#i realized i never giffed the deleted scenes
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Then the family will say “It’s that horrible cat!”
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riddlertrophy · 1 year
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fairyroses · 9 months
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— Deleted Scene from SMALLVILLE, “Talisman” (3.20)
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nephilimeq · 8 months
Frosthawk Moments - Canon
So I made some gifs from some scenes in the first Avengers movie that no one ever talks about. I think most people have completely missed it because I've never actually seen anyone comment on it.
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Clint Barton actually hits Loki!
That bullet hits—and then ricochets, and then Loki reacts like this:
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He immediately retaliates, and if Clint hadn't ducked out of the way because he's incredibly good at that, he would have been obliterated head-on!
And as we all remember, Clint then gets back up after everyone else has been knocked down, and this moment happens here:
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And this? This is when Clint realizes that Loki is far stronger than he was expecting—it's a great bit of acting on Renner's part, because you can see him realize 'holy crap, this guy is something else entirely'. Canonically, Hawkeye is the strongest of all the agents without any 'extras' and he's always been able to handle himself and this is the first time he's been up against something like this.
You can see his expression go from "ow, that hurts" to "wait...what the fuck?" and it's just so damn brilliant.
I always had the thought that Loki was getting irritated because he's aimed at the guy more than twice and not only did Clint dodge, but he got back up to keep fighting! Loki's literally thinking, You keep getting back up! Stop it!
...and I have always been certain that this was the moment he saw something in him.
This is why he said, "You have heart."
I genuinely think Loki was planning on killing him up until that point, but when he saw that this human had such a drive and passion to fight, he knew that this was the right person to protect him. I would like to remind people that Loki was actually still severely incapacitated, it just didn't seem that way because he was still stronger compared to humans.
Then in the scene that occurs right before the deleted scene (which explains so much more) we have this:
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Look at how Loki looks at him, almost as though he's measuring just how adept he is and how smart he is. This is when Clint is explaining how he chose the location because they need the three levels of lead-lined flooring to keep S.H.I.E.L.D. from finding the cube. This is Loki realizing he chose the right person because right after this we hear him see, "I see why Fury chose you to guard it," acknowledging just how smart and adaptive he is.
And then there's an entire scene between the two of them that was cut from the final draft.
Which never. Should have been. DELETED.
Take this for instance:
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You see all of those people? You see all of that massive set up??
Everything that you see in the planning throughout the rest of the Avengers movie that seemed to be Loki was all Clint Barton outsmarting and outwitting S.H.I.E.L.D. He was the one who even came up with the plan for Loki to purposely get himself captured!!
Now let's talk about this scene here:
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"I want to know everything you can tell me about this team of his. I would...test their' mettle."
Like...HELLO??? This tells us right here that Clint was the one who gave up all the information and told Loki everything about all of the Avengers! We can glean from the fact that we saw Clint in the first Thor movie (with Coulson) that he has been fully aware of the Avengers way before anyone else knew about it.
He had the most information besides Coulson. Which means that Loki went into his "capture" already knowing all about Clint and Nat's relationship, which also allows us to deduce that he also knew that Natasha was playing him from the beginning! He knew she would figure it out, so he was stalling for time—and that was it!
Then we have this:
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Clint: "If you're set on making yourself known...could be useful." Loki: "Tell me what you need."
This is the dialogue that takes place here, and it explains so much. The way they originally cut the movie, it jumps from the scene with Selvig to the dialogue at the tail end of this deleted scene—which now, if you rewatch the movie, you will see is a glaringly obvious cut.
But this entire deleted scene sets up the rest. of the freaking. MOVIE.
This deleted scene shows us that Hawkeye was the mastermind behind not only taking down the helicarrier with only a few arrows, but also the one who planned the entire attack...just to get Loki back out after he triggered the Hulk.
Fury (over comms): "It's Barton. He took out our systems. He's headed for the detention level!"
I am of the mind why they cut this scene was solely to put the blame on Loki, because if they had kept this scene in it would have become painfully obvious that Loki wouldn't have made it as far on his own and only made it so far because of Clint.
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morsesnotes · 2 months
I'm still thinking about that deleted scene of Joan touching the side of Morse's face and him putting his hand over hers.
It reminds me of the end of Coda when she gently brushes her thumb across his wound, and he instinctively holds on to her. I love that moment because it showed a loving side of Joan which was reminiscent of Monica and demonstrated she was Win's daughter as much as Thursday's. You could totally see why Morse fell for her.
I realized Joan kind of lost that side of her in the rest of the series. The closest which comes to mind is her silent kiss with her hand in Harvest.
I feel like it would've been really lovely to see that parallel of her being able to look past all the bullshit for a minute and let Morse know how much she cares for him. I think it would've gone a long way in explaining why he could never get over her.
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(gif by @sircolinmorgan)
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outrunningthedark · 25 days
just that the fandom is proving how they are only in it for Buck and Eddie/Ryan and Oliver when they're complaining about a deleted scene on social media or claiming "queerbait" instead of asking (not demanding, that was poor word choice by me) to hear from someone else a little more often.
I don't think it's a secret that most of the fandom is only in it for Buddie though?
Not that people don't enjoy the show otherwise or wouldn't be watching without the ship, but online fandom specifically? I don't think there'd be a fandom without Buddie. It would be a show like Station 19 or Chicago Fire maybe, good ratings, a couple of people live tweet it, and a gifset would get maybe 100-500 notes on it.
Most of the online fandom is absolutely in it for Buddie, but also Buck and Eddie as individual characters, which is why the reaction to Buck/Tommy from Eddie stans is solely due to the knowledge that Eddie could have had the arc first, and if Eddie actually did come out this season the Buck stans would be letting people know how upset they are - Buddie is preferred because both sides get what they want out of it. The issue is that many in online fandom pretends to care about the other characters to the same degree to appear "better" than the folks only here for Buddie, yet their actions prove time and time again that it's not the case. Take the disrespect towards Hen as a lesbian who's been there from the very beginning. Henren gifs aren't popping up five minutes after a scene airs just so the op can (hopefully) get the most notes. People ask for Ryan to be released from "PR jail", but where are the requests to hear from Aisha? Why don't people get routinely upset when an episode *looks like* it won't focus too heavily on Hen the way they do when they feel like Eddie is being ignored? "There are more Buck/Tommy fics than Henren fics" Okay...and the Buddie tag has always outdone Henren, so....why is a different pairing a problem now? It's their friends writing the fics anyway? And they support them when it's the endgame they like? Similarly, people claimed to care about/look forward to the Madney wedding, and somehow the discussion was never about the actual event until it happened. it was about how karaoke night could lead to a secret hookup or feelings realization or TOMMY helping fandom's faves get their shit together by "noticing" something between them. In an episode about someone else's wedding. They're here for Henren and Madney and Bathena, but what's the thing everyone's blowing up social media pages about? Buddie. Whether it's complaints over being baited with the promo (something being encouraged on this very site) or sending a barrage of Buddie tweets or comments to drown out any Buck/Tommy support...people sure aren't acting like they know how to enjoy anything that isn't Buddie. I have no problem with anybody who is only/mostly in the fandom for Buddie (I myself will always feel the most connected to the Buckley-Diaz dynamic in any form for personal reasons), or anybody who might be new to us because of Bi Buck and Buck/Tommy. Just don't lie about it to make yourself look better when all it does is highlight your hypocrisy. (I mean, unless they want us to see through them that easily. Lol.)
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bengiyo · 1 year
Step By Step Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
Last week on HR Violations, Pat broke up with Put in a mature-but-devastating scene, and spent the bulk of the episode processing his grief about that. Put immediately went on the offensive against Jeng, and threatened to out Jeng if he pursued pat. Pat went on a not-date with Jeng to check out multiple restaurants before learning that Jeng is gay at a queer speakeasy. Jeng spent the entire episode working himself up to express his feelings to Pat, confessed them to a drunk Pat in an incredibly adorable way, and ran into his ex at the aforementioned speakeasy. Jaab and Jen are a hot mess, and are also at the speakeasy. Chot, amazing as ever, is not at the speakeasy, and this feels like a missed opportunity. Also, Ae went to the doctor with Pat and Beam.
Pat woke up holding a plushy with his handbag and phone nearby on striped sheets. He’s probably okay.
Oh, he’s definitely fine. He’s in his own house and his mom is here.
I like that Pat doesn’t lie to his mom. He just refuses to answer the questions.
Jeng is doing pushups shirtless. 743 dead, 2689 wounded.
Chot said, “My name is Paul and this between y’all.”
It’s just Pat and his instant noodles against the world.
Pat is a gay with a good relationship with his parents. You love to see it.
I love the way Chot checks in with Pat. He shares a little bit of his own queer insecurities to commiserate a bit.
Jeng’s friend is hot.
Who organized this awkward as hell gay movie event? Is this to watch the commercial they made?
Did Pat really pass Jeng’s jacket on to Chot? Oh, Jeng, I’m so sorry for your loss.
I kinda wish Pat was talking to Ae or Chot about what was going on, because I’d like to confirm what the core of his rejection of Jeng is about. Is it about his own self-worth? Is he feeling gun shy coming off of the relationship with Put? Is it about Jeng as a superior at work?
Jeng’s breakdown is honestly so fantastic. Absolutely incredible from Man. Jeng is such a self-controlled character. You can feel how long he’s been desperately trying to hold it together and how aware he is of his own fragile psyche with regard to Pat. We also got to see gay man get consoled by his gay brother.
I feel like a significant amount of time has passed without us realizing it because Ae is so much more pregnant than I remember.
Didn’t Jen leave the company last episode? What’s his status?
I feel like Jen and Pat are being really unfair to Jaab and Jeng.
“What is he doing?” Consoling his heartbroken brother!
Personally, I think it’s responsible of Jeng to leave his position when he knows he cannot maintain a healthy professional distance from a subordinate.
Jeng's cake is cute, but does not look large enough for the office.
Another cake scene immediately??
I'm not sure we got a good read on the crying scene with Pat's parents. When he mentions memories everywhere, is he talking about just Put or Put and Jeng? I'm a bit hazy on Pat this episode.
What's the deal with the parents bringing up their divorce. Is this about Pat being friends with his exes?
Ae is about to deliver this baby. Quick! Cut to Kanoon so we know where he is and can do an Oishii ad spot.
We should dramatically throw keys to Poppy more often.
Since I am a man, I'm going to refrain from commenting on this birth scene. I will leave only this gif as commentary on the writing.
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Wait, why the hell is this girl filming this???
Oh good. Pat said something about the cameras.
These people are way too online.
Did Jeng really send Pat a box full of a snack he said he liked once as a birthday gift? My goodness, sir.
I never get tired of watching people type and delete messages on these dramas.
This episode and previews for next week feel like a Brian Jordan Alvarez bit.
I feel like we were over the place this week. This was kinda rough. I don't know that any of the plot threads really worked together this week well. Jen and Pat had a decent conversation, but I don't think I'm with Jen on this one.
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mndvx · 2 months
Sorry if you’ve answered this question before, but how do you make your gifs?
With an outdated version of photoshop and a lot of patience 😤 my messy process under the cut
let's say i have this movie downloaded in .mp4 i open it in windows movie maker - or any other software that lets you do quick and easy edits and whatnot but me i use wmm even tho it's obsolete i knoooow leave me alone - cut the scene i want to gif out and save it into this tiny little file
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then i open photoshop and go into import > video frames into layers (i may be a little bit off in how things are called on PS in english, but they should be in the same places anyway)
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this little popup will open
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since my file is exclusively the thing i want to gif i don't need to bother with the little arrow-ish things underneath the video player, they're there if you need to shorten your thing or like cut into it.
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this bit here needs to be checked like this, it'll set up the gif animation or whatever. so yeah then click Ok
bim bam boom photoshop will open like this
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big scary image with many tiny scary images, so first of all what i do is get on the cropping tool
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this will show up in the toolbar up top
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and in there you set the dimensions of the gif, 1 gif in a gifset that takes up the whole post has to be 540px wide for 2 gif next to each other it's 268px wide and i can't remember 3 by 3 but i never do that so whatever who cares.
once you've set up the dimensions you want, you got this grid thing to move around and set however you want it to be
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and then you wait as it painstakingly takes its time to do it
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boom! it's done!
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so that's your gif raw and unprepared without any filters or whatever, no length, no speed, nothing!
down there you've got the frames of the gif, depending how long is it'll be either a lot or very very short, in this case it's 277 frames, so already you know it's not gonna be just one gif but probably two or three - which i knew btw that's on purpose!!
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first thing i do when all the cropping and setting up is done is scroll all the way through the frames to see if there's a bit that won't make it into the gif, and here, there is
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these last four frames show a different bit of the scene because i cut shit very messily and don't check before opening photoshop but you know! trust the process! so make sure to select the unwanted bunch and delete them
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so now hurray the gif is 273 frames and it's only the one scene i want
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and now the fun not fun starts!
to the right you got these, the layers
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so you gotta scroll all the way up and NOT forget to click on the very last layer before you start playing around with filters and all that
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this little guy right here is my bestien he's the only one i use when editing gifs, fuck everybody else on that row. when making gifs i mostly just use a combination of those three things, brightness/contrast, vibrancy and photo filters
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so anyway, let's fool around with those little things and make a gif (i realize now the scene is very dark and it will look very ugly but never mind! we carry on) so there a bunch of random settings added - you gotta make sure they are all the way on top of everything or else they just won't appear on every single frame
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what i do then is probably very stupid and there's probably a better way to do it, but MY PROCESS, so i divide the amount of frames i've got by the number of gifs i want to make in a set, so 273/3 that's 91 (thank you google), so we look back down at the frames
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and then scroll aaaaaalllll the way back to frame 91 (if you hold shift and use the wheel it'll be much faster) and while still holding shift pressed down click on frame 92
that will select every frame from the last to that and we delete that shit
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so now we only have 91 frames and that's one gif. so let's save it! but wait, no you forgot to do something! see the 0.03s? that's the gif speed or whatever, idk how it works but 0.03s is too fast, me i usually use 0.05s so what you do next is select every one of those frames you've got left and click the little pointing down arrow, that'll open that
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click Other... and then set it as the speed you want
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ok so your gif is at the correct speed NOW you can save it so it's file > export > save for web
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this new popup will appear
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currently as of 2024 gifs can't be bigger than 10Mb/Mo, this one is 4mo
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so we're good we're fine. so then you just click save, name the file whatever you want and VOILAAAA, a djeef!
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(and then undo the delete and repeat everything for the other two gifs you'd want to make in that set)
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x16 It's not Easy Being Green
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Note: I don't know who created the above gif. If you're the creator, reach out to me, and I'll add an attribution.
Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 649
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
Emotions swirled within her that evening as she heard the knock at her door at the B&B and opened to find her son and Killian–windswept, smiling, excited–standing before her.  So many emotions, she wondered how they could all exist within one person and not tear her apart.
Grief over Neal’s death, anger over the Zelena for causing it, frustration that they’d survived the recent encounter but still been thoroughly trounced, relief that her son at least was safe and happy, something like butterflies at the very sight of Killian, guilt that she might, possibly, perhaps, in some small way feel….something…for him.  Not love of course!  Couldn’t be that, but…something.  But yes guilt that she could feel anything for someone else when Neal had just died, anger at Neal for his bull-headed stupidity in getting himself killed.
Yes, all of that, but above all, an overwhelming desire to run.  A part of her deep inside knew things were more complicated now, that she couldn’t just run back to New York, to the good life she’d thought she had, and forget about all of this–Storybrooke, magic, being the savior, her family, Henry’s family. Killian.  But the fact that she knew that was the case didn’t make the desire lessen.
Why, why, why couldn’t she just have an ordinary life?  A peaceful one?  One where she didn’t have to worry about some sadistic green witch turning her son into a flying monkey?  One where she could have an ordinary job (albeit one with more than a little danger and unpredictability)?  One where she could have a perfectly ordinary (even if kind of boring) man to love?
He was lying to you.  He was really just another one of Zelena’s flying monkeys, the honest part of her that she could never completely drown out pointed out helpfully.
And there it was.  Even her happy, ordinary life was an illusion.  But she’d built a happy, normal life for herself and Henry.  She could do it again, and she could put all of this behind her.
At least so she told herself when she was alone, when Killian wasn’t standing in front of her looking at her like that–like he knew her, really knew her to her core and loved her anyway.  It was terrifying.
“How did the queen fare against the witch?” Killian asked as soon as Henry disappeared into their room.
“She survived, but the rest is definitely more than a doorway conversation,” she said a little dismissively.  But Killian deserved more than that.  He deserved at least a little gratitude.  “Thanks for taking him.”
Killian smiled wistfully.  “There’s more Bae in your boy than you realize,” he said sadly.  
She could see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice.  It was easy to forget–especially after the idiots the two of them made of themselves over her in Neverland, but Killian cared for Neal too, mourned him too. She prepared to say something comforting, something to let him know she understood and was there for him like he’d been there for her, but then he continued and touched on the heart of the issue.
“He needs to know about his father, Emma,” he said gently but firmly. “You can’t just take him back to New York when this is over and pretend like none of this is real.”
The fear, guilt and need to run bubbled up again, and she knew she couldn’t deal with this any more tonight. 
And so she ran.  Rather than answer, she smiled sadly, said good night and disappeared into her room.  One day, probably one day soon, she’d need to confront the truth of what he’d said, but that day was not today.  Today she just needed to shut him out, listen to her son gush about the fun he’d had with Killian, and pretend like normal was still possible.
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jokeringcutio · 1 year
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers.
<3 Wow, since I've been writing fanfics for years, I have so many to choose from. But let me stick to my reader-insert-focused darker fics that I post on this account.
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The Man Who Claimed To Be Yours – Fandom: Joker 2019, Pairing: Arthur Fleck/Joker x (Female) Reader. Explicit with lots of warnings. By far my proudest (and smuttiest?) work.
By far a number one position. Not only do you people seem to love it, I have received so many messages of readers going back to the story for the umpteenth time to reread it all. (And you have no diea how those little messages strengthened me when my health abandoned me). You devour it. And even I have been rereading my own tale several times and enjoyed it. So yes, I definitely want to write an ending to it. I also have plans to have the full story out before Joker 2 comes out.
Fun fact: The entire fic was inspired by the gif I added above)
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Pine Cone Child – Fandom: Enola Holmes, Pairing: Enola Holmes/Linthorn (one-sided & Noncon), Enola Holmes & Sherlock Holmes. Explicit with lots of warnings.
I got a big thrill sending these chapters out into the world and found myself on a roll with this fic. The idea came with one scene, of a boy meeting his biological father, and realizing that he had a far more gritty past than he always had assumed. But to get to that chapter, I had to write many more. In the end, that chapter was never posted online. And the chapters I had finished about Enola and her mother visiting Linthorn’s grave and the chapter that was to follow after got lost when my laptop crashed. I was also too ill and too tired to write, so it never reached its end. I am not sure if I will ever finish this one. I think, it is pretty okay as it is. Even if I never got to the ending the whole idea sprouted from in the first placed. For now, it is on hold.
3. Removed Fics/Or old account fics:
The first multi-chapter fic became a success, many years ago. I will not name the title, the quality is shite compared to what I write now (still shite, but different shite). One of the first fandoms I wrote fanfiction in was Inu Yasha. The much-explored ‘Inu Yasha scampers off with Kikyo and Kagome finds comfort in Sesshoumaru’s arms’ was still new, there were about 20 fics or so about this pairing in English. The encouragement I received made me want to keep posting my work. I still receive reviews for these fics.  
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4. A deleted Sweeney Todd Smut fic, featuring Sweeney Todd x Lovett’s daughter. I might reupload this one day, perhaps as a reader insert.
But because I want to tag a tale: Have you tried reading my dark romance (aka, Reader let yourself be kidnapped by a slasher guy)  The Chance to Make A Change. Fandom: The Black Phone. Pairing: Albert Shaw ( The Grabber ) x (f) Reader. Explicit. Loads of warnings.
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Shared 5:
His – Fandom: Moon Knight, Pairing: Dr. Arthur Harrow x (f) Reader. Mature with warnings.
I am surprised by how much feedback and likes I received on this, even if the numbers of hits and kudos on AO3 are low. But for the short tale it is, I like it. Because it shows a budding relationship over time, cut into short chapters, and has a little evil twist at the end of it. Also, I could totally live with this happening to me, if I were the reader.
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Shared 5:
No Family Man – Fandom: Joker 2019, Pairing: Arthur Fleck/Joker x (afab) Reader. Mature with warnings.
Another one of my fics I love to return to, and that was generally received well. It started as two imagines which I then combined. It has lots of personal experience elements in it that to me, make it all the more special. What they are, I will leave for you to guess.
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I would love to finish the Princess and the Clown - Joker 2019 fanfic of Arthur Fleck/Joker x Reader I once started. Perhaps rewrite it a little. Same for my Benvolio x Mercutio Hanahaki Story (you Shakespearean lovers might know me of my many Tybalt x Mercutio and Mercutio x basically anyone fics).
I have a few Star Wars Reader Inserts that were never finished but tickle my fancy. Mostly Reader x Kylo Ren or Reader x Hux (or both lol).
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By far most of my proudest fanfics have been personal gifts to friends. It is how I started writing when in High School, and I still gift fics for people's birthdays. I especially like the Sherlock Holmes range I did for several friends, in which my friends always ended up being the evil masterminds who outsmarted Sherlock and Watson. But also, because I had illustrations to go along with these fics. <3
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But first, I need to finish a whole list of unfinished works: starting with a Crimson Peak inspired modern reader au that has been pending for over 2 years, as well as the Joker fic mentioned on number one. Then there's a summery romantic Arthur Harrow x Reader tale I want to gift to someone on here, and a Harrow Patient x Reader fic that wants to be written in between.
Not to mention the many Arthur Fleck x Reader prompts I have pending. I LOVE YOU, KEEP SENDING ME STUFF <3
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wangmiao · 9 months
Could you please elaborate on the "Huang Xiaoming and Yin Zheng kissed" thing you mentioned on that Chinese Restaurant vs. Winter Begonia post? 👀👀👀
hello friend! first of all, anon was refering to this post, and "hxm kissed yz" was a trending topic on weibo referring to how they accidentally bumped their faces together when playing the balloon popping game in go fighting!
you know for a while i didn't want to post about this because i fear that people might misinterpret the situation and say things that's disrespectful to them. but after i read some comments from winter begonia fans, i realized that neither hxm or yz cared. they really have nothing to hide, and they don't give a shit about what people (both the fans and haters) might think of them because they played a censored mlm couple in winter begonia.
so yep here's the "kissing" gifs from the trending weibo topic (not my gifs of course, and you gotta click on the 2nd gif to see the full gif because it's taller than the 1st gif), and the top post in the trending topic got 45k notes.
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but yep of course the show didn't include this scene in the final cut, and it seems a lot of the balloon popping scenes between them were deleted. but we are still left with a lot of other scenes of them tangled together lol:
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regardless why higher ups never mind winter begonia being dangai much, i'm just proud that they never try to hide their closeness even though they know what kind of shit people would say.
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eusuntgratie · 5 months
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thank you, lovely! <3
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
i can't think of anything? i do cringe at some of my early writing when i reread it, but not because it's horrible or because i'm embarrassed it's just... i've gotten a lot better. which is awesome. pretty much if i post it i'm happy for other people to see it and read it. i've never deleted a fic and the only time i've made significant edits it was because i realized i'd unintentionally fallen into some harmful race-related territory, so i learned and made some edits to reflect what i'd learned.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
this bit from be cool of law giving tk hell as he's freaking out about running into pat in an airport (it's an au - pat is a hockey player, tk and law are regular dudes)
“What do I do?” “I mean. I dunno, bud. Go say hi? Offer to suck his dick? Tell him that you have elaborate fantasies about being his WAG?” “Shut up, don’t be a dick.” “You could go tell him that you have every gif that’s ever been created of him spitting saved on your shitty phone.”
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
i'm not mean on purpose i just love angst! i can't think of anything. all the parts you yell at me for genuinely delight me 😂 like they make me sad too but in a hurts so good kind of way.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
i feel like my best strength as a writer is giving enough of a world to suck the reader in and make it interesting in a short fic without a lot of worldbuilding. writing longer things with more plot and more worldbuilding is definitely harder for me; i love doing shorter things and cramming as much in there as i can.
fanfic writer emoji asks
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reyesstrand · 2 months
Hi Maddie!! How long have you been watching Lone Star and what made you wanna get involved in the fandom? If you could change anything about Season Two what would you change?
hi lemon!! thanks for the ask!!
so i saw gifs of the police station scene and the call where they refused to help the racist woman, and i binged episodes 1-3 in like one night. i was able to watch live on tv starting with 1x04, and have been watching since!! and i don’t know that it was a conscious choice to join the fandom but i was inspired to write my first ever tarlos fic based on the still for the 1x05 deleted scene and i’ve never had that kind of inspiration before. then i realized this url was still free and the rest was history!! i’m so happy i did join the fandom because seeing it evolve from so early on and getting to meet and befriend so many people has been incredible :’)
and ooh season two is a tough one….i think i’d eliminate some of the owen/gwyn storyline and use that screentime to flesh out other characters (or even just flesh out gwyn and tk’s relationship). watching those episodes live and dealing with weeks and weeks of the baby storyline and their scenes eating up so much time was really tough, and i think there’s so much potential (even with those characters!! just in different ways). given it was a shortened covid season, i think they could’ve cut down some of what they tried to do with them (especially since we know that gwyn ends up moving back to nyc anyway, and they gave us the baby storyline we all really wanted with gracejudd starting like an episode after gwyn leaves).
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greengay · 1 year
I used to be on tumblr in the Green Day fandom back in 2011-2016. I lived through the 21st Century Breakdwon release, the iHeart Radio meltdown, rehab, Rock n Roll Hall of Fame induction. I made some great friends that I still keep contact with to this day. I used to make edits and gifs and write fics…. I just stumbled on your blog by accident and you made me feel all the things I felt back then. Thank you. I’m 30 now and my 20s are long gone, but you made me feel 20 again.
Oh, wow, we just missed each other! I got into Green Day in 2017 after seeing them on their club tour at the end of 2016!
(Villain origin story: I had never really been into Green Day, but my dad was always really into punk rock and liked Green Day. I remember him telling me that it was lame that the East Bay Punk scene turned their backs on GD for wanting to be successful. I'm from New Jersey and my favorite venue in the whole state, Starland Ballroom, posted on their FB or IG or something that Green Day tickets were going on sale in a few hours and I was like, oh, huh, maybe that can be a birthday present for my dad! So la di da I easily got tickets, stress-free (AS OPPOSED TO NOW, WHERE IF GD CLUB TOUR TICKETS WENT ON SALE I WOULD BE SHITTING MY PANTS AND WORRYING FOR DAYS ABOUT GETTING ONE) and my dad and I went and it rocked my absolute socks off... and here I am lol)
I've made soooo many great friends through GD fandom also! Omg, you seem to have done a lot, I wonder who you are??? Haha. I've probably read your fic and reblogged your gifs/edits.
I'm glad I was able to trigger some nostalgia! Although, I would say, I don't think there's an age cap to fandom. Like, you don't just stop having interests and hobbies once you hit 30. I know there's a lot of 30+ people in tumblr GD fandom, and I have a lot of 30+ friends I've met irl from going to GD shows!
So I hope you drifted away from fandom because of your waning interest in Green Day/fandom, and not because you felt "too old" to be tumblrina, haha.
I'll admit, I haven't been throwing myself into tumblr GD fandom like I used to the past couple of years, but the pandemic was whack, and any sort of social media made me really anxious lol. Like I used to overshare a LOT on here, and maybe I'll go back to that, but I realized... that I sacrifice some of my "real" life to be online. Like, I'm personally not able to maintain my irl friendships and hobbies etc. while I'm obsessing over GD and posting about it online. HOWEVER, I don't think I would ever delete this blog unless I got famous or something lol... I would keep it up as an archive, cos I know I've always been really sad when online friends would delete ;-(
ALSO... idk if you've heard about the J**y situation... you can prob find my posts about it, but I think it led to BJA being less active on social media, which weakens the parasocial relationships which affects the Obsession™... Uhg, 2017/2018 was peak Bibbie.
Lastly... idk if you're still into GD fanfic, but the last couple of years have been a RENNAISSANCE... so go on AO3 lol
But anyways! Thank you for this anon, it was really sweet ;-;;;
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dojae-huh · 6 months
I still see a lot of people poking fun at JaeDo for not interacting much in front of cameras. They often joke about having the "holy spirit" between them because even though they're next to each other, they maintain a big distance or they never interact at all. Idk if a lot of people know this but JaeDo and JohnYong went out during their off time in one of their tours in Latam. There was a video that was uploaded in TikTok showing the four of them going back to the hotel (presumedly they ate together outside), but it was already deleted. There was also another video where somewhere recognized DoJaeJung in the plane and it was evident that JaeDo sat together during the flight (poor Jungwoo). I observed that these videos aren't really talked about by JaeDo shippers. This makes me realize that JaeDo do spend a lot of time together behind the scenes, they weren't just documented by fans nor talked about by the members (why would they, if their priority is keeping the relationship of the two private). Them not interacting oncam or preferring to be with the other members are probably their ways of paying attention and maintaining relationship with the members that they aren't with everyday. They already spend so much time together offcam, they don't need to be with each other too oncam too. Also, just to add, so many casual 127 fans are shocked to see JaeDo being the top 5 ship of all the boygroups in Korea. Speaks volumes how at the end of the day, they don't really know how the fan shipping culture works in Korea, lol. It's not by how much skinship or how visually good they look together. Korean JaeDo fans take pride on Jaehyun and Doyoung being with each other right at the very beginning, that's why they are so solid and loyal. Even with a lot of JaeDo shippers, you will see that a lot of them aren't shippers just for the sake of shipping for fun. It is almost emotional. Ask any JaeDo shipper why they ship them and most of those reasons are either they see Jaehyun and Doyoung as each other's #1 solid supporter, they truly believe that they are in a romantic relationship (backed up by strong evidences)
I didn't know about any of those sightseeings by fans. I myself don't search content on tiktok or ig and am mostly subscribed to kfans who protect their ship privacy. And most of i-shippers are kind of casual shippers, not too hardcore. They prefer the shipper culture of gifs, memes (like the holy ghost), fanon (babygirl, who is who in ABO), fanfics and fanwars.
Yes, neos help JaeDo to hide. They don't mention one or both sometimes. Even create cover up stories.
How much JaeDo manage to spend time together offcam is reflected on Jaehyun. If he is pouting when Do is playing with others, then he is hyung-deprived, if he is OK and doesn't get distracted from his own things/thoughs, then he is fed with the company well.
It's the other neos who use the opportunity to seize Do to themselves. DoJae would stick together if they could anyway. As they did in the past. Your theory fails as we don't see Jaehyun playing with Yuta or Mark on camera in the same amount TaeDo or JohnDo do. Even bts, JaeTen was rather low during Baggy Jeans, I expected more.
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drag-oon23 · 8 months
Stray Gods review
So I just realized I never made a review of this game even though I spammed everyone with gifs/images from it (sorry not sorry)
Tldr: it’s a good game. If you like musicals, good voice acting/singing, new spin on Greek mythology, interesting musical mechanics, and visual novels you’ll probably like this. Has a few flaws like the lack of a skip button during the music portions for replays. Also it’s very gay and Persephone has me in a choke hold.
Longer slight spoilers review though nothing major about the plot:
Music is good. The game has a very interesting mechanics to have your choices affect the song and I found myself replaying songs multiple times and still missing variations. For example, during “challenge the queen” if you choose red/aggressive options, Persephone like wise reacts aggressively while if you chose charming/green options, Persephone reacts accordingly. It’s a really cool mechanic. My personal gripe is that you can’t skip any lines during the song and so sometimes you have to listen to the the lines a lot before you can get to the variations. For example, “the trial” has a long intro/middle/ending segments that you cannot skip, are the same lines with no variation, and must go through every time. You can only skip talking dialogue.
The artwork and voice acting is great and I absolutely love the character designs, Persephone's in particular. She looks So Cool. Everyone did a great job vocally.
There are 4 love interests: Freddie, Apollo, Persephone, and Pan though it's a bit uneven gameplay wise since Persephone has more songs than the others. I found her route the most fun to replay through since she has the most variations due to having more songs. Freddie would be second for plot reasons.
Plot wise, it's a bit on the simple end and rather predictable who the culprit is even if you don't know the why/how. The world building and lore though is great and i like this retelling of Persephone's story.
Other minor annoyances is that there isn't a dedicated chapter/replay scene selection: You have to reload checkpoints in your save which will automatically delete anything after the save.
The game only has 3 save slots so you'll need to manually move them to an external folder if you want to experiment with other routes without rewriting your initial saves.
Overall it's great and I recommend giving it a try.
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