#i read the manhwa ends similar but still did it wrong
floweryotter · 1 year
So I watched Duty after school and...
Amazing start and developement...
Terrible ending...
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doomed-prophetess · 3 years
Isn't awful that the Duke and his family from death is the only ending are so protective over the FL and actually listen to her whereas the real Penelope was treated as a scapegoat and deserving of the abuse because she was immature and irrational. Like what's up with that
And isn't it so sad and depressing that no one realised that og Penelope turned into a completely different person overnight. Like damn! Did you not care about her that much??😳
And I honestly thought it was so weird when Derrick was like "l loved you the moment i saw you🥺" to Penelope when she was 12 but he never even realised that she was a different person
Just asking.
Manhwa logic. Everyone has to love MC even if she was reincarnated as a villainess. Their behaviour doesn’t make much sense honestly. Og Penelope couldn’t even dream of doing half of the things our Penelope did simply because she would have immediately gotten killed for her insolence.
*spoilers (?)*
I read somewhere that Callisto wasn’t brainwashed and knew Ivonne was evil but killed Penelope regardless, because he found her annoying. That’s the worst. Apparently the spoiler is wrong? I still think that making him the male lead was a mistake when Iklies was such a promising canidate. Why would I cheer for an imperialist who enslaved a country and killed an innocent girl in the most gruesome ways when we have Iklies who felt pity for her despite being brainwashed by Ivonne. People love revenge stories about an underdog getting back at the people who wronged him, we could have gone this route but nooo it had to be the blonde CP who killed her the most in her previous lives.
When I first started reading the manhwa I thought Penelope and her family from her previous life got reincarnated as well since her situation to og! Penny was eerily similar. This would’ve explained why people didn’t notice a major change in personality. But since this theory has been disproven I question how much Derrick an Penelope interacted on a daily basis. It’s possible that he knew neither og! Penelope nor our! Penelope and was just projecting on her. Or his type in woman is “abuse victim” (I remember someone was joking about Derrick being a repressed sadist once).
I suspect the “I never considered you as my sister. I loved you since I met you” is done in attempt to make it less weird but usually it comes off as creepy because some authors don’t care about the timeline..
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Part I
Tumblr media
Pairing: knight!Todoroki Shoto x lady!reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, bullying, depression, heavy angst, murder, poisoning, suicide, resurrection.
Words: 3k
Summary: A woman with a severe depression, you wake up in a world foreign to you only to discover you took place of a miserable second-rate villainess who is detested by everyone, even her own parents and fiancé. With nobody by your side except for your knight, you think this life isn't worth living.
P.S. Attention, this is a pretty dark fic! I wrote it after stumbling upon very depressive villainess manhwas 🥲
You used to think it would be better if you didn’t exist. Months of depression with constant visits to the psychiatrist, countless pills, insomnia, lack of energy to the point you had to force yourself to brush your hair at least once in a while, inability to change anything... It had been a living hell, you used to think. Still, you kept going through your therapy, taking your meds, and visiting the doctors. Maybe one day it would change, you thought as you stared out of the window on a colorless world. Maybe it would get better just like your psychiatrist said if only you kept going.
You wondered how it came to this as you sat on a bed that wasn’t yours, in a body that belonged to a stranger, someone that was so different and yet so similar to you. Was it the effect of some pill you took? You didn’t think you would hallucinate to the point when it would feel so real, but you knew your sick mind was powerful enough to play such tricks. Maybe you finally grew insane like your parents were afraid you would.
The face that stared back at you as you looked at your reflection in a fancy mirror was beautiful but hollow. She must have been sick, you thought as you touched the stranger’s face with her delicate fingers, her skin so soft and supple it was hard to believe something was wrong with her. Truly, she looked like an expensive doll dressed in gold-cloth, all her dresses ridiculously pompous to show how rich she was, albeit her room looked pretty poor to you with only a bed, a big chest, and a table.
Who was she? How did you end up in her body? Did you brain really create a whole different reality for you because the real one was so dissatisfying? 
“Good morning, your ladyship,” the maid behind your back said, and you turned around to look in the face of a young woman holding the towels in her hands as she waited for you to wash your face.
When you asked her for your name, she looked at you, perplexed, and call a name you were familiar with, you remembered.
It seemed your brain sent you to a world of a novel you read not so long ago. You wondered why it chose you to put you a body of a villain who was destined to die a miserable death instead of the main protagonist, but this girl suited you better, probably. In the end, both of you were completely hopeless.
What was happening in reality when you walked the empty corridors of your castle along with the knight and the maid accompanying you? Were you in a coma, perhaps? Were you asleep? Were you in a mental hospital, going through a thorough check up while your doctor was trying to return your sanity back to you? All these possibilities seemed real.
You were sad your mind chose this setting for you, though. Couldn’t it created a place where you would be living happily? You could be a fairytale princess or an elvish queen, young knight or powerful sorceress. And yet, your brain chose to make you a girl who was hated by everyone, even her own parents. 
Daughter of the marquis who had given up on her soon after her birth, she grew up with her resentful mother, a woman recognized by her beauty even by the royal court, who despised her daughter for not being pretty enough. With her father concerned only with the money and his countless concubines, and her mother who couldn’t find it in her to care about anything but her looks and position in the society, no wonder the girl grew up to loathe everyone who surrounded her. Barely educated, she was considered an outcast until she got entangled into the intrigues of the court and ended up being engaged to the duke's first son, a man who was about to marry the love of his life. Of course, he detested the girl as much as anybody else, if not more.
Knowing she would never be loved the way her fiancée loved his childhood sweetheart, she spent her days to poison the lives of her enemies instead, finding pleasure in making people who hurt her pay the price. You couldn't judge her, you thought as you looked into the face of her mother, a woman whose face was so emotionless she seemed like a statue. Someone raised with so little love couldn't have any morals to begin with. How could she know what was right or wrong if her own parents treated her like nothing but a nuisance?
Still, it made you sad your mind put you in her body and made you experience the moments of her life. It's not even the beginning of the story but more of an end when the heroine had already committed her greatest sin, supporting the Empress who promised to force the duke to marry her and kill his beloved if the girl agreed to become her pawn. It was too late to change the story as other events would take place without your presence, anyway. The duke was supposed to discover the Empress' plan to seize the power and then make the crown prince aware, preventing coup d'état and sentencing the Empress and her supporters to death. As they would proceed with executing all the nobles who planned to murder the crown prince, they would make the own knight of the marquis' daughter behead her.
"Your ladyship," the man behind you called, and you turned around to stare at him with your empty eyes, your dress soaked with tea poured at you by a friend of the duke's beloved earlier on as you were attending a soiree organized by your fiancée.
Luckily, it wasn't hot enough to burn your skin too hard.
"Allow me to help you, your ladyship," your knight said as he brought you his white handkerchief, and you stared at it dumbly.
Your knight, a commoner who was given the honor to protect a noble lady, was the only one who acknowledged you at least to some extent. You knew he had no other choice, being from a family of a mere peasant, but you pitied him for having to pretend he cared about you. Besides, when it would be the time to behead you, it wouldn't be a pretty sight. It was said in the novel he would gradually succumb to darkness after that incident and would become the final villain of the story, mortally wounding the crown prince and trying to kill the duke. Of course, the duke and his beloved got a happy ending, nevertheless, but your poor knight would bleed to death once the duke stabbed him with his sword.
What an unfortunate, meaningless end. When you finished reading the novel, you thought the author enjoyed tormenting their own characters very much.
"Don't worry, Shoto. It doesn't hurt."
Caressing the soft fabric in your hand for a couple of seconds, you returned it to him with a faint smile. You couldn't bring yourself to look at him with a stony face even if you knew he didn't care much about you, anyway.
You spent your days almost the same as in your real world, mindlessly staring at the window, forgetting to take your own meals or change into a different dress. Sometimes you left your house if the plot demanded it, but it didn’t happen too often as the story was coming to its end. Out of curiosity, from time to time you opened your drawers to look at the heroine's possessions, jewels and dresses the Empress sent her to look prettier in the eyes of the nobles of the court. She had some money, too, but since you didn't know what to do with them, you started giving coins to the servants when they weren't too vicious to you. Your maids got them often, but when you tried giving something to Shoto, he politely refused - of course, even if he was a commoner, he was still a knight and he had his pride. You apologized to him, watching his amused expression.
Were you behaving unlike your heroine? It didn't matter, you thought. Her life would end soon, so these little deviations from the plot weren't important.
You grew to like this cold, cruel world, though. You liked your room even though the fire was almost never lighted in it, and you would watch your window slowly getting covered by tiny patterns of frost at night. The jewels the Empress gifted you shone brightly in the sunlight when you placed them on your palm, and the dresses made of heavy brocade looked so magnificent when you placed them on your spacious bed. Moreover, you grew accustomed to the knight's presence who would come check up on you every now and then if you stayed in your room, and he would accompany you everywhere the moment you stepped out of the mansion. You didn't fancy yourself with a thought he liked you, but you were grateful to him for not despising you openly just like others.
It was a shame he would have to go through all those things because of you and the duke.
After the fateful night when the Empress refused the duke's request to break his engagement to you, it was gradually becoming worse. Now, although your actions wouldn't change anything, you had to attend more balls and other events in the presence of the duke and his entourage that included his childhood sweetheart and her friends. You were constantly left alone by your fiancée and later berated by his supporters: you were slapped, soaked in dirty water, fed rotten food, and badmouthed all the time. It couldn't not make your already feeble mental health worsen, and you found yourself thinking how you could end this torturous dream that felt far too real now.
In the end, it didn't matter what would happen to you, right? The main heroes would end being happy together anyway.
Moreover, if you were to take your own life, maybe your loyal knight would have a better fate, getting to live rather than meeting his death shortly after beheading you.
This thought suddenly made you feel stronger, and you found yourself eager to plan your own escape from this reality. Anyway, you were either in coma or turned into a lunatic in reality, so what did it matter?
First, you thought if you would kill yourself when the knight would be here in the mansion, he would definitely get blamed for it since the marquis and his wife weren't fond of him. You needed to make him leave somehow and prepare him to run away when the opportunity presented itself. Of course, it meant he would have to go into hiding and leave his title as a knight, but being a mercenary was better than a dead traitor to the Crown.
Second, you had to make it so he couldn't refuse you because telling him of your suicide was not an option - even if he didn't favor you in any way, his pride as a knight didn't allow him to stand still when you were hurt. In fact, he was the only one to protect you against all those people who enjoyed to make you suffer. Since your life mattered so little to you, giving him a chance to escape these circumstances was something you had to do.
"Is it so important I have to go all the way to Idis to pick something you need? I wouldn't want to leave my lady alone for so long," he told you when you stood with him on the train's platform before Shoto would travel to a city several hours away from the capital.
"You are the only person I trust," you gave him your usual faint smile as you handed him the money and a letter with instructions. "I cannot ask anyone else to bring this precious item except you. Besides, I am planning to remain in the mansion for the rest of the day, so you don't have to worry about me."
"Understood, my lady. Is there anything else you want me to do?"
"All I would you like you to do is written in this letter. However, please don't open it until the train reaches Idis. It is my order."
He looked surprised: you had never given him a strict order like this for a long time, indifferent to anything happening around you. You hoped he wouldn't become too suspicious, so you dropped your smile, staring at him with your empty eyes until he finally disappeared in the train's car.
Now you had to act quickly, you thought as you watched the train depart.
Your body felt heavy and unwieldy, but you managed to move faster than you usually did, immediately locking your room the moment you got in - the maids weren't going to come regardless, but the heroine's parents could show up, and you didn't want them to hinder your decision. Your hands were shaking when you wrote a letter, saying you finally succumbed to madness and that you didn't want to bring more shame to your family - it would be enough to satisfy the marquis since he thought you were mad from the start. Maybe then he wouldn't search for your knight to punish him.
You didn't write a note beforehand because you thought you would do it quick - you spent a lot of time writing a letter to Shoto though, this proud, stoic young man who possessed a noble heart despite being a commoner. With his greatly disfigured face and unimpressive background, he was looked down upon by most people just like you were, but he didn't descend to lowly scheming and getting revenge like your heroine. He was an honorable man, the only character in this story you grew to like.
You had to do it for his sake, you thought as you gripped a dagger in your hands, watching an unusually bright sunset. It turned harder than you expected as you failed to slit your own throat for a couple of times, and your arms started to shake.
Did you have to do it? Yes, yes, you absolutely did. This world had nothing left for you. You would die soon anyway. What did it matter? It wasn't even your real world. Unlike in your real world where you had your parents, nobody loved you here. You weren’t needed. Your presence didn't make anyone's life better, but your death would. Did you have to prolong this miserable existence of a girl who was detested by everyone? Her role was written to make her the villainess nobody would pity. Why did you desperately hang on for your life?
Trying to force your arm to move, you reminded yourself of the darkest moments of your life, of all the humiliation and misery you had to experience, and how poorly you were treated in both your and this worlds. Thinking of how duke told you it wouldn't matter to him even if you died in agony from the plague, you let out a soft cry, finally slicing your throat with one sharp move. It hurt, it hurt really bad, but not as much as you thought it would, you thought as you gurgled some strange sounds, shaking and clenching your throat as blood sipped in, caking your fingers. The cut was deep enough for you to end it quickly.
Soon, you stopped struggling, and the world went black.
When you opened your eyes, you could hear someone's quiet whisper as if many people were repeating the same phrase over and over again. The ceiling seemed completely black, but you could see a soft blue light coming from somewhere - it was probably TV as your mother watched some scary cultists movies she loved despite your doctor prohibiting anything of this kind when you were around. Well, she probably thought it was alright since you were asleep.
Was it all a dream? A werd, long, very realistic dream where you lived like a girl destined to be just an obstacle on the path of other heroes. You didn't like it. You real life was unfortunate enough for you to be dreaming of something so painful.
It was good you had finally woken up. You missed your reality despite depression, therapy, and meds. At least here there were someone who cared about you.
"Mom?" Your whisper was barely audible, and your throat hurt.
Did you catch a cold, by chance? You definitely felt cold. Although you wanted to grab a blanket that should have been near, your body felt so groggy you couldn't move your arm. Was it your new medicine? The doctor said something about it, you remembered.
"Mom... it's cold..." you managed to whisper again, feeling your throat burning even more.
Before you could voice your thoughts, however, you felt a heavy blanket being put on top of your body, and then you saw Shoto's face as he loomed over you, wrapping you up not in a blanket but in the black cloak he wore.
"I thought I have already died," you muttered to him, feeling a little upset you still weren't awake, having to live in a dream you didn't like.
"You did," he answered you quietly as he put his hand on your throat, touching a rough scar formed in exact same place where you slit the skin.
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tweetsongs · 3 years
why orv rewrote my entire brain (and why it’ll rewrite yours, too)
(note: this is as much a rec post as it is a way for me to try to get down my [brain go vrrrrr] feelings about orv in a coherent way that i can actually use to talk to people about it without sounding absolutely unhinged. it will still sound unhinged, because me, but at least it’ll be ORGANIZED)
what is orv?
orv, or omniscient reader's viewpoint, is a korean webnovel written by author(s) sing-shong. it is currently complete at 551 chapters, and currently has an in-progress webcomic of the same name that’s in its early arcs.
what’s the plot about?
orv is about kim dokja (kdj), a 28-year old social maladroit who works as a contracted drone for a gaming company and spends all his free time reading webnovels. specifically, he’s been hyperfixating on an extremely long, deeply unpopular apocalyptic survival game webnovel for over a decade, to the point where he is the only reader who’s still reading the ongoing 3000+ chapters as they update. the story begins when the author announces the end of the novel and the beginning of the epilogue, and as a reward for being the only reader to make it this far, gives kdj a text file for the entire novel.
this file comes in handy when the apocalypse actually happens in the exact same way as it did in the novel, and kdj is the only person who has inside knowledge of what’s going on. to survive, he must make alliances with the ‘characters‘ from the original novel, and get through the survival games in order to reach the unwritten epilogue.
okay, this sounds cool, but i think i’ve seen a lot of other works with similar premises - what makes this one special?
you’re not wrong! orv’s plot initially starts off as a sort of reverse-isekai/dungeon crawl webnovel, a genre which has grown very popular in east asian media in the past few years. for the first few arcs, there’s a lot of worldbuilding, game mechanics, and a protagonist who gets overpowered skills as a result of his epic gamer reader skills. if you start orv and specifically enjoy the first seventy or so chapters, i’d recommend searching up other manhwas/mangas in this genre!
however, past the first few arcs, orv takes a hard turn into more complex themes and narratives, delving into more meta elements and grappling with so many plot threads that it would honestly make this post unreadable if i tried to organize them. suffice to say, while the first few arcs are fun and in-line with other works of this genre, it becomes more of a interrogation of its own genre and of webnovels and the act of creating media in general as it goes on. if deconstructing tropes, metanarratives up to your nose, and 4D chess-style time and multiverse shenanigans are your thing, orv is probably right up your alley!
that’s fine and all, but you’re neglecting the most important part - does orv have good characters?
oh, my sweet child. of course orv has characters! BOY DOES IT have some characters. orv has one of the most richly filled and developed casts i’ve seen in media in a WHILE, and nearly every character (of which there are a LOT, this is 500+ chapters, remember) has some kind of arc. there are some characters that are done with less justice than others, an inevitability of having a cast that large in a story that weighed down with shit that needs to get done, but even they usually have some sort of development. rarely does orv have one-note characters.
another note i want to make on this is that there are A LOT OF COOL GIRLS in this book, and pretty much all of them get their arcs in unique and interesting ways! orv tends to introduce characters in terms of tropes or stereotypes (the nice girl, the innocent child, the hardened warrior) and then slowly builds onto those foundations in ways that make them immensely interesting and complex. i’ve agonized about how to talk about the characters without going into a long spoilery spiel, but suffice to say that they are EXCELLENT.
okay, and what about their relationships?
i want to start off by saying that orv does NOT have any romantic relationships within its main cast, so despite whatever you see in the fandom, don’t go into it expecting romance! what we do have is a massive cast of complicated relationships, often completely separated from their relationship with the main character. the main relationships in orv are platonic ones, and much of it is spent on ruminating on found families and rebuilding broken relationships.
this being said, the emotional core of the story is built upon the (ambiguous) relationships between the trio that makes up the three main characters of the novel: kim dokja, yoo joonhyuk, and han sooyoung. their relationship is not stated to be romantic in any directions, but their interactions are what builds the backbone of the story’s themes, and they serve both as interesting individuals with interesting relationships with each other as well as points of analogy within the larger themes of the story. i will say that there is romantic coding in all of their relationships at various points, though i WANT TO REITERATE THERE IS NO EXPLICIT ROMANCE NOR LOVE TRIANGLE BULLSHIT HERE.
are there any caveats you have about reading it?
definitely! i don’t like to make recs without acknowledging the shitty aspects of a media, and orv definitely has places where it falters. here are a few trigger warnings/general irritations i had with the book:
while it’s not a romantic novel, there are some teases about romance between characters that are obviously not here for romance in ways that can get pretty eye-roll-y at times.
there are some implications of sexual assault in the early chapters that seem to serve little purpose beyond it’s affirmation of the early arcs’ grimdarkness. it’s not prevalent and gets dropped later, but it’s an aspect of its genre that i dislike
there are so many arcs in the novel that explore so many different genres that i’m pretty sure that everyone will have an arc that they’re not as interested in
the translations that are available online are of varying quality, as there was a change of translators in the middle of the novel. this means that some names and terms will change in spelling out of nowhere, which can be pretty jarring
if you’re not used to the prose of webnovels or translated east asian novels, it can take a few chapters to get used to the different style.
this is a big one: there are some transphobic elements in the novel - specifically three characters/bits that stand out particularly egregiously. there is a villain that is implied to be genderfluid that is treated pretty shittily by the mains, a group of minor villains that fall into the predatory transes stereotype, and a character that is a trans woman who, by a mix of bad narrative framing as well as translation error, is misgendered for a while. while the transphobia does drop off as the novel goes on and the trans woman, rocky beginning aside, has one of the best character arcs independent of her gender identity in the novel (as the authors realize that transphobia might not be great), it’s still perfectly valid if these portrayals turned you off. it certainly made me, an nb, annoyed when i was reading!
all of this sounds really interesting, but why should i allow orv to rewire my brain?
okay, if the past few paragraphs didn’t make you perk up already, here are some more miscellaneous things that made me read this stupid book three and a half times:
the book’s VERY fun to read. like, it gets heavy, and there’s a lot of complex themes in it, but it never gets bogged down in them, and it’s always a delight to just, sit down with it.
it’s really funny. like, EXTREMELY hilarious in both expected and unexpected ways. there’s a reason why the fandom tag has so many memes in it
the pacing is super brisk in a way that i internally refer to as ADHD catnip, and you never feel like the book really overstays its welcome on any particular arc. it’s why the book is so bingeable, despite its length
most if not all of the book’s arcs and themes, both character and plot-wise, are resolved in satisfying ways. i’ve read this book multiple times, and i’ve never felt like the book really missed any steps on what it’s trying to say. a great accomplishment, considering just how much it has to say
a reverse of one of my caveats: the book is so long that there’s almost certainly going to be some arc that you dislike, but similarly, there’s also almost bound to be an arc that you LOVE. do you like survival games? this is that! murim novels? has that! scifi? yep! historical fantasy? got it! this is a sampler plate of genres, people.
the book never takes itself or its plot mechanics too seriously OR too lightly, somehow managing to strike a perfect balance in tone that’s both self aware of how ridiculous it can get at times, and never undermines the emotional stakes of the characters
for all its darkness and tragedy, it’s never CYNICAL. orv feels like a distillation of how much FUN consuming media can be, and is a love letter to every person who’s ever loved a story. it rejects cringe culture and gatekeeping, and is an affirmation that every work of art that you’ve ever loved is valuable, if only because of the fact that you love it. 
tl;dr psych! this WAS my tl;dr of how much i love this novel. please read it i am on my fourth reread and going bonkers
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
[prologue] in the back of my mind
Fandom: WMMAP Rating: G Ship: Eventual Lucathy, Felily, Calena, and more Note: the Twin Sibling AU that i tried so hard not to write, but i DID, so naturally i have to call myself out for writing it. will be cross-posted on ao3 and wattpad under the same title
Arc 1: Beginning of the End [0] | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Arc 2: Of Princes and Villainesses 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
Side Story: maybe, i’m afraid (verena/athanasios) 1 | 2
He was pretty sure he transmigrated into a fanfic of [The Lovely Princess] — after all, he would’ve remembered if Princess Athanasia had a younger twin who died.
// A retelling of WMMAP with a vital difference — Athanasia has a younger twin brother.
0. prologue
He finds himself standing at the top of the building as the sky begins to set. It’s difficult for him to breathe, but then again, that’s a simple problem to have with a broken nose. The dull ache is a reminder, as he climbs over the fence, his hands holding the railing behind him as he thinks about his life, about the bandages on his arm and the stinging pain in his heart.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough,” he whispers, as the stars begin to shine as the orange sky fades into purples, as time passes and the sun rests into the slumber of night. “Maybe next time.”
As the wind rushes through his long hair, his eyes begin to shut.
He jumps.
His heart slams wildly in his chest as his eyes snap open. An abrupt cry escapes from him, high-pitched and whiny — like a baby’s — and his eyes tear up, staring wide-eyed in what appeared to be a large fancy room.
‘Whoa…!’ he hears a startled voice. ‘What’s wrong with him?’
‘Who…?’ he blinked away his watery eyes to see a blurry baby laying beside him in what seemed to be a… crib? ‘What the fuck?!’ he looked down, feeling his chubby cheeks touch the soft fabric on his chest. ‘Oh my god, I’m a child… I hope I’m cute at least.’
‘We’re twins, so I’d assume that we look alike,’ says the other voice. ‘Good to know I’m not alone in all of this, at least.’
He glances back at the baby dressed in a pink onesie with a floral headband. ‘Okay, okay… first thing’s first — I transmigrated into a baby like one of my manhwas.’
‘You trans-what now?’
‘Assuming that I haven’t lost my marbles — which is debatable, really — I’m basically living as Arjen and Arien from The Twin Siblings New Life because I can read the mind of my self-proclaimed twin sibling. Again, assuming that the voice in my head isn’t a figment of my imagination.’
‘You haven’t gone crazy,’ the voice in his head confirmed. ‘And I’m literally right next to you.’
‘And let me guess, we’re hated royals with a good for nothing dad?’
‘Pretty much. I’m Athanasia and you’re Athanasios.’
‘Couldn’t they have given me a better name? Is it a twin thing to just get similar sounding names? I guess it’s kinda cute, but still…’
‘Our name literally means immortal,’ the voice flatly stated.
‘I know, I read The Lovely Princess, too, and I remember all of that. I’m just saying that it sounds like a shitty premise for a Lovely Princess fanfic on FFN. Well, fuck it! Call me Athanase instead — I refuse to follow a storyline written by a person who doesn’t have anything better to do with their time! It’s a shortened version of Athanasios, and I’m not gonna lie, I really don’t want to constantly use Athanasios if I ever introduce myself. Besides, it’s too similar to Athanasius, isn’t it? God, if I transmigrated into Starshine-Dreaming’s fanfic, then I’m screwed.’
‘Uh, Athan… what’s a fanfic?’
There were a lot of things that Athanase remembered.
(No, that didn’t apply to fanfiction, mind you. He remembers more than a college drop-out hyped up on caffeine working on a fanfic at the ass crack of dawn.)
For starters, he was more of an anti-fan of The Lovely Princess in his previous life and often preferred reading fanfics and fix-it AUs that he managed to find online. He was an Athanasia stan, and he was fairly confident that he’s in one of those AUs — the one where Athanasia has a younger twin sibling. Unfortunately, in almost all the fanfics that he used to read, nearly every single one of them all had bad endings for Athanasia and her twin — something about how the fandom collectively agreed that it was poetic for the twins to die together and have each other and not be alone (cue sad face emoticons here).
That always raised his blood pressure, that’s for sure. He’s surprised that he didn’t die from all his undying salt towards the fix-it writers that seemed to make Athanasia into the bitchy older step-sister trope of Jennette’s Cinderella-type of story. Only a few people criticized the writing, but due to the book’s immense popularity, those voices more or less went unheard.
According to his newly acquired sister, the novel’s timeline was essentially like this: Athanasia’s younger twin brother escorted her for her débutante, and was the only one who danced with her. The Athanasios from the novel was one of the few who openly loathed Jennette who seemed to have taken everything that his beloved older sister deserved — the Emerald Palace, the spotlight among nobles, and their father’s love. Therefore, he had to disappear like many of Ezekiel’s admirers for being the “Villain” of Jennette’s story. However, despite being in an unfavourable position in life, he was still a prince, so he wouldn’t be an easy person to get rid of. He didn’t live past their sixteenth birthday, and instead died two years earlier than Athanasia due to being poisoned by Jennette’s relatives.
Apparently, Athanasia also took the blame for his death when she turned eighteen and was killed for supposedly poisoning Jennette, only to have her aunt be revealed as the true mastermind. The mystery behind his death was never really solved, but the nobles spread rumours that questioned Athanasia’s credibility. If she was known to have brought the death of her precious younger brother, nobody would doubt that she was behind Jennette’s assassination attempt.
Which didn’t make much sense to Athanase. Was the online version of the novel drastically different from the published copy? There wouldn’t be any point in changing the storyline, right? It’s not like film or comic adaptions, either.
It was interesting to find out that their recollection of the story was drastically different from each other.
At least there were a couple of things that seemed to be fairly consistent: they both lived in the Ruby Palace, a place meant for the Emperor’s concubines and lovers — the Empress excluded. Which sucks, because it’s no place to raise kids. Their dad was pretty much a deadbeat asshole — I mean, seriously! Why have kids if you’re not going to be a part of their life?
And then there was another issue…
There were a couple of blanks in his memory. It’s strange how he’s able to vividly remember a lot of details of his life, and yet he can’t even remember anything about his death. At least Athanasia had a vague idea of how she died — a mix of a sleeping pill and sleeping without a heater in the middle of winter — and she definitely remembered more about her past life than he did.
All he can think about is that sunset sky and a starry night on a roof, late autumn or early winter’s cold caress against his cheek, the wind running through his long hair.
His previous life seemed nice, at least.
  (But, deep down inside, he wonders if he died because he was born in the wrong body.)
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antihentaiclub · 4 years
i’m rating manga/manhwa i’ve read because i don’t want to do my schoolwork
1. Blood Bank
status: completed
rating: 8.8/10
this was the first one i read and MAN. i like how in the beginning there was no relationship whatsoever but because Shell had power, he was able to use it and see One whenever he felt, at first, Shell was almost like a sugar daddy trying to use that to win One over. but over time, they developed a genuine relationship that was unbreakable and brought them back to each other in the end so they would receive their own happily ever after that they Definitely deserved.
2. bj Alex
status: ongoing (side story)
rating: 8.9/10
the basis of the story was good. i liked the growth of Jiwon throughout the entire story. watching Jiwon accept and move forward from his past trauma was therapeutic and so wholesome. it would probably be my favorite aspect of the series. however, i wanted to punch Dong-gyun Real hard in the beginning because of how he thirsted of Jiwon, but i think that factor is what made him so realistic. he was nearly obsessed with this idea he had of Jiwon and we got to see that idea destroyed and rebuilt multiple times. one another note, i really liked the side story with MD and Chanwoo. it was subtle enough not to overtake the main plot, but present enough o make an impact. now, though, in the side story i want to murder Chanwoo because he’s taking MD for granted. anyways, overall, bj Alex is a very good story. i also quite liked that it was drawn in black and white and the important parts were in color.
3. Make Me Bark
status: completed
rating: 7.5/10
Make Me Bark was very cute. different than my usual tastes, but definitely a good, quick read. i like how Sungjoon was having nothing go his way but Hyo-in kinda swooped in and knocked him off his feet. although, i do wish that we got to know a little more about Hyo-in. i feel like i know so little about him.
4. Well Done!
status: completed
rating: 7/10
i liked the overall concept quite a lot actually. i think the author did a decent job in proving that there doesn’t have to be a good person, or a hero, in a story and that both sides can essentially be villains in their own respect. parts of me wished that Sangwoo and Jaehyun worked out in the end, but i know their relationship didn’t have a solid foundation whatsoever. i don’t want to say the end was fitting for Jaehyun, but he definitely got knocked off his high horse.
5. Walk on Water
status: ongoing
rating: 9.8/10
one of my absolute favorites. this story takes you on so many twists and turns emotionally. the author has beautiful art and an incredible story including growth for both McQueen and Yeowoon. i can’t talk enough about how much i like it. it starts with Ed, who’s later revealed to actually be name Yeowoon, trying to find another source of income to pay off debt that his grandfather accrued. he stumbled upon this gay porn website owned by Glen McQueen and decided to give it a shot, despite not being gay. from then on a shaky string of hookups to hide true feelings ensues until McQueen and Ed finally reveal their real emotions. they begin dating and one would think that’s it, things are fine. but instead, things all start going wrong and Ed and McQueen get in a huge nasty fight in which they both end up regretting but Ed can’t bring himself to be the bigger man and apologize. he starts finding himself in less and less fortunate situations, but currently things are starting to take a turn for the better as he and McQueen have apologized and are talking in hopes of eventually creating a new relationship that will not lead to the hurt they experienced before.
6. BL Motel
status: ongoing
rating: 8.7/10
in this story i liked watching Jinwon and Byul’s relationship grow. you get to see them develop feelings and not tell each other despite how obvious it is. you also get to see Byul struggle with he and his brother’s relationship and how it had been flawed from the beginning. it showed Jinwon helping him and letting him finally resolve the situation so now they are on better terms and healing and finding proper love. i liked that a lot. my one thing that bothers me though, is that a lot of the character designs are similar so i get super confused on who is who. it’s a little disorganized in that sense which can make it a bit hard to read. otherwise, it’s a great story.
7. Dear Door
status: ongoing
rating: 8.6/10
i love the art style for this story. it goes from sophisticated and attractive to cute doodles in seconds and i like the laid back approach to storytelling. in this universe demons can use people as “doors” between the human realm and Hell, which is how Cain, a demon, and Gyeong Joon, a human police officer. Cain begins to use Gyeong Joon as his door and they develop an interesting type of relationship that still has a lot of room for growth. it’s still very early on for this story but i look forward to updates.
8. Love or Hate
status: ongoing
rating: 9.5/10
another favorite of mine. first, the art style is incredible and the character designs are so good. plus, the story is well structured. in this story you witness Haesoo conflicted between two people, his long time hookup Joowon, who he had known for ten years and had immense history with, and Taekyung, a photographer who he met through his job and funny enough, resembles Joowon’s actions. the story shows the damage of toxic relationships and how vulnerable people become when they’re in love with another person and when all they want is them. the characters, Haesoo especially, are so well thought out and complex and it adds so much flavor to the already good story. i heavily anticipate season 3 and know i’m in for a rollercoaster.
9. Back to School
status: completed
rating: 6.8/10
hear me out, by no means am i saying i didn’t like Back to School. what i am saying is i think there was potential for so much more. the ending was abrupt and left me with too many unanswered questions. i also thought the writing was a bit inconsistent towards the end. anyways, the concept was good. Cha Chiwoo left school because of a traumatic event and went back after taking his time off to finish and get his diploma. there he met Ki Kyujin, the class president, who tried befriending him despite the rumors that surrounded him. later on he reconnects with someone from his past, Song Jihyun, his ex best friend and the reason he left school in the first place. now, Jihyun decides to finish school and they’re all in the same class. throughout the story we got to unlock more of Chiwoo and Jihyun’s history, which was a factor i enjoyed. however, at the end, after Jihyun left, i think there should’ve been a point in the future where he comes back and he and Chiwoo actually resolve their last and can healthily move forward. i know it’s not my story, but i think something like that would’ve provided more of a resolution than Chiwoo just confessing his feelings and kissing Kyujin. i also think Jihyun was demonized more than necessary. he already had been falsely arrested for murder, he had multiple settled cases for his violent nature, and he had the major fall out with Chiwoo but in the q&a at the end the author said that Jihyun had raped Chiwoo which i don’t think matches his character. it was clear that everything he did was because he loved Chiwoo and he isn’t stupid enough to do something so cruel, or so i think.
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sentimental-simp · 3 years
Random Thoughts- July 9, 2021
                                     ⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
I think I’ll update my page every Tuesday and Friday over random things. I’ll treat this as a journal or diary. 
These are just my thoughts that I would like to go back to once I finish reading the story. 
                                    ⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
I’m currently reading Something About Us. It’s a story about a boy and girl who were best friends since middle school and reunite in college after the boy’s military service. It focuses more on the characters and their relationships rather than their life in school.
Something About Us hurts. I’m in Chapter 35 right now. It’s been a while since the feeling of unrequited love has been passed on from the page to me as a reader.
Second leads could go two ways. They’re either easy to hate or they’re too nice to be hated. I feel so conflicted because I want to hate on the second leads so much but I know they didn’t do anything wrong. I really want to hate Yoojin, but it’s not fair to hate her because she’s falling in love with Hanwoo. 
Though I really want him to end up with Gayoung, I could understand why he still sees her as a younger sister. In the comments of the manhwa, they hate Yoojin unfortunately. So far, she hasn’t really done anything “hate-worthy”. You can’t help yourself falling in love with someone who helped you overcome obstacles. You can’t help yourself falling in love with someone who’s been there for you; who’s looking out for you, who’s making you realize your self-worth. It’s not her fault for being jealous of Gayoung. Even though Gayoung and Hanwoo are best friends, it hurts to see the boy you like closer to another girl. She feels bad that she wants to hate Gayoung, and I think that’s fine. It’s unfortunately a natural reaction, but it shows how the two girls were not really close-- how they would prioritize a boy over their friendship.
(but honestly i dont blame them because Hanwoo is great too T_T)
I probably feel so connected with the characters because from what I’ve seen, they’re really great. But because this is a love story, they would all get hurt from unrequited feelings. UGH WHY AM I READING THIS.
I haven’t seen much about the Second Male Lead, Chanhee, so I can’t really say a lot. But seeing that he has cared so much for Gayoung for a long time hurts because knowing how these stories go, they’ll won’t end up together. 
My prediction is that Hanwoo and Yoojin will start dating. Same goes for Chanhee and Gayoung. However, maybe in Chapter 60, both couples will break up. 
                                   ⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
The other manhwa I’m reading is Death is the Only Ending for the Villainess. I’ve read up to chapter 62 of the comic and I think I’m in part 8 of the novel. It’s about a girl who was suddenly transported to an otome game she played and became the game’s villainess, Penelope Eckart.  Unfortunately, Penelope’s route in the game was extremely hard and a single mistake could lead her to a bad end resulting death. 
I realized how difficult it is to reading light novels. I’ve grown accustomed to reading books that shows rather than tells. Sometimes, I have to be guessing who’s saying what line.
I have never read a harem story wherein I’m rooting for all the guys. From the anime I have watched, I have always knew who I wanted to end up with the MC. But in Villainess, I LIKE ALL OF THE GUYS. THEY’RE ACTUALLY REALLY NICE AND THEY ALL SEEM LIKE THEY HAVE A CHANCE WITH PENELOPE.
But with Penelope’s passive-aggressive demeanor and her constant fussing over a bad end for the game prevents her from pursuing the guys as love interests. I really like a strong female lead. Though she seems naive at times, she’s witty and will never hesitate to defend herself from people who berate and look down at her.
Though I can’t tell who I’m going to root for, I’m going to rely on my knowledge of these kinds of stories to predict what will happen. I’ve read similar stories about how the Main Character gets transported into their favorite otome game (My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom) and/or their favorite novel (I Stole the Male Lead’s First Night). I just want to look back after I finished the story if I managed to get it right.
My prediction is that she’ll end up with the Prince, Kallisto. Her adopted brothers are out of the picture, however, there might be a possibility that the younger brother, Reynold could have a love triangle with her and the prince (maybe cuz he’s a tsundere HAHAHA). Eclis and Penelope are just going to stay as friends HOWEVER I think he’s going to betray her. No way did his favorability rise so quickly. He seems really suspicious. The wizard, Vinter, might also be involved in this love triangle instead of Reynold. But I think he’ll offer her a way to go back to her original life. I also think Yvonne (the original heroine of the game) and Penelope would learn to be friends OR their roles will reverse.                                    ⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
I wonder when will I finish these stories so I can laugh at how far off or how close I was hehe.
                                   ⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
Also today is the Genshin 1.7/2.0 livestream. Dam, why did leakers leak the trailer hours before the official release? Are people really that impatient nowadays?
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azroazizah · 4 years
Looking for some new manga to read!! Do you have any favourite manga or any manga you’d recommend? I’m open to reading a lot of different manga since I only began reading manga at the end of last year- so there’s a lot of manga I haven’t read or heard off!! Thanks!!
I........ actually don’t read manga that much guys.....
mostly bc I’m usually so picky fhgkdkfgj pls don’t get me wrong, there’s tons of mangas/manhwas/webcomics that I like, but I only follow a few. I usually follow something that I use as some kind of reference to build my own story, mainly for the art and characterizations, etc so yeah wwww
for ones I obviously read were Fullmetal Alchemist and Soul Eater, ofc, but you def already know about them wwwwww
so uhh I guess I’m just gonna list what I currently follow? I’m currently liking manhwas/webcomics bc it’s easy to read on mobile. these are all that I check p regularly:
1. Gangsta. by Kohske. (seinen, adventure/thriller) Yeahhh p obvious I love this one lmao, it’s mature and pretty dark and interesting even though the plot’s pretty simple. Also, Kohske is cruel. She’s one of mangakas I look up to fgsgsjfd. It’s about mafia fights and drug problems and superhumans. plot is angst-heavy, but the characters are so lovable and did I mention everyone was hot asf? it’s currently on hiatus tho.
2. Otoyomegatari by Kaoru Mori (seinen, romance) this one’s so obvious lmao I like pretty clothes and it’s a great reference for me to learn to be a mangaka. The plot follows the stories of couples and marriages in medieval central asia. I must warn that the art details on this manga is beyond insane. Eyegasm.
3. Kono Oto Tomare by Amyuu (shounen, music) if u like chihayafuru u def would like his one wwwww. it’s about Koto and traditional japanese music. the romance is so cute jhdfsjfgsjkafgjkghgjdgd
4. Akatsuki no Yona by Kusanagi Mizuho (shoujo, adventure/romance). I’m honestly so into  historical mangas wwwwww. it follows Princess Yona and her ‘dragons’ on their journey after Yona was exiled from the palace.
5. Boku no Hero Academia by Horikoshi Kohei (shounen). Yeah this one’s maybe the only popular shounen I follow rn wwww but I haven’t checked it since like four months ago or smt wwwww
6. Flawless by Shinshinhye (webtoon, romance). it’s about a story between a blind boy with advanced senses and a headstrong girl. seriously good romance and even the side characters are all so complex and flawed. The male lead is a bit twisted and so manipulative while the heroine is stubborn and v independent.
7. 7 Wonders by Metalu (webtoon, fantasy/romance) idk if this had been translated or no, I read it in my native lang wwwww. it revolves around Indonesian folktale of Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan.
8. The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass (manhwa, romance). Aria Roscente was sentenced to death bc of her adopted family’s schemes, but god gave her a chance to change her fate by sending her back ten years earlier, and this time Aria vows to be a real villainess to punish people who wronged her.
I love this one so much bc we have a villain as a protag, who actually acts like a villain. She actually knows she’s evil, is ruthless, but still so charismatic that we can’t help but think that her actions were justified. I’m weak against greatly written villains. She’s also deeply wicked to the core, and not turning into your typical glorified good hero. Did I also mention she’s a strong woman who absolutely doesn’t need no man? yeah absolutely good shit
9. Suddenly I Became A Princess/Who Made Me A Princess by Plutus & Spoon (manhwa, fantasy, isekai). seriously, I normally don’t do isekai guys but I like this one so much wwwww. Basically an orphan fell asleep (suicide?) and woke up in the body of Athanasia, a princess she’d read about in a novel. The catch is she knows the whole plot of the novel and she knows Athanasia’s gonna be murdered by her own father, the emperor. So we follow Athy as she tries to avoid her death. Good. Found. Family. Shit.
Also the dad’s so tsundere hjgdskgfdk I love him.
10. Lessa by POGO (manhwa, dark fantasy) Completely Underrated™. it splits into a trilogy; Lessa, Lessa: The Crimson Knight, and Lessa: Servant of Cosmos. the last one is ongoing. Following the adventure of Lessa, a fallen god who fathered a demonic race called the Demans, and Rano, a human searching for his sister who was abducted by the demans.
This one also got a pretty dark in theme, considering its heavy symbolic with gods, angels, disciples and believers. I must warn that the art is maybe not for everyone bc it could get pretty disturbing like let’s say, Madoka? but instead of cute girls we have devilish/satanic figures lol. But honestly, the art is very pretty, and it speaks. Definitely my favorite manhwa so far.
Bonus, the ones that already completed (or, ehm, indefinitely on hiatus)!
1. Chang Ge Xing by Xia Da (manhua, seinen) currently on indefinite hiatus, but the published chapters are definitely Worth It™. it follows Princess Chang Ge, who was chased out of the palace after a coup, and living as a man while trying to gather strength for a revenge. I’m a historical fanatic I told you wwwww, but also the heroine is so complex, ruthless, cunning, manipulative, but also independent and v charismatic. The kinda heroine I love the most ughhh.
she seduces princesses and even elected as the male lead’s ‘sworn brother’ lol also she has a wife at some point. A++
2. Zetsuen No Tempest by Shirodaira Kyo (shounen, dark fantasy) follows Mahiro and Yoshino as they try to crack the murder case of Mahiro’s sister Aika through magic, wizards, and logic, at the end of the world. Heavy Shakespeare references. if u don’t have the time to read the manga, the anime is a pretty dang good choice too.
that’s it for now I guess? I def forgot a lot bc I don’t read much these days.
if you have any rec that’s similar to these mangas I’d like to know wwwww
thanks for asking and I hope this answers you ^^
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toomicsguide · 4 years
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bygosscarmine · 4 years
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W: Worlds Apart - Volume 3: Worlds Aligned
Kang Chul X Oh Yeon Joo - Fix-It Fic (T)
Read from beginning or find previous chapters here: Stories
The grace period is over. It’s time for everyone to pay up.
Chapter 106 - In Defiance of the Light (1149 words)
Despite the slightly uncomfortable extra body heat and her racing blood from making time with Chul, Yeon Joo slept well. Even more strange, she woke not feeling disoriented, as she had often the last...many weeks. Even though it was her room, and Chul was in it beside her. She was aware that it was Sunday, her first day off. The sunshine playing on the wall across the room was not an indication she was late, just that it was a lovely day outside. The back against hers was familiar, though they'd only slept this close once before.
She sat up and looked down at him. It was odd to see Chul still asleep: he always seemed vibratingly awake. As she moved now, he settled onto his back with the extra room and pulled the sheet up. She moved off of it so he could tuck himself in again. In sleep, he didn't look younger, possibly because he didn't have that intent look that translated to a youthful earnestness. Instead, the smooth face showed the strong lines of the face, the jawline not of a boy.
The surgeon in her thought about the scars left on his stomach from the stabbing. She'd automatically thought his follow-up care hadn't been very skillful, on seeing them. The truth was, though, a manhwa character who suffered something that thematic would keep an impressive scar. It meant something, so it wasn't erased the way age was.
And the chain hung around his neck, her ring fallen into the crook of his shoulder. Resisting temptation to bend down toward him and disturb his sleep, she eased off the bed gently to go get dressed.
Even as she stepped toward her dresser, though, she heard the deeper breath of waking.
He was smiling at her, when she looked over. His face was sleepy but the eyes were glinting.
"I love you," he said, as if adding the statement to some previous conversation.
"I know."
"I just wasn't sure if I actually said it right out, or just heavily implied it. So I wanted to make sure."
"Thank you," she said, blushing a little.
He got up and came to hug her lightly. "I will do everything I can to come back for you. You're not obliged to wait for that, but it's true."
It occurred to her, when something in her stomach unclenched, that this is what she'd been hoping for. Why she'd let him come, why she'd let that sense of loss that told her she was falling in love quickly overcome her. Because she didn't want him fatalistic and practical, looking like he went to his death like a lamb.
Was that wrong of her?
"Yeon Joo, are you all right?" her mother said, from just outside the door.
She felt Chul tense at the same time she did.
"I just slept in because I could today," she said, trying to sound like she was still half-asleep.
"Oh, sorry. It's just unusual for you. I'm going to the market, let me know if you need anything."
Chul hurriedly went to sit on the bed, as if worried that her mother would come to ask her something else--and as if he could hide in the blankets were that to happen.
But they soon heard the door to the apartment close, and Yeon Joo took a deep breath. "I forgot she'd be home this morning," she said. "I'm fortunate we've been running low on vegetables."
"Are you keeping your fiance a secret from your mother?" he teased.
"Introducing my mother to the idea by having you come to the breakfast table doesn't seem very nice."
"No. Particularly not if I then wasn't to be seen again." After a second, he said, "Is it alright if I used the shower?"
"Go ahead."
She got him a towel and showed him how the shower worked, then hurried away to her room to be embarrassed about everything in peace while he was occupied.
They pretended things were normal as they ate breakfast. Yeon Joo was nervous about her mother returning before they left for the studio, but Chul pointed out he could have come to talk business. She didn't think her mother was nearly obtuse enough for that to work.
But she was not back by the time they got into her car and Chul drove them to meet Soo Bong. This felt weirdly deceitful, though it was handy.
"Things might happen quickly today," Chul said, abruptly. "So I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I can't help thinking about the way I treated you before. I'm sorry for being someone who put my salvation first even when I was trying to protect you."
She wanted to cry, but she had kind of wanted to cry a lot lately.
"I...forgive you," she said. "This time I can say that, I think. I couldn't offer you forgiveness before, because it wasn't about me. And I also have things to apologize for. Including letting myself think it could be easy, and letting you rush into something so costly. I wasn't paying attention to my father's desperation. I should have asked you to give me more time."
"I've seen what kind of man I was," he said, gently. "It was hard to ask, wasn't it?"
"A little. But we all learned that lesson the hard way."
"Well, I forgive you, too." Chul's tone was light, but his hand reached over to clasp hers.
He only let go when he went to park outside the studio. Once he'd tucked her car in on the side of the street, he caught her arm as she went to open the door. When she turned to give him an inquiring look, he leaned over to her to give her a kiss.
It was soft, and not very long, but it already had way more history behind it than the similar first kiss of the day before.
When he drew back he saw she still was wondering what he was up to.
"I told you, your husband wasted time. I'm stupid enough to be leaving, too, but I wanted to at least act like a fiance until that point. I'll get your door."
With all the careless grace of the manhwa hero he was, he opened her door and she got out feeling a little silly and a little flattered. She didn't stare but she tried to commit to memory the line of his shoulder and arm, reached out to hold the car door for her. She clung to this image in her mind even as she walked into the house where her father was faceless and still. Where the tablet waited to send Chul back to W if they were very lucky, and Yeon Joo would have to once again wonder if she'd be pulled back in. Where this respite was about to end.
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marlikesthings · 7 years
I've already written why I love m21 and rai from noblesse and I wanted to do the same thing for frankenstein (one of my favorite characters in this manhwa). I've already said that I love his sassiness and how badass he is but there is so much more to love about frankenstein.
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I don’t really have a specific moment where I felt he would become a favorite. He just did. Although I do have to admit I enjoyed his interactions with m21 back in season 1 (I love their interactions), and how he understood what rai was thinking without him needing to talk. That may have influenced me. 
One of the reasons why I love frankenstein is because he is very loyal to rai and he cares a lot about him. It's impossible to talk about frankenstein and not talk about rai. Rai disappeared for 820 years yet frankenstein never stopped looking for him. If this doesn't show how much he cares/how loyal he is, then I don't know what does. Another proof of his loyalty is the fact that frankenstein respects rai's wishes to not use his powers. The only times he breaks the seal by himself are when rai is in danger. The first time was when he was confronting takeo and he threatened to attack rai. Frankenstein said: “what can you do to the master, huh? I can't believe you made me break the promise to my master” (chapter 133). And then there is this scene:
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Chapter 238
Frankenstein broke the seal to create a new ring for rai and help him conserve his life force (seal his powers). Therefore, although he did break the seal I don't really blame him. He had the best intentions in mind (unless I am forgetting a scene where he used his powers/broke the seal for other reasons). He only wants to help rai and to protect him. Without him rai would have been all alone and would have never met the kids and/or adopted the children. It’s impressive how far frankenstein went just to assure rai would be comfortable. He knew rai's wishes to have a normal life will probably never come true but he tried his best to make it happen. 
I've already said this but he is funny and sassy. I always enjoy his appearances especially when he is teasing/provoking the enemies. I think his reactions when the kids come to his house and make a mess are great. Or when the trio do something they shouldn’t. I also love the reaction other characters have when they are with him.
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Chapter 338: I like his face here XD
I also like how he sometimes teases the children
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Chapter 176: Context: Frankenstein, rai and regis are in lukedonia and they are going to rai’s mansion which is located in forbidden lands. Two guards found them and asked them to leave. Regis knocked them out as he feared frankenstein would do something worse to the guards. 
When he said: “Gechutel will be sad” I started laughing. Poor regis. He did nothing wrong. Also, it’s very funny how frankenstein of all people is accusing others of liking violence XD
Sure his attitude can sometimes be worrying, he uses too much energy and he enjoys messing with his enemies a little bit too much. Well, not really, he enjoys teasing people a lot. I am not going to talk about this here since this is an appreciation post XD. Regardless of that, frankenstein reacts like that most of the times because someone is in danger. Generally rai. Otherwise, he reacts like that when the enemy did something bad and he is pissed. He is very protective of his master and honestly I like how he says things others don't dare. He isn't afraid of messing with muzaka. Neither is he afraid of intervening in the middle of a fight and provoke muzaka and maduke in recent chapters. All because he didn't want to see rai lose more life force. 
You know who reminds me of frankenstein? Tao. They are both very different characters, but they both have moments when they go 'crazy' (both cases are very different, but still). I mean, tao and frankenstein's attitudes are perfect for comic relief. They both go "muajajaja" sometimes (you can see tao laughing like that in chapter 237). Frankenstein always acts like this in battles while tao does it in his everyday life. He tends to be more serious in battles. Moments like these make the reading much more enjoyable/entertaining. This just my personal opinion though. Now, his sharp tongue reminds me of m21. I love how you can find similarities between these characters. Especially since they live with frankenstein and they are his children. I never get bored of seeing him.
I also like how he plays with his identity (kind of). Normal people (like the two KSA officers) want to know who he really is. That is to be expected since frank doesn't look like your average high school chairman. But then he gives an answer like this one:
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Chapter 238: Please look at everyone's faces here. They are hilarious XD
He said the same thing in chapter 245. I already said it, but I never get tired of seeing frankenstein. 
I also like how powerful he is. But more than that I like how people respect him. They are sometimes even afraid of him, and he is human. Well kind of, he has been alive for too long, so I am not sure if he can still be considered human at this point. It's his race, but otherwise he is able to do things normal humans (even modified) can't. In the past, he was able to fight against ragar (rael's father) and read his moves, even though that was the first time he confronted someone so strong. And according to his own words, he still wasn't ready/able to fight a family leader. Now he is even stronger and it seems like little by little he is learning how to control better dark spear. At the very least he was able to avoid being consumed by it. Although if rai hadn't interfered who knows what would have happened. 
I also like how smart he is. He knew about the family leaders and soul weapons, even though that information was only accessible to nobles (probably because he collected data from the nobles he captured but anyway). He was a scientist in the past and he had a terrible reputation. To quote gejutel: “Even humans are afraid of his cruelty and powers. He gained power by any means necessary [...] So I heard that human organizations are trying to kill him” (chapter 239). What frankenstein was doing might not have been good, but at the very least it's not like he went on a rampage just for fun. He was mad. Mutants were doing whatever they wanted and they were also attacking innocent humans. Why wouldn't he be mad? The nobles, who created those mutants weren't taking any responsibility for it. They did nothing to stop it. I like how even though he was pissed with the nobles, he did acknowledge humans cruelty (he admits humans used other humans in order to obtain a soul weapon and that humans and nobles made pacts). 
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Chapter 243
He knew nobles were doing whatever they wanted. Frankenstein basically predicted the nobles would end up running wild/betraying their own race. Once again I feel the need to say I am surprised by how smart and how perceptive frank is. 
I like how he doesn't consider himself inferior to others (regardless of their race). He is tired of humans being treated as weaklings. To quote frankenstein: “I will make sure you remember... that humans being are not... weak!!” (chapter 242).
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Chapter 243: Frankenstein doesn't like to be treated as a weak human.
He fights for what he thinks is right. And I respect that. I also like how he acknowledges his enemies strength. He might be very proud of his strength but he does respects others (if they became strong by themselves and not by dirty means/enhancement/sacrificing others). 
Frankenstein is very careful and I like that. When he was writing his books, he made sure there were mistakes in case someone ever decided to use his research for their own greed. For example, modified humans/werewolves can't regenerate if they are attacked by dark spear. That was a very smart move. Ironically, without him, noblesse (the manhwa) wouldn't even exist. He is the one who did/wrote all the research crombel is using after all. 
I like how he uses his knowledge to help the children get stronger but he never does anything they don't want. And he doesn't use them as lab experiments. He doesn't like the idea of them being in danger or being forced to do things against their will. He was very pissed when he realized m21 was being used as an experiment by the werewolves. He understands m21 and he knew there is nothing worse for m21 than to be treated as a disposable item. Although we often see him getting angry, this is his own way of showing he is worried. Frankenstein understands the kids not only because he is very perceptive but also because he cares about them. He wants to understand them. And he sympathises with them. This brings me to my next point.
I've already said he is very protective of rai. But he is also protective of the children. Do not mess with them. He always goes to rescue them when they are in trouble. Yes, part of it is because he doesn't want rai to use his life force, but that's not all. I've already explained that above. I love it when frank is protective of the children.
He is unexpectedly gentle. It's obvious how much he cares about his master and how nice he is to him. But he is also nice with others and he worries about them. For example, we can see frankenstein worried about m21 in chapter 116. Frankenstein and rai were discussing what was the purpose of m21 going with DA-5 (if he stayed with them for a mission or not). There is a cute exchange (for me) where rai ask frank if he is worried and frank start insisting he is only worried about his master, among other things, until rai had to stop him from talking. Rai knew frankenstein wasn’t being totally honest with himself. At that time they weren’t even that close yet he was still worried. Another example is when m24 (mark) entered the house. He knew there was something weird about him. He had seen the footage where m24 was acting weird but he never told m21. He even said (to tao and takeo): “you know how much m-21 cares for m-24, right? [...] But we can't doubt m-24 with only that” and “don't look at me like that. I would have done the same if you were in m-21's position” (chapter 250). He is so good. He did refuse when m21 asked rai to awaken m24 (which is to be expected since rai's life would be in danger and he suspected m24) but otherwise he was very supportive of him. 
I finally finished writing this! :D It took longer than expected but I wanted to make a proper post explaining why I love him.
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doomed-prophetess · 3 years
ohhh pls share your unpopular opinions 🥺
- Athy is an introvert
- Lily and Felix have no chemestry
- LP Jennette is prettier than wmmap Athy
- Athy and Lucas are not in love. They are just two lonely people with similar traumas who feel alienated from others because of their talents/abilities/knowledge and seek comfort in each other.
- I suspect novel Ijekiel wouldn’t have cared about Athy’s death had he not been in love with her. According to spoon one of manhwa Ijekiel’s traits is being just. Even if he had not loved Athy he would have felt sorry for her death and felt guilt for how his family had wronged her, but I think novel Ijekiel would have shrugged and moved on. Idk novel Ijekiel just hits different from the few quotes I could read. He wasn’t just or had empathy with the weak. If he was willing to let his bestie die in the ditch for coming in between him and the thing he wanted (Athy), would  1st timeline Ijekiel have really have felt bad for the death of a stranger, especially if he wasn’t directly involved and the death of said stranger benefitted his family? Novel Ijekiel’s dubious morality is so fascinating. The fact that we barely know anything about him just makes him more interesting.
- Ijekiel is still the superior male lead and should’ve ended up with Athy
- BUT right now there is not enough build up for either romance. It would feel forced. Lucathy feels forced.
- erasing Lucas’ abusive childhood was a big mistake. I shouldn’t care, because spoon is erasing Lucathy parallels, yet I do care as I mourn the missed opportunity to add dephts to Lucas’ character
- Lucas would have found Jennette intriguing (especially novel Jennette), if it weren't for Pluto’s apparent dislike of Jennette's character. The reason why Lucas became interested in Athy in the first place was because she was different from the norm. Had he met Jennette instead of Athy in the garden it could have set the flag for Jennette/Lucas childhood friends to lovers.
- It is unclear if Athy would have made a better Empress than Jennette. Talent in foreign languages & poetry doesn't necessarily make you a qualified ruler. Similar to how Lucas' talent in magic didn't make him a good teacher either. Athy's great education can lay the foundation for her to become a capable Empress, however, we don't know about Jennette's education and for example Athy's language skills don't really benefit her regarding politics as there are 1.) diplomats for a reason 2.) Athy doesn't seem to understand certain nuances. Hmm...how do I explain this. For example to language there is more than just the language. I remember a scene from the novel where Cabel (?) asked Athy for her handkierchief and the question indicated something romantic in Arlanta, but Athy obvlious to it asked Felix to give his handkierchief to Cabel which horrified both men. Now imagine if it had been the prince of Arlanta asking this and Athy answered the same. Imagine if the relationship between Arlanta and Obelia had been strained and not good. She would have insulted the heir of Arlanta, she would have insulted Arlanta itself. Even her guard Felix knew about the insinuation of the question. Athy was clearly lacking. ( Which leads me to -> Obelian's education system is flawed. and I suspect that the Obelian education is very self-centered. Btw I also headcanon Obelia to be imperialistic and I want it destroyed.)
About Jennette...manhwa Jennette would have definitely wanted to be a classic fairy tale princess like making laws to improve things for the poor. The question is whether Roger and Rosalia would have manipulated her (which they probably did), but to which degree was LP Jennette allowed to have freedom? As long as Roger ended up in the Obelias family register and Rosalia could fill her own pockets with gold they probably wouldn't have cared for laws that didn't hurt them.
- Claude would have fucked Athy the day of her debutante ball if he hadn’t realized that she was not Diana 02.
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shibachibi · 7 years
Bride Of The Water God 2017: please, drama gods, do this story justice!
I’m feeling kind of anxious towards Bride Of The Water God. As someone who read the manhwa, I was really excited when the news first came out that there would be a drama adaptation. I was really looking forward to it at first.
But then, news of the casting started coming up. And Nam Joo Hyuk was chosen to play Habaek. This turned out to be my first tiny worry.
Don’t get me wrong. I really like Nam Joo Hyuk. And, appearance-wise, he really fits the role. But I can’t help feeling like this sort of quiet and kind of taciturn character doesn’t really fit his image. I kind of thought that the quality of his acting really improved from Baek Ah to Joon Hyung because the later had a personality similar to his real persona (and, whoah, even Joo Hyuk said so himself later during an interview). And there was also the fact that his partner was none other than the beautiful Sung Kyung, who was already his long time friend and then later, girlfriend. For me, he was not acting at all during Weightlififting Fairy Kim Bok Joo. It was him there, Joo Hyuk himself, falling for Sung Kyung. <3 And that was pretty special.
Anyway, I decided to put those things aside and just hope that I’m feeling worried for nothing and that Joo Hyuk will nail Habaek.
Also, I haven’t seen mini Habaek at all. Are they going to just take him out? It was so important to the character.
As for Shin Se Kyung, I didn’t really expect her to be So Ah, but okay. She’s beautiful and an experienced actress, so I won’t dare to say anything yet...  *COF COF*
I can only say how much I hated her characterization though (I know that is not the actress fault, but still!!!! WHYY). So Ah had really long straight black hair!!! That was something so simple to keep, why did they had to change even that? :~~ 
In the end, what really bugged me was the spin-off thing, the setting being now the modern times. The manhwa’s original scenery was already so good, I don’t get why they did this. :~ I’m guessing it might have something to do with the production cost? I don’t know. But this really was a huge disappointment to me.
One of the best things about the manhwa was the Water God’s village and the huge emotional impact that was So Ah having to be sacrificed by her own family to become the Water God’s bride and bring rain...
I wonder if they are going to bring those kind of important points from the manhwa and be able to adapt them well into a modern time situation.
Well, I can only hope.
Not that the manhwa was perfect, no, no, no way. It had many flaws, sometimes things even got repetitive. But the essence of the story was great. And I really really really hope they are going to keep that essence on the drama.
But despite all that - mostly my silly complaints, I know - I must also say that there are some good reasons to have faith on the drama’s production team and also the writer’s. Queen In Hyung’s Man was a well produced drama (I can’t say anything about the PD’s other works because I haven’t watched them), and also Misaeng and Arang and the Magistrate had good writing. I’m choosing to be optimistic! 
So!! Today’s the D-day. Let’s see how thing’s are going to be!! 
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Summary: In this world, dreams are synchronised between soulmates. So after a nightmare, Mark and Donghyuck discover something they’ve been oblivious to for years.
Members: MarkHyuck, feat a little TY Track and Yuta
Warnings: cringey af ending, general fluffiness, bit of angst
Slippered feet padding quietly across the floor, Donghyuck took deep breaths in an attempt to calm his shaking. The other members were all asleep at this hour, the red lines from his alarm clock revealing it was 2:17am and the soft snores emitting throughout the dorm reflecting the time. The loudest snores came from the room he was headed to - Jaehyun was a deep sleeper, a characteristic that Donghyuck had always secretly been thankful for as it would act as an excuse for Donghyuck to visit Mark during the small hours when they should be asleep, knowing that Mark was often driven awake (and occasionally to insanity) by the bear growls emitting from the bed three feet away. The reason for these late night excursions was always a lie on Donghyuck’s part; quickly blurting an excuse about the cliffhanger for his favourite manhwa leaving him too buzzed to let his breath fall into the same gentle pattern as the others, or revision for an upcoming test he had to pass in order to keep Taeyong off his back.
But Donghyuck invariably sought the comfort of Mark’s predictability. In an industry where his life was constantly changing, Mark brought the consistency that Donghyuck needed to make it through the day. He did things at the roughly same time every day, waking early to practice at the studio before leaving for school, studying for a short time when he arrived back at the dorm before he left after dinner to once again return to the studio, then coming back in the early hours of the morning - always waking Donghyuck when he heard the familiar footsteps walking quickly yet softly past his door. Donghyuck could somehow sense Mark in one way or another - he could feel his presence if he entered the same room, instinctively knew if he was feeling down or excited, and his head always snapped up when someone else mentioned his name. He seemed to gravitate towards Mark, as wherever he was, Donghyuck wanted to be. And recently, it had been harder to hide his growing affection for the older boy.
The others were starting to notice when Donghyuck would follow Mark like a lost puppy, or immediately pay attention when the conversation moved to something surrounding him. To the other members it was no more than simply a deep bond of friendship that they could not fully understand, but Donghyuck constantly worried that they would eventually realise where his attachment came from – though he denied it himself.
As the other members teased his affinity for Mark, Donghyuck knew that he had to cut down. So as much as it hurt him for some reason, he attempted to distance himself from Mark when other were in the vicinity – he always felt a tugging on his heart and a shortage of air when he strayed too far knowing that Mark was in the same room. Donghyuck told himself that he was simply having withdrawal symptoms from spending too much time with the older boy, and he would feel better with time. But somehow, Donghyuck couldn’t resist sneaking into the room that Mark and Jaehyun shared when Mark returned in the small hours of the morning; in these short, precious hours before sleep would finally overcome the two they would talk about anything and everything. It was easily Donghyuck’s favourite part of the day (although it was technically night), and miraculously he always awoke feeling refreshed after these conversations when he had only managed to salvage a few hours sleep.
So it was a surprise to him that on this particular night, when Donghyuck gently pushed the bedroom door ajar, that Mark’s bed was empty and cold. He frowned at the uncommon sight, he had been rid of sleep when Mark opened the door to the dorm over an hour ago, yet decided not to disturb him as Mark’s footsteps sounded heavy and tired. Another tug on his heartstrings as he thought of Mark overworked due to their multiple comebacks and shows.
Still shaking softly Donghyuck padded to the kitchen at the other end of the dorm, Taking note to be especially careful past Taeyong’s room as he knew he was like a hawk and would return him to bed in an instant and possibly result in Mark being caught out too, wherever he was. He wondered briefly if he had gone back out without Donghyuck realising. He hoped he was safe.
The sound of water hitting the basin immediately made Donghyuck jump, almost dropping the glass cup he held tightly in his grip but managing to compose himself quickly. He cursed himself for reading his manhwa directly before bed; he never did well with horror before sleep engulfed him and would almost always end up with a nightmare as he had envisioned tonight. Donghyuck once again found himself pining for Mark’s comfort in the dark dorm, where anything could jump out at him or steal him away. Shaking his head, Donghyuck sipped his water before placing the glass into the sink where it would be washed by a diligent Taeyong in the morning.
Familiar warmth spread over Donghyuck as he passed the couch prompting his eyes travel to the small figure curled up on the furniture. A smile engulfed Donghyuck’s features as he watched the gently sleeping boy. Mark stirred in his sleep at the presence of Donghyuck, fluttering his eyes open to meet with the younger boy’s above him. Donghyuck’s grin was contagious, though he tried to hide it once Mark opened his eyes, and he found himself grinning alongside him before remembering his dream which caused his features to return to the emotionless void they were in his sleep.
Donghyuck caught onto this, and tilted his head slightly to the side. “What’s wrong?” he asked, pouting in an attempt to bring Mark’s smile back. It worked immediately.
“Ah, nothing,” he shook his head, as if he was trying to shake the nightmare from his mind. He sat up properly, removing his legs from the seat to allow Donghyuck a space to sit, which he gratefully accepted. The pair sat in silence for a moment before Donghyuck broke the air between them as always.
“Why are you in here anyway? And why didn’t you grab a blanket or something? It’s cold in here,” Donghyuck shivered, and so did Mark involuntarily at his compassion.
“Jaehyun,” he answered simply, before jokingly emitting a roaring snore which made the younger boy laugh. Mark’s features lit up once again at the sound, before trying to straighten his smile. He couldn’t make it obvious.
“Ah, Mark-Hyung, my dorm is always quiet. You should bring your stuff and sleep in there; we still have that empty bed from when the other trainee left.”
Mark was about to answer when he realised that a more serious look had taken over Donghyuck’s features.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just had a weird dream . . .”
“Really? Same! Though I would call it more of a nightmare than a dream,” Mark recalled, his body slumping against the back of the couch. Donghyuck pulled himself closer to him on the couch, and Mark rested an arm around his shoulders.
“To be honest, mine was a nightmare too. I just didn’t want to say, I thought it might have been embarrassing,” Donghyuck laughed awkwardly.
“Donghyuck-ah, it’s not embarrassing. I’m your hyung – your friend – we tell each other everything, right? I’m not tired anyway, let’s talk about our nightmares.”
Donghyuck’s heart sank when he heard those fatal words – I’m your friend – but he nodded anyway, eager to spend more time with Mark. He relayed his nightmare, featuring one of their teachers as a giant bat, clawing at Donghyuck for not turning in his assignment on time and making him retake the entire year while forcing him to leave SM. Mark studied his face anxiously, confused at Donghyuck’s nightmare.
“That’s weird, I had the same dream,” Mark said, perplexed. Donghyuck glanced at him before reaching over and grabbing his freezing hand from where it lay beside him.
“Mark-hyung, how funny would it be if she really were a bat? Not the rest of it, just . . . a bat teacher.”
Mark laughed at Donghyuck’s comment, a hand flying to his mouth to stifle the giggles in case it would wake Taeyong.
“It would be pretty hard to learn, wouldn’t it? I mean, unless she spoke Korean, but I don’t think bats can.”
And so the two boys laughed and delved into a conversation about the strangest dreams they could remember having, too engrossed in their chat to remember the words they had been told when they were young and hoped it would be at least a couple of decades before it would happen:
The soulmate’s synchronisation of dreams.
An hour passed of the pair relaying their strange dreams to each other, all with themes too similar to be a coincidence, before realisation hit Mark.
“Donghyuck-ah, you know what this means, right?”
“What?” A puzzled look crossed Donghyuck’s face before he realised what Mark was about to say. He scooted further from him on the couch, as if to escape Mark’s gaze and the impending rejection he was sure was about to come.
“Donghyuck-ah, we’re . . .” Mark found himself unable to finish his statement as he looked at the younger boy shrunken away from him, terror written across his features. Mark cleared his throat, making Donghyuck jump slightly.
“You know, it doesn’t have to be in that sense. A lot of people just end up being really good friends with their . . . soulmate, best friends even! Like we are right now! Nothing has to change,” Mark tried reassuring the younger boy.
Donghyuck fought back tears.
“Yeah, that sounds . . . that sounds good. We can be friends.”
“Are you okay? You seem upset. Finding your soulmate is a huge event, especially if they’re not someone you want to be with-“
“It’s fine, Mark-hyung! I’m fine!” Donghyuck snapped, jumping off the couch and striding towards the door in a few steps before opening it, then slamming it loudly as Mark stared in shock. It took a few seconds for him to react, but angry footsteps emitting from the direction of the bedrooms brought him back to reality.
“Did you just get back?” Taeyong demanded, a sleepy Yuta following close behind.
“No, hyung, I got back ages ago-“
“Then what are you still doing up? Get to bed!” Taeyong was practically exploding with anger, built up frustrations at plans for the group and outside factors building up.
“Get some rest. We all know you need it,” Yuta yawned, almost making Mark giggle from his snarky comment.
“Hyung, I-“
“What was that noise, anyway?”
Mark looked at the floor, embarrassed.
“That was Donghyuck.”
“Did he go out? At–“ Taeyong glanced at the clock, and his eyeballs nearly popping out of his head, “3am? Damn, I’m – honestly, I have no control over you!” Taeyong stormed towards the front door, but stopped in his tracks when he looked at the sink.
“Did he leave his fucking glass in the sink again?!” he roared, already turning the tap on and taking the washing liquid from the cupboard.
“I’ll keep him busy. You go after him,” Yuta winked at Mark, catching him off guard.
“You knew?”
“Of course I knew, were you two blind? Honestly, I- never mind, you better go. I’ll explain to him, he’s so oblivious he doesn’t even know what day it is most of the time,” he answered, holding back a laugh as he saw Mark’s perplexed expression. Mark thanked him silently before running to the door and letting it close softly behind him. He wasn’t even halfway down the hall when he heard Taeyong’s booming voice erupting down the hall.
“You let him go too? It’s 3am! They can’t be outside; they need to go to sleep! They have school and practice and-“
His voice was cut off as Mark entered the stairwell, his feet subconsciously carrying him up to the roof. As trainees the two boys would often escape up there where there was the only the dancing city lights and noise of cars rushing past on the busy streets of soul, rather than the constant chatter they were subjected to in the dorm. They found themselves up there often with each other or alone, but never with another member. It was a sort of unspoken rule between them, a place only they could go. And so Mark knew he could find Donghyuck up there.
Mark finally stumbled up the last steps, pushing the heavy rooftop door open and catching his breath before he faced Donghyuck. He was surprised to see him leaning against the tall barrier that surrounded the rooftop, his face in his hands.
“Donghyuck-ah,” Mark whispered softly, but he didn’t turn round. Instead, Mark slowly made his way towards him beside the barrier, and didn’t fail to notice when Donghyuck moved himself slightly in the opposite direction.
“It’s okay if we’re not together, I don’t mind, honestly. You don’t have to be with me-“
“Of course I want to be with you, Mark!” Donghyuck cut him off, his fists clenching at his sides and slowly turning to face him.
“All this time! Ever since we’ve been trainees! I always sought you out in particular, always tried to make sure we would room together, practice together, debut together . . . and now, you’re rejecting me! Telling me that you just want to be ‘friends’! But I can’t be friends with you Mark, not now that . . .”
Donghyuck started crying softly at the surprised expression on Mark’s face, knowing that he had ruined their friendship. He cursed himself, if he had just kept his feeling to himself then here wouldn’t be this already growing void between them. If he hadn’t grown so close to Mark, this would never have happened. Donghyuck turned away from Mark just as the older boy began to smile, not wanting to let him see him cry over this.
“You’re such an idiot, Donghyuck.”
At these words, he lost control even more and his quiet sobs became a crescendo of gasping breaths as tears rolled steadily down his face.
He didn’t notice Mark move towards him again, laughing slightly at how naïve Donghyuck was. He did however, notice when Mark spun him round by the shoulders to face him before pulling him into a rib-crushing hug. Donghyuck grabbed the back of Mark’s sleepshirt, holding onto the last opportunity he would have to be this close with him.
“You’re such an idiot for thinking I don’t want to be with you, that I don’t like you. Of course I like you, Donghyuck, maybe even – fuck – maybe even I love you. You’re such an idiot, you nearly broke my damn heart when I thought you were rejecting me, I –“
“Mark, shut up for two minutes,” Donghyuck laughed shakily, calming his tears before he pulled back from the hug and saw Mark’s face. He was surprised to see tears mirroring his own falling down the boy’s face, and pulled him back into his arms even tighter.
“Maybe I love you too,” Donghyuck whispered into his shirt, knowing that he’d never have to let go again.
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rainyphilosopher · 7 years
My Favorite Video Games
I’m gonna be talking about my favorite video games, what I grew up with and how they changed my life into the wonderful beardo that I am today. So I’m gonna start off by saying that I’m not really an Xbox player, I’ve never owned any Xbox stations or any Xbox games I always found that Xbox was more along the lines of first-person shooters and sports games and that’s not really my cup of tea.
I’m more into JRPGs and stuff like that. It really started back when I was 16 years old and I played a ton of basketball back then like I thought I was gonna go pro because I was so good. But then I wound up breaking my ankle and I had to sit for 6 weeks and I thought what the hell am I gonna do for 6 weeks– so I got a PlayStation. And with that PlayStation, I got Final Fantasy VII and then my whole life changed.
This was the first JRPG that I’ve ever played and I just absolutely fell in love with it. I played it, I beat it all, I put in 100 hours for the first time I played and then I played it 3 more times. I beat the game four times! Putting in 100 hours each time at least! I even got Aeris to level 100 with her final limit break before the end of disk one. That’s how hardcore I was. I am a level grinder. I will get everyone to as high level as humanly possible so I can just beat the rest of the storyline very easily. I don't see anything wrong~ with a little game and grind~ From Final Fantasy VII, my love of Final Fantasy grew so I wound up playing FF8, FF9, FF10, and FF10-2 Couldn’t play 11 because that was online and I’m not a fan of online games. Played FF12, I’ve played 13, 13-2 and I’m finishing up 13-3 now as well.
I’ve played both Final Fantasy Tactics and then I went back and played FF4, 5, and 6. I like Final Fantasy. In fact, before coming to Korea, one of my dreams– because I noticed that I love to play the games– but the dialogue and the storytelling is sometimes quite stupid. So I thought that maybe one day I’d move to Japan, I’d learn Japanese, and I’d start working for Square Enix and then I’d fix all their terrible dialogue. And I’d fire their voice actors because FF10– Whoa Titus, you are annoying. It’s still a fun game. It’s my second favorite Final Fantasy.
After FF7, I really got into Metal Gear Solid as well. I think I’ve played just about every single Metal Gear Solid except for the virtual mission things that aren’t real story lines. I haven’t played Revengeance yet but that’s next on my hit list. Outside of that, one of my favorite games of all time was Shadow of the Colossus. I pretty much played that whole thing in one sitting. I didn’t step away from the TV until I had finished the very last boss. Seriously one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played in my entire life and if you haven’t played it yet, they have a remastered version for the PS3 Definitely pick that up because it is just–it’s just gorgeous. More along the lines of JRPGs, I really also got into–fairly recently, Ninokuni. Last year I played that all It had all of the charm and all of the wonder and the magic. I’m pretty sure it’s partly created by the people at Studio Ghibli and I love all Studio Ghibli movies as well so this definitely had that feel for me. One of my favorite video game experiences of all time.
Very similar to Ninokuni, I also wound up playing Dragon Quest 8. This was definitely Martina’s least favorite game that I’ve ever played. *Hums Dragon Quest battle song* Did you explain why I don’t like it? because I was writing an essay for the university for one of my final year courses and all I hear is: *Hums Dragon Quest battle song* Oh no! The Metal King Slime ran away. See, I was a very good university student so I made sure that I finished all of my essays as soon as the topics were handed out because I was very diligent so I could spend the rest of my time playing video games. I don’t really play that many racing games either.
The only racing game that I really got into was Burnout Revenge that was super fun Only because I didn’t really care about winning the game as much as knocking people into cliffs and making them explode in slow motion in ripito fifito sipa slow motion. Man, I wish I knew that song when I played that game when I was younger. One racing game I am very very serious about though is Mario Kart Seriously you will never ever ever beat me in Mario Kart Give me Toad and you’re done for I am god tier level Mario Kart player. I don’t lose, that’s it. -That’s a lie. -Shut it! You’re supposed to be sick! Another game that I take very seriously is Super Smash Bros.
Except I only got into it with the Gamecube version, I didn’t play the Nintendo64 version. And then I really got into it for the Wii because they had Snake in there and I played with Snake all the time and I was incredibly cheap except I only lost when I played online because they got all the kirbys! I played against three different kirbys! And by three, I mean three! and they would all suck me in and they would walk off the cliff and they would spit me out and they’d fly away and I wouldn’t be able to get back and they were so cheap! Also when it come to Super Smash, I don’t play a lot of fighting games.
The only other game that’s I played a lot that’s really for fighting is Marvel vs. Capcom 2 again, I’m pretty much god level at that. Get me Cable, Guile and Rogue and you’re dead. Dead do you hear me?! You don’t have a chance Remember when we went to Japan and you played against people live and they killed you No! I beat them in Japan as well! Nobody beats me at Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Nobody. I do play some games with Martina as well. We really got into Super Mario Galaxy together. Of course, I’d be Mario and she���d be the little star thing that would get all the star bits and freeze all the enemies for me.
That was one of our most precious bonding moments for video games. I never really got into Zelda but I do want to get into it more. The only time that I actually played it was for the Nintendo DS for the Phantom Hourglass. I loved that game. I never played any of the older ones. But now with the Wii, I’m really waiting for Hyrule Warriors as soon as I’m finished playing Child of Light, which is a super fun game as well. I’m probably gonna get into the Windwaker HD remake because I heard that’s a really fun game too Another very big game that Martina and I play together is Katamari. We played it for PS2. We played it for the PS3. We played it on the PS VITA as well. We love that game, we play it together all the time. BAAAAA~ In fact you might notice the references that we make to Katamari in our ‘How to Eat Ramen Like a Pro’ video because it’s a really big factor in our lives. In fact, for the cosplay convention that we just went to, I really wanted to dress up as Katamari but I didn’t know how to pack a gigantic ball in a suitcase like that so maybe next time, if it’s like a local cosplay convention, I’ll do Katamari.
I have to be the King of the Cosmos and I’ll wear those tights. In fact, we like that game so much that we actually play the soundtrack when we drive to work sometimes. *gasp* I forgot about Skyrim! It’s not really a JRPG. Martina got me that game for my birthday a couple years ago and that’s how I spent my birthday. We didn’t go out for dinner or anything she’s just like, “Here’s a game, play it’ And that’s all I did for my birthday and it was really great. It’s probably one of my favorite games ever. Again, I’m a level grinder so I haven’t actually advanced at all in the main storyline of that game. I’m level 100 in alchemy, one hand wielding, dual wielding, blocking, destruction magic, speechcraft as well.
I don’t even know about the main chants or anything, I just level grind a whole lot. Anyhow, so that’s it for this week’s TL;DR. I’m gonna talk about a few more of my favorite games in our blog post so make sure you click on the link here if you’d want to geek out with me over video games as well. I know it’s not as popular as the manga and anime topic that Martina did last time but I’m sure we got a few gamers here that who are interested as well. In fact the next major tattoo that I plan on getting, I’m planning on getting a whole sleeve from here down to here, full of my favorite video game characters and also some comic characters so I’m not necessarily sure who I’m gonna put in there yet so if you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear what you think.
Or if you have any favorite video games that you grew up with, let me know because I’m sure there are a whole ton that I forgot. Those are the main ones that stuck in my head but let me know and then we could all squeal together over our favorite video games. For the TL;DR that Martina did by herself about animes, mangas, and manhwas, we had an amazing comment section there. It felt like we were with our people. I think we had something like 70 thousand million billion comments about everybody’s favorite animes. Martina wound up asking you a question about a manga that she couldn’t remember the name for, the answer was Black Alice. Thank you to the 7,000 people who gave that answer. If you want to have a gigantic reading list that will last you for the rest of your life, make sure you check out the comments for both the blog post and the Youtube video because there are so many awesome recommendations from people who are really passionate about the topic as well.
Now if you don’t mind, now that I’m done filming I’m gonna go back to playing Child of Light which is a really really gorgeous game. Like wow. That is some beautiful artwork there. So I’m gonna stop talking because I wanna go play. Goodbye. I’m gonna stop..
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