#oh also: consent issues be here
dyed-red · 2 years
I know it's the brainworms talking but prev reblog made me want to write a fic about kisses Dean has stolen over the years.
(y'know that ao3 tag that goes something like "Dean Winchester is obsessed with Sam Winchester"? Yeah, like that)
It would start cute like the forehead kiss to baby Sammy in the opening scene of the pilot, a goodbye just for the night, a promise of protection (turned, we know, fast to ash).
Flash forward fast to disturbing territory of Sam blackout drunk as a teen and Dean dropping him in bed, dodging all Sam's octopus limbs trying to attach themselves to dean until he's just - out. And maybe Dean doesn't go for the kiss this time, or maybe he does, but either way he stares at Sam's lips an unsettling length of time, and the scene bleeds into Playthings and there is this distinct undercurrent of 'how often has this exact same thing played out this way over the years'.
We move from there to AHBL and Dean kissing Sam's corpse as if in goodbye, as if seeking atonement, as if that alone could revive it (sense memory still on his lips when he makes his demon deal).
After Sam's wall breaks, comatose, and Balthazar's joke to Dean about not stealing any kisses while he stands vigil over Sam's sleeping form uncomfortably apt, and Dean knows the angels know too much but could he at least keep his goddamn trap shut in front of Bobby, who's looking stiff and away and it figures. It figures he knows too. Figures the whole goddamn world does. (But not Sam, not Sam who is never conscious for these transgressions, these offerings.)
During the trials when Sam is fevered and ill and dips in and out of consciousness, and Dean feeds him and wraps him in blankets and while Sam shakes out the fever, Dean is wrapped around him, presses kisses to Sam's hairline, his forehead, his temples, chin (lips) catching on the grain of stubble dusting Sam's cheeks, thumb grazing his lips until Sam, unconscious and open, sucks it in like a pacifier, like an infant once again.
And maybe if we are going for a 5+1 format, 5 kisses Sam was unaware of and 1 he was let in on, we twist the knife in just a bit?
Possession, we know, involves an open mouth. And how Gadreel entered Sam with Dean's help is a little speculative. If Dean, holding hands with Gadreel, pressed his lips to Sam's mouth and pried it open, stayed there the duration of the trickery he pulled with Gadreel in Sam's brain, so that Gadreel could flow through Dean like a conduit into Sam's open mouth... One wonders if it would be Gadreel or Crowley who would rustle up the image in Sam's mind for him, the strangely familiar sensation of Dean's lips on his.
Of course we could also reject the 5+1 format or subvert it with a happier follow-up, as if two distinct +1s?
Or we could do short snippets of post!finding out Sam (make a whole different 5+1 sequel? 5 kisses Sam let Dean steal, and one that he stole himself?)
We could frame an awake, eyes wide open kiss with demon!Dean that's filthier than all the rest, tongue and suction and bodies pressed firm to each other, Sam's back to a wall, the perfect opportunity to jab Dean with a needle or to get the cuffs on him but only if he's adequately distracted.
After the bmol, after they save Sam, before he's washed, Dean following him to the showers, restless and desperate to touch, to confirm the solidness of Sam's skin away from their mother's prying eyes, but Sam's awake and Dean's never -- never had permission, never stolen one like this, not except as a demon, and between that and Gadreel... But Sam doesn't argue when Dean helps him to the showers, lets Dean help him pry his shirt off when he hisses at the movement and how it strain his limbs, his belt, his jeans, doesn't argue when Dean helps him into the shower itself while maintaining a quiet freeflow ramble about Sam's back needing someone to wash it and not falling over on his still-sore foot and giving himself a concussion. Devolves into Dean kissing Sam's shoulders and hugging him, Sam twisting eventually to look at him, quiet promise of "it's okay" and then Dean takes what he needs and sets his lips on Sam's.
From there, a quiet, not-quite-stolen one of comfort after Sam marches into camp in Apocalypse world with Lucifer behind him, away from the others and Sam melting into the now-familiar, now-comforting sensation.
Dean pulling Sam in after Michael's possession to ground himself, shirtless in his room, out of place in his own skin. His hands on Sam's jaw, his head, more demanding and less feather-light than most times before. Sam's fingers delicately finding a place along Dean's waist, the warm skin there, finding a sense of comfort in feeling how solid Dean is, a sense of fresh understanding as he slides his hands up Dean's back. Dean telling him the beard has to go after he pulls back.
Then after Nick brains Sam and he's dying or dead on the pavement for a moment before he's healed, who cares who sees, this is understood between them, this helps place their jagged pieces together in ways he's not apologizing for anymore - Sam waking up breathing in the air from Dean's lungs on a gasp, lips tingling, mouth opening under Dean to accept him before he even has oxygen in his blood.
The +1 here is either the barn scene (if we're masochistic) or more likely in heaven on the bridge, both of them seeking it together at the same moment, a kiss that means the same as all the last -- I'm here, I'm not letting you go -- but this time untinged by pain or separation, finally together forever, safe.
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
I know this is so not the point, but every time I see that stupid tiktok screenshot about a person having chatgpt finish an abandoned fic i roll my eyes so hard they fall out of my head because token limits are A Thing and there’s no way that tiktok idiot actually did the thing they’re claiming.
like. this isn’t relevant to the larger issues of consent, copyright concerns, or even basic internet security concerns, but oh my god is it frustrating to see how shit like this contributes to the growing misunderstanding and misinformation about what generative AI is and what it can do, which is already a problem as tech people obscure it behind anthropomorphizing it 🤦‍♂️
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You know how Wally can briefly give non speedsters superspeed sometimes? I'm reaaaaaaaaaaally hoping that he does that in The One Minute War because the entire war takes place in a minute and anyone who isn't a speedster won't have a single fucking clue anything even happened until it's over. Imagine just going about your day and everything is fine and then suddenly BAM! You're standing in a war zone.
Here's my pitch for that:
Wally, breathing heavily and bleeding in multiple places: HEY CLARK! Good to see you moving buddy!
Clark: What happened to you?? I just saw you at the meeting and- WHY IS THE HALL OF JUSTICE ON FIRE???
Bart, jumping over debris armed with a baseball bat and also bleeding heavily: Oh there are bigger issues than that.
Wally: BUT! We don't have time for that! I can only keep you at this speed without you dying or exploding for.... probably one minute speedster time?
Bart: Give or take a few pico seconds
Clark: All I hear are explosions and shooting. There are no screams. Or heartbeats??? Why can't I hear anyone's heart beating
Wally, grabbing his shoulders: Clark I need your consent to throw you at a spaceship powered by speedforce at near lightspeeds. We're not sure what will happen but we can't fly and the weapons system is too slow to even fire, so we're kinda out of options here.
Clark: What???
Bart: Look, let's just throw Conner.
Bart: He's cool. He won't care.
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skzfairyyydreamz · 5 months
hi!! Ik this isnt very cheerful for ur early request😭 but if u r doing headcannons can i request straykids w an s/o whoes insecure maybe about like acne?? 🫶
Bf!Skz when s/o is insecure about acne❣️
Genre: Fluff, Comfort, Bf!Skz x gn!reader
A/n: Sorry for the wait with this one my love i’ve been a bit busy but i hope you enjoy! Feedback, replies, and reblogs are greatly appreciated! To anyone who may be struggling with acne, skin issues/disorders etc know that your beauty grows from the inside. so don’t ever let something temporary define you. You are so loved. Thank you for being here. Sending big hugs to all who need it right now. 🫂❤️ ~Fae 🧚🏽‍♀️ (M.Lists)
(dm’s requests and taglist are open!!)
© Skzfairyyydreamz - Plagiarism is a crime. Do not repost, alter, translate or copy without my consent.
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Channie is Definitely the “i know you better than you know yourself” kind of Bf so he notices everything about you. Especially when you aren’t happy with yourself.
Physically not being able to sit back and watch you look at yourself in the mirror with disgust; he walks over to you and pulls you away from the mirror.
“Stop that” “stop what?” you immediately respond trying to walk past him avoiding eye contact as if your mind wasn’t racing a mile a minute with negative thoughts about yourself.
quickly pulling you into a tight embrace “C’mere you know you can’t hide from me my love” he says in a soft whisper as he began pressing kisses to your head and the side of your face. You then realize there was no escaping this conversation.
“You are so, SO beautiful and you literally have no idea.” You hug him back burying your face into his chest as your eyes start to water still refusing to look him in the eyes. “but i don’t feel beautiful channie… my skin looks so nasty right now” “it doesn’t matter honey, it’s temporary. Acne comes and goes, its natural bc you’re a human. You’re MY human and a little breakout isn’t going to change the way that i love you or the amazing person that you are. so don’t let it change the way you feel about yourself.”
After a few moments of silence Finally lifting your head up to look at him properly for the first time that morning, you see a smirking chan as he takes his thumb wiping away your tears “oh if only you could see yourself through my eyes darling… ”
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Lee Know
is also SUPER quick to notice when you’re judging yourself.
i definitely see Lee know being an aggressive lover so off the rip he is not having it if his s/o is feeling ugly and unhappy with themselves.
Will definitely force you to do self love affirmations.
Standing in the mirror together as he hugs you from behind “Chin up .. now repeat after me…”
on the days you really struggle he is patient but very firm with you bc he is such a loverboy and will NOT accept ANYONE speaking down on the love of his life , not even yourself.
“Go on jagi … say it. We’re not moving until you love yourself!”
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Soft binnie ofc is very understanding and will also reassure you.
will let you rant and complain about how you feel listening carefully without interrupting.
Will definitely kiss all your breakouts and blemishes.
“Dont worry baby give it 2 weeks tops you wont even remember it was here.”
constantly reminds you how beautiful you look at random times during the day.
“Acne is temporary but my love is forever” he aggressively covers your face in kisses as you fall into a fit of giggles.
Yes .. very cheesy in his true cute binnie fashion lols
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will spoil you ROTTEN to the core.
the very second you complain about the smallest breakout he’s already on the phone booking you facials and skin treatments at a luxury spa.
You come home from work to see a huge gift basket on the kitchen counter overflowing with expensive skincare products. Facial cleansers, serums, toners, oils, spf’s, moisturizers, you name it, its in there.
“Jinnie .. baby what is all this??” “if my honey wants clear skin, then thats what you’ll get” “i swear i don’t deserve you” you say with teary eyes
“wait wait dont cry yet i have something else for you” “HUH??” in confusion and disbelief you watch hyunjin run off and return with a canvas. He turns it around and its a painting of you with the most beautiful flowers blooming from your face in the exact same spots you began to breakout a few days prior.
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Another aggressive lover.
you start pouting to him about your skin and it somehow turns into a mini lecture.
“Jagi your acne is flaring up again bc you’ve been too stressed out. how may times do i have to ask you to leave that fuck ass job and just let me take care of you!? “But ji-” “And you stress eating all this junk food isn’t helping either!”
he’s definitely holding you accountable for eating cleaner and making sure you drink enough water throughout the day
And if you fail to do so he is definitely on your ass about it! 😂
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Lix is very comforting when you come to him in actual tears the day before a red carpet fashion event you two were attending together. “lix i cant go like this, look at my fucking face??” “Hun it’s really not as bad as you think, i promise.” “it is lix! i dont know how to cover this up” you began to cry again “would you feel better if i called Maya to come give you a professional full glam for tomorrow?” he reassures you hugging you tight and rubbing your back while already reaching for his phone to text his makeup artist.
But he also disciplines you about talking bad about yourself.
He has this rule where you can only make one negative comment about yourself a day. And every time you break that rule he throws one of your beloved pocket mirrors away (you had a LOT and he knew that)
“ Ew why do i-” “ EH?!? what was that!?” he glared at you with a raised eyebrow. “Gimmie me!” “But lix wait- we’re in public i need to know how my skin looks!” “idc hand it over.. you look beautiful and since you cant be nice to yourself now you’ll just have to take my word for it.” he cut you off with his hand out.
accepting your defeat you sigh loudly closing the compact mirror putting it in his hand and pouting as he got up with a smirk walking away to throw your 5th mirror this week in the trash
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much like seungmin you are very strong and independent, you keep your “burdens” to yourself trying not to complain too much or trouble anyone with your issues. Especially if you are insecure about them.
but minnie knows when you’re struggling.
he knows you get a bit agitated when you dont feel your best and thats when you begin to distance yourself a bit more.
His love language being acts of service he would do small things for like make you natural homemade remedies like his mom used to do for him anytime your skin would flare up real bad.
after getting out of the shower still pouty from a long grumpy day, “here” he hands you a spray bottle. “ What’s this min? ”
“Aloe vera face mask” he says simply giving you a kiss on the forehead and walking away not wanting to make you feel bad for bringing up something he knows you’re insecure about.
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whenever you’re breaking out jeongin does everything he possibly can to keep his lover happy.
he will definitely help you create a WHOLE NEW skincare routine.
he’s working overtime researching different products and the ingredients that would work best with your skin type.
even tho you are not happy about your acne he thoroughly enjoys your new way of spending quality time together.
“you know you don’t have to make this an US thing, right? Your skin already looks great” “how about you mind your little business and pass me the toner” you try to hold back a laugh as your sassy boyfriend stared you down through the mirror of your shared bathroom.
buying and trying a ton of new skincare products together.
rating which ones you liked best and which ones didn’t work at all for you.
he will even book you an appointment to see a dermatologist if you need to and ofc he’s gonna be going with you!
Taglist: @hanniemylovelyquokka @milknhoneyracha @tinyelfperson @jiisungllvr @turtledove824 @laylasbunbunny
buy me a coffee?
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weebsinstash · 3 months
Do you ever wonder how complicated or nuanced it might be setting personal boundaries with a poly yandere Asmodeus and Fizz. Like do you ever workshop Lust Ring worldbuilding culture and realize "oh wait shit wouldn't it paradoxically be really easy AND ALSO borderline impossible to be open with and enforce your personal boundaries in a place perpetually encouraging the most openly brazen of carnal displays"?
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Like. Obviously I like one of them more than the other but silly little guys are growing on me and, just. Imagine being a Sinner and being down in the Lust Ring and realizing they have a completely different culture around just, showing your body and being open with yourself and your desires and, you're suddenly not sure what things are sexual harassment or considered their normal culture and you're not sure what you're even allowed to verbally express discomfort against because. Is it actually something normal and YOU'RE being weird and mean to THEM? Or, are you unintentionally letting people do REALLY creepy things to you?
You move out of Pride and your new coworkers in Ozzie's building are constantly eating dick and pussy shaped foods? Your coworker is throating a dick shaped ice pop at their desk? Your coworkers are varying levels of half naked? That's not perverted, it's normal and healthy and they're confident in their healthy sexuality :) oh, but you think that's weird? You don't want to look directly at someone's tits when they ask your opinion on their new nipple piercings? Aw, aren't you cute, being too shy to be open with yourself! maybe we all need to show you a few things to welcome you to Lust--
Like, I know Ozzie is dead set on consent but I often brainstorm different variations of those opinions or otherwise in a yandere setting. Ozzie is accepting and open and body positive! Therefore he might be completely in the nude while he sits in a recliner and you're asked to bring him something and he ISN'T EMBARRASSED AT ALL. Aw, he doesn't care if you see his dick, he's not ashamed of his body :) and you don't want to tell him to cover up because he's so nice to you, right? Like..... the perfect fucking gentleman BESIDES these um. Conflicting opinions on modesty and boundaries. Like genuinely he is such a good man fr i want him biblicly 😩❤️
These two out here with their fucking "what are you talking about, this blatantly sexual thing we're doing isn't sexual at all, you're being weird and seeing things thst aren't there and also dont kinkshame us wow thats rude?" bullshit. Oh so you got too drunk at an office party so they made sure you got home safely so no one took advantage of you? Yeah that's cool! Or it would be if they didn't take you to THEIR home though! Oh, it was weird for you to wake up literally sandwiched between them in a pair of pajamas meaning they undressed you? Yeah? Well you had to get your sleep and there's only one bed and they wont make you sleep on the couch and Ozzie's chest is nice and broad and warm and Fizz can rest his face on your tummy and-- why are you scowling and looking grossed out, they were just making sure you were warm and cozy, but if that made you uncomfortable, they're sorry you felt that way from them just trying to so something nice for you--
I recognize it's canonically antithetical to his actual beliefs but yandere Ozzie who is like "oh you're not comfortable sharing details about your sexuality or your body or your sex life with me? I mean. Oh gee it would be like so awkward if we were having drinks as friends and I charismatically loosened your lips over time by repeatedly pressing the issues until you give in! It's not a real 'no' if it eventually becomes a 'yes' right?"
Fizz is like. A fucking jester. He's a clown. He's THE silly little guy. So you almost regard him as this nonsexual cartoonish entity until he occasionally has shit slip out of his mouth that reminds you No Honey That's A Grown Ass Man, he's saying shit like "oh wow seeing that crop over there reminded me of the other week where Ozzie and I were doing horseplay and you should've SEEN when I took one to that huge butt of his, he was SCREAMING into the bridle gag and-"
I FEEL LIKE YOU'D CATCH THEM LIKE, ULTRA WEAPONIZING T H E I R RULES. Yeah, consent is important! That's why you're not allowed to flirt with that dilfy incubus, because, what is that in your hand? Gasp, is that a single shot? You've been drinking therefore you can't consent and you're being CARRIED away if that gets you to stop talking to this guy
Like imagine you're this shy bullied little thing and Admodeus is treating you like this precious egg that he can't wait to hatch and then it's like, you're dressing up sexy and coming on to someone ELSE talking about how you wanna suck THEIR dick and suddenly he's all "uh um uh hm you know what?you're moving too fast, people are gonna take advantage of you, you're not ready, let me take you home--"
"BLOWJ0BS FOR ME BUT NOT FOR THEE" for reeeeeeeal!!!!! You're sitting in like, the living room, basically forced to be celibate (unless ya bone them) and in the next room over IN THE ONLY BEDROOM you're hearing like *spanking* *bicycle horn* *that one oh yeah sound effect* *shaking tin sfx* *water splashing* *rubber ducky squeaky noise* *slide whistle* *whoopie cushion* and then the both of them limp out of there visibly disheveled and asking if you want to order a pizza because WOW THEY'RE JUST WAY TOO HUNGRY TO COOK DINNER TONIGHT FOR SOME REASON--
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
In honor of Batman vs. Robin being...frustrating...here is some dialogue for if the Robins could actually call Bruce on his shit. (This is not me going “Bruce is terrible” because it’s more complicated than that when a character is 80 years old, this is my going “this comic is lazy because it refuses to engage with Bruce’s genuine failings.”)
Jason: I guess everyone expects me to start. Okay, yeah, I died.
Steph: Same.
Damian: Same.
Jason: And he replaced me.
Steph: Same. Sort of.
Damian: ...Shockingly, he did not attempt to replace me.
Jason: Yeah, I fucking know, because he was so sad about you that he took me back to the site of my death to see if it could trigger any memories of my violent murder that he could use to resurrect you.
Damian: Noted, but when my mother put a price on my head, he attempted to convince me to return to her so that her assassins wouldn’t cause any further damage to Gotham.
Steph: He only made me Robin to manipulate Tim into defying his father and becoming Robin again, and fired me for saving his life.
Tim: Also when Steph was dying he deliberately didn’t tell me so that I could say goodbye because he didn’t want me distracted.
Steph: You never told me that! Oh, FUCK him.
Tim: Also he told Steph my secret identity without my consent. Um, before that.
Dick: He didn’t tell me Jason had died.
Jason: He didn’t tell me my father had died.
Dick: He gave the Robin identity to a new kid even though it was my dead mother’s childhood nickname for me and very personal.
Damian: He missed my thirteenth birthday.
Jason: When I ran away from home, he went after the Joker and not me. And, not to belabor the point, but that was when I died.
Damian: He implied it was my fault Alfred died. Multiple times.
Tim: I’m pretty sure I was homeless from 2014 to 2022.
Damian: I haven’t been to school since Super Sons was canceled. Unless you count a single issue of Monkey Prince, of all things.
Dick: He slapped me and it’s a meme. :(
Tim: Hit me too.
Damian: And me.
Jason: Threw a Batarang into my neck.
Steph: No worries, boys, I slapped him back for ya.
Jason: Same, actually. *high fives her*
Damian: “Damian, you’re my son and I love you, but sometimes I don’t like you very much.”
Dick: He made me eat rats!
Feel free to add your own! I know I missed plenty.
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Harry's Home
Part IV.
Part I. Part II. Part III.
Pairing: Roommate!Harry/Roommate!Reader; Harry Styles/Curvy Reader
Word Count: ~13k words 😅 it’s been a long time comin’, babes!
🔞TW🔞: Adult Language, ‼️Unprotected Sex‼️, ‼️GRAPHIC SMUT‼️, Rough Sex, ‼️CNC‼️, ‼️Dubious Consent‼️, Daddy!Kink, ‼️Choking‼️, ‼️Degradation/Name-Calling‼️, Breeding!Kink, Spitting, ‼️Slapping‼️, Spanking, Cunnilingus, Creampie, Cum-Swapping, Cum-Fetish, 💕Fluff💕
I typically get home from work before Harry does, and so my current state of rest and relaxation—coincidentally adjacent to the book I’m holding: My Year of Rest and Relaxation—is an occurrence Harry’s used to coming home to by now. I mean, not that he’s coming home to me. He’s just…coming home, and I also happen to be living here. Speaking of which, I’m situated in my bedroom. I've already slipped into my night clothes—thin, loose pajama pants and an oversized crop tee—laying my back against the cushioned headboard of my bed. 
Suddenly, my ears perk up. The hum and vibration of the garage door opening and closing pulls my attention away from the novel I’d been engrossed in for the past hour towards my empty door frame. Less than a minute later, a door slams, physically startling me, and my posture straightens as if I’m expecting a scolding. I have no reason to react this way, really. It’s not like I have Daddy Issues or anything…or even like this is something out of the ordinary…
Harry’s home…
That’s all. 
But judging by the door slams, Harry’s not all sunshine and rainbows this evening. And that, as well, is not something out of the ordinary. Today is just like any other day. Nothing special. Nothing different. But for some reason, it’s as if I can feel the force of his brooding presence weighing heavily atop my chest from an entire floor away. 
I’m staring dumbly at my room’s entrance. Harsh, stomping footsteps alert me of Harry’s wandering after-work routine. Even with my ears plugged, I’d still sense the undying tension between us growing as our distance lessened. My heart is pounding violently in my chest. I make the conscious decision to set my book aside on my nightstand once I realize I’ve read the same sentence 20 times. 
“Hey, Bunny?! You upstairs, love?” his voice booms, and my thighs immediately squeeze together at the velvety baritone calling out for me. I’m stuck in place and now a competitive mouth-breather—I could be the final girl in a horror film. Geez, chill out, Y/N. I’ve welcomed him home a million times before, and I’ve never felt this…needy—nay—desperate. My body feels so starved. His footsteps are ascending up the stairs now.
Harry reaches our second floor and releases a deep sigh. “Mmhm?” My reply starts to flow out of me like a moan and I swallow the second half of it down in an attempt to cut it short. It’s for naught as I suck in a harsh breath immediately afterwards, sounding like I’m drowning on land.  Oh, God…and I can feel a wet patch soaking through the crotch-seam of my pajamas. My nipples are poking out beyond my thin, lacy, unpadded bra, shamelessly creating peaks through my loose t-shirt. Harry suddenly appears from the depths of the hallway and stands tall at my open door. I’m maneuvering myself so that I’m sitting upright, but then the fabric slowly tugs taut over my chest, clinging to my sensitive nipples and stimulating them even more. My lips part and I can’t help the whimper that comes out of me. It’s audible enough that the man scrunches his forehead and questions my well-being once he hears it. “You alright, Bun’?” he asks, his brow arched with mild concern. I gasp, startled by his abrupt entrance, and my body instinctively recoils. My buxom breasts bounce from the action. The movement is subtle—well, as subtle as a large pair of jiggling tits can be when they’re knocked around by walls of inertia and the force of gravity—and Harry doesn’t miss any of it. His eyes blink down to watch the magic of physics for a moment, and all I can think about is how I hope he can’t see how hard my nipples are through my thin bra and top…
What am I even saying?! Who am I trying to convince? We all know I’d flash him Girls-Gone-Wild-style right now if I had the guts.
He furrows his eyebrows at me from across the dimly-lit room and leans his hip against the door frame, crossing his arms over his front. I’m trying not to become distracted by how well his biceps fill out his dress shirt, or by the way the muscles in his chest dance a little bit every time he folds his arms like that. “Uh-huh.” I moan(again), unable to form a coherent sentence. I’m still on my merry way to the mouth-breather national championships, but at least I’m not wheezing…yet. Am I on the verge of hyperventilation? Who knows. My body only seems to betray me…so stay tuned. Harry’s tongue pokes out of his mouth and he slicks it from side to side to dampen his bottom lip.
“Why ya so jumpy..? Wha’s wrong?” He inquires, his eyes drifting down to my heaving chest again. His eyes flick back up to mine seemingly as soon as he clocks the two little bullets aimed in his direction. His complexion warms, but I’m certain his blush is nothing compared to mine. I swear, if he keeps looking at my tits like that…Gah…Is it getting hotter in here? Shit, didn’t he ask me something? Eh, whatever. Words aren’t even exiting my mouth anymore. Harry’s just standing there, keeping his distance and watching me pant like I’ve just finished the mile-run in gym class (what a nightmare). Judging by the worry in his brow and genuine concern in his voice, I must have given him the impression that I’d just seen a goddamned ghost walk through the wall or something. I almost wish I had that excuse to fall back on right now…But the room falls silent. Each puff of carbon dioxide is released from my mouth like a silent cry for help. So now I’m really playing the part of the out-of-breath chubby girl in gym class. Not exactly the vibe I’m going for right now. Or ever. Never again—AH! I need to say something—anything!  I can hear the swoosh of my eyelashes as they cut through the air every time I blink. I’m significantly hyper-aware of my body. What if I swallow the excess spit in my mouth and I start choking?! Oh, God…now I’m worried about that?!
Any explanation or reassurance Harry assumes to receive for my strange behavior is withheld. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t even know how to explain myself to him because I’ve let this go on for too long. Seconds pass by in a torturous silence, but the seconds feel like minutes, and one minute feels like an eternity when I’m in the same room as a 6-foot ticking time-bomb who’s one nudge away from exploding into a holy-shit-fit. Crabby Harry doesn’t like to feel ignored. He doesn’t like to repeat himself. And he doesn’t like it when his pretty little roommate is disobedient. 
Abandoning his usual, gentle inflection, he amplifies his voice and waves his hands back and forth, seemingly annoyed and now crossing the line over to belligerence. “Hellooo?!” Harry calls out to me. My ears ring at the aggressive tone and I flinch. “What's the matter with you, huh?” Still nothing. Well, I’m saying nothing. Everything is the matter with me. There’s so much wrong. Please help me. Get me out of this fucking room or I’ll scream. 
Another empty beat goes by. This is so embarrassing. 
Being the ill-tempered and impatient man he is, Harry’s reprimanding escalates, now practically yelling at me like I’ve been a bad girl, “Oi! What kind of bloody game are y’playin’ here?! ‘S not funny, Y/N. I’m over it.” He grits and steps completely into my room now. My personal space has officially been breached. I hold no more power in my safe little bubble anymore. He nods his head once whilst making a lifting gesture with his hand. “C’mon…Sit up and look at me when I’m speaking to you,” he bites out, his voice snappy and demanding.
Hm. Ok, so, it’s safe to say that he is, indeed, not in a good mood—not in the mood to try and be patient while his horny and dumb roommate is devouring him with her eyes and forgetting how to breathe properly, that’s for sure. 
His heightened volume and combative language pulls me back to reality. I clear my throat and sit with my legs criss-crossed under me. My shaky hands find solace deep inside my lap, squeezing between the warm thickness of my thighs. The hasty new sitting position causes the crotch seam of my pajama pants to rest tightly against the slit of my pussy. Every time I move my hips or straighten my back, it tugs the thick seam forwards/backwards against my clit, sending waves of teasing pleasure through my lower tummy. But I try to be oblivious to this right now because I really don't need the extra stimulation. I’m already drenched and dying for Harry to pump load after load of cum inside of me—you know, just my typical Friday.
“I’m sorry…I-I’m…just really…super tired…” I fake a yawn. “…Just woke up from a nap.” I croak, lazily rubbing my eye to play it up. What a bold-faced lie—I’m wide fucking awake. My corneas may be stinging, and my thoughts are completely clouded with lust, but I couldn’t fall asleep right now even if I tried. He’d have to choke me out…Ooh…
I tilt my head down, feeling utterly flustered and ashamed of my naughty internal voice. But I’m finally able to direct my rogue train of thought away from the tracks to fucktown, returning my sights to the real-life Harry who’s currently glaring at me. Yeesh…He’s pissed. “So, um…long day?” My voice cracks pathetically. Those are gonna be my famous last words, aren’t they? Harry clenches his jaw before answering me. “Long day—?” He stops himself, scoffs, and runs a hand through his hair. “Oh, Y/N, now that you’ve mentioned it, yes. My day was absolute shit!” His skin is heating up. He aggressively unbuttons his sleeve cuffs and roughly pushes them up to his elbows. Ugh, I love it when he does that.
The cranky version of Harry has been coming out more and more lately, and honestly, seeing him like this makes me melt. He’s so hot when he’s mad…is it wrong to think that? I can’t help it anyway. His pheromones constantly call out for me, relentless to allow me a break from wanting him. From needing him. I should be careful and let him be, but I’m dying to know how much aggression he could take out on me. What would he resort to? Would he bend me over his lap for a controlled punishment? Or would he hold me down while he savagely fucked his rage out? Oh, god, please…please. Harry pops open a few of his shirt buttons, working to cool himself off. I can see more of his skin now—a light dusting of hair, the swallow feathers, the antennas of his butterfly.
“Ran into construction on my way in, had to work through lunch, and I didn’t even get to see you before I left this morning…” He frowns, “...Probably why I’ve been a grump all day…” I chew on my lower lip anxiously and watch as his somber expression slowly lightens a smidge as he stares off into space. “Honestly, I was hoping my Bunny’s gorgeous face would welcome me home tonight…with those darling doe eyes and that smile…I thought she’d make me feel better…” I inhale in preparation to console him, or maybe to defend myself. I don’t even know what I want to say. It doesn’t matter, though, because he cuts me off before I can even think up a sentence. “But I guess y’just wanna be a right-fuckin’-pain’n my ass instead, don’t you, Y/N?” His accent thickens as his temper worsens. Pouting, I flick my eyes down to the stitching on my duvet of which my fingers seem to have been subconsciously fidgeting with since I’d first sat up. My teeth nervously nibble on my lip before whispering one of his words to myself. “Gorgeous…” My voice sounds so soft and meek, and I’m blushing like crazy. The atmosphere feels hot and humid, although it’s a crisp, Oregon October. “Wha—?” Harry takes a deep breath and pinches the bridge of his nose for a moment as if to collect his thoughts. “—Yes. I think you’re…quite lovely, actually. ‘Always thought that, Bunny.” His rough speech makes him sound so tired. So worn out. I want to make him feel better. There’s still time to do that, isn’t there?
He lifts his head and looks at me, and my breath hitches at the sharp eye contact. Unexpectedly, Harry grunts and kicks my door closed behind him with a splintering slam. My body jolts. “Harry…” I breathe out. If I wasn’t already feeling subby, I surely am now. It’s one thing for him to raise his voice, but he’s never gotten physical before. I’ve never seen this side of Harry...I’m…scared. But I want more... Jesus, I’m tumbling down into a bottomless pit of subspace, aren’t I…?
“You wanna know a secret, Bunny?” He scoffs, squeezing and releasing his hands at his sides. I see his knuckles turn from golden tan to white from the pressure, over and over again, until he looks down at his socked feet and shakes his head with the ghost of a smile on his flushed face. “God, I jus’…I jus’ wanna…” He clenches and unclenches his jaw several times during his pause of silence. His mouth is closed, but I know his teeth are gritted together. His next words are growled at me, and I can just barely process them. “...You’ve had no bloody clue, have you…?” He raises his head to shoot daggers at me and continues, “…No clue how bad I’ve needed…Christ, Y/N…” He’s pacing the floor. “…Fuck, from the moment you walked into that bar, I wanted to claim you. Did you know that?” He stops pacing, squints, and cocks his head at me, his inked arms crossed over his chest again. 
Rhetorical questions are confusing(fucking annoying) when the person asking them looks at you like they’re expecting an answer. (like this: 👁️_👁️)
I instinctively avoid eye contact and drop my head down, my shoulders rotating forward defensively. “All this fucking time, Y/N…And now every goddamn second of every day, you taunt me. You hop around like the little fuck-bunny you are, your huge tits practically bouncing out of your bra—” He bites the inside of his cheek and squeezes his eyes shut for a moment before clearing his throat and beginning again. “—wearing those tiny little shorts that barely cover that fat, juicy ass…Jesus Christ…all the fucking time, Y/N...” He groans. As he’s describing me, he becomes so infuriated that he needs to stop speaking just to let out an exasperated breath filled with rage and arousal. “...All the fucking time, I’m having to force myself to be good. I have to remind myself that you’re too sensitive…that I can’t…I…” He sighs and combs his fingers through his mane of soft curls. “...I have to be careful around you, y’know? Your existence…just you merely existing ‘round me…you drive me fucking mad…” I gulp and raise my head back up to see he has his back turned to me. His shoulders are heaving as he breathes heavily, and his muscles are clearly tensed beneath his slightly wrinkled button-down. He circles the room slowly, eventually standing before me once again. “You don’t know half the things I’ve wanted to do to you…” His dilated eyes twitch, and he gives me a lopsided grin. “...Except, you do, don’t you, sweetheart?” My mouth dries up like someone’s just pulled the spit drain. “Huh? W-what are you t-talking about?!” I nearly choke on my sorry excuse for denial. I stare at him in disbelief, wishing to God that I had the courage to sass him back. But all of that assertion seems to have gone on vacation. 
Harry just shakes his head and grins devilishly. “Don’t be like that…” Bending forward, he huskily goads on, “…I know you want to suck my cock, Y/N.” 
My eyes widen and my heart pumps harder in my chest as Harry nears closer to the bed. He’s burning holes into me and I can feel my skin heat up wherever his eyes roam. I’m beginning to scoot up farther toward the headboard in subconscious defense. “Hmm? What's that silly lil’ head of yours thinkin’ bout? Gagging on my dick? Bet that’s it. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Bunny?” Though it’s clear in his inflection that his intentions are to get a rise out of me, his predatory stare and steady prowl he leads in my direction tell me otherwise. I’m being hunted. His knees hit the edge of my raised bed with a soft bump. Both of his hands slide down his torso and he rests one on his thigh whilst the other rubs up and down his straining erection. He lifts one knee up onto the bed, gaining in on me. I automatically draw my attention downwards, but regret it instantly because seeing the outline of his thickness makes me moan. The desert that once took over the cavern of my mouth has now been blessed with a river of needy saliva. When I switch back to Harry’s face, I’ve already been caught ogling. So much for denial, Y/N.
Harry chuckles boyishly—the same playful chuckle I’ll hear when I send him a meme or a TikTok from across the room or down the hall. It’s much more menacing hearing it now within this context. “D’you want Daddy to fuck your mouth, Princess?” He jeers, tilting his head. Scoffing, I stare up at him wide-eyed. In the low corners of my vision, my breasts rise and fall with every labored breath. I can hear myself almost gasping for air.  I swallow the rest of my shock down and shake my head gently—I refuse to answer his filthy question aloud. He exhales bitterly, visibly irritated. “Hm. I knew you were just a fucking tease.” He says gruffly before giving his hard-on one more squeeze over his slacks. He shakes his head at me in what I perceive as disappointment, then leans forward on the bed, holding himself up by his palms. The ever-increasing closeness to this man intoxicates me. His aggression is further spiraling me into the permanence of that special space of mine. I can feel myself pouting my lips with my head bowed as if I’m being disciplined by, well…you know who. 
(And, no. Not Voldemort.)
I don’t wanna say the D-word. Harry just used the term to try and embarrass me. To shame me. Fuck you, Harry. As I’ve confessed previously—I basically thrive off of his attention—and this right now, of course, is still fueling me deliciously. Although, I don’t quite enjoy how he’s accusing me of being a tease. He’s just being an asshole. Hmph…I am not a tease. I’ve got a bite, Styles. Just come a little closer, and I’ll prove it.
I don’t even realize that I’ve begun to glare at him until his voice takes me away from my raging thoughts. He lowers his timbre and slowly shakes his head once more, “Quit givin’ me that look, Bunny…Y’bout to start somethin’, aren’t ya?” He nods his chin at me. I nervously shrink into my bed, absent-mindedly squishing my tits together with my arms and furrowing my eyebrows like I’m about to reluctantly agree. But before I totally fold into the compliant little toy he wants me to be, I decide to change gears at the last second. Straightening up onto my knees and crawling towards him, I close in on him near the edge of the mattress, backing him up, my eyes narrowed and defiant as they meet with those of the audacious man leaning onto my bed. “So what if I do, Harry?” I surprise myself with how tough and bratty I sound. Harry only ‘tsk’s at my attempt at defending myself. Narrowing his eyes, he leans farther over the bed so that he’s almost touching my nose with his. He’s so close to me now, and I'm worried the pounding drumbeat of my heart is blowing my cover. But I refuse to surrender to his piercing gaze or cower away from him in fear. That’s what he wants me to do. He wants me to give him that power. But I won’t—not without a fight. Not without a struggle…Just a little bit…
I close my eyes for a moment and breathe deeply through my nose. The spicy notes of his signature cologne are making me salivate. Sure, I’ve caught whiffs of it once in a while during our hugs or in passing, but the scent communicates with me differently at this moment. Masculine. Woodsy. Clean. Like taking a gulp of spiked apple cider next to a bonfire on a cool fall evening, surrounded by giant pine trees. I’m addicted to the inhale. An intense desperation for more grows in the pit of my stomach as I continue to suck in the breaths of Harry. I never want the remnants of him to leave my lungs. It’s strange how something as simple as a fragrance has given me such primal desires. When I open my eyes again, I’m immediately drawn down to his lips. God…have they always been this pink and smooth? Harry must know I’m staring because he wets his mouth with his tongue before a clever smirk stretches across it. I bet he thinks I’m going to surrender. But I coax my attention away from his distracting features before I lose any more of my self-control. I can pull myself out of this, I know I can. I just need to channel my energy into something else other than lust. I focus towards the path of furiousness. The oath of silence I'd previously been taking is no longer an option for me as all I see are flames. Harry makes me so fucking mad. He comes home, slams doors, makes me feel vulnerable even in the safety of my own bedroom…degrades me, slams another fucking door…MY door. Calls me a fucking tease while he grabs his dick right in front of me?! 
Alright—That’s it. No more playing nice. Go hard or go home, Y/N.
I straighten my posture, arching my back and subtly pushing my breasts out towards him, then relax, putting on my best poker face. “Go ahead, Harry…” I lure him, my voice all but a breathy coo. “…Take it out on me…” His eyebrow quirks up, but I know from the darkness in his eyes and the slight flare to his nostrils that he’s not amused by my sudden audacity. I continue, purring, “…Unless you’re too scared you’ll hurt me—” In a split second, his strong hand roughly wraps itself around my neck and I’m shoved backwards onto my duvet. He’s squeezing the sides of my throat and forcing his whole weight on top of me, pinning me down and blocking air. I can’t breathe. I can’t think. Harry inches closer until our lips barely brush together by a hair's width. “Fucking brat,” he practically spits. I struggle to swallow the hard lump in my throat. My body is stuck, painfully held down, yet I’m still desperately squirming to arch myself up against him for even the smallest bit of friction. I’m clenching my inner walls over and over again as if lazy kegels will soothe my itch. I’m essentially drooling out of both ends. I’m now realizing this isn’t a fucked up little game between housemates anymore. The line has finally been crossed.
Harry’s eyes drift down to my rosy lips and back up again. His nose nudges against mine. He knows exactly what I want and he’s taunting me…holding himself right in front of my face as I lay here, my eyesight blurring. “There’s no turning back now.” He seethes. He smiles darkly at my helplessness, then feathers his lips over the flushed skin of my cheek. His soft kisses press along the length of my jaw before he speaks again. “Just like how I can’t take back all those times I’ve wanked off listenin’ to your pretty moans from my room…” His words trail off against my goosebump-ridden neck. “...Inn’ that right, baby?” “Mmmhh.” I whimper in agreement, the noise vibrating from my larynx and into his large palm. Our shared heat is suffocatingly erotic. The air I breathe is damp and thick, but I can only see to basking in this paradise for all of eternity. I’m still panting under him with my arms lying dead at my sides, my fingernails biting into the heels of my hands. I feel like Harry’s peering into my subconscious with how intensely his pitted irises concentrate upon mine. I’m losing it. My sanity is at stake. I think I’m just in shock over the reality of the situation—the fact that this is all real. And if it is real, then Harry needs to get fucking going, otherwise I will scream until my stupid lungs give out. All I want at this moment is to have him on my tongue. To know what Harry tastes like. I can barely hear myself when I say it. I swallow dryly, his fingers pressed tightly against the delicate skin protecting the shift of muscles in my neck. A spark of audacity jolts through my lungs and I serve the ball back into his court.
“Kiss me.” Like a baby’s breath—that’s how gentle it is. My cheeks flush with embarrassment. What a silly thing to ask. He probably didn’t even hear me—
—Never you doubt these ears of mine, either…I can assure you, I hear everything.
The edge of Harry’s mouth quirks up and he presses his cheek against mine, breathing into my ear, “I hope you realize what you’re requesting…” He pauses to nibble my earlobe for a moment. “Because once I get a taste of you, I’ll never stop.” My breath hitches and I can’t help it as my hips jolt up for contact with his. He snickers. “Mmm, such a horny little thing.” Less than a second later, his lips collide with mine and I hum, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. Our tongues meet briefly before our lips meet again in a desperate, yet rhythmic dance. I could get used to him turning my thoughts off this way. 
After locking lips with a few guys, I stopped believing in that ‘spark,’ or the magical leg-pop thing from The Princess Diaries. I came to accept the reality behind kissing as it truly was: lips touching lips…And that was it. But kissing Harry isn’t like that at all. The affection feels genuine—I can feel him lament every sleepless night he’s spent praying that one day I’ll be his as his mouth massages mine. The unfettered desire we swirl against each other’s tongues is an atomic aphrodisiac. Every erogenous zone in my body is pulsating, and I seriously think I might come from this alone. But amidst all the lust, I’m encompassed by love. Each of my favorite cinematic movie kisses flash behind my eyelids as mine and Harry’s lips continue to lap tenderly. 
His fingers tighten for just a pulse on my throat as if to remind me that he’s in control. I’m suddenly reminded of how much Harry prefers everything to go his way, and his way only. I know Harry prefers a challenge, so I’ll give it to him. A burst of confidence surges through my veins and I gently latch onto his bottom lip with my teeth. It’s then carefully released with a wet snap. A growl erupts from Harry’s chest, I can feel it just barely thumping against mine. I lift my tits up until I’m flush against his strong torso so our hearts can beat in sync. He drags his lips down my cheek and sucks on the side of my neck whilst the hand not grasping at my throat begins to explore. He starts at my shoulder, sliding down my collarbone, stopping briefly to fondle my breast, then continuing farther until he meets the elastic waistband of my pajama pants, dipping inside and circling behind me to grab my ass over my underwear. He presses our clothed sexes together and grinds into me. Fuck, it’s hot knowing I’m not the only one who’s wet.
I wiggle and squirm beneath him, essentially rubbing myself harder against his solid cock as a result. He groans and pushes his hips, hard, into mine before grinding them in random circular motions. “Ohh, fuck…s-stop it…” I plead, unconvincingly. It feels so fucking good. Why should I make this easy for him? I may have a high sex-drive, but I don’t put-out just for the hell of it. I mean, I guess it’s a little bit different when Harry’s the one trying to get in my pants…I’ve wanted this for so long. “N-no…Harry, stop!” I whine, pretending to protest against his touch. Harry’s face retreats from his attack on my neck to grin at me. “What are you doing?” He chuckles. His hand moves up to my hip, softly squeezing onto my bare, squishy love-handle from under my thin clothing. I shake my head and blink. Ugh, who am I kidding here? I want this. I need this. I’m just holding myself back from the blissful inevitable. I have to let go of my pride…I need to tell Harry that I want him to—“Fuck me.” I blurt out. His eyes widen, and I choose to repeat myself with a little more urging in my voice to emphasize my growing impatience. “Fuck me, Harry.” He lets out a bitter laugh, scoffing at my forwardness and tilts his head slightly. “Yeah? You want me to fuck you?” He asks patronizingly, and I nod. But it seems as though that wasn’t the response he was looking for, as Harry immediately reprimands me for my non-verbal confirmation. He blatantly slaps me across my face. The sharp sting has made me gasp. However, Harry doesn’t seem to be bothered by my anguish in the slightest. He takes pleasure in it. “Try again…What do you say?” A beat passes without a response from me. He slaps me again, “Say it!” I turn my head to face the wall for a moment. Huh? What do I say…? What should I say?! Please…? I don't know! What is he talking about?! 
Harry’s now run out of all self-restraint. “You fucking bitch…,” he mumbles, the grip of his fingers sliding up from my throat to my cheeks, squeezing my jaw, then jerking and pointing my face directly to him. “Say it…Tell me who you want to fuck you.” He demands with more assertion. My vision slowly returns to its full clarity. And just as fast as the sharp colors that flood back into the world around me, the narcissistic asshole’s indirect request hits me like a motherfucking double-decker bus. If I wasn’t being watched so closely by Harry at the moment, I’d have the evilest, shit-eating grin on my face. “P-please, Daddy…” I grovel. “Please, fuck me.” Harry instantly smiles at the title I honor him with. 
Of course he wants me to call him ‘Daddy’—the exact thing he’d used against me just a few minutes ago to try and make me feel insecure. What a prick. Typically, I’d roll my fucking eyes at his outright arrogance, but I’m far too distracted to care. My current condition holds no room for petty judgment to ruin this moment. I really just want Harry—Daddy—to fuck me.
“Mmm, that’s my girl, Bunny…I love when you’re good f’me, sweetheart.” The soothing hush of his voice combined with the mess of hot kisses he leaves down my face, smearing from my lips to the side of my neck, have released a new wave of liquid heat to pool out into my panties. I return to being choked again, but his affections don’t cease. He’s groaning and panting and lapping mercilessly at my skin—it’s as though he’s indulging in his special treat after a hard day’s work. Harry finds a particularly sensitive spot with the pressure of his lips and tongue, my loud gasp making it obvious. As he sucks a mark onto my skin there, I moan out and grab his chocolate locks to have something to hold onto. My neck is released from his chokehold. A fresh gust of air makes contact with my skin there and it sends a little shiver down my shoulders.
Both of his hands move down to grope at my chest, thumbing at my nipples over my thin shirt and bra. His delicate attention to my sensitive breasts forces me to vocalize my satisfaction. “Ohhhh!” Seeing the way his big hands can’t even encompass them completely is insanely hot for the both of us. “Goddamnit, I’ve wanted to touch these for so fucking long, Y/N.” Once he’s decided he’s teased himself enough, he lifts my shirt, shoving it up past the swells of my tits. My thin, lacy undergarment is practically begging to be discarded, and the stars must be on Harry’s side because the bra clasps together in the front. This revelation absolutely thrills him. He unfastens the center clip, beaming with lust as my tits are set free in a bouncy display before him. “Mmhh, my Godddd…look at you.” His lips and tongue immediately latch onto me—squishing both breasts with his hands and alternating between them with his mouth, licking sloppy wet trails around my areolas, his tongue swirling its way to the center and flicking the nubs until I whine for more. He then resorts to sucking on each of the budded nipples, playing with the opposite one with the damp pad of his thumb in tandem. He then gratefully cups my tits and groans as he buries his face between them. He does it all hungrily, moaning against my skin and relishing in my body’s feel and taste. 
His needy technique delights me. It feels as if he’s taking his time to savor and memorize every detail of me with his slick tongue. I lay my head back and allow myself to bask in the pleasure, becoming entranced under Harry’s spell as his famished mouth kisses and sucks on my sensitive nipples. I comb my fingers through his loose curls and caress his stubbly cheeks with my gentle embrace. My clit is throbbing to experience direct stimulation from this man—swollen and jealous of my breasts which have received so much of his eager attention. His hands wander, grasping at the natural dip of my waist and sliding down to the band of my pajama pants at my hips. They linger for a bit, ghosting across the delicate, striped skin there. I twitch. My stomach clenches. 
Please don’t…
Harry’s eyes meet mine and I’m biting my lip, fighting back my giggles. He smirks knowingly at me. “No, Harry.” I state with a waveringly warning tone. His fingers move just a hair, and my body tenses again. Without another beat, Harry tickles my sides furiously, making me shriek and laugh uncontrollably as his hands attack my sides. This seems to amuse him greatly as he refuses to pull back for another solid 10 seconds or so. Eventually, his tormenting concludes and I’m left with breathless titters. At this point, he confesses, “Ugh, your laugh makes me hard…feel what you do to me, Bunny.” He gently takes my hand and presses it against the front of his pants. I wrap my hand around him as best as I’m able to and stroke him a few times until he denies me of any more groping. We are both aching for that skin-on-skin contact that dry humping feels painfully futile. Harry resumes undressing me and manages to rid my wiggling legs from their modesty. All that remains to shield my lower half is a dainty pair of pink panties. I reach down and adjust them, smoothing the waistband across my thumbs and letting the elastic snap up high on my hips. Fuck yesss! I internally cheer. Past-Y/N thankfully chose hot-girl underwear this morning instead of granny panties! Harry is too distracted burying himself in my tits to notice, but in due time…soon Daddy will appreciate his Bunny’s adorable lil’ undies.
The dark melody of his voice tugs me back down to Earth—back to the feral man below me who has become addicted to the taste of my flesh. “Tell me…” He breathes out in between licks and bouts of suction. “...Tell me how hard you want Daddy to fuck you, baby.” I let out a whimper, feeling the dripping walls of velvet between my thighs pulse and squeeze around nothing. My response is delayed due to my fucked-out mind shutting out my thoughts. “However you’ll take me, Daddy.” I purr mindlessly. Harry’s hold on my throat returns without warning, and I blink rapidly as my tits jiggle from the abrupt movement. I barely dip back into reality, just enough to notice the way his hard rings are bruising my skin. His other hand travels south. He tickles across the peach fuzz on my tummy and I helplessly giggle out loud at the sensation. 
“Yeah? Whatever I want?” He flashes his signature boyish smirk up at me, his eyes providing me with the most familiar yet intimate flash of ethereal green I’ve seen today, before resuming his descent for my sodden center. His fingers finally reach my clenched thighs. And clenched they are. He grunts, growing aggressively impatient once more, as he sponges sloppy kisses along my jawbone. “Open.” The word barely a mumble humming into my skin. “Open up f’me, love.” I whine and rub my thighs together. “Mm-mm…” I’m pathetically desperate for the slightest amount of friction against my clit, so thankful at this time that my thighs are as plush as they are. “Quit y’whinin’.” He mumbles against my cheek. His palm smacks the exposed skin of my outer thigh, and Harry pulls back to watch as my flesh jiggles from the sudden contact. The sight seems to arouse him. “Fuck…” As if out of raw, sexual instinct, he grabs at me there—pulling me and tilting my body so that he can see more of my backside—and then he releases his hand before sending it back down to slap the side of my ass, rubbing and squeezing onto it in admiration afterwards. “…This ass…fuck…fucking perfect, you know tha’...?” He lays me back down and grabs ahold of the front of my pillowy thigh with his hand, trying to gently separate it from its twin. “…Spread your sweet thighs f’me and I’ll make it feel better, baby...” He assures, giving me all the sugar in his voice just before he continues with a darker tone directly into my ear, raking his teeth down my neck. “...I promise I’ll make it all better.”  
Our lust-shrouded eyes then lock onto one another. I choose to obey and shakily open myself up to him. He groans at his new view: A scrap of thin, baby pink cotton protecting my most sensitive bits. The pastel is flawless except for one large damp spot near my center. I was right—I’ve soaked right through. If it were any other situation, I’d try my best to retreat and hide myself away in shame. This isn’t one of those situations. Nay. I need Harry to see how miserable I am without his cock inside me. I need him to see the power he has over my pussy. His determined fingertips slide down to the dainty fabric to perform slow, vertical swipes across my entire slit. They press and rub—up and down…up…and down…until he’s got me humming and cooing from his touch, and eventually bucking my hips as well, at which he stills immediately. His calloused fingers rest firmly against the dampest spot on my underwear. I can feel him threatening to push his digits deeper—to disregard the flimsy, cloth barrier altogether and just plunge in. I can’t help but to squirm and mewl beneath him. I want more, more, more, so fucking badly. It all feels torturous now. Every move he makes turns my dial to the direction of mindless submission.
“I…I want you to use me now, Harry...p-please.” I whimper meekly. “Please just—” A hot gust of air quickly exits his flared nostrils. His touch parts away from my center for just 
a second in order to deliver a rough spank against the moist cotton. I flinch and squeak at the abrupt punishment, my knees instinctively closing in. Harry puts a stop to them as if he’d been expecting this kind of response and splays me wide open, shoving himself between my thighs to hold me in position. “—What did I just fucking tell you?” “Mnnhh!” I whine, dragging it to emphasize my restlessness and to enunciate my desperate excitement for him. “No, none o’tha’. Be a good girl ‘n use your words.” I huff out in defiance and squirm under him, trying to pull him down to me by clutching his shirt. I can’t help that I’m throbbing and impatient. But he doesn’t find my uncooperation to be very warranted. Harry wants to tame me, not enable me. 
Well, boo. 😣
“Fine. Be a brat. But brats get less privileges.” He leans back and unbuckles his belt, yanking it out of his pants and snatching my wrists. The leather tightens around them and my arms are pinned above my head. “Do not touch me unless I tell you to. Understand?” His voice has returned to its demanding inflection once more. I slowly nod. Instantly, he hits my cheek with an open hand, and I gasp at the growing sting. The slap was harder this time. That same hand then caresses my sore skin gently and he hums to try and comfort me. He softly kisses my cheek and speaks against it. “Your pretty face is getting all red, baby. You’ve gotta listen t’me, alright?” I sniffle, trying not to cry, and I bow my head, gathering the strength to apologize right afterwards. “Mm, Daddy…I-I’m sorry.” He smiles down at me once I find the courage to lift my chin and face him again. It’s contagious, and I mirror him without hesitation. “Oh, my sweet girl. You’re so beautiful, y’know tha’? So perfect…Hm, almost…” He sighs, smoothing his hand through my hair. “…All you need is my cock inside you.” I instantly moan, and I nod repeatedly at his last statement. “Mmhh, I want it so bad.” I whisper. He stops and chuckles bitterly. “Oh, I know, Bunny. You’re a needy little slut for me. Trust me. I know. But guess what? I’ll fuck you whenever I want. It’s not up to you.”
Ope…Mean Harry is back.
“Oh, I-I didn’t mean to upset you—” I frown when he laughs and interrupts me. “—That’s a fucking lie.” He punctuates with a rough thrust against my damp panties, staying pressed to me for a few seconds and panting. He pulls back to snarl at me. “You love it when I’m angry. I bet that’s exactly what you think about when you’re in here stuffing your fingers inside your dripping cunt.” He adds effect by giving my sodden pussy another quick spank. I gasp and blink at him, shocked. I mean…he’s not wrong. “I knew it…you want to be thrown around like the whore you are. You like it rough.” I whine, lifting my leg up and trying to hook it around Harry so I can pull him down to me. I need to feel him. But he catches my knee and pushes it up so it’s bent up to my chest, really pinning me down. “Are you truly as brainless as you look?” I shake my head at him as my face turns sullen. “You’re jus’ a stupid lil’ slut, aren’t you, Bunny…” He’s not asking, and I know that. And yet I still shake my head to deny his accusation anyway. My naivety amuses him. He reaches out and pinches my cheek. “You’re so cute and dumb. But I’m sure y’think you’ve got the beauty and the brains, hm?” He laughs and taps his index finger against my temple to illustrate. I bat my wispy lashes and sulk. “But you don't…jus’a stupid, cock-hungry bimbo.” He chuckles. “You do a terrible job at keeping quiet, ‘Bun…S’pitiful, really, how desperate you are to get fucked.” His hands wander down my body again, this time with a harsher touch. I just lay silently and take everything he gives me. “Thought I’d never say a fucking word, didn’t you?” With both hands, he pinches my nipples and pulls until my mouth opens with a gasp. He then lowers his head down and sucks onto my tongue. I moan, pushing myself upwards to try and get more of him. But he shoves me back down by my shoulders and grunts. “Can’t believe you thought I wouldn’t say anything when you go fucking yourself silly with those cute little toys you hide in your drawer…” He sits up on his knees and unbuttons the rest of his shirt, then unzips his pants, pushing them down far enough so that his erection is no longer strained by his tight trousers. The material of his boxer briefs has a wet patch near his tip and my nails dig into the belt wrapped around my wrists. He kicks his pants the rest of the way off and grips his length with one of his aggressive hands. “…While I’m right next door jerking this big, hard cock as you make a goddamn mess of yourself in here…” I moan at the sight of him—his bare abdomen now exposed as his dress shirt hangs on his shoulders, rolled up at the elbows. He traps me in with his hands cradling my head, then pulls down at my chin with his thumbs to signal for me to open my mouth. “…With my name on your tongue…” He spits and lets the saliva drip down into my mouth. Once it lands, he clutches my face with one hand and whispers, “Swallow.” I do as he says. “Mm, good girl.”
“And what’s with you bein’ so quiet today, huh? I’m used to you always runnin’ this mouth. I should start putting it to better use, hm? Shut you up by fucking your throat and jus’ come all over your pathetic face. Would that teach you?” My heart is pounding relentlessly in my ears. My lips separate in an attempt to release some sort of verbal response. It’s no use, though. I’m frozen and speechless. He sees my gaped mouth as an opportunity to shove two of his long fingers inside. I instinctively purr at finally having my oral fixation satiated, closing my lips and suckling. His skin tastes faintly of my own essence, but also of him. He’s literally got me wrapped around his fucking fingers. But I can’t say I’m mad about it. My body is shaking with anticipation. I need him. “Such a spoiled brat, y’know tha’? I’m bein’ much too nice to you…” He slaps my cheek with his other hand. “…I don’t think you even deserve my cum. But you’re just a pretentious little princess who's got empty holes needing to be filled.” My sight has gotten all watery and blurry. I’ve never been spoken to like this before. He pouts mockingly. “You poor baby…You’ve never been properly fucked, have you? Basically a virgin.” He groans out at his own revelation. “God…probably so tight…I’m gonna fucking ruin this cunt, baby.” I suck his fingers deeper, slurping on them while drool leaks out and I gaze wantonly at Harry. “Aw, look at you…sucking on me for dear life…I love seeing how badly you need it…” My eyes roll back at his insults. “What would our friends say if they saw you like this, hm? I wonder if they know how much of a filthy whore you are…how much you’ve begged for my cock to fill you…‘Should be ashamed of yourself, Bunny.” 
“Mmhh…” I wordlessly hum against his hand.
He pulls his wet digits down—smearing my lower lip and chin with my spit. 
Harry smirks at my glassy-eyed stare. “…Mm, you love this, don’t you? You love it when I’m mean.” I swallow some of the excess saliva on my tongue and lay my head back, closing my eyes. And he says I’m the tease…Fuck, I wanna see that cock already. I wanna FEEL it, goddamnit!
“Please, Daddy…I want you.” I whimper, feeling my throat ache as if I’m close to starting the waterworks just to get some dick around here. “Oh, I know, sweetheart. I know.” He stamps light kisses down my neck. The lips that graze across my hypersensitive skin linger. Harry inhales deeply through his nose, nuzzling his face into a pile of my long ringlets. Lowering his pitch to a soft whisper, he professes, “You’ve always had me, Bunny. And you’ll always be mine.” My lashes flutter as a wave of goosebumps trickles down my back and I struggle holding in a sob at his confession. I hum, nudging my face against his for his attention. He peers up at me with those lively green eyes now, as just Harry, and I tentatively lower my arms—still bound by his belt—downwards until my wrists are behind his neck. Before I even have the forethought of taking the lead, his lips are covering mine. The warmth this kiss exudes isn’t just physical. It’s a kiss that serenades three words into my heart without making a single sound. We’ve made a silent understanding of who we are—who we will be—he and I. 
Because this is mine and Harry’s house…and Harry’s finally home.
Our lips release slowly, our shallow breaths mixing together as we stare at one another in silent adoration. Harry nuzzles my nose with his and mumbles for me, “Y/N?” Don’t get me wrong, I love his little nicknames for me. But hearing the drawl of his voice as he says my name…it hits different, y’know? “Yeah?” I rasp, swallowing the croakiness in my throat. He removes my arms from around his neck and begins unbuckling the belt. My brows pull together as I’m watching my wrists find freedom. “W-why—?” Harry interrupts me before I finish my question. “—I want you to be able to touch me, sweetheart.” The affirmation comes out whilst he kisses the faint marks where the belt bit into my delicate skin. I breathe a sigh of relief. “Oh…” Then Harry finishes his statement that I didn’t realize needed to be finished. “Because… unless you push me off right now, I won’t stop fucking you until you make me a real daddy.” I lay beneath him with my mouth agape, eyes sparkling, cheeks flushed…and there go the lazy kegels again. He wants to breed me.
Both of our mothers are gonna be pissed if he doesn’t put a ring on my finger first…but there’s no way in hell I’m pushing him off of me. I’d never push him off. Of course I want this. Does he want this?
“A-are you s—” “—I’ve never been more serious about anything in my entire life, Y/N.” 
Either I’m an impossibly slow talker, or he’s incredibly impatient. Stop fucking interrupting me…also, why are we still tALKING?!
I blink at him and try to suppress my smile. My hands slip their way up his smooth chest and brush up through his perfectly disheveled hair. I’m marveling at how my gentle fingers cause his body to shudder and arch into me. I watch him as he’s breathing heavily above me, eyes hooded, mouth parted, and I glance down at his underwear and see that the wet spot is twice its previous size. Not to mention, the throbbing appendage kept inside is visibly twitching and jerking in its confines. I know I shouldn’t taunt the man, but my hands are busy…
“Awe, Daddy, you’re so hard for me, you’re almost as wet as I am.” I giggle. Harry’s eyes snap open and his brows ruffle with a furocity I suddenly recognize as dangerous territory. It seems I haven’t learned my lesson after the first time I poked the bear. My fingers halt their massaging. “Uh-oh.” I gulp. Sliding my hands down his neck and resting them on his shoulders, I await my scolding. With visible agitation, Harry grits, “Uh-oh is right, Bunny…Now flip over.” I hesitate, giving him a pleading look.
Was he serious about that being my last opportunity to tap out of this? 
“Now!” I gasp and struggle to turn onto my stomach as he looms over me, caging me in with his arms. But I manage to wiggle around and awkwardly fall onto my front. My hair tickles my face. What now? Ouch, my boobs…ugh…my shirt is all twisted around my arms and back. Goddamnit. Harry laughs at me and my obvious discomfort, then carefully sweeps all my hair away from my face and neck. I sigh, turning my head to peek up at him expectantly. Holding my hair in his fist, he leans down—pressing his clothed erection into my ass. “Lemme ask you something, did you honestly think you were gonna slow me down with that silly resisting act earlier, hm? Sayin’ ‘No, please, stop, Harry,’ ” he mocks, using an exaggerated high-pitched voice to rudely impersonate me. “As if you’re not frothing at the mouth for my cock…” Laughing cruelly, he roughly yanks me up onto my hands and knees and forces my back to arch by pulling my head back by my hair. With his free hand, he grabs and gropes at my panty-clad ass. I can feel it jiggle as he plays around with it. “...My God, you’re a terrible liar. You only made me want you more.” I clench my inner walls, fighting against the wave of hot arousal drizzling out from my pussy lips, further drenching the crotch of my panties.
As I squeeze the plush of my thighs closed to remedy my achy clit, I’m hit with a sharp pain on my right buttcheek. I wail out in shock as another slap comes down hard onto the left shortly afterwards, the cool air of the room stinging my burning skin. “Such a bad bunny…pretending to deny me what’s rightfully mine…” Another lash, this time on my outer thigh. He wraps the length of my hair around his fist and pulls until my back touches his chest. The bottom hem of my baggy t-shirt slowly slips down and falls to cover my naked breasts, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Harry. He bites my ear and gropes me harshly over the fabric. His fingers pinch and rub one of my nipples through the rough cotton, coaxing a loud mewl out of me. “Mmmmmhhheeeee!” I squirm and writhe, but that just angers the man. “…Let me get this through your silly little-girl brain, all right?” I nod my head. “Please, tell me, Daddy.” 
He’s silent for a beat. 
I think consistently obeying him caught him off-guard this time. My mouth twitches and I force my smirk down with a bite to my lower lip. Sensing him expecting it, I carefully begin rotating my head to steal a glance at Harry. His tight grasp on my hair allows for me to do so, of which when I finally do make eye-contact, he closes in from the side and gives me a heated kiss, holding my face between his thumb and forefinger. When he releases my lips, he still keeps me in place with that hand and stares closely into my eyes whilst declaring, “I own you.” I gaze back unblinkingly, losing my ability to function the more I allow his engorged pupils to dilate. Just as my corneas burn and I tear up, he kisses me again and drops me back onto my hands and knees. Blinking my dazed eyes brings me back to reality—reminds me that I need to arch my back and present my ass for Harry. 
Both hands grasp at my ass now. And both seem to have a plan as they slowly slide up and down my curves, shoving my t-shirt up my back and gently squeezing every part of me that’s squishable. “How dare you attempt to refuse me—to not consent to me—as if you have a bloody fucking choice…?!” His voice booms throughout the room and he snatches my hair once again. “...How…” *Slap!* *Yelp!* “...Fucking…” *Slap!* *Squeal!* “...Dare you…” *Slap, slap, slap, slap!* A gasp escapes my throat and I squeak at the man. “I-I’m sorry, Daddy! I’m sorry!” My bottom lip quivers and my image blurs with hot tears. Fuck. The reddening flesh of my ass and thighs is then unexpectedly met with gentle caresses and the slippery, wet mouth of my disciplinarian. He lets my hair fall down my back in loose curls and I shakily lift my upper half up by my weak arms to see what Harry’s up to. He’s covering my inflamed backside with healing licks and kisses. If the air didn’t sting so badly when his cooling spit was exposed to it, I’d find this to be comforting. However, I’m still very much feeling my punishment. 
That’s not to say I didn’t like it…
His nimble fingers slip under the waistband of my pink panties, pulling them down whilst kissing down my raw skin and cooing. I suck in a breath as the fabric is finally removed from my slit. I don’t even care at this point, but I do feel a tad bit prouder knowing that I’d used up a waxing coupon and got the whole shebang just a couple days ago. I’m such a lucky bunny with my timing. My underwear is slowly slid off my feet and onto the floor, and without another beat, I feel a warm tongue flatten over my clit and slick itself all the way up to my ass. A strangled moan escapes my throat and my upper body collapses down onto the bed—leaving my knees bent and spread for Harry to dive head-first. And that, he does. He slurps and sucks on my cunt like he’s drinking the juice of a sacred fruit that he’s never tried before. As if this is his first and only chance to sip the nectar of the rarest bloom in this lifetime. He doesn’t even waste his time fucking me with his fingers, his hands are too preoccupied spreading me open and groping me all over. There’s no room for them anyway when his tongue or his nose is shoved deep inside me as he pushes my body deeper into the mattress. “Oh, God!” I gasp. Harry hums against my clit and sucks on it, making me repeat myself. “Oh, GOD! YES!” 
“Mmm, yeah, scream f’me, baby.” He groans between sucks and lappings. I roll my eyes. Bastard. I decide to take the insult back when his ravenous tongue skims up my crack and circles the tight ring there. “Auhhh…fuuuuck...” I moan. That shouldn’t feel as good as it does…I’ve never been into butt stuff before…and yet, here I am—my ass spread wide open by, well, the love of my life who’s eating me like he’s working to find the center of my tootsie pop—almost considering the possibility…
…I hate this man.
He journeys back down to my leaking pussy, flicking my clit with the very tip of his tongue back and forth so effortlessly fast that my whole body quivers. It’s such a light touch, but in an area so stimulating that it’s tightening that coil inside me in record time. My breath is uneven and shaky. My legs wobble and are threatening to squeeze closed around his face. I’m debating whether it’s worth it to reach behind me and just shove his face into my cunt so I can have some relief…but I know better than to make a dumb move like that. Instead, I push back against his tongue and wiggle my hips with a desperate whine. “Mmmmhhh Daddy, pleeeease!” 
But to my chagrin, he ignores me entirely. I’m clenching and unclenching my vaginal walls, pathetically pleading for him to give them something to hold onto. Anything. Fuck—even my ass is pulsing for attention now. “Ughhh!” My groan is muffled by the duvet, but I make a point to drag it out. Finally, I receive a reaction from Harry. His tongue takes a hiatus, my clit is relieved from its torture, and I’m roughly tugged around until I’m flat on my back. 
“Mmmhh nooo! Wait!” I whimper, pouting whilst I watch him wipe my wetness off his face with the panties he’d tossed aside earlier. They were already soaked through, but now all the material has my musky sweetness covering it. He smirks. “These are mine now.”
I huff and cross my arms over my chest with a scrunched up face. He lets out a guffaw and combs his fingers through his messy, silky hair. “Hm, is my sweet Bunny mad that I didn’t make her come?” He taunts, climbing back onto the bed and atop of me. I stay still and silent. Once a brat, always a brat. I don’t know what to tell ya…
Harry gently wraps his hand around my throat and squeezes. “I know you’re just a brainless bimbo, but do you remember what Daddy said about using your words, baby?” His voice is all low and silky, and it’s not fucking fair because that makes being a stubborn bitch a lot harder. Damnit. And my nipples are hard again. I just want him inside me so fucking badly that I’m close to having a mental breakdown. I’m not even joking anymore. I’m ovulating and I’m hormonal and I’m hornier than any other literal bunny rabbit on this fucking planet. I’m never going to get fucked, am I? It’s all just another silly little dream of mine, isn’t it…and Harry Edward Styles will be the death of me.
I blink back tears. I sniffle and shut my eyes tightly. Harry’s eyes follow the tear’s slippery path down my cheek until it drips onto his hand. He can’t tell if he’s actually hurt my feelings this time. By the looks of me, he thinks he has. My strewn panties beg to differ. He frowns down at me and rubs soft swirls against my clit. “You want me to use this pussy, sweetheart?” The way he proceeds is somewhere between loving and condescending. He leans back, ditching the remnants of his clothing, and finally unleashes the pulsing appendage from the prison that was his boxer briefs. It’s shiny and dark pink. Staring at it and drooling seems to be all I can do at the moment. He returns to me and carefully lifts my t-shirt over my head and removes it altogether. The two of us are completely bare now.
I probably shouldn’t be as into this as I am…I should feel wary of what’s about to happen. I should be looking for a condom. But I can’t. I won’t. I want him to have his way with me, raw. The right way. And I’m gonna give him a baby.
The atmosphere in the room has changed. The natural light that had been peeking through my blinds earlier is no longer present as the sun has now set. My room is only illuminated by faint fairy lights hanging above us, casting a soft glow upon Harry’s skin. They just barely reflect through his eyes as he looks down at me, and I gaze up at him. He takes my thick legs and bends them at my knees, holding them up by the creamy bottoms of my thighs so that my pussy is completely exposed to him. Exposed in all its natural glistening beauty. My hair is splayed out on the bed whilst his curls fall, and others stick with sweat, down his forehead.
All I hear is the sounds of our breathing and my own heartbeat as it echoes in my ears. His hips move forward, the foreskin of his cock already pulled back, and the head taps my clit. Both of us watch as a string of his precum keeps us connected  when he bobs his dick up and off my skin. Harry then settles himself at my dripping entrance, teasingly pushing just the tip in and out. This prodding is immediately met with faint, wet, squelching noises. I glance back up to Harry and see that his eyebrows are pinched together with carnal amusement and pleasure. But I can’t take this any longer. Pure sin has consumed every rational thought in my brain. “Make yourself a daddy, Harry.” Whispering those words and fluttering my eyelashes up at him are the only invitation he needs to lunge into pure chaos. And within the next second, he thrusts his hips forwards and effortlessly sheathes his entire length inside of me. I choke on the moan in my throat and my eyes roll back. “Ohhh…so tight, baby. Feel so…fucking good.” I can feel his cock throbbing inside me, like he’s fighting off his orgasm just after the first pump. He pulls out completely and pushes all the way back in, slowly picking up his pace. In a needy frenzy, I’m lifting my hips to meet his—fucking myself on his cock. “Fuck…you’re amazing…I should’ve done this the night I fucking met you, goddamnit,” he grunts. I nod repeatedly, having a difficult time putting words together. “Ugh, yes, you should’ve—fuck—you should’ve…oh, my God!” His eyes darken and I feel his hand collide with my cheek, making me gasp and grind upwards so my clit rubs against his pelvic bone. “Oh my god, yes!” I moan, throwing my head back. “Fuck!” I’ve turned ravenous at this point. His earlier statement describing me as brainless is now strengthening in integrity with every slick push inside me. “How dare you…how fucking dare you hide this body from me? You’re mine…” He’s practically growling in my ear. “…Mine…”
“…All…” *thrust* “…Of this…” *thrust* “...is…” *thrust* “…mine…” *thrust* He articulates between hard bucks of his hips. I whine and pout up at him, my breasts bouncing to and fro with every harsh slap of his skin against mine. “You filthy little bitch…always fucking yourself with your tiny fingers until you’ve bloody passed out…forcing me to come on myself when you’re just a room away…when you’ve been begging f’me through the wall…” He groans and hits my other cheek briskly. “…Sayin’ my name over ‘n over again like I’m not even there…it’s extremely rude of you, innit, Bunny?” I nod my head the best I can and whimper out, “Yes-s. You’re ri-ight. I-I’m sorry, D-Daddy…I’m s-sorry, Harry-y.” Harry scoffs and buries his face down between my jiggling tits, licking and sucking and biting all over them. He then pulls his face away and slaps both of them, back and forth, watching them bounce and redden from the impact. “You’re just a set of holes for me to come into whenever I want, aren’t you? Just a babbling little fucktoy…wanting me to toss ya ‘round and fuck you senseless.” 
“Ohhh-my-god-yes!” I’m in absolute, utter bliss right now. Every hit of his palm, every toss of his hips, every time he degrades me—it all makes my lower tummy spark. The state of ecstasy I’m in is so strong that I don’t even have control over my body anymore. I’m pleading and begging and praising, grabbing and pulling and squeezing, all as if my limbs are possessed and the words I speak are merely from the voice of my subconscious. It’s all so chaotic—yet, the intimacy and closeness of our two bodies is so cohesive. It’s real. It’s emotional. It’s us.
This is how I’m meant to be fucked. This is what I’ve always needed. No one has ever exceeded every need the way that Harry is right now. And Harry has never felt so needed…So powerful. He wants to be this close to me for the rest of his existence. The sweet notes of my perfume mixed with the natural aroma of both our sexes are healing emotional wounds better than tea and honey cure a sore throat. I’m his, finally his.
His drenched cock ruthlessly stretches my sloppy-wet hole. Every plunge earns him another gush of hot juice that just seeps out from my lips as if I’m melting an ice cube inside of me. “I’m gonna fucking come…” he moans out, sweat dripping from his hairline. I squeeze around him. I’m close too. “…Fuck, Bun’…gonna pump all my cum inside this pretty cunt. That’s what you’ve always wanted, yeah? Want me to get y’knocked up?” My back arches off the bed. “Please…” He lowers his head down to suck on one of my nipples. “…Yes! Please come in me. Fuck…please! I’ve been so good for you, Daddy…” Harry lets my tit go with a ‘pop’ and grunts animalistically. “Mmm, you think you deserve it? Think you’ve earned my load, huh?” He ends his sentence with a single hard thrust and holds his hips still until we both are panting and dying to keep fucking—thus only lasting a few seconds before he’s rocking his hips furiously once more. I cry out, “Please come inside me. Give me all of it. Please, please, please!” Hot tears are actually streaming down my cheeks, cascading down to my neck, and some even dripping onto my bouncing breasts. Harry doesn’t let them go to waste, diving down to lap up the drops and trace the salty trails up my neck with his tongue. The strong grip of his ringed hand covers my throat. “You’re so pretty when you cry, Y/N.” He sighs and kisses my wet cheeks. “You’re gonna give me a baby.” I’m gonna give him a baby. “Let me give you a baby, Harry.” His hips stutter. “Oh my god, I love you.” 
He pounds into me almost at a violent pace. The smacking of my fleshy thighs against his hips sounds so clearly like fucking. So desperate. So hard. Both of us swimming upstream, and gladly drowning in our own oceans of pleasure. I scream out and weakly grasp my dainty fingers around the front of his neck—mirroring his grip on mine–and I pull his face down so I can press my lips to his. The jerking of his hips becomes labored. The rhythm is sloppy. I can feel him twitch and pulse inside of me. “I love you,” I gasp against his lips.
The dam breaks. He curses and moans and juts his hips up into me mercilessly as if his life depends on it. His cum shoots out in long spurts, coating my womb with sticky white seed. I can feel each jet of release as it overflows me and drips down my ass, and a burst of cum hits my most sensitive spot. My own orgasm is triggered abruptly. I don’t even register my fingers reaching down to start rubbing my swollen clit. My pussy tightens around Harry like a vice and milks him for every last drop as he slowly pumps in and out of me, watching his cum-covered dick slide effortlessly while he chuckles and moans—still so turned on even in the aftermath of our debauchery. Within seconds, his entire body falls and his face buries itself in my hair. His cock is still sheathed deep inside me. It’s barely softened, still throbbing and twitching. Both of us are wheezing for breath. Every muscle has exerted its maximum amount of energy. The bed is our last support, holding the two of us in a pretzel of limbs snugly against its sheets. After a few minutes of breath regulation, Harry carefully pulls himself out of me. His cum then slowly flows out and covers my slit all the way down to my bum and onto the bed. Harry watches and smiles for a moment before looking back up to my flushed post-climax face—my eyelids heavy and a stupid grin on my lips that eventually turns into a giggle fit. The laughter is contagious and Harry ends up following suit. 
Seemingly remembering the mess between my legs, Harry rakes a hand through his sweaty hair and looks back down to see his delectably messy creampie. “Oh…Shit. ‘M sorry, Bunny. Hold on.” He yanks himself up and off the bed, still stark naked, and makes haste towards the bathroom. But by the time he comes back with wet washcloths and a towel, I’m making a bigger mess. I’ve got both legs bent up to my chest, two of my fingers fucking his cum back into my pussy and curling up against my g-spot. I squeeze and moan as I climax against my hand, and I refuse to stop at just one. On my back with spread legs, I breathlessly ride my cum-covered fingers as Harry watches in awe. His spent cock flexes in approval of the sight before him. “You’re so fucking hot.” He grunts before dropping everything onto the floor and removing my hand, replacing it with himself. He slicks the underside of his cock up and down my drenched, sticky slit a few times, then pushes back home, making me sob as I orgasm around him again. He slowly grinds his pelvis into mine in a circular motion, ensuring he’s at his deepest point. Suddenly, I feel him sucking on my fingers, licking up our combined spend as his pelvic bone rubs my clit in slow strokes. I reach my face up to his for a taste and he grants me full access to his mouth, our tongues swirling together. But I want more. I lick up the last of his cum from my fingers hungrily. 
“Ugh. Such a slut…fuck.” He groans, and I feel his cock release a couple more spurts of cum inside me. 
A few minutes later, Harry and I are in the shower together. I’m hugging his middle as he slowly massages and rinses the shampoo from my hair with the handheld shower head. “Bunny?” My eyes are closed, enjoying this warm, peaceful wash session. Hearing Harry’s raspy voice makes me instinctually cuddle closer to his chest and smooth my fingertips down his back. “Mmhmm,” I hum against the slippery wing of a swallow. Suddenly, I’m aware of his fast heart rate and I’m no longer at peace. My eyelids pop open. “Harry…?” He releases a heavy sigh and hangs the shower head back up behind me before taking my hair in his hands and gently squeezing the water out. Still not saying a word. Now my heart is pounding. I grab his wrists and look up at him tentatively, but he pulls them down until he can encase my fingers with his. “I…” He hesitates.
Does he regret it now? Is this it? Is this the moment when my heart gets stomped on and shoved down the drain like undesirable mush? I think I’m gonna throw up—“I want you to know that I meant what I said…I love you, Y/N…” His eyes gloss over and he looks up at the ceiling to fight the growing moisture. “…And I know I probably just inseminated you, but—” We both laugh and he blushes. “But, uhm…fuck…I guess it’s a bit awkward to do this in the shower, innit…,” he gives me a lopsided grin, dimples and all. So cute. Whilst I’m distracted by Harry’s beauty, I’m slow to acknowledge how the man is cautiously kneeling down onto the slippery tile. My breath catches. “I, uh…” He clears his throat when his voice cracks. I’m suddenly extremely self-conscious due to the angle change, yet Harry is gazing up at me like I’m some sort of holy angel from the heavens. The foot he’s leaning his weight upon slips a little, and he grabs onto my thigh and I hold his shoulders as he finds his balance. I giggle at the situation—partially because of his clumsiness, and partially because I don’t really know what’s happening. The hot water sprinkles down lightly over the two of us like rain, droplets running down our bodies and the glass walls. Harry slips off his ‘S’ ring and takes a hold of my left hand. “…This is just a placeholder for now…but…Y/N…” He plants a soft kiss on the top of my hand. “…Will you marry me?” Holy fucking shit.
“Oh, so we’re just gonna skip the whole dating thing then?” His face immediately falls. “W-wha—” “—Am I not worth courting, Harry?” I give him my best sulk and he buys it. Ope, I guess I thought he’d call my bluff right away…Gotta shut this down! 
I smile brightly and nod. “Fucking-duh, I’ll marry you, silly!” He playfully scoffs at my joke, sliding the too-large-ring on my little ring finger and stands back up to his full height—almost a foot taller than me. I’m then shoved against the back tile wall, one of my legs hiked up and draped over his elbow. I gasp as he enters me without warning. He bucks into me hard, brutal, slow. Each sound that he fucks out of me is louder and higher-pitched than the last. “Yeah, of course you’ll marry me, huh…be a good little housewife f’me…wait ‘til I come home every night so I can fuck another pint of my cum into your tight little twat…would you like that, Bunny? Hm?” I whine and clutch onto his hair with one hand as the other squeezes his strong shoulder. “Yes…it’s already my favorite part of the day…” He chuckles darkly against my lips before biting them. “‘N what’s that, Bun’?” 
“Mmmhh…when Harry’s home!” I exclaim weakly, my ass smacking against the wet wall behind me. “Mmm, Harry’s home, baby…Harry’s home.”
Sorry it took forever. I wanted to make it exactly the way I wanted. I hope you liked it.
:) ~ Regan
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py-dreamer · 4 months
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So... I know I'm late...
But yea! I said I was coming back with some stickers and I kept my word! I would've hoped that I could've completed the sheet in like a day but as you can see...that didn't work out
I know I've been a bit MIA lately but burnout sucks. I do have a lot of WIPS I really want to work on but again, it seems that the ProcrastiNation hath struck my feeble mortal brain again.
But anyways:
I headcanon Aroace Mei, just a personal headcanon (disagree if you like) I also like lesbian Mei but thought I'd give some aroace appreciation
Silktea was only given 1 episode but OH BOY did it fuel our wild shipping habits. And I jumped on the bandwagon. It's a reference to that scene in She-Ra where Scorpia tells Catra she 'didn't want to do this' then wraps kitty up in the blankey and cradles her like a wee baby. And Sandy would do that for any friend, I will die on this hill
Saw a fanart where Mk had a pig nose themed pacifier and I just yoinked that idea. The pig hoodie and the pacifier seems like something Tang would do for Pigsy (also to get away with free noodles cause who can say no to that face?~)
Mac showing Wukong the lantern. What can I say, mans' fascinated by them pretty lights. Though our little performer's eyes seem to be straying from the show (^u ')
I know many people have issues with shipping with Nezha and such and I know the two had a rough history but y'know what fans do; they love to make the people who kill each other soulmates (platonic, romantic or otherwise) Even if it wasn't romantic, I still love the idea of them being buddies and just chilling, the danger noodle prince and the angy prince snuggle and watch a movie (mainly from Nezha 2019 but I also saw New Gods and can I just say, I want those two twinks to bicker then kiss awkwardly and I want Yun Xiang to BEAT. HIS. ASS) but in case anyone asks, I do perceive Nezha to be a consenting adult in general outside shipping drama and if the two are adults, it does make my heart squeal when I see these two hold hands and whatnot
HOW COULD I EVER FORGET MY SPICYBOIS, inspired by that one Ponyo kiss scene. I was actually gonna make a bigger piece but then I saw someone do it already in a much better fashion than I ever could and I just gave up on the idea but Ig here, its just like the two cakes mentality and I gave it a go. Hope I could do the concept justice
Have spider queen or scorpion queen ever interacted before? No. But they are both queens and I believe Spider Queen's confidence could rub off on Scorpion Queen and she'd appreciate the company of Spider Queen's children henchmen. Also she give yummy food so lesbian venomqueens for the win
Redraw of that moment with Peng and Azure. I normally detest that bird but these two do get some gears grinding and whatever anyone says. Neither of those two are straight. I'll tell ya that.
Toxicinsanity is another rarepair that had like 1 sec screen time. I don't think they'd ever work out in canon and had virtually no chemistry. I still love all the fluffy ship content I can find of them though and if it ever were to happen. I think the mayor would scare the sh!t out of Syntax
Let's get at least one hetero couple here, Chang'e and Hou'Yi are a couple of favorites ngl, I took most of their outfits from Over the moon cause both of them looked stunning, Chang'e especially. I've seen people ship mah girl with other people and while I do agree it's healthy to move on, in my heart she will always long for Hou'Yi
Also irl, on valentines, my mum took us out for lunch, she treated us to bubble tea and donuts. We walked home so I waited to drink mah drink in my room while I drew and I accidentally finished it all... I'm so sorry mum
f*ck I forgot ironbull. Uhh....I'll draw something later, rn I need to go to bed before I get yelled at...
click pic for less sh!ty quality!
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Why hello there.
Listen,I don’t have much to say about the newest LO episode so here’s an ares ranking to go along with the other ones.
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Percy Jackson:
Look,Ares is a really weird figure when it comes to how the media presents him.
Almost always they present him as this sexist frat boy when in mythology he is:
A reported protector of mistreated woman.
The patron god of the amazons and was worshipped to the point that their leader had 2 babies with him.
Scored the GODDESS PF LOVE AND BEAUTY and there is no way you cannot convince me she doesn’t have some pretty high standards(even though apparently you can convince most of the writers on this list)
And as much as I love Percy Jackson,it is not devoid of crimes.
In the first book,he helps Luke/Kronos steal Zeus’ master bolt and Hades’ helm of invisibility as to start a civil war within the gods.id say this is a pretty good portrayal overall.
…until we get to the second book.
This myth will be very important so long story short:a daughter of ares got r*** by a son of Poseidon so Ares,like any reasonable and bloodthirsty god of war,fucking killed him.
After this,he got put on trial for murder as if he wasn’t the literal god of bloody war,and all the ladies vouched for him so he got set free.
Let’s just say,Rick Riordan didn’t know of this myth.
In the second book,there’s a scene where Clarisse La Rue,a DAUGHTER of ares talks to him through a magic mirror.
There,he threatens her and says he should have sent one of his sons on the quest.and keep in mind she is his FAVORITE DAUGHTER.
So yeah.
I don’t really like this portrayal but he gets points for bringing Clarisse and (technically)Frank into this world since I like them both.also the fact that Percy could tell he had beef with him even without having any other memory.
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Lore Olympus:
Remember when I said that modern Ares was more often than not a sexist frat boy?we’ll add “predator” and “Reddit nice guy” to that list because RS can’t write.
If in Percy Jackson Aphrodite had terrible standards here said standards are so much worse.
He spends MONTHS trying to seduce a 19-YEAR-OLD and then tries to marry her without her consent.
Great.this guy is a predator,Reddit nice guy,AND stupid.
I remember saying that the only character who could get a lowers rating than LO Persephone being LO hades and then I remembered this fuck existed.
Fuck him.
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Your know when you see something and then immediately want to wash your eyes with soap?this is my soap.
He is my third favorite Olympian in the game,coming third to Hermes and Artemis.
So here’s a few reasons why I like him:
Doom anything with impending doom and the increasing doom damage boon does absurd amounts of damage.
Curse of nausea is one of the best duos in the game.
He respects woman.(oh look they finally Aphrodite standards)
His quest is stupidly easy and he was the first Olympian who’s bond I maxed out.
I know this joke has been made so many times but.he really is a Chthonic simp.
He doesn’t get too pissed if you don’t pick him is trial of gods.hes just here for the bloodshed.
It may be just the fact that almost every other interpretation of ares is bad,but I really like him.
Also Aphrodite wearing his face paint in hades 2-
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He’s cool.
I really don’t have much else to add except the helmet stays on during sex.
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Gods school:
Welp Back to the incels-
Him straight up telling Aphrodite that he can do whatever he wants because she won’t leave is just.why.
I don’t get why people go to this myth,turn it around,and act as if they’ve done a service by making Ares miserable when in the myths it was already a good ending.
What is with the obsession with making ares a toxic ex boyfriend when in the myths him and ‘dite were literally love and war.
Another issue I have with gods school is the fact they made Aphrodite a Karen Smith when in the myths shes a Regina George but that’s a problem for the Aphrodite ranking.
Also I just realized the Aphrodite Hephaestus ares myth is the og “I fell in love with a bad boy story”-
Epic:the musical:
I don’t have a physical picture of him but I already like him.
The only time he he appears is during a bit of an unfinished song but he does bring up some pretty good points,like the Scylla thing.
Also the fact Athena didn’t directly refute any of his points but instead persuaded him with the fact that the moment Ody gets home the suitors are going to be fucked is surprisingly great.
Also can I just say how absolutely hyped I am for god games?Aphrodite’s part fucking rocks and I’m excited for Apollo and Hephaestus.
Also here’s my ranking for epic Hermes since I wasn’t part of the fandom back then:
*insert dolphin laugh here*
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crazystargirl · 7 months
and one for ethan where he and reader are working together and y/n has to wear the outfit and when ethan sees her he kind of has a *pause* moment and his brain short circuits and he calls y/n hot and then its a little fluffy confession followed by murder and then a cute lil kiss 🤭
you look hot, y'know that?
pairing ! - ethan landry x reader
word count ! - 0.5k !
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your best friend quinn had suggested the idea of wearing something sexy for halloween but you also wanted to be a fairy
so quinn took you shopping and you guys found a fairy outfit that wasn't too revealing but also wasn't too modest
fast forward to halloween night, you, tara, mindy, anika, and chad were all going to a frat party for halloween
you hung out with mindy and anika for a bit before feeling like a third wheel and running off to go find tara, only to find out she was VERY DRUNK 
you watched over her for a bit until you ended up losing tara
you ended up going to the living room where you saw chad and some other dude dancing, and since you were bored you went up to chad to see what he was doing
"chad..CHAD" you yelled in his ear, practically jumping a foot to yell in his ear
"oh hey y/n! have you met my roommate?" chad says, turning around and bending down to talk to you
you look at the guy who chad was dancing with earlier and shook your head
"hi im y/n!" you say, smiling at him
"hey i'm ethan" the guy, ethan, said looking a bit flustered. you just assumed he was flustered since he was drunk or something but that was obviously NOT the case
to put it simply, ethan was in love with you
he was absolutely obsessed with you and had wanted to talk to you for the longest time, which is why he came to this stupid frat party willingly 
"you look really hot y'know that?" ethan says randomly, making you gasp and look up at him
you would've never thought to hear those words come out of ethan's mouth but hey here we are
after a while, ethan disappeared to god knows where and then came back after a bit, giving you a hug from the back
"y/n i have a question" he said, making sure you heard him over the loud music 
"yeah what's up?" you say, turning around to face him
and oh god ethan wants to ask first but you look so kissable so there goes consent 
he picks you up so that the height difference wouldn't be an issue for him and kisses you long and slow
you're just as shocked as him but kiss back and only pull away for air
"im so so so sorry, i should've asked first" ethan says over and over
"nononono ethan it's ok i liked it" you say with a smile and then you feel ethan's grip on you tighten a bit as he smiles
you guys get pulled out of your world when you hear yelling and screaming, quickly going over to see the problem
there was a guy lying dead outside and everyone at the party was freaking out, including you
you turned around to see ethan looking bored and then realizing you were staring at him
"well it is what it is babe" ethan says nonchalantly, then bringing his mouth to your ear so you can hear him
"you wanna go somewhere more private now?"
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taglist ! - @xyzstar, @gwenlore, @dizscreams, kaesworldxx, @urmomcomsiimiamour, @nonniesworld, @chemtr4ilz, @phsychobanana
lmk if you want to be added/removed !
©crazystargirl || do NOT copy or repost without my permission
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tuliptic · 1 year
You As A Famous Person
I swear to god I have every intention in the world to make this a short one but welp I guess questions just naturally flow out from my Gemini Moon brain. Guess this will be a middle length reading so yeah let’s go!
Now. Breathe in with me, and then breathe out. And then look down.
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Pile 1    -     Pile 2
Pile 3    -     Pile 4
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever that you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. That aside, I do not consent to my work or images used here to be used by third parties on this platform or other websites.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Linestrider Tarot Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck, self made lyrics deck.
Pile 1
Overall theme of querent: The World
You’re giving me the vibe that you’re someone who’s at a comfortable place right now, where things have pretty much fallen in place and you’re in a sense, enjoying what life’s giving to you. I’m also seeing that you’ve probably worked hard so that things fall in place, and now you’re enjoying the feeling of success, and ready to pick up more challenges in the future.
You As A Famous Person:
You’ll be a star. That’s it. Maybe not so well received? but still a Star, nonetheless. I’m seeing something more actor than singer/artist.
I’m seeing something like… Family issues? That has brought you to the eyes of others. I’m somehow seeing scenes of like… Your family attempted to use your fame in a negative way and you got so tired of it that you’ve cut ties with them and yet they continue to pester you, saying that you’re not kind to your own family, and this and that. The cliche drama. They tried exposing you as someone negative but you have your own set of evidence and you turned the tables. But yeah, that raised your fame and people just got to know you from that.
I see that the scandal above happened during the peak of your career. And I feel like your manager is someone who knows how to use these uhhh… News? Lemme rephrase myself. You’ve gained quite an attention with what has happened, and your manager used that to get more roles for you (if you’re an actor) or to get more advertisement contracts for you during then. You’ve probably been painted as the victim and people tend to sympathise more, resulting in more… Traction? I hope I’m working this correctly.
People, especially the public would think that your uhhh fame came at the wrong time. They probably will feel a lil pity for you. It’s like… You have great works that should be significant, to lead you to proper fame, to let those works represent you, not to let your family past represent you. It’s like,,, when people talk about you, it should be “Oh yeah that person who sang for the Opening of Concert!” and not “Oh that person whose family’s an ass” kinda thing.
Your supporters/fans are drawn to you because of how open you are with your life. You tend to share the ups and downs, telling them that you’re also human. You inspire them to be able to face their fears, to understand that people on the top also face hardships, especially mental and emotional ones. This transparent side of you resonates with your fans and this is how you gain more and more supporters.
Your fame brought some form of burdens to you? But you are glad for them. Because through your fame, you’re able to help a lot of people who have similar problems as you. You’re determined to set a good (read: great) example, an inspiration to those who are suffering, who are going through a similar shit as you in the past. There’s a nurturing side in you that tries to reach out to those who are in pain, and you may use your wealth to help charity. It’s a tough battle but you’re still charging ahead to achieve your defined victory.
Overall energy: The Emperor, Wheel of Fortune rx
You see yourself as the emperor, someone who’s wise and in charge of your own life, of your own destiny. You’ve been through not so nice times, but you’re still able to steer yourself back to the path with better clarity. You expand your existing knowledge and have faith in the unknown, believing the best will show up in wondrous and unexpected ways.
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Pile 2
Overall theme of querent: Justice
You’re… Yeah you like the themes of justice and usually will uphold it whenever and wherever you can. You’re also someone who’d focus on balance. Let’s say someone treated you to a meal, you’ll find any chance possible to treat that person back. It will be at the back of your head until you’ve returned the favour. You also seem to be able to see through a person easily.
You As A Famous Person:
I’m seeing that you’ll be an author. You’re good with words and may write stories, poems, screen write some of the legendaries.
The works that you’ve done touches the feminine soul. I’m seeing a lot of feminine energy. Maybe your works have talked about the tendency and delicacy of the soul, the beauty of pain and journeying through it, how clear the sounds of mornings are like, and stuff like that. There’s something soft here that I can’t put into words. Your works just have that. Maybe poetry. Yeah, sounds about it. This poem you’ve written touched the souls of so many. Yet, something this beautiful came from the broken shards of your soul.
Your fame will come to you maybe 20 years later? It sounds late but then again, writing is something lifelong, you’ll prolly spend the rest 50 years continuing writing, not only cuz that’s your occupation, but also your passion, your comfort. I would say that would be around the middle of your career? Cuz your fame will continue to rise, more and more people will know of your name.
People will think of you highly. You’re very eloquent with your words, and they evoke a really calm and serene vibe among your readers. It’s just… I don’t know how to describe it. The words are gentle, flowy, calming. Your readers immerse in your story easily and they are the type who’d turn to your works for comfort. Your name is well known among all ages because your works are for all ages. You may have even written some stories for kids and some motivational non-fictions. Yet your works that tell the stories across various lands are the ones that are the people’s favourites. 
Your works are so beautiful that people tear up, crying in the night as they flip to the next page of your book. Comfort and healing is what you’ve brought to them. You bring tranquillity and harmony. Your words are like needles, sewing up the broken hearts, piecing up the scattered souls. Your readers may cry, but your works tell them about the existence of light, of daybreak, of the future that’s just slightly further away. They pull your readers out of the darkness, giving them strength and hope to go through the days that may seem so dark.  
You’ve gotten more independent and know what style you’ve wanted to approach. Despite your flowy and soothing words, you’ve gotten more and more rational, knowing your boundaries better, knowing who to trust and who to not. There will be more and more energy vampires around you who’d try to feed on your fame and success, and you’ve learnt how to differentiate them from those who are close to you. You’re ready to act on your passions and dreams and let them lead you through your career, but not towards the people who’re waiting to take advantage of you. 
Overall energy: The Moon, Three of Wands
There’s a gentleness here that works together with a fiery and active nature. This pile is someone who can enjoy their own presence, and also can enjoy the times hanging out with their friends, someone who’s pretty balanced. This pile also may be attracting a lot of good relationships into their lives, probably some sort of collaboration will be happening in real life or collaboration as an author. Weirdly I’m also seeing song writing so some of you may be interested in this?
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Pile 3
Overall theme of querent: The Star rx
I’m feeling that you’re kinda down right now, with the stress of whatever that’s been going on with your life? Like… You can’t really see the light of the tunnel and maybe you’ve been anxious? Relax, have faith, know that things that are meant to be yours will come to you.
You As A Famous Person:
Weirdly I thought of Subway Masters from Pokemon Black and White, so maybe a gamer/streamer? You’re prolly the type of person who’d wanted to play games/create content all the time and decided to make content based on your interest. It was difficult because you’re betting on everything. You’ve fought hard and continued until you started to see the results you’ve wanted to see. 
Your persistence and the number of contents you have made you famous. You’ve probably tried and streamed horror games and either passed it with an expressionless face or you were screeching the entire while. But consistency is here. Your fans have been enjoying your content and may have made memes out of certain screenshots and… Yeah there’s no turning back. Remember the doge face? Miette? That cat at the table with the eh face? Something like that that made you iconic.
I’m seeing that you’ve gotten this fame when you’re at a lower point of your career. Not to say lowest, but pretty low. Probably a meme or a short video of you streaming has gone wild and it expanded your career. I’m seeing that this happened and caught you out of nowhere. You’re shocked and you don’t know how to process this new found fame and your old fans/viewers had fun watching you suck at games/your streams because of how you’re not used to the influx of new viewers. But after a while you got used to it and was able to get back to how you usually stream.
Somehow, I feel that your fame is something that’s very satisfying, like a wish had come true. If you’ve been wishing success on this road, then yeah you’ve very much achieved it. And people around you actually are pleasantly surprised with how your career turned out, and they are happy for you. Your fame also brought some abundance to you which you gladly share with those you care about. I’m also seeing that there’s a chance of you expanding your field of contents as well? Maybe not just game streaming, but also some other streaming or game dev?
Your fans/viewers are drawn to how charismatic you are. You’re well aligned and dynamic, knowing what to say and what to not, where you stand and where you head. Your visions are well placed and you honour everything in your life, the good and the bad, and your fans/viewers know about it. You work with your dreams to reach your highest good. Your highest good here doesn’t mean your fame, but your best in your career, and your best in your life.
Your fame has made you ambitious and you’ve wanted to manage your channel well. You’ve also learnt to think on your toes faster, instead of following a planned SOP. Companies may find you wanting to sponsor you on certain things but you are selective of who you wanna voice for. I’m seeing that you’re attempting to spread more awareness in your streams and maybe include certain messages in your streams as well.
Overall energy: Strength, The Magician
There’s some strength here in the sense of persistence. I think that this persistence is how you’ve proceeded with streaming until you’ve reached a certain burst of fame. There’s this phase of transition from the quiet you to a slightly more talkative, charming you. There’s also some air energy here so there may be times where you gotta think of an answer or a reply on the spot. Thinking energy for future content planning as well.
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Pile 4
Overall theme of querent: The Magician
You’re someone who’s sociable but also I’m seeing that you’re capable of doing a lot of things? Something like Jack of All Trades? You have a lot of interest in a lot of things, and you tend to easily pick up on things and continue with it for quite some time before you catch on to another thing that interests you. It’s kinda like rinse and repeat, but at least there will be some slight mastery here.
You As A Famous Person:
Manager. You know those business people who appear in magazines? Yeah that. I’m also seeing a star manager, so maybe you’ll be well sought after in the field of entertainment to manage their idols cuz of your connection, resources, and how protective you are of the idol you manage.
I’m seeing that you’ve risen to your fame because of your skills in damage control and companies have been wanting to recruit you to their company. See, a good manager fights for those who are under their wings. This. As a corporate manager, you’re known for getting sales and protecting those who may have caused blunders at certain intercompany meetings. As a star manager for celebs, you’re known for fighting for certain resources that are suitable for your idols.
I’m seeing that you’ll get famous somewhere early to mid career? Where you’ve gotten enough experience from this field. You have a keen sense of perception that somehow has fused together with your intuition and you’ve been working your ass off to be this person you’ve wanted to be. You’re okay with working at the frontlines or behind the scenes, as long as the desired results have been achieved. Tho your fame is more within the professional field, which means most of the public won’t know about you, but you’re also fine with it.
Your fame is pretty harmonious and that people would think highly of you. It’s like you enter other people’s life and pair up with them so that they can reach their highest point. Like I said in the previous paragraph, your fame is more within the professional field, but there may be chances of the public knowing you as you often appear beside your child/idol. Y’know, like that bodyguard beside IU? Yeah that kinda vibe.
Your passion towards your job is what draws your supporters to you. If you’re a star manager, the idol you’re managing will idolise you, no joke. You do your job well and manage things so well that people around you will be amazed by you. You do not give yourself any excuse and just try out everything and anything. If you’re a corporate manager, your team will look up to you, and you’ll also attract your partner company’s employees as well. That’s the charisma you hold.
There’s some sort of fatigue I’m seeing. There are too many competitions that you’ll need to deal with, may it be fighting for your idol or the company you’re representing. You just feel the tension in your back and your muscles, but you just push it away and continue working, continue striving. Sometimes, you just need to ask for help from people around you. You don’t need to put up the strong front all the time. Just allow yourself to be vulnerable at times. It’s alright.
Overall energy: The Star, Nine of Pentacles
You’re someone who has hope for whatever that’s happening in the future, in whatever you do. From this fame of yours, you probably will be able to accumulate a certain level of financial wealth, but also abundance in some other forms, for example, connections. You tend to inspire those who are learning under you and you help them to embrace the logical and creative side of them. You tend to bring good news to people around you as well, due to how hard you’ve worked.
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
what about aftercare with joe after you've asked him to be a little rougher than usual?
okay it took me like 3 hours of talking to SEVERAL PEOPLE to think of a way to make this work for my lil soft baby joey and... i think i got it. So, i gotchu babe (also, tw: choking, blacking out) Wordcount: 1.8K
Promise Me Both Ways
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"What the fuck, what the fuck, hey, wake up, wake up,"
You heard Joe's voice far away, barely even there. Everything was sort of... fuzzy. It felt like you were under water and you couldn't really feel your own weight. T'was nice. Blissful. A peaceful place void of issues, no negativity but just... warmth. And tingles.
You were completely unaware to Joe's panicked frantic hands that softly tapped against your cheeks before they curled around the back of your skull to tip it up a little, making sure you were breathing properly.
"Shit, shit, shit," Joe mumbled, his voice going up in pitch with every word and his limbs fumbling, slinging blankets back because they were all in the way, and nothing was really helping.
Joe knew this was a bad idea.
He should've never let you talk him into it. You'd been agitating him all night, really doing your best to piss him off properly and you hoped he wouldn't catch on. Would just get angry, all mad and frustrated. You knew a beautiful place for all that pent up energy to go.
But then he had caught on, and you'd been forced to talk about things. Like boring adults.
"What's gotten into you?" Joe couldn't help but chuckle slightly, and his face held a weird mix of confusion and annoyance as he smiled. It made you decide to just go ahead and tell him.
"Kind of like it when you're upset a little,"
"When I'm upset?"
"Mmhmm, makes you... I don't know, grab at me harder,"
Joe just looked at you, but you saw that curtain of lust slowly come down.
"Throw me around with a little less care," you continued, voice soft like velvet. "You know, when you bite at me? Yea, I like it when you do that,"
It took literal seconds for Joe to push you down into the mattress. And sure, Joe had heard you, and he tried to be rougher than he usually was. Smacked your ass a bit harder, squeezed at your flesh a bit more. But when you reached for his hand and placed it around your throat, he halted.
"Come on," you coaxed, all breathy with want. "Squeeze,"
Joe pushed his hand down, instantly closing off your windpipe and making you cough. He immediately pulled his hand away, afraid he'd done something wrong and had hurt you.
"No, baby, the sides. Here, look," you placed a hand over his and placed it back, feeding pressure over his finger tips on the sides of your neck. "Yea, yea, keep– keep pressing there,"
And Joe had done.
Joe had pressed his fingers there and had started moving again, and had pulled unearthly noises from you until you started feeling deliciously lightheaded. A little disorientated. It was a bit of a trip, but the power imbalance was weirdly hot. With your wits miles away, clear thinking left far behind, you egged it on. Unsafely so. But you wanted more of it. Needed more.
Joe noticed, was entirely unsure about it, but Jesus... look at you. He just needed to look to know he was doing something good. Joe had held you by the throat before, but had never been quite so deliberate about it. About blocking off the blood flow to your brain. He'd never dare to even think to do such a thing – not without your consent anyway.
But holy hell, you were into this, overtaken with thick and foggy desire. You growled at Joe to squeeze tighter. To speed up. To give you more. And Joe obliged, because oh my God, he could feel that you were about to come.
You demanded Joe to give you more, and more, and Joe gave you more, and more.
Until your eyes rolled back, and you blacked out.
Joe had immediately stopped. And then, immediately panicked.
You were only out for a few seconds, but it felt like a lifetime.
Joe's heart was racing, his thoughts going at a million miles an hour. It was quite literally the exact opposite of what you had going. Staring at the ceiling, you widened your eyes a few times. The room was swaying softy from side to side and you couldn't really focus. You felt dizzy, but divine, and then blinked your eyes until everything shot back into focus and the ringing in your ears was replaced by the sound of Joe freaking out.
Fuck. That was amazing.
Rocked to his core, Joe didn't know how to read your face. Were you okay? Did he take it too far? Was that even safe? Did either of you really know what you were doing? What you'd just done?
You were covered in a sort of cold layer of sweat, and you trembled a little, and fuck. Shit. This was Joe's doing and all he could feel inside was guilt and regret and worry.
"Are you all right? Tell me you're okay, I– water, you need some wate– sugar!" Joe scrambled out of the bed and ran to the kitchen.
"Baby, I'm fine," you tried, voice soft, but loud enough for Joe to hear. It wasn't enough to convince Joe.
He'd just choked his girlfriend until she passed out.
What the fuck was wrong with him?
He returned with a glass of water and a banana.
"I'm okay, I'm– that was– Joe, stop,"
Joe was quite literally about to force a chunk of banana into your mouth. You took hold of Joe's wrists with weak hands, and it just convinced Joe more that you very much weren't okay, despite what you were telling him.
"Please, have a bite. It'll make me feel better,"
With Joe hovering over you, you hesitated for a moment before you let him feed you. Joe carefully placed a small bit of broken off banana into your mouth with his index finger and his thumb, and you noticed he was trying his best to keep his hands steady. After, you let Joe assist you in sipping on some water. You saw how his eyes were trained on your throat as you swallowed.
"Joe, that was–"
"I'm so sorry,"
Oh my God, Joe was the fucking cutest person alive ever. You were about to say that you fucking loved every single second of what had just transpired.
"I'm fine. Really, I'm okay,"
Joe absolutely didn't buy it. He looked like a lost child, a little. Or one who just got caught doing something he didn't know was going to upset his parents. It was painfully endearing.
"Come here," you reached for Joe who instantly embraced you. "I'm all right, I promise I'm all right,"
You shifted and scooted until you were both comfortably lying down, arms around each other, Joe's face pressed into your neck where he nosed along your jaw and placed soft kisses onto soft skin.
For a short moment, it was silent.
Then suddenly, Joe released a pained breath he'd been holding in.
"Fuck, that really scared me,"
You hugged tighter.
"Are you sure you’re all right? Jesus Christ," Joe lined up his thumb over a particular spot to check. "That's, I'm so sorry, that's my literal thumb print,"
"Does it look bruised?"
"I don't know, it's definitely red, though,"
Joe trailed his finger over it lovingly, then, horrified, found more red marks on the other side of your neck and groaned. You couldn't help but giggle a little.
"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt. Next time, we'll make sure to stop before–"
"Never make me do that again,"
Your face dropped and you moved slightly to be able to look Joe in the eye. His eyes shone with unshed tears, and it felt a little absurd to you.
"Baby," you chuckled nervously, little to no humour behind it, but hoping Joe would break and would laugh with you. "Are you all right?"
He didn't. Instead scrunched his brows up, and said, "This isn't funny," all cold and flat. "This is how people get brain damage, don't they?" He looked away for a moment, and when he made eye-contact again, his eyes were all glassy and it broke your heart a little.
All over a little choking, you thought.
"Joe, you're not going to cry over doing something I asked you to do,"
Your words didn't help at all, so you reached and caressed Joe's cheek with a hand which Joe immediately moved to press kisses into your palm. Upon the closing of his eyes, water escaped down his face and you laughed softly as you winced at the sight. "No, please, don't cry, I really loved it, I was– I was only out for a second, it's okay,"
You used a thumb to catch a tear.
"Please, don't cry,"
Joe sniffed before rubbing his reddened face, and you leant in to kiss him which Joe immediately accepted as a way of making up.
"I promise I'll never make you do that again," you whispered into his lips.
Delicate kisses quickly became concerningly not delicate until you pulled back and Joe mumbled some stupid things about needing to keep you safe.
You kind of wanted to tell him to shut up. You really were honestly fine. But it was clear Joe wasn't, so you let him ramble for a moment. Mumble words into your neck as he grasped to hug you tighter than he normally would.
"Turn around," you suddenly spoke up, and for a moment, Joe froze entirely.
"Come on, roll over,"
Your hands guided Joe to lay on his side where you turned him into the little spoon to your big spoon. Joe held onto the arms that you curled around his side and sighed heavily.
"I'm sorry," Joe then said again, but it was different that time.
"Me too," you replied, and felt Joe relax more into your embrace.
You pressed your cheek into Joe's shoulder and tensed your leg around his thigh and hoped Joe would feel encased with your loving care. Hoped he'd fall asleep feeling warm and reassured, all protected, without any regrets.
It worked.
"Joey," you said after a little while, voice more serious than before because you had something important to say. "Promise me something?"
"Mmhmm," Joe was close to sleep, seconds removed from drifting off.
"Don't just... don't just do things you don't feel comfortable with, just because you think I would like them, all right?"
Consent went both ways.
Joe moved a little and brought one of your hands up to his mouth to press a kiss to it. Then two hands worked to open your palm that he then placed onto his cheek to nuzzle into.
This man was adorable.
"Promise me," you said after you felt Joe smile.
"Okay, I promise." Joe croaked, voice heavy, but content.
You couldn't help but smile into his shoulder in response before you let sleep overtake you fully.
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @sadbitchfangirl @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @thefemininemystiquee @hauntingbastille @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-joey @alizztor @thelostmoonofpooosh @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsbower @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986 @harringtonfan4
(taglist currently full, sorry)
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rukafais · 2 months
Also genuinely I could write essays about like, the reasons sexual violence is such a constant theme in Drizzt specifically and always has been and is about what lack of meaningful consent does to a society, about how sexual assault is not some Accident or something that you get carried away with it and go "oops lol! didn't mean it!" it is a specific abuse, a specific decision, and a specific way to forcibly establish power over someone else. Drizzt is explicitly traumatized by his near miss to the point it haunts him a hundred years later AND he goes "oh, no, i can't possibly relate to this other person, who was ACTUALLY sexually assaulted, she had it worse." Vierna is traumatized by what she was forced into and she just goes "well uhhhh you dont have to like it just whiteknuckle through it everybody wants you to. it's the Right Thing To Do." Zak has a whole plethora of problems we wont' go into here. Dinin is never explicitly assaulted on screen but BOY HE HAS THIS ISSUE IN SPADES. LIST GOES ON.
so the fact that a lot of people write it off as gratuitous or edgy and therefore extraneous to the plot and saying nothing is going to Drive Me Up A Fucking Wall Actually
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emojellyace08 · 11 months
Lookism Men x Female Reader "Their types on a woman" PART 3
A/N: I dunno how many times I'll say this but THANK YOU for 62 followers!!! Your support means so much to me and that's why I've been writing Lookism content for you! (I've been doing my best) So here's another one for the other characters. Genre: fluff ☁️ (for some parts) Warnings: Slight mentions of body parts (boobs, butts) and bit of dirty things/references and mature topics for Goo and Gun's part; not really a heavy nsfw post but I just have to add it for the sensitive and younger audience.
Jake Kim (Kim Gim Yeong)
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Seriously why is so cute and hot though. Like just look at this picture he's so precious.
But to be serious I can see Jake with someone who shares his humor. I can see him tweeting on Twitter "Who will be my Mrs. Boobs to my Mr. Butt?" while showing the picture of his buns just to annoy the heck out of Samuel and you (lmao that mf). If you reply back with an insult, trust me your cellphone will ring with bunch of notifications of Jake teasing the heck out of you "Aww I know you like my butt Y/N." "SHUT UP YOU'RE NOT EVEN THAT THICK". Although he won't take his jokes too far especially if you're uncomfortable with it and he'll apologize way too much if you got offended.
I can also see Jake with someone who has that playful charm beneath their serious personality but can be also easily teased (kind of a mix of a flirt and tsundere). "Mr. Butt?" "Mrs. Boobies?" "OH SHUT THE FU-".
And even you don't share the same humor completely, seeing you smile at his jokes makes his HEART MELLTTT (it makes him feel appreciated so much AHHHHHHHH).
And in addition, Jake likes their someone who is fair all the time. If a woman fights for her rights and for the people around her is the reasonable way, this man will fall for them. He really loves a woman with good morals. You know that his father treated him and his mother badly (as we know in the manhwa) that's why he used to hate getting involved with gangsters. I also headcannon that he doesn't like women who causes trouble all the time (especially in really bad ways like getting into fights with other people if you don't even have a reason to/drama queens). Jake also doesn't like women who takes advantage of other people especially in the wrong ways especially for money and power to boost up your hierarchy on a higher level. So if you're a man-eater, this man is not for you.
Am I the only one who headcannons that Jake doesn't like a woman who drinks alcohol and party too much? It kind of remind him of his father with other women (daddy issues). It's not that partying is completely bad, even himself probably drinks ones in a while but he's not really obsessed with it. And he also worries that if you go to a club alone, something bad will happen to you. You know people these days are complete perverts (he admits that he likes boobies and butts but he doesn't touch them without consent y'know). So if you wanna drink with somebody, if Jake's available he will even treat you! He'll buy your favorite snacks and brand of beer that you like! He'll even invite Jerry, Lineman, Sinu and other Big Deal members to join the party if you're okay with it. Sharing moments like this really makes him happy especially if you interact and get along with his friends/crewmates. And also going to expensive and fancy clubs (Club Vivi ehem) is just a waste of money for him, and you can be even involved to illegal stuff without knowing so it's much safer to drink with your homies in your/their place. Responsible women are also a win for him. Managing your time and your feelings for others can catch his attention especially if you're the gleeful and helpful type despite being reserved at times. Being a mature person can catch his attention and he finds that fascinating.
His types of dates will be cooking together or taking you to "fancy" restaurants if he has the budget to try being a romantic. Jake also likes a sentimental someone who sees his efforts despite it failing sometimes. Jake has that natural charm on him that can attract anybody (even gay men don't try to deny it). He may be a natural flirt but he would definitely show their real affection and their romantic side with someone if they really deserve it.
If you're the good joker in the class he'll be your perfect pair. He also really likes it when you deny that you like him back just to see your reaction but don't take it too far though it can hurt his feelings.
Goo Kim (Kim Joon Goo)
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Oh this mf doesn't like anybody, he's attracted to money.
Lol I'm kidding (but I think it's almost canon sooo...)
Like Jake, He likes a woman with a really similar and good sense of humor. He's easily bored and mostly an outgoing person contrasting Gun's personality. So having a someone who literally won't stop talking about non-sense topics can catch Goo's attention if he finds the conversation interesting. Or if a woman is often trying to be serious but easily gets distracted and annoyed, this could be a win-for-win for Goo. "Are you doing something important? Why won't I annoy you? You literally look so cute when you get angry." "Goo can you just-" "Hell no you're not giving me attention for 3 minutes straight" (*sigh* this guy).
And sorry to break it to you Jun Goo fangirls, but this dude LOVES SUGAR MOMMIES. You might expect something sweet for Goo's ideal type on a woman but he really probably uses loves women with LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY. But if he finds you interesting, he might give you a free tour on Disney Land lmao.
Or if he just thinks a woman is hot for his standards he just hits up on them, he likes boobs and butts no matter what size and is not ashamed of it? (and he'll probably... I don't wanna say it lol as long if he has consent).
Or probably when a woman is good at fighting, he might ask and request for you to be his secret friend ;) He's not like superrr obsessed to get someone as his successor like Gun. But if you have good fighting skills, why not ask you to work with him right? (He'll probably ask for your number too if he just finds you plain attractive). I just think that Goo just doesn't care about getting a date? If you find him hot or not? If you don't think he's attractive he'll play dumb and tease you even if your being honest about him not being your type. "Like really? You don't find me hot? Aww that's sad I thought you have higher standards in men". Or if you do find him hot he'll be like: "Aww thanks sweetheart, I always know that I'm smoking attractive". He will probably ask you out on a date if he finds you pretty too? But as we all know, Goo gets easily bored. So it's really risky for you to take your feelings on the other level. He mostly sees women for one night stands. So falling for him can lead to high expectations just because he's more talkative and chatty unlike Gun who's well reserved. Be careful.
Another thing, if a woman is a bit sadistic in terms of combat (you know like Kakegurui girls), he'll get a little bit too excited to get someone as his partner in crime. (I DO NOT CONDONE OR PROMOTE SADISM IN REAL LIFE INCASE OF FEELING THESE STUFF IN YOUR PERSONAL LIFE PLEASE SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP).
Overall Goo is a red flag, avoid as much as possible (We don't know much about him or his past/personal life so I'm not completely judging him but yeah).
Gun Park (Park Jung Gun)
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Another red flag here (I swear to God some handsome people are the most sussiest ones)
I think it's canon that (anybody regardless of gender), who Gun thinks or considers strong, fitting and has potential to be his successor, he will find them interesting? I feel like he's a m*sochist.
Or if he just finds someone hot he will just y'know.
But I think unlike Goo, Gun still have a bit of humanity inside him despite not being obvious at times (not when he's fighting he's literally a beast when beating someone's ass but y'know what I mean). He really finds a woman attractive if she has some core values in them. Like for example being fair in most cases. But he also really likes it when a woman is destructive in combat without loosing their cool.
Like some Lookism men, Gun hates whiny and noisy girls. If he almost can't handle Goo's immaturity, what more for just some side girl? (I know this might some rude or offensive for some fangirls but I want to make this accurate and possible). He's not really an affectionate person but he will appreciate it if his girlfriend can show her love for him in a different and interesting manner. Examples are cooking healthy dishes for him, giving him massages, going to the gym together, etc.. He's not really an outgoing person but I think if you initiated to go on public dates if both of you have the free time he won't mind it. He will also appreciate it if both of you share or split the bill for the spending or when living together at your shared apartment.
And also despite being h*rny sometimes, I also think that Gun really value someone not only for their looks, I headcannon that just like Hudson, he really likes it when their someone is passionate about what they want to do to succeed in life whether it's fighting or not. He absolutely despises people who won't risk to change their selves for the better and healthier side of them.
He's not much of a clingy person but he also likes someone who's caring. He might not admit it for the sake of not being seen as "vulnerable and weak" but if he really feels that if someone values him deeply he might actually start to like them. It's a slow process especially for someone like Gun who's known for being a monster in combat to be romantically involved. And he also likes being the role of the protector if he will ever get into a mature and real relationship.
Gun's taste in women is complex, it can be a playful chick and a bit insane one (I DON'T CONDONE THIS ONE IN REAL LIFE), a passionate girl reaching for success and happiness in life, or just a normal one. Either way, if he seriously falls in love with a girl/someone which is rare for it to happen, Goo will still tease him for it (not like he cares anyways).
Sinu Han (Han Sin Woo)
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A simp, a reasonable simp
You'll probably meet Sinu if you're part of the street that he will protect later on. You first thought that his hero-complex is getting in the way for himself since he can get in serious trouble if he keeps sacrificing himself just for the safety of others. But since he initiate it first out of good will and he has the ability to, I guess you and the other girls don't have a problem with it.
Though you can't help but to get worried sometimes. Not only you have to bandage his wounds every single time he gets injured but you also have to scold him to be more careful when he's fighting. With Sinu not having a parental figure and making the choice to be the protector of his home street, he really cherishes someone/a woman who cares for him.
I can also imagine him being with someone who knows to do household chores just like Eli. Cooking with Sinu and learning new recipes are his way to go activity to spend some time with you if both of you are not busy. He also appreciates it when you cook for him (even if its bad he'll still probably eat it lmao). He also really likes it when you bring him his favorite snacks and watch action-movies or the horror ones (which he will cling on to you tightly when he's scared) and just overall enjoying each other's company. He also likes it when their someone gives them massages. He's probably insecure about his scars from his previous fights but he really likes it when you give him compliments about he still looks pretty/handsome despite with having many scars on his body. You really value Sinu for just being himself, strong-willed and is willing to do anything just to protect the street. And Sinu loves it when you appreciate the things that he's doing for the future of your home, your friends who you will consider yourself your family.
A mature woman with a great sense of humor can really make Sinu fall for her. If you laugh at his jokes then make your back , it can make his day even better especially when he's burned out. He really likes it when you always have that calm yet beautiful smile on your face when you see or greet him. It also makes him feel respected.
Though things will take a turn when he has to sell his self to the Workers just for the sake of everybody, for your sake even. As much as he feels devastated to be separated from Big Deal, from you and from his home, he has to do this to protect everybody. Time passes by as the drama between the 4 major crews began to heat up. Jake being stressed and having to bring back Sinu, Samuel being an asshole and everybody else being devastated from their bosses' sudden leave. As much you try to be positive that Sinu will come home soon, you hate to admit that you're loosing faith that he'll ever come back.
On a "normal" day, you're just fixing the clothing that you're selling with the help of your other friends when a group of men just appeared on the roadway with you spotting a familiar someone. It's not just Jake, Jerry, Lineman, Brad and the others but a raven-haired tall male. You can't help to be teary as you run into Sinu hugging him. "SINU I MISSED YOU DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!" you whaled as your hot tears stained his new black hoodie but he couldn't care less. "I-I miss you too Y/N. I won't leave Big Deal and everybody again, especially you."
Oh how he missed for your warm hugs and you just being clingy. Your sweet, thoughtful, and soft hearted personality makes him realize on how lucky he is to have you. So please treat him well and give him lots of kisses! He really loves your affection.
A/N: Sorry if this feels rushed but I might probably do a James Lee, Samuel, Jerry, and Jace one lol good night I hope you liked this.
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cinnamoodles · 11 months
the language of flowers — part two, irises
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warnings: more angst than part one which is great, also reader throwing stuff bc she’s a badass, and in character Anthony which is honestly more of a red flag than ooc Anthony but you love him anyway you nasty :)
word count: 1.4k (wow I impress myself sometimes)
author’s note: we love this part bc reader stands up for herself and Anthony is one major daddy issues boy.
read the other parts! — part one, daises | part three, peonies
i don’t consent for my work to be reposted or copied, translated, or transferred to any other platform, or this one, in part or whole.
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ii. 1804, iridaceae versicolor. irises, trust
Anthony paced the length of this study—which wasn’t all too large, but stress relieving nonetheless. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, a tempestuous mix of newfound worry and lingering doubts. Today marked one year, one year without his father, one year his mother was cast into a depressive state, one year since he had taken on the mantle of viscount, and become the father figure that his youngest siblings did not have.
It had been far too long since he had last spoken to you—days? Weeks? He had never gone so long without even seeing your face, and that was a stretch. He’d spent his last few months mourning, brooding, and perhaps being a tad overbearing on himself, but he had to, for the sake of his family’s honour, it’s prestige. 
There’s a sharp knock on his door, it’s most likely Colin or Daphne, who are frequent in irritating him. He makes no effort to open the door, and with a practiced gesture, he dips his quill into the inkwell, resuming his task of poring over the estate's financial matters. How often had his father sat here, absorbed in these very same calculations? A pang of longing pierces through him at the thought, his heart echoing the emptiness his father's absence had left behind.
Another knock.
It must be Colin, his eyes sparkling, attempting to irritate him once again. “I’ve got a job,” he snaps, “and I suggest you get one as well, one that does not involve vexing me at every given minute.”
The door creaks open, candlelight flickering over the stacks of leather bound tomes and haphazardly organized scrolls, casting lanky shadows over his face, playing upon the strong angles, highlighting the lines of exhaustion that marred his usually composed countenance. His normally impeccable attire was slightly disheveled, as if he had been running his hands through his hair in frustration, and his ink-stained fingers spoke of long hours spent in diligent work. He wasn’t in a position to meet anyone, much less usher yet another one of his young siblings out of his room.
“Oh, I vex you? Is that why you've been evading me like the plague?” Your presence was like a sudden burst of sunlight piercing through the storm clouds—startling, yet warmly welcomed. The quill slipped from his fingers as his eyes widened in surprise, locking onto your face, a vision that brought back a flood of memories and feelings he had attempted to suppress.
Your stormy eyes burned through his deep brown ones, and you crossed your hands across your chest. Your soft hair was tucked behind your ear, and your eyes were wide, as if staring directly into Anthony’s soul, and for just a moment, he allowed himself to become lost, to dream, and to gaze into them as if he was merely a boy again, holding you in his arms.
“Say something, Anthony! I’ve not seen you in weeks, properly, and you’ve barely held a conversation with anyone other than your butler, and frankly, I—” 
Anthony quickly wrapped you in a hug, burying his face in your shoulder, your cotton dress soft to the touch. He mumbles. “I missed you.” He can feel you stiffen, but soon gently relax into his arms.
“That is why I came,” you smile, and pull away, holding him at an arm’s distance. “Oh, and my brother is getting married. I wanted to invite you personally to the wedding.” Your oldest brother, twenty eight years of age, was getting married, Anthony recalled. He was, of course, to be the next Duke when your father inevitably passed.
Anthony rubbed his eyes. “My sisters will come, of course, but I may not be able to.” Your invitation was tempting, and the prospect of seeing you again filled Anthony with a mix of excitement and trepidation. He hadn't realized just how much he had missed you until this moment, when you walked in the door. But his responsibilities as the viscount weighed heavily on his shoulders, and he feared that leaving the estate at this crucial time might jeopardize his mother’s already precarious emotional situation.
"I wish I could attend, truly," Anthony replied with a hint of regret in his voice. "But with the estate's financial matters in such disarray, I can't afford to be away for long. I must attend to my duties here."
You frowned slightly, concern glazed across your soft, delicate features. "Anthony, you can't carry the burden of the entire estate on your own. There must be someone who can assist you, even for a short time."
"I've considered that," Anthony admitted, his mind aching from the internal struggle. "But finding someone trustworthy, capable, and knowledgeable enough to handle the estate's affairs is not an easy task. I fear leaving things in someone else's hands might cause more harm than good.”
You crossed your arms, frustration evident in your expression. "Anthony, you can't keep shutting yourself off from the world. Your family's honor and prestige won't matter if you run yourself into the ground!"
He takes a step back, feeling defensive under your stern gaze. "I am taking care of things. I'm doing what I need to do to ensure the estate's survival, which is all that matters to me, at this point in time."
"Are you?" you snap, your voice tinged with disappointment that Anthony could see etched in your face. "You've barely spoken to anyone, including me, for weeks. You're burying yourself in work, and for what? To prove some sort of point? That you’re fit to be the man of the house?"
"I don't have a choice," Anthony replied tersely. "As the viscount, it's my duty to oversee everything. And after losing my father, I can't afford to let anything else slip through my fingers."
"You can't live in the past, Anthony," you urged, taking a step closer to him. "Your father's gone, and while it's natural to mourn, you can't let grief consume you. Of course, you have responsibility—"
His jaw clenched, and he shot back, "Responsibility? What would you know of responsibility? You don't understand the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. I can't just leave everything behind and go gallivanting off to weddings, like an immature child."
Pain flashed across your face, but Anthony was much too in his head to take a look at his surroundings. He continued, as if possessed by some spirit. “You’ve never had to work a day in your life. You’re spoiled, and the only thing your family has ever thought of doing for you is getting you married.” He spit. “So why don’t you worry about your responsibilities, and I’ll worry about mine.”
A single tear fell from your eye, and in that moment, Anthony wished he could take it all back, swallow the poison he had thrown at you so mercilessly. “I…” you bite your lip, and he wanted to take you in his arms, comfort you, and hold you.
“I’m sorry,” you choke out. “I’m sorry for whatever sin I’ve done to have you treat me like this.” You quickly wipe your tears and rush to the door. Anthony wanted to stop you, to scream about how he didn’t mean any of the words he said.
You quickly turn around, revealing a bouquet of irises, the specific ones Anthony had commented on the last time he visited your estate. He could barely remember when. “By the way, I bought you flowers. I thought they’d cheer you up,” you retort, before throwing the delicately tied bunch of flowers straight to his head, hitting his nose.
The door slammed, and Anthony was once again left alone, only this time, he’d have done anything to bring you back. Slowly, the petals of the irises cascaded down onto the ground, fracturing the flowers, and Anthony noticed a small piece of paper.
The Guide for Flora for Debutantes: In the quaint world of botany, the charming iris blooms have long been regarded as symbolic emissaries of trust and faithfulness. Like an ancient scroll unraveling before our very eyes, the iris, with its alluring hues and delicate petals, unravels the story of steadfast devotion and allegiance. Just as an honest man's handshake vouches for his sincerity, the iris bestows its trust upon those who approach with an open heart and gentle touch, and a receiving of this gentle bloom from either gender discloses that the gifter trusts you with their whole heart. Its regal demeanor, reminiscent of a gallant knight in armor, instills in us the assurance that this flower is a beacon of loyalty and constancy.
Trust. You had trusted him, and what had he done with that? He’d tossed it away, and your gift had broken. Anthony wasn’t usually one for symbolism, but these broken irises were pretty damn apparent.
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pluckyredhead · 29 days
☕️ what if I want the rant about ollie cheating now (or whenever you're up for it)
Oh good, because I mentioned it as bait and I'm glad someone took me up on it. 😂
CW: Sexual assault.
Yeah so here's the thing: Ollie has definitely canonically cheated on Dinah at least once, maybe twice depending on your definition. But the idea of Ollie as a serial cheater and womanizer comes from a story where he is raped. Which uhhhh is absolutely NOT cheating.
So for nearly 30 years, Ollie had exactly zero love interests. The closest he came was Miss Arrowette/Bonnie King (Cissie's mom), who appears in exactly 3 stories in the early 60s where Ollie only regards her as a pest...but in a 1969 issue of JLA where all the Leaguers bring dates to a carnival, he brings Bonnie because up to that point, she was literally the only woman he had interacted with besides Wonder Woman.
Also in 1969, he meets Dinah. Within a few issues, he's declaring his love:
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Note that there's nothing to indicate that Ollie knows Bruce is stalling for time. He's just down bad.
Anyway, Ollie and Dinah are soon in a committed relationship and remain that way for over 20 years. Starting in the 80s, various writers introduced a couple of brief relationships with other women in Ollie's pre-Green Arrow past, but that's not cheating either - he dated them before he knew Dinah.
Then in 1987, DC introduced Shado, a Yakuza assassin and the best archer in the world, better than Ollie. Ollie and Shado have an immediate and intense emotional connection, but he is in a committed relationship, and neither Ollie nor Shado even vaguely hints at him leaving Dinah for her.
But then Shado shoots Ollie (long story), and then nurses him back to health through his injury-induced fever and delirium. And a little while after that, she turns up with a son, Robert, who looks a lot like Ollie. Dinah is suspicious, so Shado tells her that Ollie didn't cheat on her: Shado had sex with Ollie while he was delirious and thought she was Dinah, and Ollie has no memory of it and has no idea that Robert is his son.
To be clear: this was rape. The story doesn't treat it like rape, and it's clear the writer didn't understand that it was rape. To this day, no comic has acknowledged that Shado raped Ollie. In fact, when Ollie finds out about it years later, he's happy, because he wanted a biological son (this was pre-Connor).
(My feelings about Shado are complicated. I think she's a really interesting character, and I'm loath to discard her because of this one incident that was not intended to be interpreted as rape, but I also think it's really important that we acknowledge that it was rape because our culture is not good about consent. I think we can hold multiple ideas in our heads at once, like "Shado is interesting and cool" and "this is a fucked up story and male survivors should be supported and believed.")
The original comic also didn't treat it as cheating, but subsequent writers did. It didn't help that in the early 90s, there was a scene where Ollie (canonically in the back half of his 40s) is kissed by a college-age girl named Marianne who has a crush on him, and kisses her back. Dinah caught them and eventually broke up with Ollie over it (among other reasons). I think this is one of those things where some people would consider it cheating and some wouldn't, so YMMV.
Ollie was then killed off and replaced by Connor, and Connor's book was written by Chuck Dixon, who really hyped up Ollie's legacy of sluttiness (citation needed, Chuck) in contrast to Connor's virginal but definitely totally heterosexual purity. (Lollll sucks to suck, Chuck.)
Then Ollie was brought back. And as much as I love Quiver, the story that brings him back, it absolutely depicts what happened with Shado as Ollie cheating, which: NO, KEVIN SMITH. IT WAS RAPE. (Interestingly, Dinah seems to consider what happened with Marianne to be cheating, while Roy does not.)
This was also at the start of the post-9/11 era, where there was a real preoccupation with depicting heroes as deeply flawed, dishonest, and generally harmful, with feet of clay - just generally fucking up and being assholes pretty much all the time. (See Identity Crisis, Civil War.) And so Ollie then definitively cheated on Dinah, having sex with Black Lightning's niece Joanna, who was almost immediately murdered by a supervillain afterwards which was also largely framed as Ollie's fault because superheroes ruin everything. (And because Joanna was a triple threat of female, Black, and sexually active, so she HAD to be fridged.)
Dinah dumped Ollie again, and the way Ollie was talked about in the comics - and outside of them - rapidly escalated, with basically every character constantly describing him as a cheating horndog who couldn't keep it in his pants. This dovetailed with Ollie being portrayed as worse and worse in flashbacks around Connor's conception and birth - originally he didn't even know about Connor, then he knew but lied to everyone, then he was actively cruel to Connor's mother, etc.
I think the peak (or nadir) of all this for me was when Dinah told Babs she was marrying Ollie and Babs shrieked that she couldn't because Ollie was a CHEATER who had "fathered Connor with that Shado woman!" Um, Connor's mother is Sandra Hawke, Connor is a good 15 years older than Robert Jr., Ollie had not even met Dinah at that point, and I don't remember who wrote that issue of BoP but if you can't tell the difference between two entirely different Asian women, you're a racist hack.
Thanks to the New 52, this is all pretty much in the past (the New 52 had entirely different Green Arrow problems, including him being raped again but a completely different woman).
But in conclusion: yes, it's canon that Ollie has cheated on Dinah. However, he only cheated after getting a reputation as a cheater when he was in fact a victim of rape. Before that, he was a horndog, but specifically for Dinah and Dinah alone, and he was faithful. And I'm glad that the discourse on this has shifted so much in the past decade or so, because Ollie has done plenty of things we should blame him for, but this wasn't one of them.
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