#i promise this isn't a cry for help 😂
pearly--rose · 1 year
Shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people. tagged by @pretty-thief
Stay Down - boygenius
Fireball Whiskey - Angie McMahon
Salt In The Wound - boygenius
Short and Sweet - Brittany Howard
Only Water - Wet
Thinking of a Place - The War on Drugs
Me & My Dog - boygenius
Not Strong Enough - boygenius
Ivy - Frank Ocean
It'll All Work Out - Phoebe Bridgers
Tagging: @dreadwulf @goddesspharo @kulliare @wordybee @finnickfoxes @ulmo80 @beesreadbooks @robotsdance @perkymcbadsuit @itsalwayssummerinthesongs
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billlydear · 2 years
Hi ;) It's me again 😅 What about a fic where Reader has her periods and, you know, it's just Billy being there for her to help her get comfortable and taking care of her. 🥺 Maybe she is too embarassed to tell him at first but he notices she isn't feeling well so eventually reader tells him the truth to ease his worries. Like he doesn't get a damn thing about how periods work so maybe he goes to Max and asks her to give him some tips ? I know it's very scattered and a bit over the place, but I figured it would be very fluffy and sweet you know. 🤍 But of course you know best, so really if none of this inspires you be free to just ignore this 😅😂 Thank you so much ! Your fics make my shitty days better. 💕
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W.C 1165 - INBOX (please request !) - GIF CREDIT TO OWNER
A/N: I'm so happy that you like my writing! I hope you enjoy this, too, I'm sorry it's a bit late 😅
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Max dreads the sound of Billy's heavy footfalls outside her door. They're light and stealthy when they need to be, but when no one else is home, Billy stomps around like a soldier.
She preps herself for an infuriating conversation before the door even opens, and when it does, it slams against the wall. It tries bouncing back, but Billy's arm stops it as he stands tall in her doorway.
"What?" She demands with narrowed eyes.
"You're a girl."
She fakes an incredulous glance down at her chest, "Oh my god. You're right! All this time, and I've never known."
"Cut it out." He snaps, eyes ablaze, "I mean, you're a girl. So you know how girls work."
"We're not all clones, y'know." She scoffs, "What, are you having trouble with Y/N?"
"Yes," Billy huffs, "She's in a mood."
"So? How am I supposed to help?" Max's nose scrunches, "She hasn't told me anything."
"Because you're always in a mood!" Billy finally crosses the threshold of her doorway, sitting on her bed even when she slams her feet against his leg to try and shove him off.
"Listen, I dunno what's wrong with her, she just gets off in her head or something, and she's all weepy and shit, 'real pissy. She refused to eat any of her lunch today just 'cause one of her chocolates melted and got onto her bag of chips. It wasn't even touching them, it was just on the package. And- and fuck, there's, like, no sex.
"Ew!" Max's mouth falls open, brows furrowing, "Gross! I- God, Billy. I mean, have you ever thought about asking her?" Max stares at Billy, unimpressed, "That usually helps."
"No, Maxine, I have not," Billy gripes, "Because it comes and goes. When I finally decide enough is enough, and I go to ask her, it is enough. She just goes back to normal."
"Well... Is it, like, a recurring thing, then? Like, every Friday or something? It could be a weekly quiz in a class she doesn't like, or a family dinner routine she's not thrilled about."
"Not even weekly," Billy muses, "It's, like, every couple of weeks or something. I dunno."
"Wait." Max finally folds the magazine she was reading shut, her fingers trapped inside to hold her place. She squints at Billy, "Your girlfriend has been getting pissy every few weeks, crying often, having intense mood swings for days at a time, and being... conservative with her body, and then like magic it just goes away one day?"
Billy calculates her words in his head, nodding silently.
"You're so stupid," Max guffaws, resuming her casual flip-through of a cosmopolitan she shouldn't have in the first place, "Go talk to your girlfriend, butt-brain. And whatever you do, don't act grossed-out."
"Spill." Billy demands, turning his head to stare at you where you sit in the passenger's seat.
"What?" You look over at him warily, "Spill what?"
"Whatever's making you all sad and shit," Billy waves a hand, and it hooks back onto the wheel despite not needing to. He's parked outside the movie theater, waiting for you to confess.
"I'm not- I'm not sad and shit, Billy." You promise, but the way your eyes widen momentarily makes him realize you're covering up, "Don't worry about it, okay? I got, like, no sleep last night. I'm just really tired."
"Yeah, well, I don't doubt that." Billy murmurs, running a thumb under your eyes. It catches the skin there, sensitive and baggy. "But there's something else. I.. I asked Max, and she said I should ask you."
"Oh." You supply lamely, cheeks burning at the thought of your boyfriend's younger sister knowing you're on your period. "Uh, it's really not anything super important, if you just wanna move on it'll be over in a few days."
"No," Billy shakes his head, curls flying, "I wanna know now. I'm trying to be supportive, don't you want to talk about it?"
"I- I appreciate that you're being supportive," You nearly cry, embarrassment flooding your chest that Billy takes as despair, "It's just.. kind of embarrassing? I'm- I'm on my period, okay? That's all. It's just making me a little crazy."
Billy, admittedly, does think it's gross. Not because of the whole misogynistic-natural-body-processes-are-gross type deal, but because he's only ever seen blood as a result of injuries like cuts, so thinking about it coming from your vagina makes his own parts ache, and not in a good way. Even if he knows you're not cut up down there, that it's natural and that the bloodshed itself doesn't hurt, it'll take a while to reprogram his brain's perception of blood. But he'll get over it, after all, you have to.
"O-kay," He drops one hand from the wheel, reaching out for your own that's laying limp in your lap. "So, like, walk me through this. My mom didn't stick around long enough to have any talks with me, and if Susan tried I'd kill myself."
"I just need to be sad sometimes, or- or irrational. Even if it seems silly to you, don't tell me that, it'll just make it worse. I have to get it out."
"Okay," He shrugs, "I already don't tell you when I think you're being silly, y'know. I'm not in the habit of insulting you."
"I know," You can't help the smile that curves soft over your face, "I just mean, like, stuff might seem really dumb sometimes. But just go with it, okay?"
"Okay." He repeats; a promise, "Oh- and, uh, sex is a no?"
"Big mess," You mumble, cheeks blazing, "Not worth it."
"Well- I think I'd like to be the judge of that," Billy stammers, "I don't mind a mess. I encourage it, actually."
"Not like this," You chuckle bashfully, "You do realize it'll get, like, on you, right? I'll just suck you off for the week, or something."
"That's not fair to you," His lips puff into a frown, "I don't care. Let's just do it, I can trash the sheets if it's really that bad."
"At least use a towel!' You groan, burying your burning cheeks in your hands. Billy isn't quite sure why you're so embarrassed by the prospect of bleeding on him. It's bound to happen eventually, he reasons, a leaky pad or a surprise visit, why not enjoy it?
"Towel. Smart." He grins, teeth shining bright under the dim streetlights outside the car, "So that's our plan, then?"
"That's our plan," You try concealing your smile when you lean in to kiss him, but it doesn't work, and instead you bump grins. He presses his lips to yours as best he can despite his smile, and you let your nose linger against his own for a second longer than you need to.
"Let's just make sure Max isn't home," You worry, but Billy's more preoccupied with peeling out of the parking lot and racing for home, "You owe her, big time for this one."
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
I promised myself to wait a little more before reading but I couldn't focus when I just knew this was big.
So yeah, I end reading porn while my lecture... no regrets.
Me, reading chapter 31: Percy, your daddy issues are SHOWING my girl.
Can't blame you tho, your dad's hot. He's not a DILF, he's THE DILF, He deserves every capital letter.
Love that crazy blonde, have a special place in my heart.
Grover just got himself a VIP ticket to HELL, my boy, you just got yourself a target in your back and, all satyrs in both worlds are going to suffer for that decision even with Percy's help.
Poseidon promised to do nothing, but the rest of the family didn't
Love it, cause at least they know SOMETHING is happening now, kinda of. Well, now they KNOW she's alive and that's something...
Could be worse, wondering if Grover noticed her dress and what he's going to see about it. She has become a wife/prisoner? she did run away? Percy is using really expensive jewellery like mere rocks and can say something (a god? a god from a different pantheon?)
Anyways, she's now one bad fall from diving into the incest sin and I'm pushing her, after the first wet bed... well, we know they aren't known for their patience.
I'm rotting for Sun Wukong, just imagine what that tail can do 😏😏😏 (for once, I'm not being horny, but imagine him using that tail to push her close and hugging her. I'm a bitch for cuddles, make me blush like no porn has done before).
(Odin, the other way, is a DILF I totally respect ❤️👄❤️)
Chapter 32
Well, I did see this scenery come... but Zeus accusing Hera of being unfaithful? wishing it to be real, maybe with Ganymede, just to add more burn.
Totally deserves it, but you know, isn't happening.
(Sometimes, for a little bit, I feel sad for her. Her husband is The Bitch, has an almost impossible mission and no one is helping her... well, then I remember how she treated her husband's lover, literally kids, how she's just searching for Percy cause she needs her and then I'm fine, totally deserved)
(Now I'm rooting for the RoR gods, not because they're better, just cause at least they're honest about their feelings about humanity and, don't treat their children like guns with discount in Walmart)
Poseidon taking advantages from all his chances to discover new kinks with Percy (*screams, giggles, hides her face*). You're spoiling us, brat taming is my favorite kind of dom/sub smut, so this was gooooooooood for me
Poseidon just making her cry and then making her kiss him? Percy, you're living a wattpad history and is niceeeeee
Percy/Poseidon and Percy/Beelzebub fans, we're winning tonight!!!!
Beelzebub: A life with Percy or no life at all Me: Whatever you say king, I love your crazyness, don't change
He really is ready to save her, no matter if it means she's leaving him... a maturing king, love it.
Okay, we know he'd never send her to another's man arms (Sorry, I always forget his name), but he's TRYING and that's all I ask from him. He's closer than the others...
(Feeling like that TikTok "what if he's the devil? at least the devil has a job")
(What if he's throwing away her chances to go back home, at least he takes her to Midgard dates 🙄🙄🙄🙄)
Yes, I looking throught the BIGGEST red glass, not seeing red flags, just hearts around Beelcy.
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Poseidon for the horny side and Beelcebub for the romantic side ❤️❤️
You know what would be amazing? Nico having to see all of this.
Imagine, the drama.
We know you love the drama queen, don't try to fool me, I know you survive from our tears and horny desires.
(Queen... just wondering... is this a harem history (Percy ends with all the yanderes) or just one of them? cause for now in my mind they have a horary where they share Percy like a divorce child)
Amazing like always ❤️❤️❤️❤️
YOU READ INCEST PORN AND CANNIBALISM DURING YOUR CLASS LECTURE??? 💀💀💀 i could never, i don't have the guts even when my phone has the privacy screen protector thing 😂
also, "all satyrs in both worlds are going to suffer for that decision even with Percy's help." yeah the satyrs in ror verse are still in deep shit even tho percy tried to help them, cuz even though it was only the GREEK council who saw it, this whole thing made BIG NEWS
can you imagine shiva, parvati, kali, and durga's reaction to hearing that percy was "violated" by an unknown satyr IN HER DREAMS?
or loki's reaction? or literally any god that knows about her and likes her???? or just gods in general (especially the protector of children gods) 💀💀💀 like, satyrs already have a terrible reputation, but to target a "one year old" daughter of poseidon IN HER DREAMS (which is unheard of for satyrs to be capable of, which makes it even more terrifying)???? they're FUCKED 💀💀💀
pan and dionysus are gonna have to put them into hiding or something lmao
there's more posy coming in in the futre, and as for beelzebub, he's just digging a deeper and deeper grave for himself lmao. he is singlehandedly ruining his own ship 😭😭😭 but at least he still has beelcy shippers on his side 💀
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
muehehehehe angst >:) (as for who hurt me...lets just say i was selfprojecting a tiny...insy weensy bit) Now yall get a break while I yell my lungs out to a song that sounds like something roze would definitely listen to (Nasty Dog by Sir Mix A Lot) Daily Hobie HC! Idk why I've been putting off this prompt for so long but I have Hobie's an amazing cook, which is very obvious. The amount of fulfilling meals he's made just out of throwing random things together and hoping for the best is truly shocking, ever since you learned that he isn't one to really follow the instructions. Hobie uses instructions as very loose guidelines, with everything else being just what he thinks would be good. However, you're grateful he's at least responsible enough to know that he should make sure that meat is properly cooked through, and not just wing it. Hobie loves to cook with and for you, even if you try to stop him from making you anything due to his stress about being Spider-Man. He still does it, wanting to show you that he still loves you to the other galaxies and back, because just to the moon isn't enough. You used to fully trust him in the kitchen unattended, until one day Hobie managed to almost burn down the houseboat. He had left something on the stove by accident, finding that the place was too quiet and wanting to make sure both you and his cat weren't up to something. Seeing you cuddled up to his side of the bed underneath the covers melted Hobie completely, making him forget that a meal was on the stove as he looped an arm around your body, pulling you closer as your face buried itself into his chest. He convinced himself to just stay like his for ten minutes, but eventually you got to him and he managed to fall asleep. Almost 30 minutes later, you both woke up to the smell of smoke, with Hobie quickly remembering the food on the stove and darting to the kitchen. Sure enough, a fire had already formed, and chaos erupted in the houseboat. After panicked yelling about what a fire blanket is, and managing to extinguish the fire somehow, Hobie knew that you would never let him live this down. And you didn't. Every time he entered the kitchen to make something, you found your place on the counter to watch him. If he questioned you, you'd simply bring up the incident, causing Hobie to lightheartedly groan in feigned disappointment. In all honesty, he wasn't surprised in the slightest when you reminded him of it, since in his head it was your fault for being so cute and distracting him. And besides, Hobie doesn't mind the fact that you're now leaning against the wall of the kitchen watching his every move and even helping a few times. However, he swears to never listen to you (and keeps that promise) whenever you're cooking and you tell him to get out of the kitchen, instead just grabbing some random ingredient and trying to taint your food with it, such as the cornstarch in soup one time. Even now, with Billie and Ramona either trying to cling to your legs or swinging from Hobie's arms, you still don't let him in the kitchen. Even if he tries to give the excuse of how the incident was years ago, wrapping his arms around your waist and rubbing little circles into your skin, trying to make you melt, it doesn't work..sometimes. Other times, you give in and let him hang around the kitchen, keeping a close eye on what he picks up and holds near the meal in case he plans on giving the twins something diabolical such as chewy soup. -🐦‍⬛
Lmaoo i don't know that song but it's definitely something roze would listen to 🤣
Daily Hobie HC!!
Finally! 'the incident' (so ominous!)
Bro has cooking talents! I'll say this until my dying breath, cooking together is the highest form of romance 🥰
"because just to the moon isn't enough" 🥹🥹 excuse me i will find a corner to cry in
Omg so that's what happened! I forgive him bc he had a very valid reason 😂 also plus points bc he wanted a cuddle too 🥰
Lmaoo i can just imagine their reactions like how sims react to a fire 😂😂
Ah yes the legendary too much cornstarch in the soup
Awwweee Billie and Mona helping out in the kitchen 😍🥺 I bet b and r asked them abt the incident 🤣
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https-harlow · 2 years
Valentine's Day
A/N- A little valentines Insta au even though it isn't technically valentines day anymore
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Liked by Jackharlow, Claybornharlow, Urbanwyatt and 14,738 others
Yourusername Woke up this morning to 2 flower bouquets at the front door, one for me and one for Paisley. Even though you've only been gone for a couple days, and are coming home in 2 days, we miss you. I love you so much, thank you.
Jackharlow: Love my girls so much. It's the least I could do for how much you support me and push me to follow my dreams even when I promised you I wouldn't have to travel for awhile.
Yourusername: Won't lie, it made me cry. Paisley's been carrying around the stuffed animal all afternoon. As soon as Clay came over she kept telling him "Daddy gave me."
Jackharlow: Yourusername Fuck, I want to come home now, I miss my girls so much.
Yourusername: Jackharlow 2 days, you can do it, we'll be at the airport waiting for you to land I promise.
Jackharlow: Yourusername I'm going to hold you to that.
Jackharlow: Yourusername I have a break in 20, FaceTime?
Yourusername: Jackharlow Of course, Paisley has been asking since she woke up from her nap to "See daddy? When see daddy?"
Jackharlow: Yourusername That's it, I'm booking the next flight home.
Yourusername: Jackharlow Stay, we'll come with you next time.
Urbanwyatt: You have no idea how stressed Jack was about picking the perfect flowers for you two.
Jackharlow: Urbanwyatt That was supposed to be a secret.
Jackharlow: Also, there's something else coming tomorrow for you, Paisley and the baby, but that's a secret.
Yourusername: Jackharlow You didn't have to get us anything but thank you, you spoil us so much.
Jackharlow: Yourusername Like I said, its the least I could do.
Jackfan74: Jack being stressed about the flowers is so cute to me.
Jackfan62: I wonder what he got them 👀
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Liked by Jackharlow, Urbanwyatt, Claybornharlow, Cozane, and 21,375 others
Yourusername It might be the first Valentine’s Day we’ve spent apart, but jackharlow still made it special. Even though I told him not to worry about doing anything yesterday flowers showed up for Paisley and I, and today claybornharlow and cozane show up with a cake because when Jack asked if I needed anything and I said cake, because the baby is craving it. I didn't think he would actually get one. Thank you for everything and Paisley and I love you so much.
Jackharlow: I'm glad the cake didn't get eaten before Claybornharlow and Cozane brought it to you and Paisley.
Yourusername: Jackharlow Paisley even shared with Claybornharlow.
Cozane: Yourusername But not with me.
Yourusername: Cozane She's a little hesitant about the tattoos still, but I think if you show up with cake you'll win her over eventually.
Cozane: Yourusername More cake, noted.
Jackharlow: Cozane One day she won't be scared of you 😂
Cozane: Jackharlow She did let me hold one of her dolls, so we're making progress.
Yourusername: Cozane And she was excited because "Cake matches his head."
Jackharlow: Yourusername That does sound like something she would be excited about.
Cozane: Jackharlow And then she had to put the icing on my tattoo, to be fair, it did match pretty well.
Yourusername: Also, Paisley helped me pick out the picture I posted, I showed her a couple different ones and she wanted this one because "Daddy's outfit looks silly."
Jackharlow: Yourusername I swear, having a 2 year old is the most humbling thing ever, people ask how I deal with hate comments, the real question should be how I deal with Paisley's comments. I love her, but damn she's brutal sometimes.
Jackharlow: Yourusername Also, I should add when I had it on she said she liked it because of the colors, and she wasn't complaining when it was cold and it was keeping her warm.
Yourusername: Jackharlow I guess she changed her mind. She really wanted me to post the MacBook reindeer antler photo.
Jackharlow: Yourusername I'll never forgive Urbanwyatt for showing her that picture.
Urbanwyatt: Jackharlow In my defense, I just wanted to see if she could tell it was you, I didn't expect it to become her favorite picture.
Yourusername: Jackharlow She really does love it.
Jackharlow: Urbanwyatt Yourusername Yeah, but now every time she sees reindeer antlers she points at them and says "Daddy picture?"
Jackfan46: Not Paisley terrorizing Jack more then online comments 😭
Jackfan39: sounds like she terrorizes Copelan just as much
Jackfan78: I’m curious who she doesn’t terrorize
Yourusername: Jackfan78 Urban, he’s her favorite 🙄 since she realized she could balance stuff on my stomach that’s been where she puts all of her stuffed animals.
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Liked by Yourusername, Urbanwyatt, Cozane, Claybornharlow, and 49,394 Others
Jackharlow Our 5th Valentine's Day together and every year no matter what I do seems to be enough to show you how much I love you. Thank you for always pushing me to follow my dreams, and helping me be the best dad and husband I can be. You deserve the world and more. I am so lucky that you choose me. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you and I love our girls. I can't wait to see you two tomorrow night, and I have a late Valentine's Date planned to make up for being gone.
Yourusername: Jackharlow I love you so much. You show me how much you love me every single day, I never doubt it for a second. Thank you for always putting Paisley, the baby, and I first when you have a million things other things you could be doing.
Jackharlow: Yourusername I always will, nothing matters more.
Jackharlow: Also, thank you Claybornharlow and Cozane for helping me with the surprises, and watching Paisley while Yourinstagram went and got her nails done.
Yourusername: Jackharlow Another thing I told you you didn't have to do, but thank you.
Jackharlow: Yourusername You're welcome, I knew if I didn't schedule the appointment in advance you wouldn't have went until I got home. You deserve a break after having an almost 2 year old by yourself for a couple of days and being 6 months pregnant.
Yourusername: Jackharlow You've been sending Clay over everyday.
Jackharlow: Yourusername You still deserve it.
Jackharlow: Claybornharlow You weren't supposed to tell her I asked you to go over 🙄
Claybornharlow: Jackharlow I DIDN'T also you're welcome.
Yourusername: Jackharlow He didn't, I just know you.
Cozane: Jackharlow Anytime, I'll just have to come prepared with cake for Paisley.
Urbanwyatt: I've never seen two people more in love, its gross.
Jackharlow: Urbanwyatt you’re just jealous
Urbanwyatt: Jackharlow Nah, you two have been grossly in love since you two were 15.
Jackharlow: Urbanwyatt We didn’t start dating until we were 16?
Urbanwyatt:Jackharlow EXACTLY, why do you think I set you two up 🙄
Jackfan39: I want someone to love me as much as Jack loves Y/N.
Jackfan13: Paisley's gotten so big 😭 I can't believe she's almost 2.
Jackfan84: That should be me 🫠🫠
Yourusername via stories
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Tag list @jackharloww @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @hoodharlow @itsyagirljaz @heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby
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Ok, so (for the WIP game) I know I've asked about this one before, but I still find the whole thing so compelling and I am a greedy greedy fan of all your stuff, so I feel no remorse...
Five Times James Watson Was a Father and One Time he Wasn't!
Yay, thank you! I didn't even need the title so know which one that was. 😂 I love this one too, so I don't mind in the least. I only haven't finished it because I ran off to play with Ranna and Enigmatic Confections.😅 _
Okay, so as you know, the premise is James taking on a fatherly role towards Henry and Ashley throughout their lives. We get six scenes in total, one with each of them during childhood, one each during teenage years, and then Henry and Ashley together as James says goodbye to them before the groups parts ways in Revelations Part 1.
The sixth scene loops it all back to the one time James is most definitely not their father, but he wishes he were. _
(This is probably about half of Ashley's childhood scene with James, where he finds her crying because Helen is too busy for her) _
Ashley squirmed for a few moments, like she had when she had been an infant, but she settled as she had back then and James carried her to Helen's bathroom.
He set her on the counter and pulled out the medical kit that he knew Helen kept in here.
"What happened?" he asked Ashley as he snapped it open and pulled out a wipe, which he gently began to scrub her right knee with.
"I fell."
Ashley was very quiet as James cleaned her knees, smeared ointment on them, and placed bandages on them.
"All done, my dear."
Ashley looked up at him with large, vulnerable eyes, looking so sad that James felt his heart ache.
"I don't like Mummy being so busy, Uncle James."
James let out a breath and picked Ashley off the counter, sitting on the edge of the bathtub to hold her in his lap.
"I know, dearheart. It won't always be like this."
"Why is like this now?"
How was James supposed to explain it to Ashley? Helen had kept her safe for so long and had finally carried her to term, but being faced with the reality of Ashley, of motherhood, of all the emotions that went with it, was sometimes overwhelming to her. That for Helen, sometimes it was easier to bury herself in her work than face the child whom she loved so much it terrified her.
Ashley was too young to understand it, but he didn't want to lie to her, causing James to ponder an acceptable explanation.
"Because....sometimes your mother doesn't realize you need her like everyone else does."
The look that Ashley gave him at this, the pure childhood look of not understanding she was the most important thing in her mother's life but also was not at the same time, broke James's heart.
He pulled Ashley close, rubbing her back as she pressed her cheek against the outline of his chest plate.
"It won't always be like this." he repeated his promised, feeling useless, because his intellect couldn't help him here.
"I don't want it to be like this now!" Ashley wailed.
"I know. I know." He kissed the top of her head. "But I'll be here until it isn't. And afterward as well."
"Always, Ashley. I promise."
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arctrooper69 · 1 year
If It's Cracked.... Don't Fix It
A crack fic because I tried to write an angst but I got too sad.... The pain will come later. I promise
Hello! My name is Ivory Lily White Rose Flower Princess and I'm a Jedi with my clone boyfriend Hunter. Well, actually they're all kind of my boyfriends and we all love each other equally. My parents named me Ivory because their favorite name Ebony was already taken by some other weirdo. My middle name is Lily White because of the beautiful long flowing white hair cascading down my back that is as white as a snowy white loth wolf. My parents gave me away to the Jedi. My parents are also dead.
One day, me and the bad batch (who were all my boyfriends) were planning the most daring rescue EVER. Hunter of course kissed me before we left the Marauder. And then Wrecker did too and so djd Tcich and Echo! Their lips were so warm and soft. Except for Echo on account if him being mostly made of droid. But I was still in love with him even though sometimes his metal dongle made it really hard to have the sex (which I had with all of them daily).
But anyway, out spirits were low. Crosshair was still missing. I was partly sad about him because he was my boyfriend once but then he betrayed me like he betrayed the Jedi who were my family (but not my real family because they were dead). We were finally going to rescue Crosshair from the Empire!
We had to be very quiet as we snuck into the large black building that housed most of the Empire's important people but then suddenly the train we were on collapsed and I screamed in agony as my lover Tech fell out of the train. He wasn't dead! Nope. He wasn't dead at all because I could feel it in my heart and the Force told me that he was still alive. I could feel him being alive still. I told this to Hunter but he would not believe me! He told me to stop feeling in the force because it was not real! That made me angry. I did not kiss Hunter that day.
Then finally we were inside the prison where the Empire kept it's secret silence expiraments! Horror filled my souls when I realized that that evil Dr was using the clones for his own evil science pants!
I grabbed Omega by using the Force and Hunter (who was now not angry at me anymore) got Crosshair out of his chains.
Tech ran up to us because he was not dead. The Force had heald his injuries from falling. (And it turned out that he fell directly into a bacta tank that I had somehow brought to him by using the Force. I really don't know how I did that because I had never really been a Jedi that could use the Force very well. I always seemed to get into trouble with Yoda for being defective and the younglings used to laugh at me and call me names. That is why I so quickly became part of the bad batch because they too knew how it felt.
So Hunter and Tech helped out Crosshair while I held Omega in my arms. She was crying.
"Hey!" I yelled loudly at Dr Hemlock.
"WHAT!?" he shouted in confusing as he turned around in anger.
Then I looked him in the eyes and shot him in the face with my lightsaber gun that Tech made me. I was very glad that he was not dead and that I had saved him. His soft lips and ample bottom did not deserve such a death.
Everyone then smiled and clapped because me and the bad batch had once again saved the day and Crosshair was ok and Omega was okay. And Tech was not dead.
a/n: I'm not ok, please help 😂😅🫤🥹😭😭😭
a/n: also I've never written crack before so don't get mad at me pls 😂 I swear this isn't normally how I write 😂😂
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If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
Hi I have a funny scenario I'd like to share so I'm sitting with a family friend and her kids and she ask me to try this Medicine so her kid would eat it to show that it wasn't that bad to take and i also hated the medicine lol and I had this funny thought were Starscream and windblade would do the Same with either medicine or a food the kids didn't like 😅 😄
Starscream: it isn't that bad kids I promise look Bumblebee would try
Bee : ( takes a spoon full of the medicine and immediately starts choking cause it tasted so bad )
Child: ( starts crying) The medicine killed Uncle Bee
Windblade: Really bee you were supposed to help!
Bee : people give this stuff to kids!!!
Or Sideswipe and strong-arm did this with Sunstreaker
This was too funny not to do
I hope your family friend didn’t give you too much shit over it, haha!
This is definitely something that happened in the Saverio-Armstrong household, and Sunstreaker gleefully agreed to it only to heavily regret the decision later when he realizes that (as someone who didn’t grow up super exposed to meds for children) the girls’ vitamins and medicine are two entirely separate things.
Which is how Sideswipe finds out that the girls have been sharing their Disney Princess multivitamin gummies with Zio ‘Fino. (BRO!!!!)
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Things I Noticed While Writing Light The Fuse: Part 4, Episode 2
Time for episode 2!
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Two weeks ago according to Ethan later on, since he probably didn't waste too much time in Detroit, he's wearing the same outfit after all so he more than likely bailed that night
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Ethan really is a sweet pea and I love him but god do I love writing that temper of his, I don't do it often enough yet between all the fun and smut and heartbreak and angst
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I went to rewatch this bit for any details he might've filled in but nope, whole page is empty ;w; thanks Reprisal. Also laughing at Ethan literally leaving everything behind apart from this outfit and a single bar of chocolate. I love the detail that Horn makes its way into pretty much every title, it's a reoccurring bit
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Again I was so not paying attention to anything when Johnson wasn't on screen that first watch that I completely missed that she gave him this front and center 🙃 what a jackass I am
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I need to know what this means. It was never brought up again, not even when they met up. My guess is that it's supposed to be like 'look at this and feel reassured that I'll get you out' but the take that it could also mean 'show this to someone and they'll help you' is also interesting, but it's probably the former since everyone thinks she's dead and I doubt she has any friends left considering they think she started a war oop
He will be getting rid of this eventually and that's a promise
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This is unforgiveable. It's also funny to me that both Ethan and Matty cry but Johnson, the man played by David 'He's Workin' Those Eyes' Dastmalchian, doesn't. Do you know how hard it is to write scenes where he's sad but doesn't cry cause he's Johnson? Extremely.
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It's been pointed out before but Johnson is just straight up gone and Ethan is in his place lol like at least get him a stand-in if David had to be gone for the far shots
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I still cannot believe that Bash made me imagine this. This line is so fuckin wild
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Even Matty got worried when Bash started doing his thing he was not ready for a fight here
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lmao Gary in his sunglasses trying to look intimidating, imagine Johnson trying that, it's not working for you bud
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This one's a double, cause not only does this say that Doris taught Ethan how to come down from his panic attacks (which makes me cry) but it's also the super rare time that any amount of time is mentioned. It was so incredibly difficult to work out my timeline for this show that I had to grab the one single date shown (ep4) and move entirely around that based on what everyone says, when the boys go on a run since it takes 11 days (ep5), and when their outfits change
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This isn't a detail or anything I just wanna say I love writing their scenes since it lets me really get into Ethan's head while he's hearing her actively push away everything he's saying. I kinda made him way more self-aware in my fic because of that, but having him be aware but still trusting her enough to rationalize her actions in real-time is a lot more fun to me than blind trust
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I love this line so much lmao there's so many lines I passed over because I watched without the subs, like I just thought Bru was eating the ham pie like that because he liked it but nope he gets them 'runny' so he can 😂 I also like the detail how they had Ethan order four, so either one is for Johnson or Matty's having two lol
That's the one thing that lets me down in this show, Johnson keeps disappearing for no reason ;w; he should always be by Matty's side even without me knowing they're dating so let's just imagine he ducked inside to grab more drinks or he's using the bathroom and he'll just be right back, hence the fourth pie 👍
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Can everyone please stop hitting Matty 😭
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Matty just going 'mm' and then getting back to eating lmao he's so fuckin cute he doesn't even care, there's also no reason for him to be sitting on the table and hunched over his food like a gremlin he's gunna make me kiss him what who said that
Well I reached my limit trying to talk about their last scene so I guess I'll see you tomorrow to wrap up ep2, who would've thought such a short amount of scenes would need two posts? 💛💙
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mybelovedstarlings · 2 years
'"What would you do if you could save the world by sacrificing one person?"' oh dear
Gyeol considering everyone except Sung Hyunjae as his family lmao
Oh baby... you're lying to yourself when you say you only have one dad 😂
Apparently Yoojin grew beans in elementary school
Beans as a plot point?!? I never would have thought
He even demanded that she stop, I don't know why this is still a thing!!
And of course the narrative is going to brush it off!! Just because you're related to someone does not mean you have to forgive them omg
'My ass is smooth' I DON'T CARE HYUNJAE
😂😂😂 Yoojin is using the keyword on fruit
Is it gay to bake bread together?? According to Sung Hyunjae, yes it is.
Anyways why are they making food now what happened to the plot
Uhhhh... what's happening to Final Gratitude??? Help
It's time
Ah fuck. If giving Yoojin a chance at revival isn't a death flag, then I'm a duckling.
Oh no. Castles and monsters. That is bad.. [I'm looking at you, Kim Dokja]
'" I won't do anything that harms Honey's people. I promise this."' WHAT ABOUT HIM
Omg it's just like Dark Castle, there's a 'king' that has to ascend to a throne after defeating monsters... we're fucked
Myungwoo is working with the system ppl.. does he know??
All 50 S-Classes are here...
Bavar is here lol!! Yoohyun could probably hunt it alone
Yoojin no
Byeol and Seol are just doing their thing lmao
Yoojin and Hyunjae are both beat up 😂
Why is everyone losing an arm today sheesh
'"Han Yoohyun is crying!"' 😢 oh lord
"Being strong doesn't always mean being strong." AMEN
Oh WHAT we're meeting Crescent Moon before she became Crescent Moon??
(Also is Yoojin the Harmless King now??? It said he was but I'm not 100% sure lmao)
[You are □□□ love□ □□□□□.] ???
(Chapter 600s)
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annwrites · 1 month
“And before long she loses her grip on reality & has to be given a doll to keep her quiet that she thinks is her dead child. Carries it everywhere with her. Nurses it, changes and dresses it, washes it, etc.”
i feel like a bad person for saying this but i am soooo interested in an au where aemond does drive SG to madness.. it would be so juicy! can you expand on this scenario pleaseee
Don't feel bad. I'm the one who's coming up with all of it in my head. 😂
And I've imagined a scene where a handmaid comes to tend to her in the morning—just going through her normal routine of dressing her & what-have-you—until SG starts asking her quietly "Where...where's my baby? I can hear him crying, but I can't... I can't find him. Can you help me look for him? I need to nurse him."
She just stands there & stares at her, heart pounding, knowing it's finally happened: Aemond has driven her to insanity.
"Why're you just standing there? I need my baby. I need my son. Where is he?"
She tells her that she'll find him. She'll be right back.
She interrupts a Small Council meeting—Aemond ready to rip her head off for her lack of decorum, until she tells him what's happening.
He immediately goes to SG & she's acting entirely different toward him all of a sudden, as well. No terror. No shaking & crying & begging for mercy. Just...
"Uncle! Have you brought him? Have you brought my little boy? He's crying. I just can't... I can't find... Please, please, Uncle Aemond, you must help me."
He for the first time actually feels guilt for what he's done to her. She's lost her mind. And it's all his fault. He's destroyed her.
"Why are you staring at me, too? She—she promised she'd bring him to me. Where is he?"
He tells her they will return promptly.
He has the handmaid swiftly fetch Maester Orwyle.
When he arrives, SG grows more irritated. Yet another body is in the room, but her son is nowhere to be found.
"Why won't you bring him to me?! I need my baby. I need him. He... He'll starve if I don't nurse him. Don't you understand that? He needs his mother! I need to hold him!"
The handmaid is the only one to speak up. "He's with the wetnurse, Princess. He's well. I assure you."
She stumbles back, shaking her head. "Wet—no. That isn't right. Cregan promised me. He promised me I would be the one to feed our children. He wouldn't have."
"You were asleep, Princess. I just... I wanted to ensure you got plenty of rest."
"I want him. Bring me my baby. He won't be fed by another woman. He needs feed from his mother's breast. How... How could you?"
Maester Orwyle pulls Aemond aside & tells him that in her grief... This is how her mind has come to protect her from the incredible trauma he subjected her to.
Orwyle isn't exactly kind to Aemond when he tells him. In truth, he's disgusted by the man and what he's done to her. He doesn't hide his contempt for him.
So he suggests they give her a doll and a babe's things—a bassinet, clothes, toys, etc., so she can... "Care" for it.
And, as soon as it's given to the handmaid to give to her, she gingerly takes it—while they all hold their breath—and it works.
"My baby! Give me my baby! Oh Gods, he's starving! Look what you've done by keeping him from me!"
She pulls out her breast, putting it in the doll's face, kissing its forehead. But in her eyes, it's a real-live child.
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nientedal · 1 year
my phone is being annoying but BOOK EMOJI
ahahaha omg 😂 ok so book emoji, talking about a fic i have in my head but have never written down!
stereotypical amnesia fic beneath the cut, lol
Roxanne gets into some kind of accident and hits her head. Wakes up in the hospital with her mother dozing in a chair. Mom is OVERJOYED Roxanne is awake; it's been sort of touch and go for a while as to whether she would wake up at all. She's had people working on a solution but this will be such good news, hooray, she's lucid, she's feeling mostly fine--
And then Roxanne sees the ring on her finger, and oh. Okay. She is not fine, actually. She's lost nearly all of the last three years, and several prior to that are exceptionally spotty.
Her mom is left with the unenviable position of navigating some...ah...fairly major news. Yes, you're very happy together. Three rings, right, wedding band and two engagement; you're sort of...well, also married to his best friend? What's that word your brother is...? Aromantic, queerplatonic, yes. Neither of them is anyone I would have ever picked for you, but you're happy and I do know when I'm beaten, so... well, anyway, the only reason your man isn't here is I made him go home to take a shower and a nap. And to start putting together a better MRI scanner so he would stop fretting over your charts. Yes, he's building it himself. And no I haven't said his name yet, and... yes you do probably already know him, it's just-- well, you see-- um-- tell, tell you what, let's call Wayne, shall we? I think this will probably sound a little better coming from Wayne--
So that's a thing.
Roxanne takes the news...not well, but not totally poorly either. Mostly she's just stunned. But if her mother can admit she's happy with Megamind, that says a lot. That's...promising. Reassuring. And Wayne confirms everything her mother has said, which is similarly reassuring.
Megamind, on the other hand, takes it VERY poorly. Wayne says she's awake and his heart leaps, and then Wayne says there's a slight problem, her last clear memory of you is from early 2009, and his heart sort of collapses in his chest. He's been working on his self-worth and has come a long way but he's had a long two weeks and right now, from where he's sitting, all he can think is that Roxanne was a miracle that is not going to happen twice. This is absolutely the end for them. He'll start researching divorce lawyers immediately.
(Roxanne is initially of the opinion that yes, that is probably for the best, but Wayne convinces her to at least give the little guy a chance. Come on, Roxie, for Minion’s sake. Please?)
From here it's sort of...Roxanne slowly regaining her footing. Traumatic brain injuries are a helluva drug; her mind works differently from how it used to and it's a struggle sometimes in ways she doesn't expect. And she can't remember things she wants to and it's SO disorienting, and Megamind and Minion are obviously both struggling as well for other reasons but they are being so lovely with her, and she keeps shying away and it's awful, she hates it. Megamind gave her a photo album to maybe help her put some things together, and it isn't really working yet but maybe if she just keeps at it she'll be able to remember just a little more-- okay, Wayne was right, he is worth trying, but come ON, brain, fucking WORK--
Megamind wanders down to the kitchen in the wee hours one morning a few weeks later for a snack or something and Roxanne is there with the album. She's...having a little bit of a moment. Little bit of a cry. She's sitting at the kitchen table looking at this one picture that someone took of all three of them-- Megamind and Roxanne and Minion when they were on some vacation somewhere together and Roxanne snuck up behind the other two to pounce on them and hug both of them at once. So she's in the middle with her arms around their shoulders and all three of them are laughing. And she's like, "I can't remember this and I WANT TO, we look so HAPPY and I don't know if I'll ever get any of this back-- you're so sweet to me now and your bed smells like home and I don't know why and I want to, I want to--"
He's been keeping his distance since she came home. Has been waiting and letting her initiate whatever contact between them. But he goes to her now and pulls her into a hug without thinking because he cannot fucking stand it, and she just wraps her arms around him as hard as she can.
"Okay," he says, patting her hair and trying to think of what to do and mostly just wanting to burst into tears right along with her. "Okay. It's okay."
It's not okay. It's not okay and she doesn't know how to make it be okay, but it's been a few weeks and Roxanne is tired of waiting to maybe remember and tired of hoping for something that isn't coming and tired in general, and so she asks him to come to bed with her. Just stay with her, please; she's freaking out and she wants to be held, and fuck it. Fuck it. Come to bed.
In the morning at breakfast, hearing all this, Minion says, okay. So, photo album isn't working, or if it is it's not working the way we were hoping for. New plan: let's go on another trip? Let's all go somewhere together. Traveling. Maybe go see some places we've seen already, definitely go see some places we've never seen. Maybe your old memories will come back and maybe they won't, but either way we'll make new memories and have a good time making them. Let's go.
.............And idk if that's the end of the story or if there's more story that's just them going around places. I haven't played much with the traveling itself
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thornsnvultures · 2 years
for the hot scenario thing… i might have one 🫢
how about reader ““bullying”” jake jensen by taking his glasses and when he asks for them back, she tells him she will but only if she gets to ride his face first… (and maybe it backfires when he grips her thighs and keeps her there after she cums, saying “we’re not done yet. you didn’t think one was enough did you?” or something)
HATE | No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
Two things: 1. I love being a brat, and 2. I love when a dom says "oh isn't this what you wanted??" even more 😂 (though this turned out a lot more subby than intended 😅 can't help myself when it comes to Jake I guess)
18+ under the cut
"C'mon, baby, give 'em back," Jake whines.
"What do you need them for? You're not getting out of this bed." You hold his frames behind his back, smiling and proud of yourself for snatching them off the nightstand before your blind as a bat boyfriend could put them on.
"I just need to check one thing on my computer and I'll be right back." The puppy dog eyes are in full force on his face, but you're not letting him get away with it this time. He promised you a full weekend with no work-related interruptions. It's barely been 24 hours and the workaholic in him is already itching to go back on that promise.
"No," you point a finger in his face and he stops his crawl across the bed towards you. "You promised, Jakey."
"I know, baby, buy I-"
"No buts! In fact, if you want them back so bad you're gonna have to do something for me." Your smile grows as you use the hand pointed at him to push him back until he's laying flat on his back on the bed again. He watches dazed as you crawl up his body, his glasses now perched atop your head and out of his reach, until you're straddling his broad chest.
"If you want these back so bad, you're gonna have to eat my pussy."
"I could just take them from you," Jake shrugs, his nonchalant facade wavering the less he can keep eye contact with you. His gaze keeps dropping to your cunt settled over the middle of his chest. You weren't wearing any panties, still uncovered from the previous night's love making.
You toyed with the hem of his tshirt as it rode up over your thighs. The rapid rise and fall of Jake's chest as his breathing picked up made the hair on his pecs tickle your cunt, the sensation making your slicker by the second.
"You could take them from me, or," you draw out the word as you slip the tshirt up and over your body until every soft curve is on display, "You can let me sit my pussy on your mouth and show me how bad you want them."
Jake whines at your little display, too weak to say no. How could he say no to you when you're everything he's ever dreamed of.
You squeal as his strong arms suddenly pull you forward, grasping at the headboard as his arms latch around your thick thighs. His mouth is hot against your cunt as you hover over his face, but he's not having that. You want him to earn it, he's gonna do it right.
Jake tugs on your thighs until you're fully sitting on his face, his groan reverberating through your folds. Quickly, his tongue slides through your slick to lap at your hole, sucking in and savoring your juices as they spill. His nose nudges your clit as he feasts and you cry out, head thrown back in the air.
"Fuck, Jake, feels so good," your breath catches as you speak. Especially when he wraps his lips around your aching clit and sucks, flicking the swollen bud with his tongue until your legs are shaking around his head.
Your fingers grip his frosted tips and you can't help but grind your hips down, swiveling against the bristly, short hairs on his face. The pleasure and pain make your cunt throb, pulsing more of your juices.
"Jake," you gasp, "I'm gonna-"
He nods his head under you, his eyes half lidded and hazy but not stopping for a second, watching as you shout and come undone, your whole body convulsing over him.
When your breath is caught and you can feel your legs enough to move you lift off Jake's face, smiling at how absolutely wrecked he looks. His goatee is glossy and dripping with your slick and he licks his lips.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Huh?" You gasp when Jake turns his head to the side and bites at the meat of your thigh. He soothes the love bite with his tongue, licking over the marks his teeth made until you're sighing and squirming in his hold again. He does the same thing on the other side, his wet lips sucking marks into you like he's claiming you. Something primal unlocking in him when he growls as you try to move away. His arms tighten around your thighs and pull you back over his face.
"Oh we're not done yet. You didn't think one was enough, did you, baby?" He presses a kiss to your clit, nuzzling against your mound, before looking up at you again. "No, I have to earn it."
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somedaytakethetime · 1 year
So... @studysimsx.. I have something for you 😶👉🏻👈🏻 I have something for anyone else that might want to read it too, of course. Prompt: Slowburn, a little angsty, childhood friends to total fools in love Nicolò Zaniolo thingie was requested and.. well... 😶😶.. here it is. I hope you enjoy it, I gave it my best shot and hopefully that's okay 😭 Rating: totally family friend. There's a few curse words in there, and a few kisses at the end. Only the absolute faintest mention of a broken nose and a potential broken hand. But it's all very Catholic, I promise 😂 IT'S ALSO ALL VERY VERY WORDY AND I'M SORRY I CAN'T WRITE SHORT STUFF
Also little side note: a somewhat recurring part of the plot is the reader, aka all of you that might find this, being from another country. I'm portuguese so, being foreign is part of my identity and I like the cuteness that can arise from teaching someone parts of my language and have them teach me theirs 🥺
You meet as children. Your family has just relocated to Italy, your father found a better job and you've all been packed up and uprooted with him. You're excited and scared, you're so young and you don't speak this different language that you hear all around you once you arrive at your new home. You have no clue how to communicate with anyone around, you're in a class full of children that sound so strange to your ears, you miss home. One the first day you break down in tears in the middle of class and you can't understand if the children are mocking you or trying to help you. That's when you meet him. He's in your class too. The boy with the kind eyes. That's how you think of him once you see him. He's smiling softly as he takes your hand. You can't understand a word he says but he's being so gentle and calming that you stop crying. The teacher tries her best to communicate with you too, she's soothing and pretty. She's your favourite teacher immediately, that's something that will always remain in your head. The boy sits down beside you and holds your hand through the whole class, nodding and smiling encouragingly whenever you try really hard to say the same things they say. He's your favourite too in that moment. And that's something that will remain for many years to come, but you're yet unware of it.
"Nicolò" he smiles softly and points to himself, waits and expects you to give your name too. You say it, soft and slow, and point to yourself just like he did. He has trouble saying your name, just like you have saying his. He's clumsy with it, fumbles it a little but his smile doesn't falter at all, he's not embarrassed to make a mistake. You're new to him, everything about you is new to him, just like he is to you. But you're scared and overwhelmed, he isn't. He doesn't scare easily, doesn't feel overwhelmed, he has a confidence you have never seen before and it impresses you. You want to be like that. So you follow his guidance, which he offers freely and gladly. He sits next to you for every class, holds your hand when your voice shakes and tears sting in your eyes after you feel like you fumbled this new language and embarrassement burns inside you. "Calmati" he says so softly. You have no clue what it means yet but it has a softening effect on your shame and nerves. You remember how he's not embarrassed to make mistakes, he laughs it off when he fumbles words too. And this is his language. Yet, he's fumbling words. You wonder if he's doing it on purpose, to help you feel better, but you think that's silly. He would never do that, he barely knows you, why would he make himself look foolish just to help you feel better? But still.. it lingers. You slowly learn as the weeks go by, slowly start to feel better about this new language, feel less ashamed of not understanding it. Other children befriend you, the girls are all so sweet and kind, they help you so much, but the boy keeps by your side. You like him the best still. You'll always like him the best, you know it in your heart.
What you didn't know is that he's somewhat of a big deal. Well, not really, not quite. But his father is. You don't quite understand anything at that age but his father is someone that people know. You hear the children make a bit of a fuss when he comes to some afterschool activities one time. You feel shy around him when Nico introduces you to them, feel shy around his mother too, she's very pretty. They're nice to you, they say some things you don't understand, they speak too fast but whatever they said makes Nico's face turn pink and he looks sour and huffs at his parents. They just laugh and ruffle his hair. You don't get to spend much time with him but you discover something. He's really good with his feet. A game somehow starts with all the boys and he's good. You don't care too deeply about football, or any sport for that matter, but even you can tell he's good. Your father says so too, "That boy is going to be good, he has a spark.", and your father is always right so you accept his opinion as your own. You watch Nico play with the other boys, watch him laugh when he slips and gets up, watch him celebrate and keep going even when they try to hold him back. And you hope your father is right. You can't explain it, you don't understand it, but you're so fond of this boy. He's been so kind to you. So encouraging, so supportive. He didn't have to be, but he is. And you want to pay that kindness back, you have nothing to give, but you wish that one day you'll manage to repay his kindness. You close your eyes and you wish so hard that he'll be good and his dreams will come true, whatever they may be. And in a more quiet thought, you wish that he won't leave you behind when he does.
The years feel like they drag on. Yet, your parents keep saying they're rushing by. You grow and grow, get better and better, you start to feel like you're home now. Your parents are happy, your siblings are happy. And you start to feel happy too. You make friends, the words get easier, you keep pushing forward. It gets easier and easier, things change and get better. But your friendship with Nicolò doesn't change. Even when you land in different classes, he's still your best friend. No matter how many years pass by both of you, he's still the one that you want beside you. He's still the one you spend the most time with outside of school. It's still his voice that you hear in your head, every time you're nervous or embarrassed or scared, "Calmati". It became your mantra when you understood what it meant. You still hear it in his childlike voice even though his voice is deeper now. When you close your eyes in moments of stress you still feel his hand holding yours firmly as he said it. And when you open them he's there. He's always there. And you're always with him too. You've followed him to games when you could over the years, you still do the best you can to support him. Show up on your own when your parents can't accompany you and your friends don't want to go. You're there for him, because he was there for you. That very first day when you cried. He was there. And you promised yourself you'd repay the kindness. As the years pass there's something.. something that you never quite allowed yourself to understand before. Nico gets rather handsome. He always was the sweet boy with the kind eyes, but he starts to become.. something. You don't know what. But it makes your heart flutter a little. It makes you feel warmer around him. Teenaged hormones aren't much help in trying to figure it out. Because they make it worse. The need to spend time with him starts to become.. more annoying. Especially because he's hormonal now too. And the other girls can see that he's handsome. "Don't tell me that you're jealous now? Come on, you'll always be my special girl. We're best friends, remember?" he always says with that smirk, that teasing smirk. The cruel smirk, you call it. The cruel smirk that makes your heart flutter and makes you huff and insult him softly because he doesn't get it. He still goes off with other girls. So you can't explain it to him either. Because he wouldn't get it.
Your first boyfriend causes a strain on things. Nicolò is pissed. He can't stand that guy, absolutely despises him. He knows he's going to break your heart and he already wants to crack his face before he even has the chance for it. He knows he's been going around a bit, but he likes girls and the girls like him. It's not that deep to him. He's not in love. He can't be because… you wouldn't understand. He can't tell you, it would be pointless. He knows you're best friends. He gets it. This is it. He accepts that. But he doesn't accept that you're dating who he likes to think of as his biggest rival. He's fuming when you tell him. You don't talk for weeks after that. He can't even bear to look at you. Especially not when you're with him. In this time he knows he does more wrongs than he does rights. He's not proud of himself at all, but he's doing what he needs to to make it hurt less. Because it hurts. He'd been imagining that you could be by each other's sides forever and things seem different now. That guy is a pebble in his shoe constantly. Even after you try to make things better between you. He tries to be polite and collected but it's so hard. Nico will always think of that as the lowest point of your lives, he's miserable. And he knows you are too. He can see it in your eyes. You look sad all the time. Especially when that idiot starts to turn. Like he knew he would. He ends up dumping you for another girl. You're heartbroken. Nico finds out from a girl that knows her. And he's definitely not proud of what he does that afternoon. But it had to be done. He ends up at your house, you're in total tatters, and he comforts you. He pushes your questions aside in favour of holding you while you cry over a broken heart. He thinks he might have a broken hand but he knows for a fact that idiot definitely has a broken nose so it makes up for it. He lies and tells you he got in a tiff during practice and they all had a brawl. You don't find out that he beat up your ex boyfriend for at least a few years and by the time you find out there's no point in scolding him for it. All he does is laugh anyway, "What did you expect me to do? He broke my favourite girl's heart. I don't allow anyone to do that to my best friend." the cruel smirk is back by then. So is the way your heart flutters around him.
Nearing adulthood changes everything. He's been on the rise this whole time. But everything changes when he starts to make it to big clubs. They don't treat him the way he deserves, there's so much anger and heartbreak during these years. He feels like no matter how hard he tries, he keeps being told he's not good enough to be really big. As big as he deserves to be. As big as you hoped and wished he would be all those years ago. You stick by him, keep him company, keep going to every game. You become his support, his comfort. You get invested in this game now, truly invested. He teaches you things and you start to make sense of it all. You start to get even better than he is at understanding the tactical side, but he's gifted he doesn't need to understand the deep logic, he just needs to do it. Always says with a teasing laugh "I don't care about logic, my feet just go and I follow. That's all that needs to happen.". And it does. He tries harder and harder to prove himself. Overworks himself. Falls in and out of heartbreak, and you're the one that holds his hand now. "Calmati", you're the one that tells him now. It gets both harder and easier for you. You've finally understood what the fluttering feeling is. But you're rational now. You understand you're only best friends. As long as you can stay that way, that's all you need. "You won't ever leave me, will you, Nicolò? You promise?" and he always gives you a smile, that same smile that he gave you on the first day, "Never. I will never ever leave you. We're best friends, remember? I promise it'll always be that way no matter what happens.". And you believe him. Even as he gets in a few messy relationships. Even as his personality starts to shift and become.. different. Even as he finally makes it and starts to get really big and you can tell it's clearly getting to his head. He keeps promising the same, and you try so hard to believe him. But the more time passes, the less you start to believe it. He's not the same he was. Louder, flashier, more arrogant at times. He does things you don't think that little boy you met all those years ago would do, he says things that don't feel right coming from his voice. You start to fear you're losing him. The less time you spend together, the more he leaves you to go out with other people, louder and flashier people, the more scared you get that he'll leave. And it's starting to wear on you. You keep trying to stand by your promise, to give back that kindness he gave you, but it's so hard when he barely feels the same now. Even when you go to the games, so much louder and brighter than they ever were before, he pays attention to others before he notices you. Hurts like hell. He wouldn't undertand why. You feel… forgotten. And one night, when he breaks that promise, it all crashes down.
You were going to have a night in together to watch that film you've been wanting to so much. You cooked dinner, his favourite, and you had everything ready. And time keeps ticking by. The food gets cold. He doesn't reply to your texts. He doesn't answer your calls. You eat alone and mope until you feel like moping no more. In a moment of wildness you get dressed. Put on that one outfit that you love and feel amazing in. Because.. Nico complimented you once in this. You watch yourself in the mirror and you can see it happening all over again. His eyes darkening as he looked you up and down, the way he paused and his body froze in place. He took so long appraising you and then his voice sound.. rough.. when he said "You look amazing in that.." the look he gave you after.. it still makes your blood rush in your veins. You shake yourself out of that thought, you take a deep breath, maybe tonight someone else can make your blood rush in your veins. You're tired of feeling pathetic. He doesn't like you, you tell yourself as you put your shoes on and walk out of the door with your purse in hand. You don't even know where you're going but your senses drive you to this club. You've been here before. A few times with Nico, when he took you with his other friends too. You wouldn't say it's the best place ever, but it's definitely a nice place, nicer than many other dingy spots you've been to in your teens when you were sneaking out at night with your friends. The bodyguard at the entrance smiles at you and he eyes you a little. Normally you'd feel uncomfortable, you still are a little, but he's not unattractive and for once you're allowing yourself to feel empowered by the fact someone openly finds you attractive. You've had flings, a boyfriend or two, you've have your own exploration while Nico was going around burning through the female population near you like a wildfire, but.. it wasn't it. You know why. You finally understand your heart. You're finally open about it. And maybe tonight you're ready to forget it for good.
A hand touches your waist and it startles you a little. It's so warm and firm.. you think you've felt this touch before. But that's insanity. You swivel around quickly to yell at however is putting hands on you without permission and come face to face with Nicolò. He's just as surprised as you are if his eyebrows raising to the ceiling are any indication. "What the hell are you doing here!?" comes out of his mouth harshly and you just roll your eyes "Having fun after someone ditched me without giving me an explanation.", you're beyond annoyed and you don't care if you're harsh, he deserves harsh. You watch realisation sink in his features "Holy shit, that was tonight!?" and you can't even fake it. You shake him off, roll your eyes, "Fuck off, Nico. You know damn well that was tonight. I have texted you, called you, did everything and you ignored me. Just leave me alone.". The look of offence on his face almost makes you laugh but you don't stick around, you grab your purse and just walk away from him. He follows you "My phone is at home, it's not working well. Where do you think you're going!? Why the hell are you even here dressed like that?!", it stops you in your tracks. You turn around so fast he nearly slams into you, "Dressed. Like. What. Go on, Nicolò, dressed like what? Tell me what I'm dressed like. I'm curious." he looks apologetic, "No, no. No. That's not what I mean. I mean that you're just.. you're too hot to be walking around like that in this place, the guys will hit on you!" he sounds like a whining child. Looks like he's about to throw a tantrum too. And you laugh in his face. A humourless laugh. A bitter laugh. "Oh? The guys will hit on me? And that's not allowed? I'm not allowed to be found attractive by men now?" "Not by random men like the ones at this club.." "Funny because you had no trouble coming over to me and place your hand on my waist like you know me yet the other men here, none of whom have approached me may I add, are all sleazy and not good enough for me." his eyes darken but you don't stop, "Fuck off, Nico. I don't give a shit what you think at all. Maybe I want to be attractive to other men. Maybe I want them to hit on me. I'm attractive and I'm allowed to flirt with random men, even go home with them, if that's what I please." "You're definitely not." there's anger in his voice, and you get angry back, "Yes. I. Am. You ditched me tonight, you keep ditching me constantly actually, give me a lousy excuse as to why you're ignoring me too. Listen to me: you don't own me, I'm not your dog. Go back to your little friends, Nicolò, and stop bothering me. You've ruined my night enough, just leave me alone." you walk away from him, rush past people to get outside. You're fuming. But so is he.
"What the hell do you mean by that? Why are you talking to me like this?! You've never talked what way before!" you're so angry you want to smack him with your purse, "You have also never ditched me this way before! Remember all those stupid promises of never leaving me behind, Nicolò? Remember those? Guess what you've been doing lately!? Guess??" "I'm not leaving you behind! I'm having fun with friends, am I not allowed that anymore!?" you laugh bitterly again "By all means be my guest, Nico! I barely see you these days, you leave me on read constantly, you don't even answer my calls after matches that I can't attend when I want to talk to you to see how you're doing but by all means act like I'm constantly hogging your time! When was the last time we've spend time together? In person. When was that?" his face drops, he's counting the days.. weeks… a month or more.. you've been growing further and further apart. He can't say anything, just straightens up and masks his shame with indifference. And it pisses you off. He's putting the mask on. Like he does for cameras. Like he does to lie to people. He's never done it with you. It shatters your heart and you can't take it. You promised and he promised and together you promised.. and now he leaves you this way..
You look at him, "Are you not going to say anything? Not even a single word?" you can barely mask the hurt, your accent comes out and gets thicker, when you're upset it always does, you'll never be Italian, you'll never belong.. no matter how hard you try to fit in, you'll never be one of them.. it used to hurt you, but Nico accepted you, made you feel like you fit in. Made you feel like you're part of this place. You used to have a place here. In his life. This used to be home. You're not sure it is anymore. You take a deep breath, try to gather yourself so you get your regular accent back, the one they all know as your best approximation to Italian, but you fail. You sound very much yourself. Like you did as a child. Memories of all the years spend with him, laughing together, teaching each other words, speaking to him in your language flood you, they make your heart ache, the longer you stand there looking at him, silent and stoic, the more it hurts. You nod slowly, "Alright. I get it. It's over. I'm done trying to hold on. I hope you have a good life. Good luck in your future, and thank you for the friendship over the years." you don't pause to look at how he reacts to the others. You just walk away. And he watches you, taking slow steps, then quick steps as you get more and more upset. Watches you disappear and he feels his stomach dropping.
'What are you doing.. no.. what have you done, Nicolò..' he paces outside, curses and kicks at nothing, feels angry, hurt, broken. He just broke your heart. He could see it. Your eyes got cloudy, you couldn't look at him, your voice shook and you sounded so.. you. The accent was back. His favourite sound. He leans against the wall, closes his eyes and let's himself sink into the memories. Flashes of spending years by your side. Always holding your hand, hearing your voice get more and more confident as you spoke his language, your beautiful smile, the delightful sound of your laugh, your comforting embrace, the soothing sound of your voice… all those memories when you thought him words in your native tongue. All the memories of tender touches, being so close to you.. all the times he nearly kissed you. He wanted to so badly over the years. He's been pining for you for so long. Got entangled with so many girls just to feel any different. And he couldn't. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw you. He was taken by you the very first time he saw you. He just couldn't help it. You looked so small, so frightened, so shy. He wanted to hold your hand. He still wants to hold your hand. He always does. He wants to hold your hand as he takes his last breath. He needs that. He can't let you go. Because he doesn't know how to be if he doesn't have you around. You're the one constant he's had in his life. You stuck with him. You believed even when others faultered. And he's let you down. He hurt you. He feels like the biggest asshole on the planet. He's allowed the fame and the glory to get to him, he let it happen. He broke the promise he made to you. He has to fix this, he can't lose you this easily. His friends snap him out of his thoughts, but he just tells them he has to leave, shrugs them off and rushes to his car. It can't be too late. He needs to make amends, he needs to ask for forgiveness, he'll do anything to have you back. You can't leave him, how is he supposed to exist if you're not around?
You're not expecting anyone to knock on the door, you don't want anyone around, but you still pull yourself from the couch and head to the door. Your heart is in tatters, you probably are too. You've been sobbing since you left him, cried the whole way home and could barely see while driving, it's a miracle that you're in one piece, you've been rumpled on the couch since you arrived. There's a hope.. a silly little thing, small and weak like a baby bird. It flutters it's wings in your heart. You hope it's him. You miss him already. You don't know what to do without him, he's always been around to hold your hand. You're.. dependent on each other. You've been dependent on him since he held your hand all those years ago. You feel cold thinking he'll never do it again. You shake as you reach for the handle, the door feels so much heavier than it's ever felt when you pull it open. And he doesn't even let you think, he pushes past you into your house and sounds so hurt when he says "How can you say that? How can you say all of that and leave me like that? How can you do this to me? How can you not even give me a chance?", he registers your red nose, tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes, you sniffle meakly and just say softly "What am I supposed to do? Sit around like an idiot waiting until you notice me again one day? I've given you chance after chance, I can't keep getting this hurt.." he's by your side immediately, takes your hand off the handle and pushes the door closed, holds your other hand, "I'm so so sorry. I'm a dick, I know I am, I've been so wrong for what I've done. I shouldn't have pushed you away like this, I'm truly sorry. You mean so much to me, please don't think you don't." "How am I supposed to believe that? We've barely seen each other.. you didn't even remember tonight.. lied about the phone... I just miss you Nico. You were my best friend.. I thought we'd always be the same.. but you've changed.. and.. it's feels like I no longer have a place in your life.." tears gather in his eyes. It's not the first time you've seen him cry but this time it feels different. He's deeply hurt. Because he regrets how he's treated you, sounds clumsy and soft, "No, no. No. Don't say that. No past tense. Don't say it like that. We are. Present. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I've made you feel this way. Don't say you don't have a place in my life anymore… I- you-.. look at me" his eyes are shiny, they're.. for the first time in your whole life, you see it. He's truly looking at you. The way you look at him when he's not looking. He sees you. Like you see him. Like you've seen him for over a decade now. He- "How can you say that you no longer have a place in my life.. when you're all I have a place for? You're everything to me. My support, my company, my best friend, my everything, my.." he gets even closer to you, takes a deep breath, "my love." neither knows who moves first, but it doesn't matter. You're moving together. Clinging to each other. Kissing like it's the first kiss of your lives. You melt in his arms and he holds you tightly, kisses you deeper, moves from desperate to soft and slow. Kisses you until he feels you breathless and then pulls away, rests his forehead on yours, eyes closed, voice so so tender "You're my love. I've been in love with you for years now. I can finally say it, I've hid it for too long. And you didn't deserve that. You didn't deserve any of what I've done. But my feelings are true. I love you"
You look at him. Time stops. You're a child again. He's sitting beside you. His hand holds yours tightly, soothingly, his voice is soft and gentle "Calmati". His smile is radiant and you feel your heart flutter. You feel like this boy you just met is going to be the love of your life, you want him to be. The boy with the kind eyes. You're looking at him now, a grown man who makes mistakes and acts like a child from time to time. His eyes open and meet yours, his smile is unsure. He's insecure. Afraid you'll turn him down. But how could you? He's the boy with the kind eyes. He's the boy that held your hand when you were scared. The boy that helped your pronunciation get better over the years. The boy that got injured fighting for you when someone hurt you deeply. The boy that's made your heart flutter every single day for years now. He's foolish at times, teasing at others, proud and nearly arrogant when his confidence gets too high. He's flawed. But he's human. And he's always been kind. He's yours. "I love you." you can't help the hiccup and the flood of tears that bubble up from you after you say it. Your accent is the thickest it's ever been in years. He smiles so brightly before he nearly crushes you to his chest. Muffled into his shirt your voice, in your language, comes out and declares your love for him again. And a million other things you can't express in Italian right now. But he laughs, happy and giddy, excited and so so in love. "Those have always been my favourite sounds, you know?" he looks down at you, looks so deeply into your eyes, "I love you. I've loved you for years. I'll love you forever. I promise that from the heart.". And the boy with the kind eyes, after all, loves you back.
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kagejima · 2 years
I'm gonna throttle you woman
MMA Fighter Geto who you've lived with for a few years now. You two have always been friends but you couldn't deny that there was something deeper going on. Subtle flirting and fleeting touches, stares when you're not looking directly at each other. Everybody knows somethings going on (except for you two dummies).
MMA Fighter Geto who does indeed train when you're around, mostly to show off because he knows that watching him train makes you dizzy. Hearing him grunting and groaning as he lifts his weights, as he drills into the punching bag with such immense force that it kinda makes you weak in the knees.
MMA Fighter Geto who comes home from a fight with a split lip and a giant gash on his forehead that you sew up while scolding him to be more careful. He just chuckles and watches the concentration on your face, how your lip juts out ever so slightly so that you can focus on the task at hand. Never mind that he's been dreaming about kissing those lips for years.
MMA Fighter Geto who is coerced into showing you a few moves after a night of you two drinking. He starts off simple with things like how to properly form your fist when you're about to punch, or how your footing should be so that you don't lose balance during a fight. Eventually the two of you are tumbling onto the floor of the living room, rolling around giggling as you try to get the upper hand on him.
MMA Fighter Geto who finally pins you down and crashes his lips into yours with such ferocity that he can hear the breath leaving your lungs. He can't help himself, between the growing bulge in his pants to how good you smell, all of his self control has left the building.
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also thank you for blessing me with your thoughts, baby, i can now officially cry myself to sleep about how he isn't real
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Hello dear, I hope everything is fine 😌.
I'm not sure if you still want to have this but I've failed to comment on TNSATSI/chapter 20 🥲 so I do it now.
I can't with y/n and Loki, they're too cute.🥰😍 They should definitely talk about the fact that they're in love with each other. I hope they'll do it soon. She definitely dreamt about the things she wants most: Loki and to love him and to be loved by him.
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So Loki stayed with her ? 🥲😍...he's really everything. It hurts me so much that this will prolong his punishment but it's also the evidence of his endless love for y/n. It will break her heart too when once she will know the truth.
Loki getting jealous when she talked to Steve isn't enough for her to believe that Loki loves her. She can't believe that a god could choose her...
'...how could a god choose to love you? You were nothing...so why would he love you?'
'...he told that he needed you close to him and that you were his priority but did he love you? He never said that. '
I get that, I wouldn't believe it either 😅🥺
"Are you going to look at me like that every morning? If so darling then I'd never get out of this bed ever again " he smiled... it wasn't your fault though, he looked so pretty all the time...so pretty but the beauty was skin deep, the heart he carried outshined every other aspect of his physicality.
Awwwwwe...I'm melting 😍 ♥️ and it's so true.
'He was perfect but you weren't, you looked swollen first in the morning and you definitely didn't want him to kiss you...'
😂😂😂 literally me !
Loki wants to make breakfast "for you" and she answered "for us"... I'm crying, sobbing, melting because of the cuteness, this scene had me on my knees 😍😍😍😍...and yes please, let us take him to the waterfall for another date 😏❣️💚...and he called her 'princess' 🤗😍..
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I'm so proud of y/n, she's so brave. The way she tricked Steve to make him drunken and horny so he would tell her the truth, how she touched him 😝😝🤢🤢🤮🤮...she really has my deepest respect. I could never do that and I know she wouldn't have done it without Loki at her side. He's her light in the darkness, her anchor and and her saviour... and right so.
"I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have you "..
"You have me I promise "...
"I don't want to hurt you Lo." You didn't want him to feel hurt, you both had never talked about exclusivity, you didn't think that was an option, you hardly understood the status of the relationship you shared with him.
"Then don't hurt me" he mumbled...
"I feel nothing for him...his touch disgusts me ...I only want you to touch me"
"I'll be here to touch you once he leaves, darling, I will take away all the bad touches I promise "
I had so many goosebumps when I read this, there's already so much love between them 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️
And then you made me nearly cry 😢. What had Loki's ex done to him? Why did she treat him so badly. He's the sweetest man ever and she treated him like shit. And now him helping y/n to 'doll up' for Steve must really break his heart. All those bad memories and bad feelings 😪 . His ex didn't deserve him she was never worth of him.
'He has been here before with her. She often dolled up in front of him...he never should have agreed to such an agreement that bought him so much of humiliation and so many insecurities. Was he not enough? He had spent several sleepless nights just thinking about it. You turned around to look at him, he seemed hurt, you had never seen him this way before and it worried you.
I hope he trusts and believes in y/n that she is different and that she would never do things like this to him.
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Finally y/n got to know the truth about the sea banshee and Minola. I'm really sorry for her. Her so called friends were never real friends. Real friends wouldn't have done it to her. One of my theories was right: Minola never wanted to harm y/n, she wanted to protect her...Minola is a good one 😊
I love how Loki assured y/n that she hasn't to feel bad or sorry for the incident with Steve...
It's lovely how y/n cares about Loki and his feelings too. It feels like she can give him something back for everything he had done for her since he saved her life. And I think it was really important for y/n to see that Loki had the same emotions like her and feelings of insecurity. I loved their whole conversation here and how Loki said that he loves y/n without saying it 😉🤗...
and I loved what followed next... Queen, the smut 🥵❤️‍🔥... it was so wholesome, sexy, cute and hot 😏🌶🌶...I really enjoyed it 😏😏❤️
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I'm really excited what's going to happen next, which decisions y/n will make and to get the answer if she will lose Loki forever.
'...and you couldn't have that, you won't survive losing him too."....me neither 🥺😪
I really loved this chapter my Queen 👑 it was so heartwarming and full of emotions and developments 💖... and of course I love you 😍❤️
I always want to read your thoughts and comments about every chapter dear. Thank you for sending me this, it really made my day. 💚
The waterfall date is in the next chapter so I really wanted to share this lovely thoughtful ask before I update.
I love you my dear ❤️💚😘
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