#i spy tarot
paging-possum · 3 months
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I’ve been wanting to make search and find pages for a while and I’m finally getting around to it! :D
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mlee-arts · 6 months
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gravyhoney · 5 months
Paid to have some of my art printed out to put on my wall I’m giggling and kicking my feet eheehehhehehehee I’m so excited
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beepartcollection · 1 year
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i found a post @vnynv​ made about tf2 tarot cards and i immediately went insane coming up with my own tarot cards and then i thumbnailed them cause OUAHU i wanna draw them but i have school and graduation which is cringe and icky
also if anyone has any ideas for judgement lemme hear it cause i completely forgot judgement
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eld-red · 5 months
hi im going to be doing tarot readings for the tf2 mercs i dont know if ill get through all of them, but here’s my first one it was for spy and it is fucking. GOOD.
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cards here; eight of bows, reversed three of vessels, reversed four of bows.
the eight of bows represents camaraderie, three of vessels normally represents joy, four of bows normally represents celebration.
the way i drew these cards out of my deck; counted by once and drew to represent his partner, counted by twice and drew represent his kids, counted by nine times and drew to represent his place in the tf2 lineup/roster
camaraderie right like the joy of being around your own family your own blood or your found family. even if it is in struggle, everything is better when you deal with it with someone who knows the feeling right. reversal of joy “people sometimes fear joy not because of the feeling itself, but the grief of losing the feeling” he is SOOOO SCARED OF TELLING HIS KIDS. WHO HE REALLY IS TO THEM. THIS TOTALLY REPRESENTS THIS MOTHERFUCKER’S FEAR OF FURTHER LOSING HIS KIDS IF. **IF** HE TELLS THEM. reversal of celebration. “to be able to relax and share in the bounty is a part of the human spirit’s healing process and is how we refresh and nourish our soul.” this motherfucker is NOT. IS NOT RELAXING AND SHARING IN THE BOUNTY OF HUMAN INTERACTION. THIS ANGSTY LITTLE MOTHERFUCKER ISOLATES AWAY FROM OTHERS AND ROTS IN HIS OWN FEARS AWAY FROM OTHERS.
also this is where i reveal that i have a tf2 oc her name is lucy she is scout’s little sister yes they share the same dad anyways ummm scout might be next! or sniper :)
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the-visualize-project · 11 months
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Visualize: VII The Chariot
This was the first in the Visualize the Tarot series I made. I will be posting everything here, one day at a time. Each photo is a playable I Spy-style scene, which can be seen at my website: https://practicalgeeks.com/photo/visualize/tarot/chariot/index.html
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sp1ty0urh34rt0ut · 4 months
✩ their fantasies about you! ✩ 18+
꒰ pile one ꒱ ꒰ pile two ꒱ ꒰ pile three ꒱
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꒰ pile four ꒱ ꒰ pile five ꒱ ꒰ pile six ꒱
gif source: violetbudd !
this person fantasizes about being your wish fulfillment and meeting all of your needs. in whatever area you may lack in (financially, sexually, emotionally, romantically, safety, etc) they want to be the one to fulfill your needs and wants. they want to comfort you and be there to ease your pain and worries. this person also fantasizes about getting you pregnant, or you getting them pregnant (take it how it fits.) i’m getting more sensual and loving vibes than anything else; this person genuinely cares for you and they desire to have a life with you that puts them in the position of being the one to relieve you of any stress you may have.
this person fantasizes about working and building a creative project with you that could accumulate the two of you some sort of wealth or stability in life. this doesn’t give me much of a romantic or friendship vibe, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want this with you. their main fantasy is the two of you working on something together and being in frequent communication with one another, with a chance of the two of you developing feelings for one another along the way. this person wants for the two of you to help each other in building the dream life together.
this person fantasizes about causing you disappointment and walking away from you in order to help you decide to commit to them. they want to play a game of push and pull with you; they want you to miss them and crave their energy. they fantasize about you chasing them and finally making up your mind about them and committing to them. if you’re in a relationship, this person fantasizes about you leaving your relationship for them, or cheating on your partner to be with them. they also fantasize about getting you pregnant, or you getting them pregnant, in order to tie themselves to you forever.
this person fantasizes about making progress with you and the connection. this is something they’re actively manifesting, possibly through isolated sexual activity(if you get what i mean.) they fantasize about past memories of their, but with their own personal, sexual spin on it. they fantasize about telling you the truth of their desire for you and they fantasize telling you that they can’t stop thinking about you and the past memories they have of you. they fantasize very fiery and passionate acts between the two of you, and if you’ve been intimate with this person, they fantasize about being intimate with you again.
this person fantasizes about tearing down a destructive foundation they once had with you and starting anew. they want to basically meet you all over again and behave differently than they did before. they fantasize about casually coming towards you and being a little flirty and trying to charm you, and hopefully then the two of you can move forward from there and create a brand new cycle for the both of you. they fantasize about you allowing them back into your life and deciding to give the connection one more chance, leaving the past in the past.
this person fantasizes about you spying on them or reading tarot based on them and hurting your own feelings?? this is someone who fantasizes about you feeling heartbroken or hurt by finding out their secrets or the things they may not be very open about. they fantasize about you feeling stressed by this and possibly walking away from them. i’m not getting the feeling that this is necessarily something they want to happen, they’re just thinking about what would possibly happen if you were to find out their secrets.
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oftlunarialmoon · 6 months
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75 Agere Journal Prompts
Draw yourself a kawaii bento lunch!
Write down any chores for the day as a to-do list or sticker check off list
Design a smol outfit
Make a playlist for your littlespace
Draw portraits of your stuffies
Write your headcanons for your comfort characters as caregivers
Write down some animal facts from different parts of the world that interest you!
List items that are your favorite color
Make a magazine collage with a specific theme
List ideas you want to do in certain seasons
List your favorite agere nicknames
Write down any agere headcanons you have for fictional characters or OCs
List stuffie name ideas
List all your current stuffie names
List your favorite phone apps for littlespace
Make a tier list of your opinions on different types of candy
Draw what your favorite characters would look like as stuffies
Invent a new kidcore fashion trend
List 5 facts about your favorite sea animal
Design your Jolly Roger if you were a pirate
Draw yourself as a Pokemon Trainer
List how you deal with stress in agere methods
Write out any recipes you can make while regressed
List crafts you’d like to make
Make a page about your morning routine when regressed
Make a page about your night time routine when regressed
Write out any rules or guidelines you have when regressed
What’s on your Agere/Littlespace Movies list?
Write about what you would do on a visit to the beach
List any animes you like when small
List your favorite agere books
Dear Past Me - What would you tell your past self?
Dear Future Me - What would you tell your future self?
List songs that make you regress
List your regression triggers (positive or negative)
Write about how you would comfort a friend in need
Write about your dream vacation
Make your christmas/birthday/holiday gift wishlist
List your fave agere video games
List your favorite stims
Write a letter to your favorite fictional character
Write a letter to a friend or family member
Play I spy and write down the categories and things you find
Make a page of your top 5 agere songs from the last month
List free activities you can do when regressed
Make a collage page from a coloring sheet and stickers
Play scavenger hunt with stickers of your preferred theme
Use a page to write down word games like word scrambles and mad libs
Fill a page with positive messages for yourself to read later
Write down tarot interpretations if you do tarot reading while smol
List ideas for kandi bracelets you could make
Declare a random day a holiday of some kind, write down how you celebrate it
Use a page to “braindump” all of your current thoughts, even if it’s babbling
Make a sticker collage inspired by your caregiver
Make a sticker collage inspired by the seasons
Trace your hand onto the page and give yourself fun nail art, tattoos, or accessories
Draw a race track for a toy car, add obstacles or scenery with stickers
Write a social media profile page for a comfort character
Make a “top secret” file with your stuffie’s secrets >:)
Make a collage inspired by yourself
Dedicate a page to facts about one of your special interests
Write a poem for your pet (or fave stuffie!)
Draw a scene around a sticker of your favorite animal
Draw the inside of a house and use stickers to furnish and decorate it
Draw a scene to play with your toys in
Try a mindful reset page (List problems you’re facing, then list more positive mindset changes to each one)
Document the stories you play out with dolls or toys
Write down “this or that” prompts in one color then answer them in another color !
Use stickers to tell a story or make a fun comic
Fill a page with word art, using any words that make you feel smol
Make a list of all of your OCs
Use a page to document Minecraft coordinates of your favorite builds
Draw the outline of a purse or bag, and use stickers to show what a character of your choice would have in their bag, or-
Use stickers to show what you would put in your dream agere bag!
Draw a face on a page in marker or pen, and use makeup to decorate it! (or face paint :p)
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celestialtarot11 · 6 months
Tarot Embodiments 💘🤍🌟
Hi friends! 💗 For those of you learning to read tarot, or wanting to strengthen your understanding of it, here you go! I really hope you enjoy + I appreciate any support given to this blog 🌟🥂 enjoy! I’m wondering if I should make a short on YouTube about how to read tarot! Would ya’ll love that? 🙈💖
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💘 Pages- I like to think of Pages as the baby of the court cards. Learning to value its journey, growth, but still nervous about branching out. Seeking information, seeking to grow, gathering ideas, and planning. The planning before the action. Taking mental note. But depending on the Page this channeling of energy can be different!
💗 Page of cups- The sweet, generous, and jovial page. The all encompassing, but still learning to understand how emotions play an important role in situations/connections/oneself. Starting to gain a perspective that invites sympathy, emotion and understanding. Youthful, dreamy and young in their mindset. Also a messenger.
💗 Page of swords- The studier. The one who inspects parts before putting it together. Reading the manual to understand the point of the object at hand. Tinkering with different parts to see what fits, and gathering information over time to reach a conclusion. But does not have enough information to form on at this moment. Associated with spying, stalking, gathering information, and mental stimulation.
🤍 Page of wands- The pursuit of new ideas. The idea comes fast, excitedly, but lacks planning and execution. Putting together different elements to a situation/story/ narrative to create something passionate. Fleeting interest, lacks long term engagement. Ideas can fall apart and come together. Can represent someone who is exploring their passions, dreams and goals, but needs time. Can indicate someone starting a spiritual journey!
🥂 Page of pentacles- Eye on the prize. Determined, skilled, hopes for long term engagement. Still learning the value of a connection/project/friendship. Someone who is learning what their core values are. Someone who is developing slowly, does not make hasty moves. Can be focused to the point they forget anything else.
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The Kings 💗🔮
The Kings are the evolved court cards of all. It represents maturity, development, and a state of security!
🦋 King of cups- Someone who is emotionally aware, conscious and stable. Secure emotionally, fulfilled within oneself, feels comfortable surrounding the home. Is able to give and receive comfortably, and is open to their heart space. Someone with dignity, morals, values that encompass emotion too. Shows acknowledgment for feelings, and can have deep conversation. Someone wealthy in terms of emotional knowledge, and spiritual wealth. Their home carries abundance. Humble, generous, loving, sweet, and nurturing.
🌟 King of wands- Someone who is assertive, passionate, driven. Motivated. Excites easily and makes decisions surrounding their passion. Someone who knows what they want and goes after it confidently, and attracts it. Someone who is impressive, but can have a big ego. Someone who is engaged with spirituality, or has a deep connection to spirituality. Someone who carries spiritual knowledge. Funny, energetic, passionate, charismatic, and bold.
🌹 King of Pentacles: Someone grounded, reserved, committed and confident. Self assured, focus is on material wealth, and sustains long term commitments. Someone who is strong headed, firm, and decisive. Considers the long term and future. Someone wealthy materialistically. Someone devoted to their projects, has a high position in their job, and is the head of a family. Someone who thinks of the future carefully and makes adjustments to align with what they see. Gentle, calm, patient, and supportive.
📌 King of swords- Cerebral, a thinker. Skilled in mental processes and is detached from emotion. Considers emotion, but does not make decisions from that place. Represents someone in their head often, and observing reality, can struggle to interact with it. A planner, someone who considers all options, observant and knowledgeable. Someone philosophical, and approaches from a knowledgeable perspective. A walking library. Someone with a lot to say and doesn’t necessarily say it all. Considerate, respectful, cerebral, an analyzer.
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The Queens 🦋💘
Same thing as the Kings, they represent the evolved feminine side of us. The energetic feminine.
🌟 Queen of wands- The bad bitch! She knows she’s all that. Confident, secure, passionate, and harbors knowledge. Sexually tapped in, invigorating, yet caring. Someone who takes care of their health, passions and nurtures their dreams confidently. Their confidence comes from within. Is not afraid to be themselves. Magnetic, and attracts abundance from a mile away. Spiritually tapped in and can be well endowed in the spiritual department. Charismatic, spiritual, hilarious, confident, and intelligent.
💖 Queen of cups- The nurturer, has a wide understanding of emotion and how important stability is. Maintains equilibrium, balance, and peace within herself. Is emotionally passionate, guided and self assured. Validation comes from within. Focus is in the home and creating community, and is seen as warm, inviting, caring. Has boundaries and knows when to set limits. Has a deep connection ti the heart, and spirituality. Caring, supportive, nurturing, and expansive.
💘 Queen of swords- An analyzer, and understands the value of emotion in planning. Does not make the same mistake twice. Set boundaries, communicates effectively, direct and open minded. Does not tolerate bullshit, and is knowledgeable. Has higher insight on situations/oneself. Philosophical, and sees things from a different perspective. Can be seen as detached, nonchalant. Does not let emotion get in the way of doing what’s best for them. A thinker, organizer, committed to oneself, and knows her place/ value.
🥂 Queen of pentacles- Committed, generous, humble, and loving. A giver, and knows what she deserves in return. Focused on material abundance, wealth and finances. Blessed financially. Someone who works hard and has dignity. Disciplined, focused, structured. Reserved, honest, and respectful. Committed to their future, and will make any and all adjustments to create their dream life. Knows her value and worth, and will not accept anything less.
Thank ya’ll for reading! It’s appreciated. Any support given is also appreciated 🤗🌟 hope this was informative!
Paid Readings💘🌹
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paging-possum · 1 month
Formal art goals for da week….actually finish my commissions sheet for the summer + draw some characters!!! + start sketching out secret medill project!!! Also new Leo playlist cover if there’s time
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bowl-of-brain-worms · 1 month
[disclaimer that im not very far into hades 2 and i dont want to spoil too much for people who also keep dying around oceanus lol]
like everyone is talking about how much he misses hermes when hes away doing his spy shit which is. so. fucking cute. BUT ALSO. this poor man has been through so much. one of his brothers is missing, another is in a damn COMA, moros is too busy to hang out (and is antisocial enough he probably wouldnt want to even if he did have free time), who even knows what nemesis is up to. i can only think about how lonely he probably is.
his edges have been worn down, hes so soft in this game. the way he talks to melinoe seems sweeter than how he talked to zagreus. and zag lived in the house his whole life, he probably didnt get to see charon very much growing up and no one can convince me he can understand charons language clearly. BUT MEL CAN. BECAUSE THEY TALK ALL THE TIME!!!!!
charon visits the crossroads often enough that the shades know him. people dont seem so terrified of him like they did in the first game. HES TRYING TO HELP. AND NOT EVEN FOR MONEY!!!! hestia says something about how the gold in this game (rather than charons obols) are from chronos. melinoe asks charon to "dispose of this" when giving him gold.
hes so interesting this time around i love it. im doing everything in my power to interact with him as much as possible on my runs (the boatman tarot will be helpful when i can finally afford it lol)
the second his portrait is released. its so fucking over.
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the-visualize-project · 8 months
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Visualize: I The Magician This was the final entry in Visualize The Tarot I took using my phone camera, and my ambition vastly outpaced my skill. I wanted to symbolize the magician as a shaper of worlds, with a collection of rpg books surrounding a fantastical world in a box. Unfortunately, the box is lit dead flat, and the shelves are lopsided, but since there were built into the wall, there was not much I could do. I still think this one turned out the best of the phone camera era of Visualize.
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tarotwithavi · 2 years
Extended Masterlist
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I'm Avi! My hobbies include painting, singing, writing, and cooking. My favorite tarot decks are Tarot of the Divine, The Wild Unknown Tarot, and Rider-Waite Tarot. If you enjoy my work, please leave a review in my ask box.
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you have a wonderful time exploring my masterlist.
Sending lots of love your way! ♡
Difference between karmic and soulmate relationships
Importance of self-love
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Pick a cards ☆
Self concept ♥
Tarot series
1) why are you so special 😻
2) admirable things about you
3) what are you attracting right now
4) why are you the most attractive person in the universe
5) let me hype you up!!
6) what effect do you have on others
7) what do people talk about you behind your back
8) watch me have my glow up in 2023
9) how do men view you?
10) 10 Random things about you or for you?
11) what surprises others about you?
12) the compliments you have been receiving behind your back
13) how do your classmates and teachers view you.
14) why do people fall for you?
15) letter from your shadow side
16) your demons and how you can fight them
17) How your existence makes this world a better place.
18) An appreciation letter for you
19) what is it like to be loved by you?
20) what sets you apart from the crowd?
21) how would you be described as an inspiration?
22) how are you glowing up?
23) what kind of lovers do you attract/are attracting
24) how do you inspire others
25) what makes you hauntingly beautiful?
26) About your beauty/vibe
27) the type of lover you deserve
Spirit guides/ Ancestors 🕊️
1) How do your spirit guides see you?
2) message from your ancestors
Guidance / messages 🫂
1) messages from the fairies 🧚‍♀️
2)short pac ( random messages)
3)short pac2 ( random messages)
4) what new things are coming?
5) random message for you ✨
6) letter from the MOON GODDESS 🌙♥🔮
7) some things you need to know
8) Random things about your 2023
9) Advice and messages from a friend
10) what's coming for you soon?
11) blessings coming to you in the next 30 days
12) Intuitively channelled messages for you
13) messages from Aphrodite
14) messages from the universe
15) messages from your inner child
16) 10 things you need to know right now
Fun readings 🫧
1) some songs for you ♡
2) you are a 10 but
3) which spy × family character are you?
4) describing you in some books quotes
5) how would a writer describe your character in a book?
6) what mythical creature are you? Pt 1
7) which Pokemon would you be and why? Pt1
8) your Christmas gift from the universe
9) you're a 10 because-
Love readings ❣️
1)what do they love about you
2) what's next in love for you
3) how would they describe you in song
4) letter from your future spouse
5) what will your future spouse love about you
6) The destined one for you
7) who is coming into your life in 2023 💞
8) I was enchanted to meet you (fs reading)
9) Love you like a love song baby
10) First date with your future lover.
11) what first impression will your future lover have of you?
12) Random things about your future lover
13) you from the eyes of your future lover / future spouse.
14) random things about your next lover
15) who's crushing on you?
16) what will you find adorable about your future spouse?
17) how will your future spouse act in front of you vs in front of others?
18) what will draw your future spouse to you?
19) Red string of fate : your destined love
20) what will your future spouse find attractive about you?
21) your next relationship
22) you from the eyes of your future lover/future spouse pt2
23) Random messages from your future spouse
24) Letter from your soulmate
25) what kind of lovers do you attract/are attracting
26) your future spouse : personality
27) First date with your future spouse
28) Some random things your future spouse will say to you (poetic edition)
29) some nicknames your future spouse may call you by
30) How will your future spouse/lover show their love?
31) when will you find love? And a little about your person
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Paid reading services
Payments will be processed via PayPal and must be received prior to the delivery of your reading. Your reading will be delivered to you via email or Tumblr direct message, according to your preference.
Paid readings Review
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Astrology masterlist
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Tarot series :
Let me hype you up series ❁
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theresattrpgforthat · 9 months
Hey! I've gotten super into solo rpgs but I tend to find combat boring. Are there fantasy themed rpgs with less focus on combat that you would recommend? (If they are soloable, that's also a win!)
THEME: Fantasy Solo Non-Combat.
Hello friend, thank you very much for your ask! I'm going to direct you to two Solo-themed game recommendations first, before I dive into today's recs.
Character-Focused Solo Games: Games that focus on character-building. Lighthearted Solo Games: Fun, non-serious solo games.
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A Year in the Spirit World, by ToriBee.
The wind rustles through the emerald canopy above as you open your eyes to an unfamiliar world. You're lying on a bed of lush moss, the gentle warmth of the Spirit World sun caressing your face. Around you, a forest of towering ancient trees, each pulsating with an otherworldly glow. It's ethereal, enchanting, and unlike anything you've ever seen.
Drawing from a deck of fate, you'll encounter spirits, creatures, and natural phenomena as enchanting as they are daunting. Each encounter might test your spirit, challenge your harmony with this world, or tempt you to act against your values.
There is some combat in this game, but it certainly doesn’t seem to be the focus. The game is about survival, but you’re as likely to be navigating social situations as you are to be fighting enemies. What I like about this game is the spirit companion who will travel the world with you: there are four different options, each of them cute and enchanting. If you love Studio Ghibli films, you should definitely check out A Year in the Spirit World!
The Goblin Thought, by Kai Medina.
The goblin hoard - a pile of goods and trinkets - is a place of greed, yes. But it's the same greed that thrives throughout this land of men and beetles. It's the allowed selfishness that helps us learn and grow, walk and run, screech and scramble. The hoard is the goblin's memory.
The Goblin Thought is a unique and engaging journaling game that combines chance and narrative to create a compelling story. Players take on the role of a goblin, collecting memories and items in their hoard as they navigate through a world of wonder and danger, allowing for growth and change. With a deck of cards and a six-sided die, each turn presents new challenges and opportunities for creative storytelling, drawing, and reflection. 
This game is placed in a fantasy setting, but with a larger purpose. It’s both a journaling game and a thought experiment, a chance to place yourself in the shoes of someone whose history exists within the hoard they have accumulated. Each card you draw from a deck has three prompts attached to it, so you have the potential to play this game (and build a history) for a very long time.
Little Shepherd, Little Spy, by @psychhound.
You try to keep out of the whole war business.
It’s just not really your thing. There are more important things to worry about, like Gethin, your biggest ram, getting stuck in the fence again, or Ffion rubbing against the raspberry bushes and getting her wool all sticky.
Life is pretty simple for a humble shepherd such as yourself.
Little Shepherd, Little Spy is a solo journaling game about being a spy in the fairy war. Choose which side you're on, then draw tarot cards to interpret the messages coming through the information ring. Your tarot card tells you what book to look at and what page. Then you copy down all the relevant information on that page and consult your spy codebook.
I absolutely love fairy games and the premise for this one is super interesting to me. Your character will be interpreting messages that take the form of books that you have on your shelf, and you’ll determine which book to look at (and which page to read) by drawing tarot cards from a deck. If you look into this one I definitely recommend setting aside some time, and perhaps selecting a few books for each category to have on hand, to ease the cycle of play.
The Wandering Library, by AP.
You are the proud owner of a Wandering Library. Whether you bought, built or inherited it, it is your home. Travelling as far and as wide as you desire, your days are spent encountering an assortment of customers, exploring new locations, and tending to your beloved home of books.
This is a a game designed to generate prompts for you to answer in as much or as little detail as you would like. All you need is two six-sided dice and your preferred method of journaling. Using the tables provided, you will explore locations and meet different people, recording your adventures and encounters as you travel in your Wandering Library.
This is a simple one-page game that presents you with a few starting questions, and the supplies a grid of prompts that you’ll roll 2d6 for. Each prompt is a new event, complete with a question, asking how your character reacts. There’s plenty of room for your own imagination. The house is a travelling library, which feels pretty fantastical to me! This game will likely last a few hours or so; it’s not really built for extended play.
Fetch My Blade, by Ethan Yen.
For years you have served your Master faithfully. A loyal companion, you accompanied your Master through the difficult times, and the good times. Now, you are called in a moment of dire need: a Stranger has challenged your Master to a duel, alluding to time before you. Your Master rises to the challenge, calling you forth. This is your moment. You have trained for this. It is time to do your Master proud. 
FETCH MY BLADE is a solo journaling roleplaying game where you play as the dog of a retired legendary master of the sword, tasked with a quest of your own: retrieve your master’s fabled weapon in time for their final duel. On your quest, you will uncover and explore your Master’s guarded past-- transforming your character, deepening your relationship with your Master, and ultimately influencing your Master’s fate.
This is a lovely little game of exploring a dog’s relationship to their Master, and developing a backstory as you play. I don’t think there’s specifically a setting in place for this game, but the presence of swords certainly points towards the fantastical. There doesn’t seem to be any specific combat in the game, but violence is considered to have happened in the past, as the game provides a content warning regarding a war that has already happened.
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completeoveranalysis · 6 months
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Chapitre 201 - The Truth from within the Ruins
Oh this is just beyond gorgeous. Who can stand against the pure concentrated adorable that is Tsubasa Babies Family Photo? Now with all four of them!
I’m in love with all the tiny details that they clearly spent so long on - all the lovely folds of Sakura’s dress, the intricate detailing on Fai’s robe and staff. Lava Lamp is in his ceremonial garb, and tiny Kurogane IN HIS FANCY LITTLE OUTFIT. (AND HIS POSTURE? GET OUT. Incredible)
 Kurogane doesn’t have Ginryuu yet (since this is Happy Childhood AU, so his father will still have it. Still has the moon though!) but Lava Lamp has the Syaoran Family Sword all ready to go. His outfit would be incomplete without it - they’re all wearing clothing from their home worlds, or maybe their families? I’m technically not sure which world Lava Lamp comes from, but his outfit is Family Legacy all the way down. I’m dying to know if Fai’s outfit is in the style of Seresu or Valeria - I don’t think they’re all that different, but I think I would put my money on Valeria based on the position of the fur and the curl motif. In which case it’s fun for me that his Happy Family AU is in Valeria instead of with Ashura. (sorry not sorry Ashura get fucked)
I suppose in this version he never had reason to leave Valeria in the first place, so it’s a very nice touch that the outfit doesn’t immediately resemble the clothing he wore in his backstory, since that’s all so closely linked to the death of his twin, who would be alive here. Very nice visual choices all around, especially with each of them in their own unique colour pallette. Oh, and even with the colour differences they all have bits of yellow somewhere on them, showing their connection.
The left/right split between them is really fun too - sword wielders on one side, phenomenally powerful magic users on the other, cats vs dogs, unique child/parent pairings, etc. It’s very funny to me that they found a super fancy chair for Sakura and a cushion for Kurogane, but nothing for the other two. But Fai draping himself over the chair is such an incredible piece of character flair, which I am in love with, but also, the TOUCH? The little touch of tiny hands? Sakura reaching back to put her hand on the back of Fai’s? Tiny Lava Lamp’s little grip on Kurogane’s arm? OH it’s so touching. 
And behind them all? THAT WINDOW. Such a clear symbol positioned directly in the centre frame. At first I thought it might be an eye, but this is Happy Family AU so there should be no Evil Wolverine to spy on them. What I’m voting on instead is CLAMP playing with Tarot symbols again and this being the Wheel of Fortune, or a similar idea of a wheel of destiny. They use the latter idea a lot in their earlier works (RG Veda and X/1999 say hi), but I think the tarot symbol in particular really shines through with the ideas they’re playing with in Tsubasa/xxxHolic, and has a very strong parallel to the idea of hitsuzen. 
After some much safer googling it looks like the “Wheel of Fortune” in Tarot can mean change or cycles or inevitable fate, but on the flipside could also be lacking control. I think the reversed meaning of the card really speaks to me the most about their situation in general, as it describes bad luck and misfortunes thrust upon you from external forces, that you are fighting to take control back from an unwinnable situation. That fighting it is impossible, that continuing to fight it can only bring more suffering, and that the only option is to let it go. To stop blaming yourself for the thing you did wrong, or the thing that you think was your fault. To forgive yourself, to accept it all, to let yourself move on, to accept that change is inevitable, and to finally be able to move forward and just let everything happen. 
Because if that’s not exactly the whole situation we are in I don’t know what is. It’s a mirror for the things that Fai and Kurogane have already been through, and for what Lava Lamp Guy is still currently fighting, and CLAMP love to do drop these symbols all the time. 
And this is a bit of a tangent but who’s gonna stop me? Clamp LOVE their tragic destiny pairs, especially in their early works - the couples deeply love but also cursed by fate, like Kendappa and Souma, Ashura and Yasha (flavoured differently in RG Veda, but still fitting this cycle again in Tsubasa), Subaru and Seishirou, Sorata and Arashi (unfinished), Kamui and Fuuma, etc. The characters who are so different from each other, so diametrically opposed, but in love still, and it burns so strong that they either have to kill each other or let the world burn around them - or both! They’re always fighting destiny, just like the reversed wheel of fortune, and they fight it to the point of obliteration. 
AND THEN we have Tsubasa, and I think it’s so endlessly interesting that they took the same pattern and turned it around. Syaoran and Sakura definitely fit the theme (and wild that they took the Cardcaptor Sakura happy couple deliberately to make the most universe shattering tragedy out of it, but I still haven’t seen how their story ends, whether one will have to tragically die to save everything or whether they’ll get out somehow). But what I mostly want to talk about (surprise surprise) Kurogane and Fai, who fit the pattern exactly. Complete opposites, diametrically opposed, set up as antagonists and destined to kill each other but fall in love instead. That they both fight against the tragic pasts that defined them and eventually change their mind. Eventually, slowly, they accept love again and realise that they can actually live with themselves and each other if they let it all go. 
And I think what really gets me is that if this was an earlier Clamp work they absolutely would have tragically died - they would have killed each other in the climax of Seresu and it would have been beautiful and terrible and no-one ever would have ever emotionally recovered from the complete and utter devastation. 
CLAMP spend all of Tsubasa revisiting all their old works, taking us through a parade of the various tragedies they’ve sung across the years, all leading up to them ultimately breaking their own pattern and letting Fai and Kurogane save each other from the same Clamp fate that claimed every tragic pair before them. They choose each other and get out alive. They stop blaming themselves for the unchangeable parts of destiny and finally forgive themselves. And it’s just very emotional to me that it’s these two that make it, these two that get to recover and choose each other and live their lives inseparable from this point on. The two that had arguably the most tragic backstories also get to face their trauma, survive, and live. 
And it’s just so beautiful to see how the CLAMP storytelling method has changed over the years, and to find out that after all these years, the big destiny story they really wanted to tell in their longest and most detailed work was about the two men who fell in love, against all odds and saved each other. Despite absolutely everything saying that it should be impossible, it’s Kurogane and Fai that finally flip the tarot card back around and live. 
And I’m extremely interested in what this means for Lava Lamp and Not!Sakura.
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oftlunarialmoon · 3 months
75 Agere Journal Prompts MEGALIST
Ciao lovelies! The first time I wrote about Age Regression Journals was in 2018, a whole 4 years ago (that feels weird to say omg). So I thought, since I’ve had 4 years to compile it for myself, I would share my MEGALIST of 75 Age Regression Journal Prompts with you all!
For more info about Agere Journaling, see THIS POST from 2018.
For Nightsong’s article about Vent Journals, see THIS POST from 2019.
For 8 Journal Prompts, see THIS POST from 2019.
And finally, for 52 creative writing prompts/quaintrelle prompts, see THIS POST from 2019.
And now, let’s begin this list!
75 Agere Journal Prompts - MEGALIST
*PS* scroll to the bottom, for pictures of examples from my personal journal! 
Draw yourself a kawaii bento lunch!
Write down any chores for the day as a to-do list or sticker check off list
Design a smol outfit
Make a playlist for your littlespace
Draw portraits of your stuffies
Write your headcanons for your comfort characters as caregivers
Write down some animal facts from different parts of the world that interest you!
List items that are your favorite color
Make a magazine collage with a specific theme
List ideas you want to do in certain seasons
List your favorite agere nicknames
Write down any agere headcanons you have for fictional characters or OCs
List stuffie name ideas
List all your current stuffie names
List your favorite phone apps for littlespace
Make a tier list of your opinions on different types of candy
Draw what your favorite characters would look like as stuffies
Invent a new kidcore fashion trend
List 5 facts about your favorite sea animal
Design your Jolly Roger if you were a pirate
Draw yourself as a Pokemon Trainer
List how you deal with stress in agere methods
Write out any recipes you can make while regressed
List crafts you’d like to make
Make a page about your morning routine when regressed
Make a page about your night time routine when regressed
Write out any rules or guidelines you have when regressed
What’s on your Agere/Littlespace Movies list?
Write about what you would do on a visit to the beach
List any animes you like when small
List your favorite agere books
Dear Past Me - What would you tell your past self?
Dear Future Me - What would you tell your future self?
List songs that make you regress
List your regression triggers (positive or negative)
Write about how you would comfort a friend in need
Write about your dream vacation
Make your christmas/birthday/holiday gift wishlist
List your fave agere video games
List your favorite stims
Write a letter to your favorite fictional character
Write a letter to a friend or family member
Play I spy and write down the categories and things you find
Make a page of your top 5 agere songs from the last month
List free activities you can do when regressed
Make a collage page from a coloring sheet and stickers
Play scavenger hunt with stickers of your preferred theme
Use a page to write down word games like word scrambles and mad libs
Fill a page with positive messages for yourself to read later
Write down tarot interpretations if you do tarot reading while smol
List ideas for kandi bracelets you could make
Declare a random day a holiday of some kind, write down how you celebrate it
Use a page to “braindump” all of your current thoughts, even if it’s babbling
Make a sticker collage inspired by your caregiver
Make a sticker collage inspired by the seasons
Trace your hand onto the page and give yourself fun nail art, tattoos, or accessories
Draw a race track for a toy car, add obstacles or scenery with stickers
Write a social media profile page for a comfort character
Make a “top secret” file with your stuffie’s secrets >:)
Make a collage inspired by yourself
Dedicate a page to facts about one of your special interests
Write a poem for your pet (or fave stuffie!)
Draw a scene around a sticker of your favorite animal
Draw the inside of a house and use stickers to furnish and decorate it
Draw a scene to play with your toys in
Try a mindful reset page (List problems you’re facing, then list more positive mindset changes to each one)
Document the stories you play out with dolls or toys
Write down “this or that” prompts in one color then answer them in another color !
Use stickers to tell a story or make a fun comic
Fill a page with word art, using any words that make you feel smol
Make a list of all of your OCs
Use a page to document Minecraft coordinates of your favorite builds
Draw the outline of a purse or bag, and use stickers to show what a character of your choice would have in their bag, or-
Use stickers to show what you would put in your dream agere bag!
Draw a face on a page in marker or pen, and use makeup to decorate it! (or face paint :p)
Examples From My Journal:
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