#i said on twitter i was gonna make my own team green server
synkverv · 2 years
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and if i batted my eyes and said pretty please... could you, would you join?  https://discord.gg/Afajd8vPu7
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svtskneecaps · 11 months
my own personal interpretation of the spawn killing rule was, it was made to prevent spam killings and point farming. no more elquackity killing jaiden so many times in rapid succession even consensually, no more pierre standing at the door waiting for his turn to farm off jaiden. the kills were so close together that i think it's close enough to be considered either against the rule or not, meaning it's wholly up to the admin's discretion and their own interpretation of the rule
i also wasn't watching it happen (listening to the stream) but checking the vod i can confirm, forever ended up killing bad four times. [in the span of 17 seconds; 9:33:00-9:33:17 in bad's vod]. twice could be let slide due to quest requirements (which i have an issue with; if they're going to require two kills it should be one player from each opposing team and def not the same person twice), four is a lot more dicey. again, in my opinion, even consensual spawnkilling is still spawn killing and therefore against that rule, especially considering that when quackity was consensually killing jaiden over and over, he still said "there should be a rule against this".
the last two kills were purely for points and to put green team in the lead. those are where it gets dicey for me personally; the deal to complete the mission was a lot easier to rationalize bc the admins basically designed the quest that way. killing the same person twice on this island is nigh impossible, especially if they know you're after them and are hiding. good luck finding someone who spends their entire time on the server in various holes just mining.
but again idk, the admins are the ones who know what the spirit of the rule was and in the end make the final call. i'm gonna straddle the fence on this one personally. thought i'd clarify one place the "it was spawn killing" claims could be coming from
ETA: finally someone posted twitter screenshots on here. congratulations green gay ninjas!!!
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lusi-raul · 11 months
My thoughts on the last moments of QSMP Purgatory Day 4:
In short: I understand Bad’s frustrations and ALSO feel bad for Green Team’s loss and agree that them getting stuck at spawn was a bug…. Also Red just minding their own business and being feral little masked gremlins while this shit was going on is peak BOLAS energy AHAHAHAHA
First of all a short explanation and recap:
It’s 30 mins left before the server closes down and Green is winning against Blue by a huge margin (Red isn’t even on the board LOL) and the Blue’s strategy is to log in at the last minutes to submit the global task in order to make a comeback. Green is also heading off to the global tasks and I can’t rewatch Etoile’s vod to see his perspective on this because he’s still live but from what I understand is that an earthquake/quicksand disaster was happening at that time and when Blue logged on, the green got caught in the disaster WHILE in the spawn protected area and got stuck underground without being able to get out because you can’t place or break blocks. The admins and Etoiles declared it a bug and the admins gave all his gear back to him. The blues then was able to submit their tasks without much problem and resistance from the Green team and overtook the greens and secured the win.
Now the issue:
Bad was a bit upset over the fact that what happened to Greens was a bug because in his point of view, he was prepared for the disaster and has countermeasures against it so even though he thought that even if what happened was not intended by the admins, it was not a bug. He was afraid of the twitter mob undermining their win because they would claim that the blues only won due to the bug against the greens. He was afraid their win would not be celebrated properly due to the twitter mob disregarding their efforts to win today. He is also upset because the epic ending and the final battle against the green to end this day was taken away from them. They were deprived of an intense conclusion to this session. Their win felt so anticlimactic. He was upset the earthquake happened against the green… he wished it didn’t happen in the first place.
My thoughts:
I completely understand Bad’s frustrations. I feel like he was so caught up in the terminologies and was trying so hard to explain and clarify is that he knows full well that a mob will go for him on twitter. I also feel for them…. Imagine winning and no one cheers for you because they think you don’t deserve it. They won fair and square let’s all agree on that. Ket’s give blue the love and celebrate their win as much as we do our favorite teams. Their win might be a bit cheesy but it’s all strategies. All is fair in war guys. Let’s not ruin this event as the audience by taking it too personally guys. There are no real stakes just pure entertainment and let’s treat it as such. If the creators and admins are fine with it we should be too. Even Bad admitted he took it too seriously today on Tubbo’s stream. EVERYONE COMMUNICATED AND HAVE PUT THIS SITUATION TO REST. Bad had gone on to Tina, Etoiles and Tubbos streams and have come to an understanding. It’s not communication smp for nothing… there’s nothing to worry about.
I’m not worried about the Green’s loss because even Etoiles said he had fun. Yes it’s disappointing but the increased motivation this will give the Greens to win for the next few days will bring this group closer together. The Reds were united because they were pushed past their breaking point. This time it’ll happen to green too because loss after loss, the greens are gonna make an ultimate comeback. The Reds and Greens have a joint enemy.. the Blues. It’s an interesting arc. Let’s just view whatever happens unfair or not as narrative potential guys. You don’t get the most satisfying revenge story if there’s no one there to play the villain to make your life miserable. Rooting for Green these next few days.
Reds…. Reds are just a lost cause without Carre and Phil. They’re even crazier today than day 1. Their base is death valley. I’m not worried about them even one bit. Their Bar isn’t even on the board but they’re having the most fun being masked little gremlins of the server. Phil and Carre come get yo kids! This group is literally the definition of the neighbor kids your parents wants you to play with AHAHAHAHA.
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hamphobicbasil · 3 years
different anon, as someone who technically is still a dsmp fan (although at this point i consider myself more a fan of some specific streamers who happen to be on the smp, and haven't watched a dsmp storyline stream since january), everything you said makes complete and total sense. i don't fully agree with every point made, but i agree with most of them, and honestly that -- combined with. y'know. actual person dream being revealed to be... Like That -- are probably main reasons behind my growing disinterest in the server itself. i still really like some of the creators, but. the story's degradation combined with some of the creators i don't like getting steadily worse... i really don't care about the server anymore.
but as someone who has kept up with the more current stuff, i can just say that. basically everyone is cheating off of wilbur's storyline homework in some way or another. quackity's current thing with las nevadas is being regarded as him "drawing parallels" between him and wilbur's character arc, and with wilbur being revived it's being seen as him being a character foil -- i do not think these people know what a narrative foil is, because it's not just a carbon copy -- but in all honesty he's just doing pogtopia wilbur v2. the egg arc has been "resolved" technically, but it less got resolved and more just petered out and died pathetically after a genuinely really good stream (red banquet) where they set up interesting things. it's just. done now.
techno seems to be incapable of allowing his character to develop whatsoever. he never lets his character suffer, never lets him hurt, and even outside of the monotone acting his character never loses anything. he's invincible and that doesn't seem set to change. even now, when he got tricked into being trapped in the prison, he made it clear that his character isn't even remotely bothered by this. does he have a plan to escape? maybe, although if he does it's gonna read as a shoddy deus ex machina because he didn't set anything up aside from "press this button and i teleport out." did he know he was being trapped? it's not clear, he might've known or he might've been just incredibly stupid. it's boring. he's less a character and more a brick wall with a rocket launcher.
and i feel bad for tommy The Person, because he's clearly gotten stuck in a bit of a content mentality. he got a big reaction from his character suffering in pogtopia, so he did the exile arc. the exile arc got a big reaction, so he did more similar things. it feels like he's gotten stuck in the mindset of "the fans like angst, so i need to continue to just endlessly torment my character with no purpose or goal." his "death" had even LESS permanence than wilbur's, because he got full on revived two days later just so his character could be traumatized some more.
the server is somehow simultaneously too ironclad in its story (not leaving room for others to jump in with ideas like a rp should, such as eret wanting to return in the pogtopia arc, or the egg plot being just ignored) and way too open ended (no clear rules or laws, lack of communication between people -- the "villain" team on the january doomsday showed up a whole 30 minutes earlier than the scheduled time without telling anyone, seemingly because "war isn't fair." those streams are an absolute disaster.) it's a little disappointing because some of the people involved are clearly talented; wilbur is a decent writer, although clearly more suited to a dungeons and dragons DM type of medium, many of the streamers are pretty good actors and not horrible writers / could be better with practice, and some of the newcomers, like ranboo, clearly have experience with roleplay character-driven storytelling and are very good when they're actually given the chance to do things. the whole thing is really disappointing, all in all.
sorry for rambling so much. tl;dr, you're absolutely right, it's disappointing as hell.
sORRY for not replying to this sooner- i read it earlier and completely forgot to respond
added a read more just in case this was a bit too long!
BUT UR ABSOLUTELY RIGHT ON ALL OF THIS- and speaking of "drawing parallels" with characters, i feel like its become a MAJOR crutch for the writers lately. its not only in universe with c!tubbo being compared to c!schlatt or c!quackity being compared to c!wilbur, it extends to myths too. i find the whole c!tommy = Theseus thing and whenever techno starts writing to be sorta a "get out of jail free card" yknow? they don't actually have to write their own plots or characters, just mimic that from myths and legends and i dont think it gels well with wilbur's somewhat original plot [i understand it was just minecraft hamilton, but it had some charming stuff in there yknow?]
and god yes you put my problems with c!techno into words beyond his voice acting, i don't want to imply that he's written his character to be invincible [or the olden term, a "gary sue"] but god it certainly comes off that way. i get so confused when i see people say "oh c!techno has been hurt over and over again!! why are things so terrible for him?" when he got "betrayed" once and that's it, its just so stupid and i cant understand the love for his character
and speaking of tommy, i totally agree. i dont mean to speculate on the kid's mental health since that's mega weirdchamp but combined with the constant angst his character is in plus his recent bad run ins with twitter, i hope he's doing okay. and on a side note, i hope his character gets to have the happy ending he deserves because man. Man.
BUT I HAD NO IDEA ABT THE EGG ARC KINDA BEING WRAPPED UP?? thats so disappointing oh my god. i'll read into it more since im curious about how it ended but god the fact that it sounds like it didnt have a bigger ending is just. wow. the annoying green man villain with no real motives and less of a stage presence gets all this hype and a bigger "ending" [yknow, him being sent to jail] than the eldritch creature that was growing throughout the smp?? wack.
i think one of the bigger problems of the dsmp story is just that. wilbur introduced some basic ideas and basic world stuff and instead of expanding on it gradually in a satisfying way, the new writers just went ham and didn't know what made the original so enjoyable, even tho it was, again, minecraft hamilton. i've seen some people claim that the new writers are better at precise intense moments but i heavily disagree with that, but thats probably because a lot of them involve dream yelling for his acting and i cant take that man seriously even in character.
but yeah, youre absolutely right on everything you've said here. they basically went "hey can i copy your homework?" with wilbur and somehow made things worse
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ghosthouses27 · 4 years
Walk The Red Carpet
Summary: Techno and Dream get invited to a thing and proceed to fangirl
(warning: shenanigans and the writing quality slowly deteriorates but don't mind that-)
"Aww that sucks," Sapnap whined, making a pouty face. "Will we be able to watch though?"
"Yeah I'm sure you will," Dream reassured, glancing back at his letter. "I don't see why they would do a big tournament without filming it for clout."
"Don't be sound so down Sapnap," Bad chided. "This is a big opportunity for Dream, we should be happy!"
Sapnap sighed, leaning against his hand. "Yeah I know, I just wish we could do it with him too..."
"What'd you say it was called again?" George asked, tilting his head. "Something like the legendary tournament?"
Dream flicked his letter onto the table so the three could read it. "The Tournament of Legends," he replied. "It's kinda like Minecraft Monday but like, better." He gestured his hand vaguely.
Bad glanced at the letter and his eyes widened. "Oh this!"
Dream raised an eyebrow. "You've heard about it?"
"Yeah! Techno was telling me and Skeppy about it!" He sat up and grabbed the paper. "It's also all over twitter, bunch of big minecrafters are gonna be in it apparently."
"Ohhhh so that's what Sparklez was vague-posting about," Sapnap commented.
"Wait, Captain Sparklez is gonna be there?" Dream's eyes widened and he leaned forward in his seat. "Do you know any of the other contestants? Er, besides Techno and Sparkles of course."
Sapnap rested his head in his arms, staring up at Dream with tired eyes. "Dunno really who they were but Antvenom, Skydoesminecraft, DanTDM, some other big shots."
"I think iBallisticsquid's gonna be in it," George commented, leaning against the wall. "You know, the one Techno was with in Minecraft Monday? And Stampy's friend? Yeah I think I saw him talking about it on twitter."
Bad looked up from the letter. "Oh gosh, he's really good," the shorter mumbled. "I mean, he and Techno won Minecraft Monday! Maybe he's even better than you Dream," he added in a teasing tone.
Dream groaned and leaned his elbows on the table, shoving his face into his hands. "Wouldn't be surprised honestly..." he muttered. "Only reason Techno didn't completely dominate MCM is because they kept giving him crap teammates; if him and Squid actually won then he's gotta be crazy good..."
Sapnap gave an amused hum. "Back in the old days when Techno actually go along with squids," he mused, gaining a chuckle from Bad.
"Don't worry Dream, I'm sure you'll do great," George reassured.
"It's not that I'm worried about!" Dream groaned again and banged his head on the table, folding his arms on top. "I'm gonna have to compete with what, minecraft legends?! I can't do that! That's like kicking your own role model!"
Bad's expression changed to concern and he sat down next to Dream. "If you're really nervous Dream, maybe you could call Techno about it," he suggested, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Maybe some smack talk'll calm ya down," Sapnap said, his voice slightly muffled by his arms.
"Yeah maybe," Dream agreed, wearily lifting his head. He grabbed his phone and quickly dialed the number, leaning against his arm.
"Hello?" Techno's typical monotone voice said from the other side.
"Hey Techno," Dream sighed. "Could I like, talk you about the tournament thing? I'm hella stressed about it."
There was silence for a moment before Techno spoke again. "Honestly same." There was a distant yell in background Dream couldn't make out and Techno yelled back, "Wilbur shut up I'm on the phone."
Dream chuckled. "Tell Wilbur I said hi."
"SUCK IT GREEN BOY!" Wilbur's voice screeched in the background.
Techno audibly sighed over the line, making Dream wheeze. "Anyway, you were saying about the tournament?" he asked. "Tommy was yelling about DanTDM or someone joining which isn't helping my stress much."
"Same, Sapnap and George and Bad told me the same." Dream sighed and dragged a hand down his face. "It sounds like there's gonna be like every big league minecrafter there... Although, I heard Ballistic Squid was gonna in it so at least you know one person."
"Oh! Preston's gonna be there too!" Bad added from the side. "PrestonPlayz? Skeppy's friends with him!"
"Oh god Preston," Techno muttered from the other side. "He's way too energetic for my liking."
"Well at least there's another person we know," Dream muttered. "Or uh, kinda know."
"I think half of the people are gonna be from Minecraft Monday, so I don't know how much they're gonna like me..."
"They'll like you just fine," Dream reassured, running a hand through his messy hair. "I'm sure this'll be way better than MCM, I mean I feel like anything's better than Keemstar at this point." He chuckled.
Techno sighed again. "Yeah maybe," he said. "I'm praying they do or else the whole tournament might be a bit awkward for me."
"DID I HEAR KEEMSTAR?!" Wilbur's voice yelled in the background.
"OOOOH WHO YA TALKING TO?!" Tommy's voice yelled.
Techno groaned and facepalmed. "Sorry Dream," he grumbled. "Can I call you back in a bit? I gotta go beat two nerds."
Dream wheezed. "Yeah sure man. See ya."
"See ya."
The line clicked dead and Dream shoved his phone back into his pocket, leaning against his hand again.
"Any reassurance?" Bad asked with a soft smile. "I heard some uh, yelling...?"
"Yeah, Wilbur and Tommy were yelling in the background."
"Noisy child," George mumbled, making Dream wheeze.
Sapnap raised his head. "Wait when's the thing again?" he asked.
Bad glanced at the letter on the table. "Uhhh, next week I think," he said, nudging his glasses back up. "Oh that's actually pretty soon. You can go to the arena thing before the even though so that's good."
"Wait can we go see the arena?" Sapnap asked, jolting up in his seat. "Like right now? I wanna see it right now that sounds cool okay let's go-"
"SAPNAP!" George yelped at the raven-haired who was starting to get ahead of himself.
"We could go see!" Bad suggested. He glanced over at Dream who had gone back to idly staring at the letter. "You wanna go Dream? Maybe It'll calm your nerves to go outside?"
"Yeah sure whatever..."
The group swiftly left to the server IP and was greeted with what look like a campsite overgrown with vines and tall trees. Sapnap almost immediately slammed into a tree but Bad thankfully yanked him back in time.
"You can't stay out of trouble for one minute," George chided, giving him a glare.
"It's not my fault they put so many trees in the spawn area!" Sapnap exclaimed, elbowing him in the ribs and glaring back.
"It's your fault for running into them."
"Guys!" Dream stepped between them, glancing at both with a warning glare. "We just got here, don't cause a scene."
"Yet," Sapnap muttered, earning a hard nudge from George.
"Uh, hello?" a voice said. A red-head in a black and gray striped sweater stepped out from behind the thick cluster of trees, untangling his gold "Z" necklace from some leaves. "Oh hey there. You guys must be part of the tournament right?"
"Actually it's just him," George replied, gesturing to Dream who smiled nervously. "We're just his friends."
There was a crash behind the red-head and a yelp. "WHY'RE THERE SO MANY TREES?!" someone yelled, another crash follow their words. "NO ONE NEEDS THIS MUCH OXYGEN!"
The red-head stared blankly at the trees, not even trying to help whoever had clearly crashed into something. "You better be joking Ross or I swear."
A man in a gray hoodie stumbled out from the undergrowth, twigs tangled in his scarf and glasses in his hand. He turned to the red-head, putting his glasses back on and shaking some of the leaves out of his silver hair. "Well there's like... five people here-"
"Six people here, so we only need like six trees."
The red-head shook his head and sighed. "I swear to fucking god Ross..."
"Oh hey!" Ross glanced over at the Dream Team and Bad who were watching their argument. "Max there's other people!"
"Yeah I can see that," Max replied in a sarcastic tone that could rival Techno's. "Hi, I'm Max or Mithzan. That's Ross."
"Yourpalross reporting for duty!" Ross exclaimed, making a hasty salute.
"Nice to meet you! I'm Bad, that's George, that's Sapnap, and that's Dream!" Bad introduced, gesturing to each of them as he listed them off. "Dream's the only one who's actually supposed to be here though."
Max looked the blond up and down, and smirked. "So we're gonna be competing with you," he commented. "You look a bit... hard of seeing but alright."
"Oh uh this?" Dream gestured to his mask. "No I can see just fine, it doesn't like, actually really do anything."
"You kinda look like slenderman," Ross commented, still picking twigs out of his silver hair.
"Actually yeah you kinda do," Sapnap added, turning to Dream and squinting. "I think it's the height."
Dream had no time to react as a girl with long black hair jumped down from the trees, completely knocking over Max and making them both collapse on the ground.
"JESS!" Max shoved the girl off and scrambled to his feet, brushing leaf mulch from his sweater.
The girl laughed, a bright smile on her face. "Ohhh, sorry Max but I had to cushion my fall!" she explained, taking Ross' hand and getting to her feet. "You understand right?"
"Oh! Hello fellow competitors!" the girl exclaimed, waving at the group. "I'm Aphmau! Or Aph, or Jess, whatever works!"
"Are you okay?" Bad asked worriedly to Max who was still grumbling to himself.
"Yeah yeah," Max muttered.
"Hey did you know there's a portal room?" Aphmau pointed to one part of the cluster of trees. "Over there is like, a hallway with a bunch of portals! They're like nether portals but in rainbow colors!"
Ross looked up from fidgeting with his scarf. "Oh yeah I saw those earlier. They looked like they got dipped in skittles."
"What?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Max snapped, turning to glare at him.
"You didn't ask!"
George glanced over in the direction Aphmau had pointed it. "Should we go check it out?"
"Sure," Sapnap shrugged. "Better than standing around doing nothing."
The group headed over and found a hallway that looked similar to the Minecraft Storymode portal room. Ross almost immediately ran into the first portal, Jess barreling after him and shoving Max through as well.
"Guys there're signs," Bad said, pointing to the wooden signs hung above each portal. "They went through... the spleef one but there's a lot of others!"
"Oh hey there's parkour!" Sapnap bounded over to the pink portal with an orange frame and eagerly stepped in.
The portal flashed white and he was shoved back from it, the portal rippling like the ocean. Sapnap frowned and turned to the green portal beside it, sticking his arm straight through it. It flashed white as well and he was pushed away once more.
"What the hell? I can't go in!"
George raised an eyebrow suspiciously and reached out to touch the orange and pink. The same thing happened to him and he was pushed back into Bad, nearly knocking both of them over.
"Ah! Careful George!" Bad yelped. "What the fudge happened?!"
"I don't know!" George glanced back at the portals which rippled tauntingly in front of him. "Maybe we can't go in yet? But that doesn't make sense because the Jess and her friends went in-"
Dream stepped forward and cautiously pressed his hand through green portal. He flashed green for a moment and then disappeared from view of his friends. His vision went white and faded as quickly as it came, his feet crunching on the gravel suddenly below him.
Shading his eyes with one hand, he glanced up to see a pile of chest in front of him, surrounded by gravel and rocky ground. A blond in a dark blue hat with ear flaps stumbled by and fell at his feet, wood axe resting against him.
He stared at Dream and gave him an apologetic smile. "Oops! Sorry mate!" he said with a british accent even more distinct than George's. "Didn't see you there!"
"Sorry!" a brunette in an orange cat-eared hoodie called, waving over at Dream with a stone sword in his hand. Dream recognized them almost immediately but didn't say a word about it.
"Uh, it's fine," he said awkwardly, stepping backwards to let the man stand back up. "I just spawned in anyways."
"Ah, so that's why I didn't see ya!"
Dream nodded and backed away, scurrying as far as could away from the other players without looking suspicious. He was also desperately trying to not have a nervous breakdown on the spot. He pulled out his communicator and quickly pulled up Discord, immediately calling his friends.
"Dream?!" George's panicked voice immediately flooded through his earpiece. "Where are you?! Are you okay?!"
"Dream where the hell did you go?!" Sapnap's voice practically screamed, making Dream wince and turn down the volume.
"Guys calm down I'm fine," Dream assured, silently thankful that no one around him could hear their yells. "I got just got teleported. I think these portals are for the tournament's games 'cause this looks like Hunger Games."
"Well the portal's sign did say Hunger Games," Bad piped up, giggling slightly.
He heard George audibly sigh. "God you're such an idiot- whatever, at least you're okay."
"Are you playing a round or something?" Sapnap asked.
"No I'm just kinda standing here. Some people are sparing though."
Bad gave a small hum. "Oh who?"
Dream hesitated for a moment before answering. "Well I think it's Squid, like iBallisticSquid, and uh... Stampylongnose...?" His voice went high at the end in a questioning tone but he knew it was because he just didn't want to believe it.
The call went silent until George spoke up. "A-are you sure...?" he asked hesitantly.
"Yeah I think so..." Dream muttered, glancing back at the duo who weren't really sparring but instead messing around. "I hope I'm wrong though..."
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