#i plan on writing up or compiling info for a big post eventually too
hiphopcherrrypop · 9 months
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BTW HEYY…. i been working on/thinking abt something, if anyone to send asks + i will soo happily answer them :33
it’s like. think i stole ninjago characters and make them into my ocs… i’ve been calling it hs au in my mind but thats not very accurateeee it’s less of a hs au more of like. characters loosely based on ninjago ?! and most of that is just my designs for them + then kind of relationships
if u wanna ask about specific characters u can just use ninjago names LOL bc i’ve just been calling them all their original names for now but will probably oc-ify them more + rename them eventually
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einsatzzz · 5 months
Profile Info + Project KHRe(:born!!!)
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Hello! You can call me Ein. I'm an artist who's trying to improve my drawings and to manifest the visions in my brain. I also love OCs very much, whether it's mine or others' OCs. For more information, you can refer to my About page. Feel free to send an ask too if you want!
Blog’s Current Status: Active (can be inactive on weekdays)
OC Profiles (Oniyanagi Wiki)
Kurumi (Wiki Page ⬗ Character Tag)
Kana (Wiki Page ⬗ Character Tag)
KHRe Webcomic
Status: Planning/Writing/Organizing Assets & Refs Target Release Date: October-November 2024 (On-track)
Main Tags
#einart - Art posts on Tumblr since 2022.
#queue i can't put into words - Queued posts. I will occasionally remove this tag from older posts.
#khre - Posts related to KHRe:born's universe and related AUs.
↳ #khr oc - Posts related to KHR Original Characters, both mine and others.
↳ #khre oshiete - Posts related to KHRe OC asks answered under a "Oshiete Yuipachi-sensei" crack segment.
Project KHRe(:born!!!)
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@amiahoshi (Sou) and I decided to call the project "Katekyo Hitman Re:born!!!"*. We call it either Re:born!!! or KHRe for short. This is my main brainworm cultivating mega-project that has several sub-projects under it (including the webcomic). Anyway, read below for more details on this project!
*Note: Inspired from T/oky/o Gh/oul's title, where it had "T/G:re". And it really just emphasizes the "Re" in "Reborn", meaning "again, do over" - mainly since it's a retelling. MOST importantly...it's very easy to remember for me and my goldfish brain.
So far, the major ambitious projects I have under this are as follows:
Oniyanagi Wiki
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This is a wiki site I made in Miraheze and I have already set it to public, so you can visit it through this link (or the one I linked above in the OC Profile section).
All characters/items/stories information related to KHRe is planned to be compiled here bit by bit, including certain canon characters (due to the inevitable canon divergence).
I learned a lot from making this wiki.
KHRe Webcomic
A webcomic that features KHRe's story. KHRe is sort of a similar universe to canon, but not exactly the same. There will be additional characters, which are our OCs, then there will also be modifications/additions to the story/lore as well (e.g. certain arcs/chapters will be rearranged, certain events will happen earlier).
Tsuna retains his protagonist role in KHRe as well (I'm so fond of him, my 2nd fave...), but he will also be joined in this role by the twin bosses from Oniyanagi, Kana and Kurumi.
Oniyanagi's full 10th Generation line-up can be found here.
Just like canon, it starts with Daily Life Arc. I will draw chapters for as far as I can get into the story. One of my main goals in making this webcomic (besides being able to draw both KHR and OC art at the same time) is to improve my art.
Into the Looking Glass
This is a Horror RPGMaker game that features a prequel story for KHRe through Kurumi's childhood (around 8-9 years old). Long story short, it does follow the classic formula of a kid exploring a scary place by themselves.
The title is very much still subject to change, but I referenced Alice in Wonderland for it. Because it's Baby Kurumi (Alice) stumbling in an otherworldly place (Wonderland) and the events that take place moving forward changes her life.
This will take a very long time to complete, but I wanna finish it eventually because I'm also a big fan of Horror RPGMaker games and I've always wanted to make one.
KHRe Test Game (no title yet)
Yes...that's right. I'm editing this now after three months and still no title. 👍
This will be a very short RPGMaker Game with Tsuna as MC and it's definitely less ambitious than the previous two listed here. This is just me testing and learning the features of RPGMaker before I go do more work for Into the Looking Glass.
The game is just about Tsuna being invited to the Ninomiya Estate by Kurumi and he has a very "fun" time there 😂👍✨ (just like a normal Daily Life Arc episode~). It won't be horror, but maybe for Tsuna it will be 😀.
Other Projects
As for other projects that are even more less ambitious and more doable in a shorter time, I do have MV Projects for KHRe plus a few shorts (like this one) I plan on drawing them in. I listed my priorities here (along with the major projects I mentioned) and will try to update when I can (at least monthly).
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That's all for now! THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK! Any questions are always welcome and very very appreciated! 👀✨I really just love talking about this series, OCs and my projects. I will also continue to update this pinned post as I figure out my projects more.
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prorevenge · 6 years
Boy meets girl
I often pressed V for information on how she earned income but she would give conflicting answers about grants and scholarships until one day.... About 6 months after our first meeting, she finally tells me and IT. IS. NOT. GOOD. I was interviewing at a professional school when I receive the call, she's in trouble, BIG TROUBLE, and needs my help. She tells me she earns money by doing others' assignments for them. $200 to write a paper and $800 to complete an online class, usually a 100 level introductory course. She describes the method she uses to circumvent the ITs detection of others completing others assignment and how her client wasn't doing his part to copy/paste and submit from his own computer. He is failing the course and blames her. He threatens to turn her in. Her plan is to refund his money and wants me to 'follow him to see if he goes somewhere alone and take his phone' because that has all the evidence of their communications. HOLY SHIT! SHE WANTS ME TO COMMIT STRONG ARMED ROBBERY, a FELONY for her! I'm not going down for this or with her and I know nobody would believe me. ENTER: military experience - if there's no record, it didn't happen. So, I agree to help her, somehow, as soon as I return to town. I go to V's dorm the next night and she shows me EVERYTHING. Her list of clients, their blackboard passwords, how she meets them, how she defends them during honor code violations, etc. So I tell her not to worry, I'll handle everything on the day she refunds his money. Relieved, she goes to bed but before she lays down I ask to use her computer for on assignment and she says "sure do whatever you want". In my state, if you let someone use your electronics, its called "having privilege" and anything you do with their computer which may harm them is legal as if it your own computer. So, I took screenshots of her conversations with her clients, I open google settings and screenshot all the blackboard users and passwords stored on her computer. I go to her messenger and screenshot their conversations. Back home, I compiled our recordings and saved our facebook conversations. A week later, I made up an argument about an upcoming New Years Party and broke up with her. Then sat on the information I had on hand for 2 more weeks thinking about what I should do.
I remembered how she has a history of arrests from high school to freshman year for stealing from outlet malls and selling their loot online. Never formally charged. She, of course, omitted this from her application into professional school. How she admitted "finding a mark" and using them to pass her courses. How she denigrated others who were completing courses through hard work. How she used her position as honor council to get her friends out of trouble while helping to expel others for doing exactly what she was doing. How she cheated on me multiple times, used me, manipulated me, tried to make me commit a felony and ruin my life. SHE HAD TO BE STOPPED.
Knowing she was friends with the faculty on the honor council, they often bought each other gifts, I had to go above their heads. I gave names and descriptions of the events to my program director. He then goes to the honor council, anyway. I was called into the honor council's head office of "Corrupt Administrator" CA. CA tells me I should delete the information I have because it could become a civil matter and I should consider my "self preservation." She schedules another meeting with me a week later. I return and she asks if I want to make a statement about V. Guess what I said, I tell her "no, I deleted everything and I don't remember" because I was in the military and I know how to 'play ball' when superiors tell you to shut your mouth. But the most important reason I decided to not file against V directly was due to the fact I was applying for a military scholarship to pay for professional school. Since I did not follow through, the program director filed an honor code violation complaint against V on a date [suggested by CA]. A month later they tell me their investigation was inconclusive and they will close the case due to the director waiting 1 day too long to file according to the school's academic policy. CA set us up! However, since the director used my name as a source, they must notify V because students have rights to know their accusers. FUCK.MY.LIFE. CA fucked me and ruined any chance for a case against V based on a technicality. Now I fear for my safety because V tried to get me to strong arm rob someone now I just implicated a dozen cheaters who have as much as her to lose. CA schedules a meeting with V and tell her about an ongoing investigation and tells her she will be kept up-to-date. I know the investigation is over and now they are just doing formalities. V requests the information of the investigation and they promise to email it to her. V calls me for support even though we aren't together. She is crying and talking about killing herself. She tells me her dad had been paying for her college this whole time and starts coming clean with other lies. I feel bad and almost regret everything. Maybe she is not a sociopath, maybe she is really sorry. She stays at my house the next few days, I'm watching her trying to keep it together. THEN HER FUCKING CLIENTS START COMING TO MY HOUSE. She is still doing their assignments! She NEVER LEARNS!
Finally she gets the investigation info and there's my name. She calls me 130 times in 3 days, sends her friends to my classes to tell me to come to her house, finally I do. But I don't go into her room because she will trap me. She takes my phone so I can't record. She tries to get me to sign a paper saying I fabricated everything and its all false. I tell V, "They already closed the investigation, you wont get in any trouble why should I implicate myself and get in trouble? It wont solve anything!" And she pleads, "Do you still love me?" I shake my head and walk out. Two days later, police are waiting at my house to serve a 72 hour emergency protective order (EPO) commanding me to stay away from V. I know what she is up to. She is trying to get me to violate the protective order, discredit me, and send me to jail. Its very easy to lie to create one and lie to say it was violated.
Here's the plot twist: I never really deleted the files as I told CA. TYVM, Google drive.
After the 72 hours EPO expired, another EPO arrives which lasts two years but requires a court appearance. This is a huge problem because I am in the US Army reserves and it requires the handling of firearms which is illegal under an EPO. Her lawyer calls me and threatens me not to "participate in anymore investigations against her" and sends a paper tiger. I get a lawyer, lets name him "Folds like a lawn chair". He tells me "who will they believe: a pretty girl or you?" I fire him. Get a better lawyer, a trial lawyer, called "Miss Badass Esq." and prepare for war. Miss Badass requests a copy of V's EPO from the court. It essentially says I was blackmailing her, threatening to beat her up, and I broke into her room to steal incriminating information against her. All lies. I provide my lawyer the entire history of our relationship: 600 pages of facebook and text messages showing she is the aggressor, the abuser, in the relationship, phone call history, all the recordings and screenshots of her cheating ring. I make a poster sized chart of her room and the events that transpire there the day in question when she tried to trap me into signing a statement taking responsibility for her actions.
Courtdate: We made V and her lawyer look REALLY stupid. They were going with the 'pretty girl' strategy. But the dorm gave us records showing she was signing me in and out of her room, so it discredits the need to break in. The call logs: 130 times in 3 days and aggressive texts showed she wasn't actually afraid of me adn it was her, not me, being aggressive. And when he asked what I had to use to blackmail her, her lawyer said "just some tutoring papers" for which the judge said, "that doesn't sound like anything wrong. What power did that give him over you?" They had no response. My turn to speak, I explain how she tried to get me to rob a guy, how she wanted me to write a letter to take the blame, how she used her position as honor council chair to break state law and violate academic policy. And summarized we were only there because she wanted revenge on me. I watched V and her lawyer stutter and squirm uncomfortably under the judges questioning, case dismissed.
All that information I gathered to defend myself was not going to go to waste. I took it to a newly hired honor council investigator called "Meg" who had no affiliation with V. I told her what CA had done to defend V. A week later, I was told the by Meg there had been a meeting with the school police, the provost, their legal team, then the provost himself decided filed a complaint against V. I had to meet with the police to file a statement about V trying to recruit me to rob someone but other than that I was out of the loop. I later learned the results: V lost her her slot at that school's professional program, her program director yelled at her at the top of his lungs, "YOU WILL NEVER GO TO ********* SCHOOL, I KNOW ADMISSIONS AND I WILL SEE TO IT", she got expelled, her TWO degrees (biomedical engineering and biology with a minor in chemistry) were withheld for 6 years and her transcripts would carry a permanent mention of an honor code violation, her clients who graduated had their degrees retracted with similar mentions on their transcripts, and current clients were also expelled. The school changed its policy on reporting date requirements to like 60 or 90 days. Me? I am in professional school. V had her chance to get away with all of this until she tried to get revenge on me. I reduced this super villain from owning a fleet of beta male minions, being the most connected person in the university, and having a lucrative future in ripping people off in the medical industry to the last time I saw her: riding a fucking scooter.
(source) story by (/u/Apophis1942)
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distant-rose · 7 years
Happy weekend. I saw your pirate info - was that for fun or because you were procrastinating for some reason? Big plans for the rest of the weekend? I was looking over your follower list. I find it interesting that only 2-3 of them were known to me. It’s interesting how big it is. How long have you been around here? And why did you join? What are some pluses and minuses that you find on here? -springformal pal
Happy weekend to you too.
Was writing the Pirate Masterpost that for fun or because you were procrastinating for some reason?
Ummmmm….It was more to be helpful? A few friends in a Discord chat needed some information on pirates for fic writing and I had a lot of notes on pirates in my Notes app on Mac for fic writing and I decided to compile it so people could use it and have an easier time writing their fics. I sent them a PDF but I decided to make a masterpost on here because I thought it would be a nice thing to do. 
Granted, I am slightly procrastinating. I really want to put up the last chapter of small multi chapter sometime tonight or tomorrow. We will see if it works out. 
Big plans for the rest of the weekend?
Ahahahahahahah, no. Aside from fic writing and watching Jessica Jones with my fiancé, I have no plans. I have a bit of a heavy cough going so I’m trying to put my health above everything for once. In the past month, I’ve been trying to be more health conscious and part of that is giving myself some TLC when needed.
Looking over your follower list. I find it interesting that only 2-3 of them were known to me. It’s interesting how big it is. 
The list of people I follow or the list of people following me? I think you can only see the people I follow on mobile. Regardless, I wouldn’t necessarily say either is a long list. I follow exactly 140 people and 237 people follow me, which roughly half the amount of followers I had on the old blog before crazy shit happened…I won’t go into the details on that.
I think it is super unfortunate that you only knew 2-3 people on either list because there is so many fantastic people in the CS fandom and I have the pleasure of getting to know some of them, which blows my mind everyday. I do have a lot of beloved mutuals that I’m gonna shamelessly promote to you right now because if you don’t know them then you should. Like these people are my ride-or-dies, would or have met in real life, would send care packages to, trust them with my home address kinda people and I think they’re just absolutely wonderful - @welllpthisishappening, @katie-dub, @1handedpiratewithadrinkingprob, @awkwardnessandbaseball, @forestiyari, @justanotherwannabeclassic, @imhookedonaswan, @once-uponacaptain, @the-reason-to-sail-home, @hencethebravery, @peglegsjones, @shireness-says, @optomisticgirl, @stubble-sandwich, @wingedlioness, @winterbythesea and @lenfaz.  I also had have had the fortunate experience to chat with these four ladies and I will stan/promote them shamelessly for the end of time and if you don’t follow them, I personally think you are making a grave, grave mistake - @initiala, @bleebug, @wellhellotragic and @cat-sophia. 
How long have you been around here?
On tumblr? I originally joined tumblr in 2012 but deleted that in 2016 because I felt that tumblr was a distraction I didn’t need in my life if I wanted to focus on grad school. That lasted like….8 months, maybe a year and I decided to make a new blog and start afresh, especially because I had a new obsession. Old, old blog was as multifandom as this one is but it was more focused on Doctor Who, particularly on Nine/Rose.
I rejoined March of last year. I lurked around for a bit. However, that was on the old blog as mentioned previously. This current blog was made back in February. So, technically this blog has been around for less than a month but I’ve been active is March 1st, 2017. 
However, if you mean as an active part of the CS fandom, I posted my first fic on April 17th, 2017 and since then I have posted 40+ fics/ficlets and about a collective 260k words. So, I kinda have been making up for my late arrival to the party.
And why did you join?
Real talk? Because I fell in love with the words of @welllpthisishappening‘s “You Play Ball Like a Girl” and I kinda wanted to stalk her because she and I have very similar sports opinions and I wanted to cry of the perfection that is Laura. Because I’m a fucking freak, I lurked and sent her anonymous messages about sports and shit before eventually talking to her and she’s even more amazing than I ever imagined. Legit, bitch is on the shortlist of my favorite people ever alongside my fiancé, my real life best friend, Derek Jeter and Sue Bird. I don’t think you understand how monumental it is that she’s on the list but she is. Which is why I send her things like a derpy blanket of Chris Krieder’s face. 
I have issues. 
And she knows this. 
And still talks me. 
She’s perfect.
What are some pluses and minuses that you find on here?
Pluses: The people. All the people listed prior are amazing and wonderful human beings and I wouldn’t trade any of the experiences and conversations I’ve had with them. They’re positively delightful and I would have never gotten the chance to meet them without being on tumblr. My internet friends are just important to me as my friends in real life and like I said before, I would ride or die for them.
Minuses: The drama. There is so much of it and I’m not a drama person. I don’t get a kick of it. I don’t understand it. Which is why I kinda just stay in my own lane. I’m here to read Captain Swan fanfiction, write shitty alternate realities where they are happy and have an absurd amount of children that isn’t even practical, make characters that no one aside from will never care about and just chat and be merry. I don’t like in-fighting. I don’t participate in it. I just kinda glance at it and move on with my life. 
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alyndra9 · 7 years
SPN Big Bang Masterlist
Ever wonder how many big-bang-style challenges Supernatural fandom really has?
Various people have compiled various lists and posted them in various places. Trust me, I have a list of these lists. Everyone also defines the parameters of their search a little differently. Personally, I chose to look for past and present SPN Bang challenges, and then I made a spreadsheet with info about each bang. There are 70+ entries on it.
I included big bangs, mini bangs, reverse bangs, and the herculean mega bang. I did not include other kinds of fic challenges, such as gift exchanges, flashfic or drabble communities. What makes a bang a bang?
Well, it should have writers and artists all paired up and collaborating on their works. Usually there's a claims process, but the important point is you wouldn't just sign up, write your fic, and post. Most challenges will try to get pinch-hitters to fill in if either the author or artist drops out unexpectedly, but even if this doesn't happen it can still be a bang as long as the intent is that everyone gets paired.
That said, often my criterion for inclusion was more like, "does it have bang in the name?" So speak up if there's anything I missed but should have included, or anything included that doesn't meet the definition, or if you just think my definition is whacked.
Size: the original Big Bang community, a Harry/Draco innovation, had a minimum fic length of 40,000 words. This rapidly started dropping as Big Bang challenges proliferated. Each challenge is free to set a minimum wordcount wherever it likes. Although there is a lot of variety in minimum wordcount thresholds, there seems to be a fairly settled line around 10,000 words: a min. 10k wordcount can be considered either a big or a mini bang, depending who's running it, but any wordcount below this is almost always a mini bang, and above it is a big bang.
And then we get into the rarified heights of the mega bang, which, according to the SPN Mega Bang community, is over 100,000 words. (A smaller community has one for over 50k.) Mega bangs are unique to the SPN fandom so far; if anyone sees one in future, holler!
Reversebangs reverse the usual order of affairs: instead of writers starting off and artists choosing stories to work with, in a reversebang artists draw first and then writers choose which art they'd like to write a story for. Minimum size for a reversebang is generally smaller than a regular big bang.
The Friend Bang is unique because you start out paired with a friend and both write and draw for each other. The collaboration bang is an experimental format tried last year by the Sastiel Big Bang where artists and authors are paired up right off the bat and create simultaneously.
(An interesting idea to try might be a doodle!bang. Artists are perennially in shorter supply than ficwriters, even as wordcount limits keep going down. Setting up a low-pressure experience — maybe suggested 10-minute doodle — probably as a reversebang, could encourage artist participation.)
Couple more notes about what did and didn't qualify for inclusion here:
There are any number of multi-fandom bangs as well as bangs for other fandoms. In the interests of getting one list completed, I skipped including these, even though many (perhaps most) multi-fandom bangs would have SPN fic written for them.
In order to be included, a bang must have completed a round productively or else be less than a year old. Older bangs which never got off the ground are included in this list here. One exception that merits honorable mention in my list is the slackers bang, whose mod posts tell their own tale.
If a challenge's home page has been deleted, then inclusion rests on whether I can find fic/art for it, for example an AO3 tag. If you show me fic, I will include it in my list.
A note about schedule dates I've included: I deliberately tried not to get too precise. Challenges may or may not be regular from year to year, and schedules may be adjusted. Always check the bang page if you're interested in a challenge, rather than planning based off the dates in this! This is just to give a general idea. Some will certainly end up not being what I have down here. Links are to sign-ups open as of when I last checked. The numbers before months are just there to enable sorting by month.
The latest round column is the last year in which a round of fic started being posted, for dormant communities. If they're doing a round in 2017 it should say 2017. Occasionally communities will skip a year or three and then run another round, so dormant may not mean dead! Communities with a history of this are marked ongoing, but may not have schedule information posted.
Eventually I would like to replace the "year started" and "latest round" columns with (There are now) columns for each year which contain links to the masterposts for each round. Here's a resource with links to masterposts, in the meantime! for other fandoms. ETA 3: Done! Numbers indicate fic/art pairs for each round, plus scattered unpaired works. Mods who put in the labor to make masterposts, I love you and you get cookies bold font. Mods who tally their entries to spare me counting, you totally rock! Asterisks: because Sheets throws fits about more than one link in a cell, an asterisk means Intrepid Reader should exercise their detective skills to find all the fics; for example, by clicking to the next month on a LJ calendar. Note about calendars vs. tags: often there will be a tag for each round. However, I link to the calendar or archive rather than the tag, if I can't find masterposts, because I can't know if everybody tagged properly without doing a ton of cross-checking, and I don't want to miss anybody. I'll link to tags only if I'm assured they're complete.
Also, if you are a mod (or civic-minded citizen) who has shiny new (or old but well-hidden) masterposts for previous years, please do link me up!
“Main” and “wing” should be self-explanatory. (They were shorter than “Primary” and “Secondary.”) The “Other” column could be any site challenges are hosted, but right now it’s all Dreamwidth (dw). The numbers in the AO3 columns indicate how many works there are in each tag or collection. Keep in mind that tagging and collecting is up to individual authors, and therefore neither the tag nor the collection is likely to represent all work for a challenge, nor will they necessarily consist of the same works. Check challenge masterposts for complete works. Here’s the tag collection for Big Bangs on AO3. I’m sure there are tags and collections on AO3 that I haven’t yet found the links for, but I’m still on it! ETA 2: I’ve now looked at all 641(!) collections with Supernatural in them. Unless you named yours “LMNOP2″ or “Drabbles Comm: Socks” and didn’t include a description, I should have all Bang collections up in the Doc. (Stray tags may still crop up.)
My Google Spreadsheet of SPN Big (and otherwise) Bang Challenges!
Anyone can comment directly into the document or contact me with additional information or suggestions! Feel free to link to this from anywhere you like as well. Note that there are a couple new challenges with author sign-ups closing TODAY, August 31!
ETA: Fun with filters!
The awesome thing about speadsheets is that you can sort all the data any way you like! Here’s a quick rundown of possibly-useful information.
Even if you don’t have editing privileges on a Google Doc, you can still sort columns. It won’t permanently change the doc or impact the way others are seeing it if they’re viewing it at the same time as you. All you do is mouse over the top of a column where it says “A”  and a little arrow will appear for you to click on. So if you’re an artist, feel free to sort by ‘artist signups,’ or if you just like reading everything as soon as it comes out, sort by ‘posting starts.’ The default way I have the Doc sorted is first I sort by ‘status,’ then by ‘writing signups,’ then by ‘latest round.’ This means that the doc will be sorted primarily by the year of the latest round, then by the month writers should sign up in, then by status.
I renamed challenges which haven’t yet gone a round from “new” to “virgin,” not just for amusement, but so we could have an alphabetical list: Closed, Deleted, Dormant, Hiatus, Polling, Ongoing, Virgin. Is that not sweet? You can sort by that, or alphabetically by name, etc. Play around, have fun, and when you’d like to go back to the standard view, just ‘X’ out of the dark gray filter bar.
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livemind · 8 years
Push Forward.
Live Mind Blog #3
Posted: 03/01/2017
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     Thank you so much for your interest in the Live Mind blog! I’m actually surprised to be here. Moment of truth: this edition almost did NOT happen.
     Unfortunately, I was having dealings with every creator’s nemesis, “discouragement”. I simply couldn’t bring myself to believe that continuing what I’ve started was necessary. For a brief period of time, my heart wasn’t in it. I realized a change was needed in order to continue. 
     I went back to some of the feedback I’ve received so far on the blog, and found it all positive! For days, I kept asking myself: “What do you really want to do?” There was already an answer to that question. Then I asked myself: “Why haven’t I started yet?” There was no answer.
     One morning, during a desperate search for inspiration, I concluded that I was allowing too many things distract me. Things that weren’t contributing to my goals, both in creativity and life-wise. I decided to separate myself from everything that has been hindering my progression and to immediately start working on all the ideas sitting in my head.
     That morning is the reason this edition exists. Redirecting my focus towards everything that motivates me was exactly what I needed to do. I had to push forward. 
Dream Support:
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Paige, Music Blogger
     Paige is a 24 year-old music blogger from Toronto, Canada. Inspired by her love for discovering new music and bands, she started her own blog online known as Paige Backstage.
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     Besides her editorial skills, Paige has had the opportunity to interview many artists in her local music scene, and has continued to grow further her career on the internet and in real life. What I admire most about Paige is that she shot for the stars and has been successful in doing exactly what she wants to do.
     “I worked for a record label and was constantly disappointed by how my voice was ignored, despite me being the exact demographic of who they were trying to sell music to. I decided that the only way I'd be heard was to create my own space on the internet and to do it my own way...so I did.”
     ~ Paige
     Some of Paige’s inspirations include Hayley Williams (front woman for the band Paramore), Qcknd, and Gwen Stefani, but most of her inspiration comes from her friends. “I've surrounded myself with a really cool group of people that all work in creative industries, and bouncing ideas off each other usually sparks some unrelated idea in me,” states Paige.
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     Paige also started another blog called At The Barricade. If you love music news about your favorite bands, as well as a great aesthetic, you’d love this blog!
     There’s so much I could say about Paige and her career. It’s insane to think that this is just the start of it. She has so many future plans, including revamping her blog to grow along with her, making nifty gear, or promoting those who do. She would love to have her own music festival tour someday, but in the meantime, her main goal is to have a full-time career on the internet.
     At this rate, it’s almost guaranteed Paige will achieve all of those goals in the near future. She’s been one of my biggest inspirations for starting Live Mind, so please be sure to follow her progress on any of the following platforms:
  Blog. Instagram. Facebook. Twitter. Tumblr. YouTube. At The Barricade.
New Noise:
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“I want to make meaningful music that people can relate to. I want to make people feel something while listening to my music.“
     ~ Untraceable Sounds
     Untraceable Sounds, is a 17 year old Danish musician. She started her music project on November 4, 2015. She posted her first guitar cover on Youtube, soon after teaching herself guitar earlier that year. Untraceable Sounds started referring to the video clips she posted online in order to keep improving. She began by posting a cover of a song every few months, but early on, it became clear that her desire was to make her own songs instead. 
     “I was writing many poems, and I wanted to transform them into songs, because I have always had a passion for music. But I played drums, and I didn’t feel like I was able to express myself as much through drums as I can with guitar. So as soon as my dad started learning guitar, I picked it up too,” she states. In only two years, she has made so much progress musically! She dedicates all her free time to writing and recording songs and is truly happy with what she’s been doing.
     Her favorite band is PVRIS, which happens to be one of her biggest inspirations. She also gets inspiration from various musicians, movies, poems, and the like. Anything that sparks a feeling inside inspires her.
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     Right now Untraceable Sounds is recording her upcoming EP. She wants to make the best music she has ever made with this EP, learning as much about recording, mixing and mastering songs as possible. Since she is a solo project, this is a bit challenging, but she continues to do her best to learn and become a better musician everyday. In the future, she would love to collaborate with many talented musicians. Regarding the EP, she’s planning to release it on Spotify, Apple Music, and more!
     The project Untraceable Sounds has only just begun, and with the efforts she’s already made, she will likely go far with it! After reading her story, I am beyond thrilled to have featured her in this blog. Please support this amazing project by following it on these platforms:
                 YouTube.    Soundcloud.    Instagram.    Twitter.
Amped Artists:
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By: Anjali, Age: 14
     These unique pieces were created by Anjali. She’s a 9th grader with an interesting story: 
     “I started actually hating art. I never had the patience for it and it always seemed too difficult and tedious to actually do. Sure, the end results were pretty, but it seemed like the time was not worth the effort. One day in 6th grade, we had this project: to combine two animals together. I decided to do an owl and mouse...and that was the first time I was truly interested in art.”
     In the 7th grade, Anjali moved to a new school district where her art stood out amongst the rest of the students. She spent all her lunch periods in the art room drawing and talking with the art teachers and was eventually accepted into Studio in Art. Her art has even been put up in local show cases!
     Since the beginning, she has grown so much in her art. I really admire her experimental mentality! I find that using art as an escape is one of the best ways to quietly express yourself freely and creatively. This is exactly what Anjali does and it’s obviously working out great. Her biggest inspiration is her sister, who is also very talented with art and constantly helps Anjali improve.           In the future, Anjali hopes to become an animator or video game designer and be a radio hostess for side work. “The joy that those two ideas gives me (as an animator dealing with art and radio hostess dealing with music) is overwhelming,” she says. What could be more fitting than that? Her story proves that trying new things can create an entirely different outlook on the future. Possibilities are truly endless!
Live Minds:
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The Wonder Years at the Marquee, Tempe AZ.
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     The above compilation was done by McKenna, an 18 year-old aspiring photographer from Arizona. Like most photographers, she started out by simply taking pictures with her phone. Eventually, she got a better camera so she could further her progress. She was placed in photography class last year and her teacher inspired her to take photography more seriously.
     McKenna enjoys taking pictures of whatever she likes, including nature and sunsets, as well as pictures at concerts.
     “I'm really into the whole "alternative scene" and I go to a lot of pop punk shows. Elmakias (photographer) is a pretty big inspiration in the whole music-photography thing.”
     Right now, McKenna takes photos as a hobby, but in the future she would like to do photography in college. “I just really like going to concerts and I really like taking pictures so I'm combining all that together. I think it's cool that I have opportunities to do that,” she says. A little goes a long way, and it’ll be awesome to see her grow in photgraphy! You can follow more of her awesome work on Instagram and Tumblr.
Do It Now, Thank Me Later:
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         As mentioned in my sappy introduction, it is very common for creative minds to get discouraged. It’s important to not give up when you hit low points in your ventures. Remember, every person or project you’ve looked up to has been discouraged along the way. You have to push forward.
Challenge #3: Eliminate distractions.
     In this day and age, it is nearly impossible not to be influenced by social media. However, this can be a good thing! Instead of allowing it to distract you from what you want to be doing, you can use it to inspire you. Unfollow pages that are not contributing to your creativity, and follow new pages that will continue to inspire you to bring your ideas to life! Force inspiration.
Feel free to tell me how it goes at [email protected]. Your story could be featured in an upcoming blog!
Get Inspired:
        For this edition, I decided to include some of my recent work. In early 2016, I purchased a camera in order to relaunch my YouTube channel. Recently, I decided to use video as a way to express my ideas more creatively. Rather than simply stating my thoughts on camera, I decided to show them. If you’re interested, please click the link below:
     I hope to continue making videos like this, in order to inspire myself and others.
Thank You:
Thank you so much for reading this edition of Live Mind. I’m extremely grateful for all of you willing to be involved in this project. There would be no content without all of your support, and I can’t thank you enough! Don’t give up on what you love. Continue making great things. Dream louder.
Let Me In On This:
Got a style that stands out? Tell me more!
Submissions: send info to [email protected].
Questions/Feedback: Message me on Instagram @livemindmag!
Find Me Elsewhere:
YouTube. Instagram. Tumblr. Pop Punk Amino.
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projectdroid1-blog · 6 years
Day Trading In Mind
Day Trading In Mind https://www.projectdroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/word-image-128.jpeg https://www.projectdroid.com/ebook/day-trading-in-mind/ Trading In Mind 10 Ways To Stay Focused For Real-Time Traders Free Reproduction and Distribution Rights You are automatically granted full reprint and reproduction rights to this ebook. That means you are free to distribute this ebook as you wish. You can offer it for download from your website. You can sell it, bundle it with other products, or give it away for free. The only requirement is that the ebook must remain intact. Disclaimer & Risk Warning All trading involves risk. You should never trade with money you cannot afford to lose. The contents of this ebook are for general information purposes only. Although every effort has been made to assure accuracy, the publishers can assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Examples are provided for illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice or strategy. Past performance is not indicative of future results. In no event shall Day-Trading-Mind.com or its content providers be liable for any damages of any kind whatsoever with respect to the service, the material and the products provided herein. Before we begin, let's review what is now being called the "Perfect" trading platform. eToro Review About Forex The Forex market has quickly become the world's largest financial market, with an estimate daily turnover of $3.2 trillion. It is a market that has great appeal to a financial trader because of its volume which guarantees liquidity. High liquidity means that a trader can trade whatever currencies he feels like at all times, since there will always be someone to buy and sell any currency he wants. Another outstanding feature of the forex market is that it is active 24 hours a day and is closed only on the weekends. This means that unlike the stock market for example, traders in the forex market don't need to wait for a bell to ring, but can make trading decisions around the clock. Enter the internet into the equation. Now the forex market is literally at your fingertips. Most brokers offer online trading facilities which enable you to trade simply by clicking a button, instead of the traditional phone call. The internet has really revolutionized the industry, making the retail section of the market more dominant than ever. About eToro eToro is a forex trading platform developed to cater to the emerging retail segment of the forex market. With its simple style and exciting trade visualizations, eToro is the perfect platform for a novice trader to get his first forex trading experience. With its great array of professional forex trading and analysis tools, eToro is also the perfect platform for experts in the field who want to trade comfortably and reliably. eToro has developed a truly intuitive interface that lets traders concentrate on trading instead of messing around with bulky and overcomplicated software. It's important to mention that eToro also offers an educational experience, so novices can gain knowledge of the forex market and eventually become pros if they're so inclined. eToro offers forex trading guides, forums and video tutorials to facilitate their traders' progress. eToro also offers an unlimited practice mode where both beginner and seasoned traders can sharpen their skills and test their strategies with real market rates. Overall eToro have successfully designed a software that caters to a very wide segment of the forex trading public. eToro is bound to remain a leader in the forex industry for a long time to come. eToro's features: Visual representation of trades: Monitor your trades with ease by watching creative visualizations of your trading activity. Practice mode: Test your skills and strategies by trading with live rates, without risking a cent. Trading Challenges: Compete against fellow traders for cash prizes - with no entry fees. Trade: Enjoy immediate and accurate execution with all your trades. Low Spreads: Save a fortune on eToros super low spreads - as low as 2 pips. And soon to come: Trade: Enjoy real time execution with all your trades. eToro's Pro Insight: Get a look at what currency pairs eToro's top 100 traders are trading at the moment, and use the inside info to your advantage! Download eToro for FREE and join a fast growing forex community.
Watch Video!
Introduction – pg 4
Understand The Truth – pg 5
Plan Your Trades, Then Trade Your Plan – pg 7
If You Don't Spend Much, You Can't Lose Much – pg 8 4. Don't Think Money, Think Points – pg 9
5. What The Mind Can Conceive... - pg10 6. Be Your Own Boss – pg 11 7. Mind Your Language – pg 12 8. Less Is Definitely More – pg 13 9. Get A Life – pg 14 10. The Essential Real-Time Trading Tool – pg 15 What's Next? – pg 17 Take two traders. Give them the same starting capital, the same trading platform, the same market, and the same trading system with precise rules for entry and exit. Come back a month later and what will you find? One trader will be up 20%. The other will be down 40%. It's fascinating, isn't it, how two people can have the same opportunities in life, and yet get very different results. We at Day-Trading-Mind.com firmly believe that the answer to success lies within each of us; and that we are each completely responsible for our own results in the market. The following top 10 list was compiled from the many discussions that take place at our regular monthly “trader's conferences” (i.e. a local bar). ;-)) Some of it you'll already know... some of it will be new. Hopefully you'll find it useful. Trading is a game of probabilities. Imagine we're flipping a coin. Heads I win one dollar - tails you win one dollar. Simple. Heads and tails will each come up half the time, and we'll both neither win nor lose. However, unknown to me, you have a loaded coin. For every 100 throws, heads comes up 49 times, and tails comes up 51 times. You now have a license to print money. Let's call it the "Tails Trading System". All you have to do is sit back and bet on tails forever. Eventually, you'd win all my money (and anyone else's who took you on). All any trading system gives you is an "edge". A favorable bias. Something that is more likely to happen than not. Whatever trading system you use... e.g. ... pattern breakouts, trend-following, fibonacci, moving averages, channel following, oscillator signals, bollinger bands, swing trading, opening gaps... ... you are relying on a positive bias. Essentially, the trading system is saying "when 'x' happens... 'y' usually follows". Sometimes it doesn't. Most of the time it does. And all your trading system does is help you identify high probability trades, enter then correctly, and protect yourself while allowing your profits to grow. Now some trading systems are better than others. But don't get caught up on the search for the perfect system... You know, the trader's Nirvana... the elusive "Holy Grail"... the system that delivers profits on demand and never, ever gets it wrong. Find a trading system that you like. One you feel comfortable with. One you understand. Then stick with it. Be consistent. A cool, disciplined, trader will take an average system and make money with it. A nervous, arbitrary trader will take a brilliant system and wreck it. All traders have "good" days and "bad" days. Some days you'll make small profits. Other days you'll make small losses. And once or twice a month, on average, you'll make big profits. That's how you make money as a traders. It's not 9 till 5. Problem is, you never know when the big trades are due to arrive. Like our "Tails Trading System" above, the one time you don't take the trade is exactly the time the market takes off and never looks back. You MUST see the big picture. Realize that the current trade is only one of many. On that basis, the current trade hardly matters. It's like a piece of plankton in a very large ocean. Trading is all about managing risk and then surrendering yourself to the oldest law in the Universe: The ancient law of probability. Your job as a trader is to follow a trading plan. And who's going to write this trading plan? You are. Notice the word "write". It needs to be written down, on your trading desk, in front of you. Your trading system will give you the rules to follow. All you do is translate these into your plan. A trading plan must have three parts: Setup, Entry and Exit. (Obviously it's beyond the scope of this document to provide details on specific trading systems as there are literally hundreds of them! However we do feature some occasionally in our newsletter.) The point is that a trading plan covers every eventuality. You know what to look for in the market, when to get into a trade, and when to get out. Keep it simple. Then follow it. Religiously. One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a trader is have too much money riding on a trade. The more money you use, the more emotional fuel you are pouring onto the fire. Eventually, you are likely to be burned... badly. And the post-traumatic stress may be irreparable. Most beginning traders stake too much in the hope of a quick win. Experienced traders know better. In day trading, where the trades can come thick and fast, a few big losers can eat you alive very quickly. Good day traders who survive will risk only a tiny amount of their trading capital on any one trade. If you're "under capitalized" then consider using a trading system which offers a tight stop loss. Alternatively, trade a shorter time-frame, like the 1-minute chart, where losses can be minimized. Overconfidence is the other cause of excessive risk. "Hey... heads has come up 10 times in a row... let's put half the trading capital on tails (which is sure to come up next) and clean up." The problem with sure-thing trades is that:
The market hardly ever obliges;
Everyone else sees them as sure-things as well and jumps aboard. So when they go wrong, they go wrong big-time.
Risk a tiny amount on each trade. You'll be more relaxed, and more able to execute the trade properly. Following on from minimizing your exposure, we come to your relationship with money. Whether we like it or not, money is highly prized in our society. It's important. And we attach a lot of feeling to it. How then will you feel when you see hundreds of dollars (perhaps thousands, depending on your account size) go up in smoke in front of you? The problem is, "expenses" are part of the game. You have to lose some to win some more. There is no holy grail, like we said before. If you can't change your relationship with money, then just don't think about it. Focus instead on numbers. Think "percentage of trading account". Think "average risk-to-reward ratio". Think "potential profit points versus maximum points risked". Concentrate on getting the numbers right and the money will take care of itself. Is it possible you secretly want to lose? Self-destructive behavior can easily manifest itself in the markets, particularly among day traders. When the price is dancing around in front of your eyes, it can take a grip of you. You can start to feel like it's playing with you. This is why you have to be very, very careful to avoid emotional trading. If you're a boiling cauldron waiting to explode, then you're heading for a seriously bad experience in the market. Don't get emotional about trading. Remember the current trade is only one of a long series. You're in this for the long term. Remember that and don't, ever, get too attached to any one trade. You must see yourself as a professional trader. At the start of each trading day, before the market opens, take a few minutes for yourself. Close your eyes. Start visualizing the market. See the real-time chart on your computer screen. Watch as the price gyrates up and down. See yourself entering a trade. Notice you feel relaxed. You're alert but calm. Completely non- emotional. Observe how the price moves after you enter. How it comes close to your stop loss. Mentally place a number of trades. Follow them through. You get a losing trade. Notice you see the big picture. You are unemotional. Completely calm. You put on another trade. Again, another small loss. You are unperturbed. Next a winning trade. Again, you are relaxed. It's all part of the job. This takes practice. And you must do it regularly to get the maximum benefit. Try it every morning, and any time you even begin feel stressed or you lose your focus. The advantage of this technique is it's free. And the payoff is excellent. You're the one in charge of your trading. You alone are responsible for your success or failure as a trader. Not the market... not the trading system... not the government or the Federal Reserve. You. That's quite a responsibility. You handle it by being kind to yourself. Become your own mentor. Watch how you're behaving during the trading session. Be especially careful to notice your feelings. Focusing on your feelings gives you useful feedback about your performance. Remember that having a "winning day" or a "losing day" is not the issue here. All that's important is how you're performing in the job. Are you being professional, remaining emotionally detached? Or are you starting to get irritable at the market... the market makers... the unfairness of life...? Negative emotions are early-warning signals that you need to cool down and relax. Get back into your state. Observe the tension in your body and release it. Just let it go. Perform the visualization exercise again. Remind yourself that it's all percentages. This is just another trade, just another day. If you make a mistake during your trading - and who doesn't - don't beat yourself over the head with it. Learn from it. Make a mental note to build on it. Thank the market for the training lesson ;-) and move on. Be nice to yourself! It's very important that you avoid spiraling down into an emotional cycle where you end up doing some serious damage to your account and to your own ego. Try this experiment sometime: Tell a friend to close her eyes and stretch her arm out wide. Now get her to think of the word "weak", then press down on her hand. You'll notice her whole arm moves down easily. Repeat the experiment as before, only this time, tell her to focus on the word "strong". This time you'll notice enormous resistance in her arm, and you might struggle to move it at all. Two simple words - two very different results. If words are so incredibly powerful, just think what you do to yourself when you call yourself an "idiot" or worse! But words are more subtle than just name-calling. How about this one... 'Loss'. Boy, think what that one conjures up. Missed opportunity? A gaping hole in your life? A theft? A bereavement, even? No wonder traders find it hard to take losses. Let's call it something else: 'An expense'. Ah, now it's sounding better. Much more business like. Helps to put it into its true perspective. Similarly, on the other side of the balance sheet, let's stop talking about: 'Win' ... which again is steeped in emotion... and change it to: 'Income'. Income versus expenses. Isn't that what trading really is? A business. You're much more likely to become profitable when you realize this. And forget about pitching your ego into imaginary battles that ensnare your sense of reason along the way. Mind your language when trading. Use neutral words at all times, both about yourself and the market. The best times to day trade are usually the first two hours after the open. Some traders also like to trade the last half-hour before the close. Momentum is greatest at these times, with real buying and selling pressure creating the best trends. Many real-time traders also follow the "3 strikes and you're out" rule. By limiting your trading to only three trades a day - MAX - you reduce your stress level enormously. You'll be sharper and less likely to make mistakes. You also insure yourself against a "suicide day", when you take serial losses, each time trying to recover from the previous loss... Reading this away from the market, you might feel you would never fall into that trap. However, it's surprising how many traders have come unstuck in a real-time avalanche as the losses begin to snowball. The motto? Tomorrow's another day. Take it easy. Don't trade a 40-hour week. Accumulate your profits over time. And you'll make more by doing less. Do you know why you trade? Is it the fun and excitement, the sheer nerve-jangling, adrenaline rush that comes from trading the word's financial markets? Perhaps you enjoy status of being a trader? "Hi - John Doe - Futures Trader - nice to meet you..." For some traders, it's an escape. They hate the world around them - their job, their boss, their spouse, their whole life in fact. Trading then becomes a fantasy to slip into at will. The fact is, trading has to be about one thing. Making a profit. If you do it for any other reason, you are probably doomed to failure, because you'll operate from emotion instead of the cold, mechanical thinking that's the hallmark of a good trader. Look at your own motivations for trading. See if you can discover a hidden agenda. If there's something missing in your life that trading is currently filling, then you need to address that. Live a balanced life. Don't spend the whole day trading. Meet people. Get out! Start a new business. Find new interests. Keep your trading desk free from emotional clutter. Real-time traders live from moment to moment. Such is the pull of a live data feed, it's often a challenge to see the big picture. But this you must do if you want to survive and prosper. . Visualizing the current trade as one of a series helps to maintain your discipline and lower your emotional cholesterol. But there's one trading tool that will really improve your performance more than anything else. A trader's diary. Don't be scared off by the sentimental connotations of keeping a diary. "Dear Diary... today I... " this is not. Your own trading diary can be computer-based - via a word-processing document or a simple text file saved to your desktop. Or you may find a traditional pen and paper version more effective. (There is something about writing on paper that makes it more personal. Probably the way the hand and eye coordinate with the brain. Plus you've probably got enough applications running when you're trading in real-time!) Another option is to a personal tape recorder. Good if you prefer speaking to writing. Whatever format you use... what will you actually write (or say)? Anything. Don't worry about grammar. Make one-word notes of what's happening. Sure, you can note down the facts and figures - stock code, time and date, position size, entry price, stop loss, exit price. But also - and more importantly - record your thoughts. If you were hesitant about getting in the trade, say so. If you're terrified now you're in (the dreaded "Trader's Remorse") then make a note of it. When you exit, say why. Stopped out? Took profits? Why? How did you feel before the exit? How do you feel now, afterwards? This only takes a few seconds to record this ongoing commentary of your own trading. But the information you get can be priceless. Here's why: At the end of each week, preferably at the weekend when the markets are closed, review the week's entries. You can guarantee that you'll see a pattern in your behavior. There is probably something you are doing consistently that's causing negative results. And once you've identified the problem, the solution usually becomes obvious. Do this exercise every week, and also every month to get a longer term perspective. Only you can do this for yourself. Nobody looks after your own affairs better than you do. You don't need the latest million dollar trading system to be successful in this business. Look within. You may be amazed with the results.
What's Next?
If you're not already a subscriber, make sure you subscribe to the “Trading In Mind” newsletter. It's fun. It's fast. And it's free. And if you want to send some feedback or get in touch then contact us here. Also make sure you visit the web site regularly where we review the latest trading products. Trade well. http://Day-Trading-Mind.com/ The Day Trader's Portal
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