#i promise i'll get the main cast done soon
oozeofthecovenant · 1 year
the many faces of ootc honeycutt
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blue-razzslushie · 3 months
My Hogwarts Legacy AU: Part 2, Sebastian Sallow
Soooo y'all already know I made a vote thing, and the goal was to figure out who to start off with to further go. . . Into depth about their relationship with my MC, Rory. Unfortunately for me, Y'all made it a tie between Sebastian and Ominis (thanks A LOT GUYS 😔). So I spun a wheel and Sebastian won, So I'll start off with him 💥
First Impression:
☆First thought? He thought they looked like someone he would want to be in cahoots with.
☆That Scar on their face? Bloody Brilliant!!
☆They even managed to best him in a duel as a first timer! Color him impressed!
☆Maybe they might be the perfect person for a rather disclosed Dueling accosiation if ya know ya know. . .
☆LowKey wasn't a big fan of him first time round, too cocky for their taste
☆It honestly felt good to take him down a peg in dueling
☆Being invited to a secret dueling accosiation wasn't expected but, They do like the adrenaline when dueling. . .perhaps they'll give it a shot
Overall Dynamic/Relationship:
☆They give Hermione and Harry ngl, Smart and Smartass.
☆Rory would def be less friendly/trustful with Seb then someone like Natty. As much as they appreciate the things he's done, he isn't exactly what they would call immediately trustworthy. Takes longer then the other cast to gain their trust
☆Sebastian (in my au) also doesn't seem to know when to quit. Pushing Rory's buttons to get a reaction which can lead from a smack on the back of the head, or maybe his hair or school robes catching aflame
☆Despite their clear misunderstandings, and ups and downs, they are good friends. What can you say, Beating up Goblins and discovering the mysteries of a Tryptic can do that to people. They would do that comical thing where they argue while fighting back to back or something 😭
In the Shadow Questline:
☆I am way to lazy to explain every aspect of the whole dart arts Sebastian Questline thing, so I'm keeping it to the main points
☆During the whole Scriptorium quest, Rory did learn Crucio. At the time, they thought it was logical to learn it, giving their. . .current situation. However, they allowed Sebastian to cast the curse on them.
☆But besides Crucio, Rory was againdt learning the other curses.
☆Rory would definitely be more adamant and pushy with Sebastian to listen to them and Ominis then the way they speak in game. I always found it odd how the MC doesn't explain the deal they made with Ominis when finding the relic
☆Rory would 100% be like. "After this no more, or i will SMITE YOU."
☆just like in game, Sebastian doesn't listen. Yada yada bushit he ends up killing his Uncle, now here's where it gets juicy!
☆Despite growing a emotional bond with Sebastian, Rory thought the right thing to do was to tell the headmaster about what happened. They tried to stop him, even if they didn't like his Uncle in the slightest, he didn't deserve death
☆However, (in my AU) Ominis was the one to persuade Rory against it. Saying Anne should make that decision, after a bit Rory agreed. Doesn't mean they'll leave Seb without SOME kind of reproduction.
☆After that, Rory didn't speak to Seb that much. They were still kind of pissed at him for not listening like a MOONMIND.
☆It wasn't until they got a verbal apology that they sort of relented, promising that they are still pissed. And he did still have Hell to pay, but went back to speaking to him more again hooray!!
After Storyline/Future:
☆After the Battle of Hogwarts, Seb was. . .worried to say the least. One of his best friends was stuck in the hospital wing for a week for Merlin's sake!
☆As soon as student visitors were allowed in, he was one of the first to visit
☆Merlin they looked, sort of different. They always had that certain. . .spark in their eyes which could only be described as pure Perseverance and Determination. But that spark seemed to have dimmed a bit
☆They still acted like themself, making a snarky comment to him every so often. He stayed and got informed about what happened below the school, what happened to Fig. He ofc vowed to be there if they needed it
☆Once they were out of the hospital wing, he tried his best to push their buttons less. They had clearly been through enough already
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inlovewithregencyera · 9 months
down here...allow me to present to you:
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Theme song: ♫♫♫!!!!!!!!
As midnight's shroud envelops Auglire castle, its timeworn stones seem to exhale the whispers of a ghastly past.
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The flickering candlelight casts elongated shadows that dance along the walls like moths to flame.
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The air, heavy with the weight of centuries-old secrets, echoes with the ghostly moans of the forsaken.
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Blood has stained the very stones upon which this noble abode stands, each echoing corridor a silent witness to the sins buried in the family's coffers. Even the creaking floorboards tell tales of unspeakable deeds that have seeped into the very essence of the ancestral halls. Curse is the Castle, and damned are the Greys.
You see, there are secrets within the Grey family that have been covered up for generations. Auglire Castle (their oldest estate) was built in 1593.
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It came with a heavy price of the pockets as well as the labor of others. Their money is tainted, like most of the royalty and nobility in Isturia. But there's something different about their fortune. Mysterious circumstances started occurring there in the latter half of the 17th century after the death of the Duchess of Hollow and word soon got out that it was haunted...
This will be my official story (and I'll actually post quite frequently), and I've discontinued my other two. You may ask, why? Well for starters, if you read the first one, 'Those who have gone before me', that was a prequel to the events that were going to lead to this. I have been planning this story meticulously since January. I felt stuck with those who have gone before me, the prequel to this, as it was primarily in the Baroque Era for a good bit. Don't get me wrong, that era is loveliness in itself and I'm actually making a CC set for it right now, but I wanted to make my Regency-era story come to life sooner than later. But don't fear, there will be some Baroque era scenes for flashback purposes. I felt that if I continued my elonged duration of the Baroque Era I'd burn out and lose motivation, and I did for a while! That is why I came up with the concept of 'Amelie and Virginie', some Regency storytelling to fill the void (yes those hats I promised will still be released). It helped a bit, but I longed to be able to tell this story, as I have been planning it forever. So I came to the decision of just starting this one. Allow me to tell you what this will be about :)
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This humongous continent? This is Euriria. It is heavily inspired by Europe during the early 19th century with some slight adjustments. All of my stories will essentially use this map as I like the country names I've come up with. If you read the country names, you can tell exactly which each one is based on (and if you know your geography well too). Now, let's discuss the country of Great Bremson. Great Bremson is obviously inspired by Great Britain, and Isturia is inspired by England. My story will take place in Isturia, and many of its cities! Allow me to show you the aesthetics of the 6 main cities displayed in my story out of the hundreds you'll hear about:
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well, since I said this is set in the regency era, who is the protagonist??!? glad you asked
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Meet Aurelia Jane Charlotte Grey. Born July 8th, 1798, she is the 3rd daughter of the current Duke and Duchess of Hollow. Her father is one of the most (if not the most) powerful nonroyal Dukes in Isturia. She is a few weeks shy of her 20th birthday when our story unfolds. Throughout this story, we will follow her throughout her life along with her siblings, her children, etc. until she dies! Aurelia is half Isturian but also half Incubinian (Based on Haiti but my other worldly maps aren't done). When her father marries her mother, ALL of Isturia talks about the marriage. Of course, slavery ended in Isturia in 1602, but most native Isturians married other native Isturians, not anyone else. In fact, Incubinians didn’t have the same rights as Isturians until 1679 (all except marrying someone of Isturian blood). In 1750, the law that had prevented Incubinians from marrying Isturians was lifted, so this wasn't an entirely new concept. Aurelia's identity is something that she struggles with a lot, but I won't go into that much detail with that just yet. Aurelia soon begins to believe the rumors circulating about her family after a traumatic event happens in 1807 which leads her to believe she is damned. Will Aurelia ever discover the truth of her family's past? Will she ever become secure in herself and her identity? Are the Greys truly damned and doomed or is it superstition? Find out and see. Here is the Family tree and the character page coming soon
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aristess · 1 year
Super Paper Roblox: Boundless Bibliopegy Designs (Pt. 1)
Each of the characters represent an aspect of bibliopegy (the art of bookbinding)!
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More written information about Boundless Bibliopegy!
If you're curious on what Boundless Bibliopegy is... It's a fanfiction I've been planning for over a month now that I've just started to write! Currently at it's first chapter, I plan on getting the second chapter out soon! I try to keep updates going on a weekly basis but no promises. It's essentially your average SPR continuation. Read the first chapter here!
Now, let's get to characters. I'll cover the rest of the cast at a later point and compile everything into a singular masterpost when everything's done!
Tess Aract
Tess represents the ink that comprises the pages of a book, laying down words as the story's main protagonist. Without words to be seen, what's the point of a narrative? Tess's very involvement is what catalyzed the events of the plot.
With a bookmark tail, Scriptliss represents the ribbon bookmark at the spine of the book to help one keep their place. With a desire to practice heroism, he knows what he wants to be. Though he doubts himself at times, he always keeps on going and never loses sight of his values.
As a sorceress of scissors, it's obvious what she represents. Like the scissors that trim down the pages, Wiscara knows what fits in the fabric of reality. With connections with Dusekkar and inherent knowledge that comes from her element, she's aware of discrepancies in reality.
Bonus material:
I think that if Boundless Bibliopegy were to be a game, it'd be your average turn-based RPG with elements of the Paper Mario and Mario and Luigi ones (albeit with more characters). I'm not exactly sure how this would work but I do plan on working that out for fun later!
Tess Aract
His high magical stat comes from years upon years worth of experience with magic. Tess is the type of character ideal for dealing magical damage on enemies, though void magic comes at a cost. Few of Tess's moves are powerful at the expense of recoil damage. (Which his health stat compensates for.)
Since he's on the weaker side in terms of defense, he's best placed in the back lines. Though, his higher health stat allows him to take a few hits here and there if you haven't expended too much of it already. Tess was never exactly afraid of death, was he?
An overall balanced character with a high health stat due to his immortality. He can act as a tank for his allies thanks to this, making him viable for the front lines. As someone that focuses on physical attack, Scriptliss is sure to slice through enemies with his sword. Though, if needed he knows enough magic when in a pinch.
However, his main weakness is his low speed which causes him to strike last out of his allies and potentially even his enemies. It's important to make sure to choose your moves wisely for your team when stategizing.
Wiscara is a scissors sorceress that's also fairly balanced. Now, the 3 star magic stat isn't to say that Wiscara isn't worse at magic than some of her peers but rather how the scissors element combines both physical and magical prowess. Why have one or the other when you can have both!
However like with Tess, her defenses are quite low so it's important to make sure to evade attacks properly. With her portals, she's given the ability to dodge attacks easily but any mistake can leave behind great damage.
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tigger8900 · 2 years
An Unkindness of Ghosts, by Rivers Solomon
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Aster is a healer and a scientist, splitting her time between working food production in the field decks, producing medicine and providing medical services among her fellow low- and mid-deckers, and serving as medical assistant to the Surgeon, a white-passing doctor heralded as a genius on the wealthy upper decks. She lives and works on the Matilda, a generational ship that fled Earth 300 years ago as it faced a now-forgotten calamity, its course set for the Promised Land. But the lower decks of Matilda have begun to face blackouts and power cuts reminiscent of the events of 25 years prior — the year Aster was born, as well as the year her mother killed herself. As Aster searches for the truth behind her mother's suicide, she finds connections not only to the technical difficulties plaguing the ship but also to the recent illness of the Sovereign, the ruler of Matilda. As her situation grows ever more precarious, Aster is determined to stop at nothing to uncover the truth, even if it means ripping the only life she's ever known to pieces.
This book was incredible. I've never met a protagonist quite like Aster: queer, neurodivergent, sharp in both manner and intelligence, and scarred by a lifetime of trauma but hell-bent on getting her way. The rest of the cast didn't disappoint either, with a varied collection of complexly-written and -motivated characters comprising both the heroic and villainous casts. Theo was an incredible supporting character. Again, complicated and frustrating at times, but I was so glad we got to meet him and even spend a chapter in his head. I would have liked to hear more from his point of view in fact, though I admit it wouldn't have served the plot any better. I just want more Theo, and I want him to be happy. It's a purely selfish desire. And no, there's nothing on AO3. I checked.
Anyway. There were a lot of ways this book could have gone wrong. The concept of "antebellum slavery recreated aboard a generation ship in transit" was ambitious, and I can think of few other authors who could have done it justice — N.K. Jemisin, perhaps? Jemisin wouldn't have done the character work in the same way though, so it would have been a very different book. I thought the level of scientific crunch was perfect for the story Solomon was trying to tell. The science seemed mostly sound to my layman's understanding(with the exception of the siluminium), but rather than taking on a starring role it formed the backbone that supported the main point of the story, which was about the society that relied on that science to survive.
My only complaint about this book is that the pacing gets a little weird in the last third. A lot of time passes, but the plot remains urgent, so there's some very weird time skips that leave the narrative feeling disjointed, even rushed at times. But this only brings the overall score down to maybe a 4.75, so I rounded it up. If you're someone who likes your sci-fi with science that at least puts up a pretense of being grounded in fact, but who still prefers a focus on character and society over hard scientific crunch, the style of this book would probably appeal to you. Just be mindful of the content warnings, as there's quite a lot of them and Solomon pulls no punches. I'll definitely be looking for more of their work in the future, as soon as space opens up on my TBR…
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nineliabilityrisk · 1 year
muutos / your reckless impulses will get you killed! - mangle to jeremy
" your reckless impulses will get you killed ! "
-- [ asked by @muutos ] --
"Reckless? Man, I'm just trying to do my job!" he cried out, unsteady voice putting his terror on full display. Bear mask haphazardly shoved over his head, flashlight swinging wildly from side to side in search of the source of the glitched, distorted words.
He never should've left his office, he never should've taken this job in the first place– the whirring of gears and servos stopped both Jeremy and his racing thoughts in their tracks. Up, they sounded like they came from above — with a yelp and a thud, he lost his footing as he turned and came face-to-face with the pink and white fox. Luckily, he'd managed to keep his grasp on his flashlight, shining it directly in the animatronic's eyes. God, stay still, stay away– he just needed it stunned long enough for him to scramble backwards and put some distance between them.
"Leave me alone! Shit! I get it, you guys don't want me here! Well, I don't want to fuckin' be here, either! Just– just leave ... leave me alone and I'll stay out of your way. I'm not — I'm not trying to cause trouble, or whatever you think I'm doing. I literally just work here!" Was he rambling? He was rambling. Not only was he rambling, he was trying to bargain with a haywire animatronic. A fucking robot. What was this job doing to him?
Flashlight still clutched in his shaking hand, he kept it aimed at the bot, flicking the button on and off in quick bursts in an attempt to keep it stunned until he'd made it around the corner into the next room — the main room, thank god, he could see the music box, where he'd been trying to get to this whole time — and gotten a chance to get back on his feet again. All the bright lights and the flashing — an attempt to overload its processors, or whatever the fuck the guy on the phone had said. God, if Jeremy made it out of this alive, he had some very choice words to share with that guy.
"Look — I'm just trying to fix the box. It's not winding right, and I promise that if you let me go figure out why I'll go back to my office and you won't have to deal with me for the rest of my shift as soon as I'm done. Please? I don't– I don't even know why you're mad at me. I didn't even do anything. I'm just trying to do my job," he repeated. It was the truth, after all. What else was he to say?
With one glance cast at the main stage — completely empty, which was worrying in its own right — and one cast over his shoulder at the hallway he'd just escaped from, he decided to make a break for the box. He was on a time limit here, after all. He just had to hope that keeping the flashlight pointed haphazardly behind him would be enough to deter his assailant.
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vialaviolenza · 10 months
@godborn continued from here !
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Diego typically reserved a sense of urgency for situations of personal motivation. However, as his distressed brother approaches, the signs of evident worry cannot be ignored—the redness around the browline, the intrusion without permission. Despite initial annoyance, Diego's alertness takes over. Seated on the plush bed, the laundry he was folding mid-motion, he glares in anticipation, but the expression softens with a sudden shock at the mention of Vera.
Swift and immediate, his reaction is to cast aside the clothing, preparing himself to find her⸻returning riding gloves to his hands, donning his helmet and belt, and slipping into his riding boots. As he readies himself to leave, he grabs his wallet and hotel room key, stowing them away before turning his attention to Giorno.
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❝ First of all⸻You should have immediately started with that. Second. . .It is OUR sister. You'd do well to remember that.❞ Diego's hurt at being excluded, though such dynamics are familiar in their family. ❝ If you find it necessary to come to me about such problems, you can at minimum involve me as a member of OUR family.❞ Despite the words, the usual ferocity in his tone is absent, replaced by uncertainty and worry. Approaching the door, he stops to let Giorno exit before following suit. Once the door is secured, Diego silently guides them to the stables, his mind focused on strategizing while listening to Giorno.
❝ It doesn't matter, Gio. . .What matters is getting her back.❞ A comforting hand rests on his brother's shoulder, offering solace as he sighs, the sight and behaviour unfamiliar to both of them. ❝ I need you on Silver Bullet with me because I won't be staying on 'er. I'll use Scary Monsters to pick up her scent, but you need to be on Silver. This is non-negotiable, so just listen for once. ❞ The hand lifts from Giorno's shoulder as Diego continues forward, leading them outside and towards the stables.
Once Silver is fully equipped, Diego leads her out, feeling the anticipation in his heart as the horse meets his gaze. Offering gentle pats, he seeks to comfort both himself and the steed. With his pockets emptied into the saddlebag, he climbs onto the horse before he extends an outstretched hand to assist Giorno. As soon as the other blonde is settled behind him, Diego glances back.
❝ You've done everything you could. Don't. . .be too hard on yourself. We'll bring her back, Gio. I promise. Hang on tight; I can't lose another one of you. ❞ A faint smile graces his lips, a small effort to ease the weight of distress they both carry. He looks forward, reaching behind him into his saddlebag's front to retrieve an item, sniffing it before returning it to the bag without giving Giorno a chance to even see what it was.
Pupils receding, the lines on his face parting into a grin as his heels gently urge Silver Bullet to trot towards the main street. He heavily sniffs the air until his head snaps to the right, directing the reins before tapping the horse's side to encourage a full-speed gallop in the designated direction. It's only as they distance themselves from town that one foot pulls from the stirrup.
❝ You're taking over now. . .I've got her trail. ❞ Diego allows little time between his words, sitting up, one leg swinging over the horse as he dismounts mid-stride and disappears into the darkness behind his horse and Giorno. Only moments later Diego emerges from the darkness catching up to Silver Bullet in his Utahraptor form before overtaking her to lead them further, covering what feels like miles through darkness before coming to a sudden stop.
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Piercing eyes blink, faint breaths escaping the creature's snout as it surveys the surroundings. A gentle barking noise resonates, and its tail sways from side to side. The cyan Utahraptor turns its head from left to right, contemplating the next move. For a brief moment, it glances back to Giorno before focusing on the air, the motions growing more urgent. The scene unfolds as it approaches the side of Silver Bullet, unfazed by her owner.
The snout presses to the saddlebag, and if Giorno understands the creature's intention, he'll discover a small bracelet that once belonged to Vera. If offered, Diego sniffs at the item in contemplation before turning his head, taking another whiff, it's head then turning decisively in a specific direction.
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fangirlstorycreator · 2 years
Can you do helping us recover from a surgery kk3 and ck
Kk3: you had just been brought back home by Terry after having surgery on your arm. You had a bad accident in the dojo which resulted in you breaking your arm in 4 different places. You had a full cast on aswell as a sling, and you were also on pain medication for it too. Terry was waiting on you hand and food the next few days. Even when you told him you could do something, he just told you to sit down and relax. One afternoon, he had to run to the dojo to help out John, and you were on your own. You were in the kitchen trying to make a cup of tea, but it was a little trickier as the arm you broke was the one you used the most. Terry came back just as you were pouring the water into the mug, when he came over to you looking concerned. "Baby you should be resting" " I am Terry, I'm just making my self a drink" "well I can make it for you, you go and sit down" you have appreciated Terry's help, but he had been a little too protective. And you were about to tell him. "Terry look, it's a cup of tea. I am perfectly capable of doing it all by myself. I dont need to be treated like im made of glass all the time" Terry looks a little worried. "I know baby I just, I dont want you too worry about anything. I dont...want to see you get hurt again" you pull him in for a hug, and he gently hugs you back, being careful of your arm. "Terry I love you, and I really appreciate what you have been doing recently. But I'm alright, I'm not going to get hurt again. I promise. You can stop worrying so much" you rest your hand on his cheek as you lean in and give him a little kiss. "I'm sorry I have been overboard lately. I promise I'll stop treating you like glass" "thank you babe. I love you" "I love you too"
CK: you had been allowed back home after having a rather big operation called a hysterectomy. You had to have it done for health reasons, but you were ok with it. You and Terry already had two kids and were happy with that number. The doctor told you that you can walk around the house to get some exercise, but not to do anything else that could cause your stitches or your scar to rupture. You were resting in bed most of the days, with your two kids and Terry sat talking and playing with you. But you felt guilty when Terry had to be the main parent throughout most of the day. One evening when your up and about, Terry is tucking the kids into bed and reading them a bedtime story. It was a wonderful sight to look at. Terry was such a loving and devoted father. You could tell he loved being a dad. It was like he was made for it. You go to the kitchen and make yourself a drink, when Terry comes in. "They're both asleep now. Little angels were tired out from our outing to the park this afternoon" you give him a small smile, but Terry notices something is wrong. "Sweetheart are you alright? Are you in pain?" "No I'm not in pain Terry, I just feel kind of giulty" he walks over to you and puts his arm around you. "Why would you feel guilty sweetheart?" "Well because for the last few weeks you have had to do most of the daily parenting on your own. I know that cant be easy and I just wish I could help you and the kids more" he turns you to face him and strokes your cheek with his thumb. "Y/N you have had to undergo an incredibly physical and emotionally draining surgery. You need the time to get back to normal and you should never feel guilty about that. You still spend time with the kids every day. And I love spending quality time with them. I'm not struggling with them at all. I promise" he leans down and gives you a tender kiss. "Alright Terry. Thank you for everything, I really appreciate you looking after me, and the kids" "your welcome sweetheart. Plus! As soon as your better I can make a whole load of dishes for you" both you and Terry laugh. "Oi! You cheeky bugger!"
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Made with love | Helmut Zemo
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Chef Zemo AU! 👨‍🍳
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter]
Part 14 - Finale
Tony Stark stood at the opposite end of the square. He was staring right at the restaurant on the corner. The restaurant with the lovely view. The restaurant with the nice outdoor seating area. The restaurant he was to be at tonight.
Tony clenched his fist beside him. He just needed to get the rights to the building. He needed Helmut Zemo to accept the cheque and sign it over.
Sure, the restaurant looked fresh and new, but no amount of make overs would save it from the wrath of Tony Stark. He was a man with a plan, and tonight he would come out on top.
His eyes narrows on the movement in the window. Someone he didn't recognise was checking over the tables. With a sigh, he turns on his heel and disappears.
Veronica had a clipboard in hand with a checklist. She was checking off everything and making sure the whole restaurant was ready for tonight. You were by the bar with your own clipboard, going through a list with Sam.
"That's everything. Think you can handle it?" You ask him, looking over the shelves behind him.
"With Bucky and Natasha here, I think we got it. Just waiting for those coffee beans."
"Natasha has gone to get them. I got a few bags, though I think people will be more interested in your end of the bar," you chuckle.
Sam winks at you.
"I've got many tricks up my sleeve."
"Blow them all away!"
You check off the drinks list and turn around to face Veronica.
"All menus out?"
"All accounted for," she replies. She smiles and checks off her own list.
"Good. Left or right?" You asks.
"Right is your side for the evening. I'll have left and outside."
"I can help with outside," she says.
"Outside is neutral territory then," you chuckle. She nods and you both mark it down. "I'll go check the kitchen, the waiting staff should be soon, make sure Wanda knows."
Veronica nods and you head into the kitchen.
Helmut has his back to you as he gives out orders. Chefs are spread throughout the kitchen, each with their assignments. You smile at the way he is handling it all.
You let him finish giving out orders before coughing softly and calling his name.
Helmut turns instantly and smiles at you.
"How's it going, chef?"
You haven't called him that since the day you made that paella with him. His lips curl into a mischievous grin as he steps closer to you.
"All is well in my domain. How about out front?"
"We are ready for the main event."
He kisses you.
"Your father would be so proud of you," you tell him.
Hearing you say that makes his heart flutter. That's all he ever wanted to do.
"Something smells delicious," you say, laughing softly.
Helmut glances over his shoulder.
"That could be a number of things."
You both laugh together before you kiss his cheek and let him crack on with it. You made a promise to see him later when you both head home to change.
When you go back out, Wanda is with her staff for the night. Wanda was beyond excited to play head waitress tonight, she wanted to be as useful as she could to you. You assured her she had ways been helpful. After all, she did play match maker.
Wanda turns when you approach, dismissing the staff who go ahead and make themselves busy with Veronica.
"Are you excited?" Wanda asks.
"I'm nervous. Tonight has so much to prove."
"We can do it."
"I know," you sigh softly. Wanda pulls you in for a hug.
"We're a team, we're going to do this."
You nod. You both take a deep breath together and smile.
"Let's finish the final touches and get our asses back so we can all change for the evening."
You nod and go through the last checklist.
Back at the apartment, you change your clothes. As a host you wouldn't be wearing your apron, so you wore something smart and presentable. Helmut was all ready to go, his apron back at the restaurant. He was just waiting for you to finish up.
When you were done, you stood in front of him in the living room.
"Ready?" He asks.
You take Helmut's hand and kiss him as he leans in. You both smile and leave the apartment.
It was becoming very real now.
You arrive at Escorpión Morado. Helmut has all staff gather in the kitchen. You stand beside your boyfriend as he faces his staff.
"We only have one shot to show Tony Stark that this is my restaurant. One shot to prove that we're not irrelevant. Escorpión Morado has stood here this long and it will stand for many years to come. He can offer me all the money he wants, but I will never sell my father's pride and joy to him. I need everyone focused, ready, and open for any changes. Nothing can go wrong here."
Everyone replies with 'yes chef!'
He turns to you and nods. You nod back and gesture for Veronica to follow. Wanda and the wait staff follow behind, Sam, Bucky and Natasha behind them.
You and Veronica stand in front of the doors. You can see all the people you invited waiting to come inside. The butterflies in your stomach are having a ball.
Sam, Bucky, and Natasha take their places behind the bar.
Wanda and the waiters stand to one side of the room.
You take a deep breath and put on a smile as both you and Veronica open the doors.
"Welcome everyone."
One by one you guide them inside. Veronica and yourself guide people to tables, having accounted for everyone you invited. That included extra guests of which you anticipated Tony to have considering you went to his party with more than he bargained for.
You smile, greet, talk them through the menu.
However, all but one table was full. You cast glances at Wanda, Natasha, and the boys. Each of them shrug.
Tony hadn't arrived yet.
Helmut stands by the kitchen door. You lock eyes with him and shook your head subtly. He glances toward the door and grits his teeth slightly.
Stark was doing this on purpose.
You turn to fine other guests. They're all local people. Some have been here since the restaurant was first built. Some who came here as children. Some who had been every day. They knew this place. They knew Helmut. They knew why this was happening tonight.
You smile at those who recognise you for your hard work these last few weeks.
"It's wonderful to see everyone. Thank you all so much for coming, though it appears our V.I.P of the night is running late. I hope you'll be happy to wait just a moment longer. Though, should he not arrive soon, we will just have to start without him."
There were no signs of negativity. They agreed to wait.
You looked at Sam.
"Perhaps drinks are in order?" You smile at him.
"Coming up."
Wanda nodded at the waiters. Each of them pulled out a notepad and began taking orders for drinks. You turned back to the door and waited.
"Where do you think he is?" Veronica asks, coming over to stand beside you.
"No idea, but he must be up to something."
Just as you said that three figures appeared up ahead. They walking across the square together. You narrow your eyes trying to work put exactly who they were. You knew for a fact none of them were Tony.
As they got a little closer, you could see them.
Pepper, Strange, and Heike.
You wanted to scream, but you were going to be a professional. He sent is entourage ahead.
As they come to the door, you greet them the same way you had everyone else. Heike was looking at you with such a piercing gaze, but you didn't let that bother you.
"Come in, Veronica, will you show them to their table?"
"With pleasure," she says, though not for a single moment did she mean it.
You watched as they followed Veronica to their table, but then turned back to the open door.
Helmut came up beside you, his hand on your back.
"Not yet. His party are here though," you say nodding at the table. He glances over and sighs when he sees Heike looking at him. She looks eager to gain his attention.
"Want me to wait with you?" He asks.
You shake your head.
"No, go back to the kitchen. We'll start taking orders now. You need to be ready for when they come in."
He kisses your temple and makes his way back to the kitchen. Heike rises from her chair and stops him at the kitchen door.
"Can we talk?"
He glares at her.
He pushes on and goes into the kitchen, not wanting to hear any more.
You turn Wanda and nod at her. She claps once and the waiters are on the floor taking orders. You pull put your own notepad and help them out.
You smile as you take the order for the nearest table. A lovely old couple who remember the days Heinrich ran this place. You chat with them before heading to the kitchen.
Orders are already pinned up and ready. Helmut is there to take your order. You smile at each other as you hand it over. He pins it up and shouts it out.
You wink at him and head back out front.
Headlights. You can see headlights at the other end of the square. Everyone in the restaurant can see them, all turning to look.
You stand by the door.
A red sportscar.
Tony Stark.
It cruises across the square. How he managed to get it there, you will never know. This square wasn't for cars.
It cruises along, only coming to a stop by the door. The headlights turn off and the drivers door opens. The man of the hour climbs out and turns to you. He closes the door and comes to stand in front of you.
"I hope you're hungry Mr. Stark."
You gesture into the restaurant. He walks in. Veronica shows him to the table and holds his chair out for him. The room was silent as they watched him take his seat. Veronica steps back and looks at you.
"As you were," he calls out.
You nod at Veronica who gets him a menu and takes his starter order.
You walk up to the bar and look at Sam. He already knows what you want. You had discussed it with him before hand. He pushes the drink across the bar to you.
You take it and present it to Tony yourself.
"Morado de Verano."
He takes it. He looks at it. He smells it.
You stand there and watch.
He sips it.
You are the way he seems to freeze for a moment. He tastes it. He's annoyed by how good it is. You can see he likes it, but he won't admit it.
You smile.
Sam sees you smiling. He gives Bucky a little high five behind the bar.
Just as you walk away, the waiters comes out with the starters. They flood the restaurant and present their dishes. You head into the lit hen to help.
Helmut looks up immediately as you enter.
"He's here. I gave him a drink. Veronica took his order."
"I have it," he taps the order.
You nod and take one of the orders waiting. Helmut tells you which table it is for and you nod.
"I love you!" He yells, before you leave his sight again.
You laugh and yell back, "I love you too!"
Things are going smoothly. People are enjoying their starters and there's conversation in the air. Every so often you glance up at Stark's table. There is not a single smile there.
You nod at Sam and makes another round of drinks for the table.
Orders for the main courses come in. You take Stark's order yourself. You ignore the way he stares at you. You especially ignore the way Heike is staring at you. You note down their orders and put on a smile, leaving as quickly as you could.
Natasha leans in before you reach the kitchen.
"I could take her out, you know."
You laugh.
"Not tonight Nat."
You go into the kitchen and give Helmut the order. He takes it from you, fingers purposely brushing against yours and making you blush. He smirks when he sees your reaction and then shouts out the order.
He looks at you.
"All good?"
"Yeah, in here?"
"Yeah. Though I am missing you terribly tonight."
"Aw, you'll see me later. You should bring out the main course yourself for Stark."
"Right. I'll be out."
You nod and leave, another exchange of 'I love you' being exclaimed to each other with laughter.
You go around and make sure everyone is doing OK, but as you do, Heike gets up and approaches you.
"What can I do for you?" You say, remaining polite.
"I want you to get Helmut for me."
"No, he's busy I'm afraid. He's cooking your meal."
"Then I want to go see him."
"No customers in the kitchen. You'll be in the way, plus, he's busy. I just said as such myself."
You hated how polite your voice sounded and how much it hurt to smile at her. God, you wanted to rip her hair out and kick her to the street.
"It's important."
"I'm sorry, but you need to sit back down now. The main courses will be out shortly."
Heike throws a mini tantrum as she stomps her foot before returning to the table.
You resist running a hand down your face as you retreat to the bar. Natasha is topping up some drinks as you approach.
"My offer still stands."
"At this rate I may accept it. She's just trying to annoy me, and it's working."
"Deep breaths."
You roll your eyes and take the tray. Natasha gives you the table number and you go on your way.
When the main courses come out, Helmut exits the kitchen with Tony's meal, and only Tony's. Behind him are a couple of waiters with the rest. They put down their first, Heike looking unimpressed they someone sent served her, and then Helmut presented Tony with his meal.
Before he could get away, Tony grabbed Zemo's wrist.
"This won't change anything," he said.
Zemo smiled.
"It changes everything. Look around you. These people live here. They came because I invited them in honour of my father. They came because this place matters. You're running a business, I'm running a family legacy. You can't win."
Tony let's go of him.
"We'll see about that."
On the table sits the cheque. The same amount of zeros on it as the day he presented it.
Zemo picks it up.
Tony begins to smile.
You stand beside Helmut.
"Try it," you urge, nodding at the dish.
Tony inhales. He looks at the food. Glancing between you and the dish he slowly takes a bite.
Once again he left blown away by what his tastebuds are experiencing.
You hold the cheque in both hands, out in front of you. The whole table looks up at you. Swiftly, you tear in two and let both halves fall to the table.
"You can't cook like Helmut can. You can't run a restaurant like Helmut can. You can't respect people like Helmut can," you say slowly.
Heike stands quickly, not even trying her meal.
"He doesn't love you, you know."
You roll your eyes again.
"No, he adores me. I adore him. Let it go, Heike. You just can't accept that he moved and run you after what you did to him. You need to leave. You're not welcome at our restaurant again," you tell her.
"Your restaurant?"
"Yes, our restaurant," Helmut says, smiling. He puts an arm around you and pulls you into his side.
You nod behind Heike once. Wanda and Natasha grab an arm each and escort Heike off the premises. The restaurant is filled with cheering as she is kicked out.
Tony sits there and looks at the pair of you.
"You'll fail. Within the year you'll fail," he tells you.
"No, I don't think we will."
Veronica comes up behind Tony and grabs the back of his jacket. She tugs it, urging him to stand. He sighs and does as she wants. Veronica escort him to the door where she let's go and gives him a hard kick. Tony stumbles forward onto the hood of his car which remained parked right outside the doors. Pepper and Strange are quickly to follow on their own.
You stand there hand in hand with Helmut as you watch them scamper away.
Once they are gone, the whole restaurant stands up and cheers.
You laugh loudly.
Helmut laughs with you and kisses your temple.
Tony Stark couldn't have that it takes true talent to run a restaurant. His food would never compare to Helmut's. His service would move compare to yours.
You look around.
"Eat up, it will go cold!"
The customers all dig in. Helmut gestures for the table Tony had been at to be cleared. He guides you into the kitchen as they do that.
"You handled that very well," he tells you.
You smile.
"I think we both did."
He places his hands on either side of your face and looks at you.
If someone had told him a few years ago he would be standing here falling in love all over again, though this time with someone who actually did mean the world to him, he would call them a liar.
Yet, here you were.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Helmut leans in and kisses you quite passionately in the middle of the kitchen. Neither one of you care for the staff that come and go as they prepares for deserts.
You pull apart and look at him, placing your hands on his.
"Let's finish up tonight."
"Yes, let's."
You kiss once more and he lets you go back out front.
It's late when you're looking the doors. The restaurant looks a bit askew from all the people moving about, but other than that there was nothing to worry about.
The waiters gathered the plates and glasses. Sam and Bucky tidied up the bar, putting everything back where it belonged. Natasha and Wanda worked together to while down tables and sweep the floors. Helmut was in the back helping the kitchen staff clean.
You were at the till counting up the profits for the evening. Deserts had been free simply because everyone had celebrated Tony Stark being kicked out of the restaurant.
You totalled it all up and bagged up the money, putting it away for safe keeping. When you came back, Helmut was waiting for you by the bar.
"Do you have a minute?" He asks, smiling softly at you.
"Of course," you say, going over to sit with him.
On the bar in front of him was a file. He opens it up for you and places a pen down on top of it.
"What's this?"
"My paperwork for the restaurant. I've had it reprinted."
"Because I want you to sign it."
You stare into those stunning brown eyes of his as he stares back. There's a soft smile on his face.
"What do you mean?"
He chuckles softly and his hand glides along the bottom of the page he had presented to you. You lean in a little to read it.
You gasp softly.
Owner & Manager - Helmut Zemo
Co-owener & Manager - ................
The space was blank. He wanted you to sign it. You look back up at him.
"Are you sure?"
"This is quite a commitment."
"I know."
"I'd have shares in your restaurant."
"Our restaurant."
He didn't stop smiling.
You turn back to the page and slowly find yourself lifting the pen. You click it and look down at the space where your name should be.
You smile.
You can feel tears threatening to fall.
Helmut puts an arm around you and pulls you into his side. He kissed your cheek, lips lingering there.
"I want this," he whispers.
"Me too."
Then suddenly your hand is scribbling. Your name sits on the line. You drop the pen and smile.
Helmut litters kisses all over your face.
You both laugh.
"This is actually happening."
"Yes, it is."
You look at him and smile. He smiles back at you. You kiss him. This kiss felt so different from all the ones before. This one was sealing a deal. Sealing a future together.
He is yours and you are his, and together you had this restaurant to run. A restaurant which had a bright future ahead of it all because you entered his life.
“Lets go home,” he whispers.
You chuckle softly.
“Yes, chef.”
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thatiranianphantom · 2 years
I was reading your opinion on the cast after Riverdale and my opinion is this one. Hollywood is a tricky place, most of the actors are close to 30 already and CW has a curse but the way I’m seeing it. Lili is the stand out actress of the show and if she gets a good agent she might get a chance at a breakout role for adult audiences but I also thought Nina Dobrev was gonna be a huge success after TVD but she ended up doing minor roles in flop movies. It all depends on the agent and connections and the under 30 talent in Hollywood is quiet packed at the moment so it’s really about agents.
Cole will probably keep doing small movies here and there but I don’t think acting is his focus, he seems more invested in photography and is probably getting quiet the money doing them because he gets contacted by big brands and he also has a modeling career now cuz he is the image for versace glasses. I don’t think he cares about acting because he has other sources of income and his pre-Disney brand will always carry him and give him roles due to familiarity.
KJ Apa is done. I don’t think he will ever get another main role after this. And personally, he isn’t particularly a good actor, he is basic because Archie himself is pretty basic too. Madelaide is going to keep her influencer/YouTuber situation going on. I don’t see a big role for her in the future. Like Adelaide Kane from Reign just doing social media and promo brands now, which is sad because Adelaide was actually a solid actress with potential. Same for Erinn, Vanessa, Drew etc this will be their peak.
Cami is a wild card because I think she’s a great actress but given terrible material to work with on the show. And yet, she has been the one with the most roles outside of Riverdale of the cast. The movie she has with Netflix coming soon seems promising with a good cast. Plus the one movie Strangers seems promising too. It was also a good idea to try voice acting jobs.
Now this might piss people off and I’m not trying to pin Lili or Cami against each other but one of the things on Hollywood is that you need to be very social or at least pretend to be to get your way up because connections are everything. Cami goes to a lot of events and seems to interact with a lot of actors (upcoming and established) and this might give her advantage compare to Lili that seems more guarded and reserved (which is totally fine) but yeah, everything in Hollywood is about who you know and if you are friends with them.
Yeah I've expanded a lot on my view of their careers post-Riverdale, and some are not tumblr-friendly opinions, but I definitely think that for any of them, a huge career is far from promised, even if they're standouts.
I don't know if I'd agree that photography is Cole's focus. At one time, maybe? But I haven't seen a lot of that recently, nor do I expect him to do a ton of modelling later. And that is all I'll say on that, as one of the not-safe-for-Tumblr opinions. I think he could do some voice work, maybe some indie stuff post Riverdale.
I agree on Lili. I definitely think she's the standout, and has a better chance than most, but as a CW standout, there is no guarantee that she will have a big mainstream career post-Riverdale. Also, the vast majority of her fans are teens from Riverdale, and they tend to be a fickle bunch.
Agree on Cami as well, I fear she could be typecast but she has done some good mainstream movies, even if they were bit parts. I'm hopeful for her because I think she's talented.
The rest? Yeah, it's done. Best days are behind. I am genuinely impressed with the new project KJ landed, I'll say that.
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aj-anime-blog · 3 years
Deca-Dence - Review!
Wooooo Deca-Dence!
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Deca-Dence was a summer 2020 anime, and that’s when I originally watched it! I've watched it about a dozen times since, as it landed itself right on my roster of my favorite animes, if not my favorite of all time.
Deca-Dence is an original piece, so no manga source material (whaaat!) and comes from the genius brain of Yuzuru Tachikawa, the director of other fan-favorites like Mob Psycho 100 and Death Parade (a review for Death Parade is in the making!). Original mangas are such a hit-or-miss recently, and I think that this one got the bullseye!
What's our concept?: Set in the future, the world is now plagued by monsters known as Gadolls. In an attempt to keep humans safe from them, mobile fortress Deca-Dence was constructed, where Gears, who live near the top, fight the Gadolls, and Tankers, who live at the bottom, provide support from inside Deca-Dence. Our protag, Natsume, is a Tanker who wants to fight with the Gears, but her prosthetic arm keeps her out of battle. That is until she meets Kaburagi, an older Tanker who seems to know his way around fighting and might have more to him than he lets on.
It's gonna be hard to go through this without spoilers, but I promise that I'll keep it spoiler-free until the section at the bottom!
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So overall, what do I think?: 10/10! I've already said it, but Deca-Dence is one of my favorite animes of all time, and it deserves the spot! It has incredible characters, a story that keeps you hooked even through twists and turns, and a pace that manages to cram so much plot into only 12 episodes without feeling overwhelming or rushed! Deca-Dence presents ideas that, at the surface, may seem overused or old, but spins them in such a way that they're completely original. It follows through with character relationships, making them worthwhile and fulfilling.
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Let's start with the story this time!: 10/10!! It's going to be really hard to explain the beauty of Deca-Dence's plot without spoiling it, but I'm doing my best! I really do recommend just giving the show a try, though, as it's really worth it! (Don't just drop it after episode 2, like a lot of people did :( That's just judging it wayyy too early!!)
Deca-Dence has a story that's thrilling and new. Everything that happens builds off of itself in a way that's natural and smooth. The elements of the story, no matter how different they may seem, play their part and work together well. The show isn't predictable either - don't go in thinking that you know what's going to become of it. Each twist feels surprising and new without feeling like they're coming out of left field.
I won't say much more in fear of ruining it, but Deca-Dence's story holds up well, and with its strong cast of characters supporting it, it becomes absolutely suburb. I think a lot of people fell into this pit of seeing only the beginning and tossing it aside, but no matter how strange the concepts in it may be, they wind together to form something really unique!
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So those characters, huh?: 11/10, I love them so much! I'm a character nerd through and through, and Deca-Dence sends my little character-obsessed heart wild. The protags, Natsume and Kaburagi, are both fascinating, have incredible development, and engage in a character dynamic that is so natural and well-written that I never doubted it.
To be honest, Natsume doesn't have a personality that's anything new. She's young, determined to a fault, naive, and a complete sweetheart. She wants to fight the Gadoll and she'll do anything to achieve that dream. She's not a natural at fighting but her motivation to do so makes her believable and relatable. She's looked down upon because of her prosthetic arm and forced into a job that she doesn't like, but she never gives up on her goals. Even though she's so simple, her interactions and energy make her lovable and a wonderful protagonist.
Kaburagi follows the washed-out warrior trope, as he's an older man assigned to clean-up duty who keeps to himself and never shows too much emotion. While this type of character can sometimes get annoying, the show gives Kaburagi enough time to show his real feelings and explain how he got to his position. This proper development keeps him down-to-Earth and shows him as even more flawed than Natsume. Kaburagi's motivation, which I can't explain for spoiler reasons, is entirely believable and explains perfectly why he decides to put up with Natsume, even though she's his polar opposite.
The relationship between the two characters is balanced and beautiful. It's given the proper time to grow, mature, and ends up being extremely worthwhile. Natsume relies on Kaburagi, as he sees the potential in her and continues to support her in ways no one else ever has, and Kaburagi understands that Natsume is everything that he's trying to rebel against. Their relationship is emotional, runs deep, and leaves you wishing that there was more of them to watch, even after the show has ended.
The villain! The villain. I cannot talk all that much about the villain at the risk of spoiling. He is evil. I really really hated him, and that is a very good thing because it means that he's well-written. His motivation makes sense, his actions make you want to strangle him, his design was really really good! He's not the most interesting thing in the show, as his character is really only there to move the story along, but not every villain needs to be incredibly deep for a show to be good.
Lastly, our supporting characters! While none of them are as wonderful as Natsume or Kaburagi, they're still interesting and hold their own. They play important parts in the show and all of their interactions with the main two feel natural. Their conflicts make sense, their resolutions feel well-earned, and their personalities are all unique! For a 12-episode anime, there's a larger cast of supporting characters than you would think, and nearly all of them are memorable and loveable.
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Time to shut up about characters, what about the art?: 9/10, ooooh yes the art! Deca-Dence is gorgeous! It's animated by studio Nut (bwahahhaha), who haven't done that much else in the anime world. Still, for a relatively new studio, it's absolutely amazing! The characters all have unique looks that make them stand out and the fight scenes are to die for. They lose a point on the CG, since it's a little bit less than amazing, but again, for a new studio, it's definitely not the worst I've seen!! (Admittedly, I also don't like CG much at all, so I'm always harsh towards it when it's used).
Deca-Dence switches between two styles that vastly contradict each other, one which is a colorful, happy-go-lucky style, and one that's the more typical anime style. I'll speak more about them in the spoilers section, but they do a wonderful job at maintaining the tone of the show, as to not let it get too dark, and forming a clear divide between the events of the two parts.
Oh goshhh the Gadolls look so cool. I'm so obsessed with cool monsters in anime and woah they look awesome!! They're original, with cool designs that I haven't seen elsewhere. The show could've so easily slapped in some pretty typical-looking dragons or wolves or whatever, but they instead spent time on these epic creatures, and it's so worth it! It makes the setting that much more unique and allows it to stand out from other animes.
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Surely there's a flaw in this anime? The pacing, maybe?: 9/10. Yeah, I would argue that the pacing is Deca-Dence's weakest point. Not that the pacing is particularly bad compared to other shows! I still think that, for a 12-episode anime, it does a wonderful job of fitting in a large amount of plot into only about 5 hours! But, at some points, parts felt rushed or confusing, as the show would zoom into them. I never felt like I was truly lost, though. Even if I did wish that there was a break from the action, I never found myself really thinking that the show was leaving me behind in the dust. It's not the kind of show that you can turn on and leave running while you multitask, though. Blink for too long and you might miss something important, which can ruin some of the hard-hitting twists that the anime works so hard to build up.
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OK! Time for spoilers! I beg you, go watch the anime before you read past this, because it's totally worth it!!
Woahh episode 2 am I right?? I thought that I clicked into the wrong anime when I began it, it took such a wild turn, and so soon in the anime too. This is what I really mean when I talk about a show not being what it appears to be! Again, I really encourage you to watch it for yourself, but if you're that stubborn on reading this through before you turn it on:
Deca-Dence is not about the heart-wrenching battles between Gears and their desperate attempts to keep humanity alive, because Gears are just avatars for cyborgs! You see, there's a civilization of cyborg people who are living above the Earth, who log in to fight in mobile fortress Deca-Dence as a game. So the Gadolls are genetically grown as prey for the Gears and the entire story surrounding Deca-Dence's battles are scripted. Crazy right!? The best part: the Tankers aren't in on this at all. You heard me: Natsume and her human friends have no idea that Deca-Dence is staged.
From here, Deca-Dence has two distinct parts: we'll call them "Natsume's half" and "Kaburagi's half". Natsume's half refers to the mobile fortress, the Tankers who live unaware of the cyborgs, and the art style that premiered in the first episode. Kaburagi's half is the Solid Quake organization, the Gears who are avatars of the cyborgs, and the goofy, stylized art style with big lines and bright colors.
The twist and the diverging sides of the story set this show up as not your typical sci-fi anime, but as something a little deeper. The stakes are the same, as humanity is in just as much peril as it was before - it becomes abundantly clear that the Gears and cyborgs don't care about them - but the name of the game completely changes as you realize that our so-called "heroes" aren't really all that heroic, and there's a lot more going on.
Kaburagi is, of course, one of these cyborgs, cursed to live among the Tankers because of a mistake he made while playing as a Gear. Now, he's in charge of eliminating "bugs", or mistakes that the system finds. He's upset with his life, frustrated at what he's doing, and contemplating suicide. But when Natsume walks into his life, a little girl that the system considers legally dead, Kaburagi sees a chance to rebel, even the slightest, against the system. He's supposed to kill Natsume, but instead, he takes her under his wing, determined to protect what he's been instructed to eliminate. This development gives their relationship a deeper meaning, even if Natsume doesn't know it.
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Deca-Dence does a wonderful job at showing the watchers both sides of the story but keeping Natsume's side in the dark. Even though we see scenes from Kaburagi's side, Natsume knows nothing about them. When Kaburagi leaves after Hugin kills his avatar, Nastume doesn't know where he's gone and has no reason to believe that he hasn't run away. There's no way she could guess that Kaburagi's new form - his weird orange Gear avatar - is the mentor that she once knew. And when Kaburagi, back in his original form, is killed in front of her, she really believes that he is dead. When Natsume finds out about the truth of the Gadolls - that the world she knows is fake - her horror is palpable and realistic, because there's no way she could've known any better.
Kaburagi's world has a goofy style to it, with the cyborgs looking cartoonish rather than realistic. While it might initially seem off-putting, I think that it ends up balancing the tone of the story much better. Consider the hellscape that is the reform facility that Kaburagi visits. Imagine how dark it would've been if it was not in a silly style! By keeping the style cuter rather than realistic, the show doesn't dip too far into dark and gritty, and I really liked it!
It also set up this harsh divide between Kabruagi's half, where things are easygoing, done for pleasure and fun, and not nearly as harsh as Natsume's world (Look at the name of the series! Decadence literally means living in excessive luxury!). Even when the cyborgs are in their Gear forms, which are drawn in Natsume's style, they're still a lot more colorful and vivid, showing that their lives aren't as harsh as that of the Tankers. The art styles reflect the differences between the two halves and give them both distinct tones and personalities!
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& finally, let's take an in-depth look at one scene!: I had a really hard time picking what I thought summed up the series in a single scene. In the end, I think that Natsume and Kaburagi's discussion at the end of episode 7 was the best. Here, we see a culmination of a lot of the character development going on. Kaburagi, in this scene, is in a Gears avatar that Natsume doesn't recognize, meeting her for the first time since his normal avatar was killed. Natsume's been working with the Tankers to protect them from Gadolls that infiltrated the fortress, and she's motivated them all to rise up and fix the hole in the fortress themselves.
Kaburagi has encouraged Natsume to be a stronger person, even though she had to be independent and not rely on him any longer. His pessimistic view on the world - that they'll never defeat the Gadolls - has rubbed off on her, but it's only made her more determined to be stronger to stand up to them. In this scene, we see her breaking down as she considers that Kaburagi might be right, and that she'll never kill them all, but that she needs to continue fighting.
Though Kaburagi previously doubted Natsume and her endless determination, he now feels filled with the same motivation. Natsume has convinced him, time and time again, that he can't give up, and so he decides that he's willing to do anything to make sure that she never loses that hope. He wants her dreams to come true, and he knows that she can't accomplish them alone.
This perfectly shows the effects that they have on one another. Natsume is now stronger than she's ever been: independent, able to take down Gadolls on her own, and determined enough to patch up the hole that no one else thought could be fixed. Kaburagi, in stark contrast to his suicidal thoughts from episode two, is now completely devoted to make the world a safe place for Natsume. Their relationship has shaped one another into being the best versions of themselves, and this isn't even the end! They still complete their growth in the last few episodes, but I've rambled about them enough.
We're done!: That's my review of Deca-Dence! I really believe that it's one of the masterpiece animes in recent years, and I wish it got more attention. I'm sure that there's plenty of anime out there like this one - forgotten diamonds in the rough - that I'd love to dig up and fawn over. Tell me if you know any! Or, if you disagree with my review, tell me where you think I'm wrong!
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Wrong Universe
Part 7 - Family Drama
Summary - When the actor of the show comes face to face with the characters, what can possibly go wrong?
Warning - Swearing, Angst
Characters - Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester and basically the entire SPN cast and crew
Catch up here
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"What in tha actual fuck are you doing here?" Jensen hissed at the person in front of him.
"What? I was in the locality so I decided to drop by the set", Jensen raised an eyebrow at the person, "Fine, Jared told me what was going on and I was also in town so I had to pay the set a little visit".
"Jared? Seriously? Who are you gonna call next and tell about the Winchesters? Entertainment Tonight?" Jensen glared at his friend.
"Come on Jay. He is a friend", Jared answered sheepishly.
"A friend who looks exactly the same as John Fucking Winchester. Jeff, buddy you need to leave the set like right now", Jensen huffed.
"Uhm-yeah. Ackles is right. Dean's face was already screaming bloody murder before he left the set. We don't want him to kill anyone today", Misha tried to explain the matter to Jeffrey.
"Guys, I'll go and keep an eye on the Winchesters while you solve it out with Jeff", Alex told the actors and left the set in search of the hunters.
"What is there to solve? I came to see my boys. I'm very sure that Dean will be ecstatic on seeing me", Jeff argued.
"Jeff, they are not your boys. And no the Winchesters, especially Dean will be furious if he sees you", Jensen sighed.
"I'm not John Winchester, Jensen. I've better parenting skills than that jackass and didn't they....make peace with John in season fourteen?" Jeff raised an eyebrow.
Jensen ran his hand through his already messed up hair.
"This is all your fault Jared. You deal with him", Rob mumbled.
"What? How is this exactly my fault? I just told him. I...didn't know he would drop by the set", Jared said.
"In case you forgot, I'm still standing here so stop talking about me like that", Jeffrey looked at Jared.
"Jeff, we love you man, but you gotta understand our situation here. You gotta leave", Richard urged.
"Uh-guys? Dean's coming back so do you mind hurrying it up?" Alex said while coming back to the set.
"Jeff. At least go to my trailer. Please", Jensen started pushing Jeff towards his trailer.
"Fine but I need pictures boys", Jeff smirked.
"Alright just go". Jeff started to walk towards Jensen's trailer.
"Who is he? I haven't seen him before."
A deafening silence descended over the set and Jeff stopped dead in his tracks.
"He is one of the crew members. He's coming down with something so he is going home. Jeff go on, go home big guy", Misha said to Dean receiving a glare from him. Sam continued looking between the man and his brother.
"No wait", Dean slowly proceeded towards Jeff.
"You look extremely familiar. Who are you?" Dean said in a threatening voice.
Jeff slowly turned around and Dean's eyes widened. He looked up and down Jeff. "You guys prove to be really helpful", Dean said, his voice laced with venom.
"Listen they didn't-they didn't know I will come on set today", Jeff cleared his throat, "It's purely a coincidence".
Dean scoffed. "It doesn't matter. I don't care if it is coincidental".
Sam eyes went back and forth between the cast members and his brother.
"Who is next? You're gonna bring in the actress who plays Mom? What are we? Museum exhibits?" Dean spoke in a dangerously low voice.
"Dean", Sam whispered trying to calm his brother but he knew Dean better than he knew himself. He wasn't going to calm down anytime soon.
"I'm done with you guys. You all have done enough for me. I know my life seems like a good entertainment story for y'all but it's still my fucking life!" Dean growled.
"Sam and Dean, we are extremely sorry", Rob said causing Dean to scoff.
"We're sorry", Jensen said quietly.
"No you're not, Jensen Ackles", Dean mocked, "You think this whole thing is funny. It's just another episode of your bullshit tv show. I bet this is gonna give you quality content for your next episode. Isn't it?" Dean said and stormed out off the set causing Jensen to wince at Dean's outburst.
Jared looked at the younger hunter only to find him staring at his father's look alike.
"Sam?" Jared tried to get Sam's attention, "We're sorry. It's my fault that Jeff is here".
"It doesn't matter who's fault it is. It's just doesn't matter anymore,"Sam left the set abruptly.
"We fucked up ", Misha muttered.
"He is not gonna trust us anymore", Jensen scoffed, "We promised to help them. Dean was already done with us and Sam also now barely trusts us".
"It's not you. I messed it up. I should have left the moment you boys told me to".
"What's done is done, Jeff".
No one knew what to do now, how to fix the problem. It seemed like an impossible task to win back the trust of the Winchesters. No one dared to speak another word. The tension building up in the set could be cut with a knife. Jensen felt his phone buzzing in his pocket.
"Hey", the actor said answering the call.
Forever taglist - @donnaintx @devil-in-my-boots @amandamdiehl
Wrong Universe taglist - @mrswhozeewhatsis @squirrelnotsam @lostlittlenerd @this-is-spn @millieccino
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Dancing lessons
Barry Berkman x reader
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Summary: Barry is finally cast in a feature, the problem? He said he could dance and now he can either disappoint Sally or found a way to learn some steps.
Warnings: Swearing, blood, violence, guns, cheating, drinking.
Part 1 ● Part 2 ● Part 3 ● Part 4 ● Part 5 ● Part 6 ● Part 7 ● Part 8 ● Epilogue
Part 6
The rumor of sheets moving and the muffled steps on the carpet didn't wake you up, the clock in your nightstand said 02:00 pm and you have been sleeping for about half an hour after your spontaneous marital responsibilities, and you were still tired for the sleepless night; it was the sudden loneliness in the bed that felt wrong enough to make you incorporate in the bed.
"I thought the main purpose of getting married was that the guy will no longer leave in a hurry barely putting on his clothes" you told him and he gave you an strange look that made you feel uncomfortable with your nudity and search for a robe to cover yourself.
"I'm sorry honey, there is already trouble with the merge of the new company" He said putting on his pants and searching for a clean shirt on the closet "I had to head for the office, but I'll be home by 9, and we can have dinner"
"I can cook if you want" you said approaching him and helping him with his tie "Your favorite maybe?" You gave him a sad smile knowing too well what by 9 meant.
"Oh no, you should rest, we can go out or order something" There it was, like always an empty promise to hide the fact that he would stay until 10 or 11 pm at the office, and avoiding trouble at home by not making you put on any effort.
"Sure, there is new place a couple blocks from here I want to try" You said now following the lie "Is an Italian place L'angolo delle delizie maybe you could make reservations" You followed him out of the room and gave him the suitcase he left on the ground.
"Sounds great" He said putting on his jacket, he smiled the way both of you knew it meant we are not doing that "Italian sounds great, specially since you eat a lot of Chinese last night" He add completely innocently, but it light all the alarms in your head and protectively grab your phone, even when he was not looking at it.
"I was just hungry" You lied and he gave you a kiss on the cheek before walking away, the steps down the stairs became distant and one final door closed downstairs and then silence.
And like a stupid little child you started to cry holding yourself, until your legs won't hold you anymore and you feel into the floor, tired and angry at yourself, still holding the phone, you opened to see a text from Barry, one hour after the one you sent.
Sorry, I was filming. Doctor said you can't drink, but I'll bring the money. Meet you at 5.
The fact that he was still concerned about your well being made you smile, and then you were angry for smiling so you throw the phone against the wall and screamed in pain.
It was wrong, you felt guilty without doing anything, and the reason was now completely clear, you wanted to, you wanted for him to make a move on you, since you were too much of a coward to do it yourself.
But he wouldn't, he had a beautiful girlfriend, you saw her face popping up in random tv shows and commercials now an then, and you knew the mere reason you have met was to make her happy. He loved his Sally, with a devotion that was longer lost from you and Alan.
You stand up and picked the phone, then you look at your wedding picture, Juntos para toda la vida Together for life, a nice thing Alan Spanish grandma said on your wedding day, and now it felt more like a sentence.
You repressed the urge to cry again and instead change your clothes for something you could dance with. At least exhausted and covered in sweat you could silence your conscience.
After three hours of miserably following the rythm and two close calls to hit the floor again you lie on the floor completely tired. But maybe a little more peaceful, then Macy's figure came inside and blocked the light before giving you a hand to stan up.
"The four year olds keep giving you a hard time?" She asked once you were on your feet.
"No, I actually cancel class today, I forgot to tell you" You said and pointed at your head "I suffered a minor accident last night"
"And why are you doing this then?" She pointed at your clothes and then the record player "The last time you did that was because you were stressed out about your grandma having her hysterectomy"
You let go a tired sigh and not quite sure why start telling her the whole story, about how things were bad with Alan, about the feelings you had for Barry about how you weren't sure if you were doing something wrong, and she sit there with you listen patiently, maybe because at some point you have done the same for her or maybe just to be a decent human being.
"Berkman huh?" She said finally and then smiled at you "I mean I get it, he can't dance to save his life but he is kinda cute. Remember that rich guy who always sent you flowers after class even when he saw Alan coming home every day? He was hot, you should have chosen him" She said and both of you laughed, somehow talking about it that naturally and without judgment does made you feel better.
"Yeah, I remember, but I was too busy with Alan being promoted and the business here growing I didn't have time to that kind of stuff" you said and she gave you a serious look.
"I don't think you have time now either, but that was 3 year ago and you were deeply in love with him, so no other men seem important, he was as forgetful and workaholic as he is now, you just didn't care, and now Barry Berkman is just a clumsy student who is being polite as midwesterners are" She said, and you appreciate her being direct, but it felt wrong to face the facts like that "And you act like he has shaken your marriage like an earthquake, but the truth is that he hasn't. You have to ask yourself, do you like him or do you simply don't love your husband anymore?"
"I love Alan" You said almost too quickly "But I know what you mean, and you are right maybe Barry is just and excuse to project the little stability my husband and I have, but what can I do?" You ask her and she pointed at the door.
"Thinking quickly because the devil is calling" She said since he was opening the door with a lost look on his eyes and holding another board game under his arm.
Y/N I have something to tell you Barry keep rehearsing how to bring up the sensitive information, and yet he was dying to avoid the conversation with her.
"Hey there!" Macy and give her the perfect excuse to not say anything, at least not at the moment.
It all started with Sally's invitation to eat after he finished filming for the day, he pretended Y/N text didn't exist to avoid thinking about her, but he finally give in and spend the rest of the session smiling like a child, thinking about how much he was waiting for 5:00 to meet her again, he even went to a toy store to bought a The office Clue special edition since she had said she love that show, obviously just as a get well present, he said to himself.
He drove to the restaurant, and inside there were already Sally and her friend Monique from the movie she was filming, and he asume her boyfriend, a handsome man in a suit and he looked vaguely familiar but he couldn't place from where.
"Babe you made it!" Sally said happy and gave him a quick kiss making room in the booth for him to sit. "We were about to order without you." She said and then pointed at her friend, "You remember Monique, and this is her boyfriend Alan, he is a commercial lawyer, and works for a big company" She said and the man extended his hand with a incredibly white smile.
And he could see briefly see a discolored line where a wedding band should be, and he remembered that same smile in a wedding picture he had been seeing with guilt that morning.
"Boyfriend? So you are not married?" He said without thinking and the man laughed nervously
"Barry!" Sally said and gave him a playfully look meaning shut up.
"Oh I'm sorry, but you have been talking so much about Monique and how great she is I assume she was already taken" He lied, but the woman felt delighted.
"Oh is too soon to talk about that, we have been dating for, how much sweety? A year? More or less?" She said and Barry smiled trying to pretend he was not hearing any of that.
"Yeah, like a year" He said politely "We should order, I'm starving"
"Oh yeah, honey, he was telling us how he just came back from Dallas, making a big merge with an oil company" Sally said completely unaware of how Barry's fists were clenched on his lap wanting to blow up the smile from that man's face.
The worst part was that he was charming and polite, and a total gentleman with the woman, making the idea of Y/N alone at home waiting for him the more infuriating, after the meal he and Monique left together so Barry had to drive Sally home.
"They were nice right?" She said once they were on the road "I mean she is amazing but they together are really nice people"
"Well..." He started not sure of what he should said "He is fine for her, I mean he was a bit pretentious"
"I mean yeah, but you know he is a very busy and important guy, anyway how was your day? When are you going to let me go with you to one of your classes?" She asked genuinely interested.
"Oh you don't really want to go, I'm still not ready, but it was a good day at the studio, we are almost done" He said and then unable to still silent he ask "Hey if you knew that someone is cheating someone close to you, would you tell them? Or would you prefer to never know?"
"OMG who is cheating?" She asked opening her eyes widely "Jermaine is cheating on Natalie? I knew they wouldn't last" She said putting both of her hands on her face "She is going to be crushed"
"What? No!! I mean I don't know, last time they were fine, is more like an hypothetical question" He said now concerned that maybe Jermaine was in fact cheating on Natalie.
"I don't know, I mean if this person doesn't tell me may be to protect me" She started, after a long pause "But if they are my friends and they didn't tell me I would feel betrayed for them letting me be a fool for so long while someone is making fun of me, on the other hand what if it's a just one time thing and we are having a happy relationship and this only ruined it? I would blame my friends, but how could we be happy if the guy is cheating?? No definitely I would rather know" She said and then gave him a concerned look at Barry "are you sure you are okay?"
"Yeah, totally fine, hey do you wanna go to the movies? I can skip class today" He said with a tight knot on his throat finding a way to avoid Y/N.
"Oh I will love to , but I have a lot of lines to read and prepare for tomorrow" She said and he simply drove her home to later return at the dance studio. Thinking about how will he deliver such terrible news to her friend and that they might not be friends at all after he did.
"Is that The Office special edition of clue?" She asked excited once he was close, getting him out of his thoughts
"Yeah, it is" Barry responded giving her the box "How is your head?"
"Better, I'm just concerned about the hair, are you ready to loose some money?" She smile at him, and he returned the smile, both ignoring Macy rolling her eyes.
"I wanna play too" She said "The more the merrier right? Let's go I wanna take your money"
Things work out better than he expected since Macy's presence was distracting enough so he forgot what he was supposed to tell her, but after a couple hours and a few beers she left, leaving the two of them in an awkward silence.
"How was your day?" She break the silence first picking up the games while he help her clean te table.
"It was fun, after I left I had to make a few errands" He lied "And I was late to shooting, so Andre scream at me, is weird since he is about 1 foot shorter than me, but the movie is going great"
"Maybe he feels threatened by a handsome actor who can dance, and what was the other thing? Speak fluent Italian?" She laughed and he had to stop his mind to fantasize about how this was the perfect domestic life he wanted with her.
"And French" he smirked "I should've put Russian, you could have taught me that two" He said and the smile she gave him completely trusting remind him that he had something else to say. But then a ring went off in the other room and she run to answer.
"No it's okay, yeah I get it, say hi to Tom and Claudia for me ok? We can celebrate tomorrow" She said on the phone and then she hung up violently.
"Everything okay?" He said approaching cautiously.
"Yeah, Alan is working late, and he is going to spend the night with a partner of his firm, apparently they have some issues that were not completely solved in Dallas" She said looking at the floor.
"So he is already in LA?" Barry asked and his curiosity took her by surprise.
"Yeah, he came back in the morning, but he had to leave in a rush in the afternoon" She said and then look at the clock "You know what? Let's go out, let's get drunk, I haven't left the house since last night and honestly I'm perfectly fine"
And before he could argue with her she was already in her room changing to a pair of jeans and a bright blouse, while he keep thinking about the right way to tell her, but apparently that would have to wait, since at the moment she was concerned in putting the most possible amount of alcohol in her system.
"You shouldn't do this" He tried to convince her one last time without success.
"Come on, there is a bar around the corner, I can come back home walking, you either come with me or I'll go alone, what do you say?" She had an special talent to make him say yes and he could only follow her.
"Fine, but just a couple drinks ok?" He said finally walking behind her.
"You wanna do shots?" She said after she have drink three glasses of wine while he was still on the first one.
"Not really" he said.
"Hey gorgeous, 4 shots of my friend Jose" She call the bartender who gave him a judging look at him before serving them. "Ok, let's do this" She said and he look down at the shot glass "No, no, you have to look at me or it doesn't count" she said taking his face on her hand, and that spontaneous touch and intimate look that she gave him was enough for him to loose his mind and drink the burning and delicious liquid without any hesitation.
Two became four and by the sixth round the bartender simply let the bottle and they were more than happy to finish it. He no longer care about what he knew about his moron rich husband, all he care was that she wanted to dance and now he finally feel like he knew how.
They walk together, back to the studio, not caring to walk straight, and with no respect for personal space since they were holding on each other shamelessly.
Once inside she put his rehearsing piece on the record player and before she finish taking of her shoes he took her by the waist, more personal and closer than ever, they move roughly at first but after a few minutes he was following the music perfectly l, with his eyes never leaving hers.
"Well that's the secret" she said once the song was about to end "We should get you drunk before your big scene" The son ended but he did let go of her nor she set his hand free.
"I think is more about the partner" He said pressing her more to his chest.
"Well sadly they want young and beautiful actresses, even they have terrible technique" she said quietly.
"You are young and beautiful" he lowered his face to be a few inches from her mouth.
"I'm also married Barry" She answered, without any will to walk away and move herself closer to him.
"I don't care"
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Hello everyone
It's been a while since I posted anything, but that's okay. I'll also try to not be forcefully cheery like in my usual update posts.
As some of you might have noticed, I've been on hiatus for months because of personal issues concerning writing. I can't guarantee that I worked through them but right now I'm in a good spot so that's a good reason as any to jump back into the Tumblr business.
A few months ago I finished writing my main WIP, Grimm Tales, a RWBY fanfic made up of an entirely original cast and plot. I have yet to update the version online, but that will be done within the next few days, which I will post about here. It being almost completelly original, it doesn't seem to be doing well in the fanfic community, so while I promise not to delete it (in case anyone likes it), I intend to undertake a humongous task of rewriting it into a completelly original story. Here's the printed out version for proof.
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That task is currently on the backburner in favour of a few other, newer projects. While I am not entirely sure which of those will make it online and which ones I intend to take seriously, there is one that I intend to focus on. It is currently unnamed, it's project name is the Road Trip story. Expect to hear about it very soon.
Another, slightly different project I have in mind is a fanfic based on the anime Erased. It is currently still in it's early stages, but I am making steady progress. A separate post on that will follow in the upcoming days.
Despite not writing much, I have been reading a lot, at an average of a book every two weeks or so. I would love to share some of my thoughts on some of these books from a writer's perspective, in a way that portrays what I've learned from certain elements within the book. Hopefully, we might be able to bounce ideas off eachother, sparked by these posts. I would love to hear from you guys if you'd like to read about this stuff as well.
And that's about all I have to say after my long absence. Getting used to being active here might take some getting used to on my part, but that's why God created the marvellous queue function.
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