#i’m thinking tiefling 🥰
lelianaslefthand · 1 year
me trying to come up with a tav to romance gale
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eliteseven · 4 months
Did Serena and Shadowheart follow the same romantic arc as in the game (first kiss at the party, making things official after Gauntlet, first time at the beach, etc)? Or did it go entirely differently? Who fell first for the other? How did the other companions react? We know there have been a few "bumps" here and there, like the life expectancy talk, or Shads just being a gremlin early on lmao, but how are things between them overall (before full domesticity life at the cottage, which they 100% deserve 😭)?
I love them both so much and i'm simply obsessed with how you write them, thank you for sharing that with us 🙏🙏
AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH 💕 I put a lot of love into writing them, I’m THRILLED you love them too!! 🥰 thank you for the sweet words, week made!!!
For ease of reading (bc damn I started and did NOT shut up lol), I’ll detail their journey under the cut: (with a few screenies) 😊
I used the game’s romantic arc to structure the basis of their relationship- so all these events did happen, though I’ve messed with the timeline a little.
-their relationship is contentious at first. When Serena finds out she’s a worshipper of Shar- it’s obviously a little jarring, despite the honesty. She trusts Shadowheart about as much as Astarion, fangs and all. Shadowheart (besides being a gremlin in general at first lol) thinks Serena is probably the easiest to manipulate in the group (her other options are Astarion and Lae’zel- and those are non starters). She mistakes Serena’s kindness for naivety, I think. Serena is…exhausted by all these…unique…personalities 💀 she has a worm in her head and a very opinionated Sharran in her ear
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-Still, they exchange some not so subtle stares at camp, their first couple of evenings together. Shadowheart pretends not to look at Tav when she insists on sparring with Lae’zel to stay sharp. Tav pretends not to look when Shadowheart comes out in her haute couture Sharran full body lingerie 😭 they both fail miserably!! The constant thirsting/staring game begins!!
-I actually think Shadowheart falls first. She intended to simply use Tav to get rid of the worm. She didn’t count on Tav being so…good 🫠
-When Astarion bites Tav- it’s Shadowheart who reacts most viscerally. Everyone thinks it’s just her threatening to stake a vampire for her own safety, but…she’s jealous!!!
-when they meet Wyll, (not the first time for Tav!)- he accidentally outs her as a member of one of the patriar families of Baldur’s Gate. He’s happy to see a familiar face, but…Cue the ridicule from those who think she’s a soft ass noble playing dress up as a knight. Shadowheart and some of the others are downright mean about it. Still, Shadowheart takes note of her prowess during the fight outside the grove. She’s interested, now. Then Tav goes on to give all she has to the Tiefling kids and joins Wyll on teaching them to fight. Shadowheart starts to see her priorities and…likes them secretly 😭
-They find themselves drawn to each other, regardless. When Shadowheart shows true fear before a wolf, it’s Tav who steps in front of her and gently tugs her away. During long walks, she and Tav often find themselves side by side. Tav doesn’t pry- but her stoicism fades with time. She tells Shadowheart little stories of her time in Cormyr. Shadowheart, in turn, begins to confide in her. They sit together at the camp fire. They don’t touch, just yet. But the longing is building. Still, Shadowheart isn’t afraid to let her hear it when she disagrees- and boy, do they squabble.
-Shadowheart doesn’t intervene when Tav is whipped for Loviatar’s blessing or w/e- like I mentioned before, that breeds resentment. Tav is getting whiplash from Shadowheart. Sometimes she’s so sweet, so soft…and then she reverts back to cruelty, taking pleasure in others’ pain. She heals Tav’s wounds, and feels guilty. She’s realizing Tav is not a simple amusement, to be discarded right after use. She has…real feelings for her 😅 she’s drawn to Tav’s kindness and wants to return the favor, and this puts her at odds with Shar’s teachings
-The party is still their first kiss and first “date” if you will. Shadowheart plays coy but appreciates Serena remembering so much about her. She’s…touched, as much as she is attracted.
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-At this point, they’re something of a fledgling couple. The group knows, of course- but Shadowheart does NOT entertain Tav publicly. They’re flirting, stealing kisses behind tents, taking long walks together at night, anything away from prying eyes. Shadowheart doesn’t want anybody questioning her faith…Shar included. Still, Shadowheart wants Tav all to herself. She doesn’t like when the other members of the group cozy up to her. She’s conflicted.
-the push into the Shadow Cursed lands puts a little distance between them. When Shadowheart is all ecstatic about Shar protecting her from the curse, Serena points out that she isn’t protected, along with the others. Shads hits her with “you’re resourceful, you’ll figure it out” 😅. That hurts, a lot- given their new relationship. her obsession with Shar frightens Tav to an extent, but she understands Shadowheart is indoctrinated. It’s hard to reconcile how sweet she is in one moment , with how cruel she can be in the next. Tav tells Shadowheart she feels her pulling away. Shadowheart agrees.
-The trials and their conclusion absolutely wreck Shadowheart, of course. Shar has abandoned her. In her hour of need, at her lowest point- Tav tells her how proud she is 🥹💕 she swears to Shadowheart that she may not have Shar, but she will always have her, if that’s what she wants. Shadowheart hasn’t known unconditional love like this before. She wants Tav fully, she’s tired of denying herself happiness.
-The night on the beach is their first time sleeping together. I considered changing this in the timeline- but I think it works beautifully. Shadowheart is genuinely frightened to be swimming- she would only do that with someone she was truly in love with.
-from there, they’re quite public about their relationship. Shadowheart changes her look to reflect her new lot in life. Tav adores it, adores her. Shadowheart softens. It’s a lot more domestic and sweet. This would pretty much put them around the beginning of act 3, give or take! Tav risks everything with Shadowheart to get her parents back. Things are really looking up for them 🥰
This brings us to the point where the NLS series picks up!
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katsitsiyo · 3 months
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Here’s another piece I comm’d @/hettikovacs (on twt! tysm! 🥰) to do for me! This one’s another piece of my dnd/bg3!DHr AU that I’m loving just thinking about right now.
Hermione’s my precious multiclass wizard/cleric tiefling. I’ll protect her at all costs. 🥰🩷🥹
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fandomchokehold · 8 months
I restarted my game and only played for 1 1/2 hours and already have really good approval with Gale and horrible approval with Astarion let’s fucking goooooo
I was screaming cuz I got dialogue with him I’ve never gotten before I clicked on him and instead of just his usual “yes?” or “what is it?” HE WAS SO MAD AT ME
“Ugh you again 😡”
“You’re staring at me again 😡🤬”
literally frowning so hard, so much malice in his eyes all cuz I killed a mindflayer that was trying to kill me and saved a tiefling kid lmao I’ve been so nice to him so far he just hates that I’m doing good things
I think it might be because I rescued him before Gale this run as opposed to my last run where I got Gale right before him
so this time he was like “cool I can manipulate this do gooder easy peasy” and then Samson pulled Gale out of the portal and was just “😊 oh what a polite handsome wizard 😍🥰” instantly and Astarion was just kinda like
“🤨🙁😫 fUCK!!! 😤”
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20skai · 6 months
Wyll’s Spa Night
word count: 1,042
A/N: I want to thank @blackmagickatt for reviewing this for me. I haven’t written fanfic in so long. But she’s been nothing but encouraging and supportive. 🥹🥰
Here’s the fix in AO3, if you prefer reading it there!
Damnable horns! Making a mockery of what the Blade stands for and so heavy and itchy! I bet she wouldn’t even want to be seen with someone like me. We were just starting to dance into a deeper relationship.
“Wyll? May I come in?”
He is pulled from his spiral by a soft and hesitant voice belonging to the leader of this merry band of misfits, Nemeia. She peeks her head into his tent with a small and shy smile on her face. Ah, that smile. I do not wish to forget it.
“Of course! Please. I’m sorry for the mess.” She slides her way into the tent and Wyll sees towels, a container, and a carafe of water in her hands. Making her way in, Nemeia places everything on the various surfaces inside the tent and then sits across from him, smiling prettily
“Thank you it's not a mess; it’s quite homey in here. I’m not going to talk in circles; I wanted to talk to you about your new horns.” Wyll winces at the bluntness of her sentence. They had been flirting for the past few weeks. Well, he had been flirting and she’d give him shy smiles,but never made it seem that she wanted him to stop. For Nemeia, it had been quite the opposite; the cleric had been enjoying the attention from him. But now, with the ridges and scars on his neck combined with the horns on his head he questioned how could she be attracted to him, a fiend and a reminder of how cruel the devils were to her people.
“Oh. What did you want to talk about?” Wyll schools his face to the inevitable rejection he’s about to get.
“I wanted to help you take care of them, but I would need to touch them and…well, we’d be really close to each other. Would you like that? If not,I understand and I can just leave you with the materials to do so.”
Wyll had not been expecting that. He looks at her and notices the light flushing of purple on her cheeks. She is offering to help. Thinking of her being so close to him makes his heart begin to race, but also soar at the fact that she’s not rejecting him.. He’s not going to turn down a blessing.
“I’d like that. What do you need me to do?” Elated, Nemeia gathers the materials she came in with.
“Wonderful! I just need you to get comfortable. Preferably, you should lay down, but whatever you want to do, I can adjust to.” She shimmies her way behind him,and Wyll does as she suggests, choosing to lay down in his bedroll. He watches her place herself as near to him as she can,but then she pauses as she becomes lost in thought for a moment.
“Wyll, would it be alright if I prop your head on my lap? I can place a pillow under you…” She trails off, but leaves the question hanging in the air. Wyll thinks that his heart may crash out of his chest at this point,but he nods. Nemeia places a pillow on her lap while he readjusts himself and lays down again.
“I’ve noticed you itching constantly at your horns. I can’t imagine how uncomfortable it’s been. While tieflings' horns come through gradually during our child years, having them out all at once ... .it must have been incredibly hard and painful…but you wear it well.” The praise Nemeia is heaping on him makes his skin tingle in a joyous way. And a little boyish smile makes its way to Wyll’s face. She then starts to take the container and pull off the top and a smell of peppermint and an undertone of something floral hits his nose.
“This is an ointment I made with peppermint, rosemary and some other plants I was able to scrounge up. It’s going to help with the inflammation and irritation your skin is currently experiencing.” Nemeia applies the ointment to her fingertips and massages it into his skin and the feeling is immediate. Wyll’s skin is no longer plagued by this godsdamned itch that’s been bothering him for the past few weeks. The relief he feels is euphoric.
Nemeia is using the utmost tenderness when massaging his skin. Taking care that her nails don’t nick or scratch him. A satisfied groan leaves his lips and his eyes shoot open.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean…!” Wyll begins in a panic trying to sit up. Nemeia can only laugh and push on his shoulders to get him to lay back down to continue her application of ointment.
“You’re absolutely fine, Wyll. I’m glad you’re feeling better. It’s been painful to watch you going through this. We’ll find a way to get you out of that pact. I promise.” Wyll can hear the sincerity in her voice and knows that she will try everything within her power to do so.
Relaxing again, he lets Nemeia continue to apply the ointment to his skin. After what seems to be a few minutes she takes her hands off his head, grabs a towel, places it in water and heats it. Then she encircles his horns with the towel and the warmth of the fabric seeps in comfortably through his body. The care and attention Nemeia is showing him only makes Wyll become even more smitten with her. And he secretly hopes she feels the same way.
Wyll’s eyes start to droop and then the next thing he remembers is waking up feeling delightfully light and relaxed. He notices the warm towel has been removed and he has been moved to lay directly on his bedroll. Looking around he noticed that he was alone in his tent. Sitting up he sees a slip of paper by his pillow. Picking it up he smiles while reading it.
You fell asleep. I finished up the care of your horns. They should now shine beautifully! If you’d like I can show you how to wax them to maintain the shine. Hopefully you’ll feel much better when you wake and, please, do not hesitate to ask for help. You are important to me us.
Nemeia Vadu
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shifting-fixations · 5 months
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Some days I think about how beautiful my Tav is. And how you should look at how his modding is coming along!
Mod list and more info below the cut with links!
Any of my own modding work is done for personal use with permission from the creators to use any of the mods I alter. And with LOTS of help from the Down By The River discord community! 🥰
Current Niren:
Head: Leon (modified for longer ears by me)
Skin Tone: Astralities’ Fantasy Skintones
Eyes: Eyes of the Beholder (full glow)
Hair: Locs + Tav’s Hair Salon (combined into one by me)
Facial Hair: Cut Charming Devil
Horns: Half-Tiefs + Alt Horns For All
Body: Tiefling Body + Unique Tav
Piercings: Trips’ Accessories + Piercing Edits
Outfit: Gothic Wardrobe
The combined hair is why there are two distinct hair textures, lol. Modding is wild, very hard, and one hell of a journey I’m at the VERY start of.
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sunnibits · 5 months
Tell me Dimitri lore. Now.
Who is he. What is he. What's his deal. What's his story. What is his place in the story you're telling yourself in your head. What's his stance on old hairy men.
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HE-HE’S JUST- *grabs you by the shoulders, white-knuckled* he’s my everything. he’s my skrunkly. he’s my little punching bag. I love him so much.
putting this under a cut because I just made this very long but I am absolutely not ashamed, I hope you like reading 👍👍
Dimitri Kazriel is my first (and almost only, I have one other new character) dnd character, created for a campaign that I loved but was sadly cut short a while ago due to the DM being an absolute jackass that I could no longer respect. He’s a stereotypical little edgy tiefling who is officially a warlock but is essentially a rogue in every other aspect. He’s charming (or at least he thinks he is), snarky, a bit asshole-ish, untrusting, sneaky, and an absolute disaster. He look like dis :)
He lives in a Norse mythology-based world, and his warlock patron is none other than the god Loki, who he has happily served for like 10 years now.
His deal you ask? Well, teehee *twirls hair* well his deal is that he’s a widdle puppet of the gods who has no concept of how tiny he really is in their plans and how little his patron actually cares about him 🥰😍😍 he exists solely to be manipulated and used as a microscopic chess piece on a board of grander scale than he will ever comprehend!!! 😍😍😍
Not only is he Loki’s little puppet (which like, he’s kind of starting to become aware of but not fully) but in the timeline of the campaign, Odin himself has also taken an interest in him! And essentially gave him an offer to help Odin overthrow Loki and as a reward, Dimitri could literally ascend to godhood in Loki’s place! Sounds great right! Except ummm Loki sees and knows all and Dimitri knows that if Loki catches him plotting with Odin he’ll probably be horribly punished 🥰
So basically his whole deal (as of the time that the campaign ended) is that he’s a little puppet chess piece that two gods are fighting over, and he has no idea what they really want, has no concept of how insignificant he really is to them, and has literally no sense of independent identity outside of servitude! 😍
But the manipulation theme goes wayyy beyond just that because before he served Loki, he spent the majority of his teens as part of this sort of gang-like organization called the Weavers. (There’s like this whole city lore thing but yada yada basically they’re a sneaky force that controls a lot of shit). Specifically, he serves the leader of the Weavers, a man called the Broodfather. (Literally all of this city and Weavers lore was all made up by my DM btw, I’m not gonna claim ownership of that even if he is a shitbag. Most of Dimitri’s story and backstory was very much an ongoing collaborative project between us.)
And ohhh I could go on about what that was like but basically all you need to know is that the Broodfather is Not Nice and was extremely manipulative and made Dimitri sort of look up to him as a father-like figure for years, someone that Dimitri strove to make proud. (Also the Weavers basically “rescued” him from poverty on the streets so he feels like he owes the Broodfather a debt.) Eventually this all culminates in him tricking Dimitri into killing his best friend! 😍 Which finally makes Dimitri realize “oh shit I need to get the Hell Out Of Dodge” but long story short that plan fails, the Broodfather catches him in the act, punished him and completely breaks his spirit!!!!
Now THIS. This is where Loki swoops in. When Dimitri is at his absolute lowest point, Loki comes in and offers him freedom and power, and Dimitri takes it. He serves Loki for years - (he doesn’t like thinking of himself as a servant of course, he considers Loki more of a generous benefactor who he happens to share a lot of mischievous traits with) - and even when he does finally start to question his allegiance, Loki keeps him in his grasp by reminding him of who saved him, who it was who so kindly freed him from enslavement to the Weavers.
But. But. 🥰Teehee. My favorite part. My absolute favorite part of the lore. Is what Dimitri doesn’t know. Which is that Loki and the Broodfather are the same person. Loki killed the original Broodfather and, being a shapeshifter, took on his form to lead the Weavers for a few years for his own personal plans. Dimitri just happened to wander in to his web, a naive little boy waiting to be manipulated. So Loki molded him, shaped him into the perfect puppet, purposefully engineered his trauma to make him as weak and easily manipulated as possible, just in time for him to finish his plans with the Weavers (leaving the Broodfather’s dead body behind to explain his disappearance) and appear to Dimitri as his real godly self.
Dimitri only stays with Loki willingly because he believes him to be a savior, because he thinks he’s free. He thinks he escaped. But he never did.
anyways here’s a text exchange between me and my old DM that really fits here I think 🥰💖💖
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(oh, also I think his stance on hairy old men would be somewhere between apathetic to positive. he has a little bit trauma-related unease around old men I would imagine, but there was also a really hot 60-70 something year old dilf NPC in game that I personally had a massive fucking crush on, so I had Dimitri flirt with him a lot lmao)
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timothylawrence · 8 months
🥺 can we please hear more about the sunblade tiefling babies?
aaaaaa!!!!! 🥺🥺yes! They’re all more fleshed out and everything but im shy so 😭 They have three boys and a girl 🥺💕 the girl is Layla which matches the closest to Lily hehe but is still Arabic 🥰 the rest of them also have pretty heavy Arabic names but I’m shy so….
The eldest boy is like. Ulder’s best friend and very attached to his grandfather which I think is really cute 😭 Layla is very very adventurous and inherited her parents curiosity (for better or for worse…) and then the two youngest are twins, one of who is a very very mischievous boy and the other who is the opposite and is gifted with magic (,: (which his uncle gale and Rolan fight over making their prodigy) (sucks to them cus he loves his auntie vaeril the most)!!!
Sunblade are the funniest parents, in the sense that they freak out beyond belief 😭
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dujour13 · 1 year
WOOHOO Owlcatober begins! It’s my Tumblr birthday! 🎉 I signed up on October 1st 2022 just so I could send a cheeky ask out of nowhere to @starlightcleric for some Owlcatober prompts, and she very graciously put some together overnight even though she wasn’t planning on it. Thank you so so much Luna ❤️
I will forever be grateful for stumbling on this community. You people are the best 🥰
This time I’m not even going to try to hit the prompts in order. Instead I wrote three mini-series, so I’ll keep them in their own logical order regardless of prompt number.
The first series is titled “The Prodigal Tiefling” and it’s in four parts, starting with
26. Fear
(cw: canon-typical violence, swooping)
Woljif Jefto never had been blessed with nice dreams much, at night anyway, but this crusade business put all kinds of addled visions in his sleeping mind.
Facing down Minagho and her demons with no pants on. Babaus in Eagle Watch tabards grinning as they locked him up and swallowed the key. Kerismei pursuing him through the streets of a flaming city and his legs like jelly. The Prelate lighting him on fire and tossing him into a crevasse that went all the way down to the Abyss. Falling endlessly through a purple void.
The Knight-Commander’s musical hands caressing his neck.
It was one of those rare nice ones this time, sadly, that was interrupted by disaster.
A full-throated scream, not two meters outside his tent. A crash.
He jerked upright so fast stars sparked behind his eyes.
Another more distant crash. An explosion. Shouting. Screaming. Inhuman shrieks.
Lucky he was smart enough to sleep in his trousers, just in case opportunity knocked. Or this happened, whatever it was. He groped about for his tunic and belt with frantic hands.
An orange glow through one side of the tent shed enough light for him to get his belt and boots on, but orange glows weren’t generally a good sign when accompanied by the sounds of explosions and panic on all sides, not to mention the acrid, oily smell of something burning he reckoned was not a nice, comfy campfire. A slithery thump made him start and stare around, but it was just his agitated tail slapping against the tent flap.
Mostly dressed, he crawled out of the tent on his hands and knees, and stayed low among the crates stacked between his tent and the quartermaster’s. People were running, and not purposefully in the same direction. Just running.
A gnome crusader careened past, not looking where she was going but at the sky instead for some reason, which drew his own eyes up to the starless Worldwound night—just in time to spy a horrible slate-black demonic shape glide past, turn and dive somewhere beyond the next tent.
Wide-eyed he peered over the crates.
Sure enough, a portion of the Eagle Watch camp was on fire. There were bodies on the ground. The clashing of swords just out of view.
Through a gap in the crates Woljif saw that rookie Andoren priest Sosiel run to the side of a downed crusader and kneel, healing light flooding from his hands.
Aright. There’s been an ambush, but it’s under control. The healers are on it.
Woljif breathed a sigh of relief. He’d hunker down here until Sosiel and his lot could get things sorted, and then maybe he’d sneak out and stab something if anything still needed stabbing.
He watched the wounded crusader cough and roll to one side. Sosiel said something to her. She nodded. Froze suddenly. Looked over the priest’s shoulder and threw her hands over her face. Screamed.
Before he could blink Woljif watched one of those flying whatevers—bat-winged monsters with dangling claws and leering teeth—dive out of the fiery darkness and seize Sosiel in its talons and take to the sky again, beating wings fanning the flames, the priest pounding his fists in vain against its flank.
shit shit shit
Huddling with both hands over his head probably wasn’t going to help.
think think think
The Knight-Commander. There would be help at the command tent. The chief would know what to do. He would smile and say “It’ll be fine,” and somehow it would be.
The problem was making it to the command tent without getting swiped up by one of those—what were they, anyway? Like the grotesque gargoyles that perched on the cornices of the temple of Iomedae back in Kenabres.
He tried to gauge the distance to the command tent and pick out some likely cover along the way, but he’d have to avoid swooping demons, panicked crusaders barreling about blindly, and patches of fire that had begun exploding at random all about the crusade camp.
He made it to the first cover position, the blacksmith’s lean-to behind Wilcer’s tent. From here he could spy the Knight-Commander’s pavilion. Between here and there, however, lay fallen crusaders, flaming timber and precious little cover.
A series of bowstring twangs told him the crusaders were putting up some resistance, but the arrows clattered uselessly to the ground, and it seemed now like more and more of the winged demons crisscrossed the sky overhead.
Worse, across the camp in the light of the flaming tents a fierce battle was unfolding between one of the creatures and a half-dozen crusaders, the crusaders’ swords clanging against its skin as if it were made of stone. They were losing. In a bloody way. He cringed.
“I can promise you you’ll regret this!” suddenly shrieked a man’s voice from overhead. “You pestilent, senseless, drooling, shit-eating insect. Release me this instant!”
The Count. Whew, he could almost hold his own against Gran. Woljif cringed again as his howling receded into the night sky.
It made his horns itch to think of talons locking around them and dragging him up kicking into the air after the Count. He shuddered all over, all the way down to the tip of his tail.
Anything but that.
Get to the chief.
Cautiously, eyes to the sky and head scrunched down between his shoulders as if that would somehow protect it, Woljif took a tentative couple of steps out of the blacksmith’s shed and prepared to sprint—
—when a whistling, roaring clamor overhead grew in volume with ominous speed, and he ducked back just in time to avoid a fully armored paladin hurtling out of the sky and landing with an extremely painful crunch on the ground at Woljif’s feet, inches from what would have been an extremely painful crunch atop Woljif’s head.
shit shit shit
He was still staring in horror when at last the chief appeared. Through the smoke and flame Woljif could see his silhouette just across the assembly yard, Lann and a handful of crusaders at his side.
Woljif scanned the sky and tried to breathe. Make a break for the chief. It’ll be fine.
He was just getting ready to step over the dead paladin, squeezing his eyes shut so that the image of the man’s face wouldn’t be burned into his memory forever, when a gust of hot wind raised a whirlwind of dust and flame in the middle of the assembly yard before him, and right between him and the chief landed one of the flying demons. A big one.
Its winged, stone-gray back was turned to Woljif as it faced off against the chief.
The next moment haunted him often, later. It was a coin toss. Adrenaline shot fire into his legs as his muscles coiled to sneak up and stab the thing in the back, or zap it, or better—both.
An arrow from Lann skittered off the thing’s stony hide. Woljif hesitated. His dagger hand felt clammy on the hilt. He blinked sweat from his eyes.
Of course, at the Gray Garrison he never thought they could have won against Minagho either, but that time some kind of divine power had come out of nowhere to give them the victory.
We got this. Right?
But then—a chill against his breastbone, a whisper, a shadow deep in the back of his mind: Have your horns grown into your brain? You absolute idiot. Attacking that thing would be suicide.
Run! Survive! You don’t want to be there when the chief’s luck dries up.
His breath hitched. The point of his dagger danced as his hand shook. A shame to think he’d have to give up all those nice dreams, the ones about a partner in crime. Music. Laughter.
You think you’ll have nice dreams when you’re dead?
But the chief—
The chief doesn’t give a rat’s ass for a scrawny, two-bit demonspawn like you, and you know it.
He shrank back into the shadow of the smithy. Flames reflected in his yellow eyes, but he felt cold.
That’s right. You’re on your own.
Must have been the smoke inhalation that made his chest ache.
Fight? Yeah, right.
Hide? Nope. Not with the explosions. The quatermaster’s tent could easily be next, and he’d almost rather be torn to shreds than burned to death if it came down to it.
Run it was.
No time for regrets. Let it never be said Woljif Jefto was not a survivor.
In a crouch he scampered back past his tent and huddled next to it, planning his escape route, his pounding heart about to jump out of his mouth.
The stables. Horses had no business making terrifying noises like that, but at least nothing that direction seemed to be on fire. Yet. He only had to cross some ground to get there, but luckily it was dark enough he reckoned he could make it without being seen. Then through the stables and over the palisade and along the ditch for cover until he could round the camp on the river side and slink among the brush and rocks until he was far enough away to abscond like the wind.
In the midst of planning Woljif became aware of a voice, distant and mostly drowned out by the horses and the screaming: the chief’s voice, rallying the troops. It was a brave voice, even though it really didn’t look to Woljif like there was anything to be brave or hopeful about at this point, when half the crusade was on fire and the other half fighting for their lives against flying demons and losing.
For the briefest of moments he pictured the chief, probably as terrified as he was, putting on a brave face and desperately trying to regain control of the situation, and for some reason the mental image seemed to grab his heart and give it a nasty pinch.
Sorry chief.
I am not gonna die here.
Woljif scanned the sky, kissed the Moon of the Abyss, and sprinted.
also on AO3
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ree-duh · 7 months
hi! i would personally love to know your bollywood bg3 assignments 👀✨
Thank you for indulging me 🥰
Keeping in mind a lot of them do not have actual reasons behind the choices other than literally pure vibes but they make sense in my head
Karlach - O Saki saki (like imagine her at the tiefling party with this song 🙄🤚🏽)
Wyll - Aa Re Pritam Pyaare (this is me @ him 😩❤️)
Gale - fevicol se (I could give him a million choices but we will leave it as just this one for now)
Shadow heart - razia gundo mein phas gayi (I don’t know how to explain but vibes plus I think she’s kill the outfit)
Laezel - suraiyya (vibes but also because I think the line about giving your life for her fits)
Halsin - chikni chameli (vibes but also points for animal references)
Minthara - nahi maloom (Ngl I do not know much about her so mostly vibes but this is one of my personal favourites so do with that what you will)
Astarion - sheela ki jawani (he gets a basic choice because I’m currently having one sided beef with him 🙄)
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the-phantom-otaku · 9 months
Omg y’all I’m so dumb. I thought the little ask game I posted was played by having people send in a number 😭 I would’ve answered sooner otherwise
Anyway, I got 6 likes, so I’ll answer the first six for Midna in one post 🥰
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Name: Midnaria “Midna” Graylocke
Race: Mephistopheles Tiefling
Class: Battle Master Fighter
BG: Soldier (really just a guard for hire in the city)
Pronouns: She/Her
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: Early thirties / late twenties
Deity: None
2) Working her job. I haven’t thought out the specifics, but I like to think she was relaxing at their base when the chaos started. She rushed out to see what all the commotion was only to be snatched by a Mindflayer.
3) Astarion of course! I think at first they kinda clashed bc of their vastly different morals, but they could still weirdly get along. She fell for his charms, but she cared about him a lot way before they were ever “real” (as in after he confesses). And there is one thing they can agree on: Revenge. She’s more than happy to help him (and her other companions) get their revenge:
4) Karlach! The two hit it off pretty fast. They have similar morals and they both care about everyone in camp. I think she struggled with Lae’zel the most. They eventually gained some respect of one another, but at first, they kept butting heads due to her abrasive nature.
5) No companions were lost and I can’t think of any NPCs who I would want to kill to get an interesting reaction from her.
6) Kinda stuck between being in the Underdark, helping the spawn build their little home, and traveling Faerun with Astarion to find a cure for his vampirism. I like to think it’s a little of both. They stop by to make sure the spawn are doing alright and then set out to find a cure, coming back to check up on them often.
7) Absolutely! Her family lives in Baldur’s Gate. Her mother, father and younger brother are all in the lower city, waiting for her (or rather, still dealing with the grief bc they thought she died). She also led a small group of guards for hire, so they’re waiting for her too. Speaking of family and friends, I don’t think any of them would be thrilled to find out she’s dating a vampire 😭
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elvhenmage · 11 months
Hi!! I'm fact swapping ☺️
My main tav, Vin (trans masc, seldarine drow, rogue), learned his rogue skills on the streets of Menzoberranzan after becoming an orphan at a young age. He has the urchin background! And of course he loves the tiefling kids a lot because of this.
(Okay more than one fact here 😂)
the more facts the better!! it sounds like he’d get along well with my bestie’s tav! she’s also a (half-)drow urchin rogue with a fondness for the tiefling kids 🥰 the first time makaria runs into any of the tiefling kids it’s when wyll’s teaching umi to sword fight and she gives him a little advice, but the one she latches onto the most (at the moment) is arabella - partially because i’m biased for her myself but also bc when she comes back touched by magic in act 2 i think makaria as a warlock enjoys showing her the ropes so to speak, so she develops sort of older sister vibes with arabella 💖
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katsitsiyo · 9 months
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The Baldur’s Gate brainrot is properly brainrotting. Here’s a piece I comm’d @/hettikovacs (on twt! tysm! 🥰) to do of my tiefling Tav (Yehnonsará:se) being a pretty pretty princess. She turned out just so gorgeous, I love her so much. 🫶🥰
Still not sure which origin character I want her to smooch. 😘 My first Tav has Karlach locked down. I’m thinking Shadowheart. Or Gale. Or Wyll. (I can’t choose bc love them all so much. 🥹🥹🥹)
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britcision · 2 months
SO I told y’all him about my beautiful and perfect son Havoc
And I told you about the Nichmars
But have I told you
They’re gonna meet
And I’m going to lose my fucking mind
The Nichmars are the scary couple in the corner that saw you across the bar and want to eat your heart, possibly while it’s still beating
Havoc… gets lost crossing the street
You might think this makes him an easy mark and a victim for these bad and nasty level 25 party baddies
But. This is Havoc.
(His mom is an ex-supervillain who can will and has rent the fabric of reality. And sent a beholder to a party, because it was funny.
Not saying who’d win in a fight, but it wouldn’t immediately be them and they don’t start fights they can’t win)
If you upset Havoc at the fancy crime parties, his mom might show up
Luckily, it is damn near impossible to upset Havoc, because he turned in his last braincell to make it to 7’ and has never looked back
He is the only person in the room who can look down on Lord Nichmar (who is a he/him butch lesbian but it will never be relevant) and call him a lovely little man
(Height wise and also not-being-immediately-murdered-wise)
He is the only person in the room who can meet Lady Nichmar’s eyes, because looking her in the eyes causes psychic damage
In everyone else
Because Havoc… has no braincells to be psychically damaged
(His intelligence is 1 I love him so much 🥰🥰🥰)
Neither of them have the faintest fucking clue what to do about him, they’re out here trying to have the most terrifying and sexily gothic vampire murderball, but Havoc walks into the room and all the music becomes the Benny Hill theme
They are furious he is here, he thinks they are best friends, and the thing they could do to hurt him most is tell him they don’t like him… but then his mom will want to know why he’s upset 👀
And she might ask a friend to go over and find out
And she’s a level 20 chaos patron fey-tiefling warlock with no definition of “proportional response”
She has a lot of friends
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batgirlgeek · 3 months
Funko Pop Collection
So I got this ask a while back from a mutual (aka @blackcat2907) and I mentioned in the tags that I could show off my funko pops so here I am! I started collecting them in middle school. They’re probably a money waster and will most likely be thrown away by future descendants but I like them🥰
I tried to get them all pictured together since they’re all scattered about my room but that didn’t happen bc I either misplaced some or they weren’t standing right (bc as we all know, Funkos can be finicky with if they want to stand properly on a given day).
My Harlequin Batman/Alfred Hitchcock/Darla/Lock/Mr. Rogers are usually on a shelf together since I don’t know where to put them and I’m not sure where most of them came from. I imagine Lock was purchased around the time when I was making my descendants fics (one of them featured Lock, Shock and Barrel’s Children) but idk for sure😅
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From back -> front/left -> right we have:
Carmen Sandiego (she was my first)
Drowned Batman/-11 Batman (I haven’t actually read Death Metal but I really like the aesthetic of that AU Batman😅)
Regular Batman
Harlequin Batman
Darla from Shazam (I really liked the first live action—and the second—and I thought Darla was sweet❣️)
Alfred Hitchcock
Lock (nightmare before Christmas)
Mr. Rogers (I think I bought this when I saw the Tom Hanks’ biopic)
Eric + Ariel (I keep them with my fairytale retellings. I’m hoping to get a Cinderella figure at some point since
Pride month Robin (I usually buy my Funkos from retailers or Amazon but this one I got from funko’s official store since it came out during June last year shortly after Tim came out)
A bonus Dorian from D&D: Honor Among Thieves:
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I enjoyed that movie a lot and I have a soft spot for tieflings so when I saw Hot Topic had the movie Funkos, I snagged her. I nearly forgot to include her since she’s usually sitting on a corner bookshelf behind my chair/desk. Since D&D is a roleplaying game, I’ve kept her with my game disks/switch & DS cartridges
The bombshells collection:
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Left -> right:
Hawk girl
Poison Ivy
I’ve been trying to collect DC’s Bombshells line because I just love their 40s aesthetic a lot—I’d like to get the comic series also but I’m currently on a book buying ban to curb my physical TBR (there’s 58 books left if my Storygraph’s count is right).
And finally, my minis:
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My mom got me this DC funko advent calendar for Christmas last year and it was very fun opening them all up since it gave me something to look forward to every day. Unfortunately, a lot of them were duds as there were so many duplicates (I suspect the company just retooled actual Funkos and didn’t bother to make new ones lol). Also the flash ones don’t stand unless they’re leaning against another mini. But I still think they’re cute so they’re displayed on their own shelf :)
I’ve never officially counted all my Funkos before but in total (excluding my advent calendar minis) we have 18. There’s a lot more I’d love to buy (including a Huntress funko) but at the moment all I can do is stare wistfully at an Amazon wishlist and I’m okay with that for now😅
(I’m sorry this took awhile BTW. I could lie and say I was busy but I really got sucked into the tv series White Collar of all things. It’s good, I’m on s4 <3)
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By the way,, before you leave: if anybody is reading this and is collecting the deluxe editions of these dragon age books or knows where I can get copies for a reasonable price, I would appreciate it. They are very hard to find now since they’re technically out of print I think. I’m missing The Calling, The Stolen Throne and Last Flight. Might have to cave and buy them in their original editions which would be a shame bc I think these copies are gorgeous and have incredible art😅
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detect-thoughts · 3 years
aaaaghhh I saw your tags under the Valen post and I’m 😭😭💓💓💓💓 thinking about Lucy 👀🥰 I love him so much already. I saw the cover art on his playlist before and i just fell in LOVE!!! And also sabbath sounds really cool omg 😳😳 we stan chaotic warlocks in this house 🤝
Please spare info dump for both of them? 🤲🏻
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Here’s my 5′10 (with the antlers) hedonist bastard, Gwydion, otherwise known as Sabbath, my Archfey pact of the chain warlock. He originally started out as a very Valen type figure, originally being a Glamour Bard called Strings.
His mother, Salem, is a very old and feared witch out in a large forest few venture into, she runs a Druid grove of Fey creatures such as Satyrs and Dryads and Nymphs that is sort of like an magical anchor to the Feywild where you can cross between the two planes.
He has a twin sister, Sybil, who is a Fey Wanderer Ranger, she is much more serious than he is, very much the get shit done type, and it typically falls to her to bail him out of the trouble he’s always causing.
Growing up in a forest can be very boring, you talk to the animals and they only talk about where they stored their food for the winter, or the woodsman they saw last week. Sabbath likes to visit the towns on the fringes of the forest for a week at a time to see what the world is like, to meet people, tell tales of the wicked witch in the forest (his mother does not appreciate) drink himself stupid on somebody else’s tab, sleep with the lord’s wife, or the lord, he’s not fussy, and then nearly face execution or an angry mob before his sister breaks him out of another dungeon.
His dad is missing from the picture but he’s found some old paintings of his mother next to a very lordly Fey man, and an old tome on how to contact an Archfey, make of that what you will ;)
He has a little Fairy familiar called Zelda, or Persephone, she is not a good influence.
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I don’t have a proper commission of him yet, but this is Lawrence “Lucy” De Luca, 6′5 Wizard Wonderboy.(Imagine he has round wire frame glasses and lots of freckles). Lucy is the name he goes by to avoid being recognised as the son of house De Luca, which works well considering he avoids dressing like a noble at all costs, preferring to wear more muted, earthy toned academic clothes.
Lucy is the son and sorcerous eugenics experiment of a tiefling wizard and a nobleman, and according to his peers, an academic genius in the field of arcane theory.
Lucy is a man of commitment, hard work, and cunning, but falls short due to his aggressive nature, ill temper when angered, and lack of patience.
He has a open dislike of the nobility he was born to, very much a black sheep at formal events he is forced to attend, seeing the nobility as soft and greedy parasites who have never worked for anything and do not have what it takes to earn a living or face the troubles everybody else does.
Despite being a cold and distanced hardass, Lucy has a major soft spot for romance, poetry and music, as well as bedroom eyes for anybody taller than himself. Lucy openly proclaims a dislike of bards, but secretly enjoys their works, having dated an 8 foot half orc bard before facing exile from his home city.
SPEAKING OF, Lucy got into a fight with another noble and student of the arcane who tried to blackmail him, threatening to take the info of him and his bard lover public, something his parents would not approve of, and would see an end to. Lucy challenged him to a wizards duel, and then proceeded to run up on him and punch him in the chest 20 times before casting burning hands directly into the side of his face as he held him pinned to the floor, scorching him so badly magical healing would not resolve the disfigurement.
Lucy was then quickly expelled from the school, disowned by his family, and exiled from home and now seeks glory and fame as a Spellslinger.
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