#i order so much shit from them that i’ve actually allowed the target app to remain on my phone
bibleofficial · 1 year
target having the ‘deliver to ur car’ option for online orders has me SPOILED !!!
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exrayspex · 7 years
life update since i've been away recently
i actually feel like blogging again and am awake enough to do so for the first time in weeks! so, updates bc Stuff has happened:
so my dad had been unemployed (again) for a year almost exactly, and every single job he applied for in his career fell through. we think it's bc word has gotten out in the field that he's an asshole and that his alcoholism is starting to effect his work since his body can't metabolize it like it used to + he regularly injured himself while drinking. which still sucks. but he finally got over himself and started applying for jobs outside his field and got one! it's only part time and the pay isn't great (he's a shopper for a grocery shop + delivery service), but it's something! and we really, REALLY fucking needed it. he's still looking for a better job in his field, too.
phoebe bubba had had an ear infection that wouldn't quite go away even with me regularly cleaning it with special ear wash, and we were finally able to get her in to the vet. she had a bacterial ear infection and we got mediated ear drops for her. i gave them to her and poor baby HATED it, but all two weeks of the ear drops are done and i just checked her ear the other night and it's finally all clean and healthy!
COOKIES. i'm love baking, obviously, and wanted to make a shit ton of christmas cookies and try some new recipes. it took me a While to have the energy for it all, but i got around to it and enjoyed it so much and love the results! i made peanut blossoms, soft gingerbread cookies (which i made into lady and nonbinary gingerbread bears bc fuck men, gingerbread and otherwise), and slice-and-bake shortbread cookies w christmas trees in the middle and red-n-green sugar crystals! i freehanded the green triangles for the center and used very careful chilling and setting out to make the tree-shaped core and then put the un-dyed dough around it to make a round log with the trees holding their shape in the middle. very proud of how well i did on those, and without a tutorial or anything!
so we have been p broke lately and were preparing ourselves for a christmas where we just had delicious cookies and made a nice meal to have together in our pretty decorated room w our tree and foregoing any presents except for one to mail to my wee cousin, but! my mom remembered a couple days ago that my dad had lots of points with airline frequent flyer programs that would expire at the end of the year if they weren't used, that he racked up when working his old job. and the rewards programs allows you to use points to get gift cards for all kinds of places! so she did that and got several gift cards that allowed us to get gifts for some other family members, her boss and the woman she cares for, and have some left over to get each other some things! all without spending any actual money :D my dad and i went to target yesterday and used a gift card to shop for my mom, and it was tiring but fun! and i think my mom got me an over-ear gaming headset to replace my old one that is quite literally disintegrating!
so my phone is a galaxy s3 and i've had it for over 4 years, and my parents have the same. they still work, which is impressive actually, but they're very slow, we can only have a few apps at once bc they're so low on storage, lots of newer apps can't be installed on them, they're unable when anything is updating/downloading, my mom's camera is broken, my dad's has issues with receiving calls, all of them just freeze up completely and have to have the battery taken out to work again pretty regularly, etc. but my dad called sprint yesterday to try and negotiate a lower monthly bill/maybe switch plans, since we hadn't changed plans for years either.....and ended up being able to switch to a Better plan AND get us each a galaxy s7 and still have our monthly bill be $30 cheaper!!! apparently our old plan was a fucking ripoff lol, and he got us previously owned, refurbished phones that cost half the price of new ones of the same model. i think it also helps that he said how he'd been with sprint for over a decade but was looking into switching providers if he couldn't get a better plan and spend less lol. one of the gift cards my mom got is for amazon and i'm hoping i can find some decent cases and screen protectors for all three of us with it!
so i started playing neverwinter online last summer, and i've become hooked lol. i'm also in a good lgbt guild and alliance!! i almost quit the game after i hit max level since i couldn't solo most stuff anymore, but the people in it were all so nice and helpful and not judgey about me being still relatively new to mmos in general (i'd played a little bit of lotro, wow, and eso but not much, and i had once been super into fucking wizard101 lol, but that one's very different from most, actually more like magic the gathering than other mmos). anyway, i've started to break into actually being decently good at the game, i'm on nearly every fucking day lol, and i'm pretty involved in like contributing to guild stuff/running dungeons w guild people, and the dude who is the current guild leader is gonna mostly retire from the game in 2018 and asked me if i'd be up for taking over for him then, and i said yes! he's ranked up my permissions to do guild stuff and has been slowly showing me how to do things and what bugs to look out for when doing them, and it's fun and exciting! plus he's still gonna be around on psn and occasionally in-game after he goes, so i'll still be able to ask him for help/advice since i'm definitely not as knowledgeable as him. i've also been talking more in the guild and alliance chat and on mic too, and it's nice! ooh and i recently did some research and a respec on my main and she's now easily doing like 1.5x her previous damage and i've had a couple people be like "wow holy shit" since which like yes.....YES.....fuel my dps ego.....(also just? people in this game/guild generally seem to like me?? it's so unfamiliar and nice!) ((also also i started a tank alt and got her to max level already! and she's super butch and super hot))
our proposed plan of restoration was submitted to the historical neighborhood board thing and approved! and today the third contractor is gonna come over to discuss what work we'd want done on the house and provide an estimate. then my parents just have to do a bit more paperwork and can finish their application for the grant we can get since we're now in an official nationally recognized historical neighborhood! the grants are given in order of application, and there's currently only one ahead of us, so hopefully we can get it early on in 2018 and have that money to do some much-needed repairs on the house! the bird family living in my windowsill will fucking finally have to move lol. no more screeching and scratching right behind my head every morning! it won't be enough money to get every repair we need done, but it will def cover the worst stuff, like that and our rotted porch! also the contractor we're hoping to use is a nice guy who's done work for us before (he fixed our fence when it broke a while ago, my parents have some mutual friends of his, we trust him), and the other day when he was here my sweet hutchie made friends with him :) there were pets and purrs!
OKAY i think that's mostly it lol. thank you for caring if you actually read all of this! :D you are now up to date on the Life of Spex. also if any of you start playing neverwinter and want a guild invite, lemme know! :)
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yoyoplisetsky · 7 years
hi! a lot of you are new since the last time i did this, so here’s a quick rundown of what you’re about to read: i do a weekly rec list of all of the fics that i’ve read/enjoyed and all of what i’ve written, with a short review of each one, to let everyone appreciate what i appreciate. basically, a roundup for me to see that i’ve been writing, and an appreciation post for so many authors in the fandom. it’s been a while bc i got busy with shit bang/reverse bang, so this is one for the whole month - after this one, though, i’m going back to weekly/bi-weekly ones depending on how busy i am. always always always please send me fic recs bc i want to appreciate everyone’s favorites, and everyone to appreciate mine. so here we go! 
please remember to leave a kudos/comment on these if you enjoy them - authors thrive on praise.
(Some Of) What I Read This Month (Mid July-Late August 2017)
story of my life - vodkawrites - @vodkawrites​ - There are 3,140,000 results on Google Search for why you should meet your idol. Meeting your idol could allow you to tell them personally how much they mean to you and can inspire you to be more like your idol. / However, there are 20,300,000 reasons why you shouldn't meet your idol. / Or; AU where Victor is a famous author and Yuuri is his biggest fan. (Super cute story where Viktor is a famous author who writes about figure skating and Yuuri is a World Champion figure skater but VIktor doesn’t know)
Open At The Touch - kiaronna - @kiaronna​ -  Maybe Nishigori got ahold of a lock of Viktor's hair, and some Polyjuice potion. Maybe it's all an elaborate prank. With this as his only reasonable explanation, he steps forward, snags Viktor by his robes and tugs him in. / "Nishigori," he says in Japanese, "this prank isn't funny. Your English is better than when I left, though." / "Ah," says the fake Viktor Nikiforov in English, voice dipping, and is he blushing? "What was that?" / "Maybe I got hit in the head by a Bludger," Yuuri muses. Viktor's smile grows ever wider, tightening at the edges. "Maybe I never came home from my international Quidditch competition. Maybe I'm lying in the hospital right now, hallucinating." / There has to be an explanation, mystical and magical or medical, for the best Seeker in the Quidditch world showing up at his door; something besides his portrait, which won't stop talking to Yuuri anyway. (Ahhh an amazing hp au with them both as quidditch players and viktor showing up to train viktor - the stuff with the portrait is one of the favorite things i’ve ever read in an hp au)
Blog About It - Dawn on ICE (Dawn_Blossom) - @dawnonice​ - Victor creates a blog where he posts about his husband, skating, and his husband's skating. Only, shockingly, it turns out that saying he's "literally Victor Nikiforov" on tumblr does absolutely nothing to convince anybody of his identity, even though he was never trying to hide it in the first place. (I, too, claim to be literally Viktor Nikiforov, but unfortunately am not. A super cute take on a social media fic - which is one of my favorite tropes)
Five Times Yuuri Did Something He Regretted With Victor - liliths - @mckkachins​ - —and one exception. / "Extend," Victor said, so Yuuri extended his arms a bit further. / "Stretch," Victor said, so Yuuri stretched his free leg out a bit further. / "Jump," Victor said, and Yuuri never had to ask "how high?" / "Yuuri, eat this flaming-hot chili pepper that I bought from the market," Victor said, and the first thing that came out of his mouth was the tea he had been drinking. / Yuuri and Victor-centric, in which Yuuri makes questionable life decisions with humorous outcomes and with Victor by his side. Oneshot. (a precious and hilarious fic about them coming to live with each other. i’m in love with their love)
“sleep with” is a stupid idiom - seventhstar - @pencilwalla​ - In one universe, Viktor asks Yuuri to sleep with him on his first night in Hasetsu and gets rejected. / In another, he doesn't. This happens instead. (we all know i’m weak for nuri’s writing, but this story is exceptional. read the other in the series too - i laughed. poor, sweet yuuri)
Surrogate - rougeandtonic - (unsure of tumblr, please tell me if you know) - In which Yuuri is broke and jobless and carrying a baby for retired figure skater Victor Nikiforov, Victor is intent on breaking every one of their surrogacy agency's rules, and Phichit tries really, really hard to be a voice of reason. (one of my first dives into a/b/o fic - it’s a trope i usually avoid, but this fic has a fun premise, and i’m excited it was linked to me. i’m looking forwad to more)
...or it didn’t happen - Lady_Ganesh - (tumblr unknown, please tell me if you know) - The morning after the banquet, Yuuri wakes up to a hangover, a few fuzzy memories of the previous night and the realization that he sent some guy dickpics last night...and had gotten one back. / Cyrillic guy seemed nice. Friendly. Somebody he might have wanted to hang out with, if things had been different. / Yuuri hoped he hadn't pretended the guy was Victor Nikiforov or something stupid like that. When he got that drunk, all bets were off. (ahhh a great take on what could have happened at the banquet)
Raison d'Être - cutesudon (vityanikiforova) - @cutesudon / @vityanikiforova - 1. reason or justification for existence; the thing that is most important to someone or something; the sole or ultimate purpose of someone. / President Nikiforov of Russia has a few weaknesses: premium rye vodka, an attention span of 30 minutes, and a torrid love affair with the Japanese Prime Minister. (mmm, yes. this is a very good fic. i’m looking forward to the rest of the verse, there’s some great stuff coming)
Matched - DefiantDreams - @gia-comeatme - If three men are all in love with each other, in how many ways can there be a couple? / (Hint: Polyamory.) / Or: / Chris and Yuuri match on Tinder, but they're both in love with Victor Nikiforov (and Victor Nikiforov is in love with them). (SO I MIGHT NOT HAVE READ THE FINISHED VERSION OF THIS YET but i betaed for it and it is a simply amazing fic, you really really need to read it.)
On Online and Offline Love - AlexWSpark - @alexwspark - Gaming/Streaming AU: In which Yuuri and Victor are gamers, head over heels for each other, and hoping to one day come face-to-face. Of course, when two whipped, adorable fluff-balls are involved, shenanigans ensue... / Mature rating only applies to the final chapter. Chapter titles are taken from the Final Fantasy 9 soundtrack <3 (look, i know legit nothing about gaming but i heard some great stuff about this fic and was not disappointed. it was amazing)
Misconceptions and Truths About Vampires - glassteacup - (tumblr unknown, please tell me if you know) - Yuuri and Phichit have been living in Detroit for the past five years. Yuuri gives lessons at the local rink and has a new student. Featuring - Yuuri is terrible at being a vampire, Phichit is an amazing best friend, and Viktor is bedazzling like the sun. / Yuuri pokes at his dinner, toppling the neatly piled tower of raw beef on the third try. / Phichit reaches across the table and swats his fork hand. “Stop playing with your food.” / Yuuri sets his mouth in a straight line. “I’m not playing,” he grouses. There’s only so much steak tartare one can eat three times a day. / Phichit rolls his eyes and returns to his phone, finger flicking at the screen rapidly. He's probably busy with ordering "delivery" on one of his apps. Yuuri wisely keeps his mouth shut except for opening it in between shoving in forkfuls of food. (i read a lot of vampire aus recently and this one was hilarious. a very different take on it, and i love itI)
when the ice melts in the snow (that’s when you’ll love me) - lilithiumwords - @amberstarfight - Katsuki Yuuri is the worst incubus in the Underworld. Viktor Nikiforov is his human target. (so i might have reread this entire fic with the newest update, but, you know, that’s fine. it’s such a fun demon au with so much mythology woven in. i love it.)
Falling For Your Charms - Reiya - @kazliin - Professor Katsuki’s crush on Professor Nikiforov is supposed to be a great secret. / So naturally, the whole school knows (i need to convince all of no one in this fandom that kaz is a genius, but this fic is so fluffy and soft. i love the take on an hp au that doesn’t have them as students. i’m so excited to see what comes next ^-^)
boy next door - wingchestr - @softboyyuuri / @yuurispasteldildo - “Hi, welcome to the Green Bean,” Yuuri says, in the way that’s become something of a joke between them. “What can I get for you today?” / In which Viktor buys way too much coffee from the cute barista at the coffeeshop on the corner, and Yuuri has a terrible crush that Viktor never, ever needs to know about, and somehow it all works out in the end. (like i said, i’m incredibly new to enjoying a/b/o dynamics, but this one is amazingly soft. i love it so far)
Twingenuity - Caeseria - @caeseria - Victor arrives in Hasetsu, completely unaware that Yuuri has an identical, overly affectionate, twin brother. The resulting temptation might actually kill him before he gets Yuuri to the GPF like he promised. (you all know i have a yuuri/viktor/yuuri thing, and this is a different take on that trope, but i love it so much. i started the fic months ago but got distracted and left it behind, and i just finished it right before the last few chapters went up. koji is probably my favorite oc in the entire fandom)
“Be My Sex Coach, Victor!” - lucycamui - @lucycamui - Yuuri Katsuki has always been his own worst critic, and a series of unfortunate short-lived relationships has him convinced that he flubs things more in the bedroom than out on the ice. So, of course it would turn out that the ridiculously charming Russian he's matched with online is a pornstar. / But perhaps, a 'professional opinion' is exactly what Yuuri needs... (”Oh, the pornstar au updated!” is not something that I thought I would yell excitedly, but yet here I am. This fic is written so wonderfully and has a perfect mix of humor and smut that i just,,, i adore this fic so much. I’m so glad i gave it a shot.)
Sympathy for the Devil - Mythmaker - @catamight - “…Are you telling me, that becoming a creature of the night has cured my anxiety?” he hissed, glaring at the wall so he wouldn’t glare at Phichit. For a brief moment, he thought he saw a flash of red reflect off nearby surfaces. / His friend actually had the gall to start laughing, and it sounded a tad hysterical. / -- / Yuuri Katsuki lost his dog, lost his ability to place higher than 6th at the Sochi Grand Prix final, and lost his pride when Viktor Nikiforov didn't know who he was. After the night of the banquet, he also loses something else. Something kind of important. / Something like his mortality. (Viktor has barely even come into play in this au yet and I still love it. It’s such a fun vampire au and Phichit is the Best and I love him him.)
(Some Of) What I Wrote This Month (Mid July-Late August 2017)
a picture’s worth a thousand words - Yuuri woke up that morning with 3 things: a hangover that rivaled all his past hangovers put together, all of his blankets and pillows and, apparently, clothing strewn on the floor, and a picture of him and Viktor Nikiforov that made him look even more like a stalker as his phone background. (Or: The canon divergent au where Yuuri takes a bunch of selfies with Viktor at the banquet but deletes them all)
desserts is stressed spelled backwards - Viktor was an insomniac who was lured to the door of his mysterious neighbor who liked to bake at night. One night, when Viktor took his dog out for a walk, he smelled cookies and left a note on his neighbor’s door saying how good it smelled... (My reverse bang fic! check out this art and this art)
call of the wild - After his failure at the Grand Prix Final in Sochi, Yuuri goes home, but home isn't back to Hasetsu. Home is the sea, where Yuuri lives as a siren, who feels as though he's a failure to his family because he's yet to place a successful Call on a mortal. It reaches Yuuri that Viktor Nikiforov has shown up in Hasetsu to coach Yuuri, and Yuuri doesn't understand why, and doesn't feel worthy. He's not even human, but for some reason, Viktor has chosen to coach him. Nonetheless he goes back to shore. / For some strange reason, Viktor Nikiforov seems unbelievably attracted to Yuuri. / (Or: The canon divergent au where Yuuri is a siren.) (My shit bang fic!! Check out the art)
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dirtylevi · 7 years
Levi Ackerman: The Abuse Claim
Alright, so here I am with another long ass meta post. Only this time, this one is directed solely at the legend, Levi Ackerman himself. Yet again, I am seeing the “Levi is Abusive” mumbo jumbo and I have spent my two years in this fandom quiet about my opinions on this for the most part because I do not enjoy drama. However, after this last batch of Discourse™ that I have seen, I have been pushed beyond my ability to bite my tongue. 
This is Part One to a two part meta, and this is me basically trying to shine light on Levi’s actions a bit and why he behaves the way he does. In no way do I try to justify all of the shit he carries out so don’t think this is just a fangirl squeal post. I’m simply trying to better explain his character for the people who seem to think he is some kind of rage beast who beats kids for fun in his spare time. 
I will be putting this under a Read More because it is extremely long and also contains spoilers. I’d also like to state that this would be best read from a computer or the mobile website as it contains a metric fuckton of manga panels used for reference (seriously use any other means outside of the mobile app to read this because the app will butcher this post and cut out a majority of the images). If you are sitting down to read this, please make sure you are comfy, cozy, and drinking a nice warm beverage. Now then, 
DISCLAIMER: This is my personal opinion. In no way am I stating what I say here is completely accurate. if you disagree with my opinion, good for you! That’s your prerogative. However, If you are going to send me messages trying to argue points of view with me or send me hate messages because my opinion differs from your own; do us both a favor and just don’t even bother. WARNING: Major spoilers ahead.
First and foremost, this is the scene I see brought up the absolute most so I’d like to go ahead and address it first:
The Courtroom Scene:
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Jesus Christ, that’s pretty rough, right? I do not disagree. It’s sad that in order for Eren to be spared from a torturing death at the hands of the Military Police {or so is originally thought. Turns out the Reiss family wanted to eat him. Not much better of a fate though), he had to get the shit kicked out of him by Levi to prove a point. Which is exactly why this scene exists. It’s meant to show you just how extreme the measures needed to be in order to save Eren’s life. 
Levi had to jump in and physically prove he was the only person capeable of leashing Eren’s power, and ending it if Eren ever went rogue (no pun intended). Levi had to show the court that he could keep Eren under control, and that he did not fear him because he had no reason to do so. Unlike the inexperienced MP’s and mere merchants who barked like cornered dogs at the mere sight of Eren. 
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This entire show is what saved Eren’s life and allowed him to join the Survey Corps. Does that make it right? No. It’s not supposed to be right. Levi never should have had to go to measures that extreme to keep a kid alive solely because of other’s ignorance and fear. But that is the world they live in and that is what it took to gain military custody of Eren. 
SnK Visual Novel: Burning Bright in the Forests of the Night:
Levi beating Eren in the trial is described as “an extreme, cunning performance. But a necessary one”. He also thinks how they’re forced to make hard decisions all the time, and beating Eren is his last resort. “Ahh, what a load of bullshit. But there’s no choice. A soldier’s profession is to wield violence” - SOURCE
Some folks seem to forget that Eren understood the reasoning behind the action, that Levi DID NOT enjoy beating Eren, and that the plan WASN’T LEVI’S IDEA TO BEGIN WITH. It was Commander Erwin’s Orders. And also the fact that Levi felt so bad about how far it had gone, he actually point blank asked Eren if he resented him for it. 
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I want you all to keep in mind that this is the same man who shrugs off being called a mad-man and a monster. This same man sits down next to Eren and asks him if he hated him for what he did, and he wouldn’t have asked if "yes” wasn’t the answer he was expecting to hear. Levi would have completely understood if Eren told him that he indeed resented him. It’s what most people would expect after doing something like that. Levi was fully aware how fucked up that entire situation was and he wasn’t happy about having to be the one to do it, either. 
Basically, he didn’t beat the kid for shits and giggles. He wouldn’t have done it if it weren’t quite literally the ONLY way to guarantee Eren’s survival.  
Now then, onto the next one:
The Female Titan Arc:
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I have said it before and I will say it again, and again throughout this post: When Levi is backed into a corner, he usually turns towards just about any means to intimidate people in order to make things go his way. 
Not only that, but in this situation here, he is pissed. With good reason too. The female titan is responsible for countless deaths of his comrades. She’s also an enemy of mankind. He’s venting his own emotional anger and also trying to intimidate the person controlling the titan (Annie) out of actively fighting them and surrendering instead. Logically speaking, I cannot call this behavior abusive. Especially since I know that if I were in his shoes, I’d be just as murderous. 
His actions here backfire though. His terrifying words cause enough fear to make the female titan call a cohoard of other titans, and she risks being eaten as a way to try and escape while having another way to capture Eren. In my opinion, Levi’s actions here are the fuck up that costs the lives of his squad, and almost causes them to lose Eren as well. So when this happens:
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Levi most likely feels guilty. He watches Mikasa fight tooth an nail to try and retrieve Eren and instead of reeming her for obviously abandoning her post, disregarding orders, insulting his leadership, and insulting him personally; he chooses to let it all slide and fight along side her to retrieve Eren instead. Not only because he’s most likely aware that he crossed a serious line with his threatening speech toward the person controlling the female titan, but also because he is fully aware that Mikasa does infact resent him for kicking the shit out of Eren in the courtroom scene. 
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So, oh so abusive Levi (yes I am being sarcastic) chooses to fight along side her to try and fix his own mistake and save his valuble subordinate, while easing the resentment of his other valuble comrade as well, and ends up shredding the female titan in the process. Mikasa sees this, and also sees a clear opportunity to take out the target. So, against Levi’s express orders, Mikasa goes in for the kill, damn near getting killed herself, and causing Levi to injure himself in the process of saving her. 
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And even after this, Levi does not berate or even displine her. He simply gives her advice and tells her to focus on their objective. All while in a ton of pain and lugging Eren under his arm.
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Well now you may ask, “Well what about after this arc, Wolf?????? Surely he kicked her or punched her as punishment!!”. Hate to break it to you, but no. He simply tells her to learn from her mistakes and not to repeat them in his own blunt way as he is forced to sit on the sidelines thanks to said injury. That is all.
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And what about Eren? How did Levi react when they returned from their failed mission to capture the female titan? Did he blame Eren for making the wrong choice? Did he point fingers at anyone for the failure of the mission?
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Now, this could just be my interpretation, but I believe Levi’s line of “I’ve always been talkative.” is a jab at his own mistakes in talking too much in certain situations. Such as he little fear inducing speech with the female titan. Regardless though, Levi doesn’t point fingers at Eren for the mission failure or for making the choice he made. 
Eren chose to trust his team and his Captain, and his Captains actions of speaking too much caused the shit storm that ensued afterwards. I honestly believe Levi blames himself entirely for the failure of that mission, and no one else. Not even Mikasa for disobeying orders because HE is the one who CHOSE to save her. 
On to the next one!
The Uprising Arc:
Now I’m going to break this down into parts because so many people want to point out these scenes, so allow me to clarify:
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Levi is basically stating that Eren needs a reason to keep fighting and to learn to trust his own decisions again. Choosing to trust in his comrades instead of fighting is what got his squad killed, or so Eren believes. Levi is aware of this and decides to build a squad out of the people Eren already has strong bonds with. He’s saying that Eren needs to be pushed to a point of total desperation that will cause him to act and trust himself in order to protect those he cares about. Which is legitamately exactly what happens close to the end of the Arc. 
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Levi apologizes to Eren for putting him on the spot again, and decides to put his own life in the hands of Eren and whichever decision he makes. Much like how Eren chose to trust in Levi and his squad during the battle with the female titan. This time, Eren chose to trust in himself in order to protect and it worked out in his favor, and in the favor of his squad. He saved them. 
Levi’s intentions were not ill ones here. He was trying to help Eren grow as a soldier, and it worked out in the end. 
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I won’t even attempt to justify this because it is simply a cruel act, no matter how necessary. And it WAS necessary. I’m simply throwing this in here because, again, Levi is acting under orders and not torturing Sannes out of pleasure.
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I have explained in an ask before exactly why Levi behaved this way so I’m going to paste it here and then build off of it. 
When Levi is backed into a corner; he instantly turns to violence. That’s the quickest way he knows to turn the tables in his favor. He does this mutiple times in the series. With the Female Titan, Pastor Nick, Historia, random MP guy who’s arm he breaks, etc. He is shit with words. He is not good at explaining a bigger picture in a way that everyone can fully understand, and Hanji wasn’t there to help him along in explaining.
When he told Historia what her role would be at the end of everything; he fully expected her to say no. He understood where she was coming from. He blatantly stated so but, Levi gets his point across with action; not words. Instead of explaining the situation in detail, he showed her what would happen if she refused. 
He says to her “You can obey or run. If you want to run, fight. Defeat me.”
This was Levi’s way of saying, one way or another; you being Queen is the only end result that is acceptable. It is our only option or all of walled humanity is fucked. So will you have us on your side, or will you fight us? Do you honestly think you could win against us? So pick one because there is no time.
Historia got his message, accepted her role as Queen, and Levi instantly helped her up and put his full trust in her. Levi is voilent because that is just who he is. Is it a flaw? In some ways, yes. He is a man of few words and all action which is one of the reasons why he is The Captain. He doesn’t do strategy well. He isn’t a man with a plan. He goes by ear and thinks with rationality. He wasn’t threatening her out of anger or disdain. He was doing it because he knew it would be the quickest and most effective way to prove his point.
Now, do NOT get the wrong idea. I am not condoning Levi’s actions here. He went too far, of that I have no doubt. And niether does he. 
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I believe this is the second time that Levi realizes that instantly jumping to action or a violent relent isn’t always the best course to take. Silently, he looks around the room and see’s people disappointed and upset. With him or with what he said, he isn’t sure. He just knows that they aren’t happy with him. Pretty sure that Levi is fully aware that he went too far with his actions here. 
Even though Levi had good intentions, I will still admit that it doesn’t make his actions okay. He did not think his plan through. Proving that by neglecting to inform his own squad of said plans. Levi was not trying to hurt or harm Historia. He wasn’t even trying to scare her. He was simply attempting to portray the gravity of the situation and show her as quickly as possible what attempting to fight them would be like. 
Reeves picked up on this himself, and tried to explain this to Historia later. 
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And even further down the line, Historia decided to take Levi’s words to heart and use them as a positive lesson to make herself a stonger, and better person. Not just for herself, but also to prove that she is a worthy leader for the people of the walls. 
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Not only did Levi’s words get through to her, but they also reached a lot further than he ever intended originally and motivated her. Most likely expecting resentment from Historia due to his previous actions and for using her as bait to lure out Rod Reiss, he’s shocked to see that isn’t the case whatsoever. 
So this shows that Levi is fully aware that he, indeed, took it too far with Historia in the way he demanded her to take up the throne. He fucked up and he knows it, and when he has his own words thrown back at him in a way he never expected; he awkwardly relents and lets her have her way. Most likely out of kindness and his silent way of repaying her for his past discretion. 
Historia still gets her payback though:
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And Levi takes it in stride knowing full well that he deserved it. Thanking not only Historia, but his entire squad for sticking with him despite his own fuck ups and choosing to trust him. 
Which leads me to the next one...
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Anyone who has read the manga knows how important this part of the story is for Armin and Jean both. Jean makes a prideful remark stating that regardless if Levi order’s him to or not, he will not kill another human-being which is entirely understandable. Not wanting to harm people is part of human compassion. 
But Jean’s hesitation in following Levi’s direct order almost costs them all their lives. Armin though, he dirties his hands and saves Jean. Taking another life in the process having to cope with the heavy consequences. Especially after finding out the woman he killed also hesitated in her choices like Jean did, while Armin did not. Now, what is Levi’s reaction to this?
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Levi does not sugarcoat the weight of taking a life. He doesn’t tell Armin that everything will be okay or try to console him with lies. He cuts Armin off before he can begin to regret his choise and tells him point blank that his hands will always be dirty and to accept what he’s done. To accept that in taking one life, he saved all of theirs. Then he tells him that his is grateful for his actions. 
Not once does Levi say killing that woman was the right thing to do. Not one time does he try to act like a patron saint who is leading them all in the right direction by spilling blood in their wake. That’s because Levi knows the weight of taking a life, and he does not enjoy having to order his squad to kill. 
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Levi ordered them to kill because he knew that was the only way they could possibly survive. That they had to be ready to protect themselves against human’s as their enemy and not just titans. Seems especially fitting considering where we’re at currently in the manga.
Levi doesn’t try to justify their actions or his own orders becaue he knows you cannot actively justify taking another human life. And Jean, when confronted with the reality that even Levi doesn’t know if what they’re doing is the right thing; he realizes just how human Levi is too. 
Levi’s words toward Armin weren’t meant to be hurtful. Quite the opposite actuallty. He also knows killing people is wrong now matter how you look at it. Calling his actions here abusive is just... point blank baffling to me tbh because if anything, I see nothing but awkward kindness, and honesty from him here. 
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This man, whatever his name is, starts off by trying to immediately guilt-trip Levi and his squad. Stating that they harmed innocent servants in the process of their raid. Levi already knows how hard of a time his squad has had with the idea of hurting people. This dude is legitimately adding insult to injurey so not just to prove a point, but to also keep him from making his squad feel even shittier for the actions they have taken; Levi kicks this guys teeth in. 
Then, to make matters worse for this guy, after already having his teeth kicked in, he decided to keep running his mouth. 
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He claims they abandoned their comrades when in fact, they have been fighting the entire time to free them. He touches Levi ( we all know how that usually ends up) after insulting his comrades, and then speaks to him like a petulant child. As if he would know the inner workings or the trust the Survey Corpsmen have better than Levi himself. He also ignores Levi’s direct question.
That leads to this:
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Levi calls him out on his bullshit, and snaps his arm as a show of force. Not only did this dude disrespect Levi personally, but also the entire Survey Corps as a whole. Levi needed information, and instead of getting it, he got a lecture instead. 
Please. allow me to repeat that when Levi is backed into a corner, he usually instantly turns to intimidation and violence. This is another instance of this, only this time, this MP dude fucked up in every possible way when it comes to addressing Levi and speaking with him on a proper level. Levi is a leader responsible for a squad that he has ordered to kill and harm people. I will stand by the fact that this show of force was necessary. Especially since this scene shows just how much the new squad has come to trust him. 
Instead of questioning why he won’t give up their lives to save the rest, they wait and trust in his judgement. Even Jean, who stands shaking as he tries to cope with injuring people. This moment shows just how far Levi is willing to go in order to actually save his comrades and to protect the people of the walls. It also shows that he’s not one to take lightly or to look down upon.
Moooooooooooooving right along!
The Return To Shiganshina Arc: 
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Now, I know there are a lot of people pissed off at Levi for this violent reaction right here, and I understand. But, allow me to clarify this a bit. 
Erwin is dying in front of him. The man he has followed for the better part of six years and whom he had a strong bond with. Also keep in mind that Eren is the same kid who he called a monster solely because Eren does not conform to the will of others. Levi has stated this outright in a few media formats, but I’ll use the female titan arc as reference here, that Eren cannot and will not be caged. That no one can force him to submit. 
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One of Eren’s lifelong, childhood friend’s life is on the line here, and Levi knows point blank that Eren will not submit to Levi’s choice so easily. It is simply not in Eren’s nature. So, when Levi see’s that Eren is actually a hair away from trying to forcibly taking the serum from him (shown when he refuses to let go of the box and actually tugs on it), Levi jumps to a show of force yet again. 
He does so because otherwise, the fight between he and Eren would have probably been far worse. Levi tries to reason with him using words at first, but his words do not register. So, again, Levi is backed into a corner and chooses violence to make his point. I believe in this instance, Eren would not have physically relented otherwise. 
And once all is said and done, and Levi ultimately chooses to let Erwin have his peace, this happens:
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Hanji is more pissed off at Eren and Mikasa’s actions than Levi, because Levi fully understands why they reacted the way they did. I wrote a meta about it a while back when chapter 83 dropped that you can read HERE.
Eren and Mikasa recieve proper military punishment at the behest of their new Commander (Hanji) once they return, and Levi doesn’t kick the shit out of them. He tells them all not to regret their choices, and to move forward. That’s all. 
                               CONCLUSION TO PART ONE
Levi is not abusive. However, he is violent when he deems it necessary. His violent actions usually always lend to reason, however. He doesn’t just kick this hell out of people for no reason or out of sick enjoyment. He cares about every person in his regiment. He cares about those in his squad, he cares about humanity, and he cares about everyone’s well-being. 
Even though Levi is a violent man, I will go so far as to say he is the kindest character in the entire series which I will depict why in part two for this particular post. He goes out of his way to make sure that those around him are fully aware of their situation. He doesn’t lie or sugarcoat his words. He always gives those around him a choice. 
To trust him or not. To risk everything or not. To fight or not. 
He bases his actions off of practical logic, not strategy. He goes with what he knows will be the quickest and most effective way of solving a problem or completeing an action which is why he behaves the way he does and this is what causes him to choose violent behavior. Not to mention his background and the fact that he is a soldier. He’s not there to babysit and hold his subordinates hands through rough times. He’s there to lead and make those under his command proper soldiers who will be capable of surviving in even the worst situations without him. He is there to push them through one way or another and to make sure they learn something along the way. 
Is Levi flawed? Absolutely. That’s one of the many things that makes his character such a good one. But, is he a bad character because of his flaws? No. Absolutely not. All human’s are flawed and ALL of the character’s in SnK are flawed. That’s just realism put into a story about people fighting to survive. This isn’t about ships and how people percieve them either. This is about Levi in canon and who he is as a character. Let me state outright here and now, 
These scenes are dark. They’re sad, harsh, and some of them are hard to look at, but they’re actons deemed necessary for the story to progress. They’re actions that show just how far some instances need to go in order to save a life, in order to move the walled people closer to freedom, in order to protect the people Levi cares about, and to help the other characters learn and grow as leaders and soldiers. That does not mean Levi enjoys hurting people. He doesn’t. He doesn’t enjoy having to be violent with people or having to kill people in order to progress forward. 
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Levi is just a flawed man trying his absolute best to be the hero humanity expects him to be. Of course he makes bad decisions along the way, and does unorthdox things. He’s socially awkward and he speaks best with actions, and sometimes those actions are ill preformed. But he cares, and he tries his best to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders so other people don’t have to. That is who Levi is as a character. So please stop with the asshole, puppy kicker persona and give this man a break, a hug, and a cup of hot tea.
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vibrant-goddess · 5 years
yeah im drinking a bit at 130am i have to be at work in five hours but im SAD and i hate my coworkers and im gonna stay up and feel like shit all week so you know fuck it im gonna bitch about it on main bc im tired of giving a fuck about what people think of me and im not putting it under the cut because i seriously dont fucking care
i shoulda bought more cigarillosi havent fucking smoked in seven years like my parents found my cigars when i was a baby adult and yelled at me so i tossed them and never looked back
except now i live on my own in a tiny shitty room that is cheap enough for me to pay off my student loans real fucking fast living with two extremely adorable dogs(they’re my roommates) who dont like being petted so what even are they good for except dragging in dead animals all the fucking time and leaving hair everywhere literally i had to stop baking for my coworkers because no matter how clean i was i ALWAYS FOUND MORE FUCKING FUR but its fine because i don’t like these coworkers anyways
like i know i work in tech but what are the fucking chances that my team would be four white blonde guys(at least two are blue eyed) in their early thirties and then me like what the FUCK and i still have two more months with these fuckers. i have to figure out how to survive eight more weeks with these people who don’t like or respect me. i feel like a goddamn token minority hire and it makes me want to quit. like, just straight up two weeks notice i don’t give a FUCK about completing the rest of my work i don’t give a FUCK about helping this team i don’t give a FUCK about this work assignment my coworkers are so fucking dismissive and passive aggressive AT BEST and whiny turds at worst. i hate coming in at 630 and leaving at 345 without taking a lunch so my work has gotten like 10 extra hours of work for me thats literally, after tax, another student loan payment.
im so fucking miserable here. this town is so fucking small. theres nothing to do here except spend twenty dollars to go to tea except i have to do it myself bcause i dont know how to fucking interact wioth people
and then i thought this month oh ill try to get people i like together for halloween movies at my house except my house is a disaster because my roommate doesnt know how to fucking clean her shit up
literally her dogs shit on the couch and she took hours to do a half assed job of cleaning up. i cleaned the table, the kitchen, the floors, everything, and within two weeks she covered the newly cleaned surfaces with her shit. and like, its like pulling teeth to even get her to move her shit from the dryer after a MONTH so i know any sort of cleaning isn;t going to get done by her
like i thought leaving my parents house would make things so much better i thought the distance would allow me to finally live like an adult, but im essentially living the same fucking life, overextended by my responsibilities, depressed to the point of ideation, too anxious to talk to anyone, except now i have quadruple the bills, still no fucking s/o because apparently im totally unfuckable like even this fucking loser from target ghosted me, and my parents passive aggressively text me everyday because i don’t update them all the time on my THRILLING life that consists of a nine hour work day, three hours of studying for a professional exam that my work won’t pay for, and two hours of costume shit based on a character in a game series i don’t even fucking like for a party im not even going to attend 
and like the obvious answer is drop the costume shit, block your parents for a couple weeks, and go to therapy. i hurried i RUSHED to get my own health insurance so i could finally finally get therapy, only to find out that if my work finds out im getting therapy theyll block any chance at promotion and in this small shitty town there are ten total therapists in a sixty mile radius, only two of which specialize in the CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) except one is a dude and the other does christian counseling and i fucking refuse to interact with religion i dropped any pretense of religion four years ago and im not fucking going back and if you even FUCKING mention it to me i stg so i guess i have to take my chances with the dude
god i dont want to go to work tomorrow but ive p consistently taken a day off every two weeks and im trying to save up my leave for when i want to just fucking ditch out for a week next year after i pay off my student loans
like EVERYTHING WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BETTER ONCE I MOVED. i told myself oh everything will be better once i transfer except it wasnt i got even more stressed and felt more pressure. i told myself oh everything will be bettwe once i graduate except not only was it not but i hit the worst period of my life after graduating i couldn’t socialize i couldn’t speak i just laid on the floor of my childhood room crying and cutting myself because i couldn’t functgion because life didnt have purpose anymore. i told myself oh everything will be better once i move out once im away from the environment tht made me sick BUT GUESS WHAT TUMBLR the FUCKING ENVIRONMENT THAT MADE ME SICK WAS ME. GUESS WHAT I’M THE TOXIC PRESENCE IN MY LIFE. GUESS WHAT YOU CAN’T RUN AWA FROM YOUR OWN BRAIN.
im so fucking tired of trying im so tired of waiting for things to get better i keep trying things i did cbt on my own for months and it did nothing i drank a lot for a month and it did nothing but make me pee a lot i smoked again and it didn’t help i start cutting again and it did nothing like the only vice i have is eating except to pay off my student loans asap my food budget got stripped so i cant even do that and im just. im so fucking tired of this. im tired of throwing money at my student loan app. im tired of having no room besides my bed so i have to cut fabric while laying under my bed because there no room for me and my cutting mat. im tired of spending every weekend studying my fe study materials for an exam to get a certification my work doesn’t care about whatsoever. im tired of not feeling excited about anything. this is usually my favorite month of the year and i havent done a single fall activity. i dont know why the only person in this stupid city who likes me is the dude who realized im the only single black girl in the city and therefore has decided to make it his mission to try to wear me down so he can fuck me. im tired of working in a team where i have to be the voice of all women all black people and all queer people. im tired of having to either report my comings and goings to my parents from two hundred miles away when they don’t pay for any of my shit(in fact, i pay for some of their shit and they still demand updates like they’re entitled to my fucking life) hold on im getting another drink
and like if i want to even be considered one of the team i have to perform to perfection better than the other fuckers on the team whic means i have to show up before the earliest arriver and leave after my boss leaves and i still gotta do all my personal shit and i cant take a lunch and im UFKCKING SICK OF IT. the other team in our open office is a million times more diverse, they actually communicate and discuss shit. their boss is a woman and they occasionally have women on their team on assignment. they spent an hour debating and charting pizza topping preferences so they could order pizza together. meanwhile, my team cant even be assed to actually ask me a question. 
i dont fucking want to go to work tomorrow. i dont want to fucking go back to this team ever again. my boss offered me a permanent position and i didnt know how to tell him that i hate this team and i cant wait to leave and mute the team server forever and if my next assignment didnt require an additional security thing(DESPITE THE FACT THAT I’VE NEVER STEPPED OUT OF LINE MY ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE I HAD GOOD HS ATTENDANCE I PARTICIPATED IN CLUBS I GOT A FUCKING NATIONAL AWARD I VOLUNTEERED WITH A CHRISTIAN CHURCH I PARTICIPATED IN CLUBS AND STUDENT ORGS IN COLLEGE I DIDNT DRINK A SIP OF ALCOHOL UNTIL I WAS 21 I DIDN’T SMOKE UNTIL I WAS 18 I NEVER TRIED ANY DRUGS NOT EVEN WEED IN FACT THE MOMENT DRUGS WERE PRESENT IN MY SOCIAL CIRCLES I LEFT THOSE SOCIAL CIRCLES AND NEVER LOOKED BACK I NEVER COMMITTED ANY CRIMES I NEVER ASSOCIATED WITH ANYONE WHO DID CRIMES IVE NEVER LEFT THE COUNTRY AS AN ADULT I LITERALLY HAVE THE BACKGROUND OF SOMEONE WHO SPENT 25 YEARS SITTING IN A ROOM EATING SALTINES AND STARING AT A WALL UNTIL I STARTED WORKING) that is taking fucking forever despite my perfect background i would have left this assignment early AND i would have given them excellent documentation when i went.
im so fucking tired. im tired of everything.
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ahnmakes · 5 years
devlog # 6 // hex tilemaps and pathfinding, part 5 (refining pathfinding features)
so, if you can’t tell, i’m absolutely in love with development right now, been typing away for days and days. :’)
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mainly, since the last devlog, i’ve spent my time doing two things:
- organising and backing up my development process
- refining the pathfinding system’s features
starting with that first point, once my project files and code started getting to be more than a few lines, i quickly realised that i would need to take some time to start keeping everything even more in order.
i came across trello, a tool where you can make and sort tasks to keep track of what’s going on in your project.  currently, this is all entered manually, but i did notice they have a thousand features and other apps and things to take your task-keeping further.  right now, i am satisfied and very much served by these simple lists.  instead of countless, nondescript notes and word documents on my computer - “rpg notes”, “rpg devlog”, “devlog notes”, “game design”, “game design b”, “design notes”, etc - i keep all of my to-dos in one place.
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i also started using github (for unity) to keep changelogs and backups of all of my project files.  this is something i had been especially thinking of as the files grew larger and larger, given that if i lost my progress, even though i could definitely put things back together (and perhaps more neatly the second time?), it would definitely throw off my motivation.
it only took a few minutes to set up a github repository(?) and install the associated plugin for unity, though i do not feel at all that i understand how this all really works - for now, the point is that i’ve got a consistent, easy way of tracking changes in my files and making sure i don’t lose them.
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okay, now for what we’re really here for: the game, and its pathfinding system(s).  what i’m not going to do in this devlog is explain every detail of how i’ve put things together; what i will do is explain (a) what i put together, (b) the patterns and resources i worked from, and (c) some of the challenges that came up throughout.  there’s going to be lots of pictures today!
last time, we got to pathfinding in the sense that the game was able to identify the quickest route from our source position to a target tile position, then draw debug lines along that route.  in the few days since then, i’ve complicated the system quite a lot.
firstly, i made changes so that the tiles actually have movement costs.  i did this by creating a method that would take in the coordinates of a tile, then return its cost.
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next, we needed to actually put this cost into the algorithm, so instead of the dist, i put in the CostToEnterTile - this piece of pathfinding might look familiar!  (i actually ended up putting the distance back into the equation as well, not shown in this image.)
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after manually defining the movement cost values for each tileType in the inspector, the game looked like this:
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notice how the pathfinding is avoiding grey tiles, and somewhat the blue ones?  this is not the “shortest” path, but it is the one that costs the player the least movement (which is what we want)!
next, i put in a method i imagined would be helpful - something called upon Start that would take a unit’s position, figure out if there was a hex below (via raycast), and then take on that hex’s position and array coordinates.  for a reason i cannot explain, this works only on this exact player object - not even on copies - and it works about 85% of the time.  :’)  i don’t understand why at all, and i’ve pored over this code (and updated it) for hours.  if you see why this code isn’t working how i intend, please let me know!
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this is what it looks like when it does work (player was originally just vaguely, randomly over a tile and is now centered on that tile, internally storing a reference to its coordinates):
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and whoa!  the tiles are at different heights?
well, yes, because i created something for each tileType called the “height offset range”.  this data is used when first instantiating all the hexes.  brings a ton more depth into the level.  lesgoooo unity 3d!
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with this, the tiles start to look more like environmental terrain.  it becomes more apparent that the pathfinding is very much avoiding certain tiles.
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this is just one of many changes i want to implement that will allow the game to generate interesting levels, procedurally, with almost no effort.
check out this “randomly” generated level, which has a more island-y feel, with the increased water tiles.
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this was created by altering only 3 or so values, representing the proportions of a given tileType’s likelihood to be the one chosen when a hex is instantiated. (i want to soon move all of these variables into something editable from the inspector, so everything can be easily adjusted from inside unity, not from digging in the code.)
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if i alter these few values again (notice below that i only change the 10, 9, and 6), we start generating levels that have quite a different feeling to them, something more rocky.
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i even created another tileType (called “null”) which cannot be targeted or walked on.  this creates an effect that looks like there are spaces cut out of the map.
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it may seem like “well, of course, the pathfinding won’t go along these tiles if they don’t exist”, but they actually do exist; the pathfinding is recognising them and choosing against them.  here is the same image as above, but with the null hexes changed to a visible/glassy material.
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then, it felt like time to jump more into the code again and figure out how to not just calculate paths, but to actually use them to move the character.  again, with insights from quill’s tutorial, i set up some code that would move the unit along the found path, guiding them to a specific “destination”, waiting for them to get close, then moving to the next piece as the next destination.  cool shit that i definitely didn’t figure out alone.
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after putting in some debugs (thanks to my virgo), we get a very satisfying list of steps the pathfinding went through to move the player, and our first visual..
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! ! !
there remains only one thing to be done, from the two goals i defined for the pathfinding system.  one was to be able to find a path and move a character there (which we just did), and the other was .. to highlight possible move spaces?  how the fu--
welp, long story short, i panicked a bit because the few guides/tutorials i was finding were v e r y math and big, conceptual engineering (at least that’s how they felt).  and when i found what felt like a more accessible tutorial that showed someone using pathfinding for this purpose (highlighting possible movement tiles), their implementation didn’t seem immediately like something i could integrate alongside what i had.  i watched a bit, got frustrated and overwhelmed, then decided to relax, ease my mind .. which led me to this video lol?  an mit talk about graph theory and breadth first search.
somehow, i found it comforting to just explore the concept without thinking of how to apply it immediately.  i was just seeking to understand.  and understand i did.  right before i went to bed, i decided to write out - from this understanding - what kind of lists, variables, states, methods i would need to get this working.  i set it aside, and went to sleep.  and when i woke up the next day, this morning, this is what i did.
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i translated what i had understood directly into new lists, variables, and the like - things i understood.  and for the first time on this scale, i was doing this entirely freehand, without any tutorial.  and i wrote for the code to do this when the the player was clicked on:
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not so impressive?  what about this?
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that looks like what i asked for!
the only difference between the two is that, in the second implementation of this algorithm, rather than cycling through all of the hexes, i ask the search to stop at a certain point -- something i’m currently calling the movement buffer.
from the game’s movement rules, a player can not only attempt to move within a character’s movement range, but can also exert the player to try to push to a further tile; this has the consequence of the character hurting or overly fatiguing themself, if they do not make a high enough roll to move that amount.  that’s what this image shows: the light blue represents the player’s movement, and the darker blue represents those exert/can-try-but-it’s-risky tiles.
i also took care of some other helpful, necessary features (can only select within the highlighted tiles, deselecting the unit will return tiles to their original colors, etc), also free-hand, just by applying the little pieces i know into a greater whole.
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i have never felt more confident in my own programming ability; i define goals for my work, i research, i think through them, and then am able to create and refine the code that follows.  with that massive update, i will temporarily be pausing on any pathfinding for a while (as both of the goals we defined have been completed!), and looking to other areas to explore.
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thank you for joining me on this journey so far. <3 in the next days, i’ll mostly be looking into visuals - shader maths, animation, modeling - trying to get things looking pretty.  most likely will be implementing a character stats UI, as well.  see you in the next devlog (or find and chat with me on twitter.com/michaelinwords​)!
with love and an ever-growing to-do list,
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elysiumrp · 7 years
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Congratulations VEE! You have been accepted as Jasper Pitzen. Please go through the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours. If you need more time, make sure you send a message to the main.
When it comes to a character that has so many possible ways to develop them, it’s always a strange thing when it takes a while for an application to come in for them. But there’s always a reason – the right person has to come along, and here you are. Jasper is a pivotal person to the supernatural movement, both by being somewhat of a spokesperson for them and being the first to do what he is doing. It’s always exciting to allow a person to take on the challenge of a character they aren’t used to, but both of us feel you have the chops to do so. How you described the emotions he has, beyond just being in front of a crowd and behind closed doors, it’ll be a great addition to the character development already happening. It’s the determination you show that won us over, how you grasped how he is despite Jasper not being in your comfort zone and still wanting to play him. We’re here to become better writers, and with your determination, we hope this is the place will do that for you. Welcome to Elysium!!
Name: Vee Age: 23 Timezone: EST Preferred Pronouns: She / Her  Previous RP Experience: [RFP] Activity Level: About a 4. I work long hours during the week from the afternoons until early the next morning (sometimes weekends) and will have to queue replies in my free time as I won’t have access to a computer. Any asks/IMs that I might receive will be answered a day later, and I may have to plan ahead of time for events in order to participate in them (depending on the duration of them). I know I’ll be working on July 4th, so I will not be around for the beginning of the event taking place that day. Anything Else: N / A
Character Name: Jasper Pitzen  Why did you choose this character:
I’m going to be honest and say it: I chose Jasper out of fear. Yep, I really did. When choosing characters, I usually play it safe and go with a personality type I feel comfortable writing. Time and time again I wind up playing the same character and it’s hard to tell if I’ve actually been growing as a writer. After a while, writing was beginning to lose its enjoyment for me. I felt stuck. I tend to shy away from super-serious political or government-related type characters as I feel I don’t have the knowledge to write them convincingly–research or not. They intimidate me. Now, I’m taking a chance with this app, conquering that fear the best way I can. It’s like that saying: “you won’t know until you try,” right?
To get down to specifics, I found the contrast between the younger “party-animal” Jasper (pun intended?) with the current straight-laced activist to be very interesting. I love symbolism and foreshadowing, so those two aspects of his life give me ample room to play around a little; I get to see how deep into Jasper’s character I can go in order to breathe life into him.
Additionally, Jasper is a character who’s out in the public eye constantly, so being careful with his words is a given. That allows me to put more thought (than usual) in what I’m typing out, to make sure things make sense for the questions that may arise. Jasper’s so different from myself that the extra effort needed to make him appear polished is very crucial to me.
Describe your plan for them:
As soon as I read Jasper’s bio and connections with the other characters, I saw him as this heartless, teasing, snobby rich kid who slides on a nice face for the cameras, but isn’t above threatening another supernatural to change their ways in order to make himself look better. With words that form riddles as well as threats, Jasper has more at stake and tends to lash out because of it. He’s not a villain…though that depends on who you ask. I love that duality about him; the way his character carries so many interpretations and how he’s each and every one of them when the situation calls for it. There’s so much negativity surrounding his character from the other supernaturals that there has to more to it than “he took my job” or “he can’t be trusted.” Jasper’s actually full of self-hatred and heart that he tries to hide for the sake of staying strong for his community. And that’s something what I want to focus on down the road.
Jasper seems to be so put together that I want to see him have a breakdown. Whether it’s from losing a part of the freedom he’s working so hard to gain or getting close enough to another and losing them, I want him to feel that raw emotion he’s been pushing aside since the day his wolf gene was triggered. I want him doing something really uncharacteristic, like seeking help from another in tears.
Furthermore, throughout the course of the story, I plan on having Jasper struggling to make allies of the other characters as he’s trying to understand their dislike of him. He wants them all registered with the database system, believing his work representing them is doing them a service; it’s possible that he’s tangling the web further. I want to have him questioning his identity, his self-confidence, and what it means to be a leader. Are his motives pure or clouded over with ulterior ones? Could that change over time? If possible, I’d really love to explore that.
Describe your character’s feelings and reactions to the initial reveal of the supernatural world:
Jasper was in complete shock. As he was just coming back to everything, just getting used to hiding the supernatural side of himself, he’s suddenly pushed out into the open. Before Jasper has a chance to fully self-identify as being a werewolf and adjust to the new life in a densely-populated area as New York City, he’s alone for the first time against a world he doesn’t recognize. He chose to fade into the background as he’s done for the past few years, but that plan was ruined when he was chosen to be on the Council. Unsure of what to do with the status and reluctant to take the power, Jasper finally decides that standing out with others at his side was more likely to save his life than to go about things alone with a greater risk of being killed. There is strength in numbers; it is that strength that built the Jasper Pitzen the Council needed.
Describe your character’s feelings and reactions to the current state of the world, and how it impacts them as an individual:
When the supernatural community lost the Council again, Jasper felt as though he left with it. He clung to the Council as part of the identity he was still searching for in the time that had elapsed. He spent days moping on the couch in his apartment or the stools in various bars, watching as the same people he fought to protect run past the city limits. He began to hear whispers of an uprising on darkened streets from those who supported the Council and demanded freedom. Wanting to feel that same passion he felt within the Council, Jasper joined what is the beginning of the Resistance in hopes of saving his people. Being thrust into the spotlight because of his disappearance and now because of his previously-hidden identity had left Jasper enjoying it more than he ought to. He’s having a piece of the life he could’ve had if his inner wolf never forced him to leave. It’s as if he’s playing the part of the bachelor again, kissing up to audiences purely for entertainment. He knows he has a job to do in promoting equality, but there’s a fine line between the two that he doesn’t mind crossing from time to time.
Para Sample:
“…and that’s my goal. World peace. An innocent little wish–something said by a child at the end of a holiday movie–but its meaning has grown immensely as of late; this isn’t something to make light of. We need to act on it now. Think about it. With all the violence going on in these times, would you want the children of our future harboring such seeds of hatred? Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to pass on wisdom and love? My question to you is this: How would you like to be remembered?”
The roar of applause from the studio audience brought a grin to Jasper’s face. He snuggled deeper into the cushions of the chair he sat on, posture perfect, the very definition of confidence. The daytime host beside him nodded in approval and for a moment, everything was glorious. It was if answering that question ended the battles between supernaturals and humans. The sky would offer rays of gold, the birds would sing Pit-zen! Pit-zen…the credits would start rolling—
“And now questions from our viewers at home!” The sing-song voice of the host ended the applause, along with Jasper’s illusion. She tossed the cards in her hands over her shoulder, pulling out a new set from underneath her chair’s cushion.
Jasper’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open.
What the hell?!
The supernatural spokesman recovered quickly, however, motioning the host closer so he could whisper in her ear, “We never agreed to this!”
“My show, my rules!” The host sat back in her chair while Jasper tried masking his anger. She flipped through a few cards before landing on one with a satisfied hum. “Okay, so werewolves have lots of fur, correct? How often do you shave? And do you shave everything?”
The audience roared once more.Jasper lowered his head into his hands.
Damn those curious humans!
Ever since the supernatural world had been exposed, questions were thrown as quickly as punches. Humans who were pro-supernatural—or curious in general—wanted to know more about the lives living alongside their own. And since Jasper Pitzen was front-and-center fighting for supernatural equality, he was the target of such nonsense. He had left the show’s studio later that day to find “Pitzen is the pits” smeared on the side of his limousine in dog shit. When he arrived at his apartment complex, a woman walking her dog asked if he could translate her dog’s barking for her. To which Jasper replied “may you and your dog have a fantastic day!” He finally made it to his room’s door, where another bag of dog food was waiting for him.
And then there was the press conference. Oh, God. The press conference. Supernatural lovers and haters alike crowded the entrance of the building. It was there that a man asked if Jasper could hear his boyfriend cheating on him from the other side of the city (as if the area around them wasn’t loud enough), some people threw trash at him, a handful of people wanted autographs (Jasper even signed someone’s ass!), and a group of women wanted him to bite them.
“Bite them.” Jasper had told his bodyguard, “They wanted me to bite them. This isn’t some teen werewolf drama on TV. This is real life. The bite is a curse.”
What made matters worse was that Jasper didn’t get flak from the humans, but from his peers and other supernaturals as well. They laughed at him, asking him random werewolf questions they already knew the answers to just to get a reaction. It amazed Jasper how they acted as if their lives weren’t on the line, as if this was one big joke. Fighting for equality was never easy; these added obstacles made things much harder.
Was anyone actually listening to him if they were laughing?
As much as Jasper loved the celebrity treatment, was it hurting his chances of repealing the very laws that bound him to a life of scrutiny? Were the humans slowly seeing him as an equal?
Some days Jasper wanted to go back to his life of partying, doing lines of cocaine and sleeping with as many people his king-sized bed could hold. Instead he was subjected to moments of sitting on the floor in the fetal position, rocking back and forth as the tears kept flowing, wishing everything would just stop.
But the world doesn’t stop for anyone. Not even Jasper Pitzen.
Any questions/concerns/things you’d like to change: (siblings to add, pronouns, sexuality you’d like to specify, personality, face claim, history, etc., etc.)
As much as I read the plot/everything on Jasper, it’ll probably take me some time to catch up on everything that has happened so far and really let it soak in.
3 notes · View notes
lawrenceseitz22 · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230
Click on the video above to watch Episode 230 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 230. Today is the third of April 2019. And first of all, if you live Thanks for joining us, we’re going to dive into the questions here shortly if you’re not live or your new semantic mastery, first of all, thank you for watching, and we want to point you in the right direction. The good news is you’re already in the right place. This is a place to be watching Hump Day Hangouts, whether you’re catching this live or again, if catching the replay maybe on YouTube. That’s awesome. The next step is definitely grab the Battle Plan head over to Battle Plan dot semantic mastery.com. And then, for those of you who are interested in either starting or growing your local digital marketing agency, you know, we want you to check out the mastermind go to mastermind, semantic mastery.com and then every week with the hump day Hangouts, you can always go to semantic mastery. com slash HD questions and ask your questions live. We love it when you join us. There’s sometimes good stuff going on for people
Join us live. But you can always ask your questions. If you got a call you got client stuff, you’re at work, whatever, then you can check out the replays. So But that said, we’ve got a few more announcements but let’s say hello to everybody. We got everyone except for Hunan here. I think he’s having some issues with power. So Chris will start things with you. How you doing?
Chris: Doing good.
Adam: Alright, man, a few words. Marco. What’s up, dude? How’s the weather down there?
Marco: It’s beautiful man. Suck last night. We got down to 67.
Adam: that suck man I feel for you. Really?
I had I had to go and grab a sheet. I don’t appreciate having to get up middle of the night and having to get a sheet. But other than that, I can’t. I can’t complain. Good man. How you doing?
Bradley: Good man. I got this from Marco though. Nice here. Finally. It’s 70 degrees today which is nice. Spring is almost sprung here in Virginia and really looking forward to it after what nasty winter so.
Adam: good deal. Well, we got a lot of questions so we’re not going to take up too much time today. Just wanted to mention everybody if you haven’t yet head over to mgyb.co for your done for you SEO Services. With there’s been several launching, we got more in the pipeline, but I know specifically that the embeds, the link building and link indexing live. So go check those out. I’ll put the links on the pages that you guys have anything else to say about that. I just want to let people know that they’ll
Bradley: jump in for a moment real quick Marco, and then you can talk your your trash to the link building services amazing because this is our longtime link builder that he had been working for us for, for me specifically for I think six years now. He’s real pro at what he does. He is amazing. And one of the strategies is working incredibly well and it’s not just from what I’m saying. That from a lot of our members like mastermind members that are using his services as well is if you guys are using @ID pages, which we talked about in various trainings. And in point links to those, instead of pointing direct to your money site, it’s incredibly powerful for local stuff, especially. And it’s working really, really well. And what I love about it is it’s easy, right? Because you just go and place your order for link building, and daddy does the rest. And it basically will power up your @ID loop, which is really super powerful. And it protects your money site as well. So I would highly encourage you guys to go check that out the the, the effects have been consistent across the board. Go ahead, Marco.
Marco: Know what I wanted to add is the embeds are just that it’s not just video. It’s not just maps, it’s embedded. If it has an X ray, we cannot help you, right, because that’s the website not allowing itself to be iframe. Other than that, if you can, if it can be iframe, it can be Set through in an embed gig. So imagine what you do with that with with the with the media page and maybe embedded on the side or maybe I’m not going to go too deep into that, but I don’t want to spend people’s heads. But it’s it’s limitless. And then what’s working really, really well is when you build links into a drive step was the site. I mean, someone just got, we were talking last night in our mini mastermind. And someone literally got a drive stack from us. Got the link building from daddy at the link building isn’t done. And the drive stack has already started moving into the first spots in Google. I mean, that’s how well it’s working. Fuck Google and Google updates.
Go to MGYB, first of all, get the Battle Plan so that you know which products and services you need to grab from us. I mean, you could do it all yourself or save yourself all the time and all those headaches. Let us do it for you and and get it done right kit and get results. I mean, I can’t guarantee was on that yet I will be guaranteeing results in a few months. I can’t guarantee them just right I just I can’t. Google is unpredictable that way that we’re targeting it there’s still some fluctuations that aren’t measured into RYS Academy drive stacks always reloaded but when you add the power of press releases when you had the power of link building when you add the power again, I’ll go back to Bradley’s training YouTube ads if you didn’t get it, I mean you you’re missing one of the best options for getting power into your and I’ll give credit to Becca right now. slipstream, link streams or slip streams as he called them are the shit kit link building into that get people into that and watch watch it just light a match and everything else will just below. So that’s my piece for today.
Adam: Awesome. I got an absolutely nothing to add on to that you guys. So good to go. Go check it out. Again, the links will be on the page. I had reports of some issues with the commenting on the page. Again, we switched to Facebook. So if anyone’s having issues, you know, let us know, you can send them a ticket to support a semantic mastery. com. We want to make sure it’s a work in progress, will try to get things going. It looks like people have commented, but there might be issues still going on. So please let us know. Give us some feedback. And we’ll get that fixed for you guys. We had we had issues with the Facebook app. Ah, yeah, yeah. So I know at least one person had issues and then I’ve seen some issues on my account. So anyways, we’ll roll with the punches, guys, and we’ll get it straightened out. We keep popping around trying different stuff.
So the last thing I want to say to if you’re catching this 12 regardless of where you’re watching this, subscribe to our YouTube channels, the short version. And if you’re checking this out on YouTube, you know, and you’re coming across across clips, or you watch this stuff regularly and you check out our channel. You know, please help us out share it, we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel. We want to get the word out there and you know, we know we got a lot of good clips with a lot of helpful info. So If you know someone who could use it, by all means, share it, email it, whatever you want to do, just get the word out.
Sweet. Can we let? We got no just kidding. Yeah, let’s do this. I’m gonna grab the screen. We’ll get into it.
Tips For Cold Calling Local Businesses And Provide GMB Rankings
Bradley: Alright, so we’re going to start where it says six days ago. So I’m going to start right here with Lee Leon who says, Hey, semantic mastery. Got any tips for cold calling local businesses and providing GMB rankings? Well, I don’t have any tips for cold calling, except that there’s a great strategy that I developed many, many years ago, when I first started growing my own agency that is a combination of email, but very specific video emails, and then calling those that engage or interact with the video emails and there’s a way to determine that and that way, it’s not a strict cold call, because I don’t know about you guys, but I always hated straight cold calls, they suck. you interrupt people, they usually are pissed off that you call them and interrupted them, especially if they think it’s some sort of solicitation even if you are trying to provide help or true value with what you’re, you know, saying to them. Again, most people especially now because marketers have really saturated the market guys and I don’t necessarily mean you and I like as kind of solo printers or little guys so to speak, but like the big marketing agencies that have sales staff and things like that, they, they, you know, hammer local businesses, if you’re a local business, you get hammered with solicitation calls all day, every day. And you know, it’s it’s absolutely relentless. And so if you try to just straight cold call people without doing something to differentiate yourself, you’re going to run into a lot of discouragement, right, you’re going to get a lot of denials, you’re going to get turned down, you’re going to get cussed at all these kind of things. And honestly, it’s hard to sustain that for very long without, you know, throwing in the towel and saying, This isn’t for me, I’m going to do something else. So I developed a strategy that I developed years ago back in probably 2012 was what I called the video lead gen system, we’ve got a product for it right now that I’m actually updating for specifically for 2019 and for lead generation for people that are building lead gen assets as well as can it can still be applied to just straight you know, client work to prospecting for clients. And I’m I’m at currently updating that right now. Like literally because we’re going to be launching that the version two or you know, the update essentially, in what three weeks I think so.
What is it April 23, that we’re doing that is that right? Yeah, yeah. So into in three weeks from today, guys.
We’ll be talking about it will be the day the day after launch. And we’ll be talking more about it then. But specifically Lee, what I would recommend is for cold calling local businesses instead of cold, calling them just direct without somehow measuring their level of interest, you’re going to have a hard time. So the better way to do it, my opinion is to go out and hand select the prospects that you want to work with. And then creating a video email, which the original process that I created was a bit time consuming to do but it worked really well. Like I was getting consistently three or four responses for every 10 emails that I would send out. And that I mean, that’s that’s almost unheard of right for cold emails. And when I say responses, I mean people that would ask for, you know, either reply via email or call me depending on what my call to action was, so that I could start and essentially started a dialogue with me a conversation and now
Have those three or four out of every 10, I would close one or two of them. And I had heard many, many times from people that I would chat with or talk to, you know, prospects that I would talk to, after reaching out to them via video email, I would hear many times people say like, oh, wow, that was a really unique way to get my attention. And so essentially, what it is, is it’s, you know, finding hands, selecting the prospects that you want to work with are the ones that you think you want to work with. And then creating a short video, kind of providing value as to why you know who you are, but not, it’s not about you, it’s about them. And it’s about their digital presence and what you could do to help them or what you see as opportunities that they’re not taking advantage of, so you don’t ever, like criticize their existing digital presence. You always want to say stuff like, Hey, I really liked your website, but I see that you’re missing you know, you could be missing out on leads because you don’t have this or you’re
for example your google my business profile might not be optimized isn’t fully optimized and if you’re not aware of this that’s where the vast majority of leads are coming for local businesses right now or you want to you want to always talk in their terms and again i can’t go into specifics because it’s in the course and we’re relaunching that in three weeks anyways but video email was a really really good way to get people’s attention however like i mentioned the original strategy or method that i had developed was really time consuming it was very effective but time consuming well i’ve learned i’ve developed a way to streamline that which is a lot more it’s a lot easier to get more of these emails out and and again that’s all covered in the update that’s going to be coming out in three weeks so you know i would recommend that you do that and the reason why lee is because when you you can measure engagement through the emails there’s a service that i you know there’s a bunch of different services that do this but i specifically use a service called point of mail com where every email i send out a trial
The engagement level of that email to the to the recipient that I’m sending it to so I can set up notifications to note to be notified when they open the email. When they click on a link in the email, I can have text notifications or email notifications come to me so that I know exactly what my email is getting open and when somebody is clicking a link, for example, a link to a video that I send them, right. And so what I’ve what I’ve learned is if you want to do cold calling, one of the best things you can do is send a series of emails to the prospect and not these like, you know, diarrhea of the mouth type emails, where you literally just like load unload in a long email, like all these things that you could do for them because I found that those get deleted right away or get marked as spam right away. But send these like, short little emails where you’re asking questions and trying to get a dialogue started with the prospect and getting permission from them to send them a video and
And it’s and again, I’m not going to reveal that strategies here on Hump Day hangouts because it’s in the training course. But it’s just a couple of questions that you send, and then you get permission to send them a video from them. They said, Yes, send it. And you send the video via either a link or even a screenshot that looks like a video embedded in the actual email, Either one works. And then when they click that link, you can be notified by your email tracking software or app dependent, you know, whatever, that they’ve clicked that link. So now you know for a fact that they’ve seen your email and they are they’ve seen your video or at least started to watch your video. And that’s when you call them. Because then now you’ve got you know that they are already, you’ve already got permission to send them the video number one because you started a very easy dialogue with them, not where you’re telling them about how great you are and all the things that you can do for them. You just asked him a couple questions and get them to give you what’s what I call positive reply. And once you got the positive reply, you send them the video link that they’ve already given permission to send and then when they click it
You get notified that they’ve opened it, which means you know that or that they click the link so that you know that they’ve at least started to watch the video. And that’s when you call, you can either call immediately, or you can wait a few minutes, or you can wait a day or two and call back and say, Look, I just wanted to follow up to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you. Well, you know, that they already did. Because you can tell from the activity from from the email tracking app. But you don’t say that, because that’s might sound a bit creepy, right? But you just say like, Hey, I just wanted to follow up real quick to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you see if you had any questions or you know, see if we could talk about it a little bit. And that way, it’s not a cold call. It’s a warm call at that point. And so I would recommend the that you pay attention or be on the lookout. In three weeks, we’re going to relaunch that called the video lead gen system. And again, there’s a lot of streamlined methods in there that I’ve been working on and just like the past few weeks seriously, for a lot of stuff that I’m doing right now in my own business that I’m you know, is working well. So, hopefully that was helpful.
Anybody got any comments on that?
Marco: Nah, man, that was perfect. You’re the master of that.
Bradley: So let’s move on. I just got one quick one. When you say 30 to 40% I think some people will get how awesome of a rate that is. But it’s just like, freaking astronomical. Like, that’s unheard of you don’t get that when you’re prospecting. So, anyways, if you haven’t, or you’re going to be starting prospecting, like keep in mind, I mean, that is orders that you know, that’s huge. I think a normal response rate prospecting is 1% or lower. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s, again, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s not hard to do and a lot of, you know, I’ve learned over the years to not do so much of the work myself. And so there’s, you know, methods for or for outsourcing this a lot of the a lot of the work to to where it really requires very little effort on your part up front, other than to record the short videos. And then actually, you know, pick up the conversation once the prospect has replied positively and you can have a VA do most of the heavy lifting between the time that you create the video and the time that the the prospect replies positively and then you just pick up the conversation from there so it’s a it’s a great strategy guys and again I’m going to be will be releasing that in three weeks.
Which Is Good For An Event Blogging: Expired Domain Or A New Domain?
Next is uh i don’t really quite understand this question but Pranab, I says what is good for event blogging expired domain or new domain. I’m a newbie learner. Okay, I guess just means for what is good for blogging, expired domain or new new domain? Well, I would recommend going with a new domain with a brand name that you want to create. Because for SEO purposes, if you find an expired domain that had good backlink profile and relevant content to what it is that you’re going to be blogging about, if it was previously in the same type of content or the same category, essentially the same topic then you can
Get some traction from that. But you have to know how to, you can get some fat and subtraction faster from using an expired domain because it might already have some good inbound links. So a good link profile, but that’s the problem unless you know what you’re doing and how to investigate that, you could very well just buy a domain that’s been spammed to death. And if it’s if it wasn’t in the same category of the same around, you know, built around, if it didn’t have content on it, it was around the same topic, then it’s really not going to benefit from the existing inbound link profile unless they were had unless they had incredibly high, you know, valued links pointing to it, in which case, sometimes you can re categorize it and it will still have a benefit. But for the most part, I recommend just starting off with your own new domain that’s branded after the brand name that you want to create. And starting there and then using some of the methods, you know, to be selfish year some of the semantic mastery methods where you can start pushing authority in and rather
See into your domain using properties that you don’t have to worry about necessarily the inbound link profile because it’s a brand new property, so, or a brand new domain. So obviously, we use a lot of Google properties to push authority. And that’s something that you can do is just start with a new domain branded the way that you want it to be branded. It’s nice, clean a clean domain at that point, right? If it’s new, and then you can start building you know, things like syndication network and blogging consistently. That’s a staple for us. drive stack, we’re going to talk about that here again in a minute, but in our is drive stack, so you can Google properties to start building authority to your to your domain. And then from there, you could do a lot of other things to the Dr. stack that would keep your domain clean, but start building authority. That’s what I recommend. Mark, you want to comment on that at all? No, I totally agree. I’ll be doing an update webinar for syndication Academy. Yes. Where we’re going to talk about the importance of branding and brand plus key word association.
And how that really solidifies everything. As far as Googlebot is concerned. It’s all about the entity, right? It’s all about what you’re presenting to Google, as far as what it is that you’re doing, how you’re doing, and how everything that’s attached to this brand belongs to the brand. You’ve talked about this before. We go on, we claim the footprint. We’re not here to Google. We want Google to know this stuff is all ours. We’re going to go ahead and and have our presence in all of these social media and on all of the different web to Dotto profiles that we create through syndication Academy. There’s other training and syndication Academy that helps power it up. But the whole point is for that entity, and so you can do that, instead of taking what somebody else’s idea and what they had, and trying to convert that to your vision. Just start with your vision and go after that. That. I mean, I totally agree with Brad. Yeah, I agree with that. And it’s interesting.
Bradley: We had a question and I think it was a Syndication Academy group or it might have been our free Facebook group, the SEO tutorials group, but somebody asked our syndication networks still viable in 2019. And that, absolutely they are as far as a straight ranking tactic. They’re not maybe as effective as they were several years ago. But that’s that’s missing. You’re missing the point then because what Marco was just talking about was to entity validator. And it’s incredibly important to do that because in case you weren’t aware of this, Google is looking at authority and well entities and building authority and validating those entities. And that’s one way to do it and and by getting your name listed, your know your brand name or your website, name, whatever listed in multiple places, and that kind of validates that entity in a way that you can’t really do unless you have claimed this footprint.
You know what I mean? And that’s one of the one of the reasons why they’re still very, very effective. And I would have, you know, again, it’s still part of our standard operating procedure. It’s a foundational method. There’s no question.
How Hard Can You Hit A Subdomain With Links On A TLD?
My question is up, he says, How hard can you hit a subdomain with links on a top level domain? Well, it depends on what you’re asking about, Mike. I mean, you typically we don’t encourage hitting your money site, even on a subdomain with direct like spam links and such. We got away from doing that. years ago, really, you know, years ago, you used to be able to do like what was called domain authority stacking. And essentially, you could just manipulate domain authority and page authority that way, which is a mas metric I get it, but it was it was effective. It was it was very effective at the time, but we’re talking like 2014, 2015 timeframe, so several years ago.
Now, I don’t recommend doing that even on, you know, if, even if you were just setting up a sub domain specifically to point links at it. But it wasn’t like, you know, something that you were trying to keep like the sub domain wasn’t your content distribution engine, like you weren’t trying to rank the sub domain. I wouldn’t do it because I don’t like to put anything real spammy anywhere near the money site now. So because we don’t need to, again, just what we’ve been talking about on this webinar alone was like using drive stacks, for example, as the filter or Amazon s3 pages, it’s another great thing to do. Because Google domains or Amazon domains can withstand any kind of abuse you send it them, like absolutely any like kitchen sink, spam, it doesn’t matter what you throw at them. They’ll take it and they’ll take it like a champ. And please, Sir, may I have another, you know what I mean? And so instead of worrying about spamming a subdomain for pushing authority, or whatever, which, by the way, domain authority stacking and shit doesn’t work anymore. I mean, it might with some massive, massive numbers, but it’s difficult to do and it’s not something
That I would consider sustainable. So instead use properties like Amazon and Google that you can then use as like a tier one. That’s the linking to your money site, and push all your spam to those instead. Right? Because though they’ll launder it, they’ll essentially filter out the negative and only pass the good. And it’s just because they’ll take whatever you can throw at them. Like I said, Please, sir, man, I have another. So I don’t, I wouldn’t hit a subdomain on a on a money site with with a bunch of spam. I would unless you had a filter ahead of it, which in that case, you could go direct to the money site. You know what I’m saying, for example, you could be linking from or, and I don’t want to get to, I’m not going to go any further than this. But Iframes are a good way to do that kind of stuff, which is why we do what we do with drive stacks. Because it’s very, very powerful way to push authority without it being spammy to the money site. Does that make sense? For
The @ID page Mike, if you’re in a fairly sure you’re in Syndication Academy or at least one of our paid groups, if you’re in any of our paid groups, you’ll have access to that out ID page strategy, which is using an Amazon domain the combination between that and drive stacks alone is incredibly powerful and you can get away with murder with those. Comments?
Marco: No, I agree.
What’s The First Thing You Need To Do To Rank A Brand New Site?
Bradley: Moving on. Quentin’s up. He says great day guys having I’m having a website made next week for my brand or my band slash brand. What are the must haves to make Google my website bitch? Love it, Quentin. And he says, also, after having a website up and running, what’s the first thing you should do? Okay, so again, Battle Plan Quentin if you don’t already have it, get the Battle Plan because that’s exactly what it is for, to show you step by step and in what order you should apply again, at least from our methods that will work that will help you to get the most traction step one is going to be syndication network to help validate the entity
And then every single time you make posts to your blog, it will help to update that that network which again, again, that’s just activity, as well as they’re just really good signals. So so I would start with syndication network, and then obviously a drive stackas because we’ve been talking a lot about that. They’re just so effective. I mean, still, and it’s funny because we’ve heard another places people say, oh, Dr. Stats aren’t that effective. Bullshit. You just don’t know how to use them or you’re building them and correctly. That’s the thing if you know what you’re doing if you build them correctly, and then you know what to do with them. Once you have them, then they’re incredibly effective. So quit and I would recommend absolutely syndication network. Step one. start posting regularly once your syndication network is attached to your new blog. If you’re doing if you’re a band, and you’re doing a lot of updates on social media, use your syndicate your blog as your point of origin for your syndicate, excuse me, your social media updates.
In other words, post your updates to your blog and allow your blog to syndicate those post to your social media so that you’re always funneling the authority back to your blog as opposed to just when you post directly to Facebook, for example, yes, you can get engagement on Facebook, the Facebook, but who are you benefiting? As far as the the website, the digital property, you’re benefiting Facebook, not your own brand, right? I mean, you’re you’re still benefiting your brand, I get that. But I’m saying you’re not, you’re not benefiting your digital asset, your digital presence, because you’re you’re essentially doing all of your activity on Facebook. Well, you can still have your activity go to Facebook, but haven’t posts to your blog first. Right? So that way that you’re pushing authority back and bringing hopefully people visitors off of Facebook back to your website. And that’s just one example. So I would use your your blog as a as a kind of like your point of origin for your your updates and do it regularly. Right and then as far as that beyond that, again, a drive stackis going to help you to start pushing authority, then you can do all sorts of nasty SEO stuff, off page SEO stuff to your drive stack, which will keep your blog clean. And that’ll help to make Google your website Bitch. Marco, what do you suggest on that?
Marco: Battle plan for a new website? It’s on there, right?
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: Just follow it step by step. It tells you the things that you need to get in guys. We link from the Battle Plan to MGYB services, because that’s, that’s what we use, right? We use, we get the syndication networks, remember you I be from our builders, we got our drive stacks from there, we get our press releases from that. We get everything that we can from the people who we’ve trained to do things, the semantic mastery way. So, of course, we’re going to link to our stuff, it’s what we use, we we’re not going to sell you something or send you somewhere that you know, we don’t know what the effects are going to be. We know the the results that we get. We don’t know something else. That doesn’t mean that you have to get our services in order to accomplish what you are I but I mean, if the other side of the coin is you’d have to get our training, and you’d have to learn all of these different methods. Local PR Pro, Local GMB, Pro, Local Lease Pro, Syndication Academy, RYS Academy, all of the different things that go to the mastermind, I mean, that’s the best place Clinton where you we can help you and and the community can help you get the best results. But if you just starting out, dude, the Battle Plan, get the services why spent all that time doing everything yourself. When you can spend that time actually going into your social media, relating to people being social, and getting those social people to follow you and to come to your website and to give you their opinion. There’s a lot of ways to get people, when you’re being social, to come and be social and help you on the website, you have to create that that activity. That’s that’s an excellent way. I mean, it’s, there’s so many things that you can do. We talked about it in our mini mastermind group yesterday. I call it social conditioning. And I think you call it social engineering. But it all works from, in my mind, from the from Pavlov’s operate conditioning experiments where you create expectation. And we can do that with your social media crowd and get them to your website. That’s goal, because Google will follow them from Instagram, from from Facebook, from Pinterest, wherever it is that you have your social presence. And Google will know that all of these people are interested in your website. And then Google will start sending people to see why all of these different people are interested in in your website. So I mean, that that’s just my recommendation for Quentin. Yeah, plan, follow the Battle Plan services. We have everything, everything you need. And then July be.
Bradley: And guys, the traffic signals are huge for SEO right now. I mean, it’s one of the biggest drivers of SEO or rankings or really getting Google’s attention is traffic from, you know, valid traffic, real traffic, not spoof traffic, but real traffic. So referral traffic from social media sources is a great, especially when they dwell or engaged on your site. It’s not just about dwell time, but if they engage on your site, that that kind of traffic is incredibly powerful for SEO, it’s a great, great signal. And you can buy traffic to so I mean, again, it doesn’t have to be all organic traffic that you send as referral traffic from social media. But you know, you can buy traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from Facebook, and those are, you know, and YouTube, for example, there’s a lot of different ways that you can do that, too, that if it’s relevant, they’re going to engage with your site, right. And that’s just a huge signal. It’s incredibly powerful.
Does “Sending Traffic To Appease Google” Mean Using A Crowdsearch Alternative?
So we’re going to move on to one says, which by the way, the one joined the Mastermind after last week’s Hump Day hang up. And so we appreciate you doing joining. And he’s got a lot of good questions in there already and we’ve got a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’re actually going to dive into some of the stuff that he was asking about in there. So welcome to on once again. And we’ve got some stuff we’re going to cover for you tomorrow during the mastermind webinar. He says when you send traffic when you say you send traffic to a piece Google do you mean like crowd search alternative? Duwann I know you directed this at Marco so all that Marco add to this as well but as we’re just saying, it’s not about spoof traffic, you sure you could probably still get results with some spoof traffic. However, we’re talking about relevant traffic, right, just the same as we don’t. It’s funny. You know, I don’t we don’t do a lot of PBN stuff and we don’t do domain authority manipulation anymore because it’s just we found it’s more about relevancy like, that’s the longer term, that’s the better strategy. And so we try to do everything. Now, I say that and I just was talking about spam links.
Ahhh good like our service for spam links in MGYB, it works really well if you know how to what to pointed at, which is an example of like we were talking about with drive stacks or an Amazon s3, hosted pages, those kind of things are incredibly if you know how to use spam properly, you can, you can get results from even like traditional spam type links, right? But it’s not something that we would ever want to point directly at a money site. Well, the same thing goes for traffic signals, right? You can buy spam traffic signals or spoof traffic signals using an app like crowd search, which by the way, used to be incredibly effective. We promoted the shit out of it for about two years because I used it. I mean, a lot. I used it a lot. I was using 50,000 credits a month with that thing. And it worked really, really well but Google’s algorithm learned not to count that kind of traffic. And there’s a number of reasons why it became less effective and started having diminishing returns.
And I’m not going to get into all of that we can talk about that in the mastermind webinar if you’d like Duwann. But so so spam traffic signals can still produce some results, but their marginal at best compared to if you can buy or send relevant traffic signals, which is the same thing that we’re talking about, like for example, you know, even traditional SEO like link building stuff, we can create or add relevancy even to spam links by sending spam links to a drive stack that is 100% relevant and and it uses the Google domain to help kind of launder that negative link juice. Well, the same thing goes with with traffic signals, right? If you can, force or push real traffic into your digital assets, your entities, so to speak, right your your your brand, entity from either referral sources or even to buying it direct, if it’s relevant traffic, that traffic is going to be weighted so much heavier by Google, right? So for SEO purposes, relevant traffic is weighted much heavier than non relevant traffic. So for example, if you were to send hundreds of visitors to a blog post on your site that aren’t engaging with it, but it’s just the visitor hits, right that you’re trying to send traffic signals to it. Can that help? Yes, it may be able to help, it may be able to give you a small boost, and the ranks or even a big boost. The problem is when you stop sending that traffic, what happens it will start to slip again, because those weren’t sustainable signals. But if you you can send a fraction of relevant traffic signals from an audience that Google is fully aware of is already interested in that topic or that content and big and how do they do that? Well, if you’re buying traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from known audiences, right? You can you can buy traffic from Google directly from YouTube or directly from display network or search ads if you want it, it’s crazy expensive. But from let’s say display network or from YouTube, where you can literally select the audience’s that you want Google display your ads to write expose your ads to. So Google knows that those people are already interested in that topic, or so. So Google knows that those people are relevant. And because they’re relevant when you send those traffic signals to or those that that traffic excuse me to your your content, they’re likely to engage with it. And the engagement signals are more powerful than just bear traffic signals, if that makes sense. Which means that not only will the traffic and engagement help the SEO, but it’s likely that you’re going to actually convert some of that traffic into whatever your conversion goal may be.
Whether that’s opting in to build your email list or if it’s for local business, it’s making a phone call becoming essentially becoming a lead or submitting a contact request form. Or if it’s a straight like Ecom, you’re trying to sell something, they may purchase your products. So instead of trying to put your effort, time and money into spoofing traffic, why not put your effort time and money into buying relevant traffic or generating relevant traffic through social engineering or as Marco calls it social conditioning? Again, you’re going to get much better results with a fraction of the numbers required that you would from spoofing stuff by just sending relevant traffic signals and engagement from real people that have a real genuine interest in your, your topic or your content, your product, your service, whatever it may be. Marco, you want to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, what I want to add is, is something really simple. And and Google is starting to get even smarter, because they boil it down, right and I call it the art. ART – activity, relevance, trust and authority. And it’s at the link origin and destination and everything attached to the link origin and the link destination. So Google is looking at the activity on the links, meaning, how are people interacting with the website is feeding you the link? And how are they are they interacting when they get to the destination of activity.
Relevance, well, isn’t relevant. Did they come from women’s shoes and and end up at and I don’t know, bricks? Absolutely nothing might want to do with the other. It has to be relevant. And it has to be trusted and authoritative. That’s why we love being inside the belly of the beast being inside Google. So if you can get those three things, the one or Devon Devon, I’m not sure how that’s pronounced But either way, let me know what will be on the mastermind dummy house mouse can get it in there. Now. It’s very difficult. As far as the activities concerned, to get purchase traffic, and I’m talking about fiber, I’m talking about traffic exchanges and all these other places to get these people to act like real people, even if you’re in a traffic exchange with real people. Because in a traffic exchange, all the people are concerned about is earning more whatever tokens or whatever credits, so that they can get more traffic to to their own properties. They’re not interested in dwelling on your website, they’re not interested in interacting with your website. And Google is looking at all of these things. So how can you get in and think of it? How can you get that activity? How can get that real person, like a real person? Will you buy real people, you either train them the right way, or you pay Google and Facebook and Instagram and whatever else to send the right people. Wherever you want it to go. They don’t have to go to your money.
site, they can go into your link string and then up at the money site. Now, here’s the key thing. And the great thing Fiverr traffic does work. And the way that I’ve gotten it to work is you have to get in with, like, a real conversation with the provider, so that the provider knows exactly what it is that you’re looking for. And they have to be able to tell you, yes, I can do it or No, I can’t. And then you test it. Even if they tell you, oh, yeah, I can do that. I can do that. I can get local IPS. And I can get traffic to go in there like that. you test it. You never, you never test on anything that’s going to make you money, although you set it up as if you’re going to make money with your test. And you should. Now once once you have that and you get all of these real people interacting and you see how it works and how Google reacts to this traffic, then you know that you can trust this guy. Never lose that at that
Fivver contact, because it’s worth gold, three or four people out at tier two, tier three tier for interacting with your links and ending up at the destination wherever you want and finishing whatever it is that you set them to do. That’s what Google wants to see the completion of that original action at the destination. So that that’s the key. And if you’re doing that, if you’re buying from phone from fire or anything, is that just going in and paying just whatever, for whoever for whatever, it’s actually you have to know and understand what it is that Google is looking for, so that you can buy and try to approximate what Google is looking for.
What’s A Good Tool To Trakc Your GMB Rankings?
Bradley: Sweet. So next is Jordan was just dropping the link to or what he suggests for rank tracking nice reports, not cheap. So there you go, because somebody was asking about that wills asking what’s a good tool to track your GMB rankings? So you might want to check that out personally Well, what I use is Bright local for my client reporting, which will check track GMB rankings depending on like, you can set it by zip code or by city name.
So that’s that’s all I use that you can also use like pro Rank Tracker. That’s, that’s something that I, you know, I use for,
like test SEO tests and stuff like that. Not that not necessarily. I mean, I do have some client reports in there, but I use that more for tracking, SEO tests, you know, campaigns that I’m testing different methods on and that kind of stuff. But for client reports, I use bright local, because it gives me a lot of really good reports that look nice and they’re they’re really accurate as far as for, you know,
GMB rank tracking. And what’s cool is you can set like third party mentions up so it will show rankings of any one of your branded digital assets. So, like it’ll show citations where their ranking YouTube videos or channels or Facebook pages, you know anything that’s been branded that has a mention of your name that your clients name will show up in the search results of the Rank Tracker search results, right? So it’s really cool because it makes you look like a rockstar instead of just showing where the websites ranking you show where all of their branded properties or profiles are ranking for the various keywords and so it looks really, really good.
And so anyways, again, I just use bright local, but Jordan likes Night Watch dot.io. So check some of them out and see what which one you like. Okay.
How Do You Make And 301 Redirect A Firebase Dynamic Link?
Okay, thank you grant for that comment. Fabian, ask a question about the Firebase 301 redirects. Now that geo geo which was Google’s link shortener is now been terminated, they won’t. They won’t allow us to use it anymore. And Marco is not going to answer that Fabian, because Marco tell him why.
Marco: Because some idiot will take it and burn it.
Bradley: There you go.
Marco: It’s that simple and right now we’ve got it Fabian you’re in the mastermind so when we are working on it to make it available to our membership so that they can use it we have it internally right now but we’re working on making it making it available so that you guys in the mastermind first can use it as soon as it’s available we’ll let you guys know in the meantime i mean bradley you’re using my pretty links pro yeah yeah and there’s rebrand the the hourly there’s a whole bunch of other places where you can get three old ones if it has decent metrics if it hasn’t been burned by all means use it and then we’ll work out our shortener our firebase shortener and how to make it available to again membership has its privileges so the mastermind will get it first
Bradley: Yeah i’m just using pretty links pro which is a plugin i think if you go to semanticmastery.com/prettylinks you can find it. It’s it’s not very expensive. I think it’s like 20 bucks. It might be more than that. But it’s, anyways, it’s a great plugin. And depending on what I’m like, for example, for all press releases, I set up a domain specifically that I use for creating redirects within press releases for the local PR pro method for PR stalking. Also just for like, redirecting those long ugly google google URLs for like maps, for example, or now GMB posts and stuff like that. So I always am using the same, it’s a press related type domain. So that it makes sense, right, and it looked and it looks and fits well, in press releases. And that way, you know, I’m actually building a little bit of authority to my own redirect domain that way. For other stuff, you know, again, I just use pretty links Pro, because I think when you buy that you get unlimited domain installs. And so yeah, I mean, for example, we’ve got a link shortener on for semantic mastery that we’ve had for years now called and if we use pretty links in that it’s SM short dot link. And if you go to the homepage, it’s it’s a Sam Jackson telling you to fuck off. But we use that as our redirect URL and have been for years SM short link and it’s great because it’s just Pretty Link Pro. So again, that’s what I’ve been using. But yeah, there are other things like rebrand Lee and stuff that have some inherent authority that you can use. So that would answer Jordans question next as well.
How To Find The Best Keywords For My YouTube Videos?
So Kevin is up. He says, How do I find the best keywords for my YouTube videos? I’m glad you asked that, Kevin. I actually prepared this specifically, I’m going to drop these links on the page for you as a reply, and then I’m just going to briefly talk about them because they’re both really good. And I want to explain why. OK, cool. So for YouTube video keywords, I think these are the two best software’s or tools available. One is and they’re both from the same developer by the way.
So this one is Power Suggest Pro and this is by Ted Chen that he’s again a developer a both these tools that I’m going to show his hands down my favorite keyword tool and has been for years it’s incredibly inexpensive if you buy it through our link which is the link that I just dropped there I think you can get it for yes I think if you buy it straight from the website at $77 but through our link it’s 57 and that’s because we’ve sold this a lot for Ted so he gave us a discount for our our audience only. Anyways, it’s a one time fee 57 bucks it’s an incredibly simple tool. And it works really really well especially for generating long tail keywords like stuff that you can rank for overnight like instantly when you’re talking about YouTube video stuff because it will spit out a not all it all it does is produced keyword excuse me auto suggest keywords so Google suggest or YouTube suggest or eBay suggest or Amazon suggest and I think it has been in there as well.
I’ll just open it up real quick. But it’s a very simple tool. And all it does is it uses the suggested phrases. And it used does it via API. So it grabs them very, very quickly. And it’s got Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay and Bing. And so for YouTube, like I’ve got it checked right here, I know, it’s probably small on your end, guys. But for YouTube, you just put in your search term, or your seed keyword, so to speak, and then allow and then just hit Search and you can set up suffix or recursive. recursive means like so for example, you know, when you go to Google and you type in a keyword, and then you type in space a, it’s going to list the top 10 suggested search queries that were that that last word starts with an A, and then you can go be and it’ll give you the top 10 suggested search queries with the the last word starting with a B, and so on and so forth all the way through A through Z, while recursive will then go back in search the 10 results for each letter, again with the neck with a again at the end, and so
You can literally spit out thousands of keywords, complex search queries very, very quickly. And what I like about it is because it’s coming from the Google suggest it for YouTube and Google anyways, the Google suggests API, all you’re getting our search queries that are known to have traffic or have enough interest from Google from from Google users for Google to put them in the suggested a, you know, the suggested excuse me, the the suggest database and other words, Google doesn’t have suggested search query phrases in there just randomly. They’re there because people have searched for those specific queries. Does that make sense? So the YouTube suggest that use YouTube suggest database is not as good as Google’s. In other words, you will see some repetition of like specific words that will be appended to your search queries are the the output essentially from from this tool, but with the when you’re looking at just the Google suggested phrases, it’s incredible because you can get into some sometimes the queries that come out of here are eight 910 words long, which means there’s traffic on those complex queries, there’s no doubt there’s traffic there, or else they wouldn’t be in the suggest database. But very few, if any, are optimizing for them. And that’s why I’m saying this is an outstanding tool for SEO guys. Because you can develop your your silos around long tail keywords that are spit out from this tool, in a matter of seconds, it works very quickly. And you can get super long tail keyword phrases or search queries essentially, that you can optimize content for. And when we’re talking about YouTube, I mean, you can literally rank for stuff, the moment it’s published, if you’re if you’re targeting those long tail and then if you’re using silos properly, which is what we teach with, you know, for content stacking period, but you can you can apply silo architecture
YouTube channels using playlists, right? That’s YouTube Silo Academy, you can do, you can get really good results even for short tail keyword phrases by creating a silo playlist and targeting the longer more complex queries that rank almost instantly. And so again, this is a fantastic tool guys, for 57 bucks, it’s a one time fee. You’d be silly not to use it. Number two, this is a also by Ted Chen. But this is an online version of it. And this is a tool by that was co developed by our friend Justin sorry, who is hands down the best, in my opinion guide for learning how to run YouTube ads for e com and for lead generation or like building email lists and all that kind of stuff. Justin, sorry. He’s great. And this is a tool he developed called tube sift. What he co developed it with Ted Chen, Ted’s there, that’s Justin. And this is an online version that will. it’s got a lot of this the same
functionality in the app or you know, the online version as power suggest Pro, but it’s got a lot of additional features for YouTube advertising. So it is more of an ads tool. And it is an SEO tool. But there is the SEO component of it because it has the same power suggest pro functionality in the app. But it also has a lot of additional things like finding, it’s got a YouTube channel searcher that you can find other channels to find other videos that you can use for in strategic ways. You can also build placement list for YouTube ads, all that kind of stuff. So either one of these are really, really good depending if you’re just doing SEO work, you can get away with just using power suggest Pro. If you plan on doing any YouTube advertising, I highly recommend picking this tool up because it works really well. And I still use this to all the time whenever I run YouTube ads, I’m always in there using this tool. It’s a great, great tool.
Okay, so great question. We’re gonna keep moving. We’re almost out of time here to.
What MGYB Services Would You Recommend To Get Faster Traction In Multi-Location GMB Pages?
Daniel says. I have some Some new sites being created both for roofers one with two locations about three hours apart and one with location servicing to adjoining counties. What service from MTV? Would you recommend to me to get some traction fast in the first month? Then what would you suggest to follow up after that? Thanks. Um, well, first of all press releases, Daniel is going to be one of the things you can do quick to get the best results, the quickest results, although the days of just one press release, being able to get super, super good results are unless it’s very non competitive. If it’s real, if it’s a real low competition, you know, you can very well get a good results with, you know, significant movement with one press release. But if it’s more competitive, it’s going to require several press releases published in succession, like a week apart or two weeks apart. That essentially the PR stalking method in order to get results there’s Google’s algorithm is adapted for a long time there for almost a year. We’re able to just crush it with press releases for from maps listings. And we still can, but it requires more and consistency in order to do it to get the same kind of results, but press releases, obviously drive stacks. drive stack is again standard operating procedure. It does take a little bit of time for Dr stacks to take effect. But I would recommend having to drive stack pointed at your your each one of your clients that then you can actually target both locations within the DR stacks for each each client. And then what you can do is bit link build to the Dr. stat, right and again, that’s those are all services that we provide an empty, Why be in the store. You can buy press releases from us, you can buy and you also get an organization page, which is a like a media room page, which is great, because you can use that very strategically. You can actually embed that in your drive stacks, which is very powerful. And then build links to your drive stacks and your organization pages which are like your accent, essentially your media room page as well.
your your your press releases for that brand that company will be listed. It’s like a it’s like an index like a blog index page essentially for the press releases so you power that up with additional links and that will help to. So again, I would recommend doing a kind of a one two punch. I’m honestly Daniel, if you were are handling like the work for your clients. That’s where local GMB pro local PR pro and ROI is all combine those together is like that’s like the perfect triple combo to get results for clients. I don’t you know, you’d have to go buy all the training courses and learn all that stuff to be able to implement it or you can just buy some of those the GM or excuse me, the PR and press releases and the drive stacks directly from MGYB not have to learn all of it. And then again, you apply the link building campaigns to those properties not directly to the money site. As far as the GMB assets, the actual
maps, you know, listings themselves. That’s where local GMB Pro comes in. That’s where you’re going to get the best results from the actual GM, Google My Business listing, essentially. So that you know, I would recommend we don’t have that service available publicly yet an mg Why be in the mastermind we do, Daniel, where you can buy mg Excuse me. GMB services from us done for you Google My Business Services. But that’s only available in the mastermind right now. So if you want to apply those methods to your current clients, then you have to right now purchase local gym, be Pro, or come join the mastermind, which is what I would recommend because you can get it the training much cheaper there as well as get done for you services there so that you don’t have to spend the time and effort learning how to do it. You can just find that get the training from us as how to apply it and then how hire us to do it for you. And that’s going to get you the quickest results instead of you have to learn it. So I would recommend you come join the mastermind. It’s a small price to pay for the access to us and the training and the methods that are going to help you to get results the quickest. That makes sense. any comments on that?
Marco: No, that’s perfect.
Adam: No say Bradley make sure yeah, okay cool you have a…
Bradley: refresh I know it sucks Yeah, I don’t like that at all. all right um. okay so we’re there
yeah well i’m not i’m not digging the whole Facebook comments thing myself honestly but you know we’re trying to find a good solution guys here would discuss apparently wasn’t working so we’ll work it out. Michaels up he says not sure why. The same thing is complaining about this apparently.
Last week’s page isn’t showing last week some data that was seen as I saw that. huh? Okay.
So did it get resolved? Yep. Yeah, we didn’t have the code in there for the for the YouTube video. Oh shit, my bad. That was my fault then I apologize for that.
Is There A Way To Protect GMB Listings From Being Suspended From People Flagging Them?
Alright, I’ll Gus Augustus says is there a way to protect GMB listings from being suspended from people flagging them? No, I mean, make them look as real as possible. Augustus that’s the only thing you can do is, you know, try to make them look as real as possible.
If somebody flags it, and you, you know, if you can’t verify it physically, you know, via receiving a postcard, or, you know, taking photos from in front of the storefront or the location, if it’s not a storefront business, then the only thing that you can do is really try to make it look as real and as genuine as possible. Honestly, I think that’s bullshit right now, because any, you know, competitive competitors could just flag a listing, and it could cause Google to want to slap it and require ree ree verification, but there’s not much we can do about that right now.
We’re almost out of time, guys. I do have to leave but vitality says hello, hope everything is doing well. Question to Bradley. Any feedback on testing with quantum Newswire? Thanks. No, I’m still testing vitality. There’s a lot of amazing features with it. And I’ve got a lot of hopes for it. And I know the guys behind it like really and we wouldn’t have brought that to to our audience unless we truly believed in it. But I am doing some pretty significant testing with it that we’re going to reap, you know, bring that, bring them back to do another presentation. Another offer essentially, once I have my case study done when we promoted it the first time, I didn’t have my case study done and that’s because I just honestly have had been overwhelmed with too much other work at the moment. But I am actively working on that case study right now. So that in the next two to three weeks, we can bring that them back to present the offer again. And this time, I will take a much more active role in the actual presentation and showcase study data like I often do to show exactly how I’m what you know the kind of results like I’m getting from it. So right now now I don’t have any updates for you, but we will in a few weeks. Okay.
Will Existing Members Get The Video Lead Gen V2 Update Or There’s A Need To Repurchase Them?
Rob says Bradley spoke about video lead gen system v2 launching soon will existing members get the update or where we have to repurchase to get the new v two updates? That’s a good question. As far as I know, you will get the updates. Rob, as far as I know, you will get the updates. Why do we were getting double? I don’t know maybe because it wasn’t showing up on the page. Anyways, so there you go, guys. I gotta run. It’s five o'clock. Sorry about this. Comment app not working correctly. Again. I don’t know what to do about it. We’ll figure it out. So thanks, everybody. Thanks, man.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230 posted first on your-t1-blog-url from Blogger http://bit.ly/2uUMcfY via IFTTT
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sherrygaonaa · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230
Click on the video above to watch Episode 230 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 230. Today is the third of April 2019. And first of all, if you live Thanks for joining us, we’re going to dive into the questions here shortly if you’re not live or your new semantic mastery, first of all, thank you for watching, and we want to point you in the right direction. The good news is you’re already in the right place. This is a place to be watching Hump Day Hangouts, whether you’re catching this live or again, if catching the replay maybe on YouTube. That’s awesome. The next step is definitely grab the Battle Plan head over to Battle Plan dot semantic mastery.com. And then, for those of you who are interested in either starting or growing your local digital marketing agency, you know, we want you to check out the mastermind go to mastermind, semantic mastery.com and then every week with the hump day Hangouts, you can always go to semantic mastery. com slash HD questions and ask your questions live. We love it when you join us. There’s sometimes good stuff going on for people
Join us live. But you can always ask your questions. If you got a call you got client stuff, you’re at work, whatever, then you can check out the replays. So But that said, we’ve got a few more announcements but let’s say hello to everybody. We got everyone except for Hunan here. I think he’s having some issues with power. So Chris will start things with you. How you doing?
Chris: Doing good.
Adam: Alright, man, a few words. Marco. What’s up, dude? How’s the weather down there?
Marco: It’s beautiful man. Suck last night. We got down to 67.
Adam: that suck man I feel for you. Really?
I had I had to go and grab a sheet. I don’t appreciate having to get up middle of the night and having to get a sheet. But other than that, I can’t. I can’t complain. Good man. How you doing?
Bradley: Good man. I got this from Marco though. Nice here. Finally. It’s 70 degrees today which is nice. Spring is almost sprung here in Virginia and really looking forward to it after what nasty winter so.
Adam: good deal. Well, we got a lot of questions so we’re not going to take up too much time today. Just wanted to mention everybody if you haven’t yet head over to mgyb.co for your done for you SEO Services. With there’s been several launching, we got more in the pipeline, but I know specifically that the embeds, the link building and link indexing live. So go check those out. I’ll put the links on the pages that you guys have anything else to say about that. I just want to let people know that they’ll
Bradley: jump in for a moment real quick Marco, and then you can talk your your trash to the link building services amazing because this is our longtime link builder that he had been working for us for, for me specifically for I think six years now. He’s real pro at what he does. He is amazing. And one of the strategies is working incredibly well and it’s not just from what I’m saying. That from a lot of our members like mastermind members that are using his services as well is if you guys are using @ID pages, which we talked about in various trainings. And in point links to those, instead of pointing direct to your money site, it’s incredibly powerful for local stuff, especially. And it’s working really, really well. And what I love about it is it’s easy, right? Because you just go and place your order for link building, and daddy does the rest. And it basically will power up your @ID loop, which is really super powerful. And it protects your money site as well. So I would highly encourage you guys to go check that out the the, the effects have been consistent across the board. Go ahead, Marco.
Marco: Know what I wanted to add is the embeds are just that it’s not just video. It’s not just maps, it’s embedded. If it has an X ray, we cannot help you, right, because that’s the website not allowing itself to be iframe. Other than that, if you can, if it can be iframe, it can be Set through in an embed gig. So imagine what you do with that with with the with the media page and maybe embedded on the side or maybe I’m not going to go too deep into that, but I don’t want to spend people’s heads. But it’s it’s limitless. And then what’s working really, really well is when you build links into a drive step was the site. I mean, someone just got, we were talking last night in our mini mastermind. And someone literally got a drive stack from us. Got the link building from daddy at the link building isn’t done. And the drive stack has already started moving into the first spots in Google. I mean, that’s how well it’s working. Fuck Google and Google updates.
Go to MGYB, first of all, get the Battle Plan so that you know which products and services you need to grab from us. I mean, you could do it all yourself or save yourself all the time and all those headaches. Let us do it for you and and get it done right kit and get results. I mean, I can’t guarantee was on that yet I will be guaranteeing results in a few months. I can’t guarantee them just right I just I can’t. Google is unpredictable that way that we’re targeting it there’s still some fluctuations that aren’t measured into RYS Academy drive stacks always reloaded but when you add the power of press releases when you had the power of link building when you add the power again, I’ll go back to Bradley’s training YouTube ads if you didn’t get it, I mean you you’re missing one of the best options for getting power into your and I’ll give credit to Becca right now. slipstream, link streams or slip streams as he called them are the shit kit link building into that get people into that and watch watch it just light a match and everything else will just below. So that’s my piece for today.
Adam: Awesome. I got an absolutely nothing to add on to that you guys. So good to go. Go check it out. Again, the links will be on the page. I had reports of some issues with the commenting on the page. Again, we switched to Facebook. So if anyone’s having issues, you know, let us know, you can send them a ticket to support a semantic mastery. com. We want to make sure it’s a work in progress, will try to get things going. It looks like people have commented, but there might be issues still going on. So please let us know. Give us some feedback. And we’ll get that fixed for you guys. We had we had issues with the Facebook app. Ah, yeah, yeah. So I know at least one person had issues and then I’ve seen some issues on my account. So anyways, we’ll roll with the punches, guys, and we’ll get it straightened out. We keep popping around trying different stuff.
So the last thing I want to say to if you’re catching this 12 regardless of where you’re watching this, subscribe to our YouTube channels, the short version. And if you’re checking this out on YouTube, you know, and you’re coming across across clips, or you watch this stuff regularly and you check out our channel. You know, please help us out share it, we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel. We want to get the word out there and you know, we know we got a lot of good clips with a lot of helpful info. So If you know someone who could use it, by all means, share it, email it, whatever you want to do, just get the word out.
Sweet. Can we let? We got no just kidding. Yeah, let’s do this. I’m gonna grab the screen. We’ll get into it.
Tips For Cold Calling Local Businesses And Provide GMB Rankings
Bradley: Alright, so we’re going to start where it says six days ago. So I’m going to start right here with Lee Leon who says, Hey, semantic mastery. Got any tips for cold calling local businesses and providing GMB rankings? Well, I don’t have any tips for cold calling, except that there’s a great strategy that I developed many, many years ago, when I first started growing my own agency that is a combination of email, but very specific video emails, and then calling those that engage or interact with the video emails and there’s a way to determine that and that way, it’s not a strict cold call, because I don’t know about you guys, but I always hated straight cold calls, they suck. you interrupt people, they usually are pissed off that you call them and interrupted them, especially if they think it’s some sort of solicitation even if you are trying to provide help or true value with what you’re, you know, saying to them. Again, most people especially now because marketers have really saturated the market guys and I don’t necessarily mean you and I like as kind of solo printers or little guys so to speak, but like the big marketing agencies that have sales staff and things like that, they, they, you know, hammer local businesses, if you’re a local business, you get hammered with solicitation calls all day, every day. And you know, it’s it’s absolutely relentless. And so if you try to just straight cold call people without doing something to differentiate yourself, you’re going to run into a lot of discouragement, right, you’re going to get a lot of denials, you’re going to get turned down, you’re going to get cussed at all these kind of things. And honestly, it’s hard to sustain that for very long without, you know, throwing in the towel and saying, This isn’t for me, I’m going to do something else. So I developed a strategy that I developed years ago back in probably 2012 was what I called the video lead gen system, we’ve got a product for it right now that I’m actually updating for specifically for 2019 and for lead generation for people that are building lead gen assets as well as can it can still be applied to just straight you know, client work to prospecting for clients. And I’m I’m at currently updating that right now. Like literally because we’re going to be launching that the version two or you know, the update essentially, in what three weeks I think so.
What is it April 23, that we’re doing that is that right? Yeah, yeah. So into in three weeks from today, guys.
We’ll be talking about it will be the day the day after launch. And we’ll be talking more about it then. But specifically Lee, what I would recommend is for cold calling local businesses instead of cold, calling them just direct without somehow measuring their level of interest, you’re going to have a hard time. So the better way to do it, my opinion is to go out and hand select the prospects that you want to work with. And then creating a video email, which the original process that I created was a bit time consuming to do but it worked really well. Like I was getting consistently three or four responses for every 10 emails that I would send out. And that I mean, that’s that’s almost unheard of right for cold emails. And when I say responses, I mean people that would ask for, you know, either reply via email or call me depending on what my call to action was, so that I could start and essentially started a dialogue with me a conversation and now
Have those three or four out of every 10, I would close one or two of them. And I had heard many, many times from people that I would chat with or talk to, you know, prospects that I would talk to, after reaching out to them via video email, I would hear many times people say like, oh, wow, that was a really unique way to get my attention. And so essentially, what it is, is it’s, you know, finding hands, selecting the prospects that you want to work with are the ones that you think you want to work with. And then creating a short video, kind of providing value as to why you know who you are, but not, it’s not about you, it’s about them. And it’s about their digital presence and what you could do to help them or what you see as opportunities that they’re not taking advantage of, so you don’t ever, like criticize their existing digital presence. You always want to say stuff like, Hey, I really liked your website, but I see that you’re missing you know, you could be missing out on leads because you don’t have this or you’re
for example your google my business profile might not be optimized isn’t fully optimized and if you’re not aware of this that’s where the vast majority of leads are coming for local businesses right now or you want to you want to always talk in their terms and again i can’t go into specifics because it’s in the course and we’re relaunching that in three weeks anyways but video email was a really really good way to get people’s attention however like i mentioned the original strategy or method that i had developed was really time consuming it was very effective but time consuming well i’ve learned i’ve developed a way to streamline that which is a lot more it’s a lot easier to get more of these emails out and and again that’s all covered in the update that’s going to be coming out in three weeks so you know i would recommend that you do that and the reason why lee is because when you you can measure engagement through the emails there’s a service that i you know there’s a bunch of different services that do this but i specifically use a service called point of mail com where every email i send out a trial
The engagement level of that email to the to the recipient that I’m sending it to so I can set up notifications to note to be notified when they open the email. When they click on a link in the email, I can have text notifications or email notifications come to me so that I know exactly what my email is getting open and when somebody is clicking a link, for example, a link to a video that I send them, right. And so what I’ve what I’ve learned is if you want to do cold calling, one of the best things you can do is send a series of emails to the prospect and not these like, you know, diarrhea of the mouth type emails, where you literally just like load unload in a long email, like all these things that you could do for them because I found that those get deleted right away or get marked as spam right away. But send these like, short little emails where you’re asking questions and trying to get a dialogue started with the prospect and getting permission from them to send them a video and
And it’s and again, I’m not going to reveal that strategies here on Hump Day hangouts because it’s in the training course. But it’s just a couple of questions that you send, and then you get permission to send them a video from them. They said, Yes, send it. And you send the video via either a link or even a screenshot that looks like a video embedded in the actual email, Either one works. And then when they click that link, you can be notified by your email tracking software or app dependent, you know, whatever, that they’ve clicked that link. So now you know for a fact that they’ve seen your email and they are they’ve seen your video or at least started to watch your video. And that’s when you call them. Because then now you’ve got you know that they are already, you’ve already got permission to send them the video number one because you started a very easy dialogue with them, not where you’re telling them about how great you are and all the things that you can do for them. You just asked him a couple questions and get them to give you what’s what I call positive reply. And once you got the positive reply, you send them the video link that they’ve already given permission to send and then when they click it
You get notified that they’ve opened it, which means you know that or that they click the link so that you know that they’ve at least started to watch the video. And that’s when you call, you can either call immediately, or you can wait a few minutes, or you can wait a day or two and call back and say, Look, I just wanted to follow up to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you. Well, you know, that they already did. Because you can tell from the activity from from the email tracking app. But you don’t say that, because that’s might sound a bit creepy, right? But you just say like, Hey, I just wanted to follow up real quick to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you see if you had any questions or you know, see if we could talk about it a little bit. And that way, it’s not a cold call. It’s a warm call at that point. And so I would recommend the that you pay attention or be on the lookout. In three weeks, we’re going to relaunch that called the video lead gen system. And again, there’s a lot of streamlined methods in there that I’ve been working on and just like the past few weeks seriously, for a lot of stuff that I’m doing right now in my own business that I’m you know, is working well. So, hopefully that was helpful.
Anybody got any comments on that?
Marco: Nah, man, that was perfect. You’re the master of that.
Bradley: So let’s move on. I just got one quick one. When you say 30 to 40% I think some people will get how awesome of a rate that is. But it’s just like, freaking astronomical. Like, that’s unheard of you don’t get that when you’re prospecting. So, anyways, if you haven’t, or you’re going to be starting prospecting, like keep in mind, I mean, that is orders that you know, that’s huge. I think a normal response rate prospecting is 1% or lower. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s, again, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s not hard to do and a lot of, you know, I’ve learned over the years to not do so much of the work myself. And so there’s, you know, methods for or for outsourcing this a lot of the a lot of the work to to where it really requires very little effort on your part up front, other than to record the short videos. And then actually, you know, pick up the conversation once the prospect has replied positively and you can have a VA do most of the heavy lifting between the time that you create the video and the time that the the prospect replies positively and then you just pick up the conversation from there so it’s a it’s a great strategy guys and again I’m going to be will be releasing that in three weeks.
Which Is Good For An Event Blogging: Expired Domain Or A New Domain?
Next is uh i don’t really quite understand this question but Pranab, I says what is good for event blogging expired domain or new domain. I’m a newbie learner. Okay, I guess just means for what is good for blogging, expired domain or new new domain? Well, I would recommend going with a new domain with a brand name that you want to create. Because for SEO purposes, if you find an expired domain that had good backlink profile and relevant content to what it is that you’re going to be blogging about, if it was previously in the same type of content or the same category, essentially the same topic then you can
Get some traction from that. But you have to know how to, you can get some fat and subtraction faster from using an expired domain because it might already have some good inbound links. So a good link profile, but that’s the problem unless you know what you’re doing and how to investigate that, you could very well just buy a domain that’s been spammed to death. And if it’s if it wasn’t in the same category of the same around, you know, built around, if it didn’t have content on it, it was around the same topic, then it’s really not going to benefit from the existing inbound link profile unless they were had unless they had incredibly high, you know, valued links pointing to it, in which case, sometimes you can re categorize it and it will still have a benefit. But for the most part, I recommend just starting off with your own new domain that’s branded after the brand name that you want to create. And starting there and then using some of the methods, you know, to be selfish year some of the semantic mastery methods where you can start pushing authority in and rather
See into your domain using properties that you don’t have to worry about necessarily the inbound link profile because it’s a brand new property, so, or a brand new domain. So obviously, we use a lot of Google properties to push authority. And that’s something that you can do is just start with a new domain branded the way that you want it to be branded. It’s nice, clean a clean domain at that point, right? If it’s new, and then you can start building you know, things like syndication network and blogging consistently. That’s a staple for us. drive stack, we’re going to talk about that here again in a minute, but in our is drive stack, so you can Google properties to start building authority to your to your domain. And then from there, you could do a lot of other things to the Dr. stack that would keep your domain clean, but start building authority. That’s what I recommend. Mark, you want to comment on that at all? No, I totally agree. I’ll be doing an update webinar for syndication Academy. Yes. Where we’re going to talk about the importance of branding and brand plus key word association.
And how that really solidifies everything. As far as Googlebot is concerned. It’s all about the entity, right? It’s all about what you’re presenting to Google, as far as what it is that you’re doing, how you’re doing, and how everything that’s attached to this brand belongs to the brand. You’ve talked about this before. We go on, we claim the footprint. We’re not here to Google. We want Google to know this stuff is all ours. We’re going to go ahead and and have our presence in all of these social media and on all of the different web to Dotto profiles that we create through syndication Academy. There’s other training and syndication Academy that helps power it up. But the whole point is for that entity, and so you can do that, instead of taking what somebody else’s idea and what they had, and trying to convert that to your vision. Just start with your vision and go after that. That. I mean, I totally agree with Brad. Yeah, I agree with that. And it’s interesting.
Bradley: We had a question and I think it was a Syndication Academy group or it might have been our free Facebook group, the SEO tutorials group, but somebody asked our syndication networks still viable in 2019. And that, absolutely they are as far as a straight ranking tactic. They’re not maybe as effective as they were several years ago. But that’s that’s missing. You’re missing the point then because what Marco was just talking about was to entity validator. And it’s incredibly important to do that because in case you weren’t aware of this, Google is looking at authority and well entities and building authority and validating those entities. And that’s one way to do it and and by getting your name listed, your know your brand name or your website, name, whatever listed in multiple places, and that kind of validates that entity in a way that you can’t really do unless you have claimed this footprint.
You know what I mean? And that’s one of the one of the reasons why they’re still very, very effective. And I would have, you know, again, it’s still part of our standard operating procedure. It’s a foundational method. There’s no question.
How Hard Can You Hit A Subdomain With Links On A TLD?
My question is up, he says, How hard can you hit a subdomain with links on a top level domain? Well, it depends on what you’re asking about, Mike. I mean, you typically we don’t encourage hitting your money site, even on a subdomain with direct like spam links and such. We got away from doing that. years ago, really, you know, years ago, you used to be able to do like what was called domain authority stacking. And essentially, you could just manipulate domain authority and page authority that way, which is a mas metric I get it, but it was it was effective. It was it was very effective at the time, but we’re talking like 2014, 2015 timeframe, so several years ago.
Now, I don’t recommend doing that even on, you know, if, even if you were just setting up a sub domain specifically to point links at it. But it wasn’t like, you know, something that you were trying to keep like the sub domain wasn’t your content distribution engine, like you weren’t trying to rank the sub domain. I wouldn’t do it because I don’t like to put anything real spammy anywhere near the money site now. So because we don’t need to, again, just what we’ve been talking about on this webinar alone was like using drive stacks, for example, as the filter or Amazon s3 pages, it’s another great thing to do. Because Google domains or Amazon domains can withstand any kind of abuse you send it them, like absolutely any like kitchen sink, spam, it doesn’t matter what you throw at them. They’ll take it and they’ll take it like a champ. And please, Sir, may I have another, you know what I mean? And so instead of worrying about spamming a subdomain for pushing authority, or whatever, which, by the way, domain authority stacking and shit doesn’t work anymore. I mean, it might with some massive, massive numbers, but it’s difficult to do and it’s not something
That I would consider sustainable. So instead use properties like Amazon and Google that you can then use as like a tier one. That’s the linking to your money site, and push all your spam to those instead. Right? Because though they’ll launder it, they’ll essentially filter out the negative and only pass the good. And it’s just because they’ll take whatever you can throw at them. Like I said, Please, sir, man, I have another. So I don’t, I wouldn’t hit a subdomain on a on a money site with with a bunch of spam. I would unless you had a filter ahead of it, which in that case, you could go direct to the money site. You know what I’m saying, for example, you could be linking from or, and I don’t want to get to, I’m not going to go any further than this. But Iframes are a good way to do that kind of stuff, which is why we do what we do with drive stacks. Because it’s very, very powerful way to push authority without it being spammy to the money site. Does that make sense? For
The @ID page Mike, if you’re in a fairly sure you’re in Syndication Academy or at least one of our paid groups, if you’re in any of our paid groups, you’ll have access to that out ID page strategy, which is using an Amazon domain the combination between that and drive stacks alone is incredibly powerful and you can get away with murder with those. Comments?
Marco: No, I agree.
What’s The First Thing You Need To Do To Rank A Brand New Site?
Bradley: Moving on. Quentin’s up. He says great day guys having I’m having a website made next week for my brand or my band slash brand. What are the must haves to make Google my website bitch? Love it, Quentin. And he says, also, after having a website up and running, what’s the first thing you should do? Okay, so again, Battle Plan Quentin if you don’t already have it, get the Battle Plan because that’s exactly what it is for, to show you step by step and in what order you should apply again, at least from our methods that will work that will help you to get the most traction step one is going to be syndication network to help validate the entity
And then every single time you make posts to your blog, it will help to update that that network which again, again, that’s just activity, as well as they’re just really good signals. So so I would start with syndication network, and then obviously a drive stackas because we’ve been talking a lot about that. They’re just so effective. I mean, still, and it’s funny because we’ve heard another places people say, oh, Dr. Stats aren’t that effective. Bullshit. You just don’t know how to use them or you’re building them and correctly. That’s the thing if you know what you’re doing if you build them correctly, and then you know what to do with them. Once you have them, then they’re incredibly effective. So quit and I would recommend absolutely syndication network. Step one. start posting regularly once your syndication network is attached to your new blog. If you’re doing if you’re a band, and you’re doing a lot of updates on social media, use your syndicate your blog as your point of origin for your syndicate, excuse me, your social media updates.
In other words, post your updates to your blog and allow your blog to syndicate those post to your social media so that you’re always funneling the authority back to your blog as opposed to just when you post directly to Facebook, for example, yes, you can get engagement on Facebook, the Facebook, but who are you benefiting? As far as the the website, the digital property, you’re benefiting Facebook, not your own brand, right? I mean, you’re you’re still benefiting your brand, I get that. But I’m saying you’re not, you’re not benefiting your digital asset, your digital presence, because you’re you’re essentially doing all of your activity on Facebook. Well, you can still have your activity go to Facebook, but haven’t posts to your blog first. Right? So that way that you’re pushing authority back and bringing hopefully people visitors off of Facebook back to your website. And that’s just one example. So I would use your your blog as a as a kind of like your point of origin for your your updates and do it regularly. Right and then as far as that beyond that, again, a drive stackis going to help you to start pushing authority, then you can do all sorts of nasty SEO stuff, off page SEO stuff to your drive stack, which will keep your blog clean. And that’ll help to make Google your website Bitch. Marco, what do you suggest on that?
Marco: Battle plan for a new website? It’s on there, right?
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: Just follow it step by step. It tells you the things that you need to get in guys. We link from the Battle Plan to MGYB services, because that’s, that’s what we use, right? We use, we get the syndication networks, remember you I be from our builders, we got our drive stacks from there, we get our press releases from that. We get everything that we can from the people who we’ve trained to do things, the semantic mastery way. So, of course, we’re going to link to our stuff, it’s what we use, we we’re not going to sell you something or send you somewhere that you know, we don’t know what the effects are going to be. We know the the results that we get. We don’t know something else. That doesn’t mean that you have to get our services in order to accomplish what you are I but I mean, if the other side of the coin is you’d have to get our training, and you’d have to learn all of these different methods. Local PR Pro, Local GMB, Pro, Local Lease Pro, Syndication Academy, RYS Academy, all of the different things that go to the mastermind, I mean, that’s the best place Clinton where you we can help you and and the community can help you get the best results. But if you just starting out, dude, the Battle Plan, get the services why spent all that time doing everything yourself. When you can spend that time actually going into your social media, relating to people being social, and getting those social people to follow you and to come to your website and to give you their opinion. There’s a lot of ways to get people, when you’re being social, to come and be social and help you on the website, you have to create that that activity. That’s that’s an excellent way. I mean, it’s, there’s so many things that you can do. We talked about it in our mini mastermind group yesterday. I call it social conditioning. And I think you call it social engineering. But it all works from, in my mind, from the from Pavlov’s operate conditioning experiments where you create expectation. And we can do that with your social media crowd and get them to your website. That’s goal, because Google will follow them from Instagram, from from Facebook, from Pinterest, wherever it is that you have your social presence. And Google will know that all of these people are interested in your website. And then Google will start sending people to see why all of these different people are interested in in your website. So I mean, that that’s just my recommendation for Quentin. Yeah, plan, follow the Battle Plan services. We have everything, everything you need. And then July be.
Bradley: And guys, the traffic signals are huge for SEO right now. I mean, it’s one of the biggest drivers of SEO or rankings or really getting Google’s attention is traffic from, you know, valid traffic, real traffic, not spoof traffic, but real traffic. So referral traffic from social media sources is a great, especially when they dwell or engaged on your site. It’s not just about dwell time, but if they engage on your site, that that kind of traffic is incredibly powerful for SEO, it’s a great, great signal. And you can buy traffic to so I mean, again, it doesn’t have to be all organic traffic that you send as referral traffic from social media. But you know, you can buy traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from Facebook, and those are, you know, and YouTube, for example, there’s a lot of different ways that you can do that, too, that if it’s relevant, they’re going to engage with your site, right. And that’s just a huge signal. It’s incredibly powerful.
Does “Sending Traffic To Appease Google” Mean Using A Crowdsearch Alternative?
So we’re going to move on to one says, which by the way, the one joined the Mastermind after last week’s Hump Day hang up. And so we appreciate you doing joining. And he’s got a lot of good questions in there already and we’ve got a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’re actually going to dive into some of the stuff that he was asking about in there. So welcome to on once again. And we’ve got some stuff we’re going to cover for you tomorrow during the mastermind webinar. He says when you send traffic when you say you send traffic to a piece Google do you mean like crowd search alternative? Duwann I know you directed this at Marco so all that Marco add to this as well but as we’re just saying, it’s not about spoof traffic, you sure you could probably still get results with some spoof traffic. However, we’re talking about relevant traffic, right, just the same as we don’t. It’s funny. You know, I don’t we don’t do a lot of PBN stuff and we don’t do domain authority manipulation anymore because it’s just we found it’s more about relevancy like, that’s the longer term, that’s the better strategy. And so we try to do everything. Now, I say that and I just was talking about spam links.
Ahhh good like our service for spam links in MGYB, it works really well if you know how to what to pointed at, which is an example of like we were talking about with drive stacks or an Amazon s3, hosted pages, those kind of things are incredibly if you know how to use spam properly, you can, you can get results from even like traditional spam type links, right? But it’s not something that we would ever want to point directly at a money site. Well, the same thing goes for traffic signals, right? You can buy spam traffic signals or spoof traffic signals using an app like crowd search, which by the way, used to be incredibly effective. We promoted the shit out of it for about two years because I used it. I mean, a lot. I used it a lot. I was using 50,000 credits a month with that thing. And it worked really, really well but Google’s algorithm learned not to count that kind of traffic. And there’s a number of reasons why it became less effective and started having diminishing returns.
And I’m not going to get into all of that we can talk about that in the mastermind webinar if you’d like Duwann. But so so spam traffic signals can still produce some results, but their marginal at best compared to if you can buy or send relevant traffic signals, which is the same thing that we’re talking about, like for example, you know, even traditional SEO like link building stuff, we can create or add relevancy even to spam links by sending spam links to a drive stack that is 100% relevant and and it uses the Google domain to help kind of launder that negative link juice. Well, the same thing goes with with traffic signals, right? If you can, force or push real traffic into your digital assets, your entities, so to speak, right your your your brand, entity from either referral sources or even to buying it direct, if it’s relevant traffic, that traffic is going to be weighted so much heavier by Google, right? So for SEO purposes, relevant traffic is weighted much heavier than non relevant traffic. So for example, if you were to send hundreds of visitors to a blog post on your site that aren’t engaging with it, but it’s just the visitor hits, right that you’re trying to send traffic signals to it. Can that help? Yes, it may be able to help, it may be able to give you a small boost, and the ranks or even a big boost. The problem is when you stop sending that traffic, what happens it will start to slip again, because those weren’t sustainable signals. But if you you can send a fraction of relevant traffic signals from an audience that Google is fully aware of is already interested in that topic or that content and big and how do they do that? Well, if you’re buying traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from known audiences, right? You can you can buy traffic from Google directly from YouTube or directly from display network or search ads if you want it, it’s crazy expensive. But from let’s say display network or from YouTube, where you can literally select the audience’s that you want Google display your ads to write expose your ads to. So Google knows that those people are already interested in that topic, or so. So Google knows that those people are relevant. And because they’re relevant when you send those traffic signals to or those that that traffic excuse me to your your content, they’re likely to engage with it. And the engagement signals are more powerful than just bear traffic signals, if that makes sense. Which means that not only will the traffic and engagement help the SEO, but it’s likely that you’re going to actually convert some of that traffic into whatever your conversion goal may be.
Whether that’s opting in to build your email list or if it’s for local business, it’s making a phone call becoming essentially becoming a lead or submitting a contact request form. Or if it’s a straight like Ecom, you’re trying to sell something, they may purchase your products. So instead of trying to put your effort, time and money into spoofing traffic, why not put your effort time and money into buying relevant traffic or generating relevant traffic through social engineering or as Marco calls it social conditioning? Again, you’re going to get much better results with a fraction of the numbers required that you would from spoofing stuff by just sending relevant traffic signals and engagement from real people that have a real genuine interest in your, your topic or your content, your product, your service, whatever it may be. Marco, you want to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, what I want to add is, is something really simple. And and Google is starting to get even smarter, because they boil it down, right and I call it the art. ART – activity, relevance, trust and authority. And it’s at the link origin and destination and everything attached to the link origin and the link destination. So Google is looking at the activity on the links, meaning, how are people interacting with the website is feeding you the link? And how are they are they interacting when they get to the destination of activity.
Relevance, well, isn’t relevant. Did they come from women’s shoes and and end up at and I don’t know, bricks? Absolutely nothing might want to do with the other. It has to be relevant. And it has to be trusted and authoritative. That’s why we love being inside the belly of the beast being inside Google. So if you can get those three things, the one or Devon Devon, I’m not sure how that’s pronounced But either way, let me know what will be on the mastermind dummy house mouse can get it in there. Now. It’s very difficult. As far as the activities concerned, to get purchase traffic, and I’m talking about fiber, I’m talking about traffic exchanges and all these other places to get these people to act like real people, even if you’re in a traffic exchange with real people. Because in a traffic exchange, all the people are concerned about is earning more whatever tokens or whatever credits, so that they can get more traffic to to their own properties. They’re not interested in dwelling on your website, they’re not interested in interacting with your website. And Google is looking at all of these things. So how can you get in and think of it? How can you get that activity? How can get that real person, like a real person? Will you buy real people, you either train them the right way, or you pay Google and Facebook and Instagram and whatever else to send the right people. Wherever you want it to go. They don’t have to go to your money.
site, they can go into your link string and then up at the money site. Now, here’s the key thing. And the great thing Fiverr traffic does work. And the way that I’ve gotten it to work is you have to get in with, like, a real conversation with the provider, so that the provider knows exactly what it is that you’re looking for. And they have to be able to tell you, yes, I can do it or No, I can’t. And then you test it. Even if they tell you, oh, yeah, I can do that. I can do that. I can get local IPS. And I can get traffic to go in there like that. you test it. You never, you never test on anything that’s going to make you money, although you set it up as if you’re going to make money with your test. And you should. Now once once you have that and you get all of these real people interacting and you see how it works and how Google reacts to this traffic, then you know that you can trust this guy. Never lose that at that
Fivver contact, because it’s worth gold, three or four people out at tier two, tier three tier for interacting with your links and ending up at the destination wherever you want and finishing whatever it is that you set them to do. That’s what Google wants to see the completion of that original action at the destination. So that that’s the key. And if you’re doing that, if you’re buying from phone from fire or anything, is that just going in and paying just whatever, for whoever for whatever, it’s actually you have to know and understand what it is that Google is looking for, so that you can buy and try to approximate what Google is looking for.
What’s A Good Tool To Trakc Your GMB Rankings?
Bradley: Sweet. So next is Jordan was just dropping the link to or what he suggests for rank tracking nice reports, not cheap. So there you go, because somebody was asking about that wills asking what’s a good tool to track your GMB rankings? So you might want to check that out personally Well, what I use is Bright local for my client reporting, which will check track GMB rankings depending on like, you can set it by zip code or by city name.
So that’s that’s all I use that you can also use like pro Rank Tracker. That’s, that’s something that I, you know, I use for,
like test SEO tests and stuff like that. Not that not necessarily. I mean, I do have some client reports in there, but I use that more for tracking, SEO tests, you know, campaigns that I’m testing different methods on and that kind of stuff. But for client reports, I use bright local, because it gives me a lot of really good reports that look nice and they’re they’re really accurate as far as for, you know,
GMB rank tracking. And what’s cool is you can set like third party mentions up so it will show rankings of any one of your branded digital assets. So, like it’ll show citations where their ranking YouTube videos or channels or Facebook pages, you know anything that’s been branded that has a mention of your name that your clients name will show up in the search results of the Rank Tracker search results, right? So it’s really cool because it makes you look like a rockstar instead of just showing where the websites ranking you show where all of their branded properties or profiles are ranking for the various keywords and so it looks really, really good.
And so anyways, again, I just use bright local, but Jordan likes Night Watch dot.io. So check some of them out and see what which one you like. Okay.
How Do You Make And 301 Redirect A Firebase Dynamic Link?
Okay, thank you grant for that comment. Fabian, ask a question about the Firebase 301 redirects. Now that geo geo which was Google’s link shortener is now been terminated, they won’t. They won’t allow us to use it anymore. And Marco is not going to answer that Fabian, because Marco tell him why.
Marco: Because some idiot will take it and burn it.
Bradley: There you go.
Marco: It’s that simple and right now we’ve got it Fabian you’re in the mastermind so when we are working on it to make it available to our membership so that they can use it we have it internally right now but we’re working on making it making it available so that you guys in the mastermind first can use it as soon as it’s available we’ll let you guys know in the meantime i mean bradley you’re using my pretty links pro yeah yeah and there’s rebrand the the hourly there’s a whole bunch of other places where you can get three old ones if it has decent metrics if it hasn’t been burned by all means use it and then we’ll work out our shortener our firebase shortener and how to make it available to again membership has its privileges so the mastermind will get it first
Bradley: Yeah i’m just using pretty links pro which is a plugin i think if you go to semanticmastery.com/prettylinks you can find it. It’s it’s not very expensive. I think it’s like 20 bucks. It might be more than that. But it’s, anyways, it’s a great plugin. And depending on what I’m like, for example, for all press releases, I set up a domain specifically that I use for creating redirects within press releases for the local PR pro method for PR stalking. Also just for like, redirecting those long ugly google google URLs for like maps, for example, or now GMB posts and stuff like that. So I always am using the same, it’s a press related type domain. So that it makes sense, right, and it looked and it looks and fits well, in press releases. And that way, you know, I’m actually building a little bit of authority to my own redirect domain that way. For other stuff, you know, again, I just use pretty links Pro, because I think when you buy that you get unlimited domain installs. And so yeah, I mean, for example, we’ve got a link shortener on for semantic mastery that we’ve had for years now called and if we use pretty links in that it’s SM short dot link. And if you go to the homepage, it’s it’s a Sam Jackson telling you to fuck off. But we use that as our redirect URL and have been for years SM short link and it’s great because it’s just Pretty Link Pro. So again, that’s what I’ve been using. But yeah, there are other things like rebrand Lee and stuff that have some inherent authority that you can use. So that would answer Jordans question next as well.
How To Find The Best Keywords For My YouTube Videos?
So Kevin is up. He says, How do I find the best keywords for my YouTube videos? I’m glad you asked that, Kevin. I actually prepared this specifically, I’m going to drop these links on the page for you as a reply, and then I’m just going to briefly talk about them because they’re both really good. And I want to explain why. OK, cool. So for YouTube video keywords, I think these are the two best software’s or tools available. One is and they’re both from the same developer by the way.
So this one is Power Suggest Pro and this is by Ted Chen that he’s again a developer a both these tools that I’m going to show his hands down my favorite keyword tool and has been for years it’s incredibly inexpensive if you buy it through our link which is the link that I just dropped there I think you can get it for yes I think if you buy it straight from the website at $77 but through our link it’s 57 and that’s because we’ve sold this a lot for Ted so he gave us a discount for our our audience only. Anyways, it’s a one time fee 57 bucks it’s an incredibly simple tool. And it works really really well especially for generating long tail keywords like stuff that you can rank for overnight like instantly when you’re talking about YouTube video stuff because it will spit out a not all it all it does is produced keyword excuse me auto suggest keywords so Google suggest or YouTube suggest or eBay suggest or Amazon suggest and I think it has been in there as well.
I’ll just open it up real quick. But it’s a very simple tool. And all it does is it uses the suggested phrases. And it used does it via API. So it grabs them very, very quickly. And it’s got Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay and Bing. And so for YouTube, like I’ve got it checked right here, I know, it’s probably small on your end, guys. But for YouTube, you just put in your search term, or your seed keyword, so to speak, and then allow and then just hit Search and you can set up suffix or recursive. recursive means like so for example, you know, when you go to Google and you type in a keyword, and then you type in space a, it’s going to list the top 10 suggested search queries that were that that last word starts with an A, and then you can go be and it’ll give you the top 10 suggested search queries with the the last word starting with a B, and so on and so forth all the way through A through Z, while recursive will then go back in search the 10 results for each letter, again with the neck with a again at the end, and so
You can literally spit out thousands of keywords, complex search queries very, very quickly. And what I like about it is because it’s coming from the Google suggest it for YouTube and Google anyways, the Google suggests API, all you’re getting our search queries that are known to have traffic or have enough interest from Google from from Google users for Google to put them in the suggested a, you know, the suggested excuse me, the the suggest database and other words, Google doesn’t have suggested search query phrases in there just randomly. They’re there because people have searched for those specific queries. Does that make sense? So the YouTube suggest that use YouTube suggest database is not as good as Google’s. In other words, you will see some repetition of like specific words that will be appended to your search queries are the the output essentially from from this tool, but with the when you’re looking at just the Google suggested phrases, it’s incredible because you can get into some sometimes the queries that come out of here are eight 910 words long, which means there’s traffic on those complex queries, there’s no doubt there’s traffic there, or else they wouldn’t be in the suggest database. But very few, if any, are optimizing for them. And that’s why I’m saying this is an outstanding tool for SEO guys. Because you can develop your your silos around long tail keywords that are spit out from this tool, in a matter of seconds, it works very quickly. And you can get super long tail keyword phrases or search queries essentially, that you can optimize content for. And when we’re talking about YouTube, I mean, you can literally rank for stuff, the moment it’s published, if you’re if you’re targeting those long tail and then if you’re using silos properly, which is what we teach with, you know, for content stacking period, but you can you can apply silo architecture
YouTube channels using playlists, right? That’s YouTube Silo Academy, you can do, you can get really good results even for short tail keyword phrases by creating a silo playlist and targeting the longer more complex queries that rank almost instantly. And so again, this is a fantastic tool guys, for 57 bucks, it’s a one time fee. You’d be silly not to use it. Number two, this is a also by Ted Chen. But this is an online version of it. And this is a tool by that was co developed by our friend Justin sorry, who is hands down the best, in my opinion guide for learning how to run YouTube ads for e com and for lead generation or like building email lists and all that kind of stuff. Justin, sorry. He’s great. And this is a tool he developed called tube sift. What he co developed it with Ted Chen, Ted’s there, that’s Justin. And this is an online version that will. it’s got a lot of this the same
functionality in the app or you know, the online version as power suggest Pro, but it’s got a lot of additional features for YouTube advertising. So it is more of an ads tool. And it is an SEO tool. But there is the SEO component of it because it has the same power suggest pro functionality in the app. But it also has a lot of additional things like finding, it’s got a YouTube channel searcher that you can find other channels to find other videos that you can use for in strategic ways. You can also build placement list for YouTube ads, all that kind of stuff. So either one of these are really, really good depending if you’re just doing SEO work, you can get away with just using power suggest Pro. If you plan on doing any YouTube advertising, I highly recommend picking this tool up because it works really well. And I still use this to all the time whenever I run YouTube ads, I’m always in there using this tool. It’s a great, great tool.
Okay, so great question. We’re gonna keep moving. We’re almost out of time here to.
What MGYB Services Would You Recommend To Get Faster Traction In Multi-Location GMB Pages?
Daniel says. I have some Some new sites being created both for roofers one with two locations about three hours apart and one with location servicing to adjoining counties. What service from MTV? Would you recommend to me to get some traction fast in the first month? Then what would you suggest to follow up after that? Thanks. Um, well, first of all press releases, Daniel is going to be one of the things you can do quick to get the best results, the quickest results, although the days of just one press release, being able to get super, super good results are unless it’s very non competitive. If it’s real, if it’s a real low competition, you know, you can very well get a good results with, you know, significant movement with one press release. But if it’s more competitive, it’s going to require several press releases published in succession, like a week apart or two weeks apart. That essentially the PR stalking method in order to get results there’s Google’s algorithm is adapted for a long time there for almost a year. We’re able to just crush it with press releases for from maps listings. And we still can, but it requires more and consistency in order to do it to get the same kind of results, but press releases, obviously drive stacks. drive stack is again standard operating procedure. It does take a little bit of time for Dr stacks to take effect. But I would recommend having to drive stack pointed at your your each one of your clients that then you can actually target both locations within the DR stacks for each each client. And then what you can do is bit link build to the Dr. stat, right and again, that’s those are all services that we provide an empty, Why be in the store. You can buy press releases from us, you can buy and you also get an organization page, which is a like a media room page, which is great, because you can use that very strategically. You can actually embed that in your drive stacks, which is very powerful. And then build links to your drive stacks and your organization pages which are like your accent, essentially your media room page as well.
your your your press releases for that brand that company will be listed. It’s like a it’s like an index like a blog index page essentially for the press releases so you power that up with additional links and that will help to. So again, I would recommend doing a kind of a one two punch. I’m honestly Daniel, if you were are handling like the work for your clients. That’s where local GMB pro local PR pro and ROI is all combine those together is like that’s like the perfect triple combo to get results for clients. I don’t you know, you’d have to go buy all the training courses and learn all that stuff to be able to implement it or you can just buy some of those the GM or excuse me, the PR and press releases and the drive stacks directly from MGYB not have to learn all of it. And then again, you apply the link building campaigns to those properties not directly to the money site. As far as the GMB assets, the actual
maps, you know, listings themselves. That’s where local GMB Pro comes in. That’s where you’re going to get the best results from the actual GM, Google My Business listing, essentially. So that you know, I would recommend we don’t have that service available publicly yet an mg Why be in the mastermind we do, Daniel, where you can buy mg Excuse me. GMB services from us done for you Google My Business Services. But that’s only available in the mastermind right now. So if you want to apply those methods to your current clients, then you have to right now purchase local gym, be Pro, or come join the mastermind, which is what I would recommend because you can get it the training much cheaper there as well as get done for you services there so that you don’t have to spend the time and effort learning how to do it. You can just find that get the training from us as how to apply it and then how hire us to do it for you. And that’s going to get you the quickest results instead of you have to learn it. So I would recommend you come join the mastermind. It’s a small price to pay for the access to us and the training and the methods that are going to help you to get results the quickest. That makes sense. any comments on that?
Marco: No, that’s perfect.
Adam: No say Bradley make sure yeah, okay cool you have a…
Bradley: refresh I know it sucks Yeah, I don’t like that at all. all right um. okay so we’re there
yeah well i’m not i’m not digging the whole Facebook comments thing myself honestly but you know we’re trying to find a good solution guys here would discuss apparently wasn’t working so we’ll work it out. Michaels up he says not sure why. The same thing is complaining about this apparently.
Last week’s page isn’t showing last week some data that was seen as I saw that. huh? Okay.
So did it get resolved? Yep. Yeah, we didn’t have the code in there for the for the YouTube video. Oh shit, my bad. That was my fault then I apologize for that.
Is There A Way To Protect GMB Listings From Being Suspended From People Flagging Them?
Alright, I’ll Gus Augustus says is there a way to protect GMB listings from being suspended from people flagging them? No, I mean, make them look as real as possible. Augustus that’s the only thing you can do is, you know, try to make them look as real as possible.
If somebody flags it, and you, you know, if you can’t verify it physically, you know, via receiving a postcard, or, you know, taking photos from in front of the storefront or the location, if it’s not a storefront business, then the only thing that you can do is really try to make it look as real and as genuine as possible. Honestly, I think that’s bullshit right now, because any, you know, competitive competitors could just flag a listing, and it could cause Google to want to slap it and require ree ree verification, but there’s not much we can do about that right now.
We’re almost out of time, guys. I do have to leave but vitality says hello, hope everything is doing well. Question to Bradley. Any feedback on testing with quantum Newswire? Thanks. No, I’m still testing vitality. There’s a lot of amazing features with it. And I’ve got a lot of hopes for it. And I know the guys behind it like really and we wouldn’t have brought that to to our audience unless we truly believed in it. But I am doing some pretty significant testing with it that we’re going to reap, you know, bring that, bring them back to do another presentation. Another offer essentially, once I have my case study done when we promoted it the first time, I didn’t have my case study done and that’s because I just honestly have had been overwhelmed with too much other work at the moment. But I am actively working on that case study right now. So that in the next two to three weeks, we can bring that them back to present the offer again. And this time, I will take a much more active role in the actual presentation and showcase study data like I often do to show exactly how I’m what you know the kind of results like I’m getting from it. So right now now I don’t have any updates for you, but we will in a few weeks. Okay.
Will Existing Members Get The Video Lead Gen V2 Update Or There’s A Need To Repurchase Them?
Rob says Bradley spoke about video lead gen system v2 launching soon will existing members get the update or where we have to repurchase to get the new v two updates? That’s a good question. As far as I know, you will get the updates. Rob, as far as I know, you will get the updates. Why do we were getting double? I don’t know maybe because it wasn’t showing up on the page. Anyways, so there you go, guys. I gotta run. It’s five o’clock. Sorry about this. Comment app not working correctly. Again. I don’t know what to do about it. We’ll figure it out. So thanks, everybody. Thanks, man.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230 syndicated from https://jesicasearcy.wordpress.com/feed
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deborahmuro · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230
Click on the video above to watch Episode 230 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 230. Today is the third of April 2019. And first of all, if you live Thanks for joining us, we’re going to dive into the questions here shortly if you’re not live or your new semantic mastery, first of all, thank you for watching, and we want to point you in the right direction. The good news is you’re already in the right place. This is a place to be watching Hump Day Hangouts, whether you’re catching this live or again, if catching the replay maybe on YouTube. That’s awesome. The next step is definitely grab the Battle Plan head over to Battle Plan dot semantic mastery.com. And then, for those of you who are interested in either starting or growing your local digital marketing agency, you know, we want you to check out the mastermind go to mastermind, semantic mastery.com and then every week with the hump day Hangouts, you can always go to semantic mastery. com slash HD questions and ask your questions live. We love it when you join us. There’s sometimes good stuff going on for people
Join us live. But you can always ask your questions. If you got a call you got client stuff, you’re at work, whatever, then you can check out the replays. So But that said, we’ve got a few more announcements but let’s say hello to everybody. We got everyone except for Hunan here. I think he’s having some issues with power. So Chris will start things with you. How you doing?
Chris: Doing good.
Adam: Alright, man, a few words. Marco. What’s up, dude? How’s the weather down there?
Marco: It’s beautiful man. Suck last night. We got down to 67.
Adam: that suck man I feel for you. Really?
I had I had to go and grab a sheet. I don’t appreciate having to get up middle of the night and having to get a sheet. But other than that, I can’t. I can’t complain. Good man. How you doing?
Bradley: Good man. I got this from Marco though. Nice here. Finally. It’s 70 degrees today which is nice. Spring is almost sprung here in Virginia and really looking forward to it after what nasty winter so.
Adam: good deal. Well, we got a lot of questions so we’re not going to take up too much time today. Just wanted to mention everybody if you haven’t yet head over to mgyb.co for your done for you SEO Services. With there’s been several launching, we got more in the pipeline, but I know specifically that the embeds, the link building and link indexing live. So go check those out. I’ll put the links on the pages that you guys have anything else to say about that. I just want to let people know that they’ll
Bradley: jump in for a moment real quick Marco, and then you can talk your your trash to the link building services amazing because this is our longtime link builder that he had been working for us for, for me specifically for I think six years now. He’s real pro at what he does. He is amazing. And one of the strategies is working incredibly well and it’s not just from what I’m saying. That from a lot of our members like mastermind members that are using his services as well is if you guys are using @ID pages, which we talked about in various trainings. And in point links to those, instead of pointing direct to your money site, it’s incredibly powerful for local stuff, especially. And it’s working really, really well. And what I love about it is it’s easy, right? Because you just go and place your order for link building, and daddy does the rest. And it basically will power up your @ID loop, which is really super powerful. And it protects your money site as well. So I would highly encourage you guys to go check that out the the, the effects have been consistent across the board. Go ahead, Marco.
Marco: Know what I wanted to add is the embeds are just that it’s not just video. It’s not just maps, it’s embedded. If it has an X ray, we cannot help you, right, because that’s the website not allowing itself to be iframe. Other than that, if you can, if it can be iframe, it can be Set through in an embed gig. So imagine what you do with that with with the with the media page and maybe embedded on the side or maybe I’m not going to go too deep into that, but I don’t want to spend people’s heads. But it’s it’s limitless. And then what’s working really, really well is when you build links into a drive step was the site. I mean, someone just got, we were talking last night in our mini mastermind. And someone literally got a drive stack from us. Got the link building from daddy at the link building isn’t done. And the drive stack has already started moving into the first spots in Google. I mean, that’s how well it’s working. Fuck Google and Google updates.
Go to MGYB, first of all, get the Battle Plan so that you know which products and services you need to grab from us. I mean, you could do it all yourself or save yourself all the time and all those headaches. Let us do it for you and and get it done right kit and get results. I mean, I can’t guarantee was on that yet I will be guaranteeing results in a few months. I can’t guarantee them just right I just I can’t. Google is unpredictable that way that we’re targeting it there’s still some fluctuations that aren’t measured into RYS Academy drive stacks always reloaded but when you add the power of press releases when you had the power of link building when you add the power again, I’ll go back to Bradley’s training YouTube ads if you didn’t get it, I mean you you’re missing one of the best options for getting power into your and I’ll give credit to Becca right now. slipstream, link streams or slip streams as he called them are the shit kit link building into that get people into that and watch watch it just light a match and everything else will just below. So that’s my piece for today.
Adam: Awesome. I got an absolutely nothing to add on to that you guys. So good to go. Go check it out. Again, the links will be on the page. I had reports of some issues with the commenting on the page. Again, we switched to Facebook. So if anyone’s having issues, you know, let us know, you can send them a ticket to support a semantic mastery. com. We want to make sure it’s a work in progress, will try to get things going. It looks like people have commented, but there might be issues still going on. So please let us know. Give us some feedback. And we’ll get that fixed for you guys. We had we had issues with the Facebook app. Ah, yeah, yeah. So I know at least one person had issues and then I’ve seen some issues on my account. So anyways, we’ll roll with the punches, guys, and we’ll get it straightened out. We keep popping around trying different stuff.
So the last thing I want to say to if you’re catching this 12 regardless of where you’re watching this, subscribe to our YouTube channels, the short version. And if you’re checking this out on YouTube, you know, and you’re coming across across clips, or you watch this stuff regularly and you check out our channel. You know, please help us out share it, we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel. We want to get the word out there and you know, we know we got a lot of good clips with a lot of helpful info. So If you know someone who could use it, by all means, share it, email it, whatever you want to do, just get the word out.
Sweet. Can we let? We got no just kidding. Yeah, let’s do this. I’m gonna grab the screen. We’ll get into it.
Tips For Cold Calling Local Businesses And Provide GMB Rankings
Bradley: Alright, so we’re going to start where it says six days ago. So I’m going to start right here with Lee Leon who says, Hey, semantic mastery. Got any tips for cold calling local businesses and providing GMB rankings? Well, I don’t have any tips for cold calling, except that there’s a great strategy that I developed many, many years ago, when I first started growing my own agency that is a combination of email, but very specific video emails, and then calling those that engage or interact with the video emails and there’s a way to determine that and that way, it’s not a strict cold call, because I don’t know about you guys, but I always hated straight cold calls, they suck. you interrupt people, they usually are pissed off that you call them and interrupted them, especially if they think it’s some sort of solicitation even if you are trying to provide help or true value with what you’re, you know, saying to them. Again, most people especially now because marketers have really saturated the market guys and I don’t necessarily mean you and I like as kind of solo printers or little guys so to speak, but like the big marketing agencies that have sales staff and things like that, they, they, you know, hammer local businesses, if you’re a local business, you get hammered with solicitation calls all day, every day. And you know, it’s it’s absolutely relentless. And so if you try to just straight cold call people without doing something to differentiate yourself, you’re going to run into a lot of discouragement, right, you’re going to get a lot of denials, you’re going to get turned down, you’re going to get cussed at all these kind of things. And honestly, it’s hard to sustain that for very long without, you know, throwing in the towel and saying, This isn’t for me, I’m going to do something else. So I developed a strategy that I developed years ago back in probably 2012 was what I called the video lead gen system, we’ve got a product for it right now that I’m actually updating for specifically for 2019 and for lead generation for people that are building lead gen assets as well as can it can still be applied to just straight you know, client work to prospecting for clients. And I’m I’m at currently updating that right now. Like literally because we’re going to be launching that the version two or you know, the update essentially, in what three weeks I think so.
What is it April 23, that we’re doing that is that right? Yeah, yeah. So into in three weeks from today, guys.
We’ll be talking about it will be the day the day after launch. And we’ll be talking more about it then. But specifically Lee, what I would recommend is for cold calling local businesses instead of cold, calling them just direct without somehow measuring their level of interest, you’re going to have a hard time. So the better way to do it, my opinion is to go out and hand select the prospects that you want to work with. And then creating a video email, which the original process that I created was a bit time consuming to do but it worked really well. Like I was getting consistently three or four responses for every 10 emails that I would send out. And that I mean, that’s that’s almost unheard of right for cold emails. And when I say responses, I mean people that would ask for, you know, either reply via email or call me depending on what my call to action was, so that I could start and essentially started a dialogue with me a conversation and now
Have those three or four out of every 10, I would close one or two of them. And I had heard many, many times from people that I would chat with or talk to, you know, prospects that I would talk to, after reaching out to them via video email, I would hear many times people say like, oh, wow, that was a really unique way to get my attention. And so essentially, what it is, is it’s, you know, finding hands, selecting the prospects that you want to work with are the ones that you think you want to work with. And then creating a short video, kind of providing value as to why you know who you are, but not, it’s not about you, it’s about them. And it’s about their digital presence and what you could do to help them or what you see as opportunities that they’re not taking advantage of, so you don’t ever, like criticize their existing digital presence. You always want to say stuff like, Hey, I really liked your website, but I see that you’re missing you know, you could be missing out on leads because you don’t have this or you’re
for example your google my business profile might not be optimized isn’t fully optimized and if you’re not aware of this that’s where the vast majority of leads are coming for local businesses right now or you want to you want to always talk in their terms and again i can’t go into specifics because it’s in the course and we’re relaunching that in three weeks anyways but video email was a really really good way to get people’s attention however like i mentioned the original strategy or method that i had developed was really time consuming it was very effective but time consuming well i’ve learned i’ve developed a way to streamline that which is a lot more it’s a lot easier to get more of these emails out and and again that’s all covered in the update that’s going to be coming out in three weeks so you know i would recommend that you do that and the reason why lee is because when you you can measure engagement through the emails there’s a service that i you know there’s a bunch of different services that do this but i specifically use a service called point of mail com where every email i send out a trial
The engagement level of that email to the to the recipient that I’m sending it to so I can set up notifications to note to be notified when they open the email. When they click on a link in the email, I can have text notifications or email notifications come to me so that I know exactly what my email is getting open and when somebody is clicking a link, for example, a link to a video that I send them, right. And so what I’ve what I’ve learned is if you want to do cold calling, one of the best things you can do is send a series of emails to the prospect and not these like, you know, diarrhea of the mouth type emails, where you literally just like load unload in a long email, like all these things that you could do for them because I found that those get deleted right away or get marked as spam right away. But send these like, short little emails where you’re asking questions and trying to get a dialogue started with the prospect and getting permission from them to send them a video and
And it’s and again, I’m not going to reveal that strategies here on Hump Day hangouts because it’s in the training course. But it’s just a couple of questions that you send, and then you get permission to send them a video from them. They said, Yes, send it. And you send the video via either a link or even a screenshot that looks like a video embedded in the actual email, Either one works. And then when they click that link, you can be notified by your email tracking software or app dependent, you know, whatever, that they’ve clicked that link. So now you know for a fact that they’ve seen your email and they are they’ve seen your video or at least started to watch your video. And that’s when you call them. Because then now you’ve got you know that they are already, you’ve already got permission to send them the video number one because you started a very easy dialogue with them, not where you’re telling them about how great you are and all the things that you can do for them. You just asked him a couple questions and get them to give you what’s what I call positive reply. And once you got the positive reply, you send them the video link that they’ve already given permission to send and then when they click it
You get notified that they’ve opened it, which means you know that or that they click the link so that you know that they’ve at least started to watch the video. And that’s when you call, you can either call immediately, or you can wait a few minutes, or you can wait a day or two and call back and say, Look, I just wanted to follow up to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you. Well, you know, that they already did. Because you can tell from the activity from from the email tracking app. But you don’t say that, because that’s might sound a bit creepy, right? But you just say like, Hey, I just wanted to follow up real quick to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you see if you had any questions or you know, see if we could talk about it a little bit. And that way, it’s not a cold call. It’s a warm call at that point. And so I would recommend the that you pay attention or be on the lookout. In three weeks, we’re going to relaunch that called the video lead gen system. And again, there’s a lot of streamlined methods in there that I’ve been working on and just like the past few weeks seriously, for a lot of stuff that I’m doing right now in my own business that I’m you know, is working well. So, hopefully that was helpful.
Anybody got any comments on that?
Marco: Nah, man, that was perfect. You’re the master of that.
Bradley: So let’s move on. I just got one quick one. When you say 30 to 40% I think some people will get how awesome of a rate that is. But it’s just like, freaking astronomical. Like, that’s unheard of you don’t get that when you’re prospecting. So, anyways, if you haven’t, or you’re going to be starting prospecting, like keep in mind, I mean, that is orders that you know, that’s huge. I think a normal response rate prospecting is 1% or lower. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s, again, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s not hard to do and a lot of, you know, I’ve learned over the years to not do so much of the work myself. And so there’s, you know, methods for or for outsourcing this a lot of the a lot of the work to to where it really requires very little effort on your part up front, other than to record the short videos. And then actually, you know, pick up the conversation once the prospect has replied positively and you can have a VA do most of the heavy lifting between the time that you create the video and the time that the the prospect replies positively and then you just pick up the conversation from there so it’s a it’s a great strategy guys and again I’m going to be will be releasing that in three weeks.
Which Is Good For An Event Blogging: Expired Domain Or A New Domain?
Next is uh i don’t really quite understand this question but Pranab, I says what is good for event blogging expired domain or new domain. I’m a newbie learner. Okay, I guess just means for what is good for blogging, expired domain or new new domain? Well, I would recommend going with a new domain with a brand name that you want to create. Because for SEO purposes, if you find an expired domain that had good backlink profile and relevant content to what it is that you’re going to be blogging about, if it was previously in the same type of content or the same category, essentially the same topic then you can
Get some traction from that. But you have to know how to, you can get some fat and subtraction faster from using an expired domain because it might already have some good inbound links. So a good link profile, but that’s the problem unless you know what you’re doing and how to investigate that, you could very well just buy a domain that’s been spammed to death. And if it’s if it wasn’t in the same category of the same around, you know, built around, if it didn’t have content on it, it was around the same topic, then it’s really not going to benefit from the existing inbound link profile unless they were had unless they had incredibly high, you know, valued links pointing to it, in which case, sometimes you can re categorize it and it will still have a benefit. But for the most part, I recommend just starting off with your own new domain that’s branded after the brand name that you want to create. And starting there and then using some of the methods, you know, to be selfish year some of the semantic mastery methods where you can start pushing authority in and rather
See into your domain using properties that you don’t have to worry about necessarily the inbound link profile because it’s a brand new property, so, or a brand new domain. So obviously, we use a lot of Google properties to push authority. And that’s something that you can do is just start with a new domain branded the way that you want it to be branded. It’s nice, clean a clean domain at that point, right? If it’s new, and then you can start building you know, things like syndication network and blogging consistently. That’s a staple for us. drive stack, we’re going to talk about that here again in a minute, but in our is drive stack, so you can Google properties to start building authority to your to your domain. And then from there, you could do a lot of other things to the Dr. stack that would keep your domain clean, but start building authority. That’s what I recommend. Mark, you want to comment on that at all? No, I totally agree. I’ll be doing an update webinar for syndication Academy. Yes. Where we’re going to talk about the importance of branding and brand plus key word association.
And how that really solidifies everything. As far as Googlebot is concerned. It’s all about the entity, right? It’s all about what you’re presenting to Google, as far as what it is that you’re doing, how you’re doing, and how everything that’s attached to this brand belongs to the brand. You’ve talked about this before. We go on, we claim the footprint. We’re not here to Google. We want Google to know this stuff is all ours. We’re going to go ahead and and have our presence in all of these social media and on all of the different web to Dotto profiles that we create through syndication Academy. There’s other training and syndication Academy that helps power it up. But the whole point is for that entity, and so you can do that, instead of taking what somebody else’s idea and what they had, and trying to convert that to your vision. Just start with your vision and go after that. That. I mean, I totally agree with Brad. Yeah, I agree with that. And it’s interesting.
Bradley: We had a question and I think it was a Syndication Academy group or it might have been our free Facebook group, the SEO tutorials group, but somebody asked our syndication networks still viable in 2019. And that, absolutely they are as far as a straight ranking tactic. They’re not maybe as effective as they were several years ago. But that’s that’s missing. You’re missing the point then because what Marco was just talking about was to entity validator. And it’s incredibly important to do that because in case you weren’t aware of this, Google is looking at authority and well entities and building authority and validating those entities. And that’s one way to do it and and by getting your name listed, your know your brand name or your website, name, whatever listed in multiple places, and that kind of validates that entity in a way that you can’t really do unless you have claimed this footprint.
You know what I mean? And that’s one of the one of the reasons why they’re still very, very effective. And I would have, you know, again, it’s still part of our standard operating procedure. It’s a foundational method. There’s no question.
How Hard Can You Hit A Subdomain With Links On A TLD?
My question is up, he says, How hard can you hit a subdomain with links on a top level domain? Well, it depends on what you’re asking about, Mike. I mean, you typically we don’t encourage hitting your money site, even on a subdomain with direct like spam links and such. We got away from doing that. years ago, really, you know, years ago, you used to be able to do like what was called domain authority stacking. And essentially, you could just manipulate domain authority and page authority that way, which is a mas metric I get it, but it was it was effective. It was it was very effective at the time, but we’re talking like 2014, 2015 timeframe, so several years ago.
Now, I don’t recommend doing that even on, you know, if, even if you were just setting up a sub domain specifically to point links at it. But it wasn’t like, you know, something that you were trying to keep like the sub domain wasn’t your content distribution engine, like you weren’t trying to rank the sub domain. I wouldn’t do it because I don’t like to put anything real spammy anywhere near the money site now. So because we don’t need to, again, just what we’ve been talking about on this webinar alone was like using drive stacks, for example, as the filter or Amazon s3 pages, it’s another great thing to do. Because Google domains or Amazon domains can withstand any kind of abuse you send it them, like absolutely any like kitchen sink, spam, it doesn’t matter what you throw at them. They’ll take it and they’ll take it like a champ. And please, Sir, may I have another, you know what I mean? And so instead of worrying about spamming a subdomain for pushing authority, or whatever, which, by the way, domain authority stacking and shit doesn’t work anymore. I mean, it might with some massive, massive numbers, but it’s difficult to do and it’s not something
That I would consider sustainable. So instead use properties like Amazon and Google that you can then use as like a tier one. That’s the linking to your money site, and push all your spam to those instead. Right? Because though they’ll launder it, they’ll essentially filter out the negative and only pass the good. And it’s just because they’ll take whatever you can throw at them. Like I said, Please, sir, man, I have another. So I don’t, I wouldn’t hit a subdomain on a on a money site with with a bunch of spam. I would unless you had a filter ahead of it, which in that case, you could go direct to the money site. You know what I’m saying, for example, you could be linking from or, and I don’t want to get to, I’m not going to go any further than this. But Iframes are a good way to do that kind of stuff, which is why we do what we do with drive stacks. Because it’s very, very powerful way to push authority without it being spammy to the money site. Does that make sense? For
The @ID page Mike, if you’re in a fairly sure you’re in Syndication Academy or at least one of our paid groups, if you’re in any of our paid groups, you’ll have access to that out ID page strategy, which is using an Amazon domain the combination between that and drive stacks alone is incredibly powerful and you can get away with murder with those. Comments?
Marco: No, I agree.
What’s The First Thing You Need To Do To Rank A Brand New Site?
Bradley: Moving on. Quentin’s up. He says great day guys having I’m having a website made next week for my brand or my band slash brand. What are the must haves to make Google my website bitch? Love it, Quentin. And he says, also, after having a website up and running, what’s the first thing you should do? Okay, so again, Battle Plan Quentin if you don’t already have it, get the Battle Plan because that’s exactly what it is for, to show you step by step and in what order you should apply again, at least from our methods that will work that will help you to get the most traction step one is going to be syndication network to help validate the entity
And then every single time you make posts to your blog, it will help to update that that network which again, again, that’s just activity, as well as they’re just really good signals. So so I would start with syndication network, and then obviously a drive stackas because we’ve been talking a lot about that. They’re just so effective. I mean, still, and it’s funny because we’ve heard another places people say, oh, Dr. Stats aren’t that effective. Bullshit. You just don’t know how to use them or you’re building them and correctly. That’s the thing if you know what you’re doing if you build them correctly, and then you know what to do with them. Once you have them, then they’re incredibly effective. So quit and I would recommend absolutely syndication network. Step one. start posting regularly once your syndication network is attached to your new blog. If you’re doing if you’re a band, and you’re doing a lot of updates on social media, use your syndicate your blog as your point of origin for your syndicate, excuse me, your social media updates.
In other words, post your updates to your blog and allow your blog to syndicate those post to your social media so that you’re always funneling the authority back to your blog as opposed to just when you post directly to Facebook, for example, yes, you can get engagement on Facebook, the Facebook, but who are you benefiting? As far as the the website, the digital property, you’re benefiting Facebook, not your own brand, right? I mean, you’re you’re still benefiting your brand, I get that. But I’m saying you’re not, you’re not benefiting your digital asset, your digital presence, because you’re you’re essentially doing all of your activity on Facebook. Well, you can still have your activity go to Facebook, but haven’t posts to your blog first. Right? So that way that you’re pushing authority back and bringing hopefully people visitors off of Facebook back to your website. And that’s just one example. So I would use your your blog as a as a kind of like your point of origin for your your updates and do it regularly. Right and then as far as that beyond that, again, a drive stackis going to help you to start pushing authority, then you can do all sorts of nasty SEO stuff, off page SEO stuff to your drive stack, which will keep your blog clean. And that’ll help to make Google your website Bitch. Marco, what do you suggest on that?
Marco: Battle plan for a new website? It’s on there, right?
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: Just follow it step by step. It tells you the things that you need to get in guys. We link from the Battle Plan to MGYB services, because that’s, that’s what we use, right? We use, we get the syndication networks, remember you I be from our builders, we got our drive stacks from there, we get our press releases from that. We get everything that we can from the people who we’ve trained to do things, the semantic mastery way. So, of course, we’re going to link to our stuff, it’s what we use, we we’re not going to sell you something or send you somewhere that you know, we don’t know what the effects are going to be. We know the the results that we get. We don’t know something else. That doesn’t mean that you have to get our services in order to accomplish what you are I but I mean, if the other side of the coin is you’d have to get our training, and you’d have to learn all of these different methods. Local PR Pro, Local GMB, Pro, Local Lease Pro, Syndication Academy, RYS Academy, all of the different things that go to the mastermind, I mean, that’s the best place Clinton where you we can help you and and the community can help you get the best results. But if you just starting out, dude, the Battle Plan, get the services why spent all that time doing everything yourself. When you can spend that time actually going into your social media, relating to people being social, and getting those social people to follow you and to come to your website and to give you their opinion. There’s a lot of ways to get people, when you’re being social, to come and be social and help you on the website, you have to create that that activity. That’s that’s an excellent way. I mean, it’s, there’s so many things that you can do. We talked about it in our mini mastermind group yesterday. I call it social conditioning. And I think you call it social engineering. But it all works from, in my mind, from the from Pavlov’s operate conditioning experiments where you create expectation. And we can do that with your social media crowd and get them to your website. That’s goal, because Google will follow them from Instagram, from from Facebook, from Pinterest, wherever it is that you have your social presence. And Google will know that all of these people are interested in your website. And then Google will start sending people to see why all of these different people are interested in in your website. So I mean, that that’s just my recommendation for Quentin. Yeah, plan, follow the Battle Plan services. We have everything, everything you need. And then July be.
Bradley: And guys, the traffic signals are huge for SEO right now. I mean, it’s one of the biggest drivers of SEO or rankings or really getting Google’s attention is traffic from, you know, valid traffic, real traffic, not spoof traffic, but real traffic. So referral traffic from social media sources is a great, especially when they dwell or engaged on your site. It’s not just about dwell time, but if they engage on your site, that that kind of traffic is incredibly powerful for SEO, it’s a great, great signal. And you can buy traffic to so I mean, again, it doesn’t have to be all organic traffic that you send as referral traffic from social media. But you know, you can buy traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from Facebook, and those are, you know, and YouTube, for example, there’s a lot of different ways that you can do that, too, that if it’s relevant, they’re going to engage with your site, right. And that’s just a huge signal. It’s incredibly powerful.
Does “Sending Traffic To Appease Google” Mean Using A Crowdsearch Alternative?
So we’re going to move on to one says, which by the way, the one joined the Mastermind after last week’s Hump Day hang up. And so we appreciate you doing joining. And he’s got a lot of good questions in there already and we’ve got a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’re actually going to dive into some of the stuff that he was asking about in there. So welcome to on once again. And we’ve got some stuff we’re going to cover for you tomorrow during the mastermind webinar. He says when you send traffic when you say you send traffic to a piece Google do you mean like crowd search alternative? Duwann I know you directed this at Marco so all that Marco add to this as well but as we’re just saying, it’s not about spoof traffic, you sure you could probably still get results with some spoof traffic. However, we’re talking about relevant traffic, right, just the same as we don’t. It’s funny. You know, I don’t we don’t do a lot of PBN stuff and we don’t do domain authority manipulation anymore because it’s just we found it’s more about relevancy like, that’s the longer term, that’s the better strategy. And so we try to do everything. Now, I say that and I just was talking about spam links.
Ahhh good like our service for spam links in MGYB, it works really well if you know how to what to pointed at, which is an example of like we were talking about with drive stacks or an Amazon s3, hosted pages, those kind of things are incredibly if you know how to use spam properly, you can, you can get results from even like traditional spam type links, right? But it’s not something that we would ever want to point directly at a money site. Well, the same thing goes for traffic signals, right? You can buy spam traffic signals or spoof traffic signals using an app like crowd search, which by the way, used to be incredibly effective. We promoted the shit out of it for about two years because I used it. I mean, a lot. I used it a lot. I was using 50,000 credits a month with that thing. And it worked really, really well but Google’s algorithm learned not to count that kind of traffic. And there’s a number of reasons why it became less effective and started having diminishing returns.
And I’m not going to get into all of that we can talk about that in the mastermind webinar if you’d like Duwann. But so so spam traffic signals can still produce some results, but their marginal at best compared to if you can buy or send relevant traffic signals, which is the same thing that we’re talking about, like for example, you know, even traditional SEO like link building stuff, we can create or add relevancy even to spam links by sending spam links to a drive stack that is 100% relevant and and it uses the Google domain to help kind of launder that negative link juice. Well, the same thing goes with with traffic signals, right? If you can, force or push real traffic into your digital assets, your entities, so to speak, right your your your brand, entity from either referral sources or even to buying it direct, if it’s relevant traffic, that traffic is going to be weighted so much heavier by Google, right? So for SEO purposes, relevant traffic is weighted much heavier than non relevant traffic. So for example, if you were to send hundreds of visitors to a blog post on your site that aren’t engaging with it, but it’s just the visitor hits, right that you’re trying to send traffic signals to it. Can that help? Yes, it may be able to help, it may be able to give you a small boost, and the ranks or even a big boost. The problem is when you stop sending that traffic, what happens it will start to slip again, because those weren’t sustainable signals. But if you you can send a fraction of relevant traffic signals from an audience that Google is fully aware of is already interested in that topic or that content and big and how do they do that? Well, if you’re buying traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from known audiences, right? You can you can buy traffic from Google directly from YouTube or directly from display network or search ads if you want it, it’s crazy expensive. But from let’s say display network or from YouTube, where you can literally select the audience’s that you want Google display your ads to write expose your ads to. So Google knows that those people are already interested in that topic, or so. So Google knows that those people are relevant. And because they’re relevant when you send those traffic signals to or those that that traffic excuse me to your your content, they’re likely to engage with it. And the engagement signals are more powerful than just bear traffic signals, if that makes sense. Which means that not only will the traffic and engagement help the SEO, but it’s likely that you’re going to actually convert some of that traffic into whatever your conversion goal may be.
Whether that’s opting in to build your email list or if it’s for local business, it’s making a phone call becoming essentially becoming a lead or submitting a contact request form. Or if it’s a straight like Ecom, you’re trying to sell something, they may purchase your products. So instead of trying to put your effort, time and money into spoofing traffic, why not put your effort time and money into buying relevant traffic or generating relevant traffic through social engineering or as Marco calls it social conditioning? Again, you’re going to get much better results with a fraction of the numbers required that you would from spoofing stuff by just sending relevant traffic signals and engagement from real people that have a real genuine interest in your, your topic or your content, your product, your service, whatever it may be. Marco, you want to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, what I want to add is, is something really simple. And and Google is starting to get even smarter, because they boil it down, right and I call it the art. ART – activity, relevance, trust and authority. And it’s at the link origin and destination and everything attached to the link origin and the link destination. So Google is looking at the activity on the links, meaning, how are people interacting with the website is feeding you the link? And how are they are they interacting when they get to the destination of activity.
Relevance, well, isn’t relevant. Did they come from women’s shoes and and end up at and I don’t know, bricks? Absolutely nothing might want to do with the other. It has to be relevant. And it has to be trusted and authoritative. That’s why we love being inside the belly of the beast being inside Google. So if you can get those three things, the one or Devon Devon, I’m not sure how that’s pronounced But either way, let me know what will be on the mastermind dummy house mouse can get it in there. Now. It’s very difficult. As far as the activities concerned, to get purchase traffic, and I’m talking about fiber, I’m talking about traffic exchanges and all these other places to get these people to act like real people, even if you’re in a traffic exchange with real people. Because in a traffic exchange, all the people are concerned about is earning more whatever tokens or whatever credits, so that they can get more traffic to to their own properties. They’re not interested in dwelling on your website, they’re not interested in interacting with your website. And Google is looking at all of these things. So how can you get in and think of it? How can you get that activity? How can get that real person, like a real person? Will you buy real people, you either train them the right way, or you pay Google and Facebook and Instagram and whatever else to send the right people. Wherever you want it to go. They don’t have to go to your money.
site, they can go into your link string and then up at the money site. Now, here’s the key thing. And the great thing Fiverr traffic does work. And the way that I’ve gotten it to work is you have to get in with, like, a real conversation with the provider, so that the provider knows exactly what it is that you’re looking for. And they have to be able to tell you, yes, I can do it or No, I can’t. And then you test it. Even if they tell you, oh, yeah, I can do that. I can do that. I can get local IPS. And I can get traffic to go in there like that. you test it. You never, you never test on anything that’s going to make you money, although you set it up as if you’re going to make money with your test. And you should. Now once once you have that and you get all of these real people interacting and you see how it works and how Google reacts to this traffic, then you know that you can trust this guy. Never lose that at that
Fivver contact, because it’s worth gold, three or four people out at tier two, tier three tier for interacting with your links and ending up at the destination wherever you want and finishing whatever it is that you set them to do. That’s what Google wants to see the completion of that original action at the destination. So that that’s the key. And if you’re doing that, if you’re buying from phone from fire or anything, is that just going in and paying just whatever, for whoever for whatever, it’s actually you have to know and understand what it is that Google is looking for, so that you can buy and try to approximate what Google is looking for.
What’s A Good Tool To Trakc Your GMB Rankings?
Bradley: Sweet. So next is Jordan was just dropping the link to or what he suggests for rank tracking nice reports, not cheap. So there you go, because somebody was asking about that wills asking what’s a good tool to track your GMB rankings? So you might want to check that out personally Well, what I use is Bright local for my client reporting, which will check track GMB rankings depending on like, you can set it by zip code or by city name.
So that’s that’s all I use that you can also use like pro Rank Tracker. That’s, that’s something that I, you know, I use for,
like test SEO tests and stuff like that. Not that not necessarily. I mean, I do have some client reports in there, but I use that more for tracking, SEO tests, you know, campaigns that I’m testing different methods on and that kind of stuff. But for client reports, I use bright local, because it gives me a lot of really good reports that look nice and they’re they’re really accurate as far as for, you know,
GMB rank tracking. And what’s cool is you can set like third party mentions up so it will show rankings of any one of your branded digital assets. So, like it’ll show citations where their ranking YouTube videos or channels or Facebook pages, you know anything that’s been branded that has a mention of your name that your clients name will show up in the search results of the Rank Tracker search results, right? So it’s really cool because it makes you look like a rockstar instead of just showing where the websites ranking you show where all of their branded properties or profiles are ranking for the various keywords and so it looks really, really good.
And so anyways, again, I just use bright local, but Jordan likes Night Watch dot.io. So check some of them out and see what which one you like. Okay.
How Do You Make And 301 Redirect A Firebase Dynamic Link?
Okay, thank you grant for that comment. Fabian, ask a question about the Firebase 301 redirects. Now that geo geo which was Google’s link shortener is now been terminated, they won’t. They won’t allow us to use it anymore. And Marco is not going to answer that Fabian, because Marco tell him why.
Marco: Because some idiot will take it and burn it.
Bradley: There you go.
Marco: It’s that simple and right now we’ve got it Fabian you’re in the mastermind so when we are working on it to make it available to our membership so that they can use it we have it internally right now but we’re working on making it making it available so that you guys in the mastermind first can use it as soon as it’s available we’ll let you guys know in the meantime i mean bradley you’re using my pretty links pro yeah yeah and there’s rebrand the the hourly there’s a whole bunch of other places where you can get three old ones if it has decent metrics if it hasn’t been burned by all means use it and then we’ll work out our shortener our firebase shortener and how to make it available to again membership has its privileges so the mastermind will get it first
Bradley: Yeah i’m just using pretty links pro which is a plugin i think if you go to semanticmastery.com/prettylinks you can find it. It’s it’s not very expensive. I think it’s like 20 bucks. It might be more than that. But it’s, anyways, it’s a great plugin. And depending on what I’m like, for example, for all press releases, I set up a domain specifically that I use for creating redirects within press releases for the local PR pro method for PR stalking. Also just for like, redirecting those long ugly google google URLs for like maps, for example, or now GMB posts and stuff like that. So I always am using the same, it’s a press related type domain. So that it makes sense, right, and it looked and it looks and fits well, in press releases. And that way, you know, I’m actually building a little bit of authority to my own redirect domain that way. For other stuff, you know, again, I just use pretty links Pro, because I think when you buy that you get unlimited domain installs. And so yeah, I mean, for example, we’ve got a link shortener on for semantic mastery that we’ve had for years now called and if we use pretty links in that it’s SM short dot link. And if you go to the homepage, it’s it’s a Sam Jackson telling you to fuck off. But we use that as our redirect URL and have been for years SM short link and it’s great because it’s just Pretty Link Pro. So again, that’s what I’ve been using. But yeah, there are other things like rebrand Lee and stuff that have some inherent authority that you can use. So that would answer Jordans question next as well.
How To Find The Best Keywords For My YouTube Videos?
So Kevin is up. He says, How do I find the best keywords for my YouTube videos? I’m glad you asked that, Kevin. I actually prepared this specifically, I’m going to drop these links on the page for you as a reply, and then I’m just going to briefly talk about them because they’re both really good. And I want to explain why. OK, cool. So for YouTube video keywords, I think these are the two best software’s or tools available. One is and they’re both from the same developer by the way.
So this one is Power Suggest Pro and this is by Ted Chen that he’s again a developer a both these tools that I’m going to show his hands down my favorite keyword tool and has been for years it’s incredibly inexpensive if you buy it through our link which is the link that I just dropped there I think you can get it for yes I think if you buy it straight from the website at $77 but through our link it’s 57 and that’s because we’ve sold this a lot for Ted so he gave us a discount for our our audience only. Anyways, it’s a one time fee 57 bucks it’s an incredibly simple tool. And it works really really well especially for generating long tail keywords like stuff that you can rank for overnight like instantly when you’re talking about YouTube video stuff because it will spit out a not all it all it does is produced keyword excuse me auto suggest keywords so Google suggest or YouTube suggest or eBay suggest or Amazon suggest and I think it has been in there as well.
I’ll just open it up real quick. But it’s a very simple tool. And all it does is it uses the suggested phrases. And it used does it via API. So it grabs them very, very quickly. And it’s got Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay and Bing. And so for YouTube, like I’ve got it checked right here, I know, it’s probably small on your end, guys. But for YouTube, you just put in your search term, or your seed keyword, so to speak, and then allow and then just hit Search and you can set up suffix or recursive. recursive means like so for example, you know, when you go to Google and you type in a keyword, and then you type in space a, it’s going to list the top 10 suggested search queries that were that that last word starts with an A, and then you can go be and it’ll give you the top 10 suggested search queries with the the last word starting with a B, and so on and so forth all the way through A through Z, while recursive will then go back in search the 10 results for each letter, again with the neck with a again at the end, and so
You can literally spit out thousands of keywords, complex search queries very, very quickly. And what I like about it is because it’s coming from the Google suggest it for YouTube and Google anyways, the Google suggests API, all you’re getting our search queries that are known to have traffic or have enough interest from Google from from Google users for Google to put them in the suggested a, you know, the suggested excuse me, the the suggest database and other words, Google doesn’t have suggested search query phrases in there just randomly. They’re there because people have searched for those specific queries. Does that make sense? So the YouTube suggest that use YouTube suggest database is not as good as Google’s. In other words, you will see some repetition of like specific words that will be appended to your search queries are the the output essentially from from this tool, but with the when you’re looking at just the Google suggested phrases, it’s incredible because you can get into some sometimes the queries that come out of here are eight 910 words long, which means there’s traffic on those complex queries, there’s no doubt there’s traffic there, or else they wouldn’t be in the suggest database. But very few, if any, are optimizing for them. And that’s why I’m saying this is an outstanding tool for SEO guys. Because you can develop your your silos around long tail keywords that are spit out from this tool, in a matter of seconds, it works very quickly. And you can get super long tail keyword phrases or search queries essentially, that you can optimize content for. And when we’re talking about YouTube, I mean, you can literally rank for stuff, the moment it’s published, if you’re if you’re targeting those long tail and then if you’re using silos properly, which is what we teach with, you know, for content stacking period, but you can you can apply silo architecture
YouTube channels using playlists, right? That’s YouTube Silo Academy, you can do, you can get really good results even for short tail keyword phrases by creating a silo playlist and targeting the longer more complex queries that rank almost instantly. And so again, this is a fantastic tool guys, for 57 bucks, it’s a one time fee. You’d be silly not to use it. Number two, this is a also by Ted Chen. But this is an online version of it. And this is a tool by that was co developed by our friend Justin sorry, who is hands down the best, in my opinion guide for learning how to run YouTube ads for e com and for lead generation or like building email lists and all that kind of stuff. Justin, sorry. He’s great. And this is a tool he developed called tube sift. What he co developed it with Ted Chen, Ted’s there, that’s Justin. And this is an online version that will. it’s got a lot of this the same
functionality in the app or you know, the online version as power suggest Pro, but it’s got a lot of additional features for YouTube advertising. So it is more of an ads tool. And it is an SEO tool. But there is the SEO component of it because it has the same power suggest pro functionality in the app. But it also has a lot of additional things like finding, it’s got a YouTube channel searcher that you can find other channels to find other videos that you can use for in strategic ways. You can also build placement list for YouTube ads, all that kind of stuff. So either one of these are really, really good depending if you’re just doing SEO work, you can get away with just using power suggest Pro. If you plan on doing any YouTube advertising, I highly recommend picking this tool up because it works really well. And I still use this to all the time whenever I run YouTube ads, I’m always in there using this tool. It’s a great, great tool.
Okay, so great question. We’re gonna keep moving. We’re almost out of time here to.
What MGYB Services Would You Recommend To Get Faster Traction In Multi-Location GMB Pages?
Daniel says. I have some Some new sites being created both for roofers one with two locations about three hours apart and one with location servicing to adjoining counties. What service from MTV? Would you recommend to me to get some traction fast in the first month? Then what would you suggest to follow up after that? Thanks. Um, well, first of all press releases, Daniel is going to be one of the things you can do quick to get the best results, the quickest results, although the days of just one press release, being able to get super, super good results are unless it’s very non competitive. If it’s real, if it’s a real low competition, you know, you can very well get a good results with, you know, significant movement with one press release. But if it’s more competitive, it’s going to require several press releases published in succession, like a week apart or two weeks apart. That essentially the PR stalking method in order to get results there’s Google’s algorithm is adapted for a long time there for almost a year. We’re able to just crush it with press releases for from maps listings. And we still can, but it requires more and consistency in order to do it to get the same kind of results, but press releases, obviously drive stacks. drive stack is again standard operating procedure. It does take a little bit of time for Dr stacks to take effect. But I would recommend having to drive stack pointed at your your each one of your clients that then you can actually target both locations within the DR stacks for each each client. And then what you can do is bit link build to the Dr. stat, right and again, that’s those are all services that we provide an empty, Why be in the store. You can buy press releases from us, you can buy and you also get an organization page, which is a like a media room page, which is great, because you can use that very strategically. You can actually embed that in your drive stacks, which is very powerful. And then build links to your drive stacks and your organization pages which are like your accent, essentially your media room page as well.
your your your press releases for that brand that company will be listed. It’s like a it’s like an index like a blog index page essentially for the press releases so you power that up with additional links and that will help to. So again, I would recommend doing a kind of a one two punch. I’m honestly Daniel, if you were are handling like the work for your clients. That’s where local GMB pro local PR pro and ROI is all combine those together is like that’s like the perfect triple combo to get results for clients. I don’t you know, you’d have to go buy all the training courses and learn all that stuff to be able to implement it or you can just buy some of those the GM or excuse me, the PR and press releases and the drive stacks directly from MGYB not have to learn all of it. And then again, you apply the link building campaigns to those properties not directly to the money site. As far as the GMB assets, the actual
maps, you know, listings themselves. That’s where local GMB Pro comes in. That’s where you’re going to get the best results from the actual GM, Google My Business listing, essentially. So that you know, I would recommend we don’t have that service available publicly yet an mg Why be in the mastermind we do, Daniel, where you can buy mg Excuse me. GMB services from us done for you Google My Business Services. But that’s only available in the mastermind right now. So if you want to apply those methods to your current clients, then you have to right now purchase local gym, be Pro, or come join the mastermind, which is what I would recommend because you can get it the training much cheaper there as well as get done for you services there so that you don’t have to spend the time and effort learning how to do it. You can just find that get the training from us as how to apply it and then how hire us to do it for you. And that’s going to get you the quickest results instead of you have to learn it. So I would recommend you come join the mastermind. It’s a small price to pay for the access to us and the training and the methods that are going to help you to get results the quickest. That makes sense. any comments on that?
Marco: No, that’s perfect.
Adam: No say Bradley make sure yeah, okay cool you have a…
Bradley: refresh I know it sucks Yeah, I don’t like that at all. all right um. okay so we’re there
yeah well i’m not i’m not digging the whole Facebook comments thing myself honestly but you know we’re trying to find a good solution guys here would discuss apparently wasn’t working so we’ll work it out. Michaels up he says not sure why. The same thing is complaining about this apparently.
Last week’s page isn’t showing last week some data that was seen as I saw that. huh? Okay.
So did it get resolved? Yep. Yeah, we didn’t have the code in there for the for the YouTube video. Oh shit, my bad. That was my fault then I apologize for that.
Is There A Way To Protect GMB Listings From Being Suspended From People Flagging Them?
Alright, I’ll Gus Augustus says is there a way to protect GMB listings from being suspended from people flagging them? No, I mean, make them look as real as possible. Augustus that’s the only thing you can do is, you know, try to make them look as real as possible.
If somebody flags it, and you, you know, if you can’t verify it physically, you know, via receiving a postcard, or, you know, taking photos from in front of the storefront or the location, if it’s not a storefront business, then the only thing that you can do is really try to make it look as real and as genuine as possible. Honestly, I think that’s bullshit right now, because any, you know, competitive competitors could just flag a listing, and it could cause Google to want to slap it and require ree ree verification, but there’s not much we can do about that right now.
We’re almost out of time, guys. I do have to leave but vitality says hello, hope everything is doing well. Question to Bradley. Any feedback on testing with quantum Newswire? Thanks. No, I’m still testing vitality. There’s a lot of amazing features with it. And I’ve got a lot of hopes for it. And I know the guys behind it like really and we wouldn’t have brought that to to our audience unless we truly believed in it. But I am doing some pretty significant testing with it that we’re going to reap, you know, bring that, bring them back to do another presentation. Another offer essentially, once I have my case study done when we promoted it the first time, I didn’t have my case study done and that’s because I just honestly have had been overwhelmed with too much other work at the moment. But I am actively working on that case study right now. So that in the next two to three weeks, we can bring that them back to present the offer again. And this time, I will take a much more active role in the actual presentation and showcase study data like I often do to show exactly how I’m what you know the kind of results like I’m getting from it. So right now now I don’t have any updates for you, but we will in a few weeks. Okay.
Will Existing Members Get The Video Lead Gen V2 Update Or There’s A Need To Repurchase Them?
Rob says Bradley spoke about video lead gen system v2 launching soon will existing members get the update or where we have to repurchase to get the new v two updates? That’s a good question. As far as I know, you will get the updates. Rob, as far as I know, you will get the updates. Why do we were getting double? I don’t know maybe because it wasn’t showing up on the page. Anyways, so there you go, guys. I gotta run. It’s five o’clock. Sorry about this. Comment app not working correctly. Again. I don’t know what to do about it. We’ll figure it out. So thanks, everybody. Thanks, man.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230 syndicated from https://jesicasearcy.wordpress.com/feed
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230 syndicated from https://xanthelasmatreatment.com/
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beyondvapepage · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230
Click on the video above to watch Episode 230 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 230. Today is the third of April 2019. And first of all, if you live Thanks for joining us, we’re going to dive into the questions here shortly if you’re not live or your new semantic mastery, first of all, thank you for watching, and we want to point you in the right direction. The good news is you’re already in the right place. This is a place to be watching Hump Day Hangouts, whether you’re catching this live or again, if catching the replay maybe on YouTube. That’s awesome. The next step is definitely grab the Battle Plan head over to Battle Plan dot semantic mastery.com. And then, for those of you who are interested in either starting or growing your local digital marketing agency, you know, we want you to check out the mastermind go to mastermind, semantic mastery.com and then every week with the hump day Hangouts, you can always go to semantic mastery. com slash HD questions and ask your questions live. We love it when you join us. There’s sometimes good stuff going on for people
Join us live. But you can always ask your questions. If you got a call you got client stuff, you’re at work, whatever, then you can check out the replays. So But that said, we’ve got a few more announcements but let’s say hello to everybody. We got everyone except for Hunan here. I think he’s having some issues with power. So Chris will start things with you. How you doing?
Chris: Doing good.
Adam: Alright, man, a few words. Marco. What’s up, dude? How’s the weather down there?
Marco: It’s beautiful man. Suck last night. We got down to 67.
Adam: that suck man I feel for you. Really?
I had I had to go and grab a sheet. I don’t appreciate having to get up middle of the night and having to get a sheet. But other than that, I can’t. I can’t complain. Good man. How you doing?
Bradley: Good man. I got this from Marco though. Nice here. Finally. It’s 70 degrees today which is nice. Spring is almost sprung here in Virginia and really looking forward to it after what nasty winter so.
Adam: good deal. Well, we got a lot of questions so we’re not going to take up too much time today. Just wanted to mention everybody if you haven’t yet head over to mgyb.co for your done for you SEO Services. With there’s been several launching, we got more in the pipeline, but I know specifically that the embeds, the link building and link indexing live. So go check those out. I’ll put the links on the pages that you guys have anything else to say about that. I just want to let people know that they’ll
Bradley: jump in for a moment real quick Marco, and then you can talk your your trash to the link building services amazing because this is our longtime link builder that he had been working for us for, for me specifically for I think six years now. He’s real pro at what he does. He is amazing. And one of the strategies is working incredibly well and it’s not just from what I’m saying. That from a lot of our members like mastermind members that are using his services as well is if you guys are using @ID pages, which we talked about in various trainings. And in point links to those, instead of pointing direct to your money site, it’s incredibly powerful for local stuff, especially. And it’s working really, really well. And what I love about it is it’s easy, right? Because you just go and place your order for link building, and daddy does the rest. And it basically will power up your @ID loop, which is really super powerful. And it protects your money site as well. So I would highly encourage you guys to go check that out the the, the effects have been consistent across the board. Go ahead, Marco.
Marco: Know what I wanted to add is the embeds are just that it’s not just video. It’s not just maps, it’s embedded. If it has an X ray, we cannot help you, right, because that’s the website not allowing itself to be iframe. Other than that, if you can, if it can be iframe, it can be Set through in an embed gig. So imagine what you do with that with with the with the media page and maybe embedded on the side or maybe I’m not going to go too deep into that, but I don’t want to spend people’s heads. But it’s it’s limitless. And then what’s working really, really well is when you build links into a drive step was the site. I mean, someone just got, we were talking last night in our mini mastermind. And someone literally got a drive stack from us. Got the link building from daddy at the link building isn’t done. And the drive stack has already started moving into the first spots in Google. I mean, that’s how well it’s working. Fuck Google and Google updates.
Go to MGYB, first of all, get the Battle Plan so that you know which products and services you need to grab from us. I mean, you could do it all yourself or save yourself all the time and all those headaches. Let us do it for you and and get it done right kit and get results. I mean, I can’t guarantee was on that yet I will be guaranteeing results in a few months. I can’t guarantee them just right I just I can’t. Google is unpredictable that way that we’re targeting it there’s still some fluctuations that aren’t measured into RYS Academy drive stacks always reloaded but when you add the power of press releases when you had the power of link building when you add the power again, I’ll go back to Bradley’s training YouTube ads if you didn’t get it, I mean you you’re missing one of the best options for getting power into your and I’ll give credit to Becca right now. slipstream, link streams or slip streams as he called them are the shit kit link building into that get people into that and watch watch it just light a match and everything else will just below. So that’s my piece for today.
Adam: Awesome. I got an absolutely nothing to add on to that you guys. So good to go. Go check it out. Again, the links will be on the page. I had reports of some issues with the commenting on the page. Again, we switched to Facebook. So if anyone’s having issues, you know, let us know, you can send them a ticket to support a semantic mastery. com. We want to make sure it’s a work in progress, will try to get things going. It looks like people have commented, but there might be issues still going on. So please let us know. Give us some feedback. And we’ll get that fixed for you guys. We had we had issues with the Facebook app. Ah, yeah, yeah. So I know at least one person had issues and then I’ve seen some issues on my account. So anyways, we’ll roll with the punches, guys, and we’ll get it straightened out. We keep popping around trying different stuff.
So the last thing I want to say to if you’re catching this 12 regardless of where you’re watching this, subscribe to our YouTube channels, the short version. And if you’re checking this out on YouTube, you know, and you’re coming across across clips, or you watch this stuff regularly and you check out our channel. You know, please help us out share it, we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel. We want to get the word out there and you know, we know we got a lot of good clips with a lot of helpful info. So If you know someone who could use it, by all means, share it, email it, whatever you want to do, just get the word out.
Sweet. Can we let? We got no just kidding. Yeah, let’s do this. I’m gonna grab the screen. We’ll get into it.
Tips For Cold Calling Local Businesses And Provide GMB Rankings
Bradley: Alright, so we’re going to start where it says six days ago. So I’m going to start right here with Lee Leon who says, Hey, semantic mastery. Got any tips for cold calling local businesses and providing GMB rankings? Well, I don’t have any tips for cold calling, except that there’s a great strategy that I developed many, many years ago, when I first started growing my own agency that is a combination of email, but very specific video emails, and then calling those that engage or interact with the video emails and there’s a way to determine that and that way, it’s not a strict cold call, because I don’t know about you guys, but I always hated straight cold calls, they suck. you interrupt people, they usually are pissed off that you call them and interrupted them, especially if they think it’s some sort of solicitation even if you are trying to provide help or true value with what you’re, you know, saying to them. Again, most people especially now because marketers have really saturated the market guys and I don’t necessarily mean you and I like as kind of solo printers or little guys so to speak, but like the big marketing agencies that have sales staff and things like that, they, they, you know, hammer local businesses, if you’re a local business, you get hammered with solicitation calls all day, every day. And you know, it’s it’s absolutely relentless. And so if you try to just straight cold call people without doing something to differentiate yourself, you’re going to run into a lot of discouragement, right, you’re going to get a lot of denials, you’re going to get turned down, you’re going to get cussed at all these kind of things. And honestly, it’s hard to sustain that for very long without, you know, throwing in the towel and saying, This isn’t for me, I’m going to do something else. So I developed a strategy that I developed years ago back in probably 2012 was what I called the video lead gen system, we’ve got a product for it right now that I’m actually updating for specifically for 2019 and for lead generation for people that are building lead gen assets as well as can it can still be applied to just straight you know, client work to prospecting for clients. And I’m I’m at currently updating that right now. Like literally because we’re going to be launching that the version two or you know, the update essentially, in what three weeks I think so.
What is it April 23, that we’re doing that is that right? Yeah, yeah. So into in three weeks from today, guys.
We’ll be talking about it will be the day the day after launch. And we’ll be talking more about it then. But specifically Lee, what I would recommend is for cold calling local businesses instead of cold, calling them just direct without somehow measuring their level of interest, you’re going to have a hard time. So the better way to do it, my opinion is to go out and hand select the prospects that you want to work with. And then creating a video email, which the original process that I created was a bit time consuming to do but it worked really well. Like I was getting consistently three or four responses for every 10 emails that I would send out. And that I mean, that’s that’s almost unheard of right for cold emails. And when I say responses, I mean people that would ask for, you know, either reply via email or call me depending on what my call to action was, so that I could start and essentially started a dialogue with me a conversation and now
Have those three or four out of every 10, I would close one or two of them. And I had heard many, many times from people that I would chat with or talk to, you know, prospects that I would talk to, after reaching out to them via video email, I would hear many times people say like, oh, wow, that was a really unique way to get my attention. And so essentially, what it is, is it’s, you know, finding hands, selecting the prospects that you want to work with are the ones that you think you want to work with. And then creating a short video, kind of providing value as to why you know who you are, but not, it’s not about you, it’s about them. And it’s about their digital presence and what you could do to help them or what you see as opportunities that they’re not taking advantage of, so you don’t ever, like criticize their existing digital presence. You always want to say stuff like, Hey, I really liked your website, but I see that you’re missing you know, you could be missing out on leads because you don’t have this or you’re
for example your google my business profile might not be optimized isn’t fully optimized and if you’re not aware of this that’s where the vast majority of leads are coming for local businesses right now or you want to you want to always talk in their terms and again i can’t go into specifics because it’s in the course and we’re relaunching that in three weeks anyways but video email was a really really good way to get people’s attention however like i mentioned the original strategy or method that i had developed was really time consuming it was very effective but time consuming well i’ve learned i’ve developed a way to streamline that which is a lot more it’s a lot easier to get more of these emails out and and again that’s all covered in the update that’s going to be coming out in three weeks so you know i would recommend that you do that and the reason why lee is because when you you can measure engagement through the emails there’s a service that i you know there’s a bunch of different services that do this but i specifically use a service called point of mail com where every email i send out a trial
The engagement level of that email to the to the recipient that I’m sending it to so I can set up notifications to note to be notified when they open the email. When they click on a link in the email, I can have text notifications or email notifications come to me so that I know exactly what my email is getting open and when somebody is clicking a link, for example, a link to a video that I send them, right. And so what I’ve what I’ve learned is if you want to do cold calling, one of the best things you can do is send a series of emails to the prospect and not these like, you know, diarrhea of the mouth type emails, where you literally just like load unload in a long email, like all these things that you could do for them because I found that those get deleted right away or get marked as spam right away. But send these like, short little emails where you’re asking questions and trying to get a dialogue started with the prospect and getting permission from them to send them a video and
And it’s and again, I’m not going to reveal that strategies here on Hump Day hangouts because it’s in the training course. But it’s just a couple of questions that you send, and then you get permission to send them a video from them. They said, Yes, send it. And you send the video via either a link or even a screenshot that looks like a video embedded in the actual email, Either one works. And then when they click that link, you can be notified by your email tracking software or app dependent, you know, whatever, that they’ve clicked that link. So now you know for a fact that they’ve seen your email and they are they’ve seen your video or at least started to watch your video. And that’s when you call them. Because then now you’ve got you know that they are already, you’ve already got permission to send them the video number one because you started a very easy dialogue with them, not where you’re telling them about how great you are and all the things that you can do for them. You just asked him a couple questions and get them to give you what’s what I call positive reply. And once you got the positive reply, you send them the video link that they’ve already given permission to send and then when they click it
You get notified that they’ve opened it, which means you know that or that they click the link so that you know that they’ve at least started to watch the video. And that’s when you call, you can either call immediately, or you can wait a few minutes, or you can wait a day or two and call back and say, Look, I just wanted to follow up to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you. Well, you know, that they already did. Because you can tell from the activity from from the email tracking app. But you don’t say that, because that’s might sound a bit creepy, right? But you just say like, Hey, I just wanted to follow up real quick to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you see if you had any questions or you know, see if we could talk about it a little bit. And that way, it’s not a cold call. It’s a warm call at that point. And so I would recommend the that you pay attention or be on the lookout. In three weeks, we’re going to relaunch that called the video lead gen system. And again, there’s a lot of streamlined methods in there that I’ve been working on and just like the past few weeks seriously, for a lot of stuff that I’m doing right now in my own business that I’m you know, is working well. So, hopefully that was helpful.
Anybody got any comments on that?
Marco: Nah, man, that was perfect. You’re the master of that.
Bradley: So let’s move on. I just got one quick one. When you say 30 to 40% I think some people will get how awesome of a rate that is. But it’s just like, freaking astronomical. Like, that’s unheard of you don’t get that when you’re prospecting. So, anyways, if you haven’t, or you’re going to be starting prospecting, like keep in mind, I mean, that is orders that you know, that’s huge. I think a normal response rate prospecting is 1% or lower. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s, again, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s not hard to do and a lot of, you know, I’ve learned over the years to not do so much of the work myself. And so there’s, you know, methods for or for outsourcing this a lot of the a lot of the work to to where it really requires very little effort on your part up front, other than to record the short videos. And then actually, you know, pick up the conversation once the prospect has replied positively and you can have a VA do most of the heavy lifting between the time that you create the video and the time that the the prospect replies positively and then you just pick up the conversation from there so it’s a it’s a great strategy guys and again I’m going to be will be releasing that in three weeks.
Which Is Good For An Event Blogging: Expired Domain Or A New Domain?
Next is uh i don’t really quite understand this question but Pranab, I says what is good for event blogging expired domain or new domain. I’m a newbie learner. Okay, I guess just means for what is good for blogging, expired domain or new new domain? Well, I would recommend going with a new domain with a brand name that you want to create. Because for SEO purposes, if you find an expired domain that had good backlink profile and relevant content to what it is that you’re going to be blogging about, if it was previously in the same type of content or the same category, essentially the same topic then you can
Get some traction from that. But you have to know how to, you can get some fat and subtraction faster from using an expired domain because it might already have some good inbound links. So a good link profile, but that’s the problem unless you know what you’re doing and how to investigate that, you could very well just buy a domain that’s been spammed to death. And if it’s if it wasn’t in the same category of the same around, you know, built around, if it didn’t have content on it, it was around the same topic, then it’s really not going to benefit from the existing inbound link profile unless they were had unless they had incredibly high, you know, valued links pointing to it, in which case, sometimes you can re categorize it and it will still have a benefit. But for the most part, I recommend just starting off with your own new domain that’s branded after the brand name that you want to create. And starting there and then using some of the methods, you know, to be selfish year some of the semantic mastery methods where you can start pushing authority in and rather
See into your domain using properties that you don’t have to worry about necessarily the inbound link profile because it’s a brand new property, so, or a brand new domain. So obviously, we use a lot of Google properties to push authority. And that’s something that you can do is just start with a new domain branded the way that you want it to be branded. It’s nice, clean a clean domain at that point, right? If it’s new, and then you can start building you know, things like syndication network and blogging consistently. That’s a staple for us. drive stack, we’re going to talk about that here again in a minute, but in our is drive stack, so you can Google properties to start building authority to your to your domain. And then from there, you could do a lot of other things to the Dr. stack that would keep your domain clean, but start building authority. That’s what I recommend. Mark, you want to comment on that at all? No, I totally agree. I’ll be doing an update webinar for syndication Academy. Yes. Where we’re going to talk about the importance of branding and brand plus key word association.
And how that really solidifies everything. As far as Googlebot is concerned. It’s all about the entity, right? It’s all about what you’re presenting to Google, as far as what it is that you’re doing, how you’re doing, and how everything that’s attached to this brand belongs to the brand. You’ve talked about this before. We go on, we claim the footprint. We’re not here to Google. We want Google to know this stuff is all ours. We’re going to go ahead and and have our presence in all of these social media and on all of the different web to Dotto profiles that we create through syndication Academy. There’s other training and syndication Academy that helps power it up. But the whole point is for that entity, and so you can do that, instead of taking what somebody else’s idea and what they had, and trying to convert that to your vision. Just start with your vision and go after that. That. I mean, I totally agree with Brad. Yeah, I agree with that. And it’s interesting.
Bradley: We had a question and I think it was a Syndication Academy group or it might have been our free Facebook group, the SEO tutorials group, but somebody asked our syndication networks still viable in 2019. And that, absolutely they are as far as a straight ranking tactic. They’re not maybe as effective as they were several years ago. But that’s that’s missing. You’re missing the point then because what Marco was just talking about was to entity validator. And it’s incredibly important to do that because in case you weren’t aware of this, Google is looking at authority and well entities and building authority and validating those entities. And that’s one way to do it and and by getting your name listed, your know your brand name or your website, name, whatever listed in multiple places, and that kind of validates that entity in a way that you can’t really do unless you have claimed this footprint.
You know what I mean? And that’s one of the one of the reasons why they’re still very, very effective. And I would have, you know, again, it’s still part of our standard operating procedure. It’s a foundational method. There’s no question.
How Hard Can You Hit A Subdomain With Links On A TLD?
My question is up, he says, How hard can you hit a subdomain with links on a top level domain? Well, it depends on what you’re asking about, Mike. I mean, you typically we don’t encourage hitting your money site, even on a subdomain with direct like spam links and such. We got away from doing that. years ago, really, you know, years ago, you used to be able to do like what was called domain authority stacking. And essentially, you could just manipulate domain authority and page authority that way, which is a mas metric I get it, but it was it was effective. It was it was very effective at the time, but we’re talking like 2014, 2015 timeframe, so several years ago.
Now, I don’t recommend doing that even on, you know, if, even if you were just setting up a sub domain specifically to point links at it. But it wasn’t like, you know, something that you were trying to keep like the sub domain wasn’t your content distribution engine, like you weren’t trying to rank the sub domain. I wouldn’t do it because I don’t like to put anything real spammy anywhere near the money site now. So because we don’t need to, again, just what we’ve been talking about on this webinar alone was like using drive stacks, for example, as the filter or Amazon s3 pages, it’s another great thing to do. Because Google domains or Amazon domains can withstand any kind of abuse you send it them, like absolutely any like kitchen sink, spam, it doesn’t matter what you throw at them. They’ll take it and they’ll take it like a champ. And please, Sir, may I have another, you know what I mean? And so instead of worrying about spamming a subdomain for pushing authority, or whatever, which, by the way, domain authority stacking and shit doesn’t work anymore. I mean, it might with some massive, massive numbers, but it’s difficult to do and it’s not something
That I would consider sustainable. So instead use properties like Amazon and Google that you can then use as like a tier one. That’s the linking to your money site, and push all your spam to those instead. Right? Because though they’ll launder it, they’ll essentially filter out the negative and only pass the good. And it’s just because they’ll take whatever you can throw at them. Like I said, Please, sir, man, I have another. So I don’t, I wouldn’t hit a subdomain on a on a money site with with a bunch of spam. I would unless you had a filter ahead of it, which in that case, you could go direct to the money site. You know what I’m saying, for example, you could be linking from or, and I don’t want to get to, I’m not going to go any further than this. But Iframes are a good way to do that kind of stuff, which is why we do what we do with drive stacks. Because it’s very, very powerful way to push authority without it being spammy to the money site. Does that make sense? For
The @ID page Mike, if you’re in a fairly sure you’re in Syndication Academy or at least one of our paid groups, if you’re in any of our paid groups, you’ll have access to that out ID page strategy, which is using an Amazon domain the combination between that and drive stacks alone is incredibly powerful and you can get away with murder with those. Comments?
Marco: No, I agree.
What’s The First Thing You Need To Do To Rank A Brand New Site?
Bradley: Moving on. Quentin’s up. He says great day guys having I’m having a website made next week for my brand or my band slash brand. What are the must haves to make Google my website bitch? Love it, Quentin. And he says, also, after having a website up and running, what’s the first thing you should do? Okay, so again, Battle Plan Quentin if you don’t already have it, get the Battle Plan because that’s exactly what it is for, to show you step by step and in what order you should apply again, at least from our methods that will work that will help you to get the most traction step one is going to be syndication network to help validate the entity
And then every single time you make posts to your blog, it will help to update that that network which again, again, that’s just activity, as well as they’re just really good signals. So so I would start with syndication network, and then obviously a drive stackas because we’ve been talking a lot about that. They’re just so effective. I mean, still, and it’s funny because we’ve heard another places people say, oh, Dr. Stats aren’t that effective. Bullshit. You just don’t know how to use them or you’re building them and correctly. That’s the thing if you know what you’re doing if you build them correctly, and then you know what to do with them. Once you have them, then they’re incredibly effective. So quit and I would recommend absolutely syndication network. Step one. start posting regularly once your syndication network is attached to your new blog. If you’re doing if you’re a band, and you’re doing a lot of updates on social media, use your syndicate your blog as your point of origin for your syndicate, excuse me, your social media updates.
In other words, post your updates to your blog and allow your blog to syndicate those post to your social media so that you’re always funneling the authority back to your blog as opposed to just when you post directly to Facebook, for example, yes, you can get engagement on Facebook, the Facebook, but who are you benefiting? As far as the the website, the digital property, you’re benefiting Facebook, not your own brand, right? I mean, you’re you’re still benefiting your brand, I get that. But I’m saying you’re not, you’re not benefiting your digital asset, your digital presence, because you’re you’re essentially doing all of your activity on Facebook. Well, you can still have your activity go to Facebook, but haven’t posts to your blog first. Right? So that way that you’re pushing authority back and bringing hopefully people visitors off of Facebook back to your website. And that’s just one example. So I would use your your blog as a as a kind of like your point of origin for your your updates and do it regularly. Right and then as far as that beyond that, again, a drive stackis going to help you to start pushing authority, then you can do all sorts of nasty SEO stuff, off page SEO stuff to your drive stack, which will keep your blog clean. And that’ll help to make Google your website Bitch. Marco, what do you suggest on that?
Marco: Battle plan for a new website? It’s on there, right?
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: Just follow it step by step. It tells you the things that you need to get in guys. We link from the Battle Plan to MGYB services, because that’s, that’s what we use, right? We use, we get the syndication networks, remember you I be from our builders, we got our drive stacks from there, we get our press releases from that. We get everything that we can from the people who we’ve trained to do things, the semantic mastery way. So, of course, we’re going to link to our stuff, it’s what we use, we we’re not going to sell you something or send you somewhere that you know, we don’t know what the effects are going to be. We know the the results that we get. We don’t know something else. That doesn’t mean that you have to get our services in order to accomplish what you are I but I mean, if the other side of the coin is you’d have to get our training, and you’d have to learn all of these different methods. Local PR Pro, Local GMB, Pro, Local Lease Pro, Syndication Academy, RYS Academy, all of the different things that go to the mastermind, I mean, that’s the best place Clinton where you we can help you and and the community can help you get the best results. But if you just starting out, dude, the Battle Plan, get the services why spent all that time doing everything yourself. When you can spend that time actually going into your social media, relating to people being social, and getting those social people to follow you and to come to your website and to give you their opinion. There’s a lot of ways to get people, when you’re being social, to come and be social and help you on the website, you have to create that that activity. That’s that’s an excellent way. I mean, it’s, there’s so many things that you can do. We talked about it in our mini mastermind group yesterday. I call it social conditioning. And I think you call it social engineering. But it all works from, in my mind, from the from Pavlov’s operate conditioning experiments where you create expectation. And we can do that with your social media crowd and get them to your website. That’s goal, because Google will follow them from Instagram, from from Facebook, from Pinterest, wherever it is that you have your social presence. And Google will know that all of these people are interested in your website. And then Google will start sending people to see why all of these different people are interested in in your website. So I mean, that that’s just my recommendation for Quentin. Yeah, plan, follow the Battle Plan services. We have everything, everything you need. And then July be.
Bradley: And guys, the traffic signals are huge for SEO right now. I mean, it’s one of the biggest drivers of SEO or rankings or really getting Google’s attention is traffic from, you know, valid traffic, real traffic, not spoof traffic, but real traffic. So referral traffic from social media sources is a great, especially when they dwell or engaged on your site. It’s not just about dwell time, but if they engage on your site, that that kind of traffic is incredibly powerful for SEO, it’s a great, great signal. And you can buy traffic to so I mean, again, it doesn’t have to be all organic traffic that you send as referral traffic from social media. But you know, you can buy traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from Facebook, and those are, you know, and YouTube, for example, there’s a lot of different ways that you can do that, too, that if it’s relevant, they’re going to engage with your site, right. And that’s just a huge signal. It’s incredibly powerful.
Does “Sending Traffic To Appease Google” Mean Using A Crowdsearch Alternative?
So we’re going to move on to one says, which by the way, the one joined the Mastermind after last week’s Hump Day hang up. And so we appreciate you doing joining. And he’s got a lot of good questions in there already and we’ve got a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’re actually going to dive into some of the stuff that he was asking about in there. So welcome to on once again. And we’ve got some stuff we’re going to cover for you tomorrow during the mastermind webinar. He says when you send traffic when you say you send traffic to a piece Google do you mean like crowd search alternative? Duwann I know you directed this at Marco so all that Marco add to this as well but as we’re just saying, it’s not about spoof traffic, you sure you could probably still get results with some spoof traffic. However, we’re talking about relevant traffic, right, just the same as we don’t. It’s funny. You know, I don’t we don’t do a lot of PBN stuff and we don’t do domain authority manipulation anymore because it’s just we found it’s more about relevancy like, that’s the longer term, that’s the better strategy. And so we try to do everything. Now, I say that and I just was talking about spam links.
Ahhh good like our service for spam links in MGYB, it works really well if you know how to what to pointed at, which is an example of like we were talking about with drive stacks or an Amazon s3, hosted pages, those kind of things are incredibly if you know how to use spam properly, you can, you can get results from even like traditional spam type links, right? But it’s not something that we would ever want to point directly at a money site. Well, the same thing goes for traffic signals, right? You can buy spam traffic signals or spoof traffic signals using an app like crowd search, which by the way, used to be incredibly effective. We promoted the shit out of it for about two years because I used it. I mean, a lot. I used it a lot. I was using 50,000 credits a month with that thing. And it worked really, really well but Google’s algorithm learned not to count that kind of traffic. And there’s a number of reasons why it became less effective and started having diminishing returns.
And I’m not going to get into all of that we can talk about that in the mastermind webinar if you’d like Duwann. But so so spam traffic signals can still produce some results, but their marginal at best compared to if you can buy or send relevant traffic signals, which is the same thing that we’re talking about, like for example, you know, even traditional SEO like link building stuff, we can create or add relevancy even to spam links by sending spam links to a drive stack that is 100% relevant and and it uses the Google domain to help kind of launder that negative link juice. Well, the same thing goes with with traffic signals, right? If you can, force or push real traffic into your digital assets, your entities, so to speak, right your your your brand, entity from either referral sources or even to buying it direct, if it’s relevant traffic, that traffic is going to be weighted so much heavier by Google, right? So for SEO purposes, relevant traffic is weighted much heavier than non relevant traffic. So for example, if you were to send hundreds of visitors to a blog post on your site that aren’t engaging with it, but it’s just the visitor hits, right that you’re trying to send traffic signals to it. Can that help? Yes, it may be able to help, it may be able to give you a small boost, and the ranks or even a big boost. The problem is when you stop sending that traffic, what happens it will start to slip again, because those weren’t sustainable signals. But if you you can send a fraction of relevant traffic signals from an audience that Google is fully aware of is already interested in that topic or that content and big and how do they do that? Well, if you’re buying traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from known audiences, right? You can you can buy traffic from Google directly from YouTube or directly from display network or search ads if you want it, it’s crazy expensive. But from let’s say display network or from YouTube, where you can literally select the audience’s that you want Google display your ads to write expose your ads to. So Google knows that those people are already interested in that topic, or so. So Google knows that those people are relevant. And because they’re relevant when you send those traffic signals to or those that that traffic excuse me to your your content, they’re likely to engage with it. And the engagement signals are more powerful than just bear traffic signals, if that makes sense. Which means that not only will the traffic and engagement help the SEO, but it’s likely that you’re going to actually convert some of that traffic into whatever your conversion goal may be.
Whether that’s opting in to build your email list or if it’s for local business, it’s making a phone call becoming essentially becoming a lead or submitting a contact request form. Or if it’s a straight like Ecom, you’re trying to sell something, they may purchase your products. So instead of trying to put your effort, time and money into spoofing traffic, why not put your effort time and money into buying relevant traffic or generating relevant traffic through social engineering or as Marco calls it social conditioning? Again, you’re going to get much better results with a fraction of the numbers required that you would from spoofing stuff by just sending relevant traffic signals and engagement from real people that have a real genuine interest in your, your topic or your content, your product, your service, whatever it may be. Marco, you want to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, what I want to add is, is something really simple. And and Google is starting to get even smarter, because they boil it down, right and I call it the art. ART – activity, relevance, trust and authority. And it’s at the link origin and destination and everything attached to the link origin and the link destination. So Google is looking at the activity on the links, meaning, how are people interacting with the website is feeding you the link? And how are they are they interacting when they get to the destination of activity.
Relevance, well, isn’t relevant. Did they come from women’s shoes and and end up at and I don’t know, bricks? Absolutely nothing might want to do with the other. It has to be relevant. And it has to be trusted and authoritative. That’s why we love being inside the belly of the beast being inside Google. So if you can get those three things, the one or Devon Devon, I’m not sure how that’s pronounced But either way, let me know what will be on the mastermind dummy house mouse can get it in there. Now. It’s very difficult. As far as the activities concerned, to get purchase traffic, and I’m talking about fiber, I’m talking about traffic exchanges and all these other places to get these people to act like real people, even if you’re in a traffic exchange with real people. Because in a traffic exchange, all the people are concerned about is earning more whatever tokens or whatever credits, so that they can get more traffic to to their own properties. They’re not interested in dwelling on your website, they’re not interested in interacting with your website. And Google is looking at all of these things. So how can you get in and think of it? How can you get that activity? How can get that real person, like a real person? Will you buy real people, you either train them the right way, or you pay Google and Facebook and Instagram and whatever else to send the right people. Wherever you want it to go. They don’t have to go to your money.
site, they can go into your link string and then up at the money site. Now, here’s the key thing. And the great thing Fiverr traffic does work. And the way that I’ve gotten it to work is you have to get in with, like, a real conversation with the provider, so that the provider knows exactly what it is that you’re looking for. And they have to be able to tell you, yes, I can do it or No, I can’t. And then you test it. Even if they tell you, oh, yeah, I can do that. I can do that. I can get local IPS. And I can get traffic to go in there like that. you test it. You never, you never test on anything that’s going to make you money, although you set it up as if you’re going to make money with your test. And you should. Now once once you have that and you get all of these real people interacting and you see how it works and how Google reacts to this traffic, then you know that you can trust this guy. Never lose that at that
Fivver contact, because it’s worth gold, three or four people out at tier two, tier three tier for interacting with your links and ending up at the destination wherever you want and finishing whatever it is that you set them to do. That’s what Google wants to see the completion of that original action at the destination. So that that’s the key. And if you’re doing that, if you’re buying from phone from fire or anything, is that just going in and paying just whatever, for whoever for whatever, it’s actually you have to know and understand what it is that Google is looking for, so that you can buy and try to approximate what Google is looking for.
What’s A Good Tool To Trakc Your GMB Rankings?
Bradley: Sweet. So next is Jordan was just dropping the link to or what he suggests for rank tracking nice reports, not cheap. So there you go, because somebody was asking about that wills asking what’s a good tool to track your GMB rankings? So you might want to check that out personally Well, what I use is Bright local for my client reporting, which will check track GMB rankings depending on like, you can set it by zip code or by city name.
So that’s that’s all I use that you can also use like pro Rank Tracker. That’s, that’s something that I, you know, I use for,
like test SEO tests and stuff like that. Not that not necessarily. I mean, I do have some client reports in there, but I use that more for tracking, SEO tests, you know, campaigns that I’m testing different methods on and that kind of stuff. But for client reports, I use bright local, because it gives me a lot of really good reports that look nice and they’re they’re really accurate as far as for, you know,
GMB rank tracking. And what’s cool is you can set like third party mentions up so it will show rankings of any one of your branded digital assets. So, like it’ll show citations where their ranking YouTube videos or channels or Facebook pages, you know anything that’s been branded that has a mention of your name that your clients name will show up in the search results of the Rank Tracker search results, right? So it’s really cool because it makes you look like a rockstar instead of just showing where the websites ranking you show where all of their branded properties or profiles are ranking for the various keywords and so it looks really, really good.
And so anyways, again, I just use bright local, but Jordan likes Night Watch dot.io. So check some of them out and see what which one you like. Okay.
How Do You Make And 301 Redirect A Firebase Dynamic Link?
Okay, thank you grant for that comment. Fabian, ask a question about the Firebase 301 redirects. Now that geo geo which was Google’s link shortener is now been terminated, they won’t. They won’t allow us to use it anymore. And Marco is not going to answer that Fabian, because Marco tell him why.
Marco: Because some idiot will take it and burn it.
Bradley: There you go.
Marco: It’s that simple and right now we’ve got it Fabian you’re in the mastermind so when we are working on it to make it available to our membership so that they can use it we have it internally right now but we’re working on making it making it available so that you guys in the mastermind first can use it as soon as it’s available we’ll let you guys know in the meantime i mean bradley you’re using my pretty links pro yeah yeah and there’s rebrand the the hourly there’s a whole bunch of other places where you can get three old ones if it has decent metrics if it hasn’t been burned by all means use it and then we’ll work out our shortener our firebase shortener and how to make it available to again membership has its privileges so the mastermind will get it first
Bradley: Yeah i’m just using pretty links pro which is a plugin i think if you go to semanticmastery.com/prettylinks you can find it. It’s it’s not very expensive. I think it’s like 20 bucks. It might be more than that. But it’s, anyways, it’s a great plugin. And depending on what I’m like, for example, for all press releases, I set up a domain specifically that I use for creating redirects within press releases for the local PR pro method for PR stalking. Also just for like, redirecting those long ugly google google URLs for like maps, for example, or now GMB posts and stuff like that. So I always am using the same, it’s a press related type domain. So that it makes sense, right, and it looked and it looks and fits well, in press releases. And that way, you know, I’m actually building a little bit of authority to my own redirect domain that way. For other stuff, you know, again, I just use pretty links Pro, because I think when you buy that you get unlimited domain installs. And so yeah, I mean, for example, we’ve got a link shortener on for semantic mastery that we’ve had for years now called and if we use pretty links in that it’s SM short dot link. And if you go to the homepage, it’s it’s a Sam Jackson telling you to fuck off. But we use that as our redirect URL and have been for years SM short link and it’s great because it’s just Pretty Link Pro. So again, that’s what I’ve been using. But yeah, there are other things like rebrand Lee and stuff that have some inherent authority that you can use. So that would answer Jordans question next as well.
How To Find The Best Keywords For My YouTube Videos?
So Kevin is up. He says, How do I find the best keywords for my YouTube videos? I’m glad you asked that, Kevin. I actually prepared this specifically, I’m going to drop these links on the page for you as a reply, and then I’m just going to briefly talk about them because they’re both really good. And I want to explain why. OK, cool. So for YouTube video keywords, I think these are the two best software’s or tools available. One is and they’re both from the same developer by the way.
So this one is Power Suggest Pro and this is by Ted Chen that he’s again a developer a both these tools that I’m going to show his hands down my favorite keyword tool and has been for years it’s incredibly inexpensive if you buy it through our link which is the link that I just dropped there I think you can get it for yes I think if you buy it straight from the website at $77 but through our link it’s 57 and that’s because we’ve sold this a lot for Ted so he gave us a discount for our our audience only. Anyways, it’s a one time fee 57 bucks it’s an incredibly simple tool. And it works really really well especially for generating long tail keywords like stuff that you can rank for overnight like instantly when you’re talking about YouTube video stuff because it will spit out a not all it all it does is produced keyword excuse me auto suggest keywords so Google suggest or YouTube suggest or eBay suggest or Amazon suggest and I think it has been in there as well.
I’ll just open it up real quick. But it’s a very simple tool. And all it does is it uses the suggested phrases. And it used does it via API. So it grabs them very, very quickly. And it’s got Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay and Bing. And so for YouTube, like I’ve got it checked right here, I know, it’s probably small on your end, guys. But for YouTube, you just put in your search term, or your seed keyword, so to speak, and then allow and then just hit Search and you can set up suffix or recursive. recursive means like so for example, you know, when you go to Google and you type in a keyword, and then you type in space a, it’s going to list the top 10 suggested search queries that were that that last word starts with an A, and then you can go be and it’ll give you the top 10 suggested search queries with the the last word starting with a B, and so on and so forth all the way through A through Z, while recursive will then go back in search the 10 results for each letter, again with the neck with a again at the end, and so
You can literally spit out thousands of keywords, complex search queries very, very quickly. And what I like about it is because it’s coming from the Google suggest it for YouTube and Google anyways, the Google suggests API, all you’re getting our search queries that are known to have traffic or have enough interest from Google from from Google users for Google to put them in the suggested a, you know, the suggested excuse me, the the suggest database and other words, Google doesn’t have suggested search query phrases in there just randomly. They’re there because people have searched for those specific queries. Does that make sense? So the YouTube suggest that use YouTube suggest database is not as good as Google’s. In other words, you will see some repetition of like specific words that will be appended to your search queries are the the output essentially from from this tool, but with the when you’re looking at just the Google suggested phrases, it’s incredible because you can get into some sometimes the queries that come out of here are eight 910 words long, which means there’s traffic on those complex queries, there’s no doubt there’s traffic there, or else they wouldn’t be in the suggest database. But very few, if any, are optimizing for them. And that’s why I’m saying this is an outstanding tool for SEO guys. Because you can develop your your silos around long tail keywords that are spit out from this tool, in a matter of seconds, it works very quickly. And you can get super long tail keyword phrases or search queries essentially, that you can optimize content for. And when we’re talking about YouTube, I mean, you can literally rank for stuff, the moment it’s published, if you’re if you’re targeting those long tail and then if you’re using silos properly, which is what we teach with, you know, for content stacking period, but you can you can apply silo architecture
YouTube channels using playlists, right? That’s YouTube Silo Academy, you can do, you can get really good results even for short tail keyword phrases by creating a silo playlist and targeting the longer more complex queries that rank almost instantly. And so again, this is a fantastic tool guys, for 57 bucks, it’s a one time fee. You’d be silly not to use it. Number two, this is a also by Ted Chen. But this is an online version of it. And this is a tool by that was co developed by our friend Justin sorry, who is hands down the best, in my opinion guide for learning how to run YouTube ads for e com and for lead generation or like building email lists and all that kind of stuff. Justin, sorry. He’s great. And this is a tool he developed called tube sift. What he co developed it with Ted Chen, Ted’s there, that’s Justin. And this is an online version that will. it’s got a lot of this the same
functionality in the app or you know, the online version as power suggest Pro, but it’s got a lot of additional features for YouTube advertising. So it is more of an ads tool. And it is an SEO tool. But there is the SEO component of it because it has the same power suggest pro functionality in the app. But it also has a lot of additional things like finding, it’s got a YouTube channel searcher that you can find other channels to find other videos that you can use for in strategic ways. You can also build placement list for YouTube ads, all that kind of stuff. So either one of these are really, really good depending if you’re just doing SEO work, you can get away with just using power suggest Pro. If you plan on doing any YouTube advertising, I highly recommend picking this tool up because it works really well. And I still use this to all the time whenever I run YouTube ads, I’m always in there using this tool. It’s a great, great tool.
Okay, so great question. We’re gonna keep moving. We’re almost out of time here to.
What MGYB Services Would You Recommend To Get Faster Traction In Multi-Location GMB Pages?
Daniel says. I have some Some new sites being created both for roofers one with two locations about three hours apart and one with location servicing to adjoining counties. What service from MTV? Would you recommend to me to get some traction fast in the first month? Then what would you suggest to follow up after that? Thanks. Um, well, first of all press releases, Daniel is going to be one of the things you can do quick to get the best results, the quickest results, although the days of just one press release, being able to get super, super good results are unless it’s very non competitive. If it’s real, if it’s a real low competition, you know, you can very well get a good results with, you know, significant movement with one press release. But if it’s more competitive, it’s going to require several press releases published in succession, like a week apart or two weeks apart. That essentially the PR stalking method in order to get results there’s Google’s algorithm is adapted for a long time there for almost a year. We’re able to just crush it with press releases for from maps listings. And we still can, but it requires more and consistency in order to do it to get the same kind of results, but press releases, obviously drive stacks. drive stack is again standard operating procedure. It does take a little bit of time for Dr stacks to take effect. But I would recommend having to drive stack pointed at your your each one of your clients that then you can actually target both locations within the DR stacks for each each client. And then what you can do is bit link build to the Dr. stat, right and again, that’s those are all services that we provide an empty, Why be in the store. You can buy press releases from us, you can buy and you also get an organization page, which is a like a media room page, which is great, because you can use that very strategically. You can actually embed that in your drive stacks, which is very powerful. And then build links to your drive stacks and your organization pages which are like your accent, essentially your media room page as well.
your your your press releases for that brand that company will be listed. It’s like a it’s like an index like a blog index page essentially for the press releases so you power that up with additional links and that will help to. So again, I would recommend doing a kind of a one two punch. I’m honestly Daniel, if you were are handling like the work for your clients. That’s where local GMB pro local PR pro and ROI is all combine those together is like that’s like the perfect triple combo to get results for clients. I don’t you know, you’d have to go buy all the training courses and learn all that stuff to be able to implement it or you can just buy some of those the GM or excuse me, the PR and press releases and the drive stacks directly from MGYB not have to learn all of it. And then again, you apply the link building campaigns to those properties not directly to the money site. As far as the GMB assets, the actual
maps, you know, listings themselves. That’s where local GMB Pro comes in. That’s where you’re going to get the best results from the actual GM, Google My Business listing, essentially. So that you know, I would recommend we don’t have that service available publicly yet an mg Why be in the mastermind we do, Daniel, where you can buy mg Excuse me. GMB services from us done for you Google My Business Services. But that’s only available in the mastermind right now. So if you want to apply those methods to your current clients, then you have to right now purchase local gym, be Pro, or come join the mastermind, which is what I would recommend because you can get it the training much cheaper there as well as get done for you services there so that you don’t have to spend the time and effort learning how to do it. You can just find that get the training from us as how to apply it and then how hire us to do it for you. And that’s going to get you the quickest results instead of you have to learn it. So I would recommend you come join the mastermind. It’s a small price to pay for the access to us and the training and the methods that are going to help you to get results the quickest. That makes sense. any comments on that?
Marco: No, that’s perfect.
Adam: No say Bradley make sure yeah, okay cool you have a…
Bradley: refresh I know it sucks Yeah, I don’t like that at all. all right um. okay so we’re there
yeah well i’m not i’m not digging the whole Facebook comments thing myself honestly but you know we’re trying to find a good solution guys here would discuss apparently wasn’t working so we’ll work it out. Michaels up he says not sure why. The same thing is complaining about this apparently.
Last week’s page isn’t showing last week some data that was seen as I saw that. huh? Okay.
So did it get resolved? Yep. Yeah, we didn’t have the code in there for the for the YouTube video. Oh shit, my bad. That was my fault then I apologize for that.
Is There A Way To Protect GMB Listings From Being Suspended From People Flagging Them?
Alright, I’ll Gus Augustus says is there a way to protect GMB listings from being suspended from people flagging them? No, I mean, make them look as real as possible. Augustus that’s the only thing you can do is, you know, try to make them look as real as possible.
If somebody flags it, and you, you know, if you can’t verify it physically, you know, via receiving a postcard, or, you know, taking photos from in front of the storefront or the location, if it’s not a storefront business, then the only thing that you can do is really try to make it look as real and as genuine as possible. Honestly, I think that’s bullshit right now, because any, you know, competitive competitors could just flag a listing, and it could cause Google to want to slap it and require ree ree verification, but there’s not much we can do about that right now.
We’re almost out of time, guys. I do have to leave but vitality says hello, hope everything is doing well. Question to Bradley. Any feedback on testing with quantum Newswire? Thanks. No, I’m still testing vitality. There’s a lot of amazing features with it. And I’ve got a lot of hopes for it. And I know the guys behind it like really and we wouldn’t have brought that to to our audience unless we truly believed in it. But I am doing some pretty significant testing with it that we’re going to reap, you know, bring that, bring them back to do another presentation. Another offer essentially, once I have my case study done when we promoted it the first time, I didn’t have my case study done and that’s because I just honestly have had been overwhelmed with too much other work at the moment. But I am actively working on that case study right now. So that in the next two to three weeks, we can bring that them back to present the offer again. And this time, I will take a much more active role in the actual presentation and showcase study data like I often do to show exactly how I’m what you know the kind of results like I’m getting from it. So right now now I don’t have any updates for you, but we will in a few weeks. Okay.
Will Existing Members Get The Video Lead Gen V2 Update Or There’s A Need To Repurchase Them?
Rob says Bradley spoke about video lead gen system v2 launching soon will existing members get the update or where we have to repurchase to get the new v two updates? That’s a good question. As far as I know, you will get the updates. Rob, as far as I know, you will get the updates. Why do we were getting double? I don’t know maybe because it wasn’t showing up on the page. Anyways, so there you go, guys. I gotta run. It’s five o'clock. Sorry about this. Comment app not working correctly. Again. I don’t know what to do about it. We’ll figure it out. So thanks, everybody. Thanks, man.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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jenniferbowley · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230
Click on the video above to watch Episode 230 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 230. Today is the third of April 2019. And first of all, if you live Thanks for joining us, we’re going to dive into the questions here shortly if you’re not live or your new semantic mastery, first of all, thank you for watching, and we want to point you in the right direction. The good news is you’re already in the right place. This is a place to be watching Hump Day Hangouts, whether you’re catching this live or again, if catching the replay maybe on YouTube. That’s awesome. The next step is definitely grab the Battle Plan head over to Battle Plan dot semantic mastery.com. And then, for those of you who are interested in either starting or growing your local digital marketing agency, you know, we want you to check out the mastermind go to mastermind, semantic mastery.com and then every week with the hump day Hangouts, you can always go to semantic mastery. com slash HD questions and ask your questions live. We love it when you join us. There’s sometimes good stuff going on for people
Join us live. But you can always ask your questions. If you got a call you got client stuff, you’re at work, whatever, then you can check out the replays. So But that said, we’ve got a few more announcements but let’s say hello to everybody. We got everyone except for Hunan here. I think he’s having some issues with power. So Chris will start things with you. How you doing?
Chris: Doing good.
Adam: Alright, man, a few words. Marco. What’s up, dude? How’s the weather down there?
Marco: It’s beautiful man. Suck last night. We got down to 67.
Adam: that suck man I feel for you. Really?
I had I had to go and grab a sheet. I don’t appreciate having to get up middle of the night and having to get a sheet. But other than that, I can’t. I can’t complain. Good man. How you doing?
Bradley: Good man. I got this from Marco though. Nice here. Finally. It’s 70 degrees today which is nice. Spring is almost sprung here in Virginia and really looking forward to it after what nasty winter so.
Adam: good deal. Well, we got a lot of questions so we’re not going to take up too much time today. Just wanted to mention everybody if you haven’t yet head over to mgyb.co for your done for you SEO Services. With there’s been several launching, we got more in the pipeline, but I know specifically that the embeds, the link building and link indexing live. So go check those out. I’ll put the links on the pages that you guys have anything else to say about that. I just want to let people know that they’ll
Bradley: jump in for a moment real quick Marco, and then you can talk your your trash to the link building services amazing because this is our longtime link builder that he had been working for us for, for me specifically for I think six years now. He’s real pro at what he does. He is amazing. And one of the strategies is working incredibly well and it’s not just from what I’m saying. That from a lot of our members like mastermind members that are using his services as well is if you guys are using @ID pages, which we talked about in various trainings. And in point links to those, instead of pointing direct to your money site, it’s incredibly powerful for local stuff, especially. And it’s working really, really well. And what I love about it is it’s easy, right? Because you just go and place your order for link building, and daddy does the rest. And it basically will power up your @ID loop, which is really super powerful. And it protects your money site as well. So I would highly encourage you guys to go check that out the the, the effects have been consistent across the board. Go ahead, Marco.
Marco: Know what I wanted to add is the embeds are just that it’s not just video. It’s not just maps, it’s embedded. If it has an X ray, we cannot help you, right, because that’s the website not allowing itself to be iframe. Other than that, if you can, if it can be iframe, it can be Set through in an embed gig. So imagine what you do with that with with the with the media page and maybe embedded on the side or maybe I’m not going to go too deep into that, but I don’t want to spend people’s heads. But it’s it’s limitless. And then what’s working really, really well is when you build links into a drive step was the site. I mean, someone just got, we were talking last night in our mini mastermind. And someone literally got a drive stack from us. Got the link building from daddy at the link building isn’t done. And the drive stack has already started moving into the first spots in Google. I mean, that’s how well it’s working. Fuck Google and Google updates.
Go to MGYB, first of all, get the Battle Plan so that you know which products and services you need to grab from us. I mean, you could do it all yourself or save yourself all the time and all those headaches. Let us do it for you and and get it done right kit and get results. I mean, I can’t guarantee was on that yet I will be guaranteeing results in a few months. I can’t guarantee them just right I just I can’t. Google is unpredictable that way that we’re targeting it there’s still some fluctuations that aren’t measured into RYS Academy drive stacks always reloaded but when you add the power of press releases when you had the power of link building when you add the power again, I’ll go back to Bradley’s training YouTube ads if you didn’t get it, I mean you you’re missing one of the best options for getting power into your and I’ll give credit to Becca right now. slipstream, link streams or slip streams as he called them are the shit kit link building into that get people into that and watch watch it just light a match and everything else will just below. So that’s my piece for today.
Adam: Awesome. I got an absolutely nothing to add on to that you guys. So good to go. Go check it out. Again, the links will be on the page. I had reports of some issues with the commenting on the page. Again, we switched to Facebook. So if anyone’s having issues, you know, let us know, you can send them a ticket to support a semantic mastery. com. We want to make sure it’s a work in progress, will try to get things going. It looks like people have commented, but there might be issues still going on. So please let us know. Give us some feedback. And we’ll get that fixed for you guys. We had we had issues with the Facebook app. Ah, yeah, yeah. So I know at least one person had issues and then I’ve seen some issues on my account. So anyways, we’ll roll with the punches, guys, and we’ll get it straightened out. We keep popping around trying different stuff.
So the last thing I want to say to if you’re catching this 12 regardless of where you’re watching this, subscribe to our YouTube channels, the short version. And if you’re checking this out on YouTube, you know, and you’re coming across across clips, or you watch this stuff regularly and you check out our channel. You know, please help us out share it, we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel. We want to get the word out there and you know, we know we got a lot of good clips with a lot of helpful info. So If you know someone who could use it, by all means, share it, email it, whatever you want to do, just get the word out.
Sweet. Can we let? We got no just kidding. Yeah, let’s do this. I’m gonna grab the screen. We’ll get into it.
Tips For Cold Calling Local Businesses And Provide GMB Rankings
Bradley: Alright, so we’re going to start where it says six days ago. So I’m going to start right here with Lee Leon who says, Hey, semantic mastery. Got any tips for cold calling local businesses and providing GMB rankings? Well, I don’t have any tips for cold calling, except that there’s a great strategy that I developed many, many years ago, when I first started growing my own agency that is a combination of email, but very specific video emails, and then calling those that engage or interact with the video emails and there’s a way to determine that and that way, it’s not a strict cold call, because I don’t know about you guys, but I always hated straight cold calls, they suck. you interrupt people, they usually are pissed off that you call them and interrupted them, especially if they think it’s some sort of solicitation even if you are trying to provide help or true value with what you’re, you know, saying to them. Again, most people especially now because marketers have really saturated the market guys and I don’t necessarily mean you and I like as kind of solo printers or little guys so to speak, but like the big marketing agencies that have sales staff and things like that, they, they, you know, hammer local businesses, if you’re a local business, you get hammered with solicitation calls all day, every day. And you know, it’s it’s absolutely relentless. And so if you try to just straight cold call people without doing something to differentiate yourself, you’re going to run into a lot of discouragement, right, you’re going to get a lot of denials, you’re going to get turned down, you’re going to get cussed at all these kind of things. And honestly, it’s hard to sustain that for very long without, you know, throwing in the towel and saying, This isn’t for me, I’m going to do something else. So I developed a strategy that I developed years ago back in probably 2012 was what I called the video lead gen system, we’ve got a product for it right now that I’m actually updating for specifically for 2019 and for lead generation for people that are building lead gen assets as well as can it can still be applied to just straight you know, client work to prospecting for clients. And I’m I’m at currently updating that right now. Like literally because we’re going to be launching that the version two or you know, the update essentially, in what three weeks I think so.
What is it April 23, that we’re doing that is that right? Yeah, yeah. So into in three weeks from today, guys.
We’ll be talking about it will be the day the day after launch. And we’ll be talking more about it then. But specifically Lee, what I would recommend is for cold calling local businesses instead of cold, calling them just direct without somehow measuring their level of interest, you’re going to have a hard time. So the better way to do it, my opinion is to go out and hand select the prospects that you want to work with. And then creating a video email, which the original process that I created was a bit time consuming to do but it worked really well. Like I was getting consistently three or four responses for every 10 emails that I would send out. And that I mean, that’s that’s almost unheard of right for cold emails. And when I say responses, I mean people that would ask for, you know, either reply via email or call me depending on what my call to action was, so that I could start and essentially started a dialogue with me a conversation and now
Have those three or four out of every 10, I would close one or two of them. And I had heard many, many times from people that I would chat with or talk to, you know, prospects that I would talk to, after reaching out to them via video email, I would hear many times people say like, oh, wow, that was a really unique way to get my attention. And so essentially, what it is, is it’s, you know, finding hands, selecting the prospects that you want to work with are the ones that you think you want to work with. And then creating a short video, kind of providing value as to why you know who you are, but not, it’s not about you, it’s about them. And it’s about their digital presence and what you could do to help them or what you see as opportunities that they’re not taking advantage of, so you don’t ever, like criticize their existing digital presence. You always want to say stuff like, Hey, I really liked your website, but I see that you’re missing you know, you could be missing out on leads because you don’t have this or you’re
for example your google my business profile might not be optimized isn’t fully optimized and if you’re not aware of this that’s where the vast majority of leads are coming for local businesses right now or you want to you want to always talk in their terms and again i can’t go into specifics because it’s in the course and we’re relaunching that in three weeks anyways but video email was a really really good way to get people’s attention however like i mentioned the original strategy or method that i had developed was really time consuming it was very effective but time consuming well i’ve learned i’ve developed a way to streamline that which is a lot more it’s a lot easier to get more of these emails out and and again that’s all covered in the update that’s going to be coming out in three weeks so you know i would recommend that you do that and the reason why lee is because when you you can measure engagement through the emails there’s a service that i you know there’s a bunch of different services that do this but i specifically use a service called point of mail com where every email i send out a trial
The engagement level of that email to the to the recipient that I’m sending it to so I can set up notifications to note to be notified when they open the email. When they click on a link in the email, I can have text notifications or email notifications come to me so that I know exactly what my email is getting open and when somebody is clicking a link, for example, a link to a video that I send them, right. And so what I’ve what I’ve learned is if you want to do cold calling, one of the best things you can do is send a series of emails to the prospect and not these like, you know, diarrhea of the mouth type emails, where you literally just like load unload in a long email, like all these things that you could do for them because I found that those get deleted right away or get marked as spam right away. But send these like, short little emails where you’re asking questions and trying to get a dialogue started with the prospect and getting permission from them to send them a video and
And it’s and again, I’m not going to reveal that strategies here on Hump Day hangouts because it’s in the training course. But it’s just a couple of questions that you send, and then you get permission to send them a video from them. They said, Yes, send it. And you send the video via either a link or even a screenshot that looks like a video embedded in the actual email, Either one works. And then when they click that link, you can be notified by your email tracking software or app dependent, you know, whatever, that they’ve clicked that link. So now you know for a fact that they’ve seen your email and they are they’ve seen your video or at least started to watch your video. And that’s when you call them. Because then now you’ve got you know that they are already, you’ve already got permission to send them the video number one because you started a very easy dialogue with them, not where you’re telling them about how great you are and all the things that you can do for them. You just asked him a couple questions and get them to give you what’s what I call positive reply. And once you got the positive reply, you send them the video link that they’ve already given permission to send and then when they click it
You get notified that they’ve opened it, which means you know that or that they click the link so that you know that they’ve at least started to watch the video. And that’s when you call, you can either call immediately, or you can wait a few minutes, or you can wait a day or two and call back and say, Look, I just wanted to follow up to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you. Well, you know, that they already did. Because you can tell from the activity from from the email tracking app. But you don’t say that, because that’s might sound a bit creepy, right? But you just say like, Hey, I just wanted to follow up real quick to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you see if you had any questions or you know, see if we could talk about it a little bit. And that way, it’s not a cold call. It’s a warm call at that point. And so I would recommend the that you pay attention or be on the lookout. In three weeks, we’re going to relaunch that called the video lead gen system. And again, there’s a lot of streamlined methods in there that I’ve been working on and just like the past few weeks seriously, for a lot of stuff that I’m doing right now in my own business that I’m you know, is working well. So, hopefully that was helpful.
Anybody got any comments on that?
Marco: Nah, man, that was perfect. You’re the master of that.
Bradley: So let’s move on. I just got one quick one. When you say 30 to 40% I think some people will get how awesome of a rate that is. But it’s just like, freaking astronomical. Like, that’s unheard of you don’t get that when you’re prospecting. So, anyways, if you haven’t, or you’re going to be starting prospecting, like keep in mind, I mean, that is orders that you know, that’s huge. I think a normal response rate prospecting is 1% or lower. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s, again, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s not hard to do and a lot of, you know, I’ve learned over the years to not do so much of the work myself. And so there’s, you know, methods for or for outsourcing this a lot of the a lot of the work to to where it really requires very little effort on your part up front, other than to record the short videos. And then actually, you know, pick up the conversation once the prospect has replied positively and you can have a VA do most of the heavy lifting between the time that you create the video and the time that the the prospect replies positively and then you just pick up the conversation from there so it’s a it’s a great strategy guys and again I’m going to be will be releasing that in three weeks.
Which Is Good For An Event Blogging: Expired Domain Or A New Domain?
Next is uh i don’t really quite understand this question but Pranab, I says what is good for event blogging expired domain or new domain. I’m a newbie learner. Okay, I guess just means for what is good for blogging, expired domain or new new domain? Well, I would recommend going with a new domain with a brand name that you want to create. Because for SEO purposes, if you find an expired domain that had good backlink profile and relevant content to what it is that you’re going to be blogging about, if it was previously in the same type of content or the same category, essentially the same topic then you can
Get some traction from that. But you have to know how to, you can get some fat and subtraction faster from using an expired domain because it might already have some good inbound links. So a good link profile, but that’s the problem unless you know what you’re doing and how to investigate that, you could very well just buy a domain that’s been spammed to death. And if it’s if it wasn’t in the same category of the same around, you know, built around, if it didn’t have content on it, it was around the same topic, then it’s really not going to benefit from the existing inbound link profile unless they were had unless they had incredibly high, you know, valued links pointing to it, in which case, sometimes you can re categorize it and it will still have a benefit. But for the most part, I recommend just starting off with your own new domain that’s branded after the brand name that you want to create. And starting there and then using some of the methods, you know, to be selfish year some of the semantic mastery methods where you can start pushing authority in and rather
See into your domain using properties that you don’t have to worry about necessarily the inbound link profile because it’s a brand new property, so, or a brand new domain. So obviously, we use a lot of Google properties to push authority. And that’s something that you can do is just start with a new domain branded the way that you want it to be branded. It’s nice, clean a clean domain at that point, right? If it’s new, and then you can start building you know, things like syndication network and blogging consistently. That’s a staple for us. drive stack, we’re going to talk about that here again in a minute, but in our is drive stack, so you can Google properties to start building authority to your to your domain. And then from there, you could do a lot of other things to the Dr. stack that would keep your domain clean, but start building authority. That’s what I recommend. Mark, you want to comment on that at all? No, I totally agree. I’ll be doing an update webinar for syndication Academy. Yes. Where we’re going to talk about the importance of branding and brand plus key word association.
And how that really solidifies everything. As far as Googlebot is concerned. It’s all about the entity, right? It’s all about what you’re presenting to Google, as far as what it is that you’re doing, how you’re doing, and how everything that’s attached to this brand belongs to the brand. You’ve talked about this before. We go on, we claim the footprint. We’re not here to Google. We want Google to know this stuff is all ours. We’re going to go ahead and and have our presence in all of these social media and on all of the different web to Dotto profiles that we create through syndication Academy. There’s other training and syndication Academy that helps power it up. But the whole point is for that entity, and so you can do that, instead of taking what somebody else’s idea and what they had, and trying to convert that to your vision. Just start with your vision and go after that. That. I mean, I totally agree with Brad. Yeah, I agree with that. And it’s interesting.
Bradley: We had a question and I think it was a Syndication Academy group or it might have been our free Facebook group, the SEO tutorials group, but somebody asked our syndication networks still viable in 2019. And that, absolutely they are as far as a straight ranking tactic. They’re not maybe as effective as they were several years ago. But that’s that’s missing. You’re missing the point then because what Marco was just talking about was to entity validator. And it’s incredibly important to do that because in case you weren’t aware of this, Google is looking at authority and well entities and building authority and validating those entities. And that’s one way to do it and and by getting your name listed, your know your brand name or your website, name, whatever listed in multiple places, and that kind of validates that entity in a way that you can’t really do unless you have claimed this footprint.
You know what I mean? And that’s one of the one of the reasons why they’re still very, very effective. And I would have, you know, again, it’s still part of our standard operating procedure. It’s a foundational method. There’s no question.
How Hard Can You Hit A Subdomain With Links On A TLD?
My question is up, he says, How hard can you hit a subdomain with links on a top level domain? Well, it depends on what you’re asking about, Mike. I mean, you typically we don’t encourage hitting your money site, even on a subdomain with direct like spam links and such. We got away from doing that. years ago, really, you know, years ago, you used to be able to do like what was called domain authority stacking. And essentially, you could just manipulate domain authority and page authority that way, which is a mas metric I get it, but it was it was effective. It was it was very effective at the time, but we’re talking like 2014, 2015 timeframe, so several years ago.
Now, I don’t recommend doing that even on, you know, if, even if you were just setting up a sub domain specifically to point links at it. But it wasn’t like, you know, something that you were trying to keep like the sub domain wasn’t your content distribution engine, like you weren’t trying to rank the sub domain. I wouldn’t do it because I don’t like to put anything real spammy anywhere near the money site now. So because we don’t need to, again, just what we’ve been talking about on this webinar alone was like using drive stacks, for example, as the filter or Amazon s3 pages, it’s another great thing to do. Because Google domains or Amazon domains can withstand any kind of abuse you send it them, like absolutely any like kitchen sink, spam, it doesn’t matter what you throw at them. They’ll take it and they’ll take it like a champ. And please, Sir, may I have another, you know what I mean? And so instead of worrying about spamming a subdomain for pushing authority, or whatever, which, by the way, domain authority stacking and shit doesn’t work anymore. I mean, it might with some massive, massive numbers, but it’s difficult to do and it’s not something
That I would consider sustainable. So instead use properties like Amazon and Google that you can then use as like a tier one. That’s the linking to your money site, and push all your spam to those instead. Right? Because though they’ll launder it, they’ll essentially filter out the negative and only pass the good. And it’s just because they’ll take whatever you can throw at them. Like I said, Please, sir, man, I have another. So I don’t, I wouldn’t hit a subdomain on a on a money site with with a bunch of spam. I would unless you had a filter ahead of it, which in that case, you could go direct to the money site. You know what I’m saying, for example, you could be linking from or, and I don’t want to get to, I’m not going to go any further than this. But Iframes are a good way to do that kind of stuff, which is why we do what we do with drive stacks. Because it’s very, very powerful way to push authority without it being spammy to the money site. Does that make sense? For
The @ID page Mike, if you’re in a fairly sure you’re in Syndication Academy or at least one of our paid groups, if you’re in any of our paid groups, you’ll have access to that out ID page strategy, which is using an Amazon domain the combination between that and drive stacks alone is incredibly powerful and you can get away with murder with those. Comments?
Marco: No, I agree.
What’s The First Thing You Need To Do To Rank A Brand New Site?
Bradley: Moving on. Quentin’s up. He says great day guys having I’m having a website made next week for my brand or my band slash brand. What are the must haves to make Google my website bitch? Love it, Quentin. And he says, also, after having a website up and running, what’s the first thing you should do? Okay, so again, Battle Plan Quentin if you don’t already have it, get the Battle Plan because that’s exactly what it is for, to show you step by step and in what order you should apply again, at least from our methods that will work that will help you to get the most traction step one is going to be syndication network to help validate the entity
And then every single time you make posts to your blog, it will help to update that that network which again, again, that’s just activity, as well as they’re just really good signals. So so I would start with syndication network, and then obviously a drive stackas because we’ve been talking a lot about that. They’re just so effective. I mean, still, and it’s funny because we’ve heard another places people say, oh, Dr. Stats aren’t that effective. Bullshit. You just don’t know how to use them or you’re building them and correctly. That’s the thing if you know what you’re doing if you build them correctly, and then you know what to do with them. Once you have them, then they’re incredibly effective. So quit and I would recommend absolutely syndication network. Step one. start posting regularly once your syndication network is attached to your new blog. If you’re doing if you’re a band, and you’re doing a lot of updates on social media, use your syndicate your blog as your point of origin for your syndicate, excuse me, your social media updates.
In other words, post your updates to your blog and allow your blog to syndicate those post to your social media so that you’re always funneling the authority back to your blog as opposed to just when you post directly to Facebook, for example, yes, you can get engagement on Facebook, the Facebook, but who are you benefiting? As far as the the website, the digital property, you’re benefiting Facebook, not your own brand, right? I mean, you’re you’re still benefiting your brand, I get that. But I’m saying you’re not, you’re not benefiting your digital asset, your digital presence, because you’re you’re essentially doing all of your activity on Facebook. Well, you can still have your activity go to Facebook, but haven’t posts to your blog first. Right? So that way that you’re pushing authority back and bringing hopefully people visitors off of Facebook back to your website. And that’s just one example. So I would use your your blog as a as a kind of like your point of origin for your your updates and do it regularly. Right and then as far as that beyond that, again, a drive stackis going to help you to start pushing authority, then you can do all sorts of nasty SEO stuff, off page SEO stuff to your drive stack, which will keep your blog clean. And that’ll help to make Google your website Bitch. Marco, what do you suggest on that?
Marco: Battle plan for a new website? It’s on there, right?
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: Just follow it step by step. It tells you the things that you need to get in guys. We link from the Battle Plan to MGYB services, because that’s, that’s what we use, right? We use, we get the syndication networks, remember you I be from our builders, we got our drive stacks from there, we get our press releases from that. We get everything that we can from the people who we’ve trained to do things, the semantic mastery way. So, of course, we’re going to link to our stuff, it’s what we use, we we’re not going to sell you something or send you somewhere that you know, we don’t know what the effects are going to be. We know the the results that we get. We don’t know something else. That doesn’t mean that you have to get our services in order to accomplish what you are I but I mean, if the other side of the coin is you’d have to get our training, and you’d have to learn all of these different methods. Local PR Pro, Local GMB, Pro, Local Lease Pro, Syndication Academy, RYS Academy, all of the different things that go to the mastermind, I mean, that’s the best place Clinton where you we can help you and and the community can help you get the best results. But if you just starting out, dude, the Battle Plan, get the services why spent all that time doing everything yourself. When you can spend that time actually going into your social media, relating to people being social, and getting those social people to follow you and to come to your website and to give you their opinion. There’s a lot of ways to get people, when you’re being social, to come and be social and help you on the website, you have to create that that activity. That’s that’s an excellent way. I mean, it’s, there’s so many things that you can do. We talked about it in our mini mastermind group yesterday. I call it social conditioning. And I think you call it social engineering. But it all works from, in my mind, from the from Pavlov’s operate conditioning experiments where you create expectation. And we can do that with your social media crowd and get them to your website. That’s goal, because Google will follow them from Instagram, from from Facebook, from Pinterest, wherever it is that you have your social presence. And Google will know that all of these people are interested in your website. And then Google will start sending people to see why all of these different people are interested in in your website. So I mean, that that’s just my recommendation for Quentin. Yeah, plan, follow the Battle Plan services. We have everything, everything you need. And then July be.
Bradley: And guys, the traffic signals are huge for SEO right now. I mean, it’s one of the biggest drivers of SEO or rankings or really getting Google’s attention is traffic from, you know, valid traffic, real traffic, not spoof traffic, but real traffic. So referral traffic from social media sources is a great, especially when they dwell or engaged on your site. It’s not just about dwell time, but if they engage on your site, that that kind of traffic is incredibly powerful for SEO, it’s a great, great signal. And you can buy traffic to so I mean, again, it doesn’t have to be all organic traffic that you send as referral traffic from social media. But you know, you can buy traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from Facebook, and those are, you know, and YouTube, for example, there’s a lot of different ways that you can do that, too, that if it’s relevant, they’re going to engage with your site, right. And that’s just a huge signal. It’s incredibly powerful.
Does “Sending Traffic To Appease Google” Mean Using A Crowdsearch Alternative?
So we’re going to move on to one says, which by the way, the one joined the Mastermind after last week’s Hump Day hang up. And so we appreciate you doing joining. And he’s got a lot of good questions in there already and we’ve got a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’re actually going to dive into some of the stuff that he was asking about in there. So welcome to on once again. And we’ve got some stuff we’re going to cover for you tomorrow during the mastermind webinar. He says when you send traffic when you say you send traffic to a piece Google do you mean like crowd search alternative? Duwann I know you directed this at Marco so all that Marco add to this as well but as we’re just saying, it’s not about spoof traffic, you sure you could probably still get results with some spoof traffic. However, we’re talking about relevant traffic, right, just the same as we don’t. It’s funny. You know, I don’t we don’t do a lot of PBN stuff and we don’t do domain authority manipulation anymore because it’s just we found it’s more about relevancy like, that’s the longer term, that’s the better strategy. And so we try to do everything. Now, I say that and I just was talking about spam links.
Ahhh good like our service for spam links in MGYB, it works really well if you know how to what to pointed at, which is an example of like we were talking about with drive stacks or an Amazon s3, hosted pages, those kind of things are incredibly if you know how to use spam properly, you can, you can get results from even like traditional spam type links, right? But it’s not something that we would ever want to point directly at a money site. Well, the same thing goes for traffic signals, right? You can buy spam traffic signals or spoof traffic signals using an app like crowd search, which by the way, used to be incredibly effective. We promoted the shit out of it for about two years because I used it. I mean, a lot. I used it a lot. I was using 50,000 credits a month with that thing. And it worked really, really well but Google’s algorithm learned not to count that kind of traffic. And there’s a number of reasons why it became less effective and started having diminishing returns.
And I’m not going to get into all of that we can talk about that in the mastermind webinar if you’d like Duwann. But so so spam traffic signals can still produce some results, but their marginal at best compared to if you can buy or send relevant traffic signals, which is the same thing that we’re talking about, like for example, you know, even traditional SEO like link building stuff, we can create or add relevancy even to spam links by sending spam links to a drive stack that is 100% relevant and and it uses the Google domain to help kind of launder that negative link juice. Well, the same thing goes with with traffic signals, right? If you can, force or push real traffic into your digital assets, your entities, so to speak, right your your your brand, entity from either referral sources or even to buying it direct, if it’s relevant traffic, that traffic is going to be weighted so much heavier by Google, right? So for SEO purposes, relevant traffic is weighted much heavier than non relevant traffic. So for example, if you were to send hundreds of visitors to a blog post on your site that aren’t engaging with it, but it’s just the visitor hits, right that you’re trying to send traffic signals to it. Can that help? Yes, it may be able to help, it may be able to give you a small boost, and the ranks or even a big boost. The problem is when you stop sending that traffic, what happens it will start to slip again, because those weren’t sustainable signals. But if you you can send a fraction of relevant traffic signals from an audience that Google is fully aware of is already interested in that topic or that content and big and how do they do that? Well, if you’re buying traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from known audiences, right? You can you can buy traffic from Google directly from YouTube or directly from display network or search ads if you want it, it’s crazy expensive. But from let’s say display network or from YouTube, where you can literally select the audience’s that you want Google display your ads to write expose your ads to. So Google knows that those people are already interested in that topic, or so. So Google knows that those people are relevant. And because they’re relevant when you send those traffic signals to or those that that traffic excuse me to your your content, they’re likely to engage with it. And the engagement signals are more powerful than just bear traffic signals, if that makes sense. Which means that not only will the traffic and engagement help the SEO, but it’s likely that you’re going to actually convert some of that traffic into whatever your conversion goal may be.
Whether that’s opting in to build your email list or if it’s for local business, it’s making a phone call becoming essentially becoming a lead or submitting a contact request form. Or if it’s a straight like Ecom, you’re trying to sell something, they may purchase your products. So instead of trying to put your effort, time and money into spoofing traffic, why not put your effort time and money into buying relevant traffic or generating relevant traffic through social engineering or as Marco calls it social conditioning? Again, you’re going to get much better results with a fraction of the numbers required that you would from spoofing stuff by just sending relevant traffic signals and engagement from real people that have a real genuine interest in your, your topic or your content, your product, your service, whatever it may be. Marco, you want to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, what I want to add is, is something really simple. And and Google is starting to get even smarter, because they boil it down, right and I call it the art. ART – activity, relevance, trust and authority. And it’s at the link origin and destination and everything attached to the link origin and the link destination. So Google is looking at the activity on the links, meaning, how are people interacting with the website is feeding you the link? And how are they are they interacting when they get to the destination of activity.
Relevance, well, isn’t relevant. Did they come from women’s shoes and and end up at and I don’t know, bricks? Absolutely nothing might want to do with the other. It has to be relevant. And it has to be trusted and authoritative. That’s why we love being inside the belly of the beast being inside Google. So if you can get those three things, the one or Devon Devon, I’m not sure how that’s pronounced But either way, let me know what will be on the mastermind dummy house mouse can get it in there. Now. It’s very difficult. As far as the activities concerned, to get purchase traffic, and I’m talking about fiber, I’m talking about traffic exchanges and all these other places to get these people to act like real people, even if you’re in a traffic exchange with real people. Because in a traffic exchange, all the people are concerned about is earning more whatever tokens or whatever credits, so that they can get more traffic to to their own properties. They’re not interested in dwelling on your website, they’re not interested in interacting with your website. And Google is looking at all of these things. So how can you get in and think of it? How can you get that activity? How can get that real person, like a real person? Will you buy real people, you either train them the right way, or you pay Google and Facebook and Instagram and whatever else to send the right people. Wherever you want it to go. They don’t have to go to your money.
site, they can go into your link string and then up at the money site. Now, here’s the key thing. And the great thing Fiverr traffic does work. And the way that I’ve gotten it to work is you have to get in with, like, a real conversation with the provider, so that the provider knows exactly what it is that you’re looking for. And they have to be able to tell you, yes, I can do it or No, I can’t. And then you test it. Even if they tell you, oh, yeah, I can do that. I can do that. I can get local IPS. And I can get traffic to go in there like that. you test it. You never, you never test on anything that’s going to make you money, although you set it up as if you’re going to make money with your test. And you should. Now once once you have that and you get all of these real people interacting and you see how it works and how Google reacts to this traffic, then you know that you can trust this guy. Never lose that at that
Fivver contact, because it’s worth gold, three or four people out at tier two, tier three tier for interacting with your links and ending up at the destination wherever you want and finishing whatever it is that you set them to do. That’s what Google wants to see the completion of that original action at the destination. So that that’s the key. And if you’re doing that, if you’re buying from phone from fire or anything, is that just going in and paying just whatever, for whoever for whatever, it’s actually you have to know and understand what it is that Google is looking for, so that you can buy and try to approximate what Google is looking for.
What’s A Good Tool To Trakc Your GMB Rankings?
Bradley: Sweet. So next is Jordan was just dropping the link to or what he suggests for rank tracking nice reports, not cheap. So there you go, because somebody was asking about that wills asking what’s a good tool to track your GMB rankings? So you might want to check that out personally Well, what I use is Bright local for my client reporting, which will check track GMB rankings depending on like, you can set it by zip code or by city name.
So that’s that’s all I use that you can also use like pro Rank Tracker. That’s, that’s something that I, you know, I use for,
like test SEO tests and stuff like that. Not that not necessarily. I mean, I do have some client reports in there, but I use that more for tracking, SEO tests, you know, campaigns that I’m testing different methods on and that kind of stuff. But for client reports, I use bright local, because it gives me a lot of really good reports that look nice and they’re they’re really accurate as far as for, you know,
GMB rank tracking. And what’s cool is you can set like third party mentions up so it will show rankings of any one of your branded digital assets. So, like it’ll show citations where their ranking YouTube videos or channels or Facebook pages, you know anything that’s been branded that has a mention of your name that your clients name will show up in the search results of the Rank Tracker search results, right? So it’s really cool because it makes you look like a rockstar instead of just showing where the websites ranking you show where all of their branded properties or profiles are ranking for the various keywords and so it looks really, really good.
And so anyways, again, I just use bright local, but Jordan likes Night Watch dot.io. So check some of them out and see what which one you like. Okay.
How Do You Make And 301 Redirect A Firebase Dynamic Link?
Okay, thank you grant for that comment. Fabian, ask a question about the Firebase 301 redirects. Now that geo geo which was Google’s link shortener is now been terminated, they won’t. They won’t allow us to use it anymore. And Marco is not going to answer that Fabian, because Marco tell him why.
Marco: Because some idiot will take it and burn it.
Bradley: There you go.
Marco: It’s that simple and right now we’ve got it Fabian you’re in the mastermind so when we are working on it to make it available to our membership so that they can use it we have it internally right now but we’re working on making it making it available so that you guys in the mastermind first can use it as soon as it’s available we’ll let you guys know in the meantime i mean bradley you’re using my pretty links pro yeah yeah and there’s rebrand the the hourly there’s a whole bunch of other places where you can get three old ones if it has decent metrics if it hasn’t been burned by all means use it and then we’ll work out our shortener our firebase shortener and how to make it available to again membership has its privileges so the mastermind will get it first
Bradley: Yeah i’m just using pretty links pro which is a plugin i think if you go to semanticmastery.com/prettylinks you can find it. It’s it’s not very expensive. I think it’s like 20 bucks. It might be more than that. But it’s, anyways, it’s a great plugin. And depending on what I’m like, for example, for all press releases, I set up a domain specifically that I use for creating redirects within press releases for the local PR pro method for PR stalking. Also just for like, redirecting those long ugly google google URLs for like maps, for example, or now GMB posts and stuff like that. So I always am using the same, it’s a press related type domain. So that it makes sense, right, and it looked and it looks and fits well, in press releases. And that way, you know, I’m actually building a little bit of authority to my own redirect domain that way. For other stuff, you know, again, I just use pretty links Pro, because I think when you buy that you get unlimited domain installs. And so yeah, I mean, for example, we’ve got a link shortener on for semantic mastery that we’ve had for years now called and if we use pretty links in that it’s SM short dot link. And if you go to the homepage, it’s it’s a Sam Jackson telling you to fuck off. But we use that as our redirect URL and have been for years SM short link and it’s great because it’s just Pretty Link Pro. So again, that’s what I’ve been using. But yeah, there are other things like rebrand Lee and stuff that have some inherent authority that you can use. So that would answer Jordans question next as well.
How To Find The Best Keywords For My YouTube Videos?
So Kevin is up. He says, How do I find the best keywords for my YouTube videos? I’m glad you asked that, Kevin. I actually prepared this specifically, I’m going to drop these links on the page for you as a reply, and then I’m just going to briefly talk about them because they’re both really good. And I want to explain why. OK, cool. So for YouTube video keywords, I think these are the two best software’s or tools available. One is and they’re both from the same developer by the way.
So this one is Power Suggest Pro and this is by Ted Chen that he’s again a developer a both these tools that I’m going to show his hands down my favorite keyword tool and has been for years it’s incredibly inexpensive if you buy it through our link which is the link that I just dropped there I think you can get it for yes I think if you buy it straight from the website at $77 but through our link it’s 57 and that’s because we’ve sold this a lot for Ted so he gave us a discount for our our audience only. Anyways, it’s a one time fee 57 bucks it’s an incredibly simple tool. And it works really really well especially for generating long tail keywords like stuff that you can rank for overnight like instantly when you’re talking about YouTube video stuff because it will spit out a not all it all it does is produced keyword excuse me auto suggest keywords so Google suggest or YouTube suggest or eBay suggest or Amazon suggest and I think it has been in there as well.
I’ll just open it up real quick. But it’s a very simple tool. And all it does is it uses the suggested phrases. And it used does it via API. So it grabs them very, very quickly. And it’s got Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay and Bing. And so for YouTube, like I’ve got it checked right here, I know, it’s probably small on your end, guys. But for YouTube, you just put in your search term, or your seed keyword, so to speak, and then allow and then just hit Search and you can set up suffix or recursive. recursive means like so for example, you know, when you go to Google and you type in a keyword, and then you type in space a, it’s going to list the top 10 suggested search queries that were that that last word starts with an A, and then you can go be and it’ll give you the top 10 suggested search queries with the the last word starting with a B, and so on and so forth all the way through A through Z, while recursive will then go back in search the 10 results for each letter, again with the neck with a again at the end, and so
You can literally spit out thousands of keywords, complex search queries very, very quickly. And what I like about it is because it’s coming from the Google suggest it for YouTube and Google anyways, the Google suggests API, all you’re getting our search queries that are known to have traffic or have enough interest from Google from from Google users for Google to put them in the suggested a, you know, the suggested excuse me, the the suggest database and other words, Google doesn’t have suggested search query phrases in there just randomly. They’re there because people have searched for those specific queries. Does that make sense? So the YouTube suggest that use YouTube suggest database is not as good as Google’s. In other words, you will see some repetition of like specific words that will be appended to your search queries are the the output essentially from from this tool, but with the when you’re looking at just the Google suggested phrases, it’s incredible because you can get into some sometimes the queries that come out of here are eight 910 words long, which means there’s traffic on those complex queries, there’s no doubt there’s traffic there, or else they wouldn’t be in the suggest database. But very few, if any, are optimizing for them. And that’s why I’m saying this is an outstanding tool for SEO guys. Because you can develop your your silos around long tail keywords that are spit out from this tool, in a matter of seconds, it works very quickly. And you can get super long tail keyword phrases or search queries essentially, that you can optimize content for. And when we’re talking about YouTube, I mean, you can literally rank for stuff, the moment it’s published, if you’re if you’re targeting those long tail and then if you’re using silos properly, which is what we teach with, you know, for content stacking period, but you can you can apply silo architecture
YouTube channels using playlists, right? That’s YouTube Silo Academy, you can do, you can get really good results even for short tail keyword phrases by creating a silo playlist and targeting the longer more complex queries that rank almost instantly. And so again, this is a fantastic tool guys, for 57 bucks, it’s a one time fee. You’d be silly not to use it. Number two, this is a also by Ted Chen. But this is an online version of it. And this is a tool by that was co developed by our friend Justin sorry, who is hands down the best, in my opinion guide for learning how to run YouTube ads for e com and for lead generation or like building email lists and all that kind of stuff. Justin, sorry. He’s great. And this is a tool he developed called tube sift. What he co developed it with Ted Chen, Ted’s there, that’s Justin. And this is an online version that will. it’s got a lot of this the same
functionality in the app or you know, the online version as power suggest Pro, but it’s got a lot of additional features for YouTube advertising. So it is more of an ads tool. And it is an SEO tool. But there is the SEO component of it because it has the same power suggest pro functionality in the app. But it also has a lot of additional things like finding, it’s got a YouTube channel searcher that you can find other channels to find other videos that you can use for in strategic ways. You can also build placement list for YouTube ads, all that kind of stuff. So either one of these are really, really good depending if you’re just doing SEO work, you can get away with just using power suggest Pro. If you plan on doing any YouTube advertising, I highly recommend picking this tool up because it works really well. And I still use this to all the time whenever I run YouTube ads, I’m always in there using this tool. It’s a great, great tool.
Okay, so great question. We’re gonna keep moving. We’re almost out of time here to.
What MGYB Services Would You Recommend To Get Faster Traction In Multi-Location GMB Pages?
Daniel says. I have some Some new sites being created both for roofers one with two locations about three hours apart and one with location servicing to adjoining counties. What service from MTV? Would you recommend to me to get some traction fast in the first month? Then what would you suggest to follow up after that? Thanks. Um, well, first of all press releases, Daniel is going to be one of the things you can do quick to get the best results, the quickest results, although the days of just one press release, being able to get super, super good results are unless it’s very non competitive. If it’s real, if it’s a real low competition, you know, you can very well get a good results with, you know, significant movement with one press release. But if it’s more competitive, it’s going to require several press releases published in succession, like a week apart or two weeks apart. That essentially the PR stalking method in order to get results there’s Google’s algorithm is adapted for a long time there for almost a year. We’re able to just crush it with press releases for from maps listings. And we still can, but it requires more and consistency in order to do it to get the same kind of results, but press releases, obviously drive stacks. drive stack is again standard operating procedure. It does take a little bit of time for Dr stacks to take effect. But I would recommend having to drive stack pointed at your your each one of your clients that then you can actually target both locations within the DR stacks for each each client. And then what you can do is bit link build to the Dr. stat, right and again, that’s those are all services that we provide an empty, Why be in the store. You can buy press releases from us, you can buy and you also get an organization page, which is a like a media room page, which is great, because you can use that very strategically. You can actually embed that in your drive stacks, which is very powerful. And then build links to your drive stacks and your organization pages which are like your accent, essentially your media room page as well.
your your your press releases for that brand that company will be listed. It’s like a it’s like an index like a blog index page essentially for the press releases so you power that up with additional links and that will help to. So again, I would recommend doing a kind of a one two punch. I’m honestly Daniel, if you were are handling like the work for your clients. That’s where local GMB pro local PR pro and ROI is all combine those together is like that’s like the perfect triple combo to get results for clients. I don’t you know, you’d have to go buy all the training courses and learn all that stuff to be able to implement it or you can just buy some of those the GM or excuse me, the PR and press releases and the drive stacks directly from MGYB not have to learn all of it. And then again, you apply the link building campaigns to those properties not directly to the money site. As far as the GMB assets, the actual
maps, you know, listings themselves. That’s where local GMB Pro comes in. That’s where you’re going to get the best results from the actual GM, Google My Business listing, essentially. So that you know, I would recommend we don’t have that service available publicly yet an mg Why be in the mastermind we do, Daniel, where you can buy mg Excuse me. GMB services from us done for you Google My Business Services. But that’s only available in the mastermind right now. So if you want to apply those methods to your current clients, then you have to right now purchase local gym, be Pro, or come join the mastermind, which is what I would recommend because you can get it the training much cheaper there as well as get done for you services there so that you don’t have to spend the time and effort learning how to do it. You can just find that get the training from us as how to apply it and then how hire us to do it for you. And that’s going to get you the quickest results instead of you have to learn it. So I would recommend you come join the mastermind. It’s a small price to pay for the access to us and the training and the methods that are going to help you to get results the quickest. That makes sense. any comments on that?
Marco: No, that’s perfect.
Adam: No say Bradley make sure yeah, okay cool you have a…
Bradley: refresh I know it sucks Yeah, I don’t like that at all. all right um. okay so we’re there
yeah well i’m not i’m not digging the whole Facebook comments thing myself honestly but you know we’re trying to find a good solution guys here would discuss apparently wasn’t working so we’ll work it out. Michaels up he says not sure why. The same thing is complaining about this apparently.
Last week’s page isn’t showing last week some data that was seen as I saw that. huh? Okay.
So did it get resolved? Yep. Yeah, we didn’t have the code in there for the for the YouTube video. Oh shit, my bad. That was my fault then I apologize for that.
Is There A Way To Protect GMB Listings From Being Suspended From People Flagging Them?
Alright, I’ll Gus Augustus says is there a way to protect GMB listings from being suspended from people flagging them? No, I mean, make them look as real as possible. Augustus that’s the only thing you can do is, you know, try to make them look as real as possible.
If somebody flags it, and you, you know, if you can’t verify it physically, you know, via receiving a postcard, or, you know, taking photos from in front of the storefront or the location, if it’s not a storefront business, then the only thing that you can do is really try to make it look as real and as genuine as possible. Honestly, I think that’s bullshit right now, because any, you know, competitive competitors could just flag a listing, and it could cause Google to want to slap it and require ree ree verification, but there’s not much we can do about that right now.
We’re almost out of time, guys. I do have to leave but vitality says hello, hope everything is doing well. Question to Bradley. Any feedback on testing with quantum Newswire? Thanks. No, I’m still testing vitality. There’s a lot of amazing features with it. And I’ve got a lot of hopes for it. And I know the guys behind it like really and we wouldn’t have brought that to to our audience unless we truly believed in it. But I am doing some pretty significant testing with it that we’re going to reap, you know, bring that, bring them back to do another presentation. Another offer essentially, once I have my case study done when we promoted it the first time, I didn’t have my case study done and that’s because I just honestly have had been overwhelmed with too much other work at the moment. But I am actively working on that case study right now. So that in the next two to three weeks, we can bring that them back to present the offer again. And this time, I will take a much more active role in the actual presentation and showcase study data like I often do to show exactly how I’m what you know the kind of results like I’m getting from it. So right now now I don’t have any updates for you, but we will in a few weeks. Okay.
Will Existing Members Get The Video Lead Gen V2 Update Or There’s A Need To Repurchase Them?
Rob says Bradley spoke about video lead gen system v2 launching soon will existing members get the update or where we have to repurchase to get the new v two updates? That’s a good question. As far as I know, you will get the updates. Rob, as far as I know, you will get the updates. Why do we were getting double? I don’t know maybe because it wasn’t showing up on the page. Anyways, so there you go, guys. I gotta run. It’s five o’clock. Sorry about this. Comment app not working correctly. Again. I don’t know what to do about it. We’ll figure it out. So thanks, everybody. Thanks, man.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230 syndicated from https://medium.com/@SpanishFly
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makironata-blog · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230
Click on the video above to watch Episode 230 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 230. Today is the third of April 2019. And first of all, if you live Thanks for joining us, we’re going to dive into the questions here shortly if you’re not live or your new semantic mastery, first of all, thank you for watching, and we want to point you in the right direction. The good news is you’re already in the right place. This is a place to be watching Hump Day Hangouts, whether you’re catching this live or again, if catching the replay maybe on YouTube. That’s awesome. The next step is definitely grab the Battle Plan head over to Battle Plan dot semantic mastery.com. And then, for those of you who are interested in either starting or growing your local digital marketing agency, you know, we want you to check out the mastermind go to mastermind, semantic mastery.com and then every week with the hump day Hangouts, you can always go to semantic mastery. com slash HD questions and ask your questions live. We love it when you join us. There’s sometimes good stuff going on for people
Join us live. But you can always ask your questions. If you got a call you got client stuff, you’re at work, whatever, then you can check out the replays. So But that said, we’ve got a few more announcements but let’s say hello to everybody. We got everyone except for Hunan here. I think he’s having some issues with power. So Chris will start things with you. How you doing?
Chris: Doing good.
Adam: Alright, man, a few words. Marco. What’s up, dude? How’s the weather down there?
Marco: It’s beautiful man. Suck last night. We got down to 67.
Adam: that suck man I feel for you. Really?
I had I had to go and grab a sheet. I don’t appreciate having to get up middle of the night and having to get a sheet. But other than that, I can’t. I can’t complain. Good man. How you doing?
Bradley: Good man. I got this from Marco though. Nice here. Finally. It’s 70 degrees today which is nice. Spring is almost sprung here in Virginia and really looking forward to it after what nasty winter so.
Adam: good deal. Well, we got a lot of questions so we’re not going to take up too much time today. Just wanted to mention everybody if you haven’t yet head over to mgyb.co for your done for you SEO Services. With there’s been several launching, we got more in the pipeline, but I know specifically that the embeds, the link building and link indexing live. So go check those out. I’ll put the links on the pages that you guys have anything else to say about that. I just want to let people know that they’ll
Bradley: jump in for a moment real quick Marco, and then you can talk your your trash to the link building services amazing because this is our longtime link builder that he had been working for us for, for me specifically for I think six years now. He’s real pro at what he does. He is amazing. And one of the strategies is working incredibly well and it’s not just from what I’m saying. That from a lot of our members like mastermind members that are using his services as well is if you guys are using @ID pages, which we talked about in various trainings. And in point links to those, instead of pointing direct to your money site, it’s incredibly powerful for local stuff, especially. And it’s working really, really well. And what I love about it is it’s easy, right? Because you just go and place your order for link building, and daddy does the rest. And it basically will power up your @ID loop, which is really super powerful. And it protects your money site as well. So I would highly encourage you guys to go check that out the the, the effects have been consistent across the board. Go ahead, Marco.
Marco: Know what I wanted to add is the embeds are just that it’s not just video. It’s not just maps, it’s embedded. If it has an X ray, we cannot help you, right, because that’s the website not allowing itself to be iframe. Other than that, if you can, if it can be iframe, it can be Set through in an embed gig. So imagine what you do with that with with the with the media page and maybe embedded on the side or maybe I’m not going to go too deep into that, but I don’t want to spend people’s heads. But it’s it’s limitless. And then what’s working really, really well is when you build links into a drive step was the site. I mean, someone just got, we were talking last night in our mini mastermind. And someone literally got a drive stack from us. Got the link building from daddy at the link building isn’t done. And the drive stack has already started moving into the first spots in Google. I mean, that’s how well it’s working. Fuck Google and Google updates.
Go to MGYB, first of all, get the Battle Plan so that you know which products and services you need to grab from us. I mean, you could do it all yourself or save yourself all the time and all those headaches. Let us do it for you and and get it done right kit and get results. I mean, I can’t guarantee was on that yet I will be guaranteeing results in a few months. I can’t guarantee them just right I just I can’t. Google is unpredictable that way that we’re targeting it there’s still some fluctuations that aren’t measured into RYS Academy drive stacks always reloaded but when you add the power of press releases when you had the power of link building when you add the power again, I’ll go back to Bradley’s training YouTube ads if you didn’t get it, I mean you you’re missing one of the best options for getting power into your and I’ll give credit to Becca right now. slipstream, link streams or slip streams as he called them are the shit kit link building into that get people into that and watch watch it just light a match and everything else will just below. So that’s my piece for today.
Adam: Awesome. I got an absolutely nothing to add on to that you guys. So good to go. Go check it out. Again, the links will be on the page. I had reports of some issues with the commenting on the page. Again, we switched to Facebook. So if anyone’s having issues, you know, let us know, you can send them a ticket to support a semantic mastery. com. We want to make sure it’s a work in progress, will try to get things going. It looks like people have commented, but there might be issues still going on. So please let us know. Give us some feedback. And we’ll get that fixed for you guys. We had we had issues with the Facebook app. Ah, yeah, yeah. So I know at least one person had issues and then I’ve seen some issues on my account. So anyways, we’ll roll with the punches, guys, and we’ll get it straightened out. We keep popping around trying different stuff.
So the last thing I want to say to if you’re catching this 12 regardless of where you’re watching this, subscribe to our YouTube channels, the short version. And if you’re checking this out on YouTube, you know, and you’re coming across across clips, or you watch this stuff regularly and you check out our channel. You know, please help us out share it, we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel. We want to get the word out there and you know, we know we got a lot of good clips with a lot of helpful info. So If you know someone who could use it, by all means, share it, email it, whatever you want to do, just get the word out.
Sweet. Can we let? We got no just kidding. Yeah, let’s do this. I’m gonna grab the screen. We’ll get into it.
Tips For Cold Calling Local Businesses And Provide GMB Rankings
Bradley: Alright, so we’re going to start where it says six days ago. So I’m going to start right here with Lee Leon who says, Hey, semantic mastery. Got any tips for cold calling local businesses and providing GMB rankings? Well, I don’t have any tips for cold calling, except that there’s a great strategy that I developed many, many years ago, when I first started growing my own agency that is a combination of email, but very specific video emails, and then calling those that engage or interact with the video emails and there’s a way to determine that and that way, it’s not a strict cold call, because I don’t know about you guys, but I always hated straight cold calls, they suck. you interrupt people, they usually are pissed off that you call them and interrupted them, especially if they think it’s some sort of solicitation even if you are trying to provide help or true value with what you’re, you know, saying to them. Again, most people especially now because marketers have really saturated the market guys and I don’t necessarily mean you and I like as kind of solo printers or little guys so to speak, but like the big marketing agencies that have sales staff and things like that, they, they, you know, hammer local businesses, if you’re a local business, you get hammered with solicitation calls all day, every day. And you know, it’s it’s absolutely relentless. And so if you try to just straight cold call people without doing something to differentiate yourself, you’re going to run into a lot of discouragement, right, you’re going to get a lot of denials, you’re going to get turned down, you’re going to get cussed at all these kind of things. And honestly, it’s hard to sustain that for very long without, you know, throwing in the towel and saying, This isn’t for me, I’m going to do something else. So I developed a strategy that I developed years ago back in probably 2012 was what I called the video lead gen system, we’ve got a product for it right now that I’m actually updating for specifically for 2019 and for lead generation for people that are building lead gen assets as well as can it can still be applied to just straight you know, client work to prospecting for clients. And I’m I’m at currently updating that right now. Like literally because we’re going to be launching that the version two or you know, the update essentially, in what three weeks I think so.
What is it April 23, that we’re doing that is that right? Yeah, yeah. So into in three weeks from today, guys.
We’ll be talking about it will be the day the day after launch. And we’ll be talking more about it then. But specifically Lee, what I would recommend is for cold calling local businesses instead of cold, calling them just direct without somehow measuring their level of interest, you’re going to have a hard time. So the better way to do it, my opinion is to go out and hand select the prospects that you want to work with. And then creating a video email, which the original process that I created was a bit time consuming to do but it worked really well. Like I was getting consistently three or four responses for every 10 emails that I would send out. And that I mean, that’s that’s almost unheard of right for cold emails. And when I say responses, I mean people that would ask for, you know, either reply via email or call me depending on what my call to action was, so that I could start and essentially started a dialogue with me a conversation and now
Have those three or four out of every 10, I would close one or two of them. And I had heard many, many times from people that I would chat with or talk to, you know, prospects that I would talk to, after reaching out to them via video email, I would hear many times people say like, oh, wow, that was a really unique way to get my attention. And so essentially, what it is, is it’s, you know, finding hands, selecting the prospects that you want to work with are the ones that you think you want to work with. And then creating a short video, kind of providing value as to why you know who you are, but not, it’s not about you, it’s about them. And it’s about their digital presence and what you could do to help them or what you see as opportunities that they’re not taking advantage of, so you don’t ever, like criticize their existing digital presence. You always want to say stuff like, Hey, I really liked your website, but I see that you’re missing you know, you could be missing out on leads because you don’t have this or you’re
for example your google my business profile might not be optimized isn’t fully optimized and if you’re not aware of this that’s where the vast majority of leads are coming for local businesses right now or you want to you want to always talk in their terms and again i can’t go into specifics because it’s in the course and we’re relaunching that in three weeks anyways but video email was a really really good way to get people’s attention however like i mentioned the original strategy or method that i had developed was really time consuming it was very effective but time consuming well i’ve learned i’ve developed a way to streamline that which is a lot more it’s a lot easier to get more of these emails out and and again that’s all covered in the update that’s going to be coming out in three weeks so you know i would recommend that you do that and the reason why lee is because when you you can measure engagement through the emails there’s a service that i you know there’s a bunch of different services that do this but i specifically use a service called point of mail com where every email i send out a trial
The engagement level of that email to the to the recipient that I’m sending it to so I can set up notifications to note to be notified when they open the email. When they click on a link in the email, I can have text notifications or email notifications come to me so that I know exactly what my email is getting open and when somebody is clicking a link, for example, a link to a video that I send them, right. And so what I’ve what I’ve learned is if you want to do cold calling, one of the best things you can do is send a series of emails to the prospect and not these like, you know, diarrhea of the mouth type emails, where you literally just like load unload in a long email, like all these things that you could do for them because I found that those get deleted right away or get marked as spam right away. But send these like, short little emails where you’re asking questions and trying to get a dialogue started with the prospect and getting permission from them to send them a video and
And it’s and again, I’m not going to reveal that strategies here on Hump Day hangouts because it’s in the training course. But it’s just a couple of questions that you send, and then you get permission to send them a video from them. They said, Yes, send it. And you send the video via either a link or even a screenshot that looks like a video embedded in the actual email, Either one works. And then when they click that link, you can be notified by your email tracking software or app dependent, you know, whatever, that they’ve clicked that link. So now you know for a fact that they’ve seen your email and they are they’ve seen your video or at least started to watch your video. And that’s when you call them. Because then now you’ve got you know that they are already, you’ve already got permission to send them the video number one because you started a very easy dialogue with them, not where you’re telling them about how great you are and all the things that you can do for them. You just asked him a couple questions and get them to give you what’s what I call positive reply. And once you got the positive reply, you send them the video link that they’ve already given permission to send and then when they click it
You get notified that they’ve opened it, which means you know that or that they click the link so that you know that they’ve at least started to watch the video. And that’s when you call, you can either call immediately, or you can wait a few minutes, or you can wait a day or two and call back and say, Look, I just wanted to follow up to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you. Well, you know, that they already did. Because you can tell from the activity from from the email tracking app. But you don’t say that, because that’s might sound a bit creepy, right? But you just say like, Hey, I just wanted to follow up real quick to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you see if you had any questions or you know, see if we could talk about it a little bit. And that way, it’s not a cold call. It’s a warm call at that point. And so I would recommend the that you pay attention or be on the lookout. In three weeks, we’re going to relaunch that called the video lead gen system. And again, there’s a lot of streamlined methods in there that I’ve been working on and just like the past few weeks seriously, for a lot of stuff that I’m doing right now in my own business that I’m you know, is working well. So, hopefully that was helpful.
Anybody got any comments on that?
Marco: Nah, man, that was perfect. You’re the master of that.
Bradley: So let’s move on. I just got one quick one. When you say 30 to 40% I think some people will get how awesome of a rate that is. But it’s just like, freaking astronomical. Like, that’s unheard of you don’t get that when you’re prospecting. So, anyways, if you haven’t, or you’re going to be starting prospecting, like keep in mind, I mean, that is orders that you know, that’s huge. I think a normal response rate prospecting is 1% or lower. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s, again, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s not hard to do and a lot of, you know, I’ve learned over the years to not do so much of the work myself. And so there’s, you know, methods for or for outsourcing this a lot of the a lot of the work to to where it really requires very little effort on your part up front, other than to record the short videos. And then actually, you know, pick up the conversation once the prospect has replied positively and you can have a VA do most of the heavy lifting between the time that you create the video and the time that the the prospect replies positively and then you just pick up the conversation from there so it’s a it’s a great strategy guys and again I’m going to be will be releasing that in three weeks.
Which Is Good For An Event Blogging: Expired Domain Or A New Domain?
Next is uh i don’t really quite understand this question but Pranab, I says what is good for event blogging expired domain or new domain. I’m a newbie learner. Okay, I guess just means for what is good for blogging, expired domain or new new domain? Well, I would recommend going with a new domain with a brand name that you want to create. Because for SEO purposes, if you find an expired domain that had good backlink profile and relevant content to what it is that you’re going to be blogging about, if it was previously in the same type of content or the same category, essentially the same topic then you can
Get some traction from that. But you have to know how to, you can get some fat and subtraction faster from using an expired domain because it might already have some good inbound links. So a good link profile, but that’s the problem unless you know what you’re doing and how to investigate that, you could very well just buy a domain that’s been spammed to death. And if it’s if it wasn’t in the same category of the same around, you know, built around, if it didn’t have content on it, it was around the same topic, then it’s really not going to benefit from the existing inbound link profile unless they were had unless they had incredibly high, you know, valued links pointing to it, in which case, sometimes you can re categorize it and it will still have a benefit. But for the most part, I recommend just starting off with your own new domain that’s branded after the brand name that you want to create. And starting there and then using some of the methods, you know, to be selfish year some of the semantic mastery methods where you can start pushing authority in and rather
See into your domain using properties that you don’t have to worry about necessarily the inbound link profile because it’s a brand new property, so, or a brand new domain. So obviously, we use a lot of Google properties to push authority. And that’s something that you can do is just start with a new domain branded the way that you want it to be branded. It’s nice, clean a clean domain at that point, right? If it’s new, and then you can start building you know, things like syndication network and blogging consistently. That’s a staple for us. drive stack, we’re going to talk about that here again in a minute, but in our is drive stack, so you can Google properties to start building authority to your to your domain. And then from there, you could do a lot of other things to the Dr. stack that would keep your domain clean, but start building authority. That’s what I recommend. Mark, you want to comment on that at all? No, I totally agree. I’ll be doing an update webinar for syndication Academy. Yes. Where we’re going to talk about the importance of branding and brand plus key word association.
And how that really solidifies everything. As far as Googlebot is concerned. It’s all about the entity, right? It’s all about what you’re presenting to Google, as far as what it is that you’re doing, how you’re doing, and how everything that’s attached to this brand belongs to the brand. You’ve talked about this before. We go on, we claim the footprint. We’re not here to Google. We want Google to know this stuff is all ours. We’re going to go ahead and and have our presence in all of these social media and on all of the different web to Dotto profiles that we create through syndication Academy. There’s other training and syndication Academy that helps power it up. But the whole point is for that entity, and so you can do that, instead of taking what somebody else’s idea and what they had, and trying to convert that to your vision. Just start with your vision and go after that. That. I mean, I totally agree with Brad. Yeah, I agree with that. And it’s interesting.
Bradley: We had a question and I think it was a Syndication Academy group or it might have been our free Facebook group, the SEO tutorials group, but somebody asked our syndication networks still viable in 2019. And that, absolutely they are as far as a straight ranking tactic. They’re not maybe as effective as they were several years ago. But that’s that’s missing. You’re missing the point then because what Marco was just talking about was to entity validator. And it’s incredibly important to do that because in case you weren’t aware of this, Google is looking at authority and well entities and building authority and validating those entities. And that’s one way to do it and and by getting your name listed, your know your brand name or your website, name, whatever listed in multiple places, and that kind of validates that entity in a way that you can’t really do unless you have claimed this footprint.
You know what I mean? And that’s one of the one of the reasons why they’re still very, very effective. And I would have, you know, again, it’s still part of our standard operating procedure. It’s a foundational method. There’s no question.
How Hard Can You Hit A Subdomain With Links On A TLD?
My question is up, he says, How hard can you hit a subdomain with links on a top level domain? Well, it depends on what you’re asking about, Mike. I mean, you typically we don’t encourage hitting your money site, even on a subdomain with direct like spam links and such. We got away from doing that. years ago, really, you know, years ago, you used to be able to do like what was called domain authority stacking. And essentially, you could just manipulate domain authority and page authority that way, which is a mas metric I get it, but it was it was effective. It was it was very effective at the time, but we’re talking like 2014, 2015 timeframe, so several years ago.
Now, I don’t recommend doing that even on, you know, if, even if you were just setting up a sub domain specifically to point links at it. But it wasn’t like, you know, something that you were trying to keep like the sub domain wasn’t your content distribution engine, like you weren’t trying to rank the sub domain. I wouldn’t do it because I don’t like to put anything real spammy anywhere near the money site now. So because we don’t need to, again, just what we’ve been talking about on this webinar alone was like using drive stacks, for example, as the filter or Amazon s3 pages, it’s another great thing to do. Because Google domains or Amazon domains can withstand any kind of abuse you send it them, like absolutely any like kitchen sink, spam, it doesn’t matter what you throw at them. They’ll take it and they’ll take it like a champ. And please, Sir, may I have another, you know what I mean? And so instead of worrying about spamming a subdomain for pushing authority, or whatever, which, by the way, domain authority stacking and shit doesn’t work anymore. I mean, it might with some massive, massive numbers, but it’s difficult to do and it’s not something
That I would consider sustainable. So instead use properties like Amazon and Google that you can then use as like a tier one. That’s the linking to your money site, and push all your spam to those instead. Right? Because though they’ll launder it, they’ll essentially filter out the negative and only pass the good. And it’s just because they’ll take whatever you can throw at them. Like I said, Please, sir, man, I have another. So I don’t, I wouldn’t hit a subdomain on a on a money site with with a bunch of spam. I would unless you had a filter ahead of it, which in that case, you could go direct to the money site. You know what I’m saying, for example, you could be linking from or, and I don’t want to get to, I’m not going to go any further than this. But Iframes are a good way to do that kind of stuff, which is why we do what we do with drive stacks. Because it’s very, very powerful way to push authority without it being spammy to the money site. Does that make sense? For
The @ID page Mike, if you’re in a fairly sure you’re in Syndication Academy or at least one of our paid groups, if you’re in any of our paid groups, you’ll have access to that out ID page strategy, which is using an Amazon domain the combination between that and drive stacks alone is incredibly powerful and you can get away with murder with those. Comments?
Marco: No, I agree.
What’s The First Thing You Need To Do To Rank A Brand New Site?
Bradley: Moving on. Quentin’s up. He says great day guys having I’m having a website made next week for my brand or my band slash brand. What are the must haves to make Google my website bitch? Love it, Quentin. And he says, also, after having a website up and running, what’s the first thing you should do? Okay, so again, Battle Plan Quentin if you don’t already have it, get the Battle Plan because that’s exactly what it is for, to show you step by step and in what order you should apply again, at least from our methods that will work that will help you to get the most traction step one is going to be syndication network to help validate the entity
And then every single time you make posts to your blog, it will help to update that that network which again, again, that’s just activity, as well as they’re just really good signals. So so I would start with syndication network, and then obviously a drive stackas because we’ve been talking a lot about that. They’re just so effective. I mean, still, and it’s funny because we’ve heard another places people say, oh, Dr. Stats aren’t that effective. Bullshit. You just don’t know how to use them or you’re building them and correctly. That’s the thing if you know what you’re doing if you build them correctly, and then you know what to do with them. Once you have them, then they’re incredibly effective. So quit and I would recommend absolutely syndication network. Step one. start posting regularly once your syndication network is attached to your new blog. If you’re doing if you’re a band, and you’re doing a lot of updates on social media, use your syndicate your blog as your point of origin for your syndicate, excuse me, your social media updates.
In other words, post your updates to your blog and allow your blog to syndicate those post to your social media so that you’re always funneling the authority back to your blog as opposed to just when you post directly to Facebook, for example, yes, you can get engagement on Facebook, the Facebook, but who are you benefiting? As far as the the website, the digital property, you’re benefiting Facebook, not your own brand, right? I mean, you’re you’re still benefiting your brand, I get that. But I’m saying you’re not, you’re not benefiting your digital asset, your digital presence, because you’re you’re essentially doing all of your activity on Facebook. Well, you can still have your activity go to Facebook, but haven’t posts to your blog first. Right? So that way that you’re pushing authority back and bringing hopefully people visitors off of Facebook back to your website. And that’s just one example. So I would use your your blog as a as a kind of like your point of origin for your your updates and do it regularly. Right and then as far as that beyond that, again, a drive stackis going to help you to start pushing authority, then you can do all sorts of nasty SEO stuff, off page SEO stuff to your drive stack, which will keep your blog clean. And that’ll help to make Google your website Bitch. Marco, what do you suggest on that?
Marco: Battle plan for a new website? It’s on there, right?
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: Just follow it step by step. It tells you the things that you need to get in guys. We link from the Battle Plan to MGYB services, because that’s, that’s what we use, right? We use, we get the syndication networks, remember you I be from our builders, we got our drive stacks from there, we get our press releases from that. We get everything that we can from the people who we’ve trained to do things, the semantic mastery way. So, of course, we’re going to link to our stuff, it’s what we use, we we’re not going to sell you something or send you somewhere that you know, we don’t know what the effects are going to be. We know the the results that we get. We don’t know something else. That doesn’t mean that you have to get our services in order to accomplish what you are I but I mean, if the other side of the coin is you’d have to get our training, and you’d have to learn all of these different methods. Local PR Pro, Local GMB, Pro, Local Lease Pro, Syndication Academy, RYS Academy, all of the different things that go to the mastermind, I mean, that’s the best place Clinton where you we can help you and and the community can help you get the best results. But if you just starting out, dude, the Battle Plan, get the services why spent all that time doing everything yourself. When you can spend that time actually going into your social media, relating to people being social, and getting those social people to follow you and to come to your website and to give you their opinion. There’s a lot of ways to get people, when you’re being social, to come and be social and help you on the website, you have to create that that activity. That’s that’s an excellent way. I mean, it’s, there’s so many things that you can do. We talked about it in our mini mastermind group yesterday. I call it social conditioning. And I think you call it social engineering. But it all works from, in my mind, from the from Pavlov’s operate conditioning experiments where you create expectation. And we can do that with your social media crowd and get them to your website. That’s goal, because Google will follow them from Instagram, from from Facebook, from Pinterest, wherever it is that you have your social presence. And Google will know that all of these people are interested in your website. And then Google will start sending people to see why all of these different people are interested in in your website. So I mean, that that’s just my recommendation for Quentin. Yeah, plan, follow the Battle Plan services. We have everything, everything you need. And then July be.
Bradley: And guys, the traffic signals are huge for SEO right now. I mean, it’s one of the biggest drivers of SEO or rankings or really getting Google’s attention is traffic from, you know, valid traffic, real traffic, not spoof traffic, but real traffic. So referral traffic from social media sources is a great, especially when they dwell or engaged on your site. It’s not just about dwell time, but if they engage on your site, that that kind of traffic is incredibly powerful for SEO, it’s a great, great signal. And you can buy traffic to so I mean, again, it doesn’t have to be all organic traffic that you send as referral traffic from social media. But you know, you can buy traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from Facebook, and those are, you know, and YouTube, for example, there’s a lot of different ways that you can do that, too, that if it’s relevant, they’re going to engage with your site, right. And that’s just a huge signal. It’s incredibly powerful.
Does “Sending Traffic To Appease Google” Mean Using A Crowdsearch Alternative?
So we’re going to move on to one says, which by the way, the one joined the Mastermind after last week’s Hump Day hang up. And so we appreciate you doing joining. And he’s got a lot of good questions in there already and we’ve got a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’re actually going to dive into some of the stuff that he was asking about in there. So welcome to on once again. And we’ve got some stuff we’re going to cover for you tomorrow during the mastermind webinar. He says when you send traffic when you say you send traffic to a piece Google do you mean like crowd search alternative? Duwann I know you directed this at Marco so all that Marco add to this as well but as we’re just saying, it’s not about spoof traffic, you sure you could probably still get results with some spoof traffic. However, we’re talking about relevant traffic, right, just the same as we don’t. It’s funny. You know, I don’t we don’t do a lot of PBN stuff and we don’t do domain authority manipulation anymore because it’s just we found it’s more about relevancy like, that’s the longer term, that’s the better strategy. And so we try to do everything. Now, I say that and I just was talking about spam links.
Ahhh good like our service for spam links in MGYB, it works really well if you know how to what to pointed at, which is an example of like we were talking about with drive stacks or an Amazon s3, hosted pages, those kind of things are incredibly if you know how to use spam properly, you can, you can get results from even like traditional spam type links, right? But it’s not something that we would ever want to point directly at a money site. Well, the same thing goes for traffic signals, right? You can buy spam traffic signals or spoof traffic signals using an app like crowd search, which by the way, used to be incredibly effective. We promoted the shit out of it for about two years because I used it. I mean, a lot. I used it a lot. I was using 50,000 credits a month with that thing. And it worked really, really well but Google’s algorithm learned not to count that kind of traffic. And there’s a number of reasons why it became less effective and started having diminishing returns.
And I’m not going to get into all of that we can talk about that in the mastermind webinar if you’d like Duwann. But so so spam traffic signals can still produce some results, but their marginal at best compared to if you can buy or send relevant traffic signals, which is the same thing that we’re talking about, like for example, you know, even traditional SEO like link building stuff, we can create or add relevancy even to spam links by sending spam links to a drive stack that is 100% relevant and and it uses the Google domain to help kind of launder that negative link juice. Well, the same thing goes with with traffic signals, right? If you can, force or push real traffic into your digital assets, your entities, so to speak, right your your your brand, entity from either referral sources or even to buying it direct, if it’s relevant traffic, that traffic is going to be weighted so much heavier by Google, right? So for SEO purposes, relevant traffic is weighted much heavier than non relevant traffic. So for example, if you were to send hundreds of visitors to a blog post on your site that aren’t engaging with it, but it’s just the visitor hits, right that you’re trying to send traffic signals to it. Can that help? Yes, it may be able to help, it may be able to give you a small boost, and the ranks or even a big boost. The problem is when you stop sending that traffic, what happens it will start to slip again, because those weren’t sustainable signals. But if you you can send a fraction of relevant traffic signals from an audience that Google is fully aware of is already interested in that topic or that content and big and how do they do that? Well, if you’re buying traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from known audiences, right? You can you can buy traffic from Google directly from YouTube or directly from display network or search ads if you want it, it’s crazy expensive. But from let’s say display network or from YouTube, where you can literally select the audience’s that you want Google display your ads to write expose your ads to. So Google knows that those people are already interested in that topic, or so. So Google knows that those people are relevant. And because they’re relevant when you send those traffic signals to or those that that traffic excuse me to your your content, they’re likely to engage with it. And the engagement signals are more powerful than just bear traffic signals, if that makes sense. Which means that not only will the traffic and engagement help the SEO, but it’s likely that you’re going to actually convert some of that traffic into whatever your conversion goal may be.
Whether that’s opting in to build your email list or if it’s for local business, it’s making a phone call becoming essentially becoming a lead or submitting a contact request form. Or if it’s a straight like Ecom, you’re trying to sell something, they may purchase your products. So instead of trying to put your effort, time and money into spoofing traffic, why not put your effort time and money into buying relevant traffic or generating relevant traffic through social engineering or as Marco calls it social conditioning? Again, you’re going to get much better results with a fraction of the numbers required that you would from spoofing stuff by just sending relevant traffic signals and engagement from real people that have a real genuine interest in your, your topic or your content, your product, your service, whatever it may be. Marco, you want to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, what I want to add is, is something really simple. And and Google is starting to get even smarter, because they boil it down, right and I call it the art. ART – activity, relevance, trust and authority. And it’s at the link origin and destination and everything attached to the link origin and the link destination. So Google is looking at the activity on the links, meaning, how are people interacting with the website is feeding you the link? And how are they are they interacting when they get to the destination of activity.
Relevance, well, isn’t relevant. Did they come from women’s shoes and and end up at and I don’t know, bricks? Absolutely nothing might want to do with the other. It has to be relevant. And it has to be trusted and authoritative. That’s why we love being inside the belly of the beast being inside Google. So if you can get those three things, the one or Devon Devon, I’m not sure how that’s pronounced But either way, let me know what will be on the mastermind dummy house mouse can get it in there. Now. It’s very difficult. As far as the activities concerned, to get purchase traffic, and I’m talking about fiber, I’m talking about traffic exchanges and all these other places to get these people to act like real people, even if you’re in a traffic exchange with real people. Because in a traffic exchange, all the people are concerned about is earning more whatever tokens or whatever credits, so that they can get more traffic to to their own properties. They’re not interested in dwelling on your website, they’re not interested in interacting with your website. And Google is looking at all of these things. So how can you get in and think of it? How can you get that activity? How can get that real person, like a real person? Will you buy real people, you either train them the right way, or you pay Google and Facebook and Instagram and whatever else to send the right people. Wherever you want it to go. They don’t have to go to your money.
site, they can go into your link string and then up at the money site. Now, here’s the key thing. And the great thing Fiverr traffic does work. And the way that I’ve gotten it to work is you have to get in with, like, a real conversation with the provider, so that the provider knows exactly what it is that you’re looking for. And they have to be able to tell you, yes, I can do it or No, I can’t. And then you test it. Even if they tell you, oh, yeah, I can do that. I can do that. I can get local IPS. And I can get traffic to go in there like that. you test it. You never, you never test on anything that’s going to make you money, although you set it up as if you’re going to make money with your test. And you should. Now once once you have that and you get all of these real people interacting and you see how it works and how Google reacts to this traffic, then you know that you can trust this guy. Never lose that at that
Fivver contact, because it’s worth gold, three or four people out at tier two, tier three tier for interacting with your links and ending up at the destination wherever you want and finishing whatever it is that you set them to do. That’s what Google wants to see the completion of that original action at the destination. So that that’s the key. And if you’re doing that, if you’re buying from phone from fire or anything, is that just going in and paying just whatever, for whoever for whatever, it’s actually you have to know and understand what it is that Google is looking for, so that you can buy and try to approximate what Google is looking for.
What’s A Good Tool To Trakc Your GMB Rankings?
Bradley: Sweet. So next is Jordan was just dropping the link to or what he suggests for rank tracking nice reports, not cheap. So there you go, because somebody was asking about that wills asking what’s a good tool to track your GMB rankings? So you might want to check that out personally Well, what I use is Bright local for my client reporting, which will check track GMB rankings depending on like, you can set it by zip code or by city name.
So that’s that’s all I use that you can also use like pro Rank Tracker. That’s, that’s something that I, you know, I use for,
like test SEO tests and stuff like that. Not that not necessarily. I mean, I do have some client reports in there, but I use that more for tracking, SEO tests, you know, campaigns that I’m testing different methods on and that kind of stuff. But for client reports, I use bright local, because it gives me a lot of really good reports that look nice and they’re they’re really accurate as far as for, you know,
GMB rank tracking. And what’s cool is you can set like third party mentions up so it will show rankings of any one of your branded digital assets. So, like it’ll show citations where their ranking YouTube videos or channels or Facebook pages, you know anything that’s been branded that has a mention of your name that your clients name will show up in the search results of the Rank Tracker search results, right? So it’s really cool because it makes you look like a rockstar instead of just showing where the websites ranking you show where all of their branded properties or profiles are ranking for the various keywords and so it looks really, really good.
And so anyways, again, I just use bright local, but Jordan likes Night Watch dot.io. So check some of them out and see what which one you like. Okay.
How Do You Make And 301 Redirect A Firebase Dynamic Link?
Okay, thank you grant for that comment. Fabian, ask a question about the Firebase 301 redirects. Now that geo geo which was Google’s link shortener is now been terminated, they won’t. They won’t allow us to use it anymore. And Marco is not going to answer that Fabian, because Marco tell him why.
Marco: Because some idiot will take it and burn it.
Bradley: There you go.
Marco: It’s that simple and right now we’ve got it Fabian you’re in the mastermind so when we are working on it to make it available to our membership so that they can use it we have it internally right now but we’re working on making it making it available so that you guys in the mastermind first can use it as soon as it’s available we’ll let you guys know in the meantime i mean bradley you’re using my pretty links pro yeah yeah and there’s rebrand the the hourly there’s a whole bunch of other places where you can get three old ones if it has decent metrics if it hasn’t been burned by all means use it and then we’ll work out our shortener our firebase shortener and how to make it available to again membership has its privileges so the mastermind will get it first
Bradley: Yeah i’m just using pretty links pro which is a plugin i think if you go to semanticmastery.com/prettylinks you can find it. It’s it’s not very expensive. I think it’s like 20 bucks. It might be more than that. But it’s, anyways, it’s a great plugin. And depending on what I’m like, for example, for all press releases, I set up a domain specifically that I use for creating redirects within press releases for the local PR pro method for PR stalking. Also just for like, redirecting those long ugly google google URLs for like maps, for example, or now GMB posts and stuff like that. So I always am using the same, it’s a press related type domain. So that it makes sense, right, and it looked and it looks and fits well, in press releases. And that way, you know, I’m actually building a little bit of authority to my own redirect domain that way. For other stuff, you know, again, I just use pretty links Pro, because I think when you buy that you get unlimited domain installs. And so yeah, I mean, for example, we’ve got a link shortener on for semantic mastery that we’ve had for years now called and if we use pretty links in that it’s SM short dot link. And if you go to the homepage, it’s it’s a Sam Jackson telling you to fuck off. But we use that as our redirect URL and have been for years SM short link and it’s great because it’s just Pretty Link Pro. So again, that’s what I’ve been using. But yeah, there are other things like rebrand Lee and stuff that have some inherent authority that you can use. So that would answer Jordans question next as well.
How To Find The Best Keywords For My YouTube Videos?
So Kevin is up. He says, How do I find the best keywords for my YouTube videos? I’m glad you asked that, Kevin. I actually prepared this specifically, I’m going to drop these links on the page for you as a reply, and then I’m just going to briefly talk about them because they’re both really good. And I want to explain why. OK, cool. So for YouTube video keywords, I think these are the two best software’s or tools available. One is and they’re both from the same developer by the way.
So this one is Power Suggest Pro and this is by Ted Chen that he’s again a developer a both these tools that I’m going to show his hands down my favorite keyword tool and has been for years it’s incredibly inexpensive if you buy it through our link which is the link that I just dropped there I think you can get it for yes I think if you buy it straight from the website at $77 but through our link it’s 57 and that’s because we’ve sold this a lot for Ted so he gave us a discount for our our audience only. Anyways, it’s a one time fee 57 bucks it’s an incredibly simple tool. And it works really really well especially for generating long tail keywords like stuff that you can rank for overnight like instantly when you’re talking about YouTube video stuff because it will spit out a not all it all it does is produced keyword excuse me auto suggest keywords so Google suggest or YouTube suggest or eBay suggest or Amazon suggest and I think it has been in there as well.
I’ll just open it up real quick. But it’s a very simple tool. And all it does is it uses the suggested phrases. And it used does it via API. So it grabs them very, very quickly. And it’s got Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay and Bing. And so for YouTube, like I’ve got it checked right here, I know, it’s probably small on your end, guys. But for YouTube, you just put in your search term, or your seed keyword, so to speak, and then allow and then just hit Search and you can set up suffix or recursive. recursive means like so for example, you know, when you go to Google and you type in a keyword, and then you type in space a, it’s going to list the top 10 suggested search queries that were that that last word starts with an A, and then you can go be and it’ll give you the top 10 suggested search queries with the the last word starting with a B, and so on and so forth all the way through A through Z, while recursive will then go back in search the 10 results for each letter, again with the neck with a again at the end, and so
You can literally spit out thousands of keywords, complex search queries very, very quickly. And what I like about it is because it’s coming from the Google suggest it for YouTube and Google anyways, the Google suggests API, all you’re getting our search queries that are known to have traffic or have enough interest from Google from from Google users for Google to put them in the suggested a, you know, the suggested excuse me, the the suggest database and other words, Google doesn’t have suggested search query phrases in there just randomly. They’re there because people have searched for those specific queries. Does that make sense? So the YouTube suggest that use YouTube suggest database is not as good as Google’s. In other words, you will see some repetition of like specific words that will be appended to your search queries are the the output essentially from from this tool, but with the when you’re looking at just the Google suggested phrases, it’s incredible because you can get into some sometimes the queries that come out of here are eight 910 words long, which means there’s traffic on those complex queries, there’s no doubt there’s traffic there, or else they wouldn’t be in the suggest database. But very few, if any, are optimizing for them. And that’s why I’m saying this is an outstanding tool for SEO guys. Because you can develop your your silos around long tail keywords that are spit out from this tool, in a matter of seconds, it works very quickly. And you can get super long tail keyword phrases or search queries essentially, that you can optimize content for. And when we’re talking about YouTube, I mean, you can literally rank for stuff, the moment it’s published, if you’re if you’re targeting those long tail and then if you’re using silos properly, which is what we teach with, you know, for content stacking period, but you can you can apply silo architecture
YouTube channels using playlists, right? That’s YouTube Silo Academy, you can do, you can get really good results even for short tail keyword phrases by creating a silo playlist and targeting the longer more complex queries that rank almost instantly. And so again, this is a fantastic tool guys, for 57 bucks, it’s a one time fee. You’d be silly not to use it. Number two, this is a also by Ted Chen. But this is an online version of it. And this is a tool by that was co developed by our friend Justin sorry, who is hands down the best, in my opinion guide for learning how to run YouTube ads for e com and for lead generation or like building email lists and all that kind of stuff. Justin, sorry. He’s great. And this is a tool he developed called tube sift. What he co developed it with Ted Chen, Ted’s there, that’s Justin. And this is an online version that will. it’s got a lot of this the same
functionality in the app or you know, the online version as power suggest Pro, but it’s got a lot of additional features for YouTube advertising. So it is more of an ads tool. And it is an SEO tool. But there is the SEO component of it because it has the same power suggest pro functionality in the app. But it also has a lot of additional things like finding, it’s got a YouTube channel searcher that you can find other channels to find other videos that you can use for in strategic ways. You can also build placement list for YouTube ads, all that kind of stuff. So either one of these are really, really good depending if you’re just doing SEO work, you can get away with just using power suggest Pro. If you plan on doing any YouTube advertising, I highly recommend picking this tool up because it works really well. And I still use this to all the time whenever I run YouTube ads, I’m always in there using this tool. It’s a great, great tool.
Okay, so great question. We’re gonna keep moving. We’re almost out of time here to.
What MGYB Services Would You Recommend To Get Faster Traction In Multi-Location GMB Pages?
Daniel says. I have some Some new sites being created both for roofers one with two locations about three hours apart and one with location servicing to adjoining counties. What service from MTV? Would you recommend to me to get some traction fast in the first month? Then what would you suggest to follow up after that? Thanks. Um, well, first of all press releases, Daniel is going to be one of the things you can do quick to get the best results, the quickest results, although the days of just one press release, being able to get super, super good results are unless it’s very non competitive. If it’s real, if it’s a real low competition, you know, you can very well get a good results with, you know, significant movement with one press release. But if it’s more competitive, it’s going to require several press releases published in succession, like a week apart or two weeks apart. That essentially the PR stalking method in order to get results there’s Google’s algorithm is adapted for a long time there for almost a year. We’re able to just crush it with press releases for from maps listings. And we still can, but it requires more and consistency in order to do it to get the same kind of results, but press releases, obviously drive stacks. drive stack is again standard operating procedure. It does take a little bit of time for Dr stacks to take effect. But I would recommend having to drive stack pointed at your your each one of your clients that then you can actually target both locations within the DR stacks for each each client. And then what you can do is bit link build to the Dr. stat, right and again, that’s those are all services that we provide an empty, Why be in the store. You can buy press releases from us, you can buy and you also get an organization page, which is a like a media room page, which is great, because you can use that very strategically. You can actually embed that in your drive stacks, which is very powerful. And then build links to your drive stacks and your organization pages which are like your accent, essentially your media room page as well.
your your your press releases for that brand that company will be listed. It’s like a it’s like an index like a blog index page essentially for the press releases so you power that up with additional links and that will help to. So again, I would recommend doing a kind of a one two punch. I’m honestly Daniel, if you were are handling like the work for your clients. That’s where local GMB pro local PR pro and ROI is all combine those together is like that’s like the perfect triple combo to get results for clients. I don’t you know, you’d have to go buy all the training courses and learn all that stuff to be able to implement it or you can just buy some of those the GM or excuse me, the PR and press releases and the drive stacks directly from MGYB not have to learn all of it. And then again, you apply the link building campaigns to those properties not directly to the money site. As far as the GMB assets, the actual
maps, you know, listings themselves. That’s where local GMB Pro comes in. That’s where you’re going to get the best results from the actual GM, Google My Business listing, essentially. So that you know, I would recommend we don’t have that service available publicly yet an mg Why be in the mastermind we do, Daniel, where you can buy mg Excuse me. GMB services from us done for you Google My Business Services. But that’s only available in the mastermind right now. So if you want to apply those methods to your current clients, then you have to right now purchase local gym, be Pro, or come join the mastermind, which is what I would recommend because you can get it the training much cheaper there as well as get done for you services there so that you don’t have to spend the time and effort learning how to do it. You can just find that get the training from us as how to apply it and then how hire us to do it for you. And that’s going to get you the quickest results instead of you have to learn it. So I would recommend you come join the mastermind. It’s a small price to pay for the access to us and the training and the methods that are going to help you to get results the quickest. That makes sense. any comments on that?
Marco: No, that’s perfect.
Adam: No say Bradley make sure yeah, okay cool you have a…
Bradley: refresh I know it sucks Yeah, I don’t like that at all. all right um. okay so we’re there
yeah well i’m not i’m not digging the whole Facebook comments thing myself honestly but you know we’re trying to find a good solution guys here would discuss apparently wasn’t working so we’ll work it out. Michaels up he says not sure why. The same thing is complaining about this apparently.
Last week’s page isn’t showing last week some data that was seen as I saw that. huh? Okay.
So did it get resolved? Yep. Yeah, we didn’t have the code in there for the for the YouTube video. Oh shit, my bad. That was my fault then I apologize for that.
Is There A Way To Protect GMB Listings From Being Suspended From People Flagging Them?
Alright, I’ll Gus Augustus says is there a way to protect GMB listings from being suspended from people flagging them? No, I mean, make them look as real as possible. Augustus that’s the only thing you can do is, you know, try to make them look as real as possible.
If somebody flags it, and you, you know, if you can’t verify it physically, you know, via receiving a postcard, or, you know, taking photos from in front of the storefront or the location, if it’s not a storefront business, then the only thing that you can do is really try to make it look as real and as genuine as possible. Honestly, I think that’s bullshit right now, because any, you know, competitive competitors could just flag a listing, and it could cause Google to want to slap it and require ree ree verification, but there’s not much we can do about that right now.
We’re almost out of time, guys. I do have to leave but vitality says hello, hope everything is doing well. Question to Bradley. Any feedback on testing with quantum Newswire? Thanks. No, I’m still testing vitality. There’s a lot of amazing features with it. And I’ve got a lot of hopes for it. And I know the guys behind it like really and we wouldn’t have brought that to to our audience unless we truly believed in it. But I am doing some pretty significant testing with it that we’re going to reap, you know, bring that, bring them back to do another presentation. Another offer essentially, once I have my case study done when we promoted it the first time, I didn’t have my case study done and that’s because I just honestly have had been overwhelmed with too much other work at the moment. But I am actively working on that case study right now. So that in the next two to three weeks, we can bring that them back to present the offer again. And this time, I will take a much more active role in the actual presentation and showcase study data like I often do to show exactly how I’m what you know the kind of results like I’m getting from it. So right now now I don’t have any updates for you, but we will in a few weeks. Okay.
Will Existing Members Get The Video Lead Gen V2 Update Or There’s A Need To Repurchase Them?
Rob says Bradley spoke about video lead gen system v2 launching soon will existing members get the update or where we have to repurchase to get the new v two updates? That’s a good question. As far as I know, you will get the updates. Rob, as far as I know, you will get the updates. Why do we were getting double? I don’t know maybe because it wasn’t showing up on the page. Anyways, so there you go, guys. I gotta run. It’s five o’clock. Sorry about this. Comment app not working correctly. Again. I don’t know what to do about it. We’ll figure it out. So thanks, everybody. Thanks, man.
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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230
Click on the video above to watch Episode 230 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 230. Today is the third of April 2019. And first of all, if you live Thanks for joining us, we’re going to dive into the questions here shortly if you’re not live or your new semantic mastery, first of all, thank you for watching, and we want to point you in the right direction. The good news is you’re already in the right place. This is a place to be watching Hump Day Hangouts, whether you’re catching this live or again, if catching the replay maybe on YouTube. That’s awesome. The next step is definitely grab the Battle Plan head over to Battle Plan dot semantic mastery.com. And then, for those of you who are interested in either starting or growing your local digital marketing agency, you know, we want you to check out the mastermind go to mastermind, semantic mastery.com and then every week with the hump day Hangouts, you can always go to semantic mastery. com slash HD questions and ask your questions live. We love it when you join us. There’s sometimes good stuff going on for people
Join us live. But you can always ask your questions. If you got a call you got client stuff, you’re at work, whatever, then you can check out the replays. So But that said, we’ve got a few more announcements but let’s say hello to everybody. We got everyone except for Hunan here. I think he’s having some issues with power. So Chris will start things with you. How you doing?
Chris: Doing good.
Adam: Alright, man, a few words. Marco. What’s up, dude? How’s the weather down there?
Marco: It’s beautiful man. Suck last night. We got down to 67.
Adam: that suck man I feel for you. Really?
I had I had to go and grab a sheet. I don’t appreciate having to get up middle of the night and having to get a sheet. But other than that, I can’t. I can’t complain. Good man. How you doing?
Bradley: Good man. I got this from Marco though. Nice here. Finally. It’s 70 degrees today which is nice. Spring is almost sprung here in Virginia and really looking forward to it after what nasty winter so.
Adam: good deal. Well, we got a lot of questions so we’re not going to take up too much time today. Just wanted to mention everybody if you haven’t yet head over to mgyb.co for your done for you SEO Services. With there’s been several launching, we got more in the pipeline, but I know specifically that the embeds, the link building and link indexing live. So go check those out. I’ll put the links on the pages that you guys have anything else to say about that. I just want to let people know that they’ll
Bradley: jump in for a moment real quick Marco, and then you can talk your your trash to the link building services amazing because this is our longtime link builder that he had been working for us for, for me specifically for I think six years now. He’s real pro at what he does. He is amazing. And one of the strategies is working incredibly well and it’s not just from what I’m saying. That from a lot of our members like mastermind members that are using his services as well is if you guys are using @ID pages, which we talked about in various trainings. And in point links to those, instead of pointing direct to your money site, it’s incredibly powerful for local stuff, especially. And it’s working really, really well. And what I love about it is it’s easy, right? Because you just go and place your order for link building, and daddy does the rest. And it basically will power up your @ID loop, which is really super powerful. And it protects your money site as well. So I would highly encourage you guys to go check that out the the, the effects have been consistent across the board. Go ahead, Marco.
Marco: Know what I wanted to add is the embeds are just that it’s not just video. It’s not just maps, it’s embedded. If it has an X ray, we cannot help you, right, because that’s the website not allowing itself to be iframe. Other than that, if you can, if it can be iframe, it can be Set through in an embed gig. So imagine what you do with that with with the with the media page and maybe embedded on the side or maybe I’m not going to go too deep into that, but I don’t want to spend people’s heads. But it’s it’s limitless. And then what’s working really, really well is when you build links into a drive step was the site. I mean, someone just got, we were talking last night in our mini mastermind. And someone literally got a drive stack from us. Got the link building from daddy at the link building isn’t done. And the drive stack has already started moving into the first spots in Google. I mean, that’s how well it’s working. Fuck Google and Google updates.
Go to MGYB, first of all, get the Battle Plan so that you know which products and services you need to grab from us. I mean, you could do it all yourself or save yourself all the time and all those headaches. Let us do it for you and and get it done right kit and get results. I mean, I can’t guarantee was on that yet I will be guaranteeing results in a few months. I can’t guarantee them just right I just I can’t. Google is unpredictable that way that we’re targeting it there’s still some fluctuations that aren’t measured into RYS Academy drive stacks always reloaded but when you add the power of press releases when you had the power of link building when you add the power again, I’ll go back to Bradley’s training YouTube ads if you didn’t get it, I mean you you’re missing one of the best options for getting power into your and I’ll give credit to Becca right now. slipstream, link streams or slip streams as he called them are the shit kit link building into that get people into that and watch watch it just light a match and everything else will just below. So that’s my piece for today.
Adam: Awesome. I got an absolutely nothing to add on to that you guys. So good to go. Go check it out. Again, the links will be on the page. I had reports of some issues with the commenting on the page. Again, we switched to Facebook. So if anyone’s having issues, you know, let us know, you can send them a ticket to support a semantic mastery. com. We want to make sure it’s a work in progress, will try to get things going. It looks like people have commented, but there might be issues still going on. So please let us know. Give us some feedback. And we’ll get that fixed for you guys. We had we had issues with the Facebook app. Ah, yeah, yeah. So I know at least one person had issues and then I’ve seen some issues on my account. So anyways, we’ll roll with the punches, guys, and we’ll get it straightened out. We keep popping around trying different stuff.
So the last thing I want to say to if you’re catching this 12 regardless of where you’re watching this, subscribe to our YouTube channels, the short version. And if you’re checking this out on YouTube, you know, and you’re coming across across clips, or you watch this stuff regularly and you check out our channel. You know, please help us out share it, we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel. We want to get the word out there and you know, we know we got a lot of good clips with a lot of helpful info. So If you know someone who could use it, by all means, share it, email it, whatever you want to do, just get the word out.
Sweet. Can we let? We got no just kidding. Yeah, let’s do this. I’m gonna grab the screen. We’ll get into it.
Tips For Cold Calling Local Businesses And Provide GMB Rankings
Bradley: Alright, so we’re going to start where it says six days ago. So I’m going to start right here with Lee Leon who says, Hey, semantic mastery. Got any tips for cold calling local businesses and providing GMB rankings? Well, I don’t have any tips for cold calling, except that there’s a great strategy that I developed many, many years ago, when I first started growing my own agency that is a combination of email, but very specific video emails, and then calling those that engage or interact with the video emails and there’s a way to determine that and that way, it’s not a strict cold call, because I don’t know about you guys, but I always hated straight cold calls, they suck. you interrupt people, they usually are pissed off that you call them and interrupted them, especially if they think it’s some sort of solicitation even if you are trying to provide help or true value with what you’re, you know, saying to them. Again, most people especially now because marketers have really saturated the market guys and I don’t necessarily mean you and I like as kind of solo printers or little guys so to speak, but like the big marketing agencies that have sales staff and things like that, they, they, you know, hammer local businesses, if you’re a local business, you get hammered with solicitation calls all day, every day. And you know, it’s it’s absolutely relentless. And so if you try to just straight cold call people without doing something to differentiate yourself, you’re going to run into a lot of discouragement, right, you’re going to get a lot of denials, you’re going to get turned down, you’re going to get cussed at all these kind of things. And honestly, it’s hard to sustain that for very long without, you know, throwing in the towel and saying, This isn’t for me, I’m going to do something else. So I developed a strategy that I developed years ago back in probably 2012 was what I called the video lead gen system, we’ve got a product for it right now that I’m actually updating for specifically for 2019 and for lead generation for people that are building lead gen assets as well as can it can still be applied to just straight you know, client work to prospecting for clients. And I’m I’m at currently updating that right now. Like literally because we’re going to be launching that the version two or you know, the update essentially, in what three weeks I think so.
What is it April 23, that we’re doing that is that right? Yeah, yeah. So into in three weeks from today, guys.
We’ll be talking about it will be the day the day after launch. And we’ll be talking more about it then. But specifically Lee, what I would recommend is for cold calling local businesses instead of cold, calling them just direct without somehow measuring their level of interest, you’re going to have a hard time. So the better way to do it, my opinion is to go out and hand select the prospects that you want to work with. And then creating a video email, which the original process that I created was a bit time consuming to do but it worked really well. Like I was getting consistently three or four responses for every 10 emails that I would send out. And that I mean, that’s that’s almost unheard of right for cold emails. And when I say responses, I mean people that would ask for, you know, either reply via email or call me depending on what my call to action was, so that I could start and essentially started a dialogue with me a conversation and now
Have those three or four out of every 10, I would close one or two of them. And I had heard many, many times from people that I would chat with or talk to, you know, prospects that I would talk to, after reaching out to them via video email, I would hear many times people say like, oh, wow, that was a really unique way to get my attention. And so essentially, what it is, is it’s, you know, finding hands, selecting the prospects that you want to work with are the ones that you think you want to work with. And then creating a short video, kind of providing value as to why you know who you are, but not, it’s not about you, it’s about them. And it’s about their digital presence and what you could do to help them or what you see as opportunities that they’re not taking advantage of, so you don’t ever, like criticize their existing digital presence. You always want to say stuff like, Hey, I really liked your website, but I see that you’re missing you know, you could be missing out on leads because you don’t have this or you’re
for example your google my business profile might not be optimized isn’t fully optimized and if you’re not aware of this that’s where the vast majority of leads are coming for local businesses right now or you want to you want to always talk in their terms and again i can’t go into specifics because it’s in the course and we’re relaunching that in three weeks anyways but video email was a really really good way to get people’s attention however like i mentioned the original strategy or method that i had developed was really time consuming it was very effective but time consuming well i’ve learned i’ve developed a way to streamline that which is a lot more it’s a lot easier to get more of these emails out and and again that’s all covered in the update that’s going to be coming out in three weeks so you know i would recommend that you do that and the reason why lee is because when you you can measure engagement through the emails there’s a service that i you know there’s a bunch of different services that do this but i specifically use a service called point of mail com where every email i send out a trial
The engagement level of that email to the to the recipient that I’m sending it to so I can set up notifications to note to be notified when they open the email. When they click on a link in the email, I can have text notifications or email notifications come to me so that I know exactly what my email is getting open and when somebody is clicking a link, for example, a link to a video that I send them, right. And so what I’ve what I’ve learned is if you want to do cold calling, one of the best things you can do is send a series of emails to the prospect and not these like, you know, diarrhea of the mouth type emails, where you literally just like load unload in a long email, like all these things that you could do for them because I found that those get deleted right away or get marked as spam right away. But send these like, short little emails where you’re asking questions and trying to get a dialogue started with the prospect and getting permission from them to send them a video and
And it’s and again, I’m not going to reveal that strategies here on Hump Day hangouts because it’s in the training course. But it’s just a couple of questions that you send, and then you get permission to send them a video from them. They said, Yes, send it. And you send the video via either a link or even a screenshot that looks like a video embedded in the actual email, Either one works. And then when they click that link, you can be notified by your email tracking software or app dependent, you know, whatever, that they’ve clicked that link. So now you know for a fact that they’ve seen your email and they are they’ve seen your video or at least started to watch your video. And that’s when you call them. Because then now you’ve got you know that they are already, you’ve already got permission to send them the video number one because you started a very easy dialogue with them, not where you’re telling them about how great you are and all the things that you can do for them. You just asked him a couple questions and get them to give you what’s what I call positive reply. And once you got the positive reply, you send them the video link that they’ve already given permission to send and then when they click it
You get notified that they’ve opened it, which means you know that or that they click the link so that you know that they’ve at least started to watch the video. And that’s when you call, you can either call immediately, or you can wait a few minutes, or you can wait a day or two and call back and say, Look, I just wanted to follow up to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you. Well, you know, that they already did. Because you can tell from the activity from from the email tracking app. But you don’t say that, because that’s might sound a bit creepy, right? But you just say like, Hey, I just wanted to follow up real quick to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you see if you had any questions or you know, see if we could talk about it a little bit. And that way, it’s not a cold call. It’s a warm call at that point. And so I would recommend the that you pay attention or be on the lookout. In three weeks, we’re going to relaunch that called the video lead gen system. And again, there’s a lot of streamlined methods in there that I’ve been working on and just like the past few weeks seriously, for a lot of stuff that I’m doing right now in my own business that I’m you know, is working well. So, hopefully that was helpful.
Anybody got any comments on that?
Marco: Nah, man, that was perfect. You’re the master of that.
Bradley: So let’s move on. I just got one quick one. When you say 30 to 40% I think some people will get how awesome of a rate that is. But it’s just like, freaking astronomical. Like, that’s unheard of you don’t get that when you’re prospecting. So, anyways, if you haven’t, or you’re going to be starting prospecting, like keep in mind, I mean, that is orders that you know, that’s huge. I think a normal response rate prospecting is 1% or lower. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s, again, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s not hard to do and a lot of, you know, I’ve learned over the years to not do so much of the work myself. And so there’s, you know, methods for or for outsourcing this a lot of the a lot of the work to to where it really requires very little effort on your part up front, other than to record the short videos. And then actually, you know, pick up the conversation once the prospect has replied positively and you can have a VA do most of the heavy lifting between the time that you create the video and the time that the the prospect replies positively and then you just pick up the conversation from there so it’s a it’s a great strategy guys and again I’m going to be will be releasing that in three weeks.
Which Is Good For An Event Blogging: Expired Domain Or A New Domain?
Next is uh i don’t really quite understand this question but Pranab, I says what is good for event blogging expired domain or new domain. I’m a newbie learner. Okay, I guess just means for what is good for blogging, expired domain or new new domain? Well, I would recommend going with a new domain with a brand name that you want to create. Because for SEO purposes, if you find an expired domain that had good backlink profile and relevant content to what it is that you’re going to be blogging about, if it was previously in the same type of content or the same category, essentially the same topic then you can
Get some traction from that. But you have to know how to, you can get some fat and subtraction faster from using an expired domain because it might already have some good inbound links. So a good link profile, but that’s the problem unless you know what you’re doing and how to investigate that, you could very well just buy a domain that’s been spammed to death. And if it’s if it wasn’t in the same category of the same around, you know, built around, if it didn’t have content on it, it was around the same topic, then it’s really not going to benefit from the existing inbound link profile unless they were had unless they had incredibly high, you know, valued links pointing to it, in which case, sometimes you can re categorize it and it will still have a benefit. But for the most part, I recommend just starting off with your own new domain that’s branded after the brand name that you want to create. And starting there and then using some of the methods, you know, to be selfish year some of the semantic mastery methods where you can start pushing authority in and rather
See into your domain using properties that you don’t have to worry about necessarily the inbound link profile because it’s a brand new property, so, or a brand new domain. So obviously, we use a lot of Google properties to push authority. And that’s something that you can do is just start with a new domain branded the way that you want it to be branded. It’s nice, clean a clean domain at that point, right? If it’s new, and then you can start building you know, things like syndication network and blogging consistently. That’s a staple for us. drive stack, we’re going to talk about that here again in a minute, but in our is drive stack, so you can Google properties to start building authority to your to your domain. And then from there, you could do a lot of other things to the Dr. stack that would keep your domain clean, but start building authority. That’s what I recommend. Mark, you want to comment on that at all? No, I totally agree. I’ll be doing an update webinar for syndication Academy. Yes. Where we’re going to talk about the importance of branding and brand plus key word association.
And how that really solidifies everything. As far as Googlebot is concerned. It’s all about the entity, right? It’s all about what you’re presenting to Google, as far as what it is that you’re doing, how you’re doing, and how everything that’s attached to this brand belongs to the brand. You’ve talked about this before. We go on, we claim the footprint. We’re not here to Google. We want Google to know this stuff is all ours. We’re going to go ahead and and have our presence in all of these social media and on all of the different web to Dotto profiles that we create through syndication Academy. There’s other training and syndication Academy that helps power it up. But the whole point is for that entity, and so you can do that, instead of taking what somebody else’s idea and what they had, and trying to convert that to your vision. Just start with your vision and go after that. That. I mean, I totally agree with Brad. Yeah, I agree with that. And it’s interesting.
Bradley: We had a question and I think it was a Syndication Academy group or it might have been our free Facebook group, the SEO tutorials group, but somebody asked our syndication networks still viable in 2019. And that, absolutely they are as far as a straight ranking tactic. They’re not maybe as effective as they were several years ago. But that’s that’s missing. You’re missing the point then because what Marco was just talking about was to entity validator. And it’s incredibly important to do that because in case you weren’t aware of this, Google is looking at authority and well entities and building authority and validating those entities. And that’s one way to do it and and by getting your name listed, your know your brand name or your website, name, whatever listed in multiple places, and that kind of validates that entity in a way that you can’t really do unless you have claimed this footprint.
You know what I mean? And that’s one of the one of the reasons why they’re still very, very effective. And I would have, you know, again, it’s still part of our standard operating procedure. It’s a foundational method. There’s no question.
How Hard Can You Hit A Subdomain With Links On A TLD?
My question is up, he says, How hard can you hit a subdomain with links on a top level domain? Well, it depends on what you’re asking about, Mike. I mean, you typically we don’t encourage hitting your money site, even on a subdomain with direct like spam links and such. We got away from doing that. years ago, really, you know, years ago, you used to be able to do like what was called domain authority stacking. And essentially, you could just manipulate domain authority and page authority that way, which is a mas metric I get it, but it was it was effective. It was it was very effective at the time, but we’re talking like 2014, 2015 timeframe, so several years ago.
Now, I don’t recommend doing that even on, you know, if, even if you were just setting up a sub domain specifically to point links at it. But it wasn’t like, you know, something that you were trying to keep like the sub domain wasn’t your content distribution engine, like you weren’t trying to rank the sub domain. I wouldn’t do it because I don’t like to put anything real spammy anywhere near the money site now. So because we don’t need to, again, just what we’ve been talking about on this webinar alone was like using drive stacks, for example, as the filter or Amazon s3 pages, it’s another great thing to do. Because Google domains or Amazon domains can withstand any kind of abuse you send it them, like absolutely any like kitchen sink, spam, it doesn’t matter what you throw at them. They’ll take it and they’ll take it like a champ. And please, Sir, may I have another, you know what I mean? And so instead of worrying about spamming a subdomain for pushing authority, or whatever, which, by the way, domain authority stacking and shit doesn’t work anymore. I mean, it might with some massive, massive numbers, but it’s difficult to do and it’s not something
That I would consider sustainable. So instead use properties like Amazon and Google that you can then use as like a tier one. That’s the linking to your money site, and push all your spam to those instead. Right? Because though they’ll launder it, they’ll essentially filter out the negative and only pass the good. And it’s just because they’ll take whatever you can throw at them. Like I said, Please, sir, man, I have another. So I don’t, I wouldn’t hit a subdomain on a on a money site with with a bunch of spam. I would unless you had a filter ahead of it, which in that case, you could go direct to the money site. You know what I’m saying, for example, you could be linking from or, and I don’t want to get to, I’m not going to go any further than this. But Iframes are a good way to do that kind of stuff, which is why we do what we do with drive stacks. Because it’s very, very powerful way to push authority without it being spammy to the money site. Does that make sense? For
The @ID page Mike, if you’re in a fairly sure you’re in Syndication Academy or at least one of our paid groups, if you’re in any of our paid groups, you’ll have access to that out ID page strategy, which is using an Amazon domain the combination between that and drive stacks alone is incredibly powerful and you can get away with murder with those. Comments?
Marco: No, I agree.
What’s The First Thing You Need To Do To Rank A Brand New Site?
Bradley: Moving on. Quentin’s up. He says great day guys having I’m having a website made next week for my brand or my band slash brand. What are the must haves to make Google my website bitch? Love it, Quentin. And he says, also, after having a website up and running, what’s the first thing you should do? Okay, so again, Battle Plan Quentin if you don’t already have it, get the Battle Plan because that’s exactly what it is for, to show you step by step and in what order you should apply again, at least from our methods that will work that will help you to get the most traction step one is going to be syndication network to help validate the entity
And then every single time you make posts to your blog, it will help to update that that network which again, again, that’s just activity, as well as they’re just really good signals. So so I would start with syndication network, and then obviously a drive stackas because we’ve been talking a lot about that. They’re just so effective. I mean, still, and it’s funny because we’ve heard another places people say, oh, Dr. Stats aren’t that effective. Bullshit. You just don’t know how to use them or you’re building them and correctly. That’s the thing if you know what you’re doing if you build them correctly, and then you know what to do with them. Once you have them, then they’re incredibly effective. So quit and I would recommend absolutely syndication network. Step one. start posting regularly once your syndication network is attached to your new blog. If you’re doing if you’re a band, and you’re doing a lot of updates on social media, use your syndicate your blog as your point of origin for your syndicate, excuse me, your social media updates.
In other words, post your updates to your blog and allow your blog to syndicate those post to your social media so that you’re always funneling the authority back to your blog as opposed to just when you post directly to Facebook, for example, yes, you can get engagement on Facebook, the Facebook, but who are you benefiting? As far as the the website, the digital property, you’re benefiting Facebook, not your own brand, right? I mean, you’re you’re still benefiting your brand, I get that. But I’m saying you’re not, you’re not benefiting your digital asset, your digital presence, because you’re you’re essentially doing all of your activity on Facebook. Well, you can still have your activity go to Facebook, but haven’t posts to your blog first. Right? So that way that you’re pushing authority back and bringing hopefully people visitors off of Facebook back to your website. And that’s just one example. So I would use your your blog as a as a kind of like your point of origin for your your updates and do it regularly. Right and then as far as that beyond that, again, a drive stackis going to help you to start pushing authority, then you can do all sorts of nasty SEO stuff, off page SEO stuff to your drive stack, which will keep your blog clean. And that’ll help to make Google your website Bitch. Marco, what do you suggest on that?
Marco: Battle plan for a new website? It’s on there, right?
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: Just follow it step by step. It tells you the things that you need to get in guys. We link from the Battle Plan to MGYB services, because that’s, that’s what we use, right? We use, we get the syndication networks, remember you I be from our builders, we got our drive stacks from there, we get our press releases from that. We get everything that we can from the people who we’ve trained to do things, the semantic mastery way. So, of course, we’re going to link to our stuff, it’s what we use, we we’re not going to sell you something or send you somewhere that you know, we don’t know what the effects are going to be. We know the the results that we get. We don’t know something else. That doesn’t mean that you have to get our services in order to accomplish what you are I but I mean, if the other side of the coin is you’d have to get our training, and you’d have to learn all of these different methods. Local PR Pro, Local GMB, Pro, Local Lease Pro, Syndication Academy, RYS Academy, all of the different things that go to the mastermind, I mean, that’s the best place Clinton where you we can help you and and the community can help you get the best results. But if you just starting out, dude, the Battle Plan, get the services why spent all that time doing everything yourself. When you can spend that time actually going into your social media, relating to people being social, and getting those social people to follow you and to come to your website and to give you their opinion. There’s a lot of ways to get people, when you’re being social, to come and be social and help you on the website, you have to create that that activity. That’s that’s an excellent way. I mean, it’s, there’s so many things that you can do. We talked about it in our mini mastermind group yesterday. I call it social conditioning. And I think you call it social engineering. But it all works from, in my mind, from the from Pavlov’s operate conditioning experiments where you create expectation. And we can do that with your social media crowd and get them to your website. That’s goal, because Google will follow them from Instagram, from from Facebook, from Pinterest, wherever it is that you have your social presence. And Google will know that all of these people are interested in your website. And then Google will start sending people to see why all of these different people are interested in in your website. So I mean, that that’s just my recommendation for Quentin. Yeah, plan, follow the Battle Plan services. We have everything, everything you need. And then July be.
Bradley: And guys, the traffic signals are huge for SEO right now. I mean, it’s one of the biggest drivers of SEO or rankings or really getting Google’s attention is traffic from, you know, valid traffic, real traffic, not spoof traffic, but real traffic. So referral traffic from social media sources is a great, especially when they dwell or engaged on your site. It’s not just about dwell time, but if they engage on your site, that that kind of traffic is incredibly powerful for SEO, it’s a great, great signal. And you can buy traffic to so I mean, again, it doesn’t have to be all organic traffic that you send as referral traffic from social media. But you know, you can buy traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from Facebook, and those are, you know, and YouTube, for example, there’s a lot of different ways that you can do that, too, that if it’s relevant, they’re going to engage with your site, right. And that’s just a huge signal. It’s incredibly powerful.
Does “Sending Traffic To Appease Google” Mean Using A Crowdsearch Alternative?
So we’re going to move on to one says, which by the way, the one joined the Mastermind after last week’s Hump Day hang up. And so we appreciate you doing joining. And he’s got a lot of good questions in there already and we’ve got a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’re actually going to dive into some of the stuff that he was asking about in there. So welcome to on once again. And we’ve got some stuff we’re going to cover for you tomorrow during the mastermind webinar. He says when you send traffic when you say you send traffic to a piece Google do you mean like crowd search alternative? Duwann I know you directed this at Marco so all that Marco add to this as well but as we’re just saying, it’s not about spoof traffic, you sure you could probably still get results with some spoof traffic. However, we’re talking about relevant traffic, right, just the same as we don’t. It’s funny. You know, I don’t we don’t do a lot of PBN stuff and we don’t do domain authority manipulation anymore because it’s just we found it’s more about relevancy like, that’s the longer term, that’s the better strategy. And so we try to do everything. Now, I say that and I just was talking about spam links.
Ahhh good like our service for spam links in MGYB, it works really well if you know how to what to pointed at, which is an example of like we were talking about with drive stacks or an Amazon s3, hosted pages, those kind of things are incredibly if you know how to use spam properly, you can, you can get results from even like traditional spam type links, right? But it’s not something that we would ever want to point directly at a money site. Well, the same thing goes for traffic signals, right? You can buy spam traffic signals or spoof traffic signals using an app like crowd search, which by the way, used to be incredibly effective. We promoted the shit out of it for about two years because I used it. I mean, a lot. I used it a lot. I was using 50,000 credits a month with that thing. And it worked really, really well but Google’s algorithm learned not to count that kind of traffic. And there’s a number of reasons why it became less effective and started having diminishing returns.
And I’m not going to get into all of that we can talk about that in the mastermind webinar if you’d like Duwann. But so so spam traffic signals can still produce some results, but their marginal at best compared to if you can buy or send relevant traffic signals, which is the same thing that we’re talking about, like for example, you know, even traditional SEO like link building stuff, we can create or add relevancy even to spam links by sending spam links to a drive stack that is 100% relevant and and it uses the Google domain to help kind of launder that negative link juice. Well, the same thing goes with with traffic signals, right? If you can, force or push real traffic into your digital assets, your entities, so to speak, right your your your brand, entity from either referral sources or even to buying it direct, if it’s relevant traffic, that traffic is going to be weighted so much heavier by Google, right? So for SEO purposes, relevant traffic is weighted much heavier than non relevant traffic. So for example, if you were to send hundreds of visitors to a blog post on your site that aren’t engaging with it, but it’s just the visitor hits, right that you’re trying to send traffic signals to it. Can that help? Yes, it may be able to help, it may be able to give you a small boost, and the ranks or even a big boost. The problem is when you stop sending that traffic, what happens it will start to slip again, because those weren’t sustainable signals. But if you you can send a fraction of relevant traffic signals from an audience that Google is fully aware of is already interested in that topic or that content and big and how do they do that? Well, if you’re buying traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from known audiences, right? You can you can buy traffic from Google directly from YouTube or directly from display network or search ads if you want it, it’s crazy expensive. But from let’s say display network or from YouTube, where you can literally select the audience’s that you want Google display your ads to write expose your ads to. So Google knows that those people are already interested in that topic, or so. So Google knows that those people are relevant. And because they’re relevant when you send those traffic signals to or those that that traffic excuse me to your your content, they’re likely to engage with it. And the engagement signals are more powerful than just bear traffic signals, if that makes sense. Which means that not only will the traffic and engagement help the SEO, but it’s likely that you’re going to actually convert some of that traffic into whatever your conversion goal may be.
Whether that’s opting in to build your email list or if it’s for local business, it’s making a phone call becoming essentially becoming a lead or submitting a contact request form. Or if it’s a straight like Ecom, you’re trying to sell something, they may purchase your products. So instead of trying to put your effort, time and money into spoofing traffic, why not put your effort time and money into buying relevant traffic or generating relevant traffic through social engineering or as Marco calls it social conditioning? Again, you’re going to get much better results with a fraction of the numbers required that you would from spoofing stuff by just sending relevant traffic signals and engagement from real people that have a real genuine interest in your, your topic or your content, your product, your service, whatever it may be. Marco, you want to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, what I want to add is, is something really simple. And and Google is starting to get even smarter, because they boil it down, right and I call it the art. ART – activity, relevance, trust and authority. And it’s at the link origin and destination and everything attached to the link origin and the link destination. So Google is looking at the activity on the links, meaning, how are people interacting with the website is feeding you the link? And how are they are they interacting when they get to the destination of activity.
Relevance, well, isn’t relevant. Did they come from women’s shoes and and end up at and I don’t know, bricks? Absolutely nothing might want to do with the other. It has to be relevant. And it has to be trusted and authoritative. That’s why we love being inside the belly of the beast being inside Google. So if you can get those three things, the one or Devon Devon, I’m not sure how that’s pronounced But either way, let me know what will be on the mastermind dummy house mouse can get it in there. Now. It’s very difficult. As far as the activities concerned, to get purchase traffic, and I’m talking about fiber, I’m talking about traffic exchanges and all these other places to get these people to act like real people, even if you’re in a traffic exchange with real people. Because in a traffic exchange, all the people are concerned about is earning more whatever tokens or whatever credits, so that they can get more traffic to to their own properties. They’re not interested in dwelling on your website, they’re not interested in interacting with your website. And Google is looking at all of these things. So how can you get in and think of it? How can you get that activity? How can get that real person, like a real person? Will you buy real people, you either train them the right way, or you pay Google and Facebook and Instagram and whatever else to send the right people. Wherever you want it to go. They don’t have to go to your money.
site, they can go into your link string and then up at the money site. Now, here’s the key thing. And the great thing Fiverr traffic does work. And the way that I’ve gotten it to work is you have to get in with, like, a real conversation with the provider, so that the provider knows exactly what it is that you’re looking for. And they have to be able to tell you, yes, I can do it or No, I can’t. And then you test it. Even if they tell you, oh, yeah, I can do that. I can do that. I can get local IPS. And I can get traffic to go in there like that. you test it. You never, you never test on anything that’s going to make you money, although you set it up as if you’re going to make money with your test. And you should. Now once once you have that and you get all of these real people interacting and you see how it works and how Google reacts to this traffic, then you know that you can trust this guy. Never lose that at that
Fivver contact, because it’s worth gold, three or four people out at tier two, tier three tier for interacting with your links and ending up at the destination wherever you want and finishing whatever it is that you set them to do. That’s what Google wants to see the completion of that original action at the destination. So that that’s the key. And if you’re doing that, if you’re buying from phone from fire or anything, is that just going in and paying just whatever, for whoever for whatever, it’s actually you have to know and understand what it is that Google is looking for, so that you can buy and try to approximate what Google is looking for.
What’s A Good Tool To Trakc Your GMB Rankings?
Bradley: Sweet. So next is Jordan was just dropping the link to or what he suggests for rank tracking nice reports, not cheap. So there you go, because somebody was asking about that wills asking what’s a good tool to track your GMB rankings? So you might want to check that out personally Well, what I use is Bright local for my client reporting, which will check track GMB rankings depending on like, you can set it by zip code or by city name.
So that’s that’s all I use that you can also use like pro Rank Tracker. That’s, that’s something that I, you know, I use for,
like test SEO tests and stuff like that. Not that not necessarily. I mean, I do have some client reports in there, but I use that more for tracking, SEO tests, you know, campaigns that I’m testing different methods on and that kind of stuff. But for client reports, I use bright local, because it gives me a lot of really good reports that look nice and they’re they’re really accurate as far as for, you know,
GMB rank tracking. And what’s cool is you can set like third party mentions up so it will show rankings of any one of your branded digital assets. So, like it’ll show citations where their ranking YouTube videos or channels or Facebook pages, you know anything that’s been branded that has a mention of your name that your clients name will show up in the search results of the Rank Tracker search results, right? So it’s really cool because it makes you look like a rockstar instead of just showing where the websites ranking you show where all of their branded properties or profiles are ranking for the various keywords and so it looks really, really good.
And so anyways, again, I just use bright local, but Jordan likes Night Watch dot.io. So check some of them out and see what which one you like. Okay.
How Do You Make And 301 Redirect A Firebase Dynamic Link?
Okay, thank you grant for that comment. Fabian, ask a question about the Firebase 301 redirects. Now that geo geo which was Google’s link shortener is now been terminated, they won’t. They won’t allow us to use it anymore. And Marco is not going to answer that Fabian, because Marco tell him why.
Marco: Because some idiot will take it and burn it.
Bradley: There you go.
Marco: It’s that simple and right now we’ve got it Fabian you’re in the mastermind so when we are working on it to make it available to our membership so that they can use it we have it internally right now but we’re working on making it making it available so that you guys in the mastermind first can use it as soon as it’s available we’ll let you guys know in the meantime i mean bradley you’re using my pretty links pro yeah yeah and there’s rebrand the the hourly there’s a whole bunch of other places where you can get three old ones if it has decent metrics if it hasn’t been burned by all means use it and then we’ll work out our shortener our firebase shortener and how to make it available to again membership has its privileges so the mastermind will get it first
Bradley: Yeah i’m just using pretty links pro which is a plugin i think if you go to semanticmastery.com/prettylinks you can find it. It’s it’s not very expensive. I think it’s like 20 bucks. It might be more than that. But it’s, anyways, it’s a great plugin. And depending on what I’m like, for example, for all press releases, I set up a domain specifically that I use for creating redirects within press releases for the local PR pro method for PR stalking. Also just for like, redirecting those long ugly google google URLs for like maps, for example, or now GMB posts and stuff like that. So I always am using the same, it’s a press related type domain. So that it makes sense, right, and it looked and it looks and fits well, in press releases. And that way, you know, I’m actually building a little bit of authority to my own redirect domain that way. For other stuff, you know, again, I just use pretty links Pro, because I think when you buy that you get unlimited domain installs. And so yeah, I mean, for example, we’ve got a link shortener on for semantic mastery that we’ve had for years now called and if we use pretty links in that it’s SM short dot link. And if you go to the homepage, it’s it’s a Sam Jackson telling you to fuck off. But we use that as our redirect URL and have been for years SM short link and it’s great because it’s just Pretty Link Pro. So again, that’s what I’ve been using. But yeah, there are other things like rebrand Lee and stuff that have some inherent authority that you can use. So that would answer Jordans question next as well.
How To Find The Best Keywords For My YouTube Videos?
So Kevin is up. He says, How do I find the best keywords for my YouTube videos? I’m glad you asked that, Kevin. I actually prepared this specifically, I’m going to drop these links on the page for you as a reply, and then I’m just going to briefly talk about them because they’re both really good. And I want to explain why. OK, cool. So for YouTube video keywords, I think these are the two best software’s or tools available. One is and they’re both from the same developer by the way.
So this one is Power Suggest Pro and this is by Ted Chen that he’s again a developer a both these tools that I’m going to show his hands down my favorite keyword tool and has been for years it’s incredibly inexpensive if you buy it through our link which is the link that I just dropped there I think you can get it for yes I think if you buy it straight from the website at $77 but through our link it’s 57 and that’s because we’ve sold this a lot for Ted so he gave us a discount for our our audience only. Anyways, it’s a one time fee 57 bucks it’s an incredibly simple tool. And it works really really well especially for generating long tail keywords like stuff that you can rank for overnight like instantly when you’re talking about YouTube video stuff because it will spit out a not all it all it does is produced keyword excuse me auto suggest keywords so Google suggest or YouTube suggest or eBay suggest or Amazon suggest and I think it has been in there as well.
I’ll just open it up real quick. But it’s a very simple tool. And all it does is it uses the suggested phrases. And it used does it via API. So it grabs them very, very quickly. And it’s got Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay and Bing. And so for YouTube, like I’ve got it checked right here, I know, it’s probably small on your end, guys. But for YouTube, you just put in your search term, or your seed keyword, so to speak, and then allow and then just hit Search and you can set up suffix or recursive. recursive means like so for example, you know, when you go to Google and you type in a keyword, and then you type in space a, it’s going to list the top 10 suggested search queries that were that that last word starts with an A, and then you can go be and it’ll give you the top 10 suggested search queries with the the last word starting with a B, and so on and so forth all the way through A through Z, while recursive will then go back in search the 10 results for each letter, again with the neck with a again at the end, and so
You can literally spit out thousands of keywords, complex search queries very, very quickly. And what I like about it is because it’s coming from the Google suggest it for YouTube and Google anyways, the Google suggests API, all you’re getting our search queries that are known to have traffic or have enough interest from Google from from Google users for Google to put them in the suggested a, you know, the suggested excuse me, the the suggest database and other words, Google doesn’t have suggested search query phrases in there just randomly. They’re there because people have searched for those specific queries. Does that make sense? So the YouTube suggest that use YouTube suggest database is not as good as Google’s. In other words, you will see some repetition of like specific words that will be appended to your search queries are the the output essentially from from this tool, but with the when you’re looking at just the Google suggested phrases, it’s incredible because you can get into some sometimes the queries that come out of here are eight 910 words long, which means there’s traffic on those complex queries, there’s no doubt there’s traffic there, or else they wouldn’t be in the suggest database. But very few, if any, are optimizing for them. And that’s why I’m saying this is an outstanding tool for SEO guys. Because you can develop your your silos around long tail keywords that are spit out from this tool, in a matter of seconds, it works very quickly. And you can get super long tail keyword phrases or search queries essentially, that you can optimize content for. And when we’re talking about YouTube, I mean, you can literally rank for stuff, the moment it’s published, if you’re if you’re targeting those long tail and then if you’re using silos properly, which is what we teach with, you know, for content stacking period, but you can you can apply silo architecture
YouTube channels using playlists, right? That’s YouTube Silo Academy, you can do, you can get really good results even for short tail keyword phrases by creating a silo playlist and targeting the longer more complex queries that rank almost instantly. And so again, this is a fantastic tool guys, for 57 bucks, it’s a one time fee. You’d be silly not to use it. Number two, this is a also by Ted Chen. But this is an online version of it. And this is a tool by that was co developed by our friend Justin sorry, who is hands down the best, in my opinion guide for learning how to run YouTube ads for e com and for lead generation or like building email lists and all that kind of stuff. Justin, sorry. He’s great. And this is a tool he developed called tube sift. What he co developed it with Ted Chen, Ted’s there, that’s Justin. And this is an online version that will. it’s got a lot of this the same
functionality in the app or you know, the online version as power suggest Pro, but it’s got a lot of additional features for YouTube advertising. So it is more of an ads tool. And it is an SEO tool. But there is the SEO component of it because it has the same power suggest pro functionality in the app. But it also has a lot of additional things like finding, it’s got a YouTube channel searcher that you can find other channels to find other videos that you can use for in strategic ways. You can also build placement list for YouTube ads, all that kind of stuff. So either one of these are really, really good depending if you’re just doing SEO work, you can get away with just using power suggest Pro. If you plan on doing any YouTube advertising, I highly recommend picking this tool up because it works really well. And I still use this to all the time whenever I run YouTube ads, I’m always in there using this tool. It’s a great, great tool.
Okay, so great question. We’re gonna keep moving. We’re almost out of time here to.
What MGYB Services Would You Recommend To Get Faster Traction In Multi-Location GMB Pages?
Daniel says. I have some Some new sites being created both for roofers one with two locations about three hours apart and one with location servicing to adjoining counties. What service from MTV? Would you recommend to me to get some traction fast in the first month? Then what would you suggest to follow up after that? Thanks. Um, well, first of all press releases, Daniel is going to be one of the things you can do quick to get the best results, the quickest results, although the days of just one press release, being able to get super, super good results are unless it’s very non competitive. If it’s real, if it’s a real low competition, you know, you can very well get a good results with, you know, significant movement with one press release. But if it’s more competitive, it’s going to require several press releases published in succession, like a week apart or two weeks apart. That essentially the PR stalking method in order to get results there’s Google’s algorithm is adapted for a long time there for almost a year. We’re able to just crush it with press releases for from maps listings. And we still can, but it requires more and consistency in order to do it to get the same kind of results, but press releases, obviously drive stacks. drive stack is again standard operating procedure. It does take a little bit of time for Dr stacks to take effect. But I would recommend having to drive stack pointed at your your each one of your clients that then you can actually target both locations within the DR stacks for each each client. And then what you can do is bit link build to the Dr. stat, right and again, that’s those are all services that we provide an empty, Why be in the store. You can buy press releases from us, you can buy and you also get an organization page, which is a like a media room page, which is great, because you can use that very strategically. You can actually embed that in your drive stacks, which is very powerful. And then build links to your drive stacks and your organization pages which are like your accent, essentially your media room page as well.
your your your press releases for that brand that company will be listed. It’s like a it’s like an index like a blog index page essentially for the press releases so you power that up with additional links and that will help to. So again, I would recommend doing a kind of a one two punch. I’m honestly Daniel, if you were are handling like the work for your clients. That’s where local GMB pro local PR pro and ROI is all combine those together is like that’s like the perfect triple combo to get results for clients. I don’t you know, you’d have to go buy all the training courses and learn all that stuff to be able to implement it or you can just buy some of those the GM or excuse me, the PR and press releases and the drive stacks directly from MGYB not have to learn all of it. And then again, you apply the link building campaigns to those properties not directly to the money site. As far as the GMB assets, the actual
maps, you know, listings themselves. That’s where local GMB Pro comes in. That’s where you’re going to get the best results from the actual GM, Google My Business listing, essentially. So that you know, I would recommend we don’t have that service available publicly yet an mg Why be in the mastermind we do, Daniel, where you can buy mg Excuse me. GMB services from us done for you Google My Business Services. But that’s only available in the mastermind right now. So if you want to apply those methods to your current clients, then you have to right now purchase local gym, be Pro, or come join the mastermind, which is what I would recommend because you can get it the training much cheaper there as well as get done for you services there so that you don’t have to spend the time and effort learning how to do it. You can just find that get the training from us as how to apply it and then how hire us to do it for you. And that’s going to get you the quickest results instead of you have to learn it. So I would recommend you come join the mastermind. It’s a small price to pay for the access to us and the training and the methods that are going to help you to get results the quickest. That makes sense. any comments on that?
Marco: No, that’s perfect.
Adam: No say Bradley make sure yeah, okay cool you have a…
Bradley: refresh I know it sucks Yeah, I don’t like that at all. all right um. okay so we’re there
yeah well i’m not i’m not digging the whole Facebook comments thing myself honestly but you know we’re trying to find a good solution guys here would discuss apparently wasn’t working so we’ll work it out. Michaels up he says not sure why. The same thing is complaining about this apparently.
Last week’s page isn’t showing last week some data that was seen as I saw that. huh? Okay.
So did it get resolved? Yep. Yeah, we didn’t have the code in there for the for the YouTube video. Oh shit, my bad. That was my fault then I apologize for that.
Is There A Way To Protect GMB Listings From Being Suspended From People Flagging Them?
Alright, I’ll Gus Augustus says is there a way to protect GMB listings from being suspended from people flagging them? No, I mean, make them look as real as possible. Augustus that’s the only thing you can do is, you know, try to make them look as real as possible.
If somebody flags it, and you, you know, if you can’t verify it physically, you know, via receiving a postcard, or, you know, taking photos from in front of the storefront or the location, if it’s not a storefront business, then the only thing that you can do is really try to make it look as real and as genuine as possible. Honestly, I think that’s bullshit right now, because any, you know, competitive competitors could just flag a listing, and it could cause Google to want to slap it and require ree ree verification, but there’s not much we can do about that right now.
We’re almost out of time, guys. I do have to leave but vitality says hello, hope everything is doing well. Question to Bradley. Any feedback on testing with quantum Newswire? Thanks. No, I’m still testing vitality. There’s a lot of amazing features with it. And I’ve got a lot of hopes for it. And I know the guys behind it like really and we wouldn’t have brought that to to our audience unless we truly believed in it. But I am doing some pretty significant testing with it that we’re going to reap, you know, bring that, bring them back to do another presentation. Another offer essentially, once I have my case study done when we promoted it the first time, I didn’t have my case study done and that’s because I just honestly have had been overwhelmed with too much other work at the moment. But I am actively working on that case study right now. So that in the next two to three weeks, we can bring that them back to present the offer again. And this time, I will take a much more active role in the actual presentation and showcase study data like I often do to show exactly how I’m what you know the kind of results like I’m getting from it. So right now now I don’t have any updates for you, but we will in a few weeks. Okay.
Will Existing Members Get The Video Lead Gen V2 Update Or There’s A Need To Repurchase Them?
Rob says Bradley spoke about video lead gen system v2 launching soon will existing members get the update or where we have to repurchase to get the new v two updates? That’s a good question. As far as I know, you will get the updates. Rob, as far as I know, you will get the updates. Why do we were getting double? I don’t know maybe because it wasn’t showing up on the page. Anyways, so there you go, guys. I gotta run. It’s five o'clock. Sorry about this. Comment app not working correctly. Again. I don’t know what to do about it. We’ll figure it out. So thanks, everybody. Thanks, man.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230 this post was syndicated
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liteblock · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230
Click on the video above to watch Episode 230 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 230. Today is the third of April 2019. And first of all, if you live Thanks for joining us, we’re going to dive into the questions here shortly if you’re not live or your new semantic mastery, first of all, thank you for watching, and we want to point you in the right direction. The good news is you’re already in the right place. This is a place to be watching Hump Day Hangouts, whether you’re catching this live or again, if catching the replay maybe on YouTube. That’s awesome. The next step is definitely grab the Battle Plan head over to Battle Plan dot semantic mastery.com. And then, for those of you who are interested in either starting or growing your local digital marketing agency, you know, we want you to check out the mastermind go to mastermind, semantic mastery.com and then every week with the hump day Hangouts, you can always go to semantic mastery. com slash HD questions and ask your questions live. We love it when you join us. There’s sometimes good stuff going on for people
Join us live. But you can always ask your questions. If you got a call you got client stuff, you’re at work, whatever, then you can check out the replays. So But that said, we’ve got a few more announcements but let’s say hello to everybody. We got everyone except for Hunan here. I think he’s having some issues with power. So Chris will start things with you. How you doing?
Chris: Doing good.
Adam: Alright, man, a few words. Marco. What’s up, dude? How’s the weather down there?
Marco: It’s beautiful man. Suck last night. We got down to 67.
Adam: that suck man I feel for you. Really?
I had I had to go and grab a sheet. I don’t appreciate having to get up middle of the night and having to get a sheet. But other than that, I can’t. I can’t complain. Good man. How you doing?
Bradley: Good man. I got this from Marco though. Nice here. Finally. It’s 70 degrees today which is nice. Spring is almost sprung here in Virginia and really looking forward to it after what nasty winter so.
Adam: good deal. Well, we got a lot of questions so we’re not going to take up too much time today. Just wanted to mention everybody if you haven’t yet head over to mgyb.co for your done for you SEO Services. With there’s been several launching, we got more in the pipeline, but I know specifically that the embeds, the link building and link indexing live. So go check those out. I’ll put the links on the pages that you guys have anything else to say about that. I just want to let people know that they’ll
Bradley: jump in for a moment real quick Marco, and then you can talk your your trash to the link building services amazing because this is our longtime link builder that he had been working for us for, for me specifically for I think six years now. He’s real pro at what he does. He is amazing. And one of the strategies is working incredibly well and it’s not just from what I’m saying. That from a lot of our members like mastermind members that are using his services as well is if you guys are using @ID pages, which we talked about in various trainings. And in point links to those, instead of pointing direct to your money site, it’s incredibly powerful for local stuff, especially. And it’s working really, really well. And what I love about it is it’s easy, right? Because you just go and place your order for link building, and daddy does the rest. And it basically will power up your @ID loop, which is really super powerful. And it protects your money site as well. So I would highly encourage you guys to go check that out the the, the effects have been consistent across the board. Go ahead, Marco.
Marco: Know what I wanted to add is the embeds are just that it’s not just video. It’s not just maps, it’s embedded. If it has an X ray, we cannot help you, right, because that’s the website not allowing itself to be iframe. Other than that, if you can, if it can be iframe, it can be Set through in an embed gig. So imagine what you do with that with with the with the media page and maybe embedded on the side or maybe I’m not going to go too deep into that, but I don’t want to spend people’s heads. But it’s it’s limitless. And then what’s working really, really well is when you build links into a drive step was the site. I mean, someone just got, we were talking last night in our mini mastermind. And someone literally got a drive stack from us. Got the link building from daddy at the link building isn’t done. And the drive stack has already started moving into the first spots in Google. I mean, that’s how well it’s working. Fuck Google and Google updates.
Go to MGYB, first of all, get the Battle Plan so that you know which products and services you need to grab from us. I mean, you could do it all yourself or save yourself all the time and all those headaches. Let us do it for you and and get it done right kit and get results. I mean, I can’t guarantee was on that yet I will be guaranteeing results in a few months. I can’t guarantee them just right I just I can’t. Google is unpredictable that way that we’re targeting it there’s still some fluctuations that aren’t measured into RYS Academy drive stacks always reloaded but when you add the power of press releases when you had the power of link building when you add the power again, I’ll go back to Bradley’s training YouTube ads if you didn’t get it, I mean you you’re missing one of the best options for getting power into your and I’ll give credit to Becca right now. slipstream, link streams or slip streams as he called them are the shit kit link building into that get people into that and watch watch it just light a match and everything else will just below. So that’s my piece for today.
Adam: Awesome. I got an absolutely nothing to add on to that you guys. So good to go. Go check it out. Again, the links will be on the page. I had reports of some issues with the commenting on the page. Again, we switched to Facebook. So if anyone’s having issues, you know, let us know, you can send them a ticket to support a semantic mastery. com. We want to make sure it’s a work in progress, will try to get things going. It looks like people have commented, but there might be issues still going on. So please let us know. Give us some feedback. And we’ll get that fixed for you guys. We had we had issues with the Facebook app. Ah, yeah, yeah. So I know at least one person had issues and then I’ve seen some issues on my account. So anyways, we’ll roll with the punches, guys, and we’ll get it straightened out. We keep popping around trying different stuff.
So the last thing I want to say to if you’re catching this 12 regardless of where you’re watching this, subscribe to our YouTube channels, the short version. And if you’re checking this out on YouTube, you know, and you’re coming across across clips, or you watch this stuff regularly and you check out our channel. You know, please help us out share it, we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel. We want to get the word out there and you know, we know we got a lot of good clips with a lot of helpful info. So If you know someone who could use it, by all means, share it, email it, whatever you want to do, just get the word out.
Sweet. Can we let? We got no just kidding. Yeah, let’s do this. I’m gonna grab the screen. We’ll get into it.
Tips For Cold Calling Local Businesses And Provide GMB Rankings
Bradley: Alright, so we’re going to start where it says six days ago. So I’m going to start right here with Lee Leon who says, Hey, semantic mastery. Got any tips for cold calling local businesses and providing GMB rankings? Well, I don’t have any tips for cold calling, except that there’s a great strategy that I developed many, many years ago, when I first started growing my own agency that is a combination of email, but very specific video emails, and then calling those that engage or interact with the video emails and there’s a way to determine that and that way, it’s not a strict cold call, because I don’t know about you guys, but I always hated straight cold calls, they suck. you interrupt people, they usually are pissed off that you call them and interrupted them, especially if they think it’s some sort of solicitation even if you are trying to provide help or true value with what you’re, you know, saying to them. Again, most people especially now because marketers have really saturated the market guys and I don’t necessarily mean you and I like as kind of solo printers or little guys so to speak, but like the big marketing agencies that have sales staff and things like that, they, they, you know, hammer local businesses, if you’re a local business, you get hammered with solicitation calls all day, every day. And you know, it’s it’s absolutely relentless. And so if you try to just straight cold call people without doing something to differentiate yourself, you’re going to run into a lot of discouragement, right, you’re going to get a lot of denials, you’re going to get turned down, you’re going to get cussed at all these kind of things. And honestly, it’s hard to sustain that for very long without, you know, throwing in the towel and saying, This isn’t for me, I’m going to do something else. So I developed a strategy that I developed years ago back in probably 2012 was what I called the video lead gen system, we’ve got a product for it right now that I’m actually updating for specifically for 2019 and for lead generation for people that are building lead gen assets as well as can it can still be applied to just straight you know, client work to prospecting for clients. And I’m I’m at currently updating that right now. Like literally because we’re going to be launching that the version two or you know, the update essentially, in what three weeks I think so.
What is it April 23, that we’re doing that is that right? Yeah, yeah. So into in three weeks from today, guys.
We’ll be talking about it will be the day the day after launch. And we’ll be talking more about it then. But specifically Lee, what I would recommend is for cold calling local businesses instead of cold, calling them just direct without somehow measuring their level of interest, you’re going to have a hard time. So the better way to do it, my opinion is to go out and hand select the prospects that you want to work with. And then creating a video email, which the original process that I created was a bit time consuming to do but it worked really well. Like I was getting consistently three or four responses for every 10 emails that I would send out. And that I mean, that’s that’s almost unheard of right for cold emails. And when I say responses, I mean people that would ask for, you know, either reply via email or call me depending on what my call to action was, so that I could start and essentially started a dialogue with me a conversation and now
Have those three or four out of every 10, I would close one or two of them. And I had heard many, many times from people that I would chat with or talk to, you know, prospects that I would talk to, after reaching out to them via video email, I would hear many times people say like, oh, wow, that was a really unique way to get my attention. And so essentially, what it is, is it’s, you know, finding hands, selecting the prospects that you want to work with are the ones that you think you want to work with. And then creating a short video, kind of providing value as to why you know who you are, but not, it’s not about you, it’s about them. And it’s about their digital presence and what you could do to help them or what you see as opportunities that they’re not taking advantage of, so you don’t ever, like criticize their existing digital presence. You always want to say stuff like, Hey, I really liked your website, but I see that you’re missing you know, you could be missing out on leads because you don’t have this or you’re
for example your google my business profile might not be optimized isn’t fully optimized and if you’re not aware of this that’s where the vast majority of leads are coming for local businesses right now or you want to you want to always talk in their terms and again i can’t go into specifics because it’s in the course and we’re relaunching that in three weeks anyways but video email was a really really good way to get people’s attention however like i mentioned the original strategy or method that i had developed was really time consuming it was very effective but time consuming well i’ve learned i’ve developed a way to streamline that which is a lot more it’s a lot easier to get more of these emails out and and again that’s all covered in the update that’s going to be coming out in three weeks so you know i would recommend that you do that and the reason why lee is because when you you can measure engagement through the emails there’s a service that i you know there’s a bunch of different services that do this but i specifically use a service called point of mail com where every email i send out a trial
The engagement level of that email to the to the recipient that I’m sending it to so I can set up notifications to note to be notified when they open the email. When they click on a link in the email, I can have text notifications or email notifications come to me so that I know exactly what my email is getting open and when somebody is clicking a link, for example, a link to a video that I send them, right. And so what I’ve what I’ve learned is if you want to do cold calling, one of the best things you can do is send a series of emails to the prospect and not these like, you know, diarrhea of the mouth type emails, where you literally just like load unload in a long email, like all these things that you could do for them because I found that those get deleted right away or get marked as spam right away. But send these like, short little emails where you’re asking questions and trying to get a dialogue started with the prospect and getting permission from them to send them a video and
And it’s and again, I’m not going to reveal that strategies here on Hump Day hangouts because it’s in the training course. But it’s just a couple of questions that you send, and then you get permission to send them a video from them. They said, Yes, send it. And you send the video via either a link or even a screenshot that looks like a video embedded in the actual email, Either one works. And then when they click that link, you can be notified by your email tracking software or app dependent, you know, whatever, that they’ve clicked that link. So now you know for a fact that they’ve seen your email and they are they’ve seen your video or at least started to watch your video. And that’s when you call them. Because then now you’ve got you know that they are already, you’ve already got permission to send them the video number one because you started a very easy dialogue with them, not where you’re telling them about how great you are and all the things that you can do for them. You just asked him a couple questions and get them to give you what’s what I call positive reply. And once you got the positive reply, you send them the video link that they’ve already given permission to send and then when they click it
You get notified that they’ve opened it, which means you know that or that they click the link so that you know that they’ve at least started to watch the video. And that’s when you call, you can either call immediately, or you can wait a few minutes, or you can wait a day or two and call back and say, Look, I just wanted to follow up to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you. Well, you know, that they already did. Because you can tell from the activity from from the email tracking app. But you don’t say that, because that’s might sound a bit creepy, right? But you just say like, Hey, I just wanted to follow up real quick to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you see if you had any questions or you know, see if we could talk about it a little bit. And that way, it’s not a cold call. It’s a warm call at that point. And so I would recommend the that you pay attention or be on the lookout. In three weeks, we’re going to relaunch that called the video lead gen system. And again, there’s a lot of streamlined methods in there that I’ve been working on and just like the past few weeks seriously, for a lot of stuff that I’m doing right now in my own business that I’m you know, is working well. So, hopefully that was helpful.
Anybody got any comments on that?
Marco: Nah, man, that was perfect. You’re the master of that.
Bradley: So let’s move on. I just got one quick one. When you say 30 to 40% I think some people will get how awesome of a rate that is. But it’s just like, freaking astronomical. Like, that’s unheard of you don’t get that when you’re prospecting. So, anyways, if you haven’t, or you’re going to be starting prospecting, like keep in mind, I mean, that is orders that you know, that’s huge. I think a normal response rate prospecting is 1% or lower. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s, again, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s not hard to do and a lot of, you know, I’ve learned over the years to not do so much of the work myself. And so there’s, you know, methods for or for outsourcing this a lot of the a lot of the work to to where it really requires very little effort on your part up front, other than to record the short videos. And then actually, you know, pick up the conversation once the prospect has replied positively and you can have a VA do most of the heavy lifting between the time that you create the video and the time that the the prospect replies positively and then you just pick up the conversation from there so it’s a it’s a great strategy guys and again I’m going to be will be releasing that in three weeks.
Which Is Good For An Event Blogging: Expired Domain Or A New Domain?
Next is uh i don’t really quite understand this question but Pranab, I says what is good for event blogging expired domain or new domain. I’m a newbie learner. Okay, I guess just means for what is good for blogging, expired domain or new new domain? Well, I would recommend going with a new domain with a brand name that you want to create. Because for SEO purposes, if you find an expired domain that had good backlink profile and relevant content to what it is that you’re going to be blogging about, if it was previously in the same type of content or the same category, essentially the same topic then you can
Get some traction from that. But you have to know how to, you can get some fat and subtraction faster from using an expired domain because it might already have some good inbound links. So a good link profile, but that’s the problem unless you know what you’re doing and how to investigate that, you could very well just buy a domain that’s been spammed to death. And if it’s if it wasn’t in the same category of the same around, you know, built around, if it didn’t have content on it, it was around the same topic, then it’s really not going to benefit from the existing inbound link profile unless they were had unless they had incredibly high, you know, valued links pointing to it, in which case, sometimes you can re categorize it and it will still have a benefit. But for the most part, I recommend just starting off with your own new domain that’s branded after the brand name that you want to create. And starting there and then using some of the methods, you know, to be selfish year some of the semantic mastery methods where you can start pushing authority in and rather
See into your domain using properties that you don’t have to worry about necessarily the inbound link profile because it’s a brand new property, so, or a brand new domain. So obviously, we use a lot of Google properties to push authority. And that’s something that you can do is just start with a new domain branded the way that you want it to be branded. It’s nice, clean a clean domain at that point, right? If it’s new, and then you can start building you know, things like syndication network and blogging consistently. That’s a staple for us. drive stack, we’re going to talk about that here again in a minute, but in our is drive stack, so you can Google properties to start building authority to your to your domain. And then from there, you could do a lot of other things to the Dr. stack that would keep your domain clean, but start building authority. That’s what I recommend. Mark, you want to comment on that at all? No, I totally agree. I’ll be doing an update webinar for syndication Academy. Yes. Where we’re going to talk about the importance of branding and brand plus key word association.
And how that really solidifies everything. As far as Googlebot is concerned. It’s all about the entity, right? It’s all about what you’re presenting to Google, as far as what it is that you’re doing, how you’re doing, and how everything that’s attached to this brand belongs to the brand. You’ve talked about this before. We go on, we claim the footprint. We’re not here to Google. We want Google to know this stuff is all ours. We’re going to go ahead and and have our presence in all of these social media and on all of the different web to Dotto profiles that we create through syndication Academy. There’s other training and syndication Academy that helps power it up. But the whole point is for that entity, and so you can do that, instead of taking what somebody else’s idea and what they had, and trying to convert that to your vision. Just start with your vision and go after that. That. I mean, I totally agree with Brad. Yeah, I agree with that. And it’s interesting.
Bradley: We had a question and I think it was a Syndication Academy group or it might have been our free Facebook group, the SEO tutorials group, but somebody asked our syndication networks still viable in 2019. And that, absolutely they are as far as a straight ranking tactic. They’re not maybe as effective as they were several years ago. But that’s that’s missing. You’re missing the point then because what Marco was just talking about was to entity validator. And it’s incredibly important to do that because in case you weren’t aware of this, Google is looking at authority and well entities and building authority and validating those entities. And that’s one way to do it and and by getting your name listed, your know your brand name or your website, name, whatever listed in multiple places, and that kind of validates that entity in a way that you can’t really do unless you have claimed this footprint.
You know what I mean? And that’s one of the one of the reasons why they’re still very, very effective. And I would have, you know, again, it’s still part of our standard operating procedure. It’s a foundational method. There’s no question.
How Hard Can You Hit A Subdomain With Links On A TLD?
My question is up, he says, How hard can you hit a subdomain with links on a top level domain? Well, it depends on what you’re asking about, Mike. I mean, you typically we don’t encourage hitting your money site, even on a subdomain with direct like spam links and such. We got away from doing that. years ago, really, you know, years ago, you used to be able to do like what was called domain authority stacking. And essentially, you could just manipulate domain authority and page authority that way, which is a mas metric I get it, but it was it was effective. It was it was very effective at the time, but we’re talking like 2014, 2015 timeframe, so several years ago.
Now, I don’t recommend doing that even on, you know, if, even if you were just setting up a sub domain specifically to point links at it. But it wasn’t like, you know, something that you were trying to keep like the sub domain wasn’t your content distribution engine, like you weren’t trying to rank the sub domain. I wouldn’t do it because I don’t like to put anything real spammy anywhere near the money site now. So because we don’t need to, again, just what we’ve been talking about on this webinar alone was like using drive stacks, for example, as the filter or Amazon s3 pages, it’s another great thing to do. Because Google domains or Amazon domains can withstand any kind of abuse you send it them, like absolutely any like kitchen sink, spam, it doesn’t matter what you throw at them. They’ll take it and they’ll take it like a champ. And please, Sir, may I have another, you know what I mean? And so instead of worrying about spamming a subdomain for pushing authority, or whatever, which, by the way, domain authority stacking and shit doesn’t work anymore. I mean, it might with some massive, massive numbers, but it’s difficult to do and it’s not something
That I would consider sustainable. So instead use properties like Amazon and Google that you can then use as like a tier one. That’s the linking to your money site, and push all your spam to those instead. Right? Because though they’ll launder it, they’ll essentially filter out the negative and only pass the good. And it’s just because they’ll take whatever you can throw at them. Like I said, Please, sir, man, I have another. So I don’t, I wouldn’t hit a subdomain on a on a money site with with a bunch of spam. I would unless you had a filter ahead of it, which in that case, you could go direct to the money site. You know what I’m saying, for example, you could be linking from or, and I don’t want to get to, I’m not going to go any further than this. But Iframes are a good way to do that kind of stuff, which is why we do what we do with drive stacks. Because it’s very, very powerful way to push authority without it being spammy to the money site. Does that make sense? For
The @ID page Mike, if you’re in a fairly sure you’re in Syndication Academy or at least one of our paid groups, if you’re in any of our paid groups, you’ll have access to that out ID page strategy, which is using an Amazon domain the combination between that and drive stacks alone is incredibly powerful and you can get away with murder with those. Comments?
Marco: No, I agree.
What’s The First Thing You Need To Do To Rank A Brand New Site?
Bradley: Moving on. Quentin’s up. He says great day guys having I’m having a website made next week for my brand or my band slash brand. What are the must haves to make Google my website bitch? Love it, Quentin. And he says, also, after having a website up and running, what’s the first thing you should do? Okay, so again, Battle Plan Quentin if you don’t already have it, get the Battle Plan because that’s exactly what it is for, to show you step by step and in what order you should apply again, at least from our methods that will work that will help you to get the most traction step one is going to be syndication network to help validate the entity
And then every single time you make posts to your blog, it will help to update that that network which again, again, that’s just activity, as well as they’re just really good signals. So so I would start with syndication network, and then obviously a drive stackas because we’ve been talking a lot about that. They’re just so effective. I mean, still, and it’s funny because we’ve heard another places people say, oh, Dr. Stats aren’t that effective. Bullshit. You just don’t know how to use them or you’re building them and correctly. That’s the thing if you know what you’re doing if you build them correctly, and then you know what to do with them. Once you have them, then they’re incredibly effective. So quit and I would recommend absolutely syndication network. Step one. start posting regularly once your syndication network is attached to your new blog. If you’re doing if you’re a band, and you’re doing a lot of updates on social media, use your syndicate your blog as your point of origin for your syndicate, excuse me, your social media updates.
In other words, post your updates to your blog and allow your blog to syndicate those post to your social media so that you’re always funneling the authority back to your blog as opposed to just when you post directly to Facebook, for example, yes, you can get engagement on Facebook, the Facebook, but who are you benefiting? As far as the the website, the digital property, you’re benefiting Facebook, not your own brand, right? I mean, you’re you’re still benefiting your brand, I get that. But I’m saying you’re not, you’re not benefiting your digital asset, your digital presence, because you’re you’re essentially doing all of your activity on Facebook. Well, you can still have your activity go to Facebook, but haven’t posts to your blog first. Right? So that way that you’re pushing authority back and bringing hopefully people visitors off of Facebook back to your website. And that’s just one example. So I would use your your blog as a as a kind of like your point of origin for your your updates and do it regularly. Right and then as far as that beyond that, again, a drive stackis going to help you to start pushing authority, then you can do all sorts of nasty SEO stuff, off page SEO stuff to your drive stack, which will keep your blog clean. And that’ll help to make Google your website Bitch. Marco, what do you suggest on that?
Marco: Battle plan for a new website? It’s on there, right?
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: Just follow it step by step. It tells you the things that you need to get in guys. We link from the Battle Plan to MGYB services, because that’s, that’s what we use, right? We use, we get the syndication networks, remember you I be from our builders, we got our drive stacks from there, we get our press releases from that. We get everything that we can from the people who we’ve trained to do things, the semantic mastery way. So, of course, we’re going to link to our stuff, it’s what we use, we we’re not going to sell you something or send you somewhere that you know, we don’t know what the effects are going to be. We know the the results that we get. We don’t know something else. That doesn’t mean that you have to get our services in order to accomplish what you are I but I mean, if the other side of the coin is you’d have to get our training, and you’d have to learn all of these different methods. Local PR Pro, Local GMB, Pro, Local Lease Pro, Syndication Academy, RYS Academy, all of the different things that go to the mastermind, I mean, that’s the best place Clinton where you we can help you and and the community can help you get the best results. But if you just starting out, dude, the Battle Plan, get the services why spent all that time doing everything yourself. When you can spend that time actually going into your social media, relating to people being social, and getting those social people to follow you and to come to your website and to give you their opinion. There’s a lot of ways to get people, when you’re being social, to come and be social and help you on the website, you have to create that that activity. That’s that’s an excellent way. I mean, it’s, there’s so many things that you can do. We talked about it in our mini mastermind group yesterday. I call it social conditioning. And I think you call it social engineering. But it all works from, in my mind, from the from Pavlov’s operate conditioning experiments where you create expectation. And we can do that with your social media crowd and get them to your website. That’s goal, because Google will follow them from Instagram, from from Facebook, from Pinterest, wherever it is that you have your social presence. And Google will know that all of these people are interested in your website. And then Google will start sending people to see why all of these different people are interested in in your website. So I mean, that that’s just my recommendation for Quentin. Yeah, plan, follow the Battle Plan services. We have everything, everything you need. And then July be.
Bradley: And guys, the traffic signals are huge for SEO right now. I mean, it’s one of the biggest drivers of SEO or rankings or really getting Google’s attention is traffic from, you know, valid traffic, real traffic, not spoof traffic, but real traffic. So referral traffic from social media sources is a great, especially when they dwell or engaged on your site. It’s not just about dwell time, but if they engage on your site, that that kind of traffic is incredibly powerful for SEO, it’s a great, great signal. And you can buy traffic to so I mean, again, it doesn’t have to be all organic traffic that you send as referral traffic from social media. But you know, you can buy traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from Facebook, and those are, you know, and YouTube, for example, there’s a lot of different ways that you can do that, too, that if it’s relevant, they’re going to engage with your site, right. And that’s just a huge signal. It’s incredibly powerful.
Does “Sending Traffic To Appease Google” Mean Using A Crowdsearch Alternative?
So we’re going to move on to one says, which by the way, the one joined the Mastermind after last week’s Hump Day hang up. And so we appreciate you doing joining. And he’s got a lot of good questions in there already and we’ve got a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’re actually going to dive into some of the stuff that he was asking about in there. So welcome to on once again. And we’ve got some stuff we’re going to cover for you tomorrow during the mastermind webinar. He says when you send traffic when you say you send traffic to a piece Google do you mean like crowd search alternative? Duwann I know you directed this at Marco so all that Marco add to this as well but as we’re just saying, it’s not about spoof traffic, you sure you could probably still get results with some spoof traffic. However, we’re talking about relevant traffic, right, just the same as we don’t. It’s funny. You know, I don’t we don’t do a lot of PBN stuff and we don’t do domain authority manipulation anymore because it’s just we found it’s more about relevancy like, that’s the longer term, that’s the better strategy. And so we try to do everything. Now, I say that and I just was talking about spam links.
Ahhh good like our service for spam links in MGYB, it works really well if you know how to what to pointed at, which is an example of like we were talking about with drive stacks or an Amazon s3, hosted pages, those kind of things are incredibly if you know how to use spam properly, you can, you can get results from even like traditional spam type links, right? But it’s not something that we would ever want to point directly at a money site. Well, the same thing goes for traffic signals, right? You can buy spam traffic signals or spoof traffic signals using an app like crowd search, which by the way, used to be incredibly effective. We promoted the shit out of it for about two years because I used it. I mean, a lot. I used it a lot. I was using 50,000 credits a month with that thing. And it worked really, really well but Google’s algorithm learned not to count that kind of traffic. And there’s a number of reasons why it became less effective and started having diminishing returns.
And I’m not going to get into all of that we can talk about that in the mastermind webinar if you’d like Duwann. But so so spam traffic signals can still produce some results, but their marginal at best compared to if you can buy or send relevant traffic signals, which is the same thing that we’re talking about, like for example, you know, even traditional SEO like link building stuff, we can create or add relevancy even to spam links by sending spam links to a drive stack that is 100% relevant and and it uses the Google domain to help kind of launder that negative link juice. Well, the same thing goes with with traffic signals, right? If you can, force or push real traffic into your digital assets, your entities, so to speak, right your your your brand, entity from either referral sources or even to buying it direct, if it’s relevant traffic, that traffic is going to be weighted so much heavier by Google, right? So for SEO purposes, relevant traffic is weighted much heavier than non relevant traffic. So for example, if you were to send hundreds of visitors to a blog post on your site that aren’t engaging with it, but it’s just the visitor hits, right that you’re trying to send traffic signals to it. Can that help? Yes, it may be able to help, it may be able to give you a small boost, and the ranks or even a big boost. The problem is when you stop sending that traffic, what happens it will start to slip again, because those weren’t sustainable signals. But if you you can send a fraction of relevant traffic signals from an audience that Google is fully aware of is already interested in that topic or that content and big and how do they do that? Well, if you’re buying traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from known audiences, right? You can you can buy traffic from Google directly from YouTube or directly from display network or search ads if you want it, it’s crazy expensive. But from let’s say display network or from YouTube, where you can literally select the audience’s that you want Google display your ads to write expose your ads to. So Google knows that those people are already interested in that topic, or so. So Google knows that those people are relevant. And because they’re relevant when you send those traffic signals to or those that that traffic excuse me to your your content, they’re likely to engage with it. And the engagement signals are more powerful than just bear traffic signals, if that makes sense. Which means that not only will the traffic and engagement help the SEO, but it’s likely that you’re going to actually convert some of that traffic into whatever your conversion goal may be.
Whether that’s opting in to build your email list or if it’s for local business, it’s making a phone call becoming essentially becoming a lead or submitting a contact request form. Or if it’s a straight like Ecom, you’re trying to sell something, they may purchase your products. So instead of trying to put your effort, time and money into spoofing traffic, why not put your effort time and money into buying relevant traffic or generating relevant traffic through social engineering or as Marco calls it social conditioning? Again, you’re going to get much better results with a fraction of the numbers required that you would from spoofing stuff by just sending relevant traffic signals and engagement from real people that have a real genuine interest in your, your topic or your content, your product, your service, whatever it may be. Marco, you want to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, what I want to add is, is something really simple. And and Google is starting to get even smarter, because they boil it down, right and I call it the art. ART – activity, relevance, trust and authority. And it’s at the link origin and destination and everything attached to the link origin and the link destination. So Google is looking at the activity on the links, meaning, how are people interacting with the website is feeding you the link? And how are they are they interacting when they get to the destination of activity.
Relevance, well, isn’t relevant. Did they come from women’s shoes and and end up at and I don’t know, bricks? Absolutely nothing might want to do with the other. It has to be relevant. And it has to be trusted and authoritative. That’s why we love being inside the belly of the beast being inside Google. So if you can get those three things, the one or Devon Devon, I’m not sure how that’s pronounced But either way, let me know what will be on the mastermind dummy house mouse can get it in there. Now. It’s very difficult. As far as the activities concerned, to get purchase traffic, and I’m talking about fiber, I’m talking about traffic exchanges and all these other places to get these people to act like real people, even if you’re in a traffic exchange with real people. Because in a traffic exchange, all the people are concerned about is earning more whatever tokens or whatever credits, so that they can get more traffic to to their own properties. They’re not interested in dwelling on your website, they’re not interested in interacting with your website. And Google is looking at all of these things. So how can you get in and think of it? How can you get that activity? How can get that real person, like a real person? Will you buy real people, you either train them the right way, or you pay Google and Facebook and Instagram and whatever else to send the right people. Wherever you want it to go. They don’t have to go to your money.
site, they can go into your link string and then up at the money site. Now, here’s the key thing. And the great thing Fiverr traffic does work. And the way that I’ve gotten it to work is you have to get in with, like, a real conversation with the provider, so that the provider knows exactly what it is that you’re looking for. And they have to be able to tell you, yes, I can do it or No, I can’t. And then you test it. Even if they tell you, oh, yeah, I can do that. I can do that. I can get local IPS. And I can get traffic to go in there like that. you test it. You never, you never test on anything that’s going to make you money, although you set it up as if you’re going to make money with your test. And you should. Now once once you have that and you get all of these real people interacting and you see how it works and how Google reacts to this traffic, then you know that you can trust this guy. Never lose that at that
Fivver contact, because it’s worth gold, three or four people out at tier two, tier three tier for interacting with your links and ending up at the destination wherever you want and finishing whatever it is that you set them to do. That’s what Google wants to see the completion of that original action at the destination. So that that’s the key. And if you’re doing that, if you’re buying from phone from fire or anything, is that just going in and paying just whatever, for whoever for whatever, it’s actually you have to know and understand what it is that Google is looking for, so that you can buy and try to approximate what Google is looking for.
What’s A Good Tool To Trakc Your GMB Rankings?
Bradley: Sweet. So next is Jordan was just dropping the link to or what he suggests for rank tracking nice reports, not cheap. So there you go, because somebody was asking about that wills asking what’s a good tool to track your GMB rankings? So you might want to check that out personally Well, what I use is Bright local for my client reporting, which will check track GMB rankings depending on like, you can set it by zip code or by city name.
So that’s that’s all I use that you can also use like pro Rank Tracker. That’s, that’s something that I, you know, I use for,
like test SEO tests and stuff like that. Not that not necessarily. I mean, I do have some client reports in there, but I use that more for tracking, SEO tests, you know, campaigns that I’m testing different methods on and that kind of stuff. But for client reports, I use bright local, because it gives me a lot of really good reports that look nice and they’re they’re really accurate as far as for, you know,
GMB rank tracking. And what’s cool is you can set like third party mentions up so it will show rankings of any one of your branded digital assets. So, like it’ll show citations where their ranking YouTube videos or channels or Facebook pages, you know anything that’s been branded that has a mention of your name that your clients name will show up in the search results of the Rank Tracker search results, right? So it’s really cool because it makes you look like a rockstar instead of just showing where the websites ranking you show where all of their branded properties or profiles are ranking for the various keywords and so it looks really, really good.
And so anyways, again, I just use bright local, but Jordan likes Night Watch dot.io. So check some of them out and see what which one you like. Okay.
How Do You Make And 301 Redirect A Firebase Dynamic Link?
Okay, thank you grant for that comment. Fabian, ask a question about the Firebase 301 redirects. Now that geo geo which was Google’s link shortener is now been terminated, they won’t. They won’t allow us to use it anymore. And Marco is not going to answer that Fabian, because Marco tell him why.
Marco: Because some idiot will take it and burn it.
Bradley: There you go.
Marco: It’s that simple and right now we’ve got it Fabian you’re in the mastermind so when we are working on it to make it available to our membership so that they can use it we have it internally right now but we’re working on making it making it available so that you guys in the mastermind first can use it as soon as it’s available we’ll let you guys know in the meantime i mean bradley you’re using my pretty links pro yeah yeah and there’s rebrand the the hourly there’s a whole bunch of other places where you can get three old ones if it has decent metrics if it hasn’t been burned by all means use it and then we’ll work out our shortener our firebase shortener and how to make it available to again membership has its privileges so the mastermind will get it first
Bradley: Yeah i’m just using pretty links pro which is a plugin i think if you go to semanticmastery.com/prettylinks you can find it. It’s it’s not very expensive. I think it’s like 20 bucks. It might be more than that. But it’s, anyways, it’s a great plugin. And depending on what I’m like, for example, for all press releases, I set up a domain specifically that I use for creating redirects within press releases for the local PR pro method for PR stalking. Also just for like, redirecting those long ugly google google URLs for like maps, for example, or now GMB posts and stuff like that. So I always am using the same, it’s a press related type domain. So that it makes sense, right, and it looked and it looks and fits well, in press releases. And that way, you know, I’m actually building a little bit of authority to my own redirect domain that way. For other stuff, you know, again, I just use pretty links Pro, because I think when you buy that you get unlimited domain installs. And so yeah, I mean, for example, we’ve got a link shortener on for semantic mastery that we’ve had for years now called and if we use pretty links in that it’s SM short dot link. And if you go to the homepage, it’s it’s a Sam Jackson telling you to fuck off. But we use that as our redirect URL and have been for years SM short link and it’s great because it’s just Pretty Link Pro. So again, that’s what I’ve been using. But yeah, there are other things like rebrand Lee and stuff that have some inherent authority that you can use. So that would answer Jordans question next as well.
How To Find The Best Keywords For My YouTube Videos?
So Kevin is up. He says, How do I find the best keywords for my YouTube videos? I’m glad you asked that, Kevin. I actually prepared this specifically, I’m going to drop these links on the page for you as a reply, and then I’m just going to briefly talk about them because they’re both really good. And I want to explain why. OK, cool. So for YouTube video keywords, I think these are the two best software’s or tools available. One is and they’re both from the same developer by the way.
So this one is Power Suggest Pro and this is by Ted Chen that he’s again a developer a both these tools that I’m going to show his hands down my favorite keyword tool and has been for years it’s incredibly inexpensive if you buy it through our link which is the link that I just dropped there I think you can get it for yes I think if you buy it straight from the website at $77 but through our link it’s 57 and that’s because we’ve sold this a lot for Ted so he gave us a discount for our our audience only. Anyways, it’s a one time fee 57 bucks it’s an incredibly simple tool. And it works really really well especially for generating long tail keywords like stuff that you can rank for overnight like instantly when you’re talking about YouTube video stuff because it will spit out a not all it all it does is produced keyword excuse me auto suggest keywords so Google suggest or YouTube suggest or eBay suggest or Amazon suggest and I think it has been in there as well.
I’ll just open it up real quick. But it’s a very simple tool. And all it does is it uses the suggested phrases. And it used does it via API. So it grabs them very, very quickly. And it’s got Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay and Bing. And so for YouTube, like I’ve got it checked right here, I know, it’s probably small on your end, guys. But for YouTube, you just put in your search term, or your seed keyword, so to speak, and then allow and then just hit Search and you can set up suffix or recursive. recursive means like so for example, you know, when you go to Google and you type in a keyword, and then you type in space a, it’s going to list the top 10 suggested search queries that were that that last word starts with an A, and then you can go be and it’ll give you the top 10 suggested search queries with the the last word starting with a B, and so on and so forth all the way through A through Z, while recursive will then go back in search the 10 results for each letter, again with the neck with a again at the end, and so
You can literally spit out thousands of keywords, complex search queries very, very quickly. And what I like about it is because it’s coming from the Google suggest it for YouTube and Google anyways, the Google suggests API, all you’re getting our search queries that are known to have traffic or have enough interest from Google from from Google users for Google to put them in the suggested a, you know, the suggested excuse me, the the suggest database and other words, Google doesn’t have suggested search query phrases in there just randomly. They’re there because people have searched for those specific queries. Does that make sense? So the YouTube suggest that use YouTube suggest database is not as good as Google’s. In other words, you will see some repetition of like specific words that will be appended to your search queries are the the output essentially from from this tool, but with the when you’re looking at just the Google suggested phrases, it’s incredible because you can get into some sometimes the queries that come out of here are eight 910 words long, which means there’s traffic on those complex queries, there’s no doubt there’s traffic there, or else they wouldn’t be in the suggest database. But very few, if any, are optimizing for them. And that’s why I’m saying this is an outstanding tool for SEO guys. Because you can develop your your silos around long tail keywords that are spit out from this tool, in a matter of seconds, it works very quickly. And you can get super long tail keyword phrases or search queries essentially, that you can optimize content for. And when we’re talking about YouTube, I mean, you can literally rank for stuff, the moment it’s published, if you’re if you’re targeting those long tail and then if you’re using silos properly, which is what we teach with, you know, for content stacking period, but you can you can apply silo architecture
YouTube channels using playlists, right? That’s YouTube Silo Academy, you can do, you can get really good results even for short tail keyword phrases by creating a silo playlist and targeting the longer more complex queries that rank almost instantly. And so again, this is a fantastic tool guys, for 57 bucks, it’s a one time fee. You’d be silly not to use it. Number two, this is a also by Ted Chen. But this is an online version of it. And this is a tool by that was co developed by our friend Justin sorry, who is hands down the best, in my opinion guide for learning how to run YouTube ads for e com and for lead generation or like building email lists and all that kind of stuff. Justin, sorry. He’s great. And this is a tool he developed called tube sift. What he co developed it with Ted Chen, Ted’s there, that’s Justin. And this is an online version that will. it’s got a lot of this the same
functionality in the app or you know, the online version as power suggest Pro, but it’s got a lot of additional features for YouTube advertising. So it is more of an ads tool. And it is an SEO tool. But there is the SEO component of it because it has the same power suggest pro functionality in the app. But it also has a lot of additional things like finding, it’s got a YouTube channel searcher that you can find other channels to find other videos that you can use for in strategic ways. You can also build placement list for YouTube ads, all that kind of stuff. So either one of these are really, really good depending if you’re just doing SEO work, you can get away with just using power suggest Pro. If you plan on doing any YouTube advertising, I highly recommend picking this tool up because it works really well. And I still use this to all the time whenever I run YouTube ads, I’m always in there using this tool. It’s a great, great tool.
Okay, so great question. We’re gonna keep moving. We’re almost out of time here to.
What MGYB Services Would You Recommend To Get Faster Traction In Multi-Location GMB Pages?
Daniel says. I have some Some new sites being created both for roofers one with two locations about three hours apart and one with location servicing to adjoining counties. What service from MTV? Would you recommend to me to get some traction fast in the first month? Then what would you suggest to follow up after that? Thanks. Um, well, first of all press releases, Daniel is going to be one of the things you can do quick to get the best results, the quickest results, although the days of just one press release, being able to get super, super good results are unless it’s very non competitive. If it’s real, if it’s a real low competition, you know, you can very well get a good results with, you know, significant movement with one press release. But if it’s more competitive, it’s going to require several press releases published in succession, like a week apart or two weeks apart. That essentially the PR stalking method in order to get results there’s Google’s algorithm is adapted for a long time there for almost a year. We’re able to just crush it with press releases for from maps listings. And we still can, but it requires more and consistency in order to do it to get the same kind of results, but press releases, obviously drive stacks. drive stack is again standard operating procedure. It does take a little bit of time for Dr stacks to take effect. But I would recommend having to drive stack pointed at your your each one of your clients that then you can actually target both locations within the DR stacks for each each client. And then what you can do is bit link build to the Dr. stat, right and again, that’s those are all services that we provide an empty, Why be in the store. You can buy press releases from us, you can buy and you also get an organization page, which is a like a media room page, which is great, because you can use that very strategically. You can actually embed that in your drive stacks, which is very powerful. And then build links to your drive stacks and your organization pages which are like your accent, essentially your media room page as well.
your your your press releases for that brand that company will be listed. It’s like a it’s like an index like a blog index page essentially for the press releases so you power that up with additional links and that will help to. So again, I would recommend doing a kind of a one two punch. I’m honestly Daniel, if you were are handling like the work for your clients. That’s where local GMB pro local PR pro and ROI is all combine those together is like that’s like the perfect triple combo to get results for clients. I don’t you know, you’d have to go buy all the training courses and learn all that stuff to be able to implement it or you can just buy some of those the GM or excuse me, the PR and press releases and the drive stacks directly from MGYB not have to learn all of it. And then again, you apply the link building campaigns to those properties not directly to the money site. As far as the GMB assets, the actual
maps, you know, listings themselves. That’s where local GMB Pro comes in. That’s where you’re going to get the best results from the actual GM, Google My Business listing, essentially. So that you know, I would recommend we don’t have that service available publicly yet an mg Why be in the mastermind we do, Daniel, where you can buy mg Excuse me. GMB services from us done for you Google My Business Services. But that’s only available in the mastermind right now. So if you want to apply those methods to your current clients, then you have to right now purchase local gym, be Pro, or come join the mastermind, which is what I would recommend because you can get it the training much cheaper there as well as get done for you services there so that you don’t have to spend the time and effort learning how to do it. You can just find that get the training from us as how to apply it and then how hire us to do it for you. And that’s going to get you the quickest results instead of you have to learn it. So I would recommend you come join the mastermind. It’s a small price to pay for the access to us and the training and the methods that are going to help you to get results the quickest. That makes sense. any comments on that?
Marco: No, that’s perfect.
Adam: No say Bradley make sure yeah, okay cool you have a…
Bradley: refresh I know it sucks Yeah, I don’t like that at all. all right um. okay so we’re there
yeah well i’m not i’m not digging the whole Facebook comments thing myself honestly but you know we’re trying to find a good solution guys here would discuss apparently wasn’t working so we’ll work it out. Michaels up he says not sure why. The same thing is complaining about this apparently.
Last week’s page isn’t showing last week some data that was seen as I saw that. huh? Okay.
So did it get resolved? Yep. Yeah, we didn’t have the code in there for the for the YouTube video. Oh shit, my bad. That was my fault then I apologize for that.
Is There A Way To Protect GMB Listings From Being Suspended From People Flagging Them?
Alright, I’ll Gus Augustus says is there a way to protect GMB listings from being suspended from people flagging them? No, I mean, make them look as real as possible. Augustus that’s the only thing you can do is, you know, try to make them look as real as possible.
If somebody flags it, and you, you know, if you can’t verify it physically, you know, via receiving a postcard, or, you know, taking photos from in front of the storefront or the location, if it’s not a storefront business, then the only thing that you can do is really try to make it look as real and as genuine as possible. Honestly, I think that’s bullshit right now, because any, you know, competitive competitors could just flag a listing, and it could cause Google to want to slap it and require ree ree verification, but there’s not much we can do about that right now.
We’re almost out of time, guys. I do have to leave but vitality says hello, hope everything is doing well. Question to Bradley. Any feedback on testing with quantum Newswire? Thanks. No, I’m still testing vitality. There’s a lot of amazing features with it. And I’ve got a lot of hopes for it. And I know the guys behind it like really and we wouldn’t have brought that to to our audience unless we truly believed in it. But I am doing some pretty significant testing with it that we’re going to reap, you know, bring that, bring them back to do another presentation. Another offer essentially, once I have my case study done when we promoted it the first time, I didn’t have my case study done and that’s because I just honestly have had been overwhelmed with too much other work at the moment. But I am actively working on that case study right now. So that in the next two to three weeks, we can bring that them back to present the offer again. And this time, I will take a much more active role in the actual presentation and showcase study data like I often do to show exactly how I’m what you know the kind of results like I’m getting from it. So right now now I don’t have any updates for you, but we will in a few weeks. Okay.
Will Existing Members Get The Video Lead Gen V2 Update Or There’s A Need To Repurchase Them?
Rob says Bradley spoke about video lead gen system v2 launching soon will existing members get the update or where we have to repurchase to get the new v two updates? That’s a good question. As far as I know, you will get the updates. Rob, as far as I know, you will get the updates. Why do we were getting double? I don’t know maybe because it wasn’t showing up on the page. Anyways, so there you go, guys. I gotta run. It’s five o'clock. Sorry about this. Comment app not working correctly. Again. I don’t know what to do about it. We’ll figure it out. So thanks, everybody. Thanks, man.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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lawrenceseitz22 · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230
Click on the video above to watch Episode 230 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 230. Today is the third of April 2019. And first of all, if you live Thanks for joining us, we’re going to dive into the questions here shortly if you’re not live or your new semantic mastery, first of all, thank you for watching, and we want to point you in the right direction. The good news is you’re already in the right place. This is a place to be watching Hump Day Hangouts, whether you’re catching this live or again, if catching the replay maybe on YouTube. That’s awesome. The next step is definitely grab the Battle Plan head over to Battle Plan dot semantic mastery.com. And then, for those of you who are interested in either starting or growing your local digital marketing agency, you know, we want you to check out the mastermind go to mastermind, semantic mastery.com and then every week with the hump day Hangouts, you can always go to semantic mastery. com slash HD questions and ask your questions live. We love it when you join us. There’s sometimes good stuff going on for people
Join us live. But you can always ask your questions. If you got a call you got client stuff, you’re at work, whatever, then you can check out the replays. So But that said, we’ve got a few more announcements but let’s say hello to everybody. We got everyone except for Hunan here. I think he’s having some issues with power. So Chris will start things with you. How you doing?
Chris: Doing good.
Adam: Alright, man, a few words. Marco. What’s up, dude? How’s the weather down there?
Marco: It’s beautiful man. Suck last night. We got down to 67.
Adam: that suck man I feel for you. Really?
I had I had to go and grab a sheet. I don’t appreciate having to get up middle of the night and having to get a sheet. But other than that, I can’t. I can’t complain. Good man. How you doing?
Bradley: Good man. I got this from Marco though. Nice here. Finally. It’s 70 degrees today which is nice. Spring is almost sprung here in Virginia and really looking forward to it after what nasty winter so.
Adam: good deal. Well, we got a lot of questions so we’re not going to take up too much time today. Just wanted to mention everybody if you haven’t yet head over to mgyb.co for your done for you SEO Services. With there’s been several launching, we got more in the pipeline, but I know specifically that the embeds, the link building and link indexing live. So go check those out. I’ll put the links on the pages that you guys have anything else to say about that. I just want to let people know that they’ll
Bradley: jump in for a moment real quick Marco, and then you can talk your your trash to the link building services amazing because this is our longtime link builder that he had been working for us for, for me specifically for I think six years now. He’s real pro at what he does. He is amazing. And one of the strategies is working incredibly well and it’s not just from what I’m saying. That from a lot of our members like mastermind members that are using his services as well is if you guys are using @ID pages, which we talked about in various trainings. And in point links to those, instead of pointing direct to your money site, it’s incredibly powerful for local stuff, especially. And it’s working really, really well. And what I love about it is it’s easy, right? Because you just go and place your order for link building, and daddy does the rest. And it basically will power up your @ID loop, which is really super powerful. And it protects your money site as well. So I would highly encourage you guys to go check that out the the, the effects have been consistent across the board. Go ahead, Marco.
Marco: Know what I wanted to add is the embeds are just that it’s not just video. It’s not just maps, it’s embedded. If it has an X ray, we cannot help you, right, because that’s the website not allowing itself to be iframe. Other than that, if you can, if it can be iframe, it can be Set through in an embed gig. So imagine what you do with that with with the with the media page and maybe embedded on the side or maybe I’m not going to go too deep into that, but I don’t want to spend people’s heads. But it’s it’s limitless. And then what’s working really, really well is when you build links into a drive step was the site. I mean, someone just got, we were talking last night in our mini mastermind. And someone literally got a drive stack from us. Got the link building from daddy at the link building isn’t done. And the drive stack has already started moving into the first spots in Google. I mean, that’s how well it’s working. Fuck Google and Google updates.
Go to MGYB, first of all, get the Battle Plan so that you know which products and services you need to grab from us. I mean, you could do it all yourself or save yourself all the time and all those headaches. Let us do it for you and and get it done right kit and get results. I mean, I can’t guarantee was on that yet I will be guaranteeing results in a few months. I can’t guarantee them just right I just I can’t. Google is unpredictable that way that we’re targeting it there’s still some fluctuations that aren’t measured into RYS Academy drive stacks always reloaded but when you add the power of press releases when you had the power of link building when you add the power again, I’ll go back to Bradley’s training YouTube ads if you didn’t get it, I mean you you’re missing one of the best options for getting power into your and I’ll give credit to Becca right now. slipstream, link streams or slip streams as he called them are the shit kit link building into that get people into that and watch watch it just light a match and everything else will just below. So that’s my piece for today.
Adam: Awesome. I got an absolutely nothing to add on to that you guys. So good to go. Go check it out. Again, the links will be on the page. I had reports of some issues with the commenting on the page. Again, we switched to Facebook. So if anyone’s having issues, you know, let us know, you can send them a ticket to support a semantic mastery. com. We want to make sure it’s a work in progress, will try to get things going. It looks like people have commented, but there might be issues still going on. So please let us know. Give us some feedback. And we’ll get that fixed for you guys. We had we had issues with the Facebook app. Ah, yeah, yeah. So I know at least one person had issues and then I’ve seen some issues on my account. So anyways, we’ll roll with the punches, guys, and we’ll get it straightened out. We keep popping around trying different stuff.
So the last thing I want to say to if you’re catching this 12 regardless of where you’re watching this, subscribe to our YouTube channels, the short version. And if you’re checking this out on YouTube, you know, and you’re coming across across clips, or you watch this stuff regularly and you check out our channel. You know, please help us out share it, we’re trying to grow our YouTube channel. We want to get the word out there and you know, we know we got a lot of good clips with a lot of helpful info. So If you know someone who could use it, by all means, share it, email it, whatever you want to do, just get the word out.
Sweet. Can we let? We got no just kidding. Yeah, let’s do this. I’m gonna grab the screen. We’ll get into it.
Tips For Cold Calling Local Businesses And Provide GMB Rankings
Bradley: Alright, so we’re going to start where it says six days ago. So I’m going to start right here with Lee Leon who says, Hey, semantic mastery. Got any tips for cold calling local businesses and providing GMB rankings? Well, I don’t have any tips for cold calling, except that there’s a great strategy that I developed many, many years ago, when I first started growing my own agency that is a combination of email, but very specific video emails, and then calling those that engage or interact with the video emails and there’s a way to determine that and that way, it’s not a strict cold call, because I don’t know about you guys, but I always hated straight cold calls, they suck. you interrupt people, they usually are pissed off that you call them and interrupted them, especially if they think it’s some sort of solicitation even if you are trying to provide help or true value with what you’re, you know, saying to them. Again, most people especially now because marketers have really saturated the market guys and I don’t necessarily mean you and I like as kind of solo printers or little guys so to speak, but like the big marketing agencies that have sales staff and things like that, they, they, you know, hammer local businesses, if you’re a local business, you get hammered with solicitation calls all day, every day. And you know, it’s it’s absolutely relentless. And so if you try to just straight cold call people without doing something to differentiate yourself, you’re going to run into a lot of discouragement, right, you’re going to get a lot of denials, you’re going to get turned down, you’re going to get cussed at all these kind of things. And honestly, it’s hard to sustain that for very long without, you know, throwing in the towel and saying, This isn’t for me, I’m going to do something else. So I developed a strategy that I developed years ago back in probably 2012 was what I called the video lead gen system, we’ve got a product for it right now that I’m actually updating for specifically for 2019 and for lead generation for people that are building lead gen assets as well as can it can still be applied to just straight you know, client work to prospecting for clients. And I’m I’m at currently updating that right now. Like literally because we’re going to be launching that the version two or you know, the update essentially, in what three weeks I think so.
What is it April 23, that we’re doing that is that right? Yeah, yeah. So into in three weeks from today, guys.
We’ll be talking about it will be the day the day after launch. And we’ll be talking more about it then. But specifically Lee, what I would recommend is for cold calling local businesses instead of cold, calling them just direct without somehow measuring their level of interest, you’re going to have a hard time. So the better way to do it, my opinion is to go out and hand select the prospects that you want to work with. And then creating a video email, which the original process that I created was a bit time consuming to do but it worked really well. Like I was getting consistently three or four responses for every 10 emails that I would send out. And that I mean, that’s that’s almost unheard of right for cold emails. And when I say responses, I mean people that would ask for, you know, either reply via email or call me depending on what my call to action was, so that I could start and essentially started a dialogue with me a conversation and now
Have those three or four out of every 10, I would close one or two of them. And I had heard many, many times from people that I would chat with or talk to, you know, prospects that I would talk to, after reaching out to them via video email, I would hear many times people say like, oh, wow, that was a really unique way to get my attention. And so essentially, what it is, is it’s, you know, finding hands, selecting the prospects that you want to work with are the ones that you think you want to work with. And then creating a short video, kind of providing value as to why you know who you are, but not, it’s not about you, it’s about them. And it’s about their digital presence and what you could do to help them or what you see as opportunities that they’re not taking advantage of, so you don’t ever, like criticize their existing digital presence. You always want to say stuff like, Hey, I really liked your website, but I see that you’re missing you know, you could be missing out on leads because you don’t have this or you’re
for example your google my business profile might not be optimized isn’t fully optimized and if you’re not aware of this that’s where the vast majority of leads are coming for local businesses right now or you want to you want to always talk in their terms and again i can’t go into specifics because it’s in the course and we’re relaunching that in three weeks anyways but video email was a really really good way to get people’s attention however like i mentioned the original strategy or method that i had developed was really time consuming it was very effective but time consuming well i’ve learned i’ve developed a way to streamline that which is a lot more it’s a lot easier to get more of these emails out and and again that’s all covered in the update that’s going to be coming out in three weeks so you know i would recommend that you do that and the reason why lee is because when you you can measure engagement through the emails there’s a service that i you know there’s a bunch of different services that do this but i specifically use a service called point of mail com where every email i send out a trial
The engagement level of that email to the to the recipient that I’m sending it to so I can set up notifications to note to be notified when they open the email. When they click on a link in the email, I can have text notifications or email notifications come to me so that I know exactly what my email is getting open and when somebody is clicking a link, for example, a link to a video that I send them, right. And so what I’ve what I’ve learned is if you want to do cold calling, one of the best things you can do is send a series of emails to the prospect and not these like, you know, diarrhea of the mouth type emails, where you literally just like load unload in a long email, like all these things that you could do for them because I found that those get deleted right away or get marked as spam right away. But send these like, short little emails where you’re asking questions and trying to get a dialogue started with the prospect and getting permission from them to send them a video and
And it’s and again, I’m not going to reveal that strategies here on Hump Day hangouts because it’s in the training course. But it’s just a couple of questions that you send, and then you get permission to send them a video from them. They said, Yes, send it. And you send the video via either a link or even a screenshot that looks like a video embedded in the actual email, Either one works. And then when they click that link, you can be notified by your email tracking software or app dependent, you know, whatever, that they’ve clicked that link. So now you know for a fact that they’ve seen your email and they are they’ve seen your video or at least started to watch your video. And that’s when you call them. Because then now you’ve got you know that they are already, you’ve already got permission to send them the video number one because you started a very easy dialogue with them, not where you’re telling them about how great you are and all the things that you can do for them. You just asked him a couple questions and get them to give you what’s what I call positive reply. And once you got the positive reply, you send them the video link that they’ve already given permission to send and then when they click it
You get notified that they’ve opened it, which means you know that or that they click the link so that you know that they’ve at least started to watch the video. And that’s when you call, you can either call immediately, or you can wait a few minutes, or you can wait a day or two and call back and say, Look, I just wanted to follow up to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you. Well, you know, that they already did. Because you can tell from the activity from from the email tracking app. But you don’t say that, because that’s might sound a bit creepy, right? But you just say like, Hey, I just wanted to follow up real quick to find out if you had a chance to watch the video that I sent you see if you had any questions or you know, see if we could talk about it a little bit. And that way, it’s not a cold call. It’s a warm call at that point. And so I would recommend the that you pay attention or be on the lookout. In three weeks, we’re going to relaunch that called the video lead gen system. And again, there’s a lot of streamlined methods in there that I’ve been working on and just like the past few weeks seriously, for a lot of stuff that I’m doing right now in my own business that I’m you know, is working well. So, hopefully that was helpful.
Anybody got any comments on that?
Marco: Nah, man, that was perfect. You’re the master of that.
Bradley: So let’s move on. I just got one quick one. When you say 30 to 40% I think some people will get how awesome of a rate that is. But it’s just like, freaking astronomical. Like, that’s unheard of you don’t get that when you’re prospecting. So, anyways, if you haven’t, or you’re going to be starting prospecting, like keep in mind, I mean, that is orders that you know, that’s huge. I think a normal response rate prospecting is 1% or lower. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s, again, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s not hard to do and a lot of, you know, I’ve learned over the years to not do so much of the work myself. And so there’s, you know, methods for or for outsourcing this a lot of the a lot of the work to to where it really requires very little effort on your part up front, other than to record the short videos. And then actually, you know, pick up the conversation once the prospect has replied positively and you can have a VA do most of the heavy lifting between the time that you create the video and the time that the the prospect replies positively and then you just pick up the conversation from there so it’s a it’s a great strategy guys and again I’m going to be will be releasing that in three weeks.
Which Is Good For An Event Blogging: Expired Domain Or A New Domain?
Next is uh i don’t really quite understand this question but Pranab, I says what is good for event blogging expired domain or new domain. I’m a newbie learner. Okay, I guess just means for what is good for blogging, expired domain or new new domain? Well, I would recommend going with a new domain with a brand name that you want to create. Because for SEO purposes, if you find an expired domain that had good backlink profile and relevant content to what it is that you’re going to be blogging about, if it was previously in the same type of content or the same category, essentially the same topic then you can
Get some traction from that. But you have to know how to, you can get some fat and subtraction faster from using an expired domain because it might already have some good inbound links. So a good link profile, but that’s the problem unless you know what you’re doing and how to investigate that, you could very well just buy a domain that’s been spammed to death. And if it’s if it wasn’t in the same category of the same around, you know, built around, if it didn’t have content on it, it was around the same topic, then it’s really not going to benefit from the existing inbound link profile unless they were had unless they had incredibly high, you know, valued links pointing to it, in which case, sometimes you can re categorize it and it will still have a benefit. But for the most part, I recommend just starting off with your own new domain that’s branded after the brand name that you want to create. And starting there and then using some of the methods, you know, to be selfish year some of the semantic mastery methods where you can start pushing authority in and rather
See into your domain using properties that you don’t have to worry about necessarily the inbound link profile because it’s a brand new property, so, or a brand new domain. So obviously, we use a lot of Google properties to push authority. And that’s something that you can do is just start with a new domain branded the way that you want it to be branded. It’s nice, clean a clean domain at that point, right? If it’s new, and then you can start building you know, things like syndication network and blogging consistently. That’s a staple for us. drive stack, we’re going to talk about that here again in a minute, but in our is drive stack, so you can Google properties to start building authority to your to your domain. And then from there, you could do a lot of other things to the Dr. stack that would keep your domain clean, but start building authority. That’s what I recommend. Mark, you want to comment on that at all? No, I totally agree. I’ll be doing an update webinar for syndication Academy. Yes. Where we’re going to talk about the importance of branding and brand plus key word association.
And how that really solidifies everything. As far as Googlebot is concerned. It’s all about the entity, right? It’s all about what you’re presenting to Google, as far as what it is that you’re doing, how you’re doing, and how everything that’s attached to this brand belongs to the brand. You’ve talked about this before. We go on, we claim the footprint. We’re not here to Google. We want Google to know this stuff is all ours. We’re going to go ahead and and have our presence in all of these social media and on all of the different web to Dotto profiles that we create through syndication Academy. There’s other training and syndication Academy that helps power it up. But the whole point is for that entity, and so you can do that, instead of taking what somebody else’s idea and what they had, and trying to convert that to your vision. Just start with your vision and go after that. That. I mean, I totally agree with Brad. Yeah, I agree with that. And it’s interesting.
Bradley: We had a question and I think it was a Syndication Academy group or it might have been our free Facebook group, the SEO tutorials group, but somebody asked our syndication networks still viable in 2019. And that, absolutely they are as far as a straight ranking tactic. They’re not maybe as effective as they were several years ago. But that’s that’s missing. You’re missing the point then because what Marco was just talking about was to entity validator. And it’s incredibly important to do that because in case you weren’t aware of this, Google is looking at authority and well entities and building authority and validating those entities. And that’s one way to do it and and by getting your name listed, your know your brand name or your website, name, whatever listed in multiple places, and that kind of validates that entity in a way that you can’t really do unless you have claimed this footprint.
You know what I mean? And that’s one of the one of the reasons why they’re still very, very effective. And I would have, you know, again, it’s still part of our standard operating procedure. It’s a foundational method. There’s no question.
How Hard Can You Hit A Subdomain With Links On A TLD?
My question is up, he says, How hard can you hit a subdomain with links on a top level domain? Well, it depends on what you’re asking about, Mike. I mean, you typically we don’t encourage hitting your money site, even on a subdomain with direct like spam links and such. We got away from doing that. years ago, really, you know, years ago, you used to be able to do like what was called domain authority stacking. And essentially, you could just manipulate domain authority and page authority that way, which is a mas metric I get it, but it was it was effective. It was it was very effective at the time, but we’re talking like 2014, 2015 timeframe, so several years ago.
Now, I don’t recommend doing that even on, you know, if, even if you were just setting up a sub domain specifically to point links at it. But it wasn’t like, you know, something that you were trying to keep like the sub domain wasn’t your content distribution engine, like you weren’t trying to rank the sub domain. I wouldn’t do it because I don’t like to put anything real spammy anywhere near the money site now. So because we don’t need to, again, just what we’ve been talking about on this webinar alone was like using drive stacks, for example, as the filter or Amazon s3 pages, it’s another great thing to do. Because Google domains or Amazon domains can withstand any kind of abuse you send it them, like absolutely any like kitchen sink, spam, it doesn’t matter what you throw at them. They’ll take it and they’ll take it like a champ. And please, Sir, may I have another, you know what I mean? And so instead of worrying about spamming a subdomain for pushing authority, or whatever, which, by the way, domain authority stacking and shit doesn’t work anymore. I mean, it might with some massive, massive numbers, but it’s difficult to do and it’s not something
That I would consider sustainable. So instead use properties like Amazon and Google that you can then use as like a tier one. That’s the linking to your money site, and push all your spam to those instead. Right? Because though they’ll launder it, they’ll essentially filter out the negative and only pass the good. And it’s just because they’ll take whatever you can throw at them. Like I said, Please, sir, man, I have another. So I don’t, I wouldn’t hit a subdomain on a on a money site with with a bunch of spam. I would unless you had a filter ahead of it, which in that case, you could go direct to the money site. You know what I’m saying, for example, you could be linking from or, and I don’t want to get to, I’m not going to go any further than this. But Iframes are a good way to do that kind of stuff, which is why we do what we do with drive stacks. Because it’s very, very powerful way to push authority without it being spammy to the money site. Does that make sense? For
The @ID page Mike, if you’re in a fairly sure you’re in Syndication Academy or at least one of our paid groups, if you’re in any of our paid groups, you’ll have access to that out ID page strategy, which is using an Amazon domain the combination between that and drive stacks alone is incredibly powerful and you can get away with murder with those. Comments?
Marco: No, I agree.
What’s The First Thing You Need To Do To Rank A Brand New Site?
Bradley: Moving on. Quentin’s up. He says great day guys having I’m having a website made next week for my brand or my band slash brand. What are the must haves to make Google my website bitch? Love it, Quentin. And he says, also, after having a website up and running, what’s the first thing you should do? Okay, so again, Battle Plan Quentin if you don’t already have it, get the Battle Plan because that’s exactly what it is for, to show you step by step and in what order you should apply again, at least from our methods that will work that will help you to get the most traction step one is going to be syndication network to help validate the entity
And then every single time you make posts to your blog, it will help to update that that network which again, again, that’s just activity, as well as they’re just really good signals. So so I would start with syndication network, and then obviously a drive stackas because we’ve been talking a lot about that. They’re just so effective. I mean, still, and it’s funny because we’ve heard another places people say, oh, Dr. Stats aren’t that effective. Bullshit. You just don’t know how to use them or you’re building them and correctly. That’s the thing if you know what you’re doing if you build them correctly, and then you know what to do with them. Once you have them, then they’re incredibly effective. So quit and I would recommend absolutely syndication network. Step one. start posting regularly once your syndication network is attached to your new blog. If you’re doing if you’re a band, and you’re doing a lot of updates on social media, use your syndicate your blog as your point of origin for your syndicate, excuse me, your social media updates.
In other words, post your updates to your blog and allow your blog to syndicate those post to your social media so that you’re always funneling the authority back to your blog as opposed to just when you post directly to Facebook, for example, yes, you can get engagement on Facebook, the Facebook, but who are you benefiting? As far as the the website, the digital property, you’re benefiting Facebook, not your own brand, right? I mean, you’re you’re still benefiting your brand, I get that. But I’m saying you’re not, you’re not benefiting your digital asset, your digital presence, because you’re you’re essentially doing all of your activity on Facebook. Well, you can still have your activity go to Facebook, but haven’t posts to your blog first. Right? So that way that you’re pushing authority back and bringing hopefully people visitors off of Facebook back to your website. And that’s just one example. So I would use your your blog as a as a kind of like your point of origin for your your updates and do it regularly. Right and then as far as that beyond that, again, a drive stackis going to help you to start pushing authority, then you can do all sorts of nasty SEO stuff, off page SEO stuff to your drive stack, which will keep your blog clean. And that’ll help to make Google your website Bitch. Marco, what do you suggest on that?
Marco: Battle plan for a new website? It’s on there, right?
Bradley: Yep.
Marco: Just follow it step by step. It tells you the things that you need to get in guys. We link from the Battle Plan to MGYB services, because that’s, that’s what we use, right? We use, we get the syndication networks, remember you I be from our builders, we got our drive stacks from there, we get our press releases from that. We get everything that we can from the people who we’ve trained to do things, the semantic mastery way. So, of course, we’re going to link to our stuff, it’s what we use, we we’re not going to sell you something or send you somewhere that you know, we don’t know what the effects are going to be. We know the the results that we get. We don’t know something else. That doesn’t mean that you have to get our services in order to accomplish what you are I but I mean, if the other side of the coin is you’d have to get our training, and you’d have to learn all of these different methods. Local PR Pro, Local GMB, Pro, Local Lease Pro, Syndication Academy, RYS Academy, all of the different things that go to the mastermind, I mean, that’s the best place Clinton where you we can help you and and the community can help you get the best results. But if you just starting out, dude, the Battle Plan, get the services why spent all that time doing everything yourself. When you can spend that time actually going into your social media, relating to people being social, and getting those social people to follow you and to come to your website and to give you their opinion. There’s a lot of ways to get people, when you’re being social, to come and be social and help you on the website, you have to create that that activity. That’s that’s an excellent way. I mean, it’s, there’s so many things that you can do. We talked about it in our mini mastermind group yesterday. I call it social conditioning. And I think you call it social engineering. But it all works from, in my mind, from the from Pavlov’s operate conditioning experiments where you create expectation. And we can do that with your social media crowd and get them to your website. That’s goal, because Google will follow them from Instagram, from from Facebook, from Pinterest, wherever it is that you have your social presence. And Google will know that all of these people are interested in your website. And then Google will start sending people to see why all of these different people are interested in in your website. So I mean, that that’s just my recommendation for Quentin. Yeah, plan, follow the Battle Plan services. We have everything, everything you need. And then July be.
Bradley: And guys, the traffic signals are huge for SEO right now. I mean, it’s one of the biggest drivers of SEO or rankings or really getting Google’s attention is traffic from, you know, valid traffic, real traffic, not spoof traffic, but real traffic. So referral traffic from social media sources is a great, especially when they dwell or engaged on your site. It’s not just about dwell time, but if they engage on your site, that that kind of traffic is incredibly powerful for SEO, it’s a great, great signal. And you can buy traffic to so I mean, again, it doesn’t have to be all organic traffic that you send as referral traffic from social media. But you know, you can buy traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from Facebook, and those are, you know, and YouTube, for example, there’s a lot of different ways that you can do that, too, that if it’s relevant, they’re going to engage with your site, right. And that’s just a huge signal. It’s incredibly powerful.
Does “Sending Traffic To Appease Google” Mean Using A Crowdsearch Alternative?
So we’re going to move on to one says, which by the way, the one joined the Mastermind after last week’s Hump Day hang up. And so we appreciate you doing joining. And he’s got a lot of good questions in there already and we’ve got a mastermind webinar tomorrow, we’re actually going to dive into some of the stuff that he was asking about in there. So welcome to on once again. And we’ve got some stuff we’re going to cover for you tomorrow during the mastermind webinar. He says when you send traffic when you say you send traffic to a piece Google do you mean like crowd search alternative? Duwann I know you directed this at Marco so all that Marco add to this as well but as we’re just saying, it’s not about spoof traffic, you sure you could probably still get results with some spoof traffic. However, we’re talking about relevant traffic, right, just the same as we don’t. It’s funny. You know, I don’t we don’t do a lot of PBN stuff and we don’t do domain authority manipulation anymore because it’s just we found it’s more about relevancy like, that’s the longer term, that’s the better strategy. And so we try to do everything. Now, I say that and I just was talking about spam links.
Ahhh good like our service for spam links in MGYB, it works really well if you know how to what to pointed at, which is an example of like we were talking about with drive stacks or an Amazon s3, hosted pages, those kind of things are incredibly if you know how to use spam properly, you can, you can get results from even like traditional spam type links, right? But it’s not something that we would ever want to point directly at a money site. Well, the same thing goes for traffic signals, right? You can buy spam traffic signals or spoof traffic signals using an app like crowd search, which by the way, used to be incredibly effective. We promoted the shit out of it for about two years because I used it. I mean, a lot. I used it a lot. I was using 50,000 credits a month with that thing. And it worked really, really well but Google’s algorithm learned not to count that kind of traffic. And there’s a number of reasons why it became less effective and started having diminishing returns.
And I’m not going to get into all of that we can talk about that in the mastermind webinar if you’d like Duwann. But so so spam traffic signals can still produce some results, but their marginal at best compared to if you can buy or send relevant traffic signals, which is the same thing that we’re talking about, like for example, you know, even traditional SEO like link building stuff, we can create or add relevancy even to spam links by sending spam links to a drive stack that is 100% relevant and and it uses the Google domain to help kind of launder that negative link juice. Well, the same thing goes with with traffic signals, right? If you can, force or push real traffic into your digital assets, your entities, so to speak, right your your your brand, entity from either referral sources or even to buying it direct, if it’s relevant traffic, that traffic is going to be weighted so much heavier by Google, right? So for SEO purposes, relevant traffic is weighted much heavier than non relevant traffic. So for example, if you were to send hundreds of visitors to a blog post on your site that aren’t engaging with it, but it’s just the visitor hits, right that you’re trying to send traffic signals to it. Can that help? Yes, it may be able to help, it may be able to give you a small boost, and the ranks or even a big boost. The problem is when you stop sending that traffic, what happens it will start to slip again, because those weren’t sustainable signals. But if you you can send a fraction of relevant traffic signals from an audience that Google is fully aware of is already interested in that topic or that content and big and how do they do that? Well, if you’re buying traffic from Google, you can buy traffic from known audiences, right? You can you can buy traffic from Google directly from YouTube or directly from display network or search ads if you want it, it’s crazy expensive. But from let’s say display network or from YouTube, where you can literally select the audience’s that you want Google display your ads to write expose your ads to. So Google knows that those people are already interested in that topic, or so. So Google knows that those people are relevant. And because they’re relevant when you send those traffic signals to or those that that traffic excuse me to your your content, they’re likely to engage with it. And the engagement signals are more powerful than just bear traffic signals, if that makes sense. Which means that not only will the traffic and engagement help the SEO, but it’s likely that you’re going to actually convert some of that traffic into whatever your conversion goal may be.
Whether that’s opting in to build your email list or if it’s for local business, it’s making a phone call becoming essentially becoming a lead or submitting a contact request form. Or if it’s a straight like Ecom, you’re trying to sell something, they may purchase your products. So instead of trying to put your effort, time and money into spoofing traffic, why not put your effort time and money into buying relevant traffic or generating relevant traffic through social engineering or as Marco calls it social conditioning? Again, you’re going to get much better results with a fraction of the numbers required that you would from spoofing stuff by just sending relevant traffic signals and engagement from real people that have a real genuine interest in your, your topic or your content, your product, your service, whatever it may be. Marco, you want to add to that?
Marco: Yeah, what I want to add is, is something really simple. And and Google is starting to get even smarter, because they boil it down, right and I call it the art. ART – activity, relevance, trust and authority. And it’s at the link origin and destination and everything attached to the link origin and the link destination. So Google is looking at the activity on the links, meaning, how are people interacting with the website is feeding you the link? And how are they are they interacting when they get to the destination of activity.
Relevance, well, isn’t relevant. Did they come from women’s shoes and and end up at and I don’t know, bricks? Absolutely nothing might want to do with the other. It has to be relevant. And it has to be trusted and authoritative. That’s why we love being inside the belly of the beast being inside Google. So if you can get those three things, the one or Devon Devon, I’m not sure how that’s pronounced But either way, let me know what will be on the mastermind dummy house mouse can get it in there. Now. It’s very difficult. As far as the activities concerned, to get purchase traffic, and I’m talking about fiber, I’m talking about traffic exchanges and all these other places to get these people to act like real people, even if you’re in a traffic exchange with real people. Because in a traffic exchange, all the people are concerned about is earning more whatever tokens or whatever credits, so that they can get more traffic to to their own properties. They’re not interested in dwelling on your website, they’re not interested in interacting with your website. And Google is looking at all of these things. So how can you get in and think of it? How can you get that activity? How can get that real person, like a real person? Will you buy real people, you either train them the right way, or you pay Google and Facebook and Instagram and whatever else to send the right people. Wherever you want it to go. They don’t have to go to your money.
site, they can go into your link string and then up at the money site. Now, here’s the key thing. And the great thing Fiverr traffic does work. And the way that I’ve gotten it to work is you have to get in with, like, a real conversation with the provider, so that the provider knows exactly what it is that you’re looking for. And they have to be able to tell you, yes, I can do it or No, I can’t. And then you test it. Even if they tell you, oh, yeah, I can do that. I can do that. I can get local IPS. And I can get traffic to go in there like that. you test it. You never, you never test on anything that’s going to make you money, although you set it up as if you’re going to make money with your test. And you should. Now once once you have that and you get all of these real people interacting and you see how it works and how Google reacts to this traffic, then you know that you can trust this guy. Never lose that at that
Fivver contact, because it’s worth gold, three or four people out at tier two, tier three tier for interacting with your links and ending up at the destination wherever you want and finishing whatever it is that you set them to do. That’s what Google wants to see the completion of that original action at the destination. So that that’s the key. And if you’re doing that, if you’re buying from phone from fire or anything, is that just going in and paying just whatever, for whoever for whatever, it’s actually you have to know and understand what it is that Google is looking for, so that you can buy and try to approximate what Google is looking for.
What’s A Good Tool To Trakc Your GMB Rankings?
Bradley: Sweet. So next is Jordan was just dropping the link to or what he suggests for rank tracking nice reports, not cheap. So there you go, because somebody was asking about that wills asking what’s a good tool to track your GMB rankings? So you might want to check that out personally Well, what I use is Bright local for my client reporting, which will check track GMB rankings depending on like, you can set it by zip code or by city name.
So that’s that’s all I use that you can also use like pro Rank Tracker. That’s, that’s something that I, you know, I use for,
like test SEO tests and stuff like that. Not that not necessarily. I mean, I do have some client reports in there, but I use that more for tracking, SEO tests, you know, campaigns that I’m testing different methods on and that kind of stuff. But for client reports, I use bright local, because it gives me a lot of really good reports that look nice and they’re they’re really accurate as far as for, you know,
GMB rank tracking. And what’s cool is you can set like third party mentions up so it will show rankings of any one of your branded digital assets. So, like it’ll show citations where their ranking YouTube videos or channels or Facebook pages, you know anything that’s been branded that has a mention of your name that your clients name will show up in the search results of the Rank Tracker search results, right? So it’s really cool because it makes you look like a rockstar instead of just showing where the websites ranking you show where all of their branded properties or profiles are ranking for the various keywords and so it looks really, really good.
And so anyways, again, I just use bright local, but Jordan likes Night Watch dot.io. So check some of them out and see what which one you like. Okay.
How Do You Make And 301 Redirect A Firebase Dynamic Link?
Okay, thank you grant for that comment. Fabian, ask a question about the Firebase 301 redirects. Now that geo geo which was Google’s link shortener is now been terminated, they won’t. They won’t allow us to use it anymore. And Marco is not going to answer that Fabian, because Marco tell him why.
Marco: Because some idiot will take it and burn it.
Bradley: There you go.
Marco: It’s that simple and right now we’ve got it Fabian you’re in the mastermind so when we are working on it to make it available to our membership so that they can use it we have it internally right now but we’re working on making it making it available so that you guys in the mastermind first can use it as soon as it’s available we’ll let you guys know in the meantime i mean bradley you’re using my pretty links pro yeah yeah and there’s rebrand the the hourly there’s a whole bunch of other places where you can get three old ones if it has decent metrics if it hasn’t been burned by all means use it and then we’ll work out our shortener our firebase shortener and how to make it available to again membership has its privileges so the mastermind will get it first
Bradley: Yeah i’m just using pretty links pro which is a plugin i think if you go to semanticmastery.com/prettylinks you can find it. It’s it’s not very expensive. I think it’s like 20 bucks. It might be more than that. But it’s, anyways, it’s a great plugin. And depending on what I’m like, for example, for all press releases, I set up a domain specifically that I use for creating redirects within press releases for the local PR pro method for PR stalking. Also just for like, redirecting those long ugly google google URLs for like maps, for example, or now GMB posts and stuff like that. So I always am using the same, it’s a press related type domain. So that it makes sense, right, and it looked and it looks and fits well, in press releases. And that way, you know, I’m actually building a little bit of authority to my own redirect domain that way. For other stuff, you know, again, I just use pretty links Pro, because I think when you buy that you get unlimited domain installs. And so yeah, I mean, for example, we’ve got a link shortener on for semantic mastery that we’ve had for years now called and if we use pretty links in that it’s SM short dot link. And if you go to the homepage, it’s it’s a Sam Jackson telling you to fuck off. But we use that as our redirect URL and have been for years SM short link and it’s great because it’s just Pretty Link Pro. So again, that’s what I’ve been using. But yeah, there are other things like rebrand Lee and stuff that have some inherent authority that you can use. So that would answer Jordans question next as well.
How To Find The Best Keywords For My YouTube Videos?
So Kevin is up. He says, How do I find the best keywords for my YouTube videos? I’m glad you asked that, Kevin. I actually prepared this specifically, I’m going to drop these links on the page for you as a reply, and then I’m just going to briefly talk about them because they’re both really good. And I want to explain why. OK, cool. So for YouTube video keywords, I think these are the two best software’s or tools available. One is and they’re both from the same developer by the way.
So this one is Power Suggest Pro and this is by Ted Chen that he’s again a developer a both these tools that I’m going to show his hands down my favorite keyword tool and has been for years it’s incredibly inexpensive if you buy it through our link which is the link that I just dropped there I think you can get it for yes I think if you buy it straight from the website at $77 but through our link it’s 57 and that’s because we’ve sold this a lot for Ted so he gave us a discount for our our audience only. Anyways, it’s a one time fee 57 bucks it’s an incredibly simple tool. And it works really really well especially for generating long tail keywords like stuff that you can rank for overnight like instantly when you’re talking about YouTube video stuff because it will spit out a not all it all it does is produced keyword excuse me auto suggest keywords so Google suggest or YouTube suggest or eBay suggest or Amazon suggest and I think it has been in there as well.
I’ll just open it up real quick. But it’s a very simple tool. And all it does is it uses the suggested phrases. And it used does it via API. So it grabs them very, very quickly. And it’s got Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay and Bing. And so for YouTube, like I’ve got it checked right here, I know, it’s probably small on your end, guys. But for YouTube, you just put in your search term, or your seed keyword, so to speak, and then allow and then just hit Search and you can set up suffix or recursive. recursive means like so for example, you know, when you go to Google and you type in a keyword, and then you type in space a, it’s going to list the top 10 suggested search queries that were that that last word starts with an A, and then you can go be and it’ll give you the top 10 suggested search queries with the the last word starting with a B, and so on and so forth all the way through A through Z, while recursive will then go back in search the 10 results for each letter, again with the neck with a again at the end, and so
You can literally spit out thousands of keywords, complex search queries very, very quickly. And what I like about it is because it’s coming from the Google suggest it for YouTube and Google anyways, the Google suggests API, all you’re getting our search queries that are known to have traffic or have enough interest from Google from from Google users for Google to put them in the suggested a, you know, the suggested excuse me, the the suggest database and other words, Google doesn’t have suggested search query phrases in there just randomly. They’re there because people have searched for those specific queries. Does that make sense? So the YouTube suggest that use YouTube suggest database is not as good as Google’s. In other words, you will see some repetition of like specific words that will be appended to your search queries are the the output essentially from from this tool, but with the when you’re looking at just the Google suggested phrases, it’s incredible because you can get into some sometimes the queries that come out of here are eight 910 words long, which means there’s traffic on those complex queries, there’s no doubt there’s traffic there, or else they wouldn’t be in the suggest database. But very few, if any, are optimizing for them. And that’s why I’m saying this is an outstanding tool for SEO guys. Because you can develop your your silos around long tail keywords that are spit out from this tool, in a matter of seconds, it works very quickly. And you can get super long tail keyword phrases or search queries essentially, that you can optimize content for. And when we’re talking about YouTube, I mean, you can literally rank for stuff, the moment it’s published, if you’re if you’re targeting those long tail and then if you’re using silos properly, which is what we teach with, you know, for content stacking period, but you can you can apply silo architecture
YouTube channels using playlists, right? That’s YouTube Silo Academy, you can do, you can get really good results even for short tail keyword phrases by creating a silo playlist and targeting the longer more complex queries that rank almost instantly. And so again, this is a fantastic tool guys, for 57 bucks, it’s a one time fee. You’d be silly not to use it. Number two, this is a also by Ted Chen. But this is an online version of it. And this is a tool by that was co developed by our friend Justin sorry, who is hands down the best, in my opinion guide for learning how to run YouTube ads for e com and for lead generation or like building email lists and all that kind of stuff. Justin, sorry. He’s great. And this is a tool he developed called tube sift. What he co developed it with Ted Chen, Ted’s there, that’s Justin. And this is an online version that will. it’s got a lot of this the same
functionality in the app or you know, the online version as power suggest Pro, but it’s got a lot of additional features for YouTube advertising. So it is more of an ads tool. And it is an SEO tool. But there is the SEO component of it because it has the same power suggest pro functionality in the app. But it also has a lot of additional things like finding, it’s got a YouTube channel searcher that you can find other channels to find other videos that you can use for in strategic ways. You can also build placement list for YouTube ads, all that kind of stuff. So either one of these are really, really good depending if you’re just doing SEO work, you can get away with just using power suggest Pro. If you plan on doing any YouTube advertising, I highly recommend picking this tool up because it works really well. And I still use this to all the time whenever I run YouTube ads, I’m always in there using this tool. It’s a great, great tool.
Okay, so great question. We’re gonna keep moving. We’re almost out of time here to.
What MGYB Services Would You Recommend To Get Faster Traction In Multi-Location GMB Pages?
Daniel says. I have some Some new sites being created both for roofers one with two locations about three hours apart and one with location servicing to adjoining counties. What service from MTV? Would you recommend to me to get some traction fast in the first month? Then what would you suggest to follow up after that? Thanks. Um, well, first of all press releases, Daniel is going to be one of the things you can do quick to get the best results, the quickest results, although the days of just one press release, being able to get super, super good results are unless it’s very non competitive. If it’s real, if it’s a real low competition, you know, you can very well get a good results with, you know, significant movement with one press release. But if it’s more competitive, it’s going to require several press releases published in succession, like a week apart or two weeks apart. That essentially the PR stalking method in order to get results there’s Google’s algorithm is adapted for a long time there for almost a year. We’re able to just crush it with press releases for from maps listings. And we still can, but it requires more and consistency in order to do it to get the same kind of results, but press releases, obviously drive stacks. drive stack is again standard operating procedure. It does take a little bit of time for Dr stacks to take effect. But I would recommend having to drive stack pointed at your your each one of your clients that then you can actually target both locations within the DR stacks for each each client. And then what you can do is bit link build to the Dr. stat, right and again, that’s those are all services that we provide an empty, Why be in the store. You can buy press releases from us, you can buy and you also get an organization page, which is a like a media room page, which is great, because you can use that very strategically. You can actually embed that in your drive stacks, which is very powerful. And then build links to your drive stacks and your organization pages which are like your accent, essentially your media room page as well.
your your your press releases for that brand that company will be listed. It’s like a it’s like an index like a blog index page essentially for the press releases so you power that up with additional links and that will help to. So again, I would recommend doing a kind of a one two punch. I’m honestly Daniel, if you were are handling like the work for your clients. That’s where local GMB pro local PR pro and ROI is all combine those together is like that’s like the perfect triple combo to get results for clients. I don’t you know, you’d have to go buy all the training courses and learn all that stuff to be able to implement it or you can just buy some of those the GM or excuse me, the PR and press releases and the drive stacks directly from MGYB not have to learn all of it. And then again, you apply the link building campaigns to those properties not directly to the money site. As far as the GMB assets, the actual
maps, you know, listings themselves. That’s where local GMB Pro comes in. That’s where you’re going to get the best results from the actual GM, Google My Business listing, essentially. So that you know, I would recommend we don’t have that service available publicly yet an mg Why be in the mastermind we do, Daniel, where you can buy mg Excuse me. GMB services from us done for you Google My Business Services. But that’s only available in the mastermind right now. So if you want to apply those methods to your current clients, then you have to right now purchase local gym, be Pro, or come join the mastermind, which is what I would recommend because you can get it the training much cheaper there as well as get done for you services there so that you don’t have to spend the time and effort learning how to do it. You can just find that get the training from us as how to apply it and then how hire us to do it for you. And that’s going to get you the quickest results instead of you have to learn it. So I would recommend you come join the mastermind. It’s a small price to pay for the access to us and the training and the methods that are going to help you to get results the quickest. That makes sense. any comments on that?
Marco: No, that’s perfect.
Adam: No say Bradley make sure yeah, okay cool you have a…
Bradley: refresh I know it sucks Yeah, I don’t like that at all. all right um. okay so we’re there
yeah well i’m not i’m not digging the whole Facebook comments thing myself honestly but you know we’re trying to find a good solution guys here would discuss apparently wasn’t working so we’ll work it out. Michaels up he says not sure why. The same thing is complaining about this apparently.
Last week’s page isn’t showing last week some data that was seen as I saw that. huh? Okay.
So did it get resolved? Yep. Yeah, we didn’t have the code in there for the for the YouTube video. Oh shit, my bad. That was my fault then I apologize for that.
Is There A Way To Protect GMB Listings From Being Suspended From People Flagging Them?
Alright, I’ll Gus Augustus says is there a way to protect GMB listings from being suspended from people flagging them? No, I mean, make them look as real as possible. Augustus that’s the only thing you can do is, you know, try to make them look as real as possible.
If somebody flags it, and you, you know, if you can’t verify it physically, you know, via receiving a postcard, or, you know, taking photos from in front of the storefront or the location, if it’s not a storefront business, then the only thing that you can do is really try to make it look as real and as genuine as possible. Honestly, I think that’s bullshit right now, because any, you know, competitive competitors could just flag a listing, and it could cause Google to want to slap it and require ree ree verification, but there’s not much we can do about that right now.
We’re almost out of time, guys. I do have to leave but vitality says hello, hope everything is doing well. Question to Bradley. Any feedback on testing with quantum Newswire? Thanks. No, I’m still testing vitality. There’s a lot of amazing features with it. And I’ve got a lot of hopes for it. And I know the guys behind it like really and we wouldn’t have brought that to to our audience unless we truly believed in it. But I am doing some pretty significant testing with it that we’re going to reap, you know, bring that, bring them back to do another presentation. Another offer essentially, once I have my case study done when we promoted it the first time, I didn’t have my case study done and that’s because I just honestly have had been overwhelmed with too much other work at the moment. But I am actively working on that case study right now. So that in the next two to three weeks, we can bring that them back to present the offer again. And this time, I will take a much more active role in the actual presentation and showcase study data like I often do to show exactly how I’m what you know the kind of results like I’m getting from it. So right now now I don’t have any updates for you, but we will in a few weeks. Okay.
Will Existing Members Get The Video Lead Gen V2 Update Or There’s A Need To Repurchase Them?
Rob says Bradley spoke about video lead gen system v2 launching soon will existing members get the update or where we have to repurchase to get the new v two updates? That’s a good question. As far as I know, you will get the updates. Rob, as far as I know, you will get the updates. Why do we were getting double? I don’t know maybe because it wasn’t showing up on the page. Anyways, so there you go, guys. I gotta run. It’s five o'clock. Sorry about this. Comment app not working correctly. Again. I don’t know what to do about it. We’ll figure it out. So thanks, everybody. Thanks, man.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 230 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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