#i no longer remember what it was hahah OOPS
hatsunemememiku · 2 years
Hai I run that word emoji blog sry for spam liking some stuff, I like ur posts
That little hamburger miku is very cute :3
I hope ur doing well pls remember to hydrate <3/p
aa no worries on the spam, none of us mind!! we like your posts too :P
My system RBs stuff to my blog for me 'cause I don't front as much anymore, I need to go through and look... it's like little surprises for me! i rlly appreciate it
thank you for the hydration reminder!! it occurred to us when we read that that we can't remember the last time we took a drink which is. i mean very normal for us but also our mouth is pretty dry so it's probably been a while KJSDGCFKSGSD
i made sure to take a Big Drink o7
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justsomefluff · 5 years
ATEEZ Reacts to You in Another Member’s Bed
Summary: You had to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. When you come back to bed, it is not the bed you were expecting.
Big baby wouldn’t want you to leave the bed in the first place
Clutching at your shirt to keep you in place
When you manage to escape you can still hear him whining and rolling around
After you finish your business, you stumble back into the room and fall back into bed
But Wooyoung is like wtf are you doing
You're like whoops
And then bounce over to the right bed and Joong is like
I saw that
Like okay? And?
So you just close your eyes again, I mean no biggie 
But Joongie is like
Heyyyyyyyyyyyy.... you should know betterrrrr
Whiny to the max
So you just squish your face up under his neck and shush him
In the morning he’s all pouty still 
So you have to make a big show of apologizing to both him and Wooyoung
Takes a hot second to get forgiveness
Highkey, he wasn’t actually mad
Actually thought it was really funny
Just wanted extra affection (brat)
This possessive fool
You get up and go to bathroom no problem
He just kinda rolls over once you leave
But when you go back to bed
In Mingi’s bed...
Mingi screams bc he’s dramatic
And you scream bc terrifying
And Yeosang is like wtf can y’all stfu
So you’re all embarrassed and apologizing profusely
You back out of the room and start laughing to yourself in the hallway
This time you check the room to be sure it’s the right one
You slip under the covers next to Seonghwa, still laughing
He wakes up this time and he’s like
“Funny dream?”
And you tell him what happened
He laughs at first but then he’s all
How could you go to Mingi’s room
Oppa told you you’re his to cuddle
Starts referring to himself in the third person, as Oppa
You’re rolling your eyes like dude hush
So he gets pouty like 
Don’t roll your eyes at Oppa
And then you go back to sleep without incident but have to give him extra affection in the morning
As soon as you get out of bed he starfishes
You’re like wow I’m never gonna be able to get back in bed, there’s no room
When you finish in the bathroom you’re all squinty because your eyes are droopy and stuff
When you wiggle yourself into bed next to the starfish, you’re like ugh this sucks
You start poking his belly to get him to move
Then Jongho’s like who the hell is poking me
He opens his eyes and is like whatcha doin’ kiddo
And you’re like oh geez
So you just run out of the room and hope he thinks it was a dream
When you find the correct starfish, he has transformed into a burrito
So now, instead of not having space, you won’t have blankets
But you decide not to poke because you have just experienced some seriously awkward consequences to poking
You just start violently tugging on the sheets
Who really cares if he wakes up
Yunho will just fall right back to sleep anyway
Unconsciously, Yunho lifts his arm above his head 
And you YANK
Burrito: unrolled
So basically Yunho sleeps through everything and you have to tell him in the morning
And he’s like HAHAH you’re embarrassing
Doesn’t care and makes fun of you for the rest of your life
“Lmao remember that time-”
Yunho I swear to God
Smushy cheeks on his pillow
Dead asleep when you leave
But you end up back in bed
With Hongjoong
Hongjoong wakes up and he’s like 
Um, s’cuse me
Get out
And he’s blushy because it’s awkward
But you’re so tired that you don’t really care tbh
Of course in the morning you’ll be mortified but cross that bridge ya know?
So you waddle over to the right room
Slip into bed next to Yeosang
He wakes up this time like where’d ya go
Bathroom then I slept with Joong
“Accidentally went to his room and almost fell asleep in his bed lmao we didn’t have sex dummy”
He laughs but you seriously scared him how rude
But then he thinks about it some more and he giggles (you know the super cute one he does?? that one)
Genuinely finds humor in the situation
Still laughing about it in the morning tbh
Makes fun of you so much when you’re dying of embarrassment 
But who remembers facts? Not Yeosang
San is more bitter about it than the others
When you tell him how you accidentally got in Seonghwa’s bed instead of his he’s like
Then go back
Jealous baby
How could she not know my bed??
Expects you to have some sort of sixth sense about him just cuz you’re dating
Tbh always thought you were a superhero aww
But you’re powers are weak apparently
How dare you not recognize his bed at 3 in the morning when you’re tired and there’s no light?!
And you have to spend the entire next day forcing him into cuddles and kisses and stuff cause he’s lowkey mad at you
But you’re determined to get it through his thick ass head that it was an honest mistake
Finally he relents but he’s like, next time you have to pee...hold it
San literally makes the exact same mistake and ends up in Seonghwa’s bed
And then it’s your turn to make fun of San so you’re even
Big. Baby.
Clingy and all that
But you’re half asleep
I’ll be back I just have to pee chill the f out
But then you are not back
Because you’re in Yunho’s bed
Two big boys can get confusing in the dark okay?
And Yunho didn’t wake up when you got in his bed so he doesn’t even notice anything out of place
Mingi is like
She’s been gone a while
And he goes to look for you
Clingy or is he just worried bout you? You decide
Anyway you’re not in the bathroom so he’s like ??????
But then he’s walking by Yunho’s room and he’s like
He never leaves the door open what’s up with that
So he peeks in and he’s like... there’s one extra person in that bed...
He’s nosy so he’s like who dis
He’s like what in the world
But you and Yunho aren’t like, cuddling or anything so he’s like whatever
Basically you just made a wrong turn on the way back from the bathroom bc their doors are across from each other
Mingi just kinda picks you up and takes you back to his room
Doesn’t say anything to anyone in the morning because he doesn’t wanna embarrass you sweet boy
Does make you stay in bed with him for a while longer in the morning though
But you don’t really think anything of it bc he’s hard to wake up anyway
You’re scared to tell him that after you went potty you ended up in Yeosang’s bed
I mean nothing happened but Wooyoung’s mind can spiral into suspicion so you’re worried
I mean Yeosang was just as terrified
Wooyoung’s wrath ya know?
Yeosang’s like did you see him win that blindfolded swordfight omg
So you and Yeosang decide to both tell him
You’re all on different couches like an intervention
And you explain what happened super gently
You’re already apologizing to both of them when Wooyoung laughs straight in your face
He’s like WHO CARES
As long as anything didn’t actually happen between you then whatever
Just try not to do it again
And you’re like ahhhhh omigod
Wooyoung just kinda gives you a hug and a kiss
Then he leaves the room like nothing happened
And you and Yeosang are like... wut
So you follow him like are you actually okay bc like
And Wooyoung’s like I genuinely don’t care
But then you make him cuddle for the rest of the day bc you wanna make sure he knows you love him
You never intended to end up in San’s bed
Quite the opposite actually
I mean he does share a room with your boyfriend so I guess that’s an alright excuse
But you pretty much passed out again after your head hit the pillow
San wakes up and is like wtf
And instead of waking you up to get you out of his bed he starts whisper shouting to Jongho
And Jongho’s like shut up Im asleep
San’s like get yo girl
Jongho wakes up at that one
And then he’s laughing like really loud
Because he thinks it’s hilarious
Like San is so uncomfortable and you're dead asleep
Laugh riot
And he’s being loud so you wake up
And then Jongho’s standing and San is in bed next to you and you’re like oooowhooppsssiee
So you get up and you’re like my bad
San’s like whatever don’t get in my bed, you kicked Shiber out of his spot
Sorry Shiber
You get back into bed with Jongho but he keeps laughing so you don’t sleep for another hour
Teases the living daylights out of you until San threatens to kill him and he’s like sorry hyung
Then you sleep
But if you think he's not gonna start making fun of you straight out the gate in the morning
You’re so wrong
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binniesthighs · 4 years
miss ro!!! ur jeongin fic was so cute that letter with all the misspellings made me cackle low-key - really can imagine 바보 빵 (fool bread(?) not sure how they render that nickname in english for him) writing it 😭 him and mc were so cute no lie
so like i swear dpr ian used to have a soundcloud that i would listen to but for some reason i can’t track down the stuff anymore ?? but equally maybe i’m getting confused bc i listen to a lot of k-artists on soundcloud (i remember the day i discovered got7 jb’s music on there and completely lost my shit lmao but that’s a diff story) i’m honestly such a sucker for soundcloud artists why am i like this 💀💀 but he literally dropped off the grid apart from his insta after his idol group disbanded and his spotify is basically empty apart from zombie pop (which is p cute it’s in the dpr archives album) and his new album. i honestly love all the tracks on it bc have been listening to the singles since they dropped but nerves and scaredy cat are my faves i think of the new ones?? i low-key suck at song recs lmao bc usually I just queue the entire album start to finish / listen to ppl’s curated spotify playlists for like kr&b/indie&chill etc while i’m doing work so i usually hear stuff i like but don’t know the titles ?? last year i was heavy obsessed with dpr live’s album tho “is anybody out there” and also ph-1’s 2019 album “halo” is still one of my faves. i can try and dig through and find specific songs i saved tho if u want!
also i’m watching the making of the album documentary now and it’s honestly spectacular (and only 13mins it needs to be longer 😭😭😭) - he goes into the back story of each song and talks about his life too and there’s clips of him filming the MVs and laying down the tracks. it’s low-key getting me v emotional especially when he was talking about dope lovers and how he had some p bad relationships bc he tends to push ppl away when he’s going thru stuff and he was recording the lyric “it was all for a kiss” and then he said “was it for a kiss or was it from a kiss because honestly, i think a lot of shit happens after the kiss” and ooft that hurttttt
british insults are honestly the best - i love them bc they’re like super snarky/get to the point but they’re not actually like properly derogatory names? like i rly get uncomfy when ppl properly swear at someone even if I like hate them with a burning passion lmaoooo
omg snow day??? we haven’t had snow for a while now :(( my friend lives in mass tho and she said it was snowing yesterday too i’m jel :(( i thrive in the night too lmao but man my insomnia’s been kicking my ass lately 🥲🥲 i deadass live my life like chan and i rly thought this would stop after uni but i guess it’s just my state of being 😭😭
i love reading ur replies they rly brighten my day 🥺🥺 i get a bit in my head sometimes lmao gotta love that anxiety/depression mix 🤪🤪 and rly worry i’m being annoying/ saying too much / blocking up ur feed for other readers also 🥲🥲 i hope other ppl aren’t getting annoyed by how long my asks are 🥺🥺 mayb one day i’ll reveal myself n we can just msg instead or sth idk 😭😭
n e ways i’m gonna dip now but i hope you have a good day/night/week too, miss ro!! my life is spiralling low-key so might be gone for a bit but in the meantime i hope things go well for u!! and do lemme know what u think of MITO !! (and honestly check out the making doc if u have time!!) -😖
😖 awe heck, my responses make your day? 🥺 that makes me so so happy!! i know how ya feel, I tend to have hot and cold weeks, and my writing is what tends to keep it at bay :) as well as talking to all you cuties! You don’t annoy me at all sweets!! however ya feel like talking is fine with me!! ;) also don’t ya worry about dipping either! life gets crazy and I totally get ya! <3 
more under the cut! 
also thank you so much about my new jeongin fic!! writing his lil letter was my favorite part actually hahahah i was trying to channel my inner awkward teen boy for that one LOLLL to suit his character being super sweet and loveable and a lil shy on the side I knew that he would make some cute lil mistakes hehe 
I’ll def listen to your recs!! I really need to listen to more kr&b tho! I have like two or three playlists that i listen to allll the time and am in dire need of new music haha the other week I discovered Kali Uchis’ new album and that’s been on repeat for me like crazyyyy recently FRICK its so good haha so that is my recommendation hehe 
That sounds like a really interesting documentary tho!! I actually really like music documentaries! hahah I watch them with my dad sometimes about classic rock artists etc. it super cool to me to hear about everything that goes into an album as well as the creative process behind it too! like when skz do their little interviews and stuff before an album releases I lovvve that haha for the same reason I love hearing about why authors write what they did too! gahhh i’m ramblin but the creative process is so cool to me! I’d love to check it out! 
whats funny abt swearing is that (oddly) even at nearly 21 years of age I am still not allowed to swear around my parents hahaha but when I’m not around them??? i will say anything and everything lolll but never at people like ya said haha i remeber a while ago I heard “bucket of fucks” and I thought that was pretty funny haha, also yay for snow days!! its funny bc I’m currently not in the state where I go to school so the weather was just fine here but there was like two feet of snow on the actual campus haha i heard that the students got together to have a snowball fight on our soccer fields (i just hope they were safe ooP) 
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seoultraveller · 3 years
HDHDHD omgg💀💀 sorry for laughing but that was funny🤣 I definitely can’t hold grudges but I definitely remember, if that makes sense?? Ooh I take being balanced as a compliment though because I often don’t feel that way🥴 ofc some things in the text weren’t totally me, but overall very very me shdhfj😌 I am very artistic if I may brag :P AHH that’s sweet🥺🥰
Idk if you saw my comment but I have no clue how that San pic ended up there HAHAHAH💀 it was supposed to be at the bottom but guess not oops
Same here!! There’s just something about black hair🤤 I really loved the hair he had during wonderland/answer era, I really enjoyed the styles he had and the colors!! Definitely agree with you
That makes me so happy wth🥺🥺🥺 I’m glad my fic can bring you that type of relaxation I guess<3 lolll you maybe been tired, but I understand you~ agh cake! the greatest :P what kind of cake did you eat??👀
Who did you bias first in ateez btw?? Was it Yunho?🥰 you have a beautiful bond with Yunho, love it<3 It truly is what he deserves!!!
Thank you Catalina!! Your support means the world to me, especially as a writer🥺🥺 I’ll try to make it as exciting as the KD stage felt, but I’m the most excited to write about Hongjoong!! Seonghwa took over his place of where my writing inspiration came from (lol), so it was a while since I felt happy with or even wrote a fic centered around HJ ;(
HDHFJF I’ll take it as an achievement if I can make someone cry from a fic😌
THANK U🥰 I love the days where I feel so confident, it’s a nice feeling, so I’m definitely flaunting it😏✨ we love the support!!
OOOHHH selca days?? Great!!🥰💕can only agree on that, wet haired Yunho was just- UGH. OMG YES EXACTLY ITS HIS. LOOK. MAGNIFICENT! Seonghwa’s half bangs up is a crime I tell you🤧 you have great taste in hair colors😌 peachy Yunho is also my favorite!! He just hit so differenttttt idk he was just so incredibly pretty (not that he usually isn’t tho)
I’m glad you enjoyed the spam, I’ve done my work successfully😚
Tags are just so relatable😭 I’ll say good luck to you with that 15 on the scale and with Yunho as a bias HAHAH🤣
Feel free to laugh. My grudge holding issue is my personal issue, I know this and I am trying to fix it. I totally get what you mean. It’s good that you don’t harbor anything draining to your emotions. Oh~ does your art come through in your writing or do you also draw, maybe paint, act... perhaps? 🖼 🎨
I did see your comment!! I was already at my work site though and when I tried to respond it kept saying, “an error occured” so I just gave up and waited for your response. I will welcome a San pic or a San video at any time and at any point so don’t worry about how it came out. I still loved it!! 🥰😍❤️ YEEEESSSSSSSS~ he has had amazing styles during the Wonderland and Answer era! His hair was a bit longer during Wonderland and two-toned while in Answer he was also rocking two different colors with his hair as well 😂😂😂 now that I think about it 😂 but shorter and the style was less refined (maybe it’s the contrast of military uniforms to whatever they had going on in Answer... 😂).
I’m so happy that your writing can make me feel that way “WTH” 😂. I had a strawberry cake. I was going to attempt to make a carrot cake from scratch but didn’t gather the ingredients in time so I just didn’t. I like pink, white, and purple cakes (don’t @ me). I know fruit flavored cakes and ice cream are not everyone’s thing, but I really enjoy it. 🥺💕🙂 I’m curious are you more of a savory or sweet person?
In terms of a bias. I think it was always Seonghwa. However, it was Mingi who drew me in. He really caught my eye for some reason and because of him I wanted to know more of their songs, and saw more of their videos and just fell 100% for Seonghwa. He was handsome, which caught my eye immediately 😜 but also an amazing performer, to my eye. However, that’s really cute about what you said about having a “beautiful bond with Yunho” 🥰💕. I really like that. 😍😍💕
Of course!! I am sending you my support in writing. It is definitely not easy. ✍️
(Selca is just another term for selfie) Yeah~ on twitter, once a month ATINY’s post selfies of themselves match a selfie with one of the members. WAIT! Did you already know about ATINY selca day? Sorry for explaining it, if you already knew about it. I used to do it for all 8 of them every month, and there was even an ATINY selca day on tumblr for a while but, I think it might have died out. Peachy Yunho was so PRETTY!!! Like- 💕🥺🥰❤️😍😩😭❣️💖💝💙💛💖
Yes you have done your work successfully and the TOrTURE thanks. I needed that in my life too 😂... That middle image, I remember their performance, but I don’t remember seeing Yunho LIKE THAT like OH MY GOOOODDDDNESSS~
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riskeith · 4 years
good morning love! (or afternoon for you hehe)
deku vs kacchan part 2 is my favorite ep of the entire series actually. i’ve watch that ep so many times as well it’s just perfect. i got into them when i watched that episode actually! the voice acting god..... literally shivers. now that i think about it it might even be my favorite anime ep of all time help. i just love how bakugou lets it all out and we get to see that side of him.. the insecure scared child he tries to hide. god i could ramble about it forever idk just love it. OH YOU WATCHED THE MOVE RIGHT AFTER? a scene with bakugou and todoroki is guaranteed a good time.. and they work so well together. haha that’s such a nice coincidence tho their dynamic is great in that movie even if it’s mostly kiribaku sjsksjk. what do you think about kiribaku btw?
RIGHT!!! at least we have a couple days to decide hihi.... paimon no longer emergency snack.. only seelie. 🥴 oooh? what kind of thing have you envisioned? (if you wanna share ofc!)
i’ve seen so many people mention that!! like one of the worst parts of the game is that in the higher level you get the less there are to do.. ssjksjdk at some point all you can do is grind domains and try to level up shdkdfhdj
LEVEL 40 INTO A LEVEL 70+ FIGHT ok that’s honestly hilariously brave doesn’t she like die right away 😔 oh yeah you’ll be leveling up Again soon *praying for you*... can’t believe they don’t keep the easy bosses anymore sjdkfh that’s so rude. this game is just grind grind grind. WE NEED A BENNY STORY SO BADLY. like imagine a story with him wanting to seek out diluc because he wants to learn how to fight from a master or something like that. i saw it in a comic and i can’t stop thinking about it 😭 all of them deserve stories!!! there’s so many ways they could make it happen pls mihoyo... chongyun x xingqiu story... <333
shfkjdskdjhf nope right now i’m playing with noelle as my main damage dealer, traveller, lisa and barbara actually. so i think i have a pretty good balance atm.. 2 long range 2 short range-ish. i usually trade out barbara for another character if i have to tho, hehe. that’s only combat though ^ benny is with me when we explore. mood is me having a 5 star and not even using her... i still need to think of ways qiqi could fit into the group yk. is your group still looking the same as before? ooooh if you could rank the elements what would your ranking look like?
172!!!!! that’s a bit short though when you said tall i thought like... 190 or something sjksjdxk. wait how tall are You?
oh i just meant like... people bashing others for spending too much money on the game vs those that bash people for not spending money and complaining that they don’t get 5 star etc? idk yt comments can be so ugly though so it’s a good thing that you don’t read them sjdjdjdkd
that’s super smart!!! you just follow along the plan and delete when you come to the part. must feel so satisfying too i imagine. haha, what little notes i have i put in the notes app and just check up on when i need to. sometimes i even forget they’re there shdkdhsks. my notes are filled with half-assed dialogue or random one words notes that don’t make any sense to me anymore.. nskdhddjdj
you’re right!! so you write at night? sometimes i just open docs on my phone and write a bit before i sleep and when i wake up it’s either a grammatical mess or just... super bad hskshd the brain is simply too tired to create anything shakespeareian
nooo i’ll def check these out and let you know what i think. i’ve seen halsey being in pretty much every klance playlist on spotify so i imagine she portrays their vibes pretty nicely. doesn’t she have a song she sings about being blue and red or something... shdjfhdj such a bad description but i see it being used in edits a lot. also now that i think of it melanie has a song called pacify her that i really like!! do you like it?
THATS SO CUTE YOU ARE A CRYBABY. 🥺 same here tbh i actually like crying sometimes... sjskdjdjd like you said it just feels nice to get it all out. i cry to almost movie or series or book i read i’m a super emotional person but i also think it adds to the experience? you feel more immersed in it that way.
RIGHT??? ITS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! and it’s our boys 😭 and they’re cuddling 😭 under the sun 😭 ssjdjdhdjdj 😭
can’t wait to hear from you again <3 yours, ma <3
good night! more like ahhah
:o!! that’s so legendary of them wow.. <33 and yeah honestly the voice acting is phenomenal.. and all the implications behind the fight too? bakugou finally opening up? midoriya understanding that what he needs is to fight him? ugh. kiribaku is fine! fhdsjfks my brain is so full of todobaku that any other ship is really just... in the background hfskjfs but i can appreciate the relationship they have! with kiri being the only one bakugou has really acknowledged and seeing as being on the same level, that iconic hand clasp when bakugou was being rescued... i have a kiribaku fic in my drafts but idk if i can ever get to it ahha. you like them a lot right?
ikkk also i didn’t know we had to wait until the very end to buy? i have more than enough to buy it rn but when i clicked it said ‘must explore area 14 first’ and i was just... bruh. AHAHAH. okay so in my mind it’s like.. chongyun at a funky angle we’re kinda looking up at him and his body is like bent down towards us fhsdkjs idk how to describe it but i can picture it very well but i also cannot put it to paper/screen. and then his clothes are just black instead of white! HAHAH. tho i kinda wanna see if i can draw a xiao first to offer up to the gacha gods hfsdjkfs (and if i can i’ll do a version w a dark outfit too for u hehe)
legitttt im literally just logging in and grinding the talent domains every day fhsdkjfhskfhjd there are some artifacts i want as well but the domain is literally SO difficult for me fuck.
i just go in and use her skill then heal a bit and switch right away fhsdkjfsd it going alright! and then i go ham with my other 3 charas and switch back to her to heal again fhskfjd. OMGGG that’s so cute please... i miss diluc too... come back!! i wish we had a way to replay the old quests even if we get nothing out of them like i just wanna experience it again ya know.
oooo! that’s pretty nice. hfskjd you could switch barbara out for qiqi! since she’s a healer as well. omg wait you have lumine right? so your combat team has no males? legendary 😩 we love fighting queens! ya! traveller, chongyun, xiangling, fischl. and then i switch depending on the domain/boss i’m gonna fight. hmm elements I think would go: anemo, cryo, electro, pyro, hydro, geo, dendro? LMAO i reckon if i had diluc tho pyro would be higher... i also almost forgot to add geo to that list lmaooooooo oops, hbu??
I JUST SAW THE LINK.... AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! the bestest boys look how cute they’re sjdkfjdjjdd i’m obsessed. the picture where benny has his back turned sjdudjdjddnd stop. 🥺 they’re so neat. 🥺 also NO ARE YOU SERIOUS? that’s so upsetting are you gonna try it out nonetheless or do you think it’s too risky?
they’re SO neat!!! and bennett facing the other way was so fhskjfd yeah cute <3333333 I KNOWWW IM SO SAD :((( and no...... im not gonna try 😭😭😭 i told my brother about it too and he asked how many rolls i was at and i said 70 and he was straight up ‘you can’t try then’ and i was like ‘i know 😔😔’. @ xiao... i am giving up xingqiu rate up for you 😤😤😤😤 ugh i hope i can still get xingqiu in xiao’s banner tho even tho the chances will be shit. are you gonna roll ganyu’s banner?
FHSKJFSD NOOOOOO don’t tell me 172 is average for you wtf... (apparently the average male height in japan is 160cm! for reference ahah) and i myself am. one hundred and. fifty something cm hfsdjfhskjdfhskdjfhw9uehdsifhwsdkjfhsdkfhsd 😔 big sighs lmaoooooooo. how tall are you? (im assuming much taller 😔😔😔😔😔)
ooh notes app? nice ahaha. fhdkjfhskfsk hdthat’s the mood tho! if i don’t have my laptop with me i’ll write out everything on notes first then transfer to my laptop~
AHAHAH yeahhh i think mostly i do? bc during school times i’ll only write after i’m done with my work which = night time. for a while Peak writing time for me was like 1am lmfao but i do that in a like half-asleep half-conscious state so when i come back the next day at a “normal” time i run into the same issue as you fshdfkjshfs
she does!!! it’s called colours 😩 but i think the one i related to voltron most is control! there was this really good shiro edit with that song i still remember it to this day <3 yeah i do!!! i like most of melanie’s songs actually ahahah. i think my favourite for a while was show and tell~
it totally does!! like it’s satisfying as well you know... like the characters have gone through so much and you experienced that with them so it’s natural to get emotional about it. that reminds me, what kind of books do/did you read? did you read all Those YA novels ahah talking about crying has reminded me how i cried reading those..
<333 i wanna be there with them 😩 actually no i want to BE them 😩😩😩
eager for your response <33 love, c.r.
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merinnan · 4 years
DMBJ Explore with the Note Ep 3
Okay! Recap post for DMBJ season 2 (Explore with the Note), Ep 3!
Current counts:
Season 2 Xiaoge Rescue Count: 2 for Wu Xie, 2 for protagonists, 3 for everyone
Season 2 Wu Xie Swoon Count: 0 
Season 2 Evil Hair Count: 2 
 Cumulative Xiaoge Rescue Count: 12 for Wu Xie, 17 for protagonists, 18 for everyone 
Cumulative Wu Xie Swoon Count: 6
- Hopefully this ep has less snorkelling scenes 
- But to be honest 
- It would be hard to have MORE snorkelling scenes than ep 2 and still have plot
- Oh yeah, they've just had the first switcheroo of the side chambers and Wu Xie is Very Confused
- And Xiaoge just realised he's been here before, and is admitting he has memory problems 
- You are still such a bad liar at this point, Wu Xie. 
- Oh my god, Pangzi, you can't just ask people if they inject Botox or have a radiation-caused genetic mutation
- Also, yes, I am already on my bullshit with the soft looks Xiaoge gives Wu Xie 
- Well. The looks. Because this Xiaoge looks at people who are not Wu Xie about the same amount as Yang Yang's Xiaoge did
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- It is very convenient how the flashbacks in this one are colour coded with that soft yellow lighting 
- It's taken these guys from 20 years ago a lot longer to get out here than it's taken Wu Xie and co. in the present time
- Like. I'm kinda wondering if this past Xiaoge was just straight up watching the idiot Xie accidentally kill himself. 
- I mean, I wouldn't blame him, tbh
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- Going out diving by yourself without telling anyone is borderline suicidal without adding sneaking into an underwater tomb without adequate preparation to it 
- It's nice to have better lighting in the flashbacks, though 
- There's a snek-browed fishy, and past!Xiaoge is shook
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- Also, that Xie guy looks like he was boiled or roasted down there 
- Oh, is past!Xiaoge remembering something about snek-fishies?
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- Wu Xie coming in with some epic side-eye as Xiaoge tells the story
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- Why does the flashback get a much more clear and visible snorkelling scene?! 
- You can actually see things! - Are they trying to make a low-key accidental statement about water pollution?
- Okay, this episode's snorkelling scene starts 6 minutes in 
- Let's see how long it goes for 
- Hopefully it will end before the 17 minute mark 
- That's the bar it has to beat here 
- Surely it can't be that hard 
- Oh, I spoke too soon on the water clarity
- Hey, if Sanshu and Wenjin could properly communicate underwater without arm notepads and without pulling out their fucking snorkles to try to literally talk underwater, WU XIE AND PANGZI, then why couldn't people in the present timeline do the same?
- Not looking at anyone in particular 
- At all 
- Especially not ones named Wu Xie and Pangzi
- The sea monkey that Sanshu chased off looks like baby compared to the one on the ghost ship
- Wow. Snorkelling took less than a minute and a half, with almost twice the number of people 
- Obviously A-Ning needed more people on her expedition 
- Then they wouldn't have had to swim around aimlessly for eleven fucking minutes before getting into the tomb
- Hahah, a perfume tomb 
- Sure it is 
- Don't you think that should make you suspicious, Sanshu? 
- There's always gotta be a big, interesting mural. Let's see what exposition this one will trigger.
- Ofc Pangzi goes sniffing for perfume after hearing about it being there 20 years ago 
- In a different room in the tomb 
- After people had traipsed through it with their stinky diving equipment
- And ofc he doesn't smell it and then complains that it can't have been there in the first place 
- Xiaoge's expression just says everything
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- See, Wu Xie is the smart boy with the logical suggestions of why that might be, Pangzi 
- This guy who wants to leave is like the only genre-savvy one of the lot of them 
- Smart suggestions from past!Sanshu that yes, everyone should listen to 
- They're not gonna listen to him
- Yep, taking a nap is never a good idea in these situations 
- Which is why he's gonna do it 
- After DMBJ 1 Pangzi, it's so nice to have a Pangzi who's smart and competent straight off the bat, instead of having to take like 4/5 of the season to get to that point
- And ofc you were a hooligan as a kid, Pangzi. I am totally unsurprised by this news 
- I'd wondered why he jumped straight to aroma hypnosis, but him having come across it before when he was younger explains it
- This Wu Xie has some fantastic facial expressions 
- For instance, this one is wondering if Pangzi is bullshitting him 
- He doesn't even need to say it. It's right there on his face
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- Oh yeah, Xiaoge recognises that
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- And I was wondering how they'd intro that in without Wu Xie's disreputable antique store contacts telling him about it 
- Pangzi is ofc the logical choice for it 
- Hahah, yes, Wu Xie, you're right and you should say it
- Wu Xie: There's no such thing as ghosts 
- Xiaoge's expression: You might want to reconsider that 
- Oooh, Wu Xie has heard about it, too.
- Like almost 20 years ago, judging by how young he is in these flashbacks. And that this one looks like it takes place not long after Sanshu got into trouble from Grandpa Wu 
- But like, Sanshu, why are you telling a five year old about this? Or maybe he's six. BUT STILL
- Sanshu, do not recommend evil, possibly-ghosty, nightmare-inducing perfumed bone to your baby nephew as a sleep aid 
- Who tf let you near children?
- Ah, now time for the Sanshu-POV flashback. Which is happening within Wu Xie's flashback 
- Flashback-ception! 
- See, Sanshu, told you sleeping was a bad idea 
- None of them listened to you 
- Because you fell asleep and couldn't tell them no
- He can see surprisingly well for a man left in a sideroom of an underwater tomb with no light sources 
- It looks like they took all his diving gear as well as their own 
- How rude of them 
- OH GOOD, it's not just me who was thinking that this room looked really empty
- I thought I was imagining things, or mixing up the room they were in earlier with the room that Wu Xie and the rest were in last ep 
- Are those...claw marks where the mural used to be?
- If this is following the book as closely as it seems for this bit, anyway 
- I am less confused now
- Weird flash of light and sudden coffin appears 
- Which Sanshu can still see without a light source 
- Remember, kids, eat all your carrots like Sanshu obviously does!
- Do they just paint the same mural in every side chamber that has a mural? Because that looks just like the one from the other room. 
- Oh no, I can see some differences in it now 
- Yeah, that's not a good sign
- WTF Sanshu don't touch the creepy coffin that's suddenly pouring dark liquid out of it 
- Is that another sea monkey?
- Apparently diving equipment is only necessary to get down to the tomb, not to get back up. You won't even swallow much water, you'll get back perfectly safely, just a bit out of breath 
- And tired enough to pass out on the beach, but that might be from fighting a sea monkey first
- JFC, Sanshu, why are you telling all this to a five year old? 
- You really think this is gonna dissuade him from this when he grows up? No. You are planting the early seeds of encouragement. 
- Also the early seeds of lifelong nightmares
- You know, I still haven't worked out how Sanshu didn't recognise Xiaoge in DMBJ 1 - both drama and book. I mean, drama can be explained by them only adapting the first book that time, but book? Unless it gets explained later on
- Or I somehow skipped the explanation, which is also possible - I'll go back and reread them another time 
- lol, Pangzi 
- And look, more spiderwebs 
- The undersea spider colony here really works hard 
- Aaaah, Wu Xie's figuring it out already
- Pangzi seems to be serving the purpose of giving all the hints and little plot points that book Wu Xie already had before he stepped foot in the tomb 
- Hahahah, 'can you please speak human'
- Pangzi with the major concerns. Who cares about running out of oxygen if the food is gone?! Not Pangzi! 
- lol, looking at each other when they think Pangzi's being silly or unreasonable is already their go-to response
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- lol, and Xiaoge doesn't agree until Wu Xie nods 
- Ah, first thing they come across is the coffin from one of the other rooms, and Pangzi is showing off that this time around he actually knows things! Yay!
- Okay, this little smile and nod from Xiaoge to Wu Xie is just too adorable for words
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- And in they go to investigate the coffin 
- I do have to say that it's a very pretty coffin, though 
- Yes, Xiaoge, that look is the appropriate look to give to Pangzi for saying that XD
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- WTF is that 
- lol, I like this troll Wu Xie 
- Well. That was dramatic. 
- IDK how the coffin lid when flying off like that though, there doesn't seem to be a sea monkey hiding in there this time 
- Ew, that's a little gruesome 
- Wu Xie is appropriately horrified by this
- It does still amuse me how Pangzi isn't even pretending not to be a tomb robber this time. He's so refreshingly honest about it. 
- Hahaha. "Are you a Virgo? You're so picky" because Wu Xie is more interested in looking at the vases than in just grabbing a few to bail water with
- But hey, Wu Xie is a Pisces, nice to know 
- You're just gonna walk over the top of that coffin lid like that, huh, Pangzi? Weren't you the one talking about how valuable the coffin was? And how you needed to do the proper rituals to show respect before opening it?
- And Wu Xie is back in the other room happily playing with vases and looking at the stories painted on them 
- Alone 
- Nothing bad could possibly come of this 
- It's not like Wu Xie has a tendency to get into danger without even realising it 
- Not at all
- But he's so happy! Like a cute little puppy 
- lol, you really were so wrapped up in the vases that you didn't notice him leaving, huh, Wu Xie? 
- Oops, looks like you stayed there a bit too long, Wu Xie. The entrance to the other room isn't there anymore
- Hahah, Xiaoge is so delicately scooping out water with the bowl compared to Pangzi just fucking going for it with that huge vase 
- Aww, Xiaoge is worried about Wu Xie. 
- But, y'know, guys, maybe you should turn around and realise that there's no entrance anymore
- Although that body is pretty creepy and attention-grabbing 
- Yeah, I don't think that's gonna help, Wu Xie 
- You're so adorable, though 
- WTF how is there a live cat there 
- Yeah, I don't blame you for pulling a gun, Pangzi
- Now back to poor, worried Wu Xie 
- WTF does the theory of relativity have to do with the current situation? 
- Awww, he's talking himself down from panic again. And it seems to be working. 
- ...or not
- Ooh, the cat corpse is gone 
- Xiaoge doesn't seem that concerned. More interested in the human corpse 
- And they STILL haven't noticed that the entrance is gone I thought you had better situational awareness than this, Xiaoge 
- Oh, that's not a good sign
- Ah, finally, NOW you notice 
- As always, Xiaoge takes this the most calmly out of all of them 
- I think it's a little late for not getting anxious, Wu Xie, when you were practically panicking earlier 
- Uh-oh
- Here's the sea monkey, and Xiaoge is trapped in another room with no way of knowing 
- Even though he does seem to have a sixth sense solely dedicated to Wu Xie being in trouble
- Run, Wu Xie, run! 
- Lose your balance on those arrows! Throw those priceless vases as ineffective weapons! 
- Ah, a side chamber which conveniently as a door that closes and locks
- GDI, Wu Xie, don't taunt the monster that's chasing you 
- lol, his, 'wait, did that actually work' face
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- Oh, so it's just gonna...dig through those stones. Fantastic. 
- Why is there no blood on his knife? There really should be blood on his knife after stabbing that deeply. 
- Hahah, Pangzi says that Wu Xie's guess was wrong, and Xiaoge just gives this lovely 'bitch please' look
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- That's a hairy hairy hand right there 
- I don't think Xiaoge so much as flinched 
- Even when Pangzi's dart almost hit him 
- Oh, okay, he seems vaguely concerned about the mark on his wrist now
- Oh, and now he's worried 
- Yeah, when Xiaoge is worried and yells at you to run, it's time to fucking book it 
- Guess he's a bit too distracted for his Wu Xie Is In Danger sense to be tingling right now
- That's a weird looking coffin 
- And on Wu Xie considering anachronistic elements of this tomb that he's now noticing, Ep 3 comes to an end. 
- And with no updates to the Rescue Count, the Swoon Count, or the Evil Hair Count. 
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rebelredcarnationn · 6 years
all the ask questions. i want the juice
ahahaha ok this should be fun
1: The last person you kissed screams they love you, you say…
-- nope i went to bed a little after 6 am and then had to wake up at 8:30
3: You never know what you got until you lose it?
-- wot? not sure what this means
4: Do you have siblings?
-- yee i have one older sister
5: How many kids do you want?
-- 2 probs
6: Who was the last person you held hands with?
-- uhm? i havent really held hands with people i dont think lol
7: Did you stand on your tippy-toes for your last kiss?
-- nope
8: Do you think if you died, the last person you kissed would care?
-- yeah i think so
9: Last person to talk on the phone?
-- my dad lol
10: Did anyone watch you the last time you kissed someone?
-- not that i know of
11: When’s your birthday?
-- very close to the troye sivan concert
12: Remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed?
-- yes it wasnt that long ago
13: What kind of phone do you have?
-- iphone 7
14: Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
-- im wearing athletic shorts because i just got home from gymnastics
15: Are you a different person now than you were 5 years ago?
16: What were you doing at 4 am?
-- idk probably crying hahah #relatableteen amirite
17: Would you rather write a paper or give a speech?
-- write a paper 10/10
18: Are you lying to yourself about something?
-- more or less
19: Last night you felt…?
-- mostly sad, scared, anxious
20: What’s something you cannot wait for?
-- all the concerts im going to this year (p!atd, troye sivan, twenty one pilots)
21: Ever told your parents you were going somewhere but when somewhere different?
-- no im a goody two shoes oops, also they track me so
22: How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
-- almost 2 and a half
23: Are you a morning or night person?
-- night 100%
24: What did you get your last bruise from?
-- gymnastics probably
25: Do you reply to all of your texts?
-- eventually
26: Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for. What do you do?
-- i would hope that i would pick up lol
27: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
-- no
28: Anyone you would like to get things straight with?
-- nope just fixed that yesterday lol
29: How many months until your birthday?
-- including this month 4
30: Favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
-- uhm i eat peanut butter just like on a spoon most of the time
31: Did you like this past summer?
-- nothing im stressed and i miss my friends and i miss having stuff to do and i could go on for a while
32: What were you doing before you got on the computer?
-- eating yogurt and looking at instagram lol
33: Your ex is sitting next to you, with their new partner. What do you do?
-- i dont have an ex lol, but i would probably just like leave depending on how recent it was
34: What is the last thing you said out loud?
-- “do you ship drarry?” (she said no, we are no longer sisters)
35: Your mood summed into one work?
-- word? im assuming? ok well, uh ‘sad’ lol
36: Are you doing anything else besides taking this survey?
-- listening to paramore
37: What are your initials?
-- CJ
38: Are you a happy person?
-- no pft
39: Do you still talk to the person you liked 4 months ago?
-- i dont think i liked anyone 4 months ago?
40: Where do you want to live when your older?
-- the uk
41: Have you had your birthday this year?
-- not yet
42: What did you do yesterday?
-- ha i sat outside in a hammock in the rain for about 4 hours and watched the world cup
43: What will you be doing tomorrow?
-- uh hopefully watching harry potter 
44: How late did you stay up last night?
-- more like stayed up early, 6 am ish
45: Is there anyone you would do anything for?
-- yes
46: Is it hard to make you laugh?
-- no lol
47: Do you believe ex’s can be just friends?
-- yes 100%
48: Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again?
-- dont have an ex
49: How many people have you had feelings for in the year of 2012?
-- dude all i remember about 2012 is the london olympics lol
50: Do you wish your ex was dead?
-- dont have one, but i dont wish anyone was dead
51: Have you ever dyed your hair?
-- yeah its red rn im probably doing purple next but im not sure leave sugguestions
52: Would ever take back someone that cheated?
-- depends on circumstances and the amount of time but probably not
53: Was New Year’s Even enjoyable?
-- yeah i sat under a blanket with my friend and watched it on tv lol
54: Bet you’re missing someone right now?
-- haha yeah and i shouldnt be rip
55: How would your parents react if you got a tattoo?
-- oh ive had this conversation with them they wouldnt pay for my college or wedding
56: Sleep on your back or stomach?
-- all of the above but mostly side
57: If you could move away, no questions asked, where would it be ?
-- uk
58: What would you change about your life right now?
-- uh my emotions and my friends emotions
59: Has anything upset you in the past week?
-- i get upset every day lmao bet
60: Are you on the phone?
-- nope
61: Today, would you rather go forward a week or back?
-- forward
62: Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car?
-- money
63: Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?
-- yeah lol
64: Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone?
-- yeah like last week
65: Have you ever copied someone elses homework?
-- yeah who hasnt
66: Are you the type of person who likes to be out or at home?
- at home lol
67: Do you automatically check your phone when you wake up?
-- yeep
68: Have you ever stayed up all night on the phone?
-- oh yeah multiple times
69: Could you use some sleep right now?
-- yeah ill probably take a nap later tbh
70: Are you going to have a baby by the time you’re 18?
-- no i hope not
71: Does it bother you when someone hides things from you?
-- i mean yeah?
72: What’s your favorite color?
-- purple, black and red
73: Have you ever slept in the same room with someone you liked?
-- uhm ive only ever liked one person in my life and we havent had a sleepover in a long time
74: Have you ever been looking for something and it was already in your hand?
-- oh all the time
75: Do you get annoyed easily?
-- yeah lol
76: If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you?
77: Do you have a person of the opposite sex that you can tell everything to?
-- i wouldnt entirely say opposite but yeah pretty much
78: Does anyone call you babe?
-- no one does romantically
79: How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
-- again with the opposite sex my dude, but i fully trust like 2 people
80: What do you prefer, relationship or one night stand?
-- relationship
81: What color hoodie did you wear last?
- im wearing a gray one rn
82: Is there someone who meant alot to you at one point, and isn’t around anymore?
-- yeah rip
that was fun thanks!!
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peachypeaxh · 3 years
100 questions
Who is your hero? Me lol
If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Canada maybe
What is your biggest fear? Hmm.. hights
What is your favorite family vacation? I would love to go on skiing weekend with my family
What would you change about yourself if you could? My occasional stuttering and my pcos
What really makes you angry? When someone is being disrespectful, unfairness
What motivates you to work hard? Money lol
What is your favorite thing about your career? Also money hahah jk, i love my job
What is your biggest complaint about your job? I don't like our uniforms
What is your proudest accomplishment? My son
What is your child's proudest accomplishment? Well he is still very little so probably learning to walk
What is your favorite book to read? 12 rules for life by J.P
What makes you laugh the most? My son
What was the last movie you went to? What did you think? I don't even remember it was long time ago.. can't wait to go again
What did you want to be when you were small? Omg everything..from doctor to restoran owner
What does your child want to be when he/she grows up? Idk he's 1
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? I wish I could sleep 12 hours, wake up to made breakfast and coffee and I would just lay around, watch movies and eat
What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? I'm not into sports
Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car? Drive a car haha
What would you sing at Karaoke night? I can't sing, but if I could...it would be oops I did it again
What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most? big FM
Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house? Vacuum the house..I hate doing dishes
If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work? Cleaning
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Chicken and potatoes
Who is your favorite author? I don't have a favorite
26. Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? Nina for some reason
27. Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not? Hmm..idk. i don't like surprised visits because my house is always in a mess..but I like when little unexpected gifts
28. In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read? Watch a movie. Under a blanket and with a cup of hot cocoa
29. Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why? Alaska. Can't take the heat
30. Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why? Work at the perfect job..I just couldn't stand not working
31. Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island? Uh.. Jason Momoa hahah
32. If money was no object, what would you do all day? Idk.. probably everything money related
33. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? 2010
34. How would your friends describe you? Idk you have to ask them
35. What are your hobbies? I do nails and makeup
36. What is the best gift you have been given? Big fluffy cozy blanket
37. What is the worst gift you have received? Hmm..i don't think I have ever received a bad present
38. Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? Coffee for sure
39. List two pet peeves. Flies, people lol
40. Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully in good shape.. physically and mentally..and I see myself as leading surgery nurse
41. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Maybe 5
42. If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? Idk.. I'm not into super heroes..I prefer witches lol
43. What would you do if you won the lottery? Buy a house and give myself a monthly allowance so it lasts longer
44. What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.) If I'm traveling somewhere far... definitely air...on a daily basis car but I also reeeealy love trains and I wish I could travel by a train more often
45. What's your favorite zoo animal? I don't support the concept of a zoo.
46. If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be? I would learn more in school
47. If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be? Anyone who died hungry and wishing on a one last meal and anyone who is still here and is being hungry
48. How many pillows do you sleep with? Currently 2 but sometimes I sleep without a pillow
49. What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)? Around 24 hours...I couldn't sleep
50. What's the tallest building you've been to the top in? Avaz building
51. Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence? Looks for intelligence
52. How often do you buy clothes? Not very often
53. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Not that I knew of
54. What's your favorite holiday? I like Christmas
55. What's the most daring thing you've ever done? Packed my things and moved 800 km away. without a plan.. just good will
56. What was the last thing you recorded on TV? I don't think I have ever recorded anything
57. What was the last book you read? I am reading something my sister in law gave me. It's pretty boring
58. What's your favorite type of foreign food? Hm..I just got into asian food
59. Are you a clean or messy person? Messy... trying to change that
60. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? I'm not really familiar with actors
61. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Depends.. I'm stay at home mom sooo 3 minutes..but if I'm going somewhere I need cca 30 minutes
62. What kitchen appliance do you use every day? That thing to boil water
63. What's your favorite fast food chain? Fast foods are nasty
64. What's your favorite family recipe? My moms chicken and mlinci
65. Do you love or hate rollercoasters? Haaaatee
66. What's your favorite family tradition? Christmas lunch at my parents house
67. What is your favorite childhood memory? I don't know.. can't think of anything really special
68. What's your favorite movie? Harry potter
69. How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't real? How did you find out? Maybe 5 years old..I sneaked out of my room at night and saw my mom wrapping presents and putting them under the tree
70. Is your glass half full or half empty? Depends
71. What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love? When I was 14 I sold my moms golden necklace and bought a present for my boyfriend
72. What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? Those guns for signaling, water and seasoning
73. What was your favorite subject in school? Anatomy
74. What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Pigs brain. It was horrible
75. Do you collect anything? No
76. Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion? Ugg boots
77. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? More of a introvert
78. Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest? Idk
79. Have you ever had a surprise party? (that was an actual surprise) no..noone cared enough lol
80. Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous? No
81. What do you do to keep fit? Who told you that I'm fit?
82. Does your family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken? No
83. If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce? That requires a little bit more thinking
84. Who was your favorite teacher in school and why? I didn't have a favorite
85. What three things do you think of the most each day? My son, food lol and just generally life
86. If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Don't touch when mad
87. What song would you say best sums you up? Song? Hmmmmm
88. What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee? I think I would get along with Hayley Bieber
89. Who was your first crush? My religion teacher 🤣 he was young and very tall
90. What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window? Nothing
91. On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are? 7
92. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Very successful and happy person
93. What was your first job? A nanny
94. If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join? Hmmmm..idk
95. How many languages do you speak? Three
96. What is your favorite family holiday tradition? U already asked that
97. Who is the most intelligent person you know? My bedt friend
98. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be? Monkey lol
99. What is one thing you will never do again? Be pregnant. I just can't do all of that again
100. Who knows you the best? My husband is getting to know me better
0 notes
todokori-kun · 7 years
OMG I’m so sorry for this late reply, now you probably won’t see this until you get back ;-; I hope you have a great time, though! :D
(I’m also away from home right now- at Jeju island! The view is so beautiful <3)
And ok, ok: Remember our Saiko/Urie ship that NEEDS to somehow overpower Mutsuki/Urie? I just remembered one of the reasons I started shipping it in the first place…there was an omake where Saiko’s jokingly asking the Qs to state her ‘good points’ (this is after Shirazu’s death and I think Mutsuki was either with Torso or on their own during this period so it’s basically Saiko, Urie, and the new Qs (Hsiao, Higemaru, Aura)). Hsiao surprises everyone by commenting that Saiko is unexpectedly sexy and cute. Higemaru tells her that’s gross, which makes Saiko pouty…she then sees Urie passing by and asks him “What about you, squad leader?”
Urie just smiles this really gentle, warm smile and
“Yonebayashi’s good point…on days like today, when my work has left me exhausted, whenever I look at you I feel relieved.”
(And Saiko smiles back and she’s blushing omg)
And new chapter of TG Re and Touken just keeps getting more and more ‘WTH’. Touka just told Ken she’s pregnant? And Ken’s freaking out a bit, but guess why? Because to him, Touka’s casual attitude means that she’s given up on trying to rescue Yoriko despite the fact that she’s found out what’s happened to her (Touka’s choosing her child over her friend). I think he's hurt that Touka has been forced to make that choice.
But why is he not thinking about his mom. Or Akira. Or Arima. Or the Qs. Why is he not having traumatic flashbacks. I mean, not only has Kaneki never had a 100% healthy relationship with a parental figure, he’s never been a good parent figure himself either (admittedly he’s only ever been one to the Qs but look what he did to them). Why is the Yoriko situation the only thing he’s worried about? Why is he so cool about the kid? I feel like he should be super insecure and terrified and maybe not even want a child…is that just me?
(Also wow, Ken truly is the next Arima. Re is going to be a tragedy after all, isn’t it)
I lowkey shipped Tatara/Eto…then of course Tatara just had to go and die and Eto disappeared. Typical TG ship. As for Eto/Noro, the fandom would bash that kid so hard for being op XD (but wouldn’t it also be a bit creepy? Noro seems to have been the one who raised Eto and he must have been around Yoshimura’s age…though admittedly I’d ship that too if the whole backstory about Yoshimura giving baby Eto to Noro suddenly disappeared. The height difference is cute ok)
Running Titans are like me running from my problems. For another hilarious manga thing, have you ever read that one omake Ishida drew about the time he went to Tokyo for a party and ended up at the hospital? It just proves that Ishida is the King.
Omg? That’s actually pretty cool XD
And tysm. Seriously, it’s not just the OCs, I talk too much about everything and you always listen and answer so really, thank you.
Looking forward to our next convo :D <3
Idk how this happened but I’ve started shipping both Tatsuo and Naomi with Shuu. Like, either Tatso and Shuu are a thing, or Tatsuo is totally not in love (MAGNIFICENT BASTARDS DO NOT HAVE HEARTS OK) so he matchmakes Shuu and Naomi to make his baby sister happy (and he is so not dying on the inside everytime he sees them together. He finally did something right for his sister but  w o w does it hurt seeing Shuu look at her like that). Or they’re an OT3.
I’m sorry this is so weird. I even have headcanons for all the ships OTL what is happening XD 
Think I forgot to add this but ALSO:
I’ve started Fullmetal Alchemist! :D I was planning to never actually watch or read it because I hate the process of getting into new fandoms (like, I have so much to read and watch already, do I really need another one??? That was what I told myself with YoI but then everyone was talking about it and I just couldn’t resist) but then. One of my favorite reaction channels reacts to FMAB…and after they stopped reacting to animes I know for a while, I got bored and decided to try the FMA reactions. Why not?
“I mean, it’s not really my thing and the characters don’t seem like the type I’d enjoy (Ed seems like a typical shounen protagonist and I’m probably going to dislike him), but hey, it should be good enough, right?”
12 Episode Reactions Later:
Edward Elric you are my new favorite person
Alphonse you adorable bby you remind me of my own little sister and that makes me cry
Didn’t expect to like Winry but she’s actually pretty cool
Everytime Lust appears ‘I’m too hot- HOT DAMN’ from Uptown Funk keeps playing on repeat in my head, she makes me helpless
Lowkey ‘crushing’(not quite the right word but hey) on Scar. You ship with sweethearts like Shuu then I go and swoon over wanted criminals
And finally, Hughes…I knew you were going to die because I heard a lot about FMA on tumblr and your death scene is legendary in the anime/manga world. But can I just say.
WhY diD YoU haVe tO SaY gOoDbyE
(And as for Nina, I also knew what was going to happen to her but just…let’s ignore that. Yeah.)
The channel didn’t have reactions for all the episodes though, and besides, it’s hard to hear the actual lines over the reactions sometimes, so I’m currently reading the manga from where I left off with the anime :) I’m only in the middle of volume 5 so far but it’s great!
Congratulations! After suffering from Hamilton, TG Re and the MCU, you have finally managed to drag me into a fandom!
(It’s just one success though >:^) and I’m busy thinking of a new fandom for my revenge…fear me)
FMA UPDATE: Scar is no longer my only problematic crush/fav. There’s also Greed. Not Greedling (I only just read through the real Ling’s first appearances, I’ve never seen Greedling in action before and I only know a few minor things about him), the original Greed, the guy with the cool sunglasses.
I’m sorry Queen Luna, you shipped me with a perfect pure cinnamon roll and this happens OTL
I’m really, REALLY sorry for spamming you now but hey, actually starting looking up FMA on tumblr and OOPS I’m stupid as heck OTL Why did I think Daddy Elric and Father were the same person omg (probably a mixture of similar character designs and fake spoilers I read long before I read the manga lololol)
*Waltzes into the room*
sO WHaT’d i mIsS??
Not much, apparently hahah Just Evans getting into a new fandom and coming to hunt me down. The usual, basically. 
Kkkkk, so firstly a bit about the systematics of the camp (I can already tell you I’ll start ranting, sorry ^^;;;). There are 3 separate programs, Resident Cam, Teen Adventure and Teen Sailing. Resident is when you stay in the camp the whole 2 weeks and have 5 activities per day that you choose yourself. You also do other amusing stuff, mostly in the evenings.  Adventure is when you go around Croatia and experience random adventures, like paintball, rock climbing, bridge jumping and so on. Sailing is when you spend 1 week in the resident camp, and you spend the whole week learning how to sail smaller boats and when that weeks is over, you board sailboats and sail around costal Croatia for a week.
I did Resident 3 times, Adventure 2 times and Sailing Once (this year). It was also my last year in the camp, since you can go there as long as you’re younger than 18. Next year, I’ll be 18.
Aaaanywho, the reason why I consider it hell on earth is because it was FULL of rich snobs and I was dying. There was this one girl in particular who seemed to hate me for absolute no reason and she was such a huge bitch. She also reeeeaally liked having the undivided attention of boys on her and would do some quite drastic things to achieve that. For example, sitting so that her elbows were pushing her bewbs up, or randomly yelling, in english ‘Oh no, my bra unclipped!!’ even tho she had friends from her country who would’ve understood her had she said it in her language. 
OTHER THAN THAT, I saw dolphins and sea horses!! IT was so cute *^*
OHOHO and at one point, we went bridge jumping. And there were some guys hanging from hammocks from the bridge. I saw them, but didn’t think much of it. And then one of them got up to actually jump. My brain ‘AND I WAS LIKE DAMN BITCH YOU FINE’.
One of the most attractive guys I have seen in my entire life. Pretty much everything I (physically like). Slightly longish hair kept in a bun. Blonde. Blue eyes. Tall, but not a giant. Muscular. And as if that didn’t have me drooling, once they were done, he. Put. On. Glasses.  CALL THE POLICE AND THE FIREMAN.
Seriously, literally helpless.  ‘Then you walked in and my heart went boom’.
Now onto the actual reply ^^;;;;
The internet here is sucky so I haven’t caught up with everything yet =3= Soon, hopefully.
But that does seem very OOC for Kaneki :/ Is it just me, or did everything start going downhill when Touken appeared? If someone told me ‘kaneki finds out Touka is pregnant, guess his reaction’, my answer would be ‘hysterics, screaming, old traumas surfacing, potential thought of the Qs, deFINITELY NOT CALM’.
If we ever doubted Re wouldn’t be a tragedy, we were truly naive. 
Tatsuo, Shuu and Naomi are the definition of Satisfied if that happens. I know my sister like I know my own mind You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind If I tell her that I love him she’d be silently resigned He’d be mine She would say, “I’m fine” She’d be lying. 
Dude, if you thought FMA would be ‘just another anime’, you were NAIVE!!  It’s actually the first anime I’ve ever watched (or second, depending on whether you count ATLA as anime) and it’ll always be on my top ‘to recommend’ list, because it’s an actual masterpiece. Edward is just so cute, I want to hug him, especially before his growth spurt.  Al is the purest cinnamon roll, he deserves protection.  Shoulda known you’d go with Scar... I must say, though, Greedling and Mustang are the top for me.  Well, for FMA it really doesn’t matter a single bit if you read the manga or watch the anime. I mean, the manga is a tad bit better, because you understand some references, like Yoki’s backstory, but you can also know it from watching the older, original FMA anime. 
Idk, I don’t like Greed all that much. Didn't have enough time to develop, and Greedling is a tad better imo ^^;;
Naaah, don’t worry about spamming me! I was really happy to come back to so many messages from you ^^
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side-eyeing-you · 8 years
Okay, so here’s a recollection of the best day of my fandom life? #ECCC
I’m usually just here to make short, dumb, spazzy comments, so bear with me, because this will probably be long. However, I’ll try not to be too repetitive and remember the interesting parts. ;) Apologies if the pics are effing huge. I don’t do this posting thing - ever. hahah
So, first of all, shout out to @oohdembuns​ for peer pressuring me to go to this thing, hahaha. Cons are not usually my jam, but since it was at home, AND CAIT WAS COMING TOO, I was like, “I’d be kinda dumb not to go, right?” Anyway, so I originally just got a Friday pass and a picture with Cait. And was perfectly content with that. Then there was an announcement that they would be offering more VIP passes for sale, and Buns was like, “omg you have to go!!!!” so I thought about it, and thought about it… and tried to calculate out how many dinners out and shopping trips I had to cut out of my life, and decided, “Okay, you’ve convinced me… I’ll buy it, if it becomes available again.” So I was basically at the gym when the link went live for VIP sales, and Buns linked me to it immediately (so dependable!) and I got to buy one, then less than 30 seconds later it was sold out again. Guess I got lucky!
 Onto the day of the con!
 Wasn’t sure how it would be, since I didn’t really talk to anyone via DM or text or anything super regularly that was going. But I’d gotten talking to @supertam87​ and @chrismosstree​ and @myguiltyolpleasure​ a few days before, so it was nice that they were cool enough to welcome me, so I didn’t feel like such a loner hahah. Met up with @valkyrie1969​ and @sileas84​ too. Met @queencaitriona​ and @zengeisha​ and a few others while waiting in line. I gotta say, one of my favorite parts of this weekend was meeting everyone and just hanging out. I wasn’t sure what to expect at first, but you guys guessed it, everyone is as cool IRL as they are online!
 The rest is much of the same. Waiting in line after line after line. Me wanting to off myself, because it was so crowded and hot and stuffy. But hey, that’s con life, lol.
 Panel was surreal to be at. It was fun, and exciting and the MC was funny and made everyone take selfless with their neighbor to ensure that you’d turned off your flash. 
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THEN out comes Sam and Cait. I mean, I was like, “Weird. They are right in front of me. This is definitely weird.” But I really enjoyed it and probably missed some bits, so I’ll have to do a re-watch! I honestly could sit and listen to them both ALL FREAKING DAY. They are just so entertaining and fun to watch together, lol.
 Then we tried to go to the 12:30 autograph session. That was full. Which was kind of a good thing, because I was getting hangry at this point. Grabbed some lunch and came back to get lined up for photos. Okay, this was like cattle call and I wanted to just die, hahah. THEN I finally got up to the black curtains where Sam and Cait were standing taking pictures with fans, and it was so weird seeing them there… in motion… in the flesh. They are freakishly tall, yes. And Cait’s legs go on forever. I think her waist is like a whole foot higher than mine, hahah. I walk up to them when it was my turn, and I was like, “Well, this is super weird!” and Cait laughed and they both said, “oh, hi there!” Then snap, done, lol – Get the F outta here, NEXT. Hahah That’s what it felt like, but despite such a time constraint, they were super nice and it was the first real close-up interaction with them, so it was a neat experience.
 Then off to ANOTHER line for the autographs. I got queued in and waited for Sam and Cait to finish their photo ops. I sat on the floor, in the line, and tried to get some rest, but the handlers wanted us to squeeze in tight, so I was literally napping underneath someone’s ass the whole time. I didn’t care though, I was freaking exhausted at this point, hahah. (So I can’t imagine how tired Cait and Sam were?? It was non-stop).
 Then Sam walks in and crowd cheers! Sam-onlies called to the front of the line to begin autographs since Cait was running behind with photos. There weren’t that many Sam-onlies. Then Cait arrived to a crowd full of cheers. And one girl next to me had a Cait only autograph and I fist bumped her, lol. Also, stood next to a super cool shipper who doesn’t know she’s a shipper. She was hilarious. She was like, “goddamnit, I wish I had on google glass so I could just stare at them and record everything on the down low (because they were freaking Nazis about no photography).” This was after we saw Sam walk over to Cait, put his hands on his shoulder, lean down and tease her about hogging all the fans, lol. I died. I was right in front of them when this happened.
 Anyway, got my autograph. Cait was like, “nice to see you again!” Getting autographs after pics worked out, because that’s what I had them sign since I didn’t have anything else to bring. I guess I could’ve had them sign my arm and tattooed it on permanently. JK – I’m not that dedicated. ;) Sam was once again just waiting around for people to sign autographs for. I was like, “Dang, Sam… looks like Cait’s just hogging all the fans. What’s up with that?” And he was like, “I know, right? She’s just being Chatty Cathy over there…” I missed my opportunity to say, “It’s because everyone loves her, don’t you???” Oops. :P
 I wish I had a chance to get some friends something signed by them, but seriously, the handlers were super strict about everything. And I get it, it would take longer to sign more than one thing for everyone, but I get the feeling Sam and Cait would’ve been cool with signing their name to one other item for a BFF or grandma or something. :) (And I found out after that they did, actually! On the down low… very kind of them.)
 Okay, so after all that… I just collapsed by a pillar and waited for the others to finish. Thankful to not be in any more lines. Then we all headed over to the restaurant to meet some other Tumblr peeps. I could only stay for a few minutes, but it was lovely to meet everyone! @ninaf @c2bend @rainmanjdog and others!
 Then off I went to the meet and greet….
Room is set up into probably 10 round tables of 8 people or so. The handlers said to keep two seats open, so naturally, I put my purse on the seat next to mine to save it. ;) Once again, apparently, no freaking pictures were allowed. Who came up with this stupid rule? It’s not like we didn’t pay for the professional pictures and I highly doubt Sam and Cait cared if you took a pic of them from 10 feet away. Not like we were swarming them asking for selfies. Anyway, that was a ranty tangent. Kid you not, though, when Sam or Cait were coming up to our table next, they reminded us, “Now, remember. Phones on the table. Don’t touch them. No pictures allowed.” ANYWAY, we saw Sam and Cait taking selfies with other tables after the fact, so we were like, OH HELL NO. And the handlers noticed that, so one was finally like, “AT THE VERY END, you may ask if Cait wants to take a picture and if she says it’s okay, then you can do so.” We had already seen Sam, so it was like, would’ve been nice if you let us take a pic with Sam too, but we’re happy with Cait! Anyway, I loved the fact that Sam and Cait didn’t give a fuck about the stupid photo rule and just did what they wanted and were gracious to the fans. At the very end, the handlers decided that it would only be fair if Sam and Cait both took pics with each table, so that’s what they did. And a simple gesture made everyone’s day (well, it was icing on the cake). :))
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 Sat at the table closest to entrance/exit. Sam and Cait walked in, got a stealth pic of Sam but missed Cait. They both were holding these cute Jamie and Claire mugs. Sam had brought a bottle of Laphroaig with him. They had to do separate table round robins, for the sake of time, probably. Cait started at the table across from us, and Sam at the opposite end of the room. Anyway, we were just chit chatting amongst ourselves. It was very casual. Once in a lifetime experience, to have Sam and Cait just mingling in the same room as you. Like, wtf. It was weird haha. But anyway, we all kept our respective freak flags under wraps… and everyone was lovely. I did walk over to the bar area with another fan I sat next to, just to get a closer glance of Sam and Cait lol.
 Sam got to our table first. He’s very handsome. Very young-looking. He sat in between these two ladies, so was across from me. I was like, “Y’all can fight over Sam, but dibs on Cait then…” They agreed to the terms of the deal, lol. Sam poured us all a shot of Whisky, which was very nice. It was pretty good. One girl asked me what the name was again, so I guess his sales tactic worked, hahah. (I’m only teasing, okay??). Anyway, Sam was nice and answered everyone’s questions the best he could… he seemed a bit tired, but still friendly and engaged. Someone asked if he took on any of the Jamie qualities or something in real life. And he had to think, and then he said since he had to play Jamie with a “fucked up hand” for a while there, IRL, whenever he got nervous, he would play with his right hand, or move it in weird ways, like Jamie. He also mentioned a bar in Glasgow that he and the guys of Outlander like to go to. I cannot remember the name. And his favorite lift is the dead lift. Gym questions get me snoozin’… lol
 More waiting around until Cait got to our table. Our table was the last to see both Cait and Sam… and she walked over and smiled and said, “ahhh, the best for last.” I sat next to Cait… at a dinner table. That was super surreal, lol. We all said hi and thanks for coming, etc. etc. Then someone asked about Eddie and if she’ll be coming to SA. Sadly, Eddie will not be joining Cait in SA. Cait got to telling us about the whole process then she stopped and was like, “Wait. You guys really want to spend the next 10 minutes talking about my cat’s fucking rabies report??” lmao and we all laughed. We learned that Eddie is 14 years old. Then she was like, “so wait… lemme get everyone’s names! Where are you all from??” She was so friendly and smiley and I cannot…. Then someone mentioned Ryan Gosling and asked if she’s met him before and she told us a funny story about how she lost $20 to Ryan Gosling once, hahaha. And I was like, “Wait. How? Lost a bet?” And then she said that they had the same agent or something, so they all went on this fishing trip together a while back and were playing backgammon hahaha so effing random… and she lost to Ryan Gosling. And she was like, “AND I WAS BROKE. And he was a SUCCESSFUL actor, and I was BROKE… and he STILL took my money.” Ahahhah. Then the lady was like, “Omg, I spoke to someone who knows Ryan Gosling…” and I turned to her and was like, “Nevermind that you spoke with CAIT.” Lol and she just giggled and said, “awww, come on…” lol like all “pffft, I’m nobody” QUEEN. Also, at one point she complimented a lady who said she was in her 50s and told her she was gorgeous, when the topic of aging make-up came up regarding Claire and Jamie, so as to say, they didn’t really need to be EXTRA with their aging process, because people in their 50s still can look great and youthful. She was super sweet and encouraged us to ask her questions and also asked us questions as well, so it was very interactive.
 Then I gave her a little greeting card that said “YASSSS QUEEN” on the front and said, “I was afraid of word vomit if I tried to speak to you in real life, so here’s a card.” Lol and she said, “awww, you don’t have to worry about that. Thanks!” But her handler took it, so I hope she saw it, lol.
 Few other tid-bits:
Since Sam and Cait started on opposite sides of the room, when they both made it to the middle of the room, the first thing they did was turn around to each other, grinned and said, “oh haaii!” to each other. That was cute.
 And at the very end of the night, as they were leaving, Sam took Cait in for a side hug/pose and I was caught off guard and was still afraid of the photo Gestapo so I didn’t catch it! :((
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This was all I caught, right before the hug.
Anyway, and that was it… off they went. And then I died. :D
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peachcitt · 7 years
a soft chap 32! @gigiree @megatraven @luvclick
guess who didn’t finish this until like an hour ago hahah you could even argue i literally just finished it since i didn’t finish going over it until now. oops. but i still reached over 5000 words which is what i kinda planned since i wanted to make the chapters longer (still gonna take forever tho hahahhahahhhh) anyway this chapter got real soft in the end and i just. dang. wow i love when these kids get soft
Read from the beginning/where it’s originally posted here
Story description: They say that curiosity killed the cat. But it can do a whole lot more than that.
Chapter description: Marinette saves a life. Other stuff happens, and then these kids get soft for each other.
Rated: T (because some things may not be suited for some audiences... nothing major for this chapter honies)
Marinette stared at Alya. After everything that had happened, Alya just passing out from heat stroke felt a little underwhelming, and Marinette took a moment to think about the strange humor in that.
And then it finally registered in her mind that Alya had passed out from heat stroke.
“Oh, God,” Marinette muttered, panic starting to set in. “What do I do, what do I do, what do I do?” She put her hands in her already very disheveled hair, looking around at the orange dirt and rock and feeling the heat of the air pull beads of sweat out of her pores.
As she was looking around frantically, her eyes landed on a very conveniently placed water cooler with a small stack of Styrofoam cups stacked next to it. She fumbled for a cup with shaking hands and poured some water from the water cooler into it, praying she didn’t spill most of the contents by the time she reached Alya.
She hurried over to where Alya had collapsed on the bridge, careful not to look over the sides at the flowing river of molten lava. Kneeling down, it struck her that she still had no idea what to do.
Yes, she had water. Did she know what to do with it? No.
“Please don’t be dead,” she said softly, placing a shaking finger on Alya’s neck to try and feel for a pulse. “That would be very bad.” She had a pulse, but it was a little faint. Marinette breathed a sigh of relief none the less.
She looked down at the quickly evaporating cup of water in her hands and then at Alya. “Please don’t take offense to this,” she said, and then dumped the water directly on Alya’s head.
Alya spluttered awake, her dark green eyes snapping open and very quickly focusing on Marinette, who immediately shifted backwards to give her some space. Her gaze flitted around the surroundings, seeing the water cooler, the cup in Marinette’s hands, Marinette.
Realization at what must have happened dawned on her face, and she stared at Marinette with a bewildered look.
“Um.” The initial freak out of witnessing someone collapse had faded and was now replaced with the freak out of reviving someone who had collapsed who just so happened to have a nasty habit of trying to kill humans. Now that Marinette had gotten this far, she had no idea what to do next. Alya could literally kill her at this moment, and it would all be Marinette’s fault because she revived her.
But Alya didn’t do anything.
She carefully stood up on the rickety bridge, regarded Marinette for a moment longer, and then walked away. Walked away.
Marinette sat on the bridge for who knows how long, wondering how her luck managed to be so good in that moment. And then she realized that her skin was starting to burn a little from her proximity to lava. And that her shin was stinging. And that there was a deep ache throughout most of her upper body.
Now that there was no adrenaline pumping through her veins to help along her movements, it was a difficult task to stand up and walk to steady ground.
She knew Chat would be returning to her at any minute, but she didn’t really like the idea of sitting down and waiting for him by the water cooler and trying to tend to her wounds. The best option was to continue forward and rely on the hope that Chat would find her again, which didn’t seem all that unrealistic since he had done it before.
Continuing on the path, she was very relieved to see a save point glittering on the ground a few feet in front of her. Blocking the path after the save point stood what looked to be a laboratory, pristine and white. There were two paths that went to the north and south, which Marinette guessed were ways to get past the laboratory, but the north path was blocked by two guards who seemed relatively passive about her presence.
Thinking about how to keep moving came second to the save point, though. Save points could heal. Which means that when Chat met back up with her again, she wouldn’t have to worry him too much.
The world went still as she touched the save point, and the blistering heat of the air lessened a little. Marinette breathed a little sigh of relief.
 Seeing such a strange laboratory in a place like this…
You’re filled with determination.
Would you like to save?
 Marinette pressed the ‘yes’ button, the heat immediately biting at her cheeks as the world unfroze.
“It’s pretty hot here, and I promise it’s not just because I showed up.”
A small shriek slipped from Marinette mouth as she jumped back, one hand clutching her chest, the other held out in front of her in a defensive manner. Chat stood staring at her, seemingly amused with her reaction. “You scared me,” she said, relaxing a little at the sight of his face.
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.”
It only took a moment for Marinette to remember on what terms they separated on, and she frowned, looking over his expression to check for that look of hurt that he’d had when she brushed him off. There wasn’t any trace of it.
“Is Manon safe at home?”
“Extremely grounded, but safe,” Chat said with a shrug. “But I think she’s okay with her sentence for now. By the time her mom finished scolding her, I’m pretty sure she was ready to pass out. I left when her mom made her take a nap.”
“That’s good.” A worry that had been weighing Marinette down lifted. And now to the other worry. “I… I’m sorry for acting cold to you when you left to take Manon,” Marinette said, voice hesitant. She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment, then looked up at Chat, who was watching her carefully.
“But you aren’t sorry for what you said.”
Marinette took a deep breath. “No. I’m not.”
Chat let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. “I figured as much.” He looked down at the ground, making a fist in his hair as he thought. “I think we’re just going to have to agree to disagree, bug,” he finally said, looking up at Marinette and letting go of his hair. It stuck up at several odd angles.
“I don’t see why we have to disagree,” Marinette said, crossing her arms and furrowing her eyebrows. “I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“Yeah, and I don’t want you getting hurt,” Chat countered, giving her a look that said she wasn’t understanding something very important. “There’s so much at stake if you get hurt, and I’m just trying to protect you.”
“The same goes for you,” she said, unrelenting. “When I saw Alya just now-”
“You saw her?” Chat interrupted. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
She blinked. “It wasn’t a big deal.”
“So, what? You’re just going to not tell me things because you think it isn’t a big deal? Even though it is?” He was obviously angry, but Marinette couldn’t really understand why.
“Of course, I would’ve told you at some point, it just didn’t seem that important at the moment,” she said, taking a step back. “Stop being ridiculous.”
“I’m being ridiculous?” Chat demanded, and Marinette shrank back a little. “I’m just trying to help you out, make sure you don’t get killed! It’s like you don’t understand how much I care about you and how much I want to be a part of what you’re doing.”
Marinette looked down at her boots, trying to think of what to say to that. “You’re right, maybe I don’t,” she said slowly, picking her words carefully. “I don’t understand how much you care, but if it’s like that, then you don’t understand how I care.” She paused, looking up at him. He was taking in every word she was saying, and she knew that now he would actually listen to her. “The reason I’m so intent on you staying away when Alya is around is because I care about you. You say you want to protect me, and I’m saying that I want to protect you.”
Chat blew out a breath, his shoulders falling as if his muscles were just now letting go of tension. “I know that,” he said, nodding his head. “I know that, but I think it’s a little late for that if Alya already knows I’m with you. There’s no point in trying to protect me from her if she already knows, okay?”
Marinette didn’t like it, but she nodded. “Okay.”
“Now can you tell me what happened?”
And so, she told him everything.
“Can’t say I’m pleased with being called a traitor,” Chat mumbled after she finished. “But it looks like she’s finally understanding that you aren’t evil. She’ll probably stop hunting you down.”
“Because I threw water on her face?”
“Yeah, pretty much.” Marinette rolled her eyes. “Sure, it sounds dumb, but Alya has a strong sense of loyalty. It’s why she’s stuck with the Royal Guard for so long, even though she didn’t agree with the policies at first. You saved her life, so now she probably feels indebted to you.”
“Which means that she won’t be killing me so avidly.”
“Nice to know.”
Chat looked up at the white laboratory behind Marinette, a strange look crossing over his face. “So, what’s next?” She looked over at him, raising an eyebrow. “Ah, I guess I should be the one figuring out what’s next.”
“You being the tour guide and all.”
“Right.” He looked around, his eyes catching on the guards blocking one path. “Best not to get in any sort of fight, so that path is a no go. We can go through the lab pretty easily, I think, so that’s an option. The other path,” – he pointed to the unblocked path – “is where the ferryman is, so if you want to go back to Snowdin or Waterfall for any reason, we can go there before the lab.”
Marinette pulled out her yo-yo, opening up the storage compartment and peering at the contents. She had a bunch of odds and ends that she’d collected in there, as well as a few more gold coins than what she remembered having. Her stock of food had been depleted to one unicicle, Stormy’s Nice Cream, freeze-dried packaged food, and Fu’s crap apple. It seemed like too much for one person to have, but then again Marinette got hurt quite often. And she’d very much like extra just in case Chat got into trouble, too, which was almost a given.
“I think I want to head back to Snowdin for a little bit,” Marinette said, closing her yo-yo and slipping it back into her pocket. “Just to go to the shop and get some food before we move on.”
Chat scanned Marinette’s face, and then the entirety of her appearance. Under his scrutiny, she shrank a bit, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious. She knew she probably looked more than bit rough, given that the last time she had a proper shower was when she and Chat were in Snowdin.
“We’ll stop by Grillby’s, too,” Chat said with a nod of his head, starting to walk towards the path to the ferryman. “It’s been a while since we had a proper meal. And I think we should get some rest at the Inn, too.”
“We just had rest at Nathaneal’s,” Marinette said, although she wasn’t really protesting to the idea of a shower and a warm bed for at least a couple of hours.
“Real rest,” Chat said, casting a look over his shoulder at her and giving her a soft smile. “We both know we need it.”
They reached the end of the path, the sound of slow moving water echoed throughout the cave-like place, which had the same sort of blue and purple rock that Waterfall did. Reading a book on a small boat that was floating gently on the waves of the river was a man wearing clothing Marinette would best describe as archeologist-like. He wore an Egyptian ankh around his neck, and the glass lense of one side of his glasses had been shattered, giving Marinette a clear view of his unsettling blue eye, no iris or whites that she could tell. A pharaoh’s headdress adorned his head.
“Jalil,” Chat said, and the man looked up from the thick book in his hands, leveling Chat and Marinette with a stare that made Marinette’s blood run cold. His blue eye seemed to glow unnaturally, while the other eye was just a regular cerulean sort of color. It didn’t help that he didn’t seem to be pleased with their presence.
“Chat,” Jalil replied, snapping the book closed with a sharp thud. His gaze shifted to Marinette, who was standing rigidly perhaps a foot her so behind Chat. “I haven’t seen you before. Who might you be?”
“My name is Marinette,” she said, stepping forward.
Jalil got up from his lounging position on his boat, stretching and popping his back, and he placed the book on top of a pile of others. “Well, Marinette, would you care for a ride on my ferry?”
She looked over at Chat, unsure. It sounded as though Jalil was only offering a ride to her. “I would,” she said hesitantly, “but Chat also-”
“I know that,” Jalil interrupted, and although his voice wasn’t loud or scary, it still made Marinette flinch. “If he’s with you, he can ride.”
“Oh, okay,” Marinette said, her voice small and unsure.
“Thank you, Jalil,” Chat said, bowing his head a little.
He side-eyed Chat, his lips twitching just the slightest bit down before his expression returned to neutral. “Don’t mention it.”
Chat helped Marinette into the boat, gripping her hand as she stepped inside and not letting go until he himself was inside as well. As if he was afraid Jalil would leave without him.
Jalil picked up the oar to the boat, positioning himself at the bow and slowly steering the boat onto the faster waves of the river. The boat rocked gently with each stroke Jalil made, and Marinette sat with her legs drawn in, her limbs feeling stiff.
She looked over at the pile of books by Jalil’s feet. They were all about time travel.
They spent a few minutes in silence before Chat spoke up. “Have you… made any progress?” he asked, and Jalil’s grip on the oar tightened. His knuckle turned white.
“No. She’s just as lost as the last time you bothered to ask.” Marinette didn’t miss the bitterness in his voice.
For a moment, Chat remained silent, and when Marinette looked over at him, she saw that he was worrying his bottom lip with his teeth, his eyebrows scrunched together. “Jalil, you know I-”
“Science isn’t your thing anymore,” Jalil interrupted, tone blunt and monotonous. No trace of emotion whatsoever. “I know.” And then quieter, to himself. “I know.”
The rest of the ride was spent in a heavy silence. When they reached a small snow-covered dock, Jalil gently pulled the boat to a stop, dipping his oar deep into the water and holding it there, as if that was the anchor.
“Service is free,” Jalil said as Chat climbed out of the boat and helped Marinette out as well. “Come to me when you want to go back to Hotland.”
“Thank you, Jalil,” Marinette said. He only offered a slight nod, picking up the same book he’d been reading when they’d arrived and opening it back up. It’s like Chat and Marinette didn’t exist anymore.
“I’m sorry about that,” Chat said dipping his head as he led Marinette through the quaint outskirts of Snowdin. “Jalil and I have a sort of history.”
“And it isn’t all that great?”
Chat glanced back at the direction of the ferry, his footsteps pausing for a moment. “He partially blames me for something that happened in the past. He blames me more for not helping to fix it.” His steps resumed, and Marinette followed after him, trying to process the words.
“Why aren’t you helping now?” she asked, looking over at him. His eyes were troubled as he stared down at the dirty snow. “I mean, if you’re okay with me asking.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” he said, casting a look over to her before returning his gaze to the snow. “It’s a valid question. I wish I could provide you with an answer that made sense.”
“So even you’re not sure why you aren’t helping?” Marinette asked, her eyebrows knitting together. “Chat, that’s-”
“Don’t get me wrong; I know why. It’s just that the story is pretty complicated. Not to mention long.”
Marinette was silent for a beat. “Okay. Just… Tell me when you think we have time. When you’re comfortable.”
Chat looked over at her, and his expression was as soft and smooth as honey, his lips turning up into a little smile. “Thank you, Marinette.”
They were now in front of the small shop that they had intended to go to, and Marinette gave Chat one more worried look before she pushed the door open and stepped inside.
Rose, the shopkeeper, stood behind the counter, arranging some products and trinkets into a pleasing pattern. She looked up at the tinkle of the bell attached to the door, and her face brightened visibly.
“Hey!” she exclaimed, and Marinette blushed a little at the broad grin that spread across her face. “I remember you! That newcomer who was just passing through with a special friend.” Marinette blushed even more. “Though I don’t remember catching your name.”
“Marinette,” she said, walking forward a little shyly. “Hey, Rose.”
Chat looked between the two, his eyes narrowed. “Well, we’re just here for-”
“Oh, goodness, Marinette! Is Chat the special friend?” she asked, her eyebrows raised. Marinette looked over to Chat, and she realized that the last time she’d been in the shop, she’d bought a bell for Chat. Which he was still wearing. She guessed it wasn’t hard to put two and two together.
“It’s really not like that,” Marinette said, waving her hands a little and blushing furiously. She wondered if she was lying.
There was a beat of silence. Chat stepped up beside her, slinging an arm around her shoulder. “Sweetheart, it’s not nice to lie like that.”
“Oh, my God,” Marinette mumbled, trying to decide if she should get even more flustered or just roll her eyes. It felt like it had been forever since he’d used such a dumb nickname and had teasingly flirted with her. Now that her feelings were a lot more solid than before, she wasn’t sure if she could handle it.
“I was right,” Rose cooed, and Marinette shrugged out of Chat’s grasp, putting a hand over her face. “Oh, no need to be embarrassed like that. Being in love is great.”
“She’s right, honey,” Chat whispered into her ear, and Marinette could just imagine the horrible smug, shit-eating grin on his face. She shoved his face away.
“Anyway,” Marinette said, trying to shift the conversation away from whatever was happening. “I came to get some more food.” She looked around the shop, her eyes catching on a cooler she vaguely remembered.
She walked over to it and pulled out three bicicles, thinking about how much the other ones she’d bought had helped her. “I think this’ll be all,” she said, placing the bicicles on the counter.
Chat walked up behind her, placing his chin on her shoulder and wrapping his arms around her waist. Marinette’s heart did a little dance. “Are you sure that’s enough?” he asked, and she turned her head a little to look at him only to find that he was already looking at her, his face centimeters away from hers.
“I still have all the other stuff,” she said, trying not to show how much that affected her and turning back to the counter. His hair tickled her cheek.
Rose told them how much it would be, and Marinette pulled out the gold coins from her yo-yo, carefully counting them out and placing them on the counter. After they had paid and Marinette had put the three bicicles in her yo-yo, Rose gave them a little smile.
“I’m glad you two came in when you did. I was just about to head out to visit my partner out by the capitol. If you had come a little later, you would’ve missed me,” she said, and she grabbed a bag behind the counter and lifted it up for them to see.
“That would’ve been bad,” Chat said, though he didn’t sound like he would’ve cared much. Marinette raised an eyebrow at him.
“It was nice seeing you again,” Marinette said, disentangling herself from Chat’s arms and watching as Rose stepped out from behind the counter.
“Same to you, Marinette,” Rose replied, following them as they walked out of the shop. She flicked the light switch and the warm glow of the shop turned off. When she was out into the snow, she shivered. “I hope to see the both of you again soon,” she said, turning back to them and giving them a parting wave before heading off to what looked like the dock that Chat and Marinette had been. For a brief moment, Marinette wondered if Jalil would be back there when she and Chat wanted to leave. She shook the thought away.
Marinette turned to look at Chat, raising an eyebrow. “What made you act like that?” she asked, and Chat stuck his nose in the air.
“I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.” The smile playing on his lips told her otherwise. “Where do you want to go next? We could eat before sleep or after, your choice.”
For the moment, Marinette let Chat’s behavior slide. She thought for a second. And in that second, she realized the drowsiness pulled out of her by the cold air. “Sleep first.”
“You got it, bug.”
The Inn was right next to the shop, so the walk wasn’t a long one. When they walked inside, Marinette recognized the boy behind the counter, and it seemed he recognized her as well. A playful grin pulled at his face when he saw Marinette and Chat walk in together.
Chat held out his hand to Marinette. “What?” she asked, tearing her eyes away from Ali.
“Give me some gold coins so I can pay for our stay.”
“What? I can pay for it myself.” She looked over at him, squinting at the noticeably jealous look on his face, his eyes fixed on Ali. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous.”
Marinette looked at Ali, who seemed to be laughing a little. “Oh, my God, you’re ridiculous,” she said, letting herself laugh and pulling out her yo-yo to hand Chat the money.
“Call me whatever you like, sweetheart,” he said, walking to the counter by himself and thrusting Ali the money before returning to Marinette. “But ‘careful’ is my middle name.”
“That’s kind of a bad middle name,” Marinette said as Chat led her to the room they’d be staying in. She waved to Ali as they left the lobby.
“Thank you.” Chat pushed open the door to the room, letting Marinette go in before he followed after her. “Do you want to shower first?” he asked, and Marinette raised an eyebrow at him.
“Are you saying I look dirty?”
She laughed. “Yeah, I’ll shower first.”
Pulling her yo-yo out of her pocket and setting it on the nightstand, Marinette looked around for a towel, found one in the closet by the bathroom, and then walked into the bathroom before shutting the door. She took her hair out of her pigtails, making a face at her dirty appearance in the mirror.
The shampoo was the same as last time – CB brand and glittery pink – and Marinette knew she’d have to brace herself for whatever jokes Chat would throw her way after her shower.
Her shower was short and wonderful, the warm water sliding down her body and relieving the stress in her muscles that she didn’t even know was there. It seemed she had just gotten so used to being wound up.
When she finished, she toweled herself off and gave her hair a quick brush through with her fingers, trying her best to fix her bangs into something half-decent. She got back dressed in her tank top, sweater, and shorts, which looked just as new as when she first got them. She grabbed her boots and hung the towel around her neck as she walked out of the bathroom, leaving the light on for Chat.
He was laying on the bed, his hands underneath his head, eyes trained up at the ceiling. When he noticed that she had finished, he sat up, looking over at her at grinning at her glittery hair. “I had missed that hair,” he said as he stood up.
“Yeah, and I had missed when it was clean,” she said, giving him a light shove. “Now you get clean, too, and we’ll match.”
“Oh, how couple-y.” He danced out of her way as she tried to slap his arm, disappearing into the bathroom and closing the door with a laugh.
Marinette sat down on the bed with a soft smile on her face, running the towel over her hair one last time, her eyes scanning over the room. And then they caught on the closet by the bathroom. Chat didn’t take a towel in the bathroom, did he?
The water wasn’t running, and it would probably be a process to take off the leather bodysuit he was wearing, so Marinette figured she wouldn’t burst into the bathroom and find him naked. It would be fine. She hoped.
She grabbed a towel from the closet, gave two short knocks on the door as a slight warning, and then opened the door.
He was facing away from her, his shoulders stiff, head bent down. He wasn’t wearing the leather body suit. He was wearing a regular plain, white t-shirt and blue jeans. The sight of his bare arms, tan and muscular, made Marinette freeze.
Slowly, he reached out to the countertop, where a silver ring sat. Marinette watched the movement of his bare hand, the way the lines of his bones moved under his skin. He put the ring on.
His shoulders relaxed. He brought his head up, and Marinette saw his black cat ears materialize on top of his head. She saw the outer edges of his domino mask finish materializing as he turned around.
“Marinette,” Chat said, his tone something unidentifiable. “You startled me.”
She stared at his arms, his hands. The area of skin where the collar of his t-shirt dipped low. “I-I’m sorry,” she stuttered, finally looking up at his eyes, which were the same as they always were. “You hadn’t taken a towel in, and I figured you weren’t naked yet, so I-”
“It’s okay,” Chat soothed, taking the towel from Marinette and putting a bare hand on her shoulder. She resisted the urge to stare at it. “Thanks, sweetheart.” With the same hand that was on her shoulder, Chat pushed her gently out of the bathroom. He gave her a smile before closing the door.
Marinette walked calmly back to the bed, where she sat down and flopped back. She put her hands on her face, resisting the urge to scream.
In retrospect, she did understand that Chat couldn’t wear that bodysuit all the time, but the sight of his skin still came as some big shock that rattled her insides. And it looked like the mask and ears could also be taken off, though he didn’t seem like he wanted her to see that.
She thought about what Chat would look like without the domino mask and the bodysuit. It was near impossible.
Chat got out of the shower a few minutes later, but Marinette didn’t look at him, keeping her hands over her face. She heard his footsteps approach the bed.
“Yes, I know. It’s a shock. I can dress in clothes that aren’t leather.”
Marinette snorted out a laugh, but she still didn’t look at him.
“Are you embarrassed by the sight of my perfect and flawlessly tan skin?”
“You bet.”
She lifted her hands to look over at him. He wasn’t wearing the bodysuit, just the same white t-shirt and blue jeans, but he was still wearing the mask and cat ears. He was looking at her with concern.
“I don’t know why I’m so surprised,” she admitted after a moment, sitting up and making room for Chat to sit beside her. “Objectively, I understand that you probably don’t wear that all the time. Still weird, though.”
He let out a little laugh, and he took her hand as he sat down, playing with her fingers in his lap. “See, that’s why I wear the suit. People’s eyes will burn if I don’t.”
Marinette looked down his hands, feeling the skin on skin contact. “My eyes aren’t burning.”
“Must be because you’re special.”
They spent a minute or so in silence, and then Marinette looked up at Chat. There were little flecks of pink glitter in his hair. She brought a hand up to run her fingers through the wet golden locks, her hand catching on a few tangles. “We match,” she said, gesturing to her own hair.
“How couple-y.” He brought his hand up to her face, pushing her still-damp hair behind her ear and tracing her cheek with his thumb. He leaned forward, and for a moment, Marinette forgot how to breathe.  He bumped his forehead with hers. “We should sleep.”
“Our hair is still wet.” She got up from the bed anyway as he pulled back the covers.
“It’ll be fine.” He climbed onto the bed and pat the mattress beside him. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“We both get sick and die,” she said, laying down beside him.
“Or our hair dries nicely as we sleep and we don’t have to worry about it when we wake up.”
They were both laying on their sides, facing each other. Their hands filled the space between them, and Marinette looked at the skin of his hands. She reached out scarred fingers, slowly entwining them with his smooth ones.
Her eyes flicked up to meet his, and she almost couldn’t handle the look on his face. The soft smile, warm eyes – it was almost too much. But she kept staring. And he kept staring.
“You have to close your eyes to sleep,” he whispered.
“The same to you.”
“I don’t ever want to look away from you.”
“God, you’re a sap.”
“You’re right.” He squeezed her fingers. “Close your eyes.” She closed her eyes.
She felt him kiss her fingertips, and then she drifted off, finally asleep.
#miraculous tale#miraculous tale fic#i sort of gave up on the chapter description lmao im sorry#its just that so many different things happen that it's like?? it can't be summarized so easily in a couple of sentences#but trust me its a good chapter#foreshadowing happens and its Good#also i sent a screenshot of th last few lines of this chapter to a group chat im in and one of the members was like#'i can't believe you wrote soft and also relationship goals'#and i was laughing so hard because ive never even been in a relationship isn't writing cool#also im sorry if portions of this chapter are slow or blocky i had real bad writer's blocj for the past couple of weeks but i kinda#tried to push through it the past couple of days#i think the block was like a direct result of heckin binge writing 5000+ words in a day with the last chapter hahah#i wrote at most like 3000 today so it shouldnt be too bad this time around#anyway yesterday i went thrift shopping with a friend of mine an she bought so many dad shirts it was great#and she convinced me to buy this super questionable 80's style windbreaker#when i wear that out i have 0 doubt that i will be shunned but its chill maybe im wrong#but i also got a couple cute clothes and i found a reall y nice regular old zip up sweater#you wouldn't believe how hard those are to find#like i don;t want some faux velvet almost pea-coat think with big buttons and no hood#i just. want a regular sweater#and i found one#im pretty happy about that#and i got other cute clothes so im excited bout that#i think i had chemistry homework but i don't really want to do it#i think there's a test tomorrow and i haven't studied but i have it atthe end of the day so it's okay#also ive been listening to my sappiest playlists for th past few days and its just like#aaaaaaaaa#also as i was writing the end of the chapter today i was listening to shawn mendes so that probably explains how soft everything got lmao#but yeah ive been listeing to soft music that's for being in love and idk about love but like is definitely happening right now and#idk how to feel about that
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Hi! This is my first post + thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate it. I need advice on this guy. Let's just say his name is Jeremy.So, Jeremy and I met through work. We actually started together with two other people in February of this year. I was so focused on being trained and doing things right because I wanted to do well. Of course, right? I didn't really notice Jeremy until maybe a few days in to about a week? When I was overhearing a conversation he had with our vice president about one his siblings being overseas. I decided to use that as a conversation starter. As you can imagine, I was real awkward [introvert] and he was receptive and sweet. OH BOY WAS I IN FOR AN ADVENTURE ABOUT HOW SWEET HE COULD REALLY BE! Damn.We'll fast forward to a series of lunches together that were initiated by both of us and then, I was given the opportunity to come out to his house and met his parents + family. He lives pretty far, out in the boonies too.While working together, I noticed that we would gravitate towards each other at events. Always talk with each other. Or, once we knew an event was going to be happening, he would ask me if I was going to ensure he wouldn't go alone. In short, we connected pretty quickly and I really enjoyed being around him. At and outside of work.I've been over to house a handful of times and it came to a point where he came to mine. In between all of that, we would get together for tea after work. But we were doing that with all of our co-workers too, but we would be repeatedly doing it with each other.FAST FORWARD again. Our work team is a lot smaller due to a huge let go and big company decisions that Jeremy and I both agreed was unacceptable and very dishonest. Since our team became smaller, I felt like we were becoming even closer. We started seeing movies with each other a lot and borrowing each other's books/DVDs etc.This may sound creepy + I don't care, but once our team became smaller. We moved our desk arrangements around accordingly. Jeremy was placed diagonally behind me and with my huge screen, I was able to have eyes at the back of my head. I noticed from time to time he would be looking over at me/my area just because or whenever. He was always asking me questions or finding ways to do so or get me over to his desk. I need to make note though, that Jeremy is probably one of the kindest people I know. Swear to God, such a pure heart. SO you can imagine how confusing all of this is for me right now. "Is this guy interested in me?" "Does he like me?" "We go on these things a lot. 99% of the time, they are one on one!"FAST FORWARD AGAIN to August. WE BOTH both put in our two weeks. Jeremy did it first and I was about two weeks after him [except mine did not last two weeks, so it was like being gone right after him; different + shitty story for another time and place]. Jeremy had plans to leave and try out doing something new, but the plans did not work out as quickly as he had hoped. I was worried I was losing someone I have grown to really care about. In the times of getting together, we shared our darks + lights. He was the VERY first person to know that I no longer believed in what I believed [Christianity]; it was after he was telling me about his experience with all of that. He's two years old than myself.So, pretty much almost present time, we are STILL TO THIS DAY seeing each other pretty much every week. Granted he's been out of town once or twice and the same with me, so not EVERY week, but if you exclude those — pretty much since we both left our job together. RIGHT NOW, after reading some posts—I'm thinking, "DAMN, I should have asked 'Like a date?' after the first time he asked to hang out." BECAUSE now I am in this limbo of not knowing and it may be too awkward + too far in to even ask. Right? I don't fucking know. I've never dated anyone. I don't know WHAT constitutes as a DATE.The last time we hung out [yesterday, actually] he had told me that "Oh and my mom says hi!" and I just thought that was so sweet. But he brought up an event / a student led play and he wants to go together. I don't have confidence and I just don't know what to do. There's a possibility, given the opportunity, he could move 4+ hours away [same state though] and do what he wants to try out, but there's a possibility he'll stay in the area. So, my hesitance to saying anything [not only me being extremely inexperienced + introverted + FEAR FEAR FEAR rejection from my past] is he might be moving sometime in the near future and then, what? A part of me is going, "Well, shoot. Girl. You'll never know unless you just do something. If you love something, you gotta show it. If you love SOMEONE, tell them!" But God. My fear of rejection is overwhelming. I REALLY like this guy. He's a dream boat! I do my every day errands and think, "Wow, it would be awesome having him here." He told me yesterday he thought of me while he was hanging out with his sister at a cafe and I don't know. We both initiate "hanging out" and when we get together, it's for hours. I LOVE his family too and they've expressed their liking to me as well. He's only met + seen my parents once for dinner and we watched a movie in our guest room together, but yeah. I just don't know...We're "hanging out" again tomorrow to see a movie + probably, most likely, grabbing tea after or dinner or something like we always do and talk for HOURS. And, I just... I do want more. I do want to take the next step, but like I said. I am SO fucking scared.In short, we have the same values. Perspective on things. What we believe is good / bad. We agree on the same things, etc. That's what is important. On the flip side, we are both kind of nerdy and introverted. I don't believe "opposites attract" I can't imagine being with someone who was extroverted. But this guy. I'm sold! Yesterday he said that he loves getting together with me and our hugs are awesome. We've talked about "what do you find in a significant other?" And we both said the same things, but that was a couple months back before now with all of the hanging out + getting together that we've done now. He hasn't been hanging out with people from our job. It's just him and I. Always.There's one event in particular, it was a play. During intermission, he came directly to where I was sitting to talk to me. He didn't go to ANYONE else the entire time, just to me. He later asks if he could walk me to my car [which wasn't far] and I told him he didn't have to, and moves he had to motion: "Let's go".We always say "Drive safe" to each other right after we hug + before we're about to leave. HE ALWAYS WALKS ME TO MY CAR. When we're together he doesn't look at his phone unless he's expecting something in case he tells me he is expecting someone to contact him or he apologizes if it does go off and then, tells me what it is: "Oh, it's my aunt responding to my email" - I want to make note, I don't ask for this information at all. We laugh at each other's jokes / humor or just think we're funny. We talk about deep stuff and we remember each other's quirks and things we like + don't like and bring them up too. He's a really polite guy. Sweet. Chivalrous. The whole package. Yesterday, we talked about what we want in the next few months, just in general, and he asked me about my desire for a career or job [because we're both jobless at the moment] and if I want to stay in the area we're living in now and I'm in a constant battle of wanting to get out of this place, but the way he was asking me: "So, where do you want to go? Do you want to find a job now and save to leave later or if the opportunity shows itself from a place away from here, will you take it?" I responded with "Wow, that's a great question....." he smiles and I feel like he was wondering if I would just up and leave. But he's talked about that too. We're both really happy in the area that we live in. It's absolutely beautiful and people don't ever want to leave. But we both grew up here... we're literally in the same boat. Want to be spontaneous, but maybe not extremely? It's scary, you know? We're in our 20's.... but we want to live it. He maintains eye contact, sometimes when I'm not even talking - I'm listening to him, I see him glancing over at my lips - but again, god, I don't want to overthink the little things. Because we both haven't ever made a move on each other. Except when we sit next to each other at the theater the "oops!" legs / arms touching. I don't walk straight, so we've both run into/bumped each other that way and laugh about it afterwards.What should I do? Should I tell him my feelings? Should I wait it out a bit more [I'm willing to do that! I've waited my whole life for a relationship, I can wait a lil longer, you know? Hahah]. Do I believe that the guy should initiate this kind of talk? I used to, but ... my best friend [who I've been telling everything, like a play by play] told me that "What if HE is thinking the same exact thing? He has never mentioned being in a relationship? What if this is ALL new to him as well and he's going up to his best friend asking: "Dude what should I do?!?!?" And his best friend is telling him the same thing: "Dude, you gotta tell her." But he's scared shitless too??"Okay. I didn't think I would type this much... but I wanted to see if I would get a response. I hope I do because I'm at a loss and ... if you have any questions, I'll definitely answer as soon as I can or if I need to clarify anything. Please don't hesitate to ask!Thank you again for reading. If you can provide any assistance... that would be wonderful. Help a girl out. A girl who has never dated or been in a relationship... and I don't think he has either, a relationship I mean. via /r/dating_advice
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