#i really adore him with red eye liner
nimbusthevoidcentury · 4 months
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shuenkio · 1 month
Pretty please | Yjw. 🐇
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Paring: Jungwon x m!reader : Genre: Fluffy
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Synopsis: He was desperate to have you when he heard a conversation you'd never date him.
Cw: Cheesy line attack (12am cringe thought expect less y'all)
Non proof read | Eng is not my 1st lang
This is a work of fanfiction, do not throw unnecessary tantrums on this nsfw/sfw blog. ©Shuenkio
Crd dividers (Anitalenia) and the owner of pics
A&N: Head empty once filled when I was listening to ' pretty please ' such a mood what if he'd do these— (jkd au) you called these drabble right? Not sure... [This was so cringe at some point naurrr]
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Imagine living your normal life peacefully until a cute guy comes crushing in. His name really did explain his own character. Like garden sheep? Pretty new and adorable.
But that was your first impression of him on the day you first met him in front of the school office. His face is round like a dumpling, his sharp eye liner is tight up above the end corner like a cat's eyes, and his pupils are as cute as boba. Jungwon is the most bubbly, lovely little guy ever. And it's actually what you were thinking back then.
Present time, He was a total opposite. Jungwon became taller, had buff body proportions, and last but not least, his maturity turned manly. Everyone would not dare approach him at school since his look could kill well for you; this was an exception. He still acts silly, like a ball of sunshine, just to get your eyes only. Who knows, maybe both of you are friends? Or did Jungwon think the other way?
Lately, the last few weeks after the exam, he started to act strange. He has a lot of physical touch, craves attention, is clingy like a koala, and would find any way to be with you, holding you in his grips. Growing suspicious and with a weird expression on his face, you wanted to ask him why, but before that could happen, he was already there.
During the times you talk to your friend, chitchatting about your crush, Jungwon happens to walk by and hears you saying—
"What? No, Jungwon was my boyfriend. Why would you think like that? There's no dating; don't get the wrong  idea." Denying the statement. Those sentences making Jungwon low-key sad about the fact he's giving all his signals to you just vanished. Msybey, it was not there; you're too oblivious to even bother to ensure him, so after school, Jungwon asked you to meet him somewhere you both usually go.
There he goes again—too strange, too weird—but you keep unziping until you get your answer.
When you arrived at the spot, you heard a sob while he was back facing you. Did you just hear him cry? Rare.
Heart almost dropped to the floor, turning him around as his face filled with broken pieces, red eyes, dry tears, and a puffing face. There's no way you actually witness your boyfriend crying; he's too cute to be in tears.
"What's wrong? Won-ie," asks him gently, trying to maintain the atmosphere as clear as clam ever. Hearing you ask only to fuel it even more, by seeing your face, he's already planned the future with you. He wants you; he likes you, but would you return his feelings? That day he eavesdropped, which is already enough, yet he can't accept it; he needs to do something.
"M/N, I have never cried before, but—can I ask something crazy?" Mumble in a low tone; try not to hic from streaming tears. Slowly lock his contact on yours, waiting for your next answer.
Nod and respond with action instead of words. Jungwon, then take a deep breath before kneeling on both knees, holding on to your hands.
Chin up, staring at your speechless reaction, as he processes to utter:
"Please take me; please love me, m/n. I had never done such cringe-worthy, cheesy things like these before, yet you made me. It's hard every day to not love someone like you. You're something I need every day, my very best friend, that I don't consider one but more than that!
Pretty please, I'll let you ruin my heart even if you have to just let me love you." Desperately, a lion could turn into a cat if it needed to; for what they love, unexpected things could happen. Jungwon is actually begging for you to let you hurt him just for him to love you?
"Jungwon—don't get me wrong, i uh ashh, you probably heard my conversation with my friends...
나도 좋아해"
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🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ Please mind my English! ><
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oftenwantedafton · 2 months
So @thoundcarriers posted an adorable fanart of Dave Miller falling asleep inside a McDonald’s here and it just seemed like such a cute idea that I was inspired to write a quick little something for it. No warnings for this, mainly just fluffy Dave appreciation.
dave miller x female reader | 3.7k words
You’ve been working at The Golden Arches for six months now, and okay, maybe it’s not the most illustrious job on the planet, but you know what? You’re in school for something better. For now, it pays the bills. The bump in pay rate for working the night shift isn’t anything to write home about, but you’re not complaining. By the time it’s two am things really slow down customer-wise, and then it’s just cleaning and restocking, and doing some prep for the next day. Much less hectic than the other shifts, and more laid back with fewer employees around, too. It had put a little strain on your sleep cycle in the beginning, but it’s not like you haven’t pulled all nighters before, trying to get a paper done at the last minute, so you’ve adjusted fairly quickly, all things considered.
You’re currently several hours into your shift, standing in the now empty dining room, sweeping up stray paper straw wrappers (not so bad) and wiping up spilled ketchup (also not bad, you’ve seen much worse) when the glass front entrance door swings inward to admit a tall, thin man dressed in a security guard uniform. You don’t spare much of a glance at him, because there’s already another crew member at the register, and you’re now distracted by the wad of chewing gum you’ve just stepped in (filthy jerks, you knew you’d find something nasty eventually) until you hear the man speak. His voice is a silky, low purr, and has a distinctive British accent that instantly catches your attention mid-pull at the offensive substance clinging to the bottom of your shoe.
Now you’re working half heartedly, trying to eavesdrop a little because you don’t hear a voice like that in this small town very often. Your eyes flick from the pink goo you’ve managed to (mostly) peel away with the rag you’d been using to wash the tables down to give the patron’s profile a more thorough look. Definitely over six feet, and most of that length in the legs. A narrow waist most girls would envy. Broad shoulder, a rather long neck with a prominent Adam’s apple, a strong jaw, and atop all of that, a very high arching cheekbone, an equally sharply jutting nose, and a tousled mop of dark brown hair that was somewhere between long and short. Perhaps growing it out. Or he just hasn’t had a chance for a trim.
He digs his wallet out of his back pocket, and you can’t help noting he’s got a surprisingly plump little tush for such a slender man before you force your eyes away. The man turns around, carrying his tray of food laden with a rather bland order of fries and a cheeseburger and a Coke set on top of the paper liner which currently advertises one of the newer limited run menu items, and you find your way back behind the counter, your sneaker still sticky, making a loud squelching sound every time the adhesive material tries to stay latched to the terracotta colored flooring.
Your cheeks are as red as the box of fries on the security guard’s tray. You can feel the heat rising in your face as you head into the back to retrieve a box of ketchup packets. Normally this is a quick task, but you find yourself dawdling once you return to the front, your eyes still pulled hypnotically to the sole customer in the fast food restaurant.
“Drool much?” Your coworker quips. She’s a year older than you, and attends the same college. You don’t consider her a close friend, more of a work acquaintance/ally if you will, but you’ve gotten friendly enough by now and you embarrassment at being caught staring ratchets up a few notches. “Although he does have a nice voice, I’ll give him that. Too skinny, though.”
You frantically try to hush her, the box cutter you’re holding nearly missing its mark and slicing your finger instead. If he’s aware of the conversation, he reveals nothing. He eats quickly, taking even bites of the unwrapped burger alternating with a trio of French fries and then a sip of the cola, everything consumed in precise ratios. He glances at his wristwatch and you think he must be on break, rather than getting out late from work. A fellow third shifter, then.
“Not married. Or at least, no ring. So not guaranteed, guys are such dogs, but maybe he’s one of the rare honest ones. Wallet’s beat to shit. Wonder if that was a gift from the ex wife or the kiddos at one point. Guy’s got some long fingers. Guess those might come in pretty useful. Oh, and his name’s Dave,” your fellow employee continues, thankfully using a lower voice this time.
“How the hell did you get all that out of him ordering a combo meal?” You hiss, tossing a handful of packets into the nearly empty bin.
“‘Cuz I’m observant. And I could see you making eyes at him all the way over here.”
“I was not,” you protest, casting another anxious glance in the dark haired man’s direction. He’s about three quarters of the way finished now, the fry box noticeably emptier, the yellow wrapper cradling maybe two more bites of cheeseburger.
She shrugs and smiles. “Okay, if you say so. Just thought I’d fill you in on the details.”
You shake your head, refocusing on your work. A short time later you hear the familiar sound of the metal chair being dragged across the floor, the ice sloshing around in the bottom of the cup and the squeak of the straw to change the angle and get the last of the soda before the man walks to the rubbish bin, sliding everything into the trash and then setting the tray on top. You watch him exit the building, heading towards a car that looks like it’s from the seventies. Sedan. Big, clunky looking boat of a thing.
“Well, that explains it. He had a ton of cash in that wallet. He’s obviously not investing it in automobiles,” your coworker murmurs.
“Maybe he just likes old cars,” you offer, slicing through the remaining taped edges of the now empty cardboard box to flatten it.
“Yeah, right. You like old cars, you get something sexy. Muscle car, something like that. Ain’t nobody thinking that’s a chick magnet.”
The conversation dies down. No other customers show up. It’s like that, sometimes. You’ve brought your homework with you, but you’re not studying like you’re supposed to. You’re sketching, sitting in the same spot the security guard had previously occupied. You still hadn’t gotten a good look at his face head on, mainly viewing his profile. You’re not sure about all the details, so it’s rough, but you think you’ve got the overall proportions of his build mostly correct.
“I knew it. Somebody’s got a crush,” the other girl chants in a singsong voice behind you, teasing you once again.
You set your pencil down, sighing. “It’s not a crush. I don’t even know him.”
“That’s what makes it fun. He could be anybody. Maybe the security uniform is a disguise. Maybe he’s really a secret agent.”
You raise an eyebrow, dubious of the ideas she’s fabricating. “A secret agent? Really?”
“Well, maybe not. Maybe he’s a creep that still lives in his mother’s basement,” she whispers menacingly.
“Oh God, not that,” you mutter, lifting the pencil again to add a few more defining lines.
Your coworker rests a hand on your shoulder, peering over it. “It’s pretty close. Except for the eyes. Way off. He has like these…I don’t know. They’re intense. Almost but not quite blue. Maybe more like gray. Really pale. And he is about a thousand years behind on sleep. Poor bastard has dark smudges like smeared mascara going on.”
“Hmmm,” you hum thoughtfully, dragging your index finger over the graphite and smearing the areas beneath his eyes.
“Yeah, like that. And…here…” She tugs the pencil free from your hand and flips it, erasing the darkened irises, leaving only a thin ring for each. “Well, I’m not an artist. But something like that. They’re creepy eyes, for sure. Maybe he’s a serial killer.” She squeezes your shoulder excitedly before straightening up.
“You’ve been reading too much Thomas Harris again. Not everyone is Hannibal Lecter.”
“A girl can dream, though, right?”
You shake your head again. “That’s just weird.”
“Hey, I’m not the one obsessing over a guy I saw for a few minutes.”
“I’m not obsessing. Just killing time.” You turn the page and drag a textbook out of your backpack propped up on the seat beside yours. You thumb through the pages while your coworker wanders off, losing interest. No point in dwelling on the security guard any longer.
Chances are, you wouldn’t see him again.
Well, you’re wrong about that. You do, in fact, see him again. More than once, in fact.
Dave reappears on occasion, sometimes nearing the end of your shift, other times smack in the middle again. You can’t bring yourself to ever wait on him, constantly finding something to keep you occupied. You want a proper look at him, but you’re just too shy. There’s a fluttery feeling in your stomach that you know makes your coworker’s previous assessment of your feelings far too accurate. You do have a crush on the stranger after all. You’ve only attempted a few more sketches at work, but you’ve done an embarrassing amount of them during your free time elsewhere. Like when you’re home, for example, when you’re supposed to be sleeping. After work, fresh out of the shower, sitting in bed with a proper sketchbook spread on your lap while you try to perfect an image that you’ve never seen completely.
One evening your friendly coworker is not there, and in her place is a guy in his early twenties who mumbles to himself distractedly and doesn’t do much of anything productive. You’ve just gone out back for more supplies, groaning inwardly because the shift is barely half over, when you hear a familiar voice behind you.
It’s him.
You stare sightlessly at the stacked boxes on the pallet, holding your breath, heart thudding. The security guard sounds different tonight. Drowsy. The sound of change colliding with the counter follows. Dropped, maybe? You wait until you think he must surely be seated by now, emerging empty handed, completely forgetting whatever chore you’d been about to perform.
Dave’s chosen a seat in the corner of the dining room. There’s a wall mural of favorite children’s characters from the restaurant’s history just to his left, the garish colors clashing with the more subdued colors of the furniture. The older man isn’t sitting upright in his customary excellent posture; instead, he’s quite slumped. He barely picks at his food and doesn’t even touch the soft drink, and, after a few moments, ceases moving at all.
Frowning, you move to the end of the counter, stepping into the dining room. Was he actually…?
Sound asleep.
You creep a little closer, aware of how absurd this would have looked if there were any onlookers. Your coworker has disappeared again. Closer still. You can hear his breathing, now. Slow and even. Lips slightly parted. There’s a chip between his teeth on the left side. Long eyelashes. Stained skin beneath the closed eyes. It looks like he’s finally had a haircut, although it’s still messy. One forearm is resting on the table. You can see the brass tag bearing his name on his white uniform shirt. His tie isn’t tacked in place, the thin strip of black material slightly wrinkled, the tail end spilling over onto the tray.
You grind to a halt, closer than you’ve ever been. Surely he was on break, due back for work at a certain time. You had to wake him up. It was a duty, really; an obligation to be performed out of respect as a fellow employee of these wee hours.
Yet you’re frozen, temporarily immobile. He looks so peaceful. The poor guy is clearly exhausted.
You hear a crash as your coworker drops something loudly behind you, making you jump, and you no longer have to worry about whether or not to wake the slumbering patron up, because you see his eyes slide open, his seated form immediately straightening.
Those eyes.
No wonder your other coworker hadn’t been able to describe them. You’ve never seen another pair that color. Washed out. Piercing. She’d called them creepy; you find them mesmerizing. Your breath hitches. You still can’t move.
“Um,” you say. “Er,” you add unhelpfully. It appears you’ve been robbed of your ability to speak properly as well.
“How long was I…oh.” His eyes fall to view the watch on his wrist. “Not long, then.”
“Just a couple minutes,” you agree. The power of speech regained. A miracle.
“Not hiding today?” He makes no move to touch the food on his tray, merely trapping you with that intense gaze again.
“I don’t know what you mean.” You do, of course. So he’d been aware of you after all. You’d been noticed.
He smirks, and that fluttery feeling stirs the contents of your stomach. You’d munched on some chicken nuggets earlier. Sweet and sour sauce. You put it on your fries, too. Your favorite condiment.
“I’m on break from my employment,” he says, the British accent sending a little flame further down your belly.
“I figured.”
“Have you had yours yet?”
Was he inviting you to join him? “No.” You hear some more clattering from the back. What the hell was he doing, anyway? “I, um, can go anytime. Now would probably be good since there aren’t any customers. Except you,” you add needlessly. “I just have to grab my bag and tell my coworker I’m going.”
Without waiting for a response, you turn around and make your way to the storage area, gathering your backpack along the way. One of the stacks of boxes has toppled, spilling contents all over the floor. You should probably be volunteering to help clean the mess up, but there’s no way in hell you’re missing the opportunity waiting for you in the dining room.
“I’m going on break. I’ll be back soon,” you add, abandoning the other employee to his fate before he has a chance to respond. Definitely a dick move on your part, but you’re not the one that made the mess in the first place, and, you know. Dave.
You’re surprised to find the security guard standing by the entrance, the soda cup clutched in one hand, everything else already tossed out.
“Wasn’t that hungry,” he murmurs, pushing the door open and holding it for you. You duck outside, looking around for the vintage sedan, but the front parking lot is empty. “On the side,” he explains, leading you past the mulched flower beds and trimmed box hedges. It’s parked quite a considerable distance away, making you frown, wondering why he hadn’t chosen a closer spot.
“Was thinking of eating out here. Taking a nap. Should have just done the latter, but then…” He leaves the thought hanging as he unlocks the passenger side door for you, offering another smirk that makes your insides squirm and ache before he walks around the vehicle to the driver’s side, settling behind the wheel while you sink into the vinyl seat beside him, setting the backpack on the floor between your legs. The interior of the car is roomy. You’ve never experienced this much leg room, or seats this oversized. Older car, maybe, but you kind of like it.
Dave takes a long pull from the straw slotted in the carbonated beverage before slotting it into the cupholder between the seats. The area he’s parked in is darker than the rest of the lot, the nearby street lamp burnt out and in need of replacing. Now it seems obvious why he parked here. Quiet and dark. A good choice for a nap.
You both sit in silence for a couple of minutes until Dave interrupts it. “I don’t suppose you have that book you’re always drawing in with you?”
“You know. The notebook. That you sketch in,” he says. There’s a clear hint of amusement in his tone as he reverts to using short, simple sentences.
You flush, fumbling with the zipper of your bag and extracting the notebook but hesitate to hand it over. “This is kind of embarrassing. It’s just a hobby.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“There’s, um…there are pictures of…”
“Racy things? X-rated?” He laughs when he sees the mortified expression on your face. It’s a rich sound. Pleasant. “I’m only teasing. You don’t have to show me if you don’t want to.” He smooths his rumpled tie absently, waiting to see how you’ll respond.
“Oh.” You try a smile and fail. You’re too nervous. Your heart is beating like mad. “Um.” That word again, that meaningless placeholder, you know you use it too often during oral presentations, you’re no good at speaking in front of large audiences; less so in this very small one. “You can look.” You thrust it in his direction, hurriedly, before you change your mind and chicken out.
He accepts the offering with another smirk, lifting the cover and rifling through the first few pages. Not all of the lined pages are covered with drawings, of course; you do have notes from one of your classes scattered in there as well. With every page flicked aside you find yourself growing more and more nervous. He was going to see. And then he’d know. Maybe he already knew. He had to, right?
He reaches the first one you’d done of him, hesitating before continuing his browsing. They’re not the best examples, these ones done rather hastily. Your proper sketchbook at home has better quality, but you’re not volunteering that information just yet. Dave’s reached a blank page, and he shuts the book, handing it back to you. “There’s talent there. Perhaps skewed from the reality because you didn’t have a proper concept of the subject matter, but that’s surely going to change after this evening, isn’t it?” He hums a little sound that turns into a heavy sigh, his head tipping back into the cradle of the headrest. One hand lifts to massage the bridge of his nose.
He’s really tired tonight, you think. If I wasn’t here right now, he’d probably knock out again.
“You shouldn’t let your shyness hold you back from the things you want in life. You’ll likely miss out on a lot of opportunities if you do.”
Your fingers curl around the edge of the notebook on your lap, hugging it so tightly that the opposite end presses into your stomach. “My friend, the girl that’s usually here, she thinks you’re a secret agent. Or that you live in your mother’s basement. She even joked you were possibly a serial killer.”
“She’ll be disappointed to learn that I’m not a secret agent. And I don’t live in my mother’s basement. She passed years ago. I own my own place.”
You notice he doesn’t mention the serial killer remark, but you’re not surprised. It’s the most outlandish of the bunch of theories. “Sorry. She was just teasing me. I didn’t believe any of it.” You pause, worrying your bottom lip. “She noticed you don’t wear a wedding band. Thought maybe you aren’t married. Sorry,” you say again. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this.”
“I was married, once. No longer.” He stares at the windshield as he says this, his fingers stroking over the steering wheel.
“I’m sorry. I guess? Maybe that was a good thing? Shit, I don’t know what I’m saying. Just ignore me. I’m not usually this flakey, I promise.”
“You’re nervous.”
“I make you nervous.”
“Yes.” You think you must have an imprint of the notebook cover on your fingertips by now, you’re clutching it so tightly.
“What do we do about that?” His face turns back towards you. His eyes are heavy lidded. There’s a lazy sort of drawl to his words, each one separated with a little silent rest; partly from fatigue, you think, and partly from something else. A languid sultriness curves one corner of his mouth, exposing the faintest hint of a dimple, and you find you are torn between gazing at that pleased divot and drowning in those eyes, somehow glittering even in this dim environment.
“I don’t know,” you whisper.
“Really? Not the faintest of ideas?” He reaches out a hand, grabbing the notebook and wrenching it free, sending it tumbling off of your thighs. You’ve barely had a chance to gasp before he swallows that sound, mouth closing over yours, warm and wet and demanding. He leans, that space that had seemed so generous before now full of his long frame, one elbow carelessly jostling the cup that’s been sitting neglected in the center console. You react instinctively, your mind utterly gone, senseless, because you would never in a million years have guessed this would happen tonight. You siphon through that mess of hair and touch the tip of your tongue to his. That fluttery feeling is back, magnified a thousand fold, and that warm ache, too, throbbing intensely. You’ve never done anything this wildly reckless, kissing a virtual stranger. It’s exhilarating. One hand now occupies the space your notebook had, wedged midway, that broad stretch of fingers pressing warmly against your work pants. You can still taste the soda he’d consumed earlier, sweet combined with some stray granule of salt from the fries tucked somewhere on his lips. The scent of the tree air freshener hanging from the rearview mirror had been faint, some earthy, masculine sort of fragrance that is now dwarfed by aftershave and cologne. The older man is drenched in it and you realize you’re going to smell like him after this, your clothes and skin stained by it.
Dave sucks and nips at your bottom lip, breath huffed out in a short chuckle, sounding pleased as you recover from the frenzied kisses you’d exchanged. You’re both panting, the sounds ragged and harsh. You let your fingers drop from his hair to rest along his jaw, memorizing the feel of the bone structure, tucking that information away to revisit later.
“As keen as I am to continue this, it looks like your associate needs your assistance.” He nudges his chin upward and you turn to see your coworker wandering the parking lot, apparently searching for you.
“Oh, come on. Seriously?” You sigh regretfully as the security guard returns to his seat, that pleased little smile still ghosting over his lips.
“Maybe now that we’ve properly introduced ourselves, we can continue this at a later time,” he suggests. “If you’re interested in getting to know each other even better, that is.”
Oh, you’re definitely interested.
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thekaykery · 1 year
I recently addicted to ur taehyung fic (little and the beast) god I loved the couple like how adorable their relationship was so maybe can you do for the same couple or an individual tae x reader smut where OC is his girlfriend and she secretly planned to tease tae by wearing bunny cosplay lingerie and asks him to fuck her in that outfit which she looks so cute as well as hot and tae immediately giving in his pretty girl's wish 🥺🥺💗
This is my first ever ask so pls ignore if it's cringe or whatever lol
yes ofc!!! tsym for loving little and the beast! this one's for you ❤️
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honey bunny
pairing: kim taehyung x f!reader
category: smut, fluff
word count: 2.3k
rating: 21+
warning(s): ddlg, daddy dom!taehyung, little sub!f!reader, bunny costume, destruction of said costume, pet names, daddy kink, cursing, teasing, begging, dirty talk, nipple play, fingering, allusion to choking, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap), praise, aftercare, mentions of squirting and passing out from said squirting
notes: again, tsym for requesting this! ik this took forever but life grew hectic bc of college! ty for your patience! p.s. what a good time to release this with layover amirite-
You don’t know if this is a good idea.
Purchasing this… gift with Taehyung’s card was risky enough. Yes, he’s able to see the Amazon charge in his account and know it was you. Yes, he likes to ask what you buy. Yes, you tried your best to hide this in a spot where Taehyung doesn’t normally look. Really, you’ve just been waiting for the opportunity to take it out and wow him.
And today is the day.
Gazing in the mirror at your reflection, you run a hand over the sleek white leather costume. Cinched at the waist, it emphasizes your hips and bum, and the cups do little justice to contain your breasts. You paired fishnet tights, wrist cuff sleeves, and a collar with the costume, along with a bunny ears headband; white stilettos top off the outfit. You even put on some makeup: black liner, mascara, blood-red lipstick.
Although you know it’s all going to come off with your tears and spit, you wanted to be pretty, look pretty for Taehyung.
However, this seemed like a good idea at first, but now you’re second-guessing yourself.
As your dom and caretaker, Taehyung is accustomed to seeing you in cute, frilly clothing, since you’re in little space more often than not. So you don’t know how your boyfriend is going to react. The least he can do is like it, right?
He doesn’t have to love it. You just want to… surprise him.
The familiar sound of the front door opening and closing catches your attention. Your hands become clammy. You scurry to the bed and lay down, stretching along the blankets, which are soft against your skin. Footsteps approach, growing louder with each one, then–
"Jesus Christ."
You shyly peek at your boyfriend. Taehyung stares at you, utterly divine in loose beige pants and a garnet tee tucked into the waistband, his dirty-blond hair swept back away from his face. His brown eyes are wide with shock, knuckles white from his tight grip on the doorknob. You carefully roll over, exposing your chest, and his throat bobs.
“Hi,” you murmur, smiling a little.
He doesn’t reply straight away, obviously stupefied by your costume. “What’s this?” he croaks.
“Do you like it, Daddy?” you quietly ask him, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed and standing. Your heels click on the hardwood floor as you step towards him. “I got it for you.”
Another gulp. Taehyung drifts to you, enchanted. “You look…” His slender fingers curl around your waist. He sharply exhales, eyes unable to stay still. “Fuck, you look so pretty, babygirl.”
"Thank you," you whisper.
His touch is fire, burning through the costume and branding his fingerprints into your skin. Your eyes flutter when his hands trail up to your breasts, caressing them, your sensitive nipples rubbing against the leather. You bite your lip to contain a mewl, heat flooding your cheeks as Taehyung tugs the cups out of the way. He plays with your rosy buds, rolling and pinching them between his fingers, bolts of arousal shooting straight to your pussy.
“So this is what you bought that day,” Taehyung softly says, almost to himself, tugging at your nipples.
“Please,” you pant, jolting when he pinches a bud.
A ghost of a smirk. "Please what?"
You swallow, trembling. "Please fuck me."
Taehyung chuckles. He pinches your other nipple, drawing a whine from you. "You can do better than that, sweetheart."
You pout, eyes dropping in embarrassment. You dislike voicing your needs. He should know what you want by the way you react to his teasing, but that’s what Taehyung likes. The power he holds over you as your dom. He wants you to express your thoughts, tell him exactly just what you want.
It reminds him how much you trust him with yourself, submitting to his every touch and kiss, handing over your body to do as he pleases with it.
“Fuck me, Daddy,” you whine, shivering, head tilting back as Taehyung mouths kisses on your throat. “Please. N-Need you so bad. I-I don’t are what you do to the costume, just please fuck me.”
Taehyung chuckles, the low sound a sweet caress. “Alright, babygirl. Anything for you.”
A few seconds later, you’re on the bed again, this time with Taehyung crawling on top of you. He slots between your legs as your lips meet in a slow, passionate kiss. You quietly moan when his hands cup your tits, calloused fingertips digging into them. The stark comparison of his rough fingers on your smooth skin is arousing. Your eyes roll, bucking your hips up into his hand while he strokes your hot center over the costume, his tongue slipping into your mouth and dancing with your own. You grasp his shoulders for support, a little wail escaping you when Taehyung rips the costume at the seams.
“Daddy!” you whine, heart aching at the loss of your costume.
“What?” His eyes sparkle with mischief. “Just doing what my babydoll wants.”
You open your mouth to retort, to remind him you bought this costume with his money, but the thought disappears the second Taehyung glides a finger through your folds. You quietly moan, pressing your lips together when he easily locates your clit and rubs quick, little circles on it. You swallow, rocking into his touch all while his eyes burn into you.
That’s another thing Taehyung loves in this dynamic with you: Watching you squirm beneath him from pleasure and your orgasms. It doesn’t matter if you seek from his mouth, touch, or cock. He adores the view of you experiencing total euphoria because of him, and it’s even better because he’s the only one who gets to see you like this. His precious girl, all his to love and care for in every way possible. But he knows you secretly like it too, watching him get off on you getting off.
“Daddy, please,” you plead, your hand sliding down to his arm from his shoulder. “Fuck me.”
Taehyung merely hums, his eyes dark and gleaming as he sips a long finger inside you. You whimper, your legs trying to snap shut, but his body stops it from occurring. He pumps it in and out of you at a steady pace, listening to you whine and moan, observing the way you writhe in bliss.
“How badly do you want it, babe?” Taehyung rasps, deep voice husky with lust. He rests his forehead on yours, your breaths mixing while more noises spill out of you. “Huh? How badly do you want Daddy’s cock? Tell me, babygirl.”
“Please!” you cry out, back arching when the pad of his finger brushes over your sweet spot. “O-Oh, fuck yes, please–”
“W-Want it so bad!” you sob, tears stained black from your liner and mascara. “Please, please, fill me up until I can’t think of anything but you!” You squeal, your entrance burning slightly from the intrusion of a second digit, but it feels so fucking good. “P-Please, fuck me up with your big cock, please!”
Taehyung smirks. “That’s a good girl."
While he continues to finger you, Taehyung miraculously shucks off his pants and boxers, cock springing free from its confinements. You lick your lips at the sight of him. Long and girthy, slightly curved with a bulbous tip, veins ridging it, the prominent one crawling up to his frenulum like a tree. You pant in anticipation as Taehyung sits between your legs once more, clenching around nothing when he taps his cock on your drenched pussy.
You’re so deep in your own little world that you don’t even notice him removing his shirt. You grind up against his dick, whining, clit singing at the friction.
“Want Daddy’s cock so bad, don’t you?” Taehyung coos.
You eagerly nod. “Yes, please!”
“Let me hear it one more time, baby.”
You keen, clutching the sheets in your hands, a lump of frustration growing in your throat. Damn him and his teasing. “Please, fuck me, Daddy.”
“Good girl,” Taehyung purrs, and finally, after what felt like endless torture, he enters you. He hisses. “Fuck, so fucking tight...”
You, on the other hand, are in complete bliss, eyes shut in ecstasy. He fills you up little by little, sinking further and further into you until he’s fully seated within you. Your eyes roll at how full you feel, his pelvis pressed to your core, his balls flush with your second hole. You softly pant, shifting in your spot beneath Taehyung, your walls rhythmically clenching around him. This spurs him into action.
He starts slow, one deep stroke after another. You quietly curse, and Taehyung lowly groans, the sound causing you to clamp down around him again.
“Fuck, relax,” Taehyung croaks.
“F-Feels so good,” you whimper.
“I know, baby.”
Your head falls back on the bed, a little whine slipping out of you, your tits bouncing in time with Taehyung’s gentle tempo. You hook your knees to your chest, allowing him more room to work. He lovingly pets your thighs in thanks. Taehyung grunts, nibbling his lip, his hair falling in his face. God, he looks like a god above you like this, completely drunk on your pussy, just like you’re drunk on his cock.
“Go faster,” you plead. “Please.”
“Yeah?” Taehyung picks up the pace, assuming a medium tempo. “Like this?”
You whine and shake your head. “Faster!”
“Be specific, darling.” His hand ghosts over your throat, which has your walls fluttering around his cock. His fingers always make a pretty necklace when Taehyung’s in the mood.
“F-Fuck me until I can’t think straight,” you beg, lightly grasping his wrist. “Please, Daddy.”
“That’s better.” Soon, Taehyung bucks into you with the manner of a well-oiled machine, quick and precise, hips smacking against your ass. He grunts, holding your legs for you while you cradle your tits for emotional support. “This what you wanted, babydoll? Hm?”
“Yes!” you cry, pinching and pulling at your nipples. “F-Fuck yes, Daddy, oh my god!”
Taehyung breathlessly chuckles at your confirmation, using your words as encouragement. He adjusts his angle slightly, along with the depth of his thrusts, and a loud wail is ripped out of you. He smirks. Bingo. Taehyung continues at this position, tip bludgeoning your sweet spot repeatedly. You shriek, eyes crossing, stars speckling your vision. You can’t even talk anymore, rendered speechless by his cock.
He melted your brain. He always does.
The sensation of his cock deliciously gliding against your throbbing walls is addicting, creating a high only your pussy adores. The veiny ridges provide a pleasant catch along your molten core, the lip of his tip adding to it, perfectly hitting that spongy part within you again and again. Your toes curl in your heels, and because of Taehyung’s godly pace, one of them falls off, bouncing on the bed and clattering to the floor. The other one joins it in courtesy of Taehyung.
“Gonna fuckin’ pump you full of my cum,” Taehyung grunts, curling up and hovering above you, forearms situated by your head. His pace becomes stilted, signaling his approaching end. “Until it leaks out of you, babygirl.”
You simply moan, which has him laughing. “Did I fuck my girl dumb? You’re so cute.”
Despite his impending doom, it doesn’t stop Taehyung from fucking you with fervor. No, he keeps going, pistoning into you, operating like a jackhammer.
“D-Daddy,” you croak, clawing at his ribs. The icy burn you’ve learned to love has begun to creep up on you, body trembling in expectation. Fuck, you’re so close. “‘M-M gonna cum.”
Taehyung groans. “Yeah? Gonna make a giant mess on my cock?”
“U-Uh huh!”
He hisses, brows furrowing in determination. Jaw clenching, Taehyung vigorously pounds into you, fingers tangling in the sheets by your head. Your noises rise in volume as your orgasm speed towards you like a bullet train, closer and closer until–
You scream, back arching like a bow, your soul dropping into the pool of euphoria waiting to embrace you. You loudly moan as its fingers caress you, stroking the most intimate parts of you while your pussy paints Taehyung’s cock white, not even aware of the clear liquid splashing all over the two of you. You sink deep into that pool, ascending into spaces you’ve never reached before. Your eyes grow heavy, and your hearing is reduced to a high-pitched ringing.
You shut your eyes to rest for a few seconds, just to wholeheartedly enjoy euphoria’s touch. However, when you wake, you discover you’ve been tucked under the blankets. You frown and sit up, only to pause at the feeling of cloth on your body. You glance at yourself. You’re no longer in the costume; rather, in a large oversized tee.
What the hell?
“You’re awake.”
At his voice, you seeks him out. He enters the bedroom with a bowl of your favorite snack and a glass of water.
“What happened?” you quietly ask him.
His lips stretch into a smug smirk. “You squirted. Hard. Then you passed out, but I cleaned you up and made sure you were comfortable.” He offers you the snack and water. “I bring refreshments.”
Your cheeks flare with heated embarrassment. “I-I passed out? From squirting?"
“Yup.” Taehyung chuckles, crawling into bed beside you. “It was pretty hot, not gonna lie. I came on your tummy instead of inside you like I wanted, but it’s okay. Your health and safety comes first.”
You shyly sip your water, leaning back on the pillow. “Did you like it, at least?”
“Hm?” Taehyung peeks at you. “Like what?"
You bashfully divert your gaze. “The outfit.”
A low chuckle. “I loved it, baby. You looked so pretty in it while I fucked you, and those tights… Goddamn.”
You quietly giggle, bowing your head, your hair falling and curtaining your red face. Taehyung brushes it behind your ear. “I loved it, babydoll.”
“Really?” You peek at him.
“Mhmm.” Taehyung twines an arm around your waist, tugging you close. “If you order another costume next time, tell me. I wanna see you put it on.”
“N-Next time?”
“Oh, baby.” Another chuckle rumbles in his throat. He presses a kiss to your ear. “There’s always a next time with you.”
© thekaykery 2023
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thelargefrye · 2 years
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ADORE YOU … drabble
pairing : poly!ateez x idol!f!reader genre : fluff, idol, everyone is basically married in this, future warnings : mentions of past relationship issues, pregnancy
tags : @tannie13 @cookiechristie @jcngh0-hq @atinytinaa @icyb3rry @kurosism @kangskims @im-whoim
a look at what five years in the future brings the nine of you.
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you watched as yunho chased wooyoung and san around the house. seonghwa is quick to tell the three to knock it off as he is carrying a box into the living room.
wooyoung is quick to slide over to you and your place in the kitchen, a kiss is placed on your cheek as he wraps his arms around you. yeosang comes in next to you both with boxes labeled kitchen in bold black writing, and sets them on the counter. the glass contents in the box rattling a little bit as they hit the counter.
“come on, woo, there’s still a lot of boxes left,” yeosang says pulling away his boyfriend and dragging him back outside to the moving truck. this time yunho comes up next to as you begin moving boxes around.
“hi, yuyu,” you say with a smile as you look to your boyfriend of eleven years. he smiles back at you and you allow your eyes to drift down to the red line tattooed around his ring finger. the same red line that mirrors yours as well as your other seven boyfriends.
“are you doing okay baby?” he ask, arm wrapping around your waist to pull you close.
“i’m doing fine,” you answer back and yunho gives you another smile before he kisses your forehead and makes his way back out to the moving truck.
it’s takes another hour or two before all the boxes are unloaded and you and hongjoong work together to begin unpacking each room. soon the others are also helping, they couldn’t help but give loving kisses to you and hongjoong as they pass by.
the leader does well in unpacking but also bringing up fond memories from the early stages of your relationship.
“i remember going to eden-hyung’s wedding and imagining what it would be like to get married one day,” he says as he places several picture frames on the shelf in his home studio.
“i remember thinking that too,” you begin as you open a new box which contains more stuff for his studio. “that was still when me and yunho had broken up and i was questioning a lot of things during that time.”
“i’m glad you both managed to work it out. i couldn’t imagine all of this without the two of you together,” he confesses, he comes up and wraps his arms around you, his hands gently caressing your stomach.
the two of you pause in your unpacking in order to enjoy the quiet moment between the two of you. especially since this is the first moment you’ve had alone with him in a while.
“did you all come to a final decision on the baby’s room?” he ask after several minutes of sitting in silence.
“mingi wants to do like a seafoam green i think and wooyoung really wants whales but yunho wants puppies, san wants cats, and yeosang wants hehetmon,” you say with a laugh thinking about your fellow ‘99 liners and the argument they had about baby decorations.
“what do you want to decorate the room in?”
“i want to paint a mural like the one from up,” you confess and hongjoong hums at your idea.
“then we’ll do that, they can get over it if they don’t like it,” he says causing you two laugh at his comment.
“and what are you two laughing about?” seonghwa’s voice is soft with a fake sternness as he comes into the room.
“y/n wants to paint a mural in the baby’s room, like the one from up,” hongjoong tells the eldest and you watch his eyes light up at the idea.
“you mean with the house and all the balloons?” he ask and you nod your head in excitement. “that would be so pretty,” he adds as he comes up to kneel in front of your stomach. “don’t you think so flower?”
ever since seonghwa found out you were pregnant he would always refer to the baby as “flower” even when addressing them. the others soon enough also started calling the baby “flower,” yourself included.
you knew all the boys were excited about the baby, but it was easy to see that seonghwa was the most excited. you could just imagine how good of a father he, even if in the end he isn’t the biological father. you knew that wouldn’t stop any of them from filling loving your precious flower.
you let your hand thread through seonghwa’s locks, the action earning his attention and his big doe eyes looking at you like you held his whole world.
“i love you both so much,” you confess out of nowhere as you turn to look a hongjoong. he lets out a small gasp as he cups your face and brushes the tears away that you didn’t even know you had. “thank you for putting up with me for all these years,” you tell hongjoong who only shakes his head at your words.
“i should be thanking you,” he says before you kiss him, more tears spilling out right as the others come and join you three.
san is quick to pull you into his arms and rock you from side to side as you tell each of your lovers that you love them.
“we love you too, you and flower are so precious and beautiful to us. a true gift,” san says as his hand journeys down to caress your stomach like hongjoong as did earlier.
“also, i hate each of your alls decorations ideas, none of those would go well with seafoam green,” you confess before a chorus of heys are heard followed by laughter.
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vrisrezis · 2 years
General waluigi relationship hcs because nobody will write for my man’s . Don’t judge me for this one
Also I haven’t done this formate for writing in so longggg
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MY MANNNSSS waluigi !!
• He may seem like a jerk to others but to you he’s the absolute sweetest dork of all time☹️☹️☹️☹️❤️❤️ like I swear whenever your around he’s got nothing up his sleeve he is on his best behavior and wario is just like 😐 bro u are down so bad .
• also he’s a blushy dork whenever you’re around especially if he does a nice gesture and your like “omg ur so sweet! ^_^” he dies inside he just gives you a stupid toothy smile he cannot handle that shit his face is pure red
• SMOOCHIES!!! Listen he’s too shy to initiate believe it or not… so whenever you do.. OMGGGG he dies and he loves smooches on the cheek so much
• when it comes to sports he goes easy on you and wario wants him dead for being the reason they lost a tennis match
• silly goof of course he gives you flowers … ROSES . OF COURSE
• but if you give him roses he would die on the inside he’s just like “… nobody’s given me flowers b4 wtf” his heart explodes!!!
• don’t get that I can fix him mentality tho . He is who he is even if he tries to hide it from you, you’ll know eventually.
• he’s not that bad tho let’s be honest 🤷‍♀️
• he is a bit shy in your relationship but at the same time a big flirt, he’s all talk but no action, pretty much.
• he worries abt u a lot he’s such a dad ok . Don’t let him catch you without a scarf when it’s snowing outside
• fashion icon ok if you two are dating you guys are wearing matching outfits when it comes to tennis and any other sport you guys play with everyone else
• I hc that he’s Puerto Rican so he probably says romantic shit in Spanish to you LMFAO
• you may think he’s the one carrying you bridal style but really it’s the other way around and he may act like he hates it but he loves it so :)
• also might I add that he loves sleeping on your lap, anyway possible
• likes shorter s/o’s but wouldn’t mind it if you were taller
• not the hero type but lets just say if bowser were to ever mess with you… oh boy not good he’ll fuck up bowser so badly
• likes to share hoodies with you because he thinks you look cute in his and he looks adorable in hoodies so it’s a win win
• loves them innocent neck kisses :))
• one smooch will make him feel better when he’s angry or upset
• also a sap he’s the type to stare at you with love in his eyes with a stupid warm smile on his face and the type to just be in awe when the wind is blowing your hair just right and time slows down for him when you kiss and blah blah blah he’s a dork
• although he comes across as confident I see waluigi being insecure in a relationship as it’s not something he’s used to at all.
• he gets jealous of Luigi a lot I’m just gonna say it lmao
• but honestly just kiss him and make it better , maybe have a talk about it
• likes to slow dance with you AGRUSBXKNS he’s so cute
• also he’s on the trans hc list for me so he helps you out if youre trans lol
• body positivity for you both ayyy totally not because I get literally nightmares about my body no not at all no this is not me projecting cuz I love waluigi
• cosplaying eachothers outfits
• he hates playing Mario party now because you kick his ass LMFAO
• likes to spin you around, also likes to be spun around. Idk cute romantic shit what can I say
• big on stupid one liners he can use on you, he is such a loser
• loves to tease you but it’s all in good fun and jokes lol
• overall waluigi is a dorkkkk imo <3 love him
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astronautbeans · 11 months
hi hello people I offer more boat boys fics. this one is probably,, my most deranged one yet. read the tags, it has some blood/gore in it <3
tags + summary under the cut!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: EthosLab & Joel | SmallishBeans, EthosLab/Joel | SmallishBeans Characters: Joel | SmallishBeans, EthosLab (Video Blogging RPF) Additional Tags: Secret Life SMP Setting, Secret Life SMP: Session 1, Blood and Gore, Body Horror, Body Modification, Joel | Smallishbeans-centric, Ambiguous Relationships, aka whether theyre really gay or just batshit insane is up to you dear reader, their love language is Violence Summary:
“You- you own my heart, Joel.”
To anyone else it was just a bit. A sappy one-liner and a joke. Various ‘awww’s went around the group, and Grian even gagged — with a grin to show he was joking. It was a statement so out of the blue, Etho never could’ve meant it.
The brown and red eyes that met his own proved the opposite. They shone brilliantly and fiercely, a devotion and loyalty and adoration so strong it made his entire body light up with life the moment he got near Joel. He always looked a little bit more alive. His phantom wings would heal a bit, and his eyes would always be slightly less dull around him.
Or, Joel is happy to be back around his soulmate again and remembers the time Etho had given him his heart. Literally.
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astrok1dz · 2 years
What is up, it's angpyel.
I'm wondering if you could do a Rise! Raph x reader where the brothers find out about their relationship and they are Pissed! Do what you will with it.
Stealer - Rise!Raph x Reader
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Warnings: none
Summary: The last thing the brothers expected was for another hero to show up at the scene, even less fight the villain before they could, how rude. But of them didn’t seem to really mind this incident!
While you didn’t exactly do everything legally, you did recognise the amount of villains and overall troublemakers roaming around in New York. You honestly considered yourself to be quite the opposite, going out at night to fight crime.
Little did you know, you would be a troublemaker for someone too.
The first time they saw you it was about three weeks ago. The Foot Clan had been in the newspaper, so that’s who they were going for.
The four siblings stood on the rooftop of a building, ready to fight.
“Alright, we can’t mess this up, got it? If we want to be real heroes, we gotta make this work, ‘kay guys?”
“A-okay hermano! Oh I sooooo got all my one-liners ready!”
“Donnie, got eyes on him?”
“Sure do.”
They jumped from building to building, closer to the one the soldier stood on, silently preparing to attack. A creak ripped through the night, right above them.
“Uh… you guys heard that?”
They all nodded and looked up. Right above them, you crouched on a balcony with perfect balance.
“Man, not a stealer!”
A “stealer”. Man, nothing was worse than those. Technically they couldn’t attack them, since as far as they knew they were innocent citizens too, but it was just nerve-wracking to have someone edge you like that- to steal your case, the ass you were about to kick.
“Oh hoho no. This is so not happening. Raph, do something!”
But contrary to most of the times, Raphael stood there dumbfounded staring at your silhouette. You operated quietly and slyly, with a better stance than any of them. Not too focused, as you caught him staring. You winked at him, just a tease. While it wasn’t your goal, a part of you did enjoy being the center of attention, the main character, even if it meant ripping cases from other heroes’ hands.
You couldn’t help but think how, for the first time, someone looked more adoring than annoyed by your mischief. And God, that red-masked mutant did look adorable with that shine in his eyes. As you jumped from the balcony onto the villain, he was oblivious to his brothers bickering.
“Raph they’re on it! We gotta move!” - Leo dragged him along.
“Hey! That’s our villain-to-bust!” - Mike whisper-shouted at you.
You simply shrugged and, stepped right off the balcony and on Raph’s shell, jumping off of it onto the villain and delivering a kick to the side of their head, quickly knocking them out. The awe on their faces was beyond satisfying. Rubbing it on their faces would only make this victory more delightful.
You crouched next to the Foot Soldier and snapped a quick selfie, making a peace sign. Next up you blew a kiss, looking at Raph, playfully, and disappeared onto the night again.
“This is unbelievable… we can’t just let them run away…”
“Guys, for the first time ever I agree with Donnie, that’s so not fair!”
But Raph placed his hands over them before they could move.
“We can’t waste time chasing them. It’s a one time thing. We’ll get ‘em next time.”
“Yeah! There will be no next time!”
Oh they were so, SO, wrong.
As they headed back home, Raphael couldn’t help but replay those images in his head, and touch the spot you stepped on on his shell, blushing slightly, way too intrigued.
As much as he knew his brothers would be mad to see you again, he couldn’t help but wishing for it.
tysm for the request! should i make a part two?
feel free to request!
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erinhime83 · 5 months
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Yes, I knew, I know, I already did designs of these guys a few months ago, but I tweeked a couple of the designs, but me being me, I wanted to post them up for people to see and make it more people’s problem, lol.  I didn’t change that much, honestly, but it was enough that I wanted to put up the new designs.  Plus, I made design sheets for the major characters, yey.
First is Buttercup, who does get a minor outfit tweek (it’s not noticeable, but I moved her belt down to her hips, and it does look a lot better).  But she ended up becoming a victim of Erin taking away everyone’s wavy hair trope that I’ve started, because, well, I ‘see’ her more with the straight hair.  She looks cute, she looks innocent, and she strays away from the traditional Altairian hair braiding thing because she doesn’t quite understand the tradition.  Same goes with the piercings – she should technically have more, but she opted to skip a few milestone ceremonies because she didn’t want to have too many.  I was talked into giving her a 'disguise' dress for when she's traveling in Lumentis for a bit, and I thought it would be funny (since it's a stolen dress), if the colors were completely different from what she would normally wear, and I'm actually pleased with how it turned out! Simple, and yet nice. I also attempted to change her formal dress, but ended up just changing the color of the circular collar for shits and giggles.  She doesn’t wear eye liner with the fancy dress because, like with every other tradition, she doesn’t ‘get’ it, plus she’s trying to get the people of Lumentis to accept her, so she’s trying to look more like them, despite failing because of her red hair.
Raito, honestly, doesn’t have any sort of change in either of his outfits, because there’s no point in changing perfection.  I love staring at him, because he looks adorable, lol.
Clover I did change a bit, shortening her sleeves, giving her a shoulder guard, and giving her a proper belt and a sash because it didn’t look right with just the belt.  Oh, and shortened her braid a little while also giving her a ribbon that happens to be the favorite color of a certain Dragon Tamer.  >.>  She looks just as badass as she did before, and I love it.  As for the other outfit, it’s supposed to be her Palace Guard uniform of sorts.  I had a bit of difficulty with it at first, because I wanted her to have the bodice, but giving her a skirt seems to have worked out nicely!  Bonus, it’s reminiscent of her original outfit, with the skirt and all.  Not really, but that was what I as thinking when I decided to give her the skirt.  I also like it because she looks feminine in her uniform, but in reality, she wants to wear pants.  But she looks great either way!   I love my nature elf warrior girl.
Odessa, well, I changed a lot, obviously.  She always suffers due to the fact that I can never pin down her design.  I liked her other outfit, but this one just suits her better.  I changed a bit of her backstory as well, which explains (sort of) why she went from shaved hair to side braided hair.  I also like the longer hair – it makes her look cute.  As for her outfit, I really like how it ended up!  I don’t have any real definitive ‘look’ for the peasants of the story, save for the Altaitians who have a Viking look, but I like that it suggests that the Ta’Norians have their own style as well.  And she gets a nice dress as well, sort of related to her backstory, but mostly because they do give her a nice dress when they make it back to the Lumentian palace.  Plus, it haves the added bonus of showing what her hair looks like down and how long it was.  (I wanted it to be longer, but I wanted Clover to have the longer hair, since I thought it would be funny if the more masculine one had the longer hair.)
Over all, really pleased with how all of these turned out.  I keep staring at the designs and wishing I had pictures of them, despite the fact that I should be the one drawing them, lol. 
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gourdkeeper · 1 year
"Princess" (Reader x sub!Jamie)
This idea was fed to my smooth little brain by a friend on discord and it resulted in this;
Word count: 3113
Content warnings: mirror sex, non prenetrative sex, masturbation, feminisation, dominant and submissive undertones, praise kink, jamie opens up to reader, reader calls jamie feminine gendered names (not in a humiliating way), hair pulling, jamie is a bit ooc because he's anxious and stressed out at first, fully self indulgent im sorry lmao
18+ after cut
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This training session didn't quite go as planned. In fact there has been no fighting at all and surprisingly, no drinking either.
It all came up kind of funny.
Jamie was talking to you earlier and you were just completely lost in thought, staring at him with a look of adoration.
"Yo? You even listening?" His hands at his hips while leaning towards you.
You snap out of it and hold his hands and pull them towards you, "I know what I want you to teach me today!"
"Huh? What?"
"What?!" He whips his head back, "Why?"
"You always got the most perfect eye makeup on, I want you to do it to me and teach me!" You're giddy, you know it's a silly request but you've asked for worse before.
"That's not a fight move, you know that right? 'Sides, I'm your master and I'm the one saying what gets taught."
You pout at him while still holding his hands tight.
"Ugh. Fine." He rolls his eyes, "Not sure how this'll help with anything but fine..."
"Maybe I just want to have fun with you today!" You quip back innocently.
Jamie can't help but roll his eyes again but this time he has a smile on his face.
He unlocks the door to his apartment and leads you to his room.
"Hop on the bed, I'll be right there."
"On the bed?" You cock an eyebrow up at him.
"Just do it or I ain't teaching you anything yeah?"
You oblige, you lay at the top of his big cushy bed and wait for him, wondering why anyone would do their makeup in bed.
You've never even really been in his bedroom much before, you've only screwed around on the couch and on the small home gym. It's a pretty room, fitting for him. Big soft bed, large full body mirror and stylish wall decorations.
Before you know it he's coming through the doorway holding a small bag.
"Alright I got my stuff right here just sit up and stay still so I can do this without poking your eye out."
He sits next to you and guides your head around as needed.
"Close your eyes..." He's speaking just above a whisper, he's so cute when he's focused.
He draws a line over one lid and tells you to open your eyes again so that he can finish connecting it smoothly. "Perfect." He mutters.
It feels good to be prettied up by Jamie, it makes you feel special and loved even if you had to convince him to do it at first.
He's finishing the second eye and tells you to come look in the mirror.
He did the same style of eyeliner he usually dons himself. A thin elegant red line hugging a traditional cat eye winged liner.
"It's so pretty!" You hop and kiss him on the cheek "Thank you!"
His happiness is visible too, he looks proud of his work and starts telling you how to make sure it's angled right and how to get both eyes to look symmetrical.
"Can I try it on you?" You interrupt him.
"What do you mean?"
"I want to do your makeup too!"
He looks down at you for a few seconds, silent and wary.
He holds your hand and brings you back towards the bed.
"I hope you know I wouldn't let *anyone* else do this but you." He sighs and takes a small wipe from his bag to remove his existing eyeliner so that you can practice freely.
You feel giddy, you don't know why, but the thought of putting makeup on such a pretty guy is making you excited with a hint of anxiety welling up in your stomach. He's good at it, he does this daily so if you fuck it up it'll feel like crap and look way too jarring but you want to do it so badly. Hell if it turns out bad you'll have something to laugh about together sometime.
Jamie's finished cleaning his face and is now sat down in bed, you're on your knees sorting thru the bag trying to find the liner.
He lays back down on the bed waiting, looking almost anxious and slowly stretches his hand towards you, "Looking for this?" It's the eyeliner you've been searching for, "I didn't put it away yet."
You take it from his hand and crawl over him, each legs hugging the side of his torso while you remove the cap from the little pen and lean forward.
"Are you ok Jamie?" You've noticed that he's been noticeably quieter than usual.
"I'm fine, just, get this over with..." There seemed to be a slight hint of embarrassment in his voice and eyes.
"Hey now..." You fondle his cheek while looking him in the eye, "Since when are you shy about anything, you don't need to feel embarrassed around me ok?"
He returns you a small smile and nods gently.
"Close your eyes handsome." He obliges and you begin lining his eye lid carefully. "...Open" allowing you to angle the wing at the end. *Almost* as good as when he does it.
"Now the other side..." You hold his face firmly... It feels warm... Is he? Blushing? You try not to mind it too much and begin working on the other eye. Once it's done you ask him to open his eyes and hand him a little mirror that was inside the bag.
"How did I do?" You tilt your head sideways waiting for an answer.
He's definitely blushing.
"Really good! As expected from my disciple.." There is that nervous shy smile again. "...Are you done now?"
"Jamie why are you blushing and trying to hurry me up?"
He's taken by surprise. "Am not! Just the drink that's all-"
"You haven't drank anything in at least two hours."
You can see his adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallows trying to come up with a clever reply. You back up a little bit to give him space and- Why is there something poking up your backside and why did he just twitch.
You glance backwards and it's clear as day. He's hard. You look back at him and he's averting his eyes, clearly embarrassed over it.
"What did I tell you about being embarrassed around me, c'mon Jamie it's ok..." You try to make him calm down as you gently rub your fingers along his cheeks. "I'm... Excited too, I mean, hard not to when you always look so damn delicious you know?"
You cause him to laugh nervously. "You're on top of me that's all, I can't help it."
"I've been on top of you plenty of times..." You raise your eyebrow at him, you know the hard on is being caused by something else considering how he's acting. "...Do you like me treating you gently like this? Pampering you?“
There he is, averting his eyes again, "Maybe..."
"I can... Continue if you want me to?"
There's a look of uncertainty before he agrees to it.
You grab the little makeup bag to see what else you should try. There's blush, eyeshadows, highlighters and even lipsticks and lipgloss, you've never seen him wear any of it, you wonder why he has it at all. You pull out a little lipgloss that has a red tint to it, it should match his eyeliner nicely.
"Jamie how come you have so much makeup, so much of it almost running out even but you only ever wear eyeliner?"
"I... To practice...?" He's hiding something. "Never know when I'll have to do my disciples' makeup amirite?" Finishing with a nervous laugh. There's that cock twitching on your ass again.
You raise your eyebrow at him. "You sure it's only that?"
"I guess-"
"Can I put it on you?" You enquire, leaning forward while purposely rubbing your butt on him to make him squirm.
He's flushing red again while nodding, biting his lip. Was it out of anxiety or arousal? You wondered.
You kept softly petting his face to make him relax before holding it still to get started.
"Open that pretty mouth."
The sight of Jamie being stuck underneath you, lips parted, blushing cheeks and getting prettied up by you is making you want to act up. Why does he have to be so beautiful and captivating regardless if he's bursting with enough confidence to fill the entire room or if he just got shy and became a flustered little mess because you found out something new and decided to poke your nose in the matter.
You've finished applying the gloss to his lips. He looks even more kissable than usual. His small soft lips look even softer, made them look fuller too...
You point the same mirror at him again asking if he likes it.
He nods, you could just gobble him up.
"Should I continue?" You ask, hoping he'll let you, "Might not be as good at it as you though..."
"No one's as good as the great Jamie Siu... But you... You come pretty damn close." He's smilling, not even a smirk or a smug grin like how he usually does when he talks, he looks, vulnerable? It's odd, you've been on top of him plenty. You've dominated this man, pulled his hair and had him beg for you while grinding on his face and there wasn't ever a hint of shyness, until now that is.
You decide to slowly rut your hips against his strained cock, not even aknowledging it, you want to work him up and see what this is all about.
He's biting his lip. You're looking thru the makeup and grab some eyeshadow, you'll just fix up the liner afterwards no big deal. He doesn't stop you as you pretty him up further. You can see sweat forming in his forehead and his lips are pursed.
"I need to tell you something..." You stop for a few seconds to look at him better and nudge him to go on. "I- I uh have that much makeup because," he swallows drily and fidgets around with his fingers, "sometimes I just. Like being a bit more... Feminine." You fully stop and lean back to properly face him, you can tell this is a heavy topic for him and you don't want to hurt him in any way.
Your hand moves to his cheek and pets it. "Jamie that's ok, you think I would judge you?" You give him a soft reassuring smile.
"It's not like. It wasn't even sexual. I just like being pretty sometimes. But now you're doing this to me and I just, I just can't- I didn't expect any of this." He looks very divided, almost pained to share something so intimate and like he could cry.
You rush to hug him and calm him down. "Do you want me to stop this? I understand if you do."
He shakes his head lightly. "I'd like to continue... just, I'm happy to share this with you."
God. You love him so much you could burst. "You're sure right?"
He nods and says a shaky but certain "yes". You've never seen him so nervous before. It's kind of cute.
You're finishing applying the eyeshadow on one eye and ask him, "Why do you like being more feminine sometimes? You don't need to tell me if you don't want to baby." His member twitched again at the end of the sentece and you take mental note of what did it.
"I... Don't fully know," he has his eyes closed, one because it'd be too difficult to speak about it facing you and two to let you finish doing the job, "I've had a tough time with beauty standards before and with always wanting my hair to be kept long and... Been teased about it before. So I just, kept most of it hidden."
It hurts to hear that he's been made to feel inferior before over how he likes to look and it makes you wish you could break the kneecaps of whoever did it. You can't help but reassure him multiple times tell him that you love him for who he is, feminine or not.
"You don't think it's weird? At all?" He's a bit perplexed.
"I think it's normal." You lean forward to whisper in his ear with a mischiveous smile curling at your lips, "And I also find it hot."
"Y-you do?" He looks small underneath you, flustered beyond belief, he definitely doesn't need any blush applied to him.
"Mhmmm..." You take his face on your hand again and hold it in place to let you do his other eye now. "I sure do..." You start grinding onto his crotch again, more obviously this time and you see his brain slowly leave as he struggles to put words together. He looks happy and relieved ontop of being clearly aroused.
"You're so pretty Jamie." That is no lie, he is the most beautiful person you've ever seen and you feel insanely lucky to have him all for yourself. The real him.
You're just about finished with doing his makeup and you lean down to whisper in his ear again, with a plan to make him lose his mind. You want to do him so bad. "You're such...a pretty girl."
His only reaction was to moan and tremble. His eyes were wide looking at you in disbelief, he's so fucking turned on. It's like you've presented him with a brand new revelation. His breath is shaky he can't even speak up.
"Aren't you?“ you tilt your head playfully at him, hoping he'd respond even more positively.
"...! Y-yes!"
"You really are... My pretty girl..." You put the makeup back in the bag now that you're done and give him your full attention. You straddle him tighter and grind down harder. His cock is leaving a stain through his underwear *and* pants. That's a first. "...Jamie..." You moan once more into his ear, "do you want me to take care of you?~" you tease.
"Please!“ the lack of hesitation makes you happy and proud. You love how excited he always is to be touched by you.
"I'll think about it" you joke, "But first," you lift yourself up and hold his hand, pulling him to you, "Come here baby..."
He follows after you and you motion him to sit at the edge of the bed and once he does, you point your finger towards to full lenght mirror of his. "Look at how beautiful you are... You're so pretty, aren't you?" You ask quietly as you fill his neck with kisses from behind.
He's moaning and whimpering softly in response.
You undo the tie on his hair, letting his silky hair cascade down his back and shoulders.
You wrap your hands around him and start removing his shirt and feeling him up at the same time. His face turns around enough to meet yours and starts kissing you sloppily. You can taste his lipgloss, it makes you go insane with desire.
"Watch out pretty girl, we don't want to mess up that pretty face of yours now..." His legs are shut tight, trying to contain how hard and wet he is. "But we do want to make a mess elsewhere...don't we?“ Your hand snakes downwards slipping under his waist band and gripping a thigh and pulling outward, he takes the hint and spreads them.
"Look at the mess you've done already... You're so wet for me baby..." You know he would come undone at the slightest graze of your hand right now, you want to extend this *just* a bit further. He just looks so insanely hot, everything about this is perfect. "What do you want me to do to you? Princess?“ You kiss his cheek from behind, embracing him like this is so good, it makes you feel powerful.
"I- I want you to touch me...please..." His breath is ragged, his words slurred, his eyelids heavy, his chest heaving up and down at the same pace as his cock.
"Is that so? Well then..." You take his twitching member in your hand, wrapping it tight. "I want you to look at yourself when I make you come, yeah?" He nods fast, "I want you to see me mess up this pretty little thing..." You sound a bit mean but that only riles him up further.
You start pumping your first up and down, he's getting sweatier and not a single coherent sentence exits his mouth. He can't keep it shut either. A plethora of "ahs", hisses, whines, whimpers and breathy "please's" are all that he can muster. His body is limp and leaning fully on you, you worry that you might've broken him for a second until he springs back up, forearms supporting his torso, tensed up as he furrows his brows and pulls his knees together.
"Ah- I- I'm gonna-" he's hiccuping and quaking, you know he'll come hard, "I'm going to- c-c-".
You pull his hair forcing his head up so he can look at his reflection straight on and growl in his ear repeatedly to push him towards the edge, "Do it. Come for me. Be a good girl and come for me, I can't wait to taste you. Come on."
The sight of himself coupled with your dirty mantra is enough to give him the final push.
He can't help but shut his eyes tightly with tears forming at the corners when his cock finally gives in and spurts all over his torso. Some inevitability getting on his pants. You continue pumping him until he's been drained dry of energy. "Good girl." You kiss his neck softly. "You're so good for me Jamie..."
You let him lay back down on the bed with you and kiss him slow and passionately holding his head softly. Once you've broken away from the kiss you make sure he's feeling ok.
He nods and smiles. He looks so relieved and happy and sweet. It makes your heart flutter.
"Was it too much? I'll never do it again if you don't want me to." You're a bit scared you went too far and too fast.
He lets out a short laugh while holding tight onto you. "I'd feel awfully depressed if you never did it again. I loved it. I love you."
"I'll make sure to do it often then~" you tease at him. "Let's get you cleaned up for now yeah?"
Your brain is still in a rush, thinking of ideas for next time. You can't wait to make him feel as pretty and cared for as possible.
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heart-strong · 2 years
the list of men i have shouted "i love one man" to during the shows
1. my cat, not from a tv show, but i love this cat so much hes a pretty cool cat his name is kylo ren and has the facial structure of kylo ren and he really is the vibe
Sits around all day watching twitch streamers and anime with my sister all day and when I say all day i mean all day 10 am in the morning to 10 at night.
2. dr spencer reid
do i need to explain my whole blog was based on him for over a year. also he's just like me a small (i do still love him when he thickness in the later seasons) anxious bisexual nonbinary with a hyper fixation we decided to go to college for and no ability to do sports. Also neurodivergent and childhood trauma.
3. amajiki
this my hero acidemia boy just radiates the same energy I radiate. have you seen him in the entirety of season 5 episode 1 he is too precious for this world.
4. finn hudson
this man is just a giant dork, and glee was never the same I genuinely will rewatch his little expressions and one-liners during season 3 because it is so good. I mean go and watch season three of glee and watch Finn the whole time
I would like to say that kurt is my favorite male character but i am not sexually attracted to him.
but I will be a happy person if you just give me the hudson-hummel boys
5. leo roth
if you saw red band society you would understand but also he is sometimes a dick but i'm not anything if i'm not attracted to slightly toxic men
this man is so sweet and I just dream about how he would of grown if the show was picked up for a second season. if you havent watched red band society i recommend it.
6. stiles stalinski
ill point you to the god-awfulness that is season 6 of teen wolf dylan obrien and stiles made that show and i would like to cuddle
when this man is on the screen the eyes go to him and he is just so funny the show just got bland when he left and when he show up with lydia in those last few episodes it was perfection.
but also I would never take him away from lydia they are perfect for each other and I love them, can I have a threesome, please?
we also ignore the shit show that was the movie.
7. shoyo hinata
this little ginger fireball has my entire heart and I would like to lift him above my head for him to win even though it is definitely against the rules
8. Camoron Goodkin
yo stichers was this weird show that I didn't think anyone watched and then jake or logan paul showed up and I stopped watching but before that cameron was my everything. I have since finished it and feel the same feelings for cameron.
camoron goodkin has a heart condition just like me and it's actually kinda accurate and he had a scar like mine and the younger me was like “oh my god i can find love” because Cameron got a sexy blond and i wanted a sexy blond.
9. Bow
I love how he’s so smart and dumb at the same time. Also his shoe tread is little hearts I mean that’s everything. Go watch she ra all of the characters are adorable and I would take a fucking bullet for them.
10. nick nelson
I read the comics way before the show and then the show came out and I was a goner. he is everything and kit Connor deserves so much better.
11. the greys anatomy boys(and kai)
alex and mark are my everything. complete dicks, or you're supposed to hate them when they come in, and then you fall in love. even though mark comes in on season 2 his time felt so quick this time around I miss him. and alex, come on he's a peds surgeon who is amazing with kids and parents I can definitely understand why the single moms soon.
I'd like to also mention kai bartley but they are not a man but I still love them so much. and I'm counting it because they get to kiss amelia shepherd and I'd like to kiss amelia shepherd. but do not think that just because I'm mentioning them on this list it means I'm ignoring their identity because i am not. i'd just like another threesome or poly situation with them.
that's my last one for now. i might add later.
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whynot-tryit · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: You were known for being shy and Eddie loves making you blush. But after a party you’re a bit drunk and now it’s your turn to make him blush.
Warnings: Just some kissing you horny bastards 
Ever since you were a kid you never put yourself out there. You were much more on the quieter side, kept to yourself except for the handful of friends you had which were much louder than you would ever even think of being. One of those friends in your sparse collection was none other than Eddie Munson. A man known for his boldness, theatrics, and loudness. One thing he was especially known for was making you blush. Every chance this man had, he took. Now you liked the compliments, but what really drove you was the little smile that would grace his face once he saw the redness that would creep up the apples of your cheeks. Not that you’re really complaining. If anything you really liked it, but on so many occasions you have tried to dish these compliments back at him only for him to hit you right back and you’d end up blushing even harder.
You always thought it was just apart of him and his friendship, never even imagining he would be doing it for another reason. But Eddie did have his reasons, many of them. He loved the blushing, the way your head would dip down to your chest and how you’d fiddled with your hands trying to come up with something to say back to him. Eddie thought it was absolutely adorable, he thought you were adorable. Maybe if he told you he thought you were beautiful enough times you would believe it, and god did he want you to believe it. 
On this specific day, Eddie has dished out quite a few one liners and you didn’t think your cheeks would stop aching from blushing so much anytime soon. 
“Why are you smiling so much?” 
You come out of your day dream and turn to look at your friend, Susan. “Ummm, no reason. Just having a good day toady I guess.” You say in response to her question. “No reason? You sure it’s not from Munson’s comment on the color of your eyes?”
“Of course not, you know how he is. “
“You’re right, I know how he is, just you know, madly in love with you.”
You almost choke on your spit at the last part of Susan’s sentence. “Excuse me, what would make you come to that conclusion?”
“Oh you know, all the compliments, the longing looks, the fleeting touches. I mean come on some amateur writer can make a best selling romance novel out of this shit.”
You rolled your eyes. You rack your mind trying to find something to change the direction of the conversation. “Do you think you’re gonna go to that house party tonight?” You ask.
“Only if you come with of course.” Susan says with a bright smile on her face she only ever brings out when she wants to persuade you to do something you’ll most likely regret. You start feeling a knot in your stomach once it hits you that she will for sure bing persuading you into going to the party with her. You let out a deep irritated sigh and start to make your way to the last class of the day.
You were right. Susan did manage to persuade you into going to tonights party, god you hated how gullible you were. Thats all you kept repeating in your head while walking out of your last class and to the parking lot in front of the school. You’re almost to your car when you hear the sound of fast paced foot steps hitting the gravel and what seems like a key chain. You turn around, already knowing who it was.
“Hey sweetheart, did you get even prettier since I saw you at lunch?”
You already feel the heat rushing to your face but you still let a small smile grace your face and look up at Eddie. “Hi Eddie,” you say tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear, “you weren’t in Mrs. Stanely’s class today.”
“Awww, did you miss me?” You blush even harder, dipping your head down.
“Adorable.” He says stopping just a foot away from you and crossing his arms in front of him. “So heard you were going to that party later tonight.” 
“Yeah I am actually, who told you that?” 
“Susan, that girl can’t keep quiet even if you duck taped her mouth shut.”
You let out a light chuckle at that, you know its true anyway, Susan was always loud it was one of the many traits that brought you two together. “Well, um, I just wanted to double check since you don’t usually go to these types of things.” Eddie says taking an extra step closer to you. “Oh um, yeah, she pretty much is dragging me with her, could be fun.” You say having to crane your neck up a bit more now that he’s closer. 
“Well I’ll be there later tonight too, parties are good for business.” You nod at his statement, feeling a small flutter in your stomach knowing you’ll see him tonight. Eddie steps one more step forward and lifts his hand up to tuck that lose strand of hair back behind you ear, “I also gotta be there to make sure no one steals you away, princess.” He says, keeping the hand he used to push your hair back on the side of your face. The coolness of the rings on his finger did nothing to help the hotness that rush through your face at his words. “Steals me? What does that even mean?” You ask, voice low, you can’t seem to tear your eyes away from his. Can’t seem to stop yourself from glancing down to his lips that are already pulled into a smile when he sees where your eyes are focused on. “I can’t have anyone else making you blush like I do. Thats my job.” He finishes his sentence with one final stroke of your cheek and one more toothy smile. “I’ll see you tonight, sweetheart.” Eddie slowly takes a step back and then another before turning around and walking to his van, throwing one more smile over his shoulder for you.
Sweet baby jesus, this man was gonna make you melt, right into a puddle and into a black hole. You don’t know how and when you broke out of the little trance he left you in but you make it into your car and take a deep breath before driving home. Susan was gonna come over soon to start getting ready for tonight.
“Okay so are we going for the fuck me look or the I’m cool look?”
You let out a sigh, “why are those my only two options?”. “Well since you said Munson is gonna be there maybe this will finally be the chance to break that tension you guys have.” You roll your eyes for what felt like the tenth time today. “Stop saying that, you know thats not gonna happen.” Did you like Eddie? Yes, yes you did. Were you ever going to say something about it to him? Probably never. If it were up to you, you’d probably take it to your grave. He just liked to poke fun at you with all the compliments he laid on you, nothing more. 
“How about this. Lets let lose tonight, drink up, and maybe you’ll get some liquid courage if you know what I mean.” Susan said turning her head towards you and raising a brow. You thought about it for a second or two, she’s right. You didn’t drink often but you knew you were much more laid back when you did. Maybe you could make a move tonight, say something, make him blush for once. The thought of a blush on Eddie Munson face brought a small smile to your face. You’d love to see that. “You know what, maybe I will.” You say finally looking up from your bed. Susan shoots you a very surprised look before giving you a wide smile. She lets out a little excited squeal and jumps up and down for a moments before going back to her vanity to fix up her makeup. You can’t help keeping the smile on your face while you change into the outfit, hair and makeup already being done. 
The good thing was that the party was only two blocks away which meant you guys could walk and better yet, you both could drink as much as you wanted. You and Susan made your way out onto the street and made your way to the house. 
You’re an hour in, empty red solo cup in hand, still no sign of Eddie. You feel yourself start to wonder if maybe he lied about coming tonight, maybe changed his mind last minute. The thought caused a small knot to form in your stomach. You had had a couple drinks, nothing too crazy, you’re just starting to feel the heat creeping in your chest making its way up your neck and into your head which felt a little foggy. You couldn’t say the same for Susan, that girl was a chugger and not even you could stop her. Speaking of which, you could not find her. Your eyes scan the room, falling on each individual face trying pick her out but to no result. Making your way through the crowd you venture out into one of the halls, maybe she made her way to the bathroom. Yup, no sign of her. You let out another sigh and make your way back to the kitchen to grab one more drink. 
“Y/n!”, you turn your head in the direction of your name. Its Noah, a classmate of yours in one of your morning classes. “Hey Noah, didn’t think I’d see you here.” You say, “I definitely didn’t expect to see you here either, gorgeous.” He’s leaning against the wall now, about an inch too close for comfort, you take a small step back just to leave enough room between the both of you. The nickname gorgeous usually has you blushing and stuttering but something felt different when you heard it come out of Noah’s mouth. You didn’t blush.
 “I came here with Susan, she doesn’t like to come alone to these kinds of things.” 
“Ahh, that makes sense. Well are you least enjoying the party?” 
Racking your head for a good word for how tonight is going takes a lot longer than you thought but you settle on, “Its alright I guess, nothing amazing.” Noah nods his head, a silent form of agreement. You turn your head back out to the crowd, trying to catch Susan in the crowd. You don’t see her but your eyes glance to the hall way and there he is. Eddie is speaking to some party kid, probably making some kind of deal. You can’t help the big smile that makes its way onto your face. You look back to Noah and excuse yourself, not bothering to hear his response to your abrupt departure. Making your way through the crowd towards him, bumping shoulders with multiple people, almost loosing your footing a couple times. As you finally make it through you see Eddie finish his deal and about to turn around to head outside.
“Eddie!” You’re only five feet away now and he turns around at the sound of his name. Once his eyes fall on you making your way to cross the last couple of feet to him he lets out a wide toothy smile. “Princess!”, you have no clue what came over you but the excitement of seeing him, the smile, the nickname. You finally reach him and wrap your arms around his waist and rest your cheek on his chest, after a second or two you pull away keeping a hold of his shirt in between your fingers by his waist and look up at him. You see a look you haven’t seen before on his face. Somewhere between surprised and happy. “I thought you’d change your mind about coming, thought I wasn’t gonna get the chance to see you.” You can’t wipe the smile on your face while you say it, god you were just so happy to see him. Eddie sees your excitement and his smile gets even bigger, not pulling away from the grip you have on his shirt.
“Oh so you’re happy to see me?”
“Of course I am, I’m always happy to see you Eddie.” 
Maybe the drinks you had had some truth serum slipped into them but you didn’t have the heart to care. You were always happy to see him and at this very moment you had no problem telling him that. His eyes seem to look even deeper into you if that was even possible and that smile it was like it was tattooed to his face. He brings up his hands and cups both your shoulders. “How much have you had to drink, sweetheart?” 
“Not that much really.” You still haven’t let go of his shirt and to be honest you don’t want to let go anytime soon. Eddie’s smile simmers down just a bit while his eyes scan your face trying make out if you were telling the truth or not. You two are too focused on each other until someone comes up from behind you and accidentally bumps into your back just a little too hard making you trip forward straight into Eddie’s chest, his arms go around you squishing you into his chest, muttering something along the lines of calling someone an asshole. He looks down at you, you’re chest to chest now, “wanna get out of here?”. You think about Susan for a bit, you still have no idea where she is. She can find you later, you know she would be pushing you to say yes to him. “Yeah lets go.” You push yourself away and take ahold of his hand and make your way to the back door of the house and step out, going towards the side of the garage. A perfect amount of secludedness yet not too far away from the party. 
You finally let go of his hand and plop yourself down on a stone, theres a cluster of them next to the garage. Eddie takes a seat on one as well, right next to you. Thinking back about what Susan said while you guys were getting ready, you decide tonight is the night. Your goal was to make Eddie Munson blush. Looking over at him you realize he’s already staring at you, forearms on his knees, hands holding one another. You don’t know what it is about his face, if its his eyes, his hair, oh god how much you wanted to put your hands in it. And his lips, what it would feel like to kiss him. Eddie doesn’t know what to say either, the way your eyes are tracing his face has him feeling jittery and he has no idea what to do about it. “Whats with the staring, princess?” He asks, “I just think you’re really handsome.” You say it with a smile and Eddie feels like he short circuits. Much to your dismay he doesn’t blush but he does let out a chuckle and small smile while turning his head, cutting eye contact for a few short moments before continuing it again. You come up with an idea.
“Can I ask you a question?” You ask while starting to fiddle with a thread that hangs off of your jean clad thighs. “yeah, shoot.” 
“Why do you compliment me all the time? Is it like a new form of bullying that I don’t know about?”
“God no princess. But if you want me to be honest you’re gonna have to get closer.” You see the smirk on his face before he finishes his sentence. If this interaction happened at school and you were stone cold sober you might have just made up some excuse and get yourself out of there but something tells you, probably Susan’s voice in the back of your head, to play along. 
You get up and take a step towards him, bending down to push his forearms off his knees and slide yourself onto his lap. With your legs dangling off one side of him and hands coming to brush against the lapel of his leather jacket. “Is this close enough?” Looking at him, you might not have caught it if you didn’t hold your gaze on his face but you did. The faint blush that spread across his cheeks sent a wave of satisfaction through your body and a little something else that you couldn’t put your finger on, the site of it bordered on the edge of addicting. You needed more of it. 
“y-yeah, yeah... it’s perfect.” Eddie stutters, wrapping his arms around your waist to make sure you don’t slide off his lap. 
“So now can I ask you that question.”
“Go for it princess.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and start fiddling with his hair, eyes scanning his face while you gather the courage you have left for the night to string a few word together and ask. 
“Do you actually think I’m pretty?” You somehow manage to hold eye contact when you finally push the words out of your mouth. Eddie’s eyes show a look of sincerity and it calms the butterflies you’ve had in your stomach since you’ve sat in his lap. “I think you’re gorgeous.” God that smirk. You bite your lip trying to stop yourself from smiling so wide. But theres one more part of your question you ave to ask him. 
“Then why have you never tried to kiss me?”
Eddies eyes widen, his mouth opens and closes trying to formulate a response but he comes up empty. “I mean if you think I’m so pretty I would say you wanted to kiss me.” You shuffle in his lap making sure you face him. “Don’t you want to kiss me?” Eddies fingers start rubbing circled into the skin on your waist, eyes darting around your face trying to again formulate a response. He finally finds the words. 
“Yes I want to, I’ve been wanting to... but I -” 
“Then do it.” 
You don’t know where this courage is or where that shy version of you went to hide but you have never wanted something so bad, to kiss Eddie, right here and right now. You scoot yourself up his thighs a bit, your noses are an inch apart and your eyes dart from his eyes down to his lips for a split second and Eddie sees. You don’t mind the silence, if anything you feel powerful being able to render the man you think so highly of absolutely speechless. Your hands slide from the back of his neck and through his hair and up his jaw, now holding his face in your hands with your thumbs swiping his cheeks.
Eddie grabs your wrists halting the motion of your thumbs. “Are you sure you want to kiss me?” You can’t help the smile that forms on your lips. Eddie Munson was always the gentlemen, you remember describing him as that to Susan and her calling you a liar, not believing you. You thought about all the doors he held open for you, that time he tied your shoe lace when your hands were full of textbooks and how you have never once felt uncomfortable by his words or action. Yes you wanted to kiss him and even more. 
“Yes and if you don’t kiss me right now I’m gonna do it myse-”
Eddie puts his hand on either side of your face and brings your lips to his. They’re soft, a lot more softer than you ever dreamed of them being. You slide your tongue across his bottom lip asking to go deeper, he complies. You tilt your head to the side deepening the kiss. He copies you, tilting his head too and slowly brings his hands to the back of your head, wading his fingers through your hair. Your hands slowly made the decent from his face to his chest, grabbing onto his shirt and pulling, wanting to get as close as possible. Eddie nipped at your lip and you let out a whimper. He groans into the kiss and tugs at your hair. You pull away, out of breath and resting your forehead against his and slowly open your eyes to see Eddie already staring at you. His eyes are half lidded and glazed over, his lips are wet and swollen and theres even a hint of a faint red hue dusting his cheeks. You smile and let out a little chuckle.
You’re about to head in for a second round when you hear your name, it’s Susan. 
You lift your head up and turn it in the direction of the house and see her on the back patio searching for you.
You turn back to Eddie who still hasn’t taken his eyes off of you. Taking a chance you put your hands on the sides of his face and pull his to you and place a kiss to the spot between his brows. “I’ll see you at school, handsome.” You say while pulling yourself away from him, slowly pulling yourself from his lap and onto your feet. You go to turn away but Eddies hand darts out and he loops a hand in the belt hoop of your jeans pulling you back to stand in front of him. He stares up at you, eyes full of uncertainty. 
“Can I.. um call you?”
You send him a smile and nod your head. He lets go and you make your way back to the house to find Susan and head home. You smile the whole way back and it widens when you finally get into your pajamas and hear the phone in the corner of your room ring.  
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yunhohours · 2 years
kind of a fluffy ask, but ateez or txt and reader in a flirty x awkward relationship. who's what? lowkey think hongjoong would be the awkward one. also tell me why yeonjun is so cute when he's flustered??
okay, i love this idea so why not both? 🤪
Awkward x Flirty Relationship - ATEEZ & TXT
hongjoong: the reason you think he's the awkward one is because he is. i mean... we've all seen him on jessi's showterview. that shit was EMBARRASSING 😭 he's cute though so you'd let it slide. he hates how easily flustered he is by you, but he also finds your charm insanely sexy. as usual with hongjoong, it's bittersweet. tries to pretend like he's cool and not at all affected by you but baby who are you fooling? no one.
seonghwa: god, i can really see seonghwa being either/both. like on the days he's feeling himself, you've never seen smoothness like that. probably has your head empty all day long because he keeps you on your toes with whispered words and subtle touches that linger on your skin. but on days where he's just kinda... existing he'll be more awkward. like lil awkward smiles and not quite knowing how to handle you being so flirty with him even though he likes it a lot. i think this is a relationship where you each play both parts depending on the day. (and that's fun love that for you)
yunho: BOTH. we've seen how yunho is. he's always bold, but in a shy way? he's so cute sjfsfsfa. wouldn't hesitate to say something that would catch you off guard in the best possible way, but if you matched his energy he just might shy smile into oblivion. i think overall he would be the flirty one, though. he wouldn't let getting flustered stop him from making you swoon. he likes that feeling way too much. if you're flirty with him, he'll push past that shyness to one-up you because you deserve it. if you're awkward, he'll badger you with charm until you no longer feel awkward with him.
yeosang: listen. the duality in this group is really fucking up this list lmao. i can almost say both for all of them. but fr, yeosang is both okay. he starts out as the awkward one because he doesn't want to cross any boundaries with you. he blushes like crazy when you flirt with him and avoids eye contact because he knows his cheeks are bright red. but as he gets more comfortable with you, the roles switch. you know that deadpan humor he's best known for? he's like that when he says some shit that makes you squirm in your seat. would drop a one-liner that leaves your mouth dry and just smile politely and walk away like he didn't do anything. he's a menace.
san: zero people are surprised that he's the flirty one. pretty sure san flirts with anyone and anything that crosses his path. it's just his mode of communication at this point. you're the awkward one because seconds after meeting this handsome mf he's winking at you and holding eye contact with you like you know each other like that when you definitely do not. he relishes in any and every reaction he gets out of you so any blush or nervous shifting of your body will be both noted and adored by him.
mingi: the awkward one. he loooooves the attention you give him, maybe a little too much. he gets so wrapped up in your affection that his brain forgets how to work properly so he's got nothing for you but a big smile that takes up half his face and giggles. he can hype himself up to charm you on occasion too, but it doesn't come as effortlessly as it does for you. unless we're talking about on stage we all know he exudes charm up there if you can call it that
wooyoung: the flirty one. awkward is not in his vocabulary. even if you tried to fluster him, he would outdo you. probably does a lot of nonverbal flirting with you. gazes at you in a way that makes you feel things, holds his lips in the perfect pout that keeps your eyes glued to them. smirks at you when he knows everything is going to plan, as expected. pain in the ass about it but you love it. definitely goes out of his way to fluster you in front of other people so you gotta stay strong 😭
jongho: both, but when he's flirting, it hits different. like with the other guys, it's pretty clear what they're trying to do. but with jongho... he doesn't even think of it as flirting. he's just stating facts. and that makes it worse somehow? like you're over here weak kneed and he's like ?? i just said the truth what about it 😌 definitely gets smiley and quiet when you flirt with him too though, especially if you really go for it. he won't be prepared for something that heavy. give him a minute though and he'll have something for you.
soobin: there is no universe in which soobin is anything but the awkward one. just the hint of a flirty tone will have him on his toes. if you hit him with a direct line, he's looking at you like a deer in headlights, eyes bigger than you've ever seen them. probably doesn't say a word for a minute because he's trying to process what's happening and how to respond at the same time. lowkey loves when you fluster him like that. that feeling is a real high for him and you can tell. he doesn't even have to tell you.
yeonjun: he's the flirty one all day long. even if he isn't feeling his best, he knows how to fake it until he makes it. loves to watch you respond to him even if it's all completely nonverbal. probably likes it even more then because it feels like it "worked" better. he knows if you're so affected by him that you can't formulate a response, he's got you wrapped around his finger right where he wants you. probably doesn't get flustered easily, but on the off-chance you catch him off guard, you're absolutely right that it's the cutest thing ever. he may not feel that way but it is.
beomgyu: the flirty one. i definitely think he gets flustered more easily than yeonjun, but he can cover it up much easier than other people. he can just laugh it off and pretend it doesn't affect him and he'll be pretty successful at this unless you're really good at reading people. it might even annoy you sometimes because you're trying to get a certain response out of him, but he's laughing you off and it makes you want to smack him lmao. but he f l i r t s, okay? always says some shit when you least expect it. like pulls you into him like he needs to whisper something important to you only to look directly into your eyes and tell you that he likes the perfume you're wearing today. keeps staring into your soul for a solid minute before diverting his attention elsewhere to leave you wondering, imagining.
taehyun: the awkward one. he's more subtle about things generally, so if you flirt with him in an obvious way, it makes him nervous. he'll just kinda smile at you and awkward chuckle before changing the subject because he does not know what to do in that situation. he's not even sure if he likes it because he's not necessarily a fan of things he's not good at oops. as he warms up to it and you, though, i can see him getting flirtier. i don't think he'd ever be the in-your-face kind of flirty, but he'll occasionally surprise you with a blunt take that steals the words out of your mouth.
hueningkai: both and neither? he's not particularly flirty nor particularly awkward. he'll engage in light flirting and finds it amusing. he doesn't fluster very easily with you unless you're at the top of your game, and even then, he's not so flustered that he's awkward. has no problem initiating with you either. will not hesitate to toss you a line over text with a winky emoji in the middle of the day for no reason at all. he's just vibing, you know? he's having a good time being with you. it's not so heavy for him.
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inxmz · 3 years
𝚕̶𝚞̶𝚜̶𝚝̶𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘵 𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝗣𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝗿(𝗧𝗼𝗯𝗲𝘆𝘀) 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆- 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺, 𝘴𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵. 
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬- 𝘚𝘮𝘶𝘵, 𝘖𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘧𝘦𝘮 & 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘤 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧, 𝘶𝘯𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘹
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1,887
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You paced slowly around your room, replaying the conversation you had had earlier in your mind,
“Hey, can we talk” you spoke softly to your boyfriend.  
“Yeah sure” peter smiled and gazed up to you with his icy blue eyes making contact with yours. Your heart fluttered as you noticed how he always paid you his full attention.  
“Well, I was thinking,” you sighed trying to gather your words together,
“We’ve been dating for a while now and I think we should take the next step in our relationship”
“And by next step you mean” you nodded your head as he spoke conforming his Thoughts.  
“Ohhh” he smiled nervously and looked down at the ground for a moment. You adored him. His subtle awkward shyness made your heart melt. It also amazed you at how this boy who fights crime and puts himself in danger daily, was so sweet.
“Yes of course I’d love to, but I don’t want you to feel any pressure or that you have to-”
You crashed your lips against his and he swiftly placed his hand on your face. But this time you grabbed his hand from your face and slowly guided it down to your breast without breaking contact and placed your hand on top of his as he began caressing you, you forced him to squeeze harder. Then moaned into the kiss, leaning forward trying to consume his pretty pink lips in your fuller ones but he suddenly pulled away.
“Peter please, I need you” your voice whiny and full of desire, staring at him with doe eyes.
“I want to, there’s nothing more I’d rather do right now” he mumbled and looked away haplessly.
“But I have work soon and I want to take my time with you Y/N you deserve that, you deserve something special” he gripped your hand gently and kissed your cheek.
Shaking your head slightly you stared at him in awe.  
“Okay, come see me tonight then?” you asked endearingly.
“I’ll be here, don’t worry” he chuckled.  
He stepped up and reached for his jacket, and adjusted his tie, you noticed his red spiderman suit under his shirt. Your stomach suddenly twisted into a knot, you knew that he had to help and protect people, heck you loved him for it. But it worried you immensely, the anxiety that came with not knowing whether he was safe or not. The risk of him being injured or worse, it made your heart sink. He said his goodbyes and began walking towards the door.
“Hey peter”
“Yeah” he spun around.
“Be careful okay, I don’t want anything to happen to you”  
“Cause of tonight” he smirked
“NO in general” you exclaimed slightly offended by the assumption and also because it was partially true.
Peter picked up on that and raised his eyebrows.
“You sure?”
“Maybe just a bit, but mostly cause I care and don’t want you getting hurt”
“I won't” he said trying to reassure you, it didn’t really work. He smiled and kissed your forehead
“I'll be careful don’t worry " he started to turn around
“I love you”
“I know” he joked. You rolled your eyes at him.  
“I love you more” he responded
“It’s not a competition”  
“If it was, I’d win.”
It was now dark, you wandered over to your mirror and gazed; it was a full-length gold-framed mirror. You began examining yourself. The black silk nightgown you wore fit perfectly, accentuating your waist and curves. Your breasts sitting high and perky, hard nipples visibly pushing against it. There was a slight chill in your apartment since you had left your window open. You added volume to your luscious hair by pushing your fingers through it. You were not shallow in the least, but damn did you look good. Black winged liner, rose tinted cheeks, and subtle make-up to enhance your porcelain skin. It provided you with a much-needed confidence boost.  
Peter came to mind next, with his muscular arms, toned torso, and sleek brown hair. He made you weak; an aching began in your core, and it felt like a slap in the face, given how desperately you wanted him, how long you've yearned for him.
Strolling over to your bed you lay down and sigh. Slowly trailing your hand down to just above your thigh. Thoughts of your boyfriend soon flooded your mind as you began touching yourself. Wetness began to coat your fingers as you edged yourself sliding your soaked finger over your clit.
“I can help with that”
You jolted up and turned your head to your window. You weren't expecting him to climb through your 8-story floor window but damn where you glad he did. He took a step toward you, and you couldn't help but smile as you pushed yourself off the bed and walked over to him.  
You felt a pulsing deep inside you as in a second you found yourself slamming into a wall with his lips pressing against yours. You felt a bulge push against your crotch. Your eyes fell on each other. Both clearly drowning in lust and desire.
“Are you 100 percent sure you-”  
Kissing him gently you took the words from his mouth then moving your lips to his neck you started to suck hard slightly biting his skin between your teeth.  
“Does that answer your question?”  you looked up to him fluttering your lashes.
His cheeks began to redden, and you could of swore he gulped.
You switched positions, this time with him against the wall.
Quickly helping him pull his grey sweatshirt off over his head, it was clear you didn’t want to wait any longer. Your eyes trailed to his lean figure, taking in every detail, his pale skin glistening in the darkness, the blueish purple bruises vividly marked his skin across his torso, his defined abs. Reaching your hands down you started undoing the button on his jeans and pulling the zipper down. Planting kisses starting the nape of his neck all the way across his abdomen you fell to your knees. Achingly slow in your movements you pulled his pants down whilst staring into his eyes.  
Your eyes fell to his huge bulge in his boxers. Gliding your fingers up his leg you trailed your nails against his inner thighs pushing them against his boxers. He groaned; you noticed his breathing deepened when you pulled them down. His growing erection sprang free, and you could stop yourself from gasping. He was large. You reached your hand over and began pumping him in a pain-stakingly slow movement.  
He leaned his head against the wall.
“Y/N please, don’t tease, you'll wish you didn't later”
The urge to edge him more seemed irresistible but you couldn’t deny the desperation in yourself to please him, satisfy him, watch come undone by your movements.
“Was that a threat” you spoke sarcastically.  
He shook his head and opened his mouth to speak. But no words came out. Just a sharp intake of breath as you took his dick in your mouth. Sucking relentlessly at his tip. You licked him from his base all the way to his tip in one stripe. Listening to his whines as you took extra care to make small circular movements at his tip.
“F-Fuck Y/N” he stuttered.  
Rolling his eyes to the back of his head you watched intently as you deep throated him with ease. All of a sudden, he reached his hand down and pulled on your hair, grasping it in his fist. He started thrusting deeper into your throat, bucking his Hips forward in sharp movements, you struggle to keep up. Tears formed in your eyes as you found yourself slightly gagging due to him fucking your throat faster and deeper than you expected. It wasn’t often that you saw him like this, but you were more than happy to comply. Humming vigorously, you vibrated against his cock causing him to let out a pornographic moan. You loved him being vocal.
“I-I’m c-close" he trembled barley able to get any words out.  
His grip loosened on your hair, then he seemed like he was about to pull out. Instead, in a single movement you pushed him against the wall leaving him no space to pull out, then slamming his throbbing cock down your throat you gulped steadily whilst his warm seed slid down. His whole body trembled as you took him.  
After he held out his hand to help you up, staring down at you in the moonlit room. He brought his hand to your face and pushed his thump against your lips, gazing passionately into your glistening eyes.  
Breathlessly you spoke
“Did you enjoy-”
Your heart fluttered as he kissed you intensely, everything suddenly seemed Surreal and all that mattered was untamed frenzy of this kiss. Your Tongues danced against each other, and you only separated once you were in dire need of air.  
“Does that answer your question?” he asked playfully.
You couldn't help the smile forming on your face, you kissed him again and made your way over to your bed. You backed on slowly and pulled off your nightgown over your head. Peters' eyes couldn't stop themselves from admiring every inch of you.  
“My turn” he teased.
He began kissing your neck, his hand roaming to your breast and squeezing. Steadily he kissed downwards in between your breasts. You moaned delightfully as he grazed over your nipple. He kept going down kissing all across your body until he reached your core. You shudder as he licked in between your lips, then circled his tongue around your clit. You stared down at him lapping up your glistening juices and reached out and pulled on his hair forcing him closer. Whining feverishly as he pushed his tongue in and out of your entrance. Then moaned as he replaced it with his finger pumping in and out at a steady pace whilst sucking your clit. You held onto his hair tighter as you felt yourself coming undone.
“P-Peter I-I need you inside of m-me" you whimpered.  
He stared at you with his piercing blue eyes and brought himself face to face with you. You felt his tip pushing against your entrance. You both gasped as he thrusted into. Pleasure rippling through your body as he started to pick up his pace. You swung your arms over his back feeling his smooth skin and began digging into him as he bucked his hips further and further into you. He grunted into your ear as you started pulsating around him. His lips wrapped yours and you moaned into it. He gasped one of your hands and interlocked your fingers as he began to ram himself into you harder, you moved in sync as he pounded into your sweet spot without stopping. Moaning loudly at each thrust you knew you could hold it any longer. Peter could tell from how you were pulsating vigorously around him and started to snap his hips further. You exploded in ecstasy as you reached your climax, moaning louder than ever. Soon followed by peter who let out a loud groan and emptied himself into you.
He slumped himself at your side as you both struggled to catch your breath.
“We should do this more often”  
“Yeah, we should.”
𝘼/𝙉: 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙄'𝙫𝙚 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙨𝙤 𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙞𝙛 𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙮, 𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙨 𝙞𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙚𝙡𝙨𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙪𝙮𝙨 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 <3
@starfirette @angiekurosaki @vampireluck @lovingterran @mattmurdockssmile @hesitantt-aliens @ilikeromancealot @unsureofthe-future @everstonelunaI @kanaekocho @caspersnotebook @ashosho321 @floup-doodles @magicalmiserybore @moonxstar1 @nglyFollow @hello-i-love-hp-and-fandomhello-i-lov @creedtheconquer 
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elysiadjarin · 3 years
Day 3: Dacryphilia
Jesse Cromeans may be a ruthless killer, but at home with you? You’re the one in charge. And especially those days when you’re annoyed at how long he’s been gone and he comes back so desperate for your attention… well. You did so like to see him cry.
Day 3 of Kinktober has arrived! I actually think I discovered some things about myself writing this one, so y’all enjoy. 😂 Find my Kinktober Masterlist here.
Warnings: Minors DNI, this is 18+ content only. This one is a slasher x reader fic, so please beware of mentions of murder and assault as part of the territory, though nothing is explicitly mentioned. PinV unprotected sex, dacryphilia, desperation, cumplay.
Tags: Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull) x reader, slasher x reader, yandere!reader, soft femdom, sub/dom themes
Paint Splatters over Canvas
It was rather funny, really.
You scrolled through your phone, ignoring the giant man standing in the doorway of the room staring at you. Jesse had always made a point of never touching you without your permission. A way for him to separate the meaningless victims of his murderous hobby with you, his wife, his everything. And while of course your relationship stayed perfectly strong, you well aware of his hobby and he well aware of your own tendencies… it did sometimes backfire on him in the best worst ways.
Like now. When you were annoyed with him because he’d been gone an entire day later than he’d promised, extra dark web cash be damned. A promise was a promise, and it wasn’t as though he’d needed the money. He did have a perfectly legal and highly successful business, after all. So shouldn’t you have come first?
You liked revenge cold, playing the long game; something you had in common with Jesse. And today, you certainly had plans put in place for said revenge. Which, for the time being, meant ignoring Jesse. You had plenty to occupy you, from communications for the business to just working on your own projects. Still, you’d made sure to be just nonchalant enough to let him know that it was all so… deliberate.
Jesse shuffled in the doorway, clearly wanting your attention but knowing better than to think any sort of demanding would get him anywhere. He’d learned the hard way that at home, his power over subordinates decidedly did not apply to you. When you didn’t give him any response, he hovered for a moment, clearly trying to decide on what to do next.
You knew how he would get after a mission. Needy. Wanting. Starved for attention and affection from you. Pent up for days, probably thinking about you every spare moment between takes.
With a hum, you typed out a message on your phone before standing and heading for the doorway. You briefly looked up to see him as you brushed past in the doorway. “Oh, hi, Jesse,” you said, giving him a brief, distracted smile. “I’m off to get ready for a meeting with a client.” You headed for the bedroom, already thinking about your next steps.
You could hear him following behind you, could almost feel the mounting despair as he started to realized what was happening. Why you had used his name instead of the usual love, darling. His shoulders hunched, and you could see his face twist as he clearly tried to think of what to do. He already knew that you’d have your revenge however you wanted: apologies would be expected but certainly wouldn’t get him any closer to mercy.
Walking into the bedroom, you headed straight for the bathroom to start preparing. Jesse still trailed along behind you like a forlorn, helpless puppy, and you swore you could almost hear him let out a small whine. Pausing for a moment in front of your vanity, you dialed your friend’s number and set it to speaker, putting it down on the countertop and sitting in front of the mirror.
You tied your hair up and reached for your cosmetics, beginning the process as the phone dialed. Your friend picked up quickly, already in on your plan thanks to your texting. She always approved of your payback plans.
Bestie! I thought you said you had to prepare for the meeting? I mean, yknow, not that I don’t like hearing from you. She cheerfully teased over the phone.
You smiled. “Well yeah, I just sat down to do my makeup. But I mean, we did say we were going to talk about the party for little Jacen this weekend, and what better time than now? You can help me pick out an outfit once I’m done,” you cajoled, noticing how Jesse sat on the edge of the jacuzzi bathtub, unabashedly staring at you. He always had loved watching you get ready for an event. Not that you minded.
Fair enough. Your best friend admitted readily. But seriously, you didn’t have to go all out for Jacen like this. She half scolded. It’s so much!
You laughed lightly, the creamy foundation smoothing across your skin. “Oh c’mon, he’s my adorable little nephew in all but name. He deserves to get spoiled by his doting Aunt, let me have my fun,” you wheedled, knowing she would cave.
She sighed over the receiver. I swear, girl, you could convince anyone into anything.
“Or maybe I’m just your weakness, Miss Mara,” you teased back. The soft brush in your fingers blended the contour onto your face, and you smiled as you glanced at the phone. “But anyway, did you manage to figure out what he might want for a birthday present? Or are we going with my original idea to let him loose in a mall?”
Oh, no, you are so not buying him everything he points at. I’d never get him to not be a spoiled brat if I let you.Mara snorted. I’ll text you what I figured out, he seems to be pretty fixated on it right now.
“Ugh, fineeee,” you sighed, rolling your eyes. “But I’m going to at least get him that adorable motorized scooter I showed you before. He’s going to look so cute riding around in it.”
Fair enough I suppose. Better than the mall idea— wait, did you just get me to agree to something extravagant by threatening something so ridiculous—
“Anyway,” you interrupted blithely, “did you send out invitations to everyone?”
Yep, and I got back all the RSVPs. Speaking of which, I thought you said that you were meeting with the CEO of some business tonight? What’s that all about? I know you, you normally don’t like dealing with people.
You sighed. “Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag a little.” You pouted, reaching for the eyeshadow and liner. “Jesse was supposed to be back yesterday, but since he wasn’t I had to reschedule, and I promised to personally meet with the CEO in order to smooth over ruffled feathers. But besides that… I wanted to be there personally to see my best friend and her husband’s house finally paid off for their fifth anniversary.”
A pause. Then a screech that made you grin. You’re not serious! Babes, no, wait—
“No use protesting!” You said cheerfully, waving your brush. “It’s already been practically settled. Besides, you both need to start saving up for Jacen’s college funds. We did have the agreement that I’d open the doors to whatever college he wanted instead of just paying for it,” you reminded.
Ugh, I don’t know if I want to smack you or hug you, you sly little— Mara groaned. Wait till I tell Damien, he won’t know what hit him. She laughed. Thank you. You know how much it means to us. I won’t scold.
“Good.” You nodded. “And you know I’ll take care of you.”
She sighed. Never doubted it. So, how’s the process?
You hummed, pursing your lips as you finished the eyeshadow and grabbed the mascara. “About to do mascara, then all I have left is the lipstick. But shouldn’t I wait till we pick a dress before I actually pick a color?”
Probably. What’s the mood? You going for boss ass bitch, sultry Queen, or mysterious vampire lady? Amusement laced Mara’s voice.
“You’re not even in my house and yet you walked in and called me out to my face,” you said dryly, earning laughter. Jesse, you saw in the mirror, tilted his head with a small smile playing over his lips. He’d quietly observed the whole processes, eyes fixed on your face.
Only cause I love you. So, show me the closet, girl! Oh, show me your makeup first tho so we got reference.
You picked up the phone as you finished, turning on the camera so she could see your makeup sans the lipstick. She whistled, eyebrows wriggling teasingly as she grinned.
Oh, so mysterious vampire queen it is. She smirked. Closet. Though I do have the feeling that we’re going to be choosing a gorgeous red lipstick.
“Yes ma’am,” you answered, standing and heading for your closet. You heard Jesse stand and follow behind you, and stifled a smile. Flipping the camera, you started to flip through the racks of dresses. “Does that mean we’re leaning towards a black dress?”
Hmm, probably. Actually, how about one of your sleek black ones? The one with like, barely any frills and only a tiny bit of lace at the top. Off the shoulder. If you’re gonna try to assert dominance, probably drawing attention to your mouth and hands is the best way to go.
You tilted your head at the hangers, then nodded. “You’re right. Especially if I go for the red lipstick. I could also honestly use a glass of wine during that meeting,” you sighed.
Mara snickered. Blood in a wine glass? How stereotypical of you, madame.
“You hush, drama queen,” you said dryly, finding the dress she’d described and pulling it out.
Ooh, that’s the one! And I know you have that one crimson shade of lipstick that I always say looks vampiric.
You went back to the vanity and set the phone down, pretending to not notice that it showed Jesse standing in the doorway, clearly staring at you. You slid your shirt off, careful not to smudge any makeup, then slipped out of your pants and reached for the dress. Smoothing it over your front to get rid of any wrinkles, you sat back down and tilted the camera back to yourself, reaching for the lipstick.
“This one, right?” You waved it in front of your face.
Yep! That dress is stunning, by the way. Oh, and what are you doing with your hair?
“Ugh, I don’t really wanna bother too much with it, so I figured I’d go with the… messy, loose waves.” You shrugged, applying the lipstick.
Mara snorted. I think you mean, ‘sorry I’m late I was doing things’ while ignoring Jesse staggering behind you clearly radiating ‘I’m things’ energy.
You half-choked, laughing despite yourself. “Mara-! Seriously!”
She rolled her eyes at you. I’m just saying it like it is. But you go girlie, you look bomb. She laughed. Blow them all away. Be the boss bitch you are. A noise in the background interrupted her. Oop, that’s my cue. I gotta go, text me though okay?
“Will do, tell Damien and Jacen hi for me.” You smiled and hung up, finishing fluffing your hair. Standing, you grabbed the phone and headed for the door. “The meeting is in five minutes,” you remarked to Jesse as you passed him in the doorway. “If you want to join.”
You saw him type on his phone, the text to speech translator sounding a moment later. May I be there with you?
You flashed him a warm smile, as though you weren’t at all deliberately enacting revenge. “Of course! I’d love to have you there. Let’s go.” With a little hum, you headed towards the stairs.
Your phone pinged with a message. Girl, I swear he was drooling. You’re so mean sometimes. Not that he didn’t deserve it.
You suppressed a laugh, replying with one hand as your other slid down the bannister to guide you down the staircase. You know it. Mission so far successful. Wish me luck, I’m about to go into this meeting.
You looked up as you got to the bottom of the stairs, seeing an assistant waiting with the guest. The assistant bowed politely. “May I introduce Mr. Trace, CEO of Finley Bank.”
Giving the assistant a nod, you turned to Mr. Trace. “Greetings, Mr. Trace. Welcome! Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I do apologize for the delay,” you said, taking charge and sweeping towards the parlor.
He followed after automatically. “Of course, Mrs. Cromeans,” he answered, quickly recovering from his moment of bewilderment.
You motioned to a chair, sitting on the velvet couch across the coffee table. “Please, please, have a seat,” you said, keeping the easy smile on your face. “Can I get you a drink? Anything at all?”
He blinked, sitting down and setting his briefcase next to him. “Ah— thank you. I’d appreciate a scotch on the rocks if it’s available.”
“Of course,” you said easily, nodding to the maid standing nearby. “A red wine for me, please.” You smiled at Jesse as he sat next to you. “Your regular?” you asked sweetly. At his nod, you turned back to the maid. “And a glass of dry white.”
She bowed and went to go fetch the drinks.
“I’m sure you have plenty of other things to do, Mr. Trace,” you said smoothly, “so I’ll not take any more of your time than necessary. Of course, as I said, I’d like to discuss several things with you…”
Twenty minutes later found you leaning against the arm of the couch, feet propped up beside you as you swirled the last dregs of the red wine, tapping the glass with your fingernails. The CEO had long since emptied his scotch, and Jesse was on his second glass. His fingers kept clenching around the flute of his glass every time your feet brushed against his thigh.
“Of course,” Trace said with a nod, jotting down the final notes on the paperwork. “Easily managed. Are there any other details you would like to add or anything else to discuss?” He looked up at you.
Your tactics of firm politeness and the scotch seemed to have worked their charm, and you’d been able to rather easily dominate the flow of the interaction. Not to mention, Mara had been right about appearances clearly setting a tone. Trace seemed to be studiously avoiding eye contact with either you or Jesse.
“Not at all, Mr. Trace,” you said, a pleased note in your voice. “I’m rather pleased at how everything has turned out. We do so value your business, you know.” You tilted the glass in your fingers. “Shall I sign the papers?”
“At your leisure.” He slid them across the table toward you.
You slowly uncurled yourself like a lazy feline, straightening yourself and leaning over to set the glass down on the table. Grasping the pen, you slowly signed your name on the papers, eyes glancing over the print to ascertain that everything was in order. Shuffling through the papers, you finally set the pen down.
Trace took them back, glancing through them before nodding. “Everything seems to be in order.” He slid them back into his briefcase. “Thank you as always for your business, Mrs. Cromeans, Mr. Cromeans.”
You nodded, and Jesse stood, setting his glass down. You rose as well, sliding your arm into the crook of his elbow as he automatically adjusted for you. “And thank you for your help, Mr. Trace,” you answered easily. “I do hope you have a productive rest of the day. Do be safe out there.”
He nodded as the assistant returned to escort him out. “Same to you.”
With a hum, you absently patted Jesse’s arm and let yours slide out of his grasp, drifting towards the stairs again. “Oh, I need to go tell Mara it’s all confirmed. Besides, this dress is only comfortable for so long,” you remarked, pulling out your phone again.
Guess who completely owns their house now? You texted Mara, smiling. And your tactics worked, I think dominance was asserted.
You waltzed into the bedroom, headed straight for the closet. “Jesse, are you hungry? I think the food I ordered should have arrived by now, it should be in front of the TV. Maybe pick a movie? I still have a few messages to send.”
You changed into a comfortable black babydoll nightdress, sighing in relief as the silk slid over your skin. It was far more comfortable, and you could feel yourself finally starting to relax after the pent-up tension of the meeting. You really did hate dealing with people, especially ones like the CEO.
Your phone buzzed as you went to go pick it back up. You are literally the best. Now go finish seducing Jesse while I go figure out how to make this news sexy.
Stifling a snort, you went to go wipe your makeup off and wash your face. You could hear the sounds of the TV starting in the bedroom, so you took one more glance in the mirror before heading out into the room, still tapping at your phone. You still had to finish some arrangements for Jacen’s birthday, after all, and your revenge was still percolating.
Jesse’s head turned as soon as you approached the couch in front of the TV. You ignored the way he froze, sliding onto the couch and tucking your feet under a soft blanket. Sending off another message, you set it beside you and reached forward to grab a tray, pulling it into your lap.
“I figured you might not want anything too heavy since you just got back, so I kinda just made a guess and ended up ordering too much…” You frowned at the myriad of food laid out over the table. “Sorry, Jesse… I don’t even know if this is what you want—“
The text to speech cut you off. The food is fine, thank you. I’m sorry for being late. I know I can only make excuses, but I am sorry. Can I make it up to you?
A frown touched your lips as you picked up your spoon, still not looking at him. Your fingernails tapped against the screen of your phone. “Jacen asked the other day if Uncle Jesse would be at his party. I told him I didn’t know, but I’d ask.”
He quickly typed. Of course, if he asked for me, I’ll be sure to be there. His fingers paused, then he slowly typed again, as though hesitating. I got you a present while I was gone.
You hummed, swallowing your food and picking your phone back up. “He’ll be happy to hear it. And thank you for the present.” You sent a message to tell Mara that Jacen’s wish had been granted.
Jesse practically fidgeted as he ate, the movie playing in the background. You could feel his eyes slide from the screen to you, could almost hear the wheels in his head frantically turning. The tension in every line of his body was obvious, his movements stilted and jerky. He practically twitched every time you so much as moved.
Finally, you set down the tray, grabbing a mint to refresh your mouth. Shifting to get more comfortable, you angled yourself towards him a little more. You snitched a piece of food from his plate, letting out a hum as you smiled down at Mara’s message. If possible, Jesse stiffened even more, his fingers clenching so hard around his spoon that it even bent a little in his grasp.
A crumb fell from your fingers onto the lace edge of your nightgown, and you let out a quiet noise of protest as you looked down. Your fingers brushed against the top of your breast, brushing off the crumb. Sticking your finger in your mouth, you typed out a message in response to another conversation. With a sigh, you looked up and glanced over Jesse’s shoulder to see the lamp on the table next to him. Night had fallen, and shadows fell over the room.
Stirring yourself, you sat up, setting your phone down for a moment. “Can I turn on the lamp? I don’t wanna get up for the lights,” you said, starting to lean across him. Almost thoughtlessly, you placed your hand on his thigh and put your weight on it, reaching over his body on your hands and knees to pull at the cord on the lamp. The light clicked on, just as a low keening sound came from Jesse.
Your head tilted at the sound, and you turned to look up at his face. It was your turn to freeze.
Jesse’s face had crumpled, his soft green eyes literally awash with tears. His hands were clenched at his sides, his chest heaving with hitching breaths as he struggled to control his expression. The tears welled in his eyes, and faint color had splashed across his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
Slowly, a smile crossed your lips as you stared up at his face. Leaning back, you tilted your head, licking your lips. “Oh, look at you,” you breathed. “You made all the little piggies cry, Jesse. But maybe it’s your turn, hmm?” Your eyes flickered down to the way his entire body trembled, every muscle taut and strained.
You moved, sliding your entire body into his lap to straddle his waist and face him. Crossing your arms under your chest, you stared into his face. “I don’t know… you broke your promise, though.” Your eyebrow raised at him, and he let out another hoarse whimper. Tears slid down his cheeks, his mouth opening for shuddering breaths.
He shook his head, lips trembling as he lifted one hand and signed. Sorry. Please. Sorry. His fingers spelled out your name.
Reaching up, you cupped his face in your hands. You leaned up, face drawing closer to his. “But I already accepted your apology, love,” you cooed, smiling. “You know what I think?” You slowly dragged your tongue across his tear tracks, your body flushing with heat at the taste of the bitter salt. “I think,” you murmured against his jaw, “that I like seeing you cry.”
Jesse’s breath hitched on a sob, more tears spilling down his cheeks. It was fairly intoxicating, seeing the giant man completely fall apart under you, trapped between his desperation and his personal standards. When you slid forward, your body pressing flush against him, another sob wrenched from his gritted teeth.
You decided for the moment to have a bit of mercy. Reaching down, you grasped his wrists and lifted his hands to your waist. His fingers instantly clenched in the silk babydoll dress, shaking as he grabbed at your waist. His entire body lurched forwards towards you, eyes fixed on your face.
You hummed softly, brushing a kiss to his jaw. “Your eyes are so pretty when they’re filled with tears, Jesse,” you purred, drawing his face closer to you. Still, you refused to kiss him, instead trailing your lips down his jaw, down to his throat. You opened your mouth against his neck, savoring the taste of his skin and the soft scent of his cologne.
Jesse’s trembling fingers jerked against your waist, and he slumped into you. His hands slid over your waist to your lower back, his touch practically reverent as he squeezed. His breaths came quick and fast, breaking occasionally on a sob. Every time you suckled or moved your lips, every time your hands slid down his shoulders, he gasped and shuddered, more tears dripping down his cheeks.
You slid your hands down, starting to unbutton his shirt. Your tongue dragged across his neck, and you felt the bulge in his pants throb against your thigh. “Isn’t this punishment fair, darling?” you cooed. “I only ask for a few tears, hmm? A front row seat to your pretty eyes?”
His head jerked, even though it wrenched another tortured sob from him. Despite the contact, you could feel his frustration mounting.
You pulled back, looking up at him as you finished unbuttoning his shirt. “Oh, you don’t think so?” Your fingers slid across his bared chest, feeling the heat radiating from his skin. “But isn’t this what you wanted? Me, paying attention to you?”
His gasps had turned ragged. His hips jerked, rutting up against your thigh. A strangled noise left his throat, his eyes squeezing shut. His grip on your waist threatened to leave fingerprints against your skin.
“No?” You bit your lip, raking your nails lightly against his chest. “Then what is it you want, hmm?”
His eyes flickered down to your lips, unconsciously licking his own. His fingers clenching, he pulled you down to grind against his cock, straining in his trousers. Pants fell from his mouth, and he kept glancing from your eyes to your lips.
You reached down, teasingly trailing your fingers down his chest and stomach. Unzipping his trousers, you looked up at his face and smiled as you traced one fingertip down the bulge in his underwear. His eyes fairly rolled back in his head, more tears streaming down his face afresh.
“Look at you, already such a mess,” you murmured, sliding your fingers into his underwear. The moment you wrapped a hand around his cock and slid up, you were rewarded with a guttural groan. He gritted his teeth, clearly struggling to stay still. With a soft laugh, you leaned up and brushed a kiss to his ear.
You tugged at his collar. “Why don’t you lie down for me?” you murmured.
He immediately complied, his hands still clamped around your waist as he turned and shifted up, lying down on the couch. He stared up at you, face still twisted in agony and desperation.
Lifting yourself a little, you tilted your head at him. “Take your pants off for me?”
He practically kicked his pants and underwear off in his haste. You guided one of his hands to the latch on the side of your own panties, giving him an amused smile and nod. His trembling fingers unlatched them, his chest heaving as he watched the black silk slide away from your skin. The moment you lowered back down onto him, his cock throbbed against you and his back arched.
Leaning forward, you hummed a pressed a kiss to his jaw. “Jesse, love,” you murmured. “Cry for me a little more?” You cupped his face in your hands, feeling your wetness coat his own length as you ground against his tip. But you deliberately kept shifting, not giving him any steady pressure.
Another broken whine came from him, and a few more tears slipped down his cheeks. Frustration scrunched his face, his neck mottled with red and flushing down to his shoulders and chest, making your white nail marks stand out. His hips jerked, his eyes squeezing shut for a moment.
“Is this what you want?” You pressed down against him again, feeling his cock slip against your wet folds teasingly.
His head jerked in a nod, almost violently. Tremors kept running through his arms, his body occasionally shuddering under you.
You leaned down and sucked his lower lip between yours. Your teeth nipped at his lip, and you finally slanted your mouth over his. Tears poured afresh down his cheeks as he desperately pulled at you, trying to get closer, kiss you more. You relented and let him, thumbs brushing against his jaw as you hummed softly into his frantic, pleading kisses. Without warning, you slipped your tongue between his lips, feeling his mouth part with alacrity. When you finally parted, his green eyes were glazed over with tears, hazily staring at you.
Then you smiled at him slyly. “I think you’ve deserved a little bit more,” you decided.
The moment you slid his tip into you, he choked. Saliva dribbled from the corners of his mouth as he squeezed his eyes shut, struggling for breath. His entire body froze, humming taut under you and his eyes sightlessly staring up at the ceiling.
You observed his wrecked expression, licking your lips with satisfaction. Rarely did Jesse ever fully submit to you like this, usually a brat. But tonight, you had absolute and utter control, and you intended to milk every last ounce of satisfaction out of it. The memories would fuel you for years of his utterly ruined expression, tears slipping down his cheeks as he drooled uncontrollably.
“So pretty, darling,” you purred, licking the tears from his cheek. You gave him another kiss, letting his hands wander over your waist and up your front. “So good for me. Do you think you can handle more?”
His eyes widened, breath quickening. He glanced down, then shook his head jerkily. Then nodded. Then shook his head.
You tilted your head. “Hmmm.” A wicked grin crossed your lips. “No? Oh, but I think you can,” your said, just as you lifted yourself and fully sheathed him inside you.
Jesse sobbed. His mouth opened, tongue lolling as he gasped. Tears poured down his cheeks from the mingled pleasurable pain and relief. His cock throbbed inside you, and his hands grasped desperately at your thighs. His entire body started to shake, arching.
You barely gave him time to adjust before you were already bouncing on him, hands braced against the back of the couch. Laughter spilled from your lips, delighted and cruel, as his hands scrabbled against your thighs, raking across your skin. Moans kept being torn from his throat, your name framed on his lips.
As soon as you angled your hips and brought your fingers down to ring tight circles on your clit, you hissed in pleasure. You pulsed around his cock, earning another helpless sob and wave of tears. He just hit that one spot inside you perfectly, again and again, until you bit your lip and moaned his name as you came around him. Your body clenched down on him, even as you kept fucking yourself through your orgasm.
More laughter spilled from your lips. “Are you gonna cum for me, Jesse, my pretty darling?” you asked breathlessly, purposely moaning his name. “Gonna cum inside me?”
The only warning you got from Jesse was another sob and the gritting of his teeth. His hands flew to your hips, slamming you down on him one more time before holding you there with an iron grip. Gasps tore from his mouth, his eyes trying to blink away tears as he stared up at you.
You hummed, caressing his hands and arms as you bit your lip in satisfaction. He kept pouring into you, his hips jerking once in a while and wringing a whimper from him. Finally, you leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. His lips parted under yours weakly, chest heaving under your hands.
“Thank you, Jesse,” you cooed sweetly between kisses. “You’re so good to me, make me feel so good.” Your mind fuzzed with the pleasure of both your high and the sight of his tears.
He pushed up against you, kissing you fervently. Though he didn’t say a word, you could feel his thoughts through his drugged, sloppy kiss.
You giggled, teasingly clenching down on him one more time and earning a jerk and grunt. “And I forgive you. But don’t do it again, okay?”
Jesse’s calculating look as he clearly weighed the consequences made you roll your eyes but laugh. Maybe this one would turn out to backfire against you, next time.
You decided it was worth it.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
S/O with a Werewolf Quirk
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, 18+, cursing, Bakugou being a simp
A/N: my references mainly come from Teen Wolf, and if you haven’t watched that show, I highly recommend it ;)
*Everyone is aged up to 18*
Man, when Bakugou first laid eyes on you, he only thought of one thing
“Yea, I’ll beat wolfy’s ass any day” cocky bastard
He took notice of how you could control whether or not you wanted your ears and tail to show up. In his mind, he thought it was way cuter
Not that he would ever tell anyone
But what really grabbed his attention was your control and power when it came to your quirk
At first he thought “so what, she’s a wolf. Those wild dogs could easily be beaten.”
BABY BOY BABY BOOYYYYUHHH!! Miss Y/N ain’t just a wolf NO BABYYY, she’s a WEREWOLF
So when he saw you’re superhuman speed, strength, sight, smell, and hearing you can say he was thoroughly impressed
What sealed the deal was when he watched you spar with Kirishima
That’s when he saw you do a front flip into your giant wolf form. Your white coat, sharp claws, and razor fangs threw the blonde off guard
Then your E/C eyes changed to red (symbolizing your alpha status)
Yup. Katsuki was awestruck. And when you easily took down his best friend in your sparring match, even he was sure that he felt something towards you
And now here you both are, almost in the 2nd year of your relationship
Katsuki absolutely loved and adored everything about you
He’s definitely a simp for you
Forgot your notes? Have his. Need some food? Your favorite meal is on the table. Lost your eye-liner? Katsuki is giving you his entire supply
(C’mon, we all know that boy uses it for his hero mask)
One time you started tearing though because you poked your eye with your eye liner and Katsuki threatened it
.....Yes. The boy threatened the eye-liner
Don’t make fun of him, he just loves his pup too much
Speaking of pup, it’s one of his many nicknames for you
Of course there’s the basic “babe, baby, princess, and my love” and also the very Bakugou names like “dumbass, nerd, shitty woman, and loser”
But there’s also the ones involving your quirk! Like pup, wolfy, Alpha girl, and she-wolf
Training was always fun with Alpha girl
Bakugou thought fighting a creature of the night would be exciting
Y’all never held back against one another, so you were the perfect matchup for Katsuki. Your human form alone could definitely take him on but oh boy, when you went into wolf form
You were IN👏 THE👏 ZONE👏
You definitely stay giving Katsuki some of his hardest matches but he loves it all at the same time
You were definitely an outdoors typa girl, which was great for Bakugou!
Picnics on top of the mountains? Definitely. Hiking in the forest? Duh! Rock climbing? Girl he gonna marry you
But it wasn’t just the dates
He loved how affectionate and loyal you were and How you would always have his back no matter what
You really made him feel secure in your relationship
Cuddles are the best
His favorite types of cuddles are when you decide to bring out your soft and fluffy ears and tail
He loves to hold onto your ears and tail and just pet you, it works as stress relief for both you and him
That’s not the only stress relief he experiences while dating you though👀
Heat season baby!!!
While it only happens once every 6 months, and for 5 days at max, Katsuki enjoys it every time. He enjoys helping his pup with this certain problem
It’s definitely the most exhausting and euphoric week Katsuki gets every once in awhile, but he loves every second of it
Nasty teenage boy hormones
You can bet everywhere y’all went, y’all christened the place. From yours and his beds, y’all tables and desks, not to mention the floor to even the school building in places like empty classrooms, small closets, and even the locker rooms
Y’all some Nasty freaks
Moving on
Katsuki overall just enjoys your fierce passion for everything you do. It inspires him in a way
Your devotion, determination, intelligence, loyalty, and charming personality had Katsuki wrapped around your finger and he knew this
And he didn’t mind it at all :)
A/N: My first headcanon! What do you think? Still getting used to the writings and I’ve been given some awesome tips. I will definitely be exploring other forms of writing pieces like Drabbles, short stories, headcanons etc. Hopefully I get better in the future. Once again, NOT spell checked, my apologies for any mistakes. Thx bear Cubs! Hope you enjoyed <3
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