#i ordered this commission as a birthday gift for myself
undead-resting-box · 2 years
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Louis! Lestat! Them! Dancing! Smiling! Can you believe it?
HUGE thank you to @nasnyys for this perfect commission, I’m so happy with it! Please go appreciate his art and give him some love!!!
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The itch
An: so I’ve never written for TUA, I think, I haven’t written anything in like a long time cause my brain is made of worms most days, but the new season and mostly five in his new attitude? Personality? His almost soft tired of it all way, gives me the feelings. As a 28 year old women it’s odd that a 68 year old trapped in a 18 year old body works for me like it does but hey, I’ve liked weirder (cough I was in the Hamilton fandom cough) so enjoy this sort of bonding with Lila over the new mundane life and the exhausting reality of having to live it, because I love Lila and hate what they did to her and fives characters with the whole 7 year time line romance. Like why make her a mum of 3 and married to Fives brother just to ruin it like that. But anyway enjoy this weird fic.
Readers power: molecular manipulation, think piper from charmed, overhaul from my hero, uhhh it’s hard to explain but basically it means you can make things explode, freeze people and things by fucking with the molecular structure of said thing.
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You wanted to scream, to smash things, to burn yours and fives apartment down, it had been six years of calm, six years of learning to enjoy ‘normal’. Six years of working at dead end jobs because you didn’t pass the god damn psych evaluation for the CIA, somehow you are far more ‘unhinged’ than your husband.
You and five spent 30 years together, a decade in an apocalyptic wasteland when you ended up teleported there by mistake, and then 20 years at the commission becoming trained and ruthless assassins. Now, now Five worked doing CIA investigations and you got stuck working at a grocery store gas station. It was calm, it was normal, it was absolute hell on earth and made your skin itch.
So sitting in the parking lot of the play place for your nieces 6th birthday, you didn’t know why you couldn’t make yourself leave your car, five was already here, he had texted you as much, everyone else minus Viktor who was in Canada, and Allison who hasn’t shown her face irl to any of her siblings in the 6 years, you just needed to get out of the car and walk in with the gift you signed from both you and five for Gracie. It was a set of toy weapons, knives like her dads old ones, and a few other random ‘play pretend’ things.
Closing your eyes you leaned your head back against the head rest, taking a deep breath. Almost hitting the gas when the passenger side door opened and slammed closed. Turning eyes wide you saw Lila, the exhausted mothers face blank staring forward
“I just needed a minute, just needed” you nodded
“Take all the minutes you need. I assume it’s like pulling teeth in there with Diego?” Lila nodded sighing loudly
“Fives the same way, just on other stuff, like deciding if he wants to go out to dinner or stay in and order pizza, or if he needs new underwear because the ones he has have so many holes in surprised they still count as underwear, or just simple things like the dishes, like how hard is it to wash a cup, it shouldn’t be as hard as it is, how hard is it to just tell me when you need a quiet night cause work was stressful, and you are exhausted from stupid people all day, i work retail, he acts like I don’t understand being tired of idiots…I just…” you paused looking back out the windshield
“It’s like your skin is on fire and nothing stops the itch of being a once highly skilled assassin who could fuck with peoples molecules and freeze them in time or make them explode?” You nodded looking at her
“I find myself flicking my hands out and remembering I can’t just blow up or freeze people anymore, it’s like an itch and anytime I explain it to five he just…”
“Doesn’t listen? Or doesn’t understand that you are used to how your life was and now that it’s different, it’s not bad but it’s eye burning mundane clock ticking by slower then ever reality?”
Nodding you sighed
“Diego, he wants to listen, he just, from what five always told me he had a hard time understanding others because his brain is just, frazzled and he feels inadequate, how they grew up I guess shaped them in every timeline. Five is just used to being alone he was alone for 30 years before we met, then I popped up and it’s just. I don’t think he gets that sometimes I just need him to..”
“Let you Help with the itching”
You nodded smiling at her
“He just, it’s been a lot, and we haven’t quite got the ‘normal life’ down just yet.” Lila nodded
“It’s not easy in normal marriage land either, 3 kids and a chunky husband who, doesn’t make it easier is….”
“Not helping the itching. Well how about me and you, when the itch gets too bad, we help each other? Maybe find a way to do something, go to a rage room? Do a fighting class something to feel the….rush? Of what we did before. Have Klaus or someone babysit the kids, be me and you and just….”
“Fighting each other like the before days?” You laughed nodding
“Yeah…I miss getting to kick your ass and having you kick mine…”
Lila laughed looking around
“We could start a fight club, you, me, Ben when he gets out of prison. Just….maybe we’ll get used to normal eventually….” You frowned nodding
“You know if you ever need anything, help with the kids, a friend to vent to when Diego is being Diego…I’m not to far from your guys place. I can always swing by, let the munchkin tornados beat up on auntie Y/N.” You smiled at her for all the mess you and her had been in against each other, she had become one of your closest friends and family members through it all.
Soon enough you finally made your way into the building, the screams of children everywhere, the smell of sugar and something faintly child everywhere. You spotted five by the ball pit, speaking with Ben, walking over you hugged five from behind sighing as you rested your forehead against his back
“Hello, love.” You squeezed him in response before looking up and over to Ben
“Ahh Benjamin, free from jail, good to see you didn’t die, love that you still look like you want to murder us all” Ben didn’t laugh, just glared at you before sighing
“Not in the snark mood got it.” You felt five squeeze your arm a bit pulling away from you, making you groan
Turning to fully look at you, he looked you over smiling softly
“How was work?” You looked at him blinking slowly before sighing and planting your forehead on his chest, groaning
“Ahh I see” his hand rubbed your back softly, his other lifting the beer to his lips.
“People are stupid. How hard is it to put a gas nozzle in a car….”
“Apparently impossible if what you tell me says anything” you looked at him nodding before turning to look around
“10 bucks says Diego forgets to put up the piñata like Lila asked him” five laughed slightly
“Nah 20 says Lila has a mental breakdown before cake is served” you looked over to where Lila stood with Gracie helping the young girl fix her party hat,
“Nah I think she has a breakdown after presents when she sees what we got Gracie” five laughed looking down at you, brushing the stray hair from your face, smiling at him you sighed softly again,
it seemed even if you wanted to rip your hair out from the new ‘normal’ reality you all had to live in, even if your skin itched from the need to return back to what life was before somehow, it was nice that you still had small moments, where normal wasn’t so bad, normal birthday parties for your nieces and nephews, seemingly normal holidays, and normal, non murder happy work. As much as you loathed admitting it, sometimes it was nice. Like now, now was nice.
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cajunandfire · 1 year
It's not easy having a handler.
I ordered this commission from TomineitorArt as an early birthday gift to myself! It's a cute and funny take on their working relationship and Tomieneitor brought it to life so beautifully!
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cookiewoli · 8 months
NPC dialogue with my builder
It's been so long since I'm thinking about the NPC dialogue of my builder, but I finally finished it !!
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"Cookie" is a new resident at Sandrock. She works with Doctor Fang as a veterinary voluntary, but have to work as a builder too in order to be able to live. She's very clumsy and airhead, but always in a good mood. Her positivity seems to be contagious.
Introduction :
Hi ! Everyone here called me by my nickname Cookie. Nice to meet ya ! I'm a part-time builder and I'm working at the clinic as a veterinary twice per day ; the Monday and... No. Hum.... Tuesday and Thursday... No that's not it... Wednesday and Friday...?
Just come at the clinic and see if I'm here.
Birthday :
My birthday ? It's... Ah ! The 27 autumn ! You're not oblige to remember it. Sometimes I forget it myself.
Acquaintance :
- If you need something, don't hesitate to ask me. But I don't guarantee that your craft will be in a good state... Well, if you're too scared to see my broken craft and be disappointed, ask to Mi-An.
Buddy :
- Please, if you see Yan... Can you tell me I'm working into the mine ? During this time, I will wandering around searching for some animals and play with them.Oh. wait. I was not supposed to say that.
Good friend :
- It's so hard to work as a builder and veterinary too ! Well, even though I'm working at the clinic twice per week, and that for the rest of the week people refuses to give me commission...
I guess I don't have as much work as I thought.
Best friend :
- I never thought I would be so attached to all people in Sandrock! It's been less than one year since I'm here. Sandrock is my new family.
Hey, can I say that my best friend is part of my family too ?! Thank you for putting up with me.
Lover :
- Turn around so I can hug you... W-why from behind ? Well, it's a little bit embarrassing if I facing you... I don't want you to see me blush...!
- I'm always smiling usually, but when I see you... My smile get bigger and my cheeks becomes red ! I always want to be by your side.
During a sandstorm :
Be careful during sandstorm, it's very dangerous ! Last time, I almost receive a brick floating away from my workshop. Another time, I met a wild Yakmel and had to run away ! And another time, I fell into the sandfish pond... Ah, and... Well. Forget it. Just watch where you step !
On rainy days :
Hey, why are we saying"it's raining cats and dogs" ? There is no animals falling from the sky...
Sorry. That's a dumb question.
Day of a bright sun :
Day of bright sun is like a second Christmas ! But it's not very smart to put food inside gift that will fall from the sky. Just imagine the surprise when you open it !
Showdown at High Noon :
I love this day ! It's the best occasion to fight people you don't like for free and without any consequences !
Wait... Am I the only one to think like this ??
Haha ! I'm joking. Right ?
Days of memories :
Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it. See the floating lanterns always make me wanna cry. It hurts so much to not be able anymore to say to someone how much you love him. I hope this lantern will be the link between the earth and the sky.
Tour de Rock :
Hey, let's ask to Trudy if we can include the Pensky to the racing ! Why ? Because they're don't need board to slide across the sand ! Ah, but I guess they'll always win... Oh and I don't want to hurt one of them unintentionally... Okay. Forget the idea.
Running of the Yakmels :
Ah, it's the only event where you don't have to apologize if you hit someone clumsily ! Wait. But it's only if I'm riding a Yakmel ? It doesn't work if I'm stumbling on someone like usual ?
Winter solstice :
One of the best event of the year... The event that unite all people in Sandrock around a bonfire and delicious food ! But my favourite part is the fireworks. It's so beautiful! Even though after this your ears hurts...
Speech bubbles :
Greets a friend : Hi ! How many time have I met you today ?
Greets a romantic partner : See you has made my day !
New haircut : Hmm... It seems something changed but I don't know what.
Panda eyes : Nice panda makeup !! Oh, that's not makeup...
When attacked : Hey ! I'm sure this attack is not clumsiness!
Gift :
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Loved gift :
King horned dragon : aaaaw, thanks it's so cute !! Wait a minute... Since when have you this poor creature in your pockets ? But don't worry. I will take very good care of it !
Purple fireworks : Heheh, I know someone who will be startled... Hmm ? Did I say something ?
Liked gifts :
Cactus Halloween statue : Thanks ! I will place it into my workshop so that everyone can see the light into the night.
Neutral gifts : Thank you ! For what it is...? Well, I suppose it's the gesture that counts.
Disliked gifts :
Spicy food : Ah... Sorry but I can't eat this. My stomach become hell every time I eat this.
Romance :
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Accepted : W-what ? You want me to be your girlfriend ? How embarrassing, but... Yes, of course ! I will do everything to see your smile !
Rejected : Haha... I'm sorry but, I can't start a relationship now. I'm not ready to open my heart for someone. Excuse me.
Break up : Am I... Dreaming ? No...? Okay then. It's your choice, I can't do anything about it. Forget me for a while please.
Jealous : I... I thought you loved me. I guess I wasn't important enough to you. It's so hard to trust someone nowadays.
Sitting, dining and chatting :
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(Dlc outfit)
Compliment appearance :
- Thanks ! It upset me that people see me like a teenager because of my twintail and my large jacket when I'm an adult !
Compliment work :
- W-woah, I never thought to hear this one day. You know the deformed objects at the guild the weekend ? Don't you ever ask yourself... Who build them ?
Compliment personality :
Thanks ! I like to cheer up everyone the best I can. A smile can make your day, and sometimes kindness is enough too !
Asked about her past :
I have been took away from my family as a kid. I missed my old brother and father that I want to catch up with. And my mother ? Haha... Hum. Let's change subject please.
Asked about work :
To be honest... I don't have a lot of commissions. On the one hand, I have a lot of free time. On the other hand, I don't earn a lot of money... Even when I'm working at the clinic.
Asked what she likes to do :
First of all, taking care of the other. Animals or human. Secondly... I like playing pranks. As long as I don't get caught. I'm always running away from Yan. I don't know how he always knows it's me !
Asked about her favourite things :
I love collecting cute things !! If you come to my house you will see that I have more plush than machines... B-but don't tell this to anyone ! They may see me more as a child...
Relationships thoughts :
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Elsie : She's one of my best friend ! We have so much in common, like our love for animals, and pranks. She's the one who always gets me into it ! Ah... And I'm always the one who can stop her. She's used to seeing me running towards her with some wild animals behind me that I tried to become friends with, and she's always helps me to calm them down. I still want to believe that every animals can become your friend.
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Fang : First he's appears to me as a very cold person. He reminds me my mother in a kind of way... I was really wary in the beginning. But with some times, I see in him a very kind person, who cares about others. Just like my master... It's one of the reasons why I asked him to become his apprentice. He heals humans, I heals animals. Well, I haven't finished my studies in veterinary, but his methods of heals are very interesting ! I work at the clinic when he's not here, Wednesday and Friday.
Because we are colleagues, I always call him "Doctor Fang".
He's not very talkative, but his silence is peaceful and his presence alone is comforting. No need to talk to convey emotions.
His behaviour suggests that he's been through a difficult stuff, so I try not to touch him, or go behind his back, as this might frighten him. When he's feeling bad, I feel so... Useless. The only thing I can do is to stay by his side, and ask him "Tell me what you feel." In this way, he began to open up to me. Thanks for trusting me Doctor Fang.
X : He's my very first friend when I arrived to Sandrock. It's so much easier to talk and confess your pain to an animals. Animals are pure, trustworthy. When I'm too shy to talk to someone, or when I see someone sad, I ask X to carry a small paper with a message on it. Usually I wrote jokes, funny or comforting quotes so that I can see someone smiles reading it. My favourite thing is to do it with Fang. Ah, I never get tired to see him laughing to my messages !! That's because he doesn't dare laugh in front of me...
Mi-An : She's one of my bestie ! She helped me a lot when I came here, searching for a job. I asked Yan to become a builder to earn some money and be useful, and Mi-An taught me everything. She's very patient towards me because I fail everything I build, but erm- When we first hanged out, we saw that we have a lot of things in common ! I really trust her. She's one of the few people I've been able to open up to.
Ernest : He's very kind, and pretty, but... I'm really scared of him. N-not of "him" personally! But you know, he's a writer, journalist and... I'm terrified that he found some information about me... Before Sandrock. I tried to run away from my old life, starts a new one. I can't forget what happened to me before, but... I can just close my eyes and pretend that everything will be okay. I couldn't bear it if my old life caught up with me to the point of destroying my new one. Sorry Ernest to be so cold towards you !
Yan : Like a lot of people, I don't like it. He treats everyone like sh- I mean, he treats everyone like nothing. Okay, he can treat me like this because I'm a Newbie like he said, but he can't act like this towards Mi-An ! She's very strong, determined, she works very hard and Yan never congratulates her ! Unforgivable.
More of that, he scares me a lot. Especially when he's angry. Like, every time ? I always try to avoid him with different methods. Like hiding, disguise or just run away. The only times I approach him with more than 10 meter is to prank him. Hey ! He always says "He who loves well, punishes well" so here it is. Sorry.
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thegreenhordes · 3 months
Pristine Journal - Mother's Woes
First Entry: I bought this journal for my alchemy recipes, poisons and potions and poultices. I have so many now that organizing them is simply a must. But to my delight, my sons bought me a proper recipe book in the upper city market just this morning! I know we have the coin to spare, but I've always tried to be frugal in my personal purchases. I don't dare say no to such sweet gifts from my boys, however! Eclipse told me it was my little Penumbra who suggested the recipe book as a gift, my sweet boy. My eldest has always been the more resilient and steadfast, but Penumbra is so very observant and curious. I hope he never loses that spark. I decided to use this journal to write as I please. Life updates, reminders, perhaps planning a soiree or two? My dear husband does love a good opportunity to show off his wealth to the common ponies. Pomp that he is, but I love him so. Third Entry: Reminder: I need more Amaranth and Dulcinea flowers. I appear to be running low on Baslisk venom- I'll need to go through all the hoops and red ribbon to get more of that imported, but staying stocked up on my reagents and ingredients is always worth it. And don't forget! Eclipse has training with Captain Freefall tomorrow. I'll need to wake him up early if he's going to be able to drag himself out of bed and to the training grounds. Eighth Entry: Penumbra scared me out of my wits today! Always so quiet, that foal, but his father finds it impressive so I won't discourage too much. I was in my nook preparing ingredients I needed for a potion- Eclipse has a bit of a cold, and my remedy will fix him right up!- I turned around to look for the cave mint and found myself looking down into the eyes of my youngest. I nearly jumped out of my hide! I ask him what he needs and he just asks to watch me work. It wasn't anything dangerous today so a I allowed it, but Moon and Stars, that gave me quite the fright! I did break one of my flasks, an old one I hadn't used in a while- the label was muddled so I couldn't read what it was. I had my boy sit on the opposite side of me to keep him away from it while I cleaned. other than that, the day was relatively peaceful. Eleventh Entry: I have a bit of a fever today, and I'm feeling dizzy. perhaps I caught Eclipse's cold. Regardless, I'm staying in bed today. Thirteenth Entry: I'm still feeling a bit woozy, but otherwise fine. Next week is Penumbra's birthday, and I wanted to get some things planned. I can't believe he's going to be ten! My sweet boy. To Do: - Pick up decorations from the craftspony I hired three months ago. - Order a cake from the baker- simple decorations, not too heavy on the frosting, Penumbra doesn't like things that are too sweet. - Pick up the gift I commissioned and finish wrapping the gifts my love and I made together. - Double check the guest list to see if there will be any last minute adjustments to seating. - Start preparing the ballroom for the event! Less hasty work later if we start now. Twenty-First Entry: I don't know what happened. I just.. Collapsed. One moment we were all singing and dancing, my little boy giggling as his older brother shoves cake in his mouth. The next, everything went black. I woke up an hour ago and have been trying to piece together what happened but nothing comes to me. My love says it was sudden and that everyone was concerned. The boys were scared, as was he. It was strange... While I strained my ears to listen to my husband, I just kept thinking about how good he smells. Final Entry: Reminder: Ask the physician why my teeth look like that. [The rest of the Journal is Empty.]
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tellmewhatyouc · 11 months
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with the holidays coming up, i wanted to offer some drabbles to contribute to my gift fund! currently writing a maximum of 500 words per comm to guarantee i'll get things done in a timely manner 😌 fandoms are in order of my confidence writing them at the moment!
you can find my previous work here ✨
Terms & Conditions below the cut:
Payment should be sent through ko-fi, before I start writing. Please reach out to me with your specific request BEFORE you pay so you know for sure I'd be down to write it!
Topics of interest are not required, they're just things I'm especially enthusiastic about writing.
I have a right to refuse any commission for any reason.
Refunds will only be issued if I am unable to complete your commission.
I will not charge extra if I go over your requested word count. (It's not your fault if the characters take the wheel.)
Completed commissions will be posted publicly (on Tumblr and/or AO3), but it's up to you if you'd like to claim it as a gift fic or remain anonymous.
You’re welcome to request spinoffs/continuations of my existing fics, or scenes in the context of AUs I’ve written.
Currently, I am only offering smut for NU: Carnival and the One Piece anime. Kink with regards to Coffee Talk & UT/DR is a maybe, let's talk!
Fills will likely take a couple weeks at most, but I will check in and set a deadline for myself depending on the project & my current workload. If you need it by a specific date (for a holiday, birthday, etc.) let me know and we can talk!
Methods of contact:
Ask box
Tumblr DM
Twitter DM
email (tellmewhatyouc@gmail)
Discord (if we are already in contact over there)
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because-she-goes · 1 year
warnings: none, just fluff. Enjoy!
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What do you get for the boy on the other side of planet who has everything he could ever possibly want. What do you get the girl all the way back in America who could simply thrift or create whatever she needed.
The answer they both came up with was flowers. Matty’s being a classic romantic and liked red roses. Nora loved daisies and how summery they were. They also decided on dessert deliveries. Matty sent muffins for his muffin and Nora sent him the unreal brownies he loved from her place in New York.
So, now here we are. April 8th, 2017. Matty’s 28th.
Matty woke up that morning in his London home, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. They had started work on the next album, still untitled. Him and George were pulling late nights and drinking too many redbulls. His plaid pants hung low on his hips and he pulled on a robe, his house freezing. Going to make his morning cup of tea, he starts checking his phone for any overnight emails or texts from Jamie… he sees a missed call from Nora from last night at about 10pm - 3am London time. He checks the clock and sees its only about 5:30am there, Nora won’t be up for hours. Other than that, no immediate fires that need to be put out. Sipping his tea, he walks to the front door and grabs his newspapers - all the boys collecting them for album material. He loves these types of mornings - slow, relaxed, sleepy. He just wishes Nora could be with him, she had a work meeting tonight with a friend she had who was interested in commissioning something. She told him she would be getting the next flight out of New York in 2 days. He couldn’t wait. Her presence alone making the concrete house feel warm and comforting - like raspberry iced tea and summer time. He worked on a demo for a few hours and by the time lunch rolled around, his doorbell rang. Who could that be? He didn’t order anything and wasn’t expecting anyone. Matty swung the door open, and didn’t see the royal mail person there. Just a box with a note. Looking around again, shrugging his shoulders and picking up the box wrapped in twine with his name and address in a beautiful caligraphy.
Taking the package up to his kitchen, he unwraps it and the note falls to the ground. He takes the card and unfolds it. He inhales sharply when he recognizes the handwriting.
“To My Matthew,
Happiest of birthdays, Handsome! I am sorry I could not be there in person, but figured in the interim before my arrival you’d like a little piece of me. I love you so much, more than the English language will ever be able to articulate. I organized some things to arrive for you today so hopefully you like them. The first of which is a package of brownies from the bakery you love down the street from me, and before you even ask I did get the oreo ones you go nuts for. Don’t spoil your appetite, handsome… the boys’ll be round later to take you out. Have fun and again, I love you more than you’ll ever know.
Xx always,
Your Nora”
Matty was misty eyed, no-one had ever thought to send him something overseas when he was away. No girlfriend ever going that far for him. Putting that out of his brain, not wanting to get too emotional this early in the afternoon he tore open the box of brownies. The decadent smell of chocolate and candy filling the space around him, Matty thew his head back in bliss. “You’ve done it again, Downey!” He says to the universe - hoping someway she hears him. Munching on the brownie, he calls her.
“Well, good morning birthday boy! Gotten any of your gifts so far?” Her peach sweet voice comes through the line after a few rings.
“And a lovely afternoon to you, Honey! Yes actually, the brownies just came. Half already gone I’d like to report. Best brownies ever! What else is in store may I ask, beloved?”
“Oh, you’re good Matthew. I will be honest, I may have ordered a pack for myself to get delivered to the studio later. They truly are god’s gift to baking. As for the rest of the agenda, that is for me to know and for you to find out. Wouldn’t exactly be a birthday surprise if you knew, now would it, Handsome?”
“No it wouldn’t, Darling… Just know that when June rolls around and I’m locked away in a writing dungeon, I am gonna outdo whatever you have 10 fold.”
“You got yourself a challenge, Handsome.” She smiles. “Okay, I gotta run. I love you baby and happy birthday, I’ll be there before you know it.”
“Okay, good luck, Honey! I love you and am counting down the minutes.”
With that, another ring of the door bell comes as Matty hangs up the phone. Before him he sees a floral van and a young girl nervously holding a delicate bouquet of red roses and what look to be little bits of eucalyptus and white hydrangea. Oh, she knows him way too well, he thinks as he opens the door to the teenager.
“A Matty Healy?”
“I’m him! Thank You, doll. Have a good day!” He says to the girl as he tips her a few pounds and shuts the door softly. He grabs a vase and holds the flowers to his nose, he sighs in content. She really does know him incredibly well, a perfectly beautiful yet subtle arrangement.
Matty enjoys the rest of his day, texting her a picture of the brownie box now empty once the boys came and the flowers in their vase on his kitchen table. He blushed as she sent a kiss emoji and a “all for you, birthday boy <3”. Maybe 28 wasn’t going to be so terrible after all.
June in New York, Nora Downey turned 25 as the clocks struck 3:51am on the 16th.
She awoke quite differently than her other half. She slept through her alarm and wokd up a whole hour later for an appointment with her therapist. Calling the office, she rescheduled for the following day and was told it wasn’t any issue. Deciding to grab some coffee and swing by the local bookstore for her monthly magazine grab. Getting some copies of i-D magazine, DORK, Rolling Stone, British Vogue and British GQ. Heading back home excitedly to read her magazines, she gets a call from Matty.
“Hey baby, hows your birthday going? Doing anything fun today?” She smiles at his voice and the petname.
“Uhh, just heading home to read some magazines and things. Then maybe go to my painting and wine class!” He wishes he could be with her, but things with the album and the guys wanting to go to the countryside for the summer to write and work was just getting a little hectic. He does appreciate though that she is atleast doing something for her day, she raves about these wine and paint classes she started years ago. He still kept his plan of sending her a little something to her apartment, but she must have not seen it yet.
“Oh, that sounds fun! Me and the guys were gonna drive up north today and work at that studio I mentioned last week. Maybe I can facetime later and we can have a little virtual dinner date, yeah?”
“Sounds lovely, Handsome. I’m almost home by the way so sorry if this cuts out or if I go quiet trying to get upstairs.”
“Not a problem, take your time, Muffin.”
Getting to her building and clicking the button for the elevator she is shocked when she reaches her door.
“Healy, what have you done? Oh my god, don’t tell me you actually went through with the thing I joked about in Apri…”
“Oh, yes I did, Baby! Hope you love them, gotta run! Happy Birthday and I love you most!”
“Impossible, Handsome!”
Hanging up, grabbing the gorgeous bouquet of roses and daisies and the box she slides her keys in and kicks the door open. Knocking it closed, she carefully puts down the gifts on her entry table next to her key dish. Running to grab the cold champagne she keeps in case of emergencies from her fridge, a glass and a vase she makes me way back to the entry for the flowers. Setting the vase down on the living room table, she fills it with water and the flowers. Pouring her champagne, getting the box and magazines she sets up her afternoon. Nora goes to her bedroom, slides off her overalls and throws on a flannel shirt she stole from Matty and jean shorts. Gathering her hair in a ponytail and walking back to her idea of heaven, she sits comfortably on the couch. Snapping a picture of her and her treasures, she sends it to Matty - fully knowing its gonna drive him crazy that she’s in his shirt alone in her apartment.
“Couldn’t ask for a better start to 25 xx” She presses send and takes a bite of the incredible chocolate swirl muffins. She couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.
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morvantmortuary · 2 years
ladies, gentlemen, and distinguished guests, just in time for Halloween -
her 🖤
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more beneath the cut to save space! 🖤
tiny!Rora is finally on the scene, much to the mingled delight and terror of tiny!Maxi and Hex
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here they are assembled, ready for the season 🎃
I ordered her back at the end of August, closer to my birthday, and she just arrived when I was getting home from work - I literally met the postman at the door, which was lucky.
She’s based on a combination of references: this Halloween art drawn by @imalsonotsure from our first October, and this commission from @snaxk that I treated myself to for passing my exams!
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both of these pieces are really close to my heart, so I sent them to the artist (NoizFoxy over on etsy, yet again!) and we talked through how to get details from both in the final look. 🥰🖤 I’m thrilled with how she came out, she perfectly completes the set!!
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(fun fact: the journal I have them on is my dedicated Mortuary notebook ☠️)
I have an ita bag I’ve been working one with Mortuary-themed pins for months now that I keep referencing, and I kept rearranging the pins bc I wasn’t quite satisfied with it. Now that I have all three, though, I’ll get a photo soon to post lol 🖤 I’m trying to figure out how I can add in some little wire-belts, of sorts, so I can pop the three of them out whenever but also securely tuck them in it so they don’t fall over when I’m going somewhere I want to show off lol. It’s got pins I’ve been holding onto for years, so now I’m really glad I have a place for them that can also be a place for these three!!
Since (at the time) I had the money, I also got a 15cm version of tiny!Maxi that I’m referring to as stunt!Maxi - I keep tiny!Maxi and Hex with me in my bag a lot, now, but tiny!Maxi is starting to show it a little since I’ve had him longest :’D
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For comparison - 8cm vs 15cm, and you can see where tiny is definitely looking in comparison like he’s been loved, poor guy :’D🖤
I’m planning on using stunt!Maxi as my main fidget now, so he’ll get more of the nervous rotating in my hand or just held on to while I’m doing stressful stuff. This saves tiny!Maxi from wearing out faster than Hex and Rora so I can keep them together. I’m hoping since stunt!Maxi is slightly bigger he’ll hold up longer, but I guess we’ll see!
I feel slightly silly getting a backup emotional support mortician, but he really is super helpful since I’ve been commuting for work again/traveling a lot. And I have a meeting coming up with my committee when I submit my prospectus, so I’m very glad he’ll be present for that. :’D
anyway! expect more photos now with the trio, and thanks for humoring me and my little scrunklies :’D I’m glad I have people to share them with, and you guys are great 🖤
now, back to desperately trying to to catch up on the writing I wanted to accomplish this month 😅 thanks again for the people who are still sticking around, your patience is a gift 🖤☠️
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creamsickle-writes · 1 year
Trying to buy myself a birthday gift but I am broke rip
I want to open writing commissions but nobody ordered one last time :(
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changeling-rogue · 9 days
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While you’re enjoying this art of Erembour inspired by Chappell Roan, let me tell you about my friend Deema.
Deema loves the sea, her family, and misses the night sky. She is studying pharmacy. Her grandmother makes the most beautiful tatreez. Deema’s family found the absolute cutest cat and are doing their best to care for it. Talking with her is one of the greatest privileges I have. Her siblings, like myself and my brother, dream of helping people. I want them to be able to do so, and in order to do so they need our help. If you have a spare $5, consider helping Deema’s family here.
In my classes, coursework, and the few moments I have in between, her family is always on my mind. My birthday is coming up, and I would love if you would donate to their campaign as some kind of gift. I want her to go to the sea again and be safe.
Thank you for taking the time to read this🖤
Character: Erembour Wolfram
Series: DiceVersaStudios’ Pane Killers Campaign
Reference: Chappell Roan at the VMAs
If you want art commissions, consider checking out my ko-fi here!
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moyurukoda · 7 years
Do you ever just feel like dying but in a good way???
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foodieforthoughts · 4 years
Sand and Stars - Chapter Five
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Series Summary: After the water pump being blown up, the insurgents in Baqubah are taking a hold of the food supply to the village. Camp Warhorse is in dire need of reinforcements. It has been eight months of submitting countless requests when the High Command commissions Sergeant Olivia Ross to take her group of men and women and help Captain Syverson and his team to restore a semblance of normalcy. But with the war raging, does it get two hearts closer too?
Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC x OMC
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: 18+, Mentions of war, military technicalities, slight angst, fluff, implied smut
A/N: Well Hello! Our dear Captain Alex has finally made an appearance! A big thank you to @thelastsock​ who is patiently beta-reading this, I love you woman with my whole heart.
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<Chapter Four
Title: Chapter Five
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The sun felt scorching hot on her skin as Olivia loaded her gun near the parked Humvees. A mild throbbing at the base of her skull added to the uncomfortable sensations each time she moved. She hadn’t planned to drink almost half a bottle of whiskey last night, but it was cold, and she needed the warmth.
Also, the drink had sort of been a gift from Sy.
Olivia groaned as the memories from last night flashed through her mind. She had literally invited him for a kiss, throwing herself on her Captain like a wanton whore. She felt embarrassed even thinking about it. Thankfully for her, Sy had a better judgement about entertaining drunk women and had resorted to just giving her a tight hug.
Her stomach felt queasy as a sour taste filled her mouth. She swallowed as the uncomfortable feeling set at the pit of her stomach. Running a hand over her sweat covered forehead, Olivia rested against the vehicle.
She felt worthless. Olivia couldn't shake the feeling of repeating history, despite the extreme effort of will she put her hungover mind to this time. She slung her gun over her shoulder as a distant memory of her time with Alex began flashing before her eyes.
The sound of their hurried footsteps on the marble floor echoed through the empty hall. It was almost noon, the temperature soaring high and drinks becoming difficult to keep down. Alex chuckled as Olivia pulled him towards a bathroom door, not caring whether it was for the ladies or the gents. She had been begging for Alex’s attention ever since they got to the wedding party for a fellow soldier, downing an unusual amount of alcohol before finally gathering up the courage to whisper naughty things in his ear. She had been hung over her Captain for far too long, it was time for her to finally taste him.
Olivia massaged her temple with her fingers. She had been so stupid and naïve to start something with Alex. Her Captain. She regretted it now more than ever, 3 years of hookups later. Alex had been her friend since she re-enlisted again after completing her Aviation course. Though to tell the truth she'd been crushing on him since she first laid eyes on his beautiful face. His unbridled confidence, panty-melting smile and boyish charm had worked its magic on Olivia’s mind. It wasn’t something she thought of pursuing on a long-term basis, but his sweet nature only kept driving her closer to him. She liked that he showered her with affection all the time, something her attention-starved mind craved desperately. Only she had mistaken her lust for love.
“Really? Here? You know our seniors are present out on the lawn.” Alex snickered as Olivia began undoing his belt. His blazing eyes sparkled with what was to come next, the anticipation dancing in his beautiful orbs. Dinners together had turned into overnight stays and eventually Olivia had kissed Alex one night, crossing the line of friendship with no turning back.
“We are on leave, aren’t we?” She had suggestively smiled at him, palming his bulge through his pants. She leaned in to kiss Alex, feeling the softness of his lips brushing against hers. She felt her arousal beginning to wet through the thin fabric of her panties as Alex plunged his tongue into the warm cavern of her mouth.
Olivia grinned mischievously as she hopped on the sink counter pulling Alex by his tie to stand between her legs. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he pulled her in to steal another kiss. She unzipped his pants as Alex began trailing down her neck, planting soft kisses over her warm skin and cupping her breast through her dress.
“I don’t have a condom,” Alex said against the skin peeking just above her breast.
“I’m on the pill,” she shrugged and pulled his hardening cock out of its constraints. It pulsated in her hand as she pumped him. Alex groaned into her soft skin and nipped at her in retaliation, making her hiss with pleasure. She bit her lip as she watched him take over his cock and enter her aching folds. Alex let out an unrestrained moan as her warmth enveloped his throbbing member.
“Happy birthday, little birdie.” Olivia blinked as Sy appeared in front of her, smiling from under his cap. He was dressed in his combat fatigues, the vest making him look bigger than he already was. “Hangover?”
Olivia shook her head, warmth spreading over her chest as the vivid memories registered in her mind. “Just…uh, regular headache.” She smiled at her Captain. Her eyes lingered on his, mesmerized yet again by the intensely blue orbs looking back at her. She noticed the freckles on his nose and his lip and the changing shade of brown of his beard as it travelled down his neck.
“Maybe later we can have some chai while we watch the sunset?” Sy leaned against the metal body of the Humvee, one hand resting low on his hip.
Olivia tilted her head to the side and raised her eyebrow. “Sunset? You do realize I fly a chopper for a living? I’ve seen my fair share of sunsets and sunrises by now.”
“But you haven’t seen a sunset with me.” A smirk formed on Sy’s lips, challenging her for another excuse.
Olivia felt a flutter in the pit of her belly and her mouth opened as she was rendered speechless. She felt herself balancing over the same dangerously thin line again. In a weird sense, this didn’t feel the same for her like it was with Alex. With him she had felt a rush of becoming reckless, but with Sy she wanted to be cautious, mindful. When he had kissed her forehead last night and embraced her, she had never felt more safe in the world like she did in that moment.
“Okay.” She nodded, “Rooftop like last night?” Olivia suggested as her unit members began getting into the Humvees, ready to head out. Sy tipped his cap in confirmation before walking towards his own team and barking orders to mount up.
Out in the desert, Olivia spent the rest of her day interacting with the locals and listening to their problems. She was following Lieutenant Pepps's orders about sympathizing with the public, to ensure they get local support in the future. As she listened to a weeping woman complain about the scarcity of food, her mind drifted back to a memory with Alex.
“What changed, Liv?” Alex pulled at her wrist, turning her around to face him. Olivia yanked at his hold, trying to free herself from his grasp. “Don’t you love me anymore?”
“Alex,” She pleaded, closing her eyes to escape this conversation. She had spent time in Afghanistan and the things she’d seen had changed her. She had seen the fragile nature of life and understood it was useless to be wasting her precious years on someone she only cared about as a friend.
“Tell me, Liv.” His voice was laced with anger, his eyes burning with hatred. “Tell me you don’t love me so that I can remove myself from your life. Because I can’t be your friend, not after all this.” He let go of her hand, slumping his shoulders as his eyes misted with tears and he fell on his knees.
Liv felt the weight of her actions crumbling her down in front of him. She never intended to hurt him, but she couldn’t love him, at least not the way he wanted her to. The possibility of losing her friend forever made her emotions win over her determination to end things with him. “I’m sorry, Alex. I’ll do better. I’m so sorry.”
Olivia sighed as she watched the sun slowly drift towards the horizon casting an orange hue over the sky. She had never gathered the courage to break things with Alex again. He had tried labelling them in a relationship, but she had avoided the topic like the plague. Their arrangement worked as they were deployed to different locations which gave her time away from him, only forcing her to pretend when they were on leave together. She grasped the Saint Christopher medal lying against her chest in her hand and felt the consequences of her actions pricking at her heart.
“Hey,” Sy called out from the doorstep leading out on the roof. He had a canteen in one hand and two cups in another. Liv had walked up to the roof as soon as they had returned to base. The parked white truck had indicated that Sy was back too but since there still had been time until sunset, she had decided to wait out alone on the roof.
“Hey,” she cleared her throat, shaking her head to ward away thoughts about Alex. She smiled weakly at Sy and walked towards him.
Sy frowned with his eyebrows scrunching together. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Did Mahmoud make the chai for us?” She changed the subject, sitting on the pile of sandbags against a wall.
“No, I did.” Sy proudly informed as he took a seat beside her.
Olivia watched as Sy poured the steaming cardamom tea in the cups and handed one to her. She breathed in the aroma before taking a sip of the hot liquid. “Incredible. When did you learn to make chai?”
“Picked up the recipe over the years.” He shrugged his shoulders, but Olivia noticed his chest puff up with pride on getting complimented on his acquired skill. Sy turned to face towards the expanse of the desert beyond the compound, silently sipping his tea.
“Captain Syverson, man of many talents.” She said in a sing-song voice and leaned back against the wall, bringing her knees up to her chest and holding her cup with both her hands.
Liv watched as Sy chuckled, his shoulders shaking with his laughter. The hair of his beard over his upper lip glistened with steam caught in it, almost urging her to wipe her hand over his mouth.
“You are staring, little birdie.” He looked at her sideways, his lips curling at the corners.
Liv rolled her eyes, but her mouth twitched with a smile forming on them. “What’s with the nickname?”
“Well you fly the Little Bird, so that makes you little Birdie.”
She laughed as he finished his sentence, looking at him to see if he was joking. “How original, Sy.” She shook her head dismissively, but a fluttery feeling settled in her heart.
“Hey, I didn’t want to call you by the names everyone used.” He defended himself, feigning hurt dramatically by clutching his left pec over his heart.
Liv continued to laugh thinking about the silly reason behind the nickname, but adding it to the list of names she already had. They sat in silence, enjoying their tea as they watched the sun dipping down the horizon with every passing minute. The sky burst into a mixed palette of orange and purple, the clouds drifting away with the wind.
She felt Sy’s eyes on her as she sipped the remnants of tea from her cup. She bit her lip feeling mischievous and commented, “You’re staring, Captain.” She tilted her head to look at him, only to feel her breath hitch as she stared into his cerulean eyes. Sy had the softest look on his face, his smile barely visible from under the bush of his beard.
“What?” She asked, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
“Who’s Captain Coop?”
His question caught Olivia off-guard and she blinked several times to understand that Sy had indeed asked about Alex. “Wh-what?” She tried to not stumble over her words but Sy had left her stunned.
“Yesterday, they were teasing you with his name. I just thought I should ask.” Sy’s gaze never left her face, even when he placed his cup to the side along with hers and the empty canteen.
Liv let out a slow, ragged breath. The mention of Alex’s nickname had her heart racing, her mind going through a carousel of his memories. “He was our captain, before you. My men...they were just… fooling around.” She plucked a jute strand from the sandbag she was sitting on, avoiding Sy’s stare.
She felt him shift on the bag and when she peered, she noticed him coming to stand in front of her. Liv looked up at him as his body loomed over hers. He bent down so as his face was right in front of her.
“So, you’re saying, I don’t have to worry about another man in your life?” His voice was low, and his breath felt warm against her skin.
“N-no. Why?” She gulped as her throat became dry. She watched as Sy licked his lips wet and smiled at her.
“Because I am going to kiss you and I ain’t gonna kiss some other man’s girl.” Sy whispered and waited for her to answer. A slight nod of her head was all he needed as he brought his lips down on hers, placing a soft and gentle kiss over her desirous lips.
Liv closed her eyes as the feeling of his lips sent sparks down her spine. The coarse hairs of his beard grazed against her face as she moved her lips against his. Sy placed his hand over her cheeks as he moved his lips with hers, darting his tongue out seeking permission to enter. She grabbed a hold of his t-shirt and another at the nape of his neck and pulled him closer to her and opened her mouth slightly to grant him access.
The minutes felt like they stretched into hours as Sy’s tongue danced against hers. She could taste the faint taste of cardamom on his tongue and breathe in his musky scent as she willingly deprived herself of oxygen. Panting as their lungs struggled to take in air, Sy let go of her with a last pull on her bottom lip.
When Olivia opened her eyes, the sun had set beyond the horizon and darkness was falling over the desert. Sy let out a slow breath as he grazed his knuckles over her cheek. She felt herself leaning in his touch as her breathing came back to normal.
“Sunsets and kisses, aren’t you a romantic Syverson?” She teased, biting her lower lip between her teeth.
Sy chuckled. “Told you our first kiss would be memorable.” Sy shrugged his shoulders with a cheeky smile, before pulling Liv up for another breathtaking kiss.
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Chapter Six>
🌟 Series Masterlist 🌟
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resinatingbeauty · 3 years
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This gorgeous, one of a kind custom rune set was created for Chloe Elgar (channeledbychloe.com) as a birthday gift commissioned by her aunt, Ananda. For an extra special gift to her as we share a close birthday date, I made her a hand painted chest to store her runes in. As I had wanted to do something special with these wooden boxes I had been accumulating over the past few years.
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This handmade resin rune set features all of my various crystals combined with clear cast dried flowers, decals, and dark colored Spanish Moss to create the look that Chloe desired. She just sent me a video of her unboxing that made my night and I highly recommend checking out her Instagram and Website!
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As I continue to sell out and retire older designs moving through September, I have added this brand new Thermogenic set of Witch's Runes to my design staples in the shop! Titled 'Shadows', this variation of color changing witch's runes features a black, plum, lime green heat reactive color palette with a vibrant blue green glow effect for those looking for a darker style for their runes. Witch's Runes are generally easier to work with as it utilizes only 13 unique symbols that represent universally relatable archetypes.
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You can find this new design made to order in my shop's listings currently. As always, personalization and customization are an option and encouraged as I make each set individually per customer myself, which allows me to directly manifest whatever visions you may have.
Includes storage bag and reference sheet with care instructions on antique style scroll to conjure the experience of receiving something arcane and mystical. All sets are spiritually cleansed prior to shipping in discreet packaging. Only 5 available at any given time to allow me to keep up with demand and shipping estimates.
Many different pendulum and rune designs are still available for 30% off as retirees! Take a look, you may find something that calls to you. If not, I am happy to work with you to create something that does :)
Wishing all a wonderful weekend
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deathonholiday · 3 years
Mild nsfw
It was the prince's birthday. In celebration of him reaching adulthood, a play celebrating his birth and accomplishments was put on in his name.
Zagreus shifted in his seat. High above the others in his private theater box, he had the perfect view of those below. The curtains had yet to be pulled back from the stage and people were still finding their seats. So much for the hero showing late to his own party, he guessed.
"The play hasn't even started and you're already restless?" Thanatos slipped his hand into his prince's. His thumb caressed the back of his hand. It was a calming gesture and a gentle warning to behave.
Zagreus shot his consort a grin and moved to sit in front of the box on the railing. "Than, you know I have trouble sitting still. I think father putting on this play is his new way of torturing me."
"I believe it was Queen Persephone that commissioned this play because she missed your growth from a child to a man."
"Oh, well, then this is the best birthday gift ever." Zagreus climbed into Than's lap and straddled him. He draped his arms around the other's neck, his hands playing with the back of Than's hair. "Of course I expect your present to me to top the others."
Thanatos' hands fit oh-so-naturally  around the prince's waist. "Are you planning to give everyone a show?" he asked, not surprised if that were the case. Zag was known to be an exhibitionist.
"Maybe later. For now, I want you to myself." Zagreus reached over and pulled. The plush hangings on the side of the box swished closed.
It was suddenly darker, cozier, with only half the box still open toward the stage.
"Zagreus." He loved the way Thanatos said his name. The syllables that spilled from his lips tasted of fondness and infinite patience. but most of all, the way he dragged his name, meant it lingered on his tongue as if he was savoring him. "Your parents are in the box across from us. What if they see us? I don't think I can get aroused even if I wanted to."
Zagreus slid down Thanatos' body until he knelt between his consort's legs. Bright eyes looked up at him- brighter than it usually was in the dimly lit room. "Let me  take care of that for you."
From across the hall, the prince's consort could be seen sitting in their designated box. To others, they might wonder why he was alone. Where was the prince? But if anyone looked closely, barely the top of Zagreus' head could be seen above the railing. That was until Zagreus bent his head and licked the contour of Thanatos' cock through his trousers.
Thanatos quickly bit his lips to keep a moan from escaping. His hand flew to the top of Zagreus' head, to push him closer or to pull him away, not even he knew what he wanted.
"Look straight ahead," Zagreus ordered. He dragged Thanatos' zipper down with his teeth. "Enjoy the play for the both of us, Than. Smile. If you look worried, my parents might get suspicious."
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songzhong · 3 years
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💧🔶 @narvvhal​. 
Dearest Золотой,
I hope this letter finds you without much delay—I have heard that the waters surrounding Inazuma had only gotten more tumultuous and the thunderstorms had only gotten worse. My own subordinates have been unable to return to our homeland due to this.
Anyway, I wished to write you in advance of both holidays and your... special day. Birthday*? I found out while still in Liyue, and it's unfortunate I will not be able to make it there in time, given that my mission has been a little fruitless and any future movement from us remains unforeseen.
It's not much, but... As a gift, I've purchased an ukiyo-e commission for you. It's a traditional Inazuman art style that I found rather interesting, and that I hope it's to your liking! You will find the piece alongside this letter—a whole scroll of it. I have no talent for visual arts, but I did make sure the artist had put the most of their own talent on it. You might recognize the scene and the occasion! It was inspired by a picture I took myself, during a special event happening in the city.
I know you love your Liyue and your people, so I figured I would give you something that has both things. After reading so many times about your achievements and the way you founded the harbor, I had a spark of inspiration come to me... I hope I hit the mark, otherwise I'll have to work harder next time to woo you with my perceptive gifting!
... I love you. It's quite hard not to miss you. But I promise it has done nothing to deter me from my duties. On the contrary, thinking about having enough free time to pay you a visit makes me work harder. It's not unlike the way my family inspired me to succeed in my tasks in Liyue, really. Haha!
I know for a timeless deity, another year of life must not mean a lot. But I still do hope it's a good one. It is your first birthday celebrated as a normal human man though, is it not?
Forever yours, your 心肝.
(I have been practicing my Liyuean a lot just to write that.)
Postdata: *Do you usually celebrate your birthday? Is it its exact date, or one you have been appointed to? You're confusing. (I love it, though.)
Inside a package tied next to the letter, there's a piece of parchment depicting Liyue Harbor, viewed from a distance, thick inking depicting every single detail even in an unrealistic degree, typical to the style at hand. Even the waves beneath the city were particularly stylized. There seemed to be small dots—xiao lanterns?—floating away from the city along the sky, a big moon pictured in the distance of the seemingly colorless yet clearly nightly scene.
It was a really pretty depiction of the Harbor during the celebrations of the Lantern Festival, despite the simplicity of the coloring and the lines.
On a blank space where the mountain blended with the border of the painting, there was a small doodle of a face with an elongated ahoge, sticking his tongue out. Under it, was a scribbled "Love you!". A very childish addition from an otherwise professional art piece.
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Dear Ajax,
To answer your question, this day was chosen as it matched the time of the season when I gained my sense of self. Unlike our former Archon in Liyue, I do have a date of birth ~.
I received your present safely. Thank you very much. It is quite lovely and original at that. I find it to be quite a fine pick fitting my tastes... the thought of how well you know me despite having spent less than a year at my side warms my heart. Although your affection is the best gift of all, I’d be lying if I were to say that obtaining unique items of quality is not something I am fond of... especially from you. I shall cherish this for as long as I can : I ordered a proper glass frame to put it on display in my office.
I do think you are selling yourself short by saying it is not much. Where is all that bolstering confidence you are so well known for ~ ?
As proud as I am that you’re still practicing my home’s language, I hope you are not doing so out of obligation ; I would never think less of you for not learning a whole new tongue. However, I must say, this is nothing short of adorable. You only grow more and more charming as time goes by, even when we are apart. How, pray tell, are you able to do that ~ ?
Every journey has its end, don’t rush. My body and heart belongs to you, yet I do not wish for you to hasten your travels too much because of me. Focus on your enrichment during your adventures... or is the longing and love you carry an essential part of your motivation ? How odd. You never cease to amaze me. At the very least, do not worry about me : I will be here, waiting for each of our reunions, and make the most of them before you are off on another quest.
Pray do think of your family more than me. I will be fine. You do not have to take care of me. I appreciate you sending a gift for my birthday, but please do not think those as necessary either : after all, our direct diplomatic exchanges have ended for the moment. As much as I do not mind the Northern Bank spending locally, I do not wish for my luxuries to be spent with your personal profit on something other than yourself or your relatives.
I apologize if my letter is not as enthusiastically romantic as yours... as much as my feelings echo the same as yours, I am afraid that matters of the heart are still rather new to me. I shall make up for it next time we meet.
Yours, 钟离
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swimyghost · 3 years
Snazz's Birthday Bash
TODAY IS @holyfandomsnazz 's birthday today! EVERYONE WISH THEM A HAPPY B-DAY!
@self-insert-nonsense @wickedhellagoodtime ARE HERE TOO!
The heat was getting to everyone. Even though the region was known for its cooler summers compared to the rest of the country, the wave of moist warmth was ruining the entire Roomies' day.
"Swimy," Snazz said, their blonde hair frazzled and covering their weary eyes, "did you pay the goddamn rent for the electric bill?"
"Unfortunately, until I get my ID, I'm still a minor in the eyes of the law," the recently made adult replied, pulling their blue hair away from their sweat covered brow, "so, no, I didn't pay the fucking electrical bill,"
"Well, couldn't you have gotten your ID earlier!?" Snazz shouted.
"I wasn't eighteen until three days ago, genius!" Swimy fired back.
Formerly lounging on the couch, the pair were now locked in a fierce glaring match with both of them looking like they were ready to fight each other.
"You're the adult here, why didn't you pay!?" Swimy yelled.
"Because I haven't been paid yet!"
"Neither have I!"
A pink-haired figure stepped out into the living room with a tired, yet annoyed, look on their face. In her hand was a paper bag with the name 'SIN' scrawled on the forehead which was dotted with sweat stains. Their floral patterned shirt was just as ruffled as Swimy's hoodie and Snazz's gray shirt. Putting both hands on their hips, the eldest member of the roommates frowned at the duo.
"Do you want us to get another noise complaint?"
"No," Snazz grumbled, leaning back into the couch.
"But Dawn-" Swimy started.
"No buts!" Dawn interrupted, "it's already hard enough to find a four-bedroom apartment in our price range, I don't need you guys making it harder,"
Snazz raised their hand, "Technically my room is a former closet,"
Dawn turned their gaze away, clearly embarrassed, "It still counts,"
"Why can't we just ask your boy toy to help us out?" Swimy questioned.
"Karamatsu is just as much in a financial struggle as us and you know that," Dawn said with an even deeper frown.
"What's the point of a man if you can't even get him to pay your rent?" Snazz muttered.
All three went silent for a few moments before Dawn sighed, "I get my Patreon money at midnight. When is the latest we can pay?"
"The sixteenth," Swimy replied.
"And what day is it today?"
"The fourteenth,"
"Okay, so tomorrow I need to-"
"Oh shit really?" Snazz said, their eyes wide.
Both Swimy and Dawn blinked in confusion. "Is that a problem?" Dawn asked.
"No, no, it's not that," the blonde waved their hand nonchalantly, "I just... Well... It's my birthday tomorrow,"
"What?!" Swimy exclaimed, "I didn't know your birthday was in the same month as mine!"
"I- We're siblings how did you forget!?" Snazz said with their nose scrunched up.
"You know I'm bad with dates!"
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Dawn asked, ignoring Swimy's outburst.
"Hey, I forgot it myself," Snazz raised their hands defensively, "besides... It's not like we celebrated it much anyway,"
The oldest and youngest of the Roomie siblings glanced awkwardly at each other as an uncomfortable silence fell over the group. Several moments passed before Snazz stood up with a grunt. "I got commissions to finish. I'll pay the rent with that next time. Later,"
Dawn reached out to grab hold of their sibling, but they managed to dodge their grasp and entered their room swiftly, closing it with a soft thud. While the apartment was dead still, Dawn and Swimy rushed over to one another and began talking in hushed tones.
"How could you forgot Snazz's birthday!?" the pink-haired singer whispered angrily.
"You forgot it too, don't you try and deny it!" Swimy countered back in an equally low voice.
"Well... Did you get them a present?" Dawn asked anxiously.
"I forgot that Snazz's birthday was even this month, did you really think I'd get them a gift?!"
"Well, I don't have anything either!"
The two sighed, but their emotions were still running high. They had under twenty-four hours to purchase a gift for their sibling with the little amount of money all of them had, all while a desert-like heat filled the region in its unbearable cloud of misery.
"Alright, get your shoes on and try to get Sam out of their room," Dawn ordered, referencing their other sibling.
"What for?" Swimy asked, already reaching for their shoes near the old front door.
"Because we need to go out and get Snazz a gift before it's too late! They already probably think we're a bad sibling so we need to hurry and get something they like!" Dawn explained.
"Alright, alright, keep your voice down!" Swimy hissed, glancing over at Snazz's room.
Dawn nodded and began putting on her shoes while Swimy rushed over to the third oldest Roomie sibling. They grimaced at the yellowing paint on the walls as they swiftly knocked on the door.
"Sam. Sam! I know you're in there and we need you!" the blue-haired teen begged.
"...Go away," a muffled voice stated tiredly.
"Sam, we forgot about Snazz's birthday! All of us need to go find a gift for them!"
"...I'll search online for something. I'll Venmo you some money,"
"Ugh! Why won't you just come out!?"
"...Too hot. Too bright,"
"...That's fair,"
"What did they say?" Dawn asked, all ready to go. Swimy walked over to them with a huff.
"They said they'll look online for something," Swimy complained.
"Let me guess, it's too hot for them?" Dawn guessed.
"Well," the eldest sister sighed, "we don't have time to argue. We have a birthday to save!"
"Alright! Let's do it!"
"We're not going to be able to do it!"
Dawn looked down at the completely worn-out Swimy, watching as sweat rained down off their body onto the asphalt road as they were uncomfortably hunched over. Their blue hoodie was completely ruined hours earlier and had been tied around their waist in a desperate amount to stay cool, revealing a Mothman T-shirt underneath the read "Eat. Sleep. Lurk.".
"C'mon, one more store," Dawn said with exhaustion seeping into her voice. Her floral pattern blouse and her skirt were completely soaked in sweat and her skin was beet red. Still, determination held strong in her green eyes as she tried to pull her sibling up.
"No! No more stores! We've been into too many stores!" Swimy whined, resisting their sister's efforts.
"We need to find a birthday present!" Dawn argued.
"And I need to find a new therapist but you don't see me spending nearly four hours walking in unbearable heat to find one!" Swimy growled, motioning towards the setting sun, "besides, I think Snazz is starting to think our "double date" excuse is a little suspicious,"
Dawn sighed, "I know... But we need to prove we care about them. Just one gift will be enough,"
Swimy's eyes darted to the side, "I care too... But don't you think that maybe I caused Snazz's forgetfulness? That I'm the one to blame?"
"I mean," Swimy looked uncomfortable, "I was the youngest and born literally four days before their birthday. Snazz's birthday has always been overshadowed by me, the "baby" of the family,"
"What if... What if I'm the reason Snazz forgot? That I've been a terrible sibling this whole time and I've been blissfully unaware? That I've been able to happily celebrate my birth while they've been forgotten,"
Dawn, nothing tears welling up in their eyes, pulled Swimy close, "Don't talk like that. I doubt Snazz blames you for your birthday or the fact we never celebrated theirs as much as kids. If anything, they should blame Mom and Dad for that. You have nothing to do with this,"
"But... We if they do blame me?"
"Then we have to show Snazz the perfect gift!" Dawn gave her young sibling a tight squeeze, "What do you say? One more store?"
"...Yeah, one more," Swimy looked up concerned, "but how are we going to find one that-"
Suddenly, Swimy's phone went off with a loud buzz. Startled, the pair broke apart while Swimy awkwardly fumbled around with it. There was a single text sent by Sam:
I'm making a pie. I also found something Snazz will most definitely like.
Attached was an address to a nearby store. Sin blinked in surprise after she looked it up.
"It's a weird occult and true crime store. What does this have to do with a birthday present?"
"Who cares!?" Swimy proclaimed with a big grin, "we have a lead! And you said we needed to look in one more store!"
Dawn, still looking unconvinced, simply nodded, "If you say so,"
With that, the pair took off, ignoring the shouts and glares of passerby's. Dawn and Swimy managed to weave their way through tight alleys and crowds with ease with their newfound energy. It wasn't long before the two were situated outside a dark-colored store with black tinted windows. Crystals and occult symbols were carefully hung visibly through the glass. While Swimy appeared eager, Dawn seemed less than sure.
"You okay?" Swimy asked.
"Yeah just... It's creepy," Dawn shivered.
"...I'm married to Death's ferrywoman, Dawn," Swimy lifted their hand, showing off their black and silver wedding ring.
"That's different!"
"It really isn't,"
"Fuck off!" the pink-haired girl shoved Swimy into the store.
Inside was surprisingly bright which went against the darkness of the clothes, books, and crystals. The wood made a hollow thud with every step. Shelves were spaced in rows that carried various occult items. Walls were lined by clothes and posters containing demons or hard-core metal bands to-
"Is that Al Capone?" Dawn pointed at a poster.
"Yeah... And that's Haurkichi Yamaguchi," Swimy motioned to another poster, referencing the creator and former head of the Yamaguchi-gumi yakuza organization.
The Roomies siblings turned and, across the store, was a teenaged Japanese cashier. She had a combination of boredom and exasperation as she parted her black hair from her eyes. "Welcome to Crimes and the Concealed, a true crime and occult experience where there is something for everyone," she waved her hands less than amused for a supposed to be dramatic effect.
"Uh... Thanks," Dawn replied, nudging Swimy forward.
"If you buy one poster, the other is 15% off,"
"Thank you! But we're looking for something else!" Dawn hastily shoved Swimy into the back of the store, away from the prying eyes of the cashier, who seemed equally glad not to deal with them.
"That was rude," Swimy glared
"Sorry! This whole shop gives me the creeps," Dawn whined.
"I'm never taking you on a double date to the Underworld," Swimy muttered, blissfully unaware of the sound of the store door opening.
The siblings went looking for something buy, pouring over the many candles and strange objects as the setting sun remained a looming reminder of their limited time. After looking at the fifteenth crystal necklace, Dawn was about to give up when Swimy let out a gasp. Dawn instantly turned and was stunned to see what was hanging in the corner of the store.
Body pillows. Over a dozen body pillows of famous gangsters and criminals from Billy the Kid to Calogero Vizzini to Pablo Escobar, the rather morbid idea of placing known men that went outside the law for their evil deeds in alluring poses made the two shiver. But the one that caught their eye was the lone female in the mix. Long lavender hair matched her dazzling amber eyes. She donned a pirate outfit with a black corset that complimented her figure. Black boots with gold accents that reached to her knees, similar to how her all-knowing smirk reached across her face.
Dawn reached out and touched the pillow, "That's... Snazz's girlfr-"
Suddenly, two large men shoved past the Roomie siblings. One had thick-rimmed and lens glasses with a greasy ponytail and sweat and grease-stained shirt that showed a bunch of underage anime girls in tight clothing and the other looked similar but had shorter black hair with glasses that blocked out his eyes and was slightly skinnier than his friend but still wore questionable attire.
"Oh my dear waifu, how I've looked for you for so long!" the ponytail man wailed, almost crying on the pillow.
"Hey! We had our hand on it first!" Swimy said, shoving past their older sister and glaring at the men.
"Eh!? What would two normies want with this?!" the smaller of the two gasped, his green jacket fluttering with the sudden movement showing that he had two anime girls sitting on their knees with one only wearing an open suit and fedora and the other an Italian suit with a cigar in her mouth.
"Did you use normies unironically?" Swimy muttered with disgust.
"You two don't get it clearly!" the larger man snorted, "If you were real fans of Chibi Wakai Gyangu No On'nanoko, you'd understand how rare this pillow this is!"
"Chibi Young Gangster Girls?" Dawn repeated the title, confused.
Both men turned their attention to Dawn. The ponytail man spoke first, "It's an anime where all the famous gangsters are turned into cute little girls! But the modern-day pirate mob boss can't be added because she keeps targeting the animation studio anytime they try!"
"I wonder why?" Swimy rolled their eyes.
"Quiet pipsqueak!" The jacketed man yelled.
"Easy, Kurai," the larger man leaned into Swimy's personal space, "those this one look like Al Capone-chan?"
Kurai blinked then let out a small smile, "She does, Terro! All she has to do is change her hair and-"
"It's 'they' and you stay away from my sibling!" Dawn shouted, pulling Swimy behind them.
"Shut up, pinkie! You have no right to judge since you're cosplaying that Sin idol!" Terro shouted.
"Their boobs are clearly fake! They're such a fake cosplayer she can't even get her most noticeable features!" Kurai pointed out.
Dawn gasped and wrapped her arms around her chest. Swimy leaped forward and practically hissed at the two, "We're taking that pillow and you're going to leave us alone, or else!"
Terro sneered, "Or else what?"
With the snap of their fingers, a bright blue beam of blue particles swirled around Terro's head. He tried to swat them away, but the blue solidified and turned into a dense water bubble around his head that spun like a cyclone. He tried to scream but inhaled a bunch of water instead. Kurai immediately went on the defense and tried the grab hold of Swimy. Dawn, realizing that talking wouldn't be successful here, stepped aside as Swimy leaped backward and willed her hand into a fiery blaze. With a primal scream, she slapped him full force, sending both him and his glasses flying in opposite directions. A bright red handprint was left on his face. A sudden gasp alerted the siblings that the water bubble had burst. Before they could react, Terro was on top of Swimy and trying to hold them down.
"You crazy bitch!" He screamed, trying to land a hit on the smaller person.
Swimy used their free leg to deliver a swift kick to the stomach before headbutting him off them. He groaned in pain and rolled onto his side. Dawn took this opportunity to light her foot ablaze and slam it down right onto his crotch. He howled in pain as his pants and his manhood were burned by the attack.
"Get the Hell out of here before we do worse!" Dawn ordered, readying their fists with Swimy following close behind.
Whimpering, the two took off running, leaving behind Kurai's set of glasses and several clothes that had fallen during the scuffle. Tired, Swimy grabbed hold of the body pillow and trudged towards the register. The cashier trembled as they set it down.
"W-Will that be all?" she stuttered.
"Yeah," Swimy replied bluntly.
The cashier nodded and quickly rung up the pillow. She practically shoved the item into Swimy's arms and nearly dove under the counter. Dawn rested a weary hand on Swimy and sighed.
"C'mon, let's get out of here before the cops arrive. We have a birthday to save,"
All Snazz wanted to do was sleep. Not only had they remembered that their birthday was a thing but they had spent the whole night trying to finish commissions in an attempt to forget it again. Even though their body was worn out, their mind was rushing with memories of all the birthdays that were forgotten of the years.
It's like they never cared Snazz thought.
They rolled onto their side for the hundredth time that night, trying to force sleep to come. What they didn't expect was their door to suddenly slam open and a large weight crashing onto their side.
"Oof! What the fuck-!"
"Wake up, sleepyhead! Time to have the best day you've ever had!"
"...Swimy?" Snazz looked up, seeing the smiling face of their youngest sibling looking down on them. They had thick eyebags that hung from under their eyes that balanced out their high amounts of enthusiasm radiating off them.
"Do you know another blue-haired bitch that's related to you? Now come on before I drag you out!" Swimy exclaimed, pulling on Snazz's shirt sleeve.
"I'm still I'm my pajamas and I haven't even showered!" Snazz argued, trying to resist their pulling.
"You also haven't cleaned your room in two weeks but you aren't worried about that!"
"Fuck you!"
"Fuck yourself!"
With the help of both their powers and natural strength, Swimy managed to help drag Snazz out of their bed and made them cover their eyes.
"This is stupid," Snazz grumbled.
"You're stupid but I love you anyway. To the kitchen!" Swimy shoved Snazz forward.
After several near attempts of Snazz crashing into a wall and one toe snubbing, they made it to the kitchen with Snazz less than amused.
"This better be good,"
"It is! Now... Open!"
Snazz did so and gasped. Not only was their favorite pie, chocolate coconut perfectly sat on their rickety table, but a large wrapped present was sitting beside it. Snazz and Sam, wearing their infamous multi-colored gradient mask, stood there with birthday poppers and wide grins.
"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SNAZZ!" all three siblings shouted, pulling the poppers and sending cheap confetti everywhere. Instead of being excited, Snazz stood there motionless with a blank expression. After a brief pause, Sam leaned over and whispered into Swimy's ear.
"What did you do?"
"I didn't do anything!" Swimy whispered back.
"Swimy," Sin said sternly.
"I didn't! Honest!"
Sam crossed their arms, "Well why are they-"
Wails exploded from Snazz as fat tears ran down their face. Immediately, all of their siblings rushed over and began to comfort them.
"Is it the pie? Is the pie not good enough?" Swimy asked nervously.
"I made that fucker by hand! It's perfect!" Sam yelled.
"Well if I have to be blamed for something so do you!" Swimy yelled back.
"Was it the poppers? God, I knew they were a bad idea!" Dawn nearly pulled their hair due to stress.
"You wanna go?" Sam snarled.
"Yeah, let's go!" their blue-haired sibling smirked, readying their fists.
Snazz grabbed all three of them and pulled them into a tight hug pile on the floor. Still crying, they managed to choke out a few words.
"I-I'm so happy! Y-You did a-all of this fo-for me!"
"Of course we did! We love you Snazz!" Dawn said, flinching as Snazz began to cry harder.
"C'mon, open the gift!" Swimy said, pulling the present down to the group.
Snazz didn't hesitant into tearing it open. They gasped in shock when they saw what it was.
"Is this my girlfriend? On a... Body pillow?"
"Don't ask how we got her," Dawn butted in.
"Don't. Ask."
"I- Alright. Thank you. It's a lovely gift," Snazz said, setting it aside.
"Let's eat the damn pie already. I spent all night working on it so let's put it to good use," Sam said, standing up.
"I'll get the plates!" Sin called over her shoulder.
"Lemme get the forks and knives!" Swimy started to rush over to the drawers.
While the three started to gather everything for their meal, Snazz watched them fondly. They grabbed ahold of their new gift and squeezed it tightly.
Whatever being rules this hell of a universe... Thank you for my siblings... And thank you for this birthday.
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