#i still liek it tho.. smile
ravennory · 9 months
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fursona icon yayyy (weeks ago and i still havent bothered to finish anything other than the head)
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ribbonpinky-art · 7 months
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so i love catnap? a lot? he's Kuddle Kitty to me
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plasticfangtastic · 3 months
Dairy Girl-- Part 2
A Homelander x F! Reader fanfic
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A/N: Sorry for taking so long to post this and hope the lenght is enough of an apology, yeah this is gonna be liek 4 parts i got too engrossed btw. hope yall like it here's the previous chapter:
Synopsis: In order to provide a constant supply of fresh breastmilk for Vought’s number one hero, Vought has had to get quite nifty in order to prevent this secret desire out the press and the public– you have unfortunately discovered the truth.
Tags: Stockholm Syndrome, abusive dynamic, Homelander being Homelander, dub-con, dark, mild smut, breastfeeding kink, kidnapping, child-death mention tw, cheating tw, set in s4 but canon nothing, slow burn.
word count: 3.4K
Part 2– Calf
As he’d mentioned before the house was an escape proof cage– every window had its hinges super glued or welded shut, glass panels thick enough to prevent shattering but thin enough to allow sound in. That night as he’d left you for the first time you kept your composure, perturbed more by the earlier events that nothing had time to sink in, you venture across the 3 bedroom home, each room old taken straight out from a vintage furniture catalog, the master bedroom smelled just like your grandmother’s, the bathroom walls covered in tacky pink tiles that you told yourself will never get used to.
By the time you explored the whole building you understood the following: The size felt deceiving, without a way to see the outside this building could’ve been 35 floors high and you wouldn’t know, the east-wing of the building at the opposite direction where you’d emerged was cut off from you by a thick metal door, an eye-scan request made its unpickable lock, looking at how it cut on the hardwood floors you’d guess this is where in the kitchen and perhaps the garage and entry hall could be found, this overall felt like an architectural nightmare, the only other oddity of this was the piles and piles of bottled water– Vought branded water… you much rather drink Dasani than this crap… It was by far the worst one in the supermarket.
There were indeed no phones or even ethernet ports on the wall, the TV was bolted in its place and so was the VHS player (and all the furniture too), there were at least 350 titles on the walls (something you bothered to count on day 5), an extremely old vinyl player your only other company... whoever had supposedly lived here was a big fan of Cab Calloway, ABBA and Bruce Springsteen, here you and Bruce could become intimate friends it seems after all you had all his vinyls, alongside an expansive jazz assortment, nothing in this selection went past 1989.
You also learned a very useful fact on day 3 you stared at one of the 18 cameras that you’d found.
“I really want some Mcnuggets! Like just a 12-pack and a large Sprite! Maybe an Oreo Mcflurry too!” You yelled into the camera waving your arms as if the circular lense would reply somehow.
Barely few minutes later the air was filled with the roaring sounds of a bike burning tires seemed the forbidden end faced some road which made you giddy, about 50 minutes later a small door at the door itself opened smoothly where the first strange hand you’ve seen in the last 3 days popped-out leaving a bag with a familiar logo… it wasn’t maccas tho, it was Vought-a-burger which was okay but that wasn’t the point, you picked your meal and your oversize ice-cream and drink and begun connecting lines– Your prison was in Pennsylvania, based on the area code on the phone number on that old pizza box, located close enough from both a pizza chain and on a 15 to 20 minutes drive from a Vought-a-Burger, the library held no maps for you to try to find your location but give or take about an hour or two by foot from any civilization… Yet as you drank the mostly melted caramel churro sundae you smiled thinking of how to steal a bike.
That Night you picked two tapes from the wall not caring one bit about what you were going to see, you stared at the camera.
“Hey can one of you check like an underrated 80s movie list from IMDb ‘cuz I seen a few of these already… at least bring me something new!” 
As always no response was ever given, you dragged your feet towards that ornate bedroom of yours, pink walls, flowery quits, a matching chaise lounge, a hardwood coffee table bolted to the ground and your private TV and VHS player, it took you an hour to remember how to use these thing that second day here. You put on a movie, curling in your bed in the dark, smelling the sweet flowery smell of fabric softener, this didn’t smell like home, pillows too soft, mattress too soft everything here was made to bring you comfort but it was making you feel like a squatter.
The cold light of the screen enveloped every surface and you slowly faded away as ‘Lady in White’ began to wrap up, eyes glued to the screen so firmly you screamed when the faint red light peeked from the corner, clutching the quilt across your body as the red faded away and all you saw was a vaguely illuminated shape.
Blurry colors with no clean shapes, standing facelessly enough blue to let you see it was humanoid, Homelander creeped closer, his body blocking the light and like a shadow he devours everything, he turned around to pause the player, draping his gloves on the dumb box as he turned around once more, your heart caught in your throat, each breath quick and sharp as he took another step closer, hushing softly and he’s there swallowing you whole he kneeled into the bed the mattress squeaked and chimed sinking under his weight pulling you in, only the faint outline of gold eagles and soft blonde locks told you with absolute certainty that he was here… that 3 days ago you indeed met The Homelander, far from the pretty blue-eyed hunk from the movies more ghoul.
You swallowed as his head rested on the pillow next to your hips, his nose burying in the cushioned pillowcase.
“I was busy with work” He mumbles softly, staring at you with the same playfulness of a guilty pet owner who’d ran out of their cat's churu treats– "I promise to visit, I got you something… left it downstairs for you.” 
He stared at your white knuckled hands and without uttering a word you understood his demands, fingers moved by psychic force alone, you welcomed him into your lap as you came undone, burying your digits into his hair, soft like cotton, so smooth you dreamt of cat’s bellies as you scratched him, he took the remote from under you lifting you with so much ease your brain struggled to compute it at first, the movie played and all he wanted was petting.
“Security told me you’ve been good… nothing crazy… am glad, "he said with a tired tone.
“What good would that do me…?” You replied with your eyes focused on the screen.
If you wanted to survive I had to get on his good side, no? you though
“I like it when you people understand your place” He chuckles softly.
‘You people’? You could easily discern the meaning behind his words by tone alone, your finger stopped suddenly, his eyes flaring up immediately.
“I think this would be more productive if you told me exactly what’s going on… I won’t try to run or scream… am just confused and scared…” you spoke bluntly as his gaze met yours in the dark.
“This is my private speakeasy and you’re the bartender… tap too… is hard being on top… and I want some relief… and a sanctum–
“To express your socially unacceptable inclinations/interests? Fair enough I can imagine the press would eat you alive if they found out you liked breastmilk.”
“You’re cute and smart too.” He pushed himself into your stomach, your body sinking to the shape he wanted, holding you tight– I’ll be a good owner and let you asks me absolutely anything you want”
“Why me?”
“Dunno.” His lips tightened into a flat line– the doctors picked you, I asked for a good provider… but all the women downstairs and you did have one thing in common” He sounded awkward as he spoke listening to your increasing heartbeat– you kept producing… I asked to have easy access to my treat but somebody downstairs came out with all of this” his hand lazily gestures around– bit extra I know.”
How simple, he didn’t even care about this to begin with, glaring at him gave you no answers or comfort.
“My family…?”
“They think you killed yourself, I've been told… your ex-hubby been on twitter acting holier than the virgin mary, absolutely devastated for likes” You bit your lips, face scrunching up ready to shout and cry– everybody suspects he murdered you even the cops”
“I'm going to kill him!!” Your tears flowed regardless – god fucking dammit!”
Your whole body rejected the news, twisting your stomach and filling you with needles
“How would you do it?”
“Bash his head in with a hammer…?? I don’t know but fuck him! I wasted 5 years of my life with that bastard!” You cried.
Homelander buried his face into your stomach, hiding the smile on his face. as you cursed outloud for a little bit, he paid no attention to your words.
“Sorry…” You cleaned your tears trying to stop this embarrassing display, the mere thought of him acting like he cared made you sick when he wouldn’t even come to his own son’s funeral– are you gonna hurt me?” you cleaned your nose against the pillow.
He moved so quickly before you knew it he’s face to face and even in this dark room only lit by rolling credits he appeared serene as a painting… It makes your blood run cold.
“Why would I hurt my comforter?”
That night he only slept for a couple hours, never moving from your stomach, holding you regardless, he snored softly, mumbling half-spoken words, lips twitching and brows furrowing, you petted him gently watching his hardened frown melt.
Some days he’d come once, others he’d come five times and then there were the days were you didn’t see him at all, leaving you awkwardly aware about how odd these exchanges felt… for it never felt truly sexual, your fears of molestation and ‘real’ assault dissuaded as you accepted that all this man was doing was come here to whine and bitch about work and suck on your titty– like right now, Homelander has been shouting, talkign so much shit about his coworkers you started to wonder if it was made up for nobody could certainly be that allegedly incompetent, about how stressful it was to do 20 plus media interviews all day, about hoq\w his latest film “Justice Serve” was a fucking nightmare already despite being only half-way thru pre-production.
“Do you even know what it's like to deal with idiots who think they’re better than you because they have an award!?” He put your nipple back in his mouth with a frown– who does Villeneuve think he is” He mumbled into your skin.
Yet he didn’t only bring petty grievances and thirsty lips– he showered you with gifts, perfumes you couldn’t pronounce filled with soft fragrances: sweet but not sugary, warm tones without too much spice. Brought you beauty products to pamper you… to watch you play with from the many cameras in the house, and dressed you like a doll in clothes you honestly wouldn't have bought in the first place, too flowery and tradwifey.
You did so with a fake smile, you’d be pretty for him if you must, keep your tongue in-check and swallow the ever increasing knot in your throat for he at least wasn’t loud towards you, he didn’t yell, he didn’t make scenes… you were just living like his newest pet.
His miniature cow standing in the living room instead of the evergreen pastures outside, VHS tapes and steel food trays made your fence.
You keep busy cleaning this house making stories of who had lived there, Bruce the only one who spoke to you.
Analysing the house inch by inch, there had to have been a spot they’ve missed you kept thinking, you figured that somehow they monitored your sleep cycle, only entering to remove dirty clothes and trash in the death of night, they knew if you were obviously awake, on day 14 you stayed up till around 5 am and not a peep was heard accross the house but as you woke past noon all your trash had been cleaned up, on day 16 you stayed awake all day felt sick passed out and same thing, you would find a way out, you would force them to take you out, all the furniture was glued in its post but if you had to cause a fire you fucking would… as you stared at your clean bedsheets you figure you could force them to come in and drag you outside but as you postulated the possibility of a faux-suicide attempt Homelander’s face flashed accross closed eyes– dare dissapointing him and lose all the goodwill you’d been building, trust, even presents more extravagant than anything your ex ever did.
Had he not kidnapped you, hold you against your will in an underground bunker, used you as a milk fountain and terrified the fuck out of you with his invisible steps in the middle of the night you would had found him charming… endearing even… at least he was still handsome… frightening but handsome.
Day 18-19-20 were the worse so far, days went by and your isolation only grew he had not come by, your meals delivered so quietly you missed them and found them cold, birds either too loud or gone but Homelander never came, every hour the anxiety only grew as you found your throat aching to speak with somebody other than a non-present 80s musician.
You made a stack of the movies you’ve seen yelling to the camera demanding more to watch, abandoning the cause to focus on the obscene collection of Danielle Steel books in the library… at least 30 books, at least it was a distraction as you woke up for the third day in a row without hearing from Homelander. 
You talked to yourself, prettier views didn’t make up for human interaction, you had isolated yourselves before… you didn’t eat, shower, answer calls, simply left yourself to rot in your bed, sinking deeper and deeper into your mattress, the calm heartbeat of the machine keeping you alive until the phone battery died, now here you were curling in the couch feeling that endless void inside you screaming back at you, nothing to distract you from it any longer.
How ironic that those days locked in the basement had been the firsts since the funeral that you’d hadn’t thought about it.
Now every sleep came with dreams of distant cries, empty halls that cooed back, and a sense of urgency as time slipped from underneath you, nothing here smelled like him, yet in your sleep you held your pillow as you once held him, swearing it smelled like him, in the silence the singing birds sound like babies, but there’s nothing but creaking floorboards, old pipes and foreign ghosts in this place.
In this endless silence your mind told you this was limbo, jazz solos disguised the pandemonium of a silent afterlife, but as your heart anguished once again you buried yourself in paltry distractions, reading out loud as to keep your vocal chords warm and delude yourself that there was some company in here, mostly to hide the nonexistent crying.
It took you by surprise when half way thru ‘The Ghost’ you heard the buzzing of the steel door, your ears perked up stretching your neck before falling into the floor, shaky knees picked you up once more with a brave kick, quick steeping into the living room– Homelander stood staring at the messy pile talking to the camera to have this sorted and for the first time since you’d been here you sawn another human, who answered his call almost immediately, a man in kevlar rushed in his gun bouncing on his back alongside a young man dragging an ikea bag.
“Homelander!” Your voice was hoarse but he still turned to smile at you.
“We got you some new movies Ms. L/N” The young man spoke dropping the bag with a heavy thud.
“Watch it!” Homelander growled and you saw a slight stain dribble down his pants– just go wait in the library kitten while these ones sort this out for you.” 
Your feet moved anyways, too excited by the presence of new faces, had he not cleared his throat you would’ve said anything just to make sure this wasn’t a dream, you looked away and that big steel door was wide open, an armed guard by the exit tho… it was an office, painted white with cool fluorescent lights. 
Run, the voices scream.
For fucks sake run!!\
You stay still.
It’s a test. Run and die, run and he’d snap your spine in thirds before you understand what happened your brain would be separated from your cranium no doubt, you swallow and take a step back, slow heavy agonizing steps lead you to the library.
Homelander’s gaze softens as he watches you sit by the unlit fireplace, he follows you soon after leaving the staff to work behind, you lift your head with a stiff neck, your tongue swollen inside your mouth, he smiles gently dropping to your level, carrying a small box.
The pretty bow doesn’t catch your attention in the least.
Not that dashing smile and ever so blue eyes either.
He tickles your nose without touching.
Chamomile and oat, a pale scent, subtle and clean…
As he scoot closer to you urging you to take the meaningless box held by nude hands, he pets your chin, leaving you to catch nutty tones… his hands smell of almond oil and cream.
He’s talking as he guides your hand into opening the present but you aren’t hearing a single word spoken… all you care about is his aroma…it invides you carving an aching hollow chest, making you dizzy and the world is squeezing your whole body with a thousands of pounds of violent force but you’re still held in one piece, wrapping your neck with the necklace he’d got you, touching every exposed inch leaving traces of sweet almond on you, resting his chin on your stiff shoulder so close whispering sweet nothings to you… hair smells so creamy… milky coconut, it makes you ill– You could name every brand he wore if asked.
“You like it?” He asks into your neck.
‘Like’ what? You guessed he meant the necklace.
“Where have you been?” You asked, wanting to think of anything but that bitter scent.
He pushes you down into the carpet, your hair drapes everywhere so he moves it to give himself no chance to pull it, you can’t even argue but your surprise and discomfort still paints your face, before you can say anything he drops his head on your stomach, nuzzling your dress and pulling your hand towards his head.
“I don’t want to talk about it” his muffle words sound angry, he whined into your stomach a quiet order demanding affection.
Obeying orders before he could whined even more for now you wanted silence again.
Staying like this for as long as he needed, leaving you to speculate what brought him such distress that caused him to abandon you as a result, a part of you stared in awe as you realized you how long this man could stay still without making a sound for.
How long did you lay there in a shared repose that your eyes shut? you wondered as the orange glow of afternoon sun warmed your cheeks, his hand cleaned a falling tear off your face as you woke up with a headache.
“Had a nightmare?”
Your hand unconsciously pulled him close to you, burying his face under your chin he’d awkwardly smiled as he adjusted to your demands, talking to you but it was white noise, your kept him still bridging an arm across his neck locking him in position, your other hand buried in blond, closing your eyes as you got high on shampoo.
In your mind much like your dream you hold him so close, he was plump and giddy, his hair more than a thin tuff, you laughed with him, as you dried his back, you swore to never love the scent of coconut, you held back your pain as you held him with all your might.
“I don’t want to talk about it…”
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lampiridaes · 1 month
hello agaian. im here to request a different thing from what i usually request. hsr!! yay!!! yanqing, arlan, and qingque with a guinaifen-like s/o. a silly streamer and blogger.. like whatd they do or react when thir s/o do streams with them sometimes!!.. maybe trying out different types of foods, doing tricks, exploring places.. and more
(also you can refuse this req since idk if i can submit 2 or not, i donnt wanna sound greedy :'))
thank you!!!!<3
♬ now playing: "streamer"
-> "chat is this real", "... who are you talking to???"
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summary. hsr chars w/ a guinaifen-like!s/o
chars. yanqing , qingque (ft. fu xuan)
notes. blinks repeatedly. man! how long has it been. hai lyn!!! thank u for the two requests!!!! except tumblr ate the other one up and i . forgor what it was. u have been reading my works since liek . december ??? i find u very cool.!!!!! I COULDNT THINK OF ANYTHING FOR ARLAN and also this is relly really short I AM very.veru sorry:( i hoep u still enjoy this tho!.!!!! ^0^
contains. spoilers for the event story "aurum alley's hustle and bustle" (yanqing), fluff, established relationships
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track one: yanqing
considering yanqing's job and training, he doesn't have as much free time as he wishes he had. but he still hangs out with you and even guests in your streams at times!
in fact, he even joined in when you visited aurum alley. after sushang and the trailblazer fixed the area up, helping the stores, it was no surprise that it was on your go-to list.
"good evening, everyone! i'm sure you all heard about the renewal of aurum alley, so i came here today!" you smiled at the video camera, then switched it over to frame yanqing, who was coming back to you with some berrypheasant skewers in hand.
"and today, i'm accompanied by the cloud knight's lieutenant, yanqing!" yanqing, already biting into one of the skewers and handing yours to you, gave a goofy smile to the camera.
essentially, you were documenting your exploration date with yanqing. he didn't seem to mind that much, though.
the chat, on the other hand, was sort of going wild — spamming cute stickers, a bunch of cheesy comments about you guys... overall finding this puppy love to be very cute (it is.)
track two: qingque
and on the other side of the spectrum, there's qingque — biggest slacker of the divination commission. it's admirable how she isn't fired yet.
so, it means that she's almost always down to stream with you. and this time, the both of you decided to explore around the luofu. nothing too special, honestly.
"man, this is actually getting a little boring." qingque mumbled, observing around the area you two are in. supposedly, there was something 'super duper fascinating' in this place, and you wanted to check it out. for the views.
admittedly, you were disappointed, too. you've been walking around for a good 45 minutes now, and nothing has shown up. not a building, creature, object... zero.
well, until you hear footsteps coming from behind you.
the both of you stopped in your tracks, absolutely horrified to hear something like that for the first time. it was almost cartoonish, the way you looked at each other like, 'did you hear that, too?'
one word came from the voice behind you, firm and annoyed — "qingque."
it was just the master diviner, fu xuan. however, realistically speaking, that's even scarier than any beast you could come across.
... needless to say, the stream switched off soon after.
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thesupernaturalhouse · 7 months
Damn yall are liking this Hazbins Fallen au- I'm glad!! Honestly I was hoping people would like it but like, still a shock you know-
Anywaysss, I am busy but figured I'd post some fact/headcanons of the au, aoke plot points, mostly surrounding Emily because she's the main change of the au
Emily has a pretty big sweet tooth, and when she does get sweets she always gets extra for Razzle and Dazzle
Again, I will say this, Vaggie, Charlie and Emily are wrangle and dazzles moms. Keekee is not counting as a child cause the seems more like. A ept while Razzle and Dazzle seem mroe sentient, at least to me
Charlie and Seviathans relationship, post break up ofc, is like Ron Swanson and Tammy 2s, no the uh- getting back together part but the '....she's here-' part, Charlie absolutely hates his guts and whenever he's near her more demon features come out as she looks around trying to spot him
Emily barely holds herself back from killing slaviathen, you'd think it'd be Vaggie, but no, it's Emily
Emily design resembles a succubus, it was by complete accident, she lieks the color of horns and didn't realize what it could resemble-
Emily absolutely hates Al but hides it ebhidn a cheerful smile, silent anger so to speak(she does end up snapping at Al and I am so excited to write that scene)
Husk is Emily's father figure I already have a whole chaoter planned surrounding how they bon, Emily calls him dad from that chaoter onwards
Angle constantly makes 'I fucked you dad' jokes, even if they aren't true, at Em cause he knows it pushes her buttons....she retaliated by buying water balloons and throwing them at him one day when he makes the same joke again
Husk just watches.
In the pilot, vaggie holds up her spear and Emily pushes it down like "...no, no..." the Katy says soemthing homophobic and she immediately moves her hand away and says "nevermind. Do what you want."
Emily hates waking up early, she's done it for YEARS in heaven she'll eb damned if she does it for more in hell (plus there's nobody on her about being on time to places)
You knwo that scene where Husk is calling everyone out? Well, he looks at Emily and goes "and SHES....well....I've got nothing on her, she's perfect" you can tell who his favorite is
Remember when angle brings them ti a bdsm club? Yeah, I've- I've got a FUN scene idea for that-
Screw shoes let charlie show her hooves- especially since I 70% sure that hoped animals have to walk on their hooves or else they risk a lot of different things so- yeah, I'm throwing away her shoes.
Also have her show sone more demon features, I love making designs so much- and of course their gonna be more animalistic, cause I love expanding on animal nosies and behaviors and stuff, it was always planned tho I didn't have a specfici bird in mind for vaggie until the hawk feather exorcists au, she also makes moth noises
I am going to have so much fun making their designs-
Also, Emily and Peter are best friends in this au, mlm and wlw solidarity when they go back up to heaven while Sera is tlaking Peter is jsut staring at her
'I know' she knows he knows....she silently promises to catch him up before the trial and he finally looks away satisfied
I feel liek while Emily would be very quick to accept husk is her father figure I think Husk would be a bit hesitant to accept that HE is a father figure
You know victor from lackadaisy? I dont knwo why but I kinda like to imagine husk as him- like I'm debating if I should make husk have had a daughter when he was alive who he didn't get to see cause of the divorce and turned to alcoholism slowly. And Em reminds him if her and that makes him SCARED
Fun little idea I had that I may or may not include, depends how I'm feeling honestly, I do wanna ta leats keep some things liek how 'gruff' he is and apply it to husk, idm I feel like their personalities are every similar, thoguh that might jsut be me-
Husk would teach Emily how to play Chess
Charlie knows Vaggie and Emily are angles and all that stuff, as I've said before. So I'm debating wether or not to keep Al's deal in, I think I will but tweak it a bit
I love Al, but he is an above avrage overlord at best, the only reason he was able to fight agaisnthe exrocists and Adam was due to them not being used to people attacking BACK and seeing it more as entertainment then actual hunting.
Anyways Em may or may not call him out casually on multiple occasions- 'he does realize if he fights Adam he'll die- oh, and there he goes called it!' She doesn't like him
Em was very much called 'lucifers replacement' by many angles, not Sera but even Sera soemtimes accidentally said lucis name instead of Ems at Keats a few times. Anyways she hates lucifer despite never meeting him and for soem reaosn never realized he was Charlie's father-
Al and Rosie are Charlie's uncle and aunt, foudn family my beloved
The reveal that Emily is Emily the seraphim....well, lets hsut say when revealing vaggie to be an exrocist doesn't work. lute notices how fimiliar Em looks..... it's gonna be a very interesting chaote rthats for certain
Speaking of the episode list- probably gonna alter them cut ep6 into 2 parts to, I'll make a diffeent post about it-
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kaoharu · 3 months
how would you rate every a' song & ciel song ever! looks
yippeeeeeeeee !!!!!! heart heart
ill start with ciel bc he has less songs lol
Ache&Deny – worlds most predictable baby ( me ) ok anyways im just a reallly big sucker for kenns vocals in this song. the guitar Also gets me so bad really fucked up how its Always there . even when the loud drums come in . eheh :my eyes tear up: i dont have any comments for the lyrics unfortunately ( mg illness doesnt allow it . . . )
Heaven's Door – i really like the instrumentals for this song also . also always a big fan of when lyrics reference religious concepts and stuff like literally wahtever ( htis is just like hanadoll . sorry )
BLACK ANTHEM – religious concepts again. hi i think hes so interesting stares off into space did you know that die fledermaus is thw name of a german operetta . which im pretty sure is why in the intro ( and the instrumental breaks ) there is the opera like singing. so cool right thumbs up emoji
LUV (Your) StiNG – i just think he sounds really good in this one . no further comments :scratches head:
Vibes – i actually reallly lvoe the lyrics of this song it sucks i cant place it higher . sinc ehe only has five songs. bursts into tears sorry ok also random but it just feels really criminal for vibes ro be last. i love this song i just love the others more for various reasons waaaahhhhh
aaaand for a' 👍 im so excited for his headliner release in :checks calendar: october . strained smile
Pinch102gou – worlds most predictable baby pt2 ( its still me ) i dont even have a really good explanation other than the instrumentals have kept me captive for literally forever. oh yeha and i rlly kimuryos vocal performance its very cool . . . the lyrics are ❓️ if im being honest.i still dont know what he meant but its fine. i like it i dont have to understand
SorakaraHuruYume – this song makes me want to shatter into ten billion pieces i have a hard time listening to it purely bc it makes me stupidly emotional whej i thinkna little too hard in fact i havent even fully listened to it in a while bc i keep skipping and avoiding it cause i get really sad LMAO im ill
THE MIRROR HOUSE – this peaked i love it veryvery much the contrast between it and sorakarahuruyume is wild to me. anyways tho i like to look at the lyrics and jst sit down and think a bit its his second song talking abt mirror images . . . hrmmm
Kamukamu Miracle – I LOVE THE LYRICS FOR THIS SONG. theyre truly as fun as the instrumentals if we ignore his mental health streaks . its season one :] hes just a sillyguy :] and whatnot anyways this is Truly a nsfw song to me heart heart
RE:Morse – big fan of mirror imagery and stuff. i feel liek the lyrics here are an interesting glimpse into how a' views himself and his issues . . . . not rlly sure how to articulate my thoughts on this aside from theyre just kinda Separate from his identity raaaahhh what am i saying
Dakara Onegai Dakara – this song fucks i think it should be listened to more 👍 the lyrics are surprisingly ( or not rlly surprisingly bc this is a' afterall ? ) serious despite his instrumental whimsy what do you mean do you want to kill yourself why are you asking us man /silly
Masaka no Massacre! – worlds biggest sin is that i have literally never been able to find a tl for this song. who cares tho ig it can still be peak to me
Papipupepo de Rarirurero – no one loves this song like me. itd be second place if not for factoring in lyrics . the lyrics are ok papipupepo and rarirurero are really fun to say tho and i can spell it out without having to double check myself anymorw . heh
Yoiyami ni ainori – i looooove how this song sounds . nodding the lyrics are also interesting to me with the various meanings of some phrases in it
Crazy≒Nutrient – i rlly like how it sounds. im not gettung into the lyrics :seal eyes:
#HAPPY – the lyrics for this song are really sweet to be honest. a' happiness ambassador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i like this song 👍 to be honest maybe it shld be a little bit higher but the instrumentals dont strike me as much as some of his other songs and such . but yes i think everyone shld read the lyrics nodding
Calling Cat – everytime i listen to this song i think of lady gaga im sorry anyways its a very solid song tho i think the lyrics are an interesting read . glimpses into his strange as fuck mind as they say(?)
Ningen Yametatte yo – this song is Very heavy instrumental wise. i think it is neat still . . . yeah :]
Yotsuba CLOVER – i wish i liked this song more like. its very good its jusr surprisingly not up my alley . the lyrics are quite nice however so hearttt
Mirai e – this song is alright . j feel like id like it more if i cld find a tl for the lyrics WAAAAHHHHH anyways not too much to say i feel like unfortunately. i do like the music break its very fun sounding everything else was just Average for me. is this mean
S≠O≒S – waaahhh. i have a complicated relationship with this song. i think the lyrics are ok and the music is fun but i juust feel like his other songs are Better im sorry sos i still like you
KKK->E – another one i cant find a tl for my misery but its ok 👍 this one is a weaker a' song imo like i like it but its not very nsfw soundign thay sounds awful hello . you know i mean it just doesn't sound like their bands usual music to me
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transbro · 8 months
hi! whats your favorite smiley? and what do you think are the most important parts of a good smiley?
hi. thank you so much for asking!!
First of all. I don't have a favorite... no way. the fact that smileys can be so different and unique. different styles, physical and digital, pixel or HD, transparent or jpg or gif!
I def have to say a "Yeah I liek that guy" would be: Perfectly a circle or tempting to be (thinking about the smiley balloon i saw today), Yellow, and an even smile!
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But the fact that smileys can be just 1 or none of these things are awesome. I do have to say the more smileys in 1 place the better. like my first set of stickers (in a while) were these neon smiley faces. They're awesome. I also have these rainbow holo graphic smileys that i got for like 1 dollar w/ 10 sheets.
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I also love its connection to school, I struggled a lot as a young student so whenever i got a smiley 100! (with dots and a curved underline) It made my day!!
It makes me really sad to know the story of the smileys creator, or atleast how someone ELSE copywrited it before him, and thats a HUGE brand now.
Its how we have so many smiley stuff, and i think the overstaturation is why it died out so much (and the strong hold on the copy write). But "Messed up" smileys are still everywhere! (not my faves but id be lying if i said i dont have a ew in my room)
I just enjoy how cheep/easy it is to make. My bf found these awesome H&M Smiley pants in a thift store recently and i adore it! And whenever I go to a dollar store theirs always atleast guy smileying at me.
I do have to say I also enjoy emoticons (the original), skype (TOP TIER), and emojis! tho the inconsistency in styles can get me :( i hate that we all cant see the same emoji! Also samsungs old ones were my FAVORITEEEE
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Alright I think thats enough smiley talk for one day. I guess my favorite thing about smileys is that almost anyone can make em! just a circle 2 dots and a curve and ur :)
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smolminimonnie · 2 years
Is that Talbott and rosemary together?
Is he smiling?? I think he just smiled!
Are they dating???
They look cute together!
Chiara: H-hey jae are you okay you seem....upset??
Jae: yeah Chiara never better.....
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This is before they started dating so like year 5?? (I don't remember what year we get introduced to jae so imma saw year 5)
So after rosemary and jae start to get to know each other during their time in detention they both start to develop feelings for each other but of course neither of them act on their feelings. And rosemary not knowing how to act kinda avoids him outside of detention.
She starts to hang out with Talbott since in a way they are a little similar in personality and she also gets along with him as well. so she goes to him for advice of some sorts (which doesn't help) and because they were seen together frequently people started to spread rumors that rosemary and Talbott are dating. Which jae hears and feels jealous and stuff about it and Chiara being a good friend is trying to comfort him and tell him to not believe in rumors and stuff. Jae tries to but seeing talbot and rosemary hang out together makes him feel upset and unworthy of rosemary because she's a smart, clever and beautiful girl, why would she wanna date some troublemaker that makes sandwiches??
"Why not tell her how you feel jae? If you liek her you should tell her"
Jae sighs "look at her Chiara...she's very elegant, pretty and...well she's basically a princess....a princess should be with a prince right? Not some...kitchen boy that sells contraband".
"I gotta get to detention see ya later"
And on the other hand!
rosemary sees Chiara and jae together and she starts to think they are dating or have feelings for each other and that makes her upset and and incredibly insecure, Talbott not knowing how to make her feel better (he tries tho). And Talbott advises her to just tell jae how she feels and that she shouldn't believe in rumors and stuff.
"You shouldn't believe everything you see rosemary, you should tell him how you feel"
"I...i-i can't do that Talbott....look I'm not particularly good at expressing myself while I am learning it's still very difficult to do so and well....." rosemary looks up at Jae and Chiara "they seem like they get along together well...and I don't want to ruin the what I and Jae have now....and if he's happy with her then that's enough for me"
Rosemary then changes the subjects completely and forgets the conversation they had.
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angstlovernumer1 · 2 days
gunntechs Au oc >:3
I love gunntechs au by @elmushterri .It inspired me to make this oc.also from front i wanna apologize for my english but i have dyslexica and i don't use autocorrect since it change my words sometimes even tho i didn't want to say it
They are genderfluid(but mostly they refer to themselfs as they/them but less she/him) and their name is marc(they shorten their og name aka marceline)
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Their costume is fox.And their "hero" name is foxaine.I decide to put their age at 17 max. since i imagine they got put into their first company at age 12-14.Oh yeah now i think i should tell their story.
Marceline is transfer from europe company.(i still didnt pick country so jsut choosing to say europe).Theu were 15 at time.they got transfer since their company shot down... becouse of some issues with kids.
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When marc met the villan kids and the hero kids,they immidetly show that they clearly have some bipolar symptoms but clearly not enough to diagnose too.Marc mostly like to spend time alone sitting or reading.If not alone suprisly company let her watch experiments on other not bc he was special but becouse in papers of transfer they readed that they are already used to do that since thier og company let their "kids" watch other expirements so kinda her running to watch and smile at pther pain was normal. oh yeah she is sadistic as f-(thats why ppl didnt know if her sympones are being bipolar or just over sadisitc.In). at that time she met with romeo they didnt become friend but more like she was annoying him like all time.Like he was trying to do something but she was just playing around or make him things disappeard.She also got inrested in luna girl before she left but they didn't talk since marc was kinda afraid of moths(what i kinda imagine company gave luna to control or smth).Marc than also had some fun with little ninjas before they left with nina(if i remember thats how nightninja was called in this au).Since later on marc become more and more agressive towards scientists they decide to escape.And they did they met up later on with nightninja and stay with them for while but left soon after and live alone in some part of park and spy on pj mask and watch their every move.
Thats all im gonna add more later on but that's it for all.
but also her powers are something i liek to call:mist of fox
Basically she can turn fluff on her tail to mist what makes everyone who get into it laugh maniacly.
and Also here is sneak peak what happens to marc when her uh... ✨Gem✨ got broken
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They will become hyperexcited and not like other turn evil but more they will become no-control.She will start attacking firts perosnnext to her till she sees blood.all time laughing like maniac.and her ears like on pic going up and down and same for tail.
I imagine that her suit is more like lark fro yaolarke (idk if i spell it right) colored themed.She is also redheaded but more dark in end making it look like she has top of head she is bright an dirty end.
Now i think thats all i hope you like it >:3
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unaloid · 2 months
You know, one of my favorite WOY episodes is The Prisoner. It’s a pretty good one, IMO. plus it’s super fun too!
lets empty da inbox today! this is an episode that i would not have thought to rewatch by myself
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AHHH lol watching this right after "the cool guy" is funny HE IS SO MEANNNNN. we;re not pals! SAD! did wander help them to become friends?
well this is a straightforwards looney tunes ass episode, its silly, even tho normally i like peepers mental anguish more than killing him, it is still silly. the funniest thing is the way peepers talking in the beginning and end. wander is scary when hes going around running away without saying anything. lol
i think the backgrounds are very beautiful!!! the colors too! yea i liek all these random rooms and the abstract ones, actually i want to save these backgrounds. lovely art episode
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wtf is that room????? evil devil eye hallway
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THE WATCHDOGS SMILING AT HIM WAS SO CUTE LOLLLL i enjoyed rewatching more than i remembered. maybe i am in a really good mood ^_^
watchdog smile: ^
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soliddaddy96 · 6 months
3, 4, 6, 8 for reigen :3
oh heavens the freaker ... the jerkr
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
i rememebr i wrote this down somewhere but 2 me he realized he was queer of some sort when he went to one of his sisters friends quinceanera and made out w the birthday girls older cousin behind the venue ... this was when he was like , a highschooler in arizona still . after this he was liek Hmm i think somethings up . he didnt act on these feelings until he was hitchhiking to jess' apartment like years later tho ..... not much else 2 think abt besides how you might be gay for your friendon the open road and such .
with his gender i think he always kindve knew , early on his dad kindve picked up on it and went "heyy y. i dont mind if you ... experiment . with your gender . yoru still my kid all the same 😁" to rei who, at the time, went "? Ok (doesnt think about this encounter until years later)". its also a main reason (2 me ) as to why connor bullied him a bit - in my brain milwaukee is a pretty ... closed minded town , so its only natural people would spread their bigotry onto their children < which is why when connor saw how rei was like "im a MAN" but (in connors mind) didnt make any "real" effort into presenting masc , he 1 thought rei was just doing it for attention and 2 sought out to "fix" him ....... < cornering him and cutting his hair along w just. General torment
4. Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
until he was around middleschool he only really had the support of his dad < his mother being a devout catholic whereas his dad was laid back and also queer himself . after he died and they moved back to arizona rei just kindve caved in on himself and gave up on any presentation gender or sexuality wise ... until one day he felt too suffocated by it all nd went back to the one place he ever really Did feel accepted < milwaukeeeeee 😁and by extension jess nd ashe . the latter i dont know if they met later but i think their presence helps rei greatly ... nervous cheetah and emotional support dog type thang . when hes back w the gang he feels pretty comfortable w them and while he still has his moments of doubt from time to time he still feels confident that theyll never judge him (which they wouldnt thankfully). ave maria
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
he would rather be gutted like a fish than talk about labels ... i dont think he feels all that comfortable w himself to say hes for sure gay ... and as for being trans , he keeps that shit LOCKED UP !!! very stealth with it ... even if being called a woman bothers him hed rather just take it and smile than out himself and risk being harassed . as he gets older he just stops gaf. i think hed just call ashe up randomly one day nd go "Hey .im gay." and then just hang up . theyd understand
8. Have they had struggles with their identity, be it due to internal or external reasons?
hes the prime struggler and transgender allegory ... if hes not actively repressing his feelings for guys then hes trying as hard as he can to come off as a cis guy . i think it stems from the hostile environment milwaukee generally is as well as internal stuff < after his dads passing his mom blamed his homosexuality for it and deemed him a sinner ... her side of the family also just talked shit abt him a lot 😭this diswayed rei Greatly from ever being open . even in his 20s i think despite him being more cool w being gay nd stuff hed still be a little nervous ... i dont think his anxiousness abt it would ever go away for realsies , but with time he wouldnt think abt it too much 👍
AVE MARIA can youtell i want him dead
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cerealmonster15 · 2 years
i think 12 would be really fitting for epel n deuce ( epeldeuce ?? deucepel ?? ) , if youd wanna do that !! :D i am also a huge leovil shipper dkkgkva 👉👈 , so if you wanted to challenge yourself you could do them with 12 or 16 ? tho no pressure , i know you already said u werent sure if you could write leona but u also said ud liek a challenge , so i hope its okay to suggest ówò id be happy with either , and also its no problem if you dont get around to either of them !! 💖🌈🍀
HI SORRY you sent this on OCTOBER 30 and i am getting to it... at the end of february LOL i got stuck for a while but!!!!! I managed an AppleJuice bc i thought it was cute 😌 I thought about trying the leo/vil too bc i do think they're a very fun ship hehe, but I've not been hit by the inspiration for them just yet so I'm just keepin that in the back of my brain for now in case i suddenly think of something lol.
BUT FOR NOW. APPLEJUICE LADS!!! I kind of strayed a little from the initial intent of the prompt but... close enough!!!! [if anyone's curious or wants to send a suggestion, it was from this prompt list lol] HOPE YOU SEE THIS!!!!
[AO3 link]
Prompt: Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss.
“Take a five minute break,” Vil Schoenheit called from the front of the room. “I want you all back in your places on time ,” he said, narrowing his eyes as he spoke. “I’m starting my timer, and if you’re not ready by the time the music starts, you’re doing laps outside! Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir!” The group called back in ranging levels of enthusiasm. 
“Ughhh, I’m dying!” Ace complained as he flopped down on the floor. 
“Vil sure is… a strict coach…” Deuce said between breaths. 
Epel solemnly nodded as he came to sit beside them. “I didn’t think he could get stricter than he already is daily in Pomefiore, but… training camp has definitely proved me wrong.”
“God, I dunno how you two are still alive when you gotta do those extra ballet lessons on top of everything else,” Ace said, sitting up to give Deuce a nudge with his elbow. “Why’d you volunteer for extra exhausting work, anyway? Don’t you have enough trouble just trying to keep to the basic routine?” He asked with a smarmy grin. 
Deuce scowled back at Ace. “Shut up! I’m taking the opportunity to work harder and improve myself!”
“Yeah, yeah. Good luck with makin’ things harder for yourself.”
Deuce looked like he was going to argue more, but was interrupted by the sound of his stomach gurgling. Ace laughed at him, earning him another glare from Deuce. 
Epel also couldn’t help but laugh quietly. “Deuce, I still have some apple chips in my room, if you want some?”
Deuce’s scowling face immediately softened as he turned towards Epel. “Oh, uh, are you sure? I don’t wanna take your food…”
“It’s alright! I have plenty to share,” Epel gave Deuce an earnest smile as he stood. “I have a lot of extra juice still, too, if you want me to grab you some?”
Deuce got to his feet as well. “No, that’s okay; you don’t have to carry it all by yourself. I’ll come with you!”
“Bring me back some juice!” Ace said as he gave Deuce’s leg a gentle kick. 
“Get it yourself, Ace!” Deuce responded as he quickly hurried towards the stairs. 
“Nooo, but I’m tiiiiired!” Ace complained from where he remained on the floor. 
Epel laughed as he ran after Deuce up the stairs and into his room. He picked up a nearby box, and brought it over to sit on the bed as he opened it up. “Y'know… I’m really glad you chose to do the ballet lessons, Deuce.” He said softly as he handed Deuce a bottle of juice and some apple chips. 
“Really?” Deuce accepted the apple snacks and sat beside Epel. 
Epel nodded. “It’s a lot more bearable with you by my side,” he said with a smile, and then busied himself with opening his bag of apple chips.
“Oh, uh…” Deuce also pretended to look busy as he fiddled with the cap of his juice. “Th-thanks… I think it’s more fun doing things with you, too…” he punctuated that statement by taking a very long and slow swig of his drink.
Epel smiled again, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink as he slowly looked up at Deuce… And then quickly leaned in to press a kiss to Deuce’s cheek.
Deuce promptly began choking on his juice as his eyes widened in surprise. “BFH- WH- HUHGHK?!” he exclaimed ever so eloquently. 
Epel laughed softly and pat Deuce on the back. “Hehe, sorry. Are you alright?”
Deuce sputtered and coughed for a few more seconds before nodding. “Urk- uh, y-yeah, sorry. Just, uhh, a little caught off guard?”
Whatever either of them might’ve said next would be cut short as Vil’s voice called out from downstairs. “PLACES IN 15 SECONDS!”
“Oh! Guess we’d better go,” Epel said as he quickly got up and hurried towards the door.
“Wh-!? Epel! Wait!” Deuce said, getting up to chase after him. “What did- We just- Hang on a second!”
Epel just laughed and ran down the stairs. “Hehe, sorry! Time for practice, Deuce!” He grinned as he rushed to get into position before Deuce could question him further, and before Ace could complain that neither he nor Deuce brought him a bottle back in time.
The nerve, really.
Still, as Vil began to count them in, Epel stole a glance over at Deuce, who looked back at him, face still a bit flushed.
They shared a smile, and practice resumed once more.
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menalez · 2 years
wait wwhat i dont have any real ones bc lesbanse but what about fake male celeb crushes Like. Random men you chose to pretend to think of as hot for seeming straight purposds 😭😭
I think i chose:
francisco lachowski (i find him so hideous with his beard.... and I remember being grossed oht when i went to look at shirtless pictures of him as part of the act. Literally liks "yess... im suuuch a man liking girl. Not at all a lesbian..EW YCUCK! put your SHIRT bback on!!!" Im actually so confused thinking back to it. Why did i do these things)
I forgot my reason for picking him but it mightv been from searching "most attractive man. male models."
Dylan o brien because Cindy Kimberly was obsessed with him and i was obsessed with her for a short period of time (not even as much as a crush though shes very beautiful but bc i wanted to look like her because... face dysmorphia) i always thought dylan was so hilariously stupid looking but i was liek "heyy we should watch teen wolf for the totaly sexyyy dylan o brien.. 😏" to my best friend at the time
Ezra miller (I KNOW) because my friend was obsessed with ezra miller, i made my phone background him while finding him so ugly, because my friend was like hes sooo cute lets watch every movie of his. This was before the... all of it. But still deranged 😭😭 id watch edits of him from the movie where hes a school shooter and just look like 😶 🤨 while the comments are saying how hot he is!!
And finally like 3 yrs ago, "Wilbur Soot" the mcyt guy.... yeah. Guess why? Bcc a friend was obsessed wwith him 😭😭😭😭
Consistently being a little liar, woohoo🎉
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okay so like. i can see why women might find him attractive. i feel completely neutral about his appearance which i guess is a good sign? i dont know… but he looks symmetrical so good for him. also when googling him a shirtless pic popped up and i had the same reaction as u 😭truly idk what the appeal is when it comes to men’s bodies. theyre lacking boobies which looks wrong and shaped weird…
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absolutely horrendous. basically all his featured combined together are wrong. he reminds me of a monkey a little idk why.
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i had to google “ezra miller hot” just to find a semi-decent picture of him… and still what came up was meh at best. he looks like a semi-decent looking eastern european-ish man. his nose looks wrong and his eyes are very far apart but i imagine women with his exact features would be beautiful. also his jaw is like that one guy on tiktok
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and the last guy…
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hes okay… i guess… but i saw pics of him not smiling and he looks very ugly in them. he looks alright when hes smiling. i hate his vibe tho…. hes suspicious
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husbandhoshi · 1 year
awhwhjashwwh u calling me babes made me all like 😳👉🏼👈🏼 anyway ahh dont apologize 4 replying late !! my second day was good bc i had no classesskshjs,, actually celebrated my dads bday hehe w/ some of my family !! should explain that w/ my classes they're all online 😅 n with some,, i dont actually meet with my prof,, they just give me the work n i do it lol. sry for explaining all that.. probs rly boringsgjshs.. anyway !! i did indeed see ur ask abt joshy's top 5 qualities n they're so adorbs + endearing 🥺💔 i also adore his goofy unhinged sense of humor, his gummy eye smile, HIM BEING EMITIONALLY INTELLIGNEBT (MAKES ME CAZRY..), him being the ultimate (big breasted) malewife, and gosh.. his street smarts + being resourceful... damn u r crazy 4 him liek me.. we r crazy together... also im so glad u have so many wonderful things 2 say abt him bc he deserves it all wahhh.. BUT OMG.. thats so cool ur both from LA 😲
also it's all no problem !! no need 2 thank me,, im just speaking the truth abt ur schooling journey 🫶🏼 ik we dont even know e/o but im i rly mean every word ive said and say 🤗 but yes indeed,, even one class on one day still is a lot regardless 😭 but hm... i would say i like my classes !! changed my schedule several times lol but i would say im fine w/ the schedule i ended up with is good 4 meee.. the weather here is horrid as i live in redacted.. literal dessert so im suffering too.. just looking forward to winter atp..
tysm wahhhh.. i hope u have a good weekend too !! honestly.. nothing rly.. just focusing on school 😣 hope u have fun on friday w/ whatever movie u see.. u dont know this but im a visual media major who's rly into film so plz lmk what movie ur seeing + ur thoughts on it hehe 🤭
(@ what u wrote in the tags) also !! ill try 2 do smth 4 myself if i ever get a chance ahhshsjjsks.. omg tho so proud of u 4 that 90% !! i knew u could do it, my manifestation worked 😁 ok whew sry 4 talking 2 much here.. byebye 👋🏼 - 🐱
hi babes!!! sorry i've been mia... i have quizzes every friday and i was particularly behind this week 🧎i hope your dad's bday was fun!! what did you guys do? and nooo it's not boring to listen to talk about school! i sit in lecture all day so literally hearing about anything is more exciting <3 having online classes sounds so nice! when i had those in undergrad i would do class with all my friends in the same room & i rlly miss that :') i'm glad you like yours tho!!! makes life a little more fun!
and yesss i hope you have a good weekend too!! i'm 99% sure i'm seeing the a24 horror movie that came out a bit ago <3 and being a visual media major sounds sooo fun! i was almost a film minor! what are some of your fave movies?
and shh never apologize ! u talk the perfect amt and i love hearing from u <3
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deidaratheartboi · 2 years
Shu Headcanon thingy(At least I think it is) Meeting Ig
I'll try to make this accurate. Ahem.
So you met Shu at skool (ye ik so orginal right?)
Well you would hardly say met more like you bumped into the guy and his lil mp3 player fell out (whatever tf it is)
You almost stepped on it
Yeah so much for a first impression
Oh and did I mention you have a talent for pissing off the Sakamaki's?
Like that one time you picked up Kanato's bear by acident
Or you questioned Subaru why he was named after a car
And, that time you tripped Ayato
That wasn't on acident tho
So the brother's don't like you much
And there you were messing up with another brother
After that lil incident you assumed he had forgotten all about it because he had little to no reaction when you did that
But, then came the day you had to use the music room
It was dark when you walked in so you stumbled around until you fell on something or someone that is
Suddenly the lights turn on and you find yourself on top of Shu (assume there's a couch) as Kanato, Ayato, and Subaru see this.
So liek this is kinda weird rn
No one speaks until Laito breaks the silence
So y/n has a thing for Shu now does she?
You look a Shu who hasn't opened his eyes despite this entire situation
You leave the classroom and hope that no one else finds out about this
They do. The entire school does.
It must have been Laito tho becuz revenge
Everyone either teases you about it or laugh at you partially becuz they are jeeelllyyy
It was no secret the boiz were h a w t
But still you didn't want this
At all
The time comes for you to use the moosic room and you make sure no one is watching you
You walk into the classroom and surely enough Shu is on the couch being lazy af
You clear your throat and glare at him
No answer
You walk over to him and shake him
No response
You ask him "People think me and you are a thing doesn't that bother you?"
Finally he looks over at you with those bootiful half lidded eyes that make your heart palpitate and he says "No."
You weren't sure whether to be flustered or mad rn
"Well it bothers me so why don't you clear up those rumours huh?"
He sits up and opens his eyes all of the way this time and says "Maybe I don't want to."
You groan and let out a small growl but liek it ain't too scary lol
Shu just stares at you and goes back to listening to his moosic
You shake your head and sit at the piano
You're suppose to record you playing a piano for moosic class or sum so ye
To say the least you suck
Like literally consider quitting moosic all together.
Why did you take this class bru?
You don't think Shu can hear you but he can
He doesn't say anything as he comes up behind and guides your hands along the piano.
He tells you what you're doing wrong and how to fix it
By the end of it you're playing pretty decently
You look up at him but he's already over on the couch
How tf he get over there so fast?
Anyways, you pack up your stuff and turn off the recorder thingy (idk)
You walk towards the door but before you go you mutter a small thanks to Shu before leaving
You don't see him smile as you go So um yeah. Sorry if some if this don't make any sense. As I said I'll try. Ngl I had fun with this. If you guys want more I can try some more. I might make a pt 2 for this and then do some other brother. Sorry if this is too long tho lol
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lizandbo · 3 years
Long distant relationships w/ mha bois
Ok so I’ve been thinking almost all of my fanfics are haikyuu and now I’m suddenly doing my hero? So I’m sorry the haikyuu lovers:( but I will do more later:P when I get shit together another also this is my favorite love trope thingy or whatever the hell it’s called ans I prolly will make pt 2 of this
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- king of giving you gifts
- with endeavors credit card of course
- writes letters too
- one time on Valentine’s Day he wrote you the most romantic poem and letter on the entire earth
- boi be really being hopeless romantic
- calls more than texts
- more like FaceTime
- when he facetimes you he’s soooo close to the camera
- like ya know that one person who always got their nose right up to your screen?
- yeah that him
- never missed a goodmorning, goodnight or a hello and goodbye text
- never ever had missed the opportunity to say that
- kisses the camera too sometimes a lot
- I’m sorry but he’s just not the type to go “yo gm y/n, my day was ok, wbu?” or something like that shit
- or emojis either, he may do it to express himself better but she thinks their weird af
- when you finally bought the plane tickets and flew over there, he was so happy
- actually smiled for once
- liek smiley diley smiled ya know?
- was sooooo happy that you were there in person
- being on call or text isn’t the same as being there in his arms obviously
- hadn’t really received affection at all so he def surprised when you hugged him
- i mean yeah he hugged you but he’ll be absolutely stiff as a mf brick wall
- makes soba, but like... idk if you would eat it cold but...gotta try new things.. right?
- loves to cuddle you since he has no experience and this is his first time:D
- ok, so ya know at the start I said king of getting you gifts? So he was thinking and deciding what to get since you came over here in Japan
- so he bought this huge life sized teddy bears
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- yeah he surprised you right back
- goes to a lot of restaurants and cafés w/ you
- and a lot of dates about random shit
- his kisses are so sofffftttt
- likes to hide his head in your neck
- n kisses it
- when the time has come, you will never ever be forgotten in his heart
- oh my fuck im like saying as if you were bout to die or some shit
- but he’s gonna be real sad like you are
- but he knows that your coming back soon enough
- so he be a lil not devastated but still sad tho
- hopes that you have a safe trip and has that one last kiss with him before you have to leave
- literally just watching you from the window to go to the airport and silently cry
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- girl loves you and wants you to be in her arms NOW
- of course you can’t:( you live in America
- she understands that it’s your home
- godamn she misses youuuuuu
- she wants to live with you or you to come here to live with her once you guys are grown up
- text you a lot
- more than a person would usually
- text you morning and night text, and random shit
- more like your daily meme shitshow
- cuz she loves to text you random memes all day everyday
- when you finally fly to Japan she’ll be sooo ecstaticcccc
- jumping up and down like a true fan girl that she is
- you Sneaked into her room and sat there until she came back
- and it was a long time cuz she was hanging out with prolly the bakusquad or some shit
- but if she had known that you were there then she’ll def zip her tail right back to her dorm room
- all you do is literally snuggle together like cats for the WHOLE DAY
- i mean yeah being ina plane for xyz hours is a lot
- but you also starving
- when I say starving, I meant starving
- anyway, yeah you two were a wizard in the kitchen
- made your favorite dish and she did the lady and the tramp thing we’re doing the spaghetti thing
- goes to a lot of shops and buys a lot of clothes for you and her
- does a lil fashion show with the two of you in a dress rooms in the shop
- you will have so many clothes to the point that you have to get another bag to go with you at home, and she’ll eventually take some of your clothes in her closet cuz she loves your smell
- even tho you might either smell like a dead moldy possum from the junkyard or the most refreshing flower
- shell love it trust me
- buys matching pins for both of yous
- at nightime she’ll watch tiktoks and cuddle you
- loves how warm you are no matter what
- when You have to go she’ll be at your feet crying
- poor bby doesn’t want you to leave
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- kiri my dude will be a cringey emoji texter
- and somewhat a slow texter
- while you guys are messaging its prolly gonna be early mornings for him and at the afternoon
- sometimes when he works out in his dorm he’s gonna be doin pushups and shit and while you talk about your day together
- on your birthday or other special day he’ll send you gifts
- tried to send you flowers but they didnt really survive
- mans tried tho! - when you came to japan he hugged and you kissed and all the fluffy and good things that came with eijiro
- i mean you knew what you were heading into in the beginning of the relationship
- when you surprised him from him talking to other peeps from the behind of his back
- he was not expecting you
- thr love of his life rose him from the dead becuase when he heard your voice his soul practically leaving out of his body
- YAY your BACK
- he’s gonna move faster than the mf tape measures thats for sure
- his arms are gonna be wrapped around your head and playing with your hair while whispering lovely complements and thank youz that your being here in the flesh
- bridal style carries you to his room since you guys were in the common room
- asks if your hungry, if the flight was ok or not and whatnot
- and of course you said yes your hungry because they really do starve you
- mmkay he does really, really does tries to cook
- personally I think he’ll good at meat and cooking it
- mans loves meat
- but he’s just not that great at it
- so make your own food, its all you rn
- so when you eat together because he really wants to spend allllll thehhhehehhee time in the world with you rn cuz he just really misses you
- after eating he obviously has to cuddle n snuggle you to death
- after a while of being in japan, you had to go back home
- manly tears on the spot
- he doesnt want you to go but you have to:(
- will def want to surprise you while your in america
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