#i promise i still think you're cool and want to chat more i'm just so so bad at this
roxiezsxx · 3 months
Joost x reader Cw: toxic? established relationship, smut During Albino era!! 1,606 Words | 9,191 Characters
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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the dusty streets of their small town. Joost sat on the sofa of their wooden house, his fingers drumming an erratic rhythm on the armrest. In the next room over, the faint sounds of dishes being stacked clashed with the tense silence that hung in the air like a suffocating blanket.
Reader emerged from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dishtowel, her face set in a tight, weary expression. She glanced at Joost but said nothing, the unspoken words between them thicker than the humid evening air.
"You gonna sit there all night?" Joost's voice broke the silence, rough and edged with irritation.
"Maybe I will," Reader shot back, tossing the towel onto the counter. "At least out here, I can breathe."
Joost's jaw clenched. "Don't start with me, Reader. Not tonight."
"Why not tonight?" Reader's voice rose, sharp and brittle. "What makes tonight any different from the others? You're always looking for a fight. It's all you ever want to fucking do." She snapped, her eyes narrowing at Joost.
Joost stood up, his chair scraping loudly against the wooden floor. "Maybe because you never stop pushing! Every little thing turns into a war with you."
Reader's eyes flashed with anger. "I'm pushing? You're the one who made out with a girl for a music video—then got mad when I didn't like it!"
Joost's shoulders sagged slightly, the fight draining out of him. "Just shut up. You're such a bitch sometimes." He clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes as his hands crossed over his chest, a scoff escaping his lips.
"Bitch," Reader repeated, her voice losing its edge but gaining in raw fury. "I'm a bitch? I think the fuck not! All you do in your songs is talk about how you bag women, but you can't even get me in bed with you lately. Don't fucking chat to me." Reader spat, slamming her fist on the counter.
Joost's eyes narrowed, anger flashing in his gaze. "Maybe you're just a stuck-up skank who can't be bothered looking sexually pleasing lately."
Reader let out a scream of frustration. "Why the fuck would I want to fuck you when all you do is go fucking clubbing?"
"I'm going for a smoke. I fucking can't be assed with you." He spat, storming out of the house, taking his lighter and cigarettes out with him.
The door slammed shut behind him, leaving Reader standing in the kitchen, her hands trembling with rage and despair. She stared at the closed door, the remnants of their latest argument echoing in her ears. As the night deepened, she wondered how much longer they could keep tearing each other apart before nothing was left.
Joost leaned against the porch railing, lighting a cigarette with shaking hands. The first drag did little to calm his nerves. He glanced back at the house, where Reader’s silhouette was barely visible through the window.
The gulf between them seemed insurmountable, filled with sharp words and broken promises. The toxic cycle they were trapped in showed no signs of ending, each fight more brutal than the last. Joost exhaled a plume of smoke, watching it dissipate into the night.
Something had to change, but neither of them knew how to take the first step. He flicked the cigarette butt into the dirt, grinding it under his heel as if he could crush their problems as easily. He knew it wasn't that simple.
Joost took a deep breath, letting the night air cool his heated thoughts. He had loved Reader once, truly and deeply, and somewhere under the layers of anger and hurt, he believed that love still existed. But it had been so long since they'd seen eye to eye, since they'd even tried to understand each other.
Inside, Reader sank into a chair, her mind racing with memories of better days. Days when Joost's touch was gentle, when his words were kind. She missed those days, but she wasn't sure if they could ever get back to them. Joost began to walk back into the house, sitting where he had before the argument broke out.
Both sat in their separate silences, the night stretching long before them.
Joost voice was the first to break the silence, "We cant keep doing this, Reader." He spoke, looking away from her, his arm resting on the arm rest of the sofa.
"No shit." Reader spoke, brows furrowing as she tried to move away from Joost, his hand gripped her thigh- telling her to stay, which she did.
His face looked over at her, looking down at her
"I'll apologize if you do." He spoke, raising a brow
"Piss off, I have nothing to apologize for!" Reader spat, pulling away from him but joost's grip only tightened.
"Fuck- whatever then. I'm not apologizing, whore." He replied snarkly. His eyes narrowed down at Reader.
"Who the fuck are you calling a whore!" Reader snapped, getting ontop of him- hovering over Joost's lap.
A smirked etched upon Joost's lips, his eyes going from her angered expression all the way down to were they were oh so close to connecting too. Joost's hands found their way on Reader's hips.
Reader groaned, trying to get up. Nothing but a yelp came from their mouth as Joost tightened his grip on her hips, slamming her down on his lap.
"Joost, what the fuck!" Reader spat, brows furrowing as she stare down at Joost whom had a pathetic look on his face, it was a half assed smirk at best. "Fucking pervert"
"Mm, you love this fucking pervert though, dont you sugar tits." Joost grinned, his eyes looking Reader's body up and down a smirk etched upon his lips.
"Shut up.." Reader trailed off as Joost's head found its way into the crook of her neck, kissing it so slowly
"Gonna fuck you so good baby.." Joost groaned, kissing and sucking at her neck, biting it occasionally aswell, a grin could be felt on your neck as he licked it teasingly before going back to sucking it.
"Better be." Reader groaned, her arms wrapping around Joost's neck, her fingers finding their way into his hair.
Joost then pulled away, his lip' crashing onto reader's the kiss was sloppy and uncoordinated yet passionate and sexual at the same time.
Their kiss grew more intense, desperation mingling with the raw passion. Joost’s hands roamed up and down Reader’s back, pulling her closer as if trying to bridge the emotional gap that had been widening between them. The heat of the moment overtook the simmering anger that had dominated their interactions for so long.
Reader's fingers tangled in Joost's hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss. She could feel the pent-up frustration and longing in every touch, every movement. It was as if they were both trying to erase the hurt and disappointment of the past months through sheer physical closeness.
Joost’s hands slid under Reader’s shirt, his touch sending shivers down her spine. She arched into him, her body responding to his in a way that words had failed to do. Their breaths mingled, hot and heavy, filling the space between them with an electric tension.
"God, I’ve missed this," Joost murmured against her lips, his voice rough with emotion. "Missed you."
Reader paused for a moment, looking into Joost’s eyes. She saw the vulnerability there, the remnants of the man she had fallen in love with. It made her heart ache, but it also gave her a glimmer of hope.
"Then show me," she whispered back, her voice soft but laced with determination. "Show me you still care."
Joost responded with a fervor that took her breath away, his kisses growing more demanding. He stood up, lifting Reader with him, her legs wrapping instinctively around his waist. They stumbled towards the bedroom, their need for each other overpowering everything else.
Inside the dimly lit room, Joost laid Reader gently on the bed, hovering over her for a moment as if savoring the sight of her. He leaned down, capturing her lips once more, his hands exploring her body with a renewed sense of urgency and reverence.
Clothes were discarded hastily, their need for each other outpacing any sense of decorum. When they were finally skin to skin, Joost paused, looking down at Reader with a mixture of awe and tenderness.
Joost slid his cock slowly into Reader's pussy, a gutteral moan escaping his lips, Reader arched her back her moan loud and whiny, the sound sounds the two were making were filthy and disgusting.
"Fuck Joost.." Reader Moaned, her eyes glistening over as Joost thrusted in and out of her.
"fucking hell, Mijn leifje, so fucking tight Hm..?"
Joost groaned, his hips slapping against hers at an animalistic speed it was dirty and sickening but to the two, it felt angelic
"Like getting dumb on my cock, hm? fucking love it dont you." Joost spat, one of his hands gripping one of Readers cheeks, leaning down and kissing them with such feverent hunger. His other hand toyed at her clit- pinching it and played with it.
Reader whined at the feeling of Joost touching her in such ways, needy please of release strung out of her, her lips colliding with his as her nails clawed at his back from the pleasure
"M' close Joost.." Reader groaned, pulling away from the kiss, her eyes glazed over from pleasure.
"Course, you are. Come on then, Cum on my cock- make it look all pretty Ja?" Joost spoke, his voice low as he spoke into Reader's ear, his thrusts never faltering.
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highhhfiveee · 9 months
can I request mike, reader, and Abby going to the beach :p!?
[i'm combining this with another ask! they requested the same setting, but with a scenario!]
wc: 3k tags: sweetgf!reader + dickheadbf!mike, light smut (oral [deepthroating and come swallowing], m!receiving), mostly fluff and being grateful for life and the people who you live it with [: proofread but maybe there are still errors! kill me, i'm human! a/n: i wish i could go to the beach so bad!! i fucking love the summer and it's damn near the dead of winter where i live ],: i also get cold so easily and i can't take freezing every morning lmao
i am imagining:
you and mike are sitting on the couch on a late friday morning, hypnotized by daytime television after a big, indulgent breakfast and chats about mike's shift. abby had retreated to the adjacent loveseat, fast asleep with a stomach full of pancakes and eggs.
"it's so hotttt," mike grumbles, stretching his sweaty body out like a starfish. the limbs on his right side invade your space, leaving you to shrink into the couch with a groan.
"yeah, mike, too hot for you to be doing that. stoppp," you return his irritated tone, bringing your hands up to push into him. it was the hottest day of the summer so far, and it wasn't like you weren't also feeling the elements. not even the AC unit turned to full blast could cool the living room, and it made every breath feel thick and labored.
mike stands from his spot on the couch, dramatically dragging his body over to the kitchen. you watch as he yanks the freezer door open with impatience, craning his head into the crystalized cool and saying, "it's too hot to be living."
you turn your body to extend across the whole sofa, thankful that your hair is up and out of your face so you're able to feel the tickle of a breeze on the nape of your neck. you bite at your bottom lip as the gears of your brain churn through a heat-induced fog, thinking of how to keep cool at a time like this.
abby stirs then, stretching and yawning and squealing, "it was hot in my dream too." you turn your head to her, pursing your lips to the side in disappointment.
"aw, abs, i'm sorry. that sucks."
"i was at the beach though, which i think makes up for it---"
"omg, the beach! we should go!" you cheer, but mike shuts you down once he hears abby wholeheartedly agree.
"uh, the closest beach is six hours away."
"well, maybe we can make a weekend out of it," you suggest, motioning for abby to come sit with you. she delicately settles on your thighs, relaxing into the couch and swinging her legs over the edge.
"yeah, with what money?"
"i can dip into my savings a little bit, at least for the hotel and gas," you offer, and mike is shutting you down again, shaking his head as he cranes it towards you and humming "nuh uh"s.
"c'mon mike, i don't mind! listen, i want to do this for us," you're hugging abby into you, pressing your cheeks together and telepathically communicating for her to help you convince mike with her own set of puppy dog eyes. "we'll leave in the evening so you can get some rest, and we can split the drive."
"abby doesn't have a license."
your face scrunches as you confusedly mutter, "why would you include your eleven year old sister in a 'we' of that context?" as abby states, "you're weird, mike." in the same tone.
"i know, my joke didn't land, i guess," mike sighs, letting his head drop between his shoulders as he closes the freezer door. the sound of suction punctuates his action, and he turns to you and abby with a grimace before saying, "three hours behind a steering wheel just doesn't seem appealing. two would be a hell of a lot more digestible."
"oh my god, mike, you're so pitiful," you playfully chide, crossing your arms over your chest. "i promise that you'll survive, grumpy. tell you what, i'll drive four hours so you'll only have to drive two."
the sweet drawl of your voice and trivial suggestion to take on more work is all it takes for mike to fold and drive all six hours.
he doesn't do it with a smile, but you're still grateful for his sacrifice, cupping his face and kissing his cheek as he drives into the sizzling orange pulse of the sunset. "i love youuuu," you sing, and he grumbles for like the millionth time that day as you ignore him and muse, "and abby loves you, and we're gonna have so much fun on our beach weekend!!"
you and abby begin to whoop and cheer and dance in your seats, chanting, "beachbeachbeach!", and you pretend not to notice the slight smirk that cracks the perpetual stiffness of mike's mouth.
you spend the first half of the trip singing along to an old CD abby had burned sometime ago--"you always have to keep a road trip mix on hand"--, playing various word association games, and sucking fluorescent orange dust from your fingers after you chuck a cheeto into mike's mouth and pass the bag back to abby.
the second half is stiller; abby has fallen asleep again, soothed by the motions of the car, and you're staring at mike's side profile as he drives. he's so tired; it's painted in his eyes and over his body, with the way he slumps into the driver's seat and focuses on the road like nothing else is around him.
he catches your gaze after a bit, breaking himself away from his trance. he switches hands on the wheel so he's able to clutch your thigh, gently kneading at your skin, and with a small grin, asks, "got a nice view?"
"yeah, but it seems the view isn't feeling so nice," you raise your hand to his shoulder, your turn to massage into him. he's so tense under your touch, and you watch his eyes flicker with your words, training back on the four lane highway ahead. "i think this will be nice for us. we all deserve a nice vacation; especially you, mikey. you've been working hard, and i know you're tired."
"yeah," mike breathes softly, the gentlest you think he's been all day. "i'm sorry about the way i was acting about the drive. i just couldn't think straight after my shift, your delicious breakfast, and sitting in the heat."
"i understand. three hours of driving isn't fun, but that's why i offered to take more of the load after you made that...bad joke."
"so now it's just categorically bad?" mike pouts with comical sorrow, and you giggle at him, nudging at his shoulder with soft pressure.
"yes, because why was she included in we? obviously abby can't drive."
"it was supposed to be one of my sillies,"
"you're just usually better at them," you argue, and it sends the both of you into a laughing fit that gives you a stomach cramp, mike affirming, "yeah, yeah, you're right, you're right. shit, are you okay?" as you try to calm down.
after relaxing back into a comfortable silence, you're bringing mike's hand to your lips, kissing at his knuckles when he blurts, "thank you for putting up with me, and for paying for stuff so short notice."
"oh hush. i love you, mike. truly. we take care of each other, don't we?" you squeeze his hand as you continue, placing it over your heart. "there hasn't been a second i've been with you where i haven't felt supported, and now it's my turn to support you. plus, this is like abby's first real vacation. i want her to have the best time too. we don't have any money when we're dead, so we might as well say we had experiences, yeah?"
"i love you. you're an angel on earth," mike hums lovingly as he pulls off of an exit, able to relax his head against the headrest and leer at you once he brakes at a red light. "our angel on earth." you writhe under his enamored stare, blushing and gnawing on your bottom lip with an airy giggle, and later, after you've gotten to your hotel and tucked abby into bed, you're back in the car doing that same giggle with his dick lodged in your throat.
"my angel on earth," he repeats as he folds his fingers into your hair so he can pull on it, maintaining eye contact while you sloppily guide yourself on him. his toes curl and his thigh muscles spasm, and he's panting down on your face as his other hand grabs his steering wheel in a white hot grip. "fuck, baby."
you're grateful that you were able to book a room facing outwards on the first floor of the hotel; you could be disgusting with mike in the car while ensuring abby's safety through the front windshield.
it helped solidify that there were no worries in your orbit; everything here was perfect, and you feed that passion into taking mike deeper, holding his gaze even as a tear runs down your cheek after an obscene gag that resonates through the whole car.
you swallow around him as you reach down to caress his balls, and crack a triumphant smile when he tenses, brokenly whimpering and bucking his hips into your face with sinful desperation. he doesn't stop as he shoots his come into your mouth, using the hand in your head to tilt your head back so the overflow doesn't choke you.
you moan as you taste him on your tongue, drinking it down while you flash mike the watery, filthy twinkle in your eyes. he thinks that it extends his orgasm, his balls tightening with another spray of white down your throat.
though his body burns with fatigue, mike brings his thumb to the corner of your lips to collect a spilt remnant of himself, pushing it into your mouth where he feels the warm plushiness of your tongue wrap around his digit. "god, i think you're gonna kill me one day. this mouth is deadly."
"one day, yes, but not today or saturday or sunday. not while we're on vacation."
you both retire to the room after, two immovable stone statues in bed until 7 am, when you're both ripped from your sleep by abby's noisy movements. she's enthusiastically throwing the curtains open, drowning you two in painfully bright sunlight and skipping over to hop on the bed, narrowly missing your shins and knees with her uncoordinated steps.
"abby, abby, abby," mike drones groggily, reaching out for her ankles.
you blearily watch as she snatches it out of his reach, and you can't help but laugh as you two make eye contact. "come on!! we're on vacation!! we've gotta start vacationing now!!"
"we don't have to start at...seven twenty-two in the morning," mike complains, wiping at his eyes after throwing his gaze to the alarm clock. "maybe we can do...ten."
"ten is way too late! if we eat now, we can wait it out and then go to the beach and stay all day! pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease--" you wrangle abby into your arms, squeezing her close to your body in an attempt to quiet her.
you smooth her hair down, tucking it behind her ears as you whisper, "hey, hey, how about we go get breakfast and meet mike a little later, okay? we can go in our pjs and everything," abby's eyes light up at your plan, and she's nodding excitedly, pulling on your wrist in order to wrench you from the warm bed. "let's go now then!"
"let me brush my teeth first, sweet thing, at least."
after another generous breakfast, two cat naps, and endless searching through bags marked with the sharp zztt zztt zztt of zippers, you, mike, and abby are established in the warm sand of a southern beach; it'd been a bit of a hassle to put the umbrella up, with its complicated, ancient instructions, but your tired muscles and mind are extraordinarily grateful for the effort as you lounge in your chair, leaning your head back into a neck pillow and scanning your eyes over your science fiction read.
after a bit, you stick your bookmark into the crease of your pages and remove your sunglasses from your face so you're able to get a clearer view of abby and mike along the shoreline.
they're laughing together, running back and forth and taunting the tide as it crashes against the sand in a white foam. "you can't let the tide get you, abby! the sea monsters will take you whole!" you chuckle as mike sweeps her up in his arms, swinging her over the water as he treads deeper.
you set your book down and travel towards the tide, picking up more of their conversation over the soft wind.
"wait, what---what---oh no, the sea monsters are speaking to me. they're saying...i have to give you up." mike shakes his head in faux despair, beginning to fake cry as abby yelps in his arms. "they say they've been looking for an eleven year old girl named abby for their mission!" he continues swinging her, pretending to dunk her in some moments and keeping her away from the water in others, claiming, "no, i won't let them have you!"
you place your hands on your hips, raising your eyebrow in preparation to play along as they make their way back to land. "everything okay over here? i heard something about...'sea monsters'."
"the sea monsters have mastered mind control," abby matter-of-factly explains, wiggling from mike's grasp and curling her toes back into the wet sand during her impromptu intermission. "they specifically need an eleven year old abby, but mike is such a great brother that he wouldn't dare give me up."
"wouldn't do it for all the money in the world," mike affirms with a smile and finger wag pointed to the sky. after a moment, he winces and squeezes his eyes tightly in pain, rubbing at his temples with two fingertips. "they're still in my head though. it's taking all my willpower to fight against them."
you nod at the both of them, an oddly fascinated smile etched onto your face. "well maybe you two can take them down and make them reform. ask them why they need children for their mission in the first place."
"well they don't always, do they, abs?" abby shakes her head as mike reaches out for you, his eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "in fact...they're asking for...you now."
you widen your eyes, playing up your shock with a hand to the heart. "oh jeez. well, thank god it's an adult this time. what would the world be without abby?"
"what would the world be like without me? you ask great questions, y/n. that's why i love you."
"i love you more, abs. i'm not letting them get you either," you reply, running your hand over the crown of her damp head with an affectionate grin as you feel mike sneakily wrap his arms around your waist, pressing you into him. "mike, wh--"
"the sea monsters have spoken. they want you!" you're off your feet before you can even finish your screech, flying towards the cresting waves. one moment, mike had you in his arms, trudging into deeper surf, and the next, you're shrouded in icy ocean water, the salt stinging your eyes and coating your unexpectant tongue in a disgusting layer of minerals.
mike's laughing as he slowly makes his way to the sand, his back facing the shore while he waits for you to come to the surface. he's beside abby when you finally rise, the joy dropping from both of their demeanors when they take you in.
your staunch displeasure could be seen from football fields away and it makes abby mischievously gulp, "uh oh" as you irritably trek through the water, stopping when it reaches your mid-thigh.
you're like a goddess, appearing from the ocean in your simple black bikini, water droplets beading over the exposed parts of your smooth bronze skin, and it's all mike wants to make you feel like in order to atone for his obvious mistake. he wants to throw you into his arms and apologize profusely and plant kisses all over your body and ask you what he can do to make it right; he'll do anything if it means he won't see you with crossed arms and a deep scowl.
your attitude has mike sprinting over, almost face planting as his feet slip in the waterlogged sand. his eyes are overwhelmingly remorseful, and he begins to spew sentiment as he grabs for you.
"i'm so sorry baby, are you okay? are you hurt?" his voice cracks as he examines you thoroughly, grazing his hands over your face and body. you nearly give up your act at his attentiveness, but you maintain, rolling your eyes at him. he deflates at that, whimpering, "fuck, i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. i should've asked before i did that, i-i-i just thought since you were playing along that maybe it'd be okay...." mike's ramble trails off as he focuses on you stepping back into deeper water, and even more terrifyingly, your continued silence. "baby, hey, hey. are you okay?"
he follows you closely, and it's a foolish mistake on his own part; his consideration leaves him vulnerable, and you're able to ram your small frame into his torso, wrapping your own arms around his waist and tackling him into the chilly water. he goes down with a yell and comes up soon after with a cough and a smile, shaking the saltwater from his hair.
he wipes at his eyes as he reorients himself, rasping, "oh, i see. you were just getting back at me, being all cold and shit."
you watch him with your lips pursed amusedly, traversing around his recovering form so that you have an unobstructed escape route. "you gave me to the sea monsters, mike. i couldn't not get revenge."
"yeah, well, now this sea monster's gonna get you!" you noisily squeal as you run with high knees all the way to abby, who jumps and cheers for you back at the dry shore. "don't let them get you, y/n!"
"i won't!" you scream back, your words broken up with chuckles as you try your best to escape mike's aquatic nefariousness. you've made it out of the water, pulling abby into a wet embrace when mike clammers into the two of you, sending you all down to the lush sand.
it sticks to your skin as you belly-laugh with abby under mike's weight, feeling his heart pump through his ribs with adrenaline, and you can't help but think about how memorable this time will be for all of you.
mike and abby would be your family forever, and moments like this cemented that.
cute beach time!!! i love sweetgf and dickheadbf, they warm my heart.
faire's seedlings ✿
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hexgaywire · 1 year
hey :}
could i please get luxiem hcs (separately) to their s/o having a different luxiem oshi? sfw or nsfw is okay :)
for example: dating vox but mysta is their oshi
thank you in advance! 🩷
Of course!
»»————- ☾ ————-««
"Luxiem's S/O With Different Oshis Headcannons"
Ft. Vox, Luca, Mysta, Shu, and Ike
Rating: SFW
Warnings: Mysta in Nijisanji still if that bothers you.
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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Vox and you have been dating a bit
You found his voice to be familiar when you first started dating but you couldn't quite understand why
That was until he told you he was a streamer
It all clicked
You're familiar with the company he's associated with!!!
He smugly asks you who your oshi is
You pause
It's Luca, it's been Luca since you discovered Nijisanji
The smile slips from his face when you tell him about Luca
"Does this count as cheating? This feels like cheating?"
"Vox you know I love you right?"
"No why don't I call Luca and you can tell him that."
He gets all pouty
You try to console him
You really do
But the big baby is persistent
"So why Luca?"
"Vox honey, I really don't think this is a rabbit hole I wanna go down."
"It's his muscles huh? It's gotta be."
You sigh ultimately wrapping your arms around your pouty partner
"I love you Vox, that's all that should matter."
You kiss him softly and he gives in and kisses you back.
"For the record though I did watch you too."
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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The second you find out your boyfriend Luca is in Luxiem you realize it all makes sense
You knew he was a streamer but the fact that he was always traveling and had a nice apartment
You didn't realize he was a corporate vtuber
One night he asks you the question
"Have you ever watched any of my content?"
You don't want to... Sacre him away?
"A bit."
"I'm your oshi then yeah?"
"Luca I don't think that's really important right no-"
He looks almost horrified
"Is it... Is it someone else?"
He sniffs in feigning heartbroken
"Shu..." You mumble. "I watch Shu."
You study him as his mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water
"I can't believe my own partner doesn't watch my content!"
He wails
"I never said that, you asked who my oshi was!"
You point and accusatory finger at him
Luca is jealous for all of ten minutes
Once he comes down he admits that Shu is very entertaining to watch
Forgives you but only if you promise to watch him more
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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Mysta lets it slip early in your relationship that he's a part of Luxiem
He was actually freaking out about missing a date bc of stream
It just sorta happened
Anyway months later Mysta asked you the question while you wash dishes from dinner.
"Hey babe, I know you watch Luxiem so who's your oshi just out of curiosity."
"Vox probably."
You say nonchalantly
"VOX!? Seriously!? The other British one, I see you have a type I suppose."
He's obviously pouting
"I watch you too!"
You turn to defend yourself.
"Nope it's not the same. Cannot accept this betrayal."
You drop the dishes to console him
He of course milks this for as long as he can
Eventually he folds when you kiss his forehead and tell him how much you care about him
Only then of course bc he's a diva
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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Shu doesn't really disclose his streaming career until much later in your relationship
You kinda found out way before he opened up to you
But to respect his privacy you never brought it up
"I'm a part of Luxiem."
"Shu I know."
"Oh. Well, okay now you double know."
You chat a bit about behind the scenes stuff
Before he asks the big one
"So who's your oshi? Who do you watch the most."
You laugh
You don't mean to
The way you found out Shu was in Luxiem was a collab between him and Mysta.
"It's Mysta.. that's actually how I found out you were in Luxiem."
He pauses
"So not me?"
"Not you."
"I see. I can understand why you like Mysta he's really funny."
Shu's actually really cool about the whole thing
Because that's just how Shu is
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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Similarly to Shu Ike is very modest when it comes to telling you he's a vtuber and apart of Luxiem
When he does tell you he's very nervous
"So what do you think about all this?"
"I think it's cool. I guess I should also admit I kinda know who you are."
Ike is dumbstruck
"Really? You know Luxiem and stuff too!?"
"Well acquainted actually, one of my Oshis are in Luxiem."
Ike asks intrigued
"It's Vox."
Your sheepish
Ike smiles
Similarly to Shu he's super chill with it.
"I also love Vox's content so I can't blame you for having good taste."
»»————- ☾ ————-««
Sorry this is so short! My requests are still open
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ioniansunsets · 11 months
i loved your heartsteel!kayn scenarios! can you possibly do a scenario of fem!reader helping heartsteel!kayn dye his hair :3
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn Getting His Hair Dyed by Reader ✖
✖ Word Count: 900
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: He has his default skin braid here. Stay tuned for more. I MISS THIS FUCKER'S BRAID OK. Also you are his long term partner! I thought it would be cute if you have been supporting him though all his ups and downs uwu
" For reals, you've done this before right. Don't fuck it up I swear to god I will cry I'm dealing with enough shit right now babe." " You're the one that asked me to do this for you, have some trust in me."
You comb through his braid and neatly section if off one last time before slapping on the DIY at home bleach. After getting kicked out of his old band Kayn wanted a full makeover, so with five boxes of bleach and some whining he convinced you to help him bleach and dye his hair. You stood awkwardly behind him as you comb in the bleach. Kayn wasn't wearing a shirt, so that he wouldn't ruin any tees. So it was quite a sight, hair down, topless, you pause for a bit and stare. After some thinking you sigh, you were going to miss his blue and black hair...it was so soft too...
" Hey I heard that sigh! You know I HAVE to do this...I want to change my image, show them I'm better without them!"
Kayn pouts, you see it in the mirror and laugh. Slapping on more bleach, sectioning it out and complaining once again bout how the long hair sticks to the gloves and makes it all messy. But ok, you work hard, with a roll of aluminum foil ready you neatly bleach his long hair. As you wait for the first bleaching to set in you throw a little of the leftovers on your hair too, just enough for one strip.
" Should we match colors?"
You see Kayn visibly perk up as he hears your suggestion.
" Really? I think that will be cute. Like a cringey couple."
He smirks, leaning back to take a good look at you in the toilet mirror. He starts laughing loudly.
" Wait are you copying me or making fun of me! Why bleach that same chunk of hair as the old me!"
The two of you chat for a bit as you wait for the bleach to set in, when times up you help him wash it all off in the tub. Damn his hair was really such a dark black, it was just brown now. You comment about it needed a few more rounds of bleach. Kayn sighs this time instead, exhausted already but his rockstar image was at stake, he wanted to look cool so he had to do this. He had a goal already, an ombre fade of pink and purple, it would be so cool. Sitting back down, you blow dry his hair and start on round two.
And round three. Orange.
And four. Yellow.
And five before the yellow finally lifts enough! You were finally free from seeing that yellow, orange hue! And-
Oh no. You look at a handful of hair in your hands from where you combed through his hair.
" Kayn I am so sorry..." " No! I cannot deal with this right now please. Y/N Tell me its fine." " I'll fix it!"
You too were unsure how to react, were you going to cry or laugh. After five bleaches, his hair kinda...fried off. Ah...you were REALLY going to miss his long hair. Promising to fix it, you grab some hair scissors and did your best. With Kayn doing everything to hold himself together while you save what you can and work out a messy cut. It actually looked really good. You tell him to look up as you blow dry his hair yet again. Promising it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. Kayn tentatively pulls his hands away from his face as he looks at himself in the mirror. A smile slowly creeping across his face.
" Oh shit you really did fix it? The hell Y/N! Let's dye it right now! I still want that pink purple thing going down!"
He tilts his head left and right, trying to get a better look at it, an idol worthy style. Kayn nods, happy with what you've done with it. Quickly you work the colors onto his hair and yours. Laughing together as he admires himself in the mirror. Half an hour passes and you wash his hair and dry it off for the last time. Kayn himself also helping to wash the and dry your hair. You smile as the two of you admire your reflections.
" Is it me or are we looking super hot?"
He snakes and arm around your waist, pulling you close. Giving your cheek a quick kiss.
" I actually like this a lot I'm glad it worked out. Thank you Y/N."
Kayn gives you a warm smile as he runs his hands through his hair, giving it a little shake as it falls gracefully along his jawline. He turns his attention back to the mirror before he shouts.
" Oh shit yeah! Let me snap a photo!"
Kayn leaves the room for a bit, grabbing his phone and a nice shirt to snap a photo in. He returns, hand draped around your shoulder as he takes a mirror selfie with you both. The largest smile plastered on his face as he sits down and edits it to use as his new wallpaper. You would mourn his pretty braid but...he was still your charming boyfriend you could live with the new style. The short hair was starting to grow on your after all.
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bsverryin · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ Sending genshin men the wrong message.
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part 1
╰┈➤ Ayato, diluc , alhaitham
╰┈➤ you sent the wrong message to your boss which was supposed to be for your brother.
✎ this is an au (diluc still has the wine Business)!! Characters is your boss who likes you secretly. ⚠️ Use of cuss words... I'm trying my best to make them character like so be nice jk <3 they are just my genshin top 3 so I made this then I can also read it myself 😭 anyways enjoy <3 cannot assure you of perfect grammar !! I like to keep it simple
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: ̗̀➛ AYATO
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You accidentally sent those to Ayato, your boss because you kept thinking about him and how you hate his strict side. He doesn't smile and he always looks mad whenever you don't finish on time, it was his fault for giving you so much work. If there's a time where he's good to you it's the time when you finish all the work that he assigned for you to do fast. The next day after that, he'll assign you more and more and it gets annoying knowing you have to work overtime again.
You sent it accidentally because, you weren't focused enough. You are focused trying to guess the time what time you can come home. The first person on your chats list was always your brother so you just got used to it and clicked it without looking. Now you're standing there, in his office expecting him to scream and fire you after sending him such ridiculous messages.
"So..Y/N did I really assign you a ton of work?" It was the first thing he said before firing you, or that's what you thought.
You shook your head.
"No, sir. It's not that..it's just umm, my girl days are acting up I didn't mean those I'm sorry! It won't happen again. I promise."
It was a lie but you were desperate. You didn't want to lose this job because it would be too hard to find another.
"Girl days? You could simply tell me if I'm giving you too much work, I can work on that and I understand if you're tired, but you didn't have to-" He was cutted of by you apologizing to him.
"No it's not that! I'm really sorry. I apologize. I'll take the consequences of my reckless actions." You said as you bowed to him to show your sincerity.
You took the consequences of your actions, it was just your boss giving you work but your work gets easier and less time by time, you didn't understand why of course but people are gossiping about how your boss likes you which you didn't believe at first but he becomes more gentle and gentle to you. You fell for him and when you started dating him, you found out your boss likes you for so long and was actually hurt by the wrong messages you sent, but it's alright now because you kept kissing him and telling him how much you love him.
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: ̗̀➛ DILUC
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When you saw that reply from Diluc, your boss. You really tried to run away and hide yourself forever. You're using your phone while working? He'll probably scream at you and fire you. That's what you thought. The only reason why you sent that message to him instead of your brother was because you're WORKING. You had to focus on making a drink first while using your phone, it wasn't allowed when your boss was there and one day he just wasn't and you thought it's okay for you to do that.
That's why, it happened. You thought your job was over and you can't do anything about it. Just by thinking what your boss would do to you when you meet him the next day scares the shit of you, well you did compliment him so you hope he'll let it slide but at the same time you also said that it was a loss. You had to go to the tavern, sleepless who looks hopeless at the same time, now you're just standing in front of your boss, diluc while he's at his chair looking really fresh and cool.
"Care to explain?, Y/N" He said, he wasn't looking at you. He's doing his work while waiting for you to speak for yourself.
"I won't do it again, it's really wrong for me to speak bad things about you when you're the one who's helping me to earn money, I'm really sorry. Sir." You said as you bowed to him, when you tried to look at him, he looked confused and stressed by just what you said.
"I'm not talking about that, Y/N. I'm telling you to explain why were you using your phone while doing your work? It's forbidden, you know that right?" Now you felt more embarrassed than you did before. You apologized for speaking bad about him but not using your phone in the middle of your work.
"It was reckless behavior that I did, sir. I'm really sorry. I won't do it ever again. I will do everything I can to assure you that."
He didn't fire you and just told you to do your work, however you couldn't focus for months because of what you did. Diluc was the one who REALLY assured you that it's fine just don't do it again. He's straight up being sweet towards you. You didn't think about it at first but you completely fell in love with him. You may have told him that you loved him when you were drunk and magically out of nowhere, you both started dating after getting drunk that night.
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Alhaitham was flabbergasted when you sent those messages and the fact that you didn't realize it because you're that BUSY typing was something else. You just didn't mind it and waited for your iced coffee that was paid by your brother patiently, I mean you always ask your brother to deliver coffee to you so he knows what to do so you just continued your work like nothing.
How did you realize it, you ask? It was when your iced coffee was delivered by your co-workers saying that it was for you, and when you're about to thank your brother through chats you realized your boss, alhaitham was the one you messaged to deliver you coffee. It was so embarrassing but you're thankful at the same time because your boss really did buy you COFFEE but still it was straight up embarrassing making your boss buy you a coffee, so when you finished typing the files that your boss assigned you to, you immediately went to his office, he was the one who started the conversation.
"How was the coffee, Y/N?" He asked while you hand him the files he asked for. He sounded sarcastic that you didn't know what to answer.
"It was a wrong sent message sir, I'm really sorry. I can pay you right now. I'm just really sorry." It was so embarrassing for you, that you couldn't even move your body, you looked at the floor the whole time not bothering to look at him.
"It's alright, you said it yourself. I should pay more respect to my employees especially you."
You avoided your boss after that talk. You'd go the other way around whenever you see him in the office and when you give him the files he needs, you'll immediately leave. You thought you were doing very well avoiding him but destiny had other plans. Whenever you're down and alone, you just see him. You see him everywhere you go, anywhere you lay your eyes too. He just can't be avoided whatever you do. He knows what you're doing he looks like he's unbothered but he's really bothered by you avoiding him all the time, like did he look that scary to you?
Well, he found a way to talk to you and tell you that it's okay it's not a big deal and when you had that talk with him everything felt better. You felt relieved and happy because you felt like you had a beef with your boss, Now whenever you hand him the files he needs, you stay for a little talk and it becomes a hobby for the both of you, he was cold and sweet but you realized he's all that you ever wanted. When you both started dating he may have given you a new office that's very close to his so that he can see and talk to you everyday and anytime he wants.
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sp-by-april · 2 months
i need help... HEAR ME OUT RIGHT. WE HAVE DRUGGY READER, PREFERABLY A STREAMER LOOSELY BASED ON KANGEL (maybe female but i'm already asking a lot.) X STAN MARSH. ...God i'm fucked up.
I'ma be so fucking real with you, I left the druggy part out of my notes lol. If You're not feeling it, I can rewrite it, or start over. lmk!
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Stan x Streamer!Reader
[Available on Ao3!] [Stan Marsh Master List]
As a streamer, I have a pretty cool job! I get to play games and hang out and chat with people from all over the world. It’s pretty great! It can be time-consuming and since I do everything by myself, I have to juggle a few things, but I’m pretty much an expert at it now.
One morning, just before I was set to start, my boyfriend Stan had pinned me to the wall. He was kissing my neck and telling me I should ignore my schedule so that we could have sex.
“C’mon, you work too hard,” He purred in my ear as his hand slid up my short, pleated skirt, ”You deserve a break,”
“I really want to,” I said and I meant it, “But later, okay? The anticipation makes it more fun,”
I grabbed his face and kissed him hard.
About an hour later I was doing my thing; Playing a new game, being cute as fuck, talking to subscribers, and I didn’t even notice the door to the room open or close.
I felt a hand on my thigh and blinked.
Stan was sitting on the ground beside me.
Did he... crawl over here?
He rolled my chair back and positioned himself in front of me, under my desk. I nudged him with my foot and tried to ignore him. I was playing a fighting game that day, and thousands of people were watching me. I needed to pay attention.
Stan pulled my knees apart and I could feel his fingers pull my panties to the side.
He kissed my thigh as his fingers traced along my slit, eventually landing on my clit. He’s too fucking good with his hands! He rubbed me in tight little circles and I did my best to ignore him and focus on the game.
I think I was doing a pretty good job. I must have been, because then he really upped the ante. He slid his fingers down and pushed them inside.
My breath hitched and I started mashing buttons, hoping I could still win.
“We’re gonna win this round, you guys!” I promised my subscribers.
He ran his tongue over me. I tried my best to focus, I really did! Then he curled his fingers to hit my sweet spot and softly took my clit into his mouth. I whimpered audibly… It was so embarrassing!
I rushed to close OBS (My fav streaming software <3) and dropped my controller on the desk.
He increased the pressure and fuck, he was doing so well, I couldn’t stand it. My head lolled back and I grabbed a handful of his hair. I came hard. The pleasure combined with the fact we could’ve gotten caught was such a fucking turn-on for me.
My body tensed as the pleasure overwhelmed me and I moaned loudly while I came into his insatiable mouth.
I tried to catch my breath and he rolled my chair back even more. He grabbed my hands and pulled me down into his lap.
“I can’t believe you thought you could ignore me,” He said and pushed the chair away completely.
“I’ll do better,” I promised him.
Stan kissed me hard and I could feel how much he wanted me. The evidence was throbbing underneath me in his sweatpants. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his tongue slid into my mouth.
He was in such a hurry, like he’d go crazy if he wasn’t inside me immediately. He laid me down, hooked his fingers in my panties, and pulled them off right away.
“Since you want to ignore me for some game, let’s play a game of our own,” He said as he pulled his sweatpants down past his hips and his gorgeous cock sprang up.
He was wet with so much precum, that I wondered if he’d been hard since he pinned me against the wall.
“A game?” I asked nervously.
“I’m gonna fuck you and if you make a noise, any noise, you lose,” He climbed on top of me and kissed me as he rubbed the head of his cock along my slit.
I giggled, “That’s–”
“And if you lose, the next time we fuck whenever I want. If you’re steaming... I hope they like watching you get railed,” He smiled and kissed me hard again.
I almost melted as I felt him squeeze inside. Stan has an amazing cock and our bodies fit so well together, I can’t imagine anyone else feeling as great as he does.
His hips moved slower at first, but he quickly picked up the pace and I was trying so hard not to moan as he really thrust into me.
He smirked as he looked down at me, he was having fun watching me struggle. I whimpered a little but it was so low and he was so infatuated with watching me writhe underneath him that he must not have heard.
Then he cheated. He dropped his hand between us and started massaging my clit with those talented fucking hands.
I couldn’t fight it, I tried so hard! My back arched, and my eyes slammed shut as my silky walls did the same around Stan’s cock.
What started as a whimper poured out of my mouth as a loud shuddering moan.
He thrust even harder as I came around him, like he was proving a point.
I hardly got to enjoy the good post-orgasm afterglow, though! Stan pulled himself off of me, then he grabbed my wrists and brought me to my knees.
He stood over me, cock in hand, and I eagerly took him into my mouth.
He grabbed one of my pigtails and I listened to his moans of pleasure as I bobbed on his dick.
He started thrusting into my throat and I knew he was close.
Closer than I thought.
His hips jerked abruptly, he groaned as loud as I’d ever heard him, and I could taste the salty seed he spilled in my mouth.
He pulled back, still holding onto my hair, and I closed my eyes as hot, milky ribbons coated my mouth, cheek, and neck.
Then he finally let go of my hair, pulled my chair over, and dropped himself down onto it.
I wiped a bit of cum off my lips and licked it off the tip of my fingers.
Stan grinned as he watched me, “I think it’s safe to say I won that round,”
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straighttohellbuddy · 2 years
pretty best friends {Dream}
Anon asked: hello!! i saw that requests are open (i think? if not ignore this!!) and i was wondering if u could write a cc!dream x reader where the reader is maybe a faceless streamer as well, or dream just hasn’t seen her face yet for another reason and the first time he does he like… gets all quiet or something and reader thinks it’s bc he thinks theyre ugly and then dream is like “no it’s not that! never that.” djsjsjfroeod i love ur writing tysm!! 😽😽
Summary: Sometimes it's hard to explain what popular, faceless streamers go through to anyone else, so when you find someone whose good, if chaotic, vibes match up with yours, you'll hold onto that friendship tight so long as they feel like the right person to be around. So you're delighted to find that you and Dream operate on the same wavelength. What started as an MCC team up turns into an unshakable bond that you're both hell bent on making everyone else's problem.
Need to Know: They/Them. Popular Faceless Streamer!Reader. Suggestive discussions about CGI characters.
A/N: 3472 words. is this any good? Someone let me know. Can be read as platonic ! 💖 Seriously it's 5am and I'm catching a train in 10 minutes I've been up all night writing is this good???
"Am I nervous about being on Dream's team?" In the few hours before Minecraft Championship began, your nerves had gotten the better of you, so instead of psyching yourself out, you'd gone live early on the training map, "now; no. A few days ago? God, absolutely," you admitted with a warm laugh, "but considering I was acting weird the first time I got to talk to him, and now he's still messaging me to chat, and not just about MCC things, I figure it's on him."
Despite your lack of a camera, your chat could clearly hear how wide you were smiling, already sounding fond despite the relative youth of the friendship you were discussing.
"I was running on not a lot of sleep, and like, I wanna say professional fear," you huffed with faint amusement, "because, like I wasn't starstruck because oh my god its Dream, but more like, I haven't had enough sleep and I'm talking to a man with more followers than there are people living in Australia, you know?"
[Dream: bold of you to assume I am ever well rested either 😂] flashed up in your chat for a moment for everyone to see, and though they couldn't see the surprise on your face, the silence is deafening.
"Shut up, he's here, everyone be cool," you began babbling, "Dream I swear I'm not usually this shit at To Get To The Other Side, I promise," you laughed awkwardly, right before you eat shit on the training map. Then, after a moment, you switch tactics; "also, hey Dream, call me and tell everyone that I'm not lying and we are becoming friends."
It takes a few long moments as you loiter on the training map, looking through comments, many of which were doubtful, before everyone hears the Discord call noise.
"Mods ban everyone who doubted me," you announce triumphantly before you even say hello, and everyone hears Dream's laughter echo across your stream.
"Hello to you too," he chuckles.
"Hi bestie," you play up your closeness, but still he plays along.
"Hey new bestie."
A long moment of silence follows, which you eventually break with a sigh.
"I'm sorry, you didn't need to actually call, I was just being a menace," you admitted sheepishly, starting a new game.
"What are friends for?" Dream responded with easily, and you immediately hit menu and left the server.
"Dude!" You crowed.
"Dude, what?"
"Dude, I was being a menace, you're so nice!" You sound a little muffled, as if covering your face with your hands. Again, Dream laughs, again, it's a kinder sound than you feel like you deserve considering the context.
"We were doing Smash or Pass with the CGI creatures in Spy Kids 2, which I suggested," Dream points out, putting you both on blast in an instant, "and not only were you cool with that, but we both want to smash the Spider-Monkey, so now we're friends. I don't make the rules."
"It's the objectively correct answer," you don't even hesitate before answering, mouth moving faster than your brain, and face still presumably in your hands, "look at that creature and tell me he doesn't; one, sling phenomenal dick, and two, both know and practice aftercare." As you're speaking, if only to provide context for your audience, you tab away from Minecraft to Google image search the Spy Kids 2 Spider-Monkey.
"Yeah, I read your messages, I agree on all fronts; the Spider-Monkey is a service top and would treat us right," Dream added sagely, "but what I'm saying is the fact that we had in depth discussions about our reasoning behind whether we would smash or pass these CGI creatures has forged a friendship that I refuse to back out of."
"That's why you agreed to be my friend?" Your tone was strangely fond at that revelation.
"No, I agreed to be your friend because I posted a Thumb-Thumb from the first movie in our team's chat and you answered 'smash' in all capitals three seconds after I posted it, followed by 'what that thumb do', again, all capitals -"
"I hadn't had a lot of sleep!" You cut in to defend yourself, still sounding vaguely embarrassed.
"I was impressed by your fucking conviction!" He shouts, but the bright affection in his voice keeps him from sounding too aggressive. A few seconds of silence followed, and you tabbed back to Minecraft.
"To those in chat wondering," Dream sounds more than a little amused as he broke the silence, "I hadn't asked Smash or Pass, I literally just posted a picture of the Thumb-Thumb in the group chat; they responded before I had a chance to follow up."
"I don't know what I was thinking," you mumbled, sounding all kinds of bashful.
"I want to study you," you could hear him smirking. It was easy to play up your embarrassment when your chat couldn't see you grinning, "for the record you were really quiet when we first all met in the VC, so it surprised me - in a good way, of course."
"A good way?" You asked dubiously.
"Hey, if it wasn't, I wouldn't have DMed you to follow up, I wouldn't have bothered to watch your stream to try and get to know you better, and I wouldn't have called when you asked," he points out with a strangely kind bluntness to his words. You're once again quietly, ruminating on his words as a warmth blooms in your chest.
"Okay now I am kind of starstruck," you mumble, flustered and fond, "you need me to fight someone for you I definitely will," which gets him to laugh, and begins your long, public history of being a Dream Stan on main.
After your group places 4th in MCC, you anticipate your fast-formed friendship with Dream to fade considerably. You tell yourself you don't mind, that that's what happens; you're friends now, sure, but you shouldn't expect to be especially close.
But he's still just as quick to answer you. He starts conversations. He calls you just because he's had a strange thought he wants to talk through with someone, and you're one of his first choices, so of course you start calling him in similar situations. It doesn't take long for a script to form, even if it's just between the two of you, neither live, even sometimes bleeding into your DMs; Bestie, I've had a thought. / Terrifying, continue.
While you don't interact live often anymore, you speak in private almost daily, and neither of you forgets the joke even when the other isn't around to hear it. Jokes about stanning turn to jokes about simping, made all the more amusing by neither of you knowing what the other even looks like.
While you begin to develop a solid friendship with George and Sapnap along the way, so too does Dream get to know your own housemate, an ASMR YouTuber who is kind but bemused by your burgeoning friendship with one of the biggest names on the platform. Still, she gets along well just as you do with the rest of the Dream Team.
And when your housemate moves out and you're by yourself in the little two-bedroom apartment, they make sure you never feel lonely.
While live interactions were limited, you never hesitated to defend one another, no matter the platform. Mods in your streams quickly learned that if vitriolic Dream-Antis weren't banned before they properly got your attention, you would put them on blast without a shred of mercy.
[the bit is dead. you and dream don't give a shit about each other we know this is for clout. let it go] pops up as a donation that slipped through the cracks, and you, who had been ranking notable Cyberpunk NPCs on a tier list, and had mentioned in an offhand way that you and Dream got into an argument about some of the A-Tier choices, go dead silent.
The mood drops.
"Can you please explain how?" Voice absolutely poisonous and calm, you let your mouse rest idle in the middle of the screen, "mods let them speak; can you bring up this proof that everyone knows about that insinuates that my friendship with Dream is a spiteful bit on my behalf?" And you wait.
[everyone knows. obviously. you guys aren't friends you don't ever talk]
"Obviously," you give a thin-lipped smile that no-one sees as you read a message from Dream himself, asking if you want him to call. You hit call and continue to address the troll, "not that I have anything to prove to you, or anyone," you drawled, feeling rather smug seeing that Dream had picked up, "hey bestie, sorry to interrupt your hot boy shit, but get a load of this clown," you snorted.
"You want me to ban them?" Dream asks with the kind of lazy, smug confidence that was rarely warranted in your shared discussions, but made a pleasant little shiver run down your spine every time you heard it. Chat was screaming.
"That's right, you have mod privileges on my streams, don't you?" Your tone is frankly catty, so full of smug confidence that even without a visual your audience is practically able to picture your smile.
"Yeah, you gave them to me months before we even talked about you joining the SMP -" Dream's own tone shifts as he stops matching your energy to menace you on your own stream. As anticipated, it broke you into disbelieving laughter as you shrieked for a moment.
"You're such a dick!" You laughed brightly, "I've been building up that will-they-wont-they-invite-me bit since MCC!"
"Okay, bye bestie, love you!" Dream announced cheerfully over the top of your dismay before immediately hanging up the call. While you're half-groaning, half-laughing at his sheer audacity, one of your other mods was quick to post that this is how people knew you were actually good friends, and for once your chat was in absolute agreement. At least when they weren't begging you for details on your SMP character and when you might finally join.
"I never said I accepted the invite," you tried to play coy, but it was futile, "he's so lucky he's cute."
Thankfully the overall reception to Dream's brief cameo was positive, and at least for a few days the people claiming you were a clout chaser quietened down. It's a brief reprieve but you're still glad for it.
In some ways you found it easier being faceless online; it's easier to disconnect yourself from a lot of the baseless hate. That being said, you found yourself, like many of your faceless fellow creators, to be a lightning rod for speculation and cruel potential comparisons. And more than anything, people went to horrifying lengths to try and discover your true identity behind the screen.
"Would you ever do a proper face reveal?" You hear yourself asking Dream at an hour that's arguably both too late and too early.
"I mean I want to," he admits, "I want to meet my friends and fans and make IRL content, you know?" Serious conversations were happening more and more often between you two. Maybe it's a sign of closeness, "but still the idea kind of freaks me out, like I'm losing a safety net. I love Sap and George but now that they're out there it's like they've kind of forgotten what it's like, and now my numbers are fucking astronomical, it's..." The way he signs betrays just how exhausted he was by certain aspects of his success.
"I know..." While your numbers may not be even close to Dream's, you've still got a few million subscribers of your own, and know all too well how the pressure aches. Still, you try to lighten the mood, "I'll make you my lock screen."
"What, now?" He laughs with confusion
"After your face reveal I'll make you my lock screen," you tell him with complete sincerity. You're not completely sure what reaction you're hoping for, but silence isn't it.
"I've had an idea," he muses, sounding suddenly energetic, and you don't even have time to make an intrigued noise before he's continuing, "we should meet up."
"In person?"
"Yeah, you come to me or I'll come to you," enthusiasm is spilling from him, and you hear him begin to frantically type. You, however, are far more hesitant.
"Why? What would be the point?" And at your question, the tapping of the keys goes silent.
"I wanna hang out with you?" He says a little awkwardly, almost like it's a question, "I want to see you in person? You're one of my best friends? I think it'd be funny for two of the biggest faceless streamers to do a meet-up before either of us face reveal? Take your pick," he sounds a little defensive.
"I-" you find yourself touched by the sentiment, overwhelmed at his words, "I know we are friends, and I know it's kind of something we joke about, but I always figured, you know, you had George and Sap and..." you feel your chest swell with pride, "do you really think of me as one of your best friends?"
A long silence follows.
"Do you not?" He asks, sounding a little disappointed, which has you backpedaling almost immediately.
"Of course I do, but I don't -" you hesitate before admitting, "I don't really have any other best friends. I like my housemate but ours is a convenience thing more than anything else."
"You're a different kind of best friend to Sap or George, or you know, even different to Karl or Q," he tells you after a few moments of deliberation, but at least he seems to be in better spirits, "but yeah, I still consider you one of my best friends." The typing on his end of the call has tentatively resumed.
"What kind of different?" You ask gently, and are again met with hesitation.
"There's parts of how I..." He trails off and hums thoughtfully, trying to organise his thoughts, "the way we exist online- no... I mean yes but it's not quite..." Then, carefully, "you know me," and he lets it hang in the silence between you both, and you give him the time to elaborate, heart in your throat, "you know me in a way that's very hard to describe and so much harder to find, because I feel like you know me in the nichest way, you know? Since that random-ass call the day of MCC, I was like, sure about you in a way that I'd never been about another person. Like safe - I mean," and he splutters half sentences again for a few moments, like he hadn't quite meant to admit that last part, but you're glad he did. You knew exactly what feeling he was talking about, the one that burned deep in your chest, that you knew you could never dream to find the words for.
You tell him your address.
He goes quiet.
The typing continues.
"So this is it, I'm coming to visit," suddenly he sounds nervous, and despite feeling that too, you can't help but grin.
"How soon?"
"Two days?"
"Two days!" The way you cheer in confirmation is cathartic for you both; you hear him definitely hit enter to purchase the plane ticket, and he laughs like he can't believe it's really happening. Then, as the laughter dies down, your voice turns quiet and fond, "you make me feel safe too, Dream."
"Stop," he sounds plaintive but still somehow bright, "I already kind of feel like I'm about to cry, I can't believe I get to see you so soon."
"So soon," you echo the affirmation with a smile.
To celebrate you watch and movie together, ending up falling asleep on the call. All you feel when you wake is how giddy you are knowing how soon it would be until you saw your best friend in person, finally!
He insists on taking an Uber from the airport, wants your first time seeing each other to be somewhere your voices have no chance of getting recognised, so by the time you buzz him into your building your practically sick with anticipation. Pacing with your earbuds in, something about hearing the echo of his real voice at your front door just ahead of hearing him in the call, it makes it all feel so real.
"I'm gonna hang up and knock now," his tone is so gentle, like he can tell you're freaking out more than he is right now.
"Okay, love you," you blurt out on tense instinct. He hangs up but you can hear his fond laughter the moment before he starts to knock. He doesn't even get a third knock in before you've wrenched the door open, heartbeat in your ears, absolutely clueless on what to expect -
He's real. He's a real person and he's standing in front of you and your best friend Dream has kind eyes. Around the time you register that this isn't a trick, that he's got wavy hair and he's tall and pale as all fuck, you realise that you're definitely checking him out, which somehow feels weirder when it hits you that he's actually very handsome. He had a place in your heart pretty much since you met him, but this is a welcome surprise.
"Do you wanna come in?" You asked with a little laugh, stepping to the side and gesturing him in. His expression was unreadable as he stepped past you, "it's good to see you," you tried, but once you closed the door and turned around, you couldn't help but feel self conscious.
"Come on man, this is really me, I'd rather you not do a bit, I've been cleaning but I tried to -" you dip your gaze to avoid looking at him, scouring your outfit for any stains you made have noticed, hoping his reaction was to something you could fix -
"This isn't a bit, sorry, I promise," he says in a rush, stepping forward. When you finally look back up, he's smiling at you, hand hovering like he went to touch your cheek but he's not sure he's allowed, "I cannot believe you've been this pretty behind the screen this entire time, this is so unfair, I could have bought a plane ticket months ago."
Slowly, as his words sink in, you feel yourself beginning to grin and grow flustered.
"Okay, this bit I approve of -"
"Who says it's a bit?" He crowed, stepping closer to you, cupping your face with his hand, "look at your face, this isn't a bit, you're hot! Who let you be hot?" And you know that tone, have heard that smile in his words before; the fact that this smile was behind it every time?
"No, shut up, you're not allowed to simp over me, I'm meant to be simping over you; you just finished a plane and uber ride, how are you not a hot mess? Who let you be hot?" And immediately he's turning red, basking in your compliments with a wide grin.
"We're gonna be insufferable on stream, aren't we?"
"Without a doubt," you beam, and finally you pull each other into a tight hug.
After dinner you drag a second chair into what is now your office, making sure the space was set up for you both to be comfortable. Once your computer is booting up, he pulls out his phone and instructs you to make half a heart with your hand in front of the computer. He completes the heart with his own and snaps a photo, your aesthetic set up in the background.
[am I really in @Y/N's apartment IRL for the most convoluted meet up ever or am i very good at photoshop? idk you decide] is how he captions the photo, which you immediately retweet onto your main account with a link to your Twitch.
"I ain't ever seen two pretty best friends!" You quote loudly at your chat to start your stream, immediately causing Dream to laugh, leaning over to press his forehead against your shoulder while you continued on strong, "and neither will you! Welcome to the most confusing and least provable meet up! Special guest Dream, do you wanna say hello?"
"I do," he wheezed, "I'm special guest Dream, coming to you live from Y/N's office, believe it or not!"
"I'm seeing a lot of non believers here," you mumbled with faux disappointment.
"They don't have to believe," Dream points out, far less performative than he'd been a moment ago. When he smiles at you, something eases in your chest. There's no weird tension, or uncomfortable silences, or doubt. Your best friend is by your side; the only thing that matters in this moment is him.
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lavenderbexlatte · 11 months
day 20: only one bed
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kard 1.5k words female reader insert Reader x Matthew Kim (BM) NSFW
🖤 warnings: inappropriate coworker relationships, yes i turned one of the all-time best tropes into a prompt be mad about it🖤
🎂 happy matthew day~
kinktober masterlist
connect with me! / masterlist
This all sounded way less ridiculous on paper.
Or, like, in an email.
When they were planning the room arrangements for this company trip, you'd thought it was no big deal to volunteer be placed in a mixed-gender room. There just wasn't the budget to put everyone separately, and not enough pre-planned pairs to make it work without mixing different branches together. It seemed like a simple courtesy to say that you'd be okay with someone from a different branch, and a different gender, if it came to all that.
But once you saw the final lineup, you knew you'd be in for it.
Not that you got a bad roommate, or anything. You've actually met him a few times before, and he's a cool guy. Very gentle, polite.
He's just also extremely hot.
You've never really registered exactly how hot, before. Over the three or four other conferences like this one, you've always been glued to your work bestie. But she transferred departments, and now here you are.
Here, at the open bar that the company set up in the hotel lounge, watching him chat with a group of people.
His suit jacket is long gone, his shirt unbuttoned by a few more inches than it was when he arrived this afternoon, showing a deep v of tanned, firm chest. His bleaches hair is starting to come out of its neatly-gelled part, strands falling into his face elegantly.
One of the women from the newest branch is wearing a little sash...it's her birthday, you assume, squinting over the rim of your glass at her. And it looks like he's in the process of buying her a drink for it.
If it was anyone else, you'd figure that they were trying to make a move, but Matthew Kim is just that nice. A little bit of a player, if memory serves, with the smooth talking and earnest extroversion, but a very sweet guy overall.
You lose track of your very hot roommate after a while.
Your boss finds you, and makes you participate in a very long toast to the success of the conference, and after that, Matthew is long gone.
It's not that birthday girl, because she's still here with her coworkers, but you assume (based on nothing, admittedly, nothing but looks) that maybe he's hunting somewhere else. He seems like he's the party type, anyway. Maybe he's going somewhere else for a second round. Who knows.
Conferences are supposed to be "fun," but you all do still have meetings in the morning. You've had about all the fun you're going to have, tonight.
You bid your coworkers a good night, and you retreat to your room.
You just want to get through this trip without anything embarrassing happening.
So, of course, you run into your very hot roommate at the elevator.
He's standing there, waiting, button already pressed, when you walk up, and he looks nothing but happy to see you.
"Oh, hey," he grins. "Goin' up?"
"I'm done for the night," you agree.
"Feel that. I wanna take a shower and crash."
You'd neglected to process, until this moment, that the two of you are sharing a shower, too.
"Yeah, I'm exhausted," you find yourself saying, anyway.
The elevator arrives with a ding, and the two of you are quiet on the ride up. Both playing with your phones, and while your calm is completely forced, his seems natural.
You go to the room in companionable silence.
But once the door is unlocked, and the two of you go in, there is one glaring problem.
"That don't look like two doubles," Matthew says.
He's right. The room that you'd been promised, a double room with two beds, instead has one luxurious queen. Your privacy and his, assured by the HR people arranging this trip, are all but gone.
The only thing your traitorous brain can think, though, is that this situation isn't half bad.
"I'll call the front desk and see wassup," Matthew says, going for the room phone.
He puts the call on speaker.
"I'm so sorry, but we're fully booked. Unless you're able to switch with other members of your booking party, there's really nothing we can offer aside from compensation after the stay..."
The concierge sounds properly apologetic in corporate, and you can't blame them for this. It is what it is.
"That's gonna be more trouble, isn't it?" Matthew asks you.
"Then we'll jus' figure it out," he decides.
Figure it out.
Figuring it out turns out to mean Matthew taking a shower, and then you taking a shower, and then both of you standing on your respective sides of the bed. The energy is indescribable.
"You sure this is okay?" he asks.
You wonder what kind of face you're making, that makes him think he has to ask that.
"As long as you're okay, too," you say.
"Can I just..."
You nod, and he peels back the duvet and makes himself comfortable. There's something kind of intimate about joining him under the covers right away, so as casually as you can, you lay on top, instead.
He doesn't comment on it. Gracefully, he just rolls over to one side and gets back on his phone until you get comfortable.
And after you've wriggled yourself into a comfy spot, he asks you, "Did you have a good time?"
"Yeah, it was nice," you say. "Did you do birthday shots with what's-her-name from Chula Vista branch?"
Matthew laughs. "Just like...one."
You're not jealous, you're really not, but there's a very particular feeling under your skin that you can't shake.
"You coulda joined it."
You shrug. "Don't know her. It'd be weird."
You venture out on a limb. "I'm assuming there's no partner in the mix who's gonna get mad about you, like, buying birthday shots? And sleeping here?"
"No girlfriend," he affirms.
"A hunk like you?"
He laughs again.
The two of you aren't looking at each other, which is good, because you're audaciously embarrassed that that horrible sentence came out of your mouth. Either sentence, honestly. What business of yours is it, if he has a partner?
"Not much time," he says.
"Could have tried to bag that birthday girl," you joke.
"I think she's married," he muses. "Wouldn't be cool."
"Yeah, true."
Matthew turns to peer over his shoulder at you. "How 'bout you?"
"I'm not married," you say.
"I figured. But like...nobody back home?"
You've still been staring at your phone, until now. You glance at him.
You guys have eaten meals together maybe three times. You've gotten drunk together at least that many times. Your total time in his company is definitely less than one calendar day.
You've shared a bed, now, for about four minutes.
So the path from that to tugging Matthew on top of you and kissing him senseless is a little foggy.
He lets you, though. He laughs, a little, and he rolls easily into you, pulling the covers with him. They form a frustrating little barrier between the two of you, but that doesn't matter yet. You've got your arms around his neck, his hand planted in the mattress beside your shoulder, holding himself up as he curls around you and meets you inch for inch.
"S'goin' on?" he asks, sly.
Honesty is the best policy, you decide. "Anyone ever tell you you're super hot?"
"Maybe once or twice."
His words are cocky, but his smile is small and pleased, the genuine and slightly bashful expression of a guy who isn't used to being complimented like that.
"You should hear it more often, holy shit," you say.
He laughs again, louder.
"Would it be out of pocket to say that I'm curious what's under those lil pajamas?" he asks you.
You'd packed some demure and cozy sleepwear for this trip, normal t-shirt and long pajama pants. It seemed practical at the time, but now all you can think about is the sheer number of square inches of skin that are being cut off from touching Matthew, in his muscle tee and basketball shorts.
"You can be curious," you say. "Just depends if you're gonna do something about it."
"Ooh. You're kinda fun."
"I try."
You go for the hem of your own shirt, before he can. But he catches your wrist gently.
"Can I?"
"Of course. But you gotta make it fair," you tell him.
He strips off his own shirt before going for yours, and you're so transfixed by the sudden sight of his shredded torso - abs, pecs, lats, other things that you don't know the name of, scattered tattoos in thick ink - that you barely blink as he gets the garment off and flings it away to the room at large.
Your bottoms, and his, are lost just as quickly.
"I bet," Matthew says suddenly, halfway down your torso to do a little exploring below the waist. "Yo, I bet that the hotel staff did this on purpose."
"Did what?"
He smacks the mattress with one hand. "The bed."
You snort. "We were set up. Damn."
"Worked out kinda good for us, though."
"I'd say so."
Matthew continues his descent, telling you very seriously, "I hope these walls are kinda soundproof."
Oh, jeez. He's implying- "Why?"
"Cuz I think my boss is in the next room, and I really don't wanna have to explain this tomorrow."
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nowoyas · 2 months
Koi no Yokan 3: guilt tastes like cola garigari-kun (Nishinoya Yuu x Reader)
First - Prev - Next - M.list - Ao3
A/N: once again, I will remind that if you plan to read the footnotes, ao3 is the best way to read. if you don't care or intend to read them all at the end without referencing what they're marked on with the text, feel free to carry on with the tumblr crosspost!
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Summary: Popsicles with the guys and popsicles alone.
Warnings: some family-related angst
Word count: ~3500
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"You know, when I said I'd bet actual money, I didn't mean you had to actually do anything. We didn't even say 'deal'."
He does not let up. You survived practice as before, with a bit more interest and a bit more focus on understanding what was going on, only to find Nishinoya waiting for you at the gate after you changed out.
"Your chance to protest was when I said I'd buy it for you this morning," he replies easily.
"I did protest. You ignored me."
"I don't remember that! Come on, let's go to Sakanoshita. We need to plan anyway, right?"
"…fine. I will allow you to buy me one popsicle."
"One box? Got it."
You snort. "Remember what I said this morning about actually listening to me?"
"I am! You said 'one'. You didn't give units."
That you didn't. "I didn't think it need to be said."
"Compromise: I'll get you just one popsicle, but you gotta promise to enjoy it!"
"And if I feel bad letting you spend money on me?"
"That's why you've gotta enjoy it! What's the point of life if you don't let yourself have something you like every now and then?"
You bite back the suggestion that you might not even like popsicles. There's probably a point where protesting just gets annoying, anyway, for you and the other person. And if he wants to, and if you don't have a real reason not to…
This, you think, may be what's wrong with you: you say yes when you don't feel like saying no strongly enough. You aren't sure, really, what else to say. So you let the pretty second-year drag you to the convenience store for ice cream you "won" in a "bet" no one made, and because it keeps you from having to go home as soon, you loiter with him and a few others outside the store. You take your time, hold conversation not to be polite or to entertain anyone, but because it makes the popsicle take longer, keeps you from going home for just a few minutes more. It does not make the popsicle taste sweeter. If there's a next time—and you suspect there will be—you'll have to push back a bit harder against the whole "buying you things" thing.
Your one consolation is that they're not all here for you. You doubt they would be, but still: Hinata and Kageyama have found some new topic to bicker about, the third years sans Shimizu are busily chatting over nikuman, and Tanaka and Ennoshita have relieved you of being Nishinoya's sole focus for the time being.
"So. [name]-san."
You glance up from your popsicle³ (cola-flavored, because you're sensible). "Mm?"
“I heard plenty about our practice match yesterday from Yachi-san⁴ talking to Shouyo, but someone didn't give her thoughts on how awesome we were."
You roll your eyes. "Uh-huh? That so?"
"Yeah! What'd you think?"
Tanaka and Ennoshita regard you with mild interest. Of course they do. You can't imagine any high school boy not wanting to hear compliments about how well they played. "I'm not gonna yell like she did. No shade to her, of course. That's just not me."
"I'm not asking you to! I just wanna hear all about how cool you think I am."
That draws a laugh from you. "Fine. I'll be honest, since you went out of your way to buy me a popsicle I didn't ask for and specifically told you you didn't have to buy for me."
"Watch," Ennoshita says quietly to Tanaka, "this is the part where [surname]-san eviscerates him."
"It was fun. You guys are interesting to watch, and I could tell by watching you play that you're good."
"And I followed your advice by watching specific players instead of the ball." You pause, take a moment to save a melting bit of runaway popsicle from certain ruin. "I guess it was helpful."
"You guess? Who were you watching?"
The popsicle is really adding to this experience. Namely that it allows you a moment to figure out the most fun way to respond, which is, of course, to mess with him. "…Kageyama-san."
He looks stricken. "[name]-san?"
Tanaka laughs. "Man, no wonder you proposed on sight, Noya-san. She's perfect for you."
"Right? C'mon, [name]-san, hurry up and marry me already!"
"Nine hundred ninety-two, but thanks for the popsicle."
"I think maybe you should try making her feel welcome instead of pressuring the girl, but what do I know?" Ennoshita says.
"I'm not pressuring her!" he protests. "I even asked if she was okay with everything!"
"He did," you admit. "Oh—that reminds me. Nishinoya-senpai, did you wanna, like, meet up over lunch for the study thing, or…?"
He visibly lights up. "Right!"
"Study thing?" Tanaka asks. "What study thing?"
"Hinata mentioned you guys can't have any make-up exams or you have to miss some practice matches or something, right? I can't exactly tutor, seeing as I'm only a first year and have no idea what you guys are doing in class, but I offered to give him some tips for actually studying in a way that does anything. "
"R-really? Can you help me out, too? If that's not too much trouble!" Tanaka bows deeply to you.
"Sure, why not?"
"Not to get between all this," Ennoshita pipes up, "but you two definitely already gave up all of your lunches between now and exams."
"Chikaraaa," Nishinoya whines. "Isn't this important?"
"Sure, but not necessarily more important than you actually going over the material. Why not study on the weekend?"⁶
"Is that okay?" The two look to you.
You shrug. "I don't really do things, so I don't mind. Why not?"
"You'd really give up your weekend for us?"
"Oh, but I guess we can't use a classroom or something if it's the weekend. My house is no good, either…"
"Ryu, if you're coming, it's gotta be my place," Nishinoya says.
"Why yours? My house is perfectly good."
"She lives down the street from me. Makes more sense, right?"
"[surname]-san, are you really okay with that? These two can be a lot."
"Oh, I don't mind!" You wave a dismissive hand. "Really. It'll be rough playing without the full team if everyone can't go to Tokyo, right? And Yachi-san's already got Hinata and Kageyama-san locked down. Not that I think I'll be nearly as helpful. More of a longer-term solution thing."
"Do you think it'll actually stick?"
You smile. Tilt your head. "I'll see what I can do."
Nishinoya insists on walking you home afterward. You accept, namely because you can't really justify not walking with him when you're going the same way. You do not, however, let him carry your bag, although he insists pretty hard on doing that, too.
"I can't believe you said yes to Ryu crashing our study date," he teases.
"Date?" You raise an eyebrow. "That's news to me, Senpai. Besides, I didn't really have a good reason to say no."
"Is that all it is? Do you secretly just not want to hang out with me?"
"That's not it. I'm just too nice of a person. I'll be a saint whenever I get around to dying."
Yeah, that's good enough. The sarcasm soothes the ache just a little bit.
"Pretty sure you already are. I mean, I worship you, so—"
You snort. "No, you don't. You barely know me."
"I'd like to, though."
Your steps stutter to a stop. "Do you just, like, say everything that pops into your head, or like what?"
"Not everything! But most things, yeah."
"That explains the marriage proposals. You should rethink that, by the way. Pretty sure you're supposed to love someone before you even think about proposing."
"Haven't you heard of love at first sight? I knew from the moment I saw you that I needed to marry you!" He punctuates his sentence with a dramatic thump of his chest.
"Right. Yeah. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but love at first sight is a myth. Whatever you're feeling right now isn't love. It's just chemicals in your head telling you to find a mate because our brain chemistry hasn't caught up to modern society."
"How is my brain chemistry telling me to do something not the same as me wanting it?"
…he has a point, but you're the one who's right here. You stand your ground. "It's just different, alright? I'm not trying to be mean or anything. You seem like a nice guy. But you're setting yourself up for failure if you get attached here, and… I don't know. It's kinda obvious you haven't thought about this. At all. I'm not gonna be the one responsible if you get hurt chasing me, you know?"
"Is that why you told me to ask a thousand times?"
"Yeah, kinda." You fall into step beside him again with a sigh. "Mostly on impulse, though. It seems that I just sort of say things around you."
He grins. "That's love."
You're not dignifying that with a response.
"How about this? I'll keep up with my proposals, because a thousand is a big number to get through, and you stick around long enough for me to get to know you, and by the time I hit a thousand, you'll be ready to admit that you wanna marry me."
"You're impossible. Do you do this with every girl who gives you the time of day?"
He tosses his head back as he laughs. "Only the pretty ones."
"And let me guess, you think every girl's pretty?"
"You really are psychic! But, you know, there's only one pretty girl who's ever given me the time of day."
"Right." You pause, nod to his house. "Go home, Casanova. And don't stay up too late studying. Your brain can't actually form memories if you don't rest it."
He waves as he goes. "I'll pick you up tomorrow!"
"Stalker!" you call back in reply.
Okay, so that didn't go the way you planned. At all, really. So that's cool.
You meander slowly on your way home—just a few doors down, really not far at all, honestly, it's a marvel that you've never once run into him before—a bit wary of the thought that he might see which house is yours. It's not that you sense any threat from him. Nothing like that. You just… don't want any questions if he happens to recognize the house.
You don't bother calling out any sort of greeting when you get home—there's no way your father darkens the door before eleven at the earliest. Instead, you kick off your shoes in the genkan, nudge them to the side and out of the way so he doesn't trip on them later, and move right to getting started on dinner. Over washing and peeling potatoes, you try to think this whole thing through properly.
If you told him you were uncomfortable or didn't want him to, Nishinoya probably wouldn't press the issue. You don't think he would have even bothered checking if he didn't care at least a little bit about your answer. Admittedly, after the Shimizu-flying-leap-slap incident, he did seem to back off pretty noticeably, too. Hell, the other volleyball club members have made pretty clear that they'll tell him off on your behalf, so you wouldn't even have to say it to him directly.
But… he's nice. That's the part you can't seem to move past. Nishinoya Yuu is nice. You haven't smiled this much since your mother's death, admittedly for lack of trying. It's nice getting complimented every morning just for showing up. Nicer when it's a day you know you look like shit. You don't really mind the whirlwind keeping you from coming back to an empty house.
You always look a little lonely, Yachi had said. Does your suitor think the same? Did you look so lonely that he had to make you feel better even before he got your name?
Do you actually feel less lonely like this?
You set aside the peeled potatoes to soak and sigh. Grab the cutting board to scrape the peels into the trash bin. All this gives you is another reason to sigh—it's full again. It makes meals easier, sure, but it stings a little to see the evidence of yet another convenience store dinner in the trash.
At least if you go through with this manager thing, your father won't be hurting for food.
Maybe you should start learning how to meal prep in bulk. If you go through with this manager thing, it'll be hard to keep up with chores and cook every night. The last thing you need is for your grades to drop.
You're out of milk again. Running low on rice, too. You barely have the ingredients to throw together a passable lunch for tomorrow, which means staying up tonight to actually catch your father when he gets home. But as much as you can skimp at home—and you do skimp this time, not bothering to assemble a real dinner so much as prepping extra lunch ingredients into something that won't give you food poisoning—you don't need anybody bugging you at school about why you're not eating or why your bento is just seventeen aging cherry tomatoes and a rice ball.
No, there's no getting around this. You work through homework as fast as you can manage, then curl up on the couch with a cookbook and a notepad and wait.
You wake up to the sound of stumbling in the doorway. You're not exactly sure why you bother making sure your father won't trip over your shoes when he regularly trips over the step into the house proper anyways. He's sober, it seems, but exhausted. The clock reads 11:49 PM—no wonder, if he's just getting home from work.
"Welcome home," you pipe up when he's caught his balance.
He jolts, looks up at you with a deer-in-headlights look like you've caught him having an affair or something. "[name]. You're still awake?"
"I fell asleep on the couch," you admit lamely, then wince at the wounded look on his face. "Just woke up."
You shouldn't have waited up for him like this. It's just another way to re-open old wounds. Just another layer of awkwardness in this stupid fucking haunted house.
"Yeah. Sorry. I just—we need groceries."
"Right. Groceries. How much do you need?"
This is the part where you try not to feel bad. "Honestly? I'm not sure. Can I just get a card to use? Last time I misjudged the prices and couldn't get everything I needed, and it's hard to plan without going to the store. The price of eggs went up again, too."
He nods. "Sure. Yeah." There's a moment where he's fumbling for his wallet, and then, he's thrusting out a debit card in one hand, barely even looking at you. "I'll get you your own card when I have the time. For now, you can use that. The PIN's her birthday. I'll keep it topped up, don't you worry."
You take it. It doesn't feel like a victory.
"Now you won't have to stay up waiting for me anymore. Just get whatever you like, I'll keep eating at work."
"Okay. Thank you."
"You should head to bed."
He pitches a plastic bag, the remnants of another convenience store dinner, in the trash. Stumbles off to his bedroom.
Leaves you sitting on the couch, a debit card in your hands, half-finished shopping list on your lap.
Leaves his daughter to handle herself alone.
You make it through the next day as easily as any other: a bleary-eyed morning ("good morning [name]-san! Please agree to marry me today!"), taking careful notes in class, lunch blissfully alone. Post-afternoon practice, you get changed and stop at the gate, once again hearing your name called after you before you can escape.
"[name]-san! Wanna walk home together?"
For once, you have a reason to say no, and so you do. Apologetic smile, gentle dip of your head in lieu of a proper bow. "Sorry, Nishinoya-senpai. I have to go grocery shopping tonight, so I can't."
"Oh. Wanna go grocery shopping together, then? I can help carry your bags!"
"I can carry them myself," you say. "I usually handle the shopping alone, anyway."
"But it'd be easier if you let someone help you, right?"
…it would be easier. No big reasons to say no, one lukewarm reason to say yes. "…why not?"
So quietly marking up your grocery list gets crashed by a chatty, pretty guy who happily carries the groceries and sometimes even makes you laugh. In the frozen food section, you stop when a box of Cola-flavored popsicles catches your eye.
They're not on your list. You don't need them. There is no justification for buying popsicles with your dad's card.
"You gotta let yourself enjoy things every now and then," Nishinoya reminds you in a sing-song tone.
You glare at him.
That night, your groceries are half as difficult to carry home. You don't let Nishinoya carry them inside, just have him leave them on the porch and you'll come back for the rest. Before you start on dinner, you kick back with a guilt-flavored popsicle and try not to think about anything at all.
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3. Noya's favorite food is the soda-flavored of the Garigari-kun popsicles, but I was doing research for this fic and discovered that not only are these popsicles more of ice pops than ice cream, but flavors include soda, cola, and melon pan. BREAD FLAVORED POPSICLES, guys. I'm the bread guy. The temptation to start a kickstarter to travel to Japan, find a convenience store, eat a single bread-flavored popsicle, and immediately leave is so high I'm not even kidding. I already researched and, as expected, you can't easily import ice pops from a country a solid sixteen hours away by plane. I don't wanna visit Japan for weeb reasons. I just want to know what a bread-flavored popsicle tastes like.
4. So, I scoured basically the entire canon to break down how Noya refers to people. First, I checked to see if he ever refers to Yachi by name. He, in fact, does not.⁵ In canon, they only interact directly twice. Haikyuu is short on girls by nature of being a shounen about a boys' volleyball team, so Noya only ever actually addresses three girls by name in canon: Shimizu, Saeko, and a third-year named Aya on the girl's team in s1e18. As a result, there's very limited data on how Noya interacts with girls. We've got "Kiyoko-san" (first name, -san, "anata" as a second-person pronoun), "Nee-san" (she would appear to ask any of Tanaka's friends to call her that, at minimum. No data on second-person pronoun usage, which isn't common in Japanese anyway), and "Aya-senpai" (first name, -senpai, no data on second-person pronoun usage). Noya's pretty liberal about familiarity with people he likes—for example, he jumps pretty quickly to calling Hinata "Shouyo" after a decent first impression, but the other first-year guys remain last name only for the duration of canon. He cares a little bit about being polite if he feels like he should be polite to them—all upperclassmen are -san save for Aya, who we can assume he only kind of knows and therefore feels less familiar with beyond, presumably, "girl pretty". Generally, I feel like he'd dial up the politeness just a touch with girls because, you know, girls. All that being said, Yachi is an underclassman and not super on Noya's radar, so I feel like she'd just be "Yachi-san" to him.
5. Admittedly, I did not check back on the drama CDs, but as far as I recall, there aren't any drama CDs starring both Yachi and Noya, at least not ones where they directly interact. This is, of course, a shame.
6. So canon sort of implies that Karasuno doesn't have classes on Saturdays during Yachi's introductory arc—Hinata and Kageyama come over on a Saturday to study and Hinata's like, "thank you for helping us study on a Saturday!" BUT during that scene (s2e3 if I remember correctly) Yachi is wearing her school uniform. So, research time! According to the Wikipedia⁷ article "Secondary education in Japan", schools that do meet on Saturdays have half days and let out around 1. Later in s2 Kageyama also implies that the volleyball club practices EVERY day (by expressing shock that Oikawa has a rest day during the week), so I've decided that Karasuno has a half day on Saturdays, followed by a two hour or so practice.
7. Any teacher will tell you Wikipedia is not a source. Wikipedia is not an academic source because articles are subject to constant change. Despite my bullshit in these footnotes, this is not an academic context.
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Tags: @deeplightgarden @idonthaveanameideayet @dusstory
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yakuzabrainrotlive · 19 days
SO; turns out the reason I've felt like a dying woman for days on end is that I have had bronchitis this whole time! Don't wait for 10 days to see a doctor if your lungs feel funny! ✌🏻😌
Anyway, more gameplay! Finished Saejima's part ^_^
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I love how openly and unashamedly Saejima expresses his emotions. It feels like a nice change of pace. I adore stoic characters like Kiryu as well, but this is very refreshing.
I admire Saejima's bravery in how he yelled at those bloodthirsty people and refused to budge under pressure. This is clearly a man who thoroughly sticks to his code of honor, no matter the consequences. He was willing to let the Florist's information that would take him closer to reuniting with Sasai, slip through his fingers, just to stick to his beliefs.
Saejima is honestly climbing the ranks to be one of my top favourite characters - and I feel like I barely know him yet!
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Oh, okay. We're doing this now. I'm fine!!! I'm not scared!!! I'm SOOO ready for this!!!
....not. SEND HELP.
Actively chewing on my fingernails in fright like a cartoon character. What I wouldn't give to hear Majima's thoughts right now...
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First with Kiryu in Y3 and now this? Majima really loves to flex the sheer amount of manpower his family has, huh?
Okay, I truly do believe that this is to keep the cops away, just funny to me how this is the second time we see the entire family surround the perimeter of a building in a vaguely threatening manner.
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Ouch... he does NOT want to have this discussion right now. Or maybe he does, but he's trying to collect himself a bit. Can't get a good read on Majima right now. I really wanna see this chat happen but I also dread it.
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Saejima.... what a man. He could have let his rage take over, take Majima's whole "Yeah, I betrayed you" at face value and... idk? I don't think he would have killed him? Then again, they made that promise... but I don't see it.
I love how much emotion Saejima has and shows, but he also has a cool enough head to wanna hear Majima out instead of immediately lashing out.
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Majima looks so... peaceful? here. Like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. And it's really no wonder - Saejima decided to hear him out, he still calls him "bro" and they're already kind of joking around.
I can already tell I'm gonna LOVE the dynamic between these two. As long as Saejima doesn't end up in the Side Characters We No Longer Need Void™, that is. But I kind of doubt they're gonna pull that with him.
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YAYYY!! I CALLED IT!! Welcome back, Puppy Eyes Detective!! I hope you're as good as I'm expecting! Glad to be able to put a name to the face. I'm eager to see how you fight!
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winterspiderpurrs · 1 year
Part 1:
Part 2:
Once Bucky left the bathroom to head to the kitchen where Steve should be wrapping up in making the sandwiches, he promised, Peter sighed. He should have known that these two were courting him and him practically accepting it when he allowed them to create a safe place for him in their home.
Peter looked at his reflection in the mirror, lightly touching the patch that covered up his scent glands on his neck. Did he want this? He really liked Steve and Bucky. And when he thought about it... after a long day, he wanted to be home, and his first thoughts were of Steve and Bucky and cuddling on the couch.
Nodding to himself before he peeled off the patch, making a face as it stung. He will hop back in the shower right quickly to scrub off the glue from the patch. And of course, the little bit of slick that dribbled when Bucky got up close.
Steve just finished putting another grilled cheese on a plate when he heard the shower go off again. Frowning he turns to look at the entryway of the hall to see Bucky waltz out with a little smirk on his face. Putting his hand on his hip " What did you do Buck?"
Bucky held his hand up in surrender " Why do you think I did something Punk? I was just helping our 'mega out and getting him some clothes "
Steve eyed Bucky before turning around to start making another sandwhich. " I just want to make sure.... that everything is fine."
Bucky's expression softens a little before he he slides up next to Steve and wraps his arms around his waist, kissing his shoulder. " I would never jeopardize what we got going on. You're too important, and so is he. Everything is going as smooth as it can. At a snail pace, but beggers can't be choosers."
Steve snorts a little he was about to give a sassy response before his nose twitched. He frowns before subtlety sniffs the air and he turn to look at the hallway entryway. He could hear the faint steps of Peter heading this way. He normally can't smell Peter, with the scent blocking patch, and the advanced spider suit he normally gives off a beta smell.
" Your burning the bread Stevie"
" Shit!"
Bucky laughs as Steve panics to turn the stove off and quickly move the sandwich to the trash.
" Language Steve!" Peter laughs as he comes into the kitchen. Wearing Steve's shirt that Bucky got for him to wear and a pair of leggings that Bucky kept for him since he couldn't fit into their pants. He still laughs at the memory of Bucky running into the door frame when he came out and the pants fell after one step and he bent down to pull them back up.
Peter fidgeting a little with his hands before moving his way over to the kitchen island and sitting on a stool. " So.. uuhh... anything new? Any cool missions lately? If you can tell me not that you HAVE to tell me...umm yeah?"
Bucky smirks at Peter before pushing the plate of grilled cheese over to him. " That's more of Steve, I'm enjoying my downtime. Eat up." Steve clears his throat and nods " It's been steady. Not overly busy but not...not busy to where its worrisome."
They pass time chit chatting as Peter eats his sandwiches and then they move to sit on the couch. Peter in the middle of the two Alphas, a black and white crime movie was playing as the chatted quietly til Peter started to dose off.
" Come on sweetheart, lets get you to bed" Steve picks up Peter and carries him to the guestroom aka Peter's room. Bucky stating he is gonna clean up the kitchen then head their way. Wanting to give Steve some time with him one on one.
Once they get to the door, Steve shifts Peter in his arms.
" Want me to set you down here or... uh tuck you in?" Steve feels nervous. He shouldn't cause its not like this is the first time that Peter has to be carried to bed, but it was the first time he has been here without his scent patch. His scent smelled divine to Steve, and he honestly didn't want to set the omega down.
Peter rubs his eyes and yawns before glancing at the door and then back up at Steve. He thinks back to his conversation with Bucky, biting his lip before nodding.
" Umm c..could you take me to bed? I mean! Uhh tuck me in? " Peter blushes brightly, and even the tips of Steve's ears go red too. But he was able to play if off. " Course hun"
Once in the room, Steve was able to move Peter just slightly to be able to pull the sheets down on the bed without disturbing the lamb stuffie that was sitting on the pillows. They took Peter to the local church festival that Steve sometimes attends and won it for him. Technically Peter had two of them, one he keeps at home and one here. Steve and Bucky both competing to win the prize.
Peter once he was laid down he stared up at Steve before reaching his hand out to hold onto Steve's. " Yeah hun?" smiling shyly " um.. could..would.. uh... Bucky said that it was okay that..umm Its okay to ask... If you could stay? I mean... yeah. I want you and Bucky to stay here. Like... in bed...not like...uh sex geesh. I mean. Cuddle?"
Bucky chuckled from his spot at the door, both Peter and Steve turning to look at him.
" Yeah Doll. We can cuddle up in your nest... but Steve needs to hear that its more then a one off..."
Steve opened his mouth to argue back " It's whatever you want Peter. No pressure or entitlement needed. I am fine if all you want is the presence of an Alpha. "
Peter shook his head. " No no! I'm not explaining this well...I would like to see you... and I've been... really dense but I would like to try.. but basicly its like we have already been courting? Just uuhh without realizing. Umm..I really like you... and Bucky. And..I want both of you as my Alphas...so... Stay with me? "
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jeannedarkterraguard · 3 months
Holojustice Debut Reactions
Another HoloEN generation another post from me...
Actually i have another Holo-related post in the works but i actually need to do some work for that one...
Anyway first up Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame
-well she's certainly British
-starting off with a song huh... neat
-i know it probably bothers literally nobody but me but her... shoulderpads?... pauldrons?... seem to interact weirdly with her boobs when she moves...
-no Liz you're not tall... no one in hololive is tall... we've been over this
-impressive impressions
-cheeky chicken... so she likes Kiara
-okay that takamori bit was funny
-she dislikes tea? I didn't think that was allowed in Britain
-did... did the stream just end in the middle of her song?
Gigi Murin
-okay that intro video was... confusing... but I liked the artstyle
-a... shock collar... what the fuck
-a jar is not better Gigi... I actually think it's worse
-cool character sheet
-she's really speedrunning this
-i did not expect this vote to be so close...
-she failed to put on shoes...
-see this is what I expected from hololive fans... they made her bark at the dog
-go into the forest there's no way that could go wrong!
-i don't think Gigi could lift chat...
-i stand corrected
-holy crap there's a chat game?!
-that was predictable it took twitch forever to beat pokemon... and pokemon doesn't require any kind of timing
-that's... that's European friendly... somewhat it's still 11pm here because of summertime which... nope not gonna rant about that that would take all day
-also I just noticed we didn't get a schedule for Elizabeth
well that was fun... now bedtime and then the other two tomorrow
Cecilia Immergreen
-okay I think she broke
-nevermind she's fine
-her voice sounds somewhat familiar but I really can't put my finger on it... damn this is gonna keep me up all night...
-she speaks German... that's cool
-don't worry Cecilia I also hate coffee... though I also hate tea... or anything that's served warm really... drinks are meant to be refreshing not make me overheat even more
-that went better than Gigis game...
-I've never heard of any of these anime
-or these manga
-violin music... man this brings back memories from when my sister had a Lindsey Stirling phase and wanted to learn to play violin... I think my eardrums still haven't fully recovered from that
-Aaand she crashed the car...
-that was a really weird dream
-more EU friendly streams...
Raora Panthera
-wow... that's an accent...
This is where the sleep deprivation seemingly caught up with me because Raoras movement were actually blurry in my eyes so I did the responsible thing and NOT drink my 5th can of energy and instead went to bed... so everything from here on is me watching the VOD...
-wow her desktop is even messier than mine... barely...
-Italian... so we have a German, an Italian, a British and whatever Gigi is (since she only speaks English and doesn't have an obvious accent I'm gonna assume American)
-also I think this is the first generation in all of hololive where no member is fluent in Japanese right? (Calli and Kiara in myth, IRyS and Bae in Promise and Fuwamoco in Advent... yeah)
-she want's to become a mama in hololive... that would be interesting
-well I think that was her 7th live
-doesn't like reading and skips text in games... Undertale is one of her favorite games... something doesn't add up
-how is naming all the pokemon a talent there's only like... a thousand of them... okay maybe that is a talent...
-4 covers and an original song... they really went all out with this generation...
-7 am EST... we EU fans are really eating good right now
and that's it for this gen they're all really fun but I think Cecilia is gonna be my favorite... anyway see you in my next post...
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mcflymemes · 1 year
NATIONAL TREASURE PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the 2004 film
what do you see?
i'm gonna steal it.
this is cool. is this how you feel all the time?
what time is it now?
i'm so sorry i dropped you.
once we catch them, what do we do?
and you have no idea where he went?
just tell me what you told my friend.
is this real?
tell me what i need to know.
i made something for you.
what do you think? i'm a hostage.
stop chatting and get in the van.
then we keep looking for it.
you're not supposed to be up here, looking at that.
come on romeo, get out of there.
you know the key to running a convincing bluff? every once in a while you've got to be holding all the cards.
honey, stay as long as you'd like.
i know what i have to do, i'm just trying to think if there's anything else we could do.
you know what? i take it back. you're not liars. you're insane.
people don't talk that way anymore.
i would have done exactly the same to you.
i thought i'd be a good idea to have a duplicate.
you're treasure hunters, aren't you?
so we find a way to make sure the status quo changes in our favor.
who were those men?
you know what you have to do.
don't speak again.
i'm not going.
it's only a matter of minutes before the FBI shows up at my front door.
why don't you just come back down here and we can talk through this together.
will someone please explain to me what these magic numbers are?
are you crying?
look, i will let you hold this if you promise to shut up! please! thank you!
i know the person who has the originals.
do you want something?
i see why you left him.
look, if you wanted to leave me behind, you shouldn't have told me where you were going.
okay, pay attention.
we found bullet casings.
delicious jams and jellies?
it's not a conspiracy theory.
you owe me $35 plus tax.
you know something? you're shouting again.
we missed it.
you know, thomas edison tried and failed nearly 2,000 times to develop the carbonized cotton-thread filament for the incandescent lightbulb.
at least i had your mother, for however brief a time.
this is huge.
this is a waste of time.
i'm just trying to hide from my ex-husband.
beautiful, huh? i have no idea what you said.
you're a genius.
enjoy. go ahead.
everything i told you was the truth.
you are gonna go to prison. you know that right?
how do a bunch of guys with hand tools build all this?
you're not hurt, are you?
did bigfoot take it?
well... this might be possible.
do you have a visual?
yeah, rub it in.
is there a door that doesn't lead to prision?
at least i had you. what you do you have?
if it's any consolation, you had me convinced.
it means if there's something wrong, those who have the ability to take action have the responsiblity to take action.
what if we go public? plaster the story all over the internet?
are you all right?
you handled that well.
the guests know something happened but they don't know what.
well. that would bother most people.
someone's got to go to prison.
you would do well to be a little more civilized in this instance.
you don't know this?
this isn't a day for "um."
he doesn't remember a thing.
we can't go back there.
it means the treasure is real.
i've never been so happy to be proven wrong.
our evil plan is working.
i'm still not against you.
i'm in a little trouble.
i know something about history that you don't know.
i'd be very excited to learn about it.
still a little on edge from being shot at, but i'll be okay. thanks for asking.
there was no file opened. we didn't find the information credible.
if you're not a steak, you don't belong here.
anyone crazy enough to believe us isn't gonna want to help.
when are we gonna get there? i'm hungry. this car smells weird.
you're all lunatics!
are you trying to steal that?
why does that never happen with me?
it's not like we have our reputations to worry about.
we did the only thing we could do to keep it safe.
hold on one second. let me just take in this moment.
they don't have it.
a toast to high treason.
there's no chance anyone can steal this.
hey, i don't make the prices.
the aliens helped them.
who wants to go down the creepy tunnel inside the tomb first?
i'm taking the whole thing.
you know, i really couldn't accept something like that normally... but i really want it.
now could you please stop shouting?
give me that!
i leveled with you one hundred percent.
you're still shouting, and it's really starting to annoy.
we probably deserved that.
no broken bones? a jump like that could kill a man.
it's invisible.
i volunteered.
i don't have that on my computer.
can i marry your brain?
you know, something i've noticed about fishing? it never works out so well for the bait.
we don't actually have it.
they're like early american x-ray specs.
i'm sorry for your suffering.
here's to the men who did what was considered wrong in order to do what they knew was right.
why do you care?
i lost my feed.
i don't know where anyone is anymore. i have nothing!
get out of there! get out of there now!
it was cool. you should try it sometime.
for the record, i like the house.
enjoy your spoils.
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oneforthemunny · 3 months
this is trauma dumping and i only have a brother and think of you as a bigger sister in some way bc i follow you for so long so pls feel free to ignore it. i started chatting with a dude i met on tinder and i really like him. we have so many similar interests but he told me from the start that he is looking only for fwb. i am in my mid twenties and i'm still a virgin lol (yeah i know) bc i always wanted a secure relationship and my first time to be with someone who truly cares for me. i never met someone that fits that. this guy makes everything sexual and i can tell that he is kinky by the way he talks about sex. especially after i told him that i am subby when we once talked about it. i ignore that for the sake of still chatting with him bc when we talk about other stuff it's so fun. idk if i should give in and just sleep with him to 'get it over with'. before i die as a virgin, might aswell do it with someone who i find cool in other aspects. also i am very insecure about my vulva lmao. i am an outtie and it's asimetrical af. i'm scared he is gonne get turned off if i give in. i would not recover from that lmao. can u pls give me some advice what you would do in my situation? i always admired you for you boldness
oh, non <3 i'll say a couple of things.
first of all, there's nothing wrong with being a virgin. i hate this idea that if you're a virgin there's something wrong? sex is super weird and very intimate, and i like the empowerment that comes with talking about sex, but i hate that there's the downside of "oh if you don't you're weird" bc no??? i could give you genuinely a billion different reasons to stay a virgin for the rest of your life and just invest in really good toys lol.
but nothing wrong with it, don't be ashamed of it, don't feel like you have to lie about it or compensate for it in anyways. if a partner says something about it just tell them "i'm really selective so you should be flattered" bc period?? none of their fucking business anyways. and if they make you uncomfy (virgins and sex addicts anyone really) do not have sex with them. you will feel 10000% worse than you did before.
second of all, don't do it with a fwb guy. i know there's this idea that they'll change their mind and want something more and it's exciting. they won't. very rarely do they ever. they'll give you attention bc it's exciting, then when you want more, they'll leave (and that's best case scenario, sometimes they stay in your life for years just to fuck with your mind). especially if he's out in the open like that. don't get attached to that. if you're just having fun talking to him, keep doing that bc you'll never catch me telling anyone not to do that lol. i love to talk to guys and never meet up with them, my specialty.
in my opinion, do what you want, but you should fuck someone you trust especially if it's your first time. and definitely if you're thinking about being kinky? especially if it's your first time, don't do that with some random person who doesn't really care about you.
lastly, and i'm standing by this, no one's changing my mind. i have never met a man alive who gives a fuck about what a pussy looks like when it's right in front of him. the ones that do... they've got a hidden secret and i mean that lmao.
men fuck corpses. men fuck animals. these are all facts. they will fuck warm peanut butter if the going gets rough- sometimes even if it's not rough just bc they want to. i can promise you, i have never once in my life ever had a man who i was sleeping with be like "yeah no thanks" once we started fucking. i was even going to say as long as you're clean, not even shaved (bc again if they care... i've got some news) just washed, but then i was like no not even then. sometimes they prefer it filthy idk- just proves my point.
if they're worth a shit and living in their truth, they don't care. they're going to see pussy and that's all they care about, not what it looks like. promise you. i used to get so insecure bc i get ingrown hairs really bad. i have really sensitive skin and when i shave i always get razor bumps and ingrowns, and i would try everything and nothing worked. i thought they'd see it and be grossed out and guess what? not one fucking complaint lol. i was the only one who cared.
moral of this, don't feel pressured to do anything with anyone. when you feel comfortable, you do it. fuck someone you feel comfortable with and trust me, it's a million times better than just trying to get it over with. not worth all the risks and shit that comes with that.
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mor-goo · 3 months
AU MK1 where the two main protagonists are Li Mei and Havik and it gets crackshippy
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So this AU was borne of me having recently started playing MK1, and only just learning that the two characters I thought looked most interesting apparently have next to no real impact on the story.
I don't know if anyone even cares about this game anymore, let alone the story, but here's my dumb AU re-write and crackship on the vaguest, most conceptual level.
Very obvious law-and-order-vs-unrestrained-chaos conflict. No way these two would work together of their own volition, so something drastic would present both with no other choice.
Buddy cop movie but they just stay hating each other the whole way through.
Havik's tower ending where he floods Seido, and both characters' stubborn natures also present inevitable conflict when Li Mei is naturally all like 'hey, maybe don't'. No matter how well they work together over the course of the story, you know it'll go awry by the end.
Why do they team up? What do they accomplish by the end of the MK1 story? I'll be damned if I know. Maybe if this gains any traction, I'll think about it more.
Havik works with Quan Chi, but grows to believe that he has promised too much to too many people. He brings back memories of the leadership of Seido.
One form of motivation for Li Mei to finally join him is the hope of redeeming herself in the eyes of Sindel and the royal family. Naturally, she doesn't tell them about their partnership. Tanya's role as the new head of the Umgadi, as well as her suspicions of Li Mei in relation to Jerrek's death, means Li Mei has to constantly check over her shoulder.
Neither of them are happy about having to partner with the other, but recognise it as a necessity.
Maybe their partnership would be found out later. Sindel sees it as the final straw after the death of Jerrek, and threatens her execution for working with a known terrorist (at least in Edenia's eyes). Li Mei perhaps has to make a choice between disowning the travelling partner who she's come to respect tolerate, or staying with him for the greater good of defeating Quan Chi and Shang Tsung.
The dynamic
Li Mei is about 90% of Havik's impulse control. He looks forward to seeing her losing her cool, just so he has something that he can hold over her.
Havik is naturally pretty ACAB (you go, Havik!).
They take turns interrogating people. Havik tends to be more physical with it. I'd say 'good cop, bad cop', except Li Mei would also start beating them if a) they annoyed her enough, or b) Havik's form was off. She's a stickler for fighting technique.
You're a fool if you don't think Havik pulls the most juvenile pranks on her. When they first meet, he pretends to suffer a grievous injury, pulling off his own arm or something just to be a dick.
The arm acts as a Chekov's gun and he gives it to her as an impromptu weapon in act 3 or something, idk.
Li Mei is a smooth talker with some surprisingly witty reparte when she wants to use it. Havik is not. I imagine it like James Bond suave vs Sergeant Hartman from Full Metal Jacket. ('You'd better un-f**k yourself or I will rip off your head and check down your neck!')
It'd probably end with Li Mei accepting her role as head of Imperial Police, as she does in the tower ending, and she'd be willing to let Havik go, with a days' head start or something like that. Yeah it's tropey as hell, but I love said trope.
Y'know how Darrius just hangs out with Havik in the story mode and has no dialogue at all? I imagine him as also occassionally being there in this AU, and still also not saying anything. Havik is just like 'this is Darrius, he's coming with' and Li Mei, too exhausted to question it anymore, just thinks 'yeah, that tracks, whatever'. Darrius just sometimes nods or shakes his head.
Remember that meme where the person asks out his crush and makes it a group chat that also includes his friend? And the friend is like 'dw bro I'm here for you?' That'd be Darrius.
('Why does Li Mei call you baby girl?' 'Let's change the subject.') Would it get ship-y?
For some reason they could meet with the canon group (ie Raiden, Johnny Cage, etc) and Cage would be all 'I ship it'. Mileena, having to hide her own relationship with Tanya, is surprised, but doesn't consider it her place to judge. Even Lui Kang could be sporting one of those sly, subtle smiles he sometimes gives.
No clue what would happen after the events of the story for now, but would be left open-ended in an eternal state of chase. A sort of grudging level of mutual respect. ('I hate this person, but I'd be damned if I'm going to be chased by / chasing someone else')
OR it's a more tragic ending where he and Rain do flood Seido and we get a somewhat tragic ending between the two where Li Mei reverts back to hating him, and also herself for thinking he had any humanity to him.
In other words, you're damn right it gets ship-y. They're called crackships for a reason and I've caught the bug.
What shall we call it? Law and Havoc?
Anyway, verbal spray over. Maybe when I see more of the story I'll come up with more ideas. Sorry for any repeated points, I was desperate to get this all down. I'm off to stew over this some more for now.
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desaturatedd · 2 years
𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄 ! ( a  collection  of  dialogue sentence  starters  by elmer c . albatross from baccano ! )
❛ c'mon and smile. ❜
❛ guess i didn't even need to check; you look fine. ❜
❛ when you're panicking, for starters, it's better to smile. smiling will cool your head. ❜
❛ if you can smile, that means you're still at least a little human. ❜
❛ no matter how small the possibility is, i want to try. ❜
❛ i think it's important to respect the dead — but they don't really interest me. ❜
❛ i doubt my whole body could express this joy with anything less than an explosion. ❜
❛ you may think you've got me cornered, but think again! ❜
❛ why do you sound all grown-up all of a sudden? ❜
❛ smiles are the highest of all human emotions! ❜
❛ you're a pretty good guy yourself, so relax and just live. ❜
❛ if you're going to get all worked up over not being good, why not just be good? ❜
❛ people can change, too. ❜
❛ if it'll make you smile, i'll do anything to help. ❜
❛ there are no limits to recklessness! everything that goes beyond its own limits is reckless. ❜
❛ for the sake of a happy ending, i'd sell everyone in the world to the devil without a second thought. ❜
❛ if someone's died a meaningful death, i'll applaud them. ❜
❛ being unhappy isn't a crime, but not seeking happiness is. ❜
❛ lots of people die never even knowing the word hope. but you know about hope. denying that is an insult to your life. ❜
❛ i'll teach you. i'll show you, alright? i'll teach you, i swear, no matter how many years it takes.❜
❛ smiles give me strength. ❜
❛ if i stay here any longer, you won't be happy. you'll just get annoyed. ❜
❛ the thing is, i've lost my way. ❜
❛ you should smile more when you hit people. ❜
❛ people generally enjoy looking down on others. ❜
❛ even if you're fine with that, i'm not. ❜
❛ it doesn't matter whether i die or not, though. ❜
❛ is there anyone who'll be sad if you die? ❜
❛ oh good. you'll be able to die happy, then. ❜
❛ if you've forgotten how to smile, i'll teach you. ❜
❛ as long as you're alive, you can get through just about anything. ❜
❛ i promise, no matter what i learn about people's pasts, i won't blab about it. ❜
❛ if you're warning me, that means you're worried about me. ❜
❛ because i want to see everybody smile. ❜
❛ ignorance isn't a crime, but i don't want someone to be unhappy because i used it as an excuse. ❜
❛ what do you suppose i'd have to do to make everyone in the world happy? ❜
❛ i think choices are a fundamental part of human happiness. ❜
❛ i did listen. and then i ignored you. ❜
❛ can't get away with anything around you, huh? ❜
❛ hey, what happens if it summons something? ❜
❛ i'm going even if it is a trap. ❜
❛ i do want to see ____ again; it's been so long. ❜
❛ we've known each other for _____ years, but we've never fought. ❜
❛ he may not look it, but he likes to make a dramatic entrance. ❜
❛ well, it isn't as if i didn't expect that. ❜
❛ if i could use real magic and started casting my spells everywhere, i bet i'd upset people from all sorts of religions. ❜
❛ hi there. we haven't met before... i don't think? ❜
❛ actually, just between us, i'm older than i look. ❜
❛ whoops. you're busy, and here i've been chatting about nothing at all. i'm sorry. ❜
❛ i think you'll find happiness someday. ❜
❛ every smile you've shown me has been fake. ❜
❛ show _____ how cool you are once in a while. ❜
❛ let's go with not killing them. ❜
❛ i could wish you happiness, but you're happy already. ❜
❛ he couldn't stand me, for some reason. ❜
❛ i think it's a terrific plan that will leave us all smiling! ❜
❛ if there's an accident, more people might survive with one more capable body. ❜
❛ you may not believe me, but... the thing is, i'm not human. ❜
❛ i wonder if these people had families. ❜
❛ how can we help their loved ones recover from their deaths as quickly as possible? ❜
❛ your sheep's clothing never ceases to amaze me. ❜
❛ all's well that ends well! ❜
❛ fake smiles are no good. ❜
❛ are you jealous of me? ❜
❛ none of you know anything about my past. ❜
❛ i'll tell you about it, if you ask me. ❜
❛ wanna go sneak in? it'll be fun, i'm sure! ❜
❛ i figured it'd be faster to check into it on my own. ❜
❛ we can just pretend we didn't see it and forget all about it, right? ❜
❛ right now, your smile stopped being real. ❜
❛ you're being remarkably honest. ❜
❛ you almost never show your true self to anyone. ❜
❛ i know what your own eyes can't tell you, obviously. ❜
❛ you're incredible! i bet you're a genius! ❜
❛ what matters is whether you trust _____ or not. ❜
❛ do you believe they'd betray you? ❜
❛ a person who wants to destroy the world shouldn't be talking about peace. ❜
❛ you really shouldn't trust someone like me! you'd better be careful! ❜
❛ well done! it's so helpful how quick you are! ❜
❛ you're asking the wrong person. ❜
❛ hi there. i came over to spend time with you. ❜
❛ i didn't come to laugh at you, i came to make you laugh. ❜
❛ everyone has an equal right to smile. ❜
❛ you don't need to forgive them. ❜
❛ if i'm funny, then laugh. ❜
❛ i played a little trick on him. ❜
❛ i never thought they'd actually fall for that. ❜
❛ wow, am i glad to see someone i know! ❜
❛ walking alone at night really does make you nervous, doesn't it? ❜
❛ relax and smile, please. ❜
❛ are you alright? you don't look so great. ❜
❛ your friend grew while you weren't looking. ❜
❛ people change. maybe they turned into somebody different when you weren't paying attention, but that doesn't mean you have to be sad. ❜
❛ don't be so pessimistic about everything. ❜
❛ that's all you ever had to say, you know. that's enough for me. ❜
❛ what are you doing out here? ❜
❛ if you fall, you'll almost definitely die. ❜
❛ i'm not sure what's the best way to put this... but i think you probably shouldn't. don't you? ❜
❛ i was out here first, you know. ❜
❛ what'd you think of my joke? ❜
❛ i may not succeed in stopping you, but it would still give me the experience of trying. ❜
❛ will dying make you happy? ❜
❛ do you think you'll go to heaven when you die? ❜
❛ if leaving you alone would make you happy, then i'd gladly do it, but... ❜
❛ you thought i was feeling bad for you, didn't you? ❜
❛ you're a good kid, aren't you? ❜
❛ i'm just a smidge immortal. ❜
❛ i wasn't trying to eavesdrop. ❜
❛ i sense a new business opportunity here. ❜
❛ it's been a long time since i met anyone this interesting. ❜
❛ how can i make it up to you? ❜
❛ i had no idea this town was in crisis because of me! ❜
❛ thank you... thank you so, so much! you've shown me the error of my ways! ❜
❛ even if the world doesn't forgive you, you only need to have one person who does. ❜
❛ if nobody forgives you, then i'll forgive you! even if i don't know what for! ❜
❛ because it'll make me happy. ❜
❛ people do call me crazy quite a lot. ❜
❛ if lunacy is your philosophy, that's terrific. ❜
❛ earth is so incredible. i think we're lucky just to be living on it. ❜
❛ i want to know whether _____ can be happy. ❜
❛ if you just decide to have fun for now, i think the sadness will probably go away. so come on and smile! ❜
❛ are you worried about something? ❜
❛ if you don't know what to do, then smile! ❜
❛ smiles are magic, you know. ❜
❛ all you have to do is sell your soul. ❜
❛ you okay? that was a close one, huh? ❜
❛ you don't get to decide whether you're worth it. ❜
❛ you're, uh — what's the best way to put this? you're a good guy. ❜
❛ i can always tell when people are faking their smiles. ❜
❛ you're a good guy. i just wanted to let you know. ❜
❛ are you satisfied now? ❜
❛ it's scary what can happen by coincidence, but it's fun in its own way. ❜
❛ maybe i'll have found a way to get rid of your pain by then, and the wounds of the people you hurt may have healed. ❜
❛ that was lucky, huh? they let us go without a scratch. ❜
❛ now that your revenge is complete, do you think you'll be able to smile sincerely?❜
❛ revenge isn't something you do for the person who died, you know. you do it to resolve whatever's in your own heart that isn't satisfied so that you can move forward. so that you can live. ❜
❛ you have the right to be happy now. ❜
❛ i don't know whether what you did was right or wrong, and i don't actually care. ❜
❛ are you wondering whether you should atone for your crimes? ❜
❛ if you regret it, just think of a way to start over. ❜
❛ there's absolutely no reason to give up. ❜
❛ i will never deny your right to be happy, even if the rest of the world does. ❜
❛ my friend always says people should be way more afraid of me with good intentions than of god with bad intentions! ❜
❛ you don't have to stop crying, but for now, smile! go on and smile! ❜
❛ that's right, i haven't introduced myself yet. of course you're suspicious. ❜
❛ so, what do you want to do now? ❜
❛ i'd like to start by asking why you look so sad, but i won't force you to talk about it if you don't want to. ❜
❛ i just thought i might be able to help you out with whatever it is that you want to do next. ❜
❛ you want to see this person, don't you? ❜
❛ will that satisfy you enough to let you smile? ❜
❛ maybe you're thinking 'nobody asked you' or 'this has nothing to do with you.' ❜
❛ it's kind of an important issue. it's going to affect how enthusiastic i am about this. ❜
❛ aw, i've been rejected! will you comfort me? ❜
❛ i'm sorry if i upset you. ❜
❛ i don't know anything about romance. ❜
❛ if it made you feel better and smile, i'd let you punch me or stab me as much as you wanted. ❜
❛ don't you worry. in fact, i'm glad you weren't serious. ❜
❛ i think someone like me probably shouldn't get married. ❜
❛ so who is this person you've fallen for? ❜
❛ if there's anything i can do to help you, i'll do it. ❜
❛ hello there. another terrific smile today. ❜
❛ oh good! because of you, i get to live longer. thank you! ❜
❛ i thought we had plenty of trouble already, but i suppose it wasn't as bad as it could get! ❜
❛ let's smile a lot before everything gets worse! ❜
❛ i think you just said something rude about me, but i've probably insulted you, too, so i'm sorry. ❜
❛ if you said that getting revenge would make you smile, i'd gladly help you. no matter what you're trying to do. ❜
❛ my goal is to make everybody on the planet smile. ❜
❛ if there's a road to travel on, i'll be able to get there someday. ❜
❛ i'd like to figure out a way to live a long time. ❜
❛ wait! i'll go, too! let me come! ❜
❛ i'm sure _____'s all right. i don't think they'd be happy to see you so sad, you know? you should smile. c'mon, smile, smile. ❜
❛ it really does bring back memories, doesn't it? ❜
❛ faking a smile when nobody's around is kind of odd. ❜
❛ did you bring back anything for me? ❜
❛ i saw a hint of a real smile, although i don't know why it was there. ❜
❛ would saving ______ make you happy? ❜
❛ if you get to see ______ again, will you smile? ❜
❛ if you tell me that, you know i can't turn you down, right? ❜
❛ well, i'm off. i hope we get to meet at least once more while we're still alive. ❜
❛ i hate long goodbyes. it's hard to smile when everyone acts so gloomy. ❜
❛ i'll never forget ______ as long as i live. ❜
❛ you don't have to repay me. just do what you can to help people smile. ❜
❛ you had better keep that promise you made me. ❜
❛ see you later, then. ❜
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