#i should make tutorials
savetheghost · 4 months
wanna be put in a room with craft stuff for 10 years
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koddlet · 1 year
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some people have asked about making zines, and i've seen a lot of people in the tags talk about wanting to make some but don't know how... so here is a zine (technically two) about making zines! wowza! pardon the handwriting lol
there are other methods of making zines that require a stapler or sewing, but this one-page zine is the simplest form of it.
i hope this makes sense, feel free to ask if anything is unclear :]
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parisoonic · 7 months
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'So, there's been something I've been meaning to tell you...' Some progress pics under the cut for fun.
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Blockout / Shapework and a Little Rendering / Lighting Solidfication to Bring it Closer to Original Sketch / Details and Grade
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keferon · 3 months
I'd love if you'd do a breakdown for Cyclonus! He's one of my favorite characters and I think his design is really cool.
I actually think it’s the first time I’m drawing him haha
Enjoy my highly elaborate and very precise research
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
Hey hey! Factual! First off, I love your art it's so good. Oh my god, amazing! Second. I use firealphaca too, and I was wondering how you make pixel art in firealpaca, i've tried, but it never looks that good...
Thank you! :DD And allow me to do my best to explain..
So to start, you need a tiny canvas. Like 100-100 or even 50-50. Just reaaaaly tiny. That, or you can just zoom really far into the canvas-
Then, you can use this little pixel brush on your side bar. You can change the size of it too!
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That's the tool I normally use in my pixel art. Though when it comes to my bigger pixel projects I use the regular brushes.
How I do this is I simply disable anti-aliasing. This makes the brushed all pixelated!
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And don't forget that you can use this little do-dad here to erase in pixel!
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That, or you can just disable the Anti-aliasing on the standard eraser and erase that way <XD
Also, the fill tool! Turn off the Anti-aliasing and have the pixel expand set to 0. Boom! You got a pixel fill tool!
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Same goes for the select tool as well. Basically, disabling Anti-aliasing just pixelates all your brushes. And most of my/your art skills transfer over to the pixel! I still use sketches and everything :))
I'm not usually the best at explaining things, but I hope this was answered your questions! <:DD
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los-plantalones · 5 months
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Let’s make some color-changing botanical ink using grape hyacinth (muscari) flowers!
1 cup grape hyacinth flowers
1 cup water
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
2-4 drops gum arabic (not necessary but USEFUL)
2 drops wintergreen oil or 1 whole clove (also not necessary but useful)
Add the flowers and water to a non-reactive pot (stainless steel, ceramic, or enamel-coated). Pots that are aluminum or copper can affect your colors!
Bring to a boil, and add the vinegar and salt. Boil for about five more minutes, then turn down to a simmer, stirring occasionally (again, the spoon should be a non-reactive material like wood or stainless steel).
Simmer for 10 minutes, at which point you can test the color by dipping in a strip of paper to see if you like how it looks.
If it looks good, congrats – you’re done! If you want a more intense color, continue simmering, testing with a paper strip every 15 minutes or so until the color is to your liking (this shouldn’t take more than an hour).
Remove from heat and let the mixture cool to room temp.
Filter the flowers using a fine mesh strainer. I use a stainless steel coffee filter for this purpose and it works great.
Pour your ink into a sterilized glass jar and add 2-4 drops liquid gum arabic, which is a natural binder that will 1) keep the liquid and pigment together and 2) thicken the mixture and make it easier to work with.
Add 2 drops of wintergreen oil or 1 whole clove, which are natural preservatives that will help extend the life of your ink.
Label your jar and store it in the refrigerator if not using right away.
YOU DID IT! Now go forth and have fun with your muscari ink.
** The ink will appear very purple, but when put to paper dries in varying shades of blue. If you want to experiment with color further, add an acid (lemon juice) to produce shades of pink, and a basic (baking soda) to make shades of green.
*** Because of the changing nature of the ink, what your painting/writing looks like will change over time! I have muscari paintings that started bright blue/purple but have faded to almost entirely green. Some have stayed blue. That's the fun of it!!
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mothscotch · 5 months
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weird guy. peculiar creature even.
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will80sbyers · 7 months
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basically they were on a date here
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harunefrog · 9 months
I drew a thing!!! You know this one!!!
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almakrowan · 6 months
Don't mind me posting a small Clip Studio Pain tip! (I'll be posting these here time to time as well!)
📝Did you know that you can edit the grid of your mesh transformation tool in Clip Studio?
(this tip is for license version 1 and up!)
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A FOOTNOTE: I will be ONLY sharing tips for PRO version since this is the version I use 🩷🙏 So you can use these tips in both PRO and EX as well!
I'll be doing my best to add the license version information as well!
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nervously holding out & rattling a Little Tip Jar
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krembruleed · 6 months
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@sirus-zzz it is! (kinda!)
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with the power of a four year degree in computer graphics blender, you can also make your projects take 500 times longer than if you just learned to draw!
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rekkandevar · 7 months
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kaiman dorohedoro minecraft model (for a hermitcraft-style custom head item)
if anyone is interested i will provide link + instructions
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aibouart · 3 months
A shading with folders hack
that no one asked for~
please google if your art program allows you to use: folders set folders to multiply/layer modes
i am using PT SAI but if your art program utilises folders and layer modes, it should work for you as well!
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Here is my drawing. The top folder is labelled "shading" and the bottom folder is my art! inside of it is my colouring layers and my lineart. Because I colour my lineart, I need my shading to clip to the lines AND the colour so the lineart doesn't end up too bright or mismatched from the colour after shading.
of course, there's many techniques, but this is my solution to this (and it could be used for a lot of other things~)
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In PTS, I can clip folders to layers or other folders, and set the folder to multiply (in other programs it could be called dodge, burn, or shade, etc. you can always use whatever mode you prefer for shading, and mine is multiply!)
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inside of my shading folder i pick my base colour for the shading. personally, i start with the darkest, and this layer is for all shaded areas with no direct light. so if you plan on having bounce light, don't do that in this step! (i use an erasing method for my shading so it tends to look pretty dramatic haha)
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this layer is my bounce highlights, i use a lighter colour than my base, usually with more saturation to make it look tasty yumyum. the layer is clipped to the shading layer INSIDE the multiply folder. this means it acts as if clipped to the layer below it, but ALSO clipped to the art folder. this way it won't go outside of the layer below it, AND it won't go outside of the folder it's clipped to.
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this step i use a third colour that stands out from the other 2, to put on the edges of my base shading layer. i use this cuz it looks cute but also cuz im obsessed with lighting that's reminiscent of sunsets or the like:
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i couldn't be bothered to find a better image so you get this very strong example that has a tonne of bouncelight in blue. The orange part here is what i am referring to.
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after that you can clip luminosity on top of the multiply folder which is clipped to the art folder, so the lumi layer will be technically clipped to the art folder! (folderception~). whenever you have multiple layers clipped on top of each other, they will always clip to the layer the first one is clipped to.
i know folders can be confusing and it's hard for me to explain, but if you try it out you'll figure it out for sure!! it's very easy to use once you got it, and it makes the possibilities endless~ mostly. hopefully, this explains it well enough!
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mayhemspreadingguy · 2 years
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the first attempt to animate a sequence. I know nothing about animation I'm just very stubborn 😂. I downloaded an app, signed up for a trial and started doing something. And of course I could have started by animating the classic ball bounce as a sensible beginner would do... apparently I'm not sensible and I'm very much plagued by this menace, this eldritch entity, the nightmare living rent-free in my brain. oh how I hate him (lovingly).
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caelanglang · 8 months
Did you draw your own pfp? If so, how did you color it? Especially the lineart. It's so pretty!
aww thank you! i'm so glad you noticed! yes, i made the pfp myself :)) it's my favorite character of all times ;w; Allen Walker from D. Gray man! here's the full work!
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i colored the lineart and changed the layermode to Multiply, i also duplicated the lineart and set it under the Multiply layer then gave it a layermode of Colorburn! this gives it a crispy color in my case (but you can always play around with colors and different layermodes to get the best effect which different from each drawing, in my case it just happened to be this) I like duplicating line arts and changing their colors/layermodes when i play around :))
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i used mostly flat colors but added slight hue variations along with a simple shadowing! I only have one value for the shadows but instead of using a single color, i used different colors with the same value to give it a more colorful and lively look:
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for example, when i turn everything into black and white, you can see that the fur has only 1 value in terms of shading but in reality i used different colors that have similar values to make it livelier!
Hope this helps! thank you for noticing Allen in my pfp xD he is my angel crying in the bar over the recent manga update
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