#edit i scrolled all the way down to the last ask answered on this blog and apparently my ask tag is
hatsunemememiku · 2 years
Hai I run that word emoji blog sry for spam liking some stuff, I like ur posts
That little hamburger miku is very cute :3
I hope ur doing well pls remember to hydrate <3/p
aa no worries on the spam, none of us mind!! we like your posts too :P
My system RBs stuff to my blog for me 'cause I don't front as much anymore, I need to go through and look... it's like little surprises for me! i rlly appreciate it
thank you for the hydration reminder!! it occurred to us when we read that that we can't remember the last time we took a drink which is. i mean very normal for us but also our mouth is pretty dry so it's probably been a while KJSDGCFKSGSD
i made sure to take a Big Drink o7
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rearranged-fanfic · 4 months
(Update 6/3)
Sit down a spell, weary traveler. Come and sit by my fire; bask in the warmth of the flame and rest your aching scrolling finger. You'll be sitting a while, for I have a tale to tell:
Okay, so I've had a Toshiba laptop for the better part of ten years. Maybe a little longer. That laptop has survived being struck by lightning, submerged in a bathtub, and literally having a whole bookcase topple down onto it. I thought it was immortal...
I was sadly mistaken.
About six months ago, I noticed that the typing was getting sluggish. I'd patter away at the keyboard and the letters would appear with a bit of lag. That's fine, since I use Dragon to talk-to-text for quite a bit of my writing. I really only use the keyboard for final assembly, editing, and doing quick rewrites. So, it really didn't bother me. Fastforward to April, which we will call The Great Depression. The time discrepancy between typing and having letters appear on screen became a whopping 40 seconds. Yes, I timed it.
But that was okay, because I could still use my Dragon headset.
Until I couldn't.
It would connect, but the words wouldn't appear on screen. I made sure that all of my programs were up-to-date, and that everything was working. The headset connected to my family's computers just fine. So that meant it was something wrong with mine.
Without being sure if it was the hardware or software at fault, I backed everything up to OneDrive and Google Docs.
I factory reset.
Twice. To no avail.
Over the next few days, my laptop stopped registering any keyboard input at all. It got to a point where I wasn't able to turn it on or off.
Taking it to an electronics store to get repaired didn't help, either. No luck. They said that it would be more cost effective to just buckle down and get a new one, since the age of the laptop meant that I would probably be constantly maintaining it.
My poor Toshiba died kicking and screaming, putting up a fight worthy of an epic ballad.
I saved up for a few weeks, got a new laptop, and went through the rigmarole of getting all of my programs back on it. My files are in order. My life is in shambles (but that's normal, LOL).
I DID do some story work without my computer, but... it's bad. Like, I'd die in shame if I posted anything that I thumbed in. So. Many. Spelling. Errors. How people write on their phone is beyond me. That's a talent I simply don't possess.
At this point, I'm thinking of renaming this story "HIATUS" lol. JK. But I'm seriously peeved that this happened after my last big break. Why couldn't the Depression and laptop breakdown coincide nicely? I guess that's too much to ask of the universe *Shakes fist at the sky*.
I'm creating a damn bingo card for every stupid thing that happens to me while I try to write. Because this is getting ridiculous. I broke my fingers, there was a total solar eclipse, I had a major-ish mental breakdown, and my computer bit the big one. With a free space, that's a bingo. Let's hope I don't get a blackout before the end of 2024.
I doubted the fanfiction curse. I really did. But it's apparently real. And this writer's curse has teeth, people. It bites hard.
I have my MerMay two-shot pretty well done (because I was typing it during The Great Depression), but the next chapter for REARRANGED is still rough. Crimson Chapter 3 is halfway done, but who knows how long that'll take.
The bottom line is that I'm alive and still working on the stories. The next update on this blog will be the posting of several chapters for a few different works. Fingers crossed.
Also, I'm very, very slowly answering the comments in my AO3 inbox. Some of them were pretty lengthy, so it might take a bit. Oof.
If there ever comes a time that I drop this fanfiction or am unable to continue for whatever reason, either I or my husband will be posting the entirety of my outline, as well as anything that's been pre-written for you guys to enjoy. That way there are no questions left unanswered or mysteries unsolved.
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Here’s the intro post that no one asked for! Hopefully I’ll figure out how to pin it to the top 😆 💕🎉🤝🎭👻🐸📝🌱🖤🎶
Edit: adding a break because this post is so long. I ramble fyi
Scroll to the bottom for one of my favorite Ben interview answers 💕
I am leading, yet again, with the fact that I am a child of the 80s friends, so please remember that. I won’t be posting any 18+ content, but it’s always good to know who you’re talking to online. My kids are on here and I want them any everyone to stay safe. That being said, always feel free to engage. Some days I’m chatty, somedays I’m a ghost
I’m a communications major, a writer, I work retail, and I volunteer. LGBTQ+ family. Pantheist. Leftist. My birthday is on Halloween. I have ridiculously shitty music taste. I love the rare times it rains here in AZ and would happily move somewhere where it rained all the time. I love space and good conversation and my kids more than anything. I live with bouts of depression and anxiety. I also picked up grief at a young age and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone
I have no creative links to share, but I do have a private portfolio, a music blog I abandoned, and an ao3 account that hasn’t been updated in yeeears
Fun stuff
This blog is 99% Ben Schwartz content. I love him. I respect the hell out of him. And he’s just so, so silly. I cherish the things that make me smile when it feels impossible. He’s also super cute?? The other 1% is the socialism that’s on the label. More on that later.
On Schwartz:
Favorite character: Anthony Scarapiducci (don’t ask me why, I still don’t know. So much of him is such a facade. Ben said Tony “wants to show that he's not just a piece of s*** and that what he's doing matters.” I’ll do a whole post on Tony someday ILHSM
Favorite movie: I am a huge Sonic fan (since the 90s!), so those movies are huge. Standing Up, Falling Down is way up there
What made me a fan: he’s always made me laugh, but sharing some videos with my kid had me falling down the IMDb rabbit hole. It’s hard to watch so much content in a row and not fall in love with the guy. I’m also a big fan of ridiculous stories with authentic characters. Give me a good work of fiction with the most believable people running around in it. Ben is so endearing that, no matter how over the top he is, I totally buy what he’s selling every single time. Plus I’m a big improv fan and that boy can sing, so whats not to love
I also randomly started tagging “any excuse for a Josh Bath gif” and have had a few people tell me they watched the Earliest Show because of that and I cannot explain how happy that made me
On Socialism:
Socialism is the framework of a government that takes care of its people. I could break off into facets of leftism and talk theory all day - but my stance is literally “take care of each other.” The phrase “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs” (popularized by Karl Marx) means a lot to me, as does the Spanish idiom “hoy por ti, mañana por mi” (today you, tomorrow me). I volunteer with a kindness organization (feel free to ask me which one). I have been working together among local folks to build and strengthen mutual aid hubs in our communities. I also do water distro and deliver other Heat relief supplies to unsheltered folks
This space will not be used to preach (but I am an ordained minister if you’re needing one 😆), nor will or be used much to educate. The socialist side of this page is more about being actively present in the world I believe in
I’m always up for meeting new comrades. Asks are open. Feel free to chat and also definitely tell me what your favorite favorite Schwartz moment is
And finally
I’ll leave you with this moment from Ben’s Mythical Kitchen Last Meal interview that I hope makes you smile
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Would it be possible for you to have an ‘active poll’ tag on the polls still ongoing? I’ll sometimes go days without checking tumblr and I’m never quite sure I voted in all the polls still open
hm I will admit it has been getting a bit hectic during the transition between tournaments & I should've been patient and waited to start the new polls on the 24th like I'd initially planned. it's a bit of a pain in the ass to use a tag system like that since the only way to edit tags on posts with polls is through the mass post editor, and keeping everything super simple and streamlined for myself is how I've managed to stay on top of all this for so long
there are 4 more 24 hour personality type polls, but after those are done I'm never doing any 24 hour tournament polls again because I hated it and they clutter everything up too much. the "last call" reblogs get deleted the next day, usually before the next batch of "last call" reblogs go up, so there are almost never more than 8 you have to scroll past. if you're scrolling through my blog and start finding villager or music polls that are closed, you have voted on all the open polls
I also try to keep answered asks and reblogs to a minimum to keep clutter down, but again with the transition there is just kinda more stuff. sorry about that :\ if I feel like it's still a problem by July I might start tagging, but for now I'd rather just wait out this transition phase rather than add extra work for myself
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goodmode · 1 year
Lemm: 11 (by which i mean post a photo of a bug that kinda looks like lemm), 13, 25, 31, 48?
11. Faceclaim for the role (bug photo edition)
the elephant beetle has a very good short-horn-long-horn thing going on that suits his visual BUT the thing about those is, the long horn and general design suits Nailsmith way more. yknow with the fork at the end. so i don't think lemm is that. also, precious little fuzz on those things
woolly chafers have the exact amount of fluff i'd expect from Lemm but they don't have proper horns!! also they're apparently considered excellent fliers. i don't think my interpretation of lemm lends itself to having wings at all. (i've seen some fabulous interpretations! i fully believe everyone should have wings ever if it's cool. i love that. enjoy seeing it around! just not for my headcanon specifically, i like him being a groundbound normie)
the problem with placing Lemm is that his body looks a lot like like the "generic bug" design you have for most of the husks. which are incredibly hard to place because they're just circles with lines across em. and a head. like, you can tell mantises are mantises but what the hell are the generic bugs meant to be.
i can't place him with anything that is both a.) fluffy around the neck and b.) has strong-looking horns. so i guess my headcanon for "what kind of bug is Lemm" is just: he's a bug. he's fluffy and he has horns. i cannot elaborate and choose not to try. if i wanted to justify making up a species for him i could go down any number of worldbuilding routes and the truth is i just don't care to, he's just some guy to me
tl;dr long answer to basically say i don't have one lol. same as i don't have one for a lot of the Generic Bug Types in hallownest. at least with lemm i can say i've thought extensively about it and just turned up zero zilch nada, and am choosing to stick with the "eh, he's somethin" answer
(i headcanon he's a beetle of some kind, and that the horns lend themselves to fighting/wrestling opponents. that's as far as i can get before irl species ask me to pick a branch of specialists and ruin his aesthetic one way or the other)
13. Dumbest thing they've ever done
have you ever been young and thought you're indiana jones? you may be entitled to compensation [a/n: deliberately vague because i already have a specific headcanon for this and there's a good chance i'll do something with it]
second dumbest thing is generally coming to hallownest. not a decision for an older bug with no real combat skills to make with their head in the right place
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
a crowbar/pry-bar (hefty and practical), a wanderer's journal (reading material! ...and also has some heft), and a brush/comb for his beard because the last thing you want is tangles
31. If they had a tumblr what would it look like?
it would have one of the default boring black-on-white layouts that makes it look like a WordPress blog. his askbox would be permanently closed and his bio would say something about not wanting to be interacted with, but the proof is in the pudding (pages and pages of him arguing back and forth very rudely with other history enthusiasts). i also think he picks up a very complicated tagging system very quickly and it makes sense only to him.
mostly though, it'd be reblogs of museum photos and rebuttals about historical theories. occasionally he leaves likes on certain people's posts. he thinks no one can see your likes but he hasn't actually turned off that setting and has no idea everyone can see him exhibiting blatant favouritism, so if you scroll down his likes page it's 80% history, 15% posts by ghost about stuff they've found, and 5% younger bugs posting about history in ways that are completely incorrect (is he laughing at how dumb they are or is he appreciative of a budding interest in history? it can be both)
48. Scariest moment of their life
there have been a few! he's had a long one. a certain incident in his younger years, perhaps. after that, descending into the City of Tears for the first time and seeing the state it's in and how big it is and the shambling husks and spikes and everything else - realising how monumental this task will be and how one wrong move in a ruin like this could cost him everything, along with a haunting understanding that he is not getting any younger. scary stuff. let it never be said he backs down from a fight though
(in rp shenanigans he's also been pretty fuckin terrified by the Shadelord. ranks pretty high on the list. he didn't back down then either)
[ask meme]
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hxpelessnurse · 2 years
If you didn't want to answer my ask that's fair, but don't vague me and treat me like an antagonist for asking a question.
This is probably the reason people don't send you many ask like you said in your "vent post" you're a rude, egotistical ass.
Alright. I have had enough of this bullshit.
I know EXACTLY who sent this. I know why you sent it. Because You've sent me similar messages to this and another one of my blogs in the last two days. I was going to reply to the IM you sent me on Froppy but you blocked me before I could. And I REALLY hate putting drama out in the open like this but since you're a coward and hiding behind anon, here it is for everyone to see:
From the moment you started following me, you did nothing but treat me and my muses like objects. You posted on my selfies thirsting in the guise of compliments, you kept messaging me asking to ship and when I said no you'd act like that was okay then ask again later on. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. I tried to change the subjects, or just stop the conversation altogether when I got uncomfortable. But then you basically said you weren't going to interact with me at all if our muses weren't shipping and so I thought, well damn ok. And I soft-blocked you. And you followed me again. So I hard-blocked this time. But then you decided to start this little harassment campaign because god forbid someone doesn't want to RP with you anymore.
You wanna talk rude and egotistical? You're sending anon hate because I said I wasn't interested in making my muses dick-ride your OC and now you're fucking butthurt about it. Real fucking mature for a 30+-year-old man, huh?
As for the vent I posted - no, I was not vague blogging about you. But you have proved my point that people don't fucking respect other people's blog rules. Here you are sending multiple hate messages over multiple days now because you can't just cut your losses and move on with your life. Grow the fuck up.
This is a fucking hobby on the internet. It means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.
I did not owe you this explanation. No one owes anyone an explanation as to why they unfollow/block someone. But it's people like you who send hate and harass others when they take things way too personally that puts a sour taste in people's mouths when they think of the RPC.
Please leave me the fuck alone.
And to those on the dashboard scrolling through and having to see this amongst your wonderful writing, edits, memes, and other content. I apologize. I am so sorry that I had to bring this out into the open and post this dumb drama. But I'm putting my foot down now before this gets even worse.
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Could you write something about reader wearing George’s hoodie? Maybe like a friends to lover thing?
Of course! Here you go anon :)
Where’s My Hoodie?
CC! Georgenotfound x Reader
Word count: Little over 1.2k words
Summary: You’re staying over at your friend George’s house when your hoodie seemingly goes missing.
TWs: a few swears, one mention of getting food
Notes: First fic of 2022 :D
Important: I’ve moved blogs, I’m over @cloudslostlibrary now :) hope to see you all there!
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You and George were childhood best friends. Oftentimes you would stay over at each other's places. Whether it was for convenience or you just wanted to be near each other, well, neither of you truly knew the answer to that.
“Thump,” your body rolled off George’s couch onto the living room carpet.
“Oh-” You grunted, peeling yourself off the ground and patting your pant’s pockets, “where’s my phone?”
After walking around for a bit you noticed your phone, plugged in on the kitchen counter, with a stick note on top of it. Curious, you strolled over and picked the sticky note off of your phone.
“I left to film something for Tommy, I should be back around 7pm. Text if you need anything, George.”
“Seven?” You checked the time on your phone, “that’s a while from now, I wonder what they’re up to.” Crumbling up the note your friend had written, you threw it in the trash bin.
“Hmm, what should I do in the meantime?” You thought to yourself.
You checked your phone again, the lock screen read, “1:05pm”. With six hours to waste until George would return, you started wandering around the house. Eventually you made your way into the bathroom and decided to take a shower. Relaxing in the steamy water you got clean, even brushing your teeth in the shower to prolong the warmth.
Once you finally decided it was time, you stepped out of the shower. You dried yourself off before wrapping yourself in a towel to go try and find some clothes to wear.
After about five minutes of rummaging through your bag and the living room, you sat down on the couch, bewildered. “Where’s my hoodie…? I had it before I went to sleep last night. George didn’t move it, did he?” You asked yourself.
Deciding that your hoodie didn’t grow legs and walk away on its own, you thought it would be best to text George. After all, maybe he knew where your hoodie had gone?
“Hey George! I know you’re busy but I can’t seem to find my hoodie anywhere, do you happen to know where it is?” You read over the text a few times before hitting send.
A few minutes later your phone buzzed. You picked it up and unlocked it.
“Oh- George responded,” you said to yourself, “that was awfully quick.”
“Hey Y/n, I accidentally took your hoodie with me when I left this morning. Tommy’s been making fun of me for it the whole time we’ve been shooting LOL”
You smiled at the thought of Tommy making fun of George for wearing you hoodie before another text quickly popped up.
“You can just throw on one of my hoodies if it’s just a hoodie you want though”
“Alright, thanks!” You texted in response, tossing your phone on the couch and walking to George’s room.
George had many hoodies, most from his friend’s merch drops or his own. There were a few he definitely stole from you and a few you had given him as well. He would never admit it but he loved stealing your hoodies, even if just for you to have a reason to visit and take it back. When you were both younger, you would share clothes often. Whether you had spilled something on yourself or just ran out of clothes, George was always willing to offer you his wardrobe.
You chose to wear George’s Corpse hoodie, wearing a pair of black shorts to match it. You looked at yourself in the mirror, “damn, why do I look so good though-”
You laughed and made your way back to the couch, sitting down. You were scrolling through twitter for a while, looking at edits of George that had been made from his stream last night, laughing at how ridiculous he looked. You saw a gif someone made of him getting hit by a stuffed animal you had thrown at him. You were smiling until you saw the caption, “Y/n and George would be such a cute couple!” You quickly closed your phone, blushing and deciding to throw on a movie.
At some point during the movie your eyes started to take longer and longer to reopen after blinking. Eventually they just stopped opening and you fell asleep. It wasn’t common for you to just randomly fall asleep in the middle of the day but you had gotten very little sleep the night before.
Last night George decided that one in the morning would be a great time to start streaming, essentially keeping you up all night with his antics. Messing around with you the whole time.
You had a great time, even though you wouldn’t dare admit it. Most of the stream you were messing around with George. Throwing things at him while he was trying to play bedwars to throw off his rhythm. Chat knew you were there obviously. You told them that you wouldn’t go in front of the camera, but you’d still be there to talk and mess with George. Sure didn’t stop chat from asking for you however.
George got home around seven like the note said he would. He opened the door and walked quietly upstairs to the living room. Setting down his stuff and looking around. He furrowed his brows when he didn’t see you immediately. George stepped forwards to turn off the idle tv and jumped when he noticed you on the couch.
He smiled at you for a second before reaching down to softly shake you awake, “hey, sleepy, get up.”
“Hey,” you mumbled in response, wiping the sleep from your eyes before sitting up, “how did the recording go?”
“It went well,” George had a stupid smile on his face as he looked down at you. Seemingly infatuated by the mere sight of you.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You asked, staring confused back at the man.
“Sorry,” He started, breaking his gaze, “you just- you look great.” George chuckled, walking away from where you sat on the couch and into his kitchen.
“Oh,” you followed him, “thanks?”
“You should wear my clothes more often, you- you really do look amazing.” George spoke softly, putting on a pot of coffee.
“Maybe I should,” you added, causing you and George to blush at your remark.
George walked over and leaned towards you.
“Is he going to kiss me??” You thought to yourself before George finished his action as an awkward hug.
“Oh-” you thought, “Of course it was a hug. We’re just friends. Stupid.”
“I’m glad you could visit, I’ve missed hanging out with you.” George finished, pulling away the hug. “Do you want to go get some food or something?”
“Uh- sure?” You said awkwardly.
George turned to walk towards the door.
“Oh fuck it,” you thought to yourself before catching up to him and grabbing George’s arm, turning him around.
“What-” George’s question was interrupted by you swiftly placing a kiss on his soft lips, slowly pulling away after a second or so.
“I’m- I’m so sorry, I thought-” George cut you off this time by resting his hand on your check and kissing you back.
You both pulled away, resting your foreheads together.
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry for Y/n, I’M sorry for not doing that years sooner.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes and playfully shoving George away from you.
“You’re such an idiot.”
@gray-moon2 @allywritesforfun @canon-arc
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lookingforluna · 4 years
BTS Masterlist ✎
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❥ If you are a minor please do not read or interact with the fics that I post here because my blog is NSFW 18+.  
❥ Previously jungkook-me-down & taehyung-me-down 
Copyright © 2018-2022 lookingforluna. All rights reserved. Please do not repost on any platform, edit or translate without permission.
Updated September 1, 2022
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𝕂𝕚𝕞 𝕊𝕖𝕠𝕜𝕛𝕚𝕟
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Take You Down 
❥ MicDrop!Jin x Reader ❥ smut, fluff, idol!au, established relationship! ❥ 3.5k words
❥ Your boyfriend, Kim Seokjin, knows how to put on a show for his fans. You decide to attend one of his concerts even though he told you to wait at the hotel. Little did you know he’d make you put on a show for him in front of cameras because of that decision.  
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𝕄𝕚𝕟 𝕐𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕚 
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Mischievous Manners 
❥ Idol!Yoongi x Reader ❥ smut, crack, idol!au ❥ 4.4k words
❥This routine was not one you ever expected. The effortless texts, empty bed, and emotionless expressions you saw whenever your paths crossed. You were beginning to doubt everything, especially the love and affection he had first shown you. You knew that he was busy; it was a given being part of a widely loved group. You just hoped he made time for you. If he would not provide you with the attention you needed, then you would get it yourself, even if it was through your mischievous manners.
When Ice Melts 
❥ IceSkater!Yoongi x Reader ❥ angst fluff, non-idol!au ❥ 4.4k words
❥ Ice is cold, but your dislike for Min Yoongi is stronger. After years of wondering what happened to the boy you had strong feelings for in your younger years, you finally get an answer when you run into him at the ice skating rink.   
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𝕁𝕦𝕟𝕘 ℍ𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕠𝕜
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Guess Whose It Is?
❥ Idol!Hoseok x Reader ❥ angst, smut, idol!au, friends with benefits, past lovers 
❥ When Jung Hoseok returns to the city, you try to avoid everything and anything that reminds you of him. Your apartment used to be his first stop once his plane touched down, but all of that ended months ago. It’s almost midnight, and you’re in bed scrolling through Instagram. As you mindlessly click through different stories, your face twists in displeasure as pictures of a girl you went to college with pop up. As if that wasn’t enough, your heart drops as you notice your former friends with benefits, the one and, only Jung Hoseok, next to her. 
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𝕂𝕚𝕞 ℕ𝕒𝕞𝕛𝕠𝕠𝕟
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Baby, Please!
❥ Idol!Namjoon x Reader ❥ smut, fluff, idol!au ❥ 2.5k words
❥You can’t seem to help yourself these days. Lately you’ve been getting more and more into children. When your cousin asks you to babysit her daughter Hae, you never imagined the situation you’d be thrown into and the outcome of her visit.
Secret Dessert 
❥ Idol!Namjoon x Reader x Idol!Jungkook ❥ smut, idol!au ❥ 3.9 k words
❥  Sometimes dessert can be too much for one person, so why not split it between two? 
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Wicked Wood 
❥ Idol!Namjoon x Reader ❥ smut, idol!au, fluff, established relationship! ❥ 1.2 k words
❥ Your boyfriend Namjoon hasn't been giving you much attention lately. He has become obsessed with wooden furniture, and it takes up most of his time. On one particular day, you decide to take matters into your own hands. You would get his attention, even if it meant crossing the line.
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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕜 𝕁𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕟
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Do I Wanna Know? 
❥ Idol!Jimin x Reader ❥ smut, angst, crack, idol!au ❥ 3k words
❥ Who knew a pair of red lacy panties could cause so much trouble? Definitely not Jimin. After returning from a long day at the studio, an outburst from you is definitely the last thing he expected. Words get thrown around and things begin to get heated between the two of you. 
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Always Remember Us This Way
❥ Idol!Jimin x Reader ❥ angst, fluff, idol!au ❥ 1.9k words
❥ You’re the dream I go to every time I close my eyes. The one dream I wanted. I dreamt about being with you forever, but not all of our dreams come true. Sometimes in order to pursue one dream you have to let another go.
❥ Non-Idol!Jimin x Reader ❥ smut, fluff, established relationship! ❥ 513 words
❥ Breakfast is the most important meal of the day is what Park Jimin always says. He's not wrong at all; you just didn't expect his two youngest friends to be present while he was enjoying his.
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One Last Night → [Teaser]
❥ Husband!Jimin x Reader ❥ angst, smut, fluff, romance, non-idol!au, past lovers ❥ 4.6k words 
❥ You wanted more from him, but he wasn’t ready to offer that. After a year of avoiding him, your paths cross again, except he’s not alone. His beautiful bride clings to him, a reminder of a life you always dreamed of with him. One night can change many things. It can stir up many feelings, emotions, and unspoken confessions. You know how to avoid temptations, always keeping that door locked. But if it’s Park Jimin, you might find yourself pushed up against it, door wide open and all resistance out of it.
I Put A Spell On You 
❥ Warlock!Jimin x Witch!Reader ❥ smut, fluff, humor, non-idol!au, magic, idiots to lovers, enemies to lovers 
❥ Being a witch isn’t all glammed up as you think it’s made out to be. Incantations and mixing potions can be a little tricky, but with the help of your best friends, things usually turn out for the better. You love them like sisters, but you can't help but get annoyed when they stick their wands into your business, especially when it involves a certain warlock from another coven.  
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𝕂𝕚𝕞 𝕋𝕒𝕖𝕙𝕪𝕦𝕟𝕘
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Night Showers 
❥ Idol!Taehyung x Reader ❥ smut, fluff, idol!au ❥ 4.4k words
❥ Sometimes you find yourself doubting your relationship with your idol boyfriend. Taehyung tries his best to make you feel loved, and he even tries his best to treat you as his equal. You can't help it when your mind finds its way back to those thoughts, and it especially doesn't help when you see pictures of him with her.
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Winter Bear 
❥ Idol!Taehyung x Reader ❥ fluff, idol!au ❥ 1.2k words
❥ Your boyfriend is on tour, and it has been a while since he has been home. Falling asleep has been hard lately, but a phone call from him makes your night better.
Mine Only 
❥ Non-Idol!Taehyung x Reader ❥ smut, fluff, non-idol!au ❥ 1.2k words
❥ Moving in with Taehyung hasn’t been easy. You’re always doing most of the work. He tries his best to pitch in and help, but it doesn’t always work out. You knew that when he was living with the boys at the dorm, he couldn’t cook. He still can’t. He hated cleaning up when he was there, and the same goes here. Laundry was the only thing he managed to do at the dorms, but at your shared apartment that was a different story. 
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❥ Mafia Leader! Taehyung x Reader ❥ mafia!au angst, fluff, smut, violence
❥ Fate doesn't care about your plans. Everything happens when it's supposed to, whether or not you have control of it. You knew he was dangerous. You saw it from the very moment your paths crossed — the way he carries himself, how heads turn as he appears, and the way fear shows in the eyes of those who know him. He lives in a world surrounded by destruction and sin. He had even warned you about the darkness. The dangers. The violence. If only you had realized he was speaking of his own.    
❥ Chapter: 01 | Chapter: 02 | Chapter: 03 | Chapter: 04 | Chapter: 05 | 
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𝕁𝕖𝕠𝕟 𝕁𝕦𝕟𝕘𝕜𝕠𝕠𝕜
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Have A Nice Day 
❥Doctor!Jungkook x Reader ❥ smut, medical, doctor!au ❥ 2.3k words
❥With your doctor out of town you’re scheduled for a check up with a different doctor. The visit however turns into an unexpected one and you have no problem with that.
Risky Rendezvous 
❥Idol!Jungkook x Reader ❥ fluff, idol!au, established relationship! ❥ 2.6k 
❥Your boyfriend Jungkook decides to take you out on a date during his day off. Everything is going well until some of his fans spot the two of you. It wouldn’t have been a big deal, but it is because you’re secretly dating.
Secret Dessert 
❥ Idol!Namjoon x Reader x Idol!Jungkook ❥ smut, idol!au ❥ 3.9 k words
❥ Sometimes dessert can be too much for one person, so why not split it between two?
Death of Me
❥ Idol!Jungkook x Reader ❥ smut, angst, idol!au, established relationship! ❥ 4.3k
❥Things don’t go so well when you see a picture of your boyfriend Jungkook with Ariana Grande at her concert. It gets even worse when you see her new lock screen picture and of course, her tweet. Jeon Jungkook you’re in for a wild night.
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1:20 AM 
❥ Non-idol!Jungkook x Reader ❥ angst, fluff, non-idol!au ❥ 760 words
❥ It’s 1:20 in the morning and when thoughts of how lost you feel in the world begin to surface, your sweet and loving boyfriend is there to comfort you.
Hurtin’ Me 
❥ Ex-FWB!Jungkook x Reader ❥ angst, smut, romance, ex-friends with benefits, fuckboy!jungkook 
❥ All the girls on your campus knew not to get involved with Jungkook. Out of your roommates, he was known for stringing girls along and breaking their hearts. Sadly, that didn’t stop them from wanting him and pursuing him. You just so happened to be one of those girls too. Everything between you was a secret that not even your roommates knew about. Jungkook was the one who ended things before they went too far. Now you both must navigate living together peacefully without raising the suspicions of your roommates. To say it’s complicated would be the understatement of the year.     
❥ Chapter: 01 
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Empty Love 
❥ Idol! Jungkook x Reader  ❥ angst, fluff, smut, childhood friends to lovers au 
❥ You and Jungkook have been best friends since childhood, but lately, things have been off. He starts canceling plans and begins acting a little cold towards you. However, the sudden revelation of your sex life might cause things to change dramatically, specifically your future with him.  
❥ Chapter: 01 | Chapter: 02 | Chapter: 03 | Chapter: 04 | Chapter: 05 | Chapter: 06
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
As promised, here’s the smutty followup to yesterday’s blurb! This is the fifth post of seven in my Platonically themed event. Again, it’s not really been edited because it’s late and I’m very tired but alas, thats how it goes. 
Words: 2,278
Warning: some vague dom/sub dynamic stuff with a more dom Ben, spanking, it’s P in V sex but theres a lot of talk about butts. Also they’re still dorks. 
It had been a nice day. You and Ben had gone out with a few friends, just a little picnic in the park to catch up with everyone. If you’d been at all worried about publicly being together on a no romo day, then it was for nothing. As much as everyone there considered you and Ben to be an item, it mostly went ignored, aside from a couple of questions about how you’d gone living together so far. But having such a big lunch, everyone having brought something to share, neither of you were especially hungry at dinner time. Ben whipped up a pot of butted noodles for you to pick at as you watched TV but it was soon set aside as you shifted to lean against the arm rest with your legs stretched out to lay over Ben’s thighs. Each of you were engrossed in your phones more than the quiz show he’d flicked on, occasionally sharing something you saw or read.  
You had opened tumblr and were scrolling through your dash, pausing to read longer bits here and there but mostly just liking images and reblogging memes. Until you hit a patch of not safe for work content. One of the porn blogs you’d long since forgotten you’d followed had hit a rare patch of activity, every second post one of theirs. Those posts you paid a little more attention to, especially when videos and explicit images were involved since you knew they were likely to be taken down soon and you didn’t want to miss out on seeing something hot. Unfortunately your headphones were in another room so you weren’t game to turn the sound on for any of the videos but the visuals and erotic comments below were enough to make you feel as if the room as heated up. You could feel yourself getting wetter at each new post but couldn’t seem to stop looking at them.  
A particularly good video of a sloppy blowjob made you clench your thighs together, your foot rubbing against Ben’s thigh as a result. His palm came to rest on the top of your foot, rubbing it soothingly, though his attention was still elsewhere. In fact, his gaze didn’t shift until a little later when you were looking at a very hot gifset of a woman on all fours, crying as she was pounded from behind. He cleared his throat. You jolted a little at the sound and tried not to look too guilty as you met his eye.   “You okay?” “Mmhmm,” His eyes travelled over you from the lip between your teeth to your tightly pressed thighs and your fingers wrapped firmly around the phone.   “I don’t mean to interrupt,” he said, clearly meaning to do exactly that, “but ummmm, are you watching porn right now?” “No,” you answered too quickly. “Hey, you don’t have to hide it if you are, go nuts. I’m just a little curious about what’s turned you on so much you’re practically panting. And can I help?” “I’m not watching anything. It’s just some gifs I saw.” “Well I think QPR law states you have to show me or you’d be a big meanie.” You chuckled and handed the phone to Ben, a little curious about how he’d react.   Ben watched the gifs through a couple of times before nodding, “Yeah, that’s uhhh, that’s pretty hot,” he rubbed your foot again as he kept watching the looped footage. “Are you turned on?” “Yeah, a bit,” “Hmmm, same.” “Should we-” “Do you wanna-” You spoke at the same time and then both laughed a little as you simultaneously agreed, “Yeah.” Immediately you swung your legs around intending to walk towards the bedroom and Ben followed for about two steps before he stopped suddenly, “Wait. This is a no romo day, right? Do you still feel anti-romance?” “Yes and yeah I think so. Why?” Ben shrugged, “I don’t think we’ve ever had sex on a no romo day so...how does it work?” “Oh, good point. Well.” you wanted to keep it brief, already worked up and wanting to move to the fun part, “I think it’s probably best if we keep it on kind of the rougher side, a little impersonal even. Could you maybe hit it from behind? I’m not really sure eye contact and all that stuff would be as fun for me right now.” “No need to ask twice. My hot partner wants me to look at her gorgeous arse while I fuck her? Yeah definitely into that.” “Jesus I’d forgotten you’re an arse man.” It was true too. As much as Ben might prefer ass to tits he also enjoyed the visual stimulation of watching you – seeing the pleasure on your face, watching your body react to his. So, while doggy style was a regular position for you, variations of missionary and cowgirl were probably a little more frequent. Which was wonderful, except not what you needed right then. Ben responded by poking his tongue out you but he seemed quite as eager to move things along, “So rough doggy then? Can I spank you?” “You’d be into that?” He shrugged, “I know we haven’t really done anything kinky yet but yeah, I enjoy spanking. I mean...watching an arse jiggle after it’s hit is incredibly hot.” You giggled, “spanking is very okay then. You could be a little mean too if you wanted, maybe calling me a degrading name to get at that impersonal thing. Slut maybe.” He hummed uncertainly, “I can try it if you really want but I gotta admit I’m not as into degrading stuff as I am spanking.” “It’s fine if you don’t, whatever works. Honestly, I’m already super horny so just do whatever you’re comfortable with and don’t get too gentle or loving with it, and I’ll be happy.” “I can definitely do rough for you. For instance,” You gasped as Ben grasped your hips and turned you around, positioning you in front of the arm of the couch before he pushed you to bend over it. It was a surprise considering Ben’s typical nature. He had his controlling or domineering moments but generally seemed happiest when he was showering you in affection or letting you take charge. Adding to the surprise was the way he tugged your pants down to your knees and began to touch you through your underwear. It made you squirm, trying to find a little more friction, but he only gave you a quick spank. Not overly hard but it didn’t have to be to make you feel tingly. Just knowing Ben was capable of an action like that was hot enough. All the same he pulled your knickers down too and ran his fingers through your folds.   “Wow, okay. You meant it when you said you were horny. Pretty wet already.” “No shit Sherlock. You know I don’t need lines like that that get you interested in fucking me.” He gave you another slap for your insolence.   “Better get you stretched out then, hadn’t we?” You felt two of Ben’s fingers rest against your entrance and expected to feel them sink into you too. But it didn’t happen.   “What’s the hold up, Tiger? Ow,” the spank had been a little harder than the last.   “If you want them so bad, do it yourself.” Your breath caught as you realised what he meant and you shifted your hips back, levering yourself against the arm of the couch, until you felt his fingers penetrate you.   “That’s it Kitten. You’re too horny to wait, aren’t you? God you’ve got such a pretty arse. Giving me the best view right now. Your needy cunt soaking my fingers while your arse,” he hit you again, “jiggles. It’s making me so hard.” You whined, unable to find a better response, and rocked back against his fingers, slowly fucking yourself on them.   He let you go on like that for a little while, happy to listen to your hitched breaths and needy sighs as you got a little of what you needed. But then he pulled his fingers from you. You let out a disappointed whimper, “Ben, c’mon,” “I’m so hard from watching you be so desperate. Just gotta get my pants off. But you can play with yourself for me, can’t you?” You nodded and shifted so you could drop your fingers to your pussy. Ben gave your arse another slap, “Not what I meant Kitten. Play with your arse.” Startled by the low growl in his voice you quickly complied, leaning on the couch as your brought both hands up to grab your arse cheeks, squeezing them and pulling them apart to better show off your holes.” “That’s very good, Kitten. Spank yourself.” It wasn’t the same as when Ben spanked you since you knew what was coming and the position didn’t allow you to get as much force into your hits as he could. But it was definitely arousing and it definitely seemed to work for Ben. You’d barely registered the sound of his pants dropping before he was sliding into your wet and waiting cunt.   “I can take it from here,” Ben’s hands replaced yours, groping your arse as you dropped your arms back to the couch, though you felt it was useless to try and prop yourself up on them. It would only be a matter of time before you collapsed entirely.  
At first he kept the pace slower, letting you adjust to him, though each thrust was forceful, just as you’d asked it to be. But gradually Ben sped up, hands still playing with your cheeks, sometimes grabbing and sometimes spanking them. He tried to say more about how hot it was to take you like that but his own breath was escaping him as the words seemed to be. So he let his body talk for him as he pounded your cunt and dug his fingers into your flesh.   And then he pulled out.   You were on the verge of asking him who the fuck he thought he was when he said, “one second. Just want to try something.” and then, remembering he was meant to be acting mean, added, “And you just want me to keep fucking you, so you’re not going to complain.” In a disgruntled daze you let Ben help you up onto the back of the couch so that one leg was bent to lean against the arm he’d just had you bent over and the other dangled towards the floor. It took a little more adjustment before Ben was happy. First pulling you back towards him and the corner of the couch, and then pressing you to lean forward so your hips were raised and he could better access your pussy. You had to grab onto the back of the couch for support, digging your fingertips into the leather as Ben resumed fucking you.   The angle had changed a little and the position was slightly more awkward to maintain but it was worth it for the way your clit rubbed against the smooth leather, leaving a trail of wetness behind. Each thrust rocked your hips in such a way that you quickly found yourself getting close to release.
That, however, seemed to be Ben’s plan as he began telling you how good you were going to make him feel when he made you cum. “I know you’re close Kitten. So just cum. I want to feel your cunt on me when you do.” He lay another few spanks to your arse cheeks and that tipped you over into your orgasm.   But Ben didn’t stop.   “I th-think you can do bett-er than that,” he grit out as you clenched around him and he seemed to thrust twice as hard as he had before, “You were so,”   You grunted as he plowed into you. “So desperate before. So you can cum better than that. Right kitten?” You nodded and gasped out a, “Yes” as your arms shook with how hard Ben was fucking you.   But he didn’t relent. He kept going until he felt you tighten again and heard you moan, nearly sobbing as relief flooded your system.   That seemed to be enough for Ben and he let himself go too, holding your hip tightly as he pressed deep into you.  
Ben leaned his forehead against your back as he tried to regain his regular breathing rate and gave you a quick kiss there before he righted himself and helped you to dismount the couch. The evidence of your orgasms was still smeared across the leather but neither of you paid it any attention.   “Sorry I never called you a slut or anything,” Ben said with a slightly self-conscious chuckle, avoiding your eye as he hitched his pants back into place. “I just like Kitten better.” “Don’t be,” you said mirroring his actions to looking at him, “Kitten worked perfectly. Also, that was really good. Maybe you could be rough and mean more often?” “The double orgasm was a pretty good indication that it worked for you,” “Of shut up, I was being serious. It was really hot.” “Yes but I like teasing you, remember,” “Prick.” “That hurts,” he said with a fake gasp and a hand against his chest, “Keep talking like that and I’ll have to spank you again,” “Ha ha, very funny. Tease me all you want but we both you enjoyed it as much as I did.” “Maybe I did.” he conceded, “but I wasn’t going to hate it when I was watching your arse.” “Alright, you perv. Was there any leftover noodles? Bit peckish now.” “Yeah, in the fridge. Grab me some too would you?”
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
your favourite girl : d.d
brief summary: as well as being one of davids friends, you’re also his fwb. but as time passes by, you can’t help but allow your feelings for him to develop, even if they’ll never be reciprocated. (1.9k)
requested: yes by the sweetest anon, i needed the angst so thank you love! warnings: none that i’m aware of
all my links
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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“So, David’s gone for the night then?” Your roommate, Gee, stands in your doorway as you exit your bathroom after cleaning yourself up and changing into fresh PJs.
“Yeah,” You breathe out as you tug on your duvet, seeing the indent from where he was less than an hour ago, by your side. “sorry, did I wake you?” You ask, turning your attention back to her as a frown etches heavily in her eyes.
“Y/n,” Gee starts, stepping across the threshold into your bedroom and hovers beside you. “how much longer can you kid yourself with this?” She sighs as you collapse down onto your bed with a heavy heart.
“It’s fine, really.” You lie. “We made this arrangement ages ago, and it works for us.” Another lie, it might work for him, but you couldn’t deny the attachment that was forming in your heart for his.
“Remember who you’re talking to here,” Gee chuckles as she sits down on your bed and you lean against her, resting your head on her shoulder. “just don’t let yourself get hurt, okay? Promise me that at least.”
Gee holds her hand up, sticking her pinky finger out as you loop yours around hers. “I promise.” You mutter, hoping this was a promise you could keep to.
“And boom, there she was on the ground cradling her knee!” David laughs, looking through the footage on his laptop whilst Jason and Natalie sit either side of him, you across the room with Ilya.
“It wasn’t my fault, you should’ve warned me you had decided to prank Ilya.” You roll your eyes, catching David’s bright smile briefly directed your way. “Honestly that’s the last time I try and offer my services, David.”
“Come on, Y/n, you love me really.” David jokes, unaware of how heavy those words dig into your heart.
Silence falls for a second as David’s words linger and everyone's attention falls to you. You force a soft laugh from your lips, which seems to please David as he carries on editing, but Natalie remains unconvinced as she keeps an eye on you whilst you scroll through Instagram.
“You wish, Dobrik.” You retort, glancing up from your phone to see him looking back at you with a goofy grin, one reserved for these situations only.
After a while, Ilya shuffles on the other end of the sofa, kicking his feet out and jabs your side unintentionally. “Ow.” You mumble, catching Ilya off guard as he sits upright, rubbing his eyes.
“Shit, did I hit you?” Sleep remains heavy in Ilya’s voice as he reaches out, resting his hand on your arm.
“It’s okay, Ilya, just my side.” You smile, rubbing your side, unaware of the daggers from David being sent in Ilya’s direction.
“Sorry, I’m a wriggler when I sleep.” He winks, and you laugh lightly.
“I’ve had worse, trust me.” You joke with him, nudging his arm away as he lies back down whilst you return to your phone, catching sight of the time. “Oh god, I gotta go.” You quickly rise to your feet, David now averting his focus to you.
“Where you going?” David asks, his eyes refusing to leave you as you gather your things.
“An appointment, but I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” You wave to the others, but David stands up and follows you to the front door.
Holding it open for you, David hovers in the doorway as you take your car keys from your bag. “Wanna come over tonight?” He asks, licking his lips.
“Erm, I can’t tonight, maybe tomorrow?” You suggest instead, and David simply nods.
“Okay,” He comments. “good luck with your appointment.” He waves you off as you get into your car and as you go to reverse out, Taylor appears by the gates.
You wait for Taylor to pass you by with her bright smile as she almost skips over to David.
He always looks so happy to see her as he brings her into a tight hug, forgetting anyone else exists. Taylor walks into the house, and David doesn’t even spare you a glance as he closes the front door, slamming it shut.
“Y/n, that you?” Gee calls out as you close the front door.
“Who else would it be? A polite burglar?” You joke back as you kick your shoes off, walking past her room toward your own, but before you reach your bedroom door, you feel a tug on your arm.
Without a moment to react, Gee pulls you into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. “Okay, hi, sorry,” Gee mutters, a wild look of panic in her eyes as she begins to pace around the same ten steps.
“Gee can you stop moving, you’re making me feel motion sick.” You step forward, taking hold of her arms so she finally stands still and faces you. “What on earth is going on?”
“Well, someone knocked earlier and I thought you just forgot your key again, and I answered it and now David is sat in your room waiting for you to come home.” Gee quickly rambles, exhaling deeply as she finishes. “Please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not mad.” You tell her as hundreds of thoughts rush through your mind. “I just, I told him tonights not good for me, god, why can’t he get the message.” You groan, wishing you could slam your head against the door in peace without stirring David across the hall.
“What happened earlier today?” Gee asks, now crossing her arms as you sigh under your breath. “Because clearly, something did, based on how both of you are acting.”
You quirk a brow at her remark, how was David acting?
“Nothing really, I just told him tonights not good, and I had an appointment this afternoon.” You explain, and Gee chuckles under her breath.
“Maybe he thought you had an ‘appointment’ if you know what I mean.” She nudges you.
“What? No way.” You scoff. “If I met someone else I’d tell him.” You state, knowing you value his friendship above all else, even if he seems to forget that sometimes.
“Well, you can’t leave him waiting forever in there I’m afraid.” Gee reminds you as she stands aside, allowing you to reach for the doorknob.
“What do I say, Gee?” Your voice softens as you look up to her, pleading for some advice.
Lifting her hand up, Gee sticks out her pinky finger. “You made a promise to me last week, don’t let yourself get hurt.”
“I did, didn’t I?” You sigh, lifting your pinky up and looping it around hers. “Okay, I can do this.”
Opening the door, you close it behind you and take a brief moment as you stand in front of your own door, wondering what will happen the next time you exit it.
Pushing back your worries, you open your door and David rises to his feet, rubbing his hands across his jeans.
“Hey,” He speaks up. “how, how was your appointment?” His voice is soft, almost caring as you quietly sigh, removing your jacket and throwing it on your chair.
“Yeah, it was fine.” You brush it off. “Why are you here, David?” You don’t want to waste any time, and clearly, he’s taken aback by your question as his eyes widen for a second as he composes himself.
“Well, I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. Seemed a little off when you left earlier.” He shrugs it off uncertainly.
“It’s nothing really. But I told you I was busy tonight, so why are you here?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest as you catch David’s eyes darting to the bed for a fraction of a second. “Course, that’s why.” You scoff. “Well, I hate to say you’ve had a wasted journey, Dave. I’m not in the mood.” You move forward, opening your bedroom door, but David remains still, frozen on the spot.
“That’s not why I’m here, Y/n.” David comments. “Do you really think that’s all I wanna see you for?” He almost sounds hurt as you lower your gaze to your carpet. “You’re my friend Y/n, before all of this,” Stepping forward, David rests his hand on your forearm and pulls you away from your door and over to your bed. “and I just wanna hang out with you, like old times.”
Looking up, you see his classic smile, the one you’ve genuinely missed that causes butterflies to flutter in your stomach and bees to swarm your mind.
“So, you wanna watch a movie with me?” You suggest, and David nods, taking his usual spot beside you on your bed whilst you search through Netflix.
As you pick a movie to watch, David’s phone pings and he picks it up, smiling down at it. You can’t help but sneak a glance, and the bees swarming your mind become reckless as the butterflies begin to fall into the pit at the bottom of your stomach; it’s Taylor.
“Sorry,” David mutters, unable to wipe the smile from his face as he glances up to you.
“I get it, don’t worry.” You whisper as you curl up under a blanket whilst David remains on top of it as you watch the movie together.
Slowly but surely, David begins to nod off, his head dipping away from yours.
You watch as he turns his back to you, lying on his side as the credits play and you’re left alone once more. “Goodnight, David.” You mutter, hearing a mumble from him in response as you lean over and kiss his cheek, brushing his hair out of his face.
Turning your TV off, you creep out from your bed, leaving David fast asleep as you tiptoe over to Gee’s room.
“Y/n?” Gee whispers as you open her bedroom door, thankful she’s still awake as you rush over to her, unable to stop the tears falling from your eyes. “Oh, Y/n.” She sighs, holding you close in her arms as you sob into her chest.
“I just wish I could be his favourite girl, Gee.” You manage to say through hiccups as you lift your head up and Gee wipes your eyes, a sad smile on her face. “But I made a promise,” You remind yourself. “and it’s about time I stuck to it.”
“You’ll be okay, Y/n.” Gee tells you, knowing it’s true. “Just gotta let your heart heal.” You can feel the pit at the bottom of your stomach starting to close up once again, no longer dragging your heart toward it.
“Yeah,” You breathe out. “thanks Gee.”
As you rise to your feet, you look over your shoulder to Gee’s doorway, swearing you heard a floorboard creak. But as you walk out from her room, nothing is out of place, and your door is as you left it.
Creeping back into your room, you close your door behind you, unaware that David is wide awake with a thousand thoughts rushing through his mind.
“Hey, Y/n?” David whispers as you tug on your duvet, curling up into it.
“Sorry, did I wake you up?” You ask softly, thankful for the darkness disguising your puffy complexion.
David shuffles to turn and face you, his hand hesitantly rises and he rests it on your cheek, stroking away stray tears. “It’s okay,” He chuckles. “I just want you to know something, okay?”
“Okay,” You whisper, almost seeing his eyes searching for yours as he shuffles closer, his breath now on your lips.
“You’ll always be my favourite girl, Y/n. Always have been, always will be.” 
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minisoysquares · 3 years
As fun as the events and ideas you posted about 19days would be, wouldn’t it also just bring in more negative stuff - like fandom in general has become a field of land mines and I fear that something that’s supposed to fun will turn into some sort of battle. Like how some people get extremely heated over any other ships outside of their fave ship and they cannot possibly have other ships except theirs, etc. The last thing anyone wants is for content creators to be targeted simply for making something they thought would be fun
(This ask and answer is about this post.)
First of all thank you so much for addressing such a big and valid concern. I agree that that has indeed happened in certain fandoms - I can say I've been in the thick of it and witnessed quite the warfare - but in others it has also brought fans and readers and content creators together even closer and tighter in a wonderful thriving community.
I have the feeling this'll get quite long so please proceed under the cut with that in mind.
I believe all things are potential harbingers of both discord and harmony. There will always be people who feel entitled and who want - even demand! the audacity! - authors and artists to create for their ships and their ships alone. And there will also always be people who can appreciate the writing and the art without judgemental treatment regarding the pairings/characters depicted, no matter their preferences.
All of that happens and will continue to happen, whether we go forward with these events or not. And yet authors will still write what they want to write, artists will still draw what they want to draw, graphic designers will still make the edits they want to make as well. What we could do, in this small and close knit fandom, is take in our hands this powerful rich opportunity and try our best to make a model of positivity out of it.
In these events, there would be no bashing or shaming allowed. The content created would be to be enjoyed by those who are attracted to it, and those who do not have a taste for that fanwork in particular would be asked to remain respectful. (As it should always be.) There would be no ship wars in these spaces. Discourse, hate-speech or anti-behaviour would not be tolerated by the moderators of the event.
Creators who indulged in it would be immediately disqualified. Any unnecessary commentary or complaints from the audience would be deleted and reported as spam. Anyone instigating conflict would be only painting a target on their back, really. Because most of us - I dare say - are only here to appreciate the brilliant artwork and fanfiction woven and crafted by the talented people who share it with us.
If it came to it and it escalated, this hellsite has several tools that can be put to use to that regard. Accounts could be blocked and/or even reported. They wouldn't be able to interact with the blogs created to run these events from then on. We would be able to create a black list and post it publicly so everyone else who wished to could simply block those unruly pesky accounts and remain at peace and free to enjoy themselves to their utmost.
Let us not forget that this is all fiction and it's all for fun. Everyone's allowed to have their own opinion, likes and dislikes. There simply is no need to step on anyone else and their interests to elevate them.
Let's exemplify, for the sake of clarity:
Do I personally ship A with B? Imagine I do not. I do not search for it. If I come across it? I scroll past it. Once or twice, I may even like - and even reblog - if it happens to catch my attention and it's well written/drawn! (I have tags along the lines of 'I don't ship it but' and 'look at this beautiful art' or 'drown in the power of these words.')
It's so easy to interact amongst ourselves without coming with pitchforks at one another. Know what actually needs effort? Being a meanie and a party popper! Who in their right mind wastes their time on things they don't care for? Dum dums, that's who! Of course, we're all dummies at times... and that's okay! Let's just not harass people or crash their fun while we're at it!
If nothing else: you wouldn't like if others did this or that to you, therefore don't do it to others. It's a simple concept to grasp.
Very important: in these events, every single piece would be explicitly and properly tagged and warned for right at the very top of each post, so there would be absolutely no excuses for anyone being nasty.
We would just have to be open to the experience. Enjoy our ships and let other enjoy theirs. We do not have to all like the same thing. That would be just boring. But we can cohabitate devoid of trouble in fandom. Each one of us just has to be respectful. No need to even be nice. No one has to compliment something they don't like. They also don't have to step on what others do.
Don't like a ship/character/theme? Don't read stories focused on it. Don't put down authors who write it or readers who enjoy it. Same for art. No need to shout about how awful it is just for the simple reason that it does not fit into your personal shipping preferences. It can still be still be a tasty and wonderfully baked cake, it's just that you're not fond of vanilla or strawberries. It's okay. There are all kinds of cake for everyone's tastes!
Further examples: If a ship happens to be a NOTP for me or I don't care for the character(s)? I filter the tags. All of them. Any and every tag I can think of. It's very easy to protect ourselves on Tumblr from content we do not wish to see. (My own list is huge and just as effective.) Filtering is incredibly important.
So go ahead and filter out the ships you can do without! Filter out porte-manteaux like Tianshan, Zhanyi, Qiucheng, Tianxi, Tianyi, Lishan, Litian, Liyi, Shantou, Polydays, (...) Filter out any ship tag that doesn't strike your fancy like Q x MGS, HC x JY's mom, (...) Filter out characters that aren't your cuppa tea like HT, HT's dad, SL, JY's mom, XH, (...)
Make it safe for yourself and for others. That way you won't rage at the sight of your NOTP, won't feel the compulsive need to trash the people who ship it, no one is hurt and everyone is happy!
There are many steps we could follow to prevent rotten eggs in our coop. And many more actions we could take to throw them out if need be. I firmly believe, however, that if we're all of the same mind everything would go well and with very few bumps along the way.
If we only ever feared the possible negative consequences of our actions, never taking the risk for the possible positive ones, we'd never get anything done. I say let's not let our beloved fandom stagnate or dry out. Let's incentivate and motivate and inspire! Let's share! Let's have fun!
Think of it in these terms: it wouldn't be a competition at all but rather a charity event. Performers and spectators coming together for a common good, raising content and spreading joy! There would be no winners or losers or prizes. What would matter would be good old-fashioned participation, both by providing content and/or consuming it.
It could also a good way to get people to express themselves more. Many content consumers tend to lurk or keep to themselves even if they like the content posts. (I used to be one myself and only a couple months ago started to come out of my shell.) I myself advocate for reblogging instead of liking - if you have to choose one or the other, I mean, why not do both? - and leaving a word on every single post I like and/or reblog. Sometimes I go nuts commenting, sometimes I leave a small note in the tags.
It doesn't matter how. Even if you're shy or introverted (*raises hand*) or don't know what to say I guarantee a single emoticon or a string of disordered letters symbolising incoherence will make the creator's day all the same. Getting feedback is so important and motivational for creators and also a great way for fandom members to keep in touch and support each other.
Additionally, if a person would like more of a certain type of content here are some healthy actions they could take: a) commission a creator and pay for it if they can; b) politely make a suggestion to a creator with an open ask box; c) post a prompt publicly for possible interested creators to use; d) do it yourself and share it with others!
This turned out into more of a "behavioural guidelines" thing than I'd have liked. I am not in any way whatsoever telling anyone what to do. This is what I do, and it works wonders for me. I stay completely out of toxic arguments and in on all the goodies. I'm able to fully enjoy my fandoms. And isn't that what we all want?
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me. And I apologise for the long rant!
Of course, this is only my personal stance on the issue. I did go for a survey first exactly for this end, to get their opinions on the subject and see if it would be worth a shot. I shall hope many other people will think as I do, but I will wholly respect those who don't.
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connordavidscamera · 3 years
Living, Learning, and Filming Ch. 6 | Connor Brashier
A/n: once again rewritten, do I really need to put that in here anymore?
Summary: Some things can’t stay the same.
Warnings: kinda angsty
Word count: 1.6k
Week 6
“Venti earl grey tea, two sugars, just the way you like it,” Connor says, setting the cup in front of me while I type away on my keys, trying to finish my economics assignment before we start going through the most recent footage.
“Thank you, you’re an angel.”
“Your angel,” he corrects me. 
“Mine?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at him. “Is that so?”
“Sure. Sounds fitting, no?”
I hum in response, and look back at my screen. He sits there, fiddling with his phone in hands but never opening it to scroll through anything, just playing with the case, taking it on and off. “You seem bored,” I observe.
“No, not with you. Never with you.”
“I’m almost done, I promise. I just have two more questions.”
“Don't worry about it. Take your time. It’s more time I get to spend with you.”
“You’re cheesy, Brashier.”
“Yeah, well, who’s fault is that?” He questions, tilting his head to the side, raising his eyebrows at me. 
“Don’t you go blaming me for your cheesiness. I didn’t put the words in your mouth and tell you to speak them.”
“Y/n?” he says after a couple minutes.
“What?” I look up at him, ignoring the problem in front of me. 
“Have I told you today that you look really pretty?”
I bite the inside of my lip, “Shut up.”
“What? It’s true. This color looks good on you,” he mumbles, reaching across the table to play with the sleeve of my light blue sweater.
“Well thank you,” I say after a minute. “That compliment alone could get you extra kisses on the way back to your place.”
“God, how many do I have to give for a repeat of last week?”
I can’t help but blush. “I don’t know, Con. We’ll see.”
“We’ll see?”
I smirk, “If you’re a good boy, yeah, you might get a little something.”
“Fuck,” he takes a sip of his coffee - which he only drinks with sugar and the tiniest splash of milk, I’ve found out. A strange man, this one is. “You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that?”
“And that’s what makes this fun,” I shrug.
“Hey, Brian,” I say as I walk into the apartment behind Connor.
“Hey, y/n.”
“Bri, what did you say you wanted - oh. Hey,” Shawn comes into view and I force a smile. I haven’t seen him since he asked me out.
“Hey,” I say back, Connor throws him a piece sign and a simple nod before taking my hand. 
“We’re going to my room to edit, don’t bother us for the next three hours,” he says, walking us away from the boys.
“He means to say please and thank you, just so you know,” I call out as he continues to pull me with him.
“No, I don’t,” he shakes his head.
“Quit being a dick or I’m going home,” I say, which results in laughter from Brian and Shawn. 
“Yeah, tell him y/n.” Brian exclaims. 
“Fuck off, Brian!” Connor yells, shutting his bedroom door behind us with a huff. 
“You okay, pretty boy?” I ask, setting my bag down next to his desk. 
His hands find my waist and he sighs, resting his forehead on mine. “Shawn’s here,” he says, a slight edge to his voice. 
“Yeah. Is that not okay? I thought you guys were friends.”
“Well, yeah, but.”
“But what?” I push his hair back, out of his face.
“He asked you out, y/n.”
“Okay? I said no. I told you that.”
“I know, it’s just… he asked you out,” he responds again.
“Why is that bothering you so much?”
“Because I,” he stops himself with a shake of his head. “Never mind. I’m just being dumb.”
“Connor, come on. Talk to me.”
“No, it’s nothing. Let’s just get to work, okay? We have so much to edit before Friday. I want to get it done while we can.”
I sigh but nod, deciding not to push, “Okay, sure.”
We edit for a while, stopping here and there for a drink or to rest our eyes from all the straining we’re doing staring at the small screen for so long. “Where’d you get this necklace?” I ask, playing with the small palm tree adorning his neck, turning my head to get a better look. 
“Palm tree crew. Why?”
I shrug, “I like it. It’s very fitting for you, Mr. Laguna Beach.”
He chuckles, “Thanks.” He takes my hand and pulls me closer, into his lap. “Kisses?”
I hum, placing my hands on his shoulders to keep my balance, “We have to get back to work.”
“One kiss won’t kill us, right?”
“Connor…” I shake my head. I don’t know why I’m doing it, pushing him away. I don’t want to. Because let’s face it, last week, in my room? That was one of the best days of my life. So can someone tell me why I’m trying not to be with him that way again?
“Okay, okay. Later?” he asks, pressing his lips into my shoulder, and then on the underside of my jaw. I hum. He’s ruining me completely. He’s ruining me and I’m getting attached. 
“I know the effect I have on people. I’m pretty sure you’ll fall for me by the time this is over.”
Fuck him for being right.
“If this is a game, you should know that I never lose.”
It’s a game. A game. It’s not real.
“How funny. I don’t either.”
I whine as I pull away. “I should get home.”
“What? Why?” he reaches for me while I start to remove myself from him.
“I just have a lot of homework to do. I have a test on Thursday, I really should study for it.”
“Study here,” he tries to reason, but I shake my head and start putting my stuff in my bag. 
“I can’t. I don’t have my notes.”
“Y/n, what’s going on? Talk to me, baby.”
“Please,” I sigh. “Don’t call me that. Can I please, please just go home?” I throw my bag over my shoulder.
His eyebrows furrow, but he nods anyway. “Okay. Yeah. But are we okay?”
“We’re fine.”
“Then why won’t you kiss me?” I question.
I sigh, “Can we not do this right now? I just don’t feel like being super affectionate right now.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it.”
I ignore his words and open his bedroom door.
“Y/n. What’s wrong? Did I do something? Because if I did, then I’m sorry.”
“No, Connor, you didn’t do anything.”
“Did I say something?” And when I don’t answer, he has his. “What did I say?” He asks, both of us seemingly ignoring the two boys sitting on the couch getting a free show. “Baby, please.”
“Stop calling me that,” I groan.
“Why? That’s you. That’s your name! You’re my baby. That’s who you’ve always been. I don’t get it. What’s happening right now?”
“The name doesn’t mean anything, this doesn’t mean anything because this is all fake!” I burst.
He takes a step back, “What?”
“You made it very clear from the beginning that this was a game. I was stupid to agree to this.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You don’t lose,” I cross my arms over my chest. “That’s what you told me, right? So what? You’ve been waiting for me to fall first? Is that it? What do you get out of it? What’s the point of having someone fall for you if you’re not gonna fall too? What is the point of all this? Just some stupid grade, because I’d honestly rather fail!”
“You think I’m not falling for you? You think I haven’t been since the first time we met? You think I memorized your Starbucks order, or went to pick you up from a party when a guy was a little too handsy, or let you steal half of my closet, or told you some of the most intimate details of my life because I wasn’t in love with you? I wouldn’t do that for anyone else. I wouldn’t and you know why? Because I’m fucking in love with you.” he runs his hands through his messy hair. “There. I said it. Are you happy? I’m in love with you and I don’t know how to handle it, but I know that I don’t want to. I want to feel this for as long as I possibly can.”
I’m in love with you. I’m in love with you. I’m in love with you.
I never lose.
Game. Game. Game.
I bite my tongue. Y/n don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it. “You’re not in love with me.” You said it. Of course you fucking did.
“How the fuck do you know? Did you not hear a word I just said to you?”
“How am I supposed to believe you?”
“Because I haven’t lied to you! I haven’t thought about anything else but you since I met you. And especially not since last week. Jesus, I could never think about anything else after that.”
“I’m in love with you.”
I shut my eyes tight and exhale deeply, “Stop saying that.”
“No!  I can’t. I won’t. Not until you tell me that you’re not in love with me too.”
I sigh, running my hands over my face. I can’t tell him. I can’t do this. Not now. “I can’t do this right now, Connor.”
“And when do you think you’ll be able to? Because whether you like it or not, I am in love with you and we still have six weeks to do this project.”
“I know,” I mumble, looking down at my shoes.
“You know,” he repeats. “God, I’m so fucking stupid.”
“No, Con-”
“It’s fine. I’ll take you home. Come on.”
“Connor, wait.” I want to tell him. I do, but I -
“I am waiting. And I will be until you’re ready.”
I’m not ready yet.
I hope you enjoyed! Please like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
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Fifteen Years Later
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader
Summary: Set fifteen years after the twins from “I Need You” were born, the Hood children discover just how outlandish some fan theories are
Warnings: Swearing, fan theories
Requested: Nope
A/N: Yeah so this is inspired by discovering some of the theories people had about louis’ son after he was born and I missed this universe so thought it would be fun to add a little more to it. It is technically a Calum x reader fic but it’s mainly just about the kids, but I hope you guys enjoy! As always please remember to let me know what you think - send me asks, reblog and comment, hearing your responses always makes my day a little better and makes me want to keep writing :) and also please don’t take this too seriously, this fic is just a bit of fun, please don’t attack me for it or somethin
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“Hey, can I come in?” Maia didn’t wait for Leo to respond before she sauntered into his room and flopped down onto his bed.
“Please, make yourself at home,” Leo said, rolling his eyes a little, making another edit to his essay. “What’s up?”
“I’m bored,” Maia shrugged, pulling out her phone.
“And it’s up to me to entertain you?” Leo questioned, swivelling his chair around to look at his twin with raised eyebrows.
“That’s your job as my dear older brother,” Maia confirmed with a cheesy grin directed towards him.
“I thought twenty seven minutes didn’t count as being older than you?” Leo mused, turning his chair back around so that he could return to work on his homework.
“It does when it’s convenient to me.”
“Nowhere in my job description does it say that I have to entertain you.”
Silence fell between the twins as the two of them went about their separate activities - Leo doing his best to finish his homework, Maia scrolling aimlessly on her phone.
The two of them hadn’t shared a room in years. They had moved back to Australia when their mother found out that she was pregnant with their younger sister, Sophie, their parents having wanted to be nearer their own families for the birth of their fourth child.
Leo and Maia had been five when Sophie was born, and they had spent so much of their lives up until that moment being practically attached to the hip that they resented their parents a little for splitting them up.
So it was logical when their parents had their fifth child, Kara, two years later, that Maia and Leo would room together again.
The Hoods moved again when the twins were thirteen, Theodore was eleven, Sophie eight and Kara six, into the house that they still lived in now, with each child having their own room at last.
Calum had taken a lot of time away from the band in recent years, choosing to spend more time with his family.
It had been his idea to move house, understanding that as much as the twins were still still rather inseparable, they did need their own space as they grew into their teenage years. So he had spent months working on the house for them, setting up all of the children’s rooms exactly as they wished, with much help from his best friends, who had also moved back to Australia a few years prior.
And yet it was hardly uncommon to find Maia in Leo’s room - he had gotten first pick of the bedrooms on account of being the eldest, much to Maia’s distaste. It wasn’t that Leo’s room was the biggest of the childrens - no, he had allowed Maia to have the largest room, but it was the placing of it that sparked so much jealousy between the twins.
It was the room that had the best view, overlooking both the garden, which, since moving in, Y/N had spent so long tending to and making it look beautiful.
“Oh my God!” 
“What’s happened?” Leo asked in alarm, not expecting Maia’s outcry. His twin began to laugh.
“Come look at this!”
“What is it?” Leo asked again, rolling his chair across the room, away from his desk and towards the bed to have a look at Maia’s phone screen.
“Fan theories.”
“Fan theories?” Leo repeated, furrowing his brow. “Why’s that so amazing?” 
“Because they’re about Dad!”
“What?” Leo gasped, his eyes widening in surprise.
“Can I borrow your computer?” She asked, already leaping off of his bed towards the laptop on Leo’s desk and opening it, copying the web address that she had been scrolling through on her phone.
“You’ve found some 5sos fan theories?” Leo cackled, moving his chair back in front of his desk as they waited for the website to load.
“They’re insane, as well.”
The twins lapsed into silence as they began to read through the blog posts together, occasionally laughing at some of the more outlandish proposals being made.
Finally, Leo spoke, leaning back a little in his chair with a slight frown on his face.
“So… they think that Dad is actually with Uncle Ash, and that Mum and Aunt Kaykay are just, what - beards?” Leo shot a questioning look to Maia, whose expression remained gleeful as she nodded.
“That seems to be the case, yeah.”
“So… what’s their theory about us?”
“Well… do they think that we’re actually adopted by Dad and Uncle Ash or what? Because there are definitely plenty of photos released of Mum pregnant - especially when she was having Kara,” Leo pointed out.
There was a knock on Leo’s door.
“Yeah?” He called, the door opening to reveal Theodore, his head still buried in a book.
“Tea’s ready,” he mumbled, eyes still intently focused on the pages in front of him.
“Theo - come look at this.”
“I’m busy,” he denied, already beginning to walk away.
“You’ll find it funny!” Maia insisted, grinning over at Leo who rolled his eyes affectionately at their brother’s actions. 
“Doubtful - your sense of humour sucks,” Theodore countered, already halfway down the hallway and about to go downstairs.
“It’s food time,” Theodore repeated, at last looking up from his book, back down the hallway at his siblings, his expression looking as though he was attempting not to burst into laughter at the look of indignation on Maia’s face.
He didn’t wait for more of a response from her, however, before turning and walking downstairs to where the twins could now hear the sounds of their other family members clattering around in the kitchen and their father singing along to the music playing.
“Hey!” Leo protested when Maia huffed in response to Theodore’s attitude and grabbed her twin’s laptop, slamming it closed and taking it with her downstairs.
Leo gave an exhausted sigh and shook his head before slowly standing up and stretching, following his younger siblings.
The usual chaos greeted Leo as he entered into the kitchen.
Sophie was skipping around laying the table for food, with Kara following her, gripping the knives and forks tightly and looking rather serious as she did so. Theodore still had his head buried in his book but was, at the same time, reaching up into the cabinet nearby the fridge and getting out enough glasses for everyone.
Maia still had Leo’s laptop in hand and was attempting to get the attention of their parents who were stood by the stove, Y/N cooking and Calum leaning against the counter next to it, a grin on his face as he said something to make his wife laugh. 
“Hey - you know the rules, Maia, no gadgets at the table,” Y/N said, finally catching sight of Maia, who had given up her attempts and had slouched into a seat, placing Leo’s laptop on the plate in front of her and pouting.
“That’s not even your laptop,” Calum pointed out, laughing as he crossed the room to place a kiss on the top of his eldest daughters head. “How was your day - you okay?” He added gently.
“Fine - I wanted to ask you two something,” she explained.
“Is it what you were trying to show me?” Theodore piped up from the other side of the room, where Kara was now attempting to help him sort out the drinks for everyone.
“Now you’re interested,” Maia huffed, opening up the laptop.
Calum sat in the chair beside her, looking attentively at the screen, always willing to take time to involve himself in his children’s lives when they gave him the opportunity, eager to listen to whatever it was that they were currently interested in.
“Can’t it wait, sweetheart - food’s ready.” Y/N said, bringing over the food and placing it in the centre of the table, fixing Calum with a look that had him smiling guiltily at her.
“No, this is important!” Maia insisted, ever stubborn and determined to get her way.
“Alright,” Y/N sighed, though it was clear to everyone in the room that she was trying her hardest to suppress her laughter. “What is it?” 
“When were you going to tell us that you’re a beard to hide Uncle Ashton and Dad being together?” Maia questioned shortly, her lips twitching at the edges in her best attempt to maintain a poker face.
Calum choked on the water he had just taken a drink of.
“What’s a beard?” Kara asked, tilting her head to the side and looking at her parents curiously. 
Neither of them answered, Y/N too busy laughing and Calum attempting to collect himself.
There was a smirk on Maia’s face as she, too, looked between her parents.
Sophie was looking equally confused by Maia’s term and even Theodore had looked up from his book to watch the exchange, mild interest on his face.
“What is it?” Kara repeated, looking over to Leo instead, desperate to understand the conversation.
“Maia’s just being silly, K, don’t worry,” Leo assured his youngest sister, sitting down at the table and Kara immediately climbed up onto the chair beside her.
“But what does it mean?”
“Maia’s suggesting that I’m only with Dad to cover up that Dad’s actually with Uncle Ash,” Y/N explained, still grinning to herself at the sheer absurdity of the suggestion. Calum had also begun to chuckle along, his eyes crinkled as he focused on the screen of Leo’s laptop.
“Why would you do that?” Sophie asked, taking the chair beside Kara, swinging her legs under the table as she waited for everyone else to join them sitting down so that food could be served.
“Are you?” Kara questioned in confusion.
“No, sweetheart,” Y/N said and met Calum’s eyes, the two of them grinning at each other. “Just some of Dad’s fans like the idea of him dating Uncle Ash-”
“Or Uncle Mike or Luke,” Calum interrupted knowledgeably.
“Yeah exactly - a lot of it was just about the idea of them being together or just their friendship but there are some occasions where the theories… go beyond that,” Y/N explained, evidently picking her words carefully.
“So you didn’t just have us all for PR?” Leo asked, feigning surprise.
“Of course we didn’t,” Y/N said, rolling her eyes.
“It’s been a while since I’ve looked at fan theories,” Calum said, a certain kind of affection in his voice. “Were you looking at the extreme theories?” He asked, looking interestedly at his daughter.
“They seemed pretty serious that you and Uncle Ash were secretly together - they reckon that you and Mum staged all the photos from when you were kids to make it seem like you had been together for that long.”
“And apparently your management forced you to marry Mum, even though you didn’t want to - something about a morse code pattern that you tapped during an interview once asking for help,” Leo inputted.
“Yeah - I think I read that one as well. I remember being tweeted about it,” Calum confirmed reminiscently.
“You used to read fan theories?”
“Yeah - out of curiosity more than anything,” Calum shrugged.
“I used to get tweeted them a lot,” Y/N added. “Put the laptop away, Maia? Food’s going to go cold.”
“And I’m hungry!” Sophie added, but her cheerful grin was still present.
“Tell Theodore to put his book away,” Maia huffed, annoyance in her voice and looking at Theodore who was sitting opposite her.
“Don’t call me that,” Theodore snapped in response, his eyes immediately flared with anger.
It wasn’t uncommon for Maia and Theodore to butt heads, especially over trivial things.
“Theo, put your book away - Maia, put Leo’s laptop away,” Calum sighed after catching Y/N’s eye.
“But you said you’d look!”
“I will - but after tea, alright?” Calum soothed his eldest daughter.
“Besides - we already know a lot of the more… absurd ones.” 
“Like what?” Sophie asked eagerly, beginning to dish out the food now that everyone was present and ready to eat.
“He’s still reading!” Maia cut her sister off, pointing accusingly at Theodore, who did indeed still have his book laying open on his lap under the table, eyes trained on it.
“Snitch,” he muttered, but closed the book after receiving stern looks from both of his parents.
There was a satisfied smirk on Maia’s face as she relaxed in her chair again. 
Leo caught her eye and rolled his own after catching the expression on his twin’s face.
“I’m confused,” Kara stated after a moment, her young face scrunched up as she stared down at her plate, looking as though she was trying to comprehend ideas way past the understanding that her eight years of age allowed her.
“About what?” Calum asked through a mouthful of food, rewarding him with a scolding look from Y/N that he responded to with a sheepish smile. Kara pointed at Maia, still frowning. “The theories?” Calum suggested before Maia could make some sort of snarky remark and Kara nodded.
“Why would you lie?”
“And why would you have ended up with five kids?” Theodore inputted.
“I read a theory that I got pregnant with someone else to force Calum to stay with me,” Y/N stated casually.
“What?” It was a communal cry of shock from all five children, staring at their mother in complete surprise, while Calum lapsed back into laughter.
“Yeah, some people thought that I got pregnant by someone else, told Calum that the twins were his and so he stayed with me out of duty.” Y/N said, a wry smile on her face, glancing over at her husband. “But that was from people who didn’t like me rather than anything else,” she added.
“What about the people who think Dad and Uncle Ash are together?” Theodore asked curiously, and Leo saw triumph cross Maia’s face at having piqued their brother’s interest.
“Well there are a lot of theories,” Calum said slowly.
“Some think that you guys are actually all adopted by the two of them,” Y/N said. “And that I must live in a shed outside or something to account for why I’m always here.”
“A shed!” Sophie shrieked, laughing and Kara joined in, though looking a little uncertain, just wanting to fit in with her older sister.
“Maybe not a shed precisely, Soph,” Calum laughed. 
“But that’s the gist of it, yeah,” Y/N confirmed. “Oh my God!”
“Cal - do you remember when Leo broke his arm?” Her eyes were sparkling with amusement and Calum’s eyes widened, his mouth splitting once again into a wide grin, throwing his head back.
“That was probably one of the most far fetched ones,” he agreed after having recovered a little.
“What about when I broke my arm?” Leo frowned, thinking back to when he was eight years old and had fallen funny during a football match, breaking his arm.
Calum had missed that match - having been called into the studio with Michael to get some recordings straightened out. When Y/N had called him in hysterics in the hospital waiting room, he had rushed straight there. Ashton, Luke and Michael had come along a little while afterwards with the other kids in tow - Ashton and Luke having been babysitting at the time.
“I don’t know if you guys remember - I don’t know why you would - but Ash caught the flu a few days after Leo broke his arm and I remember that there was a theory that I actually rushed off to the hospital to visit him and then management faked Leo’s broken arm to cover up that I was really there to see Ash.”
“They thought I faked having a broken arm?” Leo asked, blinking at his father and frowning.
“Pretty much, yeah.”
“When the twins were first born, the same fans thought you two were dolls.”
“Dolls?” Maia repeated.
“Yep - obviously those nine months that I was pregnant with you had to be fake as I was supposedly ‘over-doing’ the pregnancy symptoms-” Y/N was cut off by Calum’s snort of laughter.
“I forgot that people said that.”
“Lucky you,” Y/N said drily. “And so when you were born there was no way that either of you two could be real - therefore you had to be dolls, made specifically to look like us two and made to look properly human.”
“But… we’re not dolls,” Leo pointed out.
“Maia’s got the personality of one,” Theodore mused.
Maia’s protests were lost under the sounds of Sophie and Kara’s giggles and Leo tried to stifle his own laughter, not wanting to aggravate his twin further.
“That’s enough, Theo,” Calum said, but he, too, looked like he was holding back chuckles. “It was something to do how you always looked the same in every photo, you were always positioned the same or something?” He looked to his wife for conformation who gave a shrug before nodding.
“Something like that.”
“We were babies - what were they expecting from us? Backflips or something?”
“I would’ve been so proud of you if you’d done backflips as a child,” Calum sighed. “As it stands, though…”
“Rude,” Maia huffed, but gave in and smiled at her father’s teasing jab.
“I can do a cartwheel!” Kara inputted, puffing up her chest proudly. “Sophie taught me!” She added, after looking over to find that Sophie was looking at her.
“And that’s why you’re my favourite,” Calum assured her.
This caused an outbreak of protests and grumbling from the other four children, all of whom looked greatly offended despite none of them really taking him at all seriously.
“I’m the eldest, surely I hold some form of special affection in your heart,” Leo complained.
“Eldest by twenty-seven minutes!”
“Those twenty-seven minutes are what hold me in higher standing!”
“You two were researching theories that you’re not really our children,” Calum pointed out. “Kara doesn’t know how the computers work.”
“I do!”
“That’s true - she can get onto Minecraft,” Theodore agreed. “Though it’s understandable you resent Maia and Leo, they are rather annoying at all times.”
“Hey, you weren’t the favourite either so don’t get all high and mighty on us.”
“Why aren’t I the favourite?” Sophie asked, looking genuinely distraught.
“Tell you what - whoever cleans up after tea will rise the ranks of favourite child.”
The effect of Calum’s words were immediate, Sophie, Maia and Leo springing to their feet to help out. Kara giggled as she watched her older siblings playfully fighting over who got to clear away Calum’s empty plate and Theodore rolled his eyes to himself, letting out a long-suffering sigh and picked up his book again.
“You know manipulating your children like this makes you a bad person, right?” Y/N asked as she watched the chaos in the room.
“Well of course it makes me sound like a bad person when you put it like that.”
The sounds of clattering dishes had attracted the attention of the dogs, two of which came bounding into the room, the youngest - a spaniel named Milo -still a puppy, who jumped around yapping at the children. The other dog - also a spaniel, named Bowie - instead came over to the table, licking the hand Kara stretched out for him before walking over to Theodore’s chair, silently begging for attention.
Theodore had always been the child that animals gravitated towards.
Almost absent-mindedly, he dropped a hand down to stroke Bowie’s head and a small smile appeared on his face, though his eyes remained fixedly on his book.
Duke entered the kitchen, age waring him down and making his movements slow. He attempted to bark but seemed a little too tired as he ambled his way over to the table, flopping down next to Calum’s chair.
Calum scooped up the small dog and placed him on his lap.
“Hey, old man.” 
Y/N reached over to pet the elderly dog, a sad smile on her face.
“We’ve done alright, haven’t we?” She asked Calum quietly.
“Theo?” Kara’s voice was quiet from across the table.
“Will you read with me again tonight?” She sounded shy asking her brother. Y/N was momentarily distracted from Calum and looked at her two children, Kara looking at her older brother imploringly.
“Of course I will,” Theodore agreed, his voice low but kind and gentle in a way that it only sounded when speaking to his youngest sister or the dogs.
“Yeah - I think we did just fine - maybe not as interesting if half of those theories were true,” Calum said, moving one of his own hands off of Duke’s fur and cupping Y/N’s face gently.
She laughed a little at that.
“Maybe we’d be a little more interesting if they were true,” she agreed, smiling prettily up at him in the way that even now still brought a flutter to his chest.
“But I think we’ve done just fine, Nib.”
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goyurim · 3 years
I was tagged by @its-chelisey-stuff @koreandragon @leedongsik @gimme-a-chocolate @what-breaks-my-heart and @wullu woah woah wooahh slow down there people i get i’m famous but one at a time please 🤚🏽
1. Why did you choose your url?
do i need to go off on a rant about how much i’m obsessed with this lil sunflower, the literal sun, i revolve around him everyday, he gives me light, the brightest star in my universe, or are y’all sick and tired of me already
2. Any sideblogs?
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
wow uh... i don’t remember... 2013 maybe? i made this blog last year in august though
4. Do you have a queue tag?
i don’t have a tag, in fact i don’t tag most of my stuff bc i’m lazy, but my blog almost always runs on queue. once in a blue moon i obsessively post about my hyperfixations but i try not to torture my followers too much
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i made it to talk to people about flower of evil and intended to delete it afterwards but then i decided to explore photoshop and practice my editing skills too so... i’m still here
6. Why did you choose your avatar?
tak dong kyung is the cutest liddol bean i love that girlie so much. my avatars are just my favourite characters of shows i’m currently watching/not over yet
7. Why did you choose your header?
Because I love Beyond Evil and that scene is everything. - that’s mel’s answer and i’m stealing it bc both our headers are from the same scene and she’s right
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
*sighs* yaa’s. boat. post. it’s gonna haunt me forever isn’t it. no i’m not linking it he already did in his post and that’s enough
9. How many mutuals do you have?
you can check that?? how???
10. How many followers do you have?
11. How many blogs do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
yeah. mostly whenever i’m ranting about my personal life that no one probably cares or wants to know about
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
once? i’m online almost every day unless i have exams or assignments due then i take a couple weeks off. my blog still runs on queue while i’m gone so y’all can feel my presence on your dashes uwu 💞
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
lmao i’m too cowardly to fight people. i do disagree with people on drama opinions mostly but the conversations are always civil
15. How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
they’re guilt-trippy and make me feel bad about myself so i scroll past them real fast usually. no need to make this site a bad experience for me that’s not what this place is for
16. Do you like tag games?
always! they’re so much fun i love doing them and i love getting tagged my response is always ‘oh! this moot remembers me?! thank you for acknowledging my existence! i love you so much!!’ the reason i’m so slow at doing them is bc i need to be in the right headspace i don’t wanna just skim over them and i’m always scared of tagging ppl bc i feel like i’m bothering them lmao
17. Do you like ask games?
yes!! tag games, ask games, i love them all!!! getting attention feels great!!!!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Idk they are all famous to me 😘 - stealing mel’s answer again bc yes. you’re all famous in my heart 🥰
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
i am a little bit in love with all of my mutuals. we have this strange unyielding bond that ascends beyond time and space and i hope i have made all of my mutuals feel it in one way or another at some point during my time here. any love i made you feel is yours to keep 💓
20. Tags?
i feel like everyone’s done this already so anyone who feels like doing it can say i tagged you!! <3
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rina-writes · 4 years
Read This
Summary: You, a long term friend of the twins, notice that Ethan has been acting strange.  After beating around the bush for a couple months, Grayson breaks down and tells you what’s going on. You decide to show Ethan something that you never intended for him to read...
A/N: When I started this side blog, I wanted to make it such that it would only feature my writing of who I am obsessed with at the time. I really wanted to comment Ethan’s battle with acne, but didn’t want to take away from the purpose of this blog. So, I put it in this short fic. I hope you all enjoy!
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You could see the concern in Grayson’s face as you trudged toward Ethan’s room, your long cardigan flowing majestically behind you with the quick movement. Grayson lurched forward to grab your wrist and you looked at him with a frown.
“I don’t think you understand the state that E is in right now.” Grayson said, looking at the ground instead of meeting your eyes. “I know you’re a fan of tough love, but I don’t think this is the greatest time for it.”
“Grayson, I’m not an asshole.” You said, pulling your arm away from him.  “I’m not here to kick him when he’s down...I just want him to see something that I wish I had seen in my most insecure moments.”
Grayson seemed hesitant.  You couldn’t blame him.  The three of you were usually goofballs, pranking each other and roasting each other whenever you got the chance. It was weird for you to see Grayson so serious and using an inside voice.  It was weirder not seeing Ethan at his side. It felt like the world was topsy turvy enough with everything going on, to see your friend group shattered as well pushed you to want to do something about it. 
“I’m giving you 10 minutes.” Grayson said after some thought with a sigh.  “But, leave the door open.”
“Okay, mom!” You punched his arm, playfully. 
Grayson wagged a finger at you putting on his best scolding face before laughing softly.  He gestured for you to go up the stairs and you nodded, turning from him. 
The walk to Ethan’s room felt longer than usual.  You realized it was because you were a bit nervous and it caused you to drag your feet.  You took a deep breath and added some pep in your step.  This wasn’t the big bad wolf, this was one of your closest friends. If you went in with that mindset, this whole thing was for naught.
As you got closer to Ethan’s room, surprised to see the door already open.  You knocked on the door gently as you walked in.  You frowned seeing Ethan laying in bed, his head pressed against a pillow with his eyes glued to his phone.  He looked paler than you’ve ever seen him and his hazel eyes glossed over as though he was in his own dream world.
“Hey, it’s me.” You said, walking toward him. You tried to put a bit of normalcy in your voice. You hoped he didn’t hearing it quiver.
“Hey...” Ethan said, not enthusiasm in his voice.  He didn’t really move. His head was still pressed to the pillow, but he used his feet to clear a space on the bed for you to sit. 
“Oh wow the royal treatment.” You grinned. You walked over to him and he turned away slightly.
“Uh, I should let you know, my face is kind of a mess right now.” Ethan said, his words muffled slightly.
You sat on the edge of his bed and looked at him. You could barely see his face, but from what you could see, it didn’t look that bad.  If he didn’t bring it up, you probably wouldn’t have noticed. 
“Ethan, you’re talking to me.” You pointed at yourself.  “If I didn’t apologize for literally every hair disaster I had in the last four years, you shouldn’t apologize for this.”
“They weren’t THAT bad...” Ethan said, finally locking his phone, but still avoiding your eyes.
“Your mom and the other hair stylists staged an intervention because of my last dye job.” You leaned forward and narrowed your eyes. “They emptied the store and had chairs in a circle like freaking Alcoholics Anonymous.”
Ethan laughed softly, a sound you realized that you had missed from the moment you entered the room. 
“The chairs were such a nice touch.” Ethan joked doing the ‘chef’s kiss’ motion with his hands. “I wish I could take credit for it, but pretty sure it was someone at the salon.”
“My point is...”  You said, moving right along as you resisted the urge to touch your hair now just to check if it was okay. You smiled, “...we’re friends, Ethan. We don’t have to apologize for things like this...”
Ethan went silent.  You gulped worried that you went too far already. Now you understood why Grayson was acting they way he was downstairs.  You wondered how many times they argued and how many times they shut each other out over the past couple of months.  With them, there were two kinds of fighting. There was the fighting when they were both yelling and pushing each other.  That was the norm.  But, then there was the fighting where they both spoke in the quietest of voices. Where they didn’t make eye contact and only said a few words, usually sandwiched with swears. These were the arguments that worried you most because it usually meant one or both of them was hurting.
“I want to show you something.” You said, pulling out your phone from the front pocket of your jean shorts.
For the first time since you walked in, Ethan looked at you. This also meant that this was the first time you got a good look at him. He did look bad, but not because of his skin. His eyes looked so cold. It was like he was staring through you. You’ve seen him beam at complete strangers and now, he was staring at you like you were invisible. 
You controlled your reaction, not wanting him to misunderstand your surprise. You softened your face, but dared not smile. He would be able to see through a phony grin. You looked own at your phone and started to get ready to show him what you planned.
“Grayson doesn’t let me see Twitter.” He said, before glancing away. “If that’s what you’re going to do...”
“Well, thank goodness I’m showing you Tumblr then.” You said, still looking at your screen as you typed in your search.
“Here...” You handed it to him and Ethan took your phone.
“What is this?” He asked, squinting at the brightness of your screen. At the top was ‘ethan dolan’ which searched all the Ethan Dolan tags on Tumblr.
“It’s the top results for Ethan Dolan on Tumblr.” You said, resting your hands on your lap.  “I looked it up a long time ago to tease you guys.  As you can see there are a lot of edits and stuff, but there’s also fan fiction.”
“I’ve read this stuff.” Ethan said, handing it back to you. “Clearly, you don’t watch our videos.”
There was a hint of a smile as he teased you. With it, you saw a glimmer of the Ethan Dolan you were waiting to emerge.  Baby steps.
“Trust me.” You said pushing the phone back towards him. “This is nothing like you have ever read before.”
“You don’t even know which one I’m going to read.” Ethan rolled his eyes.
“Your fans are a lot more...eh, mature in their writing now.” You blushed softly. “Trust me.”
Ethan looked annoyed, but he decided to read one of them.  You watched uncomfortably as his face turned redder and redder. 
“Why am I spitting on her?” In the most deadpan voice, Ethan broke the silence and asked, looking at you.
“Oh my god!” You yelled, getting embarrassed. “I don’t know! I didn’t write it.”
“Do people think I’m that mean?” Ethan asked, looking back at the phone. “That I’d choke my girlfriend because she said that she was going to go ask Grayson to take care of her. Like OKAY, you do that...”
You snickered. As if Ethan would have such a chill reaction to something like that.
“Oh come on, E.” You rolled your eyes. “You’re not innocent...you know what fetishes are and that some people like being dominated.”
“Are you saying some people because you mean yourself?” Ethan quirked a brow, looking at you with a smug expression.
He was totally messing with you! You have been upset if you weren’t completely relieved
You narrowed your eyes, not giving away you position. “Anyway...now, I want you to go to the recent tab.”
You watched Ethan’s eyes search the screen and then his thumb move to the top of the screen to click on ‘Recent.’  He scrolled down more, his face turning more red.
“Well, that’s a very graphic description of my penis.” Ethan put your phone down and crossed his arms over his pillow, looking at you with a soft smile. “Did you come here to get laid?”
“Ugh, no!” You rolled your eyes.  “You’re missing the point...”
“You just had me read written porn about myself...I’m not sure anyone would get the point.” Ethan said, the smile on his lips getting wider as his eyes started to regain the playfulness you had grown to adore.
“What was the difference between the fics in the Top section and the Recent section?” You asked, trying to give him a hint.
“Oh, you’re so acquainted with them that you call them fics?” Ethan asked, leaning back. You could now see that he was shirtless, in long gray sweat shorts, his stomach and chest exposed as he laid back on his head board.
“Alright, that’s it.” You said, pretending to leave as you snatched your phone.
Ethan knew you were bluffing, but he was too nice to call you out on it.  “I’m sorry,” He gave you a little pout.  “Don’t go.”
“Answer the question...” You said, sitting back down and crossing your legs.
Ethan stuck his hand out to take your phone and you unlocked to hand it to him. He switched between the two tabs.
“Uh, the ones in the top are a lot dirtier, I guess?” He narrowed his eyes. “Not by much though.”
“Okay, what about the gifs and stuff?” You asked.  “Still seeing thirst comments?”
Ethan chuckled. “Yeah...about the same.”
“That’s kind of my point, E.” You took your phone and stared him down so he couldn’t look away.  “For your fans, you’re still so hot that they want you to choke them and make them beg for you. You’re still their soft boy that they want to spoon and pamper. You’re still their sweetheart that...in all honesty, was probably the first love for many of them. They haven’t noticed your pimples...E.”
Ethan opened his mouth to say something, but you put up a finger.  
“But they don’t know how bad it is.” You said in the deep, husky voice you use to imitate him along with your signature arm flex gestures.
Ethan rolled his eyes. “They really don’t. I mean look.” He pointed to his forehead.
“I’m going to lick it.” You said, lurching forward.
“HOLY --- Don’t you dare.” Ethan said, sticking out his foot to stop you.
You laughed, loudly and eventually, Ethan did as well.  
“Every time you say something like that’s I’m going to lick. Then you’ll have acne and my spit on you.” You stuck out your tongue.
“I’m going to have nightmares.” Ethan joked, smiling softly. 
You slapped his thigh and grinned. “Look, I’ve been kinda where you are.  With my skin, with my hair, with my weight...all of it.  I kept thinking I didn’t deserve to have fun until I looked perfect. All the while, the people around me didn’t even notice.  I bet you probably don’t even remember when I’m talking about...”
Ethan shook his head.  He turned his head to look out the window and then realization washed over his face.
Ethan paused for a moment. “I only remember that one day where you didn’t want to go to the beach and then someone told me it was because you didn’t want to go swimsuit shopping...I didn’t really get it at the time.  I was just upset because that was the first time we were going to hang out in months and it was the only time Gray and I were free.”
“That’s how I feel about this.” You smiled softly. “To me, Gray, your friends, your family, your FANS...” You pointed to your phone. “We don’t get why you don’t want to come to the beach.  We don’t give two hoots how you look in the swimsuit, we just miss you.”
“I can’t say I feel 100% better.” Ethan admitted. “But, I’m feeling a little less...shitty.”
“A little less shitty. I’ll take that.” You smiled, standing up. 
“I half expected to come in here and slap me across the face.” Ethan laughed softly.
“Good god, do both Dolan Twins think I’m an asshole?” You put your hands on your hips. 
“Oh Tin Man, you do have a heart...” Ethan joked. 
You grabbed one of his pillows and hit him with it.  He grabbed another and hit you back, your laughter filling the room.
“Wanna get something to eat? Or at least go downstairs?” You asked. “You know how Gray gets when he’s left out.”
You imitated Gray hunched over and pouting looking at Ethan from the corner of your eye.
“Yeah...” Ethan smiled, getting off the bed and standing up.  “Imma tell him you did that.”
“Heh, do it.” You scoffed. “I’m not afraid him...Just uh, let me start my car.” 
You reached in your pocket to pull out your keys and pretended to remote start you car by pointing it at the window.
He gave you a tight hug.  “Thanks, kiddo. You’re not half bad most of the time.”
“Yup.” You said, hugging him back lightly.  “I’m the best, I know.”
“So be honest....” Ethan asked  “...how many of those fics of me have you read?”
Your eyes widened slightly. “What? Grayson, are you calling me?!” You yelled speed walking toward the door.
“Gray! Y/N is lusting after.” Ethan yelled, following you out the door.  “She’s prying on your brother in his moment of weakness.”
Grayson smiled as he heard you two thundering down.  9 mins and 35 seconds...not bad at all.
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phantasyreign · 3 years
Hi, I have been working on your Kikyo theme for the last couple of days, and there is a couple of things I still can't quite get right. Is there a way to add more links on the sidebar, without it ending under See More? I noticed on the preview that it had more before the see more, but I can't figure out how to get that done. I was also wondering the four buttons, Dashboard, message, customize and follow is there a way to change them? I love the theme, so I hope you can help :)
Hey! Thanks for reaching out and using my theme! I rarely help with any major customization questions since it requires lengthy customization + explanation but I'll give this an exception :)
To answer your questions:
Changing the Links' Style
As you know by now, the links can be added by using Tumblr's built-in links. I have added it, as a default setting, to make all the links appear beneath the [See More] section except for ask and submit. Technically, it is possible for you to do that (depending on if we have the same concept in mind). So, to do it, you need to do it as follow -
Go to your Customization page. And click [Edit HTML].
Click ctrl/cmd + F, and find {block:HasPages} .
Once your find it, remove <details>, <summary>{lang:See more}</summary>, and </details>. Click [Update Preview] and [Save]. Supposedly, you'll be seeing that none of the links are hidden beneath the [See More] section. This is because we have omitted the code which allows the link to stay hidden inside [See More]. Here's the supposed outcome: 
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However, do take note of the following -
The font size will be the same as the other sidebar headings like Ask/Submit.
Once a user clicks the About, Ask, or Submit button, every link will be going down (idk how to explain this but here's a photo):
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This may or may not look pleasing in your eyes, depending on how you see it.
If you have so many links and it needs to scroll down, unfortunately, your search bar would be like this:
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Here are the solutions to the above issues:
Decrease the size of the font
There are two relevant selectors that are crucial for this solution which are details and .sidebar a. details cover over the ask, submit, and about section while .sidebar a covers over the links like Index and other links added inside using Tumblr's built-in.
Search for the above selectors at the CSS area/ <style>.
Once you found it, search for font-size and edit it to 1rem (recommended) or whatever suits you/your blog.
Not getting the search bar in an awkward position.
Search for .sbp at the CSS area.
Omit the position, bottom, and left and replace it with margin:2rem 0.5rem;
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Tumblr controls
As to your second question, I think you need to explain further, what do you mean by "a way to change them"? This is just general customization:
At the code itself, search for /*TUMBLR CONTROL*/.
You can edit the .tc > a and .tc > a:hover. However, do it at your own risk. I'll not assist you in this matter. If you don't understand any of the properties, you can simply Google it to find the answer.
Hope this helps you out! If you still have any trouble, just reach out again. Don't forget to share with me the name of the blog that you're using (just write @yourusername, no need for a full link). Another thing, can you answer this survey of mine about theme selection?. I would really appreciate it :D
All the best!
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