiday again in the near future. At least not after one of the kids is old enough *glares at Z*
Malta was born
Yay to second child in 2016! Haha. M was born so much faster than Z. Only 4 hours after I arrived in the hospital and I popped out just like that. And even though I gave birth without epidural, surprisingly I recovered faster than my time with Z. My adrenaline level must have been quite high that I didn’t feel tired at all until the next day. Unlike Z, I got an hour of skin-to-skin with M and he was a champ in suckling!
Back at home.. I must say having second child is.. draining. I thought the age gap would be just nice - just like me and my sister. But apparently I forgot to factor-in the fact that my first born still needs a lot of attentions. And he’s one hell of an attention seeker. Most of my nights are not spent trying to lull M to sleep - instead it’s to get Z to sleep first because if Z is still awake there’s no point having M asleep. 
But it has been fun. I keep reminding myself that this is just a phase and not going to stay long. 
The real challenge will start when I am back to work. And as much as I dread pumping, I am actually kinda looking forward to go back to work!
[Sidenote: M may be our last child - hence I was feeling bittersweet when I was discharged from the hospital and having my last postnatal check up with my wonderful gynae.]
Zal passed two years of breastfeeding
Alhamdulillah, it’s been a blessing. And I managed to extend it to another 9 months - which I think helps me having contraction a lot faster. Weaning him was surprisingly quite easy. I just told him that he’s already a big boy and no more nursing. He only needed to nurse when he wants to sleep so I just snuggled him and whispered into his ear that I love him so much :’)
Politics is nasty so stay away from it
If I ever thought of joining ANY kind of politics (including office one), I will take a look at this post and remind myself to STAY THE HELL AWAY from it. 
One, it against everything that I believe in. Two, I am never a talker anyway. 
[Sidenote 2: and this sounds so ironic considering that my father is a member of regional parliament back in his hometown]
And here it comes the one for 2017!
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Fix my prayer (badly needed)
This is so long overdue and dragging from last year. I am ashamed at myself. I am looking for a way to be more productive and on time for my prayer. NEED TO IMPROVE. PRONTO.
SQL refresher
This is more like professional goal to me. Husband mentioned about several interviewees he encountered that don’t even know basic SQL skill at all - which is really weird considering all of them are experienced software engineers. I feel like my SQL skill has been rusty and I need a refresher. This skill will definitely be handy in the future. 
Pass Java 8 certification
Company sponsored so must pass no matter what. Haha.  Kidding. This has been my personal goal since last year as well. I have to pass!
Pass JLPT N5
This is a downgrade from last year :( I was aiming for at least passing N4 by the end of 2016. But with two kids, the best I could do is aiming for N5 this year. I don’t think I can take July’s JLPT - so my bet will be on December’s JLPT. 
One year of breastfeeding Malta
Bismillah. Insya Allah. I hope my breastfeeding journey with M will be smooth sailing just like Z’s. I can still endure the weird sleeping schedule - just not with breastfeeding issue. Hope M will adapt well with bottle feeding and can take either EBM or FBM. 
Finish 12 books at least (one book per month)
Cause I used to be a book worm and I love the book worm version of myself. I was less needy and less emotional. Book is my source of comfort. Book is where I take shelter whenever I am lonely. 
As usual, I am putting more to-do stuffs on my list. Haha. Oh well. Let’s check back in few months and see how I have fared then.
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