#i should not listen to music thst makes me think of fighting it gives me bad ideas
free-boundsoul · 10 months
Do you think there are underground empowered fighting clubs? Just someplace for empowered people to go toe to toe with each other, with healers at the ready in case anyone gets really hurt.
I can imagine one existing outside of Dahlia, run by a Sadism demon. Darlin' used to go to let off steam, though their visits have gotten less frequent since meeting Sam and if they do end up back there, now they feel that pang of guilt because they feel like they're letting him down.
Milo and Sweetheart have visited as part of an undercover observation of the place to make sure Covert isn't being breached. They end up participating as a couple and leave the night as victorious underdogs.
Bear shifter! Honey is one of the top contenders when they participate. Guy cheers them on like wild and yells out the nastiest thrash talk to their opponents to distract or enrage them.
David and Asher both participated when they were teenagers as part of a dare *cough* Asher *cough* and were found out by Gabe.
I can see Gavin knowing and being friendly with the Sadism demon that runs it. The DAMN crew ends up going and everyone expects Damien and Huxley to be the biggest threats but Freelancer and Lasko shock everyone with how viscious they can be. (Its always the nicest ones that go batshit crazy)
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reaperlight · 4 years
Do you have any lawryght headcanons?
@greenpactbosmer Thanks for the ask!
Headcanons... ooh boy, well...
(Oh and I saw you had another ask there too but I think I may have misunderstood the prompt/what was being asked? In any case I should probablt edit the paragraphs of brain vomit that came out of that but until then here's more paragraphs of brain vomit, uh... sorry 😔)
Headcanons for lawryght can vary greatly from fic verse to fic verse but let's see curtent HC generally...
These three getting together in a canon-like universe...
The RyukxLight will either be established relationship or at the very least Ryuk is more helpful to Light and his plans than in canon to the point Light feels secure enough in his position so he can give L a chance and not feel like he has to kill him immediately so a relationship could actually develop between Light and L beyond "oh no, he's hot... I still have to kill him." (Also expect Light to be even more arrogant and insufferable because he thinks he's immortal and has the power of deathgod and anime on his side.)
Ryuk and Light getting together: And then they were roommates (oh my they were roommates) and there was only one bed--Shinigami don't really need to sleep but Light doesn't know that and the bed is comfy so Ryuk doesn't fell the need to tell him.
They are both extremely bored. Ryuk is absolutely fascinated with this human--he may not be on Light's side (or so he claims) but the entertainment value is beyond his wildest dreams. He is smitten, even if he doesn't admit it. If Light is curious about something hell try at least once... Or Light may be trying to get free Shinigami eyes out of him and they catch feelings.
L enters the picture... Ryuk doesn't mind sharing 1. Hes immortal and bored and... two interesting humans! This is so cool! 2. Shinigami don't have the same ideas about monogamy. 3. Headcanons about Ryuk vary depending on if rule 36 valid up to this point in the ficverse. (I.e. Chad!Ryuk vs. Virgin!Ryuk)
L and Ryuk--L is very disturbed to learn that his case actually has a supernatural component and is more leery of Ryuk than of Light at first. This lasts for all of the moment it takes to remember that Light is Kira and Ryuk is afraid of tennis balls.
After 5 minutes of soul searching, L can admit to himself he has a thing for monsters--both internal and external.
Assuming they are all alive and this takes place in early canon this shippable version of L is probably more interested in having fun then bringing Kira to justice. Either that or he has become disillusioned with the status quo or hurt and and wants revenge to the point that he's willing to entertain Light's way of doing things.
If its post series, maybe Ryuk is bored so goes looking for Light in Mu and ends up pulling both Light and L out of Mu because their souls are intertwined and once restored as humans or Shinigami or something shippable in the afterlife then it's just learning to rely on each other as they forge a new arrangement in the Shinigami realm.
Top/bottom it's not assigned seating Regardless of bedroom positions or what arrangement they have out of the bedroom Light is the dom/one in charge of this arrangement in bed... but subs L and Ryuk unionize and gang up on him. Light is a dom in bed but not always a top. L as a sub but not always bottom. Ryuk as a service top or power bottom. Ryuk doesn't really feel pain like humans do and will go with whatever he and his partners find interesting.
Contrary to rumor Light and L aren't always fighting over who gets to top. Fighting is for chess matches, clashes of ideology, and the last chocolate eclaire--not the bedroom. Consent, safe words, and mutual respect are all very important.
(The safe word is vegetables)
Light is very dom. In every relationship before or since. Except there's Ryuk, looming over him. Making him feel kinda excited and confused and then theres that stupid sexy voice of his... But ryuk is the exception. (But he might let L fuck him if he asks nicely and submits to Kira's reign.)
When they sleep together Ryuk likes to keep them both wrapped in his wings. He likes being the little spoon sometimes though...
L gets Ryuk addicted to apple desserts.
Light frequently ends up cleaning up after the other two. Ryuk helps when he remembers but typically L is a brat.
Light: How can you stand to live like this?
Ryuk: I was formed in a dustbowl.
Light: Yes, it shows.
L [throwing candy wrappers on the ground]: Why are you doing that, that's what Watari is for?
Others who might potentially join the polycule under the right set of circumstances: B, Mikami, Aiber, Matsuda...
Some very noncanon AU ideas...
Superhero aus (current wips)
Winning and ruling the world(s) au (current wips)
Light gets in trouble (of either a mundane or supernatural variety) and Ryuk goes to L to ask for his help because he's the only human he can think of who would be clever enough to help Light and because of supernatural restrictions Ryuk can't save Light by himself. L is annoyed to have his fun ruined by having it confirmed that Light is Kira in this way, pissed that Light could get himself into a situation like this, and also pissed at himself that Ryuk doesn't even need to threaten him to want to risk everything to save him. After they save Light, L decides there's no point in continuing the kira case because it no longer interests him. He returns INTERPOLs money and after Light recovers from his ordeal the three go on vacation looking for something interesting but less hazardous than their previous ordeal. L becomes fascinated with the supernatural and wants to go ghost and cryptid hunting, seeking out ancient mysteries and Ryuk has plenty of leads in that. Light is still more interested in becoming god of the new world but "fine, if you guys insist..." (he doesn't want to admit he's having fun too). They drive around in L's pink crepe van huntjng ghosts, solving mysteries. Light occasionally writes the names of murderous jerks and people who are assholes to L thst they meet along the way while Ryuk laughs and L scowls in a mildly disapproving way but never really discourages him.
Au inverting the dynamics so its established relationship of lawlight first and then Ryuk joins the polycule: AU where Light and L are the same age and are childhood friends and when Light finds the Death Note they become Kira together. Ryuk is fascinated by them both and slowburn they realize their feelings for each other.
Or... Human!Ryuk and mundane college AU Ryuk is in a metal band and is probably studying art and helps rival law students Ligtt and L to chill... at least until Ryuk gets in trouble for drug possession and then Light and L compete to be his better defense counsel.
Monster AU werewolf or vampire au that's canon adjacent--Ryuk bites Light, Light goes on to monster better than Ryuk does then Light bites L, the monster hunter who falls for him...
7. Haunted house au
8. The quarantine au--Light is annoyed because now killing as Kira feels rather pointless. L is annoyed because this is boring. Ryuk is having a blast because they're playing with him a whole lot more. If L and Light doesn't just use the L screen, Ryuk is always in the background, having floating, juggling apples photobomb the zoom calls.
And suddenly Ryuk is important.
Ryuk runs errand for them because he has no danger of catching the plague. They play video games, watch movies, bitch at each other, and get into pointless arguments over stupid things.
Also L makes them custom masks modeled after Ryuk's fangs just because.
Other ideas:
Wammys house and lawryght
Option 1: Wammy's house tooth rotting fluff, adopting all the orphans
Option 2: Wammy's house evil, B was right. It's really just about being raised as a weapon. It's like the stormtrooper program for genius orphans that may not have actually been orphans before the institute took an interest in them.
Option 3: Wammy's house complicated. The institute really is trying to do better, is the best place for the kids and while not perfect its closest thing to home/family they have.
Lawryght and Morality
These 3 can be awful enablers of each other's worst qualities. Then again...
Light: Huh, Ryuk thinks we're going too far. Maybe we should rethink this.
L [already has the prisoner tied up and being forced to listen to polka music on repeat]: But where's the fun in that?
Finding a home together
With Kira and a Shinigami as his boyfriend L feels secure enough to do more normal things he's been denied all his life.
With Ryuks help, Light finds the names of all of L's major enemies and gets to writing in the Death Note.
Light: Be mad if you want. I'm not sorry.
L tries to be mad, and fails. He can't help but feel relieved that they're gone.
He might even entertain the thought of having a permanent address.
He still enjoys traveling though.
Also L gets a kitten
The cat loves chasing Ryuk's feathers.
The cat likes Light's lap the best because Light went out of his way not to look at the cat.
Ah, that was probably way too long. But thanks for letting me ramble! 😆
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shelivesinthewoods · 6 years
The Apple (Sinclaire x MC)
Desire and Decorum Mr. Sinclaire x MC (Isabel Fairfield)
Word count: 1600
Rating: fluff - g
Tagging: @katurrade & @tinygooplandroad & @choices-september-challenge
I think this also will fall into the category for the September 5 Challenge of ‘Fight’ hosted by @i-dream-so-i-write
As we all know, I own nothing, I’m just borrowing Pixelberrys lovely characters for a few moments! 😊
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Isabel Fairfield; the lady of Edgewater; was getting very tired. As a child growing up, the Gentry seemed like everything a young woman could want. Beautiful clothes, intriguing companions, the best of entertainment. That naive girl could not have been more wrong. She had nailed it on the head at the first dinner party of the London season, when she had followed Mr. Sinclaire outside. That he should not have been surprised by their turning his deceased wife into gossip. If only she had known just how right she was. She could have taken the opportunity to run. Oh no, not that she would have. No, Isabel was nothing if not a fighter. Currently the best way to fight the battle was with a sharp smile and an even sharper flip of her fan. The problem was, her weapons were becoming more difficult to wield without the sharpness becoming evident.
There were a few at these gatherings whom she truly did enjoy; Annabelle Parsons had become a very dear friend and confidante. She and Briar were the two whom she could truly speak her mind. Both knew her deepest secrets, wishes and concerns. Two she trusted with everything thst made her who she was. She had a developed a special fondness for both her stepbrother, Mr. Marlcaster as well as Miss Sutton. Edmund had been placed into a bad situation when Isabel had come to Edgewater. His mother had instantly hated her and expected he and his fiancée to do the same. Since she’d known him, she’d done nothing but attempt to be kind... and he’d started to actually talk to her. About Harry, about his concerns about Edgewater and how it made the insecurities he already had worse— that if it weren’t for his mother, he would be happy to let her have it.
In point of fact, she was, at this particular dinner party, chatting cordially with him. Edmund had started out very bland with her, but actually had a surprising wit when he was allowed (or chose) to show it. It had been a very pleasant surprise. “Your dearest friend, Miss Holloway is glaring daggers at you.”
Isabel smirked, as she settled her fan on her lap, “You mean that isn’t how she treats everyone? I must be special in some way.”
Mr. Marlcaster returned her look with a half smile of his own, “I’ve only ever seen her treat *you* that way, but then, never have I seen anyone catch Mr. Sinclaire’s attention as you have.”
Unintentionally, Isabel’s eyes swept the room at his name; silently seeking him out in the cluster of people. Unsurprisingly, he was in the group the Viscount Westonly was a part of— what was surprising was that instead of listening to the nobles story, his gaze was on her. She supposed Miss Holloway’s glare was slightly more understandable now. She felt her cheeks heat as she gave him a small closed lip smile. He had the propensity to make her feel like the girl she was before. Bashful, flustered, beautiful. The things a man should be able to conjure within a woman. The small smile grew to a smirk as her attention came back to the fan perched on her lap. She lifted it, opening it half way, over her face, indicating ‘we are being watched over.’ She looked toward Miss Holloway who was now, watching him. Nodding once, he returned his attention to whatever it was the Viscount had been saying.
“It appears he has garnered yours as well.” Edmund mused, chuckling low in his throat when her attention snapped back to him guiltily. “Mr. Sinclaire has always been a polite, quiet man, Isabel, but I have never seen him show the same regard for someone as I have for you... I was present when he courted Lady Adelia. Even then.”
Her thoughts turned hopeful, as while he hadn’t made his intentions clear, Isabel had grown very fond of the seemingly grumpy man. He had shown her kindness and a self depreciating sense of humor and a thirst for doing what he felt was right. He had defended her, befriended her. Maybe one day...
Her pleasant thought was cut off by Miss Holloway laughing loudly, saying, “By all means, I would never say a bad word about her, but her mother was an clearly unscrupulous tart. One must simply pity her for growing and being raised in that way. Though, I will presume the apple is unlikely to grow far from the tree.” Her voice carried over the low music. Over the din of voices conversing around them. Everything stopped for a long moment.
Isabel’s eyebrows had arched, her lips pulled into an unpleasant line, her teeth locked. Edmund, directly in front of her looked concerned. “Isabel—“ he started as she stood, turning on her heel, her left hand curled into a fist. Their snide insinuations, she could handle. An outright insult to her departed mother was entirely too much. The woman had followed her heart. Followed love. Given up everything for her father— for her. To have that sacrifice treated as an insult... she could not.
In that moment, everything was hazed in red, until someone stepped in front of her. A hand at the base of her back, the other on one elbow, “Lady Isabel, a moment?” She faltered a moment. Stopped. Had to think a moment because she wanted nothing more than to lash out at someone. *He* didn’t deserve it.
Her voice was rough when she finally got out, “Pardon me a moment, it feels a bit warm in here.” She turned almost on her heel as she strode to the door. She over heard a height tittering giggle, from Miss Holloway.
She had pulled the door shut behind her, having only thought to get away; but she believed she heard someone starting to say, “How dare you?”
On the balcony, the put her hands on the railing, wrapping her hands around until her fingernails bit into her palms. The door closed a second time. She was taking deliberately slow deep breaths, unconvinced she would be able to say anything civil, let alone kind. Two more deep breaths, then, “I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” She said softly.
“You are doing a fine job, Lady Isabel. Pay no mind to what the likes of Miss Holloway says.”
“Says the man who also gets angry when the dead are brought up.”
“That is... That is a well made point. You have shown me though; fight them with your actions, Isabel, not with violence or words. You are wiser than you should be allowed at your age. Don’t let her twist you into someone that you are not. You’ve brought about change. Those like her are afraid of it.”
“Stop it.” She replied shortly, “I know my worth to those people. Three months before now and none of them would have looked twice at me, much less given me the time of day. Yourself included.”
“That’s possibly true of them. I cannot say the same for myself, I nearly stopped in Grovershire that first day. You were lovely; and I was quite smitten even then. You are changing us. It was your stepbrother who stood for you in there. Do you believe he would have dared if you hadn’t fought for his friendship? His respect? This seems unlike you.”
She frowned, but her shoulders relaxed a little. “I can’t stand it when they talk that way about her. She always did her best by me. She tried *so* hard, Ernest.”
“If she was half the fighter you are, I imagine she was a force to be reckoned with.” He paused, “I believe that is the first time you’ve called me by my given name.” One of her hands went to her mouth in shock, “Finally.” He stepped closer to her, and cautiously pressed a gentle chaste kiss to her forehead, but let his lips rest there a moment as he murmured, “You have done fine here. Please don’t give up. I—um— we— could t bear it if you left.”
She sighed, nodding once as he backed away, “You’re right. I can do this. You’ll help me?”
“Alright, so first... which of us gets to be the one tell her the turn of phrase is ‘the apple doesn’t *fall* far from the tree?’”
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Alex L: are you hoping Matt wont fight me this weekend?
Me: no. I'm hoping you'll fight him. Cause I'll know you'll win.
Alex: you think so?
Me: mmhmmm you always do
Alex: he's huge though baby
Me: well don't go for his Dick. He doesn't have one. But doesn't matter though Alex. I heard someone told him 10 people already had his name on Their fists. So you will be fine.
Alex: well im not using ten other people! Im just talking about me myself and I! Shit Saint Luches! She's gonna get me killed
Me: actually the group of 10 has more danger of being hurt unless they are to hold him down or stand in line. Because they don't have a chance to move when there's such a large group. You alone can totally kick his ass because you know how to move that lil ass. Remember that.
Alex: fucking pillow talk with Sabrina. Shit
Me: besides that baby You know he only got so big cause he was scared because he can't fight. And then he can't even touch the middle of his back anyway because hes got all them useless muscles.
Alex: really? They're useless? He can pick up a car
Me: brass knuckles you funky munky
Alex: You!!
Me: yeah. Gas monkey you used to drive for him. It was black and green lettering and I always sung it when I saw it
Alex: dam baby
Me: all the time. You like that huh?
Alex: Fuck babe
Me: and I remember, too
Alex: you're gonna make me cry
Me: you're gonna need to buy me a bra. I can't find mine
Alex: it's over there in the corner under that Like if shit or in the ... Is it in the hamper baby?
Me: I dont... Think so baby... I don't even... I haven't worn one in like... Since October?
Alex: i noticed
Me: old lady titties. You shouldn't be looking .. Leave them poor old things alone..them old hippie drippies look like they ain't seen a bra in their life!
Alex: well why did you quit wearing it?
Me: i got tired of putting it on everyday!
Alex: alright baby I'll buy you a bra. I know your size
Me: 48 or 46? Idk don't look at me!
Alex: i think it's 46 babe
Me: you have to try it on. Take all your boys babe
Alex: to buy you a bra?
Me: to try them out. You know how to do it. You gotta put it on... Then you gotta jump in front of the mirror and see if you like what you see. I bet Phoenix has a mall. Cacique.. I think it closed down but.. Don't go in Victoria Secrets they will look at your boys rude and yoh all sexy. But go to Frederick of Hollywood. All the girls on Christopher Street go,there
Alex: i know they did
Me: alright so you know what to do
Alex: where this bouncing come from?
Me: you know they can't unlacth the back so in a hurry they can see what it will look like when you know they don't take the bra off and he's got her jiggling.
Alex: I see. This is very testy, how serious is this babe?
Me: very!! I bet them boys forgot their Dick waa even for fucking!! They gotta get all the weird shit outta the way. So parading around in bras jumping up and down its like a bonding moment unlike no other!
Alex: and heels? You want us go try those on?
Me: mmhmmm and buy a pair in their size and then they girls don't wanna wear heels except in bed they will know why. Cause girl ain't wanna heard "them $3,000 shoes ain't ever hit the floor just wrapped around my ass and i swear your heel got real close to my shit hole and you may not wear them again" no she wanna hear "baby your shoe molested me and got me So scared i thought some one was here to take me away from you" that's what baby
Alex: what else baby?
Me: the thong.
Alex: okay baby I'll see what i can do
Me: good baby. That sounds wonderful. I think that's all
Alex: you want me to get your nails done baby? I saw you looking at them
Me: no. They cut them all the same and mine were peeling. But you can paint them. But i don't want to go to the salon
Saint Luches: they can treat them
Me: then we all go.
Alex: i knew that one was coming
Me: i see why you offered.
Saint Luches voice gets deep: for treatment
Me: yeah so after you get all dolled up at the mall yoh most certainly can take down a wanna be terminator with no arm reach. Take Steven Torrence to the mall, babe. Yoh said you owe him a jealousy apology
Alex: babe that's sounds more like torture!!
Me: if you're not invited to some weird cyclone event on Chandler love weekend
Alex: fine but because you called it Chandler Love Weekend
Me: i can't believe you got jealous!
Alex: what i did I did
Me: im just saying. I probably would been too probably but it was non touch. Non chalet just chillin,making someone feel good about themselves
Alex: you weren't ever serious?
Me: i think he's bunker kid adorable boy friend. Not bed.
Alex: aww shit I may had punched him a few too many times
Me: a few? Why?
Alex: eh babe don't ask questions I don't wanna answer.
Me: you really hit him? Like hard?
Alex: he hit me first !! ..... .... sometimes!
Me: you were in war with him?
Alex: hey look. You said boy friend in one word that's all i saw
Me: so. Babe and i was gonna take my girlfriend Brittany to bed?
Saint Luches: hey now a man could wish!
Me: insane. Insane. a War with a bunker boy!
Alex: it was.. It was... It was bad as hell i ain't gonna lie.
Me: you should been happy i had an anchor baby
Alex: I'm so dumb!
Me: did he hit you back good enough?
Alex: he called his mom who called my mom. Don't laugh don't laugh.I'm over here old as hell can't grow a mustache and his mom is calling my mom for the first time. It never happened in my fucking life.
Me: is that what he said? You can't grow a mustache so i wanna real man? So what you called him short? You guys did name calling for no reason until you got mad and threw a punch
Alex: look his mom called my mom first alright. Whose the wimp
Me: babe you probably gave him a bloody nose! And he had a heart attack. He needs extra love.
Saint Luches: you stop that right now
Me: im not talking to you. Really don't beat up that little boy
Alex: he's a grown man babe
Me: i said he's a little boy. You leave him alone.
Saint Luches: you know what i noticed too? He wasn't putting on a pansy about it. He was a real bitch, Alex was
Me: why you gonna yell at him for what I do?
Alex: i was feeling neurotic
Me: i was feeling unsafe and he was safe
Alex: don't cry. I'll apologize okay? I'll give him a dollar
Me: just make sure it's not pennies in a sock
Alex: alright just don't cry. I hate when you cry for what i do
Me: he was an anchor baby and i told you a thousand times.
Mark: dam it that's sexy.
Me: you like my anchor babies?
Mark: yeah. It wasn't that bad babe he was putting you on. It got pretty heated but he didnt beat him up
Me: did he think little Steven was possessing me? Making me like him because he's a nice kid
Mark: He was really just crazy he didn't know what to think and people like both med and large Jesse were taking shit how you were fucking Steven behind Alex's back and Matt got on it. It was bad babe.
Me: that's fucked up. I should had killed them already
Alex: you what? Music to my ears
Me: is he really going shopping?
Mark: you know I can't tell you that
Me: I'm sorry they did that to you Alex. No one told me.
Alex: really? No one? I told you they were fucking with me about him and I was getting mad
Me: and I said I was not hiding anything and it was plain to see
Alex: I know and I said I would beat himup anyway
Me: I thought you meant Jesse
Alex: oh Jesus Christ
Me: well i tell you thst scrap ain't scared of shit. He ain't ever blocked me. That's a real man if you ask me.,BABE. Use your brain.,
Alex: oh ok I'll go apologize and I'll be nice
Mark: they never get along because of you
Me: and the first day I call him sexy He blocks me. Alex come here.
Alex: what
Me: I love you
Alex: alright I'll get over it -- I mean him
Me: well I don't need to because you had more passion in your relationship than he and I did. Just so you know
Alex: are you sure?
Me: YES! :)
Alex: I'll learn to chill
Me: and I thought you were. Until I saw you fighting Tanner Gray. Who by the way is hot. But Babe.
Alex: you think hes hot?!?!
Me: you're focused on the wrong thing.
Alex: he said he would fuck yoh so i beat him up
Me: and i appreciate it.
Alex: wh
Me: because i didn't even know who he was and he was talking shit and i found it to be disrespectful and i didn't run across it online till weeks later. Or months Idk. And it was gross. He don't know me to be talking like that. Someone's kid all nasty up on me. He wasn't invited. I didn't see him that way. Did Steven say he would fuck me?
Alex: no
Me: okay. So don't listen to rumors ok? Ok?
Alex: yeah alright babe.
Me: okay. He's sick like me. He had a heart attack
Alex: Steve Torrence did
Me: yeah. We had things in common not alot of people do. Child hood sickness. Like you and me. We didn't have a normal child hood. While we weren't actually sick. We saw the sickest things in the world. It just felt safe to know he was there. Not like id be all in his trailer. I'd rather be in John Force's trailer just because he is more fatherly.. He just made it help feel safe for me. You see now? And I'm pretty sure they knew that. That's why they started taking shit. Because it could been about anyone to make you upset. But to keep me away so they can human traffic or try to pimp girls. They know I'll fuck up their shit So they would find my safety zone and attack it. So you fight with Steve Torrence. Then I get mad at you. Then what? You don't trust me. So then you're all paranoid and then you don't like people I like so we have no one in common. They had a whole list. Big Jesse ran by me. I just told them I didn't like anyone in it. But they knew who I would. They did. I remember I looked him up. Like Greg Line. Then they wanted to know how much I paid attention to mechanics and they were all "pick this one. Pick this one." On and on then "that should fuck her up" well i didn't know what the fuck they were talking about I really wasn't interested in racing. I knew there was shit to find but I didn't know what. So i knew I wasn't interested in what they were about. Because I have my own ways. My own shit I look for. My own reasons to do things. Them fucking with you is not something I ever thought would happen. I really thought you were all non violent and chill. Outta drama minding your own business
Alex: well I really am babe but they brought it to me
Me: I know baby, that is what I'm saying. To hurt you.
Alex: oh the fuck they did. I see. I'll earnestly apologize to Steve Torrence
Me: honestly?
Alex: it means the same thing. Then I'll take care of that rumor mill okay baby
Me: ok. Thank you
Alex Laughlin: I love you
Me: i love you, too
Alex: More than Steve?
Me: differently than him baby. Diffffferent. I love you
Alex: I love you. Don't cry no more Ok? I'll take care of it baby.
Me: k
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