#i still haven't gened my progens!
pestrising · 5 months
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happy ten years to me! unbelievable i got stuck here for so long
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tskumoyuuma · 2 years
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hehe progens as aethers
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avalonianrising · 4 months
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Hi, I'm not dead! I got back from the hospital yesterday (had a hiatal hernia repair, the joy...) and I sound like rice krispies. Yeahhh.
What a perfect time for a trend thing? (I'm off the next two weeks, bleh.)
Lockwood is my custom progen if you haven't met him--he's always been Jungle/Leaf/Jungle. :) He's had several gene changes through the years and heck, he may have many more if the genes are right!
Cecelia is my random progen and was a Teal/Splash/Splash (YEAH I KNOW RIGHT) Fae when she came to live with us! She ended up as a Guardian for Lore Reasons(TM) and I took a chance scattering her into a stunning Sand/Spring/Swamp tree kid!
I'm still obsessed with them after all this time, my gosh.
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oopsie0503 · 3 months
Hello, hi, I am incredibly excited about fathoms and love my two to death
Here they are rn, they don't have names yet so their placeholder names are Sunset (She/they) and Seaweed (She/He/They). Feel free to suggest names! Pronouns may change but I've been misgendering the fuck out of them so they're both trans now.
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Here's their scries for when I have the mula to fully gene them...
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But the genes aren't the most important part. I have lore for them, I'm so happy about them, and I'm going to make them a lineage asap.
Basically the idea is this, they're both from the Plague flight. At first this annoyed me, but then it gave me a cool fucking idea. Sunset and Seaweed abhor their deity, the Plaguebringer, and defy her in every which way. Their bloodline is then cursed, either by a plague priest or the deity herself. Slowly a disease begins to ravage their bodies, and it hits Sunset much harder than it does Seaweed. Sunsets muscles and tissues on her jaw and limbs begin to go necrotic from the disease, I haven't decided how Seaweed is affected yet. They eventually find my clan in the Ashfall Wastes (my clan leader/Progen Midnightstorm also is a plague derg, so I will be tying her into this new lore and rewriting hers a tad). Doctors and fire elements burn away the diseased parts, and they go to a friendly clan in the wind territory (it's my friends clan) where there's a surge who works with prosthetics and get prosthetics before being blessed by a boggie in my clan named Visage who has special abilities (think Animus from Wings of Fire sort of) because she's blessed by the flamecaller. She blessed them to essentially have 'fire' flowing thru their veins to burn away the disease.
Another small detail, their plague abilities are stripped away by the bloodlines curse.
More information on the lineage ideas:
Offspring of the fire element retain Visage and the Flamecallers blessing, while offspring of other elements must find a priest or blessed of their own element or one theyre compatible with to help stop their disease. For example, an ice dragon being blessed by Visage would die from the heat- they cannot stand it. However, I think an ice dragon blessed by a water priest would do fine. and these blessings, be it ice running thru their veins to freeze away the disease or what have you are to the discretion of the dragons owner. Probably just take the damage modifiers of the coliseum in terms of what's compatible with what, this may need some reworking.
Offspring of the plague element are unaffected by the curse at birth- while it still runs thru their veins they are of the Plaguebringers element, they are immune to her disease. They can choose to defy her as well, however, follow in their families footsteps, and be attacked by the plague twofold, giving them much less time to find help before it kills them. If they do not defy the Plaguebringer, they choose their well-being over their ancestry, they will be cast out and hated by the rest of their family. Many times lineage members who lay eggs in the plague territory, often times accidentally, the parents will pray to the Plaguebringer and teach their children the same until reaching the fire domain to be blessed. when they do they will share their stories of their ancestry and encourage them to defy the Plaguebringer, to curse her name, to spit at her immunity. It is up to them to choose their path from there.
tldr: cursed family must be blessed by priests of other elements to survive.
Pls pls lmk if you think this is fun and u like it!! also I will accept more ideas and criticism, and if u want links to Visage or my fathoms or anything u can let me know that as well. ALSO lmk if u want like updates on this and when I make the lineage post on fr forums
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weirdphilosopher · 7 months
thanks so much for the questions <2
💕 - What are your favorite breeds?
my favorite breeds are Guardians, Skydancers, and Aberrations!
i don't know why i love guardians so much really. maybe it's because it was my chosen progen breed but they're also just huge loveable dragons to me... i like their lore as well so that could be another factor
skydancers are great because 1. wind flight breed 2. their lore is interesting 3. i cant get enough of them. i want SO MANY skydancers they're just gorgeous!
aberrations are my favorite ancient since they're two-headed and two-tailed! to me they're very plural but some other people interpret them as having one mind, shared with two heads- not to me, both heads are their own individuals in my idea! i like to give them each their own names for that reason. i only have one at the moment but i hope to find more pretty ones to add to my lair!
honorable mention for Gaolers and Pearlcatchers on that list because i like them a lot too (gaolers fluffy and pearlcatchers have cool lore) but not enough to be considered a 'favorite' for me
📚 - Does your clan have lore? If so, give us a rundown!
i do have lore, but i'm doing a bad job at actually writing it down or getting more work done on it besides a few vague ideas mixed together. some of my dragons have lore in their bios but i haven't written down the story of the whole clan-
in a short vague summary of things: my clan was founded by Malgam (my custom progen) who wanted to create a community for misfits and outcasts. their goal is to create a place where dragons who are outside the "norm" can be safe and find acceptance, understanding and be celebrated as who they are.
🌱 - What name, breed and colors did you choose for your custom progen and why?
Malgam was named such based on the word "Amalgam" which literally just means 'a mixture of different elements'. i dont really remember why i chose this name in particular but i guess it could be a representation of the diverse community he wishes to foster? that could work maybe. be patient with me LOL
as for the breed: guardian was my choice, mostly because i just preferred its design over mirror, fae or tundra, i think... it was the most 'classic dragon' choice and i also liked the name 'guardian' for what it represented
the colors i chose were beige and lavender, based on the queer chevron flag:
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i chose beige because the white on this flag is actually an 'off-white', and i thought beige would match that. i could have also chosen silver- it's closer to the off-white in the flag, but beige is what i preferred when i spent my time deciding on colors. i think they look just fine with beige/lavender anyway:
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still needs the primary gene (jaguar) and their outfit, but isnt he beautiful? i love them so much
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miavira-fr · 1 year
Tri-Color Scatterscroll results:
So I'm one of those people who are sentimental with my progens, and I've kept them in my lair for as long as I've been playing the game:
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(Indigo is the Fae, and Valour is the Guardian)
I see them as ongoing gene projects when it comes to their genes, considering they started out with all basic at the beginning obviously. I still love these gene combos, but I do NOT love the colors! Especially Indigo's colors, I could never quite get her Fire tertiary to work with anything, the Ghost tertiary is the ONLY tertiary I'm happy with her having and even then I don't LOVE it. And as for Valour, I used to love his color scheme and honestly still do like green/red color combos. But there's something about the saturation of his colors that I just don't care for anymore, so I figured they could both do with a complete rehaul in terms of their colors and genes (I honestly can't remember when I last applied these genes to them but I know it was forever ago.)
So I bought 2 Tri-Color Scatterscrolls for them and I am BEYOND grateful for how they turned out! If you can believe it, this is the first time I've ever used this item and I couldn't be more happy with the results!
Here are their new colors(Keep in mind I haven't applied these genes to my dergs yet, but this is what I'm envisioning for both):
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(Indigo got Blackberry, Umber, and Mauve)
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(Valour got Gold, Storm, and Orca)
I'm so glad Indigo stayed in the purple color range with her colors considering her name (I could have definitely changed it but I'm pretty sentimental about their names too lol), and they work beautifully together! Capsule also works good on her but man that Peacock tertiary is so freaking pretty, plus I don't have a lot of that gene in my lair.
And then Valour's colors turned out completely different than anything I've ever had in my lair before, but I still love them and I'm surprised to see they work with a lot of gene combinations! The scry I have for him now is perfect, I don't think I'll be changing my mind on anything.
(Also their offspring have really fun colors now!!!)
Overall, I'm super happy with the results. I have added yet ANOTHER gene project onto my list of ongoing projects, but it was worth it. I no longer have to look at that ugly Fire tertiary lol.
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whiteclericmaris · 5 years
I'm so close to leveling up my dragons to level 7. Currently they just reached level 5 but Boy is grinding them a pain. I will soon get some treasure for them when exalted but Snappers are so slow with Anticipate although really awesome tactic though as long as no Contuse is involved.
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saltminerising · 3 years
i actually have a few g1s in my lair but nearly all of them have gone completely ungened. thinking back on them now i'm awe of my past self's power because i really just. bought these g1s, dressed them up all lovely, and called it a day. i'm not even thinking of giving them genes now, they look perfectly fine the way i made them. i bet all the people who sold me them are scratching their heads wondering why i haven't done anything. i just think basic dragon neat. my progens are still basic too
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lair-of-bees · 4 years
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Day 1: progen/oldest dragon
Here's my custom progen, Seph! For the longest time he was triple basic (and he still is bc I haven't gened him yet WHOOPS-) and nakey! But now he's got a snazzy outfit and some funky genes that even match his lore!
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Oh Windsinger!
I forgot I hatched her earlier!
She's no g1, but she's so pretty!
Why do my progens make really pretty kids?!!!
Fuchiawing and Blueshale are still in my lair and were their first kids!
But gah, look at this gal!!!
I haven't even scried/tried to scry her with genes, she's just so 👩‍🍳💋!
Funnily enough, I seem to be attracted to Common eyes, and lookie what we have here- Common eyes!
Prolly because the color really pops and makes it known what elemental alliance a derg holds!
I don't know what to do with her, but I'm certainly keep'n her!
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wildewinged-fr · 4 years
favorite gene that you haven't gotten to do yet! :D (if there is one, it looks like you covered most of them omg)
y’know i thought this would be hard to choose for a hot second but Nope, It’s Trail
trail (and pinstripe too tbh but i tend to use trail more i think?) is SO lovely. i adore any gene that throws in bonus accent colors, and pin/trail in particular throw some palettes that are 1. unlike the ones you’d get in other genes of that color and 2. just. GORGEOUS omg
and this all comes back to skydancers because of course it does with me, and skydancers with trail? GOD. beautiful. chef kiss. gorgeous pattern, lovely distribution of color, complex enough to stand on its own but still something you can layer accents/apparel over.
fun fact i just checked and more than half of my trail dragons are skydancers lol. but Xirahnah here is big fave bc i hatched a primal from my progen, despaired that she was Kinda Uggo as a skink/shimmer/runes pearlcatcher... but LOOK
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saved by the magic of trail!!
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wall-e-gorl · 6 years
I want to ramble about my dragons so enjoy
I've spammed the lightning discord dragon share with them a lot so! New platform! I'm ready to shout into the void. Imma do my permas and in not lair order.
First! Amara! My fav gorl and progen!
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She's lost the leg apparel since then but I still love her. She's the founder of the clan along with Oado and I gened her up all by myself. I don't have much on her lore wise but dats ok. (Fun fact, I smashed 2 words together for her and oado’s names, and like 2 months later I learned a new baby cousin of mine will be named Amara, a name I thought I made up. Crazy coinkidink huh)
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A Very good boi! My rangen! I also gened him up all by myself and he has some tid bits of lore stickinoted in my brain. He's the one who does all the marketplace shopping! He has this cute little wagon that carries everything across the sand (to get back to the clan, which is it's own oasis) He brings the fodder from the market place to my clan :D
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I've had her for forever and I'm just now training her to be a coli dragon. She's lvl 19 (Amara is my lvl 25, and my mire flyer) and look at her skin!! Isn't it pretty! It was really hard to find apparel that showed it off and matched the details.
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I haven't changed his outfit since I put it on him last December when I got that mask and Isn't It Pretty. I have a lot of art hoarded on my phone of him. He knows a lot and doesn't let you know that he knows a lot unless he wants you to but then it's only to mess with you. What does he know? Everything. Nothing. Idk, he hasn't told me.
Uhhhhhhhhhh SPORK
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The new legg apparel is Perfect with his colors and his lore. His lore is that he is the water and the electricity source of the oasis and! Due to some recent developments he's the one who yeets the fodder to bossdad.
. . .
He's my exalt canon. This derg trained. YEET
Anyways onto my sunshine child Sand. (Look how creative I am with these names woooo)
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He is a surveyor but is also not exactly creepy but he is unsettling. Like, he is Grey from leagues and legends but without the sass and it's maps instead of books. But also the cutedt thing in the world. I hatched him from a pair of mine, but turned his tert basic because. Magenta. (He's got a pretty wind aesthetic for a lightning dragonhuh?)
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My ace pride dragon!!! Look at that accent!! And that "white rose in mouth" I did with layering! The only thing I wish was that the silk scarf looked like it did on female tuns or on female skydancers. And not like a limp dish towel.
Hmm, who next.... OH ASTERICK
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He has yet to be gened ( cri, everything is expensive) His ID is 42424241! And he knows everything but one thing. What is that one thing? Who knows not me. Take everything he says with a grain of salt or two or fifty. (Fun fact 2! I know who has 42424242! They mod the lightning discord and will come out of her well to shame chat.)
NEXT is my new girl! I got her ~5 hours ago as of me typing this.
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Her name is currently Owo cause that was the fodder name from the person j saved her from,but I like it. Might change it to OwOniverse. There's a few clipping problems with the Oracle Guise thing and the Cloak of Cosmos (which I love so much thank you recolors) but it's better this way.
I have BNHA Fan dergs too! I have 5 but am/will be looking for a Uraraka and a Bakugo!
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Fantasy outfit version! He may be the wrong gender but the scar is in the right place so it Works. (Literally! The only breed with opal over the left eye!) No gene changes needed he came as is! He was my first fanderg.
And I'll reblog with the rest cause they're a image limit! Of course!
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