#i remember whispering how to be like you jolyne
Family is who you choose
This is not a Jotaro x reader for once. It’s Jotaro being a good dad. You’re Jolyne’s best friend and come to her house for comfort. (I dunno how to tag it differently tho, sorry :()
This is unfinished, but I didn’t really plan on finishing it and it has enough meat so I might as well post it :3
Word Count: 1783
Knocking on the door, you had a hard time suppressing your emotions, simply keeping your quivering lips pressed together tightly as the details of the wood faded into blurs.
The lights inside the house were on so you knew someone was home as you waited, pulling your own jacket sleeves down until it felt like they would split at the seams.
“Yeah, yeah!”
Jolyne’s voice was heard from inside as she yelled to whoever was talking to her, all the while she approached the door on the other side. Hearing that, your heart thudded as you tried to compose yourself, sniffling as you tried to prepare for what you were going to say.
Before you knew it, the door was pulled open and before you stood your best- and childhood friend, Jolyne.
“Y/N! What are you doing here, you- Are you okay?” Her confusion instantly turned to concern as she took notice of your appearance.
Looking up at her, her genuine and worried expression caused your brittle wall to crumble as your face screwed up, a choked sob leaving you as you frantically shook your head no.
“Come in, come inside.” Instantly wrapping her arm around your shoulders, with her left she held your hands as she led you inside. “Dad!” Shouting out for the older man, you looked up to see him sitting at the dining table across the room, plates of half-finished food set up on it while he got up from the table, a frown on his face.
It was clear you had caught the Kujo family during one of their late-night dinners.
Having long since been a familiar face to the man in purple, seeing the state you were in he instantly went into concern mode, similarly to his daughter.
“Y/N? What’s going on?”
“I-“ You started, trying hard not to make any actual noise while the tears kept blurring your vision, both the ravens around you taking notice.
“Dad, can you-?” Jolyne didn’t even have to finish her sentence as Jotaro already nodded, humming a short hum as he walked out of the room and into the kitchen while Jolyne led you over to the table and sat you at the head.
“I’m sorry.” You whimpered, rubbing at your eyes as you tried to calm yourself.
“No, it’s okay. Tell me what happened.” Her voice was soft as she once more grabbed your hands, giving them a reassuring squeeze that made a pitiful sob-chuckle leave you.
“It’s him, what else?” Your throat felt thick and your voice nasal as you spoke, pulling one hand out of your friend’s hold to instead burrow into your jacket pocket.
“I swear to god I’m going to smash his face into concrete - no offence.” Jolyne brazenly huffed before looking down at you, not wanting to upset you further.
“None taken.” You chuckled wetly again, sniffling after as you pulled out your phone, clicking it on and typing in your password. “You remember how he never showed up for my graduation? No explanation, nothing?”
“I do.” Jolyne nodded a little tentatively and you turned your phone around, handing it to her with the messenger app open.
“I decided ‘Why not stick up for myself for once?‘” You mumbled, watching as the girl took your phone, her eyes starting to skim the texts.
“What the fuck?” Jolyne’s voice was an angry whisper, her brows furrowing. “He’s blaming you?!”
“What’s going on?”
Walking out of the kitchen, carrying three mugs, Jotaro came over, placing them down in front of their designated spots one by one and sliding away the plates of food while he looked between the two of you.
“Her father is blaming her!”
Furrowing his brows in confusion, the man slowly sat down, looking at the phone his daughter was waving around before looking at you, a silent ask for permission. You nodded and motioned for him to go ahead while you slid the cup he just put down closer to yourself, seeing the large mug filled to the brim with hot cocoa.
“I’m sorry for interrupting your dinner.” You mumbled, looking at the half-eaten plates of curry.
“Don’t worry, you couldn’t know dad was being an ass and working late again.” Jolyne smiled, bumping her shoulder into yours, which earned her a half-hearted glare from Jotaro.
“I was in my study. You could just as easily have notified me or made dinner yourself.”
“Nuh-uh, it’s your day to cook. I ain’t touching that kitchen on a Thursday.” Jolyne huffed, pulling up her nose to which Jotaro deadpanned.
“Jolyne, you barely cook the others days.”
Sputtering a bit, the girl pulled your chair closer to her, as if in an attempt to get you on her side, both physically as well as in the mock fight. “I cook at least once a week!”
“And I six times, where is your point.” Jotaro hummed, finishing reading the texts as he then put your phone down on the table, upside down.
“Y/N loves it when I cook.” Jolyne huffed, engulfing you in her arms and hugging your head into her chest, giving you no choice but to let her, a fond smile spreading on your face.
You knew they were probably bantering like this on purpose to get your mind off of things, but you also didn’t care. It was working.
With how often you came to the Kujo residence, this had become like a second home to you, and seeing how the father-and-daughter-duo squabbled always worked to make you smile.
“Y/N, have you eaten yet?”
The deep baritone breaking through your thoughts, you looked up from Jolyne’s chokehold to see Jotaro’s eyes on you, soft and calm.
“Well.. no but I’m not really hungry, it’s alright.”
The man nodded softly before shoving your mug a bit closer to you. “Here, take this with you. Go take a shower, kid. Decompress. You can talk to us after.”
“Hot cocoa in the shower? You have gone soft, old man.” Jolyne teased and the marine biologist sighed.
“No, they can drink it while you get some spare clothes.” Jotaro clarified, raising an eyebrow.
Narrowing her eyes, Jolyne looked at her father for a moment before getting up, taking you with her as she turned around and walked towards the stairs, looking back and sticking her tongue out at the older man one last time as if that was supposed to make her win their stand off.
Looking back as well, Jotaro’s eyes crossed with yours and you waved at him while Jolyne dragged you along, him putting his hand up as well as he shook his head with an amused huff at his daughter’s pettiness.
Stretching a bit, Jotaro cracked his neck a little before looking down. Your phone was still on the table from when he placed it there. Reaching out, he took hold of it and turned it around, touching the screen that had gone a shade darker to prevent it from shutting off as his eyes once more glid over the texts between you and your father.
For years you and him had been on thin ice, Jolyne having ranted about the stupid shit that asshole - in Jotaro’s eyes - did to you. Not to mention the few times you’d actually come to him to talk as well.
Having known you for coming close to two decades now, having watched you grow up, Jotaro held a fondness for you similar to what he felt for his own daughter. And thus, reading these texts, he felt his blood boil.
Back when you were still a child, somewhere under the age of ten - he couldn’t remember - your parents got divorced. He’d never truly liked your father yet after the divorce resulting from him cheating, the man showed his true colours. Every time he came to pick you up from Jotaro’s house, he ignored the marine biologist and his daughter other than a ‘thanks’ or ‘good evening’. It never failed to make Jotaro want to throttle him, especially seeing how reluctant you always were to go.
As the years passed, reluctance turned to fear until eventually there was a fallout and you decided to stop living with your dad altogether.
Sighing, Jotaro absentmindedly scrolled through the texts again, only to furrow his brow when he scrolled a little too far up. It was a bit of a breach of privacy but he couldn’t help it as he saw the texts that caused you to speak out against your father in the first place.
‘Hey, dad. Did you stop paying my monthly allowance?’
‘Yes, I did.’
‘Because you graduated and are over 18.’
‘But you can’t do that… You and mom settled on it in the divorce contract. Until I’ve graduated college you can’t just stop.’
‘I don’t want to talk about this over text.’
Gritting his teeth, Jotaro put down your phone right as Jolyne came walking back in.
“What’s up, dad?” She asked, her brows furrowing.
Waving his hand a bit, Jotaro grunted in dismissal. “I’ll discuss it once Y/N is back down.”
Nodding softly, Jolyne then slid the mug in front of her closer, looking inside before softly chuckling. “Hot cocoa while we eat curry, really?”
“Oh shut it.” Jotaro huffed as he looked to the side, a blush appearing on his face. “It is Y/N’s comfort drink.”
Smiling softly, Jolyne then reached out, grabbing onto the man’s arm. “I know. Thank you, dad.”
Looking back, he nodded softly, placing his hand over hers and giving it a small squeeze.
It took about twenty minutes for you to calm down enough that you felt presentable and wouldn’t break down at the first mention, dressed in a mix of Jolyne’s and Jotaro’s clothes - Jolyne having forgotten to properly do her laundry, causing in a shortage of clean clothes and forcing her to borrow from her dad’s closet for you.
Walking inside the living room, you were met with the Kujo’s sitting at the table, plates of food in front of themselves while they were quietly talking, all the while a third plate sat at the head of the table, waiting for you.
“Ohh.. you really didn’t have to, I’m really not hungry.” You smiled awkwardly as you walked over, yet the both of them just looked at you while Jotaro pushed your chair out with his foot.
“Sit. You need to eat, c’mon.”
Chewing the inside of your cheek you nodded and just sat down. You had to admit, it smelled absolutely divine. Jotaro never failed to make something delicious whenever he cooked and it was always something you looked forward to whenever you stayed for a sleepover.
That’s all I had. But given the title you can guess how this was gonna end :3
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Remember when I said I was making Blackmore content? And I didn't care about the poll results? That was a lie. Inspiration struck, and by inspiration I mean the deep guttural need for a cute selkie boyfriend. But I guess in the end y'all won. Here's your Weather Report content (urgently needed)
Cold as Ice
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Notes: gn!Reader, sfw, use of "Y/n" (my worst nightmare), selkie!Weather, ends on an awkward(?) note because this is 1.6k and I needed to finish this before I get too carried away (I need to give my other husband attention too ofc)
"Weather Report? Is that you?"
You fought against the raging icy winds from outside to close your base's door, eyes never breaking away from the den floor. Immediately the heat from inside hit your cherry red cheeks, making them burn hotter. What was normally a quaint little living room to help destress you and your colleagues, had now been transformed into a new type of den, with the couch and two loveseats stripped bare of their cushions and blankets, the coatrack near the steel door also missing it's many, many jackets and hoodies, the fuzzy boots of your companions missing as well, all brought to the middle of the room in a giant nest that settled a giant of a man-thing.
Even if he was bundled up in comforters and blankets, you could see his stark, snow white hair peeking out from the folds in the fabric. At the sound of his name, Weather Report peaked out and looked up at you with wide blue eyes.
You were gobsmacked. "What in the world..? How, how did you even get in here?"
"Y/n." He said plainly, a light smile stretching across his lips.
He didn't speak much, only single worded sentences, or plain, quick responses. He was the most antisocial selkie of his pod, at least when it came to his own kind. Interestingly enough thought, he much enjoyed being in the comfort of you humans. He enjoyed Jolyne's company more than her father's or Mr. Noriaki, but enjoyed yours above all. He was kind, and a joy to be around. In his own sweet, special little way.
"You know you're not supposed to be in here," You say in a stern voice, trying to keep a professional facade. Already, the heat inside was getting to you. You took off your bulky jacket, throwing it over an arm as you got closer to the "wild" selkie. He looked so sweet bundled up in his nest, it was hard to be mad at him, with his wide, interested eyes. You had to be strong, and yet, you already felt your own smile forming on your lips. "Now, did you let yourself in, or did one of the professors allow you to come in?"
"Just me." Weather nodded, "Too cold outside." He pressed further into his blankets until the covers reached his lips. His eyes traveled down to your arm, eyeing your blue jacket.
In one fell swoop he grabbed the jacket, adding it to the pile. He seemed to ignore the bewildered look you gave him as you watched.
"W-Weather," Your face turned sour. "You're not supposed to be in here. I'm sorry, but I have to take down your nest." You got on your knees, slowly peeling away layers and organizing them in piles of snow wear and blankets. "If you were so cold, you should've stayed in one of the shelters, with the heaters, like the rest of your kind. But stealing our equipment is completely unacceptable–!"
You were cut off by Weather's lean arms wrapping around you. He pulled you into his nest with him, setting you down right in the middle, bundling you up with the fabrics he was just using to hide himself... With Weather Report on top of you. "You'll get cold." He whispered, no hint of inflection in his voice. With him on top, he cuddled into you, arms wrapping around you protectively with his cold nose burying itself in the crook of your neck. You shiver, and squirm, but nothing seems to faze the giant seal man on top of you.
You're distinctly aware of how naked he is. God forbid a selkie wear clothing besides its own skin. Fortunately, you still were protected neck to toe in your outside clothes.
"Weather Report, get off of me! This is entirely unacceptable behavior!" Instead of listening, Weather just stares, that stupid ghost of a smile still on his lips.
He gets close to your face, and you freeze, if only for a minute. His soft, plump lips brush against your hot cheek, his breath leaving goosebumps in its wake. It's as if he's basking in your presence, finally at peace with you in his arms. "Cute mate..." You hear him whisper.
In a weak shriek you echo what he says again. Instead of answering he just burrows deeper into your neck.
Where the hell was Jotaro and Kakyoin when you needed them?! You'd just gone outside to check on the pod, it was storming worse than normal and you wanted to make sure no one was hurt. No one went out with you, and if no one was outside that meant they were inside. What the hell could anyone be doing at this hour?!
You surprised him by sitting up, hands pushing him away so you could look him in the eye.
What do you say next... How do you reply to a monster boy calling you his "mate"?
You open your mouth to scold him more, but you're (yet again) interrupted by the selkie draping you in his seal coat, and you're struck silent. Your hands subconsciously grab at the paws of his seal skin, staring wordlessly at Weather Report.
Weather Report. He stared right back, smiling so sweetly... and oh so deviously. While your cheeks grew warmer, mind too clogged with thoughts to actually do anything, Weather bundled you up tighter in the seal coat. Like a mother with their child on a winter's day.
"A selkie's coat is very important to them." You remember the words Professor Kujo told you  in passing at the beginning of your expedition. Back then, it wasn't so much as a warning, but a passing fun fact.
"In folklore it's said if a selkie ever fell in love with a human, they'd offer them their seal skin, as a sign of trust. Without it, a selkie can't return to the sea. Some stories say if a selkie's seal skin was to be damaged, the selkie would parish. They trust their human mate so much, they'd go as far as to put their life in their mate's hands, and they'd never leave their side, so long as the human held on to their seal skin. Pretty neat, right?"
"It is." Jotaro Kujo wasn't someone you'd call a chatterbox, but he certainly got to talking when it came to something he liked. It was nice to see the stone-cold bastard show some of his true colors. "Have you seen any behavior like that in this pod of selkie, Professor?"
He shook his head, "There's a high chance this pod has never even seen human life. That's why we have to be careful during this excursion, it's hard to tell whether this pod is fine with us studying them or not. Be sure to stick close to me or Kakyoin if you're ever outside."
Fortunately everything turned out to be alright.
That was the day you met Weather Report, too. It's been so long since you started studying these selkie. In two weeks it would mark your six months out here in the Atlantic studying what used to be thought of as a myth. As you spent more time interacting with Weather Report, you didn't think much of the passing glances, the close proximity when he talked, the cute little pebbles and rocks he surprised you with. You never threw out those precious rocks. Even now, as you lay in the lap of this selkie man, caressing his jaw, and watching him melt into your palm as if he was made of ice, you still had those rocks decorating your dresser and your desk.
"Y/n," He murmured back, only getting closer. You hated to admit that this man had his charms, even if they were unethical to your human standards.
Weather pressed his nose to your cheek, nuzzling at your skin affectionately. Not the kiss you were expecting, but you certainly enjoyed it.
"Jeez, you're cold." Even with the covers and the space heater, his nose still sent a shiver down your spine.
"Are we... Interrupting something?" You recognized that voice.
As quick as your body allowed you to, your head snapped in the direction of the door leading to the rest of your headquarters. In the doorway was Noriaki, followed by Professor Kujo and Jolyne.
"This. This isn't what it looks like." You wanted to explain.
Betraying you, Weather's arms tightened around you, squeezing you closer, protectively shielding your body with his own. It brought more attention to the pure white fur draped over your shoulders. The smirk that was on Kakyoin's face fell, realizing the weight of the situation.
"Wait a minute," Jolyne chimed in. "Is that his..?"
"Yes. It is. And he won't let me go." Trying to peel him off of yourself proved to only make him cling on tighter. Eyes swiveled to Jotaro, who watched the scene appalled. If you were swapped with anyone in this situation, you would have laughed at the look on his face. Instead you laughed out of nerves. "Help me."
"I dunno, Y/n, I thought this was something you wanted?" Jolyne chided, cupping her chin.
Kakyoin agreed, "She's right. I remember you said you wanted a big hunking selkie to sweep you off your feet." He smirked deviously. "Have you changed your mind, Y/n?"
"Now is not the time for jokes!" You hissed. "Get him off!"
"No." Weather mumbled, reminding you of a grumpy child. "Stay."
"This is... actually kind of cute. In a weird way." Jolyne chuckled.
"C'mon, Jotaro, let's let Weather Report spend the night with his little mate~." Jotaro's friend gave him a playful elbow.
"I agree." Weather cooed, giving you another sweet butterfly kiss.
"Sleep over in the den!"
"No! No sleep over in the den!"
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
We get almost nothing about her in cannon but- Mary Joestar, Jonathan's mom... Thinking about her. All we really know of her in cannon is that she died in the carriage crash that introduced Dario to the Joestars, died precisely because she was shielding baby Jonathan with her body.
I wonder how that weighed on Jonathan, the weight of that sacrifice for him, his mother dying to protect him when he was too young to even remember it. We know he's entranced by the stone mask partially because it was hers. Maybe his own self-sacrificial tendencies come partially from a desire to live up to that legacy. Maybe his fascination with the morbid and archeology was inherited from her, him looking into his mother's interests to feel closer to her and discovering that it really resonates with him too.
And if she lived- maybe things would be different. Maybe Jonathan would have younger siblings. Maybe Dio would've done better, maybe she would've been able to reach him.
...I think Jonathan would wonder about that.
(For AUs: In Jonaplat, Holly reminds him of the version of his mother he always imagined, how much she cares for Jotaro, and he tries to push Jotaro towards her a bit. He never got to have a mother's love like that, so he wants Jotaro to be able to appreciate it. Especially in EarlyBird/Jonaplat, where Holly fighting to save Jotaro draws an even stronger parallel to his own mother's sacrifice. In Starswap, he gets really emotional when he's able to see Jolyne's mom at some point- he knows this isn't his, but it just... hit him harder than expected, and he can't help but bask in it for a moment. For any 'all the joestars interact' he feels so lost being the family patriarch and desperately wants someone to turn to, especially if George is dead at that point too, but he has to be strong for everyone. In Behind Closed Doors, he sometimes wonders if George would be happier if she'd lived instead of him. In any of the Jonathan-lives-as-vamp post-part-3 there's times, during the hundred years in the coffin, when he's trapped in the mansion as Dio menaces his descendants, where he wonders if she would've been able to get through to Dio where he hadn't, if none of this would've happened if she'd lived instead of him.)
(She'd be proud of him though, in every timeline. Maybe she could've done better, maybe things would've been better if he'd died and she'd lived, but she would have saved him a hundred times over either way.)
(She'd be so sorry, that her interest in the mask caused so much pain for her descendants. But there was no way she could have known. Nothing she could have done. She would have, if only she could.)
(And just like her, Jonathan would've done anything for his descendants, if he lived long enough to see them.)
(But fate never gave them a chance.)
Part of the beauty of Mary Joestar is in how little we know about her. She could fit in practically any story you make for her and nobody would be able to argue other wise, but at the same time there are little whispers of her if you look close enough. It’s obvious she loved Jonathan, and it’s a bit of a shame that canon never touched on Jonathan’s feelings towards her.
Sometimes I think about the end of Phantom Blood. How Jonathan would’ve awoken confused in the after life, having died so incredibly young with really only two people waiting for him, being his father and Zeppeli……. But there would also be a third person. His mother. At long last they’d finally be able to get to know each other, and despite the sadness of why, they find it to be happy
In JonaPlat, I’d image Jonathan doing small things in the beginning when they’re still in Japan. A gentle nudge in Holly’s direction, a disapproving stare when Jotaro tries to push her away, little bits and pieces in order to try and get closer. Was it a tad selfish? Perhaps, but there were far worse things to be selfish about than a mother’s love. And in the Early Bird version, Jonathan would be hanging onto those memories Jotaro has in a death grip. In the bleak situation they were in that was the only light at the end of the tunnel
Starswap would also have him dealing with some good ol ✨imposter syndrome✨ which…… he wouldn’t really be able to get rid of because he technically is an imposter here. This isn’t his body and that isn’t his actual mother, and the love and worry she’s expressing is directed toward Jolyne, not him. The affection feels so good and comforting and makes him happy in a way he didn’t know was possible …. but at the same time it’s undercut with the cruel reality of his situation
Behind Closed Doors is going to fucking HURT, and not just him. Dio is going to be stuck with even more terrifying parallels between himself and Jonathan because I bet he’d also wished a couple times that he’d gotten sick instead of his mom. And maybe, just maybe, on the bad nights when Jonathan was alone with his thoughts, he’d wonder if his mother would have protected him from his father’s anger and disapproval
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matcha-narancia · 2 years
Drabbles of Foo Fighters getting jealous after seeing Reader being really friendly and laughing with another person and Foo Fighters not realizing it's just the Reader's friend. Thanks and have a nice day.
A Strange New Feeling | Foo Fighters X Gn!Reader Drabble
𝐀/𝐍: ANON TYSM FOR THE FOOF REQUEST… I’m in love with them I swear— anyways, this prompt was really cute and I hope you enjoy!
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): Some spoilers for Part 6!
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Foo Fighters was… an interesting being to say the least.
A colony of plankton given life, residing in the body of the prisoner Atroe, working with Jolyne Kujo to protect her father’s life.
They were odd, but endearing. Chaotic but cute. You couldn’t deny your feelings for them, despite the circumstances and the truth surrounding them.
And they felt the same for you! You both stuck out for each other, and Jolyne and the others knew full well the extent of love they felt for you.
However, perhaps that love could also pose a threat to them in some instances.
“Jolyne, look there! Who the hell is that, and what are they doing with Y/N?!”
“Uh? Oh…” Jolyne’s leaned back, gazing at you from across the room. You were conversing with another inmate, laughing and talking, “They’re just talking, F.F.”
“If you say so…” Foo mused in response, though their longing glare in your direction still lasted, they wouldn’t let this go easily.
The next time Foo saw you was in the recreation room. Thrilled at first by your appearance, they began to make their way over.
However, they halted once they saw that same figure standing beside you. This time offering a book of theirs.
You even took it with a smile!
Foo immediately ran for the ghost room, if you wanted to spend so much time with this person then you should’ve just left them!
What was the point of getting to know each other if you were going to just move on? It wasn’t fair, and they couldn’t seem to understand why you’d ignore them for someone else.
So, they hid away the rest of the afternoon with Emporio, attempting to run from their strange new feelings that gave rise in their mind.
However, it wouldn’t be long before they would start to ramp up again.
It was the next morning, and you had not seen or heard from F.F since yesterday. With a sigh, you made your way to their cell.
“Foo?” You called, they were taking a sip from their signature cup when you approached, and nearly choked when they saw you.
However, their shock turned to confusion, then hurt rather quickly. They crossed their arms and looked away.
Another sigh, and you made your way over, sitting beside them. You placed a hand in their shoulder.
“I’m sorry I didn’t speak with you much yesterday, a friend of mine wanted me to spend some time with them.”
“Some friend they are…” They groaned. You let out a laugh, your hand squeezing their shoulder.
“I’m sorry if I left you out… but I promise you those feelings of jealousy are normal, Foo.”
“Jealousy…” They parroted, “So… that’s what it’s called?”
“Yep,” You replied, “And you shouldn’t feel bad, sometimes you want to spend time with someone but you can’t. It’s inevitable that you’d feel that way.”
Foo wasn’t sure how to respond. So, they clasped your hands in theirs and smiled. You smiled back instantly, just as you’d expected to. They radiated warmth and safety and good feelings from the moment you met.
However, you did need to clear up one more thing.
“Hey, Foo?”
“Just... remember that there will be times when I’ve gotta divide my attention up for other people, ya know? I love you, so much, but you know we have to be apart sometimes, remember?”
Their smile faltered for a moment, and they mumbled a little, “I know...”
“Hey,” You whispered, making them look, you flashed another smile, though this one was softer, more reassuring, “I’d never leave you for anybody, okay? I’ve got other friends sure, but nobody will be as special to me like you are.”
“Y/N...” You saw tears well in their eyes, and they flung themselves into your arms, beaming again, “I love you!”
You let out a laugh.
“I love you too, Foo.”
And you brought your arms around them.
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↳ 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬/𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝! ♡
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nanivinsmoke · 2 years
here’s part two! merry christmas baby!
edit: this was starting on Christmas. I couldn’t finish it until now do to work. My apologies. I hope you all enjoyed and had a wonderful Christmas!
A Jojo Christmas, two. | Jojo’s x AFAB!Reader
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Josuke had moved from behind Jotaro’s legs and clutched onto your side, avoiding the gaze from his father. When it comes to meeting new people, he was shy, he got that trait from you. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served. I had a personal friend & chef prepare all the dishes you guys loved to eat! Enjoy and merry Christmas!’ Jonathan spoke into the mic, gathering everyone’s attention. The doors to the dining room then opened up, letting everyone in to see their favorite foods being placed beautifully on the china plates.
It was beautiful, everything about this night was beautiful. You put a mental note in your mind to talk to Erina about it, and possibly get some decor tips from her. As you and the other guests entered the dining room, you saw that there were folded cars with your name’s on them. You and Josuke were seated with Joseph and some guy named Polnareff. Josuke sat between the two of you, with Polnareff on your left side. You learned that he was French and was a good friend to Jotaro and Joseph.
‘You want me to cut your food up JoJo?’ You asked your son, who had his utensils in hand to eat his favorite food.
‘No thanks mommy, I got it!’ You smiled, your baby boy was growing up so fast.
‘Can you cut up my food mommy?’ Joseph teased from the opposite side, talking in a child-like voice. Josuke laughed and looked at his father, laughing even harder. He made his son laugh. You stood up from your seat and walked over to the older man’s side, leaning over to cut his steak in halves.
‘Can I have some milk too, mommy?’ His whispered, while his eyes melted into your plump breasts. His flirtatious ways always seems to make you feel all giddy inside. ‘If you finish your food, maybe’ You flirted back and chuckled as you seen the male nearly scarf down all his food. Sitting back into your seat, you began to eat your meal. It was a pan seared salmon, seasoned to perfection, and plated with white rice; asparagus and a side of Mac and cheese. You knew Joseph was the reason behind the chef’s cooking you and Josuke’s favorite foods, you don’t know how he knew Josuke’s but he remembered your’s when you had cooked it for him for the very first time.
Dinner felt like a blur as you were spaced out most of the time, thinking about Joseph. Would you give him another chance if he asked for one? Would you be happy with your decision if you did? Or would you decide to co-parent instead and continue to be friends? Whatever you decide, you needed to do best for you and your son. Even if that means his parents aren’t together.
Dinner wrapped up and Jonathan gathered all of his guests and took them to the grand living room, where a huge Christmas Tree was stocked with presents. You watched as the Joestar & Brando families opened their gifts, noticing the pure excitement written all over their faces, before conversing with Joseph’s great uncle; Dio. He was beautiful, almost like he was sculpted by god. Don’t tell him I said that.
He began to ask you about your personal life, asking you about your job and other interests. You told him you had two degrees, and wanted purse a career in business. You learned he had two business, a law firm and a winery; both were doing good. He offered you a job at his firm, asking you to stay in the states; he would give you a nice place fo stay and help Josuke get into a good school. You told him to you’d think about it before the week is over.
‘Mommy! Look at all the presents I got!’ Josuke ran over to you, showing you all the gifts he received. From Prince cd’s to his favorite video games, he had a lot. You would have to thank Joseph when you got have chance.
‘Josuke! Come play with us!’ Jolyne called him over, surrounded by the four Brando boys. Josuke waved at you before he quickly scurried off to play with his family. Maybe moving here would be best? You kept your eye on josuke, sipping on a glass of wine and taking in the scenery; before Joseph approached you.
‘You did good Y/N…im sorry—‘
‘Stop apologizing. You don’t have to keep doing that’ You turned to him, and looked into his eyes. You didn’t want his apologies, truly you just wanted him.
‘I’ve did the best I could. But, what he truly needs right now is his father. Jotaro did his best, but he needs you! I want to move here to be closer to his family. He loves it here and it’s clear that they love him. I want that for him… and I want you to be there. For the both of us’
‘What are you saying, Y/N?’
‘I’m saying… we can co-parent. And if somehow in the future we’d get together…I wouldn’t mind it. But, if we don’t? I would still want to be friends with you’
The part soon began to wind down, and there was only thing left on the itinerary to do. A family photo! Jonathan gathered everyone up, bunching the big family together in front of the camera that was set up. You stood off to the side, letting them capture their real family in a beautiful memory. As Jonathan set up the camera for it to auto capture the photo, he noticed you standing to the side.
‘What are you doing Y/N? Get in there! You’re apart of the family too! We love you just as much as everyone else’ His words brought tears to your eyes, he was right. You are family. You curled up next to Joseph, who held Josuke on his hip. ‘Don’t hurt yourself old man!’ You joked, causing both of them to laugh; just in time for the camera to take the picture.
This was a memorable night, one everyone would never forget.
Merry Christmas!
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patch-ie · 2 years
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bringing this back up in the spirit of that recent stone ocean trailer
i remember yelling on my screen and then not being able to sleep afterwards
it’s like it’s bound to happen
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kirieshhhka003 · 3 years
Jolyne and step sister s/o doing it👀
Pairing: Jolyne Kujo x fem! Reader
Word count: 1,7k
Warnings: incest (not really, reader is Jolyne’s step sis), fingering, cunnylingus, squirting, language
My dear step sister
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It’s a lovely Saturday morning, sunlight pours down through the uncurtained window, filling your room with warmth. Summer only begins and you can hear birds chirping outside
It was surprisingly quiet at home - TV almost never shuts up and there are always some noises come from the kitchen, but today - pure silence. You then remember your mom telling that she wanted to go outdoors with her friends and that she will come home late today
Your step dad - Jotaro - is out for his work, which is not a surprise. Actually, it’s a big nonsense when he is at home, but you prefer not to think much about that. But what about your step sister? She almost never shuts up, mumbling something quietly or bragging about some bullshit on the phone with her friends. She must be somewhere out, hanging out with Hermes or that weirdo Anasui
You’re laying on your belly, lazily flipping through the pages of fashion magazine your step sister got yesterday. A full crap. All outfits look gross, and you’re doing your best not to throw this shitty magazine out of the window. You close the journal and cast it aside, closing your eyes and letting out an irritated groan
The sound of soft footsteps echoes from the wall of the corridor and the next second door of your room opens, revealing pretty face of your step sister. A mischievous leer, that stretches her full lips, doesn’t go unnoticed and you can only take a deep breath, waiting for girl to tell you what she’s planned
- Y/n~, whatcha doing? - Jolyne drawls as she nears your bad, collapsing on top of the soft mattress a few centimeters from you. You raise your eyebrows for a little, watching intently at green-haired - she definitely comes up with some dumb shit
- Jolyne, if you’re bored and wanna задолбать me - please leave. I don’t wanna spend time on pointless fights with you. Moreover, I was sure that you’ve left, - you say meekly, feeling already tired of green-haired girl
- Hey, I’m not that mean! And yes, I wanted to go to Hermes’ place, but then I found out that mom left us all alone, if you know what I mean, - Jolyne replies with a wide smile and plays with her eyebrows. You already know what she wants from you
Jolyne shifts herself closer to you so her breasts bump against your shoulder, you can feel the fresh scent of Jolyne’s coconut shampoo
- I know what we can do to entertain ourselves for a few good hours, - she whispers sweetly in your ear, rubbing her nose agains your cheekbone. Ah, here it is
You feel Jolyne’s hand trailing down your back, following along the curves of your spine, stopping on your butt and squeezing soft flesh in her palm and then rubbing it slightly. You
- Hey, no. We did it two days ago, - you grab Kujo’s hand on your ass and pull it away from your body, giving girl a severe sight, seeing how pouty her chicks become
- So what? We can do it today as well too, - Jolyne cooes next to your ear, her mint breath tickles the skin of your cheek and girl shifts even closer to you, leaving faint kiss on your temple and slowly wrapping her lips around your earlobe, starting to mildly suck on it
An exhausted sigh leaves your lungs as you turn to the side, facing Jolyne’s relaxed form. You open your mouth to say something witty but you’re harshly interrupted by Jolyne’s persistent lips right on top of yours. You try to resent for a few seconds but quickly forget about your “anger” and give in a kiss, leaning forward to bump your chest into your sister’s bust
Kujo tangles her slender pale fingers in your hair, massaging your scalp and slightly tugging your locks. Soon Jolyne has you laying on your back, placing her legs on either side of you, grinding her crotch against your abdomen and whining quietly. You look up at her slim form and notice how Jolyne’s nipples perk up against the thin fabric of her home singlet. Thick saliva fills your mouth as you think of those precious little flesh buds - Jolyne’s tits are so sensitive, you can make her cum only by sucking on her breasts
Jolyne notices the way you stare at her chest and slowly - painfully so - tugs the hem of her singlet up, revealing her tits in all beauty. She’s already turned up - you can say that by the way her nipples have swollen for a little, waiting desperately for your touches. Girl again grinds against your stomach a few times, filthy moans slip past her lips, and she cups her own tits, punching and tugging her pink nipples
You exhale sharply through your nose and place your hands on sister’s ass, squeezing her buttocks and jiggling her pliable flesh in your palms. Jolyne arches her back and leans down to you, giving you a wet sloppy kiss. Your hands run up Kujo’s abdomen, caressing her sides fervently, and you notice little goosebumps rise on her bronze skin from your touch. You stop on her breasts, cupping them over with your warm palms and mold them enthusiastically
The next moment you have Jolyne pinned beneath you. Green-haired smirks up at you and splays her legs wide open, giving you full access to her sex, her eyes glimmer with lust. It doesn’t take long for you to take off her sporty shorts and throw them away, revealing Jolyne’s slicked pussy
- You don’t even have any underwear, whore. That desperate for me? - you can’t just pass up an opportunity to mock your step sister, leering at her mischievously. She rolls her eyes back in the head and clicks tongue irritated by your words, furrowing her pretty eyebrows in a frown expression
- Shut the fuck up and do what you’re supposed to, - now it’s your turn to roll your eyes and you solidly slap Jolyne’s thigh, so that the sharp sound of the smack rocks the space of your room. Your thumb rubs tightly against her swollen hooded clit, making green-haired moan filthily and bump her hips desperately into your hand
You lean down, leaving small trail of wet kisses on Jolyne’s neck, your free hand slides lower and lower from Kujo’s chest, making its way down to her crotch. She lets out a loud wanton moan as you shove your middle finger into her slicked throbbing pussy
Kujo reclines her head on soft pillows that lay on your bed, giving you more space of her neck to kiss. Her legs seize around you, pulling your form closer to herself as you slowly add second finger in her velvety warmth. Jolyne arches her back even more, gripping on bedsheets, as you cover one of her nipples with your mouth, licking and sucking on it
- Oh shit babe, just like that, - green-haired whispers hoarsely and snaps her hips into every thrust of your hand, her plushy cunny clamping around your digits. The movements of your hand are harsh and fast, you bump into Jolyne’s pussy as deep as you can, and when you see that your sister is on the brim of cumming, you pull your fingers out, making her cry out loudly:
- You fucker! Put that back in! - she shouts almost sobbing. Oh, how mad she is. A shiteating grin plasters across your face as you scoop Jolyne’s juices from her pussy and bring your slicked digits up to your mouth, licking them off
You crouch over Jolyne’s slit, facing her wet slicked pussy, you notice a small dribble of her juices leading to perineum, and you make a wide lick, starting from that sweet little spot and moving to her overstimulated clit. Green-haired girl runs her fingers through your hair, slightly tugging on it and pulling your face closer to her core
Your nimble tongue strokes Kujo’s hooded clit, as your hands caress her hips and tummy, sometimes gripping on her tits and tugging her nipples. Jolyne’s thighs straddle your head, not letting you pull away and almost suffocating on her pussy. You suck on her labia as you force three of your fingers deep down your sister’s fluttering hole. She squeals loudly at the sudden feeling of fullness, and completely loses control over herself as you start fucking her out with your hand
Your thrusts are just feral - you bury your fingers right to the hilt inside of Jolyne’s clenching heat, then pulling them out almost to the end. And the next moment everything repeats again. The suckle of green-haired pussy makes something flutter in your tummy, tickling your insides, your underwear is now completely dump. You pull one hand away from Jolyne’s body and shove it in under your panties, rubbing tight circles at your clit while moaning into Kujo’s pussy
You curve your fingers up inside of Jolyne, making her squirm beneath you. Her grip on your hair tightens as she almost fucks your face, with every deep thrust you stroke all the right places inside of your sister’s cunny, your tongue rubs firmly against her clit. You feel green-haired starting shaking, tight walls of her pussy clench around your digits as her hips start to buck into your face
Jolyne screams out your name as orgasm crushes over green-haired, filling her body with intense pleasure, making her beating in sweet cramps. Your sister squirts a few drops on your digits, soaking your bedsheets a little. You let Jolyne ride out her orgasm, making the last few deep thrusts, before pulling away from Kujo
You place a wet smack on green-haired’s bent knee, stroking her thighs idly. She whimpers under your touch, still trembling from recent orgasm. The expression in her face is totally debauched, Jolyne looks completely fucked out. You can bet that this is exactly what Anasui imagines while jerking off
You chuckle quietly at this thought and take your t-shirt off, this useless garment joins your sister’s clothes in the floor. You lean down on Jolyne for a droopy kiss while tugging the waist of your shirts together with underwear down. Your own cunny is dripping wet, and your sister should work real good to pay you for such a powerful orgasm
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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the-str33tz · 4 years
I’m doing just fine
Jotaro Kujo x AFAB Reader
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This fic was written while listening to the Boyz II Men song “Doin’ Just Fine”
Summary: Years after leaving you to raise your daughter by yourself, Jotaro Kujo comes back with one thing in mind; wanting to be a father and husband.
Content warnings: Angst, pregnancy, arguing around children.
Your grip on the flimsy pregnancy test tightened as you glanced over the results. Positive. Maybe looking it over again will give you a different result. Positive. Blink a couple times. Positive, positive, positive. Your world came to a halt as you shiver while sitting on the toilet. What were you going to do? You weren’t ready for a child at your age. What would you tell him?
Thoughts of your boyfriend wave and crash in your mind. Jotaro Kujo, the silent and cold man from Japan who you had fallen in love with. In just a bit over year you both had become each others rock. He had walked into your life when you thought everything was lost, and it seemed like it was the same for him too. He didn’t talk too much about it but you could piece it together. He had gone through a traumatic experience as a teenager that left people that he knew dead. You didn’t question him too much, letting him come to you when he was ready.
This was going to crush him as much as it was going to crush you. Jotaro had brought up how eventually he’d like to have a family; have a successful career in marine biology and have multiple sons. But right now you were both in college, living off whatever you can get your hands on. He’s definitely had an easier ride than you but he always helped you without expecting anything in return.
You start to think back to a couple weeks ago when you had sex, an activity you both partook in regularly. There was something different that night, he was out of condoms but you both agreed that he’d be able to pull out in time. It seems that he pulled out a bit late. Embarrassment heats up your neck and up your face. A headache begins to take over when you hear a knock at your apartment door. It has to be Jotaro you think. He was clued in to your scare earlier today so he must be here to see the results.
You quickly clean and dress yourself hearing harsher and faster knocks. He was never the most patient. Running over to the door and greeting him, he lets himself in to walk to the bathroom. You try to catch up to him trying to talk but fumbling your words. You walk into the bathroom where he’s leaning over the counter, hands in fists. He looks over at you with a look in his eyes that you had never seen before. Fear.
You stay where you are, keeping your distance. You never liked too much physical attention and were grateful that he was the same. You can feel your forehead crease with your eyebrows, your eyes beginning to sting from keeping your eyes open at him. “What are we going to do?” You cough up while shaking. He loosens his fists, “We now have a responsibility as parents, but I can’t do this.” And with that he pushed you aside and started to head out the door. You lean against the door frame finally letting loose all the tears that refused to come out moments ago.
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Seven years later you live in a small home with your daughter who you named Jolyne. She is the apple of your eye, your sunshine that motivates you everyday. She has green eyes that she got from her fathers side of the family but she looked like you in every other way. You had given up your education all those years ago but seeing your daughter run to you everyday after school made you think that you’d do it all over again if you had to. You make your way up the walkway of the tiny primary school, strain in your ankles from a long day of work. Thoughts of dinner swirling your mind before you stop in your tracks. Jolyne hugging her teachers leg looking away while a tall man with a ripped cap talking to the teacher knocks you into reality. There’s no possibility right? He wouldn’t have the balls to try to sidestep you to see your daughter. But you were proved wrong after you jog up to the teacher.
“Jolynes mother should be here soon I do not know of Jolyne having a father.”
“I’ll wait here to talk with her.”
You catch the end of their conversation, going in to pat your hand on Jolynes back. She turns to you and immediately grips your leg yelling, “Mommy this man says that he’s my dad, is that true?” You look up at the man and you’re immediately taken aback. Turquoise blue eyes are staring you down with the old frown that you used to love. “You really suck you know that?” You scoffed, kneeling down to take Jolyne in for a hug. Her black hair tickling your chin as she nuzzles into your neck. “Yes baby that’s your father like in the pictures remember?” You coo into her ear.
“I came to see you.” He states in his familiar deep voice. You stand up, taking a light grip on Jolynes tiny hand. You give him the strongest glare that you’re able to muster up, snapping, “You probably already know where we live so why did you come here? Forget it, just follow me. We live about a block away.” He grunts and nods at you, allowing you to walk in front of him with your daughter in hand. You thank the teacher for taking care of your daughter before you begin to stomp off.
Jotaro lets his eyes wander down your figure, watching how you walk. He can’t help but feel his chest tighten looking at you hand in hand with his child. This was a sight he had always wanted but he never let himself indulge in it until today. He lets you lead him into your tiny home; two bedrooms with a shared bathroom, a small living area, and a kitchen with little to no counter space. You kneel down again to talk to Jolyne, telling her to go do her homework and to let the grownups speak. She gives Jotaro a small glance before running in her room.
“Where have you been? Why are you here now?”
“I just got back from a trip in Japan for work. I wanted to come back to see how you were doing. I also need to apologize, I made a big mistake. I shouldn’t have walked away from you all those years ago.” Jotaro takes off his white hat letting his hair dark hair fall out of place. You can feel yourself tensing up, you really didn’t want to have this sort of conversation with Jolyne in the house. She doesn’t know everything that happened with Jotaro and you didn’t want her to hear any arguing or yelling. You sigh, “Why did you think showing up at my daughters school was appropriate? You could have called me and we could have spoken in private. I know Jolyne is also your daughter but you haven’t been around as a father, not even when I took that test when we were both twenty one.” You motion for him to sit on the old couch in your living room. One that was on clearance at a rent center years ago when Jolyne was only a year old.
He sits down causing a big dip and creaking. His face goes solemn, looking down at his black and white boots. “I never meant to take your love away like that. I wasn’t ready to be a father and I wanted both of you to be safe.” He looks up at you with disappointment dripping off his features. You sit down next to him, smoothing out your work clothes and relaxing your ankles. “I know you weren’t ready to be a father but you know what Jotaro? I wasn’t ready to be a mother either. You left me alone, I had to leave university so I could raise my baby the way she deserves. You got to finish your education and seem to be doing well, I don’t know why you think making a tired apology will do you any better.” You whispered close to him. His eyes hadn’t left yours, listening intently to what you had to say. He leaned close to you acknowledging, “I am aware of the sacrifices you made for our daughter, I didn’t allow myself to be the proper father I should be. Please allow me to be a part of her life. I know you’ve most likely moved on from our love but I’ve thought about you everyday since then. I sat in my dorm, refusing to leave because I didn’t want to have to go out. I didn’t want to see you walk by and breakdown. Please understand that I’ve wanted to be the father and husband that you both deserve but I thought that I’d bring you nothing but danger. I need to be here for both of you, I want to give you a better home and a better life. Let me take care of you.”
You could feel tears wanting to spill out, why did he think he would be too dangerous to be around both of you? Could it have something to do with what happened to him when he was a teenager? “It may seem hard to believe but I’m doing just fine. We’ve been getting along very well without you. Time has made me stronger and you’re not longer on my mind.” That bit at the end was a lie, you thought about him everyday like he had about you. You had a picture of him in your wallet and in one of the drawers in your bedroom. He placed a hand over yours, covering it completely and squeezing lightly.
“You are my earth, my number one priority. You were the last woman I gave my love to, and I plan for it to only be you. You could ask me to do anything and it’d be as good as done.” Jotaro moves his other hand up to lay over your shoulder, wrapping it around your back. You sink into his white coat letting your tears waterfall down your face. He soothes your back warmly while wrapping his arms around you, squeezing you into his chest. “I really needed you Jotaro I really did. You let our love fall apart and I really want to say that you no longer have my heart and that I’m doing just fine. I haven’t had too much time to worry about myself because I’m everywhere doing everything.” He lets you ramble on against him.
You pull back after a while, looking back into his turquoise eyes, “I’ll only allow you back if Jolyne is okay to have you around. I want her to have the choice to get to know you but if she doesn’t want to, I won’t force her.” He nods, squeezing your hand again before letting his thumb rub across the back of your hand.
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jojo-reader-hell · 4 years
You know what we ain’t had in a minute? The Big Gay™️.
Hello yes who wants to relive their high school days in such a way that us young queers didn’t have to stay in the closet?
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Jolyne x Fem!Reader x Foo Fighters x Hermès Costello: Butterfly
This is dedicated to the girl who wanted to date me in junior year but I was too fucking closeted to understand that I wasn’t really into my ex boyfriend all that much.
Oh boy! High school queers!
Welp, remember those shitty homecoming dances where we were stuffed in tight dresses and wearing ugly ass makeup? That’s the place I’m taking you back to today.
The dj is actually pretty good. It’s definitely a playlist you’ll be recreating in ten years with your girlfriend on your 10th year anniversary.
He let you and your friends even get a good scream session in listening to Lil Jon uncensored.
Hey, there’s nothing more satisfying than being a group of girls at sixteen screaming about to the window to the wall to the sweat drop down your balls and making all these bitches crawl. It hits different.
The “aww skeet skeet motherfuckers aww skeet skeet goddamn” in unison? *chef kiss*🤌🏼
Unfortunately your boyfriend ditches you about halfway through the dance for some other chick and you end up being the sad girl crying in the corner of the bleachers, your black dress with the cats and pink polka dots can only bring you so much happiness.
One of your friends tries to comfort you. She’s the one who told you in art class that she’s bi and you confessed your own secret, so she knows just how to help you feel better.
“Don’t cry... You see that girl over there? She said if you’re into girls she’d totally want to dance with you. Do you want to go dance with her?”
You look up through runny tears to see the aforementioned girl staring at you. She’s wearing a scandalously lovely dress, twirling the rainbow of bracelets she has around her wrists.
A punk queen named Jolyne Cujoh.
She’s even wearing neon green lipstick to the dance.
You’ve seen her before. She’s the girl you’ve always been envious of.
Was it really envy/jealousy of her attractiveness? Or was it longing?
Jolyne is the kind of girl who mixes Juicy Couture with Tripp pants. A mix of 90’s chola and scene kid.
Her friends are checking you out too, the hot Afro Latina with dreads is making kisses at you. The cute enby one wants you too, bedroom eyes at you while suckling on a straw plunged into a big gulp.
Your other friends are nearly pushing Jolyne in your direction when they see you wiping your tears.
She’s beautiful. She’s even got Sailor Moon buns going on, and in the flicker of the lights she can see your starry eyed expression.
You’re very flattered she asked to dance with you.
It just takes one nod.
Crazy Town’s music starts playing when she approaches you, it’s all so perfectly orchestrated that there had to have been some outside help. The antithesis of butch, but still looks like in any kind of relationship you’d be the fragile one.
Yet when that chorus hits you with talk about the lady coming over because she’s your butterfly, you understand suddenly why they added the sugar baby part to it.
Like yes ma’am.
You’ve never been gayer in your life when you see her stand over you for a minute, then sit with you to take your hand.
“You want to dance with us?” She asks.
She has to yell a little bit so you’ll hear her, but you nod quickly and smile when she wipes your eyes.
Lifting you up from your seat, the next thing you know is she’s dragging you out to the floor, got your back pressed against her chest, hands on your waist as she slowly begins to gyrate her hips in time to the music.
Oh holy Jesus king of the Jews.
How fucking touch starved are you???
She made your legs shake.
You made her go crazy.
Did you even deserve this? You’re not sure and just dance out seductively to the three minutes thirty seven seconds of this song.
To you it feels like an eternity.
At some point you hear a commotion. It sounds like your now ex boyfriend getting into it with Jolyne’s friends. The disruption doesn’t bother you in the slightest, not when suddenly here comes Jolyne’s non binary partner sandwiching you between the two of them.
How the hell is the staff not stopping you three nearly dry humping on the floor? It’s probably because of the gorgeous girl that’s come up to wrap her arms around Jolyne and her friend.
There’s a whisper of Tres Flores in your nostrils when she leans down to whisper something to you, tawny warm skin brushing against your cheek.
“Hermosa...” she purrs.
It’s like a horny teen boy’s wet dream: death by being completely smothered in girls.
Except spoiler alert: that fantasy belongs to the gays now.
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bi-han-simp · 4 years
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This is loosely based on the song “Heather” by Conan Gray
italics are flashbacks
Jotaro x Reader
y/n pov 
I had always been best friends with Jotaro ever since we were just kids. We were each other's very first friend, well we were each other's first for a lot of things. I remember when we were just young kids he would always stick up for me, especially when people much bigger than me would pick on me. Jotaro was always so sweet when we were still young kids. He was always so lively and freely showed his emotions. 
I had mentioned before that we were each other's firsts for a few things, and our first kiss was included. We were curious about what it would feel like, but I guess it was a mistake for us to take part in doing so. If only we didn't share each other's first kiss, maybe i would've never had feelings for him.
 I remember the kiss like it was yesterday, we were 14 at the time. I was staying at the Kujo’s home for the weekend because my parents had to go on a business trip. To the Kujo’s I was practically family so they accepted letting me stay for the weekend. I had been scared of staying in one of the guest rooms for the night, so Holly let me stay the night in Jotaro’s room with him. We had been facing each other, just joking about some stupid things people did in class earlier. 
“Hey Jojo, have you had your first kiss yet?” i had asked out of curiosity not exactly knowing what his answer would be. 
“No not yet, you?” he answered like it was nothing but i had a rosy blush starting to form on my face when he asked the same thing. I only shook my head in response, somewhat embarrassed that I still haven't kissed anyone yet. If i'm being honest i'm surprised Jotaro hasn't either. 
“Maybe we could practice..you know so our real first kiss will be just perfect!” i smiled brightly knowing if we just practiced our first kiss on each other, our true first kiss with that special someone will be just perfect!
“I mean I don't see why not?” Jotaro soon had a blush forming on his cheeks, but was starting to sit up. I followed and we now sat criss cross in front of each other. “So how exactly do we do this..?” he asked slightly confused on where we should start. 
“I think we close our eyes, lean in, and Ta-da!” I made a big gesture as I spoke and watched Jotaro nod his head. We both started to lean in with our eyes closed, and before i knew it we both headbutted each other. 
“Ow! Jojo, your head felt like a rock!” I held onto my head with a small glare on my face towards him, who seemed to look away sheepishly and rubbing the back of his neck muttered a small apology. “It's okay, I was just over exaggerating anyway! B-but let's keep our eyes open until we make contact, alright?” I patted his shoulder and he just nodded in response. We kept our eyes open this time around and leaned in. before i knew it our lips were together and my eyes instinctively closed. One of Jotaro’s hands had been on my cheek while mine were both awkwardly placed upon my lap. The kiss felt like heaven on earth and I never wanted it to stop. I know this was just supposed to be an experiment experience, but this is making my heart beat like crazy. 
The kiss lasted for a few more seconds before Jotaro had pulled away. We had both just stared into each other's eyes, me looking into his beautiful ocean like teal, and my e/c ones. I don’t think he wanted the kiss to end that quickly and neither did I, so I think he saw the look as a signal for us to kiss again. We both leaned in once more, but this kiss was longer than the last. This was more loving and meaningful. Like this was a true first kiss with that special someone. 
It was a mistake for us to share our first kiss, but i don’t regret bringing up the idea of it. 
After a few years Jotaro seemed to be distant towards everyone, including his mother who i believe is an Angel walking the earth. We might've been distant, but we were still best friends. We still hung out with each other almost everyday and would still have sleepovers at each other's homes. 
I still think about the time when his mother was on her deathbed and we had to leave for Egypt. Jotaro didn’t want me to tag along because he thought it would be too dangerous for someone who didn't have a stand, but I always kept it a secret that I had one. He was a bit ticked when i told him, but he just brushed it off and we set off to find DIO. We fought a couple stand users and started to stay in a hotel located in Singapore. I remember the exact date this happened. It was the 3rd of December. 
“I’ll share a room with Jotaro if that's alright with everyone!” I smiled and looked at him and the rest of the group for confirmation. They all seemed fine with it. This was gonna be the old times. We soon split up to our designated rooms and I unlocked the door to reveal the two queen sized beds. 
“I call this one!” I called out and jumped onto the bed closest to the bathroom. I laid with my stomach flat against the bed, happy I didn't hear Jotaro complaining about it. I felt the bed dip and moved my head to the side to see Jotaro sitting down. I moved to sit on my knees and tugged gently on his long jacket. 
“Jojo, could i try on your jacket?” i don't remember the last time i saw him without his jacket, it seemed to be like his second skin. He didn’t give much of a response, more so just mumbling something under his breath as he took it off and laid it on the bed. I got off the bed and put on the long jacket. It was too big for me, the bottom of it dragging on the floor. 
“So, how do i look?” I didn't really expect a nice answer from him, but I wasn't expecting what he said. 
“It looks better on you,” he gave me a rare smile and patted the top of my head, “maybe when we get back to Japan we will get you a matching one.” i only nodded my head with a slight blush rising on my cheeks. Being his childhood friend definitely had his perks. 
Everything he did at that point made my heart flutter, it felt like it was about to explode. I really thought he saw me as much more than just a childhood friend. But I was wrong. 
A couple more years went by, we were now 20. Jotaro went off to America to study Marine Biology while I stayed in Japan. He would call me often, every day actually. We would talk about the stress that school was giving us, and the fun activities we did. Most of the time our calls consisted of Jotaro rambling about how interesting all the marine life was. I laid back and listened, truly happy as I listened to the love of my life talk about what made him happy. 
One call was different though. It was the call where he told me he proposed to an american woman named Heather. I had to put on a mask but I couldn't believe that Jotaro was getting married to a woman neither his family or i had met. I told him how happy I was for him. I didn't want him to hear how broken-hearted I was over the phone. Once the call ended I don't remember how long I sobbed for. 
It felt like all the moments we shared together were just out of a friendly bond. There was love behind all of it, just not the kind of love I wanted it to be. 
I stood next to Jotaro as his best man figure. I held back all the tears I had when Jotaro said how nervous he was. I reassured him that she was the perfect woman for him. Our conversation was cut short when the wedding march started to play. 
I wanted to strangle Heather as she walked down the aisle, but I couldn't deny how beautiful she looked. Everything about her was perfect. She was the second kindest person i’ve ever met, she was drop dead gorgeous, and she managed to get Jotaro to fall in love with her. 
I wanted to hate her so much, but my love for Jotaro’s happiness overpowered all my hateful thoughts. I was happy for him. So happy that he found happiness after all the events of Egypt. I was never able to get him out of his lowest slumps, so I envy you Heather. I really do. Please cherish him as much as i do. I wish I were you Heather. 
That was the happiest I had seen Jotaro in a long time. Maybe even the happiest i've even seen him. His wedding soon became the second happiest I've seen him, when he had a child on the way. I was completely over the moon when I was going to be the Godparent of their first born child. 
I had waited outside the delivery room holding onto Holly’s hand in anticipation. I was supposed to be in Japan studying, but who cares about schooling when your best friend is having a daughter. Me and Holly both stood up as soon as we saw Jotaro enter the hallway. It was finally time to meet the beautiful daughter him and Heather created. 
Holly was first to enter due to this being her very first grandchild. She was cradling her with tears falling down. To her it was just like holding Jotaro all over again. 
I was next to hold her. I rocked her back and forth in my arms and looked to Heather, “what's her name?” 
“Jolyne.” she said with a tired smile on her face. She must've been exhausted, so i didn't ask any further questions.
“Jolyne..” i said softly, as i used the back of my finger to caress her small cheeks, “such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” She was absolutely gorgeous, just like both of her parents. 
“I love you Jolyne..” I whispered softly as I saw a couple tears falling onto the swaddle. 
As I look back on the moments I shared with Jotaro, I realized I was just a side character. I might've been helplessly in love with someone who saw me as just a friend, but that doesn’t make me love him any less. Thank you Heather for making him happy. I wish i could’ve been you, even for just a moment. 
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jjba-plasticbeach · 4 years
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End of November 2011 Florida
- “Hey idiot! You missed my stop at Cape Canaveral! " –Announced a feminine and decisive voice that came from the back of the car causing it to brake abruptly, sliding down the wet road a couple of meters ahead.
The raindrops were falling with greater intensity on that beige car, that competed with the discussion that the determined woman and Anakiss had regarding an additional charge per trip, but Emporio's mind was elsewhere when he pressed Irene's vest on her chest, trying to find a logical explanation for what was happening. Had he really died and was this a kind of post-mortem dream as he had read about it in the books of that prison?
Irene unbuckled her belt to turn around and meet the boy's gaze, it seemed curious to her that a child was lost in that gas station, but it was not an improbable event, the radio was always in charge of announcing who disappeared and / or appeared but had never heard a name as striking as Emporio.
-"All good? Aren't you dizzy or something like that? " –Irene asked kindly while she denoted a subtle smile on her face and leaned on her seat waiting for the response of the young boy- "If so, we can stop for a longer time, maybe a soda would do you good- ..."
- "I'm fine" –Emporio interrupted, once again gritting her teeth to his lip causing a subtle bleeding cut- "Thank you very much Jolyne"
- “Jolyne? Is that your mother's name? " -She cocked her head curiously, settling herself between the two seats. "Don't worry Emporio, as soon as we get home, I will try to get my father to help us find your family... you won't be alone little one.
Once again, the tears ran down the young blond boy's cheeks, the words could not connect with his thoughts and it seemed that each time he had an apple across his throat. He tried to remember accurate things in order to show that he was not just a stranger, he had to explain what had happened, that was his mission to survive the restart of Made in Heaven.
- "Jojo-... Kujo, your father's name is Kujo Jotaro, isn't it?" –He raised his voice while tightening the lady's orange vest on his legs, Anakiss returned to the pilot's seat but that strong statement made him turn his head, meeting Irene's alarmed gaze- "and your name is Narciso, if I'm not wrong".
There was a brief silence from both of them, without doubt they were not dealing with an ordinary young man but while they looked back at him, he placed both hands on his head in a symbol of sincere concern, to the point of hiding his own face between his knees.
- "It will be better to hurry Anakiss, the only ones who can help us at this time are my parents".
 The tour was faster, quieter and without any interruption. They had reached the end of the route to undertake a journey up the hill, Emporio could see a small sign pointing two directions which the last one called "Melancholy Hill" could be read  and nothing to do with the rain that enveloped them. They parked in front of a large house made of dark wood but illuminated inside and seeing how Irene offered her hand to Emporio, they were both covered with Anakiss's large jacket until the dry area in front of the large entrance door.
They waited a few minutes until a strong but feminine voice was heard announcing that it would open the door and each closer step was enough reason to accelerate the young Emporio's heart. Three purple locks fell gently on her face, two longer than the middle one, and her silver eyes widened with her smile when she saw Irene open her arms and fall to the chest of such a woman. Anakiss cordially took off his hat, placing it on his chest and receiving a warm kiss on his cheek from her, but the moment his eyes met those of the young Emporio, he took two steps back pointing at her with his index finger while hesitating:
“Mrs. Castiglier…!”
Francesca, without leaving Irene's embrace, stared at him scared, as if she had witnessed a crime scene right there, shaking her head and removing that sharp look of fear, she bent down to recover her friendly smile and offered Emporio a hand.
- "I do not seem to have seen your face somewhere before, besides seeing your eyes you made me understand that you have not slept well in recent weeks... do not be afraid little one, go ahead and feel at home while I look for a first aid kit to heal those ugly wounds on your arms and looking for clean clothes so that you can take off the wet clothes that you bring, it is better to prevent a cold than to regret it! -Emporio had his eyes wide open contemplating that woman in front of him and with a trembling hand he took her left hand that did not have any trace of metal- "Welcome to our house"
Emporio was sitting in the hall of that house, everything was beautifully decorated and looking very familiar and welcoming. In his hands she had a bowl of hot milk that he couldn't drink yet, and he didn't know if it was because of how hot it was or because of its impact a couple of minutes ago. He looked up, meeting for the first time with a boy of his age who was looking at him from the second floor between the railing separations but they managed to meet glances the little one fled the place feeling Irene's soft voice once closer to him, taking his hand right and placing it between both hands.
- "His name is Emporio, we found him lost at the gas station... small one, can you repeat what you mentioned in the car a couple of hours ago? –He looked first at the girl and then at those around him, sincerely his chest was squeezed once again as he perceived how a pronounced and tall silhouette was present who was looking seriously at what was happening in the room. Placing his left hand on Francesca he was able to demonstrate that ring on his ring finger which was intertwined with the lady's hand as a symbol of concern and waiting.
- "My name is -... My name is Emporio Alniño, born in 2000 in the Green Dolphin Street prison, my mother passed away and I have no other close family, I- ... and- ..." - The boy hesitated while clasping his hands on the towel, letting his tears fall on his little hands, he tried to calm himself so that he could continue with what he should say, what he should ask, but the more he thought about it the less words came out of his mouth. How to find an explanation for something that only he witnessed? - "... And I am very sorry to break into his home in this way".
He looked up feeling a strong hug coming from the purple-haired woman who had knelt before him trying to reassure him while she whispered a little melody that closely resembled a lullaby. He pressed her cheek against her heated cheek and lifting her weak arms from her he could hug her as well hiding his face without stopping to cry while gasping. He was rocking on Francesca's chest in a calm and relaxed way never seen before, his heart was beating slowly as she passed her delicate hand over the boy's forehead, detaching his wet cap while still humming that melody. His eyes slowly closed seeing Irene for the last time, who got up to stand next to her father to hug him worried, he supported her wounded face on his daughter's hair giving her a soft kiss in her forehead that reassured her. Anakiss politely looked at the situation from behind, without a doubt the heart-breaking cry of Emporio was something that was not heard every day.
- "The worst has already happened, my dear Emporio, now you need to rest and forget all those worries that afflict you... let us be your shelter, your family and I promise that nothing bad will happen again".
A light bothered his eyes which caused him to wake up, he was lying on a bed a little higher than usual next to another bed which was separated by a night table, the little boy with whom they had exchanged glances previously was on his knees covered under his bed with a flashlight on. Before Emporio could move or utter a word the boy jumped on top of him, standing next to him, pointing the flashlight at him.
- "Don't ever move a muscle, or that evil spirit will get angry" - Mentioned the boy being separated by Emporio at the same moment. But before answering him, four ghostly arms managed to peek out from under the young boy's bed and, finding no more comfort, he hid in Emporio's shirt.
- "It is not an evil spirit; it is a Stand!" –The blond boy yelled invoking Weather Report, which was preparing to take the first blow, but it was not an enemy Stand, it was more a scared Stand just as its young user was - “Child, you must learn to control it, what you are perceiving is your own soul!"
- "Isn't it going to hurt me?"
- "No, unless you want that for yourself... you have to wish him to go and he will go, that simple" - He held the shoulders of the dark-haired young man while he turned, frowning, and clasping his hands tightly, he could visualize as those four arms immediately disappeared as if by magic. The situation that he had longed for so long finally had a grandiose outcome and smiling exaltedly at him elicited the same smile from the young Emporio.
-"What is your name? I saw you cry recently on the first floor, but I couldn't hear your name... if you don't want to tell me, I understand, I can always call you a crybaby".
- "Look who says it, my name is Emporio and yours?"
- "Jonas... Although my mother and older sister usually call me Jojo".
From the first level, Francesca talked with Jotaro and Irene about what happened, they agreed to send for information about the boy and watch him with his behavior for a while. They would not ask more than the boy had to talk about and they would try not to collapse him into questions, he was just a 10 year old boy after all.
Francesca mentioned that she would prepare more coffee while Anakiss and Irene were slightly more nervous having Jotaro with crossed arms waiting for the explanation of their visit, the woman with purple hair only let out a subtle laugh walking to the kitchen depositing the couple of cups on the counter close to the phone. She took it and quickly dialled a number while her hands shook.
-"I'm sorry to call you so late Tenmei, but I need you to find a paper and a pencil to write down the following, try not to ask or tell others about this..." - She took a deep breath, letting a series of words flow without meaning to the man on the other line But he followed every indication she had told him— “The name of the mafia is Passione; Sicily ... if something happens, try to keep the name of Domenico Castiglier".
- “Hey! Emporio? Sleeping in class again? -A much more serious voice was heard but in a mocking tone while hitting him with a crumpled paper in the hundred- "Man, I know that math classes are boring, but I never expected that someone who really likes them, would fall asleep in one of them".
- "Jonas..." -the blond opened his eyes quickly to meet the heavy body of his friend and now his brother pulling him by the cheek to get up- "I wasn't sleeping, just remembering things..."
-"Things?" -Jonas looked up, arching an eyebrow as he leaned against the table opposite Emporio  student table. "What things would leave such a bad taste in your mouth to answer me that way, dude?".
- "Things like my sandwich that you ate without my permission, Jonas Kujo... do you think I was born yesterday?" - Emporio lied as he got up from his desk arranging his backpack to place it behind his back, Jonas's face began to take a small blush as he denied any existence of his foolish theft but from one moment to another, they began to laugh like two naughty children about to commit some other evil.
"Are we going home now?"
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isbus · 3 years
The House Of Villains Chapter 1
Tags: (insert the prologue tags), slice of life, Walmart, card games, Kars doesn’t know things, not so subtle foreshadowing, references to later chapters, card games, board games,
Chapter 1: Game Night
They were all doing their thing- Diavolo and Doppio chatted together, Dio sat on the couch watching an animal documentary with Kars, Santana was still in the attic, Esidisi and Wamuu talked at the table, and Pucci dusted. They didn't do much else until Kira opened the door when coming home from work. 
Dio turned off the TV, bringing Kars back to reality. Everyone turned to Kira when they heard the television shut off. "Kars, could you get Santana?" Dio asked politely. Kars immediately went up to the attic. 
"Put me down!" Santana shouted. Kars went down the stairs, holding Santana on his shoulder. Kars put the younger of the four pillar men on the couch, then sat on his bean bag. 
"Now that Kira is home, I have an idea to share." Dio began. Kira had an idea about what Dio was going to say. It was going to be something outrageous. "We are not normal, and if we continue our ways, our neighbors are going to see it. What we need to do is act normal, and what better way than a family tradition? We are going to try something called 'Family Game Night'." 
Silence... Was it from awe? Or disgust? Or even- 
"Okay. It's simple, all you have to do is play board games." Kira stepped towards the stairs before being stopped by Pucci's question. 
"Do we even have board games? The closest thing we have to a game is tarot cards but we don't have a full deck." Enrico asked simply. 
Kira didn't think about that. He wasn't the type to play games, he was the type to do work, so he sold his board games. "Well, we can always get some. It's not like we're too poor for it. Let's go to the store. Besides, I have things to pick up for me and my girlfriend." 
"Ooh, I didn't know you had a girlfriend!" Dio exclaimed. 
"Congratulations, you finally got one!" Doppio smiled from ear to ear. 
"Don't tell me it's the cat." Wamuu closed his eyes disapprovingly. 
Kira scoffed. "You all are so rude." Yoshikage began to put his work stuff back in his room then stopped. "She's human by the way." 
- Time Skip brought to you By: Disrespecting Businessmen -
Getting dressed like normal people, which they obviously were not, and a few getting their parasols, led them out the door. Kira began to lead before Dio rushed to the front. "Let me." He smiled. As the leader of this group, Dio just HAD to lead. Dio started to walk in front of the Joestar house before he stopped. 
"Why'd you stop?" Kira spoken quietly, partially glaring at the captain. 
Dio smirked sweetly, as if he was in front of a lover of his. He appeared bold to the others, but to the cat lover, he looked like his title was "Super Stupid". "Where's the store?" The blonde vampire fluttered his eyelashes, holding the parasol between his jaw and shoulder while his hands held his knees as he crouched to be at eye level.
Kira sighed. "Just follow me." They continued, this time with Kira in the lead and Dio right behind. The villainous cast spoke to each other as they walked behind Kira. Dio started to strike up a conversation with Pucci, but Pucci immediately dismissed him. 
They looked around at their neighborhood, several houses and people were around the area. The homes on one side of the street had a bunch of friendly people- like that kid in a baseball player outfit around house number 1506, or the teen with a mostly shaved head and pompadour with the older blonde boy that has the braid. 
All that friendliness was enough to make some of the villains question this neighborhood. With those happy faces, it was hard to be in a bad mood. It's like the happiness was rubbing off on them while rubbing them the wrong way. Dio thought about it then shrugged. Kars was glancing around for squirrels that he saw on TV. Kira stayed serious, and continued leading. Doppio and Diavolo spoke back and forth with each other. Pucci strutted as if he wasn't a sucker for God. 
It was taking five-ever. Everyone, excluding Kira, wished it was right around the corner. Past the "For Sale!" homes, and past the other blocks, it took at least three minutes. Well, it would've taken three minutes but Kars found a squirrel and a hawk started following Dio. The hawk presumably got the chain holding it broke and flew away, looking for a new owner since it had a collar and purple scarf. What a fancy bird. 
But the bird may or may not be important. The hawk followed them all the way to the store, then waited by the door. The villain group stepped inside, Kars and the two older pillar men struggled a bit (especially Kars) Santana fit through perfectly though. 
The part of the group that was foreign to this place (that is totally not Wal-Mart) looked around in awe. They put away their parasols and held them by their sides. "Hi welcome to Wal-Mart!" A lady at the front said with a smile. 
As if the woman smashed a bottle and yelled "scatter!", they began walking around. Dio read the sign that said "woman's" and just HAD to see the panty section. Pucci joined him, hoping he wasn't doing what he thought he was doing. Diavolo and Doppio went to the technology section. Kars and Wamuu gone to the pet area. Esidisi and Santana went to the toy section. Leaving Kira alone. Yoshikage looked behind him and saw nobody. 
"This is just great. Everyone left faster than me saying 'Bite the Dust'." Kira spoke to himself. "Come on darling. Let's find them." He looked in his jacket pocket to speak to his girlfriend. 
- Time Skip Brought to you By: Bite Za Dusto
Since Kira was going to the game area and it was right next to the toy section, Kira grabbed a few games and put it in the cart that he grabbed off screen. He heard the angsty teen's voice. "I don't want dolls, I want- wait that one is actually kinda cute... Can I have him?" Santana nearly shouted at first but his voice died down after he found the most handsome doll. 
Kira gone to the doll isle and saw the two- Esidisi was explaining how Kira would get it for him as Santana held a doll with blonde hair and blue eyes. The blonde cat lover coughed. "Come on you two, let's find the others." Santana slightly pouted like he REALLY wanted the doll. "Put it in the cart." The redhead thanked Yoshikage and put the doll in there.
The three gone past the technology section but paused when seeing the pink haired boys looking at phones. They seemed to be agreeing on something, when Kira got closer, the men saw a figure of a manga character in Doppio's hands. 
"I could always get it for you. But I forgot my wallet." Diavolo explained before Doppio started looking glum. 
"How much is it?" Yoshikage's serious voice cut through to their ears. Doppio's face lit up from the darkness of the other's words. 
Doppio checked the price on the bottom and read it aloud. "Twenty dollars." Kira nodded to the cart, signaling him to put the figure in the cart. The pink haired boy done as he was "told", and set the manga character in the cart. 
"Now, where are those last few?" Kira asked himself. Suddenly, he remembered Kars' love for animals. To the pet section! 
The pink haired boys joined the party! 
They all moved forward to the pet section. Moving in different walks, past the fabric and sewing area, to that isle with supplies for small animals, reptiles, and fish. To their avail, they saw the long purple hair and short blonde hair of Kars and Wamuu. The isle also had Jolyne and Jotaro, looking at fish. 
Wamuu and Kars looked at the group, holding a play pen for small animals. "Put it in." Kira sighed. They done just that. "Now, where's the last two?" 
"No! I refuse to wear female underwear!" The group heard none other than Pucci, shouting about panties. "I am clearly a man!" 
"Why is a man shouting about underwear, dad?" Jolyne tried to contain her laughter. 
Jotaro smirked. "Good grief." 
Oh no. The villains thought and rushed to the feminine area. Once they got there, Esidisi covered Santana's eyes so that he couldn't see the- um- interesting area. But everyone else there could see, clear as day, Dio grinning while holding a thong and bra and Enrico blushing with wide eyes. 
"It would look great on you..." Dio spoke in a sing-song voice. 
"No it would not! Besides, that kind of underwear is so sinful!" 
"Would you prefer cheeky?" Pucci's blush darkened at the words that spilled from the blonde's mouth. 
Kira groaned. "Shut it. If he doesn't want it, leave it be. We have to buy this stuff, so let's go to check out." 
"Alright~" Dio sang. Enrico moved towards the check out. "Let's get it anyway." He whispered. 
"Fine but if I wake up to screams of terror, I'm throwing you out." Yoshikage threatened. Dio shrugged and followed Enrico after putting the underwear in the cart. Esidisi removed his hand from over Santana's eyes, and walked with the group. 
- Time Skip brought to you By: I can see your panties... (SICK JOJO REFERENCE) -
As the cashier scanned items, Kira couldn't keep his eyes off of her hands. The lady tried handing the bags to him, but he was too focused on her lovely, dainty hands. "Sir?" She asked, snapping him back to the real world. "Your bags." 
"Oh, thanks." He felt awkward but took the bags and paid up. "Have a nice day, Adrian." He took back his card then speed-walked to the door. 
"Ugh, Kira wait up!" Dio nearly stood for to long until realizing Kira was nearly out the door. The cashier giggled and smiled. 
Kars and the other pillar men followed. Enrico was close behind. "Thank you so much!" Doppio blushed. 
"Here's our number." Diavolo held out a piece of paper with numbers written on it for the lady to take. Before she could take it, Doppio snatched it away, then ran away. "Doppio, don't try to leave me!" He shouted and ran to the exit. 
The cashier sighed. "Cute, aren't they?" A Burger King worker spoke to the cashier. 
"Yeah, Aimi. They sure are." She responded. 
"Miss? Do you know where this address is? I'm not from around here." 
- Time skip Brought to you by: An Unnamed Man asking a cashier for directions! -
Once they got home, they immediately looked at the games Yoshikage got. Monopoly, Uno, The Game Of Life, etc. But one definitely caught their eyes. A game called Villainous. But (to avoid copyright) they played Uno. 
"Ok. We are not allowed to use our stands to cheat. That's the only rule I have." Kira set up the game by handing out seven cards to those who were playing. Santana played video games in the attic, Esidisi watched Santana play those games, Wamuu and Doppio cheered on their leaders, as the other five played Uno. "And to make sure we aren't cheating, they will be watching us play." 
Dio already knew what he would do. "The World!" The World came out of the card and stopped time. "Will you help me? All you have to do is stop time when I give you a signal." 
The World stared, then shook his head. "I refuse." 
"What?! No! I have to win!" The World resumes time after Dio exclaims. 
Kira put the collar on the pink housecat and Killer Queen appears. "Let's win this Kira!" 
Diavolo rubbed the gem and King Crimson stands behind him. "We got this." Diavolo and King Crimson both say in unison. 
Pucci puts the disc in the portable DVD player and crawling out of the screen was Whitesnake. Once he gets out, he sighs. "It sure was cramped in there..." 
Everyone looked at the cards that were handed out and the game was decided. A green nine. Dio was first, and he played a green seven. "Easy as that." He said cockily. 
"So, we have to match colors?" Kars asked. 
"You can match colors, or numbers. If you don't have a cards that match the number or color, then you draw from the deck until you get something to play or until you reach four cards." Kira explained.
Kars nodded. "What does this card do?" He pulled out a plus four. Kira's eyes widened, knowing he was next. 
Dio burst out laughing. "If you play that card then the next person gets four cards and you change the color." He tried to stop the laughter by talking but he nearly coughed when doing so. "So, what are you going to do?" 
Kars hummed in thought, then he took a card. Before placing it down, or even where the others could see, he looked at Wamuu. "Of course, sir." Dio felt he knew what card he was going to place, so he smirked and crossed his arms. He would have the upper hand against the ever-so-lucky Yoshikage Kira. 
Kars soon placed the card after Wamuu gave the signal of approval. Or what I, the Narrator, like to call "The F*ck Yes Do it!" signal. Only be- oh sh*t. 
Dio, I'm sorry, but your prediction was incorrect. 
A blue seven. 
Dio looked at the card Kars placed, then at Kars, then back at the card, Kars, card- this could go on. 
But before you continue... 
Try saying "Kars Card" ten times fast. 
Ready? Cool. 
Dio saw what was going on. Kars was trying to get the turns reversed so he could play the plus four on Dio. But Kars didn't understand much about human culture, right? He only really understood animals. Dio thought to himself about how HE'S the ultimate being and how Kars shouldn't be called that. 
When he smirked, Kira knew what was going through the vampire's mind. I don't need to repeat. 
Kira's turn was a simple blue three. Killer Queen pouted. I know. I could've done worse. Kira thought to him and the Queen. 
"Oh! That one!" The younger pink haired boy pointed at a card and the older of the two placed it. The game continued and rage ensued until a winner was decided. The winner was Kira. Who wouldn't have guessed that the ever-so-lucky Yoshikage Kira would win? 
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paperbagpetrichor · 5 years
Jotaro comes home during the middle of the day when his pregnant wife and Jolyne don't answer the phone Jolyne greets him excitedly at the door "Where's (step) mommy?" "She and the baby are in the bathroom!" nothing unusual Jolyne liked saying 'and the baby' when he goes to the bathroom in the bathtub was his wife newborn baby in her arms smiling at him sleepily Every pregnancy story is always SHE WAS IN LABOR FOR HOURS OF AGONY ... Seth Myers wife had their baby in the lobby within 5 minutes ty
[ Holy crap Seth Meyers’ wife is actually a goddess. ]
Jotaro punched in the number again.  Try after try, all it had lead to previously was the prerecorded ‘leave a message at the beep,’ followed by the voices of his wife and their daughter.  “We’re not able to get to the phone now, sorry!” came your cheerful voice, lilting and melodic, a hint of a laugh in its undertones, followed by, “Mommy and I are playing!  We’re busy.  And the baby can’t answer the phone.  Call again later!” from little Jolyne.  He was greeted with that and nothing else once more.  With a grunt of discontent he clicked his phone off, pocketing it as thought after thought pulsed through his mind.  Either you genuinely were busy playing with Jolyne, something that Jotaro found very difficult to believe, as you were nearly thirty-eight weeks pregnant (and upon finding out the possibility that she may have a new little friend, Jolyne had sworn her solemn duty to help you and the baby while Jotaro was busy at work, always promising her father that she’d take good care of mommy, so he didn’t have to worry), or…no, that couldn’t be right, could it?  He’d been calling for the past few minutes.  There was no way you didn’t have access to your cellphone, unless - and with that, Jotaro clocked out early.  Something was very, very, very wrong.
When he quickly jammed his keys into the door and attempted to run in, he was greeted by Jolyne, looking perhaps the happiest he could ever remember, skipping around in circles and humming with a great grin growing wider every second, until she noticed him and stopped, instead tugging on his coat with her small hands and laughing.
Confused, Jotaro knelt down to his daughter, running a hand through her hair as he inquired, “Where’s mommy?”
“She and the baby are in the bathroom!” she replied with a hand rising to point in the room’s direction.  Hm - well, maybe you just weren’t feeling very well, and Jolyne had grown bored, trying to entertain herself as best as she knew how.  After all, she was so thrilled about having a little brother or sister, whenever she spoke of you, she always said “mommy and the baby,” because - well, the baby had to grow in mommy before she could meet him or her, so they were always together!  
Nevertheless, Jotaro made his way to the bathroom, noticing the closed door and knocking. “[Y/n]?  You alright?” He waited for a few moments before knocking again, only to have essentially as much luck he’d had with calling you.  Before he could try once more, however, Jolyne appeared at his side, placing a hand on the door.
“Oh!  Mommy said you could go in.  I’ve already been in, so it’s your turn!”  She opened the door and pulled her father in with one swift movement, giggling before closing the door behind him and pressing her ear to the wall.  Even if there was a barrier, she was determined to hear the conversation you and dad had, even if it was mostly just her dad’s words.  Your voice had grown very quiet earlier so she doubted she’d be able to hear you regardless of how hard she tried.
Jotaro was greeted with a room that looked empty.  If someone was there, it wasn’t visibly obvious, so as he walked over to the only uninspected portion - the tub, shrouded behind a curtain - he was beginning to believe Jolyne had been joking with him, only for him to be met by you.
You and the baby.
You were splayed out with your head on a pillow, blankets covering you from neck to toe, hair plastered to your face with sweat, warmth practically radiating from your body, holding something swathed in cloth to your chest, breathing heavily but almost inaudibly as your shaky hands rocked the bundle back and forth, back and forth, against your chest, a sleepy smile of bliss illuminating your face.  You heard the curtains open, but presumed it was just Jolyne, coming to check up on you and her new sibling.  
It was only after Jotaro let out an unusual, surprised ‘what?’ in his voice, low in disbelief, that you realized your husband was home, at your side.  “[Y/n] - that’s - are you…?”  He had no idea what to say.  He could hardly piece together what must’ve occurred and what was currently happening, much less weave his unbalanced thoughts into words, much less say them to you.
“Jotaro.”  Your voice was barely more than a whisper, but your eyes flicked to him, even more joy overcoming your fatigued but nevertheless happy face.  You rested the bundle carefully against your chest and reached out with a spare hand to your husband, who quickly took without a word.  In a mere moment his hand, covered by yours, was atop the carefully-wrapped swath, resting against it gently as he began to feel movement, steady and gradual, like that of the heartbeat of someone fast asleep.  His eyes widened.  You blinked up at him, letting go of his hand and instead offering him the baby.  “Would you like to hold him?”
With a nod of stupor, Jotaro relieved you of the bundle, carefully lifting it out of the tub and pressing it to his chest, gently pulling back the agglomeration of cloth around the child’s head to take in the face of his new family member.  The baby’s face was soft and smooth, a small, content smile picking at his lips, eyes opening as he felt unfamiliar hands holding him, greeting Jotaro’s and beginning to try and break from the blankets, managing to get an arm out and reach for his father, a cheery giggle of gibberish emitting from his small mouth.  Wisps of hair had already begun to cover the child’s head, and he had the same dark strands as his father, but the eyes of his mother, and without another moment Jotaro enveloped his baby in a soft hug, rocking him just as you had.  
Your peaceful voice reached out to them both.  “He’s so happy to see his father,” you laughed, watching your newborn struggling to contact Jotaro’s face, reaching with miniscule arms that he still barely had any control of whatsoever.  “Just as happy as I am to see you, honey.”
“Are you alright?” he queried, quiet for his youngest to remain at ease, glancing over at you.  It was clear you were tired and your body overworked, and although you showed no outward signs of it, you might have still been in pain.
You nodded.  “Of course.  It was - really quick,” you broke off with a small laugh, “and Jolyne was there to help me through it all.  Though I’m afraid it was painful, and I don’t have much energy left.”  You paused and took in the wondrous sight of your husband holding his son for the first time.  “But I’ll be fine with a little bit of time.”  
He gave you a hum of acknowledgement.  He still couldn’t believe it.  You’d gone through the entire birthing process, all while he was away at work, with nobody but your stepdaughter to aid you, and yet somehow you were still conscious, smiling, taking care of the newest member of the family.  “I love him,” he breathed, offering his son a rare grin.  “Welcome home, little guy…did you give him a name yet?”
With a shake of your head you denied, “No, sweetheart.  I couldn’t control when he arrived, but I wanted you to be here to help me pick something nice.”  Your mouth was still open, about to continue, when suddenly the door burst open and Jolyne ran in, almost knocking Jotaro over with a flying hug.
“Did you meet him?  Isn’t he so cute?  A little brother, dad!  I have a little brother!  And don’t you dare name him without me!”
The two of you, Jotaro and yourself, shared a smile, giving each other looks that expressed more than any words ever could.  “Alright, Jo, what names have you thought about?”
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A Very Joestar Vacation (to Disney): Joseph’s Special Ride
so Ive been sitting on this for a while and just finished it bc this class is boring. thanks @cockneydio for motivating me to finish 
but uh yeah Joseph fucking shit up at Disney based on things my 5′4″ German grandfather did when he was 64.
CW: joke about alcoholism, minor old man violence against Disney cops 
“Grandpa,” Jolyne snickered, “Why are you wearing weird bracelets?” Anything could be funny to a four year old and apparently the zip tie “bracelets” hanging off Joseph’s wrists were hilarious. 
It was 7 in the morning so Jotaro sniffled as he peeled his eyes open to see what fashion crime JiJi had committed today. Only to notice zip ties hanging off the old man. Jolyne was right, those were some weird bracelets. Jotaro spared a glance at his mother next to Joseph who was looking rather concerned, as if she couldn't decide whether to explain why they were there or to keep quiet. 
Now this had the potential to be almost as interesting as it was annoying, Jotaro thought to himself. But not interesting enough to stay fully conscious for, so he allowed himself to drift into a light sleep. 
“YOU JUMPED OVER THAT?” Jolyne’s hysterical scream pierced through any possible sleep Jotaro could've had in that moment. Yes her voice was shrill this early in the morning, but also imagining JiJI doing any sort of physical activity at this age was also terrifying. This time he made an effort to tune in to the conversation. 
Joseph was giggling, “No no, I didn't literally jump the turnstile, I just tried to push my way through. And I would've gotten through if it wasn't for that meddling officer.” Joseph had stopped giggling by the end of his small speech as some rage set in. His robotic hand was whirring as it clenched and unclenched in the air. 
There were so many concerning things that JiJi had just said, but the only things that could make the old man that angry were things that reminded him of Japan, or things that stood between him and alcohol. Jotaro hoped it was the latter. “Elderly Man Attempts Hate Crime At The Happiest Place On Earth” was not an article Jotaro wanted to read about his grandfather. 
“That officer wasn’t meddling Papa, he was trying to help you. Please don’t give Jolyne any bad ideas.” Holly interrupted, as she was twirling Jolyne’s hair into her signature buns. 
There were too many pieces floating around and it was too early in the morning for Jotaro to do mental gymnastics trying to figure out what the hell his family was talking about. So he caved. 
“What happened last night?” He grunted. 
Holly scowled at him and was about to open her mouth when Joseph spoke first. 
“So I was at Mizner's right? The bar at that fancy hotel The Grand Floridian or something. I was listening to the jazz band play but then they kicked me out for no goddamn reason-” 
“Papa it was midnight. That's when the bar closed.” Holly gently butted in. 
“Well that's not the point. I grabbed my cup of scotch and tried to get back here. So I took the Monorail but that doesnt come to this hotel so I went to Epcot but that park was closed too!” The only conclusion Jotaro gathered from Joseph’s rambling story so far was that there was more alcoholism than racism. 
“So i get off the monorail and theres no one around and I don't know the number for a cab service here so I crawl over the turnstyle, a great feat at my age especially considering the scotch in my hand, to try to walk to the hotel and this aggressive son of a bitch hurls himself at me -”
“I'm sorry,  you what?” Jotaro could not believe what he just heard. 
“I resisted arrest, big deal Jotaro, you would've done the same thing. They tried to take my scotch, a drink that I had paid for, and then tried to tell me I couldn’t walk through the park because its ‘closed’ like that makes any sense. How could it be closed if the cops were already in it?” Joseph kept on rambling nonsensically about his drunken escapades to Jolyne, who was entirely captivated by his tale, while Jotaro looked to Holly for some clarification. 
“Last night at around 1:00/1:15 there was a knock on the door which I figured must be Papa. I had stayed up waiting for him to come back and was so relieved when I opened the door. But there was a police officer with him. Then I remember thinking ‘No, there were far too many cartoon patches on his sleeve to be a real cop, who had Papa offended this time?’” Jotaro stared at her expectantly waiting for her to continue. 
“Well,” Holly nervously toyed with Jolyne’s hair in her fingers, “The man turned out to be a Disney security guard and he said Papa had tried to break into the park, then ran further into the park when they asked him to leave, and threw the glass of scotch at him so he had to be restrained in the car. Though luckily they were nice enough to drive him here and not do anything else...” 
Holly glanced sideways at Joseph and caught him whispering something to Jolyne.
“And just remember kid, a well placed bribe will get you almost anywhere in life.” 
Jotaro snorted a short laugh and pulled his hat down over his eyes, determined to get a few more minutes rest before it was time to hit the parks. 
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harusaki-hugo · 4 years
|Reseting The World |
Part 6 spoiler to anime watcher , actually, I didn't read the manga yet. So, slightly spoiler? And yes, it's undertale reference.
Part 6 Jotaro with S/O who can overcome Pucci reset and reset the world first.
Warning : Blood, gore, and death. Fluff in the end.
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"Kujo [ Name ] ,look like only you left. "
You let out a chocked sobs when you see your daughter and husband die in front of your eyes. You kneel at Jotaro's side, touching his bloody face. Your body is shaking in anger, you glare at Pucci, tear running down your cheeks.
"Go to hell, Pucci. "
The priest raises his eyebrows before he chuckled, "You wrong, I will go to heaven. "He brings out his Stand.
"Now, rest in peace. "
He slices your throat splutter blood everywhere and socking your dress. Your hands flew to your bleeding throat, blood drip down from the corner of your mouth and eyes fluttered closed.
Pucci smirk thinking he already won, his smirk then fall when he see you crack open your eyes, showing pure anger and hatred in it.
"Bad move, pucci. "You whisper.
Your body let out a yellow aura, and behind you appear a humanoid Stand, it has a skinny body that only wears a long golden robe. Instead of a head, it has an old clock as head.
"|Mercy and Genocide|"
You look Pucci right in the eyes, smirking.
"[Load and save ], Last save life. "
Pucci looks at you in fear when he sees the world around him began to fade away, he looks at his hands and sees it become transparent. "I-impossible!? How?! You not supposed to be a Stand user! " He glares at you.
"I don't. " You remove your hand from your neck showing your healed throat. "At least when I'm still alive." You slowly stand up. "My Stand only can be activated when I near-death experience. "You open your arms showing the world that slowly disappearing.
|Made in Heaven], |Mercy and Genocide |
Allow me to reset the time and start back at last save a life I make. "You smiles at him, "And you know what my last save a life is? " Pucci began to sweat at your question.
"Exactly before I divorce with Jotaro and two weeks before he goes to prison. " You smirked.
"See you in another [ Timeline ], Enrico Pucci."
You take a deep breath, snapping open your eyes. You slowly exhale, you rub your face tiredly. "....I hate using my Stand. " You mumble, looking around your room.
You remember exactly that this is the day Jotaro asks about the divorce paper you give him. " [ Name ], we need to talk. " You hear Jotaro's voice outside your room.
You let out a sigh and open the door to see the panic Jotaro, he show you the paper, "W-what the meaning of this? " He asks voice cracked a bit."A-are you going to leave me? Why? "
You look at the ground, after the Reset, you feel like an idiot when you think back about it. Asking for divorce only because he didn't make time for you or Jolyne. You always look at your story but you never understand Jotaro's story. You remember how broken is he, begging you to stay with him.
"I love you, I love our daughter. So, why? "Despite the stoic face he put, now you can see how afraid is he, the ocean blue eyes glistening with a tear.
You take the paper from him," You never being here for us. You never make time with me and Jolyne, you always busy with your job. Even when Jolyne in court you never be there for her.. "You say, looking him in the eye. You can see the regret in his eyes.
you smile softly at him, "Or so what I thought. "You tear the paper apart, throwing it on the floor.
"I never understand you, but that what makes me fall in love with you. How stupid of me to part away with the man that I swear to love with all my heart. " You cup his face, staring at him lovingly.
"I love you too, Jotaro. I always love you. So, how about we visit Jolyne, together? "
Jotaro grabs your hand that on his cheeks, nuzzling on the palm of your hand, he then places a soft kiss on it, smiling softly.
"I love that. Let's go, this time, we meet her as a parent. "
Jotaro need a freaking love, man. He. Need. A. Rest.
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shizuka-jo · 4 years
Vampire Jolyne scenario 
Jolyne x Female Reader
It’s short and kinda doesn’t go anywhere, but I couldn’t focus bc all I could think about was Jolyne as a vampire and how hot that’d be tbh. 
A gush of wind pushed past your body as you looked up at the cloudy night sky. The soft song of your giggle echoed into the dark, empty space before you turned around and found her standing at the end of the street. Her fists were scrunched up, her nails biting into the palms of her hands. “Been a while,” you told her, leaning against the light post. 
She spat at the ground, a growl apparent on her lips as she made her way closer towards you. The green of her hair was fluorescent against the rest of the dark, silky strands. Your fingers began to ache as you stretched them out at the thought of her head on your lap. 
“So, did you find it?” 
A sound finally escaped her as a chuckle left her lips. “More than that.” 
The definition of the muscles on her arms was deepened under the dim light as she stepped under the light post. Your arm almost hugged to the wood of it, letting it bite against your skin as you took in the sight of her. 
A smirk pulled up the corner of her mouth, “Like what you see?” 
All you could do was focus on remembering to breath. With a cloudy mind, you asked her, “Why?” 
“The old man was hiding this secret from me. I needed to know why.” A hint of her usual tone slipped through her words as she threw her arms up into the air. She was still Jolyne, regardless of what had happened. 
“So,” you started, pulling away from the light post and standing closer to her, “You’re a vampire now?” 
Her teeth glinted, her canines now sharper than ever as her smile grew wide. “Would you like to find out?” 
The humor in her eyes warmed the fear that had been bubbling in the pit of your stomach. Now the usual butterflies that fluttered within you replaced it, and you were left speechless for a moment. Your crush on Jolyne hadn’t dimmed and as you watched the light illuminate her face, it was easy to tell that it wasn’t ever going to dissipate. “What kind of powers do you have now?” 
Once again, her playful eyes bounced, “There’s a few I’d like to try,” she said. Within just the blink of her eye, you suddenly felt her frozen breath on your neck. “If you’d let me,” she whispered into your ear. A hand pressed gently against your back, trailing the curves of your body before finally resting low on your hips. 
Spinning around in her hold, your arms instinctively came up around her shoulders. A light blush gathering on your cheeks. “So, where are you staying for the night?” 
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