#i rewatched s3 and yes I cried
mtndw-whteout · 5 months
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destiel-wings · 7 months
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are your thoughts on angel x buffy? :)
Hii i don't mind, thank you for asking 😊
So, I used to love bangel sooooo much when i first watched the show. I was 100% into it, (with a crush for Boreanaz too) and i cried so much for them in s2 and when Angel left the show in s3. And I truly, sincerely, unironically hated Spike too (I thought he was a great character but i just loved hating him, you know? Lol). When we saw Spike's dream of kissing Buffy I swear i felt nauseous.
... and then they aired Fool for love.
By the end of that episode I was left in utter existential crisis in front of my tv because i felt my whole world shift. There was a part of me that still liked Angel and Buffy, but there was also this new part that wanted her to be with Spike now.
So anyway, that's when i decided to switch teams and i became team spuffy, and for as much as i had been obsessed with bangel before, it was nothing compared to how deep i was caught into the Buffy and Spike relationship. I never looked back. They were just much more complex and real and compelling. And it made me reevaluate Angel and her relationship with him too. Angel never really knew Buffy, always treated her like a child, and let's be honest--and that's something that hit me only years later when I got older--she was a child when they were together. He was spying on her and falling in love with her when she was just fifteen years old and he was a 240-year-old vampire who had been sired at like 26 years old, and they got together when she was 16/17 and he broke up with her when she turned 18... I don't think that's something the writers did intentionally of course, because (as everything else in buffy) it's just meant to be taken as a metaphor for the ideals and struggles and the intensity of drama of a girl's first love, but it still comes off as icky.
And before anyone comes at me, I know spuffy isn't healthy either, but that's kinda the point and the appeal. First of all, it's fiction and a metaphor, and secondly, it's about two broken people that are supposed to be mortal enemies but are actually two sides of the same coin, so different and yet so much the same, who can understand each other as a whole, light and darkness, in a way that no one else ever could, who yes, hurt each other along the way, but whose love saved them from the deepest darkness, ultimately bringing them into the light.
This is what spuffy is to me, and this is why i think it's not only the superior ship, but one of the best ships of all time (thee best, until i saw destiel, now they're sharing the podium).
So anyway, to get back to your question, the moment i became obsessed with Buffy and Spike (and i have been ever since 2005, lmao, they've been my first real obsession, alongside btvs, until spn and destiel) Angel sort of became the enemy 😅. And I hated him so so so so so much when he appeared in 7x21 and kissed Buffy (pure fanservice, but okay) and brought the medallion that ultimately killed Spike. So i spent years very maturely holding my vendetta against Angel (like, rooting for every demon that fought against him when I watched Angel, lmaoo). In most recent years, I've (sort of) made my peace with the character, after rewatching Angel. I mean he's still the enemy (of course, duh!! Who am i if not eternally petty??) but i appreciate him in his own show.
So i don't ship Angel and Buffy anymore, but I can understand why someone would (as i myself used to), and more importantly, i respect other people's right to ship them.
If we're joking, I'm going to insult Angel and keep saying he's the enemy. But on a mature serious note, I think Buffy and Angel were a great first love (for Buffy), but they were supposed to be just that, the impossible teenage girl's dream of a first love, eternal but doomed to end and break your heart.
I think Angel was much more well paired with Cordelia (which is something I'd never think I'd say), and i found myself shipping them so much when I rewatched the show. It felt so much more mature and profound than what we saw with Buffy and Angel (and that's probably due to the fact that we got slow burn for them - as we did for Buffy and Spike- and could actually see the feelings growing, while Buffy crushed on Angel in the pilot and she was madly in love (as teenagers do) in 0.5 seconds for no apparent reason than the fact that he was hot and mysterious.
So when I say the kiss in btvs 7x21 makes zero sense, I'm not just talking about spuffy, but also about cangel. I feel like both characters parted ways and lived on in their own shows to grow and become their own persons, developing other relationships that were more adult and meaningful, and that kiss was just disrespectful for both (but anyways, it doesn't change anything).
I have so many thoughts about all this honestly, and I hope I haven't gone too much off the tangent with my reply, but i couldn't just give you a simple reply because that would've had to be something like "angel is the enemy and i don't like bangel" but as you can see my thoughts are a little more complex than that 😅
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moonstrider9904 · 5 months
And so, the last Bad Batch Eve falls upon us.
It is surreal to think that a show that has meant so much to me for three years will come to an end. I've talked about how meaningful TBB is to me many times, and I most certainly will in the future, but I didn't want to pass on the opportunity to do it on the last Bad Batch Eve we'll officially have.
The night before Aftermath premiered, I'd struggled with some pretty bad anxiety. In the weeks following after that and throughout the first season, I dealt with depression and anxiety being diagnosed as well as an ear infection the doctor attributed to said mental illnesses. I went through a pretty bad breakup. The lockdowns were at their peak where I was. But despite that being a rough time, I also vividly remember being in my room at home, my favorite place in the world, eating my favorite food and drinking my favorite relaxing tea, hearing it rain outside, wearing my favorite hoodie and my PJs, watching/rewatching those season 1 episodes. Seeing Crosshair deal with the inhibitor chip seemed to echo some of what I was going through, i.e. having something in your head you couldn't really control. I wondered how afraid he must have felt, and I sympathized with him.
During S2, as Crosshair was off with the Empire, I was off living in my hometown the first time, away from my true home and my family, and I have to admit I was very lost during that time. I did make mistakes. I did return home, and I left it again, albeit now more ready, more prepared, more stable. But it was still a second time leaving home.
S3 Crosshair has all but solidified my intent in going back home and not freaking leaving and I really hope the day in which I can return home to my family the way he did is sooner rather than later. Seeing him grow, own up to his mistakes, forgive and be forgiven, learn to control what's in his head, and heal, feels like a very fitting peak to a journey, a journey that had and still has its ups and downs.
And let's not forget the writing and the fandom. I have written things I didn't think I'd write, things I've loved so much that part of me wants to go back in time and rewrite to experience the joy of doing it all over again (looking at Moonlight here lol). I have also made gifs, which I didn't ever imagine doing! I edited music videos and crack meme compilations, which I had wanted to do for years. Fear not, I'll keep doing all of that - slowly, yes, but not with any less love. Y'all are stuck with me. 😁🩷
And as if all I've mentioned wasn't already very valuable, I cannot forget all the beautiful, wonderful, amazing people I've met because of this show. People who I've learned from, laughed with, cried with, fangirled with, gamed with... every single one of you has been the icing on the cake, the lattice on the pie, the parmesan on the pasta. You have all truly made this worth it and make me love being in the fandom. You give what I do a greater purpose, and you have become people I am happy to call moots and friends. I am over the moon that this show allowed me to cross paths with you. @photogirl894 @rebekadjarin @darthzero22 @arctrooper69 @jedi-hawkins @stardustbee @s-pirth-lemonade @eloquentmoon @sageislostinspring @nahoney22 @freesia-writes @kimageddon @emperor-palpaminty @rainydaydream-gal18 @imabeautifulbutterfly @paperback-rascal @pankeki-25 @dragonrebelrose @dragonrider9905 @questforgalas @lightwise @zoruui @nunanuggets @misogirl828 and everyone else 🩵
I love The Bad Batch and what it's done for my life in so many aspects. I love these characters for their growth and because they were there for me when nobody was, and because they brought me to so many amazing people. I am grateful that this show exists and I cannot wait to keep creating all the stuff I have planned, writing or otherwise.
Thank you, Clone Force 99, and thank you everyone for being a part of this journey!
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rapha-reads · 2 months
IWTV rewatch
Season 1 episode 7 [The Thing Lay Still] - part 2/3
[Louis] "So much would be written about that grim night in New Orleans, but not a single mention of our last hour at Latrobe's, as if the only crime unfit to print took place on that dance floor." - and what do we say to homophobia, both "period-typical" and current? FUCK OFF.
It's the way they cannot… Aaah, need to say it in French, sorry. Use your translation tool. Ils ne peuvent pas se quitter des yeux un seul moment, même pas quand leurs pas de danse les forcent à se tourner le dos, Louis fermant les yeux jusqu'à ce qu'il soit de nouveau face à Lestat, ou qu'ils doivent se tenir l'un à côté de l'autre, leurs regards irrémédiablement attirés l'un par l'autre, comme deux aimants, magnétiques et plus fort que tout.
[Louis] "It was my sole duty to distract Lestat, but in his mirrored eyes, the distraction reflected back onto me. And in the dead center of the whispering gallery, I lost the thread to my plotting and fell once more into the well with no bottom. I was his, and he was mine."
I haven't said a word about Jacob's voice acting yet. But the way Louis' voice is so soft and slow. As if Louis is lost in his memories and back there, feeling all the love and the frenzy of that night, but also the pain and grief of the long decades since.
- Oof, I'm barely midway through the episode. I'm pausing it so much to not miss a single line that my player is starting to complain.
- "'Claudia, born 1903, I drank the water in 1917. I'm 36 years old.' 'Louis de Pointe du Lac. Born in 1878.i drank of the water in 1910. I am 61 years old now.' 'Lestat de Lioncourt, born 1760. I drank the waters in 1794. 180 years old… this coming November.'"
Ooooh, canon divergence! Not Louis and Claudia, them, we know, but Lestat. Born 1760 but turned in 1780 at 20 years old in the book. Interesting! I wonder why that change. There's another element given in s2, when Armand's writing his little Lesmand fanfic, but otherwise I guess s3 will give us an answer to why that tiny time change.
Meanwhile Tom fucking Anderson continues to be a nuisance.
Love the music. Love the blood. Love the violence. Love the magnificent entrance of the three, in white and red. Vampires are freaking cool and the werewolf crowd can bite my a… Ahem, sorry, werewolf buddies. I got carried away.
- Aaaand goddamn Antoinette about to make her entrance. Aaaargh. But also I am very bi and she is very hot so I can't entirely hate her.
- [Lestat]"'Quite drunk this one. Rosemary… And something else. What is it, my love?' [Louis] 'I… I think it's gin.' [Lestat] 'I wasn't talking to you.'"
Bitch how dare you call someone else your love right in front of Louis, I'm offended.
Oh, wait, actually I can perfectly hate Antoinette, GET YOUR HANDS OFF CLAUDIA.
- [Claudia] "'Lestat… You must think me an idiot. 'She was at the ball tonight.' Not just the ball. You shoulda let that train go, Uncle Les.' [Lestat] 'How? Who?' [Claudia] 'He who called you him… Always the petty lights with you, Uncle Les.'"
Ah, I knew I hated Tom Anderson for more than his slimy, racist, homophobic ways. Nice planning, Claudia!
- Ooh, oh, no, baby, not the cane sword, no no no no. I hate (not) when the foreshadowing comes full circle.
- [Lestat] "Louis! We are joined by a cord, by a cord that you cannot see, but it is real. It is real. I have loved you… with all myself. I'm happy it was you… here with me… à la fin."
No but can you imagine Lestat's anguish, the pure suffering and desperation he must have felt? Yes, yes, I know he's done plenty of wrongs, he's hurt Louis and Claudia a lot, he made mistakes after mistakes, he was prone to anger and abuse and violence.
But à la fin he's still a little boy who was neglected by his mother, abused by his father, hated by his first love, kidnapped and raped by his maker, hurt and threatened by the first vampires he's met, and was so lonely, afraid and hurt he didn't know how to love honestly even though he was deeply in love.
"Are we the sum of our worst moments", can we not feel pity and sadness for the monster in the woods? Can we not show kindness to the monster even after he's slapped our hand away, isn't kindness what could make the monster accept the hand?
I wrote a thesis about kindness being the true core of the story of Beauty and the Beast last year, about how it's true kindness and not love that Beast relearns how to be human and builds the self-esteem and self-respect needed to truly fall in love with Belle and have her fall in love with him in turn (there's more to my thesis, it's a 100 pages long, but that's the main point I wanted to make), and I can't help but draw parallels with Lestat.
Beauty and the Beast is French and it was first written in 1740, then rewritten and condensed (from 125 pages to barely 30) in 1756. Lestat definitely must have heard the tale, by the 1770s, 1780s, it was quite popular both in noble salons as in lowlier classes.
Do you think he ever fancied himself the Beast, and saw Louis as his Beauty? Do you think he ever thought he was cursed - despite claiming he never saw his condition as a vampire as a curse - and saw Louis as his salvation? Do you think he felt the fairy tale shatter irreparably around him when he realised that this time he could not keep Louis with him? Do you think in 1945 at the trial he saw himself as the Beast freed from his curse finally, heard and avenged, only to then realise that the curse was still there and stronger than ever because he had deeply misunderstood it? Do you think he spent 77 years living off rats in a dilapidated shack in the city that held his heart because his story went from Beauty and the Beast to the Ice Queen, or Koschei the Deathless, heartless and waiting for the one person that could unfroze or unbury his heart?
Ooooh, Lestat versus folktales. I think I can write a whole other thesis with just that idea. Or maybe a series of fics. Too many thoughts.
- [Louis] "The blood poured out of him as it might never pour from a human being… all the blood he had filled himself with. He lay now on his back, his eyes staring wildly at the ceiling, the irises dancing from side to side."
[Louis] "His irises rolled to the top of his head, the white went dim. This horror that had been Lestat… I stared helplessly at it. The thing lay still. There was no point in lingering."
No comment, just… Can you hear in Louis' voice the anguish, still, after so many decades…
- Huh. Bye Antoinette for real I guess, fire doesn't forgive. So no Antoinette at the Court.
- [Louis] "It was as if we'd expected Lestat to disappear in a puff of smoke or get sucked back into hell." - no but see, that's what I'm saying, the fairy tale ended and now you're left facing the very real consequences of the plot you thought you were living. Lestat ain't no fairy tale monster, just a regular (albeit vampiric) one, flesh and blood at the end. This ain't Buffy. Vampires are flesh here, animated flesh and when you kill them by any other means than fire or the sun, you are still left with the painfully visible reminder of the man that was the monster.
[I really like this part because I hadn't thought of the whole Lestat/folktale before and now I'm having a million of ideas knocking around my head.]
ep1 | ep2 | ep3 | ep4 | ep5 | ep6 | part 1 | part 3
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pigeonmilk-216 · 1 year
House MD makes me absolutely FERAL.
For instance, I finished rewatching S3 E15, "Half-Wit", the one when House fakes cancer so he can get high (typical). And
Everyone's response to House potentially dying is EVERYTHING. And displays both the characters and their character growth SO WELL.
Wilson, ofc, is offended that his best friend *cough* *lover* *cough* didn't say anything, and hid it. And something I think (and forgive me if this is not actually how it went down to everyone else, it's 1am and I have brainrot) is really interesting, is that beyond Wilson giving House shit for not saying anything, Wilson doesn't give any of the platitudes that everyone else gives. We don't see Wilson trying to "fix" anything or say, "House your dying, can we have an actual human connection for once?". No no, Wilson just lets him be.
Now, either Wilson is pissed and reeling from this news , and is just distancing himself (which tbh feels ooc, like House has crossed worse lines before, and Wilson deals with cancer everyday, idk).
OR you can look at the option of Wilson knows House well enough (and cancer, let's be real) that trying to fix it, won't change anything, that coming up to House and trying to "console" him won't do anything. House is House, and Wilson KNOWS THAT. Wilson knows that if House really and truly wants a conversation about it, or any comfort, House will just be like, " Yo, can we go get wasted?" and that's that.
And Cuddy, I feel like, is the middle ground between how Wilson and the kids react. She doesn't go out of her way to say something, but in an almost hand-on-the- doorknob-as-I'm-leaving type way does she say something. AND THEN THEIR BANTER IN THE HALL IS FUCKING EVERYTHINGG. And her FUCKING smile as House grabs her ass (istg I can only say this in real action to this fucking show) but still dismissing him coming to the bedroom with her
Like both her and Wilson and obviously hurt, right, but they don't outright change their behavior toward House or anything, but they accept it (kind of) and don't go out of their way to change anything,
I love Chase's moment. He's just like, "Dad, shut up and let me hug you" AND FUCKING STARTS CRYING
He's like, "Goddammit, I'm going to lose two of my parentals to this cancerous bullshit. Tf."
YOU CAN SEE HOUSE REALIZING THAT, "oh shit, they really care and this is really going to hurt them" LIKE WHAT THE HELL. MY HEART, FUCK THIS SHOW WTH
And I love how Cameron is shown in this episode, over the first three seasons, we can see her kinda of coming to her own, and learning from House, so instead of like, backing down from helping House she just fucking kisses him so she can steal his blood. Like. YES CAMERON. GET IT.
And tbh I feel like House is low key proud of Cameron for a moment in a "she is taking after me" type way.
And Foreman trying not to care, but caring the whole time, and HIS FACE WHEN HES TELLING HOUSE HE DOESNT HAVE CANCER. LIKE. JXNKSCVJVXFBJKBFVSKJ
And I just love everyone's reaction five seconds later when they realize
"House is an addict. Right. Fucking this was a sham, fuck"
Cameron is crestfallen, outraged. Foreman is slightly pissed but completely nonplussed almost? Like a I should have expected this/this is such a House thing, which is why I dislike the man. And his sarcastic response is EVERYTHING And, Chase, oh Chase. He's so disbelieving and hurt. Like my baby I'm so sorry.
And House like really understanding how much this hurt them, and kinda of being a fucking TOTAL IDIOT and like slightly scared I feel but arrogant enough to just fucking like. Trying to blame so he doesn't feel guilty (he does) pushing them away so he doesn't have to face consequences (he's spiraling) and and after Wilson (finally) talks to him, having to stop and THINK about how fucking miserable is he really (he's such and idiot) and just AHHH
And honestly, Ilove how House interacts with the patient in the episode, it's on par with the boy who had autism earlier this season. Like the piano part is what really intrigues him, but still goes forth to give him his life back. Idk, just felt special.
Okay, um so thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Idk what happened.
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 13 omg we're in the teens now 😯
let's go batchers 🤟 my phone is on 66% again and my internet is SHOCKING why does technology hate me 🙃
the Bad Batch 1x09
Hunter sounds so feral I'm-
I could be wrong ?? but I'm pretty sure every ep so far has started with the marauder flying ??
not the batch hesitating to jump 😭
Cad Bane locked Omega in a cell 😡 let our baby out
YES LITTLE FERAL BABY she gets it from Hunter
she's so sassy 💅
at least he polite "at your service" "little lady"
pfftt poor Todo
Daaad Taun We's here
Lama Su I'm gonna terminate you 😡
Omega is so much like Tech rn telling Todo how to fix his leg
Echo recognising Cad Bane 👀
I love it when they call Omega "the kid" 🥺
Jango mention 👀
Tech Omega dramatic sigh count: 5 (this ep lmao)
"my treatment is perfectly adequate" ~ Todo 😂
Omega misaligned his leg on purpose she's so smart fr 🥰
Tipoca city x cloud city 👀
Cad Bane: *realises Omega is gone* *angry toothpick noises*
AHHHH STOP 😭😭😭 when they hear Omega's voice on the comms Hunter and Echo turn to each other like 😯 they all move so quickly I just 😫😭
"by hook or by crook" ~ Cad Bane is really a fairytale villain lol
Omega and Hunter screaming for each other 🥲😫😭 screaming tearing my hair out flipping my bed throwing my phone to mars
Omega is so sad about Taun We 💔
Fennec Shand vs Cad Bane 👀 round 2 when ??
this is honestly such a great fight scene tho 👌
Omega seeing her reflection in the cloning tubes ... it's like poetry it rhymes
was that Tech or Echo flying 👀 some sort of spinny flippy Tech Turn
do we know any history of this cloning facility in the Lido system ??
surely Cad Bane knows where Boba is ?? does anybody know where Boba is rn ?? s3 ?? 🤞
Fennec: *knocks Cad Bane's hat back* Cad Bane: *growls*
lmao Omega jumping on Todo 💀 she's a perfect fit for the bad batch fr
Omega limping to the flight pods 🥺
Todo is so funny pls 😂 shout out to Seth Green for voicing him 🙌
Cad Bane's rocket boots where do I get some asking for a friend
Wrecker pulling her out by her hands 🥺
Omega hugging Hunter and him wincing 😫😭
"are you okay Omega? are you hurt?" Hunter learned this from Cut 🥺🤲💕
"Hunter you have to tell her" ~ Echo realising Omega is grown up enough to handle that kind of information and them respecting her enough to tell her the truth 💕🥰
lmao when did Fennec have time to sabotage Cad Bane's ship
Nala Se hiring Fennec to keep Omega away from Lama Su 👑
where is Echo sleeping ???
Omega: "I don't want to end up an experiment in a tube" Hunter: "that's not going to happen" Omega: "you can't fight them all" okay what if I cried forever
she turns her face away when she says that last one and he turns her whole chair around to face him 🥺🤲
he said "I promise" with such confidence PLS- 😭 I am BEGGING for s3 👀 I'm not even gonna say it I'm not risking jinxing anything
I am so totally completely normal about this whole episode !!! the bounty hunters the fight scenes the familiar faces (shout out to the queen herself Rena Owen 👑💕)
not long to go for s3 now my friends !!
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I think @kennyomegasweave tagged me in this OTP meme like...months ago? And I just found it half-finished in my drafts and decided to actually get it done.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore? 20s, not my teens, but I used to be utterly obsessed with Jack/Kent from Check Please and now, IDEK what happened. I still love them, but I have old fic I saved and never read and can't bring myself to care anymore. IDK it makes me sad.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one? Hmm probably Betsy/Joe from the Betsy Tacy series or Anne/Gilbert from Anne of Green Gables? My first ships when I actually got into fandom were Sawyer/Kate and Sara/Grissom from CSI.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple? Magnus/Alec!!! I never thought I would write fic and then I watched season 1 of Shadowhunters and banged out (lol) 7 fics and almost 30k of porn in less than 2 months in 2016. They all have an insane number of hits (like. the highest has 54,878 hits and the lowest has 15,836 hits.........) and I still get kudos on them almost every day, it's wild.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over? Genuinely no idea, but the first one in my fan art tag is Katniss/Peeta from 2012 <3
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse? My first instinct whenever I see someone talk about something I don't like is to mute/block, so perhaps not actively, but I'm sure I have at some point.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently? LOL. Yes. I still fucking HATE Jack/Kate from Lost and always will. Also Dan/Blair from Gossip Girl. Lately...I'm such a multi-shipper but I gotta say Kate/Anthony from Bridgerton bc I've genuinely had to restrain myself from bitching about how much I hate them SO many times since s3 came out lol.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read? I finished a rewatch of Beyond Evil last night so I've been rereading some of my old bookmarks bc I've read almost everything that's out there 😔. Shout out to the masterpiece simple & clean by whir.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs? So many!!! Taemin/Kai is still my #1, but also Juwon/Dongsik from Beyond Evil, PatPran from Bad Buddy (it took me several episodes to actually get into the show but once I did I cried...so much over them and how much they love each other LOL), KunTen from WayV, Louis/Lestat...I feel kinda bad that I don't have a major current f/f OTP but I'm literally checking my kpop tags multiple times a week for rule 63 fic and most of my current WIPs are rule 63 f/f so there's that. (Two KunTen including what hopefully is gonna be a long one, plus a Jigyu I started yesterday for a fest that I'm hoping I'll be able to get done - not because of the length, but because I've never written Seventeen before)
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together? So many??? I feel like I have to say Dean/Cas.......Lee/Kara never really got together so them for sure. Sawyer/Kate from Lost even though I 100% choose to believe they got together post-canon pre-flash-sideways. Oh my god I'm looking through my "forever bitter" tag and it's a lot of Cooper/Audrey from Twin Peaks as I expected, but I forgot about Mini/Franky from Skins. and ABSOLUTELY THEM. Everything about series 5 was terrible but that especially.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting? IDK I feel like I don't usually change my mind like that. I wouldn't go as far as saying "kind of interesting" but I guess I don't hate Bree/Roger from Outlander AS much on the show as I did in the books lol.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over? Hmm...Cesare/Lucrezia maybe? If not them almost definitely Norma/Dylan from Bates Motel LOL.
12. What was your favorite crack ship? I was gonna say I couldn't remember any that truly fit this definition, but then I remembered the Kent Parson/Claude Giroux series #dirtbags and that was great. Actually no my real answer is Syd/Richie from The Bear. Now *I* don't think it's a crackship but they have that vibe.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of? Here's a side by side view of my most bookmarked ships vs the tags I have saved rn on my front page. Unfortunately you can only have 20 but I think it's a pretty good representation. (Other than the ENHA ship, where I legit don't know anything about them or frankly even what they look like, but that tag produces so much incredible unhinged porn that I read canon-blind.)
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common? I feel like I have several different ~types, but: friends to lovers, I LOVE bicker-y couples, age gap relationships, especially when one of them is a mentor-ish figure, and power dynamics in general.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship? Nice Guy characters, whether they're a guy or a girl. The OG example is Xander (duh) and Chloe from Smallville but you also see it with characters like Sol on My Stand In...there's def more things I hate but that's one of most major ones for me.
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murdrdocs · 3 months
can we pls hear your season 3 thoughts 🫶
yes yes yes ofc. spoilers below!!
in general: i feel like s3 was as filler season that showed carmy's regression (in a way) as a chef and a person. if it weren't for luca and richie i probably would've tapped out after ep 6. i also think it was very beautiful and has a few episodes that i'll definitely be rewatching (ep1, ep5, ep6, ep8)
plot wise i thought this season felt a lot slower than the first two. i feel like this season was a bit of a filler season, and felt v much similar to limbo in a way. we had a major thing happen in the first season, a major thing happen in the second, and then this season was just kind of there. but i both like and dislike that. i think if any other show released s3 then it would really weaken the overall run but i dont think s3 of the bear was weak i just thought it was slow.
i think it was very artistically beautiful, especially ep 1. i really liked that episode ive never rlly seen an episode of a show like that before. i liked the more peaceful look into carmy's training (copenhagen carmy!!! and when he was w that one chef and he wore the hat :(( so sweet).
character wise specifically carmy, oh i was fuming. hes so childish once again, he's so stubborn, but i adored how the end was able to show carmy that he wasn't becoming a good person he was just becoming jeff (winger ... i never call the old chef by his real name i always call him jeff bc joel plays jeff in community. i think the chef's name is david).
im praying that sydney stays w the bear bc she could make a difference w adam and it would definitely be easier, but i dont think it would be as rewarding if she didn't do it w everyone at the bear.
no complaints abt the writing. i always believe the writers know what they're doing so i generally have no complaints.
i also cried a bit during ep10. im thinking abt getting an every second counts tattoo. i need to live a happy domestic like w luca in copenhagen or wherever he wants to go.
edit actually:
im back bc ... no what was that ??? like it was shot very nice yeah but there was no development on carmy at all. if there was development it's not gonna happen until after the fuck ass to be continued. im still stuck on carmy and claire because ... claire rlly fucked shit up. i get why claire was added but .. why like why was her character needed in s2?? there just wasn't much development on anyone like at all. marcus' mom died and we barely got marcus scenes. we should've spent more time w him. i liked the sug episode but it was kinda boring im ngl. sydney my beloved could never do anything wrong but atp w the way things r going i want her to go w adam like carmy is dragging everyone else down w him. talking abt perfection and nonnegotiables. anyway idk at the end of the day im just a viewer so ... nothing we can do but wait another year
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beevean · 7 months
Let's do this: top 10 most hated NFCV characters counting both shows
As a bonus, if you're willing to: top 10 worst episodes
I think I did a top 5 worst characters for both shows but I can do it again :P
11) Drolta. She doesn't do anything egregious, in fact she's kind of tolerable, but she stole Isaac's drip. And for that, I will forever be salty :) (also yeah I couldn't decide for #10 so I added one, whatcha gonna do about it)
10) Sumi and Taka. Ah yes, these two Japanese people who look identical are most assuredly not related, they are just Japanese! Aside from that, they are the emblem of S3's utter failure: they add nothing of importance except for a gratuituous (and OOC) rape scene that is supposed to send the message "humans suck, trusting is for fools"... that in on itself doesn't change a thing, because Alucard is fine afterwards. But hey, you got your bi rep! Aren't you happy with this show's representation? :)
9) Emmanuel. This guy is just stupid. Just because you lampshade how absurd it is to ally yourself with vampires because you think the Revolution is "godless", it doesn't make it any less absurd. We're still at this level of shallow, childish CHURCH BAD.
8) Sypha. You're not cute when you insult Trevor. Stop it. I remembered her being nicer than she actually was :( during the rewatch she was painful, constantly complaining, defending Alucard from Trevor rather than the other way around (but still ditching him when he needed company because yay adventures!!!), and acting bossily with her bf because that's the only kind of character they can write here. Also she's OP af and that's not fun.
7) Maria. Does she even have a personality beyond stereotypical Twitter communist teen? Good god girl shut up you are nothing more than useless backdrop!
6) Carmilla. In theory, she could be an interesting unapologetic female villain who reacted to her trauma with rage rather than sorrow, a female Dracula but even pettier. In practice, she is the parody of a radfem written by a man with zero respect for women, so you can imagine that she isn't exactly nuanced. I hate that Dracula and his boytoys were made to be absolute dumbasses for her to win, only for her to conclude effectively nothing. villain.exe
5) Alucard. You absolute cunt. Am I supposed to like, or worse being attracted to, this piece of shit who spends his time insulting Trevor and treating him like dog shit under his shoe? He has zero of the effortless charm of the real Alucard, but I'm supposed to root for him because he's hot when he cries all boobily. Fuck off with your disingenous fanservice. (also his design is atrocious and the artstyle doesn't flatter him at all)
4) Erzsébet. Literally an OC made by a 5 yo. Look at her! She's so cool and special! She's older than Dracula, stronger than Dracula, more evil than Dracula, more dangerous than Dracula, and she turns into an invincible Sun Thundercat! Yeah good job, but you forgot to give her a personality.
3) Annette. She is not a character. She is nothing more than accurately engineered discourse bait. I refuse to acknowledge this shallow attempt at "badass representation" that I am supposed to like on the sole basis of her race and gender. I am so tired of Stronk Women that are actually giant assholes, all flash and no substance.
2) Isaac. I will concede that he has the most coherent character arc of all characters, but aside from that, he pisses me off something fierce for how overrated he is. Forgettable design, pretentious as fuck, spouting faux-philosophical quotes to hide how petty he is, basically a jihadist in S3, wakes up one day in S4 and suddenly he's Muslim Jesus, disgustingly OP because the narrative finds every way to suck his shiny dick... and his amazing arc that everyone praises him for, the thing that makes him "better than that stupid gay joker from CoD"? It's just a worse version of Hector's from the mangas, which left him Hector here with no arc to speak of. Get him out of my sight.
1) Lenore. Her concept is great. She is an intriguing foil to both Carmilla and Hector, and incarnates an unique type of villainy: she is amoral, kind for her own selfish purposes, with understandable goals but willing to do anything to achieve them. I want to like her. Too bad she is a disgusting, repulsive, inconsistent, bratty rapist that I am supposed to feel sorry for because oh, she's not so bad after all :) she did everything for Hector's own good :) she's not actually evil :) she deserved to smooch the man she raped into slavery, don't you feel bad that she sunned herself like a selfish coward :) Lenore begs to be rewritten by someone who doesn't jerk off to abusive dommy mommies, but in her canon state, she makes me ill.
Now for the episodes :P
10) The Great Work (S4E7): I never watched it because it's boring as shit, which speaks of the terrible pacing of this show and especially S4. I know it has the infamous "vampires dislike crosses because their vision is fucked up" scene lmao
9) The River (S2E6): It's the episode where the zombie bishop resurrected by a dark necromancer who is now working for a vampire with plans of enslaving mankind is apparently favored by God to the point of being able to bless water. Do I need to say more? Well, it's also the episode where the heroes suddenly remember they are supposed to do shit and hack into Dracula's castle, and the episode that fully cements Dracula as an ineffectual pathetic antagonist easily manipulable by the real villain, no I don't care that he's kinda cool in For Love. (at least the scene with Carmilla avoiding the river and the castle is fun to watch)
8) Bless Your Dead Little Hearts (S3E1): The beginning of Alucard's and Trepha's plotlines, two utter mindnumbing wastes of time, and Hector's plotline, which is the show beating me over the head with a nail bat while screeching "LOOK HOW PATHETIC HECTOR IS! LOOK AT THIS PITIFUL WET CAT! LOOK AT HIM COWERING NAKED IN A CELL EATING MOLDY BREAD! FEEL SORRY FOR HIM!". Just unpleasant for all sorts of reasons.
7) It's Been A Strange Ride (S4E10): Trevor miraculously survives Death! Alucard is happy to live with his new bossy gf as if nothing ever happened! Lenore suns herself just for a final kick in the balls to Hector, whose character will forever be remembered as "useless simp"! And most importantly, Dracula and Lisa get to live again as if the dude didn't just try to exterminate mankind, and they will have endless kinky sex until she dies while Alucard will forever mourn his parents but no one gives a shit about that because we love to piss on the games! :D
6) Old Homes (S2E2): It has the double combo "Alucard being the biggest moistest cunt to Trevor while we're supposed to laugh at this hilarious banter" and "Carmilla girlbossily girlbosses all over Dracula who can't even punish this vampire who insults his wife in front of everyone, establishing herself as the cooler villain"! Joy!
5) The Good Dream (S3E6): "Walkies! :D"
4) Back In The World (S4E5): It's the one with the infamous "Oh, shush, you were having fun" :) and all the Lenore apologism that follows :)
3) You Don't Deserve My Blood (S4E6): I get it. Isaac is Jesus and I should drop to my knees to suck his entire dick. Good thing this is his last appearance. Other than that, this episode is the last nail in the coffin for what was left of Hector's character, who is revealed to have been working to resurrect Dracula (a complete spit in the face to everything he stood for in S2) and also chooses to stay with his rapist instead of seeking true freedom.
2/1) The Harvest (S3E9)/Abandon All Hope (S3E10): It's hard to separate the two, and I wouldn't know which one is worse. The Harvest is infamous for being half boring fight scenes, and half "hot" sex scenes that are actually rape by deception: the entire episode is simply uncomfortable to sit through, not helped by the shoddy editing. Abandon All Hope is the season finally dropping its final message: "the world sucks, and you will be betrayed". Everyone except babyboy Isaac is left traumatized and cynical because we are so fucking edgy, we are just like Berserk fr fr. And, of course, in retrospect, Alucard and Hector's endings piss me off even more as all of their pain was for fucking nothing :)
(Nocturne is completely forgettable and doesn't reach the peaks of NFCV so it deserves its own ranking)
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madraleen · 9 months
shocking to me as it is, it has come to my attention that, yes, i do prefer to watch completed anime, but when i don't spice it up with weeklies, i feel a void, a lack of "oooh and then what?". i thought i was burned out. i am actually under-stimulated. spy x family is over. jujutsu kaisen is over. i don't have weeklies to look forward to and i am sad.
therefore i will be adding to my watch list: solo leveling, bc i fell for the hype blue exorcist s3, bc i've watched the other two- but i'll do a quick rewatch of s2 first. sengoku youko, bc i saw the va list and cried a little.
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bo-katan · 2 years
I am back :)
been sick on and off for the last 2 years.
Anyway, first sw thing I watched upon my return was Star Wars Biomes. I had absolutely no idea what it was going to be, but it turned out to be a well-need, semi-asmr 18 minute video of planets. Which, for those of you who have been following me for years may know, I absolutely love sw planets.
I haven't seen anything new since the end of Mando s2. So, yes, I even missed all of bad batch AND the kenobi show. Insane, I know!
I rewatched Ahsoka's arc in s5 of tcw for the 10 year anniversary a few days ago. I cried of course. It reminded me of the fact that, for many years, THAT was the end of the show. And it reminded me of how emotional I was when its continuation was announced.
I am currently rewatching Siege of Mandalore and will promptly move on to rewatching Rebels. It just feels right for me to first rewatch and then get into the shows I have missed.
I know mando s3 is currently airing so I'm gonna be avoiding sequel stuff for now.
The Bad Batch and Andor will follow my rebels rewatch. :)
For my fellow book readers: Aside for the High Republic stuff, what else has been released in the last 2 years? I've been so out of the loop and want to get back into sw reading.
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sunlight-avenue · 2 years
So, recently I started rewatching BSD but with my Nephew, so like it’s first time fully watching it instead of the earlier years where he’d see me or his mom watching it together lol 
and his reactions??? amazing! hilarious!! it’s like reliving the experience again tbh but like I also think Dark Era messed him up for real but like.... same??? cuz when he saw Oda during the opening of Dead Apple the kid lost it and cried 
We just gotta sit down and watch more S3 together soon cuz :))) 
The highlights of watching DA tho- during the scene with Kyouka and her mom, he turned to me and said “I’m gonna cry” and I, who was already crying looked at him ((we hugged after)) 
and his 0 hesitation at saying “No. He needs twenty years full time therapy.” about Dazai... THAT’S REALLY MOST OF HIS LIFE NEEDING TO BE COVERED...  this was his reply after his thirteen years full time therapy joke about Atsushi LMAO and after me saying Dazai needed that too  and yes that joke is cuz of the beetlejuice musical 
Also him just being sick of my shit whenever Chuuya showed up LMAO from the first time in the theatres seeing it and then in the comfort of my own home... my reactions stayed the same- GOING CRAZY 
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puppy-phum · 2 years
Reveal Your Watch & Rewatch Drama List
thank you so much for tagging me mor @liyazaki ♥ i did one of these a short while back but i feel like my list has already changed a lot so let’s make another!
tagging: @foxofninetales @s1utspeare @jockvillagersonly @i-am-just-a-kiddo (tho i mostly know yours ♥) @yiling-recesses @eohachu @chusangwoos​ @taeminie @machikeita and @milkpansa ♥ no pressure and if you’ve done this and don’t wish to do it again rn, feel free to link me the previous one! am curious by nature ^^
currently watching
Ms. Cupid in Love - which has been surprisingly nice. i like the atmosphere and the story, the styling suits the characters and i even like all of them. it’s a comedy so it’s silly but i like that for me amongst all these darker things am watching
The Tuxedo - tbh am not sure why am watching this but it does give me weekly amusement for those ~25 minutes haha
Cupid’s Last Wish - now that we finally are getting this on youtube am so ready to break my heart! and possibly laugh. am not sure quite yet how this is going to be but the first ep did get me super emotional
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the gay innuendos in this drama are insane and i love them for it jdfghfjkg
My Country: The New Age - currently a bit on hold bc i am just not emotionally strong enough. but i wish to continue soon
Not Me - putting this here bc i have plans to binge this during the weekend now that i have time for it. ready to get my ass handed to me, again
Theory of Love - also mentioning this here bc i just finished rewatching this and am just. i think this was even better now on my second watch bc you end up looking at many of the scenes very differently when you know things about the characters. surprising to none, i cried my heart out
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i would give my left arm for both of them (and currently that refers to both khaithird and offgun) 
and then some series that i
just finished and look forward to starting
(bc this is my game now and i can do what i want)
You’re My Sky - i’ve had some ups and downs with this one. i was very hyped for this in the beginning as i was positively surprised by how good this series felt. i loooove the cinematography of this and the filming style is just everything to me (i cannot stop looking at the added noise. it makes this show feel like some retro movie). then in the middle i got a bit bored as things seemed to be a bit slow and just circling around the same things. and then ep 11 came along and absolutely ruined me but also recovered my love for this series. it’s a hidden gem. please go watch it if you wish to see how loving sports can shape relationships (especially fah and thorn punched me in the gut with how their relationship gets tied with the sport they both love)
Enchanté - tbh i was not very interested in this one back when it started. the trailer wasn’t that appealing to me and i was still high on bad buddy so i wasn’t ready to start anything i wasn’t 100% into. but i think my curiosity got the best of me once i started seeing gifs of ep 7 or something? looking forward to binging this once the final ep drops 
Semantic Error - my dear aamna already came to tell me that i need to watch this and with all the gifs i’ve seen am very intrigued ^^ just waiting for the right mood to hit one of these days
Kissable Lips - i watched the first ep back when it dropped and didn’t really get into it but maybe now i can watch the whole thing (and cry?)
KinnPorche - i am very curious about this one (also very intrigued by the fact that this airs on iqiyi?? what) and i feel like this comes as a good bday present to me so going into this without expecting anything but ready for everything
Star and Sky: Star in My Mind - after spending the last week with Safe House s3 boys (yes i indeed got up every morning at 6.45am to watch the midday stream, don’t at me), i am looking forward to this a lot now. i would’ve checked this out for joong anyway, but him and dunk seemed to have a good chemistry in the house so now am expecting good things from this ^^ also the trailer looked super angsty so ready to shed a lot of tears 
(not mentioning the dramas we don’t know any dates for yet or those that are happening in the very far away future so this doesn’t become ages long)
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just soft boys. whom i adore. god i’ve missed joong’s pretty face so bad, am still not really sure it’s real that i get to see him again like this ;;
sorry this became so long! am just currently floating in all of my dramas haha. wishing for most of them to just come out Faster. please i beg. (especially Vice Versa has me by the neck and is dragging me across the lawn, i get way too hyped about that ;; like the fact that they’re doing readings now... absolutely insane, throw me to the lake) 
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candyheartdoe · 2 years
Okay but idk if I’ll be able to take it if Paul hates Michael forever. Like I get it but that’s gonna fuck me up
But side note!!!! I really liked s3 that was super good, so so good. sorry unpopular opinion but I really love this show but anyway OHH MY GOODNESS I have so much to say!!
The Georgiou arc!!! I already yelled about that a lot but it was incredible. Just amazing. I still can’t believe I’m gonna say I’ll miss her- but I will!- but I’m real satisfied with that “end”. a mirrorverse spinoff with her would be fucking rad though.
Saru!!! had so much character development which was so neat!! The interactions he had with the Kelpian Elder holo- god I cried when he listened to the lullaby, when the holo Elder pet his head like a child, when he in turn sang the lullaby to Su’Kal. I melted. They both deserve good things.
Adira!!! Gray!!! And Paul and Hugh’s adopting Adira!!! And Hugh getting to meet Gray in the holo program!!!! And Gray crying when Hugh hugged him omg. Yes physical contact yes being seen. Yes being terrified to return to being invisible and non-corporeal 🥲. And Adira making their pronouns known with Paul!! But only when Paul was the only one in the room! And Paul smiling and saying “Okay.” How freaking cute and kind and Real was that?? I can only assume Paul communicated this in some way to the rest of the Discovery family because they all refer to Adira as they/them from that point forward. Anyway these two characters—— these FOUR characters are everything to me (please don’t hate Michael forever I can’t take it)
On that note- MICHAEL’S ARC!!!!!!! God how do I even put that in words? Idk!! Help!!! Honestly I almost want to rewatch the whole show before diving into s4 with her as Captain. She fucking deserves it and I want to see it all over again. But that year!! That missing year of no crew no starfleet no guidelines- just no attachments? That was major for her growth. And yea, yea! She grew back into starfleet but she was better for it. I think I yelled about that a bunch more as I watched it so that’s all I got. Also can I just say? That entire last two episodes? Hoooooooly shit she’s the most badass character I’ve ever ever seen probably. Like holy cow she gets shit done and she is so goddamn clever and quick (did you see her jump that first Regulator? No you didn’t! Neither did he! She was a fucking BLUR and hit that man like A WALL)
Speaking of badasses, SYLVIA TILLY OH ACTING CAPTAIN MY CAPTAIN she deserves the fucking world and a starship of her own. Oh my goodness I almost wish she hadn’t been so quick to hand command over to Michael when they all retook the ship. She was awesome, she was so badass in communications with Osyra and don’t get me started on her own plans even before they were able to communicate with/hear Michael. Also- the morse code bit? The fake argument to overtake the Regulators? “What were you saying?” “I was telling him to keep tapping” slayed me.
I’m out of steam here and this is long. I’ll probably add more later since I didn’t even mention Book yet. Book!!!!!!! And his Queen Grudge!! (Okay but really he’s great and not just because of his giant cat Queen Grudge —also I want you to know that my phone capitalized that on it’s own. Respect Her.)
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aimmyarrowshigh · 3 years
Dark Greetings this Spooky Season Ms. V. Can we get a list of your favorite Halloween movies and specials? I know you have seen *everything* and I am trying to go beyond my usual rewatches this holiday month.
Does the Halloween element combine convincingly with the usual universe of the show (ex: Lizzie McGuire 2x09 “Those Freaky McGuires” is not good as a Halloween episode because it changes the rules of the Lizzie McGuire universe, whereas Community 2x06 “Epidemiology” is a GREAT Halloween episode because it manages to logically introduce zombies to the regular Community universe)?
Does the Halloween element advance the plot of the episode/series (ex: the reason Boy Meets World 5x17 “And Then There Was Shawn” is literally the best Halloween episode ever made is that it uses the horror movie tropes it satirizes to provide a CRUCIAL turning-point to the plot of the show)?
Is the Halloween episode in the forefront enough that it’s clearly a holiday episode (ex: HAVING ONE JACK-O’LANTERN ON A DESK DOES NOT A HALLOWEEN SPECIAL MAKE, LAW & ORDER 16x03 “GHOSTS”! You gotta go ALL-IN, like Bob’s Burgers 3x02 “Full Bars”!)?
Does the Halloween theme balance well between spooky and warm-n-fuzzy (ex: Criminal Minds 11x21 “Mr. Scratch” is too fucking bleak, but Criminal Minds 12x06 “Elliott’s Pond” has a joyous/celebratory tone to the ending despite being a genuinely scary episode)?
Is it generally a well-written, acted, and designed episode of television (ex: Saved by the Bell! 3x26 “Mystery Weekend” is seriously, not exaggerating, the worst thing I’ve ever watched in my life; Psych 1x15 “Scary Sherry, Or Bianca’s Toast” is a triumph of the medium)?
THE BEST, bar none, Halloween special ever made is Boy Meets World 5x17, “And Then There Was Shawn.” Period. There can be no argument, except MAYBE Community 3x06, “Epidemiology,” but I like “And Then There Was Shawn” better because the parody and homage as less… biting? And because I think it continues and addresses the emotional core of the regular BMW season better than “Epidemiology” does for Community s3. “Epi” DOES plant the seed (…heh) for the Season 3B major plot arc of Shirley’s pregnancy and Chang Deciding To Murder, but it gets some major minus points for mocking Yvette Nicole Brown’s weight with other characters’ responses to her costume, tbh. And “And Then There Was Shawn” is just fucking iconic. It is THE Halloween episode manual, IMO, if there were to be a textbook on how to write a perfect Halloween episode for your sitcom.
HOWEVER, I also have to give major props to Bob’s Burgers and Psych, as complete series, for their CONSISTENTLY excellent Halloween episodes. A lot of series that have multiple Halloween eps really phone it in after one or two, because they don’t have any more ideas for how to incorporate Halloween pastiches while maintaining the overall feeling of the series (tbh B99, while the Halloween Heists are excellent in general, is/has been coming very close to this line, and I think that if they HADN’T had to switch out the Heist to Cinco de Mayo in s6, they would have jumped their Heist Shark [and I think they know it, too, because it was lampshaded in the episode itself]) or they just straight-up don’t have any more ideas for what or how to have the characters they’re bound to parody or pay homage to a Halloween thing after they’ve already done one or two. And let’s be real: those one or two have probably been either The Shining or Rear Window, because those are pretty much the two that every show starts with.
Bob’s manages to make every Halloween episode feel very fresh and organic to the series, which I think they do have some leeway to do because of the nature of cartoons keeping the Belchers living a kind of loop of never aging, yk, but amazingly they’ve only done the “Tina feels too old to trick or treat, maybe? Nope, she’s not 14 yet, so there’s still time!” thing in a way that felt tropey once (in 3x02 Full Bars). They’ve been able to address Tina being 13/in 8th grade, and worrying about it being almost too late for her to keep trick or treating, in ways that were in-character and added to the overall episode in 4x02 Fort Night, 5x02 Tina and the Real Ghost, and 9x04 Nightmare on Ocean Avenue Street, without me rolling my eyes at the screen and going “TINA, EVERY SINGLE SHOW WITH A TWEEN IN IT HAS ALREADY DECIDED THAT THE AGE AT WHICH YOU MUST STOP TRICK OR TREATING IS FRESHMAN YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL, COME ON NOW” which… at this point, is a Feat. Because like, I’ve POSTED over a thousand Halloween episodes, right? But I’ve watched and screencapped ::checks folder:: 3,905 Halloween episodes since 2014. Which is, um, a. lot. The ACTUAL BEST Bob’s Burgers Halloween episode is 6x03, “The Hauntening,” which is just… achingly perfect television. I know I’ve posted about it before (probably a couple times tbh) but the way that it aired originally back-to-back with The Simpsons 27x04, “Halloween of Horror,” so that the evening of Sunday cartoons juxtaposed eight-year-old Louise whose family worked so hard to scare her like she wanted with nine-year-old Lisa’s family working so hard to keep her from being too scared and make sure that she felt safe… reader, I FUCKIN CRIED. Little girls being deeply loved while also Spoopy Things!!!!!! IS WHAT HALLOWEEN SPECIALS ARE!!! FUCKIN!!!!!! ABOUT!!!!!!!
Psych, though, has the benefit of not really having any, like… central tone to the series? Beyond “friendship” and “having fun with joking,” tbh? So it’s able to do what a lot of series get docked “points” for in my Foolproof Halloween Special Ratings System That Is Completely Subjective To My Tastes And Mood, which is really just run full-tilt into parody and homage without really worrying about overall tonal connection to the rest of the season or series. 1x15, “Scary Sherry, or, Bianca’s Toast,” while it DOES fall victim to the way-too-common Halloween episode trap of making mental hospitals into a Scary Thing (they are a medical normality and a necessary thing for health for many people and should not be feared), is delightful Spooky Fun AND has the benefit of having Shannon Woodward in it.* We all know by now that if an episode of any show has Shannon Woodward as the guest star, it will by default end up being one of the best, if not THE best, episodes of that series. It’s just how having Shannon Woodward as your guest star rolls. I also really like, with Psych’s Halloween episodes, that quite a few of them understand the underlying thematic scope of Horror, which is “The Monstrous Feminine Is A Thing And All Horror Tropes Are Actually About Women’s Interior Lives Because Men Can’t Write Women And Fear Women Always,” yk, in a way that is neither TOO Actual Horror, which I am too afraid of to Do, or too trite and demeaning, which is the other basic trap that Halloween stuff falls into A Lot. Like, Scary Sherry is very much about women villainizing other women, avenging other women, and being in very specifically-female pain, even though Shawn & Gus are still the lens through which we solve the mystery, and so are 4x04 The Devil Is In The Details And The Upstairs Bedroom and 6x03 This Episode Sucks. But they give their Monstrous Females dignity and breadth, which is impressive, ESPECIALLY since they’re one-off guest characters. Also, 3x15 Tuesday the 17th is just plain funny and well-done, like, just give it props for the title alone.
*(Speaking of Shannon Woodward, another amazingly good Halloween episode is Raising Hope 4x07, “Murder, She Hoped,” which is among my very favorite Rear Window homage episodes and has probably the funniest gag in ANY Rear Window ep, in Martha Plimpton floating across the screen in the Grace Kelly silk nightgown and peignoir and announcing that it was on sale at Walmart, can you believe?! and honestly, yes. Perfection.)
Also excellent:
• The Addams Family (1991) + Addams Family Values (1993) • Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School (RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU WERE GAY FOR SIBELLA AS A CHILD!) • Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost (RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU'RE GAY BECAUSE THE HEX GIRLS!) • Halloweentown + Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge • Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire! • Z•O•M•B•I•E•S (to a lesser extent, Z•O•M•B•I•E•S 2) • Clue (1985) • Coraline • Corpse Bride • 6teen 2x00 Dude of the Dead • Arthur 21x00 Arthur and the Haunted Treehouse • Lamb-Chop in the Haunted Studio • Arthur 8x04A Fern-kenstein's Monster • Arthur 10x02 The Squirrels • WandaVision 1x06 The All-New Halloween Spooktacular (I KNOW YOU, SPECIFICALLY, DEAR @plavoptice, HATE MCU!WANDA AND I DON'T BLAME YOU, YOUR REASONS ARE VERY VALID! But this is a good Halloween special so I'm putting it on my list In General.) • Boy Meets World 2x06 Who's Afraid of Cory Wolf? • Ghostbusters (2016) • Gravity Falls 1x12 Summerween • Leverage 4x02 Ten L'il Grifters Job • The Loud House 2x40 Tricked! • Mockingbird Lane 1x00 Unaired Pilot • It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! (Classic, etc.)
I'm SURE I'm forgetting some that I'll rewatch this year myself. I'm a big Halloween Baking Championship fan, tbh, which is on Discovery+ now so I recommend that if you like mostly-relaxing nice people baking cakes that look like bats and such.
I'm also IMMENSELY INTENSELY EXCITED for The Muppets' Haunted Mansion on Disney+ next week!!!
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fatoumyvu · 3 years
top 5 best skam seasons?
So I got this a while ago and I started answering and then never finished and I was bored so.
1-Druck s5. I'm gonna be not at all controversial and say it Nora's season is the best season in the skamiverse of course like any season theres things I dont love and things I would change but its amazing.
2- Skam España s3. This season I think has a lot more flaws than the last one but it did what I thought no skam season would have the courage to do and actually made nooras story what it should have been since the beginning and it did it well. Definitely I think also one of the most important seasons. I also personally think Viri's storyline (the first part pre romance) was amazing.
3-Skam España s2. You know I was very close to choosing a different "isak season" for the list but realistically I just think Cris season is the best one so I'm not gonna lie to myself and tumblr and not put it on the list. Skames s2 is my favorite skam season and cris is my favorite skam main I think shes amazing and I think amiris is the best thing that any remake did with the original characters and crisana hits for me like no other evak does. Og was the other s3 that was a contender for the list and although I like ogs pacing and a couple of clips better I think españa did the mi storyline better, I think the family stuff is much more interesting, I like the girls as a squad a lot more than I liked the guys in og, and Cris.
4- Skam España S1. You might not think skames has the best s1 and thats ok cause we cant all be correct but I'm correct so skames s1 is the one that's on the list. I think skames s1 keeps all the things about og that were great and that worked and added some new stuff that's great (flashbackish scene, the relationship and conversation with ines, and not making Lucas the snake my loves) also best skam trailer also also eva Vazquez super underrated skam character.
5- Druck S6 (can you tell this list is just my faves but I flipped the order around a bit cause i can tell) druck s6 while not as good as s5 still just so so so good. Love the relationship (especially love the development of kieu my) loooove the friendship with ava and the development of that relationship I love the storyline ava got and I love that they decided to go that direction with mailin. Also I rewatched it today and the museum clip is maybe the best couple clip in the skamiverse. Yeah some clips are too short and we could have used some more clips and yeah I thought some storylines were annoying and yes it's not perfect but it's great and it deserves a spot.
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