#btw feel free to send an ask for more information if you want to know anything about the server beforehand
synkverv · 2 years
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and if i batted my eyes and said pretty please... could you, would you join?  https://discord.gg/Afajd8vPu7
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foxglovepng · 5 months
Wittle request since I am very Mentally Eel (lol) but could u do some hcs of how do u think the Tweels, Azul and Lilia would react to like, meeting someone who is very into Moray Eels. Like, have plushies, use moray puns, memorized the entire Wikipedia article bout em, etc.
Have a great day, eat a meal, drink water, if u need take ur meds and sleep well!!
Characters: Tweels, Azul, Lilia
CW: not proofread (When do I ever proofread)
A/n: I am SO SORRY This request took so long I am going through requests now and doing them. They are getting done but not as fast as I would like. (Writer's block and loss of motivation go BRR)
Thank you also! I hope you have a great day as well and make sure to take care of yourself. If you have a cat tell them I said Pspsppss
Likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
He doesn't really find your interest bothersome just more of a "If you have any questions ask Jade." type of deal.
Although he'd be really thrown off if you suddenly wanted to start talking about Octopusses.
If you start ranting he would gladly listen to what information you have (and maybe make a contract so he can find information he doesn't have). He could also use this time to get blackmail unless it's something he already knows.
In a romantic sense, I feel he'd be a little upset and insecure if you talk about Moray Eels constantly. (SHOW HIM SOME LOVE TO SMH)
Overall is not really bothered but will exploit your information as blackmail.
He finds your interest in Moray eels adorable. He tries to answer any questions you may have he will tease you a little bit about your interest, but in return, you listen to him talk about mushrooms (Think of it as an information exchange). If you ask to see his eel form he'd be like "Oh? you wish to see my eel form?" he'd show you it since you asked nicely but would also give you a water-breathing potion so you can explore whatever body of water Octavinelle has.
I can imagine if you ask a myth about eels and he debunks It "Erm actually 🤓☝️" (joke)
Overall he'd be more helpful than Floyd would be
Depending on Floyd's mood he will either be impressed and intrigued or annoyed.
So it's a 50/50 if you wanna ask questions. (Very helpful Floyd)
Although when you do have questions he'd either send you to Jade or drag you to the Octavinelle equivalent of an ocean. If you complain about clothes getting wet or the water being cold he'd be like, "Whaat? You asked."
If he's in a bad mood he would probably shoo you away or make some lie up leaving you to go find Jade.
Floyd is just a silly guy fr
Lilia finds your interest amuzing. If he knows any information he'll give it to you if you ask nicely if he doesn't then he will help you get information by either going to Jade or reading about it via online or the library books.
He would gladly listen to your rants and whatever information you have to share he may even teach you a thing or two about Fae's.
Imagine him playing the Overwatch or Valorant equivalent (We are not a Fortnite household) clacking away on his keyboard while listening to you talk about how Moray Eels have poor eyesight so they need their nose (They have really good noses btw) to help them navigate.
And then it causes questions as to why Jade and Floyd aren't wearing glasses on land.
Thank you for reading. If you'd like to share your thoughts or make any corrections feel free to shoot me a message. Have a lovely day <3
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ddejavvu · 2 years
What if hotch wants to date reader but isn't sure about the age difference but then in a game of truth or dare btw the BAU he finds out that she already dated someone older than him and she didn't mind the age gap and it gives him courage to ask her out (I just used she out of habit, feel free to make it gender neutral)
"Truth," The devilish glint in Penelope's eyes as she repeats your choice has you second-guessing it, "How old is the oldest person you've ever crushed on?"
"Oldest," You hum thoughtfully, visions of an ex flashing through your head, "Well, I'd have to go with Sean. Dated him for a while, he was in his fifties."
Aaron's flooded with instant relief. Not only that one, you don't seem to be turned off by an age gap, and two, that his brother Sean is definitely not the Sean you're talking about. He's sure he would find it hard to kiss you if you'd kissed his brother first.
You ignore Spencer's look of what you're slightly afraid is disgust, and Morgan's sharp wolf whistle. Emily takes a sip of her drink instead of responsding, but JJ smirks at the new information about you.
Penelope's jaw drops, in her typical dramatic fashion, looking much like a scandalized cartoon.
"Fifty? And you dated him? My god," She gasps, suddenly short of breath, "That's, like, an old man!"
"Pardon me?" Rossi cuts in, not entirely fond of the concept of the game in general, much less when it results in his friends demeaning him, "Fifty is not old."
"Yes it is," Penelope insists, "Did he have back problems?"
"Older men know how to treat women," You point out, sipping from the juice box the bubbly blonde had so kindly bestowed upon you, "Most times they've done it before."
Aaron's certain he'd have treated you right if he were still 18, but he doesn't tell you that. It wouldn't have taken any aging on his part to come to some divine realization that you're something special, but he mulls over your penchant for older men while you bicker with the blonde.
He's not into you because of the age gap. He's sure it would look that way, he's sure it does to Dave who's not particularly shy about his own tastes in women. But he lets himself forget the taboos around the pairing, and gives in to a brief domestic fantasy that clouds his vision, locking his eyes onto you.
You tuck Jack into bed with the same precision and care that he does, making sure that every corner of the blanket is as tight as it can go without suffocating the boy. You kiss him on the forehead on your way out, and Aaron fondly does the same, his lips pressing to where your own just landed. He turns out the light in his son's bedroom and finds you already undressing in your shared closet, but he pays more attention to the way that your body looks in his shirt than it does out of it. He grips your hips, tugs you in until your lips are mere inches from his, and-
"Hell-ooo," Hotch sees a hand waving in front of his eyes, and snaps back to attention to find that it's yours, "Are you okay?"
Your voice is a laugh, the sound sending his heart pounding even though you mean it accusatorily. He nods, zoning back into the room and finding all eyes on him.
"Yes," He finally breaks eye contact with you, shaking his head slightly to clear it, "I'm sorry. I must have lost focus."
"I'll say," Dave snorts, but for subtlety's sake Aaron doesn't bite back. You're still looking at him, though, so he glances back over, and you restate your question.
"Alright, Hotch, truth or dare?"
"Truth," He answers by default, and his team members deflate. He's not sure why they think they're going to get away with asking him to lick a toilet seat, like they challenged Reid to do, apparently he's smarter than the genuis.
"Truth," You sigh dramatically, but brighten up as you think of a question, a meaningful glint in your eyes as you ask, "Okay fine, how young is the youngest person you've ever crushed on?"
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dragongirltongue · 10 months
New Pinned post <3
Hi there, the name is Zelda, or one of like, 20 other names that may or may not be listed somewhere around here. If you know a name I go by that isn't findable here don't use it. <3
I'm bigender which is made up of girl and fem6oy, as such I use she/her and sometimes he/him pronouns when I'm feeling fem6oy enough <3
I'm in my 30s, not getting more specific than that until I decide it's not true enough to change it, don't try to find my exact age as I don't like sharing that information publicly, I don't even update it on my birthday <3
I'm a polyamorous bisexual voraphile freak and if you're over 18 you're welcome to talk to me about how much of a freak I am. I love to flirt and encourage it. Also happy to share my Other Blog with anyone interested, again as long as you're of age. <3
I'm a film graduate and currently working on doing something with that experience as well as working on a superhero comic and a 2D zelda style game. Feel free to bug me about any of those I love to discuss writing and media and want to encourage media literacy. <3
I'm also an ex-jehovahs witness and as a result I'm hugely into the holiday season in a very against my old god kinda way. Also big into sinning <3
Also I'm like, a dragon in probably an otherkin/thetadelta kinda way, like, it's core to who I am and how I understand myself so yeah. Despite this my fursona is a fox, the dragon in my icon is literally me <3
I also draw sometimes and when I do it'll be posted to @dragongirldrawings but always reblogged here too.
Also I'm a member of a plural system, feel free to check out the rest of the system over here @haven-sys <3
Further on the identity weirdness I'm an imaginary friend for the person who used to inhabit this body, they've been gone for like, over 20 years so it's not really relevant but I have started embracing my nature as a fictional creation, it's comforting.
Btw, if one of my posts containing my typing quirk ends up on your dash I take no responsibility for it. I use it in posts that are for me only and if they happen to resonate with others that's their choice to reblog.
I had intended to set tipping up on my blog for a while but adhd caused me to never get around to it sooo, homebrew tip button on my original posts. Feel free and outright encouraged to steal this idea <3
So yeah that's me, hiii I love you all <3
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this post is specifically a6out tum6lr user Zelda dragongirltongue
DNI list under the read more.
lmao imagine if I actually made one of those finally, that's how you'd know I've been replaced with an evil clone or something.
That being said if you're looking at my blog to send me an ask or dm about what someone gets off to please understand unless they're actively hurting someone I rly don't care. I have a lot of ignored and blocked anons about this.
This goes double if the person you're trying to alert me to is trans femme, we don't play that game here, especially given that I know I've been targetted for things as simple as engaging in vore the wrong way for some people or whatever.
Like, I just want to make it clear I rly don't give a fuck what another adult does in the bedroom, I rly don't care if the bedroom happens to include their blog and I rly don't care if they like to flirt about it with other adults on this website.
Also if your pinned post is a callout for anyone about anything it's likely to set off my paranoia around you, which is to say I will not be able to trust you if this is the case even if it's for someone who's actually a danger to a community, like, actively.
Like, this ain't a moral stance or anything, it's a mental health thing. I see that you want to make your first point of contact into a crosshair on someone else I'm gonna be scared you're gonna aim at me next even if it's completely reasonable that you'd never find anything objectionable with me. It scares me and I'm gonna spend every interaction walking on egg shells around you cos what if you're digging for dirt, like, I got no way of knowing.
Anyway as the opening joke implies I don't see any worth in having a list of things to not interact with me over cos the lived experience on this planet is so full of nuance and I've formed deem friendships with people who'd probably have avoided me if I had a DNI and they cared about it.
I think DNIs are dumb but this feels like a space to talk about some general limits on what I'm gonna put up with on this website. I'm just here for a good time with other freaks, anything else is optional. If you want to drag me into your discourse at this point then I guess this is whre I ask you to Do Not Interact. To anyone else, I love yall <3
If you've been directed here after sending an ask my way please apologize for wasting my time [here]
tl;dr DNIs are dumb but don't drag me into your personal grievances with others.
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this post is still specifically a6out tum6lr user Zelda dragongirltongue [tip]
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factcheckingmclennon · 2 months
hey! making a pinned that will for now hold some basic info/disclaimers & may in the future have a read more with a guide to deep dives
james/lorraine, they/he/she, 24. BA in religious studies/history, going back for a MA in history in january (that's relevant okay that's my CREDENTIALS for this silly blog)
my main is @menlove
I am indeed a shipper! no hate is meant at all by this blog existing, I'm just a historian that is going crazy trying to sort out fact & fiction in this fandom. there's a lot of both and I think a blog like this could be useful
and in that vein, I will never, ever directly come after or @ anyone who shared that misinformation. if you send me a request and start it with "I saw so and so post x, is this real?" I'll make a post without your ask in it. I don't want to send hate anyone's way. if it's an older post, i'll probably link the source of the misinformation for the sake of clarity, but if it's a blog that's still active i won't & i'll just screenshot. (maccaswife1978 is not a real person btw dgshdhshs. as far as I know! sorry if anyone's ever had that username)
I'm always open to correction. I have 0 way of knowing or finding everything, so if you have a credible, reliable source that I didn't find in my deep dive of something I rated fake/neutral, please let me know! I'd love for some of these to be real
I also take requests! feel free to ask me about anything that you want fact checked. just know sometimes I might not be able to find an answer or I might be bogged down & not be able to answer just then. I'll do my best to get to everyone, but inevitably my mental health and life Will come first so......
rating system
fake- this is a source that, from everything I can find, only loops back to other mclennon blogs/forums. again, I'll take correction on these.
neutral- this is a source that is fake in some way but real in others. maybe it's a quote taken wildly out of context, or the quote passed around is fake but the content really did happen & has a more grounded source. or maybe it was written in a biography that didn't use citations and I have no idea where that author got that information, so you should take it with a grain of salt. or maybe it's something that isn't necessarily fake, but there's not enough evidence to definitively prove it one way or another (i.e. did anything happen in india?) whatever the case, this source has ended up neutral in the grand scheme of mclennon.
real- happy day for us all, these are for ones that turn out to be real! these are ones that are backed up by one or more reliable source & have hard evidence
source reliability
what do I mean by "reliable source"?
for me to count a source as "reliable" and count it towards a fact/quote being real, it has to be one of these things: first-hand (interviews, auto biographies, etc), recorded (video/photographic evidence, basically), or a well-sourced/respected biographer.
sources that fall into the in between category and might still earn a "real" rating but should be taken with a grain of salt are things like: second-hand sources (& who they are is important in determining how big that grain of salt should be), biographers who are allergic to sourcing, and things like lyrics/poetry/short stories which rely heavily on interpretation unless explained by either john or paul themselves. none of these automatically mean a "neutral" or "fake" rating, but they're taken into account.
and sources that will earn a fake rating once they're found to be the original source: tumblr blogs, deviantART pages, fan forums, gossip columns, etc. basically, if all I can find is someone writing out "slash beatles quotes" on a page in 2011, it's getting chucked in the bullshit pile unless someone else can find a source that predates it.
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queer-overwatch · 6 months
okay hi I hope I'm not sending too many asks even tho this is only my second one LMAOO, I figured you would get a lot of venture requests so i was like "why not send an ask for someone else?" so here I am!! can I mayhaps request Sombra with a reader(she/her) who is very open about themselves? like maybe they tend to overshare or talk a lot about themselves,, again, any format is fine w/me! have a beautiful day!! (my name is Eden btw, so feel free to call me that <33)
Sombra with an open!reader!
You are 100% right almost all of our requests have been for venture lmao (dw tho we enjoy it <3) also NEVER FEEL GUILTY FOR SENDING MULTIPLE ASKS, please send as many as you want, we love them <3 decided to do headcanons for this one, hope thats okay! -Frisk
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When you first meet she so takes advantage of the fact that you're so open
Records basically every conversation she has with you, just in case she ever needs blackmail
Once you start getting closer, she starts actually paying attention to the stuff you say, just for fun, totally not because she wants to actually know you She can't help but think of you whenever she finds something you said you liked.
One time on a mission she found a mug with a funny quote she thought you'd like and took it, didn't actually give it to you though, just took it
She would rather die than admit it, but if you're ever on a mission with her she'll try to keep you from talking too much
She doesn't want the enemy to have too much info on you, that's her blackmail not theirs >:C
If/When you actually start dating, she really takes into account the things she'd heard you say
Listens to her own recordings on loop whenever its a holiday or anniversary so she can find the perfect gift
She'll finally let you know she's been recording your conversations, she doesn't feel guilty she just wants you to know
No point in hiding it anymore
She also gets more openly protective
Like she'll yoink you out of conversations with someone who she doesn't think should know the stuff you so openly talk about
She isn't really used to people being so open, she's used to having to find info on people herself, so it's a change of pace for her. She doesn't mind too much but she'll still instinctively try and dig into your life and find stuff you've already told her about
TLDR; She listens to what you say, kinda, but you talk a lot and there is a time and place to be doing so, and she's gonna make sure you only reveal sensitive information when she's around to make sure whoever you're talking to can be trusted <3
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coe-olivier · 19 days
Heya! Sorry for barging in here
First of all I wanna say I absolutely love your Art and Oc's! They're so cute together!!
I wasn't really sure at who I could talk to about this, since my blog isn't really Asterix focused, but then I thought of you, so I hope it's ok for me to just put this story out there
A while ago I dreamed that the only reason Asterix is always single, was because he's the only gay guy in the entire village. (Aside from like Assurancetourix but he was poly and taken)
The only people who knew where Magigimmix and Obelix, with Obelix being a little consumed about the whole thing. He was very supportive though
And then, basically the real thing the Story was about, Asterix fell in love with a roman soldier
The Guy (I sadly forgot his name, if he ever had one) had just been stationed there and of course had no Idea how things work around there and basically immediately tried to attack a few hunting Gauls, who just happened to be Asterix and Obelix
He was about half a head bigger then Asterix if I remember, Smart, stubborn and fairly hot tempered, but aside from that I sadly don't remember much
To cut things short, since this is already the longest ask I've ever send (thank you for reading all this btw!) the dream then went a enemies/rivals to lovers route and the part before I woke up, was about them trying to hide the fact that they we're dating from the other Gauls (mostly Obelix, he wasn't homophobic but definitely romanphobic lol) and Romans.
Feel free to do with this story whatever you want, if anything, and thank you so much for listening! ^^
(Note: Sorry if I got any of the names wrong, I've honestly never read a english Asterix Story)
AAAAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm really REALLY glad that you decided to write it specific to me! 🤍🤍🤍
This is so adorable dream you had. Sadly that you don't have more information about Asterix and that Roman soldier. I would love to know how it happened that they fell for each other! But I think it was unexpected and they were both just fascinated by each other. I mean, smart, fearless Roman soldier? Rarely seen in comics hahahahah I imagine that this legionnaire could be such a safe place for him to talk about subjects that bother him. Because, let's face it, Obelix often doesn't know what's going on around him despite being his greatest pal. Sometimes Asterix needs a break to talk to someone who understands him in every aspect, especially his emotions 🫶
In general I always thought Asterix was asexual so I think a relationship with this Roman would be based on love without that physicality
Also I imagine their first meeting and the Roman directing his pilum with flowers attached to it towards Asterix. He would probably have been a little embarrassed to have flowers on his weapon in that situation, but the tradition of celebrating the first patrol in a new place like this was necessary hahhaha
What do you think?
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bonefall · 11 months
Ask Etiquette
HELLO sorry for the intimidating post lmao, I just need something to toss up on the masterpost because I feel bad deleting asks and then people will never really have an idea of why I never answered them
I get a ton of asks (usually anywhere from 10 - 20 a day!) and I'm not able to get to them all! I try to answer as many as possible but I'm still just one guy. So with that in mind, there are some sorts of asks I will simply not answer, and some 'requests' I have for people who send them in;
Please keep your asks short PLEASE try not to send me essays if you want a response; I still love reading them! But if you send me walls of text/analysis you are asking me to write a lot in response, which I'd rather spend on actually writing or designing cats. (On that note if you send a bunch of questions at once, the likelihood I respond goes down.)
Do not send me personal questions Listen... I'm a stranger on the internet. I'm overjoyed to see when my art connects with people and helps you realize things! But don't ask me sensitive questions like how to move out of your abusive parents' house!! PLEASE learn internet safety and get less comfortable with volunteering that kind of information to people you don't know!
Do not ask me personal questions you do not need to know what i study or where i work. get less comfortable asking these sorts of questions to queer people on the internet, especially when they talk openly about having previously been abused or stalked. (not that a person should even need to be as open about that as i am)
If I don't have a good response I won't answer Especially for suggestions I don't vibe with. I try to only say "No" if I have a particularly interesting "No" to talk about, if that makes sense! If I had to write a full explanation for every veto or idea I don't vibe with, this blog would be 90% what isn't in BB.
No AUs within the AU. "What if Hawkfrost survived his impalement? What if Firestar never joined? What if Tigerstar was never born?" Listen, buddy, you're creating an exponential distraction for possible ways the story could have gone and I'm not looking to write several essays for the literal hundreds of alternative ways Clan history could have been written. It takes you 5 words to ask "What if X never died" but it takes me paragraphs to answer. (This isn't about suggestions btw, I very specifically mean ppl asking hypotheticals for fun.)
Don't be rude. I feel like this should go without saying but please mind the parasocial gap. Especially if you're on anon, I don't know you, your backstory, or your cadence.
No "Fight Baiting" You're free to ask me to speak about fandom trends, or for my opinions on general ideas, character discussions, and popular arguments! But it crosses a line if you're linking someone's posts with their uncropped usernames, sharing unsolicited google docs, youtube videos, etc, with the intention of getting me to attack a third party. We can talk about ideas without making it a PVP battle.
And, lastly, CLANMEW ASKS!!
I make a hard effort to get to everyone!! Those are published on Clanmew Day (WHICH IS NOW JUST GOING TO BE THE 30TH OF EVERY MONTH SO THAT IT'S LESS CONFUSING) but PLEASE understand I get a ton of them.
As I write this I have more than 26 tabs open of unanswered Clanmew asks, a lot more in my inbox, and 9 already in the queue. So that you understand the sheer volume of asks I have there.
If I didn't get to you that month, chances are that I'll get to you on the next, but please understand why I ask for folks to not re-send asks
So here's Clanmew-specific requests;
PLEASE just try a translation on your own first! Don't just send me raw lists of OCs to translate, give it a go first using the Lexicon, just so I can see you tried. I will happily and gladly make more specific words for you when I see you try!
When you send OCs you've translated, ask me for a new word at the end if you didn't already in your list. Just in case I can't think of a witty comment or a word suggestion, you will help me a lot
Please try to format with lists like this one Folks will send me double or triple-indented lists and it will take up my entire screen when they've only sent like, 5 names. Remember that posts you send to me go on people's dashes, be considerate please You can open a list like this by starting a new paragraph, typing -, and then an immediate space. Hold Shift + Enter to indent without adding another bullet.
If you could put "Clanmew" somewhere in your ask, like even if you open up with "Clanmew: Here is my question blah blah," it would help immensely I physically can't get to every ask I receive on Clanmew Day, so if you have "Clanmew" in your ask somewhere, it makes it a lot easier for me to find it when I can finally answer! I really wish Tumblr had ways to sort asks, but currently, I've just gotta make due with Cntrl + F.
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lostelfwriting · 2 years
Runaway prince Morpheus
But make it modern era
You know how your grandma sometimes gets those spammy, scammy, scummy emails from an “african prince” who is trying to escape the corrupt regime and needs to deposit his wealth into your bank account?
Technophobe Hob who has no idea what spam mail or a scam is.
Btw this is 100 % crack fiction.
History teacher Hob who only got a phone eight yers ago. His students taught him how to use an email when they grew bored of handing in everything through mail or pigeon (seriously, man, mailing your essays???) during covid. So he’s had a small laptop and only used it to access his email for a few years. But then someone reccomends him a couple websites, and what do you mean I don’t need to wait for the new journal to get pronted and mail?! I can read it on the internet a week before it reaches me?!
So, Hob finally starts exploring the internet. But oops, nobody taught him internet safety. The first couple spam emials that he gets are suspicious attractive women that for some reason are interested in him. He brushes it off, kindly turns each of the bots down. Then he starts winning phones. He turns those down too, he is quite happy with his “brick”, as his students call it.
Then he gets an email from a runaway prince from a country that he’s sure doesn’t have a monarchy anymore. He replies with great suspicion. “Morpheus” (Greek name but that guy claims to come from the North and he’s pale as paper) responds with a damn essay that uncovers a huge conspiracy behind his country’s government, and the conclusion is that there still is monarchy that matters but some people don’t aggree with it and want true democracy, including him, so that puts target on his back both from the inside (government) and outside (people who want true democracy and only see him as yet another symptom of the problem). He’s not safe in the country.
Hob, sunshine that he is, offers to help. Sends Morpheus all the info that he asks for, his bank account info, credit card info, his address. He sends Morpheus a lot of money that the prince needs to pay some fees, but he promises he’ll return it.
For three weeks, nothing happens. Hob scours the internet for news of some Nordic prince mysteriously dying or disappearing, but there is nothing. No signs of a huge government conspiracy either, but then it wouldn’t be a conspiracy. Finally, he asks some of his students who are better with technology if they can help him find a person he’s been talking to. He explains how they met. The students gently inform him that he’s been scammed and tell him how to report it.
Hob feels pretty dumb and decides to return to technology-free life. Says goodbye to the moeny that he’ll never see again, if his students are right.
Then one day, a knock on his door in the middle of the night. He opens, because the person sounds quite frantic and Hob will never learn, and the person pushes past him into his apartment and slams the door. And wouldn’t you know it, the man looks exactly like Morpheus from those emails. He looks haunted and pretty beat up, but he’s real.
Hob gets pulled into a complicated web of conspiracies as he helps the prince take the government apart from far away. His apartment turns into a secret hacker den as Morpheus buys more and more computers and... computer things... and apparently, he’s insisting that he can hack the government apart. Morpheus spends day and night slowing down his alleged pursuers and publicising dirt that he has on his own country, and one day, Hob actually sees on the news that several of the country’s politicians end up arrested. His students share memes about the situation with him to cheer him up, thinking he’s still bummed out about the money (that Morpheus has returned tenfold) but in reality he’s freaking out because that proves that this is real.
There are definitely some action scenes. Someone trailing Hob as he’s leaving work, and he leads them into a dark alley and beats them up Greco-Roman wrestling style, because he really enjoyed that hobby at school and he was damn good and nobody ever expects it of him.
Eventually, the whole country is in riot and the current government has to flee and people take over, and some of them demand Morpheus takes over, since he obviously care about democracy, but Morpheus is like nah, I’m comfy here, no thank you. Some feelings have developed between Hob and Morpheus during the few months they spend together with Hob practically force-feeding worcaholic Morpheus and supplying him with a gallon of coffee every day, and Morpheus making sure Hob is alright with being a small but significant part of the greatest scandal in modern history.
And bed-sharing! There is bed-sharing!
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This is going to be price x male reader I case you didn't look at tags😋💪
Warnings: death, loss of a loved one, kidnapping, blood, and much more
M/n (you) and price are married btw!
It's had been a few days sense you had texted price but that would happen sometimes because you get busy sometimes and same with price
Price was calm and only mentioned it once when Soap had asked how you were
When on break for the holidays Price, Soap, Gaz, and Ghost would come over and stay a night
Ghost normally stayed the whole time (family stuff yk yk) but you and price didn't care and actually enjoyed the fact he stayed
When Ghost's mental health would take a massive toll randomly he would try and hide it but you would notice
So you started to help ghost find things that can help him, you had your own fare share of mental problems so ghost didn't feel alone
It got to the point with ghost he called you his dad once (he told you do never mention that to anyone... You told price) and even felt comfortable taking off his mask
So nobody expected a call on ghosts phone during training
Ghost awnsered and was confused
It was your neighbor telling him how you had been gone and that he didn't see you so he grabbed the mail and there was a letter for price and if he wanted it dropped off to the base or if he just wanted price to hear it now
Price decided to have the neighbor read it to him
He didn't expect a letter giving a location saying that they have you and if you don't give them information or he didn't come with information that they would kill you
Ghost and Price wanted to leave to that location as soon as possible but Lawell wouldn't let them
When they looked up the location barely anything came up, like, not even a picture of the place
It had been about a week and during dinner Ghost got another call so he awnsered it
Ghost: hello who is this?
?? : this is Ghost correct?
Ghost: yes? Why must you know
?? : should we show them him?
??? : he's out cold right now dumbass
Ghost: what the fuck are you guys talking about!?
?? : are you on speaker?
Ghost: yes??
?? : M/n price ring a bell?
?? : want to see?
The camera was then turned on and faced towards a h/c male who's head was down but you could tell he was in really bad condition, "we didn't cut out his tongue don't worry, he can still talk" everyone that was by Ghosts phone was frozen in shock. Price made all the recruits and other people leave and they all listened going to their respective rooms "wake him up" suddenly another male came into view and walked up to m/n knife in hand, he then dug it into an already open wound making it even worse, right as he started to move the knife the male woke up and started to scream in pain. The camera got close and the person behind it pushed the male that was digging the knife in the wound away "get a stool, we will be nice and let him talk to you, not like he knows where the fuck he is right now" the phone was then set on a stool still facing the h/c male and then the two men left.
Price: M/n?! M/n are you awake??
M/n: I'm awake love don't worry
Soap: we told Laswell about the current situation she's going to send people out for you. She won't let us go through so please be-
M/n: don't send anyone out, it's a trap, please,
Ghost: m/n we need to find you so we can make sure you are ok
M/n: It's ok Si. Even if the team does get here I think you all know what they would find
Price: don't say that m/n please
M/n: Don't cry guys
Ghost: we will find you m/n.....i don't care how but we will get you and you will be-
M/n: Hey Gaz..
Gaz: Yeah
M/n: take care of the others for me, please
Ghost : M/n don't say that, you can leave me, you can't leave us, please m/n stay alive however you-
M/n: Calm down Si. Remember our breathing exercises, stay calm, don't panic, count your surroundings
Price: do whatever you need for these people to set you free, anything I don't care just don't die please
M/n: Just remember guys. Remember who your are becasue you shouldn't be afraid of losing someone, you should be afraid of losing yourself
Right as that was said there was a sound of a door being opened and then the phone was picked up and the camera was turned off "any last words to these people. Unless you do have information" "I love you guys, I love you Simon, I love you price, see you soon" then the call ended.
(Mini time skip)
The people Laswell sent out had just driven to the base and got out the car with guilt and sad faces, then two of them went into the back of the car and grabbed three people "these are the people..." Everyone was relieved to have the kidnappers but they also questioned where you were "what about m/n?" The team shared a look then they looked down "when we got to the location he... Wasn't there.....only thing left was tons and tons of blood" immediately the three people, two men and one woman were taken into questioning
Nobody fessed up on what they had done to you or if you were alive, this was until price had enough and walked into a room where Gaz was with an about 5'7, brown hair, average looking male and started to scare the absolute hell out of the guy. Price was taller than him, stronger than him, and could easily rip the man in half if he wanted, this made the guy fess up saying they had ended up ripping your tongue out and after they made sure you had died they left you in a trash can behind the house. To call Price furious was an understatement. He's had to be forced out the room so he wouldn't beat the life out of the guy, finally the three people had been taken fully away and were going to be taken to court and then Gaz, Soap, Price, Ghost, Laswell, and others showed up to the house to find you.
They called the police and investigaters were on their way, when they found your body and they all saw what you looked like price couldn't help but let out a scream while crying. You were his husband. His lover. The person who took care of him all the time. Now he was looking at your lifeless and beaten up body, barely able to realize what was old and what had been done recently.
(Time skip. The team are all now retired and no longer in the military)
Ghost officially moved in with Price and they both helped comfort each other along with Gaz and Soap helping and when they need comfort the others would be there waiting with open arms. It was the anniversary of the first time you had met the team so they were all over at Price's place, this time Soap deicided to bring over a few nieces and nephews because they had wanted to meet the others.
Price was sitting on the couch watching the younger kids look around when a young boy pointed to a picture of you in a library with a drink in hand "Uncle Johnny who's this? He's very pretty!" Price got up and went over to the picture grabbing it the same time Soap, Gaz, and Ghost had walked in but because they were behind them Price didn't notice. "This is my husband, his name is m/n. He is very beautiful isn't he? He knows your uncle" the way Price was talking about you made the three males heart melt, the amount of love and admiration in his voice was unimaginable "I wanna meet him! Where is he? is he in the military like you guys were?" Price looked back down at the picture and brushed his finger over your face "he's no longer alive buddy, I'm sorry, I wish you could meet him, he was so sweet and caring, he would spoil you guys rotten. He always had a love for children." The young boy hugged price as much as he could and as tight as he could "it's ok! He's always going to be with you. It's like something I heard once " don't be scared of losing someone, be afraid of losing yourself" meaning that you should always remember who you are and don't forget that" price couldn't help but hug the smaller boy while tears welled up in his eyes.
"Why don't we visit him? You might not be able to talk to him but you can visit his grave" Ghost walked in slowly making sure not to scare them to badly "I have stuff you can leave at his grave if you want" price and the younger boy let go and he nodded happily "let me go get my siblings then we can all visit pretty person!" And like that the young boy was running to get his siblings.
They drove to your grave and all of soaps nieces and nephews Introduced themselves then placed down your favorite snack and a flower of their choosing "let's give Price so space alright kiddos?" They all nodded and watched and price took a picture of you and placed it down along with your favorite flower "I miss you m/n. Sorry I didn't visit last week. I love you so much. I wish you could be here to see how much the others and I have grown. I don't know where you are now but just know you got justice and the three people who hurt you are gone. I'll see you again next week darling" price kissed the headstone that had your name, and date of birth on it and the date of death on it then stood up turning to the others "who wants to go get some food?" Everyone nodded and started walking back to the car Ghost and Price walking next to each other the look of a thousand years of guilt but also happiness on there faces
"𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐨"
THIS ACTUALLY MADE ME CRY💀. ALSO THIS GOT DELETED LIKE THREE TIMES SO I'VE HAD TO REWRITE IT SO MUCH IT'S UNREAL. I didn't expect this to be so long but 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ anyways bye bye
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kimyoonmiauthor · 3 months
How to tell when someone is fishing you for ideas.
So a while back I was pitching an idea but the editor kept trying to say the pitch wasn't good enough, but to resubmit the proposal. But it turned out that editor was fishing to try to make the existing article in their roster better WITHOUT CREDIT.
And I get that ideas are a dime a dozen to some people who don't spend months researching to come up with one, but I wanted to give a guide on how do you know an editor/writer is fishing so this sort of thing doesn't happen to you.
And I know some people will auto-call me a trouble maker, because ya know, Asian, etc. But I kinda feel like in light of this:
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We need to talk about fishing, why it is wrong, (though it should be obvious, like WTF) and the signs that agents, editors and your fellow writers are fishing.
Asking for diversity when there are none on their roster/all of their clients are problematic.
Agent asks for PoC/queer authors CONSTANTLY. They are in your feed everywhere, but when you look up their client list it's filled with authors who do Nazi Romances, have problematic writing of PoCs/queers, or ar in a scandal. And you're like, OK, ummm... why?
If they are constantly going on about it, but will not clean up their client list to think about why their roster is say, all white and straight, it's a pretty good sign they are either really incompetent at understanding diversity OR they are fishing.
Don't be desperate.
2. They keep asking you to repitch and "give them more angles." and give them more information and/or all your sources.
Fuck that. If they don't like your pitch, move on. If they want another angles and "more information" then move on. I had an editor do this to me, and then they refused to publish me suddenly when I thought I was working with them, and then they gave it to an Asian man who had an article up and then that person edited their article with *my* information I hard won. Fuck them. (I asked fellow writers to blackball them).
Don't let people fish you for what should be in your article. They either like it or they don't make them give you a contract first so they have to pay you for your ideas.
3. They ask you for the whole article without payment.
Don't work for free. They should like the pitch first.
4. They send unprofessional notes to you in the interim when you don't have a contract.
"I have a ___ friend" or "I have a friend who is ___" No. That's a strike. Move on. Contract first, write article later.
5. They keep asking you more and more questions, asking you to give everything to them.
I fell for this once and gave a writer my outline when I asked them to help me with my story, they STOLE the outline, waited until I was gone and then published the story. Was I PISSED yes beyond belief.
Did I get revenge? Not really, but I think their agent now knows the kind of person they are. Because they flushed out all of my diversity out of my story. But I hope to write it the way I would have written it, with the diversity all intact rather than flushed down the drain becaue they were an asshole.
And if you're reading this, you Asshole, you know who you are and what that idea meant to me and why I wanted to own it because we TALKED about that and you still did it.
If it's not relevant to your question, do not answer those questions. I know there is trusting and friendly, but you do not have to share.
Vampires and leeches do not have to exist. They need to gain their own confidence.
BTW, most people who have taken my ideas never really developed them further. And I'm like WTF is wrong with you? If it's about execution, you suck.
And I know people are going to roll out the red carpet on things like, "But everything is in the execution."
But I'm telling you, every idea I've had taken from me, with or without consent, the majority of them, don't really seem to DEVELOP the idea further than they should and play off of it, pick up the theming and develop it more. I've had some writers that did GREAT in this area, where they put in the time and research, but sometimes they just didn't do anything with what was written and just stuck what I'd written on the page without any development.
Which is to say, if you like an idea, and want to steal it--without consent--don't. You aren't likely to develop it well because it doesn't mean anything to you as a person. It's better to wait for them to publish and then you to publish on top, and if you are an editor or agent, at least work with the person before canning them like this. Whisper networks are there for a reason.
This isn't to say you can't ask people for help, but understand the basics of consent.
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button-cat · 3 months
hihiihi !! welcome !! ^^
this is a little introduction post about myself and what i will post in the future (i recommend you to read pls)
i go by Cat here (its a nickname to my actual name however i am not comfy saying my real name here :b) however I do not mind being called other things as long as it's not rude !! :D however if I don't really know you, i prefer you to call me "Cat" instead !! If we have already talked a couple or bunch of times before, you can call me other things if you want :3
I go by She/they pronouns!! pls respect it :D
I am a minor!! (not saying my age but my age is between 13-17) please don't be weird :(( i may block you if you make me too uncomfortable
I don't really have a schedule in posting, i'll just post whenever I want to :b i'll probably post my art or doodles here as well and probably other things !!
Asks are open !! u can ask me whatever you want as long as it isn't too personal !! If I feel uncomfy responding to your question, I may not respond ^^
you can send some art requests in the asks btw !! i may do some of them, depending on your request. It's most likely tho i'll do art requests of characters that I know. If I don't do your art request, i'll respond with a decline. If i do, i'll respond that i'm working on it !! If i don't respond, it's most likely i haven't seen it
please do not ask anything nsfw-related, like I said before, i am a minor
and please respect my boundaries !! If you make me uncomfortable, i will tell you and ask you to respect my boundaries ! however if you continue crossing my boundaries multiple times, (or if you respond rudely to me by confronting you about my boundaries) I may end up blocking you.
now about myself :
I am a hispanic latina !! I may sometimes mess up while talking so sorry if some things i say don't make sense ^^ you can tell me if you don't understand something i said and I'll try to explain it better !! :3
I usually play roblox !!
I'm currently quite obsessed with regretevator (mach and folly ily ❤️❤️) however there are other games im interested in like Undertale, deltarune, etc !! However it's most likely i'll post about regretevator :D
i have a pet !! he's a silly happy dog (he peed in my room 5 times when he was a few months old i think and legit left a stain on the floor in my room that i cant get rid off but i still love him)
i identify as girlflux !!
i am a greyromantic women lover (yes I'm a lesbian)
I have a bunch of ocs however i may or may not show them !!
there's not really any specific aesthetics im into!! like i really like weirdcore and cottagecore but there's probably a bunch of other aesthetics that i like that I just don't remember the name of :b
my birthday is in May 18 :3
i really like horror, especially playing horror games (even though i get scared always)
i really love animals !! they're so cute :D
i may be sometimes completely dumb in some topics so I do appreciate it if you correct me and inform me ^^ please don't be mean to me about it tho
I may be awkward in conversations- if i am im sorry !! D: i get pretty nervous for some reason whenever talking in real life or online (especially in real life tho) so i really do apologize if i am kind of awkward !!
And also another thing about the last thing i said- i may also take a longer time to respond if i get a bit too nervous- i also apologize for that !! pls don't take it personally if I don't respond right away :(((
that's mostly all !! i'll try to post daily however i may not be able to mostly because im busy with school or other personal things !
Currently at the time when I'm posting this i am going to enter winter break in a few days so i'll probably have much more free time !! ^^ don't be afraid to talk to me if u want !! i hope u enjoy ur stay here :D byebye !!
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(drawing made by me btw :3)
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kpopwerewolf · 1 year
Introduction Post
So, I figured I probably should write this
SO! I'm a neurodivergent dragon (/lh /nsrs) that has a whole mess of conditions (described at the end of the post) and has a passion for reading, writing, fanfiction, languages, conlanging, animals, random factoids I'll never have an occasion to use, and mythical creatures! (Hence the "neurodivergent dragon.")
I don't like to give out my ""real"" name (by that i mean birth name) over the internet, but you can call me Skye because I like her (Agents of SHIELD tv show).
I made a tumblr account on accident, tbh. (I think i was trying to bypass a paywall??) But it works because I've been curious about joining for a while now.
Feel free to send me random factoids (especially about language or animals!) and anything conlang-related!
If you have any mythical creatures you want to share (either from pre-existing mythology or ones you just made up), I'll gladly welcome that, too!
Please do NOT send me anything asking for money or links to a gofundme. I sympathize with whatever situation you're going through, but it makes me very anxious to receive such asks and I get paranoid about which ones are real versus scams.
The userboxes below are credited to @critter-stuff(link), @inclusysboxes(link), and @plural-this-user-is(link). (Sorry about the ping! If you want me to remove it, let me know!)
Our system-specific (and rather inactive) blog is @werewolf-pack-system(link)
We also started an emoji blog (mainly for aac purposes): @wolf-pack-emojis(link)
(Also, I'm not a minor, but please treat me as one in the manner of if you wouldn't send it to a minor, don't send it to me. I'm very sensitive and have some religious beliefs that make it awkward for me to see NSFW or related material.)
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[ID: a userbox that says "This system user alter and headmate interchangeably" //end ID]
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[ID: a userbox that says "This system doesn't switch often" //end ID]
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[ID: a userbox that says "This system does not participate on Syscourse." //end ID]
(information/discussion of neurodivergencies under the cut)
(Warning! CW self-harm and suicide; eating disorder mention; brief, vague mentions of unreality; potentially other triggering material)
Sensory processing disorder
Diagnosed when i was about to enter 4th grade.
Lots of negative auditory triggers, with crowds beings sensory misery
LOVE SPINNING LOVE SWINGING [PT: love spinning love swinging //end PT]
Rain. Just... rain. Rain on my face, my arms, just rain all the time.
If i touch a Bad Texture(tm), i must immediately rub the after-touch feeling off my hand
I like going without socks, but only on carpet. If i walk on hard surfaces, then i start feeling grit under my feet and that's just not cool.
Pain and temperature sensitive
I have many stims, mostly proprioceptive (such as rocking [my fave!]), but also have a few visual and tactile stims as well. Fewer auditory stims, but i do use music to help me calm down after i get stressed
Was self-diagnosed for many years; got my official diagnosis a few years ago
Mix of social anxiety and GAD
Makes it hard for me to talk/initiate in conversations
Doesn't help i'm introverted
Comorbid with the anxiety
Was a bit of a surprise honestly (though i am a bit suicidal and have self-harmed)
Not really a whole lot to go here as i'm still working to understand my depression
Diagnosed along with the anxiety
I don't personally see it, but i also kinda do
Diagnosed due to an incident that happened in 5th grade
(Public school is terrible, btw)
Also not a whole lot to go here as i don't really understand my PTSD either
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Also dxed with the anxiety
Don't know much about it, but having it has made me curious about personality disorders in general, so i hope to learn more in the future!
I'm sure you've noticed the way each disorder has been colored. That's because I'm synesthesia color matching! (Word-color approximations)
I also have pain-color (mostly red; when it's magenta or pink, it's bad; i've only had white once and i hope to never have it again)
(Later edit: I'm now experiencing pain in my jaw that is orange. It's more mild than red, but also sorta worse somehow 'cause it lingers? That's not really the right word, but it's the closest I can come to)
Ticker-tape (though this has sorta faded)
Chromesthesia/sound-color -- only certain sounds, though, primarily music. Each song has it's own "color" and i tend to align my music preferences along that (for example, i pefer "dark" songs [those that have a black background color] over "bright" songs [those that tend to have a white or similarly-bright colored background])
Associator. Sometimes wish i was a projector
Fascinated by all things synesthesia
Syscovery occured in June 2023
We have non-disordered mixed traumagenic and endogenic origins (we don't like to use traumaendo for ourselves)
There are a little over 35 of us that we're aware of, but I (Skye) am the primary one to use this site :) (The others may make their own accounts if they're interested)
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Confident enough now to officially say I'm self-diagnosing this one
I started thinking it was a possibility when I realized that I tend to have various paranoid ideations and delusions ((tw) such as thinking that the dogs barking as I'm walking home from the park are telling Them where i am [no clue who "Them" would be]), superstitious-like beliefs, and a distinct repulsion of anything social (separate from anxiety or AvPD; just a "i don't feel like dealing with people" kinda weariness)
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Confident enough to now name this one, too.
The things which make me question it include a strong need for isolation to regain energy, periods of finding everything boring and uninteresting, general vague distrust of others, and just a very intense repulsion of human interaction.
Eating Disorder?
I've been dealing with something that (from what i've been able to find) looks a lot like ARFID, but I don't really know if i have it
I consider it more "ARFID questioning" i guess
One of the more concerning aspects of this is that I've started to become physically nauseous by the smell of food, even stuff I like. I eat much less than I should and have in the past, and if I try to eat more, I feel sick. I've tried talking to my mom about it, but she just tells me I need to eat at more regular times and all (lately, I've been skipping breakfast and waiting until ~2 in the afternoon to eat because it feels like if I get food any sooner, I'll be sick)
Advice on dealing with disordered eating would be very welcomed
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
luz noceda for the ask game
Anon you caught me right before I was Abt to go to sleep but I can't not do this. It's for my girl (feel free to send me more while I sleep btw these r fun)
favorite thing about them: LITERALLY WHERE DO I EVEN START. She's one of my top ten protagonists of all times. I love the lessons she learns, the way she learns them, I love watching her grow and struggle and thrive. I love her so so so much. To keep things simple(ish) I will say that my favorite thing about Luz (which I've mentioned once or twonce before) is that she's an objectively cringey, very ND coded kid who's still given the utmost love and respect from the narrative. She gets to be objectively fucking uncool and this story still loves her. And it's nice it makes me feel loved by proxy
least favorite thing about them: I mean, I'd say in season 1 it's the tendency to flatten the boiling isles and it's people into 2 dimensional tropes for easily comprehension, but that's also one of my favorite flaws of Luz and the narrative always makes an interesting point out of this attitude. Maybe it's the suicidal ideation bc it really scared me the first time I watched thanks to them. I knew nothing bad was gonna happen (within reason), this is Disney, but I was like DAMN THEY'RE GOING THERE!!!
favorite line: okay I actually cannot in good conscious choose one bc my friend once informed me that me and Luz just. Talk the same. Same silly idioms and phrases same whimsical expressions and syntax same humour, etc etc. It's a chicken egg situation and do not know who started it but I know that it's frighteningly accurate. So I'll just go for the safe classic "the only thing I've ever really wanted was to be understood" bc. Y'know. Best moment in the whole show and everything
OTP: you guys already know I'm here for lumity but I will let you guys in on the fact that when I first watched the show and was still on the early episodes of season 1 where Amity is a dick I was firmly on team willuz. I still love them <3
nOTP: Luz and Hunter. It's just really not for me, even if I can see why it appeals to others. I'm too attached to the familial reading of their dynamic and the doors that opens up analysis wise. Also my irl brother is a hunter kinnie and I just outlined my credentials for being a Luz kinnie so /j
random headcanon: she played guitar when she was younger! The one in the basement belonged to Manny and he'd sit her on his lap and show her simple chords and riffs. She got a ukulele so she could practice. Then when Manny died she fell off playing it bc it felt wrong doing it without him, even though she still played uke sometimes. She picks it back up though during the season 3 timeskip and post canon! Also she was born in New York and lived there til she was 2/3, at which point she moved around a few states until landing in Connecticut at the age we see in the thanks to them video diaries (I wanna say 7 or 8?)
unpopular opinion: I also think Luz gets characterized as more bitter/vengeful/surly than she really is, especially in fics set around season 3. She wants to be happy, to have fun with her friends, she just feels like doesn't deserve it. Also I low-key think Luz is like. A genius. Just in an unconventional way. She rediscovered a lost form of magic and then taught herself it all on her own. She probably struggles with long division but I mean it when I say she is literally a genius imo
song i associate with them: TOO MANY TO NAME MAN!!!! LITERALLY!!!!! The ones on my brain rn are sweet hibiscus tea by penelope scott, underground and life on mars by david bowie, people pleaser by yet to bloom, towards crescent park by bad moves and fine, great by modern baseball
favorite picture of them
Tie between the iconic "to be understood" frame (boarded by Emmie Cicierga) or like. Literally any Dana art of her but specifically the "see you in 2023" gif cycling through all of luzs most iconic fits. I love both of those sm
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infodump-central · 2 years
have YOU ever wanted to share information about something so badly but had nobody/nowhere to share it to? now you do!!
this is infodump central where YOU can go on and on about whatever topic pleases u most (with some minor restrictions)! this means ANY topic, including but not limited to, tv, video games, movies, weird lore, headcanons, real life history, current events, architecture, music, random objects, vehicles, books, toys, people, psychology, astrology, literally anything and everything! all info regarding submissions and other questions will be under the readmore!
FIRST AND FOREMOST, do not submit if you're uncomfortable receiving feedback from strangers on the internet. i myself will always be positive about submissions/listen intently to them and i urge others to do the same (BIG on this being a supportive space), however i do not control other people!
anonymous asks are turned on, however if you want to go off anon at any time, feel free!
now for submission rules!
please make sure no hateful speech towards anyone is in your ask before submitting (for example, lgbt+phobia, racism, threats, etc) however if you wish to share information about these topics (history of a topic, educating about a topic, etc) feel free! appropriate tws will always be tagged on my end.
attacking anyone who does not share your opinion will not be tolerated and your ask will be deleted. do not start discourse in your ask.
anything nsfw won't be posted here, realistically i cannot control who looks at this blog and as such would like it to be safe for minors to browse + post on.
overall, just be kind and considerate!
topics that will not be allowed under any circumstance include (more can be added to this list at any point, so check back before submitting each time!):
-harry potter/jk rowling
-rpf/real person fiction (talking about real people is a-ok! just not in shippy/creepy fashions)
other info:
again, appropriate tws will always be added in post by me, and they will always be tagged as 'tw [thing]'
posts will also be tagged with all relevant tags, for instance, if your ask is about a specific tv show, or is centered around certain characters, it will be tagged as such. this is to help people who want to filter these things out even if they don't have a tw tag
i myself will always try to keep posts entirely blank other than the ask itself, though i will try to reply to them positively in the tags! (if you at any point dont want me to "respond" to an ask (no offense taken btw!) feel free to say so or add 'no reply' to the end of your ask!)
similarly if you don't want your ask to be rebloggable just let me know or put 'no reblog' at the end of your ask and i will turn them off!
posts that are NOT infodumps will be tagged 'regularask' and posts that ARE will be tagged as 'infodumpcentral' (no spaces on either of these because tumblr can get weird with blocked tags + tag searches)
multiple asks for a single submission is totally fine, but i will manually stitch them all together into one post instead of posting them separately. (it would also be a good idea to number them as you send them!)
thats about it! have fun!
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psychelis-new · 1 year
Hello, so okay I am here to give my opinion about the whole pac vs exchange ( even tho no one asked, but I wanna interact)
I agree with what you say basically. Personal readings dont require for you to be a reader and are so detailed and personal lol , people who follow your blog for a long time should know that. You literally require so less information for your personal readings and are spot on and give us the freedom to ask any question , so idk how people would choose a pic over a personal reading ( but who knows, maybe I feel this way cuz I am a reader too). Now also, let’s remember that this is your blog and you feel free to act on your calling , cuz there’s no point in you just catering to other people (even tho I know you want to make us happy) . Also some people voted for the personal readings too , so everytime pac wins, you leave a portion of other blogs dissatisfied so I guess balance ? But your choice and this blogs authenticity comes first 🖤have a great day and much love to you!
You made me smile, dear. Thanks :)
You're right: there are people who actually voted for personal readings, and they deserve attention as well. Actually, they deserve it more than anyone else. It's just that... I am being a bit confused about what to do next as I am having different feelings, and I got carried away seeing that pacs always get the most attention. Probably I also need to make up something else in order to answer better to personal readings. I will think about/meditate on it. :)
Thank you for sending your message and for interacting, it's always a joy to have you around. And you're always of help to me (btw: great reader alert, everyone!). Thanks a lot! Have a great day<3
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