#i saw some nice art today and listened to some music and im a little better now but still upset a bit .
sherbetyy · 5 months
uuggrrrhhh can people not yell when i mess up ? it doesn’t help. like at all
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starjxsung · 25 days
hi angel <3 how are you? pls don’t apologize for not answering sooner. i totally get it, even if you never answered me.
buuuuut i’m glad you did tho bc i have so many feelings about skz and the met gala.
but lolla first! i swear im terrified of not getting a good spot too. and ik that friday sold out so its going to be full af. if i find a good spot i shall summon you, though. i read @ a reddit forum that for hobipalooza the best way to get good spots was to befriend the people next to you and ask them to hold it whilst you go to the bathroom/get food.
i’m soooo glad you’ve watched when marnie was there!!! it’s too good to not be talked about at all!!! plsss lmk when you watch the boy & the heron.
i love love love your matching pc holder and care bear plushies😭 that is so cute and cunty. keep cunting up your purse forever. (also, your sis’s minho pc👀 i need it)
and the met gala! honestly they looked fantastic because they’re them and they’re gorgeous even in trash bags. lee know, love of my life, i cannot continue gatekeeping you </3 the looks were okay but underwhelming. i absolutely love fashion and met gala (even if i have my beef with it) really shows some designer’s creative sides. tommy hilfiger really failed the theme imo (as well as many other designers). i think felix was most on theme. he looked like a fairy. my most toxic trait is thinking i could’ve designed better outfits for them😪
and the paparazzi😡😡😡😡 i swear im so pissed at that. those comments were so out of line. i feel so bad for all of them, but especially chan & felix, as native english speakers who register the negative connotations faster. i’m so sad that we can’t have nice things here :(( it really sucks bc i want them to actually like coming to the us </3
but other than that, im so proud of them for literally making history at the met gala. i hope that if they go next year their outfits will be better and the atmosphere too.
i just saw a bit of hyune’s ig live and like i adore seeing people painting. we love art here but also like, ✨hands✨ he should choke me 🫶🏻
ily bb i hope you have a gr8 rest of the week✨
Hi angel!!!!!!!
Not us both reading up about hobipalooza on Reddit to prep for skzlolla LMAOOOO I am on Reddit like it’s a full time job I swear I’m simultaneously so excited but SOOO NERVOUSSSSS 😭 I’m just hoping I get to see them even the tiniest amount from whatever spot I get but I’m also way too scared of crowd crushing to camp out or anything !
Agreeeeed about their outfits! Apparently Tommy Hilfiger was the most talked about designer of the night (thanks to skz of course) so it’s unfortunate the outfits were a little underwhelming but they still looked fucking fantastic. I will NEVERRRR GET OVER FELIX….. he straight up looks like Legolas was pulled from lotr and put on the red carpet. The little braids in his hair too !!!!! I’m so glad they’re doing interesting things with his hair while it’s this long. Overall not my favorite red carpet looks of theirs but I am beyondddd proud of them 🫶
The whole paparazzi thing really ruined the whole fucking thing for me. The worst part is that skz are all over mainstream media right now and for something so negative! And the comments on all these news articles right now either saying they deserves it or comparing them to bts…… 😕 I honestly just want met week to stop being talked about because I am in emotional turmoil every time I see the video of the paps
I caught the tail end of Hyunjin’s live bc I was on a run and I needed to listen to music but GOSHHHH he is such a cutie and his art is phenomenal 😭 I love him sm (also Hyunjin’s hands are so fucking FIIIIINE why do I feel like he’s into getting choked in bed too)
Also cuntified my purse today w my favorite Jisung pc everrrrrrrr 👼💗💖💓💕💘✨ I love you bby I hope you have an amazing week !!!!
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mushiewrites · 2 years
Hi Mushie! <3
I saw you rb'd a post about anons sending you questions so I am sending you some questions... except Im not on anon :P
If you don't feel like answering (all of) these thats completely fine too!! These were just off the top of my head! (Btw sorry for how long this ask is, you can't put readmore's in asks sadly)
1. What would you say is your fav color/ are your top three fav colors?
2. Sunrises or sunsets?
3. Fav animals as a kid vs now?
4. Current fav song if you have one atm/ how often do you listen to music?
5. Do you like to sing?
6. What do you like most about your art? What got you into drawing?
7. Whats the best season/weather?
8. Do you like thunderstorms? Do you like snow?
9. Do you have plants? If yes, how many?
10. Did you drink enough water today? If no, drink some rn this is a threath!
Juno 💗🥺 I love long asks so no need to apologize! For whatever reason mobile also doesn’t ever let me do the “read more” thingy so, I’m used to it 😂 The questions are a welcoming distraction so thank you, I appreciate you so much 😭
1. Okay my all time favorite color is like a teal blue-green? Like if you look up “blue green crayola crayon” that’s my favorite 😂 But second and third favs would have to be probably lavender and mint green maybe? Black also tbh
2. I am literally obsessed with the sky at any time of day, but I prefer evening / nights. I love cotton candy sunsets and starry nights ✨
3. When I was little I think it went in order from giraffe to elephants to wolves to cows to sharks to orcas….I still love all of them now but I’d say cats, orcas and sharks are my top 3. I have tattoos of an orca and a cat, I’m gonna get one of a shark too! (*an extra bit of mushie lore: I have a half sleeve on my left forearm that’s just all animals so rn I have the cat and orca, a moth, and a snake! My next one is gonna be the shark for sure)
4. OOF music related questions. More ~mushie lore~, I was a music nerd. I was in band, choir, advanced choir, music theory, marching band, theatre…..etc. I also was a music major in college 😬 So you can imagine how often I’m surrounded by music. I listen to it every single day, I don’t know how people go without it. I’d say right now, I’m currently just listening to Sabrina Carpenters new album “emails I can’t send” on repeat. But from THAT album, I’d say “because I liked a boy” OR “how many things” are the two I listen to the most! All time fav song…..that is genuinely so hard to pick but maybe “I love you” by Billie Eilish bc it always hurts me in the best way
5. I do be singing literally daily 😂 I used to get leads in musicals and stuff but I also don’t think I’m very good. BUT that being said I’ve had multiple people try and make me audition for shows like the x factor lmfao so do whatever you’d like with that information
6. So at the moment I’m not really sure there’s anything I like about my art. I’m kind of in a funk where I think everything I do just isn’t really that good. Which is dumb and not true! Because I know that I’ve been proud of things I’ve made. But yeah…I’m not sure. How I got into art was actually through my dad. He would always have canvases at his house and he would always encourage me to create stuff. So when I was younger and throughout like grade school I was really good, I was in advanced art classes and groups and in art shows and all that. But I kind of got out of it for a bit and just started up again in 2020. And I’m definitely more of a painter now, although I have been mainly drawing to try and get skill back
7. best season hands down is autumn. My favorite weather is stormy and cloudy, a little chilly so I can just wear a big sweater or hoodie and feel nice and cozy
8. Oop, I kind of answered the thunderstorm question. As for snow…..not really. I think it’s beautiful to look at and I love when it’s cold outside, but I don’t like being outside in it or driving in it
9. I have HELLA plants. Except they’re all fake 😎 I have probably around 20-30 in my room, I have an issue
10. It’s 9AM but I haven’t slept in like 36 hours so I don’t know what counts as today and what doesn’t….I have coffee currently and I have water!
Juno you are a lovely human and I am so grateful to have you in my inbox 💗
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waspalisades · 2 years
I think I've been following you for a year or two but I'm not sure, it may have been longer.
It's currently 1:34 in the morning and I don't think I'm falling asleep anytime soon so I'm giving Nebraska another listen through while I type up some questions I think are fun :)
What is your favorite album? I'm talking no skips, full send, absolute favorite.
Do you have any tattoos? And/or are there any you want?
What's your favorite song that other people think is embarrassing?
Are there any hobbies that you lust after?
What foreign language did you take in school and why did you pick it?
Is there anything that you're deeply superstitious about even against your own best reasoning?
Do you have a favorite decoration? It can be something you own or someone else's or even something you saw somewhere that haunts you.
I hope you had a nice weekend and that your Monday goes well :)
fav album: i cant pick just one actually, and it may be bc i literally just listened to it, but two hands by big thief is so so good every time so i will go w that one today
tats: none yet, but i have some planned! i want a small blackwork wasp on my arm for my first one
fav embarrassing song: drive all night, bruce springsteen. tried to show my sister once and she hated it and i was like "does this man's earnest wail not hit u like a truck??"
hobbies i lust after: if this is "what hobbies are sexy to u" i think skill in any art or music form makes u 100% sexier. if this is "hobbies u want to take up" then i wish i could crochet—i can knit but smth abt crochet is just beyond me
foreign language: i took 4 semesters of spanish bc it was offered in middle school so i had a head start already, and i was in love w this boy in my class. 😮‍💨 i also took latin bc the teacher was interesting—he was welsh and i was curious abt his life but didnt learn all that much
superstition: i have a lot of irrational beliefs! number one now is astrology stuff. i dont put 100% stock in it but i know a lot abt it now and its nice to blame the full moon or retrograde planets for ppl acting weird
fav decoration: i got a little statue of the thinker like the one from the first ace attorney game as a birthday gift and it broke recently :( so i ordered a replacement and im gonna grow an air plant out of the neck stump of the broken one
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wolfhookk · 2 years
as a fellow spotify premiumless, i also have a vendetta against the limited skips <//3 BUT the funny thing is the presence of heavy metal songs in your playlist?!?!! like the whiplash from crying to banging your head when the hype music comes on HELPDKKD
and good morning, ri !! <3 who needs tap water to wash your face when we have freshly made tears ✨ (/lh) and worldstar money gets me thinking back about my childhood where i would trip on thin air and laugh about it !! superior song music really has a power of making you feel things you never felt before ;( like i listen to angsty music and suddenly, i feel like a wife who just lost my husband in the war??? hfhwjjfjsk🚶
i do see your ask in my inbox but i wanted to drop by first before answering and bother you a little, hehe. *insert evil laughters and sound effects* (/lh) i'm having a good day btw! and coincidentally, i just had some iced choco and the weather today is nice and cloudy too <3
p/s: ri is writing something angsty, hmm... can we have a sneak peek??? like a small small one??? 👀 or if it's super confidential, that's alright too~ because i'm super excited for it either way! >:)
- ri's supporter, lia (ノ>_<)ノ*.✧
ACK I JUST SAW THIS im so sorry ;—;
i dont listen to like heavy rock music but indie rock/things with a lot of guitar riffs because for some reason riffs are like?? really cool?? + its the type of music i listen to when going to the gym LOL :D idk i also have a huge arctic monkeys problem because the guitars are to die for omg :00
also,, i 100% agree with you on the thing abt music being able to invoke so many feelings, same with directing/film and art. they can all be so powerful in their own way esp to different people :) and i think thats so special that everyone can have different connections to a piece of media !!
as for bothering me, you never are, i promise !! i always love having you in my inbox ++ its so amazing to hear that youre having a good day :DD ! plus cloudy weather is always great for writing hehe. i find it helps with the vibe of writing !!
hope you continue to have the best day ever :) !!
p/s : i think the angst would hurt more if i kept it a secret hehe >:)
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linorangge · 4 years
Yugyeom as Your Boyfriend ! <3
(keep in mind this is a head canon !) requested by @americaspeach​
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how you met:
- I would like to say that this man is my ult bias so just expect this to be rlly lengthy and cute
- u did graffiti art in an alley every now and then nd sometimes street dancers would show up 
- one day gyeom showed up with jaebeom and jaebeom started b boying
- everyone was egging him on
- since yugyeom got there with beom, ppl wanted gyeom to join in
- he started doing some pops and stuff nd he did rlly well despite NOT b boying
- ppl were pretty blown away from their skills, u included
- you did ur graffiti, making sure to check if he was still there
- as the crowd dispersed after a few hours u noticed him walking away
- u totally ditched the graffiti and u walked after him
- it was hard to catch up bc mans is TALL nd has the longest legs ever
- u went up to him nd tapped his shoulder
- he turned, nd he actually had to look DOWN at u
- “u did rlly good out there”
- “oh thanks haha”
- he was kinda shy abt it
- u kinda started a convo abt his hobbies while beom was standing there in the background
- you eventually started flirting with him 
- he flirted back 
- u asked for his number 
- he gave it to u 
- he told u to have nice night nd u went back to ur graffiti
- you literally forgot that YOU had his number but he didn't have yours
- so u waited for a week for him to text u
- nd then u realized,,,,,,,
- YOU had to make the first move
- so u did
- nd gyeom was like “who is this”
- nd u were like “graffiti girl”
- nd he was like “OHHHHH wanna hang out later”
- you said yes ofc
- u went to a lil bowling alley place nd he taught u how to bowl
- u sucked at first and he won the game
- afterwards u guys drove around town and listened to music while u talked
- at some point u guys parked at some random place nd he showed u vids of him dancing
- which prompted u to show him pics of graffiti you'd done
- nd he showed u his singing vids nd u were VERY impressed
- after awhile he took u home nd yeah
- afterwards u guys became more friends than lovers
- u became close rlly rlly quick
- u guys very noticeably had crushes on each other
- nd then one day u guys were sitting on ur couch 
- and he just kissed u ????
- nd he was like “omg im so sorry ill leave”
- nd u were like “no”
- and u guys just made out for like an hour 
- nd then he was like 
- “are we official now?”
- nd u were like “alright ig”
- u were dying inside tho
yugyeom as your boyfriend:
- so whipped
- he loves everything abt u
- puts “my”a lot in front of any pet name he calls u
- my baby 
- my sweetie
- my darling
- my y/n
- he’s rlly giggly when he’s around u 
- or when he talks abt u to the sevens he get blushy and giggly 
- yeah he talks abt u SO MUCH
- “the other day y/n had to get on her tippy toes to kiss me”
- “gyeom you've told us this story like three times today”
- “then ur gonna listen for a fourth time”
- uses these emojis 🥺💞😽 EVERYTIME HE TEXTS U
- “are u feeling well today baby 🥺”
- he sends u lots of texts throughout the day asking how ur feeling nd if u need anything 
- also likes to facetime whenever he can
- at the studio, during a shoot, literally any time
- he literally just likes to make sure ur doing ok
- hmmm 
- ur kinda one of his fav ppl
- he feels safe with u
- he tells u anything and everything bc he just trusts u that much
- pda wise
- he’s pretty affectionate tbh
- he’ll hold ur hand and give u long kisses
- nd sometimes ur like “bro we are in public PLEASE”
- nd he chills out LMAO
- alone he's a bit clingy
- he just likes being around u nd being in ur presence
- since there’s some height difference u sometimes just give up on kissing his lips so u kiss his collarbone/chest/neck
- it drives him insane
- he gets shy around u sometimes
- if and when u guys do the uhhhhh secks
- he’ll be shy taking his clothes off
- and you’ll b like “dude we’ve seen each other naked like 7 times already”
- “ik but u still make me nervous”
- he also sometimes likes to sing u to sleep
- he takes requests
- sometimes u guys spoon in bed nd ur like
- “can u sing bruno mars”
- nd he sings bruno mars into ur ear softly
- the nights he does that u sleep so peacefully 
- overall u make him happy
- u make him feel like he’s on top of the world as cheesy as that sounds
- he thinks ur so talented nd beautiful in every way
- he tends to take u to the dance studio sometimes 
- nd u sit there and watch
- he’ll occasionally try to teach u some moves
- u learn a few every now and then
- sometimes u surprise him with food or sweets at the studio nd he just melts
- he likes to surprise u with random things
- random presents??
- “oh yea I got u this hoodie from ur fav brand”
- “what for”
- “just cus :) “
first time I love you was said:
- he said it first
- u were doing some graffiti art and u brought him along
- he was sitting back on a little bucket, watching u 
- he’d take pictures of you or of himself to pass the time
- and then u turned, halfway thru the artwork 
- u were covered in paint nd u had the biggest smile on his face
- “what do u think”
- he just stared at u
- he enjoyed seeing u do what u loved
- even more when u saw u happy 
- “I love you y/n”
- and somehow ur smile grew bigger
- u let out a little giggle 
- “I love you too gyeomie”
- he got up from his little bucket nd crossed the alley to meet u
- he embraced u and then pulled away to kiss you
- he felt like that moment lasted forever
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jzixuans · 2 years
hemlo it is oizys and oo new blog url fun
Good happy things!
-did a lot of writing today! not much going on in my classes rn, might be able to sneak even more in tomorrow -made plans for friday to eat pizza and play viddy games with a friend, im so good at socializing /j but i am looking forward to it -doing my circuit work correctly bc like i am so smart actually. the smartest -package from internet friends arrived today!! came with three new stuffed animal frens and some very nice notes from them :) -saw a kitti in the driveway as i came home, got to pet her a bit -shout out to the person who reblogs my 3am coffee shop fic every few months with really really sweet tags about it being their favorite fic,,,, such a mood booster so important -cooking and listening to music is so nice -watched venom: let there be carnage tonight and it was SO good. it was funny, the action was good, the villains’ relationship slapped actually, and eddie + venom are So married -venom making eddie breakfast??? wonderful -changed my discord pfp to some very soft art and the vibes are so. yes -snow!! only a little bit that probably wont stick but snow!! -blink snipe: it’s really nice saying goodmorning and goodnight to someone every day <3
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ughgclden · 3 years
bee, love, i am so happy you had a good first day, you deserve calm and loving days, and you deserve people, deserve friends. i’m so happy for you.
as for apologising, i’m a terrible hypocrite every time i tell you not to worry about it, as i also apologise for anything, most notably existing, but i want you to know you don’t have to apologise to me, i understand the impulse but there’s no obligation or anything.
i’m glad you’re feeling better, and that it was just a little ick, well not glad that you were ick but glad it wasn’t too bad.
when it comes to being in welton, i fantasise a lot about these things, i think something especially about boarding schools is appealing to me. being away. that’s why my plans are new york or wales or if my friend is to be believed, quebec. sometimes though, those realities all feel more and more like tissue paper soaked in water, just waiting for a reason to fall apart
i read really quickly, it’s probably an issue, i read red white and royal blue in about an hour and fifteen minutes. neil and i. kindred spirits. today at lunch i watched the last thirty minutes of dead poets society, going back to rewatch “i was good, i was really good.” like ten times.
imposter syndrome is slowly getting the better of me.
i actually dressed up as leia for the midnight premiere of the force awakens. i’m that person. if i’d been with you in the cinema i would have cried too, you’re not alone there, i cried watching it on the floor.
i don’t deserve the nice words you give me, but i’m happy i make you feel comfy and cosy, and ironically enough, writing with a quill or fountain pen never ends in pristine and unsmudged ink, you can thank my being left handed for that. i think there’s something nice about writing with fancy pens, maybe that makes me seem pretentious as well. oh well.
as for dps tattoos, if i can ever get any tattoos, i want the neil crown, “i was good, i was really good.” somewhere, probably my wrist who knows, and some art that alludes to the first unmanned flying desk set. among others. the “and still we sleep” thought, and the outline of meeks and pitts both sound so lovely. so so lovely. i really hope you can get every tattoo you wish. although your bank account may hate me for saying so /j i want more piercings, mainly on my ears, i have something of an earring addiction, my favourite pair at the moment is probably my howl drop earrings that look like howls from howls moving castle.
honestly the outfit/hair colour distraction rule is dumb. it’s dumb. i just don’t get it. abuse of power ig. and yeah. we were like hugging and sorta just leaning on each other while talking and the administrator got angry, for whatever reason. the straight couple making out behind us, she didn’t seem to mind, however. it’s dumb, and im glad i don’t go there anymore.
im clearly very articulate today (sarcasm) my mind is ehhhhhhhhhhh and feels like a squirrel laying on its stomach.
maybe i will call you ramona flowers, bee /j did you know the original name for pac man was puck man… /j hiding in the back of the music room to avoid a maths test sounds like something i would do. i say this, knowing full well that i’m such a neil kinnie that i end up feeling like a teachers pet because i want to do well, both for myself and simply to avoid trouble with my mum.
a new york times best seller, huh? well if i ever publish anything i’ll dedicate it to you, both for being the only person who thought i could be a storyteller, but also for being a lovely person in general.
sometimes one day after another feels impossible. tomorrow feels impossible. but oh well. i think younger me would be disappointed, to some degree. on the other hand, i think they’d think it’s cool how much i know. if nothing else, they’d love that i have a typewriter. also, i’m sure young you would be proud of you, i am. i’m so proud of you.
i mean bee, i could teach you to shoot a bow /hj YOU CAN WIELD A SWORD????? here i was thinking you could not possibly get cooler or hotter omg i’m in love /hj
thank you for being proud of me, really bee, thank you. and thank you for being the only one. i’m hardly changing the world, but i guess if i don’t burn out and lose this fight, changing a few points of views in the process of growing wouldn’t be terrible.
p.s. it’s certainly something, i feel bad because i always pull away from people when i get numb and it’s so new that me doing that could be detrimental to everything, but me forcing myself not to could have a bad effect on me. who knows what’ll happen. i’m just gonna try and keep them happy no matter what.
p. p. s. bee you brought this upon yourself /lh
all my love, bee, and that pun was the out of this world part of that sentence. you’re so cute omg.
that quote is beautiful, and since i, once again, had to translate french and smile about it, i’ll leave you with this
no importa que nos separe la distancia, siempre habrá un mismo cielo que nos una.
p.p.p.s. thank you for saying what you do, and i know that i don’t owe you anything, but writing to you is easy, and makes me happy, when i manage to get myself to sit down and think about it. i’m sending you back hugs, gentle forehead kisses and mugs of tea, a soft blanket and a narnia movie marathon, where we argue about how i am definitely not better than susan pevensie, but you almost certainly might be.
i’m so happy uni is going well thus far, love. and i hope you love your classes. learning.
thank you for everything bee.
yours, always,
star sweetheart, thank you so so much, honestly. i can't tell you how much that means - i know you said not to apologise, but an apology seems in order for the lateness of this message- im terrible i know /lh thank you sm though.
i'm writing this whilst listening to one of my favourite albums (hypersonic missiles by sam fender, if you were curious) and curled up in bed, so this really adds to the comforting vibes.
i'm with you on that, boarding schools do have a certain something about them, don't they? i hope you can get to one or all of these places in your life - i can speak from experience wales is especially beautiful, but i can really see you in new york, too. wherever you end up star, i truly hope you're happy there.
an hour and fifteen mins?!!? the fastest i've read something was a clockwork orange in two and a half hours or so- you are so strong star, i've watched that film 20+ times and only watched the last half an hour maybe 4 /lh
that is SO CUTE oh my god- i will admit, for it chapter two i did channel my inner bill denbrough and wore some flannel (i luv that limbo <3)
you deserve all of these words and more, i promise you. you deserve something a lot less clumsy, but i offer you my best. left handed.. you rly are neil huh? /j
all of those ideas; absolutely lovely. the i was good tattoo breaks my heart in the best way possible. im hoping you get all of these tattoos, love. you'd suit them more than anyone, i'm sure. those earrings sound like the coolest fucking things ever? i did have a pair that had a little vodka bottle on, but i lost one in a club and haven't gotten round to replacing them. i definitely want more piercings too,, my conch is looking pretty bare as of late...
that is just. so disgusting? im so- god that makes me so angry i can't even explain. i think i should punch all homophobes straight in the mouth, actually /hj
love, i bet younger you would be so so proud of all you've achieved. from only what you've told me, i am. they'd be over the moon at how intellectual, kind and strong you are, i know it.
I CAN!!! ITS ONE OF MY MOST ESTEEMED TALENTS!!! lets make a deal. you teach me to shoot a bow, i teach you to wield a sword.. we're giving very narnia power couple if i may say.. /hj
i will always be proud of you star, for even the smallest of things you achieve. you're actively making a difference and a change, take bringing this positivity into my life for example. you've got this, star. i know you have.
ps; im wishing you all the best my love, seriously. take every day as it comes, and listen to your mind and wellbeing. im sending you so much love
pps; that quote. is so fucking cute. god im breaking down,, its so pretty and so DHJHFJKNFKKN yeah.
this is me, making you a cup of coffee and your favourite comfort meal, with a kiss on the top of the head. we will have this argument - as much as i love susan, she's no match for you <33
all of my love and happiness, star. you truly are one of a kind.
if i may, i'd like to leave you with an excerpt from a poem i saw earlier that i fell in love with;
"and you laugh. / loudly- / head tipping back. / and while your eyes / are on the ceiling, / i am mouthing / something too heavy even / for this steady night to shoulder. / "this is not a joke." i mouth. / "love me. love me." - letters from medea, salma deera
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Blackpink The Album Review~
I love this album! All of the songs are bops, and the packaging is so cute! So the way this is gonna work is I’m gonna give a number ranking to the songs, rank then in order from my favorite to least favorite, talk about the physical albums, give my final thoughts, and then do an overall ranking 🙈✨
Number ranking for songs~
How you like that~10/10
So the first time I heard this so I instantly fell in love with it. I don’t care what anybody says, this song is a fucking bop.
Ice cream~10/10
I think the first time I heard it I liked it but it wasn’t an “I LOVE THIS SONG” as soon as I heard it. Buuuuuut, the more I heard it the more it grew on me and now I really really love this song. It makes me super happy to listen to and makes my mood rise whenever I hear it.
Pretty savage~ 10000/10
Pretty Savage is that bitch and you’re lying to yourself if you say you hate this song. The beat, the vocals, the raps 🙈✨ Oh and then when Jennie is like “saaaaavvvvvaaaagggggeeeee” and Jisoo saying “you better run run run” 🥵 Rosé saying “pretty girl” and everytime Lisa says “all my diamonds blah blah” oh my god. This song is my sexuality now.
Bet you wanna~8/10
So I had a lot of hopes for this song because of Cardi B but it kind of fell through. To clarify I really do like this song, when it comes on I don’t skip it because I still enjoy it but it isn’t my favorite off the album. Rosé’s vocals saved this song and it shows lmao. Like I said, still like the song but it’s not my favorite.
Lovesick girls~1000/10
Okay so when I first heard this I thought it was super cute and I liked it but it was just 🤷‍♀️ for me. But for some reason I just kept rewatching the MV (I don’t stream cause I ain’t got time for all that) and I would replay it everytime it came on. There are lyrics that really hit home. To be specific: “we were born to be alone but why we still looking for love” , “Everyone eventually leaves, I’ve become numb to crying, Hurt over and over again”. There were more but those are the ones that stuck out to me the most. I feel like this song applies a lot to things and relationships (like friendships and other relationships) I’ve had or have so it just hits a little different. Of course there also is Jennie’s iconic rap and then the MV! Lisa’s jacket that has flashing lights hits different, Rosé with pink hair in the bathtub, Jisoo in water 😭😭 Oh my god I can’t! I really love this song and music video.
Crazy over you~ 10000/10
Once again, this song is that bitch. It’s the beat for me and when they say “sound the alarm”, “I’m crazy over you” oh gosh it’s perfect 🥴😭 And the vocals right before the “I am crazy over you”!!!!! Don’t even get me started on Rosé and Jisoo 😭 JeSuS this song lives in my head rent free. I LOVE this song. The way I walk around the house just repeating “I am crazy over you” and dance is embarrassing. That song makes me feel like a bad bitch for some reason. Everything about it is perfect. Pretty Savage was my fafavorite song but I think this has replaced it honestly. I could go on and on as to why this song is THAT song but I’ll save y’all the headache lmao.
Love to hate me~9/10
So I don’t hate this song but it was pretty forgettable for me. The first time I heard it, it was my least favorite. It’s not that I hate it because it’s constantly stuck in my head but it just doesn’t stick out to me as much as the other songs do. However, this song hits a little different. Like the lyrics 🙈✨ Oh and I really love the part where they’re lowkey whispering. Like the “wake up, yeah, make up, maybe” that part and then Lisa’s rap....those parts hit a little different. So yeah, not my favorite but still a good song.
You never know~ 1000/10
This was the perfect way to end the album. A softer song that has that raw emotion...absolutely beautiful. This song really really hits home. A lot of people think I’m this perfect person because I’m pretty smart, I have good friends, I get the leads in the plays and musicals, im nice to everyone, I go to an art school and it basically just seems like im thriving but the truth is I do be struggling. I have a lot of hardships I’ve had to overcome and that I’m still overcoming yet a lot of people don’t know that. I’ve gone through a lot to be where I am today and people like to think I have this perfect life because that’s the front I put up. So this song just hits a little different. When Jennie sings the chorus that really hit different because it just made me think of how much hate and bullshit she has to go through. Obviously I also thought about all the hate every single one of them has to put up with. We think their lives are perfect yet we’ll never truly know how much they struggle unless we’re in their shoes. This song is so beautiful and the vocals just....wow. Idk what it is about how Jisoo starts the song but there is something so pretty about how she sings. Anyway, love this song so much. I saw some people say this was forgettable but I completely disagree. The lyrics hit different. Even if you haven’t gone through what the girls are singing about, you’ve experienced someone who has and I feel like thinking about that person while listening to the song just makes your heart hurt a little. Idk, this song is so perfect to me.
Ranking the songs in order from favorite to least favorite~
1.) Crazy over you
2.) Pretty Savage
3.) You never know
4.) Lovesick Girls
5.) How you like that
6.) Ice Cream
7.) Love to hate me
8.) Bet You Wanna
Physical Album Thoughts~
So, the physical album is super cute! So for version 3 I had the impression that it was going to have a smoky look but it ended up just being shinny so that was lowkey weird lmao. I got version 2 because pink is my favorite color but I almost got the 3rd version (version 4 was sold out when I went to preorder) so I’m glad I got the 2nd version. I love the cover of the photo book, it’s so beautiful and it was a nice little surprise that the picture changes. All of the pictures in each of the photo books are so so cute! The girls look absolutely stunning. I personally perfer their past photo books only because I’m a sucker for the concept photos and seeing pics from the music video buuut like I said all of the pictures are beautiful and I’m so happy with the quality and how many pictures are in the photo book. The only other problem I had with the photo book is I wish they did it like the past ones where all of the pink versions had color with the black stuck to the darker gray, white, and black themes. Version 2 is kind of like both of the black versions but still, the pictures are great so I cant complain at all! Love the postcards and they feel very smooth. Great pictures, could look at them all day. Love the size of the poster, very cute! I saw pictures of the group PCs and I wish they were different cause they kind of looked the same but maybe they look different in person. The sticker is so cute, love the black and white picture you get, and I LOVE the random postcards and random photo cards. Overall, you get a lot and I’m in love with the packaging. Some little things that bothered me but the quality was great so I can’t complain 🤷‍♀️
Final thoughts~
Everything about this album is perfect. There are no songs that I hate or dislike. None that I skip and none I wouldn’t listen to by itself. I disagree with people saying pretty savsavage should have been the title track instead of lovesick girls. We got the black with how you like that, we got the pink with ice cream, and lovesick girls was a mix of the two. Obviously that song meant something to the girls since Jisoo and Jennie wrote some of the lyrics and helped produce it. I think people would have complained if Pretty Savage was the title track because they always want the girls to do “something different” and lovesick girls was something different. At first I was a little sad by the fact that there were only 8 songs but honestly I’d rather have quality over quantity. Each song felt like they spent a lot of time on it and if there were more songs I feel like there would have been some filler songs so the quality wouldn’t have been as good as it is now. Like I said, packaging was cute and you get a lot. The issues I had are more personal issues and they don’t really bother me all that much so the positives out way the negatives by a LOT!
Overall ranking:
1000000/10....this album was that bitch and will forever be that bitch 🤷‍♀️
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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Oh man I am exhausted.  Today was long, and I didn't know we were going to go out with James's parents after work, so I am just a little over tired. This might be short. 
I actually slept really well last night. I woke up when James did at 530 and was pleased to have so much time to still sleep. When I woke up for real I felt alright. I loved my outfit and felt really cute. And I was ready to get out of there. 
I got Mcdonalds. For the last time in a long time probably. And then had a pretty uneventful ride out to camp. 
I got the car unloaded and went to sit at the office. And soon enough we were off to the council ring. Today was a lot of listening. Nurse Joan came first. We talked about menidcations. Checking for lice and ticks. Making sure we are hydrated. Taking care of our mental health. All of that. And then after we got little mini first aid kits, we were off to go get on the online class we had to take. 
This one I felt went a lot smoother. I went to the lodge with CJ and we sat together outside. It didn't feel as loud and it was easier to participate. I really enjoyed the conversation. I did a lot of beading and broke my needle again. Annoyingly. I tried using a regular needle but because so many of my beads are to small it was very slow going. Im going to call the beadwork on the bag done for now though. I might do some more embroidery but the project gets a pause I think. 
After our class we were back to the council ring for Slim. Slim is an Appalachian musician. And he was excellent.   We danced and some played the jug music and it was just a blast. I sat out the last two songs with another girl who has some heart issues and needed a break. I didn't want her to feel alone. 
I went to have lunch after that. Enjoyed my alone time. Hung in the hammock for a few minutes but I had things to do and not a lot of time today. 
I put away the recyclables I brought and got started on some examples.Then went up to the office to check in and make a supply buy list. Got laughed at for pouring chex mix into my fanny pack for a road snack. And then it was back to the ring. for a lot of talking. 
Alexi talked to us about child safety and abuse. About some bad things that have happened in the past. About risks. About dress code and being a role model. It was a good talk But it was long and I was tired. I had brought all of the color pencils to sharpen by hand and I had a blister by the end but they were done. 
And then Chris would come and talk to us. He saw how low we were though and gave us 15 minutes to break. Me and Aliya, one of the younger girls, we to arts and crafts because I was helping her make a poster for a boy she likes. We only had a little time to start it and then we were back to the ring. 
We talked about prevention and intervention and then we all did little skits and it was very silly. 
I made a bracelet during that time. And I was so glad when the day was over, even if I was having fun. I was super tired. 
James had texted me about dinner with his parents. A new place that just opened. So I knew I had to leave around 530. I helped Aliya and did some cleaning and stuff. I drew a truck and a jeep (poorly) for her poster. and once she was done coloring the thing in, and putting on googly eyes,  we headed home. 
I was exhausted already but I needed to perk up. 
I got back here and quickly changed before we went to meet Anne and Tucker. And while the wait was like a half hour, and we were at the table for an hour before our food came, the place was super cool and I would love to go again. The conversation was fun even if Anne was having some memory trouble and we would have the same conversation. We suspect she had lunch drinks. Silly Anne, having a good time. 
The desert was my favorite part. White chocolate bananana bread pudding with toasted coconut ice cream. It was so good. 
It was so nice being out and feeling normal. But I didn't expect to be out until 930 though and I am so tired. When we got back here, after a pit stop at their house to get some things for puhtok and some shirts for James, I got a shower and now I am just in bed. Ready to fall out. I hope you all have a good day tomorrow. Sleep good! Take care. 
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nephilimsarchive · 5 years
A little help | Arthur Fleck x reader imagine
Summary: Gotham seems a little less grey as someone finally cares for him. Or: A stranger helps Arthur after he gets beaten up. He loses his sign but gains what he hopes could blossom into more than friendship.
Note: basically just someone finally being nice to Arthur, a little fluff
Warnings: none??? Some swearing, unspecified age gap, crappy ending
Word count: 2301
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Hearing the door shut behind you you made your way down Gothams main street, relieved that your shift was over. You worked at a local restaurant, and while serving meals wasn’t quite your passion, the occasional tips you got im your tight fitting shirt made for a rather alright pay. Nonetheless, you surely weren’t anywhere near wealthy, not that you cared much. The only thing that bothered you was that you rarely had the time - and sometimes the money - to paint anymore. With your job and small apartment, which’s properties really didn’t deserve the rent you had to pay for it, your childhood dream of earning money with art remained what it was - a dream.
Yet you couldn’t quite stop yourself from hoping sometimes, and so you found yourself wandering the busy streets. Looking for anything to inspire you, taking longer than necessary to get home. You longed to see greenery between the skyscrapers and taxis, individuality between the anonymous faces passing you by, kindness between the insensivity of this gloomy town. And that’s when something on the other side of the road caught your eye. The vibrant colours of his costume in contrast with the grey concrete surrounding him. Cheerful music was playing. Most people didn’t even glance at him as he they were passing him by. Hell, you found most clowns rather frightening. But there was something about him, his grin or his dancing, the way he swung the sign that made you stare. Maybe you just couldn’t phantom how somebody, no, anybody could seem so …happy, doing what he does. Then again it was his job, and people here have no choice than to work hard to get by.
Your train of thoughts was interrupted as the subject of your focus scrambled to his feet after a hoard of teenage boys had stolen his sign. Picking up a faster pace you kept an eye on the scene that unfolded in front of your eyes, the boys suddenly crossing the street, not even paying attention to the cars that honked. My god, getting past the mass of people in front of you was bad enough as it was, you couldn’t even imagine running in full costume. Poor guy. You stopped in your tracks and gasped as one of the cars almost hit him, but he ran on as if nothing happened. And just like that, he suddenly was out of your vision. You started running, excusing yourself as you pushed past people, yet he was nowhere to be seen. Slowing your pace you tried to catch your breath, when muffled sounds caught your attention. You turned the next corner, your mouth agape in shock. Five boys were kicking the man that already lay on the ground, his sign in pieces next to him. Not being able to stop your instincts from kicking in you screamed „Hey!“, they turned towards you, „Get off him you fucking bastards!“ you growled, at which the guys merely chuckled, but ran away anyway. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Your mind raced as you sprinted towards the man and tried to assess the situation. He was on his side, ragged breaths jolting through him, shuddering. You crouched down next to him, but he barely noticed you at first, his hand trying to reach for the bits and pieces of the sign he had been holding. „That should be the least of your worries.“, you then said, giving him a sympathetic smile. „Can you stand?“, you asked, but all the answer you got was a quizzical look. It was as if he’s aware that there’s nobody else you could possibly be talking to, but still he didn’t believe you meant him. Then again you weren’t even sure he fully heard or understood you. Gently, as to not make more damage you took one of his hands into yours. „You can’t stay like this, we’ve got to get your injuries checked. I’m going to try and help you up now, okay?“ His eyebrows scrunched together as he stared at your intertwining hands. He weakly nodded. Slowly he sat up, then got to his feet, clutching his ribs as you tried to support his walking as much as you could. You would’ve headed to the hospital immediately, but in this state he could barely stand upright, and you didn’t own a car. So you just walked to your apartment, which was only a few blocks away.
Usually you wouldn’t take a stranger to your flat, but he seemed so helpless and lonely - it felt right to keep an eye on him, at least for a bit. You tried to make conversation on the way, asking him about his name, but he never answered. His head swayed while walking, and you didn’t know if he listened, but you continued talking to him anyway. If you were in his shoes you would’ve liked someone to distract you from the pain. And that is precisely how he felt. Little did you know that of course Arthur listened to your every word. His eyes flickered to how you held him, then to your face every now and then. From the moment you crouched down next to him he could’ve sworn that you’re an actual angel. Your voice became his mantra as you told him you’re sorry for what happened to him, that he didn’t deserve it. He didn’t answer because he simply didn’t know what to say. After all this time, how could it be that someone as kind, selfless and absolutely beautiful offered him help?
As you reached your flat and finally made it to your bed you sat him down. He looked around in confusion as you returned with your first aid kit, some cloths and frozen vegetables he could use to cool his side. Making a mental note to buy some new vegetables later you sat next to him. Carefully you rinsed the blood off his swollen lower lip, washing off the remains of his makeup, him being silent all along. He couldn’t help the way his eyes wandered over you, your (e/c) eyes, long wavy hair reaching just beneath your shoulders and then your lips. And how they were parted ever so slightly as you concentrated. Truly, he felt terrible for what he was thinking. He knew you were just being nice, but your proximity and the way your gentle hands touched his face didn’t help his case as he shifted his gaze just a little lower, getting a good look at your slender neck and even your cleavage. Your skin looked so soft. Fucking hell, you were simply breathtaking. His eyes fluttered close as he shifted a little. He was fully aware he barely knew you, you probably had a boyfriend, and you definitely definitely were what they call out of his league. You must’ve been at least five years younger than him, too. He felt rumbles of laughter bubbling in his throat He felt rumbles of laughter bubbling in his throat after you got up, fetching a glass of water and a pain med. you returned, and that’s when the laughter broke out, the irony of the situation painful. Now you must think he’s a total nutcase. Instead, you just sat next to him again, an amused but quizzical look on you face. He struggled to hand you a card that explained his condition, and you patiently waited for him to calm down again. His laughter broke out then. Great, now you must think he’s totally insane. Instead, you just sat down next to him again, an amused and quizzical expression on your face. He struggled to hand you the card that explained his condition. You were patiently waiting for him to calm down. „Well, I think your laugh’s lovely. Well, I think your laugh is quite lovely.”, you told him, trying to cheer him up, “Drink something.”, handing him the glass heis cheeks burned as did as you said, not so successfully hiding his burning cheeks as he sighed lightly when the cold glass touched the wound on his lip. Looking him over, you frowned slightly. Shuffling through your drawer you got out an oversized shirt and jogging pants. “If you’d like to change, the bathroom is right next door.” You placed the clothes next to him and turned to leave as a hoarse voice stopped you in your tracks. “Y.. Y/N..?” Ah! So he had listened. “Why are you helping me?”, he asked in a quiet tone, “You don’t even know my name.” Turning around you took a few steps closer to him again. “Then tell me.”, you returned, smiling. He looked as his feet then “Arthur, …my name is Arthur.” “Well then, Arthur, I’m helping you because because I want to. Nobody deserves what happened to you today. Nobody deserves what they did to you. Now, make yourself at home. Try to get some rest.”, you brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. He wouldn’t even have had a second thought about it, they were just kids. But you seriously meant what you said. As the rest of your words sank in he tried to protest, saying he couldn’t possibly sleep in your bed. Shaking your head lightly, you chose to make your way to the door. “If there’s anything else you need, feel free to ask.”
The next morning you were woken up by a noise you couldn’t recognise. It hadn’t taken you much time to fall asleep on your sofa the day before. It actually was a lot more comfortable than you had thought, or perhaps it was the exhaustion of you work shift followed by half-carrying Arthur here. Thinking of which, you turned to face the rest of the living room and got up. To your surprise, you saw movement through the glass of your kitchen door. The smell of scrambled eggs filled your nose as you entered, at once figuring out that the noises you heard must’ve been Arthur putting out dishes onto the small table. He had done his best trying to be quite, sneaking out of you bedroom past your sleeping form he had noted you looked wonderfully peaceful when asleep, then to the kitchen. Now there were toasts, some cut up apples and slightly burned scrambled eggs layed out on the kitchen table. It wasn’t a buffet per se, but more than enough to have your facial expression turn to one of surprise, happiness and then disbelief. As you shook your head lightly, brushing a hand through your disheveled hair Arthur suddenly seemed nervous „Oh, I‘m.. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to rummage through your belongings, I should’ve known that’s not what you do.“, you couldn’t help but look at him in shock then, how could he think your mad? He avoided your stare. „I‘ll clean everything up.“, he grabbed the handle of the pan as your hand over his stopped him. He looked up into your eyes, while his mirrored uncertainty and something you couldn’t quite pinpoint. „Arthur, my God.“, you breathed out, cradling his hand in both of yours, “The only reason I shook my head was that I cannot believe how you can stand here at 8 in the morning after the night you had, and all you worry about is making breakfast. You don’t have to apologise, and you certainly don’t have to clean up either. I can’t even remember the last time somebody went through such an effort for me. So thank you.“ You let go off his hand as he blushed profusely at your words. He stumbled over his words then, saying it’s the least he could do. Or that at least he tried, glancing at the pan in embarrassment.
The two of you ate in silence for a short while, Arthus studying your expression as you took bites. He paid attention to the rest of your apartment then, it was rather small but the way you had little pictures, plants and other adornments everywhere made it feel very cozy. It fit the impression you made, you seemed like such a positive and kindhearted person, always trying to make the best out of everything. You were sitting across him wearing a tank top, short pants and a robe over it and you looked absolutely adorable, Arthur thought. He could only wish this wasn’t the last time he got to spend time with you. You noticed the way he had been staring, hiding your reddened cheeks behind your hair. Your voice interrupted his train of thoughts “Are you going to get your injuries checked, Arthur?” Truth be told, he didn’t plan on going to any hospital. He hated burdening people with his issues, and he didn’t quite have the money to pay for any treatment -if needed- either. But you the way you looked at him made him question his attitude; your eyes were full of hope, begging him to go. As if you actually cared for his well-being. Apparently, his lack of response answered your question, as you continued: “You are aware that if you don’t get yourself checked, I’ll have to make you come back here weekly from now on to make sure you’re doing okay?” Your light tone made a weight fall if his shoulders as you let out a breathless laugh. For some reason you hoped that he’d actually accept your proposal, even though it came out more jokingly than anything. He seemed so pure and kind to you that you wondered what made him as insecure. Whatever it is, you wanted to show him that he doesn’t need to be. You wanted to be there for him, you realised. Arthur smiled at you then, a genuine smile for once “I wouldn’t mind that one bit.”
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Say You Won’t Let Go
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*Not my Gif*
Requests: I would love a Remus x Reader with a lots of fluff if you will. Thank you in advance. Anon
Please please please if you could can you write a fluffy Remus piece based on the song Say you won’t let go by James Arthur?!?? Thank you so much I love you!!!! 💜 Anon
Post Date: 10-02-19
Paring: Remus Lupin x Reader
Word Count: 1.5K
A/N: Tell me what you think please! I wasn’t sure how I felt writing this 😂. Also if you are writing a fic you want me to read feel free to tag me!!! ♥️
~Master List~
~Harry Potter Master List~
~My Plan~
Listen to Say You Won’t Let Go by James Arthur here!
*First italics is a flashback and then after that is the song lyrics*
“You ready for this mate?” Sirius asked as he clapped Remus on the back and the man stared into his reflection in the mirror. Remus gave him a smile and fixed the lapel on this suit as Sirius checked him over making sure everything was fine in the outfit aspect. “I can’t believe you’re actually doing it.” Sirius whispers made Remus chuckle and take a glance at the moving picture above the fireplace. The small picture was his favorite, both you and him just sitting at the dinner table before you threw your arms around him in happiness, the exact moment Lily came into the room carrying a baby Harry and a camera. Warmth spread through his body as he thought about you, turning back to mirror with a beaming grin across his face.
“I can’t believe you’re getting married today.”
“Lily I don’t like parties!” You yelled over the booming music, tugging on your best friends arm as she ignored your arguments again. Her eyes were scanning the dimly lit room for the idiots you both decide to spend your time with before a small tap landed on your shoulder. You glanced behind you, getting sight of a ruffled brown hair before your lips turned into a smile. Letting go of Lily’s arms you turned towards Remus, accepting the outstretched drink he gave you with a soft grin. “The best part of parties.” You whispered as you finished gulping down the drink.
“Figured you’d need it. Can’t believe Lily actually got you to come.” His voice was loud but you still couldn’t hear him over the music. He leaned down to your ear, barely inches from your skin as his breath tickled you right down your spine. “I didn’t think you’d be here.” His voice was deep as he spoke making you shiver.
“Almost didn’t, but Lily me she’d go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow.” He chuckled and nodded, finding humor in the fact he knew you needed to be bribed to actually leave your room. You stretched your hand out, grabbing a cup someone a year younger than you just poured. He was about to complain before you gave him a wink, making him blush and start pouring another. He barely finished it before you grabbed that one as well, handing it off to Remus who just stared at you in shock. You shrugged and drank the liquid in front of you, loving the cozy feeling it brought you before the buzz started to hit you. At this point both you and Remus had a few more drinks and conversation was flowing. You really had no clue what you were saying but it didn’t matter. The music around you became muffled in your ears as you clung to Remus, swaying way off the beat and you tried to sing along a little.
“I know I needed you, but I never showed...” you began as Remus let his head bob to look at you, a drunken smile playing on his face as he joined you.
“But I wanna stay with you until we’re grey and old, Just say you won’t let go...” you were about to sing the next line before your stomach started doing flips. Without wasting a second, you stood over a waste bin, emptying your stomach contents into it. For a moment all you think about was throwing up until a pair of hands was pulling your hair back from your face, rubbing your back up and down before you finished. You smiled at him over your shoulder and pushed away from the now foul smelling container. By luck, Remus wrapped an arm around your waist and let you fall back onto his chest as he rested on a wall. You sat like for a while, neither of you saying anything as Remus’ arm remained locked around you and you held it close to your stomach, watching the lights of the party dance in the room as your eyes started to close a little before Remus nudged you from behind.
“Come on, you should get some rest.” He whispered into your ear as you nodded your head. You both struggled to get up, leaning onto each other and the wall for support before he lead you to your room, staggering along the way. You plopped yourself down onto the mattress, giggling to yourself as Remus helped tuck the sheets over you.
“Stay with me?” You asked softly, eyes hooded over as you pressed yourself into the mattress and looked up at him. He fixed the blanket to cover the spot you made for him and pressed a quick kiss to your forehead.
“You need to get some sleep Y/N. I’ll let Lily know you’re here.” He said before your body succumbed to a light sleep.
Remus’ eyes were casted upon you, watching the way your body moved slightly from breathing. His thoughts ran rampant as he finally went left your room and headed to his, talking to Lily real quick along the way before finding himself falling into his bed with you on his mind. He knew the moment ok looked at him with those big Y/E/C eyes that he was in trouble, you knocked him out of his stupor with just one look.
Remus looked down at you once again, only this time you were smiling wider than he’d ever seen wearing a white dress. Your hair was done in your favorite style, and your lips were a nice red that Remus just wanted to press his onto. And after you both said the magical words, kissing you was exactly what he did.
The years only did you and Remus better. You had a son, Teddy who just turned 11 and Remus landed a job as a professor at hogwarts where Teddy was finally old enough to attend. You and Remus both stayed in the castle, throughly embarrassing your son anytime either of you would see him but what you mainly loved to do was watch your husband teach Defense against the Dark Arts. It was always hard during his “time of the month” but you figured out a way around that. Since you were just as knowledgeable in the subject as Remus, you would take over as teacher for the days needed. Remus always felt bad though and the next day he was better after his moon days he would wake up early and head to the kitchen, getting the house elves help to make you the perfect breakfast.
“Good morning.” Remus whispered into the bedroom as you tossed in bed, moving to face him with a smile.
“Morning Moony.” You cooed as he pressed a kiss to your head, much like he’d done that night. It seemed so long ago he realized he loved you but he knew that nothing could ever change his mind. He joined you with your breakfast before you both got up (officially) and got dressed for the day. You wound up in front of the mirror, staring at your reflection with a frown before Remus approached from behind.
“What’s wrong love?” He asked as you sighed.
“I have grey hair Remy.” You sounded more disappointed than sad but Remus still couldn’t help but chuckle a little, making you feign offense towards him. You looked back at him, so beautiful, and all he saw was the girl from the party, the girl he fell in love with.
“Im so in love with you and I hope you know. Darling your love is more than worth its weight in gold. We’ve come so far my dear, look how we’ve grown, and I wanna stay with you until we’re grey and old...” Remus sang in your ear, pressing your back into his chest and listening to his words.
“Just say you won’t let go, just say you won’t let go.” You joined him, letting your fingers intertwine with his.
“Let’s grow old together.” Remus said, this time not singing. Your eyes softened as you stood on the tips of your toes to kiss his lips, catching him chuckling against you.
“I think we already are.” You joked and ruffled his hair, letting him rest his arms around your waist and you wrapped yours around his neck, playing with the short hairs there. “I wanna live with you even when we’re ghosts.” You whispered over his lips, feeling the light touch of his over your bottom lip.
“I’m gonna love you until my lungs run out.” Remus continued, making you both sway to the beat of the music in your heads. “I promise till death we part like in our vows.” You finally pressed your lips flush against his slowly as you both melted into each other’s embrace. Remus’ hold on you got tighter and you deepened the kiss.
You didn’t know what the future would hold but you knew Remus would stay by yourself the whole time because he was always there for you when you needed him the most. You pulled apart from Remus and sucked in a breath, losing yourself in his eyes before he smiled, letting you whisper in his ear one more time.
“Say you won’t let go.”
All Taglists Open
Permanent: @literal-fand0m-trash @just4muggles @saturn-aka-six @nathaliabakes @whyamihere-bro @colored-confetti @wiseeggspickleslime @sadn0va @btsiguess-kpop @galacticstxrdust @independentgirl @wellhellotherelovey
Remus: @serenefreakgeek
Harry Potter: @accio-rogers @songforhema @hahaboop
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its-norea-wong · 4 years
Yall don know crap about me so here:
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? More cereal than milk. I don like to have a bowl full of milk after.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a winter-y day? Yes.
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Random pieces of old sketch paper I have lying around everywhere.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? I drink green tea as is. I’ll have that or cocoa, with milk and sprinkles.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Yes, I don smile often.
6: do you keep plants? Yes, I have a small sunflower in my window.
7: do you name your plants? Yes, her name is Vivi. Don fuking judge me.
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? I use oil paints.
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yeah, I hum to the music I play when I draw, sketch and/or paint.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Sleep? Hah, I don’t, but If I take my sleeping pills like I’m suppose to, usually on my side.
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? Er allein, dem die Jugend gehört, gewinnt die Zukunft.  
12: what’s your favorite planet? Saturn.
13: what’s something that made you smile today? Watching Shiloh trip and fall.
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? I’m not going to live in the city once I finish school.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! It would take nine years to walk to the moon.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? Ramen.
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? I want to get rid of the blonde patch at my routes.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.  When I learnt German only to give our Jewish history teacher wwII flash backs. Nate was mad. I didn’t care.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? Yes and just small outfit ideas.
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Blue, purple or orange. Why? Idfk.
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. My hello kitty little backpack that I brought with me from japan, I now use it as a purse when I go shopping. It confuses people.
22: are you a morning person? hell. no.
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Lay in bed till 4 pm.
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? Fuck no.
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? The boy’s dorm room.
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? My black and pastel coloured converse.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? bubblegum.
28: sunrise or sunset? sunrise. I’m not a morning person but it looks nice.
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? no.
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes, when? I wont tell, unless asked.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. They’re okay ig, yes?, no, no, and no thanks.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. I can’t really hang out with friends at 3 AM.
33: what’s your fave pastry? dessert mochii.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? It’s name is Kuma. It’s a brown fluffy bear. yes i do.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? not anymore, I used to write to my mom while I was at school.
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? Bo burnham. That’s it.
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? Clean.
38: tell us about your pet peeves! JB. just JB hitting on. every. single. guy. That or Shiloh. Just Shiloh being Shiloh. Also Bae thinking he’s better than everyone else.
39: what color do you wear the most? Black.
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? I own a small necklace with purple beads. It has meaning to me I guess.
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?  The One Safe Place.
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! No.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? JB. 
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? When I was 11.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? Yeah.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. uhhhhh. To the guy who invented zero, thanks for nothing.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Store bought ramen. It’s so gross.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Thunder and Lightning, and yes.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? The last CD I bought? Beetlejuice the musical.
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? Knifes. Pencils.
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? uhh. Jeremy with sad song by scotty sire.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? Ugandan knuckles, i know its dead but it’s still my favorite.
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? i love beetlejuice.
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? idfk.
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? I climbed up a shelf at the library to prove that I could be tall.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? no.
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? im not answering this one.
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? uhh idk.
59: what’s your favorite myth? Any Japanese urban legend.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? uhh. no.
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? I once gave away some floppy hat that my step dad gave me.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? Yes, pineapple.
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? Yes. I make sure they’re organized on genre and then in the genre it’s alphabetized.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? blue.
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? My mom, but in order to do that, i’d have to die. :)
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? Pink daises and sunflowers, small ones, plus some bits of lavender.
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Happy, it’s nice.
68: what’s winter like where you live? no snow, it’s like 60 degrees.
69: what are your favorite board games? idk.
70: have you ever used a ouija board? ya.
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? green.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? No, i have an okay memory.
73: what are some of your worst habits? I bounce my leg around whenever i’m not moving, that or I flick my pencil around.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. big ass hole.
75: tell us about your pets! I only have one and she’s a blind kitty. She’s white with spots and has a fluffy tail.
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? My homework.
77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink.
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? uhh i really don’t care
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? I was given a flower by some girl during lunch, i never got her name though.
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? white, i didn’t get to choose cus I live in a dorm room.
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. northern star.
82: are/were you good in school? ya i am.
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? idk.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? no.
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? Ya i guess, and deadpool.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? no. not really.
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? my neighbor totoro, kikis delivery service.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? not really.
89: are you close to your parents? I was close with my mom.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. tokyo. i don’t have to explain.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? no where.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? i don’t put cheese on my pasta.
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? Shaved under my lil floof bangs.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?  Jeremy.
95: what are your plans for this weekend?  Draw.
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I update immediately.
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INTJ - The Mastermind, libra, and huffle puff.
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? idk and no.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. no.
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 years into the past, and for reasons.
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livinasimminlife · 4 years
Dear David...
If you’ve kept up with The Krazy Crazy Life of Kassiopeia Fullbright, you’ll know about the appearance of the Bayless family from Twinbrook. If not, then, ***minor spoiler alert!***
Davis Lamar is related to them... a.k.a. David Bayless. Arc 34, Remembering, briefly features the Bayless family. I decided to share some stills from my gameplay for fun. 
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Avery Bayless (14)  is rather angry that the soda machine ate her simoleons. She really hoped for a refreshing drink after school.
Dear David, I really hate this blasted machine! I wish you were here to reach up with your long arms and grab the cola. 
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Frustrated, Avery gives up and comes home to play ball with her brother, Taye on their Bayuck swamp farm.
The days and nights kinda blend together, but every night, Taye and I play ball. It’s kinda nice. I know he wouldn’t admit it but he’s grown to be handsome while you’ve been gone... er... except for those ears! 
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Taye Bayless (17) tosses a baseball with his sister, Avery near the swamp. He’s taking a break from studying for exams, and he adores his kid sister. 
At least I can wear my hair long to cover mine. The girls at school still make fun of me. I don’t know if I can ever show my face again there after falling flat on my pimply nose while trying to get that blasted cola!
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Avery and Taye play ball in the yard near the water tower that provides fresh water for the Bayless family. Also Avery’s sporting her rainboots since the ground can be quite mushy in the swamps. Avery shares a special relationship with Taye as they both love the outdoors and are active. 
But here on the farm, I can just be goofy self and laugh and play in the yard. No one’s gonna see me with all this swamp grass ‘round. Don’t feel like you gotta write back. It’s just stupid stuff here, really. Don’t even know howta end so bye, I guess. ~ Aves
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Skye Bayless (16) plays the bass much like their older half-brother, Davis. They also have a flamboyant style. In game, when Skye aged up from toddler to child, they had a feminine hairstyle, and when they aged up to teen, Skye was actually wearing a dress. I decided Skye is gender fluid as the game encouraged me, preferring they/their as pronouns. Look at the pure joy on their face! 
Evening hangs in sultry skies; the heat of sweetgrass swaying in the sweaty breeze. The scent of sun-soaked tea tickles my nose and tempts me away from practice. I ponder little and then I play the love song only Bayucks know and beat my foot upon the porch wood. I strum the notes you taught me b’fore and think of the soft twangs on a sweltering night that barely scratch the sky for which I’m named.
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Skye shares a room with their older brother, Taye. Taye is a studious kid and is looking forward to university and getting out of the backwater swamp. Here he practicing writing his speech. 
How do I start? I miss you sounds trite. I love you sounds stupid. But I do, mmkay? Uni apps are due soon and M’as breathi’n down’em my neck, but ya know...what she dont’ realize is I really wanna go and be out there in the world. And somehow I know its tough for ya’s now, but you make it seem okay... that the world aint so scary if you can face everythin’g that’s you have and still come out okay. So hang on... oh and um... when you get home... I still need help with apos’trophes. - Love, Taye (and yeah, Im cool with mushyness but dont’cha tell Ma). 
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Little River (5) Bayless is sad. She misses her big brother very much. She also lost her doll somewhere and fears the dog took off and buried it somewhere in the swamp. 
Dear David, I miss you. I love you. My dolly is gone. I think the dog took it. I think the dog put it in the yard in the ground. I wish you was here. We could dig it up to...to...too...(it’s a big word - Chase helped me). together. ~ River 
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Shepherd Skeet Bayless may live in the Bayuck swamp, but he’s far from backward. True, he prefers the simple life, but he takes pride in his swamp farming skills. Here he tends to the sweetgrass his family has grown for generations and practices his sermons. After all, plants are very good listeners.
 Son, I miss you. We can’t wait for you to be home. I think it would be good to spend time in the garden together. Plants have a healing nature to them. After all, the Good Lord gave us a garden to tend to give us purpose and a place. Enclosed are my notes from my latest sermon, some psalms, and a few of your favorite hymns. I’ve taken to preaching to the plants. I know it’s dumb, probably, but they listen. I hope you’ll listen and know that you just get well and get home soon, okay? 
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At twilight, Chase Bayless (19), all grown up, and capturing the land she calls home on the canvas. It’s a cooler evening than most, the mists of the swamp rising up to provide some low haze. She’s home on break from uni, an Education major, and she took up painting to unwind.
Dear David, I don’t want you to worry about me. Shark Racket broke my heart all those years ago and I know how angry you were. But today he brought me a cake. He dropped it off on the porch and ran away like a sissy, but I saw him through the curtains. I think he heard about your situation somehow. Townsfolk talk. The parishoners whisper among themselves on Sundays and I don’t like it. But you don’t need to worry about it. I’ll bop any of ‘em on the nose if they speak badly about you. 
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Ma Bayless... Gwayne, that is, has enchantress abilities. She hoped at least one of her children would inherit her supernatural genes, but alas! No matter how many kids she popped out, not one of them is “special.” She takes out her frustrations by crafting potions (legal and illegal) in the attic of the Bayless Manor. 
Ma’am’s spendin’ most nights in the attic. I don’t think she’d admit it, but she feels guilty. She’s working on the perfect stress potion. She says it’s for her, but I don’t think so. I hear her mumblin’ to herself, hissing at herself, and she says your name a lot and that she’s uh... failed you. Don’t tell her I said that. She’d probably wring my neck like a spring chicken. 
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Avery, like her siblings, Davis and Skye, loves music. It brings a smile to her face every time she can tickle the ivories in the evenings. What southern home is complete without a family music room? 
The armless statue of the goddess Veni offends Pa Bayless, but Chase brought the beauty back from her studies abroad in Sim Union. After three days of arguing, Gwayne finally convinced her husband to keep the peace and allow the lady to be on display. 
Did I tell you I got to study abroad? You aren’t the only Bayless to travel now, big brother. I betcha can see my smile. I can still try and one up you, ya know? I spent some time in Championne, in the City of Lights. Oh it was beautiful! I wish you could’ve seen all the art and culture and that you could taste the scones. I’ll make you some when you return.You still like blueberries, right?
I’ve enclosed some of my silly scribblings from the trip. I hope you don’t mind. Tonight I’m painting on the porch. I can hear Skye and Avery both play different songs, and yet somehow they blend so beautifully. I think you’ve inspired them. 
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When she isn’t enchanting, Gwayne likes to feel the earth between her fingers. After all, an enchantress has a special relationship with nature. It’s the only time she can be “free” and doesn’t feel the pressures of motherhood and her business management career. 
And Ma’am too. You know she loves you in her own way. She spends more time in the garden now than she ever did, in the section we used to call yours. She’s trying to cut back on her hours at city hall. I think she misses you. But yeah, don’t tell her I said it. This is our secret. 
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Taye gets in a late night workout in a dark corner of the attic. He really wants to grow out of the “skinny boy” stereotype. Alas! I don’t think he’ll grow into those ears! 
Taye’s upstairs now fighting on the weight machine like you always did. He’s determined not to be so scrawny anymore. 
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In the backyard, River plays pirate in the treehouse. Land Ho! 
And River... I caught her in the treehouse you built with her and Pa tonight. She sleeps out there most nights, playing pirate into the wee morning hours. She says she’s lookin’ out for you over the Gulf. You’ve got a guardian angel you know that? Well, I should sleep. I’ve got an online class in the morning and I need my beauty rest. I hope you’re hanging in there. Hurry home. ~ Yours, Chase 
Hope you enjoyed! 
(The arc itself is NSFW, but if you want to read the chapters featuring the Bayless family directly/indirectly, you can read Unyielding and Unexpected.) 
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machine-gun-casie · 4 years
73 questions.
I was tagged by @wescoasts (just found out what ur url means lol also love you)
I tag @angrylizardjacket @enchantedamusedslightlyconfused @ticketstomydownfall @actinglikethat @machine-gun-colson @storiesforallfandoms @harringtonstudios (ik some of yall have been tagged i just dont have other friends)
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?
like a 2
Describe yourself in a hashtag?
If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?
kells is gonna be like half these answers #sorrynotsorry
If your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?
...what is that? google says its a tent?
What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
uh im not sure but maybe that my grandma almost killed me when i was 6? idk im not a private person
What’s your wakeup ritual?
wake up whenever (woke up at 9pm today? sleep schedule? i dont know her), check phone on the toilet, brush teeth, join family downstairs as they applaud my appearance because they never see me.
What’s your go to bed ritual?
skincare (when im not dying on the inside), watch an episode of something, watch some asmr (dont judge me it helps me sleep), and pass out for 12 hours.
What’s your favorite time of day?
witching hour
Your go to for having a good laugh?
tiktok or my fav youtubers currently cody ko kurtis conner drew gooden and danny gonzalez 
Dream country to visit?
im grateful to be well travelled but i wish i stayed in bruges for longer it was so beautiful
What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
my last birthday was a surprise party, was pretty surprised
Heels or flats/sneakers?
either heels or adidas nmds literally no in between
Vintage or new?
Who do you want to write your obituary?
we dont do those where im from
Style icon?
no one in particular tbh but i do love the soft girl aesthetic
What are three things you can’t live without?
my friends and family, writing, and some sort of order in my life
What’s one ingredient you put in everything?
i dont cook but saffron is amazing with everything almost
What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
make dinner? no one i would burn it all. have dinner with? kells. #sorrynotsorry
What’s your biggest fear in life?
Window or aisle seat?
aisle, i need to pee man
What’s your current TV obsession?
Favorite app?
Secret talent?
i sing sometimes
Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
flew a plane
How would you define yourself in three words?
loyal, empathetic, and creative
Favourite piece of clothing you own?
i dont own it but i steal it all the time, my dad’s old jean jacket from niagara falls
Must have clothing item everyone should have?
over sized hoodies
Superpower you would want?
read peoples’ minds and be invisible
What’s inspiring you in life right now?
kells and his story
Best piece of advice you’ve received?
do whatever, literally no one cares.
Best advice you’d give your teenage self?
standing up for yourself is not selfish.
A book that everyone should read?
the whole series of unfortunate events. i aspire to be as crazy a writer as lemony snicket
What would you like to be remembered for?
my kindness?
How do you define beauty?
beauty is in the eye of the beholder. what i find beautiful changes everyday
What do you love most about your body?
my lips and my hair and the color of my skin (im like a soft caramel and i like it and im tired of people telling me that it isnt attractive)
Best way to take a rest/decompress?
sleep, sit out in the sun, cuddle if u can
Favourite place to view art?
If your life were a song, what would the title be?
i have no clue
If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
If you had a tattoo, where would it be?
on the side of my ribcage
Dolphins or koalas?
What’s your spirit animal?
a phoenix 
Best gift you’ve ever received?
my mom gave me a beautiful gold necklace with my initial in arabic i wear it every day 
Best gift you’ve ever given?
i gave this girl a jar full of little slips of paper they were a hundred reasons why i loved her. also one day she was craving these gummies and ringpops and they dont sell those here and i ordered a huge box just for her. we ain’t friends anymore. 
What’s your favourite board game?
game of life or battleship
What’s your favourite colour?
Least favourite colour?
Diamonds or pearls?
Drugstore makeup or designer?
both are nice
Blow-dry or air-dry?
air-dry!! love my curls
Pilates or yoga?
Coffee or tea?
What’s the weirdest word in the English language?
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
dark mint chocolate
Stairs or elevator?
Summer or winter?
You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?
A desert you don’t like?
cant think of any
A skill you’re working on mastering?
typing in arabic and writing angst
Best thing to happen to you today?
we’re living through a pandemic, nothing good happens now
Best compliment you’ve ever received?
that i have an angelic voice
Favorite smell?
orange blossom or rose
Hugs or kisses?
hugs!! i was voted best hugger
If you made a documentary, what would it be about?
misconceptions about muslims
Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
saw a vlog where two sisters went to gym and i cried cuz i miss my sister
Lipstick or lip gloss?
Sweet or savoury?
Girl crush?
alessia cara
How you know you’re in love?
idk ive never been
Song you can listen to on repeat?
the break up by kells
If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
id rather not
What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
becoming an aunt!!
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becomewings · 4 years
Archived Network Event
2020 Secret Bunny Exchange
hai lovely! Im sparkle and I’m going to be your secret bunny. I hope you’re having a good day or night. 🥰 -sparkle ✨💫
Hello Sparkle dear! Thank you for being my secret bunny. I hope you are having a good day/night too and enjoying this wonderful comeback.
I’m enjoying it too! It’s such a good comeback, and I honestly love it. This is like my second comeback with them. -sparkle 💫✨
This is my first comeback, eek! I was not at all prepared for how much I would be waiting on the edge of my seat, but it's been really exciting!
Yes! It's such a good comeback honestly. When did you first get into BTS? What drew you to them? I'm sorry I'm asking for many questions. Lol. -sparkle 💫✨
It's okay, ask away! ^^ I stumbled across BTS by accident...which may indicate just how much I live under a cultural rock. I actually don't usually listen to much pop music. I'm a classically trained composer and video game soundtracks and moody indie/rock are more my jam, but last year I heard the YouTube ad that uses part of DNA and it intrigued me. I didn't know which song it was so I ended up listening through quite a bit before finding it...and fell absolutely in love along the way! So I have a soft spot in my heart for DNA. How about you, Sparkle? What got you into BTS?
So first, I hope you're having a too day/night! It's been a very long and busy one for me. I'm so glad to be off. Alsooo, I've been into Kpop for around 10 years now, so I've always enjoyed and I have a soft spot for 2nd gen kpop groups. When BTS started to get popular I didn't like them at first. But I saw Dope after the FBE channel reacted to them and I'm like okay they seem interesting around 2018. Lol. And I went down the hole, and have been stuck since. Lol. They're amazing. -sparkle 💫✨
Thank you Sparkle, hope you enjoy your evening off! Mine was busy too (we’re prepping for a move, eep) but at least it was productive. Wow, you’ve been into Kpop for a long time! Dope is really catchy (and I love that honky sax haha), I’m not surprised it got you interested and then hooked. :) Do you have a favorite era? Mine is probablyyy Wings, but I love most of Love Yourself too, and HYYH is so wonderfully nostalgic even if I wasn’t a fan then... and I’m a big fan of this new era too
Moving sucks! I'm going to be moving in the next year or so, and I"m not read for it. And yes! I've been into it for so long. But HYYH is one of my favorites as well. I think mine may be LY because that was the era that I started stanning them. I forget which one, but it's the one with idol as their title song. Wings is super amazing, and one of those that I'll always listen to. MOTS is just GOD TIER. Lol. I love it. -sparkle 💫✨
Haha MoTS being god tier is accurate xD Sounds like your move is a little ways off, but I wish you the best of luck when it happens! Ours is on a fairly tight deadline so I really have to hustle this weekend with house preparations (we still need to sell ours). I hope you have a lovely weekend, dear Sparkle! 💫
It is a little ways off, but moving just sucks in general. The packing and unpacking and then trying to get everything ready. Especially in your case. But I hope everything works out for you. And I hope you have a beautiful weekend too. -sparkle 💫✨
Thank you, Sparkle! We made a lot of progress today so I feel a bit better (and extremely tired). When the time comes, I hope you have the opportunity to prepare ahead for your move so it doesn't stress you too much. :) Have a nice start to your week! ✨
Heyyy! It's me sparkle! It's been alright so far, let's how it stays that way. And I'm glad you've made more progress on your move! Hopefully your Monday was good. -sparkle 💫✨
Thank you, Sparkle! There's so much going on in the world right now, close to home and far away... I am trying to stay calm and positive, with varying degrees of success. Please take care of yourself! (And that goes to everyone... I know it is difficult because we all have our own obligations to school, work, family, etc., but please try to prioritize your health and stay safe 💜)
Yes! I hope you’re staying safe. I don’t know what area of the world you live in and I know the virus is hitting others harder than most. We have 8 reported cases here. And it’s a scary to me. I hope you are staying safe. I just said that twice. Lol. Happy Thursday! -sparkle ✨💫
Thank you, you too! I live in the US (California, to be somewhat specific) and so far there have been two confirmed cases in my county. I'm grateful the university I work at is (finally) taking precautionary measures by banning large gatherings and moving classes temporarily online, and that I can continue working unless there is a full campus closure... Trying not to be too anxious about things that are simply out of my control and hoping that things gradually work out and improve. I'm also grateful for the community here, even if I don't know anyone personally, it is nice to come online and see people being reassuring and encouraging to each other from all across the globe.
Music and BTS are a good distraction when needed... Now that their promotional period is done, do you have a favorite moment?
I'll repeat you too, please stay safe dear, you and everyone who happens to read this 💜
I truly wish that my job would take some measures, and they have yet. I work with the general public a lot as a secretary. So it's like seriously having me on edge. I know the schools year have temporally closed down and moving things to online since it was spring break here. As well as the public schools closing for a month. Honestly, I'm not sure if I have a favorite moment honestly. Lol. They were all good moments, but I did quite enjoy watching all the ON performances. What about you?
I truly hope your employer catches on soon and makes accommodations so that you can practice some social distancing and have a safe work environment. We were just informed today that we have to work from home two days next week, on rotation, to keep our department staffed but also reduce the number of people on the floor -- for next week only so far, but I won’t be surprised if it continues past that. I can’t fulfill all of my responsibilities from home, so I’m grateful that they are allowing us to complete online trainings and such in the meantime. I am also so glad it’s Friday. What a week it’s been.
Ahh, I love ON! As a former member of drumline and marching band, I have such a fondness for the drum corps elements they incorporated into the music and background choreography. I was excited for the Official MV version too, so beautiful and thought-provoking! I also looove Black Swan (JIMIN’S DANCING EEK). I haven’t been as excited about something in a long time as when I stayed up late to catch their first performance on James Corden. So while I’ve enjoyed all of the comeback (especially as it’s my first!), that was particularly memorable for me. The surprise MV drop was also lovely 🦢🖤
Sorry, I am really rambly tonight. Please take care and have a good weekend! Hope you can get lots of rest! 💗
It’s been a long couple days! Sorry I haven’t gotten back with you! I’ve been stressed about everything going on, and I do hope that they catch on soon too. I was very excited for this comeback and the art in their videos has been beautiful. Black Swan and Jimin dance break? Quality content honestly. Yes! The surprise MV was great. I prefer this version of Black Swan over the other, but both are good. I hope you had a good weekend! -sparkle 💫✨
Hi again Sparkle, thank you for checking in on me! Please don't apologize for messaging delays, there's no need! We all signed up for this event long before any of this started, so I'm grateful you can spare a little time to chat with me. 💜 I'm working from home for at least the next 3 weeks because my uni is now fully closed... But I'm very grateful I have that opportunity. (As much as sometimes I would just like to go to sleep and wake up when this is all over, hah!)
Please continue to take care of yourself! Hope you find some comfort in music or other personal hobbies!
How are you doing? Last week was so stressful for me. So I am quite happy to be working from home this week. I hope you are staying healthy and happy through all of this! How was your week last week? I hope your weekend was alright? I had a pretty decent one me and a couple close friends had game night, and that was the highlight of my weekend. -sparkle 💫✨
I missed hearing from you, Sparkle! (But totally understand, the world is upside down right now.) I’m sorry you had a stressful week and I hope this one is better for you as you transition to working from home. My days have just fluctuated between quiet/boring and a little stressful (mostly re: house stuff, but that’s out of my control at this point), but I suppose I’m glad it hasn’t been worse than that.
Ooh what are your favorite games?? I’ve been trying to keep up creative side work between writing and blog content, but… I might purchase Animal Crossing soon hehe. Do you have any other hobbies to help distract you from stress/everything that’s going on? Take care dear! 💗
I know! I let time get away from me honestly! I hadn't been meaning too. I miss talking to you! I love all kind of games. I'm not particularly picky, but i do like that Game of LIfe. I've had just about ever version they've made. We played this one called Blockbuster in reference to movies and it was fun because if you know a lot of movies it's somewhat easy but you have to act out some of hte titles. Lol. Animal crossing seems like fun, everyone talks about it. Lol. -sparkle 💫✨ 1/2
I’ve never played it before. I’ve been thinking of getting an Nintendo Switch, but I don’t know how often I would play it. I know that game comes on there. But I heard it’s also an app? I’m not entirely sure. Lol. Also, I’m planning on making you a gif set for the secret bunny exchange! I know you said you love Jimin (my bias wrecker and sweet baby), Kookie, and Tae. And you were right, it’s hard to pick just ONE. Is there any particular one you want to see in a gif set? -sparkle 💫✨ 2/2
Receiving messages from you makes me happy! ^^ I know life is strange right now though so completely understand if you don’t have time. I’ll be patiently waiting!
So you like tabletop games? Sounds fun! I gravitate toward video games more personally, but haven’t had too much time lately to play. There are definitely fun ones to try if you ever get a Switch! There’s Breath of the Wild of course, which I admit I am still holding off on finishing because I don’t want it to be over LOL, some Mario & friends party games if that’s your jam, as well as some really beautiful indie games (Gris for example!). ANYWAY I won’t ramble about that anymore haha. I’m not sure what the app is, if you were referring to Animal Crossing–might be a companion to the game? I saw a tweet referring to using an app for quicker messaging in AC lol, but I haven’t played the game myself yet. 
Aw thank you so much for asking about the gift (and for making it in the future)!! Oh dear you want ME to pick one? If I’m honest, I think Jimin and Tae light up my heart the absolute most (any vmin content gives me life but totally understand if that’s not your thing) but… please don’t ask me to… choose between them HAHA. How about you go with whoever would give you the most joy to gif right now?? I will truly be happy to receive any gift from you, regardless of who is featured. :’)) thank you dear!! 
(Edit: btw who is your bias??)
I love tabletop games, and I play a lot of video games too. So don't get me wrong, I am huge into video games, but I don't play them as often. my boyfriend uses his PS4 all the time. I'm still trying to get through SpiderMan, but that's also because I don't wanna end it. I'm almost finished though. And yes! It's so hard to choose just one honestly, so I get your dilemma. And I can do vmin content! I don't gif them much and I want too. I can't wait to work on something for you! -sparkle 💫✨
Yay!! Sounds like we might have that in common. I have a huge appreciation for video games (and video game soundtracks is one of my favorite ‘genres’ of music, recognizing that they’re incredibly diverse of course), but I spend more time watching videos of other people playing them than playing them myself haha. We have a PS4 too. SpiderMan looked fun but I never tried it! I loved watching my partner play FFXV and Death Stranding. Trying to remember what I’ve actually finished on PS4, it’s been awhile lol... Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture and Rime were beautiful. I started Last Guardian but didn’t get very far before life got too busy. :( Hope I can pick it up again some day! Do you have a favorite PS4 game?
Aww you’re too kind. I’m so excited to see what you create!! And to chat with you off-anon. :) Who is your favorite member to gif?
Yes, I also like watching other people play video games, but it's rare when I do. I always end up getting distract sometimes. I've played SpiderMan, Horizon Zero Dawn, which are my favorites as well as Tomb Raider. I do really like FFXV, but i haven't played it in so long though. I can't wait to talk to you off anon either. I be having to really make sure I press the anon button. adlfkjsl I"m bad at forgetting. And Yoongi is my favorite to gif. -sparkle 💫✨
Oo I forgot I watched some of Horizon Zero Dawn too! Very impressive game. It looks like a lot of fun and I might try to play it myself in the future.. but like you said, it’s easy to get distracted. Life just likes to get in the way huh. Have you seen/heard of Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice? Intennnnse. I’m an absolute coward when it comes to horror games (or movies) and somehow my partner tricked me into playing one of the scariest parts because he got too scared HAH. That being said, as much as I love really emotionally intense games, I love soft gentle ones too… especially chill co-ops! (I’m thinking of the one we played most recently, Pode… that was on Switch though.)
Yayy Yoongi! I really do love all of BTS, and while the maknae line ran off with my heart, I have a big soft spot for Yoongi. I was never really drawn to rap/hip-hop except maybe Linkin Park like in middle school am I dating myself until I met Yoongi and just… wow.  ._. He’s so expressive in his delivery, his lyrics are heart-breakingly raw and honest, and he has extraordinary range between his gentlest material and the lines that come at you with a knife. Also I’m so proud of him for continuing to work as a producer and refine those skills on top of his life as an idol. What are your favorite things about Yoongi? If you can even choose haha 💗
Lol I know what you mean, I was really paranoid the first 2 weeks about sending anon messages to my other partners on mobile because the interface was different and I was really suspicious of the term ‘public’ vs ‘private.’ And every time I send the ask for about 5 seconds I question whether or not I clicked anon.
P.S. I should keep my mouth shut but … I have an itty bitty guess of who you may be. I won’t say any more than that and I guess I’ll find out in 2 weeks whether I’m right or wrong haha. xD take care sparkle dear!!
That game was really fun honestly. I still haven't finished. And sameeee! I am not into the horror games. The movies I can do, but the games I'm just too scared to really play them. I tried Resident Evil, and I was like this is a BIG FAT NO. Lol. And I haven't heard of that game though, but it sounds intense by the name of it. I also like soft gentle ones, or the ones were it's not a lot of challenging aspects to it. I really like Spyro. The original and the remake. -sparkle 💫✨ 1/2
Linkin Park is one of my favorite groups. I love them, and miss Chester so much. Also it sounds like we're maybe around the same age because that's when I got into them maybe? And I am so proud of him for everything that he's done. Yoongi originally wasn't my bias at first. I think maybe it was going to be Taehyung, but watching their variety shows made me fall in love with him. Outside of his hard exterior, he's so sweet and loving of the boys. It's so hard to just pick one! -sparkle 💫✨2/2
Okay, so one more. Lol. Because the ask limit is so short! I get paranoid all the time, and i have to like double check to make sure I Press it. alkdjfls NOW i'm curious as to who you think I am! But I do how you have a wonderful weekend. -sparkle 💫✨
Dying over your Resident Evil reaction because... SAME lol. However. I have enjoyed watching some playthroughs of 7 and the remake of 2, which is the closest I will ever come to watching a horror movie again. xD I have really fond memories of playing Spyro at my cousin’s house as a kid, but haven’t tried the remake yet! It looks like fun too. There are too many good games to choose from, not nearly enough time to play lol.
I only really listened to a couple of Linkin Park’s old albums, but I miss Chester too. \: We could be around the same age yeah! I’ll tell you when we’re messaging off-anon. :) 
If I may tell a story, my discovery of BTS went like this: heard a music clip in a YouTube ad of all places (normally skip them lol but I got it a couple times at work and thought hmm this is catchy). Then had to dive into some compilation videos to figure out which heckin song it was (turned out to be DNA). But along the way I found more songs I liked. And then I fell HARD for the Mic Drop MV (again, a little strange for me, because it’s pretty hip-hoppy). Jungkook makes this super intense expression at one moment that made me go oh. hello. So then I slowly learned who the different members were, and since this was me mostly streaming YT in the background at work haha, I had to keep switching tabs to check who was singing. I loved Jungkook’s singing but then also realized that I loved Jimin’s sweet voice too (yes I admit when I was first getting to know them, I could not always tell them apart). And THEN mister baritone Tae with his unique falsetto and delicious low range (I really wish they featured his chest voice more but OH WELL I digress) snagged my attention and ANYWAY long story short that’s how I fell in love with BTS and also the entire maknae line I guess. :’)
Hehehe I’ll tell you after the event ends if I’m right or wrong, don’t worry. It might be almost over, but I hope you had a lovely weekend too! ♥♥♥
Yes, somehow my sister convinced me to get it like she was going to play the game too, and she did not. I ended up exchanging the game because I'm like this is a waste of money. haha. I usually always skipped them too, so I totally understand. Everyone I knew liked but I had stopped listening to kpop for a while after the members of Big Bang went into enlistment (sad sad times). I first heard Dope. The FBE Youtube channel reacted to them, and I'm like OKAY GUYS. 1/3 -sparkle 💫✨
When Jungkook hits that high note I was like COME THROUGH VOCALS. So then naturally I had to go and look a few more videos. This was during around the time they had appeared on the AMAs the first time. And then I listened to I Need U and Save Me (this is one of my favorites). And I was hooked. I went and watched their Ellen interviews, and they're so sweet. I ended up binge watching their variety show and Bon Voyage and I was hooked then. -sparkle 💫✨ 2/3
Run BTS was when I realized that Yoongi was my bias. Because I'll admit that I did not like him at first, but I said that already. And then I just realized how sweet and funny he actually his. And I think he's just shy at times. At least in the beginning, but he's so handsome and his stage presence is like a 360 from him being off stage. If that makes sense. I could go on for house about Yoongi. Lol. -sparkle 💫✨3/3
The high notes in Dope are pretty ridiculous because they’re at the start of the phrase so they get little to no preparation lol. Their vocal abilities are truly impressive... and then they do it all while dancing :’) 
I agree that Yoongi’s stage presence is strikingly different from his real self! Or the self we get to see in their behind-the-scenes content lol. Possibly like a lot of people, I thought he was super intimidating and tough until I saw more of him offstage... and then went awww he’s a big softie who just doesn’t pull his punches when he’s rapping and producing.
Do you have any favorite Run BTS episodes? So far I’ve only watched a handful of the recent ones, but all the random gifs and clips of older content warms my heart or makes me laugh. I’d like to eventually watch them all from the beginning... some day lol. (see all previous mentions of being too busy to do anything fun outside of work haha)
They are ridiculous. I love when they hit high notes in songs. All the boys have such a beautiful range, and I love hearing them. Especially when they do their solo songs. Jimin's solos are normally my favorite because his voice is the type I tend to lean towards a lot His stage presence is so different! Just like Jhope's. It's always so different, but it's them all in a nutshell, if that makes sense. Lol. I was in Chorus for a while, and I liked it begin in a group. -sparkle 💫✨1/2
It's easier being in a group, but I could never do it by myself. And favorite Run episode? Hmmm, there are so many that I love. I prefer some of the older episodes to some of the new ones. I'll have to find them again, but there was one where they were doing like this haunted house type of thing and it had me dying of laughter. They're all so funny though. I'm still trying to catch up with some of the new ones they've been doing. -sparkle 💫✨2/2
The vocal line is so wonderful, but I’ve been increasingly impressed with the rap line’s singing too. I have always liked the beginning of Spring Day and I confess it took me an embarrassingly long time to wonder which one of them was singing, and I was surprised to learn that it’s Namjoon. Also his low line in Louder Than Bombs is wonderful... I don’t even care if it’s probably autotuned a little lolol. And I only recently found out about the song Sea, but Tae’s chest-range melody at the very end.. UGHGHGGH it’s too. good. (DEAR BIGHIT COMPOSERS, MORE BARI PLS.)
I had to sing in choir in grad school and ended up enjoying it way more than I thought I would. (I’m a composer/pianist and I needed ensemble credit.) I’ve always been really self conscious about my voice, and now... I would love to take vocal lessons some day. While I know that no two people will play an instrument exactly the same, it’s kind of magical that you don’t know what the true sound or full potential of your own singing voice will be until you train it. Do you play any instruments? :)
The vocal line is amazing. I love all of their voices for different reasons, and sometimes I'm in the mood for one, and then another time I'm in the mood for another. If that makes sense. I haven't listened to Sea that much, but it is such a beautiful song! And you're right. His chest tone HELLO VOCALS. Lol. I'd love to take vocal lessons one day, but not sure if I ever would. And I don't play any instruments, but I would love to learn guitar one day. Lol. It's a dream of mine. -sparkle 💫✨
Hii Sparkle. I’m sorry it took me a bit to get back to you, but it really makes me happy when I receive your messages! Yess Tae’s chest voice deserves all the shouty caps all the time hehe. I hope you have the opportunity to learn the guitar someday if that’s what your dream is! Everyone starts somewhere... I would love to learn the cello too :)) one day haha. 
Do you have a favorite “underrated” bts song? Just curious! Take care dear, looking forward to finding out who you are soon~
Yay! I'm glad you like hearing from me! I really like talking to you. I don't talk to many people on here sometimes, but then other times I do. So this is nice just to be able to talk with a fellow army. One day I will learn it, I just have to learn how to read music first. Lol. Because I definitely don't know how to. Hmm honestly there are a few that I feel are underrated, that i Iove. Spring Day, Hold Me Tight, and Autumn Leaves. These songs are queens! What about you? -sparkle 💫✨
Music is a lifelong learning process but it’s worth it. :’) I believe in you!! 
SPRING DAY!! 🌸🌸🌸 One of my all-time favorites. I honestly might not have a very good awareness of what is underrated and what isn’t, especially among older songs, but... I love Spring Day, The Truth Untold, Jamais Vu, and most recently Sea... lol hm I’m sensing a trend of bittersweet/melancholy songs. But also House of Cards (it’s just so delightfully WEIRD and dark and different??). On the other end of the spectrum (although not sure if it’s underrated?), Silver Spoon/Baepsae. What a jam. Love to tune out the world with that one at work on one of my walk breaks if I had a frustrating day. And maybe it’s too early to tell from MOTS 7, but I get the impression that I might love Louder Than Bombs way more than the average army. And that’s okay :)
I don’t talk to or know very many people on here yet too, probably because my blog is still relatively new. So I’m very glad to be getting to know you
I loved Spring Day as soon as I heard it. I still listen to it a lot when I'm in the mood for it. It's such a beautiful song. The Truth Untold IS A QUEEN. I love that one too. Jamais Vu, I think I have to be in the mood to listen to it sometimes, but it's growing on me. House of Cards, that one I heard last year sometime and I like that one too. I don't listen to it as much. And Silver Spoon is my go too song honestly on my way to work. Louder Than Bombs is really good. -sparkle 💫✨ 1/2
I listen to that one a lot myself. I think We Are Bulletproof 2.0 maybe one, but I'm not sure either. I absolutely adore that song so much. It's such a beautiful mad song honestly. And also you're right this update is kind of weird, but I don't mind the font so much. -sparkle 💫✨2/2
Yasss I’m glad you like Truth Untold too. It’s too beautiful. I practically cried when I heard for the first time a live performance video (somewhere in Japan) where he sang a higher note in the climax than in the studio recording auuughgghgh my heart. 
We Are Bulletproof pt. 2 took awhile to grow on me but I was happy when it did. I can be a little odd about the order in which I listen to songs, and usually need to listen in album order, but for some reason I really like that one after No More Dream. Also, though it’s hardly underrated, I now know what all the fuss is about Cypher pt. 3. I’ve been gradually purchasing their older albums (kinda out of order) and finally got to Dark & Wild about a month ago haha. I’m listening to all these mad songs now. Been in a weird sad mood for a lot of today tbh and... mad bts is helping a little haha. So is chatting with you!
I’m probably overreacting about the dashboard, but something about that bubbly serif font is irritating haha. And I don’t see this mythical option to revert to the old dashboard that people are talking about in their settings. Boo. I’ll get over it... eventually haha.
The Truth Untold is one of my favorites, and I normally don't like ballads a lot. It takes me a while to get into them, but this one just caught my eye. I'm learning Korean, and it's one of the ones that I can sing along too while reading the lyrics! I am super proud of that accomplishment. When I was going through their albums after I got into them, I skipped the older ones at first. I wasn't sure if I really liked them. -sparkle 💫 1/2
I listen to a select few of them on their darker albums, but a lot of it isn’t really what I like hearing. Although, I think I may revisit the albums again. It’s been a while since I actually listened to them. haha if you go to settings > dashboard you’ll see it there. Just let it load for a second, adn then it pops up. -sparkle 💫✨ 2/2
(Ugh I typed an answer and then tried to drop in a screenshot and everything disappeared. Got it, tumblr. No dropping images. REDO.)
Oo that’s awesome that you’re learning Korean! Are you self-studying? How long have you been studying? I’ve been studying Japanese for several years (very slowly lol). Then a few months ago, thanks to BTS, I was suddenly really interested in learning Korean too. I worked on memorizing hangul for a week and then had a “lol what am I doing” moment when I realized I didn’t know nearly enough Japanese yet to realistically tackle two challenging languages at the same time. So Korean is on hold for now, but I really wish I could just… magically be fluent haha. It would be amazing to understand their lyrics or interviews/conversations on the spot without relying on translations. And English is stupidly difficult, so as much as I appreciate how much effort they’ve put into learning too… as an international fan, I wish I could return that effort too and learn their language so that they don’t feel like they need to learn English. 
Love Yourself: Answer was my first album and I purchased that one specifically because it was a compilation and contained most of the individual songs I already knew I liked from YouTube haha. Then I expanded from there. To be honest, if I had found BTS when they were just getting started, or anytime before HYYH, I probably wouldn’t have connected with their music, sound-wise or thematically. But… they were exactly what I needed when I did finally find them. And now I have immense appreciation for their beginnings and how far they’ve come, even loving some older songs/styles that I never expected to. As I mentioned, I don’t usually listen to pop or rap/hip-hop… like ever haha. But something about them just reached into my heart and I’ll be forever grateful to them.
I tried what you suggested (waiting on the page) and… the text kinda jumped at one point as though something else had loaded, but nothing else displayed. Am I derping around on the wrong page? \:
edit: I see it in the source code, idk why the toggle isn’t displaying for me 🙃
Yes! I am self learning. I have been doing it on and off for like two years, but the last part of last year I've been doing it most often. However with everything that's going on, it's kind of slowed down and I've just been focusing on what's going on in the world right now. I feel the same. I think if I would have found them before, I don't think I would have liked them as much as I do now. I do have an appreciation for their older music even if I don't listen it to it much. 1/3 -sparkle 💫✨
Their first two albums I didn't like as much, but everything from then on I'm pretty sure I am obsessed with when I found them out. Lol. I do remember you say that previously that you don't listen to a lot of that style of music. What do you normally like to listen to? I listen to a lot of everything, so I'm not sure if I have a genre that i really stick too. Although, I think in the beginning i listened to a lot of hiphop/rap and alternative stuff. -sparkle 💫✨ 2/3
Then the older i got the more I got into pop music because I found kpop when I was about 17, and it's been stuck to me ever since. Lol. So I don't know I like a lot of music that makes me feel good and I can dance too or sing along with. I think maybe it depends on my mood. Lol . -sparkle 💫✨3/3
I think that’s awesome that you’re working on learning the language on your own! And I understand the challenges of keeping it up independently, especially in such strange and challenging times... I feel guilty that I stopped my daily kanji studying pretty much as soon as I started working from home. It was initially because I used my commute time to study (I’m in a vanpool) and... definitely lost some motivation once everything started changing. I know I shouldn’t be too hard on myself though for taking a break, and I hope you are not either. I’m hoping to get back into soon and reform some study time habits :)
Yeah it sounds like you’ve been listening to Kpop for a long time! ^^ Aside from my fairly recent BTS obsession, I gravitate toward moodier music in general haha. Evanescence was my instant favorite way back in middle school and... tbh I still listen to their albums sometimes! I tended to like anything indie-ish with piano or rock + orchestra. I loved this European band Within Temptation, their music is like a blend of rock and symphonic orchestra. Nowadays, I love video game music and that’s probably what I listen to the most... Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasyyy), who is probably one of my biggest inspirations for pursuing composition, Austin Wintory (Journey, Abzu, etc), and more recently Jessica Curry (everything the Chinese Room studio made lol). The past few days I’ve been streaming the songs from Death Stranding. I admit I don’t tend to have a lot of variety... I’m kind of picky and when I find something I love, I will listen to that obsessively over and over for months on end. Like BTS. xD No regrets haha! But I know I should broaden my horizons too...
I'm trying not to be so hard on myself, but I know I'll get back into it soon as I set a schedule for myself. Evanescence is amazing, that's all I got to say. I love them so much, so I totally get it. That's interesting though. I love learning about others music interest. It's always so different and diverse from mine. And also, I realized I didn't answer your question about the dash, and for some reason I don't know why it's not showing up. You were in the right place though. -sparkle 💫✨
Yayy glad you like Evanescence! Yes it is amazing and also wonderful that we all have unique tastes. I know I should make a better effort to try out new things, because finding something new that I connect with is amazing (see: BTS hehe).
I'm so excited to meet you next week!! Please take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend 💗
Sometimes it’s harder to really step out the box. So I totally understand, but I’ve always kind of had “weird” taste in different music so I like listening to whatever it is I like! And yes! I can’t to show you what I’m working on. I’m still searching for things for it! Lol. So I hope you like it. Also I hope you have an amazing week! And also a good day! -sparkle ✨💫
I woke up way earlier than planned thanks to this new isolation insomnia, but I was so happy to see your message. 💜 I’m so excited to meet you, but don’t feel like you have to rush on the gift! I know whatever you make will be wonderful. I hope you have a great week too. Do you have any ~weird~ music suggestions? I’ll give them a try!
I totally understand how that is. I hate waking up earlier than I want too because then you don't want to get up out of bed, but then you're too awake to go back to sleep. At least that's how i feel. Hmmm, weird music suggestions? I'm not entire sure. I like Florence and the Machine, FK Twigs (this might be an acquired taste), Panic at the Disco. There's so much I listen too, and my mind is going blank. Lol. -sparkle ✨💫
Yeah, that was my feeling exactly. :( At least I put in a couple extra hours of work, so I’ll get to take a shorter Friday. Or whichever day we try to brave a grocery run.
Thank you, I will check them out! Hehe due to your comment, I am intrigued by FK Twigs. For some reason I couldn’t really get into Panic at the Disco in high school, even though I had friends who loved them, but... I do appreciate that someone made an Emote! at the Location bot on twitter. xD
I hope you are having a good week so far! Tbh mine has been a little gloomy, but... I am really looking forward to meeting you! And finding out if my guess is right haha :’)) Take care dear!
And I loved Panic! They were so good, I still love them or Brendon Urie. Lol. FK Twigs is really good, but I know she's not for everyone. I really enjoy her music honestly. And honestly, I'm just about finished with your gif set. I have to find a few more videos and I'll post it probably tomorrow or later tonight depending on when I finish. And hmm, I don't know I don't think it is, but it shouldn't be long though. however, I'm really curious to know who you think I am. -sparkle ✨💫
EEek I’m so excited!! (Please don’t stay up late just for me though!)
As much as I am terrible at branching out, I do enjoy finding new music I like, so thank you again for the suggestions! I will try to listen with open ears and mind haha. Have you heard of Fleurie? I stumbled across her music when an artist I followed made a piece inspired by some of her lyrics. She might be quite a bit different than the artists you recommended though.
I’m going to feel a little silly if I’m wrong, but I’ll tell you after the reveal so I don’t make a fool of myself early. xD Can I ask you one question – do you know your Myer-Briggs type?
I'll probably go to bed soon. I'm actually in bed. I just got stuck on the tiktok app, and I really shouldn't. I've never heard of her, but I'll have to check her out tomorrow and see what she's about. And yes! I do know my Myers-Briggs type! -sparkle ✨💫
Oops you fell down the internet rabbit hole before bed :) Hope you didn’t stay up too late and got enough rest!
Love and War is the first song I found by Fleurie, and it’s also the title of one of her albums. It’s a little bit older but probably my favorite overall! I love the song Hurts Like Hell. It’s devastating but beautiful.
Have a great day, hope to talk to you more soon! 💜
p.s. I’m INFJ ✨
I did fall down the rabbit hole of the internet. It always happens. Also you should check out Kerli! she's really interesting, and I really like her music. Her music videos are also really nice. Intriguing at most. Lol. And I'm infj too! -sparkle ✨💫
I know the reveal has been made, but I didn’t want to leave this sitting all alone in my inbox.
Thank you, Ash, for taking the time not only to make me a beautiful gift but to talk with me this past month. Thank you for being a light and comfort in these uncertain times. I will miss your little surprise messages, but I hope we keep in touch. Now I will go back to liking your wonderful posts (because I confess I held back once I started to guess who you were, I didn’t want you to be suspicious either HAH). I’ve said it a lot but I really hope you stay safe, healthy, and happy!!  💗✨💫💗
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