#i still need to fix the blog theme so i’ll be doing that.. to the best of my ability
finally made an ultrakill blog
ultrakill yayyy woooo woohooo hoorayyyy yippiee wooo yeahhhh pumps fists in air wooooooo
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makeste · 2 months
BnHA Chapter 428: Night of the Kouhai
Previously on BnHA: Well at least Spinner is sort of kind of doing okay??
Today on BnHA: I see the check that I sent to Horikoshi finally cleared.
okay first things first, you all know how it is right. I’ve never made a secret of my Kacchan bias on this blog. I promise you I did actually write a recap to 426 and 427 as well, but both of those chapters went HEAVY on the themes and drama and philosophical shit, and my reactions were kind of all over the place, and the Todoroki one in particular was like a million words wrong and it needs a shit ton of editing which I don’t know when I’ll have the spoons for
on the other hand however, a chapter like this which features class 2A cuteness and an absolutely unreasonable amount of Kacchan character development fanservice to hyperfixate on, takes absolutely no spoons at all and in fact actively recharges some of my spoons, so yeah. here we are
anyway so when we last left off Kacchan and Shouto were in terrible danger from a threat more terrifying than any they’ve ever encountered before. so I already knew this chapter was going to be great
“IIDA IS BIG AND STRONG AND AUTHORITATIVE, LET’S HIDE BEHIND HIM, HE WILL PROTECT US” everyone, I’m delighted to announce that the BnHA manga ending arc, despite having its ups and downs until this point, has officially been saved thanks to this panel right here. pack it up folks. this was officially a sweeping success. this panel brought Tomura back to life and teleported Touya’s mind back into his childhood self from roughly ten years ago time travel fix-it style. Horikoshi you beautiful bastard
Shouto trying to explain that he can handle them one on one but just not ALL TOGETHER IN THIS TERRIFYING SWARM LIKE THIS... buddy you don’t have to explain yourself sob. or is he trying to negotiate with them??
meanwhile Kacchan skips the negotiations entirely because he’s already assessed the situation and knows that the best way to handle this is to appeal to Iida Tenya’s boundless love of regulation and social order
y’all it’s killing me that this boy can handle being LITERALLY MURDERED by the greatest evil the world has ever known. but a group of admiring fifteen year old kouhais? no sir. that’s where he taps out
“but I thought Bakugou liked attention” yes well, you see, Shinsou, it’s kinda a “monkey’s paw curls” sort of thing
“well you see up until recently the ladies all thought Kacchan was a feral troll so they avoided him at all costs” wow Deku this man literally died for you and you just throw him under the bus with zero hesitation just like that
“SOURCE: ME, HIS CHILDHOOD FRIEND” just adding in his credentials in that little footnote there lest anyone question his authority on the subject
wait so is Shinsou surprised that girls used to not like Kacchan? or is he surprised that Kacchan and Deku were childhood friends? I can see how the latter might be surprising (oh Shinsou, sometimes I forget that you effectively just got here. we have so much to catch you up on. you will not BELIEVE how badly the two of these kids just want to hold hands all the time), but ngl, I’m rooting for the former just for the implications. “you’re seriously telling me a certified ten like him never had any girls interested in him?”
Horikoshi, hear me out, I know there are only two chapters left after this, and they’ve both already been written. but if you wanted to rewrite one of them at the last minute in order to add about a dozen more pages solely dedicated to Shinsou interrogating the rest of class 2A about Kacchan’s love life, out of what he insists is just innocent curiosity with no ulterior motives. well, I would not complain about that
anyway so yes Shinsou he is still single, for now. though I don’t really think it’s the girls you need to be worried about
meanwhile Mineta is all, “I just wanted to let all of you know MY opinion, which is that Bakugou isn’t morally upstanding enough for my delicate sensibilities.” yes you heard that right. Mineta of all people is weighing in on which personalities are deserving of being popular. that’s some audacity right there
“IT GAVE ME COURAGE” omg yesssssss. jotting this down for essay material at some future point in time!! because THIS. this right here is the true “what it means to be a hero” in my opinion. a hero is someone who brings reassurance, yes. someone who makes people feel safe. but I think a hero should also be someone who makes people feel brave. someone who inspires other people to be heroic in turn. so yes, this, all of this, inject it into my veins. wtg Deku
having an official fanboy apparently broke Deku’s brain. hang in there bud. I know you’ve still got villain angst to work through, but try to enjoy this. you’re allowed to have nice things
IS MINETA STRANGLING KACCHAN BY HIS FUCKING TIE OMFG. THAT’S WHY HE NEVER USED TO WEAR THEM. also you’ve worn my patience down all the way now Mineta. get the fuck out of my blog
also Kacchan successfully beat the shit out of him with his ONE GOOD ARM so take that Mineta
also shoutout to this KiriBaku moment right here which feels like the first time we’ve had the two of them together in ages. good stuff
I’m LOVING this panel of Ochako staring at Deku all indecipherably, but ngl it’s also giving me just the slightest bit of anxiety, because does this mean we’re finally gonna get answers on what ultimately happened to Toga. it better not be sad. please don’t ruin my happy chapter with depressing things Horikoshi
“tell them no” OH MY GOD AIZAWA’S TURNING DOWN ALL THE INTERVIEW REQUESTS FOR HIS KIDS SO THEY CAN JUST BE KIDS AGAIN FOR A LITTLE WHILE nooooo what is this. “yeah but I’m prioritizing the kids who aren’t up for dishing to the media about all of their horrific trauma.” omfg. it’s been too long since my last Dadzawa feels. I wasn’t ready after all this time
you guys Izuku finally got a new hero costume that’s not in tatters after all this time. all it took was his old costume getting literally torn to shreds. and now he’s back to looking twelve years old again lol
now they’re putting the kids to work. glorified janitorial duty. Deku you better not be using up any more of your embers on this sob
this motherfucker did not just liken my baby boy Kacchan to “distressed denim” omg. we have less than three chapters left and we’re spending our hard-earned time on this and I TRULY WOULD NOT CHANGE A SINGLE THING
“Kacchan on light duty” PROTECT HIM!!! don’t think I don’t see you over there too in the background, Aizawa. he’s surrounded by dads. they’re not letting him out of their sight again until he’s thirty
meanwhile he’s out here quietly sorting through trash with his one good hand without complaint and without even the barest hint of a gremlin face. with his half-and-half costume so we can’t see how fucked up his arm is. AND NO MORE MASK. we burned the mask. my thank you letters are in the mail, Horikoshi. and you too TomurAFO, this was your actual greatest contribution to society
“don’t worry, I’m gradually recovering” fsdfkslfkj r.i.p. my ability to take this man seriously ever again. do you think his voice is like the normal sexy Edgeshot ASMR voice except all high-pitched like a squirrel in a Disney princess movie. it is, isn’t it
he can make hands now. buddy you’re amazing. mvp of the entire fucking manga. my son literally owes you his life. please let me see you sitting Jeanist’s shoulder like a parrot before this wonderful glorious chapter ends
Kacchan’s little cheek scar is somehow both badass and adorable at the same time. I can’t stress how fucking much this chapter is just surrounding me with “protect him at all costs” feelings.
“are you... [ever] gonna go back to normal?” because if not he’s gonna cry himself to sleep every night for the rest of his life!! no big!! YOU WOULDN’T DO THAT TO HIM WOULD YOU EDGESHOT?
...or wait. so does he mean he is indeed going to go back to normal eventually? or is it that he’s embracing this new form as an exciting new evolution, hence the “even further”? it kind of feels like the latter, ngl. especially with this weird sad little smile Kacchan gives in response... fuck me. what the hell am I gonna do when this series ends in two weeks. nobody can rip my soul to pieces as utterly and effortlessly as Horikoshi does, man
THEY MADE THE KIDS LUNCH AWWWW. though in fairness there’s something seriously messed up with Japan if any of these kids ever has to pay for another meal again for the REST OF THEIR LIVES. like come on
noooooo goddammit I’m tired of seeing Izuku quietly despairing over things that AREN’T HIS FAULT
I am glad to see this side of the civilian population, though. sure have come a long way since the low point that was the U.A. clown mob. I like this a whole lot better ngl
what’s up with this mysterious bus all of a sudden
they’re apologizing again dsfkjlskdfjlsfd THEY DIDN’T EVEN CONSIDER EVERYONE’S CIRCUMSTANCES!!! holy shit these first years are all collectively my new favorite character
Cementoss couldn’t take the pressure omfg. is this your first year as a homeroom teacher?? YOU CAN MAKE ANYTHING OUT OF CEMENT BUT CAN YOU MAKE YOURSELF A FREAKING SPINE, CEMENTOSS. I love him
Cementoss is telling them to go work in the corner so they don’t bother everyone else lmao. stuck them as far away from Kacchan as possible. good looking out, Cementoss. how many dads are we up to now?? five? six if we count Iida????
“hey so anyway what actually is up with these fucking kouhai though” I don’t know but my greatest regret is that this only became a thing three chapters before the series finale. where has this nonsense been all my life
“I don’t really understand” me neither fella but here in BnHA land we just roll with it
now we’re cutting back to Ochako who’s making yet another mysterious face that makes me think she knows perfectly well how much we all want to know whether Toga is alive or not, and she’s deliberately dragging it out just to fuck with us
okay I honestly can’t tell if Ochako is being fake cheerful or genuinely cheerful. but it’s definitely fake cheerful right??
aaaaand there’s a close up of Deku with FULL LIGHT back in his eyes like the clouds just parted for the first time in an age. accompanied by a THROB sound effect. ohhhh buddy. did my boy just have a hormone. is it finally that time
THEY’RE LETTING THE KIDS GO BACK HOME OMG. if they want. awwww. r.i.p. fanfic dorms. poor Shinsou missing out ONCE AGAIN
THEY DIDN’T CATCH THE CONCLUSION OF THE TOGACHAKO FIGHT ON FILM??! oh hell no. that settles it, she’s definitely still alive
tell me this cheeky motherfucker (Horikoshi, not Ochako lol) isn’t going to try and actually END THE SERIES with Toga’s fate still all ~mysterious~ and ~up in the air~ like I’m starting to get the sneaking suspicion that he’s doing
oh my god lol. I’m so curious what’s going to happen next week. my money for the record is on them bonding in a STRICTLY PLATONIC WAY over their respective dead(!??!?!) villains rather than a Romance Thing happening. but I wouldn’t be bothered if they do go there though just so long as we don’t get any timeskip epilogues where they’ve all got fucking kids and such now. don’t you do that to me Horikoshi Kouhei. I swear to god two chapters left omfg. this is really happening. the inexorable march of time etc. etc. ahhhhhhhhh
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#unreality — what was up with all that?
➥ it’s been a little over a day, so i figured i should probably explain myself…
TLDR: i impulse-made an arg, decided against going through with it, and left the parts i had already finished up rather that undoing the work. it was going to be themed to a story, but not horror.
✱ there will be no more arg content on blog!
➥ below the cut will be the above message in more detail and the “solutions” to the parts of the arg that went up. ⤦
so! i (very much on a whim) was inspired by all the daily vitamin blogs to try making my own arg. after my counterpart-of-sorts, vitamin-akito went on a hiatus, i suppose i wanted to continue getting that arg fix—but by trying my hand at creating one. my hope was that it would be subtle enough that it wouldn’t effect things on this blog for those who wouldn’t be interested in such a thing. it wasn’t horror-themed and i wanted to utilize hiding things in plain sight, so i only had to be suspicious long enough for people to pick up on it, and those that were in the know would then be given more clues/codes/directives on the side while the blog otherwise ran normally.
unfortunately for me, i must be quite a bit more nosy than the average person, and no one really seemed to pick up on my “subtle” approach. i eventually tried tagging things with unreality and posting hints when i saw no one was making any progress, but the only one i know of who got to the end was my irl fish, who had some hints from me, and of course the added assistance of me accidentally reblogging one of her posts to the secret side blog, making it pretty clear i was hiding something. to her credit, she went through the process of finding that blog properly, so she’s still the “winner” of the scrapped arg to me!
the clues are all still there if you have a desire to look for them now. otherwise i’ll be writing up an explanation/walkthrough of what i had left up below. i’ll try to leave clear blocks between steps in case you want to use it as a hint when you need but otherwise solve it on your own. i’ll also be including my thought process where applicable.
and just to be very clear this is /gen /srs. no lying. this is ooc, me irl, mod speaking, telling you that there is no more arg. this is not just a misdirection or anything like that. there is no more arg. 👍
also i’m not mad at all that nobody really found anything. it was experimental for me, and it was specifically designed for someone to be like “that’s weird…i’m going to comment on that and see where it goes.” part of my decision to leave it up was to answer the question “how close to other people look?” so i don’t blame anyone for not engaging much with it. in hindsight, i didn’t really give any reason for intrigue like the vitamin blogs use. i was purely relying on people being nosy. so it this was a learning experience for me.
perhaps in the future i will run an arg on a separate blog with the same/similar idea. tbf, my idea was almost more kohane-focused than akito-focused anyways, which is partly why i scrapped the idea. the other part being i chickened out of the rp aspect (i have ✨anxiety✨) so unless you’re reading this like “i think a combo arg/rp blog where i try to save my favourite pjsk characters from doom would cure what ails me, and i need it now,” and are willing to profess that supportive desire to me, it probably won’t happen any time soon. and i may not put my name on it if i ever do make it.
but without further rambling ado, here’s the solution to the first part of arg that’s all still up online:
if you think you want to play along, start with the #akito_posting tag in chronological order.
① the buildup
the original “subtle” plan to clue people in to the arg was the series of screenshots taken from the neo 2DMV. all posted without any comment and tagged with only “#from neo 2DMV” and “#akito_posting”
the underscore is not in my actual “#akito posting” tag, and was meant to be a clue in that something about these posts was off, and that they were connected. if the images are brightened/adjusted and zoomed in on (as shown below in order of their posting) they all contained the text “day 203.” personally i can still see the text without adjustment, but they is probably helped by me knowing where and what to look for. in my plans, the arg would always tell you the next day to look for clues. it wouldn’t be fair to make you comb through every image that goes up on the blog, so i figured that was a fair compromise for my “hiding in plain sight” gimmick.
as time went on and i didn’t notice anyone picking up on anything being strange, i added the unreality tag to the final neo screenshot, which had “day 203” hidden in it 3 times and just “203” another 3 times. i’ll admit 2-3 of them got very hard to see with the compression, but i was still thinking some would be findable.
come the time of their posting however, i got comments on the unreality tag, but no one seeming to successfully find the answers—leading to me writing this post the evening it went up with the colored text as clues to where in the image to look, as when i told irls where in the image to look they did not have trouble finding things. the final lines in pink were a way a just implying that all the clues in that post led to the same post, so it was OK if it was too hard to read some of them. additionally the use of the akito_posting and unreality tags were meant to tie it back. the tags also said it was a hint and not me trying to write a heartfelt akitoya poem…but another experiment of mine proved that people might not read my tags as much as i assumed. this post did go up in the middle of the chibi akito saga however, and fish did tell me it got lost for her, so it’s possible my data there was a little unfairly skewed.
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② day 203
as day 203 was going into the main tags, it already had unreality as a warning. i also added the tag “aRe You PAyInG AtTeNtiOn? diD you catCh the siGns? diD yOU evEN kNoW to LoOk FoR It?” as a last ditch effort of “hey, this is the one. look at this one.” as for the strange capitalization, we’ll discuss that later…
each image contains one hidden letter, shown below, in order, with adjustments for visibility.
however, since no one seemed to find anything again. (fish was working on it since i had already asked her to check on the “day 203” hint, and i asked her to post some of her progress to see if that could help anyone else out.) i added another hint post.
the three symbols are meant to represent contrast, brightness, and sharpness in a photo editor, all of which are applied to the zoomed in akito from day 203. those are my suggestions for the best ways to make the hidden text a bit easier to see, tho once again they are visible if you just zoom in on the right spot. each symbol also contained a link, to the #akito_posting tag, the day 203 post, and an online tool for cyphers respectively. the tags also include a new tag 🥓🔍 which was a hint for the actual cyphers meant to save anyone from wasting too much time trying to work the code in the wrong direction.
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so if you put all the letters in order, you’ll find this blog on tumblr. lvtezd is a caesar cypher with a shift of 11 for “akitos” but that’s just a fun fact so i could have a random name for the hidden blog and i enjoyed that 11 is akito’s character number.
now lvtezd is primarily blank. the pfp is a darkened screenshot from the journey 2DMV to match with akito-daily and be a little reassurance that you’re in the right place. there is one post.
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if you recall from the tags of the day 203 post, there’s some wacky capitalization going on. typo intentional. btw.
as of writing this post now, i’m thinking the au mentioned here might not actually be posted to akito-daily so i can save it for the potential arg/rp blog i make in the future. there’s plenty of similar aus out there i can draw for and i have plenty of my own aus (mostly crossovers 👉👈) to put on akito-daily so i’m keeping this one close to the chest for now.
④ the final message
recall that 🥓🔍 from earlier? a quick google should point you in the right direction.
but if you’re just here to read the write-up, then that’s meant to be a little hint at “bacon cypher.” named for a guy whose surname was bacon. simply put, bacon’s cypher encodes a each individual letter to a five-piece string of two figures. typically a and b. this can be applied to plain text by letting a = lowercase characters, and B = uppercase characters. also i = j and u = v for the version i used, so getting “haue” at the end is not a true error.
i unfortunately had to encrypt my final message manually, as i couldn’t find a tool online to do it for me and don’t know how to write a code/algorithm that could do it for me. fortunately for you solvers, i have found a tool on the cypher website linked to earlier that will take text and convert all lowercase characters to 0 and uppercase characters to 1. the output may look like binary, but this is still bacon’s code. depending on the bacon decrypter you’re using, you might be able to tell it 0 = a and 1 = B, otherwise you can use a text replacement tool to convert your 0’s and 1’s to a’s and b’s.
you probably will get a result out with no spaces or punctuation, but it should be easy enough to get to this final message:
“a mind after my own i see / really though i decided not to do the arg / thank you for the effort / this is the end of the rabbit hole / you have my word”
the text in the tags on day 203 follows the exact same decryption process, giving “look carefully”
and that’s it! if you were actually willing to read through this all and you still have any questions / comments / encouragements for me, lmk! ask box is always open with anon on for your comfort (except when i accidentally turn things off and don’t realise it…) or leave a comment or reblog on this post. thanks for reading and taking an interest!
if you happen to see this and want to know how i did the encryption manually, i used the set up below. red box for the plain text, blue box for the bacon code for each letter, and green for the plain text with the capitalisation i then just to typed it up as shown. unfortunately this was a lengthy process (what’s shown below is only about a fifth or sixth of my total work) and obviously there is quite a bit of room for error. i think i had 4 or 5 letters off (out of maybe a 80 or so?) that i had to correct when i checked the decryption.
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community! I’m Malice and I’ll be your host today. 
Here with us today is the one and only @redd956!
Good to have you here! How about we start off with a fact or three about yourself?
I got by two other names online, as my aliases are many, such as Dezert and Usarin. My blog itself isn’t fully a whump blog, but also writing/worldbuilding, it’s just quite well known in the whump community and I do see myself as a avant participant. Worldbuilding is my true passion, but it’s notable I also play tons of video games. My blog, and other online names are all after randomly chosen OCs of mine.
Let’s get straight to the point! What does whump mean to you?
Whump as a kid meant to me something strangely dark or violent to fall asleep to, now a days character arcs are expected in that. I realised I wasn’t alone upon joining finding the community. So now I guess it just means storyline violence/conflict in hopes to show a character arc unique to characters who go through a lot.
And how did you find the whump community? What made you want to join?
I found it while searching for writing tips & tricks stuff for a pinterest board. I realised when out of night ideas to sleep to I could use this, and lurked around the tumblr side of the community for half a year. Finally I noticed a lot of my favourite tropes weren’t as prevalent or there at all, and couldn’t take it anymore. Sometimes you just need to do something yourself.
Do you think your view on whump changed since you joined? 
My view hasn’t really changed at all, but I do have some new favourites, primarily the whole Hero contrasting with Villain character dynamics in whump.
What do you consider to be your favourite whump trope?
Oh boy… I guess my favourite whump trope would be taking down a powerful stoic character. The power itself is meant to be vague, as I feel it changes depending on whatever I’m feeling, whether it be physically, magically, role, whatever. I primarily love this because it forces the powerful character to show vulnerability they are not used to, and I absolutely love that.
Do you mind sharing a favourite piece you've written?
My favourite piece I’ve written isn’t on my blog, and probably never will be, as I write a lot. And I mean…a lot. It changes every year, so right now I’d give it to a 7 page piece of mine dedicated to my OCs from my worldbuilding universe, labelled Apocalyptic for obvious reasons. For my blog… I’d say my favourite piece is Prompt 8. I did once attempt to post a sequel because of requests but I absolutely hate it and refuse to acknowledge it’s existence. 
I love a good hero/villain story! Do you have a regular writing routine?
I only write whump via striking sudden inspiration. I do have a major overwriting problem, that I’m still trying to fix. I write a lot! I am a studying creative writing major, and will likely be working as a writing tutor next school semester. I usually play lo-fi, hopefully themed to whatever I’m writing, and write any time of day or night.
And do you find that some things are easier to write than others?
I excel in military and nonhuman whump in my eyes, as well as a lot of cold whump. I’m great at the first two, because a lot of my personal creations include them. I’m bad at writing long form captivity/torture stuff. I just don’t exactly like most of it anyway, for no reason in particular. But I find it very difficult to describe.
Is there anything you're working on at the moment? 
I’m currently working on starting and continuing the beginning of two whump series on Ao3. Other than that I’m always continuing my personal work. 
Do you have a joke or pun you would like to share to spread some smiles today?
Give us some writing advice. Bless us with your wisdom, oh awesome one!!!!!
Write whatever you want, practice in whatever way works for you, and keep doing that!
Shout out to your favourite writing/whump blogs, bffs or people who've inspired you. We're hyping everyone one up here!!!
Oh dear, there’s so many! Uh @mottinthemainpot, @theres-whump-in-that-nebula, @whumpsday, @leyswhumpdump, @painful-pooch, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @wither-wander-whump , @whump-me @thebewingedjewelcat @i-eat-worlds and so many more
Also for good measure, the non-whump blog, @heckcareoxytwit
Anything you'd like to add?
You’ll probably notice me and my partner being occasionally unashamed madly in love on my blog, and especially on theirs. 
Thanks for joining us today, @redd956! Great to have you here!
And to all you wonderful folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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hearts401 · 10 months
Just Like They Say it in the Song
2,693 words Based on the mergeband au by @viarayy01-blog Basically, the band has their first big gig and a few things go wrong!!
“Our first real gig! Isn’t this incredible?” Charlie exclaimed.
“Yes, yes, incredible, now get ready, Charlie,” William replied calmly, “your show is in less than 8 hours and we need everything to be perfect.”
Charlie elbowed him, “Oh, come on, don’t you get excited about anything?”
“He’s incredibly excited,” Henry assured her, walking into the room with her guitar, “He just doesn’t wanna say it out loud. Now, why don’t you go get ready, the others are waiting.”
“Thanks dad!” She says, giving him a smile before running out of the room.
She found Elizabeth on the porch, while Michael was tuning his guitar, again. He seemed to always be messing with it.
She plopped down beside him, “What’s up with it this time?” She asked, nudging him.
Michael mumbled something, pulling his guitar closer to him.
“...What did you do?” She asked again, slightly more concerned this time.
“I… snapped one of the strings.”
She stared at him.
“8 hours. Before our show,” she said slowly.
He hugged his guitar, “yep.”
She stood up, “Okay, we can fix that, okay.”
“Oh also Lizzie’s skates broke.”
“And Evan’s freaking out in his old room.”
“And Cassidy still isn’t here.”
Okay. Okay. One thing at a time.
“You and Liz go get your stuff fixed, I’m gonna go talk to Evan and call Cassidy.”
Mike shrugs, “Sounds good to me. Liz! Come here!” He called, running up to his sister while Charlie ran into the house and headed upstairs.
Charlie found Evan right where Mike said she would, pacing around, fixing his outfit, and fidgeting.
She knocked on the open door to get his attention, and he jumped slightly.
“Hey,” She said, “you okay?”
“No,” He admitted, “Cass still isn’t here, she won’t pick up her phone, Mike broke his guitar and Liz-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know about all that,” Charlie said, “but Mike’s getting his guitar fixed and Lizzie will fix her skates. We’re gonna do great!”
Evan frowned, “But what about Cassidy? She won’t pick up her phone…”
“She’s probably on her way. I’m sure she’ll show up any minute now.”
Meanwhile, Cassidy was in her room, toying with her mic, fixing up her outfit, making sure everything was perfect. That seemed to be a recurring theme.
Evan had bolted out the door shouting an apology over his shoulder, but Cassidy didn’t mind; She knew how stressed he got about deadlines, and he probably wanted to talk to his dad. So right now, she was just getting everything perfect.
She practiced her song in the mirror, fiddled with her bowtie, all kinds of things. She was excited about this. She was prepared. Most importantly, she was late.
Really late.
She didn’t notice until she plugged her phone in finally and was met with at least 80 missed calls from Evan.
She picked it up and called him back, “Hey, it’s me, what’s up?” she asked.
“What’s up!? What’s up!?” Evan gasped, “I’ve been calling you for almost an hour now do you know how scary that is itsthedayofourgigcasswecantaffordtobeevenasecondlateandmikeandlizhaveproblemsyoucantjsutgomiaduringthatareyounuts!?”
Cassidy couldn’t hide a chuckle at that, “It’s fine,” she said, “I’m all ready, I’ll be over in a sec. My phone died. Uhm, what happened with Mike and Liz?”
“Mike broke his guitar,” Charlie answered.
Cassidy went quiet. It’s not that his guitar wasn’t an easy fix, but right before their show? What, was it his job to be irresponsible??
“And Liz?”
“Her skates broke.”
She sighed, “I assume they’re getting those fixed?”
Charlie hummed an affirmation.
Cassidy groaned, “Well, that’s fine. It’s not the first time this has happened,”
Charlie laughed, “Yeah. Mike seemed pretty bummed about it though.”
“He’ll be fine,” Cassidy said, “We’re gonna do great. I’m gonna head over there, I’ll talk to you when I get there.”
“Alright, bye!!” Charlie and Evan said together.
The drive there was pretty calm, Cassidy wasn’t worried about the show. She’d played with these guys before and she knew how good they were at these things, even if they weren’t good at the preparation stage.
If only they knew as well.
When she got there, she found Charlie and Evan waiting for her.
“Took you long enough,” Evan said, his ears flat.
“Sorry,” She said, “we have plenty of time, though, we’ll be fine.” She nudged him playfully, “You’re gonna do great.”
He sighed and smiled at her, “I’m gonna do my best, at least.”
“Okay, so we need to head to the stage and get our set put together, come on!” Charlie said.
Cassidy appreciated Charlie and Evan a lot, and on the drive there, she let her mind wander. Michael was fixing his guitar and his sister’s skates, Evan and Cassidy would be prepping the stage, and Charlie was going to get the lights and audio ready.
And that was actually so exciting. She was bouncing in her seat thinking about it, their first real gig!! With a huge audience! They were gonna have all their eyes on the band, and that was so cool!!!!!
“Isn’t it exciting?” She asked, walking around Evan while he pushed one of the set pieces up.
“Everyone staring at me? Kinda?” He sighed, leaning on the piece, “I don’t know. I keep thinking about it and getting excited and then I remember… The amount of people coming…” He shuddered.
Cassidy smiled at him, tilting her head, “I don’t know, having thousands of people staring at me and my every move and every word I sing? That sounds incredible.”
Evan just stared at her in horror.
“Bad wording?”
“Terrible. I think I’m gonna be sick.”
Cassidy frowned, “This isn’t the first time you’re performing in front of people, Ev, why is it so stressful now?”
“Because it feels so professional, like people on TV!” He exclaimed, waving his hands around to emphasize his point, “It’s like, these people are expecting something you’d see in someone who’s incredible at this, and that’s just not me.”
Cassidy stared at him for a moment, then grabbed him roughly by the shoulders and shook him back and forth, “What are you talking about!? You’re incredible at this!” She snapped, “Don’t say things like that, you’re a valued member of our team and the band is lucky to have you and you’re going to ace this show!!!!”
“Okay! Okay! O-Okay stop shaking me!” Evan cried out, prying her hands from his shoulders. But he was laughing, and the sight made her grin triumphantly.
“Don’t say that anymore. You’re doing great, Evan. Now let’s finish setting up, Mike and Liz will be back any minute now, and we’ll want to do a run through before our show.”
“That’ll be $16.97.” The cashier muttered. He was a bitter looking man, with sunken, half closed eyes and a permanent scowl. His eyebrows were constantly creased, as if everything happening annoyed him
Michael decided he didn’t like this guy much. He kept scowling at him, as if he was some unruly teen, and he had given him a funny look when he walked in.
He’d also refused help when Michael had asked where the guitar strings were, and the line had been so long and now Michael was totally late.
He swiped his card calmly and took the strings, stuffing them in his bag before turning around and walking out quickly; The cashier was still glaring at him and he refused to squirm under his eye, he’d rather just leave as fast as possible.
“Okay, we have the strings, what do we need to do for your skates?” He asked Elizabeth as they climbed back into the car.
“My wheel snapped off. We can get a new one at the bike shop, and for cheap, too,” She replied, “The manager is a nice guy.”
Michael nodded, “Alright, let’s go. We’re late enough.”
Elizabeth went in alone so Michael could fix his guitar in peace. In truth, he felt really bad, and pretty embarrassed, about breaking it, so he was a bit happy she had broken something too. It made him feel better about his own mistake.
The car was quiet when he finished, and he kind of wished he could plug in his guitar and play right now, but he settled for digging up the uke he kept under his seat and sitting back and playing it. He liked playing music absently, and he hummed along with it, closing his eyes.
“You’re good at that, didja know that?” A voice said from directly beside him, outside his car window.
Michael jumped with a yelp and nearly dropped his instrument, clutching it to his chest.
Jeremy burst out laughing with a wide grin, “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya. I came here to fix my bike, I didn't expect to see you here. Isn’t your concert thing soon? I thought you guys were gonna meet up and rehearse?”
Michael leaned back in his seat and took a deep breath, “Yeah, we were, but some things came up.”
“One the day of your show? That sucks man, do you need help?”
Michael tilted his head at him, “Yeah, actually, I think you can help me,” he said, his face slowly breaking into a smile, “How fast do you like to drive?”
By the time they arrived at the stage, elizabeth was clinging to her seat and Michael was laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe.
Jeremy shrugged, “I got you where you needed to be, and fast, too.”
Michael let his head rest on the dashboard, “I think if Evan saw that he’d lose his shit, dude.”
Jeremy laughed, “Well, let him know I’m a great driver, nothin’ to worry his pretty little head about.”
Michael hopped out of the car, but paused to lean on the open window, “You comin’ tonight?”
“Wouldn’t miss you on stage with that guitar if my life depended on it, Mike. You can bet I’ll be there.”
Michael smiled, “Alright then, see you on the other side!”
“Break a leg!” Jeremy called before driving away.
“Remind me to never get in a car with you again.” Elizabeth groaned.
They headed into the building, and were met by Evan scolding them for being so late. Michael was only half listening, looking at their set and everything. It looked so… Professional. And it made his head spin. In a good way.
He held his guitar closer to him, tilting his head to further examine everything, even looking out at the house, and the booth way in the back, where he spotted Henry.
The older man waved at him, and he waved back.
“Are you even listening to me?” Evan said.
“Not at all.” Michael replied.
He heard his younger brother groan before telling Liz to get the others so they could rehearse.
The rehearsals went well… but according to Father, not well enough.
But Evan didn’t understand, they were doing everything right, yet he still sighed and rubbed his forehead.
“Put your passion into it, everybody. Evan, you’re shaking again.”
“I’m sorry, it’s just nerves!” He said, sighing, “I don’t know- it’s all so exciting and scary and-”
“I get it, Evan, I really do,” He soothed him, “We’ll keep trying. I just don’t feel like everyone’s as into it as they should be,” He shoots an intense stare at Michael who’s staring out at the house.
Charlie elbowed him and he jumped, scowling at her before turning to look at his dad again.
“And Elizabeth, please be careful, I swear you’re going to give me a heart attack, if you fall on stage, you could get hurt.”
“Sorry, new wheels are hard to get used to,” She scuffs her toe on the floor.
“Alright, let’s give it another shot.” He said.
They did that all day, and by the end, Evan was sure these songs were going to play in his head on repeat for the next five years.
He also knew he was going to pass out by the end of this, he was exhausted. And he could tell the other members were too, except Elizabeth and Cassidy, but nothing stopped them.
Michael had laid down on the floor and not gotten up despite Charlie nudging him. Either he was dead or he was asleep. Either way, same, Evan thought.
William noticed this, and shook his head, “Alright. You guys are gonna do great, your performance is incredible. I’m wishing all of you luck, me and Henry are very proud.”
Michael groaned from where he was laying down, and Evan laughed.
Henry rescued them all with some ice cream, before they finally got to sit back and wait.
Turns out waiting is hell, but Evan was sure Michael would die if he had to run through those songs again.
Charlie pulled out some cards and waved them in the air, “Go Fish?”
“I just think that we could do better, add some dancing, I don’t know,” Elizabeth said, “queen of hearts?”
“We’re doing the best we can, and plus, it’s our first gig,” Michael said, “go fish.”
“And plus, we’re still young, we have time to build a reputation, today is about the moment and the opening. We’re introducing ourselves into this.” Cassidy said, “Evan, two of spades?”
“I’m just nervous I’ll mess up,” Evan said, handing her his card.
“Well, nobodies gonna boo tomato us, we’re good enough to be sure of that,” Charlie said, “Mike, king of clubs?”
Michael lightly smacked Evan in the face with his cards, “You’re not gonna mess up, dude, you haven’t messed up at all throughout rehearsal and all our smaller gigs,” he smiles at him, before replying, “go fish.”
Elizabeth sighed, “I suppose worrying will only make it worse for us, eh?”
“That’s the spirit!” Michael said, “Cass, three of diamonds?”
Evan tilted his head, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“I always am.” Michael says, “I’m also all out of cards.”
The group groaned at his smug look, and they shuffled the deck again. But Evan couldn’t say it didn’t make him feel better. His friends were good at that in a way he couldn’t possibly understand. He loved his friends.
They talked and played for a while before Henry came back with more food for them and news that they had to get backstage and prepare. The show was soon.
Michael fixed up his mask, Charlie made sure her makeup wasn’t smeared, Lizzie played with her ponytails until she was satisfied with how they look, Evan and Cassidy fixed up each other’s costumes until they were perfect.
Even William looked pleased, so that was something.
“So, you kids excited?” he asked.
“Are you kidding? Hell yeah!” Michael cheered.
“Break a leg, kiddos!” Henry said, ushering them to their places.
And so it began…
By the time they were in the car driving home, they were ALL singing. Michael and Charlie were playing the random string instruments they had stuffed in random places in the car, Even and Cassidy were singing, and Liz was drumming on the dashboard. Jeremy was driving them and seemed to be enjoying himself a lot as well.
“Woah-oh-oh, there’s lovin’ in your eyes that pulls me closer!!!”
“Oh, it pulls me closer!”
“It’s so subtle!”
“It’s so subtle!”
“I’m in trouble!”
“I’m in trouble!”
“But I love to be in trouble with you! Let’s Marvin Gaye and get it on!”
“You got the healing that I want!”
“Just like they say it in the song!”
“Until the dawn, let’s Marving Gaye and get it on!”
Michael cheered, laughing.
“You guys are so good at that!” Jeremy said.
“It’s our thing!” Charlie laughed, “Turn on the radio, let's sing something else too!”
“Sure thing!”
They dropped off Liz and Charlie first, then Cassidy and Evan.
As he waved goodbye to his brother, the fatigue of the day caught up to him.
Echoing his thoughts, Cassidy said, “Jeez, I can’t wait to sleep. I’m never waking up again.”
“So glad I don’t have class tomorrow.” Evan agreed.
She gave him a small smile, and the two of them walked into the building to their dorm.
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beauty-and-passion · 9 months
Just wanted to say that I've been a long-time fan of yours, since before PoF, and your analyses were some of the most well-thought out, nuanced and well-researched pieces on the site (my favorites are the playlist analyses they're like my comfort ones lmao). Even tho I've drifted away from the fandom, I still check back in here every now and again to see what's going on. Whilst I love ur series, I do think it's sad you've had to give urself that closure, which is one of my biggest hang-ups with this series. This painful, slow decline where SaSi drags on and on, losing all its momentum & fans and ending with a quiet sizzle rather than a bang as it should, is the worst way to end a series that touched so many people, including me. Tbh, if Thomas is going to use his ever-patient SaSi fans to milk views and money for his other series, he owes it to them to at least finish it properly. He owes his fans a lot of things, and a S2 finale is the main one, you can't milk SaSi for views and not create an episode for 2 years, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Don't want to do it anymore? Cut it, end it, so people can finally move on. The decline of SaSi has been one of the saddest things to witness, but I'm glad you're branching out into other things (tbh kudos for making it this long) and I'll stick around anyway even if ur analyses aren't SaSi because I don't read them for the content, but for the captivating way you write :)
Oh no, compliments! My only weakness!
But seriously, it's beautiful to feel so appreciated and I thank you a lot for that. I am glad you enjoy my analyses so much and it makes me very happy to know they have a good use. If they can help someone feel better, then I will keep writing them until the end of time - no, you can't take back your words now, they will come and be stupidly long because I love to ramble about stuff I like :P
Your words about SaSi are perfectly understandable and I agree with everything you say. It's really a shame that this series is slowly declining and it probably won’t end up like a bang, as it deserved.
Sure, Thomas explained a lot of things and it's now a bit clearer why this happened. However, this doesn't take away from the fact that the organization is pitiful and the lack of communication shouldn't have happened at all, not in a competent team. There are definitely issues and I hope Thomas will work on them as soon as possible, because they can affect his future projects too.
I felt we were going in this direction and I was growing frustrated. So, I did what I do every time there is something I don't like: I try to fix it, even if just for myself. And that's what I did with FSS3. I wanted to see these threads close in a satisfying way, I wanted to see the themes I care about being developed as they deserve. I wanted to give these characters a mature development, because I deeply love them and I deeply love the concept and the possibilities of Sanders Sides.
So, I put my ideas down - with the help of all the people who contributed to the survey. And now, I feel much more satisfied. I know FSS3 isn’t canon, but it’s as close to canon as possible - and, hopefully, will keep being like that for some time too. It’s something I wanted and needed and I’m glad people appreciated it and felt it was good for them too.
And now, I will gladly branch into other stuff. I need to do a bit of a makeover on the blog and expand the “not SaSi” section, first. Then I already have three series I want to talk about and one will be very long, so it might take a lot of time. And then Eurovision will come in May and the Book of Bill will come out in June and maybe I will also talk about the books I love in the future? Or about other series I follow and enjoy? I still don’t know, but be sure I won’t run out of things to talk about. I just wish my ramblings will be worthy of your time and I will keep deserving your appreciation, no matter what I’ll talk about <3
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even if there’s a solution to a “problem”, someone can still talk abt how they don’t like said problem… you know that right? it’s always “then ignore them” or write them yourself”… who says that ppl don’t do that already. it was one opinion. no one was demanding black writers to not write wtv they want, the person only shared their view and everyone went crazy… you legit wrote a think piece over this. There shouldn’t be fighting yeah, but maybe ppl should stop feeling butthurt over opinions. users make the most trivial things a bigger issue on tumblr, legit arguing with a minor lmao
i ask you to read all of this before sending another ask, its another “think piece” but its literally the answer to why what these woman are askin is lowkey problematic and i dont blame folks for not noticing dogwhistles. im also not say all “soft girls” are spouting this stuff. (hell im one of them). im also not calling these women evil, cuz they may not truly know what they saying is problematic as we live in a capitalist yt supremacist system. im more than happy to answer more. im not somebody that gon dismiss you if you wanna have discourse💖
but yes, you can talk about a problem when its in good faith as it actually cultivates productive insight. but bad faith arguments distract us from the real problems that both groups actually want to see fixed. however we need to acknowledge that most ADULTS who come with this “soft life fic” opinion be in bad faith.
bad faith is trying to get us to come back to things both parties already agree on. we all agree that soft fic aint seen much. what we are saying is why you keep coming in the dark/urban fic inbox stating it for people who have no problem with you? we’ve assessed the “problem” and we all agree it needs fixing. its like we running in circles, instead of different directions to fix other problems. the question is how are you going to contribute to fixing it in a healthy way and how do you want us to help.
im sure cherry and her friends would love to recommend a homegirls work so long as shes respectful. HELL I’LL EVEN DO IT!!!
tho i don’t recommend coming into blogs who are strictly dark and askin’ them for anything other than that. just like how soft writers don’t want to primarily write dark.
its not butthurt when you come on someone’s page calling them “ghetto” “baby mamas” then try and position it against “soft life” “divine feminine” “old money” aesthetics.
im not saying thats what this little girl did, but ive seen grown adult women do that. and thats nasty as hell to be positioning that.
the reason she probably caught flack is because she unfortunately used a simple question thats been hijacked and used by bad faith arguers when they come to urban fic accounts.
thats usually the question to get a leg in the door to start spouting off lowkey antiblack and classist shit.
and i dont know where soft being only afforded to the croquette looking girls came from. some of the softest girls i know are high fem baddies. so thats very weird, especially when you consider that black women make up majority of that aesthetic.
essentially its respectability politics and thats why its not trivial. to most, this looks like a minor creative liberties dispute, but the underlying theme is actually steeped in so much politics that affect black women for real.
i mean just look at the whole bonnet and pajama pants debate. or the straight hair or braids for your birthday/formal event debate. or the wigs vs natural hair debate. baby mama vs wifey debate (if you believe how a woman carries herself in a way thats nondestructive to others, is a reason as to why she doesn’t deserve respect; you not a feminist.)
its grown folks bratz vs barbie all over again.
not even gon hold you, i didn’t know that was a minor. just reblogged @chrollohearttags post on my dash. anybody doing anything other than telling that little girl to get off they page is a weirdo. but cherry made a general post thats been a topic of discussion AMONGST BLACK WOMEN since we’ve been writing stories. so ofc thats what my “think piece” is about. she may have commented one question but some iteration of that same question has been around for years. i’m responding to that.
since i now know this is a minor, they could have very well been wanting to know why there is a saturation of these fics on here. and i would have told her about the culture of urban fic being ONE of the first pioneers in Black Smut Fiction. it literally helped shape the black writing culture whether bad or good. then i wouldve told her that when she’s older she could contribute to said culture. but right now she should not be consuming any sexual media.
and to ask a question like that, its clear she has some gripes about the way general media treats black women; which those are well-founded. i understand hating the “ride or die”, or the “settling for less” when it comes to media for black women. but how can you read about a specific aesthetic or lifestyle and immediately know thats was going on?
these women used to have valid points and some still do but like this little girl, they cant tell the difference and if they can, they want any kind of reputation for “ghetto” girls out the window. there’s nothing wrong with being “ghetto” and nothing wrong with being a “the soft divine feminine” but we do need to talk about why the latter feels comfortable coming on someone like cherry’s page too disparage girls who aesthetics and social values don’t align with them.
writers like cherry aren’t advocating abuse, their characters are living they best lives. doing “ghetto” shit and truly loving the partners they’re with.
there are legit women out there who are “ghetto” that love they life. and are in healthy relationships. its vile to say that the way someone simply chooses to exist is a direct result of how black women face abuse, especially as something as silly as wigs, body con dresses and long nails. or even activities like twerking, having babies, doing drugs and partying.
its kinda like this whole Sukiana situation vs the Home Depot girl. Both were sexually harrassed but people tried to victim blame Suki more cuz of the way she dress and act. thats nasty. (plus there was no versus to begin with cuz neither one deserved it)
like there IS something to be said about how women who tend to write urban fic -at least in its early days- really do live the lives they are writing about. granted, looking back, some of these women were so unhealed that they ended up romanticizing abuse. but most girls now understand that you can live a hood lifestyle and not put up with bullshit.
somewhere along the way, the “city girl/ghetto/high fem” aesthetic got associated with abuse, crime, and poverty. which is crazy cuz girls who look like JT be havin’ money, a good life and still have plug/rapper boyfriends who not killing or getting them killed.
so if these women would be honest, its not about the way the “urban” girls look or behave. the real problem is the abuse that these women face.
which i see how thats a problem but abuse doesn’t correlate to aesthetics and its not a causation of abuse either.
soft girls can experience abuse. they experience financial, domestic abuse, sexual abuse. these women who hate urban fic, keep forgetting that the soft girl is modeled after the tradition yt housewife who faced abuse too. just cuz you get out the hood and get a financial stable man that isnt a plug or gangbanger dont mean he not gon beat yo ass or expect loyalty when he do some dubious shit.
yall ever seen the Stepford Wives?
now you can have the vintage look without the vintage values, but thats not what most of these women who come onto cherry page be talking like.
they disagree with any depiction of your so called city girl —whether good or bad.
it’s counterproductive to feminism. it quite literally antichoice feminism which is a huge problem with feminism today because it relies too much on this yt viewpoint of responsibility politics. i suggest people really read “Hood Feminism” by Mikki Kendall.
anyway thats whats been making people like cherry become upset and rather than having patience, they ain’t got no more to give cuz they keep having to defend themselves and explain why talking like this is a microaggression. they exhausted.
anyway im free to talk more, if i didnt explain good.
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orangeshinigami · 9 months
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Mutuals only / Slow replies & low activity blog. Multiship / Multiverse / OC & Crossover friendly! Mun is 21+ so mature themes may be present, everything will be tagged accordingly though. Est. Nov. 2023.
Discord available upon request for plotting & rping purposes.
( Header credit: RIDLEEY / Icons credit: THE-CURSED-ICONS & LOCKEDTOWERS / icon border credit: TOSKASRPH & as of Jan. 2024 I started using a border made by POOHSOURCES )
Update March, 2024: Icon border / post divider / banners credit - CROWDITS
MAINS: @adversitybloomed (ship exclusive) / @lockedtowers & @cautionsissued / @glacialdeath / @toomanydamnmuses
Mobile friendly guidelines under the cut.
Hi there! First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to read these!!
You can call me Bibis, I’m 26 years old and roleplaying has been one of my hobbies for over ten years, I’ve been a part of the Bleach fandom for about that same amount of time too. However, I still haven’t finished reading the manga (I’m always working and when I finally have some free time I have no energy to do anything guys, help). But I’ll eventually finish it, I swear… Or I’ll at least watch the anime bc I’m super hyped about this revival. ANYWAYS, yes, this is just a heads up that I do know some things about the last arc of the manga but not everything. But don’t worry, depending on what we choose to write, I’ll do my reasearch!! &lt;3
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ichigo or Bleach obviously, also no icons / headers and stuff used here were made by me unless otherwise stated.
I work 44 hours a week (sometimes more) and I’m still finishing my university course, so my activity will be low, especially from monday to friday. Please understand that I might take a long time to reply – this doesn’t mean I’m not interested in writing with you / don’t like your character or anything, I’m really just super busy most of the time.
No godmodding please. You control your character and I control mine, thank you very much.
Plotting!! I love plotting SO MUCH and can get super excited over it and come up with 5415114 AU’s, hahaha. Seriously, if you have an idea about how our characters could interact or want to build a whole new AU for them, PLEASE do not hesitate to hmu!! 
Feel free to turn memes / asks into threads, just make sure to make a new post for it rather than just reblogging the answered ask.
My discord is available to mutuals upon request, we can plot or even rp through there too!! Given my busy schedule, it’s easier for me to be active and reply to stuff there.
Shipping can be super fun, but only if there is chemistry. So there has to be a lot of plotting and our characters need to interact a few times for me to consider shipping them!! Instant shipping / pre-established romantic relationships are not really my cup of tea. I won’t write romantic ships with minors, btw, please don’t insist. 
My main verse is set when Ichigo is around 18 years old and finishing up high school!! But if you wanna interact with older Ichigo, or have a plotting idea that would work best with the older version of him, do let me know!! Like I said before, I truly love plotting, so don’t be afraid to throw your ideas at me, I’ll most likely be just as excited as you are to discuss them.
Since I’m well over the age of 18, you might see NSFW themes (such as violence, drugs, sex) on this blog from time to time. I have no triggers and I may be a little forgetful when tagging that sort of thing. Please if you see anything that’s triggering to you that you believe I didn’t properly tag, send me a message and I’ll fix it right away. I want this to be a safe and fun enviroment not only for me but for my writing partners as well!!
That’s about it!! I’m super friendly ooc, I promise. So send me memes and questions whenever!! I’ll be happy to answer all of them. :]
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cosmic-toffee · 11 months
✨Friends/RP Buddies Wanted✨
Hey you, yes you there!
Do you find yourself bored? Stuck with crippling creative block (or worse- inspiration without anyone to get excited with you)?
Well you’re in luck, this habitual lurker is coming out of her well to befriend(?) mankind 💖
I’m Allie and I’d love to find some likeminded friends to go feral chat and/or RP with :)
As for fandoms, video games (especially otome games) take up the biggest spot in my heart, but I’m still a total geek/weeb from way back (as for how far back, my age is on my blog, so no need for any guesswork :) ) if it’s fantasy, sci-fi or anime, I’m guaranteed to be interested in/know about/be obsessed with it- just ask! I’m also an OC addict and I like to come up with some original stories too!
If you’ve stuck with me for this long- thank you! I’ll list all the stuff I can talk or write about under the cut, so I hope you’ll take a look ☺️
(💖 - will RP)
Otome games
ask me about my husbandos
Code:Realize 💖
Piofiore (I love it, but I’m not confident in my knowledge of the 20’s)
Cafe Enchante 💖 (we can fix it, I promise)
Dairoku Agents of Sakuratani 💖 (I haven’t finished it, but the setting is awesome)
Radiant Tale 💖
Cupid Parasite 💖
There will be more (that’s both a threat and a promise😘)
Other games
Harvestella 💖 (it’s such an underrated gem!)
Rune Factory 💖 (I’ve played 4 and 5)
Monster Hunter Stories (I’ve played 1 and 2)
Pokemon (I play it A Lot)
My few no-go’s/things I personally don’t vibe with
Furry-style characters (not my vibe, that’s all)
Fetish stuff
Things I’m a-ok with but I’m happy to leave out if you’d like
Dark themes
Gore (a sprinkle of body horror too)
Sexual themes (I don’t tend to get too detailed, but I don’t mind it at all)
Most importantly, I’m a fan of good ol’ happy endings! But if you’re not, I’m happy to challenge you to make me cry 😎
Thank you for reaching the end of my post! Ultimately, I’d just love to make some friends even just to chat and rant with- so feel free to message me :)
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boombambaby · 7 months
The Emperor's Decrees;
Rules to live by if you wish to interact with everyone's favorite, most handsome Disney Princess Emperor!
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PORTRAYAL: I play Kuzco as close to canon as possible, following the events of both the movie & the television show. He is based off of the idea that after the events of the movie, Yzma altered documents stating that unless Kuzco took a bride, or earned an education he would not be fit to become Emperor in a bid to take over the throne once more. He was subsequently booted out of the palace & into school to earn a proper education amongst peasants his own age. My portrayal takes place after his graduation & reclaiming the throne but I am very comfortable jumping around to just about any point in his story. Let me know what you prefer, or if you’re only familiar with the movie & I’ll be happy to work around it!
SHIPPING; This account is multi-ship. I’m all for shipping & developing a relationship between characters, but I’m a big believer in allowing that relationship to develop organically. I prefer for it to happen over the course of our story-lines, after chemistry builds up.
MAINS; I will have mains, & am looking for any & all connections from The Emperor’s New Groove/School franchise! I am always open to the possibility of building up relationships, & am looking for mains from any & all other verses as well. MUN: Mun is 21+ & will NOT write with anyone under the age of 21. 
Mun also has a life outside of roleplay, with a full time career & is not available 24/7 to write, as unfortunate as that may be. I may choose to be selective & only reply to certain people at certain times, it’s nothing against you! It may just be that I can’t concentrate on something longer at the moment, or that I have muse for a certain SL. Please do not be offended by it.
Real life will always come first & foremost to me, & I will NEVER rush or heckle anyone for replies. I would hope for the same respect & treatment from you! I DO NOT & will NEVER tolerate hate or drama under any circumstances. Leave me out of it. PERSONAL BLOGS; I welcome anyone & everyone to follow me, but I will only interact with roleplay blogs. To keep my dash clean since I’m still trying to get used to Tumblr, I will not follow personal blogs back.
DM’S/DISCORD; My DM’s are always open for my mutuals, & my INBOX is open for everyone else! Please do not ever hesitate to shoot me a message or an ask & I’ll do my best to reply in a timely manner! Discord is available for plotting & banter as well, just shoot me a DM to ask for it! 
DARK/MATURE/NSFW;  I’m open to all themes including Mature, Fantasy, NSFW, Horror etc. For mature, NSFW or horror roleplay, I’d like to discuss the storyline first! I do not tend to write NSFW very often but if it comes up organically in a SL I do not have an issue with it.
TRIGGERS; I personally do not have any RP triggers, but if you do please feel free to reach out & let me know so I can tag them accordingly! WRITING; My favored style of writing is multi-para, but I’ve been known to slip into novella pretty easily when trying to describe a scene & character actions in detail.  I’m also a HUGE fan of banter! It’s a great way to develop a character, & to break the ice with other characters as well. Please don’t ever hesitate to tag me in random banter, or a meme or anything, honestly. I live for that kind of thing.
MIRRORED WRITING: Please do not ever feel the need to match my writing style or length, I tend to get excited & ramble which can lead a banter into a novella pretty easily. Likewise, I will try to mirror your writing detail the best I can to make things easier for us both!
GODMODDING; This should be obvious, but I do not condone god-modding or character control of any kind. You control your character, & I will control mine. If a plot calls for the use of mind control or some other similar thing, I would like to discuss it ahead of time.
OOC; Will update & fix this up better later.
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perplexing-news · 2 years
LONG ASK!! well. as i am now trying to dig through fukcing EVERYTHING in rtumblr lore to torture myself to write my tma au so i began digging around in this blog of course! well. as i am now trying to dig through fukcing EVERYTHING in rtumblr lore to torture myself to write my tma au so i began digging around in this blog of course!
so heres some head ups about some problems i encounter to maybe be fixed and help people like me trying to get through rtumblr lore a bit better :)
Now all your links lead to the [username].tumblr.com! Good! Useful so tumblr dont badger people to make tumblr accounts and shite. but also for example if i try to look at lore post on the [username].tumblr.com site:
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not exactly.... Ideal to read post. so we still ended up need to go to the tumblr.com/blog/username to read post
tl;dr:so maybe you use a different theme?
2. The archives! or maybe the tagging system
yes i know tumblr tagging system is already SHIT but for example maybe i want to read up on all of copper lore, the tag will take me to the post in order of the newest -> oldest. this is a problem and i am Not going to scroll though hundreds of long post to go to beginning
i can use the archives! or so i thought cause for some reason:
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it only show you these 4 tags? so yeah.... kinda problematic when you just want one character lore...
so there this setting that let the character tag do this in the settings -> blog here it is! for example, mine:
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so thats it for now! if theres anymore problem i'll send you another ask :)
Hey there
Yeah, I agree with the theme thing. It’s pretty annoying, and I’ll search for a new one later today.
As for the tags, the number of featured tags you can have caps at ten. The featured tags is what garners what appears in the archive tags unfortunately. I avoid piking specific people to tag because I don’t want anyone to get a wrong idea. If you still want to use the archive to find the information I can switch out the featured tags to who you need.
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miagwynwrites · 11 months
Henlo tis I @emeraldbabygirl! I’ve decided to make a blog just for my writing as I feel like my main blog is becoming a bit too messy and tbh my brother found my masterlist and I was so embarrassed so I’m making a new blog.
Hopefully this introduction won’t be too much but I did want to say that my main blog is the tagged above incase anyone sees a familiar fic floating around and thinks I stole it. So far I’m not sure if I’ll actually rewrite my fics and post them here or if I want to just reblog my older fics to this blog. However I will be writing all new fics on this blog from now on.
Another thing that I might do is reblog other fics I like on this blog too instead of my main but I’m not exactly sure if I will do that or if this blog with only be for my own writing.
I’ve been wanting to make this introduction post for a bit but I was still thinking of how I want to run this blog and what info I want to give out in my introduction. I would love to make this blog pretty though as I’ve seen a lot of writing blogs, especially my favorite ones use cute emojis and cute fonts and setups and gifs and things and I really want my blog to be aesthetically pleasing and not an eyesore. So far this introduction is doing just that but I don’t know how to make it all fancy and things so any tips and tricks are greatly appreciated! I just want one blog that I really like and think is pretty as my main blog is super messy and my others aren’t as pleasing to the eye.
So far not a lot is set in stone as far as who and what I write for. I am however not taking requests because I really suck and getting fics written and posted and I don’t want people to get impatient with me if their requests aren’t out soon. This being said, in the past I have freely written fics for my friends on my own time but those were not requests I just wanted to make something for my friends. Right now I’m writing for kpop idols mostly but I do want to write for jpop idols and thai idols and I have written some ideas for non kpop idols. I think it will just depend on what I’m into at the time. Maybe I’ll write for anime characters I’m not sure. As far as which idols again it depends on my mood and who I actually want to write for. You might see a lot of VAV and E’last and I do want to write more for those groups but it all just depends on how I feel and what I’m into at the time. Also IMPORTANT! I mostly write nsfw and some slightly darker themes so just be aware and I will be using better descriptions and making use of the content tags to help as well but just a warning this blog won’t be all fluffy and happy.
My masterlist won’t be up for awhile as I’m really going to rewrite it and make it fit this blog better I suppose. Also please don’t expect new fics until after I get my old fics and my new masterlist up and running. I might not be on this blog often but just know that I’ll be working behind the scenes trying to fix and improve my fics for this blog. If you are interested in my works you can always read them on my main @emeraldbabygirl they are all still up. I’m debating whether I want to delete them from my main blog or not, I’ll need a lot of time to think and prepare.
With small things like emojis and maybe anons because I’m thinking about allowing asks on this blog I’m just not sure how I want to go about it. Same for my tagging system. It’s going to be a bumpy ride in the beginning but I hope with some help and a lot of hard work I can get things to smooth over. Sorry if this intro is too long but I wanted to get all my thoughts out and share what this blog will be about. I’m already dreading the rebuild of my masterlist but I will do a little bit at a time and hopefully she’ll appear here. 🦬
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bryan360 · 2 years
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
My 2023 item review - Dockable Case (w/ Screen Protector and Thumb Grips) - Part 2/Final [Jan. 9th, 2023]
Back for this continuing review, my friends! While already covered the first parter back in Jan. 26th, I’m still catching up to do by installing my Switch system alongside my Joy-Cons. Before of doing that though, I wanted to make sure my Switch system needs cleaning and dusting. Which we’re in for today’s continuing review. However expect this one will be the final before moving to other items I’m eager to share. 
⬆️ 14th through 15th Images
Here you can see I’ve two different wipes, a dust absorber, a cloth, and a screen protector onto my Switch for cleaning. There were came from the box after opening, BTW. Anyways, I handle well with the cleaning, wiping, and picking dust that I know what these are use for. At least I took about few minutes before moving to install the screen protector next.
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⬆️ 16th Image
Now for the next one, I’ve been carefully to install a screen protector on my Switch system. It’s a good thing I did just a bit right, but got it fit nonetheless. Though I recommend some stickers and an alignment frame tool for extra help. At least if I had the alignment frame tool for my Switch system, but I haven’t. 😅
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⬆️ 17th through 19th Image Nevertheless, at least now I’m moving on to placing the dockable case shorty afterwards. I started on the back where I needed to be careful of installing. Thankfully as always, it fit right in where I took some time of showing off. Though I would’ve prefer changing the color for my dockable case than this, but probably next time. Regardless, it does stand out as I expected; especially for the material as I holding with my hands. I’ll get to that for later.
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⬆️ 20th through 23rd Images
I’m now doing with my Joy-Cons that needed covering, but hold on. You may asking “are these new Joy-Cons instead of my original Joy-Cons? The gray ones?” Well ever since my original Joy-Cons had been worn out a bit; especially the last time where I show off the R button from the right sided Joy-Con. ➡️ Link Here
Not only that, It also came with an issue of stick drift which is unfortunate. Though I know I should get it fix by watching some tutorial videos like VK’s YouTube Channel if learning right. (Don’t know of fixing the R button, though) Nevertheless, I asked my mom to buy me second set of Joy-Cons; which happened back in April. 13th, 2021. That’s my story of it, but hoping to expect as I going through this review and saving my new Joy-Cons test later soon. 
Anyways, back to setting up my new Joy-Cons to cover up; which I have when placing from bottom to top. Though I had to switch up from top to bottom, but at least fits right up as well. Just making sure it doesn’t have some scratches for each Joy-Cons. On the plus side, it’s what I’m hoping for so I don’t leave out any smudge stuff when holding my hands. Mostly my right sided Joy-Con when I’m pressing the A button for example.
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⬆️ 24th Image 
And now it’s finally completed! All secure with a screen protector upfront. As I picked up with my hands, it felt smooth due to the materials of my dockable case. I looked up that it made with "shock-absorbent and anti-scratch PC" material. Sounds promising, right? I'll see if it can hold up until I'll get a new case soon. This time, I’m picking a theme like blue or the Super Mario themed case.
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⬆️ 25th through 28th Images 
Not done with this review though, I have a set of joy-con thumb grips/caps to pick on. There are ten total of caps in two each: red, blue, black, and purple with paws. The difference between four black caps is smaller while the other was a bit big; though at least not way too big. If I had to pick though is going with red and blue for each joy-cons. Does make sense of having both new controllers I’m having. However how well protective for each controlling sticks on top? They’re pretty alright that it made in different material. I tested out when pressing and moving them; especially in games like Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Very appreciate of using the caps so far, but I’m okay with the red and blue ones.
My Overall Thoughts:  After owning one of last year’s Christmas gifts, the dockable case and other accessories is something I’m hoping for. These includes a screen protector right after cleaning and ten total thumb grips/caps. The main item itself though was good too. It’s made with "shock-absorbent and anti-scratch PC", but felt smooth when holding both hands as to playing games in handheld mode. Do hope this holds longer as it should and to everyone can get one of those. If you had your Nintendo Switches that is. My mom ordered from Amazon.com, BTW. ⬇️ 
Link Here #2
Hope you guys enjoying my first review of 2023, but as always be back for more throughout this year. For now though, I’m taking some breaks until another day arrives. 
Previously ⬇️ 
My 2023 item review - Dockable Case (w/ Screen Protector and Thumb Grips) - Part 1[Jan. 9th, 2023] - Link Here #3
Tagged: @murumokirby360​ @carmenramcat​ @alexander1301​ @rafacaz4lisam2k4​
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dollmaidcrystal · 2 years
2023 Kinky New Year's Resolutions
Every year, Mistress and I steal] an idea from Asexual_Tension and make a Kinky Bucket List. Then, somewhere along the way, we started knocking off items from our lists so fast that we couldn’t keep calling them Bucket Lists. So, here is our list of Kinky Resolutions for 2023.
As always, Mistress’s commentary in is italics.
A Doll Display Box, For Fuck’s Sake
Let’s get this one out of the way.
After four years of having this on the bucket list, it feels like it would be breaking tradition to actually succeed.
Find a New Play Space
If I had to put a theme to this year’s resolutions, it’s engaging more with the community. That starts with finding a place where we can play and chat with other kinky folk. This may end with Mistress simply hosting more parties, but there’s a swinger’s club on the other side of town that holds regular fetish nights.
I don’t know how I feel about that. Do we have to be swingers? I’m not a swinger. I’m not even a boomer, and I’m pretty sure you have to be a boomer to go to swinger parties.
Honestly, I have no clue what the club is like. That’s all the more reason we should go!
Outdoor Scenes
On a related note, we should find somewhere safe to do outdoor scenes. I want to do pony rides through meadows! Latex photoshoots in the snow! Feel the warmth of a campfire on my catsuit!
Your life goals are adorable.
If you can talk to some of your domme friends about it, I still think that turning it into a weekend trip where you split the cost of a cabin rental has the potential to be amazing.
You’re still underestimating how broke the average femdom is. I’ll ask, but if this happens, you get to be the one to plan it.
Fucking Machine!
We did so many House of Gord inspired scenes last year, but we never got to play with fucking machines. We need to fix that.
Actually, Jeff Gord always felt like the fucking machines were more crass than sexy. He only built them because…
Hush. I really want to buy one of those loud saddle style ones. They look like so much fun, and now that I have a private basement dungeon, the noise won’t be a problem.
Do you mean a Sybian? I don’t think those are technically fucking mach...
Crystal, do want to see how hard you can cum from a relentless machine thrusting into you over and over? Or do you want to talk back?
I’ll be good, Mistress.
Aspyce Switches More
With my house slowly filling with fun toys, I want to ride on them too! That means (GASP) your favorite dommy mommy is going to be switching more in the new year.
Does that mean I have to learn how to top again?
Repeat after me: “Fluffy service top.”
Aspyce Tries Streaming
Finally, I want to try my hand at being a content creator this year. I’m not starting a blog; I’m not a writer like Crystal is. I’m a talker. I’m a teacher. My kind of content is better fit to a Twitch stream.
There’s already a million Vtubers on there themed as latex dommy mommies.
Lady Boots, NuraShiny, Miss Saelana, Isabella Ooze…
Mostly, they’re doing gaming streams with a thin coat of Vivishine on top. I want to see if a real latex dommy mommy can do better.
… Lia, ZozoRobo, PenumbraDarkness, DaisyFann…
I don’t know all the details yet, but Crystal will be posting about it when I do.
… Glampire, LoveDusty, Zentreya like 3 backstories ago… Wait, I’m doing what?
Happy New Year, everyone, and may you spend 2023 living however the hell you want.
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the-haunted-office · 1 year
- General - DON’T PANIC!
This is multi-fandom blog, but some primary influences you may find are The Stanley Parable, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and the works of Stephen King, as well as anything horror. I routinely poke fun at tropes, themes, and other elements of storytelling while attempting to introduce elements of horror.
My blog is Selective - that means that before we interact, I will check out your blog to make sure that we’re a good fit. If I choose not to interact with you, please don’t take it personally. I have my reasons for being selective, and I choose to be selective so I can keep my rping space fun and comfortable for myself. Please don’t let that stop you from inquiring, though! Odds are if you’re 25+ and open to rping crossovers and with OCs, I’ll rp with you.
That said, I prefer to rp with folks closer to my own age, and so to interact you must be at least 25 years of age. You may see me interacting with some others who are under 25 - this is because we were rping together before I put in the age restriction. If you are under 25, I may still choose to interact with you if I feel like we’d be a good fit as rp partners.
I’m not a terribly strict person, so things on this blog will probably not be terribly strict either! I’m just here to have fun. Mostly I don’t take things too seriously - so most things will be lighthearted and will trend on the silly side. I do love to write dark humor, though, so there will probably be some of that. Anything that is a serious trigger, I will try to tag appropriately (I sometimes forget though, so please forgive me! Please message me if I miss something in this regard and I will fix it).
I’ll interact with muses from pretty much any fandom. The only caveat is that if your muse is from a fandom I am unfamiliar with, I may need some information from you in order to understand things better. Otherwise, bring in your little ponies and your stubborn test subjects and your space-exploration team! And, oh yes, your OC’s and self-inserts. Bring them all!
There are at least two ways to play here! You can send your muse through “The Story” and have one of my Narrators narrate for your muse. Or we can just interact. Whichever you like. Most of the time these days it’s normal interactions, but my muses love to narrate stories so they’d be happy to do so.
Please note: This blog contains dark themes such as depression, anxiety, death, horror, and occasional gore. HOWEVER! I will include content warnings (such as  “cw death”, “cw images of horror”, etc.) and usually include anything particularly graphic or descriptive under a cut. A good deal of the stuff I roleplay here is silly humor, and I don’t intend on including  anything horrific in RP threads without discussing it with you first. If you have any questions, please reach out to me! It is very important to me that I don’t make you uncomfortable or mistakenly set off any triggers.
- The Mun - I, the Mun, am in my 30s. Understandably this may make some uncomfortable and I totally understand. I am not at all offended if you choose not to rp with me due to my age.
I am also a mother to an eight-year-old and I babysit my baby nephew during the week. Sometimes I get very busy, but I do try to stay as active as I can.
I go by the name of Thursday! My muse Thursday started off as a self-insert but she broke away from me and ran off into the sunset. She decided to keep my name, but we are both completely different people.
Please also remember that Mun ≠ Muse.
- NO METAGAMING - This means using your personal real-life knowledge to influence your character’s decisions. It honestly takes the fun out of roleplaying for someone’s muse to “know” everything and always make the “right” decision because of it, especially if it’s to manufacture or kindle a relationship or manipulate things in your favor. PLEASE NOTE: The exception to this is if we agree to breaking the fourth wall (due to the nature of The Stanley Parable or another fandom) or crack threads. Information obtained via ask memes is okay!
- NO GODMODDING - This means assuming the actions of my muse or actively controlling my muse. If it’s something small like opening a door, that’s okay, but assuming my muse will go along with every action your muse is saying/doing without protest is unacceptable.
- Harm towards muses - If your muse is about to get into a situation where they can be hurt or killed, I will reach out to you first before I reply to your post. I will never harm your muse without permission first, so please extend that same courtesy to me. PLEASE NOTE: Some of my muses are more dangerous and violent than others - and a couple of them are intentionally overpowered. If you are uncomfortable interacting with these muses, please let me know!
- Replies - I try to reply within a day or so, but sometimes I get busy and can’t keep to that time frame. However, if it has been a week or longer, please reach out to me. I may have overlooked your reply or didn’t get the notification. I also use an RP Thread Tracker. Some threads are easier for me to reply to than others, but I will answer as soon as I can!
I sometimes get carried away with my replies and they end up long. Don’t ever feel compelled to match my post length, but please give me enough to work with. A couple of short paragraphs with some dialogue and descriptions should be enough. Also, if my posts are too long for you, let me know - I will do my best to keep them shorter.
- Shipping - My blog is multiship. That means that my muses may be shipped with more than one character and from different verses, AUs, or even in the same verse. I am open to shipping with chemistry only - it may take several rp threads together to determine whether my muse likes your enough to ship with them. Also, please don’t ship with my muses just to collect ships or if you don’t intend on ever developing the ship with my muse. I have had too many people want to ship and then never do anything and it’s very frustrating. My muses want to get to know your muse and form bonds with them.
That said, I’m always open to hearing your thoughts and ideas if you have a ship in mind. Don’t be shy about reaching out. I’m perfectly willing to work towards a ship via plotting. I will always be 100% honest about whether or not I think they’d work.
Please be mindful of my muse’s ages when interacting with them! I will not allow Anons or ANYONE who is a minor to interact romantically and/or sexually with them, even in jest. It’s inappropriate and makes me uncomfortable.
- Plotting - I am open to plotting! Usually I let things unfold as they go, but I do occasionally have plots running and little situations for my muses to get into. If you want to be involved or want my muses to be involved with your plots, feel free to ask!
Please do not feel obligated to participate in my plots. Also, if I pitch a plot to you and you truly don’t want to go with it, please be honest and tell me up front. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told by an rp partner that they want to do a plot, and then I’m left hanging or dropped altogether with no word or warning. I would much rather be told no up front and will have no hard feelings for it.
- Trigger warnings/content warnings - I will tag the following items as indicated below. They’ll be tagged as CW - for example: CW blood. If you have any particular triggers, squicks, or things that make you feel uncomfortable, please tell me so that I may add it to this list and remember to tag them for you!
animal cruelty animal death animal injuries blood body horror death dermatology (talk of pimples, blackheads, cysts, etc.) eye horror gore horror (generally speaking, this will be used for posts that include particularly frightening content like you’d expect to see in a horror movie/book/etc.) infidelity pregnancy religion (posts including things such as demons, ouija boards, etc.) self harm self harm mention (used if self harm is mentioned as a past thing or muses talking about it) slugs snails suicide suicide mention (used if suicide is mentioned as a past thing or muses talking about it) terminal illness
Suggestive content will just be tagged as suggestive.
- Stuff I am NOT comfortable with roleplaying - Smut. I am not really into rping smutty stuff. Suggestive or dirty humor, implying things, flirting, mentioning it, saying it happened, asking questions about my muses’ sex life, and suchlike is all fine - just nothing overly explicit, please. I don’t mind other people rping smut and following those who do; I am just uncomfortable rping it myself. If in any case an rp starts going in that direction, I’ll have it fade to black or skip ahead.
Excessive violence towards children. It’s okay if it’s part of a muse’s past and I am also okay with some angst and general childhood things like skinned knees and the like. But I am not comfortable rping actual threads where there is excessive harm being done towards children.
Toxic/abusive relationships, especially ones being handled like it’s romantic or sexy. I don’t find abuse romantic and I will not portray it that way. If you do, that’s fine, I’d just prefer not to be a part of it. Thank you.
Torture porn. This to me is like in-depth threads that have extreme violence for the sake of extreme violence and has erotic undertones along with it. I don’t find torture and extreme violence to be erotic and I am uncomfortable with portraying it that way. Again, if you do, that’s fine, but I’d prefer not to be involved.
- Stuff I am comfortable with - Violence? Sure. Blood and gore I am okay with, though when I write it it tends to be less descriptive and more to let you do the imagining. Cursing? Fuck yeah! Crude humor? Of course! General horror - definitely!
- Blocking -
I don’t often block people myself, but if I find you’ve blocked me then I will also block you so your blog doesn’t keep coming up as a suggested blog.
I ask that if you truly don’t want to rp or talk ooc with me anymore, please hard block me instead of softblocking. Tumblr has a glitch that randomly makes you unfollow people sometimes, so if you softblock me I’ll assume it was the glitch and follow you again. Hardblocking will communicate to me that you don’t wish to interact any further with me at all and I’ll get the message.
And finally...
- Communication - This one is a big one for me. It’s important to me that if you have any issues with anything that you please tell me, so that I can do better going forward. It doesn’t matter how big or small - please bring it to my attention. Don’t let it fester. It is always better to talk about it than to try to shrug it off. I will do the same - if I have any issues, I will bring them to your attention.
If at any time you want to stop writing together, I understand. Sometimes muses fall out and even mun chemistry can go sour or you lose interest for one reason or another. All I ask is that if you truly don’t wish to rp together anymore, please let’s decide to peacefully part ways. Please don’t force yourself to keep replying to me out of a sense of obligation. I would rather us go our separate ways than for you to feel obligated to reply to me when you aren’t into it anymore.
If all of that sounds good to you, go ahead and drop your muse into my ask box! Or shoot me a PM. I can even write up a starter for you. However you’d like to start! If we are new to each other, I prefer to rp via Tumblr until we develop a rapport, and then we may rp through Discord or PM at that point.
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imptwins · 2 years
Upcoming Teasers!
Thought I’d give y’all a bit of a preview of upcoming stories from me. And you get longer ones than on Twitter, how exciting.
The Gift that Keeps On Giving This will hopefully be done by the weekend, since it’s meant to be for a weekend writing event lol. If not maybe I’ll do half now half later. It’s based on the theme of ‘gift giving’ so it’s a Krusielle-focused smut-comedy story involving Christmas dinner, stealthy sex toys, family hi-jinx, and a few mixed signals.
The Bad Kind of Scary “Noelle has finally admitted her immense crush on the new girl and is working up the nerve to actually ask her out. But Noelle is a Holiday. Her mother is the cut-throat fiscally conservative mayor, her father the man who knew how and where to apply pressure to both get and keep that seat for her, and she's inheriting their privilege but not the acumen that they used to seize it. She's a straight-A student who is used to people bending over for her because everyone local knows she's destined for something greater, a shoe-in for politics, maybe even the kind to outgrow her little town. She hasn't really processed just how 'kill or be killed' the world can be.
It’s fun to have fluffy fantasies about an abrasive bully with a hidden heart of gold ready to bloom at the first show of kindness, a misled soul who just needs to be saved by a noble heart. But it’s not exactly realistic. Noelle's about to learn that the hard way.“
A dead dove Suselle fic mostly focusing on noncon and drugging. The concept started with that ‘The Newest Girl’ blog post and I’m sprinting for the fences with the idea of Noelle trying to ‘fix’ Susie and biting off way more than she can chew. It’s about 50% done so far and honestly features what I think is some of my best-ever work, I’m already incredibly proud of it on a pure writing level. The imagery is kind of awesome and is a microcosm of all the lessons I’ve been trying to learn over the last year.
Under the Ice “A hound can be trained to hunt monsters in the stead of men, and no stains will find your skin. But as you file their teeth to knives and whisper on the tenderness of flesh, as you instruct that copper is a fine wine until life dripping from hot to cold down their chin is just as intoxicating, know that they will never hunger for any throat as they do yours.
For all of the horror, for all of the self-loathing, Kris at least had the guilty comfort that hosting the Soul made them relatively safe. How wrong they are. The Soul taught Noelle to grow stronger, to take what she wants, and now she has decided exactly what that is.”
Dead dove Kriselle fic, featuring noncon and like... Identity tragedy? It’s kind of a weird take on abuse cycles given the supernatural puppeteer element, as well as a little bit of venting about how bored I am of every Snowgrave smut fic being the same.
Echoes in the Distance The fic previously known as Zetarune. Once I’m done with the above this will be getting a huge from-the-top edit spree including a rename because I don’t like its current one. Chapter 1 will also be almost entirely removed though still available separately ‘cus I think it detracts from the narrative and my reasons for having it there were mostly insecurity. The rest of the story will be tightened up, especially lore wise, a couple retcons here and there, and hopefully I can impart a lot of the lessons I’ve recently learned to just up the general quality.
Once I actually pick it back up please look forward to me finally breaking the months-long-at-this-point cliffhanger of what happens when the Bunker is opened. You’ll get to see what I’ve been planning for over a year. =)
Castaway Angels “Ten years ago the Underground opened, the world found out about the existence of monsters and their forgotten history, and even at that young age you knew you couldn't stay away. Lured by the promise of a kinder and fairer society - and perhaps a mildly insensitive fascination - you realize your dream when you secure an enrolment in one of their colleges, sell everything you own, and jump on a boat. You arrive in Ebott City with a wreck of a car you bought in the port town, and little more than the clothes on your back.
But the monsters’ capital city is no paradise. Not for a human. With past generosities betrayed, the seeds of mistrust have long since been sown and outright hostility simmers just under the surface. There's so much in the culture and history and behind-the-curtain dealings that you just don't know. But you really hope you're a fast learner, because it turns out your roommate is a devastatingly hot resurrected Prince Emeritus turned fuckboy slash red flag incarnate and holy shit you are in so over your head.”
A collaboration between myself and Kimberly EAB. 2nd-person POV, Reader x Asriel, post-Undertale, slow-burn dead dove (now there’s a combo you don’t see too often huh?). Biggest kinks/themes on display will be dubcon, pain play, substance abuse/addiction, possessiveness, messed up power dynamics, my usual brand of hyperqueer xenophilia, and just a general case of I Can Fix Him syndrome.
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