#i started vol 6
yumaisbored · 11 months
who am i without tgcf? a depressed shell of a person. and what of it? move on.
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daresplaining · 3 months
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Matt: "Weird...you don't look very blind to me." Mike: "Hey, hey, D.D.! Fancy meeting you here in your usual dark alley environ--" Daredevil vol. 6 #24 by Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne, Mattia Iacono, JP Mayer, and Clayton Cowles
One of my many frustrations with this run is the fact that I actually liked how Zdarsky wrote Mike. I love this snarky little interaction between him and Daredevil (who he doesn't know is Matt); it feels like a tantalizing hint of the dynamic they might have had if any time had been spent actually exploring their relationship.
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hyukagf · 3 months
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june’s manga haul ^‿^
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giggly-squiggily · 2 months
When you’re switching from the anime to the manga of a series and the pick up chapter is the start of a fresh volume:
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izutsoupmi · 3 months
friends this was so upsetting, right so i went to the comic store a couple of days ago to check out their manga section as usual and, if you can believe it, despite no announcement or message that would cause me to think otherwise, they still didn't have mahoako on the shelves
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discount-kirishima · 1 year
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Touched by angels though
I fall out of grace
I did it all so maybe I'd live this every day
(click for better quality 😭)
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bookskittychad · 1 year
I love how dramatic fence is, I especially love how not even half of the drama has been unpacked yet lol. Like jesse and nick JUST met like its just so funny to me.
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asha-mage · 1 year
RWBY Musing: Adam's as The Beast
But god, Adam's allusion being The Beast is so good on so many levels.
What is the Beast's curse? To remain a monster until he can learn to love and love in return. What does RWBY establish again and again and again is the only way to heal from trauma and pain and injustice? To be shown kindness and compassion, and to learn to show those in kind.
What is the foundation of love in RWBY shown to be again and again? Friendship, companionship, security, understanding. What is Adam denied again and again, by both his own actions and the actions of others? Friendship, companionship, security, warmth.
In the movie, The Beast is surrounded by people who care for and understand him: not just Belle, but Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs Pots, etc. Even though their servants, and made into literal objects by the curse, their willing to help him, to guide him, to tell him when he's wrong or being an asshole, and to encourage him to keep trying. Adam is surrounded by White Fang members who are blinded by combination of adoration and fear, who lionize him as a hero for his capacity for violence and who are utterly unwilling to confront or challenge him, even when they know he's wrong. And when things go south as a result, when he no longer appears to be this flawless savior, this avatar of their vengeance, what do they do? Abandon him, because their loyalty was never real, never based on anything more then his capacity to do violence.
And then their's Blake: Belle is willing to stand up to her Beast, to tell him when he's being a jerk and to refuse to play along. Even though she's entirely in his power, she refuses to let fear control her actions, to just capitulate. They come to love each other because of this, because the Beast learns to do better and be better, and because Belle refuses to accept less. Blake on the other hand, as we see in the Adam Character Short, is perfectly content to accept less. She accepts Adam's excuses, his violence, his growing monstrosity, because she's afraid of what it will mean if she doesn't. She's left everything behind to be with him, and to keep fighting for the White Fang: her family, her home, the ideals she was raised with. And what happens when it gets to be to much? When she can no longer let herself be blind to what Adam has become? She runs, rather then confront him. Because she knows how he will answer that confrontation, the same way he deals with everything else: with violence.
Even the mirror: the Enchantress leaves the Beast a mirror that can show him anything in the world, a way to gaze out at what lays beyond his prison, to show him him humanity and teach him. And what what group is absolutely swathed in mirror and reflection symbolism in the RWBY world? The SDC and the Schnee family. And what does the SDC do to him? It blinds him in one eye. It takes away his ability to see, and in so doing destroy his ability to see the good in the world (like the mirror in Hans Christian Anderson's Snow Queen). The SDC enacts onto an innocent boy such a terrible violence that he is forever marked by it, and twisted by it.
Adam is the boy the world only hurt, again and again and so all he knows is how to hurt. That's the essence of his Semblance: he absorbs all the damage with his sword, all the pain thrown his way and channels it out back into a weapon. He literally takes the pain and turns it into a tool to lash out. Because that's all Adam has ever known: being hurt and hten hurting the world in return. Yang's Semblance lets her channel the hits she takes into raw strength, not just damage, and that's what allows her to snap Adam's blade in two, because their's a difference we're reminded again and again, between being powerful and being strong.
The only thing that can save Adam is being loved and loving in return and it impossible. His own violence destroys any chance he might truly be loved: he can only be feared or revered. The violence he's been through has kept him from ever learning how to really love: no one has ever shown him kindness and compassion so he doesn't know how to show them in turn.
And if you listen to Lionize it's especially sad because it becomes clear that all Adam wants is to be a hero just like the rest of the Beacon kids. But his reasons are different, neither as altruistic as Ruby's desire to save the world for its own sake, or as messy as Jaune's desire to live up to his family legacy. Adam wants to be his people's savior, to be adored and revered by them because he thinks that will finally be enough to heal what the SDC destroyed in him. But violence alone can not save the world, can not make peace, and violence is all Adam has to offer the Faunus, because he was never taught anything else. His ending, perusing the path of throwing violence against those who wronged him past all reason and sense, until it literally destroys him, is a tragedy. They even say it in Nevermore outright:
There's no cause to celebrate Another soul consumed by hate and spite Another destroyed life There's no pleasure, there's no joy It's just a story of a boy who lost his way Into shadows strayed
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lvebug · 6 months
an andie eliot reading guide (tags drop pt 1)
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khattikeri · 11 months
yall are not ready for all the tgcf posts i have in my likes to queue later
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flightofaqrow · 2 years
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mayonakano-archive · 2 years
PLEASE WATCH SASAMIYA IT'S SO SWEET AND IT HAS THE BEST ENDING SONG EVER (<- maybe a little biased but consider it's really really cute and there's no dumb drama because they actually communicate well)
god i want to. its one of those things i look at and go "yes i should watch this!" and then never do. sigh </3
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cubedmango · 2 years
Even if they go off the manga i’m so. why just why like I genuinely don’t get who asked for this GMMTV??? of all people to remake it and the worst thing is their fans who are already trying to slander the jdrama saying that the other one will be better just because they’ll kiss like whatever happened to being critical thinkers . And also oh god no thai dramas are so long how far are they going like 1-5 like the drama or are the gmm heathens touching The Movie content cause… also it’s annoying cause they’re already treating it as just another taynew series ntm the first pic I COULDN’T EVEN TELL YOU WHO’S SUPPOSED TO BE ADACHI OR KUROSAWA WHERE IS ADACHI’S BOWLCUT!!!
im still willing to give the show itself the benefit of the doubt for now since i personally dont rlly know much abt the cast/crew and from what i know abt gmmtv shows the pilot announcement/trailers can be p different from the end product (? correct me if im wrong) and theres time until filming starts in march (by the time maybe the mixed reactions will get them at least listening to the serious criticism) so Maybe. Maybe If We're Lucky The Show Might Be Ok. Decent. Good, Even? at least i hope so
but the fans. oh god the fans dont get me started. going on twt is rotting my brain i cant even look for regular manga/jdrama content like i always do without seeing them everywhere now. saw one tweet calling krdc brothers bc the show was 'dry' and i. What???????????? Im So Fucking Baffled. do these ppl know kissing and their oh-so-beloved 'spicy' scenes isnt going to make a possibly-badly-written show any better???? guys. Guys. its supposed to be a piece of media. with a whole plot. u know like. A Storyline? Themes? Several Things That Kind Of Matter A Lot More Than Just 'Hehe Characters Go Muah Muah'? also not even manga krdc have a kiss until vol 5 which is probs the length they'll adapt til so like what?? are they expecting?????? to say i am genuinely afraid of these ppl would not be an understatement ngl i wish there was a way i could mute all of them i dont want to see these takes anymore i want peace. its been One day and i want Peace
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enbyboiwonder · 2 months
I need to write cute/soft/sweet 13 fic, but whatttt…
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pureconancommentary · 3 months
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So, the first day after being shrunk would have been directly after the kidnapping case. And Ran had to go to school after being up most of the night, only to find Shinichi didn't come. And probably checked his house and check with Agasa then as well. And this flashback is for the second day, where she's worked into a panic because now it's been two days of Shinichi going missing. And Conan is hearing this on the third day.
Honestly? With no other cases to show off Conan's deduction skills, he's just. Hanging out. Maybe he's been helping to organize Kogoro's file's, since he's not going to school at this point, and then hanging out with Agasa because he can talk to the professor as himself. I can imagine that if Ran's been so concerned so quickly, and if Conan had more chances to immediately show that he acts like a detective, she would have put it together immediately.
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Also, if the concern is that the body was never reported, and Ran genuinely thinks Shinichi is missing, I don't think having her report him missing would be a bad thing. It'd be bad if it led to an investigation that could possibly lead them to Conan being Shinichi somehow, but otherwise? If the police also note that he hasn't shown up and hasn't been seen anywhere? And then start looking at his last known location? Wouldn't that? Look more what people who want someone dead want? The body's already missing, they already know something could be up, it's not like the police investigating a missing person instead of a murder would be a red flag.
I want this plot to treat Shinichi like he's a missing person, not like he's on a case. (Even though the latter is more accurate.) He can still call Ran, probably, to explain that he has to lie low, if he feels bad about how worried she'd be. Or he could be sneaky and just. Leave an unsigned note or gift, to leave it as a less direct 'I'm fine' without giving any direct confirmation to him not actually being missing.
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bonicedemandarina · 3 months
Losing the idgaf wars about a random shojo again
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