#i really want my favourite sims to start dating each other and getting married but it's kind of hard
andthebubbles · 2 years
just thinking out loud to myself... out of all the sims i’ve made/played, i remember best:
- my first one which i don’t really like anymore because i realised the game gave me one of the default faces that appears on the game cover art lmao (the girl with black hair and pink highlights)
- the one i called Ubetter Save because i lost them like 3 times due to the game screwing up one way or another, but luckily i somehow managed to recreate their face pretty well each time. idk how now, but yeah
- cinda lilwitch: i made 3 sisters based on the little witch in sofia the first, but like, the youngest being a kid, the next being a teenager and the last being an adult, and cinda is the teenager who i got most fond of lol (i think she also has level 10 gardening now and is the highest rank (or almost highest rank) for spellcaster so HM i should send her to uni to do the electrical engineering (???? i’ve never played the uni part of this game yet haha) course so that she can make a servo
- i did this full-on mermaid family in sulani where the mum’s a mermaid, the dad’s a human, and their 4 kids are all mermaids lol and i gave them wacky but cool names? except i don’t remember the two oldest kids’ names anymore LOL but the youngest two are nezanreyi (which i totally made up lol (and i checked her adult face and she’s soooo pretty)) and ganbaatar. and this was before bunk beds were introduced so i was squishing the youngest two (both toddlers) into one room... now i could bunk them, and the other two could be aged up into teenagers. but playing teenagers is so disappointing because they already look like adults. not even the height mod helps very much when their face is basically identical to their adult face
- i quite like the two sims i’m currently playing with, twin sisters but i made them polar opposites. i made linnéa with all the cottagecore stuff (that’s what i do when i get a new pack) and then later i made alva who hates gardening and cooking and etc. and then they died, but i just shoved them back into the game, and then moved them out to san myshuno and i think they could date Ubetter Save (who i should rename to Yubetta LOL)
- my evil family!! (i nearly forgot them/remembered them when i was scrolling through my households.) basically i gave them all the evil/angry/mean traits so they spend their time being horrible to each other and getting pleased about it. i love it. (there are two girl kids, one boy teenager and their parents, and they live in a castle-ish creepy house)
- my famous writer sim who lives in a tiny house with their husband and child that they don’t care about. i don’t think i specifically gave them the trait ‘hates children’ but she has no relationship to their child or husband (her child doesn’t even sleep in the main house, but a little shed i built out the back with its own toddler potty etc) and i think that’s hilarious. i got her to the highest fame level, she makes tonnes of money, and basically the purpose of her was to hold huge parties at her house, invite everyone she knew over, and try to keep the party going for days (people being wasted in the garden etc) and it was hilarious because the house was TINY and i was fitting like 30+ sims in there and you couldn’t see anyone. that was good fun XD
- this one’s not so much the family that i’m fond of, but i made a gigantic treehouse house and gave the elderly mum and their (young) adult child the paranoid and erratic traits, and i think i made the elderly dad... something else, but yeah, building the treehouse was fun. and a bit annoying
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lueurjun · 1 year
sunghoon as your nerdy bf!
nerdy bf!sunghoon x popular!reader in which his love for ice pales in comparison to his love for you.!! written on 0 hours of sleep because i’m too warm and i’m simping for hoon rn. this may be longer than my other ones i’m not sure.
idiots to lovers type beat
bc you’re an idiot and so is he
little matching stupid heads the both of you <3 i just love it. i love you both. i ship you both
anyways let’s start
mans can’t stand you
or at least that’s what you’ve made yourself believe
you’re everyone’s favourite person, the type of person who just is so nice to everyone and has such radiance that it’s almost intimidating but you would never hurt a fly
everyone loves you as they should because if they don’t they’ll have to deal with me
me and my 5ft ass will protect you bby don’t worry i’m strong get behind me
everyone loves you but him
idiot boy:D
well you assume so anyway
idiot person:D
you’ve been crushing on him since you met him on the first day of high school
he handed you a pen when he realized you didn’t have one
acts of service type beat
boy you were hooked
bc a hot asf boy with the kindest eyes just gave you one of his pens because he noticed you didn’t have one
but like who wouldn’t? ur perfect. forget sunghoon let me have you
anyways yeah he let you keep the pen which means he definitely wants to marry you
but no seriously he completely blanked you after that
whenever you were in the same vicinity as him he’d not even glance at you and if he did meet your eye, he’d just be stone faced
he kind of just avoided you which made you think he didn’t like you
which hurt but you weren’t one to push. if someone doesn’t like you, that’s a them issue and you’re not about to let it get to you
bc why should you? iconic if you ask me
but no yeah sunghoon disliking you stings a little
one day you kinda bring it up to jake who is a mutual friend of you both and casually just ask why sunghoon doesn’t like you
mr sim is baffled
“huh? wdym? my sunghoon? ice skating obsessed sunghoon?”
and you’re just like :O you had no idea he was an ice skater and your crush on him expanded tenfold
because that’s hot
that’s really hot
“yeah? why doesn’t he like me? did i do something?”
jake can’t believe what he’s hearing
wanna know why?
he has a crush on you<3
and he has since he gave you that pen
love of first sight trope fr
he keeps his cards quite close to his chest usually but he never shuts up about you
and he thinks you dislike him
because you make an effort with everyone but him
but that’s only because you think he hates you
idiots i’m telling you sweet little love sick dum dums
cuties though so i’ll let it slide
anyways jake quickly assures you that sunghoon just gets nervous around you
which gives you the confidence to strike up a conversation with him the next time you see him
it’s so awkward at first but he loosens up and the two of you actually learn a lot about each other
then you start texting
and then hanging out
and soon enough you’re pretty much just dating
like it’s just a natural thing? no asking or anything you kind of just establish that you both have mutual feelings and so yeah… you’re dating
carrying each others things and no one can convince me otherwise
you carry his jacket for him when he isn’t wearing it and he holds your bag or your water bottle
protective hoon! always sending silent glares whenever anyone stares at you in a way he doesn’t approve of or if they’re mean to you
boy will use the bottom of his skate as a weapon if need be
test him. hurt the love of his life. go on. i dare you
the first time you see him skate you deadass nearly faint
because why does he looks so??? hot??
like he’s in his element and you find that so attractive
if you can’t skate already he definitely teaches you
holding your hands and gently guiding you, refusing to let go until he’s certain you’re 100% comfortable and safe
tying each others laces
he’s not the best with PDA but will most likely have a hand on you in public whether that be your waist, lower back, thigh. he just likes to be touching you
you running your nails down the back of his head and nape, gently tugging at his hair in a way that’s relaxing and not painful
jake pouting that you stole sunghoon away from him
“yo i regret assuring them. go back to thinking he hates you pls. i want my best friend back”
“cry about it jake. he’s mine”
no but his friends are relieved that you’re finally together
they could not handle listening to him cry about you any longer
sunoo deadass almost locked you in a room together
“i was gonna do that but jungwon said that might be a grey area for kidnap so…”
biggest baby for you in private
the second he gets you alone, sunghoon is smothering you in love
he likes when you trail your fingers across his face because it relaxes him
definitely sprays his clothes in your scent when you’re not around because it comforts him and he can’t sleep without it
you do the same with his
both of you are terrible for leaving your things in each others rooms
“hoon did i leave my ipad in your bed?”
“y/n i think i left my watch on your bedside table”
he’s extremely shy and prefers to fade into the background
which is kinda hard when his partner is one of the most loved people on the universe
you seem to just know everyone
standing behind you holding onto your hand like a little lost puppy whilst you stop to talk to a friend in the street for the thousandth time
he hates parties but will always attend if you ask him to just to make sure you’re okay
let’s you have your fun but kinda shrinks into the corner and keeps an eye on you from afar
definitely the type to find a pet and just sit with it because he’d rather be in the company of a random dog than drunk sweaty bodies
but he loves you sm so he will never complain about attending
jay once found the two of you curled up with a random cat outside asleep together after a particularly extreme party
it was the oddest but kind of cutest thing he had ever seen
until you woke up and threw up all over his shoes
“i swear i hope he breaks up with you”
“leave me alone jay, i’m fragile”
always holds your hair back and rubs your back gently
sweetest bf to ever exist<3
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brighteststar707 · 1 year
Aight, I got some questions for ya as a fellow sims enjoyer! >:3
What are your favorite expansion packs, game packs, ect for you to play with? Everyone has different tastes for their gameplay, so I'm very curious about that!
And can we get some info on your sims legacy? 👀 I'm the type of player who gets bored after, like, getting my first kid into college so no one family lasted for long jftjftht 💀
Oh Mia you've just opened pandora's box >:3
*deep inhale*
I'm a loyal sims 3 player. I briefly played the sims 4 for a year when I didn't have access to my sims 3 discs and they were offering the base game for free but I quickly went back afterwards. So all my favourite packs are sims 3 packs!
I would have to say that my top three packs are Generations (tons family gameplay), Late night (cities, nightlife, vampires, celebrities), and Seasons! I like to focus on families and sim's careers, so I use these the most!
(special shoutout to Into the Future, though, because despite it having a concept I'm not really interested in, it has the CUTEST animation of all time)
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Now, my legacy! I've been playing the same family for 7 (almost 8) generations, and it started out as a challenge to myself to see how far I could get (yes, the family tree looks ridiculous). I also wanted to experiment with wish-based gameplay, where my sims dictate where the story goes as opposed to the other way around. It has led to some hilarious and wonderful story moments, especially in this generation!
The current sim I'm playing is called Verona, an alien (long story) with the evil, charismatic, flirty, hot-headed and genius traits. It's a mix that has led to some of the most chaotic gameplay of my life and I love her for it.
Her lifetime wish is to take over the world become president.
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I started off her generation by sending her to university with three other sims her same age, a girl named Kaitlyn and twin brothers named Rafael and Owen.
The second she met Rafael, she rolled wishes to start dating him and immediately started flirting with him (literally never had a sim so instantly attracted to another). While at university, the four of them proceeded to cause complete chaos, but get out mostly unscathed. Verona and Rafael dated, then broke up, then eventually got back together after university and got married. Their marriage is bumpy due to them both being in the same career path and competing to become president (and Rafael having the Diva trait), but they're both too in love with each other to ever properly leave.
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They have three children together, Jamie, Audrey and Winnie, and Verona is almost at the top of her career as of the last time I played!
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(I love these little bug-eyed weirdos)
Thank you for asking, Mia! Sorry it ended up getting so long, but it turns out that once I start talking about the sims, I cannot stop.
What is your sims gameplay like? Are there any packs that are your favourites or must-haves? What is your play style like? I'd love to know!
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2. Little Carping Original Concept
This was originally posted at tflc: https://littlecarping.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=34
So this is a copy-paste of a post I wrote elsewhere a good while ago telling about how Little Carping came into being.  I decided not to update the text (some of the information is a little out of date now) but it gives a good overview of how Little Carping started and what I was thinking and introduces the initial founding characters of the neighbourhood: the Goths, the Vaughans and Phoebe Sororah. I got TS2 the moment it was available here in the UK (probably a couple of days after it came out in the US). I had been playing TS1 since it was released.  TS1 was my most played and enjoyed game ever (though SimCity 2000 gave it a run for its money). Anyway, I installed TS2 and had a look around. Pleasantview didn't attract me (I think I had a look at the Goth house) but Strangetown looked more quirky and interesting. I played the Curious brothers first for a short while and that was pretty fun. It was obvious the game had taken a huge leap forward and I think, even then, I realised I wouldn't go back to TS1. I never did. EXCEPT - I realised though that I wasn't ready to give up my TS1 characters. I played Neighbourhood 1 almost exclusively in TS1 and had filled EVERY SINGLE LOT with sim families. I had left the Maxis families in there and, in my head, had built an entire sim community. So in the first week of having TS2, I decided I would try to recreate the neighbourhood I had developed in TS1 BUT that I was going to grow it not just make it. It's interesting to me that even then, I was able to recognise the potential in the game to develop a neighbourhood over time and give it a real history. So I thought about it and planned. The oldest residents in TS1 had been the Goths (senior) and a couple of sisters - Sororah - I had created to run a kennels (when Unleashed was released), followed a little later by Ginia Katt and Mama Hick. I'd also created an older couple called Porter who were the janitors/caretakers for a hall of residence I built for some student sims. Remember TS1 didn't having aging so although the Sororah sisters were later additions to the neighbourhood (coming in with Unleashed) as they were created as elders, they - well - stayed that way and were some of the oldest residents of the neighbourhood.  I developed a schedule to introduce them to Little Carping.  It helped that the senior Goths were my favourite characters from TS1.  A bit unusual, I think, but then I just loved subverting their respectability.  The other thing to say is about where I use EAxis sims.  It should be remembered that this is my version of those sims - not the canon version.  I don't follow the EAxis stories and there's significant deviation later on.  Though some things are the same - Mortimer does marry Bella (eventually).  Cornelia doesn't really like her though.  But that's getting ahead ... I wanted history (and possibly hysteria). I decided to bring in the Goths first along with Sororah. BUT I wanted the family background for Gunther and Cornelia so I pushed the timeline of the neighbourhood back and made a family for each of them and a parent family for the Sororah sisters too. First I made Randolph and Cecelia Goth. Randolph was a businessman (fortune) and, in my head, was to develop into a very successful financier (which he did). Cecelia was clever (knowledge) but, the origin of Little Carping being set some time ago, she was stuck at home with the kids while they were small.  That was Gunther to start with (made as a toddler in CAS), then the first born-in-game child arrived (after Pascal's in Strangetown), Gunther's sister Marianne.  You can see Gunther is blond in the picture (as is Cornelia, also born to dark-haired parents).  This, of course, doesn't gel with the in-game genetics (at all - silly maxon).  You have to bear in mind that they were created in CAS in 2004 and we -I- had no idea about how the genetics in-game actually worked (semi-realistically as it happens and is something I like but whatever).  Although both children have genetics generated from their parents (in CAS), I changed the hair colour.  I had to retro-fit that by pretending both parents carried a recessive blond gene.  
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The first Goth family
Randolph went on to be very successful and Cecelia, once the kids had grown up a bit, went back to work and into politics and eventually became mayor (the actual story of that is quite complicated). The storyline developed of Gunther growing up in this high-achieving, competitive climate but always feeling he didn't quite measure up: he had a clever mother and a thrusting successful businessman father. It made his character more interesting to me than the original version in TS1. He's always been morose and bitter (though with some surprising talents - he learnt to meditate and levitate and to move around lots like a ninja - a talent he needed). Gunther in TS1 had been Dean of a college but in TS2 I decided to send him into business following his father in an attempt to impress him (Gunther is also fortune) but Gunther was not as successful and never got the helicopter to go to work. His situation was not helped in the slightest by his wife.
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Cecelia and Randolph - as they were at first.  There's a recessive blond gene in there - yes, there is. One thing I loved about the senior Goths in TS1 was that Maxis had given us this apparently conventional and respectable, high-status couple and I spent hours and hours disrupting that - mainly via Cornelia. She had affairs right, left and centre. She picked fights and made enemies. She drank and partied. If they'd had shop-lifting in TS1, she would have done that. Cornelia was hopeless at concealing affairs, mainly because she had me to deal with and I set it up so that she'd get caught every other day when Gunther came home at 3pm. Gunther was forever coming home to find her in bed with some man or other. He'd stand in the bedroom and stamp and shout and pull his hair out and then they'd have a stand up slap fight. Ah, fun times... So, Cornelia needed to get that from somewhere and so the Vaughans were made. Cornelia's mother was Amelia: a loving, patient woman (family) who had married a dashing and charming advertising executive who worked for Randolph Goth: Mercer. Mercer was a sleazeball (romance). They came, along with Amelia's mother Isabella Briggs and a toddler Cornelia, to live in Little Carping.
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Amelia and Mercer - my favourite sim ever I've written elsewhere about how Mercer took me by surprise and behaved incredibly badly (though the unanticipated behaviour of romance sims played into the plotline in a most satisfactory way).  He romanced just about every adult female in Little Carping, except Cecilia Goth who always saw through him and disapproved (but then she ended up with a lot to disapprove of).  Poor Amelia was permanently depressed throughout (until she met Kennedy Cox – more on him in a bit). Cornelia, poor girl, is like her father (she's also romance). She got pregnant by Gunther as a teenager (the only time I have used InTeen for its intended purpose and also, yay, the first Inteen was out around the time University was released) and had to marry him before Mortimer arrived. It was a very quiet affair at the Goth house though she got the memory of marrying into money. Afterwards, she felt trapped in her marriage (she eventually had four kids though one of them wasn't by Gunther – something that hadn’t cramped Mercer’s style (he had seven by the time he died)) and was jealous when her two younger brothers, Henry and Horace (twins) went off to university. So she started misbehaving and poor Gunther was back to stamping, shouting and pulling his hair out. Fun times...
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The Vaughans - the name Vaughan always makes me think of advertising execs and sleaziness.  Poor Amelia got saddled with that I'm afraid.  Well she married him.  Her lookout I say. The other 'family' was Phoebe Sororah - also a romance sim. I'd envisioned her as a silly romantic woman waylaid by Mercer into an extramarital affair. Well Phoebe's romance sim inclinations soon put paid to that but she did have an affair with Mercer (you get a more straightforward answer if you ask who *didn't* Mercer have an affair with) and also had an affair with Randolph. So the Sororah sisters who had originated in my TS1 hood (Cecily and Clarissa) turned out to be half-sisters rather than full sisters. Phoebe had a string of amorous adventures too (between her and Mercer, Little Carping was a seething hotbed of lust) and eventually had five children by three different men. She died a while back after having moved in her latest (and newly adult) lover (a townie: Amin Sims) who now is about to die but lives in her house keeping it open for when her youngest child (Chloe – his daughter) returns from university.
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That's how it started. Mama, Ginia and the Porters came along shortly after - Ginia just in time to have a romance with Mercer and bear his seventh child (Stephen, still at school but only just) - and Little Carping has grown and grown from there. It's still a hotbed of lust though there's plenty of envy, jealousy, ambition, greed and all the rest of it too. I found recently that Fergus Crims wishes to see the ghost of Maddy Jayalapan (an EAxis generated apartment neighbour) because they had a fight - well series of fights - their relationship is -100/-100. He just bought a gun and will be laying a nice new concrete patio in his back garden shortly. The Curious brothers and Nervous will come to join us eventually because I do have a soft spot for the Curious brothers. I went through Little Carping’s screenshots folder and realised that when I started in 2004, of course, the quality of snapshots was horrid.  So I’ve taken some new pictures – remaking Randolph, Cecilia, Mercer, Amelia and Phoebe from clones of the originals in Little Carping.  The pictures show them with my newer defaults (of course) and I tried to get the spirit of their original homes though it’s inevitable I’ve forgotten details or used the wrong stuff.  The original lots only used EAxis content of course, it was a while before we got recolours for objects (CC skins were available before the game was released – I even have some still.  Well one or two).  They all had custom skintones which they’re still wearing and Phoebe has custom eyes.
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pizzaintheuk · 4 years
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About two month ago started a new Sims 4 account which has a Hetalia character as townies. I don’t have all the packs for Sims 4 but I do use a lot of Mods to do this. Most of the house building I found online.
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Each household has background and drama which was fun the think about. I have written over 10 pages of notes for this town so enjoy.   
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Luper Family
Boris Luper (Bulgaria) - CHILD, VAMPIRE Traits – Cheerful/ Aspiration – Whiz Kid  
Vladimir Luper (Romania) - ADULT, VAMPIRE Traits – Good, Cheerful, Family- Oriented/ Aspiration – Good Vampire
Mai - (Cat) Traits – Affectionate, Clever, Friendly
Vladimir (Vlad) adopted Boris because of his vampire powers
They took Mia in as most people think black cats are unlucky
Vald doesn’t need the money but has a part time job at a coffee shop
Vlad and Arthur have afternoon tea once a month
Vlad wants Boris to be creative so he started playing the violin
Positive atmosphere in the house
Vlad will cook for Boris as he can still eat human food however not very good
Vlad is a good vampire
Vlad hobby is annoying Elizabeta  
Boris talks to Mia when Vlad goes out
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Oxenstierna Family  
Berwald Oxenstierna (Sweden) - YOUNG ADULT Traits – Family – Oriented, Bookworm, Perfectionist/ Aspiration – Successful Lineage
Simon Oxenstierna (Denmark) - YOUNG ADULT Traits – Bro, Goofball, Self- Assured/ Aspiration – Fabuluosly Wealthy
Tino Oxenstierna (Finland) - YOUNG ADULT Traits – Good, Goofball, Cheerful/ Aspiration – Soulmate
Lukas Bondevik (Norway) - YOUNG ADULT/MAGIC Traits – Family- Oriented, Love Outdoors, Bookworm/ Aspiration – Purveyor of Polions
Emil Bondevik (Iceland) - TEEN Traits – Gloomy, Loner/ Aspiration - Angling Ace
Charlotte (Dog) Traits – Jumpy, Smart, Independent
Berwald and Tino are married, Simon is in a relationship with Lukas and Emil is Lukas brother.
Berwald and Simon are brothers but 90% they can’t agree to anything which leave them fighting over stupid things. For example TV remote, who cleaning up and food shopping
Simon is a Manager of a top end company, to bad he to lazy to move out.  
Everyone love Charlotte that the dog get the best treats and love.
Emil keep to himself and hide in the bedroom. No one know he seeing someone 😛
Lukas is over protective with Emil
Tino is a stay at home mum so he does most of the cleaning which Lukas help out using magic
Berwald my find it difficult expressing himself with words but he good at writing it down. His works as a writer.
Simon my be a pain but always help out with bills  
Tino take any holiday seriously!
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Wang Family  
Yao Wang (China) - ADULT Traits – Materialistic, Family- Oriented, Foodie/ Aspiration – Master Chef
Kiku Wang (Japan) - TEEN Traits – Genious, Geek/ Aspiration – Computer Whiz
Li Xiao Wang (Hong Kong) - TEEN Traits – Creative, Gloomy/ Aspiration – Musical Genius  
Im Yong Wang (South Korea) - CHILD Traits – Goofball/ Aspiration – Artistic Prodigy
Lin Yi Wang (Taiwan) Traits – Cheerful/ Aspiration – Rambunctious
Pochi (Dog) Traits – Loyal, Smart, Adventurous  
Yao work as a Chef  
Lin Yi wanted a dog for a very long time so Yao after work went and bought a dog so she can shut up.  
Yao favourite is Kiku because of his talent this make Li Xi jealous.  
Yao too old to deal with drama.
Every meal everyone must come to the table and sit together as a family
Lin Yi and Im Yong are trouble maker when bored.
Kiku goes to see Alfred for game night
Lin Yi love flowers  
Li Xiao goes to Emil for emotional support
Yao helps other household with meals
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Belischmidt Family  
Gilbert Belischmidt (Prussia) - ADULT Traits – Family –Oriented, Self- Assured, Dog Lover/ Aspiration – Friend of the Animals
Ludwig Belischmidt (German) - TEEN Traits – Active, Bookworm/ Aspiration –Academic
Aster (Dog) Traits – Smart, Couch Potato, Friendly
Blockie (Dog) Traits – Adventurous, Active, Independent
Berlitz (Dog) Traits – Sleuth, Couch Potato, Friendly  
Gilbert work as a manual laborer great at his job and the people love him
Francis or Antonio will walk into the house at random times
All dogs are well behaviour and won't hurt anybody
Ludwig can be shy when near to Feliciano
Every Sunday they have a father and son time which include playing football or watch TV
Gilbert is trying to give up drinking because one time he got so drunk Ludwig had to help him get home.
Gilbert and Elizabeta are rivals with who can do the most push ups  
Ludwig very close to his dad will ask about anything
Gilbert want more dogs in the future
Ludwig need to relax than worry what other people will think about him 
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Edelstein Family  
Roderick Edelstein (Austria) - ADULT Traits – Snob, Lazy, Music Lover/ Aspiration – Musical Genius  
Elizabeta Edelstein (Hungary) - ADULT Traits – Active, Good, Cat Lover/ Aspiration – Bodybuilder
Feliciano Edelstein (North Italy) - TEEN Traits – Creative, Art Lover/ Aspiration – Painter Extraordinaire  
Buffi (Cat) Traits – Affectionate, Friendly, Lazy
Roderick work as a professional pianist
Elizabeta is a stay at home mum but gets bored so she goes to the gym or babysit other children round the area
Felliciano has a twin brother (Lovino) but got kick out over a disagreement with the father
Elizabeta still upset about Lovino but Roderick won't speak to him
Elizabeta and Feliciano cook together  
Buffi is the best hot water bottle  
Roderick will drop dead if he has to clean  
Feliciano spend 65% of the time napping
You can tell what mood Roderick by the way he plays on the piano
There is always music playing in the house
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Carriedo Family  
Antonio Carriedo (Spain) – ADULT Traits – Childish, Music Lover, Clumsy /Aspiration - Freelance Botanist
Lovino Edelstein (South Italy)- TEEN Traits – Hot-Headed, Loner/ Aspiration – Master Chef
Antonio is a part-time gardener
Lovino ran away because of an argument with his dad. He doesn’t talk about it but grateful Antonio support him.
Antonio is an old friend of the Edelstein family that why Lovino know him
Antonio is very patient with Lovino
Lovino really miss spending time with his brother
Lovino gets jealous when Antonio goes out with Gilbert or Francis  
Lovino like his own space but does get lonely
Antonio just wants everyone to be happy and will do anything to help them
Tomato solve everything  
Lovino is angry with everything including himself
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Branginsky Family  
Katyusha Branginsky (Ukraine) – YOUNG ADULT Traits – Clumsy, Family- Oriented, Neat/ Aspiration – Successful Lincage
Natalia Branginsky (Belarus) - CHILD/MAGIC Traits – Mean/ Aspiration – Whiz Kid
Ivan Branginsky (Russia) - TEEN Traits – Borderline Personality Disorder, Shy/ Aspiration – Big Happy Family
Katyusha work at a coffee shop, she tries to be the older sister but is ashamed about how little money they have
Very poor but they get by
Natalia has a ghost friend that she talk to at night
Ivan want friends doesn’t know how to do it without freaking people or say something weird
Natalia is slowly making friends
Katyusha gets worried when Ivan doesn’t want to leave his bedroom
Ivan will knit anything  
Yao will come by with food
Something always breaks in the house
Natalia is scary when she angry
(Will Upload image soon!!!!!)
Zwingli Family  
Basch Zwingli (Switzerland) - ADULT Traits – Family- Oriented, Loner, Perfectionst/ Aspiration – Successful Lineage
Eva Zwingli (Liechtenstein) - CHILD Traits – Good/ Aspiration – Artistic Prodigy  
Basch is Eva father  
Basch is the chief of the town
Basch double check people background (doesn’t trust no one)
Eva doesn’t have a bad bone in her body  
Elizabeta babysits Eva when Basch is busy working
Basch and Roderick are old friends  
If anyone upset Eva expect Basch to threaten them with his gun
Eva love drawing pictures of Basch looking happy  
Eva is really good friends with Natatia  
Basch never talks about his job
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Kirkland Family  
Arthur Kirkland (England) - ADULT/MAGIC Traits – Hot-Headed, Bookworm, Snob/ Aspiration – Spellcraft + Sorcery
Alfred Kirkland (America) - TEEN Traits – Active, Goofball/ Aspiration – Leader of the Pack
Arthur work as a teacher  
Arthur is Alfred father  
Arthur is divorced to Francis. One night at a pub he saw Francis flirting with someone else. They spilt everything which including Alfred and Matthew.
Arthur not happy with Alfred tattoo even though he got a big tattoo on his arm when he was young
Alfred wants to be everyone friends and try to fix everyone problems which can make the issue a lot worst
Alfred doesn’t like Ivan because Ivan knows how insecure Alfred is with himself (doesn’t like rejection)
Arthur can’t cook but his magic can fix that
At times when they have a heated argument Arthur wish he had Matthew instead of Alfred
Alfred will make a cup of tea for Arthur before telling bad news (example bad report in school)
Alfred spend most of his time gaming or going out 
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Bonnefoy Family  
Francis Bonnefoy (France) - ADULT Traits – Art Lover, Foodie, Romantic/ Aspiration – Soulmate
Matthew Bonnefoy (Canada) - TEEN Traits – Shy, Cheerful/ Aspiration – Bestselling Author  
Francis works as a celebrity chef  
Very close with Matthew will cook together
Alfred comes in after a big argument with his dad. Francis will reason that Arthur doesn’t mean what he says and love him no matter what
People who are not Francis, Alfred or Arthur will forget about Matthew  
Matthew start getting knitting gifts but doesn’t know who it’s from
Francis is back on the dating game but still thinks about Arthur and wants to give it another go
Matthew is never stress  
Arthur calls Matthew once a week to check up on him  
Francis regrets that night and tries to hide his emotion in front of Matthew and friends
Francis love his food however looking good is more important  
I also made clubs for everyone because I am THAT bored 😊
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Freedom  - Party till they drop/ Having a great time/ Good vibes/ Away from family drama and life  
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Gym  - To keep fit/ Started out with Simon and Berwald/ No drama or Basch will get involve/ Gilbert behave in the gym and it help him stop drinking  
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Lets Party - Old friends meeting together/ All trying to get a date but end up getting drunk and gossiping all night/ Antonio end up paying for everyone drinks  
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Playtime - Yao set up a play date so it keeps Im Yong and Lin Yin in line. That was a mistake/ Everyone friendly/ They love watching Pokemon/ If someone upset they help one another
      'Ohana' means 'family. ' 'Family' means 'no one gets left behind”
I hope people like this stupid project now I’m heading to the kitchen to drink my problems away 😛
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natalilysims · 4 years
Legacy Questionnaire
Thought this would be fun to do so I can look back on it after a few more generations pass and see how some answers change. This can also be done as a ‘send me a number’ game so if you want to do that you can find the original post by @melien​, here. Inspired by @an0nymousghost​, you can check out their post here!
1. When did you start your legacy? What inspired you to do it?
I started this Legacy on March 28, 2019. I usually do challenges where there are a lot of rules for each generation but I wanted to start something where I could do pretty much what I wanted and play a little bit more out of my comfort zone. And I’d seen a lot of amazing Legacies on Simblr that made me want to do my own and post it.
2. Are you following any strict rules there or just play how you want?
Nah, I’m basically just doing what I want.
3. Post the oldest picture you have from your legacy save.
The first ever Sharp house. Originally created by lilsimsie but I gave it a renovation. It’s up for download if anyone wants it!
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4. What’s so special about your founder that you wanted to start a legacy with them?
She wasn’t really special to be honest. I just finally made a Sim that I managed to enjoy playing enough to not give up and start a new family like I’ve done a few times before with Legacy Challenges.
5. Favourite generation(s)
Generation 1 was probably my favourite. Which makes it sounds like I’ve enjoyed the family less and less as the challenge has gone on but that not the case at all. I think it’s because even though it was only a little over a year ago, I have a bit of nostalgia for that generation? Idk, I’m weird.
6. Favourite heir.
Probably Harper, the Gen 3 heir. 
7. Favourite spare.
Either Abi from Gen 1 or Jordan from Gen 3. 
8. Favourite spouse.
Alessia, the Gen 4 spouse. I’m gonna be really sad when I have to move on to Gen 5 and stop playing her.
9. Top 5 favourite legacy sims.
1. Jordan 2. Alessia 3. Sonny 4. Abi 5. Hayley
10. Top 3 favourite couples.
1. Safiya and Milo - the OG couple of this challenge. I have to stan. 2. Jordan and Jackson - kinda look like brothers but I just love them so much. 3. Eli and Alessia -  currently playing them and they’re so cute.
11. If you ever did any story lines, what is the one you’re most proud of?
I’m not a huuuge fan of making big story lines for my Sims but sometimes I have little things in my head about the Sims’ personality or their motivations for doing certain things that someone looking through my legacy won’t know because I don’t necessarily put them into my posts to make a huge story.
12. Any memorable moments?
Mango, a cat from Gen 2, randomly going into labour. I literally don’t know how she got pregnant.
13. Any funny moments?
None that I can think of. That’s upsetting.
14. The most unexpected twist in your legacy?
Some of the kids were unexpected twists - Harper and Hazel weren’t supposed to exist and neither was Eli but I have a problem with making my Sims have too many kids. 
15. Favourite name used on your sims?
I remember being very excited about naming Gus. And I love the name Sonny, especially for a boy. For surnames, I was really proud of Nair and Lane, even though they’re pretty basic lmao.
16. Who of your legacy sims you can relate the most to?
I don’t really relate to any but if I had to choose it would either be Abi or Harper.
17. Do you usually get attached to them or just play without deep thinking?
I get kind of attached in that I love looking back at old screenshots and remember how fun it was to play them but I don’t cry when my Sims die or anything like that because I usually have other Sims that I can move onto and focus on. And like... if I really wanted to see a Sim again, I probably have them saved somewhere.
18. Any surprise babies? What was the story?
Not really a surprise because I made it happen, but Harper and Hazel were not part of my original plan for Generation 2. I planned on Faye only having 2 kids but I was bored and when that happens I usually cure the boredom by having more kids, which I’m trying very hard to stop doing because after the excitement of having the baby is over, I can be even less interested in playing than I was initially.
19. Who of your sims has the best style?
I feel like none of my Sims have the best style, they’re all pretty generic, but if I had to choose... Jordan or Harper.
20. Who is the best genetic mix of their parents?
This is definitely a flaw of The Sims 4 and its shitty skin tones but I quite like that Max and Jordan (who are twins) have a slight mix of their parent’s genetics. Max has Harper’s hair and Cheyanne’s skin tone. And Jordan has Cheyanne’s hair and Harper’s skin tone.
Again, this shouldn’t be a thing. The kids should have a skin tone that’s in the middle of what their parents’ skin tone is but I just thought it was interesting when I noticed it.
21. Is your legacy berry, vanilla, banilla, or a mix of those?
Vanilla in the sense that they aren’t berry sims but not vanilla in the sense that I use a lot of CC and some mods.
22. Have you ever done another legacies apart from this one?
I’ve started a few, two of which I began posting on here but then deleted because I didn’t like how they were going. I was 100% expecting to give up with the Sharp family as well but it’s going pretty good so far.
23. How many generations are you aiming for? When you reach a certain milestone, are you going to continue playing or just wrap up the whole thing?
If I lose interest at any point and genuinely get bored of the Sharp family then I’ll probably stop at the end of whichever generation I’m on but ideally I want to complete 10 generations. I might take a Sim born in the final generation and use them in another legacy/challenge I start as a spouse or something but I’ll stop with the Sharp Legacy after 10.
24. Have you ever done any other challenges with your sims from the legacy?
At some point I probably will use someone from the Sharp family in something else but so far I haven’t. I will be using a Sim from another challenge/family in Sharp Gen 5 though.
25. What do you do when you feel uninspired playing the legacy?
Either stop playing The Sims 4 altogether or play another challenge/family for a bit.
26. Have you had your sims die? Which death was the hardest to take?
I’m on Gen 4 so a lot of Sims have died at this point, all from old age. So far, Harper’s was probably the hardest to take.
27. Do you have this one OTP that stands out among the other legacy couples? Tell us about them!
Jordan and Jackson. I don’t know what it is about them, I just love them so much. Sometimes I wish I made Jackson the heir. I knew that for Gen 4 I wanted to live in Sulani and do Island Living stuff but I didn’t mold Jordan into an Island Living type of Sim so it wouldn’t have fit very well.
28. Have you had a sim who you grew to like?
Eli was very unplanned and I had no idea what to name him and I was like ugh why did I do this but now I love him a lot. Originally, I named him Casper.
Bailey was also very hard to name. I’ve always really loved her, it’s just the name that I’m not sure about. I like the name Bailey but something about Bailey Sharp isn’t my fave. And Sonny and Bailey don’t go together that well imo. But at the same time, now I couldn’t imagine her having a different name so... idk.
29. Have you had a sim that you fell in love with right away?
I’m always obsessed with the first born in a generation so - Abi, Hanna, Max & Jordan, Sonny
30. Do you choose your heirs yourself or make heir polls?
I have thought about making an heir poll when I’m not sure what I want to do for the next Generation but so far, I’ve managed to figure it out so I haven’t needed a poll.
Also, when it comes to choosing an heir, I usually like to choose when they are still a child so I can kind of mold them into what I want for the next Generation as they’re growing up. So making a poll would be hard because the people voting wouldn’t know my plan and I wouldn’t want to give major spoilers for what’s to come.
31. The first legacy memory that pops up in your head?
Safiya going to a cafe to make friends but she ended up just sitting alone drinking coffee. Or when Cheyanne and Harper went on a date and Harper died...
32. The hottest sim?
Gus, Max or Brandie
33. The prettiest sim?
I feel like I’ve been very lucky with this family because all the kids have been really pretty but if I had to choose, probably either Abi, Hayley or Jordan.
34. The most unique sim?
I feel like all my Sims are pretty basic to be honest. If I had to choose... maybe Jordan? I’m not sure. 
35. Have you had any sims that remind you of someone?
I’ve never really thought about it, so I guess not.
36. Do you use other people’s sims in your legacy?
I think most of the Sims I’ve used for this Legacy are either pre-made Sims in the saves I’ve been using or I’ve made them. I don’t think I’ve specifically downloaded anyone from somewhere for my Sim to marry. I probably will do that at some point though.
37. Imagine if you had a chance to meet one of your sims. Who would it be?
That’s so weird for me to imagine but if I had to, either Jordan or Harper.
38. Do you have that one generation you wish you’d done differently?
I love Brandie and Eli so much but I sometimes wish Harper and Cheyanne had Max and Jordan and then were done with babies because 2 generations in a row with 4 babies is a bit much.
39. Your favourite non-romantic relationship in the legacy?
Harper and Hazel were fun to play with at the beginning of Gen 3 when they went to university.
40. Random fun fact about your legacy you want to share!
I’m trying to make each generation a bit different and focus on a pack. Gen 1 and Gen 2 were both fairly generic but Gen 3 had a university theme for a while and Gen 4 is Island Living. Gen 5 will probably be a mix of Island Living and Eco Lifestyle (if I can be bothered to figure out how to properly work Eco-Lifestyle).
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nikatyler · 5 years
List 5 facts about your most favorite Sim of yours and send this to 10 Simblrs whose Sims you adore ♥♥♥
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Thank youuu ❤️ I’m going to answer this for Jillian. She’s not my most favourite sim, but I feel like I’ve talked about those enough. And I mean, I do love her, I’ve loved her since I first mentioned her.
And…developing Caleb’s backstory became my guilty pleasure, so why wouldn’t I take the opportunity? Yeah, it really doesn’t serve any purpose, it’s never going to be discussed in the legacy (I mean it could be, but I doubt that)…but I love working on it. Also, I seriously think that character development will help me survive the semester. So yeah, let’s get started!
Jillian, like I’ve said many times before, was Caleb’s secret lover back in the 19th century. Secret because she was actually a married woman. She was officially married to lord Van Herten since she was 18. It was part of the deal the lord and her father had. Jillian’s husband wasn’t a bad man, he actually treated her nicely and made his home feel like her home too. Jillian considered him a friend, but she didn’t love him, she just couldn’t find those feelings in her. It’s obvious. Lord Van Herten was a lot older than her, she understood that he only married her because of the deal and because he needed someone to give birth to his heir.
Jillian was the oldest of three sisters. She also had a little brother, but he died shortly after he was born. After marrying lord Van Herten, she started seeing her sisters less and less. The youngest moved away after getting married too and Jillian never heard from her again. The subject of siblings was always something she tried to avoid, as she missed her sisters a lot and thinking about them hurt her. Most people she met after getting married didn’t even know she had siblings.
Jillian met Caleb at a masquerade ball her husband held. It was a coincidence. Caleb wasn’t really supposed to be there. He wasn’t invited. But you know, vampires. Even though he was masked, something about him caught Jillian’s attention when he passed her by, and it seemed like he noticed her too. She wouldn’t stop watching him all evening. Their gaze met a few times, they both knew they were keeping an eye on each other. Later, when Caleb left, Jillian followed him out without anyone noticing. They talked and talked and she then tried to convince him to come the next afternoon, she told him where they could meet up without her husband knowing anything. At that time, Caleb wasn’t immune to sunlight yet, and so he didn’t come (but he didn’t tell her that he wouldn’t…awkward). Jillian was upset that he lied. To her surprise, Caleb appeared at her door a week later at midnight. He knew lord Van Herten would be gone. He didn’t want to meet him (for obvious reasons)…but he really wanted to see Jillian and Jillian really wanted to see him. And that’s how they regularly started seeing each other for many years.
Jillian loved reading stories about adventures and incredible, out of the ordinary events. She loved travel books, horrors, legends, myths, stories about heroes (and hoped to one day read a book where the woman is not the damsel in distress)…she actually loved listening to her husband’s stories from his journeys too. She dreamt that one day, something interesting would happen in her life and then she could write a book about it. And well…her wish came true I guess, I mean, she was secretly dating a vampire sooo…she didn’t write about it in the end though. No one but her and Caleb (and Lilith) knew this was happening.
Jillian was a very curious person. Sometimes it got her in trouble, but she didn’t care, her bright mind and silver tongue got her out of it many times. She was also really good at seeing through lies. She noticed there were some strange things about Caleb, but he wouldn’t confirm that, he always dodged her questions and refused to give clear answers. And so Jillian did her own research and came to conclusion that he was indeed a vampire. When she presented him the facts, he had no other choice than to admit the truth. He didn’t tell her initially because he was afraid she’d walk away. Jillian stayed. Knowing that he’s not like her didn’t change anything about the way she loved him. Those were some traits Caleb admired in her: her never resting curiosity, wit, stubbornness and lack of fear. (the last mentioned sometimes made him worry about her, most of the time however he was impressed by it)
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heysnowflake · 4 years
50 Questions
1. What takes up too much of your time?
My job. Plus overthinking pretty much takes up 24 hours of my day.
 2. What makes your day better?
Spending quality time with loved ones, I’m a simple gal. Also a Rattler must be in hand at all times.
 3. What’s the best thing to happen to you today?
When it happens, I’ll let you know
 4. What fictional place would you like to go to?
Ooooooh probably Rivendell
5. Are you good at giving advice?
I’ve been told that I am so I’m going to say… I guess?
6. Do you have any mental illness?
My peers would probably disagree but, as far as I’m aware, I have no mental illness xD
 7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
I don’t think I have? Oh god I hope not
8. What musician inspired you the most?
Hans Zimmer
 9. Have you ever fallen in love?
Yes, yes I have
 10. What’s your dream date?
Going to the zoo during the day, going to the fair in the evening, then a walk on the beach
 11. What do others notice about you?
My hair is usually the first thing people notice because it is curly as fuck.
 12. What is an annoying habit you have?
I break my chocolate bars into the individual squares and have to put them in size and ingredient preference (like if it’s hazelnut chocolate bar for example) before I eat them
 13. Do you still talk to your first love?
No, I haven’t spoken to him since I bumped into him a few years ago
 14. How many exes do you have?
As in people I’ve actually dated, around 6 I think
 15. How many songs are in your playlist?
I have many playlists for each of my own specific categories and each one has at least 100 songs on them
 16. What instruments can you play?
The piano is my main instrument, the recorder, the xylophone and I’m just starting to learn the kalimba
 17. What do you have the most pictures of?
Undoubtedly, my dogs and the dogs I work with take up the majority of my camera roll
 18. Where would you like to go before you die?
 19. What is your zodiac?
Virgo (technically Virgo/Libra cusp)
 20. Do you relate to it?
Honestly, I couldn’t be more of a Virgo if I tried
 21. What is happiness to you?
Happiness is being able to find the good in every day
 22. Are you going through anything right now?
Nothing tremendously traumatic. Simply in an interesting phase of my life. I’m making decisions I wouldn’t normally make, some are amazing, some not so much. But I’m working towards a better me and that’s what matters.
 23. What’s the worst decision you ever made?
The entirety of 2016 was the worst decision I ever made
 24. What’s your favourite store?
For groceries- Sainsbury’s. For clothes- I’m torn between boohoo, misguided and asos
 25. What’s your opinion on abortion?
It’s your body and your life, so it is absolutely your choice. And it should only be your choice, no one else’s.
 26. Do you keep a bucket list?
No, weirdly enough. I’m that organised bitch that keeps lists for everything but I do not have a bucket list… yet.
 27. Do you have a favourite album?
I don’t really remember albums, I’m more of a playlist kinda gal
 28. What do you want for your birthday?
I’m not materialistic when it comes to birthdays, Christmases etc. as long as I can eat a great meal with good people, that will satiate me more than any physical gift
 29. What are most people’s first impression of you?
Usually that I’m very polite, sarcastic and somewhat witty.
 30. What age do you seem according to most people?
Different people have assumed I’m either much younger or older than I actually am. One person thought I was 25 when I was actually 18, at the time. Then another assumed I was 19 when I was actually 23, the age I am now. So the general is between 18-30 xD
 31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
Charging somewhere just out of reach from my bed so that I actually have to get up to turn off my alarm
 32. What word do you say the most?
 33. What’s the oldest age you would date? 45, I think- I’m a very firm believer of age is just a number. But obviously, realistically, I’d want to date someone that I can have a foreseeable future with so I figure a just over 22 year difference is a good maximum.
 34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
18 or 19, I reckon. That’s a 4 or 5 difference from my current age.
 35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
An accountant or teacher
 36. What’s your favourite music genre?
Musical and/or rock
 37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
I do love the country I live in, but I have to say, living in New Zealand would be awesome
 38. What is your current favourite song?
My all time favourite song is Shattered by Trading Yesterday, but at the moment, the one I am listening to most at the moment is Paris Holds The Key To Your Heart from Anastasia
 39. How long have you had this blog for?
Blimey, I just checked and I think it was December 29th 2011… so that would have made me just 15. So, 8 years.
 40. What are you excited for?
The possibility of what the future holds. And also the fact that the Sims gallery is coming to console this year. I know that’s sad but it’s true.
 41. Are you a better talker or listener?
Listener, for sure!! I genuinely love hearing someone’s story and learning more about them. I also am one of those people that love to ask ridiculous questions and hear their answers.
 42. What is the last productive thing you did?
The other night, I went with my gut and it led to a very productive night wink wink hint hint smiley face
 43. What do you want for Christmas?
Just a bloody good Christmas roast
 44. What class do you get the best grades in?
When I used to be in education, my best grades were in music, business and English
 45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now?
I’m a solid 7
 46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years?
Being a teacher actually, but the future isn’t something I think about all that much. I like to take each day as it comes.
 47. When did you get your first heartbreak?
I don’t feel like I’ve had a true heart break. I’ve definitely had my spirit broken before though.
 48. What age do you want to get married?
Ideally 30-37
 49. What career did you want to have as a child?
A vet
 50. What do you crave right now?
A person I am currently waiting for to finish work
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melien · 5 years
1, 2, 3, and 4? Oh and bonus question: Have you ever had a couple in game who found each other on their own? Love you!
Thank you, you’re the best! That’s a long one, so buckle up, everyone. :D
1. Who’s your favourite currently living Born In Game Sim? Are they different from your all-time fav BiG Sim?
My current ones are Devon and Ashwini. They’re both gorgeous and so interesting for me, they’re also polar opposites but get along pretty well despite everything. And yeah, I still haven’t chosen the heir among them, it’s really been my hardest choice ever. At this point I’ll probably just go with double and then see how I feel about their kids (even though it may not be a good idea because I can fall in love with the kids as well, but I’m willing to take a risk). Basically, Devon has an advantage because he has more of a story going on, but Ash is a better genetic mix since Devon is gorgeous but looks more like Jai, and Ash took after both parents. We’ll see, though… we’ll see.
About my all-time favourite, well… I must say that not all my born in game sims are actually born in game. I often create them before they make their first appearance to save myself some trouble, since they’re either going to be clones or not look the way I want them to, and I still have to reroll. (with Dev and Ash I might have did some rerolls but I did not create them beforehand so they were both surprises). So, to remember who was actually born in game on the spot… it may be Lavi or Irene. If we talk Fletchers, I’d say Kyle and Keith too, I remember how I loved them both starting from their very birth. And yeah, normally I’d say Claret but she was created like two or three months before she was born and the whole time I’ve been dying for her to appear and to talk about her.
2. Who’s your current OTP~? Did you matchmake them as Sim God or did they find each other on their own?
Oooo, I secretly craved this question just so I could talk about Carnet! Technically I matchmaked them, but I didn’t expect them to have that much chemistry. Even though I created a story in my head for them long before their generation, I still had to wait for them to click when they actually meet in game. But then there was this one gameplay when I discovered that my heart skips a beat when I see their interactions, so that’s when I knew I’m on the right path with them.
So, what I love about them?
First and foremost, their relationship is so healthy and understanding. They support and love each other in an unconditional way. But, despite that, they’re both their own people with own goals and desires. It matters a lot.
Carn was patiently waiting for Claret while she was figuring things out, and never pressured her. Even if he hoped for her to return his feelings, he respected her too much and valued her as a friend. Eventually, when they got together, their friendship only solidified. Friends to lovers trope rules!
Therefore, they had such a beautiful slow burn. I was living for it. And the scene where they confess their feelings… I proudly consider it one of the best confessions I’ve ever written, if not the best.
They had a special bond from the beginning, since they’re my first and only couple that’s been together in all life stages.
They’re bigger than just a legacy couple. They are ultimate soulmates, meaning they get and stay together in every universe, including original and Valentine’s Day special, and every lifetime (Sunrise and Sunset). I’ve been thinking about it lately and… there’s really not a lot of ultimate soulmates on my blog. It’s rare.
And in TS4 they literally got married on their first date. As I said on Twitter that day, that’s love binch
Dusk and Dawn thing! Maybe it’s not an original naming pattern on berry simblr, but I came to it on my own, though I feared it might seem like I copied from someone. I just liked the name Dawn and wanted to use it for a long time, and upon searching for Carn’s middle name and listening to “Dusk Till Dawn” it clicked in my head.
They’re my first couple to have a double proposal (the only time I was happy my game crashed)
They went through so much stuff to be together, I won’t even list all of it. But to me, Claret saving Carn from the burning house is still the most iconic thing any character of mine could do for their lover. She challenged the laws of nature for him.
I literally cried when they had Cloudberry after all they’ve been through.
Except their epic and serious moments, they had a lot of adorable and funny ones.
They resolve conflicts in a mature way, as seen with their disagreement on Claret’s pregnancy.
It might go on and on, but yeah, for me they’re The OTP and I love them both so much, together and apart. ❤
I must say, I’m glad they’re not my only good couple and there are more. I have another more recent big ship who I didn’t matchmake and there’s actually a very cool story about how they ended up together, but I can’t tell it just yet so that’s for the next time.
3. Which playable Sim(s) is/are annoying you right now? Like, really just pissing you off?
4. What’s been the most surprising development of your current rotation/generation/etc?
Hmm, in the Lilygreens, probably Brent. Like I said before, I didn’t expect him to be so amusing. I sometimes read his old posts and they crack me up. Other stuff that I’d like to mention is probably spoilery.
In the Maples, Jesse and Leighton! They shamelessly crawled into my heart and are here to stay, despite not even being legacy sims and serving as extras.
Other legacies, I don’t have much to say since there wasn’t a lot of surprising stuff in Fletcher reboot lately (but I hope the storyline for gen 2 will surprise everyone else since it’s quite unusual), and I haven’t played the Twinkles since May.
Bonus: Have you ever had a couple in game who found each other on their own?
Yes! It’s not a classic definition of it because my couples normally don’t “meet” in game, but there are a few that I didn’t initially plan and they happened due to a nice coincidence or just me feeling like they’d click.
Curtis and Atticus are one of them, I came up with the idea when they both already existed and I was trying to connect their generations and it suddenly made so much sense.
Clarissa and Aimee weren’t an original plan, but somehow, I don’t even know how, they made me ship them.
Kyle, who’s been in my game for almost four years and gave me a lot of shipping struggles, finally *gasp* will have a spouse who he has chemistry with! And the funniest thing? This person has been there all along, but appeared on my blog only once. I don’t know how they found each other. I just thought of it and was like, hell yeah.
Emit and Emma also fall under this category! When me and my friend were just casually playing, we made random sims and one of them (Emma) quickly became friends with Emit. Even though you can’t romance a time traveler, they kept smiling at each other. I was down for it.
And finally, I mentioned this one couple after my big Carnet ramble. Seriously, that’s probably my most exciting story of two sims finding each other. I wish I could tell it now, but I promise I will… very soon, actually.
Whew, it was fun! And if anyone read all this, you’re a hero.
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jennamaxon · 5 years
Tales from Little Carping - original concept 1
So this is a copy-paste of a post I wrote elsewhere a good while ago telling about how Little Carping came into being.  I decided not to update the text (some of the information is a little out of date now) but it gives a good overview of how Little Carping started and what I was thinking and introduces the initial founding characters of the neighbourhood: the Goths, the Vaughans and Phoebe Sororah. I got TS2 the moment it was available here in the UK (probably a couple of days after it came out in the US). I had been playing TS1 since it was released.  TS1 was my most played and enjoyed game ever (though SimCity 2000 gave it a run for its money). Anyway, I installed TS2 and had a look around. Pleasantview didn't attract me (I think I had a look at the Goth house) but Strangetown looked more quirky and interesting. I played the Curious brothers first for a short while and that was pretty fun. It was obvious the game had taken a huge leap forward and I think, even then, I realised I wouldn't go back to TS1. I never did. EXCEPT - I realised though that I wasn't ready to give up my TS1 characters. I played Neighbourhood 1 almost exclusively in TS1 and had filled EVERY SINGLE LOT with sim families. I had left the Maxis families in there and, in my head, had built an entire sim community. So in the first week of having TS2, I decided I would try to recreate the neighbourhood I had developed in TS1 BUT that I was going to grow it not just make it. It's interesting to me that even then, I was able to recognise the potential in the game to develop a neighbourhood over time and give it a real history. So I thought about it and planned. The oldest residents in TS1 had been the Goths (senior) and a couple of sisters - Sororah - I had created to run a kennels (when Unleashed was released), followed a little later by Ginia Katt and Mama Hick. I'd also created an older couple called Porter who were the janitors/caretakers for a hall of residence I built for some student sims. Remember TS1 didn't having aging so although the Sororah sisters were later additions to the neighbourhood (coming in with Unleashed) as they were created as elders, they - well - stayed that way and were some of the oldest residents of the neighbourhood.  I developed a schedule to introduce them to Little Carping. It helped that the senior Goths were my favourite characters from TS1.  A bit unusual, I think, but then I just loved subverting their respectability.  The other thing to say is about where I use EAxis sims.  It should be remembered that this is my version of those sims - not the canon version.  I don't follow the EAxis stories and there's significant deviation later on.  Though some things are the same - Mortimer does marry Bella (eventually).  Cecilia doesn't really like her though.  But that's getting ahead ... I wanted history (and possibly hysteria). I decided to bring in the Goths first along with Sororah. BUT I wanted the family background for Gunther and Cornelia so I pushed the timeline of the neighbourhood back and made a family for each of them and a parent family for the Sororah sisters too.
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Gunther contemplating his parents.
First I made Randolph and Cecelia Goth. Randolph was a businessman (fortune) and, in my head, was to develop into a very successful financier (which he did). Cecelia was clever (knowledge) but, the origin of Little Carping being set some time ago, she was stuck at home with the kids while they were small.  That was Gunther to start with (made as a toddler in CAS), then the first born-in-game child arrived (after Pascal's in Strangetown), Gunther's sister Marianne.  You can see Gunther is blond in the picture (as is Cornelia, also born to dark-haired parents).  This, of course, doesn't gel with the in-game genetics (at all - silly maxon).  You have to bear in mind that they were created in CAS in 2004 and we -I- had no idea about how the genetics in-game actually worked (semi-realistically as it happens and is something I like but whatever).  Although both children have genetics generated from their parents (in CAS), I changed the hair colour.  I had to retro-fit that by pretending both parents carried a recessive blond gene.  
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The first Goth family Randolph went on to be very successful and Cecelia, once the kids had grown up a bit, went back to work and into politics and eventually became mayor (the actual story of that is quite complicated). The storyline developed of Gunther growing up in this high-achieving, competitive climate but always feeling he didn't quite measure up: he had a clever mother and a thrusting successful businessman father. It made his character more interesting to me than the original version in TS1. He's always been morose and bitter (though with some surprising talents - he learnt to meditate and levitate and to move around lots like a ninja - a talent he needed). Gunther in TS1 had been Dean of a college but in TS2 I decided to send him into business following his father in an attempt to impress him (Gunther is also fortune) but Gunther was not as successful and never got the helicopter to go to work. His situation was not helped in the slightest by his wife.
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Randolph and Cecelia - as they were at first.  There's a recessive blond gene in there - yes, there is.
tbc ...
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1112lw · 5 years
Every question!!
1: Name: Arche/Jupiter, my close friends know my real name so!
2: Age: High school has just been done so try to guess
3: Fears: Heights, oral presentations, the dark
4: 3 things I love: Drawing, men- concept art n stuff like that
5: 4 turns on: Oh here we go- uhh thighs, messy hair? when they give u The Look or when they. say things i will not talk about here HHGBDF n uhhh Arms 👀👀
6: 4 turns off: weird macho attitude, overly confident bullshit, being selfish and fuckboys in general
7: My best friend: not sure what this means but my bff is named Daphnée n i love her and ive known her my whole life so 
8: Sexual orientation: homosexuale
9: My best first date: :))))))) as if
10: How tall am I: sigh. I’m 5″4
11: What do I miss: sometimes i miss the feeling loved ig
12: What time were I born: 12:19
13: Favourite color: pink!
14: Do I have a crush
15: Favourite quote: My senior quote!! “if what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, I’m telling you I’m immortal”
16: Favourite place: well? my room ig? I like my yard too
17: Favourite food: ugh ramen,,,korean dishes are TASTE as fuck but i also like classic ass spaghetti so like lol
18: Do I use sarcasm: does it look like i dont
19: What am I listening to right now: dr.phil LMFAO
20: First thing I notice in new person: Hair and eyes!! also how they laugh
21: Shoe size: Like. a 7-8 in women’s 6 in men’s 
22: Eye color: Hazel/Golden yes bitch let me be special
23: Hair color: it’s either dark brown or golden brown idk
24: Favourite style of clothing: bruv its either kpoppie fuckboy or uwu skirts pastels
25: Ever done a prank call?: no i have anxiety
26: Meaning behind my URL:
27: Favourite movie: rise of the guardians and HTTYD
28: Favourite song: Comeback Home (BTS cover)
29: Favourite band: looks in the camera i dont know nan molla huh
30: How I feel right now: I’m fine im hungry
31: Someone I love: shoutout to my babeys in my server ily
32: My current relationship status: Single(tm)
33: My relationship with my parents: theyre fine ig just a bit tired
34: Favourite holiday:
35: Tattoos and piercing I have: Ear piercings? that’s it
36: Tattoos and piercings I want:
37: The reason I joined Tumblr:
38: Do I and my last ex hate each other? I sure hope not?
39: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? A bit ig?
40: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Literally no
41: When did I last hold hands? Like last Friday
42: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 20 minutes
43: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? no i havent shaved in like months
44: Where am I right now? in my room, in quebec, canada
45: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? bitch i sure hope my friends would
46: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? fuck my ears 
47: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? yeah
48: Am I excited for anything? yeah? yeah
49: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? ig? always
50: How often do I wear a fake smile? just at work tbh
51: When was the last time I hugged someone? not long ago i cant tell but my friends r cuddle monsters so 
52: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? i havent kissed anyone so 
53: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? lemme think uhhh no not rlly im not dumb 
54: What is something I disliked about today? i woke up n i thought i had school lol
55: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? oh john cock i want to be ur best friend
56: What do I think about most? i daydream 24/7
57: What’s my strangest talent? uhhh i can put my thumb behind my hand?
58: Do I have any strange phobias? trypophobia, if thats “weird”
59: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? depends on what the video is, mostly behind
60: What was the last lie I told? idk answering to my deadname
61: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? online
62: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? I slightly believe in ghosts? also aliens GOTTA exist so 
63: Do I believe in magic? i think!
64: Do I believe in luck? yeah
65: What’s the weather like right now? very pretty i filmed a video outside!!
66: What was the last book I’ve read? L’Étranger d’Albert Camus in french class
67: Do I like the smell of gasoline? yes my dad’s a mechanic
68: Do I have any nicknames? a lot a lot
69: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? bitch @ my birth #neverforget 
70: Do I spend money or save it? i have 40$ in my name right now
71: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no
72: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? yes highlighter
73: Favourite animal? cats or otters
74: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? FBISDFD NO WE DONT TALK ABOUT IT
75: What do I think is Satan’s last name idk he can have any last name he wants!!!
76: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? everytime i start hearing “waiting for you anpanman” or “i just wanna go home” 👀👀
77: How can you win my heart? aaahh. be a twink. b fashionable. b funny. cheesy. pls romance me like a npc in the sims 2
78: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? s(he) died smh
79: What is my favorite word? cunt is SUCH a satisfying word
80: My top 5 blogs on tumblr? oh great uh honestly cant be fucked 
81: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? please have brain. PLEASE
82: Do I have any relatives in jail? i sure hope the fuck not?
83: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? either invisibility or mind reading
84: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? ahaaa “what are your intrusive thoughts”
85: What is my current desktop picture? my lesbian sims getting married LMFAO
86: Had sex? no
87: Bought condoms? no
88: Gotten pregnant? NO
89: Failed a class? i think yeah maths last year
90: Kissed a boy? :(((
91: Kissed a girl? no
92: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no
93: Had job? I have a job rn so 
94: Left the house without my wallet? yeah when i go to school
95: Bullied someone on the internet? define bullying?
96: Had sex in public? virgin squad
97: Played on a sports team? yeah
98: Smoked weed? no ew
99: Did drugs? no ew
100: Smoked cigarettes? NO EW
101: Drank alcohol? yep 
102: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? no i’d die
103: Been overweight? i’m twig
104: Been underweight? i think i was underweight when i was young? i was very Small
105: Been to a wedding? yes very long boring
106: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? bruh. everyday
107: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? probably?
108: Been outside my home country? ONCE
109: Gotten my heart broken? TWICE !
110: Been to a professional sports game? yesss canadians game!!
111: Broken a bone? no
112: Cut myself? not technically 
114: Been in airplane? once
115: Fly by helicopter? i am not rich bitch
116: What concerts have I been to? noneeee- WAIT NO MARIE MAI
117: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? not sex but for the purpose of pretending i have a penis yes plenty
118: Learned another language? yeah!! i learned english, i almost learned spanish and i’m trynna learn korean now
119: Wore make up? i try!! but i’m not super good
120: Lost my virginity before I was 18? not 18 yet but it’s goin that way
121: Had oral sex? as if 
122: Dyed my hair? i wishhh
123: Voted in a presidential election? I WISH THE ELECTIONS R ONE MONTH B4 MY BIRTHDAY 
124: Rode in an ambulance? nope
125: Had a surgery? yes at a week old 
126: Met someone famous? i think yes but i was super small
127: Stalked someone on a social network? define stalked?
128: Peed outside? yes
129: Been fishing? YES
130: Helped with charity? i think? we do volunteering so 
131: Been rejected by a crush? not directly
132: Broken a mirror? no 
133: What do I want for birthday? boyf......boy..boyff
134: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? oh man uhh maybe 2-3, i dont know their names yet honestly
135: Was I named after anyone? MY DAD NAMED ME AFTER A FUCKIN CLIENT HE MET. as for my actual name now I named myself after my fav video game character. lit
136: Do I like my handwriting? yeah!!
137: What was my favourite toy as a child? bitch hot wheels
138: Favourite Tv Show? hells kitchen,,,,judge judy,,,anythin like that
139: Where do I want to live when older? honestly i wish i could just live in japan or tokyo, or new york? but i will most likely end up in montreal 
140: Play any musical instrument? i used to play the clarinet last year!!
141: One of my scars, how did I get it? the one on my knee, i scratched my desk with my knee 
142: Favourite pizza toping? my dad makes AMAZING sea food pizzas,,,
143: Am I afraid of the dark? a lot
144: Am I afraid of heights? A LOT
145: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? idk prolly? im a bit of a goody two shoes or however u spell it
146: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end: dont we all
147: What I’m really bad at: organizing my anxiety n shit i get overwhelmed
148: What my greatest achievments are: finishing high school 
149: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: honestly has to be that time someone dug up my vent post about being dysphoric to try to say i hated myself with some dumbass DySphorIa Is SelF HaTRed argument
150: What I’d do if I won in a lottery: pay my parents’ debt off, buy 284223$ of BT21 merch, pay my whole college/uni and transition
151: What do I like about myself: idk i like how i literally do not give a fuck anymore and ive learned to love myself instead of trynna care
152: My closest Tumblr friend: @peptobismol-official​ @ace-landofthesun​ @dorkalisious​ and ana but idk her @ anymore :((( ana pls
153: Something I fantasise about: we dont talk about that
154: Any thoughts on the paranormal?: lit. please stop crawling in my ceiling !
ok now that u know my whole biography. go doxx me ig. bye bye
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What I want to hear more than anything is any and all of your thoughts involving Kushinada? Because I LIVE of them I need all of your ramblings about her and every AU she is currently apart of. You could type out thousands of words and I'd still want more.
since you did write about that hot fenrir X kushinada stuff in your latest fic (which was the most adorable thing btw omg) i figured i might provide a few scenarios for that (a few meaning 1000+ words of cute stuff oops! never mind it’s 2000+ hahaha fuck)
high school au
i know i said it in the dating sim route for fenrir but him giving his leather jacket to kushinada when they go out and it’s cold??? that’s one of my fav tropes omg
also kushinada accidentally comparing fenrir to a loyal dog when talking to aphro and light hel and him overhearing that and being all embarrassed about it bc he can’t deny that he’s literally a dog in human form
he has a very strong sense of smell, always noticing all the flower perfumes that kushinada wears and he always compliments her about how nice she smells even when she’s come back from her garden (he likes the smells of nature hehe)
also he’s very protective of her and gives people the nastiest stares if they say anything remotely negative about her. when kushinada opens up about having an unrequited crush on cu chu and her past with relationship with susano she has to drag away fenrir and get him to promise not to fight those two on sight
also it’s a lil nsfw but i think he’s totally into leaving hickeys around the place so when kushinada shows up at school on a super hot day with a scarf aphro is like “so things must be moving nicely between you and fenrir huh?” and kushinada is just a blushing mess and silently nods
oh, and him just resting his head on kushinada’s when she’s gardening and wrapping his arms around her UwU
so when they start dating i really like the idea of fenrir learning how to grow stuff with kushinada (and him actually having a decent green thumb after learning the basics)
also i couldn’t get the idea out of my idea about fenrir trying to grow kushinada roses/or forget-me-nots/camellias(they all mean love apparently?? that’s cute n sappy hehe) and trying to keep it a secret from her
so while he’s checking some plants during club time, fenrir just snatches a seed packet from her collection and takes her gardening equipment and other materials when he needs them
bc he’s just a beginner he fails pretty badly and goes around asking for help from tyr (as he’s been talking about kushinada w/ tyr who serves as a sorta personal confidant and a father figure who is more stern w/ fenrir than loki). tyr’s all for this as that’s how he wooed ullr over on their first date (and promptly got laid as well) so they both read a few gardening books and search the internet for info…
…unfortunately tyr’s pretty shit w/ gardening as well so they ask chiron for help and, although he’s got the knowledge, it somehow doesn’t work out either…
…so they ask for inari’s help which who suggests that they just hire a professional gardener or just buy some really expensive and rare flowers for her(which they’ll pay for; inari is all for fenrir trying to be romantic and trying to cater to kushinada’s interestseven if it doesn’t turn out)
fenrir eventually decides to come clean and presents her with what he’s got and kushinada kisses him for all his effort UwU. she really appreciates the effort even if she was aware that he was stealing from her the entire time (she’s gotta keep a tight budget with the club, the school only gives her a certain amount of money to run the place and it’s she may be forgetful at times but her equipment disappearing every time fenrir was around was a lil convenient)
also if we’re going full cheese then i want fenrir to confess his love to kushinada all anime-style w/ cherry blossoms and everything :’^)))))) like kushinada would be the first to say that she loves him but it’s really hard for him to say, like he’ll just say “i do too” and avoid saying “i love you”
also just in general they’d probs both like going out to parks, botanical garden or go hiking and have peaceful walks when kushinada points out all the plants while fenrir listens, he likes hearing her ramble on bc it’s cute seeing her so excited about something
so they’re at some botanical garden place and kushinada is really excited and basically dragging fenrir by the arm to point out all the different flower types but all he can think about is how much she’s changed him for the better, how he doesn’t deserve her at all. he’s just smitten with her, with how adorable she is when she’s ranting, even if he’s heard all the information before - he just wants to listen to her beautiful voice. and, wow, she looks so stunning amongst the blooming flowers and he thinks, no, he knows he’s in love with her and how he wants to marry her and that sorta mushy stuff hehe
kushinada snaps him out of his thoughts by asking if she’s boring him with her explanations and then he just blurts out that he loves her and it’s just silence between the two for a moment before kushinada, as the sappy bitch she is, starts crying tears of joy and leaps into his arms :’))))))) (yes i’m the world’s softest bitch, what about it)
mafia au
fenrir stumbles into kushinada’s bakery after a street fight with a rival gang, all bloody and bruised and telling her to not touch him before promptly passing out. kushinada tends to his injuries while he’s out and drags him into her beroom falling asleep beside the bed bc she was so exhausted from work + this incident
fenrir wakes up with a nasty headache, only made worse by him not knowing where he is - he’s still alive, probably due to the beautiful japanese woman uncomfortably lying on the side of the bed with bandages in her hands. he knows he could snap her neck with ease, but something in the back of his mind tells him not to - tyr’s words and actions ring in his ears
also on a side note i’m imagining that fenrir has a rough childhood bc of loki being involved in shady gang operations and that fenrir was preened by him to succeed him but fenrir was betrayed by the norse gang and left to get caught by the cops during a major heist. i imagine that tyr, a cop (duh), went onto the scene and tried to communicate with a scared and furious fenrir. fenrir probably lashed out at him, scarring tyr’s arm (and then it later being infected or something? i’m not here for arm severing lmao) and then breaking down in his arms while tyr comforted him.
fenrir spent some time in prison after that and got out due to tyr lobbying for him and he’s trying to separate himself from his family and old ties to his gang although it obviously catches up with him here :^)
the attack was probably bc in the past fenrir was an asshole and very cocky, brash and abusive to others and he made a lot of enemies bc he thought we was untouchable as one of the norse gang members with really high connections bc of his father
anyways fenrir explores the small apartment before hearing the ring of the bell downstairs (i imagine the bakery to underneath a small apartment like this). he walks to check that out, hiding on the stairs just in case the gang members have found where he ended up
fortunately (or rather, unfortunately) for him it’s not the gang members - it’s inari, wanting to get a pastry and tea from her favourite bakery. when they can’t see kushinada or smell anything being made that’s when they decide to check on her
fenrir makes a mad dash for kushinada’s room, pretending to sleep once again while kushinada is in the shower. she gets out and greets inari, trying to nicely introduce the topic of the strange and ruggedly handsome man resting in her room (it just hit me that this is essentially just that scene from tangled but inari isn’t an evil hag lmao)
inari is really annoyed - they don’t want kushinada to get further involved with any more gang acitivity than she already is and they know about fenrir’s past and what he’s done. they fight for a bit before inari relents, knowing that coddling kushinada and treating her like a defenceless child isn’t going to help her out any.
fenrir is shitting himself - he never expected to get so close to the elusive and destructive inari and it doesn’t help that inari ends the conversation with “if he does anything to hurt you i’ll make sure to put that mangy mutt down and make him regret ever stepping out of prison” before asking kushinada to have a cup of tea with her
after they’re done, kushinada comes up while fenrir pretends to wake up for the first time. she checks on his injuries and she asks about what happened to him but he shuts her down before she has to chance to speak and tries to leave - of course, in his injured state he just makes things worse and falls over. kushinada scolds him for trying to move in this state, and says that even if he won’t co-operate that she’s still going look after him just to prove inari that she can handle looking after herself when dealing with the mafia business.
she leaves for a bit and brings a breakfast tray for him. he wolves it down, reluctantly saying thanks and apologising for his manners - kushinada finds him kinda cute when he’s all blushing and red (although she won’t admit it). she tries to more subtly ask what happened to make him so ravenous but he brushes her off again. fenrir asks for some coffee instead of the tea she’s brought and she makes sure that he uses his manners this time.
she goes down again, leaving fenrir to his own devices. he eventually walks around the apartment for a bit, taking special notice of all the greenery around the place. she pops up behind him while he’s admiring some lillies. he asks how she gets the plants to look so nice - she says that you can gorw anything as long as the conditions are right
then their usual routine sets in - kushinada will get up before him and they’ll eat meals with each other while she runs the bakery downstairs, popping up whenever she has the time to see him.
when he can walk without major discomfort again then kushinada gets him to man the counter and when his arm heals she starts teaching him about how to bake to tend to her plants - he’s not half bad at either activity and when he’s polished his skills enough he makes breakfast for her UwU
of course y’all can imagine as many fluff moments as possible while they fall in love and that cute stuff like
fenrir talking about his tats and what they mean
talking about his past, maybe a lil bit of angst and comfort bc i’m a sucker for emotion support scenes
cute baking moments, fenrir licking the spoon and kushinada getting on his case about that
i’m sure you can think of a few dramatic situations to progress the plot but i’m just here for fluff hehe
or maybe something about fenrir running into some old gang members and them giving him shit about losing his edge and how pathetic he looks manning the bakery - he’s barely keeping himself together but he does for his and kushinada’s relationship together but he snaps when one of the group starts talking about kushinada and threatening to attack her to coax the old fenrir out. it probs gets into a bad back alley sprawl with the gang needing a large ambulance as a result of his anger (i like to imagine that inari was watching around the corner ready to back him up and they’re like “good job kid”)
and maybe fenrir’s family comes to see him?? at the very least i want light hel to work for kushinada at the bakery bc i want Dramatic™ family reunions yo and she’d fit the role p well
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sammywinchesterdsm · 3 years
Co Written by
@MidnightRiderDW & @SammyWDSM
Sam was coming back from a hunt on his own. With his friend from college had their kind of thing when His brother was being held in the police station over the murder of his Girlfriend. The cops had CCTV of him murdering his girlfriend at their home when #Steven didn't have a tight alibi on the other side of the town when he was visiting his sister. When he left his sister home twenty minutes early to go come to his home to see his Girlfriend. Unknown to him the neighbours had called in 911 to the police when the arrival of #Steven that they thought was Steven arguing in the home with his girlfriend screaming her head off shouting his name stop please “Steven” Stop you're hurting me. When she screams “someone helps me he's going to kill me”. She runs through the house running upstairs to the bedroom window with the neighbours having a clear view of Steven and his girlfriend. With Steven carrying a knife stabbing her multi-times at the window. Until her screams had gone quiet. A few minutes later Steven had arrived home unlocking the back door, entering the house. “ Hi, babe I'm home. Where are you”. When a few neighbours ran from across the street from their home, bursting the front door down to meet Steven in the hallway calling his girlfriend. and tackle him to the ground. With the police, right behind him. “What is going on,” he asked. Steven was taking away and charged with Murder when he pleats he was with his sister and would never harm a hair on his girlfriend. Sam had taken the call from his bud and something didn't sit right with him and wanted to check it out. Dean and Sam had a conversation about him going on his own but Sam wasn't backing down on his case because of his friend. Dean stayed back and Sam went off on his own. To take on the case. He had said to Dean he would be in touch. During a fight with shift shaper who was going around the town impersonating other people to hurt there loved ones. Sam cellphone was broken and needed to pick up a new phone to get in touch with his brother Dean. He stops at the local phone store to pick up a new handset. After buying the cellphone, he went outside to his car to swap sim cards from the broken smashed up phone that's was in the glove department. Taking a cable to Power the new cell phone up and looking through to his list of numbers for Dean. When a text came through from Dean about him started dating this Julian fella. *He shook his head how long was he away he smirks* going back to find Dean number to call him. He waited for him to answer with the operator “You call can't be taken at this time please check the number and redial”. Sam made a puzzling look on his face “What” when he started to look for Dean second cell number with no signal and he tried his third and fourth. Sam knew something wasn't adding up and something was wrong with Dean. When he opened up his laptop to start making a trace on Dean cellphones with no service coming up on any of his Numbers Sam looked back to the screen that's Dean had seemed to have vanished. “Dean” he shouted.
Dean - Dean has been in this new dimension for a little over a year now. He's got a good steady job that has its perks of hunting, he's gotten engaged and now married. It hasn't been easy settling in here and he still struggles daily. If it wasn't for his husband Dean doesn't know What he'd be doing right now. Colt had explained to him and Julian when they first got here that the rift seems to be a one way portal. They've had their best men at Blackwater try to figure out what exactly it is and how it works but in nearly 20 years they haven't been able To. Which means that Dean and Julian, cowboy, Colt, Jake, Jo, just to name a few can never go back to their own world's so that leaves one option, how can he get his brother to this world. Colt has given Dean access to everything Blackwater has and deans chased down every lead Only to be disappointed that they never go anywhere. Even Julian has been helping him. Is Sam even alive, did their world get sucked into the vortex like the others has been?
Dean doesn't know how but he won't give up on finding a way to get Sam here with him.
Sammy - Sammy when got home and ran into the cabin calling out Dean Name. Checking each room but with no answer. All he saw around each Room, including his brother bedroom was the empty beers bottles but there was no trace of him anywhere. When he sat on Dean’s bed wonder what has happened to his brother. Rubbing his hands back and forth with a sinking feeling of him being alone in this world unknowing what has happened to his brother. Dean just wouldn't go and leave me behind when he put his phone and re-read his message over and over looking for clues in case there was a hidden message in his phone somewhere. Was he in trouble? Did this Julian kidnap his brother? Something didn't add up. He meets and falls for a guy and now he's gone. No matter what was going on I was going to find my brother somehow.
Dean - Sitting in his office at Blackwater Dean pinches the bridge of his nose sitting back in his chair after tossing the last folder he'd completed onto the finished pile and called his assistant in to file them
He looks at his watch and opens his laptop to check and see if there Has been any leads sent to his email about the rift or any type of lead. Not seeing anything new he closes his laptop and gets up to refill his coffee mug sighing thinking out loud
"If we got here, he can get here, think Dean...
Sammy - Sammy ran his fingers through his hair while sitting in Dean’s bedroom in the cabin. When he couldn't just work out how Dean just had vanished. No words or communication from Him. This wasn't like Dean, he was always in contact with me. Now he's missing for how long he wasn't sure. When Sam stood up from his brother bed. Walking over to the desk he had in his room, to start Going through his things looking for some clues to wonder what made him leave the cabin. Sammy started to go through his cd’s and tapes selections when this made him feel sad and alone. When he put dean favourite albums back down on his desk. He thought strange. “He never took his music” when he looked at a pile of cases files sitting on his desk. Starting to look through the cases files that Dean might have been looking at before he left. Flipping through the files with nothing major showing up. Sammy moving and walking around his room. Trying to think what was happening in Dean head. When he messed up his bedding and flipping the mattress over to see if he had anything hidden under his bed. Just the normal a few wrappers and his gun and blade. Which set alarm bells going off in Sammy's head. He didn't take his gun and Blade? What was the hurry for him to just take off so quickly? *Sammy ran his hand over his beard and just wondered* what is going on with his Brother was he in trouble. Sammy wasn't going to panic just get about dean when he started to put his brother room back together to the way it was before within a few minutes. When Sammy finished up in his room, walking toward the door to exit the room to think his next step to finding Dean.
Dean - Dean shuts down his office for the night. Turning off his music and shutting off his light but before he leaves he gets ready to close his laptop screen to put it in is bag but ends up sitting down instead. He pulls out his cell and sends his husband a quick text to let him know that he's staying later than he expected because he wants to do some research to see if he can find out any new information on that rift. Anyone who knows Dean knows how badly he hates research so that should tell you how desperate he is to find his brother.
Sammy - It's been a matter of weeks since I found out my brother Dean has been missing or vanish. Whatever you want to call it. This was out of Dean character in every way. Sammy has been hunting high and low for his brother Dean. He's been chasing down every sighting on Dean description and working every case coming up just in case Dean would just show up. Sam couldn't handle the fact his big brother was gone when he packed up the cabin with his clothes ad stuff into his car. Driving town to town hunting for Dean. When he stopped by the local library to use the wifi to scan for any signals on Dean cellphone.
Dean - Getting sucked into this other dimension hasn't been easy. Not knowing if his brothers ok, if he's dead or alive, hell if their world even still exists. The one thing he does know for sure is the fact he will never give up on trying to get his brother here with him.
Sammy - Sammy had been chasing down every lead and fighting the supernatural world with apart of him missing. He had never felt so lonely without his brother since all the years it's always been them against the world. Now every day was a challenge carrying on without him. He just couldn't understand what or why Dean was gone. Not one day would go by without Sammy searching for Dean. No way he was going to give up on Dean. He even went to crossroad demon and torture the red-eye demon to get any news on Dean.
Dean - Dean walks out to the Impala rubbing the back of his head. His birthday is coming up, him. And his brother never really celebrated holidays except for their birthdays. They'd take those two days off and drink, watch movies, go shoot some pool. He's already went his birthday last Year and Sam's and they were damn hard to get thru
He starts up his Baby's engine and pulls out of Blackwater's lot heading down to the bar for a drink but first he goes to the place where that damn rift is. He gets out and leans against the door crossing his arms just looking Out over the street.
Sammy - *Sammy had been driving for the last few hours coming back from a dead lead on Dean. When one of Dean’s songs came on the radio. "Anything goes" Sammy turning the volume dial-up and trying to imagine Dean face while travelling down on the road he was following. *
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magic-magpie · 7 years
Forever Yours, Prompto
Sheesh, I haven’t been on in a while. I just haven’t had the motivation to write or anything, and so I kinda stopped going on Tumblr ‘cause then I’d feel bad for not writing. Not that I need to write, but I want to. But I’ve finally written something! I’ve gotten hella into FFXV, and Promptis has become my favourite ship of the series (I guess that was to be expected... the character dynamics are strikingly similar to my OTP of all time). I just love they way they interact and the brilliant, wholesome friendship they share! And yes, I do wish they’d be more than friends. Idk, I just feel like they’d be a really awesome couple. I’m not past Chapter Eight yet, though. But anyway, have this little Promptis fanfic I wrote! It’s an idea I’ve wanted to do for so long, but I’ve only just now been able to execute it. First time writing for FFXV, so my characterisation’s probably not perfect. Prompto’s incredibly similar to America from Hetalia though, and I write America frequently enough, so hopefully the characterisation works! Words - 1,883 Also, imagine the strikethrough stuff to be like actual scribble-outs.
Dear Noctis To Noctis Hey Noctis Hey Noct,
Okay, so, um, I’m writing this in the dead of the night outside of the tent using my torch ‘cause why not, eh? I mean, I don’t WANT to write out here (it’s cold and dark and SHIT I THINK A SPIDER CRAWLED ONTO MY ROCK FUCKING SHIT I JUST MOVED TO A TREE STUMP HOLY SHIT IF I WOKE ANY OF YOU GUYS UP I’M SORRY OKAY NOW WHERE WAS I) but writing out here where none of you know I’m writing is kinda safer, don’t ya think? (haha that transition tho) If I was writing some poetry or story or whatever I wouldn’t have to hide it so much, but it’s... not that. D’ya remember when we DID do that kinda stuff, back in high school? We’d make up lame-ass stories on the rooftop at lunchtime, trying to make weirder and weirder ones. I remember, my favourite was the one about the boy named Alaric Wrye who was actually a wolf in disguise and would sneak out every full moon to howl at the night but then his parents found out and so he was sent to the Wolf Institution to become a fully-fledged wolf and had to take a whole load of wolf tests and shit and then when he finally became a wolf he was crowned King of the Wolves and everyone had to bow down to him and – 
I kinda just realised how WEIRD that story is.
I think your favourite was the one about the small ant who wanted to be a super-duper famous singer so he made a rock band and started playing in gardens and stuff but then he grew enough of a following to start doing world tours and basically this small ant band was like hella famous in the human world but because none of the humans could see him properly ‘cause he’s tiny he took drugs to make himself massive but the drugs kinda killed him so he died as a massive-ass ant.
Yeah, that’s pretty weird too.
...Why am I talking about stories again? I’m not even WRITING a story. I’m writing a letter. To you. You’re not ever going to see it, but it’s for you.
Man, this is weird.
Well, I guess you’re wondering why I’m writing this, huh? Well, you WOULD be, if I gave it to you. But I’m not going to. I guess Ignis would call this a waste of his paper, but it’s only one sheet!
Okay, maybe it’s a little more. But STILL.
...Am I EVER going to start on why I’m writing this? I SHOULD, but, like... even the thought of WRITING it makes me nervous. Writing it would be like... making it definite. Absolute. Certain. That kind of thing. Currently, I can still pretend it’s not happening. I can still pretend I’m not thinking these thoughts, I’m not feeling these feelings. The thought of putting it down, of writing it in stone (or, well, paper) makes my stomach go all weird. Y’know how people talk about getting butterflies in your stomach? Yeah, I’ve got a whole KALEIDOSCOPE (yup, the word for a group of butterflies actually is ‘kaleidoscope’! I found that out, uh... two minutes ago).  
Having a kaleidoscope of butterflies inside your stomach is a WEIRD sensation, lemme tell ya. Like, imagine if EVERY time I hugged you the kaleidoscope started fluttering wildly and made you feel the things those protagonists of bad dating sims feel (although it’s impossible to be as cheesy and awful as that ‘Namco High’ dating sim. God, that was HILARIOUS. And terrible. But funny. I can’t believe we stayed up all night playing that shitty-ass game. We could’ve played King’s Knight or Mario Kart, but nope, we play shitty dating sims.).
...I just gave it away, didn’t I.
Anyway, as I guess you’ve guessed (or WOULD guess if you were actually gonna read this), I... love you like you think you’re hot want to date you want to kiss you want to just do stupid romantic stuff with you
Ah, fuck.
Okay, now I’m ACTUALLY going to say it. Just... gimme a minute.
Well, I just walked around the haven about twelve times and scrunched up the paper and threw it and then ran to get it back and almost got into a fight with some daemons but here we are.
I’m gonna say it. I’m gonna say it. I’m gonna say it.
Look, Noct. You’re my best friend, and the best person I know (don’t tell Ignis and Gladio). You’re funny (sometimes unintentionally), nice, fun to be with, and have really great hair. I guess it was only natural that I... started to like you.
Not like as in friend-like (although I still like you like a friend too), but like as in... like-like. As in, I want to go on stupid dates and randomly kiss you and cuddle when we have to share a bed and stroke your hair and give you flowers and wear each other’s clothes and touch our foreheads together and do those nose bump things and just do everything I’ve wanted to do for years now.
There. I said it.
...Why don’t I feel better? Why do I just feel WORSE? That wasn’t supposed to happen! I was supposed to confess everything into this letter and then I’d feel unburdened and I’d be able to finally let go of these goddamn feelings for you!
Oh. Right. It’s because I’ve liked you for years and my stupid heart’s become too attached to you.
I looked up stuff on how to get over your best friend, but it was all pretty unhelpful. They were all telling me to distance myself for a while! Um, no thanks. First of all, I don’t WANT to distance myself. Like I said, you’re the best person I know. Why would I want to spend any less time with my favourite person?! That would just be... boring. And second of all, I can’t distance myself, even if I wanted to. We share a TENT.
So... yeah. I like you. I like you too much, and I KNOW I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it! I’m really sorry, but I... just can’t.
I want to tell you upfront, I really do. But I don’t know whether you like me back. Sometimes I get these little feelings that you do. I dunno, sometimes I just catch you looking at me with this odd little smile on your face and then you’ll suddenly look away... or sometimes you’ll be a bit more touchy-feely than you need to be... and you tend to gravitate towards me whilst we’re walking... and you always seem to be closer to me than friends should be in a tent. But then, well, I’m probably misinterpreting all that because I so desperately want you to like me too. It’s confusing, isn’t it?
And then, well, if you don’t like me back, confessing to you would just be a dick move.
YOU wouldn’t class it as a dick move. Hell, you’d be pretty chill about it. But... I would. You’ve got so much on your shoulders right now. King Regis was murdered, Insomnia fell, Jared was killed, you’re going to get married, we’ve got to take back Insomnia, you’re pretty much the King... the list goes on. I know you, Noct. You’d feel guilty over rejecting me, and it’d weigh on your mind more than you care to admit.
Especially because, well... ‘cause you’re getting married.
I don’t know if you love Lady Luna, I don’t know if you love me, I don’t know if you love anyone at all. But I do know that you’re getting married to Lady Luna, not me. And if I ruined your special day with a stupid confession, I’d hate myself for it. It’s your special day where people are celebrating your marriage. That’s a day that’s supposed to make you happy, and it will, even if you’re not in love with Lady Luna (and if you are, then you’ll be on Cloud Nine!). She’s your friend, and you’ll be happy with her. I don’t want you to look at me on your wedding day with pity, I don’t want you to look at me and remember that I’m not enjoying the day as much as I should be.
So I’m not going to tell you how I feel. I’m just going to... just going to bottle it up and act like I always do!
Although, I get the feeling that my normal actions don’t cover it up well. I mean, I don’t think YOU’VE guessed (you’re kinda as emotionally-perceptive as a rock), but I feel like Ignis has, and maybe even Gladio. They haven’t said anything, but, like, I dunno, they just give me these... looks, sometimes. Like, I’ll just be leaning on you whilst playing King’s Knight and Ignis will just kind of... smile? It’s a small, tiny thing, but he still does it, I swear on the Six. And then I’m SURE that both of them just sorta... glance at me whenever we start talking about your wedding. I might be imagining things, but... I swear I’m not. So, like, I try to remove suspicion. Whaddaya think all that stuff with Cindy is? Yeah, she’s cool and nice and pretty hot and would probably be fun to date, but it wouldn’t be half as awesome as dating you would be. I just gush over her so that you’ll actually believe I’m head over heels for her instead of, well, you.
Come ON, we’d be so awesome together! We could go on dates to the arcade and order pizza at three in the morning and stay up watching shitty movies and I know we already do that but we could do it as boyfriends instead of best friends and I just 
...Sorry. Haha, I’ve gotta work on keeping my fantasies in check, huh?
...I wish I was the one getting married to you.
Okay, right! I guess that’s, er, my confession done then! I’ve written my feelings in a letter addressed to you which you’re never ever going to read, and so I should stop wanting you so badly!
...I’m never going to stop, am I?
But... even if I’m never going to stop liking you, I’m still going to be your best friend. I’m still going to do stupid stuff with you and take funny pictures and loudly sing terrible songs at one in the morning. I’m never going to be the one who you kiss, but dammit, I’m going to be the greatest best friend ever! And on your wedding, I’ll be the best best man Eos has ever seen.
Because loving you means accepting that I’ll never be anything more than a best friend. But it also means finding happiness and enjoying the special bond we do have.
Well, that’s that. I was going to throw this away into the lake, but... I think I’ll keep it. Just, don’t wear my jacket, yeah? And ESPECIALLY don’t check my front pocket. I’m warning you, Noct!
Love From Yours sincerely Best wishes Forever yours,
Prompto ✌ 
P.S. Sorry about the wet patches. They’re... not rain.
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randomstarmuffin · 5 years
You are???? an absolute gem????? And I'd be happy to talk to you whenever!!! Tell me more about what you liked about rune factory! Who did you marry? Did you marry one person or a collection of people (and if you did marry a collection of people, do you have a favourite??)
Omg????? I am not entirely sure when you sent this but I am so sorry I didnt see this until just now!! Ahhhhhh thank you so much???
Uh ok. Well, you asked and you shall receive - beware of a loooong post incoming lol. I could talk about RF for days and no one I know plays it so you’ve really opened the floodgates here haha
So full disclosure I’ve actually only had one rune factory spouse thus far and it was Doug! I got… a little too attached the first time I played (4 was my first rune factory game!) So I decided to try to complete the shipping list in my first save file (still have not accomplished that…) and played for just. Hours and hours and hours. And never actually got around to a second playthrough. When I first started, I had thought I might marry Vishal bc hes just so sweet but then Doug ended up stealing my heart (what can I say, hotheaded redheads/dwarves with a heart of gold and a tragic backstory are my weakness). So yeah, he’s definitely my favorite bachelor in 4. I also dont think it’s necessary for my enjoyment of a marriage option but I really liked how his whole deal was connected to the plot. I went into the game totally blind on the whole thing aside from having looked up the basic profiles on the bachelors/bachelorettes and I somehow didnt notice on my own so I had no idea that his FP was locked by story events until after the fact, but I loved how the plot was tied to him allowing himself to open up more. In a matter unrelated to the plot, and definitely dumbly cheesy, I found out about how some people had trouble with getting the random events and stuff required for marriage right around when I was getting ready to officially decide who to pick (tho it wasn’t a hard choice for me at that point) and I literally got all of Doug’s events so, so easily. I didn’t have to do any of the dreaded reloading tricks or anything, and even though I was also technically dating Vishnal and Arthur, Doug was the first one I got all the events for and the first marriage event to just happen naturally in-game, so I’d like to think it was just meant to be (lol). I’d love to someday play through as Lest as well and finally romance one of the girls, maybe Forte or Dolce… or Xiao Pai… these games have TOO MANY great characters in them I swear, it makes it hard to pick just one!
I have played a good portion of 3 as well, but I wanted to get everyones events done, esp the wooly reveal events, and I’ve just been so focused on other things, I guess, that I still havent finished it - heck, I havent touched it in like 7 months :( I should really do that actually… Anyways, 3 is going to be hard for me to pick a spouse bc, again, there are so many good characters. I think I’m leaning Raven not necessarily bc she’s my all around favorite but because weirdly I ship her the most with Micah? I’m not sure if that’s how you’re supposed to play these games but one thing I really value with the Rune Factory series in particular over, like, Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley, is that the protags get to BE characters, and not just cardboard stand-ins!!! I know they’re mostly written fairly neutrally so you can play how you want, but they all *Definitely* have their own quirks and I absolutely love that. Theres certainly a time and a place for self inserts but honestly I personally tend to find myself more drawn into a game when the protagonists have their own stakes in the world besides I, The Player, Am Playing A Game In A Fantasy World That I Do With As I Please. Even if it’s just in what sort of dialogue choices you’re given or something, which HM/SV also dont really have as much of. (Cough unless the game in question is Animal Crossing. I guess they’ve really got me there. Cough) So, not that I dont like Raven in her own right, but I just really love their whole plotline together? RF3 does a really great job with character growth that, coming from someone seeing the series in reverse, I think RF4’s system of town events kind of mitigated, with the whole randomness factor meaning they couldnt link as many characters to any one overarching series of events. And I really love how Raven and Micah’s events go and i think ending them in romance is just super sweet. It should also be noted that I AM a sucker for a quiet-badass-who’s-sort-of-sassy-in-a-blink-and-you-miss-it-way x literal-sunshine-and-everyone-loves-them-and-they’re-always-in-everyones-business dynamic, for sure. As far as my actual favorite rf3 bachelorette, I think maybe Marian might take the cake? She’s so wacky and out there but her whole insecurity thing really touched me. That might change whichever way the wind is blowing on the day you ask me, though. To be quite honest with you, I fell hard for the whole town of Sharance and I could probably write essays on every single one of the marriage options in 3. Also though, I ended up shipping like all the bachelorettes with each other, sooo… my bad, Micah, my bad, lmao.
I also own Tides of Destiny, but my Wii started freaking out not long after I got it and I usually prefer to play handheld games anyway, so I started it but I never got too far. Someday I’ll play it. (I’m really hoping to get my hands on 2 sometime soon though because the idea of marriage rivals is SO up my alley - I’m sure it’s a pain to program but I wish more dating sims would do that!!! Maybe it’s just bc I’m someone who loves to ship just as much if not sometimes more than to see my own playable character have their romance play out, but I think it’s a super fun idea and makes the whole thing more grounded in the setting, that things can happen and relationships change outside of the protag’s involvement, too.)
So yeah. GREAT questions, my friend. I do love farming sims and non-NSFW dating sims in general and add onto that dungeon crawling and monster taming??? Plus it has a plot (even if it’s an albeit fairly simple one)?? Rune Factory really has it all, man. BUT if I’m being totally honest I think the best part of Rune Factory for me has always been the characters. I dont know how they manage to make the towns feel so alive and balance out all the personalities so well but they’ve really got it down. Maybe they have a secret formula somewhere… I’d love to see it :P
And!! I’d love to hear YOUR favorites as well??? Thanks again for the ask! I dont get a lot so I dont check super frequently and I really hope this hasn’t been sitting in my box for too long. You’re more than welcome to talk to me whenever too! :)
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jewishstarks · 7 years
Tagged by @eliamartvll! Answers under the cut
rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
Tagging: @gendryxaryatrash, @house-arya, @padmesgreene, @draganchitsa (but it’s a lot so I totally get if you don’t want to do it, lol)
the last…  
1. drink: Tea
2. phone call: Either my dad or my university financial aid office?
3. text message: My D&D group chat, talking about an orc dating sim
4. song you listened to: Smoke and Mirrors (Imagine Dragons)
5. time you cried: This afternoon because of pain and stress
6. dated someone twice: No
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Yes, but not until a while afterwards
8. been cheated on: No
9. lost someone special: Yes
10. been depressed: Yes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: No
favorite colors
12. Blue
13. Green
14. Purple
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: Yes
16. fallen out of love: No
17. laughed until you cried: Yes
18. found out someone was talking about you: Yes (there was a lot of ~drama~ at the end of my freshman year, lol)
19. met someone who changed you: Yes
20. found out who your friends are: Yes
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Technically yes, but we kissed before we were FB friends
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Like 60-75%? I was an adviser on the FB page for the university class a year below me so I’m FB friends with a lot of them from that
23. do you have any pets: Yes, three cats and a dog
24. do you want to change your name: I used to want to, but not anymore! I’ve been thinking a lot about a Hebrew name, though.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Tbh I don’t even remember? I might have been at work.
26. what time did you wake up: 4am, then 9am, then 11:45am.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Trying to sleep
28. name something you can’t wait for: To see my boyfriend again! We’re long-distance over the summer and it kind of sucks.
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Right now
31. what are you listening to right now: Fireworks outside
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Uhh.... probably?
33. something that is getting on your nerves: Goyim, lmao
34. most visited website: Probably FB?
35. hair colour: Blonde
36. long or short hair: Short! I got a cropped pixie cut when I started lifeguarding four years ago and I can never grow it out again, it’s too annoying
37. do you have a crush on someone: My boyfriend
38. what do you like about yourself: I’ve dealt with a lot of shit this past year and I’m still going strong <3
39. piercings: Ears- used to have two piercings in each lobe but the second ones closed up
40. blood type: Not sure?
41. nickname: I don’t have a normal nickname but in at least one group chat I’m “mag-neato” and that’s really all you need to know about me
42. relationship status: In a relationship and a huge dork about it
43. zodiac: Virgo
44. pronouns: She/her/hers
45. favourite tv show: Probably Buffy?
46. tattoos: Not yet, but I’m getting an ankylosaurus in September!
47. right or left handed: Right
48. surgery: No
49. piercing: ^^^ #39
50. sport: I played soccer as a kid and wish I hadn’t quit, but I definitely couldn’t play anymore because of disability and all that
51. vacation: Not for a while, but after senior year of high school my friends and I went to the beach for a week! We got super sunburned and basically only ate cookies and pizza.
52. pair of trainers: Yes
More General
53. eating: A Cadbury’s caramel bar, lol
54. drinking: Tea (again)
55. i’m about to: Sleep
56. waiting for: My financial aid package for this year
57. want: A nap
58. get married: I used to be very definitely against getting married (personally, not as a concept, it just wasn’t for me) but now I’m not so sure?
59. career: Right now I’m a lifeguard/pool operator but the dream is a career in international politics & diplomacy
60. hugs or kisses: Yes
61. lips or eyes: Eyes
62. shorter or taller: Taller
63. older or younger: I guess older?
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms
65. hook up or relationship: Relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
67. kissed a stranger: Yes
68. drank hard liquor: I had a few shots of vodka once or twice but I’m not supposed to drink with the medication I’m taking now, and I’ve never been drunk
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Actually, no! I’m really careful with them. I broke my glasses once during a very intense game of capture the flag, though
70. turned someone down: Yes
71. sex on the first date: No, but the second
72. broken someone’s heart: No
73. had your heart broken: No
74. been arrested: No
75. cried when someone died: Yes
76. fallen for a friend: Yes
do you believe in …
77. yourself: I try!
78. miracles: No
79. love at first sight: No
80. santa claus: I’m Jewish
81. kiss on the first date: Sure, but for me I guess it would depend on the situation?
82. angels: Eh??? My religious beliefs rn are one big *panicked screaming*
83. current best friend’s name: I have a lot!
84. eye colour: Blue
85. favourite movie: The Princess Bride
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