#i need to watch it for the first time again. ill be even worse this time i promise
hobimo · 4 months
this is so nerdcore but if you grew up on a diet of anime there's a certain way conflict is resolved in anime that's so specific that you find yourself searching for it in every other media you ever watch. and then you finally find an anime you really enjoy and you keep watching episodes and its Perfect and reaches your resonant frequency turning your miserable organs inside out and then you can never ever experience it for the first time ever again. also its because of this that its so glaringly obvious when a fic author has never watched an anime ever
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stil-lindigo · 5 months
You'r eunder no obligation to reply but I'd like to ask, how do you keep your head up these days considering the genocide? It's been nearly five months now, my entire family is giving up the stirke and falling into propoganda, and every time i think "surely this is the end, no way the us will keep supporting this, israel is on limited time" i keep seeing no end in my twitter feed to the countless losses, i keep seeing gore and childrens butchered on my tiktok. i dont wanna lose hope or faith but ive started feeling so depressed these days that i dont even wanna open my social media because i know what ill see. it might sound selfish but i hope i can open up my tiktok and see silly little people doing trends again instead of seeing one between 6 posts asking to use filters so that they can donate and detailing the necessities that israel banned from palestine and it just feels so soul crushing and hopeless. it makes me feel worse because if im tired of it then how do palestanians cope being in it? if you have any tips or good news id be grateful
hi anon. A lot of what Palestinians report first-hand is graphic, and horrifying, and would contribute to that soul-crushing feeling. But they are so tenacious, they have so much love for their people, their country. Often, Bisan or Motaz or Plestia when she was still in Gaza will share little slices of joy from displaced Palestinians. It reinvigorates me, and I'll often return to watch them when things seem dire.
A baby in Gaza, blessedly unaware of the horrors. Look at that smile!
A Palestinian mother makes donuts for her children, and offers Bisan one as she prepares for an interview. She (the mother) talks about how she makes treats like this to try to cheer up her children, how she keeps herself busy like this so she can't feel the grief of the situation. It is expensive to buy firewood these days, and flour. At her side, her children chip away at a block of wood to help her.
if you'd like to support people like this family, donate to CareforGaza, which directly distributes supplies and money to families in need. They have stopped donations to their Gofundme campaign due to overwhelming support, but you can still donate via the paypal link in their bio.
Young Palestinians parkour in the ruins of Gaza, to show that Israeli bombing will not kill their spirits.
Mo, a Palestinian man, buys cat food after searching for two days straight, and feeds the stray cats in Gaza.
Palestinian children at a refugee camp filming a cute video.
Although they've lost their home, a Palestinian family gather to celebrate their youngest child's birthday, complete with a small cake and a birthday hat.
Bisan makes bread in Khan Younis.
Palestinians celebrate the birthday of an injured girl in hospital, with a small cake. One of them has dressed up as a clown.
After losing 22 members of his family and being injured in a bombardment, a Palestinian man named Mohammed Al Ghandour marries his fiance in a tent.
A Palestinian journalist plays with a baby who survived an airstrike.
@/nisreendiary on TikTok documents the process of making fresh bread in a tent in a calming video.
I got most of these off twitter, from this thread. Twitter is a hellscape at the best of times, but the easy communication it provides is a blessing. I'll try to share more of the good news here, as they pop up. In the future, I recommend you follow Eye on Palestine, or Al Jazeera if you'd like to stay informed on the situation in Gaza with minimal scrolling.
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silkythewriter · 23 days
Hello! Can I request alastor x reader where the two were married while they were alive, but reader died via illness or something and went to hell (though they never partaked in the cannibalism) and the reunite in hell?
“I'll love you 'til I'm dead”
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Warning!: Angst, but eventually fluff! A bit of OOC since I haven’t written in awhile.. (.,.)💧
Fandom!: Hazbin hotel!
Author note: LONGGGGG TIME NO SEE, HIYA! IM SO SORRY FOR MY HIATUS OF SORTS BUT I FELT LIKE WRITING SUM SMALL ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ I apologize!, I hope you guys enjoy and I’m so sorry for disagreeing yet again!.
Summary!: Spouse! Reader dying via sickness, but reuniting with alastor in hell.
Louise (Louise)
I'll love you 'til I'm dead
Louise (Louise)
Not even if she likes the way you dance
First of all, he cherished you to the fullest content. As stuck up as he seems to be smile and all, he was in desperate need of support and attention. And you supplying both of those was all he needed even if he didn’t say out loud the tender touches and moments you both shared alone was enough to tell you everything.
Your relationship was nothing less then sweet and tender, and depending if you knew of his..ahem..little side hobby, it was innocent as well!
He cared for you so deeply, so desperately, to the point where you became his tie to humanity. Of course he knew how to play a role of a sane man, but even then he needed you to tie him to the small humanity and sanity he had.
Although not a big fan of physical affection himself he would in private of course, indulge in your soft touches, and hold. He and there he may quietly slip next to you just so you could softly run you fingers across his skin.
But of course the unviable happen, as the world ripped him of what he held so dear. Maybe as a punishment for his sins and misdeeds, or simply because it could.
Of course in the 30’s medicine was far from advanced, not only that but expensive. So when the news arrived of your newly found sickness all he could do was smile and nod at the doctor as if he wasn’t receiving the most dreadful news.
At first, he genuinely did hope for a recovery, he believed you would get better. Sure a tiny voice in his head was feeding him scary thoughts, and his gut twisted and turned. He felt something was off but surely it was nothing!, right?.
But as your health deteriorated so did his mental state and sanity, even worse then it once was. He put up a front though, for your sake and his, comforting you and saying how you’ll be fine soon, and recover then both of you could go off and do something you always wanted to do.
At some points of repeating this it really turned into him assuring himself. That your not leaving him, no, not anytime soon.
The more you fell ill the more you watched him spiral infront of you. And all you really could do was stare at him with sadden eyes as you gave comforting touches against his cheek or holding him close, even if you could barely pull yourself up from the bed you laid.
You felt your time coming close to ending, and somehow so did he. But unlike you he denied it to the fullest extent.
“Please dear don’t speak of such things, don’t worry yourself. You’ll be fine you’ll see!, now just rest my dear”
He wanted to believe it’ll pass over anytime now, ignoring the doctors he spent fortunes on. And sometimes he does blame them even if they just told the truth. He hated how they couldn’t help you, how he couldn’t help you.
So the day of you passing was the day he lost his final tie to humanity. If not for you, why give such a nasty world mercy?.
The minute they lowered your casket and buried you with the dirt is also the day he decided to amp up his murders.
He’s not sloppy with his murders their always calculated and tidy but grossem. Even with this, losing you he couldn’t concentrate which didn’t help his case as his blood lust grew and grew.
Each and every murder his mind went blank, thoughts of you kept flooding in that he desperately wanted to rip from his mind.
If a woman that wore you same fragrant passed him. She would be gone in a matter of days.
Nights were colder, harsher, he always assumed karma would catch up to him, but to him not you.
He often questioned what happened how did it happen. How did you even get such a illness?, and why did it have to be you?. We’re you in heaven watching him in his pitiful state? Was there even such a thing?. If there was…he surely wasn’t going to see you he knew where he was damned to go, but you?, he was sure you deserved the Pearl-ist set of wings.
Depending on the days, months or years following your death, he’s like a ticking time bomb.
He yearns for you in such a way he’s humiliated at it in a way. He misses you desperately, widowed too soon, he always assumed it would be you to be in this position, but he assumed wrong.
Even then he couldn’t tell if he could subject you to the twist of his heart and guts. He would beg to die before you, but the pain he feels now is something he would never want you to feel.
Following thoughts of your death was also his. Would he get to see you soon?, one last glance before being damned?.
He never truly moved on, cause you were his only love. Loving someone for him atleast, was rare in a romantic sense.
At some point he genuinely does just continue his murders till his death, maybe it was your passing that truly killed him. After your passing he was a bit hasty, maybe that’s what lead him to be shot in the woods. But who truly knows?
Now, after his death is where everything truly came together.
His rise to power was fairly quick killing overloads one by one gaining more voices on his radio.
But the lingering feeling of hope stayed in him…maybe you were here? Waiting for him?, But at the same time he hated this life for you, in such a miserable and disgusting yet admittedly amusing place(at least to him)
Now depending on how you found him maybe the minute his radio debuted. Or maybe by a game of telephone by the residents in hell whispering rumors and describing someone all to familiar to you.
Either way! You guys do eventually find each other. By chance or destiny is up to you
The minute he spots you, hears you, even senses you, he freezes. His smile never flattering but static surrounding the area as he processes what’s happening. Is this some sort of trick?, how..how did you end up here?
In a matter a seconds though he’s in front of you, looming as his shadow grows in suspense.
He holds his appearance and self image very important but in this tiny moment of silence. He lets it slip even if just a bit, smile never faltering but I’m his eyes a glimpse of renewed joy. Genuine joy, not form the harms of others but from something warm…something bitter sweet.
Maybe it’s you who pipes up snapping him from observing you like a painting in a museum.
“See?” You said softly grabbing his hand gently like you used to do, as you softly brought it to your face and softly planted it on your cheek. “I’m real” you said with a soft smile (SILENT HILL REFERENCE!!¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Depending on where you are he’s quick to whisk you away to somewhere secluded.
Despite the questions on his mind all he can do is silently stare at you taking in ever detail, even if some changes here and there, you were still you. The you that he missed so desperately for all too long.
Even if not one for physical affection he’s quick with holding you, scared of you being taken from him again, taking in all he can.
Your so much more precious then he leads on, and he’ll be damned to second hell if he loses you again.
In the period of first meeting you again he is keen on keeping an eye one you 24/7, doesn’t matter what powers or how long you survived without him in hell. He can’t risk it, especially not now as he started accumulating enemies so quickly.
He’ll treat you like it’s your first time dating, of course in his old time-y way, but either surprising you with flowers at random times of the day, or watching you get giddy when he kisses the crown of your head.
Now that he knows, and felt the pain of losing you, every moment you have together form than on is cherished more than before. He remembers every day with you like the back of his hand, what you ate, what you said, what you wore, and more!
He know’s…he knows he’s a messed up, and vail man. He understands the gruesome things he’s done with little to no regret. But if he did in somehow and some way do good, something good to earn you back in his afterlife man is he greatful for it.
Some nights he does just stare at you. He’s scared, he will never show it but he is. If he loses you again, for eternity, he’s not sure what’d he do with himself. And that, the fact you weight so heavily on him is the second scariest thing, first being losing you.
Over all, he’s taken aback having you back, but he gets use to it very quickly, your soft comforting touches and your voice that brings back a flood of memories is something he will never forget nor let ago, he isn’t losing you this time, and he’ll do anything to make sure of that.
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astra-kamari · 3 months
Sleeping was overrated anyway
Summary-nightmares have been plaguing your mind-and everyone tries to help
Gaang x Y/n - Sokka x Y/n
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You havent been sleeping. The nightmares just keep coming and coming. In them you always loose your friends. First Katara, then Zuko, then Toph and Aang, and then- you didn’t want to think about it. Sokka, his death always hurt you the most.
So you decided if you didn’t sleep no problems would happen. At first it was easy, you would go for a walk, train, or just look at the stars.
After a few days your friends started to notice. You were constantly yawning, moving slower in training, and you were constantly irritated.
Each of the gaang tried their own ways to ask what was wrong.
Katara and Y/n were making breakfast. Katara quickly noticed how much YN was yawning, and getting upset at every little thing with the food.
“Are you alright?”
“Im fine”
“Ok you just look a little tired…”which was a understatement when she saw the bags under your eyes
“Im fine-and im not tired.”
“Ok” she says watching you struggle with the food. “Why dont you go train with Toph?” Katara was hopeful that Toph would have better luck figuring out what was wrong with you.
Toph and Y/n started training in hand to hand combat when they stopped to eat some lunch. It had been quiet for a minute when until Toph decided enough was enough and nudged Y/n. Her head immediately snapped up
“I’m awake, I’m fine, I’m awake.”
“Are you sure theres nothing you need to tell any of us? You can talk to anyone, you know.”
“Yup” you said popping the p
“And you’re not tired?”
“i am 100% ok”
“If you say so”
Aang and Y/n were out for a walk, You were trying to focus on walking so you didn’t trip, but the world had other plans as you stumbled but you caught her self on a nearby tree. After that you focused extra on walking and less on Aang babbling about the air benders air ball matches. Only to be defeated by air again, as you started falling to the ground, however Aang quickly caught you.
“Are you sure your ok?” He says carefully “you’ve been acting kind of tired-“
“I’m not tired!” You breathed in and out “i am perfectly fine and wish people would stop asking me if im tired!”
“Ok-lets just head back its almost dinner anyway”
Zuko had made tea while you and Aang were gone, he looked up as you walked into camp. “Hey guys want some tea? It’s the kind my uncle made…jasmine i think”
“Yeah ill take some” Aang grabbed his cup and left to his tent-leaving you and Zuko alone.
“Soo”Zuko said, trying to start conversation
“Don’t even start” you say raising a shakey hand of tea to her mouth. You try to use your other hand to stabilize it, but that just makes things worse and you spill the tea. You angrily set the cup down and stare off to the distance.
“So…uh….do you need anything?”
“No” you replied curtly
“Um ok then.” After a couple kinda awkward minutes he stands up and leaves….to Sokkas tent?
You pulled your knees up to your chest and look at the stars. Then yoy see why Zuko went to Sokkas tent. You were quickly trying to come up with a believable lie, when Sokka started walking towards you.
“Hey” he said sitting down next to you. After you ignore him, he pulls you into his lap, pushing your armas away and raping his around you.
“You want to tell me whats wrong?” He whispers into your hair. You shake your head no and sink into his chest.
“You know your going to have to sleep eventually.”
“I dont want to.”
“Well its kinda a bodily function, everyone’s human-or do you have something you want to tell me?”
“No, your right, i have to sleep. Its just…. Well i-“
“Its ok, you dont have to tell me”
“No i will, i just-saying them out loud makes it real”
“Makes what real?”
“The fears-the nightmares bring them to life”
“nightmares?”he pushes
“Yes, nightmares. Thats why I haven’t been sleeping. I-im scared of loosing all of you. Every single time i close my eyes i see everyone dead around me-and i cant move, i cant scream, i cant do anything. And every time i saw you dead on the ground, i broke. It hurst so bad, and im-scared.” You finish sucking in a long breath.
He looks down at you “i have a idea” and with that he scoops you up bridal style, and carries you to his tent.
Its not like you havent been in here before-but this felt different, more comforting. He flings open the sleeping bag puts you in there and snuggles in right next to you. “Better?”he asks
“Better.” It’s quite for a while. “Sokka?what if the dreams come back”
“It will be different”
“How do you know?”
“Ill be there to protect you”
And you’ve never slept more peacefully in your life.
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luna0713hunter · 1 month
Never knew that I'll find someone like you
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a/n : Just watched the first ep and gosh i love this anime so much(人*´∀`)。*゚+
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"That was amazing!!"
"you guys saved us again!!!"
"you're a lifesaver!!!"
Haruka's ear's are ringing.
He sees people around them cheering;from the distance,he sees an old lady approaching him with a small first-aid kit. But he doesnt let her touch him; because he doesn't need help. He's been on his fucking own ever since he could remember;all his life,people were nothing but horrible to him. Always calling him names, pulling at his hair and taunting his eyes-
Haruka doesn't need anyone.
So he pulls his leg away just as Kotoha finishes patching him up. He's gritting his teeth,and when he looks up,he sees everyone's staring at him.
His ears are ringing.
Everything feels too suffocating.
He barely registers his feet moving,and jumping. He lands a kick straight to someone's face and when he steps on the ground once more,he winces;his leg hurts,and even though the knife cut wasnt that deep,it still left a burning pain behind. His knuckles are bloody and when he clenches them,his skin screams at him to stop. But Haruka needs to leave;he needs to get away from all these people who're looking at him without any malice or ill intent. He's not used to this; he's not used to being called a lifesaver or be thanked for what he's done.
Because ever since Haruka could remember,he was a 'Monster' to everyone around him.
He clenches his fist harder,and grits his teeth when the pain on his knuckles becomes worse-
"oof,that looks painful."
A hand grabs his.
A small,softer hand.
Haruka blink,and looks down. And in return,you blink up at him with a raised brow.
"this needs to get bandaged. C'mon."
But Haruka doesn't budge, instead his face suddenly bursts red,and he attempts to pull his hand away. But you don't let him; instead you grab his hand tighter (careful not to hurt him more) and tug slightly.
"why are you resisting?"
"W-what?!" He near screams, "I'm not resisting!you are!"
He tugs at his hand again.
"Let go!"
"nope." You pop the 'p' and grin, "what,are you embarrassed?"
"N-No way!!why would i?!"
And you just smile,softer this time and suddenly-
Haruka's heart thumps.
His heterochromic eyes widen,as he watches you pull out a small box and upon opening it,he spots some... sickening cute bandaids.
His eye twitches when you pull out one and stick it on his bloody knuckles. And suddenly,Haruka finds himself looking down at his bruised knuckles that are now covered in cute cats and dogs bandaids. He raises his head,and through his bangs,sees you grinning at him expectedly.
He knows his cheeks are burning, so he lowers his head and stares down at his shoes. His fingers start to pick at his bandaids and he pouts before huffing.
"...thanks,i guess."
And when he peaks up at you again,your lips are slighy parted and your eyes have widened. Then a blinding smile overtakes your feature and you pat his shoulder.
"no problem!if you ever got hurt again,i always carry bandaids with me!"
And suddenly, Haruka notices your uniform and his mouth hangs open.
"you're from Furin too?!"
And the pout that takes place on your lips shouldn't make his heart beat so much faster.
"yeah, why are ya so surprised?"
Haruka just stares, because he hadn't seen you arrive with the boys. He couldn't believe this;how could someone so sweet and innocent be part of the Furin-?
A snap of fingers in front of his face brings him back to reality.
"so you're the new student!i was wondering how you look!"
"and you are...?"
You straighten you posture and smile proudly.
"y/n l/n. First year at Furin."
Ah,so you're his new classmate...
"Yo,y/n!" When one of the boys call out to you and your attention is off him,he lets out a sigh but doesn't avert his eyes. He keeps staring at your smile;how your cheeks are slightly tinted pink when your upperclassmen compliment you. Haruka swallows and stares down at his bandaids.
Maybe... attending Furin wouldn't be so bad after all.
Not now that he knows you'll be there with him.
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signedeclipse · 1 year
r u taking requests 🥲? if u are can I ask for headcannons on muichiro, obanai, giyuu and shinobu x reader on what they would do if the reader is really tired and a huge sleepy head in general it would be so cute <333
Giyuu | Muichiro | Obanai | Shinobu [X Reader]
In which their s/o is always exhausted and has a hard time staying awake.
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He himself was never a very high energy or high demand individual
But next to you, he looked like a kid during their first sugar rush
You were always either leaning him or tucked away on the most comfortable surface nearby, dozing off
No, you weren't apart of the corps, so he didn't have any reason to force you up
You had your own job and you did it when you had to, and when he was away he would always come back to a clean house with all the chores done, along with you napping in bed
To be fair, Giyuu just assumes this is normal
I mean, he would do the same if he could, but he had a lot of duties and training to tend to
He loves cuddling up with you though, you keep the bed nice and warm for him
Muichiro isn't really sleepy, but he does gaze off extremely often
You are both totally lost together, because he just found out the wind makes noise and you were half asleep on the floor
If you were in the corps, you'd never be sent on missions together because somehow together the effects are worse on one another
You do get your missions done when together, it just means less details are remembered and those can be extremely vital
When home, Muichiro makes you lay your head in his lap wherever he goes- usually outside- while he stares at something of interest and just thinks
One thing he does often is speak his thoughts out loud around you, because he knows you won't take it too seriously or make fun of the nonsensical things he comes up with
Sometimes he just stares at you, and wonders what you're dreaming about
When you wake up he tries to guess, he is only getting more accurate!
It's not that he is very energetic, but Obanai likes to do small, menial tasks to keep himself occupied
It might be tending to Kaburamaru, small exercises, or renewing his bandages
He refuses to sit down, and even if he does, he will be working on polishing his blade, or eating a meal
For this, he makes you move a lot to wherever he is if he is home
Sleeping is something you do a lot, he knows you're always tired if you don't, so he doesn't want to force you awake or make you feel bad for it
Instead he just wants you to follow him when he moved to another area, and you can sleep there until he moves on again
It keeps you somewhat active, but also brings him comfort in knowing you'll still be there, even if silent and often unmoving
You were very comfortable to be around considering you were mostly silent or spoke in a melancholic tone
Since she was always studying or tending to others, it helped her plenty having someone like that around
Someone who would watch over her and encourage her to be productive while not distracting her from her work too much
But as a doctor, she also understood that if you stayed still in the comfort of the mansion too often, you might become deficient in important vitamins
" You have to go outside once a day, dear! It's not good for you to stay like this all day! "
She says it like it's fact, and she's probably right
So long as you go out once a day for a small walk she is happy
Set up a hammock on the porch of the butterfly mansion where you can sleep in the sun rays, so you get all the vitamins you need even while asleep
If she has a young slayer alone in any of the healing wards, she will ask you to sleep there so they feel better with company
Even if you are tired, she knows you'll get up to help someone who might need something or is becoming ill
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Authors Note - Me too reader I love sleepin,,, I hope I was able to right up to your wishes, and thank you so much for requesting! This was pretty much all my most favourite hashira lol
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melonminnie · 1 year
HI HI <3
Well go ahead - Yan! Aqua x fem reader
- I read the entire manga for this enjoy!! (Ps you don’t annoy me you make me rlly happy when I see my inbox <3)
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“Sarina your legs are giving out you don’t need to practice this much” the woman sighed in disbelief staring at the 12 year old girl.
In return Sarina glared at y/n, “I can try though! I’m getting better promise!” She replied pumping one of her fists into the air.
Y/n gazed towards her trembling legs in worry, “You really should overwork yourself” she sighed once again in disbelief walking forward to hold the girl up right.
“B-but I didn’t even fall this time! I could go on for longer” she interjected, “Sarina your body clearly can’t handle this your legs are giving out!” She pointed walking her to her room.
“Sense I would’ve understood” she pouted, “How about I get you pudding would that make you feel better?” The woman tried lightening up the mood after placing the girl in her bed.
“Really! You’d do that for me?” She questioned beaming this time, “Of course just don’t move out of your room I’ll call goro to stay with you” The woman replied standing up before grabbing her phone to dial her husbands number.
“He should arrive soon okay? I’ll be back before you know it!” She winked with a smile before leaving the room.
“Y/n!” Goro came rushing in, “What’s this about me needing to look after the patient I was on my lunch-”
“I promised her I’d buy her pudding plus you’d do it for your wife right?” She smiled leaving.
After a few weeks the girl ended passing away due to her illness, it was expected.
but what wasn’t expected?, your husband Turing into a complete idol fan after her passing.
“Ahh ai is so cute right y/n~” he gushed staring at the small tv screen, “Mhm I guess so you have a patient coming in soon so act professional please” the woman begged her husband, he’d already screwed up a million times by watching said idol in their room.
Or he’d completely go overboard and talk about ai instead of what was wrong with the patient.
“Promise” he complied Turing off the tv, “Want anything from the convenience store?” She asked quickly, “Soda” he replied walking out of the room with her.
When y/n returned, The shock was written all across her face at the person infront of her, it was no other than hoshino Ai.
the 16 year old idol that her husband has taken a liking too ever sense sarina has died. As quickly as she was shocked she smiled at the idol.
“Hello!ma'am” she greeted closing the door behind her as she smiled, “Oh hello” she smiled waving her hand her star like eyes shining brightly.
After they were finished, your husband practically leaped out of his chair and went into a frantic panic, “Y/n you saw her right! That’s Ai right right?” He questioned as if he was out of his mind.
“Mhm that is now here’s your drink I’m going to go have my lunch break” she muttered leaving the room. “Hello!” The purple head greeted from the side, “Oh Ai is something wrong” y/n questioned the girl.
“No I was just wondering..” she fidgeted with her arms for a while, “I figured out your married to goro sense I correct?” She hesitated, “yes I am!” She answered.
“And sense the two of you are married and probably have a kid or two was your pregnancy difficult?” She questioned smiling.
For a minute or two there was silence, y/n for the first time in a while was speechless, “Ai.. I’m really sorry but I don’t have any kids” she replied awkwardly.
The idols face quickly turned red, “I’m sorry for assuming!!” She apologized, “It’s okay..” Y/n stared into space, “How long have you and sensei been married?” She questioned.
“2 years” she muttered, “Oooohhh” the 16 year old said.
After a day or two, Ai seemed to adapt to the atmosphere quickly often hanging around you or your husband.
“Goro! I’m going to store need anything?” Y/n hummed, “Soda” he mumbled loud enough for her to hear, “typical.” She thought walking off.
After 5 minutes or so she exited the store with a bag of food.
“Excuse me miss” Someone called out to her she turned her head towards the voice, meeting a young man who’s features weren’t seen.
“Yes?” She questioned in confusion, “do you know where the hospital is?” He questioned, “Ah yes it just around the corner” she pointed.
“I’m bad with directions..can you lead me there?” He questioned once more, for a minute the woman hesitated, it was night time there wasn’t anyone around only the two of them.
“S-sure” she replied a drop of sweat falling down her face, Y/n lead the mysterious man to the hospital.
“Here there it i-” The boy covered the woman’s mouth with cloth a dagger aligned with her chest, as he dragged her body to the forest.
“This is what you get for helping my Ai with giving birth” He aligned the dagger before piercing it into the girls heart, he repeatedly stabbed her over and over and over and over again.
he didn’t stop even when she was confirmed not to be breathing.
Then before she knew it she was staring at a set of the most attractive people she’d seen in her life.
“My daughter looks so cute~!” The woman cooed staring at the baby in her arms. “I don’t disagree” the man agreed looking at the baby with fondness in his eyes.
It didn’t take long for you to find out you were reincarnated, it took you a few weeks as your mind couldn’t concentrate and you’d fall asleep whenever you’d open your eyes. But you managed.
It didn’t take long for people to find out that your mother had given birth, For a short while people were out raged.but it soon stopped, your parents still being successful actors.
The woman smiled, her heels making a slightly loud noise as she walked to her child’s room.
“Y/n!” She smiled staring at you playing on the floor, “What are you doing?” She asked kneeling on the floor. “Coloring..” the girl muttered slightly nervous. Even though a few years had passed sense you’d been born.
there was still this slight fear that someone would find out your a 20 year old in a toddlers body.
“Y/n..I have to go somewhere for the rest of the day and the maids aren’t coming today..so will you be willing to come with me?” She asked, it wasn’t a surprise or her of how shy you were around everyone.
The woman’s eyes light up as she saw you nod at her request.
Soon you had arrived at the location. To say it was suffocating would be an understatement. There were people running back and forth from all directions.
focused on camera, lighting, acting etc. from the corner of your eye you spotted a familiar girl with purple hair and eyes that shined like stars.
she had two kids with her, twins..a boy and a girl. The boy had blonde hair his eyes blue shining brightly. The girl resembled her brother blonde hair but pink eyes.
from her expression she was clearly very excited for some reason. The actress caught her daughter staring at the two children. She smiled before opening her mouth.
“Wanna go talk to them?” She questioned, her eyes focused on her child’s expression. She hesitated before nodding her head.
(Couldn’t think of a name for the mom so)
—- held onto y/ns hand before walking over to the girl and her children, AI’s eyes light up as she saw the two of you walking over she walked over herself beckoning her children to follow her.
—- stared at her daughter before whispering something into her ear and leaving with the purple head to have a conversation.
The two siblings stared at y/n as if she was an alien. Ruby quickly spoke up stepping forward with a smile.
“hellooo, what’s your name? Your hairs really pretty” she pointed out shaking the girls hand aggressively.
Y/n answered quickly, Rubys aggressive hand shake turns into somewhat of a hug, “I’m ruby” she announced her eyes drifting to her brother before pointing at him.
“That’s my brother..his name is aquamarine..but you can call him aqua” she said her tone somehow lowering her excitement.
There was an awkward silence as you and ruby stared at the boy waiting for him to speak, “Anyway!, y/n isn’t my mama so cool!!” Ruby gushed.
The conversation soon faded as the girl ran towards her mom once she was able to.
"Your sister really likes your mom, huh?" Y/n tried to strike up a conversation with the blonde-haired boy.
"I guess so," he responded, staring at the girl. "Do you always look like this?" he questioned in a condescending way.
"What do you mean?" she asked, nervousness seeping in. "Do you always look like you're hiding something you don't want anyone to know about?" he questioned once more, making his question clear.
She didn't answer, only staring straight ahead. "Even if I'm hiding anything, it doesn't matter, does it?" she replied. "You remind me of someone I used to talk to," he confessed. "You do too," she responded.
"Ruby, Aqua," the teenager called out to her two children, her hand reaching for the glass.
"I love you," she cried. "Those words were definitely not lies," she said weakly, tears flooding her eyes.
And with that, Idol Hoshino Ai was declared dead, leaving her two children, whom the world didn't know about, behind.
"Aqua, Ruby!" The girl waved her hands in the air as she saw the twins entering through the school gate.
At the sound of her voice, Ruby could swear that her brother was walking faster now. "Don't attract attention," he said, dragging the girl with him.
Ruby moved her feet to catch up to her brother. "Hey Y/N! I recently got scouted to be an idol!" she spoke proudly.
"So that means you can become an actress like our promise, remember?" Ruby added. A few years ago, Ruby and Y/N had promised each other that if Ruby ever became an idol, she'd either become one too or become an actress.
"Yeah, I remember. Don't worry, I won't ever forget it...I have good memorization skills," she winked, waving goodbye as she entered her classroom with Aqua.
The boy didn't say much, aside from his face as he heard his sister speak about becoming an idol.
As Aqua had promised himself, that Ruby would never become an idol till he died, he'd made the promise that you'd never become one either.
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This is so bad I’m sorry but it’s been sitting im my drafts for a huge while
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cultofdixon · 9 months
You do what you can
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Grimes’s Sister!Reader • This group desperately needs a home, and you need help. There’s only so much the archer and leader can do • ANGST/SFW • TW: Pregnancy / Excessive Nausea & Vomiting / Malnutrition
Requested by: Anon
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Hyperemesis Gravidarum, or severe vomitting is what Hershel said. It’s excessive nausea and vomiting that results in being unable to eat and drink because you can’t keep anything down.
Of course I had it.
Finding out I was pregnant in the prison, during the good times was of course bittersweet. Daryl, my partner, was worried about losing me like Lori but reassured that everything would be fine. Then the illness came through and he thought I had it with how intense my morning sickness was.
But Hershel reassured us and well scared us about a lot of the reactions that come with not being able to keep anything down.
“Please, what can I do?”
“Some just have this, Daryl. I’ll keep an eye on her. You gotta help the others”
While Daryl helped get medicine for those suffering the prison illness, he managed to find IV bags of fluids and that helped keep me hydrated when I couldn’t even take a sip of water without my throat burning.
Then well…a lot happened after that
Days have passed and again, a lot has happened. The prison collapsed, the group splitting, Beth’s disappearance, The Claimers,…Terminus, and now the group found themselves in the forest after barley escaping that hell they claimed as a “sanctuary for all” but it wasn’t.
After the small reunion, the group started to walk to…somewhere that wasn’t there. Eventually finding the chapel and the priest that almost lost his life if they didn’t arrive.
Before she even stepped foot into the small chapel, Y/N gripped Daryl’s arm indicating she needed to throw up again and step away to do so. Least she’s trying to inform him instead of disappearing for a few minutes to vomit in the woods. Not a pretty sight or…a pleasant sound.
Rick noticed the two coming in last as Y/N pulls away from Daryl to sit in a pew before ultimately laying down in it. He frowns trying to think of what he could do, she is his sister after all.
“How she doing?” He asks the second the archer approached him after checking on her once more.
“We better have a plan soon” Daryl frowns crossing his arms. “Doubt we’ll run into another hospital but the IV shit helped. Gotta find something like it”
“Or try to get her to drink. Just. Shit, I don’t know what else to do. Lori never had this shit”
The archer was sort of lost in his own mind, trying to plan something out that could help his partner. But every end is a dead one.
“I’m gonna keep watch, holler if?”
“Yeah, go ahead” Rick frowns watching Daryl go back to the pew Y/N was currently laid in, informing her of where he’ll be before stepping out of the chapel and Carol following behind him.
A few hours passed and Y/N jolted awake from an anxious thought only to feel the jacket draped over her which belonged to her brother. She eventually brought herself to sit up and put the jacket on entirely feeling the dryness of her hands, especially after not being able to have nutrients.
“Hey, how are you doing?” Michonne brought herself to sit with Y/N as she instantly rests her head on her friend’s shoulder. “Rick is taking watch and Daryl still isn’t back yet, just thought—-“
“He’s looking for Beth”
“How do you—?”
“Gut feeling…” Y/N frowns bringing her hands onto her small bump, feeling the anxiety bubble up inside her. “Michonne?”
“…I…I’m afraid of losing my baby” She did her best to keep the tears from coming even if her body fought her against it and worsened her headache by bringing on the tears. “or of them losing—-“
“We will find the help you need. To keep you both alive and well”
But the worse kept coming, and we kept losing.
Bob was the first because of a bite. Then it was Beth at the hospital because of a cop with a trigger finger. Then Tyreese from blood loss because of an amputation caused by a bite. Sasha lost a partner and her brother, Maggie lost the last of her family. The two were on edge, Daryl felt like he failed, and the group was slowly weakening the more they continued on this blind path given the real news about Eugene came out. So no more hope for a cure. It will always be survival for those living through the apocalypse.
Maggie grew extra attached to Y/N given her state and the group can’t take another loss if it happened. Every time Y/N had to throw up or take a breather while the others kept walking, besides Daryl, Maggie was always there glued to her side which included Glenn glued to hers.
“Rick” Maggie called out for him with a bit of venom in her voice as he gave her a concerned look while handing Judith to Carol. “We need a break”
“It’s barely midday, we have to keep walking”
“Y/N can’t keep walking any longer. She needs a break” Maggie frowns pulling him to look directly at Y/N who was struggling to keep herself up even with Daryl’s help.
“Alright…Alright!” Rick nods directing people into the tree line, out of the road, to set up camp for the rest of the day and night.
Abraham took care of checking their surroundings as Sasha retraced their steps making sure they weren’t followed by anything or anyone. Carol got Noah and Glenn to help her set a few trigger lines for those who want to sleep. As much as Daryl wanted to help secure their surroundings, he felt as if he’d leave Y/N, that she’d decline. She’s already doing so but he thought he’d accelerate the process the moment he leaves.
“Can yea try for me?” Daryl frowns giving the last of his water to his partner as she nods, accepting his help with drinking from his canteen. He noticed a bit of a skin reaction on her neck from scratching the dryness as it was the same on her left arm. “Try not to scratch anymore…”
“Hard not to…” Y/N frowns leaning against the tree as Daryl sets his canteen down with his stuff bringing himself to sit against the tree. Gesturing with his eyes for her to lay her head in his lap. “We’ll find something…right, Dar?”
“I promise yea, sunshine” Daryl reassures brushing the hair out of her face watching Maggie approach them draping the blanket Rosita gave her to give Y/N over her body. The poor girl had already fallen asleep after being still long enough. “We’ll find somewhere right?”
“If we have to take it from somebody, then yeah. We’ll find somewhere” Maggie reassures him with a smile but hell, he knew she was anxious about her state.
The night was rough.
While she was exhausted more than the others because of being pregnant and having to be a part of less than 3% of pregnant individuals with hyperemesis gravidarum, she couldn’t control her anxiety jerks that would wake her. Freaking out Daryl every time and him waking resulted in Rick and Maggie waking given they stuck close to the two. Then the almost every hour to vomit. It’s gotten bad that Y/N started to dry heave and that would wake the rest sleeping. But every complain resulted in either her partner glaring at them or her brother snapping.
“My head hurts…” Y/N whispers to herself as the group started walking again the next day, this time she was with Carol while Daryl searched around for anything to have a longer stay in. Away from staying outside.
“Is that it?” Carol’s worry came out of her tone as she brought her arm around Y/N’s waist when she noticed her sway slightly. “You’ve got the last of the water…not like it was enough…we need a miracle or something”
“Kids first…Jude needs it. Carl needs it—-“
“You and your baby do too” Her tone shifted to strict immediately. She remembered how Y/N sacrificed a lot of her things in the past to keep everyone else afloat and she wasn’t about to let her do it again when it comes to her health.
It felt like fate or a foreshadow given after that conversation, everyone surrounded a cluster of water bottles in the middle of the road about an hour later.
“Someone has to test it” Eugene went to grab one and it was immediately smacked out of his hands by Abraham. “What!”
“It could be a trap” Rosita scoffs at him. “You think we’d give a pregnant woman poisoned water”
“Not like I can keep it down” Y/N whispers as she stares at the cluster before flinching to the touch of water. Water?
The storm that Rick expected to come days later, decided to come sooner and thank Mother Nature for that. Few started to empty to bottles and fill it with rain water as it was the next best thing, then those who’ve lost so much took the “peaceful” moment to take it all in.
As Y/N looks up at the rainfall feeling the heat expel her body for a moment and a sudden wave of uncertainty take her. But before she could even be audible about such, her body had enough.
“Y/N!” Maggie yells the second her body hit the floor as Daryl instantly dropped to her aid checking her person for any injury.
But it was just her body shutting down and that thought triggered Daryl.
“I saw a barn a few yards inward. We gotta—-“
Rick didn’t hesitate another moment as he quickly picked up his sister in his arms while Daryl led the way to the temporary shelter he found.
After another rough night and sort of rude morning, Daryl protectively held Y/N close to his person the second she woke around the time this Aaron guy was discovered.
“Hey…hey” Daryl fought back tears watching her wake as she didn’t say anything but rest her head against his chest in a sense of reassurance. “You’re gonna be okay, okay? Please” his voice cracked trying to say more.
“Our community can protect her, your daughter.” Aaron tried to sell this unknown community as he glances to the situation happening behind Rick and directed toward that. “Can save her from dying—-“
Watch your words.
Rick instantly grabbed his collar forcing the man against the nearest wall glaring into his soul. “She ain’t dying and how do I know you wouldn’t kill her in this place?”
“B-Because we won’t! You don’t have to trust us right away b-b-but we have an infirmary. A-A surgeon that knows his stuff”
If his sister wasn’t in this condition, he wouldn’t have give in so easily. Not like he wouldn’t watch this total stranger like a hawk when checking her person.
Which led them to giving about five percent of their trust to this stranger and following him with his partner to Alexandria, the community he talked about. A few residents that helped with the infirmary tried taking Y/N on a gurney but her family was close to killing a few people for trying to touch her without warning. Soon Daryl along with Maggie followed the few that pulled Y/N away on the gurney they brought out after Aaron’s partner Erin radio’d in.
“If you keep glaring, it won’t let me work faster” Peter states, getting the IV into Y/N’s arm after he asked Maggie to help her out of her clothes and into a new change of clothes enough to show some of the skin lesions she had so he could take care of them.
“Don’t do anythin’ without informing” Daryl glares keeping close to Y/N’s bedside on the other side. Peter looks at him with a blank expression, tensing a bit every now and then.
“She’ll stay here until she’s hydrated enough, or least til your group gets placement.” He states hanging the bag after taping the IV on her arm. “Y’all said she’s pregnant?”
For an anxious reason, Daryl gave Maggie a worried expression thinking…yeah…when Peter was simply asking to confirm it or not.
“Yeah, she’s pregnant. Why?” Maggie frowns watching Peter’s every move as he stepped away to one of the storage closets for equipment they have and or get from runs.
“We don’t have an ultrasound machine. Just tests and one of these things I forgot the name of” Peter held a device that could detect the heartbeat of a fetus, as for checking the conditions they’d have to go full old school for that and he’d need to find a book in their library, if they have one on pregnancy. But for now they have this.
Right before Peter even moved the blanket to lift her shirt to put the wand on, Y/N flinched pulling herself away given she woke once more in the middle of all that. Daryl frowns, relieved though, as he brushes back her hair catching her worried expression.
“He’s gonna check on the peanut, Y/N. Just let’em. I won’t let him do anythin’ else” Daryl reassures as Y/N nods slowly letting the man work but kept her eyes on him while he turned the device on and guided the wand to the right spot.
A surprisingly healthy heartbeat
“That’s good. Strong” Peter states pulling the wand away before fixing the blanket over her and putting the device away. “I’ll come back in an hour or two to give her more fluids. Want me to tell your leader you’ll be in here?” He asks Maggie given the two watched Daryl drop to his knees hugging Y/N tightly her in her laid out state.
“Please.” Maggie gave a small smile letting the man leave before bringing herself to the other side of her bed resting her hand on her leg. “We’ll make this place work. To keep you both safe”
The two held onto one another and Maggie kept an eye on them for Rick before leaving to give them a minute. She kept close to the infirmary in case either of the two needed anything as she watches Rick practically run his way over to her with a worried look.
“She’s going to be okay. They both are” Maggie smiles watching the tension leave Rick’s shoulders for a moment as he instantly went for a hug with his friend.
When they parted, before the retired sheriff went in to check on his sister himself…the remaining Greene stopped him.
“We need to make this place work, Rick”
“I know…but—-“
“You can be cautious. We all are gonna be a while…but we all need this to work. For us, your kids, for them. We need this place for us”
“You do what you can for your family, and I’ll always protect mine”
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darlingsfandom · 18 days
Would you write a dark!Tommy (or just mean asshole Tommy) fingering a hesitant innocent!reader in the car after giving her a ride home? Perhaps you can think of the specifics?
You got it my friend 💕
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TW: Mean Thomas, boot licking, squirting, swearing, power balance abuse, knife play!
It was the first time, second or even third time that Thomas Shelby had given you a ride back home. He’s been giving you a ride home when you wanted to go back to see your family. You were his live in maid. You weren’t the only maid but you were his favorite. You knew your place, you always addressed him as “Mr.Shelby” or “Sir”, you never talked back, you were the perfect good girl.
You had planned on seeing your family the weekend before but with your brother falling ill and The Shelby’s had a party the night before it didn’t work in your favor, which is why you’re sitting in his car during a down pour making it impossible to even see.
“Ya really couldn’t have waited to see your family until next weekend?” His lips curled into a snarl.
“I’m sorry Mr.Shelby, I did want to see them last weekend but with Daren falling ill, I didn’t want to risk bringing that back here.” Your voice was small as you shrunk the best you could in the seat. Thomas pinched the bridge of his nose before looking at you.
“Did ya even check the weather before we left?”
“I did sir, that’s why I asked you to leaver earlier but you didn’t listen …” you quickly put your hand over your mouth as your eyes went wide: You just talked back to Thomas Shelby! Before you could apologize the back of his hand had met your cheek.
“Are you fucking stupid? Who do you think are you talking to me like that? I could kill you right here right now! “ he gripped you by your chin and yanked you towards him as the sound of the rain pounding on the car echoed outside. “But I won’t.” His eyes were dark with lust and anger making you swallow the lump in your throat because you knew he was right, he could kill you! He could change his mind. He shoved you back in your seat before searching his pocket.
Your heart was about to burst out of your chest. Thomas sat there searching. You had the chance to run, yes the weather held you back or say you’re blaming that but part of you knew it would be worse to run. Thomas pulled out his pocket knife and smirked as he pointed it at you. “You’re going to learn your place.” He leaned over and dragged the cold metal against your collar bone making you shiver.
“Yes… Mr.Shelby.” You gulped before he pointed the knife at the back seat.
“Go on, get back there.” He lashed out before you did as told. You were quickly sat in the back seat with your hands in your lap as he double checked that the car was in park before climbing in the back with you. His closeness felt like he was right on top of you making you cry softly.
“Why are you crying?” His voice seemed sweet yet you knew better than to fall for that.
“Please Mr. Shelby.. I don’t want to die!” You cried out and his hand met your face again making you stop from the shock.
“How can a pretty thing like you be so stupid?! Answer me that? Hmm, I’m not going to kill you. I’ve told you that.” He reached up and gripped your hair giving it a hard yank and pulled you down. “Lick my boot!”
“What?” You babbled out.
“You need to show me how sorry you are! Luck my fucking boot! Or are you too stupid to follow simple tasks ?” He arched his foot upwards to you as you sniffled. You looked up at him with softened eyes as your tongue ran slowly over the salty leather. A soft whimper left your lips as Thomas watched you while keeping the knife pointed at you.
“See I knew you could be a good girl like you usually are. Keep licking my expensive boot!” He chuckled at you as you desperately licked the leather. He watched in lustful amazement as you obeyed him. You could feel your wetness pooling in your panties even though it was degrading you enjoyed it .
“Get back up here.” His hand wrapped into your hair and yanked your head back while you got back onto the seat. His lips were curved into an evil smirk as his hand rested on your thigh. Both of you sat quietly until he grabbed your leg and put it on his lap to spread you open. He hiked up the bottom of your dress until it was bunched up around your waits exposing the wet spot on your white panties to him.
“Look at that. Did licking my boot really turn you on? Or are you dumb little girl who gets off being ordered around by powerful men? Hmm is that what it is?” Thomas ran the knife along your plushy thighs making your breath hitch. He watched how you reacted as the knife ran up and down your soft skin until he pulled on the side of your panties and cut them off in a snap! You gasped as the cool air blew on your wet cunt.
“Look at you.” He held your panties in his hand before shoving them in your mouth. “Not a word out of you.” His fingers ran over your folds slowly at first. You held back every moan in your body.
Thomas moved closer and slid his index finger all the way into you. You wiggled below him trying to push him away until you felt the sharp sting on the knife on your inner thigh making you cry out against the fabric in your mouth.
“This tight little cunt is MINE!” He snarled at you. “And I’ll do with it as I please.” You couldn’t disobey again. The blood trickled down your thighs as he worked his index finger inside of you making you cry softly.
“It’s such nice little cunt too! Can’t lie to you sweetie, thought about fucking you a lot.” You knew it was wrong to get more aroused as he fingered you. He’s your boss! He could kill you, he already cut you what could he do now? You had to let your body give in and you did. Thomas slid another finger in you making you whine which was music to his ears.
“Good girl! There’s my good girl. So obedient. Taking my fingers like a good whore! Nicest fucking pussy for a whore.” He kissed along your ear and jaw line while twisting his fingers inside of you. He watched how your face scrunched together while he fingered your cunt harder.
You looked at him with pleading eyes. He felt bad for a split second then continued to finger you. Thomas pulled your panties out of your mouth and shoved them into his pocket as fast as he could. “Tell me how good it feels.”
“Mr.. Shelby !! I… it feels good! Fuck !” You whined loudly as he shoved his fingers deep inside so his palm cuffed the top of your pussy and fingered you as hard as he possibly could. “Oh my god ! Mr. Shelby stop! Stop please!”
“Now why would I stop when you’re being such a good whore for me!”
“No please! It will be messy!” You pleaded but that only inflated his ego. He worked his fingers as fast as he could until you couldn’t hold back and gushed all over the back of his seat.
“MR.SHELBY!” You cried out as your squirt covered your thighs, his hand, the back seat of his car and a bit on his trousers.
“What a dirty whore!” He smirked at you as he pulled his fingers back and licked them clean. You laid there quietly catching your breath as he put your leg back and pulled down your dress.
“Change of plans, you’re coming back home with me this weekend. Don’t argue with me or you’ll have more than just that cut, got it?” He forced you to look into his eyes and you nodded as he kissed your head.
“I knew you were a good girl. Now clean up your mess.” He pointed to his trousers and pulled you back down by your hair. You knew he could be rough, never this rough but part of you craved more than just his fingers .
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fiapartridge · 4 months
gabe perreault imagine please 🙏🙏
long time coming | gabe perreault 💌🌊⭐️
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gabe perreault x fem!reader
summary: you're sick and the only person who can cure you is your best friend, gabe!
warning(s): fluff, fluff, fluff
author's note: eee this is my first gabe fic! thank u anon for suggesting him, i was in a huge writers slump so ty ty ty! enjoy!
You had heard stories of people falling in love with their best friend; it happened to your parents, your older sister and her boyfriend, all of your cousins, but to you, love just felt unattainable, like maybe you were the exception. The love bug skipped a generation and was already preparing for the next—but now? Now you felt it. You felt it crawl underneath your skin and bubble in your stomach. You felt your chest tighten and the heat rise to your cheeks. 
You were in love, true love.
“Gabe,” you groaned over the phone, his breathing sounding staticy over the line. You had been sick for a few days, only a slight cough and an itchy throat, but today felt 10 times worse. Your stomach was aching, your head felt like it was getting hit by a basketball every couple of seconds, and you sniffled so frequently you were sure that something was going to go up the wrong pipe and straight up to your brain. 
And you felt bad, not only because of your illness, but because it was nearly 2 AM and you could hear Gabe shuffle underneath his dark blue sheets in the dorm he shared with his best friend, Will Smith. You knew it was late and this was wrong. I mean, the boy had a game against Boston University in the morning, now was not the time to wake him, but you just didn’t know what to do. You felt like you were dying and all you needed was one of Gabe’s famous hugs and maybe a back rub (he was really good at those).
“Hey,” he said quietly, trying not to wake the snoring Will on the other side of the room. His eyes were fighting to stay open, determined not to lean onto his fluffy white pillow and fall back to sleep. “You okay?”
You sniffled, grabbing another tissue from the box that laid beside your bed. “I feel like I’m dying,” you responded, your voice sounding congested and nasally—not in the slightest like your normal tone.
You could hear shuffling on the other side of the phone. Then, you could hear keys jangling and his closet door opening, a hoodie getting thrown over his body, and then the door to his dorm being pulled open. You wanted to protest because you knew what he was doing, where he was going, but you had no energy to speak. Instead, your stubborn voice turned to loud coughs that made Gabe want to pull you in his arms and hold you until they faded into oblivion.
But he couldn’t. It was too much for you. It would be weird. You wouldn’t feel the same. It was the exact same thing he’s been telling himself for months (really what he’s been telling himself since the moment he met you). It would ruin your guys’ friendship and you will never want to speak to him again. If only he could hear your thoughts because then, maybe he’d be thinking differently, and it wouldn’t be so hard.
Three soft knocks on the door of your dorm signaled exactly what you suspected would happen. Gabe was your best friend and if he caught the flu, you would be there holding his hand and making him a bowl of chicken noodle soup. If you were crying about a failed test, he would buy you ice cream and agree to watch countless episodes of The Bachelor until you were feeling okay again. One time you were sick with Covid and Gabe didn’t even care. He stayed with you during quarantine, snuggled under mountains of blankets, watching movies until you were sick of them, and gossiping about anyone and anything. It wasn’t a surprise that he caught the sickness a couple days later. Your moms laughed about the memory, finding it endearing that you two loved each other so much that you were willing to be sick together. 
Gabe settled some medicine on your bedside table before lifting your light pink covers and crawling into bed with you. You fit perfectly into his arms, like this spot was made just for you. Despite your sweaty forehead and aching body, he held you tightly, placing small kisses on the crown of your head. Your parents had always joked about you two getting married someday, but sometimes you wished that it was real; that you would grow old with him and live in a big white house with a white picket fence and a large rose garden in the backyard. You truly couldn’t see your life with anyone else. 
But that was silly. Gabe was your best friend. That would just be weird—right?
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. He walked all the way from his building to yours in the middle of the night despite having a ginormous game tomorrow. He felt unreal, like how could a person be so perfect and somehow be yours?
“Don’t be,” his words were just as soft. His chin resting on the top of your head as yours fit in the space between his neck and shoulder, leaving delicate kisses on his adams apple. This isn’t what best friends do, you told yourself. Best friends don’t kiss each other. Best friends don’t cuddle underneath sheets and hold hands to “warm each other up.” It was confusing and you hated it. You hated not knowing how he was feeling when you knew exactly how you felt about Gabe.
“You didn’t have to come here.”
“You called.”
You laughed. “That doesn’t mean anything. You could’ve stayed in bed and slept longer and had good dreams and—”
“Hey,” he smiled down softly at you, lifting your chin to look up at him. His hand lingered there for a while, not wanting to move away from you. There was something about you that made Gabe want to be closer and closer. There was something that made him want to parade you around campus, telling everyone that you were his. He wanted to see you in his jersey and kiss you after games and hold you tight at parties. He wanted to take you with him to New York when he plays for the Rangers after college and introduce you to his family as his girlfriend instead of just his best friend. Gabe was ready for more, but he hated thinking that you might not be. “I wasn’t just going to let you die, okay?”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, like that one time you pushed me down that water slide at Hurricane Harbor.”
“Pft, you wanted to go down that.”
You chuckled incredulously. “There is no way you just said that.”
“‘Oh, Gabe, please take me on this waterslide. I’ve been dying to go with you.’”
“I don’t sound like that.”
He grinned. “Yeah, you sound like this,” he said, pinching his nose with his fingers, his voice sounding blocked and nasally.
You pushed his hands away, hiding your face in his clothed chest. “Shut up.”
“C’mon, you love it.”
“I will fight you.”
He ran his hand up and down your arm, your eyes fluttering closed and your breathing steadying. He held you tighter, wrapping both arms around you and snuggling deeper into the bed. His last words before you fell into hypnosis lingered in your mind as you couldn’t even escape your lovestruck dreams of the perfect boy. “Keep telling yourself that, sicko.”
By the time the sun rose, you were sure that he would be gone; that his hoodie would be collected from the carpet, that his legs would no longer be intertwined with yours, and that his belongings would be gone, but he was still there and you were still in his arms and everything was still perfect. His breathing was soft and slow, his little curls were a bit tussled, his cheeks were pale, and you wondered what he was dreaming about that left a ghost of a smile on his face.
You wanted to wake up like this everyday and everyday after that. So yeah, maybe you were in love. Maybe you were in deep. And maybe you were ready to tell him.
He rustled around before lifting his eyes open, his smile growing wider when he saw your pink face, knowing he caught you staring at him as you glanced around the room, trying not to make eye contact with the boy.
“Feeling better?” he asked, turning to his side and facing you. 
A strand slipped through your loose ponytail and settled on the front of your face, covering your eyes as he allowed his hands to work faster than his mind. He slowly brought his hand up, carefully moving the strand behind your ear. And you would expect the moment to be over but when his hand lingered on your cheek, his thumb lightly running over the smooth skin of your face, you knew that maybe just maybe there could be something more.
You nodded slowly. “I’m okay.”
“I’m glad. I hate seeing my girl sick,” he spoke softly as if speaking any louder would shatter the calming atmosphere. 
My girl. You wanted to allow your mind to toss and turn, investigate the meaning behind those two words, search for his thought-process, his feelings, anything, but for the first time in forever, you felt serene and calm with him. You didn’t feel the need to wonder what this meant for the two of you. You were perfectly content where you were now, where you were going, and what you were going to do next.
You placed your hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat fast yet gentle. His eyes wandered down to your place of connection and when they met yours again, you could’ve sworn you saw something: a spark, hope, clarity, confirmation.
And when he leaned in, holding your face close with the hand still resting on your cheek, his lips hovering over yours, desperate to connect, you knew nothing would be the same. He would never be just your best friend anymore. And you were perfectly okay with that.
As Gabe leaned in, his lips met yours in a tender, yet passionate kiss. It was a moment that felt suspended in time, where every sensation was heightened—the warmth of his touch, the softness of his lips, the racing of your heart. In that instant, all doubts melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of certainty and bliss.
The kiss deepened, as if both of you were pouring all the unspoken feelings and desires into this one act. Your hands found their way to his hair, fingers threading through the soft strands as you pulled him closer, wanting to feel every part of him against you. His arms tightened around you, pulling you impossibly closer as if he never wanted to let go.
Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourselves in each other, the outside world fading into insignificance. When you finally broke apart, breathless and flushed, you found yourselves gazing into each other's eyes, the realization of what had just happened sinking in. But there was no fear, no uncertainty, only a profound sense of connection and joy.
“I’m sick,” you said, making Gabe chuckle softly. Of course your first words after a long-anticipated kiss would be that. But that’s what Gabe loved about you. You were you in every sense of the word. You are the reason his stomach hurts from laughing every time he comes back to his dorm, staring into space as he thinks about your giggle and your smile and your stupid humor. You are everything. You’re the world. 
I just kissed the world, Gabe thought. My girl.
With a smile that spoke volumes, Gabe whispered, "I don’t care." 
“You will when you get sick.”
“And will you be here? When I get sick?” he asked, his thumb running back and forth on the exposed space of skin on your pelvis. 
You nodded. You would be there for him through anything no matter what. “Always.”
“Then I’m okay with it.”
And in that moment, as you nestled into his embrace once more, you knew that the stories were real and true; that love is real and true, because you just fell in it and you couldn’t be happier.
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willowrites · 1 month
Bro hear me out .... Sam and Colby as ghostface but they are killing y/n and her friend group , she's the last one but they don't kill her . They just torture her and scare her because they are obsessed but cannot admit it 🔥🔥🔥 can you add non con if possible ? If not then that's fine either
I hope this didn't make you uncomfortable, if i crossed the line I'd like to apologise, hope you have a good day 😇
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PAIRINGS. sam and colby x reader
SUMMARY. as you and your friend group were having a game night, you got a very interesting visit.
WARNINGS. blood, killing, implied sexual interaction (i don’t write non-con but i wrote enough for your interpretation and imagination)
AUTHORS NOTE. hi! this was very short but i wanted to write an ending that had you imagining what would come next! i didn’t want to write anything that would be someone uncomfortable so the ending is up for interpretation of what you’re comfortable with! hope you enjoyed and don’t apologize for anything! this is a judge free zone 💝
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“okay so tell me again, why the fuck can anyone stand matt donovan?” your friend myra asked.
“um, no one can.” you laughed while putting away the cards to cards against humanity. it was game night for you and your friends plus the guy you’ve been talking to. your friends each brought their own little plus one to the game night this time making things more interesting.
“that's true!” your friend athena agreed. “okay are we gonna start truth or dare?”
you nodded and clapped excitedly. “yes yes! okay let’s start everyone get in a circle.” you said pulling the hand of rafael, your talking stage’s, hand.
“okay who wants to go first?” zoey asked sitting close to her friend nick.
“ill do the honors.” you spoke. “hmm, ryan truth or dare?” you asked. ryan is myra’s little hookup.
“uhh…ill do truth.” ryan said.
“hmm okay, what's your favorite thing about myra?” you ask eyeing myra mouthing a ‘you’re welcome’
“probably how she’s always in a good mood and she looks for the best in people,” he answers.
“awww ryyyy.” myra squeals giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“awww grosss but so cute.” zoey compliments. “okay i have one, y/n truth or dare?" she asks you.
"hmm, ill pick tru-" your answer gets interrupted by the ring of your house phone.
you go toward the phone picking it up slowly.
“hi! this is y/n speaking.” letting them know who picked up.
“i know who you are. y/n.” a weird voice spoke through the speaker. the voice sending chills down your spine.
“uh…okay…what did you need?” you questioned suspecting something was up immediately.
“what do i need hm?” the voice asked. “need you to open your front door.”
“is this some kind of prank call or joke? yeah well fuck off it’s not funny.” you immediately hung up. “fucking losers. prank callers.”
you rolled your eyes.
“they even used a voice changer how patheti-” the ring sounded again.
you were frustrated the phone calls were interrupting your game night so you picked up quickly so you could end it quickly.
“hello?!” you asked a little more aggressively.
“that was quite rude.” the same voice said.
“listen, you’re not funny. you’re actually very fucking annoying and ruining our night so go find someone else to fuck with.”
“aw baby it’s funnier with you.” they laughed. “hey y/n.” the way they said your name had you shivering.
“what the fuck do you want.” you asked.
“truth or dare.” they spoke.
you froze. how did they…
you immediately hung up.
your heart was pounding. that had to have been a coincidence right? there wasn’t any way they could’ve been on the line during that…or worse.
watching you?
knock knock
your head whipped toward the door.
“what the fuck?” you whispered to yourself.
“i got it.” ryan stood up walking toward the front door.
he disappeared in the hall and you heard the door open.
no voices, no chatter, laughter. nothing.
“r-ryan? who is it?” your voice choked. there was a pit in your stomach.
you heard the door slam closed causing you and the others to jump.
nothing for a few seconds before ryan fell.
a knife in his chest.
your eyes widened in fear. you were frozen unable to comprehend what you were looking at.
at first, you thought it had been a joke but the closer you got the more the smile you had on wiped from your face.
“o-oh my fucking god!” zoey screamed. “what the fuck what the fuck!”
“holy shit.” nick chokes fear seen on his face.
“no no no ryan!” myra screams in agony. “call 911 call 911!” she cries.
you quickly nodded turning back to the phone you had just walked away from but bumped into someone.
you stumbled back before making eye contact with a person with a ghost face-looking mask.
no words came from their mouth.
this time you didn’t freeze. all you did was run.
“run run run! come on!” you shouted causing the rest of the group to scatter and try to escape.
myra was still on the ground crying to ryan who had been gone for a while now.
you stopped, trying to pull myra with you. “myra come on please!” you cried.
she shook her head. “no i can’t leave him here!” she sobbed.
“myra! myra! come on we got-” before you could finish your sentence myra got grabbed by her hair and slammed so hard to the wall that when she fell down she was already gone. her head bleeding onto the hardwood floor.
“n-no!” you screamed in fear. you looked around to see if anyone else was around but all you were faced with were dead bodies. the rest of the group lying on the floor.
you then saw not one but two of the figures of what you saw earlier.
you were on the ground but tried to stand up. your legs so shaky all you could really do was scoot backward until you were met with the doorframe to the hall.
you shook your head pleading for them to spare you. “please please please don’t. don’t kill me, please. what do you want i’ll give you anything.”
you curled up, knees to your chest hiding afraid of what they would do to you.
silence on their end.
you didn’t want to look up afraid that would be the last thing you’d do.
“you’ll give us anything?” a deep voice said.
you lifted your head and made eye contact with a brunette with piercing blue eyes.
you were stunned not only because he was attractive but you’d think whatever did this wasn’t human.
“how much money i’ll…i’ll find a way. please just don’t kill me.” you cried.
the other took his mask off as well revealing blonde hair with the same piercing blue eyes.
“oh baby, we won’t kill you.” he stepped forward offering his hand.
the last thing you’d do was grab the hands of a killer.
“take my hand.” he said.
you shook your head starting to cry even more.
“i wasn't asking. wanna live or do you wanna die?” he demanded.
your lips were quivering as tears rushed down your cheeks.
reluctantly, you took his hand. he helped you up and led you to the couch to sit down.
“what’s your name pretty girl?” the brunette asked.
this was cruel. this was sick. they were asking you questions about yourself while your friends were lying around the room dead.
“what the fuck do you want from me?!” you screamed in their face.
the brunette was quick to grab you by your neck. “watch your tone, baby.”
you froze in fear silently gasping for air. not because he was choking you. no…he wasn’t even applying pressure it was because you were choking on your own sobs.
“what we want is to show you how sorry we are for killing your little friend group.” the blonde said placing his hand on your thigh. when you look down you notice splattered and dried blood on it.
“you’re fucking crazy. you’re crazy.” you repeated. “you need help.”
“then can you help us?” the brunette smiled. he treaded his knife down your other thigh.
you shook your head shutting your eyes quietly trying to control your cries.
“come on if you’re a good girl i promise we’ll make it worthwhile.” he winked kneeling down and nudging your right leg causing it to open up with the knife we was holding.
your heart raced faster and faster thinking about what he could mean by that.
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hammyballeceter · 7 months
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Hannibal Lecter-
Little Lamb
Hannibal x reader
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- mentions of a suicide attempt & mental illness.
You had been a patient of Dr Lecter for about a month now, his first appointment being with you when you were still on the ward after a attempt to take your life. The man who you’d come to know as Dr Lecter was kind to you, his voice soothed your thoughts and you began to look forward to seeing the peculiar man each week. You tried for a little while to not let your mind wander to how attractive you found the older man, but then again it pushed other far more darker thoughts aside for awhile. And you indulged yourself into thoughts of the amber eyed gentleman.
“I hope that you’ve been doing as we discussed in the last appointment”
His eyes flicked to yours and stayed there, he had an intimidating undertone to him, an intensity to his presence, which made you crave him more. Your skin prickled as if it was cold, shuffling in the seat to try and distract from the feeling of him staring at you.
“Yes, I’ve been trying to. The thoughts are as intrusive as ever. Although I’ve found a new vice that’s sort of helping. When I think about them the thoughts calm for a while. But they soon come back. And they come back with vengeance”
Your voice was quiet, as it had been all your life. Slightly above a whisper but not by much. Being softly spoken would often mean people would ignore your existence. But not Dr Lecter, he gave his full attention to you when you spoke. Although it’s his job, you’d like to think maybe, just maybe he enjoyed hearing your voice too.
“The intrusive thoughts are getting more and more graphic, it’s like my brain is willing me to become so disturbed I’m past being helped. A punishment for not being dead. I still wish it had worked.”
Your eyes never dared to meet his unwavering gaze, you knew he was looking at you, it made your skin burn in the best possible way but caused you feel even more insecure then you’d ever been. What he must think of you sat there covered in scars of your own making
His eyes never left you as you sat in a rather large chair in his rather large office, the room oozed class & money. When ever you were in his presence his eyes found you and he couldn’t bring himself to rip them away. And anyways, he enjoyed watching you squirm under his gaze he could quickly tell the affect he had on you. Your appointments with him were something he looked forward to. He was drawn in by you he learned a lot about you during your appointments even making a conscious effort to ask about you outside of what the appointments were supposed to be about. Being under intensive treatment meant he got you for an hour 3 times a week to his delight. He couldn’t quite understand why a beauty like you wanted to be 6 foot under. He always thought people with such beauty also held a disgusting amount of vanity and self importance. But not you, he enjoyed your beauty, and he found himself not wanting to slice you open and eat your body piece by piece. And that scared him. He didn’t want to stay professional with you, he wanted to patch that dark little mind of yours and claim you as his.
“your thoughts are getting worse? what sort of things are these thoughts about? Don’t be afraid to tell me” He asked. Jotting down what ever notes he needed.
“About hurting people, about hurting myself. Images, awful images. They’d flash into my head, just like before. But instead of them just being about me hurting myself they’re ones of me hurting others, before I’d never had that I’m scared I’ll give in” the welling of tears made room ripple and blur.
“I just want to get better. But that’s never going to happen. My only relief is thinking about someone I know I can never have. Someone who wouldn’t even look at me. They just see me as a sick patient and even then my brain punishes me for it. It hurts me but they make me feel safe, they’re the only person that listens to me”
Your tears ran, wet and warm down your face. Hannibal had never felt an ache in his heart when seeing someone cry. Usually someone’s cries meant nothing to him. Especially the ones of those he killed. But with you, he wanted to push you up against a wall and make you feel anything but sadness.
“Whom is it that you think about?” He asked with out thinking, he cursed at himself for being so abrupt when you were upset.
You dropped your head allowing your hair to fan infront of your face, you wanted to tell him, tell him about how you wanted him to make your skin blaze, how you wanted to feel his lips on every single part of your body, how you wanted him to take every waking and sleeping moment of your life and fill it with him.
“I’m afraid to say Dr Lecter I fear he may never want to see sight of me again”
Hannibal watched as you raised your head, tears streaked your face, your cheeks turned pink and your lips plump, and yet he still thought you looked beautiful. Broken yet beautiful.
He wanted to kiss you, so deeply as if he would engulf you whole and allow you to be safe.
“Why would you think that? you may be in a bad place, but you are person that holds a lot more then what you’re going through. I’ve learned a lot about you y/n your beauty is merely only the surface of you, you are intense yet so gentle. Your brain holds great torment, yet you have never laid a hand on another despite what your mind makes you think. The mere fact you acknowledge that hurt, the fact you wanted to take yourself away in fear of hurting others shows me more about you then you think. I apologise if you think this is inappropriate of me. Only a fool would never want to see sight of you again”
His face never changed, his eyes held the same undivided intense gaze. But he meant every word of what he said. Y/ns brain couldn’t comprehend a man who had everything was speaking so highly of someone who had nothing.
“Dr lec-“
“my little lamb call me Hannibal, I insist”
You body shook lightly,
“Hannibal, it’s you. It’s you that I think about. You fog my mind daily. And you make my thoughts go even if its for a little while, it’s worth it.”
Hannibal got up slowly, placing his glass on the small table beside him. You nerves through the roof as he hadn’t said anything. Had you misunderstood him? Was he simply being kind out of pity?
His hand reached for yours, large yet soft and well manicured. You accepted his hand and allowed him to pull you up.
“You fog my mind too little lamb”
He gently caressed your cheek, taking in the feeling of you finally being pressed against his body. He pressed his lips to yours, savouring how sweet you tasted, mint mixed with an undertone of the expensive wine he’d poured for you earlier. Your mind finally at ease, for the first time in a long time.
“Now, don’t ever take yourself away from me.”
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munsonsprincess11111 · 5 months
Panic attacks.
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: Eddie's having a bad day in school. He's doing everything not to have a panic attack. He doesn't even know what's wrong with him. He's sat at lunch leg bouncing. Hands sweaty. He needs help but the man will never admit it.
Eddie's sat at lunch n he's a hot mess. Shaking. Heavy breathing. He feels like the rooms spinning. Like everything ten times louder. Feels like he could throw up. He needs help. He doesn't even know what's wrong. Will he ask for help? Nope.
"Dude are you sure your OK?" Gareth askes concerned.
Eddie just mumbles and keeps his face in his hands.
You come walking over. Smiling ans joyful.
"OH no the devil in disguise." Jeff jokes as you approach the table.
"Hilarious honestly you should ditch hellfire and join the comedy club your that funny." You joke back. You look down at Eddie and your face goes from happy to concerned. "You OK hunny?" You ask noticing his state.
He nods but other then that ignoring your even stood there. Normally Eddie's hands would be all over you by now talking non stop. You know somethings wrong.
"You sure?" You ask raking your fingers through his mess of curls. As your nails make contact with his head he flinches. You pick up Eddie's tun lunch box and hold your other hand out. "Common." You say to Eddie.
He finally looks up at you confused. "Let's go Common." You walk off. Eddie looks at the rest of hellfire and then gets up and walks off with you. Once you exit the cafeteria his head drops to your shoulder as you walk along taking his hand in your free one.
You both say nothing. Just walk down the halls in silence. Enjoying eachothers presence. However Eddie is still on the verge of his break down. "Where did you park?" You ask quietly "normal spot." HE mumbles back. You nod and walk to where Eddie parks.
He unlocks the side door opening it for you then climbing in after him. You pull the sofa in the back and turn it into the bed. You kay down opening your arms for Eddie. Eddie comes over and lays down next to you. Putting his head on your chest arms around your waist and hooking one leg over your legs.
You wrap your arms around him holding him close to you. Eddie closes his eyes and his breathing starts to slow down. His leg still bouncing slightly. But he's finally calming down.
"What's going on hun?" You ask quietly. You sit still holding the boy. He let's out a shakey breath. He hides his face in the crook of your neck finally speaking.
"Everything is becoming stressful again. I wanna skip lessons but I don't wanna fail. I'm not sleeping until late cause I'm uncomfortable in my own skin. And when I wake up I wake up late so I forget my meds which really isn't helping. By the time I remember I'm in first period. I go home take them and bam another night not sleeping. But if I Dont take em all together then I feel worse. I just need a break. And I feel like I've barely seen you and I really just need you and only you right now. The only time I see you out of school is with someone else present where its a group hang out. And I feel really fucking selfish but I just need something."
He broke. His eyes welled with tears. His breathing uneven. And a shaking mess. You run your hand comfortingly through his hair.
"Babe. You should've told me. We can hang out anytime just us you say the word I'm all yours OK? Don't feel selfish for needing something. How about I come stay at the trailer tonight? We van watch some movies and start fixing your sleep schedule for starters. I'll stroke your head until your asleep. N ill make sure we wake up on time and you take your meds." You whisper stroking his back.
He let's out a relaxed breath. "I don't deserve you. Your fucking perfect thank you love you so much. N yeh I sleep way better when your at mine no Idea why guess its just comfort." HE removes his head from your neck looming at you
"I love you to n ill always be here for you. I'll stay tonight so u get up for school n ill stay the weekend even Sunday night? That OK?" You ask. Eddie nods putting his head on your chest. 10 minutes later you both walk back into school hand in hand. You take Eddie to class and he promises to meet you at your class after school and you part ways.
-next morning-
6:53am. The clock read when Eddie woke up. He looked at laying on your side. Arm still drapped over Eddie. He squeezes you tighter kissing your head. "Babe, gotta wake up sleepy." HE says laying sweet kisses on your face.
You stir awake amiling at Eddie. He kisses your lips and you scrunch your face. You knew full when you had morning breath but Eddie didn't care. "Howd you sleep?" You ask running your hand up his side.
"SO fucking good. Best night sleep in about a month I won't even lie to you." HE says kissing your neck.
"You fell asleep so early 9 o'clock u went." You smiled at Eddie.
"Mmm was the head and back scratches." HE lays next to you hugging you.
You smile at him happy you could help him. Laying your head on his chest. You stayed in that position for another 5 minutes before getting up and dressed for school.
Your making toast for you and Eddie as he walks out slipping his top on giving you a brief glimpse of his happy trail which your eyes went to immediately.
"After school." HE winks kissing you.
"Meds hot shot." You says as the toast pops and you butter it. He opens the cabinet getting out his anxiety and adhd meds popping one of each in his hands.
"DO I need the adhd one I'm so fun without it." Eddie askes smirking popping both pills in his mouth drinking some milk from the cartoon.
"Mmm your fun on it to even better actually." You say passing him his toast.
"Mmm ok" he eats his toast and then you both brush your teeth. He stands behind you keeping one hand on your waist as you brush your teeth. And then off to school and you arrive with 10 minutes to spare.
You both approach the hellfire members and they look shocked to see Eddie. "Morning ladies." Eddie greets himself to the boys. Lighting a cigarette in the process pulling you close to his side inhaling and exhaling the smoke. "Cold isn't it."
"Dude your early to school jeez." Gareth says hugging his girlfriend trying to keep warm.
Eddie looks at you and smiles. "Thanks to y/n made me sleep n get up never knew actually needed to do that." HE said finishing his smoke tossing it on the ground.
Everyone parts ways ad the bell goes but you and Eddie. He walks you to the you both had kissing you. "Do we have to go in." HE smiles into your lips.
"Yep common." You kiss him one more time. "I love you."
"I love you too." ONE last kiss and a sutle ass swat and Eddie and you walk into class and arrives on time to the teachers and everyone else's response.
Yeah his anxiety gets the best of him sometimes. But he knows he will be OK as long as he's got you.
You and Eddie sit in the back wanting to be out rhe way. And Gareth walks in sitting in the middle row. "OH my god he came in on time shock to everyone thought the freak couldn't tell the time the amount of school he's missed." Jason comments seeing Eddie his friends laughing. Eddie gets a devilish grin on face.
"OH my god Jason carver came in 30 seconds thought he'd be able to count the amount of school he's attending or can't you cause your heads to full of me. If that's the case I'm honoured Jason but I have a girlfriend maybe one of your boy toys there will get u there in 23 seconds." Eddie smirks putting his arm around your shoulder. You can't help the smirk that creeps on your face.
Jason looks stunned at Eddie that he actually just said that infront of the class. Gareth still staring at the front then chimes in for Jason.
"He's backkkkkkkkkkkk."
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ugotcooneycrossed · 1 year
if i find you in this lifetime (it better be the right time)
alessia russo x reader
w/c: ~1.8k
part 3 of 'what can i do'
pt1: what can i do / pt2: so you feel it too?
a/n: girlie pop decided to break hearts so im mending them- enjoy😭
Watching her leave hurts- it’s a deep aching that settles low in your stomach and pushes up into your chest and you suddenly feel ill- like you can’t breathe without her here.
The thought that you’ve lost Alessia forever- your person- your sun, stars, and moon- your world. It’s enough to send a wave of nausea all over you again.
It’s not her leaving that hurts, no- what hurts more, is the silence that comes after- it’s radio silent between you two for a while.
In all your time knowing her, you’ve never not talked to each other- whether it be a quick good morning text, or a long conversation during nights before games, where you’re both too nervous to sleep. You always talk.
But now? Now, you’re too afraid to text her to ask if she’s okay, or that you’re sorry and you wish you could take it all back, that you never should have said anything. Because you would rather keep on lying than tell her the truth.
You give her the time she asks for- you wait for her to text you first. She doesn’t though.
Not a single call, text, voice memo- hell, you’d take a letter in the mail at this point- but nothing ever comes.
Suddenly it feels like you’re thirteen again- just having confessed to your best friend you found girls pretty- and then experiencing the most soul shattering heartbreak a thirteen-year-old can feel.
This time though- it feels about ten times as worse.
Knowing she had loved you too- knowing that she was just waiting for you to say something.
You wish you would’ve said something sooner- or nothing at all, you don’t know anymore.
You can’t think. You can’t feel- without her.
When you think of Alessia you’re reminded of home- it’s the only way you can explain it.
The way her smile send a wave a warmth through your body- till you feel your heart swells with love.
The way her touch causes your skin to heat up- goose-bumps trailing after her fingertips.
Maybe it's the way Alessia always seems to catch your eye in a crowded room. Maybe, it's the way she always personally seeks you out in a crowd. Maybe even, it's the way she gently links your arms together- no matter where, or how far you're walking.
Maybe it's just her.
Something about her makes you crazy- it makes your heart beat a thousand times faster, and stop in your chest all at the same time.
She’s your everything.
You can only hope that you’re hers too
She’s your everything.
And now you have nothing.
Your saving grace comes in the form of Ella- and not Leah and it leaves you confused, if not a bit hopeful.
I mean if her best friend’s coming to speak to you, it might be something good.
“Hey (y/n).”
Ella on her part- doesn’t let any emotions show, her voice is even and she looks at her feet when she speaks.
“Um hey Ella. How’s-“
“She’s fine. Can I come in?”
You step aside to let her in- looking behind her, craning your neck in hopes that Alessia just might be lurking somewhere behind her.
She’s not.
“Look- I just came here to tell you that she’s fine, she just needs more time.”
“More time? I mean, how much more are we talking, I feel like I’m drowning here Tooney.”
“How do you think she feels?” 
You swallow down the lump in your throat- stepping away from the other girl. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest and you want to curl up and scream.
It’s the only word you can muster, and you whisper it- looking down at the ground to avoid Ella’s eyes.
Ella looks around your apartment and suddenly you feel insecure- there’s tissues scattered everywhere and probably a concerning amount of take out boxes piled in the kitchen.
“Just some advice yeah? Talk to her- well, let her talk first, but just talk to her. I shouldn’t really be saying anything but, she loves you, and I know you love her too.”
“Thanks, Tooney.”
 “Yeah of course.”
Ella nods her head at you, and shuffles closer to your front door- she keeps her hand on the handle and you watch an internal battle play out on her face.
“Maybe give her a call?”
Ella leaves after that.
You’re left alone in your apartment once again- but instead of a deep heart ache that settles in your chest, it’s a glimmer of hope.
You don’t call Alessia- you put off the task for a while, still too nervous to even look at her caller ID without panicking.
Instead, you focus on cleaning your apartment- getting rid of the tissues and take away boxes, you’re just glad Tooney couldn’t see in your fridge, if she did, she would’ve seen the extra dessert you ordered Alessia- her favourite from the place you always order from when she comes ‘round.
You know- just in case.
The sun has long gone down by the time you’re done cleaning and you settle into bed after- only now looking at your phone.
Missed Call from ‘lessi love’
Your heart sinks in your chest and you drop your phone in your panic to call her back. All this time waiting for anything and you miss her call by three minutes. Idiot! You open the phone app and your finger hovers over the call button- should you? What if she’s mad, you missed her call?
In your time spiralling over what to do. You get a text from her shortly after.
lessi love to ‘You’
-> hey- I know you’re probably busy and want nothing to do with me anymore, but I’d really like to talk
You to ‘lessi love’
-> lessi I would love to talk
lessi love to ‘You’
-> mine? tomorrow?
You to ‘lessi love’
-> i’ll be there
You’re scared of a lot of things in this life.
Birds flying at you when you walk under trees.
And the one girl you’ve truly loved in this world not loving you back.
You’ve had some pretty tough days- and Alessia, has stuck by your side through them all.
She’s been there when you were at your lowest- she’s been there even on the worst kind of days.
The worst day though? Was watching her walk out of your apartment crying.
A million scenarios ran through your head- but her leaving? It never crossed your mind.  
Because how dare you love her- the way she deserves to be loved.
It sounds ridiculous to be so enthralled by someone- so hypnotised by just one person.
You know.
You’ve come to terms with it now though- even if Alessia decides she doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.
You’d be okay with that.
You have had the time of your life with her, and you cannot possibly wait your whole life for her- no matter how tempting that sounds.
You feel like a creep- pacing outside Alessia’s apartment, you wipe your hands nervously on your pants and smooth your hair out over again and again.
You must look like a complete and utter fool right now.
The door swings open and you stumble over your feet to stand still.
Alessia looks- well, she looks tired, she’s got bags under her eyes and when she speaks, her voice is hoarse.
“Hey (y/n).”
“Hi Lessi.”
You whisper- eyes softening and face warming up again.
Your resolve to ‘play it cool’ disappears and your chest fills with anxiety again.
You both stand apart from each other- just staring at one another.
Alessia raises her arms up and takes a small step forward.
“Can I have a hug? Please?”
Alessia’s voice cracks and she sounds like she wants to cry again- you must take a while to respond because you watch her face fall, and arms slowly drop again.
Before you can think you dive towards the other girl- arms slotting right under her arms and gripping her shoulders. Her strong arms find their home on you, and she wraps her arms around you.
You both stand in her doorway- just hugging, holding each other so tight.
“I missed you so, so much.”
Alessia whispers into you, and you feel tears wet your neck- you sniffle, tears now rolling down your face too.
“I missed you too­- so, so much, I was going crazy without you.”
“We should probably go inside.”
Neither of you make a move to leave and it sends Alessia giggling.
You smile- missing her laugh.
“Okay seriously- let’s go inside.”
Alessia pulls out of the hug first- grabbing your hand instinctively and leading you inside. She pulls you gently to her couch and pushes you down to sit.
Alessia sits tentatively next to you.
A thick silence falls between you and you suck in a breath.
You laugh again- both trying to speak at the same time.
“Let me go first- please.”
You nod at her, closing your eyes.
“Look- I’m sorry I completely ignored you for a week. I just- I really needed to think. (y/n)- I think, I think I have always loved you, it just took me a while to get it. And when I did I was scared- like so, so scared. I never wanted to lose you. So, I just pretended. And waited, and waited for you to say something- but you never did. I waited for your love- but the more I waited, the more unattainable you seemed. I tried to forget about you I swear- I love you so much and I never wanted to lose you. I’d rather be just your friend than anything else.”
You reach out to hold her hand- and she gladly accepts.
“Less- I have loved you since the moment I met you, you’re the most important person in my life. I thought you were happy with him- so I never wanted to ruin that for you. I’m in love with everything about you. This week has been the worst week of my life. I never want to go without you again. You’re my everything, I have never loved anyone the way I love you­- I don’t want us to just be friends.”
You’re panting now- chest heaving.
Alessia smiles at you and links your pinkies together.
“You’re my person too- you’re the only one who understands.”
“Does this make us girlfriends?”
“I hope you’re going to ask me properly (y/n).”
“Right. Alessia Russo, will you be my girlfriend?”
You make a dramatic show of getting down on one knee and holding her hand- one hand over your heart, smiling like a lunatic.
“Of course, you weirdo.”
“I kind of want desert- you know, from that place I like.”
“Umm we should go back to mine then- I missed you so much that I ordered one every night- in case you’d show up, there’s still one in the fridge.”
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 6 months
Can you write a blurb about Travis being too sick to play?
Having three kids in school meant that your house was practically ground zero for a variety of illnesses. Usually Travis was able to avoid getting sick; he chocked it up to his strong immune system, but when Savannah came home with the flu right as Christmas break started, even Travis wasn't able to escape it.
A couple of days of fever and cough turned into a week, and you had Travis and Savannah quarantined in your bedroom, while the other two spent the weekend with their grandparents. Even with the flu, Savannah had a lot of toddler energy, and Travis was at his wits end.
You went to go check in on them in the afternoon, bringing two bowls of soup, the only thing they could keep down at the moment. Travis looked grumpy, slumped against his pillows, a frown on his face. Savannah was the opposite, singing and laughing along to Paw Patrol on the TV.
"Paw Patrol again, Sav?" You chuckled as you set the tray down on the dresser. She only nodded, her focus on the show. "Please save me." Travis grumbled out, grabbing your hand. You sat down on his side of the bed, gently rubbing his chest. "How do you feel?"
"Like I never wanna see another cartoon dog in my life." He let out a hard chest cough, wincing at the pain from his sore throat. He loved spending time with Savannah, but between the cold medicine and the cartoons, he was starting to go stir crazy.
"I think the game is about to start, I'll take Sav downstairs and give you a break." Travis tired to stay as healthy as possible during the season, so he was beyond frustrated that he was missing his first game of the season, and to make matters worse, he couldn't even be on the sideline to support his guys. "Don't remind me. What kind of leader am I if I'm in bed while the team is playing?" He sat up in bed, clutching his head as he felt dizzy.
"Travis, you can barely stand right now. If anything, you'd be a liability on the field, not an asset." You admired his tenacity, but it also meant that he internalized every mistake he made. "You need to focus on getting better and resting", you gently pushed him down on the bed, "and spending time with your daughter." Savannah smiled at Travis, giving him a toothless grin. "You wanna watch football, Daddy?" She climbed into his lap, playing with his beard.
"You would do that for me?" He gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Yes", she nodded, "but only for a little while, 'kay?" Travis laughed at how casual she was about it, not a care in the world even though she was sick. "Do you wanna join us?" He turned to you, grabbing your hand and stroking your knuckles.
"Uh, no. One of us has to stay healthy." You tried to stand, but Travis grabbed you by the waist, pulling you down into the bed. Even at half-strength he still tackled you with ease. "Sorry, you're gonna have to stick with us. Get her, Nannah!" Savannah playfully jumped on you and began peppering your face with kisses making you giggle, while Travis was tickling you, his hands crawling under your shirt.
"Stop! Both of you!" You could barely speak between laughs, tears brimming in your eyes. They finally let up when you thought you were about to pee yourself. "Travis, I swear, if I get sick, you will wait on me hand and foot."
"Deal." Travis pulled you into his side as you settled between them on the bed, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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littleavengerfics · 2 months
How about WandaNat x little reader. Reader goes to the dentist and is told that sucking her thumb/her paci has ruined her teeth, so now needs braces / surgery. Next time R drops she has a massive temper tantrum when she can't self sooth. Desperate to sleep before a mission Wanda creates a paci using her magic
Soother (Wanda Nat x little reader)
(sorry this took a while, life got crazy, hopefully you like this, if you don't let me know if you want something changing and I can do that for you)
It was a day all three of you were dreading, the dentist appointment. The caregivers knew it was gonna be a hard day for you all as you hated going to the dentist. "baby, come on get dressed we have to go in an hour." You groaned pulling yourself out of bed, "I don't wanna go." You huffed giving her a pout. "I know, you've been trying to get out of it all week, but it's not happening." Natasha smirked, picking out your clothes, she loved doing it everyday, even if you weren't little. "Nat. I brush my teeth twice a day and floss, there is nothing wrong with my teeth so I don't need a dentist."
"Y/N you're not going to get out of it, if you stop whining and behave at the appointment ill buy you a treat after we are done and you can watch two movies before bed tonight." You couldn't help but smile at her proposal as you knew it was only gonna come up today." fine I'll behave but just know I'm not happy about it."
"I can live with that for an hour. It's either a slightly grumpy you or an angry wanda and right now ill take the first." As she spoke she heard wanda yelling that they were going to be late. As much as you hated going to these appointments wanda hated running late for them even more and with you and natasha it was like that most of the time. Though thanks to their driving you still always arrived early, much to your dismay.
"baby don't worry, I'm sure everything is going to be fine." wanda reassured, squeezing your hand. You weren't so sure. When the doctor came in your heart started racing, holding Wanda's hand was helping but not enough. You needed something else and before you knew it your hand made it's way up to your mouth. The doctor chuckled a bit which made you frown. "there's our problem." both wanda and Nat looked at you and it was only then you realised there was a whole other conversation going on between the three of them you didn't understand. You still didn't pay any attention until natasha pulled your thumb out of your mouth.
"Really? It caused all that damage?" natasha said in a worried tone, the look on her face made you want to cry. If Nat was upset clearly something was wrong.
"It's not the end of the world, we can give them some invisible braces to fix the issue. The thumb sucking, however, does need to stop." It was a sentence that made you completely freeze. You didn't like that doctor anymore, at first she seemed nice but now you weren't so sure. By the look on your caregivers face you could tell that was going to be a rule and you weren't happy about it.
"That's going to be tough. They never stop." I barely listen as he starts giving them suggestions of how to deal with my bad habit. "there are some alternatives, there is chew safe jewelry and even adult pacifiers that can help with thumb sucking and other habits. If you use them responsibly and stop when there is pain or discomfort it won't cause as much change."
"I will look into those, thank you." Wanda smiled, hoping this would be a solution to their problems. After they left the dentist y/n dropped again after getting all of their work and it soon became a constant battle to keep y/ns thumb out of their mouth. Each time they were stopped they seemed to get more and more upset, by the night Wanda and natasha were mentally exhausted from the tantrums, it got even worse when natasha got a phone call. "babe, we have to leave for a mission tomorrow. We leave early in the morning."
"There goes our plan to just let them cry it out till they fall asleep while we wait for the delivery, Im already slow in the morning, I need to sleep tonight." Natasha nodded, she of all people knew about Wandas hatred of the morning, she knew it would be a rough day if they didn't get to sleep soon. "can't you use your magic to make them sleep."
"No, I promised myself I would never use my powers on them like that." the two were interrupted by y/n dumping all their toys on the floor and crying. Wandas mind was quickly changed, but she decided to try a less forceful approach first, she conjured a pacifier similar to the one she had seen on the Internet.
She couldn't believe it when y/n took to it, their wails turned into light sniffles within a few minutes and they stopped acting out. Wanda picked them up, "there see, everything's okay. You're okay, you like the paci?" y/n nodded settling against Wanda who put them to bed, "goodnight baby sleep tight." Natasha and Wanda breathed a sigh of relief as the little went to sleep peacefully, Wanda cleaned up the mess with her magic and the two turned themselves in for the night as well.
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