#maybe some of the minor arcana too but idk
paging-possum · 3 months
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I’ve been wanting to make search and find pages for a while and I’m finally getting around to it! :D
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sibyl-of-space · 1 year
I liked my counterpoint homework so here you go. I will probably find some way to shoehorn this into Amadeus Game TM because of who I am as a person, but really I just needed to write a counterpoint piece for piano in the style of Bach's "inventions". Which was both fun and a good learning experience.
(I took some notes on the score of my process to help me in the future and I'm sharing those too because IDK it's maybe cool?)
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thearcanawriter · 24 days
The Arcana Writer : Blog rules:
Hey Hey! I am finally back from resting a couple months- but now I'm back on track! Requests are open if you want to submit any!
Well with that out of the way, let's get into it! (Master lists are at the end of the post!)
┃ Posting Schedule
This schedule is kind of free-moving (idk if you get it but it's like not official yet) so maybe I'll not follow the schedule sometimes, but I'll try my best!
Monday to Thursday: one or two mini HC's per day
Friday: One mini or full hc
Saturday: One full story
Sunday: Rest day or random
┃ Rules
As usual, no harsh words or language. Please no 18+ comments because there may be minors reading. And for people who don't speak English, please try to translate it into English before posting.
No reposting (reposting and reblogging is different things) and if you have any opinions about my writing that may or may not be suitable to be posted in the comment section, you are free to DM me on discord! User: jacethenonbinary (if it doesn't work please tell me) or by Tumblr's texting feature.
I will delete messages that are harsh and are not suitable.
┃ Requests
It's okay to use anon or your own name, it's up to you! When you submit requests, please see if it's open. There might too much submits and I can't do them all. I might not write some requests depending on the request itself, and I might contact you if I don't understand the request. Also, please write in the request if you want a full HC or a mini one (Also mini HC quests are open 24/7)
Here are the masterlists to my writing!
Mini HC's Masterlist
Full HC's Masterlist
Stories Masterlist
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Finished Izzy’s Justice tarot and procrastinating on Lucius and Wee John’s so I started sketching some of the rest of the major arcana. Here’s The Fool, The Magician (for the deck, not for signing, the signing one is Wee John for Kristian lol), and The Empress.
RIP to me tho cause I also think I wanna do the minor arcana too lmfao, those’d be Mary for Wands, Ed for Cups, Izzy for Swords, and Stede for Pentacles. Might do those a bit more simply tho, maybe just flats or smth? Idk yet, that’s if I manage to keep the momentum lmfao.
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sparklypunk · 5 years
i know it’s already been done but im working on a borderlands themed tarot card
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astroaedes · 3 years
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This reading was conducted on December 7th, 2020
Major Arcana - The Devil
Court Cards - King of Coins
Minor Arcana - Four of Coins; Ten of Coins; Six of Cups
Okay so this is an interesting reading and a lot of it is not directly related to Jay’s love life but it is definitely affecting it and his relationships.
Money has been playing a big role in Jay’s life lately and it is causing him some anguish. These issues are stemming from either his family or his group/company - specifically his father or his boss (maybe the CEO of his company? idk). The Ten of Coins represents community, family and a sense of belonging and while it offers support it can also feel quite restrictive. Perhaps Jay feels like he must act in a certain way in order to receive that support and to fit in with this community. The King of Coins definitely does not represent Jay - it’s too mature and commanding. The King is the master of his suit which makes me think it’s his father or his boss. An older male figure in a powerful position or who has great influence over Jay. The Four of Coins is the card of financial security but to the point where you become paranoid and possessive over your wealth. It’s when your identity and sense of self become tied up in the material world. Whoever this King of Coins is, I think they are putting a lot of financial or business related pressure on Jay at the moment and it feels incredibly stifling. I think he feels like he is losing track of who he really is and what he truly values in life.
This is where The Devil comes into play. This whole situation feels very suffocating to Jay and he is feeling defeated, potentially engaging in some self-destructive thoughts or behaviours. This card can often represent over-indulgence and addiction especially in regards to things like drugs, alcohol or sex. I don’t get the impression that any of those things apply to Jay but I don’t know this guy so I’ll include it anyway.
There is a silver lining in all of this however!!
The Six of Cups is honestly one of my favourite cards and represents coming out of a period of depression and defeat and rediscovering the joy of life again. It is the spring that follows winter. I feel like whatever this situation is, it’s either ALREADY happened and Jay is currently in the Six of Cups process of moving forwards OR it will be ending soon.
How does this all relate to his love life? There is no way he could have sustained any sort of relationship throughout this period. Like it’s whole energy is so rigid and suffocating that I don’t think he had any real chance at finding love. But with the Six of Cups coming into play and with spring (metaphorically) right around the corner, I think he will soon have more opportunities for love and romance. Also the Six of Cups appeared in his ideal type reading so I think it’s cute that it appeared here as well. He will potentially meet someone soon and they will help him move past this situation by bringing lightness and happiness to his life.
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teawiththegods · 3 years
Jessie save me Hermes loves to confuse me when I’m trying to communicate with him via divination. I was talking to a friend about shooting a message to someone I knew back in hs (we’ll call him L) and wasn’t sure I should but then I had a dream giving me massive vibes that I should, so I messaged L but something about it didn’t seem right.
So I called up Hermes (metaphorically speaking) and he says yes the dream was a sign from him, that L is supposed to be in my life both in the present and the future and whatnot but then he says no I shouldn’t have messaged L so I asked him again and he said yes and I was like ??? So I may have asked a few more times adjusting my phrasing every so often and he gave me varied answers but mostly no’s… Hermes I think I’m more confused than when I started!! I haven’t talked to L in like 5 years or so, not even exaggerating so how can he be in my life if there’s no conversation Hermes Please!!!
I was using a tarot deck for yes and no’s btw, I tried pendulum divination but he and I both agreed that that was not working for us so I said okay coins and cups are yes’s and the other minor arcana are no’s and the major arcana are maybes and a majority of the yes’s were Ace of Cups reversed and cards I kept seeing when I was shuffling that called out at me were The Fool, Death, The Hanged Man and Five of Cups so obviously there’s some sort of theme and then when I asked him what the message of the dream was supposed to be I pulled The Star and now I’m too tired to keep thinking about this. I’ll probably think on it more tomorrow but idk maybe some input or just some words of support would be nice but if not that’s okay thank you for reading this far, I appreciate you!!💕💕
(PS. It has crossed my mind btw that it could be Hermes just saying that’s not a question he’s gonna answer, he doesn’t give me “maybes” even with pendulums when he refuses an answer, he loves to go haywire with it, a very Hermes thing of him do do but it often leaves me even more confused and with a ton more questions!🤦🏻‍♀️😅)
LMAO!! This is exactly why I rarely ever consult Hermes on anything. I just KNOW he’s gonna be a pain in the butt about it. Not to mention I typically have Apollo pushing everyone aside as he’s yelling “I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO YOU!” so I usually get my clear and direct answers without having to deal with the tomfoolery. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Tho I will say that when Apollo is either mad at me for asking the same question over and over again or not willing to answer the question for whatever reason that’s when the readings get confusing and nonsensical. But it’s harder with Hermes bc he’s just like that because he likes seeing our little human brains short circuit 😂
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
I can’t make builds so let’s talk about the latest UA
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I can’t make builds right now so let’s talk about Feats. I’m honestly a big fan of feats but I do think that ASIs are a little too strong by comparison in 5e. I feel like in order to compete with ASIs in 5e a Feat needs to do one of two things:
Offer new unique abilities that provide a large boost to your character’s capabilities so that taking them is worth sacrificing an ASI. (Feats like Crossbow Expert, Great Weapon Master, Warcaster, etc.)
(Half Feats) Provide a nice bonus to reward you for slower progression, or for having an uneven ability score to increase. (NOT ATHLETE, but feats like Linguist, Resilient, and the racial feats from Xanathar’s)
For the most part feats do accomplish these two concepts well but there are some feats that are laughably weak (Keen Mind, Weapon Master) while others are way too good. (Lucky.) I think that Feats should remain as options for players who want to build a specific build. They shouldn’t be the “best” choice but rather they should be inherently optional for those who want the power boost they provide.
With that in mind we got an Unearthed Arcana for Feats, and since I want to do more on this Tumblr than just make League of Legends builds I figured I’d throw my thoughts out into the wind.
Artificer Initiate
The main strength of this feat by far is that the spells are added to your spell list. This means that Artificer Initiate is a very easy way for just about any spellcaster to get access to Bless and Cure Wounds / Healing Word. These spells are fairly independent of their spellcasting modifier so getting both of them as a Wizard, Sorcerer, or even Warlock can be good in a pinch.
Other than that the ability to cast spells with tools is nice but ultimately pointless. It’s good if you’re playing an Artificer / Wizard multiclass but Artificers can already cast spells through their infusions. Ultimately this feature of the feat would work better if there were more Intelligence casters in 5e.
It’s a very fun feat for roleplay and has good utility, but I don’t think anyone’s going to be begging to get this feat.
4 / 5
How the mighty Gourmand and the “mighty” Song of Rest have fallen. Okay let me start with the obvious: the “treats” you can make are complete fucking trash. They’re laughably underwhelming and serve more as a ribbon ability than anything.
As for the Song of Rest-esque effect Song of Rest was already a grossly underwhelming ability for Bards. It’s really sad that it was so underwhelming they flat out gave it to everyone (at the cost of a feat) but I don’t think that harms the Bard class too much.
Just overall the feat really doesn’t live up to the fantasy of being a cook. Two underwhelming abilities for the price of an ASI? No thanks.
2 / 5
“Hi I’m playing a Champion Fighter with a Warhammer!” The utility of this feat starts and ends with the critical hit modifier which I’m gonna be honest is insanely overpowered.
“But what about moving people? My Monk can now push people off cliffs!” Have you ever played a Minotaur? To be fair you probably haven’t. Pushing people around will hardly ever be useful. There’s perhaps niche utility in pushing someone away so you can run without provoking opportunity attacks but the Mobile feat does this so much better while also giving you additional movement.
Perhaps the only niche use of this feat is that it can increase your DEX, making it a good Half Feat for Monks that isn’t fucking Athlete.
1 / 5
Eldritch Adept
I really like this feat. It’s kinda become a running gag on this account that I really like sticking Warlock levels into things, and while it isn’t just for the invocations that’s definitely a big part of it. There’s a lot of really cool invocations that you can grab to make your character mildly magical without messing them up by multiclassing. To name all the invocations you can get as a non-Warlock:
Armor of Shadows is, has, and always will be the invocation you take more for character flavor than for practicality. Reddit has been theorycrafting how to break this feat with an Abjuration Wizard but I think that’s a bit too niche.
Beast Speech is really cute conceptually but will rarely be useful. I can guarantee that every single Druid and Ranger is going to hoover up Eldritch Adept just to talk to their animal companion though! (This would’ve been a nice feat to put in my Kindred build if it had existed at the time.)
Beguiling Influence... take Skilled instead. Maybe some niche use for the Half-Elf Rogue who wants proficiency in literally every skill in the game.
Devil’s Sight! This is the main Invocation people are going to be looking for! Magical Darkness is incredibly hard to use effectively and this invocation is pretty much the only way to make it not completely useless?
Eldritch Sight: at-will Detect Magic is never a bad thing but it always suffered from opportunity cost. This makes it available for Bards.
Eyes of the Rune Keeper: just get the Comprehend Languages spell tbh. It’s a ritual after all.
Fiendish Vigor is alright. Decent on an Eldritch Knight as a backup Second Wind.
Gaze of Two Minds is far, FAR too situational to be useful.
Mask of Many Faces is a god-tier invocation for Arcane Tricksters. It ticks me off that you can’t take this feat as a non-caster for a regular Rogue to gain access to this.
Misty Visions depends on what your DM lets you get away with using Minor Illusion for.
Thief of Five Fates: just get Bane from another source.
It kinda bumbs me out that this feat is restricted to just magic users, and I feel like that part of the spell could be removed. Also kinda bumbs me out that you can’t blow two feats to get Agonizing Eldritch Blast (Magic Initiate [Warlock] + Eldritch Adept) but I sort of understand why that’s a thing. But invocations are the perfect example of something worth losing an ASI for.
5 / 5
Fey Touched
Here’s the first feat that I think is a little too good. Let’s get the elephant out of the room first: Fey Teleportation. The differences between the two feats are as follows:
Misty Step from Fey Teleportation comes back on a short rest.
Fey Teleportation is locked by race.
Fey Touched gives you two spells.
Fey Touched lets you add the spells to your spell list.
Oh and let’s talk about some of the spells that are in the Enchantment / Divination school: Bless, Command, Detect Magic, Dissonant Whispers, Heroism, Hex, Hunter's Mark, Identify, and Sleep. (Just to name the notable choices.)
This feat should’ve been a full feat (no ASI.) Adding both Misty Step and Hex to your spell list as a Cleric or Paladin is more than enough to make this feat OP. If Artificer Initiate is a full feat than this should be too.
5 / 5 - OP award for being OP
Fighting Initiate
This should be a half feat. Actually: this should be merged with Weapon Master. I personally already Homebrew the Weapon Master Feat to do this along with the effects of Weapon Master (+3 weapons, +STR or DEX.)
If this was done as an eratta to Weapon Master (instead of its own feat) the feat could be taken by Wizards who want a way to defend themselves, Rogues who want more options Scimitars cough while also honing their own skills, or Barbarians who just finally want a fighting style. I’m glad something like this is finally being considered but please just buff Weapon Master instead.
4 / 5
Crossbow expert for guns. A lot of people interpret this as a silent endorsement of guns in D&D or a hint at a potential official gunslinger (sub)class but really I just think Jeremy Crawford got sick of people asking him “does Crossbow Expert work with guns?” on Twitter.
gun / 5
Metamagic Adept
IE the feat that’s making Reddit throw a hissy fit. Does this suddenly make the Sorcerer class useless? Well excluding the fact that Sorcerers get way more sorcery points, metamagic options, and the ability to turn their spell slots into Sorcery points (and vice-versa)? Put bluntly your options are:
Make (Charisma Mod) creatures succeed their saving throw for your spell. (Rarely going to be used unless you’re already a Charisma caster.)
Double the range of your spell. (Maybe useful for a Cleric to extend the range of Cure Wounds idk.)
Reroll (Charisma Mod) damage die. (Kinda useful for spells that roll few dice.)
Double the duration of your spell. (Perhaps some niche use with certain spells.)
Can’t use Heightened Spell
Can cast one spell / cantrip as a Bonus Action. (One use of a bonus action spell isn’t really worth a whole feat.)
Cast 2 spells without verbal or somatic components. (Can’t be counterspelled!)
Make a spell of first or second level hit two targets. (Actually has some niche use for certain spells. Particularly nice to get extra value out of healing spells.)
Change the damage type of a spell. (Maybe useful for Tempest Clerics? But barely.)
Ignore cover. (Very rarely useful.)
Reroll a spell attack once. (Kinda meh; might be useful if you have a very big attack roll spell but you probably won’t.)
I think the main thing Reddit is upset about is two uses of Subtle Spell for a Wizard but... if your player took anti-counter spell insurance instead of an ASI let them have it? Chances are you’re way too counter spell-obsessed if the Wizard casting a good spell once and awhile ruins your game.
As for the feat itself? The two that rely on your Charisma mod are hard to use for that exact reason. Beyond that there are some interesting ones beyond “anti-counter spell insurance” but I feel like two Sorcery points to use on metamagics isn’t enough. Probably a testament to how underwhelming the Sorcerer class is as a whole.
3 / 5
It’s Savage Attacker and Brutal Critical combined in one half feat. I guess if you’re using Piercing weapons but I can’t shake the feeling that Savage Attacker would be the better option.
One interesting thing to note is that essentially all ranged weapons do piercing damage, and this feat doesn’t have a melee limitation like Savage Attacker. This could be a good feat for a bow fighter to do more reliable damage.
The irony though is that even though this is essentially just Savage Attacker I’m forced to say it’s overpowered since it provides more utility than Savage Attacker (assuming you don’t use weapons that don’t do piercing damage) as a half feat. This isn’t really a testament to this feat being overpowered, but rather that Savage Attacker should honestly probably be a half feat as well.
2 / 5
This is how poisons should work! It’s perfect for someone who wants it, and it looks well-balanced overall. The gold cost, action economy, and CON save requirements makes this feat fair for the DM.
It’s interesting that this feat allows you to ignore resistance to poison but not immunity. Poison was one of the elements Elemental Adept couldn’t affect which was part of the reason that Green Draconic Sorcerer was so bad (among the zillion and one other problems with Poison damage.) Overall this feat is really awesome but it’s held back by poison damage as a whole in 5e. Basically if this was for any other damage type than poison it would be great (which makes me wonder what this feat would be like with flaming poison.)
4 / 5
Practiced Expert
This is basically a slightly worse version of the Prodigy feat but it’s a half-feat and it’s for all races instead of just for humans and half-races... honestly  Prodigy is such a shit feat that I see no issue with this. I already let non-humans take Prodigy in my campaigns. My only real complaint is that this feat proves that Prodigy (as well as the Skilled feat) should probably be half feats.
4 / 5
Shadow Touched
Darkness is very hard to use without abilities to see through it (Devil’s Sight.) But other than that what can you get? Disguise Self? Just take Eldritch Adept instead for unlimited Disguise Self. There are very few low-level Illusion / Necromancy spells when compared to Divination / Enchantment. There are some midway decent ones (Inflict Wounds) but is it really worth it to lose an ASI for Darkness and Inflict Wounds? Put bluntly: no. Maybe some niche use for Darkness spam Warlocks to get an extra “spell slot” but it’s still underwhelming.
2 / 5
Shield Training
It’s nice to be able to grab a shield as a caster who likely has their off-hand open anyways. It’s also nice for a fighter to be able to “chance stances” and drop their AC in exchange for harder hits. The only part that bugs me about this feat is that the fantasy of an arcane caster using a shield as a focus is weird to me. I feel like there should at least be some sort of gold cost to convert a shield into a “not-quite Ruby of the War Mage” that can be used as an Arcane Focus.
3 / 5
This feel like the best of the damage feats since it actually lets you do some unique stuff. Being able to slow enemies (without fucking Sentinel) lets melee fighters keep their allies safe, and giving allies disadvantage to hit you allows you to be a lot sturdier.
The sad truth is that this is probably the most underwhelming of the damage feats though. It’s very hard to use this feat as anything other than a Swashbuckler Rogue, and in order to get Slashing damage as a Rogue (Scimitar) you’d need to blow another feat or do some multiclassing. Slows in melee range are largely useless, and the crit is unreliable. I really want this feat to be better.
4 / 5
Tandem Tactician
Here’s the one feat I honestly have a big problem with. I don’t think being able to Help as a Bonus Action makes this feat OP. (It’s nice for anyone to be able to gain access to a useful Bonus Action without multiclassing.) But the problem lies in the fact that this feat lets you affect two people with the Help action. This makes the ability to give two melee allies (such as your Rogue) Advantage even more broken. People can already testify to how strong Mastermind Rogue is for its action economy increase.
And the best part? This feat still fails at giving Bonus Action Economy to “everyone” since backline characters can’t use the 10 foot range Help. I’d much rather this feat be given 30 feet, and Mastermind Rogue given an eratta to have its ability reach 60 feet or something idk.
1 / 5 - OP and dumb award for being OP and dumb
“LOL RANGER IS OFFICIALLY USELESS NOW XDDDD” Jokes aside Hunter’s Mark and tracking abilities is good value for a half feat. Magic Initiate (Warlock) or Fey Touched are still probably better than this feat, but if you need the Survival skill then this is helpful.
4 / 5
Favorite Feat: Eldritch Adept
Least Favorite Feat: Crusher
Most OP Feat: Tandem Tactician
Weakest Feat: Shadow Touched / Chef
Overall this Unearthed Arcana excites me because I’ve always liked Feats and thought that they were cool. In my opinion it’s much more interesting to create a character with unique abilities over one that’s just traditionally strong. A lot of these feats need revision but I hope that practically all of these get published so we can make some truly unique characters with them.
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foegold · 4 years
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people be wanting to know about a lil blue bastard. this ones long as hell so its under the cut jsdhfg
Your character wasn’t an adventurer, what livelihood would they lead?
farmer! he’d just keep living the way he’d been living. it’s the sort of life he imagines he’ll return to one day, after he’s seen and done enough. ‘enough’ is a really arbitrary end goal though
Who in the party would your character trust the most with their life?
who in the party wouldn’t he trust with his life tbh. in the most literal sense he’d trust Eli with it just because he knows Eli can bring him back from dying in some stupid and ill-advised way
What are your character’s core moral beliefs?
frogs are good, try to be nice to people but if they’re mean to you first then at least a few bets are off, the rich should probably be eaten. killing is sometimes necessary but maybe try some other stuff first
What relationship does your character have with their parents and siblings?
he doesn’t have any siblings, and his relationship with his mom and recently present dad is. a little weird, and not all the way comfortable, and not like really bad, but just confusing? it’s confusing. at least he’s had more transparency from his mom recently than just about any other time. it’s a start
Does your character have any biases for or against certain races?
he trusts other tieflings a little quicker than other races but its not really saying much because he’s not smart and if you’re good at talking and sound like you know what you’re talking about he’ll just believe you. he doesn’t have the good sense to second think it without prompting
What is your character’s opinion on nobility? On authority?
so far just about every interaction with nobility has been messy or bad or scary or all three so right now the opinion is “not great”. also thats just too much money. whaddahell would you do with that much money.  he’s generally uneasy with authority figures at best, and flat out paralyzed by them at worst. he’s easy to bully when he doesn’t have anyone backing him up and he knows and hates it
Describe your character’s current appearance: clothes, armor, scars they’ve picked up along the journey, etc.
he cycles through an assortment of sweaters but the one he wears the most is the heart sweater he got in Wunjo that’s been altered a few times in the last few months. he do keep collecting those scars tho, before starting adventuring he had a handful of minor scars just from working around the farm with the animals and the equipment and from romping around in the country. now he’s got all sorts, but the most prominent ones are: the thin scar on the left side of his face, starting just below the eyebrow and curving gently below his eye (the last time Leo would leave a mark on him); the twisted angry scars across his torso from being mauled by a giant undead horse(?); and the fluid, patterned necromancy scars slowly spreading across his back, creeping along inch by inch
What location encountered in the campaign has your character felt the most “at home” in, or just generally liked the most?
besides his own house, Roman’s house has been the nicest! its warm and theres soup and friends there. there was a run down little ranch house somewhere at some point, but he’s not so sure anymore that he didn’t just dream about fixing the place up with his best friend
What deity, if any, does your character worship? What’s their opinion on other people’s worship?
he doesn’t have a god he actively worships, but he’s peripherally aware of the god in the mountains that’s responsible for some of the most brutal storms in the region. he doesn’t care much about religion but hes got the same amount of concern most people would have about evil deities and what their followers do
If your character had time to pick up any artisan’s tools, game set, instrument, etc., what would it be?
probably woodworking! its handy, it’s useful for living out in the country where you have to either make the tools or furniture or fun items to put on a shelf you want, or go out of your way and also spend money to get them. maybe an actual alchemy set and/or poison kit but 1) playing with poison just a fun hobby for him and Xan to get into when they have the time and the plants for it, and 2) man he wouldnt follow the instruction manual anyway so whats the point
What aspect of your character’s future are they most curious about? (If they could know one thing about the future, what would it be?)
will his friends be okay? will he be okay? is there an FAQ for tieflings learning that they’re much closer to fiend lineage than they originally thought? that would be convenient and helpful. is john gonna figure out more about the little men named ‘adam’ that’re allegedly everywhere?  if he could know one thing about the future, he’d like to know if everything will end out okay. if things will turn out as nice as he’d like them to.
What colors are associated with your character?
looks at the camera like im on the office
blue, white, and black are the big ones but im trying to pepper in a few other colors. reds and yellows are a close second
Who in the party would your character prioritize rescuing, in dire circumstances?
everyone sits squarely in the #1 spot on the rescue list
that aside john and roman are extremely high priority, they’re not the sturdiest and if something looked at them too hard they might keel over. baster and xan come next, he knows baster’s a shit brick house but he keeps seeing bad things happen to her and really hes just had Enough of it. eli’s a little lower priority because they can heal themselves if they’re in a tight spot, and then blu considers himself least concern. he knows he can get thrashed around some and still survive, he’d rather take a beating and know he’ll walk out of it than let someone else take it and wind up dead
Is your character the most swayed by ethos, pathos, or logos?
pathos, it’s easy to make him feel for u. legit any of them work though as long as you talk it up good enough he’ll believe you and if there aren’t any glaring conflicts between what you’re selling him and his base morals then it’s relatively easy to get him on board
If your character was granted a single use of Wish, what would they use it for?
idk probably something really simple that he put all of .5 of a second of thought into. hes not smart and doesnt have good foresight so he’d probably ask for a frog or smth unless there was something very much more pressing and present
What is your character’s favorite spell? If they don’t use spells: what is their favorite personal weapon/combat maneuver/skill/etc.?
favorite(?) spell is life transference. it hurts a bit but it keeps his friends safe so it’s worth it. invisibility is up there too, its fun and easy to steal from stores when ur not visible
How does your character feel about keeping secrets from the rest of the party?
he doesn’t like lying and also lies really poorly. he’s usually just honest from the get-go, its easier and feels better. if he has to lie its through omission, bold faced lies really just dont work
What type of creature in the world is your character the most intrigued by?
all sorts....bro the world is full of animals and lots of them like to be pet
When they were a child, what did your character want to be, or think they were going to be, when they grew up?
he thought he’d grow up and be a farmer like his mom, the adventuring thing was extremely unplanned and impromptu. he hoped he could be a kind and brave person though, the way Canna described his dad.
The player character to your left admits that they’re passionately in love with your character. How would your character respond?
random roll says it’s Roman, he’d probably laugh because the only reason that would happen is because the party is fooling around with potions again. Roman’s very married and very in love with his husband and makes sure everyone knows it all the time
If somebody (an NPC, someone from their backstory, etc.) your character trusts/loves asked your character to do something against the party’s best interest, who would they side with?
that doesn’t seem like a very viable circumstance, the only npc thats important enough that he’d listen to for something like that is his mom and she actively encourages him to take care of himself and his friends, and lets him make his own decisions about what he’s doing with his life, so
What unusual talents does your character possess?
idk if its all that unusual of a talent but he got really good at stealing and pickpocketing and he can do a sick flip. also does some black magic sometimes
What does your character’s name represent to them? (Or: why as a player did you choose your character’s name?)
it’s his name, u kno. bluebell is his middle name, but Canna called him bluebell growing up and he latched onto it a lot more than arden, and he thinks its a nice name, and a nice flower, and it sure would be nice if people would stop laughing when he introduces himself as “Blu”,
(blu was originally a stand-in name until i named him something else but it really grew on me and it fit him so! it didnt change, he just got other names too)
What major arcana tarot card best represents your character?
The Moon. 👀
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What is your character’s relationship with magic? Are they scared of it, wish to know more about it, indifferent to it?
he’s def scared of magic sometimes, especially his own. he also really wants to understand it better though, and be less scared, or at least control it better. imo it’s a healthy fear, theres been lots of magic mishaps 
How did your character learn the languages that they speak?
he learned common and infernal from mom! and he’s learning draconic from xan. it’s a nice downtime activity, sit down with ur best friend and homie and learn a new language just for fun
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slydv · 5 years
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name: slade alistair davenport. age dob: 25. January 9 1994. place of birth: new haven connecticut. raised: greenwich connecticut. sexual orientation: heterosexual. romantic orientation: biromantic. astrological: capricorn.  arcana society: ruling member. card: the devil.
life on a short timeline.
born january 9 ‘94 in new haven connecticut.
raised by married parents, nari and alexander davenport. only child.
home-schooled by his mother and private tutors in a traditional korean schedule from the age of 6 (9am-5pm).
privately tutored as he traveled with his father 12-13.
attended salisbury boarding school 13-15.
shipped off to eton university 16-18.
a year off spent between venice and shadowing his father’s career as a political consultant in the states.
attending princeton (junior year) political science and business major, classics minor.
headcanons of sorts.
lactose intolerant.
stress cleans. and cooks. and plays chess. and piano. stress-does a lot. wow.
over-uses and abuses germ-x.
showers more times a day than he should.
does not drink more than a glass or two in a dapper glass. hides mineral water in flasks in public places such as the library bc idk why. he’s ridiculous but le’sigh.
sparingly powders his nose. smokes for aesthetic reasons or when he’s stressed and yes uses one of those sticks like aunt hilda.
loves netflix’s cartoon hilda…speaking of.
switches elective arts far too often. studies dead languages out of boredom; they make his life seem like the best end of the stick. from culinary to fashion design he needs to sort out his life, but he doesn’t want to i guess.
the greatest showman is his favorite movie.
connection ideas i suppoooose.
past hook-ups. - female hook-ups are hit or miss on whether he even remembers ppl he’s slept with after the fact (seems to be a conscious choice he makes to remember or forget) but he’s a complete asshole at times and likely has hooked up with males in the past, even though he’s just not into it. he’s at least straight forward about that and upfront.
bromances for the win. - he’s pretty loyal and caring so he would cuddle his bros and play with their hair and receive their compliments as well as give them.
enemies. - pick your poison really it’s a fairly basic connection.
bad influences/collateral damage. - he maybe played a part in wrecking someone for his own personal gain. it wouldn’t be the first time if it suits him.
as an only child he’d likely do well with some kind of under-wing connection or looking out for someone in platonic ways
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morgans-mystics · 5 years
Hi, my messages wouldn’t work..My great great grandma was a witch and I’ve been told her gifts were passes every other generation but my grandfather is Christian and is completely against anything supernatural even tho I’ve always been interested in it, after playing the arcana game I’ve been more interested in tarot cards..would it be bad to have them or have them to help me, with being a Christian? Sorry for this being long >.
Sorry if this is late!
Idk how old you are but if you're a minor and still under your parents or grandparents roof; then I can't recommend buying any tarot decks or other witchcraft items.
If you aren't a minor than here's a list.
1. Tarot/ any Divination isn't apart of witchcraft. Witches are not all diviners and not all diviners are witches.
Divination and Witchcraft are all apart of Mysticism /Occult which is kind of an umbrella term for any spiritual practice outside of religion (or in some ppls cases 'the norm')
The arcana game (Tho I love it too) just lumped magic and Divination into the same group as part of their fantasy realm.
Now there ARE witches that do Divination! But it is still two separate groups that don't have to be together, but can be.
So you can work with tarot cards without being a witch if you want!
2. If your Grandmother was in fact a witch, than that doesn't necessarily mean you are.
This is more of an opinion than anything but it's a popular opinion among us witches that is a huge debate among us. So bear with me here please!
Hereditary witchcraft is witchcraft that's been taught over generations. And each family of witches may have specific rituals and spirits they work with that is specific to that family.... Making it hereiditary witchcraft /witches.
Now I'm NOT saying you in fact don't have abilities that may have been passed down from your Grandmother such as clairvoyance etc.
But witchcraft isn't REALLY something your born with despite what some hopeful or even gatekeeper witches would want you to believe on here.
Witchcraft is the act of manipulating the world around you through energy, will and the spiritual realm.
It's a skill that is learned or taught, not necessarily a natural ability.
Most of us witches are born with abilities which usually led us to witchcraft in the first place.
As a clairsentient (someone that physically and emotionally feels things from the otherside and the physical realm. This can be pain, memories, emotions, sensations etc. It can be categorized as empathy and intuition as well.), I'm able to physically feel energy or spirits which makes manipulating it and preforming witchcraft easier.
Someone with high intuition levels might find Divination to come almost naturally as well. (Mc in the arcana or Nadia is an example of an Intuitive person).
I just don't want you thinking you're some choosen one that HAS to be a witch because it was rumored your Great Great Grandmother was.
It's like saying your mom is a great cook so you must have inherited her cooking skills naturally without ever being taught. It just doesn't work like that.
Could you have an easier time learning it because of your genes? Maybe! But you're not going to come into the world being a master at it.
Of course, if you practice blood magick and working with ancestors or you are a firm believer in blood containing magick then this is a WHOLE another convo!
But, in my opinion, any spiritual practice or ability isn't always passed down.
Considering I'm the only one in my entire family that can physically feel spirits and my grandmother is the only one to have the ability to predict someone's death and my mothers intuition is very spot on.... Then I think it's safe to say in MOST cases spiritual abilities are different for everyone.
Let's just leave it at "If you want to be a witch and are proud of your great great grandmother being one, Cool! But you still need to practice and study witchcraft and you don't instantly get a witch card because an ancestor may have been one."
3. Tarot reading is a skill that takes a lot of practice
I recommend getting a feel for the cards first. Try determining what YOU think it's trying to tell you.
Just because witchcraft is a skill and not necessarily a natural ability doesn't mean natural abilities can't be open to everyone or that witchcraft or Divination doesn't come naturally to others.
We ALL have a level of intuition/clairsentiences/gut feeling.
Strengthen yours and use it.
Once you do that, maybe progress to more specific meanings of the cards. There's many masterposts on here just type 'tarot"!
I'm afraid I can't recommend any books on the subject... If anyone has any, feel free to share!
I also recommend testing it out on an app such as Galaxy Tarot or Kawaii Tarot just to get a feel for it.
4. You can be a Christian Witch
.... There's plenty of them on here and honestly? Despite what the bible says, witchcraft, Especially religious witchcraft, is no different than praying.
A witch lights a candle, asks god for something, gives an offering.
A priest lights a candle, asks god for something, gives thanks/an offering of some sort.
There isn't that much of a difference.
Christian Witches just incorporate God, Jesus, Angels and The Holy Spirit into their craft.
Like stated before, Witchcraft is a skill and practice.
It's not a natural born ability that makes you a different subspecies like in fantasy. And it's not tied to a religion.
Any religion can be a witch. Or you can be like me and be a Secular Witch, which means I don't incorporate any religion into my witchcraft.
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I'm sorry if this was super long but there was a lot of points I felt I needed to share!
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ajn-arc-blog · 5 years
Okay, theory time
*possible spoilers ahead, you have been warned*
What if, and this is a big if, Scout is actually the Fool Arcana?
I replayed Asra’s route and something occurred to me
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When Scout is first introduced, the Magician says that you should recognize her. After that (if you choose to trust her, more on that later) the mc says that for some reason they immediately trusted her. Hm.
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I won’t even mention the amount of foreshadowing connected to Scout, and not just in this route
Also, pay attention to the wording
Dog-headed innocent
Guess which Major Arcana is connected to innocence
If you guessed the Fool you are absolutely correct
This always seemed like a weird choice of words to me, but in this context it actually makes sense
It also fits with the part that there is no dog Arcana, and the fact that the phrase “she looks like a Major Arcana but I don’t recognize her” I repeated throughout all routes
It seems to me that the Devs wouldn’t take so much time to integrate Scout into the storyline if she wasn’t an important part of it
The whole part with the Magician is foreshadowing the next chapters, even dropping clues about Asra’s parents. So this just seemed to fit in.
If you look back at all the choices with Scout it’s either trust her or don’t. Maybe it has to do with trusting your connection to the Fool Arcana or something since you have to trust Scout to get the upright ending (this part is just a guess)
This is a minor point but the Fool also means “free spirit” which does actually remind me of Scout.
Idk, this all just seems too much to be a coincidence to me. Maybe they lost their status as a Major Arcana after the ritual, maybe they’re just a random dog guide creature that exists in the realms. But to me this could be leading to the reveal that Scout has been The Fool this entire time.
Counter evidence is welcome!!
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arcane-arbys · 6 years
Asra’s Arcane Castle || AU
continued from this piece of art that I did.
So me and my boo talked over blankets this morning about a Howl’s Moving Castle AU, because obvs Asra takes partial inspiration from there. SO I figured I would make a post in jot-note form of the things we decided! (feel free to add things on this post or in my ask, or make your own stuff! we just wanted to generate something interesting) 
Note: long post, point-form notes under cut, also spoilers for both The Arcana and Howl’s Moving Castle
Asra is Howl, of course. His hair canonically does the Ghibli thing, and I think Dana mentioned Howl directly, so it’s lit. I guess instead of turning into a black raven creature (that’s kinda Julian’s territory), he’d turn into a big white-and-rainbow corvid? My thought was a Quetzalcoatl-style beastie, because it incorporates elements of Faust’s design, and Asra’s colours, and Howl’s bird-form.
Portia is Sophie. I don’t really ship Asra/Portia (at least I didn’t until five minutes ago) but I feel this could also be platonic! Platonic love is just as powerful as romantic love, and I feel that just like Sophie, Portia would take none of Asra’s shit (does she look like Mazelinka under the curse? maybe so)
The Apprentice is Markl, Howl’s small semi-bearded child-apprentice, because of the general sense of mirth, desperate loyalty to Howl/Asra and the minor magicks. Yes, they get the beard cloak too. >devil emoji<
Julian is the WITCH OF THE WASTE. Because of his lust for Asra’s heart, and the whole black goo / ravens / leeches theme. It’s aesthetic. His henchpeople would be gooey leechmen, and they can wear his dumb bird mask. Him too, fuck it.
Nadia would be Madame Suliman, the Royal Sorcerer(?). This one is the biggest point where the canons merge; Nadia, acting as the King’s Chancellor, takes over in the event of the King (Lucio) dying, until the heir is found. I don’t know if she has magic in this canon? That might be fun. (in that case, would the children that steal magic be a bunch of horse-dogs? fuck that, that’s spooky as shit)
Muriel would be Turnip-Head, because I love the image of a goofy turnip scarecrow wearing tattered robes and chains, and because SPOILERS START Muriel’s enslavement arc matches the arc of Turnip-Head’s imprisonment in scarecrow form (which I guess makes him Lucio/King’s child? don’t worry about it.) SPOILERS END
As stated, Lucio is King, and still dead. Fuck ‘em. (altho goat form has potential to exist somewhere? idk)
There’s more, of course-- I’d like to address the Castle itself and where all the doors are-- but I’ll leave that for someone else / for later. It was a real fun exercise, and it led to some really fun art.
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thecrossstitchwitch · 7 years
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It’s finally here! I actually ordered this before the Golden Thread Tarot, but it took much longer to arrive. But now it’s here and I am in love!
More thoughts bellow the cut 👇
So just like my other deck made by the Light Grey Art Lab this is a collaborative effort, with each card having been designed by a different artist. Despite this I think that all of the different art styles complement each other well and it doesn’t feel confused. I don’t know if they tone corrected the individual artwork to match better, but I feel that even despite the wildly different palettes used, the cards don’t clash.
Just like the golden thread tarot I adore the box it comes in. It’s matte with gold leaf detailing and looks and feels so good. I don’t usually keep the boxes of tarot decks, but this one is so useful, holding both decks and the guidebook so neatly. 
Both decks have matching galaxy print backs and are edged in gold. I love it so much! I’m still really into galaxy print stuff and these are a dream.
Now, the tarot deck is quite different from your traditional decks. For the minor arcana instead of the regular suits, wands, cups, swords and pentacles, they are replaced by fire, water, air and earth. They still follow the usual number however, 1-10 and then page, knight, queen and king. 
Each card, as well as representing the usual major and minor arcana, is also attributed to a constellation. And every major arcana is also attributed with a element. For example, as you can see above, “The World” card is also the constellation Phoenix and also corresponds with the earth element. The “Queen of Water” is also the constellation Grus. Every card has its constellation in gold embossed on it. You’ll also notice that each card has some key words, like most oracle decks do. I think this is a nice and unobtrusive way of navigating this unusual deck, especially as a lot of the traditional meanings have been changed. “The World” traditionally represents completion, the end of a journey and fulfilment. Here, as the Phoenix it signifies transformation and reinvention.    
The oracle deck is made out 22 cards (with the 78 tarot cards, that makes 100 cards included in this set!). While the tarot cards are all constellations, the oracle deck is made up of planetary bodies and other cosmic features. So you have all of our solar systems planets and also things like dark matter, black holes, quasars and supernovas. I think the space theme suits the oracle format well and I’m looking forward to using them as I’m not as well practised with oracle decks.  
Over all an excellent product and a must have for cosmic witches I think. I’m not one, but even if you are not into tarot but are into space I think these decks would have some value if not just for the constellation cards. 
*some stuff about prices and shipping*
This bit isn’t going to interest everyone, but I get a few messages asking about the specifics on the costs of importing tarot decks and how shipping is so I answer about this one here. If you don’t want to hear about this, don’t read!
So as I live in the UK and most of the tarot decks I’m interested in are by small independent publishers in the US, I often cannot find local sellers and have to import directly from the creators. If you are in the same boat, I will tell you right now that this is costly. Some people ask me how they can buy such decks cheaply, and unless the deck gets so popular that it gets noticed by a big publisher who have the money to distribute the product abroad (like the Linestrider and TWU) it is unlikely you will be able to obtain it without the dreaded shipping fees. Shipping from the US to the UK can be reasonable, but sometimes it is horrifying and I must say that in this case it was. 
So the base product cost 35 USD, which I think is a steal for two decks and a physical guidebook. The shipping cost 25.50 USD. That’s on the high end for something of this size and weight. I order things from the US fairly regularly and shipping is not usually that expensive. And if it is, that is normally indicative of an express service. Which this was not. 
This took three weeks to get here. The average delivery time is 5-7 days. Now, if that time had been due to the package getting held up in customs, I could understand. No service, no matter how express can control customs processing. But I kept a close eye on the tracking number info and only two of those days were accounted for by customs. The package was just sent via a standard service, which for that price was kind of galling I’ll admit. 
ALSO, I ended incurring customs fees. £15 worth, meaning that the total I spent for this product was £65/80 USD. Now, when you buy stuff from abroad you have to factor in potential customs fees. My packages usually get away without having any applied, but when they do it’s never more than £5. I have no idea why it was so much (half the cost of the item!) this time. Maybe the customs declaration put the item down as more than it was worth? Idk, but I can’t be bothered to fight Border Force over £15. 
So, a warning. If you are interested in this deck and live outside of the US, just keep in mind that it can end up adding up to a lot of money. If you are from the US and read all of this for some reason, I think it’s totally worth it. I don’t regret buying this, I adore it too much, but just an FYI for those thinking about it. 
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mystech-master · 4 years
Persona Legend Powers Part 1
In a post I made recently, I asked which personas would be the most powerful if instead of the usual Persona powers they got the powers of the mythological figures they represent.
Here we will speculate on what those abilities could be.
I compared the idea to the Fate series but really I am only taking a few powers or over simplifying it.
Lets start with the P3 team aka the Shadow Operatives (no Minato, Shinjiro, or Metis as they aren’t a part of the currently living P3 group, also I am including Labrys). As they don’t devolve their Personas I will only be looking at their ultimates, which is good b/c Yukari and Mitsuru’s initial Personas seemed to be known as victims (Io was turned into a heifer by Zeus and Penthesilea was killed by Achilles, not the most glamorous legends).
(I may also cite some YouTube videos or other sources in this, also I looked at a lot of stuff on the superpower wiki and it has a lot of ideas, specifically look at Greek and Roman Deity Physiology for a lot of stuff on what these guys could do.)
Aigis (Athena): Goddess of wisdom, olives, weaving, and battle strategy. One of her well known objects was the Aegis, either a shield or a breastplate but seemed to have Medusa’s head in it in some cases possibly giving it her paralyzing power.
Mitsuru (Artemisia): This is hard because Artemisia was an ancient Queen (wikipedia page), and not some big mythological figure. She isn’t even a Fate servant so I can’t look at that, but the main thing I see of her is her participation in a naval battle, the Battle of Salamis. I mean Artemisis summoning a giant warship would be cool and factors into another cool idea but it doesn’t seem like much.
I guess this is where I can suggest that another possible way to look at all this is they still have their initial Persona skills, but they have the legends added onto them.
Akihiko (Caesar): Again a real person, but looking at its description on the wiki “ Augustus was known as the "ruler of the world", which is represented by the globe carried in Caesar's hand.” So it isn’t Julius Caesar, but Caesar Augustus (here is a great video by Overly Sarcastic Productions on the guy, these guys do good work imo). But still, where do we go from there? My best guess would be to expand on the Planet thing. I mean Akihiko already has minor gravity powers in Arena (he would totally use that power to do DBZ style increased gravity training), maybe expand into geo-electricity or some other Earth based powers, IDK.
Fuuka (Juno): Now Juno is the Roman equivalent of Hera, wife of Zeus, so Queen of the Gods, BUT Fuuka is a full on support Persona user, so she can’t have anything TOO big. Maybe expand on the Seer stuff since Juno’s design really goes after the whole Peacock design imo?
Labrys (Ariadne): Her Persona is the princess who helped Theseus make his way through the maze to reach the Minotaur. She already sort of HAS a unique ability, what with her power to make string constructs (I know tat this is basically to make her an equivalent to Nu-13 from Blazblue in Persona 4 Arena but it is still interesting). So maybe expand upon those string constructs.
Ken (Kala-Nemi): This one is hard because outside of the Persona wiki and wikipedia I find NOTHING about this guy. Looking at the wiki we get these descriptions:
“ Kala-Nemi is the pre-Vedic spirit of the Zodiac, encircling the universe like a great serpent. Also referred to as the Rim of the Wheel of Time, Kala-Nemi's association to the zodiac is closely linked to the observation that all seasons are determined by the position of the zodiac in the skies. In the Ramayana Kala-Nemi is a Rakshasa, as well as Ravana's uncle.”
“ Kala-Nemi is the ultimate Persona of Ken Amada. Prior to him gaining this new power, Ken's initial persona was Nemesis, the goddess of divine retribution. After a dramatic event took place, his attitude and resolve changed: It was to never look back again, facing the future, and his fate, straight-on. Kala-Nemi, a Vedic deity of fate, would probably best reflect the personality of a boy who finally knows his way.”
More talk about the deity of fate stuff rather than the Rakshasa thing (something from Hindu mythos), so maybe some powers connected to the Zodiac based on the symbols on its shoulders would be interesting.
Koromaru (Cerberus): Not much I can think of here other than combining the Dark and Fire attacks into Hellfire.
Yukari (Isis): As I mentioned before, Isis is the most powerful magic user in the Egyptian Pantheon, out-foxing Ra and learning his true name to become more powerful than him. She is also known as a healer and a Sky goddess both fitting Yukari’s Wind and Healing spells. But I don’t think she’s gonna be getting her Osiris back if you know what I mean.
Junpei (Trismegistus): This last one is tricky because in gameplay Junpei is a physical attacker, but his Arcana is the Magician and his Persona is a magic god. Trismegistus being a merged identity of Hermes and Thoth (Ancient Greeks liked to equate gods whenever they went to a new land), and he already has Chidori’s Spring of Life ability (which does fit Hermes as he is also a god of healing, given his Caduceus staff), so how do I match Junpei’s physical fighting style with his Persona’s more magical basis? I just had the idea of doing more minor indirect things. Like using fire magic to warp Junpei’s baseball bat into his usual two-handed sword, or using the life power to just enhance his own muscles. I’m not going to do something crazy and turn him into Girono Giovanna from Jojo, that doesn’t fit Junpei.
Sorry if there were a lot of idk or maybes in here, these are just base ideas. I have more ideas for the P4 cast which will be covered in the next part.
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