#i now have two entries for that series that i haven't posted to ao3 yet 😩😂
An Update on the Status of My A03 Fics!
Hihi! I have no idea if anyone who follows this blog reads any of my fics on AO3, but if you do, then you might like to know what the heck is going on with my fics, and why I haven't posted any updates in over six months.
First of all, I am alive! I wrote a lot of fics in the summer of 2022 when I had just gotten active in a fan server on Discord where there was a lot of encouragement to write fanfiction. In the spring of 2023, I started a medical assistantship course, and in order to keep myself focused in class, I turned off notifications for the server. And then I just kind of...didn't turn them back on???? In my defense, I was intimidated by the amount of time it would take for me to backread everything I missed, and that eventually snowballed into me just no longer looking at that server. I should honestly become active in it again, because it did a lot for my writing productivity. I also have a lot of hobbies both in real life and on my computer, and those take up a lot of my time as well. So that's why I didn't post much last year and haven't posted anything yet this year.
But I want to let you all know, that I do fully intend to complete the fanfics I have already started on AO3, and I do intend to write the sequels I promised a year and a half ago.
So without further ado, here is a status report on the incomplete fics and series I have on my AO3:
How to Live With Fire: One of my most popular fics! I have two sequels planned, and a rough idea of what I want to happen in each of them. Both of them are probably going to be only a few chapters long. The delay on this one is mostly on Part 2, since Part 2 has only the vaguest ideas of what I want to do with it (how Mortarion and Vulkan become a longterm couple, and how their legions react to this change). The trouble with this one is, I haven't read any Salamanders novels, let alone ones that take place during the Horus Heresy. I think I will at least have to read Deathfire for this one. I am praying that I don't have to read Vulkan Lives, since I understand that one has less tasty Salamanders content than I would like, and way more John Grammaticus than I find tasteful. But I will still try Deathfire at the very least, if I can find a physical copy at the library or a used bookstore or something.
A Matter of Trust: Another one that's going to end up being a trilogy. I have figured out what happens, now I just need to read the Plague Wars trilogy, because those events are going to be kind of important to the rest of the plot. Again, I'd like to read physical copies of the books so that I can flip through them easily. I'm going to see if I can find copies of the first two novels through the local libraries. Fingers crossed!
Until the Bitter End: Ohhhh, this one's gonna make me cry...this one is mostly hinging on me rereading The Buried Dagger and taking notes. Much lower barrier for entry for this one, since I've read it so often that I mostly remember where to find the events I'm looking for.
Lantern and the Child: This one is going to have like, a billion chapters. It's going to become episodic for a while, but I'm looking forward to it. In this case, it's a case of figuring out which characters I want to introduce. The idea of it being episodic is kind of exciting for me, because it feels like it will be a fun thing to do, and because it goes along with a writing conceit that my co-creator and I have for this AU, that it's the events of a theoretical (very dark) Pokemon anime.
This Once Nearly Was Mine: This one should literally be the easiest one to complete, I am ashamed that I haven't finished it. There's only one chapter left, and I don't even have to come up with all of the events. Again, this one is going to dip into Horus Heresy events that I haven't actually read, but I think I've heard enough from osmosis that I can skip most of it. I just need to, y'know, actually sit down and fucking write it.
Deep's Embrace: I've got an outline! And I've even got some scenes written out! As I type this post, I am preparing to submit chapter 2. I'm having a lot of fun with this fic, as you could probably all tell.
Anyway, that's basically it for now. If you have any questions, please let me know! And if you have any friends who you know enjoy my fics but aren't following me or aren't on Tumblr, please link them to this post so that they know just what the hell is going on with me.
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embervoices · 2 years
Questions for Fic Writers
from @clumsyclifford
(Note: All my fics are accessible to AO3 members only, sorry!)
What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?) Probably CHEESE! or Initial Summoning for Dragon Age and Good Omens, respectively.
Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits? Unsurprisingly: Self-Insert (12), Humor (10), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (10), Fluff (8), There's also: Modern Girl in Thedas (12) but that's because 11 of them are from one series. I'm bemused that "Silly" only has 4 entries. It really should probably apply to almost all of them. To be honest, I think I'm spotty at best at tagging.
What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics? Religious themes, especially polytheism and spirit work. Unapologetic self-insert. Silly humor.
What detail in your fic are you really proud of? I'll have to think about it. I'm often surprised what lands well despite my thinking it would be horrible… The two things that come immediately to mind I don't think I've shared yet. First is that I experimented with writing the same paragraph of Solas' thoughts, first in prose, then Iambic Pentameter, and to scan with Leonard Cohen's Halleluia. That was because people were conflating the ballad meter of Halleluia with "Iambic Pentameter" because they noticed the Iambic part. But I just thought it was really pretty. I haven't had any reason to share it, though. Maybe on Tumblr now I'm back, I dunno. Second is in a self-indulgent fic I was writing with my co-writer Cowoline. If we ever get around to posting any of it remains to be seen, but there's one scene where one character is reading to another character some terrible purple prose, translating out of Orlesian on the fly. To get that text, I took some of my own romance scene writing from an earlier story and shoved it through at least French, and then back to English via Google Translate. The results were indeed appropriately terrible.
What do you wish someone would ask you about your fics? Answer it now! Nothing comes to mind. I am not sure I'm reticent enough for this to be a big problem. LOL
What’s one fact about the universe of The Canticle of Dreams that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself? EmberQuizzy isn't actually human. Her soul/spirit is made of Vanic material, not human material. She only appears human because it's what she expected to look like. Thus it's quite possible her and Solas' children will indeed have pointed ears.
Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of? Mostly whenever it catches me by surprise that some arbitrary decision early on actually clicks perfectly info place later.
What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)? I have a whole series of images in my head for making a Good Omens comic out of Ghost by the Indigo Girls, but I don't have the artistic chops, nor the patience to do it myself, and it's too much to commission another artist to do. So it'll have to wait until/unless I can find someone who will do it as a collaboration rather than a commission, which seems… unlikely, and possibly unfair. Mind you, if I had the spare money lying around, there are several GO Fan artists I'd commission to do it in a heartbeat!
How do you find new fic to read? Mostly, by filtering AO3 searches. Occasionally one or another fan group I'm in will post a rec that gets my attention, or a friend will ask me to read their thing.
How do you decide what to write? It attacks me in my sleep!
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aerial-jace · 2 years
In the augur au, what happened with Mothflight's 4 kits? And was Acorn Fur allowed to have kits??
(In reference to my series on Ao3, to Aaron and his sons, aka augur AU. As a reminder to anyone who's been following since when I posted about battle cats on main, I'm now fielding questions on fics and such over at @troutfur. I don't know if I've updated my author notes on Ao3 yet...)
Moth Flight's kits were still scattered among the clans, as in canon, and became the founders of the 4 augur lineages. I haven't thought much about the specifics of the mythical time of the founding of the augur lineages but one of two things happened, either (a) Moth Flight trained them herself and they became the first augurs of ThunderClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, and SkyClan or (b) they received the first half of their training in WindClan and they completed it with the medicine cats from DotC times.
Acorn Fur was allowed to have kits yeah! If she fulfilled the role of augur/medic in any capacity, however, she didn't get to pass down the position to her kits. The patrician status is transmitted through Moth Flight's line only.
As compensation to everyone for taking so damn long with the next entry in the series, here have a lil' excerpt from the piece I'm working on:
“Before we draw our meeting to a close,” Sandstorm said. Jaypaw’s ears perked up at that, taking a big gulp of air as he rose to his paws. “I wish to present our newest apprentice. Jaypaw, step to the front.”
Leaving his mother’s side, he cautiously approached his grandmother. With a flicker of her tail over his shoulder she instructed him to take a couple steps forward, stopping him by resting her tail over his shoulder just as he was at the edge of the Moonpool. She murmured a prayer of blessing over him before turning to the rest of the augurs.
“I call upon the spirits of ThunderClan augurs past, and to all our lineage stretching back to Bluewhisker, daughter of Mothflight,” she invoked. “I present to you your own kin, who’s been chosen to carry on your legacy and train as an augur. I ask that you guide Jaypaw as he learns your sacred arts, so that he may honor his illustrious blood.”
“Sandstorm,” Leopardsun interjected. “Now that Jaypaw has been presented to StarClan, I have a proposition to make.”
“Speak up,” the ThunderClan matriarch said.
“My daughter, Willowpaw, is in need of a mate, so she may continue the legacy of Spiderpool,” she said. “If you allow her to take Jaypaw as her mate when the right time comes, I can offer you RiverClan’s friendship in exchange.”
Sandstorm paused for a moment, pretending to consider it as if this hadn’t been a decision well over a season in the making.
“Very well,” Sandstorm replied.
There was a pause, and Jaypaw wondered if Leopardsun had performed some gesture. “I call upon the spirits of RiverClan augurs past,” Leopardsun called, “and to all our lineage stretching back to Spiderpool, son of Mothflight. May they witness this promise and bless the union of our lineages, as they’ve done for countless other augurs and patricians of generations past.”
After a round of cheers, Jaypaw was given the honor of taking the first sip of the Moonpool.
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dyed-red · 2 years
I know it's the brainworms talking but prev reblog made me want to write a fic about kisses Dean has stolen over the years.
(y'know that ao3 tag that goes something like "Dean Winchester is obsessed with Sam Winchester"? Yeah, like that)
It would start cute like the forehead kiss to baby Sammy in the opening scene of the pilot, a goodbye just for the night, a promise of protection (turned, we know, fast to ash).
Flash forward fast to disturbing territory of Sam blackout drunk as a teen and Dean dropping him in bed, dodging all Sam's octopus limbs trying to attach themselves to dean until he's just - out. And maybe Dean doesn't go for the kiss this time, or maybe he does, but either way he stares at Sam's lips an unsettling length of time, and the scene bleeds into Playthings and there is this distinct undercurrent of 'how often has this exact same thing played out this way over the years'.
We move from there to AHBL and Dean kissing Sam's corpse as if in goodbye, as if seeking atonement, as if that alone could revive it (sense memory still on his lips when he makes his demon deal).
After Sam's wall breaks, comatose, and Balthazar's joke to Dean about not stealing any kisses while he stands vigil over Sam's sleeping form uncomfortably apt, and Dean knows the angels know too much but could he at least keep his goddamn trap shut in front of Bobby, who's looking stiff and away and it figures. It figures he knows too. Figures the whole goddamn world does. (But not Sam, not Sam who is never conscious for these transgressions, these offerings.)
During the trials when Sam is fevered and ill and dips in and out of consciousness, and Dean feeds him and wraps him in blankets and while Sam shakes out the fever, Dean is wrapped around him, presses kisses to Sam's hairline, his forehead, his temples, chin (lips) catching on the grain of stubble dusting Sam's cheeks, thumb grazing his lips until Sam, unconscious and open, sucks it in like a pacifier, like an infant once again.
And maybe if we are going for a 5+1 format, 5 kisses Sam was unaware of and 1 he was let in on, we twist the knife in just a bit?
Possession, we know, involves an open mouth. And how Gadreel entered Sam with Dean's help is a little speculative. If Dean, holding hands with Gadreel, pressed his lips to Sam's mouth and pried it open, stayed there the duration of the trickery he pulled with Gadreel in Sam's brain, so that Gadreel could flow through Dean like a conduit into Sam's open mouth... One wonders if it would be Gadreel or Crowley who would rustle up the image in Sam's mind for him, the strangely familiar sensation of Dean's lips on his.
Of course we could also reject the 5+1 format or subvert it with a happier follow-up, as if two distinct +1s?
Or we could do short snippets of post!finding out Sam (make a whole different 5+1 sequel? 5 kisses Sam let Dean steal, and one that he stole himself?)
We could frame an awake, eyes wide open kiss with demon!Dean that's filthier than all the rest, tongue and suction and bodies pressed firm to each other, Sam's back to a wall, the perfect opportunity to jab Dean with a needle or to get the cuffs on him but only if he's adequately distracted.
After the bmol, after they save Sam, before he's washed, Dean following him to the showers, restless and desperate to touch, to confirm the solidness of Sam's skin away from their mother's prying eyes, but Sam's awake and Dean's never -- never had permission, never stolen one like this, not except as a demon, and between that and Gadreel... But Sam doesn't argue when Dean helps him to the showers, lets Dean help him pry his shirt off when he hisses at the movement and how it strain his limbs, his belt, his jeans, doesn't argue when Dean helps him into the shower itself while maintaining a quiet freeflow ramble about Sam's back needing someone to wash it and not falling over on his still-sore foot and giving himself a concussion. Devolves into Dean kissing Sam's shoulders and hugging him, Sam twisting eventually to look at him, quiet promise of "it's okay" and then Dean takes what he needs and sets his lips on Sam's.
From there, a quiet, not-quite-stolen one of comfort after Sam marches into camp in Apocalypse world with Lucifer behind him, away from the others and Sam melting into the now-familiar, now-comforting sensation.
Dean pulling Sam in after Michael's possession to ground himself, shirtless in his room, out of place in his own skin. His hands on Sam's jaw, his head, more demanding and less feather-light than most times before. Sam's fingers delicately finding a place along Dean's waist, the warm skin there, finding a sense of comfort in feeling how solid Dean is, a sense of fresh understanding as he slides his hands up Dean's back. Dean telling him the beard has to go after he pulls back.
Then after Nick brains Sam and he's dying or dead on the pavement for a moment before he's healed, who cares who sees, this is understood between them, this helps place their jagged pieces together in ways he's not apologizing for anymore - Sam waking up breathing in the air from Dean's lungs on a gasp, lips tingling, mouth opening under Dean to accept him before he even has oxygen in his blood.
The +1 here is either the barn scene (if we're masochistic) or more likely in heaven on the bridge, both of them seeking it together at the same moment, a kiss that means the same as all the last -- I'm here, I'm not letting you go -- but this time untinged by pain or separation, finally together forever, safe.
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
😅 👀 for the emoji writer ask
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
So, I'm a bit embarrassed by every smut I've written, but there are two that especially cause that feeling.
One of them when I tried to post it ao3 was acting up at the time, so the fic posted 6 fucking times, and I didn't realize until people left comments telling me @_@ it was a bit mortifying between that & it being the first ever smut I posted, and now I kinda hate it since I don't think it was well written.
The other I didn't have any issues with until someone left a bookmark on it cataloging the fic under a tag I was NOT cool with, and the feeling got so bad I actually looked up how to hide the fic altogether (cuz I didn't wanna delete it), of which I haven't undone yet. Idk if I ever will, that fic causes me a prevailing feeling of :/// now
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I definitely plan to finish "The Language of Flowers" even if the dgs brainrot has waned cuz I wrote most of the next two chapters, I'm gonna finish it dammit
The other things I have planned are a series for TOH following Darius and sewing. "But you could still use a sewing lesson" will probably be more like 3 chapters in the end, I started some of another entry in that series of him fixing Luz's jacket based off a great theory post, and I might close it off with another bit of him & Hunter if I don't explore other platonic dynamics with him. I also kinda wanna expand on "Just another sleepless night" into each char having nightmares & trying to cope.
None of this is explained well and I apologize lol, but ultimately my wip ideas are "continue the shit you already started" haha
Thanks for asking!! From this ask
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kitkatt0430 · 3 years
2021 Year In Review - Ao3
I found myself pretty curious how many fanfics I posted or otherwise updated over the course of this year. And it turns out that when filtering my works Ao3 they can be filtered by date now - I bet this has actually been around a while and I just haven't noticed since I don't usually filter search results by date. (Generally I'm just filtering out specific pairings or fandoms.) So I loaded up the filter to only select my works from Jan 1, 2021 through to today, Dec 27, 2021. And, uh...
I've apparently written more than I realized. 138 updated works updated over the course of the year, which includes both new works and existing WiPs that I worked on this year. That's a lot of fanfic.
My First Fic of the Year:
Gideon Vs The Reverse Flash - Eobard Thawne isn't the only person playing the long game. And Gideon is fairly certain that she's ultimately going to win this one.
Notes: So this story was a parody and the start of a series that I haven't actually gotten back around to yet. Though I do have ideas for at least two more entries into Gideon's Timeline. One is a Hartmon side story while the other one picks up where the first fic left off and is Westhallen heavy, though largely Gideon's PoV as she continues to mess with Eobard Thawne. (He's really going to regret stealing a copy of her program by the time she's done.)
I really enjoyed writing this fic and I definitely want to return to this series and finish it up in 2022. Though any progress is good progress.
Request Fics:
I wrote two requested fics: (Re)Learning to Breathe for RenLuthor (@hizzieluthor ) and Geometry for @avatarskywalker78 (@rebelcaptain-badasspilot ). I'd actually intended to do more requests later in the year, but I wound up getting busy alternately with work and with prompt events and ended up forgetting to create a new pinned post regarding requested fics. I never did turn off asks or submissions though, so for now consider requests as being open indefinitely if you'd like to send me a prompt or a pairing request. I'll probably create a new pinned post after the New Year.
As for the fics themselves, (Re)Learning to Breathe was an Iris/Caitlin fic set during season two. I really enjoyed writing this one as it had a sort of slice of life feeling, chronicling how Iris and Caitlin's growing friendship helps them both to find solace from their grief and later on their growing love for each other helps them to find the strength to deal with the new traumas brought on by the events of season two.
Geometry was a fun love triangle story for Westhallen where Iris likes Eddie who likes Barry who likes Iris. They eventually all wind up in love with each other and thank goodness Iris has the braincell in this relationship because Barry and Eddie are the very definition of disaster bis who both try very hard to fall into the realm of misunderstandings. I played around with some silly omniscient narrator as a character moments as well, which actually worked out quite well.
The "(Belated) Femslash February" Series:
Things got pretty busy for me in February and despite my intentions to write a few femslash stories based off one of the prompt lists floating around that month... it just didn't happen. The only thing I did post that month was a story set in 2020 where Jerrie Rathaway comes home from college as the first wave of Covid-19 ramps up, as a sort of commemoration for the anniversary of the shelter in place 'quarantine' regulations.
I ended up setting a goal of writing twenty-eight femslash stories during the year, both to make up for not writing any at all during February but also to widen the number of ships I write for. A lot of the ships I write for are m/m, in part because male characters tend to get more screen time and better characterization in media but also because I struggle to see myself in female characters. I think figuring myself out as a demi-girl has helped a lot in that latter regard, however, and now it's just a matter of finding more f/f ships that I really enjoy writing. I plan to set myself a new femslash writing challenge for the New Year, though I haven't quite decided what it'll be yet.
I was successful in meeting my goal of 28 f/f stories, however, and I'm really proud of all the fics I wrote.
Spite Fic:
While I wouldn't exactly say this has been the year of the spite fic... there was definitely a notable amount of spite writing for the Flash this year. I'd been unimpressed with the season six mirror arc as it was, but the season seven premier of the Flash was yet another instance of the show taking a character struggling with depression and having them commit 'noble' suicide. It's a really gross and awful trend throughout the show that I spent some time discussing in a tumblr post found here.
I ended up writing the fic Every New Beginning (Comes From Some Other Beginning's End) to analyze a way the new Artificial Speed Force could have kept all the Wells alive even as I suspected that their legacy was going to be crapped on by the show runners. And I also wrote a fic trying to find a non amatonormative explanation for Timeless!Wells choosing to retreat into the doomed life of Original Wells rather than establish his own life. But the season never really recovered for me.
I wasn't thrilled with aspects of the storyline with the Speed Force's rebirth and the awakening of the new Forces. Particularly that the Speed Force's previously abusive behavior towards Barry is never really addressed. Cisco's departure from the show was poorly foreshadowed and the promised prominent storyline for Cisco turned out to be a background side plot and a last minute exit from Team Flash that while entertaining did very little to actually celebrate Cisco as a character or his contributions to the team, ending instead on a cute but ultimately performative note. And ultimately I started skipping episodes here and there because I just... felt less and less interested by the show. And it shows in my fanfic writing, considering the majority of it takes place in early seasons when the show writing itself was more consistent.
I discussed wanting to rework the mirror arc into something that made sense, but with the show becoming increasingly less watchable for me, the idea of revisiting the mirror arc became a chore I didn't want to deal with. So while I have some outlines for that saved locally, I don't know if that writing will ever go anywhere. (I might eventually use how I did the #ArmageddonRevised episode outlines as a model for how I handle my many thoughts on the mirror arc, though.)
Then came the Armageddon arc for the season 8 opening and... I realized the time had come to stop keeping up with new seasons. I spite wrote some episode outlines - starting here with the first episode and tracked with the #ArmageddonRevised tag - that reorganized the five episodes into something more coherent than what we actually received. It's basically my farewell to the show, while at the same time reminding myself why I still enjoy writing fanfic for the Flash and keeping up with the fandom itself.
Updating Old Series:
While I didn't update as many existing series as intended, I did finally add on to some of my older Hartmon series, like Visions While I Sleep and The Pied Piper's Army of Rats as well as make some small continuations of other series. I'm pretty sure I started more series than I updated or completed. I blame the plot bunnies.
I still haven't written the heist sequence for Road Trip, so I may make that a New Years resolution. I'd intended to write those chapters over the summer, but the best made plans and that all that jazz... I did write some for the fic, but didn't end up posting any of it since I want to post for this fic in batches.
New Ships:
I added a number of new ships to my repertoire.
I finally wrote several Harrisco fic where Cisco, Harry, and their relationship are front and center instead of playing background to Jesse's story.
I've also started what will be an EoBarry series where the consequences of Original Eobard's meddling with the timeline has created an Alternate Eobard who is, dare I say it, actually heroic. It hasn't reached the point of Barry and new!Eobard even meeting yet, but new!Eobard's crush on Barry is pretty obvious and instant.
Lisa Snart has, surprisingly, proven to be a popular character for me to ship with. While my main headcanon for her is aro - and I pretty much always write her as being arospec whether it's stated explicitly in the fic or not - I do still enjoy writing ship fics with her. (Aro identities are complicated and varied, after all.) While I think I'd already written some Lisa/Caitlin, I expanded my multishipping with her to pair her with Iris and Frost.
Branching out into old fandoms, I found myself disappointed by the lack of Buffy/Anya stories and ended up writing a whole series where Buffy figures out she's bi, Anya starts a Vengeance and PI service, and will likely come to a close next year with either one or two more stories where Willow has fellow wlw friends to help her figure out her gay crisis over falling for Tara. The series is very heavy on the idea of women supporting women, exploring the concepts of vengeance and closure, and queer solidarity. (Though I deleted the comment, I apparently upset someone for exploring the idea that how comfortable a term makes a person feel is more important than what other people might find more accurate when it comes to self expression and choosing queer labels.)
I also got back into Mutant X for a while, renewing my love for Emma/Shalimar and writing my first fic for that series. I'm still mid rewatch so when I get back to watching that this year I may wind up inspired to write more. It's definitely got a lot of queer subtext going on, so I'm sure I've got a few more Emma/Shalimar fics in me to write.
This isn't all the new ships I've started writing for, but it's a good chunk of them.
My Favorite Fics:
This is a hard choice to make because I write for myself as my audience first, so I try to write stories that I'll enjoy reading and re-reading later. Thankfully I can read my own writing without automatically seeing all the flaws in it, though it does make editing out all the spelling and grammar mistakes more difficult...
That said, here are a few that stand out in particular.
Geometry - One definition of geometry would be that it is the mathematical study of the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs. Admittedly, not something Iris had thought would be super useful for her future career choices, even as she swerves from psychology into journalism.
Until, that is, Eddie Thawne asks her if she knows if Barry Allen is attracted to men and suddenly Iris finds herself contemplating the complexity of triangles.
Bisexual Panic And Other Foolishness - Shalimar's pretty sure she's supposed to be too old to be having a queer crisis, but there's just something about Emma... So it seems like something of a blessing when her feral nature takes what should be a run of the mill attraction to Richard Saunders and turns it up to eleven. After all, she doesn't have to examine her feelings for Emma if she's busy not thinking with Richard.
Meanwhile Emma's nursing what she thinks is an unrequited crush and having to put up with two guys who are definitely dating even though they swear they're not. (And Adam demonstrates the very definition of a clueless aro.)
The Central City Squirrel Revival - Eobard Thawne apparently had more important things to think about than the giant gash in one of the STAR Labs towers (prongs? What is the proper architectural term for it anyway?) because well over a year later it's still a gaping wound on the building and a security nightmare that Team Flash has been studiously ignoring. And Harry might've left things as they were until one night he works so late that it might as well be early. He arrives in his makeshift bedroom and discovers a squirrel asleep on his bed.
Which is when Cisco reveals the existence of the 'squirrel conspiracy' and Harry regrets the decision making paradigm that led him to believe that Team Flash was anywhere near competent enough to defeat Zoom. And also starts looking up contractors and repairmen and animal control contact information to shove in Barry's face.
"The Broken Pedestal" Series - The information on the Flash's personal frequency was only ever a distraction so that no one would realize that Hartley had actually installed a virus in the system in order to steal terabytes worth of data on the accelerator. Which is promptly dumped online.
Of course, data is useless without context, but that's where Hartley's new blog comes into play.
The City On the Hill - 1989 - Pre Time War - Drax visits with his former schoolmate, the Rani, to catch up on current events and avoid witnessing the Master's pending execution on Gallifrey. Two Time Lords arrive. Only one leaves.
2009 - Post Time War - Ianto Jones, head archivist - only archivist - for Torchwood Three has had vivid dreams of a golden city with an orange sky on and off for years. But ever since the Dalek's failed attempt to create a reality bomb, the dreams have become not only a nightly occurrence, but are visiting him when he's awake too. At the same time, a woman strangely familiar to Ianto has arrived through the rift, though he's certain he's never met her before in his life. And then Rhiannon finds a box of Ianto's childhood things, including a fob watch that puts Jack on high alert...
And... I'm going to stop trying to pick here because there's clearly a lot of writing I did this year that I'm proud of.
Weirdest Fic:
That'd definitely have to be Spiral, a gen fic that's as much a think piece on the idea of how stories change as they're retold as it is on the affects of time travel, being careful what you wish for, and a character piece for Eobard Thawne. I wrote it and yet I'm still finding new meaning in my own writing every time I reread it. So it's weird, but good weird.
Original Fic:
Based off the Cinderella fairy tale, but not any specific retelling, I wrote a short story called The Other Shoe, about a trans princess longing to be herself, an abused young woman longing for the resources to save herself and her sister, and how the circumstances that bring them together ultimately gives them what they both need to make their wishes come true.
I don't write a lot of original fiction, so I'm really pleased about how this one turned out.
Fandom Events:
I participated in a lot of fandom events this year and I'm not going to list them all out. But they were all a lot of fun. I'm going to try and participate in more events that don't center on specific ships next year. Better luck for Femslash February this time around. And I've already started looking at the Multiamory March prompts. :D
In Closing...
It looks like I actually wrote more in the last few months of the year than in the first half of the year. Which isn't too surprising given how many overlapping fandom events I was participating in during these last few months. I managed not to burn myself out, so maybe I'm getting better at managing the time I spend writing. That being said, I'm going to try and relax during January. So there may not be a lot of new stories or updates while I get ready for the next two big fandom events I want to participate in. Though I do want to finally get back to Complicated and Messy, which is probably somewhere around the halfway mark, though I'm certainly not going to try and guess at the final chapter tally any time soon.
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