#so i can explain in excruciating detail what step im on and how im doing it and what still needs done and how ill do THAT
savetheghost · 4 months
wanna be put in a room with craft stuff for 10 years
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minhosbitterriver · 10 months
hi love !! i recently discovered your blog and to say im in love with your works would be an understatement<3
i was wondering if i could request a hurt/comfort fic with minho and gn reader? where the reader is struggling financially (for whatever reason) and minho wants to help them but they're hesitant, being ashamed of their problems.
if its too much then its completely fine !! take care, sending you lots of love<3
i'm on your side.
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pairing: minho x gender neutral reader
content warnings: hurt/comfort, death of a sibling, grief, mentions of an orphaned child, financial struggles, christmas
rating: 13+
summary: following the devastating death of your sister, you find yourself navigating a world that throws you into the deep end of piling bills and worries that you were unsure of how to handle.
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The empty locket in your hand had never felt so heavy, the silver bee engraved onto the front seemed to somehow come to life the longer you stared through the blur of unshed tears. Your entire body shivered as you sat on the front steps of the hospital, white smoke forming with every breath exhaled though none of this was something that pained you as much as the loss of your sister. The thought of returning home, where her small son had slept for the past six months since his mother was admitted to the ICU was something you simply could not bear. It was unthinkable. He was too young to know pain, your chest burned with anguish as your mind echoed the last hour in excruciating detail and tears rolled down your cheeks as a wail ripped through you. 
People stared and your phone buzzed incessantly in your pocket but you hardly noticed any of it. Your throat ached from your screams of despair that only stopped when someone placed their tender hands on your shoulders, the ones you didn’t need to look to know who it was because the only person brave enough to touch you in this state would only be Minho – your lover and source of support for the past year. His touch alone reduced you to hiccups as you melted into his embrace. 
“She’s gone!” You sobbed, finding it difficult to breathe. Minho tightened his arms that wrapped around you, you could vaguely feel him shaking as he, too, grieved your sister’s death. “This isn’t fair! It’s not fair! She had no right!”
“I know, my love, I know.” 
“What am I going to tell her son?” You moaned, heart tightening at the thought. “He’s too young to really understand why he’s never going to see his mom again…how will I explain?”
He was rocking you gently as a weak attempt to calm your disconsolate state. “We can figure it out later, he’s sleeping at Chan’s place right now so we have time to think about it. I’ll be with you, so you’re not doing it alone.” 
Tears were no longer streaming down your face, eyes instead glued on the snow covering what had once been the greenest grass you’d ever seen. The world around you began to fade away as you felt yourself becoming numb – barely even able to feel Minho’s grip on you as your cries weakened to sniffles. 
“Baby? Where did you go?” Minho’s voice was the softest you’d ever heard it. 
You glanced around, briefly taking note of the people who stood around watching the scene of your grief. “She had no right,” you mumbled almost to yourself. “The holidays are next week…we were in the middle of making plans to bring the kids here to celebrate here with her. I don’t understand– she was fine just a second ago. She had no right. What will I say to the kids?”
Minho’s plump lips pressed against your temple and remained there for a good moment before he replaced his kiss with his forehead. “Your sister fought so hard, she tried so hard to get better, baby, and I know you know that.”
His words were like a stab in the chest, and a choked sob escaped you once more. A desperation like this was not something you’d felt before, and it was something you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemies. Your hand opened to reveal the empty locket she’d given you just a moment before her passing, she had asked you to wrap it up for her son as well as print a photo of the two of them together to place inside of the locket. She wanted him to always have her over his beautiful, beating heart no matter what became of her; and you’d scolded her for thinking so negatively, promising her that she would pull through and watch her own son grow up into a wonderful young man, but she’d only smiled at you with grief. Thinking back, you couldn’t help but wonder if she knew this would be the last time you’d see her alive. 
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 🎄
It was still dark outside when you watched the drowsy employees open the front doors of the toy shop. Minho sat behind the steering wheel of his car, wide eyes gauging your reaction though you only glared forward. He’d tricked you into coming here, saying that he wanted you to walk in there and pick any and all the gifts you thought your nephew would enjoy without worrying about the prices – adding salt to injury. 
Over the last couple of days, you and Minho seemed to argue incessantly – mostly about financial matters. You were behind on bills, adding the costs of your sister’s stay at the hospital and the coming holidays you had desperately wanted to make the best of for your nephew and Minho kept insisting you to let him carry some of your burden, but you simply refused. Your nephew was left to you by your sister, and it would be a betrayal if you admitted that you were incapable of taking on such responsibility. Minho meant well, and you were very well aware, but you wished he would just let things go instead of being so infuriating like this. 
“Y/N, I know you’re upset–”
“Oh, you think so?” You couldn’t help but respond sarcastically with a scoff, crossing your arms over your chest. “I told you I was going to figure things out, I don’t need your help.”
He was quiet for just a moment, visibly growing frustrated with you though trying to mostly keep it to himself. Your eyes remained glued to the entrance of the toy shop as you watched a few people walk in for some last minute shopping. 
“Baby, Christmas is in two days, and you still don’t have anything ready for him.”
“So? Plenty of people buy gifts the day before!”
Minho sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Y/N, do you really think that’s practical at all? I’m offering you a chance to make this a day that he remembers after all the shit he’s had to deal with. Why do you continue to fight me like I’m your enemy when it comes to things related to money? I’m on your side, and I thought you knew this. I have more than enough money to spare, I want to give it to you so that you both can live comfortably.”
“But I don’t need your money to take care of him and myself, Minho! My sister entrusted me with her son, and who would I be if I can’t even do that? If I have to depend on somebody else to do what she wanted me to do?” Your voice cracked slightly as a sob bubbled up, though you forced yourself to push it down. You were tired of crying, tired of arguing with your boyfriend, tired of seeing your nephew’s sorrowful face, tired of not being enough to fix everything. 
“Y/N, you wouldn’t be depending on me though,” he insisted stubbornly, causing you to roll your eyes in exasperation. “Baby, I think your sister would understand if you let me pay a few things here and there. You’re still working, you’re still doing everything else that you need to do to make sure he has the best life you can offer, you’re just letting me help you even if it’s a little bit. If anything, my love, your sister would appreciate you putting your pride aside for just once– just once, so that this sweet kid can have a good day opening presents. And no, I know these presents won’t fix anything, but it’ll make him temporarily happy, just long enough for you to figure out the therapist costs and everything. Don’t you think he deserves that? I am offering you a chance that not many people get, Y/N, you can walk in there and put everything you want without worrying about the prices. Please, let me help you on this if you won’t let me help you in anything else.”
His words circled around your brain, and you knew he was right despite how angry and uncomfortable the thought made you. So instead of saying anything, you unbuckle your seatbelt and hop out of his car before slamming the door behind you. You didn’t wait for him to walk inside together, your cheeks heated in shame as you wordlessly took on his offer. You hated this no matter what perspective you tried to look at it from, this is not how you wished you could care for your nephew, but if this is what it takes for him to thrive for now, so be it. Minho quickly fell into step with you as you fetched a cart, a grin very clear and wide on his face which only made you scowl. 
After a few moments, though, you heard him sigh beside you as he grabbed you by the elbow so you’d stop and turn to look at him. “Please, don’t be like this. I keep telling you, Y/N, I am on your side. All I want is for you to share your burdens with me, especially if I have the means to help you. I love you, and it would be selfish if I just stood on the sidelines as you struggled like this. Me helping you doesn’t make you anything less than a fierce person who puts their family first, you’re strong and resourceful, you’re always fighting everyone and everything in order to move forward – you must be so exhausted. Let me fight some of your battles every now and then, just until you can stand on your own again. I’m not here to take care of every single hardship, I’m not here to take control of anything. I’m just here to help my soulmate out sometimes and I don’t think that’s a sin, is it?”
You said nothing at first, only sighing before pressing your forehead onto his chest in defeat. He chuckled lightly, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into the familiar warmth of his embrace. 
“Today, I’m helping you with the presents, and tomorrow we can figure out something that helps but doesn’t overstep any boundaries you might have, how’s that sound? I could be the one to bring groceries every week, I’ll be happy with only being responsible for that while you continue paying for everything else like you want to, yeah?”
A muffled groan made it past your lips before you pulled away to look up at him. “I’m so lucky to have you, Minho. I don’t know what I did to end up here, but I’m happy you’re on my side.”
He smiled at you tenderly, cupping your face with both hands and caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. “I will always be on your side, I can promise you that. I adore the two of you, and I want to stay here for a long, long time.”
The words were barely out of his mouth before your lips crashed onto his. You were still uncomfortable with the idea of having someone else take part of your financial burdens, but you also knew that you were in safe hands with him. You trusted Minho, and the thought alone made your heart flutter. 
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word count: 1.8k 🎄 posted: 12 • 07 • 2023
💬 a note from green;
Okay, so this one really had me thinking! When I received your ask, I immediately knew it would be Christmas theme considering that we're already at that time of the year where we spend a whole lot of money on gifts for our loved ones. Also, it wouldn't be me if I didn't add a sprinkle of tragedy into my work.
Anyway, thank you for reading my work and I'm so happy you love it! Thank you for the challenge and the request! Sending you lots of love back!
P.S. I also love your writing <3
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# @grandpafelixx
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Hi :D! Could I ask for yandere shinsou being walked in on (by his own darling) him putting things putting things on his shrine for darling?
As per usual im not super proud of my own writing but I hope you enjoy it none the less! Sorry again for the wait! Uni and depression has been kicking my ass loll
Also! A little warning! While this one still is gender neutral like most of my works some of the clothing mentioned is generally feminine. That’s kinda the idea I had and I ran with it! 
He had been careless. 
Normally he was ever so careful to make sure that he was behind locked closed doors before he would open his closet door, revealing the towering shrine, what was once a little shelf now turning into a full floor to ceiling display. He had everything, He had managed to get a blown up version of your school picture, lovingly framed in the middle, surrounded by flowers he changed frequently and your favorite scented candles. It had been long enough his little shrine had a wide variety of...collectibles of you.  
What had started as a discarded eraser, forgotten hairband, crumpled up paper you had thrown away had quickly grown into more...intimate things. Over the two years of your friendship with him he had managed to steal several articles of clothing, some Chapstick you used (it felt glorious against his lips, an indirect kiss that left him shuttering and hard every time), even a few strands of your hair that he had stolen from the salon when you had gotten a haircut. That one was his pride and joy, it had been hard to sweep in and steal some hair without you or the hairdresser noticing before it was swept away. 
You had been getting suspicious of so many things disappearing from your life, though. Started confiding in him with fears of a stalker, telling him about your favorite things disappearing, items like perfume and Chapstick disappearing faster than you could replace them. He had soothed your anxieties, promising you were just being forgetful, but also saying he would keep an eye out for you, promising he would tell you if he saw anything suspicious. 
The guilt of scaring you had kept him at bay for awhile. He had enough things covered in your scent, enough things your lips had touched that he was sure he could hold himself back for your sake. You two were practically glued at the hip now days anyways, and the real thing was always much better than the weak items he substituted when you insisted on going out with...others. Honestly he didn’t understand why you couldn’t just stay with him!
He had been doing so well, able to hold back the urges to swipe stuff as you looked away, smiling softly at you as he handed you whatever you had accidentally dropped instead of stowing it in his hoodie pocket before you noticed.   
But then he was tempted with a prize he couldn’t resist. 
It had been a normal evening, he had been sitting on your bed, watching you ramble and flit around the room, freaking out and chattering about something or another. Honestly he couldn’t quite remember, too mesmerized watching the way your face lit up when you grinned, or how your eyebrows would furrow together whenever your tone turned more annoyed. You were always so breath taking, always making his hands itch with the urge to reach out and just touch you. To feel your warm skin under his touch, to watch your face as you reacted to him instead of all those useless idiots you insisted on being around. 
There had been a knock at your door and much to his annoyance you had ignored his insistence to ignore it and ran off to go answer the door, stepping out into the hall and leaving him to his own stewing thoughts. 
It really wasn’t his fault! You had left him alone for so long...and you had just left them laying out, peaking out from under your bed tauntingly, like a prize you had left for him to find. Like you were asking for him to take them, to have this new souvenir of you....it had been so long. He had held himself back from taking things...
It was only logical he rewarded himself for his efforts right?
Shinsou’s hands shook as he hooked his thumbs under each side of your panties, holding them up in front of him as he drank in the sight of them with a flushed face. So this is what you...
The blush that dusted across his face darkened as he shifted, making the bulge straining against his tight jeans all the more obvious and painful. Hesitant eyes shifted between your panties and his jeans, his hand twitching as he hesitated. 
He could...
Right now he had bigger things to focus on. Like finding a place to put this new important addition before you came over to meet him for dinner. It was such a shame that the guy you had originally made the reservations for had ghosted you...but he would always be there to pick up the pieces
That reminded him to make sure you didn’t look in the freezer until he had time to run to the store and get more acid...
Shaking away his distracted thoughts his eyes roamed over his shrine, still holding your panties high in the air. Perhaps he should move the flowers and lay it in front of your photo...It would make a wonderful centerpiece. 
“Shinsou! Sorry I let myself in using my key! You’d never guess what-”
The purple haired male froze when you suddenly barged into his room, freezing at the sight of him kneeling in front of his closet, holding up the panties like some sort of offering. 
“Are those my- What is...”
His hands started to shake as he watched the color drain from your face as your eyes roamed over his shrine, taking in every excruciating detail of it. 
“No- Wait, y/n , I can explain!”
He was immediately spurred into action as you took a nervous step back, shaking and dumbstruck as you took in the sight in front of you. Everything you had lost, everything Shinsou had comforted telling you you had misplaced was right there, hanging around a picture of your face in your best friends closet. 
“W-what the fuck!”
Fully prepared to turn and leave a yelp was pulled out of you as muscled arms quickly wrapped around you, restraining your arms to your sides, panties still clutched tightly in one fist. 
“This isn’t what it looks like!”
For once the calm and collected, almost apathetic hero looked panicked, eyes wide as he shook even as he restrained you easily, ignoring your thrashing as if you were nothing more than a baby bird hitting his chest. 
“Y/n!” You shook your head angrily, jerking in his touch as you hissed at him, tears burning in your eyes. 
“Don’t touch me, pervert! Let go of me!!”
A part of you warmed in pride as the male visibly flinched at the insult. Good. He deserved to feel guilty for being such a creep! You glared directly up into his gaze, unwilling to step down from this challenge even as he easily held you tight against him.
And so you watched as panic and guilt melted away into something...darker. With a deep breath even the shaking stopped, hands now easily pinning you against him as an arm moved to hold you in a chokehold, forearm pressing into your throat. 
Your hands darted up to claw at his wrist as he frowned down at you, somehow looking so sad despite the empty apathetic eyes that stared down into yours even as tears started streaming down your face. 
“I’m sorry...I can’t have you leave after this. Don’t worry, I’ve done this before. You’re just going to take a little nap until I can decide what to do with you...”
His voice was soft as he hushed you, whispering soft comforts, barely audible over the sounds of your own ragged breaths and choking. 
Everything faded to black. 
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3:46 Am
I’m trying to sleep but if im being honest all I could think about is how much of a failure I feel in life. Idk... I’ve never really made friends with kids my own age. Most of my “childhood”,  (I never really had one tbh) and teen years, I’ve spent alone in my own mind. Where it is safe, and no one is able to judge me or hurt me in any shape or form. It was is my safe space. I really just want to cry. If I could go back in time I would ask those who bullied me, and those who sexually assaulted me, what the point in all of this was? What resulted and benefited us both?
My soul is still recovering from the abuse. This was suppose to be my chance at recreating myself but instead all I wanted was mercy and pulling the trigger to my head was the only thing that made sense. Sometimes it still does. You see, things at home with my substance abusing, domestic violent, manipulative-ass father was literal hell. I’m not going to explain the details, i’ll spare you the trauma. I still have nightmares about it.  Trust in me when I say this, i’m trying to be humane here. 
You see, I can blame the world and the circumstances or the environment but I don’t want that. What I desire is to change everything about this world so another individual won’t have to go through what most victims do. I wouldn’t dare to bring this much trauma on anyone, i’d spare them the pain because it’s excruciating.
Physically, i’m on my bed resting and awaiting for sleep to arrive. Spiritually, i’m on the edge of a cliff looking down admiring how one step can change my entire life. If you’re reading this, I want you to know that it wasn’t your fault.  Depression is unpredictable. I do have a favor to burden you with, and I hope it brings you peace if when you achieve it. 
I need you to change this world. I was too fragile, too distracted, and maybe too weak to do so. But I know you’re capable of doing this. It’s my last dying wish. Remember who the real enemy is. 
I love you. 
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give ‘em hell, darling
Chapter Two—Step 1
Sandalphon appears to read Aziraphale his charges and to collect him from Earth.
(read it here on ao3!)
“An’, get this angel.”
“She told ‘im, ‘nothin’ wrong with the economy, just get your arse up and find a job!’” Crowley hooted loudly, sloshing a considerable amount of wine down the fist gripping the stem of the glass. Aziraphale, glassy-eyed, miracled it back into the cup. “An’ she hasn’t worked in years! ”
Aziraphale shook his head, tutting. “What did you do?”
“Nicked her credit card and left it for the bum.”
“Crowley…! Alright, I would have given him money anyway. Stealing from the rich, giving to the poor, or something like that.”
“See, you get it.”
A very sharp rapping on the door rudely interrupted Crowley’s drunken rendition of a fool he had made out of a woman on the street criticizing a homeless man.
“Someone’s here,” said Crowley after a minute.
“Obviously,” said Aziraphale. “Doors don’t knock themselves.”
“No, I bloody well know that!” hissed Crowley, drunkenness slurring his vigilance. “Someone’s here! Aren’t you closed right now?” He stiffened abruptly, nostrils flaring slightly. “I can feel it—someone holy. Smells like bleach.”
Oh, dear. Murmuring some very mild curses, Aziraphale quickly sent the alcohol in his system back into the bottles and then told the bottles to return to the dusty cabinets from which they came. He straightened his bow-tie and after he swallowed dryly, called, “One moment, please!”
“What the Heaven do they want? I thought you said they’d leave us alone!” hissed Crowley. He had sobered himself up as well and was agitatedly pacing back and forth, shooting poisonous looks at the closed door, which shuddered fearfully in its doorframe.
“I’m not sure,” Aziraphale said. 
“We’ve wasted enough time already,” said a sharp voice, laced with—glee? That couldn’t be good. Aziraphale pushed down his growing concern and made for the door. “Open up. I know you’re not—ah.”
“Good day, Sandalphon,” Aziraphale greeted tersely. “What business brings you to Earth?”
“You,” Sandalphon answered with a grin that was too wide to be natural. His gold-teeth, hardly having to be changed for his human appearance, glinted. He produced a stack of papers and brandished them. “You’re being recalled to Heaven.”
The shot of dread that fired through Aziraphale’s body made him feel weak-kneed. He resisted stumbling by sheer force of will and managed to coolly ask, “Why?”
Sandalphon stepped inside the room without invitation. He glanced derisively about, empty eyes moving derisively from Aziraphale’s dusty shelf of not-for-sale (read: favorite) books, to the antique rug, and finally, to Crowley, who curled his lip and let his forked tongue flicked menacingly. “Your performance lately has been lacking,” Sandalphon said, refocusing his stony stare on Aziraphale. “Heaven has decided you’re no longer the best suited for this job.”
Crowley snorted ungracefully while Aziraphale blinked disbelievingly.
“You’re kidding,” said Crowley. “Was there another angel who’s secretly been on Earth this whole time?”
“Am I—Am I being fired?” Aziraphale asked incredulously.
Sandalphon’s plastic grin stretched wider, somehow. “No. You’re being recalled. You should be fired, but this is the next most appropriate action to take.”
“That’s not—Never mind.” Aziraphale discreetly wiped his hands on the backside of his coat. “What about my, erm, performance has been failing?”
Sandalphon gestured to Crowley. “Obviously,” he said shortly, “ that has not been permanently banished to the deepest pits of Hell.”
Aziraphale bristled as Crowley loudly said, “I am right here. ”
“And,” Sandalphon continued, unperturbed, “your reports have been disappointingly lackluster. You’ve reported nearly the exact same interactions with humanity from this particular part of the world for the last year, and the year prior to that, and the year prior to that. And the two hundred before that.” He sighed in the morose manner you’d expect from a greedy boss denying you a raise. “Our expectations for you have simply not been met.”
Azirphale gritted his teeth and forced out, “May I see exactly what expectations you are referring to?”
To his surprise, Sandalphon actually handed over the papers. Aziraphale took them, staring suspiciously at first at Sandalphon, then the papers. Crowley’s lip curled as Sandalphon pointed out a paragraph on the first page.
“You’ll see here that the terms to your assignment are laid out quite clearly,” he said. Lines began to highlight themselves in golden light, obviously larger points of discussion. Aziraphale scowled. He filed his own taxes to the point of investigation by the British government, for Heaven’s sake, he knew how to read the small-print. The light only served to amplify the bleak blackness of the curling Enochian. “To begin, you were given the task of protecting the humans of the Garden of Eden from Evil. This included the terrible temptation of Eve.” Sandalphon shot Crowley a nasty look. He shrugged unapologetically. “You were charged with a Holy Blade of Flame by the Almighty to assist you in this task. However, you lost it mere week later, and it ended up in the hands of the one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, War.”
“It—That was to help the humans! It was in the name of good!” Aziraphale did not like where this was going. “It was cold. I could not send them back into the Garden after their ejection by the Almighty—but I had to do something.”
“Which brings me to my next point…”
Crowley rolled his eyes. Aziraphale could only grit his teeth and listen as Sandalphon went down a list of his apparent misdemeanors with excruciating detail and slowness. Being unable to keep peace in a small village teeming with anger over a corrupt political situation in 2200 BC, allowing said political situation to become corrupt, warning families of a blight in 13 AD, healing people who Heaven wanted dead in 403 AD, miracling people to full recovery during the Bubonic Plague, and, most recently—
“You’ve been observed to be indulging greatly in the sin of gluttony—”
“Now, just one minute,” Aziraphale interrupted, beginning to feel panicked. 
Sandalphon’s smile turned sour. “Angels can’t sin. This goes without saying. However, you’ve clearly proven yourself to be something else ever since that little stunt with the Hellfire. We don’t know what you are. Obviously not Fallen, but you’re not Unfallen, either. Gluttony is a sin no matter what you are. It’s only appropriate we treat it as such.”
Aziraphale froze. Beside him, Crowley had also gone still. Crowley had recounted exactly what had happened to him while he was in Heaven, including Uriel’s disgusted comment of, “What is he?” Evidently, it had not gone unnoticed. Admittedly, it was a rather logical question to ask. But Aziraphale couldn’t answer, “I don’t know either,” and he couldn’t explain what he and Crowley had done to escape extinction. That would only tell Heaven they could try again, and get the results they wanted this time. He swallowed and said nothing at all.
“So,” drawled Sandalphon, “the sin of gluttony. Gabriel noticed you partaking in some Earthly food while he was here. You explained it was for your human disguise. However, you’ve been recorded sullying your heavenly body with gross matter for centuries now. You don’t need to eat. Therefore, anything you consume can be considered excessive and unnecessarily.”
“That’s bollocks,” Crowley cut in. Both angels turned to him, Sandalphon in annoyance, Aziraphale in surprise.
“What?” said Sandalphon.
“That’s wrong,” Crowley said impatiently. “I’m the demon here, I should know what sin is. Gluttony’s supposed to be, y’know, an excess of food or wealth or whatever withheld from the needy. Sure, he eats a lot for an angel”—Crowley pulled his face into a ‘well, what can I say?’ frown—“ans he eats every day like most humans do. But he’s never sat around and ate big ol’ honeyed hams and wine all day while telling the poor people to piss off. I would know; I’ve been, erm, adversary-ing him for six thousand years.”
Thank you, cried Aziraphale internally, but Sandalphon was not impressed.
“Then what of these books?” he said at once. “Surely you don’t think we haven’t noticed the way he hoards these things. They are a symbol of status he refuses to part with, even for the innocent human pursuit of knowledge.”
“That’s different! Humans don’t need books the same way they need food.”
“Fine,” Sandalphon said with great reluctance. “The food is excluded. Then do tell me, demon; what is the reasoning for his reluctancy?” 
Sandalphon turned to Aziraphale, who had gone quite pale.
“Their contents would be wasted on them,” he said. “It would be a tragedy, really.” He wanted to say collectors only bought them for the name, but he knew that wasn’t true; most collectors were just like him, in reality. The only difference is that Aziraphale has been there, living the events that inspired the legendary books of their times. There was no experience like it. Any modern day collectors were simply grasping for a way to experience a past they never could live. And for as long as a story is passed around humanity, it is eventually lost in the mess. As long as they were with Aziraphale, they were safe.
Sandalphon raised an eyebrow. His bald head was shining in the lamplight. “You wouldn’t even spare that moment of joy for a human? They don’t have forever to indulge themselves.” Sandalphon took Aziraphale’s guilty press of his lips as a victory. His eyes shone triumphantly. “Do you have anything to say for yourself, Principality?”
Aziraphale blinked once and let all pretenses of politeness slide off of his face. “Nothing you would sincerely listen to.”
“Aziraphale!” Crowley whirled on him, gripping Aziraphale’s forearm in one hand and gesturing furiously with the other. “Wha’—You can’t just go with him!” he snapped. “There’s—You haven’t hardly got to make a case for yourself!”
Aziraphale forced a weak smile for Crowley. He patted his bony hand gently. “It’s looking like I’m having little choice in the matter, my dear.”
“Hell, even Hell at least has a jury!”
“Yes, well… this is Heaven after all.” Aziraphale leveled an icy glare at Sandalphon who shifted uncomfortably. “They can do no wrong. Can they.”
“No,” Sandalphon said airily, sounding severely less confident. His mouth opened to say something else, only it opened, and then nothing at all came out. In fact, it stayed perfectly still, as did the rest of the room; the dust motes froze mid-flight, the swaying of Sandalphon’s trench-coat was caught in a dramatic turn—
“Aziraphale, they can’t take you again!” Crowley had a snarl on his face as he angrily waved his hands in the air. “They brought a demon last time for the Hellfire, they’ll bring another to—to torture you, or something! You won’t last a second! Or they’ll find you over to Hell itself—!” 
“I’m tougher than you think,” Aziraphale assured him gently.
Crowley’s face crumpled. “I want to believe you, angel, I do. But this is Heaven’s punishments we’re talking about.”
Aziraphale’s heart ached at the fear in Crowley’s voice. He took Crowley’s cold hand and folded it tightly in his own two hands, holding it against his chest. “I understand your concern, my dear. But I’ll be alright. They’re operating out of fear, at the moment, I’m sure.”
Crowley furiously shook his head and wrapped his other hand around Aziraphale’s, gripping it as though he would vanish right then and there. Which, Aziraphale thought grimly, he very well might be. “It doesn’t matter what they’re operating out of! They want to get rid of you—”
“That may be so. But I think that Heaven is being a tad ambitious,” Aziraphale said primly. 
Crowley stared at him. Then he took off his sunglasses to really drive in the disbelief shining in his—entirely yellow, Aziraphale noted guiltily—eyes. “Aziraphale, what are you saying?”
“There is no such thing as luck,” he said delicately. It was not a coincidence I found a scrap of prophecy that happened to be exactly what we needed to live another day.”
Crowley’s pupils narrowed to thin lines. “I, you, wh—gh? Can you even hear yourself right now? You think—? Come on, after all of this, you really think She— ?”
The room had slowly begun to move again. Crowley’s miracle was wearing off. 
“How can you be so sure?” he finally asked.
“Crowley, listen to me,” Aziraphale said lowly. “I honestly cannot say I know what they will do. Your guesses are as good as mine. But I know Heaven, and I am not stupid. They don’t believe the failure of the Great Plan was a part of the Ineffable Plan. They’re searching for someone to blame, and, well, I’m a prime candidate.”
“Then they should take me too!” Crowley said indignantly. “I’d rather be trapped in Heaven with you than be on an Earth without you.” Aziraphale’s cheeks grew faintly warm at the intensity and genuinity of that statement, but he had to focus right now. He shoved the tidal wave of adoration towards Crowley as hard as he could and hoped he would feel it.
The sway of Sandalphon’s coat has reached its apex and was now falling the other way.
“The feeling is mutual,” he said honestly. “Heaven does not care for Earth as much as they do about the War. But they do care about what will happen to Earth if Hell is given free-range. They won’t leave you alone. If—when—they take me, they’ll send another angel in my place.”
Crowley made a disgusted sound. 
“Heaven does not appreciate the wonderful stories and intricacies of this place; I believe it is why they were so eager for the end of the world. And if they do send another in my place, it is under the assumption they can use any stuffy old angel to replace me. That anyone can appreciate humanity as I do. Crowley— you need to prove them wrong. ”
Crowley was always a particularly cunning demon. His distressed face went through a complicated series of emotions before ending on a positively, if slightly wobbly, serpentine grin. “And how should I do that, angel?” he purred.
The completely random thought of kissing Crowley dramatically before the miracle ended flirted intensely with Aziraphale. Startled, Aziraphale found himself leaning in to growl, “Give them hell, darling,” and then the miracle’s lifespan was up.
Sandalphon looked incredibly displeased.
“You’re only delaying the inevitable,” he said snidely.
“I delayed the ineffable,” Aziraphale corrected. Sandalphon narrowed his eyes. “Well? Go on, then. List my charges.”
Sandalphon tapped his foot on the ground and the pages went flying back into his outstretched fingers. “It is with these words that I charge thee, Principality Aziraphale, Angel of the First Order of the Lowest Hierarchy, Guardian of the Eastern Gate…”
Aziraphale stopped paying attention as the list of his crimes ( crimes, he thought with a mental eyeroll, this was ridiculous) was read. He nudged Crowley, and hoped the brief contact was enough to convey, I’ll be okay, we’ll be okay, I promise I’ll come back. I won’t leave you behind.
“I still hate this,” murmured Crowley, low enough to go unnoticed by Sandalphon.
Aziraphale gnawed his cheek—a nervous habit gained after reading the phrase from a book and trying to figure out what it meant. “It is not ideal,” he said back just as quietly. He smiled tightly when Sandalphon glanced at him. “But I believe it won’t be long,” he continued. “I’ll be back before you know it. Two shakes of a lamb’s tail.” 
“...two thousand, seven hundred, and thirty-three accounts of gluttony…”
“Yeesh. You’d get a commendation from Hell for that one.”
“Hush, you.”
Finally, after what felt like a day's worth of monotonous droning, Sandalphon lowered the papers. “Given this evidence, Heaven no longer sees you fit to be the angelic representative of Earth. You will be recalled to Heaven until given further notice, and during this time, Heaven will proceed with any necessary actions. Do you have any questions?”
Aziraphale made a show of looking cowed. “May I say goodbye?”
“To who? The demon?”
“Humans question things when a regularity in their life vanishes without imaginable reason.”
Sandalphon nodded after a very obvious hesitation. “You have one hour.”
And he vanished in a great crackle of lightning. Aziraphale slouched, unaware of how tightly he’d been holding himself up. Crowley squeezed his tense shoulder.
“I should get going,” said Aziraphale. “Clock’s ticking. Will you mind the bookshop for me while I’m gone?”
“If anyone asks, I’m on a business trip.” Crowley nodded, a pinched expression crossing his face. “What is it, Crowley?”
He didn’t answer for a pronounced moment. “Just—Don’t do anything stupid, angel.”
“I’ll miss you too, my dear.”
An hour later, after he had exhausted himself teleporting around London hastily explaining his absence to the restaurants he frequented, his manicurist, the bakeries, making phone calls, and leaving voicemails for would-be buyers of his books, Aziraphale was gone.
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momo-de-avis · 6 years
tell me more about millais and the whole "steal ur wife and have a happy marriage with her lmaoo" and the whole pedo thing??? im intrigued
At the top of my head and very quickly without bothering myself with checking things online cause I’m a bit lazy sorry (though I’ve been over this story for quite a while, I trust my instinct)
When the Pre-Raphaelites appeared, they were the bad boys of London. Reasons:
1) Fucked around, mostly Rossetti
2) Broke academic rules by painting in excruciating and vivid details that weren’t possible with the naked eye (like Holman Hunt painted every single blade of the grass—your eye can’t see it unless you stare closely at it, so academically, that was ugly)
3) Used redheaded women as models. Now, Victorians were absolute fucking lunatics, but the ideal beauty to them was some corpse-looking Morticia Adams. Black hair and pale skin, was top notch. Blonde, blue-eyed beauty came second, probably. What mattered was the pale skin. It was a trend among Victorian women to paint purple and blue veins to look as dead as possible because the frailty of women in a society that told they literally were good for nothing except breeding was the Latest Trend. Redheads, however, were considered cursed. Case in point: the greatest pre-raphaelite muse, Lizzie Siddal: she was not only a red-head, but her skin was also darker than most prefered. Not that she was anything but a white woman, just not white enough to look like you were already flirting with tuberculosis and ready to die fashionably at 40 (though Lizzie was famous for being constantly sick and bedridden. And addicted to Laudanum, like a good Victorian).
4) Basically what gave them the name: PRE-raphaelite. To explain quickly: academic painting privileged the art that resembled Raphael's paintings: harmonious, made of volumes through precise shadowing, mannerist in its style. Line and drawing prevailed above colour. This is linked to formalism so I’m just gonna wrap it up quickly: drawing was considered the intellectual form of art (because in the 16th century people were like ‘oh, astronomy is a science!’ and 'oh, mathematics is a science!’ and people were like, 'well shit, we gotta find a reason to call arts a science too’ and the Renaissance worked that out by explaining that drawing was basically a form of science. Take Da Vinci). The Pre-raphaelites said: fuck that noise, and privileged colour. They used techniques to brighten their paintings (like a layer of white paint applied to the canvas before they applied the preliminary drawing, which made the colours stand out, and then finished it off with wax varnish, which makes it glow. If you ever see a PR painting live, note just how vivid it is. It looks like it’s never gonna wear off, it’s incredible). So with this, they basically said the Royal Academy was a bunch of piss babies who knew jack shit about painting (the accusation of being dumbasses included).
5) …but to be that guy, you had to LIVE the life. So, if you privilege medieval thinking, lifestyle and theology, what you gotta do? BE that medieval knight Victorians thought were oh so Chivalric. Again, famously, Lizzie Siddal is known to be the bad girl of this revival: she refused to wear crinoline and whatever shit the Victorian ladies wore. She wore loose dresses, no corsets and overall dressed like the engravings on Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. She was actually lauded for her commitment like, even Ruskin at one point saw Rossetti as a piss baby rock star wannabe who never finished his shit, but this girl? She committed.
So you see, when these guys popped up, Victorians scowled. BADLY.
But they knew that, to conquer the hearts of promiscuous dandies and hypocritical high-society, laudanum-ridden, arsenic-eating uptight douches and douchesses, they had to get to the loins of one man: most important art critic of his time, single-handedly responsible for elevating William Turner to the True Genius of English Painting: John Ruskin.
Now, just WHO was John Ruskin?
First of all, this little shit was overtly religious. Protestant kind, so you know what you’re in for. This guy studied Turner back and forth, knew everything about him, wrote extensively of his genius and was responsible, as I said, to consecrate him to the memory of British sea painting. Except he purposefully left a bit out, one particular episode of Turner’s life that, to Ruskin’s mind, would ruin his reputation.
Turner was a freak. My man has ENDLESS erotic drawings that go from curious artist look into the Vagina from full-blown pre-victorian porn. And Ruskin kept it all locked away inside his drawer.
The thing was, Ruskin was brought up surrounded by art. This guy looked at Roman statues of women, with their perfectly waxed peepees and toned arms supporting perky breasts and DEAD ASS though this was what women looked like.
So he married Effie Gray, a woman in everything respectable, a prosperous marriage for the good ol’ Victorian lady and dude.
And for the next five years of their marriage proceeded to REFUSE to even touch her.
When the pre-raphaelites pop up, Ruskin attends their very first exhibition and writes them a glowing review. Immediately they go from nut-heads to pop stars. But among them all, it was clear that it was John Everett Millais who was the most talented. So Ruskin took him under his wing.
His first assignment was: paint my portrait. But the pre-raphaelites did something the British academics didn’t: to paint nature, they went outside and painting the motif by looking directly at it. And Ruskin, who praised this mode of making art, had in mind the precise spot he wanted to be painted on: a waterfal or some shit in Scotland, where he owned a cottage.
This cottage was not big. It was actually rather small—you know, in pretending-to-be-a-peasant-is-so-much-fun! victorian fashion. And what does this absolute buffoon does? He invites Millais and his wife Effie in to paint his portrait.
Now I want you to imagine this woman, who has been pushing down 5 years of Horny, putting up with this dude’s shit, enclosed in a tight space with this man—who was older than herself—and incidentally, a handsome looking young fella who paints nicely.
I insist on this thing that Ruskin didn’t touch his wife because he thought women looked like statues because he actually told her. He told her he found her repulsive because—what do you know!!! The peepee’s got some pubic hair! And women menstruate! And like, we’re real fucking things, not Pygmalion's wet dream forged over and over again! She actually wrote a letter to her father detailing this (if you watch the show Desperate Romantics, the scene were Effie confesses this to Millais, the actress is actually reciting this letter word for word).
So when they return to London after the painting is done, they just… Fall in love. I mean, shit, what was she supposed to do?
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The face of a man who doesn’t know he’s about to be shit-whipped by his pupil, painted by none other than his protegée, this same pupil.
But remember: no matter what Victorian fangirls say, and whatever that Victorian TV show tries to show you, this society was absolute utter shit for women. Effie Grey presented an annulment proposal to her marriage, and society collapsed on her. She was actually blamed for the fact that Ruskin wouldn’t consummate the marriage. And because she had grown quite close to Millais, she had to prove before the entirety of Victorian society that she was a virgin. Oh, yes. It’s what you’re thinking.
Those open-your-legs-wide-and-let-me-insert-this-not-at-all-friendly-looking-metal-utensil-up--your-private-canal-to-prove-you-are-a-virgin. This, mind you, was back then as utterly humiliating as it sounds now, and to make matters worse, Mr. I-only-fuck-clean-shaven-pussy claimed she was mentally unstable.
Either way: annulment conceded, and she married John Everett Millais. The two went on to a lifelong of fucking and 8 children. Check Millais’ painting Peace Concluded and tell me those two idiots did not die happy together.
I kid you not: until Millais’ death, Effie was socially ostracized. She was even barred from being present in social events where Queen Victoria was, proclaimed by the Queen herself (because remember kids! Victorian society absolutely sucked because it was none other than our favourite imperialist who made it so!) even after she ordered Millais the first Laureate painter. It was only when Millais was dying that in his death bed he BEGGED to lift that stupid shit and she conceded. I just honestly believe Effie didn’t give a shit at this point, because my girl was happy.
So, you ask, what happened to Ruskin?
Don’t think he got off easy lmao. He had his own demise. He wasn’t seen with good eyes after the whole annulment debacle. But of course, being the pissy adult he was, he had to make things worse.
Enter Rose de La Touche.
You see, Rose de la Touche was Ruskin’s pupil. She is, as far as we can tell from his writings, the only woman he ever called attractive and revealed to be attracted to her. When, you ask?
When she was fucking 9 years old, the first time he met her.
He became tutoring her when she was 14. At this point, this ugly ass vulture was way past his 40s. Rose’s parents actually made it worse if my mind doesn’t fail me, but I’m not certain so I won’t address them. Either way, he pretty much groomed her and she grew infatuated with him. He actually made plans to marry her once she turned like, 18 or something, like a good pedo.
The only reason Rose didn’t marry Ruskin? Effie Gray stepped in. Not that she was that interested in what was to happen. The thing was, the reason for the annulment was that Ruskin was impotent, and if he fucked a healthy girl and she got pregnant, she’d be in the shits. But either way, I think it was easy given that he was like 40 years older or some shit. Rose actually declined to marry because she wanted the marriage to be unconsummated, but this time around, ya big Pedo declined! I wonder why was it so easy the first time, and so hard now that he found himself a neat little child to corrupt, right?
At some point, even fucking Rossetti intervened. Now, Rossetti was the rock star of his time: he fucked everything that moved, he got into affairs with the wives of his pupils while Lizzie lingered between life and death at his home, and it took him some 9 years to finally keep his promise to Lizzie and marry her ass. He was the last person you’d expect to say a thing. But you know you’ve fucked up and that you’re a perverted piece of shit when THIS IS THE GUY who steps in to say 'hey, Ruskin, big fan, but you really gotta tone it down cause even I’m not a pedo, pal’.
Now listen: yeah, there’s a lot of speculation about Ruskin’s 'love affair’ with Rose de La Touche. Did he really fall in love with her when she was 9? We don’t know. We don’t care either, because it doesn’t make him any less a fucking pedo. Like, yeah, good art critic, nice theory on the whole Modern Painting book, but this dude had some serious issues.
And there you go
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lostmyhead - part 4 (final)
Word Count:  2,298 words. Prompt : Lovecraftian – Horrible and indescribable platonic love. Or in which you don’t know how to deal with your emotions. Warning(s): Usual angst, sad bucky (im sorry)  A/N: At last, the final one! This series took a really really different route. Written for @hellomissmabel for her 2k Birthday Celebration. Thank you Annie for giving me the extra time. I hope you’ve enjoyed this mess of a fic. Now I can focus on memories. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts and happy reading!  PS: this blog turned 1 today <3
masterlist | series page The Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | part 4 | 
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** gif not mine **  read previous >> part 3
It’s so damn bright.
The intense light overhead is the first thing that greets you when you blink your eyes open, eyelids heavy. Then your head is pounding, a series of painful throbs at the base of your skull and creeps its way to your forehead that you hiss. You swallow your dry throat uncomfortably, eliciting you to curse under your breath.
“That’s the first thing that comes out of your mouth?” a voice next to you laughed –an unrecognizable voice.
If you weren’t feeling so horrible you’d have the decency to say ‘screw you’ to this unknown person, but your body is adamant to let you suffer. You don’t get the chance to ask who this person is when you feel the ache around your arms and legs, the side of your hip particularly excruciating that you groan.
Finally, a team of nurses and doctors come flooding to your room, giving you that blissful shot of morphine to your system, sedating your muscles to relax. You don’t know how much time passed as you slept, but when you stirred the light isn’t from the fluorescent bulb but rather the sun.
The light comes in through the breaks of the curtain, landing to the floor of your room and giving you a calming feel.
You turn your head away from the window to see Sam smiling at you.
“Hi” you greet him back with a rasp roughly before coughing, grimacing at the sandstorm shoved down your throat. Sam quickly pours a glass of water for you, helping you sit up before you drank gratefully.
“What the hell happened?” you asked, looking down at your own body. Your hands make its way to your eyes, rubbing the drowsiness away. It’s then that you notice the bandage that’s tightened around your head. Panic slowly settles in as you try to remember what happened. You’re confused as you try to recall any memory of you in combat, but your thoughts are muddled and hazy.
“Take it easy, (y/n)” Sam tells you, hands holding your shoulder and forearm. “Could you tell me the last thing you remember?” he asked gently.
You tried to think, hard. What was the last thing you remember? What did you do before this? Where were you? Who was with you?
It’s taking a lot for you to remember anything, and Sam notices the symptom of someone struggling. “Okay, (y/n), could you tell me the date for today?” he asked, guiding you.
That’s easy so you answer him without any hesitation. You’re certain of this because one thing you remember clearly was the mission planned to attack a HYDRA base in Sokovia. You feel accomplished for a moment, relishing in the fact that you at least remembered something. But Sam’s been silent a little too long to let you know that it wasn’t something to be celebrated.
When you meet his gaze, you know for certain that something was wrong.
It’s a beautiful day; the sun is gracing its presence down on you as you walk with Natasha. Or rather, Natasha is the one walking and is the one leading, pushing you in a slow pace around the compound’s many outdoor areas. You lay your hands on the wheelchair’s handle as you looked around you.
After countless days of staying in the bed of the infirmary, you could feel your sanity slipping away; immobile on that damn bed, looking at the white walls that confined you, listening to your heart-rate monitor as nurses and doctors came in to check up on you once in a while. It left you to ruminate about the whole situation you’ve found yourself in.
You see Dr. Cho’s lips moving, explaining to you the effects of your state but you can’t register anything she’s saying. You’re looking at her with a distant stare, not believing that this was real. Then your eyes flicker to Sam and Bruce, eyebrows slowly furrowing. What if this was all a lie? A sick, twisted game played by the enemy? What if this is just a setup? You found yourself thinking to yourself.
“(y/n)” Helen’s hand suddenly breaks you from your thoughts. Her touch alarms you and before you know it you’re squirming for her to get her hands off of you. “Get away from me” you roared.
It doesn’t really shock Helen the way you’re behaving, but it does pain her to see you so distrustful. She’s back to square one now –the progress of friendship between you and her permanently lost. So she nods her head curtly, not daring to look up at your angered state, before leaving.
Sam and Bruce do all they can to help you cope, to help you understand but it’s all too much for you to take in. Your head is pounding, a throbbing headache generated from an overload of information. You can’t decipher which ones are the truth or lies, but your gut is telling, begging you to simply trust one person in the team.
“Where’s Nat?”
Which was how you ended up here. You only trust her enough to accompany you around, and when you asked if she could take you out with the excuse of needing fresh air and warm sunlight, Natasha doesn’t say no.
“You okay?” she asked.
You could only snort as a response, before answering with “I wake up to see myself beaten and concussed to the point where I don’t remember two whole years of my life. I’m peachy, Nat”
You know you shouldn’t be like this, shouldn’t snap at her when she was just being a friend. But the situation that’s befallen you is utterly frustrating. Two whole years of your life –24 months, 104 weeks, 730 days, forgotten.
You sighed, stopping. “I’m sorry” you apologize, looking up to meet her green eyes. “I just feel like this isn’t real. Like I’m being tricked” you confess. You felt cheated and, for some odd reason, you feel like it’s all your fault that you were here.
“Can you feel this?” she asked softly, her hand resting on your shoulder. It’s a simple touch, but it says a lot. You nod.
“This is real, (y/n). And I know it’s tough to wrap your head around it, but we’re here for you. We’re all here for you” she said, her tone gentle yet firm. “You just need to trust us, and I know it’s a big step, but we can’t help you if you don’t” she continues.
Neither of you say anything, letting the nature that surrounds you be the only noise accompanying you both.
Inside the building stood Bucky, the giant glassed window giving him the perfect view of you and Natasha. The bandage that was wrapped around your head is now gone, and he can see there’s color on your skin again. But your eyes. My god, your eyes.
Even in the distance, he can see how empty they looked. Your shoulders are slumped as Natasha continued to talk, defeated. He can see you’re half-listening, half-thinking, at Natasha’s words. He can’t take his eyes away from the scene in-front of him. The last time he was with you was the night you woke up, cursing in pain and obvious discomfort.
Standing here now, he wondered what’s going to happen next? How long are you going to be distrustful? How long before you trust them?
You twitched suddenly, feeling like you’re being watched.
“What’s wrong?” Natasha asked worriedly, moving to the front and kneeling in-front of you. “I just feel like I’m being watched” you answer her truthfully, before nervously looking around. You just see bushes upon bushes of lush green set in-front of the modern buildings and its vast glassed walls. Gradually you scan the upper floor, eyes landing on an unknown figure.
Bucky’s eyes meet yours. For a moment he doesn’t know what to do, something inside him whispering how much you’ll fear him.
“Who is that?” You ask Natasha, who let out a breath of relief at your genuine curiosity, glad to see you weren’t anxious.
“That’s Barnes, James Buchanan Barnes. Steve’s friend” she clarifies.
You turn your head to look at her, stunned. “Steve found him?”
She nods, pulling you to a nearby bench before she begins explaining. It’s long, detailed and something you needed to hear. You listen to her talk, engrossed in the stories she’s recounting. It’s oddly calming you, easing your body to relax, allowing your heart to start believing. When Natasha finishes her story, you lean back.
“All of that in the span of 2 years?”
If you were normal, you’d have thought it ridiculous.
But you aren’t –the world that you’re living in isn’t normal anymore. You live with literal Gods coming and going, enhanced individuals are created, inhumane experiments are being performed. You live in a world where the legendary stories of the mystical world make up parts of this reality. You remember then your secret, the one ability you were taught and told to keep confidential.
Natasha sees you reflecting all she’s said, realization dawning on you. She patiently waits for your reaction, only to be given a gentle and slow nod.
“I’d like to go back to my room now”
Weeks pass, and in that time you’re allowed to go back to your room.
Well, not really your room. But it was better than the hospital bed. You missed lying on your king sized bed, where there was no constant and vigilant people watching over you (try as they may to be stealth about it), where you weren’t strapped by delicate lines, your own privacy.
Thankfully you were healing speedily, the progress promising. After that afternoon with Natasha, you allowed yourself to have a sense of trust towards your team mates, had tried your best to ignore the nagging feeling of skepticism. You apologized to Helen, and Sam and Bruce, and anyone you’d thoughtlessly took your anger at (so many of the staff members).
Sprawled on your own bed, a notebook opened as your hands write down your thoughts, an activity suggested by your therapist to cope.
I only hope this next step will be the step that brings my memories back you jot down, thinking about your request to meet everyone (again) a few days ago. A knock on the door prompts you to stop, grabbing the crutch on your floor to help you properly stand before making your way towards the door.
With a simple twist, you unlocked it, pulling to reveal Steve standing there.
He looks down at you with a smile when you greet him brightly. “Ready?” he asked as you step out, closing the door behind you tightly.
“Yeah” you answer him nervously, rubbing your hands together in an attempt to ease your nerves. “Kinda feels weird, y’know? since they’ve met me before, but I haven’t. But then technically I have” you began to spit the words out, making Steve chuckle.
“It’s gonna be alright. They’re eager to see you”
Everyone’s gathered in the common room, sitting and chatting with one another in an attempt to lighten the mood. It all feels odd to Bucky because he was once at the receiving end of this.
For the first time in a while, he feels genuinely excited, because you were finally ready to meet everyone. He can’t help but let his smile be present as he listens to everyone converse with one another. He’d miss you, but the situation doesn’t permit him to simply come over to you anymore. He’d miss you, and it struck something inside of him knowing that you didn’t know a thing about him when he knew everything about you.
Was this how Steve felt when he met him back in D.C? Was this how you felt right before Steve brought him back to the compound?
He’s brought out of his little reverie when someone nudges his knees.
It’s Wanda.
Her big blue eyes are looking at him with an almost inscrutable expression, before giving him a slight nod towards the direction behind him.
“There she is” Sam is the first one to move and walk over to you, clearly delighted to see you again. Soon everyone’s made to move, except for three of the members.
Wanda, Bucky and Vision all stand behind, looking at the others rejoice.
“Here, meet Wanda” Clint brings you to a young woman with long brown hair cascading her shoulders. She’s looking at you with a look of curiosity and something you can’t quiet put your finger on. Still, you greet her with a smile.
“Hai” you say, shaking her hand in yours. “I’m sorry if this is awkward” you tell her earnestly, eliciting a smirk on her lips.
“It’s alright” she waves it off, extending her hand over to Vision before introducing her.
“Ms. (y/l/n)” “Oh, please just call me (y/n)”
Steve moves over to Bucky, who’s at the side watching the little exchange. “I know this is going to be awkward” he begins, noticing Bucky’s gaze over you. “But give it time. I’m sure it’ll be like before again” he continues, patting Bucky’s shoulder in an attempt to assure him.
But will it ever go back to the way it was?
The answer was simple.
Because then you’re right in front of him, hands extended forward like the first time you met him.
“I’m (y/n). It’s nice to meet you, James”.
It physically hurts when his skin touched yours. He tries so hard to ignore the ache in his heart when the formal name comes out of your lips. It was clear to Bucky then that what the both of you had will no longer happen. But he manages to smile, seeing how everyone bated their breathe during this intimate introduction.
“Bucky. My name’s Bucky”
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tagging: Angst Royalty Babes @barnes-heaven @alphaabucky @captnbarnesrogers @hellomissmabel @rotisserierogers @buckyywiththegoodhair @buchananbarnestrash @minervaem @heartmade-writingbucky | Permanent Babes @lovely-geek @iamwarrenspeace @thefridgeismybestie @httpmcrvel | For This Series @cam0flug3 @southern-frued-chicken @chuckennuggets1213 @sebstanwassup @cami23593 @elorajaii @exploratiionist @mizzzpink @violence-and-velvet @lloeppky 
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I wanted to go on a trip by myself but I need insurance... But it costs 2000 dollars a year...so can I get it and after the trip get rid of it? I'm only driving two days. Never again. What will happen after I get rid of the insurance?
Can anybody help me find the Greyhound Bus Auto Insurance ?
2 week ago I was in auto accident in NYC but I live in New Jersey a greyhound bus hit my parked car door as I opened it, I had a clear of view when i opened it, my car is beyond damaged (97 Honda Accord) thank god I didn't lose my hand, I finally got a official police report, I have the greyhound bus driver licence plate #'s and insurance policy #'s and the insurance code Texas Liability Insurance (not the insurance company name) I called Grey Bus company customer service and corporate office based out of Texas, both phone numbers keep giving me the run around and is a complete waste of time. I called my insurance, and they cant help me , i try google, waste of time as well, please help, all i am trying to do is file a claim and fix my car ASAP!!""
I'm confused about primary and secondary health insurance?
My daughter is on my policy, where all of the payments come out of a fund set at the beginning of the year, so if it is $1,000 that can be wiped out by one trip to the ER. Also, she ...show more""
""For Home Owner Insurance purposes, is an unfinised basement included in total square footage of the house?
Are Insurance company underwriters not supposed to include unfinished living areas of the house when determing my total square footage of house for replace cost purposes? My premium went up even though the home inspector from Allstate did not know I had part of my house that is unfinished. I was not home at the time when he did this home based underwriting square footage procedure.
Does anyone know how much SR-22 Insurance Costs?
Comprehensive car insurance coverage?
Does comprehensive car insurance cover mechanical damage such as the gearbox or engine? There is no physical damage to the engine itself, but will it cover damages to the engine after ...show more""
Car Insurance?
Ok, first does anyone know which states do not require car insurance? Second question is do you have to have full coverage on a financed car? No silliness here real answers.""
""How much is car insurance? For example geico, progressive, the general, all state, 21 century, state farm etc.?""
Right now I'm still on my permit. Wen I get a liciense, I want to figure out how much it cost. For a 20 year old 21""
What happens if I dont have auto insurance for 2 years?
Hello all I have had a US drivers license for 2 years now. I am going back to school and so I want to get rid of my car as I have no need for one. So If I sell my car and don't have auto insurance for 2 years, when I come back after finishing school and try and get auto insurance will I be treated as a brand new driver? Are my rates going to be really high because I dont have any continuous insurance history at that point? Or will I be treated as a driver who has 4 years of driving history (since I will have had my license for 4 years at that point?) Thanks""
Why do we have to have car insurance in the UK?
Why cant you chose whether you have insurance or not?
How much does insurance cost for your first car?
How much does insurance cost for your first car?
What is the best motorcycle insurance to purchase?
I have a motorcycle, and I'm looking to find insurance. I took the basic riders course that offers insurance discounts. What is the best and most affordable motorcycle insurance to get? P.S. My car insurance company doesn't offer motorcycle insurance""
What bike would be cheapest on insurance?
scooter?street+trail?chopper?crotchrocket? or anything?which bike out of all bikes street legal and able to achieve 50mph is the cheapest insurance wise
""Ran a stop sign, will I have to take traffic school to keep insurance rate down?""
I am a 21 year old who got a ticket for running a stop sign in Los Angeles. When I go to pay I see the option of traffic school, but it is more expensive than just paying the ticket off. If I want to keep my insurance rates at their current price, do I need to take traffic school? I am willing to do it, I just want to make sure the extra money won't be for nothing.""
Car insurance rates sports vs regular?
ok i've never owned a car before, im 19 and i've been insured on my parents 3 cars since i was 16, 1 being a 2005 mazda rx8. perfect driving record, no tickets, no fenders. they're going to buy me a car now, and i'm trying to get them to just give me the mazda because they want to sell it any way. They say the insurance rates would be too high. So they want me to get a shitty honda or something (which would be like the same price they would be selling this beautiful mazda for because it has 40k miles on it) So what would be the difference per month i would be paying in insurance if i were to take the mazda (which i guess is defined as a sports car) vs if i were to buy a shitty car that isn't a sports car""
On homeowners insurance .. What is the difference between Replacement cost and Acutal cash Value? what pays mo
What pays more and what is the least expensive?? please some one explain to me in detail.. Does my home need to be insured with the market value???
Average motorcycle insurance rate?
I'm 16 and living in Ontario i wanted to know how much insurance rate it is do you pay monthly? yearly? i don't know submit what you know and estimate if you don't know
How much would the insurance cost on a 2007 Lamborghini Murcielago lp 640?
Ball-park estimate?
What is a good insurance company for health insurance?
in a month i will need health insurance for my wife where can i go to get good honest help do you know of any insurance companies to stat away from or recommendations
Young drivers car insurance question?
i am 20 years old in april and my car insurance is sky high beeing quoted 5000+ for a little 1.1 car there must be a way for it to go down as i see people younger then me driving round in bigger litre cars then me anyone know the secret?
Can daughter get Health Insurance if she has pre-existing such as asthma?
My 18 year old daughter who graduated in May, has moved to a nearby town and is working at Applebees. She wants to get certified as personal fitness trainer, and so she will be dropped off of my insurance, since this is not a full time student program. She was 18 in June, and lives in Texas. She is going to soon have to be dropped of of my health insurance. I do not think that Applebees provides any insurance for hourly employees. She also has asthma, although not real bad, but this is a pre-existing conditions. Will she be able to get any kind of affordable health insurance, or is she just going to have to be one of the millions who can't have health insurance?""
Car Insurance Cancellation Fees? (UK)?
So i'm probs 2 months away from passing my driving test, and i was thinking about insuring my car on a provisional licence for these few months to actually get a few steps ahead and more experienced. I was wondering how much it would/if it would cost to say stop the provis insurance after them 2 months? People from the UK preferably please, cheers!""
""My husband has bad knee pain, but doesn't want to go to the dr. due to having no insurance.?""
my husband dislocated his knee 3 months ago and has been in excruciating pain lately. He can't bend, walk on, put weight on his knee without it giving out and making him fall. He wont go to the dr, since we don't have any insurance (in orange co, calif) and he feels that IF he does go then they will put him in a brace or something that will hinder him from working. And since we are living paycheck to paycheck we can't afford to have him miss a lot of work. Meanwhile, he is in a very, very grumpy mood (which I can understand) and he keeps getting himself drunk so the pain will go away or is more manageable yet we all know that it wont help. Is there any advice as to what to do to make him go to the Dr? or does anyone know of a place that we can go that will actually help him out with the xray/mri/ct that he will most likely need??""
How much can home insurance cost?
i want to buy a home and i need to know how much my insurance might be.
Can i get car insurance for my 17th so i can drive on my birthday?
i turn 17 next week and i have a car i can drive around with a provisional licence but i cant get car insurance so i can drive it on my birthday.
Question about applying for life insurance?
my wife is in a nursing home & her hands are paralyzed.    will this affect me for applying for life insurance for her since she cannot sign the document?    thanks for any help.
When was car insurance for teens increased?
I was wondering how long and in what year was car insurance for teens increased? links would be very helpful... Thanks All!
Should I buy life insurance online?
I want to buy a life insurance plan for myself, and later for my husband. I have done some research, although I must say it's all very confusing and there are zillions of options. Now that I have a better idea, however, I am wondering if buying the plans online is at all an option. Do you have an experience with it? Do you recommend it, or feel that it's completely not a good idea?""
How much did you pay for your first car insurance? !?
Hey im gettin a first car soon, i only passed last week! and i understand that insurance for first time buyers is VERY expensive! If anyone could quote me some of the prices they payed on insurance for there first and the car they had that would be great!!! (IN ENGLAND  BY THE WAY)""
Anyone please help !!?
im 16 and i want to klnow how much car insurance is going to be. i dont want an exACT FIGURE BUT A ROUND ABOUT PRICE FOR statefarm with all the discounts taken out for being a good stundent and taking the drvers ed my car is already paid off and its a sante fe
How are home insurance rates in hawaii?
I'd like to buy close to the water (would be impacted by hurricanes). FLA is ridiculous now-cant get insurance near the water for entire home value. Thought Hwi might be better since they dont get hit so much.
Young adult health insurance?
Young adult son cannot find job, not in college, has no health insurance - any ideas?""
Average cost of car insurance ?! 20YO?
I'm a 20 year old female , I'm about to get my own car insurance . What's the average monthly cost for someone my age with just an old beater car?""
Where can I find ratings for the service of various insurance companies?
Where can I find ratings for the service of various insurance companies?
My son-19- is a full time college student.His Ga peach care insurance ends august 3.can he get medicaid?
He is receiving student aid in the form of scholarships and the pell grant for low-income families. I don't want him to be without insurance coverage. His only income is back child support that will end in a few months. What are my choices? Please help. Thank you. I only receive disability income from social security disability.
Mortgage company wants us to pay hazard insurance premium up front?
I am getting an FHA home loan. My mortgage company sent me a good faith estimate stating that my hazard insurance premium will be included in closing costs, but that I will also be paying a monthly hazard insurance payment, the same goes for the mortgage insurance. They are also wanting us to put $591 into hazard insurance reserves. What is this all about? Is this normal? I was pretty positive that when you got insurance you just paid your premium monthly, not up front and then monthly also? Help me understand what is going on here.""
Will named driver insurance cost a lot for me?
My sis has been driving for a number of years and is 25 and I haven't had any lessons and i'm 27. Would it cost a lot to put me on her insurance as a named driver so I can get some practice? As far as I know she's drove for around 5 years with no claims.
Mandated Health Insurance is different from Mandated Auto Insurance how?
The Supreme Court will be deciding if the government can force us to buy health insurance from a private corporation. The government forces us to buy auto liability insurance from a private corporation. I am at a loss to see the difference.
Will my company have to pay a fine for not offering me an affordable insurance plan?
The word going around is that the change in our insurance coverage is only going to drop by a small amount due to the act, and the price someone told me is much more than 9.5% of my income. If I apply through the marketplace for the reason that I cannot afford insurance with my company, will they be fined for not offering me an affordable plan, or do they just get fined for not offering benefits at all?""
Is it worth getting full comp insurance if your car is only cheap?
Is it worth getting full comp insurance if your car is only cheap?
I lost my Health insurance and I need to find affordable coverage asap?
I had tenncare but after i turned 21 it ended i have medical conditions that require me to take medications daily. does anyone know of a good affordable insurance that covers doctor visits and prescriptions that will take me with pre-existing conditions? I have asthma, PCOS, and other things that i have to take daily medication for to be able to function. I am bi-polar i have ADHD and severe social anxiety i am also manic depressant and schizophrenic what can i do to get some health insurance??""
Where can I get a good deal on my car insurance?
I passed my driving test about 4 days ago now and sooo badly want to get a car. I am looking at a ford fiesta 1.25 zetec which I have seen but have done some insurance quotes and its sooo expensive. Where and how can I find cheap car insurance. I am doing my pass plus next week and I am now 18. I have a mum and dad i could put on the insurance but they do not have any no claims as they drive a company car. So is there anyway I can get a good deal and where? HELP!!!!
Employers didnt ask for national insurance number?
I just got a job and when i asked if they wanted my national insurance number they said no and told me to keep it a secret
Car Insurance Question?
I'm looking at buying a four door sedan but I don't have car insurance. The reason that I don't have insurance is because I only have my permit. Unfortunately, I no longer live with my parents so I don't think their insurance will cover me. I've been trying to get quotes from various companies for when I do get my license but many of them will not even give me a quote if I don't have my license. Are there any car insurance companies that will offer insurance to me while I still only have my permit? I already found a car that I like before realizing my parents probably won't be able to put me on their insurance so I'm trying to figure this out quickly but thoroughly. I'd really like to get it soon because I hate driving in my parent's minivans since they are huge and I have trouble seeing out the tinted back window. So far the only option I see is to have my parents buy the car for me until I have my license (which I plan to get before December to avoid learning in the snow).""
What is the cost for home insurance based on?
I am thinking of buying properties in other states to use as rental income. The properties are cheap so i can afford to pay cash the issue how ever is that the rent is also cheap in Update : Yes i know being a distant landlord is difficult so if it makes economic
Car insurance in California?
Is it true that if you are financing a car you HAVE to have car insurance??
Which has cheaper auto insurance: 2012 Hyundai Elantra GLS or 2012 Honda Civic?
This is regarding all auto insurance companies. Also, why is it that not a lot of Hyundai dealers in the Los Angeles area have the 2012 Elantra in their New Inventory, they only have 2011 in stock :S Does anyone else have this problem also?""
How much do you pay for auto insurance for teen?
im 17 almost 18 looking to drive soon? how much would I pay if.... -no good student discount -3 cars -1 boat -live with parents under whom which ill have co-sign my insurance for now out of predictions, how much do teens usually pay for auto insurance?""
How do I get a cheaper car insurance?
I m with Tesco insurance atm. any chance to get better insurance?
Car insurance quote help?
i'm getting a quote for a vw polo and when it comes to asking how long you've held your licence for does it mean how long i've had my full licence for or how long i've held a licence since my provisional
Car insurance in household with 3 licensed drivers and 3 cars?
I just purchased a 2000 Honda Prelude Type SH, and while I am prepared to pay the cost of a full insurance premium, I am wondering if there is any way around insuring myself as the primary driver of this vehicle, when in reality the driving will be split between my mother and myself. We have two 2001 Grand Prix's, both insured under RBC in my father's name, with my mother and myself on the policy as occasional drivers. So I suppose my question would be whether or not my father or mother can insure my vehicle and add me to the policy the same way I am on it for the other two cars?""
Question about applying for life insurance?
my wife is in a nursing home & her hands are paralyzed.    will this affect me for applying for life insurance for her since she cannot sign the document?    thanks for any help.
How much *Roughly* would my car insurance cost?
Im 19 i had my permit for almost 4 years now im about to get my license my mom has state farm and ill be added on to hers but i still have to pay her the difference. if it matters or affects me but shes had her license for about 20 yrs idk exactly shes only 38 though has never been in an accident or any tickets, always pay her bill give or take some how much would you say my insurance would cost?""
17 year old and my car insurance quote is 835. Genuine?
Just passed my text and i asked my driving instructor where i can get the best cheap quote? its third party but i dont mind. its a 1.4 corsa. He said he recommends all his pupils to http://cheapforyoungdriversinsurance.co.uk I Dont understand though? Why when i look at everyone elses questions i see quotes for 3000+. I Used go compare and i also got that. but this (the first site) i went direct to and i got it for 835. Am i missing something? Thankyou:)
Please could someone tell me what is the absolute cheapest auto insurance around?
No solicitation please.... Just the real facts. For get Geico, State Farm, All State and Travelers ins, progressive and all the TOP COMPANIES""
""Someone else got a speeding ticket in my car, does my insurance rates go up?""
My fianc was driving my car when we were coming home from dinner, he was doing about 17 over I believe and got a ticket, however he's a permit driver.. The car is mine and is insured and registered in my name, I gave my license and registration to the cop when he took my fianc permit, the ticket only had his info on it, my plate number and the date my registration expires. No other information of mine is on there. He didn't ask to see my insurance card. So question is, are my rates going to go up because my fianc was driving and caught speeding?""
Increasing benefit insurance?
Are there life insurance companies in US that sell increasing benefit (benefit increases at fixed % each year) insurance. Note: Not variable life insurance
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance for my teenage son who has a rolling stop and a speeding tkt. in WA
He is 18 years old. He is driving a 2000 Toyota Corolla What all do I get on his insurance policy Do I have him get his own policy
Need cheap TAXI CAB insurance... anyone know any companies?!?
Im based in southern California and I'm using a crack pot shop called Fiesta insurance and their thru the roof! I cannot find any Taxi insurers for a growing 2 car company! Need help, I've left messages with numerous companies and the only ones that call back are the ones who don't offer insurance for my needs... ANYONE have any info? I'd be most grateful!""
Is there a way to get inexpensive short term insurance for....?
An item like a video camera or video camera equipment. And say you wanted to rent them to people, is there a way to get insurance for those items while other people use them?""
Car insurance question?
I just turned 16 and got my driving permit. I would be using my grandmothers car and she has erie insurance. My question is.. Am I allowed to practice driving on the car even without getting insurance? She insists that I'm not allowed to unless I get insurance but everyone else I know does it without. She thinks that I am going to get in a crash because I can't keep my room clean. (wtf?)
Can i put insurance on a old mobile home ?
I have a 84' model mobile home but i paid to have it remodeled so it's very nice on the inside. Well i want to rent it out so i want to put insurance on it in case a fire or etc. happens to it while it's being rented out . But can i put insurance on a mobile home that old ? and can i put as much as i want or does the insurance only cover how much it's worth ?
Which is better full coverage or liability auto insurance?
I live in wisconsin where it is not mandatory to have car insurance. I'm 26 and been driving since i was 16 without insurance and i'm planning on getting a policy started soon and i have no idea as to which type of insurance to get. I drive a 1997 chevy lumina with around 222,000 miles on it. If i get full coverage will it cover my car damages as well as the other persons damages or will liability do that and will i be required to pay a deductible? I am thinking about getting up to $100,000 in coverage.""
Should I stop paying my insurance?
I got a D.U.I. five years ago when I was 18. I got my license back one year later but I had to have my SR22 for three years. The DMV told me Oct. 7 2013 was the last date I had to posses an SR22. My insurance company is still having me pay $50 every month and they threaten to have the DMV suspend my license if I don't pay. I talked to my insurance broker but she doesn't explain the situation to me very well. What I got from her was that the monthly insurance payments are to give me insurance to drive any vehicle. Why must I have insurance to keep my drivers license? My father has the vehicle I drive insured so why do I need it?
My health insurance going up?
I just found out today that my health insurance is going up. I have gotten quotes on the covered California website and it is cheaper by $139 dollars a month on the website. I heard I can't refuse my employers health care. Is that true?
""Which car would you prefer? 2006 Volkswagen rabbit, 2006 toyota corolla, or a 2006 honda civic?
which do u think would be a suitable car for a university student and cheap on insurance and gas.
Best Health insurance for young adults in NZ?
The reason why i'm wanting health insurance is mostly going to the dentist. does anyone know a good health insurance and what do i need to look for when i joining a company?
""Does anyone here use cancer insurance? If so, which kind?""
Does anyone here use cancer insurance? If so, which kind?""
What is the least expensive color of car to insure?
I know red is the most expensive. I've heard that white is the least from one person and green is the least from another.
Where do I buy car insurance online?
Need to buy car insurance online and do not know how to go about it.
What is the approximate insurance cost on a vw polo X registration for a 17 year old?
hi just want to know how much roughley the insurance would be for a VW Polo on a X registration plate please
Car Insurance Cost in NYC?
I have a question regarding car insurance. I'm 29 years old. I've been in 3 car accidents but was not at fault for any of them (2 of the times my car was sitting still! lol) and I've never gotten a ticket for any of those accidents. I used to have insurance through State Farm, full coverage for a 2004 Jeep Liberty that cost 50-60 a month in upstate NY. While driving to NYC one winter I got a speeding ticket, my first ticket ever! I was going I think 82(?) in a 65. This was just before I moved to NYC, and because I got the ticket in a podunk little county I was driving through I had no idea what the name was, the ticket flew out my door and I lost it. I figured they would mail me something else to tell me the payment was late but I never received anything else about it. Well I found out later it was because I moved, even though I moved about 2 months after the fact they wait quite a while to send another notice, and I never received it. Thus, my license was suspended but I never knew. I never got caught driving without it either. So I moved here in 2007 with my Jeep which I was very behind payments for, and then it got towed away for alternate side parking BS. I could have borrowed the money back then to pay to get it out but I let it go. Alright so long story short, I don't have the truck, it was auctioned. I'll be done paying for it through a collection agency settlement offer this May. If I had kept the truck, I would be paying 200+ more a month than I pay now, and I wouldn't have been done paying it til August 2011. Plus I would have had to pay to catch it up the 3 months I was behind, plus pay my boyfriends brother back who was willing to lend me the money to get it out of the car jail (lol) I had the suspension lifted last July so I could rent a car, again no issues. So I'm thinking of buying a 2,000 car (cash! I learned my lesson) in June when I'm done paying for the truck and I want to get no fault insurance. I know it will be a lot more here then what I used to pay, and in addition I now have a suspension that wasn't there before. How much do you guys have to pay for your insurance, if it's not too much information to ask? And how much do you think mine might be, or compare your cost and history to mine? Thanks.""
Anyone have a phone # for Wells Fargo Auto Insurance Claims Dept? All the online numbers are for quotes.?
Just got hit and person gave a non-working number for the insurance company (I guess Wells Fargo Auto Ins took over Wachovia Auto Ins). Thank you!
Where to get the best auto insurance rates in Midwest.?
Just moved to the Midwest, besides the insurance giants are there any other good insurance companies out there that will save me a little money?""
How does a wrecked car loan payoff (by insurance company) affect credit score?
I have a car that I have a loan on that has been wrecked. Since the bank owns the car, I have full coverage & insurance is writing it off. They are going to cut a check to the bank for the balance due on the car. I have so far paid this loan on time; it has been rebuilding my credit. When the loan is paid off by insurance, will I get more points to my score since the loan was technically paid off early? Or will I only gain based on my status as paid ontime at this point?""
Which insurance companies hold driving records the shortest?
My insurance rates are ridiculous, because progressive holds ur points against you for 35 months. So tickets that i have that are over 2 years old are still effecting me. Does anyone know which insurance companies hold your driving record shorter than that?""
Can I buy term life insurance for my aunt who lives in CA?
I live in Florida and was just wondering if I can purchase a term life insurance policy for my aunt in California? Will the term life insurance policy be in my name or her name, because I will be paying for the policy?""
Question about applying for life insurance?
my wife is in a nursing home & her hands are paralyzed.    will this affect me for applying for life insurance for her since she cannot sign the document?    thanks for any help.
Help need car insurance I am 21 and dont want the black box :( help please?
anyone knows where i can get cheap car insurance from like 150 to 200 a month let me know am desperate please.......
""I was driving my husbands car, I was not on his insurance yet. A car hit us while sitting at a stop sign?""
I was driving my husbands car, I was not on his insurance yet (married two weeks before). A car hit us while sitting at a stop sign. The at fault driver's insurance company is ...show more""
Is 21st Century Auto Insurance a good company?
I'm asking because I just switched over from progressive to 21st and now I'm a little worried because I've seen a lot of negative comments on their facebook fan page and after reading some of the things about their roadside assistance works I'm wondering if I made a mistake. My policy with progressive didn't cover much and the one I have with 21st gives me more coverage for the same price so idk. Is 21st as bad as they're making it out to be?
How much could my car insurance increase if I pay a 90.00 fine that included 1 point on my record?
I have a clean driving record so would it be worth paying the ticket and watching my insurance go up a few bucks? I can't imagine my insurance going up too much for a single point, but maybe I am totally wrong. Any advice on this matter would be much appreciated.""
How much will i pay for health insurance?
im a 46 year old man
How much might they charge me for no insurance ticket in wyandot ks?
was following my boyfreind in my brothers car and I took a wrong exit near the speedway. I went down stateline rd looked for a gas station for directions. Found a gas station to ask for directions and the guy did not speak understandable english so tired and lost I took off down the road and forgot to turn my head lights on was puulled over and given a ticket for the lights and it turns out that my brother did not have insurance on the car and that I had forgot my purse way down in pittsburg. I am being told that I may have to pay a $1200 fine and get some weird insurance that cossts $300 or more a month and that it is possible htat they will take my liscense away. This can't be rite?!!? I have a clean driving record and only make $250 a month can't hardly pay rent. Sombody who knows awnser please!!!!!
Can drivers of the same car have different insurance companies/policies?
I just got my license in December and I'm driving my mom's car but I need car insurance under my name. We all know how expensive that is, especially for a teenage/new driver. So IF I were to find a different and cheap insurance company, can I cover her car under my name? My mom has Safeway Insurance, if that helps.""
""Response Insurance, Need Customer Reviews?
http://www.response.com I recently checked the following for my auto insurance & they have good rates available but I have never heard of them. Is there any place I can get the customer review for this company? Or if you have dealt with this company please let me know your experience?
""Why buy license plates, register car, and car insurance when I saved $3,000?""
Only suckers buy license plates, register car, and car insurance ( which I canceled :) after I got my license ) which I save over $3,000 a year on. I could careless if I crash my car I bought for $350 it is a junker ( which will probably die in the next three months ) and I could just run away without paying a thing. I already have saved over $5,000. CAR INSURANCE DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE UNLESS YOU CAN'T DRIVE.""
Qualify for state car insurance?
Hello; I'm moving to Virginia soon from New York. I know car insurance there is cheaper, but I hear that you have to live in the state for 6 months to qualify for the state car insurance. For example, I can buy a new car once I move in Virginia. With the new car I should be qualified for the Virginia car insurance?""
Can I sue my Car Insurance Broker?
I recently got into an accident. I was at fault. Rear-ended a guy, who rear-ended another car because of me. Was talking to my children in the backseat. Just bought a NEW car, a month ago, October 13. When we purchased the car, my Insurance Agent mentioned there was a problem with our insurance, that they needed to correspond with New Jersey Indemnity about some drivers that could be associated with my insurance. The Insurance Agent then called us back, said everything was okay, we purchased the car, and was able to drive it out from the dealership with our new insurance (full cover) on October 13. On October 16, the Broker made an appointment for an Insurance Inspection Report. We also paid an Endorsement to Insurance Company via our Insurance Agent. My accident was a month after the purchase of the car, November 12. Got our police report, went to our insurance Broker, they say that our policy was cancelled October 15, TWO DAYS after we purchased our new car. Please educated answers only. Can I sue my broker? What else can I do? I have children, would never drive without insurance...""
I need a cheap insuance plan?
I am 18 and am needing a liability insurance plan. I live in Houston TX, the cheapest I have found is with Geico for 3 somthing a month, and I think that is INSANE!!!""
Range rover sport insurance?
if i wer 2 go out n buy a range rover sport, how much would insurance per year cost me??? im 19, held a full, clean driving licence for over 2 years! my partner would be the main driver, he is 23. held a full, clean driving licence for 5 years! thanx in advance!""
Car insurance prices for 19 year old workers?
i am after getting a car because i have just passed but i am getting a sports car or a convertable and the insurance for them are so expensive! its unbelievable i got a quote for a x reg audi tt and it was 6000. how much would it be for a 8000 mini one?
What cars are listed as sports cars for insurance?
I want a car but it cant be listed as a sports car. And all the cars i like either are or idk. so what cars are sports cars?
How much would insurance cost for a Porsche Boxster 2013?
I'm 18 my mom offered a Porsche boxster 2013 for my first car. She's putting a down payment and co signing it for me. But I was wondering how much the insurance would cost? Please help? And also if I should stick with this car or not?
Insurance adjusters?
I'm looking for a school in southern california that offers training in insurance adjusting. i'm trying to obtain my license in california and want to take a course
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
How to convince my mom pay for sports car insurance?
My mom told me if she gets me a car it will ave to be standard. And it will have to be a 2-door, because she said she doesnt want a whole lot of people in my car. But shes said i cannot have a sports car. Well i did rresearch on the classification of sports cars. And it said that most standard cars are sports cars, and most 2-dorr cars are sports cars. How am i going to convince my mom to get me a sports car? We have AAA insurance.""
When does insurance rates go down?
I been in an accident in 2006 and I was looking for insurance quote for less and I wanted to know if it will lower in 3-5 years. start with a clean slate. Thanks
""Approximately, how much is a car insurance for a newly passed drive with Peugeut 206?""
hi everyone i kind of have a slight problem... ive recently passed my driving test and bought peugeut 206 (2002 make) 1.1, but when i do a search on comparison websites the insurance is no less then 2400 pounds! im really confused as i thought it would be much less... is this right? :S""
can you ride a bike without insurance?
Do you really need to apply for insurance? Or just liscence is ok to ride?
I want to buy a peugeot 106 1.1 zest. How much would the insurance cost? All serious answers are welcomed.?
I am 21 nearly 22 with no claims, points or convictions""
What's the criteria on whether or not car insurance is high?
I'm 17, looking for my first car, and I want something that won't cost my parents a fortune on car insurance. But how can I tell if insurance is going to be high? Would 2003 Acura RSX give high insurance? I've completed a Drivers Education course too, if that counts for anything?""
FL health insurance?
Can anyone tell me how FL health insurance works? I am moving here from MA. In my state, health insurance is mandatory. What is the case in FL? Can I keep my MA health insurance while living in FL? How much do FL health insurance plans cost?""
Question about applying for life insurance?
my wife is in a nursing home & her hands are paralyzed.    will this affect me for applying for life insurance for her since she cannot sign the document?    thanks for any help.
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