#but i do have team black-centric channels too
synkverv · 2 years
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and if i batted my eyes and said pretty please... could you, would you join?  https://discord.gg/Afajd8vPu7
4 notes · View notes
yslkook · 4 years
#customer centric (4)
#corporate masterlist summary: you arrive in tokyo and spend a few days catching up and reminiscing. jin comes as well, with a few old friends that you haven’t seen in years. Or, you wander around the city visiting familiar places and go to a club with people you haven’t called friends in years. word count: 8656 warnings: cursing, parental death, discussion of mental health, lots of alcohol a/n: this is part 1/2 of being in tokyo!! this is the top i envisioned for oc lol
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You missed Tokyo, and Tokyo missed you. The city itself brings bittersweet memories to you, memories of your childhood with your dead father and grandmother passing through your mind as if you’re watching a movie.
Your dad had brought you to Tokyo every summer when you were young, until you were about seventeen or eighteen. Tokyo had become more of a second home than a vacation place for you.  You haven’t been here since college, about two years before your dad passed away. But despite that, it feels like home.
You can read, write, and speak Japanese fluently, which is part of the reason why you’ve been such an integral part of the team so far. The company’s sister branch is in Tokyo, and it’s not your first time visiting the branch, or interacting with your team members based in Tokyo.
You’ve wondered often, quite bitterly, if your fluency in Japanese is the only reason you’re even still on the team. Your boss and his boss at least trust you enough to be the responsible party for your team- there’s only one other member of your team here, Sana. But she’s relatively new, so the responsibility has fallen onto you.
That’s alright. You operate well under pressure.
You’re joined by your small knit team, Sana, Namjoon and Jungkook. Namjoon had managed to finagle with the budget enough that you could arrive a day early, on Friday, and spend the weekend in Tokyo before the workshops began on Monday.
And Seokjin would be flying in on Saturday morning with some of his friends. You’re grateful that at least Jin was coming. Whenever Jin makes these spontaneous types of trips, they’re bound to be eventful. 
Monday and Tuesday will be filled with workshops, proposals and pitch meetings. You made Jin promise that he’d spend time with you during the weekend, so that you could show him some of the treasures you remembered from the city. Despite your many years of friendship, you had never been to Tokyo with Jin and you want to show him some of the places Appa used to take you to.
You’re excited. Even if Jungkook, with his big, sparkling eyes and his natural curiosity is coming along. Seeing him, even though it’s been well over three months that he joined the company, sends you down a dangerous path that isn’t fair to him or to you.
You have to constantly remind yourself that it’s not his fault and you shouldn’t be mean to him. It’s not his fault that your boss and his boss are out for your blood and refuse to give you recognition. But you can’t help but feel like he’s part of the problem that has faced you for the last three years. Part of the same awful old school, conservative mindset that so many of your peers were part of as well.
The leadership at your company needed a drastic overhaul, but you would be the last person to voice those thoughts out loud. Unless it was to Jin. 
You know Jungkook doesn’t deserve your unspoken rage. You can admit that, but you’re not saint enough to channel it somewhere else. You’ve mellowed out considerably from the initial few months, but you could stand to be a little warmer to him.
After all, the way his bunny smile takes up half of his face when he offers it up to someone so worthy… that means nothing to you.
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You arrive in Tokyo with your team at around eleven AM, and you check into your hotel rooms about an hour later. Jungkook and Sana had planned the logistics of the trip, from the hotel to the taxi service to lunch, dinner, and the company sponsored happy hour on Monday and Tuesday. 
Because you were in Tokyo for work, you fully planned on using your company card to the fullest for the next few days. This company could kiss your ass, and you would be more than willing to spend as much as you needed to as a subtle ‘fuck you’. It was your version of flipping off your boss, for when he would have to approve your expense report sheet. 
Namjoon had given you Friday to yourselves, to get acquainted with the hotel room and the area itself. Sana and Jungkook had done a good job with choosing the hotel- it has a wonderful view of the city from the rooftop, and being inside the sophisticated hotel with it’s hues of black and white and pops of color and elegance. This regal building screams opulence and you’re bathing in the luxurious feel of it all.
The diamonds of the chandeliers hanging high above you glint in the dim light of the lobby, bouncing off of the sleek, black piano and adding to the romantic air. Was this a love hotel? You scoff to yourself, keeping your head down as you exit the hotel and head in the direction of your favorite park, the Happo-en Garden. 
When you had told your therapist that you’d be coming to Tokyo for the first time since your father’s death, she had immediately picked up on your hesitation-
“It feels weird to be there without him. Almost like the place doesn’t exist if he doesn’t,” You scoff, wringing your hands together.
“It certainly exists without him. And you do, too,” She says kindly, “Maybe you’ll feel close to him when you go there.”
And she was right, as she usually is. You sit alone at a freshly painted red bench with a box of street snacks, including some of Appa’s favorites. The sunshine glimmers against the still lake in front of you, hues of green fading to orange and red reflecting in the murky water. 
This park was a favorite of Appa’s-
“We’re still in Tokyo, but it feels like we’re so far away. Right, sweetheart?” He asks, dark eyes shining. Appa’s hand tightens around yours and you nod excitedly.
“Yeah! Like we’re close to the princess’s castle!” You gasp.
“That’s right, but the only princess I see here is you,” Appa smiles and you beam at him, all smiles and sunshine.
The memory is from when you were maybe seven or eight years old. Everytime you came to Tokyo with Appa, you always came to this park. Specifically to this area, where Appa claimed that the sun shined on the leaves and the water in a specific way that made everything feel like magic.
You had always scoffed at him, especially as you grew older and the lines around his eyes grew deeper. But you still entertained him. You never saw that magic that Appa claimed to see, but now, you wonder how you could ever not see it.
A breeze ruffles through the trees, whistling as it threads through your hair and running over the water. The clouds part for a moment, allows a burst of sunbeams to spread over the water and you gasp at the sudden golden filter over the surroundings in front of you.
Another breeze, one from your left side, presses against your shoulder and your cheek. Almost like it’s whispering to you. You whip your head to the side, only to find nothing next to you. You feel like you’re floating, with the gentle caress of the wind to keep you company.
You eat your snacks in silence, embracing the way that it feels like the wind is Appa’s caress against your skin.
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By the time you return to the hotel, the sun is beginning to go down and a bittersweet sort of happiness settles in your heart. You feel closer to your dad than you have in a long time- this city was bound to feel like home with its welcoming arms curling around you warmly. You had spent the better part of the day visiting old sights and places that you had frequented to with Appa. 
It was peaceful, like a walk down memory lane. You could almost see your younger self bursting at the seams with joy at all of the new places. You could almost see her so eager to learn and demanding that Appa teach you Japanese immediately.
You wonder where that girl went. She’s lost, buried beneath layers and layers and maybe someday you’ll find her again.
Stopping by one of your favorite restaurants, you order all of your favorites times three. For your colleagues to have something to feast on when you returned from your day trip. You hadn’t been on your phone for most of the day, choosing to mute the group chat with your colleagues so you could truly be alone. 
Once you approach the familiar blue neon sign of the restaurant, you send them a text:
you: evening all. dont worry about dinner, Im bringing lots of food back sana: look who woke up from her coma namjoon: did you put it on your card? you: of course i did. you dont have to remind me joon ;)  you: want to have dinner together? jungkook: ya where should we eat Namjoon: come to my room, it’s room 1804 you: ok, be there in about thirty min
With your heart feeling full, brimming with fondness for your teammates, you pay for the heavy bags of food and make your way back to the hotel. You can’t help but smile as you walk with a little pep in your step.
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“You should have asked one of us to help you,” Jungkook says reproachfully, taking half the bags from you.
Your arms ache, not that you’ll admit your stubbornness. You only smile sheepishly, “It was only a fifteen minute walk.”
“And this is a lot of food,” Jungkook muses, peeking inside as his doe eyes sparkle in anticipation.
“It’s our first team dinner in Tokyo. We deserve it,” You shrug.
“I also bought a few bottles of wine,” Sana chirps, dangling two bottles of red in her hands, “We deserve it.”
You laugh and she winks at you. Namjoon is already setting up the many boxes of food on the mahogany wooden desk in the corner of the room. The curtains are pulled back, affording you of a breathtaking view of the city lights and the now hanging moon high in the sky.
“The boss has the best view, huh?” You tease, nudging his shoulder.
“Jungkook picked it,” Namjoon shrugs, “I just wanted to share the view with you all.”
“How sweet of you,” You say sincerely, “Dinner with a view. That’s pretty romantic. And Jungkook has good taste.”
Jungkook’s ears flush at your praise and he covers his ears for a second. Not that you notice. You sit on the floor, across from Jungkook and offer to scoop food onto everyone’s plates for them. You ignore their protests and do it anyway, quietly asking how much of each they want. Sana fills up plastic cups with wine and labels everyone’s cup with a black marker so you can all keep track of them.
“How classy of us,” Namjoon snorts but says thank you to Sana.
“Did you bring wine glasses in your luggage?” Sana shoots at Namjoon, “I didn’t think so.”
You stifle your laugh behind your hand and shake your head. “Feels like college, if only those cups were red,” You joke.
“My roommate still uses red cups sometimes, for casual purposes,” Jungkook says softly, “It drives me up the wall. Like, can you drink out of a normal cup or what? I get flashbacks to beer pong almost every morning.”
You laugh a little harder at that, and the sound is sweet in Jungkook’s ears. He wants to see if he can get you to laugh like that a little more.
“I mean, we’re grown now. I can’t believe Taehyung sometimes, having his morning orange juice in a red solo cup. It’s heinous.”
Your eyes are overflowing with mirth, the sound of your genuine happiness echoing in Jungkook’s ears and he can’t help but smile in return.
“Morning orange juice,” You mutter, “That’s adorable. Taehyung? That’s the name of your roommate?”
“Yeah,” Jungkook replies, “We did undergrad together and he’s an aspiring art gallery curator. He’s actually coming here tomorrow-”
“Wait, hang on,” You say after chewing through a mouthful of noodles, “Is this Taehyung, as in Kim Taehyung who you snuck into that bar with and he ended up getting absolutely hammered and stealing three bottles of alcohol? Before getting kicked out and Jin and I took you both home? That Taehyung?”
The fondness with which you speak of Taehyung unnerves Jungkook. 
“Yeah,” Jungkook nods, “That Taehyung.”
“Sounds like a real class act,” Sana says dryly.
“Wow, I haven’t seen him in years,” You exhale, “I think Jin’s bringing some friends from college tomorrow, too.”
“Yeah, he mentioned a Jimin and a Hoseok,” Namjoon adds.
“Damn, Sana, maybe we should’ve brought our friends, too,” You murmur, teasing but honestly, you don’t really have anyone you would’ve asked to bring, “Can’t wait to see what this boys weekend brings.”
You fully anticipate that Seokjin will rope you into whatever shenanigans they have planned, and you don’t even feel bad about crashing. You make a mental note to let Sana know of whatever plans they invited you to, so that she wouldn’t feel left out.
They don’t ask where you were all day, and for that you’re grateful. The lines of professionalism are beginning to blur for you, and you don’t want to burden them with your feelings and problems. You don’t want them to think differently of you for trying to catch a glimpse of Appa in your memories. 
Jin would say you were being silly, but you can’t help it. Maybe someday, but not today.
But Jungkook does wonder. Where were you all day? When the group chat was going off, you were silent. It was none of his business, but he’s curious. And he’s curious about you. You hadn’t changed out of your day clothes or taken your makeup off. He can see the nearly gone darkened stain of your gloss on your lips and the curl of your lashes. Jungkook keeps his eyes above your neck, knowing that if his eyes begin to wander he would be even more of a goner than he already was.
It’s September in Tokyo, meaning that it was warm during the day and somewhat chilly in the evenings. Your dark green long sleeved shirt is tucked into your shorts, complete with a black belt, leaving your tanned thighs on display. Jungkook thinks he catches a glimpse of a tattoo peeking from your shorts, but he thinks he imagines it. 
Until your shorts ride up just a little and he sees an array of colors and the fleeting sight of a flower on your upper thigh. Jungkook swallows nervously and stuffs his face full of udon noodles without hesitation. If his mouth is stuffed with food, then nobody will look twice at him and he can keep his thoughts to himself and ogle at you in peace. 
The logic makes sense in his head.
Your voice carries over to Namjoon, telling him that you’ll be picking Seokjin, Jimin and Hoseok up in the morning with the rental car.
“Hey, if Taehyung is arriving at the same time, do you want me to pick him up?” You ask, turning your gaze to Jungkook.
“Huh?” Jungkook asks. You roll your eyes.
“Taehyung. If he arrives at the same time as Jin, Jimin and Hoseok, do you want me to pick him up?”
“Er,” Jungkook says eloquently, “He’s actually been here for the last week. Thanks, though.”
You want to say that Jin would cause a scene and whine at you if you didn’t pick him up from the airport, the prince that he is. But you keep it to yourself- after all, he’s somewhat of a boss to Jungkook and Sana. 
You nod in understanding and shove more noodles and meat into your mouth. You stretch your legs out in front of you and Jungkook doesn’t look away, instead allowing his eyes to rake over you shamelessly. Nevermind that Namjoon and Sana are right next to him, probably wondering why he’s staring you down so intensely.
The four of you spend the rest of the evening discussing your plans for the weekend, avoiding the topic of work altogether. It’s nice, you can almost believe that you’re all just four friends making a weekend getaway without the confines of work looming over your heads.
Namjoon offers to split the remaining food amongst the four of you and puts equal amounts of everything into each container for all of you to take back to your rooms.
And then Sana pours more wine for each of you and you feel yourself beginning to get more and more relaxed with each sip you take. You want to open your stitched together lips, tell them how it’s been so long since you’ve had alcohol with anyone who wasn’t Jin. You want to tell them that you like red wine more than white wine, but nothing beats soju-
“What’s your favorite kind of wine,” Jungkook asks. He comes to sit next to you on the floor, stretching his legs out. His shoulder brushes against yours and you feel something like electricity at the soft touch.
“Um… I like reds over white wine. But I haven’t had that many reds to say which kind is my favorite,” You muse.
“Guess we’ll have to try some more red wine, huh?” Jungkook says, his eyes sparkling and bunny smile on display. 
Your heart warms and sputters at the same time.
“Yeah,” You nod breathlessly, “What about you? What do you like?”
“I’m not picky. I don’t really like cabernet,” Jungkook scrunches his nose, “Too bitter for me.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” You giggle, unable to believe that such a noise is coming out of your mouth. Despite Sana and Namjoon having their own conversation on the other side of the room, it feels like it’s just you and Jungkook for a minute in your own bubble.
“I like a good chardonnay, too. Nice ‘n crisp.”
“Me too, I love that crisp taste of a good white wine,” You reply, unable to keep your eyes off of him for longer than a second. His cheeks and the tips of his ears are a pretty pink and you wonder if his cheeks are as warm as yours are.
“Thought you didn’t like white wine?” Jungkook murmurs, head tilting inquisitively. 
“I prefer red, but if there’s white wine in front of me, I mean,” You shrug, “It’s not like ‘m gonna say no.”
“Oh? We’ll have to test that out, too,” Jungkook smiles, “I like soju the best. Nothin’ beats soju.”
“Yeah, peach and green grape,” You say knowingly, “The only flavors with rights.”
“Exactly. You get me,” Jungkook nods with wide eyes. He asks you about Tokyo, if you come here often. You answer him somewhat vaguely, but tell him that you grew up reading, writing and speaking Japanese. He looks impressed by that and the fondness in the lines of his lips startles you.
You chalk it up to the romance of this city making you soft and pliant to his doe eyes and the warmth of his smile. He’s so easy to get lost in- you find yourself leaning closer to him to hear what he has to say about his own travel dreams. He wants to go to New York City and Bangkok and Athens- the way his eyes light up constricts around your heart.
Every part of him radiates warmth and you want to be draped by it. He says something that makes you smile and laugh, and you swat at his shoulder reflexively. Jungkook only looks at you in that way. The way that makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world. He’s good at that.
He has hearts and stars in his eyes for you and it makes you choke.
Maybe you had imagined it all because you remember where you are. You’re in your boss’s hotel room and he’s standing right there. Jungkook sees the spark in your eyes disappear immediately and you pull away just as quickly, as if the moment had never happened.
He won’t deny the sting, but you’re so easy to get lost in. The fog in his mind clears, and while it’s only been a few minutes that you’ve been alone. It feels like much longer. But Namjoon and Sana are still deep in conversation, his dimples on display and her smile bright.
You pull away but your dark eyes are still wide and focused on him, stars swirling in your irises and Jungkook thinks he might fall into this wonderfully brown abyss held in your pretty face. Finally, you move away from him on the floor, almost immediately missing his warmth. You look back at him as you move to get some water, the same curious look on your face.
Your face is burning, and you’re surprised you’re able to keep this cool for this long. The urge to bolt from Namjoon’s hotel room and back to your own is one that you have to fight. But instead, you stay planted where you are. Jungkook confuses you, you hardly even know him and you had let him get so close to you. It’s not something you usually do, but what unnerves you is how nice it felt. The closeness of him, his eyes on you and only you. Are you bothered by it? 
No, you realize. No. You quite liked it. You’re supposed to hate him- he represents everything you hate. A young kid, a boy, raising quickly through the ranks of your corporate world, while you grasp at straws. 
Does he? Does he represent everything you hate? What a load of bullshit.
You swallow again. You need to leave.
“Hey, Joon,” You say softly, touching his elbow, “I’m going to head out. It’s getting late and I’ve gotta head out early tomorrow.”
Jungkook’s heart drops. He’d made you so uncomfortable that you were abruptly cutting your night short. Because of him. He needs to make this right.
“I’ll walk with you,” The words tumble out of Jungkook’s mouth before he can stop them. His heart is pounding in his ears- he needs to apologize before you hate him even more.
“Okay,” You reply with a smile, “Here are your leftovers.”
“I’ll walk with you both,” Sana says, taking her bag.
With that, you say your goodbyes and leave Namjoon’s room to the elevators. Your head feels like static, a wave of thoughts congealing into something impenetrable. The doors ding shut, all three of you standing on opposite ends of the elevator. You can’t look at Jungkook, you can’t see his doe eyes. Not right now.
Sana calls your name, “Thanks for the food.”
“No problem, Sana,” You murmur, “See you tomorrow.”
And then it’s just you and Jungkook in the elevator. 
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook says immediately, “I made you uncomfortable. I’m sorry. If you don’t wanna talk to me outside of work, I get it-”
“What?” You ask, finally looking at him. You take a step forward, close enough to him that you’re in his orbit. “You didn’t… You didn’t make me uncomfortable, Jungkook. I would have told you if you did. You just… confuse me.”
The last bit comes out as a vulnerable whisper and all Jungkook can do is nod. 
“Goodnight, Jungkook,” You say clearly, casting him a look over your shoulder as you exit the elevator. Your eyes are guarded once more, as if the night hadn’t happened. As if he hadn’t fallen for you even further. You wash him away from your bloodstream quickly and Jungkook feels his heart aching once more.
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By the time you pick up Jin, Jimin, and Hoseok from the airport and arrive at the hotel, it’s nearly noon. The car ride back was fun, dare you say it. It amazed you how Jin still remained close in contact with people you went to college with. It felt natural, talking to Jimin and Hoseok. As if years hadn’t gone by.
They were hot, and that was your first assessment when you had met them at the airport. Jimin and Hoseok had both embraced you in tight hugs, without any regard for whether you wanted one or not. You found that you didn’t really mind.
You didn’t know how you were going to survive this weekend surrounded by these many attractive people. 
“We should celebrate. For this reunion,” Hoseok says.
“Jungkook is here, too,” You reply, “A great big university reunion right here in Tokyo, huh?”
“Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting you guys work together now,” Jimin says.
“Wait, you guys are friends still?” You ask.
“Why wouldn’t we be?” Jimin says, genuine confusion in the handsome planes of his face.
You suppose everyone else is better at making and maintaining friendships than you are. It stings a little, having so many people from university in the same place. In the city that already holds so many memories for you. But you’ll embrace it, because that’s what you’ve been working on. Embracing change.
And of course, what was a boys weekend without a night out at the club? Jin had all but demanded that you come, in true dramatic fashion- I can’t go out without you, you know. I can’t believe you’re considering leaving me like this. I’ll die there without you.
It didn’t take much from you to roll your eyes but agree and tell him that you were inviting Sana.
“Go pregame and get ready with your boys,” You had urged him, “It’s so rare you all are together like this. I’ll catch up with you later.”
“Are you sure?” Jin asked with uncertainty and you had only smiled warmly at him. 
“Yes, Seokjin. I’m sure. I’ll be crashing the party soon, don’t worry,” You reassured him and he left your hotel room. He promised to text you when to come and you just nodded, shooing him away.
That had been nearly two hours ago, and you’re putting the finishing touches on your makeup with Sana getting ready in the bathroom. Music is playing through your phone and once you’re done with your lip gloss, you make drinks and prepare shots for you and Sana.
“You’ve gotta tell me how you’re friends with so many hot men,” Sana says, taking a seat on the bed.
You scoff, “I’m really only friends with Jin. The rest of them come with Jin, we’re hardly friends.”
“Oh?” Sana asks with a skeptical raise of her eyebrow, “You all went to school together, right?”
“Yeah… Something like that,” You say lightly, “Jin kept in touch with all of them. I didn’t.”
You leave it at that and Sana knows not to press further.
“They’re all nice guys. I always had fun with them,” You say fondly, “You will, too.”
“Cheers to that,” Sana grins, “We look hot. Let’s take a picture.”
“Should we send it to our boss,” You roll your eyes.
“Yeah, that would send him off the deep end. He’d be here in five seconds, dragging us out by our ears,” Sana rolls her eyes as well with a laugh.
You try your best to make Sana feel as comfortable as she can with you. At least so that she’s comfortable when you go meet up with the guys later. You know it can be intimidating being around people who are so close, but they’ve always been welcoming.
It begs the question- why did you let them all go?
You don’t have time to unpack all of that. By the time Jin texts you, telling you to come to his suite on the eighteenth floor, you and Sana are three drinks and two shots in.
You’ve drank more in the last two days than you have in the last year alone. At least that’s what it feels like. 
You make sure to take your hotel card, phone and wallet and ensure that Sana does as well. Giggles erupt from the both of you when you enter the elevator, and excitement thrums in your veins. The liquid courage bouncing around in your veins makes you feel relaxed and you tug Sana’s hand out of the elevator once the steel doors open.
You text Jin from outside his door, you can already hear the loud peals of laughter and the beat of music through the walls. You wonder if they’ve gotten any noise complaints yet, but probably not- his room is the only one on this side of the hotel. He probably did this on purpose.
When he doesn’t answer your text, you decide to knock obnoxiously and Sana giggles at your impatience. On your fifth knock, the door swings open and you see Jin’s tipsy face complete with reddened cheeks and his broad smile. 
He hugs you like he hasn’t seen you in years, he even lifts you off of the ground a little bit. Your heart flutters with affection for him as you whine for him to put you down.
“Jin!” You shriek, “At least go inside, dummy- stop embarrassing me-”
He finally puts you down and holds you by the shoulders to take you in. His eyes are sharp and he says nothing as he assesses your outfit, apparently deeming you as acceptable as he waves you inside. He says hello to Sana, who returns his mellowed out hug graciously.
Jin hands you both full cups, and you trust Jin enough to know it’s a yummy but strong drink. You grip your cup tighter and allow Sana to go in front of you. The last thing you want is for her to feel left out, so you want the guys to be introduced to her first.
Besides, they all already knew you.
Jin does the introductions quickly, the guys all warming up to Sana and bringing her in for hugs as well. Her cheeks are flushed, and you knew she’d feel flustered. They’re intense in their friendliness and it would make anyone feel flustered and warm.
And then their eyes land on you and you wish you could melt into the floor. Six pairs of eyes stare back at you- apparently Yoongi had also decided to come as well. 
College reunion indeed.
You stay close to Jin, offering them a weak wave of your fingers and a smile. 
“Hello boys,” You say dramatically,  “Long time no see.”
“Jin’s been hiding you all to himself, hasn’t he?” Jimin says, not bothering to hide the way he’s looking at you. And you don’t mind, not really- you know you look good.
“I just saw you this morning. When I picked your sorry ass up from the airport,” You reply and Jimin pouts at you as everyone around you laughs at his expense. 
“Still so mean,” Jimin murmurs and you roll your eyes.
And with that, alcohol continues to flow as the chatter continues on.
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You cast another glance to Sana, making sure she’s not by herself. You relax when you see her talking to Yoongi and Hoseok, smiling to yourself at how quickly she takes to them.
“Hey pretty,” Jimin says, seeing you near the alcohol and joining you.
“Hey you,” You parrot back and he smiles at you in that sweet, disarming way, “Want a drink?”
“You always made the best drinks,” Jimin says, handing his cup over to you. You ignore the way your chest tightens at his use of past tense.
“Maybe you just never knew how to make drinks,” You murmur, “Probably still don’t, huh?”
Jimin laughs lightly at that as a silence falls between you both. “You look good,” Jimin exhales, “You doin’ alright?”
You never know what to say to that. “Yeah. You look good, Jimin. You doin’ alright?” 
“Yeah. I’m still in Seoul at the dance school. Don’t be such a stranger,” Jimin murmurs and before you can protest, he pokes your forehead affectionately. 
“You’ll ruin my makeup,” You complain but give him a small smile, “Jimin. ‘M glad to see you. All of you.”
Jimin looks like he wants to say something more. But he bites his tongue. This isn’t the place to pick a petty fight, so he lets it go. Jungkook approaches you both, resting his arm on Jimin’s shoulder. Jimin groans dramatically and Jungkook only offers him a smile and a giggle.
“Cup’s empty,” Jungkook says, wiggling his cup to both of you, “Stop hoggin’ the alcohol.”
“Blame Jimin. Everything’s his fault,” You tease and Jimin rolls his eyes at you both.
“It is, isn’t it?” Jungkook grins and Jimin slips out from under Jungkook with another roll of his eyes. “Hey, you met Taehyung yet? My roommate? You ‘member him?”
His eyes are slick with alcohol, and yet they still sparkle at you like you hold all of the answers to the universe in them. He has this way of making you feel like you’re the only person in the world. It unnerves you, like many things about him do.
“No, where is he?”
Jungkook shouts for Taehyung to join him and you wince. All of a sudden his sandy haired roommate pops up from the direction of the living area and joins you at the drinks table. He looks a far cry from the boy you had driven home that night many years ago.
You knew being in the presence of so many attractive people was going to kill all of your brain cells by the end of the night.
Taehyung calls your name and nerves seize you inexplicably. 
“You remember me?” The words escape your lips before your brain has a chance to stop them.
“Course I do? The pretty girl who saved Kook and I at that one bar that I’m still banned from?” Taehyung grins, his eyes sweet and sincere.
“Jin was with me too, don’t forget him,” You say dryly, “Nice to see you again after all this time. And you’re Jungkook’s roommate?”
“Unfortunately,” Jungkook chimes in, earning him a laugh from you.
Taehyung is magnetic when he speaks to you, honey dripping from his tongue as he tells you about his journey as an aspiring art museum curator. Passion lights up his dark irises, his smile matching the intensity of it and you’re certain he has this effect on everyone he speaks to. They’re both so close to you, in your bubble and the scent of their cologne wafts into your nose. 
You drink more. You don’t know how to cope with all of this. So you drink.
Jungkook tells you that they’ve been roommates all through graduate school and they had recently moved into a new, bigger place. Now that they were both making a little more money. You find yourself benignly jealous of the life they live- two close friends living together and living for these kinds of nights with their other close friends. The bond they built and strengthened over the years is obvious in the way Taehyung holds Jungkook close, the way Hoseok lights up the entire room and makes everyone smile just because he’s smiling, the way Yoongi and Jimin bicker like an old married couple… Namjoon has already slotted himself within the group. Jin probably introduced him to them a while back, you realize.
Jungkook excuses himself to use the bathroom, leaving his cup next to Taehyung on the table. Taehyung’s gaze makes you nervous- the shift in his eyes is apparent as he lazily rakes his eyes over you.
“Kook told me he was workin’ with you again,” Taehyung murmurs, “What he didn’t tell me was how pretty you are.”
“What a line,” You say flatly and roll your eyes. To your surprise, he laughs, his smile making you smile as well.
“Just bein’ honest,” Taehyung shrugs, “‘Snot everyday you see our hot grad school girl after five years.”
“You’re full of it,” You roll your eyes, shoving his shoulder playfully, “‘Our?’”
“Jungkook was-” Taehyung starts but he’s interrupted by the man himself. Jungkook was what?
“You talkin’ about me?” Jungkook says, elbowing Taehyung. Taehyung only shakes his head and hands him his cup, before excusing himself. He throws you another charming smile and if you weren’t so on edge, your knees might have buckled.
“A pain in the ass?” Jungkook supplies, “Yeah.”
“No, I was gonna say he’s interesting,” You laugh. A short silence settles between you both, giving you a moment to really take him in. You itch your chin nervously before pushing your lips to the rim of your cup and watching him.
You’ve always known that Jungkook was somehow handsome, sexy and cute all at the same time- wide, doe eyes, pinchable cheeks, pretty smile, and then his body… His thighs strain against the tight material of his pants and you’re certain it’s deliberate. His button up shirt is loose but still molds to his muscles in that way where it leaves you wanting more. His shirt is buttoned at the elbow, giving you a peek to the smattering of tattoos on his forearm. His dark hair is parted in the middle, all soft and shiny, and a little long. It settles over his forehead, almost in his eyes, effortlessly. Two hoops in each ear glint in your direction and you swallow nervously.
Jungkook catches you looking at his tattoos- how ironic, considering he’s doing the same of you. The satin black top you’re wearing has a plunging neckline, giving him a view of the tattoos stemming from your upper arm to your clavicle.
It also offers him a teasing hint of your bare chest where if you turn to the side just a little, he catches a glimpse of even more. It makes him swallow, just as nervous as you. The top itself is loose, only cinched a little at the waist but your pants are tight, your strappy heels adding even more dimension to your legs.
You nervously twist the layering of gold necklaces around your neck. Jungkook has always thought you were beautiful, but he’s never seen you like this. Not even when he knew you years ago.
“Your cup’s empty again,” You laugh nervously, offering to make him another drink. You don’t know what to do with your hands, wanting to keep busy.
“Oh,” Jungkook breathes, “Yeah.”
He tries to keep his eyes on your hands, really he does. But you bend forward just a little and his eyes immediately flit to your plentiful chest. 
Jungkook thinks he might die, and what a way to go.
You pull away from the table, handing him his drink and he thanks you quietly. Jungkook ignores the way your eyes shine curiously at him, and he buries himself in the confusion fuzzing up his mind.
Jin, to your relief, pulls you away from Jungkook before you can do something incredibly stupid. Like let him burst through your carefully structured walls even further than he already has.
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Typically, clubs are not your favorite place to be. The intense crowd, the neon lights, the smoke… It’s all over the top. Usually, you can’t even hear yourself think over the music. Though, you don’t mind the sense of anonymity in such a crowded place. Besides, you’ve heard great things about IBEX, so you’re curious about it.
It’s a huge place, easy for everyone to split up, but still small enough that you can easily find your group. You urge Sana to go have fun with the guys as you order a round of drinks for everyone. As one of the oldest of your friends, you felt that sense of responsibility for them. Even if you hadn’t called them friends in years.
You signal them over once the drinks are ready, catching Namjoon’s eye and beckoning him over. They slowly begin to surround you, shouting thank you’s over the music. Jimin slings his arm around your shoulders as if it’s nothing. As if he’s known you for all this time.
It makes you feel warm. He gazes at you with crescent eyes and a full smile. It makes your heart thump heavily in your chest.
“Cheers,” Jimin says, tearing his eyes away from you and towards the group. His toast elicits a sequence of ‘cheers’ from everyone. You scan across all of them before your eyes inevitably land on Jungkook. He’s looking at you with a smile, the kind of smile that makes you wonder if it’s a smile only for your eyes.
Your smile matches his in intensity, neither of you pulling your gazes away. Until Jin pulls you away from Jimin, exclaiming that he needs to dance with you. His best friend.
The moment passes, and you make sure Sana is okay. She’s conversing with Yoongi now, and he’s laughing at something she’s saying. It makes you feel warm. Again.
You allow the music to pump through your veins as laughter bubbles from your lips freely at Jin’s antics. You entertain him, copying his coordinated movements with his same enthusiasm. You can tell he’s drunk, from the fiery flush in his cheeks and the tips of his ears. He abruptly pulls you close to him for a tight hug and holds your face in his hands.
“Jin,” You giggle, “What you doin’?”
“I love you,” Jin giggles, “Y’r my best friend, ‘n I love you.” He always got like this when you were drunk, so affectionate. You wonder how he knows exactly what you need to hear, when you need to hear it.
“Can’t wait for you t’meet Yuna when we get home,” Jin slurs.
“I’m excited, too-”
“She’s nervous y’know,” Jin continues as if you hadn’t said anything, “Knows y’r my best friend.”
“Jin,” You exhale, “Even if she doesn’t like me, you clearly like her. I shouldn’t matter-”
“No,” Jin says sharply, “Why d’you think you don’t matter? You matter to me.”
“Stop it,” He silences you and you comply with a sigh. 
“She doesn’t have to be nervous around me,” You finally say.
“You can be a little scary when you want to be,” He teases.
“That’s exactly how I want to be known,” You scoff and Jin laughs, swaying with you offbeat to the music. You stand with Jin like that for a few minutes, sipping on your drink and giggling at his antics.
“Seokjin,” You murmur, voice a little shaky, “I never say it but… I-I love you. So much. You’re my best friend and my rock. I don’t know who I’d be without you-”
“You’d be you,” Jin says without missing a beat, “You’d be scary, intense, kind, genuine, petty, funny and beautiful with or without me, sweetheart.”
Jin sees wetness in your eyes and pulls you in for another hug. “None of that,” Jin murmurs, “Hey, let’s take a picture ‘n send it to Grandma. She’ll get a kick out of that.”
You stand in Jin’s arms, in the crowd of people surrounding you and not paying attention to you. Despite the throng of people around you, it feels like it’s just you and Jin, and your friends in the club.
“Let’s get back to our friends,” You say, “They probably think we’re making out-”
“You would be so lucky,” Jin scoffs, “Only Yuna gets this handsome face.” You pinch his cheeks affectionately and coo at him.
“Hey, by the way,” Jin says, “Not to be totally unprofessional here. But I’m pretty sure Jeon Jungkook has the hots for you. Kid won’t stop lookin’ at you. Not that I can blame him, I mean look at your tits.”
With that statement, Jin walks away from you, leaving you confused and curious- two words becoming increasingly common with your thoughts of Jeon Jungkook.
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“Hey pretty,” comes a sweet voice to your right side. You already know it’s Jimin before you meet his sincere eyes.
“Hey you,” You reply, “Wanna dance? We used to always be in sync.”
If Jimin is surprised he doesn’t show it. He only takes your drink and finishes it, placing it on a high table near you. He walks behind you, a hand on the small of your back as you weave through the crowd easily. Bodies push back into you but you only dance along with them to move past. Jimin pulls you closer to him once he finds a spot, pulling you into his side. He turns you so that you’re facing him, the lights of the club illuminating the sheen of his lips and the shine in his eyes. You push a stray strand of his silver hair back behind his ear.
“I meant it you know,” Jimin murmurs, for your ears only, “You look good.” You lean into him at his praise, a hand on his chest. Your nails press into the soft material of his dress shirt and he tightens his grip around your waist, thumbs rubbing circles. 
“You do, too,” You reply easily, “You always did.”
Jimin scoffs but you look at him earnestly. “I mean it,” You say with a smirk, mimicking his words. He says nothing, only holds you and rolls his hips into yours to the beat of the music. He watches you carefully, trying to gauge your reaction. You snake a hand to the base of his neck and lightly scratch as he presses his nose to your neck. You’re lucky he’s holding you tight- you’re certain you’re knees would buckle if it weren’t for him.
It’s been years since anyone danced with you like this. You let out a soft sound into his skin and Jimin groans, pressing his hips into yours even more slowly if possible.
“Why’d you leave,” Jimin breathes into your skin, “Missed you. Missed my friend.”
“I was a mess,” You mutter, “I’m still a mess.”
“You’re here now?” He asks, looking at you with big eyes. Jimin cups your face tenderly, and you’re not sure how many of these kind touches you can take for one night.
“Yeah,” You say faintly, “I just… couldn’t. I still can’t.”
You won’t apologize for mending your own cracks the way you needed to. And Jimin knows that. “Don’t be a stranger,” Jimin says and pulls you in for a hug.
“Jimin,” You mumble, “I missed you, too.”
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Barely stifling a yawn, you look around for your group. They’re all within eyesight of you- Sana and Yoongi were still engrossed in conversation with each other, Namjoon with Jin, Hoseok and Jimin and Taehyung with Jungkook. Taehyung casts a look over to you and immediately whispers to Jungkook. It shouldn’t surprise you that they both saunter over to you, standing on either side of you. Taehyung wraps an arm around your shoulders and leans against you as if you’re old friends. At this angle, you can see the expanse of his tanned, golden skin since the top few buttons of his shirt are popped.
“See somethin’ you like?” Taehyung asks coyly with a wink.
“No, just wondering why you’re wearing tinted aviators inside,” You mutter, pointing at him, “You look like an asshole.”
Taehyung laughs, throwing his head back good-naturedly, “You clearly don’t know fashion. You must think you’re hilarious.”
Before you can retort, a yawn overtakes you. “Are we boring you?” Jungkook teases.
“No, ‘m just tired,” You blink to force yourself to stop yawning, “Hey, you guys wanna get ice cream?”
“Yes,” Jungkook says instantly.
Taehyung nearly snorts but agrees. By the time you and Jungkook say your goodbyes, and you ask for the tenth time if Sana wants to come with you (she declines, opting to stay with Yoongi), Taehyung is nowhere to be found. Jungkook rolls his eyes, his phone vibrating with a text from him-
taehyung: you’re welcome 
“Tae’s not coming,” Jungkook says slowly, wondering if you might change your mind if it’s just you two getting ice cream.
You shrug, “His loss. I know a great place.”
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Taking Jungkook to one of your favorite ice cream places that you used to come with Appa to feels intimate. But it feels right and you’re not bothered by it. Once you buy your respective cones (you pay for both before Jungkook can even fumble for his card), you head back outside for a short walk towards the hotel.
The ice cream place itself was close to the hotel, though you had to Uber here from the club. It’s a nice night for a walk, a little chilly but not uncomfortably so. You and Jungkook fall into an easy conversation, talking about the silliness of your shared friends.
He looks nice under the moonlight, you decide. A light breeze lifts his hair up briefly before it flawlessly settles over his forehead.
“I can’t keep up with you,” Jungkook whispers, his words carrying into the night air.
“What do you mean?” Your heart picks up immediately at the anguish in his tone. The air between both of you shifts immediately. What was easy becomes hardened, the space between suffocating you. You can physically see him pulling away from you. Months, or maybe years, of frustration seems to be coming to a head right here. Right near your favorite ice cream shop.
“One sec you hate me. The next, you’re asking me to get ice cream with you,” Jungkook says, something familiar and icy curling in his brown irises. It always looks so off-putting, the callousness in his eyes. It seems to be directed at you so often these days.
“I don’t hate you-”
“You avoided me for 2 and a half months. You’re only talking to me now because you have to!”
“That’s not true-”
“Oh, really? You telling me that you the last two and a half months was all in my head?”
You stay quiet, because he’s not wrong.
“That’s what I thought,” Jungkook says to himself, tearing his eyes from you. The cold look in his eyes has returned and it makes your heart ache. He can’t look at you like that, you can hardly bear it.
“I’m fucked up, I get it. Don’t think I don’t get it-”
“You left. Without a goodbye and now fuckin’ five years later- my dream girl’s my colleague and she hates me.”
A sudden, chilling epiphany douses you- he has no idea why you left. You know him well enough to know that he’ll feel awful once you tell him. Apparently none of his friends had told him. Maybe they thought it was your story to tell. It’s not much of a story, not really. It’s the story of a heartbroken girl with commitment issues.
Your face drops. Maybe he’s hurting you the same way you hurt him. But it changes nothing.
“You can’t even look at me now!”
“You listen to me, Jungkook,” You hiss, “I’m not your dream girl. I’m nobody’s dream girl, so let’s get that straight. I’m awful a-and terrible and mean- and… 
“My dad died,” You finally whisper, “Appa died and I couldn’t handle grad school so I dropped out. Dropped off the face of the earth. Got the first job I could, for Grandma and me. 
“I fuckin’ dropped out, my daddy died and I can’t look at you sometimes because it fuckin’ reminds me of when I was happy and I can’t chase that feeling because I don’t know what it feels like anymore!”
Jungkook’s eyes are wide, pretty pink lips parted in speechlessness. Fuck. You’ve ruined any chance at friendship with him, you know that. So you bury the dagger even further in whatever this is and you turn on your heel and run. Because that’s all you’re good at. Running. Your eyes are blurry with freely falling tears and the sound of your own heaving sobs are loud in your ears. 
You leave your heart out on the streets of Tokyo, near your favorite ice cream shop but you don’t even hear the sound of Jungkook chasing after you.
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elfdyke · 3 years
hello its harlisleys on my main!! for enrichment: what are the friend groups in the maxverse! do the sirens get along with the birds of prey? any thoughts about where the other rogues fit in? love ur designs so far!
im gona put the answer under the cut cuz i made little relationship charts to go with this and it gets long dkfgdkfjgdf
OK off the top of my head, here are the main friend groups
harley quinn, poison ivy, selina kyle 
barbara gordon, dick grayson, jason todd
harley quinn, poison ivy, dinah lance, helena bertinelli
and then some ! important dynamics are- 
selina + bruce
harley + helena
harley + dinah
harley + joker
jason + ivy + harley
barbara + joker + jason
jason + bruce
bruce + barbara
bruce + harley + ivy
cass + harley
cass + barbara
(im sure i forgot some but these r like. the most important ones i can remember!)
this is gona be very much a harley centric world but i do wana explore other dynamics and relationships!! i know i wana dive more into the birds of prey characters as well as the batfam!!
i know i want to have twoface/harvey and bruce be weird ex almosts from college, which causes a lot of strife. 
scarecrow and harley know each other and are friendly!! 
harley and deadshot hook up during suicide squad activities (harley would be removed from the team after her first mission via Bruce Wayne, but she does end up being forced into it). also im channeling assault on arkham vibes with their dynamic. he canot rly stand her but isnt actually cruel to her, and she is mainly just using him but feels affectionate towards him.
i have not thought abt how the dynamic would work storywise but i desperately want killer croc and harley to be friends. i will reflect on this
black mask is super important for dinahs story!! hes like. her main villain : (
red hood is very important in my story!!! harley and ivy take him in after the joker kills him, and ivy revives him with the powers of the green, causing him to be connected to it as well (though he has no control over it and the things can do are very weak/not relevant to him skillset wise). hes basically harley and ivys gay son dkfgndkf, he views them as his parental figures over bruce, and while this is mainly to Spite bruce, he really does trust and care for them. more ivy than harley bc .. harley does some fuck shit. but he cares for harley too
heres some chronological relationship charts ft. birds of prey and gotham city sirens : )
(basically during the original bop, babs and dinah start it, then renee and helena join later, babs n dinah have a very awkward dynamic with helena bc shes gay and has never rly seen Other gay ppl, and barbara is very hostile and takes her staring at them as her being homophobic so. its not GREAT!!!)
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(a while after the birds break up, harley and helena end up working together and end up hooking up a few times, its kinda weird, kinda tender, and its mainly just harley trying her best try and give helena a little support which is at the current time pretty uncharacteristic for her)
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(the sirens are together at the same time as harley/helena hookups, this is the longest of harleys joker free periods so its when shes at her healthiest, though she is clearly still struggling)
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(this is a massive jump in the plot but. its for the relationship charts. we skip past a huge arc ft harley/ivy getting together, and becoming safe and settled with each other. harley and dinah meet up and begin a gay little fwb relationship post bop events , bop events are similar to in the movie but i did take my own spin on them, so theyre. also different ! ) ((also also just 2 be clear, while ivy was jealous of helena, that was bc she wanted the intimacy and love harley was giving her. now that they are in a committed and healthy relationship, ivy is ok with harley having certain other partners that theyve discussed n agreed on! its very much something they talk about unlike what the comics show :/ ))
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(babs ends up initiating the birds of prey’s comeback. dinah and helena are both very unsure abt it bc uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the last time they worked together ended. VERY BADLY!!!! which i will release in more detail Soon. but. they end up agreeing and actually do form a rly good cohesive team and despite the awkwardness of their dynamic get a lot of good stuff done!)
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chaoticevilbean · 4 years
So, there’s this whole Youtuber Atla Au, and I have Stuff stuck in my Head. This is Sokka-centric bc thassa me.
Here Goes:
- Sokka has a mixed channel. He does educational videos, how-to videos, political videos, stories about him and his weird friends, dancing and singing videos, makeup videos, parkour videos, etc. He’s a very well known account.
- He uses fake names/obscure nicknames/code names for anyone he mentions. Anyone featured in his videos either wears a mask/facepaint or allows him to say their real name. He uses only they/them pronouns unless the person is with him and has given him other pronouns to call them by.
- He has never mentioned his name, refuses to be called Boomerang despite someone suggesting it because “that’s a disrespect to boomerangs, please don’t”, and he responds to commenters asking for his name with “;)”, “:)”, and “...”
- People only know he’s a male because he put that in his first video
- Sokka always wears facepaint in his videos, and absolutely no one recognizes him. He is unidentifiable. His continuous need to wear contact lenses and wigs of varying styles and colors also messes with people. No one can figure out what Nation he’s from (there are all four in this AU).
- Sokka has seven different facepaint styles he’ll wear.
- - Earth Kingdom is just Kyoshi Warrior facepaint. Someone attempted to drag him for disrespecting a elite warrior and all-female team. The Official Kyoshi Warrior account responded with this and only this: “Back off, he’s ours.”
- - Southern Water Tribe is based off their traditional warrior paint and La. Northern Water Tribe is based off of Tui and wolves.
- - Air Nomads is brown and blue arrows and flying lemur markings around his eyes.
- - Fire Nation is based off of Agni and the Painted Lady. It’s simple with red and yellow markings, and the accents will either be black (if he’s talking about something funny), blue (if he’s talking about something weird), or white (if he’s talking about something cool). People had to figure out those meanings themselves.
- - The Spirit World is based off of Hei Bai and Wan Shi Tong, a black, white, and grey style.
- - The blended one is cut into six sections. Fire and Air are the top two, taking up his forehead and creeping into his hairline. Water and Earth are on the bottom, bleeding down his neck. The Spirit World and nonbending sections are on his eyes. For those, he does fox markings on both sides, and the Spirit side is colorful like many of the minor Spirits are (bugs and birds and others). The nonbending side has normal fox colors, and the edges of all sections are blended together.
- - Each mask has a different meaning, which wasn’t figured out until later. If something is about a story, then it will be Fire Nation or Water Tribe. If the story includes strangers, then it will be Fire Nation, but if it’s mostly his pre-established friends, then he’ll have Water Tribe. Any sort of performance is Earth Kingdom, unless he’s doing it with someone else, which is when he wears his blended one. If the video is instructing in any way, it’s Air Nomad. If it’s a political video, he will always have his Spirit facepaint on.
- Most people assume he’s Air Nation because he seems nomadic. He’s constantly talking about new friends, his backgrounds change every video and he speaks all the languages one could possibly learn.
- As a Note, there are all four Nations. They all have different languages. There are formal and informal of each language (or common and high-speak). There is also the General Common, which is the language basically everyone knows so they can communicate with other nationalities. Air Nomads have many different slangs depending on where the nomads are from, but only one central language. They don’t have formal or informal.
- Sokka’s most viral video is called Secret Tunnel. He met some nomads and they taught him to use their instruments at an amateur level. He then asked if they wanted to record a video with him. They said yes, so he recorded them singing and dancing to the song, and he joined in on guitar (or whatever the stringed instrument is called in that episode). The video ‘solidified’ that Sokka was from the Air Nomads.
- Things people know about the channel and the Friends (called ‘Boomeraang’, though no one seems able to figure out why - most pass it off as a typo, but true fans know Sokka pays too much attention to his work and his boomerang)
- - Lady is either related to Sokka or as close as a sibling. They’re a master waterbender and extreme activist. They’re constantly starting rebellions and protests and getting into trouble through that. They have once impersonated a Spirit in order to get rid of a corrupt company that was polluting a river and then got the nearby fishing town to work together to clean said river. Lady got their education in waterbending after beating “an old coot in battle, didn’t have much to learn but Lady needed ‘finesse’ or something.”
- - Kuzon is Lady’s SO. They were friends first, SO’s second, and Sokka had to endure the pining. Kuzon acts older than they look, and uses extremely outdated slang. A video with Kuzon in the background as Sokka told a story confirmed the fact when Sokka asked “What did you say to Bluey?” “Flameo, Hotman!” It is assumed that Kuzon is a bender, but no one knows which type. Kuzon once threw a raging party because his school was really strict. The entire student body was invited and the cops were called, but no one got in trouble because they weren’t breaking any laws.
- - Bluey is either a nonbender or a firebender. Sokka’s stories are unclear on that, but one thing is clear: Bluey is a vigilante. And works in a tea shop. And holds some sort of position of power somewhere. It varies from “Bluey stopped a drug ring this month” to “Bluey’s uncle told them they can’t work the night shift because they haven’t slept” to “Bluey just passed a rule saying no drinks during meetings. They’re just mad that I kept slurping my cactus juice.”
- - Bandit is an actual criminal, but also holds some position of power. They are blind, maybe, and an earthbender. Apparently the greatest earthbender in the world, but that could also be Rocky. Bandit scams scammers, usually ones on the street that can’t call the police because they’re also criminals. They’ve made a lot of money that way, and Bandit uses the funds for a combination of food and taking Sokka shopping since he helps them. Bandit also fought in an underground earthbending tournament and won the title every time. Sokka says that the reason behind Bandit even going there was that their family was awful and somehow thought they were fragile, so they learned how to ditch their escort and vent their frustration via illegal fighting ring.
- - Rocky is a king. And insane. And friends with Kuzon and some old people. Nothing else is known, besides they’re a bender.
- - Bison. Is maybe an actual bison. Is Kuzon’s best friend and they’re constantly kissing everyone and messing around with Lemur. Lemur is flighty and loyal and like lychee nuts. Not much else is told, but they’re in many stories and the wording is weird enough that no one can tell if they’re animals or humans.
- - Wheaty was a real jerk when they all first met, and the group all left on bad terms. However, when they met back up, Wheaty was much nicer and was trying to be better than they originally were. They had to go to therapy to help with anger issues and were recovering well when the group reunited. Gurl (Sokka makes sure to spell it out for the viewers) is one of Wheaty’s best friends, having been there for the other through everything. Yuyan was in a similar boat, and was usually the ‘voice’ (Sokka would laugh at that, before continuing as if he hadn’t) of reason. The trio were all very nice and helpful, and had some other friends that Sokka met and hit it off with. Mini-Me was someone who was smol and idolized Sokka. Big Man always traveled with Mini-Me, but never once stopped them from following Sokka around.
- - Warrior is a nonbender and is the one who taught Sokka to fight with fans. They also educated him on toxic masculinity, getting rid of the sexism ingrained in him (*note, in this AU, Sokka wasn’t as sexist, due to being exposed to a few more people and the internet, and therefore finding more female idols. Suki helped him stopped what was left, because he still struggled and wanted to be better). Warrior is about 30% of Sokka’s impulse control, which is still a large chunk considering how many impulses he has. They have been in a few videos wearing an entire robe and mask get-up, and spoke once (1) when they told Sokka that Knife and Ballerina were head over. It was the middle of a video about how to fight with fans.
- - Princess, Knife, and Ballerina were a trio that could rule the world. Princess probably would’ve turned out awful if they hadn’t left home with their uncle. Knife hated any sort of protocol, but never seemed to show emotion. Both they and Yuyan were people that had to be observed to understand their emotions at any one point. Ballerina was happy, a gymnast, a yoga instructor, and a nonbender. It is assumed that Knife is a nonbender who uses only knives and Princess is a master firebender, but there is speculation.
- - Roller and Pusher were best friends. Roller was in a wheelchair and Pusher always pushed them. Roller was incredibly intelligent and often helped Sokka with inventions, while Pusher was a skilled earthbender who used more finesse than most.
- - The Moon is mentioned once and never again, and everyone wonders why he mentioned them in the first place (when discussing what he’d done while Lady battle for her education “I hung out with The Moon”).
- - Most likely to appear in a video are Roller, Pusher, Bandit, and Gurl, all in masks. Bandit’s they can’t possibly see through, but they walk like everything’s normal.
- - Most likely to be off-screen in a video are Kuzon, Bluey, and Lady.
- - Most likely to be mentioned in a video are Kuzon, Bandit, Bluey, Lady, and Warrior.
- Things that are known about Sokka:
- - He learned Earth Kingdom formal from Bandit and informal from a combination of Friends and observation. He learned Fire Nation formal from Bluey’s uncle and Bluey occasionally slipping into it and informal from Kuzon and some colonists he met. He learned the dialects of the Southern and Northern Water Tribes from The Moon, Lady, and Lady’s family. He learned Air Nomad from a variety of monks and people like Chong and Lily.
- - His parkour skills come from a combination of his Friends’ illegal activities, chaotic antics, and just a dash of bad luck.
- - He learned fighting from practically everyone he’d met, and observing them or having them teach him. He hadn’t actually wanted to learn to fight with fans or knives, but Warrior and Knife had taken one look at him and told him he had to or else. In fact, the only weapons he wanted to learn to use were a sword, a club, and his boomerang. He learned the first from Rainbow Father, the second from Bi Father, and the third was self-taught. Everything else, he posted videos as he learned new skills, and also told the varying stories of how he was coerced into being taught. For example, Ballerina insisted on teaching him chi blocking, a very obscure form of fighting, and would randomly use it on him until he agreed. They always undid what they blocked immediately after, but it was still annoying to randomly lose use of both arms.
- - Sokka’s Boomerang is deadly in his hands. He does not know this. During a livestream, Gurl snuck in after causing a distraction outside of the room he was in and read it off someone’s comment. They informed the viewers to never bring it up because Sokka didn’t know and if he underestimated his Boomerang, than everyone he used it against would, too. And that led to hilarious situations.
- - Sokka is a genius and inventor who has several patents. However, no one can find him through them, mostly because he didn’t want any attention when he put the items out into the open. He invented submarines and airships (people had no use for them before, but found they were incredibly useful when Sokka got everything patented and got a sponsor). He also invented cactus juice, which is as mentally impairing as alcohol with none of the lasting physical effects. Bandit loved that one.
- - Sokka has seemingly been everywhere. He’s mentioned meeting the Spirits Hei Bai, Wan Shi Tong, and the Moon and Ocean Spirits in passing. (*while wearing the Spirit facepaint* “I mean, I get that the Spirit World seems great and all, but I’ve been there. Not that exciting. Met Hei Bai and had to be rescued. Don’t see the appeal. And there isn’t a single bathroom there.”)
- - Can dance pretty average, but knows a lot of different styles because of various Friends. Can also sing and whistle well, and usually hums Secret Tunnel while doing parkour. Most of his music videos include other people, minus a few where he was asked to demonstrate his instrumental skills. He, again, is average and only knows the different instruments because people decided he should learn.
- - He is amazing at makeup. Every person he brings in to do (mostly people who aren’t seen again on the videos) leaves with stunning work done.
- - He can draw and paint, but he didn’t start off good. He started doing instructional videos based off articles and lessons he found. His viewers learned with him, and he’s improved greatly. He’s also prone to adding random rainbows to his landscapes, even in the black and white ones (it starts a trend of usually colorful things done in black and white, or in a way that’s more appealing to colorblind people).
- - Sokka wants to get rid of patriarchal societies and old men with problems. He fully supports his Friends’ protests and rebellions, and is likely to have cohesive arguments backed up with verifiable evidence and trustworthy sources.
- - He loves terrible jokes, and knows they’re terrible, but that’s the point.
- - He’s theorized to be in a position of power because once King Kuei and his bear Bosco walked on-screen from behind (Sokka was at a park and had his Earth Kingdom facepaint, so he definitely wasn’t expecting anyone to come), spotted Sokka and looked absolutely delighted, came straight over and hugged the boy from behind while he was explaining a move with a club. King Kuei said nothing, just hugged him until it was returned, let go, and waved goodbye. Bosco did a similar thing before following his owner. Sokka just continued the video as if nothing had happened, so it seems that he’s used to being around heckin’ royalty.
- Boomeraang gets a lot of hype and Sokka does sell merch and earn money, but only sells what is specifically requested. Someone requests he make t-shirts with his channels logo on it, he starts selling them, and doesn’t stop until there aren’t any more demands. Spoiler, there’s always demands. He tries to tell them he doesn’t want to take their money, but he almost had a riot when he suggested not selling anything anymore because he felt bad.
- The Gaang knows about the channel and talk about it a lot. Sokka had planned to keep it small, anonymous, and just have fun with his catch-all videos. He’s 2/3 at this point.
- Katara has her own activist channel, and considered making a second as the Painted Lady and use Sokka’s rep to eventually boost her, but decided against it. Her channel is called ‘Freedom Water’, based on the fact that water is the element of change. She has a moderate following.
- Toph has her own channel as well, which consists of Sokka holding the camera for her and videotaping her as she performs complex earthbending. She calls her channel ‘roc’. Her following is mostly other earthbenders who aren’t too proud to learn from a preteen, and other kids who think she’s cool. She also has a channel called ‘Bandit’, which is just her in the mask she wears for Boomeraang, telling all about different ways she’s scammed scammers, occasionally also showing videos of those instances. Sokka is her cameraman there as well, and will sometimes go on-screen with his facepaint. That channel has a large following because of Boomeraang. Toph is actually good at not slipping into the wrong nicknames or giving away genders.
- Aang has a channel called ‘The Temple’, which is almost solely different animals he spots. Some people try to say that he isn’t at the Air Temples, but he just laughs and ignores them. It drives people insane and it’s just accepted that the name of the channel is misleading. He has a small to moderate following, mostly animal enthusiasts, and the others are nature enthusiasts.
- Zuko has a channel followed by only theater kids and wannabe theater kids. He literally put ‘Title’ as the name, and uses his videos to rant about different plays and a lot about how the Ember Island Players botch the best of shows.
- Jet has an official channel for his Freedom Fighters, which is now solely used for spreading awareness and raising funds for those who need help (orphans, abused people, and people affected by disasters). The group lost a lot of followers when they changed their tune from angry and vengeful to calm and actually trying to help instead of harm. However, Katara and Zuko both gave shout-outs to the channel, and Toph ‘mentioned’ them as well (*read: threatened her followers if they didn’t check it out*). Their following has grown and now has a very good rep.
- Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee share a channel called ‘Royal Three’ where they show off their skills. They have a large following.
- Teo and Haru help manage everyone’s accounts and Teo is the official Kyoshi Warrior technician by the time everyone is done. Both are paid by their Friends for the work and recommend the duo to literally everyone possible.
- The Kyoshi Warriors are extremely well-known. There was an uproar when Ty Lee was announced as an official Kyoshi Warrior. They post basic fighting tutorials.
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artobotsrollout · 4 years
Double Crossed or Back Stabbed?
I finally wrote something a little longer around my TFP Autobot spy/strategist OC Backslash and ensuing hijinks here we go! Starscream centric and really dumb I'm warning you.
Starscream, master of deception, instantly knew something was up the moment a certain new 'Decepticon' joined their ranks and quickly became a favourite among the troops. Maybe it was the fact that he looked identical to reports of a new Autobot that recently joined Team Prime except with red eyes and one, admittedly impressive, accessory or maybe Starscream just doesn't like the possibility of another Decepticon channeling even more theatre kid vibes than himself.... No it's definitely the first one.
Starscream entered the bridge on the Nemesis. Having long since abandoned stoicism, the irritation he held in his hunched shoulders, clenched claws, sneering expression, and under the breath complaining was blatantly obvious to anyone with a pair of optics; although even in Breakdown's case a single optic would have been enough to spot the obvious. He'd only been gone an hour or two to clear his head after arguing with Megatron, again, about allowing a new arrival on board, to come back and learn that said new arrival had just recieved far too much free range for his liking. Starscream rarely liked new arrivals these days. New Decepticon arrivals 9/10 meant new competition and with every passing day Starscream had liked his odds of coming out on top less and less. But this was different. Starscream has run into this particular trouble before and his paranoia saved him then and would help raise his standing now.
The flier had hardly taken two harsh steps into the room before he was feeling his temper rise at the very problem that was currently laughing with his faction's leader. The conversation that created said rare laughter aboard the Nemesis was one of which he lacked context. Context, as he told himself in a tone that certainly wasn't apathetic, of which he absolutely did not care about.
"Lord Megatron are you certain that it's wise to allow this-" he sneered at the new 'Decepticon' arrival. "-unknown security risk to have such free range on the Nemesis?"
Megatron's uncharacteristic geniality was quickly snuffed at the sound of his Second's insubordination.
"You doubt my judgement? I would trust him free range sooner than I would you Starscream." He growled in a dangerous tone with squared shoulders. Starscream flinched back slightly with a flick of his wings and a stuttering of peds. A nervous smile quickly fell on his lips as he shrunk in on himself and gestured placatingly.
"N-not at all my Lord it's just that.. Heh.." he silently cursed the involuntary warble in his vocalizer. "I-in your endless glory I ehm.. do not doubt your supreme wisdom b-but I would be remiss as your second I-if I didn't caution you about an unusually deceptive Autobot that's been on our radar as of late."
Starscream perked up slightly, finally feeling as though he was hitting his stride. "Yes. Right. Well.. After hearing rumours from the troops and having my own.. encounters I took it upon myself to find out more about this fool! Everything I've found proves he is a master of undercover reconnaissance that would surely have gone unnoticed indefinitely were it not for the keen optics and meticulous research of yours truly!" Emboldened by a lack of any negative, or well any response, from his leader he continued with a straightened posture and slow confident strides into the room. He pulled out a data pad to access his reports for reference and smoothly slipped a data drive to Soundwave without breaking stride. "Soundwave, show our illustrious leader the face of this... new adversary."
Soundwave turned briefly to Megatron and at the slightest nod from his leader entered the command. Several images ranging from different missions and locations filled their vision as they splayed over the glass. All were images and video of a black, red, and gold lithe flier mech with long wings giving him the look of wearing a cape. There were slight variances between appearances. Optic colour, accessories, what have you but otherwise Starscream felt the evidence was undeniable.
Starscream shot their guest, who happened to have the exact colour scheme and body as the one in the photos, a victorious grin and side eye over his datapad. Their optics met and, to the disguised autobot's credit, beyond the slight twitch of wings and widening optics, he was unflinching. But it was enough. Gotcha. Starscream puffed out his chest as he preemptively preened at the future praise he was undoubtedly about to receive. Who would have thought that Starscream would be so good at surveillance? Such a colossal success would impress even Soundwave himse-
"I fail to see what this has to do with our guest Starscream," Megatron replied.
Starscream snapped out of his revelry as though he'd been slapped. His jaw dropped and eyes flicked between Megatron, the images, and the mech that was identical to said provided evidence. His wings stuttered in their flattening to his back as he reeled.
"EH!?... Ahem.. Did I mention this autobot's designation is Backslash? Which is remarkably close to Backstab?" Starscream stuttered out. Megatron raised an unimpressed brow. "Backstab.. Same meaning as... his designation: Doublecross? Rather on the nose don't you think?"
Megatron sighed as though he was too done to even be mad at this point. "Surely a fitting name for you. Are you really so desperate and paranoid as to bring me meaningless word association puzzles Starscream?"
"WHAT!?" Starscream squawked.
"Doublecross may bear a very loose passing resemblance to this Autobot, this is true, howeve-"
"-M-Megatron he's IDENTICAL!"
"It would be wise to get your optics checked before interrupting me my dear second." Megatron growled as he looked over the silver commander. "This Autobot spy you describe is severely lacking compared to Doublecross here," he said with a flourished gesture to his guest's face.
Starscream had to squint and focus in his optics to figure out what the frag the warlord was talking about. Upon the lips of his fellow flier was a hairy moustache.
"Thank you Master." 'Doublecross' replied with a grateful bow of the head.
"... Cybertronians can't grow FRAGGING MOUSTACHES!!" Starscream yelled.
"Doublecross is obviously living proof of the fallacy in your assertion! Next time you decide to waste our time with your petty accusations it had better be undeniable!" Megatron yelled back.
The edge of the new mech's facial accessory seemed to partially come off from the left side at the sudden bow and the suspected spy jolted his head back up and quickly raised a servo to push the offending accessory back onto his lip as though it were *GASP* fake and held on by a mere poor quality adhesive! 'Doublecross' nervously looked around he room as he regained an upright posture.
"T-THERE! YOU SEE!?!" Starscream pointed and madly made eye contact around the room. Begging someone to show him that he wasn't the only sane mech aboard this ship. Megatron approached threateningly with a sneer.
Starscream blinked with unfocused optics as though he astral projected into another dimension. He looked once more at the mustachioed spy and then back at Megatron. The Commander let out a deep exvent and straightened his posture, schooled his features into a neutral calm, and thought 'frag it all why do I even care what Backslash does at this point? Megatron, the blundering oaf, can choke on that glitch's hairy facial abomination on his descent to the pit for all I care and it'll be his own slagging fault!"
Despite his rage filled thoughts Starscream was chillingly, uncharacteristically, calm as he replied, "Of course Master. Primus knows what I was thinking," His optics flicked to 'Doublecross', only continuing when their optics met again. A bitter smirk tugged at his lips. "Don't let me keep you." He purred. Though speaking to the room as a whole, the pointed look he gave 'Doublecross' aka Backslash made it clear who the message and it's underlying double meaning was really for. Starscream turned on his heel and left the bridge deciding that now would be an excellent time to go for a flight and be as far away from the Nemesis and the ensuring mayhem as possible. He needed an alibi, and maybe something to destroy, cause this sure as slag would not be his fault.
Starscream's later return to a grounded Nemesis was immediately known to the entire crew from the loud and triumphant screeching echo in the halls of: "I TOLD YOU!" followed by a looooong rant.
This would not be the last time this happens.
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psychopersonified · 5 years
Q Origin story - Series 2
An imaginary Q-centric Netflix series
Series 1 Pilot here. 
In this second series, we see Q’s double life and how he juggles them. One as a civilian and the other in service with MI6 -  his growth his setbacks; the dramas that follow and which of the two will have to give way. 
To make Q’s backstory come to life and the events that happen to and around him seem more realistic, I’ve tried to include as much relevant details including the bureaucracy, politics and technology in MI6 (with a lot of artistic licence). The details all play a role in growing plot and telling of the narrative, I promise. 
This is meant to be a plot summary, not a full blown fic. Feel free to furnish with your own details. 
Episode 1
We see him older now but still in university on the verge of getting his second PhD and third masters (about 28-ish). The last several years, he’s been working part time at MI6 Q-Branch. Major Boothroyd (Q senior) insists he continue his education in Chemistry and Engineering as he’s competent but not great yet in these areas. The Major is an absent minded professor type, involved but not affectionate yet provides enough structure and interesting projects to occupy Q. 
Meanwhile Q in addition to the projects Boothroyd assigns him has started gathering some of his more cyber savvy colleagues in Q and IT Branches into a loosely defined “cyber security team”. It’s mostly them poking around MI6 systems testing and patching security. Technically, administrative IT is not under the purview of Q-Branch - you wouldn’t call Q-Branch if your laptop is refusing cooperate. Q-Branch is a specialised Field Research and Development (Weapons & Defence) division of MI6. However, there is increasing overlap with IT-Branch as terrorism and counterterrorism activities move into the cyber realm. The need to use cyber offensive measures (weapons) and protect against them (defend) blurs the lines between the branches in this age. 
It is still up in the air as to which branch will eventually take over - both branches playing it like hot potato at the moment. Q has a suspicion that M wants Q-Branch to play a more involved role sooner rather than later but bureaucratic red tape and legitimate logistical and manpower concerns have yet to be addressed. 
Timothy Hayden, Head of IT- branch is territorial about letting the grease monkeys down in Q-Branch toy with his high tech touch screens. He runs his branch like a corporate entity and isn’t a great fan of the somewhat disorganised tinkering elves that surround Boothroyd like a perverse Father Christmas toyshop. Boothroyd on the other hand doesn’t want Q-branch becoming mired in a multi-year IT systems transformation project that would draw resources away from their core competencies (whose budget should it come out of? what’s the scope? whose personnel? whose accountability? legacy systems, ongoing support and patches, etc.) 
So for now, Q and his merry little bunch of misfits - who in later years will become the core group of senior Q-minions surrounding Q (opportunity to explore the other characters) carry on their project in the background. Its their standing Friday CYBRWar! night with IT-Branch. Their cybergames isn’t exactly sanctioned but is not prohibited either - as long as they don’t repeat the Black Friday incident where an uninformed IT boffin mistook the games as a legitimate attack and executed a hard shut down of Level 3 servers taking all email down with it…. now that was a long weekend of data recovery work no one wants repeated. 
The games see them take turns playing system hacker and system defender. The score is currently an alarming 163 (success hacks) vs 57 (success repels) with both sides starting to uncomfortably acknowledge the gaping under-preparedness of their protocols. To add to the worry, a third of the successful repels are only because Q was playing lead defender. So, vigorous trash-talk and deliciously unhealthy takeaway food aside, it does serve a critical purpose - one that they won’t realise until a few years later. 
Meanwhile, Q’s personal life starts to get interesting. He’s fallen for a university tutor in the Arts & History faculty (lets call him Adam) who couldn’t be more different than Q. Adam is flawlessly chisel cheeked and athletic - but internally soft, emotional and romantic. Juxtaposed to Qs fragile physicality but rapier wit and iron will. Q suspects that Adam sees in him a scrappy lost puppy in need of a good home and boundaries to focus his genius - but doesn’t mind ...initially. His first serious romance and sexual experience ensues. [insert desired smut here. LOL]. 
However even as his personal life blossoms, his life in Q-Branch begins to unravel. A spate of failed field operations culminating in the death of a field agent instigates an investigation. It is determined that equipment failure is a cause in all these cases. Major Boothroyd as branch head is ultimately accountable - he is censured and put on administrative leave, which is crushing to the old man who has spent his life in Q-branch. As he spends an emotional evening packing his office and reminiscing on a life spent in the bowels of MI6 creating countless gadgets for his countrymen, the stress and shame takes its toll. He suffers a stroke, and collapses. It’s Q who finds him unresponsive next to the old DB5 that Boothroyld wanted to see for the last time when Q goes to collect the old man for the “farewell” drinks Q-Branch was throwing to honour their old mentor. 
Boothroyd  survives but suffers long term damage to his right side, making a potential return to Q-Branch impossible. It is both an emotional and technical blow to the department which is now facing ever increasing scrutiny. There is even talk of contracting all R&D work to external defence companies and doing away with Q-Branch all together…….
 Episode 2 continued under the cut.
Episode 2
Opens with a harried senior R trying to keep a demoralised Q-Branch together. The Major was a pillar of Q-Branch for decades and many feel a strong loyalty towards the old man, Q included. R orders a review of the few examples of returned equipment to find the root cause of failures. The engineers in Q-Branch get to it - they narrow it down to a few components but the records show no issue with them prior to assembly. Without more evidence, the investigation stalls. 
Out of curiosity, Q pokes around the inventory system, trying to find a pattern. When he checks the data logs, he finds discrepancies that suggest data tampering. The component serial numbers have been moved around so that in some cases untested components or those that have failed testing are getting released to be used in the assembly of field equipment.  
It is a small hack (if you can even call it that), surgically precise and inconspicuous enough that it flies under the radar.  In an era of brazen top down system wide pwn-ing, no one would have given priority to securing these low level administrative systems since they don’t hold any classified information. But once compromised causes a ripple that cascades upwards. Q gets a knot in his stomach, how many more of these time bombs are hidden in the system? 
Just then a field report for 007’s latest mission (Casino Royale) comes through. Q-branch is red flagged because the medical defibrillator they built for 007’s kit failed to discharge when expected - nearly costing the agent his life. It was only an act of serendipity that the liaison from HM Treasury Dept was there to assist. Q designed that defibrillator; he’d personally drawn up the schematics and the electronic controller as well as the specifications, he’d put in failsafes and redundancies knowing the critical use case of the equipment. This point he’s doesn’t know 007 personally, he knows of his reputation as a rebel and M’s experimental wild child. People say that about Q as well, that he’s M’s bet - for what exactly, only she knows. Q thinks otherwise, viewing MI6 as his gilded cage - one that M imposed and one that he now willingly submits to; to keep his egomaniacal tendencies in check (think pyjamas + tea + laptop = destruction). He resented it when he first arrived, but has since matured and loves the sense of purpose and outlet it provides. 
He plans to gather more evidence about the data tampering, before presenting it to R. But the next day he gets an urgent call from R telling him to come to HQ, they’ve sent a car for him. He has to cancel a long-awaited planned weekend with Adam who doesn’t quite get what’s so important that Q can’t put it off. To everyone else, Q is still a PhD student with no more pressing concerns than finishing his doctoral dissertations - a lazy student at that. 
This is where we see the cracks in Q’s civilian persona. Brilliant as he is, he barely makes his tutoring requirements and spends more time in Q-Branch than in the university labs. When he does show, he’s ill prepared and sporting increasingly implausible excuses. His PhD project is half baked and boring because the more interesting topics he’s working on is for MI6 and classified. Yet his technical genius means he still manages to run verbal rings around his peers and professors and make a general nuisance of himself (he can’t resist pulling the lion’s tail at times simply to see what would happen. We see traces of this side of him when he meets 007 later in Skyfall). He has all the ego and sensitivity (lack of) of a Sheldon-esque character but without a developmental disorder to explain his behaviour and endear him to those around him. MI6 funds his tuition so he is not wanting of anything. In summary for all appearances, he’s a privileged little shit too smart for his own good, cruising through academia without ambition or drive to make something of himself.  
Adam is understandably upset. Q is annoyed at Adam’s concern and increasing attempts to ‘guide’ and ‘channel’ him. He knows he’s been more erratic and impatient lately but can’t explain to Adam why. He leaves Adam at the university entrance and gets into the unmarked black car with a promise to talk later. 
When he gets to HQ he finds out that he’s facing the fallout from 007s’ field report. He’s now caught up in the internal inquiry dragnet. The inquiry board wants to issue a recall of ALL specialised field equipment designed by Q-branch. It would be a massive undertaking as it’s deployed all over the globe and across agencies (CIA, NATO, EEAS, etc that contracted work with Q-Branch) and in many cases with agents under deep cover. Not to mention the embarrassment and damage to MI6 reputation (they don’t know it yet, but this is the start of a campaign to undermine M; this is also my take on why Q-Branch makes no appearance in Casino Royal and Quantum). They also want to rescind Q’s contract and security clearance to cover their liabilities - using Q as a scapegoat. 
R thinks it’s an over reaction; granted there are serious issues here but give Q-Branch time to investigate before they make a decision. The board is unconvinced; they don’t have time for a protracted review, they have already lost one of their filed agents, now nearly losing a 00-agent. If something similar happens to one of the other allied agencies because of Q-Branch tech, the reputational embarrassment will be severe. The situation is at an impasse. 
With his career on the line, Q speaks up for the first time in the inquiry, surprising everyone into silence. In the last half hour, he’s been talked to as if his presence was irrelevant; a lowly Q-Branch boffin, disposable and expendable in the grand scheme of political machinations. He details his findings regarding the data tampering in the inventory management system. If he can trace which of the components are affected, he could narrow the list of equipment that potentially needs to be recalled. He asks for 3 days.
R an old school mechanical engineer, is out of his depth on this one as it’s a IT systems issue. IT-Branch Head, Hayden is uncooperative. He thinks Q is trying to deflect blame to his branch. Hayden objects, accusing Q of unauthorised hacking into IT Dept. Q admits to unauthorised access but quips back that its hardly hacking when all he had to do was jiggle the the handle to find the door unlocked. Terrorists are not going to pass up an exploit just because we asked nicely. That shuts everyone up. Out of the corner of his eye, he thinks he sees M look somewhat pleased but isn’t sure. 
The board acquiesces to the 3 days….the clock starts ticking.⏳
Update: Episode 3 up now.
Let me know what you think? 😉
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“Why” tags are going here because Tumblr’s a baby who can’t handle all these words at once. :P
#but i spent my whole life absolutely CONVINCED that wings belonged on my body. it just... tok me a good long while to figure out Why.
#Oh THAT'S why everyone's freaking out over that post.
#at first I was like ''Wow this is Srentha to the core!'' And then I read ''why this unreasonable answer at the sight
#honestly this is why i'm basically addicted to empty-mind meditation?
#??? why do people do these awful things to Good People though
#i don't know how or why and i don't remember ever having Learned about That Letter? but my mind automatically knew it was 'hath' somehow
#Of course that DOES beg the question of why a LORd of CHAOS doesn't... you know. CHANGE it? ??
#first of all: REM WHY ARE YOU COMING to OHIO of all places???
#okay but. randy how did they MEET what's the STORY why are they HATING on TEXAS
#or like. a Sarcastic Joke because cyborg was once like ''why aren't you miss mary sunshine''?
#''What are you DOING. You RUN. ALWAYS RUN.'' and i was like. ''why bother getting into adventures if you're gonna RUN though..''
#I don't know why but I always score better on Customer Service Questionaires when I choose responses like ''I'm sorry
#i've never seen that still before and I CAN;T FATHOM WHY because that is FANTASTIC!
#I don't know why but ''novice suddenly ends up with super incredibly powerful abilities'' is one of my FAVORITE TROPES!
#I have no idea how/why but these just gave me Massive Leyla and Srentha Feels.
#my usual turnaround time for Dreams to Real Life is about two weeks. not sure why but it happens to like 7 people in my immediate family
#Especially with the bells. I don't know why but bells always remind me of that place. ~<3
#Nobody intrinsically knows how to solve problems that hurt another person. That's why COMMUNICATION is so important!
#also: Good Post re: Why Danny is So Actually-Great
#why does everyone spell ''bear with me' like that?
#i know right? Why did I never think of that??
#why do i love this so much
#that's basically why Evanescence became my favorite band. it's not all romo-/sexually-centric
#i've always read it the same way and didn't notice Why Everyone Stopped Liking Her but that also brought that particular Change to light...
#groans eternally in Tumblr's direction. why even bother with all these updates.
#Oh THAT'S why Eda could do glyphs! /joke
#thaaaat's probably why Fancie Word Choice has always been a strength in my writing.... {lD;;;;;
#velvet and sheer... why have I never seen that combination before? It's GLORIOUS
#That's probably why he's so good at spontaneous Travelling too. Lots of practice when trying to find her... /owo
#This is why House and Senate votes count though! The President may have a lot of control over the military but a strong H+S
#I know MC Escher was a master of this (whatever This is) and that's why he's one of my favorite artists.
#okay but I'm intensely curious why he didn't have a plan to take HIMSELF out and thought he'd have to rely on THEM dsfndsgmfhdgj
#I wonder why he'd need to attack/defend while shifted? Can he also use such magic when he's not shifted?
#but I think that variety is why her every new album is so refreshingly Different.  Her singing ALONE improves so MUCH with every album!
#the only difference is that I imagined the fire came with smoke and that's why her gasp was so strangled and she grabbed her throa
#honestly this is why i'm basically addicted to empty-mind meditation?
#i'm cleaning my room and i misplaced it. badfnmkngjf;lk this is why i hate cleaning
#but scenes like this are why i love DC's latest gen of animated movies
#that Friends As Family theme was super important to why i love the 80's comics too..........
#this is why i read fanfic
#i think she feels slighted in some way but i can't pinpoint Exactly Why let alone HOW.
#and it's like.. Halfo f why lapis's characterization is so Shaky for me? Because the girl barely talks??? And she has like 7 Speech Modes
#^^^^ GUYS THIS WAS ALERINA. This is the environment Dove was raised in! This is why losing her mother tore her apart! ^^^^^
#This is so so SO important and delves deeply into why language is so important for learners and general humanity alike. ~<333
#that's why my tag for Old People Stories isn't specific to any generation. it's just Shitty Adults Being Shitty
#I write primarily about OCs and I know that's why my readership is so low. I write stories for a Dead Fandom that has declined sharply.
#you know? so that's why my Affirmations Tag is like 60% Steven UniversE Content at this point. 8F It's Helping Me Learn!
#It's a CIRCADIAN THING not an INSOMNIA THING. I don't know why my doctors don't believe it's NOT the same as INSOMNIA
#oh is THAT why my love language is ''all of them''?
#and i hardcore headcanon ry ouwearing glasses when he gets older. so why not?
#i Suck at the aCTUAL DRAWING art but i'm i na bit of a fallow period with the org and personal life. so why not?
#i'm already planning an aviary for the doves. so why not? (they'd be Very Separate from teh raven though. for obvious reasons)
#let's add to the Emotional Whiplash of Today pile. sure! why not!!
#but i got the dvd and i have vlc so why not use them i guess? i already had it in the drive for the extras and this way there's .....
#She can hop dimensions so why on Earth-- ALL the Earths-- hasn't she Been Relevant to ANY multi-timeline crisis yet???
#yes of fucking COURSE Dove and the rest are in Team Transition too!! Why on Earth-- on ANY earth! wouldn't I transition them too?!
#so why on earth did danny chase get shafted so hard?????
#about WHY or if she's GONNA be OKAY or HOW or--
#So gentle and soft and concerned and really quite quiet and subtle... which might be why others didn't pick up on the Love Vibe
#but the last one I reblogged didn't have that specified! 8O i don't know why one of my special interests is Unusual Instruments
#why WOULDN'T you snog a snitch if it could bring your dead loved ones back though? Why on Earth WOULDN'T you???
#but it's about ''they're very different. but they're friends!'' It just never talks about why or how that's important.
#(i think that's her full name for some reason but i don't know why or when i heard/saw it. somebody please correct me if i'm wrong!)
#I must be an Asker. I've never understood why people are so convinced they Can't Say No if someone asks?
#i also think PTSD makes you react to fear Differently from Pure Adrenaline Responses... but i can't unravel Why right now
#And also at the time I couldn't fathom why someone would think she was autistic. because i didn't know myself
#god this foreshadowing was just. so sincere and heart-rending and when this episode came out I *DID* wonder why she'd say that...
#I'm STILL trying to figure out why Srentha thought Dove was confessing that she has heartworm. (i know she Does Not in fact
#at first I was like ''Wow this is Srentha to the core!'' And then I read ''why this unreasonable answer at the sight
#i can't figure out why though
#If my Harmony Core theory is correct: it would explain why they're playing their music So Hard.
#the fact that my first reaction was ''why though'' is..... concerning?
#raven's like How? Why The HELL. and dove doesn't have a good answer besides ''it felt like i needed it.''
#fun fact: i misread this as ''zatana zatara / MICHIGAN '' and i was like... ''why the fUCK--''
#i don't know why there's all this fanart of
#and also sugar skulls are delightful but you should really know what they MEAN and REPRESENT and WHY they're sweet and flamboyant
#if someone is passionate; angry; or distressed over a topic: She doesn't always understand WHY until they EXPLAIN it. If they do at all.)
#oh hey why was THAT line never a meme
#this is why we need
#but that doesn't make it any less FRUSTRATING because I've been wORKING THROUGH the pptsd and why won't it STOP?
#(because that's why we have to pay for everything from movies to individual channels now. let's be real)
#i've never understood why winter and fall were the only ~fashionable~ seasons for wearing black.
#I mean to be FAIR some of the government DID mobilize and that's why we got the Stimulus Bill.
#But DC... this bullshit is why we can't have nice things
#and as soon as I looked it up: y first thought was ''Oh is that why we call them Abner?'' My second was ''Is that what *I* am?''
#also if you're as powerful as zee it probably comes second-nature so why WOULDN'T you throw it around to stop an argument?
#okay but if SPINEL doesn't know then how/why would BLUE know
#what? no i didn't just stare at this for a solid two minutes and read it over five times. no.. why would I do that?
#that's because it's not ''cool'' to hate on it so why would it be ''cool'' to like it ironically?
#why WOULDN'T you snog a snitch if it could bring your dead loved ones back though? Why on Earth WOULDN'T you???
#but it's not like a ragey angry thing. it's like........ war of attrition? why yes i think i WILL sign the 47th petition for the same thing
#over and over again and rewound and replayed until i got the whole spell written down. why YES I'm a little hyperfixated! why do you ask!!!
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on TRH Book 1, Chapter 3
• I'm hoping that if I have this chapter out early enough (doubtful, because compiling and organizing my screenshots takes time, and my drafts often don't save which means there are times I will have to replicate whole paragraphs from scratch. But fingers crossed!), I might try and do revisits of the first book. I did four of those chapters last year, and I think now - when we're looking at some of the stories told to us in Book 1 from a new lens - is a good time to explore that first book again.
• I hope the read more issue is resolved by now. It made posting quite hard the last time. In the meantime these are the tags you can block: #long post, #trh quick thoughts, #trh qts, #trh qt reblogs.
• Thanks a lot to @pixieferry for her Hana playthrough, @thefirstcourtesan for her Drake playthrough screenshots and the Abhirio YouTube channel for the Maxwell playthrough screenshots. Not much of those are up, because of lack of space to put up the pictures and the fact that this particular chapter wasn't specifically LI centric.
• Title: Your Kingdom Awaits.
Alternative Title: Tell Me What's Gestating in My Womb Today, Cordonia! A Cordonian Ruby? An Autumn Glory? A Granny Smith?
• Three chapters in and I'm getting more and more baffled by this story by the day. There's stuff I like. Some of the characters I still love. I have fun looking at the little hints, the bits of symbolism, the callbacks. I love theorizing what we'll be doing next! But all of this needs to be glued together by a coherent storyline and this just isn't it.
• Even if we push aside the gross inequalities in balance (re: character development), there's still so much that just doesn't make sense. Why is there so much rush. Why is everyone in this country (and outside) so invasive and entitled over this one noble's child? Why are we doing such insane scales of prep over a process that is in itself is so unpredictable? Why am I learning about Cordonia's allies/potential enemies in such a vague and shoddy fashion? And most of all what kind of bullshit Royal Council is this???
• But I'll elaborate on all those questions later. For now let's move on to the chapter!
• If you didn't buy the corgi in Book 2, they ask you if you'd like to buy it now at the beginning of the chapter. Possibly that may affect the entry of the second corgi in some way? Idk. 
• Esther, the Queen of Cordonia is also still the queen of winging it. You'd think they'd have planned a look for her (esp given the amount of time they could spend on the train) and gotten her ready by the time they reached there, not scrambled around for an outfit the minute they reached Valtoria.
• The LI tells the MC that they're fixed an appointment with the best obstetrician they could find, and we will be going there to ask our preliminary questions plus get a check up. I was wondering if in Hana's case they would be going to a fertility specialist instead.
• In any case, Bertrand volunteers to help us with an outfit for the last time in a short while, because he's traveling to Texas to prepare for their wedding. (we're going there too, but later. I'm not looking forward to another round of Savannah-worship - possibly with an added side of Bianca-worship - no thank you).
• Bianca's ranch is called the Walker Ranch, after Jackson's last name. Why Jackson's?
• Our OOTD!
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Electric blue with a gold belt and a black and white border on the neckline, accessorized with a necklace (I think it's pearls set in gold?) and a brooch pin in the shape of a crown.
I kinda like this one and knowing the way this team operates when it comes to outfits most of the time, I'm pretty sure the colour scheme was chosen on purpose. With this outfit, the MC is presenting herself in the national colours, with a tiny signifier of what her future role might be. Either as Queen or as mother of the future heir to the Crown. This is an outfit that would send a message during Liam's announcement, whether she is (symbolically) wearing that crown or not.
• I'm obviously not very comfortable with the implications that would go with that outfit (esp if she is not the Queen), but I can't deny it does its job.
• The MC can opt to go for either being poised, acting like a diva or being very casual in her approach. Whatever she does the crowd pretty much worships her.
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So everyone except Liam has someone (media, a fan, common people) approaching them as a way of showing how famous and revered the entire group has become in Cordonia. Liam doesn't need one coz he's anyway getting his moment with his big speech in front of the Valtoria manor.
Drake - Donnie Brine from the CBC speaks to Drake, positioning him as a man of the masses, the person that the Cordonian people see as their representative. Drake is woefully unprepared and freezes, blurting out that "things are great" which probably might end up becoming a meme on Cordonian internet later. Random Cordonian Woman from Applewood saves him by confirming this statement even though her trees have yet to grow and the tax problems are pretty much making her life "not great".
Maxwell - Where are Jiro and Camellia from Applewood? I like little Marco and Valerie but I hope they're not the only kids PB is going to be showing every time they need to show children. Marco approaches Maxwell and the MC both to sign his copy of Maxwell's book, and Maxwell takes care to do a dramatic signature that will not "obscure the picture of his face". I'm giggling at that image.
Hana - Valerie approaches Hana with a handmade flower necklace, presumably with a pattern made from "the Lee family crest". Now either Lorelai's family in Cordonia have the same surname as Xinghai, or Xinghai got himself a house crest for some reason. Either way, to toss out a detail like that so casually (a family crest is something that passes down through generations, esp in noble families) without even thinking of the logistics of it...(when an entire book of yours has been dedicated to sigils and crests) is pretty lazy.
BUT. In good news this means that my longtime speculation that Hana's mother's house had flowers as part of their court of arms is correct! (I was also right about a couple other things, like Maxwell's ancestors and Liam's mother being alive when Olivia was brought to the palace. YAY! 😁)
• We now move on to Liam's public announcement. Which sounds kinda weird whichever way you look at it. A married Liam announces that he and his wife are on a mission to enjoy babymaking and a single Liam announces this:
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(Screenshots from a Hana playthrough by @pixieferry)
I will translate what both Liams are saying into Cordonian:
Married Liam: We don't have an apple cinnamon bun in the oven yet, but we're definitely having fun kneading that dough nudge nudge wink wink.
Single Liam: I'm neither making apple buns nor kneading dough. I'll leave that to my friends the bun-making experts here. I'm just gonna park my butt outside the oven door along with the rest of Cordonia.
Sounds weird? You're welcome. It was meant to sound weird.
• Esther finally reunites with her corgi Joy! I wonder if at some point she'll meet up with her horse Celestia and red pandas Hansel and Gretel too xD
• Mara tells me safety checks have been done, but...it's Mara saying that, so I'm not sure I'm quite convinced. The alternative is Bastien, so...we're kinda screwed I guess.
• The group then discusses the future foetus, and Liam takes this opportunity to hint at their childhood history. You know what that means? DIAMOND SCENE!!
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(Screenshots for Asian Liam from my playthrough, Black Liam from @pixieferry and White Liam from @thefirstcourtesan)
As far as I can tell, among the kids the sprites for all three Liams and Drake are very much new, and the rest come from variations and changes to different faces. Maxwell's face is a copy of Simon from THoBM (only the mouth is slightly different), Hana's has a lot of similarities to young Kenna in TCaTF, but with pigtails instead of tiny buns. Olivia's is a little harder to place but I think there are plenty similarities between hers and RoE Camellia's face. For Queen Eleanor they used Young Mary's (MC's mother) sprite from D&D in accordance to whichever Liam you chose. Perhaps the only Mary sprite not used here would be the brown/Indian one, because Liam's ethnicities mainly feature White, Black and Asian. She even wears Mary's opera outfit (that incidentally Mary also ended up wearing to her wedding lol).
• Somehow they forgot that Maxwell was supposed to be a cute chubby little hippo who was loved by his mother.
• I'd like for Black Liam to grow more hair on his head because the curls on his younger self are lovely 😍
• Since most of the childhood tales revolve around the experience of growing up in the palace, this build up to the diamond scene begins with the MC asking questions about each of the boys (Liam, Drake, Maxwell).
- Little Liam and His Crown: Liam claims he only wore those during state occasions, but Maxwell (who admittedly didn't see Liam as much as Drake did but saw him often nonetheless) saw him practically sleep in the thing, and Drake has pictures to prove it lol.
- Grumpy Drake: Maxwell and Liam agree on Drake becoming grumpier as he grew older, but disagree on what metaphors to use to describe it. Maxwell favours "scratchy bark on a secretly loveable tree", and Liam claims he is "whiskey maturing in its barrell". ("oh", I want to ask Drake, "so that's what they call 'old grain mash' these days?" 🤣 This is my revenge for him referring to wine as old grape juice back in Book 2). No prizes for guessing which metaphor Drake liked better.
- Banning Maxwell from Palace Rooms: Maxwell's lucky he has a king for a friend because apparently before Liam jokingly and unwisely decided to give the man a royal pardon Maxwell was banned from all the good rooms 😅
• Hana clearly hasn't lost her touch when it comes to epic savagery. "I imagined you guys like the Three Musketeers, only...less French". 😅😅
• This diamond scene is split into three parts. You have the fun 'adventures' of the little boys (and later Olivia) at the palace, split in between by a slightly more sombre tale of little Hana's loneliness. The narrative voice in all three is very much that of a child, and focuses on Liam's and Hana's imaginations, so as to make their childhood stories more real to us while still providing us background information about the country's recent history (the "recent history" bit doesn't apply to Hana, though, since she is in China at the time).
- Pirate Adventures at The Palace Courtyard: Liam, Drake and Maxwell pretend to be pirate kings, battling rivals on the palace courtyard. After rescuing Maxwell from being stuck on the branches of a tree, the trio decide to continue their adventures on the gardens that are his mother's brainchild, but are stopped by a palace guard. Liam is briefly saddened by this, but is comforted by Drake and Maxwell. The boys then decide to continue playing in the palace kitchens. This scene begins by focusing on the antics of the little ones, but is really about the changed atmosphere in the palace that the boys themselves were too young to notice at the time.
(We also find out which place in TCaTF the Beaumonts originated from, since young Maxwell refers to himself as a pirate from Panrion in both scenes that he is in *cue Lizzy looking very very smug because I've been saying the Beaumonts were from Panrion/someplace in Ebrimel since way back in Book 2*)
The MC has options to respond to this tale (either about whether they were always this naughty, or about the increased security in the palace). In response to her question about the three of them, the boys tell us that Liam was known for being a free spirit and would skip many diplomacy meetings before he even met the other two (again, Constantine, Liam was A CHILD). If you ask the question they want you to be asking, however, about the increased security in the palace, Drake and Maxwell will tell you the security wasn't as strict earlier, and Liam will explain that the royal family had recently received threats at the time, and his parents were a lot more tense and on-edge than usual. Either way, you either get to know a bit about the political atmosphere at the time, or realize that little Liam wasn't the heavily burdened one we met on that first night in New York.
- Pretend-Teatime with a Young Hana: Hana continues on this thread of conversation by focusing on the bond between the boys, commenting on how she never grew up with that kind of experience. To which Drake and Maxwell have these reactions:
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@Drake, pls fall on a cactus.
@Maxwell. Honey. She said this to you yesterday. She's probably said this more than once. You've seen her parents!! Wtf kind of friend are you if you can't even take what she said seriously the first time?
@Hana pls get yourself better friends 😭
Like @callmetippytumbles said in her response to this scene, I have no patience for this kind of selective stupidity.
So Hana's scene is technically a call-back to something she once told the MC back in Book 1 Chapter 6, when they were on their way to the post-Derby tea party with Queen Regina. At the time, Hana spoke of her parents not allowing her toys because they thought them frivolous, and how she had to make do with whatever was lying around instead. We actually see this happen in reality here. We see her PoV of what her inanimate objects do, we see her practicing court etiquette on these objects with her tea set, and we see her leave space for her asshole mother even though Lorelai doesn't deserve that much respect or consideration. There is a lot to unpack in this scene and I want to do that in my General Thoughts section later on...but for now I'll just say that it broke my heart, and not just in an "oh poor Hana" way.
- The Attack from Lythikos: I love this sequence too, not only because it shows us Olivia, a younger Constantine and Liam's mother Eleanor, but because the narrative framing in itself alludes to what happened between Lythikos and the Capitol earlier through the pirate story. Liam and Olivia still speak in the language of their story, but the sequence actually plays out what happens in their real lives. Olivia attacks the pirates, but is left desolate, sword broken, at the end of it (just like her parents tried to, and died in the process - leaving an innocent Olivia alone without support). Liam offers her terms that would give her safety and protection, and in return, she asks to be Pirate Queen and for Drake's sword - which he reluctantly gives.
Constantine mistrusts Olivia and attempts to limit her natural abilities and instincts, but it is Liam's empathy, support and validation of her pain, that eventually makes her the steadfast ally that she becomes as an adult - not Constantine's paranoia. Had Liam followed Constantine's lead, the chances of Olivia falling into the trap of subscribing to her aunt's beliefs would have been much much higher, and Constantine would have found himself at the receiving end of a self-fulfilling prophecy. The narrative may also be implying how deep Eleanor's own impact on her son must be, long after her death, since the narrative frames him as adopting her way of dealing with situations often.
In any case the narrative allows us to see the children as they were before their individual tragedies changed them (except in Olivia's and Hana's cases - where they were still struggling to survive the situations they were in), and allows us to see what shaped them into the adults they are today.
The MC then gets to ask one of two questions: either why Constantine treated Olivia so badly, or about the arguments his parents were having. We learn from these that this incident was shortly after Liam became friends with her and his parents brought her to the palace (this references both Liam's conversation about Olivia to the MC in Book 1 Chapter 7, and Lucretia's complaints about Constantine "keeping Olivia hostage" in her diamond scene in Book 3).
• Possibly this may not be the only scene of its kind we will see. Possibly the next few may be Drake-centric, since we may actually meet Bianca in a few chapters. But these scenes may definitely have an impact on dialogue later, just like how learning of the assassination attempt in Drake's Italian Restaurant Scene and Eleanor's death in Liam's Fydelia Balcony Scene in Book 2 are referred to later (if bought) in the hospital scene with Constantine.
• In any case, we leave the past in the past (for now), and move towards Valtoria's throne room. Where we meet Penelope, just back from her first canine fashion show, Kiara who tells us she has everything kept under control (you always do boo 😍) and Madeleine who is all up our uterus.
• She mentions King Bradshaw from Auvernal and his "impossible to control" wife, then mentions a Queen Amalas immediately after without bothering to tell us where this person is from. WTF? At least tell me the name of her goddamn country if she's another person!! You'd just have to say Queen Amalas of ChickenFeetonia and I would understand.
• ...you're telling me the Queen of this country (in my playthrough) has barely looked at a map of the place she's ruling or checked out who rules what?? You're telling me that the Royal Communications Director is STILL going to give her a gazillion flash cards to read something that she could sum up in five minutes, at the very last minute? Bitch what have you been doing this entire time? Touching up your manicure??
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@Penelope: No you're not.
@Madeleine: Pls fall on a cactus.
• Madeleine hasn't been here for even five minutes and already I've had enough of her entitled ass. "Little apple gestating in your womb"...just...I can't. Ugh. Get your nosy nose out of my oven!!
• Remember how I told you guys about how apple analogies may be used to denote fertility? (mostly because RoE spoke of this apple cutting ceremony and it was a very obvious indicator towards apple metaphors being used to describe pregnancy and childbirth).
• I facepalmed when Kiara agreed with her but she's also probably thinking "well see this is why they call me the smart courtier. I don't have to deal with this shit anymore and now you do" (she isn't wrong).
• She informs us that we're expected at the solarium. I have a solarium?
• Apparently it was Mara's honeymoon gift to us. More like her "sorry Bastien and I screwed up last book" gift, I'd say.
• So wait where was this roster Liam was speaking about in the last book's epilogue? I see one Cordonian noble and one Englishman who until my wedding wanted to have nothing to do with Cordonia, and who's now bleating "our country, our kingdom, we're under attack" like a panicking patriotic nanny goat.
• Why can I not see Emmeline here, who is clearly the expert on her duchy? (I mean like. Landon is nice, but I'd really like to see more women in this Council too). Also does Kiara's inclusion into the Council cancel out the presence of her father Hakim, who is a seasoned diplomat and might possibly have some really good suggestions for dealing with these foreign powers (and seriously he'd be a better option than Godfrey anyway).
• Now Esther has a suggestion! Let's see what it is...
• A royal ball, apparently. Which...given the company, I'm sure it probably would be appropriate but I'm pretty sure we'll need to have more than that in place. I'm pretty sure the people in this council should either be finding out whether the person making these suggestions knows anything about these issues or whether she is simply talking out of her ass. This was a problem last book as well. The MC rarely feels the need on her own to explore these situations more, is okay with just learning things last minute and rolling with it and has the same solution to everything. It's either tours or balls but very little actual exploration of the situation. (I mean there is even a point where she barely shows any empathy at Portavira - even though they're still reeling from a bunch of natural calamities - and thinks it's appropriate to tell them to come for her wedding anyway. No wonder Liam panicked and started giving her diplomacy lessons, stat!) I'd actually take the MC seriously if she were doing her research and her suggestions weren't so shallow and one-note.
• Hana is grinning and giving justifications like this suggestion makes sense. STOP. ENABLING. HER. HANA.
• I especially want to know what Liam's experiences with these dignitaries have been. Both last chapter and this one, I'm seeing him in a position where he is defiant and digging his heels into whatever ideas he is having, but I don't know the context yet and would like to make sense of that. From whatever I've read so far...Liam took the year following Leo's abdication to familiarize himself with taking the front seat in negotiations, and probably may have been familiar with this kind of situation and the kind of people involved even before he became Crown Prince. It makes me wonder how difficult negotiating with them has been, and I want to see why Liam is so done with these people, so fed up. We're missing some context here and I think learning at least a little more than these scraps would have been better for everyone.
• I like that they remember Kiara as the only one outside of the charmed six to get a seat in this council (Kiki deserves the best). I also liked how succintly she summed up Drake and Hana's points about what the heightened taxes are doing to the people as "a reminder that we're not just here for ourselves".
• I find the entire idea of Drake Walker being the sole commoner representative in the Council laughable, especially in a narrative where every other commoner barely has a face, hardly has a name, and almost never has a voice. A man who has spent a huge chunk of his life in a palace, and who I've hardly seen even interacting with a commoner in the story...I'm expected to believe he will have great insights on commoner issues?? Even in this meeting, it's Hana who does a better job explaining this situation (she's the one highlighting the tax issues) than he does. Then again this Council also somehow gave a seat to Duke Karlington - a man who literally never had Cordonia's best interests in mind last book, and who only ended up attending our wedding because we had to be brought in as family counselors to settle HIS family disputes (I mean lol Godfrey how can you call this wedding a disaster when it caused you to magically become so "patriotic"!)
For God's sake, I want to see other commoners on this council. I want people who are actually living these experiences highlighting their issues. This is an issue I have with the MC too. She started out a commoner herself a waitress who wouldn't even flinch at the sight of rats in a dumpster. For someone of that background and who has possibly lived under the worse circumstances than some Cordinians themselves, you'd think that she'd have questions and show interest in how the people who aren't owning lands and are regular individuals on the street live their lives, and whether things are okay for them. But she's so immersed in the world of nobility that she rarely ever even tries to come out.
• Before Liam takes into account everyone's points and comes to a conclusion, the MC has the opportunity to give them her opinion. She can either say that we can't trust anyone, which Godfrey agrees with, or that an alliance would be good for Cordonia, which Godfrey views as naive, OR (and I didn't expect to like this response but I actually do) that she's a waitress from the States, and wouldn't know all that much about this situation. To which there isn't much of a reaction as such, but that's kind of what seems different about this book compared to the others.
• Once the meeting is wrapped up, our LI and Maxwell/Hana whisper in a corner about a surprise they have in store, and take us upstairs to show us what it is. If you're marrying any of the other three, Maxwell is the one who has arranged and picked out themes and colour schemes for the nursery. If you're married to Maxwell, Hana takes over this role.
• Ooooh. New (I think!) baby music! Nice. Very lullaby-like.
• Every design has these basic components:
a crib with a pillow (which I think will be updated later)
a couch nearby, likely for comfort when the mother wants to breastfeed (the updated versions seem to have a footrest)
a table with a lamp
three empty frames (also to be updated. I'm guessing for one of those "my first hand/foot impression" kind of thing and maybe even photoshoots etc)
a ceiling lamp/chandelier
a hook, also on the ceiling.
The two updated versions have footrests, updated lamps and ceiling decorations, additional carpet and customized designs (except for the crib and the pictures and the hook, which I think will be updated later). The Royal Glam theme is all reds and golds, very luxurious and very Valtoria. The Fairytale Forest theme has more whimsy, with bears, foxes, leaves, flowers and apples on the wallpaper, wood paneling, a beautiful golden lamp. Very pretty. Both seem to reference the MC's journey in TRR: her being either a Royal and the closest thing to one, and her journey being very fairytale-like (remember, the same logic was used for Hana's "something blue" gift for the MC's - where she views her as Cinderella).
• Only problem is...who exactly buys a nursery before they have a baby! Especially considering how unpredictable pregnancy and childbirth can be.
• We now meet Dr Ramirez for an appointment. I'm not sure about her suggestion that prenatal vitamins etc they will deal with after she has conceived. I know a number of people who did pre-pregnancy appointments and vitamins and folic acid were on the top of the list of things they'd start a routine with.
• As expected, all the appointments go roughly the same, with the usual answers to the usual questions (one about sushi, another about morning sickness and a last one about potential complications). The MC and LI are in the clear, and can start preparing - but apparently shouldn't stress. LMAO. Thank you doctor, I'm sure that will be easy to do in this country 😂
• Hana's goes differently, and it's clear this doctor's visit was primarily written to address her situation with the MC. The tests go differently, the suggestions given to them are different, the questions the MC asks (one about choosing donors, when they should start, and who should carry the child). The bombshell that immediately follows this is:
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Wow. Seriously. Wow. You couldn't find a more temporary reason for why the MC has to be the one conceiving? It has to be something that would make her overall ability to conceive almost impossible?? (and this we find after one test? No follow ups?) I recall someone putting up/reblogging these screenshots with a caption about how the narrative pretty much took Hana's entire ability to conceive from her, and it's so true - and so disturbing when you place it in the context of how they've dealt with her issues so far (more on this later).
• In Hana's playthrough, she struggles with implications of this news, but constantly tries to veer the focus back to "well at least one of us can is able to have this baby". Twice, she is shown moving away from her pain to ask about the other possibilities for the MC.
• Anyway...we now move to the next morning, when the couple wake up to bad news - and it's concerning the pictures taken during their honeymoon. Given that Maxwell/Hana is holding a magazine when they tell the MC they found out who was responsible...I wonder if it's one of our news outlets. Or whether it's a foreign media rep.
• So I guess this complicates things at our Ball, since we're already on thin ice and this news would have spread to those other dignitaries as well. So we're going to have to deal with whatever implications come with those pictures (perhaps a spin on the royal gang having fun while Cordonia is in a national crisis? Who knows. It would be hypocritical of Cordonians and people from other neighbouring countries to judge the couple over the babymaking that they themselves were enforcing on these two!)
• In any case...royal ball this week. And in the universe of PB's stories that usually means some shit will go down.
General Thoughts and Observations:
• The funny thing about the MC's responses now is that her heightened position now seems to allow her to get away with a lot more than she used to. Now if she gives a joke response, the media and people laugh with her rather than at her. If she is a diva, the crowd will lap it up. I'm guessing what the book is trying to imply is that these are the people she has won over and doesn't exactly need to worry about, and now the ones she will have to convince are from other, more powerful countries - ready to back Cordonia into a corner anytime.
• As you can tell by now, I absolutely loved the childhood sequences. They sounded like children, most of the narrative lines up with what was already said in the previous series, and there were some interesting narrative devices used here.
• I think the third sequence especially drives home the point about what Liam did right, even as a young boy, and what Constantine refusing to look past Olivia's lineage to see her as an individual could have cost him. Constantine's ruthlessness and lack of genuine care for his bonds/friendships (eg. Hakim) had him in a position where he was unable to relate to anyone beyond his own tiny bubble (even his own wife Regina was taking countermeasures to make the best of his horrid plan), and had him make decisions that did more harm than good. For instance, take what he did to the MC, for no fault of her own other than that he didn't think she'd be a good Queen. Not only was what he did utterly disgusting, but it also would have made his own family a subject of shame in the country (which is why Constantine practically begs her never to expose him, because then Liam would be paying the price). Imagine what would have happened if Constantine didn't agree with Liam and perhaps Eleanor, never brought Olivia to the palace, and Liam had never shown her his constant support. Liam's genuine empathy in this case pretty much ensured the safety of his own line.
• I also love the implications of that sequence. Constantine is so wrapped up in his fear that he tries to break what Olivia considers most precious (Zenobia the sword in this case, but this could allude to her parents' deaths and later, her possible marriage to Liam at his Coronation). Liam attempts to fill that gap by taking her in, caring for her, and giving her the tools to continue being the Lythikos fighter she has always been.
• There are a few TCaTF references in the palace scenes: Maxwell mentions Panrion twice, and Olivia calls her sword "Zenobia" in honour of her historical hero (she still speaks of Zenobia with something akin to worship during the Winter Festival in Lythikos).
• Olivia's dress is also modelled on Zenobia's, with the same colour and bodice embroidery. In fact most of the clothes are very similar to their adult garments: Drake still wears denim, Maxwell favours dark colours (still should have been chubby though), Liam's clothes are similar to his casual wear minus the ascot, and Hana wears pink, with flower designs on the skirt.
• What I like most are the narrative voices for both Liam and Hana, who are the ones narrating these stories, and how rooted in their imaginations the scenes themselves sound. But there are significant, heartbreaking differences in how we see their imaginations play out:
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Here are a few samples of narration I've managed to save from Liam's PoV. Notice how Liam and his friends are so into their little game that they find adventure in everything? Notice the language they use to describe themselves and what they are doing? Once-defiant topiaries shaking in fear at their antics. "Liberating" chocolate tarts. "Conquering" the upper floors. These boys are playing out their dreams and showing us the kind of men they would want to be. The heroes. The victors. The ones everyone looks at with awe and reverence.
This is also not a story Liam is creating alone. Drake and Maxwell happily join in, sink into their characters and display their heroics alongside him. Olivia also joins in and holds her own, and when Liam's father tries to break her spirit, Olivia shows Liam her trust and faith in him by using the language of the game.
On the other hand, here is what the narration technique in Hana's tea scene looks like:
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There is a lot to unpack here. A lot. There is perhaps more in this one scene of Hana's than there is in all of Book 3, where she was pretty much pushed to the sidelines.
We were told in Book 1 that Hana had to get creative because she wasn't allowed toys. This was told to us in a rather matter-of-fact way, by a person who was normalized in this way of life and who hadn't yet realized just wrong her upbringing was or how damaged her self of self was. It's perhaps easy to forget this bit of dialogue if you were reading it for the first time because at the end of the day it's spoken of without much gravity.
It's when you see it play out in front of you, in little Hana's voice, from an adult Hana who will now view this entire sequence very, very differently, that the tragedy of it all really hits you. At such a young age she is forced to make do with the little she has: the little she has in terms of things to play with, the little she has in terms of relationships. What the MC says after that sequence is half-right, it's sweet how Hana used her imagination in spite of her parents' rules and strict lifestyle. But what that misses is the burden experiences like that would place on a child in her earliest, more formative years. What stand out to me the most in this sequence are these:
- The most obvious: the use of a 'tea party' to teach herself etiquette and diplomacy. In the present, Hana tells the group that "a lot of what I learned about courtly negotiations, I learned from the tea table". This is the level Hana chooses to focus on after telling her tale, to soften the blow of the story itself.
- The fact that despite her mother's treatment of her, Hana still leaves space for Lorelai. Still wants to believe the best of her, still wants her involved in her life. Lorelai denies her her support and comfort, which is the initial layer to her injustices against Hana. In a lot of ways, even now - Hana is still leaving space for Lorelai, giving her chances to improve, trying to educate her on respecting her boundaries better. It's a long, exhausting process, and Lorelai doesn't deserve the many chances Hana keeps giving her, but Hana is also a person who struggles to completely cut off from the people in her life, controlling and emotionally abusive though they may be.
- At the end of the day, the objects she is giving a life and a personality to, are inanimate objects used for other purposes. Not toys, not real friends. Every last one of them. Miss Doily is kind and caring, Princess Sinckerdoodle is jealous and gives a damn about etiquette (I like how you can see allusions there to Olivia and the MC in the Bakery Ball dialogue!). But they're essentially all objects that cannot move the way her narration describes them as moving. Even dolls and toys, inanimate though they are, are made for the express purpose of allowing a child to participate in pretend play. They can be given a voice, their limbs can be moved, the child can easily turn such a space into an active space with the use of her toys. The doily, the napkin, the sock...these are things Hana will have very little actual control over. They will not be able to move the way she wants them to, do the things she wants them to. Everything has to be happening in her head and there is very little outlet for her other than the few things she has at hand (a similar example of of Hana using scraps we will also find in Book 2, where she draws whiskers on a rock to replicate a toy mouse).
Look again, at the differences in the way Liam narrates his tale and how Hana narrates hers. Liam's is also a fantasy, also uses inanimate objects. But supporting him in building this imaginary universe are his friends, and the parents who both don't stop him from immersing himself in this imaginary world, and have a safe normal (for now) life to return to when those "adventures" are over. On the other hand, Hana has to do the heavy work...in every way. She has to imagine not only the background of what is happening, but also what the objects in front of her are like, what they will do, how they will interact with her, how they will interact with each other.
If I had to replicate such a scene into film, the loneliness of this sequence would perhaps hit harder. A large, empty room. A tiny girl. A tea set and several strange items - and none of them actually move. She is sitting alone, in the dim light, in the silence, talking to these objects that will never respond so she pretends they do, just to chase away that yawning, aching feeling of not having a single friend. All she gets in return is silence. All she finds in front of her is space, and more space. The kind of space that could swallow a child in its emptiness.
And in the center, is a seat left empty. For a mother who doesn't believe her daughter is worth the time.
I think there will be very few who will appreciate the strength it takes to survive a lifetime of that, and that's sad.
• The little Hana sequence reminds me of the animated film Cinderella, particularly in how the main character uses dreams and imagination as an escape from her life of drudgery and the abuse she faces daily. Particularly the song "Sing Sweet Nightingale", where Cinderella's dull world bursts into vivid colour through the soap bubbles that emerge from the washing bucket.
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It's a beautiful, soft, almost surreal little sequence...but when you strip it all down to its basics, what you're essentially seeing is a woman so abused by her family and so trapped in this life she does not deserve, that she has to grasp at straws to find joy. Or in this case, soap bubbles.
What Hana faces in her home is perhaps a little more similar to Rapunzel's situation in Tangled than Cinderella's, but there are definite similarities in the way both characters use their imaginations to soothe and comfort themselves. She is forced into a situation where her imagination - and these things that can't respond to her - are all she has, and the only ways she can keep herself safe and happy. That's way too big a burden for a child so young to bear.
• I wonder if there will be more than the memories. Perhaps documents, news clippings, research material that the MC can use to dig further into what's going on in this country. It's possible, but it's also possible that memories will entirely be how we unravel this mess. I was speaking to @thefirstcourtesan the other day and she mentioned that Bianca and Bastien would both be pretty good sources for finding out more - Bastien, after all, had a lot of respect for the second queen and was close to Jackson, and Bianca would have heard certain things from her husband or witnessed something at the very least (and if they were friends, that angle too). I probably would add Lucretia and maybe Anton (if we see them and if they cooperate), Bertrand or someone new who knew Bartamely (if we can find out more about the Beaumont house that would be lovely!), the Lees, and...Francesco? (I still haven't forgotten that Bertrand mentioned him as being a friend of Liam's mother). I also want to see what new information Olivia got from the last time she did her research on any hidden deals or laws that could endanger the kingdom. There are quite a few possibilities in terms of what we could find and how it can be presented, so I'm looking forward to that. This scene was a good start.
• Having said that, this was something they should have been addressing the previous book. If they hadn't spent so much of their focus on all the wrong things, we wouldn't have as much ground to cover as we do now. And I'm not sure they've learned their lesson enough that we will not see the same mistakes repeated this time.
• Why is the system in place to inform and update the MC on what's happening so poor this time. At least earlier, we'd have a fairly good idea of what would be happening next, even if some important stuff was done last minute. Now the explanations themselves are poorly formed and done without proper thought on whether the MC/readers might understand what's going on or not. It doesn't look good on the story, nor does it look good on those characters esp the MC. This is stuff she could have maybe gotten away with as a suitor. But now she is Duchess/Queen, and an influential figure. What looked good in her days as a suitor won't look so good on her now.
• The Royal Council could be a way forward - for the nobility and royalty-heavy narrative to something that shows us more perspectives from the people who really form the backbone of this country - the commoners who actually populate Cordonia's lands and duchies, whose hard work likely keeps the economy running. Just one Drake isn't adequate for that kind of representation - not when he very rarely addresses their issues in the first place. Please tell me there will be more in that Council because the Council as it stands is in no way an improvement on the status quo.
• I've said more than enough about how bizarre and downright OOC Liam sounds, but I do think we should not ignore the context - the fact that every single individual involved is making these demands of the MC and expecting her to save their country through her child without really checking if she has basic knowledge or other resources in place (such as information about the rulers she is meeting). That includes the LIs. It's very easy to make just a character or two a convenient scapegoat, but let's not forget that there isn't a single person in this entire narrative that is bothering to examine the implications. Not a single.
• What really got me angry...was the Hana doctor sequence. Maybe two books ago it would have just hurt - but more on the level of "it hurts to see Hana like this but I have hope for her". Hope that she would have the space to grieve something she had lost before she could ever even have it, hope that the narrative would validate her pain and encourage her healing. But I can't even hope for that anymore.
This is a very very painful, complicated situation to put a person in. And yes, sometimes those are things you want to talk about and finding out you can't have children when you've always wanted to have them is a very real, very difficult situation - and there is a lot you can explore in terms of how a person with these conditions would feel. But the thing is...Hana has already been on the receiving end of multiple tragic storylines. I have already seen enough and more of her in pain. What I'm not seeing is a good - or even adequate - payoff that validates her painful journey and allows for a release of those emotions. I'm constantly seeing more tragedy, less triumph. I'm not seeing enough satisfactory resolution to those many many issues, and I've spent three books just watching her hurt be brushed aside both by the people who bully her AND the people who are supposed to be her friends (let's be real, they're doing it even now). And now is supposed to be a good time to pile up another difficult situation on her???
• Whenever Hana has been forced into situations that hurt her, her emotions and thoughts have always been pushed to the sidelines - unless and until it was to elevate the MC to a pedestal in Hana's eyes. Hana has rarely - if ever - been given the space to speak out against injustices done to her, has rarely been allowed to have an opinion on people who have harmed her.
When the narrative should have been validating what Madeleine put Hana through, they opted to create sympathy for Madeleine instead...and had her completely minimize what she did to Hana ("I'm sure Hana will be willing to let bygones be bygones").
When the narrative should have been allowing her to discover what her sexuality was, they opted not to talk about it at all. They opted to make her MC-sexual instead. Even with the "alternative LI" they planned for her (*pukes*), they focused more on Madeleine's feelings than Hana's.
When the narrative should have allowed her the space to explore what her parents did wrong and arm her against their faulty arguments about her being the "delicate flower" who cannot survive without them, the writers opted to push her into a 'solution' that was still centered around her usefulness, not her emotional state. Her 'happy ending' with her parents involves constantly educating them on how to treat her with respect, a suffocating, draining process for a child with her background.
When the narrative should have - at least - given her a good wedding, after showing us what dreams she had for it, a wedding where she was treated like a bride, not a bridesmaid, her writers did exactly the opposite. She is more skilled than the MC yet it is the MC that gets the duchy. She is the creative one who comes up with the polo moves yet it is the MC that gets the credit. She is the one that didn't have a chance to fully plan her own wedding the way she wanted earlier, yet the same MC still treats her like her wedding planner rather than a bride. In not one of these situations is she ever allowed to vent about or even speak of what this is doing to her.
Maybe they will give her a chance to explore this difficult journey, maybe they won't. But how dare they push another tragic, difficult (to her) truth such as this, when they have barely allowed her to voice discontent or pain on a host of other issues!
Piling more pain on top of the pain a character already has, isn't going to make your character better developed. Allowing them the space to feel and show those feelings to others will. Thinking of worthy resolutions to those issues, will. If you want to be fair to Hana, center her in her story. Expand on her origins. Focus on story not skills. And validate her pain goddammit!!
• Sigh. Until next time, folks.
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happymetalgirl · 5 years
Misþyrming - Algleymi
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Iceland’s Misþyrming have been making waves within the online black metal underground since their debut album’s rather lauded release in 2015, an album that didn’t exactly need to break any new ground or hoist itself onto the quickly tiring shoulders of cheap gimmickry to carve out a nice space within the modern black metal landscape for the band to work in. Though not the most aesthetically original album, the band’s debut showcased an at least respectable proficiency with both the grand, cinematic black metal composition of forefathers like Emperor as well as the naturalistic atmospheric approach of more modern bands like Wolves in the Throne Room. And the group’s sophomore effort is largely a continuation of what their debut offered, with a few minor, but beneficial adjustments being made.
Like its predecessor, Algleymi is carried on the backs of mostly its full-bodied tremolo-picked guitar atmosphere, but also its consistently quick drumming and relatively modest bass work that work well to provide the strong foundation for the band to be able to swim around so fluidly within the atmosphere they conjure. This team-based compositional approach really gives the stamina they need to get through the longer heavy atmospheric cuts like “Með Svipur á Lofti” and “Allt Sem Eitt Sinn Blómstraði” the band seem to be developing a bit more of a knack for direction with this style of composing than what they presented four years ago on their debut, with the transitions between sections coming more naturally on the songs here and the band just showing a bit tighter chemistry on these tracks than of those on their debut. The closing title track I think is possibly the prime example of this compositional growth with its numerous shifts that the band glides through so smoothly.
I also really appreciate the extra oomph vocalist “D.G.” seems to put into his performances, not content to simply go on black metal vocal autopilot, D.G. adds a healthy amount of guttural rumble to his animalistic screams the often make them more reminiscent of death metal. While the band do seem most inclined to channel streams of swirling guitar leads and fast-paced percussion into more atmospheric wholes, I quite enjoy the more classic-heavy-metal-influenced and guitar-centric instrumental work of the song “Og Er Haustið Líður Undir Lok” that allows the guitar lead to shine and the building harmonies to grow into a more fully immersive atmosphere.
Algleymi may not be the biggest step forward for Misþyrming, and considering it’s come after about four years since their first full-length, it might be a tiny bit disappointing in that regard. But the Reykjavík-based band didn’t exactly start out as roughly as most new groups usually do, so they didn’t really need to make the kind of progress that most bands often do from their first record. That’s not to say Misþyrming can’t still get better. I mentioned that that band don’t really differentiate themselves all too much aesthetically from their influences and contemporaries, which isn’t necessarily something they absolutely need to worry about, but if they really hone in on their strengths and take them even further throughout the black metal wilderness, they might just find a little niche to grow into and build even more from. If they’re content with where they are stylistically, that’s totally fine too, I dig their sound, and I’m eager to see them continue to build their chemistry as they did on this album.
second semester/10
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aion-rsa · 3 years
What If…? Episode 9 Review: A Missing Puzzle Piece
This review contains spoilers for Marvel’s What If…? episode 9
In the season finale of Marvel’s What If…?, ‘What if… The Watcher Broke His Oath?’, we discover what happens when The Watcher finally intervenes in the MCU’s escalating multiversal madness.
As some of you may have assumed, the Guardians of the Multiverse do indeed assemble to stop Tony Stark’s godlike, universe-slaying murder bot, with Doctor Strange helping to pull Ultron’s strings as the team’s de facto leader.
There’s a lot to enjoy in the episode, but it stops short of greatness through no fault of Marvel’s own. Due to pandemic-related constraints, the season is missing a pretty essential Gamora and Tony Stark-centric installment that helps set up the whole ‘Guardians of the Multiverse’ vibe in the finale. We will likely see it all play out in Season 2, but that might be quite a while away from hitting our screens.
Our What If…? reviews adopt a different kind of format – more of a breakdown that we hope will satisfy die-hard Marvel fans but still help bring those less familiar with the MCU up to speed.
With that in mind, let’s dig deeper into ‘What if… The Watcher Broke His Oath?’
Required viewing
For this season finale, you’ll need to have seen pretty much all of the previous eight episodes to make full sense of these events. It also helps to have seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier at some point!
Voice cast
Jeffrey Wright is our Watcher, Hayley Atwell is Peggy Carter/Captain Carter, Lake Bell (Harley Quinn) is Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Frank Grillo is Brock Rumlow/Crossbones, Georges St. Pierre is Georges Batroc (the Leaper), Chadwick Boseman is T’Challa/Star-Lord, Michael B. Jordan is Erik Killmonger, Chris Hemsworth is Thor, Benedict Cumberbatch is Doctor Strange, Toby Jones is Arnim Zola, Tom Hiddleston is Loki, Kurt Russell is Ego, Samuel L. Jackson is Nick Fury, Mick Wingert is Tony Stark/Iron Man, Ross Marquand is Ultron and Cynthia McWilliams (Bosch, Marvel Heroes) stands in for Zoe Saldana as Gamora.
What’s different?
In an altered version of the Captain America: The Winter Soldier opening, Captain Carter, Brock Lumlow and Black Widow begin their hostage rescue mission on the pirate-captured SHEILD ship the Lemurian Star. We discover that Peggy and Natasha have become BBFs in this branch timeline, with Natasha still attempting to play Cupid to a lovelorn Cap.
Peggy begins to scrap with Batroc the Leaper onboard the Star, but is interrupted by The Watcher, who tells her that she has been chosen for Doctor Strange’s new Ultron-stopping multiversal superhero team.
Meanwhile, as Star-Lord T’Challa rescues Dairy Queen Peter Quill from Ego, The Watcher recruits him too. We then hop to Nidavellir, where an alternate duo of Tony Stark and Gamora are helping Dwarf King Eitri melt the Infinity Gauntlet. We’re told that Gamora is a “survivor of Sakaar” and a destroyer of Thanos, but sadly we never got to see any of this transpire. The Erik Killmonger we saw take over Wakanda is also picked up, along with Las Vegas Party Prince Thor.
The Watcher and Doctor Strange explain the Ultron mission to their team – get the Infinity Stones away from Ultron and destroy them in Gamora’s crusher MacGuffin – even as Killmonger starts making some mental chess moves to betray them all. It turns out that his dark nature is built into their overall plan, so it’s fine I guess. Also, it turns out that Stephen isn’t as good as Cap or T’Challa at performing a rousing speech (which tracks) but thankfully he is really good at doing protection spells.
Ultron soon discovers the newly-assembled Guardians of the Multiverse thanks to Thor’s blundering, and a terrific fight ensues as the Guardians face off against him in the universe from the penultimate episode where Black Widow was the human race’s lone survivor. The aforementioned crusher doesn’t work in this timeline (whoops) but Strange captures Ultron and Killmonger in a pocket universe after Cap and Black Widow upload the Zola brain program into Ultron using Hawkeye’s trusty USB arrow.
How does it work out?
The Guardians of the Multiverse are all returned to the timelines from whence they came, except for Black Widow, who The Watcher takes pity on and drops off in the middle of an alternate universe that is missing a Natasha. We see her fighting Loki aboard a SHIELD helicarrier and saving the day in an Avengers team that includes Captain Marvel, and we can assume that this is the world from episode 3 where Hank Pym took out all of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes apart from Captain America. It’s nice!
In a post-credits scene, we see BBFs Natasha and Peggy discover the Hydrastomper in the Lemurian Star’s cargo, and it’s teased that Steve Rogers might still be alive inside.
Standout moments
I really loved seeing Captain Carter running the Lemurian Star mission with SHIELD! I feel a little robbed of seeing Peggy and Natasha’s banter in live action, as it felt like they had so much chemistry together. I did see Twitter explode with some mini slash fic after this episode began streaming, and if I were to, say, have a secret Captain Carter fan fiction blog that I regularly update, which of course I don’t and you shouldn’t try and find that because it absolutely doesn’t exist, then I could perhaps imagine some romantic stories for these two coming to life there, in that 100% imaginary and not real blog. Anyway, yes. Move over Steggy and Stucky, there’s a new MCU portmanteau in town: Pegasha. Nateggy? Eh, it’s a work in progress.
The finale also gave us one last Chadwick Boseman performance as T’Challa, and it was great to hear his voice here in a new little adventure with Michael B. Jordan’s Killmonger, even if he still couldn’t get through to him when the stakes were even higher.
The animation and design was top notch, and there were lots of little Easter eggs to enjoy from past episodes, including the zombie-vomiting portal and Strange producing countless Mjolnirs instead of the copies of himself we saw in Avengers: Endgame. We also got an Alexei mention from Peggy, and the return of The Little Arrow That Could. I’ll admit it’s a little hard to swallow ‘HYDRA to the rescue’ as an MCU concept, but needs must where the Devil drives.
I’m looking forward to checking out Season 2 of the show in the future, and possibly seeing the continuation of some of the Season 1 stories. But by the time these arrive, the implications of the Marvel multiverse will have hit the MCU in a major way through the likes of Spider-Man: No Way Home and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Hopefully, those won’t take any of the fun out of seeing alternate versions of the characters we’ve come to love.
If you want to dig deeper into What If…?, please consider subscribing to Marvel Standom on the Den of Geek YouTube channel, where we dish out weekly episodes on all the new Marvel TV series, trailers and movie releases. Can’t stand our faces? That’s fair! You can listen to Marvel Standom on Spotify and Apple, too.
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The post What If…? Episode 9 Review: A Missing Puzzle Piece appeared first on Den of Geek.
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r0semultiverse · 6 years
Hello all of you lovely beings of the universe! 💜 I have an announcement to make! *grabs megaphone* 📢 Ahem!
Okay, yes this thing is on (I think, I’ve never actually used one)!
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We have just reached 400 followers here on tumblr and if that isn’t a cause for celebration, I don’t know what is! 🎉
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These next 3 paragraphs are just a thought dump and also an update about things with the community and channel! 😊 Feel free to skip the tiny text with rainbow flag paragraph markers 💜
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I hope to pass on a legacy for newer generations incoming and upcoming generations in the future. When you observe a lot of how the world and humanity works, your mind can bring you to disappointment and constant anxiety. Whether you fear death or wish for it’s sweet embrace, this community is somewhere you can enjoy yourself and be safe. There’s no escaping politics when your own physical safety is involved and I like to spread the info around that we don’t get to hear about in news media. We need to stay awake and aware of the monsters and humanity around us. As serious as I am about wanting to exist safely and also wanting to save net neutrality, I’m also being serious when I tell you that you can come to me or any of our mods, admins, etc. (still a work in progress) for advice or just to have someone to make conversation with.
We will respond when we get the chance to/have the energy to as currently everyone on the BCZK team are university students and sometimes we have days where we “just can’t even” as they say. We all have those days and we all have each other’s backs. We have your backs too if any of you ever need any support or just someone to vent to, we got you fam!✔️ That emoji is a check mark ✅ (as is that one) in case you can’t see it. We are kind of like a giant platonic family with various different relationships all mixed in. We spread the love of companionship in it’s many forms and will even be doing podcasts and live streams as future endeavors!
Some podcasts talking about things like relationships, communicating, and how to deal with jealousy in a manner that won’t cause unnecessary discourse. Other podcasts will be on why it’s #blacklivesmatter rather than #alllivesmatter, why #ACAB (without all of us mysteriously turning up missing 👀), and why Centricism and the celebrities that partake in it are problematic and inherently oppressive to less privileged peoples. Let’s just say that the government doesn’t like those that do their own research and show the public what the news media doesn’t, so; some stuff will only be covered off YouTube or reblogged on here (not sure what platforms would be better for more heavy stuff, but feel free to give recommendations). We support antifascism/Antifa, black bloc groups, BAMN (By Any Means Necessary), and other anti-fascist groups that are helping to make the world a better place and show the bougie scum that we won’t stand for their bs 🔥 share all that info that the corporations and governments across the world don’t want getting out ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜✊🏾 Anyway that’s enough rambling out of me~ 😊
Hmm if I had a quote that I’d say to describe this community it’d have to be... 🤔 ah, I got one!💡
“Learn, stay woke, have fun”
-BenCatZenKur, 2018
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Beings of the universe I do need to address something important, I’m all about this 🔥hype🔥, but I don’t know what to do with it. I’ve got finals up until the 5th at midnight and I’ll probably be sleeping for most of the day on the 6th because Deadline Hell is Sleep Deprivation Hell. My desktop computer needs the dust cleaned out of it badly, so; nothing too CPU or DISK heavy if we manage to stream or something like that. I’ll finally have time to look into how to fix my desktop now that finals are over, but please understand that fixing my desktop could take a few hours and I’ve never messed around inside this thing... ever. 😱
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That being said, give me celebration ideas that you have or have seen others do because we celebrate every part of this community from the instagram followers/twitch followers (my least used platforms as of May 2018) to the YouTube subscribers/Tumblr followers (most used platforms currently) and everyone in between!
Everyone 👏🏻 in 👏🏻 this 👏🏻 community 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 valid 👏🏻
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If you wish to support a couple of non-binary trans creatives Let’s Players and their friends, be sure to click the links below to our social media accounts and give a follow/subscribe if you like what you see here or elsewhere. The bigger our following, the higher chance for our content and posts to be in people’s recommendations! 💜 Every bit of support helps! 😁
| Youtube | Twitch | DeviantArt | Instagram | Twitter | Tumblr | 
Warframe IGN: BenCatZenKur
I hope all you lovely beings of the universe have the best morning, day, night, or lost concept of time that you can! Expect another deep dive, thought dump, and emotional journey when we reach another milestone! Stay awesome!~ 😘 💋
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novemberhush · 7 years
So I was tagged by @sweetmagnus (thanks, hon!) to name 5 films/tv shows/books, etc, that I’m looking forward to in 2018. Heads up, it’s kind of a Marvel-centric year...
1) ‘Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri’ - this one was just released in the UK two days ago, but I’ve been looking forward to it for ages. I’m a huge fan of both Woody Harrelson and Sam Rockwell, as well as John Hawkes who is also in the cast, and I really admire the talents of Frances McDormand and Martin McDonagh too. I have high hopes for this one and so far the reviews seem to encourage that hope. Although of course you can never really go by those because I’ve loved movies the critics have trashed and absolutely hated ones they’ve raved about. Anyway, if all goes according to plan I should be seeing this tomorrow night.
2a) ‘Black Panther’ - another one I’ve been looking forward to for ages and that has an amazing cast. Although I must confess that Angela Bassett (love her!) and Martin Freeman are particular favourites of mine. But there are no slouches in this cast at all, as far as I can see.
2b) ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ - come on, you knew this one had to be up there! All the gang together and united against a common enemy. My boys back together with Bucky out of cryostasis and back where he belongs, at Steve’s side. The idea of Sam Wilson encountering a talking raccoon and just being like ‘WTF??’ before shrugging his shoulders and going ‘whatever, man, this is just my crazy, fucked-up life now’. Yep, sign me the fuck up. Even if I am terrified not everyone will make it out alive (okay, I’m specifically terrified for Steve, if not in this movie, then maybe in the next one. I’m just not ready to say goodbye yet, okay?).
3) ‘Marvel’s Agents Of SHIELD’ - yeah, I know it’s been back in the States for weeks now, but we in the UK have to wait until March apparently for season 5 to air here. By which time of course I will have thoroughly spoilered myself on tumblr, but hey ho. Can’t wait for Coulson, May and their kids to come back again. Especially as I see Hunter has popped up again too. I hope Bobbi does too. I really want them all back together again. This is one of those shows where I really like and care about all the characters and have multiple ships (FitzSimmons, Yoyomack, Huntingbird, Philinda - who are hopefully gonna finally get their shit together this season - and Daisy and basically anyone who will treat her right and make her happy) and, yeah, I’m looking forward to it.
4) ‘I, Tonya’ - I cheated a bit by putting the two Marvel movies in together, because I almost forgot about this one and I’ve been dying to see it! Gotta wait another couple of months before it comes out here, but the promise of a blistering performance from Sebastian Stan (😍😍😍), as well as a cast that includes Allison Janney and Margot Robbie, has me tingling with anticipation!
5) ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ - another show that has been back in the States for ages, but which has yet to return in the UK. It has been confirmed to be coming back to the E4 channel here, but no release date as yet, only a vague ‘early 2018’. So hopefully we’ll know more soon. Again, I’ll probably have spoilered myself on most of it through tumblr, but that’s my look out. Still looking forward to seeing all the latest shenanigans of the lovable motley crew for myself. Another one of those shows where I just love the whole team.
And that’s your lot! There are other shows I’m looking forward to either beginning or returning in 2018 (honourable mentions to ‘Black Lightning’ and the second part of season 3 of ‘Blindspot’, especially now David motherfuckin’ Morse is guest starring in it. Do you know how much I love David motherfuckin’ Morse? Hint: it’s a lot.), but I think these five will do for now.
I tag anyone who wants to play. If you have anything you’re feeling especially enthusiastic for in 2018, don’t be shy, come tell me about it. Here’s to a good year for us all. 😘
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meganelizabether · 7 years
My top 10 TV shows of 2017, 9-4
9. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
This show has managed to stay flat-out funny, genuinely heartwarming, and important without being heavy-handed. Tackling police work with optimism, integrity and humor can’t be easy, but somehow, the writers manage it every season. Plus, Santiago and Peralta’s relationship is one of the most realistic and happy (i.e. best-written relationship ever eeee fangirling a little here) on television, past and present. While they didn’t make sense as a couple in season one, the writers’ smartly let Jake grow up, and showed how he enriched Amy’s life with his childish joy and unwavering love. Now, they just make sense, and it’s a beautifully simple and magically complex thing to behold (like all good relationships).
8. Glow
I’ve always had a deep loathing for professional wrestling, based entirely on early childhood exposure to its spray-tanned, greasy, ludicrous brand of hyper-masculinity. The people who watched it didn’t seem to think it was funny, which I found very confusing, and the bombastic violence never seemed remotely entertaining. Luckily, “Glow” matches its source material by allowing its characters to be big, bold and ridiculous in and out of the ring, while slowly and delightfully subverting types over the course of the season. The parts are juicy, the characters are messy, and the women are unabashedly themselves. It’s one of the purest things I watched all year, and I can’t wait to see where the next season ends up. 
Also 8. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
One of (few) good things about 2017 was the diversity on television. Shows like Black-ish, Fresh off the Boat, The Mindy Project, Empire, Jane the Virgin and Insecure all got renewed, and as the year draws to a close, I can truthfully saw we’re living in a great age of television. Not only do we have a stunning variety of amazing shows, we have writers of color creating for actors of color, on shows produced by people of color. We have a spectrum of sexuality across all TV genres, written as main characters and not tokens or random friends who appear only on very special episodes. The diversity isn’t just on the surface anymore, and it shows. Some of the most original, important and entertaining stories on TV would never have existed if not for the diverse creators who finally got their feet in the door.
And yes, that is a preamble-apology of sorts for including a very, very white show like The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on a fairly short list. Sure, the main characters are Jewish, but so far, the show hasn’t developed a sense of otherness, or tackled any anti-Semitism surely hanging around in 1950s New York (I haven’t finished the season yet, so maybe it’s there?). The moment where Midge (literally) upstages an African American band feels extremely privileged and a bit cringe-worthy as well. Historically, the Palladinos have been pretty tone-deaf tackling, or completely ignoring, issues like race, LGBTQ issues and politics, and I don’t see that changing any time soon.
HOWEVER, the show is damn funny; the acting is great, the writing is crisp, the feminism is present and bourgeoning, and I’ll admit it... I’m a sucker for a period piece. It’s like Mad Men, but hilarious (and I do also have to admit that I miss Mad Men, for all its flaws). And we have not yet arrived at a time when I can say, stop with the funny women on TV already. There’s just too many of them. Why not some serious shows about serious women?
7. Dear White People
The movie this Netflix series’ is based on was funny and enjoyable, but it also felt pretty self-contained, so I wasn’t initially sure how this would play out over an entire season. However, Simien and his writing team totally blew me out of the water by taking the relatively broad character sketches from the movie and turning them into people who made me laugh, cry and cheer, episode after episode. Honestly, I can’t remember a show that made me feel so emotionally invested in 11 episodes. Despite losing the star power of Tessa Thompson, recasting Sam White turned out to be a boon for the show. Thompson’s iteration was heavily influenced by her trademark snarky, take-no-prisoners persona, but Logan Browning’s version highlights and deepens Sam’s inherent vulnerability and uncertainty. This adds nuance to her prickly, trigger-happy social activism, and underscores just how much this is an image of White’s own creation. Antoinnette Robinson as Coco was another standout for me--her performance was mesmerizing, beautiful and completely heart-rending. The moments she and Browning share crackle with energy, and it’s hard not to mourn the current state of their friendship. I’m rooting for them, guys, cuz I need more amazing female TV biffles in my life right now. 
Other things I loved:
Marque Richardson as Reggie. He’s hot, he’s angry, and he’s got layers. Richardson does Emmy-worthy work during his run-in with campus police, and in portraying the devastating emotional fallout of the violent encounter. The back half of the season allows Reggie to move from player in a requisite love triangle to fully-formed character in his own right, and I’m looking forward to seeing more Reggie-centric episodes in the future. 
John Patrick Amedori as Gabe. Ah yes, the token white boy... this could easily have been the most basic, nothing characterization, but no, not in the hands of these writers, and not with Amedori’s acting chops. Gabe is cheesy, a bit fumbling, and sometimes out of his depth, but he’s also big-hearted, brave and empathetic. It’s incredibly important that we understand and buy Sam’s attraction and deep connection, and also that his character stand up to her subconscious self-loathing, which the show deftly accomplishes.
“Dear White People” is a show that wears its heart on its sleeve, and that’s a great thing in this era of cynicism and bleakness (I’m not just talking about prestige TV). If you haven’t watched it yet, add it to your queue ASAP.
6. Master of None
This was a solid return for one of our chosen Millennial ambassadors--hilarious, awkward, expansively optimistic, and full of Ansari’s signature TRUTH. Artistically ambitious (the loving ode to Italian cinema in “The Thief”), unabashedly socially aware (Religion, First Date), and full of moments of tender vulnerability (Thanksgiving), the show proves time and again it’s as good as the hype. My only complaint: I’m not on board with Dev and Francesca. She’s cute, he’s cute, they have some cute moments... but I’m not really buying it. Maybe it’s risky to apply too much of the real world to this fictionalized version of Ansari’s life, but I can’t help but wonder if the ambiguity comes from his own failed relationships. Considering how much Ansar’s love life has played into his creative endeavors so far, it��s not that much of a stretch. Hopefully, he’ll continue to channel his life into stories that feel real, not imagined and artificial, even if that means no true love for Dev for a few more seasons.
5. The Good Place
This show never should have made it to network TV, but I’m thrilled it did. It’s a deliciously weird little anomaly, and I want MORE RIGHT NOW. I love Kristin Bell (Veronica Mars 4ever), which initially convinced me to give this pastel, candy-coated comedy a shot, but every actor is a total gem. The timing is impeccable, the pacing is ambitious, and the philosophy is... well, it’s interesting, integral, AND funny. How many shows can tackle the fundamental questions of human existence without breaking a sweat, while playing them for big, completely earned laughs? Not many, that’s for damn sure.
4. The Handmaid’s Tale
So yeah, I have concerns about the longevity of this show. As in, I’m not sure there should have been a second season. The last half of season one felt simultaneously too rushed and too drawn out, giving me pause about the writers’ ability to string Atwood’s material across 13 more episodes. 
That said, the series deserves this spot on the merit of the first few episodes alone. TV this energetic, vital and fully-formed out of the gate is always worth celebrating, and Atwood’s decades-old vision of the future proved prescient and dangerously real. The show inextricably benefitted from 2017′s political zeitgeist, where white women felt the anxiety and panic most women of color have felt for... well, I guess for always. 
This show is arresting and impossible to ignore. The actors, stripped of makeup, naturally lit, and filling the frames with pure, distilled emotions, suck you in and force you to feel what they feel. Sometimes (often), this is incredibly difficult, but others, it leads to feelings of euphoria and triumph. At it’s best, “The Handmaid’s Tale” is a perfect distillation of humanity, both its ugliness and its beauty. Here’s hoping the showrunners can pull off another season with equal grace and artistry. 
Annnd I’ll be back before New Year’s with my top three shows of 2017 :-)
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Concern Of A Black Mermaid
http://tinyurl.com/yyq7cetx It ought to have been a easy dream come true.  Nineteen-year-old Halle Bailey, one half of the sister singing sensation Chloe x Halle, has been tapped to play the lead within the reside motion model of Disney’s The Little Mermaid. “After an intensive search it was abundantly clear that Halle possesses that uncommon mixture of spirit, coronary heart, youth, innocence, and substance — plus a wonderful singing voice— all intrinsic qualities essential to play this iconic position,” mentioned director Robert Marshall, Jr. in a press release to NBC News. However Bailey is black. So the seaweed hit the fan. “ARIEL IS WHITE WITH RED HAIR!” mentioned the cultural police in a never-ending stream of online complaints, some pretty racist.  Bailey had loads of defenders, including entertainment heavyweights Kerry Washington, Chrissy Teigen, Zendaya, and Ariana Grande. Jodie Benson, the unique voice of Ariel within the 1989 animated movie was requested about it on stage on the popular culture mega-convening, Florida Supercon. “We must be storytellers,” Benson said. “And it doesn’t matter what we appear to be on the skin, irrespective of our race, our nation, the colour of our pores and skin, our dialect, whether or not I’m tall or skinny, whether or not I’m obese or underweight, or my hair is no matter colour, we actually want to inform the story.” Certainly we do. The concept that a fictional mermaid ought to eternally stay a white lady as a result of Hans Christian Anderson, her creator, was white, and Disney introduced her as white previously, is a troublesome one to defend within the fashionable age. “Brandy [who played Cinderella in a 1997 film version] walked so Halle Bailey may swim,” tweeted leisure reporter Kevin Fallon. However simply because the outrage doesn’t observe, it doesn’t imply that it isn’t deeply felt. There are extra than simply Euro-centric notions of magnificence at play, although they continue to be highly effective and difficult to dismantle. It’s additionally that white folks can expertise anguish, even unconsciously so, once they lose the societal advantages hooked up to whiteness. An anti-bias facilitator and educator named Val Brown posted some research on Twitter that helps illuminate this phenomenon. (She’s a treasure, by the best way. Her on-line dialogue discussion board for educators #ClearTheAir, repeatedly tackles thorny matters on inclusion. Comply with her here.) The paper was by Gloria Ladson-Billings, a pedagogical theorist, researcher, and teacher on the College of Wisconsin at Madison known as Just What Is Critical Race Theory and What’s It Doing In a Nice Field Like Education? Within the piece, Ladson-Billings critiques present analysis on race principle, within the hopes of figuring out info that may speed up racial reform in her discipline of training. The necessity for the work was affirmed through the early days of her quest; she describes experiencing marked hostility when presenting working variations of this paper in peer-reviewed settings. Why are you speaking solely about race? What about gender? That form of factor.  Whereas all the paper is price your time, Brown flags one part as notably instructive. Ladson-Billings cites a research which requested white school college students whether or not they believed issues have been higher for Blacks nowadays. The solutions have been largely sure. Then the scholars have been requested if they’d be keen to vary place with African People. None would. After which this:  “When requested what quantity of compensation they’d search in the event that they have been compelled to “turn out to be Black,’ the scholars ‘appeared to really feel that it will not be misplaced to ask for $50 million, or $1 million for every coming Black yr.’” An fascinating twist within the fictional case for reparations. “In response to [the study]: And this calculation conveys, in addition to something, the worth that white folks place on their very own skins. Certainly, to be white is to own a present whose worth will be appreciated solely after it has been taken away.” Abruptly white Ariel isn’t only a mermaid anymore. The controversy in regards to the Disney manufacturing continues to rage on, although sadly, with out crucial race principle context. The closest we might get comes from Freeform, Disney’s teen channel, who weighed in with an clever response on social media.  “Sure. The unique creator of ‘The Little Mermaid’ was Danish,” they sighed on Instagram. “Ariel…is a mermaid.” You understand, a fictional creature. “However for the sake of argument, let’s say that Ariel, too, is Danish. Danish mermaids will be black as a result of Danish *folks* will be black.” They even had some good issues to say in regards to the crimson hair, too. However finally, they put the accountability again the place it belongs, although not in the identical manner that Ladson-Billings may. “So in any case that is mentioned and completed, and you may’t get previous the concept selecting the unbelievable, sensational, highly-talented, beautiful Halle Bailey is something apart from INSPIRED casting that it’s as a result of ‘she doesn’t appear to be the cartoon one,’ oh boy do I’ve information for you… about you.” On Level Senator Mitch McConnell, who opposed reparations, is descended from enslavers A group from NBC Information put their geneology hats on to find that the Senator’s two great-great-grandfathers, James McConnell and Richard Daley, owned at the very least 14 enslaved folks in Limestone County, Alabama. And in accordance with the 1850 and 1860 censuses, all however two have been girls. They ranged in age from 2 to 20, and 4 have been recognized within the county “Slave Schedules” as “mulatto.” Click on by way of for some fascinating historical past, intertwined with the Senator’s report on civil and voting rights. Nothing about his tackle Ariel, but.  NBC News ‘The Chicago Defender,’ a century-old African American newspaper, ceases print operations The bylines learn like a who’s who of black historical past, and the tales it coated, from lynchings, to integration, civil rights and past, turned an important report of tales that white-owned media ignored or bought fallacious. Many imagine The Defender’s distinctive perspective on Northern black life throughout Jim Crow, turned the catalyst for the Nice Migration. “It’s an financial resolution,” says Hiram E. Jackson, chief government of Actual Occasions Media which owns a spate of black newspapers. “[B]ut it’s extra an effort to ensure that The Defender has one other 100 years.” New York Times The place are the wage will increase?The final election cycle noticed minimal wage will increase authorized by voters in all kinds of native municipalities throughout the nation. However 25 states legislatures, in largely crimson states, have expressly blocked cities from upholding the wage will increase. Consequently, some 350,000 staff have misplaced a complete of $1.5 billion per yr, in accordance with a research by the Nationwide Employment Regulation Challenge. The transfer hurts girls, immigrants and folks of colour who’re disproportionately present in low-wage jobs. “Missouri was one of the crucial egregious examples of an overwhelmingly white legislature undoing the desire of native communities,” a co-author of the report tells race and economics reporter Tracy Jan. “Preemption has been used as a instrument to undermine increased wages, shield company earnings, and cancel the voices of blacks and Latinos.” Washington Post On Background Chicago-based enterprise advisory teams are discovering methods to assist Latinx entrepreneurs In response to the latest census, there have been greater than 14,000 Latinx-owned companies within the Chicago space in 2016, a small however rising financial drive. However assets like financing and enterprise coaching applications, typically performed solely in English, remained skinny. However two enterprise teams are discovering methods to supply counseling and help not solely in Spanish, however within the outlying neighborhoods have been the entrepreneurs are prone to reside. “I didn’t know what steps to take,” the proprietor of a small electrical set up firm advised the Chicago Tribune, in Spanish. “I didn’t even understand I wanted a banking account for my enterprise, not to mention how you can register my firm.” Chicago Tribune You understand it’s working if persons are uncomfortable Atila Roque, the Ford Basis’s director in Brazil, begins this elegant essay about privilege along with his personal second of discomfort. He’d been invited to a members-only membership in Rio de Janeiro, and all of a sudden felt disoriented. “I felt a mix of dazzle and discomfort…it was as if, at any second, I is perhaps unmasked as somebody who didn’t belong,” he mentioned. As a person of colour, he’d been given short-term entry to a white, privileged house, a clear well-appointed oasis with stunning views that belie the existence of the impoverished favelas just some miles away. Progress hinges upon the willingness to make privileged folks, like these on the membership, squirm a bit, he says. “Privilege may be very snug. However preventing the type of inequality that results in nice struggling for therefore many would require disrupting that privilege, and breaking down among the boundaries that allow and protect it.” Ford Foundation Police killings come from a racist tradition Analysis led by Ryerson College psychologist Eric Hehman (who appears very cool) exhibits that the unconscious racial biases of white communities informs the tradition of racism inside police departments, and finally to the disproportionate use of drive towards black folks. From this attitude, bias mitigation within the recruitment and coaching of law enforcement officials just isn’t going to assist a lot. The issue is greater than them. “The context through which law enforcement officials work is considerably related to disproportionate use of deadly drive,” mentioned Hehman’s group. Click on by way of for the fascinating methodology. The group used information from Challenge Implicit, a Harvard College-created net instrument that measures unconscious biases. Greater than 4 million folks have taken the exams since 2003. The group centered on outcomes of 1.eight million black and white People, narrowed additional into geographical areas. African People and Latinx are disproportionately extra probably than whites to be killed by the police. Pacific Standard Quote “Burn Hollywood burn I scent a riot / Goin’ on first they’re responsible now they’re gone / Yeah I’ll take a look at a film / However it’ll take a black one to maneuver me / Get me the hell away from this TV / All this information and views are beneath me / So all I hear about is pictures ringin’ out / About gangs puttin’ every others head out / So I reasonably kick some slang out / All proper fellas let’s go hand out / Hollywood or would they not / Make us all look unhealthy like I do know that they had / However some issues I’ll always remember yeah / So step and fetch this shit / For all of the years we appeared like clowns / The joke is over scent the smoke from throughout / Burn Hollywood burn” —Public Enemy from Fear Of A Black Planet Source link
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from Microsoft Secure Author: Todd VanderArk
The “Lessons learned from the Microsoft SOC” blog series is designed to share our approach and experience with security operations center (SOC) operations, so you can use what we learned to improve your SOC. The learnings in the series come primarily from Microsoft’s corporate IT security operation team, one of several specialized teams in the Microsoft Cyber Defense Operations Center (CDOC). We’ve also included lessons our Detection and Response Team (DART) have learned helping our customers respond to major incidents and insights from the other internal SOC teams.
Today, we wrap up our discussion on people—our most valuable resource in the SOC. In the first part of our discussion, Part 2a: Organizing people, we covered how to set up people in the security operations center (SOC) for success. Today, we talk about our investments into readiness programs and career paths for our SOC analysts as well as recruiting for success. We’ll close the series with discussions about the technology that enables our people to accomplish their mission.
Something new every day
When an analyst walks into our SOC for a shift, they never know what to expect. They must be ready for anything as they face off with intelligent, adaptable, and well-funded adversaries who are intent on evading our defenses. For each problem, they must apply their unique knowledge and experience, the accumulated learnings from our SOC, and the expertise of their SOC teammates.
Our investments into readiness programs, career paths, and recruitment strategies are designed so our SOC analysts are prepared to succeed in their duties, increase mastery of their discipline, and grow as individuals. This ensures that our SOC staff brings their best to every shift, every time.
You may have to adapt some of these practices to the unique needs of your security operations team to be successful. We’re fortunate to have dedicated security operations teams, dedicated facilities, and experienced peers to learn from already on staff, but understand not all security organizations have these resources available.
Analyst roles and career paths
Empowering humans means investing in them. A SOC analyst is a high stress job and we know our success is built upon actively engaged people applying their experience and problem solving creativity. The longer our analysts do this work the better they get, so it’s important to nurture a long-running, sustainable workforce. This starts by clearly defining a career path. Our tier model not only organizes the work of the SOC, but also guides our analysts in building their knowledge and skills and shapes their careers with increasing levels of skills and different challenges.
Because we strive to empower and attract smart people with a continuous learning mindset, we’re motivated to promote from within. An analyst’s career path typically progresses from Tier 1 to Tier 2 to Tier 3 or to incident response, program management, security product engineering, or leadership tracks. There are exceptions, but this tends to be the norm.
Tier 1—Analysts acquire and refine core skills including attacker mindset and techniques, using detection and investigation tools, working with internal teams and processes, and calmly applying a thoughtful approach in a high pressure situation. This is similar to martial arts where beginners acquire basic competencies (marked by a progression of colored belts) until they have achieved their black belt and move to the next stage of skills. Similarly, transition from Tier 1 to Tier 2 is a key turning point in the career of an analyst.
Tier 2—Analysts continue to hone their skills as they move from executing well-defined playbooks for (mostly) predictable incidents at Tier 1 to investigating advanced incidents with greater unpredictability. Tier 2 analysts investigate attack operations conducted by organized groups with specialized skills and a specific targeted goal. Analysts investigating these incidents continue growing skills while learning from Tier 2 peer analysts and the incidents themselves. Over time, senior Tier 2 analysts often shadow different Tier 3 teams as they try out potential career paths and/or prepare for the next stage of their career.
Tier 3—At this level, the analyst career paths typically start to diverge more into deeper specialties. Analysts can choose to pursue mastery of a particular skill or increasing competency/mastery across multiple skills. Tier 3 is increasingly requiring more data analytic skillsets on the team. This is because proactive hunting, investigation of advanced attacks, and automation development frequently require navigating many datasets with massive amounts of information.
Careful balancing
Defining a clear career path is important, but like all disciplines dealing with people, we must carefully balance and manage some nuances along the way.
Balancing short and long term goals—As our analysts learn new skills and progress through their career, they learn to balance goals, such as ensuring alerts and cases are handled as top priority while simultaneously developing creative solutions that can reduce toil and increase efficiency over the long term.
Balancing empowerment and guidance—Managers and senior personnel need to strike this careful balance as they mentor analysts in their career. This is particularly important for key transition points like when an analyst first begins onboarding a new role. Much like we see in many marital arts films when the talented but “not fully trained” student has an overabundance of confidence and tries to take on more than they can handle, we see a similar dynamic as analysts begin shadowing Tier 3 roles. In this situation, we have to be careful not to discourage this creative impulse (offering a feedback channel for ideas) while coaching and guiding analysts to complete their learning from seasoned professionals and focusing on the journey ahead.
Recruiting for success
Recruiting people and developing their skills is one of the most critical aspects of the SOC’s success. The biggest challenges in this space are the scarcity of people with the right skillsets, the speed at which skillsets must evolve, the potential for analyst burnout, and the need to blend diverse skills and perspectives to address both the human and technical aspects of attacks.
Much has been written about the scarcity of cybersecurity skills. We recommend reading a relevant blog on this topic that offers different ways of addressing the scarcity of talent in security. Additionally, you may want to watch a recent RSA Conference Keynote from Ann Johnson (Corporate Vice President of Cybersecurity Solutions Group at Microsoft), which addresses many related topics including the mental health and burnout risks our industry faces.
The evolving skillset challenge is particularly acute for our SOC because classic SOCs tend to be network centric, but our detection and investigation have evolved to rely primarily on device, identity, and application specific tooling. While we still have and use advanced network security tools, we’ve seen the utility of these network tools diminish significantly over the years to supporting investigation and advanced hunting. As of the writing of this blog, it’s been over two years since the last primary detection of an attack on our corporate environment came in from a network tool. We expect this trend to continue and have oriented our analyst readiness accordingly.
When it comes to recruiting and building skilled analysts, we’ve found that we require a combination of diverse perspectives and some common traits. As with any role, success requires having a diverse team with different backgrounds, mindsets, and skillsets to bring more perspective to the problems at hand and surface better solutions faster. We’ve also found certain personality traits tend to make analysts more successful in a fast-paced high-pressure work environment of a SOC.
Its critical to note that the following observations are general trends and not absolute rules. The primary factor of success in hiring an individual into a role is most heavily reliant upon that particular person and how well they fit that role. With that said, we tend to look for people with a kind of “grace under pressure” as we find it’s easier to train technical and security skills to people with a growth mindset and calm demeanor under pressure than it is to do the reverse.
For example, we have found that people with military experience are often a good fit because they have experience focusing on the mission despite the strong distractions in ambiguous situations with active hostile adversaries.
We’ve also had success with recruiting and investing into people early in their careers who are eager to learn and have few preconceptions. We’ve had good results with integrating seasoned professionals, but there are simply not enough available for the needs of the marketplace today.
An interesting aspect of the SOC attracting mission-oriented personalities is that when we have a major incident off hours, we more often get too many people volunteering to help versus not enough—a good “problem” to have!
Building skills and job readiness
Because of the high complexity required to be an effective SOC analyst, it’s difficult to educate new analysts in the ways of the SOC through formal training alone. We’ve tried different training approaches to build skills over the years and have found the apprenticeship model to be most effective at rapidly and consistently building skills. For new analysts we take an “I do, we do, you do” approach that progresses from observation to hands on with supervision of a seasoned analyst to independent investigation with support from peers and mentors.
This is similar to other industries with a need to transfer rich context and nuance during real world practice, such as an internship or a residency during a medical career.
The readiness process focuses on building understanding and competency in three domains:
Technical tools/capabilities.
Our organization (mission and assets being protected).
Attackers (motivations, tools, techniques, habits, etc.).
These competencies map well to established doctrine on human conflict. Sun Tzu’s advice to “know thyself” and “know thy enemy” map well to the second and third domains. Our SOC processes also map well to thinking from Colonel John Boyd’s OODA ‘loop’ on real-time human conflict: observe, orient, decide, act.
Beyond the competencies, we also need to train our analysts to be big picture thinkers and maintain an end-to-end view of the attack. It’s not enough to focus on a single threat, but to also “look left and right.” We need our analysts to think about how else the attacker might be trying to gain access and what else they may be after. For example, a password spray may be a potential entry to a multi-stage attack. An attacker may be using a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack to provide a smokescreen to distract from their real objective.
We supplement this apprenticeship model with structured, formal training on topics, such as new products or features and SOC procedures. We also encourage attendance at conferences and work hard to ensure our staffing model supports these and other learning opportunities, so they aren’t empty promises.
This approach has been successful allowing us to train new Tier 1 analysts in approximately 10–12 weeks and we’re continuously looking for ways to improve our readiness processes. In addition, our staffing approach has been critical at mitigating burnout risk.
Learn more
For a visual depiction of our SOC philosophy, download our Minutes matter poster. Also, read previous posts in the “Lessons learned from the Microsoft SOC” series, including Part 1: Organization and Part 2a: Organizing people as well as see our full CISO series to learn more.
For more discussion on some of these topics, see John and Kristina’s session (starting at 1:05:48) at Microsoft’s recent Virtual Security Summit.
Stayed tuned for the next segment in “Lessons learned from the Microsoft SOC” where we discuss the technology that enables our people to accomplish their mission.
The post Lessons learned from the Microsoft SOC Part 2b: Career paths and readiness appeared first on Microsoft Security.
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Go to Source Author: Todd VanderArk Lessons learned from the Microsoft SOC Part 2b: Career paths and readiness Original Post from Microsoft Secure Author: Todd VanderArk The “Lessons learned from the Microsoft SOC” blog series is designed to share our approach and experience with security operations center (SOC) operations, so you can use what we learned to improve your SOC.
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glenmenlow · 7 years
How Brands Can Convert Data To Insight
Which person, from another field, do you think advertisers could learn most from?
One name that might not spring to mind is Abraham Wald.
Wald, who Matthew Syed wrote about in Black Box Thinking, was the grandson of a rabbi, born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1902. He was a mathematical prodigy – at primary school he was correcting his teachers and at secondary school he was correcting his textbooks.
After a glittering early career at the University of Vienna, his success stalled in the 1930s with the rise of anti-Semitism. In 1938 he fled to America. That decision probably saved his life. By the end of the war his whole family, bar one brother, had been killed.
Once in the US he worked for the government’s Applied Mathematics Panel, putting his talents to the war effort. Specifically, how to reduce the death rate among European bomber crews. Theirs was such a dangerous job that about half of bomber crews died during the war.
Wald’s team needed to determine which parts of the planes should be armored. It was a tricky calculation. Too much and the bombers would be slow and cumbersome, easy targets for German anti-aircraft defenses. Too little and the crew were exposed – a handful of hits might bring them down.
The researchers set to work collecting data. As planes returned from a sortie his team recorded which parts had been punctured by bullets. When hundreds of bombers had been logged, a pattern emerged. As the diagram clearly shows, the areas most regularly hit were the wings, fuselage and tail.
The top brass was ecstatic; Wald’s methodology had convincingly identified the critical parts to armor. Case closed.
But was it?
Wald’s interpretation was radically different. His bosses had fallen victim to “survivorship bias”: assuming returning planes were representative of all aircraft. That was a mistake. The data collected omitted the crucial planes: downed ones. They held the clue to solving the problem, not the returning planes.
The parts peppered with bullet holes could be ignored on returning planes, after all they had limped home. It was the unscathed spots that needed armoring. Any plane hit in these places was at the bottom of the English Channel.
Wald’s counter-intuitive thinking was quickly tested and shown to improve survival rates. His approach became standard US policy until the Vietnam War.
This is more than a historical anecdote. It’s a guide to how best to use data, whether in the military or marketing. There are four key principles that can be drawn from Wald’s experience:
 1. Don’t Rely On Intuition
Wald was a genius (a genuine one, not in the way we now bandy about the term) yet even he didn’t rely on introspection alone. He collected data, and only then, developed his hypothesis.
Far too many plans and approaches are based on gut feeling alone. This is an issue because agency staff are not representative. A study by Newsworks, the trade body for British newspapers, investigated this problem by recruiting 30 young media planners to complete the IPA Touchpoints diary for a week. This meant that their media habits could be compared to the broader population.
The differences were stark. Take TV. Young planners watched half the volume of TV compared to the population as a whole. Other media showed a similar variation. This discrepancy is a concern because of what psychologists term the false consensus effect. It’s the idea that we over-estimate how much others share our beliefs and behaviors.
Again this bias is prevalent in agencies. Claire Linford and I tested this by asking agency planners to estimate what proportion of the population had an iPhone. We then compared that data with whether they had an iPhone or not. Those who owned one thought half the population did, while those who didn’t put the figure at just a third.
Relying on intuition is dangerous – it leads to plans that would influence us but not the consumer. Instead, every plan needs data at its heart. And Wald gives us guidance on how to achieve that.
2. Collect Data In The Simplest Manner That Answers The Question
Wald’s methodology required pen, paper and a numerate assistant. Basic even for the 1940s.
This is important for marketing as too often we obsess over the complexity of our methodologies: econometrics, machine learning, artificial intelligence and so on. It’s as if we believe we can replace the hard work of thinking with the high costs of measurement.
But insights don’t need high budgets. For a brief into a male incontinence drug we wanted to help the planners understand the target audience. We had no budget so we used a technique we call ‘method planning’.
Over a weekend we texted the planners at random times. Each time they received a text they had to stop what they were doing and get to a toilet within two minutes. This helped the planners understand the experience of the target audience. From this experiment we uncovered two useful insights. First, incontinence is not a great concern when people are at home. After all, a toilet is a few seconds away. It’s when they’re out of home that it’s a worry. This led us to recommend media which reached people at the maximum moment of concern, such as tube (subway) car panels.
Second, our participants mentioned that while the experiment was inconvenient for them, it was also a burden on their families. This led us to the insight that maybe it was better to encourage older, male sufferers to rectify the issue not for their benefit, but for their family’s.
The cost of all this? About 70 cents on my phone bill.
Good insights can come from the simplest of places. Only if we recognize this will we undertake insight generation as regularly as we should.
3. Focus On The Representativeness Of The Data
A seemingly simplistic point but the majority of online measurement collects short term effects only: sales, views or visits. This is a problem as what we measure shapes what we do. If we just measure the short-term then that is what we optimize to: more budgets go to the best performers, while the worst are struck off the plan.
And if we optimize just to short-term metrics then we under-perform in the long term. Binet and Field have showed in their analysis of the IPA Effectiveness database, that advertising that works best in the short term isn’t ideal in the long term.
4. Data Alone Are Worthless, Analysis Is Key
Data are nothing but raw material. They’re a necessary condition for insight, but not a condition that necessarily creates insight.
Henri Poincaré, the 19th century French mathematician, pointed out the difference between science and facts. What he said is as relevant for insight and data:
“Science is built of facts the way a house is built of bricks: but an accumulation of facts is no more science than a pile of bricks is a house.” 
And just as facts require theory to become science, so do data require theory and analysis to become insight.
If agencies want a competitive advantage they need a combination of best in class data collection and interpretative skills. The best source of those interpretative skills is the study of human decisions making: behavioral science and social psychology. These tell us of biases like the survivorship bias but also hundreds of others that affect consumer decision makings.
Stop Worrying About The Changing Man
The experience of Wald is useful. But there are plenty of other historical figures to learn from. We shouldn’t ignore them because our technology has changed – fundamental human motivations are the same as they ever were.
As Bill Bernbach said:
“Human nature hasn’t changed for a million years. It won’t even change in the next million years. Only the superficial things have changed. It is fashionable to talk about the changing man. A communicator must be concerned with the unchanging man with his obsessive drive to survive, to be admired, to succeed, to love, to take care of his own.”
The agencies that focus most on the unchanging man will win the insight war.
Contributed by Branding Strategy Insider by: Richard Shotton, the author of The Choice Factory, a new book on how to apply findings from behavioral science to advertising.
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