#i still have the same doubts but it's been easier to say 'oh. ok. so what? what if they're playing you? what could you do about it?
silasbug · 1 year
i've been feeling a little weird lately. not quite real. reality seems fuzzy.
my head, ah. it feels like it's been stuffed into a pillow. everything is soft and muffled in this strangely oppressive (but comforting) way.
i keep having this thought that "i've been such a different person lately". i think i have. i've.. not quite felt like me. it feels off. it feels strange. but in a good way.
it feels like i'm gently floating along a river and, despite the usual pitfalls of depression (a snag of a branch or the nibble of a fish), it's felt fine.
the water is luke warm and normally i would be shivering, but i am too tired to shiver. it's that point where your body stops convulsing and gently eases into the cold. where you're glad that it stops trembling, because it became exhausting.
i just keep noticing it. (the change). i'm painfully aware of it sitting on the edge of my consciousness. it's gently waving at me. it doesn't feel malicious, but it feels out of place. (thinking about it in tangible terms like a being helps).
i feel light in the way that i feel when i no longer care about something. when i can let it go. send it off into the fog. let it fade. that sounds positive, but it's just been nothing. neither good nor bad. it's indifference.
and maybe there are some things i have stopped caring about, or have finally (subconsciously) decided to just leave and accept. "it is what it is". and for once, it just is.
the.. ache that usually accompanies that statement isn't there. it's not the *sighs hopelessly, wishing it could be different*.
i reckon i'm not making sense but my thoughts rarely do and i don't care. my brain is tired and i think it's done thinking. it's acknowledged that it is done thinking.
it's allowing for a strange sort peace. i feel calm. i wouldn't exactly call it content (but isn't it content, in a way? it is), but it feels like i could fall off the face of the earth right now and be fine. be okay. or feel nothing at all.
i could.. become a drop of water and join the puddle as a whole.
i'm buried beneath the leaves and i am happy to stay here.
it's closure.
i don't know why it feels that way or what caused this and i'm sure it'll stop feeling that way soon (hello darkness, my old friend, anyone?), but this is.. fine. for now. it's.. ah. certainly better than the alternative.
i'm sure the need and the will to struggle will arise again once the anxiety and the fear settle back in, but it could stay like this for all i care.
and i think i just realized that maybe i've just been basking in the feeling of fear leaving my body for the first time.
it's literally felt like i've been able to dislodge the metaphorical fear-stick that is constantly up my ass. just a little.
who knew not feeling afraid for once would feel like a dream? like unreality? all soft and fuzzy.
it'll be back something fierce. be nicer if it didn't.
i'd even give it a kiss goodbye if that meant it would leave me be.
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foodiegoogie · 23 days
what friends are for
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sirius black x fem!reader ✮ 3.95k summary: you’re an overthinker at its finest; sirius is an overdoer when it comes to saving you from you and your thoughts. cw/tags: no use of y/n, highschool!au, biker!sirius (mentioned), too long for its own good,, nothing too heavy <3 also the teachers r still called professors here bcoz yes !
note: DAMN FINALLY ive finished this 😭 tho its still a little too long for my taste .. i am kinda proud of this :> this was a recycled thoma request, but since i kind of serve to the marauders audience now,, i decided to give it to sirius 🥰 happy reading! 🫶🏼
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Having an overly active brain was both a blessing, and a curse. You loved your creativity and intelligence, and they definitely showed in your report cards. What you didn't like was how often you thought about simple, small matters, and then thought about it some more, and then some more after that. You were an overthinker at its finest. Everyone who knew you well enough would agree that you were a non-stop thinking machine, and they all hoped you would cut yourself some slack and give yourself a break.
“That’s easier said than done,” you’d say to them. Oh, what you wouldn't give to stop being a self-sufficient, but also self-pitying brainiac! 
But, as they all say, old habits die hard. That is why here you are, in class, watching your teacher collect your test papers and slowly getting into the routine of asking yourself the questions—the what-ifs, did-Is, and the like. 
You were bouncing your leg up and down restlessly while chewing on your bottom lip, looking very deep in thought, when you felt something hit your head lightly. A crumpled ball of paper landed in your point of view, breaking you out of the trance from overthinking. Picking it up, you opened it and smoothed it out to see what was written inside. 
You look like you just murdered someone and are now burdened by your guilty conscience.
Despite your sour mood, you managed to let out a snort and a soft smile after reading the line. You could recognize the flawlessly cursive handwriting anywhere; it belonged to your good friend, Sirius Black. And knowing him, you knew better than to come up with a snarky reply and retaliate. Getting caught chit chatting with someone like him during class hours could land you in detention, especially now that the teacher inside your classroom was the one and only Physics Terror, Professor McGonagall.
So, you crumple the piece of paper back into its ball shape, and stuff it into your backpack. A few seconds later, you feel something hit your head again. The culprit? Yet another crumpled ball of paper, now sitting on your desk. Letting curiosity get the best of you, you open it up and read what's written.
Ok, rude? Guess you can forget about getting my help cuz I know a good place to bury a body :)
Softly chuckling to yourself, you shook your head and wondered why you were even friends with someone as bizarre as Sirius while you put the crumpled paper in your bag. For a while, you didn’t feel anything light hit your head like you expected. But just as you were about to spiral into another endless stream of self-doubt, you were hit again with a crumpled ball of paper. 
Slowly, you turned around in your seat to glare at Sirius. You meet his eyes doing the same thing, and then gesturing impatiently at you to open the piece of paper he just threw at you. You stuck your tongue out at him out of spite before finally opening the piece of paper.
The sentence was written in bold black letters, underlined a bunch of times, and the punctuation marks at the end were twice the size of the letters. Having read the ridiculous note, you let out what might have been the loudest cackle you have ever let out in your highschool life.
You hear your name called out loudly by Professor McGonagall, in a stern tone that could only mean one thing for you. It felt absolutely mortifying to have your classmates' eyes on you, seeing their pity and amusement appear on their faces. 
"You'll be seeing Mr. Filch for detention after class," She said, zeroing in on you with her piercing glare. If looks could kill, you'd have been dead in your seat by now, and Sirius could use his knowledge of good places to bury dead bodies so he could bury yours. "I hope you'll learn your lesson in your time with him." 
"I will, Professor," You replied, the embarrassment reflecting in your voice.  Great—not only were you unsure about your grade for this class, but now you had one more thing to be worried about, as well as overthink about.
Unable to take on your classmates’ pitying looks on you, you crossed your arms on your desk and laid your head down against them, hiding your face from the prying eyes of your classmates. You could not handle any more humiliations. But you also thought that nothing could possibly be worse than the situation you put yourself in.
Then, you were proven wrong.
All of a sudden, you heard your classmates murmuring around you. Lifting your head up to see what was going on, you saw a paper plane glide smoothly through the air before it landed perfectly on the stack of test papers Professor McGonagall was currently grading. 
To some of your classmates, what happened afterward took less than a minute. But to the rest, including yourself, it seemed like eternity with how carefully Professor McGonagall dropped her pen, and took off her glasses. She picked up the paper plane and opened it up, narrowing her eyes at whatever was written inside. Unfortunately, none of you ever knew what was written inside. But you all knew that it wasn't any good, judging by the twitch in her eye and the frown on her face.
"Who does this belong to?" She asked, her displeasure clearly heard in her voice and seen in the glare she gives everyone in the room. A beat passes, and suddenly everyone is pointing fingers to someone sitting at the back of the classroom. 
Though you had a hunch on who it was they were pointing at, you hoped that you were wrong; that it turned out to be some other classmate of yours who had rotten luck just like you. Then, you were proven wrong… again.
You turned around in your seat just in time to meet the mischievous eyes of your raven-haired friend. He even took the time to throw you a playful wink before clearing his throat dramatically. 
"Good morning, Professor,” Sirius began, his hand closed in a fist like it was holding something near his mouth. “This is your captain speaking. It seems like my aeroplane experienced turbulence and crashed in your area. Terribly sorry, rookie mistake! Rest assured that I'll comply with whatever punishment you subject me to for the matter." 
"In that case, good, because you'll be serving detention alongside your classmate here," Professor McGonagall nods in your direction. "I hope you'll both learn something about rudely disrupting the peace and quiet during class hours with unnecessary distractions." She smiled, although anyone could tell it wasn't to be kind. Then, she returned to her previously interrupted task of grading test papers.
Rolling your eyes, you sighed. Of course, he'd get himself into trouble, you thought. You turned to look at him, catching his attention, and mouthed the words, "What'd you do that for?"
Sirius shrugged in reply, a cheeky smile on his face before mouthing the word, "You."
Genuinely, you have always wondered how you managed to land yourself a place in Sirius’ life as one of his closest friends. It was one of the things you’ve thought about over and over, but have never really gotten to the bottom of. Nevertheless, you will always be grateful for having a friend like him, even if he does give you a headache sometimes.
It turns out that serving detention wasn’t as bad as you expected it to be, having been assigned under Mr. Filch’s orders of tending to the flora and fauna stored in the school greenhouses. In fact, you were actually kind of enjoying it, and Sirius being with you totally wasn’t a part of the reason why. 
“You know, this actually isn’t so bad,” He remarked, spraying the lavenders with some water, a faint smile on his face. “I thought we’d be somewhere organizing Sprout’s herb collection or something.”
You laugh at his statement, “Not gonna lie, I expected something boring, too. But this is pretty nice.” You beamed at him, looking away from where you’d been adjusting potted plants accordingly where the sunlight was hitting. 
“Who knew we’d be so good at gardening?” 
“I know, right?” 
Sirius chuckled in reply, and you joined in with him, taking the time to look at him before returning to your task. He looked especially handsome whenever he laughed; eyes crinkled by the edges with amusement, his pearly whites on perfect display as he smiled. It also certainly didn’t help that on top of the black leather jacket he wore, he was wearing an apron, and a bandana tied around his hair which pushed it back to act as a headband, revealing his forehead which glistened with a thin layer of sweat. 
Sirius Black looked ridiculously handsome, and you didn’t need to think twice about that, because it was a well-known fact.
At that moment, you were so caught up in staring at him that Sirius caught you in action. It was already too late to look away and feign indifference for you as a smirk had started to make its way onto his face.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” He practically purred, his voice taking on a deeper, more flirtatious tone than usual. Your brain loses its ability to function momentarily before you quickly wracked your mind for a snarky retort. 
“How original,” You quipped, trying to hide your momentary lapse in brain function at his unexpected tone. Sirius lets you get away with it, hiding a subtle smile of amusement to himself. 
Turning back to a pot of chrysanthemums you’d neglected briefly, you decide to change the topic. “So I was just wondering,” You began, a curious lilt to your voice. “What’d you write on that paper plane you flew to Professor McGonagall?” You queried as you turned to face him again, placing your hand on your hip.
“Oh, psh, that old thing?” Sirius waved it off dismissively as he wrapped up with his task of watering the flowers. “Just a little piece of an opinion I’ve been meaning to tell her.” 
“And just what was it you were meaning to tell her?” 
Before he answered your question, he took the time to take his bandana off, wiping the sweat off his forehead with it. Then, he fixed his hair - running a hand through it and ruffling it up slightly. Inwardly, you had to admit, you almost forgot what you were talking about as you shamelessly watched him be… hot; and like he knew the effect it had on you—which he most likely did—he smirked at you. Again. 
“I told her that dogs were better than cats,” Sirius smiled wickedly. 
You gasped in horror. “No, you did not.” 
“Oh, yes I did,” He said as-a-matter-of-factly.
“You know how she feels about cats, Sirius!” 
“Precisely the point, darling.”
To some, it would seem like something off of a controversial debate, like if pineapples belong on pizza for example. But to everyone who really knew Professor McGonagall well, saying things like that was just a recipe for disaster—with disaster meaning serving detention, of course.
“No wonder you ended up here,” You shook your head in disbelief at him. 
“Buuut, like I said, it’s not so bad here,” Sirius opposed, untying his apron from the back and behind his neck. “Plus, I’ve got good company.” He winked at you before hanging the apron on one of the hooks attached to the wall of the greenhouse.
You didn’t— no, couldn’t reply to him, seeing how you were caught off guard with what he said. But it wasn’t like Sirius wasn’t good company for you, no. There was never a dull moment with him by your side. In fact, if it were someone else you were stuck with in detention, you wouldn’t have agreed with him earlier that serving it wasn’t so bad. And frankly speaking, if serving detention just meant extra time to hang out with Sirius Black, then you wouldn’t mind disrupting the peace and quiet of class hours every now and then.
Though that would certainly look bad on your report cards, so you mentally chastise yourself for even entertaining the thought. But you couldn’t deny that there was some truth behind it, at least. Or more than some.
“Let me walk you home?” Sirius asked as he regarded you with a certain gentleness in his grey eyes. You felt like melting on the spot, right then and there, as he lingered by the doorway to the greenhouse, waiting for your answer. 
But you managed to pull yourself together, and smiled at him. “Sure.”
On some days, you would have just taken the school bus home, and Sirius would have just gone on his motorbike. Though in the past, he’d asked you countless times if he could give you a ride home, of course, because it was quicker and more cost-efficient than taking the public transport. But with the way your face blanched at his offering, and the way you kept spewing facts upon facts about how motorbike riding was dangerous (Sirius tried to reassure you that it wasn’t for very obvious reasons), he settled for walking you home instead. 
While that had quickly become an almost regular occurrence for the both of you, Sirius always made sure to ask you first, despite the fact that he would have to go back for his motorbike parked at the school after. Knowing this, you tried very hard to kindly refuse him at first. But over time, you found yourself saying yes without a second thought.
At the same time, you refrain yourself from giving it much thought. It was simply a kind gesture from a really good friend of yours, and that was that. 
A devilishly handsome, fiercely loyal, and incredibly caring… friend of yours. 
Walking home with Sirius never fails to make you feel better after a long day at school. The both of you are instantly engaged in meaningful conversation, debriefing the events that occurred during the day. You like to think it’s a mandatory routine by how often you do it, how often it happens, and how natural it feels. It’s definitely one of, or maybe the best way to de-stress and relax after spending a whole day just studying and working. 
If only he could keep the teasing to a minimum, though. 
“I’m just saying, you know,” Sirius said, shrugging nonchalantly as he walked beside you. “You didn’t have to laugh that hard.” 
You scoff in disbelief, the sarcastic reply bubbling up in your throat. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you liked it whenever I laugh at your jokes?” 
“Never said I didn’t, love,” He responded, voice softening at the term of endearment used. “But you could’ve been saved from Minnie’s wrath if you hadn’t done that evil cackle of yours that you call a ‘laugh.’” Sirius chuckled slightly as he spoke, reminding you both of your embarrassment. 
“Okay, first of all, rude,” You shot him a half-hearted glare, a smile threatening to come alive on your lips. “And second of all, it’s your fault that I accidentally laughed out loud during class.”
Sirius scoffed immediately, taking full offense as he turned away from you. “‘Accidentally,’ she says.” 
“What? It’s true!” 
“So I suspect you must have ‘accidentally’ found me funny, too?” He air-quoted. 
You let out a sigh, feeling exasperated and slightly frustrated by his consistently witty replies. It seemed like Sirius never ran out of energy when it came to your banter, filled with incessant teasing (coming from Sirius himself most of the time, of course) and lighthearted jabs at each other. But even with your patience increasingly wearing thin with him, you found yourself looking forward to the banter every time. In spite of his knack for getting on your nerves more often than not, you liked sharing it with him. It was almost as if it was something only you and Sirius shared - intimate and unique to your dynamic.
“Whatever, Sirius,” You settled for a dismissive response eventually, rolling your eyes as you did so. Though you knew that he would take the piss out of you again for your lack of a snarky retort.
But to your surprise, the boy only chuckled in amusement, kicking a few pebbles and leaves out of the way as the two of you continued to walk. You didn’t think much of it, passing it off as a likely thing for people to do when they walk on sidewalks riddled with objects in the way. 
(But little did you know about Sirius’ true intentions, though.)
After a moment of comfortable silence, you decided to speak up again. 
“Hey, so I was wondering—”
Sirius interrupts with a snort of laughter. “When are you not?” “Please shut up and let me finish.” “Alright, alright. I’m sorry,” he said. Though with the ever so present smirk on his face, and the hint of mirth in his eyes, you couldn’t tell if he was truly sorry. “What were you wondering about in that pretty head of yours?” You paused for a moment, thinking of how to phrase your question. Sirius gave you a brief glance, curious about what you were thinking of that had you pondering like this.
“Why’d you do it?” You finally blurted out.
“What do you mean? You’re gonna have to be a bit more specific than that for me, love.”
Sirius earns the sweet sound of your chuckling, and he zeroes in on the slight flush that appeared on your cheeks, betraying your embarrassment.
“I’m talking about earlier, Sirius. During Physics? When you flew that paper plane to McGonagall?”
His lips formed an O shape as he came to the realization of what you were referring to. And as if the reminder was nothing but a lighthearted one, Sirius snickered to himself.
“And? What about that?” 
You sigh, internally wondering how on earth he could find such a thing so amusing. Sure, perhaps Professor McGonagall had developed some sort of fondness or a soft spot for Sirius over the years he’d acted against her in his mischief. But the fact still remained that McGonagall was not to be taken lightly to, especially not during her class. 
“I was just wondering why you would do such a thing. I mean.. it was certainly unprovoked, don’t you think?” 
“‘Unprovoked,’ you say? Is that what you really think?” 
There’s a shift in his tone this time around when he spoke, though there still remained the unmistakable, and ever so present hint of a tease in his voice. You studied his face intently as you thought of a response. 
“Yeah. I mean, whatever did you do that for?” 
Sirius sighed, though you couldn’t tell if it was out of frustration with you or exasperation. “Didn’t I tell you already? I did it for you, you daft woman.” 
You resist the urge to scoff at his remark of you being a supposed daft woman. “I thought you were just messing with me there when you said that.”
“‘Messing with you?’ Why would I—“ He cut himself off with another sigh. 
Oh, so he’s frustrated, you realized. 
“You know, for someone whose mind runs a thousand miles per hour, you can be really clueless sometimes.” 
You let yourself scoff by then, feeling indignant. “What are you on about now?” 
Sirius almost smirked at your words, and you knew that by the twitch at the corner of his lips. You tear your eyes away from them, focusing on his eyes instead. 
“Come on, you’re a smart girl. Surely, you know why I did that, and why I risked detention?”
Deep down, you had an inkling as to what he was telling you. But you refused to acknowledge it aside from the fact that it was downright ridiculous. After all, you firmly believed yourself to be out of Sirius Black’s league. Your dynamic was synonymous to one of those Paramore songs that went, “He was a punk, she did ballet. Can I make it anymore obvious?” 
And as if he could read you, and sense your inner thoughts, Sirius sighed for what seemed like the nth time of that moment. Though now it had sounded almost… sad? 
“Shall I spell it aloud for you, then?” He broke the silence, his voice deeper and tinged with seriousness. 
“Yes.” Please. For my own sake. 
He takes a deep breath first, although the both of you didn’t know for what exactly. But it felt like it was necessary for Sirius, and so—
“I did it for you, ‘cause,” He paused, seemingly trying to push the words out of his mouth. Why he was forcing them out, you didn’t know. “What friends are for, right?” 
Well, admittedly, that kind of stung you inside. For a moment—a fleeting, hopeful moment—you wanted Sirius to say that he did it for you, and that was that. Just for you. For the sake of keeping you company, and letting it be up for interpretation on whether it was done under platonic intentions or… not. 
“Yeah,” You nodded, mentally chastising yourself for ever expecting such a thing. “What friends are for.” 
Sirius is looking at you pensively, noticing a hint of your disappointment in the way your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes, and in the way you looked away from him as you replied. He wondered why.
But, ever the one to cheer his friends up, Sirius clears his throat to catch your attention, his grey eyes glittering with mirth. 
“And besides,” he added. “You would’ve gone mad if you served detention all alone. You’re kind of a danger to yourself here, love.” He ruffled your hair playfully as he said this, eliciting a smile from you. 
“Hey! It doesn’t get that bad, you know,” You defend yourself, fixing your hair with your fingers. Sirius helps you out by tucking the wayward strands of hair, covering your face, behind your ear. 
He snickered. “Trust me, love. I know how bad it can get.” 
In truth, Sirius has always found it endearing—your knack for getting a little lost in your head more often than not. But he was also one of those people who wanted to grab you by the shoulders and shake some sense into you, to tell you to give yourself a damn break. So, he’ll take any chance to distract you from your thoughts. And if that meant angering McGonagall and serving detention, he didn’t mind at all. 
The rest of your walk home goes easily after that, the lighthearted atmosphere returning despite the momentary shift to the slightest, almost imperceptible indication to the feelings you harbored for each other—though unacknowledged on both sides of the party in fear of losing the other.
Although, Sirius suspects that he’ll be brave enough for the both of you one day to bring these feelings into light. 
In the meantime, he’ll let you get away with your acting aloof and coy about it. He’ll gladly wait until you’re ready to hear what he’s always wanted to tell you. 
So, as the two of you bask in the orange hue of the afternoon sun, walking down the path to your home, you don’t realize that it’s only a few steps away until you’ve reached your destination. You were getting carried away (again) with ranting about tomorrow’s quizzes, and Sirius is trying (again) to calm your anxieties, and reassure you. 
At the very same time, he realizes the increasing distance between the two of you and your home. He doesn’t make a move to tell you, and you simply don’t notice.
( ♡ )
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formulapookie · 17 days
Bezzetti and "Guess i was never enough for you" but please, i am begging you, dont make it a sad ending, my heart can't take that 😭❤️ (obviously, no pressure, write what you feel like, this is your writing etc)
They don't argue.
Not because they never disagree, but simply because they always manage to solve discussions before they turn into something ugly.
Something like this they're going through right now.
"Why do you care so much who I hang out with? It's not like I go and fuck them Marco for god's sake!"
"You go around with that one all the time, ALL THE DAMN TIME when I'm not there he's constantly attached to your hip, how do you think it makes me feel?"
"You don't raise your voice at me, ok? And I can have friends, or have you gone mental? Have I ever been jealous of you and Pecco? Huh? You guys spend more time together than we do, and we're together Marco, boyfriends. Yet you stay with Pecco the majority of the times"
"Well it's easier for me to do it! He's up there with me in MotoGP and we have the same calendars and timesheets, you are not, I can't constantly be there, but you know that guy likes you, you know perfectly well he has a crush on you and you STILL go with him"
Bez realizes one second too late he's fucked up.
He's up there with me in MotoGP.
It echoes in Cele's ears and brain, it takes a poisonous edge and cuts a wound deep in his heart.
You are not.
It's all in slow motion, the way he can hear his heart crack a little, the way he sees Bez walking close to him to hug him.
He pushes Bez's hand away, looking in is eyes and it's all blurry, tears at the corner of his eyes threatening to come out in a flow.
He knows he's not up there yet but he can - he can still make it right?
He won last week, he showed them he can do it still, he did right?
He showed Bez too. That he was worthy that - that the people telling him he should go and be a mechanic were wrong.
He's trying to prove everyone he deserves to be up there, with them.
But Bez just - he just made it all crumble like a castle of cards with a breath of wind.
"Guess I was never enough for you then" Cele is speaking impressively without sobbing, despite the tears keep on falling.
"Pecco is uh he's the champion no? He's great, he's the winner, the one you look up to. He's important and he surely makes a better everything than me"
"No Cele no please listen to me I never meant it in that wauy I just - I wasn't thinking ok I'm not saying I enjoy his company more because of who he is, I just meant we obviously spent time together more easily because of schedules but I would never ever think of replacing you"
"But you could. With Pecco you could celebrate victories basically every weekend, and not have to trail behind my failures every time"
"I don't give a fuck about celebrating victories Cele, nothing, especially if you're not there I don't care. i just. I don't like him being that close to you because he's got a crush as big as the sun for you and I fear you'll see something in him that will make you go away"
"What would I see in someone else making me date them when I have you Marco?"
"Oh come on you seriously think I'd choose someone else over you?"
"You told me I would. That I'd choose Pecco"
"Because you have a reason to do it! He is so much greater than I'll ever be Marco, I - I don't want to be the reason why you need more, I want to be the reason why you don't need anything else"
"I think you've got a concussion because you're not making sense. you are irreplaceable, I would never choose someone who's not you to love, you give me everything I can hope for and more. Pecco is my best friend yes, and I love him, but not how I love you, I don't want to be with Pecco, I want to be with you. You were always more than enough amore"
Cele feels a bit stupid now, because how could he doubt Marco when that boy came to pick him up at a bus station when it was pouring and Cele had forgot the umbrella and brough along sweaters and blankets to make him feel warm? When that boy overcame his fear for spiders and threw one out the house instead of killing it because Cele told him it'd be sad to do?
"I'm sorry I dodn't want to be a weight again"
"Amore. Cele. You are never a weight ok? If you don't like me being so close with Pecco I'll distance myself, he'll get it we're grown ups."
"No it's not. i don't want you to distance yourself just - spend more time with me? When you can? Please"
"of course. I'll make sure to use every free second I have to be close with you ok?"
"And never think again you're not worthy of something ok? You are worthy of the entire world amore"
ANGST ALPHABET (send me a ship and a letter and I'll write it)
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Hello. I am here to request Yandere Ozzie being overprotective of his sweet princess 🗣️ Perhaps she is kidnapped by someone in hopes of extorting Oswald and get more than a pretty penny out of him but him being the perfect man he is does not lose a single cent and gets his baby back but not before beating the crap out of the kidnappers for hurting her. Thank you and have a great day, friend 🫂
Rescue Me
Farrell!Penguin x Female!Reader, word count: 1.2k what if i did that but made it two parts and i am incredibly slow at getting to the conclusion of things and i'm also very sorry about it anon but you should know that already because this request is from october (i am so sorry i knew this prompt was good so it needed to have justice done to it) 🥴💜🐧 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: angst, threats, kidnapping, sad ozzie boo ;-;
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“Uh huh. Sure. Uh-huh. And just so I know I’ve given you the benefit of the doubt, because I’m a nice guy. You know who you’re talking to here, huh?”
Two goons on either side of the office door watched Oswald as he tapped his fingers casually on his desk. He held the phone to his right ear, listening patiently. One of the men who watched had answered. Taken the brief message, and then followed the instructions.
“We’ve got your boss’ girl. We’re looking to exchange her for a reasonable sum, given that she’s tainted goods. You taking all of this down? Ok, go hand the phone to your boss and tell him we want to speak to him.”
“Oh, is that so? Ok. That’s all fine on my end. I’ll bring the money. You bring my girl. We’ll see how smooth things go. You better not waste my fuckin’ time neither.”
Oswald hung up the call, rubbing his face in his palms before he tossed the phone against the wall. He got up from his desk, grabbing his long leather jacket from the coat stand. A cigar, the metal briefcase from the safe in the closet, his own cell phone, and a handgun. That was all he was taking with him.
“You’re going personally, boss?”
“Course I am! And don’t neither of you two clowns follow me. I’m going alone.”
Brushing past them on his way out of the door, Oswald felt calm, collected, but he took a deep breath in before he started his car and began heading to the meeting point. He drove fast, but not fast enough that any cops would bother to interfere. He wanted to get there safe and sound, as quickly as possible. Your life wasn’t in danger, no one was that stupid, but he was still worried.
Pulling up to the farthest end of the docks, territory he felt safe in, Falcone’s territory at that, he noticed another car with dimmed headlights. With an air of confidence he didn’t need to muster up, he got out of his own vehicle, walking steadily towards them, making a concerted effort to conceal his limp as best as he could. He worried it made him look weak, like an easier target. Like he could be toppled over much easier than was likely.
A voice from the shadows, calling out to him. One he only recognised from the phone call, unable to place it to anyone he knew, or knew of.
“You actually came alone?”
“What can I say, I’m a man of my word.”
“Seems risky.”
“Should I be worried? This is business, chief. And I’d like to get on with it.”
“Not much for small talk, hm? What difference does it make how quick we commence the business? The damage has been done.”
Oswald narrowed his eyes, taking another step forward, hand reaching for his pocket, ready to grab his gun if need be.
“Listen, business is business. I’m a busy guy. I know how this shit goes. But I swear to you, if you touched a single hair on her body I will take everything you have and everyone you have ever loved.”
“Relax, Penguin.”
He flinched at the word. Fingers relaxing and tensing by his side.
“Toss the money over and you can have her. In exactly the same condition she was in when we brought her here.”
The briefcase landed with a metallic clunk on the ground, bouncing slightly before settling askew on the wet ground. The stranger took a few steps towards it, stopping when Oswald shouted out over the short distance between them.
“Don’t you touch that thing with your filthy funckin’ hands until I’ve seen her.”
Hands up, displaying his intentions, the stranger clicked his fingers and summoned two men from the vehicle, who dragged out another figure from the back seat. Clad in a large, ill-fitting stained shirt, no shoes, and with a bag over their head, they were walked over to the stranger who pushed them forwards, sending them stumbling into Oswald’s arms. He brought them in close, holding them behind him.
“Hey, you’re ok now, just keep quiet and follow my lead, kid.”
The stranger clicked open the briefcase, scoffing as they realised that there was nothing inside. But by the time he had glanced up towards Oswald, he was met with the handgun pointing at him.
“Shameful tactics, Oswald.”
“This isn’t my girl.”
Shaking his head, the stranger smiled, standing up slowly as Oswald traced his movements with the gun.
“Of course it isn’t. Looks like we both came up short on our ends of the bargain.”
“You bring her to me, or I swear to god!”
Oswald was shouting now, his voice breaking as he tried to conceal the raw emotion. Fear, rage, a deep sorrow, panic and worry.
“How about this time, you come to us. You bring the money to my warehouse, and we’ll give you what you want this time. Promise.”
He winked, a cruel grin briefly flashing over his up until now bland and neutral face.
“I don’t even know who you are or where you operate from. How am I supposed to find you?”
“Think of a way. You’ve got twenty-four hours.”
As he walked to the car, entering it as his men held the door open for him, he called back.
“And don’t worry about it, you’ll know who I am soon enough. Everyone will.”
As their car sped away, Oswald turned his attentions to the figure behind him. Peeling the bag slowly from her head, he stood back, giving her enough space to get accustomed to her surroundings. It didn’t take long, and before he knew it she had her arms around him, thanking him, sobbing into his jacket.
“It’s ok, hey. You’re fine. I recognise you, kid. You one of my dancers?”
“Y-yeah Mister Cobblepot, sir. I… I was coming out of work with your-”
“They took her too? You saw her!? You gotta let me know if they hurt her, ok?”
“They didn’t hurt none of us, she’s ok. Just… scared Mister Cobblepot. We all were.”
Sighing, trying to hold back the tears in a bid to remain the safe space for the girl he now held in the freezing cold, Oswald tried to think on his feet, willing his brain to move past the initial flurry of pain and anxiety that flooded him.
“Listen, sweetheart. I’ll get you home. We’ll make sure you’re safe, ok? I’ll get one of my guys on your door and he’ll stick with you till we have this creep dealt with. But you gotta help me. You think you can do that?”
“A-anything, Mister Cobblepot. I owe you.”
“You don’t owe me, kid. But I need to know where you were. Anything you can tell me.”
She started to speak but he silenced her with a gesture.
“Not right now, you need to be warm, safe, before you even think about doing anything else. You need a drink. We’ll go back to the club, ok?”
Nodding quietly, sniffling back some tears, Oswald’s new ward got into the back seat of the car, resting her head against the window as Oswald drove back to the club to formulate his plan.
Everyone would know who this stranger was. He’d be the guy that Oswald Cobblepot strung up in pieces across Gotham. They idiot who crossed the wrong man.
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cherry-belle-rose · 8 months
Hi everyone, and everyone that used to follow me back in 2021-2022…
I know this is kinda random but I have an announcement to make here…(and no it’s not about me leaving for good)
Ok so…I just want to quickly say that I’m so fucking sorry for basically abandoning this blog like in late 2022 or something. I probably should’ve made an announcement then but I just didn’t for some stupid reason. I feel so bad about it now because I’ve actually been technically active on here, I just didn’t wanna post anymore because I was going through some mental stuff, still am but it’s easier I guess.
I post kinda regularly on my Instagram nowadays, my moodboards and sometimes art by me that I’m still proud of! (If you want to follow me there my name is the same as on here 💗) But…I want to try being active on here again because I missed this very very much. 2021 honestly was such a lovely year on here for me…I met some very wonderful people and there was so much stuff in the gnr fandom being posted frequently, it was magical to me. So what I’m going to start doing day by day (as king as I remember) is posting things I’ve already done and my future projects because I want to try to bring some of that magic back if I can. I kinda have my doubts but who knows…
Now soon I’m going to make another announcement thingy that I’ve wanted to do since late November that I feel is probably more important especially now in the GNR and Rock N Roll fandoms…stay tuned for that soon!
For now, I’m gonna get some sleep and probably tomorrow night I’m gonna give this blog a much needed makeover and post something nice for y’all and maybe that announcement I told you about!!!
I love all of you so very much and regardless if you aren’t in the GNR fandom anymore…I wanna say thank you for the memories you guys gave me when I was most active on here.
Oh and a thank you to @izaacblue for sending me a bunch of asks in my inbox a while back, I literally just saw them all and I’m sorry I didn’t answer them when you sent those…but still thank you so very much sweetheart. 💗
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futbolfanficpunk · 2 years
Dressing room feelings
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Players: Neymar Jr, Leo Messi Leo is overwhelmed by his move to Paris and Neymar comforts him Themes: Bromance Words - 775+ Requested by amitokedhuyedibo
Dressing room feelings
         Leo thought he was alone in the dressing room, everyone had left after training and the cleaning staff were in a meeting in one of the conference rooms. It’s only been two months since he came from Barcelona, the most devastating event in his life. He never cried quite like the day he had to leave Fc Barcelona, even the night after Argentina lost the world cup to Germany, he always felt he would be a blaugrana until death.
And yet, here he was, in October, in Paris. Fucking freezing his butt off, miserably, and not having great performances. He could only think of Antonella, dear Anto sobbing the day they left their kids in their new school; 
“What are we doing here?!” Anto said with a broken voice and started sobbing in their SUV.
He hated the thought of the love of his life crying, yet he couldn’t do anything about it now. Fc Barcelona was on the brink of bankruptcy and Laporta gave up on signing him. He was still hurt and after not having a great game today and having minor pain in his hamstring, he was frustrated. He felt overwhelmed by all his emotions, by the change, by the French.  Leo put his hand over his face, his face and his head felt warm, his stomach was in knots. A wave of sadness covered him as he started to silently cry in front of his locker.
Neymar was walking back to the dressing room, he had accidentally left his headphones and charging cable in his locker, plus he didn’t see Leo getting into his car in the parking lot. He looked around to see if he could see him. He walked into the dressing room and saw that Leo was in front of his looker his his hand covering his face.
“Oye, Che!” Ney screamed jokingly
Leo jumped up, surprised “Pelotudo! you scared me!” he whined, trying to wipe the tears from his face looking flustered. 
“Irmâo! I’m sorry!” said Ney, looking noticing Leo’s face “ But, Are you ok? What’s going on?”
“Nothing, Ney. Just feeling overwhelmed that’s all, no reason to worry.” said Leo with a quicker pace that usual giving hint of sadness in his voice “I was just getting something and leaving.”
“Oh, Okay” says Neymar slowly while he walks to his looker to get his charging cable and headphones.As he turn around he sees that Leo is walking towards the exit he shouted
“Leo! Espera! Let me tell you something, okay?”
Neymar knew that it was important for him to show up for his friend, just like he did for him back in the Barcelona day. He knew what a difference it could make. 
Leo turns around to find Neymar in front of him.
“Remember back in my first year of Barcelona, that one time you came into the locker room while I was crying. I was just feeling so lost, and you talked to me, comforted me and told me you had my back and everything was going to be all right?” said Neymar as he put his hand on Leo’s shoulder, trying to reassure him.
“Of course, I do! I saw a kid who need help and support. So, I gave it to him because it’s the right thing do, and I wanted to show him that I was there for him” Leo responded
“Yes, and I thank you everyday for that, it really turned my season around. I felt so much calmer after” he said while gently squeezing Leo’s shoulder as Leo smiled. “But I also want to tell you that, it’s going to be the same here for you. Things are going to get better, easier, you’re going to find your feet, not that you need that much, but you’ll feel comfortable and all this drama will go away. You will be the same Leo that we all know. The GOAT! I have have no doubt it my mind, we are going to win the league, you will score, and you will make Kylian and me score, make us a better team. Everything you came here to do! Ok? Just give it a chance, give it time, trust the process, just be present, here, now.” 
Leo smiled, Neymar really was a grown man now, not that young kid anymore. Still as crazy but a better person, a player, and a brother in arms. Leo sighed.
“You’re right, hermano. Gracias.” Leo said while nodding. They hugged while patting each other’s back. “Let’s go!” said Leo.
Neymar did a little dance before signaling for them both to leave. They both laughed.
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peste-bubonica · 1 year
Hehehohohaha I have been thinking have a thing
(Corpse Spouse) Eclipse probably would've put a bounty for your safe return. When he can't find you, might as well dangle money so you get betrayed for greed, right? Well when you return to the town to get your things you're caught by a group of guys. You're obviously not going quiet so you're given...reminders to behave. One results in a nasty knock to the head.
Eclipse sees you and while joyful he notices quickly you seem...off. You don't look at him with distain, in fact you don't give him any emotion. You just seem so confused. And red and sore. Unfocused. Perhaps it's from where you were hiding? He still feels off about it. He sends your parents away with you and takes the group that found you away to pay them.
He tells them while you were found safe you weren't quite sound so they'll get half of what he offered. Still a good amount of money but yeah. He disappears behind the corner...and listens.
And in their complaining he finds out why you seemed so off.
How dare they hurt you. Sure you were kicking off, but to hurt you? To leave marks that would no doubt bruise?! He's furious. Raving mad. He's smoking at the mere thought. He had to accept people had to put their hands on you to grab you, but hurt you? He's enraged.
He returns with a line. Oh dear it seems his optics are acting up. Can they check to see if he has their right amount? Good old human greed.
Closer then that. Closer. Closer. Closer.
Too close.
The morning comes and there's a doctor waiting to check you over. Indeed those men caused some bruising. Took that money and ran, you know? Didn't even say goodbye to their families. But what does that matter now? Eclipse needs a new suit for his wedding! His one is very burnt...and weirdly very stained.
Yes!!! This is great.
Eclipse would absolutely pay to have you brought to him, for a lot of reasons: 1) just another way for him to show you his power, 2) it’s, in a way, more effective and easier for people your size to search for you, and 3) it’s another way to show you that you’re not safe; that at any given time people will betray you for the right price, family or otherwise.
Truly, that hit gave you a break. Unfocused, a bit light-headed, why did you even leave? You missed your family, and Eclipse wasn’t as insufferable, maybe you’ll stay. You felt… happy. A bit dazed, sure, but you were fine!
So they hit you? Another reason for Eclipse to hate humans. How dare they?! Those lowlife pests didn’t deserve to live. ‘He didn’t tell them that making you compliant was off-limits’?! He shouldn’t have had to! Everyone knows that you’re off-limits, in every sense of the word.
Next you see Eclipse, something changed, and tell him as such. ‘Your face looks different. It looks new.’ ‘I hadn’t seen that suit before; looks nice.’ ‘Your eyes look like fire, and you are really warm. Are you all right?’ ‘It’s one of the faceplates you made. This occasion demands perfection.’ ‘Ordered it custom for now. I’m glad you like it.’ ‘It’s simply my delight of having you back showing.’
Ok ok, but imagine… y/n gets slight memory loss from the hit.
Eclipse… you know him; it’s a familiar name, as familiar as your own mother’s and father’s, so he must be someone close, right? Wait… he’s your husband?!
You… he… you don’t remember, but you are told it was a happy marriage, before you were… kidnapped. That means you should love him, then. you don’t feel anything for him, except maybe apprehension.
You remember two other; your kidnappers Eclipse tells you. You don’t remember their names, nor their actions; you remember their face, though. So similar to Eclipse, yet at the same time not alike. you don’t forget Eclipse’s face when you tell him; you make sure to not mention them again.
All in all, you suppose you’re content, though you can’t ignore the shadows of doubt that lurk in the darkest part of your mind when Eclipse holds you, or when your parents tell you things you should remember. why does everything feel wrong?
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lake-archive · 4 months
Chapter 18 - Step By Step
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AO3 Link
Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Series: Alte Liebe Rostet Nicht
Characters: Izumi Sena, Anja-Sophia 'Ann' Wolff (OC), Nyeli (OC by @watersofcamelot) (mentioned)
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The days were passing by and everyday the trio had a meeting: Nyeli, Ann and Izumi himself. However, each day was a never ending cycle of silence or awkward talks which were only a few sentences long. They got a tiny bit longer but overall… Izumi just had no idea what to say. it was as if he was afraid to mess up and well… Ok, he was. But at the same time he hated it, that he couldn’t get a proper word out. It has been so long, the two of them had obviously changed. He had doubts, he won’t deny that. For a moment he believed to be in the right earlier even. Things were too late, this was beyond saving. The damage was too grave.
However, he decided against throwing the towel in the end. Ann had been there after all. They were ready to keep up with this, surprisingly enough, even getting in between them whenever needed. He wasn’t about to throw their efforts away. It wouldn’t sit right with him. Yeah, it was them but he wasn’t going to be that cruel. At the same time it came with one downside– He had only them to turn to. And it’s not like they had not taken notice of his own frustration. He had hit a wall, that much was certain, so they were not really surprised to see him show up by himself and explaining this to them, when it was just the two of them.
“It’s not gonna be done by day one.” Ann only shrugged, having turned their attention away from the computer and facing Izumi heads on. Their tone, something nearly ticked him off, though not how it usually would. He didn’t feel like yelling at the very least.
Instead he just said with a hint of mild annoyance “Don’t you sass me now.”
It only made them try so hard not to chuckle, they had to take this seriously. Though somehow, they might still think of this as amusing. It wasn’t them in his shoes, they wouldn’t do it if they were! “Right right. Sorry.”
He only rolled his eyes yet decided not to push it. Otherwise this would go nowhere and he didn’t have the energy for one of their regular fights. “Anyway, I hate this. No matter what, it’s just… A pain.”
“A pain?” They tilted their head slightly, not sure what he meant yet he was ready to explain.
“No, I don’t mean the cat. I meant this not really going anywhere.”
“Oh, right.”
“Look, I know what I said and what we agreed on. But this is starting to feel impossible. What am I supposed to do? Pretend this never happened!? Am I supposed to act like everything’s fine!? Besides, we’ve changed. It’s been like what? Ten years or something? Ugh, it’s just so annoying to think about.”
They had not interrupted him, only listened and seemed to think, even putting one of their fingers beneath their chin while staring right down, their eyes narrowing at whatever they were staring at. They soon turned back however, their gaze meeting his own once more, then suggesting the following: “I guess but! But but buuut! Maybe try… Meeting a new person!”
He only stared at them, a bit dumbfounded. Wha– Meeting a new person!? What was that supposed to mean!? “Are you telling me to treat him like a stranger!? Do I need to remind you that—”
“Yeah yeah. You two… know of… the other.” They responded, showing that they were still aware at the very least. “Hear though. You say it: Both changed.” He only nodded, though still not sure what they had been heading at.
“So… If scared… Just… Try new!”
“Try new? Don’t you mean ‘try anew’?” He had to ask, just to make sure.
And they nodded, a little cheerfully. “Yeah yeah! Sounds easier, right?”
He thought this through for a moment… Pretending to meet a new person. Nyeli was no longer the same, or that was what his worry was. And Izumi was not the same person either. After all, he was no longer a kid. A lot has happened ever since the two parted ways, whichever reason was correct. The reason no longer mattered, at least not to him. What mattered was to reconnect properly, no matter what. And they did have a point.
However, it made Izumi nearly scoff with a smirk on his face, ready to have a laugh at this suggestion. It was quite the irony after all. “Hah, right. Funny that this comes from a person who can barely get a sentence out in front of anyone they don’t know.” He couldn’t help it, not in this case. Though it wasn’t really to provoke them, far from it. He just couldn’t help it.
And their face, it was a little amusing. He saw them pout, their cheeks puffing up just like that as their gaze narrowed. They didn’t necessarily like it being pointed out, especially since it was obvious, but it was still a little funny. “Ugh… Why am I helping you?” They even responded but that’s what made this so funny either way. “I dunno, you tell me.”
“Guh… J… Just… Try it ok? Before my mind… Is changing.”
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oreo-creampie · 1 year
th- THANKS FOR THE FOLLOW OMG?!1!1?1!?#?$3!3?3!3(3(4?_1(1!3?49(
oh!!!!! and!!! do you have any tips on writing smut that involves a hard shell character (whos rly mean on the outside but he would die for u in reality)
aaking because you're so fuuuucking good at it
i plan to binge your masterlists today to study more about smut writing too! (for my upcoming genshin fic that is)
hehe, thank you so much for the follow! im so damn awestruck right now and it was such a treat waking up to your notif!
Ok so this is half mini analysis, and part me just gushing.
Toji is my favorite when it comes to hardass who is soft for his s/o. He’s cold, brash, upfront, defensive, and calculating. It’s easier when I can answer to why they are like that. Which is where we get into character back story.
Toji neglected and beaten by his by his parents wouldn’t have an easy attachment style. Cold, standoffish and crude due to barely being shown a scrap of love had made him a rather heartless man. In reality he would be a walking red flag to stay away from.
It’s the calculating part that majorly comes into play with him being a softie. Chances are when he starts fooling around with someone it’s for two things sex and money. He is aware that being charming, using his good looks and sweet talking is going to help him get his way.
Would likely brush off/ignore most advances towards a romantic relationship, a sexual one would be easier to get with him. Which might lead to a romantic one, if he starts staying afterward because it’s a free place to crash and morning sex
He would crave while also reject softer intimacy. Such as hand holding, cuddling, forehead kisses, hugging you close. It starts off with pulling you in his lap, putting a sexual tone to it makes it feel less vulnerable.
Since I doubt he was valued, or validated emotionally so when he finally gets that from someone who sees toji for toji, flaws and all, he is a bit of a sucker for it. When he drinks a little too much, he opens up about his childhood, and hearing you validate how shitty it was and how he should have been treated better makes his heart beat faster. Has him softening up for the reader.
It helps to think about Toji at all given stages of the relationship within any given fic. From when they met to him falling in love, it would be a process that would take years before the finally said it.
But he would show it in his actions, for being a smooth talker he fumbles when it comes to vulnerable emotions. And with the reader he would be nothing but vulnerable when he is falling for them.
So while he might still sound rough, his sweet actions let you know more about his true intention. But at the same time Toji can't be too mean, otherwise that jumps into abusive territory.
As a calculating man he is very aware of his words and their affect. And once he cares for you, he doesn't want to hurt you. Unless it for kinky fun times. So this is where I head canon him changing small part of himself, this is where the softening begins.
I try to think about it from Toji’s perspective. Abused, neglected, beaten and hated on by most of the people around him. The thrived outta spite and became hard because of it.
Now there is this beauty of a person who is gentle with him, seeing his flaws but accepts him anyway, loves him anyway. Gives him all the patience and understanding he needs, at first its off putting. He isn't used to it, but he kind of likes it.
He would put some space but find himself thinking about the size difference of your hand. The warmth of your smile, the sweet way you say his name, the sparkle in your eyes that reserved for him.
He wants to hold you close, check in on your safety. So he comes back, you don't have questions for where he is been and there is no anger for his absent. Just concern on if he is taking care of himself.
Never having someone give a fuck if he eats, breaths or sleeps would be the norm. So you worrying for his well being is welcomed and addictive so he wants more. It has him coming back for more.
When in a relationship he is loyal, he’s smart and knows that eventually you'll catch him cheating. Every cheater gets caught at some point, so once he has chosen you. You’re his everything
Romantizing the reader through their eyes. Of course they are gonna soften up for you, you’re their everything, the one person who they feel comfortable with, who holds they heart. Toji love sick when it comes to his love, so attached to his partner he is willing to kill for them
They know you like a book and you can read him just as well. He knows he doesn't have to be the most love dovey always. That you understand he is rough around the edges, but love them anyway
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firstjadeoflan · 7 months
ooc post
*flops* hello i'm just here to ramble a bit abt my silly guys don't mind me lmao MDZS SPOILERS!!
ok so. there is plenty of stuff about xichen after the temple Incident, and abt his relationship with the 3zun. but FOR SOME REASON. there's almost nothing about his childhood?? lan wangji gets the "oh he always has to be perfect and he never shows his emotions and he stuggles with the rules" and yes!! that is a problem for him! but i've seen almost nothing about the fact that lan xichen was raised exactly the same fucking way?? if not more strictly because he's sect heir.
if you can look me in the eyes and tell me honestly that: having an absent dad (i doubt lxc has seen his dad in person even once), a mom who you could only visit one a month before she dies when you're 8-9 and being raised in the lan sect as one of the twin jades of lan, who they flaunt like prizes will produce a guy with no problems then uh. i dunno i'll be very shocked because how the fuck??
anyways. people tend to focus on lwj because 1) main love interest, very important character, 2) he is well known for being all icy and distant
but like goddamnit you cannot convince me that lxc just smiling all the time is much better. no one is happy all the time. yes he genuinely is overall much happier than lwj i'd say, but. shakes him. this is not an okay guy!!
lots of people blame lxc for lwj's 33 whip strikes, saying that lxc should have stopped it from happening. yes, he should have tried. but i don't think he could ever have actually stopped it. he may have been sect leader in name at the time, but he wasn't actually doing much sect leading, and like. there are so many lan rules about respecting and obeying your elders. there's no way he could have stopped it. at best he lightens the punishment (which he should have tried to do!!), at worst he's also punished for disobeying
people also blame him for falling for jgy's lies but have you considered: jgy saved lxc's life, and was beaten and tortured for it. i feel like that explains a large amound of lxc's trust in him. combine it with lxc's tendency to see the best in everyone and jgy's acting? mmmmm yeah .-.
also, if anyone's curious as to why meng yao's being so chill, it's because imo, his main goal has always just been to survive. and it's so much easier in this world. ofc, he's still a scheming bastard. there's no stopping that, that's just who he is. he's just scheming for good/benign reasons now, and we can put (affectionate) at the end rather than (derogatory)
thanks for reading if you're here lmao i love these guys sm
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human-monokuma · 6 months
*He slowly starts to wake up. He groans a little as his eyes start to adjust. He struggles to remember what happened. The last thing he remembers is that he was fighting Monodam....Monodam...That's right...The one who tried to ruin his life. He tries to get up, but is unable to. He can't feel his body. At all. He starts to look worried as he struggles more and more to move. Just then, someone comes into the room and looks down at him.*
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"Ah. So you're awake, Monokuma. I'm glad to see that you're still somewhat alive." *Monokuma stares at Aiguo in confusion about what's happening.* "Don't worry. You're being repaired as we speak. You should be ok in about.....Mmmmm. 3 days. Sadly, I can't let you stay awake for those 3 days."
Monokuma: "W....What......? What are YOu talking about.....?"
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"Siiiiiigh. I was really hoping that you couldn't talk. I didn't plan for you to still be conscious for when I reprogram you."
Monokuma: "W...What...reprogramming......? Why...can't I move......? What did you do to me......?!"
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"Well.....I suppose it can't hurt to tell you the truth. You see, I was manipulating you. Those nightmares you've been having? It was because of Monochi, Deji, and myself. Thanks to Deji's power of dream manipulation, we took advantage of your emotions and insecurities in order to break down your mind, heart, and soul. We toyed with your mind to make it easier for us to control you."
Monokuma: "You....bastards......You've been.....fucking with me.....this whole time.....!?!?!"
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"Weellllll....Not the whole time. We've been watching you, yes, but we haven't been messing with you. Not with so many witnesses that could detect us nearby. So rather than mess with you then, we simply waited for you to be truly alone to mess with you. Those nightmares you were having were a byproduct of your fears, your worries, your doubts towards others and even yourself, and so on. We simply.......amplified their effects to an extreme level. You know, nightmares about being hated by the world. Worried about everyone not truly seeing you as nothing more than a pawn. Waiting for the chance to take your hope and crush it into a thousand pieces. Most fo that was all on you. We just to advantage of those nightmares into our favor."
Monokuma: "You.....You fucking bastards....!!! You....lied to me!!!"
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"Well I wouldn't say that it's 'ALL' lies. That footage regarding Monodam is very much real. And your talk with Kyoko is also very true. And besides, even if our little act was a little exaggerated, would that make the truth any less true?"
Monokuma: "What...the fuck are you talking about....!? Don't you...fuckign dare....try to fucking trick me....!!! I know....my friends.....and my family.....!!!"
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"Your....family? You mean the same family that didn't want anything to do with you after how you treated them so poorly? Like the son you neglected and he did everything in his power to fuck you over in revenge? Like the aunt who never saw you as another one of 'her' worthless pawns? Like the little sis who would do anything to ensure her status at the top of the charts of the idol industry? Like the brat who has a whole company to mass produce copies of you? Replaceable copies of you? Copies she ca replace you with?"
Monokuma: "T-That....That's.....!"
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"You know that this is the nature of man, Monokuma. Just look at your oh so sweet and 'caring' mother, who abandoned you for her despair."
Monokuma: "T-That's...That's not true....!"
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"Then what did she leave behind in terms of closure? Why does she insist on running from you? You know it's because she's bored of you. She never loved you, you fool. She only cared for one thing, and that's despair. Whether she feels it herself or inflicts it onto others, it's the only thing on her mind. Think about it. She murdered her own sister to cover her own tracks, shed no tears for her ex-boyfriend when she killed him off, saw the warriors of hope as nothing more than pawns for her to use, no different than the remnants of class 77, she had no issues manipulating people like Mikan or Ryota, and don't even get me started with what she did to poor Chisa. She rigged her own game to kill off Kyoko. She contradicts herself in many different ways. She feels no emotion whatsoever. She's the Ultimate despair. She loves despair above everything else. Do you really believe that you were any kind of exception?"
Monokuma: "I.....I...."
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"Use your head. You met versions of her that saw you as nothing more than a pawn. Everyone saw you as a pawn. Mikado, Kokichi, Sayaka, Kodaka, Monodam, everyone. No one cares for you because you amount to nothing more than a puppet for them to use. Nothing has changed. Nothing will ever change. You're just an machine, a puppet, a slave to despair. Even now, you played right into my hands."
Monokuma: "Y-You......You...!!!!"
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"Welp. i think that we're done chatting here. I need you to remain asleep until things are finally ready." *Aiguo raises his hand.*
Monokuma: "No! G-Get back! get away!"
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"Hehehehe. Sorry, pal. Them's the breaks. Now go to sleep and...try to go to your happy place. What's left of it, anyway. Hahahaha." *Aiguo starts using his magic to put Monokuma into a coma.*
Monokuma: "No....! Stop it...!!! No! I won't....! I-I can't........No.......Stoooop........Please.........Some.....one......heeel..........." *Unable to resist, Monokuma falls into a coma as Aiguo resumes repairing him.*
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"That's right. Drift into slumber.....And never wake up. You hopleless puppet of despair. Hahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAH!!!"
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
i have an idea wednesday addams meeting reader who has a melanie martinez, maybe fran bow aesthetic, or this tiktok account's aesthetic https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSedsmvSe/ (because pastels), and reader's family also has that type of aesthetic, addams and reader's family meet? i don't know if you take asks or requests but i just had an idea and i wanted to share it with the class
this is what I call a magnificent contribution !! Thanks for sharing it with the class, you have an A +
Also, thank you so much for letting me write for another fandom!! I hope you like this little fic <3
Devil likes pastel color (Platonic Wednesday x Fem!Reader)
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“Hallo!” you smiled as you approached the black haired girl next to you. 
In the month you have been there, a lot of classmates have approached you, wanting to be your friends and making you feel welcomed, because a new girl in the school was always a rare but awesome thing, and you were so nice and lovely, the kind of person everyone would want around. 
Everyone, except Wednesday Addams. The girl wasn’t rude to you, she just didn’t talk or even see in your direction, which you respected. You find her fascinating, but after the first attempt to befriend her, where she commented on your “utterly horrible and eye burning clothes”, you stopped trying. You laughed it off, of course, but never bothered her again.
Too bad the teacher didn’t care about Wednesday’s wishes at all and paired you with her for the next project. Well, you could always try to make this a pleasant experience for both of you. Which would be easier if the girl would even look at you.
“How are you?” you tried again
She remained quiet. You started to feel a little awkward, but your parents taught you to be patient with people.
“So...what do you think we should do for our project?” you asked and smiled again. 
“We can see how long it takes a wolf to eat a small human” she finally answered. 
You were making progress!! Good! And this was something you actually knew about, so it was amazing! Too bad you didn’t hear the sarcasm in her voice, nor caught the hint about you being the small human. You totally missed her threat.
“Well, it depends. Wolves usually eat 3.3 pounds of meat per day, 22 if they’re starving. So, I’m guessing between 6 and 43 days, depending how angry is it” you smiled. 
Wednesday frowned and finally looked at you. You had listened about how she could make anyone fear her with only looking at them, but to you, it was a victory. If you were honest, she was the most interesting person you’ve ever met. 
“How much do you weigh?” she asked and raised an eyebrow.
This time, you understood the meaning and couldn’t help but giggle. She was so cute. 
“Enough to feed a growth wolf, that’s for sure” you said “But I doubt Akela would allow any other wolf near me” 
The other girl blinked and her whole posture changed. She even turned so she was fully facing you this time. Second point to you!
“You have a wolf?” she asked
“Oh yes, he’s such a good boy, always protecting us from people who get too close. I think he still has a hand on the basement. Not sure whom it belonged to. But don’t worry, he’s sweet with the people we like” you finished with a huge smile. 
By the way Wednesday’s face changed from annoyed to interested, you knew you had her full attention now.
“Can I help you?”
You smiled when a lovely tall lady in a black dress greeted you. It had been a month since that project you and Wednesday did and you two became good friends since then. Everyone at school thought it was odd, because you two were total opposites, but for you it only made your friendship even better! Besides, your pastel dresses always looked better with Wednesday’s black ones, you made each other stand out.
Yet, this was the first time you came to her house. At first, she said she’d prefer to work at your place because that way her younger brother wouldn’t bother you (even if the idea of Akela attacking Pugsley was tempting for her), but then it was just that she enjoyed the way you and your family treated her, 
Don’t get it wrong, deep inside she loved her strange family, but being the older (and better) child meant her parents would usually expect too much from her, and you were a single child, which meant you and your parents would give her all your attention. Besides, she discovered your parents were amazing. 
They shared your same pastel aesthetic, but also your creepiness. You weren’t cruel, far from that, in fact, she’d often find your manners and sweet talk too cloying for her taste, but there were times when a darker side of you would come out, usually if you were in trouble or danger, and those, those were her favorite moments. When you’d get all psycho and murder. She found it kind of cute.
There was only so much her parents could teach her, but your parents were still a box of surprises and she loved learning new ways of using knives, chains, poison or raising spiders. But after a month of getting to know you all, she decided it was time for you to meet her family too. 
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Addams” your mother said, with a big smile “We apologize for any inconvenience, we’re just here to leave our little princess”
The woman frowned but before she could say anything, a man with a funny mustache and a cigarette approached her from behind.
“And who are these people with a horrendous sense of fashion, cara mia?” he asked.
Your parents laughed and this time your father presented you all in a better way.
“We’re the Y/L/Ns. Our little princess here was invited to your lovely house” your father said.
“Mother, father” a voice came behind the Addams “I invited her”
You smiled when Wednesday approached you all with a small smirk. She never smiled the way you or your parents did, but her smirk was still a nice touch. It fit her. 
“This is Y/N, and her parents, Y/F/N and Y/M/N” the girl said.
This time, the Addams seemed to understand and opened their eyes in realisation. 
“Oh, so this is the girl you kept telling us about, dear Wednesday” the woman said “Our apologies, we weren’t expecting you to have such...tastes in clothes” she said.
You and Wednesday looked at each other and smirked. You two knew what her parents would think about your family’s aesthetic, it was the same the black-haired girl thought at first, but you had the hope that, just like their daughter, the Addams could see past the pastel color and build a good relationship with them. 
You knew your parents would at least try.
“I think nuts could cover the amoniac” you casually said “Mom could help us bake some cookies”
Wednesday didn’t look up from her book, but you could see her rolling her eyes and smirking. 
You were right, your parents and the Addams quickly got along despite the initial suspicion from the goth family. And now it was common for you to spend days and nights at the Addams mansion or them visiting your place (although this was less common, since they didn’t like to go out too much). It was like having a second family! But despite getting to know them all now, Wednesday was still yours and your parents’ favorite.
That’s why you were a little mad about the current topic. 
It wasn’t rare for people to call Wednesday a freak or other names, but it never bothered her. She knew who she was and didn’t let anyone unimportant affect her. But you were another story. You hated people who judged others only because of their looks, it didn’t matter if they called you pretty or wanted to be your friends only because you seemed nice, if they dared to disrespect Wednesday, they were automatically on your black list. 
But even then, it was a thing to call other people nasty names (which was still wrong, but you could ignore it), and another too different was to try to punch her (thank god she was strong and stopped their hand before it could hit her face). 
You tried to fight them, but Wednesday just picked you up (again, she was really strong) and pulled you out of there. Needless to say, it surprised everyone at school. Nobody thought that sweet Y/N could be so scary or that creepy Wednesday would be the calmed one. 
If only they knew it was like that 60% of the time. 
“Ok, ok, what about a tea party at my house and I accidentally let Akela out?” you asked and smiled when the wolf under Wednesday’s feet looked at you, ready to follow orders.
“We would have to clean the blood from the carpets” she said “besides, that kind of junk food could give him indigestion” she finished, caresing Akela’s head. 
“Fiiiiiiine” you pouted “but I still think the cookie are a good idea”
The black-haired girl didn’t say anything but the smirk was all you needed. Both of you sat down in silence, enjoying the books on your hands, when something hit your window. It wasn’t a mystery who it could be, especially when other water balloons followed the first one. 
“Hey freak! Come show your face!” someone outside yelled.
You looked at Wednesday, but she only rolled her eyes and shrugged. Akela was alert and you could sense the change in the mood. He knew something was wrong, he could feel your anger. 
“Seems like they fell for the beauty and the beast explanation, uh?” she said and you frowned.
You had heard the rumors about her being some kind of witch who put a spell on you to control you, given that there was no other explanation as to why you would like to be friends with her. It was stupid and made you mad that they think you couldn’t make a choice for yourself or that they seemed to think about you as a fragil doll. Were they really stupid enough to believe it?
“Well, let’s show them who the beast really is” you smirked as you walked out, with Akela following you.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 3 years
Big question. I need your opinion on something. If Mipha was never saved, and Vah Ruta was never calmed, what effect would it have on Hyrule. We know that it will flood, however I doubt the Shiekah would have the ability to create water from nothing (like to gods) so I just assume they are teleporting so the ocean won't rise. With this in mind, none of the major settlements would really be affected. Gerudo Town is far enough out of the path that the river would take through lake Hylia, Riti Village is also out of the way, and not only does it have a natural moat (if you could call it that) but also a canyon in the way. Korok Forest has magic and a moat and is also out of the way, Goron City is also to high up and out of the way, Tarrey Town is really highup and out of tge way, Zoras domain has pretty good drainage and it will probably go through the several other exits to not cause that muc damage, Kakariko Village is safe in the mountains, Hateno Town is safe and out of the way, and Lurelin Village is also out of the way and won't be damaged unless the ocean floods.
**Zelda meter is the meter system of objmap.zeldamods.org, but in accordance with previous posts I'm gonna convert it later to "actual" meters that I think is more realistic. You’ll see why later.
So, East Reservoir Lake is 545 zelda meters long (light blue) and 340 zelda meters wide (blue)
Or if we want to see it as more of a circle, it has a radius of 239 zelda meters
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Rutala Dam itself is 30 zelda meters wide and 140 zelda meters across. (see purple)
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Taking a picture and using an online ruler, I found that the damn is roughly 123 zelda meters tall. (1 cm equal to 17.5 zelda meters by using the 140zm measurement)
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Technically speaking, the dam's depth is infinite in the game, so we'll just use this damn's height as the depth.
And before you tell me that I should count the height of the rocks that the damn sits on top of as part of the depth, I'm gonna say not because dams typically block preexisting waterfalls, and given the rounded erosion of the rocks here, I would say that is also the case. Therefore, this was a waterfall that fed into the Rutala River and is not counted for the reservoir's depth.
So, in summary:
Reservoir Length: 545zm
Reservoir Width: 340zm
LW Reservoir Surface Area: 185,300zm (That is only 0.1 zelda kilometer. For comparison, the 45th largest reservoir in the world, Capivera Dam [last place on Wikipedia list] is still 515 square kilometers. The largest ones being in the 60k areas. I’ll come back to this point later.)
Reservoir Radius: 239zm
(pi)r^2 Reservoir Surface Area: 179,451zm2 (179zkm2) [Just got these numbers of surface areas to demonstrate they're practically the same whether you see it as circular or rectangular. I think the circle will be more accurate so going forward I will be using it as my basis for calculations]
Dam Length: 140zm
Dam Height: 123zm
Dam Width: 30zm
The Total Water Rutala Dam Holds Back: 22,072,473zm3 [Instead of just using the sphere volume formula or the LWH formula, I used my more accurate surface area made with the the radius and multiplied by the dam height(is that the,,,cylinder formula? I think so)]
Rutala Dam is supposed to be the largest reservoir in Hyrule, shown very prominently on the map. The largest reservoir(by surface area) in our world is Lake Winnipeg, with a surface area of 24,514 km2, (but only has a depth of 12 meters.)
But here it is on a map of Canada:
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To reiterate, Lake Winnipeg has an area of 24,514km, and with zelda meters, East Reservoir Lake has an area of 179.
Ok, so comparing the reservoir to one of the the largest, if not THE largest, settlements in the game, Zora’s Domain, we can see that the reservoir is several times it’s size.
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But you’ll also note that Zora’s Domain has a diameter of 234zm. That, the entire city, the entire DOMAIN of Zora. 234 zelda meters. Manhattan is 21,100 meters long. Manhattan, by the way, is a fifth fraction of the New York County, which is the smallest county in the United States of America.
234 zelda meters, that’s an area of 43,005zm2. Do you know what else is aobut 40k meters squared in real life? Your nearest Walmart. Just a bit bigger than your local Tesco. Supposedly the entire Zora population, that has been untouched by the 100 year apocalypse and arguably had room to GROW over this time, is living in a Trader Joes.
So I hope this illustrates why I’m converting the zelda meters used on the website to something that I think would be more realistic in the realm of Hyrule. You can find my very loud and kinda embarrassing but factual! and old post about the conversion here, same link as at the top, but essentially just trust me on the conversation that 1zm is equal to 30 real-life meters.
New Realistic Measurements:
Reservoir Length: 16,350m or 16.35km
Reservoir Width: 10,200m or 10.2km
LW Reservoir Surface Area: 166,770km2
Reservoir Radius: 7170m or 7.17km
(pi)r^2 Reservoir Surface Area: 5,383,530m2 or 5382.53km2
Dam Length: 4200m
Dam Height: 3690m
Dam Width: 900m
The Total Water Rutala Dam Holds Back: 19,865,225,700m3 or 19.8 million cubic kilometers of water AKA 19.8 billion kiloliters AKA 5.2 trillion gallons o’ agua
Now THAT sounds more like the biggest dam in all of Hyrule. In fact, it adds up with the stats of the largest dam in our world(by gallons held), that is, the Three Gorges Dam.
The Three Gorges Dam, located in China, ALSO holds back 5 trillion gallons of water/19 billion cubic meters. Although it is a lot shorter than Rutala’s measurements--I think the amount of water that it holds back will be a perfect guide to see the devastation that Rutala’s potential breakage could cause on Hyrule.
There actually is a simulation online about what would happen if the Three Gorges Dam collapsed but I’m not gonna link it cause it might be a bit too distressing, but just know that I based this on that simulation.
Firstly, the biggest sigh of relief comes from the Samasa Plain.
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The plain is very very low and slopes down into the Lanayru Bay, so a lot of the water would empty into there. However, the plain would then be totally submerged, so RIP to the shrines and ruins around there. Areas in red as submerged and areas in green would become islands or marshes.
And with that, the water level of Lanayru Bay would rise drastically. Blue is the new water level, dark green are islands, and light green are potential wetlandish areas that would form as time passed.
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But basically, Rutala river would have a new branch that spills directly into the Lanayru Bay.
So now you may be thinking,
And you’d be half right.
Yes, a lot of the water is going to spill out over Samasa Plain and yes, Lanayru Bay will house a lot of it. But here’s the kicker.
It’s a bay.
Not an ocean.
It would take 1.25zkm or 30km for the water to make it’s way to the ocean, and the water will be traveling SUPER fast--about 100 kilometers per hour.
And that water wants to move, it wants to flow, and Lanayru Bay cannot help all that water flower because:  It’s shallow as fuck.
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This chest shows the deepest point in all of Lanayru Bay.
I dropped a windcleaver down in the water: and using a generous GENEROUS estimate of 2 feet per second given the conditions of the still water in the bay--It took 5 seconds for it to float to the bottom. 10 feet. 3 meters. That’s just barely deeper than the deep end of a backyard swimming pool.
But even being extra EXTRA generous and using a real world estimate: Bays would be around 14 feet deep, roughly 4 meter. And we can be even more generous and say the sounding mountains can accommodate 30 feet of height. 9 meters. 9 + 4 = 14 meter height times 30km by 10km(width) = That’s 4.2 cubic kilometers, or 4.2 billion kiloliters of the 19.8 billion kiloliters in total.
uh oh. wheres the other 15.6 billion kiloliters of water gonna go?
It’s like taking a firehose, and filling up a bathtub. Yeah, the tub’s gonna catch a lot of that water, but that firehose has way, way, way, more water than that tub can hold, and when the tub can have a leak or hole on it, but the rate that that hose is going is astronomically faster than the rate the tub can expel water, so it’s just gonna overflow and water will still spill everywhere
[And this isn’t even taking into the account that Rutala Dam is SIGNIFICANTLY higher that it’s surrounding landscape, and would pour into the river with such a force that it could cause a giant tidal wave and break through the rocky boundaries of the pre-existing Rutala River causing even more water to flow into the bay]
Lanayru Bay would be occupied with a lot of water, and since the other 15.6 billion kiloliters of water can’t immediately flow into it, it’s gonna take the scenic route through Rutala River. It’s high mountains on either side basically just make it a death funnel.
Here’s how that would look:
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This is the new water level for the Lanayru Wetlands. MAn they weren’t lying, those lands do be wet.
so yeah everything is submerged in between 10 to 20 meters of water and you might be thinking
Well, bestie, here’s the thing. This length of land is 3 zelda kilometers long. AKA 90 kilometers long. And you might recall, I said, that this, 3000 meter tall  wall of water was traveler at 100km per hour. Well the good news is, my calculations are a lot easier for this as this large stretch of flat Lanayru Wetlands land lines up perfectly with the flat areas of Yichange, (which was actually traveling at twice the speed compared to Rutala because it didn’t have Lanayru Bay to open up into)  
But the bad news is, the video is five minutes long, and this is just the first 50 seconds. This water is destined to travel 400 kilometers. That’s about half of the country of Wales, by the way. The entire length of the state of Virginia.
Here’s the rough path of the total flooding that other 16 billion kiloliters from Rutala Dam
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Oh, and what’s worse is that the rivers in central Hyrule? Yeah they’re like HALF the depth of Lanayru Bay so the flooding will be even WORSE :D
So here’s the new waterlevel map!
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Overtime, a lot of the water is gonna spill onto the paths through Central Hyrule, new swamplands, creeks, etc. etc. The path to the Gerudo Desert will be fin initially, as the water as slowed to the point where it won’t put immediate damage since the bridge is so high. But that new water level plus the influx of water from the River of the Dead is definetly gonna erode that over time and maybe possibly will just collapse and prevent anyone from leaving or entering the desert.
Hyrule Castle will be even more of an island, as the two islands to the left and right of it will be moslty submerged. Also the entire path through Eldin is just fucking done. Everyone in Akkala and Eldin? You’re trapped there. It’s basically a new Lake Hylia but no bridge. Sorry Robbie.
Oh, and also these rapid waters are carrying the debris of it’s destruction, whether the corpses of travelers or giant rocks that it broke off from the side of mountains. So everything is a mess, and depending on the amount of debris, it could completly alter water paths to go even more in land. The rivers are shallow enough, so just pilling in more rocks and dam metal and dirt just makes things shallower
Lake Hylia will be fine, the mini islands are gone, but as a whole, the bridge and the height of the surrounding ridges will keep the water in there. Although a lot of Necluda is basically a goner, and the bridge on either end of Dueling Peaks is totally decimated.
So what did we learn?
All of Hyrule’s economy is fucked. Every major trading path--gone. It’s basically gonna breed even more ethnocentricism, and a bunch of wildlife and sources for food are gone. And not to mention the climate, that’s gonna be fucked too as years pass. Rito and Zora will probably be the most fine? Hylians are fucked though, we destroyed like five stables and basically every river setllement there is. Oh and that influx of water is gonna fuck with the fishes so Hateno and Lurelin aren’t totally out of it either!
Gerudo? Well good thing they’re all lesbians because they sure aren’t going out to woe anybody once those stone pillars holding the bridge give way to the new water levels. Gorons will actually not even know anything’s wrong if I’m being honest. Sheikah? Well that point by Eagus Bridge and Sarhasra slope is gonna connect into a river at some point so I guess they can be a fishing village now.
Oh an RAIN I didn’t even think about that, yeah people are totally gonna die. And if Ruta CONTINUES to pump water into Hyrule (because again, this is only from an INITIAL burst of the damn. Well...
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Zora’s Domain will be gone within the year. Water levels will just continue to rise, probably take on Central Hyrule first, but then after that the Gerudo Canyon. Also if flooding in Zora’s Domain REALLY continue it would probably spill over and destroy Tarrey Town. So not good all around!
But I think the main takeaway that we can all settle with is that the Flower Lady and her garden are absolutely, positively, dead.
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Part II
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Pairing: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Thor x reader, Loki x reader, Peter x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, theft, all characters are adults.
Words: 1891.
Part I
Summary: Transferring to Stark Academy that has only allowed to take in female students last semester, you realize you are just one of three young women among hundreds of students. Your things are constantly being stolen, and soon you begin fearing for your safety.
P.S. To avoid any confusion, I changed the name Savages -> Vicious.
The next day you spent doubting your own decisions. Was it really wise to leave everything to Steve? How could he find those students all by himself and deal with your problem? Could he really stop them from acting like that? You thought once again it would be so much easier to ask for a transfer, but you had already given him your word to meet him today at 5. It would be very inappropriate not to come when he was trying to help you.
When the time came, you were sneaking in the student council room as if you were some petty thief. You were afraid people would start talking: if everybody knew who stole your things, they would understand you came to Steve for help like a little girl. It was embarrassing - even in a situation like this. Besides, somebody could be following you since at 5 pm the academy was almost empty.
By the time you reached the right door, you heart was beating as if you had just run a marathon. You really, really hoped Steve found some solution, and you wouldn’t have to be humiliated by the student advisor for wanting to leave the school.
Opening the door, you saw a couple of students on the sofa and quickly stepped away, afraid the student council was still having a meeting, “Ugh, sorry!”
“Come in, please,” Steve said calmly behind the door, and you shyly got in again, watching four other guys staring at you with interest. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
“What, they too?” You were so perplexed by his words you forgot your manners, speaking of others as if they weren’t in the same room. “I’m sorry, I mean, I didn’t know you were involved.”
Wait, were they the ones who stole your things? Did Steve bring them here for you?
“No need to be so nervous.” One of them, a guy with long, jet black hair forming waves around his shoulders told you, motioning you to come closer and sit in one of the chairs opposing the sofa where he sat. “We’re here to help you.”
You remembered his name was Loki. A mathematic genius, he was considered one of the top students of the academy.
“That’s right! Come, come!” Seeing Peter among others was surprising, but his smiling face made you calm down a little, and you smiled at him in return. 
No, they weren’t those guys who stole your underwear, for sure. Apparently, Steve asked them to join you because they knew something and could give you a hand in finding those bastards.
“Thank you for agreeing to see me.” Feeling a little self-conscious among five different men you'd barely known, you landed on one of the chairs and saw that the other two were Bucky and a captain of the academy’s basketball team, Thor. “Did you find out anything?”
“Yes,” Steve said with a loud sigh, “I know exactly who they are. I can hand them over to the school’s officials and get them expelled by tomorrow, but that’s not the real issue here.”
You felt the chills ran up your back. What did he mean by the real issue?
“Is there something else?”
When you saw Loki smirking at you, you suddenly realized you were among five strong men in the student council room on the fifth floor where most classrooms were already empty. If you screamed, nobody would even hear you.
“Stop it.” Bucky’s angry voice cut through the silence, and you saw him literally burning a hole in Loki’s face. “Don’t make her scared, freak.”
Obviously, he wanted to say something offensive to Barnes in return, but Steve silenced them both with his icy glare. Loki sent him an innocent smile while Bucky snorted and rolled his eyes in irritation. It felt like they were in the middle of some school play, and you bit down on your lower lip, having a feeling something was going horribly wrong.
“The thing is, even if we got those ones expelled, it probably won’t stop the others from doing something similar.” Steve leaned up against a desk with his arms crossed over his chest. “I feel terrible admitting it, but many of our students are completely wild. I’m afraid they might keep harassing you.”
You averted your eyes, realizing your attempts to find a solution were futile. Obviously, Steve could do nothing - he wasn’t a knight in shining armor, ready to protect you day and night from those delinquents who followed you everywhere. As you thought before, the one thing that could help here was leaving the school for good.
Shit, you didn’t know how to explain it to your family, Even your friends thought it was too bizarre to be true and laughed at your worries, saying you probably lost your things yourself. You would have to find a better excuse for a transfer in the middle of the semester.
“Well, anyway, thank you for trying,” you nodded and smiled apologetically at him as if it were your fault, “tomorrow I will talk to the student advisor about my transfer. Sorry for the trouble!”
“I don’t think it’s real to get transferred by now. It’s passed all the deadlines.” Shaking his head, Bucky raised his voice, and you felt suffocating.
Apparently, you would really have to skip a whole year of school. Explaining everything to your family, looking for some garbage job to have enough money to rent a room and pay your bills... Fantastic.
“You don’t have to do that. I’ve found another way.” 
Immediately, you raised your head, your pupils dilating.
“You see, the reason they are doing that is because you have no one to protect you. They know the administration won’t take it seriously because they’re a bunch of old misogynists, and you also have no means of protecting yourself. It would be better if you started dating someone, someone strong enough to make these guys back down.”
Steve looked deadly serious for someone saying such nonsense. A boyfriend? Now? Was he for real? Did he think you'd be using someone like your personal shield? Besides, even if you chose the strongest guy at school, it didn’t mean he would be stronger if several people attacked him.
But when you shared your thoughts with Steve, you saw others smiling at you as if they knew you would say that, and you felt uneasy.
“That’s true. That’s why you need more than one boyfriend.”
“What do you mean? How can somebody have more than one boyfriend?" Puzzled, you stared at him wide-eyed as if he said something stupid.
What on Earth did he mean by that? Were you to have your own squad of bodyguards at all times while you were in the academy? This was so foolish you couldn't believe someone like Steve said it out loud.
But then you caught glances of five men in the room and forgot how to breathe for a second. They weren't serious, were they? Steve didn't assemble all these guys here to make them into your boyfriends. It was preposterous even thinking of that, right?
"Please tell me it's not what I think it is." You muttered, crossing your arms over your chest as if trying to protect yourself.
"Why are you being so nervous?" Baring his teeth, Loki smiled at you. "Some other girl would be happy if five men were to be her boyfriends."
"It's a joke, right? You're all joking."
You hoped to see any of them laughing and nodding their heads, saying they simply wanted to cheer you up, but all you saw was a guilty expression on the faces of Bucky and Thor and the excitement of others. They really gathered here to offer you this.
"All of us here," Steve looked upon others, becoming a little displeased when his gaze fell upon smiling Peter, "are perfectly capable of helping you. If each of us were to accompany you one day a week, others won't be so brave. I'm sure they will no longer be a nuisance to you if they know what we can do to them."
There was something very dark in the way Steve said that, and for a couple of seconds you weren't sure whether you have to be more scared of him rather than those who was stealing your things.
"But it would be very uncomfortable for everyone, wouldn't it? I mean, going with me everywhere, not using your own time as you'd like. And, well, surely, others will see that we won't act like a real couple, so they might still keep harassing me. I don't think it would work."
Apparently, Loki was bored with this talk, you thought as you heard him clicking his tongue in annoyance.
"Then don't pretend. Act like a real girlfriend. Kiss in public, hug, go to the cinema together, what else girls do?"
"Wait, you mean, with ALL of you?"
"Yeah? Do you think anyone gonna be against it?"
You very much hoped they would be. Being followed by someone like your bodyguard was one thing, but having a real boyfriend was very different. Did they really want to pretend to be lovey-dovey with you? Act like you were close to them?
Oh. Of course, they would. They belonged to the same kind of touch-starved barbaric men they were trying to protect you from. They would do all those things to you, too.
You realized you were crying only when Peter flew off his seat in a hurry and squatted down beside you, taking your shaking hands in warm his.
"Please, don't cry. Nobody's gonna force you into doing anything, I promise. You will only do things you're comfortable with, ok?" Handing you his pearly white handkerchief, he smiled to comfort you. "No one of us gonna say anything."
"And if she starts dating one of us for real? What's then?" It was Loki again, cocking his head to the side and obviously provoking Peter to yell at him.
"We'll be ok with that, too."
The silence felt heavy. As you opened your eyes, Peter's handkerchief in your hands, you realized it was Thor who spoke for the first time, and the way he looked at you softly made you feel a little better. Despite the fact you knew little of him, for some reason, it felt like you would be safe with him - certainly safer than with Loki.
"Naturally, if any of us will bring you discomfort or do something unacceptable, you need to let us all know, and we'll decide what to do with that person." Raising his voice, the head of the student council made everyone to turn their head to him. "We will be meeting here, in this room, if anything happens. Each of us will give you our phone numbers. We will also make a schedule who accompanies you every day of the week."
It seemed he no longer asked for your opinion if you even wanted it to happen.
"Bucky will be with you on Mondays, Loki on Tuesdays. Wednesdays are Thor's, on Thursdays Peter will be following you, and on Fridays it will be me going with you. Of course, if you need any of us to watch over you on weekends, feel free to contact whoever of us you like more."
Part III
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @iheartsebandchris @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @illyrianprincess @vampirestrawberries @stupendouslovegarden
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
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Jealous and protective pt3.
This one's gonna be a lot longer then normal just becuase it has alot more charcaters but since Bi-han already has his own with this I'm leaving him out of this lot. (As much a it pains me) I'm keeping these all with the gender neutral them becuase I find it easier writing that in a whole unless someone partially ask for a set gender. So without further delay enjoy.
Warnings: swearing, curssing, gore (it's mortal kombat), nsfw hinted in some spots, Sex. Talk of sexual harassment.
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Rain- Jealous and protective
-Rain despite what he believes, he is a very jealous man. Not to mention he is very over protective borderline possessive.
-He as killed people for the fact he does not like them nesr you and has made it clear on multiple occasions to others. But Rain can be quite sweet when alone.
- he may be egotistic but he also has a soft spot of his S/o.
-He loves showing his partner off but at the same time wants no one to know about them. It was very much a learning curve with his S/o very different cultures, life experiences and such.
-This man hasn't had the best experience with lovers, has been turned down on multiple occasions.
-So once he has you, your gonna have a hard time getting him to let go of you.
-this man gets it many fight becuase of you.
-does not like other Kombations being near you, and has made it very clear to everyone to stay away from what is his.
- for someone known for being a traitor he's loyal as fuck to you as long as you do not betray him.
- man radiates bratty bottom energy an the knows he does.
" Hello my treasure" Rain whispers as he pulls his lover into his embrace. They smile lightly as he rest his head in the crock of their neck.
"Hello my Prince, where have you been off too?" They ask lightly running their hands up to his masked face and slowly remove it. He smiles lightly as his lover runs their hand over a bruise in the side of Rain's face.
"Babe did you get into another fight?" He lets out a huffed breath while trying to look away from his lover only to have them grab his face and force him to look back at them.
"Rain baby, look at me" they say softly as his eyes flick to then. They smile lightly at him and press a soft kiss to his lips. He hums in contentment arms snaking around his lover. His lover pulls away gentle running their hand up to pull away the rest of his head gear.
"So.. who pissed you off and how badly do They look now?" They ask lightly making him laugh gently. His S/o runs their hands thought his hair pulling at the soft strands
"I discarded his body, you will not find anything left of that wretched man." He huffs pulling them closer as he holds them.
"Now what did he do to piss you off so badly Rain?" They ask pulling him in for another kiss. He hums lightly once again enjoying having ha I lover in his arms and indulging in the moment.
" he called you my Whore, and he bragged about how he could make you scream, as you can guess. I did not take kindly to that" it's quite between them again as she sighs into their shoulder.
"I do not enjoy degenerates who do not know their places, they will learn to respect you or end up dead" he said moving away and grabbing his lovers hand. They walk thought the quite corridors together.
"Rain, thank you. I know you might not understand it from my side but thank you for telling me. I know I'm not the easiest to love and I know you are trying your best too. So knowing that you're willing defend me over something like that, it.. it means alot to me" They say to their lover. Rains eyes flick over to his treasure. Pride filling him.
"No one gets to touch you, you are mine. To love to make scream and to claim" he can see their face go bright red at his comment.
"Love you too my Prince"
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Johnny Cage - jealous and protective
Younger Johnny is alot more jealous then older Johnny. But older Johnny is more protective.
Young Johnny- this man could rival Rain with his Ego. He gets jealous when people take your attention away from him.
-He is kinda an attention whore.
-he likes making sure people know you are his weather that be thought leaving marks on you, giving you gifts or always hanging off you.
-he's very hyper, he does calm down as he gets older but this man is very energetic and wants to fight any and everyone who flirts with you.
- man radiates the " I'm a kick your ass becuase I want to show off and so they can stare at my ass"
Older Johnny - older Johnny has alot more life experience, he doesn't get jealous as easy as he used to but he is very protective.
-Man's a Dilf he's knows what he wants and knows how to make people back off and leave you alone.
-will wrap a protective arm around you, place a kiss on your cheek and as you if this guy is annoying you.
-unlike his younger self he radiates "if you hurt my S/o I'm going to deck you into next Tuesday"
Young Johnny
"Johnny!, Johnny are you ok?" The man looks up and smiles his face bloody. He pulls them into a hug kissing their forehead as he stands victorious.
"You know you don't have to fight every person who talks to me babe" they sighs wrapping their arms around his shoulders. Johnny laughs lightly as he picks his partner up and heads for their seats.
"Baby!, that guy slapped your ass what else what's I suppose to do, stand back smile and wave?" His lover gives him a worried smile. He leans down to kiss them into for them to push him away a little.
"Nuh uh your lip is busted you have a black eye, before anything, I am patching you up you gonk." They say to him as the pull out a handkerchief and begin to wipe the blood off his face.
"You know one to these days Johnny your gonna get into a fight that your not gonna win, and I'm gonna have to pick you broken and blooded body up and put you back together" they sigh givign him a quick peck on the lips. Johnny smiles brightly pulling them closer and deepening the kiss.
"Well as long as I have you to put me back together sweetheart then I'll happily enjoy every moment of it" he says which earns him a punch to the shoulder from his s/o
"Hey what was that for!" "Becuase your an idiot, but I guess your my idiot huh?" Johnny gives a lopsided smile to his lover pressing another kiss to thier lips.
"My hero huh?" He asks earning a snort from his lover before they cover their mouth.
Older Johnny
Music plays in the background of the little area that had been converted into an office for Johnny. Both himself and his S/o are working away filling out reports and fixing up files for his daughter.
"Baby do you have those report for me?" Johnny ask turning around to face his S/o. A small smirk crosses his lips as he sees them bent over a desk digging thought some boxes. He gets up quietly making his way over to them.
" already on your desk hun, along with the incident report from yesterday" they call back to him. They only forward feeling a set of hands grip their hips.
"Hum.. well I see another incident report coming up soon" he chuckles pulling them closer as the stand back up.
"Oh well you, get to do the paperwork this time babe" they say giving him a kiss on the cheek as they continue working thought files.
Johnny pulls them away front he table gentle and spins them around to the music softly dancing and swaying hips.
"Johnny, holding out on the good moves are we?" They ask with a chuckle pulling him in for a gentle kiss. He picks them up and sits them against the table hands roaming lightly.
" Yo!, I didn't know older me was getting it on with that hottie!" A very familiar voice calls out front he door way making both johnny and I groan.
"Kid you have five second to get the fuck out or I'm decking you into next tuesday" he says turning around and giving his younger self a death glare of a life time. His younger self take the hint and disappears but can be heard in the distant going off about it.
"God i hate him, he so insuffable" Johnny grumbles earning him a laugh from his partner. "Is that jealous I hear baby, do you miss your golden days?" His lover says trying to get under his skin.
"Not a chance, besides I doubt he'd be able to keep up with you" he chuckles. "Well I do have to say younger you is very much a brat. Glad to see you aged like fine wine" they reply pressing another kiss to his lips.
"Keep that up baby and I'll be railing you into tomorrow, this old man still have some life in him" he jokes earning him a look from his lover.
"Bring it on then hot stuff"
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Kabal- Jealous and protective.
- kabal gets jealous when people over step their boundaries when it comes to his lover.
- he doesn't take shit from any one who wants to try and flaunt their good looks. He knows he looks like shit but he'll be damned if someone takes the one good thing he still has.
- he loves showing his S/o off. And spoiling them, but some people (Kano) decided to make cracks about it and he loses his shit at them.
- he loves cuddling with his partner to make sure they are safe.
- he hates having to leave for missions becuase he worries about them.
-has and will beat the shit out people who don't back down from flirting with is S/o even after they have stated they are claimed.
-been in to many brawls with Kano over the mans foul mouth when around his partner.
-sweet beef jerky man. You look after him and help him with things and he's gonna be puddy in you hands.
- please give him love man's been thought alot.
"Sweetheart! Have yo uy seen my moisturiser?, I'm starting to flake again and it ain't pretty" Kabal yells our from the bedroom. His s/o quietly makes their way to the door way.
"Big box on the top shelf has a collection of them in it, I got a whole lot for you when I was shopping so we don't have another accident" they say walking up behind him and pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
"What would I do without you" he says leaning back into them lightly. They laugh lightly pressing a kiss to his neck and pulling away.
"Trip crash and burn, no pun intended baby. But that's mostly how it would go" they chuckle. He shakes his head and heads to the shelve with the box of lotions, moisturizers and pretty much any available skin care thing in it.
"Would you mind doing my back while I get what I can reach?" He ask lightly even tho he knows they would never pass down the opportunity to touch him. He strips off his shirt leaving on only what was necessary of his gear.
His s/o hovers over his back gently pouring moisturiser onto his back and lathering it up. Kabal sighs feeling his lovers hands gentle run over his back pressing into sore spots and flakey areas.
"Hey babe, I have some of the guys coming around tonight, just let me know if any of the bastards step out of line ok?" He ask looking over his shoulder to them.
"Ok baby, I'll let you know if I need you to knock Kano out again" this makes Kabal laugh as his lover continues to take care of his back.
After finishing up on his shoulders and back Label roles over onto so that he can face his lover. "Gods I love you, you know that" he says pulling them down to lay on his chest.
"Baby let me finish doing you moisturiser then you can cuddle ok" they say beginning to repeat the process again.
"Kabal you Cunt!, where you at?" Kano yells put from the kitchen before malign his way to the bed room to find Kabal laying down with his S/o on top of him. Kano leans against the wall taking a mouthful of beer before staring them down again.
"Your beers shit, get something decent like fucking XXXX gold or Iorn Jack becuase ethos is like drinking piss" Kano huffs as he finishes the bottle.
"Good to see you too Kano, you only one here so far?" Kabal as he sits up. His S/o moves from his lap and gives Kano a small wave.
"Hi Kano" "hey love, and yea only me here so far other fucks are probably pissed out of their guys, might show don't know wirh them fellas" Kano replys before heading back to the kitchen.
Kabal throws on a shirt and he and his S/o make their way to he kitchen to find Kano making himself at home.
"So you gonna break anyone else arm tonight becuase boys and I have bets it being Wade who has a go at em" Kano says, he opens another beer and puts his feet up on the table.
"Kano, feet off table. And if he decided he's gonna try it he's gonna get broken. Y/n is already aware" he explains earning a smile from his S/o.
"My bets on James, man's been getting hands. Remember Kano if he has a go and I break his nose you'll owe me" Y/n says wirh a bright smile.
"Hahah Kabal you got yourself one of a kind"
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Hasashi Hanzo- Jealous and protective.
-when Hanzo gets jealous a part of scorpion shows it's head. He's death glare is a killer.
- he tends to distance himself more becuase he does not wish to hurt his S/o
-other times he with become clingy becuase he just want to be close, he wants to tryvand prove to Himself that he is aloud to be happy again.
-his jealous stems from a few things but mainly his own thought. Nightmares and dreams cause him the most pain with it.
-and after all who wants to try and hit on Scorpions S/o other then Johnny. (Man ahs no care for his life)
-very beefy and warm man, needs a good hug and to be told he's doing well. He just wants someone to tell him he's doing great.
- man's a grumble blanket, his glare tells people to fuck off as it is. And not only that it's very well known that you are the partner of the Grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu.
Hanzo's brow twitches as sweat roles down his face as he sleeps. Eyes flickering under his lids as he fights in his sleep. His S/o peacefully asleep beside him as he fights his dreams.
The room begins to heat up more then normal. Blankets scatter as Hanzo shoots ups his eyes glazed.
"You will not touch them!" He yells. His s/o shoots up blanket throw off them as they look to their lover.
"Hanzo!, baby, hey it's just a dream your ok" they say moving to him. His head shoots to them. His glazed eyes focused on them.
" Scorpion?, scorpion I need you to let Hanzo come back to me ok?" Their voice is gentle as they place their hands on his chest.
"I can not, you will get hurt, we must protect you" he says voice filled with pain as he continues to scan the room.
"Babe, we are in the fire gardens, in your room. Come back to me honey. What are five things you see?" They ask, scorpion twitches under their touch.
"I see you, Satoshi's baby blanket, the walls, our blankets, Harumi's orchid" he says as he pulls them closer his lover rest against his chest and his eyes fade back into the sweet chocolate brown.
"Now handsome four things you can hear" they say kissing thier lover softly. " I can hear cicadas, your voice, the wind and my heartbeat" he whispers. His lover runs thier hands thought his hair untangling small knots and curls in his hair.
"Now three things you can feel baby" they whisper to him as he pulls his lover to lay on his chest as he falls back onto the bed.
"Your lips, your heartbeat, your skin" he says curling up around his lover. "Baby, talk to me are you ok?" They ask kissing Hanzo softly on the cheeks and then his lips.
"Forgive my sweet love, I did not mean to scare you." He replys, they move to lay on top of Hanzo straddling him. "Hanzo, baby you don't very have to apologise for something like that, understand. You have been thought so much and I am never going to hold that against you. They are both quite for a moment.
"My dream, you were taken from me, forced to love another. I became jealous that someone had taken you from me, I let scorpion take over. But no matter how close I came to you I could never reach you" Y/n can see the tears shimmer in his eyes.
"Its ok hun, I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here with you. And I know you will fuck up anyone who tries to take me from you." They smile pressing their lips to his. Both humming in contentment.
"Let's go back to sleep baby, I'll keep away your demons" they whisper as he rest his head against their chest.
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Kuai Laing- Jealous and protective.
- Kuai out of the lot is a lot more closed off to jealous, he does experience it but stays quite about to msot times.
- he becomes very cuddly for the fact he doesn't wish to lose his lover.
- man can be scary when needed.
- he really is the definition of a polar bear. Cute cuddle but also ready to rip someone's face off if they hurt his family.
- kinda man who is really shy in person but is a monster in bed.
-him being jealous transfers to that he may not say it with words but his actions speak very loud.
"Kuai, I've been looking for you" the cryomancer peaks up hearing his lovers voice. He turns to see them walking towards him. He's smiles lightly patting the spot beside him.
"Forgive me I've been meditating most of this morning" he says lightly. His lover moves to sit close to him, they place themself in his lap and wrap their arms around his shoulders.
"Now a little bird told me that you might be feeling down, am I correct?" Kuai smiles shaking his head.
"My live I have you now why would I be feeling down about the most precious thing I love" he says pulling them a little closer.
"Hmmm... well then I believe your shadow of a brother has been spreading rumours babe, sad you were a little jealous of him being back" at that Kuai sighs leaning his forehead against his lovers.
"I do not knwo why he spread rumours, I am quite happy to have him back, I do not particularly like the way he 'whores' himself out" the cryomancer replys earning him a small giggle.
"Has he tried to make a move on you?" It hurt him to ask, he didn't believe his beloved would go for his brother after choosing him for his personality and enjoying his company but he still wished to be sure.
"He's made a few.. comments but no hasn't tried to get in with me baby, besides I happen to enjoy my cryomancers shy, easy to rile up and a sweet kisser" they remark leaning down to pull him into a kiss. He returns it before pulling away.
"As much as. Would love for this to continue beloved, I do have work that had to be done." He sighs.
"I'll see you tonight them my handsome, strapping and gorgeous man" they say giving him one last kiss before disappearing.
"Bi-han we need to have a word"
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joaquinwhorres · 3 years
Blank Out (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
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SUMMARY ››››› Bucky Barnes has a list of names–amends he needs to make. When he gets to yours, he finds the amends process a bit more…difficult than it should be.
WORD COUNT ››››› 1,700-ish
WARNINGS ››››› language
A/N ››››› Oh hey, look at me jumping on that Falcon and the Winter Soldier trend. This is the Y/N version of my OC fic. Exactly the same but for people who prefer Y/N. Lemme know if you want to join the tag list!
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Bucky stood outside of the door, staring at the wreath of brightly colored fabric leaves, a small wooden sign hanging in the center with the words Give Thanks looping across it. 
He doubted there was going to be much thankfulness for him on the other side of the door. 
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
This was supposed to be getting easier. Dr. Raynor told him it would get easier. 
But for someone who hated bullshit so much, she really spent far too much time talking out of her ass. Because this wasn't easy. 
Easy would be surreptitiously wiring a million dollars into each of their bank accounts from the HYDRA accounts he still had access to.
Easy would be taking out anyone who had been involved in the decision to give him the order. 
Easy would be breaking the damn rules. 
The rules aren't meant to make your life easy, James. They're meant to disconnect you from the Winter Soldier. That's the whole point of making amends, isn't it? 
He'd give anything to get her damn voice out of his head. 
Bucky propelled himself up the front porch steps before he could change his mind. Like he had last yesterday. 
He rapped on the front door, accidentally knocking the wreath sideways as he went to pull his hand away. Instinctively, he reached out to right it, centering the sign and taking his hands away slowly to avoid a repeat of the situation. Bucky checked over his shoulder, half expecting Sam's stupid little robot to Zoom into view with Sam cackling and making some dumb quip about metal butterfingers. But Redwing wasn't there. The only other person outside was an old man mowing his lawn in a dingy white undershirt and grey sweatshorts. Bucky's lip curled in disgust before turning back to the door--the sound of locks clicking out of place putting him on alert. 
Bucky blinked, his eyes meeting those of the woman before him. Her eyes were striking, pinning him to the spot and pushing all semblance of thought out of his head. 
"Can I help you?"
Bucky blinked, nodding at her. Right. He was here for a reason. Not to stand like some teenage boy who'd just seen the girl next door for the first time. 
"I'm looking for Y/N Y/L/N."
"You found her." 
He blanched. "You're Y/N Y/L/N?" 
The look of vague curiosity that had been gracing features markedly shifted into a look of annoyance. "Believe it or not, Y/N’s come in all shapes, sizes, and colors." 
Fuck this. He needed to get out of here. There was no way he could have this conversation now. 
"Still want to talk to me?" She asked, eyebrows arched and arms folded across her chest. 
Sam's laughter echoed in his head, as if he'd been here to witness the exchange. And that's why he stayed. Out of spite. 
He nodded. "My name is James "Bucky" Barnes and--"
"Wait a second," she held out a hand and raised an eyebrow on him. He did as she asked, stopping mid-sentence with a sinking feeling in his gut. "You're the Bucky Barnes?"
He nodded, resigned to the fact that this was going to be his worst attempt at amends yet. "Yeah." 
"Well," she breathed, dropping her arms. "If I'd known I was meeting an Avenger at my door, I might have put on some pants." 
His eyes ran down from her face, noticing for the first time that she wore a dressing robe that barely swept the tops of her knees. Her bare knees.
His mouth opened as if he had even the faintest clue how to respond to this and then his jaw moved up and down for a new second as if the motion of talking would bring words. While it didn't muster an apology or some other decent thing to say, he did manage to utter a single word: "Shit."
She snorted at the reaction before smiling for the first time and shaking her head. "If you want to come in and wait, I'll go get changed."
He shook his head. "I can wait out here."
She was still smiling. Probably because she realized he was far more pathetic up close. "Suit yourself, but there's eggs inside."
"I'm good," he said, forcing himself to give a tight smile that didn't reach his eyes. She nodded, leaving the door open behind her as she disappeared inside the house--as if he'd change his mind.
He should leave right now. Turn around and come back a different day when he could at least function like a mostly human being. Bucky ran a hand through his hair, scratching the back of his head. 
The quick, sharp sound of pattering bare feet broke his stream of thought, as another girl came to the door, standing before him with her hands on her hips. "We were having breakfast, you know," the girl announced, her voice dripping with sass. "Now we have to wait until she's done talking to you. And I'm starving." 
Bucky raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be….not talking to strangers?"
"Shouldn't you be eating breakfast?" she countered.
"It's ten in the morning; I ate already."
"We were supposed to have breakfast an hour ago. But Ravi--"
"Rocio, leave Bucky Barnes alone," Y/N's voice called from elsewhere. 
Before he could fully process how odd it was for him to use his name, the little girl's hands dropped from her hips and she stared up at him, mouth agape and eyes comically wide. 
"You're Bucky Barnes?" she asked, her small voice awed. 
He nodded with a deep sigh and another forced smile. 
"What happened to your hair?"
"Got a haircut," he shrugged.
She furrowed her brow at him, her little eyes peering intently at his face. He wasn't sure the last time someone had looked him in the eyes this long. Nobody except Steve had looked him in the eyes since he made it out. The corner of his mouth twitched up. She nodded at him, having composed herself so her little face was serious once more. "I like this better."
"Thanks." He couldn't keep the amusement from his voice. He didn't even really try. 
A thought seemed to hit her, lighting up her whole face with excitement. "Wait right here. Don't move. Promise."  He nodded again and she raised her eyebrows at him, giving him a stern look. 
"I promise," he said, clearly stating each word.
She nodded at him. "Ok. Good." And then she turned and ran into the house, her feet making far more sound than they should for someone of her size.
Y/N reappeared shortly thereafter with a faint smile on her lips, dressed in a copper colored sweater and jeans. "Sorry. You're her favorite."
"She's cute." 
What an idiotic thing to say. 
"Wish I could take credit," Y/N said, shaking her head. "She's my sister's. I'm just the babysitter on duty."
There were some more sounds of scampering and Rocio was back at the door wearing a long black satin glove, reaching about halfway up her bicep. There were lines streaked across it in gold marker to make it look like it was made of metal plates. 
"I made an arm like yours!" she announced, almost whacking Y/N in the stomach as she extended her arm out for him to see. 
He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He'd seen Halloween costumes for sale and shirts with one of the sleeves modeled after his arm, and pictures of guys with an arm wrapped in tinfoil. All of them had been with his old arm--his silver one with the red star. The arm that belonged to Him. An arm made to invoke fear. 
This was the arm of a protector. 
She deserved more of a reaction than a small, breathy, "Wow." 
"Will you sign it?" Her eyes got even bigger if possible, and Y/N started to shake her head, bending over to talk to the little girl,  but Bucky stopped her. 
"You got a marker?"
"I'll go find one!" Rocio disappeared again, leaving him and Y/N alone on the doorstep. She was closer this time, and he could hear her talking to herself and rustling through different drawers. 
Y/N turned her attention from her niece back onto Bucky. "So, why is Bucky Barnes on my doorstep?"
"I uh--when does your sister get home?" he asked, eyes focused in the direction of Rocio's sounds. He swallowed, tearing his eyes away and back up to hers. "I should probably tell both of you...together."
The playful amusement that had been on her face disappeared as she stared at him, as if trying to see inside his head. Like she would want to see what was inside of his head. 
"She'll be here around three." 
He nodded, saved from a response by Rocio's re-appearance, waving a silver sharpie in the air. She offered it to him, and he plucked it out of her hand, taking hold of her toothpick of an arm in one hand and signing his name on the inside of her bicep. Where she could hide the signature if she wanted to.
Bucky handed the marker back to her as Rocio held her arm out, trying to catch sight of his name. 
"Rocio," Y/N prodded, gently. 
"Thank you!"  she chirped, before turning and literally skipping back inside. "Ravi--look!"
He liked her.
"That was really kind of you," Y/N said, warmly. "I think you just made her year." 
He shrugged. 
"Although, I have a feeling that this is all she's going to talk about for the next week," Y/N sighed, shaking her head. "Anyway, Lilly will be back around three if you want to come back then and share whatever secret serious news is it that you need to tell us together." Her voice was teasing, and Bucky's mouth lifted into a smirk.
"I'll be back then." 
"Great," she smiled politely. "See you then." 
He nodded, wishing her goodbye before turning down the stairs.
So much for getting easier.
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