#i normally don't care because i'm normally confident but if you leave a comment i'm gonna love you forever <3
lenievi · 1 year
Spones Day 2023 fic
Canon divergent universe where TMP never happened. Takes place a few years before TWOK (but if TWOK happens is in the stars). Kirk has retired from Starfleet (just so you’re not confused), because I like that tidbit from Generations.
#McCoy didn’t know they were dating #first kiss #strangely proactive Spock
~1000 words. | G
The door to the Transporter Beam-up Center opened, and mixed groups of various species started to come out. McCoy moved to the side to not stand in their way, his eyes scanning the crowd for Spock’s familiar face. It was a few minutes before he heard, “Doctor McCoy.”
McCoy startled. “I need to buy you a cowbell.”
Spock lifted an eyebrow at him. “You’ve been saying that for years, Doctor, and I’m still waiting.” He raised his hand, fingers spread in a Vulcan salute. “We meet again.”
McCoy blinked and looked at his hand. His third finger quivered as he tried to connect it with the fourth one, hoping to form a V, but with no success. He gave up, shaking his fingers a bit, relieving the slight pain in his ring finger. One day, one day, he would succeed.
Spock held out his hand, the corner of his mouth twitching in amusement. 
McCoy glared at him. “You could’ve done it from the beginning.” He clasped Spock’s hand, soaking in the warmth he hadn’t felt for three months. “How was the trip?” He let go.
“Commanding a ship full of cadets on their training voyage is hardly a trip, Doctor.”
“You visited Vulcan before that, didn’t you?”
Spock gave a stiff nod. “Sarek sends his regards.” He beckoned toward the exit. “Shall we?”
Spock led him to a nearby restaurant.
Even after three years, it still felt odd whenever Spock invited him out. Sometimes to a science or technical museum, sometimes to a restaurant, sometimes to an arboretum. Just the two of them. If anyone had told him that ten years ago, five years ago, hell, even three years ago, he would scoff and tell them not to drink anymore. But Spock kept reaching out, and McCoy kept saying yes.
“Have you spoken to Jim recently?” McCoy asked after they ordered. He kept his eyes on the tabletop, not wanting to see Spock’s judging expression.
“Not since before my trip to Vulcan,” Spock said. “He acquired a dog.”
McCoy raised his head. “Jim has a dog?”
“His name is Butler.”
McCoy blinked.
“You would know that if you called him,” Spock said, his eyes piercing.
“Well…” McCoy wet his lips. “He could call me.”
“You informed him rather vehemently you didn’t want to see him unless he comes out of retirement.”
“You can’t tell me you think he can just live on a farm in Idaho and be happy.”
“That is not for us to judge.” Spock sipped his tea. “He appears to miss you.”
McCoy’s stomach did a funny flip. He reached for his glass of water and clasped it in both hands. His argument with Jim was ugly, and they hadn’t seen or talked to each other for two years.
“So, uhm…” he started but was saved by the waiter bringing their meals. The plates were placed, and McCoy grabbed the utensils. He should not think about Jim. Spock had always made it clear that they should resolve it themselves and did not wish to discuss it.
“It’s good to see you, Spock,” he said instead.
Spock smiled. 
They dug into their meals.
“My father offered me to work with him and accompany him to Ensis,” Spock said between bites.
McCoy frowned. “You want to leave Starfleet?”
“It would not immediately come to that, but it is an option I am considering.”
First Jim. Now Spock. McCoy had stayed in San Francisco because he wanted to stay close to them. Then Jim left. He stayed because Spock would have someone welcoming him back whenever he left on a training voyage. He stayed because… because he… 
He swallowed.
“I wanted to ask for… your opinion,” Spock said, his eyes focused somewhere behind McCoy’s shoulders. 
“My opinion?” McCoy put down his utensils. He didn’t feel hungry anymore.
“I have… always appreciated your company, Doctor.” Spock frowned. “Leonard.”
McCoy's heart skipped. He didn’t remember the last time Spock used his name.
“In the last three years, perhaps before that, the appreciation evolved, changed.” Spock looked him in the eyes. “I do not enjoy the thought of not seeing you for months.”
McCoy didn’t know what to say. His mind was flying at warp speed. The almost realization a minute ago. Every time Spock invited him to go somewhere. Every time McCoy invited Spock to his apartment, sharing meals, cooking together. The soft brushes of their shoulders, as they passed each other in McCoy’s narrow kitchen. The soft brushes of the back of their hands, as they walked down the streets or halls of the museums. Spock’s fingers on his elbow, demanding his attention. So common, so frequent that he didn’t even notice them anymore.
“Are we dating, Spock?” McCoy blurted out.
“As there hasn’t been an official agreement, we are not.”
“Do you want to?” McCoy asked before he could think about it.
The tips of Spock’s ears darkened. “That was the matter I wanted to discuss today. In order to answer my father’s offer, I first needed an answer from you.”
“I have already told you. I would have… missed you.”
McCoy could not hold back his smile, his cheeks growing hot.
“If you did not answer positively, creating a physical distance between us would be a logical thing to do.”
“The distance wouldn’t help,” McCoy murmured.
“Perhaps.” Spock inclined his head. “But it appears we do not have to test it.”
“But your father –”
“My father is aware.”
McCoy opened his mouth and closed it. “You…” He wet his lips. “You talked about us with Sarek?” Us. There was an us.
“My father thinks highly of you,” Spock said. “Mother too. She’d like it if you accompanied me next time I visit Vulcan.”
McCoy blinked.
“You don’t have to give me an answer today.” Spock bit his lower lip. McCoy hadn’t seen that habit in years. “But I would like to kiss you.”
McCoy nodded, lost for words. His heart beat loud in his ears. He raised his hand.
Spock leaned across the table and pressed their lips together.
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solbaby7 · 6 months
Take What You Need
pairing: cassian x reader
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warnings: just swearing and porn with little plot, prolly a few typos
summary: Stress wears hard on a General's body, so you offer up yours in hopes to provide some much need relief
He'd been working so hard.
Forgetting to eat some days and once you'd noticed, you made a point to wake up a bit earlier than normal; a whole hour before he'd stir awake to ensure he had a warm meal and a canteen full of water that you'd ordered be refilled at least twice throughout the day. Cassian always grumbled out some complaint while sleuthing his swords between large wings; hands still wiping sleep from his eyes but he always came home with it empty and a little more life in his cheeks.
"Why not just take a little vacation?" You murmur into his shoulder later than night, his fighting leathers a heap on the ground and Cassian's giant body is pliant in your touch, muscles relaxed from a hot bath and head cushioned by your thighs as your fingers rake through inky hair. "Rhysand wouldn't mind."
"I know but I have too much to do—too little time to get it done. I can't get distracted at a time like this; when Velaris and its people need their safety ensured the most."
It's another version of the same thing he'd always said when you'd ever tried to suggest such a thing but you don't fight it and no anger builds because you know how much this means to him; being able to use his skills to protect his family and his home. "I understand your responsibilities completely; I only worry about the toll they take on you." Your point is easily proven, hands grazing over bare skin and while the hard lines and strong muscle is attractive and jaw dropping, the pained groans that pass full lips makes your heart lurch from the soreness that followed. "When do you get to relax?"
"Whenever you bend over my desk and let me have my way with you."
He means it as a joke—you think. A boyish smirk on manly features, eyes closed in content as you continue your exploration, knuckles grazing the membraneous wings behind him and you'll never grow tired of the goosebumps that litter your skin at the moan that pulls from him. "Okay," You whisper, legs moving below him and he goes to complain, eyes peeling open to make some spoiled little comment about how he hadn't yet given you permission to stop your caring touches but the words never leave his brain. Not when you'd peeled off your—his shirt and tossed it somewhere behind you. "Then have your way with me."
Cassian doesn't answer right away, a little stunned by the breasts displayed perfectly in his line of sight, the dangling little belly ring you'd done yourself with a clean needle and entirely too much time alone. "You're serious?"
"Very." It comes out like a hum, a pleased smile on your face and confidence swells now that you've effectively stunned him to silence with so few words. "You work hard," You explain, eyes actually appreciating the bare skin before you. "I see it and I'm proud of you and if all I can do to help you feel a little better at the end of the day is by being your stress relief—then, I'd be happy to oblige."
He takes no longer to ponder it, rising up and taking in your bare chest like it were the first time all over again. "It's been a rough week, sweet girl." For a second, you think he tells you to fill the silence, to ease you into his fingers hooking into the waistband of your night shorts to slide them down your thighs and over the length of your legs; its dangling over one ankle when he moves on to the next, a low groan emitting when he takes in the bare cunt beneath. "So fucking good to me," Cassian praises and it's when a strong soldiers hands curl around your thighs, fingers gripping at your hips when he drags your ass over the arm of the couch. It's a strain on your back, hips jutted in the air and spine stuck in an arch but you push the mild discomfort aside at how much praise he offers for it. “You just always know exactly what I need.”
The position does little protect you from the ravenous assault of Cassian’s mouth that lowers down against your cunt; lips smacking kisses and tongue darting out to explore until your legs were searching for purchase—something to hold onto or maybe to push against to feel more of his mouth or push it off, you can’t tell but the pleasure is addicting.
Weeks and weeks of your fingers that could never quite compare to Cassian’s; digits thick and skilled when they coat themselves in your arousal and shove it back inside. Every filthy moan encourages him, positive reinforcement fueling his ego more than a million compliments on his physical appearance and he doesn’t slow down until you’re dripping between your legs and struggling for breath. “You sure you can handle it?”
“I have many times before unless something here has changed.”
He chuckles at your smart mouth, the snarky response second nature and he probably would’ve let it go if he wasn’t so high on the dominance—the way you were so quick to offer up your body to him and lay at his mercy while he fucked off the stresses of his job. His heart clenches at the huge display of trust, hands gentle after working an orgasm from you; slick fingers grazing over the soft curve under your breasts. You expect him to linger there; to stick to his usual routine and work as many hickeys onto the malleable flesh until there was no space left to mark but it doesn’t happen.
Just one kiss is pressed to the center of your chest, ears a cutely aware of the boxers dropping to the floor and the throbbing cock burning between your thighs when he smiles down at you with a look you can’t place. "Remember something for me, yeah?"
You nod, words escaping you as you try and fail to figure out that glint in hazel eyes darkened by blown pupils. He's slow about it at first; intentional in the way he teases you with the weeping head of his cock and it takes everything in you not to squirm against the bruising grip on your hips. "I love you."
Your brows furrow at the sentiment, ready to return it either way when it becomes clear why Cassian was being so sweet—so kind and eager to give you pleasure before taking his own because something curls in your stomach when you watch the way he braces himself. Certain he can hear the way you swallow thickly, you glance up at him, voice hesitant. “Cass—“
He cuts you off with a gentle shush, almost placating as he watches where the two of you begin to join and the thick stretch of his head is barely inside before he’s talking again. “You said you wanted to help, right? Help baby, be a good girl and take me.”
It’s easy to give him what he wants when you go boneless in his grasp, each excruciatingly perfect inch of his cock fucking into you like you were as insubordinate and stubborn as his recruits. If it weren’t for the unwavering grip on your hips, the sheer weight behind his thrusts alone would’ve been enough to push you clean off the couch.
It would’ve been a mercy—a reprieve from the brutal pace spurred by your words and there’s nothing you can do but take him, moans spilling and eyes squeezing shut as every single nerve ending felt like it was being electrocuted over and over and over again.
The love shows in his words even when he fucks like he hates you, cock unbelievably deep from this position and the sound of your pussy slurping up his girth is obscene. It couldn’t get any better; watching the hard lines fade to relief, nothing but unrestrained pleasure screwed up on golden skin and your eyes flutter shut when a hand slides up to your throat. “Too good to me,” His voice catches and you know he’s close but there’s something comforting about the fingers loosely gripped around your neck. “—don’t deserve you for a second.”
You’re trying to tell him that it’s not true—that he deserves more than you could ever scrounge up but the words don’t come because Cassian is and he’s spilling such sweet words out even though his fingerprints are bruised into the skin of your hips and you’re certain there’s no way you’re going to be doing much else but sleeping anytime soon. It doesn’t matter, not when his seed is so warm inside and his face finally looks calm as he watches it spill out of you. “Cass—“
“I know you’re tired baby,” The hand around your throat shifts into gentle knuckles dragging slow lines against your cheek; a sweet gesture meant to distract while his other hand stroked around a quickly growing cock. “—but I’m not quite finished yet.”
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imbored1201 · 6 months
Hello, can you do a Lionesses x Teen Reader? where the reader's having a crush on a girl but the Lionesses are not having it. Not in a homophobic way, but just them not liking that you have a crush in general. They tried everything to make your crush go away 'cause for them, reader is too little and too cute for something like that.
The Text Message
A/N: I don’t know why, but I struggle so much with coming up with a title for the fics😭
Lioness x Teen Reader (Reader also plays for Barca)
Word Count: 1,094
You could feel their stares, but continued to ignore them. You were sitting far away from the rest of the girls. Texting your crush, well, trying to get the balls to send the 'I like you' text. 
Usually you would sit next to Mary and throw food at everyone, but now you were quiet, in your own little corner, attached to your phone. 
You had been doing that for the past two days.
You met your crush after a game with Barcelona; you saw her regularly since she went to lots of them. She was always sitting first row behind the goal on the left side of the field, so it was easy to find her, and you found yourself staring at her a lot during pregame warmups. 
You would always have a little chat with her while you signed stuff for the fans around her. It wasn't until a huge win where you scored a hat trick that you gained the confidence to ask her for her number, and she gladly gave it to you. 
Then came the texting none stop; you even went to the movies a couple of times together. You didn't know if she felt the same though; you didn't even know if she liked girls. 
This is why you were sitting here staring at your phone, deciding whether to send it or not. It wasn't until Tooney and Alessia decided to sneak up on you to see what was dragging you away from the rest of the team. 
They made themselves known when Tooney snatched your phone away and read what was on the screen. "hey!" You yelled as you tried getting it back, but Alessia held you back.
"You have a crush?!" Tooney yelled in shock. She swore just yesterday you were ranting about how dating was disgusting. 
"Lucy! Your kid has a crush." Lucy looked confused, but walked over and looked at the phone. "Who is this?" She questioned you, "someone." Millie took the phone now. 
"Girls, just leave her be," Beth tried to defend you. "It's normal for a girl her age to have a crush on someone," LJ added. At least they understood. 
"Who is this?" Lucy asked again, "A girl, Lucy, possibly my future girlfriend. Probably not; I don't even know if she fucking likes girls!" You ranted, "Language, jeez, you see what you're teaching her, Mary." Mary looked offended at Lucy's comment. 
"Stop it! Leave her alone." Keira took back your phone and handed it to you. "How much money do you want?" You looked at Millie, who had a serious look on her face. 
"What?" "I'll give you whatever you want if you forget about this crush of yours." Keira laughed in disbelief. "Millie, you cannot be serious. It's just a crush!" Millie shook her head. 
"She's too young for that!" Rachel joined in. You were starting to get overwhelmed, considering everyone was gathered around. 
"You didn't care when I told you about my crush on that character," you told Lucy as you crossed your arms.
"Because there's no chance in hell you would be able to date her, you actually have a chance with this random girl." While Lucy was ranting, you continued to stare at the text. 
"I'm sending it." Before you could, you got tackled by two different people, Millie and Rachel. "No! You're too innocent to start dating. She can hurt you," you groaned as Mary took your phone. 
You glared at Tooney and Lessi and said, "You two started this; you need to learn how to mind your own business." They both looked offended and shocked by what you said. Chloe and Georgia bursted out laughing as they took your phone to scroll through the other messages. 
"So, you've been to the movies with her," Georgia whistled. "What! When?" Lucy looked betrayed that you didn't tell her. 
"Like two weeks ago," you shrugged, "and you didn't tell me?" "Look at how you're reacting right now; this is the reason why," you told her as you huffed and stormed out of the room. 
Lucy groaned as she watched and turned to Keira, who was giving her a look of disappointment. "What? She's too young to date Keira."
"Oh please, everyone in this room had their first girlfriend or boyfriend when they were like 14, Lucy. She's 16 and just trying to experience new things outside of football.”
Everyone went silent. "We don't want her getting hurt," Rachel told her. "She'll be fine; trust me, Lucy will interrogate that girl to make sure her intentions are good." Lucy smirked and proudly nodded. 
"Now go apologize to the kid," they all groaned and left to find you. 
You rolled your eyes as you heard a knock on your door. "What?" You said harshly. "Kiddo, can we talk to you?" Mary asked, "No." You stubbornly said, "Come on, open the door; we have your favorite candy." You perked up at that. "Fine," you said, opening the door, and Millie was quick to barge in. 
"Hey! Where's the candy?" "We'll get it for you later." Rachel held out her pinky, and you gladly took it. 
"We're sorry," Millie started as she elbowed Lucy. "Yeah, sorry," Rachel and Mary nodded. "And we'll support the relationship," Mary added on.
"But if she does something, we can hire teenagers to take care of her for you. We would, but we're assuming she's underage," Rachel said, but she saw the little smirk on your face. 
"She's your age though, right? I know your into older women." You blushed at that and nodded. "She's 17." "17?!" Mary shouted, "Mary, I turn 17 in like a month, and she just turned 17 a week ago." Mary let out a sigh of relief at that. 
"But you have to tell Alexia, and I don't want you going to her house alone," she warned you, and you rolled your eyes but nodded. "And I need to meet her." "You know we're not dating, right? I don't even know if she swings that way." 
Millie pinched your cheeks. "Who wouldn't want to be with your adorable face?" she cooed, and you smacked her hands away.
“You’ll be fine; I’m sure she likes you.” For the first time, Lucy was right. She did end up liking you, and now you were taking her out on a date. 
Of course Lucy was there to see how she was, and she ended up liking her a bit, but not fully since, according to her, ‘it’s too early to tell how she truly is’. 
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2-fast-2-curious · 1 year
Sundress season is here and I wonder if reader has ever thought of wearing one around Lewis
I don't write anymore but I had to at least give this my best shot because it's @princessphilly. If you haven't read her TGM sundress drabbles you need to leave my blog and go read it right now.
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Where else could this take place but Miami?
You had never been to the city but were excited to be joining Lewis at the Grand Prix. You were driven past the famous South Beach on your way from the airport to the hotel and you loved how confident everyone seemed in their tight skimpy swimwear. You had packed your best sundresses for this trip which meant high hemlines, low backs, and brightly colour fabrics that complimented your skin tone.
The days leading up to the race were full of promotional events and parties which meant there were plenty of opportunities for you to show off your collection of sundresses. Lewis was getting ready in the other room in the suite with his stylist while you slipped into your sundress and tied up the laces of your strappiest sandals which made your legs look impossibly long.
Sir Lewis Hamilton always took much longer than you to get ready. You flopped onto the bed, phone in hand careful not to mess up your hair or makeup as Lewis and the stylist went back and forth on different jewelry options.
Lewis walked the stylist out of the suite and went to get you in the other room. "Hey, are you-"
The sight that greeted him stopped him mid-question. Your body was stretched across the king-sized bed making your dress look even more indecent, the neckline accentuating the bare skin of your clavicle, shoulders, and cleavage and the neckline riding up to barely cover your thighs. "I've been ready for a while, Lew. C'mon, let's go."
You bent over to fix your dress, practically flashing Lewis your tits and grabbed your clutch off the floor, your heels clicking against the floor as you hurried to the elevator eager to get to the party. Lewis was strangely quiet, normally he would be pretty chatty before sponsor events so he would be warmed up when he finally arrived.
You raised an eyebrow at his strange behaviour. "What's wrong?"
Lewis traced the curve of your bare shoulders with his eyes in the reflection in the elevator. "Do you need a jacket or something?"
"Why would I need a jacket it's over thirty degrees Celsius?" Plus the event would be outdoors in the mid-afternoon. As you walked from the hotel lobby to the valet stand to get into the car, you could already feel the Florida sun warm your skin.
Lewis sighed, despite how much care he put into his appearance he rarely commented or advised you on how to dress. "It's already hard enough to pay attention to small talk and answer the same questions over and over again at these things. But now I have to do that when I know you're somewhere else in the room looking like this."
Lewis let his gaze linger as checked out the way your body filled out the dress. You smirked, pleased to finally get a reaction out of him. "Would you prefer if I remained in your sightline?"
Lewis imagined himself trying to look people in the eye during these boring conversations while you were in the background nibbling on chocolate-covered strawberries or being hit on by the bartender "I think that would be worse."
Lewis helped you into the car and made a last-ditch effort to make the next four hours a little less torturous. "Do you want to borrow my shirt?"
You rolled your perfectly made-up eyes. "The shirt you and your stylist spent hours trying to choose?"
Lewis shrugged. "And you're going to be walking around topless? Has George Russell been giving you styling tips now?"
The car dropped you and Lewis off at the venue. "I think I would rather you be clothed at this event. Besides I'm sure no one will even notice what I'm wearing when I enter the room next to you."
Lewis sighed in defeat knowing there was no point in arguing with you. He slipped his arm around your torso, resting his hand on your waist, and kissing your cheek. "I wouldn't be so sure."
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kiwisfics · 5 months
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A/N: Don't read this if you don't like dark fics! Don't come at me if you don't like the content. Triggers are listed and the only non-"constructive" comments I'll take are about any triggers that need to be added. I said I was gonna post this like... three days ago but I kept going over it again so if I don't post it now I'm not gonna. JUST TAKE THIS! Let me know if I missed any uses of my SI's name when I was editing.
Context Needed: I normally keep the fics I write that are lore-heavy to myself, but since people said they wanted the dark fic… Reader is a rifter, which basically means that she’s capable of traveling dimensions, and is conditionally immortal. Reader goes by Black Robin and is implied to have a suit that shows a lot of skin and to have a flirty persona as a vigilante.
TWs under the cut because there's... a lot.
Light TWs: Self-loathing, reader diminishes her own worth, reader has past trauma with being left behind by people she cares about, Dick is giving reader the silent treatment at the beginning but it’s mostly pre-setting, canon-typical violence/blood mentions. “Good girl” gets used condescendingly.
Heavy TWs: Do NOT read this if you have any triggers related to rape/non-con. Nothing actually happens, but it heavily revolves around reader believing that it's going to. Seriously, don't read this if you don't like whumpy stuff, because you're not gonna like it. My love of whumper to caretaker shows through here. Lots of mentions of trafficking, reader is kidnapped by said traffickers, fear of rape/non-con, Dick is very mean. Like, seriously, he’s very OOC for the majority of this fic. Threats/implications of rape/non-con, inappropriate use of one of his escrima sticks (just in the mouth) reader has a spiral at the end where she’d convinced that Nightwing and Red Hood are going to rape her.
If it’s any consolation, this is technically hurt/comfort, so it isn’t all horrible. Just… most of it. Reader also forgives him far too fast in the end, but I can gladly share some more snippets of how this affects the reader character in the future. I’ve already got ideas for some short scenes that I’m gonna write.
Nightwing was going to kill her.
He’d been explicitly clear: he didn’t want to see Black Robin out ever again. She’d nearly gotten herself killed, but she knew that wasn’t why he was so angry. He couldn’t have cared less about that, after all, she was a rifter and that meant that she was built to take pain and that death was a moot point. He was angry because she’d risked the mission, nearly let a trafficker that they’d all been hunting for weeks get away because she got too confident for her own good.
She’d snapped back at him when he told her that she wasn’t to wear the suit again, told him that he was just like Batman. That was the wrong thing to say.
He hadn’t talked to her since.
So, maybe she was trying to bait him a little by coming into Blüdhaven in her suit, maybe she was trying to get his attention back because she couldn’t stand being punished with the silent treatment. Maybe this was her fault.
Well, it was definitely her fault, but in her defense, she was thinking with her heart and not her head. She didn’t want to lose him, and in some twisted way, having him level her with lecturing and anger was still better than the radio silence.
She would have been fine. Nightwing would never actually hurt her. That wasn’t what went wrong.
Her suit didn’t have a panic button. It didn’t need one because she was forbidden from going out on her own even before she’d wrecked a mission and been benched. So, when she’d stolen a bike and made her way to Blüdhaven in costume while Bruce was off-world, Tim was with the Titans, Jason was off on a no contact mission, and Alfred was distracted with keeping Damian from abandoning his studies in favor of full-time vigilantism, no one knew where she was going.
She’d even been stupid enough to leave a note saying that she was heading home to visit family, and she wouldn’t be back for a while.
Alfred would have already found the note. Bruce wouldn’t start worrying for at least forty-eight hours with no word.
By then, it might be too late. Too late for her pride and her self-respect at least.
For now, she contented herself with growling and spitting at the traffickers, fighting the urge to be sick over the taste of her own blood soaking the rag in her mouth. She had no chance of picking the locks on the handcuffs, because she’d never gotten the hang of it while Bruce was teaching her, so she didn’t bother fiddling with them, instead preserving her energy.
If no one found her, she’d need her energy if she got the chance to run. They’d have to uncuff her from the chair if they wanted to-
She gulped, pushing down the thought.
Nightwing was going to kill her, but he was also the only chance she had of getting out of this without something worse than torture occurring.
She could see the leering. She could read the expressions. She promised herself that if she got out of this, then she was going to change the layout of her suit. She needed to cover more skin. She needed to flirt less with enemies too, apparently, because the men that had grabbed her had parroted some of her own lines back at her while they gagged her and dragged her back to this warehouse.
It was always warehouses. For once, she wanted to get dragged to a penthouse suite and get threatened and tortured by a classy villain.
Nightwing was going to kill her, but she couldn’t help the way that her chest lurched with relief and happiness upon seeing his form drop to the floor from one of the open skylights.
At once, all of the guns were on him, but, as suspected, he didn’t so much as flinch.
“Here to save your little friend? Awful bold to jump right in the middle of the warehouse full of men with guns, even for you, Nightwing.”
He tilted his head, the clench in his jaw speaking of rage.
She was sure she was saved, because even if he was mad at her and was going to give her a lecture that might have her in tears by the end of it, Nightwing wouldn’t hurt her. Dick wouldn’t hurt her.
“Save her? No. She’s just getting exactly what she asked for.”
Her stomach lurched this time, but it was with fear and a sickly cold feeling that crawled up her throat like it was being swarmed by ants.
Was she wrong? There was no way he would just leave her to her fate. He’d saved genuinely terrible people from situations that weren’t even as bad as the one that she’d found herself in, so there was no way he was going to leave her here, just because they’d had a fight.
The men’s guns all seemed to lower in the slightest bit, but they didn’t leave his form, “You expect us to believe you’re going to just leave her here? That you just dropped in for a friendly chat?”
“Oh, no. I don’t plan to leave her here. You just saved me the trouble of getting her pinned down is all.” He twirled one of his escrima in his hand, like it was a fidget toy instead of a dangerous weapon. “I appreciate you making my night easier, but I’m going to be taking her off of your hands now.”
So, he was saving her, right? He was contradicting himself, but she didn’t care what he said if he got her out of this.
“Thought you weren’t saving her,” the guns raised back to their full height, the leader scoffed, “you go play hero somewhere else for the night and maybe will give her back when she’s nice and broken in. Might not even charge you the full rate.”
She didn’t like having her suspicions confirmed about what they planned to do with her, but that was fine. She had guessed that, and it didn’t matter anymore, because Nightwing was here and that meant that these idiots were just delaying the inevitable rescue he’d come to pull off.
“Well, I guess you could consider it saving. After all, I might not be quite as into pain as some of your clients are, but you shouldn’t worry, I plan to make good use of her.”
No, no, that wasn’t right. He was not actually implying that he was going to use her exactly how these men planned to. There was no way. He was Nightwing. He was-
They’d been flirting since they’d met, the kind of flirting that made everyone that didn’t know better think they were already an item. Even she knew that he was attracted to her, but… had she really pushed her luck this far? Had she really made him hate her so much that the only way he wanted to make a move on that attraction was like this?
She was having more and more trouble holding back on throwing up the meal she’d had before leaving Gotham.
“Yeah, right. You expect us to believe you want her as a toy?” The leader scoffed.
She wished she was that certain that he was lying about it.
Dick- Nightwing walked forward, still twirling his escrima as he approached her. The men parted for him despite keeping their weapons squarely aimed.
“Who could blame me?”
She could feel his eyes burning into hers even behind his mask. Her own mask was long gone, leaving him an unabated view of her frightened eyes. She was sure there was betrayal there too.
His escrima rested beneath her chin, and she forced her head back, trying to put distance between her skin and the weapon that she knew could easily shock her, “Look how pretty she is when she’s scared.”
She tried to muffle the whine that escaped her throat, but there was no way that he didn’t hear it.
What was going on? This was wrong. Was this- was someone wearing his face?
No, she couldn’t pin it on that, because no one knew about the way he’d yelled at her about never wearing the suit again, and there was no denying that was what he meant when he’d said she was getting what she asked for.
He really did hate her, then. She’d really, really messed up, and now he hated her, and for some reason the sting that knowledge made bite at her heart was worse than the fear at what he planned to do to her.
“And what kind of payment are we getting out of this? We could make hundreds at least by selling a vigilante, especially if we only rent her out. And this one can break over and over again, just to heal back up. She’d a goldmine of opportunities. Why would we just hand her over to you?”
Dick’s—no, no, she couldn’t think of him as anything other than Nightwing, because if she thought of him as Dick, then she was going to breakdown for sure; Dick didn’t hate her, Dick cuddled her during movie nights and carried her to bed when she fell asleep—Nightwing’s jaw ticked with irritation. Apparently, he hadn’t expected them to be so unwilling to give her up just because he wanted her to himself.
Was he waiting for this? Did he know what he was going to do as soon as he’d told her to never put the suit on again? Was he hoping that she would, just so he could use it to justify punishing her like this?
His empty hand trailed up her chest, just barely brushing her shirt, but it was enough to make a jolt go down her spine. He grabbed her jaw, the escrima stick brushing lightly against her cheekbone, “You’re going to let me take her without causing me any more trouble, because otherwise, I’ll be telling the Bat about your outposts in Gotham.”
Angry muttering began among the traffickers, but the leader remained silent, “That’s not much of a payment.” He hummed, like he was considering the offer, but anyone could tell that he already planned to ask for more, “Tell you what, you can take her out of here, no problem. I’m not interested in getting caught by a stray bullet in a firefight, and, honestly, keeping one of the Bat’s things seems like asking for trouble. She didn’t put up much of a fight, so you can walk out with her, after you give us a show.”
She gagged audibly on the rag in her mouth, tears finally escaping her eyes while she put renewed effort into forcing the rag out of her mouth. She wanted to beg and plead and cry. If he was going to do anything to her, at the very least she didn’t want an audience.
For his part, she could see his eyes widen just a fraction behind his mask, but the surprise quickly seemed to settle, and he flashed a smirk to the men that made her feel like she was about to start hyperventilating.
No, no, no, no, no.
He pulled the gag from her mouth with the hand that had been against her chin, and she instantly opened her mouth to beg, but snapped it shut a millisecond later, her teeth clacking together almost painfully.
His escrima stick was resting against her lips, and his free hand was holding her jaw again, fingers squeezing against her cheeks in an attempt to make her open her mouth, but she wasn’t budging. She wasn’t stupid, and maybe cooperation would make things better in the long run, but she wasn’t letting him put his weapon in her mouth.
“Unless you want this to hurt a lot more later, you should cooperate right now. I’d hate to use this somewhere-“
Her mouth shot open before he could finish, fast enough that her jaw popped.
Okay, so she was letting him put his weapon in her mouth. She’d take the loss.
“Good girl.”
She hated that the praise stroked something in her, making her heart flutter even while he shoved the escrima stick past her lips and far enough into her mouth to hit her throat and make her gag.
Blood. Steel. An iron tang that made her brain go blank for long enough that she missed what he said next.
He didn’t appreciate that.
“Am I boring you?” He growled the words as his free hand tangled in her hair and pulled her head forward, making the escrima stick hit the back of her throat again with what was almost a bruising force. “I asked if you were going to behave, or if I was going to need to make you deepthroat this while it was on, but I guess I have my answer.”
Cold terror battered against her ribcage in place of her heart. All that was left in her chest was a black hole of absolute horror and fear that could hardly classify as a heart.
She didn’t realize that the sobbing in her ears was her own at first, too far into her own head and too tense while waiting for him to flick the switch to make this humiliation painful to know what was going on around her.
She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t breathe!
And suddenly everything around her stopped and went deathly silent before gunfire began and the yelling of the traffickers became frantic and chaotic. The only words she picked up were “it’s the Hood!” and what normally would have made her think she was saved only made her panic more, because if Nightwing—the one that had held her while she cried and always agreed to musicals just because he knew she loved them—was going to use her as a toy, than that meant that Red Hood would too. She was sure he hated her too. She’d thought the way they bantered was fun and games, but she’d also thought that Nightwing cared about her and clearly, she was wrong about that. Nightwing had probably called him here so he could take out the frustration he had with her on her.
And then they’d tell Batman that they’d found evidence that she’d been trafficked and then they’d keep her locked up somewhere and- and- and- and- she couldn’t-
“Breathe.” A familiar hand fanned across her cheek, fingers brushing away tears that were immediately replaced with more, “Breathe for me, bird. It’s alright. It’s okay.”
She couldn’t. She couldn’t catch her breath, but the escrima stick wasn’t between her teeth anymore, so she could beg now. She could plead and promise to behave and maybe if she asked nice enough and they believed her then they’d let her go after they were done with her instead of keeping her.
“Please, please, I’m- I’m sorry, I-I’ll never wear the suit again, I promise. I promise.  I’ll be good. I won’t fight, I’ll-“
“Hey, hey, stop.” He pressed his hand against her mouth, not hard enough to force her to be quiet or to muffle her voice if she did continue to beg, but she silenced herself instantly regardless. “You’re okay, bird. Just breathe. I’d never hurt you. Never. There wasn’t a way to warn you about what was going on without cluing them in. I’m so sorry, bird. I really am.”
He sounded like he was about to cry, and the way he was holding her face in his hands certainly didn’t give her the idea that he was going to hurt her or force her down to her knees so he could-
“I could think of a hundred better ways to have gone about that, ‘wing.” Hood’s voice made her flinch and sink farther down in the chair she was tied to. She didn’t even move her legs or arms when he’d gotten the cuffs undone.
“I needed to distract them so you could get the files and I’m still injured. I wouldn’t even be out tonight if you hadn’t told me that they’d gotten their hands on her. If I’d tried to fight them, then they would have taken me out before finding you, so I don’t want to hear it. Don’t act like I wanted to do or say any of that.”
That was… fair. It wasn’t fair to her, but she had gotten herself into this situation and- she would forgive everything if it meant that he wasn’t going to hurt her. Actually, she’d let him hurt her if it meant that he wasn’t going to use her.
“Dick?” She whined out his name like a kicked puppy, tilting her face against one of his hands in a placating gesture.
“Yeah, bird. I’m here. It’s me. That wasn’t real. None of it was real, and you’re safe now. No one is going to hurt you, especially not me.”
Another sob tore from her throat, and she threw herself forward, into his arms. She was trembling and sobbing harder than he’d ever heard, and she was almost positive it was harder than she ever had in her life. His form wrapped around her, tucking her against his chest as he pressed his face against the top of her head and placed comforting kisses.
Jason sat on the ground behind her, one of his hands running circles against her back in an effort to assist in calming her, and it worked.
After her sobbing began to slow, Dick spoke up hesitantly, “I thought you would know. I never meant- I thought you would know that it wasn’t real. I thought you knew I’d never hurt you.” His breaths shuddered, “I thought you knew that I love you.”
“But you- you were mad at me. You told me- told me I could never wear the suit again and- and then you didn’t talk to me all week and I thought- I thought you hated me. And- and I came here to get your attention because you were ignoring me, so- so I would have deserved-“
“Hey, no. Don’t even finish that sentence.” His hold on her tightened and his voice turned even more tense, edged with anger, “No one deserves to be taken advantage of and you know that.”
She sniffled, tucking her face tight against his neck, and breathing in the scent of his suit and sweat. “You said you love me.”
There was a long pause, and Jason took it as his cue to leave, ruffling [Name]’s hair as he stood and headed out of the warehouse. He landed a boot against the ribcage of the leader of the traffickers as he passed by.
“I’m going to alert Blüdhaven PD. Half of their guys are probably on this group’s payroll though, so I’d get out of here before they show up. They’re probably hoping whoever shut down this location sticks around so they can fill them with lead.”
“We’re headed out now.” Dick stood as he said it, taking [Name] with him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and clung onto him.
“You said you love me.”
“I did,” he finally confirmed, “but I don’t think now is the time to talk about-“
“I love you too. So much.”
He went quiet again, feet still carrying them away from the nightmare that she’d just gone through, “I don’t expect you to forgive me for that.”
She tightened her hold around him, burrowing against him as a sign that she wasn’t holding any grudges, but also in an attempt to hide from the could Blüdhaven night.
“I knew you were after them. I shouldn’t have stuck my nose in it. I just… I wanted you to talk to me again. Even if you were angry. I… I don’t handle the silent treatment well and… it felt like you were leaving me behind, just like everyone else always does. It felt like you had decided I wasn’t worth the trouble anymore.”
“Never. I’ll never leave you behind, okay? I know that me saying that isn’t going to make you stop thinking that I might, but I’ll prove it, alright? I’ll never leave you behind.” He brushed his lips against her neck, and she couldn’t fight the light laugh that escaped as the gentle touch tickled her skin.
“Okay. I, uh, just… one thing though.”
“Please keep the escrima sticks away from me for a while?”
 She could feel him cringe, but he nodded, “Yeah. That’s fair.”
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Bye to Wind and Lightning
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Did you know that in 2020 when the pandemic held us all in a chokehold I decided to reread One Piece and Bleach, but consciously decided not to touch Naruto, as if I knew that I'd be sucked in real bad if I read it again? I was right. In 2021, I randomly thought "No, I will read it now" and then I did and boom I talked about nothing else for that summer and to channel my thoughts I made this blog right here separate from my main and not as a sideblog. I wanted to start completely over at a different place.
I had a terrible summer in 2021, constant mental breakdown. I don't want to bore you with the details because you don't care, but just being back doing the stuff I loved when I was 16 was such a blessing. I was truly happy in the first months here, especially with the discord servers and the oc talk and the friends I made. My boyfriend commented on it all the time, that I looked so very happy. And I was! But these things never stay.
The problem with me is, I want community, I want to talk headcanons and to bitch about characters I don't like and promote ships I love and cry and laugh and hug all of you for liking the same things as me and at the same time I'm terrified of rejection, of people hating me, of people spreading lies behind my back. I guess school does traumatise you in some way.
I can't survive in a cutthroat fandom like this one, I take things too personally too quickly. I don't understand that if you, a normal person with your own wishes, likes a thing I don't like or dislike a thing I like it doesn't mean you automatically hate me. You are just a different person and that is ok! It's not you. It's me. NO I'm not just saying that. It really is me.
Did you know that when I started out here I didn't tag my stuff? Especially not my OC stuff (and I still rarely tag it). The fear that someone might find it, hate on it, send me hate, make fun of it etc, sits so deep that I rather have my work not be seen at all. Yet, I need the attention to keep going because without the reblogs and likes and asks I feel like an utter failure.
My boyfriend says I am not good with the public eye on me and he is probably right. I envy those of you who can stand their ground and be self confident in their arguments. I envy those who don't care what others say, who can block and move on, who don't get a knot in their stomach when someone they had nice interactions with unfollows. I shouldn't care, but I do.
On my first tumblr blog I never looked at my followers, I never got asks either or was deep in fandom or anything, but I reblogged my stuff and posted my thoughts and was feeling good. I love tumblr, its the best social media out there for a reason. Yet, with this one, I got so self conscious about my followers, about what I can and can't say. If my presence would offend or not etc etc.
I was kinda looking forward to 1000 Followers because it is an insane number, but now at 997 I'm throwing in the towel. Isn't that like giving up before the finish line? Maybe, but I'm so tired and I want to be unknown again. I want to be nobody again. I want the naruto fandom to move on and forget I was ever here.
So I'm leaving! Sorry, I guess! At least for a good while. I might be back to finish the requests still pending on this account and then disappear again, but I don't know if I'll ever permanently come back. If you by any chance really, really really care about my presence, you can find me under @kikuneesama as a general spam blog with all sorts of things and under @konohamaru-sensei for anime-only stuff. This is also where my Naruto posting will be moving.
If you are a moot I will follow you from Kikuneesama again.
Thanks, I guess, for over two years of hanging out. I'm sorry I am such a lame loser.
One thing is for sure: Though I am moving to a blog named after Konohamaru, Kakashi will always be my love.
tschüss und auf wiedersehen, ~Nisi
PS: I'll q this a couple of times so I'm sorry if you have to see it a few times in the next few days. I swear I'll be gone after that.
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octuscle · 11 months
Being a photographer is awesome! I work around the world with a lot of people - some of them are famous, most of them are not. But it's my mission to let them shine like stars. Well in my past I had the chance to become a model myself but I wasn't enough self-confident to say yes. I chose the place behind the camera and not infront of it. Looking back I sometimes ask myself 'what if...'. It's silly because I'm not unhappy but there is this curiosity. So I'd like to try the Chronivac Programm changing the past and the present. Please activate it
I'd like to try something out there. An Instagram add-in that I made. Post a selfie of yourself. Then with each comment from you, the next younger picture also changes to a portrait of you. And with every new follower you live on the pictures and also in real life already one day longer not the life of the photographer. But the life of a model. And you yourself become one day younger. I'll start with a comment of your selfie. "Dude, great pic! Who will you be in front of the camera for next time?" And at the same moment, your last picture turns into a shot of you on the beach.
It's still pretty early in the morning in Paris. Nevertheless, the first comments and likes come in pretty quickly. I have limited the activity of the add-in to twelve hours at first. No idea what will happen in that time. First of all, you don't notice anything yet. Off to the shower. But when you're done, your bathroom has already changed quite a bit. A veritable armada of creams and lotions is ready and waiting. You take a look in the mirror fogged up by the shower. Everything is normal. For once, you've been modeling yourself for the last three weeks, so you just have to take care of yourself a little more than usual.
While packing your bag for the next shoot, you take a look at your cell phone. Wow, 40 new followers. While you were in the bathroom… Cool thing. Just as cool as the fact that you can leave your photo equipment at home and only need your toilet bag and a change of clothes. You got to keep the racing bike from one of the last shootings. Helmet on, quick selfie posted and then off into the morning rush hour. With the bike you are simply the fastest. And you look the best. And keep yourself fit. In the last three months, you've often had to make do with just one hour at the gym. Your schedule is full. You were a great photographer, but you have yet to prove yourself as a model.
You arrive at the photo studio and because it just looks cooler, you shoulder your racing bike and carry it up to the studio. You are not the only model waiting here. But one of the older ones. You check Instagram. A good day! 400 new followers since breakfast. But there are also really great pictures of you in your profile. Both your selfies. As well as the pictures of your ex-colleagues. For over a year you are rarely behind the camera. But in front of the camera you are appreciated, because you are not only photogenic, but also think like a photographer.
On Instagram, it's now blow by blow. The more comments you get, the faster you get new followers. You look younger and younger and more athletic in the pictures. And your account is overflowing with crisp pictures of you. There is already a first fan account. When the photographer's assistant arrives at noon with a few boxes of sushi, you have an incredible 2,000 new followers. Not bad for a model who is already quite mature. You are now 32 years old. With over five years of experience as a model. You used to study to be a photographer. You still like to take pictures. But professionally you don't want to do that anymore. In your Instagram account, one has to scroll really far into the history to find pictures of you that were not selfies. But even those are richly commented by male and female groupies.
Phew, that was a really exhausting day. But some of the shots turned out really cool. And there was good money. Of course, you've been in the business for over ten years now. You had your first model jobs when you were not yet 16 years old. But now you are a real brand. Today you got an incredible 4,000 new followers. In one day. On a day when you could hardly post anything yourself. You started the day with a selfie on your road bike.
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You ended the day with a selfie in front of the mirror in the bathroom of your hotel room. "It was a great day, tomorrow we'll continue bright and early. Good night to all of you". Ten likes before you even put your phone down.
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odiesbun · 1 year
May I please request a hyunjin fic where his gf (y/n) is a YouTuber and he promised to film a video with her but he’s been feeling really sick all day (maybe he has a migraine or something because of busy schedules) and doesn’t have the heart to tell her in fear of letting her down but then she slowly realizes takes care of him and it’s all cute n fluffy 🥹🤎
♡...Migraine, YouTube and You...♡
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There may be errors in the text, as my native language is not English. Thank you for your likes and your request!
genre: fluff, some angst
warning: YouTube reference, subscribers, s/o is youtuber.
w.c: 0.7k
a/n: it was an excellent idea, but I messed it up, lol. It's probably not what you expected, but I'll post it anyway, sorry.
Hyunjin really liked what you did on the weekends. Every weekend, you'd leave Hyunjin to sleep in your shared bedroom because he was working very hard at work on weekdays, and you'd go and record a new YouTube video.
By the way, your subscribers knew that you were in a relationship with someone, but since a full introduction to Hyunjin and your subscribers hadn't happened yet, you both promised to arrange it this weekend.
As you sat at your desk among the three color monitors, Hyunjin slowly opened his eyes, feeling a strange sensation. After yesterday's grueling workout, his whole body ached, his head ached, and everything was blurry in front of his eyes, so he saw several objects instead of one. His painful groan as he tried to roll over into a comfortable position, or at least into a sitting position, was probably heard by your subscribers.
Once again Hyunjin's thoughts echoed, causing his eyes to widen. Just today, on his day off, he had promised to record a video of you, a thought that struck him in the face again and again, causing his heart to flip painfully each time.
Suddenly you walked into the room happy, headphones on and phone in hand, reading a ton of comments about your fans wanting to see your boyfriend. But as soon as you saw Hyunjin's condition, you frowned slightly and sighed. Hwang looked at you with a pitying look, reaching out to you and inviting you to sit beside him.
- „My subscribers want to see you...“ - You broke the silence by sitting down next to you. Hwang whimpered.
- „I'm aware of that...“ - He answered muffled and hoarsely, almost ready to cry. You looked at him in surprise, completely unaware of the sudden reason for Hwang's condition, and I'm not just talking about the physical, but also the moral.
- „Hyunjin, are you all right? You don't look well...“ - You muttered, softly touching his cheek, causing Hwang to cover his eyes.
- „I'm fine... I'm just not fully awake yet. I.. I'll come over to your place soon to record the video.“ - After assuring you that he was fine, yet barely able to lie down, Hyunjin continued to lie in bed.
When you left to let him prepare for the video, Hyunjin alternately fell asleep and woke up again with a painful and exasperated groan. In the third drawer of his bedside table, he fumbled for a medicine cabinet in which he found a headache pill and drank it. He was in admiration for you and the content you posted on the Internet, but he was so afraid of screwing up in front of you...
As Hyunjin staggered out of the room, still trying to fulfill the promise he had made to you a few days ago, you came into the room in a whirlwind.
- „Y/n, I was just about to...“ - Hyunjin leaned against the wall, but you interrupted him instantly, pointing to the bed.
- „Lie down. No more words, I won't take no for an answer.“ - You stood confidently beside the bed, hands at your sides. Hyunjin obediently lay down, sighing and whispering words of apology about how sorry he was that he couldn't record a video with you.
- „That's only half the trouble. The important thing now is to get you back on your feet and to feel normal.“ - You smile softly, making Hyunjin's heart melt even in spite of his disgusted state.
Hyunjin felt a little better. Now he was telling you about the events of the past week, describing each event in color and making you smile. He was lying on your chest while you gently ran his hair between your fingers.
- „Still, I'm sorry.“ - Hyunjin sighed softly after a while, covering his eyes.
- „Ah? Why?“ - You raised your eyebrows in surprise, looking at the boy with surprise and incomprehension.
- „Because I let you down... Besides, your subscribers were so eager to see me.“
- „Hyunjin, it's okay if you can't accomplish what you set out to do. Your condition is much more important than some video. My fans understood me when I said we would temporarily postpone the date to meet you because you weren't feeling well.“ - You grabbed Hwang's face in your palms, pulling him closer to you. Hyunjin absorbed the words like a sponge, occasionally blinking innocently until his eyes glistened happily.
- „You know what I want to tell you?“ - He gently lean forward, staying a few inches away from you. You smirked.
- „And what's that?“
- „That I love you. I always will. Thank you for still being with me.“ - He smiled before kissing you softly on the lips, chuckling.
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nekoannie-chan · 6 months
All you loved
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Pairing: Brock Rumlow X Reader.
Word count: 1226 words.
Summary: he was all you knew and all you loved. Until he wasn’t.
Warnings: Betrayal.
A/N: This is my entry to @caplanbuckybarnes’ Summary Challenge #1.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard
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You were solving a crossword puzzle and sitting there, drinking a milkshake. You had no idea what you were going to do with your life, not even if you were going to go to college or what to study.
Especially because you didn't want to draw attention to your little secret and you didn't want to go to the place where Charles Xavier had told you, you almost threw the card in the trash. You were confident that you could live with your powers and without any help; that's how you've been surviving the last few years.
You turned around, and there was that guy again. At first, you thought it was a coincidence, but since that week you were sure he was following you, could it be a student from that school for the "gifted"?
You didn't care; it was time to face him and make him leave you alone once and for all, or you would use your powers if necessary.
“You! “you exclaimed, getting up from your seat. This guy has already exhausted your patience.
"Hello!" Brock didn't even flinch.
“What do you want?" You asked; you weren't going to beat around the bush; you wanted answers, and you wanted them right then.
“I beg your pardon."
“I wasn't born yesterday; I know you've been following me; it's not a coincidence to find you where I'm going."
“S.H.I.E.L.D. is interested in you," he said, without changing his expression.
“S.H.I.E.L.D.? Another weird organization, please if I told that professor that I wasn't interested, much less in this “you turned around to leave; maybe you would have to go to another city, but Brock stopped you; he wouldn't let you go until you listened to him.
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What you had said was spontaneous; at no time had you thought of confessing your feelings to Brock, but that mission had changed everything.
“So... "
“Shut up." You pulled him to you and kissed him.
You had never thought you would find love in S.H.I.E.L.D.
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“What's wrong? “you asked your boyfriend after you had made your way through all the commotion of agents.
“I don't know, but this is not normal," Brock answered, trying to see something that made sense.
“They say they found Captain America," Jack commented when he got to where you were.
“His corpse, I guess," you said. It was more than impossible for it to be otherwise; after so long, you were already beginning to imagine what would happen in the following days when they gave the news.
"Alive!" Jack answered confidently.
“Alive? “ You and Brock repeated it in unison; you couldn't believe it, and you couldn't think of any way it could happen.
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After five joint STRIKE team missions with Steve, you were sure that if they had one more with Rogers, you would throw him overboard or anything to never see him again in your life.
You had kind of lost track of what they were talking about for the next mission; maybe you could get away in a way?
“Maybe Y/N and I can be a team?"
“My team is Brock," you interrupted him. No way were you planning on having a mission alone with him; you were more likely to leave him locked up in one of the safe houses and go off alone to complete the mission. “And maybe I'm sick for that mission," you muttered so softly that Brock barely heard you and smiled.
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Brock and Steve began to argue that the mission had been a fiasco in the end.
You were starting to get a headache; this was going to end very badly. There was no way you could hide what had happened to Fury.
You were trying to analyze step by step what happened to understand what had been the mistake and the reason for the failure, but everything was so confusing and diffuse, but you were sure you could find the exact moment; you just had to make a little effort and with the help of your powers, so they could know how to present the report or make it up.
Brock and Steve kept arguing; maybe a little help wouldn't hurt. You saw one of the buckets that was full of water. You gave it a little push with your powers, but it caused most of the water to fall on Rogers.
Several members of the team had to leave immediately because they couldn't hold their laughter. Even though Brock figured you had caused that "incident," he didn't say anything to you. The look on Steve's face was worth it, but on the other hand, Steve thought it was a freak accident.
Of course, you would never tell him that you were responsible, let alone all the powers you had.
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You were running aimlessly through the Triskelion; the only thing you could think and do was to look for Brock. You needed to know that the man you loved was okay and that he would tell you that everything Rogers had told you was a lie, that he was jealous of him, and that he wanted to separate them.
You were walking up the stairs, in and out of the floors; Brock wasn't answering his cell phone; thousands of thoughts were going through your mind; you saw this Sam running past you to the upper floors; what if...
What if...?
You didn't know how long you had been like this, but finally, on one of the floors, you found him. Although what you saw seemed to confirm what you were fearing, you needed to know the motives. What if he had lied about loving you?
“Brock? “ You called out to him as you stood in front of him.
“Brock had stopped, but he still seemed to be in a hurry.
“No, you lied to me, you..."
Now that you understood all the strange behaviors your husband had had in the last few months, you didn't know what to say. At that moment, you weren't even sure you wanted an explanation; you even hoped it was a bad dream or maybe some hallucination created by some enemy.
“As soon as this is all over, I will explain," he assured you and continued on his way.
You were not sure that you were going to see each other again; maybe it was the last time you would see each other. You had to pick up the pieces of your broken heart and run away at that moment.
You knew what was going to happen; you would be questioned, but even though you were not aware of what Brock had done or what he had planned, you were seeing someone very different from the one you had known; in fact, he now seemed like a complete stranger.
You started running in the opposite direction; you would go far away; you weren't going to give Brock the surprise you had planned either; he would never know he was going to be a father, but you wouldn't let Rogers and company catch you; the only thing that was your priority now was to keep you and your baby safe; you would go to X Mansion to ask for asylum; you knew they would help any mutant in need.
You could no longer say you loved Brock.
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bowsersex · 6 days
Anytime I see a post in which someone says "these (people I don't agree with) can't even make a phone call without getting anxious," I unfollow whoever reblogged it onto my dash. This isn't because I personally get anxious when I make phone calls. At one point in my life I did get anxious when making phone calls, but I got over this a long time ago and now I'm pretty confident on the phone.
The reason is because 1) 90% of the time OP doesn't know the people they're talking about and so they're just taking a guess in the hopes that it's true and it pisses these people off. 2) It's unnecessary to bring up. And 3) It's just mean-spirited.
Like I saw this again a couple weeks ago, but an example I can think of from a year or so ago was when dni-archive, a shitty Tumblr user who posts screenshots of people's bios to mock them, made a poll tournament for "most annoying tumblr user." Obviously this was horrible and shitty and faced backlash. I remember one user making a post about how shitty this was to do, but then said in the same post something like, "(dni-archive) can't even order food without getting anxious." And it's like ok, we don't even really know who this user is because they keep their identity anonymous (they don't even give a name on their blog). So saying this about them is like taking a shot in the dark and hoping it hits them.
It reminds me of how people used to say "people who harass others online are basement dwelling neckbeard losers who have no social lives," and how I saw a post on here many many years ago that pushed back on this saying how the reality is is that some people who harass others online have good social lives. They seem normal in person, they're liked among their coworkers, etc. But then they go online and make others feel like shit for fun. Similar to how abusers can be well liked people among their friends and with strangers, the same applies to people who harass others online.
So what's the point in guessing that shitty people online are bad at socializing IRL so as to insult them? Why not just point out their shitty behavior? It just seems unnecessary. It always makes me think that the OP isn't confident enough in saying "this person is mean-spirited to other people online for no good reason" or in some cases "these people leaving these specific comments have bad opinions and here's why." The OP feels the need to make up an insult to prove their point. It's like if you said "this person's behavior sucks, and also they're probably ugly," about an online user who never posts selfies.
Also the people I've followed in the past who reblog these posts making these insults also reblogged posts that say "We shouldn't conflate attractiveness to how morally good someone is," and "Any time you insult the appearance of some asshole you don't like, you hurt those you care about who share similar physical traits." And it's like, I don't understand why they don't apply those concepts to how well someone socializes. Socialization is easier to change than one's appearance for most people, but it still doesn't make sense to imply that how well someone socializes correlates to how morally good they are. And wow I think that last sentence was one of the most autistic sentences I've ever written.
Anyways it's just mean-spirited for no good reason, but unfortunately I feel like you can't say "saying this thing is mean-spirited for no good reason" and be taken seriously on Tumblr.
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princelylove · 2 months
My Prince,
This is a bit personal, so feel free not to respond if you desire to do so. A fear I have is driving. I think I’m a bad driver. I get over it enough to drive, since I have to, but I’ve come home panicking over almost getting into a car accident. It feels terrible. My fear is that I’m going to accidentally kill/hurt someone and then I don’t know how I’d live with it. I’m mostly scared about myself driving, I feel less worried if I think the driver isn’t reckless.
I wonder if and how yanderes would use the fear to make me dependent on them.
They could screw up my car, sabotage it so it breaks down, or mess with my tires? They get to be a ‘knight in shining armor’ when they coincidentally show up to help if I’m stranded. Struggling to get money needed for repairs is also a good opportunity for them.
Show me videos or news reports of terrible car crashes or pileups to remind me of the danger, or tell me about people they knew that were injured or died in a car accident?
I don’t know how anyone could do this, but somehow orchestrate car crashes to happen around me so I see them up close?
Maybe they could make comments about my driving, insult my driving, make a joke out of it to hurt my confidence while driving and make me feel guilty? But I’d hope they would be at least somewhat gentle about it…
And then as I get more scared of being ‘behind the wheel’, they could slowly offer to take me places themselves, until it’s to the point I’m dependent on them for getting around. If I refuse to drive, they have significant control of my schedule and how I do things. It also makes it much harder to escape a kidnapping if I’m too scared to take transportation.
Who would most likely do these kind of things?
i apologize for this being so long, and it’s appreciated if Your Highness read through all this blabbering. Thank you very much.
You would like a yandere that scares you, anon? One that manipulates you? It's too easy sometimes.
I like it when my peons prattle, it's often cute.
Typical manipulators are going to abuse any sort of fear- Noriaki, Diavolo, Melone... the list goes on. Cars are tricky because they don't really come around until part two, and leave in part six. Part seven has very, very new ones- they count, I guess. There's a window where cars are just in development and not that reliable, but I don't see many yanderes in part three and behind as all that manipulative.
Sure, Caesar is, but he's too proud to take the easy way out. Lisa Lisa doesn't see the point in cars when you're meant to be living on her private island. Joseph respects the technique and isn't above sabotaging yours, but... that's pretty lame. He's more creative than that.
There's also the fact that some manipulative yanderes are out of touch or otherwise don't care for cars. Kars doesn't know what that thing is and he doesn't care to learn. DIO is newly acquainted, but isn't going to drive himself, as he's above it. Giorno is banned from being behind the wheel ever since the White Album incident. Leone is normally too tipsy to reasonably put himself behind the wheel, Bruno tends to walk everywhere...
Some yanderes could sabotage your car with their stand if they wanted to, but putting on the news works too. Court TV is on because knowing about the news is important, no you can't have the remote. Ohh, that man drove into a parade, that's crazy. They're saying he was drinking. Isn't that little treat you get during the day alcoholic? Ohh, no? I thought there was a lawsuit going on with the company that makes it, said they were putting it in and mislabeling it. Crazy, huh.
Mariah fucks with your car before she asks you to drive her anywhere. Kochi could easily attach "Heavy!" under your car in traffic, as he did in canon. Akira could- well, to be honest with you, I'm not sure how cars work, but I'm sure Red Hot Chili Peppers could mess with it somehow. Machines are always going to be just that- machines. They break, they stop working. Fickle things.
As for who I think definitely would.... Melone likes to do tricks on his bike to scare you, Hol Horse would do just about anything to get one up on you, and Funny Valentine is absolutely not above orchestrating a crash in front of you. Newly invented, so unreliable.
But some yanderes are very understanding about it, can you take the train or just walk? Maybe bike? They'll come with you so you don't get lonely! Josuke normally takes a train to get to his university, he can teach you how to use the little card and how to get a good seat or stand in a good place.
Or, you could get lucky and get Jolyne, who wasn't gonna let you drive anyway and takes safety super, super seriously. Or Rohan, who could easily rewrite any of your fears! (But won't.)
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aidenlove · 1 month
A school my child attended once forced us to allow them to do an "independent assessment" of my child to "prove" their autism because the doctor who diagnosed them had moved to Germany and we couldn't get copies of those records to provide the school. At the end of the week of assessment and observation, we had a meeting with the assessor that included the principal and the counselor and our kiddo and my spouse and I.
And this fucking bitch says, out loud, in front of my (at the time) 11 year old child:
"Great news! You're going to be so relieved! Your child isn't autistic! They're just stupid! Isn't that wonderful!"
My kid is definitely autistic and that diagnosis has since been confirmed several times over, but look at the phrasing and word choice there. This fucking woman genuinely, honestly believed we would be HAPPY to have her call our child stupid, because that, in her opinion, is so much better than autism. And she was the one diagnosing special needs kids for this school. That kind of ableism is RAMPANT and deeply harmful. It took us YEARS to help them rebuild their confidence after that comment. And we were super lucky. We had the ability to stand up and leave that meeting and never return our child to that school. I had the transfer approved before end of business that day because I am disabled and neurodivergent and had navigated this system in my hometown my entire life and knew who to call and what to say. I'm also about half white and almost entirely white passing if one doesn't know what to look for, and that absolutely makes a difference.
I have seen with my own eyes child protective services being called in to force parents to keep their child in a school that has openly discriminated against them and harmed them and I was desperately afraid the whole time I was standing up to them. We live in a world that cares far more about Normal than it does about Right or Good or Fair.
Don't ever let anyone tell you this is how humans are supposed to live and meant to treat each other. It's fucking not.
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johnny-slaughter-me · 4 months
— “ 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐚𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐬: 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈. ” | Leland McKinney x Female Reader.
Mini Series. Enjoy this fluffy Leland fic because Tumblr decided it was too long for fluff and smut. The spicy bit will be in part II.
Notes. English isn't my native language so typos and grammar issues are likely.
Warnings. This fic is sfw. Slight bug phobia mentioned.
Enjoy. I hope you enjoy the content. Much love, Cherry. 🍒
You stood under the warm water, letting it wash over you. Your hands messaging your scalp as you rubbed the shampoo through your hair, then letting the water clear you once again. You worked your conditioner from the tip of your hair up, then leaving it in a makeshift bun as you continued to wash and scrub your body. It felt so good to just wash and reset. Sunday night's self care was your sanctuary. As you existed the shower and dried off, your put on your favorite pajamas, they were soft and pink with little red strawberries printed all over, pairing it with some of your favorite lace underwear you felt so confident. You proceeded to brush your hair, adding any product you needed before throwing it in your favorite style. Now that you were all cleaned and ready you went downstairs to the kitchen opening the fridge. As you were scanning the ingredients in front of you, trying to decide what you wanted to eat, the home phone loud ringing caught your attention. Since it was just you home tonight you shut the fridge door and hurried to pick up the phone. "Hello?" You said, "hey Y/N! It's me! Leland!" Said your boyfriend, a smile grew on your face when you heard his voice. "Oh my god Lee! Hey! How are you?" You asked in excitement. He and his family went on a camping trip this weekend and you haven't spent as much time with him as you normally would. "Oh camping was great! It was super fun and I even took some pictures for you. Next time I'll definitely be bringing you with me. You'd love it! Minus the bugs but don't worry I'll protect you!" He said and you could practically hear his smirk at the bug comment, but you could only smile at the thought of him. "I'm glad you had fun Lee, and happy you went out with your family, family is important." You told him. "Are your parents still out of town? I can't bare thinking about you being all alone." Leland said, sounding genuinely sad and a bit concerned. "I spent my weekend at Connie's. Julie and Ana joined us and we had a two day sleepover. It was soo fun, we spent all of Saturday at the mall and we had pizza at the skate ring on Friday night with the rest of the group. Though you were missed dearly. But they said we'll go again with you this Friday." You told him. "Sounds like a plan!" He replied, then continued, "hey how about I come over in about an hour with some takeout and we can spend some time together until your parents are back? I missed you hon'". "Hmmm, some Chinese food sounds great, see you in a bit babe!" "See ya!" He said and with that the call ended. And just as promised a bit after the hour there was a Leland at your door step with some Chinese takout. You welcomed him in and after he set the food on the counter he pulled you in to the most comforting hug, followed by the sweet kiss that quickly turned into a makeout session. Oh how you have missed him. Leland pulled away, with a smile and the most loving eyes. He complimented your pajamas and you blushed as you said a thank you. The two of you plated your food and headed towards the living room, sitting comfortably on the couch and eating whilst watching a random movie to entertain you. You both finished your food before the movie. So you snuggled on to Leland's side cuddling him as his hand wrapped around you, and you could feel him rubbing circles onto your back. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment, enjoyed his touch, his warmth, his scent. The memory of the kiss you shared not long ago when he set the food on the counter floated your mind. His lips, you wanted to feel them again, all over you; wanting your kissing all over him. You turned up to look at him, the two of you locking eyes, wanting the same thing. "Are you sure? He asks, and you mumble a 'yeah' before pulling his head towards yours and crashing your lips with his.
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rodismancave · 9 months
A reminder to new folks because I feel I need to say this. It's a few specific rules and more of a 'this is how i roleplay' thing. It kinda got away from me fast but alas, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable for any reason so I just said what I feel i need to say to make that happen.
My muse is mean. It's usually nothing personal but he is Mean if provoked. There is a line and it is Thin.
This extends to his friends, mostly as a show of ease around them and as jokes, its just how he is. a little jokey joke. he says things without thinking and sometimes that leads to misunderstanding or an otherwise "cruel" comment. He normally doesnt mean it like that (unless he does)
this account is like 80% crack. i am here to have fun and be silly. if you take me seriously and get offended by it then I'm sorry but frankly, I have stated this many, many times. I do roleplay serious stuff, I do focus on a little bit of storytelling every once in a while, but for the most part I am silly and quirky. My portrayal won't always be 100% ic, sometimes a little ooc is healthy, for the bit. I stay committed to the bit, always.
Of course. if he's mean to your muse and you don't like it then you can let me know and I'll tone it down. I'll never be an asshole to people I dont know are 100% down to it or who aren't familiar with how my muse acts. However, sometimes being mean is in character with my muse and theres no other way around it. But the more intense, "i want to cause psychic damage" convos I will always ask if its okay for my muse to go hard on yours.
Rodimus is aware of the multiverse. This does not mean he's aware of the history of each multiverse. He may be aware of them, briefly, but he is really not going to dwell on it much and if you expect him to know it he just. wont. He doesn't really care all that much. This is also to say that he may confuse your muse for someone in his crew because of looking alike, and will treat you as such unless proven otherwise.
There are no people who are "canon" to Rodimus' crew, not at the moment. The only ones who I can say with confidence who are in his crew are @weavingmemoir and @stealthfeline, who are also my muses. This is for practicality. If your muse is part of the Lost Light crew in general, though (brainstorm, whirl, megatron, etc) you can respond to my lost light posts as if you were a member of his crew, I dont really mind. Like I said: commitment to the bit, always. The bit is always funnier when more people join.
Don't pretend like your muse knows mine and vice versa without talking to me first. This is mostly about muses outside G1 and IDW, or even people in IDW that Rodimus never really met, as well as OCs. It isn't really towards muses who HAVE interacted with Rodimus at least a few times. It is Awkward having to figure that out, and I'm not particularly a fan of having to dig around for people's relationships to understand what's going on between your muse and mine.
I don't really care if your muse is banging another Rodimus, or anyone else from his crew. Like I genuinely do not care, and neither does he.
I'll always make adjustments if you ask me to. I'll create new verses to fit with your muse, but that requires communication first and foremost. This also goes for events, if you want in on an event just talk to me and we'll see about it together. My events are never 100% thought out because I like leaving space for other participants to have a say in what happens. I just think its fun, like a group project (but less stressful)
When interacting with me I ask to lay off on the quirky colors and varying different fonts in one single reply. I have a lot of difficulty reading things like that and it strains my vision and it gives me a headache. Just, always have the same font throughout, and if there are different fonts, please let them be at least readable. The standard tumblr fonts are fine, except 'lucille', and the small font tends to me specially frustrating sometimes.
This is a g1/idw based blog. I take stuff i like from g1 and stuff i like from idw and i slam it together until I have something I like. Rodimus does not like the prime title, he does not miss being a prime, and he absolutely does not appreciate being called one, unless its doing things for his ego or to make himself look greater than he is. He is an Ass.
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No I won't hop in the current trend of hating myself as a lesbian and mistakenly leaving behind my own identity because I'd be hanging out with the wrong crowd and not seeing the lesbophobia they are ingraining in all of us. Not everyone in the community at large has your best interest in mind, so be careful and choose to not drink that liquor of daily normalised lesbophobia. Lesbians are not supposed to feel alone and depressed as shit when the possibility to connect to one another has never been so easy. I love myself and that's a reflection of my choices when it comes to the type of comments I hear and read on a day to day basis. Being with other lesbians, women who don't let anyone else tell them what they have to do and think, is healing. 💖
I love being an unconventional woman, there is nothing wrong with me. I love being a woman who exclusively loves other women. I've learned to love my body (it wasn't always the case, being a teenager is not a smooth experience, no one has that, or those rare ones are the actual weirdos), I learned that we are all made of imperfections and that it's okay. I'm not "queer" for who I am, I'm a normal human being and no homophobe can convince me that their mockery and negative judgement is what we actually are. No homosexual is "queer" simply for being that. I'm never going to internalise this shit. All of us with that attitude is amazing for it. If you need to cut some "friendships" because they encourage the most negative thoughts within yourself and toward yourself, do it. Community should make you thrive, not make you miserable as an individual. It's how you know you're doing it right and it's how you know if you're with your actual community or if you've fallen into a trap full of people who are eating you alive and sucking the happiness out of you.
Being a lesbian is fucking great and I love talking with other lesbians. We're just superior for dealing with all this shit and loving ourselves despite it. It's so satisfying to witness yourself growing in confidence and pride over the years ! And for this you need what ? Yes, other lesbians ! And seeing them growing as well in confidence, pride, and ability ? Exquisite !! 💖💖
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luvmmarner · 1 year
Cale Makar - jealousy , jealousy
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PART OF SOUR SERIES (not my gif) TW: self esteem, that's all I think. For @haydee5010 IM SO SORRY I DIDN'T FINISH THIS I WAS FOCUSED ON ANOTHER IMAGINE BUT I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! <3 - I kinda wanna throw my phone across the room
'Cause all I see are girls too good to be true
With paper-white teeth and perfect bodies
Wish I didn't care
You always wanted to be as beautiful as those models you have seen on TV. They always had perfect bodies and every boy loved that. You tried telling yourself you didn’t care, but you did, especially when you started dating Cale.
You were surprised when Cale asked you to be his girlfriend. You never thought you were enough for him. He was handsome and could get any girl he wanted, but he wanted you.
Co-comparison is killing me slowly
I think, I think too much
'Bout kids who don't know me
I'm so sick of myself
I'd rather be, rather be
Anyone, anyone else
At first, you didn't seem to mind that Cale would occasionally travel away on road trips and stay in hotels during such trips. You weren't bothered by the fact that he played hockey professionally. That is, until he started hanging out with his other teammates and other girls. One picture in particular made you start to compare yourself to the others. It was a picture of a young woman with blond hair who was beaming a smile; her teeth were white and pretty.. There was no doubt that she was attractive.
Overtime you kept comparing yourself and it was slowly killing your self confidence. You always dreamed of being someone else, someone that was beautiful and had no lack of confidence. You would constantly wish that you were anybody else, because you were just sick of yourself. 
And I see everyone getting all the things I want
And I'm happy for them, but then again, I'm not
Everyone was getting what they wanted especially your friends while you weren’t. They had no self esteem problems unlike you. You tried to pretend to be happy whenever they got new stuff, but you weren’t. They had the one thing you so badly wanted was ‘confidence’.
All your friends are so cool, you go out every night
In your nice car, yeah, you're living the life
Got a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend too
I wanna be you so bad, and I don't even know you
All I see is what I should be
Happier, prettier, jealousy, jealousy It didn’t take long for Cale to break up with you and leave you for someone more beautiful and way more confident. You were expecting it. He was getting tired of constantly convincing you there was no other girl in his life. It hurt and you tried to get over it, but the girl was so pretty and they looked so good together. 
You just wanted to be her so badly. She was able to go out in public and not care what anybody had to say about her. You wished you could so desperately do the same. You didn’t even know her, but you wanted to be her.
There was no denying that you were jealous. You were jealous of her looks and her and Cale. They all posted on social media like it was nothing, not even hate comments stopped them from going out and living their best life. Like it did with you.
Oh, I'm so sick of myself
I'd rather be, rather be (oh-oh)
Anyone, anyone else
Jealousy, jealousy
You knew the jealousy wouldn’t stop and your confidence would take some time to get back. You were sick of how much you lacked it, but you would desperately try to get it back no matter what it takes. You even went out to a club and had the best night of your life. Even after a month everything seemed to be going normal because it was. You got your confidence you so needed back and you stopped comparing yourself to other people on the internet.
However the jealousy still remained and it would. You lost a life that could’ve been amazing. Cale was a great boyfriend and you destroyed that relationship beause of your self esteem. He found someone else and you were just glad he was happy, because now so are you.
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