#i really dont want the allegations to be as bad as they sound but they also ring of truth so. idk
hezekiahwakely · 1 year
I just want to point out that the Medium article about Rusty Quill's alleged mismanagement, bad communication, shitty contracts, etc. was written by the marketing director of a competing fiction podcast network, Fable and Folly. I could certainly see a bit of an incentive existing here to detract from Rusty Quill's image and turn business away to other companies (them).
I don't have a way of saying whether the allegations are true or not, I'm not confident in supporting one side or the other atm and I hate this whole situation because it involves the creators of something I love. But I also don't know whether the article was written in earnest good faith. This is an aspect to consider when weighing the whole situation.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 9 months
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
kairi is the third protagonist of the kingdom hearts series and the third member of the destiny trio, alongside fan favorites sora and riku. sora/riku shippers HATE kairi, and will go out of their way to discount her at every turn. the hate for her ranges from typical "she's a boring bitch" to fans of soriku making five-hour long video essays reassuring their fellow shippers that the big bad kairi won't show up in the next installment – to quote one video, "she's in a box. she's on the shelf. four walls, no door." kairi is the greatest bogeyman the soriku fandom has ever known, to the point where most of said video essays and fanon meta posts focus not on why sora and riku should get together, but rather on why they don't like kairi.
Literally has a 100+ page Google doc fan theory writing her out of the narrative and putting all of her (few) canonical accomplishments onto half of the popular m/m ship (soriku). Don't even get me started on how her memory was completely written out of the canon plot of re:coded. KH is a nightmare to explain so dude trust me she is THE victim of yaoi
She is so fundamental to the plot and themes and narratives of game and yet it is near impossible to find anything about her thats not ship bashing pre-mlm with the other two characters. I dont even care if she ends up with one of the main characters i just want fans to see her as a cool character to love or like, anything other than “annoying comphet girl.” You can write your mlm but pleaae stop inventing comphet where it doesnt exist. She does not even get to spend time with sora ever?? Why does everyone see her as a threat and a thing to destroy?? Let her have friends so help me
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime.
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rue-bennett · 2 years
Hey! Can you explain to me the dwd drama?? I see everyone talking about it but no one says what happened i dont get it
Here is my attempt, buckle in and get worried, darling:
Olivia’s directing the movie starring Florence & Harry (whose role originally went to Shia LaBeouf, but more on that later), which filmed from October 2020 to February 2021. Olivia was engaged to Jason Sudeikis but their relationship officially ended in November 2020. Olivia and Harry met on set and started officially dating in January 2021. Officially. So, all along there’s been intense scrutiny of Olivia from Harry stans who are convinced they’re gonna date him or he’s gay or no woman is good enough for him or whatever reason they have to vilify her (because they can’t handle that he’s not their little puppet doll). Not to say she didn’t do shit. Let’s get into that soon!
(So yeah. The relationship timeline is sketch. Personally, I don’t really give a shit about strangers ~allegedly~ cheating on each other, it’s not my business, Jason isn’t exactly a sweetheart even if he’s currently America’s Sweetheart because he plays one on tv. Relationships break up, lots of directors fuck stars, it’s definitely juicy but it’s not that noteworthy if it weren’t for the star power involved. Also, in summer 2022 Jason had custody papers served to Olivia *while she was onstage* promoting DWD at CinemaCon. That was a week! However, I’d also like to not that Flo is close with Jason, so it’s not like she’s a neutral party either. She was still very much in a serious relationship with Zach Braff at the time and Zach & Jason are besties. So. There is that!)
Back to during filming, Shia was fired for clashing on set with the cast and crew (namely Florence) and it was widely reported back in 2021 during filming and then brought up in the press a week or two ago that Olivia fired him because she wanted to make her set a safe space for women or whatever, and with Shia’s history of abusing women and anyone really, makes sense, right? Well. Shia’s apology tour is currently happening where he’s clearing the air/making shit up/what’s to be expected from that fucko, who I don’t trust (he recently admitted his movie Honey Boy, which is autobiographical and about how Shia’s real life dad abused him, was completely made up to make Shia seem more likable and that his dad never touched him) and the timing was convenient. However. He did have a video that Olivia sent to him, basically begging for him to come back to DWD and saying she didn’t want to give up if he didn’t (alleging that he quit, he wasn’t fired) and spoke condescendingly about Florence, talking about how if Shia and “MISS FLO” (the attitude with how she said it fjsjcjd) could work things out she’d love to have him back. Anyway, Harry was cast in the role and Olivia and him have been dating for a while, so good-ish for them I guess.
There are intense rumors about Olivia being unprofessional on set/sneaking off with Harry/Florence generally being unhappy on set is the big thing. There are rumors she was gone for so long that Flo had to step in and tell crew what to do, but I highly it was that extreme. There is at least one assistant director always there, and things can be dramatic and bad without being like ludicrous. But people will insist on making things up because they sound good/bad! Regardless—twas bad! (There’s also the whole female director takedown conversation but…)
And Flo has made it really almost obnoxiously but also hilariously obvious that she doesn’t like Olivia or want to promote the movie—she’s THE LEAD but she’s done very little press and barely even promotes it on Instagram. And btw, a certain amount of press (usually a large amount!) is written into the contracts that actors sign when they sign onto movies. It’s not a casual thing that she missed the Venice Film Festival press conference for the movie SHE STARS IN at its WORLD PREMIERE.
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A quick note about the promotion—Olivia has been promoting it…a lot. And in a way that really rubs a lot of people the wrong way. It’s definitely being painted by her as super feminist, a female orgasm movie where men don’t cum (yes, she literally said that). Then Florence said how “When it’s reduced to your sex scenes, or to watch the most famous man in the world go down on someone, it’s not why we do it,” and didn’t mention Olivia AT ALL. And with the major marketing just being around Harry eating Flo out when there’s a whole movie around that scene presumably…kinda fucked up.
When she was gallivanting around in her purple suit with her granny lol, not on a delayed flight nor Really having to rush back for Dune 2. (Yes, she and Timmy likely have different shooting schedules, but let’s be honest, he’s been lazying around Italy like Elio in Call Me By Your Name, she could’ve gotten a full day off if she’d wanted it.) It was a huge fuck you to Olivia and Harry, she’s allegedly been really annoyed that their relationship has taken all the attention away from the film and from her acting (which I’ve heard is great in this movie) and it’s just a fucking mess.
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And I’m crying because it’s not even over yet.
Flo went to the red carpet and premiere screening for DWD. They were all separated from each other and it is sooooo obvious and messy. And let me say…it’s not normal for a lead actor (Florence) to not even stand or sit next to their director. The Harry part isn’t as weird because they were trying for once to cool their relationship and not make the headlines about that. Instead! Just about the Flo & Olivia beef.
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(Btw. The Harry-Chris Pine spitting thing btw isn’t real. It’s funny and people ran with it, but there is no spit. There’s multiple angles of it, and no. Chris found his sunglasses in his lap + thought Harry & Olivia would talk but didn’t. Harry didn’t spit on him. Funny thought though! Fun reaction meme out of it though!)
I think some of it is definitely blown up for the tabloids to get as many people to see the movie as possible because bad press, good press, any press, etc. and things (like the spit rumor) run way out of control on social media. I also think we don’t know Everything yet and maybe never will. But anyways! There goes my sanity! Worry, darling!
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ultra-raging-ghost · 5 months
Im real nervous main tagging this because ive said my main peace and i dont wanna clog the tag up, but i will say after some context given i have a couple more thoughts?
tw// SA, r//pe mention, etc.
This will be a controversial statement. Me personally, i dont really honestly care? About what he said? It was eight years ago and he hasnt repeated the actions so i dont honestly and truly care what he did eight years ago, he was 19 then hes like 26 now theres honestly and truly a BIG maturity distance between 19 and 26, but also it was. Eight years ago? Thats all i have to say on that?
I Also dont really care for how it was brought to light, from what ive heard from pt speakers the expose was done by someone whos publicly anti towards the Brazilian CCs and ive heard they've dug up some dumb things about pac that werent "hot" enough to get trending i guess and definitely werent condemnable enough to get him cancelled, so it's honestly and truly in my heart something i see as being done in bad faith.
Alongside this, ive seen translation screenshots from one of the "victims" (not sure her stance on being called this so its in quotes) stating she does NOT want to be aligned with these allegations and has changed her username and profile picture because she honestly doesnt wanna be involved and doesnt want it being spread around, this is something else i view as bad faith and if anyone was affected by this then its the best thing to do as they wish, this not only affects the person being called out but also their victim negatively, especially if the victims profile is easily attached to their real life and especially when the victim is a female victim of assault or rape or anything like that, i hate to say it but as an afab person ive seen it firsthand that thats honestly the culture surrounding assault victims, and most people dont want that being brought up or put out in the public. Im a victim myself - people view you differently, it affects platonic and romantic relationships, it affects jobs, you are actively hurting the victim by spreading this if they dont want you to do so and arent prepared for that to be spread around.
From what ive seen, some people are condemning Forever for getting a lawyer - i dont view this as him being automatically guilty. I view this as him getting a lawyer because this person on twitter has been actively harassing not just him but all the brazilian CCs on the QSMP. This is harassment, the case against them will hold up in court and Forever has said he will speak about this more when everything is said and done
Alongside this, i will say im unhappy with Forever specifically for his statement on the situation. It wasnt handled the way we wouldve liked it, but it also wasnt handled via ukelele, it wasnt handled the worst way it could've been. Ive heard pt speakers say it was kind of formal, there was some slang in there but overall i've read the translated statement and to me it sounds more like a legal statement than anything - he mentioned having a lawyer, chances are the lawyer helped him write it. To me it doesnt sound like anything he'd fully say which is why i was so put off by it at first but this makes more sense to me honestly, i dont know if anyone would agree with this.
All in all, i think its a shitty situation but nothing to condemn Forever over. I ask people be thoughtful regarding the girl affected, and dont spread shit around with her name or profile attached to it unless she states otherwise. It was handled badly on Forever's end and blew up WAY too fast on twitter.
I've generally seen people be well behaved on here, ive seen some strong statements but otherwise i like to think we're better than twitter.
This probably wont be my last post on this as we get more on the situation over the next couple days, but this is my main thoughts right now. I'm still choosing to remain neutral, but more mixed than anything.
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piviani · 10 months
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what enhypen members needs to work on
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to become the best version of themselves
( disclaimer: please do remember to take my readings with a grain of salt. i am in no way a professional tarot reader and all of this are alleged and is for entertainment purposes only. )
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yang jungwon
ten of swords
somehow swords always shows up to him. what he really needs to work on is his are emotions and his charasteristic where he has no confidence at all. low self esteem. he tends to burden himself with responsibilities alot. so it would be better if he starts on working on himself not for the sake of others but for his own sake alone.
he may have the mentality to always feel or need to catch others for their own problems? i dont wanna cause issues, but whenever i do a reading on jungwon he always feels burned out, exhausted, and sad. it seems like he wants to crave validation from people. someone who could feel what he feels. he doesnt show his emotions alot. so it would be a really great start to befriend with a non-toxic circle and a non toxic environment that understands why hes like he is and why its hard with opening up.
lee heeseung
king of pentacles in reverse
oh what he needs to work on are his characteristics of being overly workaholic and stubborn at times. he may be too quick on his shoes especially if it involves his work without even roughly thinking about the consequences he might face and things he might lose along the way. as long as theres a starter lane he can run over its already enough for him. theres times he might leave things as it is if it doesn’t benefit him anymore.
heeseung has the tendencies to lose touch with the reality too, he might be overly intune with the idealism world he creates. sometimes losing touch with the reality has its side effects. (nothing bad about dreaming, he just might be into it that he might start to abandon it will actually need consistent hardwork) so he should work on these things to improve his life and become the best version of himself.
park jongseong
wheel of fortune - queen of pentacles
i was wondering what the wheel of fortune meant cause this doesnt seem like something that could be worked on. its one of the major symbolic cards. probably the only thing i could consider as slightly negative is where it will always have ups and downs. its a wheel after all—and in every transition, a big change occurs. so anyway, i pulled for confirmation and queen of pentacles came out. well—with the former card, it might be true in a sense that fate are always there for him. however we should take queen of pentacles into an account. he may take responsibilities for his loved ones too much so he should tone it down. things dont always look good just because it is for the external. best believe as unfortunate it sounds being a giver always causes troubles too. may tend to neglect himself while taking focus on the others thinking it could help him. so he should work on this :) hes too nurturing it backfires him.
sim jaeyun
two of wands
2 of wands, for jake to become the best version of himself—he should learn to focus on his personal goals. tha card shows a man standing holding an earth (or basically his world) with his right hand and a wand in his left, and with my own interpretation, it’s saying him that jake should learn to focus more on what’s infront of him than just standing. its the actions that matters. you cant be standing for so long or you could be left behind. he should learn not to settle for less with this. he may always be indecisive too—whether he should just stand and stay, or move forward by wanting more. he may be a thinker more than a taker. or like idealistic more than realistic. though there’s the passion, drive don’t do everything. he needs his own resolve so he could become the best version of himself.
park sunghoon
queen of wands
another wands, though queen of wands may mostly have an uplifting and positive meaning, this could also mean that sunghoon may have tendencies to be too self centered because of his confidence with his individuality. may be too independent as well. he should learn how to rely on others too as too much independence can cause you to isolate with others making it hard to open up his scars and wounds. he may be the type to be closed off yet helps with people with their own certain circumstances with his drive and force? just really not with himself which causes this destruction. so its really adviced for him to be communicative. (ive noticed most enha are not really great with communication and would rather keep it all by themselves, including sunghoon himself) like though they might everything’s alright already it might not be? sunghoon needs to stay still and allow others to walk through his inner. its not bad to be dependent sometimes.
kim sunoo
the tower in reverse
tower in reverse.. it seems like sunoo doesn’t face his personal problems because he believes walking through it causes more trouble than running away. so he turns his back instead. sunoo’s always scared to change that it becomes a toxic repetitive cycle. this seems like it will not change any time soon either. he will try and try to resist any transitions until it exhausts him. he may have low self esteem which causes this. sunoo doesn’t really see a light behind the darkness? neither would like to change this cycle. he would rather keep running instead of facing it. change are inevitable, sunoo should learn how to take this into an account and accept the undeniable transformations that needs to be taken for the future as this is a major part when growing up. (as much as i wouldve loved to deep dive more and pull a card but i dont think im allowed further. such heavy energy, this is all i can do.)
nishimura riki
the hanged man in reverse
the hanged man usually symbolizes detachment, discontentment and impulsiveness. these are what riki should take into an account for him to become the best version of himself. he seems to be the type to make his impulsiveness a mechanism to direct the fact that he always feels low, like just so he could feel thrill. he’s young so there seems to be days where impulsiveness takes over. im seeing impatience in his part as well. a bit naive. originally in the upright—we can see the man hanging there by his own free will, but this is in reversed—so im seeing some certain circumstances where he just let people control him rather than fighting for what he feels symbolizes him more. or hes standing in standards that doesn’t align with his will. this could also be the problem. he should learn how to let his thinking be aligned with his will. impulsiveness are not always the answer. he shouldnt retrain himself just because others said so. he needs how to form his own freedom of speech lol.
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seongminiz · 10 months
camboy!taeyoung thoughts !!
minors dni ; camboy roommate!taeyoung x afab!reader ; word count: ~770
warnings : not very detailed smut ; masturbation ; dont know how but this mighttt count as dubcon since both taeyoung n reader r doing everything behind each others back ? ; kind of exhibitionism idk ; i overuse the („• ᴗ •„) emoticon bc im insane
based on that one taeyoung video , might be- no its definitely all over the place , not proof read , was supposed to post this last night but i fell asleep , pls guys dont make fun of me idk how long i can still pull the autistic aroace lesbian card to defend myself from the shitty writer allegations , im very sleepy rn :3 , might post a part 2 if anyone is interested bc im not done with the thoughts („• ᴗ •„)
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camboy taeyo- GETS RAN OVER BY A TRAIN
my god my god my god
he'd sometimes use fleshlights n stuff like that but nothinggg would beat when hes fucking his hand n cums all over his toned abs („• ᴗ •„) n he'd tease his audience sooo much ! being all cocky n mostly in a dom mood ,, but the most fun streams of his r the ones where hes more subby :( begging n whining n trying sooo hard not to come too early bc being this vulnerable in front of an audience makes him more sensitive n turned on •v• camboy tyoungie i fucking love u thats it
and and and and
roommate!taeyoung who also works as a camboy to have some extra money to spend on himself . u dont know abt it , u just assume hes rlly loud n horny all the time - which, hey, u cant rlly blame him for it - but u do question if hes that loud bc he wants u to hear him ,, if only u knew how ur guess isn't that far fetched , taeyoung having to keep himself from moaning ur name everytime he streams, touching himself to the thought of u - on top of him or under him , anywhere , he doesn't care , just thinking abt u is enough . and if only he knew how u took an habit of touching urself at the same time, ur bed being conveniently against the wall confining with his room .. u dont even worry abt taeyoung hearing u , you pride yourself in being on the quieter side - you really aren't and taeyoung anxiously checks if his mic is picking up on ur sounds every single time he hears u . until one eventful day - while taeyoung is out at the gym or something - u realize oh shit , u r unbelievably horny n ur personal jerk off material isn't home ,, u r so desperate , nothing you find on twitter or even those shitty porn sites seems to do the job , it's almost like you've conditioned yourself to only feel good bc of taeyoung </3 at some point , doom scrolling ur twitter tl u come across an account u follow promoting their ,, streaming channel on some obscure website that sounds like a scam . no its definitely a scam . you've never had that much of an interest in this kind of content , but you figure at this point u could try anything to get rid of how unbearably horny u r . again, nothing of what you're seeing piques your interest, until u see the thumbnail of a specific vod from a few days prior. despite being darker, you can still realize the room looks eerily similar to yours - to taeyoung's. u shake ur head, giving yourself a few slaps for good measure and whispering to yourself to 'fucking snap out of it', there's no way you're so down bad for ur roommate u r starting to imagine him as one of these camboys. no way. but u still cant fight the urge to click on the video, maybe the resemblance to taeyoung is what can get u to finally feel good . you hurriedly put your oh so beloved noise canceling headphones on and turn the volume up. that's when your heart sinks and u freeze, hand stopping halfway inside your shorts bc holy shit that sounds a little too much like taeyoung, n u r now a hundred percent sure u saw those same bedsheets in his room four days ago - coincidentally the same day this was streamed, and yes thats his shirt, the one that always drives u insane bc he looks a little too good in it .... before u know it , you're on ur third vod of his , basically binge watching all of his past streams and on the verge of tears with how much you've been overstimulating yourself . you're so lost in it u dont realize taeyoung has come back home around the midst of 2nd video or so , and knows exactly what ur up to when he hears u moaning his name . poor boy is fighting the urge to just burst into your room , telling himself it wouldn't be morally right to do so - as if jerking off to the thought of his roommate while streaming or standing right by their door as he starts to slowly palm himself over his pants while listening to you getting off is any more decent ,,
this might stay ur little secret , both too shy to confront each other abt it ,, or maybe taeyoung will just have to wait for a repeat of that day to catch you red handed and finally get what he's been craving for weeks („• ᴗ •„)
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tatakaetime07 · 2 years
hey! so this is kind of long winded and probably doesn’t make sense. but could u plz do an eddie X reader where eddie doesn’t want the reader to get hurt,
they’re all getting ready to go through watergate (in volume 1) but eddie doesn’t want the reader to come because he’s worried they’ll get hurt,
long story short; somehow, eddie handcuffs the reader to something, somewhere (maybe reefer ricks?) so that she doesn’t come with them, and reader is cursing eddie,
but jason and his friends end up finding the reader while on their search for the eddie,
idk what should happen after that. if that’s too confusing or long winded, u don’t have to do it!!! love your writing <3
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。For your own good Pt.1 e.m
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Part 2
A/n:Omg my heart akskskks,thank u sm dear reader it means a lot!!💖and dont worry it wasn't confusing at all :),p.s I got slight yandere vibes lol
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader!
Summary:Your close friend Eddie had always been protective,but as more and more things start happening around you the more worried he becomes.What will you do when there's consequences for his actions?
Warnings:Cursing,violence,suggestive themes,a bit ooc Eddie(cus hes a sweetheart😭)
Word count-855
You were currently leaning on tree,blocking out the sounds of your friends talking about Lovers Lake or something.You ignored it,even though it was probably important,you were to fixated on someone much more interesting;the alleged murderer Eddie Munson.Or more precisely,your best friend who you may or may not have had feelings for.
His gaze briefly flickered to yours as you made eye contact,to which you quicky redirected your stare at Steve,feeling your cheeks heat up at being caught ogling at your friend.What you didn't see however was the worried look in his eyes as he stared at you.
You hadn't seen him for a few days,and when a kid you watched,Dustin Henderson,told you about how he strived to prove his friend was innocent,you immediately told him him you would come with,not just as his caretaker but as Eddie's friend,you knew he could never do anything like that.
So that had led you to where you were now,surrounded by a bunch of kids and others who were close enough to be counted as one themselves.Dustin had sat down days before and explained everything that had happened over the years that had somehow flown over your head.
It would get dark soon so the longer you sat around the easier you could get around,at least that what the supposed 'leader' Steve said.You had all agreed that somehow there were gates opening up after every murder,and due to Dustin's compass being messed up or something he suggested to go to the lake.'I always knew that kid was smart..'
It had taken an hour or two to reach the lake and be in a place no one could see them,but luckily enough you had spotted a boat that was good enough but could only hold so many people.
Although you suggested you would go Eddie interrupted you and volunteered himself.You narrowed your eyes confusingly.
“No,no,its fine Eds I can go.You stay.”You pushed as you approached Steve who was holding the boat steady.
Aside from Dustin and Steve's bickering over who was going no one was really paying attention to you and Eddie's interaction.
“No,really it's fine.”Eddie laughed with a clenched jaw.You had stared at him with a deadpan expression before grabbing him by his shoulder and shoved him by the trees where the others couldn't hear.
“What's up with you?Why do you want to go so bad,huh?”
“Why can't you just let me do this!?”He angrily burst out as he furrowed his eyebrows.Your eyes widened,there was something he wasn't telling you.
While distracted with what he was saying you hadn't notice the way he slowly reached for something in his pant pocket.Well,that was before he grabbed your wrist,making you step backwards.
“Eddie what are you doing-”
“Looking out for you,this is whats best for you,ok?I can't have anything happen to you I just can't.”
You then felt the cold metal around your wrist making you gasp.
“You can't tell me what you think is good for me!!-”You tried thrashing around in Eddie's grasp but to no avail as he had the upper hand of being taller and stronger than you.He attached the other cuff to a branch just barely above you.
He turned to walk away before coming back and holding you by your shoulders,a desperate look etched on his face.
“I'm so sorry (n/n) I really am,but after seeing what happened to Chrissy..”You heard his voice slightly waver as he caressed your cheek gently.”No one's safe anymore.But I'll keep you safe no matter what I promise,I won't let what happened to Chrissy happen to you,I'll be back and then we can talk about it.”
You were stunned as you then heard the crunch of the leaves underneath him as he walked back to the group.Not once looking back at you.
“Eddie!Eddie you son of a b*tch,get back here!You cant just say that then walk away!”
It was to know use though as Eddie was dead determined leaving you there till’ he came back.And you knew no one would ever hear you in the middle of the woods.
“That peice of shit..”
You sat there for an hour not wasting your breath trying to call for anyone.So that just left you alone in your thoughts.So many questions you wanted to bombard him with,like why the actual fuck was he just carrying around those cuffs?Although a bit of you didn't even want to know.But also why he was acting this way,you could have just stayed back he didn't even need to go this far.So what the f*ck man.He was your best friend,yet you had never seen him act this way before,actual he sort of did when you first met,but it wasn't the best circumstance since he was helping you fight a bully.
Even after all that though there was some dark part of you that secretly enjoyed the thought that he cared about you so much,and you understood where he was coming from to a certain extent,but uh,this was a bit too far,and you didn't need to be taken care of like a child.
After passing out while waiting you were surprised to wake up to a flash light being shone in you face.
“Huh..?”You regretted looking up the second you did,because you made eye contact with the very person who was hunting your friend down,Jason.
"Oh shit."
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queerponcho · 11 months
WEEWOO WEEWOO i finally watched spiderman across the spider-verse and i have some THOUGHTS-
i’ve been avoiding spoilers so like i am probably not the first one with these thoughts but here we go:
- we all know; miguel o’hara = hot as fuck
- BUT everytime hes on screen the music that was played sounded very similar to the vibe of the prowlers theme in the first movie. coincidence? i dont think so👀
-EVERY spider was shown having doubts about their position. they ALL doubted their stance when miles said ‘we’re supposed to be the good guys’ everyone BUT miguel
- WHAT IF miguel isnt actually his universes spiderman
- WHAT IF miguel is ACTUALLY his universes KING PIN
- when hes introduced he says ‘i am not like the other girls- spidermen’ while he is LITERALLY injecting himself with some typa green liquid??? like tf is that????
- maybe that shit actually gives him those spidey powers BUT do we actually ever see him like sticking to a thingie upside down or anything? he is always upright and he doesnt have the spidey stickiness
- he only gets like feral kinda and even his webs are like gleaming red??? and his mask is like SUPER evil and as pointed out by dad peter (aka nick miller) HE ISNT FUNNY
-Literally ALL of the spiders have some kinda funny thing or like cool power
- this man only has vampy teeth (hot) and is fast??? and like has these elbow slashes like???? he has nothing unique like all the other spiders.
- like gwen has her entirely different colours scheme and her ballet movements or the british one (kill me i forgot his name but i LOVED this guy) has his punk and guitar, fuck anarchy thing. like all of them have smth thats their thing but all of miguels traits are like super evil and sussy as fuck…
- AND he was SUCH a dick to miles. any actual spidey would NEVER be such a prick to another spider EVER- my guy is afraid of miles and wanted to break him down which brings me to the motive…
- idk what his plan is but he might know that miles can/ will be his doom. OR he knows that one of the spiders might find out and kill him so he makes this elaborate web of lies (pun intended) about these canon events and like scares everybody into thinking they have to just let these bad things happen when in reality he is just looking for this control. this might be a bit far fetched BUT IDK WHO KNOWS the writers lol
that motive thing i am not so sure about but i am certain hes afraid of what miles can do and will do cuz he is acting like a racoon trapped in a trashbag (shoutout to taylor tomilson lol) and gaslighting everybody onto his side…
then theres his alleged backstory;
- he went to a different universe to live his dream life and conveniently that universes miguel DIES????? MMMMHMMMM and u expect me to believe that mr sexy o’hara????
- he literally did what king pin tried todo in the first movie- and it failed
- thing is WHAT IF it failed not because he just went there and took his place BUT because he killed off that other daddy miguel
- what if the universe just collapsed cuz he went there and actually changed the entire universes future by killing this other miguel????
honesty its like 1am and i watched the movie like 5 hours ago so all this might not make sense. BUT I BADLY NEEDED TO TALK ABT THESE THOUGHTS- again i am for sure not the first one i just really need to speak this into the void lol
PLS if anybody wants to geek out over this movie PLEASE dm me i am BEGGING YOU i so badly wanna talk abt it cuz i love it SO MUCH
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monalisaspears · 9 months
i was thinking about this before bed the other day and idk i wanted to try and articulate the thought as best as possible.
mona lisa and rebellion are two sides of the same coin, but i feel like mona lisa is the commercial version of rebellion.
like think about it like this: that 50 second snippet of rebellion that's out there and that one pap clip of britney driving off while playing the intro are DARK. they're gritty and they're eerie sounding. if we actually got rebellion on blackout, im not sure if it would have been a single or just an album track/cult favorite. like of course, a lot of things would have needed to go differently for that to have happened (i.e. the cship) but i really can't see rebellion as a track for radio. whereas mona lisa has a similar (albeit not the same) message and is more radio friendly, sonically speaking (besides britney literally leaking it to kiss fm herself). and honestly? it's prophetic too. not that im saying one track is better than the other, but GOD mona lisa predicts britney's future to a T and it's scarily accurate that i can only imagine what the final sound of rebellion was. even with the alleged confirmed lyrics that are online and the snippet we have like that does not read as a radio single in the slightest, that feels like a cult favorite album track.
and another thing: it is SO bizarre to me that mona lisa was included on the singles collection. like yeah, it's on chaotic, but that was released in 2005 and at a point where britney was as free as can be. for the cship team in 2009 already two years into the nightmare to allow mona lisa to be released again as a part of the singles collection is so wild to me. like i don't know if it's just me but it almost feels damning for them to approve it. like maybe a misdirect, like they assumed we wouldnt see the cship as a bad thing if they willingly allowed this song that's so self-aware about how the industry (and her team specifically) did not want to see britney succeed on her own terms. like a hiding in plain sight thing? but even still, wouldnt it make more sense for them to try and bury it? continue with the narrative that original doll never existed and Britney went rogue one night by herself and turn the narrative on her? it just confuses me. not to mention the prior use of the mona lisa moniker in do somethin' which was also pre-cship but after mona lisa the song was played on the radio. like it's all so confusing how these are all connected and yet such isolated events.
it's just all so interesting to me. like i wonder about if we had gotten rebellion and mona lisa was the lost track and if the demand and intrigue would be the same. i think because there's something darker and sinister almost about the way rebellion sounds and how stark of a contrast those lyrics are to anything else she's released there's a reason it's so sought after. and it's not like mona lisa's lyrics arent telling, they are, but sonically that darker grittier tone to rebellion is something unique compared to the instrumental of mona lisa like that instrumental comparatively doesn't feel as heavy, charged, and loaded as the snippet we have of rebellion. i think if the situation went exactly the same but with rebellion being the leaked KISS FM track instead of mona lisa it would have been silenced by team con AND wouldnt have been looked at twice by the GP.
i dont know what this is supposed to accomplish or justify but it's just something i've been sitting on for a while in my brain. the what ifs of life always get me especially with rebellion and britney's life and career. rebellion always intrigues me with all the baggage attached to it including but not limited to the death of one of the song's producers (may christopher "notes" olsen rest in peace). it fascinates me still that of all her songs that have leaked over the years that rebellion never has, despite someone allegedly having THE blackout demo cd that has the full song on it. it's just something i find fascinating that i wonder about a lot from time to time. 2007 could have gone in a COMPLETELY different direction and rebellion is the barest proof of that against all that's happened since.
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cosalphonse · 2 years
might be a controversial take but im extremely indifferent to the fma dub. v*c is a total homophobic weirdo even if u dont believe the sexual harassment allegations (which theres literally evidence for) and his voice for for like child ed sounds like a teenager, like its just unbearably bad. i can appreciate it for being a solic dub outside of that, but i wish fans would stop praising it when the lead VA is such a creep.
i think it's fair to dislike the dub because of v*c. to clarify, i believe the allegations against him and think he's a terrible person. unfortunately i do think he does a good job as ed, but i really don't want to give him any praise for it considering how downright awful he is. and since he voices the protagonist it is hard to just ignore his presence. (his voice as child ed is awful though, seriously why couldn't they have gotten a kid to voice him during those scenes?)
most of the time when i'm praising the 03 dub, i'm praising the translation changes that were made to better suit american audiences and little lines that make a huge difference. one example off the top of my head being the change in the car convo with roy and ed. in the sub roy says "you're coming with me, right?" whereas in the dub he says "i can't let you come with me." with such a subtle change it shows a real maturity and sense of protection from roy, and the dub is filled with small moments like that
but like i said, i think it's fine if you don't want to watch the dub because of v*c. there is a lot of talent that went into the dub other than him, like the writing team and other vas like aaron dismuke, laura bailey, and travis willingham, but it is difficult to praise the dub as a whole when you have someone so terrible as the lead.
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vashs-posts · 2 years
Ok dudes, this is a rant and you can skip it over.
Panic! At the disco was my favourite band between the ages of 13-16. I understand that Brendon has done some super problematic shit before, and I'll be wrong if i said that i liked him the same after all of that. I didn't. It rubbed me so wrong. He was the band i wanted to see live forever, and then the weird allegations came out, and it put me off from wanting to see him live. But i also can't say that i didn't enjoy his music. I still enjoy his old music, it's just bittersweet. I've had some of the best memories with his music, and it sucks, but those do override his problematic personality.
BUT BUT BUT his new music, is just not it. Not at all. Even if i he wasn't problematic/had problematic allegations against him, it still is bad. When he dropped viva Las vengeance, it took time but i started liking it. Also it has references to the Smiths, so i liked it (omg don't get me started on Morrissey, he's problematic as hell, but he was a genius back then)
But everything since then? Trash. It all sounds the same. And he's trying extremely hard to constantly use his upper register. And it kinda hurts my soul a bit. Because idk why, maybe because of alcoholism, or any one of a million reasons, his upper register sounds really scratchy. And the songs aren't it. And this is coming from someone who actually LIKED the pray for the wicked era. And i was super delusional about it in the beginning, but i can't anymore. It's just bad. And i dont know why noone is telling him. The instruments are good, i guess, but it's not enough. It sucks, because it's disappointing.
He's problematic, but i always loved his music. Heck, i even loved the vibes/aesthetic of the new album. But idk, the album is coming out day after, and I'm not even a bit excited for it.
Rant over lol
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Jake English, Tavrosprite, Jasprosesprite^2
Act 6, page 7810-7811
JAKE: Tavrosprite thank you for surreptitiously scooting away with me to my planet.
JAKE: I hope they all dont think me too much of a soggy knickerbocker for ducking off without making the rounds and saying goodbye.
JAKE: I just needed to get away and clear my head and i guess get my dander up for this great green man-fracas i am to solely contend with apparently??
JAKE: Say tavrosprite...
JAKE: Youll help me with out this impending pugilism wont you?
JAKE: Atta boy tavvy!!!
JAKE: Oops is it ok if i call you tavvy?
JAKE: Actually wait.
JAKE: No i think i wont on second thought tavvy sounds fucking stupid.
JAKE: So were agreed then.
JAKE: We wait here and limber up and flex our stupendous guns a bit then let sail our haymakers once the circus trundles into town.
JAKE: I just wonder if theres anything else for me to DO aside from kiss my knuckles and lather them up with elbow grease.
JAKE: Turn my ten favorite boys out for a bracing constitutional you know?
JAKE: Should i be...
JAKE: Straining my brain to have some sort of magnificent epiphany about myself?
JAKE: Is this...
JAKE: Is this IT for me? Is this all there is to understand?
JAKE: Maybe theres only so much ragged wood a man can scrape from a barrels basement.
JAKE: Maybe sometimes a fellas gotta fess up to the fact that all there is to get about hims been firmly got already.
JAKE: Ive pretty much concluded that im a complete waste of everyones time if i bother busying their lives with my brand of beeswax and buffoonery.
JAKE: I settled square on the determination that i need to just be alone for most of my life and you know what im perfectly ok with that idea.
JAKE: Im just a lunk head and a loner and thats that.
JAKE: What else is there wonder about myself or my future except which face is most deserving of my fist?
JAKE: Thats the ticket!
JAKE: I love my aspect it feels so empowering every time i want to feel like somethings real when tons of facts are missing.
JAKE: I really am a lucky son of a bitch arent i tavvy. Shit i mean tavrosprite. Blech what i bad nickname sorry!!!
JAKE: But yeah thats pretty much what the doctor ordered for old jake english. No romantic stuff. No platonic stuff either!
JAKE: Ill be like... Mr nonrom sansplat... Or... Oh horsenoodles there has to be terminology that more effectively consolidates my present understanding of myself into a coherent identity i can get enthusiastic about.
JAKE: Maybe the troll lingo has the answers. Or maybe im pioneering some sort of... shadow quadrant system?? Ooh lordy wouldnt that be a swift kick in the netherdumplings.
JAKE: What do you think tavvyboy should i take my idea to the troll patent office and make a mint?
JAKE: Oh yeah.
JAKE: Heh oopsie.
JAKE: Yeah...
JAKE: Yeah!
JAKE: Cheese and crackers tavvers what an inspirational little spiel that just was.
JAKE: Mayhaps youve more concealed talents than you let on??
JAKE: Tavmeister are you ok?
JAKE: Heavens to murgatroyd park tavenue whats the matter??
Tumblr media
JAKE: Speak to me lobster tavioli!!!
Tumblr media
JAKE: Ey! Rikki tikki tavi! Lay it on me bro... do you need to go to a hospital or what?!
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aajjks · 9 months
Tae just posted pics of him walking and having fun in paris when that alleged video came out, he didn't even bother talking about it and nothing else came out of them notice that only outside of Korea and even in Korean forums or even karmys weren't buying this story , while some time later Jennie posted pics of her raising rumors again, it seems that she did it on purpose like for what she did that? need some attention? girl please dont just dont... and before yall come up with that ''protect women'' shitty speech when it comes to judging i don't mind gender, everything about her revolves around dating rumors, which in my opinion she looks much more like a sub celebrity than an idol, do you want to date? okay do your do, but dont make a career out of it, like she dont write music, dont dance, dont sing, she got dragged down for her bad acting by the locals tiktok was crazy this time and with good reason There was never any material praising her dancing or her voice, even her ''rap'' because she's just an interpreter since she doesn't write her verses blinks call her ACE looooooooool but I even understand that this must be a consequence of mediaplay this recent song is bad, bad melody, bad writing, everything is terrible and i wasnt i really dont like them as artists but jennie especially i dont like her as a person and artist she seems like kardashian wants to do anything to get into hollywood and be famous for… just.. being famous? as a sub or influencer? just see her on stage always looks like she hates being there if i was blink and i was paying for a ticket i would be disappointed that my artist delivers little energy on stage but girrrrrrl when they sing live they sound terrible so it's better not to sing anyway loool even though bts paved the way i cant connect with anyone in kpop because there is no other bts
babe taennie is now old news, if they’re dating good for them. and if they aren’t who cares?
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riverstardis · 1 year
what lurks in the heart:
poor dylan :(
aw his flip phone sjdkfkgk
aww ethan and alicia waking up together
alicia shoving ethan under the bed when robyn knocks on her door asking to borrow some moisturiser sjdkfkfkfk
“i haven’t been shoved that hard since i stole cal’s nerf gun” the mention of cal makes it awkward😬
aw max dragging jez out to check on dylan
dylan hasn’t arranged representation. they never do do they.
“alicia, cal likes you, i know he does, but he’s like some kite on the wind. i’m tired of always holding on to his strings in case he gets tangled in a tree.” “am i the tree in this?” “no you’re the reason i feel like i can let go” “what let go of cal?” “yeah. obviously i hope we can come back from this. i want us to be together—“ and then duffy comes into the cubicle SJDKFKGK
“ethan look, i can’t be the person to come between you and cal” “yeah. silly really to think that you’d consider us being together like that” “no but i am considering it ethan i just wish that—“ and they get interrupted AGAIN
lmaoo charlie says he’s consulting ethan and cal for help with wedding planning and duffy’s like “cal?! i’m gonna find myself twerking to beyoncé” 😭😭
alicia’s worried that if it didn’t work out with her and ethan that he and cal would be broken for nothing. pretty valid concern tbh even though ethan says he’s willing to take that risk. duffy’s definitely clocked them lmaoooo
yup alicia’s talking to duffy and she says she’s got a friend who’s in a bit of a mess and duffy just goes “you’ve got a friend who fancies her boyfriend’s brother. is that what you’re gonna tell me?” and then from looking at alicia’s face “slept with her boyfriends brother?” SHSJFKGKK
“well that would make her sound like a terrible person wouldn’t it? maybe she is…” “or maybe she’s just confused” “i’ve messed up big time” “no, hang on, do you like ethan?” “yes, yes i do! help me, what do i do?” “think very hard about your next move. who do you want to be with? because you’ve got to be sure if you’re going to cause a rift between those boys.”
oh and here’s cal🙄 lily asks how his interview for the research placement was and he says it was fine but he thinks he’s in a little bit of trouble about it. you THINK?????
mr grayling was basically just using lily. surprise surprise.
lmaoo duffy going “it’s hard when you really fall for someone isn’t it? always a risk that you can get hurt” to the patient but looking at alicia
ollie! he’s staying with david because rosa had to rush to spain. noel goes “you’re gonna get on like a—“ and david goes “DONT say like a house on fire”😭😭😭😭
aww this patient storyline
seb admits to making a malicious allegation
cal tells ethan he’s sorry about the proposal he just had to show alicia he wasn’t bothered… bro what kind of shitty apology is that??????? he can definitely tell something’s off with ethan because he isn’t acting angry with him the way he would normally he’s just trying to avoid him and isn’t engaging with him at all
alicia looks so good
aww this patient storyline’s cute as well. so cute it’s restored alicia’s faith in love and she’s decided to take the risk to be with ethan
dylan’s looking especially autistic today. it’s probably the whole ordeal with seb
oh no cal asks alicia if ethan mentioned anything about the whole stealing his proposal thing “because i thought he’d be properly mad but he just seemed weird like sort of shut off. i can’t put my finger on it but i don’t know, this time he’s different.” alicia points out how they’re always falling out and maybe a clean break wouldn’t hurt and cal says how he knows he always jokes about ethan but without him he doesn’t know what he’d do😥 and you can see the doubt returning in alicia’s face😭
“before you came back to holby, some stuff happened between us. pretty bad stuff. and i thought it would finish us off.” “but you two got through it?” “yeah well, blood’s thicker right?” alicia’s now even more conflicted😭
aw cal properly apologises and says to make it up to him they can go for a weekend away doing all the museumy stuff ethan likes meanwhile ethan’s trying to tell him about alicia because they’d agreed to tell him so they could be together but alicia turns up having changed her mind because she doesn’t want to destroy their family and interrupts ethan to lie to cal that ethan had said the same as he had to her about wondering if they could come back from this but not knowing what he’d do without him😭😭
OH THEY HUGGG i forgot about that🥺🥺🥺🥺 it’s kinda one sided from cal though because ethan is hugging back but he's not really into it he’s looking hurt :(
i totally understand alicia choosing not to get between them and i do think it was probably the right decision but it does annoy me that she doesn’t even break up with cal?? i mean obviously she wasn’t going to do it there and then but she claims to want to be with ethan which can’t happen because it would destroy his and cal’s relationship but she could at least break up with cal herself?? like obviously ethan’s going to think she decided she didn’t actually want to be with him over cal! i know why she doesn’t and it’s because she’s not as confident as she makes out to be and she doesn’t want to hurt cal. doesn’t stop it being annoying though. especially as it makes it seem like she’s just kinda going along with whatever.
actually that reminds how ik some people thought that alicia’s personality changed between her first and second stint because she really wasn’t very confident in her first stint and she seemed to have become super confident by her second stint but she didn’t! she does gain a bit of confidence and resilience because of what happened with lily and because she went travelling but that’s kind of on the surface, and after what happens with her parents she’s faking it to stop herself getting hurt like her mum did. it’s basically just on the surface and it’s pretty clear that she’s the same person she was in her first stint underneath that. and i think that’s where this entire love triangle situation comes from: the confident “party girl” personality that she presents fits best with cal but her actual personality fits best with ethan, which is why cal’s her easy safe option even though she actually wants to be with ethan.
uh oh connie has discovered it was elle who treated grace. now she’s questioning why she didn’t intubate and threatening to report her to the trust😬 connie’s vengeful eras are her worst.
iain deffo fancies lily
ooh dylan saying “i found it very helpful to put some distance between myself and the belittling. i’m talking about my father, he was an expert.” :(((
aw dylan recommending seb for a placement at st james’ and helping him stand up to his dad🥺
oop cal’s trying to “have an early night” with alicia but she excuses herself and she’s trying not to cry😢😢😢
dylan and max’s friendship🥺
uh oh cal finds the cuff link DUN DUN DUNNNNN
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cloudedmist · 2 years
I passed Montfort secondary school and it reminded me of a crucial piece of information about Callistar Chen Zhi Bin and why his corrupted mind thinks of creating sexual allegation.
So many allegations, why bring sexual allegation up? Beyond bad influence, yps, and his gay friends who have been touching him (and him touching them) all around including the dick, here is an important information about why he possibly had the desire to create a sexual allegation.
He had lots of problems and had to go for constant counselling in sec 1 and 2. Cant recall if it continued in sec 3.
Anyway, his mother abused him with metal hangers and more to the point i decided to go to school to speak with his counseller, and inform him of the truth of what was happening.
Callistar and I were speaking to him when he told callistar to leave the room. After callistar left, the counseller told me “actually there have been bells and whistles ringing… about an allegation by a bly who said he had been touched at his groin” something along that line. This was an event of Javen. Who joined my study meets with other students, his mum did not want him returning home late from lessons. I dont really know what happened, but i figure she must have forced him to create some story of being touched etc. why sexual? Ive thought of that for a long long time. And i figure.. because these people know that sexual and drugs is the only way to really create huge trouble for someone… but drug is hard to prove… sexual is easy! Just say it happened! Thats what probably is in their minds.
Anyway, after I explained that it was all fake, and that the police also knew it was not true. And i felt good finally having someone to tell the truth to, We finally left. After we left, obviously… anyone would know. Callistar wants to know what happened in the room when he left. And everyone who knows me will know. I just told him everything in details.
From that, he knows such allegation had happened. Could it be the reason why he thought of using such a story? Did he think it would therefore create severe issues because it sounds like it has happened for the second time?
One thing for sure, he is crafty, and mentally unstable (like his mother). And the above can be why he decides to create such a story.
Insane guy. Disgusting.
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bellamysgriffin · 4 years
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