#i really did try to be concise in my rant
peggingeddiediaz · 1 month
Complaining because we're happy about buck finally dating the perfect guy is something… and comparing Tommy to Taylor, please
I really am trying to not be as petty as I can be.
I'll say it again, I actually like Buck and Tommy dating, I like canon bucktommy but the fanon bucktommy fans have made the ship so generic in record time, it's getting insufferable seeing posts about them.
Also, let's not kid ourselves and pretend that the insane fan support for Tommy/Lou that elevates the character to "perfect love interest" in just 2 episodes, is not largely unrelated to him being a hot attractive white man. (I still remember some of those bucktommy fans calling Tommy a Walmart version of Buck when the Tommy/Eddie speculation was a hot topic, and now look at them…) I do admit that both Buck and Tommy look very similar at times🤭
Tommy is not perfect, in fact that 1st date was really uncomfortable to watch and not only because of Buck.
1st: The fact that Tommy knew that Buck wasn't out and that this is literally his 1st date with a man, who had his 1st kiss some days before, which is the reason why Tommy picked a really out of the way restaurant for the date, but still he made a "funny" comment about closet spaces to Eddie, who he's not out to, was a choice. Specially when Tommy knows first hand how hard it is to come out to your friends.
2nd: The fact that not only did he not tell Buck about cutting the date short before leaving the restaurant, but that he called himself an Uber to go home and left him there on the sidewalk?? (Confirmation that Buck drove them there is nice though, passenger princess Tommy is canon 🤭)
3rd: For someone who knows Buck might not be ready to date anyone right now, saying yes to a 2nd date, after the disaster that 1st one turned out to be, and as a guest to his sister's wedding is a little insane.
I can imagine the vitriol and innumerable call out posts had Tommy been a female love interest. Aside from those points, is also deliciously ironic how fanon buddie is the way it is because fans were "tired" of the: bigger guy means he's a top and the smaller one is the bottom dynamic, but suddenly everyone is salivating at it now with bucktommy. Which again, it wouldn't be such a problem if it didn't devolve into stereotypes, just like in fanon buddie.
The one thing both ships have in common is that Buck is never allowed to be a character but just the "your name" tag, stereotypical bottom, infantilized and woobified to the point he's barely recognizable.
I like canon bucktommy and canon buddie (or their potential canon given Buck and Eddie's personalities, and how they are when dating other people), their fanon versions though, where they are stereotypes firsts and characters second? not so much.
In conclusion, I like Tommy and his potential, but he needs a lot of development to be considered a character at all (getting told he's cool is not character building) and awkward dates don't count either (specially when the same benefit is never given to the female love interests).
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queenlucythevaliant · 29 days
Just to clarify my thoughts (since I've had a number of people ask me about it) re: Job and cursing God. There's a big difference between cursing God as used in Scripture and how we generally would think of cursing at God today.
Cursing someone, in the Bible, has a lot of depth to it. It's not just saying "screw you " in anger, it's got a sense of forsakenness to it. It's the opposite of a blessing, a removal of blessing. If the blessing is presence, your face shining on the person you're blessing, then a curse is absence. In some translations, Job's wife tells him to "renounce God and die," which I honestly think makes a lot more sense to modern ears.
Job says a lot of unpleasant things to and about God in his anger and grief. So do the Psalmists. A number of the Prophets. So can we. God can take it if we come to him with honest expressions of our emotion, including those not-so-nice ones directed at him. I don't think there's anything wrong with getting mad at God and saying, "How dare you, you bastard" when you suffer unjustly. You can say much worse, I think, without sinning, though I don't feel particularly inclined to give examples. But as long as it's an honest expression of your heart, I think you're doing exactly what prayer is for. You're presenting him your heart with an open hand. He can use that. Opposite of love is not hate but indifference, etc.
Job doesn't renounce God. Neither should we. But I think when you're truly suffering, you're gonna have those feelings toward God either way. He'd rather you address them with him directly than try to avoid them. Cursing at God in the modern sense is actually a great way to keep the relationship strong and not end up cursing/renouncing him in the Biblical sense.
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minswriting · 3 days
Okay so I haven't sent an ask here before (also, terribly sorry for spamming your notifis, I just really love your writing😅)
But since uni finals have wrapped up all I can think about is trying to study with Reid. We know he's a great teacher, probably an even better tutor! But trying to study with him when you can't focus? When maybe you had 1 too many redbulls and keep focusing on the wrong things....or maybe he just looks extra nice tonight? I just- trying to study with Spence but you can't focus for shit lol
no warnings for this one. just pure simping
being a grad student, you had a lot of coursework you needed to focus on in order to obtain your master’s degree. as you had to study for your upcoming exam in one of your classes, you had asked your wonderful and most genius boyfriend in the world to help you. an action that seemed like a good idea at the time but isn’t working out too well.
it isn’t an issue with spencer at all. in fact, he’s perfect. he’s explaining concepts to you in a way that is clear and concise, giving facts while also explaining his own knowledge of the topic. all and all he’s a phenomenal tutor and teacher. however, he was hot. and that was the flaw you were having.
as he spoke, you couldn’t help but get lost in the way his voice sounded or the sparkle in his eye as he rambled about his own opinion of it. spencer was wearing this adorable sweater vest over his shirt and his glasses that he rarely ever wore. and god, he just looked so divine.
“so, did that help you understand?” spencer asked suddenly, finishing his rant as he finally looked at you.
you blinked, not comprehending what he had just said. “huh?” you asked.
“did my explanation help?” he asked, tilting his head slightly.
you felt your cheeks warm as you realized that you had indeed not been paying attention and therefore would need his explanation again. “truthfully,” you began. “i was too mesmerized by your handsomeness to comprehend what you were saying.”
and this caused spencer to blush as he stuttered over his words. “oh! uh- okay. uh- i-i could explain it again?”
so he did. and you tried your hardest to pay attention to each and every word he spoke, taking notes as you did so. that way, if you did get distracted, you’d have points to show where you left off.
you were grateful of how patient spencer was with you. and you were extremely lucky to have such a beautiful tutor.
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tabr1-s · 18 days
sunday rant and personal frustrations with him that i begun to write at 6am running on an entire 3 and a half hours of sleep (my cats woke me up.....)
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(tldr at the end. i might be as bad as Sunday in terms of yap mileage (yappage) but i'll do one better than him and provide you with the concise version if you scroll all the way down.)
i have never felt such intense emotions about a character's moral viewpoint... Ever. and i've liked characters that were mass murderers before. morals (or lack thereof) usually never played a significant role in whether i liked a character or not (unless they did something i considered worse than plain ol murder, then i wouldn't associate with them), and 99% of the time i could find the character's motivations understandable under the circumstances that they were in.
and, technically, i can understand where Sunday is coming from too.
but that doesn't stop me from being Absolutely pissed at him.
(sunday-esque yap about myself incoming, i will eventually get to the point (which i will highlight))
as someone who has been told that i have "ocd features" Multiple times by my psychiatrist (practically each session) i understand the need for control. my obsessiveness manifests in the form of feeling the need to control practically everything - my current obsession for control being my own emotions, which extends to needing to control entire situations, and in turn makes me severely overthink all the possible outcomes to those given situations. i've also been guilty of controlling others before, and having the mentality of "i know what's best for you". hell, i still feel like that a lot, but i really try to push it back.
and this need for "control" is mainly the reason why i even find comfort in fiction. because it's oftentimes very predictable to me (it also made me think of how i do not find any interest in reading books, but i love writing stories of my own. particularly fan-fiction. and the only time i can feel comfortable enough to feel romance is towards fictional characters - because i control the narrative! it's something to think about.). if i like a character or a narrative, it's easy for me to pick apart where the writers will go with that story. and, even if the story turns out to disappoint me/be different than what i hoped for, i would still be Prepared for that possibility.
i somehow... failed to prepare for what would happen with Sunday.
i had set my sights on the wrong thing for 2.2. i invested my whole energy on trying to comfort myself that hoyo wouldn't take the ipc colonialism route (basically turning out to be capitalist/colonialist apologists) with penacony (which i Guess will be explored in 2.3? but now that i have some more context on the story and how it's unraveling i'm not as anxious about it anymore), that i overlooked a lot of other things that could've gone wrong.
namely, my favourite hsr character to be... Like that. (i'm not even being intentionally vague. i'm just dumbfounded)
i had Heard of the theory that Sunday is possessed by Ena (which didn't particularly make sense to me, and i refused to look at leaks concerning Sunday lest they upset me. either way i Really hated that theory. plus, Sunday being said to have ocd would've been an incredibly cheap way to foreshadow that he's "possessed" by the Order. you can't just create your first(?) important/playable character that has a confirmed mental illness and then go "it's okay actually he's Normal! he was just possessed". i took this very personally. and still am.), and saw a lot of theories concerning his involvement with the Order as well. i shut it all out, because i didn't like the implications of that.
which in turn made me Not think/comfort myself regarding the possibilities that he truly Was connected to the Order.
well, rest in pieces, me - it's always the things i don't pay much attention to/ignore/fail to think about. which is actually a bit strange because i was not expecting him to be an entirely sane person from the start - he was a politician type, a leader, and a manipulator, to name a few things. that much was obvious. in 2.0-2.1 i wouldn't have been surprised if it turned out that he was the one that "killed" Robin. again, nothing was out of the question. but, 2.1 showed a different side of him. one that cared for his sister and (seemingly) listened to her and cared about what she thought. so they became quite a comforting little sibling duo to me. tragic, yet you could depend on their mutual trust in eachother... or so i thought.
and then he... went and did all That. which just showed me how, despite him caring for his sister, he was still putting other things above her.
to conclude with my yap: in a sense, he is just my "grim reflection of the self". and although i feel sympathetic towards my past self and how naive and selfish i used to be, there are some flaws of mine i will never forgive myself for. and, Sunday, in a way, reminded me of... Everything. it was almost triggering.
(hey, writing this all down in one place helped me calm down! (it's a neverending cycle that will continue tomorrow. all it will take is seeing a post concerning him and his sister and i'll get pissed anew) yay!)
the point(s) (aka my qualms):
- how sunday manipulated robin + was planning to use her in the charmony festival to complete his plan. she was going to be an unwilling participant in creating a "utopia" that she would've been absolutely against, but he didn't stop to fucking. fill her in, maybe? talk it out? the sheer disrespect on the concept of free will and on the fact that your own sister is a human being of her own sickens me
- he forsook his own self and shoved down his own biases and interests (fucking rat. you can't change the fact you're human and i'm very much saying that from experience) to become something Grander than life itself and in fucking turn isolated himself and shut out the one person who actually cared and then had the Gall to complain about being misunderstood/alone. (when you're finally sitting in your unreachable throne in this "dream" that you've created, who will you blame for being lonely? who will you blame when you have no one to fall back into? no one to support you? when everybody you did this for forsakes You?)
- all i hoped for was that sunday and robin would reunite and get the chance to be happy together, and the only true reason i'm mad is because i'm guilty of a lot of the same self sacrificial behaviours as him and very much understand the sentiment of "my loved ones would be better off without my negative presence and influence". but instead of empathizing with him, i feel betrayed. i thought he was better than me. i thought he was someone worthy of admiration, and that doesn't come easily from me. despite all the warning signs i fell for his obvious facade, and i Very rarely get taken by surprise - especially in a way like this.
- if it wasn't for the fact that Robin would feel sad if Sunday died i would personally go and strangle him myself
tldr; i'm just a big baby that placed a lot of faith on Sunday and his relationship with Robin post 2.1 and my ego took a Huge hit once he turned out to be just some immature emo idealist type. (come on, man - i genuinely thought you were better than me! someone worthy of respect! and i usually have a feeling of superiority over others! this was the biggest compliment/act of faith i could give! (talking to a wall (fictional character (I'M FUCKING UPSET))))
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like-rain-or-confetti · 10 months
Our Friendship Wasn't Real, was it?
When all was said and done, you were left with one conclusion after the rogues most recent crime. Your friendship was a lie. A game. They pretended to be there fore you for their own gain. The thought drive you mad and humiliated you so you had to confront them. "It was a lie wasn't it? This was all some sick twisted thrill to you. Wasn't it? Our friendship wasn't real."
The Riddler: He stayed quiet at first and you leaned forward. "If our friendship wasn't real-" Edward cut you off hastily and almost offended. "Our friendship was real!" He snapped. "So maybe I took advantage of an opportunity. Yes. I admit that but you're twisting it, (Y/N)! You're making it seem like that was the plan all along and it wasn't. The Bat put me in a position and I took it but it could have been so much worse for you. You're unharmed and your life for the most part is untouched. I did that. I could have ruined your life but I went out of my way ensure nothing bad happened to you. If you feel used then so be it but don't feed into it and make it seem its something its not!"The Riddler ranted, taking no responsibility for your feelings.
Scarecrow: Jonathan sat there and let you rant at him. Although it was clearly not out of a favour. Instead it appeared he had the risk of being bored more than anything else. But he let you go off on him. Staying quiet. No interruptions. Even when you were done, he said nothing for a long time, just staring at you. Finally, you sighed. "It's been eleven months. I'm still trying to repair the damage you caused. You could at least answer me." You finally deadpanned. Still he said nothing. You scoffed and got up ready to walk away when you hear him response. "I really was your friend." He said. Jonathan didn't elaborate after that and it didn't give much closure. There was an extra sting knowing that as a psychologist, he could come up with responses that would give you closure. Yet he didn't. Like you weren't important enough.
Mad Hatter: "Can't you just give me a real answer? No games, quotes or ring arounds. Just give me the answer?" You were tired of his lack of transparency. He was almost as bad as the Riddler, never giving a real concise answer. It could he heard in your voice. Jervis turned to you and smiled. For once he didnt look through you, or briefly acknowledge you. You had his full attention as he smiled. After a moment he spoke. "You were very dear to me. You were my friend. My first real friend." For someone who struggled to stay in reality, Jervis seemed to be very aware that he may have lost you.
Harley Quinn: Harley seemed to struggle to just look you in the eye. She wanted to stay in her fairytale delusion that the only one who ever cared about her, who will ever care for his was the Joker despite his flaws. Yet here you were, the person she couldn't help but acknowledge what she had done to you in the meantime. You had cared about her. It was clear on your face and she abandoned you without second thought- s she always did- for the Joker. The truth being painful but fact. The second the Joker returned to her, she didn't need you anymore. So she left you behind without a second thought. Finally she spoke. "I really loved you once and I really was your friend."
Two-Face: He sighed, thinking over his answer. "Are you sure you want the answer?" Harvey asked quietly. You answered without paying the question much thought. "Yes!" You snapped. "Why would i ask if i didn't want to know!?" Harvey sighed again and tried to ignore the tears that threatened to fall. He hated seeing you cry. "We weren't playing you. Or at least I wasn't. I really was your friend at the end. Harv' was but I got attached, and so did he. That's the truth." Harvey said. You realised in that moment that the truth didn't always make everything better. Knowing the truth didn't fix any of your situation or your feelings. In fact, it just weighed you down, a sinking feeling in your gut. You wanted to hate Harvey, which would have been easier to do if it weren't for the knowledge that he had grown attached.
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dumbsoftboi · 1 year
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darling-answers · 4 months
Y’all I’m going onto a fucking rant because I feel the need to, PEOPLE who are mad about the fact I write for Talon which is a bad organization needs to actually sit down. Y’all literally will sit there and ignore that if your going to throw a fit for me writing about a bad organization, throw Symmetra, Morrison, Cole Cassidy, Genji, Hanzo, Junker Queen, Hamster, Ana Amari., Ramattra, into the picture because while they may not be as bad as talon they still have MANY stuff they have done bad, You guys need to realize that they are all bad people in their own way. There more to Overwatch the game than just “ Talon being a bad organization.” If your that pressed about me writing for Moira O’Deorain 😭 who she not even the worst person in the game and your coming for my head for. Moira is bad in her own way, TALON IS A BAD ORGANIZATION IN THE FIRST PLACE FOR BAD PEOPLE.
I’m not saying that Moira actions are justify because none of talons actions are justify, but Overwatch shunned Moira, kicked her out, blame the whole Overwatch disbanding, placed getting blown up and even thrower her to the public pointing fingers at her for mistakes Overwatch made. If you had that happen wouldn’t you be that desperate ( cause all she want is more knowledge about experiments and how to make science advance.) to go to the next best thing. People who wouldn’t do that to you if all goes wrong. I honestly wouldn’t blame her for her making that choice to do what she had to do.
While Moira was the one who experimented on Widowmaker it wasn’t Moira who pointed to Amálie and said I wanted her to experiment on, no it was talon the higher ups who made the decision if they can’t kill Gerard than to go to kidnapping his wife. Widowmaker still have somewhat of a conciseness, she still can make decisions for herself, wifowmaker clearly can still have a mind on her own so people who say that Widowmaker can’t control her actions clearly don’t understand difference between not having emotions than making decisions. Love Widowmaker but she can clearly make decisions on her own. Maybe it not wise for her to make a move now but she totally understands what her actions are.
There so much more to most of talon than them being just “bad people.” Jack Morrison ( soldier 76) literally turned a blind eye to all blackwatch did MOSTLY GABRIEL actions cause they were friends. He literally is hunting down Gabriel now even when Gabriel actions have been bad. Stop trying to turn a blind eye to some of the people who are in overwatch because it a “ good.” Organization. I honestly really frustrate that o have to make this because overwatch the game is GAME Moira actions aren’t real and it some of the bad guy didn’t do bad actions they wouldn’t be known as BAD guys.
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graysbullshit · 2 years
Ok, what the fuck is going on with this new "anti intellectualism" trend? I keep seeing the most obtuse takes laced with lack of nuance on twitter. Suddently it is as if everyone is determined into making everything a part of "good guy" versus "bad guy". Especially when it comes to "cancel culture". People seem to have an issue differenciating "mistake" and "pattern of behavior". It applies to real people, to characters, to SONGS???? It's insane.
Like, with the realease of HOTD I keep seing people saying the wildest things. People have been treating luke's death with a type of seriousness that isn't warranted. Like, I understand he is your favorite character, but why are people acting as if Almond is the devil? Also, the opposite is also true. Why do people insist in trying to take the blame away from almod as if he ISN'T an antagonist? Including the authors! He IS bad and he has done BAD THINGS and he will probably do WORSE things. It's the whole purpose of the character. It's not surprising, it doesn't reflect the character of almod's fans, it should not be excused and it's annoying me so fucking much that I'm starting to wish he'd kill Jake too istg.
Or the Antihero video clip from Taylor. I've seen people say that the word "fat" was being used as a derrogatory insult in the video, and yes. It has been used as a derrogatory insult in the video, on real life, on video games, on books and on other songs. The movement to turn "fat" a positive word is great! But you can't pretend as if the prospect of "becoming fat" hasn't been the biggest fear of any woman for the past 20 years. Taylor was representing this fear, that was caused by the big media, by putting a word that has been used as an insult against her. What is the problem? Did she say that you should be scared of becoming fat? Did she say being fat is a bad thing? No, she simply showed a fear she had that is related to a EATING DISORDER. She is talking about her personal experience people, how ignorant do you have to be to miss this? It's not even a opnion she has, its literally an artistic expression of a personal experience she went through.
Then there's the whole doctor who thing, which I'm not even going to get into because I'll get angry and not be able to articulate my thoughts in a concise manner. In general, my thoughts are [insert angry emoji here].
Then there's all the crazy discussions of my country's politics, which I won't get into because there is A LOT to discuss.
Then there's Tiktok and OH MY FUCKING GOD I HAVE NEVER SEEN A PLACE SO FULLED BY STUPID PEOPLE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. No one does any research, no one even googles anything, no one fact checks. It drives me insane. Tho, I really like tiktok when you ignore this factor.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. It was weighting on my chest and I had to get all of this out of my system.
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oddinary4bts · 7 months
Would you say sinful lust is more angsty than tfs or wtec? :( because wtec broke me 😔😔😔
Honestly this is a hard question to answer. I think it is more angsty than tfs, but maybe equally as angsty as wtec?? Tho it’s not the same kind of angst. And I feel like wtec hit a lot bc it was a sequel, and everyone thought the tfs couple were going to work and last and they didn’t (until they did). Sinful Lust has less of a build up, but then again the angst is rough. And it’s also been planned for a year, so I guess to me it does really have a big impact. Bc all of Sinful Lust was planned before I even started thinking about tfs
Anyway I went on a rant but all that to say, probably as angsty as wtec! Might not hit as hard tho, and it might feel a little rushed bc starting from ch 3 we’re getting yoongi and jungkook’s pov, and since I don’t want the story to be 100k I’m trying to keep the scenes a little more concise but that might just be my anxiety speaking
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so seriously one of the hardest things for me right now is like...i completely understand that if i ever hope to have any sort of positive connection with another human being that i need to be able to clearly and concisely communicate what my needs are because that just makes sense and that’s what i expect from others because i’m not a mind reader and neither is anyone else
however !!!
i really cannot emphasize enough how much i have no idea what i’m doing here
and how this isn’t something i’m going to just figure out overnight
or in a couple of therapy sessions
or even after a few good nights of sleep
i’ve had a lifetime of running up against and all over what my actual boundaries and limits were so i have no clue
and i keep trying to just start at zero and work my way up and set the pace for myself, but it feels like that’s not good enough
i feel like if i can’t be the same person i used to be then i’m not going to stop being poked, prodded and prompted to do so until i give in
like already when i go non-verbal nobody can just...let me have that
i’ve said over and over and over again it happens because i get overstimulated
meaning i am being inundated with too much stimuli
i don’t need positive stimuli to counteract that
i need none
zip, zero, cero, zilch, nada, nothing
and then, in my own time, when i’ve had a second to calm down i can maybe be more like my old self
or my new self, whichever is the one people will be least annoyed by, i guess
but that’s the other part of it too where it’s like...the more i go through this process the more i realize the real me is just not someone anyone is going to like or want to be around
i’m way too sensitive, i’m too emotional, i don’t process things quickly enough, i don’t have any hobbies or special interests or really anything interesting at all to ever talk about and the one thing i was good at, being a clown, is just not something i have the energy for anymore
i cannot smile and laugh and rant and rave or whatever it was i used to do all the time
i’m just a big stupid baby who cries every day and feels like every single social interaction i have is akin psychological warfare because i like i don’t know anything anymore and i don’t want to put the burden on anyone else of having to constantly reassure me that everything’s fine because i know how annoying that is, so i try to just sit and process and work through everything on my own but it feels non-stop and like i never get to fully catch my breath
everything is either being overwhelmed or recovering from being overwhelmed and it doesn’t feel like there’s ever any room for me to just....be
i have nothing to offer anyone and i know that shouldn’t really feel like some big loss because it’s not like i really did before anyway, but just...fuck, i’m so tired
i’m trying so hard to get through this process as quickly as i possibly can so that i can give everyone an exact detailed itinerary of how to handle me, but i realize i’m not moving fast enough and i don’t know what else to do about that except just try harder, i guess
i’m going to try to sleep and hopefully feel better tomorrow
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shikadainara · 2 years
I never asked who are your favorite Naruto characters & why ? My favorites are:
1.)Kakashi (I loved him first. He was the first character I liked)
2.) Rock Lee & Might Guy (A sweetheart he deserved much more than the show gave him). I even watched Rock Lee & His Ninja Friends. I put them together because I love them. They truly made the show hilarious.
3.) Jiraiya (Oh do I miss you toad sage. :( Out of all the deaths on the show this upsets me the most).
4.) Tsunade (She is such a bad bitch. I love her).
5.) Temari (Love her as well. She has major boss bitch energy).
BONUS: Minato (Oh I love him. He is a sweetheart. Also the storyline with him and Kushina is one of the rare things Kishimoto done correctly).
Now on to the juicy stuff which Naruto characters do you hate the most & why ?
1.) Danzo (I really can’t stand this bitch. He is the root of a lot. IF THE THIRD HOKAGE DID HIS JOB THEY WOULDN’T HAVE TO DEAL WITH HIS ASS).
2.) Kabuto (What was his purpose ? So annoying)
3.) Sakura (I’m so iffy with her she has her ups and downs, but for me the negative outweigh the good. I’m very up and down with her).
4.) Sasuke (This bitch. ALOT OF THE PROBLEMS WAS BECAUSE OF HIM. He was so aggravating when going on his vengeance spree causing people trouble for what ? If anything Naruto should be the one whose evil the lead village needs their ass whoop for what they did to him).
5.) I don’t remember his name ,but the man in the early part of the series who threw a mask at Naruto when he asked about it. Can go rot in fucking hell. Naruto didn’t deserve that.
BONUS: To be honest I don’t really hate Sakura & Sasuke they just get in my damn nerves. BUT DANZO CAN ROT IN HELL. -🦑
I’m so sorry for this long post I just love your rants.
that's ok np feel free to keep sending whatever thoughts you have i love hearing them! and unfortunately, naruto is a permanent part of my very being so for the rest of my life i will always be able to discuss naruto at the drop of a hat 😂
if you want my thoughts on ST i mean that's kinda what this entire blog is about, maybe i can make a separate post later on trying to articulate what they mean to me but i think that would be hard to write in a concise way (also should go without saying but the rest of t10/sand sibs. love them too)
so to ramble about some other characters that i love:
ANKO!! i love her soooo damn much. she was genuinely... the first favorite character i ever had. when i was watching naruto as a young child, everything about her absolutely enthralled me. as someone with undiagnosed adhd that severely hindered my life when i became an adult, i think in hindsight it's very.... oh. it is incredibly bizarre for me to think that all of this time, 17 years later...... i STILL cannot think of another character that's an adult woman that lets herself be unabashedly hyperactive???
i don't think i can articulate enough just how much i think the scene where she tries to sacrifice herself to take down orochimaru (with the very jutsu that they taught her in the first place!!) left such an impact on my young psyche. at the time, i... never saw something quite like that in media, and to this day it still makes me feel like "OH!!!"
i adoreee how she got her own filler arc where she's so burdened by the curse mark, but works through her lost memories and comes to terms with how she wasn't abandoned. she chose to left on her own. the rest of the arc fucking sucks but it was framed as such an incredible moment of what it means to have agency over your own life, no matter how horrible of an upbringing you had. it's a shame the anime/manga did absolutely nothing with her after this because i have. SO MANY THOUGHTS.
this is an INCREDIBLY unpopular opinion, but i actually adore kabuto to bits. i usually don't care for villain characters one way or the other, but kabuto is just so fucking funny in everything he does that i think he's hilarious. the way he plays along with being orochimaru's doting underling but also very obviously has his own agenda and orochimaru knows that too LOL. it's comedy gold that naruto doesn't even find out until two entire arcs later "WAIT..... YOU LIED TO ME!??!?"
like. i'm not going to excuse his actions. but his tragic backstory does really, really get to me. of course every goddamn character has a tragic backstory in this series but everything about his in particular strikes me as super fucked up. like the whole "he was setup into killing his foster mother" is fucked up enough in and of itself, but on top of that the way it's presented that he has no fucking clue what his own identity is and tries to constantly completely reinvent himself over and over again at all costs... it's super compelling stuff, that's the kind of storytelling i vibe with. all he knows is a name and a pair of glasses: two things the orphanage gifted him. (... it's especially the fact that it's a pair of glasses that gets to me ummm please know that i am very weak to glasses characters <3)
plus without him, we wouldn't have either ninja info cards or the gif of him swatting away bees. who is doing it like him hashtag #iconic
as you can probably infer from 1) glasses and 2) even if i have zero thoughts on orochimaru themself, i am incredibly fascinated by the way they affect other characters... yes, i also really like karin. i don't have many actual thoughts about her i just think she's neat
to finish it off with one more. well, naruto himself. i have MANYYY complicated, conflicting thoughts about him. (he sure did grow up to a hypocrite!) but... he's still naruto. there's no other character on the planet that conveys quite the same feeling that naruto instills in me. please know about me that i alwayssss fall for the trope where all of the characters pin their hopes and dreams on believing in the charismatic protagonist. this is a feeling i have that is independent from if i think the protagonist is well-written LOL. like... do you remember the two page spread during the war that was just the footprints of the allied shinobi forces that the left behind in the mud as the rain clears, all running forward because they believe in naruto. that's. that's good i like that
this post is long enough but let me just say that UHH i agree fuck danzo <3
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etakeh · 5 months
Please don't read this. It's an overly long rant about the newer live-action Star Treks.
It's largely anti-Starfleet and probably has factual errors based on my biases against fan favorites. And typos, because I won't likely won't proofread this time.
I usually try to be concise, but this is not one of those times.
Also I guess spoilers for the new ones but honestly I think it's been long enough.
Anyway I think I figured out an overarching vibe in the new Treks that's probably a large part of why I don't like them nearly as much as I'd hoped.
The old Star Trek was trying to get people to join the Federation of Planets.
Y'all want to join Starfleet, cool, glad to have you.
But that wasn't the important thing. Planets and cultures and stuff getting along was more the point.
Now it's Starfleet propaganda.
These new ones, the live-action ones at least*, really push that joining Starfleet is the Thing. When they encounter people who used to be in Starfleet, they end up back with them - even after giving valid reasons that it's not for them, they're actually pretty ok about it, and that it has systemic problems they need to work on.
I'm not saying it wasn't a thing back then - people who joined up were pretty hype about it, as were their associates. Nog is a good example. He was so proud. Of course he had some angst involving that decision later, but I don't think that was regret.
But there were people who left, deciding it wasn't for them, and people were mostly chill about it. Sorry to see you go, have a nice life.
There were exceptions - don't come at me with "but Ro Laren! She left for bad guys!"
Yeah and they dragged her back in just in time to die for Picard. Because apparently that's the only acceptable way to leave Starfleet these days.
Some of them came back, but for specific reasons - not because they were having a bad time outside of it.
The newer ones rope them back in, as if it was like a terrible exile.
Yeah I'm absolutely bitter that at the end of Picard, Seven and Raffi joined back up and it was made to be a big happy thing, when they should have formed their own crew outside of Starfleet and did adventures in their own show.
Having Picard's son join up, when he'd had no interest five minutes earlier, and after seeing how Starfleet had been literally torturing an entire species, without the moral being "maybe don't do that". So much for his entire life to that point trying to help people outside the bounds of imposed duty. Totally down with vivisection now I guess.
Even SNW, which is as close to the old series's as they got, spent precious time on a story about wanting so badly to join Starfleet even though Starfleet had treated their people like shit for decades, if not longer.
Ok I think that's it, but I reserve the right to revisit this post, depending on what happens in future seasons and series'.
Disclaimer: I haven't watched, and probably won't watch, the 4th season of Discovery. For various reasons, including the Star Trek hype part, it got super annoying to me.
*haven't watched the animated ones. Not my thing.
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neptrabbit · 3 years
I love readin about your metas on hamgelica, they weren’t a ship I paid attention to that much but it’s really interesting to see the little things in their interactions. Also you’re an amazing artist and I hope you’re having a wonderful time :333
awww thank you so much Zyke!!! i’m just glad my incessant shitposts haven’t scared u away yet :’D I LOVE your art as well (and you’re also in Rusty Lake fandom??? AND Ace Attorney???? it was such a pleasant surprise when i discovered that)
LMFAO I’m glad at least one other person is enjoying my hamgelica shitposts! AND I’VE ALWAYS GOT MORE! *reveals twenty carton boxes under bed marked “hamgelica headcanons”*
i got into hamgelica mostly bc Satisfied is such a lit song. even tho it’s completely baseless historically 😂
I just love seeing smart women in general, & it’s kinda rare to see a woman who puts romance second and still thinks clearly even tho she’s caught feelings for a man (from all the unpleasant, unhealthy romance stories I was exposed to & completely uninterested in when I was growing up at least). I also love playful banters, and A Ham and Angelica seem like the kind that would banter with each other a LOT. it’s just fun thinking abt it. 
and overall? i feel like the girls from the musical haven’t been talked abt enough so IM CREATING THE CONTENT I WANNA SEE HERE *insert maniacal laughter*
LMFAO I SWEAR I WASN’T PLANNING ON MAKING MY RESPONSE THIS LONG my apologies😂 tyvm for the ask again and i hope u are having a good day as well!!
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ezlebe · 2 years
prompt - tom and greg get back together after breaking up
“Hey…” Tom says, leaning in, as a small, frenzied rabbit jumps around inside his ribs. “Hey, would you kiss me, right here, if I asked you to; if I told you to?”
“Would I kiss – ?” Greg stares like his namesake in the headlights, then blinks rapidly and rolls his eyes while sweeping hair across his ear with the hand not swathed in a glove. “I guess your… uh, humor is still kind of awful, eh, Tom?”
“And someone still can’t take a razz,” Tom says, realizing a bit late that the tone isn’t quite taunting enough, and tries to flatten it.
Greg offers a matching discontented press of his mouth, yanking his mitt off just to scratch anxiously under his nose. “This is… so awkward.”
“Yes, yes, it is,” Tom says, squeezing the glove on his own hand while sending a glance at Shiv across the field. “But these sorts of things happen when you refuse to talk about your family.”
“That’s not like true, at all,” Greg says, stiffly shaking his head, and now seeming determined not to look at anything, so his hands bear the brunt of his scowl. “These things like don’t happen? Like, who hits their last strike with their mom after a bunch of kidsjump them at an amusement park? Then is sent to like beg off a job from an uncle at – at his birthday party? And then like… huh, their ex is dating their cousin and, like, he’s there at this incredibly small event?”
Tom isn’t sure how to counter that concise little rant, nor what to do with the bubble of fondness bursting from under his sternum. A part of him wants to suppress it – it’s the same part of him that nearly went with Greg’s obvious plan upon making eye contact, then dropping eye contact, in the elevator to pretend they didn’t know each other, but it’s a small part. It’s easily shoved underneath the rest of him that is shrieking like a girl at a Beatles concert.
“And even if you knew, it – ” Greg shakes his head. “It’s not like that would’ve mattered.”
Tom is briefly startled by the bile in Greg’s voice, reflexively answering with his own venom. “I guess we can’t know, can we?”
“Like, come on,” Greg says, squeezing his hands around the mitt, until it nearly disappears between his plate-sized palms. “Shiv’s like… in magazines with the US President an-and has like seven houses. And like, Tom, we took a helicopter here?”
Tom loses some of that bitter steam in a bursting leak. He doesn’t particularly want to hear more of that tone, quickly turning sour, in Greg’s voice. “Who cares about that, huh? How’ve you been – how was Sorbonne,” He briefly considers elbowing Greg, just a bit, but keeps it to himself. “Did you ever find a mime?”
Greg shrugs and looks at the mitt in his hands, framing his fingers against the shape of it. “…It wasn’t that bad. I graduated pretty high up.”
“Oh, yeah?” Tom smiles wide before he can help it. “What was your thesis on?”
“The uh, shrinking agribusiness sector in Auvergne,” Greg mutters, quietly, dropping and shaking his head in a way that seems to be to put hair across his face.
“That sounds hideously boring,” Tom says, probably too brightly, and has to keep himself from demanding that Greg recite his presentation. He drops his voice a bit more, instead, tilting his head to a sarcastically curious angle. “Doesn’t explain why the fuck you’re trying to work at an amusement park?”
“The management program –”
Tom almost reaches out, but manages to stop his hand before it moves too far, abortedly putting it on a hip. “Greg.”
“I can’t really do job interviews,” Greg says, letting go of the mitt and rubbing at one of his brows with the knuckles of his fingers. “…Or get any. And you – uh, you were wrong about my grandpa; he still didn’t – doesn’tcare. He thinks no degree is worth anything, and didn’t… He won’t let me in.”
“I didn’t know he was Ewan Roy, Greg,” Tom says, exhaling a weak scoff, digging his hand into the glove. “I thought he was a normal grandpa who had an organic farm.”
Greg huffs but looks to silence himself with a bite at his lip, and shakes his head. “So. How was Hong Kong?”
“It was alright, though the work was sort of shit, but…” Tom shrugs and gestures outward with a turn of the glove, then takes a breath and looks back at Greg. “Oh, hey, I got a dog.”
“Yeah?” Greg says, briefly brightening, only to abruptly wilt and tense, elbows digging into his sides. “Like, with – uh, Shiv? Like, as a prep thing.”
Tom stares for a beat, feeling like his brain has just stalled midway through an intersection. “No – what? I got him in Hong Kong.”
“Oh,” Greg says, arms relaxing against his sides and raising his brows in interest. “Like, what kind?”
“Lab, as in he’ll eat anything you leave out,” Tom says, lifting a single shoulder, then gestures vaguely to the grass at their feet while recalling the memory of how he got Mondale. “But he’s not papered – has a pedigree written on the streets of a Kowloon. I found him in an alley and picked the poor little guy up.”
Greg stares for a beat, then slowly a corner of his mouth turns up, as he finally affords Tom a smile for the first time all afternoon. “You picked him up, Tom, like stole him?”
“He was a stray,” Tom insists, though it had occurred to him otherwise, as well, when he first hoisted Mondale up and stuffed him in his coat. “He needed a family. Or, well, it was just me, but you know what I mean.”
Greg drops his head in a nod, smile fading to answer with little more than a mutter. “Yeah, no – I do.”
“Ladies! Come on, stop gossiping,” Roman interrupts, voice pitching like a yowling siren across the field. “Or I’m going to put crying in baseball.”
“Softball,” Greg mutters, low and resentful in a way entirely, hilariously unfamiliar.
Tom quiets a bark of laughter in the back of his knuckles. God, he can’t even imagine having to put up with family visits with a child version of Roman.
“What happened?”
Tom rolls his eyes upward, then glances over to Kendall still sniping something at Connor, who ever so turns the other cheek. “I don’t have a medical degree, but seems like… we’re about to become characters in a Brothers Karamazov re-imagining.”
Greg sputters a choked laugh, which sort of makes it worth the hazard of Shiv overhearing the joke. “Jesus, Tom,” he mutters, hugging his jacket around himself with a glance at said kids berating the nursing staff. “That was so loud.”
“You probably already have more info on it than me,” Tom says, a bit ungraciously, checking his phone again for the text he’s supposed to get from Sarah regarding the supposed best neurologist in New York. “One of your favorite hobbies was sitting around and listening, wasn’t it?”
“I guess. Shit, this isn’t – ” Greg groans under his breath, then stands back up. “I’m going to call my mom.”
It’s an unexpectedly horrible feeling to have a ring sitting heavy in his pocket while looking at Greg Hirsch in a ratty green wind breaker, furrowing his brow in that endearing way down at a cheap little phone, and being conscious of the fact it’s not for him. He shouldn’t even want it to be for Greg – their breakup was amicable, on the surface, but it wasn’t great on Tom’s end. He wanted Greg to succeed, and thrive, and blossom into the sly little business freak that sometimes popped up in the papers he used to make Tom edit, but he also wanted to keep him in a box. He wanted Greg to call him every day, and write him letters or emails, and keep him updated on every stupid fucking thing he did, but… But Tom broke it off clean, and said some things he didn’t particularly believe about their potential future, so Greg took a box out of Tom’s place and across the ocean, while Tom sold that place and moved across the other ocean, and became such a sad sack that he maybe stole a puppy.
Tom probably shouldn’t propose to Shiv, not now, if someone else can make him feel more insane than her while she’s still in the same room. Hell, maybe he never should have bought the ring – he was thinking only yesterday, in a fond, slightly sore way how Greg would’ve hated the stepped levels in the living area where Tom is staying in with Shiv. And the height of the shower head, which is about at Tom’s nose; and the cracked number four in the elevator – bad luck, Tom imagined telling him.
It has been five years, but he still has so many of those intrusive little Greg-thoughts; he almost wants to write them down to confront Greg, just to get some answers on them. Did he hate the new Star Wars, or the new name packaging on Coke; how did he feel about that thing with the mummy crypt, or the hadron collider, or the ancient cheese in Egypt?
He manages to distract himself for a few minutes with a magazine, but looks over when he hears Greg getting into it with Marcia, in a way, fumbling over two seats to try to convince her that he got a job from his uncle. He watches in something like embarrassment, even though Greg hasn’t been his to be embarrassed over, and never really was like that, in half a decade.
It’s less of a surprise than it should be, all the same, when Greg bee-lines over to Tom after he’s been dismissed to gather some shoes.
“Hey, so,” Greg whispers, wetting his lips with a few glances sideways at the huddled rest of the family. “I’m not like – uh, like trying to fall back into patterns of behavior consistent with – ”
“Just say you need money for cab fare; Christ on a cracker, Greg.”
“It’s just because your, uh – ” Greg shrugs, tight, gesturing vaguely at the hallway he’d disappeared into earlier for his call. “Your girlfriendsort of stole my last twenty.”
Tom nearly flinches at the emphasis, then frowns hard. “Your last twenty?”
“Yeah, my – ” Greg shrugs, hands twisting in his coat. “Uh, my mom cut me off. Like for real.”
Tom flattens his lips, glancing over toward Shiv looming over a pouting Roman, then reaches backward for his wallet. He pulls out a card, waving it under Greg’s nose with a pointed lift of a brow.
“Tom, you don’t – ”
Tom interrupts with a dismissive tut. “Look, starling, just take the card and get your uncle’s shoes – and maybe a sandwich, because you’re obviously feeling real hangry. You can return it when you circle back.”
Greg abruptly looks actuallyangry for a pair of beats – his eyes going big and indignant, expression freezing stiff in a resentful moue.
Tom raises his brows, bemused, “Seriously, it’s fine.”
“No, yeah – I, I can,” Greg snaps, snatching them card out of Tom’s hand with a marked white knuckle grip. “Thanks.”
Tom stares after until Greg is out the double doors, Roman bizarrely after him, then all at once realizes what he’s said, sitting hard into a chair while mortified heat floods his face and his gut twists into a knot. Fuck. He’ll be lucky if he gets that card back – not that it matters, he would keep paying it, too, which is just pathetic. It would be worth too much to stop; how could he deprive himself some opportunity to look at a statement and know Greg was out there eating or buying a nice coat.
He shifts his jaw, then straightens the magazine in his hands, flopping it open to stare across the pages. He scans his eyes across an article on autumnal browns, sweaters and coats galore, then turns the page, then another, pretending to care about the clothes. He finds himself stopping at an ad for perfume, scent faded to nothing, where a woman in a wedding gown peeks coyly over a shoulder.
He looks over at Shiv, as the ring weighs heavy in his pocket and really feels like the last thing he could need in his life. The future he fantasized about and built up with her – a nice house, a kid or two, a high position at WayStar while she tramples politics into shape – it seems to be shrinking in the distance of his rear view. He would’ve done it, certainly, but between Greg showing up and her father near death, all he has is a couple glaring signs that he might want to look at a map and figure out where he’s actually going.
“What’s up?” Shiv asks, walking over after seeming to notice the staring, then raising a brow high up her forehead. “Oh, and Rome said he saw you just gave our weird cousin your blackcard? You don’t even know him.”
“I do, actually,” Tom corrects, a bit quick, trying to beat back a flare of heat against his neck. She knows some of his dating history, but no names, and he’s not sure he wants to know how she would react, if her first adjective for Greg is weird, rather than the more obvious tall. “Before I took the offer to Hong Kong with Waystar, I was doing some contract work with EMCO. He was in school at Western.”
“Oh,” Shiv intones, then scoffs under her breath with a look toward the sliding doors. “Nuts.”
Tom takes a beat to ready an innocuous question that feels like a choice. “Can I have his money?”
Shiv raises her brows. “What?”
“He loaned you a twenty?”
“Oh,” Shiv says, eyes rolling and digging into her pocket. She drops change and a few crumpled bills into his hand with a low scoff under her breath. “Jesus, Tom, who cares?”
“Obviously, I kind of do,” Tom says, straightening the bills out, then folding them against his fingers. “I’ll get it back to him. How’s your dad?”
“They’re moving him to a new room,” Shiv says, a slight turn to her nose that reads as irked, unhappy it’s taken so long, despite the relative few hours since the stroke.
Tom slips the money into his front pocket. “The watch didn’t impress him much, did it?”
“Not really, no,” Shiv says, a wan smirk briefly peeking at the corner of her mouth. “But you didn’t exactly stick the landing, either, Wambsgans.”
Tom had all but fumbled the watch at Logan, forgetting his prepared quip, too distracted by the revelation of Greg Hirsch looming at the edge of every conversation. He can’t really admit that to her, though, not yet. “I had other things on my mind.”
Shiv scoffs loud. “Like what?”
“Like.” Tom shrugs, turning his head with an imploring look upward. “…Do I really need to impress him?”
Shiv raises her brows with a bemused blink. “What?”
Tom presses his mouth into a flat line, then forces himself to continue to spite the little box of minor fortune in his pocket. “Do you see this – us – going somewhere where I’d need to impress him?”
“I don’t know, Tom,” Shiv says, all but recoiling into herself with a glance over her shoulder at her family. “Is that really the point right now? He could be dying.”
“I know, I know,” Tom says, reaching up and running a pair of fingers against the edge of his hairline. “I’m sorry.”
“And why can’t we just – ” Shiv lowers her voice, glancing again toward her brothers with a quick jerk of her shoulders. “Have fun while it lasts? I like hanging out with you, you know that, so who cares about where it’s going – whatever that means.”
“Right,” Tom says, feeling a bit sucker punched in the solar plexus. He just got his answer, didn’t he? “Yeah.”
Tom stands to follow her and the others to Logan’s new room, a giant-size thing with a sitting area and a glass partition from the bed; it looks like something they’d give a sitting president. He watches her immediately get into a spat with her brothers, as he takes in the place, and catches a cakebox in the corner. He quirks a brow, then looks across the room to Marcia, who drops her head in a small nod.
Later, after the Roy siblings have seen to take their arguments elsewhere, Tom looks up from his newest magazine when the door opens, then up, watching Greg hustle with the slippers toward Logan’s bed. He feels his fingers twitch into the pages in his hands, an urge to get up and stop him from going anywhere only barely restrained. He drops his eyes when Greg turns back around, ostensibly going for the door again without even a greeting, only to stop at it with his hand on the handle.
“You know, Tom, I –” Greg takes a breath, giving Tom some additional time to attempt to bring together the apology he’s been working on for over two hours. “I like, I don’t think I would’ve even finished at Western without you there, an-and around, but I never – I don’t think I thanked you?”
Tom stares for a beat, taken aback, then rolls his eyes and drops the magazine to the table. He’s not sure what this is about, but best to nip it in the bud. “Don’t exaggerate,” he says, exhaling a harsh breath through his nose. “I helped you out with a couple statements, at most.”
“No, not like that – I-I mean I was going to drop out,” Greg says, turning his head with a flat twist of a frown at the corner of his mouth. “I was like… totally just overwhelmed? And going to do it, even though I only had a semester left, but then you kind of made it seem like I could. Saying all that stuff. And then with applying to Sorbonne, too? No one else even cared, like I barely cared? But... you thought I could do it.”
“No, I knew you could,” Tom says, standing from the sofa and crossing the room with a spare glance toward the bed and Marcia on the other side of the glass. He leans up into Greg’s face, just a bit, raising his brows while wishing he wasn’t feeling too much of a coward to touch him. “I am so fucking proud of you, Greg. The fact I don’t even know half the words in your thesis is tremendous to me.”
Greg blinks rapidly, looking down at his fingers twisting together in front of him. “Tom.”
“Look, I have no clue what kind of job you even want, but I can make sure you get it,” Tom says, offer punching out of him with a tone of desperation that he hopes Greg can’t hear or won’t care to, “I’ll call my lawyer; she’s defended half the shitty agricultural corps in the Midwest looking to fuck the little guy over. Or the little guy, if you prefer. You don’t need to be groveling to – ” He drops his voice with a pointed raise of his brows. “A literal braindead tycoon when you’ve got an MBA from France.”
Greg huffs a weak laugh. He doesn’t look back at Tom, but neither does he leave, and gradually it becomes clear he’s working up to opening his mouth to ask something painful. “I kinda was also wo-wondering if have you – um, ever regretted how…” He shakes his head with a tight swallow. “What happened? With like the us of it.”
“It was realistic,” Tom says, carefully wetting his lips, watching Greg cringe outright and immediately regretting the choice to be blunt. “It made sense. It was arguably better for both of us… But did – do I regret it? I think – It may be one of my biggest regrets, yeah, Greg. I can’t actually… think of anything else I regret more than reconciling to some life where I wouldn’t get to see you.”
“I came up with like a thousand reasons not to do it that way, like long distance or whatever, but… uh, couldn’t like say any of them,” Greg says, then goes pinched and reticent for a few long beats. “I – I thought you just – ” He shakes his head, worrying his lip sore between his teeth. “You just didn’t like me, anymore? Or maybe… ever did.”
Tom can’t help but offer a somewhat mangled laugh. “No, Greg, I…” He stares across Greg’s downturned face, resistance to the truth crumbling, as Shiv telling him they’re just having fun echoes weak against Greg saying now, after years, how he still wishes it had been different. “From the moment I met you, I knew I was never going to get you out of my head.”
“You… Never?” Greg repeats, visibly swallowing, as he looks up at Tom with red-rimmed eyes under his bangs.
Tom tentatively reaches out and sets a hand atop Greg’s fretting fingers, feeling them go still under his palm. “Never.”
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silky-stories · 3 years
If you can or want to of course, could you do pico, ruv and garcello reacting to you having scars? From anything (s$lfh@rm, surgery , fights, etc) thank you!❤️
Sure thing! I ended up having the scars be from fights, hope you like it! :D
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S/O With Scars Headcanons {Pico, Ruv & Garcello}
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1313
Disclaimer/s: Mentions and descriptions of scars, mentions of fighting, swearing, hints at talk about trauma
Notes: This was yet another reminder that I’m not very good at writing for Ruv—
Pico’s probably one of the most understanding and relatable people in the world when it comes to having scars
As someone who’s earned quite a few scars of his own, he definitely fits that criteria
(Seriously, with all the things this man has been through he’s practically collecting them like pokemon cards)
However, that didn’t dissuade his immediate concern when he saw your scars for the first time
He saw them for the first time when you were getting changed and he was in the room
(Nothing nasty, he didn’t see anything ya weirdos-)
When you took off your shirt, his usual reaction to say something playfully flirty was stamped out quickly when he noticed the long strips of paled and sunken skin that ran up your arms, crossed over your abdomen
He went so quiet that you actually got worried for a minute
He hastily reassured you when you asked if they were grossing him out
“Nononono! ‘s just, ah... hope that ya didn’t... didn’t go through too much gettin’ those...”
You knew about his past at that point, and the reasoning behind his statement and silence became apparent instantly
Once you told him that you were actually just a badass and used to get in fights a lot (or still do-) he feels much better
Maybe a little irked that someone would do that much damage to you that it would leave permanent marks, but much better nonetheless
After that he’s always jumping at the opportunity to see them
If you two are cuddling he’ll run his fingertips across them and trace them as he rants about how cool he thinks you are
Please tell him the stories of how you got them if you’re comfortable with that, he wants to marvel over how awesome you are
“Damn, he cut ya that bad an’ ya still beat his ass? That’s metal as fuck.”
Later into your relationship he might share as well, but it’ll be a lot less of a badass story-time session and more of a “I haven’t been able to open up this intensely to someone in years but I love and trust you so I want you to know” kind of thing
He’s pleased that he can show his scars around you, both physical and mental, and not feel judged
Ruv has got a couple scars from the job he used to have, but they’re all quite minor and he doesn’t really care about them
To him they’re just a byproduct of his past, that’s it
Just a reminder of what he used to do that only he gets to see, all of his scars usually being covered by his clothing
It was odd when he saw your scars for the first time though
His initial reaction was... pretty much nothing actually
Your shirt had gotten dirty while the two of you were hanging out alone and you had pulled it off to change without thinking
He stared at your back and the pale lines that littered it with the same monotone stare he usually carried
That is until you looked back to stare back at him, he quickly looked away after that, muttering a concise apology
You didn’t even realize that he had thought anything of it until he brought it up ten or so minutes later
“What are they from?”
Your tilted head and puzzled expression told him that you didn’t understand, so he took your arm and ran a finger along a visible scar, now out in the open with the t-shirt you were wearing
“Did someone... try to..?”
You were quick to tell him that it was fine and explain what they were actually from when you noticed the dark gaze his eyes held
He was surprised to hear that you had received them by kicking people’s asses in fights, but he found himself actually kind of amused
You were weird, of course you got them from something weird like that
(...the good kind of weird though, the kind of weird-good that would make somebody want to date someone as intimidating as him)
He’d probably want to hear about the stories as well, but there wouldn’t really be any hyping you up, mostly just silent listening as he allows his hands to wander, tracing scars as he goes
Eventually he’d get more used to it though, just like everything in your relationship
“...what about this one..?”
He wouldn’t show you his scars on purpose because he wouldn’t feel any need to, they are what they are, but he wouldn’t try to hide them
He never mentions it but he kind of hopes that you get his help if you’re ever in another fight
He trusts your capability and he (secretly) does think that the scars look cool, but he’d prefer that you don’t have to go through pain to get them
He doesn’t really have many scars, just a couple that he’s acquired from the standard *insert dumb thing done during childhood* kind of scars
He honestly thinks that scars are pretty cool as long as they’re not associated with anything traumatic
They’re proof of strength and overcoming hardship, and that’s rad
He saw your scars for the first time when you two decided to go for a swim together in a small lake he knew
It was summer, it was hot, and he knew that the lake was secluded and not too many people knew about it, making it perfect for a little getaway together to beat the heat
When he noticed the ribbons of lighter skin that indented your arms and legs, he wasn’t sure what to think at first
Like Pico, he was immediately kind of concerned, wanting to subtly make sure that they weren’t because of any sort of traumatic or dangerous experience that you had to go through
“Hey, feel free to tell me if it’s none of my business, but...”
He doesn’t want to pry into something that’s none of his business, but if there’s something that he needs to be concerned about mentioning for your sake, he wants to know
Once you tell him about the fights that you would partake in (and usually win) though, he’s definitely interested in hearing all he can
He wants to hear about all the people that had their asses handed to them whenever you decided to walk onto the scene
He wants to hear about your triumphs and losses, tracing around each scar as you go into detail about how you got it and how long it took to heal and what it felt like
“He snuck a knife in? Geez, I’m kinda glad that you roughed him up as much as you did.”
He’s intrigued and, as someone who just loves hearing you talk (especially about things you’re passionate about), he can’t get enough
He always asking if it hurts before he makes contact with one, knowing from research that scars can sometimes hurt even after they’ve healed
Actually, he asks before touching any of them at all times, he never wants to make you feel uncomfortable
He’s perfectly fine with you seeing his scars, he makes it more of a joke whenever you see them though since he doesn’t really have a sick story to tell
“You see this? Seesaw, 1999.”
It’s his mental scars that he opens up to you about
He’s got some baggage, and he’d never dump it all on you if you weren’t open to it, but he really appreciates having someone that’s willing to listen, and will repay that tenfold
That aside though, expect him to flaunt you if you’re comfortable with it
He’ll totally brag to people about having a badass partner that could beat them up if they wanted to
(He’s only half-joking)
In summary, you’re super cool and he makes sure to remind you of it regularly
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smalldez · 2 years
the one thing i'll get off my chest about the wilds because i thought it (generally.) did a good job of being both morally complicated show and also batshit wild enough to give its more questionable sociological takes the benefit of the doubt and idiotic "experimental" conditions but. like who decided to make ivan like that. overall i felt the boys of color were underserved in terms of complicating their narratives while still providing a sympathetic lens, but ivan truly was the worst of it.
it was weird to hinge so much of his personality and backstory on defensive and outsized reactions wrt his black and queer identity without ever justifying it. sure the acknowledgement that black queer people suffer enormous tragedies might be enough of a known reality to explain his actions, but relying on that outside information is a lazy writing choice. the difficulties (both external and internalized) of the queer experience is given real nuance in this show, but the black experience and especially the black queer experience is deeply... vague. the reids' were only really connected to their black identity through interpretive subtext that could have been unintentional, and the only real development is arguably through ivan and scotty's two interactions, which i also felt rang hallow to thinking about issues of masculinity and homophobia within the black community.
ivan's experience is most directly connected to his economic privilege, and any of his radical takes were based off a type of performative activism and a type of "cancel culture" that is so much more reflective of a specific brand of white liberalism that to make it the central characteristic of this black queer boy is so......... the word isn't even out of touch, it's just racist and belittling to black experiences.
like. WHY have him demean kirin like that. why make him so consistently annoying and unsympathetic. why have his attempts at mediation or helping be shown so clearly as missteps. why have his boyfriend, clearly meant to be the "good" and more fully realized black queer boy, only exist to show how shallow ivan is and to ultimately provide an opportunity to show kirin in all his nuance and complications in an entirely sympathetic moment. luc's entire purpose felt like a way to rebuke ivan, and he's given no characterization beyond that.
sorry this became more of a mindless rant and i'll try to post something more concise and to the point later but it's like. this isn't about me "not liking" ivan, though i'll admit i'm more sensitive and critical of how black and queer stories are handles, but his character character was so fully trashed from the beginning that it's just..... it's so disheartening and insulting, and i felt that its different narrative parallels to the boys' conflict ended up undermining their storyline.
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