#i seee why no body watches them
vvh0adie · 8 months
Black History Fact: Scammy’s Edition
In the entire history of the Grammy’s (66 shows) only 11 Black artists have won Album of the Year. And only 3 of those have been Black women. And only 1 hip-hop/rap album has won that category.
We have yet to see Beyonce, Solange, Usher, Mariah, Anita, Missy, Mary J, Toni, TLC, Janet, Rihanna.
And we will never see the likes of Luther Vandross, Prince, Lisa Left Eye, and many more.
Every modern music genre is made by us and yet only 11 Black people, specifically African American, have won and most of them only have 1 AOTY.
Stevie Wonder is the only black person to have 3, surpassed by 2024’s AOTY winner.
It’s very clear what’s going on…
I understand why Kanye pissed on that $15/30 trophy
I am mind blown. 66 years, 11 artists and that’s taking in consideration that everything before and during Jim Crow was an era of not even allowing Black people at these awards. So as always white folks have had a step ahead cause Duke Ellington, Ma Rainey and Cab Calloway would have smoked back then.
Being Black is a highly specific level of Surrealism.
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simplyvyn · 1 month
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── .✦ little things.
Sypnosis: little affection that you or your boyfriend between silent moments.
multicharacter drabble; rin, sae, nagi, reo, kaiser, ness
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This goes both ways, you kiss him in the forehead. He expects you to kiss his forehead. Why? Usually or always, this man is always steamed up angry at some point. So when you two rest, you just kiss his forehead, as a sign of safety or protection of him being in your arms. Why does he like it? It is just lips touching his forehead, even he doesn't know why. He just finds it very comforting and reassuring. Sure it looks weak but hes asleep anyway, hes unconscious. Not really, he's just pretending. He won't sleep till you give him the kiss on the forehead. This happens anywhere anyway, just private. But to him the ones you give when you two are about to sleep are the most special ones.
When you two sleep together (very rare btw! Jk.) You can't help but wrap your arms around his arm. At least one of them, your arms has to be around his. And it can go anywhere! Let it be cuddling, watching a movie, walking. And Sae notices! You don't. You got so used to doing it, you don't notice it leaves an effect on Sae. To him, It shows, one; you like being close to him, two; you feel protection near him, three; you find him comforting which is all correct!.. if you knew. But, oh well. Its a win-win for the both of you anyways.
Okay, let's get one thing straight. Nagi is your personal heater. He's just so warm. So sometimes after going home from a crazy day, late at night and Nagi is still playing video games to wait for you. You drop your bags, take of your shoes, and as you walk up to him, he already knew what your gonna do, he opens up, letting you sit on his lap as you wrap your arms around his neck. You snuggle at the crook of his neck as he finishes his last round in his match for the game. So soonly enough, Nagi Seishiro can go to bed with your arms wrapped around him. May it be his neck, waist, or arms. Nagi doesn't mind you doing it and you know that.
Now Reo is the other way around. He loves wrapping his arms around you, just practically being close to your warmth. As if your body suits his really well like a puzzle piece. So sometimes after a very long... talk.. with his father, he goes to you, seeing you prepare food and wrap his arms around your waist. Snuggling in the nape of your neck and slowly putting kisses at the back of your neck. He knows you like it anyways. Just from the tip of your ears turning pink is understandable. Don't worry! Reo knows his boundaries anyway. Just not leaving you though.
Between you and this big-ego'd man, he likes touching you but he likely expects you to do it more than he does. So from you, you like kissing his tattoo on his arms. May it be from his hand or all the way over to his arm to his neck. To him, it shows that you appreciate of his achievement. And just as i mentioned about Kaiser also likes to touch you, he actually likes to tuck your hair behind your ear. Its a small act compared to the other but its just.. breathtaking to him. Being able to remove those hair covering your eyes to seee your beauty because once he does he analyzes your face. Then after, if you get lucky, maybe you'll notice the pink in his cheeks.
Let's be real here, this man likes to do anything with or to you. But if he has to pick a favorite from the silent moments with you then maybe brushing your hair. Sometimes when you two have dates and you two are still preparing, you ask him to brush your hair. And his reaction is just the cutest! Going all giddy and excited to brush your hair. You like it anyways. He was gentle. And if there were tangles he makes sure to brush your hair slowly to find the tangles and untangle it with his own hands. After that he kisses your head and say its done. Bonus points if you kiss him on the cheek as a thanks. He might actually give you a whole salon.
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missamyrisa2 · 10 months
Miss amy what do you think about the ai tickle art stuff?
Mostly the same as I do about tickle text AI. It's incredible to see and if that helps someone find the comfort they seek in their tickle fetish, good for them~! For me, I have the sort of mind where I recognize patterns really quickly. Reverse engineering is kind of my thing, so when I'm looking at things like AI generated tickle talk I can't help but see the strings behind the scenes. I played around with some sessions and they're fun to start and try to throw things at it and see where it all goes but there's a very certain heartbeat in all of it that takes me out of the scenario ~ if that makes sense. It's the same with AI art. I can't not recognize that it's imagery of people nonspecifically laughing or looking desperate pounded together with imagery we associate with tickling. Gossssh I'm getting all philosophical and up my own navel here but tickling is soooo ~human~ it's just something to me that feels so vibrant and alive with spiritual sparklies all around. A tickle machine is still so tickly in theory to me because it's facilitating ~or rather forcing~ that hugely human experience. You just need that random imperfection y'know? Perfection to me is boring. That's why I write teases & stories in a single push and only go back to edit any misspellings or huge grammatical mistakes, and why I only write when the idea hits instead of cranking this these out like a factory. What was I talking about?
Oh yes ~~~ the little tingle you feel in the back of your head crawling up to you forehead while you play with AI generated tickle content, unknowing that a Purplish Villain has decloaked behind you and is milking your ticklyyy thoughts in this content creation to feed her wicked machine ~ which is currently compiling right behind youuu ~ pitttttyyy you're so distracted ~ you don't even notice the mind probe until it's toooo late and those ribbony long arms snatch you from your chair. A smirking robotic face looking remarkably like the tickler you were just bashfully generating looks you up and down as scanners begin gliding all over your body.
"Hmmm ~ mmmhmmm~ yeahhh that's what I thoughtt~" she muses, watching in contempt as the beams converge on your royal area and chimes start dinging happily. "Very naughty." Her purple dress swishes and sashays to the side as she spins, giggling and activating the machine to move full force. "You wanna be naughty? Let's seee how you do with an overload of those lovely scenarios you've crafted while I just go ahead and milk you of everything you've got." The sneering villainess leans in close and presses her plush lips to your ear. "And I'm gonna add your mind's ticklish thoughts to my collective, to my army of machines." She kisses and coos, as the machine spins up with a surge and begins deploying the feathery and buzzy tools from your dreams to your hot spots, the very tickles you had moments ago been inflicting on fictional characters. "Here's how the purple giggle bitch thanks her milkeeees~" With a tap of a button two extraction devices join the mix ~ a fluffy band slides around your head ~ and a silky probe drifts down to your royal area as machine hands strip away your clothing~ and with a smug look, hands on her hips ~ she watches intently as you are drained of your tickle ideas, your energy, and your royal essence through all those writhing giggles while she feeds her collective of wicked machinery~<3
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Yuichi Usagi- A Shady Past- Chapter 2
WARNINGS- this fic contains weapons, blood, fighting, and angst. if this isnt your cup of tea then just scroll past ^^
SUMMARY- you learn more of Yuichi's past and about the person he needed to call.
INFO- this fic was written by me and my bestie @d0nnie3000. Her OC is in this and so is one of mine. anyways hope you like this. hopefully ill be able to update more regular since school is getting out soon I'm just having my finals so yall know how busy those days can be.
Seven year old Usagi didn't know where he was. It was a dark room with two beds and a cold chill. his mother held onto him closely, as if she let go she'd never seee him again. Two tall yokai in black suits had come to their farm and taken them captive, bringing them to a place above the Hidden City, definitely far from Nedo Edo. The guards had shoved him an his parents in this room.
Months had passed, it was the same old routine, the guards would come in and take his parents away for hours on end, they always come back with more injuries then when they had left. Usagi hated seeing his mom and dad like this, he thought to himself that one day he'd save them like his grandfather, Miyomoto Usagi, would've. He missed his own comfy bed, he missed momma's soup he'd get when he was sick, and dad's stories before bed. Today would change everything.
Today the guards came like usual but this time they spoke, "Time to pay up, rabbits."
Usagi's father answered, "You've taken everything. We've nothing left to give."
"Is that so?"
Before any of them could respond they took the rabbit yokai out of there cell and walked them down the hall. other captives watched as they walked. Usagi heard one whisper, "It's a child..." but he couldn't point out where it came from. As they continued walking the guard led them to a open arena, one of the guards took Usagi's parents to two poles, holding them up by their ears with ropes. The guard walked back next to Usagi and the Guard holding him.
The guard pulled out his gun and cocked it. Usagi's eyes shot open wide... he knew what was about to happen, he started struggling against the guards grip. not that it would do much, he was a kid, not very strong against a full grown yokai.
The guard with a gun smirked, " I've been needing target practice, guess this is my lucky day~"
"No, please! Please don't do it, please!" Usagi's pleas were ignored.
The guard aimed and before any words could be said the gun went off. His mother screamed out seeing her husbands body go limp.
She looked at Usagi, " My child, do not fear! We will always be with-" and then the gun went off a second time.
Usagi fell to his knees crying, "Momma... Papa..."
After Usagi's parents were killed the guards took him back to his now emptier cell. He would be their for weeks. The guards began to notice the young boy wouldn't eat or drink. They reported the information to their boss.
"Well make him eat! We need him alive!" The mafia boss yelled
"Sir, with all due respect, why? He's just another yokai kid." The guard questioned.
"He's worth more than he appears to be, therefore what is he worth to me if he's dead!? GO!"
They left the boss' office and from then on Usagi was forced to eat and drink.
One day Usagi heard noise coming from outside his cell. It sounded like panting and groans with fighting noises thrown in there too.
Before Usagi could react his cell door was slammed open, his AUntie stood in the door way holding a small kitten yokai in her arms, katana in the other hand. He ran to her and hugged her tightly, "Auntie..."
"I know, dear, i know. We're gonna get out save, just get on my back okay?" his AUntie helped him onto her back and began her escape.
"Come on? Did you bet slower in that little time, boys?" Auntie teased the guards who where way behind her.
Before Usagi knew it he felt the cool night air on his fur. He held a strong grip on his Auntie, not ready to let go anytime soon.
"Oh, child... You're save now."
Usagi was finishing bandaging Leo's right arm as the story ended. Sagi's eyes tearing up at the memories, Mikey had already been crying. Raph held a gaze of both terror and shock, Donnie's full of concern and pain. Genesis stood in the room, her brown hair falling in front of her face and the orange streak covering one her both shame filled eyes.
Before an awkward silence fell on them Usagi spoke again,"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you all invloved in this."
Leo looked at Sagi, "You're our friend, my best friend, we protect or own. Plus, have you met us? We don't exactly do 'stay out of trouble'." Sagi gave him a weak smile in return.
"I can't believe- why would they do that!?" Mikey clung to Raph's arm, still in tears.
Sky, a ornate box turtle and Mikey's twin, entered the room with meds in her hands, mostly ibuprofen.
The half yokai, Genesis spoke, moving her hair out of he face, "Because... Because my father doesn't show mercy... very little at that..."
The room went silent and everybody stared at Genesis, shocked by her words.
Sky was the first to speak, her anger hardly being contained, "Y-You're father..?"
"That's also why I didn't want to tell you..." Sagi's ears twitched at Sky's anger.
Genesis stood silent for a few moments but finally getting the courage to speak, "Yes, my father. I was trained to be ruthless, to show no mercy and that human and yokai life alike had no meaning, no worth. He taught me deception. But all that changed when I met you guys."
Sky felt the rage in her boil and try to break free, "So what are you a f***ing spy?!"
"What? No, of course not!"
"And just why should we trust you?"
"I'm not working with my father anymore, I'm not on their side!"
"Thanks to your father, Leo almost died!"
"I know and I'm sorry! I tried to keep you away but you guys just wouldn't listen!"
"Maybe you should've told us sooner?! Who knows, maybe we could've helped!"
"Helped? My father would've killed you in cold blood!" Genesis pointed her finger at Sky, slowly getting in her face.
"Guys, calmed down." Donnie tried to get between the two, only resulting in morefighting.
"You saying I'm weak?" Sky was defensive and in her fighting stance.
"Maybe I am? Maybe it's because you are, you wouldn't survive a day in my dads tra- HNG-" Sky punched her in the stomach, tired of Genesis ridiculing her.
"Hows that for weak?" Sky came back around kicking her in the jaw.
Genesis looked up at the turtle, rage burned in her eyes, she stood her self up and as Sky went for another kick at the girls head a brown wing came out and blocked the kick. Sky's leg was thrown down and she was shoved to the ground. She hit the floor with a thud, wincing at the pain.
Genesis looked down at her then at Usagi, "It was a mistake, Sagi..."
"What do you-"
"I should've never made friends."
Genesis stormed out of the sewers, leaving them in shock and heartbreak.
Donatello walked over to his sister and helped her up, "Sky are you serious!?"
"Quite so, why?"
Leo shot back at her, "I know you're mad but we need her if we're gonna stop her father!"
Sky rolled her sapphire eyes, "Do we?"
"Sky." Leo looked at his sister annoyed.
"She's in the mafia, Leo!"
"I know this, Sky."
"Aren't you mad?!"
"Well obviously!"
"Then how are you so calm about it?!"
"Because it's not her fault!"
Leo took a deep breath, looking at Sky with sad eyes, "It's not her fault, it's her father's. She didn't know better..."
Sky grabbed her arm and looked to the ground, "You're right... Crap..."
Genesis was on the roof of a building near the turtles street, trying to calm the burning fire in her, "Who the f*** does she think she is?! I could send an entire-" she cut herself of mid sentence, "No, no, I'm not my father."
Genesis was raised to kill without hesitation, without mercy. Someone got in her way? Dead. Someone didn't pay? Dead. Someone made her angry? Dead. She had changed though, right? She wasn't a ruthless killer, right? It wasn't her fault Leo got captured, it wasn't her fault he got hurt, it wasn't her fault they got involved. Now, it wasn't her problem either, she was done with the turtles, done with Usagi, done with Sky, done with friends, done with Ra- she wince at the thought. She loved Raph but after that would he love her?
"Doesn't matter... not anymore.."
She spread her wings looking to the city. She was going to finish this, once and for all. She jumped off the building, letting the air loft her wings, soaring through New York.
"I'm coming, dad."
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Leonardo x Reader- Oneshot (TMNT 2014/2016)
So in honor of black history month, I decided to write this Fanfiction. 
As a black woman, it is important to recognize and be proud of who I am. And to all the beautiful black women out there, be proud and thankful for all we’ve achieved. I hope my readers will enjoy this little fiction as much as I liked writing it. There is also a little information about my hometown in this.
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"Hey Leo did I leave my.."
"Right here."
Leo was holding your pack of hair ties in his hand. He smiled, and you flushed, taking it with a small thanks.
"You saved my life, I always lose these. Just bought them too." You were so excited for the movie night yesterday that you came right from the store with everything that you shop for that evening. So of course when you got home and couldn't find them, you assumed you left it with the turtles.
"Alright guys quit flirting." Raph buzzed passed, and at that moment you were thankful for your dark skin, because it would be that more embarrassing if Leo could see you blush. Leo brushed off the comment, just shrugging his brother off.
"Don't mind him, he's just mad cause Mikey beat him again in Mario Kart." you giggle, following Leo to the living room.
Easy days like this were nice. Saturdays were what you looked forward to. Friday nights you'd all get together and watch a movie, and Saturdays were reserved for pure relaxation. You moved over taking a seat next to Mikey, and his grin grew wide as he looked at you. You smiled, despite your slight confusion. "Do I have something on my face?" you chuckle.
"Nah brah, it's just your hair." your eyes widened, and you reached over wondering if maybe it was getting unruly again. "Oh crap is it crazy!" you asked, self consciously. You had it loose today, curls falling at the sides. It was puffy and curly at the same time. Almost like a kinky afro. Generally you'd pull your hair back in a high bun, or even a side one. But you couldn't find your ties earlier, and you were really not feeling it to comb through it today.
"Are you kidding! Your hair is amazing, everytime you come it's like in a different style." This time, you were surely blushing. "O-Oh..thank you..." It was no secret that you had untamed hair. You loved it though. Growing up there were people that made you feel a bit insecure about it. Most of the kids at your school had such tamed and straight hair, while you had curly kinky locks. At times it was a challenge styling it, and it did take a while on most days just to get it under control, but it's what made you, you. Your hair was your heritage, your strength.
Leo was watching you from his spot, and he couldn't help but agree with Mikey. It wasn't just your hair that was different, it was everything. He remembered the first time he asked Master Splinter about the differences in humans. He was a kid, probably nine or ten. He didn't know much but what he'd seen Donnie show him when they'd sneak to the surface to peek through the drains.
Looking back he realized just how everyone varied. Hair, skin, eyes. It was so fascinating to him. He loved it all. The diversity, to him it was incredible. As sad as humanity was sometimes, there were occasions that they would surprise him. The world was far from perfect, but there were moments where unity just inspired him to fight harder for the citizens.
You were a clear example of that. Meeting you was not just eye opening but also educational. He'd forever be willing to learn new cultures. So whenever you gave him or his brothers a small history lesson when they questioned something you did or said, he found that he was that more intrigued by you. They'd known you for just a few months, yet it felt like years of friendship. They were still learning more about you, everyday. Now that he thought about it, you weren't born in New York.
"(Y/N), you said you were born in the Caribbean right?"
The way your face spark to life never fails to make his heart pick up.
"That's right, I'm surprised you remembered that. Think I told Mikey the second time we met. He wanted to know why I talked so funny."
"Yeah, what was the name of your country again." Raph questioned from across the room. He was presently doing pull ups on the metal bar.
"Trinidad and Tobago. That's where I was raised, I moved here with my parents four years ago."
"Dude say that thing you did last time." Mikey called excitedly. You rolled your eyes.
"What thing?" Leo asked curiously.
"The way they say what's up is so cool. (Y/N) says it's english but it sounds completely different."
Now Leo really wanted to hear. His sapphire gaze turned on you, and you nibbled on your lip.
"I-It's isn't anything great it's just a greeting."
"I'd like to hear, if you don't mind of course."
You didn't mind at all. Leo was your weakness.
"Wais de scene."
"Seee!! You can't tell me that's english!"
Mikey was jumping up off the chair laughing and now so were you.
"You sounded different too." Leo notes. Your accent was different from the New York drawl he used too. It was nice.
"Can you tell us more." He really did love to learn, and maybe just between him, he kind of liked your native tongue.
The boys were on patrol, so you figured you'd have more time to yourself. You opted for taking a shower. You'd gotten out a few minutes ago and now you were spraying your hair with olive oil as you ran your fingers through the curls. Your hand shifted to the small container of hair food, dipping in and placing it on your scalp, making sure to get it through the roots. You were glad Leo placed this mirror in his room. You had no idea why though. He didn't seem like the self absorbed type.
"I knew it would come in handy." His voice startled you a little. He closed the door on entry, and you dropped your hands. "H-Hey, I'm sorry I didn't think you guys would be back yet. I wasnt messing with your stuff or anything I just need to use the mirror and yours is so big so I thought why not and I-"
"You don't have to explain yourself, I asked Donnie to set it up here for you." you raised an eyebrow in surprise.
"Yeah, you're here a lot, and I know girls like styling their hair. I was hoping I'd finally get to see you actually doing it. I've always been curious about how you get it to look so beautiful."
He really did know what to say to make your heart flutter.
Damn that smooth talker.
"Gosh, are you guys on a mission to embarrass me today, you've been complimenting me since this morning and it isn't even my birthday. " you pulled your hair up into a high bun, reaching for a hair tie to keep it in place.
"Wait!" you froze, looking at him.
"S-Sorry I just...I like the way it looks when you leave it down. It's so puffy, kind of cute..." his words trailed off, and you slowly dropped your hand.
"W-Well I guess if you like it then I don't mind. " you couldn't maintain eye contact, so you turned to the items in front of you. Closing the lids of both hair products, you shift over to the sink you wash your hands from the oily substance. When you were done, you reached for the hand cloth, before you could grab it, Leo was behind you, and his hand rested gently over your palm. Your body stilled, pulse increasing.
"Leo.." it was said with so much uncertainty. You weren't sure how things got to this, heck, you weren't expecting it, but you weren't complaining. His hands ran down your arms slowly. With your back still facing him, there wasn't much you could do but hope your breathing wasn't too labored. You'd spent so long trying to keep your feelings for him under wraps. If nothing but to ensure you didn't risk your friendship. Right now though, friendship was far from your thoughts.
"I wasn't being completely forward earlier, it isn't just your hair that's beautiful. " Your heart gave a thump, and when he urged you around slowly, you couldn't bring yourself to look away from him. "Your hair, skin, eyes, lips.." the last word was said longingly, and you swallowed the lump in your throat. "It's a challenge for me sometimes, I envy Mikey's ability to just say what's on his mind. I can barely look at you for too long, otherwise I'm afraid how much harder it'll be for me to hold back." So he was holding back too, geez, and here you thought this attraction was purely one sided.
"What if I..don't want you to hold back Leo.." His blue eyes glimmered, and you swore your knees would buckle just from the intensity of his stare. His hand raised to your cheek, and you released a sigh. How many times did you imagine this scenario in your head. Hundreds? Maybe thousands.
"Then I won't." he closed the space with those three words, and you leaned into it. Leo's arms were secured around your waist as his soft lips covered your own. Your hands gripped at his shoulders, and you tried to keep them from venturing. If they strayed, you weren't sure you'd be able to trust yourself not to grope every inch of his taunt muscular body. The kiss started off slow, innocent even. It was your first one together. You were both trying to savor it. Having longed for this, it felt like a dream.
After a few moments, that tentative demeanor changed to one of dominance and hunger, one that needed to be satisfied. Leo backed you up, not breaking the kiss for even a mere second. Leo's hand around your waist moved to the small of your back, and you gasped when it landed on your butt. He heard the sound, pulling back.
"Should..I..stop.." he forced out between pants. You shook your head, diving back in. Leo groaned, giving your cheek an appreciative squeeze. The action made you open your mouth, and his tongue slipped in. You moaned, and Leo took another step forward, this time he turned, and you let out a soft sound when he fell back in the bed, pulling you with him. He barely seemed affected, taken by the sensations.
You straddled his body, parting to admire his hazed look. Your chest was still heaving, and you wanted nothing more than to join your lips again, but you just liked looking at him. Those azure orbs that were almost penetrating you. His hand ran up your thigh, and he smirked at the way you bit down on your lip.
"Did I mention that I like chocolate?"
You giggle, "I sort of figured it out hotshot." you snark back. You squeaked when he suddenly switched positions. You were now bound to the bed, literally. He pinned both your wrists, that confident smile never leaving.
"I also like being in control." That comment did wild things to your body. You didn't mind at all. He pressed into you, and you whimpered needy. "L-Leo.." you wanted him, needed him now.
"Don't worry, I'd never leave you all hot and bothered, no matter how arousing it is to watch."
"Stop talking and kiss me!"
"So bossy." He taunted.
He leaned down, giving your neck a soft kiss.
"Save your voice, you're gonna need it."
You gulped, and Leo took your breath away before you could fully think about it.
You were in store for a very...busy night.
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uhzuku · 4 years
Kiss rate:
Give me
Make me cry
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Honestly you can’t yell at me later over this, you asked for it (you can though I’d love to seee). 10/10.
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50. Dying Breath.
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“I - I don’t know what to do, how do I stop it?” He whispers, trying his hardest to cover the gaping wound on her stomach that leaked blood endlessly with one hand while cradling her limp body with the other. His hands were covered in blood and his pants were soaked in it - even the tips of his wings were wet from the pool of metallic body fluid that covered the ground. “Baby, please, you gotta talk to me!”
“It’s okay, it’s okay -“ Y/N chokes out weakly, blood dribbling from the corner of her mouth; she tries to lift a hand up to wipe it from her face, but all she can manage is to make her index and middle finger twitch twice.
“No, it’s not!” Hawks sobs, squeezing her tightly with the one arm he held her up with. A fresh surge of blood spurted up and he threw out apology after apology. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry-!”
“It wasn’t your fault baby-“ Y/N replies softly, eyes gentle and warm, but also growing more and more distant.
“It was! I should have stopped it! That hit wasn’t for you to take!” Hawks argues as weakly as Y/N had spoken the fir at time. He bows his head in silent deafest and just begins to sob, and despite the stinging that started in her wound from the salt in his tears she says nothing. She doesn’t know what to say - she’d been his only constant, his only confidante dont they were children, and now they both knew that she’d be leaving forever in just a few short minutes.
“Keigo?” She whispers softly, finally finding her voice. He looks up at her, eyes swollen, red, and still filled with tears.
“Just kiss me - Kiss me and everything will get better,” she replies, and he ducks his head down for his lips to meet hers, as blood soaked as they may be. As they kiss she smiled softly against him, her bloodstained teeth showing to the cameras that were always rolling for the civilians at home that were watching the death of one of Japan’s - their - favorite heroes.
She forces her body to lift a hand, it’s palm and fingers covered in her own blood, and places it against his his cheek, the ends of her fingers curling around dangling locks of his hair as they continue to kiss. Out of instinct Hawks wraps both of them up with his wings and hides them from the camera that rolled over the carnage.
No one was able to get them to unfurl or Hawks to let go for hours, the winged hero sitting with his deceased lover on top of the rubble for what felt like forever to everyone watching. Only after Endeavor himself came forward and spoke to him softly did the smaller hero practically go limp himself snd allow the team that had been trying to retrieve her body from him genuinely take it, and as he watched the men in white uniforms take her, place her body into the back of a nondescript vehicle and drive away Keigo started to think. She promised him that if he kissed her everything would get better, so why did he have to live in this hell?
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is-nini · 4 years
Under the moonlight
Diluc x reader
(a sprinkle of spoiler from darknight hero questt)
You and aether run as. Fast as you both could while paimon us flying as fast as she could. Currently its 18:59, the darknight hero will appear soon and you both doesn't wanna missed him.
When you both arrived, Diluc is already there you both watched him attack the mage as you both are entrance by his fighting style.
He looked at the both of you from the corner of his eyes, upon seeing you he widen his eyes a bit but quickly regain his composure.
He turn his whole body towards the both of you and stare at you for a while. He closed his eyes and fold his hand over eachother and then stare back at the both of you.
"Ah.. so it's you master Diluc, Y-you're the darknight hero..".
Aether stated a little hesitation in the end. You looked at Diluc and wave at him.
"hello master diluc! You're the darknight hero??? That's veryy cool!".
You stated for a while and then bow your body a little as a sign of respect.
"thankyou for protecting mondstat!".
Aether looks at you, deadpan. You can never really learn the situation huh.. showing respect and not seemingly surprised.. you even show excitement.
And that's one of the things that Diluc like about you. Always straight to the point and always so polite and sweet.
"take care of these enemy for me traveler, please follow me y/n".
He stated after having a little conversation with Aether. Now you're shocked, why would he ask you to follow him. You hesitate but there's something about his gaze that makes you comfortable to tell him everything. As if he is asking you too.
Taking all your guts you put one of your hand on your chest, clenching your outfits.
"s-sorry master Diluc.. i will stay here and help Aether fight".
He stare at you for a while and then sigh a little bit. Seeing him sigh you instantly regret your decision, you're preparing yourself to be heartbroken when he leaves but.
"i have more important things to do and your a part of that things. Traveler can fend for himself. Right traveler?".
He asked, staring at the traveler, expecting him to say yes and nod.
"go y/n as master Diluc said, you're one of the important "things" for him... You should go".
Aether said, giggling a little bit. He saw how Diluc looks at you, he saw the worried face on Diluc face whenever you go out doing commission with him and now Diluc just confirms that you are infact very important for him.
"come follow me".
Diluc said, stretching his hand out. You take his hand with hesitation and look at Aether, he is waving you goodbye with a smile on his face the expression in his face confirms that everything will be okay and so you smile and wave back as you slowly follows diluc's footsteps.
"paimon thinks that master Diluc is in love with y/n". Paimon said after the both of you are gone.
"you see that too right paimon? I think so too". Aether said, giggling at the end.
You walked hand in hand with Diluc through mondstat. He keeps looking down at you to check are you okay or not. The akward silence is killing him so he clear his throat, catching your attention.
"please becareful, recently i heard there will be a big storm of danger wave to mondstat".
He stated, you looked at him with a smile and blush. You nod your head.
"ye-yes! Thankyou master Diluc".
He nod and squeeze your hand more as your face erupts in a shade of redder shade instantly you looked at him.
His so dreamy.. everything about him- his jaws his face, his hair-. Your thoughts are cut off when you hear him say something.
"you can stay with me if you'd like.. you won't be a bother.. you can accompany me if you'd like".
He said, facing away from you, you stare at him wide eye as you're loss for words. You have more and you're pretty good, you don't really have a place to stay because... Well you're always going on adventures with Aether so this... Is surprisingly nice.
You smile up at him, stroking his hand, trying to soothe him.
"i would live to accompany master Diluc. It would be such a Great honour!".
You stated, he looks at you, surprise is present on his face. You stare at him back, not even noticing that you both stopped on your track to look at eachother under the moonlight.
Diluc felt comfort. He felt happiness with you, he felt like you're his world and he wanted to protect you, whenever you're hurt his heart will shatter that's why he wanted to be with you,. To make you happy. To Protect you.
"is this what people called love?".
Whops.. he accidentally think out loud, which is rare, your face erupts in shades of red along with him.
You kind of shriek he looks at you after taking a deep breath.
"i think I'm in love with you".
He said it again- your heart is broken, it has exploded, he likes you back! Never.. in your life you would think that-.
"i-i- wa- what? Wait uhm-".
You wanted to facepalm so bad because of the words you spit out is a bunch of jumbled words. Diluc's eyes darkened a bit.
"it's okay if you don't feel the same way-". He said.
"NO!". You cut him off.
"i-its not like that- i.. i never thought that you would like.. me back-".
You explained to him, Diluc takes all the courage in the world and grab your waist and kissed your lips.
Your lips taste so sweet,. So soft.. he cannot have enough of it, it's so nice and warm.. he wanted more.. he doesn't wanna stop..
Diluc pulled away, and let you take a breath,. Your hand is clutching his shoulder as you pant and looked at his eye. He takes your chin and peck your lips one more time.
"is that a yes?".
He asked, you just nod your head, not trusting your voice, he let out a relief sigh as he stroke your head and kiss you deeply, with passion again.
You hug his neck and kiss him back, pulling away to take a breath for a second and then kiss him again, softer this time.
Diluc smile on your lips as he pulled away, gaving a time for both of you to catch some air again. You look up at him as he touched his Forehead with yours and peck it.
"you're mine okay, you will live with me from now on".
He stated, you nod your head at him and hug him. He peck your lips once again and then brings you to the manor.
"anddddd that's how i meet my prince!".
You stated with a smile, you're talking to the kids on mondstat, you read them a princess story once and now they're wondering how you meet your prince and You gladly explained to them while they're looking at you with amazement while sitting on top if the grass near the statue of seven.
"SEEE miss y/n is like a princess! Her prince would be mr Diluc! He looks like a prince".
One of the kids said, making you laugh and shake your head.
"ah! Y/n! Thankyou for taking care of my kids okay? Sorry.. they're a bunch of trouble's..".
Their mother comes towards you as you smile and shake your head as you giggle.
"no ma'am, you have such a sweet kids".
She smile back at you greatfuly as she sigh and hold her head.
"ah.. you're too kind.. tell your fiancé i said hi okay".
She said as she walks away, you nod your head as you said your goodbyes. A footsteps was heard from behind you.
"princess y/n ragnvindr huh.. that suits you".
A red haired man comes from behind you and kissed you cheek.
"it sounds perfect doesn't it? Those kids is so nice".
Diluc smile at you, the same pretty smile that he gave you 6 years ago when you both first meet.
"yeah.. those kids are nice,but we would make a better kids right?".
He said, taking you up and sitting beside you and put you on his lap. He pepper you face with kisses, thinking that there is no one here.
"didn't think that Master Diluc likes PDA".
A teasing voice comes along, snapping both of your sweet moments.
"shut uppp tone deaf bard, paimon was enjoying the showwww".
Paimon whine while Aether apologize to stalk the both of you, you shake your head and flash them a bright smile, your Fiancée on the other hand has summon his claymore.
"you're looking for death".
Paimon and Venti squeal and run away while Diluc summon his fire bird to chase them. Aether laugh along side you as Paimon and Venti apologize thousands upon thousands of time.
The future will not be as pretty compared to now.. the fight that mondstat face will be hard on the future but.. as long as Diluc is here with you, you'll be fine.
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mythichang · 4 years
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➠ pairing . . . george weasley x reader
➠ genre . . . fluff!!! pining on both parts, pretty short but i think it was a lot of sweetness 😣😣 they ARE students!!! same grade and all that jazz
➠ warnings . . . nothing really!! although they doooo talk about butts but,,, you’ll seee,,,,,
➠ word count . . . 1.8k
➠ authors note . . . this is super duper late and was requested by anon so looooong ago!! i did fall out of the fandom for a bit because tiktok sort of made me realize that a lot of people were on the wrong side of my many situations, but hp will always be in my heart so here i am!!! i hope you all enjoy!!! talk to me about this imagine!! give me scenarios or ask this george and yn from this universe a question!!
➠ masterlist
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george was being quite adorable on that particular monday afternoon
you had taken your usual seat, a two-seater splat in the middle of the class
you hadn’t even noticed that the red head fumbled into class, excited to sit besides you as you were too engrossed in your book
it was another thriller, one that made your skin crawl but in the most satisfying way
george got to his seat besides you, a smile on his face as he watched you bite on your lip the tiniest of bit in concentration
he plopped down beside you, head tilted to watch your concentrated face
although he wasn’t as confident as his twin brother, he always watched from afar, eyes full of puppy love
and by afar, he meant right beside you— because that’s where he always was— right beside you
befriending you hadn’t been the easiest of tasks, your quietness not being filling enough for any other person
but he admired the way you didn’t have to yell at the top of your lungs about your excitement
or the way you could sit with anyone in silence and make them feel more comfortable than words could ever manage
really, he was sprung on yOu and only YoU
it wasn’t a surprise to anyone really
not with those longing looks and the way the boy follows you around like a lost puppy
a lost cute puppy albeit
you didn’t mind either
he was an incredibly sweet boy and managed to help you out a lot in different instances
like the way he helps you find the right words to speak to someone whenever you’re stuck
or helping decipher exactly what others are feeling, since you had the smallest of trouble doing a mundane thing
he helps in all of the classes you two have together and is often found getting you to pull away from your little bubble
it’s a great bubble, you love the bubble, it’s always been YOUR bubble but you didn’t mind stepping out of it for the red head boy with the mischievous twin brother
“did you get a chance to study for OWLs?” the boy pulls you out of trance
you look up, a small smile blossoming upon your face at the sight of your favorite boys face
“i did, you?” you ask faintly, gently putting your book back into the small bag that helped you carry all of your books thought out the day
“not a chance.”
“im guessing you want my notes?” you turn in your seat, arm perched up on the desk as you leaned your head up on the palm of your hand
“hmm, i think i would greatly appreciate it.”
“oh, you think?” you laugh softly at his words, same bright smile on your face
you could feel your mood immediately spike as you spoke to him
he was so incredibly comforting and kind, something that you couldn’t find often at hogwarts with rivalries blooming left to right
“i'm not saying i would decline if you offered them up.”
“who’s offering them?” you feign a look of innocence as you exaggeratedly look around the classroom and back at him. “i don’t see anyone doing that.”
“it’s you. you’re offering them up.” he softly pokes the side of your stomach, making you squirm in your seat.
“ask nicely and i might consider handing them over.” you click your tongue and tap your wrist as if signaling that his time was almost up.
“y/n, may i kindly take a look at your notes so that i don’t totally bomb the OWLs?”
“i think i need a little more begging.”
“you suck”
it wasn’t as if you wanted to be staring at him
he was just there— standing there so gloriously beside his twin brother
it was no doubt that the weasley twins were popular around hogwarts
you weren't sure if it was their likability or the parties they seemed to make a thousand times more fun
whatever it was, they ravished in it, not that you cared either, even if it did get you into too many uncomfy situations
seeing george oh-so happy among the crowd of wizards was oh-so gratifying
he smiled so bright that his pearly whites shone throughout wherever he was
now was one of the moments, except you weren’t anywhere special— just another day of sitting across the room from one another in herbology
professor sprout had separated the two of you in hopes that you wouldn’t mess or speak to one another in class any longer
that didn’t work out great,,, clearly
because now you were dazed
dazed as you watch the boy laugh and work with his brother
you weren’t quite sure what was going on between them but you knew you looked like one of those ridiculous people in those ridiculous romantic movies
where the main character is staring at the boy they find so attractive— hearts floating around their head as they sigh out in happiness as if they were watching their entire world
ridiculous ridiculous ridiculous
but could you blame yourself? was it really your fault or was it george’s for being very cute? for having a laugh and smile that just manages to grasp your entire self?
it was george’s fault you like to think
“what are you doing?” the sudden voice makes you jump in your spot, utensils falling onto the floor with a loud clatter
you look down at the utensils out of embarrassment, not wanting to make any eye contact with anybody
“sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” angela bends down over with you, helping pick up your things
“it’s quite alright,” you mumble softly, not exactly knowing what so say
“i figure you’re into george.” the girl’s sudden words throw you off, your head snapping up to look at the beautiful girl
“w-what? where… um, where’d you get that? it’s nothing but… lies.” you sputter out as quickly as possible— and quite literally too loudly as many others glanced to you and the girl
you could feel your cheeks brighten up even more
a sense of deadly remorse wafts over your already flushed body as angelina gave you an unimpressed look
“alright, calm down, it was just a random conclusion i’ve came up with.”
“that’s a crazy hypothesis!” you continue to sputter out your words as if in disgust of her word
“it wouldn't be that crazy, now, would it?” she laughs gently as the two of you stood up, finally coming up from your crouch on the floor
“he’s just a friend”
“it’s no big deal, i’m definitely into fred. nothing to be ashamed of.”
“yeah, well everyone knows that.” you sigh, fixing up your utilities, angelina helping you with the task
“and no one knows about you and george? only so many can be as, and i mean this in the nicest way possible, oblivious as you two.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” eyebrows scrunched, you turn to her
were you supposed to be offended? you felt as if you should but you didn’t care enough about it any longer
“it means... make a move.” she shrugs from beside you. “i don’t think it’d ruin anything. if anyithing, you two could stop running circles around one another and finally make out.”
“you are a very crude person.”
“masking out is crude to you? bless your soul, no wonder you haven’t noticed him.”
and that was where the conversation stopped, only making your thoughts run 100 mph
what was she saying exactly? was george as into you as you are into him?
it made your brain feel mushy and it was a horrible feeling
one filled with anxiousness, trying to figure out exactly what being a teenager with feelings meant
but it pleasantly relaxed you to know that angelina was going through the same things as a teenager herself
having started hanging out with her and listening to her advice, you began to notice more things about george and the way he was around you
he was a lot more touchy than you ever remembered, and not in an uncomfortable wait either
but what seemed platonic and innocent to you suddenly sent an alarm through out you (again, not a bad one,,,, just a slightly nervous one)
what were you supposed to do???????
you were always told that you were HORRIBLE with emotions and confrontation
confront him about your feelings???? now how were you supposed to deal with both???
you were unnerved to no end and george was quick to catch in as well
“okay, what’s up your butt?” at hearing george’s voice, you jump up slightly
“there’s nothing up my butt.”
“yes there is. you have that look.”
“the ‘there’s-something-up-my-butt’ look?” you scoff lightly, hoping to rid of the conversation with a tiny bit of humor
“exaclty the look. tell me what’s wrong.”
“nothings wrong.” you shrug him off, turning back to your book, one of which you had to read the first sentence repeatedly
you couldn’t even sit beside him any longer without feeling as if you’re about to burst with terrifying feelings and hypothesis, courtesy of angelina
“is someone bullying you?”
“what?” you turn to him in disbelief. “who would bully me?”
“i don’t know,” he mumbles softly not liking the reaction he managed to grab from you. “just... you look... weird.”
“and here i thought this flimsy uniform looked great with my legs.”
“okay sassypants, i’ll let you be.”
you sigh softly at the sight of a defeated look on him
your mother always said, “if something is painful but can be rid of in an instant, rip it off like a bandaid.”
you always thought it was dumb, why would you rip off a bandaid? bandaids were there to make you feel better so it should be working on whatever it’s put on
you’re ridiculous
you knew you needed to stop being such a wussy, it was a bad look on you
that much you could tell at george’s hesitant looks
screw it
“want to go on a date?” it was too late to stop the words from coming out.
george looks over at you, wide eyes
you felt as if time was suddenly going to slow as you awaited his answer
so far,,,? things didn’t look too great for you
but you weren’t going to strike-out immediately, maybe he was too shocked
“you want to go on a date? with me?”
“no, actually, im asking professor snape... yes with you.” your cheeks were flushed red as you refused to look the boy in the eye
“sassypants is coming out again.” the melodious tone of his laughter reaching your ears, making you feel at ease
“i’d love to go on a date with you.” you shut your eyes tight, hands covering your face
“goodness, i felt like i was suffocating.” you mumble, embarrassment continuously coursing through your body
“is that what was up your butt?”
“you really do have a way with words. yes, that’s what was up my butt.”
“hmm, i knew something was wrong. weirdo, you could have asked me so long ago!”
“you could’ve told me too!”
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blizzardfluffykpop · 4 years
Stairway Mistletoe
Summary: Decorating your shared apartment with your roommate’s friends,... A certain couple hangs one too many mistletoes.
Word Count: 1,336 
Changbin X Reader
Requested: ouhh hi! for your winter breakdown ( i forgot the name I'm sorry) I'm going to request the prompt "waiting under the mistletoe" member are either chan or changbin from strays kidsss ( which one you think suits this best!) and gender female or neutral up to you! so excited to seee!!! i hope you have fun with this!💓 
Prompt: 10. Waiting Under the Mistletoe.
Having Jisung as a roommate seems fun. Until you realize he has seven friends that are always over and adding any more to the mix it’s a crowd. I have eight roommates and seven don’t pay rent, but at least they’ll pitch in for takeout. So when Jisung asks everyone over on Christmas Eve to decorate for Christmas, I know I’m in for a long night. Nine people in a tiny-ass apartment decorating the whole thing? It’s a plan for disaster, but that makes it more fun. Jisung and I set up the tree when we hear a knock and Jisung rushes over and opens the door. Leaving me to fix the tree skirt and the train will run around it. 
Changbin comes over to help me fix up the tree. “Why did we assign the two short ones to tree decorating, they can’t even get the star on without getting a ladder.” I whip my head back to look over at Jeongin, “You’re just lucky you’re a child.” Changbin snickers and Jeongin pouts, “I. Am. Not. I’m an adult--.” I smirk over at Changbin, “Do you still want Santa to bring you a present? Or am I going to have to tell him you’re being naughty?” He shakes his head, “No, no,... I’ll go back to hanging the Christmas lights.” I laugh and mutter, “That’s what I thought.” Changbin and I fiddle with the lights and after twenty minutes we get them to all light up. We wrap the lights around the tree and get on with placing ornaments on the tree. I bring another box of ornaments over and start making the tree look fuller. We grab handfuls of tinsel and sprinkle it all over the tree. We finish by wrapping the tree with different colored spools of garland. When I ask Changbin, “How are we going to get the star on top of the tree?” Not wanting to grab a ladder and have Jeongin laugh at us.
He tells me, “Get on my shoulders, it is a seven-foot tree after all.” I gulp as he kneels down, I bite my lip and swing my legs over his shoulders. With ease, he gets up and hands me the golden star. I hear Chan let out, “I am putting that in the scrapbook!” I look over at him and then back down at Changbin who smiles up at me. All my words leave my mouth and I let Changbin put me back down on the ground. 
I already know I want multiple copies of that Polaroid. Not that I’m going to let anyone in on my not-so-secret crush. But, you know for keepsakes, right, (Y/n), keep telling yourself that. “Well, we’re done decorating the tree!” We exclaim and high five each other, and I look over to see what kind of mess the rest of them got themselves into. 
While we wait on them to finish up, we go and make hot chocolate for the others. Well, I make hot chocolate for the others, I do not trust any of them in the kitchen. I pour the hot chocolate into each mug and Changbin asks, “How many marshmallows and what size?” “However many you want to give me,” I say nonchalantly and when I look back over at my cup. It’s a pyramid of mini marshmallows and he has three large ones in his. I crack up, “Oh man, why did you give me so many?” He smiles, “They’re sweet and tiny like you,...” I squint and pout, “I’m as tall as you though.” He shrugs, “Well then, why did you give yourself three big ones?” “3racha and I’ll let you figure that other part out.” I act like I’m breaking the fourth wall and say, “Well, in Whoville, they say that the Grinch’s heart grew three sizes that day.” He chuckles and ruffles my hair and finishes putting varying amounts of marshmallows in everyone’s hot chocolate. 
I carry five on a tray and he carries the other four and everyone rushes over to grab their own. I look up and realize that Minho and Jisung were in charge of hanging mistletoe. I scoot over before they can finish hanging up the last one. “Who put the lovers in charge of mistletoe?” I ask and Jeongin says, “The same person that put you and Changbin in charge of the tall tree--” I shake my head and let out a sigh. When Minho and Jisung get off of the ladder they proclaim, “We finished up our part as well!” “How many mistletoes did you put up?” They exchange a look and shrug, “Enough to have 25 kisses for Christmas by the end of the night.” I open my mouth to say something and decide against it and take a sip of my hot chocolate. Seungmin comes out of the bathroom and says, “I finished up the bathroom!” I exchange a look with Jisung, “You--You decorated the bathroom?” 
“Didn’t I just say that--” I nod, “Okay then,... Your hot chocolate’s waiting for you.” Everyone finishes up their hot chocolate and those who have yet to finish get back to work. The rest of us grab blankets and make a fort big enough for three kings. Minho gets up and grabs his gifts from his car after watching the fourth Christmas movie. Which leads to everyone rushing out to grab their presents for each other. I decide to wait on putting mine out and grab the bowl of Christmas candy. Placing it in the middle so everyone can reach it. When everyone settles back down, we finish up The Santa Clauses movies. 
I wake up to Christmas music blaring, I wipe my eyes getting up from the floor, and go to my room. I change into an ugly Christmas sweater and head to the bathroom. Finally getting to see how Seungmin decorated it. And man he made this bathroom look stunning. That’s hard to say when you live with 8 men and Jisung is the main resident. Even the toothbrush holder has a bow. Once I finish my morning routine, I go back to my room and grab eight presents. 
I make it almost down the stairs when I see someone leaning on the wall at the base of the stairs. When I get up closer, I realize it’s Changbin and then I realize why he’s there. Right above his head is mistletoe. My brain goes, ‘make a break for it’ and that’s exactly what I do. Except it doesn’t work out the way I planned it. Changbin gently grabs me by the elbow, “You know the rules of mistletoe~” I gulp, does this mean? “Can I put down the gifts first?” He shrugs and I put them down. He pulls me into his strong arms and he kisses me. My soul feels like it left my body and went to another plane of existence. When we finally pull away I grab him by the collar and pull him back in. 
“Were you waiting under the mistletoe for me?” I whisper so the others can’t hear. He grins, “Yeah, it was kind of difficult because I would think you would be coming down. Then, it would turn out to be one of the others and I'd have to shoo them away. You had to be the last one up this morning, huh?” That’s when I turn and look towards the living room to see Chan passing out Polaroids. I turn back and look him in the eyes, “What does that make you and me?” He looks down and at his feet and back up at me, “Hopefully lovers?” I grin, “That works for me.” He grabs my hand and lifts it up toward the ceiling and exclaims, “BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT, EVER!” The boys' cheer and Christmas carries on like it usually does at Jisung and (Y/n) apartment. Loud and chaotic, and Chan calling around to see if there is any restaurant open so we don’t have to cook.
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blueluneacy · 5 years
Reptilian Research
It’s the second place fic! It’s a Diego/Reader, the first I’ve ever written. It’s a modern au, so I hope I did him justice. Thank you so much @giogio-gucci-gangstar !
This is all fluff, no real warnings!
“Come on, just let me see a little! Pleeeeease?!” You asked, giving big pouting eyes to your boyfriend. Ever since Diego had revealed the power of his stand to you, you had been obsessed, but not for the reasons anyone truly expected. Sure, your weirdo boyfriend had turned out to be a powerful handsome stand user that could take over at least the county if he wanted to. But, that wasn’t really what you were too concerned about.
“(Y/n), please. I’m in the middle of something.” Diego told you, but you just pouted, laying your head on his lap, right in front of his phone. You were like a cat, desperate for his attention. Besides, he was just scrolling through the internet anyway, you knew that for a fact.
“No you’re noooot. Come on, just a peek, let me seee! Please, oh great Dio, let me see… Just once, and my life will be complete…” You told him, laying the drama on as thick as you could while appealing to your boyfriend’s ego. You poked at the bandaid on his cheek, continually being annoying as you laid on his lap. He pulled his arms and phone out from under you, but you just stared up at him with puppy eyes until he finally caved. He opened his mouth to reveal a set of razor sharp teeth, leaving you to gasp and you sprung up.
“Whoa, that’s so cool! And they’re real too, oh my god!” You smiled, leaning close enough to Diego’s mouth that he could bite off your nose if he so pleased. Luckily, Diego loved you lots, letting you examine the teeth he grew with his stand, grinning widely. “Oh, hold still, I should take pictures! Oh, these teeth could tear apart prey during the prime of the creature's life…” You gasped, grabbing your phone as your Diego rolled his eyes. If it were anyone else, you would be snapped at and told to buzz off. But, Diego adored you, weird obsession and all, letting you do as you pleased until you finally had enough pictures to be satisfied. “Thank you baby. This will definitely help in my research…” You smiled, leaning to grab your notebook. Diego just laughed, not really letting go of you quite yet.
“Research? What are you, a scientist now?” Diego teased, but you just pouted.
“Yeah. I’m a Diegologist. I’m researching you.” You laughed, looking over the photos and fawning over them. You couldn’t help it, you just found them to be so interesting. Diego watched as you looked over them, sighing. He loved to see you happy, and he felt like if he could make you happy over something so small, then he could make you infinitely happy over showing you more. You felt the hands around you slightly dig into your flesh as the transformed, and you looked down, gasping.
“Oh, my goodness! Look at these, they’re… They’re gorgeous!” You gasped, grabbing onto the sharp new claws and looking over them. You grinned, looking over them and making note of them. Connected through bone, not caratin, interesting, interesting. It sort of reminded me of cat claws, except these could probably eviscerate you with a flick of Diego’s knuckle. “Most of me is. Thank you for noticing.” Diego teased, laughing a bit. You just shook your head, holding onto the nail and tracing the edge, before pricking your finger and squeaking. Diego tutted slightly, taking your hand with his unclawed one. 
“Now now, look what you’ve done… Absolutely careless.” He tutted, but you just pouted.
“Oh please. Next time I’ll bleed and stain all of your clothing.” You teased, leaving Diego to gasp and let go of your hand. You chuckled, licking the wound before going back to looking over the claws, giggling as you touched them. Diego just rolled his eyes, leaning his head on your shoulder. “What, not going to ask me to dig them into your sides?” He teased. You just laughed, shaking your head and making a small bluh sound. “No thanks. In fact, I don’t think I’m ever going to kiss you again. You probably have dinosaur breath.” You just laughed, pushing Diego away. He pouted, immediately protesting.
“Hey! You don’t even know what dinosaur breath smells like!” He tried to defend, but you just smiled, poking his tummy.
“I can take a guess. Blood and meat. Do you brush your dinosaur teeth? Or do they destroy tooth brushes?” You asked, honestly ready to take notes on whatever Diego told you. He just rolled his eyes.
“I brush my regular teeth, thank you. And I’m positive my breath as it is now is perfect for kissing.” He told you, leaving you to giggle as you scooted back over to your boyfriend, leaning your head against his chest.
“I suppose I shouldn’t kiss you with those teeth anyway. You’d get too frisky and bite my lip off.” You replied as you leaned your head against Diego and closed your eyes. Even so, your mouth still moved a mile a minute, hoping to get more information out of Diego about dinosaurs. You just couldn’t keep still about it.
“Hey, what are your scales like? Oh, and your bone structure! Through looking at the bone structure, we can look at exactly how the animal killed, and now we have access to previously unfossilized soft tissue…” You giggled incessantly at the thought of dinosaurs, leaving Diego to just sigh.
“You know, I can turn other things into dinosaurs too. Maybe we can make a little one you can keep as a pet roach, or something.” Diego offered. It was more of a way to get you to stop asking him to show him every part of his body transformed bit by bit. It was only slightly weird. Only slightly. You just jumped up at the chance, eyes wide. “Really?! Oh my goodness, I’ll have to find the right cage size, oh god, how much space did a single raptor take up?! Is it possible that we could use this to actually figure out the true dietary needs of the animal, wait…” You were already racing through your mind, hoping to figure out how exactly to take care of a long extinct animal, leaving your boyfriend only to laugh and kiss you on the cheek.
“Man, Jurassic Park did not scare you one bit, did it?” He teased. You just smiled, shrugging a bit.
“Honestly, if I died via T-Rex, I think I would die happy.” You just laughed, not looking at Diego as you began to fiddle through your notebook, trying to figure out exactly what to do with your notes. How exactly would you keep a tiny dinosaur contained? How small was too small? Would a tiny dinosaur be able to bite your finger off when you picked it up? These were all extremely important questions that needed answering.
“Hey baby, can you chew through metal?” You asked, thinking aloud and you did some mental math. Diego just stared at you, blinking twice before responding.
“I’ve never tried, why? Am I getting kidnapped?” He asked, teasing slightly. You just giggled.
“Ah yes, into my basement you go. I’m going to do dinosaur experiments on you.” You told him, grinning widely. He just rolled his eyes.
“I wouldn’t be shocked. Well, figure out your whole thing. I can get you one, but I’m sure you want to make sure you can actually take care of it first.” Diego replied, sighing a bit as he played with your hair. It was a relaxing time.
“Oh yeah, definitely. I think I’d cry if a dinosaur died.”
“I have bad news for you.” Diego poked your tummy, teasing you. You just sighed, shaking your head.
“That damn meteor… If only it had never struck, I would be able to have a pet triceratops.” You grinned at the thought. Diego just shook his head.
“You do realize that the death of the dinosaurs paved the way for mammals to become a dominant lifeforce on the earth.” Diego sighed. You just shook your head, sticking out your tongue before replying.
“Nooooot listening. I’d rather be a little rat with a dinosaur than a human with no dinos.” You grumbled, crossing your arms. Diego just laughed a bit, playing with your hair. The two of you sat there for a moment, before a small realization hit you.
“Hey, can you have a tail?” You asked, a spark coming in your eye. Diego didn’t realize at first what it was.
“Yeah, why?” He asked, and you just felt a devious feeling in your stomach grow.
“Can I seeeeeee it?” You asked, pouting. You put on your best puppy dog eyes as you looked at Diego, hoping to convince him solely by how cute you were. He sighed, removing his hand from your hair to cross his arms.
“Come on, dear, I thought it was going to be the end at the teeth, and the the claws.” He told you. You sighed, pouting slightly as you nodded, defeated. Diego was right, you had made a deal to leave him alone, even though you wanted to see more. You couldn’t help it. Your curiosity was so great, you honestly wanted to see every piece of what your boyfriend’s ability had to offer. That’s not to say that you didn’t love Diego without the ability, of course not! You had fallen in love with Diego’s charm and wit, despite his attitude and penchant for acting superior. Diego, on the other hand, as much as your questions sometimes bugged him when he wanted to relax, had fallen in love with your inquisitive nature and your tendency to ask why after every little thing, rather than just listening blindly like so many he had encountered. Diego saw your pouting face, and immediately felt bad. He felt like he was almost stopping the curious nature that he had fallen in love with, and instead keeping you passive. You had your eyes closed, gasping as you felt the scales touch your side.
Your eyes shot open, and you felt yourself unable to keep a smile off your face as you saw the blue and yellow scales.
“Oh, Diego… It’s… It’s…” You thought for a moment, searching for the right words to say as you stared in awe.
“It’s gorgeous!” You grinned, petting the tail gently to feel the hardened scales against your hands. Diego smiled, obviously pleased with the praise he was getting as well as your happy face as you ran your hand down the tail, touching the tip. 
“Oh, this scale pattern is interesting too. It’s very you.” You giggled, getting closer to Diego to look over the tail. Diego just grinned.
“I hope that was a compliment. I’m very particular about this, you know.” He said. You just laughed, nodding.
“Of course it’s a good thing, Dio. You know I love absolutely everything about you. All of it’s extraordinary.” You said, leaning in to give Diego a kiss on the cheek. You moved to go back to examining the tail, but Diego wrapped his arms around you, keeping you in his lap. 
“I know I know, I’m absolutely wonderful. You’re absolutely taken with me.” Diego teased, leaning in to rest his head in the crook of your neck. You were about to protest and squirm more, but Diego wrapped his tail around you as well, leaving you trapped in his embrace.
“Diiiiiegoooo, come oooon.” You complained, but Dio just smiled, leaving you a kiss on the neck.
“Let me hold you for a while, love. You can examine all you like later.” He told you. You sighed, closing your eyes and letting your boyfriend cuddle you as he pleased. There was a small rumble in his chest as he held you, almost like the purr of a cat. You relaxed in his embrace, smiling slightly as the two of you just sat together. You felt yourself drifting off to sleep, and even though you probably weren’t going to get all the info you wanted from Diego about dinosaurs, you got something even better. Time with the person you loved most.
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notyetneedcoffee · 5 years
Blocked Number
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Part Three of the Calling Series
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut, Violence, including past domestic violence, stalker behavior
* * *
The phone tucked into the seat beside you vibrated. None of your colleagues noticed as they discussed the latest news over prime rib sandwiches and cobb salads. Pulling the device up enough to see the screen, you fought to keep your face neutral.  
A ‘Thinking of you’ text was followed a picture of Bucky’s wrist disappearing into the waistband of his generously tented sweatpants.
He knew your lunch today would be with work friends. You’d discussed it last night when he called. The team was on an assignment in Japan at the moment so it had to be close to two o’clock in the morning there. Bucky planned this. The shit.
Another buzz. You looked down. ‘You’d better respond, Doll.’ the message said. ‘Or I’ll have F.R.I.D.A.Y. override the silent feature on your phone.’ The small video attached showed just a close up him stroking himself.  
You shifted in your seat, thighs rubbing together. Damn him.
Holding your phone in your lap you sent back, ‘Asshole. You know I’m in public. I fucking miss you.'
‘I want to bury my face between your legs.’ Came the immediate response.  
‘You’re making me wet.’  
‘I’ll make you scream when I suck on that tasty cunt.’
“Y/N, is everything okay?” You jumped when Jackie drew your attention.  
You could feel your face redden. “Sorry. I, uh, I just got some classified information that I have to deal with. Would you excuse me for just a minute?”
The phone buzzed in your hand twice before you made it to the alcove by the bathrooms.
‘Tell me how wet you are.’
‘I need an answer, Dollface.’
You responded, ‘So excited I had to leave the table. Damn you.’  
A moment passed before another video clip came through. His metal hand was lubed up and glistening, cock pumping in his tight grip. You felt your panties flood. Damn that was gorgeous. You dared turn the volume up just enough to hear him moan your name. Fuck.
You leaned a little closer into the dark corner, tapping away at your phone. ‘So. Fucking. Hot. Just want to come all over you.’  
‘Tell me.’
A wicked smile crossed your face. ‘Can’t wait for you stretch me open and sink your cock in me. Will you be able to wait until we’re home or will you just fuck me in hanger as soon as you arrive?’
‘Fuck, yes. Just press me against the wall and fuck me hard. Don’t care who hears. I want your cock in me. Make me scream.’
‘Yes. Need you. Dnt care wo seees. Your mine.’ His fingers lost dexterity.
Smiling, you imagined every move. ‘Yours. Fucking pound me. Want it so bad. Make me come all over you. Fuck yes. Come for me.’
Staring at the screen you could feel the slick between your legs. Damn.  
‘Damn, Doll. I think I need a bath towel to clean myself up.’
‘Lol. Happy to help, except now I’m dripping.’
‘You’re going to make up for this when you get back tomorrow.’ You smirked at the phone.
‘Without a doubt. I know I’ve got the best dame on the planet,’ came his reply. Mind blowing great sexual connection aside, you’d never been with a man who treated you with the respect and reverence that Bucky did. He showed it in actions and told you in his words. It may not be traditional, but it was damn special.
‘Can’t wait to see you.’
‘Go eat lunch and try to act like a good girl. Leave that pussy wet for me.’
‘Miss you too’
* * *
Popping into a little bakery on the way back from a quick trip to pick out some new shoes, you decided to grab something to have on hand when Bucky got back. While you waited for the plum tarts to be boxed up your phone rang with an unfamiliar number.
“Dr. Y/L/N”
“You went back to your maiden name.”
The shopping bag hit the floor. Your eyes darted around. All the other patrons and the two people behind the counter looked curiously back at you. Bending over slowly to pick up the bag, you turned toward the wall.  
Taking a calming breath, trying to keep the panic from your voice, you finally responded. “How did you get this number? You’re not allowed to call me.”
“Oh, didn’t you hear. I’m out.”
Bile rose in your throat.
“What’s the matter? Haven’t you missed me?”
You hung up the phone. A hand touched your shoulder. You jumped, letting out a choked gasp. The kindly looking woman held both her hands up. “Sorry to startle you, dear. You alright?”
“Fine. Thank you.”
“Ma’am. Here’s your order.” The kid behind the counter handed the box to you.  
“Thanks.” You shuffled out of the way. Before leaving the you took the opportunity to block the unknown number from your phone. That voice need never be heard again. 
The walk back to the tower happened in record time.  Weaving between people, keeping a sharp eye out for a face burned into your memory, you just wanted to be in the safe confines of Bucky’s apartment.  
You were in the elevator, leaning back against the cool brushed steel wall, when your phone buzzed. The text message read, ‘It won’t be as easy as blocking a number. You should know better.’
“Fuck.” Tears burned your eyes, but you fought them back. No, he does not get to play these sick games. You blew by the empty common areas and straight to the apartment. Not pausing to put anything away, you pulled up both numbers and searched the area codes, one from Denver and one from Eugene. Great.
As the night went on, you received picture of the motel in Santa Cruz where you first slept together from a phone with a Phoenix area code. You blocked it. You got a text message as you brushed your teeth with the lyrics of the Guns N’ Roses song he’d sing whenever he’d get drunk. You blocked that number from Tulsa. As you were lying in bed, wearing Bucky’s shirt and holding his pillow to your chest, you receive the texted picture of an avocado green bathtub. Stomach roiling, remembering a tub like that covered in your blood from the beating.  Your fingers shook when you blocked the New York City number.
* * *
Bucky opened the door silently at a quarter to four, fully expecting you to be sound asleep. Instead, he caught you up in his arms as you flew over the back of the sofa. His duffel hit the floor and he laughed.  
“Hey, Doll.” He squeezed you tight. When you didn’t let go right away, he pushed you back. Cupping your face in his warm palm, blue eyes studied you carefully. “You okay?”
Nodding, you did your best to smile as you lied. “I just had a bad dream and couldn’t go back to sleep. I’m so happy you’re back.”
He stared a bit longer, doubt gnawing at his gut. He saw the fear in your face, knew there was something you didn’t want to say. But he didn’t talk about his nightmares either. So, he just kissed you slowly, thoroughly.  
You’d spent hours agonizing over what to tell Bucky. You didn’t want to talk about it, didn’t want to admit who you were back then. The thought of him looking at you as weak or stupid; it would be unbearable. That bastard just got off on scaring you. It was likely all a bluff anyway.
Still, sleep eluded you all night. So, when Bucky took you to bed, instinctively being attentive and gentle as he worshiped your body, releasing all your tension and finally wrapping you in the safe cocoon of his arm, you fell into a deep sleep.  
He watched you, wishing he knew what was wrong.  
A while later, just as his eyes began to drift close a buzz drew his attention. Your phone vibrated. He picked it up. From the lock screen he saw multiple call attempts from multiple different blocked numbers. Alarms went off in his head. What the hell?
He debated rolling you over and seeing if the facial recognition worked on your sleeping face, but he decided if there was a problem, he would rather have better resources. Looking at your sleeping face, Bucky just didn’t understand why you weren’t saying anything.
* * *
Having the day off, you slept in and Bucky got up to make you coffee. After pulling on your favorite tee shirt of his and a pair of boy shorts, you curled on the sofa with the remote. You left your phone in the bedroom, Bucky noticed. It wasn’t normal for you.
“Doll,” Bucky looked at his own phone. “Do you have anything important going on the first week of October?”
“I don’t know. Why?”  
He gave you a coy smile over his coffee mug. “Don’t be nosy. Could you be free if you needed to be or not?”
“Let me see.” You disappeared into the bedroom with a grin on your face. When you flipped your phone over seeing more attempts from the last blocked numbers, and a new texted photo. A 1998 4Runner, just like the one he crashed into your Honda. You blocked the number and put the phone screen down on the nightstand.
“Well?” Bucky asked from the door.
“Um.” You swallowed, realizing you never looked. “That week is great.” You plastered a smile on your face, “I’m going hop in the shower.”
He watched you go, face falling. Damn. The alarm bells in his head were increasing to full on klaxons. Throwing on jeans and a tee shirt, Bucky popped his head in the shower. “Y/N, I’m running down to clear my gear. It’s only going take a couple minutes. Do you want me to bring breakfast back here or do you want to go out?”
“Can we just hang out here?”
“Anything you want, Doll.” You kissed him, soaking his face. He only grinned. “I’ll be right back”
Bucky left, heading straight to Natasha’s door. “Barnes.”
“I need your help.”
“I think someone is harassing Y/N. I need to see her phone records.” When her eyebrow arched, he continued. “Every instinct I have says she scared and she’s not telling me for some reason.”
“You might not like the answer.”
“Don’t care. Here safety is more important.”
“Good answer.” She held the door open more. “Get in here.”
Within minutes Nat had multiple numbers, text messages, and time of the brief phone call the day before. “You’re right, Bucky. Something is up. They’re all burner phones. They were all bought with cash or cash cards. All the calls did ping off towers in Manhattan though.”
“What do all the texts mean?”  
“You could ask her.” Bucky scowled in response. Nat sighed. “Or... F.R.I.D.A.Y., please perform a confidential analysis protocol Romanoff Beta Zulu Four Six Alpha.”
“Please run an analysis of the blocked calls and messages of Y/N’s phone from the last 24 hours and cross reference with her profile for any correlation.”  
It only took a moment. “There is an 87% probability the messages are originating from Dr. Y/L/N’s ex-Husband, Richard Vance. There is a 98% probability the message are pertaining to Richard Vance.”
“Explain.” Bucky ground out through a clenched jaw.
“According to police and court files the images in the text messages correspond to the cases of assault filed by Dr. Y/L/N. The California State Department of Corrections reports Mr. Vance has been released to supervised living facility but failed to report back after work release seventeen days ago.”
“Cases.” Bucky closed his eyes. He wanted to break something. “As in plural.”
“Yes, Seargeant.”  
“Shit.” Nat huffed angrily.
Bucky opened his eyes, wishing he hadn’t. The case files filled the screen, including the pictures taken of you at the hospital. Black eyes, split lip, bruised jaw. Other pictures show bruised ribs, defensive marks on your hands and arms.
“Where is he?”  
“Barnes, if you...”  
“Traffic cameras have identified him 16 time around the W 42nd Street area in the last 72 hours.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied.
“Thanks.” Bucky turned to leave.
“Barnes.” Nat grabbed his arm. “Has she told you about any of this?”
“No” His chest tightened. He should have known.  
“Listen, tread carefully. She’s likely...”  
“Scared? Yeah. I get that. I intend on fixin’ it.” Bucky growled.
“No, ashamed.” Natasha sighed. When he just stared at her, she continued. “Aside from the guilt of what you did, what is the worse thing about your time under Hydra? How many times have you told yourself you should have been stronger, should have fought against it harder, should have broke free sooner? I get you want to kill that bastard. I’d help you. But you need to push that shit down for her sake. You need to help her, not feed your need for revenge.”
Bucky nodded in silent agreement, leaving without another word. The walk back to the apartment took longer than expected. He kept having to stop, suddenly not able to breathe. That bastard hurt you and now he was taunting you. Bucky felt the Soldier surge, wanting to commit cold blooded murder.
Opening the door, he suddenly remembered breakfast. He never stopped at the kitchen to get anything. It didn’t matter. He found you sitting on the edge of the bed in a towel, tears streaking your face.  A dent marred the wall and your broken phone littered the floor.
“Y/N.” Bucky approached slowly, quietly, dropping to his knees before you. “Dollface, tell me. Please.”
“My ex is out of prison. They were supposed to let me know. They didn’t. He...” Tears filled your eyes again. “I should have never gotten mixed up with him.”
His hands cupped your face. Full soft lips pressed against your cheeks, your forehead. “Is he scaring you? Threatening you? In any way?”
“I don’t want you in trouble.” A sob broke from your chest.  
Something snapped. Bucky bolted from the room, leaving you gasping. Shit. Grasping the towel around yourself you dashed after him. However, he was long gone. The door down the hall opened, Steve’s head popping out. Another sob, escaped. There was hope.  
Rushing forward you grabbed Steve’s shirt. “Buck is going to kill him.”
Just then Nat turned the corner from the common area. “Y/N,” She took your hand from his shirt. “I just ran into Barnes. We’ll talk him down. You go get dressed, okay.”
It was all overwhelming. Feeling lost, you just did what she said.  
Natasha turned to a very confused Cap. “Come on, Rogers. We have to help Barnes hunt down the asshat that’s threatening her.”
It didn’t take long. 
Bucky heard the girl scream from two floors down. His feet carried him the distance before she could take another breath. Busting through the pitiful door, he found a too skinny redhead curled up in the corner under a piece of shit table. Broken glass and spilled beer covered one side of the room.  
Bucky grabbed the man by the throat, hauling him off his feet. “Hiya, Dick.”
Steve came in, scooping the woman up and tell her it would be okay. She in turn screamed that “that motherfucker owes me money” despite her bruised jaw. Neither the woman or Vance noticed the female with the phone camera recording everything.
Bucky lowered Vance to his feet, barely. “There’s a bounty on you, Dick. Why would you be stupid enough to come here?”
“None of your fucking business.” Vance tried to strike at Bucky’s face, but got his fingers broke for the effort. He screamed. Then begged when Buck didn’t let go of his hand.  
“You gonna try to hit me again, you pansy-ass? I think I’ll hold on to these for now. Why are you here?”
“Looking up an old friend.” He whined.
“Friend? Bullshit.”
“Ow! My ex! Okay! I’m just looking to get in touch with my ex.”
Bucky’s teeth ground together.
“You have a no contact order with Dr. Y/L/N,” came Natasha voice. “You’ll be placed under arrest for breaking the conditions of your release, assault of that woman, breaking your no contact order, attempted assault of federal agent...” Bucky smirked at that stretch of their status. “and credit card fraud.”
About that time several SHIELD agents came in and took him into custody. After he was handcuffed, Bucky leaned in close to growl in his ear. “I’m the assassin that assassins fear. You even think of Y/N again and I will find you. I will take my time killing you. It will be terrifying. It will be beyond painful. No one will ever catch me. No will ever find any proof. And I will have no sympathy. No one hurts what’s mine. Ever. Do you understand?”
Vance went very pale. Bucky smiled, feral, before walking away. Natasha got a little closer. “You’re a lucky son of a bitch.”
“Who the fuck are you?”  
“Doesn’t matter.” She leaned casually against the wall. “You’re just going back to prison. You could have easily end up as human mulch in a landfill. Lucky you.”
“You’re fucking nuts. I’m going to tell my lawyer you’re threatening me.” Vance cowered.
Steve stepped up, Vance getting a good look at Captain America for the first time. “You go right ahead. I’ll be there to tell him about the beat-up woman I pulled out of here, and all the great stuff she told me about how you’ve been stealing credit cards. But you go on and tell them how you’re treated unfairly.”
Down by the SHEILD van, Bucky was on his phone when Steve and Natasha stepped up. He slipped in his pocket. “Thanks.”
“Anytime.” Steve’s hand squeezed his shoulder. “You did the right thing.”
“I wanted to break his neck.”
“I know, me too.”
“You better get back.” Nat sighed. “We’ll handle all the red tape.”
“Okay.” He didn’t argue, hopping in the spare car and taking off.
 * * *
You stared at the television not really comprehending what was on. Bucky had been gone for hours. A million regrets poured through your mind. All the lost opportunities to tell him the whole truth about your past. How you skirted around the details and glossed over the uglier parts. You’d done it so much in the last five years, it’d just become habit.  If anyone deserved to know, if anyone would be supportive, it was Bucky. You felt like you really fucked up.  
The Bucky’s text tone buzzed on your phone. ‘Don’t worry, Doll. It’s okay. Be home soon.’
‘Thank heaven. I was so worried.’ You replied.
Then a picture came through. It was a document. You zoomed in. Holy shit. It was a Federal Arrest Filing for Rich. You read through it. They tracked him down and busted him. Sending him back to prison.  A knot released in your chest.
Bucky walked in the door as you were reading the final page of the document. Leaping to your feet, your arms wrapped around his shoulders. He held you tight for a moment, before his lips found yours. Foreheads together, he stroked you jaw with his thumb.  
“I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you.” Your eye closed against the tears. You didn’t want to cry anymore. “I should have, and I’ll make it right. Anything you want to know.”
“You can tell me anything, absolutely anything. But it’s got to be in your time, in your way. I won’t force it.” His strong hands combed through your hair.
“I thought you’d kill him.”
“Wanted to.” He admitted. “But figured you don’t need to live with that. This way is better.” A wicked smile crossed his face. “Of course, I warned him if he steps out of line, he’ll wish I just killed him quick.”
You had a perverse image of Bucky threatening that dickhead for you and curled closer into his strong body, purring. “My hero.”  
That not only filled his chest with pride, but went straight to his cock. Picking you up, he carried you back to the bedroom. He wanted to wipe away any memories of tears. He breathed against your lips. “Damn, Doll. I love you.”
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Why do I like until we meet again?
I really don't know the answer...
I've watched this show last year and it doesn't leave my mind. Over all, I have to say, a lot of people love it and that's fine but I don't. I don't think it was that good to be honest.
During the end, I was pretty annoyed and I don't know if the subs were wrong or if I missed something but I didn't get the whole drama when Pharm wanted to kill himself and the family of Korn and Intouch were there being like 'I love you even though I didn't tell you'. It was a bit over the top and Dean was talking so long, I skipped. I rarely do but it got boring really quickly. There was drama and it could've stayed such but Dean ruined all the excitement and tesion by talking for like 10mins...
I guess, what makes me not like this show so much is that I don't like Pharm. Dean is okay, I mean, he's the typical cool guy but he's not that annoying. Pharm was supposed to be shy but why is he still SO shy towards Dean? Dean is his boyfriend, shouldn't he be comfortable? I guess he is but when Dean kisses him, Pharm turns away and I'm like 'dude, you just had sex with him...' I don't know, something about Pharm annoyed me and his shyness wasn't cute to me because it was unrealistic. Shyness is mostly expressed towards strangers, not people you are comfortable with. It arises when you are out of your comfort zone and shouldn't Dean be his comfort zone? The script didn't always make sense...
The show's quality lowered a lot in the second half. WinTeam was there, they had sort of a story but were dropped quickly, so we only got DeanPharm content and I was left wondering what happened to WinTeam. They were dropped because of the spin-off but why would I watch it when I don't even know anything about them that makes me wanna watch it? Most of their scenes were for the sake of product placement which is so sad and wasted acting energy. And I'm sorry, but they didn't act that well. Win's smile creeped me out a bit. But again, the script wasn't good, so it's probably not Boun's fault.
Intouch and Korn's scenes were cute flashbacks but sadly not that many of them. Mostly, the same flashback was used over and over again to leave us without any knowledge about their relationship. How did they manage to stay together? How did they become a couple? Did Intouch's family know? How long were they a couple? We don't get any of that, just some short scenes and I would've loved to see more of them. I liked them a lot. Their relationship wasn't normal but they made the most of it and it was cute to seee them trying. I was so happy for them, they finally got away from their families and moved in together. They nearly got there... Their story is such a tragedy and obviously very much like Romeo and Juliett but I was very much entertained by it and I was rooting for them. The beach scene was sweet and they were so happy and relaxed. Nothing could come between them. I loved them and I think it's sad they didn't get more screentime.
Talking about Intouch and Korn, I liked the whole idea of two souls living on in other people's bodies and even during a different time when nothing could stop them from being together any more because the world got more open-minded. That's mainly why I kept watching. Just the idea behind it was interesting and we saw how traumatized and hurt these two were. When Pharm and/or Dean were overwhelmed by the flashbacks it showed the damage their lives and families did to them. Because I liked Intouch and Korn, I always liked the scenes when Pharm and Dean were talking about them.
Also, the dialogues weren't that good and more than once very, very cringey. I laughed so much sometimes because of the lines they dropped and at some point, they were talking too much about food. How many traditional Thai desserts are there? I can't even think of one from my country... But of course, food is nice and can express how much you like someone, sure, but they didn't stop talking about it. I still wonder what Dean and Pharm talk about all day long because they either talked about food or Intouch and Korn. I don't get their dynamic. The script wasn't very good concerning their love because they always seemed kind of distant (pulling away shyly when the hand was touched and I was like 'you are together for months... why are you still not used to it?'). It was of course not the fault of Ohm and Fluke and the scenes when they showed emotions were really good. These two definetely have acting skills and even cried tears. Everytime it got emotional, I was impressed, though they cried too much too often at some points.
When Dean met his grandma, I skipped because they cried for too long. I couldn't bare with this non-existing drama because they didn't even say important stuff and Dean's siblings were just completely lost why these two were crying so much which amused me a lot.
Often, drama was created or the characters acted dramatic for no reason. When Pharm told his family about his and Dean's relationship, they both were so nervous and they overreacted a lot because seconds before, his brother pulled a joke if Dean was his boyfriend or something - and not in a weird way. His brother and mom were obviously okay if he were. So, why did they panic so hard? It seemed a bit odd and misplaced...
We come to the main problem I had with this show: it was too long. 16 episodes is a lot and it would've been less if not every scene would've been stretched over a period of time when I couldn't keep track any more if something new and important was mentioned. They repeated themselves a lot. Because after a few minutes, the topic is over and nothing more has to be said, but they just kept going and I was really tired of it.
This show is definetely a guilty pleasure of mine because I don't think it was that good but I still won't leave my mind and I go back over and over again. I am so entertained by it because it's so much like Romea and Juliett...
Note: I can't come up with examples because I've watched it over half a year ago. Sorry for that but I guess you get my point.
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I didn’t know you well, but you sat on the couch in my living room.
Behind a thicket of dreadlocks, you placidly told me about visiting Costa Rica in a Rastafarian-adjacent drawl. I made my usual comment that pedestrians don’t have the right-of-way there.
If you’re hit, it’s your fault.
You were out of it, of course. Stoned for sure, but probably swimming in a cocktail of substance. Endlessly trying to find the elusive light at the bottom, like all of us. I can still sense your gentle spirit—docile and scarred like a retired greyhound.
John sat next to you and wanted to kiss you so badly. It was a contained force that hissed throughout the room like a smoke bomb, and we all gagged. I could have kissed you too, sweet man, but sometimes love works best when it’s hidden.
On Sunday night you took the hit, so by Monday your body was cold. Chest compressions are a false hope borne of panic. He had just left to go buy your cigarettes, only to return to this frantic task.
I wonder who eventually smoked them.
I wonder what John thought when he saw the burnt foil, your vacant face, the same one that would calmly call the dog, wrinkle in laughter or confusion. The face that nuzzled against him in reluctant platonic cuddling.
You must have been exhausted from happiness because your smile-lines were so deep—almost like the crevices of pain you tried to fill with your faulty spiritual Botox, Fentanyl.
I didn’t know you well, but I know that pain.
You named your dog after a city of wealth and wellness. She was all the enlightenment you needed, except for that pestilent need to escape.
They said you wouldn’t let a woman touch you for fourteen years. They cut you open on that sterile table and you were still embarrassed from it. I know John touched you, though. He gave you more love than you could have gleaned from any manic pixie dream girl. I think you kept each other alive.
Symbiosis expresses itself in the most unlikely ways. It wasn’t enough for you to survive, but I could see the comfort in your eyes. You fed off the love of others yet it could never completely fill that restless gargantuan soul.
I think that’s why you fell in love with emptiness. I wish I could tell you that life is just emptiness in motion, though you must know that by now.
It is just a shadow.
I didn’t know you well, but we danced together in the desert dust.
Saturday, the last time I saw you. Our limbs were flailing wildly under the half-baked moon that fucked with the sky-view; they only stopped moving for long embraces and chainsmoking.
Usually you could see every star out here, you said, but it was still magical. At least we could watch out for rattlesnakes. Stars weren’t the only thing that moonlight hid. It shone so bright that you were blissfully unaware of the darkness to come.
The darkness underneath, beyond the very bottom.
Beyond the smile, the dog, the shrooms, the dreads, the cigarettes and weed and armchair psychology. Beyond the dealer who knew it could kill you, but that just meant it was good shit, bro. Beyond the needle’s sting and the burn of the spoon and reeling guts and pangs of pleasure. Beyond the dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and adrenaline.
Beyond chemicals and compounds.
I didn’t know you well, but I know that darkness.
I didn’t know you well, but I know that emptiness.
I didn’t know you well, but I have known light.
I believe you knew it too. I believe in accidents.
I didn’t know you well, but we’re not in Costa Rica and I know it wasn’t your fault.
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forsakentoast · 5 years
Blessed Healing pt.1
Dedicated to @dinfeanoriel and @ourevergreen 
***there is mentions of blood and injury.
Seek and ye shall find. A flower amongst the rare. Blessed by the goddesses themselves, a flower with the power to heal. The Beati Sanitatem.
Finding the flower was no easy task. With little to no reports of such a rare flower, those sent in search were chasing what felt like a fantasy. As the princess’ knight fell grievously ill, hope was stretched thin. 
Until one day…
“Princess! The flower has been found!” came the response from the tired out knight. He had burst into her study room to announce the news she had been waiting to hear. “It is currently being transported here as we speak.”
“Tell me, how and where was this flower found?”
“My princess, the Gorons came stumbling across it as they were digging through Death Mountain. Did the noble thing and informed us immediately.”
Relief was written across the face of the young woman as finally her knight would be saved. 
“Were… Were there any other flowers growing nearby?” The hopeful tone shining through.
But the knight only gazed down and shook his head, “None, my princess. That is the only one to have been made known.”
Sighing, Zelda knew to expect that answer. Clearing her head, she stood from her spot and walked past the guard. “As it arrives, be sure to bring it to my quarters. The extraction must be immediate.”
With a nod, the knight waited for the princess to clear the room and went to inform the others of the order. 
“Good to see you up and ready, general.”
A small smile graced the knight’s features. “You know I cannot be kept from action for so long. No sickness can keep me from my duty.”
“I guess there is no way to convince you to stay in bed for a moment longer, huh?”
A small laugh was huffed in reply.
“Do you… Are you feeling alright?”
“Never better. That flower really is blessed. I feel… so energized. Like I can take the Calamity all on my own.”
“Ha… Sure, general. As if that could ever happen. As I recall, the prophecy states that it is the duty of the princess and her knight to seal away the looming threat.”
Gathering long red hair into a low ponytail, the knight threw a look at the young woman near the doorway. “Always have to include yourself in everything, huh?”
A laugh was shared between the two as they walked side by side to do the day’s duty.
“If I may ask, what brings this visit to our domain, Princess Zelda.”
“King Frenal and Queen Veela, I wish to gift you the Beati Sanitatem. It seems the flower has taken a liking to the wet climate your domain brings about. It really is a shocker, seeeing as it drastically changed it preferred climate. I am sure you were aware of my scouts camping out amidst your forest?”
“And why gift it to us? A rare flower, such as this one, should have been fine in your capable hands. Have you not thought about cultivating it?”
“Cultivation was tried, my good king, but it ended in utter failure. The flower began to wither and die. It was returned to its original place in Death Mountain, but it still continued to wither. Gerudo lands also bore no favor to the flower. Rito and the Hebra region all seemed to be fine at first, but the cold just slowed down the decay.”
Turning to get the plant from her knight, Zelda presented the flower. It did not fail to pull a gasp from those present in the Zora throne room. The flower as pale as the moon and its stem as green as the greenest of jades was as lovely to look at. Even more so with the blue ethereal glow it was encompassed with. 
“With all due respect, I am aware that the good queen has been having bouts of sickness. It seems more appropriate to gift it. I have no greed to possess such a flower when I already had what I needed. Besides, my knight is in good health, thanks to the flower’s healing properties. I’m positive, my gracious queen, that  your health will be restored.”
Agreements were exchanged between the two kingdoms, and the flower was gifted. With the knowledge Zelda possessed, the petals were harvested and carefully consumed by the queen until the flower was no more. What little time was given with the flower, notes were recorded. 
Within the observations, the legends of the Zora royal family possessing the ability to heal began. 
But diverging from those legends, another being bore the power to heal.
It was all that could have been done. The rain blinded both the princess her knight. Link led the way. 
Chaos reigned all throughout the land. Screams of despair echoed all around. Explosions rocked the earth and the deep panting could only fail to act as a filter for what was happening. 
It was with a false hope that Zelda arrived on time to aid her father and the castle. But all hope died off as she laid her eyes to the waste and ruins that was Castle Town. Something within told her that all was lost. Even the life of her beloved father. 
The distant, bellowing roars from the divine beasts rang from miles away also set a sense of dread that slowly confirmed her greatest fear. 
A seemingly harsh tug and pull to another direction snapped Zelda from her daze. She could only focus on her knight who led the way towards the Dueling Peaks, presumably to lead her away from danger. 
It was difficult to keep up. Trying to not trip over your own two feet and drowning out the cries of those in chaos was overwhelming. Too much to handle. And Zelda felt herself slipping, knees crashing to the ground as everything became too much. 
The rain did nothing but aid her lament. 
“Gone… They’re gone... Link...” the words were spoken with too much disbelief. As if they were unnatural to have stumbled out of her lips. “I… I failed them all. I left them all to… die… All because,” the lump in her throat made it all the more difficult to speak, “this cursed power… the birthright given to me couldn’t be h-harnessed.” And the dam broke. Tears intermingled with the rain as her sobs tried to cover the chaos happening. 
She felt consoled by her knight. Both stayed there for what felt like forever, at least it felt like it, until a pained sob broke through the depressing moment. 
Zelda and Link both looked around for the sound. Link uttered an apology and stood up from the princess, looking around. Trees obscured the vision and with the chaos still occurring, Link was on edge.
A pained grunt came and Link couldn’t help but quickly point his weapon at the direction of the source.
A young girl who looked to be the age of 12 was leaning against a tree. Blood seeped through a wound that was on her right side. Skin paling and wide brown eyes frantically looking at the young man in front of her.
“P-please,” she whispered, “Help me.” She sounded so scared. 
The young girl could only grunt in more pain as she tried to readjust herself. A hiss of pain left between gritted teeth as the wound was accidentally pressed on. Eyes fluttered open as a hand caressed her face. She took in the two people before her. Maybe they would be her salvation.
Zelda’s voice cracked as she spoke, “W-what’s your name?”
The young girl weakly responded, “Olivia.”
More soothing hands caressed her face.
“Will you help me?” came the strained reply.
“Of course. Of course.”
Zelda shared a grief stricken look with Link. The sad look in his eyes also confirmed what Zelda was thinking. This young girl was not going to make it. 
Frustration wanted to pour out of the princess. She felt helpless. Everything seemed to be left to Link. Her uttered words of comfort felt like it was the most she could do. Clenching her hands to her dress, she solemnly nodded towards the young man in front of her. 
Adjusting herself once more she looked at the girl, “Olivia, my good friend here… He can help you.”
Pained grunts came in response. But the pair gazed into her eyes, a new found hope shining in them. 
As easy as he could, Link cradled the body and made sure to rest his head upon hers. One last nod goaded him on and he began to hum. His golden hair turned ruby red and started to glow a ghostly blue light that engulfed him and the girl. 
As the light began to fade away and the red turned back to blond, the young girl could not help but send a small smile of gratitude, as her last whispered words were, “Thank you.”
There was no time to bury the dead. Link knew that. And he hated the disrespect he felt towards the young girl. With the usage of his ability in this circumstance, he felt his energy greatly drain out of his body. He felt his hold slackening but willed himself to hold on for a bit more. 
Despite the exhaustion, grief pulled harder. This young girl is around the same age as his sister. He wanted to shake those thoughts away. He tried to settle that his family is safe. That they escaped. Plucking small weed flowers and quickly cutting small branches, he made a small bouquet and laid it on top of the girl. 
She looked so peaceful. Save for the bloodstain, she appeared as if she were sleeping; without a grimace to mar her features. For now, that brought a small peace of mind. Once this was over, he would come and make sure a proper burial was given. 
He swore on his life. 
Standing up, Link wanted to stumble. The ground could not have looked more welcoming. He could have taken a nap right then and there if it hadn’t been for Zelda pulling him as she began running. They had to get out of there. They had to keep moving. 
Every step they took was one step closer to getting to where they needed to be. 
Passing through the Dueling Peaks did not ease the settling dread Zelda began to feel. To her, it felt heavier with every step they took. But she pushed through. For her and for Link. 
As soon as her steps faltered, Link pushed through at the forefront and led the way once more. 
They had to reach at least the gates of Fort Hateno. Maybe then, horses could be supplied and make the trip even faster. Regrouping and getting Zelda to safety were the top priorities.
“Watch out!”
Link tumbled to the ground with the princess in tow. He cursed himself as he realized his mistake in being so lost in thought. Whatever exhaustion clung to his weary bones were immediately forgotten as Link was now alert and awake. Taking one quick look at the princess and making sure she was okay, he did a quick sweep of the chaos in front of him. 
Fear wanted to seize his movements. Make him stop short when he saw what awaited them. Guardians littered the fields. He was lucky to have had Zelda push him out of the way of a stray shot. 
Taking one deep breath, Link immediately went to analyze the situation. Maybe they both could move within the cover of the smoke; quickly run and use some the downed guardians as cover from those who are mobile. 
Following his gaze and guessing his train of thought, Zelda spoke. “I’ll follow wherever you go. But Link… Please… Promise me that if it gets too much, leave me and save yourself. If I get hurt, save yourself.”
She was only met with a frown. 
“You are exhausted. You may do a phenomenal job at hiding it, but I can sense it. I may currently serve no use,” a glare from her knight, “but I can manage to find my way.”
She was right. Link felt exhaustion crawl up and slowly lay claim to his soul. It was times like these where he wanted to curse this power. Every time he had to use it, it severely drained his energy. He was lucky to have still been awake, especially from the task he did with the young girl beforehand.
He just had to push through. He just had to. For the sake of the-
A beep caught his attention all too late. The repercussion for the delay in reaction earned Link a shot to the leg. 
Oh how he wanted to curse out loud. Another beep later and narrowly dodging, Link hissed as he landed on his bad leg. Quickly pushing himself and ignoring the pain, he hobbled over to Zelda.
“I’m fine! Stop fussing over me!”
She quickly stood up and tackled the knight to the ground as another beam shot their way. “Over there!” she pointed to the slight right. About 26 yards or so, a legless guardian glowed an infected red, staring at their direction until it opted to whirl around in search of its next target.
“When it turns to face the opposite of that fallen wall structure, we have to make a run for it. . The smoke should play in our favor.” Looking between the guardian, Link, and the destined spot, Zelda exhaled and directed her gaze towards her knight. “Link I’m sorry to ask this… but quickly heal yourself. Now!” she hadn’t meant to be harsh, but she knew that he would have persisted on that bad leg. She silently begged for the goddess to hear her at least this once and grant her the strength to pull the weight of her companion.
All was silent once more as pained hums and grinding of the guardians. As it was over, Zelda looked him over. Visible bags became evident under his eyes as the strenuous effort to heal himself was done. Labored breathing filled both sets of ears as Link tried to gain purchase and stood. 
It was an act of mercy that the immobile guardian was looking the other way. With steeled resolve, two sets of feet sprinted and dodged behind the collapsed wall. It was in good luck too as the machine whirred back to life and was getting ready to charge another shot.
It was unfortunate to have a shift in winds. The dread in Zelda’s stomach manifested even more as black smoke obscured their vision. Infectious reds could be seen peeking out through the smoke. Some boldly shining, while others flickered about. 
It was now or never.
Hand in hand, both the princess and her knight sprinted across the field. Both were ignorant of the puddles splashing their legs, nor did they mind the slippery mud. Their sights were set on reaching the gates of Fort Hateno and a main priority was dodging guardian beams.
A burning sensation bloomed across his shoulder as he was thrown a couple feet forward. 
‘Damn guardians,’ Link cursed.
Zelda was lucky to have escaped with minor scratches and bruising here and there. That cursed blast sure did get them by surprise. Shaking her head to gather herself quickly, she saw her knight sprawled on the ground a good foot or two ahead. 
“Hylia, please!” She ran up and dragged him off. 
She thanked the heavens as another blast was sent a few seconds from where he previously laid. Plants and earth were sent flying as the beam hit, fire sparking only to be put out by the rain. 
Link was breathing heavier as the seconds passed. His shoulder was burning, he could feel something wet running down his face, and his thoughts were reeling. He looked around to ground himself. He saw Zelda give him a smile of relief. The smoke was still present. The rain still fell. And a guardian was looking right at them. A guardian was looking!
Pushing himself up and realizing that it was too late to dodge, he did the logical thing, use his body as a shield. With arms stretched and a defiant look, Link braced himself for impact. 
Sensory overload was what he felt. He barely recalled the pained gasp that left his mouth, nor did he remember how when he crashed into Zelda. Burning was felt everywhere. Pain blossomed on his chest. The wind was knocked out of him. In his daze, he did not feel his ability self-trigger; he just felt so tired. 
He had to fight.
He had to protect.
He was so exhausted. Every guardian he downed was met with another looming over his head. He was not so lucky to have dodge some beams or from fires that spread just before being extinguished from the rain.
He was gasping for breath. Bleeding wounds were in greater numbers. Burns littered his body and a lucky shot found its mark on his face, leaving it exposed and tender to the touch. The glow encompassing had long left his body. There were some wounds that were half healed while plenty of others were left untouched. His ability had abandoned him, having shut itself off by his stubborn will that barely registered that it was active. He needed his energy. Stupid thing.
They were almost halfway there. He cleared the way for Zelda, he just needed a bit more. He silently begged for Hylia to give him strength to push through. None was given. The duo were outnumbered. Through the smoke, the malice-infected machines found the very targets they were sworn to protect. The ominous clacks they released soon came closer and closer
Using the Master Sword as a crutch, Link pushed himself up. Body screeched in response as painful protests were given. The dark bags under his eyes became even more pronounced, eyes a lot dimmer than earlier. Exhaustion wanted to pull him deep under. Black danced across his vision and his hearing was muffled.
“...ink… Link!” Zelda frantically called out. “Link! Save yourself! I… I can protect myself! Save yourself!”
Her cries were all but ignored as he gave himself one final push to steady himself. 
The clacks were inching closer. Closer. Closer. The red finally peaked through the smoke. It charged it self to deliver one final blast to rid of the young man staring boldly at it. 
“Save yourself!”
Her screams were shrugged off as his demeanor changed into a snarl. If this beast takes him to the grave, so be it. He wouldn’t be the only one. 
Before the beam was discharged and his fate accepted, Link felt himself shoved out of the way as the princess shouted, “No!” and a golden light shot out from her outstretched hand and into the heavens. It was a beautiful sight. All that was encompassed by it, felt a purifying energy. But just as quickly it was summoned, it just as quickly disappeared. 
He really wanted to say something. Anything. Pride swelled in his chest, he knew that for sure. Before he opened his mouth, exhaustion pulled at him and he collapsed on the ground. The impact on his battered body was not enough to garnish nothing more than just a groan. 
He was fading fast. He barely caught the regret in Zelda’s voice. As he embraced the darkness, he felt the way Zelda held him. Such tenderness. He wanted to say something once again. Staring at her, he just left. Inky darkness pulling him deeper into a void and he knew nothing.
Until a century later when he awoke.
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Smutember 2019-Teeth
Mariposa and Meteroa have a surprise for Marco. They quickly lose control of the situation.
Wriiten for @smutember Requested by anon
This story is Rated E for explict. All characters depicted are 18 and over.  Contains incest. NSFW under the cut.
Something was amiss when Marco awoke. The first thing he noticed was that he was naked. As well as his sister and Meteroa, who for some reason were in the bed with him.
“See, I told you he was huge,” Mariposa told her best friend.
Marco let out a yelp. “Oh, sleeping beauty’s awake,” Meteroa said, rolling her eyes.
“Mari-Mariposa! What’s going on? Why are we all naked.” Poor Marco did his best to cover his own nakedness as he tried averting his eyes from the two young woman who he new since they were babies.  
“Relax, Marco. I just wanted to show Meteroa how big my brother is.”
“I don’t want her to know that. How the hell do you know that?!”
“She watches you jack it in the shower.”
“Meteroa!” Mariposa was so embarrassed. Marco couldn’t help but notice that her blushed showed all over her body. Her cut, lithe body with a shapely ass and budding breasts. Damn it Diaz, don’t think about your little sister like that. His body betrayed his mind. It was very difficult to hide his stuffing member from the girls.
“Mariposa, look. Marco likes watching you too.” The half monster princess grabbed his cock.
Her warm hard around him felt really good but Marco couldn’t admit it. “Meteroa, stop!”
“Please Diaz,” she crawled toward Marco, until her face was in his ear. “We both know you want this.” She took a bite of Marco’s ear.
Meteroa started stroking him. Mariposa bite her lip. Watching her best friend jack off her brother was so hot. Her hand journeyed down south, finding her wet lips. Her slim fingers entered her pulsating pussy.
“So, how does it feel? Getting a hand job infront of your sister. You’re such a dirty pervert.” She peppered his neck with kisses between each sentence. She nibbled a bit of his skin causing him to yelp again.
“That’s it!” Marco grabbed Meteroa’s head and forced it between his legs. He pushed his cock past her lips and into her mouth. Holding on to her head, he face fucked her hard. Mariposa’s eyes widen. The pace of her masturbation quickened.
“So tell me Heinous?  How does it feel to have my big fat cock in your mouth huh?” Tears fell down her eyes as Marco rammed himself down her throat. He came, shoot semen into her mouth.
She fell back, coughing up his spooge. But Marco wasn’t finished. He flipped the girl, so that her ass was facing him. He grabbed her tail, hosting her up so that there crotches was aligned.
“Marco wait, I’m sorry..Aggra!” Marco gave the girl the hardest fuck she ever got. The groans were accompanied the slapping of flesh on flesh. The girl’s tight walls surrounding his thick manhood. It wasn’t long before those walls began constrict around hs cock. Meteroa was left babbling, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. But Marco didn’t stop until he came. Unloading his hot seed into her deeped carvens. Mariposa continued touching herself, bringing herself to climax.
The princess fell to the bed, body twitching, cum oozing out of her pussy. Marco than turned his attention to his lonely sister. As he towered over her, Mariposa quivered with excitement. “Mariposa, why did you do this.”
“I...I want you, Marco.”
Marco bent down and kissed her. It was not a gentleman's kiss. His tongue pushed into her mouth. Tasting evrybit of her. He broke off the kiss, went down to her breast, peppering it with kisses until her took her nipple into his mouth. His tongue swirled around it. He then gently took a bite of the nipple, rolling it between his teeth. Mariposa let out a squeal.
Marco lifted her legs above her head. He rubbed his dick along her wet slit. “You know, when you were first born, everybody thought you were mine and Star’s baby. They all thought I was your daddy.”
“Yeah, would you like that? Me being your daddy?”
“And what do you want daddy to due?”
“F-fuck me.”
“Who do you want to fuck you?”
“Da-daddy. I want you to fuck me daddy!”
Marco obliged. He towered over her, trapping the girl in a mating press, thrusting into her wanting pussy. She went to cover her mouth, but Marco, grabbed her hand.
“Huh, huh, Marco,  ah, ah, Mom and Dad, huh,  might hear.”
“Good, I want them to hear. I want them to see there kids fucking each other. Don’t you want them to see you fucking daddy?”
“Hu, huh, huh. Yes I want them to see. I want them to seee!” She felt herself cum. Marco wasn’t far behind, loading his seed into his sister’s most private hole.
Marco’s breathing had gone rough and ragged. “I love you, Mariposa.”
“I love you too, daddy.”
The siblings curled next to the passed out Meteroa. It would be hard in the morning when their parents would find them in the morning, still nude and smelling of sex. Even harder a month from now when Mariposa and Meteroa both discover that they’ve been impregnated by Marco. But for now, they slept.
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champofpallet · 6 years
I realized I didn’t give the whole story on why Merigold (Red’s mother) has a fear of Pokemon. So, I made a drabble of the whole memory. If you like these little stories, please tell me and I might make more cute drabbles of Red’s family.
There were three Ketchum sisters that lived in Pallet Town way back when. Pallet Town wasn’t a very big town, only a few stores and things, but this is where the Ketchum family had been around for generations. The oldest was a three year Pokemon Pageant winner named Hillary Ketchum. She had a young Pichu who she named Sparkles, since the baby Pokemon would always end all her judge winning moves by sending out small bits of electricity into the air for a cute and cool dramatic effect, making the area around her sparkle. The second child’s name was Merigold Ketchum. She was more into studying Pokemon from a safe distance than going a hands on approach. She’s seen Hillary get shocked too many times by Sparkles to actually go near a real Pokemon. She wouldn’t even go near Sparkles, which the young baby Pokemon thought was hilarious.
The youngest of the three, Delia Ketchum, seemed to be into both being near Pokemon as well as studying them with Merigold’s friend who was the daughter of Professor Oak. The sisters tried to help Merigold not be so afraid of being hurt by a Pokemon, but Merigold would decline going anywhere but the Pokemon Lab if all the Pokemon were put up. Now you can seee why the sisters were concerned. In this world, you could not simply be away from Pokemon. Not only that, Merigold had eyes for a new boy who moved into Pallet Town, named Crimson Satoshi, who was a Pokemon Trainer. From information from Professor Oak, it seems like Crimson was going to help study Pokemon in the wild to help him make something called a Pokedex. And since the Professor and the boy were off to do that, this meant now was the perfect time to help Merigold with her fear.
The two sisters placed a blindfold on the girl and walked her to the end of the town. There it was...route one. They lead her farther, battling Pokemon while keeping a close eye on their frightened sister. “What’s going on?!?” she would ask, reaching up to try to take off the blindfold, but Delia places it back on her. “You’re perfectly safe, Mari! I’m here with you, and my Pokemon are too!” Soon Delia’s Catterpie had crawled up onto Merigold’s shoulder. She could feel something fuzzy crawling up her arm and onto her shoulder, rubbing it’s face on her.
“OH MY ARCEUS, DELIA IS THAT A POKEMON ON MY SHOULDER?!?” The redish brown haired girl shook in fear. Delia nods her head, forgeting that Merigold couldn’t see. “Yep! Isn’t she darling?” Oh no....
“GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!!” Merigold screams, running around still blindfolded. Delia tries to calm her down. “H-Hey, i-it’s okay! She’s friendly. She’s not gonna hurt you! ....Hillary help...” The blonde teen sighs and shakes her head. “She’s never going to get over this fear if we don’t help her...” From her screaming and running around, Merigold fell face first into a tree. She fell back onto her bottom, her face feeling in pain. “....oww...” 
The tree shook before she felt something fall onto her head. Then...chirping? Merigold takes off the blindfold only to see something even more scary to her. A nest of Pidgey on her head, calling for their mama Pidgeot. The color went from her face, her body trembling. “See? No danger here! Only cute baby birdies!” Delia says in her cute little voice. Merigold stays still for a moment as she watches the nest on her head. One Pidgey had stared down at her curiously. He tries to fly, but ends up falling. Luckily Merigold caught him before he could be damaged. The baby bird Pokemon was so small, only about the size of an apple slice. “H-Hey there...l-little guy....” Merigold smiles at the Pokemon, becoming more calm. Maybe Pokemon weren’t that scary after all...
Behind them was a Pidgeot and Pidgeotto coming at them in full swing. Merigold didn’t see them at first, placing the nest as well as the bird back in the tree. “MERIGOLD RUUUUUUN!!!” Hillary screached, putting Delia on her shoulders as she dashed away. “Huh? .....OH ARCEUS!!!”
Merigold didn’t have the speed to get back with her sisters, the two bird Pokemon pecking away at her head. It hurt so bad she wanted to cry. She knew this would happen. Hillary turns around and stops so Merigold could run to her. She then takes Sparkles and tells her to use thunder on the two birds, promptly scaring them away.
“M-Merigold are you okay....?”
“.....I never want to see a bird Pokemon again...”
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