#i spent so much god damn time on lizzies hair
gynii · 2 years
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My piece for @empiressmpzine !! Go check out the full zine, including the cover page I made HERE!!
(full vertical piece under cut)
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peakywitch · 4 years
Too much, too less - Michael Gray
A/N: eeeh angsty of course lmao sorry... THIS GIF 🤰🤰🤰
Words: 1k maybe idk i didn't count
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Christmas was one of Y/N favourite times of the year. Her family always celebrated it with joy, love and a lot of laughter. The whole year they worked day and night, just to be able to spend cozy and warm festivities.
It was, of course, all she could remember. Then, war wiped her dad away from his family fingers, and her mom disappeared into the horizon inside a gipsy caravan with a Lee after the letter from his death came in, as a desperate way of escaping grief. And so, the only Christmas she would never forget was Christmas 1918. It was a cold, grey and lonely Christmas.
When the town heard from her misery, they all handed out their hand to help the lost girl.
They tried to find a job that would suit an eighteen year old, and she found her place by Polly Gray’s side. With her nephew’s in France, she needed an extra helping hand in the betting den. And you could tell her skill was treating customers, you could see it in the way she smiled, she acted and she laughed at the silly jokes men did. She helped them by sometimes giving hints on which horse would win, and that’s how she won everyone’s heart.
When the boys came back, they took a quick liking at her. The Shelby brothers found her warm teas almost bewitching, they tasted like a little bit of peace. Christmas 1919 wasn't so horrible, after all, she found herself in a new family, with good older brothers and a motherly figure who would always be there for her, no matter what.
And in 1921 he appeared: Michael fucking Gray. A man with such a superiority complex yet to show, but someone could sense it in the way he began to make his way into the company.
And so he did, he got a job as accountant in the company, leading Y/N to a horrible destiny: being his assistant.
She felt the need to stay quiet, she could not end up in the streets. So, Y/N would always help Michael when he demanded her help. And now, he felt like he owned her. Y/N do this, do that, take note, erase, write, speak, eat, stop speaking. And being bossed around by someone who is your own age and more stupid than you, it’s a pain in the ass.
“Don’t you think you are a little too loud?” he asked once, coming out from his office to find her laughing with Johnny Doggs.
Maybe she was too loud.
“Sorry, Michael, it’s my fault…” said Johnny, trying to stop his laughter.
“It’s ok Johnny, but she needs to stop being so loud.”
It felt like cold water splashing over her.
Then, one happy night in the Garrison, he did another remark.
"Do you really think that joke was funny? You're trying way too hard."
Men who wanted to hear her jokes and laugh, could now only see her smile. And it happened too when she went out with Isaiah, Finn and now Michael. She was always laughing, drinking beer and making jokes. But her jokes became small smiles, and hours of fun abd endless beers became twenty minutes of being uncomfortably seating by his side.
But it was Christmas 1925, when the family found out how she had been feeling the past year since she started being Michael’s assistant.
It was the 24th of December, and the whole family was gathered in the master dining room, while the house employees were serving the food. She was sitting between Lizzie and Esme, drinking champagne and laughing at stories they told.
She couldn't keep her laugh inside, and she kept on laughing with every word the women spoke. Everyone loved to hear her laugh, she always made everyone happy.
And when she calmed down, after a few seconds she heard Michael whispering to Isaiah underneath his breath:
“Don’t you think she is too loud?” he asked, with a chuckle, but Is kept a straight face, Y/N was staring at both of them.
When Michael moved away from Isaiah, he had a weird smile, as if he had won something. They both connected their eyes, she would be throwing champagne in his face in any minute.
And then she felt it, the courage building inside her, and erupting from her body.
“Stop it.” she demanded, with a straight face. Her stomach tangled.
“Stop what?” he asked, raising his eyebrows, playing dumb
“Stop telling me I’m too much. Too chatty, too happy, too excited."
"And don't forget about too nosy and too loud."
She laughes in disbelief. Michael was always a dick, he thought of himself as king of the world.
"I am a woman, and maybe I am too much of a woman. Maybe I'm just too much of a fucking woman for you, and you only know how to cry about how much of a man you wish you could be." She screamed as her hands tried to stay away from the knife.
That!" He laughed, and drunk some wine "That's exactly why you keep on scaring man away. You think I didn't know you liked me? You think you are cute and pretty when you laugh? You are impossible to stand, didn't you know?"
"Michael, that's enough." Demanded Polly.
"Twenty-something and no lover, uh? Poor little girl. Must be horrible to cry yourself to sleep asking God why no man wanta you! Well there you fuckin' go! Now you know!"
She looked around, trying to run into Arthur's arms like she always did. But he was worried with his own kid now. While Ada and Polly were exchanging silent plans on what to do, Esme had her hand on John's shoulder, telling him to sit.
She was alone.
“Stop focusing on me and my happiness, and start focusing on the lack of joy and laughter your life has, Michael. My dad died and my mom left me to mourn alone, so I’m sorry if I’m enjoying life once and for all, i’m sorry your life is so dark, that you have to focus on someone else’s happiness to have something to say.”
“Y/N, I think you are being…” he began, with a defying gaze.
“Too loud? Too angry? I damn am. You will be too much of an idiot not to realize I am two times the man you are. And damn you fool, you would be a lucky guy to date a woman like me, who tries to keep a smile on her face every fuckin’ day!”
“Calm down, you don’t need to yell.” he stated, with a smile that make him look like a snake. That same smile he had every time he talked about a girl he spent the night with.
“You never had the need to be a bastard with me for the past year, yet you were. And every day i tried to bond with you, you would just brush me off with nasty comments about my smile, my clothes, my hair, my laugh. I was happy, and you took it away. So congrats Michael, now I am everything you always wanted: too quiet, too grey, too sad and too fucking boring, just like you are.”
"You're simply pathetic. As lost as a kid, I don't even know how you got this position. You can't-"
"Now I know why Charlotte wanted to abort your kid. You don't even have what it takes to be a kid yourself."
Polly stared in disbelief.
Michael was...?
Michael did.... what?
Esme and Ada stared at Finn, who was trying to hide a smile.
She cleaned her mouth with the white napkin, and excused herself.
"If by monday Michael doesn't quit, I will. Thank you for the lovely dinner, Tom. The food was amazing."
She walked out of the dining room, her heels accompanied her, letting everyone know she was heading upstairs to end her night.
"You went too far, Michael." Said Lizzie, still in shock at the news Y/N had just revealed "She didn't deserve it. And you fucking know it."
The table was one big argument. Everyone in her favor, trying to get Michael into his senses.
"Michael…" Tommy stated, and the table started to calm down "Michael, you heard her."
"Are you mental? Do you want my son to quit?" Polly fought.
"He's a adult, Pol. He has a good twenty years, ain't that right? If he doesn't want to be fired, he will sort it out. Like we all do in life."
Tommy stood with her, she knew it. And to say she was oblivious to it would be a lie. She knew. But she had supported to much.
@deepdonutkid @a-golden-sunflower-vol-6 @stydia-4-ever @natural-hearts @lovemissyhoneybee @girlwith-kalei-do-scope-eyes @peakyrogers @writeroutoftime @peakyxtommy @nyotamalfoy @pinkeijin @lukeymybabe @eternallyvenus @anchy-bananchy @peakyswritings
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crowleesi · 4 years
Devil Doesn’t Sleep
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Recommended music: Delicate Weapon - Grimes, Lizzy Wizzy
Jackie is dead.
Johnny is gone.
V feels completely alone, and seeks comfort in the only man that makes her feel alive.
Read on ao3 here!
Every night was the same.
Dark. Quiet. Empty.
It had been two weeks. Two weeks since Alt had saved her life. Two weeks since she had lost Johnny.
And every goddamn night since, she lay on her bed, unable to sleep, reliving the events that led her to where she was now. 
The fucking heist that lost V her best friend. The biochip that almost killed her. Johnny Silverhand setting up camp inside her head. The relentless fighting at Arasaka. The final encounter with Alt and Johnny in Cyberspace. All of it replayed in V's mind, over and over. Every single night, images swarmed behind her closed eyes, sounds swam around her apartment, forcing her to relive it all. 
V sighed, rolling onto her back. She looked across her empty apartment, lit only from the neon lights outside of her window. God, it was so fucking quiet.
Jackie's voice. His laugh. His dying words. The tears in his eyes and faint smile on his lips as he whispered Misty's name. The blood.
God, the blood.
She screwed her eyes shut, bringing her hands up to press her palms against her eyes.
She waited for Johnny's voice, his presence, anything - but it never came. Her hands fell to her bare chest, a heaviness squeezing her heart. She was alone. So fucking alone. A lump formed in her throat. She swallowed it down.
She felt like she'd tried everything. Any time she finally managed to drift off, she'd startle awake, shaking, sweating, struggling to catch her breath.
She was exhausted. She hadn't worked since it all happened. She'd taken it easy - Misty's advice. She'd even tried meditating, but it only allowed the scenes in her head to become clearer, the voices louder. Earlier this evening, she'd turned off all the lights, left her radio playing quietly. She'd had a long, hot shower, most of which she’d spent sitting on the floor, leaning against the tiled wall, knees pulled up to her chest. When the water ran cold, she'd reached up to shut it off and remained there, staring at the water draining away, until she was shivering and sought the comfort of a fluffy towel. 
She was trying to adjust to life without Jackie. Without Johnny. She was the first to admit he was a colossal fucking pain in the ass, but… she didn’t expect anyone to understand the relationship they’d developed. The oneness they’d shared. She felt so fucking alone without him; it was too quiet in her head now. She still had those close to her - Panam and the Aldecaldos, Judy, Kerry, Misty… and above all, she had Viktor Vektor - but none of them could ease the numbness she felt now that Johnny was gone. None of them except Viktor, at least.
She thought of the night she woke up on his table, mere hours from certain death. He could barely look at her and he was so fucking angry. He'd told her to figure her shit out, to fix it, his anger laced with worry as he’d turned his back to her with a heavy sigh. She remembered how painful the sharpness of his words were. She’d picked up the gun he’d laid out for her, slipped the pills into her pocket and glanced at him before turning away. As she'd reached the gate of the clinic, he'd said her name. Her real name. She'd turned back to him, heart in her throat, and he was leaning his clenched fists on the desk, head hung.
He'd said, "You come back to me, y'hear?" and looked up when she didn't answer. She'd limped back over to him, and he'd looked down at her with a furrowed brow and clenched jaw. She'd touched his shoulder, gently turning him to face her as he stood upright. She’d reached up to stroke his cheek, and his eyes had softened; she'd slid her hand round to the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He'd been stiff for a moment, before relaxing into her and bringing his large hands up to hold her face firmly against his. Vik had parted his lips and kissed her again, tilting his head a little, his mouth moving slowly and tenderly. In that moment, with V so close to death and sharing her first kiss with the man she loved, she knew she had to come back. She had to come back for him. She'd pulled away, nuzzled her nose against his, whispering a promise to return before leaving. They hadn't brought it up since.
She thought of the way he'd stared at her, wide eyed and dumbfounded, when she'd stumbled back into his clinic a few days later; free of Johnny, free of impending death, mere hours after it was all over. 
“It’s done,” She’d said, and Vik had staggered to his feet.
“The chip?”
“And you-” He’d swallowed hard. “You’re okay?” 
“Alt,” She’d said with a weary smile. “She saved me.”
Vik had nodded slowly, staring at her before dropping the equipment in his hands and rushing over to her, wrapping her up in his arms and holding her tight. He'd pressed his face into her neck, breathing shakily, mumbling against her skin that he knew she'd come back. She'd threaded her fingers through his hair, breathing him in, her heart swelling and fluttering and damn near ready to burst through her chest. He'd pulled away slightly, their noses brushing, staring at her with pure disbelief in his eyes. He'd cupped her face in his hands, parting his lips to say something when Misty had come flying in through the door, throwing herself at V's back, tears flowing freely as the three of them hugged. 
She missed the feeling of his strong arms around her, especially now as she lay alone, unable to sleep.
She reached for her phone, the background a picture of herself, Jackie, Misty and Viktor. Misty was sitting on Jackie's lap, taking the selfie with an arm stretched out to get Viktor and V behind them. V had jumped onto Vik's back, arms around his neck, grinning from ear to ear and Jackie had his eyebrow raised, a devilish smirk on his handsome face. Tears filled V's eyes and she blinked them away, gaze returning to the man in the back.
Her thumb traced his smiling face, and before she knew what she was doing, she was opening her messages.
V: You up?
She stared at the screen, a hopefulness curling in her gut as she waited. The message appeared as 'read', but no reply came. She placed the phone face down beside her, looking over to the dreamcatcher, a gift from Misty, that hung above her bed. 
Then, a call came through on the holo. It was Viktor.
"Hey, kid." 
"Hey." She replied weakly,  sitting up, bringing her knees up to cover her bare chest. His head tilted a little.
"You all right?" His voice was gentle, laced with concern. She could see he was in his clinic, despite the late hour.
"Yeah," she said unconvincingly. "Can't sleep." She paused and he smiled sympathetically. "You workin'?"
"Had a patient come in as I was closin' up shop. Sent him on his way just now." She nods.
"Can you, uh," The words suddenly died in her throat. Was it too much to ask of him? He looked tired. She swallowed. "Can you come over?" He smiled.
"Gimme 10." He said, and V let out the breath she didn't realise she was holding.
“Thanks, Vik.” She offered him a small smile, which he returned.
“Sure thing. Be there soon.” She ended the call, breathing out slowly, looking across her apartment.
Dark. Quiet. Empty. 
She shook her head, swinging her legs over the edge of her bed, reaching for a cropped t-shirt and pulling it over her head. She picked up her cigarette case - a sleek, metallic design that Judy had gifted her - and put one between her lips, lighting the end and inhaling as she got to her feet. Leaning against her window, she blew out the smoke, trying to ignore the numb feeling curling in her gut. Vik was coming; she wouldn’t be alone for much longer. She got lost watching the neon lights outside of the megabuilding, feeling like she’d stepped outside of herself, so much so that she almost didn’t hear the buzzer ring out at her apartment door. Stubbing out her cigarette, she dropped her cigarette case on the table in front of the couch and headed over to the door, waving her hand over the sensor. Light from outside of the apartment poured in, and she squinted against it, stepping aside to let the tall figure come inside.
"Hey, sweetheart." Vik stepped in, kissing the top of her head. She closed her eyes for a moment, breathing him in, and looked up at him when he nudged her arm with a coffee cup. She gratefully accepted, thanking him with a tired smile before taking a sip, turning to head across the apartment to the sunken couch as he slipped off his jacket. His eyes trailed over the small section of her back that was visible between the bottom of her cropped t-shirt and the top of her underwear, down the gorgeous curve of her hips and her slender legs. He tore his gaze away, throwing his jacket over the back of the chair at her desk.
V settled down on the couch, sipping the coffee, humming as the deliciously warm liquid slid down to her stomach. Vik sat beside her, one leg tucked under the other to face her as he lay his arm across the back of the couch. She fought the urge to reach out and grab his hand, instead taking another sip of her coffee.
"So,” He said gently. “What’s goin’ on?” He waited patiently as she set her coffee down on the table and picked up her cigarette case, pulling one out and sticking it between her lips. She held the case out to Vik and he took one, leaning in when V flicked the lighter and held it out to him. She lit her own, inhaled deeply and blew out the smoke, leaning her elbow on the back of the couch and resting her head on her hand.
"I don't know how to move on from any of this." She says finally. "I miss him." She takes another drag of her cigarette.
"Jackie?" Vik asks, and V shakes her head.
"I mean, yes," She says, blowing out the smoke. "Of course I miss him."
"So… you mean Johnny?" V nods.
"He was a part of me, Vik," She says, almost pleading for him to understand. "He was always with me and now that he's gone, I-" she cuts herself off, a lump forming in her throat.
She takes a drag of her cigarette, hand shaking as she pulls it away and squeezes the bridge of her nose with her fingers. He laid his hand gently on her arm, an anchor, and she leaned into his touch.
"I can't explain the connection we had." She says. "It's like we were one person, y'know?" Vik nods. "He was a fuckin' asshole. God, he was infuriating,” She smiled sadly. “But… we understood each other, I think. He fought for me, in the end. Made sure Alt fixed me and sent me back in one piece." She leaned over to stub her cigarette out in the ashtray, sighing as she sat back on the couch.
“I feel so... lonely,” She says quietly, and Vik tilts his head to the side a little. “It’s so quiet without him. And then I think about Jackie-" Her voice cracks, then, and she swallows the lump in her throat, tears filling her eyes.
“Hey,” Vik discards his cigarette before shuffling closer and pulling her legs over his lap, reaching a hand up to stroke her hair. “It’s okay, V.”
She can’t bring herself to look at him. She’d never allowed herself to cry in front of anyone - not at Jackie’s ofrenda, and not after Panam had dropped her off at Vik's clinic, when it was all over; even then she hadn't cried. She'd just let herself get lost in the safety of his embrace, breathing him in. It wasn't until she'd gone home later that night that the gravity of it all hit her like a ton of fucking bricks and she'd broken down, crying like she'd never cried in her life. All of the grief she'd held inside poured out of her, and she’d cried until her throat was raw, her eyes were sore and she was heaving into the toilet.
“Jackie was family.” She whispered, a tear sliding down her cheek. She quickly wipes it away, staring across the apartment. “And I-” She screwed her eyes shut, bringing a hand up to cover her face, silently begging for the images to get out of her head. “I watched him die.” Vik clenched his jaw, gently running his knuckles over her tear stained cheek.
“Sometimes it feels like everything is just… pressing down so hard on my chest,” She said, gesturing to herself. “And I can barely breathe, and,” She paused, voice shaking. She inhaled sharply, letting out a shuddering breath and whispered, “It’s fucking unbearable.”
Vik remained quiet, watching her, brow furrowed in concern as he held her knees against his chest. She took a deep breath, the heaviness clutching her heart forcing the lump straight back into her throat again. Her bottom lip was quivering, and she sniffed, wiping her eyes.
“But then there’s you,” She said suddenly, looking down at the floor and Vik’s hand hesitates on her cheek for a moment. “The only person that makes me feel like I can take a fucking breath.” He considered her for a moment, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"What are you saying?" He asked tentatively, and V looked at him, tears brimming in her eyes.
"I'm saying that if I lost you too, that's just not something I could fucking survive, Vik." 
"V," he whispered, thumb tracing her jaw. "I ain't goin' anywhere." She leans into his touch, closing her eyes and reaching up with both hands to cup his own. A warmth enveloped her heart, then, and she sighed, letting her breathing return to normal. 
"Stay with me?" She asked, opening her eyes. He smiled, pulling her hands towards his lips. He kissed her knuckles, stroking them with his thumbs.
“Of course.” She watched him for a moment, before a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips and she thanked him as she got to her feet.
"I'll be back in a sec." She said, squeezing his hand before letting go. "Make yourself comfortable." She gestured to her bed and headed to the bathroom. She leaned against the sink, looking at herself in the mirror. For a moment, she half expected Johnny to appear behind her, and something twisted in her gut at the thought. She sighed, turning on the faucet and cupping her hands underneath the water. She leaned down, splashing the water over her face and around her neck, closing her eyes and breathing deeply.
Johnny’s gone, she told herself. He’s not coming back.
V grabbed a towel, patting her face and neck, glancing one more time at the mirror before tossing the towel down and switching off the light, heading out of the bathroom. Stepping back into the dark space that didn’t feel so empty anymore, she looked over to find Vik sitting on the edge of her bed, resting his arms on his knees, looking out of the window. His shoes sat on the floor beside him, his shirt and tank top folded up on top. She’d never seen him without his signature ripperdoc attire, and swallowed at the sight of his bare chest, broad and firm and thoroughly inviting. His boxing glove necklace hung over his clavicle, the light from outside bouncing off of the golden charm.
She stood in front of him, and Vik looked up at her, his stomach in knots. Fuck, he thought. She’s so beautiful. Her long, dark hair hung over her shoulder in messy waves; the cropped white t-shirt she wore hugged her chest, exposing her navel, and the sight of soft skin disappearing underneath lacy underwear left his head spinning. The lights of Night City cast a blue hue over her dark apartment, with pink neon lighting the side of her body, caressing every curve of her gorgeous form.
"There she is," he said quietly, shuffling back a little and holding out his hand. "C'mere, sweetheart." V positively fucking melted as she took his hand, allowing him to guide her down as she knelt either side of his hips, straddling his lap. She sat back on his knees, hands tentatively on his chest, and his large hands gently stroked the small of her back.
"I'm gonna be with you through it all, all right?" He said, and she slid her hands up around his neck, resting her arms lazily over his shoulders, fingers stroking the hair at the top of his neck. "However long it takes, whatever it takes. You don't have to do this alone."
V suddenly thought of their first kiss - their only kiss - and wondered how the hell two weeks had passed since she felt his lips against her own. Her heart was swelling in her chest at his earnest words, and sighed, the love she had for him filling her up and forcing every negative thought out of her head.
"Vik, I-" She cut herself off, unable to tear her eyes away from his own. He smiled, warm and genuine and full of love. She slid a hand around to cup his cheek, tracing her thumb over his lips, and he turned his face into her hand, kissing her palm. Her heart absolutely soared.
"I…" She said again, and he looked up at her. She'd never said the words. He waited patiently, hands sliding round to her thighs, stroking the soft skin gently. V found herself leaning in, nuzzling his nose with her own, a gorgeous smile lighting up his face as she pressed her lips against his. God, she wished she could stay here, like this, forever. Nothing had ever felt so right in her entire life. She felt the grief, the pain, all of it wash away with every brush of his lips against her own.
She pulled away suddenly, throwing caution to the wind.
"I love you." He pulled back, considered her, and said nothing. Her cheeks flushed and she was just about ready for the ground to swallow her whole, when he chuckled.
"Well, I'll be damned," he said, and she smiled nervously. "I love you, too, V."
She heaved a sigh of relief, dropping her head onto his shoulder as he laughed - a truly glorious sound - and wrapped his arms around her back.
"How could I not, hm?" He said, and she sat back. He tucked her hair behind her ear, pulling her in for another kiss, running his thumb across her jaw. It was a sweet kiss - slow, soft, loving. Vik pulled away, smiling up at her, and kissed her once more.
"Waddya say we try to get some sleep?" He asked, and V nodded.
"Okay." He scooted back on the bed, one arm wrapped around V's middle, bringing her with him as he clumsily laid back. She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips, a sound that made Vik's heart positively fucking ache with adoration. They settled on the pillows, facing each other, and Vik's glasses tilted off his nose. V tentatively pulled them away from his face, breath hitching in her throat when she was met with a sea of gorgeous turquoise. She’d never seen him without his glasses before, and reached blindly behind her to set his glasses on top of his clothes. She traced the outline of his face, her gaze locked onto his eyes, and smiled.
"You're beautiful." She said suddenly, and Vik laughed, his cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink. "Viktor Vektor, are you blushing?" He snorted as he buried his face into the pillow. V couldn't help but grin, and the ripperdoc's eyes returned to her own, cracking a smile that made her dizzy.
"Not somethin' I've ever been told," he said, and V smiled, running her fingers through his hair. Vik watched her, his hand absentmindedly stroking her hip. Her eyes soon grew tired, and she shuffled closer to him, burying her face into his chest, tangling her legs with his own. He wrapped her up in his arms, stroking her hair.
"Feelin' any better?" He asked quietly, and felt her nod, humming against his chest. She yawned, and he smiled, kissing the top of her head.
“Night, sweetheart.”
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geralt-of-baevia · 4 years
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Summary: Henry is about to go to bed one night when he suddenly gets a text from a random number he doesn’t know. What happens when you accidentally text the star actor of The Witcher? Memes apparently. Lots and lots of memes.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC (Lizzy Moore)
Word count: 1.3K
Warnings: None...yet! Just some fluffy flirting. Well okay and lots of mention of his crotch? 😬😘
A/N: So I’ve had this idea bouncing around in my brain for a LONG time and finally pulled the trigger and wrote it! It’s in texting format, and I hope you like it! This is my first time posting fan fiction on here so I’m nervous and excited!
Beta: Thank you to @avengeful-bunny​ for being my AMAZING beta. I don’t know what I would do without you. 💛💛💛
Tagging: I’m going to tag all those whose work has inspired me to write and post my work! Much love to ALL of you! @littlefreya @dancingwendigo @mary-ann84 @yespolkadotkitty @viking-raider @cavillhoney
Part 1: Oops.
(405:) God, girl. You will not BELIEVE the day I had. I'm pretty sure I lost a pint of blood today from how many times I stabbed myself sewing. 
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(Henry:) You should probably get a thimble for that. 
(Henry:) Also, I do believe you have the wrong number. Considering you started the text off with 'girl' and I am quite the opposite. But even so, please spill the tea. I’m dying to know about this UNBELIEVABLE day you’ve had. 
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(405:) Oh my god, MR. CAVILL I AM soooo SO SO SORRY. I must have accidentally clicked on your name and not my friend's name. 
(405:) I feel really awkward having your number when you don’t have mine. Do you want me to delete it? Just to make sure this doesn’t happen again? Also so some random crew member doesn’t have your number?
(Henry:) Oh god, please call me Henry. There’s no need for such formalities. And it’s fine, there’s no need to delete it. Since you mentioned crew and sewing, I'm assuming you work for the costuming department? 
(Henry:) Also, I have your number now, don't I? :P
(405:) By it’s fine do you mean this kind of fine?
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(Henry:) Oh no, it’s LITERALLY fine. I promise. 
(405:) But to answer your question, yes! I work for the costuming department. I’m newer, so I get to do the usual stuff. Mostly just lots of mending at the moment. And JUST TO BE CLEAR, I won't do anything to abuse this number since you're Henry Cavill.
(405:) And you’re Henry Cavill. Also you are my co-worker, my I’m assuming super rich, god tier co-worker that I’m not supposed to make eye contact with nevermind TEXT. 
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(Henry:) But yes, my name is Henry. Please keep my number, we’re coworkers after all, it’s normal for coworkers to have each other’s numbers. Have we met on set before? 
(405:) We have once or twice, just in passing mostly. Once I brought you clothes to your trailer.
(Henry:) Are you the one with the brown and pink hair? 
(405:) That's me. :)
(Henry:) Don't tell me your name, I know what it is. 
(405:) Are you sure about that? You don't seem too confident :P 
(Henry:) I know it starts with an E. Is it Eloise? Eleanor? I know it was something old fashioned, too.
(405:) Man, you're so close. I mean, kind of. Think of historical dead English queens. Like, for example you were best friends with her dad. You were a fancy Duke who was good with the sword and ladies. Also, I’m sorry, aren’t you supposed to be a big nerd?  
(Henry:) ELIZABETH! 
(Henry:) And I am a HUGE nerd thank you very much. 
(Elizabeth:) Yes, that's my name haha. Also, whoa whoa, settle down there cowboy.  
(Elizabeth:) And it’s just Lizzy, with a Y. The thought of spelling it with an IE makes me cringe. 
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 (Henry:) Pretty much everyone? Who doesn't call you Lizzy? 
(Lizzy:) My dad, my grandma, my teachers, my victims, my doctor, the one girl in high school who hated me. 
(Henry:) Haha that's quite the list there Lizzy Borden. I think it’s your turn to settle down. :P
(Henry:) Well then Lizzy with a Y, it's nice to finally talk to you, even though it's over text. 
(Henry:) So I have to ask, I take it they were cracking the whip pretty hard in wardrobe today? 
(Lizzy:) You know, I was doing what I thought was a pretty damn good job of avoiding that subject.
(Henry:) Nope, you can't slip past me. This brain is like an iron trap. 
(Lizzy:) If you MUST know...
(Henry:) I really do. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation. 
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(Lizzy:) Okay well that just sounds sarcastic. I don't HAVE to tell you... :P
(Lizzy:) I'm kidding, kidding. Well, since you MUST know, I spent at least half of my day mending clothes, particularly the crotch of multiple pairs of your pants. Also a few pairs had the butt blown out. 
(Henry:) The crotch?
(Lizzy:) Yes, the CROTCH OF YOUR PANTS HENRY. :P Honestly I'm used to it at this point though. It's not the first time, or I'm assuming the last, that I'll have to mend the crotch of your pants. It’s not your fault the studio wants you in tighter fitting clothes that can show off how muscular you are. It’s just my job to fix it. ;) 
(Henry:) I guess I never really thought about who it was having to mend them when that happens. 
(Lizzy:) And it’s not just your crotch area I mend, it’s your inseams as well. I think your thighs got a little bigger since the initial fitting. :P
(Lizzy:) And yes, us little people taking care of you famous movie stars, making sure you stay looking like the heartthrob you are. Since that is your job and all. :P
(Henry:) Hey now, I’m more than just a pretty face. You make me sound like a talentless hack. But thank you. For your sake I'll try and not blow out any more seams, especially the crotch. 
(Lizzy:) You don't need to thank me, it's literally my job. ;) 
(Lizzy:) I mean, if your muscles didn’t rip through clothing on a regular basis I’d be out of a job!  How rude.
(Henry:) Well I mean in that case I COULD make it a habit. ;) 
(Lizzy:) All I have to say is I’m SO glad we don’t have to worry about shirt buttons on you during this. I’ve seen the stress you put on buttons during press junkets. The anxiety I feel, Henry. So much anxiety.
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(Henry:) Yeah, those shirts never seem to fit my chest right. I taught myself how to sew buttons on my shirts so I could stop asking others to help. 
(Lizzy:) Okay, the fact that you taught yourself how to sew on buttons because it’s a CONTINUING issue is both hilarious and adorable. :P
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(Henry:) So I’m curious about something, costume wise.
(Lizzy:) Yes? I’m sure I can answer, costume wise. ;)
(Henry:) How long does it take to sew together a shirt from scratch? 
(Lizzy:) Well, it all depends on the type of shirt, and what it’s for. For the sake of film, there are so many steps. Design, pattern making, grading, construction, fitting. That’s just a fraction of it. It’s a very long process.
(Lizzy:) But if I was at home making a shirt for a friend, I could do it start to finish in a couple of hours. They're not hard. I can sew them together in my sleep.
(Henry:) A few HOURS? That's amazing. 
(Lizzy:) Eh, it's what I went to school for. ;) It’s not that impressive to me. 
(Henry:) Well, to me it is at least.  ;) 
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(Henry:) Unfortunately, it's time for me to go to bed. I have an early call time in the morning. 
(Lizzy:) You're going to bed at 6 in the evening? I’m assuming you have a super crazy call time? One time I had a call time of 1 am because there were things that had to be fixed by the time you and Anya got to set at 4 am. Although it does have it’s advantages. I get to have the first pick of craft services, and sunrises are always nice to watch. 
(Lizzy:) But I’m sorry, that sucks. :(
(Henry:) Some days it does, especially when I can't seem to fall asleep. But today was exhausting so I don't think I'll have any issues tonight. Plus Kal has been extra cuddly tonight so I definitely won’t have any issues. 
(Lizzy:) Well then, I guess this is where we say goodnight. I hope you sleep well. :) 
(Henry:) Thank you. I hope you do, too. Hopefully tomorrow will involve less bleeding onto garments. ;P
(Lizzy:) Haha, I mean it really doesn’t matter. If anything it makes the garment just look THAT much more legit. I hope you have a good day on set tomorrow. :) 
(Henry:) Thank you. It was really nice talking to you Lizzy. I hope we talk more again soon. :) 
(Lizzy:) It was nice talking to you, too. And I would really like that. :) 
(Lizzy:) Goodnight, Henry. :) 
(Henry:) Goodnight Lizzy. Sleep well. :)
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Everything They Say is True
Jo and Alex don't really broadcast their relationship to everyone. Sure, they are excited to be together, but it's no one's business but theirs. For those who don't know about their relationship status, things can get awkward very quickly.
A fic that takes place within Grey's Anatomy canon
Hi guys! This surprise fic was born out of a dream I had last night and I wrote the majority of it while on my lunch break lol. I hope you guys enjoy this little piece of jolex fluff before I post chapter 9 of Didn't Think.
-Takes place during early season 10-
“God, is being outrageously hot a requirement to be hired as an attending at this hospital?” Gia Holt whispered to the young woman sitting beside her.
Anna Vargas looked over at the group of attending surgeons sitting together at a lunch table and chuckled softly, “It would seem so. I mean look at them. If one of them asked me to open my legs, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”
“Same here,” Gia replied. “And I have absolutely no shame in saying that.”
“You know I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s a balancing act,” Anna said.
Gia furrowed her brow, “What do you mean?”
“Well,” Anna started. “Being a surgical intern is hell. We are run ragged on a daily basis. So it would be unjust if we were expected to do all this work without some sort of compensation. So, the hospital gods blessed us with eye candy.”
Gia laughed amused at her friend’s deduction, “I like how you think, Anna. But, I would hardly consider eye candy as enough to make up for the hardship of being an intern. You know we’re always on someone’s service, doing scut and everything that can’t be bothered to do. If we’re serving them on a daily basis, it would only be fair that they serviced us.”
Anna’s eyes widened as she processed her friend’s words, “Gia!”
“What? I’m being honest. How nice would it be to be taught new skills by our attendings outside of the OR?”
“You are something else, Gi.” Anna shook her head.
“Come on,” Gia huffed. “You have to have at least thought about it. I mean, you’re bi so you have your pick of whoever you want.”
“Very true,” Anna nodded. “But I don’t think I’d actually do it. Maybe a resident, but an attending? I don’t think I have the guts to do that. If you want to though, go for it. Maybe you’ll get lucky and get a surgery or two out of sleeping with one of them.”
“So which one should I make a pass at?” 
Anna scrunched her face in thought, “Well first, you should probably figure out who isn’t married and go from there. I know Shepherd and Grey are hitched so hot neurosurgeon is off the table.” 
“That’s a shame,” Gia sighed. “I wonder if Avery and that resident Edwards are together. I saw them making out in the hallway a few months ago. If they are I can’t blame her. I mean, look at those eyes.” 
Anna hummed in agreeance, “Every time I’ve had to work with him I try not to look into his eyes so that he doesn’t see that I’m secretly melting internally. He’s definitely pretty, but I don’t think he’s what you’re looking for. He doesn’t strike me for the guy who would let you in on a surgery because you gave him some ass.”
“True,” Gia said thoughtfully. “I feel like he’s the type to give you a really nice gift after sex, but not to let you scrub in. Not that I’m looking to have sex with an attending so that I can scrub in. I’m a good doctor. I can get in on a surgery by my own merit. I just really want some hot sex with a hot guy and the guys in our class don't seem… up for the task.”
“Ooh!” Anna exclaimed. “What about Karev? The peds attending? He’s stupid hot and great with kids.”
Gia gasped, “You know what, I heard that he slept with basically all the female interns from last year’s class--some of the nurses too--so he’s not above it. From what I’ve heard, he’s really good at it too. He’s hot, got a stellar reputation in the sack, and he’s good with kids. Not that I want kids right now, but it says a lot about your character if kids like you.” 
“I agree,” Anna nodded as they continued to finish their lunch. They made casual conversation before receiving pages to the pit from their resident. “You just get a page from Wilson?”
“Yeah to the pit. I wonder what happened that she had to page both of us. Did something big happen?” Gia threw her garbage away as she and Anna started running down towards the ER. 
Anna shrugged, “I don’t know. I haven’t heard anything. I sure hope it’s something good. I would really love to get to see the inside of an OR today.” 
Jo Wilson had hoped for a light day today. It had started off as a pretty quiet day. She and Alex started their morning in the shower with some hot shower sex and then stopped for breakfast at their favorite donut shop. When they got to work, she did rounds, assigned her interns to their posts and then proceeded to perform an appy on a seventeen year old. She had just scrubbed out when she decided to go down to the pit to answer any surgery consults. She spent a few hours down in the ER when she got pulled aside into any empty linen closet. She smiled widely when she realized who it was and turned to kiss Alex. 
"Hey, how's Micky? I heard you're trying to find an alternative treatment option for his Wilms tumor."
"Yeah, we couldn't get the entire thing the first time around so I'm hoping with a little bit of chemo we'll be able to shrink it enough to get good margins. And since—as of ten minutes ago—you're on my service for the next two weeks, you'll be scrubbing in with me on that and any other cool thing that comes our way." Alex grinned widely at his girlfriend. 
Jo's eyes widened in glee, "Really? Wait, why am I on your service for two weeks? You didn't request me just because I let you in my pants on a daily basis?"
Alex scoffed, "Please. My friends own the hospital, I can put whoever I want on my service. But to answer your question, no it's not because you are a great lay or because I love you. It's because you're an amazing doctor and are going to become a really damn good surgeon one day. Maybe even a peds surgeon. And I don't let just anyone work on peds. Peds is hardcore. I'm not gonna let just anyone hack up a kid. I'm gonna let the best, and you are the best."
Jo grinned before kissing him again, "You are the best boyfriend and attending ever."
"I know," Alex smirked. "Okay I'm going to get lunch. Want to join me?"
"I wish I could but I just started some sutures on a lady in bed 4."
"Get one of your interns to do it. That's what they're here for."
"I would but they are currently having lunch and I'm almost done anyway. I'll come eat when I'm finished."
Alex looked at her skeptically. Knowing his girlfriend, Jo would probably forget to eat and then later in the evening he'd end up having to buy her one of everything off the menu at Joe's. "Alright, I'll see you later."
About fifteen minutes later, Jo had finally discharged the woman she had been suturing. She was about to make her way to the cafeteria when a nurse called out to her, "Dr. Wilson! There is a rig about three minutes out with a five year old girl that received trauma to the lower ribcage, upper abdomen after falling from a tree at school. There don't seem to be any breaks but paramedics are concerned with a possible collapsed lung and fluid build up in the abdomen."
" Okay, page Dr. Karev and my interns, Holt and Vargas. And have cardio on standby. "
" Right away, Doctor Wilson."
Jo sighed before gowning up and going to the ambulance bay to wait for the rig, "So much for going to lunch," She muttered to herself. Seconds later, she heard footsteps walking behind her. Turning to see her interns now gowned up she gives them a small smile before filling them in on the situation. "Vargas, go prepare trauma two and get a portable ultrasound and x-ray ready. Holt, make sure we have a peds cart ready and a chest tray for a suspected pneumothorax. I'll retrieve the patient. The ambulance is one minute out so please be quick."
The two young women nodded at their resident and ran to prepare for the little girl about to come in. When the paramedics arrived, Jo hurried and ushered the small child into the trauma room that had been prepared. She was taking the young girls vitals when Alex walked into the room. 
“You paged me? What do we got?” 
“Lizzie Graham, five years old. She fell fifteen feet out of a tree at recess. She’s got a pneumothorax and fluid build up in the abdomen. There isn't any evidence of fractures, just some nasty bruising. We just took her x-rays and are about to perform an ultrasound,” Jo sighed. “Her O2 levels are low and she’s got unequal breath sounds. She needs a chest tube.” 
Alex furrowed his brows. He always hated this part. Chest tubes hurt like a bitch--he knew that from experience. He looked over to the two interns in the room, “Did someone contact her parents yet?”
“Yes,” Holt replied. “They are on their way to the hospital as we speak. One of her teachers is out in the waiting room.” 
"Good," Alex looked over to Jo who had prepared the chest tube. Crouching down by the whimpering child, he smoothed down her hair in a comforting manner. "Hey Lizzie. My name is Dr. Alex. I heard that you took a fall today. We're gonna try our best to help you feel better. But in order to feel better, you're going to feel some pain first. The pain is going to help you breathe, so I need you to be brave for me. Can you do that? Can you be brave?"
Lizzie nodded tearfully, "Hold my hand?"
Jo's heart broke at the little girl's request, "Hey Lizzie, my name is Dr. Jo. Dr. Alex needs both of his hands in order to help you breathe but you can hold mine and squeeze as tight as you want."
They got the tube in and proceeded to perform the ultrasound, "Looks like a ruptured spleen and appendix. She might have a liver lac, but we won't know until we get in there. Holt, book an OR and prep Lizzie. Vargas, stay out here and let me know as soon as her parents arrive. Be sure to keep an eye on my pre and post-ops while Wilson and I are in surgery."
The interns nodded, "Yes Dr. Karev."
The surgery went well. They ended up having to remove both Lizzie's spleen and appendix, but Alex was confident that Lizzie would make a full recovery. They were on their way out to speak to the young girl’s parents who had arrived at the hospital twenty minutes after they went in for surgery. Alex went up to the pair and motioned for Jo to follow him while the interns stood a couple feet off to the side, “Hi my name is Doctor Karev. You must be Lizzie’s parents."
The couple sprung up from their seats frantically, “Yes! How is she? How is our daughter?”
“She is doing just fine. She came in with a ruptured spleen and appendix. Doctor Wilson and I were able to remove both the spleen and appendix. Thankfully, she did not break any bones during the fall so her recovery will last about four to six weeks. I’d like to keep her here in the hospital for about a week for observation, but if everything goes well, she’ll be good to go home when the time is over.” Alex replied to the parents.
“Can we see her?” Mrs. Graham asked.
“Lizzie is in recovery right now, but I can have one of my interns take you to her room to wait for her to arrive. She will be groggy and possibly in a bit of pain, but all of that is completely normal. We will come in to check on her in about an hour to two hours to ensure everything is okay.” Jo smiled at the worried pair. She turned over to her interns, “Holt, you take the Graham’s up to Lizzie’s room? Vargas, make sure to continue to keep an eye on Doctor Karev’s pre and post ops. Both of you keep us posted if anything changes.” Both interns left to do their tasks.
“You did great in there today,” Alex complimented as he and Jo walked down the hall.
Jo grinned cheekily, “Thank you. You were a wonderful teacher as always. So, do we have any more surgeries scheduled for the day?”
"Just a hernia repair in about an hour. Shouldn't take more than 45 minutes to do. And I've been thinking, I might let you take the lead on this one."
"Yeah. You know how we do things; see one, do one, teach one. You've seen hernia repairs done before, and you've assisted with them, so today you lead and I'll assist."
Jo grabbed Alex’s hand and pulled him into the empty on-call room down the hall and smiled, “You sir, are doing a very good job if your goal was to get into my pants for the second time today.”
“Am I?” Alex feigned innocence. He kissed her deeply before speaking again, “Lock the door.” 
Laying in the afterglow had become one of Jo’s favorite parts of sex with Alex. She had never experienced such security and love as she did when she was in his arms. She snuggled closer to him and closed her eyes for a brief moment. Alex was caressing her back when her stomach growled loudly, ruining the moment. 
“Dude, I thought I told you to eat lunch,” Alex chastised. 
“I was going to… but then Lizzie came into the ER and I got pulled into a 4 hour surgery.”
“Jo, all you’ve had all day is a powdered sugar donut and a medium coffee. You’re a doctor, you of all people should know that’s not healthy.”
“Wow, you’re one to talk. If I can recall correctly, not too long ago I was the one getting on your ass about eating right,” Jo reminded.
“Shut up,” Alex glared playfully. “Come on. Let’s get something for you to eat. We got the hernia repair in fifteen minutes.” 
They each bought a snack and went to check in on their patient before getting ready for surgery. After assuring the nervous parents, Alex looked over to the interns, “Hey, Holt and Vargas! Wilson is going to be performing the hernia removal today and I think it would be good for you to observe your resident performing a procedure. You’ll both scrub in and take turns holding the retractor and observing. We’ll meet you in the OR.”
“You know, before I was an intern, you would have never been so eager to teach. I think dating a resident has made you soft,” Jo teased as the two of them entered the scrub room. 
Alex rolled his eyes as he scrubbed. They walked into the operating room and looked down at the young patient; eleven year old Hunter Miller. The interns were ready and standing around the OR table. Alex nodded reassuringly as Jo took a deep stabilizing breath, “Alright Jo. The floor is yours. You’ve got this. Don’t second-guess or underestimate yourself. Remember what I always say--”
“You wouldn’t let me hack into a kid just because you like me. You let me in on a surgery because I’m good,” Jo finished.
“Exactly,” he smiled through his mask. “Now, just walk me through everything and take the time to teach your interns about what is going on.”
She nodded and began. They were about halfway through the hernia repair when Alex felt confident enough in Jo’s abilities to begin a conversation, “So Mer wants us to go to Joe’s bar tonight. Something about Yang’s birthday and tequila shots. Doesn’t want to make a huge deal about it, but thought it would be fun to invite a whole bunch of people for shots.”
Jo looked up from her work skeptically, “Did Grey really invite me or did she invite you?”
“Does it matter?”
“Yes it matters. Grey hates me.”
“No she doesn’t.” 
“Yes she does.”
“Jo, Mer does not hate you. She likes you, trust me. You know, one time she even told me she thinks you're a badass.” 
Jo snorted, “Well she sure has a funny way of showing it.”
“She told me to invite you. And you won’t be the only resident. She’s inviting Ross and Edwards too so you’ll have friends. Besides, you live with Cristina so it would look really bad if you didn’t show up to her birthday shots and she saw you lounging in your sweats on the couch with a beer and a tub of popcorn,” Alex said. 
“You live with Dr. Yang?” Vargas asked.
Jo and Alex looked over at the intern in surprise, almost forgetting that they were not alone, “Yeah we live in the same house. We both crash with Alex. I’m surprised he hasn’t kicked us out yet.” 
“Shut up… I need the rent check."
“Wait, so you all live in one house together?” Holt asked.
“I like to lovingly refer to it as the frat house. Everyone has lived there at some point,” Jo replied.
“It used to be Grey’s house. A lot of the attendings have lived there at some point. Shepherd, Kepner, Avery, and some people who aren’t around anymore. It was always open for anyone who needed a place to stay,” Alex shared. “I bought it from her last year and kept up the tradition.” 
Jo laughed, "I really don't know why you think Yang would notice if I’m there or not. It’s not like we’re close.”
“Look, I’d rather be lounging on the couch in my sweats watching old reruns of Friends or Modern Family, drinking beer too but if I have to go, you have to go.”
“They’re your best friends, though!” 
“Come on Jo,” Alex pleaded. “If you go and decide to leave early then I’ll have an excuse to leave because we came in the same car this morning. Also, don’t forget you’re on my service for the next few weeks. I can make your life hell.”
“Woah,” Jo looked up from the patient. “That sounds a bit like coercion.”
Alex gave her an unimpressed look, “Please. I’m begging here. And you know I don’t beg. I can’t handle another night of hearing about Mer’s McDreamy issues and Cristina’s weird arrangement with her not-husband.”
Jo exhaled, “Okay. Fine I’ll go. But you’re buying everything.”
The rest of the surgery goes extremely well. Jo completed the repair perfectly. The four doctors are in the process of scrubbing out when Alex spoke up again, “You know, Holt and Vargas, you should meet us at Joe’s to celebrate. Your resident just performed a hernia repair on her own on  a peds patient and you both assisted. So drinks are on me tonight!’
The interns nodded in excitement and confirmed that they would be at the bar that night at seven o’clock. Alex sent them off to do a couple tasks while he and Jo went to check on Lizzie and a few of his other patients. 
“Can you believe it? Karev invited us out for drinks later!” Gia screeched excitedly. “This might be easier than I thought.”
“It is exciting,” Anna agreed. “We hardly ever get to spend time with everyone outside the hospital. So who knows, maybe even I will get laid tonight. You might want to wait before you make a movie on Karev, though.  I am trying to figure out though, if Wilson and Karev are sleeping together.”
“Why would you think that?” Gia asked.
“Wilson is only a second year resident living with two attendings. There’s no way she could’ve moved in with them as an intern unless she was already friends with one of them, and from the conversation in the OR, I can tell that she’s not close to Yang. Her and Karev seem really close, but I can’t tell if they’re just friends or if she’s sleeping with him. I mean, he just let her take point on a surgery. Karev is known for being horrible to interns and residents. So I’m wondering if they’re friends with benefits.”
Gia tilted her head to the side, “You make a good point there. She may have already beat me to him… either way I think I’ll still try. Maybe they are sleeping together, maybe they aren’t exclusive, maybe they’re just friends. I don’t know, but Karev is hot and so am I, and we could have some really hot sex, so I’m gonna make a move. The worst he can say is no.” 
They walked into the bar and saw Wilson sitting with Ross and Edwards at the bar. Off to the side, Karev was standing at a table with Yang and Grey, rolling his eyes at something they said. Doctor Grey gets the attention of the surrounding doctors before speaking, “Alright as many of you may know, today is Cristina’s birthday so we’re going to do some shots! If you are a doctor at Grey-Sloan, then please make your way over to the bar as we toast to everyone’s favorite cardiothoracic surgeon.”
A string of laughter and teasing could be heard as everyone took hold of their tequila shots and lifted them up, “To Doctor Yang.”
“To Doctor Yang!”
The atmosphere lightened up a bit and distinctions between superiors and subordinates blurred as the alcohol made its way around the room. Alex left his friends and made his wave over to where Jo was sitting at the bar and waved over Holt and Vargas. He looked over to the bartender and began to order some drinks, “Hey man. Can I get a beer for me, a vodka and coke for Jo, I don’t know what those two want but it’s on me.”
“I’ll take a martini and Anna will have a cosmopolitan,” Gia answered. 
After each receiving their drinks, Alex raised his glass, “To a great day of saving tiny humans. It’s not everyday that you treat a kid that’s gonna make it, but today we did.” 
The group cheered and downed their drinks. About an hour had passed, and everyone was starting to feel some of the effects of the alcohol. Alex became more flirty than usual. His statements were suggestive and oftentimes. Jo was a giggler. She found everything mildly hilarious and more often than not, lost an item or two of clothes in the process. So far, she had shed the cardigan she’d been wearing. Interns on the other hand, became more bold when drinking alcohol. Gia especially, had her inhibitions lowered and decided that she would finally make her move on Karev. 
“So Karev, when was the last time you picked someone up in the bar?” Gia asked.
Alex laughed, “Honestly, I don’t remember.”
“Oh please,” Jo rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you remember. It couldn’t have been that long ago. You’d come here every other day with Avery while I was dating Jason and couldn’t hang out with you.”
“I’m serious,” Alex swore. “The last time I came to the bar and tried to pick someone up was last year before Mer, and everyone bought the hospital. I’m out of practice.”
“There’s no way,” Jo shook her head in disbelief. “You did not go that long without a bar hookup.”
“But I did,” Alex nodded. 
Sensing that this might finally be her moment, Gia exchanged a glance with an equally tipsy Anna and turned to Alex, “Well, we have to fix that don’t we?”
“Huh?” Alex scrunched his face at the intern.
Jo--who had understood what was going on--burst out into laughter. She considered saying something and staking her claim on Alex, but decided to let him suffer and see what his reaction would be. 
Gia smiled flirtily and placed her hand on Alex’s arm, “You said you’re out of practice, so how about I help you break your dry streak?”
Alex’s eyes widened comically as he finally caught on to what the young woman was suggesting. His eyebrows raised and he opened his mouth in shock, closing it dumbly when words failed to come out. He looked over to Jo for assistance, only to find that she was laughing so hard that tears were trailing down her cheeks. Alex laughed awkward and attempted to say something again, “Um… I’m good, thanks.”
“Oh come on, there’s no need to be shy,” Gia winked. “I know you aren’t. Your reputation speaks for itself, and I for one would not mind finding out if all they say is true.”
Alex looked at Jo with desperation in his eyes. Finally deciding to have mercy on him, she turned to her intern with an amused look on her face, “Alex won’t be going home with you tonight.”
“Why not?” Gia asked, seeming mildly offended.
“Because, tonight, Alex will be going home with me,” Jo supplied. “Just like he does every night, because I’m his girlfriend and he no longer needs to pick up random women in bars.”
Both Gia and Anna’s faces paled at Jo’s confession. Gia began to stutter her apologies to her resident when Jo interrupted her, “Holt. Relax. I get it, trust me. He’s hot.”
Alex, who had been observing the scene, felt his ears get hot, “Jo…”
“I’m serious,” Jo grinned. “No hard feelings. You didn’t know. But now you do, so if I see or hear of you making another pass at my boyfriend, you will be drowning in scut.” 
Gia nodded and buried her face in her hands in embarrassment. Anna placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, “I guess I was right, huh?”
“I’m thinking I should’ve listened to you when you suggested that they might be a thing,” Gia cringed. 
Deciding it was time to leave and allow the poor intern to wallow in her embarrassment, Alex pulled Jo up and started to guide her out the door. Just as the two of them were about to walk out the door, Jo stopped and gave Gia sly smirk, “Oh and just so you know, everything they say about him is true.” 
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literatehiss · 4 years
Promising Futures
Read on AO3 here
Peter and Simon interact with the children in their lives. It was inevitable really. If you adopted a lot of people of varying ages, eventually one of them was either going to already have children, or would have kids after he had adopted them into the Fairchilds. Which meant that Simon had an awful lot of “grandchildren”.
He sipped on a Sangria as dawn began to break, the sun rising over the mountaintops that surrounded the Fairchild mansion. He hummed in acknowledgement as one of the fine young men he had pulled into the family, stumbled downstairs for a coffee and a half-toasted piece of bread. He was part of their space-faring efforts which meant a lot of long nights that Simon was very glad he had no part of. Clinging to the man’s leg was scrawny looking child whose favourite thing in the world was to be flung around and onto soft surfaces at high speed, a chore Simon was always happy to fulfil. And with their appearance, it signalled the start of the only reason Simon ever came back to the mansion for anything more that to store the things he collected.
 A veritable army of children and young teenagers would scarf down their breakfast and leave their parents and their boring conversations to go spend time with “grandpa” Simon. He rarely came home and, between other avatars and his victims, he didn’t often spend time with people who wanted to be around him. The youngest ones in particular, who were still getting the hang of their motor skills and so greatly enjoyed being thrown around, were a particular favourite of his. Children also had a peculiar enjoyment of terrible, terrible stories and half of his antics with the people he terrorised were just so he had a fun story for the kids. With one child hanging off his arm, Simon started telling the children the tale of a young man, his mother, and a journey up a mountain.
   Peter woke up to the sound of his wonderful privacy and peace being interrupted by the door of his bedroom being cracked open slightly. He glared at the small form who had decided to bother him, the child squeaking in fear and panic before running away. He groaned and turned back over, intending to sleep a little bit longer.
 Knock knock.
 Peter swore violently at the door and scowled at his sister’s laugh as it came through the door.
 Elias had changed the damn locks, the Tundra was having repairs done and he just couldn’t be doing with Moorland House unless he was summoned there, so the only other option was someone who had come into his life very recently.
Forty years after he had last seen her; his older sister, Lizzie, had tracked him down and invited herself into his life. She had been one of the ones who had left the family and the sounds of happy children was not a natural sound to Peter’s ears. But she was happy to have him stay over for as long as he liked and was understanding enough about his more “introverted nature”, as she had put it.
He rolled out of bed, cracked open the window and packed a pipe, deciding not to leave the room until he had inhaled enough nicotine to make him feel less homicidal.
Simon walked through the mansion, one of the pint sized army on his shoulders as he lead the procession through the halls. He was very nonchalant as he walked passed the swimming pool, before he chucked the child on his shoulders into the water. He was surrounded by laughter and cheering as the child crawled out of the pool, clothes sopping wet. A wide grin on her face.
He couldn’t help but sigh. The adults, the avatars that he actually brought into the family, had a more detailed and thorough understanding of their patron, but they just lost the joy of it all. An adult sensibility causing them to see it as a duty, an enjoyable duty, but not something they sought out for their won enjoyment. They found joy in the screams and fear, which was valid, he admitted, so did he, but they lost the sheer exhilaration of falling. The feeling of the wind rushing through your hair and your breath catching in your throat. The children though, they delighted in their own fear, in the sensation of it all and he couldn’t help but be charmed by it.
  Peter accepted the cup of coffee from his sister gratefully, trying to ignore the gaggle of children that were peering at him from the doorway. Their mother had firmly told them to leave their “Uncle Peter” alone. Which obviously did nothing but make them more curious. The oldest waited until their mother left for the bathroom before creeping up to the kitchen counter.
Peter gave her a dead eyed stare.
“Are you mummy’s brother?”
Peter’s glare didn’t subside but he gave an affirmative hum. Better to answer their questions and get rid of them quicker.
“Why have we never met you before then?”
Peter considered his answer more than he would usually think about what he said. The honest answer, that he thought the rest of the family had killed her off secretly, would likely not go down well. Nor would, a second true option, that he had little to no interest in their lives. He grunted, far too tired to bother with his normal false cheer. Peter had never spent time around children and so didn’t realise that answering a child’s questions just invited more questions.
Elias was similar if he thought about it.
“I’m busy.”
“What do you do?”
“Ship Captain.”
A chorus of “oooh’s” from the three children.
“Do you have a ship?”
“Is it big?”
“Can we see it?”
“Why not?”
“Dangerous. You’re mum will be upset with me. Don’t want to deal with that.”
“Why not?
“I don’t like talking to people.”
“You’re talking to us?”
“I wish I wasn’t.”
 That shut them up for a moment and they huddled on the other side of the kitchen. One of them ran off while the others stared at him. Peter wondered if he could sleep in the Lonely until either the Tundra was fixed or Elias calmed down.
It was more likely that he would suddenly reject the Lonely than Elias forgive him quite that quickly. He knew he could expect another three months minimum before the man even considered getting over himself. The child that had run off came back with something behind her back.
One of the brats, the young lad, one of the twins, broke away from his sisters and came back over, Peter didn’t bother restraining his annoyed sigh.
 “Do you have any kids?”
“God I hope not.”
“Is that a no?”
“It’s a ‘Probably not’, my husband might have something to say about it if he found out I did.” he suddenly realised he had revealed too much, and he had said it just as his sister entered the room again. He groaned internally at the thought of the second round of questioning he was bound to receive once the brats went to bed. He saw fog start to curl at the kitchen window at his longing for the cold embrace of his domain. His sister refilled his coffee mug before leaving him to his fate as the children approached. The eldest seemed to be at least attempting to restrain her two younger siblings. As soon as their mother passed the threshold of the door, he was peppered with rapid fire questions.
 “Husband? What’s his name? Is he nice? Is he also old? Can we meet him? What does he do?” Peter took a moment to work out what they were saying before answering in turn.
“Yes. Elias, sometimes. No. Yes. No. Meddling in other people’s business.”
The eldest opened her mouth to ask another question and Peter growled at her in irritation. He saw her mouth “sometimes?” with obvious confusion. Peter took a long sip of his coffee and sighed, already tired of this and he’d only been there a day.
  Simon picked one of his grandchildren up and threw her high into the air, he was scream-laughing as he came back down, to only the briefest glance over from the boy’s father. Most of the children had scattered to the far reaches of the house by now, only a handful staying behind. Just the child clambering over him and a pair reading a book on space. They were looking with targetted interest at the pages that were just made up of huge pictures of the stars. One of them placed their hand on the page and looked up at him with unrestrained excitement.
“Can we go there one day?” they said, tapping the picture of the stars. He laughed and patter them on the head as he stood up.
“Hopefully. If I get my way, definitely.”
He flipped the child clinging to his arm over so he hung from his arm, face going an alarming shade of red. All this time with his family was making him feel nostalgic.
He pulled out his phone and shot off a text to Peter.
 Plukas 11:42
How is it going? Did you find somewhere to stay? I’m just hanging around
  His sister had dragged the oldest off to some club, he didn’t know, he wasn’t listening, so he finally had some time alone as the younger two were too afraid to come up to him without their oldest sister their to “protect” them. Though the thought was laughable. If he intended them any harm, they would already be fading away in the Lonely. He could hear them crashing and tinkering with something and the sound of liquid going down the drain in the other room and if he was a responsible adult he would know that quiet children are children that are up to something. Luckily for the twins, he didn’t know that and so they were left to their crafting.
He was lying on the couch in quiet bliss when he felt his personal bubble being intruded upon. He pried open an eye and groaned at the sight of them for the second time that day.
 “What.” he said flatly. They shuffled nervously before presenting him with something.
It was meant to be a ship in a bottle. And there was a ship. And it was in a bottle.
 To be precise it was a plastic boat from some sort of kids play set and the bottle was a very obviously recently emptied bottle of wine. The bottle which he was sure his sister was going to be overjoyed that her kids had probably poured the contents of down the sink. The bottle was also cracked and glued back together, the kids not knowing how to do it properly. Not that they could, he realised, when they were using a solid plastic boat. He held it in his hands. It was, objectively, utter trash and it belonged in the rubbish bin.
He cracked a smile.
 “Good job.”
 The kids giggled and ran off, leaving him and the bottle alone. He felt his phone buzz, seeing a message from Simon. He typed in his reply, giving a quiet laugh, before returning to his nap, his gift sat on the table next to his head.
 simon 11:49
I’m decent, not too much company, there was some good wine
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fckitslizzie · 3 years
Who: Lizzie Olsen & Chris Evans ( @cevanstt )
What: Lizzie & Chris talk about their future as friends.
When: Ireland Trip
Where: Ireland
Lizzie: The brunette had spent her entire day with her best friend, checking out what Dublin had to offer. It had been a fun day, that ended with them spending a few hours at a local pub she had found after being suggested it by a fan online. After more drinks then Lizzie should have consumed, her brain was running a hundred miles an hour, and the biggest topic hit her over and over again like a hammer. That was what lead her to be standing outside of Chris and Caity's hotel room, at god knows what time, knowing that in reality she should be going back to her own room where Pratt was no doubt waiting for her, but here she was. Knocking on the door quickly a few times, she dropped her hand. She wasn't thinking about how this conversation could possibly change things for them for good, she wasn't thinking about Caity who could very well be the one to open the door, she wasn't thinking about much else other than the aching and nagging feeling she's been dealing with for far too long. She almost went to him so many times for this sort of thing, but never wanted to burden him with how she felt. In her mind, they were her feelings and emotions and he couldn't be held responsible for them, especially after all of this time. But after their talk the other day over her sleeping with Sebastian, it was like all of those thoughts and emotions were just brought back up in her. Chris said it shouldn't matter but it does, and she hadn't been able to stop thinking about it. Shaking the thoughts from her head in an attempt to clear her already foggy brain, she brought her hand up to rapt against the door once again.
Chris: It was pretty cool to be spending St. Patrick's day in Ireland, Chris would admit that. Although, he knew it was going to be a very rough and long week because he was sure everyone would be drinking the entire time. There was no way the actor wasn't going to join in on the festivities and be just a sloshed as the rest of the bunch. It had been some time since Evans really had taken time off from everything to just have some fun. He was going to enjoy every minute of this trip. After spending the day out site seeing with Caity, it was no surprise that they ended the night at the bar in the hotel. Some of the others were there as well so they partied on well into the wee hours of the morning. Just after he'd gotten his girlfriend into bed, he heard a knock at the door. He shook his head figuring it was Willa or one of the other girls had something of Caity's. However, to his surprise, Lizzie was standing on the other side of the door. He quickly grabbed his things and shoved them into his pockets before hearing the second knock. Moving to the door he opened it, then quietly shut the door behind him. His blue eyes wandered over the woman for a moment as his alcohol clouded mind was trying to make sense of the situation. "Hey. Everything okay?"
Lizzie: Part of her had been secretly hoping that maybe he was asleep or wasn't in his room. But suddenly the door was opening, and Chris was joining her in the hallway. She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow but realized that Caity was most likely inside. It would be hard enough having this conversation with him, with out Caity watching or hearing everything that she was saying. Nodding her head a bit eagerly, the girl rung her hands in front of her nervously. "I need to talk to you, but at first I just need you to listen okay? Because, I have a lot to say and I just need to say it or I'm going to burst." Her words were coming out quickly, and she was just hoping that he would be able to keep up. Lizzie could tell just by looking at him and his eyes that he had been drinking-this probably wasn't going to go well. At all. "I hate this. Whatever this is, between us." She gestured between them-was she really doing this in the hallway of the hotel? "'I'm tired. I'm tired that no matter what I do, or who I talk to or what I feel, I can't get your damn voice out of my head. Do you know I haven't had a serious relationship since we broke up? Do you know why? Because no matter what happens, they're never you." Bringing a hand up, Lizzie dragged her fingers through her hair, the frustration growing in her. "I'm not telling you all of this to make you feel bad or whatever, I'm just for once being honest with you...and me. It's not like something happened you know. Nothing happened for me to just-to just stop loving you." She let out a small humorless laugh. "So tell me, what's your secret? Tell me how you just stopped loving me one day. Because if I can't figure it out then-", the girl paused for a moment. "Then I don't know if us being friends is going to work. I don't know how to just be your friend and it's about time I accept that..", She looked to him for a moment before dropping her eyes to the ground and her feet. "You can talk now.."
Chris: In all honesty, Chris had no idea what was happening. Knowing Lizzie well enough though, he could tell that she had been drinking too but she was also upset about something. Maybe? Something wasn’t right. Even in his alcohol influenced state of mind, he knew. The dark haired male nodded as she began to answer his question. He was about to suggest that they move downstairs or outside, but off she went. That hallway that they were standing in, all of a sudden became incredibly tiny and his ex’s voice just seemed to get louder and louder. And was his chest about to cave in or was his heart going to beat right out of it? He wasn’t exactly sure, but if he hadn’t been leaning against the wall, he would have fallen over. It was obvious that this was coming, but he really didn’t expect it right now. Especially not while Caity was sleeping on the other side of the wall where they were standing. Evans could understand Lizzie’s hurt and frustrations. He would be in the same place if the roles were reversed, because he too felt these things, he just was able to bury things deeper than they probably should be buried. Even after she said that he could talk, he need a moment to figure it all out. “I haven’t.” Finally saying just above a whisper before clearing his throat. “I haven’t stopped..” His eyes watched her face briefly. “Can we go somewhere else to talk about this?” He didn’t want to wake up anyone on the floor, especially not his girlfriend. “Maybe they have coffee downstairs or something?”
Lizzie: Of all the things in the world that Chris could have said right now to her, that was not what she had been expecting. Her eyes rose up to search his face, almost as if she was trying to figure out if she heard him correctly. "Oh." Her reply was simple, but it was like she had been a balloon full of nerves and confidence and his confession took all the air out of her. Slowly nodding her head, Lizzie brought her arms up to cross them over her chest. "I could use a coffee." Without another word she turned, leading the way over to the elevator, jabbing her finger into the down button a few times. She honestly didn't know how to process what he had just told her and she knew that wasn't completely because she wasn't sober. Once the elevator opened she stepped inside, pressing the button for the main floor before moving to lean against the wall. She couldn't help but look at him, looking him over for a moment. Part of her honestly felt..relieved that he felt the same way she did. In any other circumstance this could have lead to something happy. But with his current relationship situation, she found herself feeling worse than she had when she showed up at his door a few minutes prior. "I want to figure it out, you know?" She said softly, trying to hide the sadness in her voice. "I don't know how to live a life that you're not apart of-and I don't want to, but at the same time..", Lizzie sighed. She pushed off the wall, shaking her head. "How much more of this can we both take? Honestly?" He was in a committed relationship with a great girl. He may still love her but he didn't have to deal with half of what Lizzie did. Seeing the two of them happy and planning their future together-the same future she was robbed of with him. It was a lot to handle sometimes.
Chris: He almost let out a sigh of relief when she agreed to coffee, though the man just nodded. This conversation was most likely going to be an emotional one. Even more so now that they both had been drinking. As Chris tried to gather his thoughts, he followed Lizzie down the hall to the elevator. Normally, he would be riddled with anxiety in this situation, but the alcohol was working miracles for that. Once the elevator arrived, he stepped inside and leaned against the wall opposite the woman. He too could not help but look at her, resisting his urges to just scoop her up. Holding her, feeling her body against his once again. He shook his head. That wasn’t who he was. He couldn’t do that to Caity. He and Lizzie really did need to figure this out before things turned really ugly. “I know..” He replied after a moment. “It’s not healthy for any one of us in the situation.” It was understandable for Lizzie to feel the way that she did, but the pain that Chris felt was something else. It wasn’t something that he had actually experienced before. “I don’t want to lose you.” He said abruptly before the bell rang in the elevator as they reached the main floor. Chris stayed in his position for a moment longer before pushing himself off of the wall and stepping out of the elevator. Turning his head, he looked down the right side and then the left. “Which way is the place again?” He asked with a soft chuckle.
Lizzie: She hated the way her body and heart reacted to Chris saying he didn't want to lose her. It should have made her feel relief, she should have been happy with those words but she couldn't help but feel like it would only make things harder in the end for both of them. Stepping off the elevator, she glanced around before gesturing to the right where she was pretty sure the hotel restaurant was. The brunette was already wondering if she could get by with another glass of wine instead of coffee, but that wasn't a good idea. She could just feel the anxiety and nerves creeping in, but now that she started this conversation, she couldn't just end it. "Follow me." Leading the way over to the tables right off the lobby, the waitress waved them to a table, the place basically empty with how late it was. Making her way over to the table, Lizzie sat down. She picked up the menu to busy herself with something other than the tension between them, even if she knew she couldn't stomach anything else other than a coffee at this point. Bringing her hand up she looped her finger into the chain around her neck, pulling the ring out that had been tucked under her shirt. She played with it subconsciously, something she always did when she was nervous or just deep in thought. "So a glass of wine or whiskey..would be frowned upon, yeah?" Lizzie tried to joke, looking up to Chris with a small smile.
Chris: This situation was incredibly hard. If Marvel hadn’t stepped in, the two wouldn’t have broken things off. Chris always wondered if he and Lizzie would’ve lasted. The only thing that had gone wrong with their relationship was their breach of contract. Though, if no one had found out about them and they had worked out, he wouldn’t have met Caity. Which he had screwed things up in their first go at it, but this time was much different. He had put his girlfriend through a lot. Between having trust issues because of Minka and being secretly heartbroken over Lizzie, Caity had gotten him at his worst. He considered himself lucky that she had given him a second chance. He could feel his chest aching as he thought all of this over. Chris followed the woman down to the restaurant, then to the table as the waitress waved them over. The man slipped into the seat across from Lizzie, then also picked up the menu. His blue eyes moved down the menu as he searched. He probably should eat something, but with his nerves, he wasn’t sure he would be able to. A chuckle escaped his lips as he lifted his eyes from the menu to look up at his ex. “I know I’ve had enough for the night..” He shook his head. “How about coffee and.. pancakes? Or whatever their version is over here. I have no idea.” This was taking the edge off of things for the moment. They could take a moment to gather their thoughts. He would be find with that, but if she wanted to continue he would. They did need to figure this entire thing out. But how?
Lizzie: The brunette couldn't deny the way her stomach growled at just the mention of pancakes. When was the last time she ate, she didn't even know. "Okay..pancakes sound kind of amazing.." She let out a small laugh, placing down her menu, now knowing what she would be getting. Looking across the table at him, her eyes scanned over his face. Her entire body just ached at the sight of him, and she was praying that it was a feeling that would eventually fade. It hadn't yet, but she still had to hold out the hope that someday it would. "You know, I try not to think about the 'what if's'. Anywhere in life, because what's the point." She couldn't help the frown that spread across her face, her eyes dropping down to the table. "I think about it sometimes, when it comes to us. If I had just said no. If they had just let us live our lives." Lizzie let out a sigh, suddenly wishing she had waited to start talking until she had something to eat, so she could stuff something in her mouth to shut her up. "You think all these years later, and I would stop thinking about it, right?" The girl let out a small laugh, allowing her eyes to focus on him once again. "I'm sorry. I know bringing this up, it isn't easy. Especially when you are in a relationship and..and I'm happy for you, Chris. I am. Caity is great and you are both.very, very lucky to have each other." She meant every word of what she was saying. She did like Caity from what she got to know of her so far, and Chris deserved to be happy. Even if she couldn't be the person making him that way. "I guess..I guess I'm just lost. And I don't know what to do. And maybe it's because we never did this, we never talked about it. When it happened we just..let it happen..", her voice went to almost a whisper with her last three words. They let it happen. No one fought for it. Marvel did what they wanted, and scared them both into submission. Taking a deep breath, she raked her fingers through her hair. "You think I would have had more prepared to talk about other than my little outburst." She tried to lighten the mood, giving him a small smile.
Chris: Chris let out a small chuckle as Lizzie agreed to pancakes. It seemed like a good idea. Had to soak up the alcohol somehow. He figured it would get them thinking clearer, at least a little bit. Once he’d set his menu down also, his eyes moved up to her face with a neutral expression over his. Every time he looked at her he could feel this sort of stabbing pain in his chest. Drawing in a breath, he nodded along as he listened to the woman speak. “I don’t really know if you can ever be prepared when talking about something like this.” He pressed his lips into a small smile. “At the time, I don’t think we knew what we were getting ourselves into..” The man shook his head slightly. “I should’ve known better. My contract was a lot different than yours..” Moving back, he sat more comfortably in the seat. “I did a lot more than you know about trying to keep us together.. But I failed.” He sighed to himself as he remembered the phone calls and meetings trying to get Marvel to let them be. “It’s a tough thing to get over because neither of us wanted to end it..” After a moment, a young woman came to the table to drop off waters and take their order. She left just a quick as she came. The man turned his attention back to the brunette in front of him. “You don’t have to apologize about anything.. And you’re right. We never did talk about anything. We kind of just tried to make it go back to the way things were before.” Now it kind of came down to the part were he should address his current relationship. Reaching out for his glass of water, he brought it up to his lips and took a sip. It seemed a lot harder to talk about it now than previous times. “I put Caity through a lot of shit in the past..” He finally said. “When I met her, I’d been beaten up by all of my previous relationships, obviously, so I never wanted to commit. We stopped talking for a long time, then not long again, we reconnected and here we are.” He paused to think because he’d forgotten why he even went into all of that to begin with. “The whole time, I buried my feelings for you and what we had, not really thinking that it would be an issue.”
Lizzie: Lizzie couldn't help the small look of surprise that covered her face when he spoke about how he had done more than she knew to try and keep them together. She had always been under the impression that everything had been handled in that one meeting. She had no idea that Chris had been doing things in private, to try and make Marvel come around. Looking down in her hands, she almost hated the way the love she still felt for him just swelled, knowing that he tried his hardest to stay with her, to keep her with him. "I really wish you had told me that..", she spoke, her voice barley a whisper. "I held a lot of resentment over the years. Towards Kevin, and Marvel, towards you, towards myself. Because I was mad at us for not fighting hard enough." The brunette let out a small laugh, her eyes landing on her ex across the table. "Little did I know, I was the only one who didn't fight enough." Honestly--she had been scared. She loved him, she saw a future for them, but she didn't know if she was brave enough to go up against something like Kevin and the Marvel team. They would have ended her contract in a heartbeat and it would have cost her career and a lot of money in the end. Was it really worth the heartache that seemed to span years? She wasn't sure. Lizzie took a deep breath, listening as he went on to explain his history with his current girlfriend. "I'm glad the two of you were able to figure it out. I know you mentioned before that you weren't happy with who you were before with her..it's good that she gets to see this side of you." Giving him a small smile, she leaned back in her chair, nervously playing with the ring on her finger. "Is it an issue?" The girl found herself asking, her eyes searching his face. She knew for her-it was an issue. Every guy she tried to turn something serious with, she couldn't help but feel like something was holding her back, and she knew it was the way she still felt about him. "I only ever really think about how this is hard for me..and I'm sorry for that because clearly this isn't easy for you either.."
Chris: Chris’ stomach flipped inside of him a bit. “You have no idea how hard it was to not tell you any of it.” Saying as he shook his head. “I thought it would just make things harder.” His blue eyes moved over Lizzie’s face. He felt bad that he hadn’t told her what he had tried to do, but he figured if she was angry with him and the situation, that it would be easier for her to move on. Which, it kind of worked on set, but in reality, it just made them both silently carry everything along with them for all of this time after. There was no blame at all on Lizzie for just unloading on him like she had. “I’m sorry. I should’ve said something, but either way the result would’ve been the same. I didn’t want you to be disappointed every time I had a phone call that wasn’t in our favor.” Not that it was right, but he wanted to be the one to carry the burden. Lifting his hand, he ran his hand over his beard a few times. How does one exactly deal with having his previous love and current love in his life at the same time? “It’s not easy in the slightest.” He finally said. There were a million thoughts racing through his mind. The man leaned forward and pressed his forearms against the table shifting in closer. “The time that we were able to share together was incredible. I think it’s natural to have these kinds of feelings and thoughts.” He nodded, in that oblivious kind of way that he sometimes did. “Is talking about this all helping at all? Do you want to yell at me? Maybe punch me? Ask more questions?” He genuinely wanted to know so he could feel things out more. Obviously what was going on was great for him, Lizzie and Caity getting along and being friendly, but that wasn’t the best for all parties involved. “I want to figure it out.”
Lizzie: Lizzie slowly nodded her head along with his words. "No-I get it. I feel like it would have just been my heart breaking over and over again, and no one wants that." She gave him a small, sad smile for a moment. The girl honestly wasn't sure if them talking about this was helping or hurting her. It did feel some what freeing to get a few things out in the open that they both seemed to spend years holding in. She couldn't help but let out a chuckle, "I don't know, but I do know I won't be punching you." She paused for a moment as if thinking it over. "Maybe. We'll see how I feel when we get up." Lizzie tried to tease, reaching for her water. "There is a lot I don't know the answer to right now. But what I do know..is that you mean the world to me. Even now, even just as friends..", she paused for a moment to gather the words correctly in her head before speaking. "I can't lose that, you know? I would get it though..if after all of this you decide that its best for you and your relationship with Caity to not have me around in your life..but if it's up to me..I want us to figure this out so we can still be friends. If I get to still have you in my life in some way, then-then I'm happy with that..", she was speaking in full honesty. Lizzie had years to wrap her head around the fact that while they had a great relationship and she loved him dearly, that's all that they were ever going to have. She just wished her heart would catch up to her brain. Letting out a small sigh, her eyes dropped from Chris and onto the table and her hands. "I feel like some people just..stick with you. For so long I looked at it as a bad thing. Like you were this thing that I couldn't get rid of. Maybe I need to just look at it for what it is, and just realize that some people you're going to hold onto in your heart, and that's not a terrible thing." Lizzie honestly didn't even know if she was getting her point across but she was trying to make sense of the thoughts in her head and the feelings in her heart. Looking up at Chris, she let her eyes search his face before meeting his eyes. "Maybe I should just stop babbling and punch you now."
Chris: The man let out a quiet sigh, then pressed his lips together and nodded back. Even if it had felt good to finally get all of this out, Chris was also unsure if this was helping their situation or not. Was this going to be closure that they needed to move on? It was going to take time. All of this just needed to run it’s course. The corners of his lips picked up into a grin, “I’m going to bet my money on that you will eventually.” He tried to tease back. Folding his arms over his chest, he sat back into his chair and listened to the woman as he nodded, letting out a soft chuckle at the end. “See? Punching is just easier.” Teasing once again. “Lizzie, I don’t want to cut you out of my life. Not now, not ever. That’s not an option. You mean too much to me.” His blue eyes watched her face as he spoke. He loved Caity, he respected their relationship, and he hadn’t done anything wrong. If his friendship with Lizzie caused that big of an issue, he would definitely start questioning their relationship. Sure, every once in a while there would be awkward moments, but he was sure they could figure out how to make things work. “But yes. People do stick with you. They kind of just hang out in your heart.” He offered a small smile. “I appreciate every moment that we were able to share together. I was able to see a side of you that, I’m sure, most people don’t get to see. And vice versa. That brings us closer than the others. We have a different kind of bond, you know?” Reaching out, he picked up his glass of water and took a sip. “You know I’m still going to beat up your next boyfriend though, right?” He laughed as he joked.
Lizzie: The moment the grin appeared on Chris' face, Lizzie felt the way her heart beat just a little bit harder in her chest. She did her best to ignore it, something that had thankfully gotten easier over time as she had a lot of practice in it. It was one thing to look at him and feel something when they were both single. At least then it didn't hurt as much as it did now, knowing he had Caity upstairs waiting for him. Attempting to shake the thoughts from her head, she concentrated on what he was saying, slowly nodding her head. She swore she felt a sense of relief wash over her when he made it clear that he wouldn't be cutting her out of his life anytime soon. "It's funny, you know. I'm trying to think back to a time where we were just friends to be like 'oh hey, we did it once, we can do it again'. But honestly..", Lizzie shrugged her shoulders a bit, her eyes looking across the table at him. "I can't. I felt something for you since the very beginning, even if it took me some time to figure it out. So yeah, it scares me to think that we'll never figure out the 'just friends' thing, but I'm determined to figure it out. Because you're right, the alternative isn't an option." Lizzie did not want to go back to a life where Chris wasn't there, not after everything they had been through. Her eyes dropped down to her hands on the table when he spoke about the type of bond that they had, and instantly she felt the tears welling up behind her eyes. She was going to blame it on the alcohol, and not the ache in her chest she felt. Letting out a small laugh she reached up and wiped a tear before it could fall, shaking her head "I am not doing the boyfriend thing for a while, but I'll let you know if it happens."
Chris: Once again, Chris nodded, then drew in a breath. Obviously he understood because he was also struggling internally with everything. Thinking back, though, in the beginning he had the feeling that Lizzie and himself would share something special, but not necessarily in the way that it all had that happened. Back then, the man was charming the pants off of anything with a vagina. His shameless flirting allowed him to see a friendship before the feelings had developed, but that didn’t mean it had made things any easier. In the end, they would just have to work with whatever came next if they were going to keep each other in their lives. “We will figure it out. It’s all just going to take time..” He reassured her. Talking about all of this was easier than actually being put into certain situations, even if it had been uncomfortable to talk in the first place. Although, the man was now kicking himself for not choosing his words more carefully. He, too, would blame it on the alcohol, just letting his feelings control his words instead of being logical. He didn’t want to make Lizzie feel worse about things, he only wanted to help. Evans could feel his heart sink in his chest as he noticed the expression on her face. “Please do, but you should.. You deserve to be happy.” Lizzie deserved all of the happiness in the world, Chris truly believed that. Even if it meant watching her be happy with someone else.
Lizzie: Lizzie reached for her water and took a long drink from it, more or so just to give her a moment to breathe with out having to say anything. This was suppose to be helpful for them, and maybe down the road when she was sober and less lost in her feelings, it would be easier to see, then it was right now. "It's been this long, what's a little longer, right?" She knew he was right, it would take time, even after this conversation. "We both deserve to be happy. I hope you know I genuinely am happy for you and Caity." It may be hard to see him with someone else, happy and planning a future but she would rather see him happy with someone else then not at all. Clearing her throat. Lizzie was happy to see the waitress reappear and this time with their plates of food. "Thank you, very much." At least now she could find moments of silence while shoving fork fulls of pancake into her mouth. "Thank you-for talking about this stuff with me. I'm sorry that I just kinda threw it at you. It wasn't originally my plan to show up at your door like that but--are we really surprised?" Giving him a small smile, she took a big bite of her pancakes. "I promise I'm not this depressing all of the time. Most of the time. Some of the time."
Chris: “I do know that..” He replied softly, being grateful that Lizzie wasn’t one of those psycho exes who was determined to make him miserable. Being painful as it was, he’d rather have it this way. Chris’ thoughts were interrupted by their food being delivered to their table. After thanking the waitress, he picked up the syrup and poured it all over his pancakes, then started to dig in. They both needed a moment to themselves to process before continuing on. This was a lot for both of them. Plus, it would do both good to put some food into their alcohol filled bellies. His eyes rose to hers as she spoke. Taking the bite from his fork, he chewed and nodded. “No, not really.” He replied with a chuckle after swallowing the pancake. “It’s alright, it just needed to happen. We probably could’ve been completely sober, but it gave the extra push that was needed.” The man took a sip of his coffee, then raised his eyebrow. “None of the time.” He shook his head as he laughed softly. “We got this.”
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aniray · 4 years
Where You Least Expect It...
Here's the first part of my 5 part story.
It's Tommy x Lizzie. A Modern Surrogacy AU
“I’m so nervous, Thomas.”
Tommy looked over a Grace. Her golden hair was falling a bit out of the neat ponytail she had put it in that morning. She was fidgeting with the brochure from the clinic. If she twisted it anymore, Tommy was sure the thing would tear apart. But he didn’t say anything. He simply reached over and pulled the brochure out of her hand.
“Thanks,” she sighed. But two seconds later she was running her fingers along her brow. “God, Thomas, we tried so hard. And we’ve spent so much on all of this. Should we have gone with adoption?” They had had this same conversation the night before, and last week, and two months ago. But the answer was always the same. Grace sat up straighter, her head lifting a bit in determination. “No, this is what I want for us. A baby that’s at least part you, even if it can’t be part me as well.”
It had taken Grace a long time to accept the doctors’ verdict that she wouldn’t have children. After months and months of hormone treatments and strict dieting and far too many nights of his wife crying herself to sleep, Grace had let go of the idea of carrying her own child. And then there were even more months of trying to harvest her eggs. But when none of them were viable, Tommy had to step in before depression stole Grace away from him.
So they had turned to surrogacy. It wasn’t quite what Grace had wanted- having to use another woman’s egg as well as her body. But it was the closest to what Grace wanted and could actually get. So Tommy had gone to information seminars. He had read up on the different agencies. And when Grace had picked a place and a girl, Tommy didn’t voice his own worries. This was what Grace needed and he needed her, so this was what they would do.
The GPS told Tommy to take the next turn. But he’d already memorized how to reach the facility. Planning was what he did when he was unsure about things. Take control wherever he could had always been his way, but even more so since this whole fertility process had started. Polly was annoyed about it. Arthur was pulling at the leash. And John had gone and fucked his way into early fatherhood.
Something Grace wouldn’t admit she was hurt and bitter about.
Another turn and the facility came into view. It was nothing special, just a plain brick building. But it was clean and highly recommended. And mostly it was discreet- something Tommy had insisted on even if Grace hadn’t been concerned. Business was doing well and that always brought people who would rather Tommy or his loved ones not be breathing.
Pulling into a parking spot, Tommy turned the car off and turned to face Grace. “You ready?” He watched the emotions flit across her face. It was something not many people got to see. Grace had been raised to keep her emotions to herself. And then she had worked as a financial security investigator. Succeeding in that world meant not letting CEOs and their like see you anything other than calm and in control.  So for her to show her fear and her anxiousness with him was just another thing to prove that they were supposed to be together.
“I don’t know. I just- I shouldn’t be nervous. It’s all been arranged. The papers have been signed.” She turned to look at him and Tommy felt a twinge in his chest at the tears in her eyes. “Its not even me who has to do anything. You’re the one about to…you know.” Tommy smiled. Always so proper.  “But what if we do it and she changes her mind? Or you change your mind? What if-“
“I’m not changing my mind. She won’t change hers, either. And even if she does, this baby will be a Shelby. That’s why we got a lawyer for all of this, remember?” Tommy tucked a few strands of her hair back up into her ponytail. “Now, come on. It would look a bit bad if we were late because we took too long in the parking lot.”
Grace gave him a smile- the one that always seemed to make his world a bit brighter. “You’re right. I’m ready.” With a quick nod, Tommy got out of the car and went around to open the passenger door. Grace didn’t hesitate. She got out and took his hand as he closed the door. She was calm and strong and beautiful walking beside him.
And he’d be damned if this all went to shit.
The clinic was cold.
It always was, but today it bothered Lizzie a little bit more than the other times she’d come. They had her sitting in a small conference room, waiting for the couple she’d agreed to carry for- the Shelbys. Grace and Thomas Shelby. Wealthy, and from what Lizzie had heard from a staff member, trying this before settling for adoption. She didn’t like that word- settling. It reminded her of too many decisions she’d made in her life. 
But that wasn’t really the point, was it? No, the point was, she was sitting in a cold room about to meet the people she’d be dealing with for the next ten months more or less. And she still wasn’t sure this was what she wanted. You already signed the damn papers, Lizzie. The thought didn’t make her feel any more ready for this. But she was a bit desperate.
Ryan, the asshole, had harassed her for years before she finally quit working for him. She had dealt with enough men putting their hands on her in her life. That’s why she had left her home town, club work and waitressing all behind her. And now she was leaving Ryan and his too small office and his too rough hands behind her, too.
“Don’t think about him. He doesn’t deserve it.” Standing up from the seat she was in, Lizzie paced the room. Everything was so…bright. The walls were white with framed pieces of abstract art to break up the monotony. The windows were frosted to let light in while keeping everything inside private. But stuck in the room alone Lizzie just felt like she had stepped into some Sci-fi horror movie. “Get a grip. It’s not that bad.”
She had just made her way to the far side of the room for the thirteenth time when she heard voices. Quickly, Lizzie went back to the seat she’d started in. Her heart was pounding suddenly. Her palms were sweating. This was it- there was no going back after those doors opened. A knock came half a second before the door opened. Dr. Stone came in with one of the office assistants right behind her.
And then she saw her- a well-dressed woman with her blond hair up in a high ponytail. This was the woman who would be raising the baby Lizzie was going to have. She looked so elegant. It made Lizzie a little self-conscious, honestly. But then a man stepped into the room and shut the door. He wore a very nice suit- obviously tailored for him. His expression was neutral, but Lizzie had a feeling it was an intimidation tactic more than lack of interest. She eyed the way he stood and realized that behind his respectable appearance, this man was dangerous.
Suddenly self-consciousness was replaced by trepidation. But Lizzie forced herself to smile. Dr. Stone motioned for the Shelby’s to take a seat and Lizzie watched as Thomas pulled out Grace’s chair for her. The two shared a quick smile and Lizzie looked away. It was barely anything, but it had felt intimate. She turned her attention to Dr. Stone. The woman stood at the head of the table as the assistant passed out three folders.
“Alright, let’s get started. First off, Ms. Stark,” she said turning to face Lizzie, “This is Thomas and Grace Shelby. They are the couple that we felt would be best for you.” Then she turned to the Shelbys. “Mr. and Mrs. Shelby, this is Elizabeth Stark. She will be your surrogate. We have done an extensive background check on both parties, the results of which are in your folders. The contract you signed is included as well, for your records.”
Lizzie shifted a bit in her seat at the mention of background checks. She’d told them about her past, she had agreed to the check, but it still made her nervous knowing these fancy people would see her entire life laid out on paper.  Mr. Shelby lifted his head and caught Lizzie’s eye. She forced herself to be still and focus back in on what Dr. Stone was saying. “We have already collected Lizzie’s ovum and it is ready for fertilization. That process will happen today after we collect Mr. Shelby’s sperm. At the end of this I’ll have the three of you sign a document stating that we went over all of this. And then in about three to five days Ms. Stark will come back in to have the embryos implanted.”
It all sounded so clinical. She’d known that, of course. She’d done the homework and all the reading. She’d even gone to see a lawyer about what rights she did and didn’t have during the pregnancy. But sitting there in that white room with the frosted windows, Lizzie couldn’t help feeling… Honestly she didn’t know what she was feeling. She heard Dr. Stone ask if there were any questions and she shook her head. She knew what happened next.
“Alright then. Mr. Shelby you can follow Erin and she’ll take you to a private room. A nurse will give you instructions.” Lizzie felt an absurd bubble of laughter rising. The idea of a nurse having to tell a man how to handle himself seemed a bit hilarious for some reason. But she bit her tongue and kept her head down until the man was out of the room. “Now that it’s just us ladies,” Dr. Stone continued, “I think it would be good for you ladies to discuss things. I’ve found that the women have the hardest time figuring out their roles in each other’s lives during this process. So I’ll leave you two to chat.”
Then she was gone, and Lizzie was alone with Grace.
She’s pretty.
It was the first thing that had entered into Grace’s head as she walked into the conference room. The second was that this baby wouldn’t have any features that could be ‘from’ Grace. She hadn’t really thought about it before, but perhaps subconsciously she had assumed the clinic would find a blond woman. Or at least someone with the same eye color that Grace had. But no, instead here was this green eyed, raven-haired, beauty.
A sliver of insecurity had threatened to rise when she saw Elizabeth Stark. Thomas had always preferred dark-haired women. It was something that his family never seemed to let her forget. And every woman who had ever impressed Thomas, especially in business, had dark hair. Most times it didn’t bother her- this obvious inclination her husband had. Most of the time she simply reminded his family that she, and not these others, had been the one Thomas married. But today- the day she felt so lacking as a wife and a woman- all she could see was dark hair.
Of course, Thomas barely glanced at Ms. Stark. Grace knew that he had no interest in the woman. And to be fair, the woman kept her focus on Dr. Stone.  But insecurity was not logical. So when Dr. Stone had left them alone to ‘chat’ Grace found herself trying desperately to keep all of the anxiety she felt from showing.
“So,” the other woman started. “Is there anything you want to ask me?” Grace fixed her eyes on the woman across from her. Her voice was soft, but her speech was more like Thomas’ when he was tired. Opening the folder, Grace skimmed the neatly printed words until she found what she was looking for. ‘Place of Birth: Small Heath, Birmingham.’  She preferred to be called Lizzie, the paper said. “I have a few for you, if that’s alright?”
Again Grace met Lizzie’s eyes. “Of course. What don’t you understand?” She could hear it- the ice that had crept into her voice. It was the tone she used in boardrooms and closed-door meetings with men who had too much power. And Lizzie didn’t like it. But for some reason Grace couldn’t bring herself to regret her tone.
“It says in the contract that I’ll be living in your guest house during the pregnancy.” Lizzie paused for a moment and Grace wondered if it was to collect her thoughts or to keep from running out of the room. “But it also said that if, once we met properly, either party wanted to renegotiate that…”
Grace arched a brow. “Are you suggesting that we let you live somewhere separate from us?” And she hated that she could hear her mother in her own voice. But it was a ridiculous idea. Surely Ms. Stark could see that. An incredulous smile came to Grace’s lips. “How would we know if something happened? This is not your child, Ms. Stark. This is mine and my husband’s child. Why would we allow a stranger to just go off with our baby?”
A flash of defiance showed in Lizzie’s eyes. She had sat up straighter in her chair, leaning forward a bit. “I understand your concern. But what exactly do you think I’m going to be doing at my place? Snorting blow and having orgies?” Grace’s nose crinkled at the mental image. “Listen, Mrs. Shelby, I’ll come by and visit every day. You’ll be at every appointment. But I don’t think it would be good to live so close together. I don’t want to get attached.”
She was trying to manipulate her. Grace could hear it. She could see it. But it didn’t make Lizzie’s point any less valid. And the last thing Grace needed was for Lizzie to decide that she wanted to fight for custody of this baby. Still, the idea of her not being just a walk across the lawn from her child… “No. I’m sorry, but no. Not this early. Maybe toward the third trimester-“
“I’ll be huge and tired and it’ll be too much trouble to move by then.”
But Grace didn’t back down. She couldn’t- not with this. She stared the other woman down, neither willing to give up their positions. But Grace had years of experience getting her way. And Lizzie Stark was not going to change that. “We’ll hire movers. You’ll never lift a finger except to get into the car when everything is finished.”
Lizzie lifted her chin and Grace prepared herself to fight whatever argument came next. Only one never came. Lizzie nodded slowly and leaned back in her seat. “Alright. No later than the start of the third trimester.” Then she stood up and walked out of the room.  Grace sat at the table, heart pounding. She gave up too easily. She had put Grace on the backfoot, as Thomas would say, and she didn’t like it.
Mostly she wondered if she’d just ruined a chance at getting through this in peace.
Grace was alone when Tommy got back. And she was upset. He could tell by the stiffness of her shoulders and the tilt of her head as she stood at one of the windows. He had seen the doctor on his way back to the little conference room. She told him that Grace and the woman- Ms. Stark- were having a chat. It had sounded friendly enough, but still he’d picked up his pace. And now he was glad he had.
“What happened?”
Grace turned from the window to face him and Tommy could see the fear she’d pushed away was back. “I just-“ Grace took a deep breath. “I think I’ve started something. Between me and the surrogate.” Tommy tilted his head in confusion. Grace’s shoulders slumped and Tommy watched her blink back tears. “She wanted to stay at her own place. Simple enough, right? And I said no. No, Tommy, don’t look like that. I told her ‘no’ the way my mother told you she wouldn’t be able to come to the wedding.”
Tommy winced at that. Mrs. Burgess has made no effort to hide how much she hated Tommy and his family and the fact that he had married her daughter. She hadn’t come to the wedding. And when she announced as much, she had been cold and disdainful and the most well-spoken bitch that Tommy had ever dealt with. And now Grace was telling him she’d treated the surrogate that way?
“Alright. So you were a bit cold to her. Why? We said it would be fine if she didn’t live with us. It’s in the contract that living arrangements were negotiable.” He hadn’t wanted to have any new people on their property- not even in the guest house. And Grace hadn’t seemed so set on it either. “I read the file, there’s nothing in there that says she shouldn’t be on her own.”
Grace rolled her eyes in exasperation. It was something she didn’t do often. “I know, Thomas. But I just hate the idea of her having our baby so far from us. I mean, we don’t know her. What if she smokes? What if she drinks and the baby is born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.” Tommy held in a sigh. He knew Grace- she didn’t think any of those things would happen. She was just nervous and trying to keep as much control as possible. It was something he’d done far too often to not see the signs.
Coming around the table, Tommy set his hands on Grace’s shoulders. “Stop. I didn’t want her at the house to begin with. But you agreed, if she wanted to stay at her own place she could.” His arms went around his wife and Tommy held her tight. “We’ve got her number. We’ll call, invite her to lunch one day. You can apologize-“ Grace scoffed and Tommy shook his head with a smile. “You can apologize and then the three of us can figure out the living situation. No big deal. Alright?”
He pulled back to see Grace’s face. Her lips were set in a pout and her eyes were red-rimmed, but she was still beautiful. “Yes, that’s fine.” She lifted up and gave him a quick kiss. “Thank you for calming me down. Thank you for all of this. I love you, you know?”
“I know. Now come on. We’ve got reservations for dinner.”
Four Days Later
Lizzie had just walked in the front door when her phone rang. Fishing it out of her pocket, her brows scrunched together as she looked at the unfamiliar number. It had been a long day. She had taken the day to go to the library and read up on what to expect during the first three months of pregnancy. It had been information overload. And then she had gone to the clinic for them to implant the embryos. It had been fairly easy, but now she couldn’t’ stop thinking about the fact that this was all real now. More real than it had been when it was just talk and paperwork.
So she wasn’t really in the mood for a bill collector or one of those scam calls telling her she’d won a free vacation to Aruba. So she tossed her phone on the sofa and made her way to the kitchen. There wasn’t much in it- rent came first these days. But that would change soon. The clinic had given her a check as she left from the Shelbys. It was to cover her food, rent, and utilities for the month- until it was confirmed that a baby would be showing up in approximately nine months.  
Standing at her mostly empty refrigerator, Lizzie pulled out the milk and a carton of strawberries. Turning to grab a glass from the cupboard, the sound of her ringtone came again. Setting the milk and berries on the counter she rushed back to the living room and snatched up her phone and answered. “Hello?”
“Is this Elizabeth Stark?” Lizzie tensed at the deep voice on the other end. It was the last voice she expected to hear. She pulled the phone from her ear and looked at the screen. The same number from a minute ago was on the display. Quickly she put the phone back to her ear. “Yes, this is she.”
There was a pause on the other end and she thought she heard someone else speaking in the background. “Good. This is Tommy Shelby. My wife and I were wondering if you’d like to join us for dinner one day this week.” Lizzie blinked, then blinked again. She hadn’t expected that. And she really couldn’t understand why Mrs. Shelby would want to see her. “Ms. Stark, are you there?” Mr. Shelby asked, a hint of impatience in his tone.
“Yes, sorry. I’m here. Um..” God, Lizzie, just fucking say no. Because she really didn’t want to see them before she’d gone back to the clinic. She wanted as much of her freedom as she could get before their lives became enmeshed. “Sure. I mean, that would be fine. Do you have a day in mind?” She hadn’t needed to read the file Dr. Stone had given her to know that the Shelbys had very busy lives. They might try to make it sound like this was all spur of the moment, but Lizzie knew better.
Another pause, then the click of someone typing. “Wednesday at six?” Lizzie got the feeling that she was not the one that question was being directed to. Not that it really mattered. She didn’t feel like she had much of a say in all of this anyway. Especially after how things had gone at the clinic with Grace. “So does six o’clock Wednesday work for you, Ms. Stark?”
“You can just call me Lizzie. And yes, that works fine. Where should I meet you?” She hoped it wasn’t anywhere too pricey. She didn’t want them to pay for her, but she also hated pretending she wasn’t hungry at places simply because she couldn’t afford more than water. So of course the place Mr. Shelby named was a fancy restaurant downtown. “Sounds good. See you then,” she replied, stomach twisting itself into knots.
“And Lizzie? Call me Tommy.”
Lizzie mumbled her assent and quickly got off the phone. She looked back at the screen, brain still processing the last…three minutes and twenty-six seconds. ‘Call me Tommy’ he’d said. Tommy- such an innocent sounding name. A name that made you think of little boys running after a ball or the shy kid in high-school who was always really sweet. But somehow when Mr. Shelby said it, all those thoughts disappeared. Instead you were left with that old school Mafia vibe. Darkness and danger wrapped up in every syllable.
“Great, Liz, just great. You’ve really stuck yourself with quite the pair, haven’t you?”
Tommy motioned for the waiter to bring him another whiskey.
So far dinner had been awful. Lizzie had arrived on time, dressed appropriately, if not quite up to the usual price standards for the place. She had been nervous, but tried to hide it. And Tommy had been sure that once they got settled at their table things would begin to smooth over.
He did not expect Grace to insult Lizzie’s dress. He didn’t expect to hear his wife- who had been completely apologetic before getting to the restaurant- turn into her mother the minute Lizzie arrived. And he didn’t expect to have to make small talk to cover the tension. He wasn’t good at small talk. It was always Grace who handled things like that when business required playing nice with people.
He’d given up two whiskeys ago. Instead he sat and watched as Grace ate her meal and Lizzie sipped at the lemonade she’d ordered. He’d told her he was paying- to order what she wanted. She’d refused. It’d been a while since Tommy had been broke. But not long enough that he forgot how fucking annoying it was to take handouts. So he didn’t push the issue.
But it had been almost an hour and the tension was starting to aggravate him. So, Tommy reached over and took Grace’s hand, ignoring his wife’s questioning look, before turning to Lizzie. “So, Lizzie, we asked you here because we wanted to get some things settled.” He felt Grace tense beside him while he watched Lizzie stiffen in her seat. Tommy didn’t miss the way her eyes slid to Grace for a moment. “I believe things may have gotten off to a bad start.”
“Yes,” Grace said, “I think there were misunderstandings on both sides.” There hadn’t been- not from what Grace had told Tommy. But he kept his thoughts to himself. “Ms. Stark, Lizzie, I hope you know that I wasn’t trying to force you into anything. I just feel so protective of my baby already.” Lizzie didn’t respond. “I hope you’ll forgive me.”
Lizzie reached for her glass and took a sip of her lemonade. Tommy could see her thinking. He knew she was trying to decide if Grace had meant what she said. Not that it really mattered. The papers were signed, she had gone to the clinic to have the embryos implanted. This was happening. But he didn’t want Grace upset. And he didn’t want to have to fight for custody of this baby. So he wanted the two women to play nicely.
Setting her glass back down Lizzie looked at Grace. “I’m glad you feel so protective. It’s nice, knowing that this baby will be taken care of. And I hope that we can get through this whole thing without any problems. So I will stay until the end of the second trimester.” She turned to Tommy. “But I still think it would be better if I stayed at my own place from the beginning. Like I told Mrs. Shelby, I’ll visit every day and you are going to be at the doctor’s appointments anyway. So I don’t see why I need to live on your property.”
“But,” Tommy turned to Grace. “As I explained to you, it’s a matter of safety and knowing what is happening with our child,” Grace said. “You obviously have financial issues. And in your background check it said that you’ve been in trouble a few times. I just need to know that you aren’t going to do anything that could harm my baby.”
Tommy stared at Grace. They had talked about this. They had gone over how things would go at the dinner. And she’d gone off course from the minute Lizzie arrived. He tossed back the rest of his whiskey and tried to think of a way to salvage this. But he could see it in his wife’s eyes- she’d dug in her heels. “Grace.” She turned to face him, eyes bright with defiance. “We agreed, yeah? We wouldn’t force anything.”
He felt Lizzie’s eyes on him. It made him uncomfortable- having someone see him and Grace like this. He didn’t like people seeing the inner workings of his marriage. But it couldn’t be helped. Not this time. “It’s fine. Alright? It’s fine. But I’m still going to need rent money. I’ll need to still have a place after this is all over with.” Tommy reluctantly looked away from Grace. The woman facing him had just as much defiance in her eyes as his wife, but her shoulders were slumped in defeat. It was an odd sight.
“Can you be ready to move by Wednesday after next?” It was two weeks, and Tommy didn’t think Grace would wait much longer. And he just wanted this whole thing to be over. He had business that needed his attention and he couldn’t referee between his wife and the surrogate. Lizzie tensed, but nodded. For the first time Tommy wondered just how bad off she was to be going through with all of this. “Movers will be at your apartment on the day, then.”
He saw the waiter and motioned for the bill.
“What the fuck was that?”
Grace winced. “I know. Thomas, I know. She just-“
“Just what? Showed up on time? Ordered a drink? Agreed to what you fucking wanted?” She bit her lip. She hated fighting with Tommy. It didn’t happen often. They understood each other too well for that, usually. But this whole thing was increasing Grace’s anxiety. “You were meant to apologize. The whole point was to smooth things over so we don’t have problems later.”
Grace felt a spike of fear at those words. It would be so easy for Ms. Stark to sue for custody. It would be so easy for her to terminate the contract- abort the baby. And Grace knew she wasn’t helping matters. If anything she was making things worse. But she couldn’t seem to help it. “I’m just scared, Thomas.”
Her husband looked over at her from the driver’s seat. But instead of the usual softness and love, Grace found Tommy’s face tight with annoyance and his eyes cooler than they’d been with her in a long time. “You can’t let that matter. You can’t let the fear get into your head and muck it up. We had a plan. You broke from the plan, Grace. And that- that shit that happened back there? That’ll be what fucks this whole thing up in the end.”
The rest of the drive was silent. It was excruciating, mainly because Grace knew Tommy was right. But that insecure part of her couldn’t let herself care. She couldn’t admit it, not to him. Not when he was defending that woman. It shouldn’t feel like this. None of this should feel the way it did. Grace should be happy. Tommy should be happy. They should be planning for a baby to arrive, not fighting over the woman who was carrying said baby.
But…She saw the way Lizzie had watched Thomas. Grace had seen something in her eyes that made her wonder. Something that made her want to hold him tighter, closer. And she’d seen the way Thomas had looked at Lizzie- there had been an understanding there. When Lizzie had only ordered lemonade, when she had politely declined to let Tommy pay for her meal- he’d looked at her like he recognized something in her. It was something Grace didn’t recognize and she hated it- that small thing that Thomas and this woman shared.
The car pulling to a stop brought Grace out of her troubling thoughts. They were home. The sun was just setting behind the house and it cast a golden glow over everything. It was beautiful- perfect. Thomas had picked it for her as a surprise and she had fallen in love with it immediately. And every time she returned, no matter how upset or scared or hurt she might be, seeing it always made Grace smile. But not this time.  This time her eyes went to the guest house to the left of the property- almost out of sight.
“She’s going to live there, Thomas. She’d going to be right there.” She felt her husband’s eyes on her. It wasn’t comforting like she had grown accustomed to. This time his gaze was too heavy. “It feels too close. But I can’t stand the idea of her being a step farther away. God, I wish…” But it didn’t matter what she wished. Her wishes hadn’t come true even after all the money and the medicine and the tears.
Thomas got out and walked around to the passenger’s side. He opened her door like always, and gave her his hand to help her out of the car. But the warmth of his hand was gone as soon as she was securely on her feet. He closed the door and went into the house- without her. The only other time he’d done that was the night Ada had gone missing. He’d run in to make calls- to find his baby sister.
This time he just didn’t want to be near his wife.
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gaydiekane · 4 years
before we start~~
greyson- ahhh yeah they/them pronouns but originally greyson used he/him so if you see any stray he/hims that i forgot to change please lmk (comment with the sentence or smth it'd be greatly appreciated)
link to chapter 1
i do not own any of the characters or settings from the riordanverse, all rights go to richard russell riordan. i also don't own perry the platypus, that goes to dan povenmire
finally, this is only my current draft, so when this whole thing is done and completed this chapter could be entirely different. i'm also a cHiLd so my writing isn't that good please bear w me 💀 i also suck at titles if u have any other ideas lmk 💀💀
The Currently Unnamed Fic
Chapter 2 - i think this is now named An Intro to New Life but im not 100% sure?
The boy led me down the hill and to the Kansas house. There was a man and a few other people playing a card game. I mean, I thought they were people, but they looked like goat boys. Something was nagging at me in the back of my mind, like something about this was familiar, but I couldn't figure it out.
"Mr. D," the kid said, "we have a new camper. And- hold up," he turned to me, "what are your pronouns?"
He turned back to Mr. D. "She's fifteen!"
Mr. D placed his cards face down on the table. "Fifteen? Whoever your parent is is awfully stupid."
Some useful information, I suppose. And, parent? My mom said she was bad at math in school, and my dad. . .
"My mom mentioned something about my dad when she dropped me off here," I said.
"Well, you're not one of mine," Mr. D said, and averted his attention back to the game. "Owen-"
"-would you mind showing her around?"
"Oh, I would love to, but," the kid, Oliver, flashed the book he was reading, "I've got some reading to do. And I'm also redirecting mortals, so. . . . Catch ya later," he said walking away.
"He could've just said he didn't want to," Mr. D said under his breath (but still loud enough for everyone to hear). "Uh, Garrett Smith! Can you show around the new kid?" he asked to the nearest kid in the strawberry field.
The kid looked around my age, maybe a bit older. They had curly strawberry blond hair and tan skin like they spent almost all of their time outside. "Sure thing, just let me put this-"
"Nonsense, Sandra over there will take care of whatever it is." Mr. D interrupted. "I've got a card game to finish, so if you would please, George Salazar, show around, er, what's your name?" He turned to me.
"Elizabeth Herman," I answered. "I go by Ellie, though."
"Yes, show Lizzy Henderson around."
"On it Mr. D," the kid said. I didn't trust that their name was Garrett Smith or George Salazar.
I left the table and met the kid at the bottom of the stairs. They greeted me with a bright smile. "Hey, I'm Greyson Summit," they said. "I wish I were George Salazar. Oh, to be on Broadway, instead picking strawberries for the god of wine," they said dreamily.
I returned a smile. "I'm Ellie. Nice to meet you."
"Oh, and don't worry," Greyson added, "you don't have to bow down to Mr. D. He doesn't do much."
I nodded my head. Like Perry the Platypus, I thought. "Why would I need to bow down to him?" I asked.
"Oh, right, I should explain," Greyson said. "That's Dionysus, the god of wine and all that. You said your mom said something about your dad, right? I'm assuming she meant he's a god too."
I felt like I had been hit by a brick. I probably was at some point if I didn't remember basic stuff from sixth grade English, but that's not the point.
"Wait, I think I've read about this place," I said.
Greyson got a confused look on their face. "Like, in The Lightning Thief?" I nodded my head. "Woah." They laughed. "Not to be dramatic, but you should probably be dead. Let's head to the east."
Greyson began walking off towards what I assumed was the east, leaving me the opposite of "no thoughts, head empty."
I ran to catch up with them.
"By the time we're done it should be time for lunch, then I'll show you the other side after," they were saying.
"Sounds like a plan," I said.
We made our way along the creek towards the east woods. Greyson wasn't the best tour guide. We would pass by something and they'd randomly point out what it was. At least it wasn't a safari. I nearly giggled at the thought.
"Volleyball court. Art's and crafts. Hermes kids doing. . . something. Oh no, there's fire again."
I watched as a couple kids tried to stomp out a small flame in the grass.
"Again?" I asked.
"Yeah," said Greyson. "Come on."
They tried to strike up small talk. Unfortunately, both of us were quite bad at making conversation. Maybe it was best we weren't as good at striking things up as those Hermes kids.
I tried thinking of some icebreakers and introduction questions while we walked around.
"What are your pronouns?" I asked.
"They/them," Greyson said. "I'm genderfluid, but it's easier to use they/them pronouns than correcting people all the time. But if it really bothers me sometime I'll correct you, just a heads up."
"Cool. Thanks for letting me know."
More silence.
"Your pronouns are she/her, right?" they asked.
I nodded.
"So. . . where are you from?" Greyson asked after a bit more silence.
"Arizona," I answered.
"Oh, cool," they responded.
More silence.
"Where are you from?" I asked.
Out of all the new and crazy info I'd gotten that day, that one won first place by far. "But I thought Kansas didn't exist?"
I shrugged.
We made it to the rock wall. The heat emitting from it reminded me of Arizona summers. A girl dropped down nearby where we were standing.
"Beat ya!" she shouted up. She looked over at us. "Oh, hey Greyson. Who's this?"
The girl was short. Well, maybe short to me, I'm 5'8". She was maybe 5'4"? (Is that short?) She had dark brown skin and vitiligo. She also had brown eyes and dark brown coily hair.
"This is Ellie," Greyson said. "Do you think Kansas exists?"
She blinked. "What?"
"Do you think Kansas exists?" Greyson repeated.
"Yes, of course," the girl answered.
"Even before you met me?" they asked.
She paused, before answering, "Well, I hadn't given it much thought before."
"Damn, alright," Greyson said. "Ellie, this is Leila."
"Nice to meet you," I said.
Another girl dropped down from the wall. She had black hair with a split dye that was hot pink. Her hair was steaming, and her tan skin looked blistered in a couple spots. "You cheated!" She pointed at Leila accusingly.
"How do you cheat at a rock wall?" I asked.
"How can you think Kansas doesn't exist?!" Greyson asked me.
"Hold up, you didn't think Kansas existed?" the new girl asked me. "Wait, who are you?"
"I'm Ellie," I answered.
"Cool, I'm Chleo," she said. "Anyways, you thought Kansas didn't exist?"
"I thought it was made up for the plot of the Wizard of Oz!" I said. They all just looked at me. "How many people have you met that are from Kansas? What has ever happened in Kansas? What exists there?" I asked.
"Well, I know Greyson. . . ." Chleo said.
"The National World War I Museum is in Kansas City!" Greyson claimed. We all just stared at them. They put their hands up defensively.
"So. . . how do you cheat at rock wall climbing?" I asked again, hoping to drop the subject of Kansas.
"Oh I'm a daughter of Hecate," Leila said. She snapped her fingers and her and Chleo had switched places as Chleo went to rest her arm on Leila's shoulder. "The mist is easy to manipulate for me." She shrugged, ignoring Chleo on the ground.
"You bitch!" Chleo exclaimed from the floor. "Which also means, she cheated," Chleo said, getting up.
"No, I just used my resources!" said Leila. "They tell us to do that."
A horn sounded in the distance. "Come on Ellie, we have to line up for lunch," Greyson said. "We can go with the Hermes cabin, since they're here." He glanced above my head before walking towards a forming line of kids with mischievous looks on their faces, like I was told I had.
"Who's your godly parent?" I asked Greyson.
"My dad's Apollo," they said quietly. "We're not really supposed to talk in lines but lots of people do anyways."
We walked in silence to the dining pavilion. We went over the creek, passed by a huge arena, an archery range, the cabins. I knew there wouldn't be much left for Greyson to show me after lunch, but I knew continuing to let them show me around was better than to be friendless.
I was handed a plate of food and sat on the end of table eleven next to a kid with curly light brown hair and hazel eyes. He looked older than me.
"Oh, hey newbie!" he said. "I'm Austin."
"I'm Ellie," I said. "Nice to meet you Austin."
"Nice to meet you too Ellie," he said. "I'm the head of cabin eleven and one of the camp counselors this year. It doesn't matter too much, but I suppose it's good to know. Come on newbie, it's our turn at the fire." We all got up and walked over to the big bronze brazier in the middle of the pavilion.
I watched as Austin pushed a portion of his plate into the fire. "Hermes," he said.
I pushed a portion of brisket into the flames. "Hermes?" I said, though it came out as more of a question. Austin laughed and shook his head, and we went back to table eleven.
Back at the table I talked a bit more with Austin. He told me he has a twin sister, Kaite, and how he's from Michigan and moved to New Jersey a few years ago. He's turning nineteen this October and is really into crafting because he grew up doing it with his mother as a kid.
"What did you mean it didn't matter that you're head of cabin eleven?" I asked.
"Not that part, the part about being camp counselor," he said. "Camp counselors and cabin counselors are different. We call cabin counselors cabin heads to avoid confusion, but you'll hear both. Cabin heads just make sure none of their siblings are being absolutely stupid and lead them to their activities. Prep for inspection, all that. Camp counselors are more of like, the older sibling to everyone, they're all cabin heads, they do inspection, stuff like that. Kinda take charge. They're the people you go to if you need something. Some cabins have more than one counselor, by the way."
"What about Chiron?" I asked.
"Well, you'd go to him for super important stuff, like emergencies. A serious injury, an attack. Mr. D, well, just, never go D with an emergency. He'll most likely do nothing. Actually, he's good to go to if you have any questions regarding sexuality or gender identity." He paused for a moment, before continuing, "Camp leadership! Right!
"So once Percy and Annabeth -- you know who they are? -- Coolio, once they left everyone realized they forgot how to run the camp because they did everything and wars and all that jazz. Instead of trying to remember, they made new over-complicated systems to run the place. They work though. Until the older heroes came back. A couple summers ago the older campers came back to teach here." He pointed to the director's table. Along with Mr. D, I saw a few other adults chatting and eating. "Ever since they came back, us camp counselors have been kinda demoted. No one comes to us much anymore. Granted, they do know more, but it kinda sucks being demoted. Some of the cabin heads get replaced by the adults too, if they have an adult sibling here. But since they teach they're not around much for their cabin. It doesn't make too much sense." He shook his head.
"Maybe it's just that awkward telling a twenty year old what to do," I suggested. "Who are all the camp councelors?"
"There's me, Emma from the Aphrodite cabin, Ricky from the Apollo cabin, and Asia from the Iris cabin," Austin answered.
"You see? I just came to you for a question, you're not useless!" My words of encouragement didn't seem to make him all too much better. Though, I was never too good at encouraging others.
"I guess," he said. "That reminds me, after lunch is over I need to get you a copy of the Camp Half-Blood Confidential. And a shirt."
"The what now?"
"Years ago, after the last war, they were talking about what they would change about camp and all that, and Nico said the orientation video, which only he had seen. Everyone ended up watching it and they decided, 'Woah, this is terrible!' So they wrote a book."
They did what now? "That's stupid," I said. Who would write an important informational book for kids with dyslexia to read?
Austin looked at me questioningly. "What do-" He was cut off by a loud voice from elsewhere in the pavilion.
"Alright everyone," Mr. D stood up for announcements, "we have a new camper. Everyone say hi to Lizzy Henderson." There was a bit of hesitant applause before someone else from the director's table stood up.
"Maybe we should let her introduce herself," she said, giving a quick glare to Mr. D. He muttered something about how he did a fine job before the woman continued. Her gray eyes scanned the tables for the new face. "If you want to stand up so we can all see you..."
The blonde lady began to reminded me of a middle school English teacher. And I don't know how she didn't notice me, I was the only one not in bright orange. I should've stuck out like a sore thumb.
I stood and her eyes fell on me. Her smile wavered and she said something I couldn't make out to the man next to her, whose back was still facing me. She looked up again and continued, her smile returned. "How about you tell us your name, your age, and where you're from?" she asked.
Most eyes were on me, which bugged me because now I didn't know where to look. I decided to try keeping my eyes on the woman. "I'm Ellie Herman, I'm from Arizona, and I'm fifteen," I said.
I heard a few people start whispering around me. The lady furrowed her brows and looked back down at the man next to her, who then turned around to look at me. I noticed the man's black hair and sea green eyes, along with a nasty scar under his right eye, the same way I had imagined Luke's while reading the books. Then it hit me. The woman talking to me was Annabeth Chase, like, the Annabeth Chase.
"Do you know who your godly parent is yet?" Annabeth asked, sounding almost hopeful.
I shook my head. "No."
After a moment her smile returned. "Well, we're glad to have you here, Ellie." Annabeth turned to the rest of the campers. "Everyone welcome Ellie Herman, undetermined."
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Roguish Women Part 9
Summary: Kate Rosseau is an American who fled to Paris to escape her past life. Now she's dancing and playing the part of a courtesan at the Moulin Rouge. There she meets Tommy Shelby who thinks she can be useful in expanding his empire. But has he been blinded?
Part 8: Kate has spent two years with the Shelbys. But she still doesn’t know what to expect. 
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         Kate whistled to herself as she walked a pile of papers into Tommy’s office. The new building was quite the step up for the Shelbys and even Kate had to admire their tenacity. Some gangs were satisfied with maintaining their areas. Maybe a couple of streets or a borough. Not Tommy Shelby. He wanted the world.
           The two years since Kate had arrived in Birmingham with the Shelby boys had been strange. The woman was so used to upheavals and always glancing over her shoulder. After receiving the letter from Santo, she assumed that would be the course for the rest of her life. She didn’t expect to be in Birmingham for long. Not after Black Star Day, not after Grace’s betrayal.
           But she just never left. For the first year, Kate asked Tommy for protection. She didn’t know who in Britain was under Santo’s control. Hell, she didn’t even know where the man was. He could’ve been down the street. What she did know, was that he had her location. That was what was perplexing that first year. Every time she opened the door, Kate expected Santo to be standing there waiting for her. Yet, he never showed.
           By the second year, it became a bit more transparent why he wasn’t making a move yet. After the death of Billy Kimber word about the Peaky Blinders got louder. How could a small Brummie game overthrow such a powerful man?
           There was no clear answer. The news simply was, Tommy Shelby was not a man to take lightly. The word reached London quick, and no doubt spread through the various gangs, including the Italians. Ones who most likely had some connection to Santo and his men in America.
           Tommy Shelby was dangerous and quick to defend his territory as well as go on the offense. And he was standing right in front of Kate.
           By year two with the Shelbys, Kate found her stride in Birmingham. She helped Tommy arrange deals with Americans who would buy smuggled goods. It gave Kate significant creditability when that extra cash began to roll in. After Grace, no in the Shelby family was quick to trust outsiders. Kate was no exception, but over time she made strides in proving herself.
           Still, she wasn’t a part of the Peaky Blinders or the family. Her role in the business was limited and highly scrutinized by Tommy and Polly. It didn’t bother Kate, in fact, she expected it. If anything, she was just grateful for the protection. Not only did it keep her safe, but it allowed her to stay in Birmingham for much longer than expected. She found a home there, settling into the soot-covered city. She didn’t look over her shoulder anymore.
           Heavy footsteps entered the office. Kate turned to see Tommy coming in. “I have contracts.” She informed him. He didn’t answer, instead, he passed by her and slumped down into his chair. She lingered by the desk, taking in his harried appearance. His hair was tousled and his clothes looked a little disheveled. “Are you alright?”
           “The Garrison blew up this morning.” He responded.
           “Blew up?” She looked bewildered. “Like…exploded? How?”
           “I’m handling it.” He picked up the contracts but didn’t seem to really be reading the words.
           Kate sucked at her teeth and nodded. “Alright.” She knew it made no difference whether she said anything on the matter or not. Tommy wouldn’t disclose anything to her. He’d learned his lesson when it came to telling pretty women secrets. “Do you need me for anything?”
           He set the contracts down. “What do Jews speak?”
           “Jews? Well…depends on where they’re from I suppose. Yiddish, maybe.” She shrugged.
           “Do you speak it?”
           “No. Although I think it’s close to German.” She mused. “Why?”
           Tommy cleared his throat and stood back up from his desk. “I’ll be out of the office tonight and tomorrow.” He skirted her question.
           “Where are you going? If I’m allowed to ask.”
           “London. Keep me calls when I’m gone. Just send them Polly’s way.” He retrieved his hat.
           “I’m not your secretary,” Kate replied sharply.
           “That’s right, you’re not. I’m looking for one but, in the meantime, you can answer some calls.”
           She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Go off and have fun in London. Don’t get yourself in trouble.”
           “You know, every so often Tommy disappears from the office.” Kate was at the betting shop helping out Esme and Polly while the boys were on ‘holiday’. It was a busy day and Polly enlisted her help. After a tasking day, evening was finally upon them so the women were left to count coins. “And he comes back smelling of women’s perfume. Which is funny because I thought he’d sworn off women after…well.” There was a silent understanding that Grace’s name wouldn’t be brought up ever again. Not after what she’d done to the family, especially Tommy.
           “Bet it’s that Lizzie Stark,” Polly said.
           “So now he’s ready to get his heart broke again?”
           Esme just snickered and shook her head as Polly looked bemused. “She’s a whore, Kate, Tommy’s not in love with her.”
           “I’ve known plenty of men who have fallen in love with whores.” She replied. “They’re so blinded by lust that they don’t notice when their wallet’s gone missing.”
           The women shared a chuckle. “I honestly don’t know how you put up with him sometimes.” Kate sighed. Her mind was starting to feel numb after counting all day. “He’s trying to do a million things at once all on his own. Never wants help. Just wants to conquer the world. I’d say he was foolish but he’s too smart for his own good.”
           “He’s a gypsy boy at heart.” Polly kicked up her feet and paused for a smoke. “Untamed, fearless, and never stays down when he’s beat.”
           Kate let a few coins fall to the table with a clink. “Then maybe he is ready to conquer the world.”  
           But perhaps the world wasn’t ready to be conquered. Esme called Kate saying Tommy had been jumped and Ada had been attacked as well. It was bad and doctors said he’d have to stay in the hospital for at least a month. According to Esme, Tommy had told the family to just stay put.  
           So, Kate remained home for the time being. She waited by the phone but didn’t get any more calls. It was maddening trying to go about her day without worrying over the state of Tommy. And what did it mean for the rest of the family? The rest of the company? The attack was enough for her to keep her doors and windows locked. All she had to do was wait for word.  
           That night, Kate was woken up by banging on her door. Bewildered and half-asleep, she turned on the lamp to see what the clock on the wall read.
           “Midnight?” She gasped in frustration. “Better be a god damn good reason.” She snatched her gun from the nightstand drawer and wrapped herself up in a robe before going downstairs.
           She paused and cocked her gun. “Who is it?” She called.      
           “It’s Tommy.”
           Afraid she was stuck in some sort of hyper-realistic dream, she hesitated. “Where did we meet?”
           “For fuck’s sake…the Moulin Rouge!” He answered with an exasperated grunt.
           Satisfied, Kate tucked away her gun and opened the door. “What on Earth are you doing here? I thought you were in the hospital!”
           Tommy was slumped against the door jamb. His coat and hat covered him well enough that she couldn’t see what condition he was in. But his slurred words and posture was enough of a tell. “Need you to come with me.”
           “Down to the Yard. I’ll explain once we’re on our way.”
           “Tommy, you need to be in a hospital.” She insisted.
           “Just do as I say. Go get dressed.”
           Kate debated calling Polly and getting him back into the hospital. But she could hear fear behind his weak voice. So, she helped him sit down inside while she went to get changed.
Permanent Tag: @papa-geralt-of-cirilla​ @giftofdreams​ @biba3434​
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bangtan-madi · 5 years
Hiii, I was wondering if you could do headcanons of Jumin meeting Mc at work instead of the messenger and after some time of meeting her he falls in love with her
Of course! Thanks for sending in my first ask! Hope you enjoy! :D
Working for C&R International fresh out of graduation filled you with both riveting excitement and existential dread. The past four years spent earning your degree had been such a huge part of your life for so long; you were terrified as to what came after.
But when a good friend of yours, one you’d met in school, told you about this enormous company that was hiring someone in your field, a company owned by his close friend’s father, you just couldn’t say no! Yoosung had never steered you wrong before; why would he start now?
When you interviewed with the heir’s assistant, Jaehee Kang, you were an absolute anxious mess. It hadn’t even been a week since graduation, and you were still reeling from all the change.
When Jaehee started to ask about your work history, you felt something soft brush up against your calf. You froze and let your eyes drift down to the mess of white fur purring against your skirt.
Your eyes widened, and a half-concealed squeak slipped from your list.
“Oh, my gosh! You have a kitty!”
Jaehee seemed slightly amused at your reaction, and gave a nervous chuckle when you scooped up the cat into your arms. Your nerves were long forgotten with the precious creature curled in your lap.
“What’s her name?”
“Well, first of all, she isn’t mine. She’s Mr. Han’s cat, and her name is Elizabeth the 3rd.”
You scratched Elizabeth on her head, and the small creature continued to purr happily. “I love her.”
Jaehee nearly dropped her list of questions and notes at that.
“You’re hired.”
“But don’t you have mo–?”
“–Trust me, you’re the perfect candidate.”
You couldn’t believe it. You were going to work for C&R! Things were looking up! This was a brand new start!
Unless of course you were late the first day. One traffic disaster after another caused you to be flying through the door twenty minutes after you were supposed to meet with Jaehee’s boss, the heir to C&R and now your supervisor as well: Jumin Han.
You cursed softly under your breath as you scanned into the elevator, coffee in one hand and security badge in the other. Your hair awry with nerves and clothes disheveled, you sporadically placed your belongings on the desk in your new office. You saw you had three missed calls on your work cell, all from Jaehee.
“Shit, shit, shit!”
You immediately called her back and explained your situation in unorganized sentences.
Jaehee explained that Jumin was running late due to Mr. Chairman’s meeting as well, and that he was on his way to the conference room as she spoke. If you hurried, he would never know the difference.
“What did he want to meet about, anyway?”
“Some new cat product, I assume. Speaking of which, have you seen Elizabeth the 3rd since you arrived? I cannot find that feline anywhere, and Mr. Han always likes her around when he has meetings.”
“Does she wander off a lot?”
Jaehee groaned a reply. “More than I’d like to admit, and that usually leaves me to run after her. It’s…difficult to run in a shirt and heels.”
“Leave it to me, Jaehee! Mission: Find Lizzy is a go!”
You looked everywhere for that cat. Under desks, inside empty offices, behind cabinets, even in the kitchen. Eventually, after turning up nothing, you ran into the security room and searched the feeds with the help of one of the security guards.
“We’re looking for…a cat?”
“Not just any cat, sir! Jumin Han’s cat.”
“Oh shit. She got out again?”
You saw a fluffy white shape walk out of the elevator on the ground floor, making her way casually towards the large doors that faced the street. You took after her, taking the elevator down in a hurry, practically bursting through the door as it parted. Nearly knocking down several men crowded around it, you offered a swift apology without another glance and continued towards the door and the damned cat.
You eventually found her prancing down the sidewalk. After scooping her up and chastising her, you carried her on tired feet back into C&R, into the elevator, and back to the floor where Jumin and Jaehee were probably already waiting for you.
Entering the conference room, with a sigh, your eyes flickered first to Jaehee, who was clearly worried about your appearance. You knew you probably looked dreadful. You were sure your hair was even messier, that your clothes were all out of sorts and covered in cat hair, but you didn’t care. You’d caught Elizabeth the 3rd! It was all you could do not to smile widely at her as you stroked the cat’s ears victoriously.
“Got her! Mission: Find Lizzy was a success.”
It was only after a deep chuckle emanated from the head of the conference table that you noticed the figure clothed in a dark, three-piece suit. From his dark and styled hair, intense eyes, and general calm demeanor, you knew exactly who was sitting in front of you.
Your new boss, Jumin Han.
This was not how you wanted to make your first impression. At all.
He stood and stepped towards you. Swallowing thickly, you offered Elizabeth back to him. “Um…here’s your kitty. She decided to get some fresh air. Might want to put a collar on her so you don’t lose her, Mr. Han.”
Jumin took Elizabeth back from your grasp, hands brushing against yours in the process. At first, he didn’t say anything, just scratched the cat behind her ears and smiled when she purred.
“Tell me, do you like cats?”
Your eyes lit up at his question, and you nodded fervently.
“I love cats!”
Eventually, he placed her on the conference table and gestured to the product diagram in front of him.
“Now I know, you’re perfect for this.”
“Perfect for what…?”
He pointed at the diagram again with a look that said he was thinking hard about something. “Tell me, how much do you know about cat cafes?”
From that point on, you and Jumin worked together constantly. There wasn’t a day that went by that you didn’t see each other about some new, off-the-wall idea he had. Usually, they revolved around cats. Sometimes he would call a meeting and talk about nothing at all. Nothing in regards to your projects, anyway. There were some days that he just asked you about your day, how you were doing, and what caused you to come work for C&R. You told him all about your family, your college experience, your hobbies; you even shared your bizarre love for Egypt.
“They used to worship cats, Jumin! Cats!”
You’d never admit it, not even to Jaehee–who was rather curious about how close you and Jumin had gotten over the preceding few months–but you liked these chats the most. After a little while, Jumin opened up about his contradictory feelings regarding his father and his womanizing habits. He also told you how much he adored his family, and how important the family unit was to him.
Maybe it was just your imagination, but you swore that on days when you talked about everything and nothing, Jumin was a lot happier. He was a man that kept his emotions close to the vest. He didn’t like sharing his every thought, but with you, it was so much easier to be himself. You even caught him smiling more when he was alone with you. He even laughed at your stupid cat jokes. It wasn’t much, but it was something, and it made your heart sing.
Jumin shared about his childhood friend V and the RFA. You even met a few of the members in person, after finding out that Yoosung and Jaehee was already in the group. Seven was a goofball that you automatically hit it off with, and Zen was sweet and flirty. He always gave you a wink when Jumin scowled. You got the feeling that the two were often at odds.
Jumin even took you on several business trips. By the time you’d worked for C&R for six months, your passport had been stamped from trips to just about every continent on the planet. Jumin saw how you came to life when traveling to a new city, and made it a point to take you along with him more and more often. Jaehee didn’t mind when he stopped asking her to attend as well, since she got to take a well-deserved break.
One trip in particular, though, had you questioning. Jumin was overly secretive about where you were going. All he would tell you was that you were going somewhere warm and sunny, and do dress like you were going to be sunburned.
“You’ve never not told me where we’re going before. What’s going on? You trying to be sneaky, Jumin?”
“Don’t ask questions, or I might just cancel the trip.”
To which you feigned shock, placing a hand over your heart. “Jumin Han, cancel a business trip? Gasp!”
He just rolled his eyes, though you saw him smirk as he ducked out of your office.
The day for the trip came, and you showed up to the private jet wearing a Hawaiian dress and sandals. Jumin glanced you over and shook his head.
“Still think we’re going to the beach, do you?”
“Well, I’ve been with you to Bora Bora, L.A., Sydney, and other beach-y places. I figured it’s one of those!”
Jumin took your luggage with one hand and slipped the other around your wrist.
“You’re dressed entirely wrong…but you still look pretty.”
You blushed like crazy at his words and allowed him to take escort you into the jet.
The flight to god knows where was quiet, filled with Elizabeth the 3rd’s soft chatter and casual conversation between you and Jumin. You couldn’t get the thought of his hand around yours out of your mind the entire time. Butterflies filled your stomach when he looked at you with the soft gaze reserved only for you. He found himself laughing at the stories you shared, loving how expressive and animated you became. Even before arriving at your destination, you were both elated to spend some alone time together, just you and he and Elizabeth.
It hadn’t occurred to either of you that these feelings had bubbled up from similarities, into friendship, and further into love. Neither of you had approached the subject, and neither of you had loved someone before, so it was foreign territory. He was supposed to be your boss, and you had only known him for six months. Whatever you two had–whether it was love or friendship–you didn’t want to live without it. You knew that much.
And neither did he.
When the jet touched down, you burst forth from the cabin with a sunhat shielding your eyes from the blistering sun. From the stairs of the aircraft, you could see for miles. A large city beyond the airport, surrounded by seas of golden sand and bright blue skies. Statues and pyramids decorated the horizon, and you instantly recognized Egypt from the postcards you hung on your office wall.
You gasped and turned to him in wonder.
“You remembered…”
Jumin looked slightly amused and insulted.
“Of course, I remembered. You’ve been with C&R–No, you’ve been with me for six months. You worked crazy hours with Jaehee and me and never asked for anything in return. You went over and above what I asked of you.”
He took your hand in his and lowered his voice.
“What’s more, you…you’re important to me. Whatever these threads around my heart were, you helped me untangle them. You’re more than just an employee, [Y/n]. You…You’re…”
He couldn’t say it then, but you knew what he was trying to say. You squeezed his hand and lifted your free hand to cup his face. He looked down at you as you did, and you smiled up at him.
“You’re important to me, too, Jumin.”
His dark eyes closed at your gentleness, and he leaned forward to press his lips to your forehead, slipping your sunhat off with his free hand in the process. He touched you like you were the most important thing to him, and you loved every second of it. Even when he pulled back and smiled down at you, you were literally bouncing on your heels with excitement as to what might happen next.
“This isn’t a business trip, is it?”
Jumin laughed at that, a true and deep laugh.
And you knew, right then and there, that taking this job was the best thing that ever happened to you.
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convivialcamera · 5 years
Let’s talk smack about Outlander S5E1!
I’ve got cake and a Bulleit bourbon on the rocks and a lot of things to say, so I’m just gonna let it rip.
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1. Baby Jamie’s hair is the wrong color and it’s gonna drive me nuts. But, Murtagh is breaking my heart.
2. I really disliked the new theme song on first listen and honestly, it grew on me this time around.
3. I know we’re supposed to have totally forgiven Roger for whatever the fuck happened in season four, but I do love that Jamie is totally ripping into him ... pretty much constantly. 
4. “The Big House” is patently absurd. Beautiful, but totally and utterly absurd. Can’t wait for it to burn the fuck down!
5. Claire’s in “nothing but a loving wife and mother” mode here, and it’s totally boring me to tears. I miss her.
6. WHY do we run through “Something new, something old, etc.” twice? Who wrote this?
7. So the tea is that I haven’t watched season four since it first aired, but I’m pretty sure Bree was still pretty pissed at Jamie when the season ended. So, why is she all “I don’t have to imagine you” and “I’ll always be your wee girl?” It’s sweet, but also out of nowhere. MOVING ON.
8. What the shit is up with the whole “THE FRASERS OF THE RIDGE ARE HERE” and applause and shit? Bree’s barely a Fraser and she’s about to become a MacKenzie and I don’t understand the form of this wedding procession at all. Ah, yes, we are shoehorning in lines from the book. How original. And Claire’s little pep talk to Roger is SO FUCKING TRITE. “The two of you together can conquer the world,” my butt. WHO IS WRITING THIS I HAVE NOTES.
9. HOW DARE THEY FLASHBACK TO “THE WEDDING.” HOW THE FUCK DARE THEY. The whole fandom’s got every frame of that episode burned into the back of their corneas and they have the audacity to invoke the ghost of a way better show in this... mess? OK I want Bree and Roger to work as a couple on this show but it would really be in season five’s best interest to keep season one off its proverbial lips.
EDITED TO ADD 9a. Jamie complains about Bree and Roger’s ceremony being in English and not Latin, and then the show immediately flashes back to Claire and Jamie’s wedding... IN ENGLISH. UNFORCED ERROR. Just, skip the flashbacks. It’s better this way.
10. Gov. Tryion is interesting. As bored as I was with the cliffhanger last season (because yeah, Jamie is gonna hunt down his beloved godfather, sure), this is good.
11. JAMIE IS TELLING EVERYONE ROGER IS A HERETIC. The pettiness! The shade! I live! {I swear they need to give Claire something to do because if I’m stanning JAMMF we have a problem.}
12. Reminder that Aunt Jocasta is a slave owner. That is all.
13. Roger’s comment about doing the whole wedding again “when we go back” is ACTUALLY INTERESTING. He thinks he’s going back sometime soonish? Oooo, good conflict, show!
14. I’m still trying to figure out the rules to the drinking game led by John Quincy Meyers. You say a rhyme without messing it up, and you can forefit or fail and then forfeit, and then you pass it to someone else in the circle? But if you get it right you have to come up with a new one? It sounds like fun and I wanna hang with Fergus and Marsali because they are so clearly the cool kids. LOVE THEM.
15. “Some Shakespeare?” Poor LGJ. Too proper for his own good at all times. 
16. OK. The flashback to Bonnet raping Bree is SO VERY UNNECESSARY. It was already in the “Previously on Outlander” bit. This show is way too fucking casual with violence against women. It’s gross. That ep is a whole half of why I’ll probably never watch season four again, and then they just throw it in again. Bree’s reaction is ENOUGH. The rape was unnecessary in season four, it was way too graphic in season four, and it’s very much unneeded here. 
17. Reminder that Aunt Jocasta is a slave owner. That is all.
18. I know The Beatles are probably way out of this show’s budget (they spent it all on that damn house), and as cute as Roger’s singing is... OH GOD THE SEX MONTAGE.
19. I would like to propose a new rule. If show is going to continue to do graphic sex scenes, which they had fucking better, ONLY ONE GENERATION AN EPISODE. For example, if Claire and Jamie are banging, Bree and Roger  can’t. If Murtagh is getting it on, Claire and Jamie have to wait. Bree and Roger and Fergus and Marsali can do it in the same episode, that’s cool, they’re the same generation. But the three generations of graphic banging in one montage is WEIRD. MOVING ON.
20. I was so excited in season three when the show totally supplanted Duncan Innes with a pair of fake Rupert and Anguses, because Duncan Innes is not a character that works for me in the books. So I’m pretty deeply disappointed that he’s back in season five. I am very worried we’re setting up Duncan being cuckolded by Jocasta and Ulysses, you know, the man she owns as a slave, but they could also be setting the stage for Duncan being cuckolded by Jocasta and Murtagh -- and I want so much better for Murtagh!
21. LIZZIE WEYMMS AND JOSIAH BEARDSLEY! WE’RE GONNA GET LIZZIE AND HER TWO HUSBANDS! It’s one of my more fave plot lines in book six, which is truly faint praise considering how much I dislike “A Breath of Snow and Ashes,” and it cracks me up every time. She, just, outfoxes everyone so slyly! It’s good and cray cray shit. 
22. Reminder that Aunt Jocasta is a slave owner. That is all.
23. Doctor Claire! Love her. But it’d be nice if the show was back on her bullshit, not everyone else’s.
24. If this season ends with Murgagh’s head on a spike in New Berne, I’m gonna be pissed. 
25. Here’s the thing about the blood oath. Roger does it in the book kind of for Jamie’s benefit, to prove himself publicly in a language Jamie understands. Bree isn’t into this shit. Why is he doing it for her? 
26. Claire’s assertion that “The men of the Ridge would do anything for” Jamie assumes so many facts not in evidence. Why are they making her so dumb? It’s FRUSTRATING. 
28. OK, the kilt thing is good. Doesn’t make up for my cake falling. My fave part was the multiple shots of Jamie’s knees, like show knows about all the knee smut or something. 
29. Well, they went full cross burning. Couldn’t stop them, I suppose. I am entirely horrified anyone thought this was at all appropriate or not entirely inflammatory (no pun intended); intellectually I was surprised how much the celtic cross mitigated the visceral horror of cross-burning imagery for me, personally. It’s still not good and they should not have done it because WTF. There’s really no getting around how fucking racist this is. Please fuck off with this shit.
30. “Stand by my hand Fergus, son of my name and of my heart” was the sweetest. FERGUS! 
32. NOOOOOOOOO. Jamie releasing Murtagh from his oath. MY HEART. Again: If this season ends with Murtagh’s head on a spike I’m going to be very pissed. 
33. Murdina and Arch Bug were in the credits so that will be exciting at some point, one assumes!
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imagine-avengers · 4 years
Biker Part Three- Bucky Barnes Series
3/10 This is part three of my Biker Bucky series. The part one and two can be found on my masterlist, as will the other parts once they come out!
The next few days had flown by. As promised Bucky sent over Scott Lang, their new Security guy, or new to Elizabeth at least and her security system was hooked up. Scott had given Elizabeth the code and a key to the new locks he had made and mentioned that Bucky requested a key and the code which Elizabeth waved him off knowing Bucky would end up with it either way. Elizabeth spent time around her house getting everything set up and finally finished unpacking with the help of Peggy, Wanda, and Natasha on Wednesday night, along with three bottles of wine between the four of them, luckily Steve was able to walk and get Peggy and Natasha and Wanda ended up spending the night in the guest bedroom as the third room was now Elizabeth’s office space, where she could work on the book she had been writing. It wasn’t until Saturday that Elizabeth had ventured anywhere, having to go get groceries seemed to be a hassle. Her car refused to start while trying to leave for the store. With a groan she decided her best bet was to call Bucky or Steve, or maybe Clint as he owned the mechanic shop that the Howling Commandos frequented. Elizabeth picked up her phone and dialed Clint’s work number. The phone rang and rang and finally a voice answered.
“Barton’s Mechanics, this is Peter.”  A voice spoke into the phone that Elizabeth hadn’t recognized.
“Is Clint there?” Elizabeth asked pacing in front of the car.
“He’s not can I take a message?” The man asked as Elizabeth groaned.
“Who’s there?” She asked. “Who’s working today?”
“Uh,” The kid paused.
“Kid, Peter, come on.” She groaned.
“Sam and Mr. Barnes.” He stated timidly.
“Put Barnes on, tell him it’s Liz.” There was a pause before the phone was picked up.
“What’s going on?” Bucky’s voice came through the phone.
“Car won’t start, been having issues with the starter for a while now.” She stated rubbing her head as she leaned against her driver side door. “You think you could take a look at it for me?” She asked.
“Yeah, give me ten and Sam and I will be on our way to come get it. You good?” He asked.
“Yeah thanks Buck.” Her voice was soft. “Anyway, I could come too? I’m getting stir crazy here, and I kinda need food.”
“Sweets, you think I’d leave you carless?” Bucky chuckled. “I got you, I’ll be there in ten. Peter, get Wilson tell him we need the truck.” Elizabeth headed back towards her front yard. “I’ll be there soon okay.” He stated.
“Alright, thanks Buck, see you soon.” Elizabeth hung up and moved through the house grabbing her things. After ten minutes she heard the truck and Bucky’s motorcycle come down the street. Walking out of the house she locked the doors and set the alarm and tossed the keys towards Bucky.
“I told you years ago to scrap this piece of shit.” Bucky mentioned as Elizabeth laughed.
“Yeah I know, sentimental value Buck.” She mentioned with a small smile. “You know damn well how I feel about this car.” She stated noticing Sam hooking the car up to the truck.
“Who’s been working on it the past five years?” Bucky asked an hour later as they stood inside the garage, his body leaning over the car.
“Some mechanic in DC.” She shrugged. “It broke down a few times, nothing major.” She knew Bucky hadn’t liked anyone but himself, Clint, or Steve working on her cars.
“Well your starters shot, you need new spark plugs, and your engine is on its last leg.” Bucky stated looking at her as he wiped his hands on a rag. “Not worth fixing to be honest.” Elizabeth sighed.
“I don’t have the money to buy a new car Buck.” Elizabeth groaned. “Hell, I don’t even have a fucking job, my savings is dwindling,”
“Elizabeth.” Buck said touching her shoulders to stop her pacing. “Breathe.” He told her. “I never said you had to buy a new car.” He stated. “I can fix it if you really want me to, but it isn’t worth it.” He stated. “But I have the truck you can use.”
“James.” She said sighing and running a hand through her hair. “You know I can’t do that.”
“Lizzie, I’m not letting you go without a car. I don’t want to fix this one because who knows how long it’ll run; it’ll give me peace of mind if you’re driving a vehicle, I know is safe for you.” He stated as Elizabeth bit her lip before nodding slightly.
“Fine.” She mumbled. “But only until I can afford a car.” She told him sternly as she glanced at the car that she had had since she was sixteen. “How much do I owe you for the tow?” She asked as they headed back towards the office so Bucky could find the keys to the truck that sat in the back-parking lot.
“Don’t worry about it Liz.” Clint’s voice came from standing by the young boy, maybe sixteen, at the reception desk.
“Clint.” Elizabeth’s voice was stern. “I’m paying for the tow.”
“You’re family Liz.” Clint stated pulling the keys to the truck off the hook and tossing them to Bucky. “Needs an oil change and breaks.” He stated looking back at Liz. “This is Peter, Tony and Peppers kid.” Clint nodded towards the boy whom was adopted by Tony Stark and his wife Pepper years ago after his parents, their best friends, passed away.
“Little Peter? You were like ten last time I saw you.” She asked with a laugh. “How’s Tony and Pep?” She asked as Bucky went to check on the truck.
“They’re alright.” Peter stated.
“Elizabeth Smith.” She shook the boy’s hand. “Heard you’re a big brother now, Morgan, right?” She asked as Peter nodded. “Ran into Happy a few months back.” Elizabeth mentioned. “Said you’re wicked smart.” Peter blushed and nodded. “Well it’s nice to see you again.” Elizabeth stated looking towards Clint. “How’s the wife and kids Barton?” She asked leaning against the counter and scrolling through her phone to order lunch for everyone at the shop.
“Good, good, just had Nathaniel.” He stated.
“After Nat?” She teased mentioning how he named his son after his best friend. “When am I gonna get a kid named after me?” She asked pouting as she heard Steve’s bike coming in. “Rogers I want a baby named after me; better tell Peggy you’re having another!” Steve’s bike turned off and he took his helmet off.
“You better tell her yourself. If I mention a baby to that woman, I swear she’ll cut my dick off.” He stated tossing the helmet towards Peter. Elizabeth laughed at the man and shook her head.
“Well someone better name a baby after me.” She mumbled.
“Name your own kid after yourself.” Sam stated heading over to the front desk and pulling out paperwork for a woman who was walking in after he fixed her car.
“And who the hell am I having a kid with?” She asked smiling over at the woman.
“Well I’m available.” Sam smirked as he handed the woman the papers to sign.
“Watch yourself Wilson!” Bucky called from under the truck. “If anyone is having kids with her it’s me!” Elizabeth groaned and hid her face.
“I vote to have kids with neither of you.” She mumbled as Steve chuckled heading over to the coffee pot and pouring a cup.
“Come on Lizzie, you’re not getting any younger.” He teased as Elizabeth picked up a pen and tossed it at his head.
“Shut the fuck up. Pour me a cup of that please.” She said as the women began reading over the papers. Steve poured a second cup of coffee for Elizabeth before he started a new pot. “Thanks Stevie. Also, fat chance of me ever having kids.” She mentioned before the group stood around talking for a bit and eventually five boxes of pizza arrived paid for by Elizabeth. After a half hour Bucky had ended up coming back over towards her and taking her cup of coffee. “I was drinking that.” She stated as Bucky reached for the pizza on her plate. “And eating that.” She mumbled watching Bucky eat her pizza.
“Eh you can share.” Bucky smirked at her before hearing Steve’s phone ring.
“Rogers.” Steve answered before glancing at Bucky. “No, no leave it Nat. We’re on our way. Natasha.” Steve growled. “Bucky and I will be there in five.” He stated hanging up. “We gotta go, Sam take Lizzie and Peter to my place, Clint you’re with us. We’re closing up.” Steve stated moving towards his bike as Bucky moved towards Steve, the two mumbling together before Bucky turned towards Elizabeth.
“I’ll pick you up, stay with Peggy, for the love of god Elizabeth, do not leave Steve’s.” Bucky stated as Elizabeth sighed.
“Buck, I live four houses down.” She whined.
“Elizabeth.” His voice hardened as he gave her a look that she knew meant not to argue with him.
“Fine.” She sighed and nodded. “I’ll wait with Peggy.” She stated. Bucky and Steve left leaving Elizabeth with Clint, Sam, and Peter. Sam drove both Peter and Elizabeth over to Peggy’s where the three waited for hours, Peggy had long since put the kids to bed and Peter had fallen asleep on the couch, and Sam took the liberty of calling Peter’s Aunt May to let her know he’d be staying with Steve. Meanwhile Elizabeth had been pacing for the last three hours.
“Elizabeth stop with the pacing.” Peggy stated from her spot on the chair with her book.
“You know I don’t like being out of the loop Peg.” She stated turning to Peggy. “You know that look Steve gives when shit is going down and he normally tells you to go to the cabin?” She asked as Peggy nodded. “That’s the look I got from Bucky.” She told her best friend with a sigh. Peggy closed her book as Sam looked up from his phone.
“Love, you know that’s the look that Bucky gives you no matter what.” Peggy stated as Elizabeth shook her head. “I’m teasing love, everything’ll be fine.”
“Don’t worry Liz, they got this.” Sam stated as Elizabeth fell to the chair with a sigh. Another few hours passed and by then it was three in the morning. Elizabeth was wide awake, while Peggy had gone to bed around one and Sam was knocked out sitting in the chair with his arms crossed. Sam phone had begun ringing causing Elizabeth to groan.
“Sam.” She stated nudging him with her foot. “Sammy.” She whined causing him to groan and mumble a small ‘what’. “Your phone is ringing, answer it.” Sam’s eyes opened and he answered the phone.
“Wilson.” He was quiet for a minute. “Mhh, got it.” He glanced at Elizabeth a moment. “Nah she’s still here.” Sam rubbed his eyes and sighed. “Man, she ain’t gonna sleep until you get here.” At that point Elizabeth had known that Sam was talking to Bucky.
“Let me talk to him.” Elizabeth held her hand towards Sam, who ignored her.
“Man, you serious?” Sam sat up straighter. “No, I got it.” He stated. “No no, Peter passed out and Peggy is upstairs with the kids sleeping.” Sam hummed a few times. “Yep, bye.” Hanging up without giving Elizabeth the phone causing her to glare at him. “There’s been a complication, nothing bad, just not gonna be back until early in the afternoon, said you should sleep.” Sam stated as Elizabeth huffed crossing her arms.
It wasn’t until around two that afternoon that Steve and Bucky arrive at Steve and Peggy’s. Elizabeth had been in the kitchen with Peter and Emma teaching them how to bake her famous butterscotch brownies while Sam was playing with JJ and Peggy was doing housework. Steve and Bucky walked in as if they hadn’t been out all night, Emma ran towards her dad whilst JJ ran towards his namesake, both men immediately picking up the kids.
“Pete, Tony got you a ticket home, Sam’s gonna drive you to the airport.” Steve stated. “He needs your help at home. Thanks for the intel.” Steve stated motioning Sam to do as he said, both guys left leaving Elizabeth glaring slightly at Bucky as Steve took the kids to find Peggy.
“Hey.” Bucky said softly causing Elizabeth to roll her eyes.
“Hey? That’s all you have to say James? I’ve been stuck in this house for almost twenty- four hours.” She huffed crossing her arms. “I hate not being in the know, you know this.” She stated as Bucky leaned against the counter.
“I know.” He spoke as Elizabeth looked him over. “Come on, lets go talk at your place.” He stated but Elizabeth shook her head.
“No.” Running a hand through her hair. “Just reassure me you’re not hurt, and I can go home.” Bucky did just as she said and proceeded to walk her home, promising to come and drop the truck off the next day.
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theworkofxanderking · 5 years
The Originals: Bad Blood (Alternative Season 5)
Episode Eight – Legacies: Blood of Our Blood
Warnings: I do not own the original content to “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries” or “Legacies” or any of the characters from the television shows.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.
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It had been two years since the events of “From Here to Hell Town” and a lot had changed over that course of time especially for Hope Mikaelson who had spent the last two years training as a wolf, a hunter and a witch at the Salvatore Boarding School with the help of her aunt Davina Claire-Mikaelson who was the Magics teacher at the school and her uncle Kol Mikaelson who reluctantly joined the school to teach the young vampire students after being convinced by his wife.
She also had the expertise of vampire hunter Alaric Saltzman who was the headmaster at the school and the guidance from vice headmistress and guidance counselor Caroline Forbes-Salvatore who often helped Hope to try to have more of a life outside of the school despite Hope’s protests.
Hope’s relationship with her mother Hayley Marshall remained as strong as ever with Hayley visiting often when she could get breaks from ruling the city of New Orleans but her relationship with her father Klaus Mikaelson had once again become strained. Klaus’ visits to the boarding school had became fewer and farther between over the course of these two years which were a relief to many attending Salvatore Boarding School but a cause of pain for Hope even though she knew her father was doing everything he could to find a way to free her aunt Rebekah from Helton better known as Hell Town.
So, Hope dedicated herself to the school and becoming the best of the best so she could one day help her father reunite with his sister and break her free from her cruel fate which had happened by her own doing.
Hope found herself running in the woods of Mystic Falls turning into a grey werewolf effortlessly during mid run before the wolf in her began running faster and faster through the woods of Mystic Falls before the ground beneath her swallowed her and she found herself falling through the dirt before crashing into an underground cave.
Hope woke up naked within the underground cave and eager to find something to clothe her started chanting something in Croatian until a ball of light appeared above her showing the underground cave to have nothing in it but a ancient cloth covering a coffin which Hope quickly wrapped round her to cover her modesty.
She found herself enchanted by this centuries old coffin with the initials S.S marked into it as she wondered why a coffin would be abandoned here by itself before noticing how she could smell something inside of it which made her grow more curious as anything other than bone should’ve rotted away centuries ago.
She was hesitant for a moment before deciding to open it shocked to find a desiccated male vampire with dark hair inside the coffin wearing clothing fitting of many centuries before.
“Just my luck to stumble upon a coffin while running.” Hope moaned as she found herself still memorized by this beautiful lifeless man. “I guess I should probably get you to the school and see what Alaric and Caroline make of you.”
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“Oh my god my life is ruined!” Lizzie Saltzman moaned aloud while looking in the mirror in her joined bedroom with her twin sister Josie within Salvatore boarding school as she wore a plain white satin dress which she was clearly not amused with.
“Lizzie I’m sure you will find the perfect dress in time for our sweet 16.” Josie said with a smirk while sitting on the edge of her bed clearly amused by her sister’s dramatics.
“That’s okay for you to say your not painfully single for you own sweet 16 although I’d rather be single than dating that she bitch Penelope Park.” Lizzie replied while her white satin dress changed its color to red.
“She’s not a bitch Lizzie she’s just headstrong.” Josie snapped back at her sister as she stood up from the bed. “Besides she broke up with me last night.”
“Hold up that little slut thinks she can break up with my sister I think not.” Lizzie declared while turning to face Josie. “Did she cheat on you? She did, didn’t she? Don’t worry Josie I’ll give her the worst case of magical crabs anyone’s ever heard of.”
“She didn’t cheat on me she found out about my feelings for Hope.” Josie responded with a sad sigh.
“Seriously? You’re still crushing hard on Hope after all these years?” Lizzie asked. “Ironic how her father chased after our mother for years and now your chasing after her.”
“I am on the verge of moving on from my stupid childhood crush but it sure doesn’t help when girlfriends go snooping into my diary.” Josie moaned.
“The she devil herself broke into your diary what a complete and utter bitch.” Lizzie replied. “That’s a serious betrayal of trust.”
The twins’ conversation was quickly interrupted by a knock on the door before the door opened to reveal Hope standing in their doorway.
“Hope Mikaelson as I live and breathe, we were just so happening to be discussing you well you and other monstrous annoyances in my life.” Lizzie snapped at her clearly not happy to see the Tribrid.
“Nice to see you too Lizzie.” Hope replied sarcastically.
“Sorry about Lizzie she’s just annoyed because the white blushed her out and the red will never be allowed.” Josie apologised for her sister who looked at her with a huffy expression making it clear she wasn’t happy her twin was apologizing for her.
“I need your guys help shifting something.” Hope told them both.
“And please tell us why we would ever consider helping you?” Lizzie asked as her dress changed color once more, this time to black. “Now black is a color that suits my bitchy heart.”
“I need help shifting a body.” Hope revealed.
“Oh, count me in!” Lizzie replied with excitement in her voice.
“Really, Lizzie?” Josie said to her twin unimpressed with Lizzie’s excitement.
“Well I’m already dressed for drama and what’s more dramatic than Hope killing again.” Lizzie said to Josie.
“I didn’t kill this one thank you very much I just found it in the woods.” Hope told her stating her innocence.
“As statements go that one’s pretty weak even for you.” Lizzie replied while rolling her eyes at the youngest member of the Mikaelson family.
“Look are you guys going to help me or not?” Hope asked them.
“Of course,” Josie replied with a smile. “This body it isn’t somebody we know is it?”
“No,” Hope laughed. “Although he’s somebody we may want to know.”
“Oh my god my babies’ sweet sixteenth is going to be totally ruined!” Caroline said with a gasp after being told Penelope had broken up with her daughter Josie after learning about her feelings for Hope.
Penelope Park sat across from Caroline’s desk in Caroline’s office giving the vice headmistress an annoyed look making it clear through her facial expressions that she was far from impressed by Caroline’s reaction to her news.
“Sorry,” Caroline replied with a sigh. “I can’t begin to imagine what you must be feeling right now. Emotions are heightened are your age trust me I know that far too well and maybe Josie’s crush on Hope is just that.”
“Yeah I think it’s more than a crush,” Penelope responded with an eye roll. “I’m sure you can understand why I won’t be at the part tonight.”
“Of course, but if you change your mind the party is open to all Salvatore Boarding School students not just the ones dating or friends with my daughters. I’d hate for you to miss out on a party over a heartbreak and when it’s a party I’m planning it’s bound to be spectacular.” Caroline advised Penelope as Penelope stood up from her chair.
“Yeah thanks but no thanks Mrs Forbes-Salvatore.” Penelope replied before walking out of Caroline’s door just as Alaric stormed in past her holding an envelope and looking far from impressed.
“Please tell me this is some kind of joke!” Alaric shouted while waving the envelope about in the air.
“I guess you got Klaus’ RSVP then.” Caroline said with a sigh as she stood up from her chair.
“Why the hell is Klaus invited to my daughters’ sixteenth birthday parties?” Alaric asked clearly furious by the thought of Klaus being at his twin girls’ birthday.
“It was your idea to invite all students and their parents to this party so that no student felt left out was it not?” Caroline snapped back at him. “Last time I checked Hope Mikaelson was still very much a student your favorite student I may add and last time I checked both Hayley Marshall and Klaus Mikaelson were her parents.”
“She’s not my favorite student,” Alaric scoffed fooling to convince himself or Caroline. “I don’t have favorites.”
“I invited Hayley and Klaus with no belief that Klaus would even come however it’s Hayley who’s busy with affairs in New Orleans.” Caroline explained to Alaric. “Bonnie’s too busy to even be here and don’t get me started on Damon and Elena choosing now of all times to go on holiday with little Stefanie.”
“Most of our students that know about the Mikaelson’s are terrified of them it’s been hard enough keeping Hope in this school because of her association to them and now you want to bring the worst one to our daughters’ birthday.” Alaric moaned.
“Hope is a good kid and an excellent student you tell me this all the time so her parentage shouldn’t be an issue. As for the other students I’ll make damn sure that Klaus is on his best behavior I’m certain he won’t do anything Klaus like with his daughter around.” Caroline told Alaric.
“You’re right.” Alaric sighed. “Klaus is Hope’s father whether I like it or not, but I swear to god if he puts one foot wrong…”
“I’ll make sure that he doesn’t.” Caroline promised.
“What was Penelope doing in here anyway?” Alaric asked.
“It’s seems Josie’s still very much infatuated with Hope so much so that her and Penelope have broken up.” Caroline revealed before going on to say. “Is it awful that I wish this drama unfolded after their party?”
“No Caroline it’s not awful.” Alaric smiled before walking over to her and giving her a hug. “What’s awful is the thought our baby girl could marry into the Mikaelson family and I can’t even stop it because the Mikaelson in question is a great kid.”
“Their teenagers one of which is only recently single let’s not marry anyone off just yet.” Caroline laughed while continuing to hug Alaric.
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Hope, Lizzie and Josie were walking through the woods of Mystic Falls eager to relocate the spot which Hope discovered a mysterious tall dark and handsome not to mention desiccated vampire man.
“I’m not assigning any blame here but I’m just saying if you did let your murderous nature take over once again, I mean dad already covered up your last kill.” Lizzie said to Hope as the three girls continued looking through the woods.
“Lizzie would you please just stop calling Hope a murderer already and actually be helpful.” Josie snapped at her twin.
“Trust you to stick up for her I guess sisters mean absolutely nothing when it comes to the girl you’ve been crushing on most of your life.” Lizzie snapped back at her sister not realizing the extent of what she said until it was too late.
“You have a crush on me?” Hope asked Josie with a soft smile making it clear she was flattered as the three girls stopped walking.
“Of course, I do,” Josie replied reluctantly. “Who wouldn’t?”
“Guys I think I just found the spot, thank god.” Lizzie revealed while pointing over to a large hole in the ground. “Now please remind me Hope why your wolf senses didn’t pick up on this way sooner?”
“Who says they didn’t?” Hope replied with a sarcastic smile before a look of worry became clear on her face. “Oh no, Alaric and Caroline are going to totally suspend me.”
Hope, Josie and Lizzie rushed over to the hole in the ground before looking at each other as if to signal one of them to go first.
“Normally I’m all for going headfirst into danger but dirty underground caves is where I draw the line.” Lizzie stated to them both.
“Very well just be ready to pull the coffin up when you see it.” Hope said before jumping down into the underground cave.
“I’m so sorry Josie I never meant to let that slip but hey I’ve kept that secret for like years now can’t a girl get some recognition for that?” Lizzie attempted to apologize only for Josie to give her a furious stare before jumping into the underground cave after Hope. “Fine then but if you get a date for your sweet sixteenth because of my blubbering mouth I’m going to be the one pissed at you!”
Caroline walked into the front foyer of Salvatore Boarding School looking around as her students passed her by before she felt a gush of wind on her neck as Klaus vamp sped his way over to be by her side.
“I must say this place is rather impressive, but I’ve come to expect nothing less from you Caroline.” Klaus said to her. “However, inviting me to your daughters’ sixteenth was quite the shock I must admit.”
“I didn’t just invite you I invited all my students’ parents.” Caroline replied as she turned to face him. “You just happened to be amongst the parents who said yes.”
“Ouch considered me deeply wounded by your words.” Klaus responded with a sarcastic smile. “Can I presume a woman as wonderful as you, already has herself a date?”
“You’ve got to be joking me,” Caroline laughed. “You’re here for less than two seconds and you’re already asking me to be your date at my daughters’ party.”
“Now Caroline one does think a little too much of themselves I was simply inquiring about your life.” Klaus replied. “I’m here for my daughter and perhaps a little help from my sister in law regarding a sister of mine who along with an entire town has vanished off the face of this earth.”
“Oh, I heard about Rebekah,” Caroline said with a sigh. “Bonnie filled me in on Hell Town, Malus witches and the return of your long-lost brother Henrik. I’m sorry things didn’t work out better for everyone.”
“Yes, well that’s story is far from over yet despite giving my sister many reasons to abandon me she never gave up on me and now I refuse to give up on her.” Klaus admitted to her.
“Well I hope Davina has some answers for you that neither Bonnie nor Freya could find.” Caroline replied with a sincere smile. “I really do.”
“Thanks.” Klaus replied. “Now where is my darling daughter?”
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Hope chanted in Croatian re-enacting the spell from earlier while standing in the underground cave with Josie before a ball of light hovered above them both only to expose an empty coffin and a different lifeless corpse lying next to it clearly having their blood drained from their neck.
“Okay so clearly leaving opened ground with a vampire unguarded was probably not my greatest idea.” Hope stated while looking at the lifeless victim in front of her. “I guess we have another killer on the loose in Mystic Falls now.”
“You’re not a killer Hope what happened to MG was a terrible accident.” Josie told her to ease Hope’s conscience. “What happened to him could’ve happened to anyone.”
“I know that I do but it doesn’t help his ghost lurks around the school for some unexplained reason reminding me everyday that he’s dead because of me.” Hope replied with a sigh. “And it sure as hell doesn’t help Lizzie declaring me a killer all over school.”
“She’s just being Lizzie nobody takes her seriously when she’s being a bitch neither should you.” Josie explained to her.
“Did I just hear my name?” Lizzie shouted from above them.
“You’re right.” Hope responded with a laugh before looking Josie up and down. “Do you really fancy me?”
“We should probably focus on the vampire running loose.” Josie replied with a smirk.
“Okay but then we’ll have a talk.” Hope agreed.
Lizzie stood above the opened underground cave staring down to see nothing but darkness before a tall dark mysterious man vamp sped to appear on the other side of the hole knowing instantly he was the vampire in question noticing his medieval clothing which was now stained by fresh blood.
“If you think I’m another one of your snacks your going to be severely disappointed.” Lizzie warned him before shouting. “Hope, Josie I found the vampire.”
“Vampire is that what I am?” He asked her.
“I don’t know what they called you back in your day but nowadays we call your kind vampires.” Lizzie said to him while trying not to notice how handsome this deadly stranger was.
“You look familiar to me.” The vampire said before vamp speeding over to Lizzie, so he was now standing next to her. “May I tell you you’re quite the exquisite beauty?”
“Yes, you may,” Lizzie replied with a smile before touching the vampire’s chest and siphoning him “but this beauty doesn’t come in snack form.”
Lizzie lifted her hand chanting in Croatian magically snapping the vampire’s neck as Hope climbed out of the underground cave pulling Josie up with her.
“Typical show up after the vampire’s been dealt with.” Lizzie snapped at them both. “Now can we ditch this guy in our dungeon and get back to preparing for the party?”
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The doors of the Salvatore Boarding School swung open before the unconscious body of the vampire Lizzie had just taken down flew into the school his body hitting the ground harshly as Hope, Lizzie and Josie walked into the school grabbing the shocked attentions of the students the noise making Caroline and Klaus vamp speed in from different directions of the school.
“Girls, what is going on?” Caroline asked them.
“Dad,” Hope said noticing her father. “I wasn’t expecting you to be here.”
“Clearly.” Klaus replied with a smile.
“I was just minding my business when Hope came knocking on our door desperate for me to help her chase some boy.” Lizzie explained to Caroline clearly ignoring Klaus’ presence.
“Your chasing boys now?” Klaus asked Hope not amused with the prospect of his daughter dating.
“He’s a vampire we found in some underground cave in the forests I wasn’t chasing him because he’s a boy I was hunting him just like the others.” Hope admitted to her father.
“We were back up in the whole hunting shenanigans.” Josie admitted to her mother.
“You girls aren’t supposed to hunt your too young to be hunting anything let alone some random vampire.” Caroline told all three girls.
“Weren’t you and your friends trying to kill me at that age?” Klaus said while smiling at Caroline causing her to sigh once again.
“So, you’re allowed to hunt original vampires, yet I’m not allowed to help out Hope.” Lizzie moaned at her mother causing Klaus to laugh.
“Firstly, we never hunted them they hunted and tried to kill us.” Caroline stated before smugly smiling at Klaus. “We just kept getting the better of them until they fled town.”
“That’s not quite how I remember it.” Klaus replied.
“My point is, no hunting!” Caroline said while looking at all three girls. “Now put him in the dungeon before he wakes up and start getting ready for the party. I’ll deal with the questioning.”
Hope and Klaus walked into the Stefan Salvatore dedicated library within the school Hope looking clearly unimpressed with her father.
“So, suddenly you want back in my life?” Hope snapped at him. “I barely ever hear from you and now you want to attend a party at my school?”
“Hope I’ve always been in your life even when I haven’t been around.” Klaus replied wounded by his daughter’s words. “You know I’m just doing everything I can to get Rebekah back I’m sorry that means I’ve not been around much.”
“It’s not my fault Aunt Rebekah’s gone.” Hope cried. “I just did what was asked of me I didn’t know it would mean we’d lose her.”
“Hope I have never once blamed you for Rebekah’s situation.” Klaus told his daughter before hugging her. “Rebekah knew the risk when she went back in none of this is on you.”
“Then why does it feel like it’s all my fault?” Hope asked as she hugged her father tighter. “I miss her so much!”
“I know,” Klaus said while stroking his daughter’s hair “I miss her too, but we will get her back that’s why I’m here to see Davina.”
“Dad, Davina doesn’t know anymore than she did before.” Hope replied while breaking off the hug. “Nobody seems to know anything about the kind of spell I used that day, nor does anyone know anything about Malus.”
“That was before Freya finally got her act together and stepped out of her suburban life with Keelin and their twins Elijah and Nik.” Klaus revealed.
“Aunt Freya has been working to find Aunt Rebekah just has hard as anyone else you can’t argue her happiness with her wife and kids.” Hope snapped at him. “What did she find out anyway?”
“The spell you cast though more ancient and complicated than most prison spells, was in fact a prison spell written by a witch within the Gemini Coven.” Klaus admitted. “Which means a certain set of twins are more than likely the keys to getting Rebekah back.”
Suddenly an arrow was launched into Klaus’ chest causing him to scream in pain much to Hope’s shock before falling to the ground revealing Alaric behind him holding the crossbow in which the arrow that wounded Klaus was fired.
“Really Mr Saltzman was that necessary?” Hope asked him.
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Caroline stood in front of the gates within the dungeon underneath the Salvatore Boarding School looking over the unconscious vampire laying within the cage as his neck snapped back into place and he quickly rose to his feet.
“You clearly got unlucky when you came across my girls!” Caroline told him. “Now it’s up to me to work out whether you deserved to be hunted by them and their friend or whether your confused and innocent.”
“My name is Sebastian, I think.” He replied.
“You think, how does somebody forget their own name?” Caroline asked him. “How long have you been down there?”
“Yes, my name is Sebastian, Sebastian Salvatore.” He revealed much to Caroline’s own horror.
“That’s not possible Stefan never told me about any other vampires within his family.” Caroline replied. “You’re lying.”
“Who the bloody hell is Stefan?” Sebastian asked making it clear he had no idea who Stefan Salvatore was.
“Caroline!” Alaric shouted from above her.
“Just great,” Caroline sighed. “What has Klaus done now?”
“Release me now!” Sebastian demanded.
“I’ll be back for you but first I have to deal with an original pain in my ass.” Caroline told him.
“Well hurry back so you can explain to me why that witch looks so much like my Isobel.” Sebastian revealed.
“Which witch?” Caroline asked.
“Blonde and very violent.” Sebastian went on to say.
“That’ll be my Lizzie,” Caroline replied with a sly smile showing a sense of pride.
“She must be a Gemini witch then tell me does she know of the impending merge?” Sebastian asked her.
“What do you know about the merge?” Caroline quizzed him desperate for answers.
“Release me and find out.” Sebastian replied with a wicked smile.
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nicolasnelson · 5 years
Sizzie fic - Perchance to Dream [oneshot]
Title: Perchance to Dream Relationship: Lizzie Saltzman/Sebastian Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Sebastian’s POV Words: 2,388
Summary: Sebastian has a dream about Cassandra which scares him. Thankfully Lizzie is there to comfort him, but he wonders how long she will stay by his side.
Requested by @fandommatchmaker19​ // Prompt: Would love a Sizzie one-shot in which Lizzie comforts Sebastian about something.
Sebastian could see her face in vivid detail, every inch of her as fine as an artist’s masterpiece. Her loving gaze and playful smile invited him in, and she whispered a promise to him.
“I will protect you always.” She kissed his palm and brushed her hair aside, allowing him access to her stunning neck.
“I cannot,” he said, though the temptation burned in his chest. Cassandra always did this to him, teased him with what he could not have.
She scooted closer to him on the bed, wrapping a leg around his torso and pushing her body against his. She slipped the sleeve of her silk gown off her shoulder so her breast pressed against his skin. Soft and warm and oh so tempting.
Sebastian nuzzled his cheek against her neck. His body was taut as he fought to maintain his control. If he broke for even a moment, desire might take over.
“Please, Sebastian,” she pleaded. “Blood will increase your lust. I want to feel all of you, to experience you the way only your victims have.”
“You may not survive it,” Sebastian said, his voice soft and strained. He sounded a little scared, even to his own ears, and maybe he was. It was hard to stop feeding once he started. The only times he managed it were when his victims were less than desirable.
She ran her fingers through his hair and pulled his head closer against her neck. “I trust you.”
Sebastian chuckled against her skin. That was a mistake. No one should trust him when he could not even trust himself. The warm, sweet scent of blood tickled his nostrils, and he looked down to see Cassandra had drawn a knife under her collarbone. Red pooled from the cut in rivulets, trickling down onto her exposed breast.
His mouth watered, and he licked his lips. He could feel that his self control was already gone.
Sebastian awoke. He sat up in bed and saw the woman beside him, the long blond hair. He sighed in relief. He hadn’t killed her after all.
“Cassandra, dear,” he whispered and turned her onto her back. Dead eyes stared up, not quite meeting his, and he scrambled backwards off the bed. He hit the floor with a thunk.
And then he opened his eyes and found himself in a different bedroom. He was in bed, a blond woman beside him. It was all so familiar, like he was reliving the same nightmare. He didn’t dare check to see if she was alive.
The room was suffocating him, the floor wobbling beneath his feet. He stumbled to the door and tried the knob, but it wouldn’t turn. Oh, God. He was locked inside.
He slid his back down the cool wood and crumpled up, arms wrapped around his legs. His whole body was shaking, and he felt the tears trickling down his cheeks. Like the blood trickling down Cassandra’s chest. Oh, God. He still remembered the taste on his lips, sweet like strawberries.
“Sebastian, are you okay?”
He jumped, looking up to the blond woman. As his eyes focused on her, a name popped into his head. “Elizabeth.”
He sighed with relief. At least he hadn’t killed her. He hadn’t killed Cassandra either. He knew that now. It was just a dream, a memory, but knowing that didn’t calm him down. He was still on edge, like balancing on a tightrope above a pit of blood.
Elizabeth Saltzman sat down next to him and put a hand on his knee. “What happened?”
“It’s nothing you need to worry about. You should go back to sleep.” He gave her a small smile.
Elizabeth laughed. “That was the saddest smile I’ve ever seen. Come on, Sebastian. You can’t keep this inside. I know what that’s like. It’ll just burn you from the inside out.”
“Like your episodes?”
“Exactly. You’ve seen how bad those can be. I don’t want you to go through that too.” She grabbed his hand, which was still shaking, and squeezed his fingers.
There was something soothing about being with Elizabeth. She understood him better than most, and she had the patience to learn more. It hadn’t always been that way. He could remember a time when she hated him, but now they were at a comfortable place. Not lovers, but certainly more than friends. Partners in copulation and the occasional crime.
“It was a dream,” Sebastian said. It felt wrong to say it aloud, like he was lying, because it was so much more than that. “Not a dream. A memory. There was a time I nearly killed Cassandra. I managed to stop myself, but it has always haunted me.”
“The past tends to do that,” Elizabeth said, sighing. “And you have more of it than most.”
Sebastian laughed, but it was soft and self-pitying. “I wish memories were not so long lasting. You would think I would forget after all these years, but I can never forget. Even when I am not actively thinking of them, they influence my actions.”
Elizabeth pulled out her cellular device. “I’ve got a playlist I like to listen to when I think I’m about to have a meltdown. It doesn’t always work, but sometimes it helps to get my mind off what’s bothering me.” She hit a button and music sprung forth from the device. She set it on the floor in front of them and leaned her head on Sebastian’s shoulder.
Sebastian squeezed her hand, grateful to have her by his side. The music was indeed soothing. He focused on the words and seeing how he could relate to them. The refrain particularly resonated with him.
I don't know if I can stay strong. Hold on, for too long. I've been lost. I need you here to calm me down. I need you here to calm me.
“Thank you, Elizabeth.”
“You’re welcome.”
They stayed like that through several more songs until Sebastian really did feel calm again. He’d never been able to calm himself down with music before. These fits of anxiety had plagued him for many, many years. They always made him feel like he was dying as a memory replayed in a loop in his head.
But Elizabeth had helped get him out of that loop. He had to do more than thank her with words. He had to show this beautiful creature how much she meant to him. How grateful he was that she had treated him like a person and not a child or someone crazy. She hadn’t seen his anxiety as a weakness at all.
And he’d never seen her struggles with her mental health as a weakness. So why all the self pity? He was strong and capable too. He was allowed to break down sometimes. His life was complicated and difficult. It was a wonder he hadn’t had a big meltdown after waking up in another century.
Everything was still so new, and he was still adjusting. Some things were amazing improvements that made life more convenient, like these devices that played music and relayed messages to other people. Some things were more annoying, like the doors that would open suddenly when you walked near them. Others were downright mind boggling, like the game of matching candy that people played on those devices for hours on end, wasting their lives away, chasing the satisfaction of reaching each new level.
It was a whole new world, and he wanted to make the most of it.
“Can we go for a ride in your vessel?” Sebastian asked.
“Right now?”
Sebastian chuckled. “Why, yes, my dear, it is my time of night after all.”
“We’d have to sneak out,” Elizabeth said, though there was a smile on her face and a glint of mischief in her eyes.
“Add it to our list of crimes, Bonnie.”
Elizabeth rolled her eyes, laughing. “I should never have shown you that movie. You relate far too much to Clyde.”
“Only for his dedication to Bonnie,” Sebastian said, drinking her in. Elizabeth really was the most wonderful creature he’d ever met.
They snuck out through the kitchens in the dorms. Pedro was in there having a snack, but he promised Elizabeth he wouldn’t tell anyone. Sebastian wasn’t sure whether they could trust the small child, but he didn’t really care if they got into trouble. He was used to it by now.
Elizabeth put the top down on the car and drove them through the town and onto the interstate. Sebastian enjoyed the cool air against his face. It reminded him of horse riding, but it was so much smoother and faster, much more exhilarating. He looked over at Elizabeth to see her blond hair whipping all around her like a tumbleweed.
“Oh, hush. Your hair doesn’t look any better,” Elizabeth said when she caught his amused smile in the mirror.
He glanced at himself. The wind was slicking his hair back, much like the 1931 version of Dracula. “This is very old wine. I hope you will like it,” he said, smirking.
Elizabeth barked out a laugh at the reference. “Aren't you drinking?”
“I never drink”—Sebastian paused dramatically—“wine.”
Elizabeth jerked the car to the right and took the exit. She drove into a small patch of woods and parked the car. “Should we put the top back up?”
“Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn,” Sebastian said.
“Oh, God. I love it when you quote Gone with the Wind.” Elizabeth grabbed his neck and pulled him into a hungry kiss.
Her breath still smelled of peppermint toothpaste, and Sebastian found it downright intoxicating. He helped maneuver Elizabeth over the center console so she could straddle his lap. It felt nice to look up at her, like she was some goddess smiling down at him, bestowing kisses upon him like gifts no mortal man deserved.
Sebastian had to remind himself he was no mortal man. He’d made his share of mistakes, but this beauty believed he was worthy of her affection. He had confidence that he looked the part, but he never believed he had the personality to match. All his charm was heavily practiced, as he’d spent years studying (and flirting with) the masters. Kings and prostitutes and everything in between.
Elizabeth pushed her hair behind her shoulder, exposing her neck to him. “Do that thing I like.”
Sebastian was hesitant for a moment as the old fear gripped him, but he obliged, pressing his lips against Elizabeth’s smooth skin. He ran his tongue along the back of her ear, playing in the corner just behind her earlobe. Elizabeth melted in his arms, goose pimples prickling all along her skin as she shivered in delight.
He was still surprised she trusted him to do this. Was she even a little afraid he might be tempted to bite her instead? Or was she like Cassandra, naively trusting he’d be able to stop once he started?
Witches couldn’t know the allure of blood, how it wasn’t like a delicious cake they could eat bit by bit over time. Blood was like wine to an alcoholic, drugs to an addict, that stupid candy game to mindless teenagers. You didn’t have to be a ripper to become consumed by that hunger.
Elizabeth nuzzled her nose against his, pulling him from his thoughts, and he couldn’t help but think instead about how adorable she was. And how unfairly lucky he was to have her in his arms. He wasn’t good enough for her, and she knew it, but she wanted him anyways.
Their lips met again, tongues dancing to the familiar choreography, and he ran his fingers through her hair, marveling at its softness. He imagined transporting her to his time. Not his drab life on the colony, where he was devoted to Cassandra, but the time before he became a vampire. His life in Europe, the elaborate parties he had attended. Elizabeth would look wonderful in one of those ball gowns, with her hair pinned up, that lovely neck on full display. Dainty gloves on her dangerous hands. Pink slippers on her beautiful feet.
Oh how she would have turned heads. He would never have gotten the chance to dance with her then, only to admire from afar.
“I am pleased with how my life has turned out,” Sebastian admitted, a little surprised that he’d uttered the thought aloud.
Elizabeth sat back a little to study his face. “Because of me?”
Sebastian let out a chuckle. “Well, yes, you’re a big part of it. But there’s more to it. If I hadn’t been desiccated in that box, the colonists would have killed me. I never would have gotten the chance to see the twenty-first century, to attend a school of witches, werewolves, vampires, and other things I had never heard of, like tribrids and phoenixes.”
“Well, they are one of a kind,” she said.
Sebastian smiled. “As are you, Elizabeth. I am at an odd place in my life right now. While I am grateful to have the chance to live in this world and interact with you, I fear that all of this will not last. No one in that school trusts me, even after everything I do to help all of you. It feels like I may never earn my place. I am merely being used for my muscles and my vampiric abilities.”
“That is not how I think of you,” Elizabeth assured him.
“Do you think the others will ever change their minds? Or will they continue despising me forever?”
Elizabeth pressed her forehead to his. “Forever is a long time. I think they can warm up to you eventually. I’m doing everything in my power to persuade them.”
Sebastian felt that bubbly happiness in his chest. The kind that made him nervous. Elizabeth was doing so much for him, and all he was doing was helping her when she asked, offering his body to her when she asked.
Maybe it was time he did a favor for her without asking. A gift perhaps, or a special day just for her. An idea was already forming in his mind.
“Elizabeth, how would you feel if I took you on a proper date?”
She blinked in surprise, then smiled sweetly. “I would like that very much.”
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reject-princess97 · 5 years
FP Jones Imagine (3)
I sat at the table of my one bedroom apartment, starring at the letter that sat in front of me. This letter was what was to determine my future as a doctor. I mean sure, graduation wasn't for another couple hours and I will be awarded my doctorate, but this letter was what I had spent the last eight years of my life working for. I took a deep breath and turned the letter in my fingers.
"Come on Y/N, it's just a letter. That's going to tell you weather or not you can return home after being away for so long." I told myself.
I left Riverdale 8 years ago to attend NYU then NYU Medical school where I was to graduate in less than three hours and in my hand sat a letter from Riverdale General, telling me weather or not I would be starting my residency there in the fall or not.
Now, don't get me wrong, I would be thrilled working at some of the places I had already been accepted into but working at Riverdale General meant I could move back home, I could be with my family on the Southside, The Serpents. I would be able to be with my older sister Alice and her girls Betty and Polly but mostly I'd get to go home to my boyfriend of ten years FP and FINALLY be able to build our life together, something we both agreed to put off until I was finished with school.
"OK, on the count of three, I'm going to open it." I told my self. "Or I'm gonna have myself admitted into Riverdale General for talking to myself."
I picked up my letter opener, I held it to the envelope and I took a deep breath.
A knock at the door made me jump as I dropped my letter opener at my table. I stood up, and straightened my dress, a simple black one shoulder dress hugged my curves perfectly and I padded bare foot to my front door. Passing the million boxes that had been packed ready for my move to, where ever I'm going to end up. I passed my Serpent jacket hung by the door and opened my frond door wide to see a sight that shocked me completely. There in front of my stood FP Jones, in a shirt, dress pants and a tie. He still had his Serpent jacket on but he looked so smart.
"Holy fuck!" I gasped as I took in the sight in front on me. This was not something I was used to, FP wasn't a suit and tie guy, he was a jeans, flannel and leather jacket kind of guy and this, right here, was so much more than I could comprehend.
"Well, hello to you too." My boyfriend grinned.
"What...what are you doing here?" I asked, still stood in shock.
"You didn't think we'd miss your big day did you?" He asked.
"We?" I asked confused and he moved a side and winked as three more faces came into view. Jughead Jones, FP's son and My niece's Betty and Polly Cooper. Betty and Jug both wearing their jackets too.
Then a face I wouldn't have ever thought I would see at my graduation appeared beside Betty. Alice Cooper. My sister, Alice Cooper.
"A..Alice?"I asked in disbelief.
"Hey, baby sister." She smiled as she stepped forward and pulled me into a hug.
"I'm dreaming, right, you guys aren't really here. I know because Alice Cooper said she would NEVER forgive me for choosing the Serpents over her?" I questioned as I stepped aside to let them all into my apartment.
"Nope, I'm really here." She smiled. "And it's Alice Smith now."
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you. I don't want to fight anymore. I want to be sisters again. Can you forgive me and we can start over?"
"I forgave you years ago Ally." I smiled as I pulled her into a hug and pulled away.
"WAIT!" I yelled as I turned to see FP stood in my apartment, grinning wide.
"There it is!" he laughed as he held his arms out and I dove at him, kissing him roughly.
"Guy's, there are kids in the room." Jughead called out. I laughed as I pulled away and turned to my niece.
"Polly, Lizzy, my girls!" I squealed as I pulled them both into a long hug. "I've missed you guys."
"We missed you Aunt Y/N." Polly smiled.
"Yeah, when was the last time you were home?" Betty asked as she pulled away.
"About three months." I smiled. "I'm so happy you're all here." I smiled at my family.
"We're all happy to be here." Jug assured me.
"You look great baby." FP called as he pointed at my outfit. I looked down and laughed as I shrugged.
"What can I say, I like to leave things to the very last second." I joked.
"Come on Y/N, we'll help you finish getting ready, FP, you and jug...bond."Alice ordered as she grabbed my hand and pulled my into my room.
"We'll run and grab some coffee's!" FP shouted and we left them.
"Good god, look at this mess." Polly chuckled as she moved some clothes off of my bed.
"Yeah, I couldn't decide what I wanted to wear so I had everything out." I shrugged.
"OK, so hair?" Alice asked as she cleared a space on my dresser.
"Curled and down, I have to put a cap on and it would be nice to let my hair down for once while I'm on campus." I chuckled as I plugged my curling iron in.
"Make up?" Polly asked as she grabbed my make up bag.
"Classic. Smoky eyes, bold red lips."
"As I remember, that was a signature look for you back home." Alice smiled as she picked up the curling iron and began fixing my hair.
"Yeah, well, I had to tone down my 'Serpent' style while I was here. Not a lot, just enough to be taken seriously in the classes." I smiled up at her in the mirror.
"What about shoes and accessories?" Betty asked from behind us.
"Black stilettos in the closet and I have some jewellery in my dresser draws you can pick from." I called over to her.
I sat quiet for a while while my sister and my nieces dressed me and told me all about what I had missed while I was away from home.
"OH MY GOD!" I shouted as the Polly and Alice finished my hair and make up. I stood up and ran out.
"What? What's wrong?" Alice called as she and the girls followed me out of the room as I ran into my dining area and grabbed the letter.
"What's going on?" FP asked panicked as he came into the room. Jughead too.
I looked up at my family and then I opened the letter and read it out loud.
"Dear Miss Smith,
Thank you for applying for our paediatric and family medical residency....We are pleased to inform you your application as been reviewed and we are happy to offer you a place with us this fall." I read, getting louder as I read. "OH MY GOD! I GOT IT!"
"Got what?" My sister asked.
"A residency." FP answered. "Somewhere good I assume." He smiled at me. I looked up at my family with tears in my eyes and nodded.
"Best place I could possibly imagine." I grinned as I held out the letter and carefully wiped the tears from my face. Thank god Polly had the sense to use waterproof eye makeup.
"You've got a residency at Riv...Riverdale General Hospital!" Alice read. I smiled wide as I nodded.
"Holy shit!"
"I'm coming home." I cried as I was pulled into a huge group hug. "I'm coming home FINALLY!"
After about twenty more minutes of basking in my news the six of us decided we should set of to the NYU campus so we grabbed everything we needed and walked out. I grabbed my Serpent Jacket on my way out.
"You're gonna wear your jacket to your Med school graduation?" Betty chuckled as I slipped it on.
"What, and let you losers show me up on my big day by looking better than me...I think not." I smiled.
"OK, so, there are six of us and two cars." Alice pointed out.
"Who's with who?"
"Juggie, you and Lizzy take my car." I smiled as I chucked him my keys but FP caught them and handed him his instead.
"Lizzy?" Jughead asked looking at Betty confused.
"It's something Y/N has called me ever since I was a baby." Betty explained as she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards FP's car.
"I'll go with mom." Polly smiled as she and Alice walked off.
"That leaves me with you." FP grinned as he held my car keys up. I nodded and smiled as I reached for them but he moved them out of the way.
"Wow, not so fast baby, you gotta trade." He smirked as he grabbed my hip and pulled me closer.
"Oh yeah?" I smirked as I lent up closer.
"Yeah." He mumbled. I let my lips graze his and quickly grabbed the keys why he was distracted. I pulled away laughing as I walked of to my car.
"That's just wrong!" FP called as he ran behind me and grabbed my hand.
"Tough luck baby." I smiled as I reached my car. I climbed in the drivers side and FP sat shotgun as I stuck the key in the ignition and turned it, my car roaring to life.
The ride to the campus was short and quite. I let the radio play as we drove and FP rest his hand on my thigh, a smiled smile on his face as we pulled up.
"Wow, it's big." He gushed as I parked.
"ha, that's what she said." I  yelled as I turned my car off and climbed out, leaving FP chuckling.
"You're graduating medical school and an hour and you're making 'that's what she said' jokes?" My man chuckled, shaking his head is I walked over to meet him.
"Damn straight." I giggled.
"Honestly, I'm in love with an childish genius." FP sighed as he looked down at me and moved a piece of hair from my face.
"And I'm in love with a big lovable biker idiot." I shrugged. As I rest my hands on his chest "We all have our weaknesses."
"Yeah, and you're mine." He grinned as he smashed his lips to mine, in a heated but passionate kiss. He pushed my back up against my car and I let my hands slid under his jacket and onto his hips.
"Oi, loser, put that smoking hot dude down and grab your shit!" I heard a voice call. I chuckled and turned to find my best friend Sherri (like sherry the drink) standing holding a white box.
"Sherri baby!" I yelled. FP moved away and I grabbed his hand, leading him to meet Sherri.
"Sher, (Cher) this is FP." I smiled.
"Oh, the boyfriend." Sherri nodded as she looked him up and down. "I approve." She nodded.
"Babe, this is Sherri, my motivation while stuck in the hell hole."
"It's nice to meet you Sherri."
"Hey, there you are." I heard Jughead call as he and the three girls walked over.
"Oh, more people." Sherri smiled as she introduced herself.
"OK, Ladies, extremely hot gentleman..." Sherri began but I elbowed her in the ribs and she let out a loud laugh. "I'm going to steal this beautiful rebel away from you to go be given a piece of paper, if you just follow the crowd of...the most boring people I've ever seen in my life and you'll find some seats." Sherri instructed as she grabbed my hand. I kissed FP quick, handed him my jacket and waved to my family before I allowed Sherri hand me the white box and help me pull on the black robe and tassel cap. We then walked hand in hand to where the rest of the students were stood.
"So, you gonna tell me where the hell you've been hiding him?" Sherri asked as we waited for the ceremony to start.
"I haven't been hiding, he's been in Riverdale with his kid." I laughed.
"How the hell did you manage to lock that down for ten years without being in the same state most of the time?" She asked unbelieving.
"We made it work. He visited and stayed with me when I was in school and I spent our breaks back home in Riverdale." I shrugged.
"Well, I like him. Extremely hot, like her could turn me straight." she joked, making me laugh. "So, what's with the matching jackets?"
I looked at her confused, then I remembered, I never spoke about home much. Not because I was hiding anything, I just missed home so much, I would always get upset so I just never mentioned it.
"Oh, that's...ermmm, The Southside Serpents." I smiled at her sheepishly.
"Southside who now?"
"It's sort of a biker gang in Riverdale, the Northside reckon we're all bad news and are full of drug dealing murderers but I promise you that's not the case. The Serpents are some of the most caring and loyal people you will ever meet." I explained.
"So all this time, I've been making jokes about to being the class rebel and you actually are a rebel biker chick?" She asked astounded.
"Pretty much." I shrugged. "That's amazing. I bet you can't wait to get back, for a little while anyway."
"yeah, but here's the best bit." I grinned at her. She looked over at me, eyebrow raised. "I got a letter in the mail this morning. From Riverdale General Hospital."
"You got the Residency?" She asked hopeful. I nodded and she let out a squeal as she hugged me. "Oh Smithy baby I'm so happy for you." She congratulated. "So, does this mean all that stuff you wanted with FP can finally happen?"
"Oh, god I hope so, I love him with all my heart and now that I'm home we can look at settling down and seeing what happens next." I hoped.
Pretty soon the ceremony started and I waited anxiously waited for my name to be called out. I got a peak at the audience as I waited behind the curtain and smiled when I saw my family waiting for me.
"Y/N Smith." I heard my name being called and I walked up to the stage, shook hands with the professors and I stopped, smiled and waved at my family who all cheered the loudest as didn't stop until I shot them a wink, stuck out my tongue and throw up the Rock horns, making them all laugh and cheer louder before I walked off the stage and took a seat.
The rest of the ceremony dragged but once it had finished I forced my way though the crowd until I spotted FP searching the crowd of faces.
"Looking for someone in-particular?" I asked as I reached him. He looked down at me and smiled at me.
"Only the girl of my dreams." He shrugged.
"Well, looking no farther hot stuff, she's right here." I smirked.
"What? Where?" He asked again looking around us. I gabbed him in the stomach making him let out a laugh as he lent down and kissed me, softly.
"I'm so proud of you baby." He informed me as he hugged me tight.
"Right, let's get the photos over and done with." I ordered as I pulled away and looked at my sister who already had her camera out. She smiled wide and nodded as she set us up how she wanted and the grabbed Sherri, who was close by with her family and asked her to shoot the photo. The order went as such, Group photo. Alice and I. Polly, Betty and I. FP, Jughead and I. Sherri and I. FP and I and then one last one with The four girls, Alice, Polly, Betty and I.
"Come, on, let's see it." Betty smiled as she rushed over and took my award off of me and took a look.
"Dr Y/N Smith...it just doesn't sound right." Betty suggested as she looked over at Alice who nodded.
"I mean I'm not saying you should change your name...but you should change your name." Alice joked and I nodded.
"Oh, too what exactly?" I wondered.
"How about Jones?" Jughead asked. I looked at him a little shocked.
"Dr Y/N Jones...now that sounds better. What do you think FP?" Betty asked as she closed the little folder the award came in and smiled at me wide. I saw Jughead and Alice had a camera on me and then Sherri look behind me, shocked. Confused, I turned around to see FP, knelt down on one knee smiling up and me and holding a ring. A big one too I might add.
"I think it sounds perfect. What do you think Y/N? Would you consider taking the plunge and becoming a Jones?" He asked as he took my hand.
"What the hell is happening right now?" I asked shocked. I heard the group laugh and I looked around to see we had gathered quite the crowd, all watching as FP chuckled and shook his head.
"For a genius doctor you're pretty slow babe, I'm asking you to marry me." He explained. "Look, Smith, we've been through a lot these last ten years, you've been living away for 8 of them and it hasn't been easy but we got through it. I was always planning on doing this today even if you wasn't moving back home because I would have followed you anywhere baby, you're my ride or die baby. Now with you coming back home to work things are just falling into place and I just want us to FINALLY start live out life together. So, Y/N Smith, will you be my ride or die forever. Will you marry me?"
I couldn't find the words, I just nodded as tears fell from my eyes and a lump grew in my throat. FP Slid the ring onto my finger and stood up, pulling me into his arms and kissing me hard as everybody around us clapped and cheered.
"FINALLY!!! MY DAD HAD THE BALLS TO PROPOSE!" Jughead yelled making everybody around us laughed including FP and I.
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