#i saw the new puss in boots movie and it was pretty good! i liked the death character a lot :)
furjoshi · 1 year
Hope you had a nice birthday! 🥳🎉
thank you so much!! 🌺💕
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hola despacito puss n boots, can i request the reader is like la muerte from the book of life except of being with balbi she's very much single and ready to mingle, i just thought of this while re watching the movie and thinked it would be cool to see a OP beautiful reader😋
-Y/N, known throughout the world as La Muerte or La Catrina, was a stunning beauty. Graceful, elegant, a kind and just heart, watching over her section of the Land of the Dead, she was truly a leader, through and through.
-A beautiful, but massive, hat adorned with candles and the most beautiful marigolds was what most saw first, as it was her main focal point, but once past the majesty of the hat, all were able to behold her beauty.
-A thin woman with curves in all the right places, long flowering dark hair, flaming gold eyes that pierced through the darkness, her makeup beautifully decorating her features to make her face look like her precious sugar skulls, a long flowing red dress adorned with more, but smaller, marigolds, the pure definition of beauty.
-But don’t let her pretty face and kind nature fool you, Y/N was regarded as one of the strongest in the Land of the Dead, and there were many others around Valhalla who knew not to cross her.
-She doted on those who resided in her land, from other gods of the same culture to the humans who had been brought to her domain, chosen by the valkyries as notable warriors.
-Once a year, on Día de los Muertos, known elsewhere as the Day of the Dead, Y/N uses her powers to bridge the gap between Valhalla and Earth, so those in her domain can visit their families.
-Many gods thought that you were a bit odd for doing something like this for humans, but your wise words resonated with them when asked, “We are gods because we are remembered, just as they are lost loved ones who have those remember them. If none remember us, as gods or as beings ourselves, then we are nothing. Being remembered is important.”
-The biggest shock about you however, was that despite your beauty, your power, everything that was you, YOU WERE SINGLE!!!
-Many gods have tried courting you in the past but you’ve always rejected them, letting them down gently, unless if they got forceful with you, that’s when they learned how powerful you truly could be.
-You just never thought about dating before, sure there were plenty of attractive candidates around, you looked at them like any other woman would, but you always chose your duty over your heart.
-However, after so many years and seeing couples all around you, some good and some bad, you started to feel an ache in your chest, a longing of sorts.
-You made the decision that you were finally ready to date!!
-At the next massive party hosted by the gods, being held in the Hindu pantheon, you chose to attend. You weren’t a normal attendee, choosing to only come once in a while, but you were well received by those who did know you.
-To those who didn’t know you, at least what you looked like, were stunned them stiff when you walked in, an air of warmth but also mystery surrounding you as you smiled at those who came to greet you.
-The party was wonderful, you got to try some interesting new foods and you drank several cocky gods under the table and you didn’t feel any of the booze you ingested, not even a tiny bit.
-Shiva had his arms folded, a grin on his face as he watched you speaking kindly to his son, Ganesha, as well as his three wives, Parvati, Kali, and Durga, the four of you conversing warmly with each other.
-He felt a bump against his arm and he was surprised to see Rudra there, staring at the same thing, only his eyes were focused only on you, you were so unique but so beautiful, he couldn’t look away, “Oi Shiva, who’s that?”
-Shiva felt the grin coming to his lips almost instantly, “Oh~~ that’s Y/N, but most know her by her true name, La Muerte, she’s a goddess of death over in the Latin pantheon.”
-His eyes went huge, gawking as he turned, “That’s La Muerte?! She doesn’t look like anything I’ve heard from others.”
-Shiva couldn’t keep the gremlin inside him from coming out, “I can introduce the two of you.” Rudra instantly blushed, knowing he had been caught, sputtering lightly before he was quick to reject his friend, “No-no thanks, I’m good, I’m not-”
-A new voice cut off their conversation, Ganesha, holding your hand, pulling you over, “Papa-papa! Look at the flowers Miss Y/N gave to me!!” his arms were full of brightly colored marigolds and Shiva couldn’t help but grin, putting his hand on his son’s head, “They’re beautiful Ganesha! Thank you Y/N.”
-You just smiled warmly at Shiva, “It’s no trouble at all, Lord Shiva. Oh- I apologize, we haven’t met. I am La Muerte, or La Catrina, but most gods know me as Y/N.” you had turned to Rudra who froze, his face quickly turning red before he saw Shiva smirking at him and he turned, folding his arms, suddenly, pouting.
-You were surprised that he turned from you until you saw his flushed ears as Shiva cackled in delight, “This is Rudra, God of Storms, and the closest thing I have to a brother.”
-Rudra tried to keep his face even, hearing the praise but you both saw the steam coming from his head as he flushed even more, which got Shiva howling with laughter and the two were quickly locked up, grappling with each other, Shiva teasing him and Rudra demanding that he stop.
-You found Rudra… interesting, he was very unique, compared to what you normally see in your corner of Valhalla, but at the same time, you felt a pull of sorts, an attraction.
-Once the two grappling men parted, after having a full out brawl until Shiva’s wives intervened, scolding the both of them, you decided to make your exit, for the day at least.
-You approached by Rudra, who froze, your eyes meeting and you smiled, reaching up to cup his cheek gently, but said nothing.
-You left him stunned and he felt something on his ear and he lifted his hand to find a red marigold that you had placed there.
-He looked after you, seeing the candles burning brightly on your massive hat, and he felt the same sense of longing towards you.
-He fist-bumped Shiva who walked by only second later.
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artist-issues · 9 months
What do you think about Disney's Wish?
The movie will be an eye-candy with beautiful 2D and 3D. (But going by the trailer it's not as impressive as the Puss in Boots the Last Wish or Spiderverse. We need a better name for that animation style. How about 2/3D? ZED? I don't know.)
The music will be great. (But after listening to the song from the trailer that is supposed to be the ''I want song'', oh my God the lyrics are so generic and bland they can fit practically any main character ever. And it's just a lot of singing about nothing.)
The Star character, Valentino or both will be annoying.
Valentino will be funny and marketable but the movie could've worked without him.
The world will be huge, beautiful, and interesting and we explore none of it.
The protagonist will be bland with one obvious flaw or a dream which will be related to the message of the movie.
The message will have all the subtlety of the hammer in the face.
Inconsistencies, contradictions, and random stuff happening because funny/the plot.
References to older classics that you wish you would be watching. (You saw how many references they cram now into their other movies? And now it's one of the things they talked about the most!)
Death is funny until we have the fake-out death then you need to care.
No love interest because love makes women weak apparently. Or no love interest because the actress is a lesbian and she talked about how Asha ''looks like her'' because modern acting isn't about pretending to be something you're not, it's about showing who you are every chance you get. And for those who think they might make a lesbian love interest, I would like you to take a look at the gay ''romance'' in the Strange World. But if by some chance they do I doubt it will be any good. When was the last romance in Disney, Frozen 2 (2018) and that's a holdover from the first movie (2013) and the last good romance was Tangled (2010).
Lame villain! It's supposed to be a throwback to the older Disney movies and that includes its villains but Disney is so incompetent with their IPs I wouldn't be surprised if they get their own villain ''formula'' wrong. I swear if they try to make him a twist after spoiling that Chris Pine will be voicing the villain and his evil laugh in the teaser trailer, or ''redeem'' him after he did unspeakable evils. And no villain song. Can Chris Pine sing? Please no terrible auto-tune!
Making jabs at old Disney tropes even tho this movie isn't even half as good as the movies that came before it, uses a bunch of other modern tropes or straight up the same ones that it mocked earlier and completely misinterprets them and uses them even worse! Modern Disney seems to hate its past and does everything to show how ''better'' they are now. Which is untrue in most cases and just smug and annoying!
I'm sorry for being so pessimistic but that's how jaded I become and only towards Disney. It might be their greatest hit that will make people think ''Disney is back''. But Disney needs to change. One good movie will not save them if they keep making remakes that lose money.
I don't know; some of the things you've listed are likely, but I doubt all of them will be true!
I think the animation looks...unfinished. Isn't that odd? It looks like there's not a lot to fill in the scene, and what is there didn't get done rendering.
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See these are pretty, but there just isn't a lot going on in the backgrounds--it's very icon-y. Maybe they're going for a storybook-look, but...a very minimalist, simple storybook? Not like Snow White:
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Or Pinocchio
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I can see that there are 2D textures on the trees and grass and stuff, but I wish there was just more there. Like all these pots and all the stonework in the background, in the screenshots from classic Disney above. Where’s the stuff; it would look even better if there was stuff. You know usually when Disney tries a new technique or look, they show it off. In Moana, they’re like we animated water, and as a result, we are going to show you SO MUCH WATER. In Tangled, they were like, we nailed the hair, and as a result you get to see Rapunzel’s hair do SO MUCH. In Wish it looks like the artists were shy about showing off the painterly stuff. But I’m no expert.
I really agree about the music. Like I really agree. I have only heard snippets. But I remember seeing the trailers for Frozen when a little bit of the music would play and immediately wanting to hear more. Looking it up like “Frozen trailer music” because just the snippet was enough. In this movie, I like the trailer until she starts singing, and then for some reason my whole brain rolls it’s eyes. Why does it do that for this movie? I love Disney music. I listen to Disney Princess Christmas album every season even though it’s not amazing, because I just like hearing characters sing. So why should I be exasperated by new feature-film Disney music, even if it does sound just like the others? I don’t know. I am not a music expert, either; I’m just telling you who I am (a Disney lover) and how inexplicably I reacted to Wish’s little music thing. Chris Pine can sing, but just like everything he does: he sounds like Chris Pine singing.
I think you’re right about Valentino; I don’t know if that’s a fair criticism, though. The Little Mermaid could’ve worked without Flounder. Mulan could’ve worked without Cri-Kee. Cinderella could’ve worked without Jacques. Moana absolutely did work without Pua. But in the new movie’s trailer I did feel like, “this feels like a pointless character.” Don’t know why.
The world actually looks empty to me. See points about the art style above. I don’t want to explore what I’ve seen of it, because it looks like an unfinished Open-World game that someone wants me to stream walkthroughs of on YouTube, and I’m like “no thank you, that looks boring.” But maybe that’ll be the point. Maybe in the story, the Wishing Star deepens and fills up every piece of scenery it interacts with! That would be cool. Maybe there’s a story-reason for the world.
I don’t know about the protagonist being bland. To make a good character (particularly in a kid’s movie) you need one big flaw (to make the character believable) and one big strength (to make the character compelling) and then little flaws and strengths surrounding that. For example, Aladdin’s one big flaw is his insecurity, and his one big strength is his compassion. You can file smaller traits like “trust issues, impulsivity, defensiveness, dishonesty” under the Insecurity flaw, and you can file “generous, insightful,” under the Compassion strength. His compassion makes him help and connect with Jasmine in the marketplace even though his Insecurity leads him to think he needs to be a Prince to re-connect with her after she turns out to be the Princess, etc. So it’s fine if she has one obvious flaw. She just really needs it to be relatable. All Disney characters wish for something. But every single one of them typically learns that the thing they were wishing for isn’t what they thought it would be, and to have what’s worth wishing for (love, usually) requires sacrifice. It’s a formula, but it’s a tried-and-true formula. It’s a multi-faceted formula. If they pick a new facet but remember the good, plain, common sense in the same formula, everything will be fine.
Their messages have been less and less subtle. In general I don’t mind when messages are obvious, because (you know me) I think that’s what movies are for. But! I will admit that movies like The Little Mermaid or Beauty & the Beast or Lilo & Stitch, where the messages are wrapped in layers of compelling character arcs and feel more character-driven, are better than movies like Raya and the Last Dragon. No shade, Raya, but how many times can you say “trust” in the same movie? Aladdin did it in two.
I don’t mind references in movies. Worked for Frozen. But there’s a difference between having Anna excitedly see the sails of a ship entering the harbor as a callback to Pocahontas, and having Rapunzel ask Vanellope if people assume all her problems were solved because a big strong man showed up. One is respectful (hey, let’s parallel Anna seeing the start of a new chapter in her life the same way Pocahontas did with sails!) and the other is sort of poking fun at the audience for ever liking what Disney made. Basically I’m very tired of meta-references.
I think this movie has potential to treat death with the weight it’ll need. After all, if it’s about wishes, one of the very easiest but most emotionally-engaging things they could do is have the main character (or the villain) be wishing to bring someone who’s died back. Then the message could go hard.
I totally agree about romance. The thing about romance is, it is a great way for one character to self-examine and confront their issues, as well as move into a place where they’re willing to sacrifice for others. Having a young, naive character set out to get their dreams, and then run into another character and start to care about that character? It forces conflict and tension, and again, it’s a formula, but it’s a formula that makes sense and shouldn’t be fixed because it’s not broke.
What I really don’t like about this villain is that he just feels bland, like a rockstar character who turns out to be a jerk. Surprise, surprise. And Chris Pine plays Chris Pine in everything he’s in, so I’m not thrilled by that either. But whatever.
Yeah, this last point goes back to meta-humor. #NotMyDisney thinks it needs to acknowledge what’s being mocked in order to trick the mocking audiences into watching their new stuff. “If we just own up to our formulas with a joke, they’ll see we’re self-aware and they’ll come along for the ride!” No, actually, you’ll just take them out of the movie mentally and emotionally to hit them with a fourth-wall slap. And then they’ll mock you because that’s cringe. The truth of the matter is, Disney responded to their haters best with Mary Poppins, and then again with Enchanted, and should’ve left it at that. Don’t say “yeah I know we have princesses and cute animals in our movies, aren’t we silly.” Say, “yeah I know we have Princesses and cute animals in our movies, but that’s because life is dark and hard, and hopeful young women with lowly but loveable creatures are inspiring & important. Kids need a spoonful of sugar to HELP the MEDICINE GO DOWN. But it's still MEDICINE that we're making, you're telling us we shouldn't give kids medicine that tastes good?" That’s what they used to say. Now they just…agree with the haters? Because it's a popularity contest, not a responsibility, anymore. Like that’s going to help.
Anyway, I don’t have set-in-stone thoughts about Wish, because Wish hasn’t come out yet. I agree that actors and actresses can give you some idea of where a movie’s headed and sometimes that’s disheartening, but I haven’t seen anything that makes me worry about Wish—except that it looks bland.
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minijenn · 5 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken
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So uuuuuhhhhh yeah. I don't know what I was expecting with this movie. Wasn't expecting it to be good, and it wasn't. Nobody is fucking surprised.
Ruby Gillman is, well, a teenage kraken, who lives with her family on land and tries to blend in as a human while being Omg Quirky Relatable Shy Nerd (seriously this movie doesn't have an original bone in its body, we'll get into that more in a bit). She eventually discovers she can turn into a giant kraken and that she comes from kraken royalty. Throw in the breakdown of trust between her and her mother, a new "friendship" she strikes up with a mermaid named Chelsea, and OMG THE PROM IS TOMORROW and you have a whole mess of cliches that didn't come to an end nearly quick enough for me.
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So yeah this plot is... extremely derrivitive, on two very specific Pixar movies in particular. It's like... a weird crossover between Luca (fish people trying to blend in on land) and Turning Red (puberty metaphor, mommy issues, etc) and it does none of what those movies did well anywhere near as close to good as they did. Like this movie tries so hard to be surprising and have twists and turns and like... literally none of those surprises landed. None of the emotions landed. None of the jokes landed. Nothing in this boring ass movie landed.
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The characters are all pretty one-note. Ruby is your traditional nerdy, awkward girl with a crush on a guy who is also just as bland as stale bread. Her family is pretty uninteresting, her mom is... somewhat better, I guess, and I did like her grandma, but she was about the only character I found some level of enjoyment out of. We also have Chelsea, who big surprise, is our twist villain, as if I didn't see that coming from the second I saw her show up on screen. The way she so easily manipulates and plays Ruby is just... god it makes you wannt scream "DON'T TRUST HER YOU DIPSHIT" the entire time, like girl, I get you're an anxious 15 year old but you should know better jfc.
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This movie tries to have lore and be epic, but like... idk it just isn't. The climactic fight scene at the end was so slow-paced and dull, there wasn't really anything about it at all, which for what's essentially a giant kaiju fight, is a damn shame. The jokes were honestly non-existant, and the script itself is already hella dated with so much social media references and modern teen lingo (bestie, bae, etc) despite only coming out last year.
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It also doesn't help that, at least in my opinion, this movie is ugly. Like the animation itself is fine, but these goddamn character designs, christ I think they are some of the WORST to ever come out of a Dreamworks movie. The humans all have weird proportions that don't make sense, the krakens don't look like krakens at all and instead look like... humans with long tentacles, which is weird, and the set design... was admittedly ok to look at, but that's about it. Pair that with an utterly forgettable, but servicable score and plenty of equally forgettable pop songs and there's just not much going on here.
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I think, at the end of the day, Ruby Gillman is just... lame. Like the concept itself... isn't awful, but the execution, man, they just floundered (get it, fish) on all fronts here. No wonder this thing tanked at the box office. I wouldn't have gone to see it either.
Overall Rating: 4/10
Verdict: Harpoon these lame-ass krakens
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Previous Review (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish)
Next Review (Trolls Band Together)
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thealmightyemprex · 6 months
So I am back home from Godzilla Minus One ......So I decided against ranking all the movies I saw for the first time this year like I usually do.....Cause I had a clear winner pretty early in the year Puss In Boots the Last Wish and no movie I watched old or new came close to knocking it out......TILLL NOW .Godzilla Minus One is the best film I have seen in 2023.
1. I am a huge Godzilla fan and I FINALLLY have a Godzilla that I think is accessable and can recommend to non fans
2.THE CHARACTERS ARE REALLLY GOOD.From the fun side characters(I LOVE DOC) to a legit fascinating lead character in Koichi
3.Godzilla is legit a scary villain.Yeah Shin Godzilla was scary but this Godzilla keeps to the core of the character and makes him threatening,also tying him as ametaphor for Koichis Survivor Guilt
@ariel-seagull-wings @angelixgutz @amalthea9 @princesssarisa @makingboneboy @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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danisha-tdh · 9 months
What is your favourite Movie?- owo
Hmmm, simple but kinda lot
At first in this generation, Spider verse was amazing when I watch at the theater with my sisters. All the designs characters looks cool though. As soon this movie was already out, all the Internet has been filled with Miguel O' hara (Like a lot ●-●). I'm pretty normal with it, but also I love when I saw Spiderman cosplay back when I go to the convention. There's Spider-noir and Spider-Punk, they're so cool that I wanna take a pic with them. But unfortunately they're gone (darn :'))
Lego movie was a good one as a kid. I used to have a DVD, watching it over and over. It makes me laugh sometimes. But now, I don't usually remember where the DVD went :')
And finally, Wreck it ralph is one the most memorable movie I had. Ralph, Vanellope, and even Turbo. I still remember all of those characters, and yet kinda feel bad for him that he's not appear in this new generation-
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*Me, pretend I didn't hear that*
Sometime, I can still hear his voice 😔
Also, Puss in boots: the last wish counted as a good movie anyway- ^^
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moviemunchies · 1 year
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There is absolutely NO REASON that a sequel to a movie from over a decade ago, which itself was a spin-off of the Shrek movies, should be THIS GOOD, and yet…???
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish goes like this: Puss in Boots, the outlaw hero, is happy to celebrate his skillz and invincibility after once again winning. However, he gets killed in the ensuing revelry. Not a problem! He’s a cat, after all, and he’s got nine lives. Except it turns out that right now he’s on his last life after blowing through his previous eight, and after a close brush with a seemingly invincible enemy, he decides to lay low and give up the life of an adventurer. Until he hears about a quest for the Wishing Star, which will grant a wish to whoever claims it. Puss plans to use the Star to get his lives back. But he’s far from the only one who is after the Wishing Star: along with his old flame Kitty Softpaws, Big Jack Horner, and Goldilocks and the Three Bears are after it for their own reasons.
Also, he’s joined by a therapy dog.
Like many others, I had absolutely no intention of seeing this film when the trailer was released online. I have seen only the first Shrek all the way through (though I have seen lots of the second and third one on TV), and never seen the first Puss in Boots. Dreamworks also hasn’t been at the top of its game in the past few years. Look, How to Train Your Dragon 3 wasn’t *bad* but it was also lacking in that spark, in part because the whole ‘The thing you liked about this series has to go away now’ was a running theme in animated movies for a couple of years and it was old. I didn’t bother with The Boss Baby. I hadn’t seen The Bad Guys but it didn’t particularly interest me, though it seemed like it did fine enough. I saw this one getting good reviews and was confused, but moved on. It wasn’t until I kept seeing rave reviews, and people I knew telling me it was fantastic, that I said, “Okay, let me look into this.”
What. The actual fudge.
This is one of the best things I’ve seen from Dreamworks. This movie is an absolute triumph. This is, in fact, astonishing in its storybook imagery animation, its thrilling action sequences, its complex character development, and dark themes. It’s amazing.
The Shrek spin-off did a story about a hero coming to terms with his own mortality.
[throws up hands in confused but impressed gestures]
Aiding this movie is its amazing animation. In the days when Disney has sort of settled on an animation style in their CGI films, and yet is still dominating the market, it’s really cool to see a movie that is playing with how animation. The style of this movie is meant to look much more like the art you’d find in a storybook. It reminds me (and I’m far from the only one to remark this) of Into the Spider-Verse in that it’s trying to copy a specific type of artwork, and there are interesting little tidbits that are really cool if you pay close attention. Puss’s sword has a little impact mark when it hits against other blades, for instance. It feels as if someone has taken colorful pieces of concept art and brought them to life, and given how much I love concept art, I very much enjoyed this animation style.
Building on that animation point: the action scenes in this film are top-notch? The final duel between Puss and the Wolf is one of the best sword fight scenes I’ve seen in years, especially out of a new movie. Many movies don’t seem to know or care how to do a great, fast-paced sword fight, and it’s rare to see it in an animated movie either. This movie somehow managed it. In fact just about ALL the fight scenes are fantastic to watch, with the sheer amount of energy they have in them.
The performances in the film are pretty great? Antonio Banderas is playing a cartoon cat, and yet he still manages to imbue him with a lot of character? Not only is Puss in Boots an arrogant braggart at the beginning of the story, but he’s forcibly humbled, and he goes through the wringer, and Banderas’s performance reflects that pretty well. When Puss is having panic attacks at the sound of the Wolf’s creepy whistle, it’s surprisingly effective how much you feel his terror.
I also don’t think that a couple of the other performers sounded like themselves? That sounds like a dumb thing to say, but with celebrity voice actors, they’re sometimes directed to just talk into the microphone without doing anything with their voices. But I didn’t find that Kitty Softpaws sounded too much like normal Salma Hayek or that Goldilocks sounded much like Florence Pugh. Then again, I’m not overly familiar with their voices so maybe I’m wrong on that count.
That being said, I ‘ve see quite a lot of people claiming that John Mulaney’s turn as the villain Big Jack Horner was especially amazing, and while he does well, and he makes an entertaining villain, I didn’t find his work to be something particularly incredible. I wasn’t blown out of the water by his performance, is all I’m saying.
Also this movie’s hilarious. I haven’t emphasized that enough, but it is a really funny movie. Some of the humor in the film was surprisingly dark? I know that animated films sometimes can have dark humor, but there’s a lot of it here, and most of it lands. The humor fits the tone of the movie, I suppose, but it threw me off how many of the gags in the film involved things like murder and casual violence.
I fully expected Dreamworks to crank out a cookie-cutter sequel, and I should have known better. When Dreamworks is trying, really trying, they knock it out of the park. They probably knew they had to if they wanted to release a sequel to a movie from over a decade ago and make it land with audiences. It would probably have been better had I seen the previous Shrek and Puss in Boots movies, but it’s not strictly necessary, as this entry has enough explanation of past events that you won’t need it.
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kitchfit · 6 months
Year in Review: Movies Part 1
I don't have that great of an attention span. If its something I am invested in I can spend hours upon hours reading or playing through it until I get a headache telling me its time for bed, but if something doesn't hook me after around 30 minutes I'm probably turning it off or putting it down for a bit. It is for this reason I don't finish a lot of movies unless there is another reason to watch through it all. Usually that means watching it with other people. If there aren't friends to help me finish this movie it's probably going back in the case, which I think is true for all but one movie on this list.
Glass Onion
Knives Out is one of my favorite movies of all time. I've not read any of Agatha Christie's works which is who Benoit Blanc is largely parodying, but I do love other things inspired by her such as Columbo, and the first movie is a stellar deconstruction of that genre, while still providing an engaging mystery. I saw this movie's baby brother at the dawn of the New Year alongside my cousin, both fervently pushing out trope appropriate theories only to be completely wrong at the twist ending in plain sight.
This sequel is not anything as elegant as the first, but still seeks to deconstruct mystery tropes in a very similar fashion. The mastermind behind a series of murders or even one murder is a role often given to rich, suave, and intelligent people of high standing. It is this role that Edward Norton's character sees himself as, but while he is a rich dude of high standing, he is a more realistic rich dude than most murder mystery antagonists; that is, an arrogant dumbass who got where he is by manipulating and screwing over everyone he can. He wants to be complex while being transparently simple. Also he smells. LIKE AN ONION. WHOA. ONE MADE OUT OF GLASS. THANKS JOHN LEMON.
A Silent Voice
A good way to get me to watch a movie until the end is to make it animated, that way even if its boring as all hell I still get to look at some pretty art. That's not the case with this movie. I first watched this on a bus ride when I was sixteen with one earphone on while the girl next to me held it up on her phone. That was a good memory, but seeing the gorgeous animation on the big screen was a nice treat.
I love the dynamic between the two main characters. I wouldn't say this movie is a romance in any real sense of the term, but is about a relationship. Both of these kids spend most of their adolescence admonishing themselves for hurting the other, believing everyone hates them for what happened when they were 10. This is especially tragic for Shouko, the deaf girl who did literally nothing besides exist and try to make friends. The fact that she blames herself for her bully becoming ostracized is even played as a twist, but its a very realistic mindset anyone can fall into. The theme is forgiveness of the self after others have already forgiven you, which can be pretty tough to do, especially when you've done some genuinely shitty stuff.
I also showed this movie to my mom, an ASL instructor and translator, cause I thought it might be interesting for her, but she lost interest and fell asleep after she realized it was JSL and couldn't understand it.
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
My friends were freaking out about this film, one of them going so far as to watch it like six separate times within the span of a couple weeks. This made me expect it to blow my mind, but it was just a very well written, beautifully animated movie about a cat coming to terms with its own death. I think the drought of movies with good writing from mainstream studios really elevated this one further than it would have normally. It was nice to return to this character, having grown up with the Shrek films, and doubly nice to see his character arc being used to discuss a serious topic in a healthy way.
The central conflict is the most compelling aspect of the story, the John Mulaney villain and Goldilocks subplot are funny and entertaining, but the effectiveness of Death as the main antagonist is genius. The Shrek universe has always been a conglomeration of fairytales and folktales brought to one setting, and who is most common death metaphor than the big bad wolf? Or I'm sorry. Not a metaphor. He's just Death. Straight up. You don't outrun death or win against it in any meaningful capacity, and the story could only end with Puss' acceptance that he will die. There's no Sisypussing his way out of this one. Pussyphusing? Pfft.
X-Men: First Class
My dad and I decided to watch through every X-Men movie earlier this year. We managed two of them. They're good movies, most of them at least, but marathoning all *looks at watch* eleven films just never came to fruition. This one might be in my top 3 for X-Men movies, though. Xavier and Magneto's relationship has always been the most interesting part of these films, and this movie puts it front and center. Xavier's focus on helping his friend make peace with his traumatic past is something so genuinely sweet that ultimately empowers his greatest enemy. It's this understanding they have with each other, established in this movie, that underlines every interaction they have in the future.
The rest of this movie is pretty standard origin story stuff for the ensemble cast. How the Beast Became Blue. How Mystique Stopped Pretending and Became Her True Blue Self. How the Guy Who's Power is To Never Die, Died. It's fun for what it is but overall pretty generic.
X-Men: Days of Future Past
This is also one of the better X-Men films, not sure if I'd put it in the top 3, but there's enough time travel nonsense in this movie to make me giddy. I love paradoxical bullshit. This movie works as both a direct sequel to First Class, while also working in the continuity of the first 7 or so films. It's the Apocalypse, baby! Okay, not that Apocalypse, I still haven't seen that one, but we are introduced to one of the more famous fascist genocidal hellscapes to come out of Marvel comics. The story starts at the very end of this murderous crusade, only a handful of mutants are still alive, grouped together as a unit in some abandoned... temple bunker? I'm sure this is explained somewhere in the movie, but it makes a cool setting to fight for your life in.
Most of the plot, however, takes place in the 70s. It was a big twist in the comics that the girl who can walk through space without hindrance can also walk through time the same way, but in this movie Kitty Pryde can only send other people into their past selves, meaning it's once again Wolverine's turn to take the spotlight, because Hugh Jackman is more expensive than Elliot Page. It makes less sense, but this movie still has a lot of fun jumping between the past and future versions of established characters. Angry, passionate Magneto in his 30s vs the wizened Sir Ian McKellen Magneto. At some point the X Man himself gets to talk directly to his depressed, 70s incarnation. Not to mention Quicksilver is there, which is always nice.
This was the "Rogue Cut," which adds cut content about Rogue infiltrating a sentry factory to blow it up. The new stuff doesn't add a lot, but I did like her character from earlier films, so it was cool to see her again.
After the joy of obsessing over Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, one of my friends insisted that we all catch up on the deep lore of the franchise, and go through every Shrek movie in order. Unlike with X-Men, we succeeded in one marathon through them all. The dude who suggested this also made the assertion that PiB: Wish was the first Shrek film to feature blood and cursing. This is patently false and I took immense pleasure in proving him wrong. *whispers* Shrek says ass within the first twenty minutes, don't tell mom!
The first movie got memed on quite a bit, but I think most people have come around to enjoying it in a genuine sense. It's a cute love story with a good message and funny fard jokes. I don't think the gross-out humor really oversteps in bounds, and it would feel pretty bizarre in hindsight if a movie like Shrek ever toned that stuff down. There were a lot of movies with "fairytales come to life and their rude and goofy," as their premise, (think Hoodwinked, another fun movie) but I think the style of the Shrek world comes off in the most endearing way. Or maybe that's just nostalgia talking.
Shrek 2
I have the soundtrack of this movie embedded into my skull. I had the CD growing up and would make my mom play it in the car on the way to primary school ad nauseum. I also had the entire movie with incredibly compressed graphics on my GBA. This classic film is synonymous with my early childhood, and it holds up really well. It's shorter than I remembered, but I think that's just because it's so expertly paced.
It also introduces our favorite fearless hero, who blends effortlessly into the main cast. All of the character's play off of each other really well, actually. The gags of a royal knight planting catnip on Puss or Gingy yelling "IT'S A THONG" to get Pinocchio to lie still get me. Not to mention the perfect fight scene scored by "I Need a Hero." Every studio with rights to that song have been chasing that high ever since.
Shrek the Third
Some people hate this movie with genuine vile and malice in their hearts. Maybe that's harsh. It definitely doesn't match the highs of either of the first two, but I still enjoyed it a lot as a kid and had a good time with it now. My friend noted that the first half of this film has a lot of funny gags that peter out in the second half, where the focus is on Shrek's complicated feelings on fatherhood. There are moments in the movie where I can tell it can't decide whether to write a scene with appropriate drama or make a stupid joke, which is odd as the first one balanced those aspects pretty elegantly.
This movie does have a sequence where the classic fairytale princesses learn martial arts from Julie Andrews and kick the bark covered asses of the trees from Wizard of Oz, all to the beat of Barracuda. Disney could never. I also like that Prince Charming takes a more central role as antagonist in the story this time around, which feels very appropriate for the setting. Justin Timberlake is here too I guess. Damn, I forgot about him. Sorry Justin.
Shrek the Final Chapter
This movie came out when I believed myself toooo olllllllld and MATURE for silly animated movies with farting in them. I had grown, and was ready for stuff like *looks at movies that came out 2010* MEGAMIND, an even sillier animated movie with still probably several fart jokes. I had a bunch of reasons for disliking this one when it came out, but I don't really recall any of them. This movie is pretty wild upon revisiting. Shrek pulls a It's a Wonderful Life with Rumpelstiltskin and is pulled into an alternate universe fanfiction where he never existed, joins an Ogre resistance and tries to get his wife to fall in love with him again. It's such a goofy premise with some fairly well constructed dramatic moments. It's also very good 3D animation for its time, which might be consistent with the rest of the series.
There's a scene where Rumpelstiltskin jumps off a ledge and makes a weird noise that I cannot for the life of me find on youtube, but it sticks in my brain for some reason. He's a pretty fun villain, overall, all of his scenes made me laugh. I think we watched the other Puss in Boots movie after this, but I fell asleep. Sorry Justin.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
This franchise got reimagined with a new cast a few years ago, and for some reason became a controversial focus of American politics for several weeks. I mean not for some reason, it was really just sexism. Women? Fighting ghosts??? Only men fight ghosts in real life, everyone knows that. This movie, on the other hand, is a direct sequel to the original film and also didn't come out during an election year, so even though Girls do be Fighting Ghosts in this one, there was less outrage around it. It's a fun homage to the original, but doesn't acknowledge the original Ghostbusters 2 in the least, and that movie genuinely freaked me out as a kid with its pink slime that kills you.
The film focuses on the very autistic granddaughter of the late and famously autistic member of the original cast, Egon. She's a delightful protagonist throughout the story, working with the ghost of her grandfather to uncover the truth behind the natural disasters plaguing her Podunk town. There are also some fun new ghost designs our child heroes have to overcome. The supporting cast is serviceable, mostly focused around Finn Wolfhard and Paul Rudd's eternal struggle to get dates before the world is eaten by Gozer, or whoever. There's a lot of nostalgia bait in this movie. The OG Ghostbusters even make a Deus Ex Machina style cameo, saving Baby Egon at the last moment aside a CGI Harold Ramis that did get me to tear up a little. This whole movie was dedicated to him, which is sweet.
Kingdom Hearts: Back Cover
Remember when I said I was done talking about Kingdom Hearts for this year? No? You haven't been reading these? That's okay, I was lying anyway. As part of my full bodily integration into this series, I watched the entirety of the KH Union X Cutscenes interspersed with clips from the Back Cover movie in order of the proper timeline of events. This is probably the sanest way to experience this story. The original has you play a mobile game where you are updated on the plot every ten or so boring ass missions and then watch the movie as a companion piece. It's a pretty engaging narrative by KH standards, but its told in the most batshit way possible, which I guess is also up to KH standards. You can watch it here, if the embeds work:
The first part of this story focuses on a member of the Keyblade Guilds, who is slowly encroaching upon the reality that the organization they're apart of is tearing itself apart. All of the Guild Masters are in conflict over a potential traitor, and this suspicion eventually spirals into an entire war. The Master of these Masters, or MoM, is largely implied to have orchestrated the entire event. The second half focuses on the fallout from that war as the surviving Guild members try to escape the end of the world.
I got pretty attached to several of the characters and their ultimate fate, but I think this could have worked better as a TV show rather than a REALLY BORING MOBILE GAME. I guess you can watch it as a TV show, if you watch the video above in 30 minute chunks, and if you're okay with beautiful 3D animated cutscenes transitioning into kind of stale sprite art at random.
Alright ending this here. I didn't finish this on Friday as I had some other Things going on, so we're in for a double feature! Hopefully, I'll continue on the games list which will be out this evening. I'm writing these ahead of time so who knows???
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ninjamuffin654 · 1 year
okay, so I watched the puss in boots film last night and it was AMAZING!!
I loved it so much and it was so well done. It had so many different things going on but it managed to keep them together in a cohesive, enjoyable and engaging storyline. And so I had many thoughts I wanted to share!!
(Spoilers ahead!)
So, first of all. The Wolf. I fucking adored him and his portrayal. I figured out he was death pretty fast, but the quiet little hints they kept dropping to the audience were so much fun!
Plus, the whistle. It was so wonderfully menacing, but at the same time sort of comforting? Like, it's telling you "time's up, bestie!" But in a way that also says "you can rest now. You don't have to worry anymore :)". In addition, the way that he is portrayed as so much more powerful than Puss is. Death is unknown, alien and uncomprehensible to Puss. And so, when The Wolf comes for him, and makes the cat fight, what happens? Puss loses. Over and over, he gets knocked down, slowly growing more and more horrified as he realises just how powerful The Wolf is. He knows that his enemy can end this fight whenever he wants. The Wolf knows. The audience knows. And yet, he continues to force Puss to fight, driving in the unstoppable nature of the force of Death. But once Puss understands, and learns that he will eventually die no matter what, he accepts Death. He doesn't fear it anymore and it is no longer something great and terrible and unbeatable. And so, Puss wins the second fight.
I adored the fact that, while The Wolf WAS an antagonist, he was only considered one until Puss was able to accept the fact that he could not escape the inevitability of dying. Once Puss accepted and embraced it, Death no longer saw reason to take him, knowing that Puss will die eventually no matter what, and that the cat has learned his lesson.
Plus, the constant repetitive messgae of "Puss in Boots is NEVER afraid!". What i found really cool was that instead of Puss having to beat the "big bad wolf" who was MAKING him afraid, and get rid of what scared him, Puss had to learn to accept and work with the new emotions he was experiencing, reminding the viewers that fear is normal, fear is human, and that it only becomes a problem when you try to ignore it. Puss, by trying to fight through his newfound fear of dying and being injured, continually stumbles and falls and gets hurt, further intensifying his terror. But once he comes to terms with the knowledge that he is mortal, and he will one day die for good, he is able to fight and protect his friends! :)
And then there's Big Jack. A lot of the time, kids films try to push the message of "everyone can be redeemed, if you just keep being kind to them!" But here, the movie shows us that no. Not everyone is a nice person, not even deep down. Sometimes, despite recieving all the kindness and love and care that a person deserves, despite having power and fame and being worshipped because of that power, people are greedy, spoilt, cruel and selfish. They don't care about other people, unless those people are providing them with a means to an end, or something that they want.
Hurting others is entirely justifiable, because it gets them just that little bit closer to whatever it is they want for themself. And Big Jack is the perfect example of this kind of person. The film even goes as far as to show how no matter how hard others might try to help them learn and become kinder people, they aren't going to change unless they themselves decide to. And Big Jack chooses to just keep on being nasty. And what does that get him? A very bad end indeed.
I hope you have enjoyed my puss in boots thoughts!
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semifinel · 1 year
January - 2023
High on life- not funny, not novel, pretty boring, enjoyable enough to finish once you get around the end but was about so close to dropping it a few hours in.
I don’t know if it makes sense but instead of being subversive it’s superficially subversive. It’s like “look at us we’re doing stuff differently” (this might be a direct quote) for all of like 2 seconds before going back to being the blandest shit I ever played. The 2 seconds aren’t even cool.
Tunic- deserves a game award, made me pull out sticky notes to decipher secrets. But it’s a wonderful game even if you don’t engage with the secrets (but they are amazing and you should). Talked several peoples ear off about it and will maybe do it again. I don’t know if I can add any praise that hasn’t been said before me. This game rocks.
Road 96- I saw a review calling it “it’s as if a taletell game didn’t want to waste your time” and honestly (as a taletell games fan) I see what they mean.
It’s fun, it’s intriguing, having to find a new way to escape each chapter, interacting with the characters and discovering the story that is happening around you- all were interesting.
I liked how locations felt very open sometimes. Some scenes are basically cutscenes where you have very little choice. While other are more open location where you can explore backrooms and get rewarded with resources for your journey.
As a game who prides itself on being on being procedurally generated you’d think it would lend itself for replayability but second time around I was bored going through mostly same scenes as my first playthough. Even with the selecting different options they would mostly got he same way, made me wish there was more option I could do sometimes but it’s a game and can’t let me do everything ever so I don’t blame them for that.
If found- a queer story wonderfully told with an interesting mechanic, beautiful art style and music. I am the target audience for this and I enjoyed it lots.
Story hit me hard, the eraser mechanic surprisingly kept me focused while being just like wonderful way to keep the story moving, especially with how it was used to transition certain scenes.
The credits song slaps hard.
And the Ireland trivia is very cool actually.
Hi Fi rush- for the lack of a better term, it’s so fucking cringe. The most uninspired story and cast, every cliche and trope ever rolled around into one painful story. They try to use like jokes that make no sense and then they are like “isn’t it funny that it doesn’t make sense” - no it’s not
It’s as if they wanted to recreate the feel of Deadpool 2013 game only the main character is the most main insufferable anime boy character also the year is 2023 and nobody told the writers.
They had one good joke and it’s in the trailer and it’s about the writers of the game and not a ingame thing. The trailer starts with *freezeframe* “you gotta be wondering how I got myself here” and it kept going about the same level of humor.
Game mechanics wise it’s actually interesting and even fun! Chaining combos to the rhythm of a beat is actually cool (even if I kinda suck at it). I wish it was in a different game tho. Why can I guess every characters whole deal without hearing them. Why is there a character who’s just a jojo reference and the reference is look he does poses and got Japanese letter floating around? Why is the only time that I felt joy about the story in game is when the main character got hit so he shut the fuck up. At least the naming conventions of chracters is fun. If I could play this game on mute just so I didn’t need to hear the story I would but it’s a rhythm game so :/
Puss in boots- slaps, watch it
Glass onion- slaps, watch it
Predestination- it was a rewatch and honestly it’s not only fun cause you can see all the hints and joke they drop early before you know the twist that would go over your head. But it’s also fun since I watched it with a bunch of people who never watched it before and seeing them trying to guess what’s going on and then figure it out in real time was a blast. Span off my favorite in joke of the day with that group.
Akira- I can see why it’s a certified classic. I don’t know why there is a man having a asthma attack as a leitmotif in the soundtrack but it slaps.
Disclosure- been told by my friend I should watch it, I watched it, I would have watched it earlier, you should watch it.
Mob psycho s1- I’m rewatching it (watched season 1 and 2 and want to remember all before I go into season 3) as a watch party with friends and I’m having a blast. Missed my boy my son.
The last of us- so far- I could talk how it reignited my love for it, and how I forgot how cool is the specific way they made zombies, and how much I missed all the creature design. But episode 3 just came out and I’m weak. Good adaptation I was skeptical before it came out (I mean a video game adaptation,, you know how it usually goes down) and also didn’t get why does it need to exist. However good show so far love it love it love it.
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jonezizen · 1 year
Puss in Boots - The Last Wish (SpoilerFree)
Trailers gave me good vibes so I was looking forward to this one. Since it's 6th movie set in the world of Shrek it's kinda need to be at least good don't you think? I think 10 year pause between 5th and this one kinda helped it. Since personly like Puss as a character a lot, but his first own movie didn't feel as powerful as Shrek ones. I don't dislike first one but it's not imo top tier stuff what Shrek offered with first two movies. But yeah since first Puss in Boots movie already did ground work this one was able to start itself faster and introduce one of coolest character in the series. The Wolf. I can't say anything more you gotta see it yourself. But other things what I can say. Musics were pretty cool. New characters were interesting and old ones felt like it was yesterday when you last saw them in the action. I'am not sure did I missed somethings beacause I have not seen Puss's TV series. And those spiderverse artstyles you can see in the trailers were amazing. BUT It's kinda sad they saved those mainly for big action scenes. So yeah there could be more of those but then again they clearly didn't want to chance art style too much so people will still see it as part of Shrek world. Good movie, I can recommend it to all who like Shrek movies or good animations in general.
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samximpala · 1 year
tagged a million years ago by @michaelmandog thank you bella mia <3
What book are you currently reading?
The First Crusade by Steven Runciman. i should get back to it today but i'm sleppy and i wanna play minecraft
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
THIS YEAR i saw Puss in Boots it was fun
What do you usually wear?
How tall are you?
165 cm
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
scorpio babey!!! me, Drake, Tila Tequila, Katherine Knight, and penny salamancussy
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
shortened version of my name
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
i never had a dream job as a kid. i wanted to be pretty and cool like my barbie dolls but that didn't happen
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
i'm good at talking to people in official settings like making appointments talking to civil servants (old ladies especially love me) training new employees at work. very bad at making friends
Dogs or cats?
dogs. they're the sweetest and they love you so so much
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
What’s something you would like to create content for?
okay i would love to learn how to do video edits so i can make a spn edit to John Grant's Magma Arrives. i have it mapped out in my head
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Legend of The Seeker but i'm almost at the end :<
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
man it's only january
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
Are you religious?
nope, i was raised catholic i didn't care for it (teeth grinding)
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
one billion dollars. also i need a new phone this one's dying
tagging @trials-era-sam @abnormalic @familyhell @laertez
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aquaburst3 · 1 year
I saw a really popular TikTok that showed Disney movies over the last decade, including the live action The Little Mermaid and Peter Pan & Wendy movies, that compared to the animated movies of the past to show that the company is going down hill. I rolled my eyes since it's another example of right leaning dubasses whining about characters being racebent in the Disney live action remakes. (Don't get me wrong. I don't think everyone who brings this up is doing so in bad faith. There is a meaningful conversation to be had about how Disney props up black talent just to get diversity points, and then the IRL actors end up receiving the blunt of the backlash from right leaning dipshits. Black people have the right to be pissed off at that. However, as someone who isn't black, it's not my place to comment.) But what I will talk about is that I think history is just repeating itself.
If you are a hardcore Disney fan, you know that the Disney movies can be classified into eras like Golden, Silver, Renaissance, etc. The time between Walt died in the late 60s to when The Little Mermaid came out is called the Dark Ages. Movies like The Black Cauldron, The Rescuers, Robin Hood and more are examples of movies that came out during this time period. There's a reason why a lot of people in the general public have probably never heard of these, the quality of them ranged to mediocre to outright terrible. Things got so bad during this time period that The Care Bears Movie topped The Black Cauldron in the box office. (The modern equivalent would be if someone made a Peppa Pig movie that topped a Disney movie in the box office.) So, yeah. Pretty big low.
During this time, Don Bluth, who worked for Disney before quitting and forming his own studio, was the studios biggest rival. They produced classics like Secret of Nimh, The Land Before Time, Anastasia and American Tale. This was also the age of children's fantasy movies like Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal and The Last Unicorn. There were plenty of great movies being produced by other companies.
Near the end of the 80s, Michael Eisner became the Disney CEO. While I don't agree with all of his ideas, he pushed the company in a different direction starting with Oliver and Company, which lead to the beginning of the Renaissance period in the 90s.
This is eerily close to what's happening now. The quality of most Disney movies (because Encanto, Moana and Coco are good in my opinion) that have came out in the past ten years are mediocre, but other animation studios are picking up the slack and producing the better content. Puss in Boots 2, The Bad Guys, Wendell & Wild, Into the Spiderverse, and Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio are all awesome western animated movies that came out within the last few years. None of them are made by Disney. Like in the past, I think that once Disney gets new and better leadership, we'll get the good quality Disney movies again within the next decade.
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
i saw the new puss in boots movie and it was so good. artistically gorgeous to look at. i dont know if i ever really voiced this but i love the concept of things like shrek and its universe-- alternate takes on fairtales that are satire, tongue in cheek, etc. (things like Hood Winked, or even Secondhand Lands)
i only saw one trailer for the movie and was pleased that it didn't spoil anything for me at all, and left a lot out of my sight so the actual movie was a delight to see unfold. characters i didnt expect or know, and i really loved all of them. there was a lot going on but it didnt feel like too much and the story was pretty satisfying. even one of the biggest threats, as much as i wanted to root for The Bad to happen, still felt like it was wrapped up well and the big bad's existence was totally worthwhile (mostly with all the gorgeous fight scenes <3)
definitely a movie i will have to go through again frame by frame bc my god. the colors and the action. just so good
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Alright i puss in boots, i have a whole lot of feelings about it, so buckle up! This is gonna be long, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!
So im a very grand dreamworks fan, they where one of my main inspiration on why i want to become an animator, through my whole life, on 2020 i got incredibly hyperfixated on dreamworks as a studio (their history, production of their movies yadayada) that hyperfixation has followed me to beginnings of 2022 so im very god damn attached to this studio (cuz autism) so man i got so emotional when i saw the new intro i started tearing up aaaa, okay now onto the movie.
After the universal buy of dreamworks i was very fucking worried about the future of the animation studio, so much so that i really just accepted httyd 3 as their last movie, they went out with a bang i sated to myself, and i wasn't much more re-comforted when their first movie after the buy was abominable, is a nice movie yes! But it has that illumination-e feeling of being just a safe product (regarding its story, thr animation is fucking gorgeous) and then it came trolls world tour (sure was okay) the boss baby sequel, the croods 2 (i actually really liked this one it was very funny and creative!) Spirit untamed (what a sick joke! I mean the animation is pretty and all but ive always hated the spirit series bc of shiting all over the og movie, sorry im salty abt this one) But then! The bad guys came out!! And it was such a fun and creative and beautiful movie!! Having such an awesome art, so dynamic and cool the mix of 2d and 3d it was just so cool! and such a fun story and it was just soo good!!! And it gave me so much hope for the future of the studio!! Specially after seeing the trailer for the puss in boots movie!! Seeing that dreamworks is also taking this more experimental approach to animation made me sososo happy!! And yk i was going to watch puss in boots only for the animation before, i didnt really tough it would have much of a deep story i was contempt with just watching a silly goofy movie with beautiful animation!
And don't get me wrong the first puss in boots haves very good story and the emotional moments landed pretty well!! I just didn't think dreamworks would do that kind of stuff anymore (due to what they've been putting out lately being mainly funny silly movies [wich theres nothing wrong with!!]) BUT HOLY CHEESE N RISE!! Through this movie, if i wasn't tearing up about how cool and beautiful the animation and the fight scenes where, i was tearing up about gato's conflict with his fear of death and his relationship with kitty and fucking seeing gato's past life with shrek and donky and man im so emotional about this
And also the music it was soo good i absolutely adored the motif for the death and the little "dreamworks motif"™ at the end it was so beautiful
And the character design!!!! Omg it was soo good, DEATH HOLLY MOLLY DEATH he looked sooo goood it was so fucking scary and cool!!! And his weapon!!!!! And then theres the little dog he was soo cute, and the other guy that i forgot his name!! And goldi and the three bears!!!!
Speaking of which i also really fucking loved goldi and the three bears' acr and their interactions where absolutely delightful and nice!! And i really loved their ending
And perrito's and kitty's story, and the final confrontation of gato and death!!! And aaaa it was all so beautiful and awesome and cool and dazzling, and then the ending of perrito, kitty, and gato going to far far away, and the scene at the beginning of the first fight of gato and death!!! It was soooo sooo cool, the colors and the lightning IN GENERAL ALLL OF THE FIGHT SCENES WHERE SO AWESOME!!!
And man the little scene of gato remembering his mom giving him the boots, i was so nice guck i cant believe how attached im to these freacking characters
And like dude the colors where so vibrant and aaa this movie was just so beautiful!!! Im so happy and sad and im just a mess of emotions due to this movie it makes me so happy for the future of dreamworks animation, and mainstream animation in general, because and i cannot stress enough, animation is not a genera for kids, is an art form, just as versatile and beautiful as any other.
Anyways this movie was pretty epic probably my favorite from this decade with gillermo del toro's pinocchio and i for once, can't wait what the future will get us :]
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bearpillowmonster · 5 months
Sixteen 2023 Movies Ranked
I didn't say top, because I only saw 16 movies that actually released this year. There are some really good ones that technically released at the end of last year (like Puss in Boots) that I didn't see until this year but I guess I won't count those. But I will include Suzume because it released in the US this year.
16. The Boogeyman - This one wasn't even my choice, it was my dad's and I told him it was going to be stupid and it was yet it has great reviews. I just can't get into horror movies though, it's very rare there will be one that spikes my interest.
15. Rebel Moon - Ugh, yuck, regurgitated Star Wars.
14. Shazam - It wasn't as horrible as some people make it out to be and I wasn't that big of a fan of the first one but it just didn't make the villains all that interesting, except Anthea, felt like it did some things right and other things wrong, never really "improving".
13. Ladybug and Chat Noir - It's really just how you like your burger done, because it does a lot of what the series already did and then recontextualizes it, adds cruddy music, and a few new scenes and ending. It's an origin but also an ending, it's a franchise all in one movie. Really weird how it's set up, the animation is good but really best suited for the Youtube clips.
12. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts - Mindless, doesn't really accomplish anything, becomes really cheesy.
11. The Marvels - Wow, this is weird putting this so high but once again, not as bad as they say, the villain is pretty bad though despite a cool set-up. It has the gimmick too but doesn't make as much fun with it as I would've liked. Ms. Marvel is the highlight, the ending sucks and really I'm just reiterating popular opinion.
10. No Hard Feelings - Another one I'm surprised is this high. The premise could've been better as well as the twist but I can't say it wasn't memorable or a fun time.
9. Five Nights at Freddy's - Not a horror movie, more a kids movie. Some changes I liked, most I didn't. Cool to see all this on screen though.
8. The Flash - The CGI is horrendous but it has Supergirl, it has Flash, I don't care much for Michael Keaton's Batman, I just really like the fast scenes and the ending.
7. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Yeah, it wasn't the end all be all like everyone was saying for me. I look back at the others and think how great they are, even during the film I questioned myself. Rocket's story is really the only thing I liked about it, cut away way too much from what you actually want to see and replaced it with goofy stuff you don't care for. Even the music was weak for the most part.
6. Suzume - I was invested with the chair and the doors and cats were cool but it switched to a different movie for the second half and tried focusing on her relationship with her aunt where it didn't seem earned, needed more conflict in that area where not everyone is the good guy.
5. Super Mario Bros. - Mario and Luigi and a Donkey Kong too, A thousand troops of Koopas couldn't keep me from you- I just really wanted this movie. It was fun but for one, Chris Pratt did a really good voice in the beginning then it just became Chris Pratt. The whole dad thing was shoehorned and was unneeded, they could've had some characters be actual characters when they were stock NPCs and very generic music choice, would've been better to just keep it all score.
4. Barbie - Already? Wow, this was one of the highlights too. Great music. Great style and personality, smart dialogue and plot.
3. TMNT Mutant Mayhem - I saw this in theaters and I just couldn't stop laughing because of how it's a kid's movie and all Superfly ever says is "What the hell?" It got my sister to be a fan of the franchise, the animation was excellent, we have some of the best versions of these characters (I said some). Really fun.
2. Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning - I'm a fan of Ghost Protocol but the rest are just action flicks to me, I just really like the setpieces of some of them is all but this one actually gave me a run because it kept my attention steady and on the edge of my seat despite the strange plot. This is where I actually felt it could be matched up against the likes of any other spy thriller like James Bond.
Across the Spider-Verse - As if it could've been anything else but in all seriousness one of my favorites of all time and really stepped up the game. I haven't stopped thinking about it and it was summer when I went to go see it in theaters. I didn't think I would experience something like that again and here's to hoping its sequel is just as good or dare I say that it's even possible to be better.
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