#i saw this photo for the first time about fifteen minutes ago and loved it 😍
rammingthestein · 1 year
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Rammstein on the set for the Zeit music video (2022) © Jens Koch
🔥 source 🔥
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thegettingbyp2 · 7 months
Austin butler x reader
Reader and Austin are married and Austin does his first interview as a married man and tell them about how he met the reader and there love story plus maybe to add to the cuteness he announces that he is also gonna be a father
A Lot of Changes
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You were sitting front row in the audience, waiting for Austin, your husband, you walk onstage. He was currently in the middle of the press tour for Masters of the Air but this was his first interview since your wedding and you knew that he was going to be asked about it. You looked down at your hand, smiling when you saw the dainty gold band that was now sitting on your ring finger before being jolted out of your thoughts when you heard the rest of the audience applause as Austin walked on stage.
He’d spoken about Masters of the Air for about fifteen minutes before the interviewer changed the topic. ‘So, we’ve seen on your lovely girlfriend, no, your lovely wifes Instagram a couple of wedding photos,’ he said, causing Austin to smile softly, looking down at his ring before lifting his head, his eyes finding yours instantly and his smile growing. ‘How was it?’
‘One of the happiest days of my life,’ he replied, smiling. ‘I’d been ready to propose pretty much a week after we started dating so it’s been a long time coming but it was so worth it. We got married in this big stately home and she looked so beautiful,’ he said, his voice trailing off as he found you once again in the audience.
‘You were ready to propose after a week? And how long had you been dating before the wedding?’
‘So, we met when filming began again for Elvis after lockdown and she was wandering around the set, offering to get coffees for everyone. I’d noticed that she started doing that pretty much every day so one morning when I heard that she was making her rounds, I decided to go and get her a coffee and surprise her. The only downside is I now have to get her coffee every morning,’ he joked, making everyone else in the studio laugh.
‘And how did you propose?’
‘Well, I wanted to make this big deal of it, I had a plan where I’d booked a couple of days off work and I was going to take her out on a date, you know, really try to woo her. And then because we were in Australia, we were going to spend a couple of days in Sydney and on the last evening I was going to take her to a show at the Opera House, she’s always wanted to go and I was going to propose after the show, by the water. It didn’t really turn out like that, I jumped the gun a bit and our trip to Sydney ended up being a bit of an engagement-moon kind of thing,’ Austin explained, laughing softly. You smiled to yourself as you remembered the night, about a year and a half ago now.
You were waiting in Austin’s trailer for him to finish filming, curled up on the sofa with a film playing softly on the TV. You’d spent the day packing a couple of bags for you and Austin after he’d surprised you this morning by telling you that he was taking you to Sydney for a long weekend. The sound of the door opening made your head turn in the direction of the sound and you smiled tiredly as you watched Austin walk in.
‘How was filming?’ you asked softly when he came and sat down on the sofa next to you, resting his head on your shoulder and sighing heavily.
‘Long,’ he replied, the end of the word being cut off slightly by a yawn and you moved your arms to wrap around him, tangling your fingers in his hair and scratching lightly. ‘That feels amazing,’ he murmured, his eyes closing as he let his weight lean onto yours more.
‘Well, you don’t have to go back onto that set for the next few days. We’re going on holiday and I don’t want you even thinking about work for the whole time we’re away, you hear me?’ you asked, tilting his head to face you. As soon as his eyes were on yours, his body relaxed and he leaned in to give you a quick kiss before groaning against your lips.
‘I still need to pack, I was going to on my break earlier but I completely forgot. I won’t be long and then we can go.’
‘I’ve packed your bags for you, they’re on the bed with mine so we’re good to go whenever you’re ready. I didn’t know what kind of things you wanted to take so I’ve packed some hoodies as well that you might - ’
‘Marry me.’
His words cut you off straight away and you pulled back slightly, keeping your arms around his neck, to look at him. ‘What did you just say?’ you asked as Austin moved to sit more upright on the sofa, hooking your legs over his arms and pulling them across his lap, trying to pull you closer to him. He leaned in closer, a small smile playing on his lips as he looked at you.
‘Marry me,’ he repeated softly, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek. ‘I had this big plan where I was going to take you to the Opera House and propose while we were away but I couldn’t wait.’
‘But I’m in ratty sweatpants, one of your hoodies, this isn’t the time to propose to someone! I mean, I look - ’
‘Perfect. You look perfect ,’ he said, grinning at you now as he tugged you even closer, until your nose was brushing against his. ‘So, what do you say? Will you marry me?’
‘Will we still get to go to the Opera House?’
‘Yes,’ he replied, laughing.
‘Then yes!’ you exclaimed, pulling him in for a kiss.
When Austin had finished recounting the story of his proposal, the studio erupted in applause and you couldn’t stop the blush from rising in your cheeks. ‘And how has married life been treating you?’ the host asked, grinning at Austin.
‘Incredible, we had our honeymoon in Spain and since being back, everything’s just felt so right and amazing and there’s a lot of changes going on at the minute so it’s terrifying but so exciting at the same time.’
‘What kind of changes are you making?’
‘Well, uh,’ Austin chuckled nervously, his hand running along his thigh as he adjusted his seat and looked over at you, looking for permission. Smiling back at him, you nodded gently. Austin grinned back at you before turning back to the host. ‘We’ve been changing one of the guest rooms in the house into a nursery. About three months ago, we found out that we’re going to be parents.’
The applause that followed was deafening and you and Austin couldn’t help but laugh at the reaction, neither of you knowing what you were expecting. Once the applause had died down, the host wrapped up his interview with Austin. Austin thanked him and stood. Instead of heading off of the set, he made his way over to you, sitting on the floor in front of you and grabbing your wrists, draping your arms around his neck.
‘You were amazing up there,’ you murmured into his ear, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to the top of his head as his fingers absentmindedly began to play with yours.
‘Thank you, baby,’ he replied, craning his neck around to look at you, nothing but love in his eyes. ‘How are you guys doing?’
‘We’re just fine,’ you said, smiling warmly at him, ‘the amount of interviews you’ve got lined up over the next couple of months, they’re going to know just how big their daddy is before they’re even born.’
Austin tilted his head backwards until your face was upside down in his eyes. ‘I love you. Both of you.’
You leaned down to quickly peck his lips before moving your hands to cup either side of his face, running your thumbs along his cheeks. ‘We love you too. Now, be quiet, we’re trying to listen to the rest of the show.’
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body ink || e. williams
summary: you tattoo ellie's thigh. it's a bit of a compromising position, and it leads you down an unexpected road. female reader.
warnings: smut!, fingering (e receiving), oral (e receiving), tattoo guns, mentions of a needle, tattoos? finger sucking?? not beta read (i didn't even read tbis through once)
a/n: i've risen from the dead. lets chat, my inbox is open :)
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Hey! I've gone thru your page and I love your work. Especially your big pieces, they're sick asf. I was wondering if you had any openings for July?
hi! i'm glad you like my work, thank you for the kind words! i've got a couple openings in july, when can you come in?
I can come in whenever. I'll make time for it if I have to...I don't care when, as long as you're the one doing it haha
how does july 13th at 1pm sound?
That works!
perfect. what are you looking to get done?
I was looking to get something kind of floral but not super...soft, yk?
so not super feminine? like no roses?
Yeah, exactly like that. I don't have a design in mind...I kind of wanted you to design it? I'll pay extra for it I don't mind, but I saw your other designs on your page and liked your style lol
okay, tell you what: i'll draw up a couple designs and send them your way before the appointment. sound okay?
Yes! Perfect.
cool cool. i'll send you the quote once we choose a design. how big were you thinking? and where?
I was thinking on my thigh...? I know some artists won't do thighs so if you're uncomfortable w that it's cool!
I was hoping to cover most of my thigh tho
haha dw about it. i'm fine with the thigh. trust me, i'm sure i've had weirder requests.
Oh yeah? Like what?
had a guy a few weeks ago who wanted a full portrait of his grandma on his ass.
Oh my goddd. Did you do it?
$300 is $300...
At least I know you're cool with a thigh 😭
absolutely. well, i've got some more dms to answer but i'll get to drawing up your design asap. i'll be in touch, thanks ellie :)
Sweet. Have a good one :)
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ellie walked into your tattoo shop about fifteen minutes early, to which the receptionist told her to take a seat as you were still finishing up with another client. "she shouldn't be too long."
you had reached out to ellie with five or six amazing designs, all of which she loved. she had such a hard time choosing between all of them, but you managed to rework her favourite parts of each design into one. you both finally came up with a tattoo design that she was obsessed with.
ellie half expected you to be a middle-aged woman with black lipstick and face tattoos, maybe even half of your head shaved and the other side bright pink. your page didn't feature any photos of yourself, just your work.
so when you came waltzing out from the studio and into the foyer, ellie thought you were the client.
"hey, your next client is here," jess said, gesturing to ellie in the chair by the entrance scrolling her phone.
"thanks, jess," you said before approaching ellie. "ellie?"
she looked up from her phone at you, completely startled by who was in front of her. a girl about her age, fucking gorgeous. there's no way you could've developed such skill in so little time.
"hi, yes, that's, uh, that's me," she said as she stood, shoving her phone in her pocket.
"nice to finally meet you," you said, holding your hand out for her to shake. her breath hitched slightly as she took yours.
"you too," she mumbled.
"i'll take you back into the studio now, i've just gotta wipe everything down from my last client." you started walking into the back and she followed you.
"cool, cool ," she said nervously.
this wasn't her first tattoo. she knew what it felt like. she wasn't sweating, stuttering, and shaking before she caught a glimpse of you.
her breath caught in her throat when she realized that you'd have to sit between her legs for most of the appointment.
she was so fucked.
she stood awkwardly playing with her fingers as you sanitized the tools and the chair, listening to you hum slightly to the music playing. she could hear the buzz of the tattoo gun from other artists in the space tattooing other clients.
in the back, an older man was tattooing a woman on the back of her knee. that had to hurt. next to them was a older woman tattooing a woman not much older than you two.
"alright, we're all set. i'm just gonna put this up," you said, unfolding one of those old-timey partitions that princesses change behind in the movies. "it's just to give us a bit of privacy, since you're getting tattooed in a bit more of an exposed place, you know?"
"oh yeah, that makes sense. thanks."
"don't thank me," you laughed. "okay, not to be too forward or anything, but if you brought shorts to change into, i'll give you a minute. if not, i'm cool with you just taking your pants off."
ellie laughed nervously, knowing it didn't even cross her mind to bring shorts. "take me out to dinner first, damn," she chuckled, starting to undo her belt buckle.
you pretended to occupy yourself with putting your gloves on and preparing your table as she took her pants and shoes off, leaving her in her black boxers, your mouth watering a little at her toned thighs.
"you can hop up on the chair when you're done. if you can just like, throw one leg over each side— yeah, like that. perfect."
ellie couldn't believe that she was borderline straddling a tattoo chair in her boxers right now. in front of you, especially. fuck.
without much warning, you slid your swivel chair almost between her legs.
"left or right?"
"uh, i write with my right hand, but i can do some things with my left?" she swallowed hard.
you laughed, "are you getting it on your left or right thigh?"
"oh, uh," god, she was an idiot. "left."
"cool. i'm gonna put the stencil on, then you can look in the mirror and see if you like it. 'kay?"
she nodded, watching you peel the film from the stencil, trying her hardest not to tense up when your soft fingers placed the stencil onto her milky skin, sending shivers straight to her centre.
when she looked at it in the mirror, she grinned, rotating her leg around to get a good look. "fuck, that's sick. i'd be content with just the stencil, you know."
you smiled at her through the mirror. "well hopefully you'll like it better once it's actually shaded."
once you had her back in the chair, you began prepping your gun. "okay, i know you've had a tattoo before, i saw that piece on your arm. so you know what to expect, right?"
"yeah. yeah, i'll be fine."
"okay. if you need a break, just let me know, kay? thighs can be sensitive." you switched the gun on.
"will do."
you began the outlining, humming to yourself over the buzz of the gun. she watched your face focused on the lines, keeping a steady hand.
"who did your arm piece?" you said as you wiped the ink away, making brief eye contact with her.
"oh, my ex-girlfriend did it. she bought a cheap tattoo gun when we were teenagers and i was her test subject i guess."
"cute," you said. "i was just curious." you went back to tattooing her thigh.
ex-girlfriend. that piqued your interest. i mean, it was kind of a given based on the fact that she was wearing boxers and looked like the idea of men repulsed her. and the way she took you in when she first saw you. like she was thirsty. and she was so fine, the way you could see her thigh clench and feel it under your fingers making you want to take her right behind that privacy partition.
"my ex let me tat her too. she was brave. let me do an entire leg sleeve my first time."
"yeah. it kind of ended badly though, so she probably regrets it."
ellie sighs, "that's the beauty of being into girls. they fuck you up."
"amen," you said, looking up at her again.
you made small talk as you worked. you found out that she was a university student studying astrophysics, that she works with her dad in the summer as a contractor to make some extra cash, that she teaches guitar throughout the school year, and that she's an artist herself (her media of choice being oil paints). she even told you that she missed work with her dad today specifically to come.
you quite enjoyed how she'd tilt her head back when you shaded some more painful areas, the cords in her neck more prominent and the column of her throat exposed.
four and a half hours later, the tattoo was finished, and you placed the second skin over her tattoo. you gave her all the aftercare instructions, going over the dos and don'ts. she held her breath when you didn't move your hand from her knee until you told her to go look at it in the mirror.
"holy fuck!?"
"...is that a good reaction or a bad reaction?"
"it's fucking amazing! jesus christ, that's so fucking cool. oh my god. you're amazing."
you blushed and thanked her as you watched her check it out in the mirror, inspecting it and gushing over how detailed it was.
she put her pants and shoes back on and you walked her out to reception.
"i've got this one, jess. take a smoke break," you said, smiling at your receptionist. she thanked you and scurried into the back room.
"alright ellie, that's $200."
"what? you quoted me at $350?"
you just smiled and looked at her, leaning forward against the counter. "pretty girl discount."
her face turned red as she took out her wallet and grinned. she counted out the money, laying $200 in cash against the counter.
"you gonna give the next client who walks through that door today a pretty girl discount, or is it just me?"
"actually, you're my last. and for the record, you're the first to get the discount."
she smiled and returned to her wallet, folding up more bills. after you put the money in the register, she leaned forward and tucked a stack of folded bills into the front pocket of your shirt, pulling you in close. "pretty girl tip."
you bit your lip as you looked at her. her eyes flicked between your eyes and your lips, finally deciding on your eyes. "you said i'm your last client, yeah?"
"yeah," you breathed.
"what're you doing after this, then?"
"well, a pretty girl hasn't asked me to go home with her yet, so i guess i'll probably pick up a coffee and—"
"come home with me?" she breathed, leaning in slightly. "please."
you giggled, "like i could say no to that."
tired of her teasing, her breath eternally fanning over your lips, you grabbed her and pulled her into you over the counter. your lips met and she groaned into the kiss, pulling away after a few seconds. she held her car keys up and shook them, "you ready, babe?"
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she had you pressed up against the wall as soon as she kicked her door shut behind her, hands all up in your hair, lips bruising against yours. you kissed her back fervently. your hand slid down to her core, feeling the wetness through her boxers and jeans. she whimpered into your open mouth at the feeling.
"fuck, you're so wet, ellie."
"then do something about it," she said, hiding her smirk in your neck as she sucked hickeys into it.
"then take me to your bed."
she led you to her room, closing and locking the door, just in case. you pushed her flannel from her shoulders and undid her belt buckle, undoing the buttons on her jeans and sliding them down her legs, being careful of her thigh. she groaned.
"this doesn't seem fair," she said, grabbing the bottom of your shirt and sliding it off. she slid your pants down your legs and threw them onto the floor. "that's better."
she laid on top of you, caging you in, undoing your bra and sucking on your tits, trailing kisses down to your stomach. "fuck, so beautiful," she groaned. 
you pressed your knee gently into her core, "still want me to take care of that?"
"fuck, yeah."
you flipped her over so her ass hung off the edge of the bed and you got on your knees on the carpeted floor. she propped herself up on your elbows, watching your every move.
you began running your finger over her covered core, soaked so good that your finger was covered in her wetness when you took it away, bringing it to your lips.
"please, fuck, i need more, take them off," she said, bucking her hips up.
you hummed, "but i'm enjoying myself, el."
"please, i need you so bad y/n."
"what do you need ellie? tell me."
"i need your fingers, your mouth, anything. i'll do anything. just need you," she begged, shame gone.
"you're lucky you're insanely hot."
you slid her boxers off, watching the strings of slick that connected her pussy to the fabric. you laid your head against the thigh that wasn't freshly tattooed, tracing your finger through her dripping core.
"open up for me, honey," you instructed, gently spreading her thighs further apart.
she let out the most guttural moan when your tongue finally slid through her folds, collecting her juices on your tongue. her hands found your hair and pulled gently, making you moan into her cunt.
you sucked her clit gently, sending waves of pleasure up her spine. when your middle finger slid into her entrance she tried to muffle her moan with the back of her hand, but you yanked it away. "wanna hear you, el. don't do that."
"fuck, you're too good. fuckkk."
"you almost there el? can feel you clenchin' around me," you said, sliding another finger in and returning your mouth to lapping at her folds, paying special attention to her bundle of nerves.
she hummed and nodded fervently. with every thrust in and out, you felt her clench around you, a small white ring forming around the base of your fingers.
"fuck, fuck! i'm gonna— ohhhhh god—!"
you lapped up all of her release that you could, only coming up for air once she had to push your head away from the overstimulation.
you wiped her release from your face with the back of your hand and brought your fingers to her lips, "open."
she grabbed your wrist and obeyed, swirling her tongue around your digits and closing her eyes. "see how good you taste?"
she released them with a 'pop'. "i bet you taste better."
"i seriously doubt that."
"you've been between my legs twice today. i think it's my turn to be between yours. take your panties off."
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permanent taglist:
@winters-fairy @idkwhattonamethisblogs
ellie taglist:
@chrry1ovr @milly-louise @dankpunks @starhrtz
@pedrobaby @urlocalgingersnap @wrendermedone @kissyslut @felsweb
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thegainingdesk · 9 months
The Grommr Profile of Dorian Grey
Dorian finished the last chicken wing, delicately wiping his hands with a napkin, before dabbing at the sides of his mouth. “And one hundred!” He beamed at the camera, and rubbed his middle, not-so-subtly lifting his t-shirt to reveal taut, flat six-pack abs. “Guess that will sort me until dinner,” he said with a wink to his audience.
He looked at the comments on his livestream. Most were in awe, as usual, at how much he could eat while maintaining his stick-thin figure and classically handsome good looks. Others, frustratingly, accused him of being a fake - of using some contraption or camera trickery to make the food disappear, of editing in CGI food, of bullimia. He'd done live shows, week-long streams, streams in nothing but his boxers, but nothing would ever convince some of his viewers.
One in particular caught his attention: lol, why are you all commenting like he'll respond? everyone knows he films these over like a week and then edits it together after
Dorian gritted his teeth. “Actually, user WelcomeToMyFistedMind, comment at fifteen thirty-two and eighteen seconds, this is very much live. And actually, I don't think I am done quite yet.” He stood and walked to the kitchen, coming back with a box of two dozen donuts he'd bought for tomorrow's stream. He sat back down and pushed the first one into his mouth, grinning around the custard that oozed out.
Forty-five minutes and twenty-four donuts later, Dorian flashed one last smug grin at the camera and closed twitch. He leant back, lifted up his t-shirt and ran his fingers lazily up and down his treasure-trail, following the center line between his abdominals. Despite the literal pounds of food he'd eaten in the last couple of hours, his stomach was as flat as ever, his twinkish frame showing none of the effects of the food he ate day in, day out.
His channel, MukbangBangYoureDead, had exploded in viewers ever since he started it a few years ago, until he was now one of the most famous mukbangers on the internet. He could not only eat more than all of his competitors, he made it look easy, and all without gaining a pound.
Of course, he had something that they didn't - the deal. He'd been hesitant at first, didn't believe the strange visitor that had come to him one night could or would deliver on its promises. But here he was, years later, making tens of thousands of pounds a month, all without consequence.
Thinking about the deal, he opened Grommr on his phone and brought up his profile. He whistled as he saw the updated weight - 576 pounds. He'd been flirting with 570 for a while now, and was pleased to see how far he'd stepped over that threshold. Time, he thought, for an update for his loyal fans on that platform too.
He pulled his trousers off and threw them to the side, leaving his t-shirt on. He walked to the mirror and admired his toned, pencil-like legs, his lightly muscled arms, the way his t-shirt draped from broad shoulders and tight pecs over his narrow waist, and his large bulge constrained by a designer jock-strap in bright yellow. He raised his phone up and took a picture, and proceeded to take his shirt off. He raised one hand to a lightly-haired pec and gave it a squeeze as he took a second picture. Finally, he lay down on his bed, snaked some long-slender fingers into his waistband, and raised his phone to take another photo from above.
He uploaded the pictures to Grommr without even looking at them - he knew there'd be no point, that they'd look completely different in just a moment or two. They appeared one by one as they uploaded.
Each showed a behemoth of a man. In the first the man stood in a mirror, wearing a t-shirt that cut into fat hanging from his sides and strained to cover large, pendulous breasts. His gut hung out and down, covering his genitals - a small pop of yellow beneath his love handles was the only hint that he was wearing any underwear. The man's face was huge and round, his features almost amorphous. Small, piggy eyes sat above bulbous cheeks, which merged into a ring of fat around his head, his chin a mere dimple in the fat around his neck. Even in the still image, it was clear that the man's arm was straining against its own weight to hold the phone up.
The next photo was much the same. The same morbidly obese figure stood in the same mirror. This time, the pitifully small t-shirt had been discarded to reveal cascading flesh hanging to the side, lying on the mountainous belly. One hand grasped one of the tits, bloated fingers digging into the soft flesh.
In the next, the figure was laid prone. Gravity had pulled down on the soft flesh and caused it to drop down and pool around the figure. The moobs lifted up towards the man's non-existant neck and chin, his gut spread out, his face expanded in all directions. New rolls and folds had formed - where arm met shoulder, where joints bent, or where his gut bunched up against itself. In the brighter lighting, painfully red stretch marks bloomed across the man's skin, circling his thighs, his love handles like loaves, across his dropping breasts. The man's left hand struggled to reach around his gut to grasp at the waistband of a straining jock strap, within which a small bump suggested some long-forgotten nub of a cock, sunk deep within the fat that spilled out around the underwear’s pouch. The man’s face was red, and seemed to strain as he struggled to maneuver his own flesh.
Dorian watched on in boredom as the first few comments rolled in. The usual adoring fans, begging to know the secrets to his titanic weight, proclaiming they’d soon look the same, asking to meet up. He would wait until a few of his regulars sent their customary tips, then go on with the rest of his day. In the meantime, a couple of the comments caused a smile to spread across his angular face.
MayContainDonuts: MealWithTheDevil looking great as ever! I don't know what it is, but he always looks so much like that one mukbang guy? Obviously fatter, but just the eyes and nose and stuff? I wonder if they're related?
BloatGoat: Do you mean MukbangBangYoureDead? If you can find some of his old photos the resemblance is uncanny. People used to think they were the same person but obviously not. Definitely could be related!
Dorian smirked and went to close the app, stopping only to check a small notification that popped up at the top of his screen. There would be routine server maintenance the next day, and the site would be down for around eight hours, starting mid-morning for the UK.
Dorian sighed. He hated server shutdowns, and this would be the longest he'd experienced yet. Still, he had a while to prepare. He'd have to cancel some lunch plans, but he could make up some lie about being ill. He got dressed, stood up and left to go buy enough food for tomorrow.
Dorian paced around his flat nervously the next morning. He checked his watch - 10:01. He quickly tried to bring up Grommr - sure enough, he was met with an error message about the server being down. It would start soon enough.
The first sign of it was his t-shirt. Previously loose, after about five minutes he found he was having to fuss with it to get it to sit right. another five minutes and it had begun riding up around puffy lovehandles and a firm paunch, while his sweatpants were starting to slip down an expanding rear. Another ten minutes and he took the t-shirt off, freeing a large beer gut that bounced when he walked. His sweatpants had grown almost skin tight around hefty thighs and would soon be too tight for comfort. He knew that this was only the start.
The hunger started then; sickly, stabbing pains in his newly expanded gut. He put two pizzas in the oven and sat with a donuts while he waited, knowing that soon his body, and his appetite along with it, would soon be able to accommodate all the food.
Just under thirty minutes in, Dorian's gut started to rest on his lap when he sat. He leant back, the swollen sack of fat at his middle dragging along his lap as he did so, and his cock began to harden. He reached a hand up to scratch the pink stretch marks beginning to form below his budding moobs.
While stuffed to the point of breathlessness just five minutes before, his stomach was still expanding, and he could feel the gnawing hunger begin to creep back in. He belched and stood, tottering slightly at the near-total shift in center of gravity since he’d sat down. He peeled off his sweatpants, struggling past his wide arse and flabby thighs, then gathered as much food as he could in his arms, using the top of his gut as a shelf and cautiously made his way back to his sofa, where he collapsed down, put on a trashy movie, and continued to eat.
Dorian continued to grow as his pile of junk food diminished. He savoured the feeling of soft, supple skin sliding past skin as he swelled - his growing tits pouring out onto his behemoth gut, his underbelly coursing forwards across rotund thighs dimpled with cellulite, his fat pad oozing around his perpetually hard dick. He knew to wait though; the bigger he was, the hotter his eventual orgasm would be.
Dorian looked down and surveyed himself. His body was beginning to be defined by rolls upons rolls. He estimated himself to be around the size he reached last time there was some server downtime; his profile had put on at least a hundred pounds since then. He lifted a heavy arm and used a hand to probe his plush flesh, sighing at the way his newly chubby fingers sank into the fat.
Still, the hunger increased. Dorian tried to lean forward to grab his phone, but found his own sheer bulk resisted him, pushing him back. He spread his legs and allowed his gut to fall down between them, the shift pulling his body forward in his seat and causing a dull ache in his lower back. He picked up his phone and with clumsy sausage-like fingers brought up a delivery app. He allowed instinct and hunger to take over - spring rolls, beef, chilli beef, sweet and sour chicken, duck pancakes, chilli chips, everything he saw he was ravenous for. He'd not been this big before and the hunger was deep. He pressed order, only briefly worrying about how he'd answer the door when he had no clothes that could hope to fit him.
Dorian’s body continued to expand. There was an alienness to his new size; his thighs had to splay around his hanging gut, his arms sat uncomfortably on top of thick pillows of fat at his sides, each joint filled with lard, and most of all was the awareness of gravity, how it pulled at his body and how his body answered in kind by dropping down and down.
Half an hour of nagging hunger later, his doorbell rang. He threw himself forward, but fell back to the sofa. Even that unsuccessful effort left him winded. He rolled to the side, fat cascading over fat as he did so, and staggered to stand sideways, his arms shaking as he heaved with all his might against the sofa. He grabbed a blanket and draped it over him; it barely covered his torso, but it was the best he could do.
How had he never realised how easy walking was before? Now, every step needed to be purposeful and required a conscious effort to propel his weight forwards. He had to wheel each thigh out and around past the other, each one a lead weight to be lifted. Dorian reached the door panting and sweaty, his hips burning with the beginnings of pain. The delivery driver looked on in shock, and then in slow horror. Dorian didn't care, he just grabbed his bags and slammed the door, before making his slow way back to his seat.
As he fell back, the sofa made a loud crunching sound and he felt himself sink deep into the cushions. He shuffled over the other side as best he could, each movement sending shockwaves across his body. He piled his bags into the crater left on the other side of the sofa and ate directly out of them, the table now wholly unreachable.
Dorian suspected he stopped growing around the time that he'd finished his food. If nothing else, the hunger had stopped. His torso had become a series of rolls, each one wrapped around his entire body and piled on top of the next. His limbs had become huge sacks of flesh, spreading out beneath him, the only evidence of his joints small, soft dimples in the thick casing of his body.
Dorian knew he'd waited long enough now. He pushed a stubby paw into the deep fold underneath his gut, reaching for the hard nub of his cock not yet swallowed by his fat pad. It was no use however, the heavy weight of his belly pressing down and closing off his own groin from himself. He leant to the side and spread his thighs, freeing up access and shifting his weight off from his lap, but still his fingers had to squirm past sweaty flesh into the small crevice left of his crotch. He grasped at the hard head of his cock, finding it in a shallow depression of flab nestled in dense pubes. With two fingers he did his best to jerk himself off, but to no avail - there was simply not enough cock left and not enough space to handle it in. Desperate for release he began to thrust, rocking his pelvis back and forth, so that the thick shaft of his penis slid within his own blubber, fucking his own body. He closed his eyes and ignored the tortured groans of the sofa below him as his pleasure grew. It only took a few minutes for him to cum, semen coating his fat pad and thighs as he yelled out.
Dorian slumped back, gasping for air, and exhausted, drifted off into a sleep.
When he woke up, it was dark. He could still feel the weight of his body pulling down. This wasn't right. As slow as it took for the weight to pile on, usually it melted away in seconds once the servers were back online, which should have happened hours ago. He checked the time - 23:24. Had something gone wrong?
He checked Grommr - the site was back up. He tried to log in - nothing. App - no. Browser - no. He tried to type his password in again, fat fingers mashing against the keyboard so that he had to try again slowly, deliberately. Nothing worked. He felt his heart pounding somewhere beneath his bosom.
Finally, he noticed an email in his inbox.
Grommr admin team - lost profile
During our recent scheduled server update, a small number of user profiles were unfortunately lost. We are sorry to tell you that your profile was one of those that we have not been able to recover. We are doing everything we can to recover lost profiles, but we are sadly not…
Dorian stopped reading. He looked down at the acres of flesh that were now his body. He lifted an arm up and let it fall, watching it shake and wobble in the dim light. What would he tell his family? His friends? His fans? This couldn't be happening.
Through his panicked breathing and heavy heartbeat, another feeling began to grow - Dorian Grey was beginning to feel hungry.
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hhughes · 3 months
why am I emotional thinking about his parents putting up their first picture with rosie on a wall at their house... and jack and daisy also get so emotional - 👩‍⚕️
“baby? you went to the bathroom fifteen minutes ago. what’s wr— oh,” jack says as he approaches his girlfriend in the hallway. both hands landing on her hips as he slides in behind her, looking over her shoulder at what caught her attention.
the wall of the hallway in his parent’s house were covered in photos. jack’s seen some of them a million times. most of them being pictures of jack and his brothers from when he was younger.
but at the beginning of the hallway there’s been new additions added to the collection that jack hasn’t seen before. pictures of violet and luke from her many trips to jersey the past season, after one of his games. violet was grinning at the camera, but luke’s attention was on her, eyes glued to the side of her head. jack recognizes the picture, being the one who took it.
there was also a recent picture of violet and daxton at dax’s graduation. the two kingston siblings sporting identical dimples. jack knew both the young boy and violet would be brought to tears if they saw the picture proudly being displayed in his parent’s home.
there were two pictures of quinn and azalea. one being taken after the awards. azalea squeezing his older brothers cheeks so hard it made his lips form a pout, but the grin was still obvious beneath it as his girlfriend laid the biggest kiss on his cheek. and another picture of the two of them cuddled up on a deck chair at the lake house in front of the fire.
then there were pictures of jack and daisy. pictures of them at the family skate at the outdoor game earlier in the year. a picture of daisy and rosie saying hi to jack and luke at the glass during warm ups. a picture of jack and daisy kissing on the boat. a photo of rosie in her little princess outfit on her birthday. a picture of rosie sitting on luke’s shoulders in the pool. the whole wall was covered in photos of their family. their entire family.
jack felt himself getting a little choked up, tightening his arms around daisy’s waist and slotting his chin in the space between her shoulder and neck, just holding her tightly while she processed whatever emotions she was feeling. a few minutes later she wiggled in his grip, and he loosens his arms enough for her to turn around.
“thank you for giving me and rosie this family jack,” daisy says tearfully, pressing a quick kiss to his chest
“i’m the one who should be thanking you for blessing me with our family baby. I love you,” jack says roughly, connecting their lips in a slow, soft kiss and resting his forehead on hers.
“I love you,” she whispers back and jack’s heart beats faster in response, like it always does.
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its-time-to-write · 6 months
please don’t be - ch. 5
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I’m so terribly sorry that this so late. I wasn’t entirely sure how I wanted to end this, and I almost added another chapter, but here it is!! Thanks for your patience and for 1k 🩵🩵 (ps you should listen to nothing to be scared of by Kacey Musgraves)
table of contents our town
You’re staring at him again. Jamie hates it, but also he doesn’t care because he gets to gaze into your beautiful eyes once more.
“Hm,” you say, because you can’t come up with something better. Instead, you let him be uncomfortable. You spent a long time making space for him, so in this, he can wait.
“I should have left you,” you say eventually.
“I know,” Jamie replies ruefully. “Remember you fuckin’ told me?”
You nod. “I do. And then I told you that I never leave. I always stay till the last second, and it’s the worst thing about me. And you said-” You pause. There’s no point in bringing up the past.
“I said some stupid shit about my mum,” Jamie fills in.
You nod. “Yeah, it was stupid. I know you said it just to get me to stay.”
“Didn’t,” Jamie interjects. You give him a look. “Alright, shit, maybe I did. But I wanted you to stay. I loved you, I was just too fucking scared to say it.”
“I gave you SO many opportunities to tell me,” you reply. “And you didn’t take any of them, you just left me behind. I knew you were going to so it’s fine, but you can’t just come back into my life and fuck things up again. I’m really not in the mood for it.”
You’re lying straight to his face, and you wonder if he knows. You hope he doesn’t. All you need is to wait just long enough for Jude to come back and then Jamie can go away and you don’t have to let him back in. Not that you have to. But you want to.
You understand that the moment he lets you have an inch, you’ll take a mile. You’ll write your whole future together based on a passing comment or an arm around your waist.
But Jamie knows you’re lying. You see it flicker in his eyes for half a second too long, and you know you’re screwed.
You take a step back. Jude isn’t coming back.
“I’m going,” you say. “I’m going, so don’t follow me. I can’t take you back. We won’t work.”
And Jamie- Jamie sees it.
You were always the visionary, weren’t you? The one who designed the future as though it were as easy as scribbling on a piece of paper. The one who saw the worst but believed in the best, and Jamie never quite believed you the one time you told him it could work forever, if he wanted.
He believes it now, though.
It’s too late as you slip past him and back inside, presumably to find Julia and keep her from committing murder; or maybe you’ll let her have free reign and Jamie is a dead man in about fifteen minutes.
It drives him mad, the future, and he wonders how it didn’t drive you mad as well.
France, Spain, Italy. They blend together in a haze of sunshine and lemon, as you, Nicola, and Julia travel the summer away. 
You refuse to think of Jamie, wherever he may be, but as July becomes August, you wonder what his mum is doing.
You’re on a first class flight back to London scrolling through Instagram, and you find yourself looking at her account. 
It’s private, but she followed you first a million years ago and you realize neither of you ever unfollowed the other. 
So you’re able to see how she’s filling her days.
She doesn’t always post Jamie’s face, but you see a familiar sleeve, or a Jamie-shaped shadow. You scroll back far enough to find a post from his twenty-seventh birthday which is a mistake because it’s a photo of Jamie blowing out candles with your arms wrapped around him.
You remember that moment, you were laughing and singing with his family while lying to yourself about how serious everything was.
But there’s no time to go down THAT rabbit trail so you close your phone and try to sleep through the rest of the flight.
Jamie is in hell. Training started a week ago, and it’s a shit show. It doesn’t help that he was never like this when you were with him. The first match of the season is coming up and he needs to get it the fuck together. There’s no way he’s getting in the starting lineup like this, not with the way he keeps glancing to the stands like you’ll be there.
He can’t help but think of you all the time, wherever you may be, and he tricks himself into seeing your face in every crowd.
He debates calling you (he never could delete your number), but he’s pretty sure he’s blocked so he doesn’t.
Jamie’s right, he doesn’t get started, but he has a good run in the second half. City win, obviously, but instead of going out with the lads Jamie gives them the slip and heads home.
Except he doesn’t exactly head straight home, he just sort of wanders around Manchester until he ends up in his favorite chicken shop.
He has exactly one day off of training so he figures one cheat meal won’t fuck him up more than he already is. It’s late, and he shouldn’t be eating at this hour, but he cannot give less of a fuck. He orders and goes to sit in the corner booth, only to find it occupied.
He thinks it’s you, for a moment, but you’re not in Manchester. He doesn’t know where you are, but that he knows for certain.
He’s wrong.
You’re looking up at him with a half-eaten plate of chips in front of you, and Jamie remembers every time you’ve looked at him like that.
“You have puppy eyes,” he said.
You scrunched your nose. “I know they’re puffy,” you said. “I was just crying in the car.”
“No, puppy eyes. I’d never say your eyes were fucking puffy, unless you were like, fucking dying or something.”
You had blushed and looked away, and Jamie knew he shouldn’t have said it. Knew he was getting in over his head.
Those eyes look more tired than he’s ever seen them, but you say, “Need a seat?” as you gesture to the place across from you.
Jamie slides in before he can think better of it. “Bit crowded in here,” he says, and you glance around to the empty tables.
“Wouldn’t have offered to share if it weren’t so hard to find a table,” you say.
He smiles, and you want to make him smile like that all the time.
“Watched the match,” you tell him. “You were great.”
Jamie rolls his eyes. “I were shit, and you know it. Don’t know what the fuck was happening.”
“You weren’t shit. You always say that, and you’re never right.”
You’re not sure exactly what’s coming over you right now. You’re detached from your body, watching this scene unfold from above.
Jamie shakes his head. “Why do you always say shit like that? Why the fuck did you stay for so long? You knew-” He’s unable to finish, captivated by the pools of tears collecting in your eyes. He knows you’d rather die than let them fall, and he wishes he weren’t the cause.
“You still have the most beautiful eyes in the whole fuckin’ world,” he says softly.
You glare at him. “Fuck you for that,” you say. “And I stayed because I wanted to. And because I thought you’d change. You changed everything else for me, and then didn’t ask me to come with you. You just assumed that I wouldn’t want every part of you, remember? You didn’t listen when I told you how much I’d give up for you. And sure, it’s not very feminist of me, but I- I loved you. I’d do anything for the people I love. But you never fucking asked.”
You sigh. This conversation is a lot angrier than you wanted. You’re not angry. At least, not with Jamie. With yourself, sure. You take a bite of a chip to stave off the tears.
Jamie’s still processing. “You would’ve stayed longer?” he asks slowly.
You almost choke. “Yes, you absolute fucking idiot! I told you that! Your mum fucking told you, for Christ’s sake! Everyone fucking knew how much I loved you, and I knew you didn’t feel the same which is why I didn’t fight you when you left! I figured it was time for me to move on as well, so I did my absolute fucking best. But yeah, Jamie, I love you. Every part, too. Not just the things you think make you lovable.” You stand up. “I’m leaving. Goodbye, Jamie.”
As you brush past him, he catches your wrist. You look down at him with as much disdain as you can muster (it’s not a lot).
“Stay,” he whispers.
And you’re at a crossroads.
Three years later…
“Can’t believe we’re going back,” you groan as you tape a box.
“Coach asked,” Jamie calls from another room. “And you better not be lifting anything.”
“I’m not,” you shoot back as he enters the room. “That’s what you’re for. And anyway, the movers will be here in half an hour, so there won’t be much for me to do anyway.”
Jamie wraps his arms around your waist so he can pull you close and study your eyes. “You sure you’re alright going back to Richmond?”
You shrug as best you can. “I’m living the dream, babe. Not worried about it.”
And Jamie believes you.
He can’t believe much else, that’s for sure, not that you took him back. 
“One last chance, Jamie Tartt,” you had warned. “Fuck it up and I’m gone before you can blink.”
So he didn’t. Sure, no one’s perfect, but he’s trying. You both are. You’ve made it this far. Who’s to say it’ll crash and burn? 
Besides, he’s got a rock burning a hole in his pocket that says otherwise.
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halfmoonshines · 1 year
I'll Always Know You
summary; a series of events following bucky barnes and the reader
hurt/comfort, fluff
You had decided about fifteen minutes ago that this was probably your dumbest idea to date; now you were just miserable. The thunder boomed loudly overhead, the sky bucketing rain down on you like a small monsoon. You'd long abandoned the newspaper you'd fruitlessly held overhead to stay dry.
Why didn't you accept the ride from your work partner? You knew the storm was rolling in but you were so hellbent on being self sufficient.
You didn't hear the car roll to a stop on the empty street next to you, the rain putting a quiet blanket on everything but itself. But the voice that broke through definitely scared the shit out of you.
You jumped, turning to the dark haired man standing opposite you. You probably would've thought his broad shoulders and defined muscles you could see beneath his quickly soaking wet shirt were attractive if you weren't immediately afraid of being murdered.
"Yes?" You replied with a subconscious step back.
His smile was tentative, hands half raising in a surrender. "I was driving by and noticed you fighting for your life against the wind. Could I offer you a ride?"
Every cell in your 21st century body said that you should turn around and start running. Never accept rides from strangers, even handsome ones. But it was truly storming now and you were still a twenty minute walk through the city home.
Sensing your hesitance, he tacked on. "You could either risk me being a murderer or almost definitely die to mother nature or pneumonia."
"Fair point." You followed him to his car.
Turns out, that would just be the first time you saw Bucky Barnes.
He showed up at your door three days after the rain incident, and you were almost freaked out if you hadn't been kicking yourself for not giving him your number.
"Sorry for just showing up, but I was wondering if you'd be interested in grabbing some coffee?" The arm positioned awkwardly scratching his head and the nervous smile on his face was enough to make your suspicions melt fully. Ted Bundy be damned.
"Let me grab my coat."
Turns out Bucky likes warm mochas, and also holding hands. You learned a lot about him over the next few weeks; his likes and dislikes. You fit together like the last pieces of a puzzle, you barely noticed the months passing and when you started leaving clothes at his apartment.
"You're kidding me, you've never seen Pitch Perfect? It's like quintessential 2010's cinema."
Bucky's laugh never failed to warm you inside. "I was a bit busy during that decade."
Your eyebrows scrunched, those little comments only confusing you. "The whole decade? What are you, 80?"
"Not quite."
"Would you still love me if I was a cat?"
"Yes." His reply was instant, warm arms wrapped around you while he leaned down for a kiss.
You dodged his lips, a playful smile on your own. "How would you know it's me?"
His hand found your cheek, pulling you in for a demanding kiss. The feeling of his mouth on yours always electrified you.
"I'll always know you."
The first time you felt he ever truly lied to you was a year in, which is a considerable span, as you tried to rationalize.
But there was no rationalizing the photo in your hand. A black and white snapped picture of your long term boyfriend, James Barnes, in a WW11 military uniform. Same boyish smile, same stance. The only difference was the haunted look that seemed to plague your Bucky.
There had to be an explanation, right? I mean vampires weren't real. This wasn't Twilight. A distant relative maybe?
A voice in the back of your head was insistent that this was him.
"Bucky?" You called him to the room before you could lose your nerve.
His smile was easy when he entered the room, but you couldn't help but notice the tenseness that filled him when he noticed the box you'd be rifling through.
"What's up, Doll?"
You lifted the picture along with an eyebrow, nervousness trickling into your stomach. "Who's this?"
He paused for only a second before it was like a switch flipped in him, and his smile eased back. "That's my grandpa. I don't really display his pictures for the sake of my sanity. We could be twins." He snatched the picture from you, depositing it back in the box.
"I'll say. You look the exact same." Your head was cocked to the side, a question still sitting on your lips.
"Strong genes."
He should've told her. No, he should've never gone back to her apartment. Never pulled his car over in that fucking downpour. All he ever brought with him was death and tragedy, and Bucky was terrified that she was about to make that list.
"We're five out." Sam's voice was carefully guarded, knowing his partner was on edge.
It was just a normal day a few hours ago when Bucky had come home to the door of their apartment hanging off it's hinges.
His panic was instant and only mounted when he searched the home and found nothing but signs of struggle and you missing. It was always a fear gnawing at the back of his mind. He had plenty of enemies, people he'd ruined the lives of. It was negligent to keep you in the dark, to even keep contact with you. But James Barnes was a selfish man.
When the jet landed and his boots hit the wet concrete, he wasn't Bucky. He was the soldier. And he would bring you home.
The sight of you, broken on the examination table was almost enough to take his knees out from under him. He put a steadying hand on the door frame to your room while Bruce gave him a diagnosis he had feared.
"It seems like they experimented on her. Traces of nodes connected to her neck and head. Until she wakes up I won't be able to tell the extent of damage, if there even is any. Worse case... she doesn't remember you."
Fuck. Bucky's breathing was shallow. If he could go back and rip every single man in that facility apart slowly, he would. Even then it wouldn't be enough to punish them.
Maybe you not remembering him was a blessing. Maybe you'd be safer.
The lights over you were like the blazing sun, and the only thing you could assume was that you had an insane hangover. Your brows pulled together, eyes squinting to recognize your surroundings. Vaguely clocking the IV attached to your arm, your vision started to clear and so did your thoughts.
Being at home, the bang of the door coming open, men swarming you.
And then nothing.
Your heart rate quickened, panicking now to inspect what was around you. You'd been taken, like some cliche movie. But by who? Why?
Just as your panic was mounting to a full blown freak out, your eyes found a familiar figure to your left. Head hanging off the back of the chair he was passed out in, your boyfriend was a more than welcome sight.
"James." Your voice was hoarse, scratchy, but he awoke instantly.
He was wordless, flying out of his chair and onto his knees beside you. Your handsome man was haggard, dark bags under his eyes and mussed hair. His warm hands roving your face distracted you from his gaunt appearance.
"Do you know who I am?"
His question confused you, as did the worry in his eyes. You brought your hand up to the one sitting on your cheek and gave him your best, exhausted smile. "I'll always know you."
a/n: have requests? submit here
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Hi Kasey! I'm so happy to see you active again, I missed seeing you on my dash! I saw your headcanon requests are open, and lately I've been DYING over the thought of Yuuji Itadori as the "brother's best friend" trope. Like maybe you're Megumi's lil sister, and Yuuji is always so sweet and includes you whenever he's hanging out with 'Gumi. And eventually one night big brother falls asleep early and you finally get a moment alone with Yuuji and it turns romantic?
Hi! I’m glad to be back! I’ve been bored today and I just knew writing would be good to start up, but I didn’t know what I wanted to do. Thank you for requesting!! I had so much fun writing this and I really hope you enjoy it!
I swear to you, just the other night I was in the kitchen around 3 am when I couldn’t sleep and I was thinking about how the best friends brother trope is one of my favorites and how I need to write a story on it 
But older brothers' best friend? An even better trope that I didn’t even think of at the moment. You’re amazing for this and I love you. Mwah mwah. 
This one is a tad longer, so I'm going to put a read line below this. It's all SFW!
Megumi is the kind of mean, but protective older brother. So when Itadori invites you along everywhere, he rolls his eyes and grumbles a “Fine, she can come.” Itadori always makes sure to include you in on stories as well. Inside jokes that Megumi and him make, he makes sure to explain to you. At first your crush was minimal. You brushed it off with the thought of “He’s just so sweet. I don’t have feelings for him, he’s just nice to me.” 
But then when he came to your 19th birthday pool-party and he took a photo with you without a shirt on, you knew that your previous assumption hadn’t been so right. You hid in the bathroom for fifteen minutes, trying to shake it away. He was Megumi’s best friend, he was two years older than you. Why would he feel the same way? 
You felt stupid, started to avoid him more often. You hid in your room when he visited and made up excuses as to why you couldn’t go with them to places when he invited you. Sometimes you swore he seemed a bit sad when you brushed him off, but you figured it was an excusable reason; he was a people-person after all. A kind, inviting man that you adored. 
Avoiding him was hard on you. So when he found you one night watching the stars when you didn’t know he was over and asked you why you had been avoiding him in a slightly hurt tone, you broke. 
“I have a crush on you, Yuji,” you blurted out with flushed cheeks. “It’s stupid, so I just… I’ve been avoiding you because I didn’t want to be weird. I thought it would stop me from feeling so…” You stopped and sighed, hanging your head. “It’s dumb.” 
“It’s not dumb,” he said softly, stepping closer and taking a seat on the grass beside you. “I didn’t know you felt that way. How, uh… how long?” 
“My birthday party last year.” Itadori chewed on the inside of his cheek and stole a quick glance at you, intending to speak before you cut him off. “Go back inside– I’m sure that my brother is looking for you.”
“Oh– he’s asleep. He’s been knocked out since 10. I was getting some water and I saw you and I thought… now would be a good time to talk.” 
“I’m sure you weren’t expecting this.” You spoke softly. 
“Honestly, no. I was expecting you to tell me that you hated me. That I was annoying, not that you had a crush on me. I didn’t think you’d ever– I mean, you’re gorgeous– I didn’t think you could ever feel that way about a guy like me.” you looked at the man, baffled. 
““A guy like you,” Itadori?” You nearly scoffed in shock. “You’re amazing. You’re so kind, you’re so funny. You always make everybody feel so welcome when you’re around. Everybody loves you, even Megumi and he hates everybody.” With a soft laugh, Yuji humbly shook his head. 
“Megumi and I met a long time ago. I had a lot of time to get him to warm up to me.” 
“But it isn’t just that. It isn’t that you tag along with him when he goes places. It’s that you’re just… you’re impossible to not like. And avoiding you has been shit,” you spoke honestly. “I’ve hated every second of hiding away from you.” 
“I guess… you probably wouldn’t believe me then if I said that I’ve missed you a lot lately. That I… well, that I could ever have feelings for you, too. That maybe I’ve had a bit of a crush on you.” With a soft scoff, you looked down. 
“I can’t even imagine why you would like me.” 
“Are you kidding?” Yuji asked with raised eyebrows. “You’re amazing. You’re so talented. You’re so pretty. You get all of my jokes and you always laugh at even my stupid ones. I can’t imagine why everybody isn’t in love with you.” Immediately, you flushed and averted eye contact again. “And I mean… that does include me. I can’t say I’ve never been attracted to you. I’d be lying if I said that, actually. I have had a crush on you before, but I didn’t think it could ever go anywhere so I just ignored it.” His words nearly made you tear up. 
Had you simply been too late? If you had told him the truth before, could you have hit it when he had feelings for you, too? If you had toughened up and prepared for rejection, could you be somewhere completely different with him now? Snuggled up on the sofa while Megumi sleeps? 
“You know… if you let me kiss you… maybe I could remember all of how I really felt towards you. I had really strong feelings for you once. I can’t imagine it would be hard to feel them again.” 
“Jesus, Yuji…” You mumbled softly. “You really know how to be blunt.” Gently, the man reached for your face and made you look at him. 
“Do you want me to be any other way?” With a soft gulp as his eyes peered intensely, softly, into your own, you shook your head. 
Before you could even fully register what happened, Itadori leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. It took you only a moment to wrap your arms around the man and pull him closer. The last thing that you expected of tonight was his hands grasping at your sides, and yet here you were. Finally kissing the man you could have sworn you loved, wondering when you might wake up. 
But you never did. Not until the man brought you to your room, kissed you goodnight and left you alone with flushed cheeks for the rest of the night. That morning, you barely believe that he pressed a kiss to your cheek, and yet Megumi’s wide eyes confirmed. 
“What the fuck?”
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iwishiwasrichasfuck · 11 months
First time writing anything, so pls be nice 🙏 Constructive criticism is more than welcome as long as it actually helps
enhypen!ot7 x fem!oc (not a xreader! So I will describe her appearance, but feel free to replace it with your own!), kinda Niki focused and I'm going to write from a 3rd person pov. Bold is korean, normal is English. 'This' means thoughts
"I THINK there's a man following me" Esmeralda told her mother on the other side of the line, navigating through the busy streets of Paris. She looked behind her again, just to be met with the same imposing figure that's been following her for the past 17 minutes and 35 seconds, clad in black and a mask. "Are you sure? Have you just noticed? Or has it been a long time? Maybe he's just going in the same direction." Her mother answered her. The woman sighed "At first I thought so as well, but it's been..." she looked at her watch "19 minutes and 2 seconds and he's still behind me even after all of those random turns I took to lose him". She heard her mother let out a "hmmmm" and the image of her frowning made her smile. "Go in one of the shops and stay there for awhile. If he's still there when you go out again, go back in and call the police, ok?" "OK, I'll hang up then". "I love you, call me back later". "I love you too, I will. Bye". She looked up from her phone to fine a decent shop, and gulped when all she saw were expensive looking restaurants. She forgot she was in the 8th arrondissement, the rich district. It's okay, just don't talk to anyone and it will be okay, its okay. She settled on a restaurant that looked less busy than the others and hid herself in a bathroom stall. Then she waited, thanking God for the clean seat. About ten minutes later, she went to take a peek outside, surprised to still see him there. She ran back to the stalls to lock herself in again and after a few minutes, called the police "Bonjour vous avez appelé le 17, quelle est votre urgence?"
"Good morning, 17 what's your emergency?"
Surprised by how fast the operator picked up, Esmeralda raised a brow. 'Guess they didn't have a lot of business today'.. "Oui bonjour, j'ai été suivie par un homme pendant 20 minutes au moins."
"I'm being followed by someone, I have been for at least 20 minutes"
"Est-ce que vous en êtes sûre? Où êtes vous à l'instant? Et comment vous appelez vous?"
"Are you sure? Where are you right now? And what's your name?"
"J'en suis certaine. J'ai pris au moins 5 intersections au hasard pour m'en assurer. Je suis dans un restaurant qui s'appelle L' Arôme, dans le 8ème, à l'étage, au-aux toilettes. Je suis entrée il y a un quart d'heure? et j'ai vérifié il y a 10 minutes qu'il était toujours là. Je m'appelle Esmeralda Adel"
"I'm positive. I took at least 5 random turns to make sure. I'm in a restaurant called L' Arôme, in the 8th district, in the bathroom stalls on the second level. I've been here for fifteen minutes and checked if he was still outside about 10 minutes ago. My name is Esmeralda Adel"
"Bien. Nous envoyons des agents pour l'appréhender. Pouvez vous le décrire?"
"OK. We're sending agents to take care of this. Can you describe him?"
"Il est plutôt grand et a une carrure assez imposante. Il est habillé tout en noir, avec un masque chirurgicale et une casquette. Je crois qu'il a une veste en cuire? Je n'ai pas vu son visage, mais je peux le voir des fenêtres de l'étage, alors j'ai pris une photo."
"He's on the tall side, and has an imposing figure. He's dressed in all black and has a surgical mask. I think he's wearing a leather vest? It's black as well. I didn't see his face, but I can spot him from the windows of the restaurant so I took a picture."
"Ce sera assez merci. Nous vous appellerons une fois sur les lieux."
"That'll be enough, thank you. We will call you once at your location."
With that, the police officer hung up. Relieved, Esmeralda stood up and washed her hands, because even if she didn't do her business, she was still in a public bathroom like come on, ew, gross. She went outside and took her phone to inform her mom of how things went, but was abruptly stopped by a tall body bumping into her.
In an airplane, a few hours ago
They debated and against responsible people's wishes, it was decided that they'd eat out. Their manager protested at first, but then gave in when he saw it was futile to argue and made a reservation for a restaurant. He sent them of with a van and a staff member to drive them. Surprisingly enough, the trip went well enough and soon the group were oooing and wowwing at the fancy looking dishes, rid of their hats and masks and laughing at other's jokes. Maybe they were laughing a little too hard, because Jungwon spilled some water on his seat mate. Riki, the target of his clumsiness stood up after some good natured teasing to dry the mess in the bathroom. He turned around at Jake's call "Hurry up or we'll finish your plate for you!" He replied with a smile "Don't you dare hyung!" and still chuckling, he turned and collided with a smaller object.
Riki yawned. Loudly. Next to him, Jay tapped his thigh. "Hang on, we'll be there in 20 minutes". The youngest nodded tiredly. He'd been sitting in this godforsaken plane for eleven hours, his limbs hurt, damn it. He couldn't wait to get out, stretch and eat. He'd been to France already, and everytime he couldn't help his awe at the gastronomy. He was excited for the concert too. When they went on a world tour, Enhypen mostly went to The United States, so he knew french engene would be happy with their presence. Hybe had conveniently decided to make their concert public last minute, so Enhypen could enjoy two weeks off for tourism and "vacations" without being bothered too much (well, as secretly as an internationally famous band could). Every one still thought they were in Korea, if all was well. On the other side of the private jet, Jungwon and Heeseung watched movies. Jake and Sunghoon were playing rock paper scissors and Sunoo was taking a nap. Riki thought he looked ridiculous with the face mask and pink unicorn headband, and discreetly took a picture for blackmail purposes. Like that, 20 minutes passed and soon all of the members were in Charles de Gaulle (the airport), leaving the plane. They thought the masks, caps and black coats weren't very subtle but it was better than their faces being in plain sight and fans finding out about their surprise too early. They arrived at their fancy hotel without much trouble, save for having to hide one way or another so that they wouldn't be seen. The agency had rented the whole level for them and the staff so they would be unbothered. Sunghoon and Jake shared a room, while the maknaes stayed together and Jay and Heeseung had a room to themselves. When they all settled down, they all reunited in Jay's room on the couch to decide what to do next. "I'm so hungry" Riki whined. "Hmmm" of agreements chimed in the room and Jake suggested they go eat in a restaurant instead of ordering takeout. "It's been a while since we've been here, I want to explore a bit". But Jungwon, always the responsible leader argued "How will we stay out of sight? Everyone will recognise us, and we can't even take our bodyguards"
Back to us :)
Esmeralda blinked. Once. Twice. The two stayed like that for a few seconds, just staring at the other. Her eyes examined the features of the man in front of her. They ran over his thick lashes and eyebrows, his dark brown eyes, the elegant slope of his nose amd his plump lips. She drank in his oh so gorgeous face, and the way his black hair fell in lazy waves and blonde highlights on his forehead, how the smooth strands framed his face. When her brain registered who she was looking at, her eyes widened and she started "You're-!" But her sentence was cut off by a big hand that pressed on her mouth to shush her. "Shhh" Riki whispered. "Who are you? What are you doing here? I thought manager-nim rented the whole restaurant for us!" The curly haired woman tried to pry the hand off and when the fucking international superstar complied, she answered in the same tone and to the Nishimura's surprise, in perfect korean "I was in the bathroom, you must've came in while I was still inside. What are you doing here? I thought Enhypen was in Korea!" Riki sighs, "We're having a concert in two weeks and came early without telling engene to have some time off. Since you recognised me, I suppose you're a fan?" Still stunned at the turn of events, Esmeralda nodded. "Yes... I guess I should leave you alone then. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I understand you need to relax." When he thanked her and just as she was going to leave, Riki stopped her "Wait!". She turned curiously. He nervously gulped. "What's your name..?" "Esmeralda" she replied with a pleasant smile. "Well, Esmerlada, umm, now that you know, will you come at the concert?" She chuckled. "Maybe, that depends on the price of the tickets" He sighed "Of course, yes... Um... Well... I hope to see you there!" And he turned and ran off to the bathroom. Still surprised, Esmeralda left the restaurant hastily to call her mother.
Riki's pov ;)
"Oof". He caught the poor thing before they could fall and stared down at what was in his arms. The woman had caramel skin and long curly hair. Long lashes framed pretty green eyes, and made way to a cute nose. Niki found himself counting her freckles, and staring at her plump lips, the way her cupids bow shaped them, and how her bottom lip slightly pouted out. He found himself looking at every little dent, every little detail of her face. He was mesmerised, like under a spell. She was... pretty. Really pretty. Beautiful really, but not necessarily conventionally pretty, at least not according to korean beauty standars. But her wide, slightly flat nose complemented her face so well, and her chubby cheeks were so adorable, he melted. Her beauty was refreshing. He couldn't help but want to hear her voice, he wondered if it was as stunning as her. Then suddenly he remembered where he was, and that Sejun-nim had rented the whole restaurant for them. It seemed that the beautiful girl recognised him at the same time, because she tried to talk "You're!" But he cut her off with his hand. He didn't want the hyungs to hear her, what if they thought she was a sasaeng? He'd interrogate her himself (he didn't want to admit he didn't want his hyungs to see her because he knew they'd fall under her charm like him) "Who are you? What are you doing here? I thought manager-nim rented the whole restaurant for us!" He let her answer, pleasantly surprised when she replied in korean "I was in the bathroom, you must've come in while I was still inside. What are you doing here? I thought enhypen was in Korea!" Riki sighed, "We're having a concert in two weeks and came early without telling engene to gave some time off. Since you recognised me, I suppose you're a fan?" When she nodded, he mentally cheered 'We have such a pretty fan'. "Yes... I guess I should leave you alone then. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I understand you need to relax." "Thank you". But then she turned to leave and Riki just wanted her to stay a bit more, to know her more, so he blurted out "Wait!" 'Shit, what do I say?..... Ask for her name you idiot!' "What's your name?" "Esmeralda" 'Wow... Even her name is gorgeous. She has a beautiful smile' "Well, Esmeralda, umm, now that you know, will you come at the concert?" She chuckled. "Maybe, that depends on the price of the tickets" He sighed "Of course, yes... Um... Well... I hope to see you there!" And he turned and ran off to the bathroom. 'Stupid, of course she can't come without a ticket!'. He looked at himself in the mirror and leaned on the sink. 'She was so pretty...' he blinked and held back a squeal 'A pretty girl talked to me! She's even an engene!!!' He smiled at himself, still dazed and lovestruck. He wanted to see her again. But he knew that if he did, it would be at the concert. And that meant that the other members would see him act like a teenager in love (which he was, but he had his own pride). He was reluctant for that to happen. And there was no way they would be immune to her charm, she was just too... everything. When Heeseung called him, asking if he was okay, he was reminded of why he went to the facilities in the first place and hastily wiped his shirt, yelling back an "I'm fine! I'll be there in a second!" When he returned, Sunoo hyung mentioned absently "I thought I saw a girl go downstairs a few minutes ago, do you know who that was?" Niki blushed and looked down, shaking his head. Sunghoon noticed and loudly teased him "Niki-aaah, do you have a cruuuush!?" Jake took it upon himself to help his friend embarrass their maknae "Wow, Niki, did you get her number". They all took turns teasing him, but he just rolled his eyes 'If only you had seen her, you wouldn't be laughing'.. The day ended and as he fell asleep back at the hotel, he could only dream about the beautiful girl with emerald eyes and a name to match.
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percontaion-points · 1 year
The Chemist chapter 8
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 8
The pictures that were Daniel but at the same time weren’t. 
The holes in the file on Daniel’s history, the missing photos. 
Time, dates, birth dates —the easiest small changes to make if you wanted to hide something. 
Daniel’s strange reluctance to believe what he was seeing when he looked at the spy images. 
His struggles with loyalty. 
Those long, long fingers. 
“Other Daniel,” she whispered. 
Is this book seriously trotting out the “evil identical twin” trope? JFC stop. 
She nodded to the photographs scattered on the floor. He seemed to notice them for the first time. He leaned over to examine one, then bent down to grab it. Then the one underneath, and the next. He crumpled t
hem in his fist. 
“Where did you get these?” “Compliments of a small department working for the American government—entirely off the books. I used to be in their employ. They asked me to freelance.” 
His face contorted in outrage. “This is highly classified!” 
“You wouldn’t believe my clearance level.”
And what? He thought that somebody grabbed Daniel, took him to a farmhouse dozens of miles outside of the city, and started torturing him… FOR FUNSIES?!
“Well, since you already know the details, I guess it’s not a huge breach of policy for me to tell you that I shut down the de la Fuentes situation six months ago. De la Fuentes’s death is not common knowledge. What’s left of the cartel is keeping this quiet so they don’t appear vulnerable to the competition.”
Naturally, the mysterious government agency that couldn’t be bothered to find out that Kevin Beach is still alive, also can’t be bothered to find out that the terrorist HASN’T BEEN ALIVE FOR HALF A YEAR. 
First things first. She reset the screen saver on her computer to come on after fifteen minutes of inactivity.
I love how she knocks Kevin out, and the first thing she does is the most inane activity imaginable. 
Explaining things? Pfft! Not in this book!
Back to Other Daniel. The Batsuit was a chore to remove.
The stupidest thing about this is that as soon as Julie saw him, she identified him as Kevin Beach, Daniel’s supposed-to-be-dead identical twin brother. 
There would be repercussions to deal with. She needed time to rest and heal —time no one was going to give her.
Chapter 8 summary: Julie tells the mystery man (she will not stop calling him “Batman” because he’s dressed in all black; I refuse to stoop to her level of stupidity) that she’s sedated Daniel. The mystery man then ties Julie to a chair, and takes the gas mask off. Julie is surprised that it’s Daniel’s identical twin brother… the one who’s supposed to be dead.
He then finds the photos of him talking to the Mexican drug lord who’s supposed to be in charge of this terrorist attack. Julie spills everything, about the attempts on her life, about being asked to step in to deal with “Daniel”. She guesses from the gun Kevin has that he’s CIA, but that if not even her agency knew Kevin was still alive, that he’s working off the books with this one. Kevin is more angry that somebody tortured his brother than the fact that somebody’s clearly setting both Julie and Kevin up (and using Daniel as bait). 
Julie then… somehow or another, gases both Kevin and his giant dog. Julie holds her breath, and despite the fact that her hands are zip-tied behind her back, she manages to put the gas mask on. She frees herself before she locks the dog into a room, and parks the car in front of the door to prevent it from getting out. After that, she checks Daniel’s body all over more closely for a tracking device, and finds one “nestled against his femoral artery”. She figures that it sent out an alert when she started torturing Daniel, which is why Kevin swooped in to save the day. 
She then resets her broken nose. And will not shut up about the mysterious chemical concoction she made that she nicknamed “survive”. It’s kept intentionally vague, but the only thing I can think about is that it’s mainly to hide how dumb the entire thing is. She then passes out on the cot. 
0 notes
Living Next Door To The Family Tree
Your whole life, you know your family. Then one day, you’re not so sure.
Attached above is a photo from a family reunion that I attended last Sunday. This is the third reunion I have attended (two before the pandemic, and now this one). Each time the event comes up, I'm hesitant to go because I don't know that many people.
"Wait a minute, Al, how do you not know many people at a family reunion?"
Well, glad you asked.
As a child in Brooklyn, there was a family that lived on our block. I knew their names, it peppered our family history when stories where told, but they were just our neighbors.
Turns out, I was wrong.
It wasn't until a handful of years ago, at the first reunion, did I find out that my great-(great-great?)-grandmother was a member of their family. There were scrolls of papers on a picnic table, with brackets that showed the connections of each family member, going back for years.
There she was, in those brackets, my great-(great-great?) grandfather’s name with their great (great-great?)-grandmother’s name.
That’s when it all started, probably a century ago, and I just found out.
Here’s the thing, I was about eight-years-old when my family moved from Brooklyn to New Jersey. The likelihood that I would clearly remember people from my old neighborhood in Bensohurst were slim to none.
Of course, I knew the stories, but actual faces? No.
Until now.
This reunion was held in a park, and we were instructed to go to Section B. Easy enough. Surrounded by picnic tables filled with people I don’t really know, we were good once we (Aunt Gloria, sister Diane, and myself) saw a few familiar faces, and made a beeline for that group.
We settled at a table, and what a table it was.
You could not imagine the history that occupied the few feet of red-painted wood around which we sat.
Marie, the Matriarch (of their family), with over ninety years of stored memories, easily dispensed over the course of hours.
Aunt Gloria, the Matriarch (of our family), who routinely told stories of my mother as a child, which was always a revelation.
My sister, Diane (future Matriarch of our family) who will relay, one day, tall tales and recipes to anyone who will ask.
You may have noticed, I say ‘their family’ and ‘our family’ but in truth (a truth I only most recently learned) it is actually ‘our family’.
It was a very interesting day.
Also at our table, a nice couple with their daughter – our new base camp was complete.
The dad of the couple told us how his grandfather, Dominic, was one of the five original brothers of their family. Being Italian, I made reference to the Organized Crime’s Five Families. It was my one and only organized crime joke of the day (I think, not really sure).
Then went on to explain that his grandfather, Dominic, had a son (his father) Dominic, and then there was him (Dominic).
Thought, such an old-school family tradition that doesn’t happen anymore, until I realized the following:
My father, Joe, had a son Joe (my brother) who had a son, Joe (my nephew), who just had a son Joe (my grand-nephew? Grand? Great? I don’t know how this whole thing works).
Game. Set. Match.
(Side note: My name Alfred dies with me)
Between stories, people would come up to Marie (Matriarch) with their kids, grand-kids and any other offshoot of the clan to pay homage.
At one point, Marie called me to her side and asked me to find Paulie, she needed to talk to him.
Find Paulie? In this crowd? If I threw a rock, I would hit fifteen people with the name Paulie.
Miraculously, I found the Paulie she wanted to talk to, and directed him to her side.
This is how the rest of our time passed – people with the name of Paulie, Peter, Maria, Marie, Johnny, Jimmy, Michael weaved in-and-out of our conversations all day.
They would hug and kiss and tell Marie (Matriarch) about what was going on in their lives.
How can I say this? The amount of love and affection between everyone was absolutely infectious.
Which led me to this:
Next time, when a reunion is announced, I will not hesitate. I will look forward to spending more time with…
...my family.
0 notes
undercoverdarling · 2 years
Collecting Pieces of Us (1) | Yandere Taehyung
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Pairing: Yandere Idol! Taehyung/Reader
Curls lay soft, just the right amount of wild, framing stark eyes. Eyes, number twenty-one. The first thing to make you feel queasy.
Warnings: Unhealthy relationships, manipulation, controlling behavior, general creepiness, overuse of the word oppa.
Notes: This is my first time posting! I've always wanted to write something in this genre, and a few days ago I had a dream. Five hours later, I had a Tumblr. I hope you enjoy!
(P.S — All ages are written in the Korean system, making everyone around two years younger internationally.)
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This is probably the twenty-first thing you’ve noticed about Kim Taehyung: his eyes are dark. 
Perhaps the first thing had been his smile, wide and brilliant and the very personification of laughter in the very first photo Jungkook-oppa sent you from Seoul. 
You were only thirteen, then, stewing in a left-over-soup of emotions. 
Betrayal stung like chilli pepper, hot on your tongue, in the balls of your fists. He left, you thought, he left. 
Then, beneath that—the snark and complaints; the raging fire you directed towards your parents—was the salt. That profound sadness that stuck to your throat, a muck you couldn’t scrape or swallow, welling into tears you couldn’t make sense of. He left, he left.
Deeper still came the taste of lemon, sharp and aching past midnight when you laid awake because you couldn’t hear his breathing. The house was too still. Too quiet. You were alone. He left. He left, and he was alone too, chasing what mom and dad called a lost cause instead of a dream. 
You loved your brother, and yet you couldn’t stand to think of him. So grand and tall in your mind’s eye, in the memories of your childhood where he kissed your bruises, and pulled your hair, and sung so beautifully to your offbeat drumming. 
He wanted to be something, you knew. He could be something. But he was yours, he’d always been yours. Your talented big brother, not the world’s. He was only fifteen.
Something dark and slimy whispered to you past midnight, buzzing in the silence. What if the world doesn’t love him? What if they’re stupid, and they don’t see him like you? What if he’s sad? What if he’s hurting? 
He must be scared, all alone.
You didn’t answer his calls or his texts in the first months after he left, because you were thirteen and angry, and so many other things, because he’d left.
But, then, he sent that picture, only a few minutes after twelve, and you saw ‘Taehyungie-hyung’s’ smile for the first time. Happiness bloomed from it, large and dashingly boyish. It was near the centrepiece of the entire photo.
You noticed the second thing in stodgy succession: Jungkook-oppa was smiling too. It was a little tired around the edges, but giant, and undeniably him. Undeniably yours. Undeniably happy.
Whoever this Taehyungie-hyung was, he made your brother happy. 
This second observation becomes unrivalled in importance.
(Something fluttered in the space between your ribs. A revelation.)
You texted him back within seconds. Who’s that?
He replied just as quick. Jeon Yebin, is that the greeting I get? My own sister… Then, why are you up so late? Nightmares? You should make some tea.
(He’d left you, but he was not alone afterall.)
Taehyungie-hyung is the best, Jungkook-oppa told you. You filed that in for third.
You filed his voice in for fifth. It was more always startling than it ought to be, wrenching through your phone speaker with a crackle each time he interrupted phone calls. (Jungkookie, are you talking to your parents? Ah, your sister? Ah! Yebin-ah, have you eaten today?) 
Sixth: Taehyung was the oldest in his family, and, consequently, it seemed the mothering instinct had been ingrained into his brain. The little time you talked was filled with questions and disapproving clicks of a tongue.
After their debut, you hear his voice in songs. This, unfortunately, does not make it any less startling. It does, however, make it replayable.
For a long time, you think that you must have to get used to it at some point. Maybe it was just a matter of exposure, and then you would build a tolerance. You would have to build a tolerance at some point, right?
You think the same of his face. Until, of course, you see him in the flesh. 
Jungkookie-oppa’s graduation comes to mind. 
You were trying your best not to cry at the time, gazing at the bumblebee pinprick of your brother from the audience. The rest of his band members were excited, yelling cheers and crowding together, not too far from where you stood, knuckles paper white against the railing.
Taehyung came up behind you. He patted you twice, gently, on the head. 
You sniffed, too caught up in balancing your wobbling eyesight to be offended.
He chuckled, “Yebin-ah, are you okay?”
You sniffed again, more pointed this time. Somehow, you choked out an, “He’s so old.”
This was a usual joke made between you and your brother. Albeit, normally it sounded much less devastated.
Taehyung laughed nonetheless. He tapped you once more, this time pulling a hand through your hair, tucking a piece behind your ear.
You made the mistake of looking over, then.
He was leaning against the railing, much more languid and refined than you could ever be, and he was looking back at you.
You didn’t register much in this moment. Individual features blended together. A pointed chin, a strong jaw, and soft lips became a monolith . . . only an imprint upon your being.
Perfection. Magic.
He looked like a fairy, but you couldn’t understand how. Couldn’t pinpoint what held the illusion together.
The moment shattered at a breakneck speed. There at once, then gone within a blink, only known by its silk within the jagged of the day. A voice piped up from the melting word, saying something too close to Jungkook! to be ignored.
You hiccuped. Taehyung’s lips quivered into a smile.
Then, you saw your brother, and promptly burst into tears.
Two years later, you wipe away different tears, faced with thing number twenty. Hair, Taehyung looks nice with long hair.
It's black again, and it's permed. Curls lay soft, just the right amount of wild, framing stark eyes.
Eyes, number twenty-one. The first thing to make you feel queasy.
They cut into you. He's staring now, not in surprise, but in something like enlightenment. Something like determination.
"You always cry when you see him," he says, after a moment. The corner of his mouth quirks up with the statement.
You brush your hands against your shirt. A knot is forming inside your chest, squeezing your heart. "I missed him, that's all."
"It’s alright, you know. It’s cute."
"Very cute," he says, softly, wryly, "makes me wish you missed me too."
A breath catches in your throat. You turn a blank, and say the first thing that comes to mind.
"Of course I missed you."
His head tilts, tossing soft curls. He’s still staring, and his eyes are so dark. The silk comes. The world melts. All you can focus on is this moment.
"Did you really?"
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iammissingautumn · 2 years
This was inspired by a posts i saw months ago but imagine Double Life AU where it’s assigned partners in a college child development class where they take care of a robotic simulated baby.
• Bdubs and Impulse get wayyyyy too into taking care of a baby together they share their dorm rooms for the duration and say the relationship is apart of the assignment and it will get them more points
• Grian sees that he’s partnered with Scar but Scar is not paying attention at all and is oblivious the entire class. He’s looking at the cat photos on his phone and showing people the different stuff he wants to get for a litter of cats he found on the street and pays more attentions to the cats then the assignment. He found it funny until the next class he realized how invested Scar was about his cats over their assignment…
This results in the third use of a “Divorce” motion in these couples. In the assignment you’re allowed to apply for divorce with your partner. This results in the parent that keeps the child the majority of the time to be able to write a more free form essay that is less strict about what they learned and how the situation was while the other has to write a longer essay about what happens to children with divorced parents and absentee parents and so on. Bigger paper with needed hard statistics. More of a pain. But it’s overseen by their professor who can allow or deny a motion.
• Grian’s request got rejected. Scar defended himself by saying it was a hobby and he did care and he was taking care of the home and Grian didn’t have great reasons besides just knowing him for awhile and that alone wasn’t enough.
• That being said, Scott got the first successful divorce, after the first fifteen minutes of class Pearl didn’t show up and the first day was the prime day to decide you’ll be separated as some people don’t mind the longer essay or prefer it. The quickest reason is people who aren’t present at the first day as it’s emphasized to be important. Scott saw that both his and Cleo’s partner were gone and got frustrated as time ticked on, the motion wasn’t accepted until it was official at the end of the class Pearl wouldn’t show up.
• Cleo on the other hand wasn’t jumping to deal with this alone, though Scott was confident he could do it and annoyed by the absence of their partners. But the entire time passed and it got under their skin as everyone came together to make their plans and so on. She put a motion forward at the end of class
Those two are the only ones that ended up getting officiated and they promise to help each other out as their dorms are close to each other’s
• Pearl and Martyn on the other hand? spent their class time at the store, Every moment Pearl asked if they should go back Martyn had a new idea Pearl wanted to jump on. Getting extra materials and things for the assignment. Martyn argued when Cleo put a divorce motion forward when he showed up after class, but she double downed and in anger he accepted it.
• Pearl was upset when she showed up with Martyn and saw Scott and Cleo talking to the teacher about the divorces. After the divorce was accepted between the others with a bang Pearl stammered as Scott said they would be divorced as well and he left with Cleo. Minutes later Martyn left her too.
• BigB and Rendog go quickly into the honeymoon phase of a relationship as they set up a whole area in the room, also move in together and strategize what would be best for the baby. They’re very happy before any discord is planted in their relationship.
• Joel and Etho? They end up loving messing around. They will play many games with their baby. They take it out shopping and like pretending it’s real to freak people out. Joel gets family pajamas for them. And people don’t expect them to be as happy together as they are. They didn’t plan to move in together but ended up just staying the night in each other’s dorms to the point that they move in mid assignment.
• Tango and Jimmy also don’t plan to take this too seriously, upon hearing that others are moving in together they end up agreeing that would be smart. They become endeared to each other by accident, they didn’t really know each other well before the assignment and warm up in silly ways and end up just taking care of each other as much as the baby.
• Cleo and Scott spend a lot of time together with their babies! They help each other out despite Martyn and Pearl causing semi issues often.
• Grian ends up starting some sort of thing with BigB while Scar isn’t paying attention. Either while Scar is taking care of the baby Grian ends up helping BigB out, or BigB will stop by Grian’s dorm and help him out. Sometimes when they’re both on a break they go and get lunch… give each other presents. Grian enjoys it a lot.
Discord is sown in BigB and Ren’s relationship.
• Rumor spreads that Pearl is a Baby Snatcher because of an event where she ended up taking care of Grian and Scar’s baby.
• Pearl just wants to participate in the child’s life but Scott calls her a deadbeat and ignores her pleas.
• Bdubs thinks that if he can break other couples up and have one of them join him and Impulse then they will end up getting extra credit (no clue where he got this idea from) so he lies to other couples and a lot of people catch on quickly.
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abimess · 3 years
The most magical time of the year
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Masterlist | Library Blog
Summary: While you and your wife prepare for yet another Christmas, you have no idea she has a surprise in mind.
Warnings: exceeding the limits of fluff and cliché, a slightly suggestive conversation, nausea, vomiting
Pronouns: not used || Word count: 2.550
Okay this is the ultimate fluff and I am SOBBING!!! Hope you guys like it as much as I did.
You do NOT have permission to repost or translate my work on any platforms (even with credit)
For this request | Christmas Special Masterlist
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It's impossible to be happier than you are right now.
Arranging the last details of the decorations to welcome your friends tomorrow for Christmas, you hum along to a Christmas song your wife had put on a few hours ago.
You smile at the thought of her.
Wanda Maximoff is the girl of your dreams. She was when you first met and still is even years later. You love her immensely, and just when you think you can't love her any more, she proves you wrong. You were nothing but lucky that she felt the same way about you.
Missing the redhead, even though you saw her fifteen minutes ago, you finish positioning the nutcrackers over the fireplace and walk to the stairs leading to the second floor.
"Do you need a hand there, sweetheart?" You offer sweetly, watching Wanda position the various pictures on the banister and smiling at the decoration she has thoroughly prepared.
"No, it's okay." The redhead replies, casting a graceful smile in your direction before returning to adjusting the last photograph. "I'm done actually."
"What do you think?" She asks then, taking a few steps back, placing herself next to you as she watches the decoration she has made, her thumb being nibbled in that adorable way she always does when she's pensive.
"I think you're the best staircase designer I've ever seen." You reply, wrapping your arm around her waist, and the redhead smiles, taking your face gently between her hands and bringing your lips together softly.
You smile against the kiss, and when it's over, you turn your gaze to the photographs, smiling when one in particular catches your eye.
"Wow, I didn't even remember this one." You comment, a nostalgic smile on your lips as you admire the photo. In it, you and Wanda smile widely, her shoulder naturally resting against yours as you sit on the university lawn.
You remember that day as if it were today. Peter Parker, your friend and freshman at the time, had just bought a camera and used the opportunity to take pictures of absolutely everything and everyone.
"I know, right?" Wanda agrees, coming closer to you, her arms wrapping around your waist immediately afterward. "I found it lying around, it's been so long."
"It sure has." You respond humorously, slipping your arm around her shoulder as your eyes remain on the photo. "Look at us all young and cheerful."
"We're still young and cheerful." The redhead argues, looking at you amusedly, but you grimace. "Speak for yourself, now I'm old and cranky."
"That's not true, but I'll still love you when you're old and cranky." She says sweetly, her eyes shining into yours, and you feel your heart warming immediately.
"That's good, I was counting on it when I asked you to marry me." You joke and receive a roll of her eyes in response, a pat being laid on your belly as Wanda pulls away.
You chuckle, and checking the time on your wristwatch, you say, "shall we go? I've arranged it with Steve at 10:30."
"Sure, honey, I'll just grab my coat," Wanda replies, walking up the stairs toward your shared room. Like magnets, your eyes follow the silhouettes of her body, the curves that you had no trouble at all appreciating.
It's only when Wanda clears her throat that you notice you were staring, and you raise your eyes to hers with a satisfied smile.
"I saw that." She testifies, her voice carrying a mixture of amusement and enjoyment, and you smirk. "Can you blame me?"
In response, the redhead bites her lower lip. As her cheeks take on an intense shade of pink, Wanda shakes her head in amused disapproval, returning her path to your room.
It doesn't take long for her to return after that, and when Wanda comes down again, you leave the house hand in hand.
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Brunch with Steve and Bucky is quite enjoyable, as is the rest of the day.
In the evening, you and Wanda decide to order pizza for dinner and you watch one of the sitcoms she loves so much, her body snuggled comfortably against yours as the pizza box rests empty on the coffee table.
You play with strands of her hair while the redhead absentmindedly caresses the side of your body with her fingers.
As yet another episode ends, you check the time on your cell phone and notice that it's getting late.
"Should we go to bed?" You suggest, looking down at Wanda, and the woman raises her beautiful green eyes to you. "That depends, will you carry me?"
"And why would I do that?" you retort, an amused giggle escaping your lips as you do so.
"Because you love me immensely and I'm asking nicely?" she replies, a pout accompanying the adorable tone of her voice, and you smile broadly before kissing it off.
"Okay, I'm convinced." You answer finally, and Wanda chuckles.
Before you can get up, however, Wanda throws one leg over you, straddling your lap and bringing her hands to your neck.
"Oh." You let out in surprise, your hands finding her waist instinctively though. The next moment she is kissing you again, slowly but sensually, and you sigh heavily.
"What are you doing?" You ask breathlessly when the kiss is over, and you swallow dryly at your wife's dilated pupils.
"Just an encouragement for you to get us to bed soon." She says suggestively, her tone of voice huskier than usual.
You smile as you get up from the couch, and before you even reach the second floor, her mouth is already on yours again.
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In the middle of the night, you wake up groggily and slowly. But when you hear noises coming from the bathroom, you jolt awake.
"Hey, babe, are you okay?" you ask worriedly, the figure of your wife sitting in front of the toilet waking you up immediately.
"I don't think I should've eaten that pizza." She answers humorously, but her pale face and tone of voice give away her sickness. The next moment, she is vomiting again.
"I ate the pizza too and I'm not feeling anything," you argue, rushing to hold her hair, your fingers drawing small circles on her back.
When she is finished, Wanda makes mention of getting up, and you offer support for her to do so. "Are you sure you're okay, my love?" You ask, each of your features outlining your concern.
"I'm fine, baby, it's just a stupid nausea." She assures, a weak smile sent in your direction intending to reassure you, but which doesn't have much effect. "Do you want some water? Some weak tea?"
"Water is fine, honey." She says, patting your shoulder indicating for you to step away, and you nod as you do so. "I'll be right back."
You walk down the stairs as fast as you can and return with a glass of ice water to your room. When you reach the bathroom again, Wanda is finishing brushing her teeth.
"Here, let me help you." You offer as she makes mention of stepping away from the sink, and the redhead laughs softly as you guide her to the bed. As your wife sits on the bed, you hand the glass to her. "There you go."
"Thank you, baby." She says as she picks up the item, taking it to her mouth and taking a small sip. You watch her with concern, searching her face for any sign of discomfort whatsoever.
"Can you please stop looking at me like I'm dying," Wanda says with amusement, placing the glass on the bedside table as she smiles at you, "I just threw up."
"This is serious, honey, you could've fainted." You comment, your expression being a complete contrast to her amused one. "You're too dramatic."
"And you're too stubborn." You promptly retort and receive a playful smile in response.
Wanda taps the mattress next to her then, and you press your lips together in concern as you return to your place next to her. As soon as you sit down, the redhead snuggles into your side, pulling you down.
"Can you go back to sleep?" you ask as you lie down, your arms wrapping around your wife's body. "I can."
"Okay... Wake me up if you feel anything else, okay?" you ask, still worried, and Wanda just hums in confirmation, her eyes already closed.
You keep an eye out for any sign of discomfort she might show, worried about the redhead's sudden sickness.
Even after Wanda sleeps, you take a moment to do so as well.
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Things are normal the next morning.
As soon as you wake up you start asking how Wanda is doing or if she's feeling anything strange, and the redhead kisses you until you forget about it.
The day goes on quietly, like all the others, and before you know it, the doorbell is going off.
As Wanda finishes arranging the appetizers on the coffee table for what should be the fifth time, you head for the door and smile as you see Steve and Bucky on the other side.
"Y/n! Congratulations!" Steve says as you hug, and you laugh through your nose, looking at him humorously as you step away. "On what, Rogers?"
Busy hugging Bucky as well, you don't notice the way the blond man stutters or the way your wife sends him a warning look, moving her hand energetically for him to stop talking.
"O-on... the decoration, of course! It looks beautiful this year." Steve says when you look at him again, and you smile as you close the door. "Thanks, buddy, but Wanda planned it all, I just obeyed."
"As you should," Wanda responds humorously as she greets the guests, making you laugh softly.
You and Wanda guide Steve and Bucky into the living room then, and you chat to the sound of various Christmas songs playing softly in the background.
It doesn't take long for Natasha and Yelena to arrive, and then Tony and Pepper arrive as well.
"Okay, guys, I have a question for you," Tony says at one point in the evening, a glass of wine in his hand. The others in the group, sitting around the comfortable living room, look at him expectantly. "What do you call an Elf who sings?"
"A wrapper!" You all speak in unison in an unamused tone of voice and then laugh at the goateed man's disappointed face.
"We already know that one, Tony," Natasha says, taking some peanuts to her mouth. "Yeah, you tell it every year," Steve adds and you hum in agreement.
"I don't care, it's great." The dark-haired man says before bringing the glass to his lips and receives a reassuring pat on the leg from his wife.
The conversation goes back to wrap around you and your group of friends after that until you decide to exchange the Secret Santa gifts.
The gifts are sweet and thoughtful, clearly having been chosen with care for the giftee. There are lots of amusing comments as you try to guess who each one is going to gift, and then lots of hugs when the gifts are revealed.
Eventually, you discover that Natasha has drawn Wanda out, and you smile sweetly at your wife's joyful expression when she opens the gift and finds inside a bunch of kitchen utensils that you know nothing about other than that they're Wanda's favorite stuff.
After the redhead thanks her friend for the gift, Nat returns to the couch, and Wanda takes a box from under the tree.
"Okay," Wanda says in a shy singsong voice, the gift held in her hands as she looks at the others around the room. "This gift is for the best person I know."
"Thanks, honey, you didn't have to," Tony says jokingly as he stands up, drawing a few laughs from the group. Steve, who was sitting next to the goateed man, laughs as he pulls him back onto the couch. "Sit down, Stark!"
"As I was saying," Wanda continues, casting a playful pointed look in Tony's direction, who raises his eyebrows in surrender, "being this person's Secret Santa, who I love more than anything in this whole world, was even more special this year because... Well, you'll see."
You grin like an idiot because even without the words you already knew that that person was you, for Wanda speaks it all looking directly at you, her cheeks adoringly tinted pink.
"Get up already, damn it!" Yelena complains, nudging your shoulder, and you giggle as you do so.
You hug Wanda tight as you reach her, and she smiles as she returns the hug.
"I hope you like it, baby." She says softly, and you smile as you take the gift she extends toward you. Depositing a soft kiss on her cheek, you say, "I love it already."
Wanda goes to sit down then and, busy opening the gift, you don't notice the meaningful look she exchanges with Natasha.
You have a huge smile on your lips as you unwrap the gift. When you open the box, however, your expression changes to one of confusion, your heart beginning to beat faster in your chest.
"What's this?" You ask under your breath, your eyes briefly meeting Wanda's before returning to the inside of the box, two pairs of baby shoes inside it.
Silence reigns among the entire group, you in shock and the others in anticipation.
When you look at Wanda again, you notice that she has tears pooling in the corners of her eyes, and your breathing hitches.
"It looks like the family is growing, Y/l/n." It is Steve who breaks the silence, and a huge smile forms on your lips as the realization hits you.
"Are you serious?!" You ask excitedly, looking at Wanda with wide eyes, and the redhead lets out a watery giggle as she nods. You giggle happily as well.
You make your way over to her then, and as soon as the redhead gets up from the couch you wrap your arms around her, squeezing her tightly, and Wanda laughs as she reciprocates with the same intensity.
As you pull away, you have tears in your eyes too as you take your hand to caress your wife's belly.
"We're going to have a baby! Wait, two?!" You correct yourself, remembering that there are in fact two pairs of shoes inside the box. Two beautiful pairs of tiny blue shoes.
"There's no way to know yet, but I have a feeling," Wanda says as she shrugs her shoulders, her hands gently caressing the back of your neck.
"And a mother's intuition is always right," Natasha adds then, causing her friends to giggle. You return your eyes to Wanda.
"Oh my god, this is the best Christmas ever!" You announce excitedly, giving Wanda a long kiss on the cheek, and feeling your heart warm with the happy giggle she gives in response. "I love you so much, darling."
"I love you too, my love," Wanda whispers against your lips before connecting them to hers, and you smile as you happily reciprocate.
Apparently, you were wrong. It is possible to be happier than you were yesterday morning. And all thanks to the woman in your arms.
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#Day 23: My Christmas Valentine (Leigh Shaw x Reader)
And that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed it, thoughts and comments are always welcome ツ
Taglist: @yuhloversxx @madamevirgo @an-evergreen-rose @helloalycia @wandas1mp @cantcontroltheirfear @diaryoflife @cristin-rjd @ensorcellme @aimezvousbrahms @natasha-danvers @purplemeetsblue @randomshyperson @peggycarter-steverogers @b0mbdotc0m @ethereal-pxradise @stephanieromanoff @tomy5girls @gingerbreadcookieforlife @imapotatao @musicinourlips @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @allfiguredout @olsensnpm @magicallymaximoff @nothing-isimpossible @mionemymind @itsmionet @xastrydx @sxfwap @nicole-rayleigh-hot @wellsayhelloaagin @midnight-lestrange @1-800-depressedlesbian @b-5by5 @blackwow34 @nervoustrack @somewhatgreatexpectations @yeetus-thyself @chelleztjs18 @franfineashell @mrromanoff (if you wanna be tagged check the form on my BIO)
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withcolebrock · 3 years
Corpse Husband x fem reader
Summary: Y/N surprises Corpse on his birthday
Warnings: a few swear words
Word count: 1,818
Author’s Note: happy early birthday Corpsey!! I thought about writing a birthday fic and this is what I cam up with, I hope you guys enjoy it. Also please tell me I’m not the only person that remembers Mario Super Sluggers, one of the best Mario games and I stand by that, that’s all. 
Corpse was never big on birthdays. He hated the attention it brought on him, he hated the idea of celebrating himself like that. He stopped recognizing his birthday when he was fifteen. Never acknowledge the day as something special. Until he met Y/N. Three years ago he met Y/N through social media and she was the first person he felt comfortable enough to show his face to.
The two were never romantically involved, per say, but they definitely had romantic feelings for each other. Their friends were big on teasing them about their feelings for each other, Felix and Sean always had a field day with this. Their friend group thought it was peak comedy. Even Corpse would admit that it was hilarious listening to Sean try to impersonate his voice.
Y/N and Corpse first met on his birthday, he invited her to come over and hang out. She happily accepted the offer. Ever since then Corpse has started to look forward to his birthday because he knew they would spend all day together. He knew he would be happy and smiling the whole day because of her.
He was laying in bed watching one of Dream’s Manhunts. He lifted his phone from his side table to begin to scroll through Twitter. It was the same old tweets and not a lot of tweets from his friends, quite boring. He reached to place it down when he saw a phone call from Y/N. His pinked lips curled up softly as he spent a few seconds admiring the photo of her in his merch hoodie that he took.
“Y/N, Hey,” he said while putting the phone on speaker. He cleared his throat while he rested the phone on his chest.
“I’m so sorry, Corpse,” she whispered, a small whimper left her lips. Corpse furrowed his eyebrows as he adjusted the pillow under his head.
“What’s wrong, Hun?” he asked.
“I can’t make it tomorrow, my car won’t start and my brother came to look at it and it looks like I need a new battery and possibly an alternator, I’m so sorry Corpse, I really wanted to see you,”
Corpse let her finish talking while he felt his heart sink at her words. She was all he was looking forward to seeing for weeks. He spent a few days cleaning his apartment, making it spotless. He went out to the store to buy her favorite alcohol and other snacks. “It’s fi-Don’t worry about it, it’s okay,” he whispered. He tapped his finger against his laptop while clenching his jaw.
“We will still celebrate your birthday, I promise, we will still have a good day, okay?” she offered.
“Yeah, of course, it’ll still be good. Yeah, we can-yeah we can do something over discord,” he explained while he tossed his computer to the other side of his bed as he slowly pushed himself off the bed.
“Are you mad?” she asked, her voice was barely audible.
“No of course not, it’s something out of your control, it’s okay I promise,” he responded while he left his bedroom. His gaze looked all over his freshly cleaned apartment, that never looks this nice and put together, “I was just excited to see you is all,” the words fell from his lips without realizing. His eyes widened as she was silent on her end of the phone.
“I was excited too,” she whispered. After a few more minutes they ended their phone call with a quick shared goodbye. He rested his phone down on the counter as he continued to frustratingly clench his jaw. His gaze shifted towards the bottle of Vodka in the corner of his kitchen. He sighed while he reached for it and quickly untwisted it. He brought it to his lips and took a quick sip of it. He cringed as he set the bottle down on the counter while twisting the lid back on.
“How does she like this shit,” he muttered as he shook his head again at the after taste. He walked towards his bathroom, while dropping his head slightly.  He rested his phone and his watch down onto the bathroom counter. He looked into the mirror briefly before shifting his gaze back towards his feet. He started to take off his clothes to get into the shower and to try and rush the end of the day. He wanted to try and sleep to get Y/N off of his mind.
He was surprised when he woke up when he realized he did in fact fall asleep for a while. It was late past nine o’clock when he reached for his phone on his side table. He opened Twitter to see hundreds of thousands of birthday tweets from fans. His face softens as his lips curled up into a smile.
Over the years his fans would tell him happy birthday, over social media but this year felt different. The constant messages rolling through slowly started forming tears into his eyes. The amount of endless love he always received from his fans always made him feel better and slightly more secure than last time. His eyes filled with more tears as he saw his friends tweet sweet little birthday messages. A few tears slipped his eyes as he began to reply to their tweets and private messages.
He raised his hand as he wiped his eyes. He shook his head as she slowly stood up from his bed while he kept his phone in his hand. The birthday messages and wishes were a quick and short distraction from the one person he wanted to see. The one person who made him excited for his birthday again. He sighed as he opened his fridge, taking a bottle of water.
The silence in his apartment was heartbreaking, despite the love and appreciation he felt from his fans and his friends, he was still alone. He never wanted to remember the feeling of being alone on his birthday again. He loved the joy and love he felt from Y/N when she would spent the day with him. He wiped his eye as he rested his phone beside his bottle of water when it started to ring. He quickly cleared his throat as he answered the phone.
“Open the door,” she spoke. Corpse’s eyebrows furrowed as he stood silently while he waited for her to elaborate, “Open the door, please,” she continued. He chuckled nervously as he kept the phone to his ear as he wandered towards the door. He looked through the peep hole to see Y/N standing holding a small cake. He chuckled as he pulled the door open. She smiled widely when she saw him. His smile was as wide as it could go as he was at a loss for words. His body was tense as he looked deeply into her eyes. “Happy birthday,” she whispered as she stared towards him. Corpse slowly brought his phone down into his hoodie pocket as he reached out for the cake.
“I thought you couldn’t come,” he said as he walked towards the kitchen. She placed her phone into her jean pocket as she kept her gaze on Corpse.
“Suprise?” she let out while she ran her fingers through her hair. He chuckled as he turned to face her. He leaned his body against the counter while he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Come here,” he said, barely audible. She rushed towards him delicately wrapping her arms around him as he slowly did the same. He took a long deep breath as he ran his hand slowly up and down her back. His eyes shut as he fought off the tears of joy filling his eyes. He sniffed, as she pulled away from him.
‘Are you okay?” she asked as she stood in front of him, anxiously playing with her sleeves. He nodded as he chewed at his bottom lip.
“I’m just happy you’re here is all,”
They sat together with a half eaten chocolate cake with a half a bottle of wine, with Mario Super Sluggers on the TV screen. She leane her head back laughing as she watched Corpse try and get Bowser to get to first base. “Come on, come on, come on, Oh fuck that!” he yelled through a few chuckles. Y/N gets Diddy Kong to get Bowser out. “Oh come on Bowser you’re supposed to be all strong and shit what is this bullshit,” he complained while he sat back down on the couch. She leaned her head back as she began laughing hysterically.
“I think it’s just you, Hun, this aint got nothing to do with Bowser,” she explained. He shook his head while laughing.
“I am so good at this game, it’s definitely Bowser for sure,” he continued. They played the game for a few more rounds, there was tons of trash talk and laughter shared. A full bottle of wine and a few vodka sodas later they were both drunk and still making their way through the cake sitting on the coffee table.
“I’m so glad you came, honestly would’ve been a shit day without you,” Corpse said as he took another fork full of cake and he slowly brought it to his lips.
“It’s been a great day, it’s always a great day with you, Lovely,” she turned her head towards him. He tilted his head to meet her gaze. A small chuckle leaves his lips as he stares into her eyes, admiring the color. “Why are you laughing?” she chuckled as she spoke quietly. He shook his head as he pressed his lips together.
“That’s a new nickname,” he whispered. She furrowed her eyebrows as she tilted her head back slightly, “Lovely,” he hummed before leaning slightly closer to her, “I like that one.”
“I’ll start using it more then,” she said while she turned her head away from him briefly, “Lovely.” He smiled widely as he rolled his eyes playfully. He lifted his hand and wiped his hair away from his eyes as he reached into his pocket for his phone. He opened his camera. “What are you doing?”
“Smile,” he said while he held the camera facing her. She furrowed her eyebrows and laughed nervously. She smiled towards Coprse. He took a few of the photos and held his phone up as he looked towards her through the phone. He admired her smile, the way her nose scrunched up slightly when she did. He slowly lowered his phone as he kept his gaze towards her.
“What,” she let out nervously, her lips still curled upwards. He shook  his head as he reluctantly shifted his gaze back to his phone. He went to Twitter and picked his favorite one. He captioned the photo, Great Birthday with my Lovely :).
He drunkenly posted without thinking about the repercussions that would’ve occurred.
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folklorechalamet · 3 years
All Too Well (AG) pt.2
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make sure to read pt. 1 here !
i have also decided that i am going to make as many parts of this as it takes to finish the song lol so... there’s more to come ;)
anyways, enjoy!
Photo album on the counter, your cheeks were turning red
You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed
And your mother's telling stories 'bout you on the tee-ball team
You taught me 'bout your past, thinking your future was me
“Oh my god, is that you?”
Andrew covered up his face with his hands, leaning back further into the couch, “Yeah, I looked like a streak of piss.”
“Your little glasses were so cute, babe. You look like a little English professor. Why don’t you wear them anymore?” I smirked taking the picture out of his hand to look closely at it. 
“Oh haha, you’re real funny Y/N.” He shuffled through the pictures until he got to one showing him standing in a baseball uniform with a huge grin on his face. “Bet you didn’t know your boyfriend was a star athlete.”
“Andrew, oh my god. You were so cute.” I smiled, grazing my finger over the aged picture.
Andrew looked over at me with a content smile, brushing a few strands of my hair away from my face. “With how cute you were as a baby and, of course, how adorable and charming I was as a kid…Maybe our kids actually have a chance.”
I raised my head up to look him the eyes before furrowing my eyebrows, “Our kids? We’re talking about kids now?”
He laughed, slightly throwing his head back and taking a swig of his beer, “Yeah, I mean…can’t help but think about that when it comes to you. You’re gonna be a great mother one day. Soon, if I have anything to do with it.”
I reached over to cup his face and run my fingers over his cheek, “You’re gonna be a great dad too.”
Andrew shifted slightly, putting his beer down on the coffee table, “You know you mean a lot to me, Y/N. Like, more than anyone else in the world.”
“Yeah…you mean a lot to me too, Andrew.”
The sentiment was nice, but it wasn’t what I wanted to hear. I guess I really couldn’t blame him. I didn’t tell him I loved him either. But I will next time. I have to.
And you were tossing me the car keys, "fuck the patriarchy"
Key chain on the ground, we were always skipping town
And I was thinking on the drive down, any time now
He's gonna say it's love, you never called it what it was
 “Babe, have you seen my scarf?” I yelled as I walked down the staircase, expecting Andrew to be sitting on the couch. “The last time I saw it was when we left your mom’s house on Thanksgiving. So, like two weeks ago.”
I was taken aback when Andrew wasn’t on the couch where I left him when I went up to get dressed. We had just finished packing and were getting ready to leave his apartment to fly to Los Angeles for a movie premiere he planned on attending. This was the first event I would accompany him to, and I was terrified.
I walked into the kitchen, barely having enough time to round the corner before I heard hushed yelling.
“Jesus, dude. I can’t do anything about that…It’s not my fault if fans are upset, it’s not their life…Yeah I get it, I’m at the top of my career. I can’t get distracted…I’M NOT-I’m not distracted, okay? I’m happy for once, can you stop trying to ruin that?”
“Andrew, is everything ok-“
“Hold on, dude.” He moved the phone from his ear for a moment and huffed. “Yeah, its all good. Just talking with management for a sec.”
I nodded wearily, “Are you sure everything is good? It seems like it’s getting pretty heated.”
“For fucks sake,” He huffed, digging in his jean pocket before throwing his keys at my feet, “Go put your bags in the car.”
I opened my mouth to speak but stopped myself before nodding and picking up his keys.
After I put my bags into the trunk of his car, I leaned against the passenger door. I looked down at his keys, letting my thumb graze a dinky, leather keychain he had bought at a gas station on our first date. I heard the front door open after about fifteen minutes, revealing a disheveled Andrew. He had both his bags in his hands, nodding at me to click the button to open the trunk.
After he put his bags in the car, I opened the passenger door and took a deep breath. Andrew got into the driver’s side, closing the door a bit harder than intending, and sighing.
“I’m sorry babe. It’s just…Management is on my ass about you coming with me to the premiere. They’re just reading comments and all that bullshit, and are just worried about what people will say when they see you there.”
I nodded, placing the keys in his hand and wrapping my hand around his, “Yeah, I kinda figured that’s what it was about. And I get it. I won’t go if you think it’s for the best.”
He threw his head back into the headrest as his face grew sad, “I just wish being with me didn’t make you feel like shit. I want you there with me. And I don’t give a fuck if it upsets some people. If they were truly there for me, they would realize you make me happy.”
I leaned towards the center console, gently pulling Andrew’s neck towards me. I looked him in the eyes before leaning my forehead onto his, “I don’t care what they say either. I’m here for you, and only you.” I breathed deeply before looking into his eyes, “I love you, Andrew. So much.”
“I love you too, Y/N.”
'Til we were dead and gone and buried
Check the pulse and come back swearing it's the same
After three months in the grave
And then you wondered where it went to as I reached for you
But all I felt was shame and you held my lifeless frame
 And I know it's long gone and
There was nothing else I could do
And I forget about you long enough
To forget why I needed to
 The day after the movie premiere both Andrew and I attended, he got whisked away to go to a couple auditions he had been keeping his eye on.
And of course, he landed the role he wanted the most. Which would be a good thing…if filming in LA didn’t start immediately.
“Babe, it’s okay. You can go back to Brooklyn so you’re near your family, stay in my apartment while I’m here, and I will be back in three months. It’s not that long. We can do this.”
I looked up at Andrew with tears filling my eyes, “Not that long for you. It’s different for me. I’m gonna be alone for three months while you get to live out your dream.”
He half-laughed, folding his arms, “What? So now I can’t do my job without upsetting you?”
I rolled my eyes, “No, that’s not what I meant. I just…Three months is a lot, Andrew. It’s gonna be hard not seeing you for that long.”
His shoulders slightly dropped, a frown appearing on his face, “I know, baby. But we’re gonna make it work, okay? I’ll call you every day and we can video chat to say goodnight.” He wrapped his long arms around my seated frame and sighed, “Tonight’s our last night together so, let’s not fight. I wanna show you how much I’m gonna miss you.”
It’s safe to say that the frequent texts and calls dwindled down to barely a “Hey” towards the end of the three months.
Being away from him for so long made me feel like I had been single the entire time. No one to tell about my day. No one to come home to after work. No one to say “I love you” to before bed.
Hey babe 
Just landed. Gonna be home in about an hour.
God, I’ve missed you so much.
I sighed, typing back a simple “can’t wait! :)” and locking my phone.
It’s not that I didn’t want to see him. I had been longing to see him since the day he left. It’s just that during the time he was away filming, I had grown more independent. I became used to waking up on my own, running errands on my own, and falling asleep on my own. Used to the lack of texts. Used to being strung along once he finally texts an “I miss you” every couple of days. Yes, I was happy he was coming back. I just didn’t know if it would be the same as before he left.
“Babe! I’m back!”
I stood up from the couch and saw Andrew shrugging all of his bags off his shoulder and making his way to me. “You look so pretty, baby.”
He engulfed me into a hug and I nuzzled my head closer to his chest, “I missed you so much, Andrew. I was starting to think you forgot about me.” I half -joked.
He sighed, wrapping me in his arms tighter, “I’m sorry I didn’t call as much as I said I would. Filming this movie was so time-consuming and I had almost no down time. And it didn’t help that whenever we would talk on the phone, you sounded so sad. It hurt to know I was the reason for you being so upset.”
In a way, what he said made sense. But I also couldn’t help the voice in the back of my head saying that he still could’ve tried harder.
“I know you meant well. I just felt so alone. I felt like we had just burnt out and that was it. We were dead and gone. And you made it seem like that was okay. And it’s not. I deserve a little more than that, Andrew.”
He pulled back slightly, realizing my tears had stained his shirt, “Babe, I’m sorry. I know it was a shitty move on my part. But I promise now that I’m here, it’s gonna be the same as before I left. We are gonna be the old us. I promise.”
I nodded, backing away and taking a deep breath, “It just feels so strange. You actually being here right now.” I looked up at him as I let a small smile creep onto my face. “When you were away… god, this is so embarrassing. I would try to forget about you as much as I could. Sometimes it would work and I would forget why I was even trying to forget you in the first place. And other times, it would just make me think of you even more.”
Andrew laughed, taking a seat on the couch, “It’s not embarrassing, babe. I understand I put you through hell, and I promise you won’t ever feel like that again.” He patted the cushion next to him, beckoning me to be closer to him. “Tonight, we are making up for lost time. Whatever you wanna do, we are doing it. I just want to show you how much you mean to me. And how sorry I really am.”
I nodded my head, feeling the most at ease I had felt since he left three months ago.
“I love you, Y/N. More than you will ever know.”
“I love you too.”
It felt nice to hear him say it first. But it still felt off. Like something was missing. Our hearts were still beating as one, it just seemed to be a lot slower than before.
Hopefully, tonight would change that.
'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night
We're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light
Down the stairs, I was there
I remember it all too well
 That night did, in fact, make us feel like us again.
Andrew and I ordered takeout from our favorite Chinese restaurant, eating and making small talk while some movie played as background noise.
After dinner, we put on an indie film both of us had shown interest in and sat on the couch cuddled up together.
After the movie finished, Andrew looked at the time and saw it read 12:45 A.M.
He sat up from the position we had previously been in and stretched out his arms above his head, “So what else do you wanna do, babe? It’s not even one yet.”
I shrugged my shoulders, laughing slightly, “I don’t even know. I’m already kinda tired.”
Andrew sat for a second before he looked over at me with a huge grin on his face and stood up, “Come with me.”
I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, as he pulled out his phone and walked towards the kitchen, “Andrew, what are you doing?”
I got off the couch and walked into the kitchen to see him leaning against the counter. He set his phone down as I walked in and smiled at me, “Care to dance, my love?”
The words hadn’t even left his mouth before “I Only Have Eyes For You” by The Flamingos began playing from the speaker on top of the fridge.
I shook my head, laughing a bit before taking his hand and swaying with him, “You’re too much.”
He chuckled, twirling me around a few times before pulling us both closer to each other, “Is that good or bad?”
“Good. So good, Andrew.”
He lifted my chin up to meet his eyes and looked at me deeply, “I hope you know how much I love you. And if I have to spend the rest of my life showing you, so be it.”
“I love you more.”
The both of us slowly swaying in the kitchen late at night made for a picture-perfect moment. We were together again. We were happy. We were in love.
The memory had been burned into my mind for more than one reason. 
1. Andrew and I were so happy in that moment.
2. It was the last time we were truly happy.
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