#i make so much that i went and made my own hell lol
peijizerojournal · 1 day
re: 'khaos reigns'
i have SO much to say about it lol but i'm still gathering my thoughts. all i know for sure is : even though the bar (in regards to quality of story and characterization) was on the floor, i am still, yet again, extremely disappointed !
(rant/review/spoilers below. will maybe add to this, but also maybe not. just purging some of my thoughts lol)
in a nutshell,
the way liu kang, kuai liang, cyrax, sektor and bi-han's characters were all deviously misrepresented was just appalling.
kuai liang is depicted as heartless, arrogant and temperamental. posturing as a 'grandmaster' even though he's done nothing but usurp authority by establishing a 'clan of his own' and pointing the finger at everybody but himself. lecturing cyrax about honour... pfft.
liu kang is strangely unforgiving and not very compassionate (he was literally more gracious in how he handled shang tsung/quan chi over bi-han?? like what??) not to mention his lack of urgency with dispatching of havik and rescuing geras. instead of extending some authentic benevolence to bi-han, he instead goads and chastises him after his transformation, and fails to elaborate further when they have their brief interaction regarding his hopes for a different future. the miscommunication between them -- in other words -- continues to be infuriating.
sektor doing nothing but being comically op and fawning over bi-han every three seconds is so all over the place, like they couldn't decide or couldn't find a nuanced balance in her persona (an issue with many characters, it seems...). while i thought she was the most accurately characterized out of all of these major players, her defining traits such as her obsession with the cyber initiative and boosting the lin kuei's position are not made so clear in the actual story? instead the writers chose to focus on her over-the-top, one-sided adulation toward bi-han. it makes her so hard to take seriously as a threat or as the next acting-grandmaster. another storytelling fail!
cyrax starts off the dlc defiantly, standing up for what she believes in and deciding to help the shirai ryu, yet during the rest of the story, she has no agency and just follows kuai around profusely apologizing for something she didn't even do (and kuai was relishing in that shift of power.... gross.)
and bi-han... i think that situation speaks for itself. missing chunks of the leak script and clever editing in the trailers left most of the fanbase baited and switched, and not to mention literally anything could happen next because of the lack of commitment to any of the lore and to even the timeline itself. many of the tower endings contradict much of the intro dialogue and the campaign itself. i guess by introducing alternate timelines and universes so early on, it gives the writers fair game to retcon anything and everything. which, effectively, pulvarizes any meaning for liu kang's 'new era' going forward.
i could keep ranting but, in short: 'khaos reigns' was rushed, boring, full of poor characterization and enough 'macguffins' and 'red herrings' fit for a superhero movie. so many plot holes and loose ends that weren't followed up on (like hello, what's with the hand on noob's hip? and where the hell did titan havik go at the end? was he banished? what about the kamidogu???). there were so many missed opportunities to flesh out preexisting conflicts too, and the pacing of everything from dialogue to the transitions between chapters was completely disjointed. all the characters actions were seemingly shortsighted and many of the decisions made led to nowhere and nothing really changed by the end. nobody went through any real character arc or growth, nobody knows what happened to our over-hyped 'villain of the week,' and the tower endings cancel out the dlc's true ending, essentially making all of it, and none of it, 'canonically accurate.'
it's clear whoever's writing this has no respect or insight for the source material, and is just doing whatever they want: whatever's popular, whatever sells, right? the one thing about a multiverse story is, you can keep that going forever. the possibilities are endless, and if they don't like something... it can be changed with a snap of the finger. kind of reminds me of one of supernatural's awful later seasons, or destiny 2's "shadowkeep" expansion. 'khaos reigns' comes across as a shoehorned seasonal narrative that exists solely to sell noob, cyrax and sektor and little else.
oh yeah, and the future dlc's that are sure to come.
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warning-heckboop · 2 days
Omg hi! I absolutely LOVE your changeling au I have been intrigued ever since I saw it! Tbh I find it very interesting that you went with the direction of Peri just not liking Dev at the moment. Most people write him forgiving Dev after talking about how they both could have communicated better, but it's really interesting seeing Peri just upset at Dev. I both want to say it's justified but also want to punch him lol. Anyway! I do have a question. Since Dev got his memories wiped would it be possible for him to be given them back now that he's transforming? If it's possible it seems like it would be the smart thing to do since he's gonna learn about faries again anyway and at least with his memories back he'll understand a bit more what's happening and trust everyone to help him. Him and Peri could even have that make up talk. Just a thought sorry for the long ask lol
Apologies for the late reply. I got this ask before the other asks in which I was rambling about Peri's character, but I just kind of got off on a tangent with that.
I'm so glad you enjoy the au!! As for your question, it's definitely something I've been thinking about. I definitely think it's possible for Dev to get his memories back, since we've already seen a child with wiped memories get them back before in the original series, iirc. What's been up for debate in my mind is regarding who would want him to get them back right away, and who wouldn't.
It might seem like a no brainer that everyone would just want him to remember right away, because that would help avoid the additional distress of Dev having to focus on relearning all about fairies while also already going through all these physical changes. But what makes me hesitate is what I've mentioned before about how, at least in the eyes of the Fairy Council, Dev is supposed to be living a relatively happy childhood to make up for his father's. Giving Dev his memories back means giving him back the knowledge that he caused so much pain and chaos, and almost killed multiple people, including some of the only people whose ever actually cared for him. It's not exactly the kind of knowledge most people can be happy living with.
So I'm leaning towards it being the case that, while Jorgen could easily restore Dev's memories, he's been instructed absolutely not to, at least for the time being, by the Fairy Council in order to maintain the possibility that Dev could still be a happy, normal child again once he's made it through the hell that is precocious magic puberty.
That's not to say, of course, that Dev might not manage to start remembering things on his own, with all that unstable magic coursing through his veins, and being around Peri through a majority of this process.
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bishopony · 2 days
Ohhh buddy I have THOUGHTS (This is so long, I'm so sorry)
1. I actually like Twilight better as a unicorn, she should never have became an Alicorn. (And that's coming from someone who first started watching around S5)
2. However, if Twilight becomes an Alicorn then all the Mane 6 should have been Alicorns. Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity did just as much as Twilight! Where are their wings/horns?
(That would have been awesome for the rest of the series!)
3. You are 100% right the tree castle is horrible. It's so barren and empty and so clearly made to sell toys. The library was nice and cozy and fit Twilight perfectly.
4. I absolutely hate redeemed Starlight Glimmer. Words cannot describe how much I despise this mare. You mean to tell me Twilight would throw a child into hell but let Starlight I-broke-space-time Glimmer go?? Absolutely not.
(Sunset Shimmer is a thousand times better and everything Starlight wishes she could be)
5. I actually like that Cozy Glow doesn’t have a backstory. Sometimes villains are just evil to be evil.
That being said, they should have at least tried to reform Cozy Glow. At the bare minimum put her somewhere other than (I can't stress this enough) PONY HELL!! She's like 12 Twilight holy shit-
6. Not enough people read the G4 comics. In fact, you should stop reading this ask and go read the comics instead. Most of them are online for free. I recommend The Return of Queen Chrysalis (1-4), Reflections (17-20), and Siege of the Crystal Empire (31-34).
7. MLP G5 isn't actually that bad, but it took too long to get off the ground. By the time it went from mediocre to good, most people didn't care. (Also Hasbro got greedy and G5 paid the price, but that's a rant for another day)
Also G5 should have been it's own thing, with no ties to G4.
8. Celestia and Luna should not have retired. Celestia I can understand, but Luna? Poor Luna just got back to Earth (or whatever the planet's called), no way is she retiring like 5 years in.
9. The CMC all having the same cutie mark was dumb. (And felt like a cop-out. Let my girls be unique!) Also the cutie mark designs themselves are just the ugliest things ever. Did no one teach that designer color theory??
10. King Sombra is best villain. However they should have picked literally anyone else to voice him in Season 9. Or even have the VA do a different voice! It's not even a bad voice, it's just not King Sombra's voice.
11. The Apples and the Pies are not related. Let me ship Marble Pie and Big Mac in peace. Let people ship Applejack and Pinkie Pie in peace.
12. Sugar Belle and Big Mac are a terrible couple. Maybe they were fine off-screen, but all we see is miscommunication. The only way that marriage is ending is in divorce.
13. I actually like that EQG used pony skin tones instead of human ones. That being said, there was way too much whitewashing—just use the pony's actual coat colors. I promise you can give Luna dark blue skin and it'll be fine. (How the fuck did Habro make the character with literally white skin even whiter?? HOW?? WHY???)
14. And finally (holds up megaphone): Just because Applejack and Rainbow Dash were seen together in the end, that doesn’t automatically mean they’re a couple!!!! —Sincerely, someone who thinks AJ and Rainbow are too similar to be a couple.
Ooooo ok cool I also have some thoughts LMAO. long post so read under the cut
I also like Twilight as a unicorn more than an alicorn but I do think it was right for her to become one since it was the climax of her character arc. The problem is that the show was meant to end after she became an alicorn and it went on for several more season :,) I think she was an alicorn for far too long
Not really sure I agree with this since it was only Twilight's destiny to become an alicorn. While it would've been cool to see them as alicorns and the whole mane 6 put forth equal effort to saving equestria, it just wasn't meant to be lol.
i saw someone's AU where the castle looked more like the student 6's tree of harmony and I like that a lot more, THAT'S how you design a crystal tree house ^^'
I like Starlight Glimmer and her unconventional approaches to problem solving, but man she did get off way easy for nearly destroying the world. I mean, idk, community service or something? Also why is Cozy Glow, a child, in pony hell? Why was she trapped in stone? How did the writers think that was an appropriate punishment but other characters like Starlight and Discord get redemptions? ToT
agreeing, no extra notes lol
I have a few of them! I've read the Nightmare Rarity and mirrorverse ones, I really love the comics
Agree with this one as well. G5's issues all come from Hasbro wanting to make even more money off of G4 and not allowing G5 to be its own thing like it should have. Hasbro, a toy company, should have made way more collectible G5 merch instead of the same cheap brushables of the same 4 characters over and over. I also saw someone on twitter make a good point that the G5 show should've aired on disney+ instead of netflix since that's what most families have nowadays. truly, G5 is just a victim of corporate greed
Yeah I always felt bad for Luna for that lol. If Celestia wants to retire good for her, but at least Luna should've have stuck around and helped Twilight. Can't image Ruler of Equestria is something you just get used to immediately, esp as one person instead of two like before
Totally agree, no extra notes
He's not my favorite villain, but he is fun, and they could've gotten a better VA for him lol. Or at least changed the direction for his voice? The VA is skilled and sounds good but the voice was a little too smooth IMO.
Yeah it was never actually confirmed so it's not canon. I wouldn't worry about shipping them cause the show writers clearly don't care lol
It's kind of forced imo. They're two random characters and I think they just wanted to use Sugar Belle again. I don't remember that episode well but ig discord was stopping them from seeing each other? idk they should've just gone straight to each other. just not anything I'm invested in
Agreed, they should've had their actual pony colors if they're not gonna have realistic skin. It was weird that rarity became pure white and luna was lightened so heavily. and why is celestia pink. if they were trying to avoid racially coding the characters they certainly failed that cause it just implies that they're all white
I think some of the writers said it was canon? Or at least implied since hasbro wouldn't let them confirm it outright. I don't like appledash either way, and can just pretend it isn't real lol.
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savetheghost · 4 months
wanna be put in a room with craft stuff for 10 years
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tamaharu · 11 months
im just really fucking tired of feeling like im always scrambling against the edge of shit, and not knowing whether its because of brain issues or what fucking ever or behavior i can fix if i just commit to fixing it. god. fuck. i really fucking need adderall.
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djevelbl · 1 month
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SourGummyWyrm you win, this is the best one yet--
Ok so mild ramble below about theory on the book with spoilers of shit already mentioned in it, for if anyone reading wants to go into More Or Less Myself spoiler-free (no I don't count the text on the photo bc it is HILARIOUSLY out of context)
So there's a kidnapping done by the Demon King in Teardrop Sonata, the shitty ass novel the protagonist gets isekai'd into, right? And that kidnapping victim is who Lord Blackwing fancies, right???
Considering babygirl NEVER met the woman he fancied in Teardrop Sonata bc our resident INSANE protagonist distracted him (not NECESSARILY with the purpose of MAKING HIM NOT MEET THE WOMAN but okay) by preening his massive crow wings, AND said INSANE MAN is ACTIVELY FLIRTING AND ROMANCING THE LORD OF HOUSE BLACKWING MERELY FOR ENTERTAINMENT I think it makes sense if the prince is about to be kidnapped
Cuz like. think about it: the whole visiting the new king thing is just there in Teardrop Sonata so that the woman Lord Blackwing fancies gets kidnapped, resulting in him and his ally, the blood lord (not his actual title lol) rescuing her and becoming closer ig
So anyway are we about to have a knight in shining armor moment with THE hottest character in the roster (the blood lord) omg? PLEASE TELL ME WE WILL I NEED THAT LIKE I NEED OXYGEN I NEED THAT MAN'S CLOTHES RIPPED AND HIM BATHED IN BLOOD LIKE A GOD ON THE BATTLEFIELD. IT'S A VISCERAL PRIMAL NEED THAT I NEED FULFILLED
even if we did tho, ozymandias would NEVER stay put long enough to play the part of a damsel in distress, not even when KIDNAPPED so yea it'll be HILARIOUS if it happened also whatever blood thing the blood lord and ozymandias got going on IS hot and I won't have anybody critiquing it. next question--
#BABYGIRL YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME#also omg what do u mean THAT lord has 70 on the lust stat👀👀👀#you've made my LIFE better by telling me that oh my god#THE LORD HAS A 70 LUST STAT FOR PRINCE OZYMANDIAS PEOPLE !!!!! HE HAS A 70 LUST STAT !!!!!#that makes me irrationally happy#anyway#demon rambles™#ao3#also the blood kink is making a HARD carry this chapter huh#WHY ARE THEY BOTH FREAKS. WHY DO THEY ENJOY EACH OTHER'S BLOOD. WHY ARE THEY TURNED ON BY EACH OTHER'S BLOOD?!#go on babygirl. taste that cherry wine blood off of your prince's lips. you've earned it#do like the other lord there and like. give into ur darkest desires. i know u want to#(preferably on screen. i wanna see him fall apart)#btw HOW in HELL did ozymandias fucking GET THAT LUST STAT TO 70?! THAT LORD FUCKING HATES HIM--#ah yes. hate sex. they're DEFINITELY having that at some point--#i imagine it like the scene in the sanguinis book where the protagonist & the general have open air one-sided hate sex--#the general is the same character as the lord with the 70 lust stat so. not hard to imagine tbf#but the prince here would be MUCH more involved than the protagonist to the sanguinis book tho#that man was WHIPPED there lol#THIS bastard tho? yeah no. he ain't just laying back and taking it#it would STILL be one-sided hate sex don't get me wrong but like. ozymandias is SO getting heavily involved in the fucking ok? ok--#idk WHY I'm going on this tangent. the dynamic between ozymandias and THIS particular lord makes me go INSANE#also OZYMANDIAS HAS SCHIZOPHRENIA ?! like. makes sense he DOES see a shitton of hallucinations but like. i didn't wanna assume#I don't have to make the “symptoms of not-schizophrenia” joke bc it IS confirmed fucker has it#i can OUTRIGHT say he HAS schizophrenia bc he comments on it at some point#also — the lord with 70 lust stat (hereby to be referred to as the blood lord bc he has wayy too much blood imagery related to him)-#-DEFINITELY has some form of magical schizophrenia as well. u can't change my mind#like. it's not CONFIRMED it's schizophrenia but it SOOOO sounds like it — ozymandias even compares it to his own situation!#so yeah. magic#and one-sided hate sex but that's a COMPLETELY separate tangent i ALREADY went on
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deadghosy · 7 months
can i have a headcanon for lucifer morningstar with elder sister! reader? I am just in desperate need for family stuff. Like elder sister! reader is nto weak and as powerful as lucifer (maybe a tiny bit stronger since th eboth of them are archangel).
Like elder sister!reader decided to follow her younger brother lucifer to hell by becoming a fallen angel too because she is very worried for him. (even knowing the punishment are brutal and harsh but she does not care) I would love if you make the dynamic between the two where reader is the more sterner, fiercer and scary one (like maybe she used to be a commander of an angel army before) and then lucifer is just a little guy who loves ducks (he can beat ass too lol) thanks for reading and i will appreciate a lot if you start writing my ideas! take care!
Prompt: You are the elder sister of Lucifer Morningstar who couldn’t help but fall down for your young brother.
Warning:: Episode 8 mentions
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Your brother, Lucifer Morningstar fell because of his “differences” being called a “trouble maker.” And simply having different ideas. You were different from your former younger brother as you were stern and serious at all times. But when Lucifer went to court and got sent to his own creation. Your eyes widen with fear and shocked.
You didn’t want to question things at the moment. But as hours, days, weeks, months, and then a few years pass. You couldn’t help but had enough as you started to question Sera and her rules. You didn’t believe in this type of punishment your younger brother had. But you guessed it was enough to the point you fell too.
You live with Lucifer as he was happy to see you were alive and well. Immediately when you came by his palace with your wings spout out that looked like his. He was ecstatic. He jumped into your arms with silly smile. He always loved being in your arms as he was scared how you would think of him when he fell. But you?! He was confused.
He asked you as you told him what happened and Lucifer felt his heart melt seeing his older sister care for him that much. And he started to cry while you sigh with a smile not surprised at this. You gave him a napkin which he gladly took letting you in his home which is now your home.
After he calmed down he told you how he has a daughter but an ex wife. You raised a brow as he explains his relationship with Lilith. You guess it must brought him to depression as his eye were having bags. So you cheered him up with a few fireworks which made his eyes light up as if he was a child again.
You became the 2nd ruler of hell as you were the commander back in heaven. But not any more.
Lucifer tried to tell you how he tried to give “his” people freedom and they ruined it, but you didn’t care as you put a hand out signaling him to stop. Lucifer listened looking down.
“I do not care. They shall not use freedom this way. But don’t worry young brother.” You patted his shoulder. “I won’t be harsh.”
And indeed you weren’t harsh but you were strict around some of pentagram city. Sinners understand the assignment immediately and there were less crimes around.
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You know that meme where a person and standing there calmly and the other person is going crazy and bouncing around?
Yeah that’s you and Lucifer…cause he was being hyper fixated about his ducks to you as you just stood there and smile softly.
That soft mother like smile of yours made Lucifer feel like home as he explains more to you.
Hell, when he would miss you he would make a small opera where you had joined him in hell and how you would fix him dinner or breakfast when he came home. Just like a normal human family.
If you were getting messed with, Lucifer is full on demon mode as you held him back by his white coat with a sigh. He knows you can protect yourself but damn. He sure can throw a mean punch at assholes.
You guys do hobbies together, like he would make ducks and you would do [hobby]. It was always a calm day
I headcannon Lucifer to follow behind you like a lost duckling while you walk around the palace doing your job. You’re taller than him obviously cause you are powerful. It’s an adorable sight though.
When Charlie heard that she had an aunt, and you were in hell too! She was amazed with stars in her eyes as she wanted to meet you immediately.
And so you did. You showed up at the hotel with an angelic smile as Alastor narrowed his eyes at you but still kept a smile. You hug Charlie as she hugged you back while jumping. Charlie starts to rant about her dreams and it made you realized how much she is Lucifer’s daughter as you smile down at her.
But then she tells you how the angels are going to attack the hotel and that made you sigh as you held a dark gaze.
You have just met your niece and no one shall harm her and her dreams.
It was basically giving, “I have just met Charlie and I would kill someone for her!”😭
So when the battle started unnoticed by you. Lucifer notified you about what’s happening as your eyes widen quickly with a flash. A red mist makes Lucifer coughs covering his nose. He had forgotten how quick you were at times.
As you fly down with heavy wings, Adam and lute over a force field. You let out a breath happy to see that the hotel was fine. Until Adam broke it as your eyes widen. You swoop in killing the Exorcists left and right.
As you kill Lucifer pops up seeing Adam tormenting his daughter, bringing out his protectiveness. He saved Charlie only for Adam to get up and berate them. You fly down gracefully holding a cold look.
“Woah, didn’t know sweet tits had fallen like her loser bro-”
Before he could say anything, a heavenly glowing light beams through him as Adam gasps on the floor holding his chest. Everything went silent as people were shocked at the one shot.
“That’s my sister, AND your aunt!” Lucifer says elbowing Charlie gently with a smug smile as Charlie is jaw dropped at how you can one shot someone.
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Hopefully you liked it <33
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amberlynnmurdock · 10 months
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Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: You're Matt Murdock's neighbor, and one night he hears you pray.
Words: Under 1k
A/N: I just be posting anything now lol wrote this in my notes app hope you like it!!!
The building was quiet most of the time, but unfortunately for Matt Murdock, that wasn't the case, ever. Most people couldn't hear apartments three doors down and the conversations that went on in them. But Matt could. And he could never avoid them.
He distracted himself from the outside noise with menial chores–cleaning whatever dishes were left in the sink, reorganizing glasses in the cabinet, and practicing his fighting. But when dusting and cleaning wasn't enough, when even the music he played couldn't drown out the noise, he tended to listen to a particular apartment: hers.
She lived alone. Right across the hall, diagonal from his own door. Of all the apartments he was forced to listen to day in and day out, hers was the most peaceful. The quietest. She didn't have loud conversations with anyone, she didn't have a dog who would bark in the middle of the night. Instead, she had a teapot on the stove that would whistle when ready; she spent most nights quietly flipping through pages of a book. She got up to that annoying phone alarm and trotted to the bathroom to get ready for work. Matt's not sure what she does, but sometimes he hears her come home late when he's about to get ready to patrol the streets as Daredevil.
Matt realized going over this in his head was a little more than creepy and trod the thin line of being a stalker, but his heightened senses and what they picked up on were unavoidable. The times he couldn't focus on anything else or tune out the other noises in the apartment he focused on hers because it was the most calming to his senses.
He's only run into her a handful of times on the rare occasion they both leave for work in the morning. One time, they both exited their apartments at the same time. She quietly waved good morning until she realized she waved at a blind man and then uttered a more audible "good morning." Most people would ignore the realization and awkwardly go about their day, but not her. She always made sure to say good morning from then on. Matt liked that–no, liked you.
Matt found himself eager to get home after work more often than not, in hopes of coming home at the same time as her. Anything to get a small interaction would be enough for him. Even if it was as small as her holding the door for him or wishing him a good night. He looked forward to these small interactions so much that if they didn't happen, Matt would have a much less than good day.
One night, though, when he was just about to let himself fall asleep after a rather rough night patrolling Hell's Kitchen, he heard her. He heard her in a way he hadn't before. From the hiccups, to the shaky breaths, and the lingering taste of salt in the air, he knew she was crying.
Matt shot up in bed as he began to listen more intently–what happened?
"Please, God," he heard her whispered prayer, "Please make sure I make it home safe and unharmed from work. Please. There's so much violence in this city and I'm scared to walk alone at night."
Matt took a shaky breath, gripping his silk sheets in his hands. She was scared, he confirmed. Well, rest assured, he thought. Tomorrow night, he would make sure she arrived home safely from work himself.
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elliesdoll · 6 months
pt. 3 to my angsty loser!ellie thingy 𝜗𝜚
pt.1 pt.2
nsfw! ellie cries lol, it’s kinda sweet? giggly sex at first, boobie sucking, ellie is kind of a weirdo idk… she makes out with your pussy, oral(e!receiving), fingering (e!recieving), squirt alert!, ellie cums way too fast, tribbing, desperate ellie like damn shes genuinely tweakinf. this is lowkey so nasty idk wut came over me
this is kinda long im sorry… AND NOT PROOFREAD im too lazy for allat. forgive me for any typos i will not be fixing!😊
daily click don’t buy tlou palestine mp
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she had no fucking clue what to do. maybe she could pull her pants up and push herself through the tiny ass window above your shower? leave and block your number, move towns, and change her name. maybe that would work.
she shamefully pulled her sweatpants up and wiped her wet fingers on the fabric, then hid her face in her hands. what the fuck was she gonna do now? she was so sick, so perverted. all ellie could do was imagine you in your room right now, feeling so betrayed by your closest friend for being so perverted in the safety of your own home.
ellie was secretly praying to die right in this moment. she’d die happily, if zeus decided to strike her down with a lightning bolt and disintegrate her, right on your tiled floor. why was she like this? she loved you so much, she couldn’t help shoving her hand in her pants at the sight of you. but in a sick way, it wasn’t from lust.
it was from love.
ellie told herself she had some sick masturbation problem, and she probably needed to be put on some medication for being fucking insane. she just couldn’t help it. your kindness made her heart swell so much that it made her horny, in the weirdest way.
ellie had gotten horny from other things before, sure. but that’s all it was. lust. you, you made her horny in the same way that you made her tummy get butterflies. she just wanted to love on you. she had so much love and affection to give, the only way to release it was through taking care of herself, shamefully.
which is what led her to be in the predicament she’s in right now. she swore she’d never masturbate again, after this.
after maybe 10 minutes of sitting in silence, she decided to leave the bathroom. no use in staying there forever.
the walk down the hall to your room felt so suspenseful and wya too fucking long. maybe it’s because her steps got slower the closer she got.
she had already composed what she was going to say to you. “I don’t know what you saw, but it’s not what it looks like.” and go from there. But the second she entered through the door and saw you sitting on your bed, looking up at her with the most intense look in your eyes, all that went out the window.
“i am so sorry.”
she mumbled, her throat having this large, suffocating lump in it from the urge to cry. before you could say anything back, she spoke again.
“i’m so fucking sorry, i don’t know what i was thinking. i— im so fucked up i know, you didn’t deserve that—“
she continues on, her hands gripping so tightly on the bottom of her hoodie, to the point her knuckles turn white. she doesn’t even realize the tears that spill down her face, not until the look on your face changes. your eyebrows raise, and you look almost like you’re pitying her.
“els… stop that. it’s okay. you’re fine.”
you say, standing up and getting right in front of her. you almost wanted to say sorry for intruding on her, but honestly— what the hell was she doing that for in the first place? you didn’t pry, only wanting to calm her down.
“i thought we could laugh it off. yknow.. like something we could look back on and smile about. no need to cry.”
you say softly to her, using that gentle voice you had whenever you wanted to be sincere. you even go as far as to wipe some of the wetness off her cheek with your thumb.
you were so good to her. she should be relieved to hear your response, but she’s not. it only makes her more frustrated.
“i can’t.”
she looks down at the floor, unable to look you in the eye.
“can’t? can’t what?”
you’re confused, why can’t she just move on from it? you really wanted to bury this memory and stay the way you were.
“i can’t move on.”
she blurts out, a few stray tears still rolling down her cheeks. you just stare at her for a moment, and then it clicks.
you knew exactly what she meant by that. the poor girl, she had her feelings for you all pent up inside of her for god knows how long. you felt terrible, for making her feel even worse about this whole thing. but at the same time, you felt unreasonably giddy.
the fact that ellie, your very bestest friend, had such a big crush on you that it brought her to tears? how flattering is that? you always had a little thing for her, but you brushed yours up as some silly friend crush.
but her tiny confession made your heart pound like nobody has done before.
you grab her hands and lead her to your bed, sitting her down in front of you. you were gonna set this right.
“ellie, why didn’t you tell me?”
she looks at you as if you were dumb. why in the hell would she ever admit her undying love for her best friend?
“because you’re… i don’t fucking know! you’re my best friend nd’ i didn’t wanna mess things up— n’ you have those stupid fuck buddies of yours and—“
oh, the fuck buddies. you now realize why ellie was so quick to leave your home that day she showed up unannounced. the poor baby probably had her feelings so hurt.
“you know, there’s a reason i never actually end up dating them, ellie. that’s all they were to me. they didn’t really make me… feel.”
you say, wiping the tears off her cheeks with one thumb. the way she looked at you made your heart melt.
“..huh? feel what?”
she raises an eyebrow, completely missing what you’re saying. you laugh, covering your eyes for a moment. you forgot you’re talking to ellie. you kinda have to spell it out for her.
“dude. i’m saying that you make me feel.”
she stares at you blankly. she really is doesn’t wanna assume, too afraid of embarrassing herself. you sigh.
“fuck, ellie. i like you too.”
you’ve never seen the girls eyes get so wide. is this even fucking real? ellie couldn’t believe her reddened ears. she doesn’t even have the capacity to feel embarrassed anymore. all she feels is absolute, genuine shock.
“are… are you sure?”
she asks quietly, sniffling a bit. the girl’s nose was still running from her humiliating breakdown in front of you. you almost get pissed at her stupid question.
“yes? the hell?”
you narrow your eyes at her, giving her shoulder as slight shove. she grunts and shoves you back, playfully.
“i was just making sure! i can’t tell if you’re fucking with me.”
“why would i be fucking with you? i’m not evil, ellie.”
she just shrugs, and lets out a slight giggle. she smiles a bit, wiping her damp, sticky face. god, how you loved her smile. it was the sweetest thing ever. both of you giggled for a minute, laughing at the absurdity of this whole thing.
after a few seconds of comforting laughter and smiles between the two of you, you realize ellie isn’t gonna make a move. of course she isn’t, even after that confession. ellie would never make the first move, no way in hell. so, you lean in and give her a quick peck on the lips, less than a second long. it caught her completely off guard.
her eyes widened so much, and her eyebrows raised so far up. you literally saw her cheeks redden, like you two were in a movie. she couldn’t stop herself from beaming at you. a large, toothy grin right that made her cheeks hurt. she didn’t even say anything, just grabbing the sides of your face and bringing you in for a kiss again.
she kisses so hard. her lips push against yours, you could feel her smiling against your mouth. she pulls apart for a second, just looking at you. then, she moves right back in.
the kiss is softer this time, more passionate. in ellie’s mind, she was gonna do this right. she’s gone over in her head thousands of times what she would do if she got to kiss you, to make love with you. she couldn’t mess this up.
you two make out for a bit, the smacking noises from the kissing makes your head feel fuzzy. you’re still pretty wet, from the kissing and the sight you saw earlier. after you pull away from her lips for some air, you give her this look. you want more.
“is.. is this okay?”
ellie asks, slowly kissing your neck and stopping just to look at your reaction. you smile and nod, finding her mannerisms to be too fucking cute. she was so eager.
ellie was in heaven. your skin tasted so good, and you smelled like you. her favorite scent. she peppered kisses over every square inch of your neck and shoulders, her hands resting on your hips. she didn’t dare move your top though, too scared to initiate it.
you slowly moved her shaky, clammy hands to the bottom of your little top, letting her grab it and guiding her hands upwards. you whispered to her in a reassuring tone.
“els, it’s okay.”
she just looks at you, pupils blown and nods. she slowly pulled your top off and over your head, letting your tits spill out right in front of her. of course she noticed you weren’t wearing a bra the second she came over, but it still took her breath away.
“holy fuck.”
she muttered, staring right at your tits. they’re better than she imagined. and she imagined them to be the most perfect tits ever. she couldn’t help herself, poor baby. she just had to lean in and take one of your nipples into her mouth. her left hand flew to your other breast, kneading the soft flesh.
the quick action made you gasp lightly, letting out a tiny whine at the feeling of her teeth nipping at your skin. she was tasting you. you felt her warm face press against your skin, as if she was trying to suffocate herself. you got a bit worried, so you tapped her cheek.
“e-els, you gotta breathe—“
you were cut off by her lips popping off your breast, a string of saliva connecting your nipple to her lips. she murmured a quiet “fuck me,” and immediately went to your other nipple, repeating the same motion.
your eyes almost roll to the back of your head. how the fuck was she so good with her tongue? the way she eagerly licked over your nipples until they hardened in her mouth, nipping at them softly. literally eating your fucking tits right in front of you.
“you’re so fucking beautiful. so so beautiful.”
ellie mumbles to you, forcing herself to get off your boobs. she could spend the rest of her life right there, but there was more to tend to. her hands went to the hem of your shorts, looking at you for permission.
as much as you wanted to say yes and let her do whatever the hell she wanted, you wanted to see her even more. you tug lightly on her hoodie, giving her a gentle smile.
“take this off first?”
say less. say fucking less, is all ellie thought. she stuttered out a quiet “okay, okay,” and nodded, messily pulling her hoodie off of her. you giggled as it got stuck on her head, and it made her giggle along with you. neither of you could stop laughing at any little thing the other one did.
you sighed at the sight of her in her sports bra and sweats, but you wanted that shit off too. ellie wasted no time either, immediately pulling off her sports bra. you didn’t even get to admire her beautiful tits before you saw her pulling her sweats off and kicking them to the side, leaving her in her spongebob boxers. they had spongebob printed all over them.
“interesting fashion choice,”
you said through a laugh, and ellie just smiled awkwardly. she would’ve chosen a different pair if she knew she was gonna do this. fuck her stupid past self for buying that pack of spongebob-themed boxers at spencer’s a few months ago.
“god, don’t look.”
she muttered, moving closer and kissing you again. you kissed back softly, still giggling a bit. nobody made you laugh as effortlessly as she did. her thumbs hooked around the soft fabric of your shorts and panties, pulling them down in one go.
all the words ellie wanted to say died in her mouth. she laid down between your thighs and was face to face with your pussy. your pussy. she thought she was going to faint, she swore she felt her vision going.
gorgeous, that’s the only word to describe you. you were absolutely soaked, your slick making your puffy pussy lips shine and look tantalizingly supple. your swollen clit, and those gorgeous folds. somebody pinch her.
the scent of your arousal filled her nostrils, and she moaned. a deep, guttural moan from the pit of her stomach, just by smelling you. your cheeks were so warm, as you lifted your head to peek down at her. you were gonna say something, but your throat closed on you the second her lips touched your cunt.
this, this was new. ellie had her nose and mouth shoved deep into your cunt, your wetness and warmth englufing her. you expected to feel her tongue push out her lips and onto you, but no. the first thing you felt was her inhaling. her nose sniffed your pussy so deeply, you fucking heard it. you looked down, confused, seeing a half-lidded ellie groan as she inhaled your scent. you didn’t say anything, literally just watching. nobody’s ever gotten off to your scent before, like ever. but shit, it turned you on way too much.
she mumbled something incomprehensible against your pussy, then slowly, languidly, started lapping at your cunt. her tongue pushing through your dripping folds and collecting every single drop of slick you had, and fucking swallowing it. swallowing after every couple of licks. you moaned, because what the actual fuck.
how did she make this so fucking hot?
it felt so good, but it wasn’t enough to make you cum. it was too slow. your hips greedily moved and pushed against her lips, but she didn’t increase her pace one bit. she was clearly doing this for her own pleasure. too pussydrunk to care. her eyelids were so low, but you saw her staring at you the entire time she ate you out. like clockwork, her tongue dipping into your hole, drinking you up like you were liquid gold.
after hearing enough of your desperate whines for more, she slowly moved herself up, the lower half of her face was completely drenched. she kissed the soft mound of your cunt, then up your tummy, through the valley of your breasts, and finally slowly kissed your lips again. tasting yourself on her tongue made you feel brain dead.
“eat my pussy, please…”
she murmured against your lips, giving you the tiniest peck on your mouth after she spoke. since when did she get so bold? it made you embarrassingly wet.
who were you to say no to her?
you simply nodded, and gently pushed her to the side so she could lay down on her back. you immediately got between her legs, as she planted her feet on the mattress. shit, she was so eager.
she lifted her butt and chuckled quietly as you pulled off her silly boxers. once they’re off, you’re met with the most beautiful sight. her auburn bush, decorating her cunt so delicately. it made your mouth pool with saliva. her pretty, red and needy clit poking out, just begging to be touched. she was so wet. you don’t think you’ve ever seen a cunt dripping this much before. she was already clenching in and out softly, drops of arousal leaking out of her and forming a tiny droplet on your bedsheets. you could’ve came from the sight.
“how long have you been wanting this?”
you ask her quietly, pressing a gentle kiss to her clit. her hips bucked into your face, and you smiled.
“ssss—so fucking long. needed you from the start… fucked myself to you s’much…”
she just kept spilling her guts to you, just trying to get you to put your fucking mouth on her cunt. your fidgety, nervous ellie that you knew turned into a completely shameless slut for you.
“yeah? you could’ve told be earlier, els.”
you tease her lightly, and she just whines desperately. you decide not to deprive her any longer, and lick a long stripe up her soaked pussy. she groans, hands flying to your hair and gripping it. your tongue licked over her clit, making her hips jolt upwards and further into your face. you had her a mess, babbling anything through grunts.
“mmh, so good…”
“jjjust like that, fuck me…”
“i-i love you. love you s’fuckin much,”
you kept sucking on her clit, letting her hips grind against your lips to her hearts desire. your left hand went to hold hers, your fingers being gripped so tightly that you felt your knuckles pop.
your right hand went straight to her pussy, unlatching your mouth from her clit so you can gather some wetness on your fingers. she groaned, and you slowly pushed in your middle and ring finger once they were slick enough. your lips went right back to her clit, sucking and licking on it again.
you got a good two pumps into her cunt before you felt them being squeezed tightly, and her voice suddenly turning high pitched and whiny.
“oh fuck!!— m’cuh.. cumminggg…”
she said quite loudly, and before you could even register what she was saying, you felt a large spurt of liquid splash onto your face. you slowly kept pumping your fingers, taking your mouth away as she literally drenched your entire face with her very theatrical squirt.
she squirted on you after only a minute.
you blinked, slowly pulling your fingers out of her and letting her catch her breath. once she regained most of her sanity from that, the humiliation set in.
she wasn’t supposed to cum that fast.
“oh shit, i’m sorry. i didn’t think… fuck.”
she said a breathlessly, looking down at your drenched face. she was so embarrassed, cumming pathetically fast. she wasn’t even properly fingered and she already made a mess all over you and your poor bed. but honestly, you didn’t care.
“ellie. that was probably the hottest thing you could’ve done.”
you smile at her, sitting up and wiping your face a bit, licking the residue off your hand. you give her a soft kiss on the lips, getting ready to settle next to her. but ellie has a different plan in mind.
“wait, i wanna make you cum.”
she’s shy with her words, as if she wasn’t slutting herself out for you less than a minute ago. she sits up, not letting you turn down her offer. she wants to make you feel good so bad. so, you let her do her thing.
but when she situates herself between your legs once more, lifting your right leg over her shoulder and kissing your calf lightly, you speak up.”
“oh, els. you’re not too overstimulated for that?”
you protest lightly, not wanting her to push herself. she shakes her head, not wanting to back down from this. this is what she’s wanted for so long. to make love to you, in the most intimate way possible.
“let me do this for you, please.”
her voice is soft and desperate, practically begging you. how could you turn down that offer. you smile warmly at her, and she takes it as your green light. she whispers a tiny “i love you” before lowering her sopping cunt and slotting it right against yours.
euphoric. mind fucking blowing. both you and ellie gasped at the sensation. your sticky, warm pussies pushed up against each other felt so good. you let out a slightly strained moan, and ellie slowly started to move her hips in a rhythm against yours. poor baby couldn’t even focus on her overstimulated clit— she was desperate to make you cum. and it felt way too good.
“oh, right there.. so good ellie.”
you let out a string of praises to her, and she just kept moving. the sloshing noises of your cunts mashed together was mind numbing. ellie definitely wanted to cry.
the way you two made love was so intimate. she felt so connected to you, no words could describe it. she started at your face with a fucked out expression, continuing the movement of her hips.
“gon…gonna cum, els…”
you warn her, and she keeps going. her hand grips onto your leg so tightly, fucking her cunt onto yours so deliciously.
“i know baby, i know. m’close too. gonna cum with you, okay?”
she rambles, voice unstable and shaky as you both reach your breaking point. you nod and keep whining broken parts of her name, your nails digging into her forearm.
with one last thrust, you two cum basically at the same time, your cunts leaking onto each other. she keeps moving her hips slowly until the overstimulation sets in, which forces her to pull away from you, her weak body plopping right down next to yours.
both of you lay in silence for a few moments, just enjoying your post-orgasm bliss. ellie’s hand snakes back over to yours, and your fingers immediately intertwine the second they touch. she looked at you with all the love in the world. and of course, you did the same right back at her.
she was still your best friend though, so you had to push her around just a bit.
“so, you wanna tell me why you own spongebob boxers?”
ellie smiles and shoves you lightly. yeah, she was so in love with you.
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Ok baiii i hope u guys liked it! :3 i can’t tell if im satisfied with it but i tried… sending love xoxo
taglist: @lil-elliesgf @a-little-bit-of-everybody 🩷
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You look like a fun place to sit.
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Gif credits
Pairing: Neighbor!Frankie Morales x f!reader
Words count: 2667
Rating: + 18, MDNI
Summary: You decide to enjoy a night at the movies, your neighbor Frankie ruins it all. Or maybe not?
Tags: pov second person, no use of y/n, fluff, sort of romcom vibes (?), smut, enemies to lovers, age unspecified but they are both full grown adults, Frankie is annoying but also cute and lovely and fucking gorgeous, reader has hair, breasts and vagina, other than that no other description of her is given, fingering (f receiving), sexual acts in public places (again? Again. I'm not even particularly interested in doing that irl I don't know what to say to you, please forgive me), pet names (honey, baby, princess), arguing, kissing, no use of Spanish because I terribly suck at it and I don't want to butcher another language LOL. If by chance I realize I forgot something I'll add it right away.
It’s my first Frankie ff and I’m so incredibly nervous to post it you all! I really hope it doesn’t sucks because I had so much fun writing it today in one sitting ‘cause I’m just an impulsive impatient mess. (Leo sun and Aries moon, what do you expect from me if not chaos? I had nothing a few hours ago, I even skipped WIP Wednesday and btw thanks for the tag @almostempty 🩷)
Title comes from a gif of Karen Walker from Will and Grace that I saw last night, it made me laugh a lot and this thing was born LOL
As usual, English is not my first language so please be gentle, no beta and no proofreading, it’s tiny and it’s all my fault, I’m sorry 💀 Thanks to anyone who will read this!
“Excuse me, you should stand up, that’s my seat” 
Frankie turns, looking at you with a surprised expression “I don’t think so, you’re wrong” he replies. 
Ugh, your neighbor.
Frankie lives two houses away from you. Last winter you had a fight at a neighborhood meeting because you pointed out that he keeps forgetting to put the recycling bins back in, and he told you to mind your own business and called you an hysterical witch.
A stupid fight that ended up with you not saying hello to each other and various other arguments about your flashy Christmas lights or his overgrown yard. You and Frankie fight constantly, about everything. And now he's here.
You glare at him “I’m not wrong at all, look” and you wave your ticket under his nose “P10, see? It’s my seat and you’re rude”. 
A grin spreads across his face “listen, honey, I don’t know where you got this ticket, you probably made it yourself, I bought it a moment ago and it’s the same seat” 
He takes a card out of his pocket and hands it to you, remaining comfortably seated with a large popcorn box. 
You look at the ticket, him again, the ticket again “how the hell is that possible?! I booked it on their website a week ago” 
He sneers “I told you! It must be a system error, I don’t know, I’m not getting up from here”
You are furious. The theater is filling up and you absolutely don’t want to leave, you have been waiting for this movie for months and you have inspected the theater map choosing a seat that would guarantee you the very best view.
“I bought it first, so I have more right to be here than you do,” you say firmly and Frankie laughs. 
“Where are we, elementary school? Listen, honey, go buy yourself another ticket and leave me alone.” He replies crunching on popcorn.
The way he calls you “honey” irritates you deeply, it sounds like an insult.
“I’m not going anywhere, YOU get the fuck out of here” you hiss. 
“No” he simply replies and then he turns back at the screen pretending you’re not there. 
“Truly a gentleman, as usual. I have no words.” you roll your eyes and search for an usher to ask for help. No one is there. 
The movie starts in 5 minutes and you don’t want to miss anything you paid for. If you went to the box office right now to complain it would take forever to get back in. 
“Fuck” you exclaim and sit down next to him huffing. You are sure that someone will make you get up very early and it pisses you off.
Frankie continues to nibble on his popcorn and looks at you with an extremely amused expression, it seems like the show has become you.
“Why do you care so much about this movie anyway?” he asks you. “Does any of your relatives happen to be in it?“ 
You’re fuming. 
His teasing tone, his vaguely Spanish accent, his smirk, the sound of him chewing, everything bothers you.
“No. Shut the fuck up” you tell him with a death stare. 
You won’t tell him that your favorite actor stars in it, that you have every photo from the set of this movie saved on your phone, that you’ve read every article about it, and that you couldn’t wait to enjoy it on the first day of screening.
You can already hear his raucous laughter. No, you would never tell Frankie anything like that.
“You're not one of that guy's crazy fans, are you?” 
“What guy?” you ask him, pretending not to know what he's talking about. “Gladiator is one of my favorite movies, that's all. I just wanted to watch the sequel in peace. Someone is stopping me, though” 
“That guy, I bet you like him, what’s his name? Paul Pascal?” he stares at you searching for every little involuntary movement on your face that might give you away. 
“Oh for God’s sake, what are you doing here anyway? Do you even know what you're about to see? They are Paul Mescal and Pedro Pascal, two different people, you uncultered swine.” You yell. This guy is impossible.
“Yeah, whatever, so which one do you fancy?”
“Fucking nobody” you lie “I just want to watch a movie after a horrible week at work, okay?” You try to play on his guilt. If he has one, you think.
“Well, I've had a rough week too, okay?” he shrugs without stopping to give you that annoying little smile. “And it's not my fault that this theater is having problems with its computer system.”
You glance at him, wondering if he's telling the truth, it's impossible to guess from his face.
People keep sitting in the front rows and you start hoping that luck will be on your side and that no one will make you get up.
“Okay, look, now we're going to watch this movie and then we'll go our separate ways, please don't bother me anymore"
“As you wish, princess” he replies ironically.
You don't even answer him, you're too busy checking that no other people come in.
Finally the opening credits start to roll and the doors close with a dull thud.
You made it, despite this unbearable guy, you feel victorious.
You begin to relax in your chair and you don't know why you turn to look at him, lingering on his face for the first time in months.
His eyes are fixed on the screen. In the dim light you observe his raven curly hair tucked under his baseball cap, his dark eyes, the line of his prominent nose, his scruffy beard, his mustache, just above a pair of lips that seem made for kissing.
Really, truly, gorgeous.
You're so busy arguing with him all the time that you never realized how handsome he is.
He's wearing a grey t-shirt and a pair of jeans, you can’t help but admire the way the fabrics hug his body so deliciously. 
He’s just your type, built up in all the right ways, you find yourself unable to take your eyes off him until the last second. Then the movie starts and you look away.
He’s still your number one enemy, what the hell were you thinking?
When Pedro first appears, you shift in your seat, crossing your legs.
“FUCK” you scream internally “here we go”
Unbelievably stunning in his armor, you’re basically drooling. 
You try to stay as composed as possible but Frankie is next to you and notices.
He comes closer to you and whispers in your ear “So it was all about this guy… the fuss before” You feel one of his large hand brushing your arm that is resting on the armchair and you try with all your strength to remain still even if he causes a storm inside you and especially in your panties. 
“Shut. Up.” You hiss, without moving your gaze. You feel his breath on your skin and it’s intoxicating. 
He chuckles “Yeah, that was I was thinking” and throws another popcorn into his mouth.
Your cheeks burn and you're thankful you're in the cinema, in the dark.
“What’s so special about this guy?” Frankie approaches again “is his penis platinum by any chance? All my female colleagues at work are crazy about him”
You turn to look at him with the desire to slap him “Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” 
“Okay, okay, I was just asking”
You hate people talking at the movies. You wonder if you could have a more annoying guy than Frankie next to you. Probably. 
Hotter? Probably not.
This dude hits on your last nerve but he makes you horny at the same time. 
Terrible combination. 
Frankie settles back into his seat and resumes watching the film.
You can't help but look at him from time to time and your desire grows. even if you're offended that he didn't even offer you his popcorn. Rude. 
His mouth pouted and his eyebrows furrowed as he seems all focused on the movie makes you want to cup his face and kiss him.
You can still feel the warmth of his hand on your arm and his breath on your neck.
Concentrate, you tell yourself, it's the neighbor you hate, the neighbor you hate, the neighbor you hate. Fuck. You want him so bad. This revelation drives you crazier than Pedro half naked on screen.
At a particularly bloody scene you involuntarily turn around and hide your face on his shoulder.
You feel his arm around you “hey, it’s okay. I’ll tell you when it’s over” and he holds you tight the whole time.
He smells clean and fresh, like citrus and sage with a light hint of cigarette that you assume he smoked right before entering. 
Your mind goes fuzzy and your pulse races at an impossibly high rate. 
“You can look now” and it takes you a few seconds too long to register his words. 
“Th-Thanks” you mutter, shifting back to your place. 
Halfway through the movie the lights come back on and Frankie bursts out laughing looking at you. “What?” you ask him with wide eyes “what is it that makes you laugh so much?”
“Your face” he grins “it's clearly painted on it how much you want that guy. He turns you on, huh?”
You roll your eyes “Oh my God! Can't you go sit somewhere else? Two rows down, look how many free seats there are”
“I like it better here” 
You cuss, there’s no way to get rid of him.
He has something magnetic that destabilizes you, your eyes fall involuntarily on his neck, slide along his broad chest and stop at the crotch of his pants. From the way he sits you can clearly see that he is quite big.
“What are you looking at?” he asks you amusedly. 
You immediately look up. “Nothing” 
“Nothing my ass. Did you like what you saw?” 
Fuck. He noticed. You're done for. You hate to make him understand that after all, yes, you like what you saw. He seems pleased, proud, you would so much like to wipe that little smile off his face. As much as you struggle to admit it to yourself, you like him.
“Well, maybe…after all, you look like a fun place to sit” 
You can't believe you actually said that.
Frankie's response is not long in coming, his eyes immediately darken and his smile twists in a mischievous way.
The lights go out again and you feel him tug gently on your arm “come here, pretty”
He sits you down on his lap and as the movie starts again he whispers “was that what you wanted the whole time? Were you offended that I didn’t invite you?” you can clearly feel his smile spread across your skin just before he places his lips on your neck.
You would like to say something back but his closeness makes you confused and excited.
He sucks your skin like he's hungry and you moan in the dark "shh baby you gotta stay quiet while I give you what you want”
You don't know how but you find the strength to reply, "God, you're so arrogant.”
He tightens his hands on your hips, pulling you towards him, now you are practically sitting on his cock. You feel it pressing against your ass, trapped in his pants.
A rush of pleasure wets your pussy and you bite your lips to hold back another moan, you hear his hoarse voice in your ear “Maybe. You like it though” You hate to admit that he is right. 
The heat of his body envelops you pleasantly, he raises a hand to one of your breasts and squeezes it over your shirt. You like his hands. They are big, expert and eager to touch you, they make your head spin. 
You completely forgot about the movie, which seemed impossible to you, if they had told you you would have laughed in their face. In no universe would you have expected this.
“God” you whine “oh my God” His hand slides under your shirt and reveals your breast pulling down your bra, it is still covered but now you can feel his skin against yours. His fingers gently grasp one of your nipples, pulling and twisting it.
“Open your eyes, baby. Watch the movie like a good girl” his voice sounds authoritative, it irritates you and another rush of pleasure floods you at the same time.
“It’s not that easy” you mutter between your teeth as you feel his other hand dangerously approaching the hem of your skirt. He slowly goes up, as you try to hold back and make sure no one notices what he’s doing to you. Luckily, everyone seems enthralled by the film.
At this moment you don't even know why you started arguing so fiercely, if you had known before you would have tried to smooth things over a long time ago.
His fingers reach your panties, you feel them barely touching you and you already feel yourself burning with anticipation.
They move under your skirt, pushing your panties aside, grazing at your outer lips and then dipping inside you “Fuck, you’re soaking” 
He moves them up and down between your folds, gathering your wetness towards your clit.
You feel his heavy breathing on your neck, his tongue running over your skin and his teeth nibbling on you.
“Fuck, Frankie” you cry 
“Eyes to the movie”
You want to turn around and straddle him but there isn't enough room and Frankie holds you firmly anyway.
He applies pressure on your clit just right, starting to move two of his thick fingers in circle over it, the motion of his hand is partially hidden by the fabric of your skirt and your moans die in your throat one after the other. Frankie is rubbing away your sanity, you feel possessed and delirious under his touch.
Your last shred of control is torn by his fingers entering inside you, claiming your cunt as his, curling and scratching at your spongy spot.
Your eyes are still fixed on the screen but your vision is totally blurred, you see nothing, you understand nothing, you only feel Frankie pumping incessantly inside you while continuing to rub your clit with his thumb.
You feel the soft reverberation of his voice behind you, close to your ear “good girl, you're taking me so well”
The subtle Spanish accent in his voice now seems to you the most erotic sound in the world, sweet, melodious, addictive.
He takes you to the edge, you throw your head on his shoulder, shutting your eyes so everything goes black and you only feel him, until even biting your lips doesn't help anymore. He covers your mouth with his hand as you explode in a devastating orgasm, you moan against his skin, between his thick fingers that have just left your breast and you already miss them, feeling full and satiated by him.
He uncovers your mouth and kisses your neck, pressing his hand to your hip to keep you from slipping off his lap as your body trembles against his.
“Shit” you mutter “Frankie…oh my god”
“Do you think we can stop arguing all the time now?” He playfully says as he nuzzles at your hair.
“I don’t like being told what to do unless I’m naked, you know, I’m just like that” you reply, grinning and turning around to finally fix your eyes on his. 
“I noticed it”
You take off his cap laughing and put it on backwards and before he starts to protest you kiss him deeply, licking into his mouth, tasting butter and salt on his tongue.
“Take me home”
“The movie isn't over yet,” Frankie observes, and you reply, “that means you'll have to take me to see it again and you’ll pay”
“Fine to me, princess” 
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EEEEEEven more incorrect quotes! Merlin Academy Gang! AND MORE. Kinda long? Idk
(and ships)
Hook: Okay, who's turn is it to give the pep talk?
Uliana: It's Hades's turn.
Hades: Don't die.
Uliana, wiping a tear away: Truly inspirational.
(so beautiful 😭 I don't know how to explain, but this is canon now)
Maleficent : Now it's time for some witty back and forth banter. You go first.
Fay: *sobbing*
Maleficent : Look, I'm not sure where to go with that.
(She's used to her and Hades banter and fights. Fay still needs to get used to that)
Fay: What the hell is wrong with you?
Hades: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
(mm. Yeah.)
Hook: Goodnight to the love of my life, Morgie, and fuck the rest of y'all.
(just a normal day)
Morgie: *is throwing stones at Ella's window*
Ella: You have a phone for a reason, Morgie!
(Love my little chaos goblin. He absolutely knew what he was doing)
Ella: Hey, I was wondering, have any of you guys ever seen Morgie’s bedroom?
Bridget: No, they refuse to let any of us visit. You know what that means.
Maleficent, nodding: Dungeon.
Hades, nodding: Rich.
Uliana , nodding: Homeless.
Ella, nodding: Secretly in the mafia.
Bridget: What? No, I meant they’re messy. What the hell is wrong with all of you?
(Hook not being there because he's in Morgie's bedroom right now. they are cuddling)
Ella: I apologize for saying 'fuck' in front of Bridget.
Fay: You just said it again.
Ella: I am not a role model.
(don't worry Ella. She knows worse. She just doesn't use them)
Bridget: Accidentally indulged in too much ‘free time’, turns out I’ve been reported missing for over six months and presumed dead by most local and national authorities.
(once she went back to wonderland and didn't text anyone anything. Just sulking in her feelings for Ella)
Hades: How do you do that?
Charming: I'm fearless.
Hook: I saw you run from bees yesterday. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad.
Charming: I'm mostly fearless.
(Mhm. But fair)
Bridget, on the phone: I better go…kay, call me later… byeeee!
Hook: Friend of Yours?
Bridget: Nope, wrong number.
Hook: ???
(Hey. She's not gonna pass on making new friends 🤷)
(add some glassheart)
Chloe: What do you call quantums of electromagnetic radiation that don’t get along?
Red: What did you just say-
Chloe: Foetons! *Laughs*
Red: Wh-what?
(love how Red is just confused. Chloe making puns/dad jokes. Canon, actually)
Ella: Please pray for Chloe.
Bridget: What happened to them?
Ella: Nothing, they’re just very stupid.
(not her own mother saying that (he doesn't know tho lol). But honestly that's after the vase incident.)
Red: Chloe, you're my best friend.
Chloe: Best friend? BEST friend?! Bitch, I'm your only friend.
(oop- true)
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Morgie/Fay: Would never stab anyone.
Ella/Charming: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Hook/Maleficent: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Hades: Would stab without warning.
Uliana/Bridget: Would stab as a warning.
(I wanted to put Bridget in the last one lol. Like if someone went too far and hurt one of her friends she'd be like *stab* don't do it again or next time it will be worse)
Uliana: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Bridget: Those are wanted posters!
(yeah. Still)
Maleficent: *looks at Hades*
Maleficent: Baby boy. Bad Boy.
Maleficent: *looks at Fay*
Maleficent: goody two shoes
(changed it a bit lol. Also Me just randomly shipped Maleficent and Fay because gay. Just a crack ship lol)
Red: I got an idea!
Chloe: Does it involve breaking the law?
Red: By now don’t you think that’s a given?
Chloe: I was just trying to be optimistic.
Red: Don’t bother.
Chloe: You're not my friend anymore.
Red: I was your friend?
(Red. You just called her your best friend a few seconds ago! She's just trying to play it cool. She's screaming on the inside.)
Red: Sometimes I talk to myself for no reason.
Red: Me too!
(oh no. She's mad. PSST. I HAVE THREE ACCOUNTS ON DISCORD AND ACTED LIKE TWO OF THEM WEREN'T ME. I HAD CONVERSATIONS WITH MYSELF, BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE WAS ONLINE AND I WAS BORED 😭 I was very invested in my own dramas that I created. It also started with only two accounts 🫠)
Queen of Hearts, to Red: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice.
Red: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada.
Queen of Hearts: You just told me you're pregnant.
Maddox: Congratulations Red, you're glowing!
(Red can speak Italian and Spanish and also has a hidden British accent. There, my new headcanon)
(a little surprise)
Mal, staring lovingly at Evie: I would die for you.
Evie, doing their own thing: Then perish.
(Mal, you know not to interrupt Evie while she's working)
Mal: As a responsible adult-
Evie: *chuckles*
Mal: … As a responsible adult—
(Eeeviee, don't do Mal dirty like that. Even if you aren't wrong)
Evie: What do I get?
Mal: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
Evie: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one.
Mal: It won't be you.
Evie: I'll get my coat.
(what are they planning o~o)
Cinderella: What’s your greatest weakness?
Red: Interpreting the semantics of a question, but ignoring the pragmatics.
Cinderella: Could you give an example?
Red: Yes, I could.
(why does it feel relatable even tho I don't remember actually having done that)
Red: I don’t care what anyone thinks about me.
Chloe: Ok.
Red: Wait, why such a muted reaction? Did that not sound cool?
(Same Red, same Qvq)
Red, digging their grave: Long story short, this is ma grave.......Want me to make you one too?
(Omg Hunter! Is that you? ✨ love the owl house 😭😭😭. This is making me think Red fucked up a mission from her Mom. Like Hunter did.)
Red: I’m going to get so much done today.
Queen of Hearts: I’ll hold you to that.
*8 hours later*
Queen of Hearts: So how much did you get done?
Red: One thing.
Queen of Hearts:
Queen of Hearts: Well, that’s one more than usual.
(QvQ me TvT)
Mal, at Evie: You're my significant other.
Evie: Yeah I am!
Mal, at Celia: You're my child.
Celia: Yes boss.
Mal, at Uma: You're my bitch.
Uma: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Mal, at Carlos: My bestie.
Carlos: Naturally.
Mal, Jay: HA, GAY!
Jay: Fuck you.
(Jay x Gil 🤸)
Chloe: Wow! Celia made you cry?
Red, holding back tears: Yes, and they said some really mean things that are only partly true.
(Daaamn. She can do that tho. Wow fr)
*at an awards show*
Chloe: Can I carry you on my back like Mal did?
Red: I don't think Evie would like that.
Chloe: *pouts*
Chloe: *carrying Red on their back*
Evie: What the hell??
Red: What was I supposed to do? Say no?
(Evie was panicking over Chloe's suit/dress because she made it for her. Do not ruin her designs. She will not take responsibility for what happens after that)
This was gonna be longer but I shall post it now anyway.
Hope you liked it.
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starlightazriel · 20 days
bee 10
series desc: modern best friends >lovers au(fem reader, tattoo artist coke boi az haha) part 10 psa: not everyone will like this part lol don't kill me borderline domestic violence/abuse
warnings: 18+, rough sex where reader is drunk(blurry consent lines, i know i have issues im sorry), unprotected sex, spanking, praise, bj, possessive az, dark az, more groveling, drug/alcohol addiction, az having lots of inner monologue, self loathing, depression
a/n: canon az would never do this omg hes an angel with women bee series az however is a hot mess PROCEED W CAUTION!!!! kisses xoxo
wc: 4.7k
other parts can be found on my az masterlist<3
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Azriel was watching the front door for hours. He knew she was back in town, he saw Kat's story. Y/n standing next to her, drink in hand. A grin, bloodshot drunken eyes, swollen from crying too, a tiny jean mini skirt, a crop top that was definitely Kats as it stretched too tightly over her generous breasts, nipples rings showing through the taut fabric. It had taken everything in him not to throw his phone through the flat screen. She was out looking like that, and he was here, miserable, sober besides all the weed he had smoked, which didn't do much for him anymore.
12:23 am.
He did clean up the house a bit for her... He couldn't let her walk into the mess he had created. He started with all of the trash, moved to the dishes, put any paraphernalia away back in his room, picked up all of his clothing strewn about the house.
1:37 am.
Fuck. The drawings. Azriel hesitated in front of her door, though he had been spending a lot of time in there recently, knowing she was back in the city, it somehow felt like a violation. That was ironic, considering how all of this had even started between them. It took effort not to physically cringe when entering her room, and his stomach twisted, cheeks burning at the realization that she had been in here. She had stopped here earlier before going to Kats. There was her bag. Right there, in the corner. His eyes settled on her bed, three of his drawings laid there carefully. He swallowed thickly as he looked at the drawings, each one made in the peak of his mental breakdown he had been going through since she left. One was of their hands, his own scarred flesh against her delicate smooth skin. One of her by herself, laughing, happy, his gut twisted. The last, of them kissing, him holding her face in his hands, tear stains dotted the page and that feeling of guilt that he was all too familiar with lately settled, dragging him down with it.
2:01 am.
Fuck. What the hell was she even doing? Where was she? He let out a heavy sigh before he picked up each and every one of the messy drawings he had done and brought them into his own room, shoving them deep into the filing cabinet by his desk. That was when the pacing about the entire house began— he couldn't possibly sit still now.
2:22 am.
Twenty minutes of pacing wasn't him doing any good, so on went the TV, he thought some cartoons should make him feel better and he settled on CatDog. Another spliff, some chips, cartoons humming in the background. It was better than going out of his fucking mind wondering what she was doing. Which he was still doing— but at least the mindless cartoons helped to drown out the voices screaming in his head, and the insatiable desire to do a line. He had forced himself to stay sober today... He wanted a clear head when he spoke to her.
2:46 am.
Azriel froze when he heard the doorknob turn, his heart beginning to pound wildly. He hadn't seen her since that night on her parents porch. What was she going to say? He had been preparing himself for the worst.
"You cleaned," a small hiccup, flushed cheeks, nervous, sad eyes avoided his as she entered the apartment. She was looking around, anything to avoid eye contact.
"I did," he rose to his feet, dropping the end of the spliff into a the ash tray he had been using. He took a few strides closer, freezing in the hallway when he finally got a good look at her. Lipstick smudged across her lips, hair disheveled, stray pieces falling around her face and eyes.
"Az," she whispered, her eyes widening slightly as they met stare that was growing angrier with each passing second, the emotion emanated from him, filled the apartment like a heavy shadow that pressed into her chest, that made her want to cower away from him.
He didnt know what it was, what over came him but he was in front of her in an instant, long scarred fingers grabbling her face, jaw clenched, grip tight around her own jaw, her cheeks squished, smudged lips smushed together. She's afraid of you, stop. She yelped quietly, eyes wild, wide with fear as she stared up at him, a pleading look in her eyes.
Stop now.
"What the fuck did I say?" it was a low growl, deep from his throat, she was drunk, he could tell, she could barely keep herself up, her knees wobbled, both hands curling around his arm, trying to pull him off of her. He knew this wasnt okay— no this was wrong, so very wrong.
Let her go.
"Az," she whimpered softly, her eyes glazed with tears.
Fucking stop— irreversible damage Azriel, stop now, before you can't.
"I told you not to fucking play with me. You fucking reek like booze and you look like a cheap fucking whore," a lie, his eyes flashed as it passed his lips, she thrashed slightly trying to free her face from his grip. "Stop fucking moving," he grunted, releasing his grip on her face to grab her neck, his fingers squeezing against her soft flesh, he felt her swallow beneath his grip, his blood thrummed.
"Az stop," she begged, her fingers still wrapped tightly around his arm, eyes wild and nervous as her nails dug into his skin.
"This is mine, its all mine," he rasped, his other hand roaming roughly over her body, "I swear to fuck— y/n if you gave my pussy up," he nearly choked on the words, his blood boiling and stomach churning at the thought.
This is wrong Azriel— stop, stop now. You should be on your knees begging forgiveness, stop.
This wasnt him, this wasnt supposed to be happening... This was his father— this is how his father treated women, not him.
"Az, I didnt," her voice broke as she rasped, her eyes were afraid but also— tender, because she knew him, she knew he didnt mean to treat her this way, she understood him on a level that no one else could.
"I should slap the fuck outta you for coming home like that," his fingers loosened on her neck, a sigh of relief escaping her lips with the motion. He didnt mean it, he would never hit her, his chest tightened, her eyes flashing as his words sunk in.
What the fuck is wrong with you? She's never going to talk to you again.
"Im sorry," she slurs softly, her glazed gaze dropping as if she couldn't look him in the eyes, guilt settled on her face. No, this is my fault, don't do that, don't look like that because of me.
"Don't be sorry," His voice was still firm but his eyes softened, swallowing the lump in his throat. I don't deserve you, run. Fucking run. "Just be a good girl and take off your whoring outfit," he finally loosed his fingers from her neck with a gentle push and she stumbled back, wobbly on her feet, she's drunk as fuck, don't fucking do this Az, this is fucked. Youre fucked, youre fucked in the head.
"You missed me didnt you?" she relaxed again allowing a small drunken giggle to escape her lips, she steadied herself on the near by side table before beginning to undress. His eyes followed her movements as her fingers slid over her silky skin and she slowly unclasped the dainty clips on her high heels revealing the fresh looking French tipped toes, his mouth watered at the sight of her.
Tell her how much you miss her. Tell her the truth, tell her youre sorry. Put her to bed Azriel, change her clothes, put her to fucking bed you sick fuck.
Anger outweighed his desire to do the right thing, he couldn't stop himself, what if this was his last chance to fuck her? To feel her?
"Keep going," he encouraged, his hard cock aching in his pants, pressing against the fabric of his sweats, he could feel the precum leaking from the tip, painfully so, he hadn't gotten his nut off since last time they'd fucked weeks ago. He watched as she slid the little mini skirt down her long smooth tattooed legs, many of them he had done himself. She looked so fucking good, shit he'd missed her. "Mhmm," he hummed to himself, his eyes burning into her skin, not looking away for even a second. She shimmied off the crop top next, her braless breasts bouncing deliciously as she freed them from the tight top. A soft involuntary groan escaped his lips at her now near bare body before him. He took a step toward her, placing his hand under her chin and tilting her head up so he could inspect her, she shivered slightly at the touch and he pressed his thumb lightly into her chin, his eyes raking over her bare skin.
"Azriel," she whispered, squirming slightly under his gaze, he froze at the small purply spot behind her ear, a little hickey.
"Oh youre so fucked," he let out a soft breath, poking the small bruise, she let out a small yelp, flinching away from him.
"Az! What is wrong with you?!"
So many things.
"What is wrong with you?" a soft growl escaped his lips, his eyes growing darker with each second that passed, he reached behind her, his body pressing against hers as he did, her breath caught, her eyes wide as she stared up at him. In a swift motion he cleared everything off of the side table in the hallway, the ceramic bowl that held their keys cracking on the floor, she winced, opening her mouth to say something but he grabbed her chin tightly again, forcing her to meet his gaze. "You come into my house, at almost three am, dressed like a fucking thot with a hickey on your neck, face all fucked up," he released her jaw aggressively, her head thrown to the side slightly, she let out a soft whimper, rubbing her chin. "Who gave it to you?" he demanded, placing his hand on her shoulder and whirling her around, pressing her against the table so her hips were flush with it, another small whine escaped her lips.
"It doesn't matter Az-"
"Tell me," he growled softly, his hand connecting with her ass in a sharp smack, she flinched, her hand finding the edge of the table and she held tightly. "Tell me," a warning edge in his tone
"E-Eris!" she yelped out softly, bracing herself for the next impact.
"Yeah, youre so fucked," he chuckled dryly, without an ounce of humor in his tone. Rage was coursing through his blood, red, red was all he could see. Fucking Eris, why? Why him? He didnt know why it infuriated him so much, maybe because he was so different from Azriel, practically opposites. How could she even be attracted to both of them? His pale perfectly smooth skin and red hair like the fucking devil, immaculate cleanness, infinite pockets and endless confidence and suave. He hated all of it.
"Az please," she begged, and he was too angry to even acknowledge the damage he knew he was doing.
"Youre soaking wet," he yanked her thong down, exposing her bare ass to him, his mouth watered again at the sight. "Is it because you like when I rough you up like this?" another smack to that same reddened spot on her bum followed by another soft whimper, her fingers gripping the edge of the table tightly. "Or is it because you like redheaded pricks?"
"Both," she bit back, her words slurred, he laughed again, that same humorless cold chuckle before his hand connected with her skin again, the sound echoing through the quiet hallway. A shaky breath released from her lips as she braced herself for more, her eyes squeezing shut.
"Makes me sick you let him put his hands all over you. Act like a whore get fucked like one," his gravelly voice laced with intent as he released his hard cock from his sweats, they pooled on the floor at his feet as he wrapped his fingers around his thick length. She gasped softly, wincing at the sting as he slapped his cock on the round of her ass in that same spot he had spanked numerous times. His teeth sunk into his lower lip, cheeks flushed with anticipation, he had missed this.
"Youre mine, you understand me?" he asked, his tone sharp as he slid his leaking tip over her entrance, he hissed softly under his breath at the feeling of her wet cunt on his most sensitive skin.
"Yes Az, yes I understand," she rasped softly, another soft yelp leaving her lips as he shoved his cock into her, a low guttural groan leaving his lips. He had missed this so much.
"Good girl," he ground his hips against her ass, pinning her against the table, another small cry left her lips as he pulled his throbbing cock nearly all the way out and back in, the table shook beneath them. His thrusts were greedy, quick and unforgiving as she fell apart beneath him. Her pussy clenched around him, the tip of him dragging across her g-spot with every forceful stroke.
"Az," she let out a broken whimper, her mouth falling open, face twisting in blissful pleasure as she came all over his cock. He rasped a breath, surprised he hadn't been the one to cum first. Maybe she had been wound just as tightly as he was.
"Oh?" he breathed out, panting softly from the pace, small beads of sweat forming at his temples. "You came already?" he asked, a prideful smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he ground his hips his cock filling her up so perfectly, her creamy release leaking around the base of his cock. She only whined softly in response which was only broken up by a soft yelp when he abruptly yanked his cock from her. Azriel grabbed her shoulder, pulling her up on wobbly legs before pushing her down on her knees.
"Go on," he grunted, his eyes glazed as he stared down at her, she was drunk as hell. He swallowed, wrapping his fingers into her hair and tapping his cock on her face, she loosed a breath, her jaw dropping open for him. She gagged as his cock hit her throat, not nearly fitting, he moaned, holding her head in place and fucking her face. "Fuck baby, good girl," he panted softly, his cheeks flushed, eyes glued to her, she moaned around him, her eyes squeezed shut, tears forming at the corners of her eyes as he brushed the back of her throat over and over. He hummed in approval as she swirled her tongue around his tip, dragging it along the underside of his cock, over his balls and then back up, her lips wrapping around him again.
Azriel cursed under his breath, his fist tightening in her hair as he released his thick ropes of milky cum into her mouth, she nearly choked as it shot to the back of her throat, one of her hands gripped the back of his knee tightly as she swallowed every last drop and sucked his cock clean. She panted, shrinking down onto the floor a bit her knees nearly buckling beneath her. He released her hair as she sunk down, a shaky breath escaping her lips as he did, his gut wrenched at the sight of her. On the floor beneath him, body dusted with red marks that he knew would turn to purple by the morning, he left them there. Azriel swallowed thickly as he tucked his cock back away into his pants before leaning down, putting his hands under her arms to lift her.
"Come on, get up," his tone is soft as he helped her up, once she was on her feet he easily he picked her up, and she rest her head on his chest as he brought her to the bathroom. "You feel lighter... You eating?" he asks, the guilt beginning to gnaw at his gut.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Fucking sick piece of shit.
"Mhm," was her only response, he let out another small sigh before setting her down on her feet. "Where's all my pictures?" she slurred softly, her eyes raking her her room.
"Put em away," he muttered, a blush creeping onto his cheeks as he rifled through her clothing retrieving a soft cotton pair of panties and a long t shirt.
"I liked them Az," she mumbled lazily, her eyes closed as he dressed her in her more comfortable clothing. He winced a little at her words
"Bed time," he breathed, steadying her on her feet before scooping her up in his arms again, and placing her into her bed. He tucked her in, pulling the blankets up to her chin and tucking them around her body.
"Why didnt you tell me you were moving to Vegas Azriel?" she asked, her words still slurred, he swallowed hard, tugging at his hair as he sat on the edge of her bed.
"We should talk tomorrow," he muttered, knowing she probably wouldn't remember the conversation if they had it now. She only nodded, her eyes still closed. Azriel reached out hesitantly and gently rubbed her back as she fell asleep.
He stayed there, watched her sleep, the soft glow from the string lights she had put up along one of her walls the only thing iGuilt gnawed at his gut, at his insides, he wanted to jump out of his own skin.
She deserved so much more than him... The little girl that he had shared his favorite candy with in front of her house, the girl that had saved him, so many times— she deserved the world, and he couldn't give it to her. He couldn't even keep her happy, the dark circles and the drop in weight proved that. It was his fault. All of it.
All day, he had gone all day without a single line.
And now— after he had taken advantage of her, put bruises on her, fucked her while she was too drunk to say no, said horrible fucking things he didnt mean...
Now he needed a fucking line.
A soft groan escaped my lips as I rolled over, pain, I was in pain everywhere— felt like I had been hit by a damn bus. My head pounded from the amount of alcohol I had consumed, my pussy was still lightly throbbing, completely beat up from last nights activities.
The house was quiet, but still my head throbbed.
My mind was fuzzy but I remembered pieces, remembered that I had made out with Eris, come home late, Azriel had put his hands on me- we had fucked. I groaned again, pressing my palms into my aching eyes.
Obviously, Azriel was out of fucking line— out of control. I hadn't thought our situation could get any worse, and now, impossibly worse.
Could I blame him for his actions when nobody taught him how to love someone? When I knew that his need for control had rooted from the childhood horrors he had once faced? Could I blame him for his actions when I knew his brain had developed around abuse and violence? No, I couldn't blame him.
Maybe I was in denial, but underneath it all? Still my Az.
Waiting on the counter for me was a latte and a breakfast sandwich from my favorite cafe, next to it a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it, my chest swelling at the bouquet he had drawn along with a few bees flying around it, the drawing was messy a few ink splatters where he had pressed the pen down too hard, but still beautifully done like anything he touched with his artistic ability. A small message scribbled at the bottom.
hope its still warm when you get up im sorry if you don't completely fucking hate me stop at the shop before your shift, i love you, azriel
Still my Az.
I sighed, frustration beginning to bubble within me. Always lax, always acting like everything was just fine. I was tired of it, I was tired of always just pretending like everything was okay when that dark cloud of depression had reared its ugly head weeks ago.
It was an effort to shower, to get dressed, I didnt have the will to put any makeup on besides a little mascara afterwards. Every movement felt heavy and painful and full of more effort than it should, but it wasnt only my physical condition from drinking an ungodly amount and Azriels- outburst. It was also my emotional state- my brain so utterly exhausted from all of the trauma I had been enduring in the past weeks. I couldn't even bare to look in the mirror for more than a few moments either, the fingerprint shaped bruises dusted along my jawline highlighted by the brightly lit bathroom.
It was even more of an effort to get myself out of the car when I reached the shop. Anxiety gnawed at my gut, would they ask? Would they even notice? It didnt matter, I needed answers. I needed answers to questions I hadn't even formed yet. The bells chimed as they usually did and the stares I received upon my entrance didnt do anything to sooth my anxious gut. The lack of clientele in the waiting room definitely helped, a little.
"Hey," I said wearily to Kat and Cass, I avoided eye contact at all cost, and found my usual place leaning against the counter. Kat was in her chair behind it, Cassian perched on a stool nearby.
"Hey boo," Kat says quietly, I could feel Cass' boring into me. Don't bring it up. I could tell by his lack of greeting he was about to.
"Y/n, please don't tell me Az did that," Cassians voice is soft but I could hear the concern laced in his tone.
"Is he here?" I ignored his question completely, I didnt want to get into it. Not now.
"Hes doing a tattoo, Cassians room is empty tho— if you wanted to wait for him, its been a couple hours, hes almost done," Kat didnt pry, she knew better, and Cass didnt protest when she offered his room up without asking first.
"Thanks," its slightly breathless, with an effort not to burst out in tears in front of them. I couldn't handle the worried stares— the pity. The door clicked shut behind me and I dropped my bag on Cassians piercing bed and slid into his chair. Alone, now, I let the tears of frustration flow freely. They were silent, but hot and streaming, I wiped my eyes with my sleeves, letting out an exasperated sigh.
I didnt know how long it had been when I heard his voice outside, I held my breath to listen. "She's here?" surprise, hopeful surprise.
"Az— Im not past putting you on the floor if you put your hands—"
"Im not," Azriel cut him off with annoyance. I straightened, realizing he was about to be in here.
I sniffled, wiping my eyes again quickly to try and hide the evidence of my tears before Az stepped in, in all his brooding glory. His face was grave, eyes impossibly more tortured than usual, hair messy and disheveled, chains stacked, poking out from under his shirt, he was in the same clothes that he had been in last night and it didnt look like he'd gotten an ounce of sleep.
"Leave it open," I commanded softly, I saw Cassian quickly look away and back toward Kat as Az began to shut the door. Hurt flashed in Azriels eyes, but he stopped, leaving the door where it was. It wasnt wide open, but open enough.
"You don't trust me," it wasnt a question, but a statement, and he was right, to an extent at least. I didnt think Az would hurt me— after last night... I wouldn't feel bad for asking him to leave the door open.
"Youre fucked up," I muttered when our eyes met, his pupils always a tell tale, he swallowed, his throat bobbing with the motion. "Probably should have this conversation another time."
"I was always fucked up Bee, every fucking moment I was fucked up— it doesn't matter," he took a step toward me, I held my breath again, my eyes tracing every movement he made. "Im sorry." Another step, I bit my lip, my cheeks flushing as I watched him drop to his knees in front of me.
"Sorry doesn't fix everything," my voice broke, he winced, his eyes boring into mine, showing me a vulnerable side Id never seen before.
"I know that," he breathed, and I almost broke all over again seeing the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. "Im so fucked in the head Bee nothing I did last night was okay- fuck- it was- Im sick Im sorry," he rambled, he slid his hands into his hair, his fists curling into it, his elbows on either side of his head.
"Its not okay none of it— the fucking bottle girls, the lying, last night especially... I- you asked me last night why I kept Vegas from you and I have nothing- I have no good fucking answer or excuse that makes it okay but I swear I was gonna ask you to come with me, like fuck y/n I wish you could see I wish you could understand—" rambling again, I let him, my tears flowing again, words failing me. "I would let Rhys fucking sue me for breaking contract before I would leave this fucking city without you," his cheeks were flushed, tears running down them, I hadn't seen this before... As well as I knew him he never showed this much raw emotion, besides anger. "I know Im a fucking addict and a fucking alchy, but Im trying to be better, I went to AA, Im trying to quit drinking, but Im fucked Bee- Im so fucked up from all the shit Ive never faced and Im so fucking sorry I put that on you lastnight."
AA, he had done that for me, my heart ached for him. To hear him say those things about himself, in front of his friends, my heart ached knowing how hard all of this must be, but for me, he was doing it for me.
"If you never forgive me I deserve that, I honestly do Im a piece of shit— a fucking stain on your very existence you deserve so much fucking more than someone like me," I wanted him to stop, I wanted him to stop saying all of those horrible things, as angry as I was at him.
"Im so fucking sorry," he breathed again, his voice breaking, with a sob. Az, my Az, the one who hid behind that cold stare and never let anyone in, the one who never let that hard exterior crack... Was on his knees for me... Every word, Kat and Cass could hear every single word, they could hear him cry, hear his confessions his countless apologies and he didnt care. He didnt care that they knew, he only needed me. He needed me like air to breathe.
And I felt it, I felt it with every ounce of me because I needed him just as much.
So I didnt hesitate when I reached for him, when I pulled his hands from his hair, and pulled him to me. His body went limp, his knelt form hunching over as he let his head fall into my stomach.
"It's okay Az, breathe," my voice was soft as I stroked his hair, holding him close to me while he cried.
I knew it wasnt okay, none of it was, but he needed me and I needed him, and the rest I would figure out later.
a/n: wow they are toxic and codependent hahaahahaha NOT FULLY PROOF READ EXCUSE MISTAKES
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delulujuls · 11 months
navy fury | mv33
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im a redbull stan and max's girlie till i die (but my heart is papaya shaped) so please enjoy this one as well!
summary: max is struggling with asking for help, reader is trying her best to let him know that she always got his back
warnings: negative emotions, angst, max struggling with his demons, jos verstappen (he is the biggest warning lol)
pairing: max verstappen x fem!mclarendriver
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Max would often get angry.
More often than he would like it to be. More often than he would want a consuming wave of anger to wash over him, for fury to engulf him and inject its burning venom into his veins. He would get angry over trivial things, get angry over bigger issues either. Anger would truly eat him up every time something didn't go as planned.
However, he tried to fight with his anger and negative emotions at all costs. Instead of processing them, letting go and moving on, he would bottle them up, allowing them to fester and poison his entire being. He preferred to get angry in solitude, where he knew nothing wrong would happen and even if it did, he would be the only one harmed.
Unfortunately, Max found a kind of satisfaction and comfort in hurting others. Emotions dissipated much faster when he could engage in an argument with someone rather than sitting in silence with only his own screams shattering his head.
If Max could have any control over himself and his emotions, he would unplug the anger outburst responsible for explosions of anger like this one.
He didn't hear the insults that left his mouth, didn't hear Christian's shouts telling him to calm down. He didn't feel the strong arms of the mechanics holding him back and pulling him away from Lance Stroll, who sat on the ground with a bleeding nose. In moments like this, Max was guided by nothing but emotions, desperately trying to find any way out.
In moments like this Max knew that to feel relief he had to destroy something. It didn't matter if it was a glass, his shattered fists or the bleeding nose of that Aston Martin dickhead who ruined his entire race.
Many people in his immediate surroundings distinguished the Dutchman before the anger storm and after it. Before it was Max, after it, there was only Verstappen.
Just as Max was the friendly, smiling guy who joyfully congratulated his rivals, willingly gave interviews and joked with team members, Verstappen was a walking hailstorm from which lightning could strike at any moment.
"Fucking idiot."
He growled one last time and walked deeper into the garage, where everyone he encountered averted their gaze and moved out of his way. It was always best to simply get out of Max's way and let him cool down. But no one knew that the fire of anger was just beginning to burn and the epicenter was yet to come.
"What the hell was that, Max?"
Cold water. The hiss of an extinguished fire.
He felt a tightness in his chest upon hearing his father's voice. Jos Verstappen was the only person who could instantly turn his anger into pure, filtered fear.
Max unzipped his racing suit, unable to look his father in the face. He didn't even know what to say. What was there to say either, he had just let his father down. Not for the first time though.
"I asked you a question."
His father's cold, gruff tone cut Max to the core and once again, Max was six years old, stuttering as he explained to his dad why he crashed his go-kart into his friend's. Apologizing and making excuses, saying it wasn't his fault that another seven-year-old cut him off. In his eyes, Max wasn't a grown man with an amazing track record, he was just a brat who needed discipline because he made idiotic mistakes.
His father was about to thunder over him again when the whole stormy situation was suddenly illuminated by a ray of sunshine. Quite literally, as it was Y/N still dressed in her bright McLaren suit, who upon hearing about the commotion in the Aston Martin garage hastily went out to found her friend.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Verstappen, but Max is needed in the studio," she said quickly, grabbing Max's hand "Come on, Max, we need to go."
"We'll come back to this conversation."
His father mumbled under his breath, watching them go.
The girl squeezed her friend's hand tighter and started pulling him in the opposite direction, wanting to get him away from his father as quickly as possible.
"I'm not in the mood for interviews."
"There's no interview; I had to come up with something quickly to get you out of there."
Max stopped, causing Y/N to be pulled back as well. Surprised by his sudden decision, she turned to him with a questioning expression.
"I want to be alone right now, without anyone."
He let go of her hand but she still stubbornly held onto his fingers.
"We both know you don't want to be alone."
Max shook his head in denial. The last thing he wanted was to be in her company right now. He knew that when the commotion and the crowd disappeared, all the emotions would flood over him like a toxic wave.
"You don't understand."
"Yes, I don't understand because you don't give me the chance."
The girl approached him, their bodies only a few inches apart.
"Everything is fine between us only when you're in a good mood. We are really close, we spend time together and we are acting like actual friends. But as soon as something doesn't go your way and your behavior changes, you build a thick wall between us." Y/N looked into his eyes, shaking her head. "Friends don't do that, Max."
"That's what the best friends do," he replied, looking into her eyes. As they were always in the colour of the clear sky, in that moment they were having a storm inside. "The best friends won't drown you in the shit that's swirling through their lives, they won't drag you into their inner conflicts. The best friends won't be a burden to you, you know why? Because they'll just spare you that!"
Y/N embraced him without a word. She hugged him with such force that someone would need chains to pull her away. She had no intention of leaving Max's side, no matter what he was struggling with. She wanted to help him, to be his support and to be the light in his darkest nights. She had no intention of letting him continue to deceive himself with assurances that everything was always perfect. Because life never looks that way.
Adult Max didn't return her embrace, knowing that it was for the best. Adult Max closed his eyes and tilted his head, not wanting to let a single tear escape. He hoped that by remaining distant, by hurting the girl with his indifference, she would let go of him. But Little Max didn't want to make her sad; he wanted to hug his friend and not let her go until everything will be okay again.
"I won't leave you with this, Maxie. If you like it or not."
He exploded in tears without any warning. He sank to his knees and tightly embraced his friend, burying his face in her stomach. Y/N stroked his hair, holding him close. She didn't try to calm him, knowing full well that he just needed to cry. He needed to let out all the sadness, anger, and bitterness that had accumulated in his veins and poisoned him for years.
When the girl kissed his wet cheek, she could swear that it left a bitter taste on her lips.
And it was exactly the venom finally letting him go.
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r0-boat · 4 months
stupid Bimet headcanons
I love him stupid foxy boy
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His eyes are the most cat-like of all the devils, going into slits when he is annoyed but when he see something he likes his pupils blow up just like a cat.
He never understands sentimental value. However, his greatest treasure is something you gave a smooth round tiger's eye because you told him that it reminds you of his eyes. He keeps it in a velvet box away from all his other treasures. It is a treasure that he keeps for himself something that he owns a gift from you no matter the price is worth billions.
But everything else about him is a snickering fox;
This motherfucker owns every name brand worth more than your fucking rent. This man goes to spas every weekend and owns luxury skin products. This man takes a bath In a luxury bathhouse made out of solid gold with expensive ass bath bombs, lit candles, and milk that's good for your skin. When he gets out, he wears a stupid fucking bathrobe with gold embroidery of his name before he puts on his foolish fucking 1 billion dollar lotion.
Watches human reality TV shows. Televisions that are able to not only play programs from hell but programs in the human world cost a fortune but of course devils in tartaros can afford that.
The nickname he gave you in his phone is "broke bitch🥰💕"
You may own women but he knows how much money you got in that wallet lol.
People say that bimet is it afraid to be himself around you isn't afraid to criticize you And I love that so much. Where he treats you differently than his king.
Petty and jealous, clings to you and gives you affection while he gives that foxy little bitch smirk to any other demon he comes across.
to be honest you and Bimet are really Mammons sugar babies, the way Bimet eyes went wide when Mammon save you a copy of his platinum credit card.
He is quite an enigma when it comes to spoiling, when he splurging on himself he will bring you with him he will get you whatever you want though he will bitch about it the entire time. Don't listen to him. That's just empty threats. Having you with him is the greatest treasure. He loves when other devils and tartaros look at him with envious eyes when he is hooked around your arm. But he will absolutely treat you like a precious treasure. Worship the ground you walk on. He will bring you on spa trips shopping trips.
Buys you gifts, then makes fun of you for how broke you are. When you try not to accept it, he gets pissed, so you're not sure if this is a gift or a joke.
"seriously you need to take care of yourself better, It really pisses me off that you don't recognize your own worth." -Bimet
The best person to talk about your ex's with He will murder them~
(I want him to have a kitsune a form so bad, He's so fox-coated guys)
It doesn't like to admit it, but you are his first genuine friend.
Nicole from class 09 coded
"HEY! You don't dare bully them; that's my job!!"
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shuenkio · 1 month
𝐈'𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐢𝐭? | Ksn.
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Paring: Sunoo x M!reader | Genre: Smut! Very.
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Synopsis: Not only is he upset that you spend less time with him, but the fact he saw a random guy said hi to you and you flash a smile so bright. That's when his inner beast came out.
Cw: jealousy, cumming, cursing (any other else was explicit so bad, read at your own risk)
Non proof read | Eng is not my 1st language
This is a work of fanfiction, do not throw unnecessary tantrums on this nsfw/sfw blog. ©Shuenkio
𝐀𝐍: writing a bias who look like an angel was... Something. Anyway writing smut is still limited because I'm still trying, some awkward part might happen and yeah, I might cringe in the future seeing this. Enjoy reading. ( Request From anon)
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A group project from your professor made you start to spend less time with your lovely boyfriend, Sunoo. Every weekend after your class, you'd often come home at 7 p.m., which is unusual.
Sunoo finds it weird that you're coming home late these past few weeks, till he thought you'd cheated on him. However, who knows, when you went to sleep, he always checked your phone and your account in every corner to make sure you weren't doing anything out of his sight, and it's true you did not have anybody else other than him and a group chat of friends.
After that, he started to realize that you probably keep a distance from him by spending more time with your friends, almost prioritizing them over him. Which made him upset for some reason but was soon replaced by madness mixed with jealousy. You've never smiled at anyone or anybody approaching you, but for today, when coming home after finishing groceries with him, during the time he's paying, he saw a guy coming at you and said, 'hello' Not only that, he thought you'd be creeped out by a stranger's face; instead, a bright smile appeared on your face.
That's irritated him so much; when he saw that, you were changed now. At home. While he was unloading the foods into the fridge, Sunoo saw you lying on the bed as you were making a phone call with one of your friends.
He decided that he'd have to finish all the action you have been taking, throwing him into the edge, which he can't back down now; if he couldn't bang tf out of you tonight, he'd be dead.
"M/n!" The door is opened by a strong pair of arms as he knocks softly on it twice, but you can't seem to pay any attention to him or notice him behind you with your back facing him. The ignorance not only boils him more, but the heat in his body continues to grow like a chemical burn.
You should at least turn your back or respond to him; there's no way you couldn't hear, yet nothing comes out of your mouth. It's all busy chitchatting with your close buddy about nonsense things and group projects. The temperature has reached its limit. The innocent boyfriend, who was like an angel, gentle and bubbly to you, turns 360° at the spot.
His jaw tightened as his gaze was painted black. Without any warning, he closed the door slowly, locked it as he took off his shirt, left him with his sleeveless top on, and made his way behind you.
"Yeah, lol, bye, see you tomorrow." gasps escape as you feel an arm placed underneath your shorts. When you turn around, you see Sunoo completely turned on, and he looks just like he just came out of hell.
"S-sunoo! What are you doing?" Nervously asking, you were about to turn around, but his strong strength left you unmoved.
"You were such a bad boy for these past few weeks, m/n; you left me alone and spent time with your friends instead of me. A lot, no too much. Have you forgotten you have your boyfriend here, desperate for your love?" He explains with a stern tone that all he said was true; nevertheless, you try to deny the fact that you have to complete the group project.
But all the things you've said now are useless; he knows everything, and if you keep denying, there's no reason why you could be able to walk tomorrow, maybe or maybe not.
"Go on, what do you have next? Not only that, the guy I saw earlier at the store looks like a creep, but you still flash your only smile for me to him? M/n, what's this all about?" Get a hold of his control, and while his finger lingers on the entrance of your ass, circle around and attempt to slide in, but he gives you time to explain that the lie would only push more in.
"I—he that guy—he was a friend of mine; we go to the same college." sweating soaks your forehead as you try your best to make your statement. Later, you find yourself crying out in pleasure as you feel a finger slide inside of you.
"Oh really? Hm... I think I've never seen him before. If he were your friend, why have you never told me about him? Most of your friends with whom you interact are all in your contact list, but not him? I know if you did, you'd think I'd be jealous, but unfortunately, I am jealous, by my own sight!!! For now, let's see who's belong to who shall we m/n?"
The innocent is gone, the lamp in your heart making you speechless with no more words coming out to argue with the matter of fact. Ripped off your short away, as he smirked in Maniac, he had never been like this; he used to be a sugar pie gummy bear, but now? A total psycho who's probably fucking the hell out of you tonight.
"Foreplay is dumb; why not get into it, hm? I look like a beautiful cloud, baby boy, but a clout can also be a dangerous cloud when it's raining." Before you can react, a cock spring frees out of his pant, the leaking pre-cum making your dick twitch. Never in your relationship have you seen each other's private parts, but look! It's paler than your thigh. The size might be normal, but what happens if he knows how to...?
"I'm going in, boy. I'll take care of you after these hours." The dark, low chuckle gives you goosebumps, and soon enough, Sunoo slides his cock in, raw! Losing control of himself once he was inside of you. His eyes painted in wide white, listening to your whimpering sound, even turned him on to the edge.
All he wanted right now was to claim you as his. Thrusting in, wasting no more time, with both of your hands locked by him on your back in one hand, he never worked out nor did he have an abs, but he's strong, strong, tbh. The wet liquid of his pre-cum gives him smooth access to push in even deeper. The first time with you was worth it, and he knows you're low-key loving it.
"Shit, why does it feel so good?" Everyone would be moaning, whimpering, or cursing out of pleasure, yet for Sunoo, he's crying out of pleasure. Tears streaming down on his pretty face, with your countless can't-take-it huffs only to make him fasten his pace, Sunoo's balls continue to slap against your balls, mixed with the wet sound you'd often hear in a beat of music. It's so hot and aroused that your body is twirling under his touch, adjusted, and squeezing in his cock, begging for more.
"Sun—Nghuu... I feel strange, faster!!" Wiping his satisfied tears away, he then responded back with both of his hands locking, wrapped around your hip before going all in, one thrust in a first attempt, making his cock disappear suddenly.
Your jaw almost cracks when his tip reaches the most sensitive spot ever in your body, the prostate. Saliva is leaking out of your lips like hunger, as is a massive load of cum shooting out on the bed sheet. When he saw that you were cumming, a weird feeling approached him, like a string intertwined in one, a wave of jolt hitting the shaft of his before he exploded inside of your ass.
It was messy, but it just hit the spot of pleasure. The odor of stain cum began to fill the room, and both of you then collapsed on the bed while still connected with each other.
"It feels good, right, m/n?" Nod to the question as a warm smile appeared on his face. Patting your head out of cuteness.
"Good boy, we're only here once; nobody else interrupts us. You got it? Now let's restore your energy; your trembling is too much." And that is how you know: you will never leave him alone again, ever. All innocent guys are wild, and you can't change that.
"Goodnight 내사랑" 
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Ps: Some requests I might write and some I might decline just because. sometimes I feel horrible when I won't be able to do it, 🥹 surwy to some anon had asked me ><
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ Please mind my English! ><
🗣️All crd pics & dividers to the owner.
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bloodymiso · 3 months
★ dude, its just groceries — various x gn reader
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how do they buy groceries? do they go to the convenience store every weekend and buy in small batches? or do they go to a big grocery like every 5 months and hoard?
notes: this has been in my drafts for a while lmao | mentions of food(duh), mention of a doctor’s appointment, one or two swears
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— in small batches
convenience store lunches, little trips every saturday, small fridge in a small apartment—that was their life. coming home after a long day of work, popping by the tiny store outside your home to grab a sandwich or two and boom! dinner was that easy. living with a little store outside their home was literal heaven.
“awh shucks, we’re out of pudding..” they pout as they turn to you on the bed, upside down and legs on the headboard.
“do we even have anything for dinner?” you ask, turning your head to them as they shook their head. you both pause, a knowing look evident on both of your faces.
“convenience store dinner! last one there pays!” you say as both of you shot up, racing to get to the door as you fought to open it. they sneaked under your arms and through the door , once you got out, they were halfway to the elevator. (or to the store.)
“you little—augh!”
VENTI, ga ming, kazuha, kaveh, GOROU, hu tao, & heizou
— lmao what’s groceries?
uh..doing their own groceries? hell no! they usually just order online. if they’re rich enough, maybe their assistants will do it for them. either way, you have never seen this brat even hold a shopping bag.
“what the..oh my god we’re out of rice!” you said in shock, gawking at the empty cabinet in your kitchen you often held for rice.
“oh really?” they acknowledged before quickly calling someone on their phone. “hey man, could you get us some rice? we’re out lol.”
like..bitch what?
CHILDE, scaramouche, DILUC, furina, navia, AYATO & NINGGUANG
— they hoard
“hey, let’s go to the grocery.” and you end up coming home with 6 bags chock-full of food and supplies to last you pretty much half a year. they were always ready for something bad to happen, an apocalypse, or maybe a shortage in supplies and sure, that was a good thing, but not when they were so strict about it..
wanna get spinach for some lasagna? nope, but we have kale in the fridge! some spices for curry? nope, but we have pepper! it was frustrating, really.
eventually they gave up and joined you on small grocery trips here and there. they had to admit, it was nice only carrying one or two bags home.
“see? now whenever you’re craving something i can just make it.” “don’t mention my cravings.”
WRIOTHESLEY, arlecchino, arataki itto (hear me out), cyno & EULA
— in scheduled visits
“can we go to the grocery today?” you ask, bored out of your mind as you placed down your phone. “we aren’t scheduled for a visit till friday though..” they say, as if replying to a question about a doctor’s appointment.
you didn’t know if it was because of their almost insane sense of orderliness, or because it was how they went for groceries with their parents when they were younger, but god did they stick to their schedule. it was a good way to make sure you wouldn’t use too much money in a week but sometimes, boredom takes the best of both of you.
“fuck it let’s go to the grocery.” they say, standing up from their chair as you stopped tapping your finger on their desk. the shock on your face made it seem like you just figured out the answer to the bonus question on a math exam, but you shrugged it off and reluctantly joined.
ALHAITHAM, GANYU, keqing, kuki shinobu, and.. yeah
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