#i see everyone is having a lovely day on tumblr dot com
luckydxy · 1 year
***evil mobile only laughter***
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tragedykery · 1 year
I hate. complicated friendships
#I love her but also.#I feel like such a bad friend for complaining about her but she’s just so. incredibly inconsiderate#like we planned to hang out ish at 1 pm today. suddenly she texts me like ‘hey I’m coming around 14:30 instead’#she knows I’m autistic too she knows how important having a schedule is for me and she pulls sth like that??#maybe it’s the fact that she’s an only child but ​she just expects the world and everyone else to accommodate for her#one time we were on a school trip and I was nauseous and I mentioned that to her and she just. made it all about herself???#like I get she’s got emetophobia but turning the conversation into a fifteen-minute-long rant about if I vomited to please not do it#anywhere she could see bc if I did she would cry and feel absolutely terrible for the rest of the day and etc etc etc#like bestie IM the one who’s sick here???#and like 50% of our conversations are just her venting at me (even more if you count the ones over text) and it’s. I don’t mind it when it’s#a normal amoun but she just treats me like an object for her to vent at and I Understand there’s stuff she can’t tell her therapist/coach bc#he knows her parents and she’s afraid he’ll tell on her if she talks about gender stuff (she’s not out) and I’m the closest trans friend she#has so I’m the person who understands it the best but it’s just. SO much#(but the moment I vent for once I just feel like she. doesn’t listen and that she thinks I’m just being too sensitive)#and that’s definitely my fault too bc idk how to communicate when she makes me uncomfortable with stuff like that#and she’s autistic too and doesn’t understand hints at all so I’d need to just State it and that feels so incredibly mean but.#there’s more instances I’m not typing out but just. ugh. I love her I really do and I feel like such a child for complaining about her on#tumblr dot com and I know I’m at fault too for not communicating when she makes me uncomfortable I’m not pretending I’m not to blame at all#but she’s self-centred and inconsiderate and. ugh#vent#elli rambles
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thefrogman · 5 days
Back in the olden days, if you used the "keep reading" function on a Tumblr-dot-com post, it would
not get very many notes.
At all.
I am not sure exactly why.
I think people hated pressing an extra thing.
But maybe it was also a psychological phenomenon where, given the choice, they were unwilling to trust me with their time.
But if I sucked them in with a good story or a compelling image, they would get serious FOMO.
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When I created a super high effort post-of-length I would get comments like, "This was way too long but before I realized it I was reading the last sentence."
That was a really good feeling.
I used to do tests to figure out the best posting strategies and I think I figured out you'd lose about 90% of your notes if you did a "keep reading" post.
So that notion was ingrained in my brain again and again from when I was very note-obsessed and I have since avoided the "keep reading" option almost like a conditioned response.
Just seeing that squiggly line appear still induces a Pavlovian fear.
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But that was probably a decade ago and I did a new experiment. My story about replacing my mailbox did reasonably well with a strategically clickbaity "keep reading."
This was a promising result due to the fact that some people like to send me hate for writing a lengthy post.
I recently got a death threat for writing too much, which was a fun reminder of my M&M days (I melted men's rights activists' brains with a poorly worded analogy and they launched a years long harassment campaign).
It seems in present-era-Tumblr-dot-com many more people prefer pressing an extra thing rather than scrolling a bunch on their smartphone. The collective behavior has changed. And maybe I don't need to use tricks and running gags in order to get folks to "keep reading".
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Unfortunately I started writing that ring light post a few months ago so I wasn't able to include that in the experiment. But I am going to try using the keep reading function in the future and as long as the average number of folks that usually read my longer posts continue to read my posts, that will be the standard approach.
I also tag these posts with "long post" so you can flag that if you wish.
While I am no longer in the audience-building phase of my Tumblr career, these essays and stories and educational posts take a considerable amount of time and effort to create, so I do want to make sure everyone who wants to read them is able to. But posts without hearts and reblogs can quickly die a gruesome algorithmic death. Even my most ardent followers would tell me things were not showing up on their dash. (I think replies help mitigate that, so if you like a long post, you can help with engagement.)
The collective noun is a "business" of ferrets.
Do you want to see a business of ferrets ready to do some business?
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I love writing and it is a huge catharsis for me. And I love sharing any knowledge I feel like I have the earned expertise to speak on with authority (technology, photography, light, fun ferret facts, etc). I wish I had the energy to be a photography teacher, but long posts on Tumblr are probably the best I can do for now.
I know my posts are super long, but I try to make them as fun and informationally dense as I possibly can. I don't like wasting people's time if I can avoid it. Though maybe I should trust my follower's attention span a bit more. I have this fear that if I am not constantly entertaining, people will click away or unfollow.
I think a good business for a business of ferrets would be selling pool noodles that look like ferrets.
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So as long as I get roughly the same amount of notes I will do the keep reading. And then maybe people can lay off on the mean comments and occasional requests to end my own life because I bloviated about soft light.
100% true ferret fact..
If you ask a ferret what their business is, they will crawl on your shoulder and whisper in your ear...
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tangletek · 9 months
The fact that @ssavaart is on tumblr now makes me very happy. Fundamentally, it’s not wild to think that an amazing artist would join a social media, but also it’s kinda insane that The Scott Christian Sava would join tumblr dot com of all things.
All this to say, I love Mr. Scott Sava with my whole entire heart and if anyone says a bad word about him I will personally steal their kneecaps.
And if Scott actually sees this, I have so much to say to you. I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Your videos always make me smile even when I’m struggling. It means so much to me that you’re so inclusive and understanding and supportive of everyone. As a closeted trans masc artist living with unsupportive family, I want to say thank you for all the love and encouragement you put out into the world. I love making art and you are such a huge inspiration for me.
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conkers-thecosy · 4 months
Hullo to my fellow fandom creators.
How you guys doing? Good? Good.
I just wanted to drop you a little note to say I hope you’re all having fun out here. Because fun is what it’s all about, right? Fun and excitement and hobbies and interests and all that good stuff!
While I’ve been wandering about in my little corner here at tumblr dot com, I gotta tell you, it can be so easy to get discouraged sometimes. Like SO easy. And I dunno folks, I guess I just wanted to remind you (and me!) that when we create stuff for our fandoms, it’s for fun! Because we love it! Because we love making it! We love sharing it! We love the source material and the characters and the world-building and all that other neat stuff!
Sometimes we all need a little reminder, I find. Because sometimes people don’t like what we’re making. Sometimes they’ll be rude or complain and make demands about how fandom "cOnTeNt” (yuck) should be made (double yuck) and act kind of entitled about it. And idk, that gets kind of disheartening. Especially when you’re pouring all your heart and soul into what you’re making, simply for the love of it.
So! Yeah I just wanted to check in with you folks because I’m seeing a lot of that weird entitlement in various fandoms lately, and from one creator to another, I wanted to just say -if I may wax poetic for a moment here- nuts to those people. Nuts to ‘em. NUTS, I TELL YOU.
Not everyone is going to like the stuff you make, and that's okay. The important thing is to remember that their opinions have nothing to do with you or me or anyone else making art or fics or edits or whatever our little hearts desire. Just because what you're making doesn't tick someone else's personal boxes doesn't mean that what you're making is wrong or bad!
If people want specific stuff in fandom, they can make it. If they don’t like what we’re making, they can move on - that's fine. If they want to publicly whine about it and try to make it everyone else's problem, that's their baggage and we don't have to take any of that on board. It’s no reflection on you if someone wants to demand that their own specific tastes be met, rather than actually taking part in the community in a positive way. Because we’re here for fun, aren’t we.
Are you having fun? Good. That’s all that matters.
Go make something cool and fun, and have a great day!
Love you!
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edwardallenpoe · 3 months
Hey. Just wanted to put my two cents in, like everyone else on Tumblr dot com is. (It got pretty long so putting it under a cut)
I don't really care about what you think should happen to the fandom. Like. If you are going to continue to engage in the fandom without giving Neil any sort of gain is fine. I'm personally still on the fence on what the fuck to do now. But let's not make that the whole focus, yeah? What Neil allegedly did was fucking terrible. Like. Objectively worse than what JKR did when things first came out about her. Let's forget good omens and sandman and coraline for a minute (don't care if you still engage with those things or burn your copies and remove your tattoos, let's just put it down for a minute.) and try really hard to think. Because we all hated JKR. We burned her reputation to the ground. For good reason. But we can't even decide if we hate Neil Gaiman yet? Guys. Please. We have to believe all women. Plus he's a rich fucking white dude who has admitted to using his power for gain.
And if it turns out (which this is a 8% chance) that this is all not what it seems to be, or even all of it is fabricated, and Neil is innocent, we still gotta stop worshipping this dude. This has got to be a wakeup call that he's not some Messiah. He's a human dude in power who does the same shitty things human dudes in power do.
And I get it. You want to continue to like your stories that he helped create (key-word 'helped' bc he was a part of a team with a lot of these stories, including Sir Terry Pratchett) but me personally? I would be a massive hypocrite if I metaphorically burned my Harry Potter stories to the ground and put HP fans in my DNI because of JKR but said "separate the art from the artist" with Neil Gaiman.
And this is coming from any other Good Omens fan that became way too attached to the story. Like a lot of people have said that story helped in very. Very fucking trying times. It was my rock, some days the only thing keeping me going. The fandom has been an amazing place of creativity and community and love.
But so was Harry Potter. If you think about it. If any Good Omens fans were previous Harry Potter fans you'll know just how wide spread and open and creative and deep the hp fandom was. And this may just be me misremembering because it was a couple years ago at this point (plus everything with Neil Gaiman is still such news) but because JKR was spouting rhetoric that directly harmed us (us being majority queer and poc people) we drop-kicked hp pretty fast and focused on the artist and her shittiness.
Can we have the same attitude towards Neil? Can we separate the art from the artist long enough to fucking focus on Neil? When I say separate the art from the artist I don't mean "remove artist, continue to enjoy art" I mean "remove the art and focus on the artist, and study that motherfucker". How many video essays are their out about JKR? How many books referencing her terribleness? Without giving so much as a hint to Harry Potter?
Separate the art from the artist and focus on the artist and bringing him to justice. And believe the victims.
And yeah I can see your arguments against the source of the information and who the victims went to tell their stories, I can understand those arguments, but let's look at the data, okay? Let's look at what Scarlett and K actually said with their actual words and their actual messages and separate the source from the material. What Scarlett and K talked about is scary. Terrifying. I couldn't even read more than a little bit before I got triggered. I wasn't caring about how the source podcast was talking about it. What Scarlett and K said with their own words should be enough. Make your own judgements. If you can't look at a story without being influenced by the storyteller's hidden agenda and not have critical thinking skills????? I'm sorry but that's going to be your downfall.
Or better yet, if you can't believe victims because they have political views that differ from your own (which, they probably don't. From what I can tell nobody really fucking knows what Scarlett and K's political views are but it doesn't really matter) you need to really study and look into what you mean when you call yourself a "leftist". Because it's not very progressive or helpful to not believe or help victims because of their political views. Sorry. Is that wild for me to say? Idk
Uh anyways. I don't really care what you do in your free time when it comes to enjoying the fandoms. I don't necessarily think it makes you a terribly shitty person for still engaging in it instead of burning all your Neil Gaiman stories, and also like a lot of people have said (and since I'm on the same boat) treating fans like the scum of the earth when a lot of fans have had good omens as a way to escape and has become super dependent on good omens and are justifiably horrified by everything and trying to ignore it is shitty. But I'm personally going to continue to follow this story because I care about the victims. Not because I want to be guilt-free reading a fanfic about an angel and a demon. Because I care about real life people.
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wordycheeseblob · 9 months
*Clinks glass with spoon*
I've seen a couple of people so this and wanted to say a few words as well.
Tumblr dot com is the first and only place where I learned online connections can change lives so much or be so genuine. It's never about numbers. Each blog breathes life of the unique person behind it. So many colorful personalities brought together...
And we've been through a lot.. the great bot purge of 20', the AO3 siege, the battle of Halloween on Christmas eve, Auburn shipping wars....
I never knew I could know such friendship. I wish I could tuck in each one of my moots and give you a goodnight kiss, a hug when you're in a dark place, and scream into the void together about our interests (because what am I if not an enabler :) )
You've changed my life in so many ways and you have no idea
My wonderful artist friends, I've wondered how can the same hands that create such disaster (affectionate) manage such breathtaking art @clavissionary-position
And breathe so much life into the canon world with their own enthralling iteration (seriously somebody let him on the Devs team) @devonares I don't see you two so often around here anymore but I do hope we meet again some sunny day
thank you @mllorei for being the ride or die friend i never had, and an amazing talented writer (and artist!) And co-conspirator. Listen, this word count is severely limited for all I want to say (*whispering* like fix your sleeeeep goddamit) @krenenbaker you're a puzzle I will crack some day... A mystery yet to be solved. An evil little box of pandora. A secret mastermind of destruction *squints* but for reals, from what I've seen you're a direct and genuinely good person with a shared passion for historical fashion! (or ARE you...? Hmmm)
@venulus man you're just so iconic I have no words
@dove-da-birb another fantastic writer, I got to know you and @azulashengrottospiano somewhere at the same time. Hehe what the latter doesn't know is I orchestrated most of the shipping wars hee hee :3 and Dove, at first I wanted to bully you a bit with crowleg (please forgive this peasant) but then I think I accidentally adopted you. You, @keithsandwich and Lorei are the best crocheters I know <3
Myara's gold handiwork is honestly out of this world. Also thank you for sending me stuff and thinking of me, I really appreciate that.
@vivislosingitagain and @vioisgoinginsane 's sistership is of legendary status, and I think Vio is like a sister to Vivi. (They're clones they're clones)
Isn't it wonderful how through billions of people on earth, you've found eachother?
@thewitchofbooks my literature loving friend! (And I found out recently, great artist too??!) I hope to see you more this year, I get so happy when we interact you won't believe it...
Thank you @violettduchess for always making me smile and persevering in the face of hardship. You're strong, stand proud. @leonscape I wish you a year full of Leon, don't give up! He may not be everyone's cup of coffee, but he is to you and that's what matters.
Thank you for always being there, I see you around a lot and just wanted to thank you and wish you a new years too! :]
@candied-boys @altairring @otomefreak876 @solacedeer @this-is-war-peacock @here-for-gilbert @dear-sciaphilia @chi-the-idiot @serynhe @katriniac @mymumisasquid @olivermorningstar @caffedrine
@happy-pup you helped me a lot, I will never forget you ^^
And my new friendos here @v-anrouge @saint-garden (the gremlins) @ikemendrew @officialdaydreamer00 @jade-s-nymph @crheativity and @nuttytani I hope to see more of you this year too!
Phew... I hope I didn't forget anyone, that's a lot of people! Even a small act of kindness here has made ripples throughout the world, it reached so many people... Many things will pass but I sincerely hope,
if you're here or not, I hope this new year treats you well. And you continue with a newfound strength into the future
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dekariosclan · 4 months
I’ve seen a lot of anon hate knocking about, so I wanted to balance the scales and show what the anon option should be used for.
I’m going to drop into some inboxes and explain what it is about your blog (and you) I love so much.
Every single thing you contribute is eloquent, well thought out, and enjoyable. I love seeing your name pop up on my dashboard and know i'm about to get some good food.
You encourage others, and dish out kindness. I've also seen you recommend other people's work, which means a lot to people.
your humour - I've laughed a lot at your posts. Especially the one about Gale's simulacrum.
If you want to keep it going, do the same thing to some blogs (and people) that bring you sunshine.
Have a wonderful day.
dekariosclan dot tumblr dot com likes you too. Very, very much!!
Seriously, thank you for these kind words anon, and for all the similar messages you’ve sent out to others! It’s so nice to see all this positivity on my dash, and it’s greatly appreciated!
Full disclosure, I also got that copy-and-paste hate message that everyone else did, and I just laughed, deleted it & blocked the sender. All I could think was “sir/ma’am, this is Wendy’s thirst blog for a pixel wizard, does it seem like I care what others think of me?” 😂 Life’s too short to waste time on that kind of toxic nonsense. But positivity is always welcome!
Thank you again anon, and I hope you & all the other Galemancers in this lovely community have a wonderful day as well ❤️
(p.s. if anyone is interested, these are the recommendations I’ve posted about previously: here are some of my favorite Gale blogs and here are some of my fav Gale writers/stories!)
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gaylactic-fire · 1 year
Hi hello, I've got a question, what that heck happened this week?? I haven't been active in awhile and I just logged back in here to follow an artist from tiktok, and I happened to see the conservative discord server screenshots on my "your tags" section. Is possible to get the sparks note version of what happened? (Sorry if the ask sounds weird, not very good at putting my thoughts into words)
Sorry I only answered this a few days later! You might already know what's happening by now, but in case you didn't I'll give you a TLDR:
- Tumblr user alasse-earfalas makes a post on LU's main tag advertising a conservative christian LU / LoZ server. She claims to want a safe space for those with similar views. What really catches people's attention is a part of the post that speaks about "Pride ideology" and how such "predatory" views aren't allowed in the server. In the same section she talks about wanting a space where characters are not "queered into oblivion." The vibes are utterly rancid.
- LU fandom immediately begins spiteposting. Everyone and their mother starts making LU queer headcanons or posts showing their support for the queer community. The memes flood in. "Queered into oblivion." is immediately reclaimed and added to people's lexicons. People are speedrunning how fast they can get banned off the server. There's almost a unanimous effort to make fun of bigots.
- Further controversy ensues under the surface. As it turns out, several religious people in the fandom had been interacting with Alasse and other people in the conservative server. It was impossible to know whether or not they shared similar views, but you can't blame people's caution. When questioned whether their blogs were safe for queer people, some gave very vague answers that pretty much dialed down to "I love everyone" or "I don't wanna talk about it." Neutrality in such instances is not reassuring for queer people, especially when the other side is claiming we are predatory. Afaik some people have redacted their statements or gone on to further clarify things. But some people still take a firmly neutral stance on the matter. (Don't ask who I haven't been following closely enough to know).
- A few days later Alasse comes back with a follow-up statement addressing the server. She pulls a mix between "gay people I respect VS gay people I don't respect." and "I'm not homophobic I have a gay friend." By stating that the server is not homophobic, but simply does not support the pride movement. Which is allegedly pushing to show porn to kids in school. When asked for a source on such a shocking claim someone on the server cites Fucking Matt Walsh rather than a non-biased and or scientific article. The transphobia also pops out when she claims the pride movement is trying to push surgeries on children (It's not. Children do not get gender realignment surgeries. You can find this out from five minutes on google). Addressing "queered into oblivion." Alasse goes on a rant about "queerwashing" characters, stating the Links are canonically straight and making them queer invalidates their identity. Alasse conveniently forgets that Nintendo has never canonically given Link a partner. She also forgets that bisexuality, asexuality and other sexualities that may include romantic attraction to the opposite sex do, in fact, exist. The rest of the post is whining about people joining the server to troll and basically just her reaping what she sowed for advertising on Tumblr Dot Com.
Aside for further outrage and memes, that's pretty much where we're up to so far. Things are dying down and hopefully the bigots will keep to their own corner and or fuck off from the fandom entirely.
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osaemu · 8 months
mini-announcement, i probably won't be posting/interacting over the weekend because i have a big tournament and i'll be spending time with my team !! just a heads up in case you're wondering why i haven't replied to you or your ask yet :,) sorry about that 🤍
cw: discourse under the cut.
i didn't want to have to make this post, but lately i've been receiving a lot of anonymous asks about a certain blog and unfortunately, it's gotten to a point where i feel like i have to address it. don't take this post as being hateful in any way—this is just something i just wanted to get off my chest. this isn't a big deal, so no reblogs either, thanks.
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the bottom four asks all came within a span of five minutes, so i think it's a reasonable assumption to make that they were all sent by the same person. as for who that is, i'll get into that at the end of the post.
but first of all, i can say without a doubt that i have a personality of my own. case closed. nobody's actually said how we're similar in any way, so i'll assume these are all from no-lifes who couldn't find anything better to hate on.
second of all, my netflix banner was actually inspired by another blog, who i won't namedrop for the sake of their peace. and either way, our banners don't even look similar, nor do either of us own netflix. x x
and finally, those are actually the two most braindead asks i've ever received. are we copyrighting letters now? does anyone own the letter e?
don't compare blogs/writers—it's never ended well, and it never will.
even after getting these asks, i still didn't say anything about it because.. i don't really care. everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and what you think of me is up to you.
moving on, i think tee left tumblr sometime in between that time and now, and i was told by a mutual that i was mentioned within the post. if i'm being completely honest, i didn't read all of it because we have each other blocked anyways and it was a lot to read through.. so i skimmed over the bit about me, but didn't really see anything of interest, which is why i didn't address it.
i also had anons on at the time, and i did think it was interesting how i didn't receive a single ask about tee from then up until today, about a month later. up until a couple hours ago, i hadn't even thought about her because, again, i don't care. this is tumblr dot com, not my love life. most of the drama here is over pixels anyways, so i don't waste my day thinking about it.
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neither of these are particularly interesting, but the fact that you weirdos are still associating me with someone who i'm not even mutuals with is.. not to my liking.
idk what false accounts the second anon's talking about, because i don't go looking for drama. if you need proof, here's how many sideblogs i have... (click the image)
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as for the idea that i'm jealous of tee, i'm perfectly fine with the amount of followers i have now. i've always been open about my satisfaction with my interaction rates, and that hasn't changed.
and obviously, tee's a good writer—when have i ever said otherwise? if it was based solely off of writing, i would say that she deserves every single one of her followers, maybe even more. i don't think anybody on this app would disagree with me when i say that she's genuinely one of the best fanfic writers i've come across.
however, i won't support someone just because i like their content. i've stopped listening to many artists because i didn't like who they were as a person, and similarly, once i read the reblogs on a certain callout post, i stopped consuming tee's content as well.
there's a reason i avoided making this post in the past—because i don't really have anything to say. tee and i have never had a directly negative interaction, as i'm sure you all can see in her archival post. the reason i don't support her anymore is because i didn't particularly like how she never spoke up about her followers sending death threats to other followers. that's it.
while i have my guesses as to who sent those anons, i don't care enough to find out. and i think it's better that way. this conflict's been dragged on for long enough, and this is my way of saying that i'd like to be excluded from this narrative from now on.
tee, if someone sends you this post at some point, feel free to contact me if you'd like to clear anything up. we're both adults, and i think we can agree that nothing monumental has happened between us to cause any of this. honestly, the only people dragging this on are the weirdo anons in my inbox.
to whoever's reading this post, thank you for listening to my side of the story—it was nice to be able to get this off my chest. wish me luck at my tournament, and i'll be back after the weekend !! 🤍
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peemil · 6 months
i'm supposed to tag nine people for this YAHOO YIPPEE but idk if i'm gonna actually tag that many. We'll See
i was tagged by @figbian THANK YOU i love doing these sorts of things, especially when i'm stressed out!
three ships: wow this sure is tumblr dot com narumitsu/wrightworth, sylvix (i'm sorry women), aaaaaaaand for the sake of #feminism, my ride-or-die femslash rarepair: asuhika ❤️
first ship: if we want to go all the way back i was a hardcore may/ash (advancedshipping) stan back in the day. i made something like 7 amvs in the span of maybe a month and a half and then BURNED THEM ONTO A DVD. AND GAVE IT TO PEOPLE.
last song i listened to: when i first attempted to answer this a few days ago, it was fucking "sissy that walk." i regret to inform everyone that, by complete coincidence, the answer once again is "sissy that walk."
currently reading: i honestly am so bad at finishing things i've started reading. i also generally don't like reading books for pleasure? people will come after me for that but i like the feeling of having finished something, which is why i tend to read a lot more essays and papers and the like, as opposed to novels.
currently watching: *sigh* vanderpump rules... though i do still need to finish part 6 of jojo as well!
relationship status: discord moderator
current obsessions: fire emblem three houses As Well. i've also recently started to seriously try to learn chess again. and as always i'm playing a lot of splatoon!
currently craving: oh man i went on a whole thing about the stuff i wanted to eat last night but i really want a melon cream soda so bad it makes me look fucking STUPID
fave color: bright teal
tagging: @sweetfloatapartment @nitroplusofficial @humhallelujah @thewrongtrouser @squimp @toasttheinkling @cow-inthe-closet @reikomakoto aaaaaand i guess that's only 8. sorry! there are some more people i want to tag but i'm so shy...
no pressure to do this obviously! but i am thinking of all of you and sending my love
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liesmyth · 3 months
following you is healing me of my automatic “ew” reaction to sports. sports are something that can be so fun to enjoy. even if they’re not my favorite thing
omggg I'm SO glad!!!! I think sports can be REALLY fun for so many reasons — entertainment of course, but also: celebrating athletic performances from extremely dedicated people (at all skill levels!). bringing a sense of community. being a way to channel stupid frustrations and get some serotonin. ogling hot people
and even with all that. I'm very aware that mainstream sports culture can be annoying as fuck and gatekeep-y, often in a way that feels unfriendly towards the kind of demographics that are more likely to be on tumblr dot com, and I understand why so many people on here are wary of it or just don't want to engage. It's honestly so valid. It doesn't have to be everyone's favourite thing! but I'm just really giggling twirling my hair at this message. I love that I got at least one person to go "I see now why people would be into that"
Genuinely this ask made my day ❤️
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anchorandrope · 6 months
poll time based on my previous post <3
points to take into consideration: 1) this is a larry poll, just in case my url isn't obvious 2) think of everything you can think of (your reaction, the rest of the fandom reaction, the gp reaction, press, tabloids, everyone). 3) yes im aware none of these are gonna happen but im bored and on tumblr dot com xoxo
btw i would love to read why you chose your respective answers so if you feel like, reblog and put in the tags why or how would you react, what would you do or whatever you like :)
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blood-mocha-latte · 8 months
5, 8, 13 let's gooooo
BESTIE my love my darling how are you? this is. like the third best day of my life fun fact
5 - fav fanwork from an episode?
oh GOD why. why world must i choose just one. one fanwork. one episode. this is too difficult. i will have to go with the wonderful erin @staud's band of brothers & the pacific video, which. from my tags one might see i reacted completely and totally normally. it is just Art pure and simple xx
8 - your fav hbowar content you've ever made?
so. my odyssey. i have been working on a Beast of a luztoye series for like. two years? three now? and i FINALLY fucking posted the first chapter. it's like. over 200k it's my beloved it's four different fics. i'd die for it i would also die for my lovely supportive mutuals fun fact. is anyone else feeling this awesome rn
13 - what inspires you to create in the fandom?
simple!! MUTUALS and mah WIFE *borat voice*. nothing would get done without thee amazing people on tumblr dot com, nothing would get posted without della
fun fact: the luztoye series was all one document, split between that and being handwritten. it was also in present tense and half of it was in italian. everyone say thank you odella for fixing your mess of a wife's ridiculous writing
~ hbowar positivity ask game ~
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xoxoemynn · 6 months
I saw you sending and receiving a bunch of love so I wanted to join in!!! Anyway you have been such a constantly positive and lovely face on my dash for so long and I just love seeing you there. Where the Daylight Begins still is probably to this day my favorite edstede fic, it literally changed my brain chemistry, the magical realism enchanted me, and I have been avoiding reading the rest of it since you finished it because I don’t want to be done with it. I wish I could read it for the first time all over again. Every fandom I’ve been a part of I have always run into someone who writes the most beautiful and amazing and long and dedicated and creative fic and I’m always in awe of them and they really define my fan experience in some way. You’re that person for me for ofmd. I just admire you a lot as a writer, and when I think of ofmd, I of course think of the show but I also think of wtdb and crossing the meridian (which you should read if you haven’t) and all the beautiful art by all of the gang here on tumblr dot com. And also I think you’re a lovely person. Anyways enjoy what I hope is a lovely letter and I feel like even though the show is cancelled there’s still such an awesome community of us pirate nerds here that will live for a long time because of what the show gave us and I’m just glad you’re a part of it too. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🏴‍☠️🏳️‍🌈
Oh my goodness, I just woke up and you've already got me looking just like this:
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This is SO extremely kind, thank you!!! That story is so special to me and I've been sitting here for about 20 minutes now trying to think how I can express just how much your words mean to me. I have typed and deleted about 17 different attempts. I just really wanted a setting that felt like all those good feelings OFMD brought us — a place where everyone could feel safe and love and accepted for exactly who they are, a world that was like ours but a little more magical. I'm just so glad to hear it resonated with you. 💖
And you're SO right! The show may be canceled, but the fandom isn't going anywhere! There are still so many stories to tell and artwork to create and scenes to gif and characters to analyze, and a whole lot more friendships will form because we keep doing all of those things. A love like ours can't disappear in an instant.
SO very happy you're here, and thank you for such an incredibly lovely message. 💕💕💕💕
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jeeyuns · 1 year
get to know me even better 🥂
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this is sooo so visually interesting and i loved learning more about my beloveds who tagged me: @forthewolves @daffi-990 @wikiangela
jellyfish - picked this as my aquatic creature to research in a random first-year seminar in freshman year of college and oh boy ARE THEY COOL OR WHAT. you'll learn more about what i learned about them in ch2 of my bethlehem fic 😉
The Before Trilogy (Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight) - guys, this is my end all be all romance film trilogy. the chemistry between ethan hawke and julie delpy? the sometimes improvised dialogue? the sweeping emotions? them filming the two sequels exactly 9 years apart from each other???
autumn - best best season forreal. and i currently live in new england so get to reap the benefits every year as the leaves turn and the pumpkins are ready to be carved
(cut to save your dash)
Richie Jerimovich, The Bear - guys, Eddie Diaz owns my heart, but i will defend my boy richie with MY LIFE. you hear me? this secretly tswift loving idiot takes 2 seasons to grow on you to the point where you DON'T want to stab him in the ass but SHITTTT did he make me cry
vermillion into indigo - so i cheated and basically chose two, but the sweet spot between these two colors, and how they just look next to each other. uuunnnffffff. obSESSED
astrology - everyone in my real life knows that i will ask them their exact birth time and birth place to keep a listing of their astro charts and talk astro with them if they give me the green light. the above chart is one i did for our very own buck in my first fic and i stand by it. that boy is a cancer/sag/aquarius
the Oresteia, translated by the imitable Anne Carson - we're all obsessed with these three greek tragedies on tumblr dot com. you see quotes about orestes and euripides all the time. well, anne's translation is my favorite of them all. if you ever have the chance, please read her translation. it is life-changing (and also helps me weep more as i'm writing buddie)
Bug Like an Angel by Mitski - goddd i am so excited for her new album. this is the lead single off it it and i get teary-eyed each time the gospel choral kicks in. she's singing about religious themes, offering a rueful reflection of the narrator’s broken promises and mistakes while brushing on the topic of alcoholism and it just sticks with me on a broken loop for days
Vodka Martini, extra dirty - i am still a whiskey gal, but lately (maybe it's the old age i'm embracing) but a classic vodka martini with a couple extra olives on a stick and rinsed into the cocktail is my go to
tagging because i love my friends and want to see yours too or just to chat, no pressure: @shitouttabuck @alyxmastershipper @diazblunt @devirnis @lucydonato @barbiebuckley-han @transboybuckley @lesliesknopes @pirrusstuff @911onabc @disasterbuckdiaz @ice-sculptures @wildlife4life 💋
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