#i spelled it wrong which makes it funnier i think
anothermonikan · 1 year
I do think it's a little silly when someone says they miss a piece of media... Like,the media is right there(probably) ! Go watch that show again or play that game again, it's (probably) not gone! But then also like. I get it. I suppose the first watch or experience of something is special and like, fandom hype around stuff if it was a popular piece of media is something you wouldn't experience within the show again, but also like,,,, you're mourning something that's not dead (usually) Create fan content! Watch that thing again! Engage with old fanworks! Cause someone will appreciate it, it will also make you happy!
#Having to put the stuff in brackets literally _just_ to account for Unnus Annus#Ugh#Sorry I didn't like that thing when it was still coming out and still don't like it now :thumbsup:#I was gonna make a funny meme post but I think it wouldn't be funny because I can't explain it using simple language#Impermenant media enjoyers be like#“Wow that trip to the beach was good. Shame I can never do that again because that's how the world works”#Or smth like that#It's not even funny I need to think of a funnier situation#My quelms with Unnus Annus are weird and complicated and no ones ever agreed with me about it so it's probabaly just a me thing#And not an actual legit critism of the thing sjsjsjsj#I write about more in a draft I have of a mini essay I was writing about DDLitG's ending that's like. A year old by now#I will finish it! Just permanently busy and when not permanently busy I'm permanently tired#It's like. It's mean! Which is a silly complaint but it ties into like. A trope I hate that I love how DDLitG does!#This kind of critism of attachment to a piece of media often insists on making the viewer feel dumb for liking a thing and I don't like it!#Unnus Annus kind of plays this kind of moral where it's like 'Oh#Unnus Annus plays this kind of trope like 'Oh-all of this is impermanent so don't get attached because you'll only have memories after uwu'#And like. I guess I get what they were going for. But that's just. People were getting sooo upset over being attached to the thing#Like they felt bad about it and just don't think that's a great thing to be perpetrating. I promise you can get attached to media guys.#I promise you you're allowed to like things:3#Also I realised I've been spelling Unus Annus wrong this whole time I apologise#Also not a huge fan of people acting like their in this super secret club for watching an extremely popular piece of media thats deleted#But that's definitely a me thing sjdndnsjs#Okay jeez I started ranting about this on a completely unrelated post sorry#Look forward to the mini essay whenever I finish it lol#Android.txt
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choccy-milky · 11 months
hey! They already asked you but I don't know if you forgot hehe, what are the mbti of Clora and Sebastian? 😸
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OK, I FINALLY HAVE AN ANSWER!! took me a hot minute to figure out sebs, but after reading all the pages and comparing, i do think entp fits him the best. also i saw this picture on pinterest about a relationship between isfj and entp and its so true, esp the "do not listen to each other's advice, still get each other out of trouble" LMFAO. also the 'protecting isfj at all costs' 🥺🥺🥺im soft. (ALSO DONT COME AT ME I KNOW I SPELLED KNOWLEDGEABLE WRONG IM TOO LAZY TO FIX IT😭) OKAY!! and its been a while so i'll be using this ask to reply to a buncha others🙏🙏
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my fanfic does follow the plot of the game, but with sebastian added to every sidequest/story mission. and then from around the third (niamh's) trial, it starts to branch more into (mostly all) original stuff!^^
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yes actually LMAO, clora's lawley-slap wasn't even planned. but as i was writing it i started to get so offended on her behalf i was like GIRL, SLAP THIS BITCH🤬 so she did😇😇 id say its normal, yeah! even tho i stick to my outlines, a lot of what happens just kinda happens without my prior planning as i begin to write bahaha, especially dialogue scenes.
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aw, im glad u like my blog so much and that it can help u even in the smallest of ways 😭thank u!!💖💖
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BAHAHA AWW TYY IM GLAD U LIKE IT SO MUCH!! i saw u re-reading it recently on wattpad and ur comments always have me dying. also im just gonna address your other ask here in this one, but as u know seb has now met mr.clemons, and you 10000% nailed the dynamic between seb and clora's dad LMFAOO, they will absolutely bond over disagreeing with how careless she is and wanting to protect her/stressing over her LOOL. ty again for all ur messages, i love seeing how much u love my art/fic😭💖
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OMG u are so right i need to draw this
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also god idk....following the sebinis example, i guess they'd be...sebora?? reminds me of sephora LMAO. ive also had someone call them "alliteration shipping" which i think is so cute BAHAHA. HONESTLY PPL CAN JUST SAY WHATEVER THEY WANT, i aint picky.
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oh god its been too long since ive read the books (tho i do really wanna re-read them esp in the winter) but my fav movie is half blood prince, just because i love all the ron/hermione moments and the highschool drama BAHAHA. what do u mean harry potter isnt a romcom??? ok and last but DEFS not least
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THE UNHINGED ENERGY OF THIS ASK CRACKED ME UP SO MUCH WHEN U SENT IT BAHAHAH, couldnt even fit the whole thing in my screenshot. IM GLAD U LIKED/HATED THE CHAP, and also your pfp just makes everything you say funnier, i love it LMAOOO. ty🙏🙏
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fireflychaosdemon · 21 days
Thank you for reblogging my post. I love your name! Where did you come up with it?
first of all you’re welcome :)
second of all ty
and it’s three separate reasons
ok so
Firefly was the name of my first oc that I pretended to be on Wattpad when I was in sixth grade, and it actually kinda saved my life because I had barely any friends, and to the friends that I did have, I felt like I was just the friend they’d go to when they were bored and no one else was available
while I was Firefly on wattpad, people actually liked and cared about me so it helped me a lot
I also called myself Firefly when I was in eighth grade, because I joked about how I was the only colourful one in the sea of darkness (everyone else in my class wore black 95% of the time, and I looked like a rainbow threw up on me)
So for Chaos, I’m chaotic. Nothing more to that.
Demon is actually a funnier story because there was this one kid in my class in eighth grade (he was also in my class in seventh grade)
he may have had a crush on me at one point because he acted really weird around me (he had no chance though)
he also kinda stalked me for a bit after grade eight
but in grade 7 he punched my brother’s friend in the eye because my brother’s friend came over to defend my brother because he was yelling at my brother for him tripping over my brother because he wasn’t looking where he was going and that was apparently my brother’s fault for some reason (don’t ask, idk)
anyway so me and this kid had never really gotten along
he tried to copy off my French test in grade 8 as well and I said no
he came up with this brilliant idea that he was going to try to bully me in eighth grade
now I had been bullied every year since grade one
so grade eight was the year I snapped and stopped giving a shit anyways
so he tried multiple ways to bully me
all of them were stupid
first he tried to make me upset about one mistake I made in my first basketball game (it was the first and only year I was on a sports team, and during the first game I accidentally got points for the other team because I got confused)
And then I realized he was probably just mad because the boys basketball team won like 2 games meanwhile the girls basketball team was undefeated until semi finals
So I think that was the moment I snapped
the second one was the actual reason I went on this whole spiel (I just realized I’ve been spelling that word wrong for two months)
so the second way he tried to bully me, we were in the shop room in my elementary school working on a project for science class or something
and we ended up at the same table because there was like 30 kids and 6 tables
I was working with one girl in my class who I befriended because everyone else was bullying her (also part of the reason I snapped, how they treated her)
so anyway I was trying to ignore him for the most part, the most we spoke was “could you pass the hot glue gun please” or stuff like that
So he starts asking me what religion I was for a reason unknown to me
I told him to guess
istfg he guesses EVERY RELIGION other than mine
so eventually he gives up and goes “ok what is your religion then?”
so I respond with “pagan”
and he’s like “what’s that?”
so I explain that it’s the belief in multiple gods or deities
So he asks if I would rather go to heaven or hell
and I respond with “truthfully, I don’t believe either exists” because honestly I don’t think the vast majority of people can be classified as good or bad only
somehow he misunderstands that completely and starts yelling that I’m a satanist
and he starts making little wooden crosses with the hot glue and trying to ward me away or something while screaming “THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU”
so I just laughed at him because it was ridiculous but honestly he gets points for originality
But the power of Christ can’t compel me if I’m a satanist, only if I’m a demon
and I never figured out which one, but since I am not a satanist, by process of elimination I’m a demon
so that’s why I came up with FireflyChaosDemon
wow that took a while
possibly because I went off topic a lot
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verishere · 5 months
gimme a disastrous magical scenario. I have a wizard character whose job it is to clean up after other more irresponsible wizards
i need smth funny
Given I know nothing about how these wizards magic works, I'm going to use this as an excuse to talk about some from my world. Maybe they can also apply to yours, or at least give some kind of idea.
The dancing plague of 1518. That sounds like a fictional name, but no, look it up. That's real life history. Of course, I couldn't leave something like that alone, so I exaggerated it and stuffed into my world.
So the central plaza of this one kingdom had runes drawn all over the damned thing. Each one was applied to the bottom of a brick that would then be laid into the plaza floor, the culprit of course being one of the several workers involved in building it. Or at least, he was disguising as a common laborer instead of an extremely dangerous and also slightly unstable wizard. Now of course it wouldn't be applied to every brick, only the ones he held, but that just makes it funnier.
He sent his magic into the runes roughly 50 years after it was built. No one, of course, suspected anything of the plaza that entire time; why would they? Nothing had happened yet. And now suddenly if you step on the wrong square, you start dancing until you step off the plaza entirely. For as long as you remain on the plaza you will remain dancing, if you step on the wrong one. He also cast a larger spell over all the plaza so that once this effect activated, you cannot mark the bricks at all, or even move them or anything like that without magical means. You just had to guess which ones were safe and which one's weren't.
The event of course ended when the reigning monarch came down to see what all the ruckus was about, thought it utterly rediculous, these people must be lying as an excuse to dance in public, or some kind of defamation against me, so he decided to prove that it must be a hoax. By stepping onto it.
Unfortunately, the king himself was a magic user, and a rather more powerful one than the wizard who'd set this whole thing up, so he of course broke the spells and replaced the plaza's bricks... after about 45 seconds of ballet in front of his assembled people.
Another one was when the same wizard as before cast a spell to change the perceptions of everyone in the entirety of the palace grounds of a different kingdom's monarch, some few centuries later. What he did was anyone who stepped into that palace would be incapable of percieving height properly. If what they were looking at was taller than them, it would appear half height to their eyes; if it is shorter than them, it will quadruple in height to their eyes. It does, of course, not actually affect anything physically. All it did was that anyone fortunate enough to watch got to see noblemen stepping as high as they could very carefully over a small pipe in the ground, or run away screaming when a spider approached. It should be mentioned this did not affect other people, if they saw someone else they were their proper height.
Another time this same wizard (he's a fun guy) some 1000 years or so after the last incident (some other people didn't think he was very fun, he had to be quiet for a bit) was sneaking up upon a diplomatic meeting between two kingdoms, who did not share a language. He cast a spell over the translator, causing her to perceive every word said by one side as a fart joke, and any said by the other side as a dick joke. As in, if one person mentioned someone named "James", then it would be perceived to her as a joke about James' well endowment. The sentence would remain unaltered in meaning, except that always if the subject of the sentence were a person the translator would hear a joke made about that person. So speaking to each other of course, they would address each other by name or by pronoun, and each and every time it was done, the translator always relayed the joke she heard as well.
Fortunately, two of the people there were magic users themselves, albiet extremely weak ones, and were able to eventually sense the magic in the area. It took some time though, and some pain. As in, almost a massive diplomatic incident that would have ended several trade routes and friendships.
I have more, I'm sure, but I can't think of anymore off the top of my head and I need sleep. Hope one of these at least gave an idea though!
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thekoikitten · 4 months
i have the personal headcanon(i have so many hcs) that prtag of pkmn team rocket edition is actually just low empathy, and not whatever professor oak implied him to be. it just makes it so much funnier and just. makes oak completely wrong AGAIN
what do u think protag is?
I think the protagonist (which I'm calling Sweet because I called him that in every playthrough just a lil name bias shhhhhh) is just a dude who joined team rocket and turned to be a battle prodigy (did I spell that right?) that has low empathy.
(Also unrelated fact if you keep clicking enter in the naming process then cancelling that name over and over again you actually get a chance of getting a no name at all and you can play with no name. Pretty funny when the characters call out the player's selected name)
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skratchytheclown · 2 months
To everyone, what is the worst pronounciation of your own name you've ever heard?
Stewart: "I know it's not me, but I've called MT a few different things. There is "mmpt", "empt", and my personal favorite, "emm-tee"! He hates it, which makes it even funnier! I've never heard someone mispronounce my name, though."
Hariet: "People don't really pronounce my name wrong, but I do remember people spelling my name wrong. People kept spelling my name with two Ls, even though my name only has one! Nowadays I get a variety of names; the creature, Hariet, the hare, Maiche, the woodswoman, stuff like that."
Emar: "Uhh, I don't hear people say my name a lot, but when they do, it is either "em-arr", or "Emer". I don't think either one is bad.."
Roy: "One time I was havin' some small talk with this guy who over-pronounced the Y in my name. It was like.. "RoYE" and it was so annoying."
Larry: "I'd be surprised if someone were to pronounce my name wrong."
Iggy: "Anyone who pronounces my name wrong would be STUPID. It has THREE letters!"
Lemmy: "Hmmm... not that I remember! My name is easy to pronounce!"
Ludwig: "People mispronounce my name all the time. I swear if I hear another "luhdwig" I'm going to lose it."
Junior: "Eh, most people just call me "junior", so I don't have problems with that."
Bowser: "Nobody has mispronounced my name! Not that I've heard, at least. People talk about me a lot, so everyone seems to learn the correct pronunciation from each other."
Silvea: "The spelling of my name seems to confuse people. A couple of times, I heard people say "sil-vea", like "pea". Other times, people spell my name like "silvia" or "sylvia"."
Dieter: "I have the feeling that hardly anyone knows how to pronounce my name right. I don't really care though. That is such an insignificant problem."
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howicked · 1 year
bbc ghosts but they’re all Creatures™ from Philippine mythology
*the english translation of the filipino terms are boldly formatted
**i’m not an expert on this area, i just loosely describe and relate the characters based on what i know
**blood, guts, gore, and horror in general ahead, the illustrations are also not mine
• Kitty - diwata or boringkantada or a duwende
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can’t decide which works best for kitty: a filipino nymph, a beautiful supernatural woman or a playful hobgoblin.
diwata is umbrella term for beautiful goddesses, and the most popular ones are dayang makiling, mariang sinukuan, and maria cacao. i think kitty would be mariang sinukuan— a kind and generous goddess who stopped bringing fruits and harvests to humans when they became unsatisfied and greedy.
a boringkantada is definitely not boring: it possesses beauty both physically and in its voice. when someone is lured by its singing, it instinctively assumes the person is about to rob the treasures it guards and viscously attacks them.
the hobgoblin that loves to play, a duwende has the tendency to be extremely jealous and may either shower gifts to the ones they like and play tricks on the ones they don’t.
*i also see pat as a duwende, and i’ll elaborate that on the next parts.
• Fanny - white lady or a dalikamata
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i mean, she’s already a grey lady so this one’s not far-fetched. basically, a white lady is a ghost dressed in a white dress, particularly an urban legend that resides in a Balete tree in Quezon City, Manila. it is also known as the Weeping Woman or the Wronged Woman in other beliefs.
alternatively, i also think she would be a dalikamata— a Visayan goddess with many eyes that can see the past, present and the future. i relate the all-seeing, all-knowing attribute to fanny’s nosy attitude.
• Mary - albularyo
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derived from the spanish term herbolario, these folk or witch doctors are either believed to have supernatural abilities to cure illness better than modern medicine or hated for being a pseudoscience and/or a witch. screams mary to me. She knows every herb and ointment, can track the roots of what caused the sickness, but also has the capability to harm those who wronged her. ultimately, she does her best to help others.
• Annie - mangkukulam
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rip annie you would’ve loved putting curses on men. she would’ve been a powerful witch. there are many other terms for filipino witches according to respective regions, but we call them mangkukulam in our area. plus, these witches believe that their spells do not work on the innocent, their targets often being thieves and colonizers.
side note: i actually have this oc from a story i once tried to write wherein the albularyo and mangkukulam are girlfriends because of the contradicting capabilities, and the idiots themselves told me mary and annie were gay.
• Pat - nuno sa punso or a duwende
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a nuno sa punso is a dwarf goblin that will harm you if you anger it by kicking its house (an anthill) and/or pissing on it. if modern medicine cannot cure you in any way and you have disrespected him, you may need to ask for his forgiveness or seek help from the albularyo. “tabi-tabi po” or “excuse me please” is a phrase you say to show respect to beings like this.
my first reason for nuno!pat was because of his height. but it is also depicted as a tiny, angry grandpa and a protector of the earth— which reminds me of pat.
on the other hand, the duwende is a hobgoblin that likes playing with children because of its natural playful attitude. this one’s not that easily angered unlike the nuno sa punso, but can still hurt those it doesn’t like.
• Captain - kapre
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the way i giggled when i thought of cap being a CAPre. kapre cap,,, i feel like the funniest person alive. the photo makes it funnier— just some local kapre with glasses with a tree behind it
a kapre is a cigar-smoking, tree-dweller. traditionally, it presents itself as a hairy, muscular, and tall guardian/protector of the land that can also shapeshift into a beautiful man to invite people to follow them (especially in the woods). hence, it can make you run around in circles as you forget memories of your life.
side note: thomas can also be a kapre because if a kapre likes you, it will follow and protect you from your enemies for life. a former filipino president (emilio aguinaldo) is believed to have outlived his enemies because he had a kapre amulet.
• Humphrey - manananggal or pugot
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a manananggal is a self-segmenting vampire. its upper torso has wings that help it fly and hunt humans (particularly pregnant women and their babies), while its lower torso stays behind. there is a belief that you can actually kill it by finding its lower torso and putting salt or crushed garlic in it in order to prevent it from uniting with its upper torso. i’m thinking about this image of humphrey’s head having wings attached behind him, and his tudor outfit already spells out vampire to me.
or if we’re gonna be canon compliant, humphrey is already a version of a pugot— a headless creature from the ifugao. but i’m putting this on a maybe part because there are many versions of the pugot: some believe it is a version of the kapre, some believe it is a shapeshifting ghoul.
• Robin - aswang or sigbin or bungisngis
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aswang is a broad, umbrella term for all cannibal shapeshifters. they appear as normal humans by day, and various human-animal hybrids by night.
i also see robin as a sigbin. both are seen as dog-like creatures that eat fresh, bloody, and raw meat. some believe that you can keep a sigbin as a pet that will protect you and even let you hop in on its back— but once you let it starve, it will always be a creature of the night that can eat you and your entire family.
robin would also make a good bungisngis because it is a cannibal one-eyed cyclops. its name directly translates to “one who giggles a lot”, which is why it is known for laughing and playing tricks. ironically, it is dumb enough to be tricked.
• Julian - bakunawa or engkanto
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the bakunawa is a dragon serpent notably known for allegedly eating the earth’s seven moons. i’d like to think of that as a parallel to a politician like julian being enamored by the shiny power and wealth.
and because of julian’s charms, he would also be an engkanto— environmental spirits that presents to be good-looking and formerly known as a protector of the people but may also tend to be deceiving (much like of a politician).
• Thomas - tikbalang
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this one’s peer-reviewed by a friend so i’m more than confident about thomas being a tikbalang. it appears to be a half-human half-horse creature known to lead travelers astray as they live in the mountains. it is known to be mischievous when it play tricks on humans (a tribute i might also relate to julian or robin), so make sure to wear your shirt inside out or stay quiet while in the woods to not disturb it.
unrelated but fun fact: if it’s raining, we have this belief that a tikbalang is getting married. (this phrase is potentially from the spanish when they believed that a witch is getting married when there’s rain on a sunny day)
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evelhak · 8 months
23, 38, 73, 90 ?
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Hmm. It's hard to say where the line for a celebrity goes. I'm an author so I've met other authors and since my country is small, the big names and the small ones mingle in a lot of places, so I have met some big names.
Other than that, I am comically unaware of celebrities. The chances that I wouldn't realise I was talking to one, are pretty good, because I don't watch much TV or follow popular culture outside of my quite niche interests. It's even funnier because my mom is a real celebrity magnet, and especially my grandmother. She was close friends and neighbours with arguably the most famous pop/rock star in Finland, but I never met the guy.
38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?
Two days and two nights, I think? I'm a night owl but also my body pretty much just shuts down by itself after I've stayed up too long, and needs a lot of sleep, so I won't be breaking any magnificent staying up records.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Depends entirely whether the consequences of correcting them or not correcting them are the more favourable ones. If I see someone being an asshole, I will pretty much always interfere. As well as if I see people miscommunicating, I will step in to rephrase what they're saying to help them understand each other. But other than that, things are more complicated.
For example, if someone uses a word, out of ignorance, that is offensive to a group of people, I will explain to them why it's offensive, and why it shouldn't be used, because I can see them using it again in the future. If someone I'm having an argument with makes a factual mistake that doesn't directly relate to the outcome of the argument, I won't correct them, because it would distract them from the point of the conversation, and possibly make them more defensive. If I scroll by a post on Tumblr that is spreading misinformation about a topic I'm informed in, I will comment about it unless it's inconsequential as far as my imagination reaches. If it's more of an impression thing, grey-area or a matter of perspective, even though it seems wrong from my perspective, I will generally not comment on it, unless the post is directed at me somehow, in which case I will offer my perspective as contrast.
I have taught ballet, which is highly technical and has an exact right way of doing things a lot of the time, so I have spent a lot of time thinking about which mistakes make sense to correct at any given time, and which ones can wait, when considering the entire package of a person, their goals and well-being, and their impact on a group. From that I can pretty much draw to any situation that involves correcting others. I generally try to be as holistic in my interactions with people as possible, so I think about correcting mistakes the same way, it's not about what I get out of it, it's about what they, and people as a whole could get out of it. If the only beneficiary from correcting a mistake would be my ego, then I don't correct it. I try to consider one interaction's impact on a bigger scale. Not that I'm always able to, or wise about it, or judge the consequences correctly, but I try.
That being said, if you're one of my very closest friends and I have known you for a long time, I will freely correct any of your technical and factual mistakes, down to your spelling mistakes, depending on my mood, if I know you can take it. But that's reserved for my innermost circle.
Okay, this is clearly something I think about a lot...
90. What makes you angry?
Eh. I don't want to overwhelm you with detail, because I'm sure I could go on longer than the previous question. so I'm just going to say cruelty, unfairness, and generally anything that comes from malice, or lack of respect or regard for other people's well-being. I have a pretty low tolerance for people being mean and putting each other down. Unwillingness to consider other people's perspectives and acting like your opinions are objective facts is a pretty sure way to get me angry, too. The bigger someone's ego is, the sooner I will probably clash with them. On the pettier side, I get easily irritated if someone assumes I don't know something that is pretty basic knowledge, or I otherwise perceive them to imply I'm dumb/not knowledge or I get the feeling that they think they are smarter than me without actually knowing anything about me.
Thanks, I hope that was at least a little bit interesting. :)
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shwoo · 2 years
Okay okay, I have some kind of linguistics background, and I've done too much thinking about the base names of the Bugsnax cast. So here's an excessive amount of words. Since Cromdo's name is confirmed as being from Conrad, I've come up with some stuff based on that. And I'm not saying the developers came up with strict phonetic rules for naming the characters! These are just things that make words sound funnier, so they're more likely to stick.
I can't speak for any language other than English, but in English at least: sounds made with the lips are funny. Sounds involving the nose are funny. Voiced stops (g, d, b) are funnier than voiceless stops (k, t, p). Sounds made at the back of the mouth are funny, but not as funny as sounds made with the lips. Consonant clusters are funny.
For vowels, less vowels is funnier than more vowels. Also, vowels pronounced with the tongue lower down or further back are funnier than vowels that are higher or fronter (Actual Linguistics Term), and vowels pronounced with the lips rounded are funnier than unrounded vowels.
By this logic, the cluster "mb" is the funniest sound ever made in English, which might explain why it's in so many names here. And the name of the species, almost.
Since the idea was to make the names silly without making them unrecogniseable, they probably weren't modified too heavily. The main changes for what I think the names were involve shortening long vowels, removing unstressed vowels, and changing consonants to related, funnier consonants. The vowels were also occasionally changed.
Other changes: moving parts of later consonant clusters to the start, and adding in new consonant clusters. Also, a couple of names had an o added to the end, maybe to make them pronounceable again, and some had their spelling changed to something that looks better with English spelling conventions.
Or they just took the whole original name and replaced the first syllable with a funny word, like with Eggabell.
All these names are at least somewhat popular names in English-speaking regions, particularly the US.
Alegander: Alexander (Alexander --(Funnier consonants)-> Alegander)
The x in Alexander is actually a consonant cluster, but the spelling obscures this, so it's treated as one sound.
Beffica: Jessica (Jessica --(funnier consonants)-> Beffica)
Bronica: Veronica (Veronica --(Reduce vowels)-> Vronica --(Funnier consonants)-> Bronica)
Chandlo: Chandler (Chandler --(funnier vowels)-> Chandlo)
Not sure about this one, but it is what I assumed his name was based on when I first saw the character, and I can't think of anything else. …Cadell? Clinton? Kendall?! That last one is kind of plausible, actually.
Clumby: Kimberly (Kimberly --(reduce vowels)--> Kimbly --(move cluster)-> Klimby --(funnier vowels)-> Klumby --(spelling)-> Clumby
Cromdo: Conrad (Conrad --(reduce vowels)-> Conrd --(move cluster)-> Crond --(funnier consonants)-> Cromd --(make pronouncable)-> Cromdo.
Eggabell: Isabell (Isabell --(funny word)-> Eggabell)
Filbo: Philip (Philip --(reduce vowels)-> Philp --(funnier consonants)-> Philb --(make pronounceable)-> Philbo --(spelling)-> Filbo
Floofty: (something with a t?)
I think the basis for this name was a longer name that had the first syllable replaced with a funny word. Floof, in this case. It was then shortened, and used as Floofty's full name. I know shearing off the gendered parts is one way a non-binary person can make a name feel more like theirs, so it comes off as an in-universe enby name as well. At least to me. (Note: I am agender)
This is based on a screenshot from Discord I saw where Kevin Zuhn said "Floofty had a longer name once, but doesn't use it anymore." It wasn't in the screenshot, but I think they said this in response to a question about where Floofty's name came from?
So I'm going to say the base name is Happstablook, The Happy Ghost, because like the bit in Undertale I'm referencing, it's definitely wrong. It's not a great idea to speculate on a name implied to be a deadname. Besides, the complete absence of transition related information was one of the really refreshing things about Floofty's portrayal in the game.
Gramble: Gabriel (Gabriel --(reduce vowels)-> Gabbrl --(move cluster)-> Grabbl --(add cluster)-> Grambl --(spelling)-> Gramble
Lizbert (Elizabert): Elizabeth or Elisabet. (Elisabet --(funnier vowels)-> Elisabert --(spelling)-> Elizabert
Elisabet isn't a popular form of the name in English-speaking regions, but she shortens her name to Lizbert, and Lizbet/Lisbet/Lisbeth are also not really popular in English-speaking regions, so I don't know. Could also be beth --(funnier name)-> bert.
Shelda: Zelda (Zelda --(funnier consonants)-> Shelda)
Zelda is an uncommon name that didn't re-enter the US top 1000 until 2015, but it's not supposed to be common. She's using a name that makes her sound more mystical and wise. Sh is a funnier sound than Z, I guess.
Shellsy: Shelly (Shelly --(add cluster)-> Shellsy)
Snorpy (Snorpington): Remington (Remington --(funny word)-> Snorpington) There's a few English names that end in -ton, but Remington is the only remotely common one that ends in -ington. Snorp is not actually a word, as far as I can tell, but it is a pretty funny non-word.
Triffany: Tiffany (Tiffany --(add cluster)-> Triffany)
Wiggle: Wiggle
Just a funny word without a name underneath. Maybe it's a nickname/stage name? Or maybe not. It's not really indicated either way.
Wambus: ???
I… can't figure his out. I think it probably has an s in it, and an m, a b, or both, based on how I think the other names were changed, but I have no idea what's up with that W. It could be the funnier version of so many other consonants. Or even vowels. I went through a list of masculine names popular in the 2010s, and came out with Amos, Emerson, James, Jamison, Jeremias, Magnus, Memphis, and Seamus. I guess Amos or Seamus would be most likely out of those?
tl;dr: Smear the name to make it Grumpus.
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It was early 2022 when I got to the Josh sitcom on my list of things to watch. I watched all three seasons in a few days, and it was exactly what I’d expected it to be: an extremely sitcom-y sitcom. A weirdly sitcom-y sitcom, in this day and age (or even the day and age when it was made, which was 2015-2017). It had all the sitcom tropes. It had sitcom plots where everything resets at the end. It had formulaic jokes and scripts. It was mildly amusing. It was quite endearing in the way that most things Josh Widdicombe does are. It had three main actors who were not particularly great at acting, but weren’t (usually) comically terrible at it. It was incredibly average. Sometimes it was funny. Josh Widdicombe sure did write a sitcom. It seemed like he watched every sitcom in existence (which, according to the way he talks about himself, he has in fact done) and distilled all the little bits of their essence into eighteen episodes. I had a good time while watching it.
I did have a really long, detailed post going at the time, which I updated about eight times as I watched new episodes, in which I kept track of all the cameos in it. I think that ended up being my favourite part of the show – seeing all the comedians who’d just wander in for an episode. It started with Mike Wozniak in episode 1, with a full beard, and seeing that when I wasn’t expecting him to be in the show at all was quite a shock. So I made a post about how weird that was. And then I updated it when the second episode started with James Acaster just sitting on Josh’s couch.
It kept going from there. Every episode had at least one new stand-up comedian in its lineup, sometimes two or three. I was going to find my old post and link to it, but as I’ve recently said I often cringe at the thought of things I might have said more than five seconds ago, so let’s not do that (I’m pretty sure I spelled Elis’ name as Ellis every time I wrote it, I figured out about halfway through 2022 that his name only had one L and realized I’d been spelling it wrong for ages).
So instead of going back to my post where I had screenshots of all these guest stars, I’ll just go to IMDB so I can list them: Mike Wozniak, James Acaster, Tom Allen, Cariad Lloyd, Jennifer Fucking Saunders (playing a character who was the mother of the main character who was played by her real-life daughter), both other guys from Three Bean Salad (Henry Paker and Benjamin Partridge, whom I didn’t recognize at the time but now do off IMDB), both people from Lazy Susan (Celeste Dring and Freya Parker, whom I also did not recognize at the time), Miles Jupp, Lolly Adefope, Felicity Ward, Mike Bubbins, Suzi Ruffell, Romesh Ranganathan, Ellie Taylor, Celia Pacquola. That’s not counting the comedians in the main cast (Josh Widdicombe, Elis James, Beattie Edmondson, Jack Dee) – those are all people who turned up for one episode each, except for Wozniak in two and Saunders in three. That is a lot of cameos from comedians to pack into 18 episodes.
This makes it extra funny to me as I listen to the John Robins and Elis James radio shows from that time, and listen to John Robins continually notice the same thing. Before the show started airing he got in some run-of-the-mill jabs about Elis swanning off to be a successful TV actor while John can’t even get verified on Twitter, but after it started airing, the complaints quickly turned to the more specific issue of why they have cast every fucking comedian in Britain in at least one role except for John Robins. A complaint that’s funnier to me because I have seen the show and can confirm that it is true. I even made a whole long post about it at the time, explaining that I’d stopped looking at the show’s IMDB page while watching because I considered IMDB to be a spoiler, since the most fun part of the show was trying to guess which comedian would suddenly turn up next. It did not, at the time, occur to me to wonder what it would be like to watch this as the one comedian in Britain who didn't get a cameo role despite being in a double act with one of the three main actors.
I have enjoyed listening to John Robins get increasingly petty and annoyed about this on the radio, and I was going to cut out some examples, but then I went on YouTube and found that someone else has already done it for me. Has helpfully collated clips of all the chats about the Josh Widdicombe sitcom to happen across several years of radio episodes.
I haven't actually heard everything in this YouTube video yet. I'm currently on episode 120, in mid-2016. I skimmed the video and found that I think the most recent clip I've heard from that video is about halfway through it, when they've just started filming season 2 and John keeps asking if he'll have a cameo in it and Elis tries to deflect with an extended joke about how John can only have a role if he's okay with doing naked fencing, and John plays along for a minute or so before saying, okay, but seriously, have you seen the entire script and do I get a role? And Elis says I have and you don't and then they immediately cut, which is great comic timing on the podcast editor's part. I'm quite pleased that that clip is only halfway through the YouTube video, suggesting that there is plenty more awkward chat along these lines coming up in episodes I haven't heard yet.
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tgon · 2 years
The Nightmare Room #10, Full Moon Halloween | Review
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Title: The Nightmare Room #10 – Full Moon Halloween
Author: R.L. Stine
Cover Artist: Tristan Elwell
Around this time each year, Illinoisans dye the Chicago River green. I'm no ecologist, but I know drinking a Shamrock Shake reeks havoc on my organs. I can't imagine living in one.
For those of us above water, it's St. Patty's! You might assume Full Moon Halloween is a Halloween book. You might assume I failed to write my review in time for Halloween. You'd be wrong. This is a Saint Patrick's Day themed book. If you own a copy, DO NOT DOUBLE CHECK THAT CLAIM.
The book starts by introducing four or five kids, a basketball-team-worth of generic children. You could imagine the Boston Celtics and it wouldn't make any difference. These lifelong friends are getting ready to celebrate the upcoming holiday. Hunting clovers, pinching strangers, getting punched because you pinched the wrong stranger, and you know the rest. Our lads and lasses are horrified when their science teacher invites them to a St. Patrick's Day party at his house. This would be considered weird behavior for anybody else, but "Mr. Moon" gets a pass because he set the bar high:
Ray said [...] "I'll bet you he's still in the lab, injecting weird things into bird eggs."
Tristan said [...] "I mean, I like the idea of putting strange things in eggs and then seeing what you get."
Stine knows kids.
Our heroes will be trapped by societal convention. Although, they might be able to sneak out early. With any luck, they'll still have ample time for step dancing and bobbing for corned beef. When the night comes, the kids try to forget about the day that brought them here. It doesn't help that the only people in attendance (aside from the protags) are Mr. Moon, his wife, and his son.
Things take a turn for the "genuinely creepy" when metal bars slam down over all the windows. It's a werewolf trap, and they've been caught. If you need me to spell it out, a grown man has just kidnapped multiple children and is hellbent on proving one of them is a secret monster. A man of pure reason, Mr. Moon employs the scientific method. Since he's already got his hypothesis (i.e. ONE OF THESE KIDS IS A WEREWOLF), it's time for some experiments.
PHASE 1. Have the kids dress up as werewolves to see if any of them look particularly werewolfish. Genius.
PHASE 2. Unleash a swarm of plogs. I think it's way funnier if I don't explain what "plogs" are.
PHASE 3. Feed the kids raw meat to gauge their reactions. This step might sound stupid, but in his defense it'd be pretty definitive proof should one of the kids shout "WOW THIS IS SO DELICIOUS!"
PHASE 4. Wolfsbane, which will poison a werewolf. I suppose it'll poison a child, too. Probably why it's #4.
Somehow, the results for his first three experiments are inconclusive. Wolfsbane seems to be the only option left, so the kids are forced to drink some. Epic prank! The wolfsbane is fake because ????, and the real PHASE 4 is simply waiting until midnight to see who turns into a werewolf. In a shocking twist, it's none other than Mr. and Mrs. Moon who transform into snarling beasts.
Epic prank! The Moons orchestrated a night of terror to delight the kids, which makes perfect sense because ????. The whole werewolf hunt was nothing more than a joke, and they threw on monster costumes for one final scare. No really. Cops eventually arrive to arrest the Moons. So far, it's the only part of this conclusion that makes sense. Turns out, Mr. Moon's son reported the kidnapping, and apparently kidnapping is a crime. That must be a new law.
An additional fold to this prank (and I swear I'm not making this up) was setting the clocks ahead a couple minutes. The kids' curfew was 11PM, so this doesn't benefit them at all. No, it only serves to tee up another twist. Two of the kids turn into werewolves. By complete accident, Mr. Moon nearly caught two monsters. The Moons have already been carted away, leaving the normal kids alone with two bloodthirsty beasts.
Only R.L. Stine, ladies and gentlemen.
This book was really good.
...If you love plot contrivances. Epic prank!
"My cousin Benny is an animal," she said. "He's four years old, and he still bites."
Tristan reached into a cabinet for a bag of chocolate chip cookies. "Really? What do you do when he bites you?"
"I bite him back!" Rosa replied.
When I was a child, I knew a guy who (in dead seriousness) claimed he once bit his dog to assert dominence. This man owned a corgi.
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theadventurerslog · 2 years
King’s Quest III: To Heir is Human | Part 2
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The Adventurer’s Log
King’s Quest III: To Heir is Human Part 2
Last time I left off I was ready to cast what spells I could before going out to get the ingredients I was still missing. I particularly wanted to make sure I got 'Understanding the Language of Creatures' before leaving so that I could make use of it while wandering around. It lets you hear what animals say when you're passing by as a completely passive ability, so it's nice to just have it active as soon as possible.
Naturally I had to mess it up first.
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My, what big ears you have, Gwydion.
Then I did things properly.
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That 'VERY' felt extra pointed after messing the spell up.
I also messed up making sleeping powder.
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Once I did successfully create it I was ready to go (although I forgot to cast how to fly like an eagle or a fly which I could have done at this point to my annoyance).
Oh so ready to go.
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Ooor not. I guess I had to trip over the cat sometime.
Once I got going again, after falling off the mountain path a few more times for good measure, not remembering until later that I could have used the magic map to teleport away from there, I started looking around for my missing ingredients and found them quite quickly.
I also got to overhear some squirrel chatter.
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Then I came across a big ol' web again where a giant spider lives. Naturally I had to poke it.
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Munch munch, bye Gwydion. It just gobbles him right up. It was here I had my 'oh crap I forgot to make the flying spell.'. It creates an essence you dip either an eagle feather or fly wings into when you want to use it. So, while I had been missing the feather, I still could have made the essence.
More mountain trips for me. More falling because while you can avoid going down with the map, the map only takes you to the base if you teleport there, so you gotta climb back up. More falls for me especially when cocky and thinking, sure I can handle on fast; not like it's fastest. Psh no problem.
Anyway, back to messing with spells and torturing Gwydion. That's what reloading is for after all.
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Truly a talented wizard.
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He looks so put out.
Don't worry, Gwydion. I got those spells made properly and nothing more would go wrong and I certainly wouldn't cause anymore deliberate deaths...
So, that fly spell turns you in either an eagle or a fly depending on whether you use the eagle feather or fly wings.
And I mean. Well, there's a big web right there. And fly wings right here.
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That said I was a tiny speck of a fly and this is a huge spider. Would it even have noticed? Oh no ate a speck of dust.
I did get revenge. Eagle time!
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This cracks me up and is even funnier in motion. The spider is so stiff but still wiggles. Fly a couple screens and dump it into the ocean wheee.
The game took me back to the cave and the spell wore off. I entered the cave to find an oracle and their crystal ball. They spoke to me and it's time to get some backstory and plot!
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"Hi!" Something about this dragon staring straight at you from the orb is funny to me.
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And yep, Gwydion is actually the prince of Daventry. Here's our connection to the previous games after all! After all the adventures Graham has had, including against a different dragon, I guess this one was just too much? And now it's his own daughter. What are you doing, Graham? Valanice? Guys...
The Oracle gave me an amber stone. As it turns out we need a stone for the teleportation spell I was still missing. Now it's up to Gwydion to find a way off of Llewdor and somehow get back to Daventry and save his unknown sister, family and kingdom.
First off is messing up, I mean making that spell.
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One last failure for the road. He was just popping in and out in place in an endless cycle. One of the less fun failures, but also sort of scary when you think about it..
Now we know it's time to leave Llewdor I went back to the little port area. I popped into the tavern, bought a drink and got drunk as that will surely help the cause! Gwydion staggered around the place out of control for a bit.
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Once I regained control I talked to the seamen over at the table and they offered to let me on their boat in exchange for gold. Then it was time to meet them at the dock before they leave without you.
Unfortunately, it turns out they were pirates. All (nearly) of my inventory was taken and Gwydion was thrown in the hold. However, they didn't get everything!
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Still got my trusty Dough in Ears. You may take my freedom, but you won't take my dough.
I wandered around the hold, got a bit stuck because I didn't realize it extended more in one direction, but found my way and listened to some gossiping mice.
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Clearly we need Mouse's Quest as well to learn the full story of these events.
I picked up the small crate and used it as a stepping stool in the previous screen with a larger crate so I could climb on and reach a dangling ladder.
The ladder leads to a screen next to the captain's quarters. Thankfully, the captain wasn't in, so I was able to poke around a bit. A chest had all my inventory. There was a chart above a desk and I tried "look at map" thinking to look at it, forgetting that'd mean looking at my magic map. So I was surprised to see my magic map pop up now filled in with ocean and a little ship. Just for kicks I tried teleporting to another tile and landed in the ocean. And swam. And swam. I kept expecting to drown but it was just wasn't happening. I could have used the teleport spell to try to go back or possibly the map again, but I just reloaded as I'd saved just beforehand.
I stopped there in terms of making progress. However, I knew I'd missed some fun stuff back in Llewdor, so I reloaded an earlier save to do some more wandering and listening in on animals.
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Rosella's not just a sister, but a TWIN sister. It'd be something to have heard this without knowing anything, before seeing the oracle.
I also went out to the desert and listened in one some lizards discussing how to get cactus stickers out of their tails.
And then for a final measure I went back to visit the three bears' house and slept in all their beds. Funnily enough Papa Bear was not impressed with me sleeping in Baby Bear's bed.
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Papa Bear means business and threw me out of the house. Sorry bears. I'll be out of your hair now.
And that was that. I have my save back on the pirate ship ready to go.
Okay, no, there was one last thing I thought of as I started to write this post and just had to go check. I can understand animals! Manannan's cat is an animal!
So I loaded an older save and went to find and try talking to his cat.
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His cat was not impressed. No love lost here, it seems.
And with that, this session is done. Next time: explore the pirate ship and find our way to Daventry. Got a twin sister to save!
Death Counter: 36, some deliberate, some very much not. The joy of mountain paths.
Time Played: 2:35
Points: 171/210
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motownfiction · 6 months
It’s Wednesday night, which means Judy has to study for her weekly spelling test. Every Thursday morning, her fourth-grade class sits in their seats and spells ten new words. Some are relatively easy, used in common parlance, important for kids to learn how to spell at an early age. Some – way more than Steph appreciates – are a bit weird, uncommon, and probably won’t come up very often unless your kid turns out to be a poet.
And Judy might. She loves books and music and all kinds of art. She hates sports, which is usually the sign of any artistic kid in the making – at least, it is when your kid is ten years old. But she also hates studying for her spelling tests. They’re tedious and boring. Whenever Steph gives her a new word, she gets tired of spelling it, so she makes up new definitions. Better to make herself laugh than to get the word right sometimes. At least, that’s what Steph assumes.
Like tonight. One of the words on Judy’s spelling list is clamber. Steph really and truly thinks about it, and she’s pretty sure she’s never actually used the word clamber in fifty years of being alive. She’s heard it, probably in an old poem or in Lucy’s everyday vocabulary, but she’s probably never used it. It’s not a difficult word, she thinks. Just kind of a strange one. As it turns out, Judy must feel similarly because she just will not let this word go.
“Clamber,” Steph says. “Come on. Just spell it, and we can move on.”
“Clamber,” Judy repeats. “Is that, like, a clam named Amber?”
She makes herself laugh so hard, she falls out of her chair and onto the floor. She rolls around laughing there like an expression no one really uses anymore. The joke isn’t much, but it makes Steph laugh a little bit, too. Judy’s laugh is funny and sweet, but after a minute, Steph’s own laughter turns into a distinct cry.
Judy bolts upright as soon as she hears the change in her mother’s wheeze.
“Mom?” she asks. “What’s wrong?”
Steph looks at Judy – the baby who looks so much like her, it’s hard to believe she required any paternity at all – and cups her face in her hands.
“Nothing is wrong,” she says. “I’m just … thinking.”
“About what?”
And Steph could tell her. Judy’s a smart girl. Sensitive, too. She would understand. But Steph is not that kind of parent. She swore to herself she never would be. Sadie has told her enough stories about Carrie and Cordelia to scare her for a lifetime. Kids shouldn’t have to hear everything. They shouldn’t have to carry the things they never asked to own. So, Steph just laughs her tears away and kisses Judy right in the middle of her forehead.
“Nothing,” she says. “I think I figured it out.”
Judy accepts this answer because she has no way of knowing it’s a lie. If Steph is a good parent, she’ll never know. Because that joke about a clam named Amber was funnier than Judy ever could have known. Because it made Steph think.
About how Sam would have made the same joke when he was ten, too.
About how if Sam were around to hear his daughter make that joke tonight, he would have rolled around the flooring laughing with her, too.
But Judy doesn’t need to know any of that.
She just needs to pass a spelling test.
“Come on, now,” Steph says, pointing to the list of spelling words that Judy’s teacher printed for yet another week. “Clamber. It’s not going to wait for you.”
Judy rolls her eyes. She’s smart as can be, but she hates school. Steph could tell her it’s genetic and that she gets it mostly from her father. But she won’t. No use in talking about the father Judy will never meet.
“Clamber,” Judy repeats. “C-L-A-M-B-E-R.”
They keep practicing spelling words all night, and Steph tells herself she forgets any thoughts she had of Sam.
(part of @nosebleedclub march challenge -- day 21!)
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hazbincalifornia · 8 months
Hazbin Liveblog: Episode 5
That promo picture is encouraging, let's gooo!
Bedheaded Vaggie is adorable. I love her.
Everybody seeming concerned except for Niffty is great. Also, frazzled Charlie hair is cute. Me before I brush my hair, tbh.
Have we seen Charlie in just her suspenders in the 'main' series? I rewatched the second half of the pilot more than the first so it's the look I really liked on her, too bad it's showing her as down to her last rope here.
Huh, I was wondering how that worked! I imagine Lucifer, since he can only see the evil in humans, bargained to save Hellborns in exchange for Exterminations being only targeted at the 'just evil' Sinners, since Heaven probably said 'it's this or we kill everyone'.
AMON SPOTTED IN CHARLIE'S CONTACTS... which means that my Aamon is spelled wrong. Oh well. Not gonna bother fixing that, it'll differentiate them if he ever shows up anyway.
I like how all the egg boys have different contacts, but they're still labeled 1, 2, 3, ect. Do they all have their own phones?
Big bombshell that Lilith and Lucifer split, but all I'm looking at is that little drawing of Angel as an actual spider in the background.
Oh, of COURSE Niffty would want him.
I like how, as opposed to the strained faces in the Loo Loo Land portrait, Lilith, Charlie, and Lucifer all genuinely look happy in their portrait- wide grins and happy eyes. There was something at some point, it just... didn't last.
Huh. He really is a goof.
Staring at the giant pile of ducks with 'important things' is great. I'm not sure really how to feel about him yet? I wonder how people who were 'fans' of him think of this. (He's one of the 'I'm waiting for canon to see how I feel before getting attached' characters, like the Vees.)
I always sort of assumed that the building itself came from Lucifer, I don't remember if that was something mentioned at some point or just a headcanon that I had, but now that makes me wonder, does she just have mountains of Princess Cash that she bought it with if he didn't even know?
Huh, he still wears a gold ring on his pinkie finger?
Angel's 'oh god this is cringy but I feel bad for her' expressions are top-notch but I'm wheezing at Husk's flat-mouthed stare and Pent's fucking.... crying cat face. They don't know what to do with Niffty so she's just got a blank smile.
Oh hey, some kind of diagram of the rings! They'll be easier to look at than the shot of the elevator in Ozzie's!
If they only had an hour to clean up, I see why the 'it's a boy!' banner from that one promo clip was there, lmao.
OH MY GOD HE IS TINY, I thought that was just perspective in that one show but he's actually shorter than Vaggie, holy shit
Have we seen Razzle and Dazzle before now? I imagine we just haven't had time to fit them in before now.
Shaking the scepter is funnier than it has any right to be, and Charlie and Husk have basically the exact same expression in the background.
The fact that this is Alastor's first on-screen swear is hysterical. He probably expected Lucifer would know of him but he's taken down a peg- I doubt Luci's paid any attention to individual sinners since the split with Lilith. Beautiful.
I physically cringe into myself with second-hand embarrassment from tv. I did not think the series would provoke that response in me as often as it does, but then again, I don't watch the interview portion of the pilot much, so it probably should have been expected.
Alastor: On one hand, I dislike the idea of being with Charlie. On the other, I need to fuck with this guy for insulting me.
Hey, at least he's not homophobic about it.
You know, from Angel, that feels like he's genuinely trying to make a good impression.
Oh. Oh I normally try to save changing icons but I HAVE to change to Alastor on that pan. My Brand. I just spent like five minutes opening up prime on my computer to get it from there, change it on twitter, and come back here.
I have to say, I did NOT expect the Lucifer song to be Lucifer and Alastor going back and forth but I kind of love it? Also, a flash of the fun neon colors from his pilot song!
Oh my god, I made a comment on the spoiler twitter joking about how it's funny imagining Alastor doing the boring shit an actual facility manager would do but he actually DOES unclog toilets and shit. Fucking incredible. (Granted, it being Niffty means it was probably a special case. Cute that she called him 'sir' though.)
On one hand, a thousand Charlastor cries at this. On the other, him making 'I'm more of a father to her than you are (and I literally met her like two months ago)' his play is a diabolical move.
(I did hear about those leaked character audition sheets that indicated Alastor's age jumped up from his mid-thirties to his mid-forties. My joke about how Angel finds out 17-18 year old Stellaluna has a crush on him and just 'man, kid, daddy issues much?' and she's just 'shut the fuck up' is even stronger now, even though she's actually got a generally-fine relationship with her dads, it's mostly screwed because of outside forces.)
I wonder if that thing going around the Viv might have wanted Weird Al for Lucifer was due to the accordion thing. Probably not, I can see how the personality got her there, but still. Funny.
I feel for Charlie in all this.
Well, Mimzy was unexpected!
I like how Husk looks completely unimpressed while the others are confused. What do you wanna bet she just pops up around Alastor once in a while so he's used to her pulling this?
She's fun! I like her.
Ha, called Husk didn't like her. There's a lot of good background stuff in this episode as the characters react to stuff.
Having Mimzy (as a friend of Alastor's) recount the story fits into things a lot better, and I like the idea that he didn't just go on a giant bloody rampage that first day but started with something more sneaky. I think it fits better.
I was curious if this bit would be in this episode. Alastor's been a bit... tame, in previous episodes? He mostly seemed to aim snark generally or at those who 'deserve' it like Vox, it's great to see him being more of a 'villain' to Husk to really hammer in that while he's different from Val, the comparisons in Loser aren't just surface-level.
Making loan sharks actual sharks is great. Also, Mimzy running over the dude's girlfriend makes me like her even more.
As someone who is Literally Here because a friend told me Alastor was a cannibal after I watched the pilot and it got me interested enough to jot off a oneshot where he shrinks someone and eats them and then start poking around in the fandom, this pleases me down to my very bones.
Huh. With the knowledge that Lucifer and Lilith are separated, Alastor was gone the same amount of time she was, Husk's comment about how he's on a leash too, and now he's genuinely trying to uphold the idea of the hotel in some small part... I really wonder if Lilith did actually task him with this in some way, especially with a comment someone made about how him showing up moments after Charlie called her mom in the pilot might not be just how the scenes shook out.
Oh, this song is so sweet. Lilith having no face in the flashback is A Choice though, especially with how her card is faceless with just a mouth as well. (Which may even tie back to the idea of her working with Alastor- it's the same sort of grin he has.)
The animation here is... a little wonky though. It feels like it's a bit 'movement for the sake of movement' again, wanting it to look fluid but without certain direction. The song itself is lovely, though.
Vaggie's got something to hide, doesn't she? Does... does Charlie not know if she's a fallen angel?
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whoreslut-supreme · 9 months
Actually i have a story from a couple months back cause it's funny. There was an english competition and the first elimination round was at my school, the second at the school the competition itself was in and the competition as a whole. So at the first round we just had to listen to a recording of someone reading a text and write it down. So yeah, i did that, i just wasn't sure about a single word that appeared a few times. The girl who was sitting next to me asked the teacher later what was that word, and she told us. Except. Later on, i was told that i did it perfectly. As in, no mistakes. Which means i guessed the word right. But the word the teacher gave us was different. So, by process of elimination, she must have told us the wrong word (she didn't read it from anywhere, she just told us, so i think she just said what she thought she heard). BUT WAIT there's more. The final round, so the actual competition, was different - we chose an envelope, there were ten words inside, and they got a guy who was american, so he had an accent, to read them out and we had to spell it letter by letter. Except. The guy did not know these words. And how do i know? He pronounced quite a few wrong. And this isn't me insulting him, they specifically chose words that were long, uncommon, complicated and had a lot of silent parts (i heard two that were french for some reason, but that only makes it funnier), so like, he had the full right to not know them just like that. Why didn't they give the words to him first, before the competition, so he can know what's there? No clue. They probably just had this idea and went "hey man, you're ✨american✨, so can you read them out in your ✨american accent✨ for us for a competition with monetary prizes?"
Meaning that not only did they not prepare the teachers for elimination rounds, fucked up the recording on the second elimination round (which i didn't mention, but it was a badly cut accidentally sped up, yes they said it was on accident, part of an audiobook that we had to write down on a way too small piece of paper), they didn't prepare the guy AROUND WHOM THE FINAL ROUND LITERALLY CENTERED, they also used words that aren't even english, with a non-english pronounciation, in an english competition.
So yeah, polish schools everyone. It's just exquisite how organized they are. I aspire to be like them.
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Ok I'd like to preface this with I have No Fucking Clue what I'm doing the last time I DID anything with DnD was like. Half a decade ago. I was a small child I remember fuck all.
We're doing a oneshot for a friends birthday soon so I needed to set up my character, now, the party Did Not have any characters that can Hit Things Good, hence the choice of a fighter class character. My friend is running through subclasses and I hear the words "Eldritch" and "Knight" right next to each other.
Now, I'm not sure if you know this but I have been SWAMPED with a Magnus Archives hyperfixation for the last six months. I have two things on the brain and it's The Magnus Archives and Jonny Sims's band the Mechanisms. Eldritch horror is essentially the only thing I think about these days.
Now, going into this, I 100% had plans for this guy to be a COMPLETE fucken himbo. This man was not supposed to have any lights on upstairs. I've been described as the nicest cuddliest fridge you will ever meet, thats this guy but even more so and dumb as balls. And then I heard the words 'Eldritch Knight' so that plan went out the window a little bit.
Now, don't get me wrong, he's still is a bit of a himbo, but because I wanted to play whatever the fuck an eldritch knight is, he can't actually be stupid? Because he rolls with intelligence for his spells, so I'm turning his wisdom down to fuckall once I start actually rolling for the character stats and shit, but he knowingly acts like a himbo.
He knows exactly what he's doing. He knows he looks like a himbo so he's making the choice to act like a himbo. This man Does Not stop smiling it's a little bit eerie actually. He wants the emotional damage from hitting him to hurt worse than the ass kicking he will give you (or at least attempt to give you)
He's a dragonborn of the gold colouring, which is going to cause So Many Problems because there is a wizard in the party. The wizard can move and manipulate fire to his will. I can breathe fire. This is going to cause So Many Problems and I Cannot Wait.
Now. To the best part about this, I felt like giving him an actual weapon would make him too cool? And I learned that I can bind up to 2 weapons to himself, and teleport them to his location at any given moment as long as they're in the same fucking dimension. So I went "what if he just has a metal baseball bat?". So now he has a metal baseball bat. My DnD nerd of a friend is in the VC with me helping me figure out what the hell I'm doing, and we're both silly motherfuckers.
So my friend goes "what if you made the bat sentient?"
Cue my begging to the DM for him to let me have a sentient baseball bat that hates the fact its used for violence. My friend is going to voice the bat. It sounds very posh and very displeased with everything that my character does. So now this secretly knowledgeable himbo lookin ass dragonborn has a talking baseball bat with a similar attitude to Jack the Sword from the Magnus Chase series.
Now, as for what the hell the oneshot is about which is about to make things infinitely funnier, or at least it did for me, is this sunshine and rainbows guy is in jail. This takes place in a prison. Why is he in jail? He kept tracking down and breaking the knees of people who harassed his siblings or committed other heinous crimes.
And now, for the final remarks. I chose this guys name before I figured out his race. Now this was an awful idea but it was also one of the funniest things I think I've ever done.
Before that though, I feel like it's worth mentioning the sword has been named 'Sir Astren of the Cosmos' no I haven't figured out why that's its name it came to me in a vision.
Anyways mr not-actually-a-himbo dragonborn over here is named Tomothy Reiden. No, that's not a typo.
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