#i never see anything like this for us QQ
rin-fukuroi · 11 months
𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 [𝐀𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢]
Part 2
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: yandere!Argenti x fem!reader
Warnings: yandere, persecution, abduction and a little angst, i guess?
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
I believe that every man I love should go through yandere XD
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The moment when you will be imbued with love for such a courteous and caring man is only a matter of time.
Argenti is incredibly affectionate and gentle when it comes to you. His gaze is always fixed on you, and his big palm always finds a place on your waist when you are near. He loves to feel the warmth of your body pressing against his, loves to inhale the smell of shampoo that permeates your soft hair, and loves to hear a quiet giggle when he presses his lips to your neck, tickling your skin with curly scarlet strands.
But the more he shows signs of attention, showering you with flowers, kisses and sweet speeches, the more you begin to get tired of it, gradually moving away. His presence restricts and undermines the freedom that you need so much that the buds of feelings that bloomed like scarlet flowers in your chest began to fade over time, as did the bouquets that Argenti presented to you again and again as an expression of his feelings, which gradually became unrequited.
Argenti sincerely doesn't understand what exactly doesn't suit you. Is his attention and love still not enough for you?
The coldness in your gaze and the way you pull away from his touch pierces the heart of the Knight of Beauty with unbearable pain. No matter how much you tried to explain how much his love is blocking your oxygen, you saw more and more sadness and confusion in the look of beautiful emerald eyes. He wants to be the best for you so much, he wants to drown you in his feelings, what's wrong with that?
When you couldn't take it anymore, the words about parting came out of your tongue so easily, piercing Argenti's chest like a sharp blade sucking the life out of him. Although outwardly it seemed that the man heard you and respected your feelings, it was so damn far from the truth. The knight just can't get used to the idea that you can belong to someone else. How can you not understand that he is the only one able to surround you with warmth and care that you will not receive from other men?
Although it might seem to him that his «unobtrusive» presence in your life, which didn't leave you even after the end was put in your relationship, didn't cause you any inconvenience, it was completely wrong. A heavy lump rose in Argenti's throat every time he saw you with another. You were smiling, chatting sweetly with other men, and it seemed so wrong to him. This smile is destined for him, this sweet voice should sound only for his ears, and how damn unbearable it eats up anger and envy when Argenti sees how someone else dares to be so close to you, while he is forced to watch you from the sidelines.
You have no idea what exactly happened to the men with whom you had to contact for a variety of reasons that barely had anything to do with romance, but the more male representatives began to bypass you, the more hatred boiled up in you for the person who was probably the cause of what was happening. How many more times do you have to tell Argenti that you never belonged to him and don't want to have anything to do with him anymore, so that he finally leaves you alone? You repeatedly knock on tightly locked doors, trying to free yourself from the shackles that have tightly chained you to this man, but it all seems such a waste of time, because he will never hear you and will not understand your feelings.
Maybe he should just take you for himself? Yes, it sounds so terrible, and Argenti feels how the thoughts of your abduction make his heart ache, but how else can he prove to you that he is the only one destined for you by fate itself? If you don't see what he sees, if you don't feel what he feels, you just need time to understand that he is ready for anything for you.
But it's unbearable for a Knight to watch the time that you could spend together slip out of his hands like sand, so what choice do you leave him?
Finally he will be able to take care of you, finally his heart will be at peace, because you will always be there. Let your eyes fill with tears now, and insults and threats will come out of your tongue when Argenti touches your body, as before, but this is all temporary, right? The Knight sincerely believes that it is in his power to reawaken your feelings, and then you will be as happy as you were before, when your mind was clouded by unnecessary thoughts about the freedom that he deprives you of. Love is so cruel and requires sacrifices that Argenti is ready to make with you, but you step back every time he takes a step forward. Are other people really that important to you? Is his presence in your life not enough for you?
But you're perfect for him, even like this. Unhappy, scared and constantly crying. How he would like to see your smile again, and Argenti promises you and himself that one day it will touch your beautiful lips again, on which he will then imprint a kiss, which will mark a new beginning of your love, in which there will no longer be a place for anyone but you two.
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natsmagi · 13 days
i know i draw naru with differing hair lengths and in skirts/dresses, but it's simply because i like it and think it's cute; i still draw her in pants but sometimes skirts and with short hair and long hair. i think she would experiment with styles for the fun of it. i don't read many of the stories so i might be misinformed, but i genuinely love naru and find comfort in her character and how she expresses herself. i don't see her just as a trans girl, as a trans person i know what it's like to be reduced to my gender identity/assigned gender. she's just a character i love to draw and dress up. sorry i might just be trying to justify myself as i have drawn her in pink, long hair, and dresses before qq
AWHH NO THATS TOTALLY FINE!! we were kind of speaking on the subject using blanket terms, but there are exceptions to everything. if you wish to explore your own femininity through arashi you are more than welcome to do so! please do not feel dismayed!
my main gripe was when people start acting like happyele is ignoring arashi and her gender identity because shes not portrayed super stereotypically feminine. what i love about enstars is the nuance that comes with every character and their relationship with gender. its fine to project and indulge, it just makes me upset as a nonbinary person when trans people and characters are constantly forced into boxes. i think it would be LOVELY for arashi to experiment more with her wardrobe, especially as she enjoys both masculine and feminine clothing. so its not like her wearing girly stuff would inherently be OOC or anything like that. its all about the context surrounding it! so please, make all the little outfits your heart desires!
please do not take my little ranting as me saying youre not allowed to draw arashi in skirts or dresses or with her hair grown out, you are more than welcome to explore all of these aspects! especially if you yourself are trans and it makes you euphoric! again, my issue lies not with people drawing her in cute clothes or with longer hair, but with people feeling like thats what she Needs to look like if that makes sense? and i get upset when other androgynous characters get to have their fun little feminine outfit only for people to complain that it shouldve been arashi wearing it instead, ignoring the significance of that outfit to the character wearing it.
either way, my post was made in a heat of the moment, and we have been discussing it in a rather generalized tone, but i hope this clears it up a little bit. if youre doing something for yourself there is nothing wrong with being as indulgent as you want! i literally draw femstars after all, so know it was never my intention to come across that way. i love using these characters as my little dress up dolls too! and know theres no need to apologize for having fun ❤ especially as my complaints were not directed at u.... and i again apologize if it came across that way. i never want to demotivate anyone from drawing what they love, so please do not stop just because i got a little mad over takes i saw....... sending u all the love 💕💕
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greatkittydream · 7 months
The Creature from the dungeon. 1
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Journal entry 1
I've kept a collection of my thoughts to keep myself from going fucking insane and that if any sentient life were to find this they may be able to decipher it Leaving the basic letters of the alphabet above obviously.
okay let's recount the day me one Jacob Augustine, I was about to attend my first year of college to become an bioengineer, I just graduated high school with steady A's and B's and was planning to become an bioengineer. One in a medical field at that.
On the week before summer ended, I was making my way down to a convenience store a block away from where I live. mostly complaining that I feel like I'm wasting my life away, thinking of what else I can do to make sure once I die, I won't die with regrets. And then bam, I end up here.
Here being some.... have no fucking idea how to describe this biome, it has the floral density of a jungle yet not nearly enough insects or Wildlife to be a jungle it's more like a collection of plants than anything else. I have met sparse few insects in this jungle? It has animals, but oddly enough, no fungus.
Which is weird given the fact that they're the backbone of most jungles for recycling dead Organic matter. Not to mention, none of these plants show characteristics of jungle plants.
There are no waxy leaves to deposit water close to the roots, nor do they extend high into the sky or grow wide enough to collect any sunlight that bleeds through the trees.
The insects I have found are not poisonous or at least don't present any of the features of poisonous. No brightly colored features or camouflage.
They do follow the basic figure though of six limbs abdomen thorax and head. But they don't follow any other similarities. I found ants if you could call them that but their jaws were aligned in the opposite direction clamping up and down rather from side to side I've seen them used to great effect against Beatles?
if you could even call it that it's the closest approximation I have for a thickly armored insect, they clamped down, piercing the armor, and then ripped the thing to pieces.
I would be in heaven researching the new Wildlife After all, what self-respecting scientist even if this isn't my Specific area of biological interest wouldn't be in love with researching new things I have found right now. If it wasn't for the fact that I somehow ended up in a place against my will that behaves unlike any other ecological system I've seen.
I will somehow have to create a section in the back of my book detailing my research I have found so far. but that is for a later date. Why was I writing this again oh yeah because the fucking sun doesn't exist or the sky.
Allow me to explain to you dear reader, if you haven't already noticed if you somehow managed to find a clearing to where you can look up to the sky you will see not the sky what a collection of bright crystals somehow.
Illuminating this several mile long area as if it were the sun and it never sets. how do I know it's only several miles long easy I can see the fuckin walls. This illogical place pisses me off on so many levels. The biome I can forgive life does strange shit but the fact that this thing has no support structure whatsoever for Miles holding up.
what I'm assuming to be crystals weighing several tons each emitting a light similar to the effect of the Sun some how? do they go through nuclear Fusion or is it some other type of light emitting process which allows life to thrive down here? And if that's the case why does it look like the wild life/Flora belongs on the surface. to some degree life follows the most, well not efficient but the closest to efficient route it can find, not what looks good.
this is taking its toll on me. I have found myself doing my ticks more than usual. Oh yes, I suppose it may be best for me to explain myself a bit more.
self-report subject Jacob Augustine date of birth July the 13th 2005 age 18 state of birth Tennessee. The subject has autism. His ticks include snapping his fingers in a rapid motion, blinking rapidly, or rubbing the sides of his head. While on the low end of the spectrum he does exhibit his own issues such as his picky diet the way certain things cannot touch him or how illogical things piss him off to a absurd. degree we will see how he fares in this illogical hellhole that does not follow principles or Reason.
Okay, these are my findings for day one. I will update my journal if anything happens.
with a quick snap shut of the book, he looks up all around him. Okay, Jacob, you can do this. You're just in some illogical ecosystem. that does not appear to support a variety of life.
you have so far not identified any viable food options. So let's run through this normally. When stranded in the middle of a forest, you tie brightly colored cloth to branches and try to draw attention to your area for rescue squads.
but seeing as I'm in some confined space with no obvious human habitation, I need to start thinking of survival. In this case, I should climb to the top of a tree and look for a large water body that can support life.
And this will more than likely have some type of fish there that I can eat and water that can be processed to drink. However given the fact that this place is not running on normal principles of biodiversity there's a chance this may go horribly wrong. there could be Birds of Prey bigger than me.
There could be crocodiles that can run on land like its long extinct ancestor. alternatively, I could start clearing out areas and hoping that it rains as unlikely as that is. While cutting down a tree without any immediately available resources for such a task is unviable, it is still feasible given the amount of granite I have found in the area.
my current tools for my survival is my backpack, what was supposed to be a study notes book now turned into personal Journal, a packet of pencils a pencil sharpener, a school water bottle a pair of black Crocs a short sleeve t-shirt and gym shorts, I'm so fucked.
Okay, there are no obvious signs of precipitation that can accumulate off the bat, and cutting down trees would take far more energy than it's worth. so while it is a viable option, it's not one that's optimal. leaving only one other option that I can think of, not like I really have much of a choice. I just hope they have some type of fish I can eat without making myself eat it.
That would will make things a lot smoother. Standing up and looking for the tallest tree he can find in his immediate area he begins to climb. The idea of venomous snakes did not concern him from what he has seen so far there's no prey big enough needed for Venom or predators meaning in all likelihood he would be relatively safe from any possible Ambush predators.
Reaching the top of the tree, he saw vast fields of forest and vegetation. Luckily for him, there was a deposit of water fairly big one at that from what he can tell North words. it looked to be about an hour's jog from where he's at as well.
He was a bit of an introvert and not wanting to go outside more than strictly necessary preferring to spend most of his time with his online friends doing research and watching fun fact videos. But he did still do cardio in order to keep his body from getting health issues that could be easily avoided. he knows for a fact that he can run for about 2 hours, which in his opinion is fairly good with this in mind an hour jog with a 10 minute break in between.
He would arrive at his destination and about 3 hours while not as quick as he would like. This is his best option. With that he got to the lowest branch and hopped off. "it's a good thing I like clothing that allows me to breathe I would be fucked if this was winter clothing was that he began to jog".
Aafje vo eldertree pov
Big sis please don't go, you promised to spend time with me. I know what I promised, but this is a big day because the raxs just got fully healed, meaning we have our tank in the party, and we can finally enter the lower parts of the dungeon. And it's important they have their healer with them. But can't you just hold off for one more day? You promised me this you're always down in that stupid dungeon. I'll have you know that stupid dungeon is the reason why the eldertree family is as influential as it is. We are nobility based around dungeon delving. pretty soon You'll have to start going as well. Now, hush up please I'm pretty sure my party's outside.
Aafje's big sis had turned around and started making her way to the front door. Currently moping and pouting Aafje was upset her big sister went back on her word but then a devilish thought came to her head: if she was supposed to be going down there soon, what's stopping her from going now? She was a genius considering herself, and she knew his sister would never allow this, so the answer was simple.
Don't tell her to make her way to where she knew her sister kept her supplies. she looked around for the bag that her sister took with her for long trips from what she recalled.
Her sister was going to drop straight down to floor 150 today with the rest of her party through teleportation Crystal and start going to the lower levels.
Having found the bag, she knew she couldn't just take stuff out and sit inside her sister could tell immediately. but what she could do was use a bag of holding too cold the stuff inside while she took its place. And so she did just this. Hearing her big sister coming ada, she immediately went into the bag, hurling stuff into The Magic Bag.
Ada vo eldertree pov
Yeah, my sis was pretty upset about the news, probably in her room pouting and swearing to hate me forever. Until I come back home with some new toys or cool stuff for her. A gruff voice responded to her one Aafje recognized as raxs.
I kind of feel like a dick I mean, this is supposed to be a day for you two. You think she'd forgive me if I gave her something, what do elves like? Just bring her home a new toy and some candy and she'll be right as rain with you, now hurry up we need to go And I don't want to leave your green butt behind Mr I can stop a charging boss monster.
Please stop bringing that up, It was the 60th floor boss. I thought I could stop it on my own I learned my lesson I'm not indestructible please stop bringing that up. Yeah, well we're going to start heading down to the level we're humans start spawning, and as you well know an encounter with a human may as well be a death sentence. So please keep your wits about you, and don't let your ego take over.
walking over and grabbing her bag and swinging it over her back, she never noticed how uneven it felt. She was quite nervous today her party had actually set a record by making it to the 160th floor without encountering a human.
Meeting up with the rest of her party, her raxs, Stone. and Lionheart. a party composed of an elf, an orc, a dwarf and a Dragonborn. Not the weirdest part of you can see, but certainly, an odd one, most species tend to stay with each other. Making their way outside.
They see the great tower of the dungeon 10 miles wide in any direction, going uncountable numbers deep into the Earth. This was their destination. Walking through the bustling Street filled with all manner of species and Monday activities, in the great city of Carthage, anything could be found. The dungeon attracted all walks of life.
arriving at the dungeon management agency, a government-run facility in order to maximize profit and prevent loss of life though most of the time it just ends up being a bureaucrats dream job of having to not do anything. Most people aren't stupid enough to enter the dungeon unless prepared. Making our way down the street, I noticed something. There was a group arguing with the front counter.
"I had a feeling these were rookies". So she walked up to them and introduced herself. I am ada vo eldertree. I couldn't help noticing with the clerk here, I have a feeling you're new to the dungeon. A dark elf responded. How could you tell?
You're arguing with the clerk you never argue with the clerk They hand out the most recent information regarding migrational species in the dungeon updates to terrain and all sorts of other useful stuff but they don't have to give it out don't make enemies of the clerks may I ask what you were arguing about.
Me and my compatriots here, and I wanted to go to the lower levels and fight some of the higher tear of your monsters. we were former mercenaries. After all, we've taken up the adventuring business, specifically dungeon-delivers
I see how that could become a problem. What's your level and what floor were you wanting to go to.
Level 30, and we want to go down to Floor 110.
you wouldn't make it even if you teleport down to that floor, each floor increases by one level you're going to Face Off monsters at level 110 range. not to mention, although extremely rare humans have been known to spawn there on occasion.
We are dark elves, and we come from Noble lineages. Our level 30 is not the same as a plebeians. And why should I care about some monster type they all die the same.
This Comet pissed her off. well, normally monsters are around the same level of difficulty if you could call it that per level. but humans are something completely different. There were known as raid bosses, meaning that every one of their levels is the equivalent to 10 on a regular level. so a level one human is a level 10 standard, and this is for 110, they're level 1100.
Not to mention, there are special species stats that include Mana absorption from the air. or they're insane musculature and stamina. I don't think I need to continue. Just know that if you run into one hide and run, they don't have the best sense of smell.
"Fucking idiots we're going to die if they ran into a human. there's a reason why noble families founded on dungeon dwellers were so strong through generations of survival of the fittest."
Each one of their levels was equivalent to five levels higher and the standard and even they struggled against humans they were the kings of the dungeons you don't fuck with them.
Let's just get going. We don't want to get behind besides I think we can make it to floor 199 if we're lucky we do have a month to do this after all. then they'll start sending Rescuers and that's always a pain with paperwork.
Lord Vect pov
Who the hell is that bitch think she is talking to me like that, that high elf scum should be kissing my boots that I even talk to her.
Lord, what do you think we should do?
Isn't it obvious we're going to liberate that fine gear from them while down in the dungeonWho knows she might make find slave work, whether it be in the brothels or a whipping bitch it does not matter money can always made on suffering of others.
Jacob pov
You know this place is actually kind of lovely. Oh God, I'm talking to myself. I'm going insane already. Egh fuck it may as well make a Wilson while I'm here. After seeing the clearing up ahead, he knew that he was getting close to the water source, deciding to jog harder. and farther, he finally made it out of the clearing, and what he saw was beautiful a ring of sand surrounded. A large lake connected into the Great Wall surrounding this place surrounding that wall was purple crystals that were different from the light blue ones up above what surprised him the most, though there are other humans.
naked shortish about 5’4 for humans. But still humans it's not insane to think of nudist culture could pop up, and with how small this area is to live in, and it makes sense that they'd be shorter natural selection dictates with less nutrients available, being smaller is more advantageous.
I just hope they're not cannibalistic or violently aggressive to foreign things. HAY, HAY over Here. Quickly jogging up to the other humans, there were about 10 of them four female six male. They turn their heads to me in a lazy way before going back to what they were doing.
Coming to a stop to the closest one, a young guy, probably about 26, with brown hair and brown eyes and pale skin. Hey, do you know where we are… Do you speak English… I know Germen Wissen Sie, wo wir sind… um shit okay um. Fuck how do you say do you know where we are in Spanish again God damn it 16-year-old Jacob you should have paid attention in Spanish class more, okay. Um I know you don't understand me but you must understand I'm trying to communicate with you so “pointing towards self” I'm Jacob “ pointing towards the guy” you are?.. not even going to find me with an answer okay. Fuck you too asshole.
Looking over to my side, I noticed something peculiar. One of those Beetle things from earlier was walking by one of the shorter guys. He proceeds to squish it flat against the sand before shoveling it into his mouth. I felt a shiver go up my spine and disgust. "Well, at least they're not poisonous." Gags.
Looking around his immediate area, he notices something. The crystals form into the shape of that similar to a great door, thinking quickly, pulling out his phon clicking on the camera featur. And zooming into 10 times, he notices it.
It is a door! victory for vegeta or Jacob in this case i Miss Dragon Ball Z abridged. Well, no time like the present. Wait, how the hell am I going to get my shit over there without it getting wet damn it.
The electronics will be fine for the most part as long as I don't turn them off while they're wet. They should operate normally if dried off .my clothes will be a pain tho.
But given the aired temperature, it shouldn't be too much of a problem, but the weight might become a problem. And I don't see any shallow Banks leaning up to it. okay, let's think this one through. I could empty out my water bottle, filling it with air and then sealing it shut. That should add buoyancy, which should counteract at least a little weight. and then refill it at the door. The main problem is my journal.
After thinking it through for a good 10 minutes, he got an idea walking over to the tree line. and taking a few sticks, he throws them into the water to see what type of wood he is working with and if it will float or not. He's in luck it does. "Hmmm, I could work with this." Arranging the sticks into a Shape where they'll stick above the water and doing that again.
with three other sets to make sure his journal does not get wet he takes off his shirt and wraps it around the bundle. making sure it sticks together, setting it gently on the water to see if it will float. Or not stay together. To his luck, it does. This also means he can just put his backpack on there and the Crocs. Looking down at himself, he lets out a sigh. Well, not exactly fat, he's not skinny, either he has a healthy Pudge, he'd say a beer gut.
Making his treck across the water, he notices a large shadow following him. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuck I forgot to think about water Predators. okay okay okay okay just don't panic you'll be fine panicking indicates you're afraid and Afraid means food. Ok, if this is a shark or um, oh, a shit God damn it why did i not go to zoology.
Just as the large shadow was approaching him at a rapid pace. Once it got into the distance to tell what the creature swimming was, it promptly turned around and swam for its life. Oh, good the things in massive pussy that or wasn't carnivorous now that i think about a creature that large being carnivorous.
And in this small body of water doesn't make much sense it could just be an abnormally large manatee. Or maybe some other new species. I wonder what type of characteristics force it to grow that size, though? maybe mating fights, but that's the case. Why didn't it get aggressive unless it's not as mating season and it was just curious? Questions for later.
Upon reaching the massive door, he knows the shallow sand pit, allowing him to walk up to the staircase, pulling his makeshift raft along with him. and promptly laying flat on his back onto the sand, letting out a sigh of relief despite that not being a predator.
There are so many things that could have gone wrong in that instance he could have lost all his supplies. It could have been aggressive.There could have been something else parasites bacteria, and lord knows what else lives down in the water. Now that I think about it this was a fucking stupid idea.
oh well, all is well and ends well. After waiting for his clothes to dry off enough to wear and putting them on, he walks up to the great door and pushing it open. surprisingly light for something that looked like it would weigh so much more, and what he saw was an expansive hallway stepping through the hallway he immediately felt better for some reason.
He started to jog down the hallway , and he noticed that he wasn't running out breath as quickly as he would normally. attributing it to the room just simply having more oxygen for some reason, allowing for cellular respiration to happen more, therefore slowing fatigue. He paid it no mind upon reaching the end of the hallway he noticed something a plaque above it reading 199 whatever the hell that meant taking in a deep breath and pushing open the door he saw a cave? lined with purple crystals.
hey writer here I'm new to this so I have no idea how to link it next chapter which when it comes out I will also say sorry if the writing is bad I'm trying to write it from the perspective of what would you do if you were in this situation if you have any writing tips or World building you think would make a good fit to it feel free to private message me or comment it I'll see if I can include it.
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nakanotamu · 1 year
I'm watching Fight in the Top 2022 rn and it's your fault
What non-Meltear Stardom should I check out next?
First of all, anon, I am so, so happy, thank you for checking them out and thank you for telling me.
Second of all, anon, you have come to maybe the worst person you could ask with your question. I'm not, like... a wrestling "greatest hits" person. When people say they want to watch wrestling with me and ask what I want to watch I'm always like well I'm like a month behind so, the next show I haven't seen? I agree with Hiromu Takahashi when he said it's not necessary to go back and catch up on old wrestling, because wrestling is something that's happening right now. I seriously almost never rewatch old matches.
BUT because you came to me I can still try and rec some matches anyway. I'm really bad with dates so unfortunately you'll have to do a little bit of work to find them.
Tam vs Arisa Hoshiki for the white belt is maybe my favourite match ever, if I had to pick one? Tam felt like she had to challenge Arisa for the white belt because she had been chasing it so ardently, but it was also at the exact point she was realizing how she felt about her and didn't actually want to fight Arisa at all. It still makes me cry just to think about it. It made Mayu cry.
Both Tam vs Unagi Sayaka singles matches are incredible and heartbreaking. The first one is Tam confirming to Unagi that yeah, the way she cares about her is special, but she can't put her feelings above her role as champion right now. (I'm like for real to this day so insane about the fact they actually told a story of Unagi saying I know you love me, I know we could be something special, why won't you admit it.) The second one is just, about their entire relationship, as Unagi was on her way out of the company, begging Tam to take her seriously as a competitor and Tam telling her she already did. They also referenced spots from Tam vs Unagi 1 in the recent Tam vs Mina double title match, with Tam cementing that she did not feel the same way towards Mina as she did towards Unagi, something that was always sort of... the gorilla in the room when they were factionmates.
Hazuki vs Momo Watanabe from... March? Last year I remember really enjoying, Momo is trying to bring out the anger that used to define Hazuki while Hazuki tries to prove she just doesn't need to be that person any more.
Momo Kohgo vs Saki Kashima from the 5 Star GP last year isn't super long or serious, but I love both of them and the story around it was so fun. Saki told Momo she could either win their match, or she would give her a signed copy of her photobook. Momo said she'd take the photobook, no question, and then beat her anyway.
Momo Kohgo vs Maika from last October (NOT their 5 Star match, though that one I also enjoy a lot), specifically the rematch with Maika determined to absolutely crush Momo for beating her in the 5 Star, is short and light and feels like seeing two people going through a BDSM tutorial in the most incredible way.
Pretty much, like, any Syuri or Utami singles match? Like their ones together or just with anyone. I love them both so much and they miss so so rarely.
Also I still haven't watched the recent QQ vs Oedo Tai cagematch but I know the story was great and incredibly emotional, though maybe it won't hit the same if you didn't follow along with the drama between Utami and Kamitani.
Which brings me back to my evergreen biggest recommendation, just anything recent that seems interesting to you. I am always up for talking about stories and stuff to the best of my ability to get people caught up too.
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arcadianico · 1 year
for the choose violence ask game (for qsmp ofc): 2, 4, 6, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 24 (you don't have to answer all of them if you don't want, especially becausee i feel like i already know the answer)
i have already answered 6 and 16 but here are the rest:
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
meh. i think qq is probably a switch. i don’t think position matters that much to him. also i dislike the idea of assigning sexual preferences based solely on personality because that’s not really how that works, and it plays into fandom dynamics which quite frankly bore me. elq is a power bottom though. source: trust me
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
tallulah and wilbur fic clogging the quackity tag. i’m so sick of being unable to navigate that tag. it doesn’t matter who it’s about, even people who i like, but when i see qsmp shit in the quackity tag but quackity isn’t involved at all it pissed me off. stop using the quackity smp tag. #qsmp works fine!
10. worst part of fanon
qtntduo. that’s all i have to say
13. worst blorboficiation
oh boy. elq. i love him but he’s an asshole and erasing that sucks. i’ve seen some posts which are,,, woah boy. sometimes i read them and i’m like oh yeah he would say that, but he would not think that. the elq falling in love with qwilbur? boring. also why are people trying to woobify him in the same way they tried to woobify qq (which i also hate. let characters be complicated and messy and difficult). he’s a dick and i like that about him
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
honestly can’t think of anything i’m ashamed of liking. i don’t believe in guilty pleasures. if i like something, i like it and i have no reason to feel bad about that
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
qq’s breakdown after the fake wedding! i wanted him to talk to sophia so bad. i want him to deal with his, quite frankly pretty arospec, emotions. his relationship to love as a concept fascinates me, especially as an aro person because his comments hit home. i think exploring that sort of idea is much more interesting than ship stuff tbh. i wouldn’t want a ship to happen in canon with him before he’s allowed to work through those feelings
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
i think it’s fine if the eggs die actually. like i’m not begging for it to happen or anything (except i did occasionally as a joke because i wanted rubius back which… success) but egg death has caused some of the most interesting things on the server imo. like the relationships with mortality and love and loss are all so beautiful and poignant and they hurt but i also like that. it reminds me a bit of a poem i wrote about my grandfather’s death and not being able to go to his funeral. there’s something about grief that hasn’t settled yet that aches in this bittersweet way, like if nostalgia could cut with a knife. tbh i don’t know what i’m saying anymore. but yeah egg death is honestly fine imo
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ishikawayukis · 1 year
hi qq! i've been on tumblr for a while but i never understood tags? i see a lot of people using them to organize content and rbs but i also see people just making comments (like u!) so I wanted to ask if there really a difference? I like how I have stuff organized now and I usually just make comments in the text box above the tags but i don’t know how writers would prefer to see them 
thank u and have a great day! ur wonwoo gifs always brighten up my feed
hi! tags in the beginning were basically just for organization stuff but people started using them as a place to leave comments too since it makes the post itself less busy. mmmmmm how do i say it, comments in tags are basically like sharing your thoughts? but they don't actually add anything to the post itself, so a lot of people (me included) prefer it when people leave comments in the tags rather than the caption. and you can use both types without any issues! i tend to comment but i also use them to organize my content (since it also makes it easier for people to blacklist) but yeah basically you can use them both ways and there isn't any difference between them!
and thank you! i really appreciate it <3
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vermanaward · 4 months
liveblogged pll 81 thoughts
mnk ranged attack finally, all it took was a third gauge bar
rip nin huiton (which. tbh with mnk greased lightning being collapsed into a trait doesn't surprise me. i wonder if they're nuking the sam buff dependence too)
Oh Boy another finisher to squeeze in under pots. at least the animation upgrade for jolt looks cool. and it seems accel is still mini swift
picto looks like it could be interesting, gameplay wise. i was kind of expecting a sticker collecter/user since we don't have a caster one of those yet but.
sch gets an enshroud [eyes emoji]
whm gap closer on temperance is interesting decision. i want to guess it's like icarus (maybe icarus will also get an upgrade to match it? idk)
looks like the tank gap closers are being unified/losing damage, which is v nice
id rather they just mailed everyone a fanta but if its a per quest thing then maybe all characters will get a bonus fanta, not just new ones. or maybe they will move the arr fanta there for new toons, in which case rip.
i do like the cooldown period though, means i can change voices and test in a ds dungon to see if i hate it actually
the optional combo collapser is nice, especially for controller players
atonement 2 and atonemnet 3 should break up the spam but. still gotta put an F in chat for people maining pld
rip blood weapon but at the same time its like. you're pressing it with delirium anyway so it's whatever
a fray combo/finisher is making me [eyes emoji] but i dont expect anything much
lmao the new gnb skill/combo is lionheart. ofc it is. 'whatever' intensifies
feint and second wind buff is nice. there seems to be quite a few universal defensive buffs in the 90s. sorta sucks that they won't apply at lower levels but i kinda get why (ultimate balance mostly)
oh no they've gutted mnk
the chakra changes are good but MAN. rip buff and dot upkeep which. i get a lot of people found hard or offputing but. skill issue. read your tooltips its not hard. idk i found it fun about mnk but i never played it in anything remotely Effort requiring so take that as you will
they removed spineshatter????? QQ
plentiful harvest is. it's skill issue?? same with manafic on rdm. which they're also going to change. fml
actually that would track with the trailer as well. oh well
you probably should not be using movement tools in enshroud, but. the harpe upgrade looks cool nonetheless i guess?
new rpr burst tech unlocked - nooming around like you're a smn
or pre enshourld in/eg > eg/in > enshroud > harpe > normal burst [thinking emoji]
vpr seems. hm. reminds me a bit of dnc tbh. no thoughts head empty press glowy butan (don't overwrite your procs, use everything)
they're trying to say It's Quite Deep Actually but. idunno i will reserve judgement
chat: so wait you remove mnk 'having to' watch their buffs to see what to use next, but add it to vpr? devs: uh well we added a ui element to tell you what the crack is without having to squint at the bar so. so why could you not have added that to mnk. you gutted mnk for vpr. actually mad
brd changes seem v nice (i say as someone who loathes playing brd)
oh barrel stabiliser is getting the harvest treatment too. i guess im speedrunning the stages of grief here
..drill charges (plus the new tool? tools for fuckin days)
standard step without having to do step actions? hUH????? DETAILS.
media tour leaks cant come soon enough
fuck yeah swift buff
rip blm mp tick tech
this absolutely a potshot at nonstandard and blms nowhere will stop doing nonstandard
moving ley lines was a MEME. a JOKE. (but for qol i get it its nice congrats blms)
[donkey kong meme] you can move your ley lines... Once
solar bahamut, huh. i think lunar looked better tbh. i don't expect any lore relating to this, but
alexander when
w8 does this mean smn has three major primals now? 4 minute rotation, inch resting
smn rez not dead. status of physic currently unknown
"just like we said last time, we're thinking about removing rez next time, please look forward to it"
one thing i guess i do potentially like about this manafic change is that you can aoe combo right away (since 3x aoe combo requires 60/60, meaning you need to build mana before manafic)
oh shit they're also changing the aoe combo to 50/50 as well. nice!!
idk how i feel about all of these 'when u use ur raid buff you get an additional ability to use'. feels like button bloat
picto looks like it could be interesting.
it has a non targeted dash!!!
i guess if i have concerns, it's that. moogle and madeen are the only creatures, etc, so there's not much. variety. but the same is true of like nin mudras, smn primals, etc
instant casts during your raid buff is nice. it seems they are really trying to incentivise people to fucking press their buttons lmao
oh okay the whm gapclose is not on temperance
seraph enshroud 👀
another post raidbuff attack. lol. lmao even
no rng cards is nice. it sounds like cards have had a pretty thorough overhaul
rip astrodyne, nobody liked you
so sge gets salted earth, k
sge said double caster rights
wait is it really an aoe dot? sge gets all the nice things... (but can't turn into an angel so. really who is the winner here)
no pvp changes other than vpr and pct being added until 7.1. cowards
...mountain dew collab. the fuck
...are The Youth not familiar with mtn dew? huh??
collabs outside of japan though fuck yes
oh no there's an official overpriced loporrit plush
...magnets on a cable tidy? :|
thats all she wrote ig
0 notes
accio-victuuri · 2 years
All about the 知足 ( Contentment ) audio recording : CPN + lyrics analysis 🎧
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everything here is not 100% verified so don’t take it as truth. there are screenshots and speculations but this is not me confirming anything. interpret it as you will. the audio recording is floating around in other platforms but i won’t share it here.
There was a rumor before that after the 2019 DDU filming, they all went to a KTV to celebrate. That’s GG/Web as well as TTXS brothers and probably other staff. This is where this was sang and recorded. Allegedly.
Then in 2020, it seems like GG’s QQ account uploaded the recording. The run time is 1.18! 18! Yibo! and it’s in a playlist called 95. If you don’t know the importance of 95 to the fandom, read here.
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After a short while, it was deleted even if people were able to like it and comment. This is the part I really can’t confirm cause I didn’t see it myself. Also we don’t know if it’s intentional on GG’s part and his team. Plus the fact that it was deleted says something. If you listen to the audio, it’s actually just GG you can clearly hear and Web very faintly. Considering the time it was uploaded (10/2020) tho GG had been coming back around this time, it’s still not a good move to have something out there that can potentially attract antis. People noticed Yibo’s voice so I think it’s one of the reason why it was deleted, to not bring Yibo to a potential issue.
2021, it made the rounds again because it was re-uploaded by fans. It’s just my personal stance to not share it in big platforms. I think it’s perfectly fine to keep a copy for yourself then listen and cry lol. We don’t know who uploaded it and why. If this was recorded during a private get together, I don’t think we should be listening to it. Tho how it was sang was so beautiful. 🤍 I will never wish to get a private recording of them audio or video when they are in a place where they are with friends no matter how much it feeds the cpn machine. I hope they can get the privacy they need when they are together and when they are with friends/family without being filmed and followed. Look at how people were following GG and his family in Sanya when he was on vacation. So yeah. There are things that we will never know and that’s fine. No need to dig.
2022, I think around 3AM ish, people were posting that it was re uploaded in Kugou Music ( a music platform kinda like spotify ) and the difference? The artists tagged are both XZ/WYB.
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It was not uploaded by the boys’ artist account or anything. People rushed over to listen to it and save somehow because it may be taken down again. Lol. I honestly have no idea how this got that high on hot search. Is it a slow day today? But if you think about it, anything with XZ and WYB on it is bound to be talked about. It stayed there for a while so people just started using the HS spot for BAH and YGY. In BJYX ST, it was announced to not talk about CPN. Even if you look at entertainment blogs who shared it, most of the comments are saying something like — “it’s nothing~”.
I honestly like how the fandom handled this incident overall. I’ve said this before, there are times when we should keep quiet about CPN. This audio does not prove a romantic relationship or what. It’s an audio of them singing, that’s all. The last thing Xiao Zhan needs right now is a negative HS. Even if this is not exactly harmful, but well, if the whole CP is dragged into it then it’s gonna be an issue. CP things should be kept in our circle only. 🤍
About the whole “claiming” the music thing. I found this but I can’t verify how true. Or if XZ/WYB are even looking at this and giving resources to claim certain things.
What does Kugou Music claim work mean?
Kugou claiming the work means that Kugou has not officially obtained the copyright of the music and the music copyright does not belong to Kugou. Then, the user cannot play, download and listen to the music.
This requires the original author of the work to claim the music and grant the copyright to Kugou before users can play, listen and download normally.
I think this is why people are saying the boys claimed it because you can play it normally and download it. This is all speculation with “facts” that we have but the only “official” songs are the ones personally endorsed by the two.
Also this is the platform’s terms and conditions. You can study it if you want, but i’m not gonna think too much about that. It’s pretty obvious, the HS stayed and the track is still there as of writing. No clarifications of any kind was posted. There are things that these two do or don’t that prove how they have no problem being associated to each other once in a while. If they really hate e/o, then they can scrub everything out. Or have their fan accounts refute rumors or whatever. Lol.
Now that we have the whole CPN history out of the way, let’s do a mini analysis of the song and why they chose it. The song is bittersweet, which is their favorite type of track so that may be one factor.
How do you go about retrieving a rainbow?
How do you go about embracing a summer breeze?
The stars high in the sky are laughing at the people below.
"They never do understand, they never find contentment."
Ah~ the good old summer breeze, that summer of 2018. Lol. not much to add here so I’ll just reference this post again. The song as well as how it relates to the Japan cpn.
If I were to fall in love with your smile,
how would I keep it, how would I obtain it?
And if you were happy but not because of me,
Whether or not I let go, would be how I do.
I am interpreting this in XZ’s POV, since he was the one actively singing the song. I’m imagining that summer when GG was exposed to Web’s sweet smiles. This person who everyone said was cold/aloof, but turned out to always be the one who makes him laugh. who smiles at him. Even beyond that summer, the whole 2019 promos, Web was smiling at him.
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If we’re working on the timeline that they fell in love that summer, GG is not sure how he can keep someone like Yibo in the long run. Their lives are too complicated and it must have felt like wishful thinking that they can have a relationship.
When a gust of wind this way blows, kites fly high in the sky,
and for you I pray, I bless and I am moved.
And when your silhouette finally disappears into the sea of people,
I realise, it's most painful smiling through your tears.
How can we interpret this without crying lol. I’m just glad these two got over whatever they were thinking that time and became a couple. 🤍
You and me, that day and on that hill
That way we sang, that song from that year
That kind of memory, that was plenty and enough—
Enough for me to feel loneliness day after day.
This gives me such a vivid picture, the day on that hill feels like the day when they went to take photos of the Windmills. The last day of filming when they sang White Windmill and Bobo looked like he was gonna cry.
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The happiness from contentment,
it beckons me to endure the heartache.
The happiness from contentment,
it beckons me to endure the heartache.
This last part is just 😭😭😭 there are not heartaches in this house! ❌❌❌
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cheri-cheri · 2 years
[L&N] Truth or Dare 10: You Win + Dare
Prologue + Red Hands Game: here
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After seeing the task on the card, Charlie hands his phone to me with complete ease.
MC: Do they have anything to do with proposal strategies...
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Charlie: Of course not.
Hearing this satisfactory answer, I release a sigh of relief.
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Charlie: I had already searched up proposal strategies a long time ago. It’s a shame that those ideas were far too uncreative, which is why I’ve decided to tailor a proposal just for you.
MC: As expected.
Despite what I said, a hint of warmth mixed with some anticipation surfaces quietly in my heart.
MC: I’ll tap it open then. There’s nothing I shouldn’t be looking at, right?
Charlie: Go ahead. I’ve never needed to hide anything from you.
To my surprise, the first search term that appears in the browser history is the word - “Zha Li Su”.
MC: Huh? Why did you search for your own name?
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Charlie: As your fiancé, it’s only natural for me to pay attention to any public opinion about me. A model fiancé can’t have any gossip.
MC: Oh~ So what’s the public’s opinion of you?
Charlie arches his brows, a confident arc on the corners of his lips.
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Charlie: Why don’t you search it up for yourself?
His expression piques my curiosity. Tapping the “Zha Li Su” search term, a series of headlines appears before me.
“Patients and family members sign on a silk banner as the well-known doctor in Guangqi City once again creates miracles.”
“The sole heir of the CEO is dressed to the nines as he participates in the ribbon cutting ceremony.”
Although the headlines are reminiscent of gossip in tabloids, the contents do sound like Charlie’s typical routine. I continue swiping the screen.
MC: “After the wealthy son’s beloved wife runs away, the infatuated Young Master chases after love courageously”?
Although this did happen, seeing how the embarrassing experiences between Charlie and I are described in this way makes me feel a little abashed.
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Charlie: Such flowery news are far too outdated. Right now, aren't already at the stage of “Model Fiancé has succeeded in his romantic pursuit”?
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Charlie winks at me. The brimming affection in his purple eyes reflect my blushing face.
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Charlie’s Post: In ten minutes, I’ll get the bank account number of the editor of today’s QQ News and express my sincerest gratitude.
MC: “The sole heir of the Zha family has secret meetings with a talented female designer and dotes on her alone.” This editor’s pretty good at writing~
Charlie: Isn’t it very apt? However, we don’t meet up in secret. My love for you has never needed to be hidden.
Charlie’s Post: In ten minutes, I’ll get the bank account number of the editor of today’s QQ News and express my sincerest gratitude.
MC: I saw it too. The “Good-looking couple has a kind heart” article refers to the time we helped out at the orphanage during the weekend, doesn’t it?
Charlie: That’s correct. The article talks about how we’re a couple who is beneficial to society. Looks like becoming this year’s Model Couple of Guangqi City is a given.
Charlie’s Post: In ten minutes, I’ll get the bank account number of the editor of today’s QQ News and express my sincerest gratitude.
MC: “Handsome man and beautiful lady cause the street to erupt. Their radiance will never end”. Such a caption suits your palate. That editor deserves the money!
Charlie: Actually, what suits my palate is that photograph of us together, with you leaving on my shoulder and with happiness written all over your face.
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laughing-with-god · 3 years
How would the qq boys be if they hear that mentor oc is dealing with severe depression, ptsd, anxiety and nightmares and how she's become reclusive and all around broken?
Honestly, there isn’t much he could do to help you.  He also has problems himself, but he has to push through. If the Capitol ever caught him looking less than happy with his position as Victor, he’d most likely be killed or have his sister thrown into the games.  His advice to you would probably be to take it one day at a time but be aware that the Capitol is always looking for cracks and won’t hesitate to punish you.
“I know it’s tough but don’t let the cameras see you break.  If you have family back in your District, the President won’t hesitate to kill them to keep you in your place.  You will always be a symbol of the games to them.” 
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His heart goes out to you and he would try his best to make things more tolerable for you.  He’s a problem solver so he throws himself into finding ‘answers’ for the problem.  He’d do research on PTSD/night terrors and try to give you advice on how to manage them.  But again, at the end of the day, Namjoon has his own problems too from the games and knows that they are just only coping techniques and not permanent fixes.  
“So if you can figure out the triggers for your PTSD, we can try to stop potential panic attacks.  I need you to think really hard, Y/n.  Is there anything that reminds you of your game that scares you now??”  
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Not the person you should go to for advice, to be honest.  Yoongi isn’t the best at handling his own depression/PTSD from the games and would struggle with how to address yours.  His method is to just push it down and block it all out with drugs and alcohol.  At his best, he would just offer an ear to talk to, might even share some of his own nightmares in an attempt to make you feel better about being vulnerable about yours.  At his worst, he’ll offer you access to his stash and just get fucked up with you.  Misery loves company, they say.
“I managed to sneak some whiskey past the Peacekeepers, you game?”
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Relates to you and tries to share some things he found helpful when dealing with his own depression.  He’d advise just being close to your family or the people you most wanted to come home to when you played your games.  They tend to make the guilt lessen because you realize you had a reason for fighting.  Getting a hobby never hurts either and throwing yourself into mentoring to distract from the unpleasantness of being back at the Capitol.  
“You see Y/n, instead of looking at yourself and the other Victors as former tributes, just try to look at us as people who want to help our tributes get out alive.  Mentoring is a serious business and those kids need our help so what good will moping do?”  
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Opportunistic fucker, really.  He’d use your weakness against you for his own selfish gains.  He’d use his charm and manipulation to convince you that you should simply not be a mentor because you can’t handle the mental strain.  He’d try to talk you into being his wife, so he would take you back to District Four where you wouldn’t have to mentor every year because you didn’t win as a District Four tribute.  
“Being back at the Capitol and having to mentor these games must bring back memories for you, huh?  Honestly, if we just announced to the Capitol that we were together, you would be able to come back to Four with me where you would never have to come back here again.  Just be a little housewife.”
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Wouldn’t know what to do.  He’s not very emotional or in touch with that side of things so he really is kinda clueless on how to help.  Doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to help you, it’s just he isn’t sure how to.  Overall, I see his love language as acts of service so whenever you both are mentoring at the same time, he’d try his best to help you and your tribute so it’s just one less thing on your plate, despite you two being from different Districts. 
“I talked to Hoseok and he said that the boy from Eight would be open to an alliance with your tribute.  Make sure to tell them to meet up tomorrow at the training center so they could discuss strategy.”
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rin-fukuroi · 7 months
𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 [𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: dom!Blade x sub!fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, unhealthy relationships, BDSM dynamics, detailed descriptions of bloody wounds, references to: suffocation, spanking, loss of virginity, masturbation, physical violence.
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. Architects - burn down my house
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you have or will definitely have someone with whom you can be crazy together~
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art: @tiredceles_
Being obsessed with someone is so wrong and scary, but who decided that it really is?
To depend on a person so much that you deprive yourself of sleep waiting for the cherished rumble of the door to be heard in the corridor and you'll hear footsteps that make your heart ready to burst your chest and jump out. To devote yourself only to him so much that you are ready to stop breathing as soon as he give you an order. To be ready to betray and destroy the whole world for him, if necessary.
Is there anything wrong with that?
You feel so elated and indescribably happy when Blade says your name. It's like all those days, months, years that you spent with him didn't exist at all. You always look at him as if you've met him for the first time. A deity that you are ready to worship and follow his will for the rest of your days. You feel so wanted and loved when Blade touches you. It's like there's only you and him in the whole world, trapped in your bubble, cut off from everything around you. Only his sharp, overwhelming gaze, only the cool breath that blows over your face as he leans over you, teasingly touching his lips to yours, but never leaving a kiss on them. Only the metallic smell of blood that exudes from Blade's clothes and pale porcelain skin. You love all this so much, so why then should your affection be labeled wrong?
You like the fact that Blade keeps you locked up. It's like you're his treasure, which only his hand can touch, and only his scarlet flaming eyes can see. You like that sometimes Blade is rude to you. His possessive words and addresses, reminding you of your place, are always so exciting that you even caught yourself periodically pissing Blade off just so that he would punish you. After all, punishment always means that he will touch your body.
He can squeeze your throat so hard that you almost immediately lose consciousness, clinging so desperately to reality to see his face transformed into pleasure at the sight of you pitifully gasping for air with your lips. But you never show that you like it, even though Blade probably knows. He can slap you in the face, leaving a burning red mark from his big palm on your cheek, but all you want after that is to lock yourself in your room so that you can touch this possessive mark before it takes on the shade of your skin again. Blade can flog you. At first, he was amused by beating your soft flesh with his hands, but once he heard a satisfied moan escape from your chest, he decided that this was probably not enough to make you obey. And since then, your buttocks are decorated with long bloody stripes, which are left by a leather whip that ruthlessly collides with delicate skin dozens of times, but you never ask Blade to stop.
You liked his hand better, but these painful sensations that stay with you for many days… If these terrible wounds disfiguring your body are left by him, you don't mind. You even want more.
You're getting so greedy that even you're embarrassed by how many times you've imagined Blade kissing you. No matter how much you love the pain he causes you, sometimes all you want is just to feel wanted. And he skillfully uses it, driving you crazy with just a touch to your bare thigh or shoulder, after which, Blade knows, you get wet as quickly as you start fidgeting on his lap.
In fact, he wants to fuck you, but watching you suffer day by day, really trying not to touch yourself even in those moments when he is not at home, is much more exciting. Blade likes the idea that one day he'll take pity on you and give you what you so desperately want. How many times will you cum your first time? Oh, Blade's sure that the first time will be when he tells you that he'll finally take your virginity, as you dreamed.
He knows that you belong to him.
Not because he said so, you want it yourself. If not Blade, then what else can your thoughts be occupied with? You'll never leave him and you'll never betray him, just like an obedient, devoted dog who happily wags his tail at the sight of his master returning home.
Blade is cruel, cold-blooded. Mad. But you're mad too, aren't you?
It's so sweet that you think Blade doesn't notice how you hold his shirts to your face, savoring his scent before bitterly sending his clothes to the laundry. It's so cute that you hide his bloody bandages under your pillow, burying your nose in them every time before going to bed when he leaves you alone, not letting you into his bedroom. But even more charming is the way your face shines with undisguised happiness when Blade lets you sleep with him. He knows how you watch him until sleep gets the better of you, because he himself never really falls asleep before he hears you start to snore softly on the next pillow. Blade always opens his eyes, taking a short look at your figure, frozen in the same position in which you looked at his long hair scattered on the pillow, and eyelashes slightly trembling on pale cheeks.
So relaxed, devoted. Naive.
He could kill you at any moment, but you sleep next to Blade as if his bed is the safest place in the universe. Or as if you're willing to let him do whatever he wants.
— Come here, — Blade's deep voice is so dark and cold, even when he speaks to you, standing in the doorway of the living room and watching the viscous scarlet drops trickle from the tips of his long fingers onto the carpet. But you like the sound of his voice even like that.
Ah, that sweet shiver goes through your legs again, as it always does when Blade lets you get closer. He needs you today, he wants to see you. You are so happy that you can barely contain the joyful squeal that is stuck deep in your throat, while slowly, trying not to break into a run, you approach the chair. Your gaze lingers on the tangled bandages on the table for just a second before switching to Blade himself. His shirt is open, revealing a bandaged voluminous chest and a seductive torso peeking out from under white patches. The man is bent over, leaning on his own widely spread knees, and your eyes involuntarily stop at the muscular thighs in black trousers, the very sight of which makes the blood rush to your cheeks.
How much you would like to at least admire Blade's perfect body for a longer time, as if it was created by the very Deity of Beauty, but you obediently cover one of your palms with the other, slightly bowing your head before looking into the flaming bloody eyes.
— Sir… — you hesitantly almost whisper, looking away in embarrassment.
— You just like looking at me, don't you? — Blade grins crookedly, almost burning through your head with his piercing, sharp gaze. — But I see that you want to ask for something.
— If you'll excuse me, can I… — you blush even more, glancing at the man's bloody palm. — Can I help you?
For a moment, the silence that hangs between both of you is interrupted by Blade's sharp short exhale. You notice how he stretches his hand a little further along his knee, and you enthusiastically meet Blade's indifferent gaze, not saying a word. But there is no need for that.
You obediently hold the hem of your short skirt before kneeling in front of the man's outstretched palm, gently wrapping your trembling fingers around the cut wrist. Your fingers are instantly stained with blood, which doesn't stop oozing from deep cuts, which you carefully cover with your miniature palm before rising from the floor to reach your lips to the tips of your fingers, from which heavy red drops fall. Your lips slowly open, and the eyes rush to Blade's face in search of at least the slightest hint of displeasure. But he just watches in silence as you stick out your tongue, pressing a slippery muscle against his index finger before plunging the bloody phalanges into your mouth. You lick his finger so greedily, as if you don't feel that heavy metallic taste on your tongue, without taking your eyes off Blade's eyes, enjoying the show you're putting on. Burgundy viscous drops run down your lips as soon as you turn your attention to your middle finger, plunging it deep into the warmth of your mouth.
Every drop of blood is swallowed by you with such pleasure, as if you are drinking magnificent wine, unable to stop until it fills you to the last drop. These are all the pieces of Blade that can continue to live inside you. Isn't this wonderful, isn't this the highest degree of manifestation of your love and devotion that you can show to Blade?
— You make me sick, Y/N, — Blade grins, grabbing your chin with the tips of his free hand and forcing you to look up from your spontaneous meal.
You awkwardly look away before looking back into the iridescent, like molten metal, scarlet irises.
— Don't you like it, sir?
— You know what happens when you do something I don't like, — the man frowns, leaning closer to your face. — Are you really willing to do anything for me, huh?
— Yes, — you answer immediately, looking at Blade with eyes full of pure devotion and adoration. — I'll do whatever you say.
— If one day I get tired of you, — cold breath caresses the skin of your face as Blade slowly opens his mouth to lick the remaining drops of blood in the corner of your lips with his tongue before looking at you again. — Will you die for me?
Your heart felt as if it was being squeezed by a ghostly steel grip, driving sharp claws deep into the throbbing muscle.
— It's even more than anything I can only dream of.
A gentle smile touches your lips, and you lean towards the touch of long gloved fingers, dreamily closing your eyes.
— You're crazy, Y/N, — Blade's lips stretch, revealing a snow-white grin.
You're the only one who can share his madness with him. And this is the truth.
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emihkka · 2 years
pain that breathed fire
I’m really just trying to catch up here QQ
Snipper from Chapter 7 Fugaku gave his wife an affectionate look before taking a seat next to Haru and undoing the work the youth had done by also ruffling his hair. His lips turning slightly upwards in a taciturn smile. “I see we have abandoned our Ikebana early today.” He hummed, moving cherry blossom branches into a neat pile around the container they were going to use to arrange them.
“The winds are changing early this year,” his wife supplied, exchanging a meaningful look with him past Haru between them. 
“Or so you say my love, but I hardly find it necessary for it to take away from your time together, the winds change all the time.” His gruff voice sounded almost amused and Haru wondered if he would too sound like that once he reached Fugaku’s age. 
Mikoto looked reproachfully at her husband and Haru could barely contain the smile threatening to bloom on his face. This house had become his second refuge in his younger years. At first he sat quietly at the table, not daring to make a noise. Listening to Mikoto’s instructions on how to best cut the branches and how to best arrange them in a number of different containers. Trying desperately to gain her acceptance. When he was a child he often wondered about his father. If he had the warm gaze of his mother, or if he shared the stern downturn of his father, but even through all those flower arrangements that he painstakingly put together with Mikoto, he never asked. 
He couldn’t be sure when it was that he realized that this couple were his grandparents. Somewhere in his mind at the age of 8 he had made the connection. He knew that this meant that Itachi was his uncle, and not his father as he had so desperately wished at that time. Haru’s father was the other son of the Uchiha couple, and though he had never met him, or heard any mention of him while he spent time with them, he knew that he was somewhere out there in the world. Fugaku and Mikoto loved him unconditionally, he could tell by the way that they looked at him. 
Haru knew that they would never do anything to hurt him, if they could help it.  Part of him knew that they didn’t mention him for his sake, and the kindness they showed him was so blinding it hurt. 
You can  find it in AO3 and FFNet      
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
Hiii!! Boba dates with the undateables please? Have a great week, and don't forget to eat proper meals and drink water! (And if you're going out) please wear a mask and have sanitizers/alcohol in your bag! Thank you! Love your works josdnsdsjdofhsd
Prompt: Boba Dates with the Undateables + Boba Drinks
//Heyy, thanks for the kind reminders (and for liking my work hehe)! I always have a few masks in my car just in case so don’t you worry about that! Here’s the Boba Date with the Undateables! TY to A for helping me with this one!!
Fruit teas: mango green teas, peach black teas, citrus & passionfruit teas—always goes for the fruit ones
Except for this time he wants to switch orders with you
At first, you’re taken aback. The Prince of Devildom is trying out your drink? But he loves trying new things and taking your drink is just a way for him to get to know his favorite exchange student better
If anything, he’ll unabashedly take a sip of yours (if you’re okay with that) and grin and tell you he might get your order next time
Suggests that the two of you take your drinks and stroll around because just hanging out at the boba shop is not enough 
If your hands are cold because of your drink, he has no qualms in asking to hold your hand so he can warm it up with his 
If you had a hot boba drink, he’d cheekily ask to hold your hand and comment on how very warm it is
Either way, you end up holding his hand as the two of you stroll through town and to a park bench where the two of you can enjoy each other’s company-- count on being seen and watched by people as you hold hands with the crown prince of the Devildom
Date always ends at ‘dusk’ when your drinks have been finished ages ago and Diavolo offers to walk you back to the House of Lamentations
Honey Chrysanthemum tea with honey boba-- it’s a sweet and simple drink, but rare enough that he gets excited when he sees it on the menu
Tries to research the place beforehand to give you some recommendations (with some advice from Luke of course)
Always ends up sending you the picture of the menu and asking for your advice if his favorite drink isn’t on there
Prefers to drink at the boba place, at a table where he can talk to you face-to-face and enjoy the ambiance of the background music plus the slight intimacy of his conversation with you being unheard by the people around you 
Definitely the type of person to take a sip at the same time as you do-- and it’s cute the way the two of you look at each other and laugh
Takes a cute picture with you so he can show it to everyone back at Purgatory Hall
Asks you to teach him how to use Devilgram to document the date (might turn into a foodie devilgrammer, who knows)
Orders something to bring back to Solomon and Luke always, but it gives him a chance to invite you back to Purgatory Hall to spend more time with him 
Knows that the nutritional value of boba is pretty low, so he tries to limit his invitations to boba dates to you once per week
[insert flavor] black tea
Every time he gets boba, he just tries different combinations with the same base
You tend to order together, trying to switch off between who pays for who, but for some reason, he always finds a way to distract you or to pay for your order when you run to the restroom
He always knows your order-- down to the sweetness and ice levels before you’ve even told him anything
“And for the toppings--” “Yes, I got you honey boba.” 
It becomes a thing with the two of you: he gets your order perfectly right and you spend the next hour or so trying to figure out how he figured it out
Ends up being completely flattered because you realize how perceptive he is and how much he pays attention to the things you say, even if you feel like you’re rambling sometimes 
He tends to not start the conversations, but he always adds to them with his witty/dry humor-- he finds that he likes listening to you talk, but if the two of you are comfortable just being with each other, he’s fine with that too
The type of boba date to walk around with the drink and sightsee, pointing out a nice building, people-watching, or cloud-gazing; it isn’t often he gets to relax like this, but you always seem to evoke a sense of calm with him
And if your hands eventually find each other on your walk, he gently holds you until he walks you back to the House of Lamentations
Oolong milk tea with grass jelly
He orders this every single time, and even if you make fun of him for never going for something different, he’s unabashed about it
Will unashamedly ask to try your drink and playfully take a sip of it even when you bluster because he likes to rile you up 
If you complain that he should get his own drink, he’ll tease you saying, “Didn’t you want me to try something new?” 
Also the type of person to challenge you who to finish their drink first (and this always ends badly, but the two of you are not one to back down)
Boba dates are usually the dessert after the two of you go out to eat dinner or lunch, and he’s the type to ask you to split a food dish with him
There’s a shared intimacy when he gets to see what you enjoy eating and drinking, even if he never tells you this-- he’d rather have you think he likes being cheeky 
Conversations with him are always full of banter and time always seems to go really fast, which is why the two of you end up going to multiple places before either of you feel satisfied 
The two of you might be on a sugar high after chugging your drinks down, so you end up walking around aimlessly, chasing each other down and laughing about it (if you can handle it); maybe fool around with magic and get in trouble together, who knows uwu 
Luke (platonic date, mind you) 
Any type of QQ drink-- Loves all the toppings that come with it
Will ask you to come to the Purgatory Hall kitchen to attempt making your own version
After getting your drinks for inspiration, you head to the grocery store to collect all the ingredients
You two make big batches of drinks and toppings, enough to satisfy Beel
Make your own boba bar for everyone!
Do you think you might have a food coma after drinking all this? Probably, but it’s okay, seeing Luke super happy after all this was Worth it. 
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Blessed Flower [Brought Us Together]
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You know what I haven’t written yet? GARMARI!
Also, sorry it took his long to write this QQ
45. I can’t imagine this world without you
48. Why are you crying?
Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak​ @damianette-is-life​ @toodaloo-kangaroo​ @elijahcrevan​ @vixen-uchiha​ @nathleigh 
Today was the day.
After months of sweat, blood and tears, Garfield had finally done it. He found the answer to his desire...he had cured Tara’s illness, so why?
Why did he dread this walk through the forest today? Why did his feet feel heavier with each step he took, as he got closer to the cabin he used to look forward to?
Why did he hesitate to continue down the ever so familiar path? A path he has walked down plenty of times before, both during the rain and through snow. So why? Why was he doubting himself? Wasn’t this what he wanted?
Garfield stopped, looking up towards the forest canopy, tiny beams of sunlight making its way through the dense layer of leaves.
The twilight’s breeze rustled the spring leaves, calming Garfield’s uneasiness a bit.
Taking a deep breath, Garfield recomposed himself before continuing his journey down the dirt path most of the people in his village often avoided.
“It’s cursed.” They would say.
“Those who enter often never return.” They used to warn him.
“No one dares to enter La Feerie’s Garden, even if the Blessed Flower is in it. You rather remain alive than face Lutin for her flowers.”
But despite their warnings, Garfield still went into the forest in search of the magical flower, having found it around a year ago. But upon reaching the one spot in the forest where the magical flowers bloomed, Garfield met her.
“How dare you pick ma petite fille?” A voice growled, Garfield stiffening as his hand hovered over the white flower, listening as footsteps drew near. 
He didn’t dare turn around in fear of seeing what was to possibly kill him. “Who are you and why are you-”
“I need them to help cure my friend’s illness!” Garfield blurted out, keeping his head lowered as he pulled his hand back to himself. 
Well, Tara wasn’t exactly his friend...more like the neighbor he didn’t have the guts to tell her that he liked her...but even then, he couldn’t just do nothing as he saw her dying before his eyes. “She’s been suffering from pain in her muscles and her cuts are starting to heal slowly. I heard that this flower-”
“Ah, so you’ve heard about the Blessed Flower.” The voice said monotonously, Garfield noticing that the voice was now in front of him. Bare feet were now in his vision, Garfield noticing that they looked human.
Slowly looking up, he was met with soft bluebell eyes. “And do you know how to administer it, human? Or do you plan on killing your friend?”
Garfield froze under her gaze, carefully choosing his next words. Was she not a human then? She can’t be one if she addressed him as ‘human.’
“I don’t. But I would gladly do anything to learn how to use it if it means saving my friend.” Garfield remained silent as he awaited for the girl to say something back. “Just teach me and then when she’s cured, we don’t have to see each other again. I’ll even give you permission to erase my memories if you think that’s a fair trade.”
He didn’t expect her to sputter into laughter, folding into herself as Garfield felt his body tense despite being confused by her response. 
“You’re an odd one, I’ll tell you that. Odd, but honest.” The girl finally said after composing herself. 
She stretched out her hand, Garfield looking at it before accepting it. The two stood up together, the girl smiling at Garfield despite his clear confusion. “I am Marinette, guardian witch of Edel Forest. You, what is your name?”
“Garfield Logan.” He responded. “My name is Garfield Logan. So please, Guardian, teach me how to save my friend.”
“Then follow me.” She commanded, Garfield watching as a small cottage materialized before their eyes. Or rather, came out of hiding.
As Garfield followed her into her cottage, he was met with the aroma of freshly baked bread and a hiss. He followed the sound, finding out it came from above him. A black cat with its back arched and fur sponging up was the one who greeted him with a hiss. His green eyes bore through him, the cat watching Garfield’s every move. “Don’t mind Chaton. He’s been overprotective of me ever since...do you like pie? I just finished making one!”  
Garfield simply nodded, but couldn’t help but notice the trembling of her hands as she moved around her cottage, watching as she fumbled to look for extra eating utensils.
Just how long has it been since she had anyone over that she couldn’t find another plate? 
Apparently a long time, Marinette having to resort to using a tracking spell to help her find one, causing Garfield to watch in utter awe as a plate levitated from its place and made its way to Marinette.
Meanwhile, Chaton continued to monitor him, his green eyes never once leaving Garfield out of his sight.
Over the course of the year, Marinette taught Garfield how to harvest the Divine, showing him which Blessed Flowers were used depending on the illness or the injury.
She taught him how to plant, care and harvest the plant. She even told him the importance of talking to the plants and how they enjoyed the extra attention. After all, it helps to enhance their healing capabilities. 
Sometimes when they were out in the field, the two would find ladybugs flying about. Garfield would tease Marinette whenever various would sit on her, Marinette whining to him that it wasn’t funny.
She taught him how to measure and procure the different medications that could come from the magical plant, Garfield absorbing everything with wonder and amazement. Who knew that the magical plant could also help with toothaches!
“Yarrow. That is its actual name.” Marinette clarified at one point when Garfield was busy packaging some yarrow into his bag to take back to the village. 
They had finished grinding up some dried yarrow and packaging them for tea. They even had a few made into pastes. “To be honest I don’t know why people call it the Blessed Flower,” she said as she unraveled her braided midnight hair.
Garfield watched as she carefully took out the red ribbon that held up her long hair, wondering why she has never done so before. It was pretty, very pretty.
“Perhaps because it can help with so many trivial things that inflict us.” Garfield provided, slinging the bag across his body, opening the door to leave. He watched as Marinette looked at him with panic, her eyes having dilated a bit before going back to normal. “I’ll be back again tomorrow, at the same time.” 
He watched as Marinette relaxed, her shoulders lowering from their tense form. 
“Have a safe trip.” She said, waving as he closed the door behind him before stopping.
“You should have your hair down more often. It’s pretty.” Garfield said, closing the door behind him and headed to the village. With each step he took, he felt his cheeks burn even more.
Why did he even say that?
Marinette hummed as she placed down a pot of chamomile tea on the table, gasping with glee as she remembered it's been a few minutes since she checked on her apple pie.
She skipped to her oven and carefully took the pie out, smiling at how well it came out.
She placed the pie down, liking that for once in her life, her table was cle-
Now that she thought about it, when was the last time her kitchen table wasn’t filled with books for herbs? That she had actually used it to have food on it?
Because she never once had to use it for a guest before. She had always just baked with her magic, pots, pans and ingredients floating midair as she recited recipes from her childhood. 
When was the last time she was excited to even have someone over?
The door creaked out, Marinette smiling as she saw Garfield walk in.
“Gar! Welcome back!” She greeted, making sure to not rush up to him. 
“Hey Mari.” Garfield said with a weak smile. A hiss was heard nearby. “Hello to you too, Chaton.” Even though it’s been months since their first encounter, Chaton was still hostile towards Garfield. 
“Want to have some pie?” Marinette went back to the table, lifting it up to show him. “I just finished-”
“Tara’s cured.” Garfield blurted out, watching as the apple pie splattered down to the table. “Mari, I-”
“That’s wonderful news!” Marinette celebrated, clapping her hands together before letting out a gasp. “Oh no! The pie!”
She quickly began to try and put the crumbled pie back into the pan, but it kept spilling out.
“Can you believe it Gar? We actually cured Tara!”
“Marinette. Are you okay?” Garfield managed to say, reaching to grab her hand, only for Marinette to pull it back to herself as she picked up the wasted apple pie.
“Of course I am! Your wish came true, so why wouldn’t I be-”
“So why are you crying then?” Garfield softly asked, watching as she silently cried. They glistened as they ran down her face and onto her hands. “Mari,” he softly said, not knowing what to say.
“It’s goodbye...isn’t it?” She asked, setting the pan down. “Now that you got what you wanted, there isn’t any other reason for you to keep coming here. You got me to help you cure your friend.” She let out a dry laugh. “There isn’t any other reason for you to stay here.” 
“Mari. I still plan on coming here.”
“Coming here? What for? You already cured Tara- oh...oh!” Marinette exclaimed, a giggle escaping her. Then a dry laugh erupted.
“You’re just like them.” Marinette whispered. “You come to me, use me and then plan to continue to use me.”
“Marinette, let me-”
“You plan to continue to come here on behalf of your village, aren’t you? Act like it’s for your village’s benefit but end up using me for your own gain, right? That’s your plan, isn’t it, Garfield?”
“What? No! I would-” Garfield denied, but his words fell on deaf ears. 
“To think I feel for this again!” Marinette yelled, Garfield watching as her red ribbon flew and began to ravel her hair into a bun. Black dots began to blossom onto the ribbon as a red aura began to emit around Marinette’s hands. 
“Marinette, please. Just listen-”
“That’s what they said. To listen to them. To help them carry out a plan that would only benefit themselves and few others, but not everyone...but not this time.” Chaton appeared out of nowhere, now perched on a wooden beam above Marinette. His fur was on edge and his eyes gleamed a nasty jade. “I won’t let you use me again. I won’t let you!” Marinette yelled, dashing for Garfield, who did nothing but remain frozen as she tackled him to the ground.
Garfield struggled to break free from her magic binding, but his wrists were bound to the floor in plant vines. 
“Marinette, please!”
“Silence!” Marinette bellowed. “I shouldn’t have let you in. I shouldn’t have trusted you. I should’ve just sent you off like I did to all those who came before you! 
But how naive I was. To think that the Council was wrong all this time, only to see that they were actually right.” Her eyes glew a dangerous red. “You humans never change.”
Garfield watched as Marinette placed her hands on his head, a soft glow emitting from them.
“If you think this is for the best...then go ahead. Erase my memories...just like we promised when we first met.” Garfield softly said, looking straight back at Marinette. “Do it if it gives you peace of mind.”
He watched as something flashed across her eyes, watching as she hesitated to continue.
Marinette pursed her lips, shutting her eyes close before getting off of Garfield. A shuddering breath left her.
“What am I doing?” Marinette warbled, watching her hands begin to tremble. The glow surrounding her hands began to dim down, extinguishing. She hid her face with her hands, feeling her tears begin to trail down her face. “Just what-” She shook her head. “I can’t do it, I shouldn’t be- just what the hell-”
“Marinette.” Garfield softly said, watching as the vines disappeared from around his wrists, allowing him to sit next to Marinette. “I’m alright...it’s alright.”
“Alright? How is this alright?” Marinette gestured to herself. “I almost erased your memories and was on the verge of killing you! How is that alright?” She yelled, a sob escaping her. “How can you just-”
Garfield pulled her into an embrace, startling Marinette.
“Because I know you, Marinette.” Garfield said, tightening his embrace. “And even if you did erase my memories, my heart would remember the year we spent together.”
He felt as Marinette trembled against him.  “It will never forget, I know it won’t. After all, you mean so much to me.” He listened as she began to sob. “So even if you har-”
“Don’t ever let me do that to you. I’ll die before I ever dare to harm you, Garfield.” She whispered, gently pushing away from him to look at him. “Because...because I can’t imagine this world without you...I can’t live without you!”  Marinette confessed, looking at Garfield with fresh tears pooling in her eyes.
“Ever since we met, I no longer felt alone. I was no longer alone once you stepped into my home. I was looking forward to seeing you everyday, to chatting, learning together and just being with each other. I enjoyed it...I love spending time with you being with you.”
Garfield let Marinette recompose herself, allowed her to wipe away her tears. He didn’t know when, but at one point, Chaton came to the both of them, sitting in her lap. “I don’t want you to go. To leave me alone…”
“If...if you head let me talk, perhaps none of this would’ve happened. But even so, this is all my fault.” Garfield admitted. “I shouldn't have let you jump to conclusions like that by not saying what I need to say first.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“I should’ve told you the better news first before the good news.”
“The...better news?” Marinette asked.
“I want to live here. With you.” Garfield said with a smile, grabbing her hand. “I, too, realized that I like being with you.”
Marinette looked at him with wide eyes, a faint pink on her cheeks.
“Do-Do you really mean that?”
“I do.” Garfield said, resting his head against her shoulder. “I really do.”
Marinette let out a small gasp, causing Garfield to lift his head to look at her. She smiled back at him and cupped his face.
They both erupted into laughter, pressing their foreheads together. Fingers intertwined as they sat together in comfortable silence, the crackling of the fireplace keeping them company. 
They didn’t need anything more to be happy.
Just the two of them. 
Just each other.
That was enough for them.
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nakanotamu · 2 years
Different anon here, but would you mind telling us a little more about saya kamitani and utami hayashishita's relationship? (or lack of one as it were)
ANON I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME ALMOST A MONTH TO GET BACK TO YOU I also apologize in advance for not having a whole essay and cute pictures like I did for Syuri and Utami
Okay so right when Kamitani debuted, she said Utami was her "goal", the still inexperience prodigy who'd debuted a year before her. While Kamitani was an unaffiliated rookie there was sort of an... I'd call it an unspoken agreement that she would follow her "master" (or teacher, master in the martial arts sense) Tam into Stars. However, on February 16th 2020, at Stardom's last pre-pandemic show (the timing of this show makes it feel somehow like it was 1 million years ago and like there's no way it was only in early 2020) Kamitani challenged Utami for the Future championship. After their match, which Utami won, she told Kamitani she liked her and wanted her to join Queen's Quest. Kamitani immediately accepted, much to Tam's chagrin. (They eventually mostly worked it out.) Coincidentally Utami bringing in Kamitani was the first Leader thing she did, almost fully 2 years before Momo left QQ and Utami actually became leader.
From then to now, this is basically their entire relationship in a nutshell:
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They started teaming and won the tag belts VERY quickly, in July 2020, after they were vacated due to Bea Priestley and Jamie Hayter no longer being able to be in the country due to covid. They were not extremely dominant champions, with only 2 defences in 5 months before they lost the belts. Kamitani was still settling into her new Cool, Sophisticated QQ persona, and while she was working really, really hard to live up to being Utami's partner, she was the obvious weak point of their team.
Kamitani earned a spot in Stardom's first NJPW crossover Tokyo Dome match (I do not remember exactly how she got in lol) and she used that opportunity to challenge Utami for the red belt, which she held at the time. This was a BOLD overstep for someone of Kamitani's standing at the time. Utami played it like just letting Kamitani challenge would have been unbecoming of the top champion, like Kamitani just didn't have a good enough claim to challenging for it to be okay, it wasn't that she didn't want to just, it's the World championship, you can't just give whoever you like a shot. Except beneath her words it was really obvious that she like, kind of likes Kamitani and just didn't want to fight her. Kamitani told her that she wanted this challenge more than anything, that she was willing to sacrifice their tag team over it, and Utami accepted. Utami beat her and they made up, Kamitani still seeing Utami as a goal but realizing Utami did, like, respect her - it was only Kamitani that saw herself as a fuck up, not Utami.
Throughout that year their relationship was pretty much, Utami supporting her (as much as the champ can) while Kamitani was working really hard to build herself up while. That's kind of always been the tone of their relationship. Utami says "Hey, I'm here for you, you can do this." Kamitani responds "Oh my god, I'm in love with you" and Utami goes "Not like that." Literally just a few months ago when Utami wished Kamitani a happy birthday, Kamitani responded "Utami I love youuuuuu" to which Utami responded "I KNOW"
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So, yeah, basically as time goes on Kamitani DOES build herself up. She wins the white belt from Tam and begins a reign with it that will seemingly never fucking end. In early 2022 she nominates Utami to be her challenger at a big show at Ryogoku Kokugikan. The tables are turned from a year before, now Kamitani is the champion, and she wants to prove at last that she's really on Utami's level now.
This time Kamitani does win in a match I will be honest I didn't love. The white belt is a bit of a white whale for Utami and she can't overcome that here. Utami reaffirms that she respects Kamitani and she never thought she wasn't on her level, but also says - with the acknowledgment that this will just sound like she's bitter because she lost - that Kamitani is missing something as champion, something that Tam, Giulia, Arisa, Momo had. I am inclined to agree, and that's kind of been a thing throughout Kamitani's reign, people saying she doesn't quite actually have it, that she's not quite actually as good as her results, but boy that sure has not stopped her from getting those results. (The "thing" is probably being able to let out her emotions in a match. Every other champ in recent memory was excellent at making you feel something - in all of their matches, but their title matches especially. Her feelings sometimes coming across as a little too fake is still a weak spot for Kamitani imo, particularly rough when that's what the white belt is supposed to be all about. Kamitani does shine at this sometimes, but she's not consistent.)
And that's pretty much it until this year in Tag League. AphroditE teamed once again, I think making them the team this year with the most entries - and honestly probably the frontrunners for most entries together ever. They were, in fact, much more even partners this year, with Utami even showing some affection and putting in some effort to follow Kamitani's lead a lot of the time. They made it to the finals, but having wrestled their last block match right before the finals with no break in between, 7Upp were too much for them.
Now they're teaming together again (along with AZM) in Triangle Derby, which is still in its early stages, so it's hard to say how it'll go for them. Right now they have a perfectly neutral record of 1-1-1.
So that should be pretty much it. They're surprisingly solid compared to most other partners in Stardom. Kamitani continually professes her love while Utami friendzones her hard, but it's not like Kamitani is having breakdowns from seeing Utami kiss Syuri instead of her either. Here have some cute pictures
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commanderserwin · 4 years
Oh oh oh I have one!!!
Maybe smrh cute and fluffy with one of the snk boys (u choose!!) and reader walking home from school and it starts raining really hard and neither of them have an umbrella??
(I may have just watched that scene from Totoro where Kanta shoves his umbrella at Satsuki and runs away in the rain QQ. Have u seen totoro??)
❯ characters. jean kirstein x reader
❯ notes. because i have been ~feeling~ for jean these past few days, so here it is! thank you, my suz the sus! (◕ ◡ ◕) and no, i haven’t seen totoro....... i’m sorry... 
“race you!”
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“Why does it have to rain today?” You muttered, rummaging through your tote bag for anything big enough to cover over your head.
Nothing. No umbrella. Nothing.
You have reached the ground floor of the building, breathing deeply as you sulked at the thought of running towards the bus stop with nothing but the clothes on your back and the tote bag you have. It was going to be a long walk— run, or a brisk over the wet pavement as you watched the street with numerous honking cars as they hurried to get away from the rain pour.
“Ah, what the hell,” you mumbled angrily to yourself, placing your bag in front of you, making a dash for the door— only to be met with a drenched body slamming right at you. “Hello?!—,”
“God,” he looked back quickly at you, leaning on the wall, wiping the rain away from his forehead with the back of his forearm. “God, I’m sorry. I’d offer you a napkin but I used them all.”
Oh, it’s him, you thought.
He always walks with you.
Never missing a minute less, a second less. He always walks with you right at the dot. Or it was the other way around. You always walk with him right at the dot. It was the odd coincidence between two human beings walking at the same time, at the same pavement, with the same footwork, step by step— almost a little closer to the bus stop by the end of the stoplight.
He must have seen it all over your face, the wash of familiarity as he looked down at you, a smile erupting from his face while he wiped away the rain still.
“Jean,” he introduced, offering a hand to you. “We always walk to the bus stop together.”
“I noticed,” you raised a brow, introducing yourself. He gave your hand a squeeze, nodding while you only looked incredulously at him. You have no idea why you shook his hand but here you were, standing with a wet hand and a confused face. “Are you following me?”
“Oh, no!” Jean shook his head, his nose scrunching up. He ruffled his hair that was sticking on to his forehead, still shaking his head while you only furrowed your brows. "I just always see you at the bus stop."
"That isn't weird at all," you mused, tightening the hold you have over your tote bag as you examined the wet pavement, the heavy rain, and the safest way to get to the bus stop without falling open. "Well. See you at there?"
"You don't happen to have an umbrella, do you?" Jean asked, sighing when you only cocked your head in response.
"If I had an umbrella, I would not be hesitating to go under the rain," you explained sarcastically, your face mixing with worry.
Jean chuckled, nodding, and pointed to the stop. "Should we make a run for it then?"
"Why not? We're not going to break the streak of walking together."
He wiped his forehead as dry as he could with the back of his hands, holding his bag over his head as he looked down at you. Jean had a mischievous smile over his face, as if coercing you to do the same as him-- and you found yourself, shaking your head, "Oh, no, no, no-."
"On the count of three," Jean murmured, biting his lower lip while he looked at the street. The bus is on the other end of the street, and he raised his brow while you surprisingly looked at the approaching bus. "Are we ready?"
"One, two, I’ll race you," Jean counted, watching you put your tote bag over your head as he tested the rain over his hand. "We're going to be drenched."
"I know!" You yelped, panting hard by the closing distance of the bus and bus stop. Jean looked back and forth at you and the stop, while you smiled widely. "Okay, three!"
“Wait for me!”
You ran like the wind, your shoes deep into unavoidable puddles as Jean called behind you, his feet catching up with you. Jean was laughing behind you, while you turned your head to side, "Hurry up!"
"I said on my count of three!" Jean chuckled over the rain, catching up with you as he ran to your side.
Just like that. The same pavement, same time, the same foot work— step by step as both of you ran in the rain, chuckling loudly with bags over the heads towards the bus stop by the stoplight.
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