#i sent a love confession to the DJ it was that bad tonight
timbourinedrakejr · 7 months
never let me go to the club, because i WILL kiss all the homies goodnight and buy everyone food and drinks and confess my love to people i vaguely recognise from uni (i am aro).
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apricotgojo · 3 years
hello love! I got bored and thought of this. So it’s the readers bday and they like Adrien. Adrien like the reader and marinette hates that he does. So like reader is planning on throwing a party bc it’s their birthday so marinette decided to throw a party on the same day at the same time. And since reader is kinda new, everyone decided to go to Mari’s party. So that happens, but when Adrien gets to readers party, they’ve done gone batshit crazy, like screaming, crying, smashing things, idk just losing their shit. Not like in anger, they’re just really hurt by it. No hawk moth tho😩 hawkdaddy go on vacay or sum🤺🤺 Mk sorry this is long and it’s late and I’m kiiinndaaa drunk and in da feels anyway bye bye
HELLO ANON! SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT BUT HERE IT IS! I never thought that i would have to write about mean marinette but here i am LMAO. i hope you like it bb <33
Pairing: Adrien Agreste X Reader
Warnings: Swearing. 
Tags: angst, Marinette is a bitch in this oops, alexa play pity party by melaine martinez. 
“Love, Adrien.”
“Wow, that’s really cringey Adrien.”
“Shut up plagg, I need to confess to her some way or another.”
Adrien Agreste is sprawled out on his bed and he just finished writing a birthday card for you. Yes, it was quite cheesy but he decided that today was going to be the day he confesses his feelings towards you. He’s had his eye on you ever since your first day of school and you’ve both gotten closer to each other, flirting constantly but never making a move. Needless to say, he was head over heels for you and was too much of a pussy to ever admit it. But tonight was the night.
You invited him over to your house for your birthday party along with your other classmates and he didn’t even think twice to agree – especially since his dad is at a fashion expo in Spain. All he wanted was for you to have the best birthday party you could possibly have. You really meant a lot to him.
  his thoughts disappear when all of a sudden his phone beeps.
  ‘Sorry, can’t come tonight.’ You frowned as you stared at your phone, seeing a text from Marinette. You and her weren’t really that close to be honest but you still wished for her to come and have a good time. You sighed and plopped down on your bed. It’s your sweet 16th and you wanted it to be perfect. You hoped that enough people would show up. It was your first birthday here in Paris and although you haven’t been here for a while, you thought that you already made close connections with your classmates, especially a certain blond.
All you wanted was for him to show up mostly, maybe tonight you could make a move. Maybe tonight you could possibly hold his hand, maybe dance with him, maybe give him a kiss on his soft cheek or a small peck on the lips-
Your face heated up at that thought and a grin appeared on your face. You hugged your pillow and quietly squealed. Tonight was the night and nothing could possibly ruin it.
Or so you hoped.
 Everywhere was decorated with fairy lights, balloons and glitter. Music was already playing and there were drinks and snacks for everyone to enjoy. You were wearing the outfit you’ve been planning for ages and you were sitting down, leg bouncing as you wait for people to arrive.
Did you get the time incorrect? you did mention to everyone that you’re meeting up at 7pm. It was 7:15.
Maybe they were running late? But how could it be that all of them were running late?
You furrow your eyebrows and grab your phone. You go on Instagram to see if anyone posted anything about their whereabouts.
Kim was live.
You click on it and see him walking through a crowd of people.
“Marinette, this party is amazing!” you hear him shout.
“Thanks Kim.” You hear her say.
Your jaw drops Anger starts bubbling inside of you.
Kim turns the phone up and shows Nino on the dj stand. He waves to the camera.
“Adrien! say hi to my live.” Adrien appears next to Kim. He was caught off guard. He smiles sheepishly and waves at the camera awkwardly.
Your phone drops out of your grasp and tears start rolling down your cheeks furiously.
 Adrien was looking everywhere for you. it was already 8pm and he was wondering when you’d show up. He held your gift and note close to his chest, he wanted to personally give them to you.
“H-hey Adrien..” The voice of Marinette makes him turn around to face her.
“Marinette! Where’s the birthday girl?” He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.
Marinette stares at him for a moment and nervously chuckles. “oh- well- she uh- she can’t make it!” He shrugs and laughs again. “did you get something to drink? We have pomegranate juice, peach lemonade, spr-“
“what do you mean she can’t make it? Why the hell is the party still going?” Adrien questions, looking around in disbelief.
“Adrien i-“
“Marinette, your plan is totally working, can’t believe everyone fell for- “ Alya stops speaking when she notices that Adrien is in front of her and purses her lips.
Adrien stares at Marinette for a moment, narrowing his eyes and shaking his head. “On her own birthday? Marinette, this is so not like you.” He was disgusted by her actions.
“Adrien wait!” She calls out. “I can explain.”
“I don’t know why you did this, or what the hell is wrong with you but this was really low. I’m out of here.” He glares at her before walking away from her.
 You were out of control. You cried, you screamed, you threw everything you saw in front of your eyes until you fell on your knees, sobbing.
You couldn’t believe Marinette would do this, you couldn’t believe everyone would do this to you, especially Adrien.
You thought you’ve grown close to the people in your class but you were wrong. They didn’t show up to your birthday party, they lied to you. Your heart was broken.
You held your knees close to your chest as the music lowly played behind you. It was mostly drawn out by your sobs and sniffles.
You hear footsteps approaching you and you look up, with red puffy eyes and see a familiar blond through your blurry vision.
It was Adrien. You look away and sob even harder at the thought of him seeing you like this, with everything destroyed around you. Why did he come here? Did he want to taunt you further?
He kneels down next to you and rubs your shoulder, moving you to his chest and causing you to nuzzle your face there.
“I hate this. I hate today, I hate Marinette.” You mumble. Maybe hate was a strong word, but you didn’t care at that moment.
You look up at him. “Why did you come here Adrien? Do you want to make me feel even more embarrassed than I already am?” You croak out.
He shakes his head. “Please, I swear to you Marinette told me that your birthday party was moved to her place, she told everyone that.” He sighs and shows you his phone so you could see the message Marinette sent him.
“Fucking bitch!” You exclaim and hide your face in your hands again.
“Hey, hey. I got here as soon as I found out she was lying. All I wanted was to celebrate your birthday and make you happy” He says quietly.  “I’m so fucking sorry that this happened.” He says and rests his head against yours in a comforting manner.
You look up at him and wipe your eyes, sniffling. “Well, there’s nothing I can do now. It’s ruined.” You mumble and sigh. “I thought Marinette was my friend you know?” You mutter.
“I know.” Adrien nods and looks down. He stares at the card in his hand and bites his lip, his heart racing at the thought of giving this to you.  “Maybe this will make you feel better.” He says, a small smile twitching on his lips as he hands you the envelope.
You widen your eyes and look up at him as if hesitant to open it. You open it though and you begin to read it.
Ever since the first time I saw you, you absolutely took my breath away. Ever since the day I first saw you, I thought to myself that I have to get to know you better. I did. And that may have been one of the best decisions of my life. You have a beautiful mind, a beautiful soul and a beautiful heart. To be honest, I think I keep falling for you every day. Happy birthday Ma belle, i hope you have the best one yet.
Love, Adrien.
Tears start rolling down your cheeks again, but this time it was because of his sweet words. Your heart finally felt whole.
You look up at him with glistening eyes and give him a wobbly smile.
He smiles sheepishly at you. “Will you go on a date with me?” He asks.
You didn’t even answer, you just leaned in and placed your lips on his.
It was small, but you felt fireworks burst inside of you.
You pull away and watch him flutter his eyes at you, his cheeks glowing red.
“Does that answer your question?” You ask.
He chuckles and kisses you again.
Maybe your birthday wasn’t so bad after all.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Radio Romance (Doyoung x reader, Jaehyun)
This was on my wattpad too! Do check them out, I am working on my SuperM fanfiction.
Warning : Fluff, Doyoung and Jaehyun are radio DJs! Sweet ones obviously 
fluff and safe for work ;)
enjoy !!!
A great hit by Adele fades out as the familiar prelude to my beloved radio segment chimes in. The catchy yet simple jingle makes me perks my ears.
"Good evening citizens! This is DJ Doyoung"
"And this is DJ Jaehyun. You are now listening to Night Paradise of One Two Seven Regular Radio"
"Where you can relax and sleep with sweet dreams." Said Doyoung.
"The time now is nine o'clock. It is Wednesday May 8 and tonight we will receive your song requests and of course the favorite Radio Romance program is still available." Jaehyunexplains their rundown.
I go to turn up the music louder, well the channel I am tuning in right now is our Campus' radio station and since freshman days, this radio station really helps me during the stress nights before finals until the lonely nights when I miss mother's home cook meal. I really love the program, listening to music, witnessing a guy confess to a girl he likes, sometimes I just like to listen to the bickering of the DJs, and mostly I just like having sounds in my silent room. I share an apartment with a foreigner from the same country but he is currently busy. And during these nights, the radio really entertains me.
"As we collect your messages and requests, first composition tonight will be from the latest hit by NCT. As the night is still early, we think a lot of our listeners are still sticking their nose to books and papers. To energize you, we present you Highway to Heaven." Jaehyun's deep voice echoes.
I smiled; this song is currently my mood booster. Picking up my pen, I can return to read my textbook and try my best to study more; Though it is challenging for me to keep on reading, instead of singing on top of my lungs while dancing wildly. As much as I want to do those two badly, I know that my parents sent me here to the United States from the Country of Ginseng and Kimchi to learn something and be someone. Halfway through the song, I can't hold back my feelings and grab my phone.
I quickly text a private message to someone,
"Seriously.. I can't focus. Finals are around the corner. Mum will kill me if A is not present."
I Hit the send button and locked my phone. I must not get carried away into chatting. That will end my life.
After calming my excited nerves with water, the radio DJs return with different love confessions and questions.
Ranging from
"What should I do to get this girl's attention? I'm super shy while she's the total opposite." The two each suggested dating advices. Which I believe were not from their experiences. It's definitely a google answer.
"I just broke up with my boy friend, and I need more comfort songs. Can you two please fulfil my request. Thanks, and DJ Jaehyun you're the best." To which Doyoung replies jokingly "Noted. More love songs. DJ Doyoung is in charge of songs tonight. You pick the wrong guy."
"I can't sleep tonight. I need to finish 3 works by 7 a.m. tomorrow. Please tune up the bpm." Jaehyun's cheeky remarks was "I think coffee will help you better than us. Our program ended at 10.. anyways, we hope you for the best! Fighting!"
Those are messages coming into their homepage
"Now moving on to the tweets, I have.." Doyoung laughs a bit
"To @osaka_prince I really miss you, let's meet for Takoyaki this week. Call me asap. From @nct_is_life"
"You heard that @osaka_prince, someone misses you! And next we have.."
tHis time Jaehyun's soothing voice exits the stereo
"To @ice_yongie how are you doing? I heard you tune into this channel regularly. Wish you all the best for your finals. From @fire_jung"
"Right... to every students, please stay healthy, have enough sleep, and prepare for your finals." Jaehyun said and continue with two more mentions.
After that they play another hit song, this time as the atmosphere starts to go bittersweet. Their choice was Because of You by Taeil.
The sweet voice and words I understands, made a good company for me. I finish reading my books as the last beat of the song drops and Doyoung'strademark voice comes in.
"We have one more hour to accompanyyour night. Now for the news, we have one from the school's Baseball team, one from the hospital and another from the cafeteria. After the news we'll head on to the Call Me Maybe segment. Please wait for it."
Jaehyun reads the news about the upcoming grand Baseball match this Thursday, it's Trojans vs Eagles. Don't forget to come with all your Trojans attire and merchandises we all know how the season will end. Winning is our middle name.
The next news was only about reminding students to take care of their health during finals and a new boba stall will open this Monday. Discount 50% for first 100 cups.
No matter how cheap that will be, I know I can't skip class just to queue for a boba. Not if I want to have my ass bloody red.
The Call Me Baby segment comes after 2 other compositions and oddly I love this segment. Though it may be weird to some people, listening someone making a voice note on air to their special ones and getting no reply.. still there is something in my heart that likes hearing those.
Apparently a lot of calls were desperate. From 5 voice message, 2 are clearly in a phase of knowing someone and trying to win their heart, the other 3 are asking how someone has been.. clearly they broke up one misses the other one, but have no choice other than to use the radio to ask his or her condition. Ego always wins right?
I feel bad for those three who cannot directly ask how the people who used to be special to them is feeling right now. Lucky I'm not in that condition.
Then they take a break with several advertisements and music.
I leave my room to wash my face and clean my books. Well I am sleepy, but I am waiting for someone to return home.
The radio DJs are currently online with the twitter. Since it is impossible to read every tweet on air, they take time answering some lucky listener's tweets. I scroll my twitter and smiles a little when my tweet got replied.
"Have strength! You can do it~" – DJ Doyoung
I retweeted it and afterwards continue scrolling and reading a lot of replies and stories. Apparently there's much more than love and broken heart problems. Some are posting questions of which food to eat, some are just saying hi, several others requested songs; others even post thank-you letters for the two DJ who work hard to make their nights enjoyable and fun.
I glance at the clock. It is 30 minutes to their closing. Turns out two hours is not a long time. Hufht if only every two hours lectures can be this quick and enjoyable.
The last segment was the story sharing time. Basically everyone can submit their inspiring stories to the channel's email and then the team will choose which one is good to share. Tonight the speaker was none other the school's favorite baseball captain. Lee Taeyong... he shares his baseball career path. He shares his hard works, his passion, and what keeps him moving forward. His 10 minutes talk is inspiring. I wiped a tear that falls from my eye, his story is really touching.
Jaehyun and Doyoung also seem to honor the man talking on air right now. They salute his never ending passion and hard work. Taeyong gets to greet some of his fans and cheer them up. The segment ends after 15 minutes and Both DJ wraps his visit by telling all listeners to support Taeyong and his team on field this Thursday.
More tweets are read and replied directly on air, soothing songs for sleeping also fills the room.
"We did not realize time is running. It was fun listening to your feeling. The stars are starting to shine on the clear sky. You might want to take a peek out of your window for a moment.And as the night deepens,our segment must end after this." Doyoung shares his regret.
"Right, we are sad Paradise Night is over, but worry not for we will see you again this Friday. Please keep on tuning into One Two Seven Regular Radio. I am DJ Jaehyun"
"and I am DJ Doyoung"
"We present you the last composition, UN Village by Baekhyun. Sweet Dreams and Good night." The two host harmonize and the calm upbeat prelude from UN Village takes over their voice.
My phone lights up as the song almost reach its chorus.
"I'm done. Going home now.. wait for me!"
I typed a reply and turn the volume louder.
I know that, I know that, I know Yes we are now
Hannam-dong UN Village hill Looking up at the moon from the hill
I walk from my room to the small balcony. The radio song fluently escapes my opened room. Isomehow remembered that Jaehyun or Doyoung earlier said the sky is bright. Turns out I can see sea of stars tonight. It's relaxing and pretty.
The front door of my apartment opens and closes. I turn around and see someone returning home with a tired face but a smile is still there.
"Thank you for waiting me... the stars are dancing tonight and the moon is big!" His attention distracted by the picturesque sky in front of our eyes. He stands beside me, one hand over my waist to bring me close to his warm body.
You and me, umm yeah
UN Village hill, eh
Side by side we look at the moon
We sway to the rhythm and the song ends not long after it. It was a nice closing song!
"I should be the one to say thank you!" I turn my head to face him.
He looks puzzled but a hint of smugness can't escape his lips which form a smile.
"Me? Why?"
"Because you did a great job hosting Paradise Night! I don't feel lonely and I can study better. Thanks to you and Jaehyun." I hug him and bury my face on his chest.
Doyoung softens at my words and returns my hug "Anything for my girl! Now, let me shower from the sweat of walking home.. and maybe I need some ramen tonight. I'm always hungry after hosting the radio." He walks to his room and after collecting his clothes and towel, he enters the toilet.
I make my way to the kitchen. Taking a pot to boil water and choosing our favorite night snack. While he clean himself under the shower, I prepare the dish and the side dishes.
"Hmmm it smells amazing! Thanks for cooking it for me." Doyoung greets me with a fresh smell of mint shampoo and he takes the sit across of me.
"Saranghae~" he sincerely gives me a heart with his fingers and digs into the food.
After a stifled laugh, I also begin eating mine.
Once again a beautiful night spent with the best radio DJ, who is luckily mine. Doyoung... na do saranghae💛
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i-love-you-cowboy · 5 years
I Love You Pt. 1
Description: Peter confesses that he loves the reader after he stood her up on the dance and it doesn’t go well. 
Warnings: ummm... Angst and the reader had a really bad relationship before..??
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   Checking the time again on your phone you see that Peter Parker is now 1 hour late. You’re used to him being late and just having to cancel on plans. That’s just Peter and while you have gotten upset, it’s never been as bad as it is now. It’s Prom, Junior Prom sure but, still it’s important. When Peter had asked you to the Prom you were over the moon, you two had been going on dates but it was never for sure if you guys were dating for real. As soon he gave you the small bouquet of your favorite flowers, you were getting everything ready for tonight. You had gone to get the most amazing dress that made you look like a goddess, you had your hair done to perfection and your makeup had taken forever but was worth it.  
   You should have been worried when Peter texted you saying that he couldn’t make it to the photos since he was running late. You should have just called him and told him that he’d better be there in 5 minutes but, you just pushed the worry down and told him that it was ok and that you would see him at the venue. When you did arrive at the venue you got another text. “I’m so sorry that I’m running behind but I’ll be there soon. Just go inside and save me a seat. See you soon!” Your worry started to come back but, you knew he had a good reason right? There’s no way he would miss out on tonight, so you took a deep breath and made your way inside. 
   When you got inside you found your friends and they were more than confused when they saw that you had no Peter with you. You explained that he was running late and he would be there soon. Your friend MJ gave you a weird look at the excuse but didn’t say anything about it. You sat down at the table and put your clutch on the chair next to you, saving it for Peter. On the other side of you MJ sat down, you two talked and kept each other company since she didn’t want a date. 
   “Hey has Parker texted? It’s been a while and they’re going to start serving soon.” She asked, trying to show that she didn’t know where he was and why he was “running late”. You nodded you head in agreement.
   “Yea I should check and text him”, You took out your phone and saw that he hadn’t texted you anything yet. Sighing you sent him a quick text asking is he was going to be there for dinner. You turned back to MJ and told her that he hasn’t texted yet. She gave a face of disappointment and concern. Before she could say something about it, a waiter started to set down the food for everyone. 
   Dinner came to an end and everyone started to get antsy. They were all awaiting to get on the dance floor and just party. Not only that, they would announce the Prom court very soon. Betty called your name from across the table, quickly grabbing your attention. 
   “You know a little birdie told me that you and Peter would be Prince and Princess! I can’t wait!” She smiled widely and looked at Ned who sat next to her. He gave her smile back but when he looked at the empty spot next to you he got nervous. Of course Peter would be doing Spidey stuff on Prom, and of course he would tell Ned that he had plenty of time before prom. And of course Peter was way late. 
   “Hey is Pete almost here?” He asked while trying to stay calm. Your face showed disappointment to his question. You shook your head and looked at the chair, thinking that maybe if you wished hard enough Peter would appear in the chair magically. 
   “I haven’t heard from him in a while. Who knows where he is.” The last part of your sentence held a small amount of anger and disappointment. Everyone at the table grew either uncomfortable or sad at the scenario you were in. You may have been worrying too much but you didn’t care. This night was about to be a bust and it was stupid Peter Parker’s fault. People started to get up and go to the dance floor, taking their dates and friends by the hand. They were all so happy and having fun, it made you more sad and started to make part of you angry that you couldn’t be like that and enjoy your prom. Noticing your mood, MJ stood up and held her hand out for you.
   “Just because Parker isn’t here yet doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun.” Her words were strong and comforting, making you feel a tiny bit better about your night. “Come on, let’s go show that dance floor who’s boss.”, she said with a smirk. You laughed and took her hand. Making your way to the dance floor you guys found the rest of the group and started to dance to the music. You were starting to feel happy and glad you came anyways, although Flash did try to come up and do what he called “dancing” with you. Telling him no, you continued to dance with your friends. 
   After about 20 minutes or so you became hot and thirsty. So did almost every girl in heels, so you and a few friends made your way back to the table to rest and talk to each other without yelling. As you sat down you checked your phone and to your disappointment, there was no texts or call from Peter, only a notification from dominoes saying you had a coupon for a free pizza. At least they cared.  
   “Will everyone please make their way back to their tables and take a quick seat?” The DJ spoke into his microphone, his voice full of energy and eagerness, “We are about to crown our Prom court!!” Everyone cheered and clapped, you opted on clapping softly. Your nerves were on fire, if Betty was right earlier, then you would have to go up there alone. Before anything else could happen you texted Peter urging him to get there soon or to at least say something. 
“Alright alright! Would the student body come up here to announce the prince and the princess?” You were shaking, MJ came to your side and put her arms comfortingly around you. Betty and another student got up there and held up a red letter with the winners on it. Ned decided to try to comfort you in some way.
   “I mean I’m sure Betty was joking earlier.” He chuckled nervously, “The odds of you guys winning, together are almost nothing-” He was cut off by the the other student
   “(Y/n) (L/N) and Peter Parker!!”
ooooo part 2????
lmao sorry for ending it there
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Nothing's gonna stop us now.
Summary: After singing and dancing your hearts out during karaoke, you and Joe confess your feelings to one another.
Warnings: None! Just lotsa fluff
A/N: A little fun fic based off the song 'Nothing's gonna stop us now' by Starship with the karaoke king/dancing queen Joe. Lyrics are bold italics! Enjoy! 💖
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"One song!" Joe pleaded with huge eyes and his bottom lip pouting as he squeezed your hand.
"Not a chance in hell," you replied and took a swig of your beer. You were in a fairly quiet bar with Rami, Lucy, Gwilym and Ben...and it was karaoke night. You wondered if Joe had strategically planned it. You and Joe had been friends since you both could form a sentence. Of course, as you grew so did your feelings for him. You found yourself wanting to be more than just his friend but a part of you didn't want to jeopardise what the two of you had so you mainly kept it to yourself, confiding in Lucy when you felt like you were going to burst.
"Y/NNNNNN!" Joe groaned out your name and dramatically lay across the table. "I'll buy you brunch for a week."
"A month!"
"That's a good deal, Y/N," Ben spoke up.
"If you think it's such a good deal then why don't you sing with him?" You asked and Ben laughed into his glass.
"He's sang with me in cardboard form!" He argued back with a grin on his face.
You rolled your eyes "I'm going to the bathroom," you stood up.
"I'll come with!" Lucy chirped and linked arms with yours before you left the boys.
They all huddled in around Joe "When are you going to grow a pair and ask her out? Like out out?" Rami questioned and they all looked at Joe.
He deeply sighed. He wished he had asked you to date him sooner but the thought of breaking a friendship with you shattered his heart. There was no way he wanted to lose you from his life. Joe had drunkly confessed to Ben one night that you were the love of his life and that he didn't really have feelings for the cardboard cutout in his room at home. Of course, the next morning Joe had no recollection of this until Ben teased him about it and Joe lunged at him in the makeup trailer begging him and the two others not to say anything to you. A part of Joe was happy to have them knowing- it meant he could talk to them about how he felt and get everything off his chest. He told them how happy you made him, he showed them pictures of the two of you and rambled on about how good you looked or how much he wanted to ask you out at that moment in time, or he'd show them a meme that you had sent that reminded you of him or a memory you both shared along with a 'She knows me so well' while he smiled at the screen.
"I'm trying, I just..." Joe sighed again and ran a hand down his face "I gotta think carefully about this. I could screw everything up for good if I don't plan what to do."
"Mate," Ben chuckled and grabbed Joe's shoulder "I'm afraid love doesn't work like that. You've got to throw caution to the wind. Being spontaneous could work in your favour...go up and put both your names down to sing with a song of your choice. When her name's called out, everyone will cheer her to go on stage and she'll have to go then."
Joe looked over at the DJ. He knew the perfect song. "Okay, I'll be back shorty."
"Joe looks good tonight, hmm?" Lucy grinned like a Cheshire Cat while leaning on the sinks, her back facing the mirrors while you looked into one to pick out an eyelash that had fell out and was annoying you.
"Always does..." you coolly replied and finally managed to get the eyelash. "Everyone does." You added when she shot you a knowing look with the biggest smile on her face.
"Make a wish!" Lucy grinned and you playfully rolled your eyes, secretly making one before you blew it off your finger. "What did you wish for?" She asked as you left the bathroom.
"Now if I told you, Miss Boynton, it wouldn't come true!" You jokingly said and she giggled. You joined everyone at the table and sent Joe a small smile but he barely met your gaze. You suspiciously narrowed your eyes and took a drink of your beer as the DJ's voice rang through the bar.
"Now next up we have a duet from Joe Mazzello and Y/N Y/L/N!"
"You are kidding me!" You snapped and almost spat out your drink "Joe!"
He stood up with a sheepish smile "Hey! The winners get a round of drinks on the house and a bottle of their choice!" Lucy grinned and nudged you with her elbow.
You shook your head and Gwil and Ben, who were sitting either side of you jabbed your side and you flinched so hard you rose to your feet. "No!" You sternly warned Joe as he tried to drag you to the stage- it was like trying to get a cat in a bath. "No!" You were close to smiling but mad that he signed you up.
"Joe and Y/N!" The DJ enthusiastically announced your names and you glared at Joe who was just grinning and embracing the experience. The bar wasn't busy- around ten people or so including the cast- but there was still enough people in it to make you shy and nervous. They all clapped, your group of friends ecstatically cheering and whistling when you both got up on stage. You turned your back to the crowd but Joe smiled and turned you around to face them. You compromised by facing him and the screen.
Joe flashed you a smile "It'll be fun! You'll love it!"
"They'll be singing," the DJ checked his sheet "'Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now' by Starship!" 'Of course we are...' you thought to yourself with a ghost of a smile on your face. "Give it up for Joe and Y/N!" Your little group erupted into cheers again and you placed a hand over your eyes, not wanting to look at anyone. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire they were so hot.
You both didn't need the lyrics on the screen, you knew the song he picked by heart. That's why he chose it...it was yours and Joe's song. The song that the two of you both bought when you first went to a music store together. The song that you both sang at the top of your lungs at all hours of the day and rocked out to in your pyjamas when having a sleepover. The song you sang when you were a bit beyond tipsy and the lyrics were slightly slurring towards the end. The song you both determined at the age of nine years old that when you both got married- that song was going to be the song that you both had your first dance to.
"I'm going to kill you..." you grumbled.
"I know," Joe smirked "But I'll die happy knowing that I got you up singing karaoke with me."
You sighed hearing the drums when he song began and stood still on the stage while Joe began swaying, clicking his fingers together and spinning around...it was only a matter of time before he was full-blown dancing. He was singing his part first so you just stood on the spot thinking that if you didn't move for long enough, you might become invisible. That didn't happen.
"Lookin' in your eyes I see a paradise
This world that I've found is too good to be true
Standin' here beside ya, want so much to give you
This love in my heart that I'm feelin' for you..." he reached his arm out and you shut your eyes with a small sigh and began singing.
"Let 'em say we're crazy, I don't care about that," You opened your eyes feeling a burst of confidence when your friends started cheering, you were still singing quietly into the microphone compared to Joe who practically screamed out the lyrics. "Put your hand in my hand, baby, don't ever look back," you gently slipped your hand into Joe's outstretched one and he began swaying you. "Let the world around us just fall apart," he let you go again and danced on the spot while biting down on his bottom lip while your lips curved into a smile. It took every nerve inside you not to laugh. "Baby, we can make it if we're heart-to-heart!"
You both belted out the chorus together. "And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other," You both pointed to one another at the same time, you were getting into the song and started bopping along with the beat.
"Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us now, whoa no."
Joe sang his part again and you smiled, finally immersing yourself in the experience and starting to dance along with him. "I'm so glad I found you, I'm not gonna lose you," he winked and your heart skipped a beat.
"Whatever it takes, I will stay here with you
Take you to the good times, see you through the bad times
Whatever it takes is what I'm gonna do!"
"Let 'em say we're crazy, what do they know?Put your arms around me, baby, don't ever let go!" You laughed out the lyrics when he dramatically threw himself at you, his arms wrapping around you and swaying you from side to side.
"Let the world around us just fall apart
Baby, we can make it if we're heart-to-heart!"
"And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever!" You both flexed your arms like bodybuilders and the boys jokingly wolf whistled while Lucy let out a loud 'Woo!'
"Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us, ooh..."
"All that I need is you," the song slowed down and Joe intertwined his fingers with yours, he was singing to you and only you- not for anyone else at the bar- just you.
"All that I ever need" you sang back, looking into his eyes, noticing a twinkle that you never quite noticed before. Both your smiles faltered a little as curiosity clouded over- he saw it in your eyes too.
"All that I want to do!" His smile returned and so did yours as you braced yourselves to belt out the next line together.
"Is hold you forever, forever and ever!" You then passionately and enthusiastically began playing the air guitar. You both giggled away, rocking out on stage while the cast clapped- they only encouraged you more and you both really got into playing the invisible guitar.
"And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now!" Joe wiggled his finger with a grin on his face before taking your hand and spinning you on the spot. "And if this world runs out of lovers we'll still have each other," you both gave each other a high-five but then laced your fingers together. "Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us
And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us now!" You both screamed out the last line before the crowd burst into cheer when the song ended. But you didn't hear them- it was all static. You were still looking at Joe who was holding your hand and standing close to you. You began to run away with the moment and you both felt yourselves being pulled towards one another.
"Joe and Y/N everyone!" The DJ yelled in your ears right beside you both, giving you a fright. You didn't see the group sigh with irritation and disappointment at the DJ ruining the sweet, almost intimate, moment. You pulled back from Joe and sent everyone a small wave and smile before returning to your seat, Joe following close behind.
"That was amazing! You two were great!" Lucy cooed and squeezed your arm.
"It's our song," Joe spoke up and your eyes flickered up to him, he was already looking at you with a shy smile. "Course we'd be great at singing it!" He half-heartedly joked. You could hear the serious undertone in his voice, everyone else laughed.
"Next up we have...Ben! Singing 'I'm in love with my car'!" The DJ called out and Ben spat out his drink into his glass.
"Which one of you bloody did that?!"
"We were robbed," Joe complained while walking you back to your hotel room with everyone. The two of you were now in the hallway with Ben who was the only one who hadn't reached his room- excluding the pair of you.
Ben smugly smirked "Hey, don't hate me because my singing is impeccable!" He was holding a bottle of drink in his hand like an award. He had won the karaoke contest.
"That's karma for getting me up on that stage, Joe!" You nudged him with your elbow and he pretended to be mad despite having the huge smile on his face.
"Well, this is my room- see you both tomorrow!" Ben opened his room door and bid you both goodnight.
"Night, Ben!" Joe waved.
"Sweet dreams!" You grinned "And well done again, karaoke king!" You chuckled and so did Ben while wiggling the bottle.
Joe scoffed "Prepare to be overthrown soon, Benjamin! I am the karaoke king!" He then slowly walked you along to your room in comfortable silence.
When you reached your door, you hesitated opening it. "Uh...want to come in for a little bit?" You asked, not wanting to get rid of Joe so soon. "We could have a chat and raid the mini bar?" He nodded with a small grin on his face and followed you into your room. You crouched down to the level of the fridge and pulled out a can of coke for the two of you. You joined him where he was standing at the window looking out over the city, trapped somewhere between the ground and the clouds. You handed him the can and stood next to him staring out the window.
Joe looked down at you "You're miles away, Y/N..." he observed aloud. "Where are you at?"
"I'm right here beside you," you flashed him a small smile and took a small sip of your juice before putting down the can- Joe did the same. You let out an amused huff of air seeing him mirror your actions. He was so special to you. He meant the world and so much more to you. 'I'm so in love with you and I'm petrified.' Was what you wanted to say- or rather scream- while looking at his face being illuminated by the various colours of night lights outside the safety and intimate space of your hotel room.
The room was quiet. Until Joe opened his mouth. "Why are you petrified?" You swore you died the second after he said that. Did he just say that? Did you just say that?! You went to move back but Joe softly grabbed your wrist. He smiled with glossy eyes "You don't have to be..." he whispered, letting a tear fall while his smile grew wider. You brushed it away with your thumb.
"I'm petrified that you won't feel the same," you managed to speak, your voice was trembling. "That I'll ruin what we have- that we can't be friends anymore." You croaked and swallowed hard.
Joe laughed and softly shook his head "Y/N," he took your hands, his eyes boring into yours. "Over the years...I think we've stared at each other, laughed with each other and sang with each other a little too much just to be friends." You softly chucked and nodded, pretty much in defeat- he had a point. "I love you, Y/N, and I have done for almost all my life." You both leaned forward and softly pressed your lips together. You both pulled back grinning like idiots "Now we're finally doing something about this," Joe motioned between him and yourself and then smirked when he thought of a perfect thing to say. "Nothing's gonna stop us now."
You playfully rolled your eyes and pushed his chest a little "You're lucky I love you, Mazzello..."
"That bad?" He grimaced slightly but still kept smiling.
You grinned "It's alright because I know if this world runs out of lovers, we'll still have each other," you winked and Joe leaned in again.
Before he kissed you, he stopped and let his lips hover over yours. "That was just as cheesy, Y/N." His lips were on yours again, years of repressed feelings finally flowing freely.
You made a mental note to tell Lucy that your wish came true.
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bangtanfanfiction · 6 years
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♢ Pairing: Jimin x Reader College AU
♢ Word count: 4.5 k
♢ Genre: Fluff, comedy  - Warnings: Swear words, implied sex
⌲ Description: You’re being dragged out to a club by your best friend only to encounter a guy you’ve been trying to avoid for the past few weeks. Imagine your surprise when your savior in a leather jacket comes swooping in.  
A/N: This was actually supposed to be a small drabble. But all of my “small drabbles” end up becoming a full length fic anyway, so I don’t know why I keep trying... And I really wished I knew how to write smut, because it would have been great with the story :/
pls excuse my mistakes ^^
You honestly didn’t know how you ended up here.
Here, being the place that you practically swore to never visit again because of your previous experiences.
It was the ‘It’ club for your university because they offered a 30 percent discount for students at the entrance. And you could understand that, because being a college student yourself you found out that being broke was really a bitch.
But that was as good as this place got.
First off, the drinks were ridiculously overpriced. You weren’t one to throw yourself headfirst towards the alcohol and always preferred to start slow and easy, so a bottle of Smirnoff Ice would usually end up being your choice. But the club sold it for like 8 or 9 dollars a bottle, while you could have paid half the price of that in a grocery store.
Second off, the music. You were never really that picky about what music you listened to most of the time. As long as it had a good beat that you could move to, you didn’t care about the lyrics. But another time you had decided to come to the club they had a DJ that was practically in love with the EDM genre. Every time a good song would come on, he would suddenly start to mess around on that board and then make his own remix and let the “beat drop”.
Every. Single. Song.
Let’s just say you ended up leaving an hour after you had entered with a pounding headache.
And then there were the people. Again, you had never been a judgemental person to begin with. You always made sure to smile, be polite and walk away if things got a bit hostile. You just didn’t have the time or patience for any kind of drama in your life. Most of the customers were obviously from your university, but you never recognized any of them anyways. But the alcohol also made some people a bit too forward for your taste. Mostly guys, but there has been a few awkward incidents with a couple of girls trying their moves on you.
But here you were yet again.
In the same club where you have only experienced bad things, all because of the one person you couldn’t say no to, dressed in your own choice of clothes - thankfully. It was getting colder and colder outside as winter approached steadily and there was no way you were stepping out of your door with a tight mini dress. Instead you wore a pair of black high waisted skinny jeans, that you admitted made your butt look great. To finish it off you had chosen a white cropped top with a v-neck that showed a good amount of cleavage and thrown a red wine colored leather jacket over.
“See anyone you like?” Ayana’s voice said into your ear with obvious excitement.
“No, I don’t,” You replied uninterested, not even looking away from your bottle of Smirnoff Ice as you swirled the liquid around in the glass containment.
“C’mon, why you being such a party pooper?” She whined.
“I’m being a party pooper because I had no intention to party,” You said obviously as she rolled her eyes.
Ayana became your best friend after you had met for the first time in freshman year. She was an international student who had moved to Seoul from California. Four years later, the two of you were still attached by the hip. You with your calm and reasonable personality, while Ayana had her wild moments now and then, but still walked around with a smart head on her shoulders. You had always admired her because of her fierce personality. She never took crap from anyone and was ready to start a damn fight at a moments notice. Not only was she fierce, she was sassy as well. Sometimes too much, but you loved her the same. Not to mention that she was drop dead gorgeous. With her golden caramel brown skin that didn’t seem to have any trace of acne or pimples and hazel nut eyes. Her body was the kind you found on magazines and famous instagram models - fit yet curvy with the right amount of booty and chest. You’ve found yourself admiring her body more times than you could count over the years, and she knew it. So as a running joke, Ayana would always pretend she had sent you some nudes and say it out loud in public only to embarrass you with a saucy wink following.
Tonight she had opted for a classy black mini dress entirely made out of glossy leather that stuck to her like a second skin, and made her legs look endless with the pumps. It had two thick straps over each shoulder that made the dress pull up her breasts even more. They were her favorite assets to show off along with her butt. And you could understand that. Because Ayana honestly looked sexy 24/7 whatever she wore. The downside of having such a great body, you thought sarcastically.
“But you’re looking so bangin’ tonight! You can’t just sit here the whole night!” She argued.
“I’m not planning to get laid tonight, Ana,” You told her.
“Not even a little bit of fun?”
“Nope,” You said, leaning an elbow on the bar table behind you.
“Seriously when was the last time you had sex?” Ayana looked at you seriously.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “Like a year ago probably.”
“Wait, what about that guy I introduced to you last month?”
“Yeah no I lied, nothing happened,” you confessed with a grimace.
“But you said he was cute!” She exclaimed.
“Then I found out he kissed like a dog, so no way if he’s touching anything else,” you pointed out.
“Okay fine, in my defense I didn’t know he was that bad at kissing,” she admitted. “But come on! You haven’t had any, I don’t know - cravings lately?”
You snorted as you sent her a amused look. “Cravings? What am I? A vampire?”
“How can you not be horny?” Ayana finally exclaimed, and a bit too loudly as a few people nearby glanced in your direction despite the booming music.
“Will you fucking chill?” You hissed in embarrassment. “Jesus christ, not everyone needs to have sex all the time to function like a normal human being.”
“A year, Y/N. One year. That’s unnatural.”
“No, you’re just too much of a damn hoe,” you said unbothered, seeing how the two of you spoke that way too each other daily.
“Probably,” she agreed. “But you can’t tell me that you haven’t thought about it at all?”
“Of course I have, I’m still a human you know. There just haven’t been any guys to catch my attention yet.”
And as Ayana went to open her mouth you lifted a finger to stop her with a stern gaze. “You will not play matchmaker again. I’ll manage on my own.”
“You managing something basically means nothing,” she argued.
In the end Ayana had given up and simply thrown her arms up in exasperation before vanishing into the crowds of people as you looked after her, laughter spilling out from between your lips. Honestly, making Ana mad and irritated were probably one of your favorite things. She was so easy to rile up, and you took quite advantage of it, as she knew herself. 
Your friendship just worked like that.
But now that you were left alone again - finally - you slipped into the tall bar chair behind you and turned it around so your back faced the dance floor. Getting lost in your own thoughts, you also noticed how one of the two bartenders maintaining the bar was busy with wiping the glasses, while the other one moved from one side to the other and fixing orders for the impatient customers that were crowding by the cashier.
You were clever enough to stay away from that side, seeing how busy it was. So you were free to move, drink and look around where you sat. Usually when being dragged to a place you weren’t interested in, you would focus on the people and snort at their drunken mishaps. But you felt particularly under the weather tonight. Not even the small amount of alcohol could get your mood up.
Not that you actually would call a Smirnoff Ice for alcohol. It was basically a soda, and it didn’t affect you in the slightest.
Taking out your phone from your pocket, you instead checked out your social medias to see if there was anything exciting happening. But right in the middle of scrolling down on Instagram, a voice out of nowhere appeared on your right side.
“Y/N hey!”
You had jumped and turned your head to see who it was, before your face automatically morphed into the fakest smile you could muster.
“Tyler! How are you doing?”
He leaned forward for a hug which you returned, though awkwardly.
Tyler were one of the guys you had gotten to know throughout your three years of college so far. One which you ever regretted talking to in the first place. There wasn’t actually anything wrong with the guy himself. He was very nice and a gentleman from what you had experienced. Though you wouldn’t call yourself as friends. More like acquaintances. You had first met at a private party about six months ago. He had like always been very welcoming and nice as you knew, while the two of you exchanged a few conversations getting to know each other. Other than that you didn’t really pay attention to him, seeing how he was quite busy with a girl that night.
You didn’t meet Tyler again until maybe two months later at a bar with a couple of mutual friends. He had been very kind that time as well, though very persistent about taking you out on a date to the point that you even grew a bit uncomfortable. Not that your friends had been much help while sitting at the same table. They had watched the scene unfold, laughing quietly to themselves as you tried to reject him gently. You had gotten quite drunk that night actually, and hoped Tyler would have forgotten it as well.
But as you woke the morning after with the worst headache yet to date, and the feeling of wanting to puke your insides out, your phone was lit up with several messages on Facebook. It had been from Tyler, who was still insistent on taking you out. And apparently you had said yes the night before. You remembered of course, but it was said sarcastically - which he took seriously. So you had no choice but lie and instead replied with how you couldn’t remember anything of last night.
That was about two months ago. And even if his messages had decreased significantly lately, Tyler was still confident about taking you out. Never being shy on the compliments and his terrible pick up lines on the times you rarely bumped into each other. You had even stopped going out with the mutual friends that the two of you shared, in fear of meeting him again.
But of course, he had to be at the club the day you were as well. Great.
“I’m good, it’s been a long time!” He grinned widely, his brown hair having been slicked back tonight and not the usual mess.
He wasn’t necessarily the most good looking guy you had met. He was quite average actually, as mean as it sounded. But you never had it in you to be mean to people, even when it came to rejecting guys. So your strategy was to slowly but surely cut your contact with them until they no longer were interested. 
It had worked all the other times, but Tyler was a different case you realized.
Dressed in what looked to be every day dark jeans, and a light blue dress shirt which remained untucked, he looked like any guy you passed on the street on a normal day.
“Yeah it has,” you laughed uneasily, hoping he hadn’t realized that you ignored most of his messages lately.
“You’re here alone?” Tyler questioned as he made himself comfortable beside you, and didn’t seem like he was leaving any time soon. 
You could feel the hope in you slowly evaporating.
“Uhm I came with a friend. Actually….” You trailed off, your eyes searching the dance floor for Ayana, though she was nowhere in sight. “...I can’t see her at the moment,” you then admitted.
“No worries, I can keep you with company!” He grinned as if winning the lottery.
“Oh yay…You don’t have to,” You don’t know if he noticed your complete lack of excitement in the reply, but he didn’t seem react to it, which you wondered yourself was bad or good.
You went with bad. Because at least he would have gotten to know about your slight dislike at his presence.
“It’s fine. I’m having more fun with you here anyways,” Tyler looked at you, smiling what you assumed was supposed to be charming.
You didn’t say anything and simply replied with an awkward smile as you called over the bartender and asked for another drink. This time something stronger. 
He returned with a shot of tequila and a glass of rum and coke.
You thanked him as he leaned closer to whisper something in your ear. “Shot’s on the house,” he then smiled sympathetically as his eyes flickered to Tyler before leaving to serve other customers.
Great, even the bartender had noticed your dislike of him. Everyone but the guy himself.
“Wow going extra hard on the alcohol today, huh?” Tyler tried to sound teasing, but you only found it annoying.
“Bottoms up,” you sighed, not even looking at him as you lifted the small glass and downed the liquid.
It tasted bitter and burned down your throat as you grimaced slightly, before putting the piece of lemon in your mouth. Tyler let out an uneasy laugh, seemingly a bit put off by this behavior of yours that he had never seen before.
“So Y/N, I’m free this Friday. You wanna go out for a movie or something? We can eat some dinner after,” he offered, coming a bit closer and trying to be smooth about it. 
It wasn’t like you had anywhere to go, sitting on the chair and facing the bar. You didn’t even look at his face as you replied and took a sip of your drink. “Sorry, I’m busy.”
“Oh,” he deflated. “What about Saturday? We can-”
“I already have plans.”
His confidence finally seemed to waver, but not completely. “I know that the weather on Sunday is quite nice if you want t-”
“Hey, there you are babe.”
You had never been so speechless in your whole time of living on this earth before, to put it lightly. Your body had completely frozen up when an arm out of nowhere suddenly rested around your shoulder, and your head snapped up to your left side so fast you probably could have snapped it, to see who was standing there and calling you babe.
It was a stranger.
A good looking stranger, but unfamiliar nonetheless.
Because you were sure you would have remembered a face like that.
The first thing that your brain registered was the sharp jawline right above you with plump lips pulled into a small smile. Your eyes then followed it up to lock eyes with a pair brown irises and locks of blonde hair that were pulled in a middle part. You secretly admired how flawless his skin looked.
“H-hi,” You had stuttered out bewildered.
“Who are you?” Tyler had straightened up from his comfortable position and looked at the guy beside you with suspicion.
“I’m her boyfriend, who are you?” The blonde stranger replied smoothly, before raising an eyebrow in return.  
“Y/N doesn’t have a boyfriend,” Tyler actually had the audacity to scoff out, as if he knew you at all.
You couldn’t help but send him a look that spoke of your disbelief, which he of course didn’t notice. Christ.
“Actually,” You decided to speak up, smiling sweetly while doing so and easily following along with the act. “I do have boyfriend, Tyler. This is him right here.”
To try and make it more convincing you wrapped your arm around the blonde guy’s waist as you sent Tyler a look.
“Unless you have anymore business to do with my girl, I suggest you leave us alone,” The stranger spoke up again, this time the smile was gone and it was like his whole demeanor changed.
You couldn’t help but feel the shivers appear at his term ‘my girl’.
Tyler didn’t even bother to reply as he just rolled his eyes and turned around to disappear into the crowds of people again. You made sure he was completely gone before reality crashed into you again, and you hastily removed your hold on him as he did the same. Though a lot less awkward than you did.
“Thanks for that,” You laughed nervously. “He wasn’t really taking the hint.”
Your savior in the leather jacket chuckled as he leaned against the bar table using his elbow, one foot crossed over the other and faced you.
“You’re welcome. I couldn’t exactly leave a damsel in distress now.”
“I wouldn’t exactly call myself a damsel, but sure whatever you say Romeo,” You smiled, not being able to keep yourself remaining casual.
The guy was really charming.
“Romeo?” An eyebrow arched up at your nickname.
You simply shrugged. “You didn’t tell me your name.”
He remained silent for a few seconds, but the smile never left his face. “The name’s Jimin. Park Jimin that is.”
“I’m Y/N,” you responded and offered a hand which he accepted.
Taking a closer look, you let your eyes slowly trail down his body. Jimin was wearing what looked to be black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees paired with a white dress shirt, one side of it tugged into the waistband of his jeans with a fancy looking belt, while the other half was untucked. He wore a black leather jacket that matched his shoes and completed the look. It was simple, yet he made it look like a million bucks. You also saw the numerous of small holes in his ears, though only two of them were filled. A small silver ring on the left ear, while the right sported a more flashy dangling silver chain.
“So Y/N, do you study here?” He asked curiously.
You were drinking from your glass before replying. “Yeah, last year of my bachelor.”
“What do you do?”
“Literature. Doesn’t sound very interesting, but I enjoy it,” You said. “What about you?”
“I study dance, so the art department is where I spend most of my time.”
“No wonder I haven’t you seen you around campus then,” you said without thinking.
Jimin suddenly leaned in close enough for you to actually feel a change in your personal space as you stared at him with surprised eyes.
“Maybe you haven’t looked close enough,” he actually smirked as you blushed and let out a nervous laugh.
“Uhm…” You gulped, before changing the subject. “What made you help me?”
He luckily slowly leaned back again. “Like I said, I’m a gentleman,” lifting a hand, the same bartender that gave you the free shot came back over and put a glass of whiskey down in front of him wordlessly before leaving again.
Your raised an eyebrow at the interaction and glanced at the man and back at Jimin. He noticed it and laughed lightly, his eye smile becoming evident.
“That’s Yoongi, he’s one of my best mates,” Jimin explained running a hand through his blonde hair, and you looked on in fascination as it laid itself back down perfectly. Not even a single hair out of place.
Huh, interesting.
“That’s cool,” You said quite awkwardly and even cringed yourself.
You had never been good at acting social with boys or just people in general. Small talk was definitely not your area of expertise.
A form suddenly barreled into your side as you gripped into the table in panic and steadied yourself before turning to look at Ayana.
“What’s the matter with you?” You demanded.
She let out a giggle as her arms snaked around your waist, her head rested in the crook of your neck. You only let out a sigh as you pushed her head back slightly to take a closer look.
“Are you drunk already?”
“Juuuust a little bit,” she had a dopey kind of smile on her face.
“...you didn’t take anything else did you?” You asked cautiously
“Are you trying to ask if I did drugs? Because that’s racist,” Ana slurred and pointed a finger at you sternly, or trying to at least.
You stared back blankly before shaking your head, huffing out a laugh.
“That’s not what I meant, but okay,” you mumbled to yourself.
“But I found this really hot guy that I think you’ll like,” she unwrapped herself from the hug with you and grinned widely again. “I even double checked that he was a good kisser.”
This time you couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Okaay, thanks Ana, but I’d rather not have a go at a guy you’ve already started on.”
“But I even found him just for you!” She exclaimed disappointed, swaying on her feet as you steadied her.   
“I already told you, I’m not looking for anyone tonight.”
She blew a raspberry at you as you looked on in amusement. Ayana then glanced over your shoulder before stumbling past, as you twirled your chair around to see her clamping her hands down on Jimin’s shoulders. He didn’t even seem bothered at it, only paying attention with laughter clear on his face.
“You,” she said seriously.
“Me?” He replied with a small chuckle.
“Would you fuck her?” She asked bluntly while pointing at you, as your eyes widened and you jumped out of your chair, pulling her away from him.
“ANA!” You yelled horrified.
Jimin cleared his throat as he took a large sip of his drink, shoulders shaking in silent laughter. But as he put the glass back down, you saw a confident smirk resting on his plump lips.
“I surely wouldn’t mind,” he even replied as you felt the blush creeping up from your neck and to your cheeks.
“Yes! I found you another guy, Y/N!” She told you loudly, as if you weren’t standing right beside her.
“Oh my god,” You muttered, lifting your hand up to your forehead.
“Whoops, gotta go, the hot guy is looking for me,” Ayana suddenly said after squinting at her phone. “If you don’t want him, I’ll take him.”
“Wait, you’re leaving with him now?” You asked.
“Maybe later,” She wiggled her eyebrows. “See you around handsome,” Ayana then sent Jimin a seductive wink and hand kiss before walking away again, hips swaying.
“Make good choices...please,” You called after her weakly.
Slumping against the bar, you let out a sigh.
“Is she usually like that?”
You laughed at that. “Basically yeah.”
“And what was that about finding you guy?” Jimin looked intrigued, but you also knew very well he understood the meaning of it.
You were all college students after all. 
You told him anyways, some kind of hope bubbling up in you. “Well, you gotta have fun sometimes y’know.”
“Didn’t take you for that kind of person,” he raised his eyebrows, but even underneath the colorful and blinking lights of the club, you could see his brown irises appeared to look even darker than before.
“Last time I checked I don’t really know you, or you me.”
You didn’t even react when he got closer. 
Standing up from his chair and taking a slow step towards your direction, ending up right in front of you. Only a small space of air between your bodies  from touching.
“What if you got to know me?” He said, lowering his voice, but even you heard it over the booming music and your rapidly beating heart.
Jimin reached out to brush a stray piece of hair that fallen down in front of your face and tuck it behind your ear, his fingers lingering on your skin as they softly traced down the side of your face. You resisted the urge to shudder at the sensation.
That whole simple action seemed to have gone by in slow motion as you stood still in anticipation of what would happen next. It felt like the whole world had just stopped for you in that moment.
“Are you asking me out or asking for sex?”
He wasn’t bothered by your words and tilted his head slightly to the side as his eyes raked down your body so slow that it actually sent shivers down your back.
“How about both?” Jimin replied in a deeper voice than before.
“I wouldn’t mind,” You whispered as he got progressively closer and your head slightly tilted up.
“Yeah?” He replied just as low.
“Yeah,” You breathed out before throwing all cautions to the wind and closed the last distance between the two of you.
The moment your lips touched his, something must have snapped in him. Because Jimin was definitely not shy with his hands, which settled on your hips right away as the kiss deepened and you leaned further up on your tip toes to wrap your arms around his neck tightly. Jimin pushed you against the bar, the table digging into your back and leather jacket as you felt his tongue brushing against your lips and you granted him permission without a second thought. 
Your skin was burning from his touch and proximity.
“Hey, no sex in public!”
Jimin separated from you as both turned to look at his friend, Yoongi, who stood with crossed arms and a small glare.
“Put her drink on my tab,” He simply replied and pulled out his card before you could protest.
It was done in a couple of seconds, and you couldn’t even protest, because it felt like your head was still swimming around after that kiss.
“You wanna get out of here?” He leaned down to whisper.
“Mine or yours?”
“I kinda have several roommates, unless you’re into that kind of thing,” he chuckled lightly and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
He was just so cute in that moment that you couldn’t help yourself from leaning up and giving him a quick but sweet peck on the lips. Something that surprised him as he looked down at you with slightly big eyes.
“Mine it is,” You grinned, grabbing his hand and leading him away from the bar and towards the door.
Suddenly you felt yourself being tugged and stumbled back into his chest.
“What was that f-”
He had stopped your words with a kiss so passionate that even you let out the smallest moan against his lips. His hands were resting almost casually above your butt, either teasing you or showing off, while your own were flat against his chest. He then trailed those sinful lips to the corner of your mouth and further up to your ear, pressing a gentle kiss against the lobe before whispering.
“Tyler was watching.”
You couldn’t help but let out a giggle, the sound being muffled by his shirt as you felt him smile against you and taking the lead this time, pulling you out of the club with your heart still beating rapidly inside you.
The night was far from finished. 
139 notes · View notes
scornedlove · 6 years
Chapter Sixteen
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“Thanks for coming down to help out Chris. This wouldn’t have been as great without you” Romero commended, shaking my hand. Romero was a fellow artist who just started a nonprofit organization of his own for children with developmental disorders, Best Buddies International.
I flew out to Miami, Florida a couple of days ago and we worked nonstop to create a graffiti mural and a few portraits, which would be auctioned with proceeds going to both Best Buddies and Symphonic Love. It was a lot of work, but I had a lot of fun, and the kids were ecstatic. I enjoyed keeping up with their energy and couldn’t wait for our next event.
“Anytime man, I love helping out when it comes to the kids. I learned a lot from you too, maybe you can come down and collab on something with me next time”
“All I need is a date” he quickly agreed.
After finishing up with Romero, I went straight to the airport. I had the next couple of days to myself, so I couldn’t wait to get home to relax. A friend of mine, has been staying at my house for the past couple of weeks and I've been feeling bad for not being there. I had Tina let him in and hadn’t been there since he arrived.
Anthony and I go way back. We were neighbors for several years when I lived in Virginia. His mom moved to Houston, Texas when he was fifteen to get away from his abusive father and I hadn’t seen him since. We reconnected through social media a couple of years ago and check on each other every now and then.
He recently started having issues with his mom. She wants him to get a job, but he’s been trying to follow his dream of becoming a singer, so when he hit me up asking for a place to crash, I welcomed him with open arms. I know what it’s like to chase your dreams and it’s definitely not easy.
“Finally home” I sighed, six hours later as I kicked off my shoes. Since we launched Symphonic Love, business opportunities have been coming left and right, so the past few weeks have been crazy. On top of that, I sold my house and moved into a Hollywood Hills home. Even though I had initially planned to downsize, Nicki found me a place with a good price that was just as big as the old place and even more luxurious. The best part is that it’s closer to both galleries and my studio.
With all the traveling I had been doing, I hadn’t even had the chance to enjoy my new house. That ends tonight. I thought to myself as I headed straight to the kitchen for a glass of whiskey.
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“I thought you weren’t coming back until tomorrow” Anthony shrieked, as he and Ryan scrambled to gather their clothes off the ground.
“Please don’t tell me ya’ll fuckin on my counter!” I groaned. “I have two big ass guest beds and ya’ll chose my damn kitchen counter?”
“I’m sorry Chris. We didn’t mean to. I mean- it just sorta happened” Ryan stammered trying to explain and keep her breasts covered at the same time.
I walked out, just as quickly as I walked in. I was pissed off at the disrespect and had to leave the room before I said something I would regret.
I took a shower, then smoked a blunt to myself while Diamond played with the new chew toy I got her from the airport gift shop. She was cute and I couldn’t help but laugh as she ran in circles and barked at it. I recorded it and sent it to Mama, since she had been asking about her the whole time I was gone. As soon as I put my phone down, it rang.
“Hello” I answered, as Diamond jumped up and ran out, startled from the music.
“Hey Chris” Lashontae’s voice smiled through the phone. Since the tour I gave her at CB Fine Arts, we've been talking a couple times a week. 
She's a hair stylist with her own salon, loves art and music as much as I do, plus she's really down to earth and funny. I didn't even realize how much I missed having good conversation with a woman.
“Hey Tae, what’s up” I asked, getting comfortable on the bed.
“Not much, I’m in town this week. I know you always have so much going on, but I was hoping to link up tomorrow”
“I guess you have good timing because I’m free tomorrow, we can make that happen.”
"Cool, I have to find a DJ for the wedding. I have a couple of appointments booked, and I was hoping you wouldn't mind helping me out"
"Of course not, you know music is my forte. Are you at Trey's right now?" I asked being nosy.
"Yeah, I would've got a room, but Lala and I had so much to do to get this planning done, plus the first appointment is at nine in the morning, so I figured I better just stay here. "
"Ok, I'll be there bright and early" I promised before we said our goodbyes. I don't know why I was feeling giddy but I was looking forward to chilling with Tae again. Robyn stood me up on her birthday so I finally threw the towel in. I will always love her and have love for her but I miss having someone to come home to.
"Chris, I really hope you know I didn't mean any disrespect" Anthony stated as soon as I walked in the kitchen the next morning. He was eating in the same spot Ryan had her ass on last night.
"That was foul... just don't do it again" I replied, pouring that shot of whiskey I was going for last night. "You want some?"
"This early? Yeah, I'll take one." He shrugged. "I really appreciate you letting me stay here, and Tina's been a lot of help"
"but not as much as Ryan huh?" I teased.
"ok, you got me" he chuckled.
"It's really good to see you man, it's been forever. How have you been ?" I asked changing the subject.
"The truth? Horrible. I've been dealing with some crazy shit. Between my mama and trying to get this music off the ground, I feel like I'm going to lose my mind" he admitted.
"Well you don't have nothing to worry about. You're welcome to stay as long as you need. I 've been where you are and I want you to know I got your back bro" I reassured him.
"Thanks man, enough about me. Look at you. You doing big things. I can't even get a hold of you, I got to book appointments and shit" he joked.
"It's been far from easy and a long journey, but definitely worth it."
"I bet. The last time we actually 'talked', you were planning on proposing to your girl...what happened with that?"
"I fucked it up. That's a long story that I'm not even about to get into, I'll have you here all day, and I have somewhere to be" I chuckled.
"Yeah, I don't have the time for a chick nowadays either" he replied.
"What do you call Ryan then?"
"That doesn't even count. She stopped by to see you and we started talking, then she wanted to hit the blunt I was smoking, and the next thing I knew, you were walking in on us. She said y'all were just friends though. She wasn't lying, was she?"
"Nah, we're just friends. I won't lie though, we fucked a couple times."
"Wow. So, shorty just lied to my face. See that's why I'm single" he shrugged and we both laughed.
"What you been doing these past couple of weeks, have you been getting shit done or just getting familiar with your surroundings?"
"Man, I'm serious about this shit. I've been at a different club every night since I got here, except last night. I ran into Trinidad James the other night. I don't know if you heard of him, but he's this new rapper that's hot right now. I gave him some of my work and he already hit me up. I'm supposed to be meeting with some people at his label tomorrow" he grinned happily.
"Already? I'm proud of you man you getting out there and gettin it, not wasting any time. That's what's up" I nodded while we bumped fists.
"Yeah man, so what you got up for today?"
"Oh yeah, I didn't tell you Trey is getting married. I'm his best man, so me and the maid of honor are helping out with some wedding stuff today"
"Oh ok" he replied just as my phone rang.
“That’s her now. I gotta get going” I stated, grabbing my keys and heading out.
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"Thanks for your help today” Tae smiled after we walked out of our final meeting. The first DJ was way out of the budget, the second one was affordable, but wasn’t what we were looking for style wise, and the third DJ was perfect. He was experienced, knew exactly what we were looking for, plus his pricing wasn’t ridiculous.
“No problem. I really enjoy hanging with you” I smiled, holding the passenger door open for her.
“You’re kinda cool too” she winked. “Do you mind taking me to get some food before dropping me off? I’m starving!”
“Of course not. Where do you want to go?” I asked once we were both settled.
“Doesn’t matter, as long as it’s Mexican food”
She wasn’t familiar with anything here, so I decided to take her to my go to Mexican restaurant. Lucky for me, we beat the lunch rush. 
“I have a question” she announced, after we placed our order and the waitress was gone. “I don’t mean to pry, but you seem like the total package. You have yourself together professionally, financially, you’re a gentleman, you pull out chairs and use manners, and you’re sexy as fuck. So, tell me: Why are you single?”
“Well thanks for the flattery, but everyone has their flaws. In my last relationship, I could’ve been a better man. I made poor decisions and didn’t think about how my ex would react when she found out, because I never considered her finding out to begin with”
“So basically, you cheated?” she asked bluntly.
“Well, there’s more to the story than that, but yes. That’s what it pretty much boils down to” I confessed.
“How many women are you dating now?” she asked curiously.
“None. She was a big deal; we were engaged and she left the night before our wedding. It’s been a year now, since she left.”
“So, what’s the deal with that? Are you waiting on her to come back or something?”
“No, I’ve tried over and over to reach out to her, but it didn’t work out in my favor. I’ve moved past it now. Enough about me. Why are you single? How many men are you dating?” I asked changing the subject. 
“Well, I was engaged too. He died three years ago in a car wreck. I haven’t really dated anyone since” She shrugged.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that”
“I’ve come to terms with it. It was hard, but I know he wouldn’t want me to be sad about it forever. He was the love of my life and the two years we spent together were the best two years of my life” she smiled slightly, obviously reminiscing.
“Mmmm. This is amazing. Definitely the best torta I’ve ever had” she stated, licking her lips seductively.
“So how did you end up in the hair industry? Has it always been your dream?” I asked after devouring a couple of tacos.
“Not really. I was just really good at it, so I decided to go ahead and get my license. That was definitely the best decision of my life, because now I have my own prosperous salon. What about you? Has art always been your dream?”
“Nah, it was my back up plan. Basketball was my dream. I had a scholarship and everything, but I ended up in the middle of a domestic issue and it cost me my dream”
“Well, everything happens for a reason. Look at you now.”
“How did you become such a fan of my art?” I asked curiously.
“My father was an art fanatic, so it just kind of rubbed off on me. Trey and Lala have quite a few of your pieces. I came to visit one weekend and I fell in love with a couple of paintings so I practically begged for them. I paid for them, but Trey really didn’t want to let them go. It’s sweet how much he really supports you”
“That’s my brother from another mother. We’ve been best friends for over a decade now” I smiled. “I have an art exhibition coming up in the next few weeks, I would love for you to come. 
“Oh, I’m there. You don’t even have to say it twice, just send me the info” she grinned excitedly. We sat and talked well over an hour and could’ve stayed for another hour, but they were super busy during their lunch rush so we headed to Trey’s.
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“I hear you guys are really clicking” Lala grinned. “I’m gonna give you a heads up, Tae is super independent and doesn’t like it when men tell her how to do things. She can be stubborn sometimes, and tend to push people away when they’re getting ‘too close’, but I’m sure it’s because she lost Brandon a couple of years ago. She hasn’t had a real relationship since, but I think you guys are perfect for each other. Just take your time”
“Thanks for the advice. How’s the wedding planning going?” I asked changing the subject. “Have ya’ll picked a date?”
“August 31st. That gives ya’ll plenty of time to get to know each other. You never know, it could be a double wedding” she teased.
“You and Trey are something else” I laughed. “Ya’ll swear ya’ll some matchmakers”
“I know right” Tae laughed, coming back from the restroom. “They stay trying to hook us up. We got this Lala, we don’t need no help” she winked in my direction.
“So, when are you heading back to Houston?”
“Tonight. I gotta get back to business, but I will be back for that exhibition. Don’t forget to send me the info so I can make arrangements asap”
“I’m doing that now” I replied, pulling out my phone and forwarding an email to her. “Done”
“Cool. I can’t wait” she smiled widely and leaned in for a hug. She smelled so good, I didn’t want to let go, and I had to focus to keep my manhood from jumping up and scaring her.
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“Thank you soooo much for dropping everything to come over. There’s been so much going on, I just needed some normalcy” Nicki sighed plopping on the couch.
“What’s going on?”
“The wedding is less than two months away and I’m just scared. Sam is constantly on the road. How is this supposed to work?”
“What do you mean? The same way it’s been working. Ya’ll have been together forever, why is his job bothering you now?”
“Because of this” she sighed, tossing a small ziploc bag on the counter. There was a little white plastic stick with a blue positive sign.
“Wait, you’re pregnant?”
“I just found out today. I don’t want kids like this Chris. I want to be married. I want my child to have both parents present, not in and out. I can’t do this by myself” she cried.
“First of all, you will never have to do it by yourself. What do you think family is for? Blood couldn’t make us any closer.”
“I know that. It’s just....this wasn’t in the plan, not yet.”
“Well sometimes the plan isn’t what you envisioned. That doesn’t mean it can’t be as beautiful or even better”
“You’re right” she smiled, relaxing a little bit. “I just wasn’t expecting this to happen to me. We’ve been so careful”
“Well usually the best blessings come unexpectedly” I smiled poking her stomach. “You’re about to be somebody’s mommy”
“Ugh. You always bring the good to light in any situation. You’re looking good too, and you haven’t stopped smiling since you walked in the door. Spill it. You and Robyn back together?” 
“I wish. I mean, no. I don’t know what happened. We talked on her birthday, made plans, and she stood me up. I’m done with that, I can’t hold on to the past forever. I met someone though. Her name is Tae, it’s new and I don’t want to jinx it, but I think she might be a good one”
“Awww, if she has you smiling like that, she must be a good one. I haven’t seen you with a ‘happy’ smile in so long, bro. You deserve to be happy again. Everyone makes mistakes, that doesn’t mean you have to bask in them for the rest of your life. Well, I guess this means you have a date for the wedding” she added.
“I told you it’s still new. We’re just kicking it and getting to know each other.”
“Well, I hope she’s still around by then. I’d love to meet her” she added. “Oh and another thing. I was really hoping you could be the one to walk me down the aisle”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes. I don’t know where I would be if I never met you. You don’t even understand how much you’ve influenced my life. I would not be where I am without you, that’s a fact” she smiled as her eyes began to water.
“Awww, don’t cry. Of course, I got you. I will always be here for you, and that big head baby you’re gonna have” I grinned, giving her a bear hug. “Now get yo ass on the phone and tell that man he has a baby on the way, so he can start getting things in order. I know he’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy, besides I’ll make sure of it”
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Avec Nocturne Ch. 6
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Summary: AU A little thing called the flu forced him to call out sick for days. What he didn’t bargain for was his workplace hiring a girl to spin the tracks while he was out. He’s pissed off but why’s he thinking random thoughts about her?
Rating: PG-13 (Language, Strip Club setting, Flirting)
Characters: DJ!Chanyeol x Kit OC, featuring appearances of OT12 members
Notes: This is a spin-off (no pun intended!) series of Unwind written by @xiubaek13 and @oh-beyond. (Written with their blessing – thank you!) I own nothing except for my own OC and the content written here. (I recommend reading Unwind first to get a better understanding of the story’s universe.) I do not claim to be an expert in DJ-ing. Banner created by me. Absolutely no reposting anywhere else as your own!
Ch. 5 | Ch. 7
I swear you need to come clubbing with me again soon!
Sent 21:26 PM
How’s work going? Did those clothes work?
Sent 21:27 PM
I can’t - I work at night, remember?
Sent 21:29 PM
It’s interesting.
Sent 21:31 PM
Yeah, they were fine. Thanks again. I’ll wash them and get them back to you.
Sent 21:33 PM
Nah keep ‘em - you looked hot. Besides, you never know if you might need them again... ;)
Sent 21:34 PM
Sometimes I wonder if the bakery was a safer choice, Kit thought as she unloaded the washer and began moving clothes over to the dryer. She pressed a few buttons for the drying cycle before closing the door and heading to the kitchen to prepare lunch.
She checked her watch and determined she had roughly 3.5 hours before her regular shift at the club. Secretly, she was hoping for a more normal night, especially with everything that transpired in the past few days.
When Luhan and Xiumin had called her in on her day off, she hadn’t anticipated going into the office days after her run in with Chanyeol. The bruises had faded but she wished she could turn around and walk right out after seeing him in the front, preparing to head to the managers’ office. Instead, she avoided eye contact with him as they headed to the office, stopping briefly when a well-dressed young man passed them.
“Aren’t you going to introduce us?” the young man prompted Chanyeol as he laid eyes on her.
Kit ignored the tall DJ’s gaze as she stuck her hand out toward the young man addressing her. “Hi, Kit Adler.”
The young man flashed a charming smile as he clasped her hand in his. “Hello pretty Kit Adler. I’m Kim Junmyeon, but you can call me Suho, now that you are part of the family,” he replied.
Forward but he seems inviting, compared to Mr. Ray of Sunshine I’m following, she thought before they let go of each other’s hands.
Chanyeol stepped closer to the pair, glancing at Suho with a casual look. “So…2 weeks, right hyung?”
Suho nodded and looked wistful, bemoaning to the pair that he had nowhere to go.
Kit raised a brow at his response. 2 weeks for what? Vacation? Or had something happened and no one was telling her the whole story? Knowing her luck, it was probably the latter and part of her felt bad for this guy for some reason.
“Oh, you don’t? Well maybe you can crash at my place if you’d like,” she found herself suggesting, “I do–”
Suddenly she felt a large hand on her back nudging her in the direction of Luhan’s office, followed by Chanyeol’s deep voice lightly telling her that Suho was joking. She glanced up at his face and saw that he had a strange fixed smile on his face, eyes staying on the older boy.
“That is so nice of you Kit,” Suho replied. He raised a brow at Chanyeol’s choice of words to address Kit. “Noona? You don’t look like a noona to me. How old are you?”
“She’s not your noona – she’s your age,” Chanyeol mumbled as he tried to nudge Kit forward again.
She put on the brakes and glanced back at Suho, asking him what year he was born. “I was born in 1990,” she shared.
“Then you are one!” Suho blurted out with a gleeful look.
“OK we need to get going,” Chanyeol announced, jerking his head toward the office.
“I’m actually heading to Shanghai for a few days,” Suho reassured her. He glanced over at Tao and Sehun, who were lingering by the front entrance. "Please don’t worry about me – I have a place; I live with these two baby boys.”
Now that has to be an interesting situation, she thought as she pictured poor Suho trying to keep the pair from fighting. Like a father with two man children.
She felt Chanyeol’s hand move away from her back, long fingers wrapping around her forearm to tug her toward the office. Her insides twisted at the contact but she forced herself to keep the smile in place. “All right, it was nice to meet you Suho, have a good time!” she yelled over her shoulder.
She allowed Chanyeol to tug/guide her down the hallway toward the office. Once she was out of Suho, Tao, and Sehun’s sight, she pried her arm out of Chanyeol’s grip and stopped abruptly, shoulders tensed.
“What the hell is wrong with you!?” she hissed.
“Me? Nothing!” Chanyeol said as he blinked back at her.
“I think I have already made it clear that I do not like being manhandled!” she shot back.
“I wasn’t, I jus- Suho – he was flirting,” he protested.
“Well at least flirting won’t give me bruises,” Kit retorted as she passed him.
The emergency meeting she had been called into ended with signing confidentiality agreements for an upcoming VIP event, followed by special equipment training with Chanyeol in the booth. She had anticipated that it was going to be a long, painful ordeal of him talking and pointing things out. What surprised her was hearing a genuine apology from the young man, who confessed that he loved his job and felt upset that the managers made a decision to backfill his position without telling him.
“This booth is my safe space. When I’m here, I can be free. I’m not stressed about life or what’s expected of me as an adult. Here, I can call the shots and make my own rules, well sort of,” he explained. Things became less tense after his apology and the training went smoothly.
Because the managers asked her to dress up for the VIP event, Kit enlisted her friend Olivia, better known as Livy, for help, as she had no time to shop for something special. The following day, Livy had showed up at her door, armed with a suitcase full of club-worthy clothes and shoes. Several hours were spent playing Olivia’s questionable Barbie doll, slipping into skin tight dresses that showed every line and curve in her body and debating over hems and necklines. While she loved her friend’s confidence, their tastes couldn’t be anymore different.
“Lady, you need to look like a girl – this grunge 90s thing you’ve got going on is sad,” Livy whined after Kit rejected a very risque bodysuit with a neck collar and low-cut sweetheart neckline.
“Livy, I stick out like a sore thumb at work – like I need more attention put on me!” Kit groaned as she dug through her friend’s offerings, trying to find the least revealing garment in the pile.
After an hour and twenty minutes of rejected clothes, the pair had agreed upon a black bodysuit with a subtle neckline design, deep wine velvet skirt, and block heeled Mary Janes. Delicate silver accessories in the form of a wavy bangle and minimalist earrings completed the look. Livy had wanted to do her makeup but Kit kept it to a simple winged eyeliner and the Bloodroses lipstick. Hair was curled into soft waves with a deep side part.
Thankfully her jacket covered the top half of her outfit while she rode the subway – more stares than usual were aimed in her direction but she kept her eyes on her phone until her stop was called.
“NOONA?!” Sehun sputtered when he saw her enter the main performance hall. The towel he was using to dry his shaker slipped out of his hand and fell to the floor.
Kit paused and turned her head, trying to suppress the wince threatening to spread across her face. “The managers said ‘Look nice – it’s a VIP event’ so um, yeah,” she replied. “By the way, these aren’t mine – had to borrow from a friend and if you can believe it, they were the least slutty things she owned.”
Sehun quickly picked up his towel and composed himself, smiling as he studied her look and flashed her a thumbs up. “You look pretty,” he said, eyes crinkling into half moons. “Not that you don’t normally look nice, but it’s a good change for something like this.”
“Thanks Sehunnie,” she mumbled with a faint smile before heading to the booth. She began setting up her gear and slipped the headphones around her neck, fixing her hair in the process.
“What are you staring at?” Tao demanded as he passed Sehun before following the latter’s gaze. His eyes widened and he gaped when he saw Kit standing in the booth, doing a double take. “Wait, that’s not the savage girl from earlier, is it? Where are her ugly clothes?”
“I heard that,” Kit shot back as she stuck her head out. She sighed as she dragged songs into her queue, avoiding their eyes. Was it too late to negotiate with the managers to just bail on this and all future VIP events if it meant being ogled?
She heard someone cough and she spotted the familiar figure lingering at the entrance to the booth.
“Ah um...hello noona,” Chanyeol murmured as he played with the strap on his bag. “You um, you look...nice,” he said as he gestured to her outfit.
Kit looked up and nodded with a small smile. “Hey Slim Shady,” she said, “don’t get used to this – the managers asked for something less casual so this is what they’re getting. Probably won’t ever see these again ‘cause they’re going right back to my friend after tonight.” She moved closer to the controls so he could slip past her and he pressed his lips together as he stepped into the booth.
He began getting his equipment out of his bag, mumbling that he would let her handle the controls for the waterfall effects tonight. Kit nodded as she gave him space for his laptop and focused on adjusting the volume and settings on her mixing program.
“You look nice too,” she murmured.
“Oh um, me? Thank, thank you - it’s nothing special,” he admitted as he rolled his sleeves up as neatly as he could.
Silence had settled in until they heard footsteps and saw two young women flanked by bodyguards entering the main hall. Chanyeol flashed a charming smile at them and Kit managed a polite one, accompanied by a bow of her head.
“Should be a good night if we pick the right tracks,” Chanyeol murmured with a nod as the women were greeted by Luhan. He quickly programmed an effect to allow fake snow to fall upon the manager as he came closer to the women.
“Why am I not surprised that rich people have filthy desires like us?” Kit deadpanned in a low voice, traces of a smirk threatening to spread across her lips. “Surprised none of them have jumped on the performers yet.”
Chanyeol blinked at her comment and quietly asked if she knew who they were. Kit shrugged as she switched places with him to stand closer to the waterfall controls.
“Don’t know and I kind of don’t care,” she said as she swept her hair off the back of her neck, fanning it lightly. “Not into gossip or celebrities if you couldn’t already tell. To me, they’re just fancy people who we’re entertaining tonight. Period.” She reached for her water and took a long swig. Maybe it was the fact that there were two people standing in an tight, enclosed space, but she swore it started to feel a bit warm in the booth. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Chanyeol fanning himself with his shirt collar, small beads of sweat starting to form across his forehead.
Kit flickered the stage lights to focus on the waterfall before allowing a steady stream to flow into the area, Chanyeol blending in a song to complement Xiumin’s performance:
Lonely night millyeooneun neol Mageul su eomneun saebyeok I pado sorie Nan tteonaeryeoganeun jungingeol Oh no   Oh no
“I kind of envy him right now – at least he’s not sweating it out like we are now,” Kit muttered as she moved her hair to one shoulder with a free hand, the other lingering on the controls.
“I...I think the A/C’s...dying,” Chanyeol huffed as he wiped the sweat on his forehead.
Kit took another swig before she held out her water bottle and prompted him to take some, which he gladly accepted.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t faint on me Slim Shady,” she murmured, eyes staying on Xiumin as she adjusted the waterfall elements to match his movements. “Maybe we can crack the door open a bit once this is over?” As Xiumin wrapped up, she turned off the waterfall and glanced over at Chanyeol, who was drenched in sweat.
“Hey, I’ll get you a cold water from Sehunnie once Cat Eyes sweeps her off somewhere,” Kit promised as she noted his eyes looking a little glazed over. “You need to stay hydrated – keep drinking my water for now, okay?”
“Noona...you should take some...” he managed to get out.
“I will in a –”
“What’s going on here?” Xiumin hissed as he yanked the door open. He recoiled slightly when he felt the heat wave hit him.
“Hyung, the air conditioning went to shit and I can’t breathe,” Chanyeol bleated, almost panting.
“Kit do me a favor, there should be a fan under Chen’s counter – get it please before we have a roasted elf named Park Chanyeol,” Xiumin instructed.
Kit nodded before she slipped past Chanyeol, flashing Sehun an amused look as she darted to the front desk. She sucked in a deep breath of air before going behind the desk, leaning down to retrieve the fan from underneath. She carried the cord in one hand and the fan in the other as she returned, eyes widening as Xiumin ordered the sweaty young man to shed his shirt.
Chanyeol did as he was told and chucked his sweat-soaked shirt to the ground. He messed up his silver hair and froze when he saw Kit had returned with the fan.
“I am sorry but–” Chanyeol started to apologize.
“No Slim Shady, you do what you gotta do,” she replied as she slipped past Xiumin with the fan, “we don’t want you to faint and have me try to perform CPR on you.”
“Here hyung,” Sehun said as he quickly handed over a clean towel and cold waters to Chanyeol. He held his hand out for the cord to the fan and carefully plugged it in. The fan began to blow air and Sehun angled it between the DJs, keeping it against the back wall so they wouldn’t trip on it.
Chanyeol wiped the sweat from his face with the towel before tossing one water to Kit, who thanked him as she caught it. He quickly cracked his open and began guzzling it.
“Noona, Xiumin-hyung has Tao up next - you’re going to need to get something up for him soon,” Sehun prompted as he glanced up at the stage.
Kit straightened up and pursed her crimson lips together as she debated over songs to pick.
“Oh you have no idea how badly I wanna psych him out with this gem,” Kit chortled as she showed them her screen of a song titled Caramelldansen. “But since we’ve got high rollers who are expecting the cliches, I’ll keep it serious.” She pulled up a track, the cover art depicting a woman with a crazy, spiky hair-do walking off the cover:
Everybody wants me to be their angel Everybody wants something they can cradle
Oh, they don't know I burn They don't know I burn They don't know I burn
"Beep beep! Beep Beep!”
Kit blinked and pushed back her chair at the sound of the dryer going off. She wiped her hands on her napkin before heading over to collect her load.
The fan had helped cool down the booth, but things became slightly awkward afterward. Chanyeol kept his eyes averted while Kit busied herself with the controls and music for Tao’s performance. The earlier disturbance with the A/C had caught one of their guests’ attention and she shamelessly eyed the sculpted abdomen of the tall DJ.
“Did our bosses just leave the high rollers hanging?” Kit muttered as Tao continued his performance. “I have a feeling that if they don’t come back soon, the one who was ogling Cat Eyes is going to devour you instead.”
“Wha? Ah no, no, I don’t think–”
“She’s eying you like a tiger eyes its prey,” Kit noted as she stole a quick glance over at the woman. A teasing smile appeared on her face and she looked over at Chanyeol. “You know how to dance in case –”
“I think I see Luhan-hyung,” Chanyeol interrupted, relieved to see him coming into view.
Kit had followed her co-worker’s gaze to see their boss passing the entrance to the main performance hall, tugging a woman clad in black behind him.
“I don’t wanna know, do I?” she asked as the pair disappeared from their sight.
Chanyeol shrugged and muttered that he only heard bits of the gossip.
“Something about new clients and wanting VIP I think? Look, we shouldn’t worry about it,” he said as he adjusted the lighting effects.
Song List
White Noise (EXO)
Caramelldansen (Caramell)
Devil Inside [RJD2 Remix] (Utada Hikaru)
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