#i played around in the cc trying to get a general vibe
lelianaslefthand · 1 year
me trying to come up with a tav to romance gale
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chamoemileclown · 10 months
saw someone else post about this and i really agree i think it just wasnt the right time for purgatory, the stakes were there but the vibe and the point in roleplay development for individual characters just.. wasnt it for me. I dont know what they have planned for the future so i cant say it shouldve happened later, but i think because of all the trips and vidcon the charas had just gotten to a point where they had started healing from their kids going missing only to be thrown into this, which can be a good point narratively but theres also a couple other things that kinda just didnt let it work out for me tbh
a lot of it was just the rules and events were weird? that probably makes no sense. but like from a viewer pov it felt like the characters were beta testers for this and the rules have been constantly changing, so its hard to get comfortable in. Like when theres a set of consistent rules teams are able to more accurately strategize and such and they couldnt really do that? so it just felt like weird improv the whole time which theyre very good at but it was just.. like idk unbalanced? thats a dif point that contributed
like etoiles pointed this out that they balanced the teams (not really imo) in game but not fandom-wise, like certain teams had a very large fanbase and certain others had a very small one, etc etc. And like for example blue team had much less people on consistently but by the time they realized that it was probably too late to change teams without an event like the one recently splitting green. I feel like the admins tried to mix up the players outside of their usual friend groups but it just kinda cut the ints in half? i know cellbit didnt wanna kill roier, bad was very isolated from all his regular friends and therefore nobody wanted to talk to him (he wasnt on their team), tubbo was kinda suffering because he couldnt use create. Red team was overwhelmingly loud, blue was crushingly quiet, green was... tbh not on a lot of the time. Not good to watch from most POVs
i could be wrong about a couple things but like this is my general feeling on it, odd timing and weird balancing combined with toxic fandoms caused by competitiveness within the streams kinda ruined it for me, you can only curate ur experience so much
I really like how you put the first part because it was also something that I had felt about the event but I couldn’t really pinpoint why? I’m sure that a lot of the planning came down to a lot of stuff we can’t see behind the scenes like trying to be mindful of the ccs/ admins schedules but scheduling purgatory so far out from the disappearance really changed a lot. Like I just got used to not having the eggs and being fine with that and a lot of the ccs did sort of move on/ adapt to it. Obviously most people want the eggs back safe but I think some novelty has worn off after being away from them for so long. I think purgatory would’ve had more of an effect if the wound was more fresh when purgatory took place it would’ve made the stakes higher and I don’t think as many people would be saying “oh I don’t care if the eggs die at this point just end purgatory.”
Also the rules changing I noticed too was really jarring from day to day. I feel like a lot of the qsmp is like this and it’s a product of the admins being quick to respond to complaints in general and changing things accordingly. In my ideal world where the admin team could’ve just run the event with a test group to almost like stress test the rules? but i doubt that’s a very viable option. It would’ve been nice to see teams strategize more than play off the cuff in the limited time frame they have I feel like that only really rewards people with spontaneous playstyles
I think a lot of the problems with balancing fanbases revolves around people not knowing how to act online. The qsmp has long stretches where there isn’t much character conflict so that’s attracted a lot of people who feel really attracted to one pov and just don’t know how to handle conflict. We’ve seen this stuff outside of purgatory like during the entirety of the elections arc and when characters have an insignificant argument in rp. I don’t think you could balance viewers while also balancing skill but its definitely a problem that exists and doesn’t really have a clean solution. Also I do think the division of teams was to encourage different people to interact or possibly drive more in rp angst but it did fall flat in ways that were unintended.
Overall I think a lot of purgatory was trying to cater to a lot of people at once but thats just not working. I enjoyed the event from the standpoint that no matter what the admins want a good audience experience and they wouldn’t intentionally let us down. This seems more like a fundamental flaw in the server maybe? That it’s just not structured to be doing competitive game in this format at the very least.
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mellohiizz · 1 day
Heh.... guess whos back to yap even more.... (its glitchduo anon) if this is too long and you dont want to reply thats totally cool however i saw you were interested in ashs character and i just HAD to assist...
(Everything neg here is about the characters not ccs btw, most of it is /aff anyways :3)
Ok so im assuming you know the general gist of s4 which is kind of all i know about it aside from like one or two vods ive fully watched. You also probably know about swagdoons which are the enemies to lovers (sometimes) of lifesteal and they try to kill each other but kiss afterwards..... they are the yaoi ever but ill try to be less insane about them to keep this rant focused
most of my REAL info about ash is from mid s5 and s6 which is when i started watching streams more than the videos, however i know he tries to portray himself as the big scary villain in s4 but honest to god he was apologizing PROFUSELY for the smallest things that guy is NAWT a truly heartless villain although he is pretty selfish and greedy but. Well:
before getting into his character i thought he like fully hated everyone, would never try to help someone else, was a general asshole etc etc but the more i paid attention to him the more i realized that yeah i guess he is those things but there is at least one person he gives a shit about (squiddo) and by god does he care a LOT about her
he also is pretty pathetic actually.... when his peace thing in s5 didnt work out he immediately went back to trying to be evil and selfish in s6... hmm its almost like he reverts back to hating everyone before they think hes a loser hmmm... its also really funny because this guy can BARELY pvp so he's very all or nothing on his dramatic gestures (eg he cant take over the server with pvp so he does it with the wormhole which imo is 500% more impressive, although i dont know very much about pvp)
despite him being pathetic he is def a force to be reckoned with, hes very idle until provoked and the provokation is usually out of spite and malice but that guy will stop at Nothing to get what he wants once he has a good enough motive (and doesnt have collage work)
he also gives me false god vibes but like... hes sort of AWARE hes a false god but does not want to admit it At All. i think its really interesting that the season after he became god he was made a host for a god (he actually confirms hes possesed by the commisioner/overseer/lifesteallord when he talks as them btw absolutely wild) and i think it would be cool if that was intentionally to like. Humble him. Show him a real god, not just an immortal guy with flying powers
(This is a little more of a headcanon but i think its feasable) i think that since his s5 loss, being his first major loss in any season ever, hes lost a sense of self in lifesteal, sitting in his house thats too big with empty walls and emptier reasoning. not to mention hes teamless and his only ally/friend is squiddo and thats not even official 😭😭
so yeah my guy is Going Through It... someone get this man hot chocolate and a warm blanket or maybe a picnic with his Best and Only Friend 🙁🙁
(Oh yea if you want a general idea of s5 onwards and dont have time for streams or really long cinematic videos i would recommend squiddos videos on it, theyre rarely over 15-20 minutes and there are only seven right now so you can get through them in a few days if you're REALLY crunched for time ^_^)
hello again glitchduo anon!! giggles i kind of know some general lore?? but mostly out of things i see on here about it, or like clips/vods i'm able to watch when i have time? so yeah... ash's character is very interesting to me, and honestly, what you said about him aligned pretty well with what i did see of him, but like... not in lifesteal, but the character he played in spoke's unstable videos. bro was literally begging for attention and alliance, and then turned around and BOOM twist villain jumpscare he's actually evil... he was acting off the whole time (ignoring mapicc, probably because he knew mapicc was harder to manipulate, and being very obnoxious about getting close to spoke in particular), so that checked out (sorry, i can yap about unstable for so long, im so insane about it) but yeah, i really really enjoy watching him do his thing, and i want to study him in a lab like a weird microorganism or something definitely was getting the false god vibes too btw from i did see of him in lifesteal (which was mostly just other people's vods) actually the whole being host of a god sounds so interesting?? that's definitely the first time i heard about something like this and i love everything having to do with possessions and stuff like that definitely one of the top characters i actually want to know more about (second close is minutetech i'd say) and don't worry, i really like reading what you send in, it actually helps a lot and it's very interesting!! the moment i opened my inbox and saw a lot of text i was like "oh yeah i know who this is from" (/hj/aff btw) thank you for taking the time to give me more knowledge i guess :33 !!
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too-many-lavellans · 1 month
How did you guys come up with the siblings (all of them) names? I'm currently trying to figure out what to name my own Lavellan oc but i find the Dalish language to be confusing and hard to pronounce... So what did you guys do when naming your respective Lavellans?
Other than staring at our screen for an hour?
We've approached names a little differently over the last 10 years, across our Lavellans, their extended family, kids and pets, but at the start of it all - mostly Vibes.
I mean, when I made Cerill I'd never played a dragon age game before so I wasn't familiar At All with the elvhen naming conventions of the series (and that particular summer had our internet cut off so I couldn't run to a name generator or anything either). I just wanted to avoid anything too modern/normie sounding, and to have something that flowed well enough into the provided last name.
We mostly felt it out as we were building out everyone in CC. A lot of spit-balling fantasy adjacent names and asking the screen "hmm do you look like a ____?" We did a lot of back to back plays of DAI and some of them were named in the dead of night with our brains Cooked. Like, I love their names as they are, but I don't think of them as typical names for elves of Thedas. So yeah, mostly Vibes™.
Past our core Lavellans, we have tried to get more proper elvhen sounding name in the mix. When we made most of our 'vellans respective parents we played around with and workshopped off a name generator and this post from the old bioware forum has some observations on elvhen names that helped out too. You can look up elvhen words on the wiki and try to name around those as well, either just using the word if it suits you or making a play off of it. Like Hanin (glory) and Halam (end) are standalone words we've used as names, while some recent names we've made were derivatives like Ena (from Enasalin/Victory or Enasal/Blessing) and Junrian (from June, God of Craft).
I personally prefer the latter, and will probably be naming future dragon age elves in that fashion. Unless of course the Vibes™ take us.
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memryse · 2 years
Au!Scott question! Wann give me the rundown? I've only seen some Fanart (which looked AWESOME) but I don't even know what au stands for >< so if u wanna give me an introduction...? that'd be epic uwu
ive tried posting this like three times now and i think it just doesn’t want to let me include a clip so you’ll all have to do without sorry
ausmp = area unknown smp! it’s guqqie’s server, i don’t know too much about it beyond au!scott bc i got into it just for him like a week ago and haven’t gotten around to watching much else but the vibe i get is a sort of dsmp level vibe of “friends fucking around but also heavy lore”. nobody is fully human on this server and if you think you are? think again apparently :D <- soupforeloise didn’t like that one! scott isn’t in the server from the start and when he does join he takes the role of the main villain.
au!scott is, in cc scott’s own words, what alsmp vampire scott would have been if alsmp had been more lore heavy. he’s a demon, the ruler of hell, and also aimsey’s brother. aimsey is also a demon, but was never as good (evil) at being a demon as scott. they had too much love in their heart, they were too human in nature, so they ran away to escape both hell itself and scott - until scott shows up and finds them :) scott is just. yeah. pure evil here. he’s manipulative and specifically delights in making aimsey’s life miserable. he refuses to do manual labour and everything that he owns is stolen from another player. he’s smug and awful and violent to aimsey’s face (and later eloise’s) but to everyone else he’s the new guy :) he’s lovely and friendly and everyone loves him. nobody would ever believe aimsey - a demon who already has a reputation for causing trouble - over him, right? :) he’s here to take aimsey back to hell, but he wants to stick around a bit first. for funsies. he’s smug, manipulative, lies in every sentence he says and is entirely used to getting his own way. he’s continually learning that very few things - and people - in the overworld are fireproof. he’s immortal and, unlike aimsey, is not afraid of water… no spoilers but let’s just say there is a reason au!aimsey doesn’t like water and it is not because it’s innate to demons. so no fucking wonder he’s smug he’s basically invincible for now (in lore this will change. Outside of lore owen is really fucking mad about this and keeps insisting au!scott is actually also allergic to water)
other than lying his hobbies include manipulation, twisting other people’s words to get what he wants, redecorating other people’s homes with nether items when they’re not in and more lying and making aimsey’s life miserable and more lying. the redecorating usually involves hiding corruption in their walls. incidentally he does canonically know xornoth and has said that this is similar to what xornoth used - he doesn’t personally usually use corruption, he prefers manipulation and outright brute force, but he’s curious about its effects on overworlders. however as i said he puts it in their walls rather than like massive tentacles lol.
he has a rlly fun dynamic with owen too imo. owen is a ghost with a very inconsistent memory, and scott is very interested in him because he senses something darker in him. he keeps pushing to corrupt owen by trying to get him to steal etc but they’re both playing mind games with each other because owen is also extremely sharp and is beginning to cotton on that scott is perhaps not the honest, kind and generous man he appears to be. If youve seen the axolotl thing you know exactly what i mean i watched that at like 6am because i couldn’t sleep and my heart was in my mouth.
in conclusion i love minecraft guys that are just the worst guys imaginable and au!scott is so so very up there.
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🔥 dream smp lore
So I got into the lore during Tommy and Techno's team up. Racconinnit forever.
Btw I'm gonna miss some things in my breakdown but here we go:
L'manburg era: excellent, amazing, fun and angsty storytelling. Sure the whole thing was an amateurish Hamilton rp via Minecraft but it was new and interesting and happened at the high of lockdown while everyone with a knowledge of the craft needed something to watch.
Doomsday: amazing, more angsty storytelling and was poetically the end of an era both in the lore and in the world as lockdown restrictions were lifted around the same time. (Also the funniest shit to happen on a day when an actual government resurrection was happening)
Egg lore + Sam Bucket: AMAZING, beautifully tragic and well written. I remember making red icing for cookies the day of the Banquet. The entire cast had a lot of love for the story and I hope the dsmp2 happens so we can get Red Velvet as the Egg. (As an Empires watcher I still believe there's some connection with Xornoth but that's a personal headcanon)
Exile: some people made it darker than it was. Most of them trying to paint Dream as a pedo and a rapist because they probably secretly shipped the two. Those people can kindly fuck off.
Prison + Disk finale: that prison was scary. I distaste Redstone with a passion and Sam put his whole creepussy into it. Loved Techno just getting caught and vibing with Dream. Also knew it was staged before the reveal.
Revive/Death book: lost its grip in the end. Dream XD and Foolish carried obviously.
Ranboo: UNTAPPED POTENTIAL! I was a ranboo lorehead. Wanted some sort of Bill Cipher and Ford Pines kinda thing with him and Dream but spineless enderboy couldn't keep up with his fans wanting to cancel him for every interaction he had so he used scheduling as an excuse
Las Navadas: also amazing. Also interesting. Quackity was a tragic character of his own undoing.
TOTSMP: super cool and well done. Beauitful cinematics and funny one off characters. Came back only for one episode because they lost a major player. Willing to purchase it in comic form if that's what Karl is doing.
In general, the bigger arcs were the best bits of lore. It was the smaller stuff that got lost imo. If you couldn't keep up with the big plots you got lost in it.
All the characters and lore were unique and I truly loved and enjoyed the majority of the smp. Again it was the fans that ruined it not the ccs. Techno's death is the majority reason why the dsmp died imo. As was the end of lockdown and drantis. I am open to a dsmp2 with new characters (Sylvee, Velvet, Gumi, anyone who is friends with Dream and plays minecraft). But I doubt that will happen this year. Hope for next year though.
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charnelhouse · 2 years
… are we going to get soldier boy content 👀
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A/N: Soldier Boy x F!Reader. Smut. Drugs. This SB is probably OOC, but it's from his POV and he is a POS, okay? I’m really focusing on the "I fucking loved you" vibe he gave CC and figured he was capable of it. This is probably a more redeemable version of Ben.
In Russia, he dreams of you.
He dreams of your face in such detail that it is as if a photo of it is pinned to his eyelids. He tastes you in his sleep. He remembers you even when he does not remember himself. 
In Russia, he understands he was in love. He wonders if he is dead now. Sometimes they wake him up, and there is only Hell. There is ice and the brutal bite of vodka being poured down his throat. There are bullets fired behind his teeth and he chokes on the cordite and the smoke.
“Don’t die, Ben.”
“As if I could...”
At first, he is led to believe you were part of the little coup that sent him to the Soviet pigs. The possibility fucking hurts. It hurts worse than anything they could have done to him in that lab. After all, you’d been there since Normandy. 
A young, pretty nurse pumped full of V to be his counterpart.
I’m the damn Bride of Frankenstein. 
You’re beautiful, baby doll. 
But the years morphed into a revolving door, and they’d fight or fuck or both. They’d leave each other for long periods of time while still maintaining the facade that they were fated. He bedded movie stars and pin-ups. He lived in the Hollywood Hills, doing quaaludes and having orgies.
You had a threesome with Brando and Dean. Newman. Gable. 
They were perfect hero cut-outs from “The Greatest Generation.” Vought demanded that they play “Leave it to Beaver,” “I Love Lucy,” and “The Way We Fucking Were.” 
Soldier Boy and Black Magnolia. 
Others joined the team. Others came and went. Another movie or poster. Another guest-star appearance. A home in Malibu. Cocaine-fueled hate-sex. Herogasm. Cuba. Vietnam. The Cold War. D.A.R.E. commercials. 
He gets with Crimson Countess to piss you off. He pretends they’ll settle down. He rubs it in your face because he doesn’t know how else to possess you. He can’t cuff you. He can’t wrap his arms around you and keep you under him. 
Still - it’s you he dreams of in Russia.
He seeks you out first. His grief is a living thing. It pulses inside him. It blinds him. It isn’t anger. It is a debilitating sadness that you would do this to him. You never came.
I prayed for you. I prayed for you every second of every hour.
He finds you in your New York penthouse. You’re completely the same. Not a single wrinkle. Not a hair out of place. You’re wearing tight jeans and a t-shirt with not a stitch of make-up. Gone are the bell-bottoms and the shoulder pads and the slinky, beaded gowns.
“Mags,” he says and you drop your glass. 
It’s the look on your face that does it. It’s that twisted expression of disbelief and then tears and then joy. 
“Oh my god,” you whisper before lunging at him. Initially, he thinks you’re trying to attack him, but instead, you wrap your arms around his shoulders. You tuck your face under his jaw. “Ben.”
With his hand fitted to the nape of your neck and your heart pounding relentlessly in beat with his own, he realizes that you hadn’t known.
“I felt you,” you murmur as the both of them slide to the floor. Your mouth tastes like vodka, his hand cradles the back of your skull as he lays you down. He’s rarely ever been gentle with you. He does it now. “I-I felt you out there. I begged Vought to look…I tried to get the others, and no one…no one wanted to help me.”
"I'm here," he states adamantly, hovering above you, his breath puffing against your cheek. I'm here. He repeats the phrase in the swiss-cheese, fried meat of his brain as if he is convincing himself, as well.
He kisses you frantically, his lips opening over yours, his tongue sliding along the roof of your mouth. You fist his hair. You start crying again. “I searched for you for years.”
The mantra is now a prayer of sorts as you gaze up at him with that familiar starlet expression. Sandra Fucking Dee.
I tried…I really tried…Ben.
“I believe you,” He parts your thighs with his body. He rips your jeans. He sucks marks into your neck and holds you close to him. Your eyelashes flutter and his mouth worships you - does everything he had done in his dreams. He latches to your nipple, wetting it with his tongue, teasing it with his teeth. 
“Fuck,” he rumbles. “I missed these tits.”
You laugh, punching him in the shoulder. “You haven’t changed.”
He glances up at as he releases your puffy, slick nipple with a pop. “You haven’t either.” He strokes your face sweetly, his finger smoothing the skin of your cheek. “You haven’t aged a day…fucking gorgeous as ever.”
Your head falls back on the floor with a thump. “I missed you.”
He sits back on his heels so he can pull the shredded remains of your jeans down your legs. He forces your thighs open before shoving his face crudely against your panty-covered pussy. He inhales and your hips cant against his face. “Shit…shit…I fucking missed this, too. Best damn pussy I’ve ever had the pleasure of eating.” He nuzzles against your belly as he grins up at you. “...and fucking.”
You roll your eyes. “So you missed my tits and my cunt. Your tone is ruthlessly flat. “Wonderful.”
“No,” he protests, shaking his head as climbs back up your body and kisses you again. “Of course, I missed you.” He kisses your nose. “Dreamt of you.” He kisses your chin - your lips. “I thought of you when they pumped me full of fucking poison.” His voice grows thick despite himself. He clenches his jaw as he is plagued by those terrible memories; something hot builds in his chest before he tamps it down. He breathes deep and tilts his head, eyes raking down your face that is still damp with tears. “You were the only thing that made it bearable.”
With that confession, the air between them changes. The space grows molten, the tension bulldozed by a longing that aches.
Wordlessly, your hands find his belt as he grips your underwear and splits it with a curl of his finger. You grasp him roughly, and he hisses at the familiar pressure of your touch. You know him inside and out. You know every damn insecurity he had. You know all of his lies and half-truths and hopes that had long since decayed. You know about his father.
When he strokes you between your legs, you’re already soaked. It isn't surprising. No one ever got as wet as you. Your supple, power-upped body blossoming with vitality. Your cells regrowing in seconds, inches, everywhere at once. He could not get you out of his system. Their lives were tangled. They were born together. They were molded together. 
Fuck me, Ben. Please - I can’t breathe without you. 
That’s the ecstasy, doll.
Maybe a little.
When he pushes into you, he groans. He hasn’t felt a slick, hot cunt like this in a long damn time. You’re tight as a fist and he’s always been enhanced in that department. He draws all the way out before shoving himself back in, punching you up the floor. Your back scrapes the carpet. Your nails bite into his shoulders.
It’s an erotic sight. Your t-shirt split in two. Your bra rucked under your tits. He’s still in his armor as he pins you beneath him. His pants are bunched around his thighs, no doubt chafing your skin with each snap of his hips.
He swallows your moan, tongue dipping and stroking as he kisses you fiercely. His pace is punishing and possessive. He grabs your wrist, smacking it against the floor so violently that the wood cracks into shards. Your bones creak under his strength, but you smile. You angle yourself to meet him thrust for thrust. Your legs are hooked around his waist and he just might blow his load at the sound of your cunt squelching on the fat length of his dick. 
“Jesus,” he husks. “You’re a wet little thing.”  
“For you,” You comb your fingers through his hair as your walls pulse and spasm around him. “Only you.”
That’s a lie. He’s sure of it. 
Still - it makes him feel better.
He slithers his hand down between them, resting his palm above your cunt. “How deep am I getting, baby doll?”
“It almost hurts,” you mewl, your teeth glittering like a predator’s. “Fuck - you’re splitting me in half.”
Jesus. Fucking. Christ. 
He slides his hand lower, tracing the area where your puffy cunt is stretched around his cock. He likes it. He likes to feel how he can ruin you - open you up. He wants to see. He draws back, bracing his weight on his forearms, lifting himself higher and dropping his head to stare at where he’s disappearing inside you. You look small as you take it. His cock and the hair at his groin are visibly shiny with you. 
“Shit, baby,” he grunts. “Need me to make you come, yeah?”
You nod, your mouth parting around a uhuhuh with every thrust. He smirks, pulling out of you and flipping you onto your hands and knees. He spanks you hard enough to leave a seconds-long bruise before he’s sinking back into your fucked-open pussy. His hand moves between your legs, fingertips circling your perky little clit as you shove back against him. You clench, a whine erupting from your throat as he coaxes you to orgasm. Your back arches and he chuckles, fucking you fiercely - palm flattening to your shoulder blades to push you down, so he has your ass in the air. 
“Jesus-fuck-shit-fucking-fuck,” His pace rolls into something messy, his hips stuttering against your thighs, and then it’s over. He’s filling you up with a decades-long pent-up load and you accept it beautifully. He watches as it oozes out of you. He traces it - pushes some back in like he could mark you. You shiver, spreading your legs more for him.
His heart hurts.
You’re mine. You’ve always been mine. No matter who else has been in your bed - it’s always been me just as I’ve been yours.
He lies next to you on the floor, his pants around his knees. His flaccid dick out as he curls his arm around your shoulders, letting you rest your cheek against his chest. 
He wants some coke. He wants a bottle of terrible whisky.
But he wants revenge more.
“What happened to the others?” he finally asks. 
You snort. “I left Payback after I was told you died. I hated myself for so long for not going on that Nicaragua mission.” You trace a circle over his hip, sighing. “Thought I could have saved you. Fucking Countess rubbed it in my face - acted like you’d sacrificed yourself for her or some shit.”
He tightens his grip on your shoulders before dropping a kiss on the crown of your head. “You had to know that wasn’t true…we…we were more than that. Crimson was a distraction.”
“We were fighting then,” you remind him. “I can’t even remember what it was about - something ridiculous. I was mad. You were mad. We didn’t talk for months, and then you died.”
Anger really begins to build inside him. Fury. They had lied to you. They had made you doubt him. They had made you unhappy. He was, admittedly, a fucking asshole, but he did love you. You were it. 
“They betrayed me,” he reveals. “I don’t have the details, but I have bits of information. They fucked me - sold me to the Russians.”
Under his arm, you go rigid before suddenly lifting yourself up on your elbows. You look down at him - your eyes narrowed to slits. It gives him a shiver. “Excuse me?”
He tells you everything he remembers: the attack that has come back to him in flashes, being subdued by his team, the Russians, the torture, the cold tomb that kept him in a state of delirium. 
Your expression is a bright with emotion. It morphs from disgusted to horrified to distraught as you digest the story he gives you.
After a long, agonizing silence, you swallow thickly. You wipe the tears out of your eyes before your lips split into a lethal smile. “I have their locations…I have resources. We can find them.”
His hand finds the hinge of your jaw, and he draws you down for a kiss so tender that Vought would have branded it across a billboard. 
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Rexobi. I really just wanna see Rex and Obi-wan drinking together and complaining about the disaster that is Anakin Skywalker. They decide to team up to get anakin to calm the heck down and to talk about his feelings. Anakin doesn’t realize what’s going on but gets the idea he needs to play matchmaker with his master and his captain. He thinks he’s the smart one but he’s really not
(i have once again chickened out of your full prompt and instead give you the leadup to rexobi getting anakin to talk about his feelings. 
i uhhh may be unable to think of anything but a rexobi au à la this post by @norcumii and @dharmaavocado about roleswap-ish senior padawan obi hella vibing with this mutant clone that can’t get above the rank of captain even as an arc trooper because the kaminoans are Like That, and qui-gon is going spare, because between anakin somehow being allowed to be in charge of a whole battalion and obi-wan picking fights with every single seperatist leader, he and cody never get a moment of peace. and like. just obi and rex being dumbass 20 year olds trying to deal with a general/master like anakin in the middle of a war. i don’t have TIME for that though
thank you for the prompt as always, i think this is the only rexobi/obex prompt i’ve ever gotten and this ship is criminally underappreciated. like?? kadavo?? anyways here’s whatever this is)
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 Not for the first time, Rex wishes Kote were the one here dealing with this, because “how to comfort your favorite Jedi” hadn’t exactly been covered in ARC training – actually, Alpha probably withheld the information on purpose, the fucker.
  But Kote is on the other side of the galaxy with the 187th and just as upset they’re not here in Rex’s stead: it’s barely a month off General Kenobi returning to his own face, and Rex knows his vod would strangle the entire Senate if given even half a chance for deploying them separately on their general’s first mission back after the Hardeen... incident. 
  And Fett’s Ghost knows Rex’s own general is going to pitch a fit when he finds out Rex is here instead of taking leave like the rest of the 501st, but Kote certainly wasn’t about to let Kenobi go all the way to Alderaan unguarded so soon after his supposed death; and honestly, Rex would have been offended if they had asked anybody else to do it. Thankfully, Kenobi hadn’t seemed offended when Rex had shown up at the Jedi Temple’s flight hangar before he could take off; instead, he had been rather amused. 
  Even luckier, Alderaan is barely a day’s jump from Coruscant, so they don’t have to spend too much time awkwardly pretending that Rex hadn’t attended the man’s funeral in Kote's place (that he would have attended anyways), or that Rex doesn’t know Anakin hasn’t spoken to his former master since their debrief to the High Council about Cad Bane. Which Rex should absolutely not know in the first place, but Anakin is his friend, for better or for worse, and Ahsoka thinks her master airs far too many of his grievances to his captain.
  It isn't until their cruiser is making the descent over Alderaan that Kenobi finally addresses the tension between them, which only proves that Kenobi is well aware of it, but had put it off as long as he could. It's a humanising observation, that Rex wishes he could have had when he isn't the only vod in a ten mile radius that isn't the pilot, because at least then he wouldn't be the sole receiver of the soft smile Kenobi gives him as he joins Rex to wait by the shuttle's access hatch.
  Rex thanks his progenitor's laughing corpse he has his bucket on, because all he can do is stare. 
  "You are worried about Anakin," Kenobi says matter of factly, though not unkindly, and Rex lets out a breath that's almost a laugh. 
  "I promise I am far more discrete with my thoughts in the field, sir."
  Kenobi chuckles warmly, tucking his arms behind his back to watch the planet under them grow larger as they approach. "Do try not to worry so much, my dear, this will all resolve itself in time." 
  It's hard to stare right at his gentle assuredness, so Rex looks away. "You have far more faith in his ability to forgive than I, sir."
  That laugh strains at the edges. "Yes, well, I'm afraid some of my lessons seem to have been... lacking."
  Rex has regs carbon-printed on his brain, he knows that even without the direct chain of command, the soft push and pull of his relationship with Kenobi, the steady, serene growth of it, is... problematic, for so many reasons that he wouldn't know where to start. Not least of all is rank, how much more important a Jedi is than a replaceable CC-track washout, but, well, Rex had washed out for being too emotional, so it's not as if he's exactly unused to reacting to things inappropriately for a good little soldier.
  "It's not my place, sir," he murmurs, remembering Kadavo, remembering Umbara, remembering the hand Kenobi had laid on his shoulder for far too long after the Blue Shadow virus, and has Rex really been this gone since then? "just say the word and I won't mention it again. But just because Kote isn't here doesn't mean you have to... shoulder all of this alone."
  In fact, it's wildly not his place to make such an offer, however implicit, but that month on Kadavo did happen, and Rex isn't so self-deprecating to believe he  hadn't had a heavy hand in helping Kenobi make it out on the other side as well as he did. He doesn't think so little of the bond they had formed then, to believe that Obi-Wan is unaware of it. 
  Not when he smiles at Rex like that, like he's a warm cup of caf after a week in the trenches, like Rex is... worthy of such sincere affection. 
  As the shuttle settles around them and the pilot announces their arrival over comm, Obi-Wan simply says, "I did not for a moment believe I was, my dear."
  "You and Rex seem close."
  Normally Obi-Wan can feel Anakin coming from an entire corridor away, but he also knows Quinlan has been teaching him a few Shadow tricks, so he isn't entirely surprised when Anakin appears at his elbow in the empty bridge looking like a smug necu.
  Aside from eating firstmeal with Kote in the mess, Obi-Wan hasn't even seen Rex today, much less interacted with him: as he understands it, Rex is trying to round up the remaining 501st shinies that are running around the Negotiator, so Obi-Wan really doesn't know where Anakin had gotten that notion. Recently, at least. 
  Anakin rolls his eyes and scoffs, leaning back on the railing next to him and crossing his arms. "Please, Master, even Snips has noticed."
  Obi-Wan refrains from telling him that anyone with a modicum more self-awareness than him has noticed. Be that as it may, "This is one of those times where I truly don't know what you're trying to say, my dear: I have been close with Rex since he was in the 212th."
  It isn't even an exaggeration, that there had been... something between them before Anakin whisked Rex away to his own battalion after his knighting, though back then it had been nothing more than friendship. If he recalls correctly, and he does, the cleanup of the Ryloth capitol had been the first time since then that they had worked closely, while Anakin had been on the ground with the locals and Mace had been with General Syndulla, and Obi-Wan had found he still quite enjoyed the way they worked together. Their time on Naboo combating the Blue Shadow virus had only endeared the captain more to him —he does remember a slip in propriety in his relief that Rex had been rescued safely with Padmé and Ahsoka, a hand left too long on the captain's shoulder until Kote had called him away— enough that Obi-Wan had been both relieved and horrified that it was Rex there to support him on Kadavo.
  "Cody said Rex was the one to go with you to Alderaan; you sure nothing 'happened' while you were there?" Anakin chuckles to himself like he's being incredibly clever, like there isn’t a hickey visible over the collar of his under tunic.
  Obi-Wan raises a brow slowly and refrains from rolling his eyes. "Despite what you may believe, Anakin, not everyone leaps into committed relationships after life-threatening situations." Not that Alderaan had been life-threatening, it had actually been as close to actual leave as Obi-Wan has had the entire war.
  "Please, it took Padmé and I ages to–" 
  Anakin seems to swallow his tongue, then, face rapidly going purple, and it really is a miracle the entire Republic doesn’t know about his marriage; the GAR certainly does.
  Sighing, Obi-Wan checks the chrono and decides it isn't too early for another cup of tea. "If you have a specific question about my relationship with Captain Rex, I do wish you’d be direct, my dear."
  Anakin splutters. "Relationship?!"
  "Great Maker, Anakin, you’re easier to spook than a half-starved blurrg." He pats Anakin’s arm, his sonbrother floundering for anything other than abject confoundment, as Obi-Wan turns away from the bridge to go locate both tea, and his commander to hopefully finalise their newest mission orders. "Don't worry," he calls over his shoulder, "I'll actually let you come to the wedding, unlike someone."
  Not that Obi-Wan has any such plans, Maker knows he and Rex have yet to address their feelings in the first place, but he'd be lying if part of him doesn't want to conspire with the captain in question —and perhaps Ahsoka— to see just how far they could take this before Anakin realises they're stringing him along. 
 Remarkably, Rex is waiting by Obi-Wan’s office with a flimsi cup of tea and a harried smile that promised quite the day chasing after shinies, and Obi-Wan decides conning his former apprentice can wait.
Mando’a: vod/e — “brother/s”, “comrade/s”, “sibling/s”, technically gender neutral but used most often in fandom as “brother/s”
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taxolotl · 3 years
what gets me is that c!dream and ls!george are so different like, the plot may stay the same, but their motivations are v dissimilar. ls!george started war to prevent war, which is just the kind of backwards thing he would do, while almost all c!dream cares about is power. whilst ls!george is apathetic (terrifying), c!dream is angry, cold. and although both are possessive, ls!george is more discreet about it, content to sit in the shadows and simply smite anyone who hurts ls!dream. - ivniv (1/?)
yes!! i talked a little bit about their differences in character here but you're right! also.. the loreswap isn't just a hair swap or a physical body swap.. their personalities and attributes would vary slightly since this isn't just a carbon copy of the current lore! i imagine characters Are affected by the ccs playing them so their dynamics and possible interactions are fun to play with! (see: qnf prison arc 😭)
answering the rest of your asks under the cut!
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i do think the dethroning would happen regardless if dream was the admin or not! "nobody would really dare to try and dethrone him" correction: george would absolutely dare to dethrone him LMAO (remember dream was by george's side in dsmp lore but still dethroned him) while dream may be admin, george is really the one with all the power since dream's pretty much just a figurehead hfjdfjsgdkf
one thing that keeps in line with the current dsmp lore though: george only dethrones dream to protect him. he still cares about dream here but just doesn't let himself show attachment
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i think dream would visit george (pre quackity, at least). despite who george has turned into, dream thinks that his old self is still deep down there and that he can reach him. he visits regularly and spends time talking with george, reminiscing over how pristine the server lands used to be, laughing at dumb childhood memories. george tries to push him away to prevent weakness, tries to hide his attachment to dream so that others can't take advantage of him via dream, but dream is gentle and persistent and insists on returning despite george treating him with nothing but cruelty.
then quackity starts visiting, and all other visitors are blocked out. george is alone again.
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thank you!! that was more of a compositional choice really, i wanted georgeeehd to be like,, overbearing with the huge dark wings that block out the sky and smother around dream! a word that i'd use to describe his general vibes would maybe be... alluring
i'm not too sure yet on georgeeehd's characterisation, but i think he'd be mischievous and Bitchy with no qualms about wreaking havoc hahaha
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dreamhot · 3 years
I think the artificial vibe comes from the sort of “ARG” situation he came from - like he seems like an irl childhood friend (bc he last seemed to play minecraft prior muncheymc) so his relation to dream seems genuine imo. It’s just very industry plant vibes, bc well, he is the closest to an industry plant - no content (yet), advised by an algorithm king (not a king at avoiding drama yet though), and seemed to have a general idea of what to talk about that the community likes (also just from being advised).
As for off/weird vibes: I do think they reconnected and hit it off, but I personally think the time was before the “join dsmp” tweet and just said after to avoid drama (bc there was already significant backlash) and Mana said Dream helped with the pfp (it’s been the same since at least that tweet afaik). I genuinely don’t think this is an issue if it’s true, it’s just “marketing” optics for lack of a better term.
Overall I get how people can think the vibes are off but it’s best to wait for more content/solo content before judging.
this makes sense. like i've already said, i feel like there's information we're missing, and i'm not sure if it can be entirely chalked up to driving hype. but it's hard to say! at the very least, i don't hold it against ollie for fumbling the bag, since he was prob in way over his head simply bc dream wanted to craft this goofy narrative around him. not trying to blame dream either - i think he's just enthusiastic and wants to see his friends succeed. this was certainly a means to get attention, but we don't know how long it'll last
as you said tho, best thing to do is wait for his other content to see what he makes of himself as a cc
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honkster · 4 years
Why the Dream SMP’s way of storytelling is IMPOSSIBLE to recreate in any other medium.
This has been in the back of my mind for the longest time. I think I finally got it.
People have talked about this before, and they’ve put forward some good points, and good for them – most of them are correct. It’s the way the ccs interact with each other, it’s how plot is mixed in with banter, that’s all good! I wanna put more out there.
So you know how you open a book to read, you start a new show, you sit down to watch a movie – that’s all produced by some sort of company, someone who made it specifically for you to enjoy. You expect a certain dramatic flair to it, certain cinematic choices, certain ways of writing, certain camera angles, certain reactions to things. That’s just ingrained expectations of things now.
The DSMP? Doesn’t have that.
The low expectations work very much in its favor. It’s a Minecraft role-playing server with a bunch of famous youtubers/streamers, who are all good friends and have great dynamics with each other. So when you expect “just another Minecraft video” but in stream form, or you watch the videos because there are certain people in them, you don’t expect to be dropped into extreme lore and sensitive topics, realistic situations proposed in game form, a combination of serious stuff and just fun times with friends goofing around – and you’re pleasantly surprised.
We, the fandom, are used to it a bit more now. How excellently they manage to make a serious story in such a “ridiculous” medium, how much it affects us all and gets our creative juices flowing. But even the ccs can’t predict some of the things that happen. And that’s fun.
The whole election ending the way it has? That was on us. And it made some of the most angsty content there has been in the DSMP. People still theorize about the arc and make connections to now – that’s pog!
Fundy being adopted by Eret – that sparked the whole “Fundy just wants a dad – let’s get him some love” thing that made FundyWasTaken and other Fundy+someone ships happen. I see a different person paired with Fundy every week, and somehow, I agree with all of them. I really got into Fundy because of that stream where Eret “slept through the adoption” and Fundy confronted his real dad and spent time with his granddad. That little stream gave us more insight into Fundy’s whole character (Nevermind Fundy showing off his acting skills – you go you funky little fox), but also justifies some of his actions now. DryWaters? Wanting to kill Technoblade? Fucked up reasons, but we still love him.
Phil being broken out of house arrest ahead of time – still made a great stream and Phil agreeing with Techno’s want for revenge – that made us all very happy. The SBI!!! The AE! And that’s also a thing!
That even if we do know or have predicted what’s going to happen, begged it out of the ccs basically, it is still incredibly fun to watch. Where some books/shows/movies fall short and reveal too much and end up being “too predictable”, they’re not fun anymore. I read this somewhere before, that sometimes holding back EVERYTHING from the reader, and relying on shock value to make a good story is just bad. Whereas if you progress the story naturally and let the reader make some predictions of their own and then they end up being right – that’s a lot of serotonin right there. It’s the re-readability that makes it slightly better the second time.
The DSMP takes this concept and fucking yeets with it. Letting fans engage in the story, letting them theorize and then be right, even acknowledging the fanart that was made, just engaging with the community that their roleplay created – that makes it so much more fun. I bet that even if the whole script was revealed to the fandom we would still watch every plot stream. Even if we knew vaguely what happens in the stream, we would tune in and enjoy every second of it. Because the ccs are just that good, we love them that much, we love this plot that much.
Oh and the unpredictability helps too. Tommy in exile was the vague concept of a lot of the streams – it’s taken that and ran with it in a lot of different directions. All quite enjoyable.
Having said all of that… The fact that this type of telling a story is impossible to recreate in any other medium is… kinda saddening? It is incredibly unique, and I’d say has things that not a lot of the people that produce mainstream media would even consider. “Just friends hanging out” – how would that make the script progress? “Engagement with the fandom, even considering their wishes for the characters” – but we’re telling a story here!
The only thing I can think of that would come close to the vibe, would be just a bunch of writer friends coming together, thinking up a universe and general plot, and then each deciding to write a few of their own characters in that universe. When one author focuses on their main characters, the side ones can feel left in the dust, or not fleshed out. The DSMP is just “every character can write their own story”, which takes a lot of the strain from the “main writers”. But the general thing of “just friends hanging out” would be taken away from it. We’re being serious here, why would we change the tone so quick?
With all of that in mind… I kinda wanna make some predictions? And I don’t know if they’re correct, but it’s fun to theorize. See?
1. L’manburg will die.
And not just because Techno has 54 withers. The country is cursed – it definitely is. There is little sentimental value that can be felt for a few flimsy stilts built on top of a crater. It might go out in a blaze of glory, with the withers (Is history repeating itself an interesting enough plot point to recycle a whole arc?), but it might just be forgotten. Yeah there have been some angsty headcanons about how “no one cares about L’manburg anymore, save for two people” and it just gets abandoned, but how about it just becoming irrelevant?
This all comes back to Dream, it always does! His want, need for the server to be “one happy family again”, it just means one thing. He wants the server to return to the peaceful anarchy that it was before L’manburg. No rulers, no factions, no nothing.
That’s never going to happen.
Try as he might, Dream cannot affect that change that L’manburg did to the server. The introduction of a faction, one that can exist without the interference of a higher power – why do you think so many factions have sprouted up since? And it’s not even serious factions a lot of the time, it’s just a few friends deciding to build their bases on a plot of land that they claim is a nation now. L’manburg has changed the mindset of these people, now an alliance with somebody is a political move. An alliance doesn’t exist if it doesn’t have a faction, and that faction can remain neutral for only so long.
Basically, L’manburg introduced the factions mod into the server.
And the fact that every faction now has enough relevance to hold weight in a war also means that every nation on the server is doomed to follow the downfall of L’manburg. Eventually, they will get into a fight they can’t win, go up against the wrong people, anger someone they shouldn’t have. All factions will either be destroyed, or lose relevance, until their creators, residents and such just… move on.
(And really you can go into meta and talk about real governments and compare them, but it’s far more simple than that. The server isn’t built for peace, it isn’t meant to be a relaxing place where you can just vibe, it may have been made for a few friends to play Minecraft together, but it has turned into An Author’s Curse. The curse that follows any kind of story being told – the fact that peace is boring. People watched the first streams of the DSMP because they liked the ccs, and that’s valid. But how many more people tuned in to watch the war streams because there was PLOT and there was CHAOS and there WASN’T CALM PEACE ANYMORE – that’s the curse of every writer. That you can write about someone just living their life drama-free, you can make interesting peace with characters or circumstances, but it’s always leading to one inevitable conclusion – war, drama, because people read that. And at this point, it’s just a predictable outcome. No matter how much you say that you are retired, that you’re done with violence (Technoblade), something will happen that will prove to you that you believed in people too much. No matter how “neutral” you may be in the matter, no matter how much you claim that you have no allegiance (Philza), you will be forced to pick one, because out of all the bad things, you pick the least worst one, the most appealing to you, the one that can benefit your want of revenge.
And I can go on, but this is far too deep for one simple reason – The Author’s Curse is so prevalent here because THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO STAKES. It’s a video game – you die? You respawn. Something gets destroyed? You can just rebuild. Sure, you’ll want to kill the person who did wrong to you, but whatever they did wrong can just be replaced, remade, recreated. So why not have wars? Why not cause massive amounts of destruction “for the plot”?
It’s literally a playground. How all authors have their little playground with their characters that they meticulously plan out, the DSMP is that playground for all of these people.
And it’s fun! Sure! I like it! I’m just really skeptical whenever someone in character says that they “just want peace”, “are retired”, “swear off violence”, “are building just a little city for themselves”. Because you can do that, nothing wrong. But eventually, no matter how much you distance yourself from all of the chaos happening, all of the wars, you will return.
Because it is just much more fun.
It’s the curse. A cursed cycle.
And everyone is in it.)
2. The prison.
I don’t have anything on the prison because I don’t have anything on the book. Yeah I’ve done a whole post where I overanalyze what it could be, but it doesn’t make it any clearer. Whatever it is, it’s made out to be a huge plot point, something that can only be revealed when the prison is finished.
Cursed. The prison’s reason for being constructed is the book, but the book is only relevant when the prison is finished. We can only wait, and theorize, as we do.
(My only theory is that the book is information about another op on the server. Or at least something related to op or creative mode. Dream only fears one thing on this server, and that’s Technoblade, so if his one fear is the most skilled player on the server, what else could give him existential fear?)
3. The SBI.
Again, I don’t have anything! Yeah the reunion seems to be going smoothly, one member at a time, but there is already conflict in their beliefs among each other. And all that’s happened is a vague “maybe one day we’ll strike”.
Is history repeating itself an interesting enough plot point to recycle a whole arc?
Is L’manburg’s destruction AGAIN really necessary to hammer home the idea that no one likes that place anymore?
I don’t know. Whatever happens, no one’s in the right. No one’s in the wrong either. They’re all not good people and that’s that on that.
4. The Clingy Duo.
That’s all.
(Okay seriously? All of these arcs are connected. You know what happens when everything seems to be connected to one another?
A giant, dramatic final showdown between the two opposing sides.
Cause it’s just Chaos vs L’manburg. Those are the sides. People that want L’manburg to exist and people that want it gone. There are no other sides, there isn’t someone who’s like “Well maybe it can exist if we do this and this” cause no one wants to put in anymore effort into this cursed country. The only people were the clingy duo and now they’re separated and everyone is just leaving and Tommy is on the Chaos side like at this point he doesn’t care about L’manburg he just cares about Tubbo but he has to convince Tubbo to leave L’manburg but will Tubbo be convinced but will Tommy even consider leaving L’manburg and breaking free from its curse AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
5. The Egg?
Dunno shit about it. Like the prison – it seems important, but we’re just not being given enough information. Is it a coincidence that the moment Dream commissioned the prison the Egg popped up? Or are the two directly related?
I don’t know. But as long as someone is finding ways to fight the Egg, that’s fantastic. Bad juju indeed.
6. Oh the Butcher Army want to kill Dream!
Okay I’ve seen people make the case that the Army is just a bunch of people with trauma repeating the cycle of ab*se that they went through and yes.
Just yes.
And the fact that no one is actually looking at it that way and no one is there to like.. help them or even help them understand that what they are doing is just irrational, even though their reason for doing it and the result they hope to achieve is YES and the only thing that a lot of the people of the server who want peace should try to go for as well, they cannot stand up to Dream on their own. They just can’t, they will get punted into exile. They need allies, and they need powerful ones, people that have also been wronged by Dream and want him gone.
But the cycle continues, and no one knows where it ends.
(Okay but from a writing perspective? Getting rid of Dream is the end goal. It is the be all end all of all conflict, well… most of it, at least most that’s related to the supposed “good side”, or “the side that’s been most victimized”. But from the same perspective, that side is just… no longer. It has proven that is just as bad, if not worse than the final boss. I have to agree that Techno has to pay for his crimes, even though I like him a lot, but Techno did in fact cause insane damage. Yeah L’manburg rebuilt, yeah Wilbur probably caused more – still he isn’t completely free.
But that’s a discussion on morality more than laws.
L’manburg is doomed to die. Dream is doomed to be fought, and probably won against (simply because he has won far too many times already, you know how everyone seems to hate OP characters…). But the Butcher Army is doomed to fail against Dream. So how does that work?
Is history repeating itself and interesting enough plot point to recycle a whole arc?
The answer is no.
I’ve repeated that question three times now, and the answer to it is no. No it is not. L’manburg can be destroyed again, and it can be rebuilt again, but the sentimentality that people feel for it will not remain. The cycle of history ends somewhere, and it’s not too far a fetch that it ends here.
So what happens when Technoblade, Philza and Tommy roll up to L’manburg with withers and a destruction wish, only to be met with a bunch of traumatized children with axes and a death wish?
Well, I’ll spare the details, but from a purely writing standpoint…
The two sides team up.
Think about it – The Butcher Army doesn’t care about Technoblade anymore. They’ve seen that Dream is the one pulling the strings, they know that even if they do care about trying to eliminate Technoblade again, they have to get rid of his strongest ally – Dream. But through their anger, they’ve lost their fear. You should fear Dream, he’s a fuckin op. Techno is correct in not wanting to go against him.
But after Tommy? After seeing the Butcher Army at their lowest, screeching about Dream being the villain?
Will Techno finally go past his thinking of “government is evil, always government is source of problem” and realize that Dream has the most evil government in mind for his rule?
I’m still kinda sad that Techno isn’t making the conclusions he should about Dream. But he’s starting to – and really, the SBI-Butcher Army team up is the most logical thing that could happen.
Watch me be completely wrong or miss something and I’ve got ALL of it wrong. I would love that.)
(Also it’s very funny to me that Dream is literally simping for Techno while he’s just here like “Listen bud I would stab you on sight if you didn’t have creative mode”. Dream KNOWS that Techno can and will kill him given the opportunity. Techno knows that that opportunity may never arise.
It’s a weird type of stalemate, to be sure. But goddamn is it interesting.)
Anyway... if you read through all of this... I could bake you a cookie? Thank you! I like to ramble.
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relaxxattack · 3 years
(i dont care to do c! tags bc theres. so many characters. if i dont say cc! then im talking abt the characters) normally i am not one to think much about the syndicate bc outside of ranboo being there to protect tubbo the syndicate Frustrates me a bit but. if phil starts to realize just how fucked over tubbo got by schlatt being erased from the narrative (and especially how shittily techno has treated tubbo) then i really hope they lean into like. the fact that the syndicate may soon turn into phil, niki, ranboo, and possibly the mystery member (im including mystery member mostly because i think tubbo is on good terms with almost everyone except like. dream, possibly wilbur but we'll see, and like the eggpire ppl but none of them are likely options but it is possible that the mystery member could just be neutral) all like. wanting tubbo to be safe and phil is *just* reasonable enough that i think he'd realize how unfair it is for tubbo to have been subjected to so much shit just for techno to introduce even more fear and the need to hide in his life
like phil already keeps the bee duo marriage and michael a secret, he lets tubbo come over and while of course its mostly from the semi lore vibes phil seems vaguely fond of tubbo already (i dont think phil and tubbo have father/son vibes tho, more just like. tubbo is just That Kid that adults cant help but adore even though the kid will rob them of house and home. slightly amused elder watching a tiny fucking gremlin make sex jokes and talk about soviet russia), niki from what i remember still cares about tubbo (probably because she cant redirect any anger towards him without realizing how unjustified it would be kcnsks she can come up with excuses for hating tommy but tubbo didnt do anything that niki has a problem with outside of her maybe having a bad view on butcher army if she knows about it?), ranboo is. ranboo. i dont need to clarify. and then like said theres a very low possibility of the fifth member *disliking* tubbo or being unable to sympathize with him.
people talk a lot about how techno needs to lose in a way that he cant easily come back from without introspection and i think while the rest of the syndicate standing up for tubbo would increase technos grudge against tubbo initially its also like. something that i think would maybe force techno to see tubbo as a person because now theres nothing techno can box (haha gettit. tubbox tubbo in a box tubbo getting boxed into certain roles by people who refuse to let him out techno esp doin this teehoo) tubbo into that wouldnt just. acknowledge that tubbo is a person. hes not apart of the government anymore, not planning any failed revolution, the most negative title to his name is being one of the nuke makers but even then thats out of fear and safety and techno knows that. otherwise tubbos current crimes are nothing thats special to tubbo (like. stealing and searching for evidence in ppls homes and stuff, the latter of which techno doesnr even know about). right now tubbos a husband, a father, a friend, a kid, *ex*-government, a person. and just.
i think that with how much foreshadowing about tubbos execution no longer being a secret amongst the witnesses and tubbo himself and soon being something that people close to techno like phil and ranboo know about as well (in that i want phil to learn that techno did it and for ranboo to learn about it in general bc hes just biased enough for tubbo and just smart enough that i think even if somehow he wasnt told who did it he could figure it out), and with the fact that tubbos lore has been confirmed to now be something thats actively going to be played into? i think (or at least hope) that it might spur phil and techno into finally seeing tubbos side of the story (and probably also get into the possibility of tubbo opening up to tommy and ranboo but i do think realistically either tubbo will try to play it off/not truly open up about how much its effected him or tubbo will at first shut down or go into complete repression mode, especially if phil and ranboo get the story from other people rather than tubbo himself [but god do i hope they confront tubbo himself]. either those two or tubbo talks about his emotions through fucking snapping at something/someone like he did at quackity when reminded of his execution, which as long as its Not tommy or ranboo ill absolutely be cheering on him for)
which is all a very convoluted way of saying uhh. *grabby paws at the ccs currently involved in the arc of clearing up personal misconceptions about l'manberg (and especially tubbos involvement and how easily those around him judged him based off of their versions of the story)* tubbo lore? tubbo healing tubbo talking about his problems? characters learning to see him as a person and recognizing how traumatized he is and that hes not uneffected but actively repressing any effects? please? (also ending note as the cherry on top of this essay that im sorry for dropping into your inbox: im kind of glad that tommys healing arc and tubbos possible healing arc are going to happen at similar times but are still separate. something something its nice to see acknowledgement that tommy and tubbo wont heal in the same way and arent going to know how to help each other but theyre still going through it together. their arcs are intertwining without removing their individuality and as someone w major co-dependency issues its kind of nice idk. you can be there for someone and still acknowledge that you have your own things to go through too and that while you wont be alone you shouldnt force those around you to support you. the bench trio are all helping each other out of free will and genuine love for each other while still realizing they have some problems they arent ready to talk about yet that arent forced to the open because theyre all doing their best to handle each other with care and i just. bench trio my beloveds. the kids are alright.) -🎭🎪 (also as the actual end note if theres ever a need to refer to me as something other than the emojis mask or eyez works fine but the idea of my name being the emojis is also Very Funny to me so do what you will)
im working on my aperture camera college assignment rn and my brain is sort of fried so i dont have an intelligent answer, but i got the happy chemical reading this.
yeah. i think we all know here that my favorite character is tubbo, and i REALLY hope we get him addressing anything that’s happened to him in canon. pretty much all of what you said sounds very good. *grabby hands* spare tubbo lore? please? spare tubbo lore?
perhaps during the three weeks wilburs off in the fucking woods (/lh) we could have a the-others-find-out-what-happened-to-tubbo-(and in DETAIL)-arc. pleaseeeeeeeee and ty
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Ranboo and Phil decided to joke about irl lore, so naturally you and an entire Discord gotta start generating a bunch of scenarios. 
Techno screaming “AND I’LL PUT TO THROUGH YOUR TEETH” and then RUSHING at Quackity while carrying a fake pickaxe
Wilbur “blows up” the Vidcon building/L’Manberg by throwing TNT plushies and Phil smacks him him with the toy diamond sword to kill him.
Any CC says “it was never meant to be”. Screams, cheers and salutes from various fans ensue. 
Alternatively, the instrumentals for Hallelujah play and there are suddenly several people saluting.
Techno and Dream coming in to blow up L’Manberg again. More plushies, destruction of (what I imagine to be made of cardboard or Legos) this country continues.
Tommy getting Dream to take off costume armor at the Disc Finale.
Dream taking off this costume armor to reveal a prisoner outfit with an extra mask underneath his mask.
More under the cut:
BBH carries around this giant plush red Egg and is in what looks like the edgiest of dark leader cult robes
Skeppy ends up wrapped in a red blanket while Bad, Ant and Punz circle him. Just, going around a random red Egg like it’s a summoning circle. Whatever or whoever’s in the Egg just pops out at some point.
Foolish spends several hours of the con crying over a chandelier as he picks up and puts down several foam Minecraft blocks.
He does the whole "god brings down lightning strike thing" but he just pulls out a yellow pool noodle lightning bolt and throws it at the Eggheads. Ranboo and Tubbo are vibing nearby
And by vibing I mean crouching behind a table yelling "IS FOOLISH JESUS" but Ranboo’s too tall so absolutely none of his body is being hidden by the table. 
Ranboo and the Dream voice but Dream's just kinda chilling there behind him with the cheapest mask ever. He’s T-posing and Ranboo just keeps laughing because how can you keep a straight face when Dream is just THERE trying to tell you how you may or may not have blown up a community house.
"You blew up the community house," Dream says, as he T-poses while circling Ranboo like the Earth around the sun. Ranboo is trying to maintain his lore voice and failing. Tubbo is probably cackling somewhere.
Phil is laughing constantly the entire time trying his best not to but it is Phil. He must laugh.  Foolish proceeds to get everyone in the DSMP to shift dance with him live.
Alternatively Vid Con lets Dream use the intercom, the only problem is that people would randomly here "You blew up the community house." with ABSOLUTELY NO CONTEXT.
Ranboo carrying grass blocks but it's just him holding a giant grass block plush.
The duel between Dream and Tommy but it's Nerf Guns or rubber arrows
Exile arc but the walls being built around L'Manberg is Legos being surrounded by this tiny country or those foam blocks at trampoline parks.
Tubbo's execution but once again it's just this really big Nerf gun or something. Maybe with some streamers or confetti for the fireworks
They do all the Tales for Karl but every single one of them is scuffed. Techno and Quackity are somehow the most accurate to their characters, Ranboo just has a milk carton taped to him, and Tubbo has a fake mustache for the Wild West one.
Dream just has the fakest fake wig on for Ranbob. The other Karls in the Inbetween are just the other CCs but with Karl hoodies on. They have really cheap bad wigs for the Karls too.
The Pit but it's the Dashcon ball pi-[GUNSHOT] 
The Masquerade but when Techno orders Ranboo to kill Karl it's just a fake Minecraft sword.
The Pit "effects" are a bunch of confetti and water guns.
Ranboo's characters having a lot of milk but he just reaches into a backpack and pulls out boxes and boxes of those small juice/milk boxes you'd drink as a kid. When it gets to Ran he replaces those boxes with an incomprehensible amount of grass block styled foam blocks.
BBH trying to convince Techno to join the Eggpire and successfully getting Ranboo down to the Egg but it plays out like Techno and Puffy just looking down at Ranboo, who is crouched on the ground/mat thing next to a big red plush Egg and mumbling.
Prison but it's the equivalent of a time out corner
The Tommy death scene but Dream has a bowl of mashed potatoes
Revival scene but Tommy's just literally yanked over by Dream as a way of representing him being revived. Like Wilbur just looks up from his competitive solitaire game and Tommy’s yoinked away.
Quackity has a paper plate with the Mexican flag colours for Mexican Dream’s mask.
Dream XD but Dream stands on a stool while T-posing the entire time, Techno and Phil standing buy a cheaply decorated table or chairs making a table for the End portal. He just carries away each chair or the whole table to break the portal. 
Alternatively, the End portal is a pile of boxes and DreamXD just BODY SLAMS into it to "destroy" it.
Jack Manifold crawling himself out of hell but he literally crawls across the floor or something into a different patch for the land of the living
Bonus: FUNDY PUSHING JACK OFF THE STAGE FOR THE MANIFALLOFFBRIDGE BIT (obviously not too hard that he’d hurt himself)
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anarchy2021 · 3 years
CC promo day: the mission
So to make up for the relative lateness (and the missed PSA post this Sunday...) I thought I would talk about what we strive to achieve with our cc promo posts, and how :D This got a bit long; there is a tl;dr at the bottom!
A lot of promo posts we've seen in this community are, while well intentioned, unfortunately ineffectual for a lot of reasons. It's often hard to articulate what actually makes a content creator entertaining, and a lot of the obvious appeal seems to vanish in a formulaic context. Hence, a lot of promos rely on the mantra of supporting small streamers, women, and minorities, which is an incredibly important thing in a space historically dominated by cishet white men and hostile and disadvantaging to creators who diverge from that mold.
However, this alone doesn't make for a good promo. It doesn't really boost anyone's voice effectively to simply say they're someone who deserves more support without saying why; creators can produce a wide range of content, and ultimately people don't tend to watch streamers out of moral imperative, but out of the entertainment value and the community and experience they provide. Moreover, promos that rely on this imperative can come off as disparaging towards people for watching larger streamer at all, which is not only alienating to those fanbases (which is the opposite of what you want a promo to be!) but also unwarranted. Luck and the social stack plays an undeniable role in the success of large streamers, but it's also difficult to become one without being entertaining; there's nothing inherently bad about enjoying the content of larger streamers, and considering ANARCHY2021's platform is very transparently styled around and takes inspiration and straight up lines from Technoblade's (and to some extent Ranboo's and Philza's) work on the Dream SMP, we would be the world's biggest hypocrites if we were to rag on people for enjoying watching a cis white guy play Minecraft in front of 100K+ viewers ^-^"
Worse, this kind of promo can itself backfire into actively harmful territory, despite the good it usually tries to achieve. While representation is absolutely important, not every minority streamer makes representation and activism part of their brand; some do, and that's fantastic and should be boosted and supported and advertised as part of the content they choose to make, but many don't, and the notion that they should be expected to is reprehensible in its implications that every public figure that happens to be a minority should be an advocate for their demographic(s), regardless of good intent. This kind of promo also runs the risk of being tokenizing and performative, defining people's content unwillingly by their demographic qualities outside of their control. This is patronizing at best for some qualities – like being a small streamer – and actively bigoted at worst, and in all cases detracts from the creators' own effort and choices.
Generally, a lot of promos, despite trying, lack the basic functions of a promo post: telling the reader what kind of content is actually being promoted and what they can expect to get out of it. Even when they try, traits like generically "funny" are usually listed, which isn't effectually informative of what kind of content is actually shown – people can be funny or have nice vibes in myriads of different ways. This is why we strive to answer the questions, when we make our promo posts, of why one should watch a certain streamer, what the experience and appeal is like, and give examples of things people enjoy as our primary selling points. It's a showcase of underrated content and new kinds of content that, we hope, actually works to tell people what to expect, and to direct people looking for certain kinds of content to a creator that might otherwise have flown under their radar, because that's definitionally what being underrated is – it's lacking the eyes that would otherwise be on you.
This brings me to another common post problem: at least in my experience, even when I want to check out a promoted cc, I will commonly have no idea where to start. This is why we try to include concrete examples, or recommended ways of getting into a streamer's content. We try not just to list a bunch of addresses to seek, nor even solely to give exposition on the possible rewards of finding something, but to show people the door to it. We hope, with our posts, to not only bring attention to undervalued creators, but also enable viewers to expand and diversify the kinds of content they have in their scope and available to them!
And of course, we don't have a monopoly on promotional content. It's also a goal of ours to attempt to lead by example in this regard – to advance the posting meta, if you will! Hopefully, our post formats and/or these insights and especially the ideas people get from them inspire people to make their own, hopefully more effective, promotional content – we certainly don't have any particular standout skill for this! We're just some guys who noticed some stuff and the things I bring up in this post are not just replicable but very much with room to be built on
These things all follow from and are in service to our general goals of making a materially better and happier MCYTblr through enablement, and offering people resources and material pathways to better experiences. As we have said before, at ANARCHY2021, we are trying to build bridges, and always to try to bring POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
TL;DR: - promo posts that don't really tell you a lot about the promo'd creator the promo'd creator are unfortunately common :( - these posts can be ineffective for various reasons, or even themselves patronizing or even bigoted, even though they're usually d, even though they're usually well-intentioned - our model of promo post is meant to be a model of promos that actually showcase someone's appeal - we hope this way underrated creators get more appreciators' eyeballs AND that viewers get better access to a wider range of enjoyable content
Here is our cc promo tag to peruse at your disposal!
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Lamia Drama Part 8
WELL THAT GOT LONGER THAN I INTENDED. But I guess that’s what happens when you have a majority of the people in one place XD
I hope this chapter went well... It felt kinda rambly, but it was fun seeing people play off each other. It was hard to get the same level of depth with characters as previous chapters with so many, but hey, interactions are fun too! Hope you guys enjoy.
As always, the species of lamia in this fic belong to @vex-bittys
           Keith and the rest found Alex pretty easily. And a few other lamia that were either allowed free roam or had just slipped out. She didn’t seem to notice the onlookers, more caught up in petting Oozy… who wasn’t technically in his hammock. Maybe it’s best he didn’t make that bet with Hux earlier. Sure, Oozy’s close to the hammock, but Hux would absolutely rules lawyer him and demand snacks because he’s not in the hammock. Hux was a rule stickler… when and only when it helped him in some way. Eh, Keith could roll with it though (even if his dice sometimes couldn’t, but that’s what a DM screen is for).
           Keith was hesitant to break up the cute moment between the two – Oozy was apparently having the time of his life, and Alex seemed pretty wrapped up in it herself, humming some tune or another while stroking him. Keith listened, trying to place it, but…
           She was repeating it, huh? Was that the only part of the song she knew? Then again, it seemed like the good part, whatever it was. Easy enough to pick up too. Keith started humming along.
Hux rolled his eyes, mumbling something that sounded suspiciously like “great, two of them” and slithered over, “Yo. Girl person. Ya coming or what?”
Alex looked up, “I mean, yeah, I think? Coming where?”
“nooooooooo…” Oozy said, taking her hand and putting it back on his head. “Sorry guys. I’m stealing her. She’s my personal petter now. That’s the rules.”
“Since when?!” Hux said.
Oozy looked a moment, then licked her hand. “I licked her, she’s mine.”
Keith stared at him in shock, not sure whether to laugh or slap him. “Dude.”
Nikolai gave a heavy sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “Don’t lick party members. Or people in general.”
           “How does that work anyways? You’re a skeleton,” Alex said.
           “Maaaagic,” Keith said, wiggling his fingers in emphasis. “In other words, uh… Monster biology is weird. Or half monster biology. Whatever the fuck we are.”
           Nikolai nodded, “More or less, yes. I can explain it in more detail later, if you’d prefer.” He started coming forward and Alex inched away. Keith hissed before he could catch himself, but Nikolai didn’t seem offended. Instead, he lowered himself in a bow, “And I’d like to apologize for how I acted earlier… I’ll admit I, erm… Overreacted. But we’ve had issues in the past of people coming in to steal babies or eggs, one of the fools tried to snag a mamba egg and got himself killed. I just get a bit jumpy about strangers around them.”
           Alex nodded, relaxing a little, but still staring off at a clock instead of Nikolai. Her hand continued to run across Oozy as she said, “I get it. They’re just little dudes, too freaking small. And some are venomous. Not like you knew me.”
           “Still, I should’ve given you more of a chance or at least asked you politely to leave before turning to threat displays,” Nikolai said.
           “Eh… It was my fault,” Keith said. “I should’ve warned ya I was bringing someone in. Anyways, let’s try this again. Alex, this is Nikolai. He could probably fuck you up, but he’s everyone’s mom.”
           Nikolai made no move to deny it.
           “Hux here is the grumpy snake. He’ll warm up to ya.”
           “No I won’t.”
           Keith rolled his eyes, “He’s just a grump.”
           Hux mumbled to himself.
           “I think you’ve met Oozy pretty well by now.”
           “Sup,” Oozy said, making absolutely zero movement.
           “And, erm… Nikolai, you’ve got Trousle, right.”
           “Hello human! I’m Trousle! Please let me say hi.” Said Trousle’s little speaker. He was poking out from Nikolai’s sleeve, apparently wrapped around his arm.
           “He’s mute, but he’s pretty fast at typing. Got his own phone and everything,” Keith said, watching this girl intently. Apparent soulmate or not, if she was dick about Trousle, she was out of here. She might’ve earned Oozy’s enthusiastic (well… enthusiastic by his standards, dude looked like a kid in a candy store, but the world’s laziest kid) approval, but he wasn’t going to let an asshole mess with the little dude. Hux would warm up, that was more him being a bit of an ass than her, but he’d get over it… probably.
           “Oh that’s cool! Do you have a phone number? Honestly I think my fingers work better than my mouth sometimes, but I guess talking out loud doesn’t really have a backspace key? But yeah! C’mere… Wait, I can hold him, right? Snakes are just, like, noodle puppies.” She paused, looking at everyone in the room. “I’d offer to hold you guys, but I am literally the second smallest person in here. I mean, guess we can try, but I don’t think it’ll go well?”
           Keith snorted. Gosh, she was something, huh? A little awkward, but who wouldn’t be super awkward in this situation?
           Nikolai brought Trousle over and she draped him around her neck. He nuzzled her cheek, giving her little scratches behind the ear.
           … should someone tell him that she’s not a dog?
           Naaaaaaaaaah. She didn’t seem to mind anyways,
           Hux made a fake-gagging gesture at the two and Keith rolled his eyes, whispering at them, “Oh let’em have this. It’s cute.”
           “I’m getting diabetes. Like, right now. They’re just beaming diabetes across the room.”
           “Be nice,” Nikolai said, “It’s not going to kill you to have to actually smile at a human once in a while.”
           “Yes it will. It’s, like, a terminal thing. If I smile at a human, I will instantly turn to dust.”
           No such condition had ever existed and likely never would.
           Keith’s first instinct was to back up Nikolai, but it was almost an in-joke that he’d at least try to defend Hux no matter how clearly in the wrong the guy was. Admittedly, it was as often as not either due to boredom or just feeling bad for the guy…
           It’s not like Hux didn’t have a point – a point that he had iterated in frustrated, sometimes tear-filled tirades at least a few dozen times. He didn’t want to be treated like a pet, he’s allowed to not want to be a pet. Sure, not every adopter is like that. Some might’ve been looking for pets, yeah, but just as many want a kid or a friend, especially with full sized lamia. It could be more or less just like adopting any other monster, save for needing a good deal more raw meat. But Hux didn’t see it that way… Not that Keith ever blamed him. There wasn’t a huge market for full-sized Corals, their reputation as being stubborn, a bit lazy, and tsundere as hell was cute in something you could pick up and snuggle as it chirped indignantly and secretly enjoyed it – like an extra intelligent, reptilian cat – but less so when it was just as big as you and probably stronger. Everyone wanted a housecat, no one wanted a mountain lion. Or those that did need something to growl and hiss would probably pick Kings or Mambas.
           Nikolai gave a long-suffering sigh, “You will not turn to dust if you’re forced to be nice every now and then.”
           “Yeah I will. It’ll, like, strangle my soul or some shit. Keith, back me up here. Tell ‘im.”
           Nikolai had the distinct impression of a haggard mom trying to reason with an unruly kid. He just looked so done. Dude could handle customers, angry mamba moms, being a jungle gym for babies, and training employees who may or may not have believed he knew he what he was doing, but Hux was his breaking point.
           Keith stifled a chuckle, stuffing his hands in his pockets as his mind worked over what to do… He didn’t want to just abandon Hux – Nikolai would know it was just him being a loyal bro – but Alex wouldn’t. She might not’ve been looking at them, but he caught the way she kept glancing over…
           “Welp, ya heard him. He’s sick. I prescribe ten CC’s of coffee with extra sugar and bribery with shiny objects.”
           Hux’s head popped up, body at attention. “I’m listening… How many shiny objects are we talking.”
           “… we’re not bribing him.”
           “I’ve got extra dice?” Alex said hesitantly. Trousle was looking at her in concern, patting her face. She said, “I mean, I kinda like having all my dice, but I guess I don’t need seven sets… I’m keeping the black ones though, they’re good for fight scenes. And the orange ones, they were my first set ever and are not for sale. Also, the green and purple ones are just a fae vibe, I’m keeping them. They’re just average, but I like them.” Pause. “And the lesbian dice are mine. They won’t like you anyways, you’re a boy.”
           All of them nodded understandingly. You could only play DnD so long and not get irrationally attached to the colorful little click clack rocks of fate.
           “That counts as one shiny object,” Hux said.
           “There are seven in each set!” Pause. “Well, more or less. I’ve lost some over the years.”
           “You’ve got a point… More dice for the dice dragon! Mwahahahah!” Hux said, hamming it up.
           Keith’s mouth twitched into a grin as he shook his head at the goof. How was he this cute? Just… goober. His friend is a total goof sometimes.
           “Can I try the lesbian dice?” Trousle asked, holding himself at an awkward position to type.
           “I… I guess? Just give them back after…” Alex said. She ran a finger across Trousle’s head, smiling as he let out little breathy attempts to “Nyeh.”
           “Why are they lesbians anyways? Do they only work for girls?” Nikolai said.
           “Here, lemme show you.” She unzipped one of the pouches on her bag and brought out a baggy full of dice that were lesbian flag colored. “My friend got them for me for Christmas.”
           “That’s amazing. I want twelve,” Keith said.
           “You’re not a lesbian… or a girl! I think… I mean, if there’s something you want to tell us, that’s fine, but I was under the impression you weren’t even interested in relationships,” Nikolai said.
           “Maybe I could get, like… Dice that are for people who are just no.”
           “Ace and aro. Probably,” Alex said.
           “Oh cool. Words for it. Nice!”
           “Give me words for friends with everyone! I want a flag too!”
           “I… I don’t know if there’s a flag for that? Maybe we could put a dog on a flag? It’d be hard to make dice with dogs on them though,” Alex said.
           “Ya could put a little dog face on every side and interpret the roll based on how much they’re a Good Boy,” Keith said.
           “That would only roll Nat 20’s,” Alex said, deadpan.
           “… good point. It could be the luckiest dice,” Keith said, grinning.
           “I AM THE GOODEST BOY. Give me dog dice.” Trousle said, tucking the phone away to throw his little fists in the air, a gleam in his eye as he sat on Alex’s head.
           Keith laughed. “Oh my gosh. I mean, that sounds adorable, but, uh… I think that miiiiight be a little too game breaking, even for me.”
           “Give me dog dice.” He slithered back down to around Alex’s neck, holding himself out towards Keith the best he could and giving some mix between a glare and a pout.
           “Trousle no.”
           “Trousle YES,” Alex said.
           Troulse nodded enthusiastically, bouncing in place so hard that he fell off and Alex yelped as she caught him.
“Are you alright?!”
           Trousle gave a thumbs up, coiling around her arm.
           Oozy had apparently fallen asleep on the floor, so Hux poked him with a stick, making Oozy whine. “Soooooo… Are we gonna get Glitterass, or are we just shadow banning him from this? I mean, I wouldn’t say no if we are…”
           “We should probably go get him, yeah,” Keith said. “Ya ready Alex? Liam’s a mamba, and one of his eyes don’t work. Try to stay on his good side, literally. Metaphorically too if you want, but he doesn’t like having people where he can’t see or hear them well.” Not that anyone would like that, just courtesy really, but maybe not something you’d think of immediately.
           Alex nodded, “Alright, let’s go!”
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khizuo · 3 years
(for the ask meme thing) fundy, niki, eret
fundy: who is your favourite underrated character?
I’m just going to rip off the character which the ask is based off and say Fundy, lol (even though I know Fundy has a pretty sizeable following on dsmpblr). Early S2 Fundy streams still hit me in the feels, and the Fundy-Wilbur-Phil dysfunctional family may be my favorite set of character relationships on the SMP. They’re so angsty and the cc’s were committed to exploring the depth of their dysfunctionality, and I think Fundy played the biggest part in making that happen.
Of course, Fundy is also more than his relationships, and I also just really enjoy how he functions in the story — his character strikes this perfect balance between mischief, melodrama, and depth that I think really adds a lot to the scenes and storylines that he takes a part of. (I will admit I haven’t watched every Fundy vod—I’m trying to get through Tubbo’s back catalogue rn—but this is my general experience watching him.) That, paired with his lore consistency, makes him a really enjoyable character to watch for me.
niki: which character made you angry at any point + why
c!Phil really made me angry around the Doomsday era because of the way he talked to Ghostbur and his blaming of the former L’manbergians. I perceived a lot of his words towards c!Tubbo and Ghostbur as victim-blaming, especially since I was (and still am) quite defensive of c!Tubbo and Ghostbur. I remember writing some pretty c!Phil negative metas and posts back then, most of which I no longer fully agree with. I don’t have a really strong opinion on him now, partly because I recognize how he’s a victim of some messy circumstance and partly because I think he’s really starting to step into his own as a character and I’m excited to see how his story progresses. I still wish his fallout with the L’manbergians was more thoroughly explored, but I think retroactively I’m much better able to see it from his perspective.
eret: who are your favourite group of characters who have interacted before?
any configuration of tommy, tubbo, ranboo, and ghostbur makes me incredibly happy (especially that stream ‘Tommy’s Plan to Kill Dream’ where they were all just chilling with each other? impeccable vibes)
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