#i promise you my posts never get like any traction
deandraxon · 1 year
Sorry to hear you've had a bad experience with a vegan. No one should ever act like an asshole and you have all the rights to complain. I'd just like to say one thing - all vegans are automatically victims of this stereotype of being 'annoying' people who 'force their lifestyle onto others', so to reinforce this idea because of some bad experiences only contributes to the hate that a lot of kind vegans don't deserve. Again, it's okay to complain and I hope that that vegan person you're talking about will chill, but I think it's also important to not condemn a whole group because of few individuals, you know?
I promise you that most people understand that the very loud, annoying group of vegans do not represent all vegans.
People generally don’t actually have a problem with vegan people, as long as they aren’t forcing their lifestyle or attacking people. And most rational, good people will judge people for their own actions, and not by someone else’s.
You do have to remember that stereotypes exist for a reason. Instead of being upset with the people complaining about people talking about their experience with the stereotypical vegans, maybe be upset with said stereotypical vegans. They’re the problem, not the people screaming into the void on Tumblr dot com.
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satorugojjo · 11 months
I don’t think there’s a single book BookTok has promoted in the last couple years that’s turned out to be an actually good “you cannot miss this read” which now makes me and so many others I know avoid it as a whole.
A lot of BookTok books seem to be specific for very young or very new readers who haven’t cut their teeth on fanfic or haven’t been reading from a young age. The writing style is either a really profound Instagram metaphorical caption kinda overwrought and over flowery language, or it’s trying so hard to be edgy and sardonic and ends up being completely tell and almost zero show. This Is How You Lose The Time War is a PERFECT example of this - where the flowery and poetic language actually takes AWAY from a scene and distracts you from it rather than adding anything to it in the moment, and for those who do like poetic fiction this will be up their alley but if you don’t and you pick it up because of badly marketed hype when you normally wouldn’t, it’s gonna turn you off reading in general!
There’s nothing wrong with starter fiction to help get readers engaged and then find their way into actually good books, but my gripe is that it’s never ever marketed as that and as if it it’s just generically good fiction. Nothing Colleen Hoover has ever written is objectively good - the writing style is mediocre and she romanticises taboo topics which will seem spicy to the average population who doesn’t READ. And yet she takes up every bookshelf which I promise you will end up turning many readers who ARENT on booktok away from reading altogether.
YA is another genre that has declined a lot in recent years because it’s full of marketers trying to fit all the buzzword tropes into their books and getting young readers to buy it because it’s “enemies to lovers pirate cyberpunk found family” or whatever - and it feels more like focus group fiction rather than actual writing. I LOVE YA but nothing that’s been released post 2020 has had any depth, plot, character development or any style to it.
A great example is Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros - i tried reading 2 chapters as a sample and it was shocking to see how illogical, overdramatic, overedgy and exceptionally “this happened then this then this then that” it was. There was absolutely zero nuance and it felt so “I’m telling you all this but I’m not gonna prove any of it”. And yet it’s rated either 5 stars or 1 star. I’m sure it’s a great starter middle grade/teen book but it is definitely not deserving to be on the same pedestal as other YA books like Hunger Games or Six of Crows. I used to think that perhaps I’ve just outgrown YA but considering I can pick up YA from 2018 that I haven’t read before with no problems, it’s so specific to BOOKTOK YA.
It’s getting to the point that if I see a book that’s being overpromoted on tiktok, I’m more likely to believe the bad reviews because there hasn’t been a SINGLE book where I’ve disagreed with them, and then go find a different book in the same genre that hasn’t been on booktok - it’s getting hilarious actually that the books that are actually incredible get zero screen time and traction on booktok because they aren’t just cheap easy airport reads. Once again - nothing wrong with an easy airport CH book or YA book, but we aren’t going around parading a Lee Child book as peak literature no matter how enjoyable they are.
I don’t even have a conclusion to this entire rant - I’m sick of books like Babel getting steamrolled because it was “too sad or too hard” in favour of the latest SJM book, and getting even more sick of the decline of media literacy due to books getting easier and more spoonfeedy. When they aren’t? They mistake flowery metaphors for complexity and depth.
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takeachillpillshawty · 4 months
Omg how come I've never seen this?
But quick question:
What kind of apocalypse is the au based off? Cause I just finished watching some uncanny valley videos and I thought that maybe the students turn Into horrifying mutated monsters
and also, will any of our home boys get infected?
Ok, wow. That was quick, firstly I'm still thinking of where the plot of the story may go. A person commented on the Jack post I made saying how this reminded them of the MLP infection aus, and I'm just gonna say it straight up....it's inspired by it.
I just wanted to make one of those but for Twst, 'Overblot Abnormalis' is the name of the Au and infection.
I still working on the story \ plot of this lil project but I can confirm some things
This is going to be dark, I want this to be scary not in a disgusting gross gore blood way but something that will stick with you and have meaning behind it way. So I will delve into dark subject matters, and do some research on them so it won't come off as offensive or gross.
The characters won't act like their game counterpart, I can't promise they'll be accurate (I mean I don't know how they'll react to a student being mawled to death.), but I'll try to work with what I got.
There is gonna be angst. Lots of it, I'm not letting these boys rest.
There will be some ships involved, it won't be outright but implied.
Where will I take this au?
I have two options,
option 1: Just make it a semi fanfic with drawings
Option 2: if this gets enough traction and attention I'll let you guys decide on how the story progress with the polls. Like a game of some sort.
Please keep in mind
I'm busy with school and home life, there will be times I post and times I won't have the motivation to even draw. So hiatus will be inevitable, I'm not the best artist and I'm doing this project for fun. Thank you for understanding.
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huihuiheart · 2 years
Under the Stars - Do Hanse
Victon Masterlist
Pairing:  Camboy! Hanse x Cam! Afab Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Summary: Everyone has certain needs, but in his world of money and lust Hanse surely didn’t need love. Or so he was convinced until he paired up with you.
Warnings: Camboy/camgirl themes, masturbation, Hanse is a little bit mean (in only the best of ways I have problems okay), some teasing sexual and verbal, some manhandling, dom/sub themes, oral (fem receiving), rough sex, fingering, protected sex, some cum play (cum eating), dirty talk, degradation, cursing, sex toys, overstimulation, crying, a little pain, squirting, praise, dirty talk, use of the terms doll and sweetheart, drooling.
Word Count: 5395
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Hanse’s brow was raised, continuing to silently sip on his glass of whiskey as he listened to Sejun speak as both a friend and manager. He’d been listening to the man rattle off this plan for the past half hour at this point and frankly he was running out of ways to rephrase his suggestion. It almost pained Hanse to watch at this point...almost, but then again if he was going to suggest what he did Hanse was gonna let him suffer just a little for it. Eventually however, enough was enough, Hanse sighs and puts the glass down.
“You know I like to work alone, Sejun, so why are you asking?” Hanse asks, arms crossing over his chest as he watches nonchalantly as Sejun huffs, arms dropping dramatically to his sides.
“Please Hanse, she needs to catch a break. She’s good, she’s just stuck in the early phase. The one where its only the same old creeps every time. Just help her build a bit of a rep that’s all I ask. She could really use it.” Sejun practically begs and while it wasn’t really Hanse’s thing he couldn’t really say no to his friend like this.
“Send me her profile. I’m not agreeing to anything, but I’ll take a look at her at least.” Hanse concedes at least that much, getting his friend to back off slightly for the time being, “Why are you so invested in her though?”
“She’s my newest client!” Sejun beams, “Well I guess I should say she’s my second client considering before it was just you.”
“What? Did I not pay well enough? Cause if that’s the real issue I can fix that.” Hanse offers still somewhat looking for a way out, to no avail.
“No. No, nothing like that. I just wanted to start branching out some and she seemed like the perfect person. Like I said though she needs help getting out there. Come on Hanse, consider it a favor to me.” Sejun’s comments make Hanse roll his eyes, mumbling something about how he never should have hired his friend.
“Hey I said I’d look at her profile or whatever. Get off my ass and I’ll think about it. I’m not making any promises though.” Hanse tries to wave him off again, but with Sejun it seems as though that’s rather pointless as he thanks the man as if he’d already fully agreed to any and everything. 
Still Hanse had agreed to take a look at your profile and so he would. At the very least he might be able to lend you some advice through his friend and perhaps be enough to end Sejun’s begging even if he didn’t quite agree. Sejun had sent the link, all he had to do now was click around the familiar website to take in all the various aspects of your profile while savoring his whiskey as he did any night off...and a few on.
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He had to hand it to you, for someone so new your profile was very well put together. Though perhaps Sejun had helped you with that as well. Between saying and showing just enough to tease to interacting with the right amount, and even scheduling things when you should expect a decent amount of traction your profile looked good. Which did peak the man’s curiosity...why weren’t you getting more attention? Scrolling through posts he weeded through pictures of lingerie, toys, aesthetic images, and even kinky texts to find an image of your body. Sucking a breath in through his teeth as he brought his glass up again, throat suddenly running dry. You were gorgeous, breathtaking even, so there was no reason in hell or on earth itself you shouldn’t be drowning in followers or even notice. Yet, he hadn’t heard or seen you anywhere. Which only left him one last thing to check, a stream. He pulled up a recording of a past stream of yours to see if perhaps there was something about being on camera that you couldn’t nail down, only to find nothing yet again. Falling back in his chair with a huff, noticing that he had started to grow hard even. Something that he often had much more control over by this point, that fact speaking volumes about you. He was stumped though, not knowing what advice to give his friend. Hanse pulls his phone out with a sigh knowing he might just regret this, but pulls up his friend’s name anyway to send him a text.
Hanse: Go ahead and send her my profile. Shoot the idea by her. If she’s down then we’ll MEET. This whole thing is going to be on my terms though and my terms only.
Sejun: Of course! I already talked to her about connecting her to someone though, she seems down, but I’ll send your profile her way.
Hanse shakes his head deciding to go distract himself from the possible regrettable decision he just made before he could overthink it too much. Meanwhile you were getting a late night email from Sejun, your newest helper and manager. Noticing how he talks up his friend and client Hanse, including his profile and the potential to work together soon even. Sure you had been onboard with Sejun’s suggestion, trusting him completely on that. Yet now you suddenly felt nervous over the fact there was a potential option for that. Still, you decided to open the link and take a look for yourself.
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Your first thought is shock, more in the sense that his presence seems to be the polar opposite of yours. Not that that necessarily means anything, being on cam is about putting on a show whether it’s truly you or not. Still the man was breathtaking and looked like trouble compared to your more sweet, innocent image. When Sejun had suggested it you expected another person with a soft image, not that you were complaining by any means. No, in fact, maybe you should thank him for this. Perhaps mixing some trouble in was exactly what you needed. At the very least it could get you some attention. Though this man’s screaming presence of danger was doing anything but scare you off, only enticing you more. 
Y/N: Sejun, set up the meeting. You have my schedule and all. Just don’t let me meet me alone in a back alley or something creepy. Cause I might actually agree to do some questionable shit in the presence of that man.
Sejun: I told you! See I know what you like better than you even do! You can trust me though, I wouldn’t suggest him if I thought you’d be in any real danger. Though I will warn, he might be a little...mean.
Y/N: Mean can be hot... if it’s in the right way. Either way I’ll meet with him and if it’s not something I can handle then we’ll call it off. I trust you though. 😊
You hadn’t lied to Sejun about your trust in him. Still, the way butterflies were going every which way in your gut right now over just the thoughts of what this man might be like had you nervous. As if you were fawning over your first high school crush and scared to lose your virginity to him or something, utterly ridiculous kind of nervous. Especially for a camgirl. This was a business meeting goddamn it, between two working and professional adults. Very attractive adults mind you, but that shouldn’t be enough to have you restless through the night. Logical reasoning didn’t seem to win out this time though and so your eyes drifted over to your bedside table, pulling out a vibrator and finding the perfect video off that profile to pair with it. Even if you and him didn’t enter a business relationship, you were quite thoroughly fucked, this man would be your new addiction. Especially if you slept this well after getting off to his videos was more than just a one time thing.
Sejun wasted no time in coordinating arrangements between you two, making a group chat to send out date, time, and location. Letting you both finally get each other’s name. Though your heart stopped for a moment when Hanse got adamant in the group chat that he would meet you alone without Sejun’s pushy personality there to be any sort of outside influence. Instead that you’d both fill him in once you had met and talked one on one. You still trusted that Sejun wouldn’t put you in danger and that if anything did happen he would come running at the simplest of texts, but that didn’t mean you weren’t anxious over the thought of meeting Hanse like this. 
Stepping into the hotel you and Hanse were planning to meet in you knew there was no going back now. Picking up your key from the front desk and making your way up to the room, opening it to silence and so you had to will your voice into working and speak up. Not that it entirely kept the nervous tremble out of it. 
“Hello? Hanse, are you here?” You question as you shut the door behind you and glance around as you start to step in.
“I am. Just getting comfortable. Don’t be shy.” Hanse calls from deep inside the room, giving you a direction to go towards only to stop in your tracks when you actually see him. 
Hanse was lounging back on the couch in the room, letting the setting sun cast in through the window and over his bare skin. Chest and legs bare and tattoos on display with simply a blanket haphazardly thrown over his lap. A glass of whiskey in hand as he raises a brow at your stunned form, snickering around the rim of the glass as he brings it up for another sip before holding it up in gesture.
“Would you like a glass? You seem... tense.” He offers picking up on your body language rather easily and trying to ease you into this setting. Even if he wasn’t necessarily all that interested in having anything to do with you he had no intentions of being cruel. 
“Slightly... more so stunned than otherwise. A glass might help though, you’re right.” You agree with a small nod, watching as the man languidly begins to move again. Gasping softly, yet not enough to go unheard it seemed, when he stands and the blanket falls to show that he had nothing on at all.
“Stunned? And why is that?” The shit eating grin on Hanse’s face showed he wasn’t entirely clueless to the reason why, but his ego wanted to hear you say it. Watching closely as he poured you a glass wondering if he was going to scare you away like this.
“I didn’t quite expect you to be so...forward.” You admit, feeling as if your skin was burning as you reached out to take the glass from him. As hot as you felt in this moment however, you weren’t going anywhere, not until you saw this through. 
“I assumed you did your research and so there would be no reason to hide anything. So why not be fully comfortable?” Hanse shrugs as he takes his seat again, not bothering to put the blanket back over himself this time however, “Besides, I’m a very blunt, forward person. Is that going to be a problem?”
You shake your head, taking a gulp of the whiskey and letting it burn down your throat and hopefully kick in as you will yourself to go sit on the couch along with him, just at a bit of a distance still.
“It’s not. Blunt can be good, you know where you stand. I like that. Besides I had no idea at all what to expect, so I probably would have been shocked no matter what.” You out yourself slightly, causing Hanse to chuckle. He had to admit though you were handling all of this better than he expected.
“Well I had some time to settle and get comfortable. I’ll let you have the same. You tell me when you’re ready and then we’ll talk business.” He extends the courtesy to you, watching as you remove your jacket and shoes, moving to somewhat mirror his stance and lay back a little bit.
“I’m fine, we can go ahead and talk now.” You assure him, hearing how he hums the glass and finding that even that is attractive. Even if now is not the time to be getting turned on, not that he was helping that with his appearance currently. You were proud of how well you had done focusing on his face however.
“So I know what Sejun had said, but the reason I wanted to get you alone was to ask you what you’re really expecting from this if we were to work together? Don’t bullshit me either, I’ll know.” Hanse watches you closely as you sip the drink before leaning your head against the back of the couch.
“Because I’m tired of seemingly wasting my time. I’m not miserable camming, but like doing anything long enough without really being appreciated takes a toll. Especially when the whole point it to be noticed.” You respond with a shrug, “I’m not a quitter don’t get me wrong, but it was starting to get to me. So if I’m going to keep doing this then I need to do it right. That’s what I want to get from this. Maybe neither of us ever shows in the other’s videos, but if you can just help me with advice or anything so I know I’m actually doing this shit right...then that’s what I want.” 
“You’re not just here to make money getting your back blown?” He can’t help but to tease watching you almost choke in shock at his question, despite picking up on how genuine you seemed to be, “Seriously though, advice or assistance I can do easily. Perhaps even a collaboration, I’d just like to make sure you and I are on the same page though.”
“Of course. I’m fine with that too. I just know that just because someone shows it all off on the internet doesn’t mean they wanna fuck someone they don’t really know.” You take a turn at speaking bluntly now causing Hanse to raise a brow before setting down his glass as he finishes his drink.
“I mean I’m a rather sexual person and I figured I wasn’t the only one with needs so why not make some money off it. After all... I’m not exactly shy.” He snickers holding his hand out to take your glass as well when he notices you’re finished.
“Don’t we all. I do wonder though...and if this is too personal feel free to pass up an answer, I just don’t know anyone else who cams to ask. Does it ever get lonely? I mean I’ve been single a long time and this covers those needs, but I can’t image its an easy thing for someone to accept when you start dating them.” Your question catches Hanse off guard for a moment, looking over you for a moment as if to gauge if you had hidden reasons for asking. 
When he doesn’t pick up on anything he decides to humor you with an answer after the honesty you’ve given him so far, “No. Well not to me anyways. I’m not for all that mushy, gushy, love shit. I gave it a try and learned that it’s a lie. A way for people to manipulate and take advantage of each other and I refuse to be naïve enough to believe in it anymore. I find other ways to care for my needs and between that and having friends my life is complete.” 
Hanse sighs, noticing your stunned expression again, the way you blink over at him wide eyed in response. Your face falls slightly, almost becoming a puppy dog face and he shakes his head slightly not waiting for you to speak up again before he does.
“Don’t tell me you believe in that fairytale love story shit. Why would you need any of that crap?” Hanse crosses his arms watching your expression fall further, almost feeling perhaps he had been a little too harsh with his words when it seems as if you might cry.
“I mean I don’t need it. I don’t have it now and I’m living life just fine and happy... that doesn’t stop me from wanting it though. If that’s not for you then fine, live like that. It’s not for me though.” You speak softly, enough so that Hanse realizes he did overstep slightly, but not enough to make you cry. 
“Fair enough.” He backs down, not sure why he cares if your feelings were to be hurt by his view, but finding that he does, “Would you like to talk about anything else? Or should I go ahead and update Sejun? I’ll show you the email before I send it so you can confirm.” 
“That’s fine. If we think of anything else we can shoot a text or meet up again.” You agree, Hanse picking up on how you still seem to shrink back some now that you’ve grown quiet in response yet letting it be. Who was he to care anyways? He didn’t know you that well. Besides, it was probably just a physical response to finding you attractive and not his problem.  
Hanse drafting up an email to Sejun outlining what the two of you had briefly talked about in terms of an agreement, handing you the laptop after to allow you to look over it and make adjustments as you saw fit before he sent it off. Allowing a moment of silence to settle for a moment before deciding to take a chance, wanting to test something out and see if that was just a physical response.
“You know... the room is booked for the whole night so we might as well make use of it don’t you think?” Hanse’s inquiry makes you pause, staring at him for a moment to see if maybe you were understanding incorrectly or not.
“And just what are you implying Hanse?” You raise a brow at him causing him to lean into your space with a deep chuckle.
“What do you think? After all, I said I was a sexual person. Plus we both agreed we’re not opposed to working together like that and we’re attractive, so why not consider this a chance for a test run?” Hanse plops down on the edge of the bed now, leaning back onto his palms as he watches your reaction. 
Your actions contradicting as you shake your head, but move close to him, “I can’t believe I’m about to agree to this when you just fucking insulted me the way you did.” 
“What? You want me to make it up to you now?” He can’t help but be smug as he looks up at you when you step between his legs, “Give me ten minutes and I bet you won’t even remember your name, let alone anything you’d have to be mad at me over.” 
“Oh is that so? And what if I said I don’t believe you? You might know how to cam, but that doesn’t mean you know how to fuck. Who says you even know your way around a woman?” You seem to strike a nerve, which may have slightly been the point so as to get him back a little bit for his earlier attack towards you. 
Hanse growls under his breath, though whether it was a remark towards you or simply a sound of irritation you couldn’t decipher as he instantly reaches to pull your top off. Fully intending to follow through on the light hearted promise he made more just messing around, but now a matter of pride due to your challenge. Your pants are quick to follow, it crosses your mind for a fraction of a second that perhaps Hanse had some intention of this all along seeing as how he had been naked from the start. Not that the man in question leaves you anytime to ponder over that. Hanse stands while his hands grip at your hips, quickly swapping your positions so that you’re on the bed with him standing now. Shoving you back onto the bed a tad harsh, a bit from irritation as his pride acts up, but also due to knowing that as you fall back no harm will come with the bed behind you.
Hanse’s hands moving down from your hips to your legs, fingertips just barely grazing over the flesh before firmly gripping your knees. He spreads your legs, eyes focusing in on your clothed cunt. Getting down on his knees he leans in closer, hands pressing up your inner thighs and spreading you out as much as he could, not wanting to leave you any room to move away as he places a kiss to your panties. Pressing his tongue flat against your entrance letting it sit there as saliva pools and mixes with your arousal to form a wet patch rather quickly. Hanse moves to slowly drag his tongue up then only stopping again once he gets to your clit, letting the fabric grow damp before wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking, the sensation overwhelming you for a minute. You’re suddenly very grateful that he had taken a second before doing that as even the wet fabric rubbed against your clit slightly rough. Not that you thought you should expect anything different from the little you did know about Hanse. His tongue pressing against the bud while it’s still trapped in his mouth, putting more pressure before swirling around it for a minute. Pulling away with a pop as he looks up at you moving one hand away from your thigh and holding it out to you.
“Give me your hand.” He requests leaning his head against your thigh as he waits for you to listen. You raise a brow not sure what he was wanted, but reaching out anyways letting him guide your hand between your legs, having you pull your panties aside. “Stay just like that. Out of my way.” 
Without waiting another second his mouth is on you again, tongue teasing your entrance before curling in as he watches your reactions. He presses closer with each movement, his nose brushing against your clit and when it makes you cry out, fingers tightening around your panties to not reach out and tug at your hair he grins against you. Deciding that while he was planning on breaking you down as quickly as possible he could tease just a hair when he noticed what you liked, making sure you knew just how good he could treat you. Pressing into you a little firmer before shaking his head and moaning against you when you tense up as a result. 
“Cum on my tongue sweetheart, you know you want to. Don’t worry, I won’t stop not until you’re shaking.” Hanse’s voice is almost gentle in comparison to his actions as he mumbles them against your core, the vibrations from each word spoken deeply causing a sharp spike of pleasure to shoot up your spine. Arching for him in effect, free hand reaching up by your head to grip at the sheets as your moans increase in volume.  
Part of you hated giving in so easily to him, but you were so ill-prepared for how good he’d actually be that you were helpless to the pleasure he drowned you in now. Hanse knew just how to pull the string tight and make it snap so quickly it seemed as if he didn’t even have to try. Pulling back once you cum, just enough to stand though. He pushes away the hand gripping your panties replacing it with his and forcefully pulling them down your legs before taking his place between them again. His grin shit eating as he looks down into your glazed over eyes.
“Look at how pliant you are for me. Talking all this shit just to be a good girl the second someone touches your slutty little cunt, huh?” He toys with you licking over his middle two fingers before slipping them down and into your cunt with one smooth motion. When he curls them just right to make you arch again, withering in sensitivity his other hand slips under your back to unclasp your bra. “And you thought I wouldn’t know how to treat a woman. Are you eating your words now baby?” 
“F-Fuck you Hanse!” You grit out between clenched teeth, he knows it’s not from anger however, but instead you trying to hold back your sounds.
“Oh you will sweetheart, when I feel like it though.” Hanse chuckles, fingers pulling out and teasingly pinching at your clit before he walks away to go get a condom from the bedside table, tossing a wand vibrator besides you as well making you gasp.
“You fucker! You fucking planned this didn’t you?” Your tone is breathy, eyes widening at him in disbelief as he simply shrugs, rolling the condom on.
“I wouldn’t say planned, but I wanted to be hopefully prepared in case it were to.” He admits, thumb moving to rub your clit and line himself up. He hesitates, however, due to the way his heart stutters looking into your eyes when they glaze over with lust and pleasure again. Not sure why his chest suddenly felt tighter than his pants would have in this situation, yet he almost felt panicked at the thought of looking into your eyes right now. So he wouldn’t, playing it off instead as he flips you over onto your stomach, feet hitting the floor as you bend over the edge of the bed.
He teases his tip through your folds as he leans over you, reaching for the vibrator he had tossed besides you earlier, clicking it on and placing it into your hand before guiding that to your clit as he slowly pushes in inch by delicious fucking inch, “I’m going to fucking break you doll. Fuck you so good you’ll be begging me to do shows with you ever night from now on.”
You were already falling apart beneath him before he even moved, Hanse’s free hand gripping at your hair and pressing your face further into the sheets when you moan out so loud that they might be hearing from the hotel for noise. Not that he cared much, but perhaps you had dignity to spare. The thought making him question his motives yet again, after all, why the fuck did he care?
“Please.” Your choked out sob caught his attention, leaning down to catch a glimpse of the tears glittering in your eyes and he swore he almost busted right then despite the amount of control he’d built over the last few years.
“This doesn’t work like that doll. You gotta speak up, tell me what you want sweetheart. Be good enough and maybe, just maybe, I’ll be nice and actually give it to you before I get what I want.” He mocked as if you didn’t both want the same thing in this moment.
“Please move Hanse. Fuck! Please, I’m begging. I want you to fuck me so hard I can’t barely walk out this room. Fuck me so well my body commits it to memory.” Your tone of voice along with the way your hips wiggle just slightly convinces him enough, and while typically he’d be the type to punish someone for this you were being too good right now for him to care. No, he’d have all the time to mold you into his perfect little submissive on camera later. For now this was enough for him.  
His hips started moving quick and hard, drilling your hips into the bed with each thrust. Hitting deep enough that just the slightly twinge of pain sounded in through the ringing pleasure, something you found yourself loving though. Each roll of his hips making your free hand claw at the sheets as you felt a high rush towards you quicker than you thought was possible to stop even if everything else did in this moment. Hanse noticed too, feeling you getting impossibly tighter around him.
“Let go doll, but don’t move the toy away. You’re going to give me one more before we’re done, like the good girl you are for me now.” His tone softens with you, seeing the way you seem to shatter beneath him, leaning down to kiss your temple, something he never did. The action seemed to be what set you right off though, Hanse praising you through it, “There you go. You’re so perfect when you cum on my cock for me. Give me one more doll.”
Hanse reaches down to slip his fingers between yours when he notices you clawing at the sheet again, gripping onto your hand tightly while his face stays close to yours watching how you’re drooling now. His free hand sliding over yours on the vibrator again, noticing how it trembles along with your thighs and wanting to make sure you’re soaking up every ounce of possible pleasure right to the very end.
“Come on sweetheart, cum for me again. I’m about to cum too, but you first.” He watches you nod blindly, cumming around him with a gush of wetness squirting around his cock and he pulls out leaving the vibrator there until he’s drained every drop from you. He’s quick to toss it away so as not to hurt you, not knowing your limits quite yet. His condom goes next, pumping his cock a few times before he’s cumming hot ribbons across your back and ass making you twitch at the sudden feeling.
Hanse shudders at the sight before pulling it together again, well mostly. He can’t help but lean down though, tongue licking over your form and scooping up his cum. He gently cradles your neck, guiding you into a kiss in your dazed state, kissing you deeply to share his cum with you. Feeling pride swell in his chest for some reason when you swallow.
“There’s a good girl. Stay here and take deep breaths. I’ll be right back.” Hanse assures you taking note of your whiny nature and going to get a warm washcloth along with a water bottle. Coming back to look over you, while he wasn’t emotional he wasn’t heartless especially not with someone who submitted to him. Taking note of how it seemed you had subbed out a bit at this point and using cleaning you with a few scattered kisses as a way of assessing how far you had dropped and helping start to ease you back.
Hanse wraps a good blanket around you before carrying you to the couch, giving you the water and bringing the snack box from the other side of the room so you could get what you wanted while he changed most the ruined sheets with the spares he had requested due to “getting cold”, as if it wasn’t going to be obvious what you both were up to. Carrying you back to bed and tucking you in before getting under the covers with you, watching you snuggle into his side and blinking owlishly.
“Hey...you with me?” Hanse questions softly, running his fingers through your hair and gently working out some knots from earlier. “What’s your name sweetheart?”
You take a moment to respond before humming softly, “Y/N.”
“Good job, and do you know where you are right now?” He pushed a little further, not wanting you to sleep until he was sure how you were doing.
“Yeah... hotel with you, getting the best dick of my life.” You mumble against his side causing him to chuckle as his grin returns.
“Perfect. Get some sleep now, you did amazing doll.” He watches as you almost immediately pass out realizing that didn’t give him any of the answers he was hoping for. In fact, if anything he seemed to have even more questions now.
One thing seemed for certain however, if he stuck around you he would be well and truly fucked. If you were going to fuck him up though...then he sure as hell would return the favor.
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To be continued....
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cleanlenins · 1 year
Okay, so Twitter nonsense is bringing more people to Tumblr. I was going to make this post before, but it slipped my mind. So I am making it now.
How and When to Block People on Tumblr
There are a ton of helpful posts floating around about all the little things to make Tumblr more fun, but in my opinion this is the most important. THIS is what stops tumblr from being a rotted cesspool. So, I'm going to tell you how to use it.
There are 2 Types of Blocking people on here. The first is the block button, the second is the filtering.
When you want to block someone, simply go to their page and click the little person icon.
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When you click it, it will give you the option to block them.
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Click that, and you've blocked them.
Blocking someone doesn't hide their posts from you, it just makes it so they can't see your posts.
If you don't want to see a specific person's, you are going to have to FILTER them.
To get to filters, first you are going to have to go to your page and click the Settings.
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When you click the settings, it's going to take you to these options. Click on account settings.
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Then, you are going to go down to Content You See. Click on that.
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Then, you are going to have the option to filter things. There are two kinds of filters.
The first is filtered tags. This blocks posts that are tagged a certain way. They are great for blocking fandoms you have no interest in, as long as a person tags them.
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The second is Filtered Post Content. This looks at the words in the post and filters them out. INCLUDING the person's URL.
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I usually overkill it and just put a url in both of the filtering. But it SHOULD work if you just put it in the Filtered Post Content.
Fantastic job! You now know how to block someone! That brings me to the second part of the post.
When should you block someone?
The answer is easy: If you don't like what they post? Block them.
You don't need to moralize it. If you don't like the content they post, and unfollowing them didn’t help because your mutuals reblog their stuff, then block them.
Literally, I have blocked people just because I hated how they formatted their posts. I've blocked people just because I disliked the frequency that they posted. I've blocked people because I just didn't vibe.
No one cares. It's not gonna cause drama. If you don't like them, block them. Your dash is made up of stuff you like. Blocking and filtering someone is just getting them off your dash so you can see the stuff you do like.
Someone makes the dumbest argument about your fave character? Don't start fandom wank, block them.
Someone is acting like a bitch in your ask box? Block them.
Someone likes a ship that you don't like? Block them.
Someone tells you rudely that your fic is ooc? Block them.
Someone uses too much orange when they draw? Block. Them.
There is never a bad reason to block someone.
Heck, I'm sure at least one person will block me if this post gains any traction.
No need to argue and try to prove you are the better person. Shitty people don't listen anyways. And it doesn't have to be that deep. Just block block BLOCK and move on.
You'll be happier that way. Promise.
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heejinkwan · 3 months
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ib.  :  @anqelblccm & midnight  theories  on  yt  ! 
final  word  count  :  0.495k
warning(s)  :  talks of bullying and harassment, but that’s really it tbh
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`✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ INTRO !
❝  if you don’t know who promise is, you might be living under a rock. you could say they’re the queens of nugudom, having rocketed themselves into fame while only being a four year old group. but as of a few months ago, both the group and their company are under fire for what seems that their main vocalist ASTELLA had suddenly been kicked out of the group for unknown reasons, which have now come into light of what actually happened. ❞
`✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ ⠀⠀⠀ WHO IS PROMISE AND ASTELLA  ?!
❝  for  those  kpop  fans  that  haven’t  heard  about  the  PROMISE or ASTELLA,  the  group debuted back in 2017, as a five-membered girl bgroup with the members astella, jihyun, kyungmi, jade, and lily. they debuted under an unknown company called BUBBLE ENTERTAINMENT, who we will be getting to later. they debuted with a classic among kpop stans who like small groups, tell me,  but didn’t get traction until the release of peek-a-boo, which got them a lot of fame with international fans, basically they were on top of the world, looking at their success from a point of view that a group from a small company were getting their flowers and the fame they deserved, so it came to everyone’s surprise, when during the last leg of chill kill promotions, their company put out a statement saying that heejin ( astella ) would be on hiatus due to ‘ mental health ‘ which we find out later on that the reason was not only because of mental health. ❞
`✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ ⠀⠀⠀ THE LAWSUIT  ! 
❝ last year, during october, astella finally broke her silence with a post on instagram, it was a picture of all five of the girls, stating “hello to my darling 신자 ( faithfuls , promise’s fandom name ) i know that my departure from the group was abrupt, but it was the best thing that i could do for me. i love the girls and you all dearly, and i will never forget them or you all. I want nothing more than to see promise continue to succeed and i am rooting for my girls :). i have endured bullying and harassment, not from my members, but from the staff, and when i tried bringing it up to the higher ups my pleas and calls for help were ignored. i talked about it to my family, and they told me the best thing that i could do was to leave the group and the company as a whole. i hope you continue to support me if i do decide to redebut. please do not send any hurtful messages to my members, they are very kind and have treated me amazing since our debut. but yeah, heejin <3.” after she posted that, articles were made left and right asking the company to come forward and speak about the speculated bullying that astella claimed to be happening. ❞
❝ next, in December, astella officially filed a lawsuit against bubble entertainment and her ex- manager, who’s name is not mentioned in the lawsuit. astella claimed that her ex-manager was the root of all the bullying, she said “our manager would purposefully exclude and ignore me from anything that had to do with the group, she would say rude and hurtful things to me and when confronted, she would gaslight me, making me feel like i was in the wrong, but not to the other members. I don’t know what i did to be treated this way, but I know that i only treated her with kindness and respect, seeing that she’s my senior and i was always taught to respect my seniors”. she also said that when her group leader, kyungmi, also brought up the mistreatment astella was facing to the higher ups, they did nothing, and instead continued to allow her to act this way with astella, and this is the kicker, apparently the manager did end up getting fired, but that was only after astella l eft. ❞
❝ bubble entertainment kickstarted their company in 2014, fairly new to the company and only ever had trainees. the only group they’ve debuted is Promise, who later changed their name to Paradise in 2022, after member Astella left the group, and 2021 was the last year we saw Astella promote with promise. it was said that before debuting Promise, there was a whole different lineup, that only had Astella and Kyungmi in it, seeing as their positions in the group were main and lead singers. ❞
❝ also, side note, it has been rumored that all the members of Paradise will be terminating their contracts with Bubble, saying that they have come to a negotiation with the girls, letting them keep their group name, but will no longer be in the company. ❞
❝ now that the video is over, i wish nothing but prosperity and happiness for both Astella and Paradise, now that Astella is now in Starship, and Paradise are rumored to be leaving Bubble Entertainment, they can finally be somewhere where they are respected. ❞
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bluberimufim · 6 months
A short display of Portuguese Christmas sweets[1]
[1] I don't think "sweets" is the best translation but idk how else to say it, what I mean is "pastries and cakes", basically
Hello! This is very late (but tbh we eat the same stuff on Christmas and New Year's so ig I'm not that late)!!
I wanted to do this because it seems to kinda be in line with my Halloween folklore post and I want to share more stuff with you all! This one I know a little more about because I eat these things every year, but I promise I'll get back into folklore next because that's what interests me most. Please be aware that half of this is from my personal experience and may not be 100% accurate to most other people.
Bolo Rei (trans: King Cake)
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image source: https://lmalimentar.pt/lojaLM/bolos-congelados/318-bolo-rei-cozido-1-kg.html
This is like, the cake people think of when they think of Christmas. It's some basic dough filled with nuts and sugared fruits. Then, it has more sugared fruit on top (I've tried to find exactly what fruit it is but every recipe just says "fruit" despite it always being very specific colours and the only place I could find that listed what it supposedly was said it was pumpkin and I don't believe it). This cake is inspired by the image of a jewel-incrusted crown and was created to honour the Three Magi. It's said that it was inspired by the French Galette de Rois but I've also seen people say it's similar to Italian Panettone.
Bolo Rainha (trans: Queen Cake)
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image source: https://www.receitasdeculinaria.tv/receita-do-bolo-rainha/
For the cool kids who don't like the fruit part of Bolo Rei - this one is literally just nuts. This is also supposed to look like a crown but I can't find any source saying what it's supposed to represent, so I think it's just Bolo Rei 2.0. This one wasn't that big of a thing when I was a kid but it's gained a lot of traction in the last 10 or so years.
Pão de Ló (trans: literally "Bread of Ló" / "Ló's Bread", I'll explain in a bit)
There are two versions of this one but I'm gonna talk about dry Pão de Ló first.
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image source: https://www.receitasdatiaceu.com/recipe/pao-de-lo-tradicional/
This is my personal favourite - literally my favourite cake of all time. I have never met someone who does not have this as their favourite Christmas food. This is a type of sponge cake you eat on both Christmas and Easter, although it seems it was originally just for Easter. This is one of those you absolutely can't make at home unless you're literally crazy because it needs to be baked in a clay mould with sheets of paper and I've heard it requires 24 eggs per cake (tbh seems unrealistic but Portuguese pastry is like 80% eggs so it's not that outlandish, and I'm inclined to believe it bc I've tried like 3 different home-made recipes with normal amounts of eggs and it never tasted right). The origin of the name is basically impossible to find because every source I see claims a different story, but "Ló" seems to be the name of its original creator. Also, this cake was brought to Japan during the Discovery Period and it's allegedly the origin of a Japanese sponge cake named Kasutera.
Pão de Ló de Ovar (trans: Pão de Ló from Ovar)
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image source: https://iberismos.com/pao-lo-um-doce-com-muita-historia-iberica/?lang=pt-pt
Kinda like regular Pão de Ló but wet on the inside - the liquid-y part is egg. Its origins seem to be in conventual sweets (like, from a convent), which are known for using lots of eggs. But just like with its dry variant, there are a few different stories about it. Sometimes people argue about which variant is better, but it's really not that divisive. In fact, all the foods in this post often coexist at the Christmas table despite some being similar to each other.
Sonhos (trans: Dreams)
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image source: https://claradesousa.pt/receita/sonhos-de-natal/
These are much simpler than the cakes. It's basically just fried dough topped with sugar (I've heard that Brazilians call them "chuvinha" aka "little rain" because of this, and I think that's kinda funny because most Portuguese sweets have sugar on top). This is kinda like a "base" because there are other sweets similar to it but with carrot or pumpkin on the inside, and I don't think there's much reason to get into them here - also I don't usually eat them. You can eat them dry or with syrup made with sugar, cinnamon and lemon/orange.
Rabanadas (no clue how to translate this bc google suggests "french toast" and I refuse to accept that)
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image source: https://www.pingodoce.pt/receitas/rabanadas/
This is a simple yet effective classic. It was originally made to utilize stale bread people had lying around (I've seen sources suggest it's because bread is sacred to Jesus even if it's stale and so it's bad to waste it). It's made with bread, honey or sugar, milk, and cinnamon, although I've seen people replace the milk and honey with condensed milk. It has been recorded since the 16th century, when it was used partially for medicinal purposes to help people regain their strength, especially after giving birth (which... thematically appropriate but it still surprised me when I found out).
I hope you had fun looking at all this tasty food - because I certainly did and this is my blog.
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wol-fica · 1 year
Addressing Something:
I’ve had a lot of people ask me where Bliss - Part 9 disappeared off to, and i’m coming on to explain what happened.
[Before you continue reading, please note this issue has already been discussed]
Firstly, I’d like to explain how I write and how my brain works within creating stories. Normally, i’ll come up with interesting ideas from either pure boredom, or from laying in bed at night and the only thing to think about is new post ideas.
Now, there are instances that I will read other creators stories and i get inspired to make a one-shot or story part. When that happens, i do my best to not copy and plagiarize their work because that is THEIR creation and therefore THEIR property and it is entirely unfair to them for their hard work to just be copied into a different plot line or prompt. From this point on, I will be crediting authors who have inspired any story that i have written.
Recently, I posted a story (Bliss - PT9) that was inspired by a trope that I read from another author. I took that trope and created Part 9 with the intent to make Wednesday a more dominant character. I was inspired by how that author wrote her, but i made the mistake of writing it while using some of that authors prompt and not giving them any credit for it. I fully and wholeheartedly take the entire blame for my mistake, and I understand completely if anyone decides to think any differently of me because of this. It was never my intent to copy and claim their idea at all, doing that it’s utterly unfair and rude to that author and i sincerely apologize to them for it. I understand that we have had a conversation about this incident, but i still am genuinely sorry for what I did.
The author, who does incredible work, posted a story that I really enjoyed how Wednesday was written and how she responded/interacted with the reader etc etc. I wasn’t thinking when i chose to write with their way of portraying Wednesday, and i hate myself for it.
I know what it’s like for someone to copy your work, post it on their page, claim it’s theirs, and gain traction from it. It’s a gut wrenching feeling that makes you extremely angry and upset, and that author has every right to be.
I also want to emphasize that I AM THE ONE AT FAULT. I am not the victim here, and i am taking the full blame and won’t be resposting Bliss - Part 9 as a smut. Eventually i will write something, but it won’t be anything near what it was because that idea did not and does not belong to me.
I also won’t be @/ing the author as that is their privacy and i don’t want to put them on the spot. I’m sure most everyone knows who it is, it’s not hard to figure out.
I refuse to hide and shut myself down because I made a mistake. That kind of person is someone i don’t want to become. My decision was wrongful, hurtful, and stupid, and that is why I am coming on here to explain and let you all know what happened.
For the final time, I apologize for what i’ve done, and I promise it will never ever happen again. If i get inspiration, I WILL credit the original and praise them for their work. The author who i did this to is wonderful and well written, and they have an amazing platform that i will always respect. They deserve all the credit and should be praised for their creations.
Thank you for reading,
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gloomysoup · 9 months
Gloomysoup Updates:
i've come to the realization that i posted exactly One (1) thing ab kinktober a few weeks ago and then never said anything ab it again.. oops. ima be honest i kinda forgot..
i will finish organizing and have something resembling a masterlist for the month up here in the next few days. it may change as the month progresses, depending on what my work schedule looks like, but i will hopefully be able to stay on track and actually post real content 🫡
i'm also hoping to start getting some one shots up that i've been working on, but those will likely go up starting in november, cross-posted on both tumblr and ao3. i have a few half-finished things i've been playing around with and getting feedback from friends on.
ALSO per my chaptered fic ideas:
typically i wait until i have the whole thing almost finished before i do much else with it, however i'm anxious to get things posted sooner rather than later. i know i've gained quite a few followers thru my little peeks at bts of several wips. i've been posted snippets on and off for a while now without actually giving any real content... and honestly i feel really bad ab it. i appreciate the traction i've gotten on this app and i really do want to give everyone what they came here for, despite how i may feel ab putting things out there right now.
i have a few wips that are making decent progress. i have a handle of first chapters almost completed. i MAY start posting them here in the near future, mainly with fics i already have fully plotted out. the others are still being worked out plot wise and i don't trust myself to stick w original ideas enough to post them anytime soon, but i may be able to get first chapters of secrets, stepdads, and daycare out once i'm satisfied with where they wrap up.
all this being said, my work schedule lately has been super fucked up. everything is a big mess and there's little consistency in anything. by the time i get home, i'm completely drained and usually go straight to bed just to get up and do it all again the next morning. we're severely understaffed and the owners are expecting those of us on day shift to pick up evening shift's slack every single time (as if we're not already there all day doing our jobs AND theirs, they expect us to do it on days we're supposed to be off). it also doesn't help that i'm still living w my parents in a sort of toxic environment and desperately trying to get out.
thankfully, things should be getting smoothed out soon. i'm hoping to make more progress on writing and getting things posted as soon as possible. i promise i'm trying. if you've stuck around this long, thank you. i truly appreciate all of you.
that's all for now. keep your eyes out for more updates and master lists to come :)
- gloomysoup
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alltheficsiwant · 2 years
Here We Go Again (Same Old Hawkins, Or Not Sequel)
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Summary: The Summer of '85 is on the roll. Reader has started her job as a printing personnel in the Hawkins Post with the help of Nancy and Jonathan who are both in their internship as a writer and photographer respectively. Eddie on the other hand is working as a part time mechanic at Jaeger’s Auto shop while Steve continues to work at Scoop’s Ahoy with Robin alongside him.
The kids, well, they are enjoying their summer with the mall in full operation and the upcoming fair that is being planned by the Mayor. Really, as long as all of the upside down remains quiet, everything will be great.
Unfortunately, their plans are going to be in ruins when one Billy Hargrove starts to take interest in the reader. Though, it was much better if it was just some misguided infatuation but apparently there is much more into it than meets the eye.
Reader was really happy not to deal with the upside down and would face a million Billy Hargrove, in fact the rest of them would be happy not to deal with it at all. Apparently, its not done yet. It is just getting started.
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Harrington! Reader
Warnings: There are depictions of minor violence here. Be warned.
Author's Note: Hi! Here is the sequel for my first story, Same Old Hawkins or Not? If you haven't read it yet. Click the link below to access it. It's better to read it first to understand some of the context. I have started posting this in Ao3. I will not link it here until the story is finished there. I have focused my posting there since I kind of don't receive any traction here in tumblr. Please support your content creators by REBLOGGING AND LEAVING A COMMENT. Its okay to leave a like but PLEASE REBLOG AFTER OR IF YOU DON'T WANT YOU CAN LEAVE ANY COMMENT.
This is not yet edited. I apologize in advance for any errors. Enjoy! - J
Same Old Hawkins, Or Not? | Part TWO
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Seriously, Indiana heat is stifling, especially if you are working with thick black ink.
You promised yourself you wouldn’t be dealing with a job that involves chemicals but you are not a woman of your words. Whatever happened last year was kind of proof of that. 
You say, you wanted boring but you threw yourself headfirst to the fray of drama.
You say you are here to have fun, well guess what you got attached to it. Who wouldn’t get attached to a sexy and endearing metal head?
You say you wouldn’t be like your father but here you are.
Technically, the chemicals you are handling are ink but still, the principle of mixing anything liquid is there. Though, you would rather mix ink than anything else. You should have considered working at the bar but you are far too an alcoholic not to be tempted with the shelves of alcohol. So, ink it is.
You carefully put the proper oil to achieve the right amount of thickness for the ink. Any thicker or any thinner, the paper would be in ruins. You managed to impress the people in the printing section of the post during your first day. You fixed what to be a withstanding problem with the ink that is why sometimes the paper is a bit botched. Now it's just perfect and you suddenly became the Rockstar of your section.
Well, you don’t want that extra attention, thank you very much.
“Hey,” You carefully mixed the ink now with the stirring rod before you looked up to the owner of the voice. You came face to face with Nancy who is standing there with a nearly empty cup holder of coffee and a paper bag. Your eyes scanned her face and saw the light frown on her brow despite the smile she was giving you. It just made it look like a grimace and you kind of know where it came from.
“They are giving you the misogynistic treatment again?” You opted as a greeting as Nancy huffed at that. She immediately dropped the façade and grumpily placed two coffee cups on the counter. 
“They never really stop,” Nancy grumbled and you lifted the stirring rod off the mixture. You started to remove your gloves as you walked over to her.
“That’s Hawkins for you,” You mused as you gave your thanks to the coffee before you continued talking. “If not the stereotypical drama about partners cheating or any type of drama. There is also the stereotypical views of men are better at things,”
“Just frustrating, I just want to contribute and yet they brush me off as if I am nothing,” Nancy grumbled as she opened the paper bag and pulled out a sandwich. She offered it but you quickly shook your head as you leaned down towards a lunchbox. You opened it up to have the sandwich Steve made for you. “Emilia said that every intern receives that same treatment but they treat Jonathan differently!”
You just listened and did not offer any more comment while Nancy’s rant. Now, this is a bit of a surprise. After Nancy’s and Steve’s history, it's not really mandatory for you to make friends with the girl that broke your cousin’s heart. Though since working here in the Hawkins Post right after graduation, you and her gravitate towards each other. You found a friend in her and you think she did too in you as she started to release her frustrations.
Something of a surprise since Nancy looked to be someone who is always put together. 
“--I just need one chance that is all! One big chance to prove that I am not just good for errands. I am good writer,”
“You are actually,” You suddenly spoke as you took a sip of the coffee. Nancy stopped and looked at you.
“You are a good writer. You are editor-in-chief of the newspaper in your sophomore year and still is this coming junior year and the whole school reads your paper. Hell, I did,” You told her as you turned to look at her. “Your pieces were quite more interesting than what grown men write in the Hawkins Post. Even the one that involved the Hawkins's lab,”
Nancy then bit her lip as she looked down at her coffee. 
“So yeah, you are a good writer and probably better than those men there,” You pointed to the adjacent building where the writing happens and where the pictures are developed before your department receives them to print. “You’ll have your time. I promise,”
Nancy then offered a smile as she nodded. She mumbled a thanks with your name as she ate the last of her sandwich. You polished off your coffee and looked at the clock.
“Ugh, though you might want to move it because break is over,” You motioned to the clock and Nancy cursed as she frantically tried to clean up. “Leave it be, I’ll take care of it. Just go!”
“Thank you!” She shouted as you watched her run towards that other building. You shook your head as you moved to lift the tub of ink you were mixing. Though you stopped short when you heard a squeak in the corner.
You raised a brow at that. When it did again, you slowly came around the corner of one of the printing machines and saw mice walking in a line and through a small hole that leads outside. Though, nothing is odd about it until you notice them walking as if there is something controlling them.
You were about to come closer when the door of the building opened. You jumped and turned to see some of your co-workers coming back from lunch. Though one of them stopped short when they saw you.
Mr. Baltazar, the head of the printing press, looked at you curiously. “You didn’t take your break again?” He asked as he said your name in disdain in the end. 
“I did Mr. Baltazar, you just caught me—” You turned to see that the mice are all gone. Mr. Baltazar must have followed your vision because you heard him curse behind you.
“Oh damn, those rats, they have been roaming around here quite often,” Mr. Baltazar said and you looked at him curious now about that.
“Roaming around?”
“Yes, there has been a weird increase of rats around town but I am guessing they are coming from that abandoned mill not far from it.” He mused as he turned towards one worker and ordered them to plaster the hole. “Did you see them?”
“Yeah, they were just walking out of the building,” You told him and Mr. Baltazar looked to be delighted with that.
“Good riddance! We have enough of them chewing the papers we print on,” He huffed as he turned towards you. “Now that hole is settled, were you able to make new batches of ink?”
“Yes sir, they are right there?” You pointed at the tub.
“Great, we have to print a special edition paper for the town library. Please get started on that,”
You took a last glance at where you have seen the mice and decided that it's not a thought you want to dwell on for today.
“Yes sir! On it,”
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You locked up the printing press for today. Mr. Baltazar and some of the guys have already clocked out ten minutes ago. You could hear them chatting up front the building. Probably getting their nicotine fix before leaving for the day.
The printing was finished a bit later than scheduled and it was past eight o’clock. You hoped the overtime was paid since you were supposed to be meeting up with Eddie at the mechanic shop. Now you are going to meet him instead at his trailer.
You were really looking forward to seeing Eddie in the mechanic gear and all. It was the highlight of your everyday routine since the summer started. He looks too good and sometimes you can’t help but have make out sessions. Which is the only thing you have done without having a bit of a panic attack.
Yes, you are still recovering from what happened to the Shit Show. It was something you and Eddie knew that would be with you but Eddie is a patient man. At least, when it comes to you. Now you wanted that and instead of a short ten minute wait, you have to drive thirty minutes across town to the trailer park.
With that in thought, you hurriedly locked up the machines and got your bag. Though as you approached the front of a building you heard Mr. Baltazar talking to someone.
“--- inside locking up. Who are you though?” You heard him ask. Thinking he was talking with someone he knew. You decided to continue walking, though you froze as you heard the other voice.
“I’m Billy Hargrove sir, a friend,” he introduced himself as he mentioned your name. Politeness heavy on his voice. Your eyes widened at that. What the fuck is wrong with him?
“A friend huh? Did she know you were coming?” Mr. Baltazar asked
“No, I am here to surprise her,” Billy offered and you could hear Mr. Baltazar humming.
“If you were her friend, I haven’t seen you much around her,” Your manager offered and you could detect the suspicion in his voice. “I only saw her cousin, a bunch of kids and his boy friend. That Munson boy,”
You heard Billy chuckled.
“I have been busy with my job as lifeguard in the pool but we are quite close,” Billy continued to talk back. Irritation is clear in his voice now that Mr. Baltazar is not backing down.
“If you are really here for her—”
A loud sound of an engine stopping almost right in front of the entrance can be heard. Then a loud slam of the doors followed it. You listened closely to determine who it was.
“What are you doing here Hargrove?” You sighed in relief as you recognized Nancy’s voice.
“Wheeler, I didn’t know that you would be coming here late at night,”
“I didn’t know you had something to do here Hargrove,” Nancy spat as you heard her going nearer. “Hey Mr. Baltazar, is he giving you any trouble?”
“Hey Nancy,” Mr. Baltazar greeted back, relaying to Nancy that he was trying to find you.
“Really? Hargrove? You knew that you are still not allowed to come near her,” 
“I’m just here to make amends okay?” Billy answered back, the politeness gone as he let his irritation shine through. “I promised her to prove her wrong, that is why I’m here,”
“Do it elsewhere, she doesn’t need to give you a time or day. Just leave or else I'll call Hopper,” 
“Wheeler—” “Hey!” You heard Jonathan’s yell before you could hear what Billy could have said. You were tempted to wrench open the doors and step out. You swore if he touched Nancy--
“I suggest you follow her advice, kid,” It was Mr. Baltazar who finally spoke up. There was a tense silence before you heard a loud huff.
"Just please make sure she's alright?" Billy suddenly said and then you could hear him walk away. You brows furrowed that. What is he playing at? You waited silently as you heard a car engine starting up before it finally left the driveway. Once you knew he was away, you slowly came out of the building to see Nancy, Jonathan and Mr. Baltazar. It was Nancy who looked at you with relief.
“Hey girl,” She greeted and you offered a small smile to her before you turned to Mr. Baltazar.
“Mr. Baltazar, I’m sorry–”
“No need to apologize kid, he screams trouble anyway. You should all go home okay?” He said and snuffed out the cigarette he was holding as he walked away. He waved at them goodbye before entering his own car then driving away.
You sighed as you turned to the both of them. Though before you could dwell on what happened and why Billy suddenly showed up here. You looked at them and saw that they looked quite stressed.
“Umm, I would like to thank the both of you for showing up on time to be a buffer for Billy and have a discussion of why he suddenly appeared here but you both seemed…” you trailed off as you looked over at their appearance. “Stressed?”
“Right,” Nancy jumped up and turned towards her handbag as she shuffled around it. “We found something,” she added. You looked up to Jonathan and asked with your brows but he just motioned to Nancy.
She pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to you. You looked down to see words written on it.
Mrs. Driscoll
Rats eating fertilizers
All over town, weird rat activities
You raised your brows even higher than that.
“Okay? Is this some kind of new story idea?” You asked helplessly as you looked at Nancy.
“Yesterday, we went to a possible story. Mrs. Driscoll called us with a story about weird Rat activities. They were eating fertilizers and gathering up—”
“---At the mill,” you connected the story from Mr. Baltazar’s earlier statement and Nancy looked at you surprised.
“You know about this?” 
“No, I heard from Mr. Baltazar and I saw rats like walking in a line and walking out of a building. It's not even afraid of any human presence,” you remembered the cats you saw earlier today. Jonathan and Nancy looked at each other before they turned to you.
“Okay, so the rats have unusual activities and they don’t usually eat fertilizers because,”
“It's poisonous, they would have died within a few—” You told her with your eyebrows scrunched together. “Wait, is this the story you told me earlier that got rejected?”
Nancy nodded. “And we actually need proof. Me and Jonathan are going there at Mrs. Driscoll,”
You looked at them for a moment. “You want me to come with you guys?” You asked and thoughts of spending the rest of the night with Eddie vanishes at that. 
Nancy nodded. 
“Why?” You asked.
“Well, we kind of need someone who knows her way around chemicals and raw materials,” Nancy mumbled.
“You want my expertise or this is something entirely weird that you just want me there,” You cleared and Nancy just closed her eyes.
“Look, we just need your help okay? The more eyes the better and they both like you so, they might believe me better,” Nancy offered and you just stared at her. “You know, also with photographic evidence,”
“You just know that you are taking me away from my precious time with my own boyfriend,” You told her and Nancy then bit her lip.
You sighed and closed your eyes. “Okay, you owe me one. Let me call Eddie first okay?”
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Turns out Eddie wasn’t home either and he told Wayne that if you ever try to find him. He was spending time with Dustin since he just came back from camp. Also, he was off for the next five days, Jaeger wouldn’t be able to be there to mentor him because he had to leave for an urgent matter upstate. He would make it up to you on another day.
With that, you didn’t bother to check on Steve, because the house is empty most of the time. He might be sleeping in someone’s bed right now. 
You ride your motorbike as you follow Nancy and Jonathan, though once you reach the house. It started to rain and you managed to park it in a shade before running with Nancy and Jonathan towards the house. 
“God seriously, why did it suddenly rain?” You asked as you tried to wipe the water off you. “It's summer for god’s sakes” 
“That’s Hawkins for you,” Jonathan only mused and you can’t help but curse. Before you can speak Nancy started to knock on the door. You watched them silently as they tried again though there were hushed arguments through it.
You decided to stray and looked through the slightly closed curtains. You peeked and saw that all the lights had been turned on. You were about to point it out when you turned to see Nancy walk in. You followed them silently while Jonathan scolded her. Though as you stepped inside the house, you felt the familiar shiver on your spine. You straightened up almost immediately as you took a sharp breath.
Though the two didn’t notice it, Nancy continued to call out Mrs. Driscoll and they had walked further in. You shook your head and tried to rationalize that feeling.
Though you know now that you shouldn’t ignore those signs.
“Guys, I think we should—” Screech a sound stopped you as the three of you turned towards where it came from. Followed by some shuffling, Nancy looked over at the two of you before she proceeded to move towards the sound.
Nancy continues to call out to the older woman but only the screeches and scratching can be heard. Then the next thing you know, the three of you are down in the basement. The first thing you saw was the opened bags of fertilizer. You knew right away that these were the poisonous type. The one that cannot be consumed by any life forms with the chemical it has.
You walked over it, ahead of Jonathan and Nancy as you crouched down on it. Though before you can mention anything, the sound you heard was now accompanied with a growl. That made the three of you stand up straight. Then you glanced towards each other.
Nancy picked up a hammer while Jonathan had a screwdriver. You saw a small shovel and decided to pick it up. Slowly the three of you moved to the side, the other part of the basement. Your eyes widened as you saw an old woman munching on some fertilizers like there is no fucking tomorrow.
“Mrs. Driscoll?” Nancy called out and as soon as Mrs. Driscoll turned and she screeched. You moved out of the way and hoped that the two did too as she barreled forward. Though her face planted on the ground and you immediately pinned her down with your body.
You looked up at the two while you struggled.
“Aren’t you two giving me a hand here?!”
Once Mrs. Driscoll was apprehended and calmed down. Nancy called for an ambulance and the three of you waited for them to arrive. You had your hand up in your hair as you processed what you have seen while Nancy and Jonathan argued silently.
When the ambulance arrived, Mrs. Driscoll managed to wake up and kept crying out that she needed to go back. That she needs to go, though her cries were ignored as she was wheeled away from the scene and they deemed the three of you can finally go home. Though before you leave you can’t help but point out the elephant in the room.
“Okay, what the hell is that?” You exclaimed as the two turned towards you. They looked at each other and shrugged.
“We are not sure,” Nancy offered and you nodded.
“Okay, we are not sure but what do you think it is?” you asked, fearing the worst.
“The worst it can be is a plague,” Nancy explained and you bit your lip at that.
“You are saying that this could be another black plague?” You asked and Nancy nodded. You nodded as you suddenly remembered Mrs. Driscoll’s behavior, the chemicals you saw and the weird sound she made. “As far as I could remember, the black plague may had been from rats but I do not remember it making people rabid,”
“That is why this is a good story. We can warn people about it,” Nancy as she turned towards Jonathan.
“Well, I don’t know. We just found the woman and this would be reported back to the family that we are involved,” Jonathan said. Nancy just looked at him exasperated. You saw that this would be a fight that you do not want to witness.
“You know what, let’s call it a night. I just need to get those images out of my head,” Ignoring once again the strange feeling you had before. 
Well, that is the future problem again. Great, what a summer.
To be continued...
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cablyunkataplum · 10 months
Sanemi Shinzawaga x Male!/Pronouns Reader--- Spoilers of Final Battle Arc
Words: 2,110
Summary: The relationship between (__) and Sanemi could hardly be called that. After the defeat of Muzan Sanemi will try to form a link with (__).
A.N: Use of (__)! Third person! I'm not an english native speaker so I support on translators!-- I felt poetic lol-- Guys maybe i won't be able to post for a time thanks to school, but i'll do my best to keep sharing my stories, thanks for all the support!
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The whispers that the wind created as it collided with the petals at the gloomy dawn never seemed to take shape in the young man’s ears, more focused on his duty and survival than on the messages given to him. Two years had passed since that moment that changed his life so much but time passes fast for a short being, he could not afford to stop and observe details, listen to the least that was not killing. Sanemi Shinazugawa, pillar of the wind, he had taken a pupil, a tsuguko. Despite having been very against it at first, he taught him in a harsh and cruel way, just as the world would be with him if he decided to continue and he did so.
Now; being officially a member of the demon slayer corps, he took missions one after another without any rest.
Today the boy had returned to the estate of his superior, without waiting for him to be in the place he put his katana in the designated place and walked to the open area of the place. As he approached he could hear the fluid movement of a katana and others, when he arrived completely he could observe Sanemi training with great concentration so he did not pay attention to the pupil who simply bowed and greeted. Nothing, not even a look in his direction so he sat down and waited for the session to end. After a few hours Shinazugawa sheathed the katana and walked to the door next to the boy, the boy raised his head to look into the face of the other “Why don’t you train instead of sitting like a useless one for hours?” his voice rumbled all over the place with cold behavior, his gaze concentrated at the end of the corridor, his face somewhat twisted of discomfort causing his scars to be molded according to the tractions and contractions.
He just stared at him before nodding and starting to get up “Of course Shinazugawa-san” on the way to the previous point where the training had been done, both facing their backs, moving his head a little and making his jaw touch his shoulder he said to the pillar “Welcome”. The silence was the only thing that answered him before hearing steps walking away and finally ending up alone in the surroundings with a jester of disappointment drawn his own katana; he closed his eyes and took a lot of air. Again he could hear the whispers and laughter of the wind, how it got into his ears and tried to scream at him but the words did not make sense or that is what he thought, with one last breath he contracted all his muscles and prepared to move.
This was one of the many moments of interaction that both men had.
One night they ate without any words, the sound of cicadas or the movement of the leaves of the trees were the only thing that talked inside the room, the lamp illuminated what was necessary without hurting or forcing the eyes of those who were feeding, he swallowed the amount of food in his mouth and observed his pupil without expression indicating the emotion or feeling “Your skills are deplorable, this week I will have to train you again … What a waste of time” He gave a bite and watched the boy, he stopped chewing and nodded “Thanks Shinazugawa-san, I regret that my performance is not in your expectations” this annoyed the pillar who aggressively put the dishes on the floor “Do not apologize for being an incompetent” raised his voice enough to be heard outside if anyone was there but not too much to be considered a scream. The boy only nodded and continued eating, not that he accepted what he said or wanted him to continue with that thought, no, of course not, he knew very well that he was capable, that although there was always opportunity to learn and grow, it is not that he was in a place of first knowledge or practice as years ago. But in the end he was a pillar, someone more experienced, someone who had taken his body beyond the limit and had perfected his techniques, so he knew what he was saying, right? he just tried to harden him for the fatalities of his work but in the end he had an appreciation for him, even if it was minimal, didn’t he?
Their breaths had no pattern in their fighting movements, the grinding of swords a compass in the dance of the fight for the subjugation of the other, some screams were thrown by the pillar; about the talents and efforts of his pupil, of how they would kill him in the second that fought with a stronger demon, of how he was lucky to remain alive after all this time. Naturally the winner of the match was Sanemi, as the boy parted gasping trying to stabilize his breathing as well as his rhythm and heart pressure “you can’t even use full concentration breathing!” He rebuked “A pillar is your teacher and you don’t even seem to know the basics!” the boy bowed his head “Don’t lower your head when I’m talking to you, brat!” He clenched his jaw and looked up to meet Shinazugawa’s fury, his frowning and his eyes open to no more, his hands clenching the sheath of his weapon “If you follow this way I will get you out of the organization! Do you understand!?” His tone increasingly harsh and firm against him, he bowed in the form of respect “Of course master, it will not happen again, I promise” he returned to his original position and waited for the answer, for several seconds the tense air was static and everything seemed the same way, until he finally spoke “get out of here” he closed his eyes to not see the boy making it clear that if he tried to talk or engage in another interaction there would be punishment.
He bowed again for the last time before walking and leaving him alone. A knot in his throat pressed his insides, threatening to come out and reveal the emotions he felt. Apparently all his efforts had not borne fruit, maybe he was not good enough, so long with his training and not even a compliment, absolutely nothing but reproaches and reprimands, punishments and discouraging comments. Two years of his life trying to improve for the people, to help his and avoid heis suffering turned to dust and carried by the wind to nowhere.
But no person can endure such dealings for too long, at least not him, so the little relationship is further degraded over time. Now, 1 year later everyone was fighting with their lives to try to eradicate the evil that had therefore pressed them against the ground, enjoying their fear and pain.
His head was spinning as his body pricked every possible nerve, his sight barely made aware of the blurry figures in his immediacy, his ears seemed to bleed him, and his body moved involuntarily. What was he doing there?, What was happening?, For a few minutes he totally fainted until he regained it, when his eyelids opened slowly and saw the sky of dawn he felt some peace before his body forced him to take air choking through the puffs and coughed to calm his body, screams and metallic sounds finally reached his ears but did not move, he did not react, his body did not respond, that is why came to him, right, he was in a fight, a big and important fight. He had been one of the few who survived before the pillars ecountered Muzan... But now he had no idea what happened the instant he lay on the floor. When trying to move a wave of pain reached his brain almost making him lie down again but he had to do it, he had to stop and keep fighting even if it was the last thing he did, even if he did not know how he would but he would not give up, walking through the streets, with his hand hanging and the other one leaning against the wall he could see the commotion. He was quite surprised to see a great baby but quickly understood that that being was the first demon, Muzan Kibutsuji, he quickened his pace ignoring any pain or discomfort and instead anger, resentment and so on encouraged his walk.
He watched as Sanemi cut off his arm, reaching the side of the rock pillar and grabbed one of the Kakushi and began to pull with all the strength his body had, the sun and the light reaching every possible corner and burning the demon’s skin tearing apart pieces and then turning them into ash. The peaceful silence compared to the magnitude of the moment, all eyes focused on how slowly it faded until there was only the vestige of its horrors giving way to a new peace.
Days had passed since that miracle but now, there was a certain void, the space left by those who left a strong presence, a reminder that everything was real and that it always would be. His heart had been disrupted and broken just like his mind, he needed to think what he would do now that he no longer needed to fight for the lives of others and his own, everything seemed to be in a fog that prevented him from looking at the future.
In those same days Sanemi began to talk more with the boy but since he served, he wanted nothing to do with all this, less his teacher. The encounters were uncomfortable and forced, meaningless words but with intent on the part of Sanemi, sharp and one-syllable on the part of the pupil if he could still be called in such a way.
On a quiet morning the birds sang to wake everyone up just like the first rays of sun, the futon felt hard against the back of the boy and the cold of the floor was transferred to the fabrics so giving a jester he got up and accommodated the things in the room to go out and walk. At the end he opened the shoji with delicacy, the sound of his steps was dampened thanks to the socks he brought, he went to the common area with a piece of food, squatted and settled to sit with his legs crossed, he took a bite and closed his eyes. He heard and listened to the wind for the first time, the murmurs intertwined with his own thoughts traveling all over his brain, embracing each relief with delicacy.
Not long after he heard another person approaching, but he didn’t flinch until Sanemi spoke “Um, good morning,” he opened his eyes and simply moved his eyes so that his periphery could see it, he bit his tongue a little before speaking “Good morning” even though the tone of his voice did not reflect any emotion it was obvious that he was not so happy to see him or to talk to him. “You got up early” walked up to the boy and started to sit imitating the position of the boy who only nodded and finished eating “I… wanted to talk to you” started again hoping he was willing to listen but happened completely the opposite, the boy stood up and started making his way elsewhere, stopped for a moment “Why are you so kind to me now?” The words barely came out of his mouth but were sharp, not that he wanted to know the answer to his question but his mind could not help remembering all those times when Sanemi was very hard on him, even rude and arrogant, where he simply nodded and did what was asked of him without any complaints, so long trying to establish a relationship or some kind of contact that was more human.
Shinazugawa said a single syllable before boy interrupted “it’s just because you feel guilty, because you have nothing better to do” he frowned and squeezed his lips, some tears resting on the edges he continued walking until he reached another shoji, he grabbed the wood “I don’t want to see you again Shinazugawa-san, I’m leaving this place” Sanemi hearing all this stood up “It’s not what you think” swallowed saliva “(__) I’m sorry.” The boy squeezed the wood and looked at the floor “Me too” was the last thing he said before leaving the room and closing the shoji and to never returning to that place, to forget all the pain that for so long had contained in the depths of his being, letting the wind take away his sorrows and accompany him to a better place.
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harufallinwonderland · 4 months
welp time to write A fanfic cause some random piece of fanart gave me inspiration for A twst short (OK SPOILER IT'S NOT SHORT ME BEING SLEEP DEPRIVED MAKES ME GOOD AT GOING ON NONE SHORT FICS) fanfic for my Ruggie x yuusona (he goes by Yuuno (random nickname) or Haru) this is actually A small part of A somewhat bigger fanfic I’m writing in my notes apps (if this gets more traction than my 1 none bot follower might post it as I make it) and tldr A few students got stuck into A story book and now has to rush to finish the plot to get out and all the characters are in roles in roles not really meant for such as Ruggie as the charming prince and the prefect as the princess!? (Also as of now it’s just A big mash of random Disney movies that come to mind)
“Oi mini sprout what’s the next part of the story?” Leona says resting on The current prince’s head as A small little mouse clearly regretting every moment that lead him to that current point of life more than the normal while Ruggie just snickers at Leona’s suffering while stiffly moving through the town they were walking through in prince like clothes Ruggie has said he would never be caught dead in sincerely trying his best to not just trip or rip something.
Ortho was wearing your typical witch clothing (although lesss evil witch and more kid friendly and cute something you would see in A magical girl show) floating next to them holding A broom that was basically useless to him unless going for far up heights “well let’s see” his eyes goes black for A second before random tiny words scroll past quickly then he returns back to normal “well the next part is that the prince hears the stories of the imprisoned princess in her home and being the juniville prince believing in true freedom sneaks in to help her escape”
“Damn what A crappy castle if it was at my family’s castle back in the sunset Savana the cards would have him caught and in A cell in mere minutes” The current mouse says chuckling showing the slightest bit of pride in his royal guards back home (of course it was to insult someone else but Ingore that) “well our best bet to leave this book is by completing the story ourselves so I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with royal guards here and hey if worse comes to worse I can just throw you at one of there eyes to slow one down” Ruggie let’s put another one of his snickers but stops when Leona walks to the edge of his head to look him in the eye “Ruggie if you do that I hope you know the second we get home I can’t promise you won’t be turned into sand in less than 5 seconds” Leona despite his smaller size and cute face stills has his signature glare that even Ruggie can’t help but take somewhat seriously as A threat.
“I kid I kid your royal highness seesh no one can take A joke these days” Ruggie just looks to the side putting his hands on his neck “oh hey Ortho so far it’s easy to tell all of us who were transported to the book have became the main characters of the story but I wonder if you have any idea on who the princess is?” Ruggie asks the young robot which he nods no in response “as of now I do not see any potenial correlation or reason for our roles as somehow you were to become the prince while Leona is A mere mouse servant although I’d say being your guiding witch fits me” Ortho eyes go blank again doing clearly “thinking” about it which leads to Ruggie thinking about it as well.
Out of the 3 others who would be best for the princess role while Floyd wouldn’t be A very pretty one definitely better than your typical damsel in distress although one bad mood swings and getting the happily ever after becomes much more difficult,than there is Ace certainly not A bad option while not as strong as Floyd he will still be good at running away but knowing him he might do something stupid not in the plot and stall them leaving more than there Haru he is the weakest of the potenial princesses but…
“Hey stop thinking about Haru and focus on walking!” Leona squeaked out as Ruggie notices barely in time to avoid A random citizen “thanks I guess but I wasn’t thinking of Haru” Ruggie looks up at the hanging Rodent who nearly fell off of his head as Ruggie did A harsh stop with A not pleased face as Leona just roles his eyes going back on Ruggie’s head “oh please the only times I see you straight up stop thinking and let your guard down is when your thinking about Haru or doughnuts” Leona leaves him with A light smack on the head which hardly hurt at all but Ruggie was still offended “do you take me as that much as A simple minded idoit?” He does A very fake offended expression putting his hand on his chest looking in shock like what Haru normally does “very much” was squeaked out.
“Hey guys stop fighting the next cutscene to progress the plot is starting in the background” Ortho pointed at some random passersby who were chatting which lead to the two savanaclaw boys shutting up to listen “have you heard? The princess is this kingdom tries to escape the castle all the time for some reason” one guy explains to the other “wow running away from all the money,free food, and the crown what is in that girl’s mind” the two soon engough go out of sight with Ortho turning to the two who were already mid conversation.
“Honestly I agree with those guys why would you leave all that away if you really don’t like the people there just get someone to assassinate them for the crown” Ruggie shrugged saying all of that in A unserious tone while Leona nods “well don’t give me ideas” Leona’s words were just as unserious going along with Ruggie’s joke “I wonder how much assassins make” Ruggie put his hand to his chin faking being deep in thought “is that A offer Ruggie Buuchi?” Leona asks raising A eyebrow “everything has A prince Leona Kingscholar”
“You two can plot your assassination later for now we should go save the princess whoever it is” Ortho tries to stop there conversation which works as they both start paying attention “alright now let’s go my sidekicks to adventure!” Ruggie was clearly mocking the heroes who tended to say these cheesy lines as he runs to the castle with Ortho floating behind him
-time skip-
Ortho on his broom flies into one of the windows of the castle then grabs some of the curtains and quickly tied them together to make A curtain rope for Ruggie to climb up which make Leona go into one Ruggie's pockets as he starts climbing and quickly gets into the castle hallway "I hate not being able to use magic here" Ruggie was slightly panting as it was A big climb which he rushed through but ends up ingored as Ortho looks around the castle from where they are and Leona goes back on his head which is much more comfy.
"Ok! the story says that the prince and his allys explored the area for A bit before hearing running belonging to the princess" Ortho told the two starting to float ahead checking for any guards as Ruggie nods "alright explore untill something happens alright not to bad" Ruggie starts to follow Ortho
after about 20 minutes of hiding and food robbing they hear foots steps from the upper floor and then yelling "PRINCESS PLEASE RETURN TO YOUR CHAMBERS AND RETURN THE BOX YOU ARE CARRYING" A older man yells out to the Girl(?) "Oh we found them" Ortho says catching with the sounds of the footsteps and Ruggie follows as well finally used to the prince clothes and after about 10 seconds they hear "I'M NOT GOING BACK IN THERE IT'S BORING AND I MISS MY FRIENDS!" then they hear A familar high pitched male voice showing his clear anger at the older sounding man but soon the Prince's party sees A starcase in front of them and decide to wait there getting to the stairs before Haru and the guards.
Haru was thankfully the first one to the staircase he was about to step on the first step the sight of his friends distracted him engough that his foot landed on A piece of the dress making him trip and rip up the dress he was wearing making everyone else pause as he falls down the stairs but before he falls to the bottom floor Ruggie goes to catch him like A handsome prince....but forgot the part where Haru is bigger then him in all ways so yeah it ended up in A crash the two on the floor (and Leona sent flying who Ortho quickly catches) Haru on top of Ruggie them both panting and groaning from the pain and as they both sit up it seems like both of there eyes lit up "Ruggie!?" "HARU" they shout at the same time it being out of character for these closed off people to show such open emotions but it's quickly thrown to the side as the guards start going down the stairs themselves. "CRAP NO TIME FOR A HAPPY REUNION LET'S GO" Ruggie quickly gets up running off with Haru quickly looking around for A box which he found quickly grabbing it which was bigger then both of his hands and he quickly catches up with the group leading to A 5 minute chase where they ended up exiting out A window on Ortho's broom which btw Does not support 1 kid and 2 whole teenage boys which leads them crashing in the forest near the castle all but Ortho laying on the ground because of the pain they have suffered in the past 7 minutes but Ortho ingores it "OK! now that we have the princess we can now progress to the next plot point" which leads to confusion on Haru's end where they explain everything they have learnt so far about being stuck in the story book. "now that Haru has the ring box we can now progress to the old knight part of the story!" Ortho has his usual attutide while Haru looks at him confused "Huh Ring box?" that leads to the other three looking at him in confusion and having A heart attack over the fact that there may yet be another roadblock to the end of his nightmare fairy tale but then Ortho just takes the box and opens it to reveal...doughnuts like alot of them but he quickly reaches his hand in anyway grabbing A ring "Ring acquired" Ortho says striking A pose like A certain Green clad knight but thats not important as Ortho grabs Leona and starts floating off to A certain direction while the other two go to follow. "Well Haru I'm hoping your planning to share" Ruggie gets closer to Haru with the box looking at it like It's heaven itself but Haru just gives him the whole box "there all yours I tried 2 of them and I'm pretty sure there all chocolate" Haru sighs remembering chowing down on 2 of them only to be dissapointed because of his lack of fondness for chocolate but he is distracted by Ruggie sniffing at the box and pulling one out taking A bite out of it then handing it to Haru "here this one strawberry nearly half of them are strawberry" Ruggie says with Haru taking the doughnut sighing again "Oh yeah of course it's the ones I didn't bite into UGH" Ruggie just snickers A bit before looking at Haru again. "I know dresses aren't really your thing but I gotta say you look good even with it ripped up" He said trying to hide his nervousness biting down on A doughtnut. "oh....well you look very nice in that prince wear despite the same applying to you" To others not looking it may seem like just A regular compliment to A compliment but if you look over to the two you can see both red although Haru is much more red in the face being bright red compared to his darker skin "Gross young love..." "Leona you are only 3 years older then them
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rachalixie · 2 years
「☆ about the writer ☆」
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hi! i’m anny, i’m an indian-american. bisexual/demisexual, twenty-something year old getting my doctorate in clinical psychology and just trying to hold my life together by the seams.
i’m a double taurus with pretty bad social anxiety. i’m pretty scared to initiate friendship but once i’m there i’ll never leave you alone. so please feel free to spam me with asks and messages!
i tend to hyperfixate on things in typical nd fashion. my current main interests include (but are not limited to):
stray kids (obv)
i bias minho and seungmin but i am definitely ot8 and am wrecked by the other 6 on a daily basis
jujutsu kaisen
honkai star rail and genshin impact
i’m a huge fan of keith harig and his artwork. i love talking about crime and the human brain. i have 25+ tattoos and 15 piercings and i only see those numbers increasing in the future. i operate out of the eastern time zone but with my sleep schedule you couldn’t tell. i also stan ateez (hongjoong/seonghwa bias), monsta x (changkyun bias), and enhyphen (jake/heesung/jungwon bias) but i don’t see myself ever writing for those groups. but i do love them. i'm also a gg fiend i love women wow women beautiful.
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i have three blogs - my main (rachalixie) is a sfw only blog, my side (racha-recs) is what i use for reblogging and reccing, and my last one (tasteracha) is where i post and interact with nsfw content. feel free to interact with any of them! just make sure you’re 18+ for the last one.
i will try my best to respond to each and every request, unless i feel uncomfortable with the content. it might take me a few days or even a couple weeks, but i promise i see the requests and am working on getting them done for you! if you’re off anon i will prioritize your request, especially if you’re someone i’ve seen reblogging and commenting on my works. some topics i feel uncomfortable writing are: eating disorders, self harm, severe mental illness (depression/anxiety/nd etc. are fine), body weight issues, anything concerning the idol’s real life family, anything non-con (cnc is fine). if it’s something really specific i encourage you to donate to my ko-fi, since i try to make my fics enjoyable by everyone and really specific ones don’t really get traction. i give each request a try but if inspiration doesn’t hit i’ll set it aside. i don’t mean to not fill requests, but i can’t force myself to write things if there are no ideas in my head! i’m trying my best, please be patient with me <3
please talk to me! send me messages! send me asks! if you’re shy, don’t worry i am too! i want to get to know you all and be friends. <3
please, please leave feedback. not just on my works, on every author’s. if you reblog, leave a couple tags. add some comments. message us or send us an ask. don’t just like and leave, it’s incredibly discouraging.
i make all the gifs that i use on my posts, whether it be on fics, gifsets, or whatever else i may choose to post in the future. i don’t mind if you use them, just please give proper credit. my watermarks are on them. along those lines, please do not plagiarize or repost my works without my permission.
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lastly, i want to express my appreciation for each and every person who (respectfully) interacts with me and my posts. i’ve been writing for years and years and i’ve just gotten the courage to post my work, and it means the world to me that you all take the time out of your day to read my content. i will keep trying my best to put out better and better content for you!! <3
if you made it this far here is my face hehe
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a-tale-never-told · 7 months
Important Announcement!
//Greetings my amazing readers. Today, we have to discuss something on this blog. Now before you all ask, no, this is not another rant about the lack of asks and likes, as I have since moved on from such things and am only focusing on improving the quality of the story, nor is it yet another history post.
//Rather, I think it's time to talk about something that I have had a headache with for a very long time: Sprite edits and OCs in general. Now I will admit, I just accessed the paint tool Sai, which looks very promising and useful, and I'm currently trying to do a tutorial on how to do sprite edits. But the main problem isn't with the tool itself, it's the sheer fact that no matter how much I try my hardest effort, I can't draw.
//Given that I tried to use Junya Utsugi as a base for Nikolai, as of now, it has gone absolutely nowhere as of this hour. I'm desperately trying to create an actual good sprite of my OCs, but it's been incredibly unsuccessful, and given that the lack of impact from the villains is that we don't even get sprites from them, it's massively disappointing in my eyes.
//Which is why I have decided to do this: If anyone knows how to draw sprite arts for OCs or just Danganronpa sprite edits in general, please let me know, as I really need the help and expertise to do these sprites without fumbling it up. One thing I could do is commissions for the OCS and sprite edits, but I don't want to seem like I'm letting other individuals do my work for me, but at the same time, I can't draw for shit, no matter how much I try to.
//I'm frankly not expecting this post to get any asks, as there has been very limited traction for the story as of now, despite my releasing a chapter yesterday. But the point is, that I severely need help on doing sprite edits, and OCS in general. Once again, commissions are always an option, but in the meantime, I'll try to continue working on the Paint tool Sai and see what I can do from that front.
//Let me know what advice and thoughts you have in the ask box, but in the meantime, this is Mod Sam from A Tale Never Told, and I'll see you all soon ^^
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globalphantasm · 7 months
Phantasm's Masterlist
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About me Hey! Just call me Phanta (sure, like the soda) or Phantasm. Any pronouns are fine. I'm not picky. I'm just a Cyber Agent. I mainly made this blog to get a story of mine out there that I've been working on for the past few months. I've sent it to some close friends and I've been urged to post it since they like it, so I guess I will. I'm also actually quite shy, so if I don't answer DMs, its not personal. I just like to hide in the mainframe, y'know? I really don't expect this to get traction. I'm just posting this in hopes a few people will think it's at least decent. I've actually never posted any stories anywhere. I'm serious. There ain't SHIT anywhere that's on the internet that I've written. If you go searching, I'll know. Trust me. What I write I mainly write fantasy. A lot of cyberpunk too. That's what this blog is for. My cyberpunk story. One day, I may add another story here, but my main focus is Neon Antithesis. I'm really just a sucker for characters with special abilities and powers slightly as copium bc we ain't gettin' that shit irl and I refuse to die until we do. I also take a lotta inspo from shit like Cyberpunk and various pieces of manga and art thank you Gokurakugai. Please keep in mind that most of what I post/write is more mature, and I would appreciate if minors did not wander over to my blog. Content warnings will be posted accordingly on each chapter of the story. Please be sure to read them and take care of yourself. ♡ Main Story Neon Antithesis This story follows two protagonists by the names of Yan and Chang who are actively on the run from their piece-of-shit corpo father who wants them dead because he didn't want to put up with them and vice versa. They're taken in by a man named Spike who came up with the agreement for both of them to work for him. In exchange for that, he'll pay them for their work and let them move in, and they'll eventually be able to hopefully escape the city (which is currently unnamed because I'm 4hed, but for the love of God, just bear with me). Follow both protagonists as they experience new adventures, feelings, and risks all for the sake of survival in a neon dystopia. After all, this city HATES people going against what it works for, and that's the big bad corpo CyberNet. Changelogs/Update logs will be posted accordingly for each change made to the story. A link to the chapter's song will also be added if there is a song for it. Be sure to check the song masterlist page! My askbox is ALWAYS open for questions, headcanons, theories, criticism, fanart, suggestions, and ideas! I promise I don't bite. ♡ P.S. I tend to write this story while I'm barely awake so there are bound to be typos, but I PROMISE I always look over it as best as I can! If you notice anything, feel free to let me know!
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"Pull the trigger, make it thunder."
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freyito · 8 months
Putting this message in the ask of my favourite blogs!
You should never force yourself or feel pressured to write, people who enjoy your work will understand if you need a break, or if you just can't find the motivation to write. Your ability to form words into wonderful stories that can be enjoyed by so many shouldn't be degraded into a chore.
I hope you are doing well, author!! ❤️❤️
I also appreciate everyone who just likes my work, I started this for self indulgence because I am so utterly in love with a whole bunch of characters and I decided to take my little self indulgent writing out of my notes app and publish it. I absolutely don't pressure myself, I write what I like and what I'm feeling at the time. I just have a bad case of ADHD and a full schedule. I'll start on a request and then pull up youtube and like watch 5 seconds of a video, I'll stare at my phone for a bit, listen to music, and the cycle repeats. Only thing I struggle with is figuring out what kind of mood I am in, I love writing angst and fluff but recently I've just been writing for self indulgence (atleast the stuff in my drafts) and not a lot of requests stand out to me, nor do any of the prompts I can think of. Not that I don't enjoy the requests I get, I do!!! But I prefer to be in the mood to write the requests I receive so I can put my full heart into it and it isn't just like a quick headcanon or something. I like encompassing the characters in general, I love knowing that I wrote them well and I just really love putting so much effort into even the little drabbles.
I promise you writing stuff comes naturally for me, and I love getting into the characters or the prompt, I hate just forcing myself to do anything. This blog was actually also started so I could write freely, and take a break from writing my book while still doing what I love. I have a bad habit of focusing on something and then getting burnt out from it. So I'm taking my time with requests, I only have about 33 in my inbox and trust me, the time is coming where I can write like 7 a day. I just work full time and have a lot of things on my plate.
Thank you all so much for the love tho, I didn't expect like any of my posts to get traction. Really weird. Tbh when I started I didn't get expect to get any asks, and I got one within like 3 minutes of posting my rules T_T. I appreciate every single one of you and I am really glad you enjoy my writing!!!<3333
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